#I think. my biggest problem is how cassandra’s role in the story is so lacking despite how symbolically important she is
studebakerhearse · 2 years
Just read Penguin: Pain and Prejudice in one sitting *surrounded by blood and viscera*
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gisellelx · 8 months
What signifies a good fic to you? What is it about your favorite fics that made you like them?
This Q has been sitting a little while but this post on my dash today made me think of it.
Anne Lamott has always been one of my all time favorite writers; I read Bird by Bird in middle school, and I used to talk about her a great deal with my irreverent, very witty, funny role model 9th grade English teacher. This is how I write, and have always written (you'll note that my profile on FFnet and the name of my tumblr both come from her.
I write from character. What I understand myself to be doing as a writer is giving life to characters, whether they are mine, or someone else's. It's getting to know someone, intimately--what is their biggest fear? What is the thing they most love? What are their hopes and dreams? What is their fatal flaw?
I wrote my own stuff for many, many years before starting to write fic, and my reason for writing and reading fic is from exactly that same root. I want to see the same characters from the source, and I want to see them in a way that sheds new and interesting light on who they are. This is a major part of why I don't write, and generally don't read, out-of-universe fic--I'm just not interested in reading about a generic human lead with some characteristics of Edward Cullen. I want to see an author show me something I didn't see before about Edward. My favorite fics do that. By virtue of the situation the characters are in, or the alternate POV they are from, I see something different about the characters, their dynamic with one another, the things they care about most. Going through my FFnet faves to give a couple of examples of what I mean. Going to stick to one-shots so they are easy to grab (which is most of my faves)
Three Men and a Baby by Kristen Elizabeth.
Stephenie Meyer doesn't give a rat's ass about the fact that other people in the family probably also would've liked to have a kid. She sets up this horrific backstory for Esme but then waves it under the rug with "oh well she has her vampire kids now." This story grapples a little bit with how Edward's siblings (and importantly his male siblings!) deal with their own feelings--it sheds interesting light on all four Cullen men through their interactions with an infant Renesmee.
Mamihlanpinatapai by Writing Ficariously
Edward as a father. Enough said. But also thinking in a more complicated way about Renesmee growing up with Jacob around, and how she feels about her parents' relationship and its perfection. This is a running theme that is even more beautifully explored in A Federation of Cassandras but with that one you're signing on for a full (very excellent) novel so beware.
Caterpillar Wine by gallantcorkscrews
Nobody in this fic is with the people they are with in canon and yet. It really thinks hard about the permanence and lack thereof of relationships, questions that canon brings up and never answers. Most haunting to me in this, with a tiny spoiler, is that Carlisle ends up alone, which is revealing in this particular scenario and very in character in my opinion.
Funny that all of these recs happen to at least loosely contain Renesmee--I think she does important work in revealing a lot about others' characterizations. I find her to be an immensely useful character to think and write about.
Anyway. For me, it all comes down to character. Always down to character. With the tiny add on that my brain frustratingly won't let me not be a snob about the writing--I notice how the words work on a page, and if the author has made a homonym error, if the narration is too much "tell" or the characters are saying things for the reader's benefit. I would like to not have that problem, because I have a great appreciation for the fact that there are many people learning about writing itself by writing fanfiction. But I find it difficult to get myself lost in the story the writer wants to tell when my brain is noticing the writing itself instead. So that's always a piece of it, too.
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silyabeeodess · 5 years
Final Thoughts on Tangled: The Series
Normally, I don’t do many reviews, but since I’ve given my thoughts on points in the series before, I feel compelled to address certain things in the series in a full list.  As I’ve already brought up in the past, I very much have a love-hate relationship with the show.  This is because it has both exceptionally amazing and exceptionally terrible points that I can’t just shrug off--in part, because I’m starting to see them everywhere in a lot of cartoons these days, especially with Disney. Expect me to go over both positive and negative points, and I’ve give my conclusion on the series as a whole last.  There will be spoilers, so if you haven’t watched it in full yet, please do so before checking out the cut below.
As far as building up a lot of the characters go, I think most of them are really well-developed.  From a main character like Varian to minor figures like Captain Quaid, the creators seemed to have a good grasp of fleshing them out even when if they had a limited time to do so.  It helped the world of Tangled feel expansive and real, with even many of the background characters having their own identity and personalities: We didn’t need their life stories to make them stand out in our minds and they weren’t treated like a choir group used to only fill up space, which can be an easy pitfall when they’re showcased with notable importance to the story. (Moana, I’m looking at you.)  
My issues with the characters largely fall on a case-by-case basis--which will be brought up further below--but there is one general point that did wear on my nerves, and that’s with many of them having what I’d like to call “selective competence.”  By this, I mean that the strengths of the characters seemed to shift depending on whatever narrative the team wanted to tell.  One of the biggest examples of this is King Edmund: We’re introduced to him as a skilled fighter and fierce protector that could match up against not only the members of the Brotherhood like Adira because he trained them himself, but also while simultaneously holding his own for a time against Rapunzel and her friends--however, when he started being used for mostly comedy relief, he couldn’t even defend himself against the Stabbington Brothers who the group has already beaten multiple times over.  For crying out loud, they let him know they were there!  In no way do I think characters need some kind of point system to mark how strong they are--this is a story, not a tabletop RPG--but at the same time there’s needs to be better consistency and planning.  For the point I mentioned with King Edmund, an easy fix would’ve been a sneak attack that knocked him out before he had the chance to react by making him so consumed with the thought of losing his son in that moment that he wasn’t as aware of his surroundings as normal.  At least then there’d be an excuse!  This happens repeatedly throughout the series and with multiple characters though that it’s far from a slip up. 
Another general that focuses more on the girls is the power dynamic.  Look, I’m all for strong women, but not at the sacrifice of things like story or characters, and the show made a bad habit of leaning into that with their selective competence.  Think I’m wrong?  Ok, then explain this to me: How do you have two famed criminals with a known record throughout multiple kingdoms act like bumbling idiots who constantly either cause problems for the group with typically someone like Raps, Cass, or Adira having to get them out of that situation?  And if that wasn’t obvious enough, you have Adira’s little “I don’t get why they named it the Brotherhood because I’m a woman” statement that couldn’t be more on the nose.  
You know what?  I’m gonna go ahead and get to Adira despite her being a more minor character because I couldn’t stand her.  Most of the time when she showed up, I wanted to roll my eyes into the back of my skull because the primary reason she exists is to be a “strong woman who don’t need no man,” which, to be frank, we already have in spades in this show with much better characters.  She’s not impressive or a good role model for young girls: She’s an obnoxious token--and in more ways than one.  For no point whatsoever, she kept disappearing and reappearing in and out of episodes throughout S2 whenever the creators decided to use her--even though the audience is well aware she’s following the group and nothing seems to be stopping her from sticking by them.  They were shown fine with her travelling at their side on multiple occasions, so what was the need to have her vanish off and on when we know she’s just keeping up with them in the shadows anyhow? To top that off, she insists on being needlessly mysterious just for the sake of it despite her sharing similar goals with Raps and the group.  It would’ve been one thing had she just kept the potential danger of the moonstone’s affects on Raps a secret: The best lies are told with a bit of truth and it would’ve set up the mysterious angle of her much better.  Better anyway than her helping them one minute and then beating them up in the next because she “doesn’t like to be touched.” It got to the point where I didn’t care whether or not she could be trusted: I just wanted her offscreen.  
Going back to something positive for a moment though, Raps and Eugene are easily the best in the series (Or at least when they’re alone together, I have notes on both....)  I’m not talking about the romance between them--although that was really well done: I’m talking about how they bounced off of each other.  There’s something to be said about people who are willing to grow beside each other, and that growth shines in their relationship.  If one of them falters, the other is there to not only pick up the slack, but help pull the first back onto their feet.  Both Raps and Eugene have their highs and lows throughout the series and they’re willing to call the other back to earth and be their support when things go too far.  The power dynamic issue I mentioned earlier?  I never see it with them. They’re both balanced and match to each other’s strengths/weaknesses.  Neither of them is a vision of perfection, a knight in shining armor, or a damsel in distress: They’re two people who work in tandem to get through the hard times and simply enjoy the good ones together. 
Since I already wrote a large post discussing Raps and Cassandra, I’m going to link to that here.  For Cassandra though, I can summarize my thoughts on what they did to her character in one word: Butchered.  For both Seasons 1 and 2, the set-up for her was great, but everything after that was mostly an abysmal fall from grace.  They focused too much on her being jealous of Raps and upset over Gothel and ignored all of the problems that had sprung up in their friendship--such as Raps pushing her to the side just as much as anyone else and taking advantage of her friendship.  And then she literally had to ask herself, “Wait... am I the bad guy?” for her to consider that her actions may be unjustified.  Even after that, she immediately jumps back into her “villain” mode when Varian accidentally fired at her and blaming Raps--who’s just standing there--all while knowing ahead of time that Raps signed the decree for the weapon and having already excused it.  I saw glimmers of potential in the finale, but honestly, they fumbled and tripped so much with Cass that, even while satisfied with the conclusion to her arc, I’d far from call it a success.
