#I want to prove to my parents that I CAN make a living for myself but they won’t even give me a debit card so I can’t start my redbubble ye
dragonairice · 11 months
It’s 11pm but does anyone have any life advice for what to do when your abusive/neglectful parents are trying to force you into getting a job at their office just because they make a ton of money and don’t want the business to go into the hands of your older brother but you don’t personally care and literally just turned 18 and haven’t even started college yet
man what the fuck am I even supposed to do?
they’re trying to send me there tomorrow to learn about how the office works and everything and I GET IT it’s USEFUL but I don’t… want to do that. Especially with my family.
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nope-body · 10 months
#my dad tried to tell me ‘you work less hours than us so you should be doing more around the house’#as if working four hour shifts three days a week isn’t already causing flare ups for me#also I would love to be able to do more around the house! I’m not using my disability as an excuse to get out of chores#I genuinely want to prove to myself that I can take care of a living space for an extended period of time before I move out for good#and it sucks that I can’t do as much as I want to do!#and I know that my dad thinks it’s just a diet issue because he’s said it. out loud. today! but it’s not just that!#drinking water and getting enough sodium is a way of managing my pots symptoms but it does not make them go away completely and sometimes#they just get worse#and when he blames me for not drinking water when *I can’t stand long enough to grab a glass* he just makes things worse#like. sorry I’m dehydrated. I was trying not to pass out and give myself a concussion and break a cup or something. my apologies!#I’m so sorry that this has mildly inconvenienced you!#the funny thing is that I’m starting to get frustrated (finally) after years of dealing with this and he’s used to my sister fighting back#but not me. he is very much not used to me telling him he’s wrong. especially because I back myself up with what the doctors say#and he can’t say that the doctors were wrong because he’s been pointing to them from day one! so he just changes what he’s arguing about#the downside is that because I’m not used to arguing with him either I do end up giving up very quickly#because I don’t like arguing! I don’t like having to argue my lived experiences to someone! especially a parent!#i also don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to become my dad. I don’t want to be angry all the time#it scares me. the possibility of it scares me.#why can’t the world be kinder?
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tabootasaur · 1 year
#im really just ranting so pleasr ignore this post it really isnt that serious i just need to vomit it all out before i crash#i wish i knew who i was i wish i knew who i was going to be who i would havr been before everythong went to shit#before my parents beat my soul into submission before i retreated into myself so hard im killing myself just trying to come out again#i dont know who i am or what i want or even how to begin ttying any of that#my therapist started saying all the same things my dad would say abiut me and about my qork and about my life#id been with her for over 5 years so maybe she is right maybe my dad was right maybe my parents were right maybe i do deserve nothing#i hate my body but my partner says its beautiful i can barely face the day but my partner is happy when i do#they say my parents were wrong in so many ways but why is it taking me so long to prove it#ive been bad my whole life o was a bad kid a bad friend a bad adult but i wanna be goood so bad ii might puke#i know i can be good but why cant i prove it why is it stopping me why cant i push my my brain why cant i hit the override and just LIVE#its hard being 25 when i didnt think id make it to 15#its hard living when all you want to do is give up i want to give up i wish i could and maybe a few years ago i would have#but now for the first time in my life i want to live i want to do good but my brain body and soul have no idea how#i think im autistic and the worst part is realizing how much of me that is how much i should havr been cared for#i have to learn how to live in the world but the world is so scary and it hurts and my therapist talkrd a lot about getting used to it#she wanted me to dive in and didnt understand no matter how many qays i tried to explain to her how much it painrd me to try it her way#i wish i could just do it that i could grin and bear it but i cant anymore i cant just do it#i wish i could just become who i was supposed to be someone without the pain and the torture and the constant berating#someone who can have a job and cook dinner and still feel whole after it all#i jist want to live i want to be good i want to get better and i feel like peeling my skin off my body i feel like ripping out my teeth#it makes me feel awful every time i cant do sometbing because i was getting better i couod feel it and now im in hell this is worse#i feel like im experiencing depression for the first time all over again ivw never been so violently thrown bacj into the pit#please i want out i want to hear creaks without thinking someone is 8n my home i want to clean like someone isnt watching me#i want to move around my home like i dont expect to be graded i want to be able to sleep at night and not have tomorrow ruined by flashback#im so so tired and for the first time in my life o dont wanna give up i wanna be better but i dont know how#every time i try to get help something goes wrong and i run out of insurance soon so im probably just fucked#my antidepressants arent doing shit and my birth control makes everything harder and i jist wish i could take medication and live#im tired im tired but ive been crying in the bathroom for over an hour because sometbing so stupid triggered me#and now im a child again and i have work tomorrow and i cant scream and cry into my partner cause they have work#they work so hard for us and i can barely do a day im so fucking pathetic and yet they stay with me
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charmedreincarnation · 8 months
When I say that this journey is real, and our struggles are not in vain, I am shouting it from the rooftops. A month ago, I woke up with my dream life. Obsessed with the "void state", I woke up one day being the same person but with an entirely new life. All because I chose it.
Your efforts aren't going unnoticed. The universe is always on your side. You are the universe. It's been a month, and I still feel overwhelmed with joy and wonder every single day.
I was once poor and battling depression, a reality many can relate to. But we found the law because we knew we deserved more. You can be ordinary, flawed, even unkind, but you can choose to transform and have it all. And I did just that. My parents, who were illegal immigrants working underpaid jobs, are now wealthy and respected figures. My last name alone garners recognition, and I am a socialite earning money just by being me.
I used to live in an attic infested with cockroaches. Now, I reside in a four-story mansion, complete with exotic cars, house help, cooks, drivers - all treated and compensated fairly. We also own three other houses across the United States.
I was once insecure, severely underweight, and bullied. Today, not only am I stunningly beautiful, but I am also praised for my fashion sense. I was once a dull person, but now I am radiant with positivity.
I attended an underfunded school where I was bullied, and teachers lacked resources to intervene. Now, I study at a prestigious private school that assures my entry into an Ivy League university. Finally, I am respected and appreciated.
I was lonely and uninteresting. Now, I am vibrant with a close-knit group of friends and a man who seems straight out of a Wattpad story. He's perfect, and he's mine.
This transformation happened overnight. And I've been on this journey since 2020. But how??? I surrendered to my imagination!
The void was overwhelming, but now I can easily navigate it. I was tired of giving my power away. So, I gave in to myself, to my dreams. I knew I deserved it. Even if I didn't believe it at times, I made the choice. If you desire something, it's already yours. It's done.
I didn't have a list or anything of my desires, just a vision of happiness. I didn't know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. Now, I embody that feeling every day. My life is a series of plot twists. It's not perfect, but my worst days now are what I once prayed for. That old life? POOF It's gone. All I have is now, and I'm living it to the fullest.
My advice?
Stop seeking proof. If you're looking for proof, you'll never manifest your dreams because the only thing that needs to change is self. Doubt is a reflection of your disbelief in yourself. When I surrendered to my imagination, it didn't matter who was lying or telling the truth, because I had my truth. The burden of proof lies within you. It's called the law of assumption. You might harbor some doubt, but you must have faith like the devout. They believe without proof. You can too! We all can! Believe in yourself, and the universe will conspire in your favor!!!!
I agree! Your words resonated with me a lot. Faith, particularly self-faith, is such an important tool in shaping our realities. The ability to trust ourselves, our desires, and our potential is essential in manifesting our dream life, and it’s only so beautiful to slowly see yourself give yourself all your trust when you’ve never even liked yourself.
You're spot on about the issue of seeking confirmation from others. It's an unnecessary hurdle that we give ourselves but it’s human nature. Our truths and dreams should not be validated by anyone else but us. As you said, why should it matter if someone lied or told the truth? We are the creators of our own lives and thus, the only validation we need comes from within.
And I wholeheartedly agree with your point about deservingness. We don't have to earn our desires or prove ourselves worthy of them. If we want something, that desire alone makes us deserving of it.
More importantly I am very proud and happy for you !!!! You’re a testament of what our own imagination can do for us and I hope you only keep getting happier and happier <3!!!!
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jwanniie · 3 months
Can u do g!p doctor minji x reader fucking in her office making her cockdrunk and they do it many times?
I know you're busy rn so don't worry just take your time🥹 thank you I advance!! ♡
You can’t miss a Doctors appointment!
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Pairings: G!p Minji x fem reader!
Warnings: BREEDING, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy), not proofread, p in v, mention of pregnancy, overstimulation, creampie, big dick, a little bit of manipulation, pantie stealing and just Filthy smut!!
Jwans Note: I’m not really satisfied with how this turned out but hope you enjoy!!😔🥲
Meet Minji, a newly graduated doctor who had just landed her dream job at one of the world's most prestigious hospitals. Her hard work and dedication had paid off, and her parents couldn't have been prouder. They beamed with pride whenever they spoke of their daughter's remarkable achievements, and her success became the talk of the neighborhood. Her family had always known that Minji was destined for greatness, and now, she had proved them right. With her exceptional skills and a heart full of compassion, she was ready to take on the world and make a positive impact on the lives of others.
She basically was every medical students goal, they all wanted to be like her one day.
It was no surprise that the hospital gave her a private office. Soon, patients started pouring in and the day was filled with treating and helping them.
But there was this one patient that stuck to the back of her mind and didn’t seem to leave. You came to her office one day for a yearly check, and your results were above great but from the first time she laid her eyes on you, she knew she had to have you.
She made little “changes” to your file, perhaps a little sabotage so you could visit her office more often. It was all with a good intention, she thought.
You were waiting outside in her waiting room. This is the third time you have been here, for an unknown reason. She told you that she has to make more checks and she needed to make sure that everything is alright, but you still don’t understand what she wants? Every time you asked her is there something bothering your health, she didn’t give a straight answer, just shrugging it off and mumbling incoherent stuff.
“Miss y/n, come inside!” The secretary behind the counter told you. You quickly took your stuff and left for Minjis office.
Once she saw you enter her office she flashed you her signature warm smile, that seemed to leave every patient with heart eyes.
That happened to you when you first came to her office but as the time passed, those heart eyes slowly started fading.
You placed your coat on the hanger and sat down on the chair in front of her desk, the last thing you wanted to seem was rude so you returned a smile, a nervous one.
“Hi miss y/n! How have you been?” She questioned seeming really interested.
“I have been well myself, so is there something bothering my health?” you chuckled nervously, raising an brow afterwards.
She stood up and guided you to the examination bed, making you lay on it. Your breathing was unreasonably heavy and low. Your hands on your sides, while she was wearing her gloves.
“If that’s okay with you, could you take your clothes off?” She looked at you from the corner of her eyes before turning fully to look down at you.
You gulped nervously never have a doctor asked you anything like this but at the end of the day she is a doctor she must know what she is doing…😮‍💨🫣
You slid down your jeans before pulling your shirt over your head, handing it to her. She looked at you like she still was waiting for something, and that’s when you realized what she indicated.
Without much thought you just decided to make her life easier and just take your panties off, and so you did. She had her hand out to you when you took off your panties while a smirk across her face, you gave it to her even tho a crimson colored layer was over your cheeks. You didn’t miss how she stuffed your panties in her pocket.
