#I think this was also the first time my housemate saw me like that too
darlingbabyboo · 2 months
"You're Something Else... "
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♡ Synopsis: Megumi had been (sorta) prepared to live with this white weirdo who claimed to be the strongest... what he hadn't been prepared for was his daughter.
♡ Content: Reader is described as a girl and shorter than Megumi and Tsumiki and tiny because I'm tiny, black reader, good dad Gojo, Megumi is deeply repressed
♡ Notes: This is from the vote! Where people said they wanted Megumi x Gojo's Daughter instead of Giyuu x Urokodaki Daughter! Hope you enjoy 😘 Just say smth if I should make a part 2
♡ Inspiration: @ketsuyuki-hibana-typed! Their series Rengoku x Little Sister Figure is so good!
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So Megumi was less than excited to live with Gojo (could not be me but this ain't about me so...)
He was only doing this so Tsumiki wouldn't have to suffer under the Zenin's
He was expected more or less of the same thing
Just him and Tsumiki living in a house, being forced to take care of themselves
That's why he was so surprised to find you
"And you two, say hi to your other housemate!" The white haired weirdo cheerfully exclaimed
Megumi looked at you with wide eyes, you were hiding behind the tall man's legs and shaking like you were forced to be here
He wouldn't be surprised if you were
"C'mon honey bun, you gotta introduce yourself, you'll be sharing a home with these guys."
He removed you from his leg and squatted so that he was at his level
"Introduce yourself!"
You give a shy wave, curled in on yourself. You say your name through stutters and when you're done, you bury yourself into the weirdo's chest
Gojo smiles at them, stroking your back
"She's a little shy-"
A little, Megumi thinks
"-you two introduce yourself too! Don't be shy!"
"I'm Tsumiki!" His sister happily says besides him, like you're not shivering even if it's spring. "It's really nice to meet you!"
You remove yourself from Gojo a little to give her a small nod before burying yourself in Gojo's chest again
Megumi doesn't say his name, he observes (what he can when you're buried in Gojo's chest). You look nothing like him. He wonders if you've also been kidnapped taken in by Gojo
Does the freak have a habit of taking young children?
You look younger than him, though maybe it's because you're so small. You remind him of a mouse, especially with how much you were stuttering
He certainly hasn't seen someone like you before, maybe it's because of how sheltered he is, but you're different
Your skin is darker then what he's seen before, but the difference makes you even prettier. Your skin makes you glow in the sunlight, like some sort of angel
His stomach twists, even with how little he saw of your appearance, you're beautiful
"Aw are you already smitten with my little girl."
His face burns, "no!" He regrets staring so long when you bury yourself even deeper into the older man's arms, your embarrassment making his worse
Gojo waves off his words, "honey bun, this is Megu-chan, your first suitor!"
"Don't call me Megu-chan." He mutters, not bothering to clear up the other statement when the man is rambling something about your 'love story'. He looks up, sparing another glance at you.
You've removed yourself from Gojo a little, your brown eyes making contact with his blue ones.
Simultaneously, you both hide your faces
It's four people in the house but to be honest, it feels more like two
Usually, Gojo is out settling clan business or off on a mission, it's different than before though, Gojo's not neglectful, always making sure they have double of what they need and bathing them in nice comments
And he usually makes it home by dinner
It's honestly really nice (but never tell Gojo he said that)
The reason you don't count though is that you're really...
He doesn't even know if that's the right description of you, you're almost like a ghost
The few times that he has laid his eyes on you, you disappear faster than he can blink
Usually, he would assume it's a him problem, but Tsumiki faces the same issues
"Do you think she hates us?" Tsumiki says one day, fiddling with her fingers.
Somehow, it makes him feel better that Tsumiki has the same struggles.
He shrugs, "I don't know, I thought she was mute, but she introduced herself fine the first time so..."
Tsumiki nods in agreement, she moves from playing with her fingers to playing with her hair, "I hope she doesn't hate us, she seems so nice."
"How would you know?" He mutters, "she doesn't even say anything to us."
Tsumiki frowns, opening her mouth to argues but then closes it in thought, "you have a point..." She reluctantly concedes.
Somehow, the win doesn't make him feel better, stomach twisting at the thought of you not liking them.
Of you not liking him
But one fateful day changes everything
"H-hello." You stutter out, looking at the two of them with wide eyes. Their eyes move from the TV screen to your surprising declaration.
Tsumiki eyes bulge out but she snaps her mouth shut out of fear of scaring you away. Megumi hopes that he doesn't share his sister's surprised look (which makes her look like a fish gasping for breath), forcing himself to remain calm.
He doesn't think he's heard your voice since Gojo introduced you all.
"D-dad won't be coming home today...a-and he said we could order food," You bite your lip, "d-do you guys want pizza?"
Tsumiki nods so quickly that he's scared her nose might start bleeding, "that sounds wonderful!"
When your eyes fall to him, he gives a simple nod. "That sounds really good."
You relax, and Megumi didn't notice how tense you were at the thought of a disagreement.
You poke your fingers through a hole in your shirt. "...C-can one of you order for us?"
Tsumiki shoots up, "I can!" She volunteers, already rushing to grab the landline.
You watch her with relief, and Megumi can already see the cogs in your head turning, you thinking about going back to your room.
He doesn't want you to go
"Do you wanna watch a movie with us?" He blurts out.
You jump at the words, surprise evident on your face. You point to yourself as if to ask Me?
He nods, looking away with embarrassment from how red his face is turning, "yeah, it would be nice to talk to you..."
When you don't respond, he looks to you and god he wishes he hadn't.
You're smiling, a smile that lights you up. Gone is the usual worry on your, eyes soft with joy and crinkled because of how wide your grin is
You're beautiful
"Okay..." You respond, softly, "I-i would like that."
He nods absentmindedly, aware that he's staring but he's under a spell, he doesn't know how to look away.
"Do you guys want garlic knots?" Tsumiki yells from the other room.
"Y-yes please!" You respond back, voice soft even when raised.
You turn back to Megumi and award him with another smile, "I-i need t-to call my dad really quick-- b-but I'll come back to watch the movie with you guys!"
He watches you go, butterflies in his stomach.
He buries his face in his hands.
Oh god
He has a crush
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You know what screw it, I wanted to finish chapter 59 today but I feel horrible and it's just not going to happen so for now you can have this completed scene under the cut with my great affection love love peace peace feel free to react as it'll make me happy etc. etc.
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Friday 18th March, 2022, 07:57 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
James Potter: i think it's pretty amazing that you and beatrice know the exact date that you first met when you were two
Lily Evans: Lollllll Hello to you too
James Potter: although idk how sirius would react if we knew and i suggested celebrating that hello, also beautiful hello beautiful is what i meant to say
Lily Evans: Suave of you.
James Potter: i'm only just having my first coffee of the day, alright? give me five minutes and i'll be on my game
Lily Evans: I suppose I can allow you five minutes. We didn't always know, but my mum's been journaling every day for most of her life, so a few years back we did a little detective work and it turns out she'd written about my first day at Little Tots. We've done something for our anniversary every year since, but she's blown my gift out of the water this time around.
James Potter: why, what was your gift?
Lily Evans: I bought her a ladyship. She's Lady Beatrice Booth now. Officially. Incredibly it only costs £30 and you get a tiny plot of land in Cumbria with it. I gave the pack to her housemate to leave out today so she'll get a huge kick out of it when she gets home later.
James Potter: how ironic is it that you got her a ladyship and i was looking into getting her canonised earlier
Lily Evans: Lol why?
James Potter: because i really really really liked that video, evans
Lily Evans: I see. I see. I see. Not embarrassed about you having seen that AT ALL. Although I suppose I don't have a right to be embarrassed when I've seen all of your childhood photos, do I? It was probably about time that you saw some of mine.
James Potter: what would you have to be embarrassed about? you were an adorable child i loved watching you grow up on an instagram reel with, inexplicably, flo rida's musical accompaniment
Lily Evans: Lollllllllll I know that probably seems like a weird choice, but it was our go-to dance song when we were eighteen. And on that note, I was a very awkward teenager, as you've now seen.
James Potter: almost everyone on earth was an awkward teenager and the ones who weren't awkward peaked in their teens, so think of how they've suffered since then although i guess sirius is the exception anyway you say you were awkward, but fifteen year old me would have been DESPERATE for fifteen year old you's attention
Lily Evans: Oh, you say that now.
James Potter: no i would have been and i wouldn't have gotten it because as we've previously established i was a prick when i was fifteen so if i'd gone to school with you i still would have been a prick, but a prick who wanted your attention and did all manner of stupid things to get it i would have driven you mad
Lily Evans: Twenty-seven year old you wants my attention and I've not been driven mad over it once, to be fair.
James Potter: twenty-seven year old me has much improved with age and is more deserving of it you however have been a delight your whole life which i now have visual proof of hence i'll be calling your best mate saint lady beatrice from now on
Lily Evans: I wasn't a delight my whole life, I promise you. As a child I was a precocious little shit who thought she knew everything and couldn't be told otherwise. That's why I got into so many scrapes, doing stupid, dangerous things because I couldn't just listen to my mother when she told me "no, Lily, that's dangerous." I was like a working class Peppa Pig, honestly, no wonder my sister couldn't hack being around me half the time. So you're not the only one who has much improved with age. And fifteen year old me would have had a massive crush on fifteen year old you, BELIEVE me.
James Potter: oh really?
Lily Evans: Would I have let you know about it? Absolutely not. But it still would have been there.
James Potter: you mean like the crush you've had on me this whole time?
Lily Evans: I already have to get you back for some nonsense you pulled yesterday, Potter, so I'd advise you not to pile on and add this to the list.
James Potter: lollllllll
Lily Evans: I'm serious!
James Potter: oh i'm sure you are to which i say go on then do it
Lily Evans: I will do it.
James Potter: you go right ahead i can handle it
Lily Evans: You're being very cocky right now and while I can't pretend I don't like it, it'll also prove to be your downfall later.
James Potter: we'll see, we'll see
Lily Evans: We will see.
James Potter: whatever you need to tell yourself, sweetheart
Lily Evans: I think the fifteen year old you has taken over the controls in your head, mate.
James Potter: he probably has, yeah but what can i say he's really chuffed about your crush on me
Lily Evans: You mean the crush you've decided I have that I haven't confirmed?
James Potter: right, yeah, of course, clearly i'm the one in the wrong here still sleeping in my bed, are you?
Lily Evans: I have to go do a work thing now.
James Potter: oh, sure, that old excuse
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lovebotmo · 9 months
like the movies
chapter four - the feathered visitor
series masterlist
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
wc: 1675
author's note: so so grateful that you guys are enjoying the story so far!!! its been incredible to be inspired and motivated when it comes to writing. i appreciate those who let me know they want to be on the taglist - lmk if anyone else wants to be added!!!
also if i missed someone my apologies!!! first time putting a tag list together hehe
song inspiration: how sweet it is (to be loved by you) by marvin gaye
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Clambering into the compartment containing your friends after separating from Theo, you are greeted with expectant silence. Ten eyes peer at you with varying emotions; curiosity, caution, surprise, excitement, and intrigue all seem to swim in the faces of your dear friends.
Slapping your hands onto your knees, you smile nervously at them. “Well, what is it?”
“Don’t keep us waiting!” urges Hannah, who’s practically vibrating with excitement. “What was that all about? Running after Nott of all people.”
Your brows furrow unconsciously, “What d’you mean?”
Ginny laughs at your apparent confusion. “Nuh uh, Y/n. We all saw you go after Nott, no need to be coy now.” She winks cheekily at you. “Are you two seeing each other?”
You sputter at her brashness, “Me and Theo? There’s—”
“It’s Theo now, is it?” Padma asks. “When did he become Theo, eh?” Padma nudges your shoulder with her own.
“Oh, shove it, Pads!” You could practically feel the red rising in your face and neck at the undivided attention now being paid to your very short, tiny, essentially minimal interaction with a male specimen. You felt like a research subject whenever your friends interrogated you like this. “I was just worried Theo was going to miss the train—a very normal thing to be worried about considering he’s my potion partner and I bloody well can’t use his brain if he’s stranded in Hogsmeade! Besides,” you said, pulling at the sleeves of your wooly sweater, “that fight between Malfoy and him looked downright awful.” At that, the girls abruptly halted their aggressive probing, uneasily remembering the spat that had taken place very publicly in The Three Broomsticks. All, except for Luna, who continued to peer at you with that typical all-knowing, dreamy look of hers that seemed to suggest she knew better.
As if there’s anything going on between Theo and me. I barely know the guy…or almost barely know him…kind of know him?
Shaking the disorganized thoughts from your head, you turned to the girls to continue the conversation that had abruptly stopped at the tavern. A train ride filled with trolley sweets, gossip, and uncontrollable laughter soon led to your arrival at Hogwarts, just in time for the evening meal.
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Retiring to your room shortly after dinner, you found that your housemates’ beds were empty. You guess that they were likely meandering around the grounds before curfew. You savored the silence and stillness of the room. However, all too soon, it was interrupted by an odd sort of sound.
At first you ignored it, thinking something had just shifted in your room.
This time, your eyes swept across the room, searching for whatever could be causing that sound. It didn’t sound like a water drip, someone in heels, or even coins moving around in a coin purse.
As the sound increased in volume and frequency, you realized it was coming from the window of all places, even though you were elevated relatively high in the tower containing your bedchamber. That is to say, no person could have been outside your room without the aid of a broom or the flying charm. You cursed under your breathe that the window was glazed, meaning you couldn’t see what lay on the other side. Undergoing a momentary crisis of whether you should open the window, you decided in a split-second to just open it and hope for the best. However, you made sure to grab your wand.
Can’t be too careful now, can we, Y/n?
Your hand grasped at the brass handle, quickly swinging the frame open. An autumnal evening gust of wind greeted you, along with something else.
What the fuck.
Perching on your windowsill, was a quaint tawny owl peering at you rather oddly. The bird cocked its brown and white feathered head as you did the same.
What the devil is a bloody owl doing up here? “I don’t suppose you intended to come up here, did you?” Looking at the owl, you noticed it was clutching something in its claws, a small parcel of sorts. “Is that for me?”
As if answering, the owl flew past you and landed on your desk. Its head cocked once more as if wondering whether you were going to join it or not. Realizing you were standing dumbly in front of the window and letting all the warm air out, you shut it. You did not lock it, however, anticipating that your feathered friend would be departing shortly.
You joined the owl at your desk, sitting in your chair. You were now eye level with the mysterious bird, its dark eyes gazing into your own.
“May I?” you inquired, gesturing towards the little package in its clutches. The fowl relented, gently releasing it onto the wood of your desk. Before allowing yourself to rip into the bundle, you pulled out a small cannister of crickets you kept in one of your desk drawers for when you visited your own owl in the aviary. Lightly placing it in front of the owl, you allowed it to treat itself while opening the unknown gift.
Inside, you found a small package of caramel creams, just like those you had gifted to Mr. Flume a few short hours ago.
