#I thought it'd make for a nice idea hehehe.....
heretek-birth · 5 months
Two-Stage Pregnancy (Part 3, Chapter 6)
Part 3, Chapter 5 The Whole Story
Early afternoon:
"So, how are you doing right now?"
"Nnnnnh! Kelly! This head is driving me insane!" Sarah curls forward once again, pulling back her legs and bearing down hard against Dave's hands over the head.
"You've been crowning on and off since this morning, right? How're you holding up?"
Sarah lets out a loud moan, her legs twitching in the air as his tongue drags her to yet another orgasm. "What- What does it look like- HaaaaAAH-" She hauls back her legs and pushes again, her face turning red from the effort.
"Hehehe, glad to see you're having fun." Kellner watches her shudder and gasp one more time before the contraction fades and Sarah lays back onto the bed. She takes her hand and sits with her through the next few contractions, coaching her to push as long and hard as she can, being with her as she shudders and gasps again and again whenever she bears down hard, resisting the urge to imitate her with a hand down her pants. Instead, she contents herself with watching Sarah closely, drinking in every minute detail - the way her face shifts whenever she's driven over the edge, the way she grips her hand so tightly whenever she bears down, the way her hair falls, matted just a little with sweat in a way she just can't help finding beautiful right now, the way she lays back, so, so tired, at the end of each contraction…
Actually, that might be important. "Sarah, how're you feeling?" Kellner waits for a break between contractions to interrupt. "Are you doing okay?"
"Is something wrong? Or did we-"
"No, I'm just tired. I've been pushing a lot today." She directs a feigned glare towards the foot of the bed. "I'm a little glad to hear you worrying about me, though."
"Awww, thanks…" Kellner feels herself start to blush a little. "This would be a good time to have this baby for real, if you feel like you're ready for it."
"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's do this"
"Alright. Here, let me-" She takes Dave's place holding the head. "You're not too tired for one more thing, are you? To make this last part really special?"
She shakes her head, then groans softly as she feels her baby start to move back inside.
"Good, that's what I was hoping for." Kellner starts to press the head back inside, more and more, until Sarah's lips close over the head. "It'd be about time for this anyways if we weren't birthing the head."
"How does this-"
"Here-" Kellner pushes two gloved fingers inside on either side of the head. "How'd you like to really stretch for me?"
Sarah's breath starts to quicken at the thought - maybe she wasn't that tired.
"Yeah, just like this, pulling with my fingers. It's the closest we can get to an instrumental birth right now without an actual medical reason for one. And-" She seems entirely too excited by this. "It's completely off-the-books."
What the hell is this woman? What kind of complete pervert is she to come up with that idea? "Do it." The same kind Sarah is, apparently.
"All in one contraction. We'll have you push, and I'll pull on the head, and you'll crown your baby just like that. It'll hurt, Sarah. It'll hurt so bad, burn like nothing else so far, stretch you even more than you've already gone. It'll be hard, but I know you can do it."
Sarah takes deep breaths, equal parts nervous and eager for what's to come.
"Your next one should be soon. Give me one, long push, right through all the burning when you feel it. You'll push hard, and feel that head coming, feel my fingers stretch you so, so wide, and then you'll crown the head, okay?."
She nods, as she feels pressure start to grow.
"Good girl, good girl. Wait just a second for me, let that contraction get nice and strong."
Sarah does her best to breathe through the nervous anticipation, through her body's growing urges, waiting and waiting for the all-clear. She shifts uncomfortably, eager and nervous to push, feels the pressure start to get really serious, just waits and breathes through it and-
"Alright then, Sarah. Are you ready to have your baby now?"
She nods again, and grips the sides of the bed.
"Good, good girl…" Kellner gives a smile, but no word just yet. "Thaaaat's a good girl, there you go… Aaaaaand…."
"Push! Push hard! Theeeeeeere you go-" She tugs gently with her fingers, then a little less gently, helping ease the head forward as she watches Sarah's lips spread apart more and more, watches the head as it pries its way forward, as it's forced down by Sarah's huge, shaking push, by her fierce, determined efforts to feel herself stretch.
Sarah wants to scream, to cry out at the sudden, harsh pain as her baby is dragged forward, as she's suddenly forced to open wider and wider, as she loses all control of the pace, feels the head bulling forward no matter what. Instead, she tucks in her chin, grips as hard as she can, and pushes even more. She gives everything she has to make her baby move down, to try to force it through the most sensitive part of her body. She struggles and fights through the pain, pressure, burning, to force the head down, to make all of it worse and worse and worse.
"Beautiful, beautiful stretch, Sarah. Just like that, right where it burns."
She feels the head pulled forward, feels the stinging fire grow and grow as her baby comes closer to the world, fulfilling her deep-seated biological drive to push to burn and stretch so, so far for her baby's head coming out of her. This is it. She's doing it. She's giving birth, for real this time. She's pushing and pushing and opening up for her baby, stretching so wide, so wide for the head and it's coming more and she's stretching more, and this time she does scream, pain and fury and determination, but she doesn't let up, doesn't let the head stop. She needs this. Needs to feel the burning- more and more, as much as she can get. Needs to feel herself stretch. Needs to feel herself open- For her baby to come through her, through that burning, to push and push and-
"Have your baby, that's it- Push right here-"
Sarah throws back her head, squeezes her eyes shut, and gives everything she has, every bit of effort, to make her baby come out. It's wide - too wide - stretching her so much more than it should, but she doesn't care. She's going to push and stretch and scream again and again, whatever it takes. She's going to make herself a mom, right here and right now. She's going to have a baby.
"Push! Push! Here it comes!"
She grips the sides of the bed like her life depends on it, spreads her legs inhumanly wide, keeps pushing with everything she has to give. She feels gentle fingers inside her, pulling the head forward and giving her that much more to stretch for, wider and wider, no breaks and no pauses. It won't stop- The burning, stretching won't stop- and she won't stop either. She can't stop. All she can do is hold on as she's pried open, wider and wider, beyond all sense and reason, as she's set on fire, feels a terrible ring blazing more and more, as her baby is born. She feels it coming, slow and steady, building and building as her body opens up for every bit of the head, forced apart by the huge, overdue dome between her legs, stretching more more and more until she hears herself scream, until-
"Crowning! Here it is! You're crowning!"
All she can give is one long, wordless shriek, shaking with the effort, with the desperate, inhuman struggle to just get it out of her.
"Slow! Slow! Take it slow, okay?"
Kellner doesn't take her fingers out, doesn't let the head come. She pauses it, holds it in place for one glorious second, stares mesmerized at just how far Sarah's managed to open herself up, feels her frantic, total effort to force her baby's head out of her, fighting with everything she has to give birth then and there. Kellner stalls things just a moment longer, lets Sarah stay so unbearably stretched for just a brief second, then two, then three, searing every part of this memory into her brain, before she finally lets the head start to ease forward again.
"There you go. Push for me- Have your baby-"
Sarah shudders, gasps, writhes, feeling every bit of the head as it inches its way out of her. She feels the long, endless moments of that titanic crown, feels herself forced open, stretched and burning and crying out again and again at the slow agony as her baby comes. She gives everything she has to get the head out, but it makes no difference as long with Kellner's hands controlling the speed, letting the head come at what feels like a glacial pace as the extra fingers add even more to the unbearable wize of her baby's crowning head. The brow, the eyes- They come one by one, bit by bit, eased out carefully through her burning, over-stretched lips. The nose, the mouth- maneuvered with exacting, expert care while she screams and screams. There's the briefest of pauses. The chin-
"That was perfect, Sarah! That was so, so good!"
Sarah moans and clutches at her husband, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt as she fights for breath.
"Alright, alright, just helping the shoulders rotate-" Kellner presses two fingers near the top of Sarah's opening, drawing a soft groan from the other end of the bed as her baby slowly shifts. "Sorry, sorry. Shoulders are really hard, I know." She pauses for a moment. "This next part will suck. There's no good way around it. These babies have wide shoulders, yours especially. Just give me a short push when I ask for one, and you'll be okay."
"Okay." Her hands find her husband's and she grips tightly as the contraction builds.
"Alright, nearly there now. Just one more-"
Kellner pushes down on the head with surprising force. She presses two fingers inside near the top of Sarah's opening, reaching deep inside to try to hook the arm.
"AHHHHHHH- KELLY-" Sarah feels herself stretch upwards, right into her clit, as fingers probe harshly inside her. "WHAT'RE YOU-"
She does, feels herself stretching more and more, fierce burning right where she's most sensitive. She feels Kellner's fingers digging inside her, tugging, pulling, feels something coming and coming and- She can't stop herself from shuddering, can't stop herself from crying out at the sudden pressure, can't stop herself from cumming as she stretches up right into her clit, feels the fresh, bright pain as something wet and warm is pulled out of her.