At first everything was so normal, doing normal doctor check ups, and the doctor stuff that everyone have been through.
But not long after her hands started roaming around your form, her hands slowly reaching and nearing your core and you couldn’t help but let out a whimper when her fingers touched your embarrassingly wet pussy.
What could you do? You couldn’t deny that doctor Minji was hot, insanely hot! And you couldn’t deny how every night after meeting her, your fingers couldn’t satisfy you anymore. She wasn’t the only one desperate and hungry for you, you were for her too!
She smirked at the sound leaving your lips her finger pad teasing your walls reasoning for more breathy whimpers to fall past your lips. You were soaking her fingers and the examination bed already having a wet patch on it.
She undressed her white coat and slid her slacks down, exposing her deprived cock. Looking at the erection it seemed heavy and her red-ish tip leaking white salty substance.
You rubbed your thighs together at the sight a whine making it way out of your lips. She climbed on the examination bed and aligned her cock with your velvety walls. Before completely pushing in, her cock stretching your hymen, making you feel like at any moment you’d bleed. But the feeling was pleasurable nonetheless.
The waiting of months finally have paid off and she finally got to bury her cock deep in you. The bed rocking back and forth due to her ruthless thrust, making you feel that her cock was in your womb, hitting spots you didn’t know existed.
You were holding her shoulders for dear life, your nails sinking deep into her flesh, your knuckles turning white due to your grip.
Her Head buried into the crook of your neck, giving kitty licks onto your invisible Adam apple and sucking on the flesh, purple marks filling your, she could taste the chemical taste of your perfume and that only made her mind numb and intoxicated with the whole moment.
Both of you letting out the deepest sounds and whimpers, without warning her seed flew deep into you, straight onto your womb. The chances of you getting pregnant by her sent you over the edge, your own liquid pushing out her creamy substance.
“G’na get you pregnant baby, y-you could come Check in my office every day!” She whispered near your ear, shivers running down your spine.
She furrowed her brows, your own juices pushing her cum was making her annoyed, and without realizing it wasn’t long till her cock was again deep inside you. Your pussy tightening and clenching uncontrollably around her while overstimulation hitting you hard, a choked gasp came from you.
The pain and abuse of her cock making your eyes water. Tears sliding down your cheeks, it was replaced by mind blowing pleasure once again, your previous orgasm making the knot in your stomach snap, and fresh round of your juices tried to push her cock out but failed since the ramming of her cock was deep and rough, making your legs give up and your body laying limp.
She let out a growl before her balls shot new layer of cum into your abused hole, a satisfied sigh came from her.
She pulled out slowly trying not to overstimulate you more, and she saw how her cum gushed out. Her finger smeared her liquid before pushing it back in deeper. She kissed your puffy tear stained cheeks and caressed your closed lids softly.
She cleaned you up in the bathroom connected with her office and declined all of the appointments of the day.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
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(1) Passionate about Learning
If we look at Hermione or Rory , they had a burning passion for learning. They were full of curiosity. They didn't just study for good grades , they studied because they were passionate to learn. They read alot of books. Ngl Reading is therapeutic . Hermione always went into detail , she read alot of books about the topics she was studying. There is a reason behind her being a " know it all " .
(2) Rely on Understanding , not rote learning
I was one of those who would study at last moment and rely on rote learning, I would still get good grades . But gradually I realized , studying at last moment is wrong and it makes education unworthy. After the exam , I would forget everything. Sometimes rote learning won't help too. Rely on understanding the concepts. Ofc there will be some topics that are just meant for memorization. When you come back from school , you should revise everything. It will makes things much easier for you.
(3) Be Disciplined and Dedicated
The best form of self love is discipline. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the cost of life you could have lived. Be mindful and prioritize your tasks. Start taking responsibility. You owe yourself to be disciplined and dedicated.
(4) Prioritize Education
Education is the most powerful weapon. Being educated and Intelligent is HOT ! HARD WORK WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU. Books are your best friends. When I had my exams or when I was in 10th grade, we had board exams . I studied really hard. It was lockdown but exams were still offline ( lol ). I cut off toxic people or anything which drained me or made me feel bad. I prioritized myself and my education. I used social media for 30 minutes only and I would watch content which made me feel motivated or good about myself. I unfollowed everything which made me feel bad. Did I regret it ? NO ! I GOT 98%. I strongly believe in manifestation too ( that's why this account exists ) so I affirmed for good grades too.
(5)Less Social Media or N🚫 Social media at all.
Alot of my classmates who are also exceptional at studying . Some of them joined Social media very late and some of them still don't use Social media. I joined Social media in Grade 9 but these days I try to use it as less as possible. This can be different for everyone. Maybe you use Social media in a healthy way and get good grades. For me , Social media can be draining sometimes so I use it less whenever I need to focus on myself. I was thinking to deactivate my account or take a break 😅. Most of the posts you see are scheduled btw, including this one .
(6)Find your WHY
Why are you studying ? What is your reason ? Is it because you want to make your parents proud ? Is it because you love learning ? Is it because you want to prove others wrong ? It is very important to have a reason for studying. Maybe connect your goals to studying. Let's say you want to become a dentist , now you can't become a dentist without studying ,right ?
(7) Find a Role Model
If you can't find your WHY yet , it's okay. Try to find a role model. It can be any real life person or a fictional character. It can be ANYONE ! My role models are Hermione and Elle Woods. You can put your role model Keychain on your pouch , stick their posters etc so whenever you look at it , you gain motivation to give your best. Again , it's okay if you can't find a role model . Become your own role model If you can't find any role model 😉
(8) Don't let Past intervene
It's okay if you weren't a good student from start . According to manifestation, you can revise being one too ! You can still change yourself and become a good student . You can prove all those people wrong by becoming a good student. Once a wise man said , don't let your past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful future.
(9) Believe in Yourself & Be confident
Harry potter once said " Working hard is important but there's something which matters even more ; Believing in yourself " . Even if you aren't a potterhead , you should listen to Harry Potter. Another example can be Elle Woods , she believed in herself when no one did. She showed us the power of self belief. Be confident in yourself.
(10) Be attentive and Regular
You must be attentive in class. Participate in class and don't hesitate . I can understand if you can't participate in class because you feel shy ( I used to be like that ) but the more you push yourself to participate, the less you will hesitate. Gradually , you will feel confident too. Like Thewizardliz said , sometimes you need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. Be a good listener.Also , be regular in your classes. If you aren't able to be regular, study at home. Some of my friends weren't able to be regular in school because of personal reasons but they studied at home . They didn't waste their time in unproductive stuff. Sometimes I was also not able to be regular at school but I studied at home and took breaks in between.
(11) Study From Youtube
I don't know if it's just me but youtube teachers can make the most complicated topics so simple. They explain everything in detail. Youtube teachers can be more helpful than school teachers tbh 😀. Self Study is important.
(12) Take care of Your Mental health.
It can be very hard to study with bad mental health. I tend to take care of my mental health. Stress can be the biggest distraction sometimes. So take care of your physical and mental health. Journal. Meditate. Take a break from social media if you need to. Use affirmations.Dance. Exercise. Read.Paint . Sleep. Whatever makes you feel better. Poor mental health can also interfere with your attention span so please take care of your mental health. Don't take it for granted 😃.
Short and simple tips
- Value your time. Time is money
- Self study is very beneficial
- Be organized
- Avoid Drama
🎀📖These are some tips which helped me and I live by these tips. I hope these tips help you too. I apologize if the post wasn't helpful🎀📖
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
peer pressure ii || lucy bronze x reader ||
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the aftermath of you sneaking out to go to a party.
part i
you were pissed as you made your way to the locker room. your fists were clenched, knocking into every corner as you rounded it. most of the team had already arrived, but you had been held up by a fight with your parents. your last fight with your parents if you had anything to do with it. from the way things had been, you doubted that they'd let you back in even if you tried to come back.
"morning kiddo," frido greeted you happily. you didn't even look up at her as you made your way over to your cubby. everybody's eyes were on you, and alexia looked like she was about ready to tell you off about your attitude when frido and ingrid pulled her back. "it's okay, i can talk to her myself."
"bon dia (y/n)," patri said loudly. she made a show of speaking loud enough to make it impossible to ignore without validating a lecture from alexia. lucy smacked the back of patri's head as she walked past, stopping right in front of you.
"let's go for a walk," lucy said. she waited for you to get your boots on before she pulled you up and out of the locker room. everybody was watching the two of you, but not all with the same expression. the team had all heard about you sneaking out to the party, but not all of them knew what had actually happened. alexia seemed to be hung up on the fact that you had drank and smoked weed, even though it was all out of your system by the time that you had been tested.
"are you going to yell at me?" you asked. lucy shook her head as she led you outside of the facility. "what did you want to talk about?"
"when's the last time you went home?" lucy asked you. you shrugged, not really sure where home was anymore. it had been a few days since your parents kicked you out of the house, but you hadn't told anybody yet. all they needed to know right now was that you were fighting with your parents. "where have you been sleeping at night?"
"my car," you mumbled. lucy's eyes widened as the realization of what you said settled in. legally, you weren't allowed to drive for another two years. the fact that you had purchased a car was really just so that you would have something when your driving lessons started next year.
"did you drive it here?" lucy asked you. you nodded, suddenly feeling like you were about to get in major trouble. "when we get back inside, give me your keys. i'll have mapi or someone take it to their place. you can't drive around, especially not here! what if you got in a wreck or something?"
"i've been careful," you mumbled. lucy sighed as she put her arm around your shoulders. "i didn't know what else to do, they told me to leave, so i did. they kicked me out, lucy, and honestly, i don't want to go back. it was one party, one fucking party!"
"hey, it's okay," lucy said as she held you in her arms. you started crying, and she immediately started to soothe you. "you can stay with me, okay?"
"yeah, not like you'd take no for an answer," you chuckled. lucy hummed in agreement, glad that you weren't fighting her on this.
living with lucy proved to be the best thing for you. the stress of living with your parents was lifted off of your shoulders. they hadn't wanted you as their daughter, they wanted alexia. lucy was more than content for you to be yourself. she even went as far as to tell you whenever you'd been doing well in practice, and reassuring you whenever you had an off day. it was like night and day, as was your overall attitude.
for the first time in nearly a year, you were back to being the happy kid you had been whenever you first signed with the senior team. things were great, even if you still had a lot of tension with alexia. that wasn't something that would be fixed easily, if it ever would. other than that, everything was going great, which was why you weren't surprised when it suddenly went back again.
you had never gotten a start in an el classico match before. your teammates had warned you that real liked to play it aggressively against barcelona, so you were prepared. lucy had been taking you to the gym with her, which meant that you had really built up a lot of strength in the few months that you'd been living together. their players could knock into you all that they wanted, but it didn't do much to deter you.
"hey, there's someone in the stands waiting for you," ona said as she grabbed onto your elbow. you were scared for a moment that it would be your parents. the group of spanish players at the barrier crowded around jenni helped you to relax. your parents were nowhere in sight, and jenni sent you a questioning look. she remembered meeting your parents before, and they had been huge fans of the team, never missing a game.