“How…?” You looked to the bird who was still pleasing itself with your offering of crickets.
You couldn’t begin to wonder at who would have known to gift you that particular candy, who would have noticed your quick interaction among the thick throng of students that had filled Honeydukes earlier. No one had stood out to you in the little time you had spent in the candy store, wholly preoccupied with your candy exchange.
Where could they have even bought it from? It’s not like Mr. Flume even stocks this specific sweet, no matter how much I may beg the man to.
“You must have been flying for ages to bring these to me, I reckon.”
Laughing at the short, clipped response of the owl, your eyes noticed a small piece of parchment paper within the parcel. Grasping and opening it quickly, your eyes were met with the same script you had seen on the previous note that had accompanied the moly bouquet currently residing on your nightstand. Once more, the note was succinct and saccharine.
Sweets for you, sweetheart.
“Seems your owner fancies me,” you said to the owl as you carefully refolded the note. “I don’t suppose you would be able to give me a clue as to who they are?”
Sighing, you replied, “Alright, alright. I won’t badger you for answers.” You rose from your chair, intending to allow the plumed messenger to return to the aviary. The bird flew from its perch on your desk to your shoulder, its head gently rubbing against your cheek. You smiled at the little show of affection. Once more, you opened your window, allowing your avian visitor to rejoin the skies. Looking back at the caramel creams and clutching the note to your chest, a warm feeling began to leak out of your heart. Whoever your admirer was, he was rather…sweet.
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A few caramel creams later, you were sprawled on your bed and surrounded by your friends as you recounted the entire rendezvous with the tawny owl. You shared the sweets among your friends, but you kept the contents of the note to yourself. Your friends had already seen the first note and none of them had recognized the handwriting. There was no harm done, really.
Besides, you thought, it’s kind of nice to keep something between just me and this elusive ‘Teddy.’
“You didn’t recognize the owl, did you?” asked Ginny. “Godric knows everybody can tell when I’ve sent an owl. That bloody bird, Errol, is hard to miss.” She gives you a vexed look that makes you chuckle.
“No, it looked like any other owl I’d have seen in the aviary. Anyway, there are hundreds of owls here, they’re not exactly easy to differentiate.”
“Well,” Padma says, “at the very least, we know that your little admirer is a third year or older.”
Hannah’s face shows her confusion, “How do you figure?”
“They were in Honeydukes, weren’t they?” Padma shrugs, “Whoever he is, he has to be, at minimum, thirteen years old to go to Hogsmeade.”  
Groaning, you flop back onto your bed, hands covering your face in dismay. “Blimey, I hadn’t even considered it might be someone younger than me. What if it is a third year? Fucking hell, I’ll never be able to live it down.”
Moving your hands from your face, Hermione smiles gently at you. “If it is a third year, which I seriously doubt, you’ll be gentle in letting them down. No big deal.”
“I’d be a laughingstock, ‘Mione,” you say grumpily.
“No, you won’t, Y/n,” replies Hannah. “Besides, it’s just the six of us that knows, right?”
“About that…” Ginny looks at you sheepishly. “I may or may not have possibly, accidentally let it slip when I was perhaps…potentially talking with Lavender…”
The redhead’s confession gets you to shoot up quickly from your horizontal position. “You did what?” You toss at a pillow at her, which, with her incredible athleticism, she easily intercepts. You frown. “Lavender is possibly the worst gossip I’ve ever met. I’d be surprised if Filch didn’t know about it.”
“It was an accident, promise!” Ginny exclaims, “Lavender asked if you were seeing anybody—I think she’s interested in Lee Jordan—so, I suppose she was trying to determine whether or not you were—”
“…Yes, Y/n?”
“I’m going to give you until the count of three.”
“Count of three—what for?”
“Oh please, Y/n. I didn’t mean to—”
“For the love of Merlin—”
“Three.” At your last count, you sprint at the girl who starts to run from you as you chase her with your wand. She sharts to shriek with laughter, dashing as far from your incurrent wrath as possible.
“You’re going to get it, Weasley!”
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taglist: @melllinaa, @randomgurl2326, @lovelyygirl8, @abaker74, @mypolicemanharryyy, @vanevafu, @laceandsuch, @agent-tempest, @themarauderswife7 & @adoraspace
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cator99 · 10 days
theres this cool Work Friend of mine who is 1 position above me in the job hierarchy and thus has more responsibilities but half the goons working here either don't realize that or don't like it because she's a 25 year old woman who isn't overly-accommodating or energetic in that way people expect young women to be like trying to appease people's egos etc but she's just very straightforward and monotone and behaves in the way most males in these positions do so people are always bitching about her correcting their work and giving directions (it's....her job.....)(contrast this with my housemate-coworker who cleans up after others and fixes their mistakes without pointing them out because shes afraid to offend them– shes being paid to point out mistakes so they dont happen again so this is just ridiculous– is always pitching up her voice and trying to awkwardly sweet-talk/grovel/plead with people instead of just saying "okay here's the plan" etc and guess what people still don't like her! Because her behavior is neurotic and grating)... anyways for a long time she's been telling me gluten free snacks to try, like this was the majority of our non-work-related interactions at first and it was multiple times every shift (seems like not a lot but she really keeps to herself) and then legit like 6 months into us being coworkers I thanked her for always recommending me new gluten free things since I tend to eat like the same 3 things every day, and she's like Yeah I had the same issues for a long time it's hard to branch out when most food will kill you I didnt know what to do when I was first diagnosed... and I'm like...??? You have celiac disease too? Yeah she forgot to mention that at all. Just started walking up to me with food like "eat this" and forgot to mention this factor. Anyways I've always had a lot of respect for her and I think she's very cool and I like that despite us not being close because she's really closed off, she's always been very comfortable being critical of me because while other people take offense in response to her approach to socializing being stating facts (often seems rude) + naturally blunted affect, I like to play along... I also think it actually indicates a deeper kindness and consideration... it's very flattering... also feels more Real... I brought up my secret plan for next month and she immediately brought up the logistical issues with it (stating Facts) which led to a discussion around my immediate plans for dealing with these issues, and so on and so forth...... I like it and make me want to be her friend... I've spent too much of my life as an unrestrained Yes Man type and over time realized that I actually much prefer to be surrounded by "No" types. It brings balance to both our worlds. I'm much more of a Maybe Man now (with a strong leaning towards "No". I'd say I "make exceptions" for all of about 2 friend but its more accurate to say that my input is somewhat redundant. The secret to successful Yes Man-ing is to find a productive place for it and keep it there). Anyways ok I also don't want her to feel overwhelmed by my eagerness so even though she was the one who tapped me on the shoulder when she saw me at the train station after work and we walked through the station chatting, when I saw her holding her earbuds on the platform as the train pulled up I said Alright hope you enjoy your ride home :) and then went and sat on the far end of the train (and closed my eyes)... is that weird? I let women take the lead always. one time I told her I was going on break and she followed me outside literally dead silent and then told me to go to the dollar store with her to buy chapstick and then sat next to me while I ate and was mostly just quiet even when I asked things and talked. She seemed a little down so I talked about good and nice things. Okay the thing is I think her autistic traits would be more obvious to others if she wasn't so beautiful... many such cases......... do you think she want be my friend yes or no
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bengiyo · 3 months
Knock Knock Boys Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we squarely sorted our housemates into two pairs and gave Almond a proper shake to make him get over Jumper. Almond spent the first chunk of the episode following Latte, and watched him give a talk to a club about pansexuality. He and Almond had a good moment after that, and Latte found himself getting jealous of Jumper at the barbecue they hosted later. Meanwhile, Thanwa is still looking for work but had an excellent moment with Peak in a closet where Peak apologized for taking a kiss from him earlier and asking for a new one. We left at Jane reentering the picture.
I do love their cold opens that are for a later scene in the episode. It feels so assured every time. I like the anticipation of paying attention to the moments so I know what that cold open is meant to provide as payoff.
I love Latte so much. He wakes up from sleeping on Almond and only gives a pleased smile about it. These two faking sleep are ridiculous. I know Almond was gonna toss his ass when the Now Kisstm moment started
Using the shirt to provide a barrier during a pratfall kiss is novel. I’m glad the first time their lips actually touch won’t be accidental, and that Latte got injured. We’ve only seen someone bleeding after a pratfall kiss in a few instances (Love Stage!! TH comes to mind).
Fiancée? I am ready for the drama.
These boys are nosy as hell!
The energy Jane gives off is so knowing. I am compelled.
Almond, the rich kid, took his shirt off to pretend to clean the walls with it after rolling away from the door. Incredible.
She is so ready to fight this man. They do not feel like they are romantically involved.
I feel bad for Thanwa. He’s staying out of the way, and even waited a bit for answers before calling.
Finally, someone acknowledged that every goddamn mosquito would be flying in through those open doors.
Morning wood in my BL? It’s more likely than  you think.
Almond, we see you still smiling about what you saw.
I’m with Almond. I wouldn’t want to eat breakfast at this tense table. However, I am also with Latte just trying to get some food in before walking to class.
Thanwa feels so properly gay to me. He’s being so careful about being neutral in his interactions with Jane.
I don’t like Max.
I like Lukpeach taking her offense to their sexual health club and talking about how improper it is to film people’s private moments and post them for clout.
Almond, focus please!
These two have a fun dynamic. Almond is still clearly thinking about Latte’s dick, and I love Latte being upfront that he’s down to play if Almond wants.
An unfortunate t-shirt choice there, costuming department.
This framing with the bed scene is excellent. Thanwa is still willing to offer Peak shelter, but he’s made it clear that they can’t have any more closeness while this situation with Jane remains unresolved.
Yes, put on your glasses so you can see his back properly. This show is very good at communicating that the characters are feeling multiple things.
Baby’s first dildo!
I don’t think they’re talking about the job anymore, guys.
This boy is skipping home to use his new toy! I love that for him.
You’re gonna need more Vaseline than that, baby boy.
I really love that Almond is allowed to explore his body this way. He lucked out on his roommates, too. Latte was worried when he heard him scream, and I love him teasing Almond about helping. It’s so cool that Almond is made to feel like he is desirable in some way.
And now Jane is covering for Peak, and didn’t react much about Almond saying he kissed Thanwa. She knows.
Oh no. Almond, do not go check that locker room. You are gonna get your little heart broken.
Glad I called that Jumper was already with his friend.
Almond….no… You were just at a meeting about consent.
That’s interesting. I thought we would find out about Jumper and Shawn via the clip, not that Almond would have already seen them together.
Wow, that’s a difficult cliffhanger. You could see Latte pulling away from Almond.
The preview is not promising!
Wow, I was not expecting the show to go beyond the “don’t film people” PSA aside. Having Almond overstep that boundary in a moment of jealousy and be caught for it is ripe with tension. I like that it’s Latte who catches it first, because he’s been dealing with Almond overstepping boundaries with him for multiple episodes with him following him places and trying to see his dick. Even if there’s been brewing sexual tension between them, Almond has been very firm about saying no to Latte. To have him then film and post Jumper like this is egregious, but in line with his earlier behavior. I’m excited to see where we go with them. As for Thanwa, I love that he still likes Peak even if he’s holding on his own line as well. This show whips ass.
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birdmitosis · 3 months
Voice of the Cold for the ask game, i hope I got here first D:
[ask game here]
OMG, you did! :D And I am so happy to answer about Cold.
First impression
Pretty sure my first impression was of him in the Spectre route, and I was curious, a bit positively inclined, mostly on the strengths of how well he fit how we got him and also how hot his voice was. 😔 Yeah, I'll admit it. I looked forward to seeing more from him and was intrigued by the seeming discrepancy between his "emotionless" claims and his blatant grudge against the Narrator.
Impression now
I LOVE COLD SO MUCH. Ohhh, he is as much of a trauma response as the rest of them and is both driven to keep himself safe and also experience something new (which is itself not safe) and also not care about safety... He is dismissive and deeply caring and he can't stand stagnancy and yet he feels at home when everything unravels into the Long Quiet. One of my Top 3 faves I think.
Favorite moment
There are a lot of moments I could choose here but I think I still have to give it to my bias: Cold in the Wraith chapter alongside Paranoid. Especially this sequence:
This has lived rent-free in my head since I first saw it, it just hits me so hard in a "none of them are fully wrong but none are fully right either" way and says so much about Cold in the context of other things... Especially the absolutely wild "If you can tolerate joy, you can tolerate pain" line, like UM EXCUSE ME?
(But the whole chapter is great, with Cheated as well as with Paranoid, but I have a bias for so many moments with the Paranoid version, like the "you think you are brave" line from Wraith and the fact that Cold must have helped with the efforts to toss the body into the void... Wraith is a severely underrated chapter, I feel!)
Idea for a story
Look, because of the way I fandom, all my ideas are for shipfic and ParaCold is 1000% my OTP, soooo...
That said, a specific idea I've actually had that I still kinda want to use with something, that I may have mentioned before, is Hunted making a point that they need each other (as a group) and at their best they cover each others' blind spots and shore up each others' weak points.
When Cold pulls something along the lines of his "I'm special" thing, Hunted ends up challenging him to a "play" fight (no actual wounds being left, "wounds" marked with something like chalk or berry juice or something, fake blade, etc.). And by the time Cold calls that he's "killed" Hunted (and so obviously he's right that he doesn't need help/he has no weak spots that actually matter), Hunted can point out that he's managed to land enough "minor" blows that Cold would be bleeding out by now too, because he doesn't guard himself at all.
(I also kinda want to look more into a super queer TTRPG called Moonlight on Roseville Beach because I wanna play around a bit with an AU for it where the six possible player character "origin stories" are filled by Hero, Contrarian, Cold, Paranoid, the Princess, and the Narrator... "[In] Moonlight on Roseville Beach, it's the summer of 1979 and you work in the village by day while protecting yourself, your housemates, and your neighbors from supernatural monstrosities and occult horrors by night," and it's in a queernorm setting where LGBTQIA+ characters are considered the norm, with a "focus on queer people succeeding at keeping themselves and their communities safe (at least for a time).")
Unpopular opinion
TBH I also agree that Cold isn't all that edgy. I think he's quite straightforward most of the time and definitely has some issues -- I think he likes prodding at some of the other characters more than some people realize but also less than some people act like, he really does jump to "we could stab" very quickly as a response, he seems happy to encourage potential violence against himself if he finds it interesting in some way, he has a surprisingly big ego -- but also blatantly cares despite how he often talks, is curious and wants new things, and seems to like connecting with the other voices and even, sometimes, the vessels.
I also think he isn't as hard to get along with as some people think, in the sense of, I think he has like three different "modes" when it comes to interacting with people:
He vibes with how you do things, in which case he goes along quite well, is agreeable and calm, and seems to like you. (Skeptic in the Drowned Grey chapter is a clear example, but so is Cheated in the Wraith I think; IMO Hero and Hunted would go here as well.)
There's enough push-and-pull there that he finds you interesting, in which case he can get a bit intense, prod you some just to see the push back, might sometimes go along just to see what you'll do, and it's a bit harder to tell if he likes you (but honestly he does). (IMO Paranoid would go here, and I do actually think Smitten goes here as well.)
