#I just wish she was in the hands of someone who could’ve given her that narrative spice is all!!
studebakerhearse · 2 years
Just read Penguin: Pain and Prejudice in one sitting *surrounded by blood and viscera*
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 months
did some force take you because i didn’t pray?
── aegon x fem!reader (you’re one of helaena’s lady’s in waiting)
the 2 times Aegon had someone there to comfort him
(i’m slightly changing things but just go with it pls)
small a/n before we begin: no use of y/n, i do my best to avoid descriptors BUT do use she / her and mention reader being shorter than aegon. when he hugs / holds you he is able to rest his head on yours. also i know everyone has titles and long names but to save time and also make it easier i just use first names. changing aegon’s rant just so im not word for word with the show.
also disclaimer: i know aegon is not a good person by any means! this is just the alternate reality version of him where things could turn out different if he’s shown genuine love and care
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For as long as you’ve known the Targaryen family, it dawns on you one day that you’ve never seen Aegon cry.
In the beginning, that didn’t mean much. You were one of Helaena’s ladies’ in waiting, and only ever saw the then prince on occasion.
Then Aegon was crowned King, and you saw him a bit more as Helaena was required to be present at what felt like too many ceremonies. Because you were almost exactly the same age, although it was against an unspoken rule, she came to see you as a friend.
When the twins were born and Helaena saw how good you were with them, it seemed to anyone who was around that she wanted you near at all times. She practically begged you to begin sleeping in her chambers to help with the fussing and crying at night, and of course you said yes. It occurred to you later that night that she could’ve just demanded it.
It wasn’t long at all before the twins also formed an attachment, as their mothers need to have you close by didn’t lessen even as they got older.
Though they both loved you, Jaehaerys in particular, was very fond of you. Jaehaera was a lot more independent and chose to play with her dolls or little trinkets by herself. But the boy, the other ladies’ in waiting and even Helaena herself, often called him your little shadow.
Whatever task you were given, it wasn’t uncommon for Jaehaerys to be nearby. As he grew a little older, he began to ask questions.
Once, he asked why his mother wore such fancy dresses, but yours and the rest of the ladies’ were only ever plain. It hadn’t occurred to you that because you spent so much time with him and had a big hand in raising him, he saw you as family and genuinely didn’t understand why you dressed differently.
Luckily, you didn’t need to answer. Aegon appeared from around the corner, calling for his son. Once Jaehaerys ran to him, he gave you a nod before grabbing his sons hand and leading him in the opposite direction.
To the King, you were a mystery. He knew his sister preferred you to the other ladies’ in waiting, and he knew she’d rather you over any of them to be looking after the twins when she was busy, but he didn’t know why. Still, his sister was set in her ways, and in the end he simply decided it was best to not ask questions. Even he could see that you cared deeply for his children, and for him that was enough.
On the day Aegon wished for his son to sit in on a council meeting, Jaehaerys was being a bit difficult that morning. For whatever reason, he refused to go unless it was you that escorted him.
After assuring him that you’d only get the boy in the room and then quickly make your exit, Aegon nodded and led the 2 of you into the room.
Just like you knew he would, Jaehaerys immediately went for “the ball” as he called it, in front of Tyland Lannister. You could see irritation immediately all over the man’s face, but to his credit he did his best to hide it.
The third time the ball was grabbed, you were the only one that heard it when Tyland snapped. The meeting hadn’t yet begun but you could see he already wished it to be over.
“That child doesn’t belong in here,” he muttered to himself, unaware that you could hear him.
“I will escort him to his mothers chambers now. Is the heir to the throne bothering you a bit too much?” That last bit slipped out, and you immediately regretted it as the room grew silent and all eyes turned to the 3 of you. After a few tense seconds, most everyone resumed their conversations.
You slowly stood up, Jaehaerys now on your back as that was the only way he agreed to leave the room. “Apologies Ser Lan—”
“Hold on,” the room stilled once again when it was Aegon that spoke this time. He looked at you, then back at Tyland. “She has nothing to apologize for. And I believe she asked you a question. Is the heir to the throne, my son, is he bothering you?”
Even Alicent opted to look down and fiddle with her hands rather than step in. You didn’t think you’d ever been more grateful for Aegon that in that moment.
On the night Jaehaerys was murdered, you were knocked unconscious. You’d later find out it was the man they called Blood that hurt you, but at the time all you knew / remembered was waking to a loud noise. Immediately you got out of bed, but before you could properly realize what was happening, you felt something sharp across your cheek. And before you’d even had time to cry out, something hard hit the side of your head, causing everything to go dark.
When you woke, you ignored the maesters requests to stay in bed. As soon as you stood up, you almost wished you’d listened as you immediately felt dizzy. That was also when you felt the stinging pain of the cut on your cheek. The maester explained that you wouldn’t need to have it stitched up, but he hadn’t yet bandaged you because even in your sleep, you tossed and turn whenever he tried to tend to that injury.
After agreeing to not over exert yourself, you were off to find Helaena. It was then that another one of the ladies’ in waiting broke the news to you.
When you were let in to Alicent’s chambers, and locked eyes with Helaena, she immediately stood up from her spot on the floor and ran to you, Jaehaera still held tightly in her arms.
“Are you alright?” You knew she would be with the maester if she were injured, but you still had to ask. “They said—”
“He’s dead,” was all Helaena could say. That and “they killed him”.
What felt like an eternity later, and you’d gotten Jaehaera to sleep and convinced Helaena to at least lay down with her, you were unsure of what to do. Only a few moments later, you found yourself wandering the halls. Every inch of the place had been searched almost immediately, so you know that the halls were alright once again.
Part of you felt like you didn’t have a right to mourn Jaehaerys, as he wasn’t actually your son. You were just trying to process the fact that you’d never see his little smile again. Never again would you turn a corner and be greeted with that sweet voice asking where the 2 of you were going, because him staying with anyone else was out of the question.
You were one of the first to hold him after he was born, and had seen him every day since. To already be in a world where he no longer existed, it seemed cruel.
When you stopped walking, you realized that you’d come to Aegon’s chambers. The doors were obviously closed, and you had only managed to take a few steps back the way you came, when you heard them open.
“Oh, good,” you turned around, surprised that it was Alicent that had spoken. “Did Helaena send you?”
You stuttered as you tried to form a response, but she seemed to take your silence as a confirmation.
“He’s distraught, obviously. I’m not sure he’ll speak to you but…” she seemed unsure of herself. In the end she sort of motioned towards the doors, before turning and walking away.
Before you even raised your hand to knock, you heard sobbing. It was then that you realized you were wrong. Yes, your heart could break even more.
It didn’t escape your notice that Alicent left the room as her son was sobbing. You knew she wasn’t the comforting type, but you couldn’t imagine simply walking the other way.
After a few knocks, you weren’t surprised when there was no answer. As you slowly opened the door, then shut it behind you, you thought to yourself that you should’ve thought about what to say beforehand. Here was this normally stone-faced man, showing more emotion now than he had in the entire time you’d known him. And after more thought, you realized that perhaps Alicent had tried to comfort him but was asked to leave.
“Who is there?” Aegon finally seemed to notice someone else’s presence, but hadn’t actually looked up. His head remained in his hands, and you could hear him trying to quiet his cries.
“I am sorry, I— I just thought I should check on you.” You noticed how pathetic you sounded only after the words left your mouth.
He let out a humorless chuckle, then slowly stood up and made his way towards you. “Check up on me?”
You nodded. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. Stupid question to ask if you’re okay, I know.”
He studied your face for a moment, and his guard came down ever so slightly. He believed your concern to be genuine. And for Gods sakes, his own mother couldn’t even comfort him. She left quietly and Aegon knew it was in the hopes that he wouldn’t know she’d ever entered the room.
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to answer you. Instead he returned to his sitting position, once again leaning forward so that his head was in his hands.
“I should’ve been there,” he spoke so softly that you didn’t quite hear him.
He looked up at you, fresh tears in his eyes. “I should’ve been there!” When he saw how you flinched, he regretted being so loud. But a larger part of him didn’t care. You were the first person to allow him to speak freely. He needed to let out his emotions somewhere. “I should have been there. But I thought who’d be stupid enough to try anything here? Look at how wrong I was.”
“There’s nothing you could’ve done,” you shook your head.
“That is bullshit!” He stood up and began pacing back and forth. “My son is DEAD! It was an act of revenge, why else do you think the rest of you were left alive?”
You were about to ask if they already know who is responsible, but it’s as if he read your mind.
“My brother kills her son, so she has taken it upon herself to exact revenge, a son for a son!” He laughs, but again there is no humor in his tone. “My son, the heir to the throne, he is gone. Murdered while he slept and I did nothing!”
As he sat crying, you kneeled in front of him. Trying not to think about it too much, you placed your hands on his and forced him to look at you.
“Everyone around knows how much you love that boy. And he loved you just as much.” You decided it was better to not repeat that he couldn’t have done anything. Right now in front of you, was a father who needed to grieve.
Aegon knew he should be cautious. His sister knew you well, but he did not. He was already ashamed that you’ve seen him cry. Yet you didn’t seem repulsed. You allowed him to rant and didn’t try to shove advice down his throat. His son was gone, but you reminded him of the love that existed, that still exists.
The angry part of him wanted to shout at you to leave, but he couldn’t bring himself to yell again in that moment. So he allowed your hands to remain on his as he cried for his son.
You prayed that no one would walk in, as you stood up and pulled Aegon up with you. Before he could ask what was happening, you gave him a hug.
His first instinct was again, one of anger. He resisted the brief urge to push you away. After a few seconds, he even surprised himself when he almost melted into your touch. He genuinely couldn’t remember the last time he was in someone else’s embrace like this. And you didn’t ask questions. You only held him and listened to his heartbeat.
He found himself crying again as he returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around you. Although he knew he could never speak of this, and he’d have to ask that you not do the same at some point, he allowed himself to do nothing but mourn the loss of his son as you held him in your arms, and you in his.
He was grateful that at least in this moment, you allowed him to grieve.
After that, there was a noticeable change. Aegon gravitated towards you if he entered a room and you were already there. Everyone noticed, but none dared to speak on the matter, not even Alicent or Otto.
You heard about the meeting in which it was ultimately decided that Jaehaerys’ body would be placed on a carriage led through the streets, so that the public might see just what Queen Rhaenyra was capable of. You didn’t think this was her doing. How could a mother who has just lost her son, inflict that pain onto someone else? Surely she wouldn’t. But everyone else was so sure. And you were but a low-born lady in waiting, so you remained silent.
The thought of Jaehaerys being used, paraded through the streets for all to gawk at, it angered you. Yes, he was a prince. And you understood the message that they hoped it would send, but it didn’t make you any less upset. He was just a boy. You thought of the boy who would run into your embrace whenever you walked in to his mothers chambers.
You couldn’t even imagine how Aegon was feeling. He loved that boy deeply, and you had no doubt that he was pressured into agreeing.
That same night, you were abruptly woken up. Immediately you looked to Helaena’s bed, filled with relief to see her and Jaehaera fast asleep. But it alarmed you that it was Ser Criston Cole of all people, who’d woken you up.
He put a finger to his lips, then turned and exited the room. You made sure you looked at least half decent before you followed him, wondering what on earth possessed him to wake you at such an hour.
“I—” He looked unsure of where to start.
“Has something happened?”
“It’s the King.” He didn’t wait for you to respond, instead turning and practically running out of the room.
As you chased after him, it did occur to you that it was odd for him to fetch the King’s sisters ladies’ in waiting. You also realized that he never technically responded when you asked if something happened.
When the 2 of you finally reached Aegon’s chambers, Criston didn’t even open the door. He didn’t need to though, you could hear the shouting and loud noises from outside.
“Who else is in there?” You fiddled with your hands, unsure of what you were walking into.
Criston merely shook his head. “No one. He kicked everyone out. But I know you helped him that— that night. Can you…?”
Without giving it a second thought, you nodded. Instead of leaving, Criston sort of stood guard right outside the door. You’d seen Aegon angry before, and were secretly relieved that he was outside should anything go wrong.
This time, you didn’t bother knocking. You did, however, try to open and then close the door as quietly as possible.
“I declare war!” It was the first thing you heard since entering the room, and you didn’t bother asking who he was declaring war on.
“My King —”
It was as if he was in a sort of angry trance. You speaking didn’t even cause him to look in your direction.
“I want them all dead! They’ll all pay for this, every fucking one of them!” As he spoke, he moved about the room destroying King Viserys’ carefully and meticulously constructed display.
You could see he needed to let his anger out. And didn’t exactly want to approach him while he held something that could hurt you. Not that he intentionally would, but seeing as he had no reaction to you calling out to him, you didn’t think it wise to sneak up on him.
As the smashing and destruction went on, you could see Aegon begin to wear himself out. It wasn’t so much that the anger was leaving his body, but rather that he was losing the energy to continue. Now, you thought to yourself, was a good time to gauge where he’s at mentally / emotionally.
“My King—” you tried again. This would be a moment you’d come to regret, seeing as you hadn’t considered the fact that Aegon was so blinded by his rage that he hadn’t noticed it was you in the room. Sure he heard the doors open and close, but he assumed it had been one of his men.
Not registering who it was that just spoke, and only hearing that someone was interrupting his rampage, he turned around with an arm swung out. It ended up being sort of a backhanded slap, and unfortunately he was wearing a ring.
Once he realized it was you that he’d just harmed, Aegon froze. His eyes widened and he immediately dropped to his knees.
“Are you hurt? Did I— did I…” He didn’t seem to know what he wanted to ask.
You put a hand to your cheek and examined your fingers, nothing a small amount of blood. He hit almost exactly where you were cut, and by the feel of it you guessed that his hit reopened the wound.
“It’s fine,” you tried to reassure him. “I am sure I will be healed in no time. There is no need—” Before you could finish speaking, he’d fled from the room, but not before hurriedly asking you to stay put.
Only a short while later he returned with the maester quickly following behind him.
As the man tended to your face, you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he debated on speaking. In the end, he decided to ask the question.
“How did you manage to reopen this wound?”
Luckily for you, you’d studied the room and had your answer prepared.
You pointed to a spot on the floor where a glass of wine lay spilt. “I slipped just there. Tried to steady myself and ended up landing on my face and cutting it with one of the broken pieces.”
Because you spoke immediately and with such confidence, your lie was believed.
“Might not heal as well if it’s opened a third time. Still doesn’t need stitches, just try not to fall again, eh?” He gave you a pat on the shoulder before giving you a small jar of ointment to apply to the cut, instructing you to apply it once a day.
As soon as the man left the room, you studied Aegon. He was pacing the entire time, only stopping once the maester had left.
“Why?” He whispered.
You knew what he was asking. “I did not think it would do any good for him to know the truth. I know you didn’t mean to,” you shrugged.
He was almost in a state of shock. Here he’d just injured you, accidentally, sure, but it was still done in anger. And it wasn’t that long ago that he broke down in front of you. Despite all of that, you were still kind to him. You covered for him.
Aegon fell to his knees once again in front of a large portion of the mess he created. “I’m sorry,” he spoke softly.
“My King you do not need to apologize. As I said, I know it wasn’t on purpose.”
He looked up at you, fresh tears in his eyes, and you lost count on how many times your heart broke for him. You joined him on the floor, and put what you hoped was a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I can’t do anything right,” the first tear fell, but he didn’t bother wiping it away. “I allowed men to break in and murder my son, and this is twice now you’re hurt because of me.”
The fact that he blamed himself for it still, brought tears to your eyes as well.
“No one thinks this was your doing, and I swear to you that I don’t blame you.”
He was silent for a moment, deep in thought. “How am I meant to continue?”
His question caught you off guard. “Pardon?”
“My son is dead. Murdered, and my dear sister that claims to be the rightful heir may not have held the knife but I know she commanded the men that did. How am I supposed to to sit on the throne and continue to rule as if none of this has happened?”
“I do not think anyone expects you to act as if nothing has happened —”
Hearing that caused Aegon to laugh. “Have you met my mother? She is one of the many against me declaring war.”
“This tragedy —”
He cuts you off once again. “Tragedy? Hah! Understatement of the fucking year. And people are already speaking about my sons murder as if it’s a lesson! My grandfather, dear old Otto Hightower, wants to parade my sons body for all to see. Says it will show them the kind of Queen that Rhaenyra really is. You should’ve seen how many nodded their heads in agreement. How do I just hand him over to be stared at, as if he is no more than a piece of meat on display at the market?”
“I hate this,” you finally get a chance to speak. “Jaehaerys was the sweetest little boy I kno—knew. And I wish his death wasn’t being used in this way. A tragedy should not always be a lesson. Sometimes it should be allowed to be just that, a tragedy. I am truly sorry you are having to deal with all of this.”
Something about what you’ve said causes tears to spring to Aegon’s eyes. Perhaps it’s the way you speak so kindly of his son. He knows you genuinely loved the boy, after all. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” His quiet sobs begin as he echoes your use of those 2 words, and when you turned to face him, he practically falls into your embrace. You stop counting how many times he utters I’m sorry. In between the I’m sorry’s, he mostly said his sons name, but you heard your name as well as Helaena and Jaehaera’s.
Night turned into morning and Aegon finds himself in your arms once again. Eventually his sobs had slowed down, and he fell asleep, laying on the hard floor with his head in your lap.
As he slept, you allowed yourself to run your hands through his hair, just for a moment. Aegon let out a content sigh, finding comfort in your movements even in his sleep.
Here was this boy who was feared by many, who didn’t ever want anyone to see him as weak, and yet twice he allowed himself to cry and grieve in front of you.
At some point, you gently wake Aegon and convince him to get into bed.
As you take one last look at him before exiting his chambers, you can’t help but silently hope that the future would be a little kinder to him.
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TAGLIST — @blupblupfish | @sapphirest0nes
If you’d like to be tagged in future Aegon pieces, let me know!
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bambisnc · 3 months
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do i wanna know? [ft. j.sc]
@ sungchan : i FUCKING dare you to pull this blanket one. more. time. @ y/n : your wish is my command cutie 😋😝
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pairing : significant annoyance!sungchan x f!reader genre : fluffy + crack cw/tw : there's only one bed :O + swearing + uneditted wc : 1K LETS GAUUURR
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the newest addition on your list of things you despise about jung sungchan : how he felt no qualms at all when breaking the ONE rule you had established.
do not cross the boundary of pillows you had meticulously arranged on the queen bed that you had the misfortune of sharing with him i.e., stay away from you as much as possible.
another addition on your list was the way his arms were wrapped around your waist in a way that caused your chest to be pressed against his back in a far too intimate embrace for someone who rarely let go of any opportunities to pick (petty) fights with you. 
the fact that a small part of you, the same part which kept trying to make your breathing just a little quieter so as to not wake him up, wanted to simply go back to sleep just so you could stay enveloped in his comfort for a little longer is completely irrelevant. 
when you think back to the events of the previous few nights, you can’t help but feel slightly murderous intentions towards your so-called best friend, yujun. 
it’s all her fault, really, if you think about it. 
why did she have to go and find a boyfriend? especially when said boyfriend, shotaro, just so happened to be best friends with the literal bane of your entire existence.
why did they have to book a romantic getaway and then end up being busy when the date of the trip arrived? and why, you asked the heavens, why must they have given both you AND sungchan keys to the room??
the lack of communication between the couple was definitely going to be the reason for your untimely demise. 
so far, the one sole highlight of your trip had been the utter shock on sungchan’s face when you walked into the lobby of the fancy hotel, late evening. you’d greeted him with a tight smile, in an attempt to act civilly. 
that went downhill rather fast. but to be fair; you did have your reasons...
…they were threefold. 
first, when you mentioned that you wouldn’t feel too comfortable asking the reception for an extra room and asked him to do it for you, he went off on some kind of a rant saying he wasn’t obligated to do anything you told him. 
when you pointed out that with how defensive he was being, it was almost as if he wanted to share a room with you; he only rolled his eyes and pushed his tongue against his cheek in that ever so annoying way of his. 
you could’ve almost sworn he said something about being .. denser than a .. neutron star? okay astronomy nerd
second, over the days, sungchan had for some reason taken to being stuck to your person like glue. he followed you all over as you were exploring the facilities of the hotel and eventually even dropped in on what were supposed to have been quiet meals where you basked in the delight of your own company; all the while spitting out teasing quips and comments to you.
and there were those out of nowhere, not-so-fleeting touches of his too. playful (??) little shoves, moving your hair away from your face (in an obviously condescending way. right?) etc. you chose to not pay much attention to those.
until, that is, the kitchenette incident occurred. 
while trying to pour yourself a glass of water (because how would you be able to properly pay back each and every one of sungchan’s infuriating actions if you weren’t hydrated?), you can only assume you’d somehow been blocking the narrow walkway into the room. 
which had then led him to move you to the side with a hand on your waist, almost as if with practiced ease. 
no you did not take almost a whole day to process this.
but the third reason is the one you can safely assume to have been the most fatal for you.
the way he insisted on not letting you take the couch but also refusing to sleep on it himself. 
c’mon we’re both mature, smart people he’d said we can sleep in the same bed for a couple days, no? unless.. you think you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself, hmm~?
you had thrown a pillow right at him; to wipe off that infuriating smirk off of his face. 
it didn’t work at all. -
the warmth of the sunlight streaming in through the windows coaxes you out of your reverie. all of your senses are suddenly hyper aware of how soft sungchan’s skin feels against yours and how the soft breaths he lets out against your neck have your hair standing on end.
you’re especially aware of how his grip around your waist tries to pull you in closer, as if you weren’t already millimeters away from basically becoming one with him. 
he shuffles around a bit more before you realize he’s waking up.
you immediately allow your eyes to close and attempt to relax all your tense muscles to look as if you were still asleep. maybe you just can’t bear to face how he would react.
he still hasn’t moved his arm.
“what are you- SHIT.”
there it is. he pulls away like you’re somehow physically hurting him. 
“oh thank god you’re still asleep. lord knows you wouldn’t have hesitated to actually fight me if you were awake right now.”
…. is he not aware that he’s quite literally 6’1 and with muscles for days?
“i just…” he sighs “i wish i could just hug you properly. preferably after i confessed and you accepted to let me be yours.”
“i suppose, in my heart, i technically already am. i just wish you could be mine too.
….. y/n ….? i could've sworn your face didn’t look this red earlier? ……………
oh my god.”
he’s gentle with his movements as he moves your body so that if you were to open your eyes you’d be face to face with his. 
“you’re awake aren’t you?”