"jenni!" you hopped up over the barrier and straight into her arms. she hugged you tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "i didn't know you were visiting."
"well, that would ruin the surprise. where are your parents? i wanted to say hi." jenni looked around the friends and family section. you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, unsure of what you should say to her. "they're usually always here."
"i wouldn't know, we don't talk anymore," you muttered under your breath. you were standing close enough to jenni for her to hear you, but alexia should have been too far away. however, you could tell by the way that her face contorted that she had definitely heard you. "i don't live there anymore."
"what!" alexia exclaimed. you backed up to put some distance between the two of you, using jenni as a human shield as you did. "since when?"
"since they kicked me out. i don't want to talk about it, especially not with you of all people," you said. there was a bite to your voice that alexia hadn't heard in quite some time. you had definitely been distant with her, but it had been a long time since you had been snappy with her like that.
"after this, let's go to dinner, okay?" jenni suggested. you nodded before you raced off to shower and get changed.
"you know that alexia only acts like an ass because she cares about you, right?" jenni asked you. she had been trying to get you to talk about what happened, but you very obviously did not want to. "where have you been staying at?"
"lucy let me move in with her," you answered. jenni was relieved that it was someone responsible. alexia was the obvious choice, but there seemed to be some tension there that definitely hadn't been the last time jenni came to visit.
"did alexia have anything to do with you getting kicked out?" jenni asked. she was afraid of the answer, already having invited alexia to dinner. technically, it had always been her, alexia, mapi, and ingrid going out, but she had to invite you when she saw you at the game.
"not directly i guess, but it was hard living there when all they wanted was for me to be just like alexia. they thought i was too focused on things outside of football, so much so that they stopped letting me go to school. by the time i left, they only ever gave me my work whenever i asked to do something else instead," you said. jenni looked pissed as her grip tightened on the steering wheel. "i know that i shouldn't be mad at alexia, but i can't help it."
"i understand," jenni told you. she leaned over as the car came to a stop to press a kiss to your cheek. "come on, everybody's waiting for us."
"is alexia there?" you didn't even really need to ask. you knew that jenni hung out with alexia every single time that she came back to spain.
"alexia, olga, ingrid, and mapi are all there. don't worry though, i won't let alexia start anything," jenni promised. you sighed and followed her into the restaurant. almost immediately, mapi pulled you into a hug, going off about how sorry she was that she didn't know anything was up before. ingrid was quick to follow suit, but alexia stayed back, unsure of whether she was welcome to hug you or not anymore.
dinner was nice, even if it was a bit awkward because of alexia's silence. the woman was usually pretty quiet, but she had never gotten quiet like she was then. jenni, ingrid, and mapi worked on distracting you from the tension, but it didn't work. finally, olga seemed to have had enough and pushed for alexia to talk to you.
"you don't have to tell me where you're staying, but are you safe and happy?" alexia asked. you nodded, smiling a little as thought about all the things lucy now did to make sure of that. you were certain that ona had a big part in a lot of the movie and game nights that you got to frequently enjoy, as well as keeping you on your school work. you'd still graduate late because of all the things your parents let you miss, but because of lucy, you hadn't fallen too terribly behind.
"lucy takes care of me, and ona reminds her to let me have fun," you said. alexia seemed to relax a little at that, a small smile gracing her face. "i won't go back to them, no matter what you or anybody else tells me. i'd quit the team and run away before i went back."
"you are being taken care of, that's what matters. just, next time that something big happens, talk to me. i need to know these things because i'm your captain, but also because i care about you too. if you're hurting or something is bothering you, i want to know so that i can help you," alexia said. you swallowed back some tears, not having felt like alexia was truly in your corner for some time. she seemed to notice this and stood up and walked around the table. "i'm sorry that i haven't been a very good friend to you."
"it's okay, i don't make it easy," you mumbled against her shoulder.
you weren't sure which of the girls had texted lucy, but she greeted you at the door with open arms. you were led straight back to her bedroom, where ona was waiting with snacks and a movie loaded up. you let the two of them cuddle you, even if lucy pretended that she didn't want to.
"dinner go okay?" lucy asked as she ran her fingers through your hair.
"it went fine. alexia and i cleared things up," you told her. you knew that was what lucy really wanted to hear about. ona let out a happy hum at your news, glad that maybe things wouldn't be so awkward later on.
"that's good, you've been very mature about this," lucy complimented. you glanced up at her, absolutely beaming. lucy chuckled and shook her head as she wiped a bit of frosting from the corner of your mouth. "now, the two of you keep it down. i'm getting some well deserved rest."
"goodnight granny," you teased. lucy swatted at you, rolling her eyes as ona started laughing.
"don't encourage her," lucy grumbled.
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nozunhinged · 6 months
I finally managed to put my overall thoughts about Playboyy into words and hoooooo boy do I have a lot to say.
I watched the mdl ratings go down, the blatant hate towards the plot, the actors, the scenes, the sex. There was nothing that wasn't torn apart about this series and yet I wasn't phased for a second and I kept wondering why because usually get very passionate about defending the things I love.
And then I realized that this series is the cinematic embodiment of a very lonely path that I've been walking for decades and I am already very, very used to the shame around it.
Sex is not just my special interest, I also had the privilege to grow up with excellent sex education (thanks parents) and on top of that I never struggled with my (pan)sexual identity. Sex plays a significant role in my life. But I learned VERY quickly that I should keep this to myself if I don't want to be ostracized or bullied.
"You're autistic AND you like sex? You like porn? What the fuck is wrong with you??? That's impossible."
And all the comments I read about playboyy are exactly the same just in different fonts. Ew sex. Ew kink. Ew porn. Ew sex work. Sex can't have storytelling, plot, it's just for shock value. We all read it.
And sadly it's a very accurate representation of the role sex plays in our society. Which - ironically - playboyy exactly is about.
Playboyy is a visual collection of all the experiences of lives and people in which sex plays a significant role - even the lack thereof (looking at you zouey and all you lovely aces).
It's a collection of very important social commentary, with all the characters, sets, plots and visuals as a medium. Because this way, the points they make come across even stronger and draw out all the emotions they want us to feel - which is in the rarest cases, pure arousal. Because this is, in fact, storytelling. Even if many don't want to hear it.
Telling stories about sex is so stigmatized and shunned, it only has the tiniest place to exist freely. Just like sex itself. Every sex worker, sex educator, sex therapist, everyone who has a profession that deals with sex will tell you about it. The shame. The misunderstanding. Look at the state of sex work and porn in the world. It tells you everything you need to know.
And it's happening in the middle of the "modern" western society - Yes I'm talking about you, UK and I can't not plug this here:
*btw I am not a sex worker I'm just very passionate about letting people not just live their lives but giving them a CHOICE to do what they want or don't want to do
I existed in this tiny place for decades now and I got really comfortable in my tiny lil corner, but to see a show like this go "mainstream" talking about all the topics that tickle all the knowledge I collected over the years feels so amazing. And I can tell you, all you lil smartass purists, everyone involved in this show doesn't care an inch what you think, just like me. We're used to it, believe me.
I could go on for ages about how carefully all these topics of the show are treated but what I actually want to say is that I find it incredibly ironic that a show that depicts the struggles and stigmas about sex, exactly draws out the reactions and treatments it criticises.
If you don't want to join in on the fun, that's totally fine. I get that it's not for everyone (just like sex, he). But treating it as a piece of trash just because it's a thing you personally find icky is exactly the reason the issues Playboyy talks about exist in the first place. Hence you can thank your stuck-up ass yourself that debauched individuals like me get a gem like this to enjoy.
And the fact that it didn't just find a crew, but also the funding and the mainstream distribution proves that I'm not alone in this.
It's not my lonely little corner anymore and I'm absolutely thriving on that. Cry about it.
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slutforavatar · 1 year
“And a half”
Tumblr media
Pairings: Neteyam X Na’vi!Reader SMUT
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, degrading, swearing, spanking, hair pulling.
Summary: You live with the sully’s since your parents died when you were younger. You had invited friends over and they asked you how big you think your bestfriend Neteyams cock was, and he heard you. He takes you to the forest and fucks you silly to prove how big he is.
Y/n’s POV
“So y/n since you and neteyam are bestfriends and live together surely you’ve seen it, my ears twitch and my eyes widen “no i havent?” i laugh nervously, even though I haven’t seen it my mind always wonder’s how big it is, the thickness and the colour, i clench my thighs together to sooth the warm heartbeat in my core, memories of me touching myself to the thought of his long thick cock inside me. “how long do you think it is” my friends question breaks me out of my thoughts, i look at her as she smirks “quiet down remember i live with them, anyone can hear” my friends scoot closer to me “I can imagine its 18 inches” I whisper and my friends giggle “you guys are unbelievable” kiri walks in and laughs “dont you dare say a word to him” i plead her “dont worry i wont” dhe laughs “by the way your friends need to be home theyre parents are calling for them” they jump up “we’ll see you later” “cya” they walk away. “So y/n” kiri looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows “shut it kiri” i get embarrassed and I head towards the door “y/n” i hear someone call out my name and i turn around neteyam “hey” i gulp praying to eywa that he hadnt heard the previous conversation i had with my friends just moments ago, he smirks “wanna go flying?” i let out a sigh “of course” i smile then i start walking, neteyam not too far behind me “so y/n, i think your friends fancy me a little” i crinkle my nose “whys that?” i turn to face him, he looks down at me “well they were asking about my size, so they must have some interest in me” my stomach drops, oh no oh no shit. I wanna shrink in a hole, my best friend heard me talking about his dick. He leans down and whispers in my ear “18 and a half inches” my eyes widen, his hot breath fans on my neck “i-i dont know what your talking about” i look away from him in hopes he drops it “domt act like you werent talking about the size of my dick with your friends, how many times have you thought about my cock?” he rubs his hand on my cheek and i look up at him, my face is burning, my heart is beating as if its gonna explode “how many times y/n” my core tingles “a few times” i mumble this is so embarrassing, i mentally face palm “did you happen to be..touching yourself any of those times?” my breathe gets caught in my throat, my bestfriend is asking if i touch myself? a random burst of confidence hits me “maybe” I smirk. His eyes widen and he gulps “dont go all shy on me now teyam, i answered your question” i push him against a tree behind him “maybe isnt the answer i want” his raspy voice sends tingles down my spine “fine, i do touch myself to the thought of your thick cock inside me, making me see the stars” I run my hand down his stomach all the way to his thighs, his breathing quickens and his skin heats up, I lower to my knees. I look up and i smirk at him, his eyes looking down at me half opened, ears perking up high, slight pink shade spread across his face and his mouth slightly agape. “Have you ever touched yourself to the thought of me neteyam?” i place my hand over his clothed cock and I palm it softly, he sucks in a quick breathe “so many times y/n” he whimpers, i quicken my pace palming him harder and faster, his stomach raising and falling fast because of how hard and fast hes breathing, i smirk. “Tell me what you’ve pictured me doing” I look up at him giving him doe eyes as i slowly remove the cloth covering his cock “fuck um..” he clears his throat as he watches me remove his clothing, once ive fully pulled his clothing off his long cock springs out and hits his stomach, shit he wasnt lying 18 and half inches, i take him in my hand its so warm. Pre-cum slowly oozes out the top and I look up at him and smirk “come on tell me neteyam, what have you thought about me doing” “kinda like what your doing right now y/n” i smirk, i place one hand on his thigh then the other ome holding his warm member “details would be nice teyam” i let go of his cock, i bring my hand to my mouth then i spit into my hand. “i always thought about us doing this, you wrapping your soft plump lips around my cock.”
