#mannnn I’m going to be thinking about this one for a while
studebakerhearse · 1 year
Just read Penguin: Pain and Prejudice in one sitting *surrounded by blood and viscera*
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trendywaifus · 1 year
Yay, I’m so happy you’re willing to take poly requests! If it’s not too much trouble, could you do sfw and nsfw hcs for shinobu x mitsuri x reader? My thirsty ass will love you forever lol
yeow im doing well! sorry for taking so long mannnn but hear you go!!
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— love these girls sm! the relationship is so wholesome, you’ll be living your best life. the communication between the three of you is sooo healthy and fights rarely ever happen. if they do, mitsuri is the one who brings everyone back together (while bawling her eyes out cus she hates fighting). shinobu will be next to calm you two down depending how bad it is.
— mitsuri loves to greet you two with the biggest hugs ever. she’ll take you both into her strong arms and twirl y’all around with a squeal. don’t worry, her grip ain’t really that tight! . . .until her excitement makes her forget how strong she is.
— i can imagine mitsuri hurriedly setting y’all down and smother you with kisses as an apology. she squeezes your cheeks and peppers your face with wet kisses until she thinks she’s done enough to show how sorry she is. you’re breathless and a little dazed from her love attack and shinobu will sneakily giggle behind her hand. . that’s until it’s her turn. “ oh my. no need, kanroji. i’m quite fine actually, thank you. i’m sure (name) needed it more than me—“ “ i don’t take no for an answer! “ “?!” mitsuri grabs for shinobu and the short woman swiftly moves out of the way with a surprised look on her face before running around with a determined mitsuri on her tail. now you’re the one laughing at the sight before you.
— shinobu is very motherly and looks out for the two of you! Ngl, she’ll be very stressful mother tho. since you and mitsuri are both hashira, she worries about you two a lot. she tends to y’all’s wounds and gives out survival tips. shinobu urges you to keep a medkit because she won’t always be the one to patch y’all up.
— during cuddle sessions, shinobu will be in the middle since she’s so small. and to be honest, she couldn’t be happier. she feels safe and content in between her two lovers, the nightmares she usually gets are swept away and replaced by brighter dreams.
— what you say? feeling left out? aww bby! they will invest all of their attention on you if you feel out of place.
— it’s a free for all. you three are more focused on each other’s pleasure to even think about who’s topping or whatever. mitsuri’s sitting on your face, grinding her cunt on your tongue and shinobu’s muffling her throaty moans by passionately kissing her lips.
— though, if one gets too much attention, the other can get jealous. if you’re too busy burying your fingers inside of shinobu, focusing all of your attention on to her, mitsuri will whine and pout. she’ll press her chest against your back, throw her arms around your waist and beg for you to give her some attention. she’s so wet and touch–starved, she wants to be taken care of too. ):
— imagine mitsuri sandwiched between you and shinobu. she’s on your lap, desperately bouncing on your (strap/cock). fat tears runs down her flaring red cheeks, her lime eyes damn near rolling to the back of her head as she chases her climax. you’re telling her to slow down because she’s getting way too much to handle. meanwhile, shinobu encourages her to keep going with a roguish smile, rubbing mitsuri’s puffy clit in a circular motion, overstimulating her even further.
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
i’ve been rereading your not [] series and WOWOWOWOWOW i love it sm. the writing? mwah chefs kiss 🤌🏽 the soul crushing loneliness is felt throughout the whole series and as the reader i can really feel every single emotion y/n goes through while reading it’s amazing. i’m excited for part three to see how it all goes down most importantly y/n’s reaction. i can only imagine the intense anger they’ll probably have after getting taken back to the manor. they’ll be angry cuz of the kidnapping thing but also it took them going missing for their family to acknowledge them. that’s a whole different type of anger and frustration. trying practically all your life to get your family’s attention, to them notice your there, all for it to be vain but the moment you’re gone and don’t exist, just like they’ve been treating your whole life, suddenly they notice. they felt guilty after realizing the damage they’ve done to you and just NOW they want to fix even though you’ll probably be carrying the trauma of the neglect for life so what’s the point of trying to fix it now? especially at this big age? the anger y/n must feel at this is insane. there’s also the fact that if y/n *does* want to give in to the sudden affection there’s that fear they’ll just leave again. they get kidnapped, imprison in what was their once home with high security, are being bomb with a bunch of love from their family they’ve never received before and then suddenly it’s gone, all their left with is just their freedom being taken away. y/n most likely feels intense anger, maybe even hatred, at their current actions but also fear of their future ones. it’s the perfect soup of angst and mannnn i’m eating it up.
sorry for the ramble i just wanted to let out my thoughts on your series but to sum it up i LOOVE your series and i’m patiently waiting for your next chapter to continue to see what of y/n’s fate becomes 🫶🏽
I'm so glad you're enjoying the series!!! And oh my god I love your interpretation as well!!!
As I've kind of stated/hinted at through various posts (I promise a masterlist will be made soon because there is a lot of things now that are piling up-), I don't really tend for Y/n in the "Not [ ]" series to get kidnapped just yet (not in part 3 anyways), but I think we all know that it's bound to happen considering things. And it will!
Honestly, I think a lot of people are kind of overestimating how 'loud' Y/n's anger, frustration, hurt, and pain will be in part 3, and it does make me a little worried about the reception of it. However, depending on one's interpretation, what the reader does instead can make the angst that much heavier. Because, well. They don't get that 'relief' that can sometimes come with shouting out your problems to the world- especially to the person that caused you such pain for such a long time, as it is also kind of acts like an unmistakable "hey!!! i'm fucked up and it's all your fault!!! i'll never forgive you for this and want nothing to do with you!!!" message. Though it is a mix within itself.
However, you are right, honestly!
Y/n in the start of the "Not [ ]" series is upset enough. Not only towards the family, but all the time they feel like they've wasted to try and just have a chance to just... get something they never had. All they wanted was a relationship, some kind of connection with anyone in the family besides Alfred, anything. Which is also mentioned in "Not Tonight" as there is that repeating theme/mention of Y/n doing too much but receiving so little, if not, nothing at all, for their efforts.
So just knowing that — as you've said — it basically took them essentially 'giving up' and being gone for months, for the Batfam to notice them? To try and even attempt to give not even half of what the reader had tried to before? Yet was rejected at every twist and turn? Up until this point?
Yeah, no. Y/n is plenty pissed, and incredibly hurt. Among other things as it's just... too little too late. Way too late.
Yet why I also say that I feel as if others overestimate how Y/n is going to express their anger, and how loud about it they're going to be, is because... well- this is a small kind of character spoiler, I guess, but they feel so detached from the family that the very thought of the Batfam even looking for them, is unfathomable. They don't realize at first how the Batfam is looking for them (despite the obvious signs), because it's never happened before, not even on accident.
They never got saved when they got into fights. They never got help when shit got tough. They were never heard, seen or even acknowledged in the house besides Alfred unless they initiated the 'conversation'. Why would they think that anyone who's acted to them like that, and wouldn't even let them exist in their space for a few minutes, go out searching for them? To put in even the smallest effort towards finding them — and because they were worried for Y/n's health no less — and not because they were the absolute last resort? They wouldn't. They don't.
It's a part of why part 3 goes the way it does, but again-its a part. The other pieces make it bad as well. Though that's all the spoilers I'm willing to give on that, which will go more indepth in part 3 itself (hopefully).
Basically, Y/n is a mess. Everyone is in a way, and that's what makes everything go to hell.
Y/n is angry, yes, but it starts quiet before it gets loud. Along with everything else.
So if and when Y/n does get kidnapped... hm.
I did say in a previous ask that depending on how it goes that Y/n would fight back if they're able to and such depending on how the kidnapping itself goes. And though I won't say much on Y/n's reaction in case it does go into future parts if more than 4 are made, I will say that you're right to assume that Y/n is incredibly pissed. You're also right on the whole idea with them being worried about the family basically neglecting them all over again, when everything is said and done. And that's great!
