#I want to make some fanart that has just been sitting in my head for ages
chaos-potat · 9 months
All these edits of C.A.S are starting to make me cry, ugh, I was staying strong
C.A.S made me cry when I needed to cry but couldn't do it, it really helped me through some things, this is dumb and mushy and everyone rottmnt fan is saying it, I'm a normie
I'm a little happy it's over, they had their happy ending, it feels like Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles finally had it's ending and they can all recover and be happy
(I would not complain if it was officially continued though)
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greensagephase · 1 year
Nonviolent Communication - Part Eight
Miguel O'Hara x SpideyFemReader
Summary: Your spider senses go off in the middle of the night, and you can't figure out why. Miguel goes out on a mission alone.
Word Count: 14,258 (I think I can safely say this will be the last time it ever gets to this. I thought about splitting this part but didn't want to leave you guys on a cliffhanger.)
Warnings: Some violence; mention of blood; explosions; angst; death
Music inspo while writing (in order):
"Sleepwalk" - Santo & Johnny (instrumental)
"Les" - Childish Gambino (instrumental)
"Adrian" - Bill Conti (instrumental) (I watched some of the "Rocky" movies and thought this song was so beautiful and tender)
"Amor Eterno" (instrumental) (iykyk, and I'm sorry if you do)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine |
***Beautiful fanart for Nonviolent Communication has been created by lovely artists and you can find it all linked in my masterlist under fanart. Please go and show some love to the artists!! Their art is BEAUTIFUL!! ❤️***
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Part Eight
“The tension in the room right now is palpable,” Pav mutters as you and him stand side by side in Peter and Mary Jane’s living room.
“My bet is on Miles,” you reply quietly.
“Hm, I think Noir has this one,” he replies as the two of you look over at Miles and Noir.
“Miles has this in the bag,” Hobie murmurs behind you and Pav, making both of you turn around to look at him.
The three of you watch behind a couch as Miles and Noir, who are sitting on the floor around the living room’s console table, eye each other as they play UNO. The group started out with them, Hobie, Gwen, Pav, and you while Peter, Mary Jane, Penny, Margo, and Peter Porker watched. You were unfortunately the third one out followed by Hobie, leaving Noir and Miles as the two final players.
The others are watching from the couch, trying to hold their giggles. It’s Friday night, which means you and the rest of the group came over for dinner at Peter and Mary Jane’s universe. It’s a weekly dinner and one you’ve learned to love. It gives you something to look forward to on the weekend because it means you and your friends can relax and engage outside of work.
Peter and Mary Jane cook but the rest of you bring something over, which means that there’s usually a large dinner. Dinner always takes about an hour or so since you all catch up on what’s happening in your lives, which means that each week you and the other adults get to hear the younger people talk about school and some new drama. Of course, there’s also some talk about missions and anomalies considering most of you are spider-people. Then, after helping Peter and Mary Jane clean up, you all gather in the living room to play games.
Ten minutes later, Miles wins the game and Noir complains about the cards’ colors. After a good laugh, you all have a slice of cake, which you baked yourself, before everyone starts heading out. You say your goodbyes and thank Peter and Mary Jane for dinner before you head back to your universe. You change into your pajamas almost immediately, but you don’t head to bed just yet.
Instead, you grab a book from your bookshelf and take a seat on your couch. It’s ten p.m. on a rainy Friday night. You look around your apartment as you snuggle onto the couch with a blanket thrown over your legs. You open the book but you look up, your eyes taking in your small apartment.
It's officially four years since Peter’s death. His death anniversary was a couple of days ago and of course, there were some tears but for the most part, you handled it well. You visited him and spent some time at the cemetery. You went through some photo albums, taking a walk down memory lane.
Four years.
Where did the time go? You sigh as you look around your apartment. Time has gone by, but it doesn’t seem like it did in your apartment. It still looks the same as it did back when Peter was alive. It’s a personal choice. You wanted to keep everything the same. So, you have the same wall decorations the two of you hung together. The furniture is unchanged and it all remains in the original places you and Peter chose back in the day.
As you hear the soft pit pat of rain on your windows, you feel the urge to change some things around. Or maybe add new things.
You nod to yourself, thinking of what you’d like to do but decide to leave that for another day. It’s already a good sign you’re thinking of redecorating a little bit. You turn back to the book and begin to read, hoping that the reading and calm rain will lure you to sleep, which won’t be hard as you’re already feeling exhausted from the missions you were a part of today plus the patrolling of your city.
Soon enough, you notice your eyes begin to skip lines and you’re having to find your place multiple times. You decide to call it a night when you see it’s midnight. You do your night routine before you slide into bed, drifting off without any trouble.
Miguel stares at one of his many monitors, standing on his platform. His eyes scan the information before him despite it being two in the morning. He scrolls a bit to see more information. It’s all the data that was collected the previous day on anomaly matter from multiple universes. Of course, Lyla reads the information and always lets him know when there’s something worth discussing but Miguel often prefers to go in and check himself. As he finishes reading the data from a specific section, he stretches his back to relieve some of the tension. He hears his back pop, and he sighs in relief before he returns to reading.
Miguel has been sleeping once a week at his penthouse for multiple weeks now but tonight is not one of those nights. Tonight, he’ll stay here in his empty lab like most nights. Even if he wanted to go home, he can’t. He feels restless. He notices the time on his monitors, of course. He finds himself wishing it was day already and he doesn’t know why. He sighs to himself, closing his eyes for a few seconds trying to regain his focus, so he can concentrate on the data, but he cannot. His fingers move on their own and soon, he’s looking at a video of himself and Gabriella, when he gifted her a soccer ball. He stares at the video fondly, remembering her happiness when she saw the gift. He closes it before he gets off his platform with another sigh and begins to walk out of his lab.
He exits his lab into one of the many hallways of HQ, deciding to take a walk to clear his mind. Miguel doesn’t really pay attention to where he’s going. He’s just walking. He does this sometimes when his brain needs a moment during the long nights. He walks the empty hallways and cafeteria, eyes scanning the city from behind the large windows. He cannot make much of it due to the rain falling against the glass, which has created a blurry effect. Still, Miguel can see the faint lights of flying cars and other buildings’ lights in the distance.
He walks and walks. It’s early Saturday morning and here he is, walking through an empty HQ. He eventually returns to his lab. His mind feels more at ease but there’s still something that gnaws at him. He resumes his work at his platform, scanning his monitors. Everything looks fine. He sighs again and begins to read the data, but that feeling is still there. It’s like Miguel knows that at any moment, Lyla will appear and tell him that something’s wrong.
He moves the screen closer, willing himself to concentrate. To ignore the feeling, but five minutes later, one of his screens flashes red and Lyla appears.
“Miguel – two anomalies have been detected. Earth-42. They just entered the universe.”
And there it is. Miguel’s mask immediately covers his face as he leaps off his platform.
“Two anomalies… Who are they? Are they in the system?” Miguel asks as he starts clicking on his gizmo, preparing to open a portal to travel.
“One of them is a Green Goblin version. The other one is not in our system. First time,” Lyla reports.
Miguel nods, wasting no time once the portal opens. He steps out onto a rooftop on Earth-42, the same one that was cleaned up by Miles and his variant from this Earth over a year ago when he ended up sent here by the Go Home Machine. As Miguel steps out onto a rooftop, he’s unable to stop himself from briefly scanning the city. What a difference. The city is well lit, calm, and there’s still a buzz of people despite the time and rain but Miguel quickly focuses on the task at hand, putting his thoughts behind.
He looks around the area, trying to catch sight of the anomalies. He spots the first one, an unknown anomaly running in circles on the street below. There’s no sight of the Green Goblin, however, so he decides to catch this strange anomaly first and then pursue the Green Goblin.
As he heads straight for the anomaly, Miguel’s eyes scan it, trying to get an idea of how dangerous it might be. The body is a white cybernetic one. The head, which is a male human head, is inside a container filled with liquid. Glass makes up the front portion of the container, making it possible for the anomaly to see and a few hoses run through the anomaly’s body, leading Miguel to make the educated guess it’s the way it sustains itself. He also notices that this anomaly only has one hand, while the other arm has a clamp at the end.
Just before Miguel lands on the ground, he prepares a trapper-keeper, ready to trap the anomaly to transport it to HQ. The anomaly, however, begins running away from him as soon as it spots him.
“Running already?” he mutters, as he starts chasing it. “Lyla, keep me updated on the Green Goblin, you know how they get with their little explosions.”
“The Green Goblin has moved further away,” Lyla answers, making Miguel groan. “Maybe you should call for backup.”
“No, I got this. Just keep me updated on the Goblin’s movements.”
“Whatever you say, boss.”
Lyla disappears, leaving Miguel to do his job. He runs before he leaps into the air, reaching an incredible height as he heads straight for the anomaly. The anomaly somehow senses his attack as it turns around and meets Miguel with its clamp, clawing at him to prevent any blows. The anomaly’s moves don’t deter Miguel though as he takes hold of the clamp before he pushes the man to the ground.
The anomaly uses his one hand to land a punch on Miguel’s thigh before he swipes one of his long cybernetic legs around Miguel’s lower body, knocking him to the ground. The anomaly runs off to a building, hoisting himself up by perforating the walls with the clamp.
Miguel quickly gets up, chasing after it. He shoots his web, wrapping it around the anomaly’s body and pulling but the anomaly puts up a good fight and ends up sniping the web with the clamp once it reaches the rooftop. Miguel spends ten minutes doing this: almost trapping the anomaly before it gets away.
“The Green Goblin is moving further away but there is no trouble detected. It’s like – it’s just waiting,” Lyla reports, sounding confused with the behavior of the Green Goblin.
“Waiting for what?” Miguel asks, in frustration as the anomaly keeps leaping off buildings.
“I don’t know.”
Miguel scowls, done with this already. In a rage of frustration, he shoots his webs and catches the anomaly in midair before pulling it towards him. Miguel is quick to jump, meeting the anomaly halfway before he delivers a blow to the head. It sends the anomaly crashing on a rooftop with a loud thud.
“You little-” the man says as he starts standing up, but he doesn’t have the opportunity to finish his sentence as Miguel lands on the rooftop and captures it with the trapper-keeper.
“Finally,” Miguel mutters, as he walks over to inspect it but before he even reaches it, he receives a heavy blow to his head, caught by surprise. “Green Goblin,” Miguel says angrily as he turns around.
“Hello, Spider-Man,” the Green Goblin greets him as he hovers in the air with his glider. “You look very different from my own Spider-Man.”
“That’s because you’re not in your universe,” Miguel answers annoyed as he lunges himself at the Goblin.
He knocks the Goblin off the glider, leading to the two of them landing on the rooftop before they begin hand to hand combat. The two men land blows on each other as the captured anomaly tries to break out of the trapper-keeper to no avail. Miguel notices this and it’s at this moment of distraction that the Goblin seizes his opportunity. He pulls out the Goblin trident and aims at Miguel’s hand, hitting his gizmo in the process.
Miguel immediately turns to the Goblin, retrieving his hand. He takes a quick glance at the gizmo before scowling at the Goblin, who’s about to take another swing at Miguel.  Miguel blocks it this time and throws a punch at him, sending him flying. The Goblin lands on the floor, quickly getting up on his feet and like every other Green Goblin in the multiverse, the cunning man pauses for a second, tilting his head as he stares at Miguel with interest. His eyes flicker to the strange device on this Spider-Man’s wrist. He grins behind his green mask before he dashes at Miguel, trident in hand.
Miguel and the Green Goblin continue to fight. Miguel successfully dodges the trident several times, but the Green Goblin only seems to be fueled by this. He swipes at Miguel with the trident, finally slicing his skin under the suit. Miguel winces, pressing his hand to his body briefly, a moment the Green Goblin takes to hit the gizmo again.
“I’ve had enough of you,” Miguel mumbles, as his talons extend.
“That’s a new one,” the Green Goblin comments, referring to the talons, before he jumps off the rooftop.
And of course, Miguel O’Hara never gives up, so he runs after the Green Goblin under the pouring rain. He watches as the anomaly lands on its glider before he flies off, laughing at Miguel. With a scowl, Miguel shoots his web and starts following him, catching up with the anomaly in no time.
“Catch, Spider-Man!” the Green Goblin says pulling out one of its many grenades before he throws it at a building.
Miguel charges towards it, successfully stopping it from detonating but what he doesn’t sense is the Green Goblin coming from behind with his trident. He hits Miguel’s gizmo again with a strength that manages to crack the screen. He swipes at Miguel once more, slicing his skin almost in the same place as earlier before he flies off. Miguel shoots his web to keep himself from falling to the ground.
“Mierda!” Miguel yells as he swings, clutching the same area that was sliced.
He looks down at his gizmo, noticing the crack on it. It should continue working, Miguel thinks to himself, knowing that he and Lyla spent a lot of time making sure the device would be durable. It would take a lot to break it.
And it becomes the Green Goblin’s mission to do so. As Miguel and the anomaly continue their fight through the city, the Green Goblin aims hit after hit on the device, cunningly planning blows as he realizes the Spider-Man before him doesn’t sense his moves like the superhero from his own universe.
“Don’t let him hit the gizmo, Miguel!” Lyla warns, as the Green Goblin makes another swing.
And so, after what feels like an hour of fighting, the green mask man succeeds.
“Migu-” Lyla starts but doesn’t finish.
The gizmo’s screen shatters, and Miguel immediately knows it when he sees the colors of the device fade and Lyla’s holograph disappearing, making Miguel cuss under his breath as he realizes what this means. He needs to catch the Green Goblin soon, before he starts glitching.
The Green Goblin, however, has other plans as he flies off towards a skyscraper. He immediately pulls out more of his grenades, throwing them at the building. Miguel rushes and jumps into the air to try and stop them from detonating and as he works on this, the Green Goblin flies to him, quickly stabbing him with his trident in the stomach. He laughs at Miguel as he twists the trident to add more pain before flying off just as one of the remaining grenades goes off, blowing up a part of the skyscraper. Miguel, who is falling in midair due to the injury, covers his face as debris bursts around him. He feels some of it, glass from the windows, dig into his body causing him to groan in pain.
The adrenaline of it all still allows him to shoot his webs, preventing himself from falling. Except he glitches. For the first time in his life, Miguel experiences firsthand what it feels like to be an anomaly. He feels the shock of it in his body as he’s falling again since his web gave out in the process of glitching. The glitching stops and he tries again, catching himself on time. He lifts himself up onto a rooftop to collect himself, but the pain is there. He looks around quickly, there’s no sight of the Green Goblin. Miguel breathes heavily, the action making pain course through his body. He looks up at the city as he feels blood gush under his suit, where the trident puncture his body.