i squeeze my thighs together “your so dirty, thinking if your best friend doing that” i take him back in my hand and I pump him a few times, his eyes flutter shut “thats it y/n” i look up at him “open your eyes and look at me” he does as I say, he looks into my eyes and my core burns “what else do you think about” i pump him faster “i-fuck.. ive thought about you underneath me, screaming my name while i fuck you silly” he moans at the last words, holy shit i need him so badly. I scoot closer to him so his tip his almost touching my lips, i slowly lick his tip, tasting his pre-cum and I moan softly against him “so warm” he thigh muscles tense at my touch, lower my head taking more of him into my mouth breathe y/n breathe i remind myself to breathe through my nose so i dont gag “never thought i’d actually get you like this, all to myself” i look up at him then I slowly pull my head back letting him fall out of my mouth with a pop noise “n-no y/n i need your warm mouth on me” he whines once ive stood up “you’ll get it dont worry” i place my hand on his cheek and i softly caress it, he places his hand onto of mine then crashes his lips on mine, i grind against him softly trying to gain some friction between my thighs. He smirks into the kiss then pulls away “desperate are we y/n?” his arms snakes around my waist then softly spanks my ass “neteyam sully did you just hit me” i laugh “just a love tap” he smirks then he quickly slips us around so im pressed up against the tree. My eyes widen as i look up at him, he runs his hands down my chest, stopping at my clothed boobs “may i?” he tugs at the strings of my top softly “please” i whine, as soon as the words leave my mouth i watch his big hands tear my top revealing my boobs, his eyes widen then he looks back up at me “touch them please” he doesnt say a word, he takes my right boob into his hand and squeezes it softly, i moan at his touch hes so warm and his actions are rough i love it. He then lowers his head towards my other boob then takes my nipple in his mouth “fuck neteyam” i clench my thighs together, his hot tongue runs across my sensitive nipple then i place my hand on his head pushing him closer to my chest. My chest is falling and rising as plays with me “teyam i need you inside of me” i whisper, i lower my hand down to stroke his cock but he steps away from my body, i look at him confused had i done something wrong?. “You’ll get what you want soon, lay down now” he looks into my eyes giving me a stern look, i lower my body down then I lay my body on the ground “good girl” he praises me as he lowers to his knees, my breathe hitches at the praise and I grow more restless. He climbs on top of me, his eyes switching from my chest to my eyes “i wanna hear about your fantasies about me” he smirks, i push his braids out of his face and he lowers his face towards my chest “better start talking y/n or i wont be touching you anytime soon” he looks into my eyes and smirks revealing his fangs “fine” i pout, he places softly kisses all over my chest “i started touching myself to the thought of you when i had turned fiftee-” i was cut off by the boys laugh “shit that young?” he looks at me and laughs, my face heats up from embarrassment and i bring my hands to cover my face “no no dont be embarrassed y/n im flattered, you couldnt resist me” he smirks as he lowers his face back to my chest, slowly kissing all the way down to my stomach, i move my hands off my face “oh shut up you skxwang i was a horny fifteen year old with a boy around me all the time” he chuckles against my skin “now get to the good part” he runs his tongue down my stomach all the way to my thigh, i let out a soft moan and i grip his hair “i..i would think you were in between my legs pushing in two of your fingers inside of me” i clear my throat this is so embarrassing i mentally let out a scream “you dirty little girl” he looks up at me and a moan escapes my lips at his words. I look down at him and he has a surprised expression on his face “what?” i question him “you like being degraded” my face flushes.
he sits up then climbs on tops of me once again “does my little slut like how bad i speak to her?” he lowers his face towards my neck, he softly sucks at my skin “oh neteyam” i place my hands on the back back of his neck and i wrap my legs around his waist “please i need you so badly” i whine as i grind against him trying to look for a way to ease the throbbing in between my thighs “so needy” he mumbles in my ear then licks a stripe down my neck.
My eyes stay glued on him as he places kisses all over my thighs, hes driving me crazy hes so close to my aching pussy but yet he wont do anything “neteyam if your not gonna do anything then ill go find someone else to help me” i let out a frustrated groan, i'm so sexually frustrated i need him to touch me so badly but he wont, i let out a yelp when I feel him nip at my thigh with his fangs “your funny if you think im gonna let anyone else ever touch you again” his raspy voice mumbles against my skin “your mine now, you belong to neteyam sully” he slowly pulls down my clothing as i nod my head. I hiss as I feel the cool breeze graze against my exposed pussy, i look down at neteyam and hes basically drooling “wipe the drool off your mouth” i let out a snarky comment “your so wet, all for me” he looks into my eyes as he lowers his head between my thighs “need to taste you so bad” is all i hear him say before his tongue licks a stripe through my wet pussy “shit” i close my eyes “so good” he mumbles as he repeats his action, this time his tongue stops at my sensitive clit and sucks it softly and slowly “oh my god” i let out a sigh. He continues to suck my sensitive bud, i let out a loud moan and I grip his hair, i feel his large fingers rubbing against my opening “please” i whimper. I sound pathetic but he loves it. He listens to what i say and slowly inserts one finger into my slick opening “o-oh fuck” my back archs slightly as he finger grazes my walls, he slowly curls his finger inside of me just grazing a certain spot inside me causing me to let out a cry “another one please” i beg for him to add another finger, i need a release so bad. He does as I say and slowly slides another finger inside me, i tug his hair roughly and he groans against me sending vibrations through my core “your so fucking good at this neteyam” i push his face closer into my pussy “faster” i whine as i arch my back more, he speeds up his figure eight motions on my clit and curls his fingers once again “m’ so close, please neteyam” i squeeze my eyes shut as he moves his fingers inside me faster “fuck i-im gonna let go” i pant, i feel the hot white wave of pleasure surf through my body, i let out a string of moans mixed with neteyams name, my back arches towards the sky and my thighs close together with his head still between my legs still sucking me dry “f-fuck i cant… handle it” my legs start shaking as he continues “s-stop i cant t-take it” i beg as my body starts trembling from overstimulation. My body relaxes as he pulls away from my pussy, i look at him through my half opened eyes, my juices all around his mouth “you taste so good y/n” he softly rubs my trembling thighs “y-your so good at that” i pant as i try to catch my breath “arent you lucky i am” he smirks as he climbs on top of me again, his rock hard cock pressed against my thigh “put it inside me” i place my hands on his cheeks “you sure you can take it already after that?” he looks into my eyes reassuring i want to “yes please i need you” i nod, i use my thumb to wipe my juices off his cheek, i then place my thumb in my mouth and i suck my juices off my thumb, i feel his cock twitch against my thigh “you drive me crazy y/n” he pants as i grabs his cock and alines it with my entrance “if it becomes too much tell me to stop and i will” he looks into my eyes, i giggle “even when your able to ruin me your still a gentleman” i rub his cheek and he slowly slides inside me. We both gasp once he’s fully inside me “your so fucking warm y/n” i look into his eyes as he slowly starts moving, pulling himself out then pushing back in “you fill me so well” i whimper as he speeds up “you suck me in so well” he replies, low grunts and groans escape his lips making me love it even more. I wrap my arms around his torso and I dig my nails into his back “mark me” he pants as he thrusts in and out of me hard, i do as he says, i drag my nails down his back earning a hiss from him. “Flip over” He whispers in my ear, i do as he says. I prop myself up on my knees, my head on the ground.
with my ass in the air waiting for him to enter inside me again, i gasp as i feel him quickly thrust inside me “shit” I scream. He places his hand on my ass and squeezes it, his thrusts become harder and faster i could tell hes close “fucking hell..i..love your cock” i struggle to form any words “filling me so w-well” he rubs my back with one hand then his other grips my waist, i clench around him and i hear him groan “your mine forever” he groans as I clench around him once again “now you wont have to guess how big i am” I can even hear the smirk in his voice “y-yeah i wont be talking to my friends a-about your cock anymore” I moan after i finish my sentence “your all mine, y-your cock is a-all mine and mine only” I feel his cock twitch inside me, were both extremely close “i’m bout t-to cum” i let out a pant, his grip on my waist gets tighter “such a good little slut letting me use her wet cunt” he spanks my ass, his words tip me over the edge, my body shakes as my second orgasm rolls over my body “oh my fuck” i let out a scream as neteyam lowers his hand on clit and rubs it slowly increasing the pleasure to my orgasm “thats it baby let it out” he thrusts into me harder as he tries to search for his high “gonna cum inside you yeah?” he spanks my ass once again and smirks at the red handprint “p-please cum inside me, need you inside” i say weakly as my body continues shaking “fuck fuck fuck” i feel his body shake against mine as his hot cum spills inside me “your so fucking good y/n” he grips my hair and pulls me up so im sitting on his lap while his cum still spills out inside of me “your mine” he wraps his hand around my neck as he whimpers in my ear, i grind against him slowly helping him ride out his high “t-that was so good” he pants in my ear “now maybe you’ll remember 18 and a half inches”.
DM me your requests !! :)
idk if i like this
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fandangotales · 2 years
Getting Isekai’d with your parent/parents in CULT AU / SAGAU
Warnings: Toxic/abusive parent child relationships mentioned, stereotypical parent child relationships, yandere, disturbing content, description of blood!
Summary: Multiple scenarios in which your parents or parent gets isekai’d with you to Teyvat! GN READER!
In which the reader is isekai’d with their mom:
The acolytes would love her, especially since she is related to you.
Oh? She mentioned a favorite perfume, or a preferred dish?
Cue your residence being overflown with gifts not only for you, but also for your mother.
Surely gaining her favor would be beneficial to gaining the Creator’s, right?
Mothers typically know a lot about their children, so it wouldn’t be strange for the acolytes to ask her many questions about your life as a child, your preferences, your favorite acolyte, your typical sleeping position-
I’d also watch out for what she might tell them about your childhood, as the acolytes painstakingly record and revere pretty much anything related to your existence.
You got your ears pierced when you were 5?
It is now a religious tradition for a child’s ears to be pierced on their 5th birthday in honor of the Creator.
In general, your mother is not worshiped as a deity, but is highly respected by all in Teyvat. This is mainly due to your relationship and closeness with her.
Disrespecting or upsetting her is unimaginable, as it would be upsetting to you.
In which the reader is isekai’d with their dad:
“You’re not good enough for my child, stay away from them.”
The second the acolytes hear this line, they were about to fall to the floor in devestation, if it wasn’t for your hasty reassurance.
“Dad! You can’t just say that, they are all nice people-” you protested, nervously scanning over the upset faces of the crowd. “Don’t mind him, this is just something he says often!”
After that fiasco, many of your worshipers attempted to prove themselves to your father, much to his annoyance.
