#I thought it was going to die but gave it 5 min. Opened the window and tried to get it to hold on to my finger
mrfoox · 1 year
Me? Hauling ass out of bed bc i realize my cats are probably playing with a bumblebee in my bedroom at 4 am?
It's more likely than you think
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14 fe bru ar y 2023 Sdsy autocorrect being weird: SDSU stay.. was trying 2 type Tuesday 12:24 am pdt
they never mean anything they say unless it has to do with dying. Killing me. I anticipate dying pain abdomen stomachache? Piercing pain 12:25 am pdt see? I can’t though Bcz you’re not here.
A classmate of mine decided to collect people’s cell phones 📱 & put them up on a wall as a social experiment contest. Prize was a new phone 📱 if the last one. I have (1:18 am pdt gave) her mine for 2-3 days. I did not win. Then after I graduated 2009, she went on a camping ⛺️ trip & died in a car accident. She was a philosophy & art practice major. 12:29 am pdt
12:30 am pdt in Kroeber hall I think it was I was walking 🚶🏿‍♀️ through the halls & a guy who I didn’t see his face did a weird pivot in front of me, & I thought It was strange. Someone seemed to call (heart pain 12:32 am pdt heart ♥️) out to that guy “Amar!” Autocorrect: Brendan I A... ok. Amar is a familiar name to me. I hung out with someone named Amar. But I didn’t know this Amar. 12:34 am pdt so it caught my attention, too. 12:35 am pdt (#3 feels 12:35 am pdt & hot 🥵) if you recall, Amar Malik helped write ✍️ Stereo Hearts ♥️ so there’s that, too. Lots of coincidences. 12:37 am pdt
≈12:23 am pdt incubus was burning my back & pulling apart my hip bones 🦴😖😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭12:38 am pdt
12:39 am pdt I also found online in 2017 that Amar Malik reviewed cell phones 📱. A weird thing I also found on Wikipedia ≈2013/2014 forget when that he was originally a computer programming major. At Virginia tech? 12:41 am pdt some weird stuff was going on with my MacBook’s WiFi... weird. Also ≈2015/2016 I looked inside that laptop 👩🏻‍💻 & found some wet silver stuff... I don’t know where this wet silver stuff is coming from. I bought the laptop in 2007 & this was not a part of the laptop 👩🏻‍💻 that I usually looked at. 12:43 am pdt
going back to university... there was a day everyone’s projects were playing & on display & it’s near the end of the semester, in the gallery open to public. A tall thin brown skin young man was next to me wearing a bright red T-shirt. 12:45 am pdt
12:46 am pdt the lights of the room I think is off, w/ natural light 💡 filtering in through the hallway windows 🪟???? Right shin pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵 12:47 am pdt my dvd 📀 of my project was playing & near the end I’m screaming in it & made a hole in the wall w/ a chair 🪑. The guy standing next to me yells out “she’s crazy! She’s really crazy!” & I almost say to him “I’m right here” but I don’t. I didn’t have enough confidence? To talk to this stranger? Often also I don’t feel like I can speak 🗣. 12:50 am pdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if this guy is the same guy who pivoted in front of me at that other moment. I think I sometimes don’t have a very good visual face memory? 12:51 am pdt
beats 🎧 audio head phones are also (weird farting I don’t like 😩😖😭head right side temple stabbed pain 12:53 am pdt) I think incubus is going to kill me afterthis. In music video maroon 5 give a little more. 12:54 am pdt Steve LaMar & Steve LaMar 2 different guys? 12:55 am pdt Sierra LaMar’s dad.
1:18 am pdt I don’t like the way this is going with incubus I really don’t trust them. He’s going to tear me apart. I’m going to not have legs 🦵 soon. 1:19 am pdt or I will be dead soon. I’d rather die than live with out legs 🦵. I’ve been through enough misery/agony. 1:20 am pdt
6:59 am pdt diarrhea feeling when I wake up 🆙 a few mins ago. They really destroyed too much of my brain 🧠 it’s giving me anxiety.
7 am pdt I don’t see a happey ending. They really told me so. I am losing the ability to keep reality & emotions straight? Logic - ability to hold onto it? One thought 💭. They came clean to me, that everything is a manipulation tactic. 7:03 am pdt I’m guessing from now on they cannot hold onto the lie. Bcz they are probably going full force on killing me.
7:04 am pdt they had folded pages pages of my dictionary to tell me that I was going to be extremely damaged to win at near the end of last year - the fight to improve society - a martyr but I guess that should have been my hint that they’re lying 🤥 about being my husband & children 👶. They all manipulated me w/ showing me tears & puffy eyes 👀 as if they don’t have control over how damaged I become. They beat me up. If I ever point out something. 7:07 am pdt they are destroying me. 8 billion is a lot. Why keeps going up? They have capabilities to support a bigger population but they don’t want a bigger population. How many stars ⭐️ are there in the universie? Are we really alone in the universe? 7:09 am pdt
7:25 am pdt the question 🙋🏻‍♀️ is I guess as a beast w/ the head injury 🤕 who healed ??? Coming from the oven ocean 🌊.............. are you going to stand alone hidden in agony or out in the open for everyone to see so that you can really see that god is a liar 🤥 w/ no intentions of making society better????
ANYONE who doesn’t help me, will be considered GUILTY of supporting human (pain. ! Brain 🧠 inside ow!) s*x trafficking. If Amar Malik & whoever knew him to be at UC Berkeley December 2008 doesn’t come forward & anyone who knows the voice did not originate in Holland doesn’t come forward. You will all be speculated to be guilty of supporting human s*x trafficking. Beats audio head set is alink. 7:30 am pdt & so am I. If you don’t come out with the truth, you will not be set free. You can do what the devil incubus wants or you can make this easy. 7:31 am pdt 7:32 am pdt
would you rather go down swinging alone or out in the open so we can show the world 🌎 what a liar god is? 7:32 am pdt
Joe, you need to stop hiding from. Me. 7:33 am pdt I believe you told Simon cowbell something & that’s why he’s like that now. L
7:43 am pdt 7:44 am pdt that includes you Instagram stop 🛑 suspending my account you’re hiding evidence from everyone. 7:44 am pdt
7:45 am pdt I saw on YouTube that heather hamptons real last name is heather lean ≈2013. Same last name as “Brendan” [email protected] 7:46 am pdt linked to the link
7:55 am pdt incubus will kill when he wants. Simon barely said a thing & he destroyed him. He was standing alone at the time? 7:55 am pdt
7:58 am pdt my head is burning 🔥 I guess no one will help me. So the world 🌎 will be always the same. I will be gone. But every one who could have spoken up 🆙 will most likely die too after I’m gone/dead. 8 am pdt
8:44 we can go down swinging punches tiger tiger together in public or die alone. 8:45 am pdt
8:46 am pdt I guess only
robots 🤖 are reading 📖 my tumblr 8:47 am pdt
9:44 am pdt guess I am crazy . No one’s going to help. No one cares. Everybody likes human trafficking. “Porn makes the world go round.” - incubus. Porn = s*x human trafficking? A component of? 🤔9:46 am pdt
guess we are really doomed to continue on like this forever. 9:48 am pdt I didn’t realize that we would be after all the brain 🧠 washing last year. Have to readjust again to the idea 💡 of a tortured painful life & death ☠️ again. Up 🆙 down up 🆙 down roller coaster 🎢 9:51 am pdt unfortunately.
tick tock autocorrect: tock to kill. 9:54 am pdt death ☠️ is enevitable. You think incubus is going to keep you? He’s interested in very young woman 👩🏻 for s*x only. That’s why he cheats. He likes them naïve. 9:56 am pdt
9:57 am pdt if you like old duck 🦆 d*ck 🍆who will dispose of you easy... 9:58 am pdt
probably only today I have left to live. 10:05 am pdt the way it’s going. After today it will probably no longer be possible to change anything. 10:06 am pdt time will be up. Written in stone. 10:07 am pdt
10:08 am pdt Scott once went w/ a bunch of his friends to the science 🧬 academy museum place? W/o his best friend J. J. Was so mad they went w/o him & (10:12 am pdt he was working), including J’s girlfriend who I think he recently married. They all took a picture together, w/ J’s girlfriend standing in front of Scott. What a great best friend. Forced nicolatian? Possibly. Not sure. Speculation. But maybe worth thinking about & keeping it in your memory. Own idea 💡 alluding to what the future holds & the present. 🎁 brain 🧠 acid & sandpaper pain. Scott I think 🤔 might have taken another young woman 👩🏼W/ them. I think her name was joanna something like Dunham? I forget. 10:14 am pdt my bRain 🧠- probably a bad omen. The accidental spelling. I guess a lot of guys like that sort of nicolatiam stuff including incubus Bcz it looks like he’s threatening me w/acid in my brain 🧠 again w/ accidental spelling w/ R capitalized = acid Rain 🌧 in brain 🧠😞 10:17 am pdt
I forget the name of the place probably San Francisco 10:17 am pdt I guess incubus thinks it is love to tell a middle age man to rape an 11 year old girl 👧. That’s incubus love. Never ending story. 10:19 am pdt
10:23 am pdt maybe in other situations it would b ok if you don’t already have a partial commitment to someone that’s meant as a trial run to marriage if it was a group date, but he’s king 🤴 david w/ a lot of power. Can’t say no in the land of nod. 10:23 am pdt helicopter 🚁 passing by. 10:25 am pdt
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Americas funniest home videos
Scott’s mural at a pizza 🍕 place
fuze? YouTube video
a clip from will Ferrell animated movie 🎥 in an interview show
I will look 👀 for urL of the fuze. I got ta go I think 💭 11:36 am pdt
11:57 am pdt can’t find it. /watch?v=v60lwuZczSk
might an i or an L not sure this is different that came up 🆙 in search 🔦. 11:59 am pdt coughing difficulty breathing pain skull 💀 brain 🧠 when coughing 12 pmpdt hot 🥵😤🥵😤
about 20 mins ago I started feeling greedy like I want all the money 💰 I’m the world 🌎 I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I’m greedy I feel wicked & cruel. Why? Bcz I saved money 💰 & didn’t share w/ my aunt & cousin? 😞 I didn’t kick them out. My mom did. I feel guilty though Bcz I gave her a hard time about hand washing, the way the trash was taken out, making a mess won the kitchen floor when they ate. It was a lot I thought I remembered at the time - for a second made me feel wicked about talking about it. That’s what a table and placemat is for. Eat on the table. Don’t let it fall on the floor. I vacuumed literally minutes b4 she came &!started eating then my cousin copied her soon after. At the time my aunt believed I was bad, & my mom sat w/ her in spark (12:15 pmpdt park) to talk to give her a second chance to convince her not to kick her out. I grew up having to be quiet & not interrupt her sleep 🛌. Whenever my mom woke up Bcz of a noise I produced she got very mad at me. My aunt & cousin didn’t seem to try to respect that at the time. My mom made excuses for them at first saying, I should really be up 🆙 at 7 am anyway. We were both in btwn jobs. & I think I was paying for 3/4 ? 2/3? Of the rent at the time. I think I remember admitting to my mom that I should not have been as hard about it to her as I was, that I should not have yelled at her? I think 🤔 I said that. But something really made my mom want to kick 🦵 her out. Was it me? Was it them? Was it something else? 12:14 pmpdt I was extra hard on her Bcz I was afraid to live together. I actually wasn’t comfortable with the idea 💡 but my mom said we had no choice? I should have been not as hard as I was. I think 🤔 though if she didn’t give me a hard time about some things like that I knew better about eating 🍽 the chocolate burnt hard rock cake, therefore it was wrong of me to complain about them being noisy at a time I was trying to catch up on sleep 🛌. Does brain 🧠 damage from getting punched in the top of the head. Does that make you more likely to not be able to control your cravings & eating impulses? 😱😰 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️😱😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵🥺 I think I might have had a fear that she was going to walk all over me at some point. Is this unlikely? Unfounded? I should have not complained. They weren’t going to be around everyday. I probably should have just tolerated it. I wasn’t comfortable w/ the idea 💡 of living w/ them though Bcz of myself. Bcz I was too afraid of my past. Bcz I condemned myself. I guess she’s really mad at me for getting kicked out. Maybe if she was not noisy & didn’t intentionally interrupt my mom’s sleep 🛌 maybe we would have stayed together? Maybe my fears would have subsided & eased into the new living arrangement? Maybe? I feel like I am full of it at that thought 💭 but it probably could have worked out if we talked? We lived w/ each other periodically b4 & I did live at least once w/ a roommate in college for a year. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t too difficult. Now I’m starting to feel like I am the problem again. We tried to be friends 😞. I am a problem. I feel wicked & cruel. 12:35 pmpdt
12:36 pmpdt my roommate suggested I live alone the next year. She was learning to be a counselor so I took her advice. She almost transferred out of our dorm but I convinced her to stay. When the year was over? I think she also started to get cold feet 🦶 about adjusting to different roommates. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if that meant that I was an ok roommate that she mayb was thinking she should have been my roommate again or if she wanted to live alone, too. We hung out a few times the next year & I met her new room mates. Autocorrect: knife kill. Behalf (head 12:47 pmpdt) cutting pain 12:42 pmpdt incubus wants me to stay quiet 🤐 on something important regarding someone I ran into @ university. Probably another fake out device that he’s going to claim if I reveal that it’s a form of double crossing even though he very rarely tells me anything. 22:44 12:44 pmpdt I don’t really believe his stories anymore though. 12:45 pmpdt I’m hesitant both ways.
12:51 pmpdt I’m hesitant both ways Bcz he hurt me a lot! 😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵
1:15 pmpdt I still feel guilty. I feel Ike I’ve been greedy. Too greedy. Bcz of how I felt when I made specific decisions regarding money 💰? For example above. Maybe I should have been more giving. 1:17 pmpdt I had some things to consider though that really would have cut into my savings: student loan, maybe helping my mom more with paying off her credit cards should have been on the table - & I used that as reason to convince her to stay with me so we could share the cost in rent. 1:20 pmpdt also I thought a little about going to an Amen’s clinic but that was expensive & I wasn’t sure if I was brave enough. I also oddly became a little stingy while taking accounting classes - I didn’t buy something that I needed for class, I tried to do without it. 1:25 pmpdt (heart♥️ pain 1:25 pmpdt exhaling hot 🥵 air) 1:26 pmpdt 1:31 pmpdt strangely now at this moment I feel apathetic? Not caring? Greed w/o guilt. Now the guilt is creeping back in. Makes me question if I’m a good person or not. What’s real. Left shin pain. I feel worthy of disdain? My dad was a teacher 👨🏻‍🏫 & said he didn’t make a lot of money 💰 he had to think of ways to cut his expenses down. Sometimes he seemed to splurge on a few things. When he retired he moved to a cheaper place to live. 1:36 pmpdt I usually saved money he gave me until college. I bought an old car, used text books, & bought frozen dinners to take to school 🏫 (burning hot 🥵 legs 🦵) or ate in the cafeteria. Sometimes I starved myself & only ate snack bars. In high school 🏫 I gave my sister money for 2 middle school 🏫 yearbooks. 1:40 pmpdt sometimes I wore hand me downs in community college. 1:41 pmpdt I was greedy sometimes w/ food. 😓😵🥵🥵🥵🥵😭😭😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵 1:42 I feel like I failed a test. 1:43 pmpdt
2:06 pmpdt 2:07 I go round in circles repeatedly about a lot of thoughts 💭. Like, if there wasn’t a god, would I have done bad things? Would I go & do stuff? Am I extremely fake ? There are times I believe that I would. Now it feels I’m going insane from time to time. Trying to stay out of trouble. Fighting a lot of feelings that overwhelm me. Would I have caved otherwise if I didn’t think there would be consequences? Am I good or bad? I feelthat I am bad. My brain is wrecked so should I be hard on myself? I have put up with neglect & abuse. 2:12 pmpdt all I can say is I’m glad I didn’t go that far in bad deeds to others. & that I’m not a man. I hope I’m not a man.. is my vag real???? Or is it fabricated by god???? I once questioned whether I was born with a penis & no one wants to tell me. Sarah Silverman baby penis on my mind 2:15 pmpdt this feels dangerous to write ✍️ but I put context here. Will people forgive this???? 2:16 pmpdt
3:14 pmpdt I’m back down the roller coaster 🎢 again. I feel I’m fake. That I’m sacrificial lamb 🐑. Is the incubus so desparate to get rid of me that he would allow rape to happen? To trick me? Bcz incubus doesn’t care for people? So it’s my fault that rape happened? Such as a police 👮‍♀️ officer 👮‍♀️ needing a speeder to give tickets 🎫 to? The child was raped Bcz he needed to give me a job to do???? 😱😰 is this the only way he could think to get rid of me & maintain a façade that he’s fighting crime? Not originally what I was going to write ✍️ but I guess this is close to what I was thinking. I feel like I have a fairytale 🧚🏽‍♀️ land in my head but reality is bleaker now that I’m getting a glimpse of different feelings that god gives me. 😰reality is he’s going to kill me. Maybe he has (vag pain stings 3:22 pmpdt- feels like a sarcastic joke Bcz I ran away his way of calling me a p*ssy) run 🏃🏻‍♀️ out of patience so he’s giving me a dose of reality. 3:24 pmpdt I don’t feel happy in reality. 3:25 pmpdt this feels real, reality feels bleak. God is scary 😦. 3:26 pmpdt why would god make people do stuff like that? He really doesn’t care or love ❤️ specific people? Only some rich 🤑 people? Or does he not love ❤️ them either. This reason I thought 💭 a minute ago now I’m forgetting they took it away from me that god really likes to sacrifice & that nothing matters. 😱😰😨 3:29 this is extremely bleak. I don’t seem to have a chance at survival or recovery. He really enjoys being that way - cruel, wicked, greedy, deceitful, lecherous... 3:31 pmpdt this is awful 😞
3:32 pmpdt I have questioned what’s my true self. What is his true self & why does he do what he does? Now I question again but I remember reaching a similar conclusion years ago probably 2017/2018. Life is short. & so am I. 3:34 pmpdt I feel that I have bad luck. & I will soon be resting peace ☮️ peace ✌️. Faith why have any of it? Think it’s a device to mislead. 3:37 pmpdt I think the incubus has been stealing my food 🥺😖😭😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭😖😭😖😭😱😰 probably did it for years, especially when I had difficulty breathing. 3:39 pmpdt
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Zero to Six ~ Hong Kong - Edited Version. Part 6.
Characters: Four X Zero (OC)
Summary: Zero was the first person to be ‘saved’ by One, she was his first honorary Ghost. Her knowledge in tech meant she got the role of ‘Hacker’ she recruited new team members, looked for missions and locations and made sure every security measure was looked at. You know normal hacker spy stuff. But her tough up bringing meant that if needs be she could fight, she was maybe even better than some people on the team knew. But due to One’s protectiveness over her she had to stay hidden, she was more of an actual ghost than the rest of the team was. This didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun though, over the months of being with the full team she had formed quite a passionate love/ hate relationship with the handsome Four. Who knows what sparks would fly if they were ever to meet. Warnings: Slight swearing, some suggestive flirting in later chapters.
Tagg list: (I know this is a edit of my original story but if anyone wants to be tagged let me know.) @raylan-c​​, @angelic-demonss
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The night consisted of looking through the research and planning the best way to go about getting the dictators brother out of the tower in Hong Kong as discreetly as possible.
That wasn't the most exciting part about that night though, at least for Zero. In all fairness she was trying to concentrate on the meeting, but it's hard when a certain blonde haired, green eyed beauty kept staring her down. He even had the nerve to smirk at her when he caught her staring back. Dam him. She hadn't even been in his presence for 24 hours, yet she couldn't decide if she wanted to beat the shit out of him or jump him, kissing him like her life depended on it.
Maybe both?
Five had kindly offered Zero the pull out bed in her converted shipping containment while One made arrangements to get her, her own little space like the others had, a permanent home of her own sounded very nice indeed.  Although Zero tossed and turned most of the night she couldn't say the next morning that she was at all that tired when she woke up, the excitement was coursing through her veins and the anticipation to actually get to do field work was overwhelming her. One knocked on the girls door and dropped off the little of Zero’s belongings that she still had, he must have been back to the hotel room and collected everything, she thanked him but he just nodded slightly. “Still pissed at me I see.” She turned to Five who was sitting at the small table having some light breakfast 
“He’ll get over it.” She gave me her best smile. “Don’t worry.” 
With her belongings now returned to her, she decided to go for a shower and get into some fresh clothes so she’d be comfortable for the flight. She stepped out of the shower, dried off then dressed in some black skinny jeans and threw on a long burgundy striped top. Finishing the look off with some long black boots that had laces all the way to the top and a dark green leather jacket. She slung the duffel with all her clothes in it over her shoulder and grabbed onto her laptop bag then headed out to meet Five on the tarmac.  She walked in the middle, the others chatting away behind her meanwhile One was up front, no doubt eager to get the planes engine started. 
Zero decided to sit in her own section, unlike the others she had some work to do and getting distracted wasn’t a option.  Two took the seat behind her, Three sat across from Two. While Four and Five where opposite Zero, Five sitting in the same row as her. Four just had to placed himself on the other row by the window, the perfect place to make side eye at her. Great! Now she had to deal with a 5 hour flight feeling him burn holes into my head and be the biggest distraction from her work.
"So.” His voice rang through the aeroplane that had just got very noisy due to One starting the engines. “How are you feeling this morning sweetheart?" His voice was like honey, it would something she could never ignore no matter how much she tried. His low tones sounded way better in person than over coms.
She smiled over at Four as best as she could, trying not to show how much the nickname effected her on the inside. "Fine.” She sighed. “More excited than nervous really. It's just great not to be stuck in a room 24/7.” She smiled taking the chance to now turn the tables and tease him. “How you feeling monkey boy?"
"Why do you have to call me that?” He leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees staring intensely at her. “You could at least come up with something that sounds a bit more sexy, don’t you think?" He looked at her with a cute pout, something she thought he was trying to melt her with. 
“I think it’s sexy, monkey boy.” Three chimed in and everyone burst into laughter, but Four was glued to Zero.  She just scoffed. "I think you're the only person that thinks you're sexy, well apart from that blonde you picked up at the bar, and Thee of course." 
"Are you jealous, Zero? You know that was for mission purposes, besides I've seen the way you stare at me sweetheart." She just laughed, she’d lost count at the amount of times she’d scoffed at this boy.
She opened her laptop, fully intent on ignoring him the rest of the flight "Keep telling yourself that babe."
"You guys do know where all still here right?" One said awkwardly over the aeroplanes intercom. “Okay everyone strap in and shut up, we’re setting off now.” 