It's a mix. A whole push-and-pull deal where, yeah, even if more shit hits the fan- their own trauma will, in a way, protect them as well as make their life more miserable than it already is. Y/n'll probably never be able to naturally get close with the Batfam, not without 'help' anyway.
But these are yanderes. Their definition of 'help' is a little... twisted.
Though, yeah! And don't worry about rambling- I clearly do the same seeing as I think this whole post is almost just as long as what you wrote. So it's fine! If anything I really did enjoy reading it! Seeing all these different interpretations, and thoughts about the series and other things is incredibly interesting and I love it a lot! Especially with Part 3 on the rise.
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angelyuji · 11 months
skirts and promises
707 x reader (most (if not all) dialouge from day 9 phone call) reader wear a skirt but no gendered pronouns
hope you guys enjoy! i know not many of you follow me for mystic messenger stuff but it's summer so im back on the grind :)) no warnings! maybe a little suggestive so yk.... anyways, i'm a 707 girlie till i die thats literally my man i need him so bad it physically hurts me like omg thats my FREAKING MANNNN.... have fun reading!
you glance at seven sitting next to you on the couch, typing at lightening speed on his laptop. you quietly pull out your phone, pretending to look through the chatrooms before dialing his number on the RFA app.
“hello?” seven laughs next to you and you pout at the phone.
“why are you laughing?” you look over at him suspiciously.
“i noticed you glancing at me while pressing on the phone, so i wondered if you were trying to call me. and you really did! why are you so cute? i even love how predictable you are.” you blush at seven’s words. you jump up and run into the kitchen, giggling to yourself. “hmm? why are you running into the kitchen? i can’t see you now!” seven whines as you press yourself against the fridge and slide down to the floor.
“it feels like we’re actually talking on the phone if we can’t see each other!” you speak into the phone, smiling to yourself.
“what?” you peek your head around the corner and watch as seven tilts his head in confusion. “huh…you’re right…then i want to hide too! where should i go?” seven stands up, phone pressed to his ear. “i want to go into the kitchen too!”
“no, no! then there wouldn’t be any point in me hiding!” you whine, and you watch as seven throws his head back and laughs. he plops back onto the couch, arms spread out on the top of the couch. you bite your lip and watch as he relaxes into the couch.
seven sighs, “…i miss you when you disappear from my sight. i want to be right beside you… always.” a warm silence fills the apartment. you feel your heart beat faster. you turn your head back to face the cabinets across from you.
“i… i feel the same.” you whisper, afraid to disturb the feeling in the air.
seven’s voice quiets as he talks into the phone, “you know, it’s good to laugh. i mean, if we can manage to laugh in this situation, what other miracle can we hope for?” you hum, letting him continue. “i think this is what suits us. that no matter what happens, we can look at each other and laugh.” he stops talking and you wait. “promise me… promise me that from now on, we’ll look at each other, smile, and get through whatever comes.”
“i promise.” you smile.
seven stands up and walks towards the kitchen, stopping at the entry. “and if we get tired in the process… our robot can help us laugh.”
“i want to make you smile too.” you giggle, clutching the phone to your chest.
“then poke your head out!” you peek your head out, seven grabs your legs, and pulls. you scream and he cackles as you lay flat on the floor. he sits on his knees, clutching his sides. you raise yourself up onto your elbows and smile. “why are you smiling? you just looked into my eyes!”
“i don’t know, i guess i just like you a lot.” you lay back down, covering your face as you feel a blush creep back up your face.
seven laughs, pulling you closer. “do you like me that much?” he whispers and holds himself over you. one hand cups your face, “don’t pout, i like you too.” he moves back to his knees with a huff. “god, i like you so much… i want to tease you, i want to watch your cute little face.”
you sit up and hit his arm, feeling your face burn. “you’re so annoying.”
seven laughs harder, “i’m so happy we can manage to play in such a small apartment.”
“interesting you say that when you didn’t even want to be near me earlier.” you huff and cross your arms.
seven grabs your hand, “ahh, just forget about that now. what’s important is the present, and the future we’ll create… together.” you smile, crossing your fingers together. “oh, but there’s a problem right now.”
“huh? what problem?” your eyes widen in panic.
“you do realize that you’re pretty defenseless, right?” seven lets go of your hand to cup your face once more. “i’m not just a guy that types away at a laptop. i’m really, really trying hard to hold back right now.” his thumb brushes against your lips and you hold your breath. you watch as his eyes drift to your lips. his face gets close and you close your eyes. you feel as if time stops, but he pauses, you can feel his breath on your lips. all of a sudden, you hear a loud laugh, you open your eyes and seven’s on the floor once more.
you move closer to him and whack his arm, “you are such a jerk, seven.”
you flop back onto the floor, annoyance turning to laughter. seven sits back onto the floor, crisscross. “ahh, don’t worry, (y/n). i’m super good at holding it in. speaking of, can’t you- can’t you pull down your skirt a little. i think- i think it kind of crawled up when you were laughing.” his eyes drift to your thighs. you look down and notice that your skirt had ridden up, exposing more of your thighs.
you smile, innocently, “what if i don’t want to? what if i don’t want to listen to you?” you use a finger to slowly pull your skirt up higher. seven’s hands clasp yours, stopping you from going further.
his eyes were wide and you tilt your head, noticing how wide his pupils are. “you don’t want to? please… i feel like my nose is gonna start bleeding if you keep going like this… i’m sure of it.” you pull one side of your sweater down below your shoulder, smiling slightly. seven’s breathing gets heavy. “god… i don’t think- i can’t-” seven shoots up, surprising you. “i need to go work out a bit. i just want to work out of my body too, not just my brain all the time.” you get up with him. “maybe- maybe a cold shower too…” he mumbles, brushing his hand through his hair.
“wait- seven-” you grab his arm.
he looks back at you with a weird expression. “and uh… please be careful of your skirt. i’m sorry.” you bite your lip and pout.
“fine… i guess i should hang up then and help you.” you grab your phone and seven grabs your hand, pulling you closer to him.
“huh? help me? wait- why- why are you trying to hang up? not yet!”
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sleepdeprivedlilbean · 5 months
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Siggghhhhh I blame @dreemurr-skelememer for this 😒
close ups and info under the cut
Idk what higher power convinced me from 11pm - 5am to just HAVE to draw Dream and Nightmare as horses from mlp (god dammit I’ve never even watched mlp) but HERE WE ARE
I put waaay to much time into these drawings not to color them so once I line them I’ll do that
Anyway I wasn’t sure how to incorporate Nightmare’s tentacles in this design, buuut here were a couple of things I wanted to do/design choices and why:
I wanted to make them both alicorns with Nightmare having webbed wings (with hints of feathers and trauma)
I decided Nightmare was going to have armor and a royal vibe/aesthetic (like the king he is)
He also has horseshoes with pointed tips and ankle armor and neck armor cause yes.
I wanted to give him even more armor but I thought it would be too much
The cutie marks are their respective apples, but I wanted Nightmare to have, well, a Nightmare Moon thing going on where there was discoloration around the mark (excess of slime in this case)
I did want to incorporate sun and moon elements into the curie marks as well, but I figured I could do it in clothing instead to not overcrowd the cutie mark design and have it lose its meaning.
The slime around Nightmare’s cutie mark is constantly flowing and dripping off of him and if you looked closely his apple may appear purple instead of black through the drips
Ok while I’ve never really watched mlp I don’t live under a rock and I’m aware of how similar Luna and Celestia are to Nightmare and Dream, plus I looked up different designs and species and if you couldn’t tell Nightmare’s HEAVILY Nightmare Moon coded (she also slays btw I love her).
As for ideas about Nightmare’s tentacles I figured maybe he could have a sort of shadow magic maybe??? That acted like his tentacles in a way? Idk I’m workshopping it.
Or he could pull a Rapunzel and have his mane and tail act as his tentacles (which is kinda why his hair looks like that, as I wanted it to look slimy and thick, and for the “tentacles” a bunch of the chords would wrap together to create the tentacle like shape).
Idk mannnn I’m trying but horses and tentacles just don’t really go together juuuust sayin
I actually wasn’t gonna give Dream his cape/shawl thing cause I forgot he had it but I looked at Dream’s ref again and thought it was fitting enough.