“Sir, I can assure you that they would be well cared for! The finest of any kind of item would be theirs the second they asked, and I would do my very best to ensure their happiness!” The ginger pleaded, doing his very best to impress the man before him. “I also consider myself a family man, just ask anyone around about how much I value my dear siblings-“
“…and how much did you say that you make a year?” Your dad asked, gruffly staring Childe down.
His dull eyes seemed to light up, sensing an opportunity to sway the man’s favor. He leaned in close to his ear, whispering his… impressive salary. The older man nodded, as he patted the ginger on the back.
“You can take them out to dinner next week. They mentioned wanting to visit Wanmin restaurant to me the other day.”
⚠️ Dark content starts below this line!!! ⚠️
In which the reader is isekai’d with abusive parents:
The Cult AU is the absolute worst AU for those people to be in.
Your followers do not tolerate any disrespect or negativity directed at you, from anybody.
And if they became aware of they way your parents treat you?
Let’s just say that they’ll never bother you again! :D
Of course if you don’t want them… permanently erased from your life, the acolytes will respect your decision. But that doesn’t mean they will be happy about it.
Perhaps if they changed the way they treated you, and genuinely apologized for the suffering you went through because of them, then maybe they would be forgiven by your worshipers.
However, if they did not repent for their sins against you, then their life in Teyvat, (If your mercy allowed them to keep it), would be awful.
Angry glares from anyone they meet, the inability to purchase items from merchants, the constant harassment from your followers…
It would simply be a shame if they weren’t able to live with it.
And if you felt upset over their inevitable death, whether it be by themselves or some unpredictable accident it always coming for them, you could always seek comfort in the arms of your acolytes.
Hold one of them as you sob into their shoulders, as they become the reason for your comfort.
Let your sweet, innocent followers take care of everything, cook all your meals, brush your hair and maintain your body, let them offer themselves to you fully-
You shouldn’t have to lift a single finger. You deserved their utmost adoration and devotion.
Now that they are gone, you can finally be worshiped and loved in the way you always should have been.
They must’ve tainted your mind, made you think you were unworthy.
They must’ve been the reason your expression contorts into one of unease when your acolytes offer sacrifices and perform rituals in your name.
They must be the reason you felt an underlying sense of wrongness, starting with the very first interaction you had with your once beloved characters.
You are no god, you are unsafe, and these “people” are insane.
“We will now commence the offering, in honor of The Divine One. As they created a perfect world for us, we will maintain an obedient and thankful following for them. Let these corpses of those who have committed grave sins against Their Grace serve as a reminder for all.”
The once white altar was stained a dark red, as a large pool formed beneath the two mutilated corpses were haphazardly placed upon the smooth rock.
Your throat constricted, as you fought back bile. The oh-so-familiar faces of your parents burned into your eyes.
The priest raised his arms, beginning a prayer with the worshipers. You could feel the eyes of the people around you searing into your skull. Your head began pounding, as their words became more morbid and deranged.
“Oh Creator, we dedicate the bodies of these sinners to you. As your servants we humbly offer this gift to you, as thanks for all you have done and continue to do. With earnest hope, we wish this simple gift to you brings you joy.”
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nightprompts · 9 months
&. 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 (𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
( dialogue prompts taken from episodes 1 & 2 ( "romance dawn" & "the man in the straw hat" ) of the netflix live action one piece series. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ do you have any last words? ❜
❛ the sea's been calling. well, not exactly calling, because i pretty much can't swim, but you get the idea. ❜
❛ so what do you say? are you with me? ❜
❛ liar! i know zoro must be after me. who else is worthy of his pursuit? ❜
❛ who's the most powerful pirate on the seas? ❜
❛ first things first. do you have any food here? ❜
❛ you don't look like a pirate. ❜
❛ i'm not afraid of getting hurt. and i'll prove it to you. ❜
❛ i don't get it. why would anyone want to be a pirate? ❜
❛ you have the wind on your back, the salty sea air, your loyal crew by your side. you never know what's on the horizon. it's all about being... free. ❜
❛ you should never let anyone tell you what you can't do. ❜
❛ well, remember the name, 'cause i'm gonna be king of the pirates. ❜
❛ people often visit shrines to light candles for those they've lost. who are yours for? ❜
❛ you've been following me for three days. what do you want? ❜
❛ look, i've been practicing what my face is gonna look like on my wanted poster.❜
❛ i've no doubt your mug will be on a wanted poster one day. ❜
❛ all he did was spill a drink on me. ❜
❛ you should've fought back! why didn't you kick his ass? ❜
❛ not everything can be solved with violence. a man needs to be strong, but he also needs to be good. ❜
❛ you're not a real man. you're nothing but a coward. ❜
❛ you ate a devil fruit? ❜
❛ ever since i was a kid, i wanted to protect people that can't protect themselves.❜
❛ if that's what you want, i think you should do it. i'll help you out. ❜
❛ my crew was attacked by pirates. i barely managed to make it out alive. ❜
❛ rice balls. for you. ❜
❛ you shouldn't draw your blade unless you're prepared to use it. ❜
❛ don't kill me, please. my father will give you anything you want. ❜
❛ i'd say you live up to your reputation. ❜
❛ what's up with the third sword? i mean, where does it even go? ❜
❛ what do you say, puppy? do you want to do a trick for me? sit up and beg. ❜
❛ i kill your kind for a living. ❜
❛ i mean it. i don't owe you anything. ❜
❛ you are going to get us both caught if you keep stomping around this place. ❜
❛ that was amazing. admit it. we do make a pretty good team. ❜
❛ so why did you decide to become a thief? ❜
❛ i needed to eat. you do what you have to, to survive. ❜
❛ you're right. nothing is more important than food. ❜
❛ all great fighters call out their finishing moves. ❜
❛ i don't work for you. ❜
❛ i'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew. ❜
❛ before we met, every choice was made for me. but now i'm gonna do what i want to do. ❜
❛ next time we meet, we might be enemies. but for now... we're friends. ❜
❛ i'm feeling so... so piratey. ❜
❛ well, you're gonna end up feeling watery if i have to throw you overboard. i told you i need absolute silence. ❜
❛ don't mess with my hat. ❜
❛ oh, i'm sorry. were we interrupting your beauty sleep? ❜
❛ don't like what you see? look away. ❜
❛ you have a lot of names. i bet everyone in the east blue knows who you are. ❜
❛ are you making fun of my nose? ❜
❛ i know your type. if there's nothing to gain, you're out. ❜
❛ truthfully? i'm kind of hungry. ❜
❛ who are you trying to impress? a lost love? an absent parent? or was it someone that you worshipped? ❜
❛ i used to know a pirate that wore a hat just like this. ❜
❛ for a time, i even thought we were friends. until he betrayed me. just like all the others. ❜
❛ he wanted to keep me out of the spotlight! he wanted to keep my star from shining too brightly! ❜
❛ is that what he did to you? did he betray you, too? ❜
❛ you can slice me and you can dice me, but i'll always put myself back together again. ❜
❛ i've been thinking about you for years. ❜
❛ i know you're upset, but you should eat something. ❜
❛ you're never not hungry. what's going on? ❜
❛ you can spill a drink on me and i'll let it slide, but don't you ever threaten my friends. ❜
❛ you can't make people love you. just like you can't make them smile. ❜
❛ you really think anyone is coming for you? they don't care. and no one is gonna miss you when you're dead. ❜
❛ get lost. ❜
❛ i'm just glad that you're okay. ❜
❛ what was that? i couldn't hear you over all the drowning. ❜
❛ you really don't fear death, do you? ❜
❛ what's the plan? you do have a plan, right? that's your thing, plans. ❜
❛ you want out? you know the price you have to pay. ❜
❛ you want a piece of me? let's see what you got. ❜
❛ i think i'll miss you most of all. ❜
❛ we're gonna be the greatest pirates the world has ever seen. even greater than your crew. ❜
❛ this hat is the most precious thing i own. it means the world to me. and i want you to take it. ❜
❛ when we meet again, you can give it back to me. ❜
❛ is every day gonna be this crazy with you? ❜
❛ if the path to what you want seems too easy, then you're on the wrong path. ❜
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team7-headquarter · 7 months
Team 7 introductions are like:
Naruto: I want to obtain POWER so I can force people to look at me like an actual human being and not a monster, haha! They won't ignore me or isolate me anymore! They're gonna BEG ME and put their lives on my hands and— Oh and ramen. All the ramen. And maybe prove to everyone that they are dumb ass fuck for not believing in me? Yeah, prove them wrong, that's cool! And and and Iruka-sensei is cool! I'm so happy when someone does the bare minimum and respects my life and acknowledges the fact that I'm just a kid and that I'm suffering (one of) the craziest discrimination acts applied by our government Hokage...
Sakura: you know how the first real goal I got like the first thing I wanted for myself after years of being bullied and being nobody and wanting to disappear was the affection of this boy? Well, all these other girls think I don't stand a chance and that they'll get the boy, so I'm gonna win the boy and laugh at their faces. Does it mean that I need validation and affection and attention and love? Not, what are you saying, I have a perfect normal life and parents that are totally involved in my life and I am happy! So happy! I wouldn't know what sadness or loneliness is like! Never! I'm normal and totally nothing to worry about!
Sasuke: you'll find that the things you like in life are meaningless when you carry the trauma of being the sole survivor of a genocide committed by the brother you loved and adored. I want him dead which shouldn't be surprising given that we live in a society ruled by violence, right? I hate a lot of things because I'm painfully aware of how miserable our reality is. Since this is my trauma, no one else has the right to do something about it. They certainly didn't seemto have the balls to go after him, even when they call him criminal, so I'm gonna kill Itachi myself. Obsessed you said? Try enjoying life when you know someone can commit genocide and no one would give a fuck and the government won't do a thing. Try caring for others knowing they can get kill any day and you'll have to look the other way. I dare you to.
Kakashi: *most emotionally neglected adult in the village, abandoned as a kid, saw his father do the right thing and get so socially pressured he ended up commiting suicide and the government didn't give a shit, forced to become a perfect weapon at young age to show off the village strength, forced to become an elite assassin as a kid, people in the village widely making fun of his trauma and acting like he's just weird / peculiar and not on the verge of losing his mind for real, a champ at dissociation and a minute more away taking roots in front of the graves of his mistakes because he spent way too much time there in self-punishment, basically the most miserable jounin in the whole village*
Kakashi: hm, I won't let you get to know me or get close to me because everything I touch dies and I don't want to get attachments because you're soldiers and you might die and it doesn't matter that I have history with two of your families and that you all remind every single minute of the boy I watched die and the girl that I killed and the boy used to be. You will never know any of that. I am a whole man with a whole life that you'll never know because I am just your superior here and you must obey me in our missions. I'm definitely not hiding the fact that the village just failed me and set me up to be the one who failed you all in case you get killed or lose your shit once and for all.
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babygorewhore · 11 months
Crossed Lines. Kai Anderson Smut.
