#sorry if this dissappointed you guys
naomi-nana · 1 month
bofurin and romance tropes . wind breaker
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just as the title says, bofurin and romance tropes.
featuring : umemiya, sakura, kaji
cw : fluff, gn!reader, probably ooc
a/n : since there isn't many wind breaker fics right now, i'm gonna make one since im obsessed with the characters! if this goes well, maybe i'll make a second part:D
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UMEMIYA HAJIME . friends to lovers !
the two of you first met in café pothos, when you were helping out kotoha since it was pretty busy that day. he was the one that noticed you first and came up to you with a huge smile on his face. he didn't say anything and only stared at you for a while, which makes you think that the leader of bofurin is a freak. but you talked to him anyway.
and that leads you to being friends with him somehow. and because of that, he won't stop bothering you whenever he got the chance to. "name, look! my plants are looking so beautiful under the moon today, hahaha!" he showed them off proudly at you. you only nod your head with a smile on your face. "that's great. but, why are you taking me to furin at night? surely this isn't because you want to have a bbq party with me."
"do you want to?!"
"just tell me what you want, ume."
he chuckled and looks over at you with sincere eyes that makes you feel weirded out. not because you're disgusted by him, but because he usually looks at you that way whenever he has something serious to say. "say, are you alone right now?" you tilt your head to the side at his question. "what do you mean? i'm with you right now."
"haha, sorry. i should've been more specific. i mean, are you single?"
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SAKURA HARUKA . clueless and flustered !
"stop doing that!" sakura glares at you while his whole face glows bright red. suou and nirei only watches from the side as the interaction between you and him goes on. "doing what? i'm not doing anything!" you put the bandage on his injury. the three of them had just gotten back from a fight in the town. and apparently, sakura jumped way too early into the fight and got injured because of that. which is why you're trying to put bandages on his arms right now. keyword, trying.
"could you please stop moving?" you grab his wrist with your hand to make him stop running away from you, but it only makes it worse. he's now screaming like a crazy guy. "hey! get them away from me!" he stares at suou who only smiles at him.
"i-i think we should help him before he passed out from the amount of affection name is giving him." nirei whispers to suou, which earns a hum from him. "hmm, you're right. but this is way too amusing to watch. i say we wait a few more minutes."
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KAJI REN . talkative and quiet !
kaji is known for being a person who's easily angry. well, he might look calm, but the second someone or something pisses him off, he's really scary. which is why people often run away from him. not the people in furin though, including you, who came from a different high school. of course people think you're weird, acting all smiley besides him while he's 'ignoring' you and listening to his music.
but, in reality, he actually hears whatever you're currently saying. "kaji, did you hear? apparently that new coffee shop is closing because they didn't sell well!" you crossed your arms together as you looked at kaji with a dissappointed face. "how sad, i really liked how their coffee taste!" kaji only nod at what you said, and didn't say anything back.
you noticed that he didn't say anything and decided to just shut your mouth, since you think that you're bothering him a little and you don't want him to get mad at you. but then, he suddenly stops walking. "what's wrong, kaji?" you noticed he stopped at the coffee shop you were talking about. he took off his headphone and opened his mouth to speak,
"do you..want to buy coffee?"
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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uwukillmenowowo · 1 month
Hello I have a request can you do a various Yandere MHA x Reader (like class 1a vs class 1b type of stuff) if that's comfortable with you!
WOOOOO!! I don’t mind at all :D
Haha I hope this is good- This is rlly my first time writing a Yandere Varius X Reader soooo......
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(Yandere BNHA X F!Reader!)
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Reader/ [Y/n] will be female for the sake of ✨Cliche writing~!✨
[Y/n]'s quirk allows her to manipulate water Juvia Lockser style [I chose water because it goes well with a lot of the class's quirks]
[Y/n]'s personality is the classic "Naive, innocent, strawberry milk sweetheart"
I may have left out something but I forgot what it was... :(
I hope it's still good tho :)
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Lately all your friends have been acting weird. They want to do stuff like hanging out with you more, have a spar, have a snack, study, stuff like that. At first you found it cute and spent time with whoever asked first... but now... things have become... rough.
{Your POV}
"[Y/n]-Chaann~!" I yelped as I suddenly got hugged from behind. "Mina..?" I questioned. I heard her laugh and when I turned around, I saw the whole Bakusquad there. "What's up guys?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"Oh! We were planning to hit up the arcade. You wanna join?" Kriishima asked as he slung his arm around Kaminari. I groaned and rubbed my arm. "Sorry guys, I have something going on." They looked dissappointed but Bakugo just seemed pissed. More so than usual. "AH?! What could be more important? You're already hella smart and your quirk is kick ass!" I chuckled and blushed at the praise. "Yeah... True... It is only grocery shopping...but-"
"Then we can go to the arcade and then we can walk with you to the store."Kaminari suggested. "O-Oh! You don't have to! I mean- I still have-" Before I was able to finish my sentence, the door to the class opened and I saw Tetsutetsu, Kuroiro, Shiozaki, and Kendo. "Good afternoon. Is [Y/n]-San here?" I smiled and told the people in front of me goodbye before I jogged to the door. "Sorry! Just saying my goodbyes. We can go now." I told Kendo.
She smiled at me and in return, Tetsutetsu linked our arms and dragged me and the 1-B students away.
{Third POV}
It was silence for a while as class 1-A stared at the door that was left open. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS SHE HANGING OUT WITH THOSE CLASS B NOBODIES?!?" Screamed the blonde haired boy as he activated his quirk. "*hmph* Bakugo, calm down, we all agreed that we wouldn't act against each other until [Y/n] gave an answer." A black haired male ran into front of Bakugo to stop his quirk. "*Tch*... Dammit four eyes-" Bakugo glared at the class president before groaning and exited the class.
"Bakugo? Where are you going?!" Yaoyorozu asked, worried that [Y/n] might see all their true colours. "MAKING SURE THOSE EXTRAS DON'T DO STUPID SHIT!"
Everyone else in the class sighed. They also wanted to do the same but they know it will be suspicious.
{Your POV}
I thanked Shiozaki as she bought us all ice cream. "You really didn't have to buy these..." I smiled and licked my [Fav. Flavor] ice cream. "And Tetsutetsu, you don't have to hold my grocery bags." But Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki just looked more proud and happy with themselves. "We can walk you home too is you want?" Kendo asked as she stood behind me.
I sweatdropped. "Oh! That's too much! It's getting dark so I can't! You guys need to get home too so-" "I'm sure it'll be fine. We live in the same area anyways." Kuroiro said, looking at the others. "Are you sre? If it gets too late than you guys can stay over for the night..." That made the four of them smile. "Oh we won't take long, I'm sure" I smiled back and sighed. "Okay, fine. Let's go."
{Third POV}
"SHE'S GONNA- *MMPHHH*" Bakugo flailed around as the other grabbed him, covering his mouth and pulled him back into their hiding space. "Shhhhuuu! Bakubro she's gonna hear you!" Kirishima whispered and he used his quirk and hugged Bakugo to trap him. "Ahh! What should we do?!" Ashido asked as she gripped her hair.
"Don't worry. I texted the chat." "YOU DID WHAT?!?" The Bakusquad all glared at Kaminari. "Huh? What was that?" The Bakusquad all ducked into the alleyway, tightly holding onto the explosive Pomeranian. "[Y/n]... We should go. They could be a thief, or a villain." They heard a member of Class B suggest. "Hmm... Okay. Let's hurry."