It was about an hour into the flight, everything had been considerately quiet since four at fallen asleep against the window, Zero would steal glances at him every once in a while. Seven announced that things would start to get bumpy, and Three started to get very uneasy. "You know I usually just look at the staff to see if I should be worried." She turned to see him clutching white knuckle to his seat.
"I think you mean the flight attendants, you can just look at me." Two said.
"Oh darling, no offence but you could be on fire and you'd have the same blank expression on your face." Zero turned to raise my eyebrows at Five, who looked back at her just as amused. and a look that said ‘something is definitely going on with these two.’ Zero nodded in agreement.
"You know what sucks guys, that if we were to crash." She looked over at Four this time to see if the commotion had woke him up, he opened one eye from his sleeping state to make a face at Five. "No one would ever care. Like we never existed." He said it loud enough for One to hear in the cockpit.
"You know I can hear you, if you're going to shit yourself there's a bathroom in the back.” Zero just giggled to herself and then got back to her work So this is what it was like to be truly around them, she liked it. It was always fun to hear their bickering over coms but this was even better, a warm feeling had started to invade her heart and a warm fuzzy feeling like home crept into her veins. It was nice to be around the right people again. They fought, they were sometimes asses but this was her true family and for once in her life she started to admire One for bringing such an amazing group of people together. She had decided in that moment that there was no where she’d rather be than here 35,000 feet up with the best bunch of idiots, and if she was to die on a mission she knew she had surrounded herself with the best adopted family she could have ever asked for.
When they finally landed, the colour is Three’s face gradually started to return, Zero took the opportunity while passing him in the aisle to pat him on the back, laughing as she exit. "Hey you little shit, don't make fun of me or I'll find out your fear." He just shouted after her retreating frame. They all dumped what little bags they had taken outside of the plane as One started the debrief one last time of the plan we were about to carry out. After about Twenty mins he decided to wrap it up. "Chowtime." One clasped his hands excitedly as the rest of the team cheered.
Zero decided that sitting at one of the higher tables would be more efficient for her to carry on her work, she’d almost finished on the plane but still had one more section to complete by tonight. She whipped out her note book, not feeling safe getting the laptop out in such an open and crowded space. But as soon as she’d put the paper on the table someone had ripped it out of her hands and in its place a bowl of noodles was set down.
"Hey!" She had began to protest looking up at the thief in question.
What she was not expecting was to be met with Four’s bright green eyes. Closing her note book, he placed it safely back in her laptop bag. "Do you ever stop working?" He sat down on the stool next to hers, and suddenly she was very self conscious. She tried to shake the feeling by directing her feelings to being annoyed he’d took her work, she sighed tilting her head at him. "It's been nonstop for three years of my life, I’m afraid at this point I don't know how to do anything else with my time."
"We could change that." He smirked.
She scoffed again, cracking open her chopsticks a little too aggressively but as to get the point across that she wasn’t in the mood for his flirting. "Excuse me, I'd like some alone time with my noodles."
"No come on.” He laughed, face turning more serious when he saw how fed up she was. “I’m sorry, I think we should start over."
"What?" She turned her head to him in confusion at how serious he’d become.
"We haven't had time to talk properly since you got here, seen as we've only really talked over the wire maybe we should have a fresh start." He held out his hand. "Hello, my names Four."
He at least managed to crack a small smile from her at this, she decided to humour him this once. Putting her chopsticks down, she took his hand and shook it. "Zero."
"What a beautiful name."
“Yeah,” She laughed. “Well, you should hear my real one.”
She’d completely forgotten about the electric pulse she had felt when they had brushed hands back in the hotel kitchen. But this time she was holding his hand and it felt like hot lava now, this fact meant she held onto it a little longer than she should have.  Suddenly letting go when the moment started getting awkward, she decided to focus on her noodles instead. 
"You know.” He started to talk again but she didn’t look up, taking another mouth full of noodles. “I was surprised that you didn't suddenly knock me on my ass when I came in." This made her laugh. "You've threatened me with it enough times."
"Well I could say the same for you.” He leaned in closer to her, his breath tickling the inside of her ear. “But there's plenty of time yet for that sweetheart.”  In a lower voice he continued. “I'll make you wait. Get you when you're least expecting it." He pulled back just to see her reaction, and was pleased with the blush on her cheeks.
She cleared her throat and decided to change the subject. "Are you nervous?" She asked not daring to look at him. "For the mission I mean."
"Why does everyone always ask me this." He huffed, leaning back on the stool.
"It's okay to be scared Four, fear is what keeps us alive." He didn't say anything, but when she finally looked up at him, he was looking at her with an emotion she just couldn't put her finger on.
"All you can ever do is your best." She smiled and finished up her noodles.
"I guess, hey! when did you get so smart?"
"Maybe about an hour ago?" They both just chuckled, finally the air around them settled.
"You guys finished? It's time to go." Seven said from behind them, putting his hand on Fours shoulder.
"Yeah, we're good." Zero smiled at Four as he passed her, her laptop bag.
As Zero started to walked out of the restaurant, Five caught her by her arm and linked them together, she then proceeded to hand Zero 50 dollars. "You were right, they did it in Vegas." She said defeated.
"Two and Three eh, maybe there hope for me after all." They both laughed as they crossed the road to catch up to the others who had already entered their hotel for the mission.
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fanfic-writer · 3 years
Rescued(Cole Stewart)
Cole didn’t die in In The Afterlight and he’s rescued from the red training facility. I made this to help with the pain of what happened to Cole in the books. I hope you enjoy :)
Find Cole, get out unnoticed, and meet back at the warehouse. Way easier said than done. Nico was able to figure out that the video they sent us was fake and that the body wasn't Cole's. So we gathered up what was left of our team to get him back. With Ruby at Thurmond and Liam gone it was up to us to get Cole. 
Vida was in the driver's seat listening as Chubs gave her the directions to the red training facility. I stared out the window as he talked.
-Two days ago-
“Please be careful and don't take any risks. In and out alright? Get what you need and that's it.” Cole was putting on his coat as I spoke. 
“You should be telling Liam that, he's the reckless one remember?” he said as we walked out of our room.
Liam and Ruby were hugging as we approached the tunnel door. “I'm being serious. I would like you back in one piece please.” Cupping my cheeks in his hands he rolled his eyes. “We will be careful and you will get me back in one piece.” 
I didn't want him going even if it was just to scope the place out. Anything could go wrong. And knowing that he got this information from Clancy didn't make me feel any better. I knew Ruby didn't like it either. 
Leaning in to kiss me he whispered “Might be two pieces though.” I slapped his arm as he laughed, placing a kiss on my lips. 
“Lets go so we can be back in time for dinner,” Liam said as Ruby stood on her toes kissing his cheek. Goodness they were adorable. A perfect match if I was being honest. 
Cole pushed Liam towards the tunnel door and then leaned down to Ruby. As if asking for a kiss on the cheek too. She flicked his cheek laughing “You’re ridiculous.” 
“Take care of things guys,” That was the last thing he said to us.  
-Present day-
“We’re getting close. We'll park a mile away then make the rest on foot. Sound good?” Chubs asked. 
“No we're gonna drive straight through the fucking building,” Vida replied. 
“Sometimes I ask myself why I like you,” 
“I ask myself that same question chubby chubby choo choo,” Vida’s response made me laugh. 
We were on foot now making our way towards the facility. The darkness was keeping us hidden as we got closer. My anxiety was through the roof. We had no idea what we were gonna find in there. What if they had already broken Cole the same way they did the other reds. Thinking about it made me sick. I had to stay hopeful. 
Once the building came into view we dropped to the ground behind a fallen down tree. The place was in the middle of nowhere, the perfect place to illegally keep a bunch of psi. 
“I see two guards at the front gate but none at the back,” Vida was using binoculars to watch the building. “You gotta block us from their vision until we can get up to the gate,” one plus to being an orange was making people see what I wanted them to see or see nothing at all. 
“Nico said he could only get the camera feed to loop for 5 mins so we have to be quick,” Chubs was looking down at the burner phone we’d brought. 
“They won't see us,” I said, getting ready to lock onto their minds. Ruby was more than willing to help me with my abilities and to teach me some tricks. She was the second orange I had met after creepy Martin. And I wasn't desperate enough to ask him for help.
Lucky for me these guards had weak minds that were easy to slip into. I was making them think the field was empty as we were right in front of them. 
“Alright, now work that magic,” Vida said. Chubs was scanning the area around us to check for more guards. 
“Open the gate asshole,” He did it with no hesitation. The female guard looked right past Vida and Chubs as they walked through the gate. I made sure that they wouldn't remember what I did. 
We ran straight to the back of the building out of sight. Ducking down behind a parked truck we looked at the map of the building Nico had printed for us. If we were right Cole would be on the second floor fourth door on the right. After double checking everyone knew the plan we made our way to the back door. 
Just as we reached the door it opened and we were met with a very confused PSF. Chubs’ mind was quicker than mine and without lifting a finger the man was face first on the cement. As we stepped over him I took that little memory of us out of his head.
There was no one else in the hallway the door opened to. I felt the minds of the PSFs who were in the security room as well as the psi who were sleeping. We moved swiftly through the first floor making our way to the second. It was dead silent making it easy to hear my heart thumping in my chest. 
When we reached the second floor I searched for his mind praying I’d find it. I’ve been in Cole’s mind before except the first time was not on purpose. I was working in the kitchen that day helping prepare dinner for the other kids. It was the feeling that someone was staring at you, but only two other kids were there with me. I reached out to that feeling only to find myself in Cole’s mind. It took me a second to figure out how this had happened. I realized he was thinking about me. He wasn't in the room with me yet his mind was focused on me. As quickly as I entered his mind I left it, scared to see something I shouldn’t. 
I knew it was him the instant I found it. He was awake, his thoughts were calm. 
Vida stayed at the door to the stairs to keep a look out while Chubs and I made our way to Cole’s room. I could feel that there were 3 other kids in there but they were sleeping. As I watched his back Chubs picked the door lock. 
The lock clicked as chubs said, “You ready?” Of course I am. I nodded. 
Slowly opening the door chubs poked his head in searching for Cole. Luckily for us his bunk was the closest to the door. I pushed past Chubs to get to Cole. He had his back to me. I reached over to grab his shoulder. When he turned to me he looked shocked. He was going to say something but I stopped him by putting a finger to my lips. Grabbing his hand I guided him out the door back to the stairs where Vida was waiting for us. 
“How the hell did you guys get in here?” Cole asked as we quickly but quietly went down the stairs. 
“We rode in on horses and politely asked the guards to let us in,” Vida answered. 
“Very funny,” He replied.
When we opened the door we were welcomed with the now very angry PSF that Chubs had knocked out. Before Vida could do anything he kicked her, sending her back against the building's wall. Before Chubs could use his gun I had already entered his mind. How angry he looked on the outside matched with what was on the inside. He went still as I took his memory of this very moment. Whenever I took someone's memory it was placed into my head like it was my own. I felt what he felt in that very moment. 
He just stood there staring at nothing as Cole helped Vida up. 
“Sit down and don't get up until told,” I commanded him. And that's exactly what he did.
Checking to make sure it was all clear Chubs motioned for us to make our way to the gate. And just like before the guards didn't even know we were there. 
Hopping in the car Cole looked like he couldn't believe this was happening. “What did you think we were just gonna leave you behind?” I asked him.  
“No, I just didn't think it would be so quick. Thought I’d be stuck in there until after you guys dealt with Thurmond.” 
“Y/N wouldn't have let us leave you in there that long,” Chubs said, buckling his seat belt. 
“I was also getting tired of their crying,” Vida added. 
“What a good friend you are Vida.” I said sarcastically. 
“I know right.”
Cole moved to the seat next to me bringing me in close,“I told you I’d come back in one piece,” he said before kissing my temple. 
“You just got lucky,” I told him. 
We had been driving for 4 hours now. We were getting closer to the warehouse we were hiding out in after Clancy exposed the ranch. I watched Cole as he slept with his head on my shoulder. He looked so peaceful considering what had happened. He had a bandage on his neck from where he had been shot. He was lucky enough for the bullet to graze the skin. Chubs still had insisted on checking him out even though Cole argued that he was fine. 
I had him back and I wasn't gonna let him get hurt like that again. 
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 3
Part 1   part 2   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Cw: Described assasination
Words: 3832
The sun had just about risen when the agents woke up. It was the morning after the mission and they were laying cuddled up in the hotel bed. Remus had plopped himself on top of Remy and wrapped his arms around them like usual. He said it was to snuggle while they slept but it was really so that he could act as a human shield for them even in sleep.
"g'mornin my dear dead heart of min-" Remus began to mumble out but Remy placed a finger over his mouth to shut him up.
He laid still and listened. The sound of someone opening the door to the hotel room could be heard followed by quiet steps. The agents glanced at each other. From the angle Remy was laying at they couldn't see much except for the ceiling and their husband's face. Remus slowly moved his hand under the pillow and grabbed the knife he'd hidden under it just in case.
The footsteps continued until they stopped by the side of the bed. Out of the corner of his eye Remus saw the person move making his instincts go off. In one swift motion he'd turned around to press the knife against the enemy's neck.
"What a charming greeting 008" Q also known as Logan muttered out. He eyed the knife held against his neck with an unimpressed look on his face. He had a black briefcase with him.
"Q!!!" Both of the Rems let out a happy exclaim.
"You should have said you were coming!" Remy said while sitting up in the bed.
"That's what she said" Remus added.
"I wasn't going to but then I figured it would be for the best if this mission got another step"
Remus moved the blanket aside and patted the spot between the two Rems "Cuddle up motherfucker!"
"008 please put some pants on. I've seen That thing enough for a lifetime" Q stated before sitting down in the middle.
The Rems promptly latched onto him. Hugging him. Remy ran their hand through his pressed down curly hair. Remus nibbled kisses by the start of his neck.
"So 008, you said in your report from yesterday that the man who held the real copy of the keys to Picani's room was named Ron Stewart correct?"
"Well I discovered that he is on a train today towards Lithuania along with cargo for his company. His company is stated as an electricity manufacturer but it didnt take a lot of research to find he also has ties to something else. I am not sure of what yet but it is earning him a lot of income. For your information Picani's mission before he was killed was to find solid evidence of what this side business was"
Remy held back a wince at the mention of Picani "Aight easy. We get on the train. I Kill him. We figure out like what the fuck he's up to and like revenge Emile. Piece of cake" Remus nodded along.
"Yes well" Q opened the briefcase "In other news I took a few gadgets with me to aid you" He took out a pair of black high heels and handed them to Remy "Same function as always. Black like you requested"
"It's 'cause black tots goes with like anything"
A small box, not bigger than a thumb, was up next. Q opened it slightly to show white pills inside before giving it to Remy "I've tried to make it so the taste of poison is even less subtle"
The enby got a sinister smile on their face "They won't know what hit them!"
Remus dragged in Logan's sleeve "Me time!! I want gadgets too!!!"
Q nodded before taking out a long thin black straw and gave it to the duke "Be careful. Please! This is your 7th laser so don't break it. It's not a knife. It's not a stick. It's a laser. It heats things up. It doesn't cut through things. It heats them up. Please I don't want to have to make another one"
The duke looked at it with a giddy smile before looking up. A few moments of silence went by before his smile disappeared "That's all? I only get 1 gadget???? Rem got 2! You're playing favorites just 'cause you fuck them!"
"No. I am playing favorites because they don't break their gadgets!........But I do actually have another gadget for the both of you"
Q took out 2 pens and several coins. He sat the coin as far away on the blanket as he could. He pressed down on a specfic point on it before leaning back and pressing the pen up and down 5 times. The coin exploded leaving a hole in the blanket. The Rems let out oooohs and ahhhhs in response.
"Explosives. Each coin causes 1 explosion. Right now I'll give you 20 to use but you can always request more. Oh and 008" He took out 2 packages of pills "You forgot you stimulants" It was to help him focus better, his lil autistic rat brain wasn't good at that "And antidepressants at the base again so I thought I'd bring them to you"
"Aww thanks Q. How caring!"
"No problem. As your quartermaster I must care for you after all. INcluding caring for your mental health. Well I wish you good luck on your mission"
The Rems glanced at each other before sending Q puppy eyes. "You can wish us good luck better than that can't you?"
Logan let out an amused sigh and rolled his eyes before nodding. He gave Remus a kiss on the lips before doing the same to Remy. He was aro and didn't see kissing as a serious thing, neither did the Rems. The kissing before missions was just a nice tradition.
Remy traced their finger over their lips "I already have a feeling this mission will go splendid"
3 hours later Remy was sitting by a luxurious vanity in front of a mirror. They were meticulously filling in their lips with cheery red lipstick. Remus came up from behind and put his hands on their shoulders before leaning down to press a kiss to their cheek.
The enby took the blade laying on the vanity and held it up to his face "Dear if you kiss me now you'll ruin my make up and I will have to kill you for that"
"Sounds like a sweet death" He teased in return.
"If I wanted to make it a sweet one I would"
Remus glanced around at the make up products while putting on an overly extra pout "Why can't I ever get to be the lady???"
"Hun you have a giant caterpillar on your upper lip and it is the bane of my existance. If you could just let me shave it off-"
The duke gasped and covered his precious mustache with his hands "NEVER!!!"
" Well it would make disguising you much easier. If some baddie sees you once they're gonna remember that nasty ass muschie for like months! And secondly you don't really have like the right bone structure. Like girl you would look like the most beautiful lady I'd ever seen but you wouldn't look like the kind of gal these dirtbags want y'know?"
"I know"
Remy leaned their head against his chest and smiled up at him. "When we get home I can make you look nice and pretty kay? I'll evem lend you my fav mini skirts...As long as your dumptruck ass doesn't destroy them"
Remus grinned and let out a giddy laugh "OHOHOHOH let's get these bitches killed so we can get home PLEase!!"
After another half hour Remy was ready to go. They'd hidden a blade on their left thigh and stuck the box of pills on the side of their underwear. Remus took them by the arm and they walked out into the hallway of the train. They looked around various mini suites before coming out into a bigger cart. The bar.
Blue satin sheets framed the windows. Sunlight strimmed in onto dark wooden tables with comfortable seats surrounding them. The bar was ornate and it's menu was filled with expensive cocktails.
The enby bumped their elbow into their husband's ribs before pointing over to a booth in the corner. There Ron Stewart sat alone with a bowl of olives and a beer.
Remus mumbled a quiet 'you got this' before letting go off their arm. He sat down by the bar at such an angle so he could watch Stewart without it being noticeable. He ordered a glass of water and began to sprinkle copious amount of salt and pepper into it as he watched Remy go up to Stewart. Their body language was completely different. He overheard something about coincidences and seeing him at the casino. It didn't take long until Stewart had moved so Remy could sit down next to him.
The duke let out a content sigh and looked out the window. It was in quiet moments like these, while waiting for his spouse to do what they did best, that he admired them more than ever. All he could do was sit and think about how much he loved them. How he loved Every part of them. Thinking and thinking until it felt like his heart would burst.
It wasn't until someone bumped into him he got out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw Remy leaning on the bar.
"Vodka martini. Shaken not stirred please" Remy ordered.
Remus poked his elbow into their ribs plafully "Dork. Using my dad's catchphrase like that" He teased with a smirk.
They rolled their eyes at him before adding "And you can place a bottle of champange in suite 17!"
While the bartender worked on it the enby sat down next to Remus. They looked in the other direction while speaking so Stewart wouldn't notice.
"He's involved in human trafficking. That's where his like money comes from. Was supa easy to get it out of him. Dirty bastard. Didn't get what is in the cargo but he joked that it wasn't human at least"
"Okay good!" Remus exclaimed "So we go to the cargo see whats up. And then when we're done we can go back and arrest Stewart when we're done. Easy peasy pumpkin pie motherfucker"
Remy dug their nails down into the table so hard it left marks "Nah I'm murdering him now"
Remus opened his mouth before closing it again and thinking. He decided the wise and only choice was to support his spouse in their killing ways "Okay yeah sure. Have fun. If you're not back in 15 minutes I'll assume something has gone wrong and will come help"
They sent him a small smile "Thanks babe"
They downed the martini in one sweep and took a deep breathe before putting on their fake smile again. They went back to Stewart. All it took was a few flirty comments while leaning close to him to get him to walk with them to his room. Like a lamb blissfully going to the slaughter.
The champagne had been set on the bedside table in a bucket of ice like they'd requested. Stewart sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the place next to him. Remy obediently sat down. A taste of nausea filled their mouth when he placed his hand on their inner thigh. But they kept their facade of liking it up. Kept it up even as he whispered what he wanted to do with them into their ear and pressed kisses to their neck.
Remy leaned away when he tried to go for a kiss on the mouth "Shall I get the champange Dear?"
He eagerly nodded in return. They got up and made sure to move slow. They cast a look back at him while moving their dress up up to their right hip, just enough so a bit of their underwear showed. They ran their hand under their underwear line feeling where the small box they'd hidden laid. The box with poisonous pills in it.
They kept their expression the same as they caught hold of the box and in one smooth motion hid it under their bracelet. They kept their dress up as they poured up the champange. Out of the corner of their eye they could see Stewart only looking at their thighs so they took the opppurtunity to let a single white pill go down into one of the drinks.
It dispersed in the drink in under a second. They made a mental note to give Q an extra kiss for his excellent job the next time they saw him. They gave the glass to him before sitting down to straddle his lap.
"Cheers" Remy said.
"Cheers baby"
Their smile widened as they watched him drink. They waited until he'd emptied the glass before smashing their own glass against his skull. Stewart barely had time to let out a yell before they'd pushed him down with his back against the bed. They laid their weight on hips to keep him down while forcing his arms over his head.
"What are you-" Stewart didn't finish his sentence. He let out a strange sound as his face began to turn red. The poison was setting in.
Remy took the blade from their thigh and held it up to his neck. Close enough to let out droplets of blood but not close enough to cut him open.
"When I got home after staying out all night for the first time my moms cried of relief because they were sure I'd been taken by human traffickers working for the likes of you. I've had friends go missing just 'cause people like you think no one will notice if a homeless person disappears" They growled out.
"I will-" He forced out.
"Honey you won't do shit" Remy interrupted. They let out a cold chuckle "You'll lay there and wait to see if the poison or-" They cut the knife into his neck with such precision it hit the veins just enough to open them, like they'd done a hundred times before "the blood loss kills you first"
Stewart couldn't say anything more. He was choking on air and blood at the same time. The white satin sheets turned red as Remy sat still and watched every slight change in his expression. It went from anger to a pained one to complete fear of death.
His legs kicked to instinctively try and get Remy off and his hands flailed around his neck to try and stop the bleeding but it was to no avail. Soon his limbs stopped moving and the desperate sounds he'd been letting out quieted. Before finally his eyes became glossy and he stopped blinking. The blood had stopped dripping out.
"Blood loss huh" Remy said to of course no answer.
