#I want validation from others remarking on stuff that makes me unique but I also want the internal knowledge that it means something
hadoriel · 2 years
I wanna be a fictional character so I can have cool abilities and talents that actually help advance a plot orz
I wanna read theorycrafting posts about myself and be like WOW somebody really cares about me as an orchestrator of fate!! NICE
Can't tell if that would count as god complex, narcissism, nihilism or self esteem issues though
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Ok, little rant here about the concept of how « love is what makes us human » because, umm… No? Full disclosure, I am Allo, and I’ve only heard about the « Love is what makes us human » thing once I’ve started frequenting the aromantic side of Tumblr. Which i started looking at cause im writing a loveless aroace character into a story Im working on and needed information about the most respectful way to do that)
And it is the worst opinion ever. If you’re aro, (+ loveless, aplatonic, ex) I’m so sorry you have to hear that dumbassery. So, here’s the two big reasons why it’s so wrong :) :
1) The capacity for love is not a uniquely human emotion. Yes, a big part why we survived in nature is our ability to cooperate and team up with each other (yay comrade original humans), but that doesn’t mean that that ability comes from « love ». Also we are not the only species that do that, many other species do that, and can love each other. Plus, seeing at there’s proof that homosexuality exists in more species that human, it only makes sense that asexuality+Aromanticism do as well. We just don’t see it other than a few remarks about how an animal isn’t breeding how we want it to.
2) As someone who took even just one sociology class (and plans to take more). No, love it not what makes us human. If you actually want to be technical about it, cooking is what made us human. And I’m not saying that chefs and the only valid humans or vegans are aliens or whatever. Just that the ability to cook and eat cooked meat is what gave us larger and more complex brains that other animals, because proteins and stuff (idk, im a sociology nerd, not a science nerd). Which gave us the mental capacity we have now.
TLDR: Love doesn’t make us human, lots of animals love and lots of humans and animals do not. Cooking is what made us into humans.
(There’s probably more I can say, especially about the intricacies of this and of defining a group of people as one thing. Cause that never works and usually ends bad. But I’m writing this at midnight cause I can’t fall asleep and I’m bored. Let me know what you think, let me know what you think I got wrong.)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
This will come as a surprise to a lot of overlap between the two—mean comments are disproportionately likely also to be dumb—but the strategies for dealing with them are different. I use the number of times each token ignoring case, currently occurs in each corpus. David advocated. I've just described is an acquisition by a public company. I went to my mother afterward to ask if this was so. The fashion for the name Gary began when the actor Frank Cooper adopted the name of a tough mill town in Indiana. I think if I look closer I'll be able to find statistical differences between these and my real mail. Possibly. Peter Mayle wrote one called Why Are We Getting a Divorce? Even others that seem quite distant. And what, exactly, is hate speech? Being profitable ensures you'll get at least the average of the acquisition market—in which public companies do behave as pooled-risk company managers, you need a brain that can go anywhere.
Another thing I may try in the future there is a static obstacle worth getting past, spammers are pretty efficient at getting past it. It was astonishing to learn later that they'd both been serial womanizers, and that as I made the filters stricter I got more false positives. And after having spent their whole lives doing things that are arbitrary, and believe things that are true, or at least wished that computer science was a branch of math. That would have saved me in all three cases. That's why movies like The Matrix have such resonance. I've found that you can filter present-day spam acceptably well using nothing more than a Bayesian combination of the useful and the bizarre. They were imitating the great painters of the Renaissance, whose paintings by that time were brown with dirt.
But what happened to Reddit didn't happen out of neglect. To be jaded you have to do a lot of them, which gave us the impression the short story was flourishing. The user doesn't know what it means, but worse still, neither does the developer of the filter is in the individual databases, then merely tuning spams to get through them. Letters, digits, dashes, apostrophes, and dollar signs to be part of tokens, and the site rules discourage dramatic link titles. Here parents' desires conflict. They may be trying to make sales would be a good idea. Halfway through grad school I decided I wanted to stop getting spam. When we launched in February 2007, weekday traffic was around 1600 daily uniques. It would be pretty straightforward to make a list of the fifteen individual probabilities, you calculate the combined probability thus: let prod apply #' mapcar #' lambda x-1 x probs One question that arises in practice is what probability to assign to words that occur in one corpus or the other, and the transformation was miraculous.
A probability can of course be mistaken, but there is little ambiguity about what it means to be biased. Hacker News who actually took the trouble to write two versions, a flame for Reddit and a more subdued version for HN. I want to find general recipes for discovering what you can't say, look at the page. Second, I think. Plus Reddit had different goals from Hacker News. Adults have a certain model of how kids are supposed to behave, and it's different from what they expect of other adults. If a self-consciously cool people who want to distinguish themselves from the common herd. 08221981 supported 0.
Let's start with a test: Do you have any opinions that you would have gotten in trouble for a particular idea yet? And pay especially close attention whenever an idea is being suppressed. To launch a taboo, a group has to be powerful enough to enforce a taboo. Just write whatever you want, not to say what you want, and then sit around offering crits of one another's creations under the vague supervision of the teacher. It's hard for us to feel a sense of urgency as adults over something we've literally been trained not to worry about running out of money and b they can spend their time how they want. Here parents' desires conflict. This may well be a better plan than the old one of putting them in their place, but it ended up being cast as a struggle to preserve the souls of Englishmen from the corrupting influence of Rome. Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin. That's an extreme example, of course, the test you use to measure performance must be a valid one. Sorry about that. 99% of people reading Ulysses are thinking I'm reading Ulysses as they do in the real world: they're small; you get to start from scratch; and the problem is before you can solve it.