They heard the group that they were tailing start to jog and they all shared their annoyance. "*Tch* It's no use. They're all at [Y/n]'s home so there's no point in tailing them anymore." Sero groaned and facepalmed. "That sucks. 'Cause Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are already on their way. So are Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro." The Bakusquad grit their teeth while Bakugo activated his quirk, letting out muffled yells. "This stupid idiot-" Sero sighed and smacked the back of Kaminari's head. "Hey!"
But before Kaminari could respond, the three boys he mentioned earlier just arrived, along with Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro arrived. "Where are they?!" Midoriya asked as he kept a straight face.
"Simple~ Anywhere where no class 1-A morons are!" Out came a voice that 1-A was all too familiar with. "OF COURSE IT'S YOU, COPYCAT!" Bakugo yelled, getting out of Kirishima's grip. The "Copycat" just laughed and from both side of the ally, came more students from class 1-B. "An ambush?! So you knew?" Yaoyorozu stated firmly, reaching for her stomach and pulled out a spear while the other class 1-A activated their quirks.
"Whoa... Whoa... Settle down! You wouldn't want dearest to find out about this little thing do you~?" Kaibara chuckled as he pulled out his phone with a video that the 1-A students knew all too much about. A video of... a certain person who... let's just say tried to do bad stuff to our dear reader. "How?" Iida demanded, getting into a fighting position.
Monoma stepped forwards. "Relax~ We won't actually do anything yet." He laughed as he clapped twice. At the signal, Class 1-B all charged at 1-A. Because of the small allyway they were in, class 1-A had trouble controlling their quirks. I mean, sure they have control but their anger of being blackmailed messed with them.
"You tell her and I swear on All Might's name I will completely mmmmmmhh- frick you up." Uraraka exclaimed, pouting. "Ohhhh no~ We're so scared" Kodai responded with sarcasm. After a great stare off, they all launched their attacks both sides determined to beat the other to prove the strength of their love.
[Request for Pt.2]
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THIS WAS HONESTLY MY FIRST TIME WRITING A YANDERE x READER- SOOOOOO I HAD NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH THE PLOT MY MIND JUST WENT. "Okay, fight, love, hate, fight, kill, blood, love, jelly jelly, tsun tsun, fight, jelly, hate, love, blood, tsun tsun, blood, fight, kill, jelly jelly."
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I'm sorry but why do you ship them so hard? They just have 1 episode together.. I watched the sandman expecting destiel and it was literally almost nothing there. 1 episode. Idk how you guys got so much ship content out of that.
Ah nonny, I'm sorry but if you go into anything expecting Destiel you are gonna be dissappointed. Destiel is a behemouth of 12 years worth of gradually escalating gay subtext, queer coding, and romantic tropes. Destiel is the ship that people go into expecting that Tumblr exaggerated only to be blown away by how ridiculously gay it is even when it tries so hard not to be.
But remember, once upon a time people shipped Destiel after only a few moments of interaction. The first Destiel fic was written 30 minutes after Lazarus Rising aired...everything has its time.
When I joked that Dreamling was the "Destiel of Sandman fandom" I meant in terms of popularity compared to everything else about the show. The ships share some similar traits when compared on a grand scale - think ancient cosmic entity that has very strict rules slowly changes and starts to become more "human" thanks to their friendship with one dude who just so happens to be a hedonistic stubborn ass who refuses to die - but are otherwise very different.
But if you are wondering why people ship Dream and Hob so hard, well, this post goes some ways to explaining it.
But basically, look this may only be a half hour of television, but it doesn't equate in universe to half an hour of interaction. This half hour of television spans the course of 6 centuries for these two characters. There is a totally untapped potential hidden in the gaps between centuries to explore, and on top of that, the final meeting is left completely up to the imagination of the audience. Its a sandbox ship. Its a dozen fanfiction gaps laid on top of each other. It's at least 20 different prompts for fans to sink their teeth into. Its the potential. It's the what if.
Then on top of that, if you follow the comics, you know that the future Dream x Hob meetings also have a hell of a lot of potential to turn romantic. Dream going out of his way to hunt down a specific bottle of wine that doesn't exist on Earth anymore to gift it to Hob in his dreams, the very fact that he visits Hob in his dreams (hello common Destiel trope right there). They don't meet too many more times in the comics, but each time the tension is palpable. The meeting in the Kindly Ones is heartbreaking, because you can tell desperately how much they need each other at that moment, but they are both too distracted or consumed by grief and depression to truly reach out to one another. The comics never reveal why Dream sought Hob out at that point, but given everything happening to him at the time, its not hard to assume that Dream was seeking comfort from his friend - the only person he could really turn to for comfort at that point.
Then we have Hob's dream. One of the final stories in The Sandman original comic run. After everything else has happened, after the climax and all that takes place, after the smoke has cleared and you think everyone else has moved on and you are certain the ending is set in stone, you get to Hob's dream, and your mind is once again blown, and suddenly you have a thousand more questions. So many fans hopes and dreams rely on Hob's dream right now I can't even begin to express how important that particular comic issue is to me.
It's all about the potential. There is so much potential.
Plus the 30 minute scene we got was loaded full of subtext, romantic tropes, and queer coding. I dunno if you picked up on it, but I have an extremely long meta essay still in the works that goes through everything that 30 minute sequence gives us in terms of shipping fodder (I really need to finish that). Its not just the romantic tropes, the break up and make up, its the acting choices, the eye fucking, the freaking song choices in 1989 holy fuck could they be more on the nose.
Also, consider this thought experiment: Crowley and Aziraphale in Good Omens are a hugely popular ship, where their creator Neil Gaiman has confirmed that theirs is a love story. Whatever else you may believe about Crowley and Aziraphale, their story is a love story. Creator confirmed love story.
Now, Crowley and Aziraphale are the leads of Good Omens and interact throughout the entire 6 episode show. But consider the first half of episode 3. Imagine a version of Good Omens where Crowley and Aziraphale don't really interact outside of that 30 minute opening sequence. That the story was much more focused on the Them, the Horsemen, and the other characters. Imagine then seeing that 30 minute sequence which shows Crowley and Aziraphale slowly warming to each other and becoming friends over the centuries, shows them getting to know each other, do each other favours, come to each others defence, get into fights and break up with each other, only to make up later...
Would you still ship them? Even if that 30 minute sequence was all you got? I guarantee if I asked any Ineffable Husbands fan that question they would say yes. Because THAT 30 minute sequence is what solidifies the importance of their relationship and its what MAKES IT a love story.
Guess where Neil Gaiman got the idea for that 30 minute sequence in Good Omens from? Ah Neil, plagiarising his own work all these years later!
If Neil Gaiman thought that Men of Good Fortune would work well for a canonical love story in Good Omens, I wonder what he was thinking when he then adapted Men of Good Fortune for television?
I ship Dreamling that hard because it has more potential than any other ship I have come across. It has 6 centuries and all the future of the Sandman show for me to explore, to tweak, to play with. Besides they just suit each other ya know? Like Dream is notoriously bad at relationships, but Hob is literally perfect for him. The more my mind dwells on how perfect Hob is for Dream the more I want to scream about it. Give the sad wet cat man a boyfriend who is literally his opposite in every way. Dream is a character looking for a reason to keep living, and Hob is a character who refuses to die. Dream is a pessimist, Hob is an optimist. Dream is afraid of change, Hob literally changes constantly with the times. Dream is desperate for love and someone to stay by his side, Hob just wants to love someone he doesn't have to eventually leave.
