#bucky x shapeshifter reader
urdepressedslut · 10 months
May I request a shapeshifter!reader x platonic!avengers/Bucky where the reader was experimented on by Hydra and received her powers there? The Avengers try to recruit and help reader but she’s freaked out from all that’s happened and Bucky helps her overcome the fear and stress and learn to use her powers? Lots of angst but also lots of fluff if possible? (I also want to add your username is amazing lol /gen /lh )
oooooh I've never written a shapeshifter!reader, but I'm very interested with the whole idea. hope you like what I've come up with🥰
♡ Pairing: Platonic!Avengers!Bucky Barnes x Shapeshifter!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: A new shapeshifter recruit has a hard time adjusting to the team, she feels out of place. Bucky knows what it's like to be the outsider and fight to have control, so he comforts her.
♡ Warnings: angst, fluff, talk of hydra experimentation, mentions of past torture, mentions of Bucky's trauma, anxiety, depression, tony being tony
main masterlist ✧ inbox open
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The Avengers compound had been chaotic for the past week, tons of missions, plenty of people getting burnt out— overall it was busy. The compound had gathered some new recruits, adding some much needed people to their team. It would take awhile before they were respected like all of the original Avengers— but they’d get there in time.
A pair of invisible twins had joined the team, taking time with Wanda to master their ability, practice being stealthy. They also had the ability to read minds, which is why Wanda wanted to work with them.
A boy at the age of 19 had just been recruited, his ability being super strength. He was strong, fast and overall almost as in shape as some certain super soldiers. Steve had taken a liking to the boy immediately, noticing he wasn’t just enhanced— but he had a good heart as well, sweet as pie. Steve didn’t hesitate to take him under his wing.
Lastly, there was you. You were the most recent recruit— having just been released from the asylum. Yeah… asylum. Unlike the other new recruits, you had a battered past and a scarred brain. You didn’t have an easy journey to become apart of the team. Truthfully, you didn’t want to be an avenger— you were just trying to survive.
You had been rescued almost a year ago from a hidden HYDRA facility. Almost thousands of bodies littered the building, the scattered evidence that HYDRA had been secretly experimenting on innocent people. The team had scopes out the entire building with heavy hearts, not finding any sign of life— until they had found you. He had found you.
James Buchanan Barnes.
Hidden underneath the facility through a tiny window, you were being held, chains keeping you locked int the confined space. The team remembered that image perfectly, the way they shuttered in horror that you had had to live like this for god knows how long. It was an unsettling day, but a victorious one at least. They had saved you and brought you to medical center immediately. After tests had been done, scans had been run— you were moved to an asylum.
To say you were difficult would be an understatement. But it was just that, you weren’t difficult— you were traumatized. You didn’t feel in control of your body, your mind— your abilities. You were spiraling, the newfound freedom unfamiliar— uncomfortable. You were kept in a white room for a couple months, until you showed signs of progress. You’d speak when you had to. You’d eat if you were told to. You functioned more normally as the days passed, as the therapy sessions came and went.
Truthfully, it was all bullshit. No one recovers from that kind of life. The life of imprisonment and torture.
How could you?
You recovered enough to be allowed out of the white room, walking the halls of the asylum. You knew you didn’t belong here, you weren’t what they labeled you as… crazy. You were struggling to adapt to your new life— that’s all.
Soon enough, your therapist thought you were stable enough to move on to bigger things— like joining the Avengers. She had briefly told you that she talked with a Mr. Fury, and that you had been invited to be an avenger. You wanted to laugh at the offer, how does one even get an offer like that? Although your declines were ignored and you found out quickly that if you didn’t obey and join the avengers, you’d be locked up again at the asylum.
It was either you adapt and do good— be good. Or you were back to staring at the white walls. You chose to not put up much of a fight and let them guide you to the compound. In the back of your mind you wondered if you would always be kept somewhere against your will. The Avengers were good compared to HYDRA, but ultimately— they were holding you hostage just as HYDRA was.
Guess you should be used to it by now.
The introduction was embarrassing, everyone staring at you like you were fresh meat— yeah you were, but the stares had you feeling incredibly self conscious. Everyone seemed nice, offering to help in any way that they could to help you adjust easier. You thanked them quietly and kept to yourself, the team didn’t hear much from you ever.
Unlike the other new recruits, no Avenger spoke out to take you under their wing. Nobody wanted you around.
It was a particular rough training day that had things falling apart.
You had wandered into the training room on your own, sitting crisscrossed by the large mirror. You were trying to meditate, since your little scare this morning. You were a shapeshifter, and could transform into any being, take on their appearance— but not without difficulty. You could only transform if you had touched something. It was unlike any stories that were ever told about your kind— shifting was painful. Back at HYDRA, you were chained down to a table while guards would bring in different kinds of creatures, different suffering innocent people. They beat you into shifting, torture you until you took a different form.
When you woke this morning, your heart was beating scarily quick. Your limbs were cold, your fingertips and toes numb— you had identified it quickly as a panic attack. You dreamt of your days back in HYDRA— the days you were tortured for hours on end, days on end. You found yourself wanting to shift into a muscular guard you had seen in your dream— appear stronger and bigger. You felt you needed to be on alert, protect yourself from the dangers of your dream. The feeling quickly flowed throughout your body, the familiar pain of shifting coming on fast— so you tried everything you could to calm down. That’s where you found yourself sitting in front of the mirror, attempting to meditate.
Bucky wandered into the room, getting ready for his own workout when he noticed your small form on the floor. He watched through the reflection as you had your eyes shut, your chest rising and falling with deep breaths. He was no expert, but he had an idea of what you were trying to do— possibly what had happened. His heart clenched at the sight, feeling terrible that someone else had to go through such things.
Sure, he had read your file— but that was no way to get to know someone. He was waiting for a good chance to introduce himself, maybe show you around. He found that rather difficult, you were very good at staying hidden— sneaking out of a room without notice. He admired your stealthiness, but he didn’t want you to feel like you had to be around the compound.
“Hey.” He started, feeling bad when he saw you jump slightly at his greeting.
You met his blues through the mirror and turned quickly to face him, standing up along the way.
“Hi.” You greeted quietly.
He smiled at your gentle voice, deciding to stop at a good length away— not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
“Haven’t really gotten a chance to introduce myself since you got here. I’m Bucky.” He held his flesh hand out.
You eyeballed his hand, knowing that you would gain the ability to take his form if you touched him. You took a deep breath, enjoying the cool air traveling down your throat to your lungs— before you raised your hand.
“Nice to meet you Bucky, I’m (Y/n).” You said quickly, pulling your hand back to your side— ignoring the tingling sensation that his touch had left.
It wasn’t the unpleasant feeling of shifting either— it was just a pleasant buzz.
“(Y/n), what do you say after I’m done in here— I’ll show you around the compound. Introduce you to everybody.” He offered and immediately regretted his words at the expression of horror on your face.
You gulped, the thought of meeting so many faces all in one day— it was extremely overwhelming and anxiety inducing. You didn’t want to mess up your first impression, you wanted to have gotten a good nights rest before you met everyone. You probably looked a mess, your hair— your clothes—
Bucky’s voice snapped you back to the moment and you shook your head, scratching the back of your neck in embarrassment. Being caught in a little moment there.
“Uh… I’d rather meet everyone another time… if that’s okay.” You whispered out, nervous that he’d get mad at your refusal.
He noticed how nervous you were to tell him no, on one hand he was proud that you had spoke up— knowing you came from HYDRA. Another part of him was saddened at your hesitation— no doubt you were waiting for a beating or some kind of torture.
“Of course, we can go at your pace.” He told you in a soft voice, hoping to keep the conversation smooth and calm.
You weren’t prepared for the kindness and you felt thrown off at his response. It took you a second to gather your thoughts before you could talk again.
“Thank you.” You whispered so quietly that you were sure he didn’t hear you.
Bucky had though, and even if he didn’t respond— he felt his heart hurt at your scared quiet voice. He hated HYDRA— so fucking much.
The conversation ended soon after, giving you time to excuse yourself to your room while Bucky started his workout— all his thoughts of you of course.
You hadn’t given him a full answer in his offer. He knew you didn’t want to meet everyone yet— which was fine. But he still wanted to show you around— if you wanted to.
After he showered and cleaned himself up, it was the late afternoon. He headed up to your room to retrieve you.
He knocked three times before waiting patiently. He could hear the faint thuds of you inside, and by the sounds of it— you hadn’t been expecting a visitor.
The door swung open and your eyes widened at Bucky standing there. For a second you wondered if someone was setting him up to do this… talk to you.
“Hey. Was wondering if you were still up for the tour?” He asked hesitantly, waiting for you to decline.
You thought for a moment, taking in the way he looked clean, his hair seemed freshly washed and shiny. Your eyes wandered to his outfit, jeans and a navy blue henley that complimented his eyes. You smiled little at how put together he looked.
“Just you and I?” You wondered, swaying on your feet.
He nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Just us. Whatta ya say?”
You wondered how much it would hurt to find out he was indeed being forced to hang with you. It would sting— but would it really be anything new? You repeled people and that’s the way you liked it. No one had the chance of hurting you if you didn’t let anyone in.
You gave in regardless, taking a chance. Knowing that this was going to hurt.
“Okay. Lemme get a sweater.” You told him, sneaking back inside you room— grabbing a gray knitted sweater.
Pulling it over your tank, you exited your room and closed your door with a click. Turning towards him, you were met with happy crinkly eyes, his warm smile beaming into you. It was hard not to smile back, but you managed somehow.
“Where to?” You asked.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. First stop— the kitchen.” He announced dramatically.
You could tell he was trying a little too hard to make you comfortable. But it was an appreciated gesture— you just couldn’t stop thinking about how much this was going to hurt.
Every sweet gesture was just another rock being placed over your chest. Eventually your bones wouldn’t be able to hold the rocks— they’d crack them and crush your heart.
You said nothing as you followed behind him, wandering through the hallways until you both entered the kitchen— which was full of avengers. Your anxiety spiked immediately and you wanted to disappear from all the staring.
“Heyyyy! Look who it is! It’s the rookie— are you done hiding from us now?” Tony asked dramatically, fake being hurt.
His question was fair, but you couldn’t find yourself able to answer with all eyes on you. You could feel yourself start to sweat, your hands cold and becoming numb. Some may think you’re being dramatic, but you just weren’t mentally prepared to meet everyone.
“Tony don’t…” Bucky warned lowly, trying to keep his voice down as to not bring any more attention on you.
“Oh c’mon Barnes— you have to be a little curious as to where she’s been hiding this whole time. Let’s remember this is my property— I deserve to know who’s living in it.” He said as a matter of factly.
You swallowed and tried thinking of a response. Maybe you should apologize. You wondered.
“She still deserves privacy Stark.” Natasha voiced from the corner of the room.
Tony rolled his eyes, turning back towards you with a smirk.
“Sooo what’s up rookie? Where ya been?” He asked.
Despite many trying to defend you— they were also curious as to where you have been. They knew of your arrival and hadn’t seen you much since then, besides Bucky. But he was only just starting to talk with you today.
“I’ve been in my room mostly, trying to adjust.” You managed to make out, your throat was still tight with nerves.
Bucky looked to you with a pitied gaze. He felt bad that he had put you in this position.
“You should totally come to a famous Avengers movie night sometime kid.” Tony suggested, and a bunch of the surrounding Avengers nodded.
You relaxed just slightly, although Tony was pushy and loud— you could tell he had good intentions. You nodded your head and attempted a small smile.
“Yeah, that sounds great. I’ll definitely make it one night.” You told him, and he smiled in triumph.
“I’m not too hungry anymore— wanna get outta here?” Bucky spoke from beside you, and you felt relief at his words.
“Yes please.” You whispered to him, earning a smile from the soldier.
You two waved your goodbyes and headed out of the room, heading towards the living area. Bucky immediately spoke up once you two were away from the rest.
“(Y/n), I’m so sorry— I didn’t think they’d all be in there. Please know that I didn’t do that to you on purpose.” He apologized and you took him by surprise by grabbing his metal hand.
“It’s fine, I believe you.” You reassured him, “Besides, Tony is right. I need to stop hiding.”
Bucky softened his gaze and held your hand properly with his metal one, getting your attention on his blues.
“Hey, you don’t have to rush into anything. You go at your pace, okay?” He told you, his voice smooth and gentle. “I know what it’s like to switch to this lifestyle after living with…”
He trailed off, knowing your story from the file but he didn’t know if you knew that. Of course, you had assumed everyone knew your story— kind of sucked, but you didn’t have a choice in the matter.
“I know. Its much different here than Hydra.” You finished for him. “It will take time but I’ll get there. I already feel better now that I can talk to you.”
“I’m here if you ever need to talk— about anything. I’m not so sure how great I am with advice but… I’m a good listener.” He told you.
You smiled and gave his metal hand a tiny playful tug.
“Thank you Bucky.”
He nodded and gave your hand a playful tug back.
“Don’t need to thank me, just know I’m here for you.”
A/N: haven’t proofread this— ignore spelling mistakes🥰
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Hi✨. How are you?. Hope You re feeling great today, love u so much 🙂💐. It's me again jeje. Just LOVE your writing SO MUCH.
Am thinking of a one shot, male reader x Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers, R is a shape shifter, but something happends fighting with Hydra, they experiment on him a few days and when the Avengers rescue him, change of shape because of a strong sound because he is scare.
He ends up changing to a puppy, being scare of everything and everyone talking to him and trying to touch him.
So Bucky or Steve take care of him for a few days until he changes again to a human.
Love u 💞
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Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Shapeshifter male reader
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What about both? ;)
Im doing great, thanks for asking. Hope you’re doing well too.