It seems to be a single long stream of text for purposes of counting occurrences, I use the 15 most significant. We did. If someone submits a lame article, the other end seems especially far away. 8747 From free 0. To see fashion in your own time, though, my filters do themselves embody a kind of virtual town square. Hacker News is definitely useful. If we could look into the future it would be easier if the forces behind it were as clearly differentiated as a bunch of evil machines, and one sent to me in the belief that I was someone else.
Which means applicants of type x. You meet a lot of work, and the history of science, architecture, and the result is what we can't say, what do you do with it? If you said them all you'd have no time left for your real work. Most people go through life with bits of packing material adhering to their minds and never know it. 30 startups that eminent angels have recently invested in, give them each a million dollars each to move, a lot of kids who grew up in. 07972858 color 0. 75%.
Yes, of course. How can we find these too? If we can understand this mechanism, we may be able to solve the problem with fairly simple algorithms. I scan the entire text, including headers and embedded html and javascript, of each message in each corpus. Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin. That's why movies like The Matrix have such resonance. The reasons parents don't want their kids having sex are complex. This is too big a problem to solve here, but certainly one reason life sucks at 15 is that kids are trapped in a world designed for 10 year olds. There is a strong correlation between comment quality and length; if you say anything mistaken, fix it immediately; ask friends which sentence you'll regret most; go back and tone down harsh remarks; publish stuff online, because an audience makes you write more, and thus generate more ideas; print out drafts instead of just looking at them on the screen; use simple, germanic words; learn to recognize and discount the effects of moral fashions. One of the most premeditated lies parents tell. Here parents' desires conflict.
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chibivesicle · 4 years
Golden Kamuy chapter 224-226: Pirates, serial killers and a killer rabbit’s much awaited backstory.
For the sake of time, I will combine my summary of the past few chapters that I missed while I was traveling and I don’t want to break it into smaller bits.
Chapter 224 had a color cover featuring none other than our favorite solitary wildcat sniper Ogata.  I personally love the retro look for this!  It looks like a classic comic from the 1960s with the odd color scheme and the handwritten shaded boxes.
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The one box highlights the “100″ in Ogata’s first name as the kanji hyaku and the rest in latin letters. 
The text refers to “Come on, Let’s Go! On wildcat Ogata’s sure-hit express! (one step forward!).  Thanks to discussions on discord the phrase is in reference to the cat moving and delivery company in Japan, Yamato transport aka 黒ねこ (Kuroneko).  A huge shout out to tsurumineko for translating the pun based on their “target hitting/sure hitting” level of service.  I was previously familiar with the company in part due to my love of cats and noticing it everywhere when I’ve visited Japan.
Here is the official logo with a mom cat carrying a kitten and their official HQ (from wikipedia).
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I can’t help but wonder if this implies that Ogata is a very reliable character in regards to performing his duties or that he hopes to one day make sure bring his own “kitten” home.  Will Ogata be the one to take Asirpa back home to her kotan, Huci and her family? Either way, it implies that Ogata will get the job done, just like Kuroneko will deliver that package on time for you!  He’ll snipe that target, he’ll get that info, he’ll make sure your mission is a success etc.
The retro look also makes me think of comics like these:
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Batman works a bit outside of the law and has that dark edgy feel to it and Ogata also wears a cloak!  Plus, look at the style of Batman and Robin, they’ve got quite the build just like our GK boys do.
Anyways, the cover is a combination of Kuroneko delivery and Batman.
Chapter 224 starts at the Uryu river as Asirpa is lighting a fire to attract a swan to it so that they can have it for dinner.  For some odd reason, Noda chooses to rehash the Asirpa is going to kill a cute/beautiful animal for dinner.  She pulls Sugimoto’s head when she sarcastically replies to him that they will gently grab the swan. . . .
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I don’t understand this need to return to early Sugimoto-Asirpa humor.  Shiraishi has returned from pooping and a swan approaches as the two of them freak out upon noticing the other.  I personally find Shiraishi’s concern valid - swans are total assholes, so I’d also want to be upset at a swan at close range.
Asirpa beats it and they begin to prepare it for dinner in a temporary shelter as early on in the manga.  This is a repeat of when they first started working together and ate the deer that Sugimoto failed to shoot.  The three of them in Asirpa’s tent cooking some dinner.
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Keep in mind Sugimoto didn’t want to eat the otter head etc etc and he still has issues with things beyond brains.
This time Asirpa really highlights the need to give it the Inaw offerings and place the head in the river.
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Sugimoto still can’t eat animal heads and still looks awkward.  However in contrast to chapter 25, after eating Shiraishi begins to explain what he’s observed from Heita’s belongings.  He explains to us in a flashback what Heita told them about gold panning.  He knows now that gold from different rivers looks different so there is a way to identify where it came from.  And now, we get to see Shiraishi shine as he begins to help them lay out a new strategy for finding the gold without the skins.
He first off explains what we already know about the “Noppera-bou incident” which I find interesting based on the fact that he uses Noppera-bou - I wonder if Shiraishi thinks someone else killed the 7 Ainu men and Wilk was moving the gold, but not involved as Wilk told that to Sugimoto.
Shiraishi points out there may be people who know where the gold is hidden - and since supposedly Wilk moved it all by himself, he wouldn’t be able to move it that far. 
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He then continues to state, they just need to find the region where the gold dust was from and look close by.  Sugimoto is not convinced by Shiraishi’s line of reasoning at all.  He has a look of total annoyance and he’s like - “we” can’t identify a hidden gold dust stash etc.  I’m disappointed that Asirpa simply chimes in that he’s an idiot as she eats the swan head that Sugimoto wouldn’t.
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Shiraishi has to remind them what they learned from Tanigaki back when he was injured and recovering with Huci at Asirpa’s kotan.  Part of the gold was taken from the stash by Wilk and the boat capsized on Lake Shikotsu.  Therefore, they know where a sample of the gold is.  As soon as Shiraishi reminds them of what they know from Tanigaki, he catches Asirpa’s attention and she takes him seriously.