“Mierda,” Miguel mumbles out of breath, realizing what his situation means. No one knows he’s here. It’s the middle of the night and he’s injured, unable to travel back to his universe because his gizmo is broken. The realization dawns on him.
This might be it.
As the realization hits him, Miguel looks around the city. The rain is going strong, and he can hear sirens in the distance. He must move somewhere else. The tallest building catches his eye right away. He makes one last swing, forcing himself to climb the building despite the pain but thinking that if this is it, he wants to have a nice view. He thankfully doesn’t glitch on his way up, allowing him to make it to the rooftop. He collapses against a wall, next to the building’s door that leads to the rooftop. Miguel stares out into the city as he lays on the ground, clutching his stomach. The adrenaline is wearing off, and he knows it because his body feels weaker now. He begins to feel the pain more as it runs through his body. He can feel blood under his suit, gushing out slowly and his breathing feels more labored now.
Miguel looks at his gizmo again, as if hoping that the device will magically function, but he knows better. There’s no way to return to his universe. He sighs, the action taking more effort than it should as he lets his mask off, wanting his face to feel the rain.
What a way to die. In another universe that isn’t his home. Alone on a rooftop as rain cascades down on him. His hair is damp and it’s sticking to his forehead, but Miguel makes no attempt to fix it. His face – no – his entire body feels cold, which is a strange feeling for Miguel. His body heat has always prevented him from being cold but his body – the one he has pushed to its limits for years now – fails him now.
Miguel tries to ignore it. He tries to focus on the city and the skyscrapers. It’s a lovely sight and he can’t help but remember the day he was here with you many months ago when he assigned you to work with him for the first time. It was daytime and the sight was wonderful. He can’t help but think that you would love the sight even more at night.
As he stares out into the city, he can’t help but also think how ironic this is. Miguel is about to die on Earth-42. The very same universe linked to the whole mess with Miles. It seems so far away now, Miguel thinks. When he was set on preventing Miles from saving his father so he wouldn’t break the canon. It was such a messy situation. He acted in a way he’ll never be able to take back even if everyone else moved on.
Now, here he is. On Earth-42, in a far different city than the one he met when he first ventured into the multiverse. It’s almost like a slap in the face. As if it was meant for him to think of this in his last moments. To see one of his biggest mistakes. 
Miguel sighs again and this time, the action makes him hiss in pain. He can feel the blood. The pain is there but he tries to bear with it. He tries to distract himself.
As Miguel stares at the lights and the skyscrapers, his mind begins to wander off. He thinks of his family and flashes of memories run through his head. He sees his mom, when she was much younger and he was a kid, tending to his scraped knee. He sees her cooking in the kitchen of his childhood home.
He sees Gabriel sitting on his bedroom floor playing with his action figures, the same ones he begged Conchata for. He remembers the evenings they spent together, playing and pretending to be superheroes, not knowing what was in store for them in the future. He recalls the times when Gabriel was still so young and had nightmares. He found no comfort from his father, so he always went to Miguel’s bedroom. There, Miguel would comfort and assure him that it was just a bad dream and that it meant nothing. Despite Miguel’s comforting words, Gabriel always asked if he could stay with him, and Miguel could never say no.
“Gabrielito,” Miguel whispers, as he thinks of his little brother. His childhood face flashes in Miguel’s head before it morphs into Gabriel’s adult face. It was unfair, so unfair. Like any other older sibling, Miguel always thought he would be the first to pass away. He never imagined that it would be his little brother. He never imagined he would be taken away the way he was either. It was so unfair.
And as he thinks of Gabrielito, Miguel remembers a song his brother was very fond of. Surprisingly, the music is so clear in his mind as if it was only yesterday when the two of them drove to hang out with friends. As the older brother, Miguel was obviously the driver and Gabriel sat in the passenger seat, playing music. He remembers the first time Gabriel played it. He asked Miguel to be quiet and to just listen to it. And so, they had. They drove in silence as the instrumental song played, and it felt oddly nostalgic.
Miguel’s breathing slows down as the memories rush through his mind. They switch over to Gabriella. His time with her was short but they made so many memories. He can’t help but feel shame and pain in his chest as he thinks of her. Miguel has strayed away from his religion for some time now, but he hopes that if Heaven is real, that’ll he get to see her again. To hold her one more time. To apologize to her for lying. His wife comes to mind, too, of course, and so does the shame. He fell in love so quickly. His need to have a family blinded him so much, everything was rushed. Miguel can’t help but think now that he would’ve done things differently if he could. He wouldn’t have rushed into things. His wife had deserved better than him. Yet, he thinks fondly of the short time they had. He thinks warmly of the time he had a family even if it’s laced with shame and pain.
He lets his mind take him to those memories, back to those days that are long gone. As his mind is flooded with memories, he doesn’t notice the slowness of his breathing or heart. He doesn’t even feel the coldness of the wet ground or the cold raindrops that run down his beautiful face. He doesn’t notice that he’s staring at the city with half-lidded eyes now.
His mind goes through everything that happened in the last two years, including the fight and the multiverse hunt for Miles, which all lead to the last year. And of course, the last year leads to you. Your face flashes in Miguel’s mind. He thinks of the first time he met you when Jess introduced you. He thinks of the first weeks that you showed up with coffee to meetings before anyone else arrived and how he ignored the gesture. He remembers the day you volunteered to organize his lab thanks to Jess’s comment about the clutter. He sees different days combined into one memory of you chatting with Lyla as you worked, your voice and Lyla’s carrying to him, allowing him to hear bits and pieces.
He thinks of the day he showed up at your apartment and how he hated feeling something, which he now realizes was worry. Everything that has happened with you runs through his mind like a show. He sees your face, looking up at him on Dia de los Muertos, with that look of understanding in your eyes. He sees your arm reaching out to him when you wanted to comfort him. He sees you sitting on his kitchen island, eating the food he cooked on Christmas Eve. He remembers the ornaments and how yours was better than his. He recalls you showing up the next day. You brought cake and it was delicious. He remembers the two of you sat on the kitchen island again to eat, that time joined by Lyla, who asked questions as per usual.
He thinks of New Years Eve. You were invited to Miles’s universe, and you were sent to drop off food again. You stayed for a while once he mentioned that there was a huge firework show after the ball dropped, which meant that you spent the last and first minutes of the year with him in his penthouse.
Miguel’s heart continues to slow down as he thinks of the last year. You’re his friend. And he can’t help but feel disappointed that he’ll never be able to tell you face to face now. He wishes he could thank you. For everything. For the days you dealt with his coldness when he didn’t acknowledge you at all and left your coffee untouched. He briefly thinks about your excuse for taking him coffee. You lied much the same way he had lied about his reasoning for checking in on you that very first day. The day that led to your friendship. As Miguel’s eyelids further close, he thinks of how you’ll never know the truth about that day.
No one will.
Miguel’s heart beats slower and his body is cold as the rain continues to fall on him in the early morning. He listens to the soft pit pat as rain lands on the ground as the seconds tick by.
The same pit pat of rain can be heard on your apartment windows. The sound of it immediately fills your ears when you jolt awake from your sleep. A loud gasp escapes from your lips as you sit up on your bed. You sit, listening to the rain in the darkness of your bedroom as you try to catch your breath.
Your spider senses begin to go off, making you realize that’s what woke you up. You hurriedly jump out of bed and make a straight line to where you keep the two-way radio. You always keep the volume somewhat high during the night in case of emergencies but as you grab it and wait, there’s no feedback. Your eyes flicker to the clock on your nightstand. It’s three in the morning. You hurry to the windows of your apartment, pulling the curtains open to look out. There’s no sight of disturbance. If anything, the city looks at peace under the rain.
There’s not even the sound of traffic. All you can hear is the sound of rain but it’s there again. Your spider senses. Something is not right.
You hurry and get changed into your suit, not knowing what to do. Nothing looks wrong outside but you’re out of your apartment in less than three minutes. You swing from building to building as your eyes inspect the streets below. Your eyes search for anyone who might be in danger or anyone who might cause trouble.
You land on a rooftop to catch your breath. There’s a feeling of dread growing in the pit of your stomach. It’s one you’re all too familiar with as you’ve only ever felt this kind of dread once before. You try not to think of it but it’s impossible not to. The kind of dread that’s spreading through your body is the same kind you felt the day you lost Peter. You felt it spread like poison when you hurried to find Peter in the rubble. The feeling is branded into your mind and as you stand on the rooftop, overlooking the city still searching for trouble, you are overwhelmed by it once again.
You click on your gizmo and open a portal. If nothing is wrong in your universe, maybe there’s trouble somewhere else, you tell yourself. You quickly travel to all your friends’ universes within two minutes. Each time you arrive, you scan your friends’ cities but find nothing amiss. The cities are peaceful. You’re about to open another portal when your senses go off once again.
“What’s happening?” you mutter, as you look around one more time, seeing nothing.
You quickly head to HQ, finding yourself in the cafeteria. You walk through it quickly, feeling even more uneasy at the sight of a usually busy place being vacant of any life. Some of the lights are completely off, leaving pockets of darkness lingering around as you cross the cafeteria. You wonder where you’re even heading as you walk past the large windows of the Spider Society building, noticing the rain and the distant lights of flying cars.
Miguel’s city looks peaceful as well. Nothing seems wrong and yet that dread grows with each step you take, growing and clawing at your chest. Finally paying more attention, you realize you’ve made your way to Miguel’s lab. Perhaps there’s an anomaly threatening the entirety of the multiverse, you try to reason. Maybe that’s why you woke up.
You stand in front of Miguel’s lab and call for Lyla. Despite the uneasiness and dread running through your body, you still find it in yourself to ask for permission to enter his lab. You wait impatiently for the AI assistant to greet you but as the seconds tick by, there’s no sight of Lyla and your emotions intensify. It’s like a sign that something is definitely wrong. You call for Lyla one more time, saying her name louder and with more urgency as if that’ll help. Nothing. You burst into the lab, deciding to be sorry rather than safe.
“Miguel?” you call out, as you hurriedly enter his lab, hoping to find him on his platform surrounded by his many screens like always. “I’m sorry that I entered your lab like that, but Lyla is not responding, and my spider senses are goi-” you say, stopping when your eyes finally land on the platform.
Miguel’s screens are flashing red, not the usual marigold color you’ve grown accustomed to. And even worse yet, Miguel is nowhere in sight. You rush to the platform to get a closer look at the screens. They all read “DISCONNECTED.”
You stare in confusion but realize this must be the reason why Lyla didn’t respond earlier. You call out Miguel’s name again, but you’re met with a deafening silence. You take a deep breath in. Lyla is offline. The screens are flashing red. And Miguel is nowhere to be found.
You hurriedly try to reach Miguel through your gizmo, but your gizmo flashes a message, indicating that the recipient is disconnected. Your dread grows. There’s no way that Miguel would go offline like this. You’re halfway out of HQ when you reach out to Margo, the one person you know who can manage Miguel’s technology. As you head out into Nueva York, you pray for once that Margo is pulling one of her usual all-nighters. As you swing towards Miguel’s penthouse, Margo finally responds.
“Hey – what are you doing up this late? Something wrong?” Margo immediately asks.
You look down at her projected hologram from your gizmo. “Margo. Something is wrong with Miguel’s system. Lyla is offline and so is he. I think – I think something’s wrong. Can you please head to HQ and fix it? I’m on my way to Miguel’s penthouse to see if he’s alright,” you say, the words rushing out of your mouth, full of worry.
“Offline? That’s not – I don’t think Miguel would ever go offline,” Margo responds with a frown. “I’m going now to see what’s going on.”
“I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. Bye,” you say as her hologram disappears.
You quickly find Miguel’s building and swing to it, sticking to the walls. You climb it, until you reach the penthouse and look inside. All the lights are off and there’s no sight of Miguel anywhere. You climb onto the rooftop, immediately clicking on your gizmo to open a portal, pulling the coordinates that were sent to you on Christmas Eve months ago. You hurriedly walk through it, stepping into Miguel’s living room once again.
Your eyes scan the place quickly before you rush up the stairs. With each step you take, you feel that dread grow tenfold. You pray that everything’s fine. That you’ll only have to apologize to Miguel for coming into his home the way you are now. You pray that he’ll be in bed sleeping for once and that this is all some misunderstanding. You open the first door you come across, eyes scanning the room only to realize it’s an office. You open the next door and find a large, luxurious bathroom. The next room is a bedroom, but you immediately realize it’s not the master bedroom, so you rush to the next door, pushing it open. Your heart sinks as you take in the sight.
Miguel’s bedroom is empty, and his bed looks undisturbed, which means he’s not home. You rush back to the first floor before you sprint to the living room, gizmo already opening a portal. You travel back to HQ, popping up at the cafeteria before you rush to the lab, wondering if Margo has been able to fix the problem. All the while, your dread grows. You feel your chest tighten as you think of Miguel and his whereabouts.
You burst into the lab where you find Margo, opening and closing screens with the flick of her wrist. She looks over her shoulder before she continues to work.
“He’s not at home,” you manage to breathe out despite the tightness in your chest.
“This is – not looking good,” Margo says, making you freeze.
“What do you mean it’s not looking good?” you ask, staring at her back as she continues to work. Her words make your anxiety grow.
“Miguel’s gizmo is completely offline, which means… it’s broken. Wherever he is, the gizmo is not working at all,” she says as she opens another screen.
You bring a hand to your face, gripping your lower face as you look around the lab. You feel your breathing speed up while at the same time finding it difficult to even do so.  
“Have you been able to get Lyla back online?” you ask shakily.
“I’m working on it. Just one more step,” Margo says in a rush, noticing your demeanor slowly crumbling apart. “She’s back! Lyla must know what happened.”
It takes a few seconds before Lyla appears and you waste no time.
“Lyla, where is Miguel?” you ask, stepping closer to her.
“Y/N! Miguel is hurt and stranded on Earth-42! There were two anomalies detected and he went out to handle them but one of them broke his gizmo and managed to injure him,” Lyla hurriedly explains the situation.
“Shit,” you mutter, and begin to open a portal. “What were his last coordinates, Lyla?”
“I’ll send them to you, please hurry! I don’t know how badly he was injured, and he must be glitching by now.”
“Inform Jess of what’s happening and see if we can get other members to help. Miguel may have moved from the last coordinates you have. We may need to search the city for him. Margo. Please stay here just in case we need any help with the system. I’ll keep you updated,” you say before you rush into the portal.