Dream’s circlet got turned into a helmet cause I thought it would match Nightmare’s vibe a little more and I wanted to do more than just put it on his head ya know?
I’ve also been seeing designs with Dream having his hair braided and I thought it was fitting so while u can’t really see it, Dreams mane consists of a bunch of thick braids and the nape of his neck he just cut his hair cause otherwise his braids would get tangled in his wings so he said be gone lol. (Nightmare’s tail is also partially braided and I like to think he also braids his mane too into one large braid I just didn’t draw it that way :().
Ok I still have more to say but THIS IS LONG ENOUGH NAHSVAGACA
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joelsbeard · 7 days
oh em gee i’ve literally js found ur blog and i’m in loveeeeeeee
would you be willing to give us your hcs about young!joel and readers first time?? i’m such a whore for that man<33
Hihi!! Thank you you are are so sweet 😊also thank you for the ask :) the tlou fandom for sure needs more pre-outbreak!joel content!!!! I am starved for that shit. I love hot and old ass dilf joel don't get me wrong but mannnn he was so cute when he was younger 🥲 such a lil cutie.
I've never actually thought about this because my mind always jumps to once joel and reader are in an established relationship hehe or when they're dating but not quite official yet. I'm not sure about these hc's tbh, I hope you like them!!
To start off, I don't think joel was a player in high school at ALL. Though of course, with his damn looks he could be. I might even go as far as to say I think he could sometimes give off golden retriever energy? Maybe once he gets to know you. I don't think he'd be 100% golden retriever energy lol definitely not, thats tommy haha. I imagine him only having had 1 or 2 girlfriends in high school, bc like i said i don't think he'd be a player. Flirty with multiple girls at most but I think that might be pushing it.
For some reason I feel like you would be his second girlfriend lol, with the first being eh bc you know how dating is in high school. He probably would've tried some stuff with her (😡) but still inexperienced by the time he meets you.
After some time flirting, you guys go on a couple of dates and you both really really like each other, then afterwards is when you two finally decide to take the next step 🙈
He would never pressure you to do anything you don't want, because joel miller is a gentleman!!!
Your first time would probably be at yours or his house when you were able to find time alone since he would want y'alls first time to be special
The first time you see his dick you probably panic a little and he sees the blood drain from your face because he's definitely on the more gifted side (both in girth and length ;) ), but he just pulls you in close and reassures you that it's okay if you change your mind, he doesn't want to pressure you ❤️
This is the first time y'all have ever seen each other naked and he tells you "you're so beautiful" while he kisses down your neck to your chest
Ofc he makes you cum on his fingers once or twice to make sure you're ready and comfortable, and you try to reciprocate and give him a handjob first but shortly after you start he tells you to save it for another time, otherwise he'll bust a nut before he even goes inside you because he's so horny for you LOL
You struggle a little when he first pushes inside you because he's just so big, and he tells you "take your time baby" while rubbing his thumbs across your cheeks and kissing your forehead and nose as you take more and more of him
Once he bottoms out you both sigh and you tell him to give you a minute as you adjust to him, ofc he does as you ask but you can tell he's eager to start moving inside you and he almost starts shaking with the anticipation hahahah
You have your legs wrapped around his back as well as both arms, with one hand cradling the back of his head and tangled in his soft hair as you hold his head down to yours, and he's holding himself up above you with his forearms caging your head in
Once you get used to feeling him inside you, you tell him he can start to move slowly, so he just rocks back and forth in you while y'all are making out and grinding on each other like theres no tomorrow LMAO
He lets you finish first but he comes almost right afterwards inside you, and then you guys are just laying there in your post-nut bliss✨ before he slides out of you and gets a towel to wipe you down ❤️
Then you just lay in bed together and cuddle and kiss each other as he asks you "was that okay?" and you hold his adorable face in your hands and say "it was perfect" and give him a lil kiss on the nose because he's so cute
After that, y'all be fuckin like rabbits for sure LMAO until your last days 🙏🏼 HHAHAH
I hope I did your thoughts justice hehe, i was NOT expecting to write this much lol
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starfxkr · 3 months
idk if i sent this in last night with my other ask. i was quite sleep deprived n delusional so ignore the other one if i did please 😭 but how about the boys with a mixed!reader? (this is so self indulgent i’m so sorry omg)
this has been established but rafe would absolutely mock me when my accent sneaks in, is worse when i didn’t even notice it in the first place. gets real mean when i roll my eyes and huff n cross my arms while he’s lecturing me on my “behavior issues”. hates it when i play spanish music in his truck bc he doesn’t understand it, but i smack his hand every time he tries to turn Selena off (bc wtf are you doing?? i’m serenading you rn!!). totally smacks me back. hates it even more when i’m speaking spanish on the phone in front of him bc he SWEARS im talking shit (and what if i am?). jokes and asks if he can have “half an n-word card” and gets threatened with bodily harm. tells everyone about his “exotic” gf like bro i’m from cali 😭, but gets annoyed for me when people ask “what are you??”. says “span-glish” instead of “spang-lish” and ignores me when i correct him. he doesn’t ever wanna dance with me but eats it up when i dance on him.
jj also mocks me but is silly asf about it. like i’ll be minding my own business, mumbling in spanish and he comes up behind me and starts muttering gibberish. always asks me to cook bc “baby i just wanna taste your flavor and spice 🥺”. has a love/hate relationship with the attitude. gets a boner whenever i cuss him out in spanish, but also tugs at a few braids whenever the huffs and eye rolls get nasty. cannot stand when i throw a fit, bc either i’m getting what i want or we’re tussling right here!!! right NEOW!!! people always tell me how sweet i am and i fear he would always respond with “only when she wants to be”. walks around shiny asf smelling like vicks whenever he complains about something hurting bc my baby isn’t gonna get sick on my watch. however, when he inevitably gets sick bc he didn’t listen when i told him to put on socks or to dry his hair before bed, i make him drink up every potion and elixir i can think of.
pope and i would have conversations about colorism, and then talk shit about how kelce is the token black friend and whitewashed in the same breath. he’d see how i struggled while doing the back of my head sometimes and make me teach him how to braid so he can help. he’s a quick learner and eventually whenever someone asks “who did your hair? 😍” the answer is always “MY MANNNN!!!”. researches the best hair products for me and pouts whenever i try to do it myself. also walks around looking shiny but it’s shea butter instead of vicks bc we moisturize round these parts. no ashy knees on my watch!! picks up spanish so he can get in good with my mom and grandma. our dads would totally get along, so they go bond over whatever it is old black men bond over while we run around doing fuckshit with the gang. my dad 100% tells him not to let me punk him (spoiler! he gets punked a lot!!! doesn’t mind bc he loves me)
john b would also help with my hair, but mostly the detangling part (it takes forever at first bc he’s scared of tugging). says he loves my hair n says i should leave it down more often (it’s wild n frizzy bc of the heat n humidity), and doesn’t understand when i say it’s not supposed to look like that ):. doesn’t really mind the attitude as long as it isn’t directed towards him and it’s nothing too crazy. will pinch me in public with a “fix your face”. quickly learns that “calm down” translates to “shut up”. also learns that i really don’t like being told to shut up, so his response to hissy fits is to throw me over his shoulder and deal with me in the car 😓. picks up a little spanglish, makes me teach him the right pronunciations bc he’s not tryna look like an idiot in front of the fam. him and my dad look at each other confused while my mom, grandma, and i are cracking jokes in spanish (he doesn’t know what’s going right now either babe). the fam loves him bc he helps with the heavy lifting around the house, and that boy will eat whatever they put in front of him. almost cries when grandma calls him “mijo”.
sorry if this was a lot lmao, apparently the creative juices flow best at 6am after an all-nighter <3
bye I really don't have much to add because you really nailed it!!! like LOL writing them with woc is always so funny in ways that it shouldn't be
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aquaquadrant · 10 months
I recently listened to the HTP playlist again and realised just how long you’ve had this thing planned out? If I remember correctly it was made around the time that part 1 was released and only now can you really start to see how well the songs line up. Some lines that caught my attention were
“Who’s that knocking at your door, you’ve got lots to answer for”
and “Never know who walks through the door, is it someone that you’ve met before?” Which are now SO PAINFULLY ACCURATE for when Bravo turns up at the Ranch. “Now you’ve got no one you can trust, think it’s wrong, your soul unjust, point your finger and deny”
Is again a great Bravo line and perfectly encapsulates his thoughts after being sent to Hels.