Let them meet in the middle.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
Smut requests?
Currently thinking about writnig smut pretty much idk why though, so here are some phrases you can request me writing them with.
Also, I want some of them to be fun, it could start suggestive and end in crack, so request however you guys like.
Enemies/Haters to lovers
"These shoes are adjustable?" "Yes, and I wish your dick was too." ...
"I don't like how you're looking at my dick..." "Well, I'm trying to find it." ...
"You said that dicks were dissappointing, so what is that?" "Not your dick, that much is clear!"
Top towards their sub
"Aw, look at that sweet, angel-like body of yours...mind if I break it?" "Wh-what?!" ...
"Huh, and here I thought I was the first one to enter you...look at all these dildos!" "I-I said don't look at them!!" ...
*Top works at a club for service, looks at sub seductively.* "So, doll, what will it be today? Bondage, butt plugs, roleplay?" "I-I'm a virgin...?" "OH SHIT-- I'm so sorry love, here, let's start with some kissing first, alright? I'll also get the lube!"
"So...you're a virgin?" "Yeah...?" "Me too! But I call dibs on being top." *messes it up and becomes a pathetic bottom* ...
"Heh, just so you know, I can be anything you want." *looks at their partner seductively.* "Order me some pizza." *seductive gaze falls.* ...
"Well, I don't mean to say, but I'd make a pretty good top." "Eh, I like 'em more ...submissive and breedable-" "I can be that too."
I had a few laughing fits when writing these, so yeah. If you have something else in mind, just request it and I'll see if I can write it or not.
Read you guys in the next post!
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Pt: 1 Pt: 3
Summary: You meet your father after a lifetime of not knowing him.
Warnings: Angst but with comfort this time,
Requested: N/A
Female Reader
You followd Leonardo nervously.
You knew his brother would not take kindly to him bringing you into their home. That wasn't why you were nervous though, you could understand their reservations about you, you were their enemy less than an hour ago.
No you were nervous to meet your father. How will he react to seeing you? Anger? Dissappointment? Sadness? Happiness?
It was so unpredictable you couldn't help your rising anxieties.
Leonardo led you up the old subway station steps, and you felt your shoulders tense as his brothers looked up at the two of you.
Silence filled the Lair, and you didn't dare break eye contact with Raphael.
"Guys, I this might seem bad-"
"What is she doing here!?" Raphael shouted, storming up to Leonardo and in turn, you, "Great idea, Leo, bring Shredder's daughter to the Lair. Now she knows exactly where we are!"
"Raph, calm down, she needs to see Sensei. She said she believes that he's her real dad."
Raphael's angry gaze flickered between you and Leonardo, but before he could argue further, Splinter stepped into the room.
"What is going on here?" He asked in his authorative tone. His eyes caught your own, and he dropped his jade staff.
"Tomoe?" His hands were raised, as though he wanted to do nothing more than hold you.
You looked down at your feet, the realization that you still wore your Foot Clan symbol filling you with shame, "Hello, Father."
The name was foreign to you, you only knew the name you were given by Shredder.
Tomoe. It meant blessing.
That thought only furthered your shame and guilt. Tears pricked at your eyes as your gaze never left your feet.
Your eyes widened in surprise as Splinter engulfed you in a hug, you held your hands up nervously, before returning the hug.
"I'm so sorry." You sobbed, hugging Splinter, your father, tighter.
"I'm so sorry." you repeated breathlessly, "I- I didn't know, I thought- He said-" You could even finish your sentences. You needed him to hear you, to hear that you were sorry. You were so so sorry.
"Hush hōseki. It's alright, I am not angry with you, I never could be. Shhhhh, it is alright." Splinter pulled away from you, wiping away your tears, "Follow me, my dear, there is much for us to discuss."
You nodded, following Splinter into the dojo. The second the doors closed behind the two of you, you could hear Raphael blow up at Leonardo.
You winced, "I didn't mean to cause an argument, I-"
Splinter held up a hand, silencing you, "Hōseki, they must sort out their issues alone. Raphael has his reservations when it comes to trusting people, he will come around."
"How could he though?" You stated, "I've done- horrible things. I-I was never strong enough to stand up to the Shredder, I just did what he said, I-" you took a deep breath, looking down at your hands, "I hurt people."
Splinter sighed, "You are not your past my dear. I have made mistakes myself. Those mistakes cost me my family. They cost me you. They cost me your mother and your sister. Those mistakes won't leave you, they stay for a long time, but so long as you learn from them and better yourself, those mistakes only aided in making you who you are."
Splinter rested a gentle hand on your shoulder, smiling softly at you, "Come my daughter, sit with me. Let us talk."
You followed Splinter, taking a seat under the impossibly large tree. You were still tense, but you had definitly calmed down quite abit. You felt more comfortable in your father's presence, like it was natural.
He gave off that fatherly energy of comfort, something you had never felt from Shredder. Shredder was, cold, and distant. But Splinter seemed as though he wanted nothing more than to learn who you were, who his daughter had grown to be.
"You look just like your mother."
You looked up to catch Splinter gaze, a soft smile played on his lips, "Really?"
He nodded, "Aside from the eyes, yes. You have my eyes." he moved a hand to brush aside a strand of your hair blocking your face, tucking the strand behind your ear.
"Dad, I-"
"My dear if you say you are sorry again, I will make you sit through a lecture from Michelangelo about self forgivness."
You chuckled, "It can't be that bad, right?"
"Well maybe not, if he didn't randomly add 'dude' to every sentence."
That caused you to fully laugh, something you hadn't done in years. Sure, Karai managed to get the occasional snort or giggle out of you, but again you were the silent one. Laughter included.
But as time passed, and you stayed with your new family, you felt that silence dissapaiting. You were more comfortable in your own body, you no longer had to fear punishment for speaking your mind.
Of course, you were still quiet. That's just who you were. You just spoke more often, but still in that soft and gentle tone.
The turtles, you new kyoudai, they all came around on their own. Leonardo was obviously the first, he broight you here because he trusted you afterall.
Michelangelo was the second.
It only took afew days and some time with him to welcome you, and now it seemed he wanted nothing more than to spend time with you.
Donatello was third. You spent quite abit of time in his lab with him, it was the place most foreign to you, so you wanted to familiarize yourself with it.
You mostly sat aside and asked questions, though you knew when he needed silence. He came around rather quickly as well.
Fourth and finally was Raphael.
He seemed hell bent on hating you, no matter how you tried to show him you meant no harm.
Eventually, Splinter decided enough was enough, and sent the two of you on a solo patrol, leaving you with a very upset Raphael.
He blew up at you, saying that he didn't know how his brothers trusted you so easily. You sighed, and moved to sit at the edge of the roof.
You explained the way you felt after Leonardo told you that Splinter was your dad, the betrayal you felt. You had been lied to your whole life, the people you had been told were enemies were actually family.
You knew what it felt like to be betrayed, it hurt. It hurt that someone you trusted with your whole being would toss you away or lie to you so easily.
You told him as much.
"I get where you're coming from, Raphael. I understand that you don't trust me. I'm not exactly a saint among men. I've done- horrible things, all because I was to afraid to stand up to orders." You said, not breaking your gaze from the New York skyline.