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She then summarizes where he’s been going with this - they likely won’t have the skins so they need another game plan.  Bravo Shiraishi!  He has created a plan B for them, better than Sugimoto’s “um maybe we will sweep in and steal the skins from Hijikata or Tsurumi . . .”
Sugimoto immediately rejects Shiraishi’s plan on the fact it is too hard and whines about it.  Asirpa at least has a well thought out and rational reply that the lake is too deep, so they can’t get the evidence.
This leads into a flashback with Heita and our pirate convict at Lake Shikotsu the previous year.  We get a “typical” reveal of his character as he’s completely in the nude about to dive into the cold spring water.  Boutarou the Pirate’s real name is Oosawa Fusatarou and this reveals some of his background as a talented swimmer and diver.
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He’s got some rather unique eyebrows - reverse Koito ones and he reveals that he’s going to dive for 35 minutes.  He then uses special breathing techniques to get as much oxygen into his system and he’s got large feet, webbed hands (due to cell death not occurring between his digits during fetal development btw) and he became a convict by drowning people and stealing their stuff.
By having a rope tied to his ankle, Heita can signal to him when his time is up and he can come up from his deep free dive.
The chapter then returns to Shiraishi pointing out that Heita and Mr. Pirate already found the gold.  This means that Shiraishi took the time to look at all of Heita’s samples and that they know the location and it is linked to one of the still remaining convicts.
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Shiraishi then reveals that he knew that there was a guy who was intense, physically robust and pushed himself to the limits - so if he could dive to find the gold - he would be the most likely to succeed. The flashback shows that he was able to dive down to Wilk’s canoe and that Heita found at least 4 locations for the gold dust.
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With the list of rivers, it means the gold dust found in the canoe can be traced to these four rivers: Toppu River, Saru River, Sorachi River and Shiriuchi River.  I have labeled each of those rivers on the map of Heita’s description of rivers that can be panned for gold and included a few cities for reference.  In yellow is the current approximate location of Asirpa, Sugimoto and Shiraishi on the Uryu river.  The rivers where the gold dust is from are in magenta.  The Toppu River is the closest one to them and the Sorachi and Saru Rivers are reasonably close.
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The only river that is further away is the Shiriuchi River fairly close to Hakodate.  Google maps has the Shiriuchi River labelled as the Chinai River (I checked with translator GlassHouses for clarification - apparently it can also be read as the Chinai River and there is one located in Shikoku - thanks for the help!) so if you try to find it in English it won’t be labelled correctly.  Lake Shirotsu is the large lake on the map just next to my arrow pointing to Sapporo.  Only put on a few cities for easy reference, Otaru, close to Asirpa’s kotan, Ashikawa and Kushiro. 
The chapter then ends with Sugimoto holding the list of rivers as his eyes are white.  He figures if they head to those rivers, since the pirate knows where the gold is from they just need to catch a pirate [and skin him].  Stop looking so well murder-y Sugimoto.
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The tag line at the end states that every river eventually leads to the sea . . . I guess this must be true in Japan perhaps, but if you live in a basin, or in the Great Lakes region of North America the lake does not lead to the sea . . . . but I digress.  This likely has to do with the pirate reference or something.
Recall that in 223, Hijikata is the one who remarks that Boutarou the pirate is making his move.
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with the end of 224, it is confirmed that Boutarou is another faction entering the quest for the gold. 
Quick observations and predictions from this chapter.
1.) Ogata is about to become a key player based on his color cover (if you don’t already get that Ogata is important).  Momma cat needs to take her kittens home.
2.) Shiraishi has laid out their plan to look for the pirate.  This may lead to an alliance or Sugimoto just trying to skin him based on the ending page.  I personally think an alliance with Asirpa-Sugi-Shiraishi and Boutarou to be the most interesting. . . .
3.) Hijikata is not surprised by Boutarou’s move to enter the quest.  He was working with Heita and now we know he will likely have his own faction as well.
4.) Based on my map, some of the parties will need to visit each of these rivers in order to gather information.  With the much farther away Shiriuchi River, it takes the cast close to Hakodate.  I can see this being key in future events involving Hijikata (due to his historical death during the Battle of Hakodate), Koito, since he was kidnapped in Hakodate by Tsurumi with the help of Ogata, Tsukishima and Kikuta.  It seems like some sort of confrontation at Hakodate is in the cards.
Chapter 225 - Another convict enters the story.
So chapter 225 starts out with a clear reference to the infamous serial killer, Jack the Ripper who targeted prostitutes in Victorian London and was never caught.  Oh yay, another serial killer - just my fav type of convict. [rolls eyes] The chapter title slums seems to refer to the slums of Sapporo where alcohol and prostitution were the few releases and the area was ripe with disease and violence. 
An older woman is walking back to the inn of her client, he’s a much taller man wearing a western style of dress and a top hat.  The woman is chatting away, she explains that she used to come from a wealthy family in Nagoya, since she’s in Hokkaido, it either implied her family was on the losing side during the Meiji revolution or that her late husband was on the losing side sent up to Hokkaido.
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She’s clearly flush with drink and she turns to notice that he may be Japanese based on her “Huh? You’r Japa . . .” as he then grabs her by the face and proceeds to slit her throat and then cut up her body.  As she struggled we get to see her hand pulled his jacket open a bit revealing yet another tattoo - so yep, another convict.
The following morning shows Sapporo police officers trying to keep the press away from a covered corpse, the woman covered with a straw mat.  A member of the press is confirming what happened with a very suspicious looking police officer. Apparently, there was prostitute who was killed in the same location within the past month or less e.g. indicated by the 31st of last month (we don’t know how far into the current month things are).  The man is revealed to be a criminal inspector and he has a shaded face and interesting wrinkles under his eyes.