I know the Bravo playlist was made later on but Sharks by Imagine Dragons was so spot on for him
“You think you’re better than them, better than them. You think they’re really your friends, really your friends. But when it comes to the end, to the end, you’re just the same as them, same as them.” Crying screaming throwing up. I can imagine a sick animation during the bridge, “My blood is pumping I can see the end is right in front of me, Don’t take it from me I could be everything, everything!” the moment where Atlas screws over the whole operation and Bravo has had ENOUGH. Same with Snakes, “Wish I could knock your skull in, but I’m rising above it” I just- ajdybsfajcikdn!
You’ve written such an insanely complex character and then managed to create a playlist that summarises him better than words can? You’re so insane for this /pos
However this does make me concerned for future chapters. What lyrics have we glossed over that are also going to be perfect foreshadowing? I am sooo hyped for the next edition, meanwhile I will be rereading the entire thing. Thanks for the delicious angst Aqua!
CORVID. HOLY SHIT. if only u could see the way this made me pump my fist in the air.
bdubs voice: YOU ARE CORRECT. while i’ve definitely added new things as inspiration comes and made some changes here and there for logistical purposes (or for extra angst), the main plot of ‘from eden’ was planned before i even wrote the first chapter. the confrontation scene between bravo and tango+jimmy was one of the first things mel and i talked about when we were developing the au in summer of last year, which is why i was SO pumped to finally release it and thrilled by the positive response.
it’s been maddening to keep future plot points under wraps, but that also makes it fun when ppl theorize- whether they’re wrong or right (i’ve seen a little of both thus far). and mannnn it’s amazing to finally reach those long-foreshadowed moments and see the reactions. there should be at least a couple more of those kind of moments in the last few chapters ✌️
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sparkbugs · 7 months
Been thinking bout jrwi all day it’s finally time to watch ep 104. liveblog under the cut!!
So I actually watched the intro (well Bizly’s song of the intro) at 5 am and it’s been stuck in my head ever since! Good song, really wish it was on other platforms to listen to :(
(I can’t believe I’ve “caught up” so fast) ((I’ve been binge watching episodes instead of sleeping so oops!))
Ooo Grizz got white/silver hair :o it looks so nice!!
Haha! Corruption! That sounds so good haha!! Land is going to be worse I feel but ok guys
FUCK THE FUCKING COMPASS. Chip please get rid of it please mannnnn
CORRUPTION SCORE?!? Fuck. Haha that’s a great mechanic! Terrified to see how it works out. Haha how the fuck do you get rid of your corruption points. Grizzly what the fuck /pos this is terrifying and for good reason
(I love getting ads for one piece during this campaign (I haven’t watched one piece))
God they’re all gonna die man I’m so worried godddddd
Ayo Chip calm down man jeez- QUEEN LMAOOOOO
Jay don’t fucking DRINK THE BLACK SEA.
Broken heart island :o OOOO THE TREE :o save the treeeeeee. This is the tree May Ferin draws her power from no?? Save it guys you got this- Oh shit this island is HUGE huge. Ok then
Oh I feel like burning (the tree branches in the way) will go so poorly oh god oh no. Oh… never mind then??
Alphonse ship :) hope they make him a new body that’s not a ship so he can do the things he wants too-
Yeah I think it’s an illusion maybe?? Oh it’s. Not wtf is it the hell. “We should pull up?- we should pull up” yea gillion pull up
Aw village :( god it would suck if they go by Gryffon (Gryffin? Gryffen??)’s home town :(
“Chip! while the tree is distracted!!” Gillion never change <3
God damn it. “Our specialty: subtle” please. You’re not being subtle and you knew that but god y’all gonna die.
Fyck here they come- “hostile mobs inbound” they’re not gonna be friendly. There’s no way there’s anyone in sane mind around here man. LMAO THEY THREW A ROCK AT HIM AHDJDHSK
Minor illusion to make sounds behind them as they go by that would be kinda smart methinks maybe but! They’re also. Out of magic almost so maybe not hm-
Yeah it’s not safer on land at fucking all man Jesus- Gillion don’t fucking go on land alone I swear to god
They need to rest so fucking badly man shitttt this is so fuckeddddd this is not gonna go welllll aaaaaaaaaa
Nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare /ref
Man I wonder what this place looked like before the Black Sea :( it must’ve been so pretty
Ichor webs! Haha!! Not dangerous or foreboding at all
(In the tone of “the claw from Toy Story”) The Treeeee…
Aw Gryffon :( mannnn i love weeping willows I love pink cherry trees this is such a good tree I agree gillion go save it
The thumbnail is sick btw I don’t think I mentioned that, amazing colors.. I wanna eat the art /pos
God please do Not Split Up for the love of god… STOP FIGHTING YOURE GONNA ATTRACT THE BADDIES OH MH GODDD..:. Aaaaaaaaa DONT SPLIT UPPPP FUCKKK EVERYONE GO TOGETHERRRR the old men on the ship are gonna die :(
“Leave no tres” that’s amazinf holy shit “leave no cinco” is also good
“Do you guys think the tree has chicken??” ????? Chip??????
YEA JAYS THINKING ABOUT THE NOISE THING YEAAAAA the noise attracts them?? I hope. I fuckin hope. Zombie game in the pirate campaign
Hahaaa uh ohhhh… uhh ohhhhh (the uh ohs from tattletail when they get low battery) uhhh. Oooohhhhh…
Just realizing this episode is filmed after Genloss cause of the painting in the back of Charlie’s room. Damn- IS THAG A PRETZEL PLUSHIE IN CONDIS ROOM??
MINECRAF GOLEM YEAAAA HEHEHE… oh chip wtf man :( he didn’t ask for his home to be corrupted :( thisbis a friend I’ve decided I want to keep him
Oh. A rose :D he’s such minecraf moment he’s asking to be friends- aw :( rose died. MARBLE!!! THATS A FRIEND I LOVE THEMMMM
I’ve decided I would die for Marble <3
Oh shit. The black rose!! AAAA GUYS STOP OVER THE FUCKIN TREE. Oh. Black rose pirates. Black Sea. Uhmmmm. Uhmmmmmmmmmmm there’s a connection here I’m missing besides the tragedy of The Hole in the Sea but. Somethings wrongggg mannnn
Mhm totally different gillion totally not the same.
Chip :( aw nooooo :( the memory aaggagshhaaaaa OHHHH HE WAS THERE AS A KID IM SO NORMALLL
Midroll baybeeeee honey time lesgo (Bizly stop ripping your pants)
ISNT IT THE SAME TREE? Was I wrong. WHAT. Ohh it’s in all port isn’t it . Shit
marble :D
STOP RUNNINGGG… bean shape… creechur
KENKU SAVE THEMMMM OHHHG THATS A FRIEND. I too got the impression they were ignoring the party but if it does notice them. I’ll cry
Kenku friend :( save themmmm YEAAA SAVE BIRD
Uh oh. Beetle guy uh oh. OH IT HAS A CUTE VOICE. Oh nos
“That’s mine.” “… Nuh uh-“ *gets flattened by hammer*
NOT A DEX SAVE FUCK- oh thank god good job gillion
Man them yawning makes me yawn wtf.
Hollow knight boss lookin ass mf /pos
Kenku friend :D also grizz lookin majestic while beating the shit outta the team
Oh. My god. “You win! Im sorry” im. This is going bad
“Im on team you can just walk out, you can leave” I love jay so much
“Queen, play despacido” i hate it here- Bruno mars canon in mana??