Neither of the above apply, in which case he's just bored of you, and if forced into constant proximity with you, annoyed. (Stubborn in MOC is the most blatant example; IMO Broken would go here as well, ironically outside of if you somehow managed to get Cold alongside him in the Tower route.)
(The first two can be true simultaneously for some people; I feel like Contrarian would be in both. Weirdly, I feel like Opportunist is somehow in both #2 and #3? Stubborn could eventually go into #2, under better circumstances. And the Narrator fits a special category of "fuck you" where He doesn't quite fit #2 but there are some similarities, Cold just doesn't like Him.)
...This got a bit weird and long and out of Unpopular Opinion territory, huh. WELL, TL;DR Cold isn't edgy and actually likes a good number of the other voices.
Favorite relationship
I mean, y'all can guess this one, right? >_>
No, but honestly, as a ship it's definitely ParaCold. But in a totally platonic way, I also really love his dynamic with Hero in the Spectre route, especially if you free Her, and with Skeptic in the Drowned Grey chapter (okay, okay, I can see that one as either platonic or shippy). And his dynamic with the Narrator fascinates me but I can't ever see them getting along.
Favorite headcanon
I love the idea that Cold picks up new things all the time, and whether he sticks with them or not he gets surprisingly good at them first. Skills, hobbies, other languages. I can imagine his handwriting getting better more quickly than a lot of the other voices because of this, and him also managing to bond with the others over doing their hobbies with them.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
keeping up appearances | pjm
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summary: When you move back to New York, you must keep up appearances when you see your ex-boyfriend.
✨ title: keeping up appearances | ✨ pairing: jimin x f!reader ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni | ✨ word count: 7.5k ✨ genre/au: angst, light smut(?) | exes to ??, new year's eve ✨ warnings: language, alcohol consumption, reader gets tipsy, masturbation (f) but she doesn’t come, a memory of jimin (touching, kissing, marking, fingering, breast/nipple play), brief mention of fuck buddy!namjoon, did i mention angst?? ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: i've always wanted to write a fic based on NIKI's 'La La Lost You', so it's finally here. i hope you all enjoy it. thank you to @purplewhalewrites and @amethystwritesbts for being my betas. and a huge shoutout to @monimonimoon/@moni-logues for the brainstorming sesh and co-writing a part of this! also check out, 'the comeback' 👀 from them.
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The blue circle around the date of December 21st began taunting you the more you stared at it. You finally made the hard decision of leaving Los Angeles after two years. Like every naïve person who moves to Hollywood, you placed all of your hopes and dreams into a job. However, that job turned out to be exactly like your previous one.
On the first day of the new job, you excitedly brought your new laptop gifted by your parents. You were ready to start brainstorming and pitching ideas for potential storylines and arcs. Then a staff writer asked why you were sitting in their seat. That's when you realized you were an intern, made to bring coffee and make copies for the writers.
"Keep working hard, and you'll move up, we promise," said one of the head writers on the show.
But empty promises weren't going to get you where you wanted. Two years later, you had only moved up to become a writing assistant and, at times, were still asked to bring coffee and grab lunch.
Haley, your housemate, quietly knocked on your door, leaning against the threshold. "Are you excited to be going back home?" She tried her best to hold it together because she had grown fond of you.
You didn't answer right away because you weren't. Having to go home as a complete and utter failure was the last thing you wanted. You were supposed to be a big shot - the girl who chased after their dreams and made them come true. You even left the man you loved to pursue your career. But you would have to chuck up the courage and face reality. Life in LA wasn't working out for you.
"I guess," you shrugged, folding your shirt before tossing it in your suitcase.
"Aren't you excited to see Jimin?" Haley asked. She was a West Coast girl who dreamed of the Big Apple and was always nosy about your previous life, especially when she saw the photo of Jimin hidden in your sock drawer.
Park Jimin. You thought about him too many times to count, wondered how he was doing, if he had moved on and found a new girlfriend. You didn't expect him to stay hung up on you, and the breakup had left you in shambles.
When you first arrived in California, you couldn't sleep and didn't have an appetite. You had no friends and had to figure everything out alone without help. Coming to LA was a fucking shit show. Sometimes you just wanted to pack your bags and go home, maybe grovel and beg for Jimin's forgiveness. But you made such a big fuss about this being a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you couldn't pass up, only to find out you gave up being with Jimin for nothing.
"I don't think he'd want to see me. I already fucked up his life once."
Honestly, would anyone be excited to see an ex again? You guessed you'd try one-upping each other to see who was doing better.
A buzz from your phone disrupted your thought. You picked up to see it was your friend, Taehyung.
Taetae 2:41 PM
You're coming to my New Year's Party, right?
A party was the last thing on your mind. You hadn't told anyone you were moving back. The only people who knew of your move were your family and Taehyung, and you didn't want to announce your letdown.
You 2:45 PM
Do I have to?
Taetae 2:46 PM
Yes! You've never missed my parties, minus the years you were gone.
"Who's that?" Haley asked, peering from far away.
You sighed, plopping on the bed and staring at Taehyung's text. "An old friend is asking me to go to a party when I get back." You lay there trying to think of an excuse to bail, but you knew you'd never hear the end of it from him.
Taetae 2:50 PM
Guess I gotta tell everyone you're moving back.
You 2:51 PM
Goddamnit, Kim Taehyung! When I see you, I will hug you and then strangle you!
Taetae 2:52 PM
Be on time. Can't wait to see you.
You groaned, throwing your phone off to the side.
"Guess you're going to the party?" Haley inquired.
"Can I just crawl into a hole and never come out?" you asked before grabbing your pillow and screaming into it. You'd rather be doing anything than face all of your old friends, and you just knew Jimin would be there too.
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When you arrived in New York, hanging out with your family kept your mind off the upcoming New Year's Eve Party. Your parents were glad to have you back home and even teased you about paying rent since you were staying in your old room, but all you did was roll your eyes at their suggestion.
Of course, your days back in New York wouldn’t be complete without Taehyung constantly bombarding you, making sure you were coming to his grand ol’ party. On Christmas Eve, you received a call from him and you picked up but all you heard on the other line were high pitched whimpers and deep groans.
“Shit–Can’t believe I’m fucking Chelsea in Chelsea.”
You gasped, mouth agape at what you were hearing. “Kim Taehyung, why the fuck are you calling me when you’re fucking?!” you yelled into your phone before hitting the end button.
Ten minutes later, you receive a text.
Taetae 10:27 PM
Sorry about earlier. Dunno how that happened. Butt dial or something…
You slightly threw up in your mouth thinking about Taehyung’s naked ass touching his phone.
You 10:30 PM
🙄 Finished that quickly? Couldn’t keep your Chelsea in Chelsea happy huh?
Taetae 10:31 PM
I’ll have you know that we were going at it for two hours already.
You 10:33 PM
🤮 Please keep those details to yourself. I don’t wanna hear about your sex life.
Taetae 10:35 PM
You still coming to my party right?
You 10:37 PM
Not after you butt dialed me while you’re having sex. You’re disgusting.
Taetae 10:38 PM
Guess I’ll just tell Jimin you moved back.
You huffed, turning to your side, furiously texting back.
You 10:40 PM
How long are you going to hold that over me?
Taetae 10:41 PM
Until you come clean 😄 See you on New Years!
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Christmas had gone by, and it was filled with family and lots and lots of food. Your mother insisted on stuffing your belly to the brim. She reasoned that you probably didn't have a proper home-cooked meal when you lived in LA – which was accurate.
"Have you seen Jimin yet?" your mother asked while unhooking the ornament from the Christmas tree, hardly paying attention to the expression on your face.
You shook your head, not wanting to go into further detail.
"I'm sure he'll be glad to see you," she said sweetly. She knew how much the two of you loved each other, and even she was heartbroken when she heard about the breakup.
This conversation was reminiscent of the one with Haley before you left. No, you didn't think Jimin would be glad to see you, and you weren't keen on seeing him either. Taehyung mentioned in a text that he was seeing someone and figured you should have a heads-up to prepare if he brought her to the party. So, if you were to see Jimin at the party, you'd most likely see his girlfriend too, which made your heart sink a little because that would mean that he was doing well in love and probably in life.
Throughout your time on the West Coast, you often thought about Jimin, wondered how he was doing, and if he was achieving his dreams. You even tried searching for his username on all socials. But, you figured he blocked you because there were no traces of him on the internet save for the photos here and there that Taehyung would post. That's how you knew how much you hurt him.
"I always liked Jimin," your mother continued, but you didn't respond again. "If I thought you would marry anyone, it'd be him."
You groaned at her comment. "Mom, can you stop, please?"
Everything was about Jimin. Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. You wished you could erase the name from all traces of your life, but it was nearly impossible. Being back in New York meant you were bound to step back into some old habits and routines, revisit old friends, and hell, you even toy with the idea of rekindling things with Jimin, but you sure weren't going to be a homewrecker.
"I'm sorry. I know it's a sore subject for you, but it's been two years since you last saw him. It's possible that he's forgiven you. And who wouldn't forgive this pretty face?" Your mother put down the last ornament and cupped your cheeks, the pads of her thumb gently caressing them.
You closed your eyes and let out a sigh. "No, mom, I'm sorry. I just--I feel so stupid, you know? I gave up my whole life, gave up Jimin for a pipe dream...and it turned out to be nothing like I had hoped for."
Your eyes were now glistening, tears threatening to fall. The small, shaky intakes of breaths building in your lungs finally found their release in a long extended puff.
"I should've stayed. If I stayed, things might have worked out differently for Jimin and me and my career." Tears began streaming down your face, and the things you wanted to say became hitched in your throat.
Your mother pulled you in for a hug, quietly shushing you and caressing your hair. "We don't know what would've happened if you stayed. But I just know that if you didn't go, you'd regret not finding out." She pulled away, hands still cupping both sides of your face, gazing into your teary eyes. "And as for Jimin, he'll come around. They always do," she grinned.
You hoped she was right, but you also weren't counting on it. You hadn't even forgiven yourself for leaving him.
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Before you left, you had hauled everything from Jimin's place and stuffed it into your old room. You glared at the boxes piled up in the corner because you knew what lay in them: memories. Memories of you and Jimin. Memories that you didn't have the heart to toss–not yet. There was an urge to look through the boxes but you resisted.
As you lay in bed staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling, you thought about what your mother said, 'He'll come around. They always do'. Except Jimin had clearly moved on, finding someone else to replace you. It's not like you expected him to stay single forever. Jimin's a catch; anyone would be lucky to have him by their side.
Your room was imprinted with memories of you and him - bits and pieces scattered throughout your walls, the floor, and the bed. Your mind fluttered to a distant memory of him slowly backing you up against your door.
His plush lips kissed you along your jawline, lightly marking your neck. His hand down your panties, slipping between your folds, telling you to stay quiet; otherwise, your parents would catch their precious daughter red-handed being finger fucked by her boyfriend. It was the second time he was having dinner with you and your parents, and he desperately wanted to see where you had lived out all of your teenage angst. He thought your room was pretty, but you writhing underneath while he pushed two fingers inside your cunt was the best view he could ever have.
You found yourself massaging your breast while the other slid past the waistline of your lace panties toward your sensitive bud, rubbing your clit in circles.
Jimin's fingers were pumping in and out of you, eliciting small moans and whimpers. He pulled down the top of your dress and bra, freeing your breast. He squeezed it before enclosing his mouth on your nipple, then alternated between sucking and flicking his tongue against your pebbled flesh.
Your fingers started overworking your clit, continuously rubbing quicker, your heart raced a million miles per second, your breath hitched in your throat, and your body helplessly squirmed underneath the covers.
"Fuck--" you whimpered against Jimin's mouth as he swallowed your moan, trying to keep you from outing yourself to your parents. Jimin pulled away, smiling at how fucked out you looked already. "'m gonna cum," you mumbled, words barely coherent.
Your half-lidded eyes peered at the angelic man before you, being anything but angelic - more of a devil if you should say so yourself. He grinned at how needy and desperate you were for his fingers. Normally, Jimin would be praising you, telling you how much of a good girl you were, but this time he was quiet, allowing himself to drink all of you in. Your nails dug deeper into his shoulders, head lulled back, slightly thudding against the door. The building pleasure was deep in your belly, begging to find its release as Jimin decided to add a third finger into your dripping cunt. And that's when the coiling tension finally--
A blaring siren from outside broke your line of concentration. You groaned in frustration right as you were on the cusp of coming. The moment was over because you probably shouldn't be thinking about Jimin anyway. But no one else was worthy enough to even think about. The few guys you slept with didn't come close to what you and Jimin had, and he ruined other men for you. But coming back to New York meant you would have traces of Park Jimin everywhere.
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D-day had finally arrived. Your room looked like a tornado had ripped through your entire closet, because clothes were everywhere. You needed the perfect outfit for an LA gal coming back to 'visit.' You weren't sure how long you'd keep moving back to New York a secret, but you'd try for as long as possible.
As you stepped into the lobby of Taehyung's building, you checked your makeup and tugged down your sparkly sequin skirt. You figured nothing said 'glam' more than a sparkly skirt. You fixed a stray hair that was out of place before finally striding towards the elevator.
Your nerves hit you like a ton of bricks once you stood outside Taehyung's door. Your hands were so sweaty it was hard to get a good grip on the handle. You wiped your palm against your fuzzy white sweater, hoping it would help.
Music was already blaring, chattering, and laughter echoed throughout the apartment. You looked around, expecting to see some familiar faces, and were met with none other than your good friend, Kim Taehyung.
"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Taehyung smirked, pulling you in for a hug.
"Hi, Taetae," you muttered reluctantly, withdrawing from his embrace. "Looks like you're doing well with your modeling career." You stepped away to observe the industrial loft decorated with quirky artwork and figurines. At least someone was doing well for themselves, you thought.
"It's so good to have you back," he enunciated a bit too loud for your liking, making you slap his arm.
"Jeez, Tae, tell the whole fucking world," you spat at him. You weren't ready for anyone to know you were back. You cleared your throat before pulling Taehyung aside, away from wandering eyes and listening ears. You already caught a few glances and smiles when you entered the apartment. "If you happen to hear that I'm just visiting and am working on a movie with a big named director, can you go along with it?"
Taehyung stared blankly at your request. "You're kidding me, right? I'm not helping you with anything." He tore away from your grip, heading in the other direction.
You followed closely, stepping in front of him. "Please, Tae, just for tonight, and then half of these people will probably never see me again," you pleaded desperately.
He rolled his eyes. "Fine--but only if you take a shot with me," he raised his eyebrow, hoping you'd take the bait.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "You're lucky 'cause I don't want to remember tonight," you said, knocking back the glass he handed you, grimacing as the liquid coated your throat. "Round two?"
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After downing three tequila shots, you were ready to spill all your secrets to the next person who asked how you were doing. Drinking was never your strong suit, but it was the only thing on your itinerary tonight.