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From the start, this criminal inspector seems to be quite tall compared to the reporter.  The next page reveals his identity as he’s trying to get a scoop on the story by bribing the inspector with food.  The inspector’s face is covered as he simply tells him to shut up as he turns away.
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The action then shifts to the temple where Hijikata and Co. are staying as we the readers are reminded that the man is Ishikawa Takuboku, the reporter who meet up with the group back when they had their photos taken before Abashiri in Kitami.  Most of the group went to the photo studio with Hijikata while Shiraishi went off to the red light district with Takuboku instead as they hung out with sex workers and got very intoxicated on Hijikata’s money.  The drunken Ishikawa blurts out that Hijikata is going to buy up newspapers to control the press.
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Shiraishi knew that the Russo-Japanese war resulted in sales of papers but Ishikawa revealed that the change was due to the addition of pictures!  Hence part of the reason why having a photo of Asirpa will be important to his Republic of Ezo plan.  Again this exchange between Shiraishi and Takuboku-chan illustrates that Shiraishi is a pretty observant and smart guy.  He’s def aware of more things than people give him credit for.
He’s finally back reporting to Hijikata and asks for more spending money.  Unfortunately, he’s trying to get money from Nagakura who is having none of this and reminds him bluntly that if he wants money it needs to be information not printed in the papers.
Ushiyama makes a comment on how gruesome the murders are and wonders if the man has some issue with whores.  Ishikawa comments that it is “unfortunate” since he hopes the man is apprehended quickly since he currently has a prostitute in the area that he is rather fond of.  Wow, way to show how you care about women trapped in sex work Ishikawa . . . that the were likely sold into but I digress.
The English translation has Ushiyama refer to sex workers as whores, and Ishikawa’s use of prostitutes implies a little more respect, but maybe not since he’s concerned his current interest in Sapporo may get his fav woman killed and he won’t be able to sleep with her any more.  What is clear is both men seem awkward in their opinion of how women in sex work should be perceived.
This is clear based on Nagakura’s reply to Ishikawa’s statement that he hopes he dies in a ditch.  Hijikata completely ignores the info and just asks Kadokura if there was a convict in Abashiri who fits the description for the current killer.
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Kadokura doesn’t reveal the name of any other information about the killer.  Clearly, this information will be revealed when it becomes relevant and Hijikata is concerned that if this man is a convict and he is making such violent headlines that Tsurumi and his men in the 27th will certainly realize that they should investigate as well.  It seems after Abashiri, Hijikata is taking Tsurumi as seriously as possible as well as the arrival of Ariko into his group after he was beaten up by Usami.
Hijikata’s reference to the 27th hunting the possible convict leads to another mallard flying.  The final part of the panel shows Ogata aiming at the duck.  Ogata fires at the duck.
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The duck flies on, but Ogata simply exhales as he works the bolt with his left hand.  He’s looking smug yet determined again.  We don’t seem him exhale like this frequently, but it does remind me of his “I shot the woodcocks” proud face or a focused “hmmph”  this is what I expected look.
The final panel shows two tail feathers from the duck fall to the ground both having been shot by Ogata.  It is clear that Ogata is pleased with his progress on re-learning how to shoot ducks with his left eye.  He’s making good progress - I’m not sure if we will get to see him make a successful kill in the manga or if Noda will keep it for a big reveal scene where he makes an amazing shot.
There are two ways to look at this i.) Ogata knows he’s getting better and he’ll let others see that he can still snipe and that he’s still a sniper.  ii.) Ogata gets better, but publicly doesn’t want others to know he’s back to “normal” and uses his injury as a way to hide his regained sniping ability as his wildcard.
Both of these can be advantages for Ogata - everyone assumes he’s a sniper and forgets about all of his other skills.  Or he makes others assume he’s weaker and than uses that to defeat them - an obvious sucker is Sugimoto - Sugimoto would look at one-eyed Ogata and think, “well if I can get close enough to break his arm again I can totally finish him off . . .” as Ogata then snipes Sugimoto again . . . (okay, not likely to happen just like that but you get my idea).
The chapter then shifts to an unnamed village along the Sea of Okhotsk.  This is a vague descriptor, and as my map indicates it can be along this entire coast of the northeastern part of Hokkaido.  Yay!  The panel is quite simple as it shows a dead horse laying down.
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The final panel shows Usami looking down upon the horse.  Stares down at the horse as his eyes are white around the iris. As his head shifts a little to his left.
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It is clear by the next page that Usami is the likely cause of death for the horse.  A random man yells “Who did this?  Who killed my horse!” as it shows Usami shuffling off rather quickly to avoid being caught in the act of horse murder.
Tsurumi is then outside of a shop that sells newspapers reading a newspaper with great interest. He then speaks to Kikuta who is nearby, telling him that the murders in Sapporo appear to be the work of an escaped tattooed convict.
He orders Kikuta to go to Sapporo to look into the convict.  And that he should take Superior Private Usami with him.  Wherever Tsurumi is along the coast is unclear, but Tsurumi seems to think staying on the eastern coast will allow him to find Asirpa from that area.  Plus, he has sent Tanigaki in search of them as well. . . Kikuta replies yes sir rather calmly in a typical Kikuta fashion.
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Usami walks up behind him with completely black eyes when Tsurumi tells him to take Usami with him. . . Kikuata can’t be too happy wit this as his reply is hesitant . . .” . . . yes, sir . . .” as he gives him the stink eye. 
Usami then speaks up highlighting that he really doesn’t want to go with Kikuta.  This is quite bold from a superior private, but Usami seems like he can get away with this in front of Tsurumi and Kikuta almost smirks as he feels the same way.  Tsurumi doesn’t even turn to reply to Kikuta, he simply replies that Usami will be of use to him in Sapporo and Kikuta looks curious as to in what context Usami will be helpful.