Tortle friend and Kenku friend :D
80 POINTS ?!?!!! Oh thank god. Fuck man that would’ve been insane
Jay is so me “I don’t wanna be dealing with this guy right now” yea me too man
Of course he gets two natural 1s in a row rip Charlie slimecicle
Put the big bug guy in the mirror :) catch like a Pokémon NOOOO JAYYYY . Well. Chip please get her she’s in the mirror helpp
Gillion is the Lorax moment.
GILLION NOOOOO FUCKK AWHWHDISBA FISH BOY. A FAIL ON A DEATBSAVE TOO FAURKSHAAHA this is so fine. This is soooo fine haha. This is so fineeee. Grizz realizing how bad this is,, is me right now it’s so fine thoughhhh
In. Frared? Infrawered?? GRIZZLY you good?
Gryffon beat they ass mannn aahdjdhdoaua
Gillionnnnnaaaaa my boy :( my fish mannnn also GET JAY PLEASE? Didn’t chip grab the fucking mirror why hasn’t he freed her
…. Treeeeeeeeeeeeeee ….
CHIP YOURE FONNA LEAVE YOUR CREW??? . Gillion. God. Damn it gillion. Aw Kenku :( Kenku friend trying to help Gill :( that’s a friend
Gillion. Pleaseeeeeeeeee fucking hell man. He’s dead AGAINNNNNNN
“Do we really wanna risk our lives over this random bird?!?” “YES!!!” YEA GILLIONNNNN GET HER >:( JAYGET HER OR ILL FUCKIFN YELL >:(
Let her out >:( Charlie is so distraught over bird bird me too mannnn
GILLION. Grow big and make bird bird big :D BREAK BIRD BIRD OUR THE CAGE LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO that’s a friend :D
Uh. Ohhggg… uh ohhhhh (tattletail uh ohs again)
Uh oh he’s not sleepy anymore. Uh oh. Im so fucking scared
Bird bird better not fuckinf die I love her so much
Corruption. Point. Uh oh.
noc? Knock? Kenku friend :D
Size coin… come on it better go well. LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO
This is some power ranger like mecha battle shit power up thing idk how to explain it. (Gillion growing giant and fighting this bitch)
(It’s almost 1 am I’ve been awake too long but I need to finish this episode)
Murder bug guy :D riptide pirates the crew that gets into everyone else’s shit
Uh oh. Gillion goes down again I’m gonna. Lose my mind. Oh my god they’re gonna attract so much trouble with the noise when they fall fucking hell
I totally missed jay leaving the mirror btw she’s 60 ft away but like where??? How???
“Im gonna start drinking” me fucking too gillion damn.
Good episode, fishman is still down im worried, he went down three times Jesus fuck, also! I knew they were gonna attract attention from zombie ichor guys… debating on watching ep 105 as well before sleeping but we’ll see :)
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neopuppy · 8 months
sorry sorry i started caring less ab the neos after sungtaro were basically kicked out, sm really threw me off
like i still like them but i haven't engaged with their content in a while, so i guess i don't like them as an nctzen anymore
valid, kinda, yes
I reallllllllly have no expectations as a fan anymore, its quite sad. I described it the other day as an abusive relationship: their company abuses them and I feel the affect of that as a fan. thats an extreme way to put it but honestly feels like that atp..
like I fully understand dropping nct, especially when compared to other groups bc MANNNN, its brutal out here, but I cant. unfortunately I am very very attached to my fav members and I genuinely love their music, like so so so so much. I’m not one of the fans that thinks streaming/numbers are a big deal, I stream for the enjoyment of music, and I hate ‘caring’(?) about mistreatment/poor management but here I am, suffering bc they suffer. angry bc I want better for them, I want better for me as someone who supports them, I want what I saw other fans get from their groups- but thats asking for too much with SM.
I have a lot of disdain toward SM acts to follow nct too, essentially they are the reason nct gets the shit end of the stick now. I saw it happen to exo and I suffered with them and going through it with nct was not really a part of my plans…. sucks that sungtaro are in a group I refuse to support now. I am completely done with kpop after nct(and enha). mostly bc kpop is a very expensive ‘hobby’ if you stan SM groups- not catered for western audiences at all. like these people cant even take some educational courses on what not to say to start wars and rage within the fandom…..every week with the weight and skin tone commentary that I’m tired of hearing excuses for atp lmao, and lets not start on all the culture appropriation. why excuse it? they are all willingly ignorant…. but god forbid we disrespect their culture in any way tho!!!!🤔
idk if I’ll ever drop nct, the members themselves would have to do something I can’t ignore or brush aside. its not their fault that SM has ruined their concept and torn apart the fandom time and time again. sigh… being an nctzen is hard💔
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youngcollectedtired · 10 months
!!!Across the spiderverse spoilers!!!
Okay I just watched the movie at home. I got to see it 4 times in theater and hopefully everyone’s seen it now. I’m just curious about everyone else’s theories. I’ve seen a lot of different good ones.
I’m mainly curious about what everyone thinks about Miguel, is he telling the truth? Who’s gonna die in the next movie? Any theories for how the next movies plot is gonna go? Any plot twists? Extra side points I could have missed to give me a hint in the movie.
I’m gonna just give a small rundown of what I think.
I don’t think any of the spiders are gonna die just for the simple fact that they’re not mentoring anyone or anything so if they do die (Gwen, hobie, pav, the whole band basically) who’s gonna replace them.
I do think Miguel has to die. He’s too far gone. Like he’s done some crazy stuff mannnn. How is he gonna go back to being good friendly neighborhood Spider-Man with not only a body count (I know Spider-Man’s killed before but mannnn he got like 100+ people on that list) but also morals that just won’t fit who he is anymore. Also side note: I know a little bout his background. How he’s not technically a Spider-Man and all that about alchemax but I never read the comics or played the video games myself.
I’m curious if he’s gonna die like realizing he was wrong or will he just die. Like maybe he’s killed protecting miles and he’s like “I’m sorry I was wrong” and then he dies. (I don’t want him to die because I love him and he deserves some chances but also like come on now)
I can’t wrap my head around Miguel being right as far as the multiverse goes. I feel like he’s partly right but something isn’t adding up. Miguel has to be getting his information from somewhere. And why would marvel admit to a multiverse with rules about innocent people who have to die because the story says so. While having Spider-Man the literal hero whos morals rest on being the friendly neighborhood hero and who helps the little guy at the center of this multiverse story. And we know Spider-Man isn’t just gonna let his people die right. SO LIKE WHATS THE PLAN???
I also know and agree with earth 42 miles being the prowler but not a bad guy. (I think they confirmed that) and this reminds of the fact that Miguel at one point said that there’s a world out there without a Spider-Man to save them but earth 42 miles did what he needed to do. He took care of his own okayyyy.
Also can we just talk about the fact that they’re admitting a spiderverse exists which admits to the Spider-Man heroes that they’re just stories. Which also just again points to the fact that we exist. Like is marvel ready for the heroes hypothetically to start asking “why does my life have to go this way?”
To top it all off. The third movie has at least three plots. First miles has to get away from or convince earth 42 miles to help him. Gwen and the others have to find miles. Then they gotta deal with Miguel in the mean time. And then also deal with spot. And figure out the truth behind the anomalies. That’s a lot of to do’s on the list.
Anyways what are your thoughts? I hope I made sense. 🫡
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sims-legacies · 2 years
Landgraab Series Chapter 9
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*School bell rings*
Headmistress: Good morning students, let us not forget, next week is the annual Winter mixer, if your parents are to be in attendance, be sure to advise them to contact Mrs. Brandice for the purchasing of their tickets.
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Lily: I can’t believe you did that Bell!
Bella: believe it sweetie! I told her if she wants to work in this city, she’d better play by my rules!
Lily: you're so bad! *laugh*
Octavia: hey bell any news on that place for the party.
Bella: Oh, my Gawd! Don’t get me started…. the guy was being so weird …. so much was like going on …. but it doesn’t matter, my aunt says she’s going to reached out to one of her friends who owns this sexy loft in the Spice market.
Lily: The Spice Market!
Octavia: if we have this party in the spice market no one will be able to top us ..
Lily: we’ll be legendary!
Octavia: yesssss, when should your aunt hear back from this friend of hers.