Rain pours down on you as you step into Earth-42. You waste no time in looking around at the city and instead run to the ledge of the rooftop. You lunge yourself to the next building, eyes scanning, trying to find any sign of Miguel. Lyla’s hologram appears from your gizmo as you fly to the next building, giving you Miguel’s last known location.
You swing from building to building, moving fast just as you see another portal from your peripheral vision.
“Y/N. Any sign of Miguel?” Jess asks, joining the search.
“Not yet,” you reply as you continue to swing.
“Others will be joining the search. They’re on their way,” Jess replies.
And sure enough, as you swing between buildings, you see multiple portals opening from various rooftops. You feel relief to see others joining and hope that with more people involved, the search won’t last long.
“Alright, everyone. Lyla has sent Miguel’s last location. He’s injured and probably glitching as his gizmo stopped working.”
You hear your colleagues’ replies as you head to the location. You briefly wonder about the anomalies. Were they caught or did they get away? You reach Miguel’s last location and immediately search the rooftop for any signs, but Miguel is nowhere to be seen. You turn when you hear someone else join you. Hobie gives you a nod before he searches the other side of the rooftop.
“Nothing,” he says.
You dash to the other rooftop, looking down at the empty and dark alleyways, hoping to find something.
“This rooftop looks disturbed. Looks like there was some fighting,” Hobie communicates.
You locate him and join him. Others join you and Hobie in inspecting the scene, and sure enough there are signs of fighting but no sign of Miguel anywhere around. You look around, trying to get a feel of where the fighting moved to from this rooftop. You leap to the next rooftop, continuing your search.
“There is no sight of anomalies,” someone says, making you pause. If Miguel’s gizmo isn’t working and this isn’t his universe, surely that would mean that Lyla should be able to detect him as an anomaly in this universe.
You continue to search but call for Lyla, who immediately appears.
“Lyla. If Miguel’s gizmo isn’t working, can’t you detect him as an anomaly in this universe?” you ask her, hoping that she and everyone else including you forgot about this fact and that she’ll be able to pinpoint his exact location, but she shakes her head, giving you a look full of frustration.
“I’ve tried that. Unfortunately, the system failure from earlier has caused some malfunctions in the entire system. I cannot detect any anomalies at all right now. Margo and I are working on it. As soon as we get it running again, I’ll run the test and find him unless you guys find him first.”
You thank her and let her go, hoping that Miguel is found whichever way as long as it’s soon. You continue to move around, lunging from building to building like the other members in search of the founder and commander of the Spider Society. Your heart races as you search, and you pause for a second, trying to calm yourself down. Panicking like this will only interfere with successfully finding him. You pause and take a deep breath. Your spider senses went off earlier and now you’re sure it was for this reason. You try to calm down, hoping that this will allow your senses to come in. You will them to help you right now; to lead you in the right direction.
You don’t allow yourself to think too long about the fact that you sensed this. That you sensed Miguel was in trouble. You ignore it. That will be something to ponder about later, or maybe not, considering you’ll come up with no reasonable explanation. You hope no one questions how you knew either.
You look around the city as rain continues to pour down on you. Since you arrived, the rain has picked up and all you can think about is Miguel on some rooftop, hurt and glitching under the cold rain.
“Where are you, Miguel?” you whisper, as you do a full turn.
Your gaze moves past it, but your eyes quickly return to it. The tallest building in the city is about ten buildings away from you. You stop and look up at it, rain falling on your masked face. Before you know it, you’re running across rooftops, leaping in the air to reach the building. You hear Hobie and Jess scream at you, asking where you’re going, and you reluctantly answer through your gizmo.
“I’m just going to check something,” you reply, as you throw web at the building now, aiding you in reaching the building faster. You feel a strange sensation spread through your chest as you stick to the building and begin to run upwards. You hope you’re right and yet again you wonder what it’ll mean if you are, but you don’t spend too much time thinking about this. All you care about at the end of the day is that Miguel is found and well. You continue to run, lifting yourself up with your web. You use a combination of running and lifting to reach the top of the building, meanwhile you can sense other members far behind joining you.
And why wouldn’t they when they see the speed and determination in your movements. To everyone paying attention, you’re climbing the tallest building in the city as if you know that your distant and serious commander is on that rooftop.
And he is.
You see his slumped figured over a wall and rush with a speed that almost makes it seem like you teleported to him. You are kneeled at his right side almost instantly, eyes scanning his bare face.
You quickly lift your gizmo and inform the others.
“Miguel has been found. He’s on the tallest building’s rooftop,” you say, sounding ragged not only because of the climb but also because of relief that you’ve found him. You notice his chest moving. Breathing. “He’s breathing!” you add, informing your colleagues.
You notice raindrops running down his face and without a second thought, you remove your mask and lay it over his head as an attempt to shield his face. Your worry for Miguel is so strong that you don’t even notice the coldness of the rain on your face or the fact that your hair is getting damp.
You move closer to him now. “Miguel,” you say and tentatively grab his right shoulder. “Miguel, can you hear me?” you ask loudly, hoping he’ll hear you over the pouring rain.
You take in the sight of Miguel, anguish spreading through your body as you try to get a sense of his injuries. His brown hair is wet from the rain, making it stick to his forehead.  His face looks like it has lost some color, which worries you instantly, but you try not to think negatively. Miguel is a strong man, and you know his spider abilities allow him to withhold many injuries. The only thing bothering you is that you don’t know the extent of the injuries he may have. For all you know, they could be serious, which is why you’re careful when you look down at his body, trying to find any sign of injury, but his suit looks intact.
“Miguel,” you say again and this time you cup the right side of his face in your hand, immediately feeling the coldness of his skin even through your suit. Shame rushes through you as you hold his face, feeling like you’re disrespecting him and his boundaries regarding physical touch, but you push past it and call his name again.
And this time, Miguel shifts slightly. His eyes flutter open slowly before they move to you.
“You are here” he mumbles, with his maroon eyes meeting yours.
“Miguel! Yes, we’re here. Don’t worry, we’re taking you back home, okay?” you say softly, reassuring him. “Where are you hurt?” you ask him just as other members finally reach the rooftop.
“I have glass shards in my torso,” he says, closing his eyes. “And a few deep cuts. My gizmo is not working,” he adds softly with eyes still closed, feeling your suited hand cupping his face gently.
You nod though he cannot see you and look down at his gizmo since he mentioned it, noticing for the first time the broken device. You’ve never seen or heard of anyone’s breaking, not even during a gruesome fight since Miguel and Lyla spent a lot of time making sure they were durable in these kinds of scenarios. You wonder how it was possible that it managed to get broken. You shove your thoughts away and remove your hand from Miguel’s face. You quickly remove your gizmo and gently take Miguel’s right arm in your free hand as you’re suddenly surrounded by your colleagues. You slide your gizmo into his free wrist, ensuring that he won’t glitch any more in the meantime before he’s back to Nueva York, so he won’t be in additional pain. You let go of his arm and turn slightly to see who’s made it already.
Miguel opens his eyes when he feels the gizmo around his wrist. He looks at your hands, your wrist now empty. He wants to tell you to take it back or you’ll glitch soon, but Jess begins to talk, giving orders to your colleagues as the second in command, preventing him from warning you.
“We need to get him to HQ immediately,” she says stepping closer. “We’ll need to carry him carefully as we don’t know the extent of the injuries,” she adds looking down at Miguel and you, who remains kneeled at his side. She looks around and calls out some of your colleagues’ names, including yours, to help carry Miguel to HQ.
You and the others immediately get on it. You turn to Miguel and give him an apologetic look though his eyes are closed again before you take his arm. You put all your strength along with Ben Reilly to help Miguel up, but you end up getting replaced by Peter once it becomes apparent that your height difference is an issue. Still, you stand by closely making sure that they don’t hurt him in the process. Someone opens a portal just as Jess gives the order to the other members to search for the anomalies.
You watch as Ben and Peter hold Miguel, walking carefully into the portal. Jess motions for you to go, following closely behind you.
“The infirmary staff is ready to treat him. They should be waiting for us,” Jess says as you step foot back in HQ.
You briefly look around at the infirmary sector before your eyes return to Miguel. Sure enough, infirmary staff approach the three men and before you know it, Miguel is on a stretcher being led away down a long hallway.
A doctor, who you hadn’t noticed before, approaches you and everyone else. You watch as the staff take Miguel away until they enter a room and disappear while Jess and the doctor talk.
“With Miguel hurt, I’ll be handling things until he recovers. That means I’ll have to be away, but you can direct yourself to -” Jess says pausing, looking around before her eyes land on you. “You can direct yourself to her. Y/N,” you hear Jess.
You turn at the mention of your name. You find her, the doctor and Peter looking at you.
“As the second in command, I’ll be taking over for now. Peter, you’ll be my second in command in the meantime. And you,” Jess says nodding at you. “You’ll be my third in command. I need you to stay here and keep us updated on Miguel’s status. You’re also to make sure that his privacy is respected,” she says with a frown. “I doubt anyone will try anything, but I rather be safe than sorry. Make sure no one tries to go in for any reason. If he wants visitors once he’s awake, it’ll be up to him.”
You nod.
“Of course, I’ll keep you updated and make sure no one intrudes on his priva-” you start but stop when you glitch. You cry out as you experience glitching for the first time and nearly lose your balance, but Peter catches you before you fall.
“You’re glitching – where is your gizmo?” Peter asks confused as he holds you, keeping you steady.
You huff in pain and look up as the feeling starts fading away. You meet Peter and Jess’s eyes.
“I gave it to Miguel to prevent him from glitching again in the time it took us to transport him,” you finally say softly, still feeling a little out of breath. You can’t help but think how awful it feels to glitch even in good health, making you wonder what it must have felt like for Miguel while being injured. You sigh softly. “I’ll keep you guys updated. And I’ll make sure Miguel is undisturbed,” you add.
Jess and Peter look at you before the two of them nod.
“I’ll have someone send you a gizmo in a while. For now, put this on to prevent more glitching,” Jess says pulling out a day pass from her pocket. She hands it to you, and you slide it on immediately, thanking her. “Peter and I will be in Miguel’s lab. Margo and Lyla are still trying to fix the system. We need to get it fixed before we find ourselves with multiple anomalies running loose, so we’ll be taking care of that. As I said, someone will deliver a gizmo so you can keep us updated, alright?”
You nod and Jess nods back at you. She stares at you for a few seconds as if she wants to say more but she looks over at Peter, who meets her eyes before he turns to you. He gives you a reassuring smile.
“We’ll get through this. Everything will be alright. Right, Jess?” he says, turning his attention back to Jess as he lets go of you at last, sensing you’re more stable now after glitching.
“Right,” Jess says before she nods at you and gives her thanks to the doctor, who hurries off. Jess, too, departs, heading to the elevator with Ben following behind.
Your gaze moves to the doctor as she walks down the hallway. Your eyes follow her even when you feel Peter’s hand on your shoulder.
“He’ll be okay. Miguel is a strong guy,” he says softly in a reassuring tone, also watching the doctor for a few seconds. He sighs and squeezes your shoulder gently before he departs, following Jess and Ben to the elevator.
You stand alone in the infirmary’s quiet lobby now. You look around to distract yourself. Thankfully you’ve never needed to be here, so you’re not familiar with this floor. You find yourself walking to the windows. It’s still dark out, so you can see the lights on from other buildings and cars in the distance despite the blurriness due to the soft rain. You stare out of the windows for some time, your mind taken up by Miguel and his health.
It's not until you feel a tap on the shoulder that you turn away from the windows. You find Ben Reilly, who offers you a small smile before he hands you a gizmo and a tablet.
“Jess sends this. The gizmo for obvious reasons and the tablet to keep you occupied while you wait,” he says, still giving you a smile.
You take both devices and nod at him, giving him a small smile. “Thank you, Ben. I appreciate it,” you say as you slide on the new gizmo.
Ben nods, staring at you. You hold on to the tablet, looking down at it before Ben breaks the silence. “Pretty crazy, right?”
You look up just as he pushes his hair to the side a bit, and nod before turning to face the windows again. “Yes.”
The two of you stare out the window for a few seconds in silence, watching the rain.
“Miguel will be alright, I think. He’s a buff dude,” Ben says, trying to reassure you. You smile sadly and nod.
You hear Ben pop his fingers next to you. “I must head back now. Jess and Peter needs everyone on board to find those anomalies so – I’ll see you around.”
You turn to face him and thank him again. “Thank you. Please tell Jess and Peter that if they need me to do anything else, to let me know.”
Ben nods as he stands in front of you, giving you another small smile. “Consider it done. By the way, the way you leaped up that building was – very impressive and I mean that in a good way,” he adds.
You nod again, feeling somewhat lighter with Ben’s comment as you’ve learned over the last months that he’s really into dramatic poses and such and you have a feeling he’s trying to lighten up the mood despite the situation. “Thank you, Ben. I appreciate the compliment.”
Ben nods one more time before he starts departing but turns around again, remembering something.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Your mask,” he says walking back to you and pulling your mask from under his hoodie and handing it to you. “It fell when we carried Miguel back here.”
You take it from his hand. You completely forgot about it once you put it over Miguel’s head. You thank him again for his help before he departs, leaving you alone again. You slide the mask into one of your suit’s hidden pockets and hold on to the tablet but don’t boot it up. Instead, you turn your attention back to the windows. You wait patiently there, hoping that someone will come and give you an update, but no one comes. Your mind goes back to what happened tonight and you try to think of an explanation but eventually drop it. You don’t know what happened tonight. You don’t know what led you to sense Miguel’s situation but you’re glad he’s safe now, in his universe and that’s all that matters.
It’s not until almost two hours later that you hear footsteps. You turn around immediately, for once departing from your spot by the windows. Your eyes find the doctor from earlier as she heads your way. She gives you a nod of acknowledgment as she reaches you.
“Mr. O’Hara is stable now. He had multiple glass shards on his torso, many of which were small, so we needed to ensure we didn’t miss any of them to prevent an infection. He also has two large cuts on the left side of his torso and a stab wound in the middle of his abdomen. It was pretty deep, and it will take a few days to fully heal. We know he glitched a few times and it took some toll on his body, so that’s why it’ll make his injuries heal slower, but he’ll recover successfully,” the doctor informs you with a kind voice. “Would you like to see him? He’s still passed out due to the meds, but you can stay in the room with him now.”
You nod immediately. “Yes, please. And thank you for the update. I’ll let the others know right away,” you say, as the two of you walk down the hallway.
You can’t help but feel your heart pound in your chest as you approach the room. The doctor opens the door for you, letting you in.