"I hurt people, innocent people, all so Shredder could grow his empire. Now, I get that you don't trust me, but it doesn't matter either way, because wether you trust me or not, I'm gping to help you destroy the Shredder, and the empire I helped build."
You turned to look at him, your normally soft eyes burning with a fire you had never known before, "I swear on my life I will."
And that was four.
Alright so Tomoe is the name you were given at birth, it means blessing. It was changed just like Karai's.
But it doesn't really matter, cuz Splinter is really the only one who calls you Tomoe.
Kyoudai: Little brothers
Hōseki: Gem
As usual, let me know if they're incorrect!
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purplehalnw · 1 year
Whenever I see people express dissappointment that Belos's past wasn't mentioned in the finale at all despite the show doing all of this buildup for it, I always see people arguing "well it's meant to show that your past doesn't excuse the bad things you did".
Well if that was the case then they should've mentioned his past and then been like "sorry but that doesn't change shit" rather than just ignore his past and complexity and act like he's just some 1-dimensional basic ass power hungry villain who was just born evil.
Like have one of the characters say something like, "Maybe a few centuries ago I could've felt sorry for you. But whatever happened in your past doesn't change what you did, not anymore, not after all this. It's too late for you now. You've lost whatever's left of your humanity. We're more human than you'll ever be."
It's like at first they were writing Belos as an irredeemable version of Catra from She-Ra but then they just turned around and said "naw he's just fucking Horde Prime".
Like instead of getting messages like, "anyone is capable of becoming evil", "someone can be both sympathetic and irredeemable", or "someone can be redeemable if they are open to change" we instead got:
"some people are just inherently evil and irredeemable"
Wow really groundbreaking stuff here guys, definitely not something that we've seen in almost every single fucking Disney movie ever.
Also, people argue that his death being anticlimactic is fine because he doesn't deserve a grand ass ending. Which sure that would work for your basic ass power hungry villain like Kikimora or Odalia who don't really matter all that much but it doesn't work for a villain as complex and built up as Belos.
Like... just remove the curb stomping bit and how he died would've been fine for me. Have him melt from the boiling rain and then have Luz burn his goopy remains.
The tone of the scene when he was melting was great and the background music was amazing but then they had to fuck it up by adding the curb stomping as a sort of joke.
Hell I probably would've been more satisfied if he had actually died when the Collector slammed him in the S2 finale because at least there his possible death was treated fucking seriously.
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goldenestheart · 6 months
okay, i need to tell my opinion about readings. remember, this is just my opinion!!!
i have done many many readings in the past. (on my other blog). i always used tarot cards. but I always did it just for fun and I didn't even believe in my predictions. it was just fun. i always said that people shouldn't take my readings seriously.
but long period passed since that. now i am older and i realised.
readings are bullshit!
like come on, people, do you actually believe that some random person on the other side of the world will tell you your future based on your favorite emojis? 🙄🤦‍♀️
like be smart, people, use your brain. do you really think that reader only needs your initials for your readings? wut? they just do it for fun. like everything they say in their readings, nothing will happen. they just feed your delusionals.
what i really hate is celebrity readings. like when someone wants to know their future with celebrity🙄 like: hello, i always dream about *insert celebrity name* and i truly believe they're my soulmate. could you tell me how will i meet them?
guurl, be serious, you will never meet them.
and many people who request readings are so ungrateful, they won't say thanks and please, they always want to know about their crush😁 i think they're kids.
other thing, i received many readings by the start of this year. year is slowly ending and guess what? nothing happened what readers told me will happen💁‍♀️ i even received many readings from readers whose do paid readings and it didn't happen. meh, these people offer many money for their readings, some naive girls buy from them and they'll be dissappointed cause shit happened. GUYS, WAKE UP, THEY ONLY USE YOU FOR YOUR MONEY. THEY MAKE UP THEIR READINGS, THEY TELL YOU ONLY WHAT YOU WANT HEAR AND THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY!!!
readings are bullshits. readings on tumblr are bullshits. if you need to know your future, visit some fortune teller where you live, make sure to view their reviews if it did happen what they told will happen and yes, i think this is only way you can know your future. not from some random people on tumblr who tell you they can see the future.
And also, serious question for you, did it all happen what reader told you will happen? The answer is no, right? ☺️
This is just my opinion, ok? I just grew up from this embarrasing phase. I don't mean it bad, okay? And also sorry for my errors, english is not my native language.
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winters8child · 27 days
It´s been a long, long time
Chapter 20
With the return of all the soldiers that Steve had saved, the mood in our camp lifted. People were bustling about, friends that believed the other dead fell in each others arms and the infirmary was full of soldiers needing care. I tried to focus on my job, but just the thought that Bucky was here kept occupying my mind. I was finishing up a bullet wound when he stepped inside my tent, "I have some scratches I would like you to look over, Mam", he said looking at me.
Another nurse that was free, came up to him "I can look after that Sergeant" but he shook his head, his eyes not leaving mine, "I will wait". She looked dissappointed but soon other soldiers came in and kept her busy. "Thats it, just dont move your arm and come back tomorrow so I can check on your bandages", I said and sent the soldier on his way. Bucky sat down on the cot the other guy had vacated, looked up at me and took my hand. I started to tear up again but I did not want to look unprofessional, "Are you hurt Sergeant Barnes?", I started to look him over. He seemed fine apart from a couple of some scratches. "I still cant believe this is real", he stroked my hand and kissed it, as if he wanted to make sure that I was not a figment of his imagination.
"Katie Im taking a break", I called over to the nurse from before, as I led Bucky out of the infirmary and into my personal tent, where I spent the nights. As soon as we were inside, I fell into his arms and let the tears flow. He just held me, stroking my back and I felt horrible because he was in captivity and I was the one breaking down. I pulled back, "Im sorry, you should not need to comfort me", I cried wiping away my tears. "No need to apologize, you dont wanna know how much I cried on the way here", he tried to make me feel better. He held my face, closed the gap between us and kissed me, first softly and slow. As if he he did not want to scare me off, like he was testing the waters. But my feelings had not changed, the time apart left me craving his touch, so I urged him on not to hold back.
I grabbed him by the neck and deepend the kiss, our bodies were pressed together and our mouths were seeking each other desperately. His hands roamed over my body, lifting my skirt and grabbing my thigh as my body ignited flames of desire with every touch. Our breaths mingled as the kiss deepened, each breath a declaration of our yearning for each other. We broke apart when I heard someone calling my name outside of my tent, it was Katie. "Are you in there, its getting quite busy in the infirmary." Bucky was still holding on to me, peppering my neck with kisses, which made it hard to focus, "I will be right out", I said breathily and heard her walk away.
I gave Bucky a quick hug before I hurried out of the tent and spent the rest of the day, treating injuries. It was so busy that I did not even have time to sit down for a minute and when the stream of patients finally subsided, I stepped out of the infirmary and took a deep breath. I saw Bucky and Steve sitting by a tree at the lake and talking animatedly, the sight almost made me tear up. I walked up to them, "Hello gentlmen, I hope Im not intruding", I ran my hand through Buckys hair as he smiled up to me. Steve patted on the spot next to him, "I just told Bucky about all of the Super Soldier Bussines, Dr. Erskine and how we moved in together." The last part made me feel some kind of way, "Oh really", I sat down, next to Steve. I tried to decipher Buckys expression but he looked calm and collected. "Look at us, the three musketeers back together", Bucky exclaimed. That made Steve laugh "Isnt it the four musketeers?". "Yeah well, we will just have to find a fourth person….how about Agent Carter, she seems to be giving you puppy dog eyes", Bucky suggested. Steve smiled looking at me, "I havent really noticed" and I blushed and looked down at my lap, fidgeting with a piece of gras in my hand. When I finally looked up, I could see Bucky looking at the two of us, the way how Steve sat so close to me, how he would stroke my hand from time to time. His expression changed, he had a sad smile on his face as he finally realized what had changed. Steve and I had spent so much time together, but now that Bucky was back I did not know how to act.