Bella: I’m not sure, but I’ll let you girls know
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Lily: this is going to be epic
Octavia: MAJOR!
Bella: ladies we are surely on our way!
*All laugh*
Mrs. Brandice: Nancy, please wait here while I call your driver.
Nancy: yes, Thank you!
Octavia: oh, my gawdddd!
Lily: what happened tavia? …, what are you looking at… who’s that?
Octavia: that’s Nancy Landgraab
Bella: wait a minute THE Nancy Landgraab, the Nancy Landgraab that lied on you?
Octavia: yea that’s her
Bella: what is she doing here?  ...
Lily: Wait! I heard about this, I think Her family is like under some investigation for like missing money or something or at least that’s what my g-ma said.
Bella: are you serious? Well, is she like broke?
Lily: my g-ma says Her Grandmother is like still rich and connected, but she doesn’t think that’ll last ….
Octavia: damn lil, what doesn’t your g-ma know?
Lily: my g-ma has a lot of time on her hands…
*Octavia and Lilly laughs*
Bella: aww girls it’s so awful hearing about her troubles!
Octavia: now Bell that sounded so fake! you don’t even know the girl!
Bella: *laugh* was it? Anyways who cares One thing I hate is for one my girls to be messed with.
Lily: mmmm hmmm amen!
Bella: and I’m feeling really hospitable, tavia how bout you go over there and invite her to hang with us …
Octavia: for what? I don’t want to be nowhere near her….
Bella: girl just do it
Lily: *giggle*
Octavia: ok hold on
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Octavia: Hey Nancy! *eye roll*
Nancy: Octavia? Hiiiiiiiii!
Octavia: heyyyyy girl, longtime!
Nancy: yeah, it has
*Both hugs*
Octavia: well, how have you been? …… I know you’re just living it up abroad huh
Nancy: yeah, and and and no, *sigh*
Octavia: ohhhh Nancy what’s up? …
Nancy: well, it’s no secret, I know you’ve been keeping up with the news about what’s going on with my family, ...
Octavia: oh that! Girl…… everybody’s got a scandal in San My
Nancy: yea your right, I mean that’s probably why grams wanted the family to relocate here anyways…
Octavia: well yea I get that, and of course your grams is smart when it comes to all that PR jazz
Nancy: exactly!
Octavia: well, I guess that answered my question, as to why you were not at that boarding school …
Nancy: yeah, my grams says once this whole thing blows over, she’ll send me back
Octavia: oh ok, … well I’m really happy to see you
Nancy: Octavia c’mon really … after how I treated you all of them years ago
Octavia: girl … I forgave and forgot …
Nancy: really? …
Octavia: yeah
Nancy: mannnn you don’t know how happy I am to hear that ..
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Octavia: yeah girl, no biggie … water under the bridge
Bella: hey tavia what’s taking you so long?
Nancy: oh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to take you from your friends
Octavia: oh noooo your fine, ……. We were on our way to lunch, how bout I introduce you to them…
Nancy: Oh I don’t know!
Octavia: c’mon girl … they’re cool
Nancy: do you think they know?
Octavia: nance at this point like I said what your family is dealing with its definitely no secret but it’s also not the only thing happening in this city … plus these girls are just like me they don’t care about that …
Nancy: ok… well let me check on my car and I’ll be right over …
Octavia: ok
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Bella: where is she going...
Octavia: she’s going to check on her ride, but please Bella be cool
Lily: cool? *laugh*
Bella: no Lily, we’ll be cool!!!
Octavia: I’m serious guys... I mean I don’t like the girl, but I also don’t want her to be freaked out she’s going through a lot right now…
Bella: awwww tavia, you care, I’ll try for you hun
Octavia: ok girls here she comes
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Nancy: hi everyone!
Octavia: girls this is Nancy Landgraab
Bella: hey
Lily: hello
Octavia: Nancy, meet Bella Bachelor and Liu Lilian Lu
Nancy: Lu? …. Ummmm are you related to a Rita Lu?
Lily: yea that’s my cousin, how do you know her?
Nancy: we were dorm-mates one year, at boarding school … come to think of it, if Rita is your cousin, then that means your related to Jesse and Mr. Edward …
Lily: yea she’s my cousin too and my that’s my uncle…
Nancy: wow small world but wait! Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at Smuggs
Bella: what is she talking about? and what’s Smuggs?
Lily: Oh it’s nothing major…
Nancy: nothing major! Smuggs is short for Smuggsworth the boarding school I was at … this girl right here belongs to the family that owns the school, she is like almost a princess.
Bella: a princess! Lil What is she talking about ….
Lily: *sigh* … like I said, it’s nothing major, … I’ll explain later …
Bella: mmmm hmmm…. Anyways, So Nancy! You say you were at boarding school?
Nancy: yea but I use to go here a longtime ago... I see it’s all still the same nothing has changed
Octavia: yea you know nothing ever changes in San my
*Both laugh*
Bella: ummm what’s funny? Did I miss the joke?
Octavia: huh! … oh noooo, it was just something we used to say when we were younger …
Bella: oh, how cute …. Anyways, again! … so, Nancy I guess your itching to get back into scene of things huh
Nancy: no not really….
Bella: yea sure, get this, we’re throwing a party in like a couple weeks … how bout you come
Lily: bell we don’t even have a spot locked down yet
Bella: shhhh lil, I told you I was working on that
Octavia: well, bella Lily is right, how do we even know if your aunt’s friend is going come through with the spice marketplace …I don’t think we should even do this party to be honest …
Bella: not you Tavia, what you girls don’t trust me!
Lily: no, it’s not that…
Bella: well then what is it? Because you all are not sounding too confident!
Octavia: bell don’t be like that …
Bella: no! Don’t tell me to be any certain way...
Nancy: I don’t mean to be nosy, but what’s going on?
Octavia: nance remember our sophomore year … Katherine West!
Nancy: yea
Octavia: well, let’s just say if we don’t pull this off... what happened to her is what’s going to happen to us…
Nancy: oh! … ummmm! … well, I kinda have a place...
Octavia: you got a what?
Nancy: I said kinda have a place, but you guys have to keep the guest to a minimum…
Octavia: … where’s this place?
Nancy: well … it’s my grams apartment
Octavia: *laugh* Nancy quit joking
Nancy: I’m not joking, it’s empty right now my grams is getting it ready for an remodel
Octavia: where’s your grandma?
Nancy: she’s away in tartosa for business and she won’t be back for about a month or two…
Octavia: are you sure nance? Because I know your grandmother …
Bella: tavia you heard the girl it’s fine … ladies we are back in business … so Nancy, do you think we can see the place today…
Nancy: yea! Here’s my number y’all can call me when you’re ready
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Bella: perfect… lily take her number?
Lily: uh huh … got it
Bella: Nancy, with you doing this will go a long way with me...
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Ms. Brandice: miss Landgraab, your car is here
Nancy: ok... well, I guess I’ll talk to you all later?