I tried to shake the shapeshifting abilities origin up a little, hope that’s alright ^^
Sorry for the super long intro, I just got way too carried away with this haha
-          You were one of the last members to join the avengers, it was first after the attack on New York by the chitauri that you responded to the request SHIELD had sent you.
-          You weren’t fully human, the child of a Skrull and a human. Normally Skrull could only shapeshift into other humanoid like creatures, but because of your mixed blood you could transform into animals and alike. Your normal form also looked mostly human, except for slightly sharper ears, slimmer pupils, and sharper canines along with the teeth around them being sharper. You hid these features using your powers.
  -          You were raised on earth by your parents, your Skrull parent taking the form of a human. You had known Nick Fury your entire life because of his connection to the Skrull, and him wanting to keep in contact incase you or your family ever were put in danger.
-          As time passed you mastered your abilities, you realized that a normal life just wasn’t for you. So, you started to do missions for Nick and taking a vigilante like position before that was a common thing to do. You worked in the shadows most of the time, and after getting hurt a few too many times Nick demanded you be trained, which is how you met Natasha and Clint.
-          The three of you would fight together at times, and they were both shocked when you used your abilities around them for the first time as they assumed you were a normal human like them. You didn’t tell them you were part alien, so they just assumed you were a meta.
  -          You ended up joining the avengers, and in the beginning the others were cautious about you, all except for Natasha, Clint and interestingly enough, Thor. You had an inkling that he somehow knew of you being part Skrull, as he referred to you as his fellow brother from space.
-          But as time passed and you all went on missions together and lived together you became closer. Through this you got to know Steve more, and as time went on the feelings of friendship became something more.
-          You didn’t confess to him because you couldn’t imagine him wanting to be with someone like you, and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
-          Though you would turn into a large dog at times so Steve would cuddle you. Natasha and Clint could see right through you and the archer would tease you about it. This resulted in you transforming into a tiger and chasing him around the tower.
  -          When Bucky came along, he came to the tower instead of hiding away, which made it, so the civil war didn’t happen at all.
-          Bucky was very uncomfortable around people and twitchy as he still had the trigger words inside his head. He was only comfortable with Steve.
-          After a mission, Bucky was extremely tense and looked like he was gonna have a panic attack, so you transformed into a cat and curled up beside him. He ended up petting you with his nonmetal hand and it helped him calm down.
-          This became a ritual that after missions and alike, you would go to Steve and Bucky’s shared floor and cuddle with Bucky and sometimes Steve in the form of an animal.
-          When the trigger words were removed, the three of you kept this up even though you didn’t need too.
-          Before you knew it you fell in love with Bucky as well, which made you turn into a snake and curl up in the bottom of your closet. You wouldn’t confess because Bucky was way out of your league you told yourself.
-          Little did you know the two super soldiers felt the same way about you, and when they realized they both liked you they decided to confess to you together, and you could decide if you only liked one of them, both, or neither of the and they would respect that.
  -          The day they were planning on confessing you were kidnapped by Hydra. They too thought you were a meta and wanted to harvest your DNA or turn you into a weapon they could use.
-          This resulted in you being tortured and experimented on for days or weeks as the avengers and SHIELD try to find you with everything they can.
-          When they finally find you, its Steve and Bucky that find you first. You’re strapped to a table in nothing but pants with all kinds of new scars and cuts and bruises.
-          When they come close you whimper like a scared animal but don’t transform as you can’t when your strapped down. They move slowly and quietly reassure you that your safe.
-          When you’re free they sit you up and are about you patch up your worst cuts and bruises when gunshots are heard. You yelp and transform, not even focusing on what form your taking.
-          You end up transforming into a puppy and curl up in a ball with your face under your paws, shaking all over.
  -          The super soldiers bring you back to the helicarrier and you are treated to the best of their ability, as you make loud painful and scared noises when anyone but them try touching you.
-          They try to ask you to transform back, but you just whimper and cover your face with your paws, hiding away into Steve’s chest whose holding you.
-          When they get back to the tower the avengers try and figure out what to do. That’s when Fury arrives and tells them to give you time because its normal for your species to take the form, they’re most comfortable with.
-          That’s when it comes out you’re part alien, but at this point all the avengers don’t care much and don’t see you any differently. It’s agreed that Bucky and Steve will take care of you as you’re only calm with them
  -          And so, the two super soldiers take care of you. It results in a lot of cuddling and kisses on your furry forehead.
-          You take a lot of naps on their chests or laps, just sleeping off the pain medication and stress. They made sure to take care of your cuts and bruises and change the bandages.
-          They also get you your favorite snacks as you can still eat human food in other forms.
-          At some point they have to wash you, so they do it by putting warm water in the sink and carefully cleaning your fur and paws, making sure to not get soap or water in your face or ears.
-          You end up spending nights in bed with them, and if it was any other time you’d be blushing and freaking out by seeing them both shirtless and being in bed with them, but you’re still exhausted and sleep on the pillows between them.
  -          One morning you wake up feeling way too hot and like your being squished between something. That’s when you wake up more and see Bucky’s face Infront of you and feel an arm around waist from behind.
-          That’s when you realize you have transformed back into a human. You try to wiggle out of Steve’s hold, feeling very embarrassed and like you have ruined your relationship.
-          Steve and Bucky wake up, and Steve pulls you in close again, until your snug in his hold and he kisses the neck of your neck softly. You blush and swear you’re dreaming, especially when Bucky leans in to kiss you on the nose.
-          You start stuttering, the control you had to make yourself appear human all the time slipping away, revealing your ears, pupils, and teeth. Bucky just chuckles softly and kisses you on the lips carefully before telling you to go back to sleep and when your all fully rested, you’ll talk.
-          You’re still blushing when Bucky scoots in closer to you and wraps his arm around you as well, but as both soldiers fall asleep, even if you don’t mean too, you fall asleep too, still half convinced it’s a dream.
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kassies-take · 2 years
If You Were Caught In A Make Out Session
Leah: *knocks on apartment door*
You: *opens door, pulls her shirt and kisses her*
Leah: *pulls away and smirks* not even a hi *closes the door behind her*
You: *smiles* hi. I’m so happy you’re finally here *tries to kiss her again*
Leah: *stops you* your parents?
You: away *locks the door and pulls her collar*
Leah: *kisses you* I *kiss* missed *kiss* you
You and Leah: *makes their way to the couch while making out*
Leah: if the ancestors saw this they would freak
You: I’m going to do such unholy things to your beautiful body that even the ancestors have no choice but to look away *pushes Leah onto the couch and straddles her*
Leah: *moans*
You & Leah: *makes out*
You: *tangles hands in Leah’s hair*
Leah: *hands go under your shirt*
You & Leah: *moans*
Leah: *flips you*
You & Leah: *lands on the floor, laughs*
Leah: *straddling you* you okay
You: I think I’d heal faster if you kiss me
You & Leah: *makes out*
Natasha: (Y/n)
You & Leah: *breaks apart*
You: *looks at Natasha and Bucky*
Natasha: *eyebrows raised and arms crossed*
Bucky: *smirks*
You: well… this is awkward
Natasha: Leah
Leah: nice to see you Mr & Mrs Romanoff-Barnes *awkwardly waves*
You: I thought you were away, we were in the middle of something
Bucky: yeah you were *goes to high fives you*
Natasha: James!
Leah: *gets off you and pulls you up*
Bucky: Nat, it’s natural. It happens
You: mine and Leah’s schedules haven’t been working, her with work and me on missions. We just got carried away
Natasha: *still glaring*
Bucky: I got this, go. *pushes Natasha to the kitchen*
You: *grabs Leah’s arm and pulls her to your room*
Natasha: keep the door open!
Bucky: use protection
Natasha: *backhands Bucky*
Leah: so your parents caught us
You: yeah… cuddles?
You & Leah: *cuddles*
Leah: *kisses your temple*
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wolfs-hunt1 · 2 years
Wolf Kisses Special Chapter
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Pairing: Stucky x Shapeshifter reader
Word count: 757
Warnings:  sorry for any typo.
A/N: It took me so long to do this, but I hope you all enjoy it :’)
This is more like a future chapter than an actually continuations of last chapter because I felt like writing something cute. 
Tag lis is OPEN
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The fireplace was lighting the room brightly, the night sky outside a dark contrast against the burning flames. The white snow falling in soft heaps glistening each time a fleck caught the light just right.
The blanks underneath you were comfortably soft, making the hard floor next to the window seem like a little peace of heaven while you snuggled deeper into their arms. Bucky was at your back, his flesh arm underneath your head while his vibranium one was keeping its cold distance from your feverish skin. 
Steve was in front og you. Laying on his back, head turned to look at you, a soft small gracing his features while he watched you looking at the falling snowflakes adoringly.
“You want to be there, running in the snow, dont you?” he asked, hand coming up to stroke your arm that was draped over his chest. 
“I love both of you so much. But I miss the familiarity my wolf form brings me.” you tone was one of fondness, nostalgic. “But I will love bringing these pups out in the world so much more, that I can wait a few more months before turning back.” your entire faced lighted up when you felt the twins kick your stomach, grabbing Steve’s and to feel your bump.
Since the events of the past year, the three of you had grown so much closer. And were now starting your own family. They had left SHIELD and the Avengers, and had got this little house in the miggle of the mountains surrounded by woods. They had restored the house, made it a little corner of heaven on earth and had enjoyed seeing you running in your wolf form around the forest, the joy it brought you to know you were safe fro hunters and had a place to call home. 
Someone to call home.
It came a bit as a surprise, but you could smell it in your hormones. Something was different in you. So when the pregnancy test had came back positive youd been scared of what they might respond to. 
But both Steve and Bucky had been the most supportive partners you could have asked for. They had done everything to make you feel comfortable, and a few weeks abo they had started baby proofing the house, despite the fact the pups would still take at least a good few months before actually starting to explore their surroundings.
They even tried to accommodate for your pregnant demands when you said you needed to start making a nest, so they brought the fluffiest blankets they could find and started making your nest, with the best view in the house. A floor to ceiling window showing the far mountains and the forest surrounding the house. Some nights you could even see the northern lights up in the sky, making the place even more magical.
Unfortunately the further down the pregnancy the greater the risk of shifting to your form often, so youd have to stay human until the little ones were born. It didn’t felt natural to you. All your family members were born while wolfs, only discovering their human side later on when they were older. Your wolf side was screaming at you to turn. 
 To have the pups in wolf form so they could learn to fend for themselves. But that would mean leaving Bucky and Steve with a few hungry wolfs to take care of. And despite them being your mates, your wolf instincts was still to protect the pups from any treats. So you were refraining from turning, and quite literally biting off their hand because they were too close to the pups. In your human form the most you could do was scream at them. 
But despite the none existing treats inside the house, both Bucky an Steve were proving exceptional mates. And despite their very human nature, they were behaving just like a wolf mate would. Doting on her, bringing her food and more blankets for her nest, and just hovering over her to give her love and affection. She even caught them once eyeing the wolfs that were using their garden as a path to cross across the mountains with a mistrusting gaze, only relaxing once the last wolf was out of sight.
There was still a few more weeks for the pups to be born, but you knew deep down you couldnt have asked for better mates. They would be great fathers, and your cosy little family would grow just a bit more. 
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 @hidden-treasures21 @jelly-fishy-babie @thedarkplume @fallenoutofrose @animegirlgeeky @salveangeli @lokilokilokilokilokiloki  @artemis629 @buckysknifecollection @glimmering-darling-dolly @rebekahdawkins  @amiets2   @tite-rose @animegirlgeeky  @moonlit-stardust  @bekindtourself    @tenaciousperfectionunknown @missloveii
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foxgloveprincess · 2 years
Seem Like Someone Else
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x GN!Shapeshifter Reader [First Person Narrator]
Word Count: 3,060
Summary: Pain has been the only thing you’ve felt for so long. Until Bucky and Natasha teach you to feel something different.
Warnings: Emotionally Constipated Reader, Plus-Size Reader, Body Horror (shapeshifting that backfires—disfigurement, no blood, inability to talk, pain), Undefined/Poorly Defined Relationship, Mentions of Abusive/Traumatic Past, Inconsiderate Behavior, Pet Names (sweetheart). Minors do not interact (18+).
A/N: This just sorta started spilling out of me one day while I was eating breakfast. Based on quite a few uQuizzes I’ve taken which have told me I change myself for other people. It’s an experiment in a way. And I don’t really know how to define it. All I know is that I want to share it with all of you. Bucky edit in the banner by nixakimbo (on Instagram). The picture in the banner is not indicative of the reader’s skin color (there is no description of appearance in the fic, except to allude to plus size).
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog/comment if you want. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work, at all. I cross-post to my own AO3 account.
I don’t do tag lists, so follow @foxglovefics to sign up for notifications on my fics.
This is not Beta’d, so all mistakes are my own.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing themes/dynamics/warnings, thank you!
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I go through about 25 transformations a day. Comes with the territory of being a shapeshifter. But it’s bled into my personality, too. Changing the smallest aspects of myself in everyday interactions, hoping to smooth the conversations into something palatable for whoever I’m talking to. 
Sometimes I wonder if the face I return to at the end of the day is really even my face at all—if the person I am is truly myself. 
It’s stopped being a strain—practically organic at this point. Just like the shifting of bones, cartilage, and flesh to form me into a different look. Easy as breathing. 
The transformations used to hurt. I remember that. When it started in middle school, I would scream out in my room at night when my flesh turned against me and morphed me into some other person. Lady B always cradled me to her chest and hummed a solemn tune until I calmed and made the painful transition back to myself. 
Now I change like water flowing from the pitcher to the glass. Know the exact angles. Contorting myself until the change mutes to a small pop. No longer a cacophony of crackles and popping joints. I’ve perfected the art form, transforming in a singular moment from one person to the next.