With another drink in your hand, you scanned the room, anticipating the one person you were trying to avoid. As you took a sip of your mixed drink, you looked up towards the door, and it was like the heavens opened up, and in walked your gorgeous, ethereal ex-boyfriend, Park Jimin. To your surprise, no one was attached to his hip, and a wave of relief flushed over you because God knows you were not ready to meet a girlfriend.
The butterflies in your stomach are begging to escape - indicating how anxious you were to see him. It almost felt like time had stopped just so the two of you could gaze at each other. You couldn't help but give Jimin the once-over. He looked as angelic as ever when he effortlessly waltzed over to you, beaming with the biggest smile you've seen on him. It was like no one else existed at this moment except for you and him.
When Jimin approached, the jitters within increased. He opened his arms up for a hug, your name leaving his lips, and honestly, you were surprised at how excited he seemed to see you. You were expecting the cold shoulder, the brush-off with how everything went down the two of you. There had been no contact since you'd left, so you wondered if Jimin being warm and friendly was just a ruse, and deep down inside, he actually despised your presence. What gave you the right to return to New York after all this time?
"Long time no see!" he said, wrapping his arms around you. "How have you been?"
Your eyes widened, arms tucked tightly underneath his with no way to hug him back, but again, his affection really threw you in for a loop. He couldn't see your awkward smile as he held you. When he finally let go, you were able to answer.
"Yeah, great! Good. I'm good." You loved that right off the bat; you were already lying to Jimin. You were hoping you had learned some acting skills from the actors you'd watch from time to time.
"How's LA treating you?"
Well, this was the big question of the night from everyone, wasn't it? Now was your chance to tell the truth, or tell a lie. Which one will it be?
You scanned his face, eyes seeking attention. Maybe he wanted someone else to chime in and break up the most awkward conversation the two of you ever held.
"Uh, yeah, it's great. Everything's going, uh, pretty well."
Lie it is, then. You could've told him the truth, but then Jimin might have felt victorious because life didn't go the way you wanted. He would have had the upper hand in this non-existent competition you had fabricated in your mind. You left him. And for what? Another dead-end intern job marketed as your dream job? God, you were a fucking idiot - still were sometimes. Maybe that's how you ended up living with your parents back home.
"But how are you?" you asked out of politeness. It was only courteous since he asked first. "How's New York?"
A part of you desired he would say what you didn't dare to say - the truth. Honestly, you anticipated he was doing a million times better than you. Jimin had everything going for him before you left. At least, that's what it looked like from your perspective. You hoped all his dreams could come true even if yours didn't. One of you deserved to be happy, and you'd rather it be him.
"New York is great, actually. I got accepted into the corps with ABT."
It was as you expected - Jimin was doing very well. The American Ballet Theatre? You were in shock, mouth agape for a few moments before you realized it had been too long before you said anything. Your mouth curved into a smile before you were finally able to speak. "Oh my god, Jimin, that's amazing," you said, opening up your arms this time to embrace him. This hug wasn't like the one before when he first saw you, and it was less touching - more refined and more civilized.
When you pulled away, all Jimin could do was smile. Maybe he was trying to be friendly and humble since you didn't elaborate on how 'well' you were doing in LA. You didn't want to go into detail about your life for fear of slipping through a lie.
"Anyway, I'm going to go get a drink, see if I can find Tae."
Whew. You thought you would have to be the one to come up with an excuse but thank God Jimin only just got here and needed a drink. You showed him yours and nodded as he turned away. A sigh of relief washed over you as you watched your ex-boyfriend walk away.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, making Jimin stop to turn back to look at you. "I'm really happy for you."
Jimin - One.
You - Zero.
Like you had hoped, at least one of you was doing well.
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Your goal was to get hammered and avoid Jimin for the rest of the night. Maybe you could find a room to slip into or pretend to fall asleep in the corner. Anything was better than smiling until your cheeks hurt and mingling with people you didn't want to see.
"No fucking way. Is that who I think it is? My big Hollywood girl!" You turned to see an old friend, Quinn, nicknamed Quinnie by your friend group. She ran over, tightly embracing you. "How are you, babe?"
"Good...good," you tried to take a breath and gasped when she finally let go. Quinnie was a big personality, and you knew you'd need more than the half-empty drink in your hand to finish a conversation with her. You cleared your throat, beaming a fake smile at her. "How are you, Quinnie?"
"Oh, it's the same 'ole, same ' old with me! Let's talk about you," she said, dragging you down the hallway. It was quieter than the commotion in the living room and kitchen. "So come on, spill the tea! What big stars have you seen? Slept with?" she wiggled her brows, making you roll your eyes.
You hardly had time to sleep around, given the nature of the entertainment industry. Sure, you were invited to parties, but everyone always had a front or wanted something from you. It was hard to trust anyone. You may have had your fuck buddy, Namjoon, a music producer, but he was nothing more than that - someone to sleep with and release the stress of your job.
"Quinnie…you know I don't kiss and tell," you said with a sly smile, taking a sip of your almost empty cup.
"Okay fine. If there's no big-name star you slept with, what are you working on now? You can't have gone to LA for two years and not have something big lined up! Spill!" Quinn said with wide eyes, waiting for your answer.
You looked around, making sure no one could overhear because you didn't know how many lies and people you'd have to keep up with. The two of you were near the bathroom door but figured whoever was there probably couldn't hear anything due to the music. You leaned in, gesturing for her to come in closer.
"I'm so excited. Look, I'm really not supposed to actually tell anyone this, but this thing I'm working on now... It's with Lin-Manuel Miranda."
He was the one playwright and filmmaker you'd dreamt of working with, and with his new musical in the works, he was the first person that popped into your head. With how your life was going, you knew it was only a pipe dream.
"Shut up! SHUT UP!" Quinn squealed, trying to keep her cool when someone passed by. The two of you glared at the person before Quinn turned back to you. "You're fucking kidding me! Can you get me on set or meet him? Please, please, please!"
You felt like shit after letting the lie roll off your tongue. It was too easy. Why was it so easy to do that? Who had you become after moving to California? Another person who put up a front like all those trying to make it in the entertainment industry? New Yorkers were supposed to be tough and tell you like it’s supposed to be, not be shallow and fake like every orange spray-tanned person in Hollywood.
Maybe a breath of fresh air would do you some good. The crowd had begun to grow, and the room became stuffy.
The freezing night was one thing you didn't miss about New York, but Taehyung’s view significantly made up for it–well, some of it. You leaned your arms against the guard rail, gripping your cup, watching cars pass by, couples and friends racing against the clock to head to their destination. You didn’t like drinking because your thoughts somehow became clearer, the voice growing louder, almost mocking you for your decisions. Being here with old friends and seeing Jimin brought back too much heartache.
Taehyung's model friends interrupted your train of thought, and you left once they lit a cigarette to share. You didn't want to come home smelling like smoke.
The small breath of fresh air got your mind off Jimin and your lies for a split second, but as soon as you stepped back into the crowded room, your eyes found Jimin. But this time, he was talking to someone. A woman. They were laughing, and he was leaning in to whisper something to her. Your stomach began forming a knot because that had to be Jimin's girlfriend, right? You knew you wouldn't be able to avoid it.
You quickly averted your eyes from the two, not wanting to pay attention more than you already had. Suppose it was time for another drink.
Turning your wrist over and checking your watch, there was an hour left until midnight. Then you’d be free to leave and never see anyone again. Taehyung nudged you from behind as you poured yourself a glass of wine, and you needed a small break from all the hard liquor.
“Hey, sweet cheeks…How’s it going? You doing okay?” Taehyung asked, holding out a glass so you could pour him one.
You rolled your eyes at the pet name. “I’m peachy,” you said, holding the peach-flavored white wine.
“Did you see Jimin already?”
Yes, you saw him. And yes, he was doing ten times better than you were. And no, you didn’t want to hear more from Taehyung about anything related to Park Jimin. “Yep,” you replied curtly, “…and I don’t want you rubbing his success in my face.”
Taehyung snorted, spitting out his wine. “You guys are both losers,” he said, shaking his head.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, and you weren’t sure if he was referring to this party in general or now. “Shut up, Tae,” you quipped, taking another sip of the disgusting wine.
“You shut up–you’re both losers because you’re both yapping away and telling lies to everyone in the room,” Taehyung glared at you, cocking his eyebrow. 
Did he just say that Jimin was lying too? “What?” you uttered, setting down your glass, replaying your and Jimin’s conversation. You weren’t crazy, right? Jimin said he was in the ABT.
“He’s not with ABT. He’s lying to you,” Taehyung said, “I love you both, but please, for the love of god, get your shit together.” Maybe all the liquor was also getting to him, and his drunken words spoke sober thoughts.
You were stunned at the revelation. After all this time, Jimin’s dream didn’t happen either.
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The rest of the night was rinse and repeat of the same conversations. How are you? What are you up to? What are you working on? Yada-yada-yada. Oh god, you were tempted just to grab a bottle of liquor and drown yourself in it. You didn't know how much longer you could hold out. You might have to sober up and call it a night.
After another restless exchange of lies rolling off your tongue, you needed a quiet place away from everything and everyone. You wandered down the hallway to a door already opened, peering in to see that it was empty, guessing it was Taehyung's room, given that a large photo of him was framed above a dresser. You chuckled, shaking your head as you sat down on the bed.
Briefly, you peered around the room before fiddling and staring at your cup. A sudden click of the door grabbed your attention then you scoffed when you realized you weren’t alone–the one, the only, Park Jimin, showed up. You lifted your cup to take one last sip, but you had already finished yet another drink - losing count after the first one. “Miss me that much, huh?” You probably weren’t the nicest person to be around when you drank. Maybe your attitude would be different if life had gone how you wanted it to.
“Just trying to make sure you don’t die of alcohol poisoning. Haven’t you had enough?”
You cocked your eyebrow, tilting your head, “Don’t you have a girlfriend to worry about?” you asked with spite, most likely due to the alcohol running through your veins. You may have pre-gamed before getting to the party just to loosen up your nerves.
“She’s not here,” he replied simply.
You gawked at him, eyes raking him over from head to toe before looking away to stare at anything but the man you once loved. “So, why are you here, then?”
The two of you weren’t together anymore. Jimin didn’t need to worry about you. Big girls don’t fucking cry and whine in front of their exes, and they surely don’t need to be rescued. You’d lost the privilege of Jimin giving two shits about you when you left him two years ago.
"I should be asking you that. I live here. You haven’t been back for two years."
“Well, I’ve been busy in LA. That’s why I haven’t been back.” Which was true - but mostly running errands for coffee and lunch instead of writing as you wanted. You didn’t want to think about what Jimin would have to say about you leaving him for basically nothing.
“Yeah, I’ll bet.”
Jimin raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. What the fuck was his problem right now?
“Do you have something you need to get off your chest? I still don’t understand why you’re in this room with me. I’m sure you’d be having more fun out there at the party than in here.”
You weren’t exactly the life of the party right now. You wanted to be left alone, to wallow in self-pity at the shitty decisions you’ve made. You returned to New York with nothing to show–no job and certainly no boyfriend.
“Yeah, I probably would. But then I’ll be the one stuck with all the guilt when you pass out and choke to death on your own sick. You never did know when to stop.”
You scoffed. “Like you fucking care anyway. Two years and this is the first time I hear from you.”
“We agreed we wouldn’t keep in contact, remember? Too hard. Besides which, I found out you were going to be here from Tae. Could’ve told me yourself.”
“How could I have told you when you blocked me from every social media platform?”
Jimin shrugged. “What did you expect me to do? ‘Like’ every photo of you living your best life without me?”
You were kind of glad Jimin blocked you from all social media because then he’d be liking complete lies about your life. “Well, I’m not dying, so can you just leave me alone? I don’t want to be around anyone.”
“It’s New Year’s Eve, y/n. You’re back here–with everyone–for the first time in two years, and you suddenly don’t want to be around any of us? Too good for us now, are you? Too good for New York?”
You looked away from Jimin, biting down on your lip. If you continued to look at the expression on his face, you were sure tears would begin to fall. The building of lies upon lies - you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep it up, given that Jimin could always tell when you were lying.
“That’s hardly the case, Jimin.”
“Then what? Why the need to be alone on the biggest party night of the year?”
“Because I’m a fucking loser! A fucking fraud! That’s why I deserve to be alone! I have nothing to celebrate this new year!” The alcohol makes you speak truthfully because what is the point anymore? All of your friends would soon wonder why you were still around, Jimin too.
“What about your big movie?”
“There is no fucking movie! And don’t pretend you don’t already know that! Taehyung told me you’re not in the ABT, so I assume he told you the truth about me, too!” you exclaimed, out of breath. You definitely weren’t expecting this turn of events.
”Yeah, maybe he did, and maybe I did lie; can you really blame me? You coming back here for the first time since you left me, throwing your supposedly fan-fucking-tastic life in my face? And then it turns out it’s all fucking lies, and I come in here to check on you, and you have the fucking gall to treat me like shit? You think I’m going to feel sorry for you? Oh, boo hoo, your little plan didn’t work out? Well neither did mine, and I had to deal with it on my own because someone had fucking left me!”
If only he could see the steam fuming from your ears. “No one’s fucking asking you to feel sorry for me! And fuck you, Jimin. You weren’t the only one who was alone! I literally had no one out there! No one! So don’t you dare say anything to me. We both made the same choice.” 
“And it’s clearly worked out fucking brilliantly for both of us!”
“And you’re saying that’s my fault? That’s on me, is it?” 
“Yeah! I am saying that. This is on you! You broke this!”
“So what do you want from me then, Jimin? What the fuck do you want me to do about it?” 
“I want you to go back two years and not leave! I want you to fucking stay!” 
“Well, you got your fucking wish. I am staying! I’m back, and I’m staying now! So you’ve got what you want! Are you happy?!” your voice shaky, the tears building up on the verge of falling.
You could tell he was at war with himself. He took a deep breath and put his hands on his head, pulling at his hair. He sighed a shaky breath and slumped on the bed next to you.
“What exactly did Tae tell you?”
You shrugged. “He didn’t say much. He just said you weren’t with ABT and then scolded me.” Sitting here and talking to Jimin felt like nothing had changed, but in reality, the circumstances of your relationship wouldn’t go back to how it used to be.
“I am not with ABT,” he said. “Not even close.”
Jimin sighed before kicking off his shoes, then he pulled down the back of one of his socks, lifting his foot on the bed. You looked down to find an inch-long scar on the outside of his ankle. You gasped, thinking about how painful it must have been for him.
“Y’know that little extra bone I had at my heel? Don’t have that anymore. That training program that I got into, that-” he stopped. “Turns out that training program was too much. All those little twinges turned into something a whole lot bigger, and then the pain got so bad, I couldn’t even...” He flexed his foot forward, pointing his toes. “They were good about it. I got to see some really good doctors, and, I mean, technically, the problem is fixed.” He rotated his ankle around first one way and then the other as if to demonstrate. “But I was in a cast for a week, then in physio for eight weeks, and, even at that point, it was too late. Full recovery took almost six months. I was already too old to have been off my feet so long; that program was kind of my last chance. And I couldn’t finish it.”