Octavia: ok nance, we’ll call you
Nancy: … nice to meet you all again
Bella: uh huh
Lily: byeeeeeee
*Nancy walks away*
Octavia: Bella I don’t think we should have the party at Nancy’s grandmothers …
Bella: tavia its final, we are going to do it …. Anyways consider this as overdue payback, didn’t I say I hate it when my girls are messed with …
*All laugh*
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Click Here to read from the beginning
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kelpre10 · 17 days
I woke up today all refreshed feeling thoughtful calm and actually started to be productive in the today instead of thinking to much about things I can’t control thus far. Cause at any given moment that could change. It’s odd how in this universe I can go through these dry spur moments feeling like my worlds crumbling or crashing around me right. Then in the next couple days after those backward hours in time I’m feeling like a norm🤷🏽 yet bringing me closer to a realization of my own selfishness and still building for long term growth stability without a feeling of settling. Now how bad things could be have I not been striving up until this point to get here possibly I don’t care and don’t want to know cause I’m ain’t take that route. Yet if just for a sec I had to help shorty grasp what it takes to balance these round ah bout situations into there livelihooded steps like my creative process. Just know Being wholeheartedly honest with yo self cause real spit. mannn ain’t shiii easy yet this shiiiii for me and spiritually religiously dealing wit how my demons see they can’t break my armor so they try and aggravate people around me demons make me want to stay in my bubble for their safety yet my higher ain’t trying to hear that I’m more worried about others that ain’t a life partner or immediate inner to a certain point more than myself. Yet I’m starting to get a high instead of a depressed feeling from seeing possibilities to help others. why is it becoming a real high I don’t know that for real doe being the problems always out weigh the process. Which is funny cause of the dis ease of seeing how people break down from not living on life terms when it comes round without the hope and prayer for themselves. Is insane wicked knowing they’ll overcome there situations at there own time yet the first steps of knowing half measures avail nothing especially how my thinking most time be centered in it’s defectiveness. Is 🤯🤯Yet that’s me vs the ageless numbers I’m trying to add productive years to while being of service to a purpose that’s meant for Kelvin. Today I don’t know what tomorrow brings yet I know how dreams I asked for still wearing yesterday’s dirty jeans helps control my spiritual head of steams. I like to believe that even with all of the loses It’s not possible for me to turn around and dundundadunt it. Dropping it almost being close to a breakthrough just for say “mannnn A F… you and whoever else want smoke big backwood packs bro” and meaning it with full intentions on following through. yet it ain’t in me unless I have to protect or provide for myself or someone closely with me and only the closest one to me know that. Funny thing is none of this shiiiii funny cause it’s all a games yet living life or surviving around death situations when you think about it! what’s always on the line if where promised nothing in life but - That is everything other than a game yet can be with the good side of things. Basically I’m in my lane and when I say respectfully stay in yours I mean that as disrespectfully as I can when not staying in yours can cause a accident in mine.🙂‍↔️
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ssvperboy · 2 years
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition - Spence & Cam
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition || accepting
Which one of them:
Spikes the eggnog? Cam. Spencer just wouldn't have the courage to lmaooo
Hangs the stockings? Spencer, but Campbell would help (by watching bc she thinks he's so cute 🥹)
Leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the Santa tradition? Spence, and he gets her to indulge in it too 😌
“Accidentally” throws away the fruitcake Cam, without a doubt. Probably does it in front of their guests too, like "thank you so much for this, we hate it :)"
Goes overboard on the whipped cream? Spencerrrr, you can't tell me otherwise.
Is the inevitable Christmas Grinch? Cam. Not like, the whole time, but she definitely has a hard time LOVING christmas as much as she would like to.
Wakes up first on Christmas? Spencer. I know it wouldn't be Cam, she'd sleep in like a LOSER
Rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Cam, but she does it while singing it to him ofc.
Starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? I think Spencer would, because he genuinely likes Christmas. Cam would do it as a failed attempt to annoy her mannnn.
Decorates the Christmas tree? Both. They do it together, as they do most things 🥹
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweaters: OKAY Campbell BUYS the ugly christmas sweaters, and they both gotta wear them.
Picks out the holiday movies and who makes the hot cocoa: Spencer picks out the movies, Cam makes the cocoa bc she has no idea what is considered a good christmas movie 🤦🏻‍♀️
Starts the snowball fight: It totally depends on the day because they bothhhh would, but probably Campbell the mostttt
Drags the other under the mistletoe: Spencer because he probably thinks it’s cute (and its a holiday traditionnnn)
Decorates the house: They end up doing it together, but it’s Spence’s idea!
Hangs up the ornaments on the tree: Both ‘em babies, but same concept as decorating the house 🥰
Cooks Christmas dinner: Hmmmm, probably Spencer because he 100% knows more about cooking than Cam does lmao
Invites the other to sing a Christmas duet: Campbell, even if she thinks it’s cheesyyyyy
Has any holiday traditions: I think they both do, but Cam doesn’t really acknowledge them as where Spencer does!
Who would start a food fight during baking: Campbell, 100% and definitely as distraction for add a wrong ingredient lmaooooo
Would get drunk off of eggnog: I’m going with Cam ‘cause she spiked it on purpose 😂
Who starts putting up decorations in October? Neither, you can’t tell me Cam wouldn’t make Spencer observe the whole month of October as Halloween and only let him put up decorations AFTER lmaooooo
Buys the advent calendars? Campbell bc she’s curious about what could possibly come inside ‘em. Might even open it all in one day if Spencer doesn’t stop her lmaooooo
Places mistletoes all around the house? Maybe both, as excuses to constantly kiss the other 😌
Wraps the presents for other people? Spencer. You can’t look at me and tell me Campbell has ever PROPERLY wrapped a present before, ‘cause that would be a lie.
Puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree? I think Spence would let Cam do it, tbh 🥹 He would probably help.
Is the one that hates eggnog? If I have to pick, it would be Spencer because eggnog is probably Cam’s second favourite thing about christmas lmao 
Is the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests? Spencer because as I stated, Cam knows literally NOTHING about the kitchen, she lives off of UberEats.
Sends out the Christmas cards? Spencer, because he’s a cutie patootie but he’d make Cam sign them too 😌
Knows all the words to Twelve Days of Christmas? Both of them, for sure. There’s no way they would not know the words lmao
Is the better snowman builder? Spencer, 400% because Campbell is so careless and impatient. She wouldn’t put the work into making a good snowman body and would then be PISSED OFF that it looks bad and give up lmaooooo 
Starts snowball fights? Cam, as a means of getting Spencer to give her attention ngl
Is the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly? Spencer, because Cam would sleep in lmaoooo
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Mannnn tell me how I woke up and I’m STILL mad at them. Then they posted that cornball ass annoying 💚D–6💚 shit and I wanted to comment “😒” on it SO bad but I decided I’m in a cold shoulder mood more than I’m in a snarky mood, so they got no engagement whatsoever. I ain’t even click on the tweet and open the app, I could see it from the notification tab so I slid left and finished my breakfast. How about I took a nap and when I woke up 4 hours later to get my bunny his morning salad, I was STILL mad. Stirring my coffee. Thinking of how audacious it is to be wealthy in NYC talm bout some damn “I’m bored” boy if you catch the ferry to the island and go see Lady Liberty or some shit!? All the places they see in movies & he ain’t wanna go look at the shit irl or something?? And then Mr. “I missed Korean food as soon as the plane took off” nigga if you don’t walk over to Woori Jib! I ate there during a few of my trips to NY. If MY Floridian ass knows it exists, your manager should have been able to stumble across that information without trying. Yes you’re allowed to miss home but you just got off the plane!! Not too mad at Jeff cus he hardly talks to anyone or posts anyway. He is a man who for the most part is an Equal Opportunity Non-communicator. I’m salty at mark cus of his “finally” shit but at least while they were here he put some enthusiasm in his tweets and did so IN ENGLISH *first*, since ya know, he was supposed to be talking to US anglophones (glares at Ty and Doyoung). I heard there’s a TikTok going around of him saying how he’s happy to see all the diversity in the crowds or something to that effect. I’ll probably be un-mad at him first, unless there is an apology (which we know won’t happen) from Ty or anyone in the group. SM apparently only responds to boycotts, so i feel like justified in more ways than one for thinking that the next album’s songs can stay in Korea and in Korean charts & shows too, since they wanna gatekeep new performances for only precious kfans 🤡 Saw a post last night that stan twt cooking up a plan to make sure next release, probably a repackage, doesn’t come anywhere near the Billboard charts and ykw? GOOD.
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Your treat for us was to perform the 2 songs you literally have just finished promoting in SK within 3 days of arriving to LA & that’s…it? & music from 2 releases ago or more which means most of the setlist was more than 2 years old. Yeah everyone wanted Sticker and Favorite but that was over a year ago lol. Collabs have happened since then & recent NEW solos. Not even a mini or EP but a whole ass album that we helped shoot sales through the roof, came out, like!!?
