#I want to be around people who have been hungry for a better world
helen-with-an-a · 1 month
Can you do a Barca one where R is suffering with ED, but as one of the newest players, alexia and Jona are rough with her for a bit before she passes out on the field. Her bestfriend, and only friend at Barca, Ingrid, comes to her and feels how light she’s became and that’s when they find out about it?
Hiiiiii - thank you so much for the request and sorry it took so long to get through. Thank you to all the people who reached out offering advice about how to write this - I deeply appreciate it and I hope this helps someone out there. I know that it's scary and daunting but please, please talk to someone. Reaching out for help is the hardest thing, I am well aware of it, but I promise you it will get better. People love you. People want you in there lives. You are worth it and deserve every ounce of love in the world. I hope that my little corner of the internet can help you in some way. Lot of love to every single one of you. Forehead smooches for you all. I hope you enjoy this.
Different From Last Time
Barça Femeni x Reader
Description: R's eating disorder comes back when she moves to Barcelona
TW: Eating Disorder; Disordered Eating habits
Word Count: 3.1k
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You hadn’t meant it. Not this time. It wasn’t like last time. Last time, there had been a snippy comment by a jealous girl. Last time, there had been a throw-away quip from a boy that you thought you had a crush on that you hadn’t thrown away. Last time, there had been a slow descent into your Bad Place. Last time, people around you had noticed. Last time, there were hospital visits and psychiatrists. Last time was not like this time. This time, there was no catalyst, no remark that sent you spiralling. This time, it happened without thinking about it. This time the Bad Place had appeared around you without you realising. This time was very different.
It had started when you moved to Barcelona. Your usual breakfast of porridge had made you feel ill one morning. The heaviness of the dense meal sat in your stomach for far longer than was comfortable and paired with the heat … it was not a fun time for you. The next day you had felt the same … and the next, and the next. So, you decided to cut the oats out, and pick at some of the fresh fruit sitting in the fridge instead. It never crossed your mind to replace the oats with something lighter but still filling, like a yoghurt or something. This was fine on your off-days, But by the time lunch arrived, you were starving – so you ate a lot. You plate was piled high of pasta and chicken and vegetables. All healthy, all nutritious. But because you’d ate so much at lunch, you weren’t hungry at dinner. So, you ended up skipping dinner, or picking at some more fruit.
Slowly, without you even realising it, all you were eating at home was fruit. Fruit and a milky coffee or black tea. Your breakfast was a delicious nectarine or a juicy vibrant orange and a mug of freshly brewed coffee with frothy, milky latte art on top or a warm, inviting cup of tea. You knew it might not have been the most nourishing of ways to start your day, but the thought of anything heavier had your stomach churning. The weather was warm, and you truly honestly weren’t hungry. Until you smelled the food in the lunchroom. Every day, you were the first one in and the last one out of the cafeteria. Pasta, rice, potatoes, chicken, beef, pork, carrots, mushrooms, broccoli, peppers. You name it, you probably ate it. It never really clicked in your mind that this could have been a sign. You never felt guilty after eating it, so you didn’t have a problem … right?
But then the off days rolled around. Without the structure of the training schedule, instructing you when and where to eat, you found yourself lost in the quiet of your little flat on the edge of town.  The fridge hummed softly, filled with vibrant colours of fruits you’d stocked up on. Baskets of peaches, plums, and pears lined your kitchen counter. They were beautiful to look at, reminding you of a still-life painting. That’s essentially all they were. A piece of decoration for you to look at.
It was an off day that you finally noticed the changes. You’d stepped out of the shower, steam still clinging to the small bathroom, and caught a glimpse of yourself. The skin stretched tight over your collarbones; your arms looked thinner, almost fragile.  The muscle you had worked so hard to gain was less noticeable. It was subtle, not something that would scream at anyone else, but you knew your body, and this wasn’t right. You brushed it off at first, telling yourself it was just the result of a new lifestyle. The Mediterranean diet, wasn’t that supposed to be healthier? People here were slim, fit, effortlessly beautiful. You were just blending in, adapting, right?
You refused to acknowledge it. You had been through this before. This was nothing like that. The words that lingered in your mind weren’t there this time. You didn’t fear things the way you did last time. You were fine. It wasn’t like last time.
You started to feel tired all the time. Not just sleepy, but exhausted, like your bones were weighed down with sand. It wasn’t the kind of tired that a good night’s sleep could fix. It was deeper, more persistent, as if it had seeped into your very being. You tried to ignore it, pushing through your days with a smile that felt more like a mask.
The coaches had started to pick up on your sluggishness. You were known for your speed – your nimble movements as you dodged round defenders like a dancer weaving through a crowded ballroom, your movements calm and calculated with perfect precision. But now, now your steps felt heavy – your timing off as you, once again, gave the ball away. It was preseason – surely you shouldn’t be this tired?
“Y/N, is everything ok?” Pere asked softly as he pulled you off to the side. You swallowed. Was everything ok?
“Yeh,” you sighed. “Sorry, I’m just tired. Still trying to get used to the heat,” you gestured around you. It was sweltering that’s for such. The temperature at the ground reaching an uncomfortable mid-thirties by mid-morning.
You knew you needed to step it up. You needed to be better. If not for you, then the team. The team needed you at your best. And you had to be the best. Maybe it was the Bad Thoughts talking, but you decided that being the best meant just training harder, not taking that step to talk to someone, to seek professional help. This wasn’t like last time. You could manage it.
And so, you pushed harder. You told yourself that this was the answer; that all you needed was to work through the fatigue, to out-train the tiredness that clung to you like a second skin. Early morning runs before the sun had fully risen, extra drills after everyone else had left the field, more laps, more weights, more sweat. You kept telling yourself that the ache in your muscles was proof that you were getting stronger, that the exhaustion in your bones was a sign that you were working toward something better.
You hadn’t really noticed it, but you were so focussed on training that you had stopped interacting with people. You were so tired all the time, your response became short and snippy. You were getting more and more irritable as the days went by. The little things that never used to bother you—the noise in the locker room, a teammate’s joke, even the way someone chewed their food—started to grate on your nerves. You could feel the frustration bubbling just beneath the surface, ready to spill over at any moment. But instead of addressing it, instead of acknowledging that something was wrong, you buried it under layers of denial and discipline. You told yourself it was just the stress, that everyone got like this sometimes. It was just part of being an athlete, right?
It was Alexia who first approached you, a few weeks after her return from the Olympics. She had been well aware of who you were before you signed for Barcelona – she had been on the receiving end of a few of your nutmegs and perfectly executed presses. This was not the Y/N she had played against.
She had found you outside, setting up for free kick practice. She found it strange – that you would choose to practice those of all things. You weren’t on the list to take set pieces, your name so far down the list the pigs would sooner fly then you participating in that part of football games.
“Hola,” Alexia said, coming to stand next to you. You jumped, your body tensing at the intruder. “Lo siento,” she smiled at you.
“Alexia, um, hi?” You sounded genuinely shocked she was near you, voluntarily talking to you.
The Catalan captain scared you a little. It was something about her composure, her intensity that made you nervous to even breathe the same air as her, let alone talk to her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, honestly curious at your choice of activity.
“Practising,” you dismissed, looking across at the set up.
“Because I need to …” you trailed off, making it sound more like a question than anything else.
“We haven’t even had a game yet, I think you’re fine,” she consoled.
��No, I need to push myself. I need to be better. I want to do this for the team.” With those words, Alexia made up her mind. Something she would later regret massively, but something that, in the moment, seemed like a very smart idea.
Alexia observed you the following afternoon. You were right, you were moving more slowly than usual. You were slower, you were less agile, you were making mistakes that you never used to make. Alexia thought she was helping.
“No, de nuevo.” Alexia barked. You flinched at the tone, the harshness of Alexia's voice cutting through the afternoon air like a whip. It wasn’t just you who noticed – everyone on the pitch turned their heads, eyes widening in surprise. Alexia was known for her leadership, for guiding the team with a firm but fair hand. But this? This was different. It was almost like she was pushing you, testing your limits in a way that felt more personal than professional.
You forced yourself to focus, your heart pounding in your chest. Sweat dripped down your forehead, stinging your eyes as you tried to reset, to shake off the growing sense of unease that had taken root inside you. You couldn’t afford to mess this up, not in front of her, not in front of the team.
Again and again, you repeated the drill, your legs growing heavier with each attempt. You could feel your breath hitching, your lungs burning, but you pushed through, ignoring the screaming protests of your body. This was what you needed, right? To push harder, to be better. But with each failed attempt, each barked command from Alexia, doubt crept further into your mind.
Your teammates watched with a mix of concern and confusion. They could see something was off, that you were struggling more than usual, but no one dared to say anything. Alexia’s presence was too commanding, too intimidating to question. So they stayed silent, exchanging worried glances as you faltered once again.
“No, no, no,” Alexia snapped, stepping closer, her frustration palpable. “That’s not good enough. Again.”
You nodded, barely hearing her words over the pounding in your ears. The world was starting to tilt, the edges of your vision blurring as you bent over, hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. But there was no time for that. You had to keep going. You had to prove yourself.
“Y/N,” Alexia’s voice cut through your haze, sharp and unyielding. “Again.”
You straightened up, legs trembling, and moved to take your position. But the ground seemed to shift beneath your feet, and suddenly, you were stumbling, your vision narrowing to a pinpoint. Panic flared in your chest as the world spun, and before you could stop it, darkness began to close in around you.
Was it the heat? Was it the food? You really couldn’t tell. You felt horrific. But you had to keep going. You swayed gently as you began to sprint off. You needed out … you needed to breathe. Your body was on autopilot as you went through the motions.
Esmee was the first to notice. Your skin had a sallow, sickly paleness. Your eyes were sunken and your hair too thin. You looked awful. Her concern quickly turned to alarm as she watched you sway; your movements unsteady and uncoordinated. She could see the strain etched across your face, the way your muscles trembled with every step. Something was terribly wrong, and it was no longer just about your performance on the pitch.
She reached over to Ingrid, tapping her gently on the shoulder. The pair of them looked over to where you and Alexia were standing – you were barely conscious. How you were still on your feet was anyone’s guess. They exchanged glances, silently agreeing that something was terribly, terribly amiss and Alexia was taking things too far.
“Y/N, stop!” Mapí shouted, her voice breaking through the fog that had settled in your mind. But you barely registered it, your body still moving on instinct, trying to obey Alexia’s last command. The group didn’t hesitate. They were over to you in a flash. They sprinted across the field, reaching you just as your legs buckled underneath you. Ingrid’s gentle arms wrapped around you.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” she said, her voice soft but urgent as she guided you to sit down on the grass. “You need to stop, Y/N. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
Alexia’s frustration melted into concern as she watched the scene unfold. She hadn’t realised just how bad things had gotten until now. She had been so focused on pushing you to be your best that she hadn’t seen the toll it was taking on you, both physically and mentally. Guilt gnawed at her as she hurried over, her expression shifting from stern to worried.
“Y/N, why didn’t you say something?” Alexia asked, kneeling beside you, her voice uncharacteristically gentle.
You tried to speak, but the words caught in your throat. Your vision was blurry, and the world felt like it was spinning out of control. You felt Ingrid’s hand on your back, rubbing soothing circles, but even that small comfort wasn’t enough to calm the panic rising in your chest.
“I… I thought I could handle it,” you finally managed to whisper, tears welling up in your eyes. “It isn’t like last time.”
“What’s not like last time?” Esmee’s gentle voice drifted over you.
“All of it. The Bad Thoughts aren’t like last time. I didn’t mean to do it. I …” If you had the energy, you would have been hysterical.
“Y/N, I need you to listen to me,” Alexia’s tone posed no arguments. This was Captain Alexia talking. She brought a hand to your cheek, her palm gently guiding you to look at her. “Have you hurt yourself? Do you need an ambulance?”
“Not cuts. I … I don’t do that,” you whispered.
The sigh of relief was audible from all the girls around you.
“What didn’t you mean to do, Kjære?” Ingrid asked the question. She figured that since you were still in her arms, your back against her chest, that it might be easier voicing whatever it was that plagued your mind.
“I …” You remembered how hard it was to voice it all last time. At that had been to a total stranger. But then again … that had been to a total stranger. A stranger that had your best interests at heart, but they didn’t know you. Not like these girls did. “Food,” was what you settled on.
The moment the word left your lips, you felt the air around you shift. The weight of the confession hung heavily in the silence that followed, pressing down on everyone around you. The tension was palpable, each of your teammates processing what you had just said, the reality of the situation settling in.
Mapí's sharp intake of breath was the first sound that broke the silence, her shock evident. You could feel Ingrid's arms tighten around you slightly, as if she was trying to shield you from the world, from the consequences of your admission. Alexia’s hand remained on your cheek, her eyes searching yours for any sign of what you were truly going through.
"Food?" Ingrid repeated softly, her voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it any louder would make the situation even more real. "What do you mean, Y/N? Have you not been eating?"
You hesitated, your mind racing with the implications of what you were about to reveal. But there was no turning back now. The truth had already started to spill out, and you couldn't stop it even if you wanted to. "Not… not like I should," you finally admitted, your voice trembling. "It just… happened. I didn’t mean for it to, but I’ve been skipping meals, and when I do eat, it’s like I can’t stop. At home I can't eat. But in the cafeteria, it's all I can do …"
The guilt in Alexia’s eyes deepened, her mind replaying every drill, every push, every time she had demanded more from you without realizing the burden you were already carrying. "Y/N," she began, her voice laced with regret, "I had no idea. I should have seen the signs. I’m so sorry."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time, they weren’t just from exhaustion or fear. They were from the overwhelming mix of emotions you felt—from relief that the truth was finally out, to shame for not being able to handle it on your own, to fear of what would come next.
Esmee knelt beside you, her hand reaching out to squeeze yours. "We’re going to help you," she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for doubt. "You don’t have to go through this alone, Y/N. We’re your team, and that means we’re here for you, no matter what."
The others nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. You could see the resolve in their eyes, the silent promise that they wouldn’t let you face this battle alone.
Alexia took a deep breath, her hand still resting gently on your cheek. "The most important thing right now is your health," she said, her voice steady. "We’ll figure this out together. We’ll talk to the coach, to the doctors, and we’ll make sure you get the support you need."
You nodded, too overwhelmed to speak. The support of your teammates was more than you could have hoped for, and for the first time in weeks, you felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this time really was different. Maybe this time, you wouldn’t have to face the darkness alone.
Ingrid gently helped you to your feet, her arm still around your waist to steady you. The others formed a protective circle around you, their presence a silent but powerful reminder that you were part of something bigger, something stronger than any one of you alone.
As they guided you off the field, you knew that this was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey. But you also knew that with them by your side, you could face whatever came next. And for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were going to be okay.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3
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starsinthesky5 · 5 months
drunk in love || joe burrow x reader
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description: after a whirlwind of a few months, Joe finds himself being more open with the public about your relationship, which takes you by surprise.
a/n: im glad i could get this up in time! i think the tag needs to be filled with more positivity and the usual joey b content. we can push through :) 
requested by the amazing and extremely talented @joeys-babe, you gave me great inspo! i have also learned that i loveeee writing little flashbacks into my fics just to add more context to the situation. when I’m writing it’s like i'm painting on a blank canvas, and i'm going wherever the brush takes me :) 
warnings: smuttttt, language, angst
word count: 7.7 k
The sounds of enthusiastic fans echoed as you and Joe arrived at the Fifth Third arena for Joe’s podcast taping. Joe had been asked by the Kelce Brothers to be a guest on their live podcast recording of New Heights since they were in Cincinnati, and who better to have on than the QB1? And Joe being the polite and respectful man he is, agreed to do it. You were a bit surprised he was willing to go out in front of a big crowd of people like this and just talk. He rarely did podcasts or lengthy interviews because of the anxiety they brought him and he didn’t like to share his personal life in front of thousands of people, so you were watching him like a hawk the whole night to make sure he was doing okay. 
Right now, you both were sitting in the locker room while the brothers were doing the game portion of their podcast. You were snacking on some pretzels, offering Joe some since he hadn’t eaten anything since this afternoon, but he refused. 
“Joe, you have to eat something,” you say while pushing a bag of pretzels towards him.
“I’m not hungry,” he mumbled while looking at the monitor to see what was going on in the arena. 
“I refuse to believe that. We’re going to Woodys after and we both know that you drinking on an empty stomach will cause carnage,” you giggle expecting him to laugh as well, but he continues to stare at the monitor, seemingly lost in thought. 
You look down and notice that he’s bobbing his left leg up and down and is picking at his fingers, an instant signal that his anxiety was slowly creeping in. 
You quickly place your snack down, scooch your chair closer to him, and place your hand on his thigh, giving it a soft squeeze. He felt the light touch of your hand and stopped bouncing his leg before looking over at you. 
His eyes met yours and you could easily tell that he was getting anxious by the way they turned a shade of deep blue. “Are you alright J?” you ask. 
Joe stays silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh, “Just a little nervous,” he quietly says causing your face to drop. “I haven’t done this in a while and I don’t wanna get weird out there if they ask anything specific, you know?”. 
Joe was referring to getting weird if they asked any questions about his personal life. He never talks about his life behind closed doors and rarely talks about you in respect of your privacy. He was worried that they’d ask him about you or your relationship and wouldn’t know what to say or how to answer them. He never really threw the “girlfriend” tag around many people for quite a few reasons. One was that it was mostly implied that you were together, another being that he didn’t want people who may not have known about your relationship to bombard you with questions about him. He kept your relationship carefully locked away because it was the most important thing in the world to him and he was afraid that the world would rip it to shreds if you opened the door a little too much. He wanted to talk about you all the time, even telling you that he might not even be able to stop once he starts. But he just never knew when or how to talk about your relationship without making you sensitive to public discourse.
“You won’t get weird Joe,” you say as you rub his thigh. “It’s okay to be a little nervous, especially because this is out of your comfort zone. You are going to do great and I am so proud of you for doing this,” you say. “I’m gonna be right there, front row on the side. Orlando will be up there with you too. And I know Jason and Travis will respect your boundaries. Maybe they’ll just keep it all about ball,”.
He nods and grabs your hand and gives it a gentle kiss. “Thank you for being here,” he says, finally flashing you a genuine smile. 
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” you say while pressing a kiss on his cheek. Joe puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you in for a warm hug. He knew he’d be fine out there but couldn’t help but get a little nervous when he realized all eyes would be on him. Sure, in a football game, all 50,000+ eyes are on him, but that never bothered him because the game was his shield. 
“If you feel flustered, give me a look and I’ll cause a distraction for you to run away,” you giggle against his neck. 
He laughs and presses a kiss on your forehead, “My knight in shining armor as usual,”. 
A few minutes and a handful of pretzels later, you’re sitting on the side of the stage while Jason and Travis introduce Joe. The crowd erupts as they say Joe’s name and the song choice for his introduction makes you laugh like a hyena. “Get the Gat” was playing, a nod to the era that truly started it all for Joe. He was scanning the crowd for you as he walked toward the stage, eventually catching you in the front row, just like you said, in your stunning white dress that highlighted your most precious features. 
You gave him two thumbs up and mouthed “You got this,”. He gives you a big smile before walking up onto the stage and greeting the brothers. 
Things were going pretty smoothly for him. They were talking to him about his injury and recovery, his questionable tweets about aliens that got the entire crowd laughing their asses off, and some playful football + rivalry talk between Travis and Joe. He seemed incredibly relaxed up there and you felt relieved, until they changed the subject to the one thing that Joe was worried about. 
“So enough about ball,” Travis said. “What has Joey B been up to this off season. Where you been, Who you been with?”. 
“Uh oh,” you whispered. 
Joe laughed softly before saying “Just hanging around. Obviously training and getting better, some UFC events here and there, some boy's trips, spending time with family, but mostly spending time with my girlfriend,”. 
Your eyes widen at his words and your mouth slightly falls open. He just mentioned you in front of god knows how many people, and so casually? What the actual fuck. 
“Ohhh,” Travis smiles. “Is your lovely lady here tonight?” He asks. 
“Yeah, she’s right there,” Joe smiles and points over to you, causing literally everyone in the arena to turn and look at you. 
“Ayeee,” the brothers say in unison as the camera points over to you. 
Your cheeks turn tomato red as everyone starts cheering and waving at you, and you flash a big smile in return even though you were completely freaking out internally.
“Yep, that's her. She’s the best person in the entire world. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without her support and love,” Joe says as everyone turns back to face him. “She really knows exactly how to deal with me when I’m too in my head and always shows up for me no matter what happens. I owe a lot of how I am and how I handle things, to her” he adds.
“Awww,” said Jason. 
“Especially with this injury. I seriously don’t think I would’ve been able to get through it without her. I was in a really tough spot, mentally and physically, and she really stepped up for me,” Joe says. You feel a shift in his demeanor when he says that. From relaxed and positive, to now a little tense and serious. 
The wrist injury took a toll on Joe, and unfortunately your relationship. It took everyone by surprise when it happened as Joe was just hitting his stride after recovering from the calf strain. This was supposed to be his year and when that got taken away from him, he shut down. You tried your hardest to be there for him, and he appreciated you so much. But he needed to figure stuff out on his own which caused a bit of tension between you both. And all of it got too much for you to handle; you had to deal with his emotions, your own emotions, and help him recover on top of 100 other things that were being thrown your way. 
Little arguments became common as they always would stem at the most unexpected times. Sometimes they would happen when you would check in on how he was feeling, they’d happen during a happy moment where one of you said something that didn’t land correctly, and sometimes when he would come and apologize to you for snapping at you, but you would become a child and remain stubborn even though you wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and let everything out. 