Holy shit y’all. Here it is. My longest fic so far. Over 3,000 words lol. So this is something I came up with in my deranged head after watching YOU on Netflix. I hope you enjoy, my little princesses. WARNINGS! Slapping. Spanking. Attempted assault. (not by Kai) Toxic relationship. Brutal violence. Fingering. Oral! Male recieving! PnV! Unprotected sex. Injury.
You had it.
Kai was downstairs screaming nonsense at his members. You started packing your bag. You both had gotten into a terrible fight because you refused to participate in killing someone.
“It’s time you prove to me your loyalty.” Kai had said to you.
“Prove my loyalty? For gods sake Kai. I’m not going to kill someone!” You responded back sharply.
“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I’m not giving you a choice.” He said coldly. You balled up your fists.
“I said. No.”
He slapped you in response. After the shock, You slapped him back. You both stood there in silence before you marched away. Never would you allow someone to put their hands on you. You couldn’t go lower than you already had by being with him. He had taken your virginity two weeks ago, left you in a sweaty, aching pool in bed. He hadn’t even pleasured you. Just took it and left you laying there. You teared up at the memory as you continued packing and finished shoving in your last shirt.
You were wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, your sneakers hit the floor as you slammed the bedroom door behind you and you walked down the hallway. Passing his dead parents room, you heard rushing behind you and you turned, ready to scream at Kai for chasing you down but instead you found winter starting at you in horror.
“What are you doing?” She questioned you and you pointed to your backpack.
“What does it look like?” You snapped at her and she looked around nervously.
“You can’t leave. Kai won’t let you. If you try, he’ll hunt you down and bring you back here. I don’t want him to hurt you.”
You chuckled humorously. “He already has.” You started to move away but she grabbed your arm.
“I’m begging you. Don’t leave. I promise I can try to help you here. But just stay. He won’t rest until he finds you.” You jerked out of her hold and left the house without another word.
You stayed at a friends house, your childhood best friend who you hadn’t seen in several weeks after getting together with Kai. Who called your phone over 100 times when you left that night. You had to get a new phone with some of your stolen cash you took from the house. You imagined the horrible text messages he no doubt sent you, threatening you and telling you how pathetic it was that you left.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go out with us tonight?” Your friend asked with sad eyes. “I don’t want to leave you here by yourself.” She told you.
“No, it’s okay, y/f/n. I’ll be fine. He won’t find me here.”
She left blowing you a kiss and you quickly put on your only pair of sneakers and you left the house in the opposite direction. There was a book store open late and you were dying to get your hands on a book, to distract you from what you’d done.
As you walked down the street, that’s when you paused in fear.
Someone, a man, stood yards away from you, wearing a clown mask. You knew it wasn’t Kai, his mask was different but you knew in your gut it was part of his cult. You gasped and ran back to the apartment, slamming and locking the door behind you.
But Winter was standing there in the living room. Her expression down as she came to you. Holding a knife. You backed away from her, holding your hands up. You were bigger than her, you knew you could force her away from you but she had a weapon. If Kai demanded her, she would do whatever he asked.
“If you just come back calmly, we won’t have to hurt you.” She said, desperate for you to listen. “Please, Y/n, come back peacefully. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Really? Is that why you stand by Kai and his insanity? You’re all fucking crazy!” You yelled at her.
“Just calm down. Please. He’s been even worse without you. He sent us to come get you and bring you back. He’s not going to hurt you anymore.” She pleaded, coming closer.
“He never should have hurt me in the first place.” You replied to her.
The door burst open and the other clown came in. He was Holding a pair of handcuffs. He lunged at you. You ran to the other side of the kitchen, grabbing the kitchen scissors. Winter neared you as well. You swung them wildly at both of them. “Get the fuck away from me.” You said to both of them, hating yourself for almost crying. “I’ll call the cops and tell them everything.”
“Shut your mouth.” The male said, growling at you as he pulled out another knife.
“Fuck you. And fuck Kai.” You screamed. “How did he know where I was?”
“He always knew where you were, he just waited for the right time.” Winter said.
You took off in a run, the bedroom had a large window you could escape from. You darted inside the room, yanking open the window but before you could climb out, a large hand clapped over your mouth and yanked you back. You moved rapidly, kicking and then you bit down on the hand.
“Fucking bitch.” The male said and threw you on the bed.
He tore off his mask. He was a new member you hadn’t met before. “Enough of this shit. Kai doesn’t get to have all the fun.” He lustfully looked at your body and you shrank back in fear.
He sliced off your pants with the knife, cutting your skin as he ripped them off. “Help!” You screamed but he hit you hard across the face.
“Stop it! Kai will kill you!” Winter screamed at him as she tried to stab him with the knife but he was stronger than both of you.
He yanked your legs apart and started to grind down his erection on you. You clawed at his face, scratching and you hit him as hard as you could. He winced and gave you the opportunity to try and run. But as you made to run, he grabbed your ankle and dragged you back. He flipped you on your back, aiming the knife above your face. You covered your face with your arms.
“No!” A new voice came and you all stopped fighting each other. You looked up, still pinned to the floor.
Kai stood at the door. Wearing all black, just like you and his eyes were burning with rage as he saw the mystery man holding onto you. Your pants sliced off and blood dripping down your legs.
You blacked out from fear, everything going dark.
You came too, unsure of how much time had passed and you knew where you were. You were in Kai’s basement on the couch. Your bare legs were scratched and a hand print circled your ankle. You were alone.
You burst into tears. You never wanted to see inside this basement again.
“No need for tears, y/n.” Kai’s voice interrupted you and you whipped around to see him standing in a dark corner. He came out, wearing a button down shirt and black sweatpants. He was holding a first aid kit.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You said to him, hating how your voice was breaking from crying. He came over to you, ignoring how you tried to disappear as he sat next to you.
He took you leg but you yanked it back. “Don’t touch me.” You shrieked at him and he paused.
“You’re hurt. These need to be addressed.” He said matter of fact.
“Then I’ll do it myself.” You said sharply at him. Holding out your hand for the kit. Blood dripped from the lacerations on your thighs and Kai shook his head, disappointed.
“No. Let me do it. And then we’ll talk.” He pulled your leg back, more forceful and both your legs were across his lap. You stayed silence as he gently padded your wounds with saline, it only stung a little.
His fingers expertly wrapped you in bandages, and he secured them with tape. He had never been this gentle with you before. You stilled as he leaned down and pressed kisses along the white bandages, you weren’t able to move as he moved over to you. His hands gliding over your arms and shoulders. “I thought he was going to kill you.” He whispered, his lips finding your cheeks. And nose. He continued kissing your face, as they grew sloppier.
You hated yourself for not moving away from him quicker, hating yourself for loving the new affection he was giving you. Kai’s lips moved towards yours and you finally moved away, getting up, standing and limping a few feet away.
“I can’t stay here, Kai.” You stood your ground, forcing yourself to be strong.
Kai’s mouth pressed into a line and you could see his patience was wearing thin. “you already left me, Y/n. You tried to hide from me and look what happened. You got hurt. What would have happened if I hadn’t stepped in?” He reminded you.
“You’ve hurt me, Kai! You hit me! You give me no attention. You never hug me. Kiss me. Or anything. You just used me one time for sex and you just left me laying there like I was just something to fuck! You hurt me more than he did!” You screamed at him. “Of course I left. I couldn’t take it anymore.” It felt so good to let it all out.
“Is that what this is about?” His tone was short. “Just because I don’t hug you enough?”
“You didn’t listen to a word I fucking said.” You almost ripped your hair out at the root. “Let me go. I don’t want to be apart of this insanity.”
Kai stood up quickly and met you, you tried to cower back but his grip firmly locked on your jaw. “You can’t leave, little lamb. You mean too much to me.” He whispered.
“Bullshit.” You tried to move away but his hold was too tight, nearly bruising.
“Losing you only made me realize how much I want you. You deserve to be treated like a queen, lamb. You know that? Let me prove it to you.”
“How?” You said, exhausted from fighting.
Kai whistled. Several seconds later and all his members came flooding down, dragging the man who attacked you by his elbows. You jerked away from the man, and Kai lightly held you by the arm.
“Gentlemen, bring this traitor before me.” He commanded and they at once brought the tied man to his knees before Kai. His mouth was gagged and his arms and legs were tied with thick rope.
He shook violently as he tried to get out. Kai chuckled and you gasped as he pulled out a long blade from Speedwagon.
Kai knelt down, meeting the man eye to eye. “You really fucked up, didn’t you? Trying to touch what’s mine? Hurting her? I had to bandage her delicate flesh. You spilled her blood. Now, I get to spill yours.” Your heart hammered as the man screamed behind his gag.
Kai lunged forward, stabbing him multiple times, you wanted to cover your eyes but you couldn’t as Kai grabbed him by the head and slit the blade across his throat. Blood gushed from his neck as he fell over, dead within seconds.
Kai turned towards you with a sick smirk on his face. He dropped the blade. “Leave us. Reflect on what happens if anyone of you dare come close to touching what belongs to me.”
Everyone left, taking the body with them. You trembled. Kai had just murdered for you. Was this all part of his manipulation? His previous gentle touch. Was that all part of his act he was so good at?
“Was that supposed to make me stay? Just because you murdered him?” Kai clicked his tongue and his thumb wiped away a free falling tear on your cheek.
“Stop talking about leaving. You belong to me, y/n. We will always be together.” You shook your head and Kai’s jaw tightened.
“Stop doing that. Stop fucking denying me.” He was getting louder. You flinched back before you could help it.
“Stop it, Kai. You can’t just get what you want this way.” you half expected him to scream at you more but instead, Kai dropped to his knees beneath you.
His hands rubbed up and down your bare thighs, grazing the band of your underwear. Your stomach dropped as his head rested on your stomach.
“No. I’m not going to lose you.” He said quietly, you felt his mouth on your bare skin as he lifted your shirt. “You’re right…I should have treated you better.” His hot mouth peppered kisses along your hips and you couldn’t pull away as he gripped the back of your thighs.
“What are you doing?” You half moaned at the end as he started sucking your skin.
“Don’t you see? There’s not a line, in the world, that I wouldn’t cross for you.” Kai pleaded, looking up at you with dark eyes.
You wanted to give in, despite how wrong it was. Your hands settled on his shoulders and kai took the opportunity to lift you, forcing your legs around his waist as he carried you to the couch. He set you down, your legs straddling his waist as he sat down. You atop of him.
Kai leaned forward as you settled on his lap. His lips finding your pulse point as he kissed your neck, his tongue finding your sensitive spots as you shuddered. His hands pulled your sweatshirt up, exposing your torso and bra. His mouth found the valley of your breasts as he started tearing your bra off, yanking the sweatshirt over your head.
Kai moved with urgency as he wrapped his lips around your perked nipple, sucking gently and your head fell back. This felt so good. This was what you wanted secretly. His lips on you. His teeth pulled at the bud, and you moaned as he rolled his clothed dick into you.
“See, how much I want you, princess?” He whispered. His mouth found yours in a feverish kiss. He opened his mouth, forcing you to the same and he shoved his tongue in your mouth. He had never kissed you like this, never with such brutal passion. His left hand wrapped around the back of your head as he deepens the kiss by sucking your lower lip.