They stood up and hid the blade under their dress again. They let out an annoyed groan when they noticed blood stains on the dress. They'd liked this one! They searched around the room for anything useful.
In the drawer of the nightstand they found a key card to the cargo section of the train. They gave themself a pat on the back and was about to leave when they saw a document that had laid next to the key. They stuffed it down their top to keep it for later. Q was usually the one who told them if a document was important or not.
Remus shone up into a big goofy grin when he saw his spouse return. He held himself back from giving them a big long kiss. They took his hand, intertwined their fingers, and pulled him along to the small passage leading up to the cargo parts of the train.
There was a thick metal door stopping them from entering the cargo part. With a triumphant smirk Remy pulled out the key card and unlocked out while Remus gave them a small round of applause.
008 kept his gun ready in his hand as he entered the first cargo train with 009 right behind him. There were 2 guards who both immediately reached for their guns. Remus shot one of them at the same time Remy threw their blade into the neck of the other.
The couple high fived. Remy was using the new gadget high heels Q had given them. They took the heels off so the high heel turned into a normal shoe, it somewhat looked like a ballet shoe. Inside the heels 2 more blades were hidden.
The train was empty aside from a few meaningless boxes but there were one more cargo cart to look through. "How about I stay here and make sure no like bitches come at you from this side and you continue to the rest of the like cargo?" Remy suggested.
"Sounds like a plan!"
Remus pressed a kiss to the top of their forehead before quickly continuing on to the small outside part connecting the two carts. Remy closed the door behind him.
He pressed his ear against the door to the next cart. There were footsteps coming from the other side. He rolled up his sleeves before jumping up and just about grabbing on to the edge of the cart's roof. With a strained groan he heaved himself up. The wind nearly knocked him over as soon as he stood up. It was the last cart so whatever was important in the cargo section had to be in there.
The roof was made out of metal. Remus took out the black laser. He was careful to not point it at himself as he moved it against the roof. When he turned it a spark went off before it's cold blue almost fire looking laser burried down into the roof.
Slowly the metal began to melt. He moved it just as slowly around in a square motion. Until it had melted enough that he was able to move it. He made sure the laser created a small hole, just about to press a few fingers in, before turning it off. He covered his hands in the fabric of his shirt and let out a grunt as he grabbed onto the hole in the metal and moved it until a small opening down into the carriage had been made.
He peered down and like he'd suspected there were at least 10 guards inside. All of them were heavily armed. There was no way Remus would be able to take them all.
Luckily he didn't have to. He took one of the explosive coins and clicked on it before dropping it down into the carriage. He didn't even give the guards a chance to react before detonating it.
No more sounds came from inside the carraige. Remus dropped down from the roof and opened the door. The guards laid still on the ground. He checked their pulses. It was going slow and unsteady so they wouldn't be waking up soon (aka in several days probably).
There wasn't much in the carriage. A few box filled with guns and ammunition littered the wooden floor but aside from that all there was was a metal box in the corner. It was big enough to fit a human if they hunched down. It was thick enough that he doubted even one of the explosives would get it open. He tried the key to open it but it didn't work.
"What the fuck" He mumbled to himself.
On the sides and top of the box things were engraved. He was unsure if it'd been engraved a knife or...teeth.....somehow. The same sentences were written over and over.
Remus tried to read it but all the words swirled around and changed places. He hit his hands against his head and tried to concentrate. Usually Remy read things for him when on missions (and when home too honestly), and before he had them he had.....He had.....
He despised his dyslexia so much. Sensory overload could be avoided by Q ordering clothes with the exact textures he could handle and making him earpieces that filtered out just enough sound so he wouldn't panic. People didn't notice his lack of eye contact and fumbling with social cues and voice tones as long as he was looked normal. But there was no way to get around his dyslexia.
It took (in his opinion) an embarrassing amount of time before he was able to piece the words together. But when he finally did his body went cold.
Targets: 0̶0̶5̶ 0̶0̶1̶2̶ 009 008 - Remus Smythe
They knew his name. They knew his name.
Remus felt nauseous. His heart was beating so fast he could hear it. How the fuck did they even know that. What more did they know?? He was used to people knowing his name as Remus Smythe the son of Octavia Smythe. But not as Remus smythe the 008 agent.
He knew his mom could defend herself. All of the women, his caregivers, on the floating palace could. but still. At least they didn't know Remy's name. At least- At least- They were after them though! They specifically wanted to murder the love of his life.
Sure people had been trying to kill them before. Many a times. But he and Remy had known the two of them were strong enough to proctect themself. But....but....these people had killed Picani. Emile Picani! They could- they would-
He took a step back. Logically he should figure out a way to open the box. That was why he has here wasn't it? But he had to make sure Remy was okay. Had to-
He turned around and quickly went towards the door. He stopped midstep as he heard something metal-like crash under his foot. He looked down and realized he'd stepped on a dogtag one of the guards had been holding.
The metal plate was cold in Remus' hand as he tried to read it. His eyes widened. He didn't have to struggle to make the words out. He would always be able to recognize that name in an instant.
His hand shook as he forced the dogtag down into his pocket. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe.
He stumbled out from the carriage before throwing the door open to the next one. He was hyperventilating as he collapsed onto his knees. He looked up through tears at the blurry sight of Remy.
They'd been sitting on a box cleaning one of their blades while using the bodies of the guards they'd killed as a footstool. When they saw their husband they quickly went over and sat down in front of him. They moved their arms around his shoulders while checking for injuries.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"R-remy" He cried out. He hugged them as tight as he could and slumped his head against their chest. Uneven sobs racked his body.
"It's okay. It's okay babe. Shhh. Breathe for me" They moved their hand through his hair to soothe him "Just follow my breathing"
"You c-can't be hu-hurt"
"I'm not. I promise. You always take my injuries for me like an idiot. I'm 100% okay"
"It's- They- He-"
With a shaky hand he took out the dogtag from his pocket. It felt like the name engraved on it burned into his skin. Remy held onto his hand.
"What- who's tag is that?"
Remus glanced up at them with tear filled eyes "The f-former 009. Roman"
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Five Year Promise: The Aftermath (7/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, a 20 year old, makes a promise with Peter, a 16 year old, that if five years pass, and they still haven’t found love, they’d go on their first date. Then the snap happens. Y/N is gone. Peter isn’t.
Warning: angst, mentions of drugs and alcohol, NSFW, swearing
A/N: this is my interpretation of how Peter will be if this had happened to him. Also, I hope you guys like this shitty edit I did of 2023 Peter 😂😂😂
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
During Avengers: Endgame (2023)
Tumblr media
Five Years Later
Peter heard nothing but murmurs in Spanish and the sound of money being counted. He stood up in the roof and watched from the window, listening in with his Spider-Hearing. The night was humid, and Peter almost regretted wearing the Black coat around his noir suit.
He wore a beanie over his head with two holes near where his eyes were and a hat on top. His beard prickled against the material of the beanie. He watched as someone rolled in with a carriage filled with what he assumed was cocaine.
‘They don’t deserve to live,’ Peter thought, as he watched the men laugh, smoking illicit substances. He looked around to see if anyone else was around. When he made sure the coast was clear, he webbed himself over to the men, who got up from the sudden sound.
The men looked over to Peter, their face filling up with fear. They knew him. They heard the rumours. The man who killed others without mercy. The ‘Baba Yaga’ they called him, the man who came out of the night to kill. The man who donned a black coat and a hat. They all knew him too well.
The men then shakingly pulled out their gun ready to shoot him before Peter webbed them up. They were now stuck on the wall, fearing for their life. One of the men even let out a tear as Peter chuckled at them, taking a gun out from underneath his coat.
“P-please. I- I do this for them- the drugs- it’s- money has been hard lately-“ one of the man stuttered as Peter twirled the gun around his fingers, circling around the men as he watched them beg for their life. “Please, no, I have a family and a lover.”
Peter stalked over to them slowly, like a lion and its prey. The man begun shaking violently as the infamous man he had heard about walked over to him, pointing to cool metal towards his head. Peter had tilted his head, as he spoke the next words menacingly.
“So did I.”
Multiple bangs were heard before all the bodies of men hung from the web. The web was turning red as blood seeped from their bodies and towards Peter’s feet. He then wiped the gun with the pocket square in his coat before chucking it near the men’s feet. Lifting up the collar of his coat, Peter walked out of the cartel and into the streets of Mexico, deseperate to find a bar and drink himself to oblivion.
He takes off his mask and buttons up his coat to hide his suit, before lighting up a cigarette and placing it between his lips. Walking inside the bar, he orders 3 pints of beer, drinking it like it was water. Peter liked the way it tasted. How it made him feel. How it made him forget everything. He would be lying if he said he didn’t have a drinking problem. How could he not? Five years ago, he had lost everything. He then looked over at the watch you had given him.
2 hours, 32 mins and 5 secs.
He let out a scoff, before drinking another pint of beer, the bartender looking at him like he was crazy. Peter thought he used to be so naive, so naive to think you guys would actually go on a date. But now, he wasn’t naive. He knew how harsh the world was. And in a harsh world, you have to stand your ground.
Peter looks around until he spots a girl who smirks at him and gives him a little wave before giggling. He had noticed how she had the same colour hair as you, same colour eyes. She looked somewhat like you. But you were unique, you were too beautiful to have a doppelgänger. But the girl looked like a cousin maybe.
Peter smirked, and took another swig of the beer before placing it down. He then gave the bartender the money before walking over to the girl. He then threw his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it before nodding to the girl to follow him.
This happened everyday for Peter. It was an endless cycle. You were gone, May was gone, Ned was gone and he had cut ties with all the Avengers, including Tony who had desperately tried to stay in contact with him.
Everyday, Peter would go out murdering people who he thought didn’t deserve to live. Who he thought were villains and deserved to die in the decimation. Then he went up to the bar, drank till he saw the stars, then took the girl that resembled you the most to a motel.
The girl giggled as Peter walked her up the stairs of the motel. Peter was emotionless, as he pushed her against the wall, kissing her with no remorse. He then picked her up and chucked her on the bed before he sat down on the chair near the bed, unbuckling his pants.
“Suck,” he commanded in his now gruff and deep voice. The girl giggles, crawling over to him and placing her mouth around his member. Peter sharply inhaled as he held her hair into a ponytail, watching her go down on him.
She was teasing him, and that frustrated the man. So he grabbed her head and forced her down his cock, making her gag. The girl obliged and continued moving up and down his member. Before he could cum, he moved her head to the side and chucked her onto the bed.
He placed a condom on whilst the girl let out a cringey giggle, making Peter frustrated at her supposedly ‘dumb girl’ persona. “Shut the fuck up and be quiet.”
The girl went quiet but still smiled, looking like she was having the time of her life. Peter pushed her back before he thrusted into the girl with all his power, making the girl scream. Peter kept going, too drunk to think about anything. He looked over to the girl and for a secound he saw you. He saw your eyes looking back at him.
“Y/N,” he moaned, too drunk to care or understand what was going on. The girl also didn’t respond to the name, enjoying it too much to let him stop. He then looked over to his watch.
24 minutes and 43 secound.
After all was done, he kicked the girl out, not bothering to find out her name. He then grabbed a bottle a beer from the fridge and opened it. He looked around the dump that was his motel for the night and sighed, lying back on his bed.
Peter had given up on school, on university and on the ‘simple life’. He didn’t want neither of that. Because if you or Ned didn’t get to experience that, why should he?
He then looked at his watch that ticked away slowly on his wrist. One that you gave him and he couldn’t find himself to throw away.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
The watch beeped. Peter stared at it, his jaw clenched. The sound from the watch was like a little taunt, like it was reminding him of what could’ve been. He bit his bottom lip before picking up the bottle of beer and chucking it against the wall as it shattered against the wall. He then picked up the chair, also chucking it against the wall and breaking in half.
“Fuck!” Peter yelled, punching the wall with his fist. His knuckles bled but he kept going. “I was fucking close! I was so fucking close!”
Peter put his hands on his hips, looking at the mess he created around him, the numerous bottles of beers around him, the knives and guns he had bought and a random female’s bra near his bed.
“I was so fucking close,” Peter whispered, his tongue against the inside of his cheek as tiredness finally caught up to him.
Tony let out a sigh, standing in the middle of the lab that you used to work in. Today, it was supposed to be your 26th birthday. So every year, since you were gone, Tony would go in the lab and just look around. He had demanded the Avengers not to touch anything. To leave everything as it was the moment you guys left.
There was the birthday hat on the table from your 21st birthday. A bunch of multicoloured pens around left lying around the table. Everything was as you left it, not an speck out of place.
Tony walked over to the chair, scared to sit on it. He didn’t want to move it. He didn’t want to move anything. But it was time. Pepper told him it was time, as her and Morgan stood near the door watching him. Tony shook his head before sitting on the chair. “Come here Morgan.”
Morgan ran over to him, sitting on his lap. Tony then proceeded to play with her hair, brushing his fingers along it. “This is where your big sister used to sit and make cool things.”
“When do I get to meet her daddy?” Morgan pleaded for maybe to thousandth time these couple of years, desperate to meet her older sister that her father wouldn’t stop talking about.
“She- she’s busy right now,” Tony’s face faltered for a secound, his eyes meeting Pepper’s. She gave him an encouraging smile, telling him that he was doing well. Because for the past five years, Tony had it hard. But thankfully for him, he had Pepper. She helped him see a psychiatrist. She helped him out of bed and eat food. Made him find a purpose again.
“Okay,” Morgan spoke, her head falling in disappointment. She then looked over the table, opening a draw from a table.
“Morgan no!” Tony yelled at her, not wanting her to open or move anything. He got Morgan off her lap, who ran to her mother, crying. “You can’t just touch things that aren’t yours, okay!”
Tony was livid, but stopped when he heard the sniffles of Morgan who was clinging on to the legs of her mother. Pepper gave Tony a smile before moving down to Morgan. “Hey Morg, how about we give Daddy some alone time yeah? He’s just cranky because someone ate the last Poptart.”
“W’okay,” Morgan mumbled as her bottom lip trembled, following her mother out of the room. Tony then sighed, angry at himself for making her upset, playing with the necklace that contained your ashes. He brushed his hair back before his eyes met the eyes of a red-headed women.
“Hey,” Natasha spoke, walking around before sitting on the table where you used to work, careful not to move anything. Tony nodded at her, biting the inside of his cheek. “How are you doing?”
“Well shit, but everyone keeps telling me to move on, that it’s been five years so,” Tony trailed off, not meeting Romanoff’s eyes. “So I came here, deciding its time to you know, open things up and actually put this room to use- but I guess I can’t do that yet.”
“No one’s telling you to move on Tony. You lost your daughter. Truth is, you will never move on,” Natasha spoke, carefully watching her friend of now 13 years let out a tear. She had never seen her friend cry, so this was new to her. “I don’t think I’ll ever move on either. But Tony, Y/N would have wanted us to go on with our lives, put it to good use, even if it’s small stuff like using this room again. Because if we don’t make good use of our lives, then Thanos should’ve killed all of us.”
Tony sniffed, quickly wiping his eye before other tears fell down. “Every time I look at Morgan, I see Y/N staring back at me. And every time Morgan speaks, I feel like it’s Y/N talking back at me. Like when Morgan tells me she loves me, it’s like Y/N is out there, saying those words. I-I just wish Y/N would have met her.”
“Yeah, me too,” Natasha nodded, grabbing his hand. Tony’s eyes wandered around the room before looking at the draw that Morgan opened, his eyes squinting. His hand moved away from Natasha’s as he moved closer to a paper that had your writing in their, grabbing it to read it.
He read the calculations that you had drew, standing up from his seat. Natasha also stood up, now curious. “What’s wrong?”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, look alive,” Tony spoke, as a holographic computer came out. He then started playing around, adding numbers and equations, trying to figure out what you had written.
“Tony, what’s going on?” Natasha had asked, as she watched a concentrated Tony typing away rapidly on the screen, before the screen said ‘loading’.
“Y/N was trying to figure out why her suit healed her. It was pure accident, happened out of the blue when she was messing around with Quantum and nanotech, b-but this equation- I think she was testing to see if her suit was-“ he stopped when the words ‘SUCCESS” appeared. Tony fell back in his seat as his hand covered his mouth. His whole body was shaking as his heart started beating rapidly. “She- she didn’t know.“
He went quiet, unable to speak. Natasha shook her head, unable to understand what the equation was and why there was a circular-shaped machine now displayed on the screen. “She didn’t know what Tony?”
“That she discovered time travel.”
Peter washed the blood from his hands, the water turning a light pink before going down the sink. He turned off the tap, shaking his hands before drying them with a towel. He then took his suit off, chucking them in the washer. He then looked at himself in the mirror, the various tattoos and scars scattered around his body. His whole left and right arm was covered and so was his chest.
Peter wasn’t the scrawny kid he used to believe he was. No. He had bulked up completely. His whole appearance had changed too. He didn’t even shave his beared, leaving it to grow for a month or two before giving it a trim.
He sighed, walking over to the fridge of his new Motel in Cuba and grabbing a beer from the fridge, ready to drink himself to unconsciousness again. He had a tough day and needed to unwind.
Peter had taken down a sex trafficking ring here in Cuba, slaughtering all the men who were involved. One of them had been harder to kill, as he was enhanced. Turned out they were prepared, just in case the Baba Yaga came around just like he did to all criminals. He had received a few cuts and bruises but eventually had stabbed him multiple times, getting blood on his hands, clothes and even droplets near his face.
He cracked open the beer, ready to drink it before his hairs in his arm stood up, telling him someone was in the room. He put down the drink quietly, his hands moving slowly to grab the gun that he hid under the coffee table.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” He heard a familiar voice speak. He let out a scoff, shaking his head as his hand fell away from the gun and instead reached the now lukewarm beer on his coffee table.
“After five fucking years, the great Tony Stark decides to pay me a visit.”
“You didn’t make it easy,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit on the couch in front of him. It was now that Peter realised Tony had aged, white hairs prominent in his beard and and hair. Tony too was taken back by Peter’s new appearance. He almost didn’t recognise him. “You never answered my calls, emails-“
“Let’s cut the bullshit Tony, if you’d actually wanted to find me you would’ve done it ages ago,” Peter spat out, chugging the beer in one go. He then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“So I guess you’re not calling ‘Mr Stark’ anymore. Does that mean I don’t call you Spider-Man anymore, oh great Baba Yaga,” Tony replied back, as Peter’s face faltered for a secound before going back to his emotionless facade. “Yeah, didn’t think I’d know about that did you? Going around, killing people Pete that’s not you, you can’t just decide who lives or not.”
“He did,” Peter spoke back, rage in his eyes as he thought about the Titan. “He took away my Aunt, my best friend and the one girl I fell in love with.”
Tony’s face dropped when he heard that both his Aunt and best friend were gone. He didn’t know. “Peter, why didn’t you tell me?”
“It doesn’t matter now does it,” Peter spoke, clasping his hands together as he moved forward. “I did what I did to get through life and you did what you did. You’re free to leave if you have cleared your conscious by checking up on after all this time. Want to donate to me too? Since you do that to all your worries in life?”
“Peter you need help. You can’t just be murdering people who you think deserve to die and drink yourself to oblivion,” Tony urged him, trying to speak some sense into him. He then saw a female’s underwear near his bed, shaking his head at him. “And sleep with god knows how many women. Peter just- just come with us. We can get you help.”
“No, you can’t do that now. You’re late. Five years too late. I’m not the same Peter you think I am,” Peter spat out, before standing up and pointing towards the door. “Now if you’re done pretending to care, I really do strongly advise you leave.”
“Peter, there is one more thing I need to tell you,” Tony spoke, letting out a sigh as his face turned into one of seriousness. “But you need to sit down for this.”
Peter let out a scoff, before sitting down on the couch. He then looked at Tony like if this wasn’t important, that he was ready to kick him out.
“Y/N the suit she created, she thought it was a regenerating suit,” Tony begun, shaking his head as he stood up. Peter’s face scrunched up in anger and anguish at the mention of your name. “But that’s thing! It wasn’t!”
“Are you seriously here to talk to me about fucking suits?”
“No! Listen!” Tony interrupted him, as he paced around the room, waving his arms around. “It wasn’t a regeneration suit! I mean- it kinda was but that’s not the point! The suit didn’t heal wounds, it took it back in time to the point when she first put on the suit when she wasn’t wounded! She- she wrote this equation but before she tested it out, she was gone!”
“What are you talking about Tony?” Peter spoke, now too standing up. Tony was talking too fast and too much that it all sounded like a blur in his head.
“It means Y/N discovered Time Travel unintentionally,” Tony spoke, breathing in and out heavily from walking around the room too much. “And I didn’t know what to do until Scott Lang brought Pym Particles. Pete- it means we can travel back in time, before Thanos had the stones. Before he destroyed them. We can get everyone back Pete.”
Peter stood their in shock, not knowing what to do. He then let out a sigh, trying to hold back tears from welling in his eyes. He had been trying to forget what had happened, he had no hope left. And now Tony came in her and told him they had a chance. “Get out.”
“I said get the fuck out!” Peter yelled furiously, his whole body shaking. Tony stood still, not moving an inch. He wasn’t going to leave Peter alone again, not this time.
“Peter, I know this is a tough subject for you,” Tony begun, slowly walking over to the Parker boy. “It’s a tough subject for me as well. I lost a daughter and I also lost you. But we owe it to everyone to try. Even if it’s now or in the next ten years, if there’s a little glimmer of chance, we have to take it. For Ned, May and especially for her.”
“You can’t do this. You can’t- you can’t just come here after five fucking years and tell me you’re gonna solve things! That everything is alright!” Peter spoke, his hands still shaking from the subject of the great titan. “You guys did that last time. You tried to kill him and it didn’t do anything because he had already got rid of the stones. Please- just leave me alone.”
“No,” Tony shook his head, looking Peter directly in the eyes. “I did that five years ago and look what happened to you. I’m not doing that again.”
Peter shook his head as he clenched his fists. Tony had wanted him to come back and fight, but he wasn’t the same person as he was before. “You don’t need me to do this.”
“What makes you think we don’t?”
“I’ve changed,” Peter mumbled, sitting back on his couch and playing with his hand, a habit he had when he was nervous or guilty. “I’ve killed. I use women. I’m an alcoholic, a smoker- fuck Tony sometimes I even use the drugs from the drug dealers that I kill.”
“Peter, you’re not the only one that’s changed,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit next to the Parker kid. “Thor has a drinking problem too. Clint, he was out murdering people who he thought didn’t deserve to live. I had a drinking problem too when my parents died. And I would’ve had a drinking problem if Pepper was around. No one judges you Pete. We’ve all done things we regret.”