Flashback to December 
It had been a few weeks since Joe got surgery on his wrist. Ever since then, he’d been acting strangely and it was driving you insane. He was watching some film all day in his office so that he could help out at practice, so you’d hardly have seen him all day. 
You got off the couch and decided to bring him a snack, some strawberries and bananas, and made your way up the stairs. 
You made your way into his office, making sure that you weren’t getting in the way of anything. He was rewinding some footage with his left hand, but was struggling to do so since his dominant hand was in a cast. 
“Here, let me help,” you say as you place the bowl of fruit down in front of him.
“It’s okay, I got it,” he says trying to grab the mouse, but he was too late as you already grabbed it and fixed it for him. You looked over at him and smiled, but in return got a loud sigh and an eye roll. 
“Gee, I was just trying to help,” you replied. 
“And I didn’t ask for any,” he mumbled, slightly irritated. Your face dropped at his tone but you decided not to push it.
“I brought you some fruit. You skipped out on lunch so I thought you’d be hungry,”.
“Thanks,” he says as he pushes the bowl to the side and goes back to the film. 
You stand there for a few moments, debating whether or not you should leave him alone or talk to him. You decided to talk to him because this mood he’d been in was not welcomed. 
“Is there something wrong? Does your arm hurt?” You ask as you rub his shoulder. 
He immediately slams the mouse to pause the film and looks up. “What’s wrong is that you won’t let me watch the film for this week. I told you I'm not hungry and you’re bothering me,” he snaps.
You’re taken aback by his sudden anger, “I was just trying to help, Joe-”.
“And how many times have I said, I don’t need it,” he spit out. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a step back. “I’m sorry, I- I just wanted to make sure you were okay,”.
“I’m fine” He said, slightly shouting as he looked back over to you. 
The tears in your eyes made their way down your cheeks as you felt more angry than sad. His attitude was unfucking called for as you were just trying to check in on him. 
“You know what, fine. I’m done asking you if you’re okay and if you need something. I get that you’re hurt. I get that this is hard for you. But do not for one second think that I’m just going to sit here and take this bullshit. You’ve been acting like this for weeks, on and off. And quite frankly, it’s giving me whiplash,” you unload as more tears stream down your face.
“Y/N-,” he interrupts.
“No. Listen to me. If me helping you is bothering you, If I am bothering you, just say the word and I’ll stop. You don’t have to tell me how you’re feeling, and I’ll just stop asking. I love you, you know that. But I’m done acting like this is okay,” you spit out, tears running down your cheeks faster than a trackstar running a mile.  
He stays silent for a few seconds so you take that as a response and nod your head. You leave his office, making your way into the bedroom and slamming the door shut. He immediately felt bad for yelling at you and making you cry. He fell back into his chair and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about how shitty he was. 
You lay down on your side of the bed, crying into your pillow. A million thoughts flooding your head, and a million emotions flowing through your body. You felt bad for him, you really really felt bad for him. But you started to feel bad for yourself because of how he was acting around you. Did you do something to make him act like this? He wouldn’t talk to you much about how he was feeling, so you were in limbo. 
You curled up into your pillow, a few tears still falling down your face as you heard the door open. Joe walked in and saw you laying on the bed, immediately feeling like shit because he did this to you. He walked over to the bed, crawling onto his side and gently rubbing your arm. 
“Y/N?” he asked. 
You didn’t look over at him and remained facing the windows. 
He let out a sigh before saying, “I deserve that.” 
“Listen, I am so fucking sorry for that. You didn’t do anything and I took my feelings out on you which was totally uncalled for. It’s just, I have alot going through my mind right now. But that is no excuse for me to do that to you, and you have every right to be mad. I’ve been putting you through alot lately and you’re just trying to help,”.
You turned over to face him and moved up. “So then talk to me, Joe?”. “I just want to make sure that you’re okay. I’m here, I’m always here,” you say as you wipe your tears. 
“I know. And I’m so sorry. I just don’t want to burden you with all my feelings,” he says.
“You could never. We’re in this together, we have been since we first met. I want you to talk to me whenever you need to. Please, do not keep your feelings bottled up like that,”.
“You’re right,” he says as he pulls you into his arms, his hand rubbing your back for comfort. “I am so so so sorry for treating you like shit. You have been nothing but helpful and patient since the surgery and my dumbass can’t seem to fathome that,” he says.
“You’re not a dumbass,” you say as you look up at him. “You just have alot going on in there,” you say as you move your hand into his hair. “Just let me in and let me help you figure it out,” you whisper.
So that’s exactly what he did. He unloaded all of his heavy feelings, self doubt, and fear onto you. And instead of running out of fear or anxiety, you stayed. You stayed and you helped him just as you said you would. 
End of Flashback 
You were holding your breaths around each other for a little bit, but luckily you got through it. It was a bumpy few months, but in the end, you got through it together and came out the other side stronger like you always do. 
“Seems like you got yourself a great lady,” Jason says, snapping you back to the present.
“I sure do,” Joe laughs while meeting your eyes, setting off butterflies in your belly. 
“So what have you guys been up to, if you don’t mind sharing? I think the fans would love to hear it,” Travis says as the fans begin to cheer.
Joe lets out a laugh and runs his fingers through his hair, “Yeah, why not. Well, we’ve gone on a few vacations, watched a bunch of movies we’ve been meaning to for a while, built some legos, and she’s taught me how to bake,”. 
The crowd lets out a laugh as he says that last thing. You were surprised at how he was being an open book right now and you didn’t know if you should be concerned at this newfound openness or ecstatic, but you were sure as hell enjoying it in the moment.
“You heard it here first, Joe Burrow knows how to bake!” They announced to the crowd. 
“Yup, it’s really not as hard as it looks,” Joe shrugs.
You let out a laugh when as says that. It really wasn’t that hard, but Joe was certainly not a pro baker as he was implying. 
Flashback to a few weeks ago 
It was a rainy evening in Cincy today, causing you and Joe to postpone your plans to walk around the neighborhood this evening. You were bored out of your mind, contemplating if you should take a nap or do something productive, but nothing sounded fun until an ad popped up on your phone for new cake pans which set off a lightbulb in your head.
“Cinnamon Rolls!” you said out loud as you just got an idea of what you could do for the evening. 
You quickly walked over to the kitchen and started pulling out everything you needed to make your famous Cinnamon Rolls, which happened to be one of Joe’s favorites, but Pumpkin Pie remained number 1. Joe was probably playing video games or watching something upstairs so you’d get to surprise him later with the delicious dessert. 
A few minutes later, you were in the zone and were starting to make the dough when you heard Joe come down the stairs. 
“Hey Babe, whatcha doing?” He says, a slight bounce in his step. He must be feeling good today, and rightfully so. He deserved to feel loose and cheerful after the past few months. 
“It’s a secret,” you giggle as you start making the liquid mixture. 
He raises his brows at you before examining the surroundings, eventually putting the puzzle together and realizing you are making Cinnamon Rolls.  
“Well, Can I help?” He asks as he walks over and hovers behind you, placing his chin on your shoulder. 
You stop mixing the Milk and Butter and look back at him, “You want to help me bake?”.
“Why are you saying it like that?” He asks as he begins pressing warm kisses on your neck. 
You stay silent for a few moments before taking advantage of his offer, “No reason. Here, let me show you how to make the dry mixture,” you say as he flashes you a big smile.
You spend a few minutes getting Joe situated with all the dry ingredients and then go back to your task. You peek over at him every few moments and although he’s making a huge mess, he seems to be doing just fine. Once you both were done with your mixtures, Joe insisted that he would make the dough in the mixer. So once again, you taught him how to use the mixer and left him to it as you started making the Cinnamon Sugar Filling. He was doing very well for someone who’s dominant hand is still not at 100%.
“Joe, this looks great!” you say as you look over his shoulder, rubbing it as you inspect the dough. 
“Yeah?” he asks, feeling proud that he was doing good for his first time baking.
“Mhmmm, just the right consistency. Very impressive for a rookie,” You tease. 
The next half hour passes by as you finish prepping the rolls. You roll out the dough and spread the cinnamon mixture across the sheet and Joe helps you roll it back up to cut the buns out. You place them in the fridge to rise and Joe takes responsibility for making the icing, so you pull over a barstool and watch him figure it out. 
“You’re doing great babe,” You smile as he begins mixing the ingredients while carefully looking at the recipe. 
“This isn’t so bad,” He says looking back up at you. “You wanna taste it? I’m almost done,”.
“Okay,” you say as he dips his finger into the icing and puts his finger out to you. A huge smirk appears on his face once you realize what he is implying. 
You pull his finger closer to your mouth and make direct eye contact for a few seconds before wrapping your lips around the sugary tip. You swirl your tongue around his finger, taking in all of the sweet icing. You both still hold eye contact, which makes you feel hot all around as you know how you are making him feel by doing this. A few seconds later, You take his finger out of your mouth and give him the same smirk he gave you.
“Was it good?” he teases. 
“Soooo good,” you purred. “Very warm, sweet, and delicious,” you say as Joe walks over to you. He grabs your hand and pulls you off the barstool, causing you to let out a squeal. “What are you doing?” you giggle.
“How long do the rolls take to rise?” he asks as he lifts you onto the messy counter, flour now covering your sweatpants. 
“About an hour. Why?” you ask as he starts to kiss your neck.
“Perfect. I think I need an hour to eat my favorite dessert,” He whispers in your ear before rubbing your upper thigh. 
You don’t follow what he’s saying, “I didn’t make pumpkin pie silly,”.  
“I’m not talking about pumpkin pie,” He says while coming back into your view, his eyes filled with hunger and desire, and his fingers untying the strings of your sweatpants. 
End of Flashback 
You were incredibly smiley and cheery for the rest of the recording and kept playing back everything Joe said about you. It warmed your heart that he felt a little more comfortable opening the door, even if it was just the slightest bit, to show fans your love for each other. But you were so curious as to what changed his mind. A million thoughts were filling your head, and it also didn’t help that he looked so fucking hot. Although he was wearing a comfy, laid-back fit, he looked mouthwatering and you were trying so hard not to jump at him. The extra few pounds of muscle he gained from his training this year was showing and that messy bedhead look he was sporting was filling your head with unholy thoughts the entire time. 
Once Joe had wrapped up his appearance, you headed back to the locker room area to find him. 
He was talking to some Bearcats coaches when you found him. No stress was apparent on his face and he looked like he was just fine. You let out a relaxed sigh as you leaned on the door, letting him have his conversation without any interruptions, but he immediately felt your presence and turned around. He mumbled something to the coaches and then they walked away. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say while moving off the door.
“Yes I did,” he says as he walks over to you, immediately pulling you closer and capturing your lips in a deep and thorough kiss. One hand cupping your face and the other sliding down your waist. You both were literally making out in the locker room and anyone could walk in at any time, but he didn’t care. He pulls away after a minute, leaving you a little breathless. 
“Cherry Lip Gloss,” He says. “My favorite,”. 
Joe loved your Cherry Lip Gloss. You remembered the moment when you both had your first kiss, he immediately pulled away from you and you didn’t know why until he told you how amazing you tasted and he had to let you know. 
Flashback to a few years ago 
You and Joe just got back to your apartment after your bowling date downtown. He parked the car in the parking lot and you both were sitting inside, wishing that the night would never end. He turned over to face you, a million thoughts flooding his head. A few being that you looked absolutely enchanting and he really really liked you. You both had been on a few dates so far, each one better than the last, and tonight felt like a dream. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked as he stared deeply into your eyes. 
“Best date ever,” you smiled. You were feeling a little nervous after tonight's date, only because you realized that you really liked him and that it wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment feeling, and you didn’t know if he really felt the same way. Was he just looking for a girl to have on his side who would take care of him during the season and be good enough to hook up with? Or did he want a girl that he could have a genuine and meaningful relationship with?
He let out a deep breath and said, “You look really pretty by the way,”. 
A blush crept up your face, “Thank You,”. 
He kept staring into your eyes as you both remained silent. He moved closer to you but you couldn’t process it because you were caught up in your own thoughts. Was he waiting for you to make a move? You both haven’t kissed yet and every date felt like it would end with a kiss, but it never did. You were all in your head about how he felt about you and you didn’t know what to do, so you thought that it would be better to just go inside and avoid the awkward moment. 
“I should probably go,” you say while staring into his deep blue eyes, but before you can grab your stuff, Joe leans in and captures your lips in a gentle kiss. You stay absolutely still for a few seconds before he suddenly pulls away. 
The blank look on his face fills your stomach with anxiety. Did your breath stink? Did he not enjoy it? Was it a mistake? You felt like hiding in a corner somewhere and never coming out. 
“Your lips,” he says. “Is that Cherry?”. 
You pause for a few seconds and say, “Yeah,”. 
“I love Cherry,” is all he says before pulling you back over to him, and completely attacking your lip with sloppy and eager kisses. You feel him grin into the kiss which immediately gets rid of your wandering thoughts. 
“You taste like love,” he says in between kisses. 
End of flashback 
He presses another kiss on your lips which snaps you back to the present. “You did great out there,” you told him. “They loved you,”.
“Yeah, it felt natural and easy,” he says as he leans back in for another kiss. 
Before you could ask him about his sudden change of heart about wanting to not talk about your relationship, a team member came over to tell you both that you’re allowed to leave and go over to the bar and that everyone would join you there in a little bit. Joe nods, wrappinh his arm around your waist, and leading you both out to the car. This newfound PDA was a little weird for you as you were walking through crowds of strangers and Joe seemed to not care. You decided not to push the subject just yet, it would be better to wait till you were alone so you could figure out what was going through his head. 
The after-party had a stereotypical College party vibe to it, and it being in a College Bar was definitely adding to the mix. Loud music and laughter, numerous cans of beer scattered across the room, and groups of people playing darts or beer pong. You felt like you were transported back to College and were drunk on nostalgia, and maybe something more. 
Joe was standing next to you, one hand firmly gripping your waist, and a beer can in the other, as you were extremely focused on the game of darts in front of you both.
“Andddd, Bullseye!” you yell as the dart hits the middle of the board. 
“Great Job, Y/N. I taught you well,” He says as you feel his hand migrate down to your ass, giving it a soft squeeze. 
“That you did,” You say as you look back up at him. Here he goes again with the PDA, not that you were upset at it. You loved it, but you were also just as confused. You watched him take another sip of his beer before breaking off to go greet a few more people. You watched as he was conversing with a group of people before he looked over at you and motioned for you to come over. 
“And this is my girlfriend Y/N,” he says as you join his side, his hand once again around your waist. You had no idea who he was introducing you to and were even more surprised that he was just tossing around the “girlfriend” tag so casually in front of people that he seems to have met for the first time. A few minutes later, you wrap up your conversation and decide to talk to Joe about what all this was about. 
“Hey Joe?” you say to get his attention. 
“Yeah? What’s up?” he responds.
“You wanna over there for a bit? I need to talk to you about something,” you say as you point over to the semi-secluded barstools in the back of the bar. He nods and you lead him over to the stools and sit down with your drinks. 
“Is everything alright?” he asks as he rubs your thigh. 
“Yeah, everything is fine,” you say as you place your hand on his. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay,”.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he questions. 
“Its just, before the podcast you were getting nervous about them potentially asking you about us, and they did,”.
“Yeaahh,” he drags out as he nods his head.
“And when they did, you seemed to be just fine and were like an open book. Not to mention the out-of-the-blue PDA you’ve been showing all night,” you giggle. “I just wanna know, why the sudden change of heart? You know I don’t mind not being so open and public with our relationship, I hope I didn’t make you feel like you had to say or do something,”. 
Joe looked deeply into your eyes for a few seconds before responding. “These past few months have been pretty hard for me, and us. You know that best,”. You nod in return, now feeling a little queasy at the mention of the rough moments you had. 
“And it gave me a lot of time to think about life,” he adds as he interlocks his fingers with yours. 
“I’m tired of acting like you’re not the reason why I can do most of this, aside from actually playing football. You always know exactly how to handle me when things get too chaotic, you know how to calm me down, you help me with literally everything, but most importantly, you put up with all the bullshit that being with me brings,”. 
“Joe,” you whisper. 
“Wait, I’m not finished. You’re the most important person in my life, and it’s time I make that known to everyone. I realized that I have no reason to be worried about what others will think, I love you more than anything and people need to know that. These past few months have shown me that I need you more than I need anything and the thought of you not being by my side freaks me the fuck out. Fuck their opinion. Fuck their comments. I love you and I chose you. Opening the door just a little will not hurt and if anyone has a problem with it, screw them,”. 
You felt like crying as he said all of this to you. Not tears of sadness, but tears of relief. You were relieved that his feelings towards you hadn’t changed, as odd as that sounds. There were a few negative thoughts about your relationship that piled up in the back of your mind over the past few months, but you never confronted them out of fear. The injury did a number on you both and you were scared that you’d lose this special thing you had to something that wasn’t in your control. 
“I love you so much, Joe. I’m not going anywhere,” you told him. 
“I love you more. And good, I think if you did I wouldn’t know how to function,” he says as he pulls you off the barstool and closer to him, slowly pressing his lips against yours. His lips tasted like your cherry lip gloss and beer, a familiar mix that you would often call ‘drunk in love’. He told you during your first kiss that the cherry lipgloss you had on tasted like love, and the beer was already intoxicating itself. A mix of both felt like you were well, drunk in love.
You were caught up in a heated moment in the dimly lit corner of the bar, not caring who saw you or who cared what you were doing. Your tongues tangled in your mouth as his hand navigated to your waist, holding you tightly. He lightly bit your bottom lip, causing you to moan into the kiss. His hands continued to wander around your hips, slowly moving down to your ass. He gives it a few squeezes, pushing you deeper into him. You pulled away from his lips and said, “Do you wanna get out of here? I’m all for being a little more open, but I think we should finish this one away from public view,” you wink. 
He playfully shakes his head and lets out a laugh, “Deal,”. 
He grabs your hand tightly and leads you through the bar, giving it a few squeezes as you make your way outside. 
“We didn’t tell anyone that we were leaving,” you said as he led you down the street to the Car. 
“We’ll be fine,” he reassures you as he opens the car door for you.
He gets you situated before going around and getting inside the driver’s seat. You couldn’t wait to get home and finish what started in the bar. Once he got on the highway his hand navigated to your upper thigh, rubbing it up and down, softly caressing your exposed skin. You were already on edge from your heated makeout before and his hand being this close to where you needed him most was driving you insane. 
“Did I mention that you looked absolutely sexy tonight? This white dress is really making me feel things,” Joe says. 
“You’re such a tease,” you giggle. 
“Hm?” He questioned, acting oblivious. 
“You know what you’re doing, Burrow. Got me all flustered from earlier and now this,” you say as you pat his hand that’s on your thigh. 
“How did I get you flustered?”.
You sit up in your seat and say, “Well for starters, you looked like walking sex tonight, even if it’s a laid-back fit kinda day. Something about you in all black makes me insanely horny. Secondly, your talking about me caught me off guard but my stomach was fluttering the entire time. And then that makeout earlier at the arena and in the bar? Yeah, I’m this close to literally passing out,”. You fall back into your seat for dramatic effect as Joe playfully rolls his eyes. 
“Well then, maybe I should do something about it,” he says while looking over at you for a second.
“What are you proposing?”. 
“Just lay back and relax,” he says. So you do as he says, knowing exactly where this would lead, especially because it wasn’t the first time.
His hand moves to part your legs, and then slowly moves higher up your thigh until his fingers are teasing the edge of your panties. He moved them to the side as you let out a quiet whimper because of the newly exposed skin meeting the cool air of the car. His fingers parted your folds, finding your wetness and sliding easily inside you. The feeling was intense, the rhythm slow and gentle as he explored the depths of your desire. You arched your back, pressing your body closer to his hand, needing more of his touch.
“Joe, Fuck,” you moaned as you felt pleasure overcome you. 
His fingers moved in and out of you, a familiar sensation building with each stroke. Heat and pure ecstasy were coursing through your body, your breath coming in short gasps as you reached the edge of pleasure. Joe’s thumb found your clit, circling the sensitive bud and sending you fully over the edge.
“Ohhh,” you moaned as you threw your head back into the headrest. 
You spent a few minutes catching your breath and he slid his fingers out of your core and up to his mouth, cleaning up the mess on his hand. “Sweet,” was all he said, flashing you a smile. 
You laugh and say, “Can’t wait to get home, It’s your turn,”. 
He looked over at you, pure lust in his eyes as he gripped the wheel strongly and pushed on the gas pedal a little harder. Once you got home, Joe parked in the garage and quickly pulled you out of the car, eagerly leading you through the halls of your home, not even giving you a moment to take your shoes off. 
“Joe, slow down,” you giggle, slightly holding him back so he stops. 
He turns around and stares into your eyes for a few seconds, then eyeing you up and down, before tossing you over his shoulders and leading you up the stairs. “Boy, someone is excited,” you laugh. He leads you into your bedroom and gently tosses you down against the silk sheets of your bed before slipping your heels off. He then kneels in between your thighs and captures your lips in a messy kiss. 
You slide your hands into his messy curls and pull him closer, if that was even humanly possible, as he starts to fiddle with the straps of your dress. A few minutes later, both your clothes are now on the floor and you are back to making out, ignoring the fact that his boner was poking your thigh. You would never get enough of his lips, so soft and plump, very easy to get lost in. He pulls away and presses a few sloppy kisses around your neck before moving down your body. 
You stop him before he goes further, “Wait. I told you that it was your turn next,”. 
“You don’t have to, Y/N,” he smiles. 
“Mmmm, too bad,” you say as you move out from under him, allowing him to lie back against the headboard. Once he gets settled, you straddle his hips and press a few kisses around his face, then kiss your way down his perfectly sculpted body. You reach his hard-on and wrap your hand around it, giving it a few pumps as pre-cum was beading at the tip. 