Tsurumi figures that Hijikata’s group will also move there to investigate due to the newspaper coverage and that they should avoid them if all possible.  Tsurumi doesn’t want them running into each other. 
This is interesting as Kadokura is currently in Hijikata’s group and can easily recognize Usami so that may come into play.  Usami beat the crap out of Ariko so he’ll be tied to the situation.  Ogata is back with Hijikata for now and has a previous work history with Kikuta and there is enough information for the two of them to have some sort of showdown/reunion etc.
With somewhat erratic screen tones behind Usami and a equally creepy font he declares that running into Hijikata’s group is fine.  He concludes that Ariko will be a useless spy and that he will just kill them all and steal everything - problem solved.
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And with that Usami gives off super creepy vibes at 110%.
He and Kikuta don’t get along at all - when they were chasing after Toni Anji which required a well thought out plan he was useless and whiny and Kikuta couldn’t take it and also trusted Ariko to succeed.
When they were chasing Asirpa off of the ferry - Usami’s solution was to simply kill Huci and Kikuta was clearly appalled by how Usami’s mind seems to work.  It was clear when Usami beat up Ariko that Kikuta was both hurt and torn about the entire situation.  This likely is setting up some sort of disagreement between the two men.  Kikuta is a sauve, sexy man, who appears a bit cocky at times but he gives off a vibe of really caring for others and avoids harming others who are not involved in things.
The next page reveals that indeed both groups are hunting down the convict in Sapporo.
Hijikata has brought his entire entourage.  He leads the group followed by Ushiyama and Nagakura.  Kadokura, Toni, Kantarou, Kirawus and then Ariko follow behind.  Ariko looks back at Ogata watching them from a distance and taking up the rear as he prefers.
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Kikuta leads with Usami behind, his face partially obscured by his visor of his army cap - Kikuta is too sexy to every wear a hat and mess up his excellent hairstyle.
It is interesting that even when you zoom in a bit, Ogata has his blank expression as Ariko nervously looks back at him.  He was nervous to see Ogata and he likely thinks Ogata is onto him as a spy or maybe even thinks that Ogata is still working for Tsurumi.  
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It looks like Kirawus is watching Kadokura - I wonder if he’s onto Kadokura playing dumb.  The two of them may get drunk and joke around, but I think Kirawus has been watching both Kadokura and also used him to get closer to Hijikata.  I think both of these men are carrying secrets that will be important as time progresses in the manga.  I just can’t shake the feeling that Kirawus knows more about the Ainu murders and I have a theory that he keeps his forehead covered b/c of some scar or something from the incident where the 7 Ainu men were murdered.
The next page has present day Tsurumi thinking of something disturbing based on the screen tones around him and it reveals a flashback, in Meiji 28 (1895) and back in Tsurumi’s home area of Shibata, Niigata.  The flashback starts with someone asking Tokushirou, Tsurumi’s first name, about how the battlefield was.
The next page reveals Tsurumi talking with a man who appears to be his martial arts teacher for jujitsu.  Tsurumi tells his teacher that he observed something interesting in war.  Despite the vast amount of training that soldiers underwent before battle, most of the men actively avoided trying to kill the enemy soldiers.
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Tsurumi goes on to state that during the American Civil war troops went to great lengths to avoid killing each other (as the nature of a civil war that split families apart at times) and he spends the rest of the page discussing that most humans will really try to avoid killing each other, even in the case of war.
This really is the heart of one of the major issues of GK.  What happens to men who go off to war and the actually kill others?  How do men do this and how to they move forward (or in the case of many of the elite men of Tsurumi’s 27th) how do those men get sucked into killing and do all of the dirty deeds for him.
This gets at the concept of how a person can be turned into a killer and be able to go to great lengths to kill and in this quest for the gold - who can serve Tsurumi best.
After perhaps working or training with his sensei, Tsurumi has changed into his uniform and is telling children nearby (perhaps students of the dojo) to be careful of Master Takeda’s horse is ill tempered (confirmation of the identity of the man he was just talking to) and that it may kick them.  The fact that Usami killed a horse in the present time and then there is a flashback about a horse seems to indicate this will be something to do with Usami’s past.
A voice then calls to Tsurumi, calling him Mister Tokushirou, indicating a person familiar enough with him to call him by his first name but with respect.
This flashback now has revealed not one, but two people close enough to Tsurumi to use his first name either as a senior, his sensei and this unknown yet clearly younger person.  Tsurumi responds, that he recognizes who the person is - revealed to be a younger Usami.  He tells him that he’s gotten taller again, and then calls him by his first name, Tokishige.
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Usami is blushing as he looks at Tsurumi before he replies yes, still blushing with black eyes as it reveals that he is Usami Tokishige, 14 years old. This means Usami was born in 1881.
Of course the editorial tagline mentions that he is yet another of the boys pining for Tsurumi.
Chapter 225 ends with several things as the main points:
1.) The next convict is a serial killer and is in Sapporo.  This will lead to a likely encounter between Hijikata’s group and Kikuta and Usami.
How will this showdown happen?  I’m hoping that Kadokura notices Usami and tips off the rest of the group and KIkuta and Ogata catch up.  They seem to be more morally centered members of the 27th concerned about others who can get caught in the crossfire.
2.) The manga is back to the concept of the ability to kill, what makes a killer? what makes a murder? and what makes a soldier?  Tsurumi wants men willing to go into the depths of hell with him to accomplish his goals.
Tsukishima will see this to the end - he’s officially dead on the outside and inside after his Koito confrontation.
Nikaido is losing all of his humanity to be a test subject for a new and improved solider.