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notes : ill be honest this was originally meant for chanhee.... but sungchan broke into my house (mind) and said i think tf nawt! + [m.list] song rec : do i wanna know - arctic monkeys
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𐙚 . regulars : @x0llaz @nicholasluvbot @totheseok @mellowdyverse @fae-renjun ⋆
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yoonkinii · 3 months
How y♡u met Sukuna again (and got his number)!
Warning(s): Literally one curse word Requests open (only for this AU) Masterlist (Check for more AU content here)
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Coincidences are curious things, often catching many off guard. You certainly didn’t expect one as you sat at a campus picnic table across from your close friend, Shoko, a fellow biology major. 
What started as a casual lunch meet up quickly turned into you babbling on and on about your encounter with the ‘hot uncle’ you met at work. It’s been a few days since you’ve seen him, and he hasn’t returned. Perhaps it was foolish to hope he’d come back just so you could steal glances at his gorgeous face, but you couldn’t help it. 
“I think I missed my chance, Shosho.” You sighed, sipping from the smoothie you had just purchased from a nearby smoothie bar. “We could’ve been soulmates.”
Your friend, eyes heavy with fatigue, rolled her eyes and poked at her lunch with her fork. “Do you realize how crazy you sound right now? You don’t even know his name.”
“It’s not about that though!” You scoffed, face falling  as you voice your laments. “This is about me and some hot guy with pink hair.” 
“You mean pink hair like that?”
Casting a confused glance at Shoko, you follow her pointing finger. When your eyes landed on the scene behind you, your mouth dropped open. Quickly turning back to face Shoko, you shrank in on yourself.
“Oh my God, that’s his nephew.” 
Shoko hummed, arms crossed as she stared nonchalantly. You gasped and kicked her under the table. She hissed, her irritated gaze snapping to you. “What the hell?”
“Yeah, what the hell, Shoko? Why are you just staring?” You whisper urgently, leaning in toward her as if Yuji might hear, even though he was still a good distance away.
“Quit acting like that before people start looking at you.” She retorts, pointing a finger at you.  “You’re the one that looks insane right now.” 
“I can’t help it, ” You mutter, “I was just talking about his uncle and how I wanted to bag him. It's like the universe is telling me something.” 
“Hopefully telling you to shut up.”
“Watch it.”
The corner of Shoko’s lip curved into a half smile. “I think you should watch it cause it seems that pink haired boy is making his way over here.”
Anxiety pooled in your stomach as your eyes widened. “You’re lying.”
Your dear friend couldn’t respond before your name was called out, drawing the attention of everyone around. Wishing you could sink into the ground at the moment, you turned to look over your shoulder. 
There Yuji was, waving energetically with a big grin on his face. Two other students trailed behind him: a boy with black hair who looked like he regretted every moment, and a girl with a brown bob who eyed you with curiosity, glancing between Yuji and you. 
“It’s been a while, miss Y/n! How have you been?” 
You offered Yuji a welcoming smile. “Hello, Yuji. It’s surprising to see you here.” You weren’t surprised he knew your name, given that name tag you’re required to wear at work. 
Shono snorts, hiding her laughter behind her hand as you slipped into a customer service mindset. You decided not to reprimand your friend, not with Yuji and his friends around. Turning to cuss out a friend isn’t something teenagers should witness from adults. You couldn’t help but glance at the other two standing behind Yuji. 
“Oh! These are my friends.” A jolt of shock rushed over you as Yuji spoke. He must have noticed you eyeing his companions.  “This is Megumi Fushiguro.” Yuji gestures towards the black-haired boy, who simply nodded, eyes downcast.  It was surprising to see someone who looked so gloomy be friends with Yuji. 
“I’m Nobara Kugisaki,” the girl interjected before Yuji could introduce her himself.
You smiled warmly, addressing Yuji’s friends. “Hello, you two. I’m Y/n, and this girl across from me is Shoko, a friend of mine.” Shoko waved her fingers in acknowledgement, more focused on finishing her lunch than engaging with high schoolers. 
“Let’s cut to the chase. How do you know Yuji?”
 You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in mild exasperation. “I met Yuji once at my workplace. He needed some assistance, and that’s about it,” you explained, noticing Nobora nodding thoughtfully at your response. “Now,” you continue, redirecting the conversation, “what brings you guys here?”
“School trip,” Megumi replied plainly.
“Already on school trips to colleges?” Shoko interjected, her eyes glued to her phone as she multitasked between typing and adding to the conversation. 
Nobora sighed, leaning against Yuji’s side. “Yeah, the school wants us to make connections and all that,” she says in a mocking tone, pulling a face for emphasis. You couldn’t help but snort at her antics, shaking your head. 
“Well, it’s better than sitting at a desk all day.”
“True.” Nobora agrees, Yuji nodding his head in contemplation. 
Megumi checks his phone for the time, glancing briefly before returning it to his pocket. “We need to go. It’s almost time for us to regroup.”
“Oh crap!” Yuji exclaims, eyes widening slightly. He waves goodbye to you and even to Shoko as he and his friends dash off to their designated meeting spot. Nobora’s shouts echo behind them as she begrudgingly follows, lamenting her dislike towards running. 
Shaking your head at their lively departure, you turn to  face Shoko. She glances up from her phone.  “So that’s the nephew? Seems like a handful.”
“You think everything’s a handful, Sho.”
She hums pleasantly, “True.”
You slouch, resting your head against the picnic table. “I was so scared his uncle was going to appear out of nowhere.”
“Now that would’ve been amusing to watch.”
“Have I ever told you that I despise you?”
“Hmm, I can’t recall.” Shoko teases, her eyes never leaving her phone. 
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Yes, coincidences were a curious thing. There was no rhyme or reason to them; they simply happened without warning. Even as you stood behind the register, mechanically scanning, bagging, and collecting payments, your mind wandered elsewhere - or rather, fixated on someone else. 
You released a deep sigh for what felt like the umpteenth time. No matter how hard you tried to focus, thoughts of Yuji’s uncle always entered your mind. No man has ever affected you like this, not even the countless celebrities you idolized in your teenage years. You attributed it to his striking; there was no other explanation for why the mere thought of him made your heart race.
Another sigh escaped you as a customer approached your register, placing a full basket of items on the conveyor belt. Your body moved on autopilot, instinctively grabbing the basket once it was close enough and beginning to ring up the items.
You froze, hands hovering above the register screen as you prepared to input the code for a cucumber. Slowly, your eyes trailed up, unable to believe your ears. There he stood, the man who has been constantly occupying your thoughts, now right before you. It was a moment that nearly stopped your heart. Gone was the casual attire from the time you saw him; now he wore something formal- a white dress shirt with long sleeves peeking from under a charcoal-colored vest. His trousers matched, tailored to fall in clean lines all the way to his black dress shoes. His formal attire created a heavy contrast against his pierced and tattoo appearance but it somehow made him look even hotter than before. 
You were seriously going to die. 
He met your gaze with a bored expression, eyes heavy-lidded with sleep. 
Your brain went into overdrive, thoughts racing like a cacophony of buzzing bees. You opened your mouth to reply, but no words came out. Quickly snapping your mouth shut, embarrassment heating the tips of your ears as you resumed ringing up his items. 
Nerves got the best of you; you couldn’t muster up a response. You knew you should’ve said something- after all, only God knew when you’d see him again- but your mind drew blank. It wasn’t until he paid and walked out the store that you groaned in frustration at yourself. 
You stared at the entrance of the store for a few moments, your mind consumed by thoughts of this man whose name you didn’t even know, practically making you unable to continue to properly do your job. 
“Fuck it,” You muttered to yourself, apologizing hastily to the customer as your register as you hurriedly exited from behind the counter and bolted out of the building. 
Ignoring all the alarms sounding in your head- all the ‘what ifs’ and doubts- you scanned both sides of the sidewalk. Spotting him wasn’t difficult; he hadn’t gotten far, and the streets were sparsely populated; not to mention he stuck out from a typical crowd of people. 
“Wait!” You called out, sprinting to catch up to him. It didn’t take long to reach him, but even then, you were slightly winded. He paused at the sound of your footsteps approaching, turning to look at you. 
You took in a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. You ignored the slight tremble in your hand and the fear churning in your stomach. Disregarding all rationality, you reached into your back pocket, pulling out your phone, and unlocking it with practiced ease. With a few quick clicks against the screen, you accessed your contact list. 
“Your number-” You stammered, swallowing deeply. You couldn’t even meet his gaze as you held out your phone. “Can I have your number, please?”
Moments stretched into excruciating silence as you stood there, eyes fixed on the floor, phone extended toward him. Your courage felt fleeting, certain you might die on the spot if you saw his expression. An apology hovered on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill out when his unexpected voice broke the silence.
“My number?” He mused, humming softly as he leaned in closer. You inhaled sharply, inhaling an earthy sandalwood as he got closer to you. You met his gaze instinctively, your heart skipping a beat. A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he looked down at you, a smirk tugging at his full lips. 
“Do you even know how old I am?”
Licking your lips nervously, you asked in a soft voice, “How old are you?”
A breathy laugh fell from his lips, the deep sound sending a shiver down your spine. “I’m 32, sweetheart.” 
Your breath hitched at the endearment, cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. “Even better,” you murmur. 
He chuckled, clearly amused by your response. Balancing his groceries in one hand, he deftly took hold of your phone with the other. His thumb moved effortlessly over the screen, swiftly entering his information before handing it back to you. “I’ll expect a message from you soon.”
You stared at your phone in disbelief, blinking as if the number might vanish. When you looked up to thank him, you realized he had already disappeared. A smile crept onto your lips, your body tingling with excitement as you gazed at his name. 
Sukuna. His name was Sukuna.
Taglist (open): @kalulakunundrum
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pascals-doll · 6 months
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ellie williams x reader
『••✎••』 in which ellie self-loathed in her mistake as the weeks pass. you both went back to your regular lives, so will life spare a divine intervention? | WC: 12.0K
🫧description: MODERN AU! DESCRIPTIVE ANGST!, INTRO TO 2 IMPORTANT SIDE CHARACTERS!, latina!reader, descriptions of reader having bronze/tawny skin, mentions of religioius la virgen, a little bit of a abby mention ☺️, mentions of smoking marijuana, talk about about identifying sexuality, mentions of toxic relationships, bff!dina, reader speaks spanish! (very little in this this chapter), dina speaks spanish, reader’s nickname from her close friends is “gatà”, mention of y/n once (___), kissing! love reconciliation, use of pet name (mama).
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oh, how Ellie texted you the morning right after as she woke up thinking about you. the way she grabbed her phone, opened the contact, and began to fly her fingers away in confidence.
Ellie had every intention of contacting you, she genuinely couldn’t get you out her mind as she had already put the lipliner you left her on her nightstand for safe keeping.
just like any regular person with the phone number of who they spent the night dancing with and even ending the night off with a kiss, you would think to text them.
yet, she sat there on her bed slightly hung over but Ellie truly believed that she could’ve been plastered, and she still would’ve remembered meeting you. she had her phone in her hands.
how hard could it be right?
how hard can it be to just type a quick message to the girl she over the moon infatuated with after the first night?
it was alot harder than ellie definitely thought….
Ellie wishes she could say that as she had her phone in her hand, her thumbs got to typing away with ease, and already asking you on a date.
a simple hello could’ve also just sufficed.
still, her fingers wouldn’t move, loosing control. it was like the wiring in her brain had short-circuited; a blank mind being the only thing processed.
in reality, she sat there with phone in hand, staring at the blank blue bubble waiting to be written in.
it had been 2 weeks since the night of the party.
2 weeks.
two weeks.
how did Ellie fuck up this badly?
she wasn’t quite sure, but she had been living in an eternity of pity and grimace since then.
it was because only Jesse’s ass could be spending almost any given moment he has on the phone with Dina while Ellie couldn’t even send you one damn text.
one night Ellie came back from home working late-night at Joel's car-shop.
she was beyond exhausted and the first thing she heard as she walked through her shared apartment with Jesse was Dina's laugh.
Ellie was happy Jesse finally found someone he genuinely likes but it was her own 'pussy-ness' that irked her.
she practically dragged herself to her room in her own wallow but of course, Jesse wanted to greet his best friend.
"hey Els! how was work with y'old man?" Jesse questions, approaching you while still on the phone.
"fucking mute that shit!" Ellie panicked as she whisper-shouted like she was going to be caught or seen. Jesse rolled his eyes before pressing mute on the Face-Time.
"bro what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jesse retaliates, he looked at her like she was wielding a gun around.
"what the fuck! nothing!" Ellie sneers out harshly like as if she wasn't the one causing a scene.
Jesse huffed out but before he could speak, a familiar voice rang through the speaker of his phone.
'Deens! I brought my mom's menudo! your favorite!'
She knew it was your voice, even off one night with you.
she would be able to recognize your voice anywhere.
Jesse watched how you relaxed when you heard her, completely pulled into a trance in a matter of seconds between a phone call that wasn't yours.
"do me a favor—and a favor for yourself, text her for fuck-sake." Jesse sighs out, shutting the door to your room.
Ellie was sure it was too late to try again now.
it was too late all because of her own overthinking.
she was sure it would take a miracle to get another chance with you.
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on your side of things, you felt completely fooled.
when you woke up the next morning and finally was conscious enough to check your phone; just to see your notification box empty.
could you even be angry at Ellie?
you would begin to slightly overthink.
you didn’t know why you cared so much, you were cross-faded half the night and it was just a party….so why couldn’t you stop thinking about her.
you’re not gay…..well…no….ehhh..
you literally felt so stupid as you mentally pondered with yourself. even if it was just drunk you acting up last night.
you remember it so vividly and clearly, there was no way you could try to play this off.
“que piensas, gatà?” Dina huffs out, bagel in hand as she throws herself on her bed right next to you, referring you to the name she's been calling you since 7th grade.
“has he texted you?” you gave Dina this look which Dina reciprocated by arching one eyebrow in case you were trying to insinuate something.
“girl…he called me!” she looked around with an exaggerated look of shock with a hand on her heart causing you to giggle out with her.
you let out a whistle at her playful smugness “‘atta girl!” you were happy that at least one of you got a message back.
"What!? did she not text you?" Dina asks you slightly shocked, Dina did not miss the little kiss you had shared last night.
you didn't even meet her gaze, just twiddling with your thumbs.
"no... but I mean, she was just another person at a party that you have a good—" you rambled, trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince Dina.
she quickly cut you off "yeah babe, but that was with men and during all those stupid little breaks that dick claimed were needed." Dina begins. you already know what she was getting at.
"hoe, if you don't look at me."
you brought your eyes to meet with Dina's.
"look I know we made out in 8th grade—" Dina chuckles out which causes you to groan out annoyingly. you throw one of her stuffed animals at her; she caught that shit with ease.
"Dina!" you beam out, you were internally cringing for some reason and felt anxiety bubbling inside you out of the blue.
"babe! you were on gay shit last night. somebody had to say it." Dina could've worded this so much better, but it was Dina.
she was going to put it in the only way your current stubborn self would understand; by being blunt.
you weren't shocked.
you weren't acting as if hearing those words make zero sense to you.
you were confused, maybe slightly ashamed too.
you couldn't quite put a pin in your emotions which was now causing an inner distress to ignite.
"I-I-am....I-I" you sounded like an infant trying to mutter your first word.
que mierda, fucking get it together.
you internally scolded.
"___, I'm not telling you anything. I'm just saying that Ellie is definitely a lesbian and she made you feel something. that is okay—i mean girl! you were with your ex since our highschool sophomore year....do you really even know yourself—like that at least?” Dina was your closest friend and each word that fell from her lips was for your own good.
you needed to open your eyes.
yes, you were so assured of yourself and your life.
yet, you let someone dictate for so many years how to feel. you were never sure of your emotions till now; but you still find yourself struggling with the aftermath of how he treated your feelings as you forgot how to treat your own.
just having to recollect the memory of it, how he could take the power away from your words.
it enraged you as you felt sick.
"no, he fucking deprived me of myself." you spat out, a slight shake in your voice at the mix of emotions. you wanted to cry; not knowing why.
Dina got closer on the bed to now be completely side by side with you. she pulled you into her embrace from the side.
"you deserve to find out, it is your life now." Dina reassures you, calming you down.
she was 100% right.
you deserved the opportunity to find out who you really are, not just naive high school you because you were way past that time.
you needed your mental to catch up with you after being under someone else's impression.
you were going to do just that.
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after that morning after the party; for the next 2 days, you hoped for something.
a text or a call.
you got nothing.
you will say you thought about Ellie quite often, but you gave up hope she would contact you what felt like to be a while ago now.
you had a life to get back too, you were too slightly egotistical to let yourself get too wrapped up in ‘what if's'.
you weren’t quite sure now on your whole self-discovery journey.
you weren’t reliant on the woman but the way you couldn’t even restock items while you were at work without thinking back to her.
the way Ellie felt.
the way she felt on you.
you recalled every single little thing about her like you had been precisely studying a subject for school.
the way her lips fell perfectly into yours.
the way her warmth was able to whelm you in.
the way she was able to pull you into her by doing nothing.
she had completely contaminated your membrane with just her.
it was becoming infuriating as the days pass.
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Ellie was beyond fed up with her mind.
anywhere she went, almost everything reminded you of her.
it felt like universe was trying to rub her stupid mistake in her face.
Ellie was working another day at the car shop with the clock reading 5:40 pm.
the sun had begun to set as she finished up the last tweaks, she needed to make on the car's engine she was working on.
she wiped the slight sweat off with the back of her wrist as her hands were covered in black grease.
"why don't you g'head on home, kiddo. I’ll finish it up." Joel perks up from behind as he placed the toolbox he brought in on his workbench.
"you sure?" Ellie questions as she walks over to the utility sink at the far corner of the repair-shop.
"Yeah, I gotta work on that client's tires—the one I told ya he came in makin' a fuss his tires weren't low enough." Joel chuckled out slightly at the end which caused Ellie to give a soft giggle.
"you talkin' about Sergío?" you recall a couple months back how a man came into the shop with the coolest lowrider she had ever seen up-close.
"yup. that's tha'man." Joels southern accent draws out.
"he should be comin' in soon" Joel told Ellie as he began to move the car Ellie finished up into the lot with the rest of the other vehicles.
now you could call Ellie crazy for this but there was no way this was coincidence.
Ellie was sat on the stool, sipping on a soda as she took her small break as she watched the familiar old school impala drive up.
the blaring headlights caused her to raise her hand, shielding her eyes with the long of her arm.
Ellie's vision was obstructed temporarily but as it quickly refocused; she immediately noticed the huge rosary pendant that hung from the man's rearview mirror.
it was the same religious female procession that was on your lighter.
for some reason whenever she thought of you, she would then see an image or an item of the beautiful prophet.
call Ellie delusional......but to Ellie, this was a sign.
if this is you, please let me see her again. she mentally prayed for.
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more days passed during these dreadful two weeks.
the both of you lived in sync as you both spent time moping over each other during your daily duties of life.
another day where you were having an unpleasant smoke session. you usually would roll up after you got out the shower, depending on the weather for your drink of choice.
you would have a hot tea or iced latte to go with the lit joint in your hand as you sat on your woven chair outside of your porch.
your mind couldn't even relax as you inhaled your kush, you would ask yourself if it was something about you that made her 'unattracted' to you.
she probably thought you were one of those girls…
you felt yourself physically cringe at the fact you even thought that.
you truly just didn't know.
Ellie had been the first woman to ever give you enough attention to have you really question yourself.
couple months before you left after the college semester finished, there was this girl in your finances class that had sat down next to you.
she had the strongest female physique you seen, her arms showing she was a gym-rat.
you even remember her name being Abby, she was sweet when she flirted with you.
it had been the first time a woman ever flirted you which automatically caused your body to flush and grow shy.
you remember shutting the poor girl down by just switching your seat, not really processing the fact she had just flirted with you.
you rubbed your head slightly as you continued to drag out your joint, puffing your smoke out after each inhalation.
this situation is different, you weren’t in a relationship this time.
you had already got a taste of Ellie and now it was something turned gluttonous.
you ash your roach before grabbing your bag and heading off to work; your brain tingling still over the auburn beauty.
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you worked in a convenience store; it was owned by your family. more specifically, your tía owned the store ever since your tío had passed away a couple years ago.
she needed help with the store, so you quit working as a sale's assistant to spend half of your day behind a counter.
you honestly thought this was better than the shit you called your old job, you were practically your own boss all day.
the convenience store was located at the corner of a cold-de-sac.
it wasn't too far from a couple car-repair shops and a plaza that had a few options of chain-stores.
your family made a lot of connections through the shop. you would say that the area you lived in was community dominated and tend to be the same community who have lived there since you were born.
your convenience store was like the hot spot for your neighborhood due to the popularity of your tío before his passing.
this made your heart full, and it was worth it every time one of the regular's came in, like right now.
"aye! Pachuco!" you shrilled in pure excitement as one of your dad's friends that you grew up with walks in through the front door.
your convivence store was a little bit different than your regular 7/11 or liquor store.
the counter was all the way in the back, so it would be a bit hard to see who's coming in unless you look at the reflective circular mirror that was at each corner.
Pachuco dressed exactly like his name though, you could not miss him from miles away.
"como estas, neña!?" you leave your section behind the counter, greeting him as you smile at his term of endearment.
you enjoyed the times your job and store gave you, especially moments like these because you never knew if it could be someone you knew who can walk through the doors at any moment.
"I've been good! what will it be today?" you question happily as you get back behind the counter.
"how's that little boyfriend of yours?" the question was a harmless one, he didn't have a single idea that you guys broke up, but you still felt yourself wince at the mention.
"aye pachi, boys will be boys." you state simply, not wanting to get into it.
he observed your demeanor as you pulled out his favorite pack of cigars from the back-shelving.
"then just two Tylenols, gracias Mija—ay! what did i tell you? don't fuckin' date this age. to be honest, we never stop being dumbasses! Jaja—es un milagro que mi esposa no me haya dejado!" Pachuco laughs out as he pays.
you let out a laugh with him before giving him one last hug before he is on his way out, waving goodbye and throwing him a smile.
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“so kiddo….y’tellin’ me that you finally get a girl that gets—you— t’dance and y’dont text her?” Joel summarizes to his understanding at Ellie’s rundown of that night while cleaning grease from the wrench he held.
Ellie just stood there with an awkward look on her face “I thought I raised you right…” Joel grumbles out teasingly.
the awkward look completely fell into a straight-doomed face “jokes kiddo! jus’jokes!” Joel chuckles out, putting the wrench down and popping the hood of the car he was working on.