You looked up at him, making intense eye contact, as you wrapped your soft lips around the tip of his cock, feeling him twitch in pleasure. You start to move your head back and forth, going deeper each time as sounds of pleasure escape Joe’s lips. 
“Shit, you feel so good,”. 
You continued to bob your head up and down his shaft until you felt him getting closer. Your hands gripped his thighs as you took him deeper and deeper, nearly choking up. His breathing became more erratic as you sucked him harder and faster. He slid his hands into your hair as started to buck his hips into your mouth, a sure sign he was about to cum. 
“Fuckk,” he moaned as you felt hot spurts of his cum filling your mouth, making sure to swallow every drop. You slowly release him from your mouth and look up at him with nothing but love and adoration. 
“You’re perfect,” you whisper, wiping the spit and salvia off of your mouth.
“And you’re amazing,” he says as he pulls you back on top of him. You let out a soft laugh before kissing the tip of his perfectly sculpted nose. “You still up for a little more?” you ask him.
A huge grin appears on his face, “Always,” he whispers as he moves closer, once again kissing you passionately. You break away to put each of your legs around him and he grabs your waist while moving down to lie back against the bed all the way. You leaned down to press a final kiss on his lips before lining up his cock with your slick entrance. You slide down his length, soft moans leaving both your lips as the feeling of fullness feels like you’re coming home. 
You begin to move your hips in a slow, sensual rhythm. Your hands rested on his chest and your fresh manicure left a few marks as you dug your fingers into his tan skin. 
“Fuck,” he moaned. “You feel so fucking good,”. His hands moved up and gripped your waist, helping you move back and forth to ease the soreness that you were definitely feeling by this point. 
“Yeah,” you moaned.
“Faster Baby,” he whispered. You nodded and picked up the pace, riding him faster and harder. You could feel the tension building in his body, his muscles tensing beneath you as you moved with a steady, relentless pace. Joe started to buck his hips into your slick lower half, making you throw your head back in pleasure. Your breathy moans and sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room. 
“Shit,” you moaned as he continued to pound into you. 
“You’re doing so good,” he whispered. You looked back down at him and smiled, he never missed a chance to praise you. He looked absolutely fucked out; his lips were red and swollen from the many kisses you shared, his hair askew, and a content grin on his face. The next few minutes passed by blissfully as you continued to ride him into oblivion. You leaned down, pressing your breasts against his chest, and started to bounce back onto his cock while moaning sweet nothings into his ear. His hands wrap around your back, pushing you closer and closer to his warm body. 
“Fuck, I’m so close,” he moaned. 
You whimpered in response as heat was building in your belly. He picked up his pace and continued to pound into your core as he felt your walls start to tighten around him. The pleasure became too much for you, so you bite down on his shoulder to muffle your screams. 
“I’m cumming, Fuck,” he moaned. You felt his hands around your waist again, tightly gripping your plush skin, as you felt him shoot his load into your core. 
“Y/N,” he groaned.
You lifted your head out of his shoulder and pulled him in for a sloppy and needy kiss to stifle his moans. You were once again lost in his lips so you didn’t even realize it but he somehow managed to flip you over so now you were laying back against the bed. He moved one of your legs around his waist and ruthlessly thrusted into your core to help you find your pleasure. Your whole body shaking as he pushed you deeper and deeper into the bed which each thrust.
“Come on Baby,” he groaned. You were so fucked out and the alcohol from earlier was finally in full effect so you had zero thoughts in your head. You just felt your boyfriend pounding into your core and the pleasure building inside your sore body. 
“Mmph, Joe,” you whined as you felt the increasing wetness between you both. Breathy moans escaped your lips as you finally felt the rubber band in your belly snap, causing waves of intense and deep pleasure to wash over you.
“Fuckkk,” you whimpered. Joe gently collapsed on top of you, making sure he didn’t crush you with his weight. He pressed a few kisses on your neck as you remained in your high.
“Joeee, Fuck, you’re so good. It’s so good,” you moaned as your orgasm came over you. You spent a few minutes coming down from your intense high and held Joe close against your body. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear, telling you repeatedly how much he loved you like it was a sacred prayer. 
You felt him press a kiss on your cheek before slowly sliding out of you, causing you to shrudder at the loss of contact. He went into the bathroom to grab a towel to clean you up before getting in bed; your body was too sore and tired to get up to wash off the sweat and cum.
“Thank you,” you said as he turned off the lights and got into bed next to you. 
“No need to thank me, Y/N,” he chuckled.
“God damn, that was a workout,” you laughed as you turned over to face him. 
“My favorite workout,” he smiled as he pulled you into his side. You rest your head on his bare chest as he plays with your messy hair for a few moments. 
You looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but love and warmth. “I love you, Joe,”.
He moved his hand down to your face, cupping the side and caressing the soft skin of your cheek. “I love you so much, baby. I’m glad I get to show the world how much you mean to me. It’s you and me, forever,” he says before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss on your lips. 
“Always and forever,” you whisper against his lips. You moved back down to his chest and snuggled closer to him. You look back up for a second and see Joe falling asleep, a smile still present on his face. He was happy, you were happy. Everything was perfect. 
—The End—
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aliidarling · 6 months
idk what i’m even doing with these spotify songs but alrighty
the less i know the better ♡
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part 2
nsfw content — please scroll if uncomfortable
summary: you’re a savior taken hostage by rick and daryl and they decide to make u their little slut (i literally dream abt this)
tags: nsfw obvi, mean daryl and rick, age gap, threesome, fingering, degradation, praise, humiliation.. kinda dubcon, no actual p in v
nsfw content below !!
You had been fading in and out of consciousness for the last hour, your head aching from the blunt blow to your skull and your throat burning. You didn’t even know what happened or who did, all you remembered was being out on a patrol for Negan and suddenly getting smacked in the back of your head.
Ever since then, you’ve woken up maybe three times, each time a different place, but the same two people.
A curled haired man with a southern accent that always echoed in your ears, the ringing making you hiss. The other was a dark haired man who’s hair almost covered his face, with a low raspy voice you could barely hear because of the high pitched annoyance.
First time you woke up in the back of a car, hands tied behind you with some song playing on the radio. They were chatting casually, the southern man driving and glancing at the other one in the passenger seat. They both seemed laidback, as if they didn’t have a whole girl in their backseat tied up and gagged.
You managers to make a drowsy little noise from behind your gag before you passed out again, the southern man glancing at you in the rear view the last thing you remember seeing before everything went black.
You woke up again maybe another hour later, your body all sore. You were so confused. Who were these people and what did they want with you?
This time you were being carried, by the quiet one. He stared down at you as you stirred in his arms. He was carrying you bridal style in a town— what in the world? What were you doing in Alexandria? Negan was so gonna kill your ass for this.
The rumbling of your tummy broke the silence as he scoffed lowly, walking in the direction of houses.
“Yer’ hungry? Don’t worry, I’ll get ya sum’ food.” He snorts, before going silent again. You eventually passed out again. Damn, how hard did he hit you?
The final time you awoke was on a worn down mattress in a dark room, your eyes opening slowly. This time you didn’t feel the gag, your shoulders relaxing just slightly.
“H-Hello?” You choked out, looking around the room with a confused expression. Your feet were still tied together at the ankles, so you really couldn’t go anywhere if you wanted to, but the disappearance of the gag and rope around your wrists calmed you. Slightly.
You looked down in front of you and spotted a plate with some sandwich and an apple. Your eyes brightened. Surely they couldn’t be too bad if they fed you! Immediately, you dived down and began nibbling on the apple and gulping down bites of the sandwich. Turkey, you recognized. One of your favorites.
In the middle of your eating session the door creaked open, making you flinch and remember where exactly you were— the yummy sandwich had distracted you. You stiffened and sat up, tucking your knees into your chest and holding the half-eaten apple to your chest, ready to throw it if needed.
One of the men from earlier walked in, making you stiffen even more and try to lean back against the wall. You blinked up at him, scanning him closely. He was tall, older then you by a good decade, with short curly hair and dirty clothes covered in dirt and blood stains. Creepy.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You said immediately, tightening your hold on your apple.
He only scoffed, his dark eyes gazing at you with an amused look.
“Gonna throw that apple at me if I do something you don’t like?” He shakes his head and walks up to you, making you flinch at his sudden close proximity. He kneels down to your height, scanning you with his eyes intensely.
“So what if I am?” You say back with attitude, making him snicker and shake his head in amusement. You felt so judged under his gaze. It was dark and intimidating.
“You’re with Negan, am I correct?” He asks.
You press your lips together as you give him a nod. He shamelessly eyes you, his pupils gazing down at you like you were nothing but prey.
“You’re cute for a savior, might keep you.” He says bluntly. Your body stiffens as you squirm in your restraints, your hand tightening your hold around the apple.
“I’m not some slut, you psycho!” You gasp, attempting to throw the apple at him. He growls and grabs the apple from you, his other hand going to your shoulder to push you down onto the floor. He quickly straddles you, holding you down as you attempted every little thing to overpower him.
Poor thing, he thought, trying so hard. You have no way out of this.
“Quit, fuckin, fighting—“ He growls, his hands slamming you back onto the floor as you managed to sit up slightly. Every harsh shove he gave you knocked the air out of you, he was stronger then you thought.
Realization slowly dawned on you that you really couldn’t fight this, and he was destined to win this fight no matter what you did.
Right as you were about to give up— the door slammed open, revealing the other man from earlier. The one with the black hair that covered some of his face, wearing a sleeveless vest with dark cargo pants. He was an archer, you noticed by the weapon on his back. You stiffened as he stood there momentarily in shock at the sight of you and the southern man all tangled up on the floor.
“The hell’s goin’ on?” He drawled, his accent a lazy southern with a raspy tone. His voice sent a shiver down your spine. The man on top of you rolled his eyes and crawled off you, but not before giving you one last shove into the ground and a look that you could tell meant ‘Don’t move’.
“Stupid chick was fighting back.” He grumbles, standing up and walking towards him. They both whisper aggressively in the corner, giving you dirty looks every other sentence. You laid awkwardly on the floor, too scared to move.
“I thought we agreed to break her first?”
“Yeah— but look at her!”
They both slowly turned to look at you before turning back towards each other, continuing their hushed whispers.
“She’s cute, yeah, I understand what you meant now. She’s prettier when she’s conscious, I guess.” The dark haired man grumbles, crossing his arms.
The mean one looks back at you and sighs, scratching his temple. He stares for a moment before walking towards you, making you flinch once again.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. Only if you misbehave, I will.” He says lowly, kneeling down to your height once again.
“I’m Rick, and that guy back there,” He points to the Archer walking towards the both of you, “Is Daryl. He’s a little quiet.”
Rick stares at you with a blank expression, trying to read yours.
You sat there silently for a moment, watching as Rick sat infront of you, kneeling over you, while Daryl walked behind you. You could feel Daryl’s breath on the back of your neck as he kneeled down behind you. If the two of them got any closer you’d be sandwiched, you realized with a small exhale.
You hesitantly told them your name, making Rick smirk. “Cute,” He hums, his finger coming up to gently tuck one of your loose strands behind your ear. His touch made you shiver. Fear? Attraction? You couldn’t tell.
“Fuck off.” You grumble shakily, squirming once again. Daryl behind you places his hands on your forearms, holding you in place with a small chuckle. You shiver, on the verge of trembling as the two large men trap you inbetween their bodies.
“We don’t wanna hurt ya, sweetie. You’re a cute little thing, it’d be a shame to see your cute face all bruised up.” Rick says with a mockingly sweet smile, leaning closer until one of his thighs brushed against yours, his body towering over you even when he was kneeling.
A soft kiss is planted onto your neck from behind, making you flinch in shock and turn to look at Daryl— only for Rick to grab your chin and force you to maintain eye contact.
Your lips quiver as you felt the man behind you pamper your neck in soft little kisses and rubs.
“S-Stop, ah, what are you guys doing?” You hissed lowly, trying not to give into the gentle touch of the large man behind you. You hated them both, but Daryl was probably higher on your list inbetween them two. He was more gentle and quiet, and was also the one currently kissing your neck.
Rick takes ahold of your ankles and straightens your legs infront of you so your back is leaning against Daryl’s chest, and your sitting on your butt on the floor.
“You think we can convince her to stay with us?” Rick smirks to Daryl, who hums an incoherent word into your neck. You shiver as Ricks large hands rub your thighs. He positions himself between your legs and gently parts them, on his knees and lowering his head until his breath brushed against the small midriff your top showed.
“What the hell are you—“
“Shush, and just enjoy.” Daryl interrupts you, shushing you as his hand wrap around you and start to tug your top up, bunching it over your bra. Your face goes red in embarrassment as you squirm, your hands attempting to weakly pull his fingers off your bra.
Rick gives one of your hands a little swat, clicking his tongue like you were a misbehaving child. It felt patronizing, being treated so small and childishly.
“I’ll kill you both..” You grumble, your hands slowly setting themselves on Daryl’s thighs which were seated on each side of you, your fingers rubbing in circles subconsciously.
“Mhm, sure you will. Can’t even pull away from our kisses and touches, how are you gonna get the courage to end us?” Daryl mocks, laughing softly into your ear. His hands start to slip under your bra, making you gasp quietly into the air.
Why weren’t you fighting back? These were two men you’ve barely seen before, their hands touching you everywhere. But it wasn’t your fault it felt so good, and the fact they were both very talented with their mouths and hands.
Oh well.
Rick hums and starts to tug at your pants, pulling them down until they were around your ankles, your boots not letting them slip off completely. He rolls his eyes and sighs.
“Annoying little brat,” He unzips your boots and pulls them off, before pulling your pants off fully. He smiles at the sight of you leaning back against Daryl with your shirt bunched up and your breasts being fondled, your legs spread infront of him.
“You wanna bet wether she’s wet or not?”
“Lil’ girls definitely soaked, and if I’m right yuh have to take over my patrol tomorrow.” Daryl hums.
Rick chuckles and scoops up your thighs and parts them some more, bending them at the knee to prop them up on each side of you.
He places his hand on top of your clothed cunt and starts rubbing, giggling as your panties quickly became soaked under the pressure of being pressed against your wet folds.
“Would you look at that,” He hums, his thumb rubbing over your clit gently, making you gasp. Your body squirms at the feeling, your hips shifting and your lips pressing together in hopes of muffling your noises.
“Looks like I have an extra shift tomorrow.” He pouts, rubbing more intensely now over your clit. Your breath hitched as you try to whimper out little protests, but all you could muster was moans and incoherent whines.
You didn’t have the energy to fight back. Their touch felt too good. Ricks hand on your pussy, Daryl massaging your breasts and pinching your nipples, you’re surprised you haven’t came in your panties yet.
“Rick.. Daryl..” You moan softly, leaning your head back against Daryl’s chest as his rough palms continue gliding over your breasts. A small hum leaves his mouth as he gently nuzzled his head into your neck, kissing and sucking gently. His fingers didn’t let up on his teasing, not stopping for even a second.
You barely had a chance to breathe with the double stimulation. Ricks hands were talented, rubbing eight figure onto your clit and succeeding in making you clench down on air.
“Please, please.” You let you a desperate little whine.
Rick snickers and shifts himself closer to you, more situated between your thighs, his face a couple of inches from yours now. His messy curls tickle your face as he leans down to apply more attention to your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Think she deserves to get her pussy open’d up?” Rick hums as he starts to pull your panties to the side, letting cold air brush against your sensitive cunt. You let out a shaky exhale at the feeling, feeling so wet and desperate for anything inside you.
The sight of Ricks bulge in his pants had you yearning for more, especially with the second bulge pressing against your lower back.
“She’s been a good girl so far, yeh.”
The southern man nods and looks at you with a grin. “How many fingers can you take?”
You blink slowly, not even sure how to answer that. You slowly looked down at his fingers, eyes narrowing. His fingers were thick, making you clench down on air.
“U-Uh, two? Three?” You say hesitantly. The question itself was embarrassing, how were you supposed to answer that?!
He hums in response, bringing his fingers closer and starting to slowly slide them inside you. He didn’t stop until they were fully inside, two of his thick fingers making you feel out of breath already.
”Deep breaths, sweetheart.” Daryl coo’s, giving your nipple a little tug.
“That hurts.” You pout as he gives another pinch and tug, making the two men chuckle.
Your pouting was replaced by a soft moan as Ricks fingers started thrusting in and out, as well as doing a scissoring motion that had your lips forming an ‘O’ shape.
His fingers were thrusting deeply, not giving you as break as they kept moving in and out of your wet pussy, dirty squelching noises filling the air as well as the smell of sex.
“That’s feels really good, please— wanna cum.” You gasped out, curling back into Daryl’s chest, craving both their touches on your body.
“Should we let her?” Rick tilts his head, delivering an extra sharp thrust that had you clenching down and crying out his name in a tone that his both their cocks stirring.
“She’s been’ pretty good, hasn’t she?” Daryl coo’s. His hands start to fondle your breasts more aggressively, one of his hands sliding down to focus on your clit as Rick keeps fingering you open.
You let out a happy sigh as Rick speeds up, his hand tightening it’s hold on your thigh that was holding you open. Daryl’s rubbing on your clit had you seeing starts, eyes rolling back and lips falling apart.
“Oh, please, yes— right there—!” You let out a soft gasp as a third finger joins your pussy, the small stretch sending you over the edge. You tighten down, a loud whine leaving you as you go slump and cum all over his thick fingers, your hands going to shakily grasp onto Daryl behind you.
You would’ve collapsed onto the floor if Daryl wasn’t holding you from behind, his large hand still gently rubbing your clit to let you ride through your high and get as much as a release as possible.
More cum came out, but after a moment you were laying back against him, your shaky legs in Ricks lap now being massaged tenderly. Their touch on you was delicate, almost as if they were afraid to hurt you. But you knew better, they were just waiting for the moment you are vulnerable and needy to use your body.
“Mmmmmh.” Your noises were muffled and incoherent as they both started to help you up, Rick helping you slide your clothes back on while Daryl gently kissed you and patted your messy hair. They were both gentle with their touches even after fingering the shit out of you.
“How you feel, sweetheart?” Rick whispers, straightening up and pulling you in by the waist, stealing your from Daryl. Daryl roll his eyes and huffs, watching from a distance as Rick slides his hands all over your body.
“Like I just got kidnapped and then fingered by two men.” You grumble, hesitantly curling into his chest. They had grown on you in the last ten minutes. Who knew having two large men put their hands inside you and fondle your breasts would have you warming up to their presence.
“..Good, cuz that’s what just happened to ya’.” Daryl retorts from behind you, giving your butt an extra squeeze. You flinch.
Rick interrupts you with a kiss, not wanting a moment away from his pretty sluts body. His hand go back to wandering and find their way back into your breasts.
“Give her a break, moron.” Daryl’s huffs, tugging you back towards him. They were both literally fighting over you.
Rick rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically, his hands on his hips as he leans forward.
“Whatever,” He mutters before tapping your chin, alerting you. He maintains strong eye contact as he gives you a stern look, scowling.
“You’re staying with us, you hear me? You try to escape and we’ll tie you down in some shitty basement, you’re lucky you’re getting princess treatment from us.”
You shrink at his words, not knowing what to say in return. They had pretty much forced you into submission and were now.. kidnapping you?
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” You sigh, curling away from his touch with a pout. He scoffs and pulls you back in, snickering at your defeated time as he ruffles your hair, as if you were a kid.
“Good girl.” With a simple kiss to your forehead, he’s gone and you’re left alone in the dark room with Daryl behind you.
“Let’s get you tucked in.” He hums, turning you around so he can also give you a sweet kiss. The princess and rough treatment they both gave you was confusing. One second they were degrading and being bullies, the next, sweet forehead kisses and snuggles.
“Okay.” You say lamely.
Looks like this was your new home for the time being, being a little toy for these two men. I mean— at least they were considerate.
lmk if u guys want part 2 where they break us in and like ACTUALLY fuck us :P
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lvnleah · 6 days
014. | meeting awfc
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word count: 2k
find the masterlist here! :)
April 19th 2024 | 3 weeks old.
It had been three weeks since you’d given birth to Finley and those three weeks had flown by. They’d been three weeks of complete bliss despite the sleep deprivation and the countless diaper changes. Every time you looked at Finley, snuggled in your arms or peacefully asleep in the crib or on Leah’s chest, the exhaustion seemed to melt away. 
You admired every tiny feature, the soft curls of hair, the tiny fingers that wrapped around yours, and the way Finley's eyes would flicker open and gaze up at you and Leah. 
The house was now filled with the sounds of coos, cries, and a lot of mess. There were moments of panic when you weren't sure if you were doing everything right, especially during the night, but Leah was always there to reassure you things were just fine.  
“Do you think he’s still hungry?” You asked Leah as she burped him, “What if I’m not feeding him enough? What if he’s not getting enough from my breastmilk?”
Leah shook her head and laughed at your panicked state, “Pretty girl, he’s fine. He doesn’t want any more right now. Look at him, he's content." She gently patted Finley's back, bringing out a small burp that made you both laugh. "See? Just needed a good burp."
Nights were the hardest. The cycle of feeding, burping, and soothing seemed endless. Most nights, Finley just wanted to be held so that what you and Leah found yourselves doing. You’d take it in turns so each of you got a little bit of sleep but he loved sleeping on Leah’s chest the most. 
In those three weeks, your world had changed entirely. Despite the sleepless nights and the constant worry, you wouldn't trade a second of it. Leah’s family were your biggest supporters and were there anytime instantly when you needed them.  