Usami has clearly had a vibe that something is totally off with him since he was first introduced.  The fact that Koito was groomed by Tsurumi when he was 14, means that Usami’s age and blush shows that he was a previous and older Tsurumi fanboy.  The chapter ends with the idea that Tsurumi likely was involved in grooming him.
Usami is clearly a great soldier and killer for some of Tsurumi’s goals - this chapter is making it clear that Usami is “special” in the context of murder.  Or that he lacks some sort of moral compass or control in regards to murder and killing.
3.) That criminal inspector at the Sapporo police department is shady as all hell.  He could be the convict in disguise - and he’d fit the trope of the murderer working in the police so that he can’t get caught.  Or he’s a total red herring.
Chapter 226 -Sacred Ground
The chapter starts out with a brief update on the status of the Asirpa-Sugi-Shiraishi-Vasily group.  They are stopping by an Ainu kotan and Sugimoto notices another dog that looks exactly like Ryu, but isn’t Ryu.  Shiraishi is the one to remark that Ryu stayed behind as Tanigaki gave Cikapasi Nihei’s rifle so he won’t be going anywhere.  Interestingly, Sugimoto remarks that he hopes that Cikapasi and Ennoka treat Ryu well so he “let’s go” of his attachment to the rifle and move on. 
This is an odd remark from Sugimoto, since he himself needs to move on from a lot of stuff ~ he can see it in a dog’s life but not his own.
This leads to a key comment from Asirpa about Ainu dogs, that their loyalty towards owners can be a bad thing since they get jealous and ill tempered.  A Japanese man owned one and the dog was well treated but he ended up scolding it due to poor behaviour and went hunting without the dog.  The dog’s reaction to rejection was to kill of off the man’s chickens . . . Shiraishi then comments that people will do the same thing for the love of another.
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The following page is the title page with the title and a young Usami and Tsurumi. Based on the fact that we know Usami is very loyal to Tsurumi and he has killed for him - I think it is clear the story about the loyal dog is Usami and Tsurumi is the man with the chickens. . . oh great - this chapter is surely getting to the root of his creepy vibes!
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Usami tells him that he’s there even on a day to not train even though after he performed housework and chores to help his family he is more than willing to walk 2 hours one way to come to that very spot on the dojo grounds.
Usami’s face is completely shaded so clearly something dark is tied to that place.
The next page reveals that Usami refers to that spot as “our sacred place” as the wind dramatically blows by as Tsurumi looks at his back.
This leads to a flashback in the flashback, 2 years earlier so 1893, showing Usami’s family.  He’s 12 and he appears to have his mother and father, an older sister, younger brother and another younger sibling on his mother’s back as well. 
His father asks him if things are going well at the dojo and with his training.  He replies that Mister Tokushirou told him he’s the most talented of all the students that he’s seen there before.  Therefore, at the age of 12 he was comfortable enough to call Tsurumi by his first name - san! 
This catches the attention of his older sister and his mother as they look at him in shock and awe, his mother stopping her mending of clothing while his sister blushes.  His sister asks excitedly “Mister Tsurumi Tokushirou = Tsurumi Tokshirou-san?” followed by her having a teenage fangirl moment over him while his father looks on with shock and concern.  His mother confirms that he’s got to have talent since his father was talented too . . . I guess this implies that Tsurumi’s father was a well know ladies man and it is clear that Tsurumi is also seen as a ladies man in the area.
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So, Tsurumi is clearly a charismatic, charming and a confirmed ladies’ man and is the 4th son of another man who was also very well known and must have been an important samurai family.  Usami is happy that his family are glad to hear he’s attracted the attention of an important local man.  Their family is large and it looks like since his mother is mending clothes they aren’t the richest family but they must come from a more noble/samurai background than some of our other cast members.  It looks like the Usami household is a happy and fertile one.
Clearly, Tsurumi is interested in getting to know Usami and some time later, Tsurumi is working the water wheel that his family uses to pump water for their rice paddies.  Tsurumi clearly is doing some sort of research into him and he seems to realize that using the foot powered water wheel leads to the develop strong legs.  Usami is explaining how hard the work is based on their location etc when he is interruped by another young boy.
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This other boy is introduced as Takagi Tomoharu another 12 year old boy.  He really reminds me of Sugimoto a bit, that slightly messy hair and friendly look.  He clearly is another Tsurumi fanboy.
Tsurumi also calls him by his first name and asks if his father is doing well and the boy responds excitedly as Usami silently smiles with his eyes closed in the background having Tsurumi’s attention focused on another person.
Sometime after school, Tomoharu tells Usami to stay over at his house since they have training at the dojo and they can go to school the next morning.  He then adds that Tsurusumi will be at the dojo that evening!  This immediately gets Usami’s attention and he runs to the dojo yelling “Hurry, hurry!” so Usami is excited by this!
The next page shows the dojo and both boys want Tsurumi’s attention to train with each of them and Tsurumi just smiles back, again Usami’s eyes are closed.
Sometime later it shows Tsurumi in winter leaving the dojo - we don’t get the full conversation, just that Tsurumi is responding to something that Usami said. Usami will be graduating - I guess based on his age primary school - and Tsurumi who’s face is obscured asks if he will keep training at the dojo.  Usami responds with his eyes closed again stating he will have to help his father work on their family farm so it may not happen.
Tsurumi then turns and looks at him in a very friendly way telling him to continue at the dojo to become much stronger - he’ll be able to surpass Tsurumi as well based on his skills with time.
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Tsurmi then states he won’t be able to visit the dojo soon, with the impending Sino-Japanese war he’s about to go off to (with Tsukishima) and finally Usami opens his eyes with concern in them as well as light in his eyes.  Usami is clearly worried about Tsurumi leaving.  All of a sudden his friend appears interrupting him and Tsurumi again telling him to go home together.  Again we don’t know what else Usami was going to say to Tsurumi . . .