“ugh! why did I even tell you!” Ellie now began to complain, throwing her gloves off and onto the chair she was once sat on.
“oh, c’mon now! jus’admit it….it was love at first sight.”
the phrase his Ellie’s ears completely drowning out all her sense.
Joel’s voice echoed through her ears with only you as the single thought that lied on her head for what felt like was already decades.
“you wouldn’t even believe her beauty, man…”
Joel knew you were kind of-talking to him, but you were so lost in thought it was almost as Ellie was trying to process it herself still.
“alright alrigh’—why don’t you go down t’store and get us couple drinks, yea?”
Ellie agrees with a nod her head before hold her palm out towards Joel’s direction.
“what?” Joel questions with a hip popped as he works on the popped-hood.
“the money, fam” Ellie remarks simply.
Joel’s expression glazed as ellie continues for stand there with a cheeky expression causing a roll of his eyes.
“fine ma’treat” he mocks out, pulling out a 10 from his jean-pocket.
“awh! thank you Joel.” Ellie’s tone was sarcastic as she threw joel a goofy grin that joel returned.
“you almost 21, y’know that right?” Joel interjected sassily with an eyebrow raised.
“that’s why you let me near the stove now!” ellie bantered childishly before grabbing her headphones; leaving out the car-repair lot.
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♫₊˚.🎧 now playing: land of the snakes
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
Ellie walked down the cracked gray pavement as she took in her surroundings.
she observed each end of each street, looking at the street signs as she walked down; headphones blasting Cole.
she looked at the gas stations, smoke-shops, and laundromats as she crossed the cross-walk as she turned the street more into the busy neighborhood.
she peered an eye-out for a store as her head moved to the beat of the music, the buzzing of the street inaudible to ellie.
she watched as a group of women were walking up with different drinks in her far-view from more down the street.
Ellie followed the direction from where they came from turning the corner. at first, she was greeted with a plaza and a parking lot.
she passes the plaza slightly and it was almost hidden if a person werent looking in the right direction, they would miss it.
Ellie did not miss the store that she assumed the girls must’ve come from.
she couldn’t miss it when the convenience store had a mural of La Virgencita.
Ellie stopped dead in her tracks, only paying attention to the music in her headphones as she couldn’t fathom it.
♫ ain't no wedding and I do the most here
I'm the President you the co-chair.
you the player, yeah, I'm the coach here.
—I coast here.
this weather got me set up on this West Coast shit, yeah ♫
Cole playing in my ear and im seeing this? fuck my life.
Ellie pondered to herself as she just stared at the store, taking in the mural while the lyrics rang through her mind straight into the recollection of you.
her mind recalling your brown skin and the your gold jewelry sparkled as your eyes pierced through her.
she could feel her heart pounding against her chest as she observed the beautiful painting on each side of the store.
Ellie felt she was going mad but every single part of her reeling her in like fish on a rod.
she felt closer to you somehow.
like as if you were there.
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call yourself unprofessional but it wasn’t like you worked in a office or something.
if that was the case, you definitely wouldn’t be rolling up like you are right now.
you took the split cigarillo that was now packed with good greens up to your lips to lick a slick stripe along the cigarillo before pinching it sealed.
you grabbed your lighter, flicking it open as you focused on the ignited flame; drying your saliva into the blunt.
your focus was interrupted by the sound of the store-bells chiming.
no mamés—im on my fucking break. did they not read the fucking sign.
you complain mentally as you remember switching the ‘We’re Open’ to ‘Closed’.
you walk out from the backroom where the surveillance cameras were back behind your counter.
you knew someone entered but you couldn’t see who.
you decided to duck into the room real quick to put the rolled blunt into the wrapper; placing it in your sweater-pocket.
♫ nothin’s impossible
and all you lame—show me what not to do
i met a real bad bitch in the club tonight
she told me, “Watch the snakes ‘cause they watching you” ♫
Ellie was greeted with aisles of merchandise the second she walked in. she took a few steps down, passing a few aisles as she got closer to the section of refrigerators.
she wasn't paying attention much to her surroundings as she just took in the style of the store. she moved one-side of her headphones off her ear before opening the fridge and grabbing a lemonade for herself, and a sparkling water for Joel.
Ellie turned the corner, catching a glimpse of the clerk counter but she didn't see anyone behind it. she went down the aisle that was now in-front of the counter, grabbing her favorite bag of chips and a slim-jim.
now the next moment that happened.... Ellie swore it was all in slow motion.
if Ellie thought something was wrong with her brain before, her entire cerebellum just shut down for fucking sure.
she turned around with full expectation of having to wait and not seeing you behind that counter.
it genuinely was a miracle.
it was like the universe had been listening all along to the both of you, plotting this moment perfectly to unfold divinely.
Ellie dropped the snack items that were in her right hand, drinks in her left as her pupils flared. completely gleaming her eyes at you just standing there.
♫ now if you only had one wish is it devious?
'cause you already know who your genie is
ain't get a cover now your mag on my penis
like damn, he turned out to be a genius ♫
you felt frozen in place as you both burn into each other’s stare, neither of you processing the moment.
you caught a glimpse of the 'random woman' when her head was turned. she had her hair up in a loose bun and from the back—what looked like a black jumpsuit.
the second she turned around, your heart stopped.
you actually felt your heartbeat turn irregular as you were sure your eyes were gaping as jaw slacked obscurely.
you both were just gawking at each other absentmindedly. slowly, you began to remember how the woman didn't even text you and now here she was; meaning she lived in the area. your area.
you felt yourself emotions fume up "are you gonna pay or?" you nettled out, sounding way meaner than you meant too. you bit your lip in regret as you watch Ellie blink herself back into reality.
she took a step closer, still feet away from the counter you were behind. she tore her eyes from yours.
the woman didn't owe you anything but for some reason, you found yourself pushing for an answer "you come in here for that-" you began, taking your manicured nail and pointing at the items she held in her hands "or for somethin' else?" you finish questioning.
your tone was still bothered but you weren't rude.
Ellie didn't miss a single emotion though, feeling each one of your emotional vibrations straight into her heart. she wanted to open her mouth to explain everything.
in her heart, she was ready to tell you how you made her feel something no one else ever has before or how she wanted to ask you out to a fancy restaurant like she's never done because she's never met a woman who oozed of such divine elegance; while your looks could kill anyone with just one glance.
for fuck-sake, she's looks even better than I imagined.
Ellie knew this was the worse time to be checking you out, but this was something only Ellie had been dreaming about. she needed to soak in this moment.
you were wearing a black Juicy tracksuit; the zipper was halfway zipped revealing the pink halter that slightly pushed your breasts up complimented by your signature cat-eye liner and cocoa-lined lips.
your bronze skin shining through the same statement gold necklaces on the night she first met you, your hoops this time were small gold ones that Ellie didn't miss them. she took in the same details and your different ones.
you crossed your arms starting to get more irritated as you felt like the woman was judging you.... not checking you out.
“i-i’m—” ellie huffed as her eyes didn’t leave the floor before finally gaining the confidence to stride herself over and placing all the items on the counter.
“i’m sor-” you cut her off.
“i’m not gay.”
if you thought ellie’s facial expression was wistful and apologetic, her face went sour—completely deadpanning as each syllable was uttered out your mouth.
you jump immediately “wait!—” now it was your turn to take a breathe, Ellie didn’t move from her spot although her heart felt like it had been ripped out her chest.
“I’m not sure…. it’s a long story.” your explanation was pathetic.
"I was just gonna apologize...I see..." Ellie’s eyes trailed off from yours down onto the items on the counter as she dug into her pockets.
you examined her, trying to pick up on any sense of how she felt.
you looked at her up and down, she was wearing a mechanic jumpsuit that had a few stains and a white wife-beater under it. you felt yourself grow nervous at how good she looked; she looked worked out, but it made you even more attracted to her.
the small details of her becoming clearer as her freckles on her face were kissing her all across her cheeks, you took in how her clothing looked like she just came from a car-shop, and how her loose bun let a few free strands fall in her face.
you felt her rooted into you completely, just taking in her appearance bloomed your heart.
you felt yourself sigh once more, picking up the merchandise scanner and scanning each item. your hand wanted to shake so bad as the invisible blimps of your skin goosebump.
say something, say something.
your mind was burdensome as you force a sentence out of you "I'm-I'm on my break. the sign said closed." your voice was low, wanting to be hidden almost.
Ellie watches you bag her snack and drinks, rubbing the back of her neck to ease the tension that riled within her racing body; heart thrashing against her chest.
"the mural—it caught my attention.... I didn't even know there was a sign." Ellie's eyes meet yours once again.
"I understand if you didn't like me." you rush out, Ellie almost didn't catch it as you held onto her bag of items; she didn't even get the chance to hand you the 10 bill yet.
Ellie thought she was hearing things, there was no fucking way you just stated that shit.
she couldn't help but let out a very audible scoff.
"you ain't even let me say'somthin''" you could hear somewhat of a country undertone in her now loud and clear voice. nothing like the first night, where you could barely hear her.
you rolled your eyes as you felt no hope with the woman, handing her the bag.
"I never said that did I?" Ellie didn't hand you the bill yet, still in her hand. the way she let the sentence fall from her lips made your face hot.
she finally handed you the 10 "you said you were on your break?" she hinted as she held the bill in-between her fingers, making you grab it from her.
you lean in, reaching your hand out but not grabbing the bill "don'tcha know it's rude to interrupt a lady's smoke sesh?" you tease.
"m'sorry mama, any way to make it up to you?" Ellie slys out as you both flirt over the counter with each other like some shit out of a movie.
"join me?"
"i could listen to that 'long story' of yours"
you both gave each other a soft smile as you chuckled, finally taking the ten and putting it in the register before stepping outside your store with the fine roughed-up woman.
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the moment was picture perfect.
you both stood outside your shop, the mural captivating the background behind the both of you as you leaned against the gumball machines that were outside on the side of your shop-doors with Ellie in front of you.
you took the blunt out of the wrapper the cigarillo originally came in, taking it between your lips.
Ellie watched you bring your signature lighter up to the tip to ignite it. you puffed on it a couple times, flicking the lighter to crisp the edges to make sure it burned correctly.
you handed her the blunt, eyes meeting as you caught her staring. there was a moment of silence as she puffed herself. you kicked your feet up in a soft bored-playful manner as you continue to challenge your mental.
"Ellie..." you began, her name falling off like butter as it sounded like a lullaby to Ellies ears. she had all ears and eyes on you as she continued to drag out the blunt.
"I would love to tell you everything—but for right now...." you took a deep breath as you felt the cottonmouth begin to catch you.
Ellie leaned closer, putting a hand over yours comfortingly. she did it unconsciously, by the time she even realized she had her hand on your shoulder; she was already feeling ready to comfort you to even mentally process.
"that's okay-like I said, I'm all ears"
you couldn't process how compassionate she was with you as you spoke up.
"not too long ago, I broke up with a long-term boyfriend—he cheated that's not the point—the point is that.... I have never been with anyone besides him." you explain, your pauses being inhalations of the sparked bud.
Ellies brows furrowed but she listened to you intently, she couldn't believe a woman like you could ever be cheated on.
"I'm sorry, you don't deserve someone like that." she reassures once more causing your heart to skip a beat.
you disregard the comment by giving her a soft smile and passing her back the blunt, not wanting to focus too much on that aspect "I know I sound complicated, but I just never got the chance to figure it out" your voice was somber, picking at your fingers nervously.
your breath hitched as her hand gently picked up your face by your chin, her face a good distance from yours as the steps she took closer to you only closed the space that was left between the both of you.
"y'know that is not your fault right?"
those words brought you back to what Dina told you weeks ago.
"thank you...." you gave her a weak smile as you trailed off "not what you thought, huh?" you gave her this look of pity, not for her but for yourself.
"maybe not but to be fair, I was thinking a lot worse after 'I'm not gay' right then and there" Ellie lightens the mood by making the both of you laugh as you continue to smoke together.
"i may not know much—" you puff out before taking a couple more hits of courage out of your blunt.
"but I know I really like you, Ellie."
your voice was sincere, not a single doubt, or hint of all of this being a 'joke'. she searched your face to see any hence of regret or anxiousness. she found none.
your face was assured and if anything, you had straightened yourself up more which inched your faces closer slightly as your confidence flourished through you within seconds.
the switch up drove Ellie crazy.
your demeanor screaming 'I know what I want' and it was all pointing towards the woman in front of you in this dirty black jumpsuit which made her look ravishingly good.
Ellie followed your confidence naturally, something only you were able to derive out of her so easily.
she inched her face closer as you let out of puff of a cloud of smoke in front her face in a playful manner before her face met yours, now only feet away from yours.
"been one night and I already can't think of any other woman than you, mama."
your heart was running a thousand miles per second.
the same nickname she called you affecting you more than before.
"that why you ain't text me?" the real question of the evening.
the confidence Ellie had just gotten completely diminished.
"I'm not maddd" you drag out, reaching a hand to tug on her jumpsuit gently as you smirk. you weren't anymore.
Ellie was like putty under anything you did, your look and if you commanded her to do anything; she would do it in a heartbeat and Ellie knows she would.
just like that, her tense aura calmed down.
"i was so fucking ready to ask you out on some fancy shit. i was gonna tell you im picking you up at 7, having a whole ass bouquet while you stepped down all divine as fuck—i was so close! my fucking fin—"
Ellie couldn't finish your sentence by the crashing of your lips onto hers.
the kiss wasn't heated or fast, it was purely passionate. you both sulked into each other as your bodies needed this. you indulged in the warmth you both brought each other, your arms wrapping around her neck as the once lit blunt blew out while still in between your middle and ring finger.
the mix of the tobacco from the cigarillo creating a swish in the taste of each other's tongues in distasteful pleasure as neither of you could care or process anything besides being together right here in this moment like a heaven-sent.
if this was the work of the divine, ellie found herself mentally thanking them as your lips moved in sync together.
Ellie pulled away with the biggest smile on her face, biting her lips ever-so-softly before speaking.
"Is there any way tis'beautiful woman could spare a poor mechanic woman one more chance?" Ellie takes a hand, placing it across her heart dramatically causing small giggles to erupt out of you.
you pick up on how ellie mentioned she was a mechanic. ‘that’s so fucking hot’ you thought to yourself.
Ellie watched you in pure admiration and beauty "and what would that be, hmm?" you hum out contently, your forehead's brushing against each other.
"that date. you and me, and a fancy dinner—how about it, mama?"
Ellies eyes gleamed hopeful as your gaze's pour into each other.
"i thought you would never ask, bebé"
there you two were, rekindling outside of a convenience store.
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cultofdixon · 8 months
Please don’t take my sunshine away
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Saviors War ended. Doesn’t mean vendettas don’t exist. The archer just wished those who hated him would fuck with him and not someone as important as you • ANGST/SFW • TW: Major injuries / Blood loss / Concussion / Discomfort
Requested by: Anon
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“You are one impatient man when it comes to your other half”
Daryl brought his attention toward the front door where Maggie stood with a tired expression on her face with an equally tired infant in her arms.
“Sorry if me leavin’ woke you both”
“No no. Hershel was the one to wake me but that’s what you sign up for with babies” Maggie smiles at her son who finally relaxed in her embrace. “Now why are you up? Y/N is going to be here in the morning”
“That. That’s exactly why”
“Again, impatient” She laughs bringing herself to sit on the steps as Daryl pushes himself off the pillar to sit beside his friend. “She’ll get here when she’ll get here”
Nothing could go wrong.
It was starting to become unbearable. The waiting for his partner even if he was occupied for most of the day.
Daryl decided to take his bike out of the community for his break, thinking Y/N’s car must have run out of gas on the way over so he would bring one over. But before he even left, Siddiq stepped through the gates with Enid who’s shadowing him to become a medic. They were coming from Oceanside after doing check ups and the route from that community and Alexandra merge at a point when heading toward the Hilltop. So he could’ve seen anything on his way over.
“No, we didn’t see a car on the way over”
“There were a lot of walkers in a single spot that we took care of and it was just a dead deer.”
“So you really shouldn’t worry about Y/N” Siddiq instantly went to where Daryl was thinking as Enid nodded nervously.
“Yeah well she hasn’t turned up. I gotta head out there and see what’s happenin’.” Daryl got on his bike about to start it when Siddiq laid a hand on his shoulder giving him a worried look.
“I’ll get Maggie’s radio. Just in case”
Daryl nodded, gripping onto his radio subconsciously.
This isn’t right?
Eugene told me this car had its maintenance done. Why is it being like this?
Fuck—-FUCK, where are the breaks?!
Who messed with the brea——
Y/N flinched awake after the initial crash as she slowly lifted her head off the steering wheel feeling the throbbing stiff pain in her chest. Her ribs were broken. The pain wasn’t only there. Her whole body ached and given the shaking from the shock, so much more happened. The blood loss was getting to her, how long has she been out? She went to reach for her pack in the passengers only to notice the glass shards embedded in her right arm. Staring at what caused pain on one side of her resulted in a realization that she couldn’t feel her other arm. Before she could even try and touch it, her lungs constricted causing her to cough into her hand noticing the blood and that’s when the tears started.
She’s going to die out here.
Then it clicked to her. Where she crashed and how far she was from the Hilltop, it shouldn’t go unnoticed if Y/N pressed down on the horn. She tested it at first to make sure that the horn was still connected but then she remembered it’s not the old world. Walkers littered the earth and just from testing it could’ve triggered one over.
But the smallest test caught the archer’s attention as he drove near the sound and took out walkers nearby.
The honk was only once, and then suddenly consistent.
Daryl followed and killed the walkers near the sound as it came clear what happened…or at least why she didn’t show up…
Fuck fuck fuck Daryl quickly ran to the driver’s door after dropping his bike. He forced the door open seeing the damage for himself as he struggled to keep his composure.
She felt him gently bring herself against the seat to check her pulse and thankfully it was there for him.
The sound of the radio buzz caught Enid’s attention from their inventory re-check as she quickly grabs it.
“Hello? Daryl?” She says watching Siddiq turn around to face her and eye the radio.
“It’s bad. It’s really fucking bad”
“We’ll see you soon” Enid stopped pressing their radio tossing it onto the counter and quickly cleaning up what they were doing.
“Once you put that box away, go inform Maggie and Jesus. Maybe someone can shorten the walk over here and drive Y/N the rest of the way back. Then come back and help me set up for anything” Siddiq states watching Enid not even wait another moment and sprint out of the infirmary.
They managed to connect to somebody who was on their way to the Sanctuary. The quick detour to pick up the two was the only easy part. The driving with a pretty much broken person in the vehicle was one of the first few difficult things to handle.
“Maybe drive fucking smoother?!” Daryl snaps at the driver who was already trying his best not to hit any bumps along the way but it is a dirt road to Hilltop compared to the others.
The gates opened the second they heard the car pulling up. Jesus accompanied Siddiq and Enid with helping Y/N get to the medical trailer but Jesus was mainly there to block Daryl the second the two medics got their patient.
“You seriously gonna keep me from her?!”
“Do you even see yourself? She’s going to feel worse seeing all of her blood on your person”
“How the fuck would you know that?! She’s not even awa—-“ Both Daryl and Jesus turned toward the shout coming from the medical trailer as the archer didn’t hesitate to shove the skilled fighter out of his way.
When he entered, Y/N was awake and trying to get Siddiq’s assessing hands away from touching her injuries. Her hands shook when trying to shove him away as he couldn’t stop paying attention to her left arm that was barely moving. He directed Enid to pin her as he gently—as best as he could, grab her shoulder watching her retract her entire body resulting in another shout of pain to escape her. Daryl noticed they cut her shirt to access the injured better and saw the deep blue and purple bruising from her ribs breaking. He was frozen in place, everyone expected him to try and intervene but how could he? He doesn’t know how to handle these things.
Siddiq noticed his presence after a while and glared at the man along with it directed to Jesus. “Get him out of here!” He barked as Jesus quickly grabbed Daryl.
“Come on. Let them work” He struggled to pull Daryl away as he instantly broke out of his grasp stepping over to the situation.
“Jesus I told you—-“
“If I grabbed him now, who knows what you’ll need to fix next” Jesus snaps back only to turn his attention to the doorway when Maggie called out for him needing his assistance.
Daryl gently rest his hand on Y/N’s head causing her to turn her attention onto him. Tears spilled from her bruised blooded face as she couldn’t think of anything to say but she instantly relaxed the best she could given her body ached when Daryl started to shush her in a calming manner. When her body finally relaxed, Siddiq gave Enid a nod for the okay to start working on her while he got an IV in her arm.
“You’re doing great, sunshine…you’re doing great” Daryl whispers brushing away the hair in her face. He glances up noticing Siddiq’s hesitation in popping her shoulder back in place, but once they agreed through the silence. Daryl stood up holding her carefully but also pinning her.
“It will only last a few seconds. I’ll be quick”
“It’s gonna be alright” Daryl reassures Y/N as she watches Siddiq get to work with fixing the dislocation.
After popping her shoulder back into place, she passed out. It scared the few working on her but Siddiq reassured that it was from the shock subsiding and the blood loss of course. Which led Daryl to reveal he’s a universal donor to Siddiq when Enid went to give Maggie an update.
“Are you sure she’ll be okay with this?”
“No, but she needs it” Daryl sat down in the offered seat as Siddiq went ahead with preparing his arm.
“I won’t tell anyone else. I know why you’re doing it now but again—“
“Yeah I get it, Siddiq. Just…yeah hurry up” The archer looked away when he put the needle in, not because he’s squeamish but because this brought weird memories.
After doing the blood transfusion, Daryl stepped out for a moment applying pressure to his arm giving them time to stitch the deep gashes and finish with cleaning and bandaging. He noticed the truck that Rick normally drives being by the Barrington house and when he brought himself into the vicinity there was more than just Rick in the building.
“Daryl, just…the man we needed right now” Rick clears his throat avoiding his eyes as Maggie and Michonne’s worried expressions caught the archer’s attention.
“What happened?”
“We investigated further on what happened to your partner” Jesus started the conversation but no one wanted to say it.
Which easily drove Daryl nuts.
“Spit it out”
“Someone cut the brake wires to the vehicle Y/N was driving” Michonne stated watching him tense. “then when we asked around Alexandria—more specifically the recent Saviors we took in. One of them threatened Y/N before she left”
“And the Saviors aren’t all too bright. They didn’t want her to crash the car” Rick finishes handing Daryl the list of Saviors they are shipping out of Alexandria.
“They did that…expecting me to fucking drive the car and crash?”