Lance... This character just screams of missed opportunities. They gave him a great background to go with Eugene’s as these two best friends leaving a life of crime behind to each find their place in the world and then proceeded to make him the butt of a joke just about every second he was onscreen.  I can’t even think of a genuine character trait he had: I just look at him and see Tangled’s version of Olaf.  At least the end where he adopts Angry and Catalina was sweet, but even that felt lacking because all we got out of them were dumb jokes.  We see them together, but hardly in a way that would establish a parent-child bond; more like two siblings outwitting their dim babysitter.  The creators just could’ve handled him so much better, giving him and Eugene/Angry/Catalina more sincere interactions or letting him have a couple of moments to show what skills he brings to the group. They already had Shorty and used comedy among all of the characters anyway, so what was the point of making Lance a walking punchline?     
As for Eugene, I don’t have much to say beyond the points where they just made him out to be a moron like they did with Lance.  I actually really like how they developed them: How, personality wise, he never felt the need to change himself for anyone--he was confident in himself--but nevertheless struggled to find his own identity because of his past, family legacy, and whatever other revelations he came across in the present.  It was an interesting journey, watching him find himself.     
For all the bad I had to say regarding Raps in the post I listed earlier, I will admit as well that she does have some positive aspects.  I liked how her character arc focused on the importance of personal freedom while balancing it with the moral choice of accepting one’s duty to others.  For a time, she’s not ready to rule Corona due to her lack of knowledge/experience and never having the chance to discover what she needed in her own life.  However, she doesn’t use it as an excuse to shirk away from her responsibilities.  She accepts her duty to her kingdom and her people--and even to Eugene to an extent since she does love him and knows it’s unfair if she made him wait forever at her side--but she’s not willing to throw away her own happiness by rushing forward to fulfill them. It’s a balance that’s easy to struggle with, if not to the same degree as a princess, whether from a basic work/life or group/individual scenario or if you’re, for example, a young person rushed from one phase of their life to the next with certain expectations. The cherry on top is that she’s also a person struggling with her own maturity in the meantime, going from careless in some situations to a voice of reason later down the road.  
Overall, Zhan Tiri was a pretty good villain, particularly because she was actually, well, an honest villain.  After years of show after show, movie after movie, constantly being compelled to give their bad guys some sob story that hardly ever makes up for their actions, we’re finally back to getting to villains we love to hate. While I wouldn’t place her on the top tier, she’s still well done overall.  I don’t like her more powerful forms that much--they just don’t seem to have the best designs--but the child form was great.  The team found a good balance of conniving and creepy with her look.  My main complaint is that she can’t learn to shut up.  Now, it’s not the monologuing or even her spilling her own plans that I don’t like. Yes, it’s a trope for villains; however, it’s often used to showcase their arrogance; give the audience some more information about what’s going on in a simple, but effective way; and typically done when either the hero is at their weakest or when the villain is alone/with other villains.  The problem is Zhan Tiri’s timing.  It would be one thing if she monologued when Raps was at her weakest: Instead, she decides to reveal her identity and intentions to Raps well before her plans could succeed, therefore putting them at risk.  Had she not outright said “I’m playing Cass,” Cass’s morality would be placed in a more questionable eye by Raps and the others--further encouraging the conflict between the two young woman, which was what the demon wanted.  Her explaining that to Raps was just dumb.   
I have no complaints.  Whoever is behind this, bravo: You made gold.  
I’d dare argue that the bulk of the songs could easily be any number that you’d hear on a successful Broadway track.  They're memorable, catchy, and tailor-made to perfectly fit in their respective scenes.  Everyone involved seemed to put their heart into the music, making many of them extremely powerful pieces.  The dialogue also meshes really well with the music, allowing the songs to flow naturally in and out of the scenes.  The only time where I’d say it doesn’t quite work would be in Through it All, but considering that the scene makes a point of joking about the musical elements of the series prior to that, you’re supposed to be aware of how unnatural it is, which can give it a charm of its own.  
Art and Animation
Again, for the art, no complaints.  Aside from some minor nitpicks that I’d shrug off--and I mean really minor, like a bird for the beginning of one episode that was huge in comparison to a second flying close to it--it’s beautiful. The style has a strong, painter-like quality that fits with the concept of this being Rapunzel’s story, matching to her--of course--being an artist.  You have these bold, beautiful colors and the team wasn’t afraid of letting them shine at their best, like in scenes such as when Rapunzel and Cassandra are fighting as the sundrop and moonstone.  There were so many nice contrasts that directed one’s focus perfectly on what the creators wanted you to see and that also made for rich, impressive moments in the show.  
As for more subtle details, one that I particularly liked were some of the gradients and the way they’re applied, such as the blush to Rapunzel’s face.  There’s something about that soft speckle around the edges that’s really satisfying, and--when comparing Rapunzel’s design to the flatter skin tone on most of the other characters--it gives her a warm glow that helps solidify her as the physical embodiement of the sundrop.
The animation is also super solid, and any critiques I have on it largely fall to things I think probably had more to do with the script than the animation itself.  For example, there’s the moment when Cass and Raps are fighting in Gothel’s house where Cass ties Raps hair around a pole, in the next moment it’s off the pole and Raps smacks her with it, and then it’s immediately wrapped around the pole again with Raps trying to unravel it.  It’s a pretty obvious and careless mistake to make--especially when you see how wonderfully choreographed a lot of the series is with dynamic camera shots that move fluidity with the characters.  What makes me think it’s more of a script-based problem is that there are similar inconsistencies that happen elsewhere and--while animated beautifully--don’t make much sense. One example of this is in the finale, where Cass is dying.  I tried re-watching the scene and checking the wikia to see how she got a fatal injury in case I missed something, but no: It’s never shown.  It’s like the team decided to have her dying just so Raps could say the healing incantation one final time. If you want to excuse it, you could say it had to do with the moonstone, but then you’d also have to explain how neither of the girls showcase any physical weaknesses aside from their loss of powers when Zhan Tiri takes both of their respective gems. Which leads me to...
This is the hardest for me to discuss because so much of it is either really, really good or really, really bad.  I guess to start, I’ll bring up a problem that I noticed mimicked another show, Star Vs. the Forces of Evil.  Similarly to SVTFOE, the last season didn’t focus enough on the main plot to properly flesh it out--albeit, SVTFOE was much worse than Tangled: The Series could ever fear being.  A lot of people try to blame this on “Well, it’s the last season: It’s all they’ve got left to tell the story in.” Ok... Well, yeah, we can talk about how Disney and other companies stink at just letting creators tell a good story in the time they need to in another discussion, but here’s the thing: The teams know well in advance how many episodes they have to work with. Unfortunately, they wasted some of those episodes.  Did we really need to see Catalina as a werewolf?  Did we really need Pascal to befriend a dragon?  Even in the finale, with the more minor characters’ stumble into the Lost Realm, what was the point of it besides humor and getting them out of the way for a bit?  I’d understand if they were episodes for lightening the mood, but they already put so much comedy relief in with the main plot that that isn’t necessary: The mood’s already light enough and there’s just not much time to waste on random filler.  Again, filler isn’t a problem in itself either: You can have it, just don’t let it sacrifice main points that the show should address. One way to have gotten around this was to use more of a two-plot structure with some of these episodes: Plot A would focus on whatever fun the team wanted to have while Plot B could sprinkle in bits of information that the audience will need later for the main story--or they could even have done that with just a small scene to nudge some info in after the episode was done and before the credits rolled.            
I’d like to bring up some of the points that I thought could’ve been covered better.  First off, the whole “destiny” thing.  Well, we get what all signs Raps’ destiny is pointing to, but as often as it was brought up for Cass, they hardly explained what she wanted after taking the moonstone. What was her plan?  Initially, she didn’t want to attack/take over Corona. Sure, they tried saying she didn’t want to be anyone’s second, but everyone was going to hate her for taking the moonstone in the first place, so... good work there: I don’t think Cass would be stupid enough not to realize people wouldn’t think highly of her for it despite what the show tried to tell us.  They even missed the chance for some friction between Cass and Eugene after the latter was made the Captain of the Guard: Come on, you know that would’ve set her off!  Even the show questions this by Raps asking Cass what her end goal was in, I guess, the creators’ attempt at patching their mistake too little too late.  
Then there was the oh-so-important eclipse that we’re told nothing about until it gets here... besides that fact that it’s an eclipse.  The way the team tried to build it up through Zhan Tiri, you would’ve thought it was some cosmic magic on level with Avatar’s Sozin’s Comet. From what we could tell though, no, it’s just a normal eclipse.  That’s fine, but then why not explain more about it when everything else involving the sun and moon was amplified to some magical involvement?  
Thirdly, they brought the death incantation back: You know, that spell Raps was stupid enough to think she could control and then somehow randomly did for Varian because plot device despite it later being rendered pointless when the black rocks are then shown to be able to pierce through the amber just fine in S3, so Raps could’ve used those to save Varian’s father instead back when she had control of them?  That death incantation?  Yeah, suddenly it’s a bad thing again.  I could probably write a whole other post on these types of goofs alone, but I’ve been writing this for hours now and I’m almost to the end of it.