“Even if we want to bring everyone back,” Peter looked down on the floor, shame for what he has become slowly creeping up at the mention of you and the face of his old mentor right in front of him. He didn’t realise what he had done was wrong until the past caught up to him. “She- she wouldn’t want me back. She told me to live my life, to find love and to look after you. She made me promise her. I’ve let her down. No one would look at me the same.”
“You had to do what you’ve done to get by. She’d understand,” Tony spoke, walking over to sit next to him on the couch. “Now we have to do what we got to do to bring them back. So are you in or not?”
Peter looked at Tony, at his old mentor, his once father figure. He then thought about you, his aunt and Ned. He’d do anything to get you guys back, even if it meant dying. It didn’t matter if you wouldn’t want him anymore because of what he’s become. Because he just wanted to hear your voice again. See you again.
“I’m in.”
It was night time at the Stark Cabin. Peter and Tony stood in the lab, as Tony was playing with the computer. He was looking at all the suits he had made for Peter, before coming across the Iron-Spider suit. He then pressed start, making nanoparticles move before forming the suit.
When it had been completed, Tony picked it up and handed it over to Peter. He gently picked it up, a weird feeling consuming his body. He hadn’t been Spider-Man for almost 4 years now. He had gone as Baba Yaga, wearing a black suit. It had been a while since he wore a red and blue suit.
“I don’t know about this,” Peter spoke, as he tried to put on the ironsuit. It moulded in his body, nanotech surrounding his body. He forgot the feeling of the cool metal, always used to the fabrics of cotton and leather of his noir suit that he’d been wearing for eternity.
Looking at himself in the mirror, Peter held his breath as flashbacks started to play in his mind. He gulped, seeing flashes of planet Titan, you and that eventful day.
“It hurts so much,” you sobbed as Peter held you before you fell on the floor. He watched as dust particles formed and reformed on your hands. It was like life was continuously being ripped and reformed from your body.
Peter wasn’t listening to what you were saying when you spoke to your father. He was only thinking about you. How he promised he wouldn’t let you die, but there you were, dying in his arms again. Then you had whispered his name and all his attention had been on you.
He remembered pleading you, no, begging you not to turn off your suit. That it was the only thing giving you life. But you were in too much pain. And it was only getting worse and worse. So, you told F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn it off and Peter had to watch your body collapse like a horror movie.
Peter shook his head, trying to get rid of the images in his head. He started breathing in and out heavily, his face getting hot and his heart beating rapidly. He looked at Tony whilst grabbing his own chest. “I-I can’t do this. I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“Peter, you can, okay?” Tony spoke, walking over to him, before grabbing his shoulder. “You just need to take a breath and remind yourself about what you’re doing and why.”
“I can’t okay! I was slowly moving on and then you put this suit on me and I saw her face staring right back at me!” Peter yelled, clenching his jaw before scratching his beard. “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come here.”
“But you did!” Tony replied back, as he put down the pencil he’d been using to tap on the holographic computer. “It means you want to do it. You want to bring everyone back.”
“I can’t if I’m going to have a panic attack every time I put on this suit-“
“Daddy!” A scream interrupted him as a girl ran towards Tony and hugged his legs. Tony then looked away from Peter, bringing his attention to his daughter. “Mommy told me to say goodnight.”
Peter started at her, unable to believe that Tony had another child. What made it also more shocking is her resemblance to you. It was like a miniature you was walking around and for a minute there, he couldn’t breath properly. This had also managed to stop his panic attack.
“Goodnight pumpkin,” Tony spoke, picking her up to kiss her head. Morgan then faced Peter, looking at him curiously. She looked at the various tattoos that was sprawled around his neck but couldn’t see the rest that was covered by his suit. He also had a beard so Morgan knew he was ‘old’.
“Daddy who’s that?”
Peter kept looking at her, unable to get his eyes off her. Her eyes had eyelashes that gave her a cat eye look, just like you had. She had also the same dimples and nose. The only difference was the fact that Morgan had Tony’s coloured eyes, which you didn’t, you got from your mother. “She- she looks like Y/N.”
Tony stayed quiet, knowing this had sparked something in Peter. Maybe all Peter needed was a reminder, a little kickstart, to get his head back in the game. Sure, five years was hell for Peter. But if there was something that was consistent about Peter no matter what happened in his life, it was his consistent urgency to fight.
“You know Y/N!” Morgan jumped out of her father’s grip and ran over to Peter, looking up at him excitedly. “Is she here!”
Peter smiled at her, looking at Tony before giving him a nod, telling him he was ready. He was ready to get his Aunt, Ned and you back. He was ready to give life another go. And if you didn’t give him a secound chance, it would be alright. As long you were back.
“She will be soon.”
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mrshenrycavill23 · 4 years
A Dream To Remember✨
#1 Destiny
“This is the view I’d die for” I said as I saw the beautiful beach that I could see when I opened my window. I had been to Antalya before but this time it hit different. I was a teenager back then, and so much had changed over the years. I got a full time job in a reputable firm, moved out of my city, and spent 5 years in Zurich working for the firm I had always wanted to. But I was always alone, mainly because of my brutal experiences with love and relationships in late teens and early twenties.
And also because I never really found someone that would make my heart melt, I always partly blame my fangirl period for that when I used to be a social media ‘stan’ for Henry Cavill, now that I think of it, never really found anyone like him and now I’m just void of it all. I’m used to living alone now. I really was never into flings. My only focus is my career, and travelling.
“Can you stop staring out of your window (y/n)? We didn’t come here to stay in the hotel!! We should be out there enjoying the views and turkish food!! Get ready, we’re leaving in 5 mins!” shouted Zara, accompanied by Sierra who were my friends and colleagues from Zurich, and my only companions for the trip.
Antalya has its own magic. Beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and oh the food! Food is to die for. It was just our second day, and because I was more into food than shopping, we chose one of the most expensive restaurants in all of Antalya , and decided to go there. It was the closest restaurant to the beach. We went inside and oh the aroma! The people were the elite class of Turkish society, the clatter of knives and spoons and fine dining. We three were dressed pretty casually, I was wearing a simple dress which looked quite the black sheep in the restaurant, but fortunately people were so busy in their conversations that no one noticed our ‘tourist’ kind of clothing. We quickly settled at a corner table, and were given menus by the waiters. While Zara and Sierra were having difficulty reading names of Turkish cuisines, I was looking around the fine interior of the restaurant. Just as I was about to lower down my gaze I saw something. I was startled. I felt like my heartbeat stopped. I could not process what I saw, or specifically, who I saw.
An incredibly handsome man, all muscular, wearing a cap and a fitted t-shirt with jeans, sitting alone at a table just behind ours. He was looking down at the menu card, and I again caught a quick glance at him to reassure myself if he was who I thought he is. Yes, it was Henry Cavill. The Henry Cavill.
Henry Cavill, who after recently completing the critically acclaimed and much loved The Witcher Netflix series and after doing three films of the worldwide famous James Bond series, was on a break. For more than a year, he was out of the spotlight for reasons unknown. All of these thoughts, all of those times when I used to fangirl over him on Twitter and other platforms, all the times I had always wished to see him went through my mind. But now I was a changed person, my life was no longer the same, and here I was feeling so strongly for this man. Zara suddenly looked at me and said, “Hey, are you ok? Your face is all red and you’re sweating. What’s wrong?” I didn’t know what to say, both of them weren’t much aware of Hollywood actors. So I said, “It’s... it’s Henry.. it’s Henry Cavill.. right behind our table” They looked at his table and Sierra instantly recognised him, “Oh he’s the new Bond, my sister loves this guy! Let’s go ask for a picture” I nervously replied, “NO, wait, maybe he doesn’t want any fans near him, i mean he’s sitting alone..”
“Oh come on, a picture won’t hurt, get up let’s go” said Sierra.
I tried to calm myself thinking it’s just a picture, and I can gather the courage to ask him for that without freaking out, I’m a 26 year old independent woman for God’s sake it’s not a big deal! So Sierra and I went to his table, and she instantly said “Hey! Henry Cavill?” He looked up, oh God his ocean eyes, I could not look directly at him but when I did I lost all my focus, but quickly tried to be composed again. “My sister is a huge fan of yours, can I take a picture with you Mr Bond?” Sierra said while smiling. He looked at her with a very heartwarming smile and said “Ofcourse, go ahead” She instantly took a selfie with him, thanked him and went straight back to our table leaving me alone.
It was just me now. Standing right beside him, while he was looking at me with his questioning eyes. “You want a picture too?” And I nervously said, “I don’t know if a picture can do justice to how much I have loved your work over the years”. He went silent for a few seconds, staring at me, and the way I responded to him. “So you’re not a new or seasonal fan? ah i see” he smiled. “Well, a picture won’t hurt, and it would act as a memory to relive this moment, so can I have one too?” I said, with a bit more confidence.
He gestured to take my phone and as I opened its camera, he himself took a selfie with me.
I thanked him, trying to keep my calm turned my back and started to walk away when he said, “Would you like to join me, if you and your friends don’t mind?” I instantly froze. I didn’t know what to say, I turned again and looked again in his deep blue eyes. Whenever I looked at him directly I felt so intimidated. I had no courage to even say anything other than “Yes, sure”. Sierra and Zara looked at me, laughed and gave a reassuring nod.
I sat down opposite him, and was smiling with nervousness and happiness. A kind of happiness I had never felt in my entire life.
“So, what do you want to eat? I’m thinking of these kebabs.” The ups and downs of my hormones had made me lose my appetite. I wasn’t hungry anymore. “Oh I’ve already eaten, one turkish coffee would be fine” I lied. He smirked and called the waiter, and ordered the food. All this time I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, his face, jawline, curls below his cap, and his fitted shirt, oh God why does he have to wear such fitted clothes. His arms. All of this was seductive, as if his voice alone wasn’t enough. “So, what is you name? And what are you doing here in Antalya?” I told him about my work trip and that I’m from Zurich. “Why are you here in Antalya of all places? You’ve been out of the spotlight for several months, so are you on a long vacation?” I fearfully asked as I knew I was getting personal.
In a very laid back and calm voice he answered, “I wanted a break. After doing my dream project, the witcher and finally getting to do Bond, I still felt incomplete. My life was being consumed by my work mostly. Half of the year I used to film for witcher and the other for Bond. I needed a break. So i went on a trip, alone. I traveled all of Europe, and Turkey is my last destination”
“So you’ve been alone all this time? If you dont mind me asking, why? For a man like you, it must be so easy to get women all around you. Why haven’t you found someone?” I knew I was getting too personal but all those early years of loving him and being obsessed with him started to hit me again. I had so many questions and such little time. I wanted to know so much but had so many restrictions.
He looked at me, with a firm face this time. He kind of looked low, and upset. I felt sorry that I had invaded his personal space. “Uh, I’m so sorry Henry. I know I asked a bit too much.” I was embarrassed when he casually put his hand over mine and reassured me saying, “Ah no (Y/N), I just didn’t know how to respond to your questions, was kind of contemplating over how to answer you. Well all of my past relationships have taught me something or the other. And some of the women I met were only interested in my wealth and status, it’s rare to find a person who actually wants to understand you. My only dream was to start a family of my own, and to do that I need to find a person who’s willing to spend her life with me as much as I’m willing to do so.”
A pause followed. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him and he couldn’t stop looking at me. It was like I was falling deeper with every second. I felt like his eyes could rip my clothes and my body, and could see my soul right through.
“Sir, maam, your order’s here” said the waiter as he interrupted our deep silence.
“Oh I’m starving!” said Henry. Which made me realise that he’s probably not nervous at all, and why would he be? I’m just a fan who is inappropriately in love with him and he probably thinks I’m just someone who can give him friendly company over this dinner.
I drank my coffee while I constantly noticed him eating his dinner, his jaw and the way he held his knife and fork, his fingers. I was way into it when I realised he’s not mine to have, I’m a nobody, and he’s a star.
He asked for the bill, and while I insisted to pay his eyes intimidated me again and he paid for both of us. We both stood up to leave, when I tried to look at my previous table, Zara and Sierra had already left. I quickly checked my phone and Zara had already messaged me that they’re gone for shopping at the nearby market and I can join them there.
While i was putting my phone back in my bag, I felt a warm breath near my ear, “Turns out your friends left you alone with me, huh?” Henry whispered, standing so close to me I could feel his scent entering my body. I realised the height difference then. I was so short standing next to his towering body, I could only reach his chest. I instantly became shy and moved a bit away, “Ah no, they left me a message, they’re at nearby market, I better get going” I dont know why I said about going when all I ever wanted was to stay. “God, please make him ask me to stay, please” I thought as I zipped my bag. “Um, would you want to go to the beach with me?” A wave of excitement flushed through me. “Right now? It’s dark.” I said.
“So what? I couldn’t go during the day as I wanted to stay away from being recognised, darn it, have to wear this cap to stay away from all the paparazzi!” Henry explained.
I smiled, “Oh I see, sure let’s go. I haven’t seen Konyalti beach at night anyway”.
We both left together and as soon as we left the restaurant, the sea shore began. He took off his shoes instantly, and started walking bare foot. “What? You’re not going to feel the sand? the moist sand, the smell of the beach. Reminds me of my childhood days in Jersey” he smiled as I looked at his feet. “You’re not going to take off your sandals?” He asked.
“Ah i dont want to get my feet dirty, we spent the entire day at the beach already!” I exclaimed. He instantly stared at me, sat on his knees, while I wasn’t able to understand what’s going on, he immediately untied my sandals and took them off my feet. “HENRY!?? oh my God, what even?” I shouted while laughing.
“What’s the point of walking on the beach with shoes on?” He remarked.
We walked along the beach. The moonlight reflected on the waves as they hit the shore. The sound of waves crashing, gave me the peace I was longing for. But maybe it wasn’t just that, it was him, his breathtaking presence, walking beside me, silently. The silence interrupted by our casual conversations about each other’s childhood, about how we wished our lives were a bit different, about the risks that we took to become what we were today in our respective fields. As we reached the end of the shoreline, the market began where Zara and Sierra had asked me to meet.
“This is the market, we’ve been passing through it since the past two days but never really got time to visit. So that’s why we had planned to go right now” I explained to Henry.
He moved closer to me and slowly moved his hand towards mine, and held it. His fingers with mine, I felt a rush of feelings inside me. It was as if my body didn’t know how to react. I was stunned. “Don’t leave, not yet. Do you.. maybe, do you want to have a drink with me? or maybe walk me back to my hotel?” Henry said.
His eyes, those mesmerising eyes. I had no right to say no. And why would I? I could die to spend more time with him.
“Um, yeah..I guess” I said, nervously.
We walked towards his hotel which was just five minutes away from the beach. He was holding my hand all along, and I did not and could not ruin this moment. I simply wanted to lose control, when the insecurities inside me kept telling me that I wasn’t worth any of his affection, I still wanted to lose my senses.
We went inside his hotel, the receptionist welcomed him, and we both straight went to his room. His room was a deluxe suite, felt like a room of a Mediterranean Palace. It smelled of his scent, that strong seductive scent which felt like it could rip right through my clothes and caress my soul. He let go of my hand as soon we entered his room.
“So this is where I’ve been living since the past two weeks.” Henry said, as he locked the door.
“Wow, two weeks here? We barely have four days left of our trip here” He stopped and gave me a worried look.
I was looking at his clothes all piled up on a sofa chair where I was about to make my place to sit, when Henry came from behind and strongly held my hand, turned my face towards him and pushed me against the wall. “Henry..?” I said as a whisper.
He said, “ Shh, four more days only?” He said as he moved his face closer to mine. I was almost shivering. He pushed himself against me, gently, as he slowly moved his hand and touched my face. He stared directly into my eyes, and I let myself lose control.
He slowly kissed me, as his lips unfolded mine. His tongue touched mine. It was like fire. It was like fire raging through my entire body. He was so passionate, so gentle yet so intimidating.
I could feel him getting hard. I was wet just by him kissing me.
He slowly untied my dress, while I ripped off his shirt. I couldn’t control myself any longer. I had saved myself for someone special all of my life, and this was it. This was like a dream come true. He picked me up, and gently pushed me on the bed, everything was happening like house on fire. His body, so heavy and dominating, over mine felt like I was being caressed and touched through every part of my existence. He now moved his lips from my lips towards my neck. I moaned and scratched his back, while I wrapped my legs around him, I couldn’t resist any longer. I wanted him inside me. I wanted him to take me.
He instantly went straight down as he undid my lingerie. I felt invaded, but this was invited invasion. I ran my fingers through his beautiful curly hair as he indulged his face down. His tongue worked like an artist’s paintbrush on a painting. Everytime his tongue touched my clit, I’d moan louder and he’d put his hand over my mouth. He suddenly pushed his tongue inside me, when he realised it. He kissed my belly, and then sucked my nipples for so long there was spit all over my breasts. There was a wine bottle beside the bed, he looked over grabbed it and poured wine over me. I moaned louder while I was barely in my senses, when he pushed himself over me and whispered in my ears “You sure you want this? You want me to take it?” I could not have explained to him how much I wanted this, how much I wanted him to fuck me hard. “Fuck me, Henry. Please” I said. I could feel his temperature as he rubbed his dick down on me. I could feel the thickness, the veins, the touch. He was most certainly a giver.
“I wont let it hurt you, (y/n)” He kissed me hard as he slowly pushed it inside me. It hurt me but the sensations overtook me. I couldn’t feel any pain. It felt like I was not in my senses anymore.
His heavy muscular body over me, as he grinded deeper, he moaned. It was at that moment when I came hard. I could not resist his moans. He was noisy, and the moans made me weak, my legs shivered, and he kept fucking me hard. I whispered “I am coming, baby” He moaned, and fucked deeper, as he let himself lose on me, he came while he kissed me, I felt every bit of him coming inside me. It made me come even more. We were both wet and sweating. As we finished, he pushed his eyes over my neck while I ran my fingers through his curls.
It was unusual. It felt like he had been resisting something for so long and as if he’s finally free. He kissed my forehead, and then again he pushed his face below my neck, as if trying to hide from the world. I hugged him tightly as I took the quilt at the side of the bed and covered us both. We were together, our bodies tangled with each other’s, and we were hidden. Hidden from the world. We slept, and slept for so long and neither of us had kept of track of time.
I woke up as sun’s rays ripped inside through the window and pushed away curtains. I woke up and look at Henry. He was truly created by God when He had decided to pour in all the beauty and perfection. His eyelashes, his beautiful face, his curls on his forehead, I felt so blessed. To wake up next to him, and not just next to him, he was in the exact position he slept in. His head on my chest. I kissed his forehead, and ran my fingers through his curls. He opened his eyes, still sleepy. “(Y/N) ? You didn’t leave?” He asked me.
“I’d never leave you, Henry.” I said. Not knowing if what I said is appropriate or not.
“Wait what time is it!?” I asked as I tried to find my phone, which was on the side of our bed. 23 missed calls and messages from Zara and Sierra. I forgot to tell them that I won’t be coming to the market. Damn it.
“What happened? Is everything okay?” Henry asked, as he sat up on the bed, trying to find something to wear. “I forgot to inform my friends last night, they must be so worried” I said in a confusing tone. As I was still on a sex hungover state of mind.
I got up and changed while he did the same.
“You must be hungry, dont say no!?” He said.
I was worried about my friends. I had to talk to them and explain everything. “But Henry, I have to go now, I have to tell them where I was” I worriedly said.
“I’ll go with you” he said, with his signature smirk and that eyebrow lift.
We both left the hotel, took a cab and asked the driver to take us to my hotel. Meanwhile I called my friends and said I was with Henry and we went to watch a movie and kind of spent the night walking on the beach to see the sunrise and now I was going to for shopping alone. I knew it was a lame excuse but I had no other scenario to tell them. Henry asked the cab driver to stop. “What? Why here?” I asked, confused.
“Now that you’ve lied to your friends already, why not have breakfast with me atleast?” He said innocently. I was amused and I smiled.
This guy, who’s literally loved by millions of people around the world, is right here with me, there’s nothing in the world that can actually be more important to me than spending as much time with him as I can. But was I really worth it all? My insecurities started to kick again, as he suddenly held my hand. I wonder how he realises the correct moment to hold my hand. As if he has known me all along and when I need reassurance. His eyes looked beautiful, as usual, but in the daylight I could notice the colour of his eyes. One different as the other, it’s like God wanted to be more creative with colours.
Part 2 - Tangled ✨
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fireteam-dauntless · 4 years
A Tale of Two Guardians IX
Part 1 of the Destined Series. Chapter 9 : Evacuation masterlist
word count : 1.8k tag list : @mail-me-a-snail @basically-nacl send me an ask or a pm to be added to the tag list!
There was radio silence for the next 20 minutes.  We were waiting on Skinner to finish his scouting mission.  I was on one knee by the Legionaries that were transporting our Guardians, checking ammunition and trying to keep my focus off of the dead bodies of my friends that were next to me.  I kept my sniper perched on my leg and I could see Maverick was casting a glance my way every now and then.  Then the comms light up, and the two of us opened up the channel so Skinner could come through.
“So I’ve got two routes for you,” Skinner said through the Taken static.
“Alright let’s hear ‘em,”  Maverick responds.
“You’ve got the most direct route but there’s a lot of Taken there with a couple rifts.”
“Alright, what about option two?”
“It’s completely out of the way but there’s no rifts and very little Taken.”
“So a bloodbath or a long diversion.”
Maverick turned to the Cabal’s leader. “What do you think we should do?”
“How long is the long way?”  The Bracus asked.
“About 15 to 20 min if it stays quiet,”  Skinner responds.  Maverick relayed the information.
“And the short way?”  He asked again.
“Straight through the cafe and a 5 minute run down the hallway,”  the Hunter reported.
“So I vote safe, Zahn?”  Maverick turned to the Bracus.
“I’m with the short way.”
I paused before responding.  Maverick was leaving the vote to me.  While taking the short way was the fastest way out of here, it was too risky.  We could all die if we got overwhelmed. “Take the long way,” I said.  “I’ll cover you if anything comes up behind us.”
Zahn cuts in. “I could send some of my men down the short path as a diversion.”
“That’s suicide Zahn,”  Maverick protested.
“They understand that without sacrifice there can be no victory,” Zahn reaffirmed.
“As much as I don’t like it, they’re your men.”  Maverick turned to all of us in the room.  “Alright, then that’s the plan.  Let’s get moving people, let's not waste time. Skinner, you get to the air strip ahead of us and watch the Taken’s movements and radio if they start to catch on to our plan.”
“You’ve got it, o’ great leader,”  Skinner responded spitefully, then the channel cut off.
I stood and readied my sniper.  “Maverick,” I said, and he turned to me.  “I’ll cover you and watch for snipers.  Lead the way forward.”
Before we leave Zahn commands half of his Legionaries down to the hallway.  I nodded to all of them as they passed me.  They were ready to die in order to get us out.  All I could think of was Gilly.  He was ready to die in order to get us out, but I was the only one who made it.
