#I want to interact with more people on tumblr
I love them
I didn't know I needed to know that the weed-smoking girlfriends post was genetically a wolf, but I did, and I do. Also puts great stuff on my dash.
it’s so fun to be scrolling unhinged posts and then boom. an organism!
so many moths‼ also, unexpected comedy with some of the matches
perfect blend of silly and informative, and makes for an excellent punchline at the end of a long post. puts creatures on my dash. literally what more could you ask for
It's a really unique blog concept and a lot of times the results are pretty funny. It's great when the sequence matches the post content too!
Creatures 👍
Finds beautiful creatures out of the mess of the hellsite
Offers finality AND gives us a creechur.
I love them. English speakers talk like moths
If this blog wins, they could run the text of the winning announcement, and determine the post's genus and species!
They're also very good about tagging the type of creature depicted in the results, so as long as you mute tags of creatures you don't want to see, it's a very fun time seeing iconic legacy posts (and new submissions) being reduced down to a string of letters and assigned a random species of fish or moth or something!
uhh it’s cool
There are so many weird bugs in the world
If, as Haldane said, God has an inordinate fondness for beetles, then surely this blog proves that Tumblr has an inordinate fondness for moths.
Top tier blog as a geneticist, I love seeing obscure organisms and MOTH
Admin got rate limited after trying to blast the bee movie
the knowledge of biology to pull this off (i have taken one biology class in my life) and also the work to find all the strings honestly deserves quite a bit of praise
This gimmick blog has it all: science, pictures of animals, interaction with the text of other peoples' posts, interesting information, and a unique and fun premise. As a biologist, I'm rooting for hellsitegenetics to reach the end and take the tournament, because it is truly a standout among gimmick blogs.
If they win, perhaps this blog too shall become a cool organism :3
people sometimes dont read the URL and think that the dream is something that actually happened. creates confusion and the funny
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benchspkmnirlhub · 3 days
Introducing the Union Circle!
Ever wanted your character to visit another person's character, but they're in separate universes? This is for you!
Union Circle functions similarly to Pelipper Mail, Mystery Gift, and Magic Anons. It's a setting you can have on your blog to be enabled or disabled.
If enabled, people can send your character a "Union Request". If your character accepts the Union Request, then the character who sent the request will temporarily appear in your character's universe. More than two people can participate in a Union Circle, too!
It's important that all involved parties must agree to a Union Circle before it forms. If any party does not agree to the Union Request, the Union Circle will not occur.
Too much for you? There's also Union Rooms! These are a lot like Union Circles, but confined to a single room. People can enter these rooms to interact with characters from other universes! Once they leave the Union Room, though, they will return to their home universe.
Union Circle can be enabled or disabled at any time by the blogrunner.
If the existence of Union Circle might break your plots, don't worry, I have a solution!
Sometimes, Union Circle can't connect to certain universes. The in-universe reasoning can vary, from divine interference, to tumblr being weird and glitchy, to stress on the servers, and anything else you can think of! Think of this sorta like the "Divine Censorship" certain blogs employ to prevent characters from being spoiled on future events.
Please reblog this post if you're interested in using Union Circle on your blog(s), or just want to let more people know about it! Only if you want, though!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
That's all I can think of! I hope you all have fun with Union Circle!
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olderthannetfic · 1 day
I accidentally killed my own desire to write, and I need some advice. To be really blunt about it, what's the point of writing? When I would spend lots of time laboring over making a good story with a plot and characters who were in-character and connecting all the dots narratively so payoffs were satisfying, my reward was dead silence and virtually no clicks. I posted some mindless smut to my side account one day and got more hits in a day than most of my other works combined got in a year. I know, I know. "Write for ~*~yourself~*~" is the common response. It's the "be yourself!" of writing. It's supposed to be a magical phrase that'll make everything okay. But... I don't like knowing that something I spend months working on won't be read by anyone while something I write in a car while bored got thousands of clicks. I don't like making something I'm proud of and then no one ever looks at it. That's not fun for me. It's not fulfilling.
For a solid decade, I've tried to ignore how the level of interactivity in fandom is falling. Fewer comments. Fewer kudos. No comments in the bookmarks. You put your tumblr and Discord in the AN and get a handful of asks and one person who adds you, talks to you twice and then ghosts you. Most of the comments are "well, actuallys", made even more annoying by them being wrong as opposed to actually correcting an error. I avoid fandom drama, wank, and infighting. I don't engage with things I know will make me unhappy. I try to be happy over in my own little corner. I comment on every single work I read. I want people to enjoy fandom. I used to.
Some dumb smut I wrote in 40 minutes gets five times the hits of the writing I'm most proud of, and it gets it in just under three months. I am not a great smut writer. I haven't stumbled onto an incredible talent I had that makes it so the issue is that I'm so amazing my smut brings all the boys to the yard. People just don't like what I write and put effort into. It's very likely that despite 20 years of writing fic, I suck at writing. And people enjoy my writing most when they don't have to put up with anything substantial and can just skip to the sex.