To wrap up this section, I will, however, admit that I liked some of the little things they included and would bring up later: I just wish they had done it more.  This is a method I call breadcrumb storytelling, in which a creator--for a specific moment--gives attention to something small that inevitably has a solid payback, often with the audience forgetting about it for a period only to resurface in their mind at the reveal.  One major point I’m talking about here was the use of the Moonstone shard.  Like many others, I actually did think they were going to show it as a sign of Cass’s slow destruction--that the Moonstone was a physical part of her and that by destroying it or overusing its power, it would inevitable destroy her as well.  It was a pleasant surprise to see the shard used as the key to defeating Zhan Tiri, and just how it was used.
So, did I like the series overall or not...?  Eh... I still find myself going back and forth on it.  What I hate about it, I hate with a passion, but the good parts that are there genuinely moved me. The things that worked wrapped up nicely and it was nice, but bittersweet to see the characters get their happy ending because it did feel pretty earned and you do feel sad to say goodbye to these people and this world you’ve become familiar with.  So I wouldn’t call it bad: I’d compare it to car that got totaled in a wreck and still somehow managed to flawlessly parallel park without any casualties after it flipped across the street.  It’s a mess, but I can still smile at it by the end of the day.     
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forthelulzy · 5 years
Heaven By Violence: Chapter 7
There are secrets that we still have left to find There have been mysteries from the beginning of time — “The Riddle”, Five For Fighting
Dorian and Tacere were both right: Cullen arrives back not half an hour after they set out, shouting orders to clear a tent for the Herald. He is wild-eyed and out of breath — the withdrawals have not been treating him kindly, especially under so much stress. He looks like he might collapse, so Leliana takes over, forcing him to at least take a seat in the command tent. She sends Mother Giselle his way.
She then rounds up Vivienne and Solas, as well as the surgeon. Cassandra comes in shortly, and Irene is swept off to the tent. “We will be a moment, my dear,” the First Enchanter says, closing the flap in Cassandra’s face. Leliana leads the Seeker back toward the command tent. There is nothing more they can do, except…
“Where did the other two run off to?”
“Tacere and Dorian were right behind us,” Cassandra says, eyes narrowing. “I left them behind, I did not think…”
Then she explains what they came across and Leliana frowns. A possessed wolf? Demons are rarely attracted to animals, as they have little of interest to them. This kind of thing usually only happens when mages force demons to use beasts as hosts. And who is this mysterious stranger? How did he find the Herald?
A shout comes from the perimeter. They’ve returned, and Leliana immediately notices three things.
One, the newcomer and Dorian are in a hushed, if heated discussion, heads bent together. Tacere strolls along beside them, whistling. Two, the other Tevinter mage isn’t dressed oddly. His clothes are so nondescript it could only be a conscious choice. Three, his face is both familiar and foreign, like a memory with a few details subtly changed.
“He told you he and Tacere were extended family?” she murmurs to Cassandra, watching the group approach. At the Seeker’s nod, she continues, “I think I know who our new friend is.”
She strides forward to intercept them. “I understand you saved our Herald and sent up that flare,” she says. He’s wary when confronted, eyes darting everywhere, seeing everything. She moves in for the kill. With a gracious smile, she inclines her head and says, “You must be Caius.”
He flinches, stepping back with one foot as if by reflex, but he stops there. “I am,” he says carefully.
“Your sister-in-law told us about you,” Josephine says from outside the command tent, a few paces away. “It is a pleasure to finally meet.” Dear, sweet Josephine, always trying to make people comfortable.
Caius frowns. “And what exactly did she say?”
“Not much. Merely that she came to the Conclave looking for you.” Josephine doesn’t mention the other part, the part with the patricide. But Josephine has the best face for bluffing of all of them.
He lets out a sigh. “Yes. The Conclave. I was supposed to be there.” He closes his eyes, only a flicker of grief passing over his face — but Leliana sees it, and it is enough. Survivor’s guilt. Maker, she knows it too well. “I would rather not tell that story more than once.”
Leliana nods. “When Irene wakes, then.”
“If only—” he cuts off, shaking his head and rubbing his temples. “I fear I would be more hindrance than help in there. By your leave, then.” He does not actually wait for their leave, and stalks off. Tacere has long since wandered over to the haphazard infirmary to settle by Julien’s side again, and Caius joins him. That leaves only Dorian, who coughs awkwardly and remarks, “Such a strange fellow,” before returning to the Chancellor. Somehow he’s taken responsibility for Roderick, though as far as Leliana knows no one asked him to. It is good that he has someone looking out for him.
Mother Giselle emerges from the tent behind Josephine, shaking her head. She waves Leliana and Cassandra over. “He is troubled, and I do not know how much my words helped. I believe an ear from those who have been by his side far longer than I would be best.”
Leliana nods, glancing at Cassandra. Her faith has been shaken, but the Seeker has clung ever more firmly to the Maker in recent months. Perhaps if Cassandra did most of the talking…
Mercifully, the Seeker seems to understand her glance, and leads the way.
They find Cullen with his head in his hands in the corner of the tent. He hears them come in, and when he looks up he’s free of tears. Good; Leliana would hate to see him cry unless she were the one to prompt it. She hates seeing anyone cry unless she’s the cause. Something like a mix of grief and self-hatred lingers in that honey gaze, though. This can’t just be from finding the Herald, can it? No, she remembers, Cullen was in charge of the defense, and so many were lost at Haven.
“This isn’t about what that mage said to you?” Cassandra says, not unkindly but not gently either. The Seeker doesn’t do gentle.
“Not— not entirely,” Cullen admits, voice rough, “though it is yet another way in which I have failed to protect those I’m supposed to.” He sighs, runs a hand through his hair. He didn’t manage to grab his pomade from Haven, and it’s starting to curl again. “I remember now. He was one of a few apostates caught in the months running up to the Kirkwall Annulment. It didn’t seem— Maker’s breath, it didn’t seem important at the time. We’d brought him in, an apostate from the wilds. There was another, but he escaped. Irene’s husband, must have been. In any case, it was obvious Caius had never been to a Circle before. The only reason he wasn’t made Tranquil, at the height of the madness, was that he made no trouble at all. Kept his head down. He must’ve slipped away in the chaos, but we had no way of knowing for sure. So many died…”
And, according to all accounts, every last phylactery had been destroyed in the Annulment, a fact that made it all too easy for mages who escaped the immediate danger to keep running.
“I… I will speak to him, try to make amends.”
“All right,” Cassandra says. “And before you get it in your head, you were not responsible for what happened at Haven. If anything, you saved many lives with your trebuchets. To think of defense when the rest of us had become complacent in victory… Cullen, it was not your fault. Should you need confirmation, Irene will wake soon. We are still going forward with that, correct?”
The others may miss it in the dimly lit tent, but Leliana swears Cullen’s cheeks, already flushed from his story, darken just a little bit more at the Herald’s name.
Leliana leaves the tent; Cassandra had seemed to want to talk with Cullen further, and while the whole conversation was intriguing, Leliana makes the calculated risk to let them have their conversation. If their Commander falls apart, her curiosity will have been for naught.
“We are still going to name Irene Inquisitor, yes?” Josephine says as they walk across to the central firepit. The war table wasn’t saved, and many reports were lost, but what they do have now that wasn’t there an hour ago is hope. Now, Leliana knows, they will have the luxury of arguing again. She almost looks forward to it. That is, if Cullen can muster the will to argue. He is her favorite person to roll her eyes at, after all. His more idiotic moments are almost funny. And his lack of finesse is legendary.
“I hope so,” Leliana says. “I would have hoped for someone less like a charging bull, but she’s shown a surprising amount of adaptability to her role as Herald.”
“She’s smarter than any of us give her credit for, it’s true. I do wonder how she would fare at the Game, given a little training. She won’t like it but— ah?”
At Julien’s bedside, Caius and Tacere have been talking, but then the Tevinter leaps up and storms away toward the edge of camp. Leliana almost follows him, but he stops within sight, staring out into the snow with his arms crossed.
“He asked, but he did not want to hear,” Tacere says softly, and when Leliana looks at him the elf is staring back, amber eyes glowing in the encroaching dark. He tilts his head, so much like a crow that Leliana wonders where her own are now. She sent them away at the first sign of attack, but they have yet to return. “How must it feel to be dead? Could anyone alive survive it?”
She deals in riddles but does not have the patience to figure out what that means right now; it is enough of a challenge with Cole — and just because Leliana has yet to see the spirit after the attack does not mean he isn’t here, too. “Will there be a problem?” she asks instead.
Tacere looks away, stares at Caius’ back for a long moment. His hand is on Julien’s, stroking circles into the templar’s palm. It has been many days since Irene found him at Therinfal, and he still hasn’t woken. “He is afraid, and grieving in his own way,” Tacere says finally. “Hmm. Is not the whole world afraid, in one way or another? But he has never taken uncertainty well. Much like Irene, he is best when there is a problem to solve, and being told the problem is gone… No, Sister. He will make no trouble. Oh, he will posture, but he is ultimately harmless to anyone but himself.”
“Is that so?”
“Blood sacrifice? Demons?” Tacere smiles again, too wide. “Ah, ah. Despair has been hunting him for years now. He has not broken. Too much pride, though that one has yet to notice. Dear Sister, sweet Sister, the hounds are too concerned with racing each other to notice that the fox has his own teeth.”
Leliana pauses, but Tacere does not drop the smile. “You’ll forgive me if I need to ask him myself,” she murmurs.