“Let us know if you need anything,” she says before she closes the door softly, giving you privacy.
The hospital room’s lights are off except for two lamps to the left side of the room and a light behind the hospital bed, where you find Miguel. You carefully walk closer to the bed, your eyes scanning his face under the soft lighting. As you step closer and stand by his side at last, your eyes continue to observe his face. Miguel’s face is relaxed, and you can’t help but think how boyish he looks while sleeping. It’s as if all the worries and threats to the multiverse are nonexistent at this moment.
You notice his hair is dry now, but it’s still pressed to his forehead, giving him a messy look, which just adds to the boyish look. You fight the urge to fix it and instead pull a chair closer to the bed before you take a seat. You remember you need to update everyone, so you send a quick message to Jess, notifying her that Miguel is stable and what the doctor said about his injuries. It takes a few seconds before she replies that she’s relieved to hear the news. She also asks you to let her know when Miguel wakes up.
You sit on your chair near Miguel, listening to his even and slow breathing. You watch his chest gently rise and fall before your eyes trace his face. His face still needs to regain its natural color but he’s alive and he’ll recover. All is well now. For the first time since you woke up, you exhale deeply; releasing pent up emotions now that your very own eyes can confirm that Miguel is safe. Before you know it, you feel tears pooling in your eyes as you stare at Miguel’s sleeping face.
You rest an arm on the chair’s armchair and rest your chin on your hand as you feel the tears run down your face softly. Your lips quiver as you hold a soft sob in the quiet hospital room, unable to stop yourself from crying.
Tonight is the first time in four years that you’ve felt anything remotely close to what you felt the day you lost Peter. The dread that grew with each second as you headed to find him. The tightening of your chest that made it difficult to breathe as you swung from building to building. The feeling that you were going to be too late. Again.
Of course, you know it’s different. Peter had a small window of time that to this day you believe you missed. You felt lucky enough that you were able to say goodbye to him.  Meanwhile, Miguel could’ve probably hung on for a little longer due to his powers and yet, you still felt those same emotions while you searched for him. You continue to cry quietly, letting the tears run freely down your face as you watch over him.
You’re unable to stop yourself from thinking the worst. Sure, you are superheroes but that doesn’t mean you are invisible to danger or death. As your eyes remain on Miguel’s sleeping face, your chest feels heavy at the brief thought of something worse happening to him, making your eyes tear up more. You cry quietly, covering your mouth until you calm down.
You sniffle once your tears slow down and blame it on your lack of sleep and the adrenaline completely leaving your body now. You dry your face and breathe in before exhaling softly. The last thing you want is for someone to see you like this. You check your gizmo, reading the time. It’s past 5:30 A.M. and when you look towards the windows from your spot, you see the first signs of daylight.
Miguel made it to another day.
You turn back to Miguel. He’s still sleeping with his head resting against soft pillows. The sight of Miguel in a hospital gown feels so wrong. It’s still strange to see him in anything other than his suit as you’ve only ever seen him in normal clothes three times: Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve. As you watch over him, your eyes land on his arms. It seems that the grey hospital gown is a bit tight as the sleeves hug his large biceps but despite that, he looks relaxed with his arms at his sides, hands curled softly.
You observe his sleeping figure, eyes tracing his arms down to his large hands. Your eyes then flicker to his bare neck and part of his collarbone where you spot a small piece of gauze taped to his skin with medical tape. You wonder just how many of those he has on his torso on top of the large wounds. You sigh deeply as you continue to watch over Miguel, wishing that this hadn’t happened.
You feel a shiver run through your body, feeling slightly cold when the AC turns on. You look at the end of the bed and find a folded blanket. You get up and grab it, laying it over Miguel’s body gently. You bring it up to his neck, making sure to cover his arms which you imagine might get cold. You stand over him, staring at him for a few seconds before you walk to the windows to stretch your legs.
You cross your arms across your chest. It’s still raining, and the sky is beginning to brighten though it remains grey and cloudy because of the weather. You spot more traffic now, too. The city is slowly waking up as you stare out for a few minutes. You turn back around and lean on the windows as you take a quick glance around the room for the first time. The appearance of the room was the last thing on your mind when you first came in and even now you just briefly scan the room. You notice it’s very spacious with a sitting area for visitors to the right of the room when you enter. Across from it, on the other side of the door, there’s a room, which you suspect is the bathroom. You turn to your right now, noticing a screen displayed on the wall, facing Miguel. A TV, you realize before your eyes return to Miguel.
Your eyes flicker to the sitting area for visitors for a moment, making you think of his family. He has none left, like you. You sigh softly, remembering thoughts you used to have before joining the Spider Society. There were many times when you went out on patrols and sat on rooftops, observing the streets below when your mind took you to a depressing place after Peter’s death.
You wondered many times what would happen the day you die. You have no family and you cut ties with friends from your universe. You quit your job, so you didn’t even have colleagues. No one would go look for you if something happened to you. No one would claim you as family.
It was scary and depressing to think of this and so you pushed it away and hoped each time that one day you’d have someone – anyone – in your life. Someone who could say something about you. You hoped that it wouldn’t be so lonely then, at least not the way it felt when you arrived home with cuts and bruises that you had to tend to by yourself after Peter’s death. No longer did you fall into Peter’s arms, who held you for a few seconds before he sat you down to clean and tend to your wounds, comforting you with his gentle voice and touch.
As you stare at Miguel and think about this and the fact that Miguel has no family either, you’re glad that Jess assigned you to do this, though you realize you would’ve requested to do it regardless. The idea of anyone waking up alone in a hospital room depresses you and that feeling only intensifies as you think of Miguel, the man that longed for a family so much he inserted himself in another universe to fulfill that dream when he had a chance.
Only to lose it.
You shake your head softly, still staring at him. You’ve never wished this much for someone to be happy like you’ve done towards Miguel. You hope one day he can move forward. That one day, life will treat this man better. This man that deserves so much more but who has lost so much.
“Gabi,” Miguel mutters softly.
You straighten up and walk over to him, standing by his side. Miguel is still sleeping but his brows are furrowed as he mutters Gabriella’s name again. You stand there, not knowing what to do. Your hands wish to reach for his to comfort him, but you’re still set on respecting his wish of no physical touch, so you settle with placing them near his hand instead.
Your eyebrows lower and knit together in sadness as you hear Miguel call for Gabriella again.
“Miguel,” you say softly, not sure it’ll even help. “It’s okay,” you whisper.
“Gabi,” Miguel mutters, moving his head slightly against the pillows.
You watch his face as a heavy feeling overwhelms your chest, wishing you could do more. Miguel grows restless, moving his head more. You notice that his hands also begin to move under the blanket you covered him in. It takes you a few seconds to see that the blanket seems stuck to his hands. You pull the blanket off him gently from your side to see his hand, finding his extended talons stuck to the fabric. You have no other choice but to pull the blanket off him gently, successfully freeing his talons. You look down at them for a second, seeing them for the first time outside of the suit before you return your gaze to Miguel’s face.
“Miguel,” you say. “It’s okay… It’s okay.”
Miguel continues to move restlessly, and you fear that he’ll hurt himself in the process, so you do the one thing you think of. You take his hand softly in your own and squeeze gently, whispering softly that everything is alright. You feel his hand move slightly in yours, causing you to feel one of his talons against your hand. You feel some pain even through your suit, but you push past it and continue to hold his hand, talking to him even though you’re sure he can’t hear you.
You watch helplessly as tears gently begin to roll down Miguel’s face as he continues to call for Gabi.
You hold his hand in yours as he cries in his sleep, occasionally feeling his talons dig into your skin softly. You softly whisper reassuring words, hoping it will cease his crying as the sight devastates you to your core, but he grows restless, and the heart monitor begins to warn about his heart. You look up, noticing his heart rate is increasing rapidly. You rush to the door and yell for the doctor, full of worry.
/\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\ _ _ _ _ _ _ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Miguel stands in front of his penthouse’s windows, looking out. The sky is a light blue, and the sun is shining brightly, illuminating the entire place. His eyes take in the sight of distant skyscrapers below soft clouds in the sky. Cars fly in the distance. The city is busy as always. He stands there for what feels like minutes watching in silence before it’s broken.
Miguel turns around instantly at the sound of his brother’s voice. He finds him standing a few feet away from him.
“Gabrielito?” Miguel says softly, feeling shocked to see him after so long.
Gabriel gives him that smile. That cheeky smile that got him in trouble too many times.
“It’s been a long time, hermano,” Gabriel says before making his way to Miguel, who finds himself meeting Gabriel halfway.
The O’Hara brothers embrace each other in the older brother’s living room. Miguel holds his much smaller brother tightly, not quite believing that this is happening. Gabriel is here.
“It’s been a long time,” Miguel agrees, still hugging his younger brother.
The O’Hara brothers pull back and Miguel can’t help but smile at his younger brother as he takes in the sight of Gabriel’s face. He doesn’t seem older despite the years.
“Miguel – it’s so good to see you again, hermano,” Gabriel says laying a hand on Miguel’s bicep. “Look at you. You look well! Though, do I spot a grey hair from here?” Gabriel teases, making Miguel frown.
“Very funny, Gabriel.”
“You know I’m just playing but if you keep going like this, you’ll start seeing them,” Gabriel warns.
“If I keep going like this?” Miguel asks, his frown deepening.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Working all day and night. No sleep except for once a week or those random naps you take, which don’t help by the way. Your eating habits. It’s too much on your body, despite being a superhero.”
Miguel doesn’t respond. Gabriel’s face softens.
“Hermano, you can’t keep going like this. It’s painful to watch, you know. You deserve so much more from life, Mig.”
Miguel looks away. “Gabriel – you don’t know the things I’ve done.”
“I do know… and I’m not here to judge you. I could never but I’m worried about you. I’ve been for a long time. Miguel – you have so much life ahead of you. It’s painful to watch you do this to yourself. You deserve to be happy and not waste your life away working day and night because you think that’s all your life is meant for. It’s not. And I’m not the only one who agrees, by the way.”
Miguel turns his face back to Gabriel, raising an eyebrow with curiosity as his younger brother’s words sink in.
“There’s someone that wants to see you,” Gabriel says softly with a gentle smile before he nods behind Miguel.
Miguel turns around, not knowing what to expect but there they are. He finds his wife, who smiles brightly at him and Gabriella, in the arms of his variant, Gabriella’s biological father, standing there. Miguel freezes, feeling a rush of mixed emotions at the sight but it all fades away when Gabriella jumps out of the arms of her biological father and runs to him.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Miguel feels his heart burst with happiness at the sight of her running to greet him. He drops to his knees and opens his arms wide just as Gabriella runs into him. He instantly wraps his arms around her, unable to believe that he’s holding her again. Gabriella wraps her arms around his neck, happy to see him.
“Mija,” Miguel mumbles as tears pool around his eyes, spilling almost immediately down his face as he holds Gabi close.
“Daddy, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. I’m okay,” Gabi says softly, trying to calm Miguel down but he’s unable to stop the tears and the gentle shaking of his chest as he holds his daughter once again.
“Mija,” he repeats, closing his eyes as he embraces his daughter.
“It’s okay, daddy. Please don’t cry. I hate to see you cry,” Gabi tells him, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck. “I hate seeing you unhappy. You should be happy. You deserve it.”
Miguel shakes his head softly. “Mija… you don’t understand.”
But Gabi pulls back gently, meeting her father’s eyes. “I do. I know everything – and it’s okay. You don’t need to be sorry,” she says gently, sounding much older than she looks.
Miguel’s teary eyes meet his daughter’s as the truth sinks in. Gabi knows. Miguel looks up at his variant, who stands nearby. Miguel clears his throat, feeling shame and guilt as he meets the other Miguel’s eyes. He returns his gaze to Gabi and gives her a hug before he stands up, holding her in his arms. He approaches the other Miguel, looming over him. He gives a quick glance to his wife, who nods at him, as if she knows that he needs to have this discussion first before talking to her.
Miguel looks down at his variant and gives him an apologetic look.
“Miguel – I’m so sorry for – everything,” Miguel begins softly. “I’m sorry for what I did.”
Miguel expects his variant to respond negatively. To tell him off about pretending to be the father of his daughter. For trying to live his life. For not telling the truth to Gabi. For everything else he did that he cannot bear to think about now, but his variant surprises him with a sad smile.
“I know why you did it. I understand it. And I’m not mad…” Miguel’s variant starts, meeting his eyes. “You did something for me that I’ll never be able to repay.”
Miguel furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not expecting this reaction from his variant. He feels Gabi hug him as his variant continues.
“Had you not done what you did – Gabi’s life would’ve been very different those months you spent with her. You know very well what would’ve happened,” his variant continues, alluding to the fact that Gabi turned into an orphan and would’ve been placed in an orphanage had Miguel not stepped in. “For that – I thank you deeply. And of course, for being her father,” he finishes softly, acknowledging that Miguel is Gabi’s father as well.  
Miguel nods slowly, feeling tears again but Gabi swipes them away.
“It’s okay, daddy. You don’t need to cry anymore, right, papá?” Gabi asks, turning to face her biological father, who nods. “We’re all okay here.”
Miguel nods at Gabi, holding her in his arms before he turns to his variant. “Thank you,” he whispers and his variant nods, giving him that same sad smile.
Miguel continues to hold Gabi, feeling like a weight has been taken off his shoulders. For so long he has carried shame and guilt over what he did but his variant and Gabi were forgiving of his actions. “Thank you,” Miguel whispers again, as Gabi holds him tighter, reminding Miguel how it felt to hold his child. Soft tears run down his face even when he turns to his wife who has been watching, waiting.
“I..,” Miguel trails off, not knowing how to continue for he has thought about her and their relationship a lot in the last few months.
He feels a different kind of shame washing over him. The more time passed, the more Miguel realized how differently he wished things had been. He had fallen in love too fast, wanting to fulfill his dream of having a family and he felt like he dragged her into it. He felt like he rushed her into marriage, but his wife meets his eyes with tenderness and nods.
“Miguel…” she says with a sigh. “We both made that decision. You didn’t rush me into anything I didn’t want to, but we did rush into it, didn’t we?” she asks softly with a small smile, taking his hand in hers. “We both wanted a family so badly and perhaps – perhaps we both sensed it would end soon and that’s why we held on to it so badly.”
She holds his hand and squeezes it gently, reassuringly, as she steps closer.