“Knowing you, you would’ve been able to crash…safely. Regardless. We are moving those Saviors back to the Sanctuary and—-“
“That’s all you’re ever gonna do. My fucking partner, my WIFE, almost died because some fucking Saviors are still out for me. Or hell they wanted her dead so I would finish the fucking job that y’all didn’t do that night on the hill” Daryl scoffs stepping away from the conversation as Maggie cut through the group letting them take care of the situation for themselves.
“Mags I’m sorry for bringin’ it up again. But I can’t listen to—-“
“You’re right” Maggie grabbed his shoulder making him stop and turn to her. “You didn’t say it but you’re right that their decision for handling this situation is wrong. They should’ve exiled them or worse. But can we at least focus on right now? Y/N is alive. Doing alright. And I’m recommending you both to live here until she’s well enough or hell. Permanently.”
“Y/N wouldn’t agree to the permanently thing. She spent too much time rebuilding our house…it’s just gonna take a while”
“I know and you both can spend that while, here. Or the Kingdom with Carol and Ezekiel. Literally anywhere until she’s ready to go back.”
Daryl didn’t have anymore words on the matter while his anxiety had a chokehold on him. Unexpectedly, the tears spilled as his thoughts raced and while Maggie had too many thoughts herself on the matter…she pushed them aside and brought her arms around her friend keeping him close as he latched onto her.
“She could’ve died…and left me all alone”
“You know she’s a fighter…you’re going to be stuck with her forever” Maggie laughs softly holding him for as long as he wanted.
Soon Daryl found himself seated beside Y/N’s gurney staring at every bandage, every bruise, her swollen face, and her arm strapped to her chest. He next focused on the rise and fall of her chest, afraid of the possible stop. But that never came and she was going to be okay…
“Hey…” Daryl smiles warmly gently kissing Y/N’s forehead as she had been asleep for three days since the accident. He stuck by her side the entire time for the moment she opened her eyes.
“Hi…” Y/N gave him a tired smile even with the bit of pain coursing through her, thank god the drugs helped with it. “You’re dumb”
“For?” He scoffs feeling her hand touch the bruise he got from the IV. “Yeah well, I ain’t losing yea so”
“Mm. Would’ve been out longer if you didn’t.” Y/N kept her hold on him for him to get the hint to sit on the edge of the bed letting her non-strapped arm rest in his lap feeling his hand rub up and down her arm gently. “Gonna take a lot to keep me out”
“Good” Daryl leaned over kissing her lips before pulling away to get one good look at her. “I love you…so much”
“Mm getting sappy, Dixon” She teases patting his leg as he took her hand into his squeezing it and bringing it up to his lips. “I love you, and I’m here. I’m alive. So stop worrying for right now…”
“Yes. For now” Daryl mumbles to himself as Y/N gave him a certain look that lead him to lifting her up enough for him to slip in beside her bringing her into his embrace.
She’s okay
She’s alive
And they are going to pay.
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suzukiblu · 1 month
WIP excerpt for Jan behind the cut; project sidekick. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Did you do it on purpose?” Wonder Woman asks neutrally, no expectation or judgment in the question either way. Superboy feels naked and bare and stripped bound by her lasso, and answering hurts. 
It’s the answer he would’ve given anyway, but it still hurts. 
“No,” he says.
“Did you know the other clones were not the true Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash?” Wonder Woman asks. 
“No,” he says again. It still hurts. 
“Did you in any way, through action or inaction, knowingly leave Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash trapped in Cadmus?” Wonder Woman asks, and the question hurts a lot worse than her lasso. 
“No,” Superboy says roughly, his hands curling into fists on his thighs and the word stabbing through his throat. All he can think of is Kaldur–Aqualad, because that’s not the boy who told them his name and it's not right to call him a name he didn't share–all he can think of is Aqualad speaking to him down in the dark underground halls of Cadmus, offering him absolution, escape, life. Robin and Kid Flash offering him the sun and the moon, reality in three dimensions and not just playground simulations of it. 
They'd wanted to save him. They'd been trying to save him. 
And he'd left all three of them down there in the dark. 
His hands tremble, just once, and Wonder Woman lets the lasso go slack and fall away. 
Superboy tells himself he’s grateful it was just the lasso. It could’ve been Martian Manhunter filling up his head with someone else’s mind, like Cadmus again. 
Except he doesn’t have the right to be grateful for that. 
He deserves for it to have been Martian Manhunter. He deserves for it to have been as bad as Cadmus; he deserves for it to have been worse than Cadmus. He left Aqualad and Robin and Kid Flash all down there, and he went out to the real world without them, and he doesn’t know what was even happening to them. Just . . . sedation, all this time? Just stasis? 
They didn’t even dream, probably. 
Superboy at least got to dream, if nothing else. Dream lies, but . . . 
It’s no damn wonder Superman doesn’t want to help him with his powers or even talk to or look at him, though, because if anyone in there should’ve realized what’d happened–because if he just hadn’t let himself be manipulated and controlled to begin with– 
Black Canary squeezes his shoulder, and Superboy grimaces and drops his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice tight and fingers just barely digging into his thighs. As much as he trusts them to, anyway, without knowing what’ll bruise or bleed. “I didn’t–I thought–we wouldn’t have left them. Not if we’d known. We would’ve found them.” 
Wonder Woman frowns, briefly, and Superboy braces himself for the condemnation, the blame, the– 
“‘We’?” she asks, and he frowns too, a little confused. He doesn’t understand what she’s asking. 
“The four of us,” he says, because he can’t figure out what else she might mean. “We wouldn’t have left them.” 
“Wait,” Wonder Woman says, her expression turning a little strange. “You would have taken all six–” And then she stops, and shakes her head, and starts winding up her lasso. “Of course you would have,” she murmurs.
Superboy wishes that weren’t a question. No one would ever ask Superman that question. No one would ever ask Superman any of the questions Wonder Woman just asked him, lasso or not.
No one would even think to.
“Can I talk to Aqualad and Robin and Kid Flash? If they . . . don’t mind,” he says uncomfortably. Uncomfortable both because Wonder Woman thought of that question, and because he's using those names for people who aren’t the same people he’s actually been calling those names for . . . well, his entire life, give or take about ten or fifteen minutes. But they didn’t tell him anything else he could call them, so–and they’re their names, anyway. “And Artemis and Miss Martian want to see my brothers.” 
Wonder Woman pauses in the middle of winding up the last loop of her lasso, and Black Canary–blinks, very slowly, and glances at him. 
“‘Brothers’?” she repeats, and her voice is careful in a way Superboy doesn’t understand.
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avocadoguru · 1 year
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 11 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 12 (word count: 9k) -updated September 6
“So… did you figure it out, yet?”
Harry didn’t even have time to find it funny, “Why wouldn’t you have said anything to me? This is… What do I do? Does she know? She wouldn’t know yet, would she? I don’t think she knows… Niall, I don’t know how to handle something like this!”
Harry’s emotions were high. And for good reason. What he’d just seen had him shaken. And it also meant that she’d been turned against her will by a psychopath. He was glad he’d murdered James but this would always be a reminder of what had happened and who had done it.
He had been curious about a few little things. The first was obviously the speed at which she’d recovered and then there was her sudden spunk. Her heightened sense of smell was peculiar when she picked out that he was to be making eggs benedict, which should have tipped him off right away. How had she guessed? The sauce wasn’t something that most humans could pick out from a small leak in a jar in a bag full of other more fragrant groceries. 
“What happened that made you realize?”
“I saw her eyes turn golden. Just wish you’d said something.”
Niall had a hunch about her sudden natural reparative abilities, but he couldn’t be 100% sure at the time.“Harry, you have to understand, man. I didn’t say anything because it was either I was wrong or I was right and you’d figure it out anyway. It was better not to say anything if by chance she was just recovering in a way that doesn’t normally happen in humans. Sometimes things do happen that don’t make sense medically. I figured it was better to just wait and see.”
Harry paced, all the way to the furthermost corner of his expansive garden, outside of Y/N’s earshot. His towel tied tight around his waist as he ran his hands through his damp hair, “You could have at least given me a heads up. What do I do?”
Niall breathed out a laugh, “How should I know? I’m a medical doctor! I’m not cut out for emotional therapy. I’ve never dealt with anything like this. But you’ll figure it out.”
“I know. I just… how do I tell her?”
“Harry, again, I don’t know. We’re talking about a human that has been turned and I’m not familiar with all of this. It’s very unconventional. This kind of thing only happens in extremely rare cases and never in my life have I met a human that’s been turned. I’ve heard about it, just never known someone that it happened to. How has she been acting? What caused her eyes to change?”
Harry cleared his throat and looked up at his house, remembering to keep his voice down, “She’s been… very ready to do stuff. Awake. Wants to go for a swim. Is hungry. Um… a little bit bossy with me even.”
Niall hummed into the receiver, “Bossy… and what happened to have her eyes change?”
Harry could almost hear the cheek in his voice, “She was… I think maybe just excited. She’s been in a really good mood since I came back with groceries a bit ago.”
“Right… a good mood. Well, it’s doctor’s orders to take it easy on her. She might be… well… able to tolerate more, but… she’s still recovering. And so are you.”
A scoff fell from Harry’s lips, “Fine. No advice for me then?”
“Sorry, man. Never dealt with anything like this before. As you know, it’s exceptional that anyone would survive being bitten and getting turned. I just think that’s remarkable… The way you’ve been adamant she’s your mate, all this time. She really is your mate. Only your true mate could’ve survived turning for you.”
Y/N was onto Harry. She knew that he wasn’t running out to his car just to get something. Sure he ran out the front door but the way he reacted to her standing so close to him was a little out of character. Perhaps, she decided, that he was trying to “behave” and not push her into anything intimate. That made sense. She was still recovering from what she was told were deadly injuries. But that in itself was a mystery to her. She felt fine for the most part. 
She’d unpacked the groceries and left out the ingredients to make the eggs benedict when Harry was in the shower. But getting interrupted by the way he had groaned and then, the thing that had started to become a big question at the front of her mind, was his scent. It was his natural musk but she could smell him from all the way downstairs in the kitchen while he was in the shower. It was his groan, however, that had her feet carrying her upstairs to check on him. Just to see. 
She didn’t know why he’d suddenly become so timid with her. Why he was shying away from her. It was subtle but she noticed it. 
When he came back inside, dawning only the towel he tucked around his waist he slowed his movements as he saw her standing there with a knowing look on her face.
“What happened?”
Harry tilted his chin up to feign more confidence than he was feeling in her presence suddenly. It was as if he was looking at her with new eyes. She was like him now and her senses would pick apart the subtlest changes, “I thought I’d left the butter in the car. Wouldn’t have wanted it to melt.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him as he walked past her into the kitchen, “But you didn’t go to your car.”
Harry clenched his jaw and stopped in his tracks. It was going to be difficult to pretend he didn’t know what was going on but he wanted to wait a little longer before telling her in hopes of her figuring it out herself. Or, in any case, he needed to figure out a way to ease her into this. He didn’t want her to freak out, or be by herself when she did figure it out. But he needed time to process it himself; all he knew was that he couldn’t just blurt it out to her out of nowhere. 
He hated to have to go right back to keeping secrets from her again, especially such a huge one, and especially something that affected her directly. By some miracle he didn’t lose her, she was still there with him by choice, he just couldn’t handle losing her for good if she took to the news badly. Which she had every right to… just as much as she’d had every right to be as upset with him as she’d been just a little while back. He thought back then that he’d lost her for good. And now he had to prepare himself for the possibility of having his heart broken all over again.
The way he handled this was crucial. A wrong move and he could fuck it all up forever. He needed to tread carefully.
He looked at her with squinted eyes, “How do you know I didn’t check the car?”
Y/N paused. She had been feeling like her senses were somehow heightened. Her hearing, her sense of smell… She pondered his question as he continued walking into the kitchen. Looking at his broad shoulders and his back had her wishing he hadn’t run off when he did. 
“It’s kind of weird, you know… I’ve been, like, experiencing these weird things. I can hear so clearly and my sense of smell is…” she thought back to the panties she found but decided to keep that bit of information until the time was right, for later, “and I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s all in my head? I feel like maybe I should call Niall…”
Harry watched her carefully as she mulled over everything and he pulled out two eggs from the carton before she continued, “So when I couldn’t hear the car door, I guess I just assumed…” She scoffed, hearing herself out loud. She sounded like a nutcase. Of course she wouldn’t be able to hear the car door all the way from upstairs. “Sorry. I’m being weird. But… right now I’m actually starving so if that butter made it alive let’s eat.”
Harry had Y/N heat the hollandaise while he prepared the rest of the ingredients. But she was clearly still mulling over their interaction upstairs. He noticed her eyes dragging down his bare chest and stopping at his crotch repeatedly. And he could tell she was not only hungry for food but she also had a bit of an appetite for something carnal as well. 
He cleared his throat when he turned to find her leaning on the island and watching him, “Gonna burn the sauce.”
Her grin was playful and Harry felt his blood heat up as she spoke, “Turned it off already. The lid will keep it warm.” She didn’t remove her gaze from him. She was making it very clear what she wanted and he wondered if she was aware of what she was doing or not. 
As much as he’d have loved to have bent her over the kitchen island and take care of his girl the way she needed he couldn’t allow that. Not until they at least had a real conversation. About what she’d seen. About how she was feeling. 
When she began to walk toward him she realized it was like something was just drawing her to him. She wanted to… what did she want? Breakfast was nearly ready and she was very hungry, and yeah, she wanted to eat but what she really wanted was to bite him. Just to nip his shoulder or his neck. His pecs. She didn’t know why her urge was so strong but the moment she was close enough to touch him Harry stood up straight and he looked away from her sultry gaze, “Uh, I’m just gonna go and get dressed and then we’ll eat.”
Breakfast was tasty. It was nourishing and filled her belly, mostly. She felt like she could eat more but Harry’s scent and his hands and his lips were distracting. And the way he kept keeping her at arm’s length had her feeling even more insatiable for him. She knew he was doing it because he was worried about hurting her but she was going to explode if he didn’t do something. 
Turning to face his pretty girl he nearly gave in right then and there, seeing the ravenous look in her eyes. He could practically read her mind, that’s how loud she was thinking those dirty thoughts. And he wanted to give in, he wanted to kiss her, hold her, feel her body against his. Taste her… He shook his head as he got off the stool and pulled himself away reluctantly, grabbing their dirty dishes.“Let’s go for a swim. Like you wanted. I think I know a great place. Secluded. Not in the preserve.” Harry rinsed the dishes as he spoke. He could feel her eyes burning into his back but he needed to keep moving, keep his thoughts from wandering too far. Distract her if he could. He felt he could use a swim himself. Get out some of his pent-up emotions and energy.
“That sounds great, actually,” she grinned and lifted herself up to sit on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes, “I feel like I need to move and exert some energy. A little exercise would be good I think. A swim.”
The drive to the new spot wasn’t as quick as it would have been if they’d driven to the preserve and parked and hiked up to their special hidden oasis. But they both knew they couldn’t go back there. Maybe ever. Y/N stopped herself from initiating conversation the whole drive there, and she could tell Harry was holding back, too. She just wasn’t quite ready to address all of that; she at least wanted to go for this swim first. That would hopefully make her feel a bit better. She felt absolutely fine apart from the fact she felt she didn’t fit into her own skin. She was aching to move, burn some energy off, and she suspected it was due to the fact that she was sexually frustrated.
Y/N decided to google her symptoms to pass the time quicker on their drive to this new, secluded place Harry had suggested. She was not quite understanding the way she was able to smell everything so clearly. She typed in sudden heightened sense of smell into the search bar. Scrolling through the various results and webmd articles she landed on something that might explain the strange phenomenon. 
Synesthesia could be the answer. It wasn’t uncommon for people that had gone through life-threatening injuries. She wasn’t 100% sure that was what was causing her to smell and hear things she would have never been able to before but at least it was some kind of answer. Something to ask Niall about when she did finally talk to him about all this.
Harry parked his car off the road and tucked away behind large pines and in the grass. It was miles from the preserve and in an area where the mountains were not protected or worked by the rangers. Some of it was privately owned land that hadn’t been touched in decades. 
“The swimming cove is a spot I used to come to when I had time to waste and wanted to venture away from the preserve.” Harry spoke as he grabbed her bag from her, putting it over his shoulder and began walking toward the fence that clearly meant the area was off limits. 
The overgrowth of vines and grass indicated that no one had been in these parts in a very long time. Which put Y/N at ease. She followed him, scaling the fence easily and trekking through the acreage close behind.
The upward hike was off trail and cumbersome but once they began making their way down into the valley from where they’d hiked Y/N saw the ridges of the mountain and a level area below with a ravine.
“Your sense of direction is astonishing,” she commented as they carefully trekked down toward where they could hear the water flowing, “But I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? You’re a…” she stopped just before she could say the word. She still had to get used to that idea. That he was a werewolf. Part human, part beast. 
Harry turned to look at her, stopping his pace suddenly as he raised his brows at her, “A werewolf? Is that what you were going to say?”
Nodding her head she shrugged, “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be called that. Or… I don’t know. Is it okay to say it?”
The gentle smile that took over his features told her it was, though he didn’t respond to her question with words. 
Looking down to the sandy portion of the ravine Harry pointed, “Just there. It’s beautiful once you see it from the ground. Come on.”
Y/N was wearing her hiking boots while Harry was in his signature chelsea boots, making the descent to the cove look like child’s play. She was now hyper aware of why he was so good at hiking and trekking and staying steady even in such posh shoes. Everything that had suddenly come to light about what he really was had answered so many questions for her. 
But the moment they were standing in the wet sand before the cove where the ravine led, all her thoughts about what Harry was had vanished. Another breathtaking spot with not a single human soul to be seen.
Harry placed their bags on the rocks to keep them dry and began to take his boots off as he watched Y/N curiously. He had been careful not to allow her to over exert herself but she was easily keeping up with him and she seemed fine. She was fine. Her heartbeat was steady and strong, her body had barely broken out in a sweat and she had a wide smile on her face as she looked around.
“Harry, this is… it’s perfect!” She was eager to move her limbs in the cool water. Feel the weightlessness take over and play around with Harry.
She looked over at him as he was undressing, taking his clothes off, his boots already on the rocks next to the bags. So she followed suit. Taking her own boots off and peeling her pants down her legs. 
Harry was already jumping into the water by the time Y/N had stuffed her shirt onto the pile of clothes. Looking down over her body she did see the awful scar. The wound was healed but the remnants of what had happened was obvious. She hesitated to remove her bra as she brushed a hand over the raised skin.
“Everything okay?” Harry called to her. She looked out toward him, handsome with wet hair as he came in closer to her. 
“Yeah. Just… saw this and…” she ran her fingers from the top of her clavicle downward over the scar to under her breast, “I guess I feel lucky to even be alive. Here with you.”
She kept her eyes on his as she unhooked the back of her bra and removed it. 
Harry watched her as she bent down and took her panties off. He was already hard just seeing her bare body but the scar across her chest kept him in check. She was still recovering. Still figuring out what was going on. 
The somber moment was suddenly over the minute she jumped into the water next to Harry and began to laugh. The water was frigid but it felt fantastic. Normally she would feel discomfort but right now her body was adjusting to it just fine, feeling invigorated and alive.
Stretching her limbs in the water she ducked her head under to swim closer to Harry and grasped his wrist.
Harry pulled her up and she tugged his arm around herself. Both grinning ear to ear with the closeness. He was just glad she was feeling playful. That she wasn’t upset or hurt by what had happened. At least in that moment she wasn’t. He knew she’d have lots of questions for him. Knew they needed to have a conversation but for now the light hearted moment was the only thing he could focus on. And her warm skin against his.
She was more than just playful though. She was horny and Harry knew it. Having her naked in the cool water of a private cove in the mountains was risky. Because he was turned on too. And he knew he was asking for trouble with this scenario. It evoked memories of their time together at the oasis in the preserve.
He could resist her for only so long. She was laying it on thick in his house during breakfast and now with his clothes off and his obvious erection it would be even harder to resist her. 
Harry pulled his arm away and began to swim backwards, gliding through the water smoothly, putting some distance between himself and the girl. 
“Where are you going?” She laughed and began to swim toward him slowly.
Harry shook his head and feigned innocence, “What do you mean? Just swimming is all,” he bit the inside of his cheek to tamper the playful grin on his face.
Instead of continuing after him she decided she’d lure him to her. She ducked under the water again, kicking her feet out and splashing as she maneuvered under the water before surfacing, bouncing out just enough that her breasts were visible to him. 
She watched him closely as she pushed herself back and stretched her arms to float at the surface. The tranquility of having her ears tucked under the water, muffling all the sounds that surrounded them, and floating in the mountain chilled water on her back was just like being back at her oasis. She smiled to herself and peeked an eye at Harry. To her delight, he was already watching her closely.
His eyes were clearly taking in her soft breasts with tightened nipples perking above the water. She wouldn’t tease him too much but she wanted his hands on her. Wanted his attention. Wanted him to give in to her. She knew what he was doing. Knew he was trying to keep his distance because she needed to heal. But that just made her want him more. His gentlemanly and thoughtful attempts to keep her healthy and the way he was doing it because he cared for her. Denying himself something she knew he wanted as a way of protecting her. 
Harry decided to peel his eyes from her body and float on his back too. He needed to straighten out his thoughts and get his mind out of the gutter. He closed his eyes and tried to train his dirty thoughts away. He knew his body was calling him to take care of his natural urges with his mate. And now that she was like him… she was very likely made exactly for him in every way. 
But he couldn’t just act on his desires. He didn’t want to hurt her and he was sure if they did have sex she’d display even more evidence of being like him and that could scare her. If she somehow dropped her fangs in the middle of her orgasm or her claws came out while he was pounding into her – yeah, his thoughts weren’t helping. All of that sounded absolutely delightful and he’d love to feel her fangs puncture into his skin, or have her claw up his back and chest. 
“Harry,” he heard her voice speak his name and he popped his eyes open, dropping the lower half of his body back into the water and letting his toes scrape along the rocky sand.
She saw the way his erection was bobbing just above the water every time his chest inhaled and he floated upward the tiniest bit. And then his eyes on hers were dark. She could almost hear his heart pounding in his chest, not unlike her own wildly pumping heart.
Something in her decided to cut the shit. She was feeling bold. Feeling like he wanted exactly what she wanted and as nice as it was to be cared for and protected by him she wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and to give himself to her once and for all. 
“Stop this,” she spoke matter-of-factly as she swam around his body. “I can see clearly how affected you are by me.” 