"Next one. Here-"
There's no recovery and hardly any warning. This time, her baby is pulled up, fingers press and dig and make her burn near the base of her opening, making her grit her teeth from the pain, the overstimulation, the pressure-
"Sorry! Just- Try and hold on a little-"
Sarah pants and groans and grips Dave's hands as she tries not to give in to the contraction crushing, overwhelming, pressing down on her, while Kellner's fingers probe deeper and deeper, stretching her, searching more and more-
"Breathe! Just breathe!"
She tries. She tries to let it come, to just lay back and pant through that unbearable pressure, to just hold on and wait however long it takes, to just let it burn again, more and more as fingers quest in vain, as she gasps, as she shudders, as she loses-
"Push! Now!"
She cries out again, stretching and burning even worse as she bears down, as Kellner's fingers guide something, bulky and yet so impossibly delicate, closer and closer, as they make her burn more and more until-
"That's it! That's it! Sarah, open your eyes!"
There's something big, pink between her legs.
"Reach down for me."
It's warm, wet. There's a head, two arms out of her.
"Push one more time."
She grunts, one brief flare of pain, and then-
"Baby! You're here! My baby!" Sarah pulls her son close to her chest, and everything else is forgotten as she stares down at the tiny life she made inside her.
Four weeks later:
"When was this?"
"A few months ago." Kellner looks sheepish, explaining far too late something she should've been upfront about.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea!" Sarah reaches across the table to take her hand. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Having our third was what did it. Being in this program, she could get behind that, but unambiguously getting off on it was just a step too far."
Sarah reaches out again, offers another hand to hold.
"I thought she would understand, at least-" She swallows, shakes her head. "I guess you didn't notice when I stopped wearing the ring."
She gives a dry laugh. "I guess not."
"On paper, it's all wrapped up with a neat little bow, custody and finances and all that - I haven't been cheating with you, or anything. I guess I didn't say anything because I just- I needed to be sure. This was all so sudden to me, and you're not exactly single, and-" Her voice starts to break as she continues. "And- I-"
"No, no, it's okay." Sarah takes Kellner's hands in her own. "You don't need to be sorry. I wanted to be here for you, that's all." They share a moment of silence. "I'm here now, though. You'll be okay."
Kellner nods, breathing deep to steady herself. "I can't- I couldn't do something serious, not this soon. But would we be together for-"
"For yours, at least." Her eyes glance downward, towards Kellner's sizable baby bump. "Until that one's born. Beyond that, how about we wait and see."
Kellner clings tightly to Sarah's hands, a single tear squeezing out along her cheek. "Thank you." She breathes a sigh of relief, balanced, somehow, on a knife edge between too much and too little commitment. "I mean it. I couldn't do this alone. Not right now."
"Of course. I couldn't have done it alone either. I didn't have to. I'm only returning the favor."
A few more moments pass between them, before Kellner breaks the silence. "This might get complicated."
"Let it be complicated. We'll work something out."
The two of them arrived separately, but they leave together.
Shortly afterwards:
"Jesus-" Was all Dave could manage, at the sight of the heap of packages on his doorstep. Almost, though not quite all, of them were plain cardboard boxes or carried simple "Amazon" logos - "Discreet shipping", as the various websites had offered.
"Maybe we went a little overboard." They'd been making plans, big ones. Coming up was the nine-month mark of Kellner's pregnancy (what was her first name again?), and the three of them had decided to make an event of it. A few back-dated forms later and with a "few" things ordered online, they were in business. Of a sort.
"At least it'll be an interesting weekend."
Some closing notes:
If the relationship between Sarah and Dr. Kellner seems like it was completely unplanned-for until I started writing part three, it's because that's exactly what happened. It sounded like a good idea when I came up with it, so I did my best to kludge that new story direction together with the earlier content. There hasn't been any explicit retconning, but I wrote parts 1, 2, and 2.5 under the assumption that both Sarah and Kellner were straight and married to men, so that might represent something of a shift in tone.
Furthermore, as the author, I declare it to be canon that no infidelity was involved in that character arc. Sarah was forthright and Dave was supportive of their relationship, and Kellner was single before anything untoward happened.
For anyone claiming this fic to be inaccurate, you are most likely correct. I have maintained some economy with the truth for the sake of creating better pornography. Additionally, I have as much experience with LGBTQ and polyamorous relationships as I do with the actual experience of giving birth, to wit: none whatsoever. I have done my best in that regard, and I can only apologize if my best is not very good.
Also, to anyone wondering how Kellner can participate in all this kinky stuff while holding down a full-time job as a doctor, this story is set in a fantasy universe where doctors work reasonable hours.
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Asking for their type
Dorm leaders asking (reader) they’re type in a guy , in which they respond describing the leaders
Riddle had deep feelings for you but he wanted to know you more
So he had an idea to ask what type of guys you’re into, he’s not going to change himself but more so adjust
like if you’re into sporty guys, he’ll try playing more sports and such
“Y/n, i’m curious because of what i overheard from ace and deuce -lying- what type of guy are you into?”
“What guy am i into?.. welllll”
You first described someone who is well mannered and a good student
Perfect he thought, he’s already someone like that so that makes things easy
“ i also like shorter guys because of how huggable they are”
A little offended but it’s not like you said it directly to him
It was all normal until you started getting into more detailed
“I’d like for him to have red hair.. beautiful grey eyes .”
(Wait a minute.. are they talking about..?)
“And he needs to be the dorm leader of Heartslabyul~ “ you looked directly at him
Riddle.exe has stoppped working
Legit he froze because he KNEW you were talking about him
Then he started blushing like mad
“W-well what a Coincidence...my type just so happens oens to be you y/n”
Let’s be honest, he doesn’t care, so he says at least~
He kept thinking how he wanted to keep you to all himself but that got him thinking
What you like a guy like him hence leading him to ask what guys you like
Just a “genuine “ question *cough**cough
“My type of guy? Hmmm..” you had thought for a moment.
“Well.. if i had to choose, someone who has pride and very strong, who doesn’t like a guy with muscles?”
He smirks only a little to not be notiable
He already knew he’d have a chance, he was prideful already and had muscles due to workouts
“ i also like guys that have nice tan skin especially if he has brown hair “
A little weird but a lot of people do have a type with tan people so he shrugged it off until..
“I’d also liked if he had beautiful eyes , like staring into emeralds.. and petting his fluffy ears”
“Wait... what do -“
“And i hope he’s the Savanaclaw dorm leader~”
Blank. He’s blank and then he gets up
“Leona?- ah! “ you get picked up by him
You try to struggle to get out of his grip but he’s too strong
“Im sure you’d like to nap with “your type” wouldn’t you , herbivore?~ “
Azul is for sure a people pleaser , whether people like him or not
So of course, he'd be interested in what type of guy you're into
He wouldn't change himself but more so adjust to your taste
' (y/n) - san!~ " "oh hey azul!"
he loves his conversations with and to not make things look super obvious, he talked about his day , other topics that people would usually discuss and THEN go for the fish. heheh-
" now out of curiosity..is there any men you are into??" " "huh-" "I apologize but it's just a typical question and i'm curious as well! you know me ~ " he hoped that he was playing off well
after you recovered from being off guard you thought to yourself for a moment "Well I often like guys who wear glasses and are intelligent . "
Azul felt pride, he already had these traits and he was fully aware of it
you continued on you started to get detailed , he didn't noticed until one key word.
" it'd be cute if he was a nice octomerman..~ "
"haha that's.....wait a f**king minute- "
as soon as he realized you were talking about him, he absolutely melts
he doesn't even need to confirm it, like what other octomerman do you know??
you tried to calm him down but all he kept doing was hiding his face ,somewhat squealing and just laying on the floor
yes this was in private but there could be a chance he would do this even in public -
Kalim had a major crush on you and it was like " I like them so much and i want to do everything i can to get their attention " kind of crush
So he just casually talks to you when he bumps into in the halls
he talked normally at first so that his true interest wasn't revealed
" so (y/n)/nickname do you have any guys of interest ? like what kind of guys do you like? "
now he made it obvious in a way but he thought he was being sneaky , you knew but played along
"well I like guys who are fun and charming in a nice way like helping others "
ah what a coincidence kalim thought , he tries to be fun and does his best to help others!
" I also find it cute when they have light colored hair ..closer to being white ."
it should of clicked but it didn't -
you actually kept giving hints of his appearance and stuff that's happened but he did not catch on AT ALL
so with one last shot -
" wow (y/n) you expect a lot from a guy! ahaha! "
" yeah but one last thing.."