Tacere dips into an elegant bow fit for court — while still seated — and blows her a kiss.
Something strange is going on here, and it bothers her that all of her efforts into digging up Irene’s past missed this. The murder was the biggest one, but that her brother-in-law was alive the whole time — she would have liked to know that. Irene never asked her to find Caius, apparently believing him dead. She turns away and approaches him, slipping into her old habits as she does so. She makes no sound, of that she is sure, but before she can hail him he sighs and lets his arms drop to his sides. He doesn’t turn, but speaks lowly if clearly into the dusk.
“What do you want now, Tac? I need — why? Why would they do that?” His voice cracks on the question, and he hugs himself against the chill.
“Do what?” Leliana asks, keeping her voice neutral, soft.
Caius still startles, whirling around with lightning crackling in his palms. He recognizes her, though, and the sparks dissipate. “Maker, don’t do that. You sound just like Tac when he’s trying to sneak up on me.”
“I wasn’t aware I sounded like anything.”
He scoffs. “He said the exact same thing the first time I caught him. But with a lot more pouting. Stupid sneaky types…” He continues mumbling under his breath, before cutting off and turning sharp blue eyes to her. “What do you want?”
“A lot of things,” she says easily. “From you, though? I want to know if you’re a threat.”
She’s expecting him to shrug off her query, as many have before — mage or not — but he shakes his head and grumbles, “Of course I am. I’m not intending to be, but the fact is… I am. You know that.”
Leliana cocks her head. “For being a mage?” She’s not about to blame him for that.
“For being—” Caius waves a hand to indicate himself, “—being a person. Particularly a noble one. We do tend to run roughshod over the commoners, but no one’s clamoring to lock up all the bluebloods.” He crosses his arms, twisting his lips like he’s just bitten into rancid meat. “I know exactly what you mean, though. Yes, I could potentially become possessed at any moment. I could go to sleep and wake up with glowing eyes and murderous intent. It’s been that way for a long time. Julien promised to kill me, years ago. I would hope any one of you would do the same.”
“Even Cullen?”
His eyes drop to the snow between them, expression darkening. “Even he. Perhaps I have been unfair, but my grudges are living things that I have fed for so long I have become attached to them. Do not ask me to forgive just yet, not when—” He cuts off, rubs the bridge of his nose in a gesture that reminds her of Cullen at his most aggravated.
She waits. He wants to tell her, she knows it.
Finally he shakes his head violently and grinds out, “The Tranquil are dead. All of them.”
She can’t stop her gasp, the words like a blow to the sternum. “All of them?”
“Every last one. Tac said the Venatori killed them — the ones who made it to Redcliffe, not left to die by the rebel mages when they left the Circles. They’re using their skulls in some kind of ritual.” His voice gets rougher as he continues, “Tac found a house full of them. Rows and rows of skulls on shelves. They’re dead.” He draws in a ragged breath, shakes his head again. “Do not ask me to forgive. Not now.”
She nods, but her mind is already whirling with this new puzzle. What could this ritual be for? She needs to know as soon as possible— but her crows are all gone. They’ll find her soon enough, no matter where she is.
“I wish to stay and help, though,” Caius says slowly. “I don’t like being scrutinized, but I do understand the reasoning behind it.”
“Unfortunately, it is not my decision to make.” Leliana does not say that it will be Irene’s, that all their hopes are pinned on the woman currently fighting for her life in a tent a short distance away. She thinks back on what the Herald said about her husband and brother-in-law. “I would like to know the story surrounding your exile, though.”
Caius huffs. “Oh, is that all?” Bitter sarcasm laces his voice. “Not even Irene knows those details. Colm hates— hated talking about it and so do I.”
She narrows her eyes. “You know I can easily find out the truth myself.”
“Oh, I doubt you’ll find even half the truth. And not easily. The Imperium thrives on lies.” Caius stands his ground, staring her down. “If my inclusion in this… Inquisition depends upon it, then I may share the relevant facts. But then, that’s not your decision to make.”
Her mask almost slips, damn the man. Her faith has been shaken again, this time in herself. She failed to recognize a threat until it was at their door. In any other circumstance she would have a subtle warning or witty retort ready, she thinks, but she is tired, too tired to continue this. Regardless, she will be watching.
Nothing will escape her notice again.
Cullen and Cassandra return from their heart-to-heart, the Seeker finally as tired as the rest of them and the Commander looking better than he has since before the attack. It is a temporary boost at best.
They group on the far side of the fire, near the tent where the Herald is still fighting. The faint hum of healing spells, and the glow that flickers through the thin hide walls, tell them that. Vivienne and Solas snipe at each other, but the mere fact that they are speaking at all is a sign Irene is getting better. Leliana sighs, shuffles the precious few reports she managed to save. So much was lost. So many were lost. But they have her.
She sweeps her gaze over the camp. To the left, the open-air cots with Julien and Roderick. They are both there because there is nothing left for the healers to do. Roderick will die soon — it is incredible that he hasn’t yet, perhaps a testament to the man’s stubbornness — and Julien, she is told, just has to wake up. The healers found no traces of red lyrium in him, but there was the infection, and possibly head trauma. It is a waiting game, at this point, to find out.
Straight ahead, a few of the myriad members of their bedraggled Inquisition have gathered around the fire. Varric is sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest, listening with half an ear to Sera rant about… something. Whatever it is, she’s animated about it, waving her arms around and occasionally wiping at her runny nose. “Stupid, stupid daft tit, thinking she could just—” is the extent of what drifts over to Leliana, before Sera cuts off and presses the heels of her palms to her eyes, rubbing furiously. Varric nods and rests his chin on his knees, staring into the fire. He says something to the elf, but Leliana can’t catch it.
Mother Giselle crosses from the right, where she has been speaking to a few of the soldiers, to Chancellor Roderick’s bedside, and Leliana knows. Flissa approaches as well, steps shy, and draws Dorian away while Mother Giselle gives the last comforts to Roderick. Leliana had heard the Vint had rescued a citizen, but hadn’t thought to ask who. Dorian rises higher in her esteem.
“The Chancellor is dead,” she murmurs to no one. Cullen sighs and rubs his nose.
Vivienne chooses that moment to sweep aside the flap, stare imperiously at the advisors, and declare, “The Herald is stable.”
“Her injuries…?” Josephine asks.
“She will keep her nose, but the scarring will be extensive. Full range of movement should return within the week. She will fight again.”
Vivienne moves away from the tent, presumably off to find rest, robe-dress swishing around her legs. Cullen starts forward, pauses, glances back. Leliana rolls her eyes and moves ahead of him, ducking into the tent without preamble. Dear Maker, the man is about as subtle as a druffalo.
Within, Irene lies prone on the cot. The surgeon is in the corner, gathering her tools and putting them away. Solas is busy arranging the blankets around and over Irene, careful not to brush over the neatly-stitched gash on her chest. It is maybe a handspan from end to end, and the flesh that is sewn together is pink, new. The elf casts a spell under her when he is done, the marks glowing crimson then fading to barely visible. A warming rune. After how close Irene came to freezing to death…
The jagged patch of scar tissue on the Herald’s cheek has changed color: no longer blue and black on the edges but a dark red that will eventually fade to match the rest of her skin, with time. She is still pale, but not alarmingly so. Her nose, crooked and ill-healed from some injury long before they met, is at least whole. Thank the Maker for victories large and small.
The surgeon leaves quietly, and the others file in, circling Irene. Solas glances at them, tilting his head. “I put her under a spell to keep her from thrashing while we worked on her wounds. I can remove it and wake her. It will have no ill effect on her recovery.”
Leliana nods, and Solas snaps his fingers before leaving as well.
It is a moment before anything happens, but then Irene groans and shifts, tossing her head. She moves to feel her chest, but Josephine grabs her hand and holds it gently while Leliana leans forward and says, “Herald?”
Irene’s eyes snap open and she jolts up, dislodging the furs and nearly headbutting the Spymaster. “Shit, shit!” she gasps, jerking her hand out of Josephine’s grip and running it through her sweat-soaked hair. Then she lifts the other and stares at the mark. Her shoulders tremble.
“It’s not… I thought I was dead,” she whispers, voice cracking and breaking like ice beneath their feet. Twisting her head, she fixes Cassandra with an almost pitying look. “The throne of the gods was empty.”
“Pardon?” Cullen says, even as Leliana shifts around to half-kneel on the cot and grip Irene by her shoulders. She doesn’t shake them, but her touch seems to ground Irene, who closes her mouth and takes a deep breath through her nose. “Herald. Irene. What happened down there? Who is the Elder One?”
Exhaling, Irene begins her tale.
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Tynion TEC wrap-up: My Final Thoughts
Bruce’s characterization has been decent throughout this book, which is no small feat given the crap he’s pulled in the past. When he’s irrational, the book clearly calls him out on it, and he is forced to own his mistakes and grow because of them. Though I’m bit frustrated by the fact that he didn't adopt Cass, the fact that it’s stated that he’s set aside a room in the manor for her and that SHE chose not to stay there makes me think much better of him. 
I have conflicting feelings on Kate’s role in the book. My biggest issue since last year has been that, given that she has her own ongoing series, she had way too much focus compared to the other characters. While she’s a great character, there are characters like Cass, Steph, and Luke who really needed more attention and I feel like part of that was due to the plot revolving around Kate. That said, her overall arc wasn't bad, though I’d feel a lot more for her in the final arc if she’d shown the slightest bit of sympathy for Basil, not just Cassandra.