You and Leah were slowly getting a routine together but each day was different. Today, however, was special and definitely different. It was Leah's first training session back with Arsenal since Finley's birth, and you were both excited and nervous.
Leah had been eagerly waiting for this day, and you decided to bring Finley along so the team could meet him.
“Do you have everything?” Leah asked. She was in her training gear, waiting by the door as she carried Finley in his car seat. 
“Diapers, wipes, bottles, extra clothes... I think we’re set,” you replied before crouching and adjusting Finley’s blanket as he squirmed slightly in his car seat. “He’s all bundled up and ready for his big debut.”
Leah smiled, “Let’s go then. The girls can’t wait to meet him.”
You’d both been a bit strict these past few weeks with who had met Finley, Leah being a bit more stricter. You’d kept the circle of people close, for the first two weeks it was just Leah’s parents and Jacob and then it eventually ventured out to her Grandma and a couple of her cousins.
In total he’d really only met around ten people so today was going to be a big day. You both felt ready and prepared for the girls to meet him. Two of Leah’s best friends, Keira and Georgia, were still yet to meet him but both of them were planning a trip over on a weekend they had off. 
You were a mix of excitement and nerves as you arrived at the training ground, Finley snug in his car seat. Leah carried the seat while you held the diaper bag, the two of you a perfect picture of new anxious parents. The clock had just struck ten, meaning Finley was due to wake up soon and that you’d have a solid hour before he would need to feed. 
As soon as you entered the reception area, Beth spotted you. Her face lit up with excitement as she rushed over.
“Y/N!” She smiled, engulfing you in a hug, “How are you?
You giggled at her excitement. “Tired but doing good!”
“Oh my goodness, look at him!” she exclaimed, crouching down to get a better look at Finley. “Can I hold him?”
Leah nodded, “Of course you can, he’s just woken up,” she smiled before crouching down to unstrap him. She kissed his temple, gently tapping his back as he stirred against her chest. 
“He’s so tiny!” Beth cooed, as Leah placed Finley in her arms, “Hi little guy! I’m your auntie Beffy,” she leaned closer before whispering, “I’ll be the one that gives you all the sweets then sends you home crazy with your mama’s!”
Viv stood a few feet away, looking at Finley with a mix of awe and nerves. “He’s so small,” she said, not daring to come closer. “I’m afraid I might break him.”
Beth laughed, “You won’t, Vivi, you’re an awkward tattie!”
Viv leaned in for a closer look but still kept her hands to herself, clearly nervous. A few seconds later Lia walked through the door, gasping when she saw Finley. 
“How are you both?” She asked you as she hugged Leah before moving onto you. 
Leah smiled tiredly, “We’re good, tired, but good because it’s all worth it.”
"Look at this little one!" Lia exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration. She approached Beth slowly, her hands reaching out and rubbing Finley’s fingers. "Can I?”
Leah nodded, her smile reassuring. "Of course. He's awake and in a good mood."
Lia carefully took Finley from Beth, her touch gentle. "Oh, he's just perfect. Hi there, little one," she cooed softly, rocking him gently in her arms. 
Next, Leah led you both to the changing room to set her stuff down. As soon as you walked in, Katie, Lotte, and Alessia stopped what they were doing, eager to meet the newest member of the family.
“Let me have a cuddle!” Katie insisted, gently taking Finley from Leah’s arms. She rocked him back and forth, her expression softening. “He’s gorgeous, you’ve got your Ma’s frown haven’t ya?”
“Oi!” Leah joked, her frown ironically on her face, “It’s just because he’s not able to smile yet.”
Katie rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, let’s see in about a year. He’ll still be doing it!”
Lotte was next to hold him, “Hi there, little guy,” she whispered, her spare hand playing with Finley’s tiny fingers. “You’re gonna be the coolest little gooner, aren’t you?”
Finally, Alessia had her turn, her touch gentle and careful. “Hi Finn,” she said softly, a grin spreading across her face. “You’re so adorable! Ella’s going to be so jealous I got to meet you before she did.”
After everyone had their cuddle, you moved on to the canteen. There, Kim, Victoria and Laura were sitting around a table. 
“Look who’s here!” Kim exclaimed, walking over to greet you. She was quick to engulf you in a hug. 
“How’re you doing?” She asked you, “Getting enough sleep? Recovering okay?”
You laughed at her motherly instincts, “I’m doing good. Yes and yes, I’m getting enough sleep with Leah’s help and recovery is going well. I’m lucky.”
“Do you want to hold him?” You asked, looking down at Finley who was awake in your arms. 
“I’d love to.” She smiled before she took Finley in her arms, her face lighting up. “He’s beautiful. Congratulations.”
Laura and Victoria took turns holding him, both excited. “He’s going to be a little heartbreaker,” Kim said, making everyone laugh.
Finally, you headed to the gym. There, Steph, Kyra and Caitlin were in the middle of a workout. As soon as they saw you, they stopped what they were doing and came around.
“Hey, look at this little cutie!” Steph said, as she approached you. 
“Oh he’s adorable!” Caitlin added, appearing at Steph’s side. 
Kyra grinned, “Aww, he’s so tiny. Can I hold him?”
You nodded, gently passing Finley over to her. “Sure, just make sure you support his head.”
“Be careful you don't drop him," Caitlin said, “He’s only tiny.”
Kyra took him carefully, cradling him in her arms with a gentle touch. “Hey there, buddy. Welcome to the team!” she cooed. “You know, you’re probably the first baby I’ve ever held without trying to get them to kick a football. I won’t try it because your Mumma kinda scares me…”
As Kyra rocked Finley gently, she added with a mischievous smile, “I’m just saying, if he’s anything like me, he’ll be scoring a few goals by the time he’s six.”
Steph rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, "Yeah right,"
Leah raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And how exactly do you plan to teach him that? What if he’s a defender.”
Kyra grinned. “Well, I could always give him a head start. Maybe I’ll teach him how to dribble before he can even walk.”
Everyone laughed, but Kyra wasn’t done. “Or, you know, we could use him as a new training technique. If he starts crying, that’s when you know the defence is slacking!”
Leah shook her head, laughing. “You’re ridiculous, Kyra. But I guess if Finley can handle your training methods, he’ll be just fine.”
Caitlin chuckled, "I wouldn't just trust her alone with him any time soon."
You nodded, “Definitely not.”
Kyra gasped as she handed Finley to Steph, “Oh my god! Can I hold him in that baby wrap thing or take him for a walk?!”
Leah chuckled, “Maybe when he’s a bit bigger,” she smiled, “He’s fussy in the carrier, he just wants to be held all the time.”
Eventually, Beth and Viv came back into the gym and Beth sneaked another cuddled. Viv, still feeling a bit hesitant, watched as Beth confidently held Finley and cooed over him.
Beth, holding Finley close, glanced at Viv with a grin. “Come on, Viv. He’s not made of glass. You can’t break him.”
Viv laughed nervously, her hands trembling slightly. “Okay, okay, I’ll give it a try.”
Viv slowly reached out and took Finley from Beth’s arms. Her eyes softened as she gently cradled him. “Oh, look at you, klein,” she whispered, her voice filled with awe. Finley blinked up at her, his tiny hand opening to clutch her finger. 
Viv settled into a more comfortable hold. “I think he’s fallen asleep,” she said softly, noticing Finley’s eyelids fluttering shut. “He’s so peaceful.”
Beth chuckled from beside her. “See? I told you he’s not going to break. He’s just a sleepy little guy.”
Viv, her nerves eased, smiled at Beth. “He’s cute.”
“Y’know a baby suits you two.” Leah nodded, laughing at them as they doted over Finley.”
Beth shook her head, “I think we’ll just stick to Myle for now, neither of us are ready to be parents!”
After a while, Finley began to stir, his tiny face scrunching up as he let out a soft cry. Viv was quick to hand him back to you. You and Leah exchanged a knowing look.
“Time for a feed,” you giggled, gently taking Finley from Viv’s arms.
Leah led the way to a quieter room nearby, you settled into a comfortable chair. Finley was quick to start feeding, your hand rubbed over his tiny bit of blonde hair. Leah sat beside you, your spare hand in hers. 
“You’re doing great, you know,” Leah whispered, placing a kiss on your temple. 
“So are you,” you replied. “Everyone loves Finley, start of the show.”
Leah smiled, watching Finley. “He’s already got a whole team of aunties who adore him. He’s going to be so spoiled.”
As Finley finished feeding and drifted back to sleep in your arms, Leah glanced at her watch. “I should get ready. Training starts in a bit.”
You nodded, standing up carefully to not wake Finley. “I’ll come watch, if he wakes up I’ll just take him for a walk.”
Leah grinned, kissing both you and Finley before heading off to join her teammates. You made your way back to the training grounds, finding a quiet spot to sit and watch the session. Finley stayed asleep in your arms, his tiny arms moving every now and then. 
The hours flew by, and before you knew it, the training session was over. Leah jogged over, slightly out of breath but beaming with pride. “How did we do?” she asked, leaning in to kiss you.
“You were amazing,” you replied, smiling up at her. “Finley’s your biggest fan.”
Leah laughed, taking a now awake Finley into her arms. “Well I wouldn’t have it be anyone else.”
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yan-lorkai · 2 months
Since I absolutely adored your fic on escaping Idia, could you by chance do something with a reader that broke up with him only to find out she was pregnant later? Honestly, I just want the drama of the reader raising this child alone and Idia finding out down that his ex had a kid.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I took this request and ran with it, I hope you like the drama! ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, mention of stalking and controlling tendencies, threats, poison mention, afab!reader but no pronouns used.
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"You robbed me from being her father." Idia didn't sound angry. But there was a bitter taste that lingered on his tongue when he looked at you, the love of his life from when he was just a teenager and your child, sleepy on his arms, same blue hair shining under the dim lights. "I may not like it, but I understand why you did it. I'm so sorry that you didn't feel like you could tell me though."
In any other world, you could feel yourself melting at the scene that was so domestic, so sweet. But right now, when you are coming home, tired and hungry and seeing Idia sitting on your favorite armchair while he held your daughter so dearly and carefully in his arms? A shaky gasp left you, your heart starting to beat loudly in your chest as you watched each and every moviment he made, conscious of every chuckle, of his chest raised, of his eyes that lost their soft gaze and we're hardened now.
You still remember how he used to treat you when both of you were younger, he was like a spider weaving his web full of possessiveness, his words twisted to make you feel like he was the only one who could understand, love and treat you like you deserved.
You were dumb and innocent but dumb and innocent people don't survive for long out there. And when you realized that something was wrong, you had to do what you had to do in order to survive and escape him.
For seven long years you survived. But you felt as if a threat of death was looming over you for as long as you were stared by your ex-boyfriend - he didn't reacted well when you broke up with him. Like always, Idia threw a tantrum, begged and cried and screamed for you to stay, holding onto your legs pathetically. Though now he was older and got a more mature beauty to him, his eyes, so yellow, they were like diamonds watching you.
Your eyes followed the way his fingers moved and toyed with your daughter's hair, a tiny smile on her little lips as she got even comfier in his arms.
This was what you used to imagine when you lay in bed awake, thinking about the what ifs. What if you stayed? What if Idia was just a normal, good and plain guy that didn't scared you? Would he love his child? He did thought he was cursed, fated forever to always watch over the underworld gates, he told you himself. There were so many uncertainties, so much toxicity that you just ran away from your problems and him.
And now your past returned to bite you back.
"You should have told me. We could have done this together." Even he sounds unsure at that, a bit contemplative and thoughtful as he ponders what could have been of his life if he knew earlier about your pregnancy.
Toothy grin growing on his lips as he noticed your disgusted stare, so happy he could still make you feel something - anything was better than your hate, after all. The tick tock was the only sound echoing for a long moment before the growing anger bubbles up on your chest, not believing a single syllable that left his mouth.
"You got to be kidding!" You count on your fingers the number of creepy things he did, feeling your whole body shaking. Either from anger or fear, you can't tell. But it surely amuses Idia, who's smiling wider now. "Stalking me, watching me through the cameras, threatening my friends, you even tapped my phone and used to read my messages like they were a magazine, Idia! A kid wouldn't grown up to be healthy and normal around a freak like you."
You pointed in his direction, your finger jabbing at his face.
The illusion of a family had to end before it even begin. It was his fault that everything turned out to be this way and even with seven whole years passing by, Idia still wasn't able to see this. He was helpless, beyond help.
"That's a funny way to see things, Yuu-shi." He giggled softly, making you wince, the sound so unfamiliar now, while he rearranged the covers to wrap around your child tightly, not wanting her to wake up. Not right now, at least. "From the way I see, you hid my child existence from me. And honestly, I bet it was so hard and tiring, wasn't it? You worked two jobs to raise her, after all."
Your child let out a sleepy giggle, mumbling something on her sleep about her mom and dad finally being reunited. Idia looked back at you, smugness irradiating from him in waves.
"The nerve you got, I can't!" In an instant you were before him. Your whole body fighting to suppress fear and disgust, fighting against whatever was trying paralyze you. You had to take your daughter. You had to take her from him. You had to protect her.
He hummed a little, taking your hand on his. His grip was gentle, reverent even but strong enough to let you know he could overpower you whenever he wanted. He was looking at you through his eyelashes.
And you didn't like how he was looking at you. Like you were a collectible that he wanted to bury on his closet, to hide to never be seen again. Like he knew something you don't.
Exactly how he used to look at you in the past.
"You don't deserve to hold her, you don't even deserve to be near her." You told him petulantly. She was nothing like him. She was kinder and radiant, a good girl. She wasn't a calculating monster like her father.
You took her in your arms and he let you do it, crossing one leg over the other as he threw his head back and laughed.
"You tell me that she wouldn't like me but did you know that she was happy to know who I was? Did you know that she confided in me that you were working so hard that she missed you greatly but didn't want to annoy you?" You rolled your eyes at his attempt at lying, unable to believe anything he said.
There were no signs nor change on your daughter's behavior that indicates that any of this was true. At least, that you think so. You knew her better than he did.
You glanced at him, his eyes still smug but there was a pleading glimmer inside them that almost begged you to believe him this time. Raising a child was difficult, even more when you were raising one alone and had to be there for them 24/07, available emotionally and physically for whatever your daughter needed.
Looking at her soft, round face, you felt a pang of guilty. Idia was telling the truth or he was just messing with your head again?
He's lying, you screamed in your head. Of course he is lying. Lying is far easier than admitting that he was downright toxic.
The memories of his lies and half-truths were still fresh in your mind even after all those years, making it difficult to discern the reality now. You had trouble trusting people even to these days because of him. But his words struck a chord inside of you.
What if it was true? Your little one was a little more skittish and silent around you the past few days. You didn't want to believe this possibility. You couldn't. You worked hard to always be there in every moment, to not let her realize how it was to not have a parent around.
Had you failed?
"Why should I believe you now?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "You did nothing but hurt me when we were together. I don't trust and I don't like how you are all cozy on my armchair, in fact, you are not welcomed here at all.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He obviously didn't want to talk about the past, it's not like he didn't know but in his twisted mind everything he had done to you was justified. Idia always do something with a purpose on mind.
"I know I've messed up before, more times than I can count. But this... this is different."
He gestured to your child, looking at her with a soft, fond gaze. You though didn't believed a second that he had a sudden change of heart just because of your child.
"It's true I didn't wanted a child because of my cursed blood and the fate that would await them. But when I hold her like this, nothing else seems to matter."
You scoffed at this, despising how sincere his voice was. "If you're telling the truth, why didn't she told me herself?"
"She was afraid, I guess. Afraid that you wouldn't understand or she didn't want to add to your stress. She thought she was doing the right thing." He exhaled slowly, the emotional turmoil inside him boiling over. Yet he forced himself to remain calm, to watch each and every step you make, every breathe you take.
Like a spider weaving its web.
His words hung in the air and you looked away, trying to sort through the conflicting emotions that surged within you. Trust had been broken before, boudaries ignored, there was no mending this. There was no salvaging the past, no matter how much he looked like a kicked puppy.
You held your daughter tighter. "Well, that was enlightening but I think you should go. Now."
Idia's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flickering within them as he stood up and lazily stretched. "You're still trying to push me away?" He asked, voice low and cold. "I won't stop you, of course, I get that you're still afraid and all but are you sure you want me to leave? I walked right into your house. Didn't you even wondered how I entered? Or where the nanny you hired went? Or why our daughter didn't woke up yet?"
Desperation crept into your voice, a sudden realisition that perhaps he would do something foolish such as harming his own flesh and blood. "Idia, what... What do you mean by all that?"
He tilted his head slightly. hiding the curve of a smile with his hand, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. You could only wonder what kind of things he was thinking and you didn't like it not knowing what to expect. You stared at him, heart beating loudly as held your daughter closer to your chest.
He laughed, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. "You're scared," It wasn't a question but an observation. His smile got bigger. "Good, you should be. You think you have a choice in this? Your daughter… she's already been exposed to a little something I concocted. A slow-acting poison."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at your daughter, now noticing that she was starting to tremble. "How could you do this?" You whispered, voice choked with emotion.
"Because I love you," Idia said, voice low and intense. Taking a step closer, he was staring you face to face now, warm breath over you. "And I won't let you go. Not now, not ever. We're meant to be together and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens."
Your heart pounded in your chest, panic and anger swirling within you. "Give her the antidote, Idia. Please; I'II do anything."
"Not yet," He shook his head slowly, a twisted smile on his lips. His tone was almost gentle and soothing. "You'll come with me first. Once we're safe and together, then she'll get the antidote. But if you try anything... if you try to leave or call for help, well..."
He let the threat hang in the air, the implications clear. Like a wreacking ball he destroyed everything you've worked for all these years. You hated it. And you hated how powerless you were right here, right now.
You felt a wave of despair wash over you, the weight of the situation crushing you. Your daughter's life hanging in the balance and there was no choice but to comply.
"Alright," Vou whispered, voice breaking. You looked at him with hatred and something more you couldn't name, too worried with your daughter's health. "I'll come with you. Just... please don't hurt her."
Idia's smile widened, a flicker of triumph in his eyes. "That's more like it," he said, reaching out to gently touch your daughter's cheek. "We'll be a perfect family, just like I always wanted."
With your heart heavy and your daughter's safety foremost in your mind, you followed Idia, knowing that you were stepping into a nightmare again.
But you could always escape... Right?
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thecowinblack · 4 months
Burning Hearts pt 2
Moodboard Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Pairing: Eris x Reader, Earlier Azriel x reader
Summary: You arrive at the Autumn court and things are no longer what it used to be and without either your brother or Azriel in the way you and Eris start to catch feelings for each other.
Warnings ⚠️: A little agains, Mentions about sex, Alcohol, fluff, Mean!Azriel, mean!Rhysand, Swearing, mentions about cheating.
Word count: 1549
AN: Firstly I want to thank everyone who has supported me. I love you guys and I am ao thankful for everyone who's liked, followed or reshared. I'm sorry that it took such long time for me to finish this but I've had a lot going on. Hope you like the fic! Love/The cowinblack.
You arrived at the autumn court, feeling nauseous after the past events of the day. Azriel, the mate you’d loved ever since you met him so long ago, wasn't yours anymore. Looking up, Eris was already by your side, concern in his eyes.
“What happened, love?” He calmly asked.
“Azriel… Elain'' That was the only words that came out of your mouth, tears streaming down your face. But Eris didn't need anything else, he understood. You had told him about your concerns with Azriel and Elain earlier. Eris pulled you into a hug and you just stood there crying out for what felt like an eternity until the world became dark and you fell into a long dreamless sleep.
It had gone weeks since you got to the autumn court and you and Eris were closer than ever. Since Beron had been assassinated just months before there was a lot to fix here, laws to remove and things to change. You had helped Eris all you could, even if he said that you should rest and regain your strength. But you’d just laughed it off. Working distracted you and when Eris realized that he’d given you your own office and now you could sit all day working and helping people in need. 
Suddenly you heard a knock on the door and Eris walked in.
“Good afternoon sweetie, care for a stroll in the gardens? I’ve got dinner so we can have a picnic.” He told you. You hadn't really realized that it was already afternoon. Guess time goes faster when you have fun.
“Yeah, sure” Only now realizing how hungry you were.”I'm starving,” you added with a little giggle.
“Good you really should take more breaks from working, otherwise you're going to get wrinkles all over your beautiful face!” Eris joked and you shared a laugh. A laugh, that was the first time since Azriel cheated you’d actually laughed. Adoration shone from Eris' eyes, he really looked like you were his sun, the only thing that mattered to him. 
“Come on, I wanna eat before it gets dark!” You giggled, dragging him out in the fresh air. You and Eris walked around in the gardens for a bit before you got to your usual place, a beautiful orange tree beside a river. As you spread out the blanket Eris took out the stuff that was in his mystery basket. Strawberries, wine, pancakes and even more delicious things that made your mouth water. You sat and ate and talked for a while and when the time had reached midnight the two of you were drunk, like really drunk.
“You look really pretty tonight Y/N” He told you.
“ So do you, handsome.”
As his eyes met yours the both of you leaned forward and your lips met. The kiss wasn't gentle nor sweet, it was passionate, needy. As the kiss deepened something clicked. Maybe you and Azriel were wrong for each other. Because the passion you felt with Eris was something that you never had experienced earlier. 
Carefully Eris laid you down on the blanket.
“Is this okay with you love?” he asked nicely.
“Yes, Eris, yes.” You mumbled into his hair. And so you ended up making love in the fresh autumn air.
The next morning you were woken up by a gentle kiss pressed against your forehead.
“Good morning love, how are you feeling?” Eris asked. 
“Amazing, how do you feel?” You asked with a sleepy voice.