" if would be nice if i shared his last name .. Asim.
it took a few seconds but then his face turned lightly red "ah-"
then we have jamil in the back , watched the whole thing mind you , and he's like " f**king finally- how are you that oblivious- "
Vil was someone who didn't really fish for attention that was until you came along
he's honestly confused on his feelings because he never really cared too much but why does it now with you here?
to save himself from getting his hopes high, he wants to know you're preference.
just to see if he even has chances but he's gorgeous of course he's high up on the ladder but anyways-
during one of your conversations
"dear potato, is there any person that catches your interest? "
he's clever to not specify but you actually catch on that he means " what kind of people do you like "
" well.. i tend to like blondes, not sure why "
He's already feeling confident but then again a lot of people prefer blondes sometimes anyways
"I'd also like if he was a bit of a fashionista , so we could go shopping and try outfits "
Vil smiled 'Is that so?"
He already can tell his chances are better now but when he heard this
"Now it would also be nice for him to have purple in his to highlight his appearance"
Vil looked at you "Wait"
and you looked directly back " As well as being the famous Vil Schoneheit~"
you both just stared at each other until Vil Spoke "Was it obvious..?"
You giggled "Very~"
Vil looked away in embarrassment but shortly after recollecting his thoughts "if that's the case..I would like to go shopping with you."
You all know for a fact , he does have confidence at all
So obviously he would struggle with his crush , you.
Now he tries to observe your interest and your likes so he can try to bond with you
but first things first, are you even interested in guys like him?
"H-hey Y/n chan. " "hm?" " A questionnaire asking about "Your Type" showed up. It kinda made me curious , what's y-your type?"
Idia is actually the only one where you don't pick it up right away that he's asking out of his own interest because he's often a curious guy so you don't question it
"Well. If I wanted a boyfriend he'd at least have to be a gamer "
Idia's hair flared up a little but not too much , he nodded
" I want him to be smart too , especially since i struggle with some subjects , we can even go on cute study dates "
Idia's hair turns a little pink , that catches your eye , after that you put two and two together and finally figured out his motive. you decided to have a little fun~
"I'd also like if he had color hair , makes him more interesting ya know? "
Idia's hair gets brighter but the nail in the coffin?
" but it would be nice for him to make me Mr/Ms/(Whatever gender neutral term ) Shroud ~"
He got caught and he knew it , he looked at his hair
Then looked back at you "..." he hid under his bed
"IDIA Nooo! " you tried to get him out "I'm sorry! It was too hard to resist! " you laughed but under the covers , he was happy to know you are interested
This boy is just precious
as much as he wants to be in a relationship with you , he wants to get to know you more then anything
What he heard from Lilia (dear god) is that to be sly with it, you'd ask your crush "What type of guy do you like" , you know Lilia is setting it up on purpose-
So that is exactly what he does
"Y/n. " "! ah- Yes Malleus? " you got caught off guard because he just suddenly appeared
"out of curiosity , what is your prefered partner? "
You can see the sparkles around him , you can tell why he asked but you don't have to the heart to call it out so you went along
"Well. I like guys who are taller , at least taller then me "
He nods , he already sees his chance but he considers you rather small to begin with , so it would be easy for others too
"i also find guys with pale skin and dark hair attractive "
He nods , though he seems to not notice that detail directly yet , so you push
"It would be cool if he had dark horns and was a fae"
He nods , How did he not even react? is he just that focused on you? So you try something VERY direct
" and also happens to be the next ruler of briar valley, currently the prince?"
He nods ".....wait" he snaps to reality "That's me-"
All you could do was laugh at how silly he was , this just confused him now , do you like him or are you joking? You do like him
Hope you enjoyed!
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Accidental Kiss - (Christmas Eve)
fic - and art (forgive me I'm bad at writing fics)
(Thanking @shygirl4991 for doing an episode fic remake called "Mistletoe Wars" !)
Everyone was really hoping for a mistletoe T.T well that didn't happen. A promise is a promise!
It's winter season, and the crew members had enjoyed the nostalgic feeling of snow. But since they've never get to experience what snow felt before. Now it's a good chance to go out there and have some fun!
-this fic contains language and some sensitive stuff (NOT the one you're thinking about-)
The crunch of snow beneath their feet sounds as they all walked around, the crew looked outside in excitement.
"Woahh its a very nice and cold snowy night!" Boopkins was the first to start as he picked up some snow from the ground and tried making a snowman. "Alright everyone! You can do whatever you want here, make some snowmans, ice skate or whatever types of games you want to play like snowballs. It's up to all of you!" Smg4 announced.
Mario commented same as Meggy
"Mario's gonna make good big snowman!"
"I'm gonna make the tallest snowman!"
The two never expected to have the same idea, and looked at each other. Meggy smirked and Mario also thought about the same idea. "Hey mario you thinking what I'm thinking? Lets start making out big snowman and beat them!" Meggy whispered.
Mario salutes in order to follow Meggy "yes boss!"
Tari is making a cute-duck snow while Saiko tried building her own snowman, which it failed due to her unexperience of snow. Tari comforted Saiko by patting her head.
Meanwhile Smg3 is making his own Snowman Statue of EggDog, enjoying some quiet and peace. "Bark!" Eggdog called. "Hey there Eggdog!" Three picks him up to make him see the full view of the snow statue he made.
"I built this just for my cute little egg! Who's a cute lil dog? Yes you are!" Smg3 rubs eggdog's stomach and pets him, playing dearfully from his lovable pup.
Three puts eggdog down and puts eggdog's mini-sized hat on top of it. "Bark!" He jumps in excitement.
"Hehehe... I bet my statue is more better than those losers-" Three's words were cut off right when he felt a snowball hit his back.
"Hey! Whats the big ide-" Smg3 thinking it would be some of Four's friends that three would like to call- "idiots" he turns around annoyed.
"Hahaha! -Gotcha now Mar- huh?" Four expected Mario would be the person he hit, suprisingly it was three.
But to his suprise it wasn't Smg4's idiots who've hit his back. It was Smg4 himself. "Oh. You."
Three rolled his eyes, just seeing Smg4 right infront of him makes his skin boil. For any other reasons this is just probably him getting "angry" again.
"Oh- uh- sorry about that Smg3 I didn't know it was you. Me, Bob, Mario, and Meggy are playing snowball fight. If theres a possible chance I thought it'd be fun too for you to joi-" Three wasn't having this, he doesn't NEED a childish game to waste his time on.
"No thanks" "aww cmon! Why not?" Four walks closer to Three as his eyes darts down to the ground, aware that Four might've noticed. But he didn't.
"B-because it's pointless, on such a stupid game you guys had to pick that sh-t of a junk. Wow." His response were cold to Four, receiving those messages. Four felt bad to his friend.
Smg3 flinched as soon as Smg4 puts his right hand from his shoulder, this startled him. "Dude, you definitely have to join us- besides you've barely enjoyed christmas from these past few years. How about giving it a go?"
Smg3 stayed silent, not even facing his ex-rival. "It's christmas. We all deserve to have some fun! Even you..." even if Three didn't look at him, he knew that four was giving that "look".
Those blue eyes that matched from the color of the nightsky, gazing upon the color of wine. The color of blood that gave the matching of purple when theh meet. Purple butterflies form, starting to surround them with this tension.
This made three felt sick from his guts.
Three knows. He knew how much of a coward and a b-tch he was for admitting Smg4 was his friend, how else could he say no? They almost died. He. Almost died.
"But I understand you now. You're really scared, aren't you?
You're scared you could lose it all at any time.
But I've met your friends man.
No matter what you make, they...
WE... will always be here to have fun and laugh together"
Three could barely even remembered what he told him back on the castle, does he really meant all of the things he said to Four?
Is this also the main reason why four has felt sympathetic towards him? He wasn't sure.
Sure they made good laughs, they've been enemies for so long and now that the two had went through lots of stuff. The two had developed something that they were never sure about it yet.
"I still remember what you said..." four decided to break the long distant of silence. This lit up three's eyes, he wanted to say something... anything at all... but he kept it close, wanting to hear what his friend has to say.
"You remember when I was stuck and possessed by a goddamn keyboard from that old castle...?" It was four's turn to look down and face his hands, twiddling his thumbs.
Three didn't respond but just stood there, waiting the following words as he listened.
"I never thought I could say this to anyone else just to you... I... heard you reaching out on me... I know its all classic and cheesy but in all seriousness... did you meant all of that...?" Smg3 took a step back.
"I know its been a few months since we never talked about what happened there, with all of the monster attack and sh-t" "I did."