"Well, its late and I gotta get up early tomorrow, so I better go to bed.", Steve proclaimed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He got up, patted Bucky on the shoulder, "Im so glad that you are back bud." and walked to his tent. I did not know what to say so I just sat there until Bucky broke the silence. "Its ok you know, I did tell you to live your life", his voice betrayed his emotions, it did not sound like he was ok with this. I shook my head, "No its not the way you think it is, my feelings for you have not changed.". Bucky was not convinced, "But your feelings for Steve did? Did you tell him about us? About what happend before I left? Because I think he deserves to know".
"Its not like that Buck, we might have gotten closer but nothing happend….I mean we only kissed once and it ended there, nothing more", I took his hand, hoping he would understand. "Is that how Steve sees it, because I saw the way he looks at you….I mean he always loved you but…there was hope in his eyes. If you two want to be together, I wont stand in your way. I love you and I love Steve and if the both of you are happy, what more could I ask?", his eyes started to well up and it broke my heart. I was trying to come up with the right thing to say, to make him feel better but I could not find the words, I loved them both and and both of them loved me and in a perfect world, that would not be a problem.
He held my face, wiped away my tears and whispered "Im ok" as he took my hand and walked me to my tent. We stood there, neither of us wanting to say good night, going to bed felt like a waste of time, now that I finally got him back. When i did not move, Bucky got closer, intertwining his fingers with mine. He was so close that I was afraid the whole camp would hear my rapid heartbeat and even now he smelled intoxicating. Our bodies were almost pressed together and our breaths mingled and I was not sure what to expect. His face was just inches away when he shook his head and whispered "Im not ok" and kissed me passionately.
Next Chapter
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Made it through chapters 13-18 today and I wanted to start this one off by mentioning something that I noticed a while ago but neglected to mention here so far, which is that Feyre uses Ihr/Euch when referring to Tamlin and I think Lucien and even Alis as well (Ihr/Euch is the Formal You thats used to refer to nobility (as opposed to the more common Sie/Ihnen which is the Formal You used in others contexts)), while Tamlin and Lucien refer to Feyre by du (Informal You) and Alis refers to her by Ihr/Eugh as well. I wanna try and keep track of when Feyre starts to use the Informal You for Tamlin because its a small detail but it always signals a pretty big shift in the relationship in german-language media and I think its really neat
Anyway, now onto the other stuff; i remember that I complained about the pacing feeling very slow in my first post and I would like to say that thats gotten a lot better, at least on the level of individual scenes. When it comes to the story as a whole though, I feel like its moving unnaturally quickly. Like, its a little hard to describe but Feyres character development and her warming up to the fae feels like its happening in chunks rather than a smooth, natural progression. The fact that SJM's writing is incredibly unsubtle isnt helpful either, it just makes the unnatural-ness of it all stick out that much more. I wouldve definitely needed atleast one realization of "Oh, these guys arent that different from me and the people I knew in my life" from Feyre before she started warming up to them and feeling sorry for Andras' death because as it stands, her feeling guilty felt very sudden
While the fae are still dissappointing overall and I despise the horrible What-if-America-colonized-the-British-Isles ass layout and the exposition was clunkier than ever before, I did like all the non-high fae fea creatures, the Suriel and the Bogge in particular, its truly incredible how interesting SJM's writing can be when shes not too focused on the most generically handsome basically-human-except-they-fuckin-growl-and-roar men
Speaking of those men, I continue to find Tamlin pretty charming although hes definitely definitely not my type, my type are pathetic submissive easily flustered guys, but given that this is a book by Sarah J Maas a guy who actually has hobbies outside of fighting and fucking might be all I can hope for. Despite that, I like Luien a lot more and I find his relationship with Feyre far more compelling. Like, him giving Feyre that dagger telling her not to stab him in the back with it was absolutely lovely, not mention his incredibly interesting family drama. Like ughhhhhhh whyd SJM decide she wanted to subvert expectations by having Feyre end up with Rhysand when Lucien is literally right there. Although granted, I think a large part of the reason I feel that way is because Feyre and Tamlin havent really interacted too much in almost 200 hundred pages while Feyre and Lucien have spent a decent amount of time alone already and its a little baffling because its not like Feylin have absolutely no time together, its just that we dont really see it. Like, we dont see their almost nightly dinners and its really frustrating because Im not even someone who really enjoys this kind of bland cishet "dark romance" thats popular on booktok, but like, whats the point of a beauty and the beast retelling where you dont see the beauty and beast slowly get to know each other. Its even more frustrating when I remember that like a quarter or maybe even a third of this book is gonna be all the Under The Mountain bullshit, like you know you can just tell a smaller scale romance story in a fantasy setting without a big war right
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perhapstoma · 2 months
Rosemary: Prologue
Hiii guys!! I've planned this story for ages, and finally decided it's time to share it! I hope you like it! First chapter will be coming along 💕
WARNING!! Contains Spamano + mention of WW2 (this will not be and is not intended to be romantacised in any shape or form. The use of historical context is not here to show support for any ideologies or praise them, but to set the scene of the story - as I am a forever fan of historical fiction novels, thank you xx)
Hope you enjoy the read ✨
"And then I tell her - sorry sweetheart, does it look like a sell 'fucks'?" The old man's hand hit the table as he burst out into another laughting fit. Feliciano barely saved the richly decorated, porcelain demitasse, gently placing it back on it's little plate. "Get it? That's 'cus she thought I'm some pimp! Yeah that was an experience -" Feliciano chuckled along with the guests, despite the joke being far from hilarious. Thankfully, they faced another interruption.
"It's another one, Mr. Vargas" said the butler, as he stepped outside into the garden. His black, polished shoes tapping against the cobbled pathway. On top of his hand a round silver plate carrying a sealed envelope topped with a sprig of dried rosemary. Despite referring to the receiver as 'Mr Vargas' the man swiftly walked past the head of the family, passing the letter straight into his older grandson's hands. By then, no one had to read the name on the envelope to know who it was from.
"Of course - again? Does this man not know what to do with paper?" The old Italian teased with a chuckle then coughed - one of his friends patting his back gently before turning back to their cup of tea.
"He clearly doesn't grandpa" Lovino shook his head in seeming dissappointment before shoving the letter into his pocket. "Such a waste, that bastard doesn't know when to stop-" mumbled the Italian with an awkward cough, receiving numerous confused looks from his brother and guests before pushing his chair away from the table. "If you excuse me, dear guests, grandpa-" Lovino stood up, breifly bowing - distinguishably posh mannerism - then, excused, he pushed his chair in swiftly and skillfully meandered back to the door, walking inside of the house.
Immediately, now on the other side of the door - Lovino ripped the envelope apart desperately, dying to see the content, destroying the beautiful exterior to retrieve the words, the sentences, the dreams built up of paragraphs that he longed to discover.