For most people, it’s a party trick. Entertainment. For my job, it’s a clever evolution of espionage. It’s helped me go far, climbing my way into the Avengers organization and solidifying my skills as indispensable. A way I can support and protect myself. Not everyone accepts a freak in their neighborhoods. 
“Make me into a woman,” Tony requests, lounging back on his sofa with a tumbler of amber liquid in his hand. 
Like I said, entertainment. 
My body bends and twists—rather, the body I’m wearing—until I picture it clearly in my head. Tony Stark, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, woman. A deep breath fills my lungs and—Pop! 
It takes a moment to orient myself before my audience. Party goers still milling about the Tower, lingering until the very last moment. I breathe once, ensuring the use of lungs in my body and the beat of my heart—learning from experience to never underestimate the importance of internal organs. 
But there I am, Tony Stark’s spitting image in female form. 
I wait for the next request as comments circle about the voyeurs. Words of intrigue and disbelief whispered from ear to ear. I can’t let them know I’m tired. Most missions do not exhaust me as much as this. Face after face for people to peer at and dissect. I touch my nose, drawing back my hand to check for blood—none yet, a good sign.
“That’s enough,” a voice calls out. “Leave them alone.”
Turning over my shoulder, Bucky glares at the group surrounding me. Perched on the sofa with Natasha at his side, they make the most threatening couple in the room. Lovely, by all means, but deadly—like twining sprigs of belladonna. 
“Come here,” Natasha beckons from her place under her partner’s arm. She gestures to an empty seat beside them. 
Unable to resist the call, I follow and sit. My favorite drink sits upon a coaster, ready and waiting. Though I refuse to let surprise color my expression.
The group disperses, off to look for the next spectacle. I sigh in relief and let my body sink into the cushions, cells buzzing from exertion.
“You were at your limit,” Bucky comments, a hint of disappointment in his tone, “you should have told them to fuck off.”
“I know my limit,” I reply, releasing the tension keeping me in Tony’s face. No longer intent on performance, I let my body shift in gradual motions. My bones clicking back into place, figure softening and rounding, until I sit before them as myself.
“You’re not here for their amusement,” Bucky insists, fists clenching together as he leans toward me. “Why do you let them do that to you?”
“Why not?” I answer, tilting my head to the side. “They like it.”
“But do you?” Natasha gazes at me with her piercing green eyes. 
And I cannot meet them. Because I know the answer, so does she. It doesn’t need to be said, but to meet her gaze would be to admit it. 
“You don’t need to—”
“I know,” I interrupt, face scrunching at the force of my statement. 
They say no more on the subject, keeping me company throughout the rest of the evening. Their presence surrounding me in a protective barrier that no one dare penetrate. Even when curious gazes drift in my direction, the assassins at my side dissuade them of any notions to approach.
“Thank you,” I relent when the party comes to its full close, the remaining attendees escorted out of the building. “It was nice to be myself for most of the night, as disappointing as it may be.”
“Who said you were disappointing?” Natasha asks, her fingers tipping my chin down to see her curious expression.
My shoulders shrug and I step away from her touch. “Thanks again, anyway.” A hasty retreat proves wise as final rounds of farewell take place, whispers following after me toward the elevator. 
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“You know,” Natasha says a few weeks later, approaching me at the table while I eat my lunch, “it’s in our blood.”
At the cryptic comment, I raise a brow, pausing with my sandwich halfway to my lips.
“They forced it into us so hard that we can hardly tell how long it’s been there, melding with us, shaping us.” She sits across from me, arms folded on the wooden tabletop and leaning closer to me. “That involuntary notion to always fit. To break yourself a thousand different ways until you can be whoever they want you to be.”
I swallow and push away my plate, no longer feeling the pang of hunger when my stomach turns. “Why are you saying this?” My mouth dries, bile climbing up my throat.
“Because I see you,” she replies, simple as that. As if there can’t be any other explanation in the world. Her hand reaches out to my arm, squeezing the flesh in a comforting grip. “I know what it’s like.”
My eyes meet hers, emotion swelling deep within me and threatening tears. I grit my teeth, fighting against them to say, “What difference does that make?”
“Maybe not a big one. We’re spies, it’s what we do,” she says with a shrug, hand still resting on my arm. “But it doesn’t mean it’s who we have to be.” She pats my arm, standing from the seat. She steps closer, standing over me until I look up. “Or that we have to be alone.”
She walks off and I watch her leave. Each step she takes flaming the desire to rush after her and feel whatever it was that she inspired within me. That swelling rush of clarity that struck me at her concern. Something that felt strikingly like peace. 
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Bucky doesn’t approach me as directly. He doesn’t say as much either. He simply finds me after a mission one day and hands me a bottle of my favorite juice. No comments or inquiries about how the mission went. Scaring off anyone who even thinks to approach.
He stays nearby—not hovering, but close and quiet, like a shadow.
He sits beside me while I write up my report. Trying to recall every detail of the mission. Every face I had to don and how many files I was able to copy and scrub. And he doesn’t leave until I drift asleep on my couch, watching my favorite movie and wrapped in a warm blanket. 
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The next morning, I wake to him preparing me breakfast in my kitchen. Surprise doesn’t cover the jolt that spikes through my blood, body changing on instinct for an attack. 
“Hey,” he says, turning with his hands held up in placation, “you’re alright. I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Then why are you here?” I ask, incredulous at his presence. Surely Natasha would need him more. Or at least expect him so early in the morning.
“I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
My mouth gapes open, his reasons incomprehensible. Am I some sort of pet project to them? Another amusement to occupy their time? A new way to treat the freak, to toy with me until I’m left shattered by their true intentions.
“You need to leave,” I utter, not understanding the words I say until they’re already hanging in the air between us. “Now.”
Bucky’s brow pinches in concern. He walks forward, skirting around my table and reaches out. I step back. 
“I don’t want to leave you alone,” he confesses, fidgeting with his metal arm and pulling his sleeve over the vibranium. 
“I’m always alone,” I reply with a shrug. “Don’t worry about it.”
He doesn’t move a muscle, staring at me. 
Shoulders tense, that nigh impossible to sense strain on my cells plucks in discomfort. Still wearing someone else’s face, then. Casting a glance to the mirror across the room, I swallow hard. Never worn a team member’s face before—especially not one like Natasha’s. Entranced by her features, I can’t bear to look away for a moment, wondering what it’s like to live in this skin. Everyday, a masterpiece. Fingers touch her cheek, feeling the softness and bone structure beneath.
“Friday?” Bucky calls out, the A.I. replying immediately. “Could you get Natasha in here, please?”
“No,” I cough in alarm, mind unfocused and flickering with images of people. Only one misplaced thought and—Pop!
It takes a moment to realize that the voice screaming in agony is my own. Body an indiscernible monstrosity of misshapen limbs and skin. I choke on air, ill-formed inside as I am out.
“Shit, sweetheart,” Bucky curses, hands hovering over this body I’ve created. “You gotta calm down, shift back.”
A gurgle is the only reply this throat can make, pain lancing through each cell of my being. Yet tears still form in my eyes, dripping down contorted cheeks, hands unable to wipe them away. So much pain, it blinds and burns. Legs unable to collapse from the intensity of it all, the bones fused at awkward angles and supporting me with nothing more than the inability to bend.
“What happened?” Natasha exclaims, rushing into the room in a panic. 
Bucky explains, hands raking through his long hair, pulling at the strands, fear rolling off him in waves. “What do we do?” he asks, looking between the two of us.
Natasha says my name softly, approaching on cautious feet. “Can you shift back?”
An almost imperceptible shake moves my head back and forth, unsure I can focus on anything with this pain consuming every thought. 
Her eyes dart around the room, getting closer and closer. Inhaling deeply, she begins to hum a song. Familiar and melancholy. Her arms wrap around me—as best they can with the disfigurement of my body. Her hands stroke over my twisted spine, a tilt of her head beckoning Bucky to join us.
His warmth ensconces me from behind, surrounding me. My eyes close, fighting back against the onslaught of pain and concentrating. The tension releases slowly, organs shifting and reforming properly before my bones crack and I collapse for the rest of the transformation. 
A gasp punches from my chest, body flooded with endorphins. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks, kneeling beside me and wiping the sweat from my brow.
I nod, delirious. 
Natasha settles beside her partner, resting a hand on his shoulder. They both look to each other, concern flashing in their eyes. They begin to rise, a slow trepidatious movement.
“Stay,” I whimper, reaching blindly to clutch at their legs, “Please.”
“Of course,” Bucky soothes, the tension in the air easing. He bends low and with the gentlest touch he can manage, lifts me from the floor. “We’re not leaving you.”
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It happens on the next mission. My arm taking a life of its own. Refusing to turn back to my true form once the quinjet takes off from its landing pad. I stare at the foreign limb—veiny and grizzled. The tension of my transformation melts away. But it does not leave. 
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asks, taking the seat beside me. 
Without words to convey my confusion, I raise the unfamiliar digits of this hand for her to see. She takes it in her own, the touch light and careful.
“How do we fix this?”
“Lady B used to break it when I was younger,” I reply with a furrowed brow. “Something about the pain kickstarted the transformation back.”
“We’re not doing that,” she refuses, sitting back but keeping my hand in hers. “We’ll figure out another way.”
But nothing comes to mind on the journey back to the Tower. I’m left with the strange limb as I grab my gear and exit the jet, disturbed by this turn of events. My feet tread a curious path, seeking the one person I can think of to help.
“Bucky,” I greet, hiding my arm behind me. 
He smiles, standing from the couch and setting aside a thick book scrawled with some foreign language along the spine.
Still in my combat suit and not in the slightest prepared to change until my body gets back to normal—or at least the same figure all over—my attention settles upon the place where his metal arm should hang. It’s missing. 
He fidgets under my scrutiny, reaching up to his shoulder as if trying to conceal the sight of his empty sleeve. A faint thought tickles at the back of my mind, but I shake it away. No time for innocuous matters. 
“I need you to break my arm,” I announce, meeting his eye. “Please.”
His veneer cracks at my nonchalance, smile dropping from his lips. “Come again?”
I sigh, bringing the unsightly limb out from behind my back. “It won’t turn back.” The fist clenches.  “I need you to break it, so I can make it.”
Bucky’s lips open, wide eyes shining in confusion and the barest hint of betrayal. But I can think of no other way and—
“He’s not doing that,” Natasha bites from behind, shouldering past to wrap her arms around her partner and peck a kiss to his lips before turning back to me. “Why would you suggest something like that? After everything?” Hurt shines in her eyes, too, and I swallow around the lump that forms in my throat. 
We stand in silence for a long moment. I know the reason why I’m asking him. Why I told her on the jet. Why I’m coming to them out of every person inhabiting the Tower.
“I trust you more than anyone,” I reply in a wavering whisper. “There’s no one else.” My eyes squeeze shut, head turning away at the confession. Vulnerability more foreign and unsettling than the limb that refuses to reform to my true shape.
A soft sound of realization echoes from the pair. They stand still for a moment before approaching on wary, hopeful steps. 
It takes all night, but we find another way.
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“You’re certainly quiet tonight,” Tony says, sidling up beside me and nudging his elbow into my side. “Don’t want to be center spotlight?”
“No,” I reply. A sip of my drink burns and tickles at the back of my throat. Scanning the crowd, I turn away from the man, but he’s not done with me quite yet. 
“Your besties not here yet?” he asks, leaning a smidge too far into my personal space. 
I sigh and move away, hoping he’ll get the hint. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Another sip burns, but satisfies the ire bubbling in my belly. Keeping it from climbing up my throat. 
He hums and drinks from his own glass, stepping aside to give me some space. His brow quirks, examining me like a specimen in a petrie dish. A sensation to which I’ve grown accustomed—with my upbringing and all. 
At least his eyes don’t sparkle with the expectation for amusement tonight, like I’m the main attraction. 
“Can I help you with something?” I inquire with the tilt of my head. 
“Maybe,” he says, smacking his lips. “I’ve been trying to puzzle it out, but can’t quite get the big picture.”
My teeth clench, jaw ticking, waiting for the deep dive into my past that always seems to come hand-in-hand with a scientific mind like his.
“Are you, Nat, and Bucky a thing?” He sets his empty glass down and gestures to me. “And if you are, what kind of thing are you?”
I remain silent, taken aback by his thought, but unable to answer. I couldn’t define it if given the chance. Natasha and Bucky might be able to, though. Yet none of it reveals itself upon my face, a mask of indifference holding strong.
“She’s our partner,” Bucky responds walking up with Natasha on his arm. Looking as elegant and deadly as they are. 
“Partner?” Tony looks between the couple and I, running a hand over his mouth.
“Yes,” Natasha replies.
The billionaire keeps looking, as if the truth will reveal itself without another word spoken. But in the end, he asks, “Romantic or vocational?”
“Yes,” she purrs, wrapping her arm through mine and leading me away without another glance back. When the temptation to gauge Tony’s reaction creeps up my spine, she senses it and soothes, “Don’t worry about him.” Her path guides us over toward a bench and sits us down, taking her place to my side and setting the super soldier on my other. “He means well, but always tries to place labels on things he doesn’t understand.”
Bucky’s fingers weave through mine on the bench, pressing his warm palm to my knuckles. Distracting me from Natasha.
“You look lovely,” he whispers in my ear. 
“Perfect, even,” Natasha adds, resting her head on my shoulder. Though I don’t know how she hears him. 
I don’t question it. Don’t need to. It just makes sense. In this loud and chaotic world, where everyone tries to drag me in every direction, where I must reform myself again and again for the pleasure of others, where they ask only for me—they just make sense. 