Three turned to look at Smg4 with his eyes locked onto his. "I did meant it, I meant everything what I've said. You were the onl- the reason why you're having so much fun with your friends. I told you all of that because I admitted it."
But its not only just for their friendship...not only for his friends...
"But I understand you now..."
If three wouldn't be such a d!ck, then this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't drive him insane nor putting everyone in danger.
You're an idiot Three...
How many years has it been ever since they called their truce? How many years did it came for three to wait? How many? He didn't answer.
Because on what other choice could he take? He'd been an enemy of Smg4 and always WILL be his enemy. Even tho he wanted to forget those days that he's tried to kill smg4 that never worked.
Smg4 was a superior, he was a star, a golden child, the big f-king attention from the top of the stairs to where everyone would admire. He is the Lord of Memes, and him? Three? Was the Lord of the Dead-Memes.
Smg4 had such an opportunity to do alot of stuff with posting his memes (creating memes or bunch)
Three was sure that four didn't have those affectionate feelings towards him, even tho he came out as bisexual. He wasn't even sure anymore if Four was still looking for a new partner that'll interest him.
Would he even like me back even after...?
Forgetting about this, smg4 could sense Three's feelings inside of him having the urge to blow. Sure they're both cosmically linked to each other. What about it?
What concerns Four is Three.
"You're not telling me anything else at all are you...?"
"Why the hell do I need to tell you everything? You completely RUINED me" ouch. (Touche...) said by four. But in other words, where could Three have been feeling this sentimental emotion from the other parts?
He can't do anything else but to do something.
"I forgive you" Smg4 closed his eyes smiling sadly at Three, wrapping his arms around his back. In a cold weather outside, Three could feel Four's chin resting on the back of his shoulder. Between the two's burning sensation from the body heat, Three didn't mind him at all.
After a few couple of minutes, Three breaks the hug four gave him and covered half of his face. (Not trying to feel embarrassed from this)
"Thats enough- I'm worried that your stupid idiots would've ended up seeing us both like- like this!" He crossed both of his arms and huffed. He could still feel Four's warm body press from his back. Turning red.
"Aww man- It was just starting to get comfortable! You sure you don't want that again?" "No! I'm never enjoying that sh!t ever its f-king gay" Four frowned at Three in a way that made him feel so bad, a way that made him feel soft around him. GOD HE HATED IT.
"You can do that after..." Smg3 sent Four to having butterflies by giving him a pleasant smile. Smg4 blushed, his heart beating and racing, his cheeks fumming out smoke. He panicked "oh boy haha- oh man is it- is it getting hot in here or maybe you are..." (SHIT.)
Cursed by four. Three raised an eyebrow in confusion. (Did he just FLIRT AT ME?!) the audacity. He had never heard smg4 flirt to him like that.
Wow. That was smooth as hell.
Three had enough of it. "WHY YOU..." he got to the ground and started making a snowball and throws it to Smg4's face.
"Don't you talk like that to me it's cheesy! I hate it!" (Lie)
Smg4 smirked "you sure~ cause I'm convinced that you're lying, I know you liked that~" he laughed. "You're still a tsundere three even after all of this" he wept a tear.
"N-NO I'M NOT A TSUNDERE YOU BAKA!!!" Smg3 starts throwing snowballs at Smg4. "Hey! Its not fair!" He tried covering himself in order to not get hit on the face by the snowballs.
"I'M NOT STOPPING BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING- A COMPLETE- IDIOT-" he heard something... something jiggling... on top of his head there was... a mistle toe...? He stopped for a second.
"Ran out of snowballs I see?" Smg4 noticed Three looking upwards, followed by Four's contact.
"Is that- supposed to be... a mistletoe?" Three and Four looked at each other "oh god..." "f-ck."
"I umm- I'm not sure about this... this is super f-king gay four well played but stop it-" "stop? What do you mean stop? I didn't place that there!"
"If you didn't then who?!" This is making him feel terrified. Three wanted to kiss Four ofcourse, he was too scared of what will happen after that. He might ruin his friendship with four and all and he didn't want that to happen because Smg4 is all that he even had, he ever needed, all that he wanted.
"I uhh... I have to go-" Smg3 started backing away not even turning, Smg4 looked at three upset. "Wait- Smg3!" Three accidentally slips from the ice on the floor, causing him to lose balance.
Four attempted on helping three's situation by approaching forward, immediately landing Three's lips to his.
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A few seconds later, Smg3 pulled himself away in need of air. Wow. What an experience. "I-I- Smg4?" He opened his eyes to meet four's again.
"SH!T! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! NOW IT'S COMPLETELY RUINED!" Smg4 took a whole minute to proccess whatever happened back there. Damn. It took too long to realize- Three has best taste...
Wait. What the f-ck?
"Smg3 its o-" Four tried calming him down. "I COMPLETELY DID RUIN IT! I- SH!T DUDE! SH!T SH!T SH!T!!!" "Smg3-" "Everythings supposed to go how it always were..." "Three-" "I don't want you to see me as a friend I-" "You don't w-" "And I can't even admit this stuff BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I MIGHT LOSE YOU TOO!" "SMG3!!!"
Smg3 is filled with tears caught by Four's attention. "You're never going to lose me again..." "how can you be so sure?"
"Because of this." Smg4 smiled at him and gave his fated ex-enemy a second kiss, it lasted longer than the first one and boy to tell you something.
It was a dream come true.
Three didn't even pull away, but closes his eyes. Waiting for a next miracle...
NEXT PART (Purposely on Purpose)
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bemycoffeepot · 3 months
I can't wait till Hinata meets Naruto's fellow frat boys; they are all red flags, and with Shion helping them with the tests😭.
I wonder what happened to Shino when hinata left him in the shop honestly hopes he hooks up with shion 🙈.
Your characterization style is unmatched and again is one of my fav naruhina fics 🤭! I hope you update soon❤️
omg i can't with you, you're too sweet 💕😭
all those frat boys are the same, indeed loool and I'm still pondering on who they'll be. I've got Kiba in mind and Choji, though he's the sweet soul of their fraternity. Shikamaru though? Playing football? I don't know, can't really see him in there. It'd be too much for him. And Sasuke can't be in it because that'd mean Sakura would know Naruto. Gaara is an option. Neji nuh-uh. He'd kill Naruto and it wouldn't make much sense anyway as Hinata would've known who she was dealing with when she first let him hit it. but it'd definitely be funny.
AHHHHHH, really have to get into it again but girl we share the same brain istg hahahha
Another lovely again-reader suggested the same thing and I really loved the idea of Shino and Shion bonding over their similar name and cursing those two other idiots, to later hook up with each other hehehe🤭 need to incorporate that somewhere at some point because that's too good to not write
that's so nice of you to say that and honestly i'm so happy you're loving the story💕🥹 i should have more time on hand now so maybe, i can really sit down and continue where I left off my insufferable babies. I've planned big things for them
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thank you so much and so sorry for just replying now but just know that I thought about it the whole week💕💕💕
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kiribread · 2 years
Monster Hunter au
finally got some more hunter au designs hehehe 💃
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Starting with the designs:
I don't have too much on the designs so im just lumping them together
All of the hunters will have a mostly black uniform with an optional few pops of color
I wanted their uniforms to be baggy but not too baggy
The purple stripes throughout mt. Lady's body is magic deposited near the surface of the skin and hair
All hunters have logos aswell. Logos are mostly used as stamps to sign paperwork but can also be used to identify a dead hunter if they're too mangled up to be identified.
Mt. Lady's logo i haven't quite figured out a special meaning for but Edgeshot's is his crow; he loves his crow <3
Also yes Edgeshot's sword is inspired by mitsuri's sword from demon slayer! I thought it woud be a nice play on his quirk in the cannon universe hehe
Edgeshot also has a scar bc yes
Mt. Lady:
Mt. Lady comes from a pretty well-off family, not poor not rich but upper middle class
He dad was often at work so it was mostly just her and her mom
One time when she was playing outside when she wasn't suposed to be someone came by and cursed her!
Although the curse gave her magic that magic fed on certain emotions and feelings. Those being attention, love, and stuff similar to that.
So this basically made her into a never filling pit of those things, no matter how much love, attention, affection, ect she got it'd never be enough to satisfy; it's all just eaten by the curse.
The more of those emotions/feeling the curse eats the more magic is stored. The magic is stored in those purple streaks and become more vibrant as more is stored.
She knows basic spells but also has a few signature spells aswell with those most having to do with making things bigger. She can make biotic and abiotic things bigger.
The reason she became a hunter is to find the perpetrator of the cure and hopefully have them remove it
The only problem is that she was no idea who did it but she feels like she would know if she saw them or heard their voice
She has a familiar fancy rat named Bubbles! It is too magic and it basically forms magic bubbles!