We let a wholeeeee lotta shit slide over the years but I’m seriously over it dude. SM half-assed this “tour” with poorly planned show appearances, badly organized fan event, sketchy staff…Wtf is this “new music only for Korea concert” shit?! SM fr needs to work on their marketing tactics cus this “Kfans first, kfans only” style plan, this “do whatever it takes to stay in not only the good graces of, but rather, the best graces of Korean fans (when ifans have carried them since mf 00:01 of Firetruck and we all know it. Also, we have long confirmed music sales aren’t the bulk of musicians income, it’s TOURING) who absolutely are gonna drop like a bug near a can of Raid when someone goes public with a relationship, is NOT the move.
It’s like they got too comfortable just like a guy does in a relationship. If we wanted to be ignored we can go stan a kpop group with NO foreigners & a company who can’t afford staff to ensure immediate subtitles and regular comebacks, etc. Or even someone from a midsize company who aspires to have a global audience whether they have foreigners in the group or not & is willing to put in more than the bare minimum. Like wtf is SM doing, why are they self-sabotaging when *globalalization* is supposed to be the point of 127 to begin with??
Idc what any group says, BTS’ fame is what they want. Why the hell wouldn’t it be? There’s no shame in admitting, there’s no shame in wanting to be a household name around the world lol. if you want to be at the top fr then you need to stay humble & respect all your fans, cus as someone who helped make it happen, I most certainly did not bust my ass and go that hard for them while feeling disrespected, like??Bighit (it’s past tense so I’m calling them BH) could’ve done better because there were times when they just let us do all the work without promoting the boys well but the boys themselves made it feel worth it because they were happy and thankful to be surpassing levels, that when they became trainees didn’t even register as doable. BH could’ve done better on merch for us too instead of only giving the good shit to JPN army, but that’s a separate issue & again, wasn’t BTS’ choice. Even with Namjoon’s minor goof (I think ppl who aren’t Black &/or debut stans know about it. & I sincerely think at the time that when it came out of his mouth he didn’t understand why it’s problematic…and also I mean. He wasn’t wrong…) and major goof (you know the one) and the WOH incident, he earned forgiveness because he seemed to work with sincerity. AHL definitely helped and to this day no one has done that extent of hiphop boot camp (yes, I am saying that Svt’s lil trip doesn’t compare, you interpreted that correctly).
Do I think there’s a magic formula to get a “““next BTS”””? Hell nah lol That there was a perfect storm (Bigbang had laid the framework, BAP fell off (a big fuck u to their record label btw. We don’t speak the name of that dirtbag but they were doing REALLY good intl especially over here), BlockB messing up w/ the SE fans + Zico fucking up (over… & over… again) + not playing their cards right at ALL, the consistency of their sound rather than it being a 1 era dress-up party, sns (on a shared account mind you! They didn’t have personals!) & talking to all of us not just kfans, AHL, making connections w/ Black artists & maintaining them, having a solid anglophone, helping make their own music frequently, doing their endorsements all or nothing without having 1 known member– I could go on. Point is, the exact formula isn’t possible but it’s not completely unobtainable to be in the ballpark. Neos could be in the ballpark even w/o compromising their 127-ess & sound if they worked at balancing their fandom ((+ not acting like Europe (and Africa, but idt kpop will hit that for a min)) doesn’t exist). The pandemic didn’t help them but they didn’t try to make up for not being able to travel to non-Korean fans.
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Ffs kpop is becoming almost trendy instead of just a niche! And the top group is on an official hiatus! & no one has enlisted yet! There’s a void- STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT YOU FOOLS!! It’s not even just SM to blame, they have their own personal accts in various sites, they let the staff have the power by not pushing harder for using the English speakers they have more & obeying when they get told to only speak in Korean. What’s SM gonna do, yank them from the lineup?? If you have fans either as a group or akgaes & they are so flaky that you communicating in multiple languages makes them angry enough to not buy albums like I Superhuman era & leave, let them go!! You’ll get more fans just out of appreciation for the fact that you did the right thing instead of caving in to spoiled nonsensical brattiness. I am so incredibly annoyed by them having no backbones bro. Get a spine or always stay at the mercy of unreasonable ppl willing to drop you for being a fair person and a good idol.
#/end rant#nct 127#aka my favs on thin ice#a.k.a “my favs are on thin ice” 🤡#bts antis I sincerely do not care so keep your “don’t compare them” whining to yourself#actually scratch that (bring it back) ANYone who disagrees: I sincerely don’t care#do not @ me#I’d rather no sc too since I’m just venting on a blog site#it is a microblog and look at the title. that means debate is nonexistent and criticism is not accepted#“the world according to Casey” means it’s the Casey Show I am the host, star, main character! So if u agree & wanna chat ur welcome here!#if you disagree#you are not welcome here#lol#discourse is only allowed if a non-rhetorical question is asked#I’m so annoyed that I don’t even wanna read FICS about 127 members!#do u know how annoyed I have to be for me to not even want IMAGINARY interaction with you?! not even an idealized ‘you’??#that’s a lot#only Yuta is safe at the moment#in Yuta we trust#he’s the only exception#cus he wasn’t on that “kOReA😍” nonsense acting like he was deployed for a year when they were here for two (2) concerts over 15 days#like I said when I messaged Luna yesterday:#I ain’t change the locks. Taeyong can still come over if he decides to. But his ass is most certainly sleepin in the guest room TFN#if​/whenever he/they get(s) tired of the one flavor menu of their main squeeze & want intl engagement(re: $) & decide to seek the side chick#obviously a metaphor#angry Tyongf is angry#hmph#<(`^´)>#I am mad at Taeyong for making me be mad at him to begin with tbh#Alexa play Taeil & Raider’s Love Right Back
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harrysfolklore · 3 years
Can you do an Instagram concept with Gracie abrams as the fc
you guys requested this and i just HAD to do it !! i picked gracie because she’s a swiftie !!
swifties over here, did you listen to red tv ?? what are your thoughts ?? tell meee
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by pillowpersonpp, harrystyles and 72,530 others
yourinstagram have you streamed wildest dreams (taylor’s version) today ?
view all 2,329 comments
gemmastyles oh i have
↳ harryfan2 is harry refusing to stream bestie ??
↳ yourinstagram he claims that “i’ve played it way too much”
pillowpersonpp my baby 💖
↳ yourinstagram mother sarah i love you
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liked by harryfan1, yourinstagram and 3,639 others
harryupdates “Folklore or Evermore? I’m not sure honestly, I think my girlfriend can give you a better answer for that one, she’s a huge Taylor Swift fan!” Harry reading a fan’s sign
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harryfan2 OKAY BUT FOLKLORE OR EVERMORE ? @yourinstagram
↳ harryfan1 SPILL SISTER COME ON @yourinstagram
↳ yourinstagram FOLKLORE
↳ harryfan3 TASTE OMG
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 72,539 others
yourinstagram RED SEASON MEANS RED LIPSTICK ❤️🧣 i love you mom @taylorswift
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jefezoff Are we going to have the album on repeat during all the trips?
↳ yourinstagram WE SOOO ARE JEFFREYYYY
↳ yourinstagram no you don’t understand sadie, dylan and taylor IM NOT READY
harrystyles I don’t know about you…
↳ harryfan2 HARRY OMG 😭
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liked by yourinstagram, jenniferaniston and 7,438,927 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Portland, OR.
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gemmastyles Why that face?
↳ yourinstagram i might or might not have something to do with that
↳ harryfan2 i bet she was blasting taylor music
yourinstagram wreck my plans that’s myyyy mannnn🥰
↳ harryfan3 WILLOW FOR LIFE
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 74,389 others
yourinstagram CURRENT SITUATION: listening to red (taylor’s version) and eating my pasta while my bf takes pics LIFE CAN’T GET ANY BETTER 🧣
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↳ yourinstagram dressed for the occasion
annetwist ❤️❤️
harryfan2 is harry enjoying the album? 😂
↳ yourinstagram your fave is obligated to enjoy all of taylor swift’s albums, otherwise we’re breaking up
harryfan3 FAVORITE SONG?
↳ yourinstagram HOLY GROUND
part 2
taglist: @lollypopsx @cucciolafaerie @jelliebeanss s @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @vodka-is-gay-and-so-am-i @alienorknight @evanjh @pilgrim-harry @handsomerry @sunflowervolume66
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