So for the last eight months, when I write, I just sort of give up. Close the Word doc without saving. No one will read this. No one cares about this. There is no fan eagerly awaiting every update like I await updates from my favorite authors. There's not even someone saying, "update soon!" Close the Word doc. Delete old WIPs. There's no point. I do not tell stories worth reading. I used to. In the FFN days people genuinely enjoyed my work. I'd never have had an opportunity to do the 'I won't update until I get 3 reviews' thing because getting that many on a chapter was usually something I'd do overnight. Post before bed. Wake up. Read the reviews before school. I peaked in high school, I guess.
And now I'm just sort of lost. I still have lots of ideas. Ideas for fics fall into my head all the time. That's never been a problem. What I don't have is any motivation to write them. What's the point of writing? If no one else is reading, I guess the point would be so I could go back and read my own story and have fun with it. Write for myself. But I can review the story and have fun with it in my head without writing it down. It's substantially faster and more importantly, isn't incredibly depressing.
So, at the risk of definitely being calld the second-coming of True Art Anon or a troll or validation-seeking or haha mentally ill haha... what's the point of writing?
Okay, so write porn in a car while you're bored.
Look, you can whine all you want about my response, but what you've written here is blatantly about depression.
Lots of people in fandom are still interacting. And no, it isn't just on fics that are objectively written to some pro fiction standard or whatever. Teenagers still breathlessly review poorly spelled cracky masterpieces about this year's big anime and so forth.
Yes, there may be reasons why you in particular are in a slump when it comes to fandom friendships or "plz update" comments. We can talk about that. But this ask is all gloom about fandom in general. That's not realism: that's you having a problem.
As for why a person should write: because the actual hours you spend doing the writing are fun.
If they aren't pleasurable in some way, find another hobby.
But if you want an answer to the age old "Why did my 5 minute fic get 1000000x more asspats", I've seen meta about this for literally decades.
The most likely reason is that the fic we write quickly and without much thought often feels fresher and more fun. The things we labor over endlessly can feel overworked. Even in cases where they don't, they're often heavier subject matter or more niche subject matter. On top of all that, we just care more, so even a high level of feedback doesn't really feel like enough for the effort and care we put in.
Do you really need me to tell you why you don't feel the same as in high school when things were fresh and new?
Go read up on combatting burnout or dealing with post-college anxiety or managing stress in a dead-end job in your 30s or finding meaning in your 40s or whatever is going on.
Everyone goes through fallow periods in fandom and in life.
Feeling reinvigorated has to do with internal factors and some general life circumstance stuff. It doesn't have that much to do with number of kudos. That's just the surface trigger for a mood that was already there.
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mal3vol3nt · 1 day
Hi! I'm curious on your thoughts of this meta.
hi anon! so sorry for keeping you waiting with this response, i know it’s been months. unfortunately this probably isn’t gonna be the response you wanted to hear—me breaking down this zk brainrot rant and subverting their claims with canon content. please allow me to explain though (this is gonna be long sorry):
the reasons i’ve been slow to answer this ask and others that have sent me zk rants are:
since joining atla twitter (@arrsapphics if you’re cool) i’ve been exposed to a lot more zk coke-fueled rants and just do not have the energy to torture myself by willingly reading their shit
a lot of these zutara stans on tumblr are a lot more deranged and genuinely horrible people now that i’ve been exposed to the twitter zks. of course, zks are stupid and ship-obsessed on every platform and some of them (one in particular comes to mind—if you’re on twitter then you know) are genuinely just as bad, but i feel the ones on here have a special type of hatred considering they can tag their posts to ensure their hate stays within the echo chamber
the second reason is the biggest part of why i will no longer entertain posts from longing-for-rain. i have recently found out via twitter that they write rape fanfiction of katara. being a chronically online shipper is one thing but to write fanfic of katara being raped so that zuko can save her is truly where i have to disengage. they have also posted rants of them analyzing katara’s body in the show, measuring the size of her breasts and hips to support the delusions in their head about this 14 year old girl. i truly cannot engage with this person’s rants as if they’re just regular shipping war bullshit. this person is a sick individual who not only projects onto a 14 year old brown indigenous character but also sexualizes and adultifies her
for these reasons, i refuse to read a rant posted by her and other big zk blogs on this app. people who take their obvious fetishes and racism and project them onto underaged asian and indigenous characters have gained too much attention from me on this blog. i can’t continue reading rants from these people and analyzing them because i know these people are not treating this show and its characters under an appropriate lens and arguing with their points will do absolutely nothing but enrage me, other people in the ka fandom, and fuel their delusions with our anger as “proof” their arguments hold any weight. on twitter, i’ll continue interacting with what comes up on my tl from my atla moots and if that includes shitting on a deranged zk then fine. but on tumblr i refuse to engage, especially since this app has a tagging system that i use religiously
and i would like to encourage anyone who reads this to also refuse to take this person’s rants seriously and look at them as nothing more than cope-hatred by a sick individual with sick fantasies and thoughts about these minor characters. of course, if you choose to still engage then i won’t stop you and will probably like and reblog your posts 😭
i will just no longer willingly click on links to their rants and subject myself to their bullshit. however, if you’d like for me to argue against zk claims then you are more than welcome to send me a summary of what they’ve said and i’ll do my best to organize a response! i absolutely do not want to discourage anyone from sending me asks because i truly do enjoy answering yalls questions and i love knowing that people like hearing what i have to say on these things lol. please, send me asks about anything and everything! just please understand that i won’t be clicking any links to their posts and blogs or be entertaining anything that comes from the three main delusional zk blogs 🙏
i hope this has made sense and again, i’m sorry anon for taking so long to answer this ask and for not giving the expected response 🫶
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j0kers-light · 1 day
Wow I’ve never done this before. My bestie @megamindsecretlair tagged me so I feel compelled to try. 🖤✨
Where do I begin?