“Better than ever.” He said, now trailing kisses down your neck. “But we have to talk about us.” He continued.
“Of course, Eris I love you, a part of me always has, as you were the one who took care of me all those months ago when we got back from Under the mountain. You were there for me when no one else was, not even my mate. I totally understand if you don't have the same fee-” Eris cut you off with a kiss, a kiss so different from the one you shared before, this was so much more… Real. He wasn't leaving you.
“I love you Y/n, you're my world, I've loved you for so long, always thinking that you didn't see me in that way, we can take it slow if you want, but you’re the one I want by my side, forever.” Eris declared.
“Your little drama queen.” Was the only thing you could get out of your mouth, to shocked by the fact that Eris, the boy you’d had a crush on since you were so very young, was declaring his love before you.
“Well I'm your drama queen.” He laughed pulling you into another kiss.
Months past and you and Eris just grew closer. Your family had made several attempts to see you but you didn't feel ready. They had abandoned you when you needed them the most and you couldn't just forget that. Rhysands had said in a letter that everyone was missing me and that Cassian, Mor and Amren almost had killed Azriel for what he’d done. They were all sorry and just wanted me to come home.But the Night court wasn't your home anymore. Slowly you’d begun to love The Autumn Court and Eris and you had gotten married just days ago. Now you’re Autumn's high lady. It wasn't official. Just the court knew and you wanted to wait before declaring it, or at least make it dramatical. You and Eris had discussed when and where and then the perfect opportunity showed up:
 A High Lord (and lady) meeting was to be held at the Day Court, to discuss the restoration of Prythian. And you were going to be there, but for the first time you weren't going to stand by your brother's side, no you were going to have your own throne next to Eris. If you were going to see Rhys you were going to do it on your own accord. That was when you were going to reveal your title. And that meeting, that meeting was today. Right now you were packing and planning what to talk about, what to wear and how to act. You’d known Helion since you were a little kid and the two of you’d always gotten along. He was like you, hiding all his troubles with humor and you hoped that your friendship would help to stabilize an official, and well needed, alliance between the Day Court and the Autumn court.
“Love, are you ready? We have to get going now!” Eris said as he entered your room, greeting you with a kiss on your cheek.
“Yeah let me just get changed real quick!” You murmured to him.
���Do you need a hand?” He asked playfully. 
“No we don't have much time and I have a feeling that if you help me my dress is probably going off instead of on” You told him and quickly went into your ginormous wardrobe, an adorable chuckle following you. The dress you had chosen to wear was a piece of art. It was a clear beautiful red color which faded out into endless yellows and oranges. The bodice looked to be made of leaves in all of autumn's colors. It was in short just… Ethereal. You quickly got changed and right outside your room you saw the pleasant sight of your husband leaning against the doorframe. He was clad in a stunning tailored suit, a suit that matched your dress perfectly. In his hand he held the tiara version of the crown that covered the top of his head. He sweetly placed it on top of your head and then held out his arm for you to take. You laid your arm on his and a couple moments later you had arrived in Helions favored castle. 
Eris had winnowed the two of you to one of the many entrances where the two of you were greeted by a couple guards. They scienly led you into a ginormous, beautiful room with a glass roof painted in gorgeous golden patterns. Around a round marble table 8 chairs were placed. You quickly realized that the two of you were the first to arrive since the only people in the room, beside the two of you, were Helion and a couple guards. When he saw us he strode towards us with softness in his gaze. 
“Y/N! Long time no see. I heard what happened in the Night court and I became so worried that I wouldn't get to see you here!” He greeted you coming in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his broad figure as he lifted you up, spinning you in the air.
“Oh and hello to you too Eris, what a fine Lady you have gotten your hands on.” Helion said as he put you down.
Eris answered with a chuckle and then spoke. “Fine indeed. Helion could you be an angel and ask your guards to get another chair. We can't have Autumn's High Lady stand through the whole meeting!” He announced.
“High Lady? Well Y/N I guess congratulations are in order-” Helion abruptly stopped and you knew what just happened. You spun around quickly, Eris clinging to your arm, offering support, as you uttered the words “Hello big brother.”
@queerqueenlynn @se7enteen--black-blog @@mybestfriendmademe @cleverzonkwombatsludge
An: I've got loooots of ideas for the next part and I hope to see you then!
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wed-in-the-apocalypse · 10 months
Tara carpenter x reader
Drabble 2
2 months of dating Tara, it had to be the best 2 months of your life, but dating Tara also came with some difficulties, you see, it was hard not to tell absolutely everyone in the world about your beautiful, amazing, talented girlfriend: Tara Carpenter.
And this was one of those times.
You were hanging out with the core 4, along with Mindy's girlfriend and your best friend; Anika, and Ethan with Quinn.
You guys were walking in the city as usual, per Tara's request to explore the city, and of course you loved showing them around, but you weren't in the greatist mood, the problem was that Chad had been all over Tara the entire evening, you tried to keep your jealousness at bay, it wasn't his fault, afterall, your relationship with Tara was a secret, still you couldn't help but feel jealous at the sight of Chads arm slung over Tara's shoulder as he talked her ear off, but you tried not to look and kept going.
"Hey guys, Can we stop for some food?, I'm hungry" Ethan whined, "Sure, There's a pizza joint right here" Anika said, pointing at a small building, "There's alot of people in there.." Sam muttered, eyeing it wearily, "It's fine, I'll go in and grab some pizza," Quinn said from behind you, "Who has money?" "Oh, I do," You reached into your pocket and pulled out some 10 dollar bills, "Here" Quinn took it, "Thanks, Okay, What kinda pizza do you guys want?" "Mushrooms!" Chad exclaimed, "Pineapple is fine" Sam murmured, "Ugh, That's all so gross, Get some cheese pizza for me" Mindy made a disgusted look, (idk, mushrooms and pineapple on pizza is just gross to me) Quinn nodded and went inside.
You didn't have to wait to long before she came back with four boxes, "Thank god," Ethan whimpered, "Mmm, this is great" He said taking a huge bite out of his pizza slice, "Alright guys let's go back to the apartment" Sam called, so you all followed her back.
When you got back and Sam finally found the key you all burst in, Mindy crashing into the couch as a loud groan left her, and you chuckled, "My fucking ass is sore," Mindy whined, "Why'd we have to go ice skating?" "Because i wanted to remember?," Anika said flopping on top of her girlfriend, "And it was funny watching you and Chad fall" "Hey!," Chad protested, "It was slippery.." They countinued to insult eachother and you sighed, quietly slipping into Tara's room, you sat on the bed with a heavy sigh, trying to get the image of Chad catching Tara from nearly falling on the ice out of your head.
It wasn't working very well.
You groaned, falling back on the bed and putting your hands over your face, you couldn't hear the quiet pitter-patter of feet over the yelling and laughing, the door creaked softly as a small head poked through the crack, "Hey baby," A voice said softly, "You okay?, You were quiet almost the whole time we were out" Tara approached the bed, sitting at your side, "Yeah, i'm okay Tar, just a bit tired" You gave her a comforting smile, but she knew better, she raised her brow, you sighed, you both knew you couldn't lie to her, "I just.. it's silly but, it, hurts.. watching you with Chad, i mean, he acts like he owns everything! And i know it's not his fault, we're a secret but still" You sniffed, moving to face the wall. She put her hand on your chin, making you face her, "Y/n, I want you to know that i don't have any feelings for Chad, He's just a friend, And if you want, I can tell him that, Okay?"
Tears welled in your eyes at her reassurance, you sat up, smiling at her, whispering a soft, "I know", you leaned in, and she met you halfway. The kiss was like a promise, filled with love, and passion, words can't describe how you felt in that moment, you could cry, it was overwhelming the feelings you held for Tara. You kissed her with everything you had, telling her without words that you would be with her forever, because words didn't matter. You broke for air but she pulled you back in, this time with more hunger, desire, she tilted her head to deepen the kiss, your tounge swipping over her bottom lip, and she gasped, allowing your entry. Your hand snaked under her shirt, fingers softly scratching the perfect skin under her ribs, and she whimpered at the feeling.
You were to entirely entranced by one anothers beings to hear the footsteps approaching the door, you hadn't even noticed anyone else was in the room until she cleared her throat, you broke away. Anika was standing at the door, with the biggest grin on her face, "I fucking knew it!" Yours and Tara's faces were both bright red, from both emotion, and embarrassment. You stuttered out a "I-I-, Wait, you're not like, Mad?" Anika looked slightly confused at that, "What?, No?, I mean a little because you didn't tell me but no. I'm not Sam for fucks sake" A beat of silence passed, less than a second, as you both sat there in shock, "Okay, Well, I came to tell you guys that we're watching insidious," She went to leave, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Then she left you alone. Tara groaned, hiding her face in the crook of your neck as you laughed at her embarrassed state. She pinced your side, "It's not funny!" she complained, "Well it kinda is-" your sentence was cut short by Tara's lips on yours, she crawled back into your lap, and you happily shut up. "It's not funny" She muttered against your lips, "Okay, Okay, It's not funny" "Damn right" You chuckled at that, "Okay, I think we should go before they think we're having sex" You joked, and Tara nodded, sliding off of you, "Yeah, c'mon".
You walked into the living room, suprisingly no one looked at you differently, Chad looked at you and Tara with a hint of jealousy, and Anika smirked at you, but the others were busy watching the movie. You moved to sit next to Ethan, and Tara sat in the empty space next to you, subtly putting her hand on yours, in the dim light of the tv, no one saw as Tara leaned her head on your shoulder, Sam though, had seen it, giving you a slight smile and an approving nod. You smiled back, turning to the tv, you melted into Tara, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you.
Maybe this would work out.
sorry for procrastinating on this drabble <3
@melrodrigo ?
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Misunderstandings and New Found Love
Tumblr media
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Hybrid!reader
Characters: Sam Uley, Hybrid!reader, Emily Young, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Esme Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Victoria, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Jacob Black, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V, Bella Swan (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: The science in here makes total sense, angst, fluff, happy ending, the ending might be quick but there's time skips people, characters might be ooc but idc, twilight tings, Sam and Emily being iconic, cursing, reader uses last name when they're mad, Jared's the comedic relief, Paul and reader have a past
Word Count: 4,800
You look up, ready to help the most recent customer who walked in; only to find the one person you didn’t. You hold back the urge to roll your eyes. “How can I help you, sir?”
“I’m not here to ask.”
“Then why are you here,” you hiss at him.
"I'm just... checking on you.”
“Checking on me? Did you check on me when my dad died or when my mom left and died in the accident because as I recall, Uley, you didn’t. So, I’m going to kindly ask that you get whatever you need and leave.”
“Have we really come to this?”
“Yes,” you nod, grabbing the next order and setting it in front of one of your regulars before walking back to him. “Ever since you all… changed, things have been tense."
"Why are you here?”
“You know why.”
“No one-"
“You have no idea what anyone thinks or the looks they give me.” You take a deep breath, trying not to let him know how much it affects you. “I just- I want it to stop. I’m tired of them all staring at me like I’m a monster. As if this isn’t enough,” you mumble the last part under your breath.
His shoulders sag, not realizing anything that’s going on in your life. “You should come by the res tomorrow.”
Before you can try and argue with him as he rearranges the bags so he can have a better grip on them.
“No one but Em and I will be there.”
“They’re going to know I was there.”
“They won’t know it was you specifically and besides, I’m their alpha.”
“Way to use your title for your own gain.”
“It got you to smile. Thanks for the food.”
You shake your head, knowing it’s a bad idea even though you’re sitting in their makeshift driveway.
Sam’s warmth emanates through the door. “You coming in?”
“You gonna put on a shirt.”
“I will if you come in.”
“That sounds like blackmail.”
“Sam, quit standing in front of her door. She can’t get out if you’re just standing there.”
“Yeah, Sam.”
He narrows his eyes and steps back. “You really want to make fun of the alpha?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
“Alright, you two.”
You snicker when the man beside you lowers his head, looking like a sad puppy.
“It’s nice to see you again. How are you?”
You shrug, officially feeling more awkward than ever.
“You can talk to us, you know. We always cared about you.”
“That’s nice of you to say, Emily. But I don’t think anyone in town would agree with you.”
“Good thing I’m not like everyone else.”
You lower your head as the scent of one of her infamous muffins hits your sensitive nose.
“I’m sure you’re hungry after being up for a while.”
You shrug.
“So, what brings you here?”
“Your heater came into the diner, again and basically begged me to come over.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “You’re one to talk.”
“Why do you think I’m in layers?”
“A sign of self-torture.”
“I can’t pretend that they’re not hiding themselves from the world after everything that’s happened.”
“Thanks for never changing and I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” You move to get off the stool.
“No, you’re not. Sam, stop bringing up things they’re not ready to talk about.”
She hands you a mug of hot cocoa, knowing it’s your favorite to have around the holidays.
“What… do you guys know?” You tap the rim of the mug, watching the steam disappear.
“Only that you shifted,” he answers after the couple share a look with one another.
“Everyone thinks I shifted in the car, right?”
“Not everyone.”
“What do you think happened?” You ask, lifting your head.
"A cold one was nearby.”
You nod, “yeah. She,” you shake your head, feeling your body start to shake.
"You don’t have to talk about it.”
You give her a soft smile.
“She decided to leave because it was too much and left me a note, not even bothering to apologize and it- it pissed me off. I shifted and then ran after her, only to find one of them going after her and… took care of it.”
“You weren’t in the car?”
You shake your head, wiping your cheeks. "No."
"Why does everyone think you were?”
“I pulled her out and-” You cover your face.
“Do you remember who it was?”
“It was some redhead, I think. She definitely wasn’t happy with me.”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug, not wanting to worry them.
After talking for a few hours, you know it’s time to leave.
“What? No," Emily whines.
"Em, they don’t like me, and I’d rather not be glared at while you try and take care of everyone.”
“I still don’t want you to leave.”
“I do.” You grab your stuff and grab your bag before pausing. “Thank you for listening.”
“Always,” the woman smiles. “We’ll see you again, okay.”
You kept in touch but didn’t go back to their home for a while, not until you were dragged back by Sam but we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves.
You knew what was happening and watched from a distance, never letting the cold ones or the other wolves know of your presence.
The alpha was the only one who knew you were there.
You didn’t tell him you’d be nearby in case they needed an extra body because they thought you were a murderer.
A couple of the newborns sneaked into the woods to try and escape but never got far enough with you there.
Body parts were flying around so no one questioned anything when more came their way.
Then you turned around and noticed one of them aiming for Leah, before Jake could even try to intervene, you did; barely batting an eye when they stared in your direction.
You shoved her out of the way and took care of the newborn before anyone could get hurt, shocking everyone but Sam, who grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side. “What was that?”
“I saved someone from your pack before they could get hurt, what’s it look like?”
“Don’t take that attitude with me.”
“Try and control me, watch what happens.”
He growls your name.
“I needed this.”
The mind reader is beside you two, trying to calm everyone down. “She’s the reason, isn’t she?”
You glance at him from the corner of your eye. “Yeah, so this felt like I could save someone and get my own revenge.”
“She, did it?”
You scoff, snatching your arm out of his grasp. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. You knew the moment I told you.”
He tries to defend himself but you’re not having any of it. “I ask one thing of you, vegetarian.”
He raises his brow.
“I lite her.” You pull up your sleeve, he notices the bite on your arm but doesn’t comment on it (yet).
You take the torch from the blonde and stare into the red head’s eyes for a second, “hopefully you’re not tortured too bad in hell.”
You glance at the other cold ones and raise a brow. “If you guys die, you’re definitely not going where that bitch is. You know better and have worked on redeeming yourselves.”
They glance at one another, not expecting you to hear that.
You rip your sleeves and make a quick wrap for the human. “Wrap this around your arm, it should help until you can get the proper bandaging."
She blinks owlishly, “oh- uh- thanks?”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Who do you think you are?” She gets in your face.
“You better move before you do something you’re going to regret, Leah.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s rich coming from the murderer.”
You scoff through your nose and grab her by the collar of her shirt, her eyes widen not expecting this to get physical but doesn’t back down. “Say that again when I’m the one who saved your ass. You have no idea what happened that day, so you need to shut your mouth.”
Sam stands behind you, waiting to see what happens because he knows that you know better than to fight someone.
“Keep your pack in check, Uley.”
“Where are you going?”
“Somewhere I won’t get pissed off.”
You start to head into the woods when the mind reader stands in front of you.
“Did she do that?”
You don’t need to look down to figure out what he’s talking about. “That’s why neither you nor the others can smell me. I hide it.”
“They don’t know, do they?”
“Not about this, only Sam and his girl know about the red head's involvement. I only shared so you’d know.”
“That was kind of you to share even when you didn’t need to.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’m frickin’ amazing, can I go now?”
He steps aside. “You should stay with them.”
“How can I do that when they don’t trust me?”
“Make them.”
“It’s not easy, Cullen.”
“If you can do it with their alpha, you can tell the others.”
You roll your eyes, “get your girl checked out before she gets an infection.”
He heads back over towards Bella.
“Did you see her arms?” The human asks.
He nods. “They don’t know.”
“Know what?”
“Of Victoria’s involvement in the worst day of her life.”
Esme and Jasper’s shoulders sag, unable to imagine what you went through.
“And it’s still alive?” Rosalie chimes in.
“She'll become hybrid.”
The Cullens raise their brows.
Sam orders everyone to go back to Emily’s and hopes you do the same after seeing your arms.
You roll your eyes and answer his call. “Unavailable, please leave a message after I hang up."
“Cute, get to Emily’s.”
“You can’t make me.”
You can hear the couple arguing over who should be the one to talk to you.
“Please come over. We have a lot to talk about.”
You sigh, “do they still think I did it?"
"You can change their minds.”
“That’s so much work,” you groan.
“Please. I haven’t seen you in a few weeks and I know you barely know your way around a kitchen.”
“I’m better than you think.”
You stand on the porch, knowing it's going to be hell the moment you step inside.
“You’re going to put a hole in their porch the longer you stay out there,” Paul jokes, earning a chuckle from almost all of his pack mates.
You open the door and ignore their gazes as Emily pulls you into a hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” She pulls back and checks over your eyes stopping on your arms. Her worried eyes land on your face. “Did she-”
You glance at the pack from the corner of your eye, sensing their stares.
Sam stands beside you, placing a hand on your back as he shares a stare with his fiancée. “Sit down with the others while I finish up dinner.”
He guides you to sit but the uncomfortableness emanating from them makes you aim for the couch. "You're sitting at the table.”
“A pack sits together.”
Paul and Jared scoff. “As if they’re part of the pack. Not after what happened,” the former says.
You tense up, closing your eyes so as to not lose your cool.
“Don’t talk about it,” Emily tells them.
“How are we supposed to ignore the fact-”
You growl, eyes changing colors; you can’t turn around. “Ignore the fact that my mother died, and I almost did, at the hands of that red headed bitch no less.”
Emily says your name.
“Sorry, Em. I know cursing is basically forbidden in here but that was me being nice.”
You push yourself off the couch. “This was a bad idea.” You try to pass the pack when one of them sticks their foot out, you kick it with too much strength, irking the hot head.
You open the door and nearly fall, the doorway being the only reason you’re still standing.
“Hey, hey,” Sam started freaking out. “What’s going on?”
You run towards the railing and throw up.
“Why is it- are throwing up-” He stops himself when he sees the color. “What did you do?”
“I’m dying lone wolf. What does it look like?”
“I told you-”
“They hate me. It was never going to happen.”
He picks you up and brings you back inside. “Call Carlisle and ask him what we can do?”
Paul makes another snide comment and you’re losing it.
You get away from the alpha and grab the wolf’s shoulders, shoving him into the wall, not at all making eye contact with him until you hold him in place, with the black bile dripping down your chin.
“Listen here, Lahote and listen well. I will not take any more of your smartass comments. I am still a person with the same issues as yours just a little extra, but your comments stop now. I am tired of everyone thinking I did it. You want to know what happened. That red head came into town and my mom decided enough was enough, she packed a bag and was getting ready to leave. I shifted, found her about to eat my mom and wound-up getting bit only to find that she did go for my mom and held her till her last breath. Then as they hauled her away, I found the scars and realized what happened. Someone spread some rumors and here we are. You want to say anything else?”
He shakes his head, letting out a deep breath.
"Holy shit!" Jared says as soon as your body sways.
Leah, the closest to you, grabs you before you could fall. "We need to take her to a hospital."
"She won't go but maybe the imprint will help?"
"Holy shit!"
"Shut up, Jared," Embry takes initiative and reaches over to punch his pack brother's shoulder. "Shut up man. You're not helping."
The one who can't stop repeating himself rolls his eyes. "You can't tell me I'm the only ones whose mind was blown with everything we just learned."
"You're not but you can shut up."
"Take her to the guest room while I call-"
"No!" Paul stays where he is, debating on leaving now so as not to hurt you anymore than he already has.
The sight of his imprint half dead in Leah's arms and the jokes he made while trying to trip you make him realize he's an even bigger idiot than he thought. "Don't call the leech doctor."
"What are we supposed to do? Let them slowly die when we know there's someone who could have saved them?"
The hot head wants to growl at his alpha but doesn't because he doesn't want to lose it faster than he wants, he's having a hard time trying to calm himself as it is.
"He's here."
Carlisle smiles, "Alice had a vision and sent me over as soon as she could."
"We appreciate it."
"What's going on with our patient?"
Everyone tells them what they know and have seen.
"I see. There is a likely possibility that the venom is working through their system and hasn't quite mixed yet."
"What does that mean? They have to die in order to live?" Paul chimes in.
"It may also have to do with the fact that they haven't shifted as often as you and are not part of a pack. Lone shifters have a hard enough time trying to survive on their own but mixing in the venom, is well-"
"A death sentence just waiting to happen," Sam finishes for him.