Tim’s whole arc is where the book often lost me. Most of his story felt just like he was mini Bruce instead of his own character, and the charm of his Pre-Flashpoint self was missing save for a few good scenes. I think, ironically, that Tynion was too much of a fan of Tim, and so hyped up his abilities until he became completely unrelatable, which was a big mistake for the character who used to be the everyman of the family. 
Here’s the thing: I loved most of what we got from Cassandra. The big issue was that we barely got anything. Most of her time was spent as a supporting player to the stories of other characters, and her one big arc post-City of Shadows was basically “the Bat Family isn't treating her like one of their own” and the thing is WE KNOW THAT, and want that to CHANGE instead of people just talking about how bad it is. In addition, the lack of any internal monologue from her greatly reduced the ability for her thoughts to be communicated to the reader. 
I will, however, say one thing I really loved: Cass is clearly written with attention paid to actual neurologically atypical people, especially those on the autism spectrum. The fact that she develops her own special interests aside from crime fighting was something I felt was a long time coming, and I can see her interest in acting and dancing being used in really interesting ways in the future if the writers don’t just forget about it.
There were parts that I really liked about Steph’s part in this book... and parts that I just hated. My biggest problem was that her character arc was almost entirely dictated by her relationship with Tim. Steph has so much more to offer than simply being Tim’s girlfriend, and she gets to show that a couple times in the book, but not enough to make her feel like she has any real agency in the plot. Even her split with Batman (which could have been very interesting) is motivated almost entirely by Tim’s death. 
And oh my god, I HATED her ending in this last issue. The fact that she basically goes off with Tim to wherever because “he needs her” made me roll my eyes so hard. This version of Tim needs to grow the hell up before he deserves her, and not one thought is made as to what Steph wants to do with her life aside from “be with Tim”. It’s annoying and bordering on offensively sexist.
Basil’s story was a pleasant surprise for me. When I first saw the cover and description for Detective Comics 934 I thought this was the dumbest idea in the entire Rebirth lineup. But god damn did Tynion do great things with him. I loved his characterization, and became very attached to him so that even though I saw his death coming a mile away, I still was heartbroken when it happened. I haven't yet decided if his return cheapened that or made it even stronger, but I could see a case for either.
Jean-Paul and Luke
I don’t have many opinions on Jean Paul Valley and never read his solo book, so I can't say for certain if the book did him justice. I can say, however, that he’s a damn good looking man, and I was never upset at his story’s developments. Luke was fun when he was actually given something to do, but mostly he was just Jean-Paul’s sidekick. I though that was a bit of a waste, especially given the intriguing new backstory they gave him. 
Other Characters
Doctor October was great, and I REALLY want to see more of her, maybe on Tynion’s Justice League Dark, where she’d fit right in. The Victim Syndicate were a neat group of villains that I enjoyed reading. Barbara’s few appearances felt like a return to the character I’d loved, which made me very happy. 
Lady Shiva was a very mixed bag. On the one hand, I’m glad that they reestablished her as an unstoppable force who Bruce can't even hope to take down, but on the other hand... everything else. Shiva works best as a tenuous ally or solo adversary. She doesn't work as a leader of some vast evil organization, because what use does she really have for an army of ninjas? Also, why the fuck was she trying to blow up Gotham? I feel like that was never explained.
Overall, I give the run a 7/10
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ashesfade-a-blog · 7 years
Here is a random headcanon dump from Dayne’s old blog; @fadedrosepetals.
                • Dayne pretty much never wears shoes while at Skyhold. She enjoys being barefoot and since it would be considered improper for her to do so outside of the walls, she takes advantage of it by doing it literally anytime that she can. Josephine and Blackwall often tell her that she needs to wear something on her feet because of the colder temperatures but Dayne brushes them off as if they were nothing and continues to do so happily, even if it does cause her to fall ill from time to time.
                • She spends most of her time in the garden, hiding amongst the bushes of flowers. She tends to have her nose buried in a book or into her own journal while there is normally a spread of sweet snacks laid out on a small piece of frilly fabric, as if she were having her own private picnic. She enjoys the gardens and the flowers because it is full of pretty things and most of the time people are happy while visiting the gardens. And she is a big fan of happy things. Like FLOWER CROWNS that she makes for the Inquisition, flowers chosen specifically on each individual’s personalities.
                • Dayne will often ask Iron Bull for piggy back rides and he gladly allows it every single time. While she is getting the piggy back ride, she almost always is tying flowers around his horns and he always pretends he doesn’t notice.
                • Her relationship with Cole is one of the most important ones that she has (and it’s probably one of my favorites). Imagine all of these beautiful things for a moment. Dayne and Cole would whisper kind thoughts about their companions into each other’s ears. Everyone around them would simply think that they are up to no good when in reality they are just being kind. She speaks to Cole the most often. The two platonically hold hands and cuddle while taking naps together. Dayne appreciates Cole’s ability to see through any sort of mask she might be wearing without her having to express her feelings with words. He brings a special kind of comfort one could only find in a friend that knows you inside and out.
                • Her relationship with Dorian is another one of my favorites because he is basically the kind of brother she wished her brother actually was. He is kind to her and instead of criticizing her every move, he is understanding and encouraging. When she feels sad, he is who she goes to for comfort with tear stained cheeks and reddened eyes because he doesn’t make her feel foolish for having a soft heart in a cruel world.  
                 • Leliana and Dayne spend a lot of time together talking about Orlais. Josie would join them and they discuss pretty dresses, balls, fashion, boys and anything under the sun. They often slip into speaking Orlesian when they want to discuss something private and it almost always happens when Cullen is around. Dayne would keep an eye out for pretty things that remind her of them and will often surprise them with gifts, denying they were from her. #girlgang tbh
               • Her relationship with Blackwall is very father/daughter like. She goes to him with her problems because she knows he will see reason and will help her understand all possible outcomes. He watches out for her like a hawk, specifically with Commander Cullen.  
                • In the aspect of her canon story and marrying Cullen, Blackwall would give her away. Cole would be the ring bearer. Leliana and Josephine would be bridesmaids and Dorian would stand as her man of honor, right at her side.  
                • Dayne, unlike the typical inquisitor, was not trained in battle and actually had no skill at all for protecting herself, let alone all of Thedas. Since she was thrown into the role, needing the ability to fight, she approaches Cassandra to teach her how to yield a sword and a shield. Cassandra would not go easy on her. Cullen would watch from a distance, wincing / holding his breath / hoping she doesn’t get hurt and Dayne would be giggling most of the time.  
                • Music is something she thoroughly enjoys and will often visit the taverns so that she can hear the minstrels sing their songs. Dayne has no problem with getting up and dancing, even when looks are disapproving. She will shed her shoes and twirl and twirl.  
                •  She doesn’t understand why she has to be decked out in armor all of the time. It was never a necessity before she became inquisitor and the transition has been difficult for her. She would much rather wear pretty dresses. Dayne would have saved up her money to commission an armored dress with engraved floral designs and hidden lace so that she could still wear pretty things while also being protected.  
                • Upon arriving at Skyhold, while everyone else was mortified by the state that it was in, Dayne felt nothing but excitement because it meant she could have this huge decor project. Before anyone could explain to her that the aesthetic of Skyhold needed to convey the Inquisition’s message, Dayne had thrown up lace curtains and white throw rugs with lots of pink hued decor items throughout all of Skyhold. Cullen is the one to break the news to her that the decor must change because Josie and Leliana don’t want to hurt her feelings. Dayne is more than happy to change everything because it means all of the decor she has can be used in her chambers (and some likely ends up in Leliana’s, Josephine’s and Cullen’s as well.)  
                • Platonic affection is extremely important to her. She showers everyone in cheek kisses, forehead kisses, nose kisses, hand holding, cuddles and all of the hugs in the world.  
                • Because of her lack of experience in the ways of war, Dayne suffers from severe anxiety. She can go from being the happiest girl in all of Thedas to panic attacks leaving her breathless and in tears within moments. When she has an attack, she will lock herself away in her chambers for hours refusing to let anyone inside. I imagine Cullen sitting outside of her door so that he can be the first that is there for her when she comes out. Dorian, Leliana and Josephine would tear down anyone who said that because of this, she was unfit to lead them. Cole would say comforting words without making her feel stupid and Blackwall would simply kiss the top of her head and offer her a hand to hold. But she would come out of the room looking as though nothing had happened, refusing to acknowledge that it ever happened because that is not who she is or who she wants to be.
                • She leaves kind notes for her companions to randomly find throughout all of Skyhold. There are probably encouraging words, compliments and uplifting phrases strewn on the neatly folded paper in girlish handwriting. // I like to believe that before the battle with Corypheus, she writes goodbye letters to all of the companions and hides them just as she would her other notes for them to find someday after she’s gone because she knows she won’t make it out of there alive. But she does and she forgets about the letters, laughing it off when Josie and Leliana get upset with her for even thinking such a thing could happen. Explaining to Cole how she felt like that would be it for her and that she wanted him to know that it was okay. Having to have a sit down with Blackwall so that he could explain that he understands why she felt the need to write it. But her finding Cullen in tears, clutching onto the piece of paper with clenched fists – feeling horrible for even the thought of him having to go through it.  