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j0kers-light will always be a side hobby. A much needed escape from my hectic work schedule, and a place where I could share my mind with others. I never imagined I would have so many wonderful people reading my silly little stories.
The wave of support on here, A03, Wattpad, and IG is just jaw dropping. 
Chaos is truly honored. Not to sound conceited, I know I’m a good writer, but to see my impact on others is what makes me fangirl squeal!!! 
I am only human though and I’m limited to how fast I can post stories. If you been with me since the beginning, you know I finally broke down and got surgery on my left hand in October 2023. I still suffer muscle spasms, so typing isn’t always easy. 
Like I mentioned in the Wip game post, I have seven fics in the cart…. and countless asks pending in my inbox. It keeps glitching but I'm certain I don't have 50+ at least I hope I don't. 🙃
I also have two series, His Lighthouse and His Angel, of which both are incomplete. 
What can I say, I like to stay busy. All I ask is for patience and your support. I crave interaction. Not just likes. I’m from the old school tumblr. 😎 I wanna to talk to others.
I want comments and reblogs. I want to interact with you. Tell me how much you enjoy a fic, tell me your thoughts and opinions! I don’t feel motivated by likes. I don’t feel like my work is being appreciated by a mere double tap.
We as writers give too much for so little in return. I don’t wanna preach about it, I do enough of that on my main blog.. 👀
Chaos is here to stay, just more human interaction would be nice.
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splynter · 7 months
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the-magpie-archives · 4 months
I know Jared Hopworth is supposed to be a terrifying monster with too many limbs and a body that defies any recognisable form one could relate to humanity, but I can never picture him like that. I've never been able to picture this many-limbed monstrosity, but instead something much more subtle.
A man who at a glance could be normal. From a distance. You know how sometimes if you see a large animal your brain tries to make it into a person? Like that. The shape is that of a person, but wait... It's too big, the proportions are... Off.
There's nothing more terrifying than the slow realisation that something unprovable is very, very wrong.
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
I used to worry people wouldn’t like my silly nsfw stories if they followed me for cute long gay comics and now that two of my sex shop stories are blowing up I’m fretting all the new followers will get annoyed about the long gay comics.
Repeating my mantra: this is my blog and I post what I want to.
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meltedmush · 6 months
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spiderwarden · 2 months
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*draws gun on the dash* and for the love of God, don't ever softblock me. I loathe that. I have structured my blog to people I like, if you want to unfollow me just unfollow. we don't have to be mutuals for me to enjoy your content.
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zukosbangtan · 4 days
girl am i crazy or does anybody else also feel like tumblr has been pushing a lot of anti zutara and anti zuko posts from people u don't even follow on ur for you page these past days??? or is it just my tumblr??? someone please tell me they also noticed this cause it's getting really annoying
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aceinacloset · 2 months
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I want them to argue
I headcanon that in arguments, Baby always keeps a cold face and cold exterior to make it seem like nothing phases her, but you can tell she's angry. While Ballora is seething and seconds away from killing someone, when anyone tests her patience to an extreme degree.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 months
I know I'm going to get blocked by people over my post saying I don't give a shit what people who don't ship Loumand have to say about their relationship, which does kind of suck because I don't like coming across cool posts and finding that I can't interact with them, but I'm so rabid for Loumand and so. SO. Fucking sick of people trash talking them in my notes that I'm willing to make the sacrifice.
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incorrectpizza · 1 year
I feel like Tumblr is such a weird social media platform because like you get to know people but also not??
Like my mutuals are the best ever but also I don't know anything about them besides their blorbos, obsessions, and maybe a smattering of other things that are ""too weird"" to post on actual personal social media platforms. Like. Have I ever had a conversation with you? No. But also, you're a friend.
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wavetapper · 17 hours
I know it's cool to have a sort of knee jerk cringe reaction to anything "fandom related" on here but I genuinely cannot see what's so bad about putting characters from media into like meme screenshots from other shows lmao. like it's not "reducing them down to tropes and ignoring the source material" its like "hey this common meme template reminds me of something that happened in the game/show/whatever haha that's funny"
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zerkenik · 7 months
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LAST BUNCH OF BEHEADED DOODLES UNTIL I WAKE UP LATER.. i was rlly nervous about starting to upload art online, but having a reason to draw is really helping me and i want to thank you guys for even liking my art :^)
Whole lot of rambling in the tags lol
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