The doctor doesn’t want to tell him he's right and knows his silence is enough.
"Is there anything we can do?"
"Continue to make sure they are comfortable and let nature heal them."
"So, your solution is to let them die?!"
"Get him out of here," Sam orders Jared, Embry, Leah, and Quil.
They drag him out so the two can continue their conversation.
"I know you just imprinted but you need to calm down, dude," Jared tells him.
Paul continues to shake, unsure of anything he's feeling right now.
On the one hand he has someone to love and protect but on the other hand, he has to try even harder to control himself otherwise he's going to lose it.
He's also upset because he was acting like such a dick to his imprint and even though he never thought he'd find them; he definitely didn't want this to be his first impression. "How am I supposed to calm down when everyone's solution is to let them die?"
With Jared blocking his way in, he can easily get in his face.
"How would you feel if this was happening with Kim, huh? Tell me that."
His friend's face hardens, "don't talk about her."
"Then don't try and talk about mine like you know something."
They stare at each other, their chests heaving with each heavy breath they take.
"Great, now that we've had our macho match, can we go for a run? As much as I want to make it up to them, I don't want to be here any longer when we can't apologize," Embry interrupts.
The two shake their heads and head into the woods so they can phase and be free to run wherever they want.
"How can we help them?" Sam asks the doctor.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Sam. This is a little out of my jurisdiction, but I will do all that I can to help anyway, I can."
The alpha nods, "I appreciate it."
"I believe now their transition will be complete within the next few days."
"What brought this on?"
"It was only a matter of time before it hit, and I think the adrenaline and stress of the battle speeded things up." He glances back at the alpha who stares at your body with much concern. "May I ask, how close you are to the lone shifter?"
"Before everything happened, we were close. I always thought of them as my younger sibling but then everything happened, and I stopped talking to them because I was concerned for their safety and didn't want to hurt them."
The doctor can tell by the look on the shifter’s face that he's still disappointed in himself. "You did all you could and allowing my assistance is more than they could ask for."
"How long will it take?"
"My guess is, they'll be ready by tomorrow."
"So soon?"
"Their shifter DNA is altering the venom and their genetics. Now that they're resting, they've been able to heal themselves."
He notices the expression on Sam's face. "Let's give them privacy. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."
Emily and Sam hug one another, unsure of what to think; they never wanted this for you, and they feel terrible because they can't help you.
"The boys should be back soon, yeah?"
He nods. "Hopefully Paul's calmed down."
"I think this is going to be a hard time for him."
"Yeah, I know," the alpha sighs.
The boys and Leah make it back to their home and sit at the table. "What are we going to do?"
"We have to wait."
"Did you two know?" Leah asks.
"They told us what happened, but we didn't know she bit her," Sam tells her. "We knew they were hiding something, but we didn't expect this."
"You should have told us," Paul grumbles while snacking on a muffin.
"You didn't even like them until you imprinted," Jake points out.
"I'm not the one on trial here."
The young wolf scoffs, "you should be."
The hot head stands up, pushing the chair back. "You want to take this outside?"
"Maybe I do."
"Alright, you two, that's enough."
They back down at the voice of the alpha, although it takes Jake a few more seconds before he sits down where he was. "You two need to stop it. We've got enough to deal with right now."
After an hour, most of the pack leaves; some to do their patrol shift, others to spend time with their family.
"Do you want to stay in the room with them?" Emily asks, noticing the longing he directs at the door.
He doesn't want to say it out loud and nods.
"I'll tell Sam when he gets back, you can go in but be careful, okay?"
"Do you think they'll forgive me?"
She nods, remembering her and Sam's minor falling out after his episode. "It'll take time."
He sighs and the door inches open, he hesitates to move.
The sight of you almost lifeless and thinking he hates you, kills him.
Why didn’t anyone tell them they’d get so sappy?
He doesn’t know whether he likes it or not as he takes a seat by the bed. His eyes trail over your face, taking in every inch of you.
If he was the artsy type, he’d definitely paint you. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep but waking up to the sun rising was annoying, just because he was one with nature doesn’t mean he needs it to be his alarm clock.
He rubs his eyes, trying to remember everything that happened last night and glances down at you.
You moved in your sleep, the hand practically reaching for him, warms his heart.
He grabs it, wanting you to be comfortable and not wake up with achy joints.
Your eyes move and he doesn’t realize it. It’s hard to open your eyes but you manage to do it, only to find the hothead holding your hand.
You freeze and his eyes trail up your arm, staring into yours.
“You like me now?” Your voice cracks after not having used it in a while.
He shakes his head and reaches for the glass Emily left, inching closer and closer to your face.
You grab it from him after pushing yourself up, back resting against the headboard. “What happened?”
“You died.”
You blink your eyes rapidly, trying to understand what he just said. “I’m sorry?”
“The venom from the bite was killing you and the fact that you barely shift… didn’t help.”
“So, now I’m both?”
“I think so.”
You set the cup down and push sheets off your heating body.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Leaving,” you grumble.
He pushes himself out of the chair and grabs your wrists, stopping you. “No, you’re not.”
“You don’t own me.”
“The imprint bond says otherwise.”
You snatch your wrists out of his grasp, “no, the bond is basically saying we’re soulmates and you don’t own me.”
You make it out of the door and into the hallway before it clicks. “We’re imprints?!”
“I think they’re awake,” Jared comments and shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth.
Embry smacks the back of his head.
“No, no, no.” You stand before the woman you go to for everything. “Tell me it’s not true.”
The corners of her lips twitch.
You snatch a sausage and munch on it. “This is not right.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I feel the love.”
You purse your lips and glare at him. “You’re the one that was being a dick yesterday and now because of the bond, you want to be my prince charming.”
“I never said that.”
“You’re acting like it.” You sit on the couch before any of them realize where you are going. Your head plops against the back of the couch. “Why am I so damn emotional?”
A warm hand rests against your knee; you lift your head and find those damn attractive eyes that have always captivated you. “You went through a big change which has altered a part of you.”
“I didn’t want this,” you sniff.
He nods, “I know but w- you’re going to get through it.”
“You weren’t nearly half as nice as this before you shifted.”
“Sweetheart, I was nicer to you than most people.”
“It’s true,” Jared and Quil chime in.
“No one asked you two.”
They stare at you with wide eyes and raised brows as if this had proven their point.
“If you’ll let me, I’ll be there for you.”
You stare at him, gulping at his words. “How do I know you mean that, and you aren’t just saying that, so I don’t eat half the town?”
“We,” he clears his throat. “We came up with an alternative if you wound up being more of a leech- cold one, more of a cold one.”
“Am I going to eat a bunny?”
“Or a squirrel,” Jared jokes, earning no amused faces in return. “You all need a new sense of humor,” he mumbles, crossing his arms.
“How do you feel?” Sam asks.
“Like I’m on an emotional roller coaster.”
“Are you hungry?”
“I’m always hungry for Em’s food.”
Paul guides you to the table so you all can eat.
“Should we call the doc?” Embry wonders out loud.
“Don’t need to,” your imprint grumbles.
You run to the door, opening it. “I smell bunny.”
He chuckles, “it was the only thing we had.”
“Do I have to?”
“It will help with the urges.”
“There’s only one urge I have, and I don’t like it.”
“What?” Seth asks.
“Nobody tell him,” says Quil.
“Come on, don’t be like that.”
“I think it would be wise if you took this. We don’t know the severity of your condition yet.”
“I’m fine. Just trying to wrap my head around the fact that no one hates me.”
“We’re totally sorry, by the way,” Embry adds. “Ow!”
“Not my fault, man,” Jared raises his hands.
The two start to brawl, leaving Sam to try and stop it while Carlisle talks to you and Paul, explaining how you should be careful and thanking you for your assistance.
“I know I was a jerk to you but,” he glances over to Emily and Sam. “Would you ever consider accepting my apology and going out with me?”
“Give me a few days to adjust and then if I think I’m well enough, ask me again.”
“Hey, man. It wasn’t a no, alright,” Seth holds his hand up for a high five.
The hothead shoves the kid to the side, following you so he can sit in the open chair to your left.
Emily pours you a drink and sits down so you all can eat.
A few days later and you’re feeling better, still adjusting to everyone’s new attitude towards you.
You stick with more human meals than the animal blood the Cullen’s shared with you, not wanting to rely on it.
Things with Paul are still interesting.
He’s slowly worming his way back into your heart. “You want to go on patrol with me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Quil?”
“He wanted to switch.”
You stare at him with a deadpan expression. “Did you threaten him?”
He raises his hands. “I did nothing.”
“Sure, you did,” you chuckle. “Come on,” you call out.
“Where are you going?”
“We have to patrol.”
He stares at your bare back. “This reminds me of when I first took you out.”
“You barely asked me out and then kept me in your backseat after school.”
“I wanted you to stay warm.”
“Oh, is that what they call it?” You ask with mischief in your eyes.
He nods, pulling you back into him by your waist; his chin resting on your shoulder. “I actually kept you there so no one else would see you.”
“Didn’t want them seeing the hottie in my car and think they could get with you.”
“What a gentleman,” you tell him with a dry tone.
He shrugs, chuckling under his breath, “I try.”
“Are you serious?”
“About what?”
You run behind a tree and shift, waiting for him to catch up; it doesn’t take him long.
“About what?”
“Not wanting anyone to ask me out.”
“Why would I lie about that?”
“To get in my pants?”
“I was already getting with you.”
“I wouldn’t be so cocky. You’re still in the early stages of this relationship.”
“So, we’re in a relationship?”
“I never said that.”
He nudges you with his snout. “You did, don’t deny it.”
“I’m denying nothing. You need your hearing checked.”
“I think I heard you just fine.”
You roll your eyes and speed up, racing to meet the others; you meet Leah, Embry, and Jared.
The two former run to you and tackle you, playing around with you while Jared goes for Paul.
All of you run back to Emily’s when Sam calls you all back.
The air flowing through your fur is amazing, not to mention the fact that you’re getting to know your imprint, slowly but surely falling for him. 
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scholomancefan · 17 days
hiii I’m prompting for danmei fanfic nightclub:) I would LOVE to request some binggeyuan comedy!♡ 
A bit more shenbros than i'd intended, oops. Oh well. Here you go, hope you enjoy!
“Stop that,” Shen Jiu hissed, and Shen Yuan could *hear* the seething rage in his voice.
Shen Yuan looked up from the latest installment of Proud Immortal Demon Way (the angelic young woman turned out to be an actual angel, with superpowers, even though this completely undermined the previous chapter where she was a damsel in distress and needed to be saved). And then Shen Yuan experienced a moment of disorientation, because standing before him was Shen Jiu and… Luo Binghe?!
Shen Yuan blinked. But no, the most convincing and realistic Luo Binghe cosplayer that Shen Yuan had ever seen was still there clinging to Shen Jiu’s arm. Shen Jiu gave him a vicious shake, and this deterred the “Luo Binghe” not at all.
“Does Qi-ge know about this?” Shen Yuan said slowly, still fighting through his bewilderment. 
“This is a lunatic stalker who accosted me on the street,” Shen Jiu drawled. “I’m trying to decide if I should eat first or go to the police station right now.” 
Shen Jiu apparently decided he was hungry enough to eat first and sat, although he then picked up a fork and looked at it like he was thinking of stabbing the cosplayer in the eyeball.
Well, Shen Yuan knew how to deal with this. He placed a hand on Shen Jiu’s wrist. “Ge,” Shen Yuan said calmly. “Stay calm. You don’t want to go to jail today, you’d miss the next episode of Thousand Autumns.”
Shen Jiu took a deep breath and released the fork.
“I do love your cosplay,” Shen Yuan said, turning to the other man. “Luo Binghe, right?”
Luo Binghe had been watching the siblings interact with wide eyes, but at Shen Yuan’s question he snapped to a more refined look. “This emperor is not wearing ‘cosplay’,” Luo Binghe said haughtily.
“You know this man?” Shen Jiu said wearily. “Shen Yuan, really, your taste in men is terrible.”
“I don’t *have* a taste in men,” Shen Yuan snapped. “And anyway, Luo Binghe is a book character in Proud Immortal Demon Way.” “That trashy webnovel you read? Ugh.” Shen Jiu’s disgust was palpable.
“Okay, the novel is trash, but the character Luo Binghe is amazing,” Shen Yuan slapped his hand on the table for emphasis. “He was such a kind and earnest child in the beginning, and even though the world was against him and tried to stomp that out of him, he *still* goes around saving people and taking down villains because he’s a good person. And he is so cool, the way he uses his demonic powers to win battles and conquer! Like with his blood mites, he can–”
Shen Jiu glared. “Your taste. In men. Is terrible.” He said slowly, enunciating every word.
Shen Yuan felt a pressure on his arm, and looked to see that the Luo Binghe cosplayer had shifted from clutching Shen Jiu’s arm, to clutching his.
“Shizun,” Luo Binghe purred. “Found you.”
“Eh, Jiu-ge, what?” Shen Yuan stammered, wriggling. But Luo Binghe’s grip was like an iron vise, and Shen Yuan couldn’t escape.
Shen Jiu sipped his water coolly. “Better you than me,” he said, and snapped his fingers. “Waiter!”
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myanmy · 6 months
Unrequired feelings
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Summary: You fell for Jack and you thought he liked you too, only to be proven the contary.
Word count: 1720
Warnings: cheating? But not cheating because they weren't together. (as you can see I'm very good with warnings)
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Your relationship with Jack had always been weird. In the beginning it was because you were a woman and he wasn’t used to having that just yet on his ship, but he felt obligated to help you, since he was partially the reason the house you worked so hard on building burned to the ground. You were rightfully mad and against all your survival instincts, went to have a talk with the famous Captain Jack Sparrow himself and let him hear a piece of your mind. When you somehow manage to find his ship the men on his crew refused to tell you where the goddamned pirate was, but you had previously heard a lot of stories about him and the most famous one was that he was a drunk who spent the majority of his money and time on rum and women. Luckily the rumors had been right and you found him in the second pub you search, mentally you ask yourself how the hell the hundreds of people searching for him didn’t already have him locked up, the man was as obvious as a rock. You ordered him to repay the damages for your house and he obviously didn’t have that amount of money on him, so instead he offered you a deal and now you are sure you weren’t in your right state of mind, because you had accepted. 
Eventually your relationship had gotten better, the nasty looks you gave him stopped and you had even grown to like the dumb and yet so lucky bastard. Your relationship with the crew had also grown immensely, at first they seemed skeptical and even disappointed in their captain for bringing a woman on deck, but with time some just learned to accept you while the majority had become your friends and at some point you had began to see them as a family, a family that supported each other, saved each other asses while also annoying the shit out of you.
Your interactions with Jack had become strange to say the least, you would spend the whole night on the deck while drinking rum, him managing to drown a whole lot more than you, but still. You would talk for hours and hours and when there was nothing else to talk about, you would stare at the sky, laying on the wood floor of the ship while lost in your own separate thoughts, the silence always comforting and never awkward. That was until the next morning, where Jack would avoid you at all costs, when you asked a question he would answer with short answers and didn’t even bother looking at you, when he felt hungry and was planning to get something to eat, he wouldn't call you to eat with him as usual. The urge to punch his beautiful face was always huge, but you also wanted to understand what was going on with him. How can someone be talking all night about their life stories and the next day just act like you are a complete burden? 
Then Elizabeth Swann came, you didn’t hate the girl, god knows she’s in a worst situation that you are, however you didn’t like the fact that now Jack had all the time in the world for this girl he just met. It was one of those nights, where the sea was quiet and for some reason sleep just didn’t seem to be your friend today, so you grab a robe beside the bed and wrap it around yourself. Jack had stolen the robe from a rich old woman’s house and gifted it to you, saying he thought of you as soon as he saw it. The rich fabric felt like clouds in your skin, making you warmer against the cold that was surely out on the deck. You make your steps as light as possible, aware that the wood creaked with the smallest of movements. You open the door to the main deck, only to hear voices on the quarter deck above you, two voices to be precise. One you had learned to like quite a lot, the other you were just growing accustomed to. You hear Jack telling Elizabeth one of his unbelievable stories he had told you, followed by her laughing and adding a few questions, only for him to answer them quite excitedly, just like he had done with you.
You feel a weird thing in your heart, the feeling traveling up to your throat and you felt like you were back to when you were a little child, holding the tears in while telling yourself how stupid you are and how you’re over exaggerating it. You stay there for a few more minutes, your body and mind telling you to stop and listen, maybe he would leave some details out while telling that story to her, maybe he wouldn't tell her the most sensitive topics he had told you, because he had said that he hadn’t told that story to anyone else and had only told you because he trusted you, right? Right?
You stayed long enough to figure he wasn’t leaving any part out and slowly closed the door, hoping they wouldn’t notice the sound of it closing. Luckily because you were a girl, the crew had agreed that it was better if you had a little place for yourself and didn’t sleep in the hammocks between the men, you thought they were being mean and just didn’t want to be close to you, however now you were totally glad they did it. You weren’t sure if they had done it because they just didn’t like you back then or simply wanted you to be comfortable and in the process make themselves comfortable, that didn’t matter now, but you sure were glad and thankful that you had your own small tiny room for yourself. You laid on the bed and let the tears fall slowly, telling yourself that it was okay to over exaggerate while you were alone. In the morning when you wake up you can go back to the non feeling and definitely not a sad person that had lost one of the most precious friends they had.
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The next weeks kept going on like this, some nights you would awake late at night and open the door to the main deck slightly, hoping there would be no voices and while sometimes there weren’t, most did and you would go back to your room, each night crying a little less.
“What’s goin’ on lass?” Gibbs asks while you try to tie some knots to keep everything in place.
“Nothing.” You answer, swiping the sleeve of your shirt on your forehead.
“There’s definitely somethin’. You aren’t even looking at him with the angry stare.” He adds.
You sigh, talking about your feelings were not something you were good at, especially when you yourself wasn’t sure what exactly you were feeling. “It’s nothing Gibbs.” You feel his eyes on you for a few more seconds, making it obvious he didn’t believe you, but eventually gave up and walked away.
That night you couldn’t even close your eyes properly and decide to try the deck, praying to whatever god was listening that they weren’t there. When you open the door the slightest bit and don’t listen to their voices, you almost let out a long breath, only when you open the door a bit more and look up, you see them…kissing. One of his hands is around her waist while the other is on the back of her head and her arms are around his neck, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss. You normally would manage the tears until you were back in your room, this time however they flowed as you watched, watched as she had everything you wanted. When you come back to your senses, you simply turn around, not caring about the open door, a clear sign that someone had been there, though you were sure they wouldn’t figure it was you.
You always knew Jack had his affairs, I mean, he was Jack Sparrow. His life involved around rum, the sea and women, but for some reason this one felt different and it hurt, it hurt so much. You didn’t want to admit it, but you had fallen for the pirate, even with you knowing it wasn't a good idea falling for a pirate, especially one with so much of a reputation. 
That night you spend crying and writing letters to your closest friends, Gibbs and some men in the crew you had befriended. You tried writing a letter for Jack, only to write his name and not a word surging in your mind after, so after hundreds of tries you give up and throw all the wasted paper on the trash. Tomorrow the ship would stop in Tortuga and you would wait until everyone got off before you put all the letters in the specific hammocks and then…you would leave. Leave this life behind, leave all the running and stealing, but mainly, you would leave him.
A short time after the sun had risen, the ship stopped in the port. Your hands were sweaty, your breath was short, and your pulse was pounding in your ears. You were nervous, and there was no way around it. This was a big moment, something you had been dreading for hours and now that it was here, all you could do was try to keep your head on straight. Your nerves were frayed, but you were going to do this, one way or another. 
After all you could hear were voices from outside the ship, the soft wind and the calm waves is when you start doing everything you had planned. You place the letters, each one gaining a tear dropping from your eyes, then you grab the essential things you had already placed in a bag. You take one last look around, flashes of good memories appearing everywhere you look, but unfortunately memories aren't enough to keep you here. You step out of the ship, knowing this was the last time you would ever be seeing it and as childish as it sounds, you mentally say goodbye, goodbye to everyone and to everything involving pirates, but more specifically Captain Jack Sparrow.
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I'm writting new characters yay. Don't worry, I'll still write for Rick, trust me when I say that my crushes always stay the same, so at some point I'll write for him again. I've noticed that there isn't a lot of Jack Sparrow fanfics out here and it's so sad, I mean, it's Johnny Depp, have writers really not seen him as Jack? Anyways, so I thought I'd give it a try. Hope you guys enjoy it. 💟
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bartxnhood · 1 year
lost stars | c.b
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colby brock x reader
summary: colby is always there for you. even at your worst.
warnings: mentions of depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, etc.
a/n: i’ve been kinda in a slump lately so this is kinda a self insert, but also if any of my followers or you come across this i genuinely hope you know that it will get better. if you need someone to talk to me, please reach out to me. i’ll always be here for you. ❤️
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you were overcome with a familiar sensation. the sensation of having everyone around you but still feeling alone in the world occurred often. the need to curl up under your covers and wither away, the pain in your chest, the random tears, the feeling that you're going crazy. everything was wrong, but you were unable to express your feelings.
you surrounded yourself with toxic people over the years, hungry for any type of attention, even if it was unpleasant. you desired to feel something. even if that meant it hurt you more, it was better than nothing. you weren't numb.
you tried to block out your thoughts with music, but the songs only served to highlight how unhappy you were. your life was uninteresting, and you feared you'd never feel genuine happiness again. until you met colby, you saw everything in black and white.
he was a colorful person who saw the good in the world while you only saw the terrible. it has been said that opposites attract. despite this, you two had a lot in common after the meeting.
first and foremost, both of you had excellent musical tastes. if one of you discovered a new song or band, you'd tell each other about it. alternatively, if colby was droning on about the paranormal and his love for hunting the unknown, you'd be all ears, staring at him with the brightest smile, seeing how his eyes lit up. colby often enjoyed movie marathons with you; you'd both choose a few films you hadn't seen before and watch them together, along with the occasional old favorite you both adored.