You’re not sure what prompted you, but you reached out, your index finger softly tracing the raised mark on his ankle, stomach fluttering at the simplest touch of his skin. The thought of Jimin going through all of this alone made you feel even worse than you already did. You had left him heartbroken while chasing your dream when he was here, chasing his - only to find he wasn’t able to achieve everything he wanted.
You pulled your hand back, tucking it underneath your thigh, and cleared your throat. “I’m sorry. I wish I had known what you were going through.” All the guilt from the breakup and your leaving was beginning to seep back in. “It must have been hard on you,” you mumbled, quickly peering at him.
“It wa-” Jimin paused before clearing his throat. “Yes,” he said quietly. “It was.”
You slumped over, thinking about the last two years without him. Both of you were hurting without the other knowing to an extent. And Jimin…not being able to do what he truly loved pained you more than your stupid little dream of writing. You could do that whenever, wherever you wanted, but Jimin wouldn’t be able to go back in time and try again.
“I’m uh,” you paused to sniffle, “I’m moving back to New York for good. Gonna be with my parents for a bit while I get everything settled and figure out the next steps. LA was a complete bust. The dream job I left for was the same thing I was doing here.” You shifted back on the bed, then stretched your legs before settling them again. “There’s no big movie, no Lin-Manuel Miranda. I don’t know who I was kidding trying to lie my way out of this,” you chuckled sadly, “Pretty lame, huh? I left you and have nothing to show for it.”
There was a silence that settled between the two of you. You chuckled to yourself, thinking about how lame each of your lies was. And what did they achieve? Nothing really, and it was just a way to feel good about yourself, even if just for a split second.
Out of nowhere, his hand was on top of yours. You stared at the familiar hand, remembering how you’d always tease him about the duality of his hands. One minute they’re cute, soft, and stubby; the next, they’re confident, cunning, and unyielding. Your body felt warm, humming with excitement when he softly caressed the back of your hand. As much as you wanted your hand underneath the warmth of his, you didn’t forget that he was seeing someone. You didn’t want your hands to linger longer than they already did for fear of never wanting to let go again.
"Jimin…" you breathed, his name barely audible. He might not have heard you if he wasn't so close to you. His plush rose-tinted lips looked delectable - you were fighting every fiber of your being, not wanting to lean in and remember what they tasted like. Your skin is hot just thinking about what that mouth of his could do to you. Maybe press kisses along your jaw, your neck, and down the top of your chest. Possibly nibble on your earlobe and whisper something he’d like to do to you. He loved teasing you until you were squirming under him, and you wondered if he did that with this new person.
You didn’t know if Jimin was the only one struggling, but your heart began racing as he moved closer. You wondered if he was also fighting the same urge as you.
It’s been a long time since you had been anywhere near Jimin, let alone almost kissing him. Your eyes flicked to his before dropping to his lips, and your breathing slowed. It was as if time had stopped specifically for you and Jimin, waiting to see what the next move would be. Honestly, you’d be tearing his clothes off now if it weren’t for the fact that he was seeing someone else. You let out a breath, closing the distance, forehead gently bumping into his, your hand resting on his toned pecs.
Then the door swung open.
“Oh! Whoa! Oh, no, no. Ok. Back out! Back out!”
Tae swung in, leaning heavily on the door handle and, upon seeing the two of you in such close proximity, swung immediately back out again, slopping half the contents of his cup on the floor in the process, shooing away whichever lucky person was about to follow him in.
But it was enough. You both jumped, Jimin’s hand lifting off yours, both shifting away from each other. He laughed shakily, ran a hand through his hair. 
“As much as I want to kiss you right now, I’d hate myself for it tomorrow,” you insisted before pulling away from him. Even though you had more than enough to drink tonight, this conversation with Jimin awakened you from fantasy land. The two of you were a complete mess, lying to one another about each other’s lives. You couldn’t bear the thought of whomever he was seeing finding out that he had kissed an ex-girlfriend while they weren’t around. Ugh, the idea made you feel sick–or maybe it was the alcohol.
You stood on your feet, a little wobbly like Bambi on ice, which warranted Jimin’s hands ready to catch you, but you assured him you were okay. You pulled down your skirt, which hiked up underneath your ass cheeks. You berated yourself, walking toward the door. Wondering who you thought you were, coming to this party as a big shot when in reality, you were nothing but a fake, a fraud who deserved nothing else than to be alone in this new year.
You turned around, taking one last look at Jimin, who hadn’t taken his eyes off you since he first saw you earlier tonight. Lifting your hand to wave, telling him, See you later, Jimin. Even though you knew it was another lie. You couldn’t bear to see him with someone else, let alone have their hands all over him. It would be too much for you.
“No! Don’t!”
He was on his feet, crossing the distance to you in two large steps. He placed one hand against the door and the other on your waist.
“Please don’t go.” He floundered, starting sentence after sentence with nothing to follow. “Please, just stay.”
“What about your girlfriend?”
“She’s not my girlfriend; it’s not that serious.”
You chuckled, wondering if he was lying to himself. “Yeah?” you asked, cocking your eyebrow, “What are we doing then? What is this? Are you saying you want to get back together, or is this just because we’re both pathetic and miserable and drunk?”
“We might be pathetic and miserable and drunk, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything between us; you were the love of my life. You can’t just say we’re nothing to each other now. I know I’m not the only one who feels it. It’s still there. And I don’t want to be your friend.”
It’s true. How could you ever go back to being just friends with Jimin?
If the two of you were to continue what you had before, you feared you’d hurt Jimin again. But what if next time, it was him who left you? You weren’t sure if you could handle another heartbreak.
Your heart leaped when you heard the crowd roar echoing down the hall and into the room, the countdown to midnight in full swing. Fireworks glowed bright hues of white and yellow, illuminating Jimin’s face. More cheers and singing repeated as everyone rang in the new year.
The big question was, how would the two of you go forward now?
As Jimin caged you in against the door, your hands settled on his shirt, fingers curling into a fist, your body fighting every cell not to give in. You leaned in, nose brushed against his, lips faintly touching.
“Call me tomorrow when we’re both sober.”
Then you slipped out of his grasp and were gone.
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writhe · 5 months
because of the car situation, i didn’t get to visit my old friend today. i’m excited to see her and hear about her life and it felt like a step towards learning tattoo stuff too. was disappointing in multiple ways. i was on the phone trying to figure out some insurance stuff until noon. had to finish ordering my ID (needed to figure out how to pay online without a debit card too).
walked hal, saw a large branch fall in the road and block traffic. my housemate cut it up (and i helped move it and i also chatted with the neighbor- once it had been dragged out of the street, the city said they wouldn’t deal with it since it was no longer on public property so this random elderly woman suddenly had this on her plate? hello?). but all seems it will resolve well and quickly
took reference photos for a commission im excited about while on the walk, and a man with a small fire smoldering in his yard saw me through the hedges and told me to come check out the outdoor museum in his yard and i told him i was heading somewhere but that the smoke smelled good and he said “you can come smell this whole damn house” but not in a way that felt threatening, just kind of interesting, and kind of made me think of a ghost. i wonder what would have happened if i went in, i had halliwell with me and a knife so when someone hedges those bets i tend to give them slightly more of the benefit of the doubt
got home and spent the rest of the day packing nearly 50 orders (thanks y’all). got really in it with some emotions. was hoping to go to a farm workday too but by the time that would have happened i was tired from doing things that felt like effort and figured i had other social plans later anyway. went on a second walk and ran into some friends in an alley who told me the other plans i had later were cancelled (we were gonna play MtG and i hadn’t checked the chat)
a friend came over to use our washing machine and i was cranky at first bc i’d wanted to be alone for a little while but it ended up being nice. i fucked around with my sewing machine for a couple hours and fixed my duvet cover (hal ripped a huge hole in it while clawing at it). it’s far more functional than it is aesthetically pleasing and was actually really engaging for me
the night ended with me and my housemates and our friend hanging out in the living room and cracking and eating nuts. talking a little bit about emotions and politics and stuff, it got really sweet and i feel nice
my neighbor texted me that he thought he saw fishing around in my car, so around midnight i went out to check and found that he’d bought be a big ole 12 pack of my favorite drinks & set it inside the passenger seat for me to find (-,:
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gaslysainz · 1 year
Lost (PG10) pt.3
Summary: The world is utterly unfair. He was her most prized possession, her life, her first ever commitment of love. But to him, she was just a mere person lost in his big world.
warnings: ; unrequited feelings; Pierre is a douche , arrange marriage, angst, explicit scenes and languages.
Author's Note~ Heya guys! So it's finally here! Tbe 3rd part of my fanfic.I posted the first chapter of my first ever fanfic! And I'm overwhelmed by the response ❤️ Really Thanks a lot to everyone who had liked the story so far. It's just the beginning of the journey, there's a lot to come. Love You All 😘 Here's my first ever story for you guys. As soon as I finish this one, I'll start taking requests maybe! Till then please show your love and support for "LOST".
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Journal Entry - 3
Pain is something that can be forgotten if that one person that you love gives you a smile. Butterflies, jitters, rainbows! Yea, that's my heart right now. I can melt right away. Right in front of him. Pierre Gasly has a beautiful smile!
Those sparkling eyes when he smiles has the power to light up my whole world. But why did he smile at me today?
Let me tell you what exactly happened.
I woke up a little late today because of all the crying I did yesterday. I went into the washroom to take a shower and freshen up and when I saw myself in the mirror I was scared of myself! Like seriously I look like a fucking zombie! Tear stains and melted mascara stains all over my face. But what's worse are my eyes. They were blood red and super swollen. No makeup, no face wash could cover that shit up. But I couldn't let Pierre see me like that. So the only thing that I could think of was wearing sunglasses. BIG BLACK SUNGLASSES! That too inside the house cause I wasn't allowed to go anywhere outside unless it was one of his races or events, where we'd have to pretend to be a super happy and In love kind of a couple. Life Sucks for me. Anyways I changed and was going to go down when I heard noises coming from the kitchen. Other than me no one usually goes inside the kitchen , so who might it be?
A little bit curious and also frightened I went inside the kitchen only to find my ever charming husband sporting the brightest radiant smile I've ever seen. My Husband Pierre Gasly! Standing right there with black shorts and a tight fitting black tshirt. His muscles stretching and struggling from it. The tshirt seems to be too tight but he still looks like a prince.
To be very honest it was a bit weird for me. Okay chuck it! It was very weird for me but I just played it cool by returning a very awkward smile to him.
" Good morning and thanks Y/n" Woah! That was the first time he actually wished me good morning. I seriously felt like I was on cloud 9 but I don't really keep high hopes in life anymore since I have lost a lot of things in this journey.
"Good morning to you too , but why thank you?"
"Oh! Yes, actually thank you for yesterday. You prepared the soup and the medicine for Julia" those words made me want to stab myself . After a whole night of torture and tears he finally finally smiled at me for the first time and that too the reason was Julia. That bitch of a step sister. Who is stealing my husband day by day from me. But who cares if the person who's supposed to actually care does not care about me.
I sometimes think if he ever thinks about me? About my happiness or, I'm just a mere housemate for him? Actually what's funny is that even the housemates are treated better than I am . Also I'm a bit disappointed. Why did he not ask me why was I wearing those hideous sunglasses? Why was I late to wake up this morning? But no, no questions of such were asked by him.
But you know what? I'm not complaining cause this was the first time he actually smiled at me properly.
That's all I've ever wanted. A little bit of genuine recognition from him. Not because of the camera's, not because of the families. Not pretentious.
And so I , Mrs.Y/n Gasly is again LOST!
LOST in His Radiant Smile!
PS - Please lemme know what do you think about LOST and also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list ❤️
@peachiicherries @crimeshowjunkie @oblomovissad @torossosebs @janeholt3
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 months
asking about your convex serial killer au
you've activated my trap card!!!
convexian serial killer au is constantly rotating in my mind and I am going to explain it because I neeeeed more people to ask me questions about it. It's another au I have been constructing with @angeart my enabler and friend. And it makes me insane <3
CW: obviously I will be talking about murder, but also torture, some gore, kidnapping, manipulation, and cannibalism. And also there's a lot of throwing up. Sorry.
Also this au is notably darker and more immoral than my usual stuff. They kill people and have fun doing it!! And I don't really punish them for it! Be warned! Explanation begins below the cut :)
So, Scar and Cub are serial killers who have been moving from city to city for a while now. They currently live in a houseshare situation with Grian, sharing his spare bedroom and helping him pay rent. Now, Grian is a pretty normal guy, he doesn't know about the murders which take place in his own house.
Generally, Scar and Cub will kidnap their victims, bring them to the house, tie them up and kill them. Scar likes taunting and messing with the victims while Cub has a fascination with anatomy and dissection. Cub is the one who cleans up and covers their tracks, too.
Obviously, if they just murdered people in Grian's kitchen, Grian would notice, but they specifically chose to live with Grian because Grian's job (architect) means he's away from home in other cities for days on end. So they kill people while he's away and clean up before he gets back. It's a comfortable arrangement.
Until, of course, one day Grian comes home earlier than he said he would, and finds Scar and Cub in the middle of a kill. He's frozen to the spot as he watches Cub quickly slit the victim's throat. Scar approaches him, trying to shift his focus, but Grian is basically in shock.
Cub and Scar don't want to kill Grian for several reasons. 1. they think he's cute. 2. rent is cheap. 3. they're in a good location right now and don't want to move. So, while Grian is still kind of buffering, panicking internally but to terrified to do anything externally, Scar guides him to his room and mumbles somewhat comforting things to Grian until he passes out.
The next morning, Grian is convinced it was a dream. The kitchen is spotless. Scar makes him breakfast. He still feels like he's in shock. Cub confirms that it was not, in fact, a dream, by bringing it up, and Grian throws up in the sink.
So, you'd think Grian would call the police or something, right? Wrong! He's a freak! Okay, okay, that's a little mean. He's still in shock and somewhat disbelieving that his sweet, polite, (attractive), kind housemates could possibly hurt anyone. And... if he's being honest, seeing the light leave the victim's eyes yesterday kind of gave him a rush of adrenaline- a thrill he hasn't felt before.
As I say, he's a freak.
Grian is careful, cautious as Scar and Cub explain why they don't want him dead, so long as he doesn't try to report them. They can keep killing while Grian is away, so he never has to see it again. He can pretend it isn't happening!
But Grian doesn't want to pretend it isn't happening. He wants to be there. He wants to see it. When he tells Scar and Cub as much, their sharp smiles almost make him change his mind.
Things start... rocky. Grian is not built to witness graphic murder, especially when the victim is begging and pleading with him to help. The victims tend to be tied to a chair- one Grian keeps in the attic, because it doesn't fit the style of his kitchen. Grian, on the other hand, takes to sitting some distance away on a kitchen stool, by the sink, watching his housemates work.
For the first few times, Grian can't really watch at all. He's sick at least once each time, usually more. But... eventually, he can stand it.