“They’re probably not going to make it, you know that right?”  Maverick said to Zahn.
“I know and so do they, but I have taken their names so their sacrifice will be remembered.”
“Skinner are you in position?”  Maverick said over the channel.
“Yup, waiting on you people.”
“Alright let’s get moving people.”
As we all leave the armory Zahn motions for the Legionaries for the distraction toward the main door. 
Zahn gave his men a speech to boost their moral.  My Cabal was rusty, but it sounded like he was telling them this was for our escape, so not to falter. 
The rest of us head to the other way.  I stayed behind with a new legion that was transporting the dead.  A few Phalanxes and a Colossus followed behind me.
The comms light up again, and Skinner comes back through, speaking more to Maverick than me. “I still get to throw my knife at you back at the Tower right?”  He asked
“If we make out of here you can throw all the knives you want,”  Maverick sighed.
He laughed maniacally and cut the channel.
Our procession down the hallway was quiet, minus the sound of footsteps.  I kept glancing behind us, just to be sure we weren’t being followed. 
“Skinner your intel is solid, not a rift in sight.” Maverick said over the comms.
“You’re fucking right my intel’s solid,” Skinner said sarcastically.  “But the Taken are headed to the other door no doubt to help beat those Legionaries.”
“Good, less resistance for us.” As we’re moving forward, Maverick turns around and shouts the rest of us. “Alright Zahn, your men bought us a window let’s make sure we don’t waste it!”
“How's it looking out there?” Maverick asked Skinner.
“Quiet, most of the Taken went to the hallway. Good call on taking the long way.”
“Are there any snipers out there?”
“None that I can see, it's pretty clear, but there are rifts out here so we better make this quick ‘cause it will get ugly out here fast.”
“Well, we’re at the doors, is the coast clear?”
“For now, but with your fat ass I doubt it will stay that way for long,”  the Hunter snickers, and I couldn’t help but give a little bit of a sigh myself.
“Children,” I chided over the comms, “behave.”
“Alright, ass,” Maverick responded to Skinner, then cut out of the channel.  “Zahn, you and I should go out first and secure the ships.”
“Good idea, Light Warrior,”  Zahn responded, and commanded his men, splitting them up and telling them where to go.  I couldn’t help but keep glancing down the hallway behind us.  I started to get a bad feeling about this, it was way too quiet.  Before I could even bring it up to Maverick, though, I heard him tell Zahn to open the door, and they were gone.  I hurried over to the door and knelt down, glancing down scope.  I watched the airstrip as they ran, watching for trouble, waiting for this feeling in my gut to go away.  I moved my scope off from them once they reached the ships and scanned the runway.  
“Okay, Genesis,”  Maverick said over comms.  “It’s all clear, come to the ships.”
I thought I caught some movement down the other end, but it was gone in an instant.  “I don’t know, Mav,” I said as I lowered my sniper and stood.  “I’m picking up some movement from the other end of the airstrip.”  Even still, I motioned for the team of Cabal with me to follow, and we started to move.  My gut started to wrench, like something was about to happen, so I motioned for the team to go ahead of me.  I kept following them, but I stopped every five steps or so to look behind us and down the runway.  And just like that, when we were halfway to the ship, every portal came to life and Taken started to pour onto the airstrip.  
“Fuck!” Maverick shouted.  “It’s an ambush! Skinner, start taking them out, if you get compromised, come to me!  Zahn, tell your men with Genesis to protect them at all costs!”
The Cabal and I formed a body barrier around the ones who were carrying the dead.  I took out any snipers I could see from afar.  The first wave of enemies was brushed off with ease.  I quickly scanned the airstrip, and of course, back the way we came, I saw way too many Taken start to pour out of the hallway.  
“Move, move, move!” I shouted, waving for the Cabal to start running down the strip, and I brought up the rear.  “Mav, we’re about to have a lot of Taken behind us.”
“Copy that,” he responded.  
I paused for a half second to take out a couple more Taken snipers that appeared, it couldn’t have been longer than that, but a Blight started to form in the small distance that was between the Cabal and I.  I lowered my gun and backed away from it, and a gigantic Taken Knight spawned right in front of me
Why is it always me?  I thought spitefully to myself.  “Keep going!” I shouted to the Cabal, then pulled out my Sol Edge sword just in time to block it’s melee attack, but the pure force of it sent me backwards several feet.  I quickly caught my footing, but before I could even go in for an attack, I heard the distinct clang of a hammer, and I looked up in awe as Maverick slammed a Sunbreaker’s hammer into the Knight’s leg, causing it to fall back, and started hammering it’s face into the ground.
Maverick was screaming and shouting a long string of curses.  There was so much anger and rage in his voice it was barely recognizable. 
When the hammer finally faded from his hand, he stood, though his body was still surrounded by an aura of Solar energy.  He turned to me.  “Let’s go!” He shouted.  “Before I have to pound another Knight into the ground.”
I could only nod and I ran past him, catching back up to the team.  I escorted them the rest of the way to the Harvester without another problem, as most of the Taken had fallen back after Mav’s display of power.  The Cabal started loading them onto the ship and I stood by the ramp, scanning the runway.
“Skinner,” Maverick shouted once he caught back up with us.  “Come down here and watch her.  I still have to escort Zahn and his men to their ship. And Genesis,” he turned to me, “please try not to get killed.”
I held up my hands. “Hey, it’s not my fault everything has a hard on for me.”
He shook his head, but I could hear him chuckling to himself as he walked away.  Skinner appeared beside me, and he watched the entrance while I went inside to make sure everyone was secured for the ride home.  I knelt down next to my team members again, saying a small right of passing so they could have safe passage to the afterlife.  Whatever that was.
I stayed inside with them until I saw Maverick coming back from Zahn.  I joined Skinner back down on the ramp, and when he was within earshot, I said, “Alright Mav, everyone’s loaded on the ship, we’re just waiting on you.”
“Good,” he replies.  “I’m flying the Harvester. You, my Ghost and Skinner will be flying escorts. You’ll be behind me. Skinner and Ghost you’ll be to my sides. Alright now call your ships.”
“Aww, but wanted to strap you to the front of my ship,”  Skinner whines.  I rolled my eyes.  But of course, Maverick just had to indulge him.
“That’s a pretty fucking dumb idea, Skinner,” Mav responded.
“Yeah just as dumb as you coming here ALONE!” 
“Fuck off, I would have been fine.”
“NO you wouldn’t have.”
While they were arguing, I saw movement all the way back down the airstrip.  They were coming back for more, now that the Cabal were gone.
“GUYS!” I yelled.  “Taken!  Let’s GO!” 
“Can I throw Mav to them?”  Skinner asked.
“NO YOU CAN’T NOW LETS GO!” I snapped, then pulled out my Ghost and teleported back into my ship.
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doyouwanteggyeggs · 4 years
Day 2: Please tell me you’re safe
Friday the 3rd of July. I thought to myself “God, I don’t want this night to end”. I  said it to him too. He didn’t reciprocate it like he did the last time we said we would go on a break. He said he needed to wake up and put on his underwear immediately as if he didn’t want me to see his naked body anymore. He asked me if I wanted breakfast and I said no so he offered to make me coffee instead. Something about his cold demeanor didn’t feel right and I realised that the last thing we spoke about that night, as I fell asleep, was me asking him how we were to spend the next few weeks apart. He said he was used to being alone and that we should try and enjoy being alone, catch up with friends, reconnect with family and just carry on doing work. I thought it was strange how calm and collected he was especially when he said that he was used to being alone after having spent an entire year with me. Something felt wrong. I waited for him to get into the shower before I reached for his phone, shakily entered the pin I remembered from golden plains, and began looking through his messages. For the most part, they seemed normal. It seemed he was in fact trying to reconnect with his old friends including an Indian girl who he kept pursuing for a drink who seemed to not really take interest and reply. I thought that was strange. I then went to scroll his Instagram to see who he had looked up. Had he looked me up everyday like I had looked him up on Facebook search and Instagram search. He hadn’t even once.
One more scroll, as my heart was racing from feeling wrong about doing this, shaking I saw something that made my heart pause. Tinder. The icon. I opened it and found that he had hidden his discovery. Perhaps he knew that he would be discovered by me or perhaps he didn't want to risk notifications when I was there. Either way, he was on Tinder gold which meant he had to pay for a subscription to it. It wasn’t an impulsive decision but rather a calculated thought out decision. I scrolled through all the girls he had chat up and realised they were older, fulfilling the “I need someone to guide me” criteria,  unattractive, and mostly just girls who seemed really desperate themselves. I took my phone out and recorded this for I couldn’t believe my eyes. Especially when I realised that one of the pictures on his profile, was a picture I had taken of him. I knew then that he had mentally clocked out and this was in fact over. He had gotten on tinder on the 25th of June which was one of the days HE decided he would be on a break. We were meant to meet that night for dinner but he said he needed that night to reflect on his therapy session from Wednesday and recollect his thoughts. Little did I know that he had exchanged numbers with girls, queued up dates for the weekend we were supposed to meet, and even called a girl because she’d asked to hear his voice. He hadn’t picked up my calls or texted me or called me like he usually did but here he was, texting these other girls and calling them so they could hear his voice.
Did our relationship really hit the wall? Was I so cruel to him and made him so miserable by forcing him to stay in a relationship he didn't want? Is this why he resulted to this type of behaviour and completely hurt all my trust in him? Suddenly I didn’t see the man I fell in love with. I saw a monster. A man that destroyed me completely as I forced myself to wail and become hurt. I left it open and started furiously getting ready. I had just made his bed for him and I was so angry that I even had. He heard the door open and came out of the shower to ask me what I was doing. He saw me cry as I waited for the elevator to take me away from this world I felt trapped in. I went back in and talked to him. I said how could you do this to me and he seemed to be shocked at first but then I saw his eyes rush to his phone as if he knew himself that he was up to no good. “Why did you do this to me? Why did you lie to me? I asked you I asked you. Are you on tinder? do you want to go on a break? do you want to be with other women? I asked you and you lied to me”
This is what his description read and this wasn’t easy to type, especially when one of his likes listed was Shiraz. Did he not think about me then....?
“Melbourne local but lived and travelled abroad. Work in Commercial Property (Marketing” 
5′10, pictures are recent, I’m developing a very strong iso-beard and can bring a puppy to a date.
Love travel, steak, dogs, shiraz, films, attempting to surf and my favourite families are The Simpsons and The Sopranos.
No 5-G conspiracy theorists”
I couldn’t stop crying. He was embarrassed and when I attempted to take his phone to show him the messages, he snatched it from me and threw it onto the floor. He tried to calm me down but I was beyond consoling. I was devastated, in so much agony and honestly, just felt like dying. I kept yelling at him, “I just want to die. I feel like death right now. You will never have good things in your life because you destroy everything that is good for you. Everyone you love you treat them like shit. Who loves you more than your mother or right after her? That was me. I gave you everything and this is what I got in return. You destroyed me. I want to die.”
I felt like dying. I wanted to get into my car and I hoped I would get hit by another car. I had to rationalise my feelings. I got into my car, took out a cigarette and smoked it. I texted Hasna with the video I took of him being on tinder including the hooker looking female he had made plans with for later. I didn’t know what to do or how to react. He kept texting me, please tell me you’re safe but I couldn’t care less. Why did he suddenly care about my feelings? did he think I was suicidal? He came downstairs 15 mins later and asked me to be safe through the window then said he would call me later. I didn’t give him any eye contact as he frantically gave up and walked towards the train station. I sat there for another 15 mins and then cried again. Except I couldn’t really cry. I was forcing myself to. Guess the antidepressants really worked. I knew he was going to Rye later today. If he really cared, he would have called my sister, called my friends and tried to get in touch with them. Cancelled his trip to Rye and come over to check up on me. It seemed like false concern and I didn’t want to entertain that. I knew he was done. But was I...? It’s almost as if my heart is resisting this breakup. How did I let myself get to this stage where I have completely given myself up to a man and let myself go?
It was time to reclaim my heart. And so I though I would start blogging the next few days of my life in the hopes that they get better and less painful with every post.
The next few weeks are going to be the hardest weeks of my life.
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mnyg1800com · 6 years
yandere!mafia boss bts reaction to their s/o escaping
*req. by atricksterwithwings* 
thank you for the request!!! (spoiler, they all find you yerr((also these are so long im sorry also also sorry for any typos i didn’t proofread this oof)
kim seokjin:
It was a long day. He had to dispose of many of his enemies today and he wanted nothing more than to stay at home and be pampered by you. Usually, it would be the other way around, but he knew you would understand him and how stressed he was feeling. He sent you a text saying ‘ill be home in 10, love you!’ When he arrived at his large house, he dropped his jacket onto a rack and commanded for the servants to make a dinner for the two of you, but when he commanded them he could see the look of fear in their eyes before nodding and disappearing into the kitchen. 
However, when he entered your shared, usually, clean room he saw disaster. He saw the sheets were thrown over the bed and the closest were open, along with the window which let the cool air blow in. Jin quickly pieced the clues together and fell onto his knees, you left him. He simply kneeled on the bedroom floor, trying to wake himself up from the trance. A light hand tapped his shoulder and he thought it was you as he whipped his head around quickly only to be greeted with a servant instead. 
“Sir, your dinner,” they weakly muttered, keeping their head down. 
“I don’t need dinner, not until Y/n comes back!” Jin exclaimed, standing up and bolting outside the room. But when he passed by the kitchen, he saw only one dinner plate. They knew you had left, why else would they place only one dinner plate at the table. Pushing those thoughts away, for now, Jin rushed to the door where he got his car keys. He kept telling himself to calm down and talk to all of his connections, anyway who could help him find you. 
With a few texts, he got screenshots of you entering a hotel just down the street. Of course, he would find you, he would always find you no matter how hard you tried to run. He sneaked into the hotel, not wanting to draw attention and only wanting yours at the moment, you mattered now and he didn’t need to be questioned by anyone. When he was successfully int he building, he knocked on your door and while he waited he cursed himself for not bringing flowers or a gift. 
But when you did open the door he ignored your shocked eyes and brought you into a hug, whispering how much of an idiot he was for letting you leave. He began to cry as you could only to try to fight a way out of his grasp, but it was useless. Jin pulled way to look at you with teary eyes, breathing heavily from both his sobs and his frantic movements to see you again. 
“I could’ve lost you forever, thank god I found you!* continues to sob and hold you in his arms*” 
“We have to get you home, and this time I will make sure you are safely guarded and watched over at all times so this won’t ever happen again. I can’t believe I let you get away from me, I’ll make sure you feel safe enough to stay this time Y/n. I promise!” 
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min yoongi:
Since the moment Yoongi woke up without you by his side he was already in a bad mood. You warned him the night before that you were going to leave early for an important meeting and he scowled at the thought of you not being with him. So with a heavy heart, he got ready for his darker life and had to carry out during his day knowing you were somewhere else. however, the day seemed to get progressively worse with each waking second. The trade deal that was so important for him was suddenly canceled when the opposing boss shot one of his members, so now they have to go through war, which was always a hassle for Yoongi to clean up. 
So when he arrived later at night, he felt the need to bring you something to make up for it. Surely, you were going to be waiting for him when he got home, you always were. With a hand full of chocolates, the other one full of beautiful flowers, he opened the door to his large home and immediately went upstairs to your shared bedroom.   
“Sweetie?” Yoongi softly called out, opening the door slowly just in case you were sleeping. But instead of seeing your peaceful, but beautiful sleeping form on the white bed, he saw empty sheets and a messy closet. It took him time, but he realized you had done it. You ran away. Yoongi dropped the gifts and clutched his hair, before yelling in frustration. How could he let you get away, you were his everything! He should’ve been more careful! Thoughts like this swirled Yoongi’s mind, making him sit for a moment to collect himself. 
“Take a deep breath,” he muttered to himself, reminding himself of you trying to calm him down. That brought him down from his high and exited the bedroom, going into the computer room where he typed away furiously. He hacked into local camera trying to find you, but you seemed to cover your tracks well because he couldn't spot you in any of them. That didn’t mean he was going to give up though. 
Yoongi spent weeks of sleepless night where he simply ran on caffeine in front of his computer screen, the patter of his finger against the keys never stopping unless for a bathroom or coffee break. His phone buzzed all night, probably from his members calling for his help. They didn’t matter right now, you did and he wasn’t resting until he found you. 
One day, one thankful day, you had slipped up. It had been weeks of your runaway and Yoongi was close to becoming crazy without seeing you. Pictures could only hold him back for so long. he had caught sight of one of your earrings in the corner of one picture, then the next was a full image of your distressed face. 
“Oh, baby. I’m coming to get you right now, don’t be sad anymore.” Yoongi wanted t touch you through the screen, but of course, the only way he could was if he saw you in person, which is what he was going to do. After hopping into one of his fastest cars, he sped through town to go to the place you were staying at. One photo can lead you to many places, and this one led him to you. 
He crashes through the glass doors, pushing it so aggressively to the side it almost broke.  he demanded you at the front desk, not afraid to flash his handgun to the desk lady who quickly gave you the room number and then ran away afterward. When Yoongi finally got to your room, he wasted no time in barging in, not bothering to knock. 
Yoongi saw you covering yourself with the sheets, and he dropped his gun to the side to bring you into the most suffocating hug. After when he pulled away, he hungrily kissed your lips that he so desperately craved. Through wet tears he sobbed into your arms, saying how sad he was without you he felt like he was going to die. 
“I was so sad! Why? Why did you leave me when I had no one else?! You’re so lucky I found you before I went crazy, or else who knows what I would do?” 
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna spend so much more time with you, I won’t ever leave your side so you can’t pull anything like this again. I love you so much, I’m so thankful I found you!” 
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kim namjoon: 
His day was going wonderful, much better than he expected. He woke up to the lovely breakfast that you prepared with your whole heart, as you said to him when you served his food, and he felt his heart swell up. You were like his angel and he would do anything to protect you. It took everything he had to leave the comfort of his bed, and it was much harder when you were so peacefully sleeping in his arms. But he knew he had a job to do and people counted on him every day. 
When he arrived at work, people greeted him with bows of respect as he only nodded. He went straight to his office to get to work of a messed up trading deal, and it was already 5 hours into his work and he was getting tired of looking at the papers in front of him. so he began to text you, frantically. It started calm, but then when you didn’t respond he texts began to become more erratic and desperate.
‘are you okay? did something happen?’
‘you aren’t responding like usual...’
Namjoon was told he worried too much for you, but he thought it was normal. After all, it gave him the advantage because then he could always know when something was wrong with you. Like right now, something had to be up. He left his office heading to the technology hub in the middle of the large facility. 
“Get me cameras on every street corner and street crossing!” 
At the sound of his demanding tone, people scurried and pulled pictures from all over Seoul. he told his men to keep an open eye for any image or picture of you, then did so. But none of them caught anything, including Namjoon. 
“Boss, maybe you’re over thinking this. Just head home and we’ll keep an open eye.” Namjoon nodded and quietly stepped out of the hub, immediately heading for his overly expensive car. He drove home trying to assure himself everything was fine, but there was always a voice in the back of his head that was soon going to send him into alert mode. 
When he arrived home, he took note of how your car was still parked out in the garage. He still wasted no time in rushing into the house, ignoring the greetings from his servants. He made his way up to your shared bedroom and sighed when he saw you weren’t there. Where could you have gone? What if you were hurt? At this time, Namjoon looked down on himself for making his relationship with you public, now you the lover of a mafia boss was walking out in the city all alone, no guards or anything. 
“Fuck!” Was all Namjoon could say before bolting out of his house again. Fuck being patient. Fuck over-thinking. And fuck the help of others, he would find you by himself, without anyone. This, of course, meant the process is longer, but he would feel so much better when he would find you and know he did it by himself, he was capable of taking care of what was his anyway. 
On a late night drive, he caught a glimpse of a woman walking down the street by herself. the chances of it being you were slim, but Namjoon couldn’t help himself from checking. Slowly, he pulled the car to the curb and stepped out of the vehicle. He grabbed onto the girl’s shoulder, and surprisingly it was you. Namjoon wasted no time, he brought you to the car and you were too worn out to even fight back. When you arrived back home, he pampered you to death. That is before he bombarded you with questions. 
“I was going to go crazy! So many sleepless nights, but it’s fine because I finally have you again, my love. I finally have you again.” 
“Why do you run away? Was it something I did? Tell me! I can’t just let this go, I was really going insane!” 
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jung hoseok:
His original plan was to spend the whole day with you, it was like his off-day. And he really wanted to be with you today because work had scrambled him up and he just needed to have private time with you again. But of course, the plan didn’t work out and right when you two were watching a movie he got a call. He was going to ignore it, but you told him it was going to be important and e should pick it up. Apparently, something so urgent happened at the HQ and he was the only one that could fix it. the whole call sounded like complete bullshit, but he knew he had to go and report to his duties, no matter how much he hated those duties. 
When he got to the HQ, it seemed like it was empty. When he stepped into the center where everyone usually would be, there was no one. He took a step into his office and there was no one there. was this some shit prank? because he made sure to tell everyone that he was going to have an off-day and no one was allowed to interrupt, it was his only time to be with you and now it was ruined. 
“Those bastards,”  was all Hoseok said as he made his way out and to his car once again. They were going to get punished so badly when he comes back tomorrow, they really went and pushed him. But he had to forget about that for now and just return home to you. He was already smiling at the thought of you two together for the whole night, and if he really was lucky, tomorrow morning as well. His mind drifted off and before he knew it he was back home. 
He didn’t notice how your car had left the spot of the garage mainly because he was already rushing to go back inside. he pouted upon seeing you no longer sitting on your spot on the couch, but his face lit up. what if you were so tired you went straight to bed, that would've been the absolute cutest. He rushed upstairs, calling your name out cutely, but when he opened the door he met emptiness again. 
“Huh? Y/n-ie! Angel!!” he called out, this time more frantically, throwing over duvets and pillows, practically turning the whole house upside down. Panic set in as he looked outside and saw that your car was missing, he scoffed at his inability to realize that when he firsts arrived home again. 
Thankfully, he set up a GPS tracker on one of the backseats in your car. He calmly, but not so-calmly, tapped on his phone to find out the exact location of where your car currently was. When he found out you were staying in a hotel downtown, he wasted no time to make his way downtown, driving fast.
he had to get to you quickly before something happened to you. Hoseok tried to push away all of his empty worries, assuring himself nothing would happen to you and you would be fine. Everyone in town knew how you were and they knew no better than to mess with his girl. So when his expensive car pulled up to the hotel’s parking lot, people ducked their heads and looked in the other direction away from his menacing glare. It was beginning to be hard to control his temper. 