                • Dayne is a lover of all animals and will always stop to pet something if there is a chance that she can. I imagine her keeping little treats in her armor to give out to the animals she finds.
                 Dayne is a very down to EarthThedas sort of individual. She enjoys the simple things in life. In her down time she spends her time listening to music which always results in long winded solo dance sessions because she rarely can convince anyone to join her or she is alone in her chambers. She is also a pretty big book worm. I touched on this a little bit on my previous headcanon dump post earlier. She tends to have at least one book on her persons at any given time. Her favorite kind of books are love stories, but not the kind that Cassandra is into. She likes her knights in shining armor protecting said damsel in distress. Dayne is also a huge napper. She really loves her soft bed and will spend a ridiculous amount of time just laying there. I think she probably has difficulties getting out of bed in the mornings. And last but not least, horseback riding. It gives her the opportunity to do something that was a huge part of her life before the Inquisition. It helps her forget, even for just a little while, the weight that is on her shoulders.
                 Dayne is a devout Andrastian and has been her entire life. She studies the stories of Andraste and The Maker religiously (pun intended). She has never once doubted in a higher power and the holy writings. When she is given the title ‘Herald of Andraste’, she struggles with it and never truly doesn’t. She does not believe that she was some chosen holy entity and instead believes she is just a girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the beginning, she gets a little angry and upset when people refer to her by that name but as time goes on she tells herself that it is just something that people need to believe and so she allows it without every really believing it herself.
                 In all honesty, Dayne’s biggest regret was accepting her invitation to the conclave on behalf of her parents. Initially, she had been so excited to take part in such a historical event but it ultimately altered her life and forced her to forget any type of normal future she had hoped for. Dayne really wanted to be courted just as a noble woman would have been. She’d wanted to find a proper husband who would care for her and provide for her and love her and give her the children she’d always dreamed of. She wanted a modest estate with a large garden and a library full of books for her to bury herself in. Going to the conclave was what changed it all.
                Despite having no real ties to either the templar side or the mage side before the Inquisition, she has always felt sympathetic towards the mages. Dayne is all about giving chances (multiple chances if we’re being honest) and the fact that mages aren’t even given a chance before they are tossed into the Circle breaks her heart. She understands why there was severe action taken and in her canon, places leliana as the divine and disbands the circle.
                 Solas and Vivienne are background noise to Dayne, which sounds absolutely terrible but the bottom line is that they are probably two of the most judgmental characters we see throughout the game and that is just a no go for precious little Dayne. She is cordial with the both of them but will literally walk away in the middle of a conversation when it starts to turn rude or “I’m better than so and so”.
                 As I stated in a previous headcanon, baths are one of Dayne’s favorite things. She likes to take extremely warm baths so that it takes a little longer for the water to cool just so she can lengthen her time spent in there. She is very into sweet smelling things and brings in special soaps from Orlais along with flower petals to soak in. She sings while she is bathing and sometimes ends up falling asleep in there. When she gets out of the tub, she likes to air dry in the sun rays that come in through the windows at Skyhold. She likes to watch the light reflect off of the water droplets because they remind her of glitter and prettier things.
                 She was a lady, living up to the stereotype of a fair maiden. She enjoyed her moments alone and the quiet life she had in her family’s estate in Ostwick. With the comfort of never having to worry much about not having enough, she was raised to be proper and suitable for a nobleman or someone of higher rank. Dayne was a carefree bookworm and lover of all living things. She would spend a lot of time in the stables with the horses and is/was the type of person who would stop and pet any creature that would allow her to. Soft-spoken, intelligent and extremely feminine. She wanted to please her family and hoped for a life similar to the one she had been already living with whomever her future husband might be. She enjoyed going to balls, flirting with suitable men and frilly, girly things.
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ashesfade-blog · 7 years
Headcanon  Dump  for  Dayne  Trevelyan.
Dayne pretty much never wears shoes while at Skyhold. She enjoys being barefoot and since it would be considered improper for her to do so outside of the walls, she takes advantage of it by doing it literally anytime that she can. Josephine and Blackwall often tell her that she needs to wear something on her feet because of the colder temperatures but Dayne brushes them off as if they were nothing and continues to do so happily, even if it does cause her to fall ill from time to time.
She spends most of her time in the garden, hiding among the bushes of flowers. She tends to have her nose buried in a book or into her own journal while there is normally a spread of sweet snacks laid out on a small piece of frilly fabric, as if she were having her own private picnic. She enjoys the gardens and the flowers because it is full of pretty things and most of the time people are happy while visiting the gardens. And she is a big fan of happy things. Like FLOWER CROWNS that she makes for the Inquisition, flowers chosen specifically on each individual’s personalities.
Dayne will often ask Iron Bull for piggy back rides and he gladly allows it every single time. While she is getting the piggy back ride, she almost always is tying flowers around his horns and he always pretends he doesn’t notice.
Her relationship with Cole is one of the most important ones that she has (and it’s probably one of my favorites). Imagine all of these beautiful things for a moment. Dayne and Cole would whisper kind thoughts about their companions into each other’s ears. Everyone around them would simply think that they are up to no good when in reality they are just being kind. She speaks to Cole the most often. The two platonically hold hands and cuddle while taking naps together. Dayne appreciates Cole’s ability to see through any sort of mask she might be wearing without her having to express her feelings with words. He brings a special kind of comfort one could only find in a friend that knows you inside and out.
Her relationship with Dorian is another one of my favorites because he is basically the kind of brother she wished her brother actually was. He is kind to her and instead of criticizing her every move, he is understanding and encouraging. When she feels sad, he is who she goes to for comfort with tear stained cheeks and reddened eyes because he doesn’t make her feel foolish for having a soft heart in a cruel world.  
Leliana and Dayne spend a lot of time together talking about Orlais. Josie would join them and they discuss pretty dresses, balls, fashion, boys and anything under the sun. They often slip into speaking Orlesian when they want to discuss something private and it almost always happens when Cullen is around. Dayne would keep an eye out for pretty things that remind her of them and will often surprise them with gifts, denying they were from her. #girlgang tbh
Her relationship with Blackwall is very father/daughter like. She goes to him with her problems because she knows he will see reason and will help her understand all possible outcomes. He watches out for her like a hawk, specifically with Commander Cullen.  
In the aspect of her canon story and marrying Cullen, Blackwall would give her away. Cole would be the ring bearer. Leliana and Josephine would be bridesmaids and Dorian would stand as her man of honor, right at her side.  
Dayne, unlike the typical inquisitor, was not trained in battle and actually had no skill at all for protecting herself, let alone all of Thedas. Since she was thrown into the role, needing the ability to fight, she approaches Cassandra to teach her how to yield a sword and a shield. Cassandra would not go easy on her. Cullen would watch from a distance, wincing / holding his breath / hoping she doesn’t get hurt and Dayne would be giggling most of the time.  
Music is something she thoroughly enjoys and will often visit the taverns so that she can hear the minstrels sing their songs. Dayne has no problem with getting up and dancing, even when looks are disapproving. She will shed her shoes and twirl and twirl.  
She doesn’t understand why she has to be decked out in armor all of the time. It was never a necessity before she became inquisitor and the transition has been difficult for her. She would much rather wear pretty dresses. Dayne would have saved up her money to commission an armored dress with engraved floral designs and hidden lace so that she could still wear pretty things while also being protected.  
Upon arriving at Skyhold, while everyone else was mortified by the state that it was in, Dayne felt nothing but excitement because it meant she could have this huge decor project. Before anyone could explain to her that the aesthetic of Skyhold needed to convey the Inquisition’s message, Dayne had thrown up lace curtains and white throw rugs with lots of pink hued decor items throughout all of Skyhold. Cullen is the one to break the news to her that the decor must change because Josie and Leliana don’t want to hurt her feelings. Dayne is more than happy to change everything because it means all of the decor she has can be used in her chambers (and some likely ends up in Leliana’s, Josephine’s and Cullen’s as well.)  
Platonic affection is extremely important to her. She showers everyone in cheek kisses, forehead kisses, nose kisses, hand holding, cuddles and all of the hugs in the world.  
Because of her lack of experience in the ways of war, Dayne suffers from severe anxiety. She can go from being the happiest girl in all of Thedas to panic attacks leaving her breathless and in tears within moments. When she has an attack, she will lock herself away in her chambers for hours refusing to let anyone inside. I imagine Cullen sitting outside of her door so that he can be the first that is there for her when she comes out. Dorian, Leliana and Josephine would tear down anyone who said that because of this, she was unfit to lead them. Cole would say comforting words without making her feel stupid and Blackwall would simply kiss the top of her head and offer her a hand to hold. But she would come out of the room looking as though nothing had happened, refusing to acknowledge that it ever happened because that is not who she is or who she wants to be.