Your hands went into his hair as he continued kissing you, sloppily as your center grew wetter and wetter as he thrusted his hips up. “Kai.” You whimpered.
Kai shoved you face forward on the couch, you gasped as he slapped your ass. You heard his belt undo and you heard him fumble with his pants as he yanked them down. His hands found your neck as he pressed the tip inside you as you were on all fours.
Your body jolted with wetness as he started slamming into you, deep enough that your walls clenched around him. You felt full as pleasure grew in your belly. His other hand found your hair as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth. “Get them nice and wet for me.” He said, you obeyed. Licking his fingers and he pulled them out and started playing with your clit.
Your breath constricted. He hadn’t touched you like this before. His fingers circled your clit rapidly, as he slammed his hips against your ass. Both your bodies moved against each other. “Kai, I’m close.” You groaned.
“Cum for me. Show me.” He slapped your ass again and you nearly screamed as your orgasm overwhelmed you. Your body halted as you felt him empty inside you, you didn’t worry as you were still on birth control.
Seconds passed and he turned you around, his swollen cock in your face. “Open that pretty little mouth.” You leaned forward and licked the tip to the baseline of his dick. “I want you to taste how good we are together.” His head lolled to the side as you started sucking gently.
Your teeth very lightly grazed the tip and he moaned deep within his chest as you bobbed your head up and down, the tip brushing your gag reflex.
“That’s it, choke on daddy’s cock, little lamb.” He encouraged and pulled your hair back, too hard but you didn’t mind the pressure.
He moved into your mouth and you gagged, your jaw tightening as he filled your mouth. “Fuck. Fucking shit.” He muttered as you licked him again.
He pulled back. “Your turn.” You didn’t have time to think as he pushed you back, pushing your legs open. He knelt on the floor. Grabbing the back of your ass as he pulled your pussy to his face. He wrapped his lips around your clit, you let out little gasps as he laid his tongue flat against you, your folds convulsing as he lapped at your pussy, diving inside you and then dragging his tongue back to your clit.
You rode his face as he licked you, “You taste so fucking good,” he praised you. “You’re such a pathetic little slut, you know that? So wet for me.”
Your pleasure grew as it was about to burst.
Kai didn’t let you come, stopping right before you exploded. You let out a whine as he crawled over you, shoving his cock inside you, filling you up to the brim. “Come on, you can moan better than that.” He said, thrusting deep inside you.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin but he couldn’t care less. Your head pressed against his shoulder as he moved, his cock touching the deepest parts of you.
Your release came in a wildfire, you let out a loud scream, panting as he came to his finish. Spilling into you, both of your orgasm merging together as he let out a loud moan. He shook as he emptied inside you. You both tried to catch your breath as he stayed inside you for several seconds. He finally pulled out.
He cleaned himself up with a rag, he dragged the cloth over you as you mewled at the feeling.
He slid his boxers on and you put your underwear back on. You expected him to leave but he laid next to you on the couch, pulling your body near his as he pressed your head against his chest. You were quiet as his fingers lightly traced your bare skin of your back.
Soon, your eyes drifted shut, and you felt a uncharacteristic light kiss on your forehead. You looked at him through your lashes and he met your gaze. He stayed silent as you reached up, pressing a kiss to his lips and he finally let you, letting his guard down.
Tagging. @spill-the-t
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 7 months
Gobble You Up
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Summary: Visiting your parents for Thanksgiving and you show Eddie your old room. He takes the opportunity for more.
18+ only
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 You gave Eddie a reassuring smile as the two of you approached your childhood home. You had been dating for a few months now and he agreed to come home with you for Thanksgiving and meet your parents. You could tell he was nervous, he'd told you parents didn't tend to like him on sight, but you had no doubt he would win your mom and dad over. Your parents were not hard to impress.
Your mom threw open the door, beaming from ear to ear at seeing you back home, standing on her porch. She pulled you into a big hug and then immediately pulled Eddie into one too. He looked a bit surprised, eyes going wide. But then he smiled, his arms coming around the small woman, touched at her affection that she gave so freely. You knew his mom hadn't been around since he was a kid and it was probably a bit shocking to experience a mother's warmth when you'd only just met but that was your mom.
"I am so glad you two could make it!" she exclaimed. "You must be Eddie. We've been dying to meet you. Y/n talks about you non-stop on the phone."
"Oh, hopefully all good things," he said, his neck flushing from the compliment and he pulled at his collar slightly. He was just waiting for the ax to fall, for her to give a reason why he wasn't right for her daughter.
"You should hear her gushing about how wonderful you are," your mom laughed, pinching his cheek gently. "Sorry, just had to prove to myself that you're real. The way she makes it out, you're just about perfect."
Eddie laughed, his cheeks blazing red at the compliment. "I promise you I'm as real as they come. Thank you so much for inviting me."
"Of course! Anyone who makes our daughter so happy is always welcome. Come in!"
The two of you entered your childhood home, the home that hadn't changed since you were a kid. Eddie paused at the pictures of you through the years that lined the buffet in the entryway. He grabbed one of you as a child and held it out, smiling.
"You were adorable," he commented, clutching it to his chest, those lush lips pouting.
You rolled your eyes, "Shut up. That was when my mom cut my hair herself."
"Well, I think you're cute as a button," he said, his finger pressing gently against your nose. "Still are."
The same floral pattern couches sat in the living room that your mom bought when you were ten. And there was your dad's recliner with your dad in it, as usual. He rose up as soon as he caught sight of you two and pulled you close before offering his hand to Eddie.
"Good to meet you, son," he boomed, patting Eddie on the back.
"You too sir," Eddie responded nervously.
"Oh, no need for that," your dad laughed, "just call me Keith. You're practically family now the way our girl talks about you."
Eddie's eyes widened. "Wow. You guys are really welcoming. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous."
"No need to be nervous," your dad assured him. "You make our little girl happy and that's all we care about. You're more than welcome."
Eddie reached over and squeezed your hand, that dimple you loved so much appearing on his cheek. A warmth spread through you at how quickly he was made to feel at home because you knew this was where he belonged forever. It may have only been a few months, but you knew this was it for you. He was your everything.
"Y/n, why don't you show Eddie your room? You guys can relax for a bit after your long drive," your mom offered. "Your dad and I have to run to the store real quick to get a few things for dinner tomorrow and I want to make it there before they close."
"Oh, are you sure you don't want me to run with you mom?" you ask.
"No," your mom laughed, "you guys just got here. It was a long day for you. Just go on up and rest. I am sure you need it. We'll only be gone for about an hour or so."
Your parents headed out and Eddie glanced over at you. You could tell what he was thinking without him even having to say it. His eyes had darkened, a little smirk playing along his lips as he grabbed your hip, pulling you close against him.
"We have a whole hour to ourselves, whatever will we do to fill the time?" he teased.
You could already feel his excitement pressing against your lower belly and it flared white-hot desire in you. You slid your hands along his arms and up his shoulders, looping them behind his neck.
"Well, my mom did say I should show you my childhood room," you replied.
"I would very much like to see where your bed is."
You grabbed his hand, dashing up the stairs and pulling him behind you. Your bedroom was the second one on the left and you threw open the door, intending to shove him on the bed and rip off all his clothes but he stopped in the doorway, his hand tugging against yours.
He was gazing around your room, soaking in every detail. You looked around, trying to see it through his eyes. The blue comforter covered in daisies, the stuffed animals propped on a beanbag chair in the corner, the desk with the typewriter where you did all your homework in high school, the posters that covered your walls. Your mom hadn't changed anything since you'd left. Your train of thought was broken when you heard Eddie chuckling.
"Bon Jovi," he snorted, pointing.
"Shut up!" you snapped, glancing at your life-size poster of Jon that still hung on your wall. "Maybe Bon Jovi isn't metal enough for you but Jon is sexy as fuck."
"Ohh, is he now?" Eddie purred, slowly walking toward you. Grabbing your arm, he spun your body so you were facing the poster, your back pressed against him. His hands slid around to your breasts, massaging them through your top as his lips pressed gentle kisses along your neck. "And is Mr. Bon Jovi hotter than me?"
"No," you breathed, struggling to focus as his hands moved down along your abdomen, brushing the bare skin above your jeans. "No one is hotter than you."
"Good girl," he growled, nipping at the tender flesh on your neck and you cried out. His fingers nimbly undid your jeans, his hand sliding underneath your panties. "Did you used to lay in here and touch yourself while you looked at Jon?" His index finger found your clit, making slow, torturous circles. "Oh, you're so wet already princess. Is that for me or Jon?"
"You..." you struggled to say through the waves of pleasure that were sweeping you under. It was always the same with Eddie. You lost all sense of the world around you when he was touching you.
His finger slid along your folds, gently pushing inside of you and you gasped, bucking your hips against his hand. His other hand gripped your jaw, pulling your head to the side so he could have full access to your neck. A second finger joined the first, the rhythm of his movement picking up speed. A litany of curses and sounds no human should be able to create erupted from you.
"Mmm...is this just how you sounded when you lay in that bed touching yourself?"
"No," you whispered, "because I could never make myself feel as good as you do."
"That's right. No one can make you feel as good as I do," he responded, his fingers sliding out of you.
You whimpered at the sudden loss of him but then he grabbed your jeans, pulling them down your thighs and away from your feet, tossing them across the room. He placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing you until your back hit the wall.
"I know what I want for Thanksgiving dessert," he said, a wicked smile on his face as he dropped to his knees, hiking your thigh over his shoulder. "Mmm...gobble, gobble baby."
It was so ridiculous you wanted to laugh but then his tongue was on you, teasing along your clit, sliding along your folds, dipping into you and back out and you for anything else but the feel of him. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you lost all focus but you had to focus on keeping your one leg steady. It was the only thing keeping you from falling over. Your palms spread wide as they held the wall behind you, desperate for any support you could find.
"Jesus Christ Eddie..." you groaned.
His tongue swirled lazy circles around your clit before flicking at it rapidly. The sudden change in sensation was overwhelming. He continued this torturous pattern as his hands slid along your thighs and then his fingers were back inside of you, relentless in their pulsing.
"Fuck Thanksgiving dinner," he growled, sucking your clit in between his lips. "I just want to feast here all goddamn weekend."
One of your hands left the wall, the other remaining to hold yourself up. You buried your fingers in his hair, grinding yourself against his face, keeping him right where you needed him. He moaned against your pussy and the vibrations sent more waves of pleasure rocketing through you.
"Oh baby, I'm so close..." you moaned.
His tongue swept over your clit quickly, back and forth and then up and down. His fingers curved, rubbing against your walls in the exact perfect place to send you barreling over the edge. You screamed his name, shaking from head to foot, your leg giving out from under you.
Eddie caught you, sliding you into his lap and you sighed, resting your forehead against his shoulder. He pressed kisses along your cheek, nibbling on your ear, moving along your jaw, following a path to your shoulder. You could already feel yourself stirring again just at the feel of his lips along your flesh.
You grabbed his face, smashing your lips against his, gently pulling at his bottom lip with your teeth. He moaned against your mouth, gripping your ass in his hands. You stood up, him following suit, and feverishly worked on his jeans to get them off of him, quickly followed by his shirt.