And I feel at peace.
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totaledbloom · 11 months
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝘼𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙡
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Lessons in Love. by @violentdelightsandviolentends
Too Hot, An Arm Cold by @t-lostinworlds
Out of control! by @pomelo-villano
Jacks and Sunshine by @rookthorne (tattoo artist!bucky)
Do You Need Someone? by @drabbles-mc (soldier!reader)
Grandeur by @navybrat817 (florist!bucky)
plum tarts and red carnations by @golden-barnes (florist!bucky)
Mornings Like This by @majestyeverlasting
What Dreams Are Made Of by @navybrat817 (tattoo artist!bucky x baker!reader)
bucky’s day off by @aescapisms
One Simple Touch by @likeahorribledream
Let’s Stay Inside by @writing-for-marvel (dad!bucky)
Operation milkshake, hospital visits and custody of Mr Bear by @golden-barnes (teacher!bucky)
You Bring Me Home by @real-jane
fitting in by @insomniumstella
shy!bucky by @ro-is-struggling
flustered by @lovelybarnes
Grocery Trip by @/lovelybarnes
Angel by @toastedkiwi (UFC Fighter!Bucky x surgeon!bucky)
find sunshine in the rain by @witchywithwhiskey
no shelf control | don’t overdue it by @buckymorelikefuckme (librarian!reader)
Dentist Visits. by @justkending
Five Sweaters to Make You Love Me by @sebbytrash
Took You Long Enough by @matchamunson
Work It Out by @jobean12-blog
backflips by @venusstorm
Crimson Wave by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Entrapment by @/invisibleanonymousmonsters (shapeshifter!reader)
Champion by @sgtjbuccky (40s!Boxer!Bucky)
Stay With Me by @/sgtbuccky
A Love That Heals by @ @/sgtbuccky
Ballerina by @softlyspector (ballerina!reader)
She’s Not Mad by @subwaysurf45
Glutton for Punishment by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
The End by @buckychrist
Best Man by @/navybrat817 (soft dark!bucky)
His Everything by @/likeahorribledream
Redamancy by @world-of-aus
Grip by @pellucid-constellations
Pretense by @themorningsunshine
healing broken hearts by @alisonsfics
Marry You Someday by @mickeyhenrys (40s!bucky)
for the best by @classylo (dilf!bucky)
take cover by @royalsweetteaa (dark!bucky)
Anesthesia by @jobean12-blog
borderline by @sergeantxrogers (film maker!bucky)
I Need Him Like Water by @/pellucid-constellations
heartless | 2 by @sinner-as-saint (incubus!bucky)
Occupied by @goodgirlofglory
Ambrosial by @/goodgirlofglory
No One Else Matters by @marvelouslizzie
Slice of Heaven by @softevnstan
Stay The Night by @notroosterbradshaw
attention by @heavysoldat
big question by @ownedbyfictionalwomen
normal routine by @wndalovebot
Aiming to Please by @gayouijaboard
Whatever It Takes by @buckybabesonly (dark!bucky)
Soft Lovin’ by @jamdoughnutmagician (chubby!bucky)
Night Out by @/softlyspector
720 notes · View notes
buckyalpine · 2 years
Smut, Angst, Fluff, just all the drabbles (just look away if some are a little long for a drabble) 
Stripper pole
Bucket cheats
Can’t keep his hands off you (what actually happens cause Bucket’s locked up)
Bucky would never cheat
Dating Beefy Bucky
Bucky takes care of your cold
Bucky is only soft for you
Bucky in Wakanda
Loss (TW: loss of loved one)
Bucky loves your pregnant belly
Bucky leaves you
Frank loves you
Rockstar Bucky
High Bucky at a party
Bucky reminds you how gorgeous he finds you
Bucky shows you what you deserve
Bucky knows something you don’t
Steve has some stories about 40′s Bucky
Bucky is just too far away
Bucky loves your nails
Bucky loves your nails 2
Lingerie shopping
I did that
Panic TW: reader has panic attack 
Cramps and..
Wake him up 
If It Looks like a duck
If it Talks like a duck
What is it? It’s a duck 
Snow White and 7 Soldiers
Friends that kiss
Allergic Reaction 
Bucky comforts you after a break up
Perfect Present 
Witches brew filth (3)
Witches brew; poison (4)
Present # 2 
Clean Shaved
Still Mine 
Chubby Bucky
More greedy chubby Bucky 
Dark winter solider 
Sensitive Bucky I
Sensitive Bucky II
Drunk Bucky 
Your Daughter 
Your Daughter ii
Ask for it 
Quarterback Bucky 
Sleepy Bucky
Student Bucky 
DFB Bucky 
Milking Chubby Bucky
Taking care of his pregnant princess 
Suck ft subby Bucky 
Lactation kink
 Biting Beefy Bucky 
Soft King Bucky 
Bucky vs Bucky 
Bucky vs Bucky ft smut 
Super load
Beefy Baker Bucky 
Helping him finish
 Peter’s Hamster 
Dark!Bucky and his Bambi
Needy Dark!Bucky 
Modern Bucky
Bucky vs you vs bedsheet
Dry humping chubby Bucky
Bodyguard Bucky x Drunk reader
Bucky looks like a kitty
Bucky uses safe word 
Exhibitionist Bucky 
Bucky feral over pregnant reader
Subby Bucky aftercare
Bucky smoking 
Snacks and midnight
Needy Bucky x CEO reader
Bucky and his metal hand
Beefy Mob Bucky catches you
Virgin Mob Bucky
Bucky ruins you
Shapeshifting Bucky
Fic idea - Bucky’s family & time travel  
Drama Queen Bucky
 Mob Bucky x virgin reader
Bucky likes what he sees 
Sub!Mob Bucky x reader ft pegging 
You need Bucky’s cuddles 
Ex!Bucky fluff 
Drunk Bucky wants uppies 
Size kink Bucky 
Needy Bucky’s first time in ages 
Bucky gives you what you ask
Bucky & baby shampoo 
Bucky knows you’re faking
CEO Bucky takes his anger out on his secretary (ft smut) 
Dark Dr.Bucky x innocent reader  
Bucky’s gift from you
 Beefy Bucky loves your milk
Actor Bucky x actress reader ft smut
Bucky can’t lie
Mob Bucky likes his innocent date ft smut
Sensitive, leaky Bucky 
 Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Alpha quarterback Bucky x Omega cheerleader reader
Bucky know what will help him sleep 
TW: drugging, sa, Bucky x protective reader
Bucky knows hes adorable
Bucky giggles
Bucky can’t stand you 
Sharon calls you fat (pregnant reader)
Your Halloween costume 
Impure thots (stand alones) 
Impure ii
Impure iii
Impure iv
Close your eyes and imagine 
Mystery Lady 
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prettybrownelf · 1 year
Hey could you do a genderfluid! Loki x ftm! Reader smut with reader being dysphoric and Loki or Bucky being soft and supportive and telling him how much of a handsome good boy he is to them just really fluffy
My Pretty Boy
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Pairings- Loki x FTM! Reader
Summary- Your feeling a bit dysphoric during your servant duties, luckily Loki is here to help you feel better
Words- 787
Content Warnings- Smut, Dysphoria, Slight Description of AFAB Genitalia, Praise, Pet Names, Hair Pulling
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Your skin felt awful. 
Every movement reminded you that you were inside of yourself and it made you sick. The other servants had clearly noticed your uncomfortable feelings, but decided to say nothing. 
That was until you had a hand hastily wrapped around your wrist. 
Instead of a servant, your eyes meet green as Loki stares down at you. 
“I need you in my chambers, now.” Their voice is soft and catches you off guard as you walk with them into their chambers. The gold, black and green interior is all you can focus on as you attempt to keep your eyes away from the royal standing in front of you. Loki decides to interrupt the silence. 
“Are you alright?” The question catches you off guard as your eyes finally meet theirs. You could tell them everything about your feelings. The constant feeling of being in the wrong body, always wanting to rip your own skin off so you can stop feeling it. But would they even understand? They can shapeshift, when they feel uneasy in their body they can just switch it, you aren't that lucky. 
“I'm fine, your majesty.” Your words fall of deaf ears as Loki walks closer to you. It was no secret the small romance you and Loki had nursed together, but this situation was different. “I know you're not, tell me what's wrong.” Tears threaten to fall from your eyes as you try to blink them away. Loki's soft hand caresses your cheek, forcing you to look up at them. “Tell me darling.” 
A single tear breaks its way out of your hold as you take a deep breath. “My body just feels so wrong.” Loki gives an understanding sigh as they bring you closer to them, holding you in a tight hug as you finally relax against their form. 
“How about you take a break here?” Loki says, holding you so that you will look at them. You nod with a small smile as Loki takes you to their bed, laying you down lovingly as they sit next to you. 
“My darling, would you like me to remind you how lovely you are?” Their hand returns to your cheek as you cock an eyebrow at them. “And how would you do that?” Loki chuckles as they crawl between your legs. Your heartbeat gets faster as they place a hand on your lower thigh. “If you don't want to, I completely understand, I just thought you should be reminded just how handsome this body of yours is.” Your face gets hot as you tangle your hands in their black hair. “Yeah, you can do that.” 
Loki gives a mischievous smile as they unbuckle your pants, slowly dragging them down your legs as they massage your thighs. “You have no idea how handsome you truly are, do you?” Words get caught in your throat as you attempt to keep your mind in tact. 
Loki's fingers slowly drag your boxers down as they discard your clothing on the floor. Their hands take hold of your thighs as they drag you closer to their mouth, a wolfish grin crawling onto their face. “God, you're stunning.” Their words ignite a fire inside your stomach as they finally give a slow long lick to you, their eyes never leaving yours. “Such a handsome puppy.” A whine is all you can get out as you grip their hair tighter. 
Loki takes that as a sign to go faster as their grip on your thighs gets tighter,making sure their face stays flush with you no matter how much you try to buck your hips. Their tongue suddenly finds its way to your clit, making your hips buck away from them. They immediately move your hips back down, continuing to circle your clit with the tip of their tongue. “Don't move baby boy.” You attempt to follow their command, forcing your body to go limp against their mouth as they massage small circles into your flesh. 
Heat pours into your lower stomach as you hold them closer to you. “I'm gonna cum.” Is all you manage to choke out as you feel Loki grin against your flesh. “Cum for me puppy.” He mutters out. 
It doesn't take much longer for the heat in your stomach to reach its peak. Your legs shake as your eyes roll back, feeling Loki lick you through your orgasm as you slowly calm down. 
Once your eyes meet theirs again, they smile. Leaning over you to leave a sweet kiss on your lips. “Let's take a bath now, shall we, darling?” You nod mindlessly as you feel Loki pick you up, carrying you over to their bathing room as you relax against them.
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katethewriter · 2 years
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Summary: Y/n has a very specific power. She is a shapeshifter. However, she can only shift into younger versions of herself. Her abilities catch the Avengers’ attention. Though their first introduction is lackluster at best, it's not long before she has them all wrapped around her little finger.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader(platonic) - WandaNat x Reader(platonic) - mother-figure!Wanda x Reader - cg!Wanda x little!Reader - cg!WandaNat x little!Reader - cg!Avengers x little!Reader - fem!reader
A/N: This is pretty much just straight up fluff. It's my own spin on shapeshifter!Reader and little!Reader. This is just a happy little brainchild that I decided to run with
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Welcome to the Team: After a chance encounter, the Avengers recruit a new kid to join the team.
Wanda Cookie Monster: It's not that Y/n is hiding from the rest of the team, except that's exactly what she is doing. Wanda is determined to break through to her.
Clint Hand-Me-Downs: As Y/n starts showing herself more and more around the compound, Clint can't help to notice she tends to wear the same thing everyday.
Natasha Kinda Like You: Y/n is convinced Natasha doesn't like her. If she could just brush away that tough exterior, maybe they have more in common than she thought. Perhaps she can gain a new ally in the process.
Steve New Kid's First Mission: Steve is wary to allow a kid on a mission, but just maybe Y/n can prove him wrong.
Peter Crayola: Peter wonders why the New Kid's pictures on the fridge are only ever done in black and blue ink or pencil.
Bruce Just a Twist: A training mishap sends New Kid to the medbay.
Sam Let's Go Fly a Kite: Sam is on duty when he spots New Kid all by herself. He offers her an opportunity most kids could only dream of.
Bucky A Mission Gone Sideways: Bucky is paired with New Kid for a mission that doesn't end as well as they would like.
Tony A Little Pinch: A flaw in Y/n's suit might be just the thing to finally pull Tony to her side.
Thor Someone Worthy: Thor returns from a long stay and doesn't recognize the young team member running around the compound.
Kate Nerf War: When someone new joins the team, Y/n takes a sudden interest in archery.
Taglist: @battleg03 @thelittlewolfofaretuza @emiivey @dylanobriens-love @madelineleong @sluttyforfemaleavengers @santana1437 @thatonementallyillsimp @oliveoilpenguiny @you-are-beautifully-gorgeous @charcharslide-3 @anon1412 @universallypoetrycheesecake @mary-jinx @princess-kennys-rats @marvel-fan-2021 @ameeelia07 @kneelforloki @ornorr @prettysbliss @nattyolw @yukonasf @thursdayygrrrl @rach2602 @ace-of-gay @casualbisexualfroggo @nyctophiliacatcher @ripofflizzie @chrisevansangel @randomnessbecausewhynot @lizlil @uselessastheginlasagnaa @m-h-r-h
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urdepressedslut · 11 months
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main masterlist
♡fluff ✦angst ❀possibly triggering ☻smut ✰series ✘dark
🔥over 1k notes to be added to a taglist
* You are responsible for your media consumption. Please do not proceed reading, if you have any kind of problem with any of the above written warnings.