Touching his shoulder she moved her finger down over his tattoos and to his pecs, thumbing at his nipple and watching his eyes, “I’m okay. Really. You don’t have to keep holding off and denying yourself, Harry.” She moved herself in front of him and draped her arms over his shoulders.
Without another thought, Harry’s hands moved down to her waist as he pulled her in closer to him, “I want you healthy is all. And I think we have a lot to talk about.”
Nodding her head she agreed. That was true. They needed to talk. But something inside of her needed something physical. She needed it to uncloud her brain and give her some kind of clarity. She couldn’t explain it, she just knew she needed it. More than a talk. As important as that was, she was sure she wouldn’t ever be able to focus on anything he told her if he didn’t fuck her first.
“Yes. We will talk. But I don’t know how to explain the way I feel in this moment, how much I need you.” She bit her lip and pushed her hips to his, his cock firm on her thigh, “It’s kind of painful actually.”
Harry could feel her warm against his prick as he looked down to see her breasts grazing against his chest. Painful? Yes, perhaps she was feeling that natural physical urge to release just like he was. That’s how it was for his kind, though he was used to it. Used to the pain of holding off and not allowing himself to indulge right away. She was not used to the way it felt. The ache that wasn’t just from being horny. It was something deep and raw. A biological and natural instinct his kind, their kind possessed. 
He knew the pain well. Knew it could be pushed down and she’d be okay. But she was new to all this. And even with the water around them he could smell how intensely she needed him. Needed him to soothe her. And he was the only one that could provide that for her too. He knew that even if she masturbated she wouldn’t be fully comforted. It would pacify her for a bit. Maybe an hour but she wouldn’t be fulfilled. She wasn’t going to feel better until he took care of her. But he needed to be careful. 
“I think you need to recover first, kitten.” Harry let the little nickname he’d given her so long ago slip out. Or maybe he’d done it on purpose. There was something about her that was feeding into his own urges. She was drawing them out of him with just her eyes. The change in her was so deep and it tangled with his own impulses and senses that he could barely think straight. He was more drawn to her than he’d ever been and he knew it was because of the change. Because she was like him now. His perfect match. 
“Harry,” she spoke softly as she kept her eyes on his, a hand moving over his warm chest, “I trust you. I know you would never hurt me and I can tell you need it too. You need me just as much.”
She could just sense his need. And it wasn’t just the fact that he had an erection. She knew it before all that. She felt it back at his house. Something between them had shifted and it was as if she could anticipate his needs without him having to tell her or show her.
His teeth ached to kiss her and to bite her. A carnal and spiritual feeling overwhelmed him. His willpower was incredible but there was only so much he could take. He was as weak as any man and her wolf was luring his out to play. Perhaps he could be gentle. She needed him. She needed him. 
He grasped the back of her head and his lips found her mouth. The kiss was hot and electric  and wild. She lifted a thigh up to his hip and he used his free hand to keep it in place, pasting their hips together.
The whimper that fell from his mouth had her grinning and feeling powerful. She grasped onto his shoulders and let the weightlessness of the water aid her in lifting her other leg to wrap around his hips. Harry groaned and brought his other hand down to keep her thighs held up in place.
Their naked bodies were in sync as he began to walk her out of the water and to the small spot where the sand met the craggy rocks. He’d take care of her. Make love to her gently and soothe her ache. Soothe his own ache. 
Their mouths never parted as he walked out of the water and carefully placed her down into the sand, his knees falling into the granules as he put himself between her thighs. With her legs open he could smell her in a way that was overwhelming. He groaned and licked into her mouth before parting from the kiss with a gasp.
The scar on her chest and over her neck had him filled with jealousy and hatred. He was glad he’d killed James for even placing a finger on his girl. His lips pressed over her scar just above her breast and she ran her fingers into his long hair as he pecked wet kisses along the skin that had been forever marred. 
“I’m going to make it better,” he whispered between kisses, “Make you feel whole again. Give you everything you need. Show you what it means to be mine…”
She closed her eyes and threw her head back as his mouth worked upward slowly and over the skin on her neck. His tongue laved softly and his lips grazed over the sensitive spots that were still healing. She had never felt such need before in her life. Sure she’d been horny before and had never been more turned on by anyone the way she was with Harry. But this was different. Something else was at play and she didn’t have the mind to dwell on it. She only knew that she needed him.
“Please…” she breathed out her plea as his warm mouth soothed her flesh and his nose nudged at her jaw.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” He continued kissing every inch of her scar as he pushed her back down into the sand, “I’m the only one that can make it better.”
She knew it was true. Whatever was happening in her could only be quieted by him.
Nodding her head she spread her legs further, hoping he’d put her out of her misery and fuck her into oblivion, “Harry, please…”
He looked down over her soft body and the scars, and felt emotions rise in his heart. He hated James even in his death, but he was beyond grateful that she was still his. That she was alive. He would worry later about the guilt and the real issue at hand. His own urges and her excruciating need were beckoning to be dealt with immediately. He could practically feel the ache in her body. Her tummy was emanating heat and he felt bad that she was in such pain. She wasn’t used to this level of arousal and need yet. She would learn to deal with it eventually but for now he would give her relief.
Her cry of pleasure was loud, echoing off the rocks of the cove that surrounded them as he placed his mouth on her throbbing pussy, already pulsing and clenching and dripping. 
The sting of her fingers pulling at his hair had him growling into her with delight. He could tell she was urging him in harder but he was going to resist doing anything hard or painful. That would come later. When he was certain she was ready for it. 
His tongue was wide and flat as he tugged it up and down her slick cunt. She was so wet he was certain he couldn’t possibly lick it all up and the flavor was just like before but now it tasted truly nourishing to him. He held her thighs apart gently as he dove into her like she was a meal. Licking and sucking at her bits. 
She writhed and moaned, her hips lifting off the sand and bucking into his face making him nearly lose his grip on her thighs. She was strong. He shouldn’t have been surprised but he was still getting used to the notion that she was like him now. 
“Fuck… yes…” she cooed loudly as his scalp was on fire from the way she was yanking his hair.
Harry didn’t lift his mouth to chuckle or respond and taunt her like he wanted. He needed to make her come so he kept his lips at work on her pussy.
When he began to kiss her clit and pull at it with the smallest nip she squealed and cried out his name as her thighs attempted to close around his head. He held her down but he didn’t want to hurt her so he moved his palms up to grip the underside of her knees to keep her legs pressed down.
She continued bucking as her muscles tensed and her moans grew louder. His nose and mouth and chin were shiny and sticky with her as he rubbed his nose into her clit and stuck his tongue into the opening and past her little muscle, the slick gushing noises the only  background sound to her gasps and soft pants.
Harry was feeling his own cock leak and throb. Just tasting her and knowing how good he was making her feel was putting him on edge. He swallowed down her arousal and took a gasp of breath before putting his face back into her cunt for more.
She’d never felt it like this before. Something far more intense was happening in her body and she didn’t know if it was because it was her first orgasm since she nearly died or just knowing that Harry was a werewolf and he was probably enjoying the taste of her in a way she never realized before. That all those times he’d told her how much he liked her scent and her taste, he wasn’t just saying it to make her feel good, he actually meant it. Or just knowing that he was a werewolf in general… probably all of the above. 
When her orgasm snapped over her body she tightened her grip on his hair he grunted into her pussy in pain, but it didn’t stop him from lapping at her and sucking her clit. She was shaking so hard and pulling at his hair so tight that he was having a hard time moving his mouth over her the way he wanted. Instead, she was moving his face over her soft crease and clit the way she wanted. 
Her cries were loud. It almost sounded as if someone was hurting her. Like she was wailing in pain and anguish. Harry understood that this was because of her intense need to release. Her first release as a werewolf by the hands of her lover. Her mate. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head in ecstasy of his own. He’d not come but he could. His own cock was neglected and hot and if he allowed it, he’d come all over himself and the sand below. But he wanted to come inside of her. He wanted to feel her around him and he knew she was going to want it. 
The part of him that wanted to wait and to talk first was already a distant memory left back in his kitchen. His instincts and his wolf had taken over at that moment.
He felt her release his hair as she sighed, wiggling underneath him.
Y/N grabbed at him, pulling him up and over her, “Want you inside me, right now. Do it while I’m still pulsing around nothing.”
Harry was beyond trying to fight this, eating her out had driven him over the edge. He was determined to give her everything she wanted and luckily for him, it was exactly what he wanted as well. The way she’d clawed at him to get him on top of her made him feral, he wondered if she was realizing the amount of force she’d just exerted in doing so, but he couldn’t dwell on it for too long, not when he looked down at her and she looked like she was going to howl with how much she wanted it. 
She yanked him against her lips and devoured his mouth, licking her arousal off of him and humming profusely, and in turn, Harry didn’t waste a single moment longer before sinking himself into her juicy cunt. The cry she let out was akin to an injured wolf’s and he knew he wasn’t hurting her, she was just giving in to her natural instincts now. That of letting him dominate her completely. 
He pulled back a bit to watch her and when she opened her eyes and her golden irises flashed at him he groaned loudly, allowing his own to take over. Her mouth fell agape and she reached to push his hair out of his face to take him all in better while he slowly but steadily fucked into her. “Harry… your eyes. They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re exactly who and what you should be, I’m so damn lucky,” she rolled her eyes to the back of her head in ecstasy and Harry thought his heart was going to burst at the amount of love he felt for her. 
He didn’t know how it was possible he now loved her even more than before, but being wanted and loved for exactly who he was turned out to be a lot more important to him than he’d thought it would be. He thought he could hide this side of him from her forever and be fine with it, and he’d have done it gladly to keep her. But having it all out into the open and her so accepting of it was something he’d never even allowed himself to hope for. 
Well, almost everything out into the open. And god, was she beautiful too. She’d always been, of course, but now that she was like him it did things to him he couldn’t even explain. And it looked so right, so natural. Like she was always meant to be a werewolf. He couldn’t wait to watch her discover everything and come into her own completely. He only wished she’d accept it and embrace it fully.
He was snapped out of his reverie when she nipped at his neck and that only made him drive into her more urgently. Noting it had stung a bit too much, his eyes landed on her mouth and he could see her pointy canines pinching her plump lower lip, a bit of blood coating it.
The sight made him almost come then and there, making him moan and slow his pace a bit to regain focus. As much as he wanted to drag it out and go at it for hours, he needed to milk another orgasm from her and hopefully satiate her craving for a bit, because this was rapidly escalating and getting out of hand. She was completely giving into her natural instincts; and if she noticed any of the signs she was presenting she’d freak out and that was not the way he wanted her to find out.
He flipped her over as though she weighed nothing, not having to hide his natural strength from her anymore and began pounding into her in earnest. He was close, so close, and he knew she was too with how she moaned and whimpered and called out his name repeatedly. But he didn’t want to knot into her just yet, he first needed to explain that to her, plus this wasn’t really the setting for it, he wanted to be able to cuddle with her like that in his expensive bedding back at home, not on this rocky terrain that was sure to leave some bruises on her as it was. He knew she could take it now, he’d of course never have allowed it had she still been just human, but even so, she was recovering, and he didn’t want her feeling any discomfort. 
“Please come inside me, Harry. I don’t care. I need it... I can’t explain how much–fuck, how much I need it.”
She needn’t have worried, she wasn’t in heat (yet), so it wasn’t risky like that, but of course she’d worry about getting pregnant. Yet another reason why he needed to find a way to tell her, to avoid all the unnecessary worry on her part. For now, though, he was going to enjoy spilling into her warm cunt, because he needed it just as much. His eyes caught glimpse of her hands she’d rested her smushed cheek against, and her sharp nails were on display. Her much sharper nails. He couldn’t wait for her to claw at his back using them soon, but right now he needed to make sure she didn’t notice them. He grabbed her by her elbows and pulled her back against him, holding her hands behind her back with one arm and snaking the other to her front, finding her clit as he kept thrusting into her from this new angle.
She was already on edge and it only took her a few moments to reach her peak, crying out and letting her head fall back against his shoulder. The sight of the mark on her neck that she probably didn’t even notice wasn’t lost on him though, that was something that would always taunt him, knowing it was someone else’s bite that marked her. But he could claim it as his now, because she was, she was his. It was his cock she was pulsing around, his arms she was falling back into, his name she was whimpering- and so he allowed himself to bite over her mark as he finally gave in to his most primal urge- that of claiming her completely, while he let go and finally filled her up to the brim.
She didn’t even feel the sting of it, she was that far gone; if anything, it was pleasurable for her- as it should be. And for Harry? It was the hardest he’d ever come in his life. His fangs deep into her delicate neck and his cock even deeper into her perfect pussy, she was made just for him, and now she was his in every sense of the word.
With breaths heaving and soft gasps, Harry kept her tight against his chest. He wanted to tell her everything. Wanted so much for her to know what he was thinking. What had just happened to her. What she could expect and that it would only get better and better. If she thought that was intense…
And it was. She didn’t know how to describe the ecstasy, the relief… But it was more than just physical. Everything in and around her felt lighter and more lovely. She was happier than she’d ever been, she felt. She had a sudden urge to run and play; something she hadn’t felt in many years. It was as if being with Harry, everything just made more sense.
With a laugh she wiggled out of his arms and ran back into the water, diving in and swimming out toward the middle, only emerging with a sharp inhale for breath when her lungs needed air.
Harry couldn’t help but look at her in awe. His heart throbbed in his chest with love for her. 
“Come on! Get back in!” Y/N shouted and began to glide through the water.
Shaking his head with a laugh he walked back into the icy water and then dove under to meet her in the center of the small cove. 
She kept her eyes on the water, waiting for him to emerge but she felt his hand on her ankle before she saw him. With a yelp, she laughed and ducked under to pull at him.
Harry wrapped his arms around her body and pushed them both upward to the surface together. The lighthearted moment suddenly halted as they kept their gazes locked. Y/N moved her arms over his shoulders and drew her face in close to his, brushing their noses together, “I’m so glad I’m here with you. I’m glad I’m alive. I’m glad you’re alive. I don’t know what I would have done. I thought I lost you and that’s the last thing I remember before…” she paused, feeling herself get emotional she swallowed her tears, “It just feels like… destiny to be here with you.”
He could feel and hear her heart beating in her chest and he knew she could feel his do the same. It was as if his whole life had all been leading him to this moment. He knew that this woman was his mate. He’d always known it. Maybe ever since the first night he laid eyes on her in the woods all that time ago. Despite the fact that she had a gun pointed at him, there was just something about her. Something that he knew was different. He belonged to her before he ever met her. 
“I’m so glad you’re here too. That we’re here together,” he looked down at her beautiful face as he continued, “I was ready to kill everyone when I thought you weren’t going to make it. Niall said there was no hope. That it was… too late for you,” he inhaled a shaky breath remembering the state she was in just days ago.
“Tell me about what happened. Everything I don’t know about, before, and after the fight. I want to know what happened.”
Harry began to describe the day he was taken and how he’d been outnumbered. He told her why it’d come down to that, about James’ and Irina’s involvement, the way the elders didn’t listen to him having already made up their minds and weren’t going to give him a fair trial.
But with Y/N’s quick thinking and by her reaching out to Niall a chain of events was set off that actually helped matters. 
“Lester is a pack leader too, as you know now. The Pack of the Western Plains. He has connections all over. He’s very well respected. So, with his resources he made it so that there was a trial at the very least.”
“And Eddie too? He was there.” She said, remembering the events of that day. 
“Yes. He was finally able to shift back into his human form. Because of you,” Harry brought a hand up to her face and gently brushed his knuckles over her temple.“I expected that no matter how the trial ended there would be a fight to the death. And I was certain that no matter how many drugs they’d given me or that they’d left me without food and water that I would be able to do away with James rather easily. But I was weakened. Significantly. It’s the only reason he even had the chances he did. It’s why he got in a few good tears. Had I been in my normal shifted state he would have never been able to penetrate my skin and I would have killed him within the first thirty seconds. And he knew that. So did everyone else.”
“They all let you fight like that? Did your pack not respect you as their alpha?”
Harry sighed and nodded, “They never respected me. They were always very rigid in their beliefs. They preferred the old ways of doing things. Most packs nowadays are more open and lenient. There are still strict rules we have to follow but tolerance is practiced these days. Not my pack… my old pack.” 
“Are you worried they’ll come back and try to hurt you?” 
Putting his arms around her low back protectively he pressed his forehead to hers, “I am. I’m worried they’ll try to hurt you too.”
“Even though you’ve given up the pack? And you won the fight?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them. I’ll do anything I can to protect you,” Harry paused and leaned back to look at Y/N again, “Which is why I think it would be good for us to visit Lester and Alma at the farm for a while. Get away from here for a bit. Just until we can get our bearings and heal.”
The smile on her face gave Harry relief. He wasn’t sure she’d be up for it, but she’d been surprising him since she woke up from her coma. 
“That sounds like a really good idea. I’d love to spend more time with Eddie too.”
His heart continued to lob in his chest wildly. She was more than perfect for him in every way. He couldn’t contain his joy to have her in his arms, “He’d love that. Edward is very fond of you. And he was there, at Niall’s practice. With all of us while you were in that bed. He was devastated.”
Y/N nodded and felt awful about putting anyone through such distress. She knew it wasn’t her fault but she could imagine what it would have been like to watch a friend or lover unconscious in bed and not know if they’d come out of it or not.
“... And you? How did you deal with me being in that bed?”
Harry shook his head and let his eye contact falter for a moment as he thought back to how completely ruined he felt, “Felt like I would die if you didn’t make it. Like I couldn’t breathe or eat. I talked to you all day. Kept myself close by your side and encouraged you to wake up. Made sure you were comfortable in the bed even though I knew you couldn’t really feel anything. I didn’t know what to do. Niall kept telling me it was impossible–” Harry inhaled a sharp breath and tried to calm his emotions but his eyes began to fill with tears with just the memory of how utterly hopeless everything felt. 
“Hey,” Y/N moved her hands to cup Harry’s face, “I’m right here. And I’m very much alive. We both are. I’m not going anywhere. You saved me.” 
Swallowing his tears he blinked and forced the smallest smile, “And you saved me. If it weren’t for you I would be dead right now.”
Y/N leaned in to kiss the gorgeous werewolf. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten so lucky to have him in her life. That he wanted her. She only felt more connected, in tune with him. It was as if the accident had altered something in her soul. She was changed. She figured it was love.
Harry pinched her hip softly and pulled away from the kiss. He couldn’t help it. He needed to be honest with her. He’d told her his truth when she was asleep but now that she was wide awake and in his arms he knew he had to say it that very moment or he’d suffocate, “I love you, Y/N.”
Her lips parted at his admission and she was suddenly aware of her body against his and the way his heart was rapidly throbbing in his chest at the same pace as her own. She felt as if she’d heard him say it to her before. That this wasn’t the first time. 
She gripped his biceps tight and felt herself shiver at the intensity of his bright green eyes. He loved her. He truly did and she felt it deep in her spirit. Without a doubt, he loved her.
“Harry, I love you too. So much,” she gasped as he squeezed her tight to his chest and felt him purring against her own. The comfort that brought to her was consuming. She sighed and held him tight, her cheek smushed into his shoulder.
Everything around them was dizzy and soft. She was safe in his arms. She was safe with her lover. 
When he pulled back a bit and let his head fall back, inhaling sharply and then howling loudly, Y/N gasped in excitement and couldn’t hold back her tears of joy. She smiled widely looking at Harry in his element, expressing happiness freely and it made her own heart flutter. He looked back at her, his wide smile matching her own, the echo of his wolfish howl still resounding in the cove, and she’d never seen him look happier. 
She’d done that. Just by loving him. 
The sudden vibrating in her own chest startled her. She looked up at Harry whose eyes were wide as he looked down at her. 
“Harry– what…?” She looked down at her bare body, putting a small bit of distance between herself and Harry. The vibrating stopped suddenly as she put a hand up to her chest and looked into the crystal water surrounding them and reflecting the sky above and both their faces. 
But then she stilled completely, the ripples on the surface cleared away and she focused on the features of her face, being mostly drawn to the bright golden irises staring back at her in the reflection of the water.
In stunned silence she looked up at Harry before looking back into the water again.
He knew it was only a matter of time. He just hadn’t expected it to happen like this.
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) The long awaited update is here! Thank you for sticking with us! 
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softpascalito · 3 months
I To Dig a Grave I Chapter 4 I
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Summary: Twenty-one years after the outbreak, you come to Wyoming looking for something and end up in Jackson after a stranger saves your life.
But he doesn't stay a stranger.
Turns out Joel Miller is looking for something too. It feels like a fresh start. But when bad luck seems to follow you, Joel is the only one to turn to, forcing both of you to confront your feelings about your pasts- and each other.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader Rating: Explicit / MDNI Word count: 16k+ Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Smut, Explicit Content, Grief/Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Canon-Typical Violence, Chose not to use Archive Warnings, Tags to be added
AO3 LINK // Series Masterlist // Playlist
notes: thank you guys so much for all the love on the last chapter, sending all of you forehead smooches <3
this fic will deal with heavy topics. please note that it doesn't use archive warnings and tags will be added as we go in order to avoid spoilers. each chapter will have detailed warnings in the end notes on ao3.
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Chapter 4 – The Note
‘I wish you goodness but I can’t be around to see it.’ — Unknown
You can't say if you've slept at all. Everything seems not inherently wrong, but unimportant. Your body keeps functioning on its own accord, no doubt using up all the reserves it can. But it functions surprisingly well, given the circumstances. You’re not throwing up anymore. Still, a trashcan is placed next to the bed. A glass of water and some tissues occupy the nightstand that usually sits empty, Joel only using the one on his side of the bed.
It’s a bittersweet reminder that you don’t belong here. It’s not your bed or your house, Joel is not yours. The things that are yours are undoubtedly being inspected by whoever Maria has tasked with investigating the situation. Kitchen drawers being rummaged through, notebooks for your classes being picked apart. Looking at a room and weighing whether or not it could’ve belonged to someone who wanted to leave.
You wonder whether or not they’ve found the letter yet. Considering where Lane could’ve placed it so that you wouldn’t see. It suddenly strikes you that she must have been gone when you woke up. That while you were tiptoeing around the bathroom and kitchen, trying to make no noise that could wake her, her bed was empty.
You avoid going further down that road. You don’t think you could stand it if she’d already been dead while you drank your coffee and pulled on your winter coat and flipped through books without a care in the world.
Life pretending that it was still as it had been the day before.
Joel got up a while ago, far too early if the darkness outside the windows is anything to go by. You felt the mattress dip and then rise as he disentangled himself from the sheets while you were giving no sign that you were awake and listened to the floorboards creak as he headed through the room and escaped into the hallway.