She leaves kind notes for her companions to randomly find throughout all of Skyhold. There are probably encouraging words, compliments and uplifting phrases strewn on the neatly folded paper in girlish handwriting. // I like to believe that before the battle with Corypheus, she writes goodbye letters to all of the companions and hides them just as she would her other notes for them to find someday after she’s gone because she knows she won’t make it out of there alive. But she does and she forgets about the letters, laughing it off when Josie and Leliana get upset with her for even thinking such a thing could happen. Explaining to Cole how she felt like that would be it for her and that she wanted him to know that it was okay. Having to have a sit down with Blackwall so that he could explain that he understands why she felt the need to write it. But her finding Cullen in tears, clutching onto the piece of paper with clenched fists – feeling horrible for even the thought of him having to go through it.  
Dayne is a lover of all animals and will always stop to pet something if there is a chance that she can. I imagine her keeping little treats in her armor to give out to the animals she finds.
Dayne is a very down to EarthThedas sort of individual. She enjoys the simple things in life. In her down time she spends her time listening to music which always results in long winded solo dance sessions because she rarely can convince anyone to join her or she is alone in her chambers. She is also a pretty big book worm. I touched on this a little bit on my previous headcanon dump post earlier. She tends to have at least one book on her persons at any given time. Her favorite kind of books are love stories, but not the kind that Cassandra is into. She likes her knights in shining armor protecting said damsel in distress. Dayne is also a huge napper. She really loves her soft bed and will spend a ridiculous amount of time just laying there. I think she probably has difficulties getting out of bed in the mornings. And last but not least, horseback riding. It gives her the opportunity to do something that was a huge part of her life before the Inquisition. It helps her forget, even for just a little while, the weight that is on her shoulders.
Dayne is a devout Andrastian and has been her entire life. She studies the stories of Andraste and The Maker religiously (pun intended). She has never once doubted in a higher power and the holy writings. When she is given the title ‘Herald of Andraste’, she struggles with it and never truly doesn’t. She does not believe that she was some chosen holy entity and instead believes she is just a girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the beginning, she gets a little angry and upset when people refer to her by that name but as time goes on she tells herself that it is just something that people need to believe and so she allows it without every really believing it herself.
In all honesty, Dayne’s biggest regret was accepting her invitation to the conclave on behalf of her parents. Initially, she had been so excited to take part in such a historical event but it ultimately altered her life and forced her to forget any type of normal future she had hoped for. Dayne really wanted to be courted just as a noble woman would have been. She’d wanted to find a proper husband who would care for her and provide for her and love her and give her the children she’d always dreamed of. She wanted a modest estate with a large garden and a library full of books for her to bury herself in. Going to the conclave was what changed it all.
Despite having no real ties to either the templar side or the mage side before the Inquisition, she has always felt sympathetic towards the mages. Dayne is all about giving chances (multiple chances if we’re being honest) and the fact that mages aren’t even given a chance before they are tossed into the Circle breaks her heart. She understands why there was severe action taken and in her canon, places leliana as the divine and disbands the circle.
Solas and Vivienne are background noise to Dayne, which sounds absolutely terrible but the bottom line is that they are probably two of the most judgmental characters we see throughout the game and that is just a no go for precious little Dayne. She is cordial with the both of them but will literally walk away in the middle of a conversation when it starts to turn rude or “I’m better than so and so”.
As I stated in a previous headcanon, baths are one of Dayne’s favorite things. She likes to take extremely warm baths so that it takes a little longer for the water to cool just so she can lengthen her time spent in there. She is very into sweet smelling things and brings in special soaps from Orlais along with flower petals to soak in. She sings while she is bathing and sometimes ends up falling asleep in there. When she gets out of the tub, she likes to air dry in the sun rays that come in through the windows at Skyhold. She likes to watch the light reflect off of the water droplets because they remind her of glitter and prettier things.
She was a lady, living up to the stereotype of a fair maiden. She enjoyed her moments alone and the quiet life she had in her family’s estate in Ostwick. With the comfort of never having to worry much about not having enough, she was raised to be proper and suitable for a nobleman or someone of higher rank. Dayne was a carefree bookworm and lover of all living things. She would spend a lot of time in the stables with the horses and is/was the type of person who would stop and pet any creature that would allow her to. Soft-spoken, intelligent and extremely feminine. She wanted to please her family and hoped for a life similar to the one she had been already living with whomever her future husband might be. She enjoyed going to balls, flirting with suitable men and frilly, girly things.
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pod7 · 7 years
Spring Anime* 2017 Lightning Review
*just the shows that I watched of course
For the first time ever, I’m leaving out shows that I dropped, so if you remember me talking about a show but it’s not listed here, I was either bored by it or just didn’t enjoy it anymore after a certain point, and that’s really all there is to say~!
Shows Included: Alice to Zouroku Watch, Boku no Hero Academia S2, Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism, Cinderella Girls Gekijou, Clockwork Planet, DanMachi Gaiden: Sword Oratoria, Frame Arms Girl, Hinako Note, Kabuki-bu!, Little Witch Academia, Nobunaga no Shinobi: Ise Kanegasaki-hen, Pokemon Sun & Moon, Quanzhi Gaoshou, Renai Boukun, Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records, Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata ♭, Seikaisuru Kado, Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?, Tiger Mask W, Tsugumomo, Twin Angel Break, Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
Reminder that there are spoilers in the reviews below
Alice to Zouroku Watch I feel like this was a great concept to begin with, but after the initial six or so episodes, it really seemed like the writer/s were like “okay, what do we do now?” It would have been much better as a six episode mini-series. To focus the last six episodes on new characters, rather than developing a new scenario around characters that have already been introduced, is a huge waste of everyone’s time. It was also quite disappointing that they built up this relationship between the two titular characters, and then they share hardly any screen time in the second half at all, and considering their dynamic was the backbone of the story, it really just fell flat for me. That being said, it was a nice light-hearted affair that was half supernatural and half science fiction. I would love to see a spinoff about the special agent with the Dream of Alice to basically have any weapon. 7/10 
Boku no Hero Academia S2 I actually had a few problems with this season. The previous season ended with “This is the story of how I became the greatest hero of them all” or something to that effect, but it didn’t really feel like they did much to further that this season. Instead we got LOTS of development for other characters, especially Todoroki, who, if you had asked me what his name was after the first season, I wouldn’t have had the slightest clue. I loved the Uravity vs Bakugo fight, it really showed that Uraraka has potential for greatness and wasn’t so one note as her powers had seemed previously (in my opinion.) My biggest gripe of the season was the final fight, and how pointless it was. If the point was to frustrate Bakugo with what he felt like was an unearned victory, they should have had Deku and Todoroki be disqualified for (unintentionally) bringing too much danger to the audience, or something along those lines, making Bakugo the de facto winner. Instead they made a big deal about Deku and Todoroki’s fiery collision causing a thermal shockwave/explosion which could have hurt people, only to then have Bakugo basically do it to himself, over and over, while escaping Todoroki’s ice, without any indication of harm whatsoever. It was stupid, is what I’m saying. Also Deku’s lack of a definitive victory of any kind has worn beyond thin. Still a great show, just thought there were some hiccups this season. 8/10
Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism As harem-y as this was, it was still a really great “trials of the swordsman” story, and the influences were very prominent with each new challenger. Aomu is an incredible character, and while I felt they were wasting her by not having her around much of the season, it just made that much more impact when she showed up in the final three episodes. I can’t see this idea stretching much farther than where it left off, so if the manga/LN continues from that point I don’t think it’d be very interesting, but if you like swordsmanship type shows (like Chivalry of a Failed Knight) then this should be up your alley. 8.5/10 
Cinderella Girls Gekijou I’m not heavily invested in CG, but I enjoyed most of this. It was a bit tough remembering who some of the characters were at times, and then also not knowing some of the characters because I haven’t read the manga or played any games or any of the side content was kind of frustrating, but all in all, a short, cute gag show. 8/10 
Clockwork Planet Besides the horrific facial design for pretty much every major character, this turned out to be a quirky, fun action show. It was nice to see the male and female leads be in a dynamic that was not romantic, but still loving, in a way, as they eventually adopted a parental role for Anchor. I think it got a little full of itself with some high tier philosophy that wasn’t necessary, but most people who have watched a lot of anime are probably used to that by now, so it may not be a detractor for you. If you’re looking for something different that’s not too involved but fun, this is the show for you. 8/10 
DanMachi Gaiden: Sword Oratoria I was pretty game for this, as it felt like there was a lot left on the table deliberately for Ais in the first season. Lefiya was an interesting character, and one that reminds me of a character I have in mind for a series that I’ve been daydreaming of for a decade, in that she’s kind of the protagonist, but Ais is definitely the protagonist. Kind of like in the movie DREDD where Judge Dredd is the star, but the movie follows or at least we experience most of the movie with Cassandra. It feels like the type of series that every season could have a different cast of characters and as long as it still fit in the time frame and world as the others, it would be enjoyable. That is my subtle way of asking for a Season Three that deals with the Hephaestus familia. 9/10
Frame Arms Girl This was actually one of my favorite shows of the season because of how silly it was. There was action at some points, but the best parts of the show were the girls just interacting with each other and the human world, fully knowing they are toys of some kind. Not much to really say about it other than that; it’s brought to you by Kotobukiya, so if you love their statues you will appreciated the design of the characters. 9/10