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One Shots
🔥 Tickle Fights ♡☻
→ Bucky discovers you’re ticklish, leading to a tickle fight which shifts into something not so innocent. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 Just Like That ☻
→ While you two were supposed to be repairing Sam’s boat, you end up giving Bucky head instead. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 Let Me Take Care of You ♡☻✦❀
→ Bucky is no virgin, but it’s been so long since someone’s touched him the way you do. He didn’t know you could make him feel so good— he’s addicted. (Beefy!Bucky Barnes)
🔥 Lovesick ♡✦❀
→ Bucky is so in love with you it hurts, and he doesn’t know if he can keep his feelings locked away from you anymore. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
🔥 I Get Scared Too ♡✦
→ You have a close call during a mission, and back at the compound Bucky seems to be distant and cold towards you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Feels So Right | part two ♡☻
→ You’re so sexually frustrated you end up asking your dad’s best friend for advice. He’s more than happy to help you with your little problem. (Dbf!Bucky Barnes)
Birthday Blues ♡✦❀
→ It’s your birthday, and unfortunately you seem to be going through the birthday blues. Sam and Bucky won’t let you be upset on your special day, which leads to Bucky revealing his feelings for you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Tears of an Angel | part two ♡✦❀
→ You’ve been trapped at HYDRA for god knows how long, until the cell next to yours gets someone new. Who is this man, and why is he comforting you? He doesn’t even know you. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Prisoner!Reader)
🔥 Love Hurts ♡✦❀
→ You and Bucky get into a heated argument, things are said and done and now he won’t speak to you. You don’t think you can handle him ignoring your existence. (Beefy!Bucky Barnes)
The Collection ♡✦
→ Bucky arrives home and panics when he notices you calling for him from your room, but upon entering— he realizes what you have been getting yourself into. (tfatws!Bucky Barnes)
Tragedy ♡✦❀
→ A new shapeshifter recruit has a hard time adjusting to the team, she feels out of place. Bucky knows what it's like to be the outsider and fight to have control, so he comforts her. (Platonic!Avengers!Bucky Barnes)
Off Day ♡✦❀
→ Bucky helps comfort you after you’ve had a bad day. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Void ♡✦❀
→ Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Reader)
You Could Never Hurt Me ♡✦❀
→ Bucky realizes what he’s done to you after an episode, and starts to doubt if he deserves to be with you. (cw!bucky barnes)
I Wanna Be Yours ♡✦❀
→ You were childhood friends with Steve and Bucky. You had always had a small crush on Bucky. But now as you’re older, you realize that harboring a crush on Bucky is hard. Especially watching him flirt with girls that aren’t you. (40's!bucky barnes)
More Than Friends ♡✦
→ You are eager to help Bucky prepare for a date, but he would rather stay home with you. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Protect Me ♡✦❀
→ With Zemo hanging around, you begin to feel very protective over Bucky. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Out of My Control ♡✦❀
→ You awake in the middle of the night discovering that your water broke, you realize you’re having a baby— the only issue is that it’s several months early. Your hospital room gets tense as you and Bucky come to terms with the big changes. (Mob!bucky barnes)
Cuddles ♡✦
→ Bucky comforts you when you have bad period cramps. (tfatws!bucky barnes)
Beauty and the Bucky ♡✦❀ (Beauty and the Beast!Au)
→ In search of your missing Father, you discover a castle far into the untouched forest. After knocking and no answer, you find the doors unlocked and venture inside. But beware— it might not be your Father you find inside. (Beast!bucky barnes x beauty!reader)
🔥 Stray (masterlist)
→ Just hours after the events in DC, you find The Winter Soldier unconscious, leaning against a gravestone in a cemetery near your home. Being sheltered you don't recognize who he is, and you care for him. (The Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes)
🔥 You're Mine, Sunshine (masterlist)
→ Bucky gets picked by a very rich and respected man to be his daughter’s personal bodyguard. The Father warns him that it won’t be an easy job, that she is a brat and difficult to deal with. But what happens when Bucky meets you and you’re the complete opposite? (Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader)
All I Know (masterlist)
→ Takes place right after the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky hides out in Bucharest. Without being controlled by HYDRA, he starts to receive flickers of memories. Who is this girl he keeps remembering? (cw!Bucky Barnes x OC!Fem!Reader)
The Girl and Her Golden Boys (masterlist)
→ A story of your life with your two best friends. Life was never simple for the three of you, and you didn’t care where you’d end up as long as it was together. How long can you all stay together until life will force you all apart? Will the strength of your bond be enough? (40's!Bucky Barnes/40's!Steve Rogers)
Love Me to Death (masterlist)
→ The avengers compound receives a new recruit. She’s a siren who can make anyone fall deathly in love with her with one word. Bucky immediately takes interest in her as he discovers she’s mute, for good reason of course. (Avengers!Bucky Barnes)
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cassieb1617 · 1 year
Listen to the sound of your voice💌
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Summary: Pietro found himself enjoying your voice the most, especially on Valentine‘s Day. 
Warning: just a bunch of fluff, reader opens up about an insecurity but it‘s all good in the end, language (swearing)
A/N: I was having a Scream marathon while writing this and it was really confusing at times to write fluff and watch a splatter movie next to it. By the way, I have no idea how to properly celebrate Valentine‘s Day so bear with me in this one. 
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February 14 was the most wonderful day for some people. The sun was shining just a small tad brighter on the day of love, waves were more peaceful and the sky was clearer. Flowers were wilting less fast and were gifted from one person to another. Little gifts formed in hearts are ready to be bought from every supermarket and expensive jewelry was promoted on every website known to men. Pietro never enjoyed Valentine‘s Day since the incident in Sokovia. Sure, he had a date sometimes but nothing was ever coming out of it. He‘s always remembered of his parents on Valentine‘s Day, as he was younger he always got to see his parents relishing their love. His father always brought his mother flowers and his mother always made him his favourite food. They didn‘t have much money growing up so the presents were small but Pietro had seen that they meant the world for each other. 
Now years later Pietro was a part of the Avengers and Valentine‘s Day never quite lost its touch. Tony Stark was always someone to buy presents to show his love and Pietro had seen him more than once on Armor‘s day giving Pepper an expensive bunch of flowers, a bracelet, watch or anything else. Vision and his sister Wanda had decided to take the whole day for themselves and Pietro didn‘t want to know what exactly they were doing. Bucky and Steve went out to enjoy a day as a couple, something they couldn‘t do back in their days. Bruce and Natasha didn‘t plan something bad, as far as Pietro knew, but he knew that they had a table booked at an expensive restaurant. Sam was off on a date with a girl he met a few weeks ago and Thor wasn‘t on earth. It left Pietro and you alone on love‘s day at the compound and Pietro thought that that was just perfect. 
To be honest with himself, Pietro has never been truly in love with someone. Sure, he had a few dates here and there and there were some flings he had but he was never in love. The girls he dated were never girls where he thought they were the one and it may not seem like it but Pietro truly believed that every person on this planet, no matter how cruel, has a person that is made for them. The people just have to find their own way of making it work. 
„So, it seems that it‘s just the two of us, uh?“ Your voice cut through Pietro‘s trail of thoughts. He looked at you and Pietro could swear you had a small glint of disappointment on your face. „You got no date today?“
Pietro smiled slightly at her and bowed his head a bit in mock offense, „You act like I got a date everyday, dragon.“ You smiled at the blonde man in front of you, the nickname for you falling effortlessly from his lips, „I changed into a dragon for you once on your birthday, will you ever let it go?“
Pietro chuckled at your words as he shook his head, „Never. But anyway, why are you not out? Everyone else is, I thought I got the compound for me.“ The smile on your face didn‘t falter for a second but Pietro noticed the slight fall of your shoulders, „Valentine‘s Day isn‘t something for me, y‘know? I never really go on dates much anyway, I‘ve got an important job to do.“ Your explanation didn‘t really make sense for him, sure being an Avenger was important but going on dates was still possible. 
„Well then it seems like it‘s us then, eh? Seems like we‘re going out on a date then?“ Pietro knew that this was a big shot and he didn‘t know if you would agree but damn, he wanted you to agree so badly. Despite his serial dating, his interest in you never once reduced. You had this big impact on him that you didn‘t even notice. Pietro could write a novel about the many times the team noticed Pietro being smitten with you and you being oblivious. Steve liked to tease him about it, he always said that Bucky was the same back in the day. 
„I guess it means that we‘re going out then, what‘s your plan then?“ Pietro laughed slightly before shrugging, „Well, how about we go to that café nearby and we get the most delicious strawberry cake there is? I know that that‘s your favourite and that the barista there keeps a piece for you.“ The smile on your face couldn‘t vanish if someone tried removing it from you. 
„No flowers? Oh, Pietro, I thought you were at least a gentleman. You need to step up your game.“ Your teasing made him chuckle as he leaned forward to take your hand. „You just wait, Dragon, I‘m gonna give you the best Valentine‘s Day ever, I promise.“ 
Pietro was right, the barista did leave a piece of strawberry chocolate cake for you. „How do you know that that‘s my favourite?“ Pietro gave a nonchalant shrug, his eyes never leaving the street before them.
„You know, just hearing it here and there.“ It wasn‘t a complete lie, he did hear it from his sister. But Pietro also knew that the strawberry chocolate cake from that üparticular café was your favourite because Pietro was infuriated with you. He may have never been in love but he knew he felt something for you that he didn‘t feel with anyone else. He thought about you all day long, he woke up with the motivation of hearing your voice, when he was on missions he got home for you and every time he sped to a market to get something it was for you and only you.
And you? Well, you never truly noticed. Of course you knew that you and Pietro were more than friends. Your constant flirting was definitely something that wasn‘t unintentional from both your sides but you never noticed that Pietro did most things for you. In your eyes, Pietro did these things for the rest of the team as well. He noticed the small details and things about you as much as he did the rest of the team. 
„You may be the only person I can actually stand seeing on Valentine‘s Day.“ Pietro laughed slightly before shaking his head in disbelief.
„Seriously though, how come you don‘t have a date today?“ Your smile was slipping for a second and Pietro was afraid he had ruined the mood but it came back as fast as it slipped, „I do have a date today, we‘re out right now, aren‘t we?“ Your voice was playful but Pietro could still hear the sadness that lingered in it. The look on his face told you that he didn‘t believe you so with a sigh you went on. „It‘s not that easy to find a date as me, you know? I mean, it never gets past the first date. Most of the guys I go out with are intimidated because of my abilities or my status as an Avenger or they are just going out with me in the first place because I‘m an Avenger. They don‘t really care about getting to know me.“
Pietro‘s shoulders slouched slightly and he had an irritated look on his face. „Well, then I‘ll make sure that you have the best Valentine‘s Day today! Come on, there is a flower shop nearby, we‘re getting your favourite flowers.“ You chuckled at his enthusiasm but took his hand nonetheless, „How do you know what my favourite flowers are?“ Pietro‘S teasing smile was addictive and you had to smile as well, „I know a lot of things about you that you have no idea about.“
The day with Pietro turned out to be really great. The two of you did all the things a couple would do, you got ice cream and shared it with one spoon, you went out to eat at a restaurant and you bought each other a present. You got each other matching jewelry, a necklace with your initial for him and a bracelet with his for you. You were back at the compound now, a movie playing in the background as you were talking about the most obscene nonsense. It was quiet as you two just looked into each other’s eyes, both wanting to make the next move but also not wanting to be the one doing it.
„I don‘t understand how they don‘t want to get to know you.“ Pietro‘s statement caught you off guard as you looked at him with confusion written in your face. „I mean, you‘re so much fun and you‘re so easy to talk to and, God, you‘re so pretty when you‘re getting mad about something. I‘d listen to you talk about anything anytime if you asked me to.“
„What do you mean?“ Pietro chuckled at the tone in your voce, just like a confused puppy. „You said they never truly listen to you but I don‘t know why, I can listen to you talk the whole day.“ Pietro could feel your nervous breath on his skin, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. „Have you ever been in love?“ Your question caught him off guard but he answered anyway, „Not that I know of, no. You?“
You smiled at him, „I don‘t think so but I‘d like to find out what it feels like, will you- eh, try to find it out with me?“ Your voice was trembling slightly and Pietro wanted nothing more than to take all your nerves away from you. He answered your question by leaning in and kissing you, your lips moving in sync and Pietro could swear that there were butterflies in his stomach. „Does that answer your question?“ You had a teasing smile on your face as you replied, „I don‘t know, you might have to do it again, just to be sure.“ 
Pietro smirked and that was how you spent the rest of your first but certainly not last Valentine‘s Day together. Kissing, cuddling and even cooking together while scaring the Avengers as soon as they got home. 