He feels like something changed in his brain when he saw that first victim die. He knows he shouldn't be enjoying the gory display. He shouldn't enjoy the feeling of power he gets when the victims beg him to save them, and he refuses. But he does enjoy it. Just watching is enough for him.
Not to mention his housemates look really rather good covered in blood. More than a few times, he has dreams about them hurting him- about being one of their victims. It scares him, sure. This whole thing scares him. But it doesn't scare him as much as it should. And his rapidly beating heart is for more than just adrenaline.
Grian eventually starts acting as bait, luring in victims and taking them to a secondary location where Scar and Cub are waiting. As an avian, he's small (actually, small even for an avian) and unassuming, so most people trust him. At least compared to his human housemates, who have maybe a fifty percent success rate in luring people out.
Another thing Grian finds himself enjoying is pretending to be a victim, too. Making a big show of pleading with Scar and Cub to "not make him watch", leading the real victim to believe he's on their side.
He never is, obviously. It just makes things more satisfying when they realise.
Eventually, Grian starts sleeping in the same bed as Scar and Cub. He's particularly close with Scar, but Cub isn't the most outwardly affectionate person. Scar tells Grian one time that meeting someone Cub doesn't want to kill is rare enough on its own, let alone someone he actively likes. Their relationship doesn't really have a label, but they are partners.
Scar likes to ramble about what he would do if Grian was one of their victims- and one time Scar covers Grian in blood and viscera just to see what it looks like. The feeling of flesh and blood between his feathers makes Grian feel nauseous, but Scar running his hands through his wings makes up for it. It's gross. He showers like three times afterwards. But he loves it.
Anyway, they get on with life. There's also a turn to cannibalism later in the story. When they have their first avian victim, Scar goes on about how avians taste the best, and, well, Grian *has* to try, right?
He gets a little bit addicted. Don't worry about it.
Though you can ask me about that, if you want to hear. Also, other friends of Grian get involved in this in various ways: Mumbo, Jimmy, and Pearl. I'm sooo ready to rant about this au at any time so PLEASE if anyone reading this wants to hear more ASK MEEE.
That's all for now tho >:) hope you enjoyed
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seriousbrat · 3 months
Your anon doubting whether Snape ever protected Lily from anti-muggleborn taunting at school has me wishing we saw a lot more of that friendship in The Prince’s Tale. Because Snape was *openly* calling her his best friend as late as fifth year when the first war was in full swing, they’re not sneaking around meeting in abandoned classrooms, which must’ve caused them both a huge amount of grief. We get a hint of the peer pressure Lily faced - ‘none of my friends understand why I talk to you’ - but I can’t imagine the Slytherin common room was a remotely nice place for a poor half blood who refuses to deny or abandon his association with a muggleborn Gryffindor. But we don’t see enough of that relationship to really understand why Lily likes him enough to keep swimming against the tide (Severus obviously clings because he tragically has nobody else).
me too!!! my fave dysfunctional friendship of all time 🥺 I wish we could've seen more of them but it just means I've got to write it myself!
Also, yes absolutely. I might talk a lot about the problems in their friendship because that's so interesting to me but they wouldn't be nearly as interesting if there wasn't also good aspects to it. And honestly despite everything I think it's admirable that they both defied peer pressure in order to openly remain friends for so long, especially at that age. Personally I think it would go against Lily's morals to abandon her friend because he wasn't popular or cool, which is why she stuck by him. Before Sev was scouted by Mulciber I imagine he was shunned by Slytherins as well as the rest of the school, so I don't think Lily would have abandoned him just because her housemates thought he was a weirdo.
You're right that on the face of it, it seems strange that Lily would like him, and as we know her Gryffindor friends didn't understand it; but I think the bonds of childhood friendship can be very strong. As kids they had a lot in common, being the only magical children in Cokeworth. Sev was clever, he was Lily's introduction to the Wizarding World, and they were the only two people who had one foot in Cokeworth and one foot in Hogwarts, so nobody else could really understand them the way they did each other. Nobody else had that wealth of unique shared experience. Also, I really do believe that she liked him as a person haha, and that Sev has likeable qualities if you get to know him-- but only Lily ever really did. So she saw a side of him that nobody else did. If you have a bond like that with someone, years of history and inside jokes, it's easy to overlook the negative and make excuses for it.
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
I think Louis needs to give that sweet little voice of his a rest. He sounded pretty strained on the live stream and like it was clearly difficult for him to sing a lot of his stuff (usually he’s clear as anything and very on key. Mexico kind of wasn’t). Didn’t spoil it for the fans - god what a show! - but he’s still got a lot of gigs left if you count all the festivals so he must protect his vocals at all costs!
Yeah, I have to agree with you here, anon. My smoking louis and vocals post is almost there!!! and is coming, but for now yeah, I’ll just comment on this.
I think he needs to warm up his vocals more. He has a gentle tone as it is, so to belt it, he needs longer to warm up, similar to me. He was reallyyyyyy off key a lot more than usual, and the muted and blunt bass with the harsh drums and backing vocals being too high on the livestream mix didn’t help. In a live setting, it would’ve sounded fantastic, im sure. Fans said it did. But the mix wasn’t great by any means. he said he was feeling poorly anyway, but he did the show and unfortunately it took more of a toll than he thought it would on his throat. The livestream didn’t hit like a live version would, and we knew that was gonna be the case anyway, but with weaker vocals and a poor mix, it wasn’t the best it could’ve been.
When I saw him in Jan, he was very confident and sure of himself and I think there was really only one minor point where he went off key to a point that it was noticeable for the crowd. I have a music ear so can tell quite easily, but Mexico… he was very off. He’s not a bad singer, far from it, but if his throat is to a point where he’s warmed up and still croaky, he needs to be careful of where he puts the most drive in. Again, a bigger analysis will come when i finally post about his voice and smoking, but he has some bad habits and so much doubt in himself that he can work himself up to a point of a poor performance.
It’s a shame, really. I popped on the livestream on our main TV and my housemate listened to louis for the first time. She’s a lover of music, can be a bit pretentious, but she genuinely just didn’t like it. His style of music is what she’s into, but she kept saying the vocals sounded off, and they just… unfortunately did.
I’ve seeen a few Twitter posts today saying “if you criticise Louis’ voice I will block you, he’s perfect” and he is perfect, but that livestream wouldn’t have gained him any new fans. It’s also like…. The solo harries have grabbed onto clips of that and tore him to shreds which is ridiculous, and I fully encourage the block button to be used to make sure your experience in this fandom is what you want it to be, but he did not have his best performance that night, unfortunately.
It comes down to nerves, and a multitude of other things with a unique voice such as his, but it’s a shame it wasn’t as good as previous performances. A lot of it was VERY good though, don’t get me wrong, but too much of it wavered to the point of flat or sharp, that it wasn’t as enjoyable of a listening experience that it could’ve been.
I’ve watched him grow up and his voice take on a multitude of genres and tones, and I will always adore his voice. His voice is toned much more particularly than Harry and Liam’s, which makes it harder to be a soloist, particularly because he found his voice in a band. He’s fantastic, but it wasn’t his best.
Butttttt he was the first male soloist to perform there, which is fucking sick. I’m so proud of him and he truly did make it. He’s breaking records and fighting to be the best he can be. He just has a couple of things to keep working on.
#proudoflouis :)
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jeongyunhoed · 4 months
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As seen on my FF.net Also seen on my Ao3
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC/? Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: Ominis basically reveals he likes Norah...to Sebastian. Also, ideas are forming after the repository is rebuilt.
Chapter 12
Unsurprisingly, the party ended with many of them in for a hangover as the morning came. Garreth took it upon himself to send everyone back to their respective common rooms with vials of hangover tonic. Norah immediately sought to drink hers on the way back, having thoroughly enjoyed herself. Not bad for a first house party in sixth year.
She saw Natty bid Henry a goodnight before leaving the portrait hole, while Andrew and Poppy walked together. No doubt Andrew was going to walk Poppy back to the Hufflepuff common room before he returned to Ravenclaw tower. Amit and Samantha were conveniently walking back together. At least they originally were, because it seemed like they weren't anymore. Amit even looked quite somber, a change from his optimistic demeanor earlier when they first arrived. Samantha also looked quite crestfallen, opting to walk back to their dormitory with their other housemates.
Norah figured she'd try to ask Amit about it when they looked for another astronomy table later that night. She turned to the two boys walking next to her, having also drank the tonic before leaving.
"I can't believe I nearly tried to climb that mantel," Ominis mumbled next to Norah as they climbed down the stairs to the Slytherin dungeons. "I can feel Nellie looking at me like I became some sort of three-headed serpent."
"That's because it's not everyday that someone of your stature would do such a thing unless it were to avoid spiders or other creepy things," Norah teased, while Sebastian chuckled at the memory. "I wonder what else might happen when the Hufflepuffs host the next one."
"Who knew Ominis Gaunt has become such a party animal," Sebastian added.
"Shut up" The blonde mumbled.
The three of them entered the common room, splitting up for a moment to shower and change for bed. Norah dried her hair with a towel, already wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants as she sat on the edge of her bed. Nerida, Grace, and Imelda were already deep asleep. She smiled to herself as she recalled the events earlier, especially when she realized who "Nick" was.
It was making her think about the letters he sent, making her guess who he was. It was something she forgot to talk to him about, since they, or she, in particular, was caught up in dancing with Garreth and everyone in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. What was with the poems? The compliments in those poems, in particular? Norah chuckled, sitting back against the headboard of her bed, legs already covered by the emerald green blankets.
She glanced at the door, wondering if any of them were still awake at this hour. They were going to have quite a time processing everything that happened in the party.
As Norah slid further into the covers to close her eyes and sleep, Ominis Gaunt was tossing and turning in his own bed. He was already trying to process his near-attempt at climbing on the mantel. While at the same time mentally kicking himself for not trying to spend more time with Norah, or at the very least dance with her, which she seemed to do the whole night.
"Go to sleep," Sebastian suddenly said.
"I'm trying to, Sebastian, take your own advice."
"I am trying to" the freckled brunette said from his own bed. Sebastian was staring at the ceiling, unknowingly thinking about the same thing the blonde was thinking. "Ominis, can I ask you something?"
"I thought you said you were trying to sleep."
"Well, now I'm wide awake and curious about something," Sebastian said quietly. "Did you summon Norah because you wanted to get ahead of Garreth and Leander?"
The question seemed to take Ominis by surprise. Was Sebastian already suspecting something about this? There seemed to be only one way to answer, and he knew he couldn't lie to him. "Yes."
There it was, another question that felt like a shot through the heart. "What do you mean, why?"
"Why Norah?" Sebastian doubled down. "You could've summoned Imelda, Nerida, or even Grace, or Adelaide Oakes. Why her in particular?"
Ominis swallowed hard. "Why not her?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You're avoiding the question. Why Norah?" He pressed again. He knew that if he asked in the morning, Ominis really wouldn't tell him anything.
"What's wrong with me summoning Norah?"
"I don't know, you tell me, Gaunt," Sebastian replied. "Those letters you sent her, with those poems and riddles. Natty saying that the one who wrote those must be absolutely crazy about her."
Another shot in the heart. Sebastian's got him cornered, he thought. "What would you rather I'd have written? Hey Norah, you really ought to be careful whenever you attack a poacher camp?" Ominis managed to say, but what Sebastian asked next seemed to be the final nail in the coffin.
"You like Norah, don't you?"
Sebastian felt like he was about to throw up after bringing himself to ask it. It was a hard question to ask, and while he normally never steered clear from those kinds of questions, it seemed to hit him twice as hard now. To Sebastian, the worst part of this was that he already knew the answer, he just wanted Ominis to confirm his suspicions.
"Doesn't everyone fancy Norah?" Ominis replied.
That was also another thing that was true, Sebastian knew it. He was convinced Norah didn't know the effect she had on people, how she could win them over with genuine kindness. Even those who weren't sure about her seemed to warm up eventually. The wit she possessed could rival a Ravenclaw, and he needn't talk about how brave she could be as it was a given. "Does that mean you fancy her?" He asked.
This time, a small sigh escaped Ominis' lips. "I do, Sebastian. I...like Norah. It's why I've been writing to Anne a lot. I've been asking for her advice all this time. I've never felt this way about anyone, and I didn't think I could," The words seemed to come out as if the floodgates had opened.
Sebastian tried to wrap his head around what Ominis said, partly not wanting to believe any of it. Partly trying to convince himself that Ominis was just playing a practical joke. That Ominis would never try to have feelings, romantic feelings for the girl he also liked that much. But he also knew that he wanted Ominis to stop feeling so guilty, and feeling so hard on himself for what he was forced to do as a child.
"Since when have you had feelings for her?" He said.
"Since fifth year. When we looked for the Scriptorium together," Ominis revealed. "How else could she have convinced me to go through with it? At first I didn't think it was that way, but the more we talked, the more I got to know her, I realized it."
There it was. What was going to happen now? Sebastian now knew of Ominis' affections for Norah. Was he going to stand in the way so he could be with Norah instead? Or would he do the hard thing and let Ominis be the one to actually pursue her. Between the two of them, Ominis was the more cautious one, the more responsible one, the one least likely to become reckless in his decisions. No doubt Ominis would be perfect for Norah.
"So, that was when you liked Norah, huh?" Sebastian tried to sound nonchalant.
"Y-yes, so please don't tell her anything. If she asks about the letters, I'm going to say that it was all to disguise myself, to make it harder for her to know it was me," He replied, now lying on his back, his heart pounding at his own confession. "I also know I don't deserve her."
Sebastian didn't want to pry any longer. Sooner or later, he'd have to reveal to Ominis that he, Sebastian Sallow, also had feelings for Norah Lee. But, for his attempts at trying to swallow his own feelings, Ominis could still tell.
"Do you think you deserve her, Sebastian?"
Norah sat in the middle of the map chamber the following afternoon, the book open in front of her as she tried to study the contents. She wondered how Professor Fig and Miriam came to this, how they started their research on ancient magic. There must have been more notes than just the book in front of her. She looked up at the giant panels that made up one side of the chamber. The panels that were the portraits of the four keepers whose trials she overcame.
Those portraits remained empty. Perhaps for good reason, but perhaps for a very long time. Isidora's vacant portrait also remained that way in the Undercroft. After all, it took centuries until a new keeper came in. It might take just as long next time.
In a ledger, Norah wrote down everything she remembered from all the pensieves in fifth year. Isidora wanted to take away her father's pain from losing her brother, his son. Professor Rackham advised her against it when she was a student. Isidora was still set on figuring out how to harness this magic to take away pain, pain of an emotional kind. She would commission the goblin Bragbor to build a repository to store the strands of pain and emotion she took from her father, from others. Even Isidora knew that in the wrong hands, this would lead to disastrous consequences.
Norah wanted to learn more about it all. What kind of spell did Isidora cast on those people, including her father.
That wave of intense sadness and emotion came over her again and she closed her eyes as she tried to keep her composure. The book in front of her couldn't afford to be stained with tears if it went that far. To Norah, it was starting to feel like she was going to burst at any minute. She felt fragile, volatile, unsure. One wrong move, and Norah felt like someone or something would get hurt.