He didn’t bother explaining himself to the desk lady, flashing his handgun and keeping it out until he was in the elevator ride, to the floor you were staying in. He had snatched a keycard from the desk lady and inserted it into the slot, quietly opening the door. He sighed in relief when he heard the shower running and then waited for you on the bed. 
He examined the room to see you even bothered packing, did you plan this all along? Was that why you were so keen on him leaving the house? Did you privately speak to his men, and did they abide by your request? Well, obviously did they because look where the two of you were now. 
When he heard the water stop, he waited outside the bathroom door. when you stepped out of the shower, hair wet and only wearing a towel, Hoseok pinned you to the wall he was previously leaning on. He stared into your frightened eyes, his piercing into your own before his expression flipped. A kind smile adorned his face as he cupped your cheeks, pushing away wet strands of hair to see you properly. He wasn’t going to unleash his suspicions on you, nor his anger, that’s what he was going to do to his men though, and they were going to regret ever speaking to you. 
“Angel, I missed you so much! You were only gone for 2 hours, but I was going mad! That’s how much you mean to me!” 
“I don’t wanna hear anything about this from now on anymore, this is in the past and we can both forget this ever happened, okay angel? I’m just happy i was smart enough to find you again, oh I love you!” 
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park jimin:
Jimin was working on papers in his office when someone bursts into his room, panting heavily. Jimin looks at them unimpressed and then asks them what they have to tell him. 
“Sir,” there was a pause for another deep breath, “it’s Y/n! She was spotted by the spies you sent to follow her! She was seen with 2 large suitcases.” 
Jimin stopped his hand from signing the paper, looking up at the young boy in front of him. “Are you shitting me right now? Because if this is a joke you are asked to leave.” Jimin really didn’t believe it, you wouldn’t do that to him. You never would even think about going away, without telling him. Isn’t that running away? Why would you need to run away from him? All these questions only confirmed his ideas of this being a prank of some sorts.
“We swear it, sir, we wouldn’t lie about your girl like this....did you know she was going away? Or is sh-” 
“Get out!” Jimin's loud voice was heard throughout the HQ. He took in a deep breath and dialed your number on his phone, hoping you would pick up. Crushing his hopes, you didn't and Jimin was left hearing your sweet voice over voicemail. As much as Jimin lived for your voice, he needed to hear it from you right now, not some voice recording which was recorded months ago. 
“I’m leaving, make sure Jungkook takes care of anything that happens!” and that was all the gang heard from Jimin before he disappeared. His movements were frantic as he cleared off the study table which was in your once shared room. He cried when he noticed just how empty he was without. With a heavy heart, he shut the laptop and crawled into the bed, purposely going onto your side to take in your still present scent. 
For the past days, Jimin’s heart was empty as he scrolled through each security camera he could hack into, none showing any signs of you. His heart broke every night he had to crawl into bed by himself and be left with his thoughts that were only o you. How were you? What if you had gotten hurt? No, you wouldn’t. everyone knew to steer clear from you or else they would be dead the next day. Why were you hiding from him? 
Jimin fell into depression when you left, every night either crying himself to sleep or staring at is phone longing at the image of one of your selcas. He was blocked from all of your social media accounts so al he was old photos of you. He tried his best to create separate accounts but you were smart never accepted his follow requests or just blocked that account if you did. At least that was he knew you were safe and alive.  
Jimin was lurking the internet one day, eyes bloodshot red from his tears and a long time in front of his phone screen. He saw one of your friends take a picture with you, smiling in front of the backdrop of a beach. You must be in Busan, which would explain why he didn’t find any of your images in the security camera’s in Seoul. 
in seconds Jimin was heading down to his hometown, luggage, and laptop in hand as he boarded a train to Busan. He checked into a hotel which was near the beach you have located in the picture. He set up his search table rather quickly, looking through each security camera that was near his area. His watchful eyes stared at all of them, all by himself may I add, and he perked up when he saw a slither of a scarf that he had remembered. It was a gift he had gotten for you, it warmed his heart that you were still wearing. 
Finally, after months of searching for you, he found you and he was thankful. He watched live through the cameras as you traveled through the town, by yourself thankfully, and smiled softly when you looked at things through the windows of shops. He pinned the location to his phone and left eh hotel, in a frenzy to catch up to where you were just to be sure that he didn’t miss you. When he saw you a few stores down from where he last saw, he sprinted to you. 
You didn’t notice or hear the running and approaching steps of your ‘boyfriend’ so you almost toppled to the ground when he threw his body at you. Stumbling back a few steps, you tried pushing him off, but his hold didn’t waver he was never going to let you go ever again. He couldn't risk you leaving him again. He spent months all alone and that washed, but it was worse knowing you had left him. he would do anything to make sure that never happened again. 
He missed the feeling of you pressed against him, all those times he cuddled you to sleep occasionally singing you to sleep. He missed rubbing your hand up and down your back, he missed your lively scent, Jimin really missed you. he felt so dead without you and he realized how much he depended on you, and he didn’t mind that. He needed you to live, and he was fine with that as long as you didn't leave him ever again. 
“Why did you leave me? Just tell me and I’ll improve whatever it was I did. please, talk to me.”
“I spent nights awake and just looking for you, hug me, kiss me, show me that you love em! Anything Y/n, I need your touch!” 
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kim taehyung: 
Taehyung would be the angriest and most devastated. He was having an ordinary in his workplace and he decided to head home earlier than he was planned to, not that he minded of course. He would kill to just drop everything and go home to you, literally and he made sure you knew that he would do anything for you.  
When he got passed all of the security, with ease obviously he owned the place, he waltzed into his house the servants taking his jacket off of his broad shoulders. He commanded for the servants for a warm bath, he wanted to spend more time with you today and he planned that it was going to be a long night for the two of you already. When he finally entered your room, you were packing clothes into a luggage. You jolted at the sound of the door opening and you were frozen still in place. you didn’t think he was going to be home this early, he was an hour earlier than you originally thought. 
“Baby girl, what are you doing?” Taehyung asked darkly, seeing you slowly backing away from his footsteps. “What are you doing packing your clothes into a luggage? What are you doing?” 
“I-I, uh...” you stuttered, backing into the wall. Taehyung was a few feet away from you and his eyes were looking at the scattered room. You turned around quickly and snapped open the window, too fast for Taehyung to react, you jumped out. He went to the ledge as saw as you clutched your leg, yeah jumping from a 2 story building wasn’t the plan, but you had no other choice. It was your only chance to leave Taehyung, and you were definitely going to take it.  
“Hey! Get every goddamn guard down there!” Taehyung yelled, leaving his spot by the window to get to the yard. In seconds, people surrounded you and carried you to the car which Taehyung was holding your hand through the whole way. Of course, he was fuming, because of your antics, you ended up with a broken leg. But he still didn’t forget about the luggage. were you really planning on leaving him? His jaw clenched at the thought. 
When you got a cast attache onto your leg, you were bedridden for days, or at least Taehyung made you. he took so many weeks off of work, he had to take care of you and because he wanted to make sure you knew you had no choice but to be with him. he made sure if he even left your room for five minutes, you were being watched by his guards. 
He wouldn’t risk this ever happening again, he couldn’t live without you. What if you had continued a more serious injury than this? Losing you would be losing his will to live. When you were lying in your bed, on your phone or anything to avoid Taehyung’s watchful eyes, he started speaking to you in a low tone. He knew what you were doing that night thanks to his prying questions and glaring eyes. You were sweating under his gaze and you never felt more intimidated in your whole life. 
Taehyung was a scary man, that was a fact, but he never wanted to show you that side of him. but he had to set rules for you to abide to make sure this never happened again, he loved you. Taehyung really did and this was his way of showing it, whether you thought so or not. 
“What were you thinking? You wanted to run away? Tell me why, why do you want to run away from me, love?” 
“You can never leave this house unless I know where you’re going and with who. You’re fine in here, and safer than you are out in that world. You have to be here so I can protect you, it’s for the best.” 
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jeon jungkook: 
Jungkook was confused when he woke up without you by his side. it was an odd feeling not to have you in his arms when he woke up, it was usually the other way around. He had work you had school, but then Jungkook remembered. You had a very important lecture today and you had to get to school earlier than other days. Jungkook smiled at your care for your studies, it was cute, except when you focused on them more than him. Then it was annoying. 
He got out of bed, seeing the clock that read 8:00 am, meaning you had left recently. Jungkook shook his head and got out of bed, reluctantly getting ready for the day ahead without you there with him. After taking a shower he went down to the kitchen where he saw eggs and toast, and little slip of paper right near the utensils. 
He sat at the table, immediately digging into the food while picking up the white piece of paper. the smile on his face quickly vanished. the first few words were enough for him to forget about his position as he was rushing out the door, the letter left on the kitchen table. It was a goodbye letter, but Jungkook ignored all of it too focused to find you. 
You were still at school, right? Jungkook speeded through town, ignore the honks of the people he passed and cut off and didn’t even bother glancing at the police cars that were looking at him as he sped away. he had to find you before you go too far. When he burst into your university, every student moved back. they knew you were the lover a mafia boss, that’s why you never were the victim of bullies. 
Jungkook stormed through your university before getting tired of looking and slammed one of the poor students against the wall. they barely were able to stutter out that you never came into class and you had told people the other day you were flying out of the country for a boarding school. Jungkook tried to believe him, but it was so hard. had you been secretly doing this?  or was this simply a joke made on Jungkook? 
Jungkook dropped the boy onto the floor, pressing his shoe against their chest. 
“Which airport?’ 
When the kid answered with an I don’t know, Jungkook punched him blacking him out. he needed answers! he had to stop you from leaving him, not that he couldn’t follow you out of the country, of course, he could. He just wanted to see you right now, he could wait any more hours. now that he knew the situation he could stop you before you left. 
A student jumped out and stopped Jungkook from going in with another punch, and yelled out which airport. Jungkook only nodded before sprinting out of the university driving to Incheon Airport. You were going to America, that much he knew fro another comment made by a student. Jungkook slammed his foot on the brake when he got to the airport. 
He slammed the door shut and once again sprinted through the whole airport. Security looked at him before their faces contorted into fear, why was the mafia boss in the airport? What happened? In most scenarios, aJungkook would smirk with pride but right now he needed to find you. It was obvious people knew who he was, so he pushed a security guard to the side and asked him where you were and what gate you were. 
They got a car to speed through the airport, taking him through shortcuts to see you. When they arrived at your gate, Jungkook got off and ran to the waiting area. he scanned the crowd of people sitting down and smiled gleefully when he saw your familiar (h/c).
He walked slowly to you at first but then began running once again because he really needed you in his arms. when he gave you a tight back hug, he ignored ou stiffening from his touch. People that were once sitting next to you, shuffled away recognizing the person holding you. 
“Hey baby, did you miss me?” Jungkook whispered into your ear and you heard the anger in his voice. You had no other choice but to be dragged with him all the way back to the apartment you two shared. Jungkook pushed away his mild anger and instead brought you into bed with him, cuddling you until you fell asleep. 
When you were surely asleep, Jungkook whispered question after question, knowing you wouldn’t reply. he felt nice to just have you in his arms again, it was absolute hell, even if it was only for a few hours, to be away from you. 
“Goodbye? I’m going to find you Y/n, I swear I will. you can't leave me.” 
“Aren’t you so happy I found you! before you could leave m me, not like I wouldn’t find you, I’d follow you anywhere, baby~” 
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1K notes · View notes
thenixkat · 6 years
Animorphs notes 3
Book 3
Narrated by Tobias. Getting all of the white kids out of the first I guess
Tobias forgets the color of his eyes after a few weeks as a bird. But he remembers that he had blond hair and was kinda big.
Tobi has also oly been looking at his bird face head on cause otherwise he’d notice how doofy his face looks
Dan’s not holding that hawk prisoner he’s just got shitty animal husbandry. If that 3 ft by 3 ft cage is the only cage he keeps her in. That could just be a travel cage dude uses for the filming for all the info I have and Tobi has already demonstrated that he over anthropomorphises animals
Also Tobi is gonna get that captive bird fucking killed with this Peta shit.
And he does something very unbirdlike infront of multiple people any of whom could be a controller.
And he nearly gets killed doing this.
Tobias is a dumbass that doesnt consider the consequences of shit.
Tobi she’s a fucking bird and there’s a fucking elephant destroying shit and humans causing a ruckus. She’s startled and startled birds fucking fly u numpty!
Rachel chews Tobias out for being a complete idiot and starting that stunt while on fucking air
Ya know what, Tobi’s descriptions of Rachel are starting to make me uncomfortable. And that plus his insistence of talking to Rachel on her solo mission every 5 secs probably means he has some creepy crush on her
Tobi don’t start on that shit you chose to be in morph far more than was safe, was warned multiple times of the time limit and got yerself stuck. Its not a curse if yer fucking responsible.
Applegate skips on the whole redtails also hunt smaller birds and that’s… weird
Tobi assumes that a human smiling when they see a bird means their jealous. Not that like, the person just fucking likes birds and nature and shit and is either going to or going home from a job where they spent hours in a bland cubicle looking at just a computer so hey a cool bird, they must be jelly that they cant fly.
I don’t like Tobias.
Why do the yeerk ships have clocking that hides them in ultraviolet as well when humans can’t see into that range? Wouldn’t it make sense just to cloak along the visible spectrum and save power and also cleaning bills from hitting so many birds and bugs?
Marco is valid.
Also betting that that released hawk is gonna be ded in the next few days.
Also why did Jake not get any info from Cassie on potentially what to feed Tobias? Why isn’t Tobias just fucking living at Cassie’s barn? She could claim that he’s some tame hawk that someone gave to her b/c they couldn’t afford to take care of him any more
Tobias why didn’t you bring up the thing in the sky to the whole group?
Is this brooding angst?
Also if Tobias has been eating random leftovers from Jake for weeks he should be sick as fuck.
Why didn’t anyone call Child Protective Services for Tobias’ case too?
Dead geese
Wolves were recently released in the nearby national parkl/woods
There are mountains nearby, and a coast near by, an abandoned church, a mall next to a construction site
Has Marco been in the mountains before?
Marco, yall only tried to rescue Tom once. That’s not everything you could do. Yall could just fucking kidnap him and fake his death and also tell Jake’s parents so they don’t do anything… rash
Tobias is kinda taking charge of this mission
Tobias doesnt like Marco
Its 20 miles from Cassie’s barn to the mountains
Cassie apparently dosent consider that female wolves might also fight for dominance
None of these kids practiced this morph beforehand even tho they know morphing something for the first time usually leads to some loss of control
Cassie can morph horse. There’s horses plural at her barn. They could have all become horses in the woods to travel the 20 miles then turned into more normal forest animals to blend in once they got there.
Every Time they morph my comparative anatomy classes start fucking screaming in anguish. The knees reversing is not nearly as bad as fingers shriveling and disappearing b/c somebody doesnt know fucking digitigrade limb anatomy
Morphing took Cassie 2 mins
Tobais is a hawkaboo
Alpha. Ick
Jake can’t control his morph and is triggering wolf shit in the others
They really should just fucking demorph and remorph.
Tobias gets frustrated and flies off to clear his head
Too fucking bad we dont get a first person view of turning into a wolf b/c Tobias got himself stuck as his fursona and had to narrate this book
Fake park rangers
No, I’m not going to believe that hork-bajir have T. rex feet b/c these kids know jack and shit about every kinda animal. Also zygodactyl feet make more sense for a tree climber, and would look lovely while kangaroo hopping
Tobias only notes blades on their heads, wrists, elbows and knees.
Tobi mistakes a random group of 5 wolves for his friends
These dumbasses dont demorph and remorph b/c they want to be wolves for the rest of their life
Taxxons are consistently described as fat centipedes
Tobias finds out his hawk body is horny for a lady bird
More misinformation on how wolf packs work
Idiots don’t display submissive behavior and back away to avoid a conflict. Or just flat out fucking run away.
SO the gang are able to demorph at least 7 mins past the two hours time limit. Cassie was in morph the longest yet is the first to finish and then helps the other morph with her coaching skills. Interesting.
SO how long can they really stay in morph? It takes Cassie 2mins to morph, they were at least 7 mins past the window. Cassie spent 69 mins in morph more or less, could she go longer?
Did lying to them about how much time they had left help? How much of morphing is psychological?
Owls can and would eat hawks. Tobias should be concerned about that.
Marco comes up with the idea to drive the alien tanker uncloaked over the city to alert the citizens
Jakes plan is to enter the ship through the pipes as fish. Why would there be a way to get into the rest of the ship from the water tank?
Rachel’s gymnastics group is doing a show in the mall
It bothers me that the kids and books don’t call Iness 226 by their name. B/c conflating the yeerk with their host is… not a good mentality to have
...birds can walk. Does Tobias think the only way birds can move is by flying? He can fucking run, it’d be a cute little flapping waddle but he can fucking run
Tobias loses control kills a rat, has a freak out and tries to commit suicide in front of Rachel. Is thwarted by Marco
Tobias goes feral to avoid his emotions
Tobias goes to see if the female hawk is still alive/maybe a booty call
Ya know I wanna know whats going on with the other animorphs while Tobias is having this crisis
It took Tobias a surprisingly long time to get past his shit and give a damn that a person was about to be brutally murdered in front of him
… how does Tobi’s eye attack work on the hork-controllers? AT what angle is he going to avoid the foot long horns and still hit the eyes?
You can totally hug a damn bird Applegate. People hug birds all the damn time.
Why don’t the two people with osprey morphs? Catch fish? Hell they could work together driving the fish into a net if they’d thought to bring a net.
These kids are so dumb. Marco? Cassie? Morph fucking ospery and see where the fish are!
Toboas gets distracted by the sexy lady hawk durring an important part of the mission
Andalite description: eyes on antler-like stalks, large main eyes, dainty hooves
Why is Visser 3 here now?
Plan gets 500% more dangerous and Jake and Rachel still push for it
Cassie sides with doing the plan over fucking waiting till security cools off and trying again when there’s less chance of death
The hork-controllers shoot a deer but not a bird going out over the lake multiple times
Hork-controller talking shit to a human-controller
Why is there a grate at the top of the water tank that leads in to the rest of the ship?
Tobias genuinely seems to think that there are voluntary hork-controllers given this and his comment in the first book’
Also I don’t like how Tobi keeps refering to non-human people as creatures. This shit probably happened in the other books but fuck it I’m noting it now
Heh. The kids can’t open the grate to escape and are plotting group suicide to avoid capture and infestation.
Its almost like trying to infiltrate a spaceship/tanker through the water take was a very very bad idea.
Tho is they had like mosquito morphs it might have worked
Taxxons can apparently climb like small bugs do.
Tobi steals a gun to kill the ship with
Tobi kills a ship with a gun
Random chance saves the animorphs again and Tobi is the only one to notice the humans falling out of the ship
…. Marco has an osprey morph not bald eagle.
Also! Bald eagles are fish eaters! Why didn’t Rachel morph to make fishing a little easier
Tobi sees the sexy lady hawk die
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
Twice Haunted House AU
Prompt:Haunted House AU. 
Requested: Omg that’s a really good list of au may I request twice haunted house au? Ty!!
Day 1
It wasn’t your idea
You didn’t want to move out of your old house but your parents insisted
They said it would be a better experience for your family
Of course, you thought that it was a complete lie
The bough an old house out towards the country
You didn’t know much about the place except that it was incredibly huge and nice
It needed some work done on it but nothing major
You overheard your parents talk about why it had such a low price
Apparently, it was incredibly cheap for house its size, even if it did need work done
You hadn’t cared much
As long as it had running water and heat
You could live
You let out a sigh as you opened the car door
Your parents were right when they said it was a nice house
But they were also right again when they said it needed some work
The entire paint job was coming off
Part of the front deck was missing
You looked over at you mom and rolled your eyes
“I promise we will get you a dog,”
She said knowing what you were going to say
“Uh, at this rate I better get 4 dogs,’
You replied looking back at the house
“Why do we even need all this space?”
You suddenly asked
It was a huge place for only your mom and dad plus you
Your mom gave a knowing look to your dad before looking back at you
“We are turning it into a daycare,”
She said with an enthusiastic smile
Your head tilted to the side as you thought for a moment
“Daycare? Mom this place is in the middle of nowhere what kind of parents will want to drive all the way out here just to drop their kid off”
You pointed out sighing at your mother’s stupidity
She rolled her eyes with a sigh
“Y/N you think I didn’t plan ahead? This is the house is right in the middle of a whole bunch of towns. Most people have to leave their town to get to work. This house happens to be right on there way. don’t judge me,”
She said doing jazz hands at the end to add to the effect
You sighed and grabbed your bag from the car
“Can I at least choose my room before you give it up to a bunch of 5 yr olds?”
You asked exhausted and tired from the long drive
She nodded her head
“Let’s let you father get all the heavy boxes. We can go look around,”
She said with a cheerful voice, waving goodbye at your dad
You laughed to yourself before looking up at the house
You tilted your head in confusion when you saw a girl standing in the window
Your voice trailed off when you realized she was no longer there
“What? What is it, sweetie?”
She asked confused
“Oh nothing, I thought I saw something but I was wrong,”
You said with a laugh
Your mom nodded before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the house
She opened the door with the biggest smile she could muster
Pushing to door open your mouth fell agape
It was huge
The room you were in must have been your living room
Some of your furniture was already moved her thanks to the moves
You walked inside and looked around
You simply said
“We might need more furniture,”
You then added soon after
“Well, we will be doing a lot of renovations. We already have 3 clients anxious to drop their kids off her. We need to childproof this place and do the rooms. Plus redo the paint job and replace some of the things,”
Your mom rambled
You nodded your head before something shiny caught your eye
“Mom, what’s that?”
You asked walking towards it
She didn’t say anything or follow
Your hand reached out for the object
Pulling you had managed to get it out
It was a small silver necklace
Some kind of design was on it
J.Y.P was written in a fancy font
You turned to look at your mom who only shrugged
“It might have been the movers. I’ll have to call and see if anyone of them had lost a necklace,”
She said easing your stomach
You looked at the necklace in your hand
Something about it scared you
Something in your gut was telling you to run 
Put it away and get out of here
However, you simply put it in your back pocket and followed your mom up the stairs
“I’ll show you the kitchen later but first let’s pick your room,”
She said leading you to a hallway of doors
“You have 4 options. Option 1 has a balcony,”
She said opening the first door
You looked at it, it didn’t seem so bad
You just didn’t like how small the closet was
“Option 2, has a walk-in closet,”
She said reading your mind
You laughed as she opened the door
It was nice, but you wanted a room that just pulled you in
“Okay Option 3, It’s bigger than the others,”
She said opening the third and final door
You smiled this one was really nice
It had a balcony and walk-in closet
Why did your mom even think that you would want a different room
“I like-”
You mom cut you off before you could even finish
“Option 4, is the entire attic,”
She said gesturing for you to follow
An even bigger smile stretched onto your face
“Why did you even consider those other options when I could have had the entire attic?”