Hinako Note I had really strong Wakaba Girl and Lucky Star vibes from this show, but also ANNE HAPPY mixed in a bit as well. I think it would have been more appealing if this had been a story about Hinako moving away for college, because then the fan servicey stuff (which was really out of place, reminiscent of Bakuon!) wouldn’t have been so awkward and unnecessary. I think they should have fleshed out the landlady character more, she just kind of felt like a background character most of the time despite being somewhat the lynchpin of the show. They also didn’t really seem to do much theater stuff, which hurt it in my opinion in a season where it’s standing next to Kabukibu. Decent, cute, and moe~blob. 8/10
Kabuki-bu! SPEAKING of, WOW, what a great show. I loved the hell out of this show, so much that it’s my show of the season. If you missed out on this show, you should really give it a chance. It has several classic storytelling items; underdog story, forming a team, bending the rules to find success. Several character archetypes I enjoy a lot as well; princely girl that the girls swoon over, cocky guy who is kind of dumb but is reliable when it counts, girl who cares a lot about everything she’s into and couldn’t care less about things she’s not. There is a lot going on in this show and to cover it all here would A) take too long and B) spoil a great show, but suffice to say, if you don’t know anything about Kabuki, this show will teach you the basic stuff, and it doesn’t beat you over the head about it (like some sports anime do.) 10/10 highest recommendation
Little Witch Academia I love this show, but the ending was a bit too... dramatic, for me. I didn’t really understand Croix’s goal; she wanted to prove that she could be on Chariot’s level and didn’t need to be chosen (though she wanted to be) by the triskelion to achieve it’s power, but then what? She built up all of this power on negative emotions, but she wanted to reshape the world into a better place? It was weird, but I liked Croix’s dialogue and VA. I also think it was kind of lame that Chariot didn’t get to tell Akko who she was on her own terms, like it would have been enough for Akko to arrive and see Chariot confronting Croix without having seen her transform, find out her hero may have stolen her dreams, and then have Akko save the world and have Chariot reveal herself, asking for forgiveness. The idea of regaining hope after being disillusioned with your all time hero is enough without having had to also pile on the betrayal of her teacher/mentor, in my opinion. It felt like it was overwritten, like they really, REALLY wanted to make an impact, but it didn’t because we’ve known since the OVA who Ursula was, so it was more just feeling bad for Akko that she didn’t put two and two together fast enough, honestly. Was really happy about the minor cast getting their own time to shine, especially Amanda and Constanze. 9/10
Nobunaga no Shinobi: Ise Kanegasaki-hen This show is continuing, but I just wanted to say if you’re looking for a short breather type anime in between more dramatic or high action shows, it doesn’t get much better than this for currently airing stuff! Continues 
Pokemon Sun & Moon It’s the best, most palatable Pokemon anime in ages. I’m still watching it week to week, so that should be proof enough. The intro theme is so damn catchy, one of the rare few that I listen to it all the way through every episode. Team Rocket is fucking incredible this season, by the way. Continues
Quanzhi Gaoshou I wasn’t sure what to think about this at first, but it became one of my favorite shows of the season. The protag is so unabashedly a wish fulfillment fantasy that it’s kind of charming in a way. And the way that the things he does in the game, there is like 0% chance of being able to do it in the real actual game is what makes it so fun. It’s in Cantonese (I believe, please let me know if otherwise), but after the first couple episodes I didn’t really notice. I feel like this season set up the atmosphere of the game’s community within the game more than the community outside of the game, so hopefully there is a second season that actually explores the characters themselves a bit more (especially the boss at the cafe, vastly underutilized.) 9/10
Renai Boukun A literal harem anime, though obviously it was a bit of a parody on the side. The way Guri was changed was kind of abrupt and not really that convincing, so it was weird that they played it so seriously. The writing of Yuri could have just used more everything positive, but for a wlw character, even one in love with her half-sister, she was OK, considering how bad it could have been (she was portrayed as fairly pure and innocent outside of the stalker habits, when she could have just been a raging lust demon like lesbian/bi girls tend to be portrayed.) I liked this show’s version of god though, it was pretty funny. Not especially memorable but enjoyable. 7/10 
Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records It actually took me a good minute to remember what this show was about, but then I remembered Re=L is a character’s name in it, and how ridiculous that was, so I remembered all of it. It was very much the otaku teacher show from last year but with magic in it. The 100% slutty school uniforms for these middle school girls was really gross, as someone who generally enjoyed outfits like Ryuko and Satsuki’s in KLK, these were just overly sexual for no reason or purpose. I would have liked more scenes with Celica in them, because it felt like she had way more going on behind the scenes, similar to Ais in DanMachi, than we will likely ever see. Honestly I’d give this show a pass, there’s not much redeeming value here unless you’re into the “guy who is OP but pretends to be lazy and carefree because of the trauma he’s accrued” trope (that only Gin-chan can pull off.) 6/10 
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata ♭ Didn’t enjoy this season. It felt like this season was far too busy trying to troll otakus to tell a good story. I didn’t get the feeling, at the end of the finale, that Tomoya would actually continue making doujin games, it felt more like he was ready to just continue hanging out with his girlfriend sidekick and going through the motions. Not every show has to have a happy ending, but I feel like most of them should have a satisfying ending, and this just didn’t have that, in my opinion. The thought of a show centered around Utaha and Eriri making their first AAA game together has merit though. 5/10
Seikaisuru Kado This show kind of shit the bed at the end. If the yaShunina’s goal was to bring a human to the anisotropic, and he thought Shindo was ready, why didn’t he just have him walk through the box that he used to transport him places into the anisotropic? He was willing to KILL HIM for refusing, so why give him the option to begin with? It was very odd. And the reveal of the woman negotiator being an anisotropic being as well was surprising, but the idea that she was ultimately there to make a baby, even a god baby, doesn’t sit well with me somehow. There was something off in the way the CG character models were presented as well that I just was never able to look past, and I couldn’t help but think in some moments where we’re meant to be awed by the imagery and effects how much better other studios would have done with traditional animation. The first 8 or so episodes are good sci-fi, the rest, your mileage may vary. 6/10
SukaSuka To be honest, I started skimming through episodes once her hair started turning red. It reminded me of Gokukoku no Brynhildr in a bad way. Obviously, being the big softie that I am, I wanted to see just a show about a soldier becoming a father figure to an orphanage, eventually falling for the woman caretaker while fighting off the advances of some of the younger girls (that part wasn’t necessary, but it is anime so it’s expected at this point, right?) Instead there was some kind of attempt at psychological horror and shattered memories type stuff that probably was meant to be deep but just felt like an imitation of everything that has tried it before. Not worth checking out really, one of those shows I will forget about by the end of next season. 6/10
Tiger Mask W As an anime fan and a wrestling fan, I enjoyed this show quite a bit. I actually knew all of the real wrestlers included in the show, so that was pretty fun seeing who all would show up. They did a weird thing where like... Ririko and Naoto were dating, but then she left at the request of Daisuke (the man Naoto is avenging) to help his son and then she fell in love with him instead while Haruna (Naoto’s manager) decides she loves Naoto, and all of this was revealed in like five minutes of one episode near the end of the show. it felt like the writers just kind of forgot that Ririko was dating Naoto and then had to cover their ass more than anything. The wrestling part of the show could be pretty up and down at times. Some episodes, Tiger would be absolutely covered in blood and dropped on his head and cut open and all kinds of other horrible things that don’t actually occur in real life pro wrestling shows, and then the next episode we’re lead to believe that a clothesline could end a man’s career. It was more noticeable in the first half of the season though. All in all a great love letter to an old franchise that also advertises some of the better wrestlers in the current New Japan Pro Wrestling roster. 8/10
Tsugumomo I actually read the manga for this series beforehand, and it has a pretty interesting concept, except it is actually pretty raunchy. Like, really raunchy. To the point of being vile in many cases (the characters teasing the protag about getting an erection around them in their younger forms was something they could have left out of the show, for real.) I ended up watching all the way through mostly to see the build-up to the first big fight of the series against Sunao, which end up being animated very well, I was quite happy with it. It’s hard to tell if this will get a second season, but i could definitely see it having several OVA, since things are... less restricted when it comes to those. 7/10 
Twin Angel Break This would be a good entry-level magical girl show, at least for people who are familiar with the concept without actually having watched any. It felt kind of goofy most of the time, similar to Cinderella Girls in that it felt like anime characters acting in another show. Mary was great, and I wish there had been more moments of her in her down time, like when she blends up the medals and drinks them while thinking to herself. Of course the main thing I want to talk about is that there is a trans character who except for the first minute or so she appears on screen, is treated completely normally, even when she falls in love (and a villain falls for her), it’s initially played for comedy, but it ends up having a positive outcome on the plot, so I think it’s okay. There is also a girl who is sleepy, where’s a sheep mascot hoodie, is constantly tripping, and ends all of her sentences with “da baa”. She’s really cute and I was really expecting her to be end up being a mole or something but nope she’s just cute. 8.5/10
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Kabukibu was just so strong, that even this show couldn’t top it, and it was really really good. It was a bit like Spice & Wolf and Junketsu no Maria mixed together with the supernatural elements dialed up to 11. Zero is a great female lead, and it’s unfortunate that this looks like a one season show, because she feels like the kind of character you could write around for YEARS. Mercenary has a wonderful voice, and was believable all the way through, but especially when he stayed consistent at the end, waving off Zero’s advances, despite his growing affection for her. Watch Kabukibu, then this. 10/10
0 notes