It takes you a solid ten minutes to convince your body to crawl out from under the warm covers, still radiating the smell you’ve come to associate with Joel, and pad over to the bathroom. You try hard not to look into the mirror. Of course, just like with everything else, you fail.
The face staring back at you carries dark circles, glassy eyes. The corners of your mouth are slightly cracked, no doubt from last night's intense heaving. But what strikes you most is that every part of your face seems rid of any emotion. There is no light in your eyes. They look just as dead as you imagine Lane’s to be.
You stare at your reflection until your eyes begin to burn. You try to remember to blink. To take a breath and then another and another. Nothing seems to work like it should.
Joel is in the kitchen when your feet carry you downstairs a few minutes later. He pretends to be very busy with the dishes, but you know he’s been waiting for you to wake up. He reaches for the checkered dish towel to wipe his hands before turning his full attention to you. He doesn’t look like he has slept much either. His salt-and-pepper hair is a tad messier than usual. It suddenly strikes you how much lighter it has become since you first met him.
“Hey,” he mumbles, standing in front of you a bit sheepishly. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. “Do you want to have breakfast?”
“Did they bring her letter yet?” You both speak at the same time and then fall quiet.
You can see his shoulders sinking a bit as he takes in your words and his tone sounds careful when he shakes his head. “Not yet. I'm sure they will, in a bit.”
His eyes are trained on your expression and you're close enough that you are certain he is seeing you the same way you saw the person in the mirror. Empty, lifeless. Dead.
“Do you want to go back to bed?” he asks tentatively but you immediately shake your head. 
“No, I won't be able to sleep anyway.”
Joel gives a small grumble at that, deep in his throat. It almost sounds like disappointment. “You didn't sleep?” 
You sigh a little, again shaking your head. “Maybe a bit. I'm not sure.” After a moment, you add, “My brain feels all weird today.”
He nods, slowly taking a step forward and wrapping an arm around you. “Your brain is allowed to feel a bit weird today, all things considered.” For a few moments, you both just stay like that, his hand trailing over your back, rubbing circles into the fabric of your shirt. His eyes fall to your legs, both noticeably banged up from your fall yesterday.
“Does it still hurt?” he mutters, tilting his head to get a better look. 
“It's just a scratch.” When Joel reaches out to touch the small band-aid he insisted on putting onto your knee last night, you take a step back, causing him to freeze in his tracks.
“I’m fine. I'll go and read.”
Joel gives you a few minutes by yourself before he follows you into the living room, placing two mugs of coffee and some crackers on the table before sitting down on the couch. You're curled up on the armchair, only a few steps away from the front door, occasionally casting a glance out of the window to your right. The darkness is slowly fading, dawn ruthlessly drawing closer.
You've picked up a book without really bothering to check what it is. The cover is made of cloth, the color slightly faded, but the texture feels intact. It's a comforting weight in your lap and an even better excuse to keep your eyes off Joel, hyperaware that he is still watching your every move.
You feel like you're back to square one, to the first time you stepped foot into his house. Being taken in and assessed, like a wounded animal. Checking the damage, weighing the options. Deciding whether or not it should be put out of its misery.
Joel leans forward a bit, reaching for a small piece of wood that sits among a few others on the table. Then, he gets out the whittling knife that he keeps in the pocket of his jeans and begins to chip away. 
Even with his eyes focused on the work in front of him, he can tell you're not really reading, your gaze unmoving. You haven't turned the page in at least ten minutes. But he knows not to push. He's content to sit here and wait by your side.
The silence during the next hours is only broken by the small sounds coming from Joel whittling. The small piece of wood he fetched before dawn has turned into the shape of an animal, continuously getting more clear as he works on it. You've put the book down an hour ago, giving up on pretending to read and instead just switching between staring at Joel's hands or into space.
You're certain it's the worst you've ever felt. Sitting and waiting, with the prospect of the letter of a dead girl being delivered today. The impatience drives you out of your seat, makes you pace, first in front of the fireplace, then behind the couch. Back and forth. You try counting the floorboards below you. There are twenty-seven, spanning through the entire room. You step on each one, avoiding the cracks in between. You sit back down. You curl up deeper into your armchair, staring out of the window.
You see him coming down the street before he sees you. When Tommy steps onto the porch, the door is already ajar, your form half hiding behind it. You don't notice the sad smile he sends you. Instead, your eyes are glued to the small paper envelope in his hand.
“Why don’t you come inside?” Joel says quietly from behind you, gently moving you to the side in order to let his brother enter. 
Tommy awkwardly stands in the small hallway for a moment before holding out the envelope. He clears his throat. “Reckon you’ve been waiting for this.” 
You nod automatically, taking the piece of paper from him with a gentle motion and then immediately clutching it to your chest. Tommy’s eyes fly from you to Joel, his eyebrow raising just a tiny bit. 
“Right,” Joel mutters, nodding into the direction of the kitchen. “Why don’t you grab some coffee?” You hear Tommy move further into the house while your fingers are caressing the envelope, staring at the letters on it that form your name.
“Do you want me to stay with you while you—” Joel gestures towards the letter. He watches your face closely as you shake your head. 
“No. I need to do this alone I think.”
“Okay. We’ll be right here if you need anything,” Joel mumbles quietly and reassuringly pats your back before he follows Tommy into the kitchen, leaving you standing in the hallway with a heavy feeling in your chest and the words of a dead girl in your hands.
You sit down on the bed, your entire body seemingly numb as you open the envelope and stare at the paper in your hands, filled with the smooth and playful handwriting you've come to recognize so easily.
I know you will not understand this,
You take a deep breath, trying to keep your hands from shaking so much that you can’t make out the words on the page. You already know what's coming and still you dread hearing the words in your head.
but I have decided to end my own life.
You stare at them for a moment. Trying to take them in, weighing them in your mind, trying to understand. But there is no understanding inside of you. Not for this.
I love you so incredibly much. I loved living with you and our time in Jackson was among the best I've had. I’m sorry to be the one to cut it short.
A dull pain throbs in your chest. You ignore it.
You deserve good things. But I know not many have been handed to you so far. I wish I could've been the one to give them to you.
Please do not blame yourself. This was my decision. I promise I’m at peace now.
Her words make you want to scream and cry and curl up into a ball and never speak to anyone ever again and do nothing but wait for Lane to come back. 
Instead, you just quietly hold the letter a little higher to avoid your tears staining the paper.
I know you came to Jackson looking for something. I really do hope you find it.
I wish you the most wonderful life.
I love you, forever.
“I don’t like this,” Joel mutters, his fingers anxiously tapping the counter he’s leaning on. His glance keeps wandering to the doorway, half expecting you to come running in at any moment and bury yourself in his arms. But there is no noise from upstairs, the only sounds in the old house being those of the clock on his kitchen wall and Tommy’s occasional small sighs.
“She shouldn't be alone,” he insists, unsure if he's actually talking to his brother or to himself.
“She's not alone, in a way,” Tommy says quietly. He's staring into his mug, clearly deep in thought as well. “In a way—” He shakes his head. “She's having her last moments with Lane.”
“Oh, gimme a break.” Joel groans, his right hand flying up to pinch his nose. “Do you realize how messed up that is? Leaving her a letter, with no chance to ever reply? The poor girl can’t sleep, she’s not eating—I ain’t trying to talk badly about Lane, god knows she was a sweet girl and I’m sure she had her issues—but she shouldn’t be putting ‘em on someone else just cause she feels like she can.”
At that, Tommy looks up, surveying his brother. All the softness has left his tone, replaced by a harshness that carries a tinge of accusation.
“Are you really the one to judge this?”
“Tommy-” Joel's voice has dropped a good bit too, making him sound like a growling dog. For a split moment, it feels like they’re back to their time before the QZ, back to the fights and the constant tension.
Joel drops his arm, waving his hand slightly. “This ain’t like that.”
“Bullshit.” Tommy gets up so suddenly that Joel startles slightly, but the younger Miller brother just gives a dry laugh and reaches to pour himself more coffee. “Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna hit you, old man.”
The quiet is broken by the small trickle of the coffee. Tommy glances towards Joel's mug to find it empty. “You want another cup?”
“Yes, please,” Joel mumbles, watching as Tommy pours the rest of the brown liquid into his mug. He places the kettle back on the stove before pausing.
“It is exactly like that, Joel. Now I ain’t saying I agree with what she did. But ‘t was her choice. Ain’t nothing we—” He nods towards the ceiling. “—or her can do about that.”
A small groan escapes Tommy’s lips as he sits back down at the kitchen table, stretching his legs. “Talking about it. How’s she been?”
Joel considers his words for a moment. “Bad. I don't know.” His gaze flies to the doorway again, each minute ticking by making him more restless.
“I talked to Maria this morning. Word should’ve reached everyone by now. The whole town is- they're in shock. Everyone’s devastated.” Tommy keeps his eyes on Joel as he takes a sip of his coffee, taking in his brother's silence.
“D’you think she knew? That Lane was gonna—” 
“No.” The answer shoots out of Joel's mouth before he can even consider it. Did you know? Or at least had an idea that something was happening under the surface? He hasn't even thought to ask, not with everything that's been going on.
“It’s just that, with this sort of thing, folks will ask questions—”
“Yeah, well, they won't be asking her any.” Joel suddenly feels like the room is much too small for him and Tommy. He’s dimly aware that this is technically not his job—that you're an adult and not his responsibility, that he should leave the decisions to you—but then he remembers the way you looked on his bathroom floor last night, dry heaving and sobbing so hard he was sure you were gonna pass out from the lack of oxygen.
“She ain’t ready for that.”
Tommy nods, finally averting his gaze. He knows this tone, the slight edge in it. It means there will be no further discussion and he's not keen to push for a fight in the current situation. He finishes his mug, draining it of the last drops.
“There's one more thing. Lane’s mother wants a proper burial. We've been talking to Eugene about it and—” He clicks his tongue a little as he shakes his head. “With the ground frozen over like that, there's no way to dig a grave.”
It's something Joel already should’ve considered. He's been around long enough to know these things, having dug more than enough graves himself. It was hard labor under the best of conditions. But plainy impossible during the Wyoming winter. 
He's not sure why, when he knows all this, Tommy’s words strike him so hard. The girl who hasn’t made it to twenty-six is not even gonna get a grave.
You probably should be breaking down. Screaming or sobbing, hell, maybe throwing up again. Surely your body shouldn’t be so still, quiet, small breaths entering your lungs. Surely you should've stopped breathing by now.
But the body is relentless. It will keep you alive as long as it can, despite the thoughts in your head and the grief that seems to spin a cocoon around you, cutting you off from the things that are right in front of you, making them seem miles and miles away.
You have no idea how long you’ve been sitting there when you stand up abruptly. You avoid reading the words again as you slip the letter back into its envelope and place it in the drawer of the nightstand Joel doesn't use.
You don't remember leaving the bedroom or walking down the wooden stairs. But somehow you're standing in the kitchen, with Joel kneeling in front of you. His right hand is intertwined with yours, his calloused fingers brushing past your knuckles and over the soft skin on the back of your hand. His thumb is gently massaging your palm, rubbing small circles into it.
You flinch a bit and, immediately, his features soften. “There you are. Can you hear me?” You manage a shaky nod.
“Good,” Joel praises quietly, still keeping up the circular motions on your skin. “You doin’ real good, darlin’. Now, do you know where you are?”
Your eyes leave him and fly around the room. Joel's kitchen looks exactly how you remember it, with the addition of two empty mugs standing next to the sink. You recognize the one with the owl painted on it as his. Maybe the other is yours, but you can’t recall drinking anything.
“Hm?” Joel hums quietly.
“We’re in your kitchen.” Relief floods Joel's face at that and he nods a little more eagerly. “That’s right. Think you can help me and sit down right there?” He jerks his head into the direction of the small table below the window and begins to move, very slowly pulling you along by your hand.
You pause just as you reach the table. “What time is it?”
Joel turns his head, squinting at the clock at the opposite wall. “Half past ten.” He tugs on your hand again. “Come on, sit down.”
But you are moving in the opposite direction, taking a step back. “I have to go and teach.”
Joel sighs but his voice stays patient. “Honey, you’re on leave, okay? You’re in no state to be teaching. Now come here.”
It’s the quiet, added “Please.” that makes you do as told.
A steaming mug is placed in front of you shortly after. “Made you some tea. Just be careful, ‘t’s still hot.” Your hands are close enough to feel the heat radiating off it and, slowly, you think you are coming back to yourself. Or rather, to the house you’re sitting in.
The cocoon is still there, so is the faulty wire. But they seem to hit you in waves rather than a constant state of anxiety. Somehow, that is worse. You could get used to a metaphorical limp, one that is a constant. But the waves make you feel like you’re drowning in them. If you could only take a deep breath before they come, fill your lungs with the air you need so urgently. But they hit you out of nowhere. You never see them coming.
Joel sighs a little, nudging the mug towards you. “Come on, at least try it.”
“I still have a mug of coffee in the living room,” you suddenly remember. You can’t recall whether or not you drank any of it.
“Honey, that was cold hours ago,” Joel says carefully. “The tea is still warm. Much better, right?”
You find that you can’t argue with that so you take a few, hesitant sips. The heat settles in your stomach. The tide is retreating. Breathing comes a little easier.
Maybe Joel feels the same or maybe he can just tell, somehow. But he too seems to relax a bit more as he watches you drink.
“It’s good,” you press out, craving words to fill the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Not those words.
You shake your head and are incredibly thankful when Joel doesn’t push it this time. Still, you can tell that he looks troubled. “Want me to do some talking instead?”
“Okay,” you mumble, carefully taking another sip of your tea as you wait for him to speak.
“I talked to Tommy earlier, ‘bout some stuff regarding her—‘nd the next few days. Everyone’s been real sad. We thought it may be—” He cringes at the next word. “Nice to have a wake. Give people a chance to say goodbye and grieve before we bury her.” “Okay.”
He sighs, his eyes searching yours. He considers for a moment whether or not he should go on, explain that the burial can’t happen for a while, at least not with a body being put into the ground. Joel opens his mouth—and sees how much you seem to have aged in just a day.
He stays quiet.
Somehow, he gets you through the day. It’s late afternoon when a groan escapes Joel as he sits down on the couch. His back hurts and his head hurts and he is so goddamn tired. He hasn’t slept a second, having been too worried that you could wake up before him and sneak off.
He leans back into the soft fabric, stretching his legs slightly. You’re upstairs, taking a shower. Surely, it won’t hurt if he closes his eyes for just a minute.
It’s dark in the living room when Joel wakes again. The light that was streaming in through the windows earlier is gone and his heart rate instantly shoots up, the organ pumping wildly in his chest. He’s on his feet before his brain fully registers the situation. He moves quietly through the dark house, finding the kitchen and dining room empty.
He’s lucky that his left ear is turned towards the hallway when a small noise travels down the stairs. Joel reaches the landing of the upper floor with his revolver drawn. A trail of dim light falls through a crack in the door to his workshop.
Without making a noise, he pushes it open—and all tension immediately leaves his body. You’re perched on the stool he usually occupies, on the far corner of the tables that are arranged below the windows in an L-shape. The typewriter he’s been meaning to fix sits in front of you.
Joel tucks the gun back into his jeans as he opens the door further. The small creak, combined with the noise of footsteps, catches your attention and suddenly, Joel finds you turning towards him. He raises his hands slightly as he crosses the room. “Sorry. I fell asleep.”
“I know. I didn't want to wake you. You seemed really tired.” Joel stops right behind you, a small grumble escaping his throat as he strains his neck to see what you’re working on.
“You should wake me up,” he says quietly, his eyes wandering over the stack of paper and the tools scattered around the typewriter. “What are you doing?”
It's your turn to sigh, raising your shoulders a bit and letting them fall again after a moment. “I wanted to write a speech. For the service.” You can hear Joel swallow behind you.
“That's a nice idea. You sure you're up for it though?”
“Yeah, I’m—It’s okay. Or it would be, if this thing worked,” you groan, reaching for the screwdriver you’d put down when he joined you.
“Been meaning to fix it for a while. I can do it tomorrow if you like. Or now, if it’s urgent,” Joel mutters, taking another small step towards you, one hand placed on your back. He’s close enough that you can smell his body wash. His free hand, the one that had been closed around a gun less than a minute ago, moves over your shoulder and carefully pries the tool out of your hand.
“It’s late. You should get some sleep, at least.” It’s so caring that, again, you don’t find it in you to protest.
A small, sad smile plays around Joel’s lips at that. He puts the screwdriver down, his form hovering above yours a split moment longer than necessary. Then, he leans forward and places a small kiss on the crown of your head.
“Come on. Off to bed.”
“Can I have a drink before we go?” If the question startles him, he doesn’t let it show.
“Yeah. Sure,” he says quietly. “Believe it or not, I was about to suggest that myself. You like whiskey, right?”
You’re content to find, half an hour later, that with your throat and belly warmed by the alcohol and the rest of your body warmed by Joel's form next to you, an arm draped around your shoulder as he pulls you into his chest, the waves that you could feel crashing in on you earlier seem to stay away. At least for the night.
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if you enjoyed the chapter, please consider reblogging/sharing or commenting, i promise it will be the highlight of my day <3
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robinsno1lesbian · 3 months
hey, hey!! hope you’re doing well <3
i have a blurb request! maybe a lil ronance x reader thing where r is feeling insecure that she isn’t loving them equally and hard enough, so they both remind her that she is being the best girlfriend to each of them <3
𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
- ronance x reader
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summary: after going to university with one of your girlfriends, you worry that robin might feel lonely back in hawkins.
warnings: fluff fluff fluff, pet names (baby love, my girls, love), established poly relationship, i -once again- did not beta read this, i do want to mention that i’m not poly myself! so if there’s anything in this that isn’t accurate to the actual experience or if there’s anything wrong with the terminology, please let me know!! :)
a/n: @eds6ngel thank you so much for your request!! i really hope this is what you had in mind for this! it’s basically a little hurt with looots of comfort! it kind of turned into ronance comforting r about their dynamic, i hope that’s what you had in mind! <3
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you’re hanging on the telephone, trying to make the minutes of the call last. you’re curling the cord of it around your index finger absentmindedly, your legs draped over nancy’s lap on the semi-comfortable bed of your shared dorm room.
she has already talked to your girlfriend, who’s currently rambling on about her shift with steve, and has handed you the telephone to get a taste of robin’s adorable rambling as well.
you’re still new to this. to them.
not dating in general; you did have somewhat of a girlfriend back when all three of you still lived in hawkins. so you’re not new to your sexuality or the fact that you love women. it’s the dynamic that’s new to you.
when you met robin and nancy, you quickly figured them out. in their defense they were trying to be sneaky about it, presumably expecting you to be as oblivious to it as everyone else around. unaware that you knew the hiding, the stealing kisses and loving in secrecy. that you experienced it yourself and saw it in them immediately.
how exactly it happened, neither of the 3 of you can recall. maybe it was between the glances you shared, the way they caught you staring at their proximity. perhaps it happened because of the lingering touches: robin’s hand on your waist when moving past you, nancy’s palm brushing over your own whilst praising you for your relentless, determined studying. or maybe it was none of these at all. maybe it was when you had the wheeler’s basement all to yourselves and one shared bottle of liquor turned into two, which led to your fumbling confession of the confusing feelings you had developed for both women.
they were not confusing at all, as it turns out. loving them both came to you easy. easier than anything you could’ve ever imagined before.
there was still lots of secrecy to it, as to be expected from dating two women in hawkins, indiana, in 1986. but they weren’t scared to love you, like your previous lover had been. they weren’t afraid of loving you at all. if anything, they were proud of having you as theirs.
what started as “trying it out” ended up with waking to the soft, floral scent of nancy’s sheets, sandwiched between two warm bodies. it ended up with shared kisses in the morning, at noon and in the evening too. two pair of shoes by the door turned into three. three toothbrushes in the bathroom, three plates set up for breakfast. three bodies curled up in bed together.
it ended up with the most loving relationship you could’ve ever wished for.
and it was perfect, even with the limited time the three of you had been given in hawkins together:
the plan had been settled before. when you’d been just a friend to the couple and nancy had asked you to share a dorm at university. you had obviously accepted, happy to have someone there with you, someone who wasn’t a stranger. robin would stay in hawkins, save up money to go to europe and work shifts at family video with steve. and you & nancy would leave, study at emerson together and become roommates.
now you’re in said room, close to nancy, and wishing robin could be here with the two of you. to have more of her than just the voice through the receiver.
“so anyway!” the girl tells you. “i told steve not flirt with her because -duh?- she’s heidi’s mother but he didn’t know that so-“
her voice sounds raspier than usual through the static of the receiver. she sounds happy. and, god, you hope she is. you don’t want her to feel left out, like you’ve left her behind in hawkins to be with nancy. you know that, rationally speaking, robin is okay. she misses you, of course. how couldn’t she? you’re her girls after all. but she’s happy that you get to pursue your dream while she works on her own from home.
still, you can’t help the nagging feeling that you’re not being fair. that you’re not loving them equally; the way they both deserve to be loved.
“hellooo?” her voice snaps you back to reality. “y/n? you still there?”
“yes!” you snap out of your thoughts suddenly. nancy notices and looks up from the book she’d been reading. “yes! of course! yes! sorry. steve was flirting with heidi’s mom?”
“he was!” robin nods, her smile evident in the sound of her voice. “he so was and he didn’t even know!”
you chuckle, accompanied by a gentle shake of your head. “typical steve move”
“that’s what i said too!”
the two of you share a moment of laughter over the phone before robin trails off.
“i miss you” she whispers.
“we miss you too!” you assure her immediately. “but summer break is right around the corner. then we’ll be back with you!”
robin hums her agreement. “yeah. i can’t wait to see mes filles”
you smile at the way she pronounces the foreign word. she’s already made plenty of use of the french dictionary you gave her when you left.
you can practically hear her beaming through the telephone. it makes you smile. “mes filles!” she repeats, slower this time. “my girls”.
“your girls” you repeat softly, just a breath, but robin seems to pick it up anyway.
“i can’t wait to see you” she says. “i love you”
“i love you too, take care of hawkins while we’re gone yeah?”
“will do” she assures you. “I’ll see you”
you blow her a kiss through the speaker before you say your goodbyes and hang up.
nancy is by your side immediately, nudging your leg softly.
“hm?” you snap out of your thoughtful trance and look up at her.