You asked
She rolled her eyes and pushed you
“I want to build suspense for the attic,”
Your laugh got cut off when you shivered
“It’s kinda cold? Please tell me we have working heat,”
You said almost desperate
“Yes, but it’s chilly. Maybe we should turn it up when we get back down,”
She replied shivering a little
Her hand reached out as she opened a door. Inside was a staircase leading to the attic
She turned and made a face at you before waking up them
You laughed and squealed with excitement
“This is so nice!”
You said walking around the place
It was huge
It had a cushion right by the window so you could look out
You smiled and moved to the window
Looking at you waved at your dad
He looked up at you and waved by with a cheerful grin
A thought came to you
This was where you thought you saw the girl
You turned around only to see your mom sitting on a crate
“Y/N before we get fully settled in there was something I wanted to tell you,”
She said looking somber
You could feel your heat drop at her face
“What is it?”
You asked sitting down also, afraid that whatever she had to say would scare you
“I know this has been hard for you but I want you to know that your father and I are here for me. Just promise me one thing, don’t lock yourself up and away because of you’re upset..please?”
She asked giving you the mom talk
You nodded your head feeling some relief
“Mom of course. I thought you were going to tell me someone died here,”
You joked with a laugh
Your mom’s eyes widen before she laughed also
She joked out
You nodded your head
“Let’s go help dad, I can’t wait to move in,”
You said standing up 
Your mom followed close behind you as you left the house
Day 2
Your eyes flit heavy as you peeled them open
You had woken up with a pounding headache
The sun shined into your room rather brightly
“I need a curtain,”
You mumbled to yourself in a scratchy voice
“Y/N are you awake?”
Your mom called from downstairs
“Yes, mama,”
You hollered back
You heard a  few thumps before you mom had opened your door
She looked at you before shutting the door and sitting on your bed
“I called the movers,”
She said looking at you
“Oh, was it there?”
You asked curiously
“No, but Y/N why are you wearing the necklace?”
She asked confused
You made a face at her before touching your neck
You gasped when you realized it was around your neck
You knew for a fact that you didn’t put it on
But your mom wouldn’t believe you so you lied
“I’m so stupid! This necklace is mine, I guess I forgot to tell you last night,”
You said with an awkward laugh
You mom rolled her eyes 
“Where did you get it?
She asked reaching out to hold it
“I got it from my teacher,”
You lied
“What does it stand for?”
She had asked once more
“Joyful, Young, Persevering. JYP,”
You replied making it sound like it was the most obvious thing ever
She nodded her head before standing up with a crack of her back
“Well come on downstairs I made breakfast”
She said
You yawned and move the blankets off of you
You simply said following her out of the door
Once you got down the stairs
You and your mom jumped when your bedroom door slammed shut
You jumped at the sound before looking at your mom
“Wow its really drafty up there,”
She said shrugging her shoulders
Yous stood frozen in place
Maybe that girl you saw yesterday was hiding somewhere here
Maybe she was the one that placed the necklace around our neck
You sighed and followed your mom into the kitchen
“Some nice guys are stopping by later to repaint the house,”
She said placing an apple in her mouth
You did say anything instead nodded
“Mom do they have a library near here?”
You asked staring out the window
She nodded her head
“Yeah, it’s not that far from here why? Do you want your father to give you a ride?”
She had answered
“Yes, please. Can you ask him for me? I need to go get ready,”
Your mom nodded
“Yeah, I’ll give you 30 mins,”
She said
You smiled and grabbed an apple before heading back up the stairs
Time Skip~ I have never seen a time skip in a kpop fanfic but oh lordy have I seen them in anime fics.
You hurried down the stairs and waved goodbye to your mom
Your dad was waiting in the car 
You opened the door and joined him
“Ready kiddo?”
He asked
“Yeah, lets go,”
You replied hurriedly. You just needed to get some info on this house
maybe you did put the necklace on but I couldn’t remember anything regarding that night
SOmeone had to put it on you
You stared out the window as the boring car ride almost came out and end
Your dad pulled inform of the library
He glanced over at you before speaking 
“I’ll be back in 1 hour to pick you up. You better be outside and ready,”
His voice was stern so you knew he would be mad if you were any later
You replied with a laugh
He chuckled at your actions
You opened the car door and hurriedly entered the library
Since you had never been here before you had no clue where to start
Hesitantly you approached a worker
“Ma’am, I just moved into a house out in the country and I would like to do some more research on it. Where do I look?”
You asked in your most professional voice
The lady breathed heavy as she looked you up and down
“From here go straight until you reach the Teen Romance section then take a right and go until you see a blue ball hanging from the ceiling above you. If you take another right there you will find the section you’re looking for,”
Her voice was dry and scratchy sounding, almost painful for you to listen to.
“Thank you,”
You said with a bow
The lady nodded and went back to what she was doing in the first place, nothing
You followed her directions like your life depended on it
Even though you didn’t like her, you would have to thank her later because her directions were spot on
The small sign hung above, it was a section about the history of the town
You bit your lip, finding it now would still be hard but at least you knew where to look
Something would have to explain the girl the cold and the necklace
You almost choked when a book fell off the shelf and nearly hit you
Holding your hand over your heart you picked up the mouth and nearly dead
It was a book all about an old music academy
On the cover was your house
Your house was known as the JYP music academy
With a sigh, you opened the book
“JYP, the pristine all girls music academy that only the best musicians can get into and after years of hard work, is finally ready to show the public his best students. Of course, if you see a young girl wearing JYP you better ask for her autograph, it could be worth thousands in the future,”
So it housed students?
THat would explain the necklace but not how it got on your neck
You randomly flipped through a few pages trying to find something interesting
“You have an interesting taste in books,”
A deep voice said behind you 
You turned around only to make eye contact with a guy that looked your age
“WHy? You have a problem that I want to read about JYP?”
You asked trying to sound rude
“No, its just. I feel bad for those girls, you know?”
He said trying to stand his case
You rolled your eyes before turning away
Your heart stopped when you replayed what he said in your head
“What happened to these girls?”
Your voice was wavering
“Ah, haven’t you heard? The school housed 9 girls, they were the best students. One night as the girls practiced their song some strange person broke into the house. All 9 of the girl were killed. They haven’t found the killer yet though, it’s a tragedy,”
He said watching your face to see how you would react
“He killed them? In the house?”
That couldn’t have been true! 
Your mom would have boughten it if some girls were murdered in it
“Yeah, I heard they sold the house recently. Those folks will move out in no time. Rumor has it that the girls haunt the house seeking revenge for their untimely death,”
He made a weird gesture with his hands
You would have replied if you didn’t notice a girl staring at you from behind  a shelf
Hestitnly you raised a hand and waved
She bit her lip and waved back, only to hid behind her long hair soon after
Holding the book to your chest you thought about your newly found information
Stopping you looked up at the guy before looking back at the girl
She was still staring at you, but you noticed something wrong
Her shirt was covered in blood, you looked at her face
She looked familiar but you don’t know why
With a gulp, you looked back at the guy
“How were they killed?”
Honestly, you probably sounded like a freak by now but you didn’t care
“Well with a knife, they were all killed in different ways but one thing was consistent a knife,”
This guy was just sitting out all the information that you needed
“Did the cops ever figure out why?”
You asked biting your lip
“Yeah, there had been a rumor going around that there was a safe in the house. Supposedly it held so much money, that not even a poor man would know what to do,”
Your eyes wandered to the girl before you pushed past the guy
“I’ve got to go,”
You said walking towards her
She started to back up, causing you to shake your hands no
You had remembered reading and seeing in movies that ghosts could have a spiritual attachment to an object
You were guessing that the necklace you were wearing was hers and that was how she was able to travel here
She more and likely had an attachment to it
“What’s your name?
You asked getting closer to her
Now that you got a better look you could see what she looked like
Her hair was long and she it was dark brown
She was certainly beautiful
You watched as she pointed at the letter T
“T? T and what else,?”
You asked before your eyes happened to land on a clock
Your heart sank when you realized your dad would be here soon
“T, follow me,”
You said walking back to the front of the building
You needed to check out this book
Once at the check out the same breathing problem lady looked at you
“You can’t check out that book. Town history books cannot be checked out,”
She said 
“Yeah well, and you can’t breath now let me ask this book home,”
You snapped
She reached over and grabbed a walkie-talkie
“Secretary we got a code 3,6,1 here I’m going to need back up,”
Her eyes never left you’re as she spoke
You looked at T before bottling it out the door
T eyes widened at your actions
Luckily your ad was here
You ran to his car and shut the door, buckling
“No questions just drive,”
You yelled looking at him
He looked at the book in your hand before sighing and looking at the library
“You little-”
He said before noticing the guards coming out of the building
“It’s literally just a book that I will return why are they acting like this,”
You said tapping your foot
He rolled his eyes and backed out
Your dad drove out of there as fast as he could
No word was exchanged on the car ride home
Once he pulled into the house’s driveway you thanked him and ran inside
Running past your mom you entered your bedroom
Your heart sped up when you noticed a brown box sitting on your bed
Looking around you wondered where T was
Almost like she could read your mind T appeared on your bed
She looked at you anxiously before gesturing to the box
“Your throat didn’t slit, I think you can talk,”
She rolled her eyes
“I’m Tzuyu,”
She said in a soft voice
You smiled brightly
“hi Tzuyu in Y/N,”
You said waving
She giggles slightly before pointing at the box
You reached out and opened it
Inside was a photo of 9 girls
You were guessing they were the girls that lived here
You recognized Tzuyu
Looking at there faces you pointed at a girl who was sitting on a bench with 5 other girls
“WHo is the girl, 2nd to the right?”
You asked curiously
“That’s Jihyo,”
She said
“Why don’t the other girls appear?”
Tzuyu looked at you before looking away
“They were too scared. The only reason appeared is because I’m the youngest. They placed my necklace on your neck while you spelled, it was also the one you found,”
Tzuyu smiled at you
“How can I help you, girls?”
Tumblr media
Nayeon was the first in the house to die
She was in the living room preparing snacks
Someone came up behind her and slit her throat
Nayeon died form blood loss
Whenever people moved into the house she was violent
She was angry that her and her best friends were killed
She would leave scratches on people
Sometimes she would pull their hair
Nayeon didn’t like people living in the house either 
She was always the first to find out if people moved in
Jeongyeon was with Nayeon at the time
She hit the perpetrator with a chair
However she failed to defend herself
She got stabbed straight in the heart 
Jeongyeon was a friendly ghost
She didn’t hurt people like Nayeon
She just always watched and observed people 
Jeongyeon often just stayed in one of the rooms not leaving
Momo was one of the last to die
She was with Mina and Sana practicing Korean when the killer came
He killed Momo first, hitting her over the head with the butt of the knife
She died from blunt force trauma 
Momo haunted the house and the people
She played tricks on everyone
Moving things was a frequent pleasure
She would misplace things in order to scare others
Momo didn’t want to hurt people 
Jihyo felt guilty 
She saw the guy kill Nayeon and Jeongyeon but she didn’t do anything
She simply hid
Jihyo ws the leader
She should have come out and prtect them
But she didnt
Jihyo died when the killer turned around and stabbed her in the heart
She made apperacnes to people
Jihyo would appear and scare the guests living in the house
That was why you saw her on the day you moved in
She wanted you too se her
She wanted you to know that the house was haunted
She craved for your fear 
Sana died with Momo and MIna
She was kileld after Momo
Slit throat
Sana couldn’t talk as a result
She could say anthing in the afetr life
Sana had to write things
Which would be why people in the house found notes
On the notes would be things wirrten like 
“They don’t know we are here yet,” “Nayeon should just kill them,”
This would terrify the people living there 
Mina died after she watched Momo and Sana die
She got pushed off the balcony
Mina fell to her death
In the afterlife Mina was nice to the guests
She knew Nayeon hurt them so she did her best to leave medicine around
Mina would put blankets on them if they fell asleep
Mina would sometimes leave food around for them
Dahyun was held hostage 
She was told to lead them killer to the safe
Dahyun didnt know what he meant
She nevr heard of s safe
She wanted to live so she lead the person to the basement
When the killer realized that she was lying
He pushed her down the stairs 
Her back was bent and broken 
Dahyun would appear to people if they came to the basement
She would follow them
You know when you feel like you are being watched?
Thats Dahyun
Chaeyoung was the last to die
After the J Line
She had been outside the enitre time
When she came in she screamed from the horros she saw
Chaeyoung got stabbed right in the back 
Chaeyoung was the one who put the necklace around you
She was violent like Nayeon
Chaeyoung would push people
She would hit them and pull their hair
Tzuyu had her stomach slit 
It was because she had lied with Dahyun
Tzuyu was the one who appeared to you
She didn’t like how her and the other girls died 
When she appeared to you she didn’t know what to do
This wasn’t her kind of thing
Tzuyu was afraid
She wanted someone to free the girls spirts
She wanted to move on
Find peace
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xiajin · 7 years
sugar; sugakookie; teachers au
jungkook finishes grading the last paper and groans, his eyes swimming in front of him. lines of korean swims in front of his eyes until they become nothing more than unintelligible mush. the only reprieve from this kind of hell is the hand that slams down a cup right in his line of sight. 
“is that coffee,” jungkook breathes, before looking up at the person attached to the hand - jimin. “well, is it?” 
“hot chocolate,” jimin says offhandedly, smirking like he knows something when jungkook groans. “rough day? or night, seeing as how you haven’t gone home yet?” 
“i don’t even teach night classes, i should be in bed right now,” he responds miserably, his cheek pressed against the tabletop. it’s nice and warm, since jungkook nabbed the spot right over the vent shaft blasting heat. it’s around 10pm, and at this rate he’ll be home by midnight. 
“probably good that you don’t have coffee, then,” jimin says. he pats jungkook and then goes, “wow, you’re tense.” 
“the assistant for one of the classes dropped,” he mumbles. “seokjin-hyung told me to grade the papers and my eyes are bleeding.” 
seokjin is the department head of vocal studies. despite his sweet smile and cheekbones to rival a greek god, he’s nothing but a hellion. jungkook doesn’t know how many extra papers he’s had to grade ever since he became and adjunct, as well as the amount of seminars he’s been roped into holding. at least he doesn’t mind the seminars that much - those are fun to do, listening to classical music majors sing with their sopranos and mezzo-altos. 
“whose class is it?” 
with a snarl, jungkook goes, “professor min.” 
ever since the first day jungkook had came in late with his pea coat tangling around his legs and his scarf perched up to his nose, biting autumn air nipping at his face and blinding his eyes, bumping straight into one of the other professors jarringly hard enough for his head to spin, professor min has hated him. he glares at jungkook each time they’re in the same room, his eyes always boring into the side of jungkook’s head, and he always grunts at him without speaking in full sentences. he never speaks to jungkook outright, hangs out with the philosophy of science professor (namjoon) whenever jungkook goes to the philosophy department to see taehyung, and he always seems sort of nasty when all four of them are in the same room, giving the stink eye to jungkook and taehyung as well. (taehyung never seems bothered by this - in fact, he’s always snickering, something that jungkook is completely lost on. how does he not want to cower at the sight of those dark eyes willing him to die on willpower alone??) 
something about jimin’s expression changes. he’s a dance professor, just coming back from whatever late night class he’s taught. they share an apartment, so he’s probably going to hang around and do some work on his laptop until jungkook has to leave. 
“is that so,” he starts, still looking strange. “does yoongi know that you’re grading his exams?” 
“no,” jungkook scowls. “if he did, he would probably re-do all of my grading and ruin some poor kid’s paper. whatever, i’ll just send it out and leave it in his mailbox.” 
“seokjin hyung gave you those?” 
“i just said this, hyung,” jungkook sighs, reaching forward to take the mystery cup. jimin always, always gets him a cup of something before he comes in the night, something warm and nice during the autumn and winter season. sometimes it’s his order, but most of the time, it’s some wonderful sugary concoction. jungkook would prefer the caffeine, but having something sweet isn’t that bad either. jimin must ask for extra sweetness, because there’s always a scrawled black suga on the cup when jungkook gets it. it’s always from the organic and cruelty-free expensive coffee shop on campus too, the one that jungkook grimaces at when he’s walking by because he wants to go in so bad but he’s broke. honestly. 
“huh,” jimin mumbles, whipping out his phone and tapping on the screen insistently. “i never thought seokjin-hyung would be in this too...well...”
jungkook ignores jimin’s mumbling, savoring the taste of the hot chocolate he’s been given - it’s warm and sweet, thick chocolate coating his tongue and going down his throat, with a helping of whipped cream on the inside of the cup and a sprinkling of cut up strawberries and caramel. it’s so good jungkook almost whimpers when he takes another sip. 
“hyung, this might be my favorite so far,” jungkook says, finishing half of it in one go. the sugar is already starting to buzz in his veins. 
jimin grins at him, something gleaming in his eye. “you know, jungkookie, it’s a new special they have. it’s absolutely free; you should go down to coffee palace and get one tomorrow evening.” 
“free?” jungkook gapes. “really?” 
“mhm. all you gotta do is smile.” 
“at the right person, yeah,” jimin nods. 
confused, jungkook asks, “smile...at who?” 
jimin chortles. “you’ll know.” 
he gets home at midnight, just like he expected. the rest of the day and the next morning is a complete blur - dropping off the finished papers in professor min’s mailbox, signing in, making himself a cup of black coffee in the morning to shock his senses awake, and holding office hours. two people come by, one of which jungkook is sure wants a recommendation letter, and he manages to sneak in a nap and eat his prepackaged lunch from home in a short three hour window. after that is his seminar class on classical music, and then another class about vocal techniques for first years. 
by the time it hits 5:30, he’s ready for his second fix of energy. he’s looking up places to go eat - bibimbap sounds really good right now - when jimin texts him, did you go to the coffee shop yet? 
truthfully, jungkook had completely forgotten, but now he remembers the odd circumstances that jimin had mentioned yesterday. no, he says, and almost immediately, well then get your ass there quick! 
jungkook assumes there’s another ‘free drink’ event going on and decides, well, it’s only a bit more of a walk to the bibimbap place, why not? 
it smells like chocolate and cinnamon when he heads inside. taking off his scarf, jungkook rubs his hands together to force warmth in them; the line is decently sized, so he leans over and looks at the menu to see what the specials are when - 
he freezes at the sight of a familiar head of black hair. it’s a figure that jungkook has experience avoiding, only because he doesn’t want to be stared at - sorry, glared down - when he’s trying to grade his papers or talk to taehyung. he doesn’t know what the heck the composition professor min yoongi is doing here, but jungkook suppresses down the instant urge to hide. he’s standing by the pick up line anyways, focused on his phone. jungkook is fine. 
unfortunately, min yoongi’s order isn’t called by the time jungkook goes over to the cashier, so frazzled that he doesn’t even realize there’s no free drink event. he orders a small coffee, the most simplest thing he can think of - and the one that takes the least time - but of course, it backfires on him as he slinks to the corner and hopes no one can see him. how? well, the barista whips up his drink in approximately a minute, the same time she calls out someone else’s order - 
“strawberry delight holiday hot chocolate special and a large black for suga a small black coffee for jungkook?” 
yoongi’s head snaps up, his hand already halfway toward the two cups placed on the pick up counter. he turns to look jungkook straight in the eye, and for once, he doesn’t look like his jaw is so tense it’s going to snap - in fact, he looks open mouthed and slack in surprise. 
jungkook takes his coffee and blinks, and then - then. wait. 
a hot chocolate for suga? 
yoongi seems to curse underneath his breath, takes the large black coffee and leaves jungkook reeling from his silent revelation, rushing through the crowd to make it outside. he leaves the hot chocolate on the counter. 
yoongi is buying him drinks? all this time that jimin has been bringing him coffee - at around the same time, all with the characteristic suga scrawled on the side, that’s not - that’s - 
jungkook gingerly takes a hold of the hot chocolate cup, feeling a little numb and swept off his feet. the warmth of the cup brings some heat back to his fingers, enough to text jimin, is yoongi buying all the drinks you get me?
jimin texts back almost immediately: he’s been buying you drinks for an entire year, kook. like i would spend that much money on you, srsly.
jungkook is floored. 
he shows up at the philosophy department a couple of days later, after the weekend. he texts taehyung that he’s coming to see him, but in reality, he’s going to drop by namjoon’s office to ask where min yoongi is before heading over to his friend’s room. 
luckily for him, when he opens the door to namjoon’s room, he hears, “it’s not visiting hours for professor kim, you have to come back later - “ 
“i’m not a student.” 
yoongi’s head whips around from where he’s on his phone, surprised, before he swears. “shit, namjoon said - “ 
“said what?” 
with a baleful look, and strangely enough, his ears going red, he mutters, “namjoon asked taehyung if you were coming around, and he said you weren’t. so.” 
“oh,” jungkook says faintly, feeling a strange sense of hurt twisting deep inside of him. maybe this is a mistake. he doesn’t know what the heck he expected, honestly. his hand around the doorknob tightens. “um. i just wanted to know...why, i guess. i thought you hated me.” 
“i don’t hate you,” yoongi grits out, and jungkook only feels worse about this entire thing. he presses his lips together and lets go of the door, stepping back, “sorry. i think i - i don’t know what i thought. you don’t have to keep on buying or - or - whatever, i,” he shakes his head and heads for the door, scrubbing at the side of his face. he feels strangely bereft. 
“no, wait,” yoongi starts from behind him, sounding almost panicked. “no, i really don’t hate you. i just - i’m shit at this, okay?” 
jungkook waits. it feels weird here. he wants to go back to where when he thought professor min hated him and he could go through a night with free drinks. 
“i like you,” yoongi starts, words starting out strong before they fade off. his ears are red and he scratches the back of his neck, embarrassed. “i like you, a lot. i, um. since you bumped into. me.” 
“but you always glare at me,” jungkook blurts out, “and you - you always ignore me whenever we - “ 
“namjoon gives me shit for staring at you a lot,” yoongi groans, hiding his face. “and i don’t. i don’t know what to say to you, i’m sorry.” 
jungkook can’t do anything else but stand there, his mouth opening and closing. “you - “ his brain literally can’t form sentences, forget words. 
“and if you don’t mind i’d like if you went to go get coffee with me sometime like a date,” he continues on, all in one deep breath. yoongi kicks the side of the only chair there, glaring down at the seat, but now jungkook sees it for what it is: embarrassment. yoongi looks like he expects jungkook to say no. 
“okay,” he says instead, something warm unfurling inside of him. 
“okay, i’ll get coffee with you,” he repeats, smiling a little nervously, “as long as you pay?” 