“oh cmon, there was totally enough room for jack!” you exclaimed with the remote in hand. you just finished watching titanic for probably the hundredth time with him and you were back to arguing about the ending. “i’m not saying there wasn’t, jus sayin it would’ve been hard to balance!” he laughed, standing up from your sofa with the popcorn bowl in hand. “okay yeah maybe, but that’s why she had the life jacket!” you heard him snicker from the kitchen, “y/n, the movie is twenty years old, i don’t think it’ll change anytime soon. sorry darling” he walked back into the living room falling by your side.
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though, it wasn’t always glamorous. you knew colby was famous, you know girls practically threw themselves at him and it did make you uneasy.
not that you thought you weren’t good enough for him, but the fear that once you had another episode, he would leave you.
colby understood about your mental health; he was always there for you and would do whatever to help you the best he could. you never wanted him to see you at your lowest; it was a difficult period for you, and you didn't want colby to bear that burden.
you were going through that again. everything went back to black and white, and the color faded day by day. you began to lose that sparkle in your eyes, you stopped smiling at his texts, you slept most of the day, you didn't leave your bed, and you even forgot to eat some days. your body was once again being overwhelmed by that sensation.
colby began to notice your absence, your one-word texts back, or even not messaging back for hours. it was like a complete shift. he was aware of what was going on and did not hold it against you. you needed time to deal with everything, but he didn't want you alone. he didn't have much experience with what you were feeling, but he would spend every single day with you just to understand; he wants to help you. he doesn't want you to suffer any longer, and even if you didn't talk to him or tell him how you felt, he wanted you to know he was there for you no matter what.
you lay on your bed, a mountain of sheets covering your body. all of your lights were turned out, and the only light came from your window. you couldn't recall when you last showered, maybe four days ago if you had to guess.
when you tried to close your eyes, you felt that familiar aching in your chest again. you began to cry as memories flooded your head. it was annoying not to be able to sleep without your mind taking control. reminding yourself of all you could have done better or things that have contributed to your depression. you felt guilty for everything, even if it had nothing to do with you.
you rolled over, facing your window and door. It was almost midnight. you just wanted to sleep, but following your previous naps, you doubted you'd get any. you tried to close your eyes and rest, but were interrupted by a knock at the door. "y/n?" you heard your boyfriend's voice and opened the door, only to be met with darkness. you opened your eyes and looked at him. "colby?"
he entered, closing the door behind him. "you vanished, and I just wanted to check on you." he left his spare key on your desk. "im okay," he knew you weren't, so he moved over to your side and perched on the edge of the bed. "you sure?" he asks, reaching for your hand. "i know you're having a hard time; whether you let me in or not is up to you." "but I hate seeing you suffer like this, y/n," he implored, his thumb sliding over your knuckles. meanwhile, you chewed on the inside of your cheek as you stared at the wall, fighting back the surge of emotions. "I just," you began, exhaling the breath you felt you'd been holding.
“I'm not sure, colbs. "I just don't know," you hesitated, "I always end up like this again." I can't express how I feel. "I've spent so much time suffering that it's normal," you explained, a few tears falling from your eyes. I don't want to put you down because you deserve so much more."
colby rose, had you scoot over, and took your place on the bed. he drew you closer, allowing you to cry with your head on his chest. "please don't say that." knowing how depressed you were shattered his heart. "i want to be there for you no matter how many times you go through this. “its a part of you that i still adore. you closed your eyes, fighting back tears as he smiled sadly.
"youll get through this, and I'll be right here until you do. you don't have to be alone anymore."
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rosemoncherie · 7 months
business affairs: t.wolff - series [OLD VERSION]
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Chapter One: The Night Everything Began.
pairing: Toto Wolff x OC!Natalia Danon.
warnings: 18+, nsfw, age gap (Natalia is 32), talks of divorce, allusions to sexism, fast paced, explicit sexual scene, cunnilingus, slight dirty talk.
w.c: 4.04K
tags: @queenshikongo3 @bluesole16 @christinabae @aisharmi @hoziersfairy @queenzee27 @omgsuperstarg @lewisroscoelove @itsyagirlmeee @joviallljas @serpenttines-library @hrlzy @sugardontbesweet @tallrock35 @tian-monique @f1-hoff @peyiswriting @thewolffswife @mochiminimoni @bekindbecoolbeyou
Natalia was exhausted but ultimately, she was hungry.
Very hungry.
She had rationalised that since she was already downstairs, going into the in-house restaurant was better than tracking all the way up her suite and ordering room service when she could hear the loud growling of her stomach.
Quickly, Natalia was seated and ordered some focaccia with an olive oil dip and a glass of Corton Charlemagne white wine. After a long day of meetings and conferences, a good glass of wine was desperately needed.
It had only been a couple of years since Natalia had been assigned to the position of Chief Financial Officer of Mercedes Benz. The youngest woman to ever be appointed to the role and unfortunately, the first black woman to ever hold that title for a top five company within the vehicle industry.
Natalia had been a finance protege. A master of her craft as some people would describe her and when her parents picked up on her affinity for numbers, they did everything possible to advance her career. And all the better for it as it led her to where was today.
She loved her job and despite all of the hardships and pushback that she had faced, no one and nothing was going to take that away from her.
That however, did not change the fact there were some days where the job had been strenuous on her mind and body. Hours on end speaking to people in seminars, overseeing a few upcoming projects and a lot of walking. The walking was the worst of it all as Natalia had chosen a beautiful pair of high heels typically made for a sitting situation. She had failed to anticipate just how much walking she would have had to partake in today.
Natalia hummed softly as she chewed on the dip soaked bread. After four hours, this was the first piece of nourishment she had after hours of sipping on only water. Her eyes wandered around her surroundings until they landed on a man.
Toto Wolff.
The CEO and team principal of the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One team. A man who she held a lot of great respect for and he made it known whenever the both of them were in the same vicinity that the feeling was mutual. Toto staying in the same hotel as herself was not uncommon. Mercedes Benz and the Ritz-Carlton were in a long term partnership, hence they were able to stay in the luxurious hotel free of charge anywhere in the world.
A perk of the job.
Their eyes met and his face radiated a genuine smile. Quite the rare sight of the man. Natalia waved for him to come over and soon enough, Toto was being led towards her table. As soon as she stood up to greet him, the sleeves of her jersey slid back down her arms.
“Good to see you again.” Toto greeted her after a quick hug.
Natalia giggled as she sat back down with him pulling a chair close beside her. “We’ve seen each other a lot today.”
“That’s what happens when you work together.”
"Technically I am your boss, you work for me.
Natalia shot back which caused Toto to chuckle.
”You love pointing that out don’t you.” His right eyebrow lifted as he took in her facial features.
“Yes I want to make sure that you never forget it.”
“And I won’t.” His eyes trailed down to her glossed lips and settled there for a moment.
Toto licked his.
The action was subtle but Natalia caught it all. She took a deep breath as she reached for the menus.
”Are you ordering anything to eat or are you just here to keep me company?”
The question caused him to smirk. “Well. I had only come in, to a place an order to be delivered to my suite but now that I’m here I don’t see why I can’t do both. A late dinner in the company of a beautiful woman? You’d be a fool to decline that.”
His words and tone were laced with flirtation and Natalia hated herself for just how much it swayed her. You’d be an idiot to deny how attractive the man was. A tall giant at 6 feet 5 inches, slender yet muscular in all the places that counted. For a mature man like him, Toto kept himself physically agile and well groomed. Almost always clean shaved but his hair always ended up ruffled from the constant wear of headphones and how frequently he ran his fingers through the dark locks.
Outside of appearance, his charisma was extremely charming as intended. Toto knew how to talk to people and he knew how to make people feel comfortable around them. The addition of his accent to his voice, Natalia knew that trying to fight her attraction towards the recently divorced man was futile.
The pair ended up ordering the chef’s special along with the bottle of Corton Charlemagne. As they enjoyed their meal, the conversation was easy going. Natalia spoke for most of the time whilst Toto listened. He was interested in knowing about her life - only interjecting when he felt that his opinion was needed.
When the bottle of wine was finished, Natalia switched to drinking water. Her flight out of Malaysia was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and she would rather still have control of her senses.
“I can’t believe you’re single though.” The words easily slipped out of her mouth before she could have stopped her harbouring thought. The topic of conversation had been on his previous marriage as it had been a diversion of attention from the status of Natalia’s love life. One could argue why her question was inappropriate to ask but curiosity had gripped her. When the divorce was announced at the tail end of 2021, people had been curious to know the reason. Nobody had thought that the power couple of motorsports would ever part ways.
Toto sighed. “As much as we tried to not let our marriage get in the way of her career, the stigma that she would always just be my wife and that everything she would accomplish would be attributed to our matrimony ultimately became too much to bear. Of course there were other issues that contributed to the divorce but that was a big one. At the end of the day it was the best decision for the both of us. She needed to grow and being with me was a hindrance to that. No matter how much I loved her, her growth as a leader and as a person was far more important to me.”
“Wow.” Nat whispered as she let his words sink in. He spoke with great candour and genuine care. She could still feel the love that Toto had for Susie but there was romantic fondness in his words. Just respect and adoration for his ex-wife.
Toto nervously chuckled as he scratched the top of his left eyebrow. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d be talking about my ex with you.”
“No, no. That was deeply profound. It’s a shame things came to such an ending but I think the choice that the both of you came to was a good one. If that is any type of comfort.”
“It is.” Toto softly smiled as he played with the stem of his wine glass. “It’s taken some time to get used to that but I’m getting there.”
”That’s good.”
That particular conversation ended there. Things were getting too deep and personal for either of their liking.
“No more talk about past relationships.” Toto said as he reached for the wine selection menu. However, Nat reached forward and placed her hand on his wrist to stop him.
“No more drinking for me. I need to head up to bed. My flight is tomorrow.”
“You’re leaving so soon?”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “I need to get to London by Friday. INEOS moved their meeting up to then instead of the agreed Wednesday the following week.”
“That could be because Jim is coming to London around that time.”
“I don’t care. It doesn’t change the fact that multiple people, me included, are now having to re-arrange our schedules because Radcliffe is an impatient old man.” Natalia complained as she rolled her eyes. A move that made Toto laugh as he placed the menu down.
“How about I walk you up to your room then?” He volunteered.
Her back straightened up and she lightly cleared her throat. “Yes. Please.”
Ever the gentleman, Toto put the bill of the meal on his room tab instead of Natalia having to share the cost. All the way to her suite, Toto had kept her smiling and giggling and it made her sick just how down her guard was. She couldn’t even blame it on alcohol.
All night, the crush she had for the man beside her had been festering and now it was at a fever’s pitch. Being in his presence for such a long time, alone, had her mind thinking of things that she shouldn’t.
They stood outside of her suite’s door, key card in hand with her back to the frame. At her full height, her forehead was still barely touching his chin. Toto was looking down at her with a soft glimmer of something in his eyes that she couldn’t deny.
”Would you like to come in? I have a full bar if you want to continue drinking. If not, I have something else in mind to offer.” Nat chewed on her bottom lip as she left the suggestion lingering in between them.
”If I didn’t know any better, I would say that you were trying to seduce me with that offer.” Toto expected her to claim that she was just joking and to walk away from the suggestion. Proclaim that she had just been joking and that the rising sexual tension in between them up to this point had been a figment of his imagination.
Instead, Natalia stood on her tip toes and tipped her head upwards until her lips were close to his. Just a breath’s reach.
She held his gaze. “What if I am?”
The energy had immediately shifted. Toto did not give her a verbal agreement as the door closed behind the both of them. He turned her around so that her back was touching his chest. Natalia’s moan vibrated in her throat as he moved her hair out of the way of her right shoulder. A sigh left her as his mouth touched her skin. His hands pulled her tucked in jersey out of her skirt until he was able to lay his hands onto her bare skin beneath the knitted fabric.
His hand clutching onto her top, he instructed Natalia to strip out of her skirt. And in quick succession, her clothes were on the floor.
“Fuck.” Toto said as he swallowed his thirst. If it wasn’t for the fact that her panties had been already soaked, the way his eyes roved hungrily over her body would have had her gushing more than she already was.
Natalia enjoyed his reaction to her. His lust was palpable as she unhooked her bra from her chest and let it join her clothes on the floor. She then hooked her thumbs into the sides of her thongs but before Nat could do anything else, Toto grabbed a hold of her wrists.
“No. Get on the bed.”
As her knees touched the duvet, Toto stood behind her as he dragged his fingers down the length of her spine before both of his hands dug into her ass cheeks, parting them softly. The cool air touched her nether lips which caused her to lightly gasp.
“Oh!” Natalia whimpered as he roughly handled her body. She was now on her back with a shirtless Toto hovering above her. He kissed her with all his might, with all of his pent up desire translating into the way that his lips modded over her. She opened her mouth to the intrusion of his sweet tongue laced with the wine of dinner into her mouth. Natalia dug her nails into his back as the kiss deepened. She wrapped her leg around his waist as she tried to anchor herself as his hardening erection pressed against her lower stomach.
Toto’s hands moved away from her hips until he was cupping the back of her neck, pulling her close until her teeth were sinking into his bottom lip and she was pulling it into her mouth. Natalia gasped into Toto’s mouth as he pressed his lips harder into hers before sucking on her tongue.
She couldn’t stay still as he continued to kiss her like this. Her hips rotated forward, trying to to create some type of friction to ease the ache residing deep in the pit of her stomach.
“Let me taste you.” Toto mumbled against her lips. His voice was as heavy with arousal as his cock that was pressing into her. Not waiting for her answer, she struggled to catch her breath as he pulled her panties down the length of her shapely legs. When the fabric was over his shoulder, her legs instinctively parted and Toto was rewarded by the sight of her drenched cunt.
“I knew you’d be soaked. You kept squirming in your seat at dinner.” His words shocked her a little but she wasn’t rattled at his observation. Toto ran his finger along her slit and without breaking their intenseful gaze, he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked his finger clean
”So sweet. Just as I thought you would be.” With her left knee hooked into his arm, he buried his face in between her thighs as he gave her lazy strokes of his tongue against her clit. Natalia gasped as her back arched off the bed as he continued giving her languid strokes of his tongue, which was moving up and down the length of her slit. Toto was eating her pussy with so much intention, it sent shocks of pleasure up her spine.
His movements were meticulously calculated, every time that he did something that garnered a reaction out of her, Toto played on that until Natalia was gasping for air. He licked, pulled and sucked on her pussy until she was clawing at the sheets beneath her trembling body.
”Oh shit!” She gasped as he covered her now sensitive nub with his tongue and softly pushed to fingers inside of her, sliding them in and out of her, increasing the speed and pressure of his movements until he felt Nat’s thighs begin to quake on each side of his head.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Natalia cursed as she felt a familiar pressure mount in her lower abdomen. She tried to jerk away from him but Toto kneaded his free hand into her thigh, trapping her in place as he became more insistent to drink from her. He flicked his fingers against her spot, his tongue danced on her clit.
Then she exploded into his mouth.
Her legs trapped his body in between her thighs as her body twitched with each wave passing through her. Natalia’s head was still in the clouds as she finally relaxed to set him free. His hands trailed back up the length of her body and kneaded her breasts as his kisses followed up until his lips were against hers once more.
His lust clouded his eyes, Drinking from her, bringing her to climax, made him more ravenous. He wanted to devour her. The intention to do so very much made clear as he haphazardly threw his trousers and boxer briefs off. He held her hips as she tried to calm himself enough to let her reach for the strip of condoms that were on the bedside table.
He couldn’t put it on quickly enough as Natalia placed kisses on his chin and her hands on his back.
Toto sucked his bottom lip into his mouth as he raised Nat’s leg to his shoulder before he finally made his move and sank into her pussy. Just as the tip breached her entrance, they both lost their breath due to the feeling of being connected.
“Baby.” She exhales as he completes the stroke by thrusting all the way forward and holding himself there.
“I know schatz. I know.” He groaned into her ear.
After fantasising about this very moment, for months on end, Toto concluded that nothing was better than the real thing. Yet somehow his mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. All that he could think about was how soft she was.
She was so soft. So sweet. So warm. So tight, warm and deliciously wet.
She fit him like a glove and he could feel as much as he could through the protective sleeve. Toto moved slightly which caused Nat to let out a cry.
“Please move. Please.” She whimpered into his ear.
He soon found a rhythm of slow , methodic strokes as he folded her body into itself. Her silk press began to revert back to its natural curls, the longer he worked her body into a sweat. Natalia’s lips parted with a sigh as he placed her other leg onto his shoulder and hooked his arms beneath hers and held onto her shoulders.
”Oh my god!” Natalia struggled for breath as his body slammed against the back of her thighs. The sexy sounds of their pleasure reverberated through the room.
”That’s it isn’t it schatz? That’s the spot.” He taunted her as he hammered his tip against your walls. He grinned as he saw the internal struggle to conjure up a response. He didn’t tease her too much though.
Toto himself was failing to contain his restraint from just how tightly Natalia was clutching onto him with each stroke. It was making him lightheaded as she threatened to drown him with just how soaked she was. He felt himself slipping into mindless pleasure as his thrusts became harder and more frantic.
It was only when he felt Nat’s leg beginning to tremble against his shoulders and his stomach began to tighten did Toto slow down. Natalia whined as she shifted her hips up to tempt him.
However, he didn’t fall for it.
Instead, he let her legs fall away from his shoulders but he still made sure that they were wrapped around his waist. His forearms dropped on either side of her head as his chest pressed into hers. Natalia’s hardened nipples tickled his skin as he rolled his hips as deep as she possibly could take him. He coupled his slow, deep thrusts with a circular motion, making sure that he touched every part of her that he could.
He hummed softly as he drew little cries from Natalia. He swallowed her moans and every sound that he could. They were only his - just for the night. For however long she would allow.
Natalia could feel resolve disappear from his frantic kisses and touches. The slapping of his thighs against her skin echoed in the room. The contact pinched at their skin in a bittersweet manner, the harsher the pounding became. But Nat took it all in stride.
His hand around her neck was the last straw.
She exploded around him without warning.
“That’s it baby.” He kissed the underside of her ear.
“Cum all over this dick.”Her teeth sunk into the skin of his shoulder as she let the orgasm ride her body. The repeated contraction of her walls pulled Toto down even further.
“Fuck!” He hissed in Nat’s ear as her cunt tightly squeezed his dick until he filled the condom with his seed.
They stayed in the same position for a moment before he pulled out of her. Nat sighed as she watched him dispose of the condom and pull his underwear back up his legs. His eyes followed him as he entered the bathroom and then came out with a wet cloth.
After grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, he came back to the bed and cleaned her up in silence. Natalia sighed with a smile on her face, loving the way his hands were handling her so delicately as if he wasn’t roughly gripping her flesh as he fucked into her minutes ago.
”Drink your water.” He mumbled before placing a kiss onto her thigh. Natalia giggled as she reached for the water bottle.
“Yes sir.” She teased as she took a gulp of the refreshing liquid.
“What time is your flight tomorrow?” He asked as he began to place kisses on her torso before stopping to take a nipple into his mouth. Natalia gasped as her eyes flattered close to enjoy the feel of his warm mouth sucking on her nipple like she had been sucking on her clit earlier on in the night.
“3pm why?” Nat said, only able to answer when he moved his attention to her other nipple.
”I want to take you again … and again …” He spoke as he began to tower over her body. “And again. Until you’re so spent that I’m all you think about for days to come.”
His lips touched hers again as his body pushed her back into the disheveled sheets …
”I want to take you again … and again … and again. Until you’re so spent that I’m all you think about for days to come.”
Those words were now haunting her as she sat at her desk. Of all the things Toto Wolff had ever said and done to her, these particular words haunted her the most.
Because of just how devastatingly true they were. No man after that had come close to how he had made her feel that night. A couple had come close but it was never the same.
It could never be the same.
When she left Malaysia the following afternoon, it had not occurred to her that it would be the last time that she would see Toto. Both of their respective careers kept them busy. The previous season of Formula One had overwhelmed him. The last year had not been kind to the team. The sport had not been kind to the team and it was beginning to show in the numbers.
All of that had led to this moment. Natalia was in her office with the reports of the team’s previous financial year and the CEO asking her for an incredible favour.
“It’ll only be for a couple of months.” He said.
“Six months is hardly a couple, Chris.” Chris Stevenson chuckled at the statement.
“You’re right but I need someone I can trust to go over there and oversee things.”
“And why couldn’t Tomlinson do it?” Oliver Tomlinson was the current Chief Operating Officer of the company and from the last she heard, Oliver and Toto were friends.
“You’re better with numbers. Two, you did Physics so I’m sure you understand the technical jargon better.”
Natalia frowned at the reasonsing. “I did Physics when I was like eighteen.”
“Doesn’t matter. Plus Wolff only agreed to do this if it was you.”
“I don’t know. A deep respect for you I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You guess?!” She sassed back and placed her hands on her waist.
”You know what I mean! Look, why are you opposing this? Do I need to know something?”
”No!” Natalia knew that she had said that a little too quickly for her liking. “I’m not opposing it for what you think. You’re basically asking me to audit the team just because they had a couple of bad years.”
“Two bad years with no titles, two bad cars, a shift in leadership and a few lost sponsors. All of that translates to a bad investment. And a bad investment means no money and no money means-.’