“what’s up with you, love?” nancy asks gently, and puts her book down. “you seem…?” she trails off.
you huff. of course nancy would notice. she’s majoring in investigative journalism after all.
“it’s just-“ you sigh. now nancy’s sits up, your vagueness alarming to her. she wraps an arm over your shoulder and pulls you against her body soothingly.
“hm?” she kisses your temple, her index tracing the moles on your arm.
“i don’t want her to feel alone” you admit under your breath. “robin. i don’t want her to feel like we’re leaving her behind in hawkins”
“oh baby love” nancy says, her lips ghosting over the side of your face. her grip tightens around your body too, pulling you closer to her.
“it’s just-“ you sigh. “i love her. just like i love you. but you’re here and she’s not and- and i feel like it’s obviously harder to show her all that love i have for her. at least from afar. but i want her to feel it! i want her to feel loved”
“she does” nancy softly interrupts your train of thought. “she feels loved baby! you have like- the biggest heart ever! it’s hard not to feel loved when it’s you”
you still smile against the odds of it all when your girlfriend speaks so fondly of you.
“she knows she’s loved, y/n” nancy says, slightly more firm this time. “we knew it would be like this. and of course the distance sucks! i wanna love both of my girls from up close too!”
you can’t help but chuckle a little and nancy side eyes you.
“pervert” she whispers under her breath, followed by another kiss to your face. “it’ll be easier once we’re all together again. but she loves us. so much”
it’s enough to ease your worries for now. you know, of course, that the love for the two of them will be enough too. it’ll always be enough.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
“y/n!!” a voice that is unmistakably robin’s calls over the airport lounge.
it’s hot in Indiana, warmer than it had been when you boarded the plane in massachusetts. robin is wearing a pair of loose shorts, presumably steve’s with how low they’re sitting around her waist. she’s got her short hair up in a messy bun, and her arms spread for you and nancy.
you drop your suitcase immediately, already chasing towards her with open arms. you’re squealing like a little child when you finally find yourself back in the taller girl’s embrace. nancy joins the two of you just a couple of seconds later, just as long as it took her to catch up with you.
“hi” robin whispers against your hair. she can’t be overly affectionate with the two of you yet, at least not as much as she wants to be, but her arms around your body are enough to finally soothe the ache her absence had left in you.
“hey” you whisper against her neck. hidden from the sight of anyone who might pass by, you press a quick kiss to the side of her neck. robin responds with a low hum.
“is she teasing already?” nancy smirks from behind you and the three of you loosen the hug enough for robin to present two separate flower bouquets: one of nancy’s favorite flowers, one of yours.
“robin” nancy says. “you didn’t have to!”
“i know” robin shrugs casually. “wanted too, though. my girls made it through their first year at emerson! how cool’s that huh? god i’m so proud of you. i could kiss you right now. i would. i really want to, to be honest. but- you know” she gestures around. you and nancy both share a grin. robin hasn’t changed at all.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
once you’re behind the closed doors of robin’s house, the girl is all over the two of you -and you’d be lying if you weren’t all over her too.
she’s got an arm draped over each of your shoulders, alternating between placing kisses to your temple and nancy’s cheek, joined with sweet whispers of: “missed you. missed you so so much”
you don’t even have time to properly unpack your luggage before you find yourself in robin’s bed. she had to size up ever since you’ve gotten together, saving up money to replace her small single bed with a queen sized one to make enough room. she’d done it happily, had been bouncing off the walls the day you were putting together the new furniture.
she’s sandwiched between your bodies, lying in your middle and curling against the two of you happily.
“wanna spend forever like this” she tells you. nancy chuckles and you grin.
robin turns her head to look over at you. you can feel her watchful gaze studying your side profile.
“hey” she whispers, nudging you with her shoulder. you turn over at her. nancy is watching you too. you know, right in that moment, that she must’ve told robin about your worries. you’re not gonna hold it against her, exactly. if anything, you’re happy nancy has told her. you doubt you would’ve found the words to express your feelings to her.
“you know” robin says, simultaneously reaching for your hand to rub your knuckles with her thumb. “i am so lucky to have you. to be loved by you. the two of you.”
“me too” you tell her quietly.
“you don’t have to worry, baby” she continues “about…me not feeling loved enough. or whatever it is you worry about in that brilliant mind of yours”
nancy smiles from behind robin. she’s holding her free hand as she speaks.
“even with the distance?” you whisper softly, chewing your lower lip absentmindedly. robin reaches out, gently pulls your lower lip down from between your front teeth before kissing your mouth gently.
“even with the distance. with everything.”
she mumbles against your mouth. she has crawled closer, but nancy has followed immediately and is now spooning her from behind.
“you’re my girls. you really think some stupid amount of distance would change that?“
a smile makes its way upon your features. she’s right, of course. your love for the two girls in robin’s bed isn’t limited to their physical presence. it couldn’t be.
“i love it even more when i have you both here with me, though” she grins and wraps her arms around your waist to pull you on top of her. nancy giggles behind her, her arms coming up from behind her to hug the two of you
“sure?” you ask.
“1000%. i’ll make sure you guys have the best vacation in hawkins. well. as good as possible. we’re in hawkins after all.” robin scrunches up the freckled bridge of her nose.
“we’ll make it work” nancy chimes in, brushing robin’s hair behind her ear.
it’s new, to all three of you. but you know, right then and there, that it will be okay. that everything will work out just fine, no matter what.
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Of Traitors and Oathbreakers
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Summary: A Black in Greens territory is never a good thing, especially if that means falling into the hands of Prince Aemond
Notes: Aemond and reader are childhood friends turned enemies (with benefits). Had to write something for my favorite war criminal. The reader is the child of the blacksmith of the Red Keep (bc why make Targaryen!readers when they can be ~different~)
Hobroti jās – Fuck off
Nyke pendagon avy jorrāelan – I think I love you
Warnings: rough/hate sex, dub-con (power imbalance), biting, scratching choking etc, mentions of starvation, war, imprisonment
Taglist: @levithestripper (hmu to be added!)
Ending 1 / Ending 2 | Masterlist | requests are OPEN!
You didn’t remember how you got here. In fact, you didn’t even remember where you had been wanting to go, or who had been with you.
All you knew was that you were stuck in a cold cell, water dripping from the ceiling between short pauses of silence and driving you close to madness. When you looked out of the small crack in the wall of your cell, you’d seen molten towers you only recognized from childhood tales.
Currently territory of the Greens, and you were a Black. The name Targaryen could neither protect nor endanger you here, and for that you were grateful, but for everything else…
They didn’t let you out, whoever your jailers were. If your standing allowed it, you would have thrown the bread they gave you back into their faces and called them cowards.
But your mother had taught you to be resourceful, and your father had never let you leave scraps on your plate.
The only way for you to gauge how much time had passed was from the crack in the wall, watching the sun rise and set, but even like that you lost count after a while. You would’ve gone insane from the cold in your bones or the slow drips from the ceiling, or maybe even the loneliness, if it hadn’t been for the expression of wrath you had seen on the face of your Queen.
Your Queen. Rhaenyra. And yet, she would not risk her life, or that of any of her dragonriders to save you. You knew that when you kneeled for her in Dragonstone, and you had remembered it ever since. Yet you couldn’t help but wish that the situation was different.
Dying like this wasn’t what you wanted. It was everything you despised – the cold, the loneliness, the harsh walls around you. Worst of all was the darkness though.
You’d grown up in your father’s workshop, surrounded by fire as the Targaryens were with their dragons. Light and heat was your childhood, your comfort, and though learning the craft had gone to your brothers, you hadn’t let that keep you from picking up every weapon your father had crafted.
A gift that had cursed you later in life, bringing you into this cell.
The first time they opened the cell door completely could’ve been days or decades after your initial imprisonment. You didn’t demand answers, didn’t fight them yet, letting them drag you out and through empty hallways.
Once, you caught the smell of soot and ash, wondering whether it was from a smithy or a dragon. Were they taking you to your execution?
You doubted it. No one but the Targaryens were executed by the Targaryens themselves.
Instead, they brought you to the tubs that were in the cellars of Harrenhal. The water was hot, steam rising up from the water of the pools, and you could swear that there had never been a lovelier sight.
The guards did not bother turning their backs, so you turned yours. You had no weapon to defend yourself, and you weren’t ready to give all of your dignity just yet. Quickly, you sank into the steaming water, beginning to scrub the smell of dirt, blood and piss from your skin.
Death clung to your skin like a scared child to her mother. You hated it.
The cell had given you more than enough time to remember, but it seemed that you could not. All you knew was that you had been sent to find the host of the Northmen, making your way through the Riverlands.
Somewhere between Dragonstone and Harrenhal, someone had killed your crew and taken you prisoner, leaving you to wake up with their blood on your hands, literally.
Your bath was cut short by a young woman shooing the guards out, before helping you out of it. She was the first one to show you a semblance of respect, handing you clean clothes and a cloth to dry yourself, but she wasn’t willing to talk to you.
Perhaps they were all mute here, terrified into silence by their Lord, the Lord Confessor of the Greens. Perhaps it was yet another way to torture you.
She was somewhat gentle when she helped you lace your dress, before she left you to your own devices again. It was strange to be clean again after such a long time. The dance had left you permanently disheveled in some way.
Even before, Daemon had been drilling you in the yard, making impossible demands at you. You were the only one who made it through his snide remarks that brought grown men to tears and desperation. You would have never admitted the rewarding smirk he gave you after a long sparring session reminded you of a Green.
The woman had you follow her into a small chamber, only equipped with a small cot and a chamberpot. It was barbaric, but infinitely more than the cell you’d been forced to call home.
Here, where you were all alone, you could take in the changes of your body for the first time. Wearing a dress made the loss of weight noticeable. You’d exchanged a part of your femininity for the harshness of battle a long time ago, it was the price female fighters paid in Westeros.
The time in the cells had made the rest of that softness fall off your bones, and all that was left was sinew and muscles. You knew it wasn’t healthy, but you hadn’t had your moon’s blood since the beginning of the war, and a truly delicious meal since even longer.
Luxury was a faraway dream, a whisper of the days in the Red Keep, where the worst punishment had been your mother chasing you through the stables to give you an earful about sparring with princes and forgoing your chores in favor of riding. Where your friends had comforted you after your brother became collateral in a fire in just this castle. Where you’d witnessed Vaemond’s bluntness be his death, and where Daemon spotted your talent as you trained in the yard.
Daemon had taken you and your father from the Red Keep, under the pretense of needing a smith and the truth of wanting a warrior that would always be underestimated. A girl who could slip through the cracks in the expectations of men and then slit their throats.
That was what you were to him. And for a while, you hadn’t noticed that he’d taken your childhood, for he had raised you to glory and given you a taste of battle. But where battle was, war followed, and it quickly reared its ugly head.
A knock ripped you from the myriad of thoughts in your mind. Who would knock at your door? You were a prisoner. If anything, you should be the one knocking, begging for their freedom.
You didn’t answer, and they paused for so long you thought they actually wanted a reply from you. But then, the door swung open.
“She told me you would be here.” He said.
“Doesn’t matter.” Aemond replied. He stared at you silently, taking in the tightness of the gown, the slim shape your body had never had before. “Hmm.”
And then, he left, leaving alone again.
Aemond. What was Aemond doing here? He was Aegon’s brother, wasn’t this below him? Shouldn’t he be commanding great hosts, slaying his enemies from above?
He returned with food. A steaming bowl of stew, the smell of which made your stomach growl audibly, and a tankard of ale. It was making you forget that he was your enemy.
“It’s not poisoned.” He said.
“You’ve had enough opportunity to execute me.” You shrugged, hungrily digging into the meal. Aemond only hummed, a habit familiar to you.
He did it the few times you beat him in a spar, trying to assess what went wrong. When he heard you complain about the stench around the smith, only for the noble lord who pissed onto the walls of your home to disappear from court a day later. When Aegon taunted you for being a girl that would never amount to anything, lowborn and worth nothing, only to receive his brother’s punches seconds later.
“I’ve missed you.” He said quietly. You supposed that that was the way Aemond was: quiet in everything. Protecting, fighting, respecting. You wondered if that applied to-
No. Just because he was practically the first man you’d seen since your confinement did not mean you had to fall at his feet. He’d been your friend, and now he was your enemy. Both weren’t what people should pursue.
“You killed Prince Lucerys.” You replied.
“Just as much as his mother did.” Aemond snarled, but he didn’t sound so sure.
“She is the queen. You are responsible.”
“She has put Helaena into agony! Do you know what the war does to her? Days, spent in tears, fearing her own dreams and what may come! Helaena knows what will happen to her, and it is too atrocious for her to speak of, even to mother!”
It felt like a blow to the stomach. Helaena was strange to the ladies of the court, but she was always kind to you. There was an unspoken agreement between you and Aemond as children, that when you played hide and seek in the Godswood with Jace and found Helaena playing with the bugs in the bushes, you’d leave her alone.
“The mother that started all of this.”
“I didn’t know war made you into a frigid bitch.” Aemond spat.
“No, traitors do.” You said, throwing the insult back. His hand shot at your neck, and you wondered if he would kill you.
Days past flashed through your mind, afternoons spent swimming in Blackwater Bay and hiding from septas, mothers and knights. Sneaking Aemond into the city to buy him food from the street vendors in Flea Bottom. Teasing him for his royal stomach as he felt queasy afterwards, assuring him that you weren’t afraid when he returned from Dragonstone, a patch covering his eye. The awkward kiss you shared as teens, neither of you wanting to be unprepared for your great love you were so sure was to come.
His hand was still there, cold to the touch. Jaw set and fury blazing in his remaining eye.
“I lost control of Vhagar.” He confessed. A whisper so hushed it almost carried away into silence. “And it was me who killed your men and took you to Harrenhal.”
“They were good men. They had families, and you killed them.”
“This is war. You’re their bloody commander!” Aemond snorted.
“You could’ve killed them when they made it to battle, to let them die with honor.”
“They wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”
“You don’t know that.” You spat.
“No, but you do. Who made you into a commander? You could barely put a scratch on Aegon when you left for Dragonstone.”
“Daemon did. And I’ve been better than Aegon a long time. I just happened to be lowborn.”
“Think you can beat me?” Aemond laughed, cold and arrogant.
“Why don’t we take this to the yard and find out? It would be a pleasure to kill you.”
“Vhagar would devour you, if you managed.”
“As she did with Luke?”
Just for a moment, Aemond’s façade crumbled, and he grew pale, before he regained his composure, but you already regretted your words.
“Did you eat your heart when you grew hungry in your cell? Or was that Daemon too?”
“And when did you grow into the arrogant prick your brother and grandfather envisioned you to be?” you spat, trying to even your tone.
You felt the frustration and anger of the last few months becoming a knot in your stomach already and watching your childhood friend throw insults at you hurt more than any blade could have.
“Cunt.” He replied, his anger evident in his tone as well.
“Kinslayer.” You said, letting go of all reservations.
“You’re still a dumb little girl.” He spat. Somehow, this was worse than anything else. Aegon had always called you that, and after one particularly bad day, Aemond had come to apologize for his brother, promising to never say that to you.
The tears spilled quicker than you could stop them, but even through the blurry vision they created, you slapped Aemond as hard as you could.
You wiped your eyes just in time to see his expression, mouth hanging open as his hand touched his cheek gingerly. Before he could regain his composure, you ran into him, throwing him onto the ground. You didn’t care as you heard his body hit the ground, only trying to hurt him somehow, to show him what he had done to you.
But Aemond was at full health, and a man that was taller than you by a bit while you hadn’t eaten properly in weeks. It didn’t take him long until he had flipped you around, holding your wrists down to the stone floor.
You struggled against him, trying to kick him or knee him in the balls, but Aemond was quicker than you, pinning your legs as well.
“Fuck you! You promised me!” you shouted at him, still trying to get your wrists out of his grip.
“You want me to apologize?”
“Yes, I do.” You snapped. “You broke a promise.”
“Hobroti jās.” He replied.
“Your Valyrian bullshit doesn’t scare me.” You laughed, but you were lying. It did. He could be threatening to kill you for all you knew, and you would be none the wiser.
“Is that so, my love?” he taunted.
“Don’t call me that.” You replied.
“Why? Have a lover waiting for you at Dragonstone? Prince Daemon himself perhaps?”
“I don’t. And the King consort would not dishonor his queen like that.”
“I suppose you’re not much to look at anyway. Especially not after a stay in the cells.” Aemond cruelly spat.
Your snarl fell from your face, your mask cracking quicker than you wanted it to. Not being as desirable and pretty as the ladies at court had hurt for as long as you could remember, but it was worse coming from Aemond somehow.
“Never took you for the vain type.” Aemond continued relentlessly, driving the knife in deeper.
“As if you’re a looker.” You replied, trying to push the tears he had cried over his face for years into the background. You knew it was mean, your choice of words especially, but he was just as horrible. Yet, when you said those words, Aemond recoiled from you for a moment, giving you the opportunity to free yourself from his grasp.
You crawled backwards, trying to create space between the two of you, but Aemond grabbed your ankle, pulling you back towards him. You crashed against him, causing him to let go of you to catch himself.
Trying to take advantage of the moment, you pushed him down by the shoulders, trying to ignore the fact that he was staring at you.
“Nyke pendagon avy jorrāelan.” He said. His eye was wide, staring at you with anger and… was that awe?
“Stop with the Valyrian!” you said, punching against his chest in a futile attempt to regain control.
He smirked at you, satisfied that he was getting a rise out of you like this, and you hated him for it. You’d spent a lot of your time around Daemon, for fuck’s sake! This shouldn’t be having any kind of effect on you!
You should get up now. You could get up, your brain was screaming at you, but instead, you stayed where you were, your hands on his shoulders in a futile attempt to subdue a Targaryen.
You stayed where you were when Aemond leaned forward, until your faces were only centimeters apart.
“Go on.” he whispered. You weren’t sure what he wanted, only that, in that moment, closing the space between you felt right.
It took you about two seconds to break the kiss, biting Aemond’s lip. “I hate you.” You tried, but you heard your own voice, and it didn’t sound too convinced.
“Are you?” he asked, wiping the blood from his lower lip with a small smile.
“We’re enemies! At war. We should be killing each other, not doing… this.”
“I took too long. I tried to convince myself that letting you rot would be a good punishment.” He said.
“It is! Look at what I’m doing.” You replied.
“You drew first blood. Hate to admit it.”
“You are insufferable.” You said.
“Am I? You haunt my dreams, taunting me with what I’ve done, and now that I let you speak to me, you make my nightmares reality! I want you dead, and yet I can’t help but want you all to myself.”
“Oathbreakers are the highest of traitors, and I swear, one day your head will be on a spike in the Red Keep, and I for one will be glad for it.” You replied, but it sounded weak against his words, refined with years of study you didn’t have.
“Then why did you kiss me?”
You hated that you didn’t have a witty response on your tongue as Aemond would have.
“Give in.” he said, and by the Gods, was there ever a sweeter temptation?
“So all the blood spilled under my command will be ridiculed?” you asked.
“I am a Targaryen, blood is in my nature. What better way to honor them?”
“Than kissing you? I can think of more than a few.” You laughed.
“I don’t give a shit about kisses.” Aemond replied. When he crossed the room, you didn’t dare back away. They called Aemond a One-Eyed devil, but you had taken off that eyepatch to care for what remained far too many times not to see him for what he was.
All the violence, the fire, the insecurities. His inability to look at his reflection, the pride and guilt of being Vhagar’s rider. The love for Helaena and hate for Aegon. His lust and distaste for the crown, the never-ending spiral of paradox that he was.
But you had been made violence and fire as well, to hide your weaknesses and make you lethal.
Before his lips could crash onto yours again, you felt the horrible realization of what had happened hit you. Your hands caught his chest, and Aemond froze.
“Daemon sent me.” You said. “He knew, didn’t he? He knew you’d spare me; he knew that you’d try to kill me, and that you’d fail because I am your friend.”
Slowly, you watched as Aemond walked to the door, grabbing something from behind a loose stone. You thought he’d hidden the dagger to kill you, until he flipped the handle towards you.
“Do it then.” He whispered. Your hand shaking, you tried to take the blade. You could end this war. You could kill the biggest asset the Greens had. He was practically offering himself to you.
Yet you couldn’t level the knife to his neck. Slowly, you let it sink again, hand trembling until the dagger fell. It clattered on the ground loudly, reminding you of your guilt. The traitor you had just become.
But Aemond was already on you, hands cupping your face as if you were fragile, thumbs stroking your cheeks like a lover to be cradled, soothing the unsurety that confused your thoughts.
“I still hate you.” You whispered between kisses, but Aemond barely bothered to smirk at you.
Instead, your hands betrayed your instincts, wandering to unlace his leather doublet, still shaking from the dagger.
“I hate you too.” He replied, ripping at your gown until it tore from shoulder to hip.
“That was the only one I had.” You complained.
“I’ll buy you another.”
“You’re such an ass.” You snapped. Aemond didn’t reply, his hands wandering to the curve of your hips instead.
The cot made an audibly creak as he lowered you down onto it, and you caught the blush on his cheeks.
“Don’t like being heard?” you asked.
“Not particularly. Didn’t know you did.”
“I don’t. I just happen to be poor.”
“Who?” Aemond demanded.
“Who fucked you?”
“You thought I was a virgin?” you taunted.
“Their names.” Aemond managed through gritted teeth.
“Let’s see. There was Alyn, the city watch guard. He was my first. Then your mother’s maid, and a barkeep in Flea Bottom. A former septon at Dragonstone, he was go-“
“Shut up.” Aemond commanded, his hand on your neck again. His other hand was tearing at your dress, and the fact that he was desperate to have you made you feel powerful.
A prince of the Seven Kingdoms, subdued by the daughter of a blacksmith.
What a song that would make. In truth, you were desperate to kiss him again, to bite his shoulder while he fucked you languishly and have him pull your hair while he took you from behind. To dig your nails into his shoulders and watch his eye grow wide as he took his pleasure from you.
“Take it off.” You said.
“The eye patch.”
“No.” Aemond refused.
“I’ve seen you without a thousand times. I want you.” You said.
He let you remove it, and your smile grew as you saw the dark, glittering sapphire filling his empty socket.
“Do you like it?” he asked carefully, sounding like the young boy that had reluctantly shown you his angry, red wound the first time he returned from Dragonstone.
“Would you wake if I stole it in the middle of the night?”
“Don’t try it.” He warned, finally unlacing his breeches. Without warning, he lowered himself to your cunt, before he thrust into you slowly. You screwed your eyes shut, trying to adjust to the stretch of it, but the pain felt just right.