“I love you. And I know you love me, too… but our love was different, wasn’t it?” she asks softly. “Perhaps we could’ve really fallen in love if we had the time…” she continues. “But we didn’t and that’s okay, Miguel. I don’t hold that against you. We both wanted it badly and made the decision, so please stop carrying this guilt, okay? Miguel, por favor, live your life. For our sake,” she says softly, pausing. “Don’t you think it hurts us to see you like this?” she asks, looking at the others. “It’s painful to watch you do this to yourself. You’re so full of life, wasting it all living like this when there’s so many people out there to meet and befriend… to love. You have amazing people by you, don’t be afraid to show them the wonderful man you are.”
Miguel nods softly though the idea alone seems strange. He feels Gabi shift in his arms slightly, looking behind him.
“I just – I don’t know how to do this again. Losing you, all of you, has been too much,” he admits.
“But you haven’t lost us, hermano,” Gabriel says coming from behind, giving him a side hug. Miguel turns to look down at his younger brother again. “We’re always with you. Even if you don’t believe it or sense us, we’re always there. In every mission. In every universe. Every day and sleepless night.”
“You’re just too busy sometimes to sense us, daddy but we watch over you,” Gabi adds with her toothy smile. “We’re with you always. We visit you all the time, which reminds me - I loved my pancakes and the toys you gave me. Papá and I played a match with the new soccer ball you left for me on Dia de los Muertos. Thank you for leaving my favorite candy, too.”
Miguel cries softly and holds Gabi tighter in his arms. “You…” he attempts but is unable to finish his thought about them visiting him that night.
“We’re always with you,” his wife confirms with a smile meeting his eyes but she, too, looks behind him for a second.
He feels Gabi shift again, looking behind him. “She’s calling you,” she says softly.
Miguel dries his face with the sleeves of his shirt. “Who?” he asks, confused.
“You know who,” Gabriel says with a small smile. “You know exactly who. Miguel – you have a long life ahead of you. Make it count,” he whispers. “Leave a legacy that’s far greater than your leadership. Far greater than your duty and work. Live life, hermano. I know it’s not easy and we don’t expect you to move forward overnight but try. Try for us in the beginning until you find it in you to do it for yourself. Just try,” Gabriel says softly.
Miguel nods with tears. “I’ll try, Gabrielito. I’ll try.”
Gabriel smiles. “It’s been great seeing you, Miguelito.”
“Don’t call me that,” Miguel says but he says it with a smile.
“For old time’s sake, hermano,”Gabriel says and wipes his own tears away. “It’s been really great seeing you, but you must return now.”
“Return?” Miguel asks confused, still holding Gabi in his arms.
“You’ve been away too long, daddy. You must go back now. It’ll be alright,” Gabi says with a smile.
Everyone turns to look behind Miguel. He doesn’t know what they keep looking at.
“I don’t want to leave…” Miguel says softly, holding Gabi closer.
“Miguel – you must. It’s not time yet. And she’s calling you,” his wife says.
“Who’s calling me?” he asks.
His wife smiles and shakes her head. “One of the brightest people I’ve ever met, and you don’t see it, do you?”
Miguel stares at his wife before he meets the other two adults’ gazes. He realizes it. He must go. He nods slowly and holds Gabi for a minute longer, closing his eyes. Gabi hugs him tighter.
“There’s nothing to forgive but I know you need to hear it, so I’ll say it. I forgive you…  You’ll always be my dad, no matter what,” she whispers, filling Miguel’s chest with ache and love all at once.
“Mija… Thank you,” Miguel breathes out gently.
He puts Gabi down, smiling down at her. He doesn’t understand it. She looks the same age she was when she passed away, but she sounds so much wiser. Like she knows more than he does. He pats her head softly before he meets his variant’s gaze.
“Thank you again…”
His variant nods, giving him a gentle smile.
Miguel’s eyes turn to his wife, who’s already looking at him. She nods softly.
“We’ll see you when it’s your time,” she says before she takes his hand again, giving it a soft squeeze before releasing it.
Finally, Miguel turns to Gabriel.
“It’ll be alright, hermano. We’ll see you when it’s time. And don’t forget we’re always with you,” he says as Gabi leans on him. Miguel watches his brother pick up Gabriella, holding her in his arms. “It’s time.”
Miguel nods before he gives his brother and Gabriella a hug, wrapping his long arms around them. He pulls his wife into it, too. He ends up offering his hand to his variant, inviting him into the hug. At the end of the day, they were linked. Forever.
His variant accepts his hand and gives him a nod, joining the moment.
They pull apart a few seconds later, giving Miguel space. He stares at them as they stand side by side, his brother still holding Gabi. They smile at him and give him reassuring nods. Miguel nods just as his variant walks closer to him, separating from the group as if to talk with him in private.
“Before you go… I want to tell you that I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago, really. I thank you for being a father to Gabi, for treating her the way I would’ve and know that in her eyes and mine, you are a father to her. I also want to tell you… that you have a chance, Miguel. Take it,” his variant says softly. “Our lives have never been easy, and you know that, but one thing I learned when I was alive was that sometimes all you need is a small purpose to keep you going,” his variant says briefly looking back at Gabi. “And I don’t mean work, for we both know what that does to us. Find the true purpose. Keep going. Live life. Accept those that wish to be near you,” he says, laying a hand on Miguel’s shoulder. “You’re worthy of it, don’t forget that.”
Miguel nods. “Thank you, Miguel.”
His variant nods, giving him a smile before he returns to the group. Miguel watches them for a few seconds.
“Go on, daddy! You must return now,” Gabi says looking behind him.
“She’s still calling you,” Gabriel adds but Miguel still doesn’t know who is calling him.
Miguel turns around. He’s no longer met with the view of his large windows facing the city, instead all he sees is a warm light. He turns back around.
“I’ll see you again, right?” he asks, quietly.
His family nods.
“Of course, and we’ll be ready for that day when it comes, hermano but that day is not today. For now, just now we’re always with you,” Gabriel says. “And I don’t mean to rush you, but you should really get back now.”
Miguel nods once again and before he leaves, he walks the short distance and gives everyone a last hug, squeezing Gabi and Gabriel tighter. He returns to his spot and nods. It’s time. He waves goodbye before he turns around to face the light. He walks into it, seeing nothing but light and when he looks behind his shoulder, he sees his family wave goodbye one last time. Miguel’s heart aches as he walks away but there’s also a lightness that he hasn’t felt in a long time.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
“It’s okay, Miguel,” you shakily whisper as Miguel mumbles something in his sleep.
You watch him with your tear-stained face after what happened. The last thirty minutes were overwhelming to say the least. You try to forget it for now but you’re unable to put away the worry and stress of what you witnessed. As Miguel mumbles in his sleep again, you release a shaky breath.
Miguel’s heartbeat gave up for a few minutes and all you could do was watch and call his name helplessly as the medical professionals resuscitated him. You stand by his side now, thankful but still on edge as Miguel moves his head slightly.
“It’s alright. Everything is alright,” you whisper as he moves.
You notice his eyebrows furrowing as he mumbles yet something else, but his words are incoherent. You watch as his eyes move under his eyelids before they begin to flutter as if he’s waking up. You hold your breath, as it slowly becomes apparent his eyes are opening. Miguel looks around the hospital room slowly as if trying to figure out where he’s at before they fall on you.
“Y/N…” he whispers softly.
*Translation for italicized Spanish words:* Mierda - shit Mija - my daughter Hermano - brother Papá - dad Por favor - please Dia de los Muertos - Day of the Death ___
Thank you for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed this part despite the angst. The next part will contain more fluff, promise 🥹 can we just talk about reader giving Miguel her gizmo??? 😭 I don't know why but that made me so sad and that probably sounds stupid since I wrote it but anyway... I still love Miguel ❤️
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captainmera · 3 months
Mx.mera!! (No pressure take all the time you need ) when is the next tgb chapter ?? :3
It's on indefinite hold atm, dont expect updates anytime soon. I'm juggling a lot atm.
(None of this is directed at you personally. This is just my general state on working on TGB and why it is standing stale. If you're curious why it's not updating)
TGB was always meant to just be a fun side thing I did as a writing exercise. It helped me identify a lot of my writing flaws and hiccups, and also my writing style. Which has been very enlightening.
There's a lot with TGB I need to go back and edit, so I need to re-read my own work (which I've been informed is the length of two LOTR books?? Sweet jesus, I need to cut it down) before I get back to it.
My ideas have become much longer and drawn out than I wanted, the pacing is very slow (which is fine, but I wanna get to the fun parts.) Which is another problem I've identified. I'm writing book form, chapter by chapter, rather than the episodes I'm seeing in my head. And it's frustrating.
Because I see it as episodes, but write them out, the chapters get really long. And I spend a lot of time being anxious about that.
Drawing comics is easier because I don't have to describe feelings or environments. I can just show it right away.
And no, I'm not gonna draw TGB as a comic. That's too much. I tried drawing future scenes (as comics) I thought of and wanted to envision, but I got people being upset about it being spoilers. So I stopped doing that.
Actually, I got worried about anything I drew of any characters being spoilery because I'd get asks or comments about it being for TGB. I usually just delete comments or asks like that, so I don't have to see it, but reading so much of it builds up in my head, yknow?
I also got a few people (might've been just one person. They were on anon) that wouldn't stop berating me about Willow and Hunter's body types. And some people got REALLY weird and insinuated that drawing them hugging and kissing was sexual. And some people try to trick me into drawing fetish things (feederism being one).
So, in all honesty? I liked writing TGB, with all the flaws it has or not. I loved drawing Huntlow and the hexsquad; until people got 1) weird about it. 2) pushy about continuing it. 3) upset it wasn't writing fast enough or I didn't draw x, y, z.
It honestly has robbed me of all the fun to post fanart.
Which is a shame because I still like the characters a lot.
I know that if I update a chapter, I'll get a revival of people spamming me these things again, and I'm not mentally or emotionally strong r/n for any of that.
So.... I'm doing witteclaw. Because nobody is pressuring me to do anything. Not to update, not to draw x,y,z. People are just happy with whatever I put out in whatever pace I put it out in. I get to talk with people about theories about the show and discuss writing in a fun, mature, way.
I also just really like witteclaw in general. But I don't like ut more than the hex kids. There's just less demand and pressure.
Which makes hanging out in the fandom still fun.
Don't get me wrong. I love sweet huntlow, I love the noceda trio, the galactic duo are still my best boys (i miss drawing gus and hunter), and the emerald trio is my blorbos (I got so many pins and keychains u guys lol) and I love the hexsquad the most, I love soft lumity, I wanna draw more grunge Vee, Camila is best mum.
The owl house is SO much fun.
But the fandom is kind of demanding. And maybe that's my fault for having open requests. But I don't regret that, I do enjoy art requests.
But people got less polite and more demanding, and some got angry(?), and some use lingo that I understand is meant to be funny but comes across as incredibly entitled and mean spirited. Some also don't seem to understand I'm a person, and that all art takes time. I had a person once get upset that I didn't out enough effort into their request as I had into another. Which... girl, you're not paying me, sit down.
It got pretty uncomfortable. It stole the fun out of drawing similar things for people who asked nicely and enthusiastically. I also realised a lot of these people read TGB, since requests were often about that.
It wouldn't always be art requests. It would just be a straight-up request to write the next chapter already.
TGB was fun, until the pressure to prioritise it became the majority from people who followed me. and people wrote things like:
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Tbf that's the only one who dared to be that public about it. But I get asks like this at least once a week, and I turned off DMs because it happened every second to third day.
It's like.... not very nice or cool, yknow? :,(
it genuinely has made me feel really sad about working on my passion project IBWR too. Because people kept making it pretty clear they were annoyed I spent time on something else than what they were following me for.
It's like, whatever I guess, but it still hurts.
No, no tgb anytime soon. A few people killed the party, and I need time to like it again how I used to. Without the enjoyment of creating and writing, and enjoying the process, bring robbed from me.
Maybe I just need thicker skin I dont know. I'm trying to find a good balance with it. People are allowed to like/dislike my work and comment on it. I don't mind critique. It's just not really been critique at all? It's just demands and that hits different on the heart.
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @min-play​
I’m Min! I’m an animator and storyboard  rti t who also posts comics and fan art online. So far, I have worked on the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and LEGO Monkie Kid. I run on AAA batteries.
Check out our interview with Min below!
How did you get your start in animation and storyboarding?
Fanart! My hyperfixations kept me drawing and posting online since I was around 16. Later I dropped my Computer Science degree to study animation. After graduating, I worked as an In-between Animator, Key Animator, and Storyboard Artist. My fanart of a couple funny skeletons played a big role in getting hired.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating content that you know now?
It’s ok to make mistakes. All the flaws in a drawing make it look much more interesting. Also, it’s a lot more fun than spending ages perfecting one line.
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Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I always get 3 different flavors of art block (that I remember):
Art block from perfectionism
Sometimes there’s this self-enforced pressure that what you make has to be of a certain standard. Gotta loosen up and forgive yourself for not meeting an imaginary quality. Do it for the fun of it. Instead of thinking’ needs to be better,’ think ‘eh good enough lol.’ It’s cool to strive for improvement! Just don’t do it to the point it becomes self-deprecating.
Art block from burnout
Art hibernation! It’s ok to take breaks. Not every waking moment needs to be productive. Treat yourself to something yummy, hang out with people you’re comfortable with, or pick up a new anime series. Take the time to get some well-deserved rest.
Art block while drawing as a full-time job
Switch your ‘drive.’ If you’re running off on passion or interest as a motivator for work, that’s great! I do too! But also, it’s finicky. Set up routines for when that high runs out. I have a ‘Do task’ mode where I play a song or a movie I already watched on loop in the background (sometimes for weeks on end). I don’t know why but it helps me concentrate. Last week, it was the movie Cars.
These are personal methods and may not work for everyone, but I hope it helps!
What are 3 things you can’t live without as a creator?
Music + Noise-canceling headphones + Big blanket = Comfort force field
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What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
Does blacksmithing count as a medium? I’d like to try it out at least once, though.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
To connect with other creators more. Especially writers. They are so powerful.
Warm tones or cool tones?
Cool tones! Especially this one particular blend of blue and green.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
So maaaanyy. At the top of my head, though: @northpen​. I am obsessed with their vivid-imagery writing style, and immaculate characterizations. Their character banters always have me in a gigglefit. They have this fic I binged in one sitting and left me crying and empty in a good way.
Thank you for such amazing answers, Min! You can check out more of Min’s creations over at @min-play​!
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The other Overlords might have found a solution.
Vox wants to try it right away, but he's not the only guest in this universe.
“We need your Alastor,” Carmilla reminds him sternly.
Alastor still isn't back, and Vox has hit a snag in his work. Contrary to what he told the deer demon, Vox does need his expertise with radio waves and magic to finish it.