”Okay! I got the message.” She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in surrender.
“Wolff is not happy about this and quite frankly I don’t care. We need to get to the bottom of this before the season begins.”
Natalia was going to be Toto’s boss for six months. She could barely think of him without remembering the way he had ravished her that night. Now she had to work with him everyday for the next half year.
Fuck me. She thought to herself
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m-jelly · 7 months
hi hii, can i request some more of grandpa silverfox levi
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Still young
Levi x fem!reader
Modern world, romance, married couple, grandpa Levi, grandma reader, fluff, suggestive moments.
Levi loved being a father and loves the fact he is now a grandpa. Levi shows that age is just a number and how young and energetic he can still be.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Your body ached and throbbed, but the loving lips of your husband on your back did soothe you a little bit. A little mewl escaped you as he pressed his naked body against yours. "Mm, Levi. How are you still hungry?"
He nipped your shoulder. "You've been asking that over the many years we've been married and I will keep telling you, it is because you are so sexy and beautiful."
You rolled onto your side and gazed at him. Even though years had gone by, Levi was still handsome and young-looking. There were only a few wrinkles around his eyes and he had the sexiest grey stripes in his hair. He was your silver fox.
You reached over and caressed Levi's cheek. "I love you."
Levi smiled at you. "I love you too." He propped his head up on his hand and used his other hand to trace patterns on your waist. "I could stay like this all-day long."
"We've done it before, but today we can't. Our four kids are coming over. Evan and Lilly are both bringing their kids as well."
Levi's eyes sparkled. "The grandbabies."
You hummed a laugh. "It'll be fun." You sat up and huffed as your joints cracked. "Well, I better get baking."
Levi sat up and hugged you from behind. "Do you think they will want to go camping in the back garden with me?"
"Of course." You turned and kissed Levi. "Our kids and grandkids adore you."
Levi blushed. "I love all of them."
The two of you did your morning routines, had a filling breakfast and enjoyed a cup of tea. As you baked Levi held you from behind and showered you with kisses. He helped you with a few things before you sent him on a mission to set up the camping area outside in the back garden.
After a while, you decided to check on your husband to make sure he was okay. You couldn't help but smile at what he created. Levi had made a little campground. There was a fire pit in place, lots of tents to sleep in along with a canopy to relax under. Blankets and cushions covered the floors under the canopy so everyone could relax. You adored the fairy lights for when it got dark.
You smiled as you felt your heart warm up. Your husband always went above and beyond for the people he loved. "Levi?" You squealed when he tackled you into a hug. "Hello, Levi."
Levi nipped your shoulder. "Does this bring back memories? We went camping a lot as a couple. We'd shake the tent."
You giggled. "We got up to no good." You turned in his arms and smiled at him. "We should go camping again, you and me."
Levi smiled at you. "We should. We'll set something up. I'm sure the kids won't mind."
"Perfect idea."
"Mum? Dad?"
You looked over at the sliding door on the back of your house to see your eldest, Lilly, with her husband and two kids. "Welcome! Your dad set up a little campground. This okay?"
Lilly walked over. "It's perfect! Dad, you're the best." She hugged you tightly. "Thank you for the delicious baked treats, mum."
"You're very welcome."
Lilly hugged her dad. "Mm, thanks dad for this fun setup."
Levi smiled. "You're welcome."
You crouched down and hugged your precious grandkids as Levi talked with his daughter and her husband. You made the kids giggle and gave them little snacks. You played a few little games with them and listened to their cute stories about how things have been.
You looked up at Levi. "Hey kids, who's that? That grandpa? You should get him."
Your granddaughter giggled. "Tickle attack?"
Your grandson grinned. "Lots of tickles."
You nodded. "That's right. Go get him."
He spied his little grandkids gazing at him. "There are my little ackerbabies!" He raced after them making them squeal with laughter and run away. "I'll get ya!"
Lilly looked around. "I miss this place so much."
You smiled sweetly. "We miss you too. We miss all four of you. Sending little Bjorn off to university in September was very emotional."
Lilly rubbed your back. "It was hard for all of us because it meant we were all grown up. I think I'll be like you and Dad when I send my lot off."
"We'll be here for you, we'll be super old, but we'll be here."
She laughed. "Come on, Mum, you and Dad will always be young at heart. I think you two will reach 100." She looked over at Levi play fighting with her kids. "I just know Dad will be chasing you around even then."
"Probably." You giggled. "If you need anything to drink, we have a cooler full here. I'll bring out the baked treats."
As soon as you got inside and put together a tray of food, you almost squeaked in delight at seeing your son Evan with his baby daughter in his arms. Your daughter Kuchel with her baby bump and your youngest Bjorn with a bright smile. Having all your kids home was a little overwhelming and it made you so happy.
You gave all of them a hug and held Evan's baby in your arms for a bit as you chatted to him and his sweet wife. You showered your daughter Kuchel with compliments at how she was glowing and her bump looked cute. You then gave Bjorn a big hug as you listened to all their stories.
You led all of them outside so they could see their eldest sister. They all gathered together and chatted, but then they saw Levi. Levi rushed over to his kids and gave them all hugs before he took Evan's baby into his arms. You could tell by the look in Levi's eyes he was becoming broody.
You took a seat with a drink in your hand and watched Levi running around with his kids and his grandkids. You smiled at your daughter Kuchel as she opted to sit next to you. Kuchel was always the quiet one and just enjoyed being next to Levi and you, as well as playing video games and exchanging stories.
Kuchel hugged your side and hummed. "It's great to be back."
"You're welcome here anytime you want."
"I know. Thank you."
You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her. "You're Dad is like a kid again."
You both watched as Levi lifted his granddaughter into the air and spun around with her. He put her down and picked up his grandson and threw him up and down. Next, he sprinted around with them as they threw balls at him, but Levi dodged them all making the kids laugh.
In the end, Levi fell to the floor and let the kids jump on him. The sweet laugh that came from Levi made everyone smile. Before you, Levi was a very lonely and grumpy person. After you, he smiled and laughed a lot more. Levi had always said that you taught him what it means to live. He counted his blessings every single day.
He lay back on the floor and talked to his kids and the grandkids about all the stars in the sky, along with the stories linked to them. He shifted off the floor as his kids looked after their own kids. He walked over to you and Kuchel. He gave his daughter a hug and some words of love and encouragement.
You smiled as Kuchel kissed Levi's cheek and hurried over to her brothers and sister. "You're a wonderful father and grandfather."
Levi sat next to you and hugged you tightly. "You're an incredible mother and grandmother. I love you."
"I love you too."
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jewish-vents · 11 days
I lost my best friend of 25 years over this conflict. She was being purposely cagey about it because she didn't want to lose me, and knew she would. On the 7th itself when I turned to my best friend to help me through my grief and terror she just said "I'm not the right person to discuss this with. I'm getting on a plane. Can't talk. Bye."
And she left me to burn
I probably should have known it then. She told me she didn't want to talk about it because I might think she's antisemitic, as that's the pressing thing when the world just declared it's intent to hunt and kill me in horrible ways.
"I can't relate but I support you, but please don't talk about it with me."
How is that support?
And how could I talk about anything else?
And then she changes the subject to someone saying something minor to her at work which set her into a crying fit, because she makes it a priority to tell me she bursts into tears 4 times a day every day so I can't ever have too strong of a negative emotion or it will set her off.
And then she told me she loves me but she can't say she likes Jews because "I haven't met all the other Jews." As though she'd ever say that to a Black friend about their entire people. She is the Most Progressive, you see, she is Very Aware Of Her White Privilege and stuff. She works with immigrants and would sooner jump off a bridge than give off a whiff of bigotry towards them.
But I'm a Jew.
She finally tells me she doesn't support Israeli striking back because there's children being hit. She hasn't seen any evidence to justify Israel's response. I ask to show her some. She refuses. You see she gets to have her uninformed opinion, gets the luxury of staying that way, she can just change the subject, I'm The Jew, that's my Jewish business.
My pain has always been her concern but not when it's Jew-related. I'm to hide that lest she burst into tears.
I gradually stop talking to her. She sends me anxious messages saying "I'm not sure if I can even ask how you are or if that's any of my business"
This from the woman who purposely made it not her business, DEMANDED it not be her business, and now she sniffing around like a hungry dog after telling me to just ignore it, that it's just online, that I should **uwu** watch my cortisol **uwu**
You need cortisol, I say, when you're being hunted. Sometimes cortisol is called for. She starts crying. How could I say that. She can't talk about this. It's too much for her. My cortisol is just too much for her. So now I have to shut up, because she's crying.
No one hunting her but she's crying
It felt like she was just hoping to wait around, have her private antisemitism, like she could hide her eyes from me, like I couldn't read her judging silence and her quiet insistence that though she admittedly knew nothing she certainly knew better than ME what was right. And if we get close, boom. Tears.
I felt so talked down to and invalidated. When I brought this up she said "I validate you" like that's a magic spell, you can just say the magic words AND that will cure neglect.
I finally blew up at her and of course there was big manipulative tears because how DARE I think she might have bigotry and how DARE I draw away from her after she made it clear she had no interest in my pain, after she tried so so so hard to hide it and used all the gentle parenting language she learned in her DEI courses to placate me, the Hysterical Jew.
I will always hate myself for apologizing to her for being angry, for my big violent emotions she would have preferred to ignore until I get over my weird Jewish thing, so I can get back to being the person she can subtly look down on and be holier than, and so she can cry to me, and cry, and cry, and cry, because someone gave her a minor correction at work and not because she's being hunted for being a Jew.
We should be able to disagree about politics, she says. We can't disagree about my existence and basic safety, I say. You don't deserve to be bathed in hate, get offline, she says.
They vandalized my synagogue. They attacked my friend's daughter on campus. That's awful, she says. I don't support that. Anyway, at work today -
We don't talk anymore. Haven't for months. Don't know if we ever will again. I've been angry at her every day. I feel like I let her get away with it. She gets to go out into the world feeling like she's right and Israel is evil and she used to have a Jewish friend who turned out to be craaaazy, it's terrible what Zionism does to those people. I'm sure she'll get clout at her super leftist workplace where she can never be progressive enough. Where she helps put DEI policies in schools and libraries that treat antisemitism as though it's a non-problem.
I'm just another oppressor-class Jew to her. Couldn't center her over my Jew Issues
I'm so angry at her and so angry at myself for not handling it better, for holding back, for indulging her crocodile tears and handling her with kid gloves, for not calling her out for manipulating me into muting my truth and thinking I'm so dumb that she could just refuse to address it, like I wouldn't know, for expecting me to just "get over" my people being slaughtered, for needing her and then sticking around long after she left me to die
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princessbrunette · 8 months
omg kinda imagining this with john b.. like him needing to go fishing or just hanging out with the pogues and one wrong move then you're all needy, hands all over him trying to him to go somewhere private so that you can at least save yourself from embarrassment infront of his friends who you think already don't like you 😓 or if he's just from fishing, you're all over him looking like a hungry puppy, and then he just smells like dead fish 😭😭😭😭 LMAO
.° ༘🍬⋆🤍₊˚ෆ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
john b was their leader, everything that happened to the pogues — or moreso everything the pogues involved themselves in happened to be surrounded around your boyfriend. why? you wasn’t so sure, outside of the stuff with his dad and the royal merchant — you considered him pretty laid back, always down to go with the flow. with this being the dynamic, it was no surprise that you felt some hostility towards you from his friends when you started hanging around more, taking him away to spend private and intimate hours together.
so you stopped.
being apart of john b’s world mattered to you, and you knew his friends were like his family. in order to fit in, and for everything else to fall into place you needed them to like you. maybe you were a people pleaser, its true — but you were dead set on allowing them to spend as much time around jb as they needed until they respected you enough to let you have him.
it had been roughly ten days, and you were dying. it’s not that you hadn’t been around him, no — you had been together the whole time. but you’d been around the group non stop, no time to talk privately even, no time to make eachother feel good. you were needy by nature, always wanting to keep a hand on him at all times despite the eye rolls from kie, teasing from jj or awkward coughs from pope. but this wasn’t always enough, and after spending all day with the gang fishing — watching your calm and dominant by nature boyfriend command a small group so easily, you needed him.
the pogues seemed distracted out on the lawn once you returned, setting up a fire for the night and you took that time to pounce. “hey, um— can you help me with something inside?” you ask politely, and it felt like it had been so long since he’d touched you that your voice was trembling. his brow instantly creases, guiding you inside the chateau by the lower back in concern.
“everything okay?” he asks, and you take a deep breath to respond — expression all furrowed and pouty, and before you get to speak he explodes quickly into dialogue. “i know, i know okay i haven’t been able to spend much time with just you lately — i don’t… know what’s gotten into them okay it just seems they— they need me around right now and they’re my family, you know? they’ll get used to us soon and then we can—”
“john b.” you whisper, eyes glassy. he stops, lips parted and eyes wide.
“yeah?” he breathes.
“we’re alone right now. and i don’t know how long that’s gonna last but… i need you.” you whisper gets whinier towards the end, softly grasping his tanned, strong hand and pushing it beneath your dress, letting him cup your soaked panties.
“oh my god. i have really neglected you, huh?” he melts a little, guilty but equally aroused, his shorts tightening around him.
“its— it’s okay… been trying to give you space, get them to like me… but right now i don’t care, i’m sorry. just need you inside me, daddy.” you touch his chest, tempting him with those doe eyes he knows too well and he’s on you in an instant— dragging you into his room and shutting the door for extra security, laying you down.
“i’m sorry, shit— i’m sorry. you’re my girl… should be looking after you.” he rants quietly as he presses kisses all over your neck down to your tits, hands pushing your dress up.
“s’okay john b i’m— i’m just aching, make it better please.”
“would be my pleasure sweatheart.” he cooes as he pulls the soaked fabric of your panties down your legs. “and i’m sorry i stink of dead fish that’s uh— that’s not ideal.”
.° ༘🍬⋆🤍₊˚ෆ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
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Yandere vampire Luffy getting jealous and breaking the nose of one of his vampy friends trying to bite on his precious Reader?
Belong To Me~..
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College student reader!! X yandere vampire! Luffy!
Halloween special~
Fluttering your eyes open, you opened your eyes and sat up in your bed to face the world. Looking around, you noticed it was a bit dark..the curtains were closed after all.
“It’s so dark in here..isn’t supposed to be a bit sunny today..?”
You asked to yourself, sitting up out of your bed, you got up and turned to your curtains. Opening then to the reveal the glorious sunlight shining through. Of course the weather wasn’t as hot though. A smile made its way onto your lips as you were just about to comment on the weather, especially for Halloween season you heard a hiss.
A hiss of pain, like someone was behind you and felt pain from the..sunlight..?
Immediately, you turned around to look at what was behind you but there you saw nothing. In the shadows you saw nothing lurking around..
Or so you thought..
Little did you know that there was a certain vampire with obsidian black hair and big wide eyes filled with curiosity and adventure. A vampire that was completely..compelled by you.
Luffy blew on his wing as quietly as he could, but also trying to heal it from the sunlight you just had to shine at this time of day!
He huffed, his eyes following your every move while you walked around the room. Who knows how long he’s been staying in your apartment..one day he found you and couldn’t let go..he would never forget that one fateful rainy day.
The wind was crisp as autumn was coming to a close. The moon was shining bright as a light in a dark room. Luffy unfortunately, was having a bit too much fun in his bat form that night and was being a little reckless..he was laying on the wet floor, tired, hurt and hungry. But then you came. You came and rescued him from who knows what could’ve happen to him. You fed him, cared for him and loved him. All in his bat form but that still counts for something right?!
His heart fluttered as he grinned, showing his white shiny fangs along with his other pearly white teeth. Just look at you..those eyes..that hair..that smile.
He just had to protect you no matter what..soon, you’d be his..
And nothing could change that.
He was absolutely sure of it, oh so delusional..his grin didn’t even falter at all as he jumped from the bookshelf and turned into his bat form, flying after you when he saw you leave out the front door while you were talking on the phone, trying to keep quiet.
The sound of your phone ringing got your attention as you picked it up from your bag and answered it, the beeping finally stopping. Now your eyes were locked on where you were going but still you kept your mind open to whoever was calling you so suddenly just when classes were about to start.
Your eyes lit up as soon as you heard that voice, it was your best friend who was also attending the school you were currently going to! But what did they want?
“Hey,(F/N) what’s up? You know we’ll see each other in class right?”
“Yeah i know! But I just wanted to make sure about one thing, you’re going to the Halloween party one of the students is throwing tonight right? It’s gonna be huge!!”
You thought about for a second..would a part be good for you?..you liked Halloween..and you could get a a taste of the college experience better..sure why not!
You have been feeling a bit..watched lately..
A smile made its way onto your lips as you opened up the door to your first class of the day.
“You bet your ass I am!”
When you walked into the party you were immediately hit by the flashing lights and colors. So many people were dancing and even singing that it was hard to keep track of who was who.
Looking around for your friend who invited you in the first place, you went over to the punch bowl.
Leaning against the railing, you took out your phone and texted your friend to let them know you were here but all of a sudden you felt a light, gentle tap on your shoulder.
Turning around, you saw a boy with black hair. He had a big grin on his face with excitement in his wide eyes. Something about him was truly..compelling..you could already tell. He had a scar under his right eye and..fangs?..
No! That had to be a costume! Get it it together Y/N!..
Looking up at him, his smile only grew somehow. He just met you but seemed so so excited..was he new?..
“Hi!! My names Luffy! Yours?!”
He did while holding his hand out, sheepishly smiling you gently took it and shook it in a friendly manner.
“Hey Luffy I’m Y/N..how do you know the host of this party?..or are you new to campus..I don’t recall seeing you around..”
He blinked a few times and then laughed a bit nervously.
“Oh well..yeah..I’m new! I know the host by..an old pal!”
Tilting your head you nodded. The whole conversation so far, you saw that he hadn’t removed his gaze off of you..once.
His cheery attitude never left or faltered once while the two of you were talking and for some reason you felt he was a bit off. Whenever you told him something about yourself like your favorite food, color or music style, he didn’t seem surprised like..at all.
It was like he already knew the answers.
Like he already knew you.
Like the back of his hand..
A few minutes had passed and he was still rambling about some nonsense. Boy, he really did know how to talk your ear off didn’t he..? He seemed so excited to talk to you. Not to mention he kept inching a bit closer, so close that if he wanted to, he could pull you in a hug without even trying.
Then out of no where, two hands slowly slid down to your hips. Eyes widening in shock and surprise you instinctively turned around to face whoever was in a touchy mood tonight.
You would notice that Luffy also stopped immediately when someone Dared to lay a finger on your precious body.
He was clenching his plastic cup with juice in it, making the juice slowly drip down his fist to his arm.
He hated when others stole your attention from him. He did not like it. Not one bit.
The person who grabbed you from behind seemed to have the same vibe as Luffy….kinda..And those fangs..those fangs they had looked so real..
But they couldn’t be! Vampires weren’t real! Right?
“Hey Luffy, who’s this cutie?..”
The guy asked, unusually staring at the side of your neck..
Luffy groaned. Why couldn’t he just have you to himself?..he gave a little pout as he watched you and his friend talk for a bit.
In all honesty, he didn’t really care if that guy was his friend..
Yeah, they did know each other for a few..years, and they looked out fir each other whenever the humans tried to kill them but..
Whoever should even dare to touch will get their asses kicked.
Luffy’s thoughts were really running wild through his mind. What if he tried to take you away from him..? What would he do with you? Who would he do with you?!?
Man..he really didn’t know why you made him so..so..
His mind then went quiet when he saw the sight before him.
His friend was trying to bite you.
He had his jaw open and forcefully tilting your head to the side so he could have more access. You look confused out of your mind, why was he trying to bite you..? What was this?
With the lights, the music and the people all around you three, adrenaline shot through Luffy’s veins. He snapped. He just couldn’t handle this anymore.
You were his.
You saved him.
He was supposed to protect you!
Without a thought he lunged forward, a shadow covering his eye as a serious look that rarely showed on his face.
His fist instantly connecting with his friend who tried to bite your neck with his dirty slimy teeth. The guy clenched his nose as blood trickled from his hand and letting out a loud groan of pain.
You were absolutely shocked, looking down at him with a mix of shock and horror.
By now, the party had stopped and everyone was looking at the scene that just played out.
Luffy took a few deep breaths, his fists clenched. Looking at you he smiled, not even caring about the whole scene he had caused.
Without any hesitation at all he swooped you up into his arms and flew out the window, holding you tight as you screamed for help. There were people who ran to try to help and others just stared. Ether way he finally had you now he was never letting you go.
Back in his cave he had you in between his legs, snuggling his head in your neck. Unfortunately, you were making too much noise while he was carrying you so he had to knock you out. It was okay though! You would forgive him eventually..
He had to admit he was overjoyed to finally have you here his cave, holding you close and caring for you.
He had all your favorite things here!..that he may or may not have stolen from your home..Your clothes, pictures..you would love it!
A grin was plastered on his face as he took in your scent and let out a happy sigh.
He said softly in your neck, his grip slowly tightening around you.
“You Belong To Me..”
Hey guys!! I thought I’d do this request first since it was only two days after Halloween! I really liked this one and I hope you guys did too!❤️🌸❤️
@anemptypuddingcup thank you so much for requesting this sweetie! I really hope you liked this!! I thought I’d make it into a modern college AU because it fit better for me lol, sorry if that messed it up 😭 but I really hope you enjoyed this because it was so much fun to write this🫶🏼 remember, you can always request from me because I LOVE your ideas! Thank you again darling!
Until next time my pretty petals!! 🌸🌱🪷
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