[I'll put he connection with kamui in a different post]
Edgeshot is ranked 3rd in the Hunter Safety Comission (HSC)
He often watches the pest being from afar then ambushes them when he gets the chance! (Like a ninja!)
Due to his technique he often works alone
He's also good with healing
Aside from hunting pest he also runs arons for supplies
He usually gathers herbs from shinji and they're good friends
Just ignore that shinji may've almost killed him one bc he thought Edgeshot was coming to kill him 💀
But they're all good now!
Edgeshot is treated as family due to being so close and his adoptive parent recently
(The parent died of a heart attact when Edgeshot was about 26)
Edgeshot also occasionally helps out with the herbs and stuff but he doesnt have the green thumb that they all do.
Besides shinji he also has befriended tsunagu which admitted had a very rocky start 💀
[See here]
Now occasionally tsunagu joins Edgeshot rather he's summoned or not
When Edgeshot was some free time he goes to visit him in the abandoned castle since that was apart of the deal
they do quite a bit of arts and crafts kinda of dates!
They do sewing, crocheting, origami, ect with their favorite one being the crochet
Phillip Edgeshot's crow doesn't have any magic
Edgeshot found him in an abandoned nest and took him in
Now phillip rarely leaves his side <3333
Well this is all i feel like typing rn so if u got any questions just send an ask! Please...
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taegularities · 2 years
Rid 😭 i wanna confess and rant a bit bc surprise surprise i've been writing stories myself for ages, literally since i was 10 maybe but it was and on and off thing, i had a really good writing streak while in uni but i stopped before my first thesis (i was so happy writing stories during the time i was supposed to write my thesis 😂) and then masters came and i had even less time and ehh i guess not writing for a longer while really does make you "loose" part of your skills
but at the beginning of last year ruin you really inspired me so much to write about an idea that i'd had, i spend a couple of nights on it and then..i became too busy with working on myself to finish it, but it's okay, i stopped pushing myself since usually it makes me hate things and never return to them 🥲
but today i sat down, opened the file and i'm currently trying to write it because i like that idea so so much, yet i'm still not really in the mood soooo i decided to pour myself a drink and see if that helps 😇 and i guess i thought it'd make you smile or laugh bc as a writer you probably understand this whole thing 😂 love you Rid and i'm so happy for your last date, it really sounded so so nice and wholesome 🥹🧡
GIRL that really did come as a surprise !!! it's actually so cool that you're a writer, too. i absolutely understand the struggles of school and am already scared to start my masters in march 😭 but yeah, academics are a pain in the ass and don't allow much time to yourself, huh?
i'm so genuinely happy for you that you started writing again, though! the fact that i could inspire you anyhow makes me feel proud bc i never thought this... demon of a fic could do that 😭 i also think it's pretty cool of you to not force yourself to write. difficult fics can take the joy out of writing, so... good thinking! hope that drink helps heheh :D
and good luck with that piece !! 🍀 you have my support and i hope you enjoy writing to the fullest 🥺 <333
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I've been waiting so long...
But everything's finally going JUST right.
You know, it's funny, Chara...
I used to pretend that idiot was you. I projected...
And then I heard their name. their STUPID name.
I knew then. They weren't you.
But now? Now I know.
You aren't really gone. You were with them all along...
Why did you hide from me? Why did you try to turn them against me? We were best friends. We were supposed to be together FOREVER...
Hehehe... But then I blew it. I couldn't kill six humans. I thought MERCY was the righteous path...
And I DIED for it.
But I grew stronger, Chara. If only you knew. I've killed SO many people in SO many ways...
Your little crybaby brother is all grown up.
Do you not like what I grew into?
I can't hear you. I don't know what you've told that idiot. I don't know if you're doing this for petty revenge. I don't know if you actually care... I could never predict you.
Golly, I bet it's all just a game to you! You "befriend" a human. You get all chummy, even though you used to want them all DEAD. You force me to watch so I'll get JEALOUS. So I'll come BEGGING for you to forgive me. When you'll "win."
But no, Chara! I'm not gonna lose to easily!
No. YOU'LL come to me. I'll give you exactly what you need...
That cat gave me ideas. Those lab reports clinched it.
It's okay, though. I know how much that kid means to you. They're your FAVORITE TOY...
There's room for them in our game, too.
It'd be no fun if I just killed them. No, they'll get a nice, front row seat. Isn't that exciting?
I'm so tired, Chara.
I'm tired of sugarcoating everything. I'm tired of getting your silent treatment.
I'm tired of being a flower when I had all that power in the palm of my hand...
But I know that when it's all over, it'll all be worth it.
It won't be long now. The idiot and Papyrus are going to meet Sans, and after that, they just need to finish their victory lap. Once that's done, I'll show you, Chara. I'll show you that you never have to doubt me again!
And then you'll have no choice but to apologize. You'll have to admit that YOU lost.
But it's okay. I could never hate you. After all. we're best friends, aren't we?
(You know that timeline that the other anons were talking about? Well here's this Azzy, he's got a lot to say)
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(referencing this post)
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Flowey: "Pathetic, both of them. Anyway, I'm going to be adding these abominable Universes to the 'Stay Far Far Far Away From!!!!' list,"
Frisk, who is suddenly feeling pretty nervous: "Ha..ha..maybe that Chara and that Flowey should meet and make an 'I Hate Frisk' club, they could bond over that and forget all about actually killing or hurting,"
Flowey: "I don't know about that idea Frisky, it might just encourage them to be even more harmful,"
Frisk: "Oh boy, can we change the subject???"
0 notes
sehodreamsthoughts · 1 month
heheh do u know if he’s going to be in a group or not? i will look into it later, but i saw ur tags say he might sing trot or i misunderstood?
ooh hehe so ill respond to ur responses and give my own for the two that we both asked each other.. ur not crazy for wearing jeans to bed but tbh with u i would never!! maybe in the past but i’m very much a get home and put my pajamas on person.. i don’t wear anything other than pajamas in my apartment but i also have a cat and he’s a longhair, he’s very hairy and his hair gets over everything and im weird about having cat hair all over my daytime/going out leaving the house clothes, so i don’t want to wear anything that’ll get dirty/hairy at home and i don’t want to be deterred from cuddling him or picking him up either🤭🤭
as for a medium that i find most touching? your answer was really lovely and makes a lot of sense!! and i think writing and music go hand in hand very well so its cool that both of those are mediums u feel connected to because they compliment each other well i think. i’d have to say writing might be one for me, as well, or poetry but it depends because im not really big into poetry.. like i just don’t read a lot of it but could.. i think i prefer to take in information/learn things through reading/seeing it written down or actually doing it, so i think i connect with writing because of just that, like how my brain works i don’t know.
for orchid, a song that is perfect? i’m trying to think because songs i like usually change a lot, and we talked about this before.. im not super into lyrics? ‘honestly’ by riize sounds soo good to me like just the way it sounds is amazing and i thought that song was so perfect when i heard it for the first time i was like this is incredible i love how this sounds so much… idk🤕🤕
and for palm tree? a fictional character that i love but shouldn’t hehe, im trying to think of a good answer im sure i have one…idk if this counts but.. have u seen do revenge ? it’s like a teen/chick flick thing but it was recent but i really liked it and austin abrams is an actor in it and like.. he’s horrible but like.. i would still fold. like idk what it is about the little guy i want him so bad. every now and then he shows up in a movie i watch and im like oh hi…
i honestly can’t think of a villain rn😭😭 i do love a good feminine revenge story though so like, if a woman is doing things that are really horrible and wrong but it has a deeper purpose that maybe only makes sense to her… i love her<3
also it is hard having an expressive face but the positive is that it usually means ur honest and you don’t hide things from people.. makes sense with being a scorpio though too and having intense emotions and feelings towards things?
and i loveee matcha that sounds really fun if u are able to u should try making drinks at home! i always want to as well but i have a lot of trouble keeping my home clean and organized and so it gets more stressful to do a lot of stuff that requires clean up… idk if im making sense,,, also i dont usually wake up super early for work so i usually just stop for coffee on the way there.
thanks for playing and asking<333 i’m sorry i feel like my answers could be better i’m just still sooo tired from the concerts ive been feeling so sick and only just got home recently :((
- 🥟 anon
I just saw that he was going to debut as a trot singer but I honestly have no idea since I just saw it on TikTok 😭, to be honest I don't care what he does I just want to see him so bad 😭😭😭 he has so much talent, a great voice, dancing skills and such a nice presence, he made me fall in love with him when I saw him those few times with the neos and oh god, I mean, I love the seven, but idk, I guess since he's older he wouldn't have fitted the riize concept, but it'd have been so nice to see him with Eunseok and Hani 😭
I have a cat too! He's not long haired but I totally understand the hair thing, my cat is white and before I leave my house I always clean my clothes with a sticky roll(?) because I also can't stop him, if he wants a hug or rest in my lap how could I 😭, I love him so much even when he's a little piece of shit (he's fucking demanding I swear, a covid cat 🫠)
I'm also not so big in poetry, I have friends that read poetry most of the time but I need a little more to feel the stories 🫠 anyways I think is great that you connect with writing! I also believe that those two (music and writing) are connected, or at least in our cases because I can't imagine myself writing/reading without music, even if I repeat the same song in a loop, I need some feeling 😭
Awww I find it so adorable that one of the songs you consider perfect is from riize, I don't really enjoy honestly because I can't with the lyrics 😭 (not judging of course), but if I had to choose one song from them I think I'd choose memories because I also fell in love with it the second it started, it made me feel like when I was school and I listened to exo between classes, the MV is precious to me and it's simply the song I've repeated the most from riize ever 🩷 (I can't believe that one song did so much for me to even come back to Tumblr and write for a group 😭, I think l my feelings aren't as strong as then, but I still appreciate them a lot!)