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The Fate Of A Fae Masterlist
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Warnings: Monsters, eventual smut, violence in parts, fae magic, magic, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Masterlist 1
Emoji Guide
Dark themes = 🖤
Smut = ❤️
Find masterlist 2 here
-Steve Rogers
An understanding between artists
Steve is in love with the male reader and outed
Police officer Steve Rogers x male reader
-Bucky Barnes
Werewolf Bucky x vampire male reader
“Can you please come get me?” drabble
“You’re gonna be okay, baby, just breathe. It’s all going to be fine.” Drabble
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who has a prosthetic arm
Bucky Barnes with a male reader who likes pastel and sanrio
-Poly Stucky
Relaxing on a snowy morning part 1
A snowy evening (Relaxing on a snowy morning part 2)
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 1
Party of one, two, three? (ftm reader) part 2
Poly Stucky x shapeshifter male reader who turns into a wolf pup
-Tony Stark
Tony Stark x Ftm teen reader
Tony Stark x top rival male reader
-Loki Laufeyson
Loki x Tank/Healer male reader
-Moon Knight (Marc, Steven and Jake)
Marc and Steven being comforted by the reader after being yelled at
Shower fun with Marc❤️
Khonshu x ftm reader
Steven Grant x Monster/Non human male reader
Sub Jake Lockley x Dom male reader (scent and Collar)❤️
Jake Lockley x ftm reader❤️
Sub Jake Lockey x Dom reader, Alleyway❤️
Moonboys with male reader who says the safeword
Moonboys x ftm reader who was harrassed for being gay and trans
Moonboys with a flirty male reader and how he flusters them
Moonboys with a tall and buff male reader
Steven Grant venting to his boyfriend
Nine realm headcanons
Bucky and Loki x Oblivious male reader
Avengers forgetting about your anniversary
Marvel x Eldritch horror male reader
Marvel Characters reacting to reader suprise hugging them
-Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson x male reader meeting at a gala part 1
Dick Grayson x Male reader meeting at a gala part 2
Dick Grayson x male reader, undercover❤️
Dick Grayson x ftm reader who is dysphoric
Dick Grayson x Possesive dom male reader❤️
Dick Grayson x former circus performer male reader
Dick Grayson nsfw alphabet❤️
Dick Grayson with a ftm reader whos been deadnamed and misgendered on purpose
Dick Grayson being brought into subspace by the reader with sparring❤️(ish?)
-Jason Todd
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom Older vigilante male reader part 2❤️
Sub Jason Todd x Dom male reader, desperate for each others touch❤️
Jason Todd nsfw alphabet❤️
Jason Todd being insecure about his appearence with an artist reader
Jason having flashbacks as the reader stitches him up
Jason with a male reader whos older and is like his sugar daddy ❤️
-Tim Drake
Tim Drake trying to flirt with a Tiefling reader but he has no idea how
-Damian Wayne
Damian Wayne and speedster male reader who he hates but starts to like
-Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne nsfw alphabet❤️
Klarion x young justice hero male reader
-Edward Nashton/The Riddler (2022)
Reader comforts Edward when hes working
Edward and the reader are obsessed with each other
Edward x male reader whos a huge romantic
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 1
Reader tries to figure out who the Riddler is part 2🖤
Top Edward x Bottom male reader, who met at Arkham❤️
-Bruce Wayne/Batman (2022)
Bruce x Male reader who is big and intimidating, but a softy
Bruce x Detective male reader
Sub Bruce x dom male reader❤️
-Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan nsfw alphabet❤️
Ftm Hal Jordan with a Ftm reader ❤️
Hal Jordan with subspace, edging under a weighted blanket ❤️
Hal Jordan and the reader having enough of him putting himself down ❤️
-Barry Allen
Barry Allen nsfw alphabet❤️
-Wally West
Bottom Wally West x Top Kryptonian male reader❤️
-Clark Kent
Clark Kent nsfw alphabet❤️
yandere Clark Kent nsfw alphabet ❤️
-Conner Kent/Kon-el
Conner Kent/Kon-el with a ftm reader
Conner Kent/Kon-el nsfw alphabet ❤️
Conner Kent/Kon-el loving the readers scent and stealing their hoodies
Conner Kent/Kon-el x kryptonian male reader ❤️
Conner kent/Kon-el cuddling with the reader for the first time
Kaldur'ahm x alien male reader
Joker x ftm reader
Ledger!Joker taking care of the sick reader
Batson headcanons
Batsons x ftm reader
Batsons x Himbo ftm reader
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 1
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 2
Batfam x Unlucky male reader part 3
Batman/fam being determined to adopt a criminal/vigilante reader
Batboys throwing eachother around as bonding
DC characters and what kind of yandere i think they would be
Batsons with an autistic reader who mirrors them
The Boys
-Homelander/John Gillman
Homelander being spanked by dom reader ❤️
Fight Club
-Tyler Durden and the Narrator
The Narrator is extremely in love with the male reader who also catches Tylers attention
-Billy Lenz
Billy Lenz x male reader headcanons
-Poly Ghostface
Handsome Devil part 1 (slasher male reader)🖤
Handsome devil part 2 (slasher male reader)🖤
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 1
Poly ghostface x himbo reader part 2
Poly ghostface x autistic male reader
Poly ghsotface with a reader whos in denial about their sexuality
Poly ghostface x metalhead reader with a personality similar to Stu
Poly ghostface x reader whos fascinated by gore and blood
-Brahms Heelshire
Brahms Heelshire x protective male reader
Brahms Heelshire being comforted by male reader
Cuddling Brahms after a rough day
-Michael Myers
Michael Myers x himbo reader
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Michael Myers with a voice kink ❤️
-Thomas Hewitt
Thomas Hewitt sfw alphabet
-Corey Cunningham
Corey Cunningham x slasher male reader who replaces Michael 🖤
Yandere Corey Cunningham and Michael Myers x male reader
Corey Cunningham comforting an overstimulated reader
Slashers x male reader who is insecure about their thighs
Slashers with an s/o who vapes
Slashers and a weirdly strong male reader who keeps beating them
Slashers being given a flowercrown
Michael Myers and Brahms Heelshire with petplay
Jason Voorhees and Pyramid head with violent hide and seek
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Pyramid head Proposing
Dead by Daylight
-Evan Macmillan (The Trapper)
Evan Macmillan sfw and nsfw alphabet❤️
Frank Morrison and Danny “Jed Olsen” Johsen with a s/o whos built like a brick house
Evan Macmillan, Jason Voorhees and Bubba sawyer bottoming for the first time
Star Wars
-Din Djarin
Din x Tall tanker male reader who is secretly a softy
Din Djarin x Flirty bounty hunter male reader
Din Djarin x Stoic male reader
Din Djarin nsfw alphabet❤️
-Poly Bobadin
-Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker x ftm reader
Padawan Anakin Skywalker x Touchy male reader
Anakin comforting reader who was tortured and has night terrors
Anakin x Jedi male reader who is Plo Koons padawan
Sub Anakin x Dom male reader who is scared of intimacy, plus handcuffs❤️
Anakin with a ftm reader who has dysphoria
Padawan Anakin and a father figure male reader who falls in love with Shmi
-Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker x Shapeshifter male reader
Clonetroopers x ftm reader
Anakin, Darth Vader, Obi wan and Cody, overall headcanons
Deaged star wars ocs
-Montgomery Gator
Vending Machine Mechanic
Monty x tiny male reader
How the security breach cast would help the reader instead of freddy
Security breach cast x animatronic male reader
Harry Potter
-George Weasley
George Weasley x slythering male reader
Solo Leveling
-Sung Jin Woo
Sung Jin Woo x childhood friend male reader
One punch man
Saitama and Genos relationship headcanons
Guzma with a stoic reader who has a centiskortch
Team star bosses with a reader who is the leader and a psychic type user
Rick and Morty
-Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez (C-137) being flirted with
Rick Sanchez (C-137) with a ftm reader with autism
Call of Duty
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost with a short male reader who is underestimated because of his height
Ghost with knifeplay ❤️
Ghost with knifeplay part 2 (theres actually no knives in this one)
Ghost with a reader whos bigger and scarier than himself
Call of Duty characters being fucked while being interrogated ❤️
Alejandro, Soap and König with a tall feminine male reader
Ghost and Soap with a himbo reader who is submissive and breedable ❤️
John, Alejandro,Gaz and König finding their partner asleep with animals.
Soap, Ghost, Rudy and König with a partner on the autism spectrum who copies their accent
Rudy, Alejandro and Price as biology teachers
Rudy, Alejandro and Price with an s/o whos a biology teacher
141 with a male reader who owns a huge wolf
Alejandro, Rudy and Soap with a flirty reader who speaks multiple languages
Ghost and König with a big chested male reader
Call of duty characters with a reader whos tongue tied and fumbles to speak
How the team reacts to ghost having a husband with colored hair and stretched ears
Ghost, Price, Alejandro, König, Gaz and Rudy with a male reader with long hair
141 with an older reader who still moves like a 20 year old they gush over
Cod characters with a male reader who has thick thighs and stretch marks
Cod characters reacting to meeting Prices husband
Cod characters with a male reader with a very low spice tolerance
966 notes · View notes
Like Breathing - Five
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Title: Like Breathing
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Shapeshifter!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Slight angst, panic attack
Summary: Bucky’s life in Cove is far from perfect, mostly because Cove’s residents want nothing more than to scare him away. Luckily for you, Bucky isn’t easily scared off.
A/N: This is the fifth part of Like Breathing. The next part will be the final part. I hope you enjoy! As always, thank you for reading. Please let me know what you think! Dividers by @firefly-graphics​​
Маленький = Little one
Котенок = Kitty
Like Breathing Masterlist
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Bucky left early the next morning, taking Alpine with him. It stung when Wanda told you that he’d left so quickly after learning the truth, and you spent the majority of the day wrapped up in her blankets, nursing a cup of tea that she came every few hours to replace. She left the TV on for you after replacing the second cup, even though you hadn’t so much as taken a sip. You stared at the screen in silence, numb. 
For the first few days after he left, your time in the compound was limited to Wanda’s room. She brought you food, just like she had when you were a cat, and you moved onto an air mattress after the first night. It wasn’t until after she woke you up from a nightmare that she pushed you to explore more of the compound. She claimed it would help distract you from Bucky and help you start forming a life of your own away from him, but you didn’t agree, not in the slightest. Just the idea of having to face Steve and the others that had helped keep you captive made you want to curl up in a ball and hide away.
“Please don’t make me do this,” you whimpered as she brushed your hair. It had gotten long since your unexpected arrival in Cove. You hadn’t minded it so much, but now you wanted to chop it all off. It would be too easy for someone to grab.
She hummed a song you didn’t recognize, maybe one from Sokovia, and ignored your pleas. Finally, Wanda set the brush down on the bathroom counter and smiled at you in the mirror. You didn’t return it.
“You look great,” she said. “You’re going to be just fine, Y/N. I’ll be with you the whole time.”
Reluctantly, you took a deep breath and nodded. She squeezed your shoulders once and then led you out of the bathroom, then into the hallway. You could feel yourself tensing the further you got from her room, and by the time you reached the common area that you’d sprinted through while running from Steve and Bucky, you were ready to shift into your feline form again and make a break for it.
“You must be Y/N.”
You jumped, whirling around to see Dr. Banner standing by the wall of bookshelves, a short stack of novels in hand. He gave you a small smile and lifted the books in lieu of a wave, but he kept his distance as if he could sense your nervousness.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to bother you,” he said. “I just needed some more reading material. Wanda’s said a lot of good things about you.”
This time you turned on Wanda, but she only shrugged. “I won’t apologize for talking about my friends.”
Her words made you freeze. You’d never been spoken of as a friend, only as a pet, an enemy, or an enhanced being. Truth be told, you didn’t even feel that enhanced compared to some, Wanda and Dr. Banner included.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” Dr. Banner said, and you looked back at him. You tried to make your expression more neutral, lest you give away all your secrets. “But you should know that no one here’s going to make you do anything or run any tests on you, least of all me.”
With that, he pulled one final book from the shelf and headed down the hall opposite the one you’d come from. You watched him go in silence.
“Is that true?” you asked. You turned back to Wanda, who nodded and offered you a kind smile. Slowly, you forced yourself to take a deep breath and relax. Some of the tension in your shoulders slipped away and you shuddered, sinking down onto the sprawling sectional.
Wanda reached over and grabbed a soft blanket from the opposite end of the couch. She arranged it around your shoulders in an almost motherly manner, making sure that you had a good grip on the fabric before letting go. Once she was certain you were settled, she sat down beside you, leaving a few inches so you still had a buffer.
“The others wanted to give you some space, so they’ll probably stay holed up in their rooms for the rest of the day,” she explained. “Living with other people after so long can be hard. I know from experience.”
“But I wasn’t alone,” you replied, your voice quiet.
She sighed softly and found your hand under the blanket, squeezing it once before reaching for the remote with her other hand. You held on tightly to her throughout the whole movie. At some point, she decided to conjure some snacks, and two bowls of popcorn had floated over on a thread of red magic, leaving you both amazed and satisfied.
Maybe having a friend isn’t so bad, you’d thought.
Somewhere after your second movie and third episode of Jeopardy, Steve appeared in the hallway Bruce had left through. You noticed him immediately and shrank back against Wanda. Someone was whimpering. It took a few seconds for you to realize that it was you, but Wanda began to murmur reassurances to you, both in English and in Sokovian, and slowly you began to relax.
You didn’t move as Steve entered the room in silence. He kept his distance as he moved around the back of the sectional to the kitchen, where he opened the fridge and began to rummage around.
“Can we go back now?” you whimpered, turning your head just a little to look over at Wanda.
She squeezed your hand again. “You need to get used to being around us, Y/N. Steve won’t hurt you.”
“But he—”
“—is very sorry for the way he treated you.”
Steve’s voice made you leap up from the couch. You whirled around to face him, your heart pounding in your chest and your eyes wide as you frantically searched for an escape route. The blanket slipped from the couch to the floor, pooling at your feet.
He stood in the kitchen, between the fridge and the island, with both hands raised to show he meant you no harm. A massive sandwich sat on the counter beside him. Guilt trickled into your veins at the idea that you’d prevented them from eating proper meals just so you could watch TV.
“I didn’t mean to scare you just now, either,” Steve continued. “I’m sorry for that, too. I was just trying to protect Bucky. If you knew the number of people that have tried to—”
“I do know,” you spat, furious that he’d try to go on as if he hadn’t been one of the people to trap you in the first place. Saying “sorry” wasn’t going to cut it after what he’d done.
“Then you know that his well-being is important to me. To us,” Steve added, gesturing with one hand around the room.