Norah wondered about Bragbor's journals. Lodgok was about to bring her one of them, the one Ranrok never should've gotten. The feeling came again, this time stronger. She wondered how much longer could she hold onto this power. She needed some kind of anchor, something that could help her focus this magic onto, a way to channel it.
And then, she realized, it might be the time to do it. Taking out a roll of parchment, she wrote to Professor Weasley, telling her that it might now be the time to return to the caverns. To that extent, she would have to tell someone else too. When Starlight came in, she tied the letter to her leg and fed her a little treat before she flew away.
Closing the book, Norah wrote another letter. This time, it was to Deek, telling him what to do in case something happened. If she ever died while rebuilding the repository, she would entrust the care of the beasts, including his Lordship the graphorn, to Poppy. Her own supply of potions would be entrusted to Garreth and Ominis. Herodiana's ensemble would be given to Sophronia Franklin, and the historian's uniform from the portrait would go to Arthur Plummly. As for the robes she found in the house chest, Norah figured Grace would be able to take care of it.
It seemed unusual for her to already think about what might happen if things went wrong. But with everything that's happened to her so far, it wouldn't be too surprising if it happened now. Amit would get his telescope back, and as for Sebastian? The book she had in front of her alone would be enough of a gift. Imelda would get her brooms, as will Everett Clopton.
But what about Ominis? It made her think of the letters again. Ominis disguising himself as "Nick," telling her how brave she was, how witty she was, wanting to go to the Yule Ball together. Did he mean anything by that?
Norah tore up the letter she thought of giving Deek. It might be too pessimistic of her to even think that she wouldn't survive, not when she was going to be around Professor Weasley, one of the teachers she trusted the most. A quick evanesco later, she wrote a note to Sebastian and Ominis, telling them that it was time for her to rebuild the repository.
"Ah, Miss Lee, you're already here. I got your owl"
Norah immediately stood up when Professor Weasley herself appeared, having come down from the stairs and entering through the doors. "Yes, Professor," She said. "I'm ready to rebuild the repository."
Professor Weasley nodded. "Well then, no time like the present. But before we go, I'd want to ask you if you're absolutely sure you'd want to go through with this."
"I am, Professor, I'm sure I'd want to."
"In that case, if Hogwarts is to be the location of this repository, then I think we might need some help from your other professors, mightn't we?"
All of a sudden, the figures of Professor Sharp, Hecat, and Ronen appeared through the doors. "We all got your message. It might be a good time to reinforce the school's defensive charms further underground anyway. If what happened last year was any indication," Professor Ronen nodded.
"I couldn't have said it better myself," Professor Hecat agreed.
Norah felt a little overwhelmed, nodding as she tried to shake off the feeling. It seemed like the first time she accepted help from people who weren't her friends. Then again, it seemed like the perfect situation, to have the people who taught her the most, be the ones to assist in rebuilding the store of ancient magic.
"We're here! We're here!" The voices of Natty, Amit, Poppy, Sebastian, and Ominis were soon heard, the five of them skidding to a halt when they saw the professors standing in front of them.
"The more the merrier, it seems, and they're all taking NEWT Defense Against the Dark Arts too," Professor Hecat smiled.
Norah looked over at her friends, who were giving her an encouraging look. Yet she could see a hint of concern on Ominis' features. She turned around and took out the special wand, made from the pensieve artifacts she collected. The tip of the wand began to emit a bright light, and the floor in front of them lowered to reveal a set of stairs and the door leading to the caverns.
"This will never cease to amaze me," Sebastian muttered.
"Well then, I believe it's a long way down," Professor Sharp spoke this time.
It indeed was a long way down for the entire group, entering the keepers' caverns and seeing the remains of the war that took place the year before. Skeletons here, broken goblin drills there, and some piles of debris that crushed trolls and other loyalists. Norah made sure to lead the way, with Professor Hecat and Professor Sharp standing by her, while Professors Weasley and Ronen were keeping watch over her friends, who tagged along.
After several transfigurations of pillars and pathways, they had arrived at the doorway, guarded by two giant pensive soldiers. Norah kept the tip of the wand held up, and the two soldiers tapped the ground with their swords, opening the doors once again.
There they could see what was once where the repository was. Even Ominis sensed the gravity of what they were about to do, and the scale of the entire place he was in. They carefully walked past the doors, some more transfiguring to turn the path they were walking down upon into another set of stairs. Interestingly, they even managed to replicate the transfiguration styles of the keepers, the ornate, blue marbling of the doors and pillars.
Norah put the wand away, and took out her own. "We will try our best to help keep the rocks from falling through," the three professors suggested, taking their places around Norah, while Professor Weasley did the same.
"Perhaps, we only need to transfigure this cavern itself, make it look similar to the map chamber," Professor Ronen suggested. "Generations from now, someone with the same gift as Miss Lee might have a better chance of accessing it without the danger of falling through, yes?"
"That's a good idea," Professor Weasley said. She turned to Norah. "Are you ready, Miss Lee?"
Norah nodded. "I am, Professor."
She closed her eyes, and pointed her wand upwards, already feeling the power, the strands of emotion and pain being willed to leave her. Norah kept her eyes closed as she tried to focus, tried to channel everything that she was also feeling. The grief, the guilt, the anxiety, using these emotions to guide her into willing the magic that she once took in, out into the open.
A strong jet of light soon emanated from her wand, and while she felt that power leaving her, she could also feel her body starting to get drained.
"For...Professor Fig..." Norah groaned, the huge ball of power soon forming above her. "For...Lodgok..."
"Keep going, Norah!" Natty suddenly cheered. "Keep going!"
"For...Mr. Osric..." Norah could feel her eyes welling with tears as she kept going. "For...Miriam..."
The familiar rune symbol that she once saw began to appear, this time made of stone. It was as if it was also forming to cover the giant entity of magic she was putting out. "For...everyone whom Isidora Morganach took their emotions from..."
A flash of blinding light soon came after.
The next thing Norah knew, she wasn't in the caverns anymore. She was in the hospital wing, being tended to by Nurse Blainey. Deek was also looking over her, alongside Ominis, Sebastian, Natty, Poppy, and Amit. All of them were gathered around her bed, with Ominis sitting down by her side.
"You're finally awake!" Natty said, sitting up from the chair next to Ominis.
This made the blonde tilt his head in Norah's direction. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm... feeling alright, I guess," Norah replied. "What happened to me?"
"You passed out, collapsed just after you were done," Amit replied quietly. "Your hands had that glow we saw on those loyalists when we fought them in the mine, remember? But I think it's probably because that power was leaving your body. It was beginning to show at the very end."
The rest of them looked surprised at his explanation. "This is the first time in a while we heard you talk about what you went through with Norah in fifth year," Sebastian teased.
"Well- I must admit, I've been quite preoccupied, but I've always been here for Norah, for everyone," Amit pointed out. "I might not say much, but knowing Norah, it must have been the case, right?"
Norah smiled softly. "Yeah," she looked at her own hands. The glow Amit said was gone. She must have succeeded. "what happened to the other Professors?" She asked.
"They were the ones who brought you here, Professor Weasley said it must have taken a lot out of you. They really did make quick work transforming the surroundings. Keeping everything from falling," Poppy said. "By now, that repository looks just like the map chamber."
"Oh," Norah looked at her hands again. She was beginning to wonder if it would affect her magic. Then again, she had already enhanced her own magical abilities with the hotspots she traveled to before taking on the power from the repository. "So I guess that's that."
"I suppose it is, you don't need to worry about it anymore," Ominis spoke. Sebastian noticed how his hand was close to hers when she put it down. "You'll need to rest for now."
"Oh, and good news," Poppy sat up again. "Our common room party's next month! That's something to look forward to, at least."
"Why do I get the feeling that there's something that's going to happen at the Hufflepuff common room?" Sebastian grinned.
"Well, if you must know, we might play a little game of enchanted Spin the Bottle," Poppy said, almost proud of it.
The mention of the game made Norah snort. "Does the bottle move on its own, then?" She asked.
"Why yes, as a matter of fact, it does. It's a muggle party game, but we found it interesting to have the bottle be enchanted to spin on its own to the people it wants to kiss."
The three boys gaped at her. "That's what that game is?" Amit swallowed hard, his cheeks heating up. Poppy nodded again with a grin. "Then, I will respectfully not join in."
His answer was met with groans from everyone else, Norah laughing at his reaction. "If you really don't want to, you don't have to. That's all just a bit of fun, isn't it?" She said, yet her thoughts immediately drifted to the one who made her heart race. The mere thought of having to do that, something she kind of had a feeling was going to be expected of her, it filled her with anxiety.
"You might be right," Amit said quietly.
"You get to include this in your memoir too," Natty teased, making him laugh. "But I wonder, will Professor Ronen make another assignment like what we just had again?"
It was her turn to be teased and they knew it. "Knowing Professor Ronen, he's always up for making lessons, even NEWT ones, exciting," Norah said. "Are things with Henry going alright? You two seemed incredibly close during the party."
"Merlin, you make it sound like Henry and I are already dating," Natty was flustered. "We talked a lot during the party, he even suggested we go to Hogsmeade together sometime."
Norah and Poppy gasped, while Sebastian, Ominis, and Amit looked impressed. "That sounds very much like a date," Ominis smirked. "But from what I gather, Abbott's decent. Comes from a good family, that one."
"And you should know, most of all," Natty pointed out, getting even more flustered which made Ominis laugh.
"My standards are quite sub-par when determining how good a family is. As long as they are nowhere like my own, and Carrow's."
That seemed to give Natty an idea. She stood up. "Norah, you must have found your summoner last night" She said, immediately shifting the topic. "Did you meet him?"
Norah smiled. "I did."
That seemed to light up Poppy and Amit's expressions, now intrigued as to who it was. "Well? Who was it?" Natty said.
When Norah was about to speak, Nurse Blainey suddenly stopped by. "Miss Lee, you're finally awake, thank Merlin," She said, handing her a goblet filled with some healing tonic. "If you're feeling well enough, you can be back at your common room by this afternoon or tonight."
"Thank you," She mumbled. "Is there anything else I should do?"
"Well, no, not really. Perhaps rest is a good thing to do. You've over-exerted yourself with whatever you did, you need to regain your strength. Please make sure she does?" She turned to the rest of them, and they nodded. "Well, seeing as you're all sixth years, you've got another lesson to look forward to, and it's with me."
"What do you mean? A lesson with you?" Sebastian wondered.
"Yes, given how you're all growing to be men and women, it's time for you all to learn whatever there is to know about contraceptive potions," Nurse Blainey just smiled and walked off. Norah nearly spat out the rest of the tonic she was drinking.
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faibleprompts · 1 month
The Serpent's Path
Slytherin Harry Potter fic based off of yesterday's Faible prompt:
Harry stood in the Great Hall, the Sorting Hat perched precariously on his head. The entire hall watched with bated breath as the hat deliberated. “Hmm, difficult, very difficult,” it murmured. “Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There’s talent, oh my goodness, yes—and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?”
Harry clenched his fists, his heart pounding in his chest. He had hoped for Gryffindor, like his parents, but the hat seemed to be considering something else. “Not Slytherin, not Slytherin,” Harry thought desperately.
“Not Slytherin, you say? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It’s all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that. No? Well, if you’re sure—better be... SLYTHERIN!”
The hall erupted into whispers and gasps. Harry felt his face flush as he removed the hat and made his way to the Slytherin table. Draco Malfoy, who had been sorted earlier, smirked and clapped Harry on the back. “Welcome to Slytherin, Potter,” he said, his voice dripping with an odd mix of sarcasm and sincerity.
As Harry sat down, he felt the eyes of the entire school on him, especially those of the Gryffindor table. Ron Weasley, who he had met on the train, looked particularly shocked and disappointed. Harry tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach and focused on the Slytherin students around him. Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson introduced themselves, while Crabbe and Goyle hovered near Draco, casting suspicious glances at Harry.
The feast began, and Harry tried to immerse himself in the conversation around him. Snape, the head of Slytherin house, gave Harry a curt nod from the staff table, his expression unreadable. The food was delicious, but Harry found it hard to enjoy it fully. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had just crossed a threshold into a world he didn’t quite understand.
As the night wore on, Harry followed the other first-year Slytherins down to the dungeons where their common room was located. The stone walls and greenish glow from the Black Lake outside gave the room an eerie, yet oddly comforting feel. Harry found himself a bed in the dormitory and lay down, staring at the canopy above him, his mind racing with thoughts of what the future held.
Harry felt lost but tried to embrace his new life as a Slytherin. Over the next few weeks, he found himself gradually making friends with the other first years. Draco Malfoy, though still arrogant, showed Harry the ropes of Slytherin life. Blaise Zabini, with his quiet wisdom, became someone Harry could talk to about his doubts and fears. Pansy Parkinson, despite her initial prickliness, had a sharp sense of humor that Harry began to appreciate.
One evening, as they all sat in the common room, Draco leaned back in his chair, a rare smile playing on his lips. "You know, Potter, you're not half bad for someone who didn't want to be in Slytherin."
Harry chuckled. "Thanks, Malfoy. You're not too bad yourself."
The more time Harry spent with his housemates, the more he saw the side of Slytherins most didn't see. They were ambitious, yes, but they were also fiercely loyal to each other. They had their own code of honor, one that valued cunning and resourcefulness but didn't exclude kindness and camaraderie.
It was during one of his visits to the library that Harry ran into Ron. The red-haired boy looked up from a book on Quidditch and froze. "Harry," he said, his voice a mix of surprise and wariness.
"Hey, Ron," Harry replied, trying to sound casual. "How's Gryffindor treating you?"
Ron shrugged. "It's fine. How’s... Slytherin?"
Harry took a deep breath. "It's different, but not in a bad way. The people there, they're not what everyone thinks. They're... they're good too."
Ron frowned. "I don't know, Harry. My brothers have told me some pretty bad things about Slytherins. I mean, look at Malfoy."
"Draco's not as bad as he seems," Harry insisted. "And the others, like Blaise and Pansy, they're... they're my friends now. I know it's hard to believe, but Slytherins can be good too."
Ron looked conflicted. "I guess... I guess I just need time to get used to it."
Harry nodded. "I get it. But I want you to know that I'm still the same Harry. And I hope we can still be friends."
Ron hesitated, then gave a small smile. "Yeah."
As Harry walked back to the Slytherin common room, now determined to prove to everyone that Slytherins could be just as good, just as brave, and just as loyal as any Gryffindor.
Harry got just that chance the next day as Madam Hooch stood in the center of the Quidditch pitch, her sharp eyes scanning the group of first-year Slytherins assembled before her. "Alright, you lot," she barked. "Today, we're going to see what you've got. Mount your brooms and let's get started."
Harry felt a thrill of excitement as he gripped his broomstick. He had been fascinated by flying from the moment he learned about it. As Madam Hooch blew her whistle, Harry kicked off the ground, feeling the rush of wind against his face as he soared into the air.