January 15th 1944- this letter dated from much newer times than the previous ones, but it wasn't anywhere near the current. He wished this waiting would finally come to an end, but inevitably, it was all false hopes.
"My dearest Lovino" it read. Something that used to bring him distaste, make his eyes roll back in his sockets; something that made him twist his lips and pricked his tongue like lemon juice. Now this phrase weakened his knees, turned and moulded and twisted him both in weakening love, but also regret.
His back sliding down against the wood of the door behind him, he unfolded the letter carefully, tracing the edge of it with his index finger, enjoying the rustle of old paper, it's smell, it's look, he admired it before moving onto the words.
"My dearest Lovino.
I apologize for inconsistency in my writing. Lately, motivation is distant to me. There isn't enough time, or enough space on the letter for me to say everything.
I started losing faith, Lovino-" the door suddenly pushed him forward - it was his younger brother, failing at the subtle attempt to walk in and avoid the other's protests. This time though, he didn't face any. With a concerned look Feliciano wrapped his arms around his older brother. A warm, delicate embrace, something he needed, but not from him. Lovino sighed, and before hearing any encouragement, denied - "I don't want to talk about it, fratello" - the younger Italian simply nodded, his lips were closed. Silence was the best cure, silence and peace.
Feliciano could figure out the topic of the letter easily, he understood that this was probably the last one, by the look of Lovino's face, twisted in pain. With each letter, it worsened, but now, it was so clearly visible that even a fool could spot the distress in those amber irises. A sudden blaze of responsibility enlit within him, he opened his lips to speak again, but Lovino blew the flame out instantly.
"Can you just- leave me alone for a moment?" Lovino bit his lip, embarrassed, rubbing his forehead with his index finger and thumb, his palm covering his face. With his wish, Feliciano left, hoping that the lack of company will bring his brother comfort and space. Lovino was again alone with the words in front of him and the growing urge to rip the letter, those words and sentences, the paragraphs. He wanted to rip them into pieces that couldn't be read by any other eye. Overwhelming.
Yet Lovino couldn't bring himself to it. He huffed, standing up from the floor and folding up the piece of paper, sliding it into the breast pocket of his neatly ironed tuxedo. It wasn't until he reached his chamber, that he let himself reopen those deep rooted wounds. Lovino needed the peace and quiet to swallow whatever was incoming. His stay down stairs where his sorrow met with the human eye remained a risky game, as anyone could've approached him with questions that even God didn't have the answer to. Inevitable.
"I started losing faith Lovino" the Italian could imagine Antonio's calloused hand holding the pen firmly. His neat handwriting turned scruffier and more care free with each letter, some words were barely readable. He could imagine Antonio's shaking grip. As if he was running out of time. He could imagine the ticking clock and the tapping of his sole against the floor nervously, and that scratch of a pen against the roughness of paper. His sighs and huffs and the loudly placed lines that crossed out words, which he figured, due to deteriorating handwriting, were undecipherable.
Lovino held himself close, cradeling his overwhelmed mind, recalling those intimate memories. Reliving their very beginning within his own head. Rethinking his choices. The way things could've been, if he didn't allow these mistakes. The life they could've spent. The time they could've had, but never managed to own.
The rosemary filled envelope smelled of familiarity.
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adamsvanrhijn · 7 months
(Second half of my rant). I actually love that Fellowes gave Oscar a proper relationship, with a historically believable conflict and didn't *just* make him a funny little gay sidekick to his family. And at the same time he gave John a different conflict. I just hate when I see people are _still_ trying to pick something homophobic out of his writing just for the sake of it. I mean barely anyone talks about John and Oscar but you, but whenever they do it's always very critical somehow. Like I don't think people will ever be satisfied by how a gay person is depicted in a period drama. If Oscar doesn't suffer for his sexuality, people will feel it's too modernized and doesn't remind us of the reality. If he suffers, he's a boring old victim clichè and a dissappointment to the viewers. Which was an opinion in a podcast review I listened to. And I respect their view, but I just feel it's about time we start analyzing gay characters deeper than that . And that on itself feels kinda homophobic to me, when people are unable to follow a character's individual story without a need to constantly estimate whether it serves the right amount of whatever they want them to. Like Oscar might have gotten beaten because he's gay, but also because he's the kind of a guy who keeps on putting himself in danger when he's feeling low, and that gives us important information about his internal life. His own varied behaviour shapes him into a far more compelling and complex character than pretty much anyone else on this show. And it does it with relatively little screentime and Blake Ritson's help. I know S2 puts more focus on Oscar already, but damn I wish Lord Fellowes would realize he's got a few spin off worthy characters & plots in his hands (Peggy is a major one obviously and a whole fucking Ada the Autistic Spinster show would kill me). Not that I think he'd be the best writer to deal with any social issue or anything by any means, or that he even cares about it, but you know. Oscar is a pretty well done supporting character as he is. SO sorry for blogging on your blog and not even asking anything! I just don't have one where I could write this stuff, and thought you might have some really good points to bring into this whole discussion.
realized i never published this this morning! thank you for sharing - i do have some thoughts i will talk about later
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sillysadduck2 · 2 years
Imagine having brainrot over a character that has barely any screen time in one episode couldn’t be me.
anyways completely unrelated to that statement, how do you think the whole Claire and yellow guy thing happened lol, like did she just see a silly goofy guy and went cool I’m in love with him
I'm SO sorry to dissappoint but I disliked Claire a bit 😭😭 she's cool! just not my cup of tea😔 maybe if she had some more personality, but she was kinda creepy to me, its like everyone in there was a uhh is hive mind the right word?
I also personally believe she was just an illusion made by the briefcase 🤔 like, yeah, it happened but not quite? Like when Tony aged them in ep 2 of the webseries? Or special one in ep 3? Just a theory ofc!
I don't really ship yellow with anyone but they're cute, it just doesn't fit my personal view of him :D yknow im mostly one of those ppl who prefer yellow as a kid jsfh so yeah! I still enjoy the art even tho I prefer to not interact with it :]
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A young girl watches BBC Merlin for the first time in 2022 and shares her thoughts for your entertainment.
This time season 3
Enjoy watching me lose my sanity I guess.
Season 1 | Season 2
• This show in never going to let me know peace ever again, is it?
• I kind of want to see Merlin snap back at Arthur more, because if he doesn't the servant-master trope becomes a nono for me. Like, if they fuck with each other, it sort of brings them to the same level, but if it's only Arthur treating Merling like shit, well... idk doesn't sit right
• Morgana my baby look at you how much you've grown. Yes honey play them all slayy
• About her reunions... 1) this Morgwen divorce is really feeling like a slap in the face they were sO CLOSE AND :c 2) How was Merlin so gullible lol xd 3) Arthur's... I'm really sad for them. I really feel bad for Arthur when he finds out and ugh tHEY COULD HAVE BEEN GREAT TOGETHER
• Is that Lucifer
• Wasn't Morgana super good with the sword how is Merlin even facing her with it?
• The goblin episode is the best one so far I'm laughing sO MUCH. Morgana thinking that Gaius knows about her secret and that Merlin stole her bracelet and in reality it's just a random goblin messing around and slapping the king's head after making him bald.