I haven't seen that movie but I know the guy! I saw what he did but I can't find him hot as a bad guy if I'm honest, I just saw him in euphoria and thought he was the cutest thing ever 😭(also the bathroom scene... Sorry but the way he came after eating Kat out had me wishing it was me 😭😭😭😭) For that question I also can't think of any villain but I guess it could include Loki and Bucky, those two had me on a chokehold the whole lock down and I didn't care that they were fucking wrong and did really bad things, I just wanted them SO BAD 😭 (oh, I love women taking revenge too, one of my favorite movies ever is promising young woman and I support women in everything they do, rights and wrongs 👩‍🦯)
It could be said that me being expressive is related to honesty but if I'm fr with you I hid a ton of shit when I was younger and I still do so I don't know if that could be applied to me 💔, I show my emotions but I don't think I could be considered a piece of god taking into account that I do lie or manipulate reality into my benefit a lot 😭 (this sounds bad but it's related to my job ☠️), I don't like doing it in my real life anymore but God when I was younger I'd turn my body and tell my parents with a straight voice "oh yeah I was studying" but I would be in another place maybe having brunch with a tinder guy (my parents were pretty strict until lock down 😭), I was a bit out of control when I was younger, but now I'm a new person and mostly do it only at work (also because I'm such a sweet pea right now I don't really have nothing to hide? I haven't gone out on a date for a year already and spend most of my time on my own so I don't know what I would have to lie about 😭)
You're totally making sense, that's also part of my case so that's one of the reasons I usually drink or eat outside, just that in my case is because if I do something for me, I have to do it for everyone, and there's nothing I hate more than having to serve others because I don't only hate to prepare a ton of shit but I also have to clean it up? No thanks ☠️ (well, there goes my dream of being a stay at home wife for a sexy older man like Hugh Jackman or Pedro Pascal...)
Thank you for playing with me my love and please don't worry at all about your answers, they were perfect and I enjoyed reading them a lot! Please take your time to get your energies back, you've had an intense week and you deserve it 🩷🩷🩷
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ahogedetective · 2 years
@clubmates liked for a - ♥ !!! 
The park was one of Shuichi’s favorite places to enjoy a relaxing day alone. Taking a stroll through it, and then finding a nice spot under a big tree to read and have lunch under, maybe even take a nap if he got sleepy enough; for him, that was peak relaxation.
He was about to pass by the upcoming bridge to reach the other side of the park, until he spotted a girl with a camera nearby. “...!” That girl, he thinks to himself: she looked familiar... a girl from Hope’s Peak as well, he realizes. They hadn’t really talked before, but he remembers seeing her reading alone in the library, once. He was surprised to see her out here taking pictures, not knowing she seems to be into photography, too: but it was nice. The scenery from the bridge did make for a very beautiful view, so he could see why she would choose this spot to take pictures.
However, he didn’t want to be rude and just walk right past, especially if she might be in the process of taking another picture. So, he goes to stand to the side and out of her way, before telling her: “Ah, are you about to take a picture? Please go ahead, I don’t mind waiting! I’d hate to get in your way, after all..”
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my-tones · 2 years
I'mma ask the Rasmodious one later cause I want revenge!(ʘ言ʘ╬) Kk so I want part 2 about Seb cheating on farmer(^▽^), k so I want Seb to fell out of love on the lady(hehehe)and realized that he love farmer and was happy about his life with farmer, the farmer can be with another bachelor(≧▽≦) or you can make them together again if you want oh! Can you write the reaction of pelican town about the cheating? And maybeee father figure Rasmodious?(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Cause it will be interesting (I still simp for anime portrait tho just want the reaction) k so bye!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
B) I gotchu (ps I did kinda take some creative liberties, I know it'd be better to keep it vague but I had a bit of an idea yk?) (The theory that Abigail is secretly Rasmodious's daughter is practically canon in my head btw so it is canon in my writing unless otherwise requested)
Warning: light profanity, sex mentioned (not explained)
Towns reaction to initial cheating (Highlights)
Sam was disappointed in his friend. He thought you were cool! And you were so good to him. He couldn't have picked a better s/o for his friend. He stops talking to Seb as much, wouldn't talk to him at all if it weren't for the band. Doesn't consider him a friend anymore.
Abigail is also disappointed, but she gets it. She's lighter on Seb than Sam is.
He refuses to tell his family, so they don't even know, but they're so curious, especially Robin.
Rasmodious is PISSED. He noticed your behavior was off when you were bringing him some mushrooms he had requested, and had pulled the story out of you. He mumbled something about needing to protect those young girls in town from someone like him before sending you off. You noticed from here on he requested more random things from you, and when you'd deliver them he'd ask you how you are and would give you advice.
It was rough getting back into how things were before. You didn't enjoy farm life as much without Sebastian there. It just wasn't the same around town without him.
You had isolated yourself after he left. Sebastian wasn't close with many people in town, but Robin was. She was the local carpenter, and he was her son. Instead of hanging around town, you stayed at the farm, fearing judgement from the townsfolk.
Sebastian was living both at home and with his new partner. He could never get over the guilt of what he did to you, but damn could this new girl make him feel things he never thought he could, at least, she could in bed. Day to day life was different with her. She never woke him up with breakfast, coffee, or even a good morning.
As time went on, he found himself missing those moments more than he enjoyed great sex. He realized that's all she could do for him. He realized he had fucked up. She would never give him the little moments to cherish.
While things took a turn for the worse for Sebastian after the breakup, you had finally started to recover. It wasn't long after the breakup that you and Sam started to get closer. He reminded you of Sebastian in some ways, but he was so different in so many others.
You two got close, and you had the idea that he wanted to take it further than just friends, but you couldn't see yourself with someone so soon, and he seemed to respect that even without you needing to say it.
Sebastian eventually stopped spending so much time in the city. He broke things off with his new partner, learning from his previous mistakes, and started dwelling in the basement at Robins even more so than he used to.
The next major catastrophe happened when the band went to perform in front of Gus's. You had been avoiding their little gigs, not wanting to see Sebastian, but Sam had begged you to come. He performed little mini gigs at the farm for you by himself, but he couldn't be a one-man-band, they were still a band no matter the tension between members.
So you watched them perform. It was nice, Sebastian wouldn't even make eye contact with you but you didn't know if you could hold it if he did. No, the thing that made this a disaster was Robin. She has to know why you two broke up, no one would tell her anything!
The performance reaches it's end, and the band members start packing up their equipment to go. Despite this, Robin still stands in front of you, trying to decipher everything by any means possible.
She doesn't take the news well. She's so upset, and that's when Sebastian and Sam appear. Robin turns to scold her son for his actions, you don't do that to a person! He still can't make eye contact with you, but he can with Sam, especially after Sam pipes up, agreeing with Robin that his actions were nasty.
The two boys bicker until Abigail shows up to yell at them both. You notice the wizard also seems to be watching, though he's a bit further away. He had also helped you through your funk when Sebastian cheated, though in a different way from Sam. He offered you advice, and you took it. It sometimes felt like your grandfather was still around when the wizard was there, giving you the fatherly advice you need.
Abigail manages to shut them both up, and you can finally talk it out. You all agree to be civil from here on out, and Sebastian admits to realizing his mistakes, and that he missed you. Unsure if you can forgive him, you accept his apology.
Sam still seems peeved that you'd even talk to him, and tries to claim he's been here for you this whole time and Abigail shuts him up real fast.
So, farmer, it's up to you. Who would you choose?