Vox sighs. He's been sifting through his memory banks all the way back to the 50s when he arrived in Hell. He can't stop thinking about what Alastor said to him the other day during his episode of anger. He's watched so many old memories of just him and Alastor. It hurts more than he expected it to. He's really tired. “Yeah, okay. Just give me a second.”
He closes his eyes and casts out radio waves. It's been a while since he's tried to find Alastor using just his—their frequency.
To the side, he senses how his other self and the Other Alastor watch him curiously. They can feel what he's doing.
He ignores it. His Alastor is more important.
He shuffles rapidly through the signals in the air and discards the ones that aren't Alastor's.
Not that one.
Absolutely not.
He's still mad.
Vox sighs again and opens his eyes. “Uh. I might be a while. He's still mad at me. I'll try to calm him down.”
He takes a step towards the corner and melts into the shadows the way Alastor taught him so many years ago, ignoring the exclamations of surprise and shock behind him as the darkness wraps around him like an old friend, much like how it did for Alastor.
In a way it is. It's one thing he and Alastor share, with Alastor introducing him to it once Vox recovered from his fall back then.
Vox feels conflicted knowing that Alastor still keeps the shadows open for him to use. That's a major amount of trust that he really shouldn't give Vox. But at the same time it makes him feel warm inside.
The shadows take him to the edge of the city, where he sees Alastor sitting on some rubble, facing away from him.
Vox approaches him silently and sits next to him.
Neither of them say anything.
In a funny way, silence is easier than talking for the two performers.
There's no tension in the air, just grief sadness.
"My biggest mistake is falling in love with you," Alastor says suddenly, breaking the silence. "I had gone on for so long without opening myself up to anyone even before I ended up in Hell. And then you came along."
Vox feels guilty at that admission. "Al, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you…"
Alastor chuckles and shakes his head. "You didn't let me finish. My mistake is loving you. Even if I walked away my heart wouldn't let me get far. But I can't bring myself to regret it. Even after all this time I still love you."
Alastor turns to face him fully, and Vox freezes.
Alastor is crying.
He's not smiling, he's holding back his grief, and Vox feels a sharper stab of guilt.
"Oh, Alastor…" Vox wraps his arms around the other sinner. "Al, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"I hate you," Alastor sobs, "I hate you. I hate you I hate you I hate you! I hate that I still love you…"
Vox says nothing. Instead he hugs his Alastor tighter. He'll stay like this for as long as Alastor needs him to. It's not the same as before, but it's a hopeful start.
"His- their frequency" screaming crying throwing up I'm on the fucking floor and the leaving the shadows open for him I'm so.
Perfect and devastating as usual so bittersweet at the end but I love it
Someone made fanart for this!
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I haaaasss 27 asks :}
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Yes. Yes it does.
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Thank you! :DD And yeah canon Gregory is just not my vibe man XD
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(Traffic cone in question)
Thank you so much! :DD And yeah I try my best to get up and do something productive/different when I'm feeling down like that. My thought process is "well sitting here and sulking isn't making me feel any better so I should go and do something else" Which just so happened to be breaking out the old sewing kit and making a traffic cone?? XD Well to be fair I've made like 10 of those before but still an odd choice on my part-
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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked my cars artwork! :DD
And yeah I would draw cars stuff more often but they're just so hard to draw :(
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Idk why they decided to jump into a DLC before fixing the base game, but man I really wish they wouldn't have. 😔
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I'll do my best! :D
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Yes :} or at least I've been trying to-
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Thank you so much! And I did use a pattern to make him. Credit for the patten goes to Tammy Hallam, heres her video on how to make your own too! :}
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As for Glamrock Bonnie,, ehh, its a bit odd to me. Not a huge fan of the color pallet but its not the worst I've seen. I'd give it a 5.5 outa 10
ALSO! I believe Octonauts is streaming on Netflix, but I've also had some luck finding full episodes on YouTube :0
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Thank you! And oh yeah, I feel you on the fandom part. XD That's why I'm still kind'a on the fence and haven't dove head first into my usual angsty stuff. I'm kind'a testing the waters with every post I make to see if I'll collide with the uh, other side of the fandom :x
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Thank you! :DDD
Also Google is a search engine. :0 If you search for Octonauts fanart, its gonna do its job and search for fanart and likely find some of the stuff I made. Notice though that all of my artwork shown on Google links directly back to my blog. Its because Google isn't stealing it, its parting the branches of a bush and pointing "Look! Over there is some Octonauts fanart like you requested!" XD
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There isn't really anything Gregory can do for Bonnie..
Its hard to explain,, but I'll try. Bonnie is missing his leg from the middle of his shin down. So he cant stand up right like Foxy because- well duh, he's missing a whole foot.
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So order to fix Bonnies leg so he can stand/walk like Foxy does, he would need an entire replacement foot with a working joint. This would also mean that the wires in Bonnies legs would have to be replaced and hooked up so that he can control said new foot.
Currently there are no spare parts around that fit Bonnies model.. and even if they did, Gregory wouldn't know how to properly re-wire an animatronic foot. He's smart but not THAT smart <XDD
The only thing Gregory could do is make Bonnie a weird peg leg that makes his current leg longer. Currently Bonnies half leg is shorter than his good leg. But in all honesty Bonnie doesn't really want that.
Having Gregory ducttape this weird goofy peg leg to him would be more embarrassing then what he already has. He'd probably want to salvage what ever dignity he has left and say "ah give it a rest. There's no point. My legs good enough for what its for." <:/
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If I remember correctly... Sometime ago my tablet pen broke. And it took like 2-3 weeks for a new one to arrive. In the mean time I tried to make an art doll of sorts. That doll was Bibi!
I ended up making a lot of goofy posts with Bibi and I as I waited for my pen to arrive. Once it finally did and I went back to drawing comics, I ended making Bibi a reoccurring character. And he's been around ever since!
Now Jangles is a Halloween prop that I bought because I thought it was funny. I was practicing making quilts one time and I made a small blue one that just so happened to be the right size for him. So I put it on and then I thiiink I got the idea to add Jangles to my blog as a joke.? I gave Bibi a "new friend" to celebrate hitting 10,000 followers. The new friend was a cropped png of jangles XD
Eventually down the line I wanted to give Bibi an proper friend. So for Bibi's birthday I drew a comic where Jangles came to life and here we are XD
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Currently I am getting none of those things :x I have a cold so sleep and food is hard :( Thank you though! :D
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:D AW!! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you! :}}
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XD Thank you so much! And don't worry, I'm pretty confident I'll draw him again someday
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XD Thank you. To be honest I'm kind'a going back and fourth on this fandom. I don't really wanna be apart of the fandom, but the characters are the only thing I'm interested in drawing atm soo-
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Ooo these are interesting! Although absorbing power ups isn't about digesting them. Its something about being human specifically that allows them to absorb the powerups.. 👀👀👀
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My advice would be to use references religiously. That's what I did!
Also thank you! :DD
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Barnaby for sure.
Well, my interpretation of him really-
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@taizarack (Post in question)
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No there's no SpongeBob comic, I just felt like drawing Mr. Krabs XD
Also THANK YOU!! :DD That means so much!! :}}}
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<XD thank you. So far I have some pretty basic ones I imagine. Wally's house is alive and evil, Julie is actually a scary monster but has drastically altered her appearance to look less scary.. Sally is very celestial in nature because she's a real star, Eddie used to be a real human and bleeds and has a heart beat and what not.. uuuuuuh what elseeee,,, I liked to imagine that Sally and Julie came to the neighborhood when they were really young and Poppy kind'a adopted them?? Although I don't know how wide spread that idea is XD
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Thank you! And yeah I'm not very fond of that portrayal either <XD As for your questions..
1: I'm sure there would be somethings that would push his anxiety to the surface. I'm not sure what they'd be but still- I imagine if Luigi was around to see it he would try to get Mario out of what ever situation he's in. If he's in a crowd he'd try to help him slip away unnoticed.
2: I'm not familiar with the giga bell, but if I did add it I'd imagine those would be the side effects yeah <XD Really sore and tired and cant really move for like 3 days :x
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Remodeled or not, I wont be adding any of those animatronics to the Pizzaplex. I already wrote the entire past of this timeline, and those bots all already have a story in my AU. And with their given stories it wouldn't make sense for them to be added to the Pizzaplex.
Of course I cant spoil what those stories are, just know that I have my reasons-
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Oh yeah I forgot to add the colored eye lids to Wally and Barnaby in that trampoline drawing <XD
And yeah! I wanted Wally to be much more expressive so I gave him eyebrows-
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Aw, thank you so much!! Its so cool to hear that you've shared my name with your friends!! :DD
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Reminder to this fandom because sometimes I think we need it:
We are all going to be dead within 90 years, none of this is that deep, let’s remember the one thing that connects all of us instead of focusing on what drives us apart – our love for South Park.
I think this fandom is genuinely such a positive one, I would pay millions (I really wouldn’t but you know my point) to keep it that way. The majority of people I’ve spoken to on tumblr in the South Park space have been wonderful. This fandom has been around for longer than some of us have been alive?? And it’s still thriving?? The fuck??
Like, let’s just fucking appreciate that for a moment. It’s incredible how it has survived for so long. We get new content at least twice a year, an ensamble of at least 20 hilarious characters to write about, a collection of fanart spanning back literal decades, show creators that are constantly evolving and trying new shit, and a whole lot of nostalgia. If I told you to think of a South Park fanfic that had you staying up way past your bedtime, you could. If I asked you your favourite pairing, you could answer. If I told you to pick out your three favourite fan-artists I bet you could. This is something everybody here has in common.
Let’s all sit back and enjoy it. Sometimes I see inklings of polarisation in the fandom (especially over headcanons, as if headcanons aren’t literally from your own “head”, that is the point, you don’t have to agree with everyone else because they have different heads, fuck it but stay creative ily) and it’s incredibly sad to see because I think the space has existed for so long partly because of how the show preaches looking at both sides equally before making your own conclusions.
It’s what I love about so many people I’ve interacted with on this site; their ability to agree to disagree on certain things because really who gives a shit?? Ignore what you don’t want to see, block the people you don’t want to interact with, just fucking chill out, let’s get off our high horses and remember that we all have this one key thing in common. A love for South Park.
On that note, thank you to people in this fandom for being cool, and thank you to the ones in this fandom who are less cool because it makes me realise and appreciate just how cool the cool ones are
— Lots of love, anon
(because let’s face it, we’re all a little bit strange for loving this show enough to have a tumblr dedicated to it, that’s what makes us a community. Keep being weird, keep having random headcanons because it’s fun, don’t let anyone belittle you for your creativity and don’t belittle anybody else for theirs because we’re all absolute weirdos for having a South Park tumblr anyway)
Thank you for coming to my ted-talk.
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munkiey · 1 year
Hey I saw some Macaque fanart that looked eerily similar to yours and just wanted to let you know (I might be making a deal of nothing but yeah I'll include a screenshot of the art):
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Alright so.
1: This is likely someone who is doing screenshot redraws from the same images I did that came from a published show that is accessible to millions.
2: Tracing is actually a great way to learn.
Now, credit should be given obviously but there is a huge stigma from folks online about tracing. I can almost promise you that some of your favorite artists out there will look at a work they like and go 'how did they do this?'
Best way to get into the head of another artist? Trace it.
I've done traces of other artists that I admired and honestly I learned a lot from doing so. Did I post these or ever claim them as my own? Absolutely not, that is when you're stealing.
Thousands of professional comic artists, or almost every skilled artist you can think of has traced. This little waltz is like a baby bird taking its first haphazardly drunk steps across a ice pit. We call them screenshot redraws today, but in the fine arts spectrum, they're called Master Studies.
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Because you're looking at someone who has already accomplished something and you want to see how they did it, how you can apply it, and how you as an artist can grow.
The beauty of art is that we can take aspects of things we like and add onto our own work. Its an amalgamation of influences that compound together to create the concept we call an artist. I love seeing where people draw their inspiration from.
3: Personally, I think that it's good that this person is taking some steps into digital and learning. Looking at the line weight and the way they use their tools it seems that they're still learning how they want to navigate the digital platform. This is a great way for them to improve an if they had, allegedly, used my images at reference then I'm honored they saw something to admire in it!
The fact that they practiced at all is way more than I can say for others that say they want to improve but don't put the effort in.
4: Now, final point here.
In the future, please do not come to me like this.
I appreciate you trying to give me a heads up, but I'm not going to sit here and reprimand or police people. This kind of message to me feels like a rather deliberate attempt to stir up drama, which if it was not your intention and you genuinely were just looking out for me, I appreciate you trying. The way I see it though, reporting people like this or going after what may very well be kids trying to learn creates a toxic mentality that I don't want anything to do with. I've been there, done that, and been on the receiving end of that nastiness.
I've learned a lot through my time online and the big lesson sometimes is just to let people do what they're gonna do.
Seriously though, who ever did this has a very cute style. I like the smile headshot there in the middle.
Stay wild <3
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fatuismooches · 10 months
i have been silent but that does not mean i have stopped thinking about dottore
based off of some fanart i saw, im like. 99.9999% sure zandik rarely heard any nice stuff said to him n i dont know why but i just. imagine this in my head. its such a tender, vulnerable and soft moment where zandik, probably akademiya or early fatui days, fits himself between your legs as he wraps his arms around your waist. his head laying comfortably on your thighs as he sits on his knees. its a moment that shows his trust, you know? allowing himself to be small before you, a rare act of submission to your love as your fingers play with his curls, palms warm and soothing as you cup his cheek. n' u just tell him things that he struggles to believe, like how he's so beautiful, and that you care about him, how he deserves to be loved even though he's perceived as a monster. and i dont know, but i wanna gently raise his head by his chin, softly smile at him and say "zandik, you're a good boy." because i know no one has ever ever said that to him, not even his parents.
i want that boy to be treated like a pretty girl by taking him out on romantic dates and writing him love letters he's 100000% gonna keep, laminate and immortalize. i want to treat that boy like the fragile thing he is, hold him in my arms and kiss him so so gently.
oh yeah. totally not projecting onto zandik. NOPE. nuh uh. totallllyyyy....