Pressing your hands against his chest, you gave a sharp shove, sending him backwards onto the bed before crawling slowly over top of him, straddling his hips.
"Goddamn baby," he murmured, his eyes hooded with desire, his hands digging into your hips. "I like when you get feisty."
Smiling, you gripped his cock in your hand, sliding yourself along it but not letting it enter you. He cursed, his head falling back against the pillow, those beautiful mahogany waves splayed out like a mane. You slid the length of him all along your folds before allowing just the tip to slide past your entrance before pulling back.
"Jesus Christ..." he moaned, those fingers on your hips digging in so hard you were sure you'd have marks tomorrow. You didn't mind. Eddie had never truly hurt you, but you liked a little rough play. It gave you pleasure to wake up and see a little mark from his teeth or imprints from his fingers, reminding you that he was completely yours and you were his.
You slid the tip of him around your clit, using his cock for your own pleasure. Gripping him, your ran your hand up and down his length, allowing just the tip of him to enter you again before denying him once more.
"Shit baby, stop teasing me," he pleaded. "I need to be inside you now."
You slowly lowered yourself, taking all of him in. You moaned softly at how he completely filled you. Your hands gripped his shoulders as you began to ride him, propped on your knees as you lifted and lowered yourself on his cock.
"Fuck, you feel like heaven," he groaned, his fingers splayed wide over your hips, gripping them as he moved with you, bringing his own up as you brought yours down.
Your fingernails dug into his flesh and he hissed softly through his teeth. His hands slid from your hips, along your stomach, cupping your breasts. His thumbs began to brush over your nipples and you bit your lip, moving your hips in circles. This motion caused Eddie's cock to hit the most delicious places within you.
"Jesus Christ," you breathed.
Eddie gripped your hips again as he began to thrust up faster and harder. You gasped, gripping his chest for dear life as your body bounced vigorously with his thrusting.
"God, I love watching your tits when you ride me," he growled. "You look like a fucking goddess."
His thumb found your clit, stroking it as he continued to thrust. You arched your back, your hands moving to his thighs, whimpering as you moved closer and closer to the edge of sweet oblivion.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" you screamed, gripping his thighs for dear life as you rode out your orgasm, your whole body convulsing.
Eddie hand left your clit and grabbed onto your waist, steadying you as he drove into you even faster. His thrusts were causing you to feel like you might bounce right off of him. He screamed out your name as you felt his release.
"Jesus Christ..." he moaned, grabbing you and pulling you down on top of him. "Fuck, you are amazing."
"Mmm...you're pretty amazing yourself," you murmured, pleasantly numb from your head to your toes.
Eddie's hands grabbed your face, placing a gentle kiss against your lips.
"Well, I know what I'm thankful for," he said with a grin. 
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monsterblogging · 2 months
So, it finally clicked that while the average person does in fact broadly comprehend that people are neither good nor evil - they're good and bad, and have free will - they also can't understand why some people would fully commit themselves to completely awful causes or to being a terrible person throughout their entire lives. They can't really picture how this works, because they can't imagine themselves choosing to die on a hill of Being A Terrible Person.
This void in their comprehension is where the myth of the Ontologically Evil Person is very likely to come and settle in sooner or later, because it seems to finally provide an answer that makes sense of otherwise senseless cruelty and violence. Agonizing questions like "Why would my boyfriend spend so much energy on making me feel like shit and breaking me down?" "Why would this historical figure decided to kill all of these people?" and "Why would this guy go start a cult and murder everyone?" are finally given an answer, and the formerly-bewildered person finally has some peace of mind.
Because of this, the myth of the Ontologically Evil Person is incredibly hard to get out of people's minds once it takes root. For one thing, bad ideas are like bad habits; it doesn't really work to tell people to Just Stop With Them, because without something else to take its place? They're going to fall back on it.
And if somebody's been traumatized from abuse? The last thing they want to hear is that they're basically dehumanizing their abuser and that's not cool, because it feels to them like the other person is taking their abuser's side and telling them to get fucked. Even if this not what's happening, the survivor's brain is currently operating on fight/flight/fawn/freeze mode, and a brain operating fight/flight/freeze/fawn mode is keyed to making snap decisions to try and remove you from the danger as soon as possible, which means categorizing everything into black and white. This person couldn't care less about the history of eugenics right now; literally all they care about is being safe.
"Okay, so if the Ontologically Evil Person doesn't exist, how the hell do you explain those fuckers over there?" some of you are probably asking.
Here's the deal. Literally every human being alive can and will do terrible things if they're sufficiently scared and desperate. They're in no position to appreciate that nearly all asshole behavior can be explained by a lack of critical social and self-management skills, or by a lack of access to self-improvement (including being too traumatized to trust means of self-improvement).
People who are scared, insecure, and under high levels of stress will often cling to anything that makes them feel better, because they want to feel safe and secure and not in psychological and/or physical agony. (Stress does an absolute number on your body, too.)
Being reliant on a shitty behavior, belief system, or product for some measure of feeling secure and safe is how you get people saying things like "If I didn't act mean, everyone would just walk all over me!" or "I was really depressed before I found this, so if I gave it up I'm going to get depressed again, and I might hurt myself." (And there might be some truth to this one! This might indeed happen if they give it up cold turkey, and without finding an alternative!) It's how you get people conducting """scientific""" studies to """prove""" that their bigotry is totally justified and not at all irrational. ("Well of course these people are genetically inferior, they wouldn't be poor and disease-ridden if they weren't... what do you mean, systemic inequality and uneven healthcare access? No that's obviously fake and made up by More Bad People.")
People also act in unhealthy ways to deal with personal insecurities implanted by parents or society. You have people out there whose parents drummed it into their heads that second place was for worthless losers, or that no one would love them if they didn't look or act a certain way. You have people who absorbed the idea that acknowledging the basic humanity of shitty people means that they have to forgive them and personally help them get better and just suffer through the abuse in the meantime.
This is how people choose to die on the hill of Being A Terrible Person. They weren't ontologically evil. They were scared, and they thought they saw a fortress on the top of that hill that would keep them (and perhaps also their loved ones) safe.
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r--kt · 2 months
Kid Kakashi is getting away from responsibility! does he?
I once saw an opinion that «Kakashi adheres to the rules to avoid responsibility for his actions so that he always has a safety net», and it seems to me that this is a fairly common misconception. so here's the thing...
contents | analysis of Kakashi and Sakumo's motives, a little speculation on the topic. also the text is a bit messy
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Sakumo commits suicide. the parent as a the only support in Kakashi's life has been lost, and Kakashi needs to grow up quickly, become responsible and not make paternal mistakes. a five-to-seven-year-old child must figure out the dilemma of an adult who raised him. not a bad task, huh?
the moral dilemma is as follows: should I recognize a warrior as a soul worthy of life, or as a tool used to save the majority?
a small child, by the way, should take it upon himself. he is this warrior. let me rephrase, it's "should I recognize myself as a soul worthy of life, or as a tool used to save the majority? what way should I recognise my father? what way he recognised himself by committing suicide?"
everything that happened makes Kakashi wonder if he (a shinobi) is worthy of living if he doesn't defend his homeland. a healthy little child would say "yes/idk/idc, let's go play". a child who experiences the suicide of a father deprived of honor and hounded for such humanity due to violation of military regulations chooses to consider himself unworthy. is it a fear of responsibility? let's take a closer look at the accents.
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CH 240. Minato and Obito's conversation.
so Sakumo saves his Shinobi group. he does this because he knows that they will not cope with the mission and will die in vain, without benefiting the village, and, moreover, harming it with the loss of labor. and, obviously, this was done out of humane motives, which is what the emphasis is on. what does Sakumo do as a team captain? Sakumo, who is clearly a skilled strategist and/or warrior, since he's compared in strength/fame to the three Sannins. he's retreating. does he do it just like that, without having a way out and a plan to come back? well, hardly. the dude has to be damn smart, judging by the way he was introduced. but will the embittered, war-weary shinobi figure out all the subtleties of the failure of Sakumo? the question is rhetorical.
let's think (I can't assert this, but it sounds logical) Sakumo wanted to return to the village to develop a new plan with a larger team, but did not have much time, because enemy attacked the land of Fire earlier. the consequence is hundreds, possibly thousands of civilian lives and so on. Sakumo would not be a respected captain if he simply refused the mission out of fear of someone else's death. fear of the meaninglessness of someone else's death? maybe. rather, it was a sense of duty to his team, a sense of the very responsibility for his leadership to these people. these things are not the same.
Sakumo's actions are driven by risk. the mission is a failure, but it was certainly intended as a justified failure. however, there is no point in proving this to others, they will not enter the position, because «you are the captain who gave the wrong order. you're a captain who broke the rules. you are to blame for these deaths.» a bunch of rescued shinobi are nothing against the background of thousands of war dead. and even this bunch thinks you fucked up, Captain.
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Interesting how, from Obito's words, we can find out that there is another opinion about Sakumo, a more positive(?) one. «in the line of duty» — that's how they call it, huh. I also want to note that Minato emphasizes the following idea: Sakumo was vilified and slandered. no one just wanted to figure out if he was this guilty.
so the whole topic was not about to be responsible or not. it's about responsibility as a duty and as a choice. It's about responsibility to a metaphorical face of the country and responsibility to specific people of that country. it's about different approaches to understanding humanity, peace, sacrifice, honour, about rethinking the duty of shinobi and the so-called will of Fire. and, most importantly, Sakumo's story is about the dishonour and disgrace that can come when no one wants to figure out why you acted that way. and no one should have, it's just circumstances. when you mess up, all your comrades stop being your friends and take on the face of a single military structure that doesn't care whether you wanted it better or not. you messed up, you violated the rules, and so many people died because of you, scum.
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Naruto Shippuden. Ending 33.
and with Sakumo's death, it all falls on his child. he's the son of a traitor. of course Kakashi's behavior afterward is a defense mechanism. (which I would like to talk about separately) if he was so afraid of responsibility, then why did he rush up the ranks? he would have sat as a genin and kept his head down. what kind of irresponsibility are we talking about?
Kakashi is not about irresponsibility and the consequences of it, after which he became responsible. he was already like that, in his own way, but it led to the disaster — again. that's the point. It's about fighting disgrace, and about trying to avoid unwanted consequences by one behavior, during which he got even worse.
so, I just seemed to justify Sakumo (can do vice versa) to show the background of Kakashi's behaviour and his attachment to rules. he doesn't just act out of spite and is not protected by the rules (to some extent, but not to the one mentioned at the beginning). he really concluded that in order to prevent civilian casualties, he would sometimes have to sacrifice his loved ones. and it's better not to have these loved ones at all. as events have shown, shinobi has no right to put his interests above, because his task is to protect others. it's selfish and disgraceful. he understood that shinobi is a tool. this is what Kakashi came to after Sakumo's death, because everything pointed to this: the fact that Sakumo was harassed by the same people he saved, and the fact that he was basically slandered by the whole village, and the fact that he himself eventually committed not a simple, not some kind of, but namely a ritual suicide with his own tanto.
so many people can't be wrong, can they? well... another rhetorical question.
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