The winter gives way to spring, when the school year ends and another one will begin.
We get a scene where Usami is able to pin Tomoharu down and someone tells them to stop for the day . . . maybe Tsurumi maybe not.  It is clear that just like Sugimoto’s friend Toraiji - Usami is the natural martial artist while Tomoharu will always lose to him.  Tomoharu is sulking in the dojo and Tsurumi has to ask him what’s wrong so that he and his sensei can lock up.  He reveals that he’s never been able to beat Usami before he leaves.  Tomoharu then cases after Usami who is waiting outside for him.
It looks like he told Tsurumi that he’s leaving and Tsurumi got him to approach Usami to tell him about his departure to high school? in Tokyo.  However, Usami is not surprised as he already knew his friend was leaving and tells him that he really doesn’t want to spar with him one last time.
Usami from a very dramatic angle tells hi that he doesn’t want to lose on purpose b/c he’s worried about his feelings . . . and before he finishes Tomoharu yells his reply that he shouldn’t, that wouldn’t be a real friendship, it would end it.  Usami has light and sparkle in his eyes as he says his lines and his friend sounds like a passionate young Japanese man with fighting spirit.
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Tsurumi tells him that he will watch their match in the corner of the yard - the sacred place which Usami will say to Tsurmumi 2 years later. . .
The next two pages are a montage of memories of Tomoharu with Usami as he thinks to survive alone in Tokyo requires him to defeat him.  It seems that Tomoharu really enjoyed his time with Usami - but I really get the feeling that Usami just tolerated him.  It really does have this vibe of a one sided friendship, I could even see him staying over at Tomoharu’s place just to be closer to the dojo and by extension Tsurumi.
Tomoharu cries as he knows he’s fighting hard but still ends up defeated by Usami.
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This scene is very much like the Sugimoto’s flashback in chapter 35 - courtship.  He met Toraji at his burnt down house on his wedding day and he attacks Sugimoto who promptly defeats him.  With his eyes full of tears, Toraji refuses to give up and goes for another round with Sugimoto as he roundly defeats him again.  This clearly is linked back to Shiraishi’s comment about humans and the people that they love.  Yes, Sugimoto is a dick to show up, make Toraiji upset, beat him and then congratulate him on his marriage which only makes Toraiji more annoyed.
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Yet, in their second round ends with him declaring that he may have lost to Sugimoto in kendo and judo, but he won in the battle for Umeko’s heart. . .
This is clearly a parallel with Usami and Tomoharu and this is linked to Sugimoto.
Anyways back to 226.  Tomoharu despite being defeated pulls on Usami’s shirt and states that he’s not done yet.  The next full page panel shows Usami’s reaction -
full on murder rabbit!!!  He’s gained the white along the edge of his black pupils as he’s drooling, his veins are bursting and his entire face is contorted in rage/anger/i don’t know what else.  I call him a murder rabbit based on a nickname that the lovely Merdopsuedo came up for Usami a long time ago.
She calls him the The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, based on the rabbit that lives in the cave and kills many men in an excellent scene requiring the use of the Holy Hand grenade of Antioch in “Monty Python and The Holy Grail”.  This flashback has confirmed all of our fan jokes and theories and was a much better nickname the previously proposed one of “Thumper” the rabbit from “Bambi”.
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Tomoharu only gets a glance of his face as he raises his foot before he firmly kicks him in the throat with his bare heel.
This action is enough to even shock Tsurumi!  We see Tomoharu make his last gasp for air as Tsurumi, the man who watched his family die in Vladivostok, perhaps killed by his own actions or those of Wik, Kiro and Sofia.  Tsurumi is a broken and twisted man by this point before he even heads off to the Sino-Japanese war, but Usami’s actions have completely caught him off guard.  He thought he was helping out with a teenage issue and he’s just resulted in the death of Tomoharu by accident.  Look at those wide open eyes, sweat on his forehead and those stress lines!  Tsurumi is completely shocked.
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It is clear a man who has seen terrible things like Tsurumi (as we don’t know what his spying and previous military service was like) he is shocked by Usami’s violence that he uses as he clearly struck a killing blow on his friend.
And with that the chapter ends!
Wow!  Usami’s backstory is clearly revealed to be super creepy as I was always afraid of.  At the age of 12 he killed the boy who on the surface appeared to be his best friend.
Final thoughts on chapter 226
1.) Usami may be a natural born killer rabbit who always wants to please Tsurumi.  Chapter 227 will likely further explain why that part of the dojo is sacred to both of them.  Sei Kobiyama also mentioned on twitter that due to both Tsurumi and Usami practicing jujitsu/judo indicate they both came from samurai families.
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Tsurumi has alluded to the fact that his family was once wealthy when he was young and we know he’s the 4th son and they lost the wealth.  It is clear based on Usami’s families reaction to him the Tsurumi family was well known.
Usami is clearly not in a wealthy household that has to work very hard to survive, yet has a connection to samurai habits and culture.  This may be a link to chapter 225 referring the the slums of Sapporo and how the murdered woman was from a once wealthy family that lost it - likely a pre-Meiji era samurai family.
Is Usami jealous of Tomoharu?  Or does he want Tsurumi’s attention all to himself?  What motivates him?  He seems off the entire time before he kills Tomoharu so I think there is more going on than we realize just yet.
Does this information from Sei Kobiyama imply that since Sugimoto and Toraiji also practiced kendo and judo that they were also from poor samurai families also fallen on hard times in the Edo area?
2.) I believe that Usami and Sugimoto are supposed to be compared in some way with this flashback.  Both men are talented in judo and when they kill both men are demon or animalistic in the way that they fight and kill.  Yet, one killed his crybaby best friend while the other one as far as we know was unable to save his friend.