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THAT MENTAL IMAGE YOU'VE GIVEN ME... oh my gosh. i am so soft right now. Sniff sob... Zandik being so open and vulnerable in front of you :( OH EDBEWDWE HIM IN THAT POSITION IS MAKING ME CRY HE'S SO CUTE... you have no clue how you managed to get him to be so submissive but you're not going to say anything nor are you going to squander this opportunity. You're not even sure if he's comfortable like that, sitting on his knees but... he seems unbothered and quite actually, content with nuzzling his face into your thighs, having your hands run through his fluffy blue hair soothingly. For once, he is almost eerily silent, instead of being all fight and rebuttal all the time, as he doesn't seem to have a smart answer for your gentle words this time. It's new to you, not him vehemently denying your statements, but you're going to take advantage of it, holding his cheeks and kissing him all over, whispering in his ear softly but firmly about how much you love him and everything you love about him, and that you always will.
CALLING HIM A GOOD BOY... i am on the floor in a puddle and sobbing. Kai your brain >>> peak. But it makes me so sad to know that Zandik's literally never received any kind of positive form of affection all his life 😭 Not even his parents... like fuck I'm in pain for him. It took reader SO long to even break his first wall down (he has like a dozen probably) because of how poorly he was treated by the people who were supposed to "love" him :( he just really needs some love :( i think after a really long time, Zandik would come to really crave your appreciation sometimes. Like, he doesn't make it obvious or anything, but he'll do something like perhaps deal with some fellow scholars without snapping at them, or anything he doesn't really do in general, and look at you expectantly if you haven't praised him yet. Because you're the only one who has ever praised his efforts.
HE DESERVES TO BE PAMPERED SO BAD 😭😭 ugh i know Sumeru is mostly hot and you two can't have any cold bundled up days over there but. i love the idea of you two snuggling and sleeping in one morning. Both of you know you're gonna be late for class, but you're like, fuck it we're skipping. And Zandik scolds you, but he's making no effort to leave either! So... you two just stay in bed cuddling as you pamper him (you definitely were the big spoon quite frequently back then here 😭) Slow and lazy morning as you wash his hair and body in the bathe 🥺 breakfast that you made as he looks over his notes 🥺
Bro i can't even imagine Zandik's reaction to you trying to treat him like a pretty princess 😭 Even when you two are dating he just doesn't understand :( why do you go so far for him? What he gives you in return is far less than what you provide for him... he just doesn't understand, but it seems like you're wholly content with everything the way it is so... he won't let you go.
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himbofan · 2 years
haikyuu!! boys finding out you're a big 'ol nerd
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hello i once again return with some headcanons no one asked for B)
what if some nerdy boys found out that you were also a nerd?? I feel like when I tell people I like manga or video games it somehow changes their perspective of me so I tried writing it :)
cw: fluff, mention of bugs, gn reader
characters: kenma, tendou, tsukishima
wc: 700+
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kozume kenma
when he hears you’re a gamer, he lights up so fast; like a cat when you open a can of food
if you’re talking to someone else, he’ll pretend he didn’t overhear, but really he’s hanging on to every word you say
if you’re talking to him, he’ll begin asking you your favorite games with a sparkle in his eye
if you ask to swap friend codes he’ll gladly oblige
once you accept his friend request he’s immediately scanning through your library to see what you’ve played
if he sees that you play a lot of games that he plays as well, he’ll get butterflies 💕
in the future he’ll definitely be more open and trusting towards you, since you’re a fellow nerd
will send you video game news and announcements through text, asking if you’re going to get the new game or whatever
he definitely loves it when you send memes or geek out about a game, no matter how much you may spam him he’s reading all of it!!
if you ask him to put his minecraft bed next to yours (even as a joke) he might malfunction for a bit
congrats you now have a high level friend that can carry you on all the hard bosses 
he’s also the type to give you a bunch of high level items and money when you play an online game together (because he's absolutely enamored 😳)
kuroo points it out and is totally dramatic about it
“damn, you’ve never given me that much stuff when I play. I almost feel hurt, do you like them more than me now?”
“no comment.”
tendou satori
if you tell him you read shounen jump he’ll probably fall in love on the spot
ok maybe not that fast, but he’s definitely excited to finally have someone to talk to about weekly chapters
he’ll ask to swap numbers too so you can send each other memes and theories about the mangas being serialized
sends a “good morning!” and “goodnight!” everyday to you with a meme or cool fanart related to the manga you’ve been discussing
he absolutely loves it when you ramble about characters, storytelling techniques, how the good the anime adaption is, and other extremely niche nerdy details
if you cry when your favorite character dies, he’ll think it’s so cute and endearing
he’ll tease you at first, but will comfort you nonetheless without being condescending or judging you
he will subtly try to act like characters that you simp for
tendou worries that your reputation might take a hit if you’re seen hanging out with him all the time, so he asks you if it’s okay
“of course it’s fine, talking to you makes my day more fun! plus, who else would I cry to about fictional characters?” 
he’s frozen for a moment before bursting out into laughter with heated cheeks
if he hadn’t fallen for you already, he definitely knew this was the final nail in the coffin 💘
tsukishima kei
ok i’m imagining a gecko or bug that accidentally got into the classroom and no one wants to touch it because they think it’s gross
tsukishima would, but he doesn’t want to attract any unnecessary attention so he just sits back and watches his classmates scramble about
until you show up and gracefully scoop up the lil guy with tenderness and adoration, carefully heading towards the door to release it outside 
he probably already thought you were cute, but now he has a reason to talk to you that doesn’t seem forced
he stops you before you get out the door, asking to see the creature in your hands 
you ask if he wants to hold it, he’s a little surprised but will say yes
when your hand brushes his, adrenaline explodes in his body but he makes no outward indication about how nervous he really is 
you excitedly ask if he likes creatures too, which leads to a wonderful conversation about how bugs and stuff are actually really cool
until you both remember that he still has a bug in his hands that needs to be outside 
you continue chatting while heading towards the door and it might seem like he’s not listening; responding with one word answers and nods, but he’s just trying to keep his cool
if you exchange numbers, he’ll send you pictures of bugs or reptiles he finds outside that he thinks you might like 
if you have any pets that require tanks (fish, bugs, reptiles, amphibians etc) he’ll subtly ask to come over so he can check them out
“hey, we should study at your place sometime.”
“you know you can just ask me if you wanna see my pets lol”
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yubellia · 3 months
Okay… Apology Tour….
Ok… did we all come down a little? It has been a few hours since apology tour released now. I talked about my first impression already so…. Let’s break it down a little more. I also saw some people talk about the writing in this episode so…
The garden….. Stolas is petty and like I said not without a reason. In full moon, Blitz wanted to apologize. He was literally one step away. Here?! „It’s for losers and most people don’t deserve them anyway.“ …..
I won‘t lie. I get what people mean, when they say that Stolas is once again victimized. I get why people once again get mad for only Blitz looking like the bad guy. I do too.
Stolas is still not really held accountable for starting this deal and making it the way it was. He still can‘t see why Blitz might have a point with this whole „looking down“ thing.
I get why people are mad. And yet despite knowing all that and talking about Stolas and his mistakes myself (check my blog, these posts aren‘t old!), I can‘t help but feel bad for him.
We learn that blitz indeed tried to ‚contact‘ him. Tried to make it light with some silly pictures I guess and this time, it was Stolas who didn’t answer….. can‘t believe the fanart I saw was right….. maybe they should put some of us into the writing team. Anyway. To give Stolas credit, he is very transparent with his feelings again. And now Blitz knows what’s going on so he can‘t claim that Stolas is jumping it on him. AND BLITZ PRETTY MUCH ADMITS WHATS GOING ON WITH HIM TOO! But the moment Stolas is saying „yeah kind of like that.“ he goes back at it and insults him.
Also in my opinion, not telling Stolas that Striker was coming after him, was kind of a jerk move. I understand why. If he and his friends can kick his ass, so can Stolas. But not if he gets help from other. Or someone like Stella. I can see why Stolas would be hurt to not even get a heads up there.
However, after this painful scene and Blitz learning of Verosikas party, he starts his apology tour. Last on his list being all his ex‘s and one night stands.
Stolas has his song where he questions if anything even meant something to Blitz and we see Blitz tear up in the crowd. ….. another song to make Stolas look like the victim…. No comment here.
Anyway, after that Stolas is kind of too drunk but he at least makes it clear that he wants someone to pursue him like he wanted Blitz. Blitz wants to touch him but hesitates. Still thinking that Stolas is too good for him. And just in time, a male succubus (probably one of verosikas friends) asked Stolas to dance.
He doesn’t jump up on that offer, instead he waits for blitz to give his ok.
That’s why I can‘t completely agree with people saying that they destroyed stolitz in this episode. They clearly care about each other! Blitz is furious when Stolas is kissing that dude. But instead of making a scene, (thanks to Verosika) he lets Stolas have it. Even if it’s not with him, Stolas is happy. Maybe just for a night but he feels wanted. He gets what Verosika is trying to do with this party. The episode ends with Blitz sitting alone in his van.
Was this episode painful? Oh yes it was. Especially for Blitz fans. Was it necessary?….. also yes. I think that it was never possible for them to make up one day after the full moon incident. People hoped that this episode would clear everything up and they would be back together. But that’s too soon! We never should have believed that. I mean yes, we didn’t know when this episode would take place but the moment we learned that it’s just the next day, we should have seen that it’s too early.
I can‘t say that I like how the characters are handled here. Blitz is clearly portrayed as the bad guy here again (which Viv claims is not true in this relationship even when the writing says otherwise but whatever…) and the mistakes Stolas made aren’t addressed really. Only in a mocking manner because Blitz WANTS to see him like this. It’s his IDEA he can‘t let go…… (it’s too early where I live. I don‘t wanna get mad now)
However! Despite this, I think verosika‘s party was needet. Blitz had to see how he hurt others. And Stolas….. despite how I talk about him, I think he needed that too.
He needed to live! To not feel like a prince that needs to be proper and perfect but like a young man at a party. To have fun! Not these stiff balls Stella had. He needs to….be closer to the people if you get what I mean? So yeah… that’s that. The fandom already agrees that this episode wasn’t just painful but also that verosika of all people is the saving grace here…. Yeah we are right.
Also I saw some people point out the ‚official anti Blitz merch‘ that dropped with this episode….. I went to the shop. It’s there……it’s real…..(what did I say about not getting mad? I swear this show sometimes… and the creator… I can‘t…)
Anyway…. I said it after full moon and I say it again. This will be a painful ride. I wonder if they really let Blitz‘s character grow for the better or if he will fall back to his old ways but… we have to see. Can‘t say I love the writing, but parts of it were good.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I’ll keep my eyes open to see what others think.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
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Is this what I should be writing? No. Is it what my brain has become obsessed with? Yes. 😅😂 SO, my friend and I have been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and last week she just sent me a piece of fanart for Enver Gortash and a The Dark Urge Tav. She wrote me an essay about how a story about these two and their tragic pasts and sexy chemistry and eventual love affair and angst was just so perfect and blah blah blah. No big deal, right? WRONG! WRONG! Because now it's stuck in my head and I've been writing long ass blurbs for a fic that I did not have planned whilst I'm supposed to be writing like 2 other things right now! 🤣 Well, anyway, here this is because *looks at script my friend wrote out for me* "I'm the boss (writer) and I can do (write) whatever I want" 🧍‍♀️. Let me know if y'all enjoy this because boy oh boy do I have more (it's literally turning into ANOTHER 20 plus chapter series). Thanks for the brain rot you bitch (said lovingly), I hope you enjoy the tiny peek into the fic you want so badly!
The glinting steel reflected the vision of pale skin - skin I wanted nothing more than to slice open. The man made a slight, quiet noise. It wasn’t one I usually heard when about to take a life. Everyone else was always babbling, clearly terrified to die, but he seemed to be bored… annoyed. I admired the way the chilled, freshly sharpened blade kissed his neck so nicely before his hands finally stopped their intricate movements, and he slowly settled back against his chair. "We have to stop meeting like this."
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't slit your throat."
"It'd be such a waste of a pretty neck," he joked. I pulled the blade back more, nearly cutting the tender flesh he seemed so fond of. He made some noise of protest and quickly added, "As well as a waste of a powerful ally."
The laugh that bubbled out of my throat was unexpected. It'd been so long since I'd laughed. Surely he was joking. I kept the knife steady as I stepped out from behind the chair and truly examined him. He was fit enough, with strong arms and a well-toned physique with a power that surrounded him as well, but it was but a simmer... A meager fountain in some garden compared to the power I'd witnessed. He grinned beneath my gaze. "See something you like, assassin?"
"If you're so powerful, then why is it me that holds your life in my hands?" I asked, with an arched brow.
"It would be rude of me to interrupt. You are doing such a lovely job with all these vague threats."
"You'd risk your life on some self-imposed manners?"
He rolled his eyes. "You aren't going to kill me."
I grinned at his boldness. "No?" Pressing the dagger down I made sure to draw blood this time. The sight of it made my mouth go dry, anticipation humming through me. "You would make a pretty corpse."
"I've no doubts about that," he agreed with barely a flinch. "But, if you'd intended for me to die, I suspect I would have been dead weeks ago when you first paid me a visit."
His words - those cursed words he'd uttered the first time my blade touched his throat rang in my ears. "You're beautiful."
A chill, a fragment of a feeling, crawled up my spine, and the dark urge to bleed him dry went quiet. Slowly I withdrew my blade, leaning back to sit on his table, not caring if his papers smudged. "What do you want, slaver?"
The man's lips curled up into a snarl at the term, but he quickly tempered himself. "An alliance."
"And what exactly are we allying against?" I questioned with a hum. "We don't exactly run in the same circles."
"We are far more similar than you think, Bhaalspawn."
My blade twisted in between my fingers as I shoved forward and dug it into the back of the chair, just an inch shy of his face. Baring my teeth I let out a low growl. "Who told you what I am?"
The man smiled, not at all deterred by my blade nor my voice. "No one. I knew what you were the moment I saw you." He leaned forward, so close our noses nearly touched. "You'll want to keep that secret close though."
"Bold of you to threaten me,” I complimented with a slight raise of my brow.
"Oh, it's not a threat," he corrected. "Simply some advice from one worshiper to another."
"You worship Bhaal?"
"Gods no," he scoffed. "Murder doesn't exactly fit my particular skill set. Besides, these silks are far too fine a fabric to stain with all that blood. No, I prefer power... Status... Tyranny."
I rolled my eyes with a quiet scoff of my own. "A disciple of Bane then. How fitting for a cocksure man."
His head tilted slightly, eyes dragging down the length of me as I leaned back into the table. "I'm certain we'll have plenty of time to explore how cocksure I am whilst we work together."
"I haven't agreed to work with you yet."
"Yes you have," he replied, confident and unwavering. "You see the potential in such an alliance. Two dark gods are more powerful together than one alone. United we could do so much more."