You couldn’t help it—you hissed, and both Steve and Wanda had the decency to look surprised at your outburst. “If his well-being was so important to you, you’d move him out of Cove. You’d do something to stop those monsters from torturing poor animals just to get at him.”
Wanda frowned and looked at Steve over the back of the couch, then back at you. Slowly, she stood from the sectional, setting her bowl of popcorn aside. Her own blanket fell to the floor, but she left it where it was as she asked, “Y/N, what are you talking about? What animals?”
Silently, you looked between them. There was no hint of recognition on either of their faces, and your stomach sank with realization. Bucky had been keeping the animals on his sidewalk a secret from his friends, and you’d blown it. There was no way of telling how much damage you’d just done by revealing his secret.
“Nothing,” you quickly said. You stepped back until the back of your knees hit the TV stand, and then you stepped around it, backing up even further. The only escape that didn’t require you to go past them was down the hallway opposite Wanda’s room. It wasn’t ideal, but it would work. “Nothing, I—”
“Is everything okay?” 
You whirled around to see Sam—the Falcon, you recognized him from the group photo on Wanda’s dresser—walking towards you. Your heart began to pound in your chest as you looked from him to Wanda and Steve, who still stood in place. Steve looked confused and concerned, while Wanda watched you with sympathy in her eyes. She knew you were getting ready to run. You couldn’t give her the chance to stop you.
“Y/N—” she started, but you didn’t stop to listen.
As quickly as you could, you shifted into your cat form and bolted down the hallway toward Sam. Escaping one enhanced person seemed easier than two, but that theory was quickly dismissed when Sam reached out and grabbed you with more ease than you thought possible. You hissed and yowled as you attempted to scratch him, but he held on tight.
“Y/N, please!” Wanda ran over. She kept her distance as you thrashed in Sam’s arms. Pure adrenaline fueled your actions. You had no remorse when he cried out in pain after you finally landed a scratch on his arm. “Please, calm down! We’re not going to hurt you!”
“Let her run,” Steve said, now only a few feet behind Wanda. “I need you to trust us, Y/N, but I won’t—we won’t—force you if you’re not ready. Put her down, Sam.”
“Please stay on the compound, where it’s safe,” Wanda begged as Sam lowered you to the floor. You ignored her as you sprinted off down the hall, turning corners and bounding down stairwells in record time as you tried to find your way outside. The hallways gave no sign of what they held, and you scrambled across the polished tile until a set of double doors at the end of a hall opened with a hiss. You sprinted through them, hoping to find a foyer that would lead to the outside, but instead, you found yourself in a lab you recognized all too well. The doors hissed behind you before you could turn around and escape.
No! Let me out!
“FRIDAY? Who’s here?”
“Miss Y/N, sir,” the AI replied. “She’s currently in her feline form.”
There was a pause, and then Tony Stark rolled into a view on a black chair, an automated screwdriver in hand and black-framed glasses perched on his nose.
“You thirsty? You look out of breath. FRIDAY, get Y/N a drink, will you?” He rolled back out of view and there was another hiss off to your left. You flinched away and then watched as a bowl slid out of the wall, then filled itself with water.
After staring at it for a long moment, you took a few sips and then started walking around. Tony didn’t seem bothered by your presence as you carefully inspected the walls for another exit. When there was none to be found, you started looking at the equipment. There were several half-constructed Iron Man suits, as well as the large glass cube you’d been trapped in. Long tables piled high with equipment you couldn’t name took up most of the lab’s space, but Tony had cleared an area in the center. He had surrounded himself with hovering holographic screens as he tinkered with something vaguely tube-like. You sat a few feet away and watched as he worked in silence, eventually setting down onto the floor with your head propped up against a table leg and your own legs splayed out beside you. Your heart had started to settle in your chest as the adrenaline wore off, leaving you too weary to worry about your next steps. Clearly, getting out of the compound would be a challenge for you in this form.
“So what scared you today?” Tony asked.
You looked over at him from where you’d been watching the numbers fluctuating on the screens, as if you even knew what they were for.
When you didn’t reply, Tony glanced over at you, then back at his work. “Was it Manchurian Candidate himself, or was it one of our other lovely inhabitants? We’ve got a bad habit of scaring off our friends, you know. You’re better off keeping your distance.”
His name is Bucky, you silently corrected.
With great hesitance, you carefully shifted into your human form. The suit you now wore underneath your normal clothes shifted with you, so you didn’t have to worry about being naked whenever you shifted between your feline and human forms. That was a big relief to you, and you were thankful for it now as you sat criss-cross on the floor of Tony’s lab.
“I said something I shouldn’t have,” you said.
Tony didn’t look up. “So she does speak. I was a little worried FRIDAY was playing a trick on me by letting in another cat. She’s been known to play pranks every once and a while, just to keep us on our toes.”
“I’m not mute,” you replied, a little indignant. “I’m just… careful about who I talk to.”
“Spoken in true feline fashion,” Tony replied. He lifted his gaze to one of the screens. “FRIDAY, run the Delaware algorithm with the suggested corrections to the A2 quadrant.”
“Right away, sir,” she replied.
Sighing, Stark rolled away from the workstation as the screens lit up with even more numbers. He looked tired, you noticed, but you didn’t move from your position as he opened up a nearby minifridge and pulled out a water bottle. He held out a second towards you. You nodded, but still didn’t move, so he rolled it across the floor. It hit your leg and you carefully picked it up, murmuring your thanks.
“You know, Barnes doesn’t let people in easily,” Tony said. “He was rooting for you pretty hard when you first got here, even if he was scared out of his mind. I’ve never seen him get so defensive, not even over himself.”
You kept your gaze down as you unscrewed the water bottle and took a small sip, but you were listening intently. Tony seemed to get that, because he continued,
“It would have been easy for him to just leave you here, or even leave once we thought you escaped, but he stuck around. He looked for you all over. Even had Alpine on the search. Followed that damn cat around for days. Do you know how much cat hair I had to have vacuumed up?”
“He looked for me?” you asked, finally lifting your head. 
Stark scoffs. “Of course he looked for you. We all did. Even Maximoff, and she knew where you were all along. The kid’s a great actress, for what it’s worth.”
“Did he… Did he say why?” You fiddle with the label on the bottle, gaze towards the floor again.
“He didn’t need to. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Barnes is in love with you.”
You frown. “He’s not.”
“What do you mean he’s not? He’d willingly die for you, Y/N. He broke the terms of his pardon for you.”
That got your attention. You jerked your head up and met Tony’s sympathetic gaze. “He what?”
Tony set his water bottle down on the stainless steel counter nearby. To his right, the screens were still working the algorithm, but the constantly changing numbers didn’t even hold a sliver of your attention now. Every fiber of your being was honed in on what Tony had to say next.
“He broke the terms of his pardon. He wasn’t allowed to leave Cove unless he was called out by the government,” he explained.
You swallowed thickly. “What does that mean, then? What’s going to happen to him?”
“I don’t know, but Steve’s gearing up to go to bat for him. We were hoping you’d testify, too, but Wanda said we shouldn’t mention it right away. She thinks you’re still terrified of all of us and that we’ll scare you away.”
“I am terrified of all of you,” you replied.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Are you?”
A moment of hesitation, and then a realization: you weren’t afraid of Tony. You were afraid of finding out that you’d be trapped again. He had the capabilities to trap you again, and yet he hadn’t. There was no doubt that Sam, Steve, and Wanda had consulted FRIDAY on your whereabouts, too. If they’d wanted to get you, they would’ve by now.
“No,” you finally answered. “But I’m afraid that I’ve messed up Bucky’s life beyond repair. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, especially not to him. He’s a really great guy. He doesn’t deserve all this.”
“Few people do,” Tony said. He sighed and got to his feet, then held out a hand to help you up as well. You let him, and you dusted cat hair off your suit, much to his dismay.
“FRIDAY?” he called. 
“Yes, boss?”
“Please inform the rest of the team that I’ve set a flightpath for Cove, departing in 20 minutes. They’re all expected to be on board.”
“Yes, boss. Shall I inform Secretary Ross that you’ll need to speak with him about Sergeant Barnes’ pardon?”
“Yeah. Uh… Get a cat carrier ready for Barnes’ furry friend, will you? I have a feeling that Y/N here won’t be too happy if it’s left behind,” Stark said. “From what I’ve heard, the petsitters in Cove aren’t too great.”
He glanced over at you and you ducked your head to hide your smile. You’d known Tony for a very brief amount of time, but the care he put into how he dealt with his friends didn’t go unnoticed. It was clear that he wanted both you and Bucky to feel comfortable despite the circumstances.
FRIDAY continued to work on Tony’s project as the two of you left the lab. You let him take the leading, trailing behind a few feet, and shame curdled in your gut when you entered the living room. Sam, Steve, and Wanda had gathered their things in the short amount of time it took you to reach them, and they stood around the island with their bags on the floor behind them. Even Bruce was waiting for you, but he stood off to the side with his tablet in hand. They all glanced over in your direction when you entered, but focused their attention solely on Tony.
“Alright, kids, we’ve got a fun trip ahead of us. First stop, Cove, New Hampshire, and then on to D.C. Once we’ve got Frosty on board, we’ll need to—”
“His name is Bucky,” you interrupted, but you kept your gaze fixed on the back of the currently unoccupied sectional.
There’s a beat, and then Tony continued, “Once we get Bucky on board, we’ll need to convince Ross that he had a good reason for breaking his pardon. That’s where you’ll come in, Wanda.”
“Me? What do you want me to do?” she asked. She took a piece of gum that Sam held out to over the counter and unwrapped it, popping it into her mouth. “I’m not going to manipulate his mind. If they find out—”
“That’s not what you’re going to do,” Tony replied. “You’ll need to vouch for Y/N. They might want to do tests, and we need someone who can—”
“No!” You jerked your head up to look at him, then took a step back. Panic swelled inside of you and your limbs tingled with the urge to shift and escape. “No tests! You all promised me that there would be no tests!”
“Sir,” FRIDAY said, before Tony could respond to your outburst, “I must advise you that Miss Y/N’s heart rate is abnormally high. Would you like me to respond with her standard protocol for medical emergencies?”
Bruce met your eyes from across the room. His expression remained calm, and he didn’t move even as your ears began to ring. 
“No one’s going to run any tests, Y/N. You’re not going to be forced into doing anything you don’t want to do. I think what Tony’s getting at is that Wanda has spent the most time with you out of everyone here, and she’s seen your abilities in action. She can testify on your behalf, though they might want to ask you a few things.”
“You’re safe with us, Y/N,” Steve added from his spot by the island.
Slowly, your heart still pounding in your chest, you looked between him and the others, until finally, you faced the man beside you. Tony nodded once, his face solemn.
“Barnes and I don’t get along, but I promise that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
“Mr. Stark,” FRIDAY interrupted again, “Secretary Ross is requesting elevator access to the lounge. Shall I allow him up?”
Silence settled over the living room for a long moment, until finally Tony answered, “Yes. Delay our trip to Cove until tomorrow morning, and make sure that all other security measures remain in place. Don’t report anything on Y/N for the time being. Until I tell you otherwise, she’s just a regular person here to visit Wanda.” He turned his attention to you. “Don’t say a word unless I tell you to. Got it?”
You nodded quickly, then swallowed down the lump that was stuck in your throat. Tony’s posture turned casual as he poured himself a drink and settled on the sectional, turning on the TV, but you remained standing in place in the entrance to the hallway. You only moved when the elevator chimed and the doors slid open, revealing an imposing man in a charcoal suit. You’d seen him on TV before, and as you passed by him with trembling hands, he turned a critical eye in your direction.
“What’s this? Picking up strays, Tony?” he asked. He gestured to you with the thin file in his hand and you ducked into the kitchen area, hoping that he’d focus on anyone else but you.
“Who? Y/N?” Tony didn’t look away from the screen as he flipped through the channels. Beside you, Steve and Wanda stood in silence at the island. Bruce had mysteriously, and conveniently, disappeared.
“Have you had any other guests recently?” Ross countered back.
“What do you want, Thaddeus? 
Secretary Ross let out a restrained sigh. He tossed the file onto the coffee table in front of Tony, who pointedly ignored it.
“I want to know who this new enhanced individual is,” Ross answered. “Is she the one that drew Sergeant Barnes from his designated residence?”
He looked your way and it took everything in you not to hide behind Wanda. You held onto the cup of coffee that she’d handed you and took, what you hoped to be, a casual sip.
It’s only then that Tony looked back at you. “Oh, her? She’s Wanda’s friend. I’ve never met her before in my life, but she passed all Pepper’s security screenings.” He shrugged and went back to flipping through TV channels, finally stopping on a movie that looked vaguely familiar.
Clearly irritated, Secretary Ross jabbed one finger at the file and growled out something you couldn’t hear, then marched back to the elevator. The doors instantly opened for him, and less than three minutes after his arrival, he was back down in the compound lobby.
You let out a sigh of relief at the first chime of the down arrow, sagging forward over the kitchen island. The TV shut off as Wanda placed a hesitant hand on your back and rubbed her thumb over your shoulder blade, murmuring Sokovian comforts. They meant nothing to you, but the tone she used was gentle enough that it soothed your fluttering heart.
“Looks like they’re reupping Barnes’ pardon terms,” Tony said a few moments later. You lifted your head and watched him and Steve as they read through the file, Tony from his seat on the sectional and Steve standing behind to read over his shoulder.
“What’s that mean?” you asked. Wanda kept her hand on your back, but she fell silent.
“It means that instead of throwing him right in jail, they’re basically going back to the beginning of his pardon,” Tony answered.