“i think i can afford one more,” yoongi says, and then grins at him; it’s really nice, and jungkook feels his cheeks flush. 
feeling a little cheeky and completely taken aback but at the same time maybe a bit happy, a bit relieved, jungkook steps forward and presses a kiss against yoongi’s cheek, stepping back as quick as he had bounded forward. yoongi looks like jungkook just smacked him between the eyes. “thanks for all the drinks,” he says, smiling, and does a little wave as yoongi’s hand slowly migrates up to his cheek. he closes the door just as he hears yoongi go, “holy shit,” rubbing at his own cheeks the entire time to stop looking like a christmas ornament before he heads off to see taehyung. 
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ohnmintyfresh · 6 years
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“What started off as a romantic Labor Day weekend island-getaway has quickly turned into their worst nightmare!” would be an opening line if I were to write about our “adventure” in St Martin. We did our best to get out of there as soon as we found out it was heading towards us as a Category 6 (which doesn’t exist) monster hurricane but obviously all flights were booked. Matty did the best thing he could possibly do which eventually saved our lives - booking the Simpson Bay resort.
Sep 4th - 12:00 pm
We left our beautiful AirB&B beach house, got all the food and supplies, and headed to the resort. Our hosts treated us as their own family and drove us to the resort. He warned us, “You guys are in for a ride”. Boy, was he right. I later found out their home was destroyed. The tides were up to 32 feet and I knew that beautiful home wouldn’t survive. As soon as we got to our villa, which was on the ground floor of an inner building up on a higher ground, we built a fort with the couches in the kitchen and a little hide-out in the shower with beach chair cushions. We filled up all possible containers with water. Then we waited.
8:00 pm
The wind picked up and things started to get loud. We quickly moved to the bathroom and blocked the bathroom door with the big garbage-can full of water so it wouldn’t fly open. The next few hours were the worst time of my life. The first half of the hurricane was quite bad - the villa was shaking and everything in the living room was flying around. 
Sep 5th - 1:00 am
Then there was this eerie calm for about 45 mins where you could hear only the soft wind blowing. The eye was passing. 
2:00 am
Then it hit us - with the force that no one can possibly imagine. The force that ripped apart the island into pieces. I have never been that scared in my life. It felt like our door was going to get blown open. I thought the roof was going to get ripped off any moment and we were all going to die. The whole world was collapsing around us. Our tiny little bathroom was shaking and you could hear this roar - the kind of sound that can haunt you for the rest of your life. The constant banging outside of our bathroom door and the roaring of this monster hurricane lasted for HOURS. Try to picture that for a second. Imagine the worst turbulence you’ve ever had when you were on a plane and the feeling that you are all going to die. Imagine that feeling times 100 lasting for not just a few mins but for hours. 
6:00 am
I started crying uncontrollably and Matty, my then-boyfriend, tried to console me, although I could tell he was also terrified. When I was just about to pass out from fear, everything stopped. The shaking and the banging got less and less. The roar got further and further from our villa. Things got quieter until it became just the sound of rain and constant strong wind. 
8:00 am
The storm started way earlier than the predictions. It was over by Wed (Sep 6th) morning. We slowly opened the bathroom door to check out the outside world. To our surprise, our villa was actually intact except for minor flooding. Our main door was closed and windows weren’t broken either. But there was a giant piece of a metal roof right outside of the windows. It was a miracle that it didn’t pierce through our windows. Otherwise we would have been done for. 
9:00 am
Power was out and water was gone. That’s when that desperation kicked in. We did get A LOT of water and food “just in case” and we did finish the last water we have on the last day. As we walked around the resort, we realized how devastating it was. The only way for me to describe was that it looked like the island was hit by a nuclear bomb. Roofs were ripped off. Burned cars stacked on top of each other. Debris of everything and anything you can imagine everywhere to the point you couldn’t possibly walk through at all. We were trapped.
4:00 pm
Hotel called for an emergency meeting to inform us that we were indeed all trapped on the island with limited food and water supplies. The airport was completely destroyed. We could see it from our hotel lobby and there was actually a couple of boats in the middle of what’s left of the runway. There were about 200 guests plus hotel staff at the Simpson Bay. I want to take a moment and say THANK YOU to all the staff at the Simpson Bay Resort. They did an absolutely amazing job to get us all home safe. And that was the ONLY hotel on the island who stood by their guests and take care of our safety.
Sep 8th - 8:00 am
The aftermath. Thursday (first day after the hit) went by quickly as we were in pure shock. Friday day came and that dire and eerie feelings kicked in. Locals were forced out our resort as another hurricane Jose was approaching and the resort was no longer safe to shelter anyone at that point. The flying debris alone could kill us all. The tension between the locals and the tourists continued to rise. We spotted a HUGE fire at night and were told people were setting things on fire out of spite or jealousy. It quickly became a war zone.
8:00 pm 
Friday evening - things got worse. Hotel staff warned us of looting and robberies happening on the island. We met some women taking shelter at our hotel because a guy showed up at theirs with a machete. We were warned not to wander around alone. To make things worse, our door lock was broken and only one of us can leave the room to go attend the meetings with the hotel to know what is going on.
10:00 pm
As I was walking back from the lobby with the new friends I have made, we saw some locals looting the cars in our resort. They finally got in. There were no soldiers or law enforcement just yet. I ran back to my room and told Matty we needed to prepare to protect ourselves.
Sep 9th - 2:00 am
We were woken up by noises just outside of our room. People were walking around and checking the rooms. We stayed awake the whole night in a complete terror.
10:00 am
Fights start to break out in the hotel lobby as the food and water were running out. Everyone was on edge. No one knows when we were going to get rescued. Everyone knew someone but not a single person had any valuable information that could save us. All we could do at that point was wait. 
5:00 pm
We saw a few boats approached our hotel with some soldiers. Later we learned that they were the dutch soldiers who came here to clean the airport runway. We also saw a few military planes landing at the airport. Help is here. Finally. Our hotel finally got a hold of someone who would finally rescue us all. We were told to pack a small bag and be ready to evacuate. But only the elderlies and babies were going to evacuate first.
9:00 pm
Exhausted, we headed back to our room with the last string of hope. We are not going to be rescued today.
Sep 10th - 5:00 am
The phone rang. I even didn’t know it was working!! I picked up and they said, “You have 15 mins. We are evacuating. Come to the lobby NOW.” In pure panic, we grabbed our stuff and started running. It was still pretty dark and another hurricane Jose was on the way. As we ran in the rain, the wind picked up and all the debris started flying. It was about 10 mins walk to the lobby and before we knew it, this huge piece of metal roof flew right past our heads. We were about 2 inches from getting our heads chopped off.
7:00 am
Anxiously waiting for our turn to evacuate. As we drove through the island, I saw the devastation - St Martin as we knew was completely gone. It was a war zone. There were no more houses or streets. Every direction you looked it was devastation. 
10:00 am
The line at the airport was as long as the eyes could see. There were the Dutch soldiers, the US marines, the UK army, the St martin local police force - all working together. We were cold, hungry and just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, it started pouring. Jose was coming. It was predicted to hit around noon and there’s no way anyone could fly out once the second hurricane was here. It was predicted to be Category 3. We were surrounded by the damage left by Irma. Just a little bit of wind, and it was going to be a massacre. I looked around myself hopelessly and finally gave up. I sat down in a complete defeat and just started crying. That was it. We survived the first hurricane but we weren’t going to survive another one and there was no way we were going to get on those planes with hundreds of people ahead of us. We were done for. I called my family, my best friend to tell them we were coming home - thinking deep down that that was my goodbyes.
12:00 pm
A miracle happened. Jose hasn’t arrived just yet and we were going in the gates finally. The sweet U.S marine checked my passport and said “Smile. You are going to be okay now.” I couldn’t smile. It felt like my heart was about to pop out of my mouth. Or my ass. I was in shock. Boarding these huge U.S military aircrafts was one of the most magnificent moments of my life. There was no seat. Everyone was sitting on the floor hanging onto each other. We looked at each other and couldn’t believe we were finally rescued. I couldn’t stop crying but this time it was the happy tears. We were finally going home.
6000 Americans were rescued from St Martin. We were one of the very first 200. My Dutch and UK friends were rescued a few days later. We were taken to PR which was also hit by Irma after us. We took the first possible flight out of PR the next day. After 4 more flights, I was home in New York.
If we left a day earlier than we planned, we could have avoided this all. Our flight was at 4 pm and the last flight out of St Martin that day was 8 am. When I looked back and thought about it all, the only thing that made me regret was putting my mom into such agony - not knowing if I was going to make it must have been quite excruciating for a mother. I wish I could have changed that. Other than that, everything happens for a reason and now I have tales to tell for many many years. Matty and I ended up breaking up after the trip. The little adventure we had was a bit too much for our brand-new relationship. But I still thank him to this day for booking a room at the hotel that saved our lives. I still keep in touch with friends I’ve made through this journey. It’s amazing how disasters bring out the best and the worst in people. And yes, it’s YOLO. I’ll continue traveling and exploring. May be not to an island during the hurricane season.. :) <3 
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badbangtanimagines · 7 years
Eight Little Scouts: A Bad Bangtan Fic - Part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5
A horror fic for halloween, inspired by the poem Ten little Indians and Rooster Teeth series Ten Little Roosters.  Gender neutral main character so anyone can read it.
Warnings: Character death, graphic
(Y/N) = Your Name
Three little scouts on the run
You smacked around the wall in search of the light switch. You finally found it and flicked the lights on. You looked around and there was no signs of the others. “Guys?!” You called out. Unsurprisingly, no one responded.
“Jungkook! Suga!” You called out again as you looked down the hall, limping slightly since your ankle was still injured. You huffed. “Jeon Jungkook! Min Yoongi!”
Still no response. Your ankle hurt way too much for you to try to look around the house for your friends. You flopped down on the couch and started to cry. It was terrifying being alone. You cried for probably a solid hour.
You suddenly realized something. Jungkook or Suga was in danger. You left them alone to be together, it was the perfect opportunity for the killer to strike the other. “Jungkook! Suga!” You leaped from the couch and ran as fast as you could with your limp.
As soon as you ran out of the living room into the hallway, a hand came over your mouth. No, a cloth. You held your breath, squirming to get the cloth away from you. Your vision started to go black, unsure if it was from whatever was on the cloth or you holding your breath. Last thing you knew you were falling to the ground, but being caught before you fell.
You bolted upright gasping. You looked around quickly. You were in V’s little sibling’s room, the one with the automatic door closer. You got up quickly and tried to open the door, only to find you were locked in. You banged on the door. “Suga?! Jungkook?!”
After a few moments you decided it was hopeless. You slumped against the door, banging your head against it. Suddenly a beep made you jump out of your skin. You looked around but there was nothing. You strained your ears to hear and you heard familiar tune. 
“Dasi run run run.” The music played faintly.
You got up, rubbing your eyes as you tried to figure out where Run was coming from.  You noticed your bag was on V’s siblings bed. You opened your bag and there sat your speaker. You glared at it as you pulled it out. “There’s no where to run to you stupid speaker.” You clenched your fist around the speaker that constantly mocked you throughout the night. You threw it away from you without looking.
Glass shattering made you whip around to see what you hit. The speaker had broken the window. You ran towards it. There was a hole where the speaker went through, and the rest of the window was cracked. You looked down at your legs: one ankle still in pain, and you’re wearing shorts. You decided it would be easier to escape with on completely battered leg then two bad ones. You raised your injured leg and kicked the window a couple of times, breaking the rest of the glass. Your leg got cut a few times and your ankle hurt even worse now but it was worth it. 
You looked out the window. You were on the second floor so you didn’t want to just jump down. Looking around you saw a tree branch you could probably jump to. You perched yourself on the ledge and took a deep breath before leaping to the tree.
“Y/N?” Suga called.
You grabbed onto a tree branch. You looked back to the window to see Jungkook and Suga looking at you. You were relieved to see them both still alive, so you smiled at them. 
There was no was such a small branch could support your weight. The branch snapped and you fell through the tree. You hit your back few times and a few other branches broke as you fell. You hit your head hard on the ground, vision going black for a moment. A sharp pain shot through your body. 
As your vision slowly cleared you saw a branch impaled into your stomach. You couldn’t move at all. Your eyes flicked up to the room you came out of to see Jungkook and Suga fighting in the room. You tried to keep your eyes open but it was hard. You guess it made since you were the “one wasn’t so skilled” one. You weren’t an idol unlike everyone else. You excepted your fate and closed your eyes, world fading away as you bleed out.
“Y/N! Y/N are you okay?!” You heard muffled yelling sounding very far away. You fluttered open your eyes to see Jungkook crouching over you looking worried.
“Where’s Suga?” You murmured.
“We thought you were dead.” He said sounding relieved. “He’d dead.”
“He was the killer?” You croaked out.
A wicked smiled etched itself onto Jungkook’s face. “Well, a killer.”
“What?” You asked.
Jungkook laughed. “I never said which killer would die, did I Y/N?” When your eyes widened he laughed again. “I guess this is the time where I revile my evil plan huh?”
Your eyes scanned his face, hoping there was a sign he was lying. “Y-you? But how?”
“I was here first to help V decorate. I taped the speaker under the table and set up the automatic door. I’ve been planning this for month’s Y/N, hell I even learned how to pick-pocketed everyone’s phone.”  He reached into his bag and looked around until he pulled out your phone, smiling triumphantly.
“I brought a knife to replace Suga’s, taking his and hiding it in his bag. That takes care of Rap Monster. Then I brought your bag upstairs and put it at the top of the stairs since I was conveniently at the end of the line. I used my remote to control the speaker to play the screams I took from a horror movie to make you all panic. That takes care of V.”
He let out a chuckle. “You were supposed to die a while ago honestly Y/N. I wanted you to be the one strangled in the webs, not Jimin. That’s okay though, you made it easy for me to push the blame. I know every thinks the person who pushes the blame is way too obvious, so I kept doing it. It was supposed to go Rap Monster, V, You, J Hope, Jin, Suga, Jimin, but hey. What can you do? Sorry about locking you in a room, the death for least skilled was planned for Suga I didn’t know how to morph it to you. Your death was completely ruined and unplanned, and yet you still managed to get yourself killed. And I feel like this fits you better than losing hope. You’re really unskilled, it fits you.”
“Why is Suga unskilled?” You asked.
Jungkook laughed again, but ignored your question. “You made it so easy to blame you, you know? You just so happened to use the bathroom where I swapped the pills for J Hope, and then playing darts with me? You made it so easy to kill Jin and blame it on you, thank you. Suga trusted me so easily ‘cause of you. At the end after he saw you dying and realized that it had to be me, it was too late.”
“How... did you kill Suga?” 
“I had planned for an amazing climax to the story you know. Jimin and I fighting to the death on the roof top.” He sighed dramatically. “But I was robbed of that. Instead, I bashed Suga’s head in against the wall. Very barbaric, not at all as poetic as I wanted. And now I’m stuck with you.”
You wished you could reach out and hit him but your entire body was numb. You must have been making a face because he laughed again. “What’s wrong Y/N? You thought the killer would really predict his own death? Don’t be stupid.” He stood up. “I’m going to let you bleed out, then call the police and play victim. Everyone’s going to think it was Suga, and I’ll get away with it.”
“Why?” You croaked.
“Why? To test the limit of my abilities.” He gave you one last smile before he pulled out the branch impaled in your stomach, speeding up the bleeding process. “Thank you for making this so easy for me. Now let’s see if I can fool the cops.”
And then there was one.
Part 7
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rysonbran · 6 years
Asks Challenge: Late night 🌙 Tea ☕️ and Spring Awakening 🌸
Spring Awakening Lyrics ask meme
Mama who bore me- What’s your relationship with your parents like?
I have a gr8 relationship with my parents, they’re divorced so I do most general stuff with my mom and then most cooking stuff I’ll do with my dad because we’re both food nerds
No sleep in Heaven- Are you currently worried about something?
Thought is suspect- Do you have any unpopular opinions?
I mean not that I know of?
All will know- what are your plans for the future?
Idk man whatever happens happens
Her silver call- What gives you hope?
The future
The bitch of living- What do you dislike most about your life?
Ummmm highschool lmao
This mess of a life- Do you find it important to feel in control?
Fuck yeah but it doesn’t always happen
It’s so where I live- Do you or your family have any unique traditions?
We do family dinners every Sunday and Christmas competitions every year
To shore- What’s your “happy place”?
At home with my doge and a blanket and some tea
All is forgiven- Is there anything you can’t forgive yourself for?
I mean my anxiety says yes but
Just too unreal- Did you ever get in a situation that felt too good to be true??
Not that I can remember
Grasping at pearls- Do you tend to jump to conclusions too quickly? 
yessssss oh my god
I don’t scream- Are you more likely to protest something that you don’t agree with, or keep it to yourself?
Protest lmao I’m stubborn
Just like she never saw me- Have you ever felt like your problems were getting ignored?
Well, fine- do you often lie? what do you typically lie about?
I have a lot of little white lies lmao
You tell your soul - What do you do feel better when you’re down?
Text my best friend and cry into food lmao
Flip on a switch- What never fails to brighten up your day?
My doge!
The whispers of fear- What’s your biggest fear?
Spiders, the death of everyone I know, my dog dying, morbid stuff lmao
I believe- What is an important belief of yours?
My belief in equality probably
Peace and joy be with them - What’s the best thing someone said to you?
Probably that I’m pretty
the season for dreaming - What’s your dream?
To be able to travel the world and see stuff
This brave new you that you are - What’s something that changed for the better about you?
I don’t think anything’s really changed but I’ve been attempting to be more open, not that it’s worked
Floating high and blue- What would you consider to be the ideal life for you?
Living somewhere other than the states, working a creative job with intelligent people and having a dog
Beneath the rising moon- What’s your favourite thing about night time?
It’s quiet
Through the open books on the grass- What’s your favourite pastime?
Reading or drawing or being on this blue hellscape
Winter wind sings and it cries- Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
hahahaha pessimist  All things he never did- What’s something you always wanted to do, and didn’t (or didn’t yet)?
I’ve always wanted to go to London, which I did, and not I want to go to Ireland so that I guess
It whistles through the ghosts still left behind- What’s a memory you often think about?
The time I wasn’t allowed to wear a bowtie with a uniform but I didn’t fight it
There’s a moment you know you’re fucked- What was your biggest fuck up?
I made someone faceplant at work lmao
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah - What’s something stupid you remember you or some one else saying?
Something about D.C. being in Virginia
Travel the world within my lips- Ahat was your first kiss like?
Cramped and hot- temperature wise but good
You’re gonna be wounded - Did you ever do something risky that ended up being worth it?
Ummm no I’m not a risk taker lmao
So let that be my story- What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
That I was going to hang out with friends but instead drove 45 minutes away
Something beautiful, a new chance- What are you looking forward to?
Currently? Dinner lmao
You’ve left them far behind- What’s something you decided to leave in the past?
Idk man
And I’ll see their thoughts are known- What are some ideas you feel are important to spread?
Equality, comprehensive sex ed, kindness
The butterfly sings - What makes you feel free?
Nature despite the fact that I hate bugs
Tea ask meme
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
Peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
Sugar cones
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
No but I love my mom’s cowl neck infinity scarf it’s so soft
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
Like half a goddamn hour lmao
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
Macarons, I’ve only had them once and I tried making them and I failed
6: What does your umbrella look like?
It has crowns all over it from the tower of london
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
Rain storms
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? 
Little acts of kindness that happen in public, like someone paying for someone else’s coffee or something
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
Blue and mint green, pastels, pink and orange
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
Wobbly lines
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
Yeas pumpkin spice
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
Yesss multiple times it’s fun until you get a tick
15: Do you have glasses? 
Yeah but I wear contacts most of the time
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
Sign language or French
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
I love spring, probably like may
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
I have a thick pair of wool socks I got from a gun show and I love them
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
Oh my god uhhhh moana?
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
Gummies or popcorn
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
Best in Show
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
I like succulents
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
Nah man it’s art I like all art
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? 
Kiss them probably
27: Do you like nicknames? 
Depends on the nickname
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) 
My 11th doctor costume was lit, I want to cosplay newt Scamander
31:  Are you a fashionable person? 
I like to think I am
32: Do you like watching holiday movies? 
33:  Cookies or brownies?
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
Yes lmao
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets? 
Yes they’re adorable
37:  How often do you doodle? 
A lot
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
Idk at least 6 months ago
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
I have a mannequin head in my room lmao
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
I pick at my nails
41: Any birthmarks?
42: Thoughts on freckles?
Love em
43: First video game you ever played?
Probably mariokart on the DS Lite
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
Yes lmao
46: Thoughts on spring? 
I love it
47: Ideal temperature outside?
Like 65 or 70 where it’s warm but not hot… sweater weather
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
Partly cloudy but cloudy makes for the best lighting
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
I don’t hear them but I see them, i live like 30 mins away from an airport
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
Late night ask meme
cosmos: what’s one thing you wish you could say to someone you are no longer friends with? 
 Bye bitch lmaogalaxies: what are three things you want to do before you die?Travel the world, meet brendon urie, and perform with niall horan or ed sheeran lmao 
 waxing: what is your proudest accomplishment?
 I got pictures accepted into a local arts fiesta
 waning: what is your biggest regret? 
 I probably have a lot but I can’t remember them atm 
 full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
 A humble famous person
 contemplation: if you could wake up one morning and everything in your life was perfect, what would that look like? 
 No deadlines, I’d have a doge and a big house and a huge kitchen somewhere European 
 night light: who/what makes you feel safe?My doge
 ponder: what do you want to do with your life? 
 Something great, I’d like to be able to help people
 sunset: who is someone you thought would be in your life forever, but you no longer talk to? 
 My best friend from elementary school 
 midnight: are you a different person late at night than in the early morning?
 Early morning do not speak to me lmao late at night I’m more chill
 Candle light: are you an indecisive person? 
 Yes oh my god lmao
 reflection: have you ever changed something you liked about yourself to satisfy someone else?
 I’d hope not
 sweet dreams: are you happy?
 Are you bo burnham? I mean for the most part 
 nightmare: what are you most afraid of? 
 See the one above 
 constellations: who is someone you could talk to for hours and never stop?
 My best friend probably 
 reminder: who is someone you will never forget? 
 My sister’s dog Corona who passed away last year 
 11-11: what’s something you want, but feel like you will never have?
I don’t feel like I’ll be completely satisfied with my life ever, which isn’t completely bad but at the same time it is.
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
My best friend or my fam I love my fam
earth: where do you feel most at home?
.... my home...
soothe: what’s one thing that always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
My doge! 
slumber: what’s one thing that helps you fall asleep when it feels impossible?
I have this silky pajama shirt thing I sleep with, so probably that or like the little stuffed giraffe I got as an early christmas gift
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