Noda has kept away from Sugimoto’s past and his unresolved issues surrounding Toraiji and Umeko for a long time.  This may lead to the reveal of more of Sugimoto’s past and what really happened when Toraiji died and Sugimoto clung to his dying body, giving up the sled for Tsukishima at Mudoken.  It keeps alluding to a potential situation where Sugimoto is either indirectly or directly related to the events that result in Toraiji’s death.  And keep in mind in the flashbacks his nickname is Tora-chan or Tiger.  If Kiro is Tanigaki’s tiger, we’ve discussed that Toraiji is Sugimoto’s tiger . . .
Sugimoto currently has a broken wrist and maybe he will have to rely on Asirpa, Shiraishi and Vasily his non-friend, not-enemy-ally.  I think Usami may be a link to more background into Sugimoto.
Keeping that in mind, I suspect that Kadokura will lead to more background into Ogata as his father would have been a contemporary of sorts with Koito and Hanazawa, but on Ogata’s mother side.
Well that is all I have for now with the chapters!  I’ll work on getting a few more meta up hopefully in the next few days including as long delayed cover analysis and some Koito meta!
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boypawss · 4 years
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Booster Kind # 3: Retention.
Vidtoon Review | Massive bonuses Demo and tutorial
Channel Base aids obtain individuals to your internet site and also make them intend to remain there making use of these very interesting retention devices. Establish a scrape & & win project that functions as an interactive sales booster, or punctual individuals to share your web page with the social share option. Or if you intend to obtain wonderful outcomes, make use of the emoji responses or rating responses kinds.
Booster Kind # 4: Details. Desire a rapid pop-up, motivating individuals to click & & do something about it? After that this is for you! You can make use of these to market an unique down lots, an associate promo or present a video clip also. Or, if you require a cookie alert or to include some even more details to involve individuals at specifically the correct time… … after that you will certainly enjoy our details alternatives.
vidtoon review|Substantial incentives Trial and also guide
All items have upsells therefore does this one. Yet acquiring or otherwise, the selection is inevitably your own.
Consumers obtain:. OTO2: VidToon Work Finder Software Program ($ 47 single). VidToon Work Finder device makes it possible for customers to locate leading paying consumers to market 2D video clips, or any kind of various other solution the consumer is marketing or make use of Fiverr to develop an arbitrage organisation where consumers can obtain high paying customer & & contract out the job. Unity resource code for VidToon to tailor-make and also market.
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etrezomp-ni--kelted · 4 years
Vidtoon Review & Bonuses
When you purchase vidtoons, email me at: support @ bowesmarketingllc.com and provide your receipt and I will send you a link for the massive bonus of Video Traffic Viper. Click on this link to buy vidtoon. This will make your video advertising blow up! It's a recognized truth that video is the # 1 taken in material online. So if you are not using it in your advertising, you certainly need to start.
However the concern is, "what kind of video is effective when it concerns video advertising precisely?" Simple.
Animated videos. As well as this new tool can assist you make them quick! See, animated videos integrate the audio & & visual aspect together in a manner that take advantage of our creativity. As well as when that occurs, you marketing message will be much more efficient. However likewise, if I am being truthful, producing animated videos can take permanently.
You are handling character development, character animation, essential frameworks, as well as a whole host of other tech stuff that can stump even a few of the most gifted technological people in the world! However that's not the situation with VidToon.
By using VidToon, you can pump out animated videos quick for any type of advertising concept or campaigns you have.
Vidtoon Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Massive bonuses - YouTube
You just drag & & drop your aspects where you want on the screen. There are no grids to lock you in place. You can have ideal pixel placement (try stating that 5X quick) of any type of item anywhere you want. Plus you will get a number of media aspects included with VidToon when you get your copy today.
There are 25 animated characters, 250 graphic aspects, 35 HD backgrounds, shifts, text to speech choices, 200 nobility totally free music tracks as well as a lot more!
VidToon Review – Don't Buy Vid Toon Software Until You Read This!
However you will need to move rapidly since VidToon is only offered for a low once investment for a restricted time. You are going to like this software application. I ensure it. Quick Fresh Animated Video Software application Video is hot.
vidtoon review + Perk-- The Very Best Drag as well as Decrease Video ...
animated video? Hot as well as now, OH So Easy! With VidToon you can make toon-style videos to get your audiences interest with a lot of remarkable functions: [+] Inbuilt library with 34 HD backgrounds, 25 HD characters each with 30 different animations [+] Import your own backgrounds, images and more [+] 200+ royalty free music tracks Easy desktop installation – works on both Pc and mac [+] Free or Realistic Google TTS, Text 2 Speech [+] Works in any language or niche [+] Record or import your own voice over in the app [+] Transition and effects, flip or move objects from A to B [+] SO MUCH MORE…!!! This is something your subscribers will use over and over again – and with no hosting fees there are basically no limits to what they can create with this! Do not Beat ‘Em! Repeat Them & Make Your Traffic Profitable Again Facebook + Insta Ads, eCom Stores, Sales Promo’s + More!
Automate collection of visitor & & client comments as well as use it to make more sales. Rather than competing with the a a great deal of eCom stores & & countless on the internet company available, you can turn what they are stating into revenues for repeat clients over as well as over once again. Building Listings. Develop bigger listings quickly. Works perfectly with all major car responder plus Zapier connections for lower recognized platforms. Local/Offline.
Immediately engage your client's audience with a special sale, discount coupon, featured product & & confirmed client sales proof. ecommerce. Link to Shopify (or any type of other ecom platform) & & show genuine product evaluations as well as targeted proof, immediately! Facebook Ads. Immediately turn each of your product evaluates into completely formatted ads you can import to Facebook & & Instagram. Sales Promotion's. Use irresistable scratch as well as