• OMG I JUST NOTICED HAHAHA in the throne room there is a shield hanged and said shield is one that belongs to my homeplace, Castilla y León, in Spain. And his fact it's even better when you know that in my hometown there is a pub called Camelot
• Is that the woman from Balto AND the herbalist teacher from Harry Potter
• Morgana using Gwen and putting her at risk to kill Arthur just broke my heart. I cannot- Not them. They were in love, your honor 😭
• Arthur: I have to do this alone. No help.
Merlin: Sorry I couldn't hear you. My ears suddenly fell off. Anyway I'm going to check every tabern in this realm in search for even more unrequested help. Ok I just miss Gwaine.
• Why doesn't Merlin tell Gwaine about his magic. He would keep the secret even just out of spite lol and probably high five the boy.
• This is not fair I already love Gwaine so fucking much 🤡 I really hate it here.
• Gwaine bi king??? How can I not stan.
• I need you guys to tell me the exact episode I need to skip so that Gwaine simply stops appearing in scenes and there is no other reason for it, we'll just say he went explore something.
• Is that the timelord from Doctor who
• Is that Queen Victoria from Doctor who
• I can't help it I'm pretty sad that Arthur not only has no idea of everything Merlin does, but he instead thinks he was doing something completely false and irresponsible and– like going to get drunk the day Gwen is getting burnt at the stake. It's SO SAD BC I WOULD BE SO DISSAPPOINTED AT MERLIN FOR NOT HELPING OUT AND Merlin must feel SO bad for not beeing seen and auhdfjalf
• Listen you don't understand just how much I wish Morgana had left Gwen out of their plots. It doesn't even make sense, she loved her so much and Gwen did nothing to her how could she be so eager to see her dead?? I hate it here. Imagine if Morgana was conflicted bc of Gwen? like, she would pursue her path but would try at least not to hurt Gwen, doesn't that make much more sense??
• Arthur and Gwen don't make my little heart flick as much, but they are pretty cute I have to admit it. And Merlin honestly seems happy that the people he loves are happy together.
• Is that Dudley Dursley
• This ep before the finale make me feel good about Merlin and Arthur. Not as a couple, but in reflection of character development and all. And they are awarded by their choices like yes finally.
• Unrelated but the 4 second scene where Merlin is doing chores for Arthur and Arthur is just there vibing and asking for advise/ranting gives such a homey comfy ambient between them that it's so sweet.
• I'm so grateful for Lance to know about Merlin's powers. Like yes finally an ally and a friend who sees him and can confide in 😭🥺 I just wish Gwaine knew too. That man is everything but a snitch.
• Gwaine con el uniforme de caballero guApooo El barrio entero para tii la reina del martes santoo el niño de nUestroS OjoS!
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reneewalkersbiceps · 10 months
NO I TOTALLY AGREE it was soooo. sterilised. considering they had gay sex (im the anon that asked btw)
like the book is not perfect but there is a LOT its missing in the adaptation. they really just completely nerfed most of the female characters. they entirely erased alex' sister june (who had a big part of both the plot and impact on his character). bea had so much depth that they judt completely took away. Who is this woman in sundresses and kitten heels thats literally not the bea from the book in any way!!!! and nora too is so much more. Rounded. in the book
and they took away rafael luna (first gay hispanic senator in the book) and kindof gave most of his role in the first act to miguel. and the choice to make MIGUEL the person that (is implied to have) leaked the emails is. hoenstly it left a horrible taste in my mouth. the jealous gay hispanic guy outed him? really? when in the book it was the republican who was running against his mother? you gave that role to MIGUEL INSTEAD? it really. really pissed me off like its a very very different story to the book while still being the same premise
and the book is a lot more explicitly anti monarchy too. i mean it isnt really. its bery bare bones what if the prince was sad bc the monarchy was bad :( but it IS 10x what the movie gave us. in the book they visited tipu's tiger in the v&a which is a tiger eating a european soldierband henry talks about how his mum used to say that the tuger was angry bc her great great great great grandfather stole the statue and she thinks they shld give it back but gran says they couldnt (the book has a queen instead ofna king). and like. when i read it i was like yeah this is bare minimum anti monarchy at the end if the day it was nothing revolutionary. but. the film. man. it gave NOTHING.
man i am so sorry i didnt mean to write so much it got away from me. but. yeah. very dissappointing movie
i’m glad you can shed a bit more light on the discrepancies and issues book to film because i haven’t read the book so obviously i’m a bit ill-informed in that respect! it sounds like the book (as usual with adaptations sadly) had a lot more depth and was a lot more fleshed out, i definitely would’ve liked to see more depth in many of the female characters!
i’m now so mad that they cut what seems like a very important character (rafael luna) for the ‘i don’t like this person so i’ll out them’ trope :(
also, as a brit who is incredibly anti-monarchy (which i do understand may bias me a bit) i feel like they verrry much played it safe in the representation of the british monarchy in the film and it sounds like the author went in a bit more on it in the book?? i really despise the monarchy for many reasons so i think most depictions of the monarchy will fall short for me though to be honest.
all in all, sounds like the book is much better so maybe i just went wrong in terms of watching the movie before reading the book (a fatal mistake 😖)
p.s. i love getting an in-depth ask to my inbox, please don’t apologise for your passion and feelings about something! x
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
Hi im not sure if you like him but could you do bf hcs for luna from blue lock if thats okay? Thank u
ok I think he's a side character?? Wasn't he in world five...?
Ok I'll try my best!! also I don't think I will ever do headcannons, I prefer writing stories, love. I hope that's okay with you :D
Bf headcannons with Leonardo Luna !
Okay, to start off, I think you two met verrryy randomly in Spain. He gives me the vibes that he likes fish very much, and so, you two met at the fish market.
I can just imagine following scenario:
Loud voices were heard, where people either yelled "Everything on slae!", "Don't you dare drop that!", "Moooom!?", and "Come here, try things out!" (->I heard that from personal experience.)
Amidst the people selling and bying, kids running around, and elders sitting somewhere and chatting, Luna went to his favourite fish shop. There, he saw a dilemma.
A pretty person, you. His cheeks took on a rosy hue the longer he stared at you, but when the seller yelled at you to scram, you yelled right back.
"My family are patrons in this shop, and never got any one of us treated that way!", you exclaimed. And in the next moment, an elder looking man stepped in, with a mean snarl towards the new employee before catching sight of you.
"____! What a surprise! How's college?!", he yelled happily as he strutted towards you to hug you. You hugged him back with a frown.
"College is good, but not that new employee you hired.", you stated, glaring at the guy. He started to sweat. Next to Luna were two elderly people who only shook their heads in dissappointment.
"It's always the same with that boy...", the first one muttered, and the other one chimed in. "Yes, the boy thinks he's so high and mighty by working here that he's forgetting his place."
Luna kept looking at the scene, also at the types of fish.
"What?! What did you do this time, boy?!", the elder man explaimed, gritting his teeth at the younger man. You looked at the boy in arrogance.
"He can't even cut the fish properly. I told him to not cut off the head, but he did anyways. He also didn't riü out the spine. And now, he wants me to pay 50 Euros for cutting a 500 gramm light fish. That is simply ridiculous and disgraceful."
"That's it, you're fired!", the elder man exclaimed. "Pack your things and leave!"
You smirked at the outraged expression of the clerk who left. "I'm so sorry, ____. He's always been a pain in the ass...and now I don't have a helping hand..."
Luna and you spoke up at the same time. "I can help!"
You looked back to the guy in surprise. "Wait, aren't you...?!", you started, thinkin, and Luna shook his head in worry.