The lesson progressed with drills and basic maneuvers, but it wasn't long before Madam Hooch noticed Harry's natural talent. He flew with a grace and confidence that belied his lack of formal training. When she called for a break, she motioned for Harry to come over.
"Potter, isn't it?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "You've got quite a knack for flying. Ever thought about joining the Quidditch team?"
Harry's heart leapt. "Really? You think I'm good enough?"
Madam Hooch nodded. "More than good enough. In fact, I think you might just be what the Slytherin team needs this year. I'll have a word with your Head of House."
True to her word, Madam Hooch spoke to Professor Snape, and within a week, Harry found himself on the Slytherin Quidditch team as the new Seeker. The news spread quickly through the school, and Harry could feel the eyes of students from all houses on him wherever he went. Some were skeptical, others curious, and a few downright hostile.
The day of the first match arrived, and the atmosphere in the stadium was electric. Harry stood with his teammates, feeling a mixture of nerves and exhilaration. Draco, who played as a Chaser, gave him a nod. "This is it, Potter. Show them what Slytherin can do."
As the game began, Harry's focus sharpened. He darted through the air, scanning for the elusive Golden Snitch. The Gryffindor Seeker, a second-year named Katie Bell, was fast, but Harry's instincts were sharper. He spotted the Snitch near the stands and leaned forward, urging his broom to go faster.
The crowd roared as Harry and Katie raced neck and neck. With a final burst of speed, Harry reached out and closed his fingers around the Snitch. The stadium erupted in cheers and gasps. Harry held the Snitch high, a triumphant grin on his face. Slytherin had won.
Back in the Slytherin common room, the celebration was in full swing. Draco clapped Harry on the back. "You did it, Potter. You showed them."
Harry smiled, feeling a sense of pride and belonging. He felt proud to be a Slytherin.
Harry then made his way through the throngs of celebrating Slytherins, still buzzing with adrenaline. The atmosphere was electric, filled with cheers and laughter. As he stepped into the corridor leading back to the castle, he spotted Ron standing off to the side, looking a bit awkward.
Harry approached cautiously, unsure of how Ron would react after the game. To his surprise, Ron stepped forward, a wide grin breaking across his freckled face. "Harry! That was brilliant!"
"Thanks, Ron," Harry replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. "I just did what I could."
"I have to admit," Ron continued, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "maybe I judged Slytherin too quickly. You’re not like what I thought. I mean, you’re still you. You’re still my friend, right?"
Harry felt a rush of relief. "Of course, I am. I’ve always been the same Harry, just in green and silver now."
Ron nodded, his expression earnest. "I was thinking... maybe we could hang out more? You know, be better friends? I mean, if you’re okay with it.”
Harry’s heart swelled. "I’d like that."
"Great! Maybe we can meet up in the library or the common room sometimes," Ron suggested, his enthusiasm evident. "I could use some help with Potions. Snape's a tough teacher, and I hear he’s got a soft spot for Slytherins."
Harry chuckled. "I can help with that."
The two boys walked back towards the castle, chatting about Quidditch and classes, their laughter echoing through the hallways, and Harry never felt lighter.
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terastalungrad · 11 months
BB20: Friday 13 October
Live Eviction 1: Farida V Kerry
The biggest change so far to the ITV flavour of Big Brother is that no episode so far has ended with "who goes? you decide".
The housemates nominated on Thursday 12 October, meaninging the nominations aren't shown until eviction night. This feels so strange!
The housemates facing eviction were revealed in companion show Big Brother: Late & Live. I will not be watching that show, no matter how often my mother asks me to.
Nominations are my favourite part of the show, so I'm not going to talk about who's up for eviction yet. I'm going to live in the moment, and enjoy the unfolding story.
OH! One nomination each!! That's new. It's always been two each, hasn't it?
Channelle nominates Kerry, for being blunt and rude towards Farida.
Non-alphabetical order to nominate too. I don't approve. My charts will be alphabetical for certain.
Hallie nominates Farida because she talks over people, and hasn't put in the effort to get to know others.
This really highlights the difference between what's broadcast and the vibe in the house. Footage really makes it look like Farida's bonded nicely with Hallie. But then, the main occasion where we saw Farida ask Hallie questions, it was "is it gay for men to fancy trans women" innit. Not ideal.
Henry nominates Farida because, when Zak asked Henry what boarding school was like, Farida interrupted to explain boarding schools (incorrectly, to Henry's experience).
Matty nominates Kerry because her loud voice goes through him, and also because she moaned about her meal. "It annoys me when people aren't grateful" - here, grateful to Big Brother!
Trish nominates Paul! She doesn't find him deep.
Horrifying thought - these housemates ARE in alphabetical order. Are we skipping housemates?? We've skipped Dylan, Farida, Jenkin, Jordan, Kerry, Noky, Olivia, Paul and Tom so far. Yinrun and Zak left to go too. Am I missing some Nominations Uncut show or something? Dear dear. How very disturbing.
Okay, Marcus Bentley claims only five nominations have been cast so far. Maybe it is just a weird order.
Zak nominates Henry! For not speaking to everyone in the house, and for giving up immediately in the staying-in-bed task. Teamwork, and a positive attitude to tasks, are really important to Zak.
Yinrun becomes the first housemate to nominate out of alphabetical order. This is a relief to me, since it suggests we WILL see everyone's nominations. As if Yinrun didn't already bring me enough joy.
Yinrun nominates Kerry, because she's hurt by Kerry seeming uninterested in her.
Hallie powerfully representing the trans experience of talking with great pride about the vagina and breasts she'll have in the future. I love her.
Jordan nominates Paul because of his bodily fluid-based humour.
"I know they have this phrase, Big Brother, 'gives me the ick'. And that phrase itself gives me the ick."
Dylan nominates Farida, since she still doesn't know people's names after nearly a week. She gets his, Kerry's and Chanelle's names wrong.
Paul nominates Farida for being inconsistent in her aims from the show! Does she want to spread the word of Islam, or does she want other outcomes [presumably promoting her makeup tutorial YouTube]? Paul is here to "have a good time" and "be meself", and nominates Farida for being "fake".
How consciously is Paul casting himself as foundational winner Craig from BB1 here? Ever since that first series, Big Brother has struggled to move past the idea that good winners are direct, consistent salt-of-the-earth types, and villains are inconsistent and manipulative.
This bothers me, since I don't think directness IS a fundamental moral good at all times. I think it's FINE to have a moan about someone, while still being able to be friendly to the person in question. Where is the line between being two-faced and being tactful?
Olivia nominates Farida for helping herself to Olivia's salmon.
Noky nominates Kerry for negativity, both to people's faces and behind their backs.
Tom nominates Farida for talking AT him rather than conversing WITH him. He feels spoken over because of his age.
Jordan talks to Trish about sex and emotional connection, and I WISH we had a longer, less edited version of this conversation. We've only been left with Jordan's punchlines. Which are very funny, but I'd love to know what point he was making.
Tom speaks to Chanelle and Jenkin when he returns from the diary room, claiming that the process is "'eavy".
Fariday nominates Kerry for gossiping and having tantrums.
Jenkin is wearing a shirt with a pattern of birds, because his mam likes birds.
Jenkin nominates Farida because he thinks she's only here for money and fame, and is therefore taking the place of someone who wants to enjoy themselves and learn about themselves.
Kerry nominates Farida, for being hard work, selfish, and hard to like.
Kerry goes to have a lil cry after nominating.
I suspect Farida will go tonight. Both she and Kerry have done stuff the pulblic would find annoying, but we've also seen loads of Kerry's vulnerability.
Voting is free this year. Maybe that's why ITV is less bothered about getting nominations out early. Or maybe it's so the housemates spend less time tortured by the knowledge they face eviction? Bet it's that one, actually.
Since this version of the show is a lot nicer, it's really striking how intense the lights and music are when nominations are announced. Noky shakes with adrenaline.
Jenkin expected to be nominated because of his snoring.
Farida reckons youngsters have turned turned against the older members of the house. A bit rich given she nominated Kerry herself.
Interesting seeing Farida and Kerry bond over facing eviction, given that they nominated each other.
Farida tells Olivia off for smirking. Olivia is offended, because "I wasn't laughing at YOU!" But ... yes she was. Olivia's surprised to be told off not because she wasn't smirking at Farida, but because she didn't intend for Farida to notice. She was just smirking across the room at Paul.
She complains about this later to Paul, Jordan and Henry. And she comes so close to noticing that Farida was right - but she can't move past, "I didn't deserve to be criticised".
Just noticed there's a non-binary person in the sponsorship ads. Marcus Bentley using the word "themself", woo!
Ahh, you can vote for free, but only 5 times each.
Kerry speaks to Olivia about the issue with Farida. Kerry's basically on Olivia's side here. Hallie's attention is drawn, and she comes over to agree with Olivia. They're joined by Trish and Chanelle (neither of whom actually nominated Fariday), and we have the largest-scale bitching session we've seen so far.
This isn't really about Olivia. This is an excuse to vent. Maybe the nomination results have given people permission to talk openly about being annoyed by Farida.
Yinrun teaches Hallie some Chinese. She's shocked by Hallie's excellent pronunciation.
"We've got it on our profile we've been in the Big Brother house", says Farida. This show is primarily about boosting the profiles of influencers.
Kerry tries having a bonding conversation with Farida, and it ends up being a bit of an argument. Farida says, "I'm still the same person I came in here as" - an identity statement.
But Kerry takes it as an implied criticism. That Farida's saying "I'm the same UNLIKE YOU KERRY". But Farida's doing nothing of the sort. She's just making a statement about herself.
This is a common problem in conversation. You're talking to a friend, your partner, and they say something about themselves. This causes you to say something about YOURself - and now it sounds like you're claiming they're the opposite.
"I'm terrible at making new friends at parties," they might say.
And this inspires you to reflect on your own experience in parties.
"I love parties," you say, as you think of parties you've attended. "I always go expecting to have a good time, and end up talking to random people in the kitchen."
"I'm not saying I don't expect to have a good time," they say defensively.
Because in context, it sounds like you offered your personal experience as advice. Not merely, "this is what I do, "but "this is what YOU should do."
Farida tells Zak she doesn't blame him for protecting his friends. The implication here is that Zak nominated her or Kerry because they're older. In fact, Zak nominated Henry.
In any case, Kerry disagrees with the idea that it's young vs old in the house. "Callie's my mate, and she's the youngest!"
Farida's annoyed that Kerry isn't hearing her. "You're like, 'Callies my friend, Callie's my friend'."
"Her name's Hallie, and she is my friend."
Just a bit of fun here. Farida gets people's names wrong all the time. That's a thing. But Kerry did accidentally call her Callie first. An honest mistake, of course.
Argh, Farida brings up stories from her day job, where parents just want to be their children's friends, forgetting that they're the child.
Kerry's offended here, and - well, she's right to be! I don't think Farida realises how offensive that is to say, but it's clear she DOES see 18-year-old Hallie as a child, and 40-year-old Kerry as a sad case that wants to be friends with her.
Kerry: She's just said to me that the reason you lot like me is because you think I'm your mum! I'm shaking. I'm angry.
Olivia: I don't think of you as my mum. You just tell me when I'm out of order.
Kerry: Which is often.
Kerry thinks she's fated to go because Farida has her social media followers.
"No, cause just because someone follows you on social media doesn't mean they actually like you," says Olivia. Horrifying thought.
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vazaha-tya · 2 years
in ex nihilo, lily potter was a loner in gryffindor for most of her hogwarts years. (this backstory is specific to my fic but some of it is genuine headcanons i have about lily.)
this is mostly in response to the lack of characterisation we have for canon!lily. we don't know who her friends are (though fanon generally names marlene, dorcas and mary, that's never confirmed), if she had any ambitions or what her favourite animal/colours/etc were. everything we are told about her is in relation to the men in her life. that's not enough for me.
when i first thought about it, i imagined her as what hermione would have been like if she'd never befriended harry and ron. a smart know-it-all disliked for "thinking herself better than others" but then i started seeing her more like canon neville. someone who's quiet, passionate and whom people generally misunderstand. then i saw her as more than that.
she was friendly but had difficulty relating to her peers. smart and good at memorisation but focused on the subjects she enjoyed most, like charms and potions. she was self-conscious about her wealth and her status as muggle-born but had a strong sense of justice and was unafraid to defend herself and others.
until fifth year, she had only two friends: severus, who wasn't in the same house as her and could rarely see her since hanging out with a muggleborn would put a target on his back, and alice who was a prefect much older and therefore more of a sister than a friend.
my version of lily evans in this fic was a bit too blunt and clumsy with her words, not wealthy enough to buy make-up and games and other trinkets, and not interested in quidditch enough to get along with her dormmates. she was friendly with them but ultimately, like canon neville, she was mostly left to her own devices.
so she focused on her studies. she learnt everything there was to know about magic, devoured as much she could of the hogwarts library and sometimes spent time with either alice or severus. she wasn't an immensely popular girl, though she was pretty and nice enough.
because she was so asocial, she thought james was mocking her when he gently teased her because she'd never dealt with that before. and as she had a low opinion of him because of his enmity with severus, it took a long time for her to see he was serious about her.
it's during fifth year when she became a prefect that she started integrating more with her housemates, mostly because her duties needed her to be more present in the gyffindor common room. and it's at the same time that severus started pulling away from her (he was dealing with the transition between corban yaxley and regulus' argentum rule and tensions were high in slytherin, but that's another story). he got involved more heavily with purists and because lily was suddenly interacting more with her classmates, she got a lot more firthand accounts of what severus got up to (i.e, the canon attack of mary mcdonald by his friends). it became more difficult to excuse his actions.
then he turned on her and called her a slur. what happens after that is both close to canon and somewhat different (the divergence is linked to the reason why voldemort went after neville instead of harry so i won't say more, i don't want to spoil it) but i think you're familiar with the gist of it. they drift apart, james and lily get closer and the war robs them of a future.
lily evans was severus' friend and james' wife and harry's mother. but she was also a young woman with a personality, aspirations, likes and dislikes.
ex nihilo! lily had a slightly crooked jaw, round cheeks and freckles all over her face.
she didn't like wearing bracelets because they moved too much when she wrote. she bought plain iron necklaces at the flea market and enchanted them to make them prettier.
she liked learning flower symbolism but disliked herbology.
her mother taught her to sew but she had no patience for it so she taught herself household charms to mend her clothes. she was really good at maths and had really nice handwriting.
she hated public speaking.
she didn't like toffee but loved dark chocolate.
she was scared of peeves.
she wanted to do a mastery in charms.
her favourite colour was sunshine yellow.
she brewed pain relieving potions to send to her dad when his joints ached in the winter.
she wished alice was her sister instead of petunia but never said it to her sister's face despite all the vitriol she got from her.
she had plans to get severus out of his house if his mother died but never got to implement them because they were estranged when it happened.
she liked braiding flowers into james' hair.
she read magical theory books aloud to harry to soothe him to sleep.
i love lily evans.
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