With a quiet hum I regarded his words carefully. He held some semblance of truth in his statement. Bhaal was not as strong as he once was, his worship and power long declined. Uniting, even if just for a short time, with another Chosen could prove to be useful in achieving both our goals. There was something in me that stirred beneath the man's steady, unflinching gaze... Something warm and foreign. Once again his first words to me filled my mind. "You're beautiful."
Reaching forward I pulled my blade from the wood and pointed it at his neck again. "Get rid of the flyers or the next time we meet my blade will bury itself in your throat."
"Does that mean you accept?" He questioned with almost a giddy smirk.
"It means I'll consider it." 
I wearily watched him rise to his feet, towering over me. "How shall I summon you again?"
My jaw clenched. "You do not summon me. If the Temple of Bhaal agrees to participate in this plot of yours I shall find you."
"And if not?"
"Then I will still find you, and I will kill you."
"Splendid," he mocked with a clever bow. "I, Enver Gortash, shall eagerly await your return."
"The flyers," I reminded, stepping around him to move back toward the window.
His boots scuffed against the floor, the boards creaking beneath his weight. "What shall I call you? Assassin? Or your moniker perhaps? What was it... The Dark Urge." The man, Gortash, made a displeased noise. "I'd much prefer your name if it's all the same to you."
I should have left - I had every intention just to leave, and yet my steps halted. The chilled breeze from the cracked window brought goosebumps to my arms, every hair rising on end from the cold or perhaps from the sudden and odd anticipation that filled me. I turned my head to the side, eyes slyly glancing at him as the soft whisper of the name... My name rolled off my tongue. "Remora."
Gortash smiled. It was different from the others... Softer... Genuine. The sight of it sent a sharp sensation through my chest before it vanished, and he teasingly bowed again. "I await your swift return, Remora."
Shaking off the weight of those unknown feelings I climbed through the window and leapt into the dark night. Loose shingles shifted beneath my light steps as I hurried across the rooftop. The wind stung my cheeks and threatened to pull my hood from my head as I slowed and looked back at the window. I could barely make out the shape of him standing there, looking out into the night as if he could still see me. A frustrated bubble of annoyance finally burst within me and made me want to groan as I quickly realized he was right.
I had already decided to join him.
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selineram3421 · 2 years
I have a request :) Can you make some headcanons for demon Alastor in human world who was accidentaly summoned by reader and he started developing feelings for them?
Reader haven't made a deal with Alastor yet and knows Alastor from show itself but they dont want to tell him about it. Thank you <3
Heck yeah.
Headcanons of Alastor Falling for Human S/O
Alastor X Reader
First of all, it was not intentional.
You were trying to do your first spell.
Who's gonna stop you? Not your cat, that's for sure.
And then just ☁poof☁ deer man appears
"THE FUCK!?", you shout and scramble back, tripping over your feet and falling.
Alastor is equally surprised, because he was in the middle of a good book and there was a strange shift in the air.
You lie on your back for a while, just trying to piece together HOW THE FUCK YOU DID A SUMMONING SPELL!
Deciding not to wait for you to process everything, Alastor speaks. "Excuse me, did you want something?"
Sitting up, you rub the back of your head with your eyes closed. "No? Sorry, I didn't mean to summon you-or any demon. It was not my intention tonight."
Then you open your eyes and get a good look at the demon you've accidentally summoned.
Holy shit that's Alastor!?
Now your brain is having a whole moment.
Never mind the summoning, how the fuck did I open up a portal and bring a fictional character into the 3rd dimension!?
"Um, who are you?", you ask, just wanting to make sure your brain wasn't making any of this up.
"Oh, how rude of me! My apologies, I am Alastor!"
It could be a demon with the same name?
"Radio Demon, Hell's finest radio host."
Nope, it's your animated crush. You freak out on the inside.
Honestly I'd be freaking out too.
"Um ok, nice to meet you.", you say awkwardly.
You stand up and notice he hasn't left the circle of crystals.
"Charmed, I'm sure."
"Sorry again, but can you go back home?", you ask, looking down at the crystals. "I want to try to do my spell again."
"Why of course!", he does a snap of his fingers but doesn't move. "That's odd."
"What's odd?"
"It seems that I can't leave."
And now you're stuck with a very tall demon. Good thing you live alone.
Your cat hides away from Alastor, the deer demon didn't even know you had a cat until you began searching for them.
"Where are you? Pspspspspspspsps.", you call, looking under your couch.
"What are you doing?", he asks.
"Calling for my cat."
"Hmm.. I'll have to try that with Husker."
You want to laugh so bad.
Alastor pokes at the crystal barrier, getting zapped as he does so. "Could you perhaps move one of these? I'd like to get out."
"Will you respect the house rules?", you ask.
He better.
He thinks it over for a moment or two. "Yes."
You tell him the house rules before letting him out.
Now you have a demon roommate. That is until you can figure out a way to get him back home.
The next day comes, and when you wake you find your cat sitting on your bed, staring through door.
"Glad you're back.", you mumble and pet them.
Stepping out of the room, you almost forgot about Alastor. Almost.
"Good morning!", he says with a wide smile. "I hope you had a proper rest."
"Am I still sleeping?", you ask, looking for something in the room that felt out of place.
"You're very much awake! Come sit, I've made you breakfast."
Your brain can't really grasp him in such a domestic moment, but you do as told and sit at your two person table.
You hide all the fanart and merchandise that has to do with Vivzie's work. You have to change a lot of your devices backgrounds.
Alastor and your cat do start to get along.
He asks about your radio. "What are all of these extra bits?"
"It's a record player, and a radio. It can also play CDs and cassettes.", you explain and demonstrate how to properly use it.
Sometimes when a good song is playing, he'll pull you into a dance.
He takes over the cooking most of the time.
Working on a spell? He'll help you out with it.
Unwanted house guests? Oh no, they've been spooked into leaving.
Coffee is made every morning. Tea as well if you prefer that.
One day you decide to help with the cooking.
"It's no trouble at all.", he says. "Just wait for the food."
"I'm gonna be stuck with not knowing how to make food when you leave, let me at least learn by helping."
He can't really argue with that, so he lets you help.
Let's get cookin'
Both of you end up cooking together more often and trade recipes.
Then you go grocery shopping after making sure he won't kill anyone unless its absolutely necessary.
"What if you encounter a thief?"
"Depends on what they take. I don't really care about money."
"What if someone assaults you?"
"I can take care of myself, they just have to throw the first hit."
"What about a rapist trying to lay a hand on you?"
"That one you can kill without a second thought."
You finally get to see his human disguise. Yes, he looks handsome as hell. A lot of heads turn in the grocery store when you both pass by.
There was almost a grab-by with an old woman. Thankfully you were able to move him away before she could pinch his bottom.
"Ew.", you said scrunching your nose. "Let's get the last thing and leave."
Falling in love?
I'd like to think that he'd fall for the little things.
Like when you sing, thinking you're alone. Or when you get a random spark of inspiration.
When you laugh at a corrupt person's death. And I mean laugh like it was the funniest joke you've heard. Crab rave
Your weirdness.
And the way you talk to your cat.
"I know you like fire but we can't do arson."
"I know its dumb but we live here. You can cause a fire at someone else's house."
I feel like he would wonder what you mean by that and test it out by teleporting your cat to someone's house.
"That's crazy."
"On the news, someone's house caught on fire."
Cat is brought back and waltzes around the house like nothing ever happened.
"How did you get soot on your paws?", you ask after noticing the little trail your cat left behind.
You look around to see if the cat did cause a fire.
This is if you do buy merch occasionally/regularly/ or when you get the chance.
You forgot that you bought a few new pins and almost opened the package out in the open. "Oh f-", you grab the package and run to your room.
Did anyone see the Hazbin Hotel news?
~Seline, the person.
ML for Alastor🎙
Wanna see more of Arson Cat? Look no further!
➡ 🔥click here🔥
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enden-agolor · 4 months
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
Jeez. Wow, I hardly know what to say. Like literally I've been sitting on this ask for a day thinking of how to respond.
It's pretty dang rare to hear I'm someones favorite artist, so I was shocked to see this when I woke up yesterday. I just want you to know that means the world to me, and it's a huge honor. Thank you so much. As well as the praise towards my writing, it means so much to me to hear positive feedback about it. To know my silly art and writing has had a positive impact on you is incredible. I love that, thank you so much. <:D 🩵
As for how I make my au designs? Gosh I really am not sure. It really is just me pulling up a blank canvas and drawing the characters then adding clothes and armor that I feel fits them. I actually had someone recently ask me on discord how I came up with FD Jesse's design and what the process was, but that one art of them I did with Lukas and Jesse standing side by side (I'll link it at the end) was the first time I drew their designs for this au. Wasn't even sure if I'd stick with the Jesse design but then a bunch of people started making fanart of him and I am SOOOO unbelievably grateful for that but then I knew the design was a success and he grew on me a ton, so I don't see myself changing it. I don't usually use references when doing my character designs, I kind of just work with what I know how to draw already and try to get the image in my head out into the drawing. For the royal au Jesse, I had Link (LoZ) in mind 🥰
I hope your day is great as well!!! : D
And here's the post I was talking about:
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stuckybingo · 7 months
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It is time to Resurrect Stucky!
Reclists Part 3
Back in December, the call was put out for fans to create a Stucky Renaissance on Tumblr. We at Stucky Bingo are all about our two favorite centenarians and participants for this event helped to create a series of reclists for all of our fellow Stucky enthusiasts to enjoy.
This reclist is dedicated to Fanart! Whether it is drawings, manips, or moodboards, it is all amazing.
I'd do more for you but I can't by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart, Warnings: Hydra, Winter Soldier) An AU where The winter Soldier never goes in for repairs without a fuss, that is unless a blonde tech named Grant James is there. The tech is actually Steve Rogers in disguise trying to get Bucky back.In order to fix Bucky he has to accidentally hurt him which Steve is sure is a certain type of villainy that doesn't sit well in his stomach. Hydra goons are everywhere and there's only so much he can do for now while he's been secretly transformed to only resemble Captain America to get to the Winter Soldier.
Beyond the finish line by otp-holic (General, Moodboard) What if Steve and Bucky were professional cyclists...
Waiting For Something More by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart) Cap and Bucky meet and Bucky has taken drastic measures to finally get his attention.
Steve? | Sketches by petiteallemande (General, Fanart) Steve watches Bucky turn to dust.
HoeHoeHoe by elkleggs (General, Fanart) Steve and Bucky making out.
Breakfast by capibuck (General, Fanart) Bucky cooking with Steve behind him, both smiling.
Like you latte by Smutconnoisseur (General, Moodboard ) Café owner Steve finally makes a move on the cute caffeine enthusiast author who spends his mornings typing away in his shop
Diplomatic incident by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart) I’m very flattered and I know it’s a present, but…I’m not really sure about the outfit and… Tututu. Exactly, it’s a PRESENT. From Princess Shuri HERSELF, so you got nothing to want. Or d'you want to create a diplomatic incident? ANOTHER ONE ? Alienating the whole U.N. wasn’t enough, you wish to add to the list the only country that’s willing to help us? Pfff, you are just feeling self-conscious because a couple of kids told you “Hi, Jesus, can you multiply our sandwiches?” when we were visiting the town this morning
sorry by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve with his head in Bucky's lap and Bucky embracing him
Strangers in the Night by purpleicedteas (Teen, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's mornings in bed.
artist’s model by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Bucky gets dressed as Steve finishes painting
the artist by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve's drawings of Bucky with some doodles Bucky added
Fur Babies by Girl_Back_There (General, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's Fur Babies
The Life of Bucky Barnes by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart Series) Images from Bucky Barnes' Instagram. My life with Steve, mainly, and tons of other stuff. Don't call me James.
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
hey! I'm sorry for the unfollow/refollow--I was going through my following & realized I didn't see your name! hope you're well.
anyway, here's some prompt ideas I had while browsing COD MWii fanart...
I've read lots of Werewolf!Soap, but what about him meeting Vampire!Ghost? Especially when Simon's recently turned & supernaturals are still a secret to humans?
A couple of people have mentioned Ghost being afraid of snakes bc his dad made him kiss one when he was a kid (IDK if that's canon). When he's older, he goes to magic school & learns that he can talk to snakes--an ability that's associated with evil (yes, it's inspired by a certain series 👉🏽👈🏽)
Ghost's muscular thighs make shopping for pants irritating. But then (pre-relationship/dating) he sees Soap & Gaz watching videos of men crushing watermelons with their thighs & he becomes...curious.
don’t worry about it haha. hope you’re good as well
just working on the second prompt in this post… but there will very possibly be another post with a different prompt ;) i loved them all it was hard to choose but i also didnt want to cram 3 drabbles into one lol
hope you don’t mind me turning it into implied ghostsoap. it’s kind of in my blood at this point
This must be some kind of cruel joke, Simon thinks irritably, sitting flat on his arse in the surprise that had brought him there, staring with disbelief and a furrowed brow at the much-too-legless reptile that lazily blinks back from its perch between Johnny’s fingers. For Merlin’s sake.
“Are you alright, Simon?” Johnny asks, oh-so innocently, because of course he couldn’t have known, not when Simon had never told him.
Simon swallows thickly. Squirms backward, farther from the snake. “‘S fine, just—“ he shakes his head. “Don’t like snakes.”
“Oh—oh! Sorry, I’m sorry, let me just—“
Simon still doesn’t move as Johnny scrambles away, uttering countless apologies as a frown—or, a pout, really—tugs at his face. Because that had only been part of the reason for Simon’s scare. Hell, at this point, it’s only a tiny piece—a fragment—of the picture.
It has to be, when Simon’s (second) least favourite creature quite possibly ever had spoken to him.
Spoken. Words hissed with a flickering tongue, merely whispers to Simon’s ears as it stares on earnestly with gleaming, black eyes—but speech nonetheless.
Simon might be sick. He might be cursed.
“—mon? Si? You right?”
Johnny’s voice fades back into Simon’s head, a welcome reprieve from whatever it was he had just discovered. The last thing he’d ever expected to happen; the last thing he’d ever wanted to happen.
Simon can only muster a wobbly affirmative as he takes Johnny’s outstretched hand and pulls himself back onto his feet.
In the corner of his eye, Simon notices the snake still lingering in nearby bushes, taunting. He tears his gaze away, trying to focus on Johnny’s worried expression instead of distant words he swears he can still hear.
A cruel joke, he tells himself. A figment of imagination.
He doesn’t want to think of the implications of this apparent ability. Not as Johnny’s taking his wrist and leading him far, far away from the forest.
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