"Ah, nevermind."
Luna let out a small breath of relief. He loved going to these markets, but he hated getting recognized. And he also loved the fact that you didn't call him out.
however, he held his breath again when the owner of the shop looked at him with a frown. "Wait...I know you...!"
"Y-yeah...?!", he asked, hoping that tha man wouldn't say anything about him bein Leonardo Luna.
"You're also freqzent visiter, aren't you?! So you should know how to cut fish as well! If not, than our ____ here can help!", the man explained, and Luna sighed again.
"Two new workers instead of one!? That would be great!", the man exclaimed again before he told you two to meet him again after giving you both your fish.
Okay, and here would be where they are getting to know each other.
"So, you love going to this fish market, but you don't like getting recognized...", you muttered, feeling sorry for almost blowing his cover.
"Yes. I really do. This market is particularly close to the ocean, so that is a huge plus when you want fresh fish."
You frowned at him. "But, do you even live here in the area? And why do you even need that job?", you asked as you were sharpening the knifes in the kitchen with him.
"I know that I am actually filthy rich, but I wanted to work somewhere else besides playing soccer. And I love fish, so I'm glad I got a little part-time job here.", he answered with a smile.
You nodded in understanding. "My name is ____ ____ by the way."
"That's a cool name! Do you actually work to pay for college, or..?"
"I got a scholarship, but my family is in slight debt. If I work here for a few weeks, then we can pay everything in no time."
And through the smell of fish, hands filled with blood and some of the fishes eggs (y'know these orange or black or red little balls), you and Leonardo grew closer.
You two shared some funny stories as you sold the fishes, and your harmonized teamwork made the atmosphere in the shop wonderful, making people want to visit more and more.
And then, on the last day of Luna's workday, he asked for your number. "I..I really like you, ____. And I'd like to stay in touch...", he muttered shyly.
you blushed, but you gave him your number nonetheless. "call me soon. Tell me when you're done travelling...I'm gonna miss you, you know?"
And since then, you were alone with your chef, the owner of the shop. He became like a second father to you, and he also teased you for not confessing first.
"I didn't know when the right moment was, Tio!", you exlcaimed. He only laughed. "It's never the right moment with you younglings! I'm glad he confessed though."
Suddenly, a person stepped in. It was a cold winter day, and you were still cutting the fish. "Hey ____.", Luna said as he took of the scarf which covered half his face.
"Luna..?!", you whispered. You ran towards him and hugged him, but you didn't touch him. "Sorry, I'm covered in fish...", you muttered, but Luna didn't seem to mind as he held your with fish-blood smeared face and kissed you gently.
"Finally!", the owner yelled in happiness, and the customers were surprised.
Long story short, Luna led you to many restaurants, flew around the world with you for a bit, and you two got together.
He was such a gentleman. Gifting you expensive looking flowers, buying you some of his merch after he saw you with a Loki Keychain (he's still pissed abt that) and overall was a very gentle lover.
When he'd be tired from work, you'd be there to cheer him up over the phone, or whenever he did a surprise visit, you'd either massage him, or cuddle with him.
He doesn't really know how somebody like you could be together with someone like him at first, because he couldn't control his usual arrogant and sacrastic self. But, it turned out that your sarcasm rivaled his and you were just as arrogant as him in certain aspects.
He loves it when you are being arrogant and sarcastic to the haters in the comments, and he always laughs when you tell him what they answered. He loves it when you comb your fingers through his blonde hair, and he always leans into your touch with a smile.
He enjoyed spending time with you, and he hopes that he can someday be more than just your boyfriend.
Sorry if that wasn't what you requested, because writing for side characters is actually tricky...
But it was fun to write, and I hope it was okay for you.
Read you in the next post!
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aso-designer · 2 years
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Part 8 of Bat Times at the Bayou!
As our quator continue their aquatic journey through the bayou, they slowly notices that the surroundings started to be darker.
Pinstripe: Wait... Is it me or the night just start to fall.
Joe: Now I think it's because there's more trees around here.
*As they continue their path in their boat, they then facing a huge tree trunk, blocking their way.*
Moe: Why we're no longer moving?
Pinstripe: A trunk? Why all of sudden? Somethin' isn't right.
*Ripper Roo looked upset.*
Joe: Maybe... It's frequent here. Or it's probably the bats.
Pinstripe: Of course it's them. It's obvious that they put this trunk here to not let us through.
*They suddenly hears noises.*
*Pinstripe raise an hear. He then see a silhouette, that looked like.. A cat? Unless it was the..*
Pinstripe: Joe.. Look here...
Joe: Hm?
Pinstripe: It's maybe... the thing that kidnapped Elli and Pene--
*But the shadow turns out to be someone else. Still a cat hybrid, mixed with what seemed to be a frog.*
Katloula: Why Hellooo there!
Pinstripe: Oh.. Uh... Who are you?
Katloula: The name's Katloula, and you aaare?
Pinstripe:... Pinstripe? You never heard of me?
Joe: By the look of her place, she probably doesn't move much.
Katloula: Nopey nope! I don't care of the Big City! Too much lights and noises!
Pinstripe: Alright, alright. Say, did you put this trunk over there? It prevent us from moving forward.
Katloula: Oh no, I did nothing. It's the buds of Papa Batfield who put it there. You asked them to do that?
Pinstripe: No, we're not responsible of this.
Joe: Actually we've been sent by Dingodile to get them down.
Katloula: Did you said Dingodile?!
Joe: Yes?
Katloula: Oh my gosh, is he with you?
Joe: No.
*Katloula wasn't dissappointed at all, in fact she remains extremely optimistic.*
Katloula: You don't know how much I love him! The first time I put my eyes on him, it was first sight! Since then, I know everything about him. I really want to take a visit to his diner, but someone exploded my boat. He just perfect to me, his scales, his fur, his fats, his...
*Pinstripe put his finger on his mouth, to express his disgust.*
Pinstripe: Oh brother. How can she love someone like him, he's--
Joe: Pin'. Stop that.
*Ripper Roo was confused about Katloula's talk about Dingodile. What was so special to make someone being in love with him? Because of his dinner? Or... Because he took the spotlight.*
*Pinstripe clears his throat.*
Pinstripe: Sorry to interrupt you, Katloula. But do you think you can help us getting rid of that trunk?
Katloula: Oh of course! Just let me grab my chainsaw.
Joe: Her chainsaw?
Moe: Nice!
*Ripper Roo covers his ears.*
*Later, Katloula proceed to saw the trunk, while the group look at her doing it, all intrigued.*
Katloula: Here you go!
Pinstripe: Well thanks. I suppose you want to get something in exchange
Katloula: Oh I don't need a reward I just want to see Dingodile. Once you are done with your bat thingy and turn around, do you think you can pick me with you to the Diner?
Pinstripe: Yeah, whatever if you want.
Katloula: Yay!
*After they said Good bye to Katloula, the group managed to go through. But Pinstripe couldn't help being thoughtful.*
Joe: What's wrong Pin'?
Pinstripe: For a second, I though it was that Cat Bat guy. It's the shape that fooled me.
Joe: There's no way this guy followed us here.
Pinstripe: It's not that. Though I can't help but think he's involved on Dingodile's problems. But maybe it's just me. *sigh*
Moe: Timezones tricks him again?
Joe: No, I think it's just the tiredness brother.
*And then they continues their trip, as the surroundings getting even more darker.*
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