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ssamie · 3 years
six. “friends die together”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide 
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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kenma slowly opened his eyes. the dim rays of the sun were slowly peeking through his bedroom window as he stretched and rolled around his bed, wrapping himself up in a blanket burrito as he felt his eyes slowly fluttering close once again. 
it had been atleast a week since he's actually gotten sleep, and now he's just trying to relish in the feeling of rest before he completely disregards it again. 
all of a sudden, his phone rang. 
"what the.." he mumbled with a groan 
it was currently five in the morning, and he knew kuroo was smart enough not to call him. especially since kenma would usually just be gaming or would just straight up ignore him. 
"hello?" he muttered to the phone, not bothering to check the ID 
"good morning!" y/n's chirpy la-di-da voice resonated from the phone 
immediately, kenma groaned and rolled his eyes. he had to fight the urge of hanging up the phone then and there. 
"what do you want? and why are you calling me so early in the morning?" kenma asked 
"now, now! don't be so stingy kenma-kun!" she laughed "i just wanted to check up on ya, that's all" she said, followed by soft humming of a melody 
kenma blinked as he groggily listened to her words. "oh. okay.." 
"thanks for that, i guess.." he said 
"aww! your voice is all deep and gravelly in the morning! very hot." she chirped 
kenma sighed. he could practically sense the stupid flirty smile appearing on her face. "and you sound oh so happy. as always." kenma chirped back sarcastically
a small smile grazed his lips as she started laughing on the other line. 
"oh, kenma! you're so funny!" she chuckled "when have i ever been happy?" 
"wait what-" 
"anyways, kenma-kun.." she trailed off, her cheerful tone now dropped as an eerily serious and guarded one replaced it. 
"y-yes?" kenma gulped 
"im afraid im in a tight spot as we speak. its quite critical. please come to the location i will send you." she spoke in a monotonous tone 
"huh? wait!" kenma exclaimed. he sat up on his bed, subconsciously reaching for his nekoma jacket which was messily laid out on the foot of his bed. "what are you talking about?" he asked, his hands were shaking, as well as his voice. 
"its a crisis! only you can help!" she said 
"okay. i-i'll be there.." 
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humming under her breath, y/n patiently waited for kenma to arrive. she didn't have so much faith at first, but once she heard the soft thumping of feet on the ground, she grinned. 
"w-what happened?" kenma asked through ragged breaths as he skidded to a halt infront of her "a-and what are you wearing?" kenma asked 
he took notice of her rather formal attire, laying underneath the sand colored coat she had. his brows then shot up as he calmed his ragged breathing. 
"is this because of your weird detective work thing? did you get trapped?" kenma asked worriedly. when she didn't answer, he simply panicked even more. "why did you call me?! you should've called those other detective people!" kenma exclaimed 
"i got in myself" she admitted with a small innocent smile 
"what?" kenma deadpanned, now starting to regret running atleast eight blocks just to help her 
"well, you see.. i heard there's a way to commit suicide by getting stuck in an oil drum. so i decided to give it a shot" she said with the same innocent smile. she then chuckled sheepishly as she started sinking deeper into the oil drum. 
"but now that i've wedged myself in this deep, i can't get out on my own" she said 
kenma simply stared her down, looking unamused, tired and annoyed. "i see." he says 
"i think i might die" she pouted as she sank deeper into the drum. 
kenma grunted and sat on the ground, sitting a few feet from the drum she was stuck in. he was kind of impressed on how her whole body hadn't snapped in two yet. 
"well, isn't that what you wanted?" kenma said with a huff of annoyance 
"i like suicide" she said with a scoff, sounding somewhat offended "but i don't like suffering and pain! why would i?" 
"i see" kenma said with a sigh. he sat up from the ground and narrowed his eyes, trying to look for a way to free her from the oil drum
"also, i learned this only after i stuffed myself in here, but it wasn't even a suicide method!" she laughed 
"but, it was actually a torture method from the-" 
before she could even finish her sentence, she was cut off as kenma pushed the oil drum over, sending her and the drum rolling off. he let out a huge breath of air as he cradled his aching hands. 
"ni-nice job, kenma-kun" she squeaked out as she wiggled free of the drum. "but now.. we have only an hour left before school starts" she said as she patted down her clothes and combed her fingers through her hair 
"and i heard from nekomata-san that he has some news that you boys would surely love" she said as she stretched her aching muscles 
"are we really gonna move past the fact that you wedged yourself in an oil drum!?" kenma exclaimed in aggravation 
". . ." she looked at him with a dumb smile before sending him a wink and a thumbs up. 
"yep! we sure are!" 
"i hate you so much" kenma muttered 
she smirked teasingly and loomed over his shoulder "hehehe~ well if you hate me so much, then why go through all the trouble to help me?" she cooed 
kenma scoffed and flicked her away. "because we're.." he trailed off "nevermind.." a small blush covered his cheeks faintly, but it was enough to get her attention. 
she chuckled lowly and poked his cheeks. she narrowed her eyes and tauntingly stared him down. "oya? what's this, kenma-kun? do you like me or something?~" she teased 
kenma flinched and covered his cheeks with his hands "no! no i don't!" he quickly denied "i just thought that.." he muttered quietly
"since we're friends and all.. i thought it'd be right to help you.." kenma admitted bashfully 
stunned from his words, she couldn't really do anything but stare at him blankly with widened eyes. "we're friends?" she asked 
kenma spluttered at her response, suddenly feeling anxious and embarrassed, thinking that he overstepped their 'relationship' 
"um- i mean.. i just thought that since we've been hanging out but.." kenma said nervously. he fiddled with his hands as he looked down at his feet, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. 
"sorry, i guess i overstepped. sorry for misreading things" he apologised 
finally realising what she's done, she gasped in horror as she looked at his heartbroken expression  "oh my gosh." she muttered "im so sorry!" 
she frantically patted his back, and stroked his hair "i-i meant like- i didnt know you considered me as a friend!" she exclaimed  "i kind of thought you just see me as a suicidal leech or something!" she shrieked 
"im sorry kenma! kill me now!" she exclaimed dramatically 
kenma finally looked up to see her tearing some of her bandages off, only for her to tie it tightly around her neck. 
"im sorry!" she cried as she squeezed tightly, trying to strangle herself to death 
"wait! don't do that!" kenma said in panic. his hands pried the bandages off and hastily threw them away. 
"you don't have to kill yourself over me" kenma sighed 
she sniffled and crushed him in her arms "kenma! you are most certainly my most treasured friend!" she cried 
"i would die for you and with you!" 
"let's not go too far" kenma said with a small smile 
"shall we start with the double suicide now?" she asks, fully ignoring his interjection 
"no <3" 
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"fukurodani?" she muttered, looking quite confused and clueless 
"yes. it seems a three-day practice match has been scheduled" nekomata said with a smile  "their coach suggested the idea and who was i to decline, am i right?" nekomata chuckled 
"this will be a good opportunity for the team to train and explore new ways of playing for future tournaments." nekomata then looked at y/n and sent her a close eyed smile. "and a chance for you to test your managing skills, y/n-san" he said 
she nodded in agreement. 
"well then, now that that's settled.. you’re free to go! rest up and eat well! you'll be playing nonstop starting tomorrow" nekomata said as he ushered them out of the gym 
"thanks, coach!" the team yelled 
as the team arrives by the gate, they started to disperse. fukunaga, inouka, teshiro, and shibayama ended up declining the offer of an afterschool hangout. they claimed they needed the rest for upcoming games, so they left them be. 
"bye guys! bye y/n-senpai! see you tomorrow!!" inouka yelled from across the street. the energetic first year was waving both his arms around while shibayama drags him along. fukunaga sends them a quick nod and a small wave before they completely disappear from sight. 
"hm, so what do you guys wanna do?" kai asks with a smile 
"let's eat!" lev suggested with a grin 
"sure. where should we go? i don't really have a particular craving right now" kai said as he looked at his friends expectantly 
"we should eat at the diner near that convenience store" yaku says "it's cheap and they serve great food" 
simply humming to herself, y/n takes a quick look at the boys who seemed to be lost in their own conversations. her (e/c) colored eyes then landed on kenma, who seemed to busy with his game. 
kuroo was holding on his bag, making sure the pudding-head wouldn't walk into oncoming traffic. she smiled at the boy, taking in his overwhelmingly beautiful features. 
yamamoto was beside her, ranting about his friends from karasuno and their 'goddess of a manager' 
"we’re here!" lev unnecessarily announced as he skipped into the said diner.  "what should we eat?" he asks 
"fish-" ; "meat-" 
yaku and kuroo freeze and look at each other. their eyes silently roam one another as they look at the other with judgment. 