“Alright?” he asked.
“Just been a while.”
He nodded, before he thrusted a few more times. And then, without warning, his hips snapped forward, burying himself in you to the hilt.
Your hands clawed at his shoulders, desperate for something to hold on to, and Aemond lowered his face to your breasts, taking his time with marring the already bruised skin on your chest further.
His thrusts were harsh, reflecting the anger that was still marring his features. If there was a truly gentle side to Aemond, it wasn’t here now.
Instead, he was all rough and messy, pressing his lips to yours in a desperate attempt to soften its gestures, but all it did was make you gasp into his mouth, only encouraging him to drive further into you.
It took your breath away, leaving you biting his shoulder and neck as you had imagined, fighting him tooth and nail for control.
There was an edge to him, one you’d seen before in Daemon and Rhaenyra, and even Helaena at times. Power and magic that made the Targaryens untouchable, and it clouded his senses just like yours.
His hands were everywhere, grabbing whatever he can take hold on. Bruising, marking your flesh and you know that it’s to claim you over and over again.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes again, but of pleasure laced with pain this time, the stretch of his cock so unbearably good it makes you wonder why. Why hadn’t you done this sooner?
Had this lust been there before? Would this have happened without a war?
Was that really what it took?
“I need…” Aemond began, trailing off into nothing as he nipped your lip, mirroring your gesture from earlier. He pushed your knees towards your shoulders, driving even deeper. It makes you a mess, fall apart in just the way he wants you too.
“Don’t stop.” You begged. “Don’t ever stop.”
“I won’t.” Aemond promised, and his words spoke of the things neither of you dared to say.
“Take me. Make me yours.” A part of you said, one that you did not know you possessed.
“My fierce girl.” He praised. “My fighter, my darling. My love. Mine, mine, mine.”
His words became a mantra, thrumming with the racing beat of your heart.
Betrayal shouldn’t feel this good, and yet, Aemond made the guilt disappear into background noise with soft praises soothing earlier insults. He flipped you around after a while, hands grabbing your hips as you tried to steady yourself on the cot, hands tangling with bedsheets.
They bruised you again, lilac and purple blooming on your skin, bones stretching against it. You were hungry for something you didn’t know you wanted, and Aemond’s hands promised sweet release.
His chest flattened against your back, jaw finding your neck again and biting more marks into it, as if there weren’t already enough there. Hands tangling into your hair, he turned your head to kiss you harshly, more teeth and bite than soft kisses, but in that moment it felt right.
“Gods.” He gasped, thrusting into you with a frenzy. His hands found your sweet spot, rubbing until you found yourself painfully close to the edge. You could feel his breath on your back, the desperate savageness that accompanied his person now.
Heat bloomed in your stomach as you felt him continue, observant to your reactions. He studied you as he studied his swordplay, a skill he wanted to master. He already had, and yet, you couldn’t help but arch your back and meet his cock.
“So desperate?” he teased, and you ignored him, even as he taunted you for fucking yourself on his cock.
“You’re the one rutting into me.” You tried. Trading insults didn’t feel necessary, you were both desperate enough for each other to betray the cause you were so loyal to, and that was proof enough of your desperation.
“Give in.” he demanded. “Give yourself to me.”
“You’re mine,” you managed instead. “You’ll always be mine; I don’t care about the rest.”
He bit back his witty comeback, you knew it. It felt like a heartwarming gesture, if his hands and cock hadn’t made your spine go soft and your legs shake. He was desperate to make you cum, and that was how you knew he was close as well.
You wanted him to cum first, to lose if only in this, but with a few more sloppy thrusts, he had pushed you over the edge, your arms failing you as he followed after you seconds later.
As soon as it was done, he tried to move away from you. He let you pull him back in. You kissed him softly, slowly, as you had longed to do for a long time.
Now that his anger had dissipated, his lips melted against yours, his grip gentle and soft again, soothing over the love bites he had just made.
Carefully, he dressed you, a proud expression on his face as he noticed his seed between your legs.
“You’ll get me moontea for that.” You said.
“Or a septon.” He smirked, tying his breeches.
“What gave you the impression?”
Wordlessly, Aemond scooped you up into his arms, carrying you to the door.
“’You’ll always be mine’ was quite indicative.” He said, mimicking your gasps. Aemond carried you all the way to his chambers, setting you down on a bed that felt like a cloud.
“We can’t marry.” You reminded him quietly.
“Yes, we can. I’m the prince.”
“Precisely. I am a blacksmith’s daughter for the enemy of your faction.”
“Perhaps I shall make my own faction then.” Aemond replied.
“And make a peasant your queen? I do believe the nobles would rather have a woman then.”
“My mother would love you.”
“Since when? No doubt she knows I fucked her maid as a parting gift by now.” You said.
“That was your last act in the Red Keep?” Aemond asked. “I do admit, it might be a little difficult to make up for it.”
“I mean it, Aemond. ‘Tis no joking matter. You must either let me go, or kill me now, for I know I cannot do that to you.” You replied.
“You can leave tomorrow morning.” He agreed. “And I shall have no mercy if I see you on the battlefield. Or you can stay, and marry me at noon. The choice is yours to make.”
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nhasablogg · 4 months
Team Building
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: The BAU team
Summary: Hotch witnesses a giant tickle fight between his team and is very confused.
A/N: As per @originalcolormoon's request!
Words: 600
Morgan starts it. That much Hotch is sure of. Granted he doesn’t get to really witness the beginning of it all, but the moment he exits his office to a team in chaos, he knows Morgan started it.
It takes him an alarming amount of time to realize they’re laughing and not crying. Frozen in the door frame, he watches as Prentiss nearly trips up the stairs as she chases after JJ, who rushes past him without seemingly noticing his presence. It’s her smile that makes him snap out of his terrified confusion; all teeth, all joy. It’s Reid crashing into him that turns his confusion on full blast again.
He steadies him. “What the hell is going on?” he tries, but Morgan lets out a blood-curdling scream just as he says it, and all eyes are momentarily on him as Garcia seems to be pouncing on him, aiming her hands into his- Hotch squints. His armpits? And suddenly he understands, but it doesn’t help with his confusion.
“Are you having a tickle fight?”
Reid slips out of his grip, but only because Prentiss has given up on JJ and is aiming her alarmingly quick steps in their direction now. Hotch wonders if he will get dragged into it and nearly feels like running, but the way Reid laughs makes him certain no one could resist, and so he watches Prentiss chase him through the office. During the seconds it took for that to happen Morgan has somehow turned the tables and is using his height to his advantage and is tickling Garcia’s neck, causing her to giggle much more quietly than Hotch would expect her to.
Not that Hotch ever thinks about how his teammates will react to getting tickled, of course.
“You-” he tries, but realizes it’s in vain. Whatever he says will get drowned out, by laughter and protests and shouts and the occasional crash into furniture. As he watches them, grown adults having fun for the first time in probably ages, he’s glad no one else is here. Glad they can be carefree and embarrassing without witnesses.
Later, they will tell him how it happened. “It was Prentiss’ fault,” Morgan says, which earns him a slap to the back of his head.
“It was Morgan,” Prentiss says through Morgan’s indignation, rolling her eyes. “Obviously. He decided to tickle Reid a little too enthusiastically until I reminded him of the spot I had discovered a few weeks ago.”
“I don’t take threats lightly,” Morgan says, much too confidently for someone who was just howling from JJ going for his ribs. Hotch almost wishes he’d seen it start, just to see how quickly it went from semi collected to that.
And, privately, because he really just wishes he could’ve seen it.
Rossi is suddenly beside him as Reid is, in a rare moment of courage, trying to turn the tables on JJ. He is looking as amused as Hotch reckons the situation calls for. “Well, this is interesting,” he says, cocking his head at him. “Does it happen often?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“Ah.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, the two of them silent for a moment as the team keeps shrieking. “Tell me, Hotch,” he says suddenly, in a tone which is foreboding. “Are you ticklish yourself?”
Hotch stiffens and tries to remember how to be normal about anything. “No.”
“No as in don’t try.”
“Oh, that is the least effective way to keep my hands away.”
Hotch feels like he needs to murder Morgan after this. And maybe Prentiss too.
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syllvane · 1 year
a dwindling, mercurial high- nikolai lantsov x reader
“You could’ve left, with Tolya and Tamar, y’know.” Nikolai said, his words slurring ever so slightly and you looked at him amused.
You couldn’t remember the last time that you had been sober enough to remember him getting plastered.
“I know I could have, silly.”
He smiled at you and you forced yourself to look away from him, looking for anything or anyone out of place.
“Then why did you stay?”
“Someone has to keep you from getting killed.” You said, only half-joking.
It wasn’t a large celebration, only close friends and family of the soon to be monarchs invited to gathering.
Alina was on the other side of the room, nursing a glass of kvas and talking with Zoya and Genya. 
Tolya and Tamar had told Nikolai that they wouldn’t be able to attend, some business with stopping slaver ship. Mal had given no word to Alina.
Hence, the kvas.
“You have so much confidence in me.”
“More confidence than I have in most people.” You replied quickly, taking an opportunity to look at him.
His golden cheeks were flushed red with alcohol and his eyes were focused on you, looking at you like he should’ve been looking at his fiancée.
“You should go socialize with Alina and the others. People might get the wrong impression if you’re talking to the Captain of your guard all night.”
“And what impression would that be?”
That you love me. That I love you. That the most selfish parts of me want you to pick me over the entirety of Ravka.
“I don’t know, that there might be an emergency or something- Nikolai.”
He stood up and cleared his throat loudly, commanding all of the attention in the room.
“My fellow countrymen, I just want all of you to rest assured that there is no emergency going on. My good friend and head of guard thought that us having a conversation might give that impression, so calm your nerves and enjoy the drinks.”
Several chuckles went around the room and conversations slowly resumed as he sat back down, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Are you happy now?” You asked and he looked at you, a smug smile on his face.
“Very. Are you done trying to convince me to talk to other people?”
“Odd way to describe your fiancée, ‘other people’.” You retorted. 
“You could just call her Alina.”
“Or moya tsaritsa.”
He took another sip of his drink, shaking his head.
“I don’t get it, you liked Alina when you first met her, on the Volkvolny.”
You wished more than anything that Tolya and Tamar were here, or that you could at least drink.
“I do like her. You're the one who hasn’t spoken to her all night.”
“And would you rather that I go over to her and play the part of the adoring husband? That I hold her closely and whisper in her ear?” He taunted and you scoffed, looking anywhere but him. He grabbed your hand. “I’d rather be here as well.”
You looked at your intertwined hands, unable to focus on much beyond how his skin felt on yours, suddenly glad that Tolya and Tamar weren’t here, painfully aware of how fast your heart was beating.
He let go of your hand, standing up again.
“Well, friends, I think I’ve had enough revelry for tonight- please, continue to indulge yourself. As difficult as it might be, the party must go on.” He said, winking at his guests, all of whom smiled at him kindly.
He turned towards the door and started walking.
You signaled the other guards of Nikolai’s to move, glancing over the room once more to see Alina looking at you.
She smiled at you warmly and you did your best to return it, still thinking about how his skin felt on yours.
You turned around, following Nikolai out and when you and the other guards on duty arrived to his chambers, Nikolai motioned for you to follow him inside.
The doors closed.
“You’re the one that I love, you know.” He said, pouring himself another drink. You watched the liquid slosh into the glass cup, watched as he took a sip. “If that’s what marriage was about, it would be you I would marry.”
You stayed completely still.
“I love you. I love you, and I’m sorry that it took so long for me to say it.”
“Why are you telling me this?” You asked miserably, and he looked at you, taking a step closer.
“Why did you stay?” He asked softly and you shook your head. “Please. It’s the last thing I’ll ever ask of you.”
You closed your eyes- you didn’t know when tears started streaming down your face.
“Because I love you.��� You said as if it was the worst thing in the entire world. “I love you and as much as I hate everything about this, you’re still in my life. And I will take whatever life I can get with you.”
You opened your eyes and he looked at you sorrowfully, his hand hovering over your cheek as if to caress it, to wipe the tears away, before it dropped back to his side.
He closed his eyes and took a step away from you.
“I’m sorry.” He said, his voice barely a whisper. “I should get to sleep.”
You nodded professionally, as if tears weren’t actively streaming down your face, taking a step away from him and turning.
“Right, moy tsar. You have a big day coming up, you need all the rest you can get.” He flinched at the title- not that you noticed, facing away from him. “Have a good night.”
“You too.” He said hoarsely.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
Could you possibly do a canon Captain Levi Ackerman x cadet reader enemies to lovers fic please?? Preferably where the reader is injured and her Captain has to look after her. Plenty of the feels would be appreciated haha. I love your writing btw :)
Hi lovebug! Id love to, thank you so much <3
“How could you be so foolish?” Levi berates you, his tone completely opposite his gentle hands as they bandage your arm.
“I mean I told you how dangerous the mission was, you knew how dangerous it was! And you went on your own anyway?”
You’d given up explaining your behavior at this point, resolving to keep your eyes glued to the hole in the floorboards.
“Y/n,” He sighs, “You could’ve jeopardized our entire mission. You need to be more careful with these things.”
You nod pathetically. There’s silence for a moment as your heart aches. If you’d ever had a chance of him returning your feelings, that had been kicked out and spat on.
“Thank you.” You offer.
His hands pause as his eyes search your face. You mean it, you’re a terrible liar.
“You’re welcome.” He resumes wrapping the bandage until it’s tight then secures it.
“Do you ever-” You stop and make a face.
“Do I ever what, cadet?”
“Do you ever look at the stars?”
You’ve caught him off guard, his face shifts for just a moment before recovering it’s facade.
“Sure. Why?”
You shrug and poke at your arm.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if this is all it is to it.”
Levi gets what you mean, but he ignores that familiar feeling.
“Do you have any other injuries?”
You pull up your shirt slowly to reveal a nasty gash on your stomach, hissing through your teeth as the cold air hits it. He pretends to be unaffected but his nose wrinkles in sympathy.
After a second of him cleaning a wound, he replies to your earlier statement.
“I do too. Sometimes.”
You look up at his face, horribly hardened and focused on only looking at your torso. Then you laugh and shake your head.
“Feels like a bad joke, doesn’t it? Of all the cards we could’ve been dealt, we get this hand.”
He agrees and wonders for a second what made you so hurt all the time. He’ll never admit it, but your strength in the face of life is admirable. The fact that you still hold onto yourself even through all the pain is impressive.
“Someday,” You continue, “Someday, I’ll have a daughter and by the time she’s my age, the world will have given her every good thing she wants. And she’ll be the happiest woman you’ve ever seen. One of those girls who carries flowers in her pockets everywhere and laughs a little too loud in pubs. She’ll be good.”
You sound like you’re talking about the past, reminiscing on something you’ve lost yourself. Levi considers that you might be talking about yourself, he wished he could have known you when you gave out flowers. He’d like to have had one from you.
“If she’s as reckless as her mother, she’ll be dead before she can do all that.”
You snort and wince when you remember your pain.
“She’ll be smarter than i’ll ever be. She’ll have a really smart father.”
He notices the way you look at him and crushes the thought of looking back at you.
“She ought to. She needs someone with sense in her life.”
“He has enough sense to make up for my lack.”
Levi’s eyes find yours for the first time tonight and he sees a future in them. A beautiful future he wants to be apart of. He could get lost in there and never return.
“Does he?” His heart skips a beat.
“He does. Smartest man I know.” You agree with shining pupils.
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daevastanner · 9 months
Tumblr media
This is the love story of an orphaned priestess and a heartbroken spymaster. It is not for the poets or the scribes, but rather, for the dreamers. For those who look at the stars from the bars of a cell or the stained glass of a temple, and wish.
“You should be with someone who’s crazy about you, Jess.”
“That’d be really nice if it was coming from someone who hadn’t just punched me in the face.”
– Nick and Jess in Elizabeth Meriwether’s “New Girl” ep. 6 s. 2, directed by Jesse Peretz
“You’re not staying?” Nesta asked.
Azriel averted his gaze, straightening his bracers. For whatever reason, answering her question felt like he was confessing a secret. “No, I promised Berdara I’d give her a private lesson in dagger handling.”
To his relief, both Nesta and Cassian were both too preoccupied with the decrepit mortal village he’d winnowed them to to notice his unease. Why admitting such an arbitrary detail felt so disconcerting was beyond Azriel. He was Gwyn’s trainer after all. Trainers met with trainees one on one to help them further their skills all the time.
“I’ll be back in an hour,” Azriel said mildly.
He didn’t linger, allowing his shadows to swathe him in darkness and winnow him away.
Between one blink and the next, the shadows dissipated and Azriel found himself in open air outside the House of Wind. He spread his wings and banked forward, allowing the wind to carry him towards the opening that led to the training ring. Swooping downward, preparing to land, he saw Gwyneth Berdara already within.
As soon as his boots made contact with the ground, Azriel snapped his wings in, jogging to a stop when he realized the priestess was leisurely twirling a blade far too long and far too heavy for her.
His brows pulled together as he started across the ring towards her.
She was smiling at him, blissfully unaware that she was one wrong movement from seriously injuring herself.
Closing the distance between them, Azriel held out his palm, “Give me that.”
At the flat tone in his voice, Gwyn surrendered the dagger with a bemused expression. “My apologies, Shadowsinger.”
Azriel sent the weapon floating back to the weapon’s rack on a tendril of shadow, then reached into the bin of wooden sparring daggers, removing two. He handed one to Gwyn with a serious look. “Not only was that entirely the wrong size, but you could’ve put out your eye.”
Just saying the words gave him heart palpitations. Gwyneth Berdara had been through enough without carelessly blinding herself, or gods forbid, giving herself a nasty scar.
Gwyn’s expression was playfully grave. “Well, thank you for saving my best feature. I’d hate to lose it.”
While Azriel agreed that Gwyn’s eyes were certainly beautiful, he didn’t believe them to be her best feature. Her best feature, in his opinion at least, were her freckles. They dotted her skin like constellations in the night sky, reminding him vaguely of the stars he used to glimpse between the bars of his cell. They’d always given him hope during the dark days of his childhood. Much like Gwyneth Berdara. Because if Azriel had ruthlessly slaughtered four of Hybern’s soldiers and it had saved the life of someone so good, maybe there was hope for his soul after all.
Read the rest on ao3
@almosttenaciousmoon @vikingmagic33 @mystical-blaise @hlizr50 @headcanonheadcase @beaumaismortel
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 1 year
Never Have I Ever Season 4: My Extensive Opinions on all the plots
I will go through various plots and characters (in no particular order) and give my opinion
I don’t like Margot. Her introduction this season was her being furious at Devi because she was mad that Ben ghosted her but Devi literally has a right to mad. Margot’s reaction was very unwarranted and a lot for the situation at hand, especially because she wasn’t giving Ben any of that energy she was giving Devi. She isn’t wondering why Ben ghosted Devi out of the blue? She isn’t thinking that this could be a potential red flag? She is still protecting him and doting on him?
This isn’t even the only time this happens. Every time Margot is on screen, they have to get her mad at Devi for some reason, which is usually a misunderstanding. Sometimes she is justified, for example when she finds Devi’s notebook and when Devi almost gets her suspended.But why was she mad at Devi when Ben brought the flowers to her house? Why did she not give the same energy to Ben? He was the one that brought the flowers.Then she admits that she is embarrassed of Ben after she spent 6 episodes fighting over him? Girl, what was the fighting even for??
It just makes me mad that her character got so much screen time and the conflict that she has with Devi is so repetitive. I just think about how her screentime could be given to other characters (cough, cough Aneesa) and that makes me even more mad.
Episode 1
Should be called “Never Have I Ever Risked it all for a man” This is not a criticism to the writing of the episode, this is more of a message to characters that don’t exist. Devi, Margot, stand up, please. No man is worth fighting for, no man is worth ruining your reputation for and no man is worth ruining your chances of getting into your dream university for and I’m saying that as someone who loves Ben as a character (for the most part).
Ben x Margot
Was very unnecessary. Ben stop dating girls to get over Devi challenge I beg of you.
Also unnecessary but at least he got Devi to take her mind off of Ben.
They had so much chemistry in their interactions together and they were trying to tell us last season that they don’t have any romantic chemistry?? Nah, sorry I don’t believe it. During the scene where Fabiola confided in Addison about her fight with Devi and Addison told her that she would make new friends in college, I was thinking about how Aneesa would get it since she is in the same friend group (tho props to Addison for listening to Fab and getting it in the end.)
I adore Aneesa so I was disappointed that she was barely in the season. I wish we could’ve gotten more information about where got recruited to.
I adore her and I love how much she has grown. In seasons 1 and 2, she would have called Devi ‘stupid’ or used other harsh words without a second thought. Now she corrects her mistakes and is more gentle and comforting to Devi. I also really like Nalini’s relationship with Margot’s dad, they had chemistry.
Funny as always.
I am glad that she took that job in Baltimore and I am so glad that she didn’t get married. I feel like a big part of her character is that she isn’t ready to get married and needs to figure out the timing of things in her own terms. I am also very happy that she is still with Mr Kulkarni.
I was worried when he dropped out of university but the writers handled the plotline so well. The first thing they did was drill it into our heads that Paxton made the wrong choice and that he was running away from change. I adored his friendship with Devi and I really liked his relationship with Miss Thompson. I really like Miss Thompson’s personality and I like how she isn’t phased by his charm and holds him accountable for his actions. They are also bi4bi, I don’t make the rules.
Fabiola was right in applying to Princeton because she can apply anywhere she wants but wrong in not telling Devi at all. I definitely felt bad for her because you can tell that she adores Devi and would never want to hurt her. Luckily, it all worked out in the end.
He really needed someone to slap him in the first few episodes because what the hell was he thinking?? First, ghosting Devi after they slept together, dating Margot, refusing to speak to her and lying about it being Margot’s decision. I was ready to fight him. Luckily, he redeemed himself in the last few episodes.
I am a Devi stan first, person second, have always been from season 1. I am so proud of how much she’s grown and of how far she’s come. Most of all, I am so glad that she got her dream college, her dream boyfriend and started embracing her culture.
The moments in the last few episodes were perfection. Ben defending Devi from the creep? Amazing. Them interacting with each other and everyone knowing that they’re in love? Spectacular. Them gazing at each other with heart eyes at graduation when you know season 1 Ben would have been so mad that Devi won valedictorian over him. The scene where he flies all the way from New York to confess his love for her and they run away holding hands and the scenes after that? The most romantic scenes on the show. Benvi is definitely one of the best slowburns in recent television.
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