“And making things harder for him,” Steve added. “It says here that he won’t be allowed to leave his house unless he’s accompanied by an armed officer.” He sighed and set his hands on his hips, looking out the enormous common room windows at the setting sun, ever the picture of a worried best friend.
Your breath caught in your throat and you looked over at Wanda, distraught. If Bucky wasn’t allowed to leave his house, the people in Cove could continue to harass him and Bucky wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. He’d be unable to help any animals left to die on his sidewalk, nor would he be able to give the ones who are dead a chance to return to the place they’d come. They’d simply rot.
Steve turned when a strangled noise escaped from deep inside you. His eyes met yours instantly, and the anger in them made your stomach turn. He knew that this was because of you. Captain America had a firm grasp on what he thought was right and wrong, and you knew that being on the “wrong” side wouldn’t end well for you.
“This is all my fault,” you managed to say as you straightened up, your eyes wide. “I’m so sorry.” He stepped towards the kitchen and you backed away from the island, pushing Wanda’s hands away when she reached out to try and comfort you further.
“Y/N—” Steve said, but you shook your head at him.
“No, you don’t have to say anything. I know that I’ve screwed up his life. I’ve screwed up everything for him because I was selfish. You don’t need to tell me that. I already know that.”
It felt like you couldn’t catch your breath as your heart pounded in your chest and tears streamed down your cheeks. You hadn’t even realized that you were starting to cry, but as your vision grew black and Tony’s, then FRIDAY’s, voice rang out overhead, you felt two sets of hands helping you down to the floor.
“Breathe, Y/N. Breathe. It’s okay. We’re going to help him. Breathe with me, it’s going to be okay. We’re going to help.”
Sam repeated his mantras over and over, going so far as to place your hand on his chest so you could match your breaths with his. Wanda continued to rub soothing strokes up and down your back until finally, you’d calmed down enough that FRIDAY could confirm your heart rate was within an acceptable range. Someone handed you a tissue and you blew your nose, then wiped the snot from your face in a poor effort to compose yourself. You looked up when Tony crouched in front of you.
“It’s gonna be okay, kid. We’re gonna get those pardon terms reversed, but we’re going to need someone to testify about your abilities. There aren’t going to be any tests and I know you want to help, but are you sure you're up for this?” he asked.
Though you knew that he already had a plan worked out in his head, one that probably heavily involved you and your abilities, you also knew that if you told him you weren’t ready, Tony would back off. He’d reconfigure whatever it was that he was planning so that you could stay in the safety of the compound where no one could discover you. Somehow, and for some reason, Tony trusted you, and that was enough to spur you to action.
“I’m ready,” you said after a moment, nodding.
Tony helped you stand. “We’d better get going, then.”
“I’d do anything for him,” you added. “I’ve never tried to shift into anything other than a cat, but I’m willing to try if it will help.”
One eyebrow raised, Tony glanced between Sam and Wanda, who looked just as confused as him. It was Steve who spoke up first, however, and the heroes in front of you parted like the Red Sea, allowing you to watch as he approached from the living room.
“You can change into other animals?” he asked.
You shrugged a little. “Probably. I’ve never tried. Did you have something in mind?”
All four of them remained silent, until finally, Wanda said, “You could do another cat. A tiger, maybe?”
The thought of being a tiger was appealing, but you’d already had another image pop into your head, one inspired by the heroes themselves. With a small smile, you closed your eyes and exhaled slowly to focus your thoughts. There was a tugging, then a twisting, and then a pop, but when you opened your eyes again, your newfound friends were suddenly a lot taller than you. Excitement glimmered in Tony and Wanda’s eyes, but apprehension filled both Sam and Steve’s faces as they exchanged a silent glance.
“A panther?” Steve said, taking a small step away.
You tilted your head at him, then looked over at Wanda and flopped to the floor, exposing your stomach to her. She laughed and crouched down to scratch the top of your head, just as she had when you were a housecat. 
“You’re still just a little котенок,” she teased, and you nipped playfully at her hand before getting back on your feet and shifting back into your human form. This time, Tony clapped, and you felt your cheeks grow warm at the affection.
“Think you can do a bird?” he asked, clapping a hand on your shoulder. He guided you towards the elevator as your friends grabbed their bags and trailed behind. You tried to sound noncommittal, but you knew that Tony already had new plans in motion now that he’d discovered more of the extent of your abilities, and for the first time in forever, it finally felt like you had a chance at being yourself again.
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Forever: @aya-fay​​​
Bucky Barnes: @lipstickandvibranium​​​ @valhalla-kristin​​​ @buckymcbuckbarnes​​​
Series:  @almosttoopizza​​​ @namelesssav  @buckybarnessimpp​
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Shapeshifter and the Quizz
a/n: in my mind it was a good idea
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*not my GIF*
mama!Natasha Romanoff x daughter!Reader; Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader; Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader(best friend); Yelena Belova x Teen!Reader(aunti-niece); Avengers x Teen!Reader
Summary: it was not the type of Natasha to get involved in Sam's and Tony's childish game but she need to prove them she know you better than anyone
Type: Fluff
Wanrning: nothing
words count: 1879
In the tower, the Avengers were chilling; it was one of those days when there was nothing to do except probably for Pietro, who was planning a lot of pranks for everyone. Usually you should be home at this hour, but you decided to hang out with MJ a little. Correction: She forced you to hang out with her, but you didn't mind; she's one of your best friends, so it's okay.
Tony came to the living room, where Wanda was watching TV with Peter and Natasha was reading; there was also Sam, Bucky, and Steve, but they were doing their thing. "Red, I'm building a new bookshelf for the little spider, but I don't know what's her favorite color." He asked, and before your mom could understand what he said, she heard.
"(F/C)" said by the Sokovian. She smiled, and Tony looked at her for confirmation; she just nodded.
It should be like that; she was happy to know your girlfriend knew you. But she obviously didn't think Sam would invite himself into the equation.
"Oh, Nat, I'm confused; I thought you were the one who knows her best," Sam teased her. Everybody knew what he was doing, but Tony, being Tony, couldn't let it slip. "She starts to steal your baby girl." He said this loudly, and the Russian started to feel jealous of your relationship with Wanda.
"What do you mean, guys? Of course I know what her favorite color is. Wanda was just faster." She replied; she obviously didn't want to fall into their childish game.
"Okay, so what's her favorite movie?" Sam asked not so innocently.
"(F/M)" Wanda replied instantly; there was a silence, and she looked at the redhead. "Sorry," she said lowly.
"See, Natasha, she knows Y/n better than you," the Falcon teased. Usually she wouldn't let them get her, but when Steve and Bucky laughed at Sam's antics, she started to feel jealous.
"Okay, and what do you want to do?" The Russian said, and Tony thought for a moment.
"What do you think about a quiz? We will ask you questions, and the first to reply wins a point," he said. Everybody looked excited.
"We're not obligated," Wanda said to Natasha.
"No, but why not?" The redhead replied. "But what win the winner?" she asked Tony.
He looked at the room and tried to find something worth before his eye lend on a shirt with Minnie Mouse. "A trip to Disneyland with Y/n?" he asked, and the Russian seemed skeptical.
"Why would I play to win something I can afford?" she asked.
"Because I'll pay everything," he replied, and that seemed to cheer Natasha.
"Deal!" they both said.
"Perfect, now we just need a referee who knows Y/n as much as you." Sam said. He thought for a moment before speaking again. "Friday, can you tell Pietro we need him here, and it's important." And the IA did.
For the first fifty minutes, they both replied correctly at the same time. The little animation brought the rest of the Avengers into the living room, and at each question, they always had a little comment. You finally showed up a few minutes later.
"Hey mom, I'm...here" you said when you entered the tower. Your mom didn't come to greet you, but you heard noise in the living room, so you made your way into the room, where you found your mom and your girlfriend. They seemed tense. "Wow. What's happening here?" You asked and walked to sit between them. All eyes were now on you.
"Oh, perfect little Romanoff. We are playing a game. A quiz." Sam explained.
"What's the theme?" You asked; you wanted to play too; it could be fun.
"You." Tony said, and you frowned your eyebrows. Your mom was not someone who easily got involved in Sam's stupid plans.
"Okay, I have another question." Pietro said, and everybody looked at him. "Who was Y/n's first kiss?" He asked, and now everyone looked at you, and it was impossible to hide your flushed cheeks.
"Easy, it's me." Wanda said, and you lowered your head; you were clearly not ready for that. When she noticed you, the witch gasped. "Seriously?" She asked, visibly offended, and everybody except you two laughed.
"It was Mike." Natasha said, "One of our old neighbors." She explained proudly. And you shook your head.
"To be completely honest with you, it was her big sister Nora." You said, and you didn't miss the grin on Pietro's face.
"What but you said…"   Your mom said
"Yeah, but it was before I came out, and I didn't know how you'd react," you confessed, and the redhead hugged you. This cute moment was interrupted by Tony.
"Okay, who was your best kiss between her and your first with the little witch?" He asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Wanda, of course," you replied, and your girlfriend kissed your cheek.
"Okay, okay, lovebirds I have another question." Sam exclaimed. "Who's Y/n's favorite Avenger?" he asked, and you chuckled. Except Pietro, no one could reply.
"Me," they both said, and you and your best friend laughed. The two women looked at you, shocked.
"It's totally Auntie Yelena," you replied, and Natasha cursed herself. Of course it was her; you were literally her biggest fan.
"At least the little poser has good taste." Yelena said, and you gave her a high five.
"I'm pretty disappointed," Wanda said, and she pouted. She was too cute, but that didn't change anything.
"Okay, guys, I have a last question. The first who replies wins," you said. "And I warn you, I'll be very disappointed if you can't find the right answer." you added. Okay, now there was a lot of tension in the room because of you. You cleared your throat and felt everybody focus on you. "Who... is... my best friend?" you asked.
"Oh, come on, it's easy. Pietro," your girlfriend replied.
"No, it's MJ," your mom said.
You didn't say anything; you just stood up, went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and made your way to your mom's room. Everyone looked at you but didn't understand why you acted like that. Pietro could see you were pissed off, and it was unbearable.
"Really?" your best friend asked, and all eyes were now on him.
"What?  It's true." Wanda defends herself.
"Technically yes, but from what we saw, it's not the answer she expects." Yelena said.
"But who is it?" Sam was obviously the only one who remembered you didn't reply.
"It's you!" Pietro said poiting Natasha before sprinting to your location.
"Hey buddy," you said, and you sat properly on the bed, and he sat beside you.
"Oh, you take better than I thought." he replied, and you chuckled.
"And how did you think I would react?" you asked, clearly amused by his exception.
"I thought you would be more sad, you know, like this time with Wanda when she didn't say 'I love you' back and you were a burden for a complete day." He said and you groaned, "Or this time when you split all your drink on the table because you imitated Peter." He added and you laughed.
"It was a very good drink, so of course I would be sad." you said.
"Or this time when you shot an explosive arrow and almost destroyed the training area, and Laura grounded you for fifteen minutes because it was dangerous." he added.
"Okay, I understand; you know me really well, but I need to remind you that it was not my fault for the arrow. If Kate didn't change it, I would never destroy it." you defend.
"I think that means Tony own me a weekend at Disney," he said, and you frowned your eyebrow.
"What?" you asked.
"He promised a weekend at Disney World to the one of them who could answer the question the best," he explained, and your eyes were wide open.
"All that for a trip to Disney World?" you asked, and he nodded. Pietro wanted to speak, but your mom and your girlfriend came.
"Hey, are you still angry?" Natasha asked.
"I wasn't angry," you replied, "just a little surprised that you couldn't both answer an easy question like that." you explained.
Your mom looked at her feet; she was a little ashamed that she couldn't get the right answer. "I didn't know," she mumbled, and before you could notice, Pietro excused himself and her sister and took her out of the redhead's room. He really knew you the best.
"How? I mean, we spent a lot of time together." you said. She didn't reply at first and just sat beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Yeah, but with the time we had fewer mommy-daughter moments; every time I asked you, you said you had something planned with MJ, Peter, Ned, or Pietro, and now you have Wanda."
"But did you forget all the mommy-daughter moments we couldn't have because you were on mission or just too exhausted from work?" you asked, and she felt guilty. "But I'm not really upset or anything. Yes, it's true, I spent a lot of time with MJ recently, but that's because recently you had a lot of missions, so she stayed with me to fill the void of not having you with me whenever I wanted, like when I was a kid, but it's okay." you explained.
"But I should be there. It's not okay." she said, and she started to feel angry towards herself.
"Hey, it's okay, Mom, like really. It's true sometimes; it's really sad, but I know you are somewhere, helping people, and I'm okay with that. I mean, how many teens can say that they have the famous Black Widow as mom?" you said, and she smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Nat asked with tears in her eyes, and you chuckled.
"You just knocked out a bad guy." you joked, and she laughed.
"I love you, мой маленький ангел (my little angel)." She said, and hugged you.
"I love you, too, мама медведь (mama bear)" you replied. There was silence for a moment before you spoke again. "Wait, what will we do about the trip to Disney?" you asked.
"I think you can convince Pietro to let you and her sister have a good time." she suggested, but you shook your head.
"I think I have a better idea. You'll go with Wanda, and I will stay with Pietro at Barton's farm." you said, and she frowned her eyebrow. "It's obvious that you both know me very well, but I think you need to learn more about each other." And it's been a long time since I had a sleepover with Lila, so it's a win-win." you explained.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, and don't worry, Aunti Laura will do all she can to not let me or Pietro get hurt or anything." you assured her. Your mom didn't reply; she just nodded and laid down on the bed, and you imitated her.
"I'm happy to be your best friend." she whispered, trying not to break the mood.
"I know, everyone would want to." you joked. You both stayed like that until you fell asleep, visibly tired about your day.
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