"hah? are we really doing this again, yakkun?" kuroo scowled. the taller bedheaded male leaned down to get all up in yaku's face, while the latter simply did the same 
"dont call me that stupid nickname, bedhead!" yaku scowled as well "and fish? pssh, what are you a grandpa?" yaku said with a snicker 
"could you stop making comments proving you lack docosahexaenoic acid?" kuroo sneered in aggravation 
"you're ought to eat more fish to fix that.. maybe even your height problem!" kuroo taunted 
yaku scowled and gripped the taller boy's collar "your stupid face is begging to be hit!" 
"no! kuroo-san, don't let him hit you!" lev yelled "he's feral!" 
"oi! shut up!" taketora hissed as he covered lev's mouth with his hand 
yaku turned to face lev, evidently irked and angered by his comment. "hah?! come here, you tall lampost! -" 
"wah! yaku-san i didnt even do anything!" lev exclaimed with teary eyes as the shorter boy continued to kick him 
kai and taketora then took initiative to calm their friends down. partially because they didn't want anyone injured. but mostly because they were fighting infront of the diner, and it was starting to get embarrassing. 
"ke-n-ma~" she cooed in a sing song tone 
kenma sighed and quickly glanced at her, before averting his attention back to his game "what?" he said 
she smiled and laced their arms together. she then pointed to a bridge not so far away from where they were standing. "you see that bridge?" she asked "and the pretty river under it?" 
"oh god. i see where this is going." kenma groaned. he turned off his game and followed her finger, eyeing the bridge she was talking about. 
"wouldn't it be so nice if we just jump off-" 
"how about we don't do that?" kenma cut her off with a sigh 
"but you're my friend right?" she whined childishly "don't friends die together?!" 
"how about we don't die at all. doesn't that sound better?" kenma tried to convince her with a sheepish smile 
her smile fell as she narrowed his eyes, seemingly disgusted and offended by his statement. 
"what? no, not at all." 
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bemey · 3 years
[found this in my drafts] Skwisgaar, Toki, and Murderface in Tamriel
combining my hyperfixations let's gooooooooooooooooo
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
it's very obvious that as a Swede, his race in a fantasy universe would be that fantasy universe's version of our world's ye olde Scandinavians (aka, he'd be a Nord, duh) BUT i like to think if you gave him a pair of fake elf ears matching his skintone, he'd pass as just a really pale Altmer
he's beautiful, tall, slender, arrogant and talented, im sure he'd fit right in with either group, maybe even less so with Nords since Nord society values brute strength and high tolerance for alcohol, of which Skwisgaar has neither (I know he beat up that one guy with his guitar once BUT!!! he's absolutely the least violent fifth of Dethklok)
as a non-metal-musician in Tamriel im sure he'd have mastered a magic school instead of electric guitar, but i can't really figure out *which* school, *maybe* enchanting, *maybe* mysticism, but if i had to pick i'd settle on one of the schools governed by Willpower (alteration, destruction and restoration) because, let's be real, he's more dedicated (to his life passion) than he is intelligent >_>;;
the thing is, i'd make an argument that epic guitar solos heal people (not physically), so that'd be restoration, BUT if he was in a party of sorts I can't really imagine him as just a healer on the sidelines (that's Toki and Mface's thing hehehe), he needs something, hm...... Flashier. like fireball spells, but then again he's not really violent on the show and doesnt get into many fights (unlike SOMMMEEE people), so i'd say both Destruction and Restoration
BUT there's also Illusion magic, with which you seduce, make yourself shiny, paralyse, calm people etc and i cant think of a better analogy for guitar playing that stuns you and puts you into a trance because it's just so good
(also FYI nord males get a penalty in willpower and personality but i suppose he overcomes that, because i have trouble imagining him not heavily using skills governed by those stats)
and for the class- im forcing myself to pick from the set of 21 standard classes and looking at (this page) for reference because if i took custom classes into account it'd really complicate things-
an obvious answer'd be Bard, which makes sense because, you know, being popular and attractive, but in a gameplay sense it's more stealth and less magic (also if we picked bard just because he's a musician in the MTL universe, all other DK members would be bards too and that's pretty lame)
looking at the page i linked, the ''Healer'' class fits the bill, governing personality, willpower, destruction, restoration, speechcraft, and illusion. i wont lie, it doesnt sound the coolest (compare to a class desc like Nightblade, now that shit's awesome), but it makes the most sense to me
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TL;DR nord by blood BUT looks and acts like a high elf, class: healer
Toki Wartooth a nord as well but! i've met plenty of nord dudes in ES games who are really nice to me but kind of not too smart (think Thrud in Godsreach in Mornhould the city that came with Tribunal the DLC for TES3 Morrowind), and im not saying Toki isn't smart (he's educated enough, has geeky interests, knows a thing or two about model-plane building, i think he might be one of the smarter DK members actually) but a nearly-fatal flaw is his naivety which would unfortunately translate into a low intelligence or maybe personality stat in a TES game
when you have a low personality stat, NPCs dont like you as much, and (in Morrowind) whatever options you pick while Persuading an NPC are less effective, even taunt and intimidate)
but i wanna argue in the case of Toki in Tamriel, that low personality stat wouldn't come in the form of being an intimidating douchebag, because we all know Toki's really, really nice, and he has his moments of being a jerk on the show, but he's mostly kind and polite, especially to strangers, and *definitely* holds the title of ''Dethklok member most likely to agree to an autograph and selfie with a fan after a concert and then give them a friendly hug''
it's difficult for me to decide which attributes he'd govern, and a lowered luck isn't possible at character creation, but i'd lower it if possible
high strength, yes, i can imagine Toki with either a blunt or blade
high willpower, competent with restoration and destruction like Skwisgaar, but not as dedicated to the mastery, duh
high endurance- knowing the shit he's been through, might be pretty high
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(''cheats death'' and ''unpredictable'' are both keywords i'd describe Toki by)
i have my eyes on either Crusader or Spellsword BUT I thought the class description for Scout fit Toki just perfect and I even made a little joke about it to my friend once
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TL;DR nord spellsword or crusader, but i'd pick spellsword if i was forced to choose
William Murderface
ive been so exicted to get to this one because, hear me out- khaijit pilgrim
Murderface's spirit animal is a dang tiger, man, and now it's true Murderface isn't very athletic or agile like a khaijit BUT listen, in Oblivion Khaijit get a daily power that let's them intimidate opponents because they're like, big cats, literally, like a tiger or lion and wouldn't you run if you saw one IRL? AND Murderface isnt very popular with fans, which I'd imagine would translate into low personality maybe, but Mface is dare i say pretty dang skilled at making people hate him or hate others or get into fights, aka using a high personality stat for bad (taunt/intimidate) not good (admire), which is why I instantly thought he'd be a Pilgrim (''They profit in life by bartering in the market, or by persuading the weak-minded.'')
look me in the eye and tell me lockpicking, sneaking and punching people arent things Murderface would love to do, also scamming merchants and stabbing people, and khaijit conveniently get a small bonus in Blade and you know who loves knives? M u r d e r f a c e
inappropiately urinating in places? cat. face like an inbred white tiger? cat. sneaky jerk? cat. also i just really want him to be a catboy, man
i did think of him as an Orc too because of the whole martial culture and being a race that was cursed with 'ugliness' (not always true, some orcs are pretty hot), *but* the martial culture orcs have isnt really the barfight kind nords or dunmer have, it's more organised and honourable is it not? they take fighting seriously
would you say Murderface'd rather practice like blunt weaponry all night and day, then go to war and die for his clan, *or* would he sneak in a tavern, steal shit, insult someone, then get into a bar fight? that's what i thought !!!!
fuckin obviously you cant appoint the latter to khaijit because that'd be racist and im not a huge fan of discrimination against beastfolk myself, an orc could be a thief too, but have a look at this:
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(for orcs), and the minuses in intelligence is mostly what makes me think Murderface wouldnt be an orc because he's pretty smart
smart as in street-smart and smart with people, specifically at what makes people mad or do ugly things, and thats something I have to hand to Willy, he's cunning even if not always sucessful in that endeavor because of his bad luck and unattractiveness, but in terms of raw people-skills he's not so bad
and for his class- I know i said pilgrim earlier but i wanna consider some alternatives: rogue or thief
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''a tongue as sharp as a blade'', and ''profits from the losses of others''? both Murderfacecore, but I might wanna stick with Pilgrim just because they're history nerds
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TL;DR Khaijit pilgrim
(this was an old wip i found in my drafts so i havent written Pickles's or Nathan's parts yet >_> sorry, i do have the ideas ready in my head though) (also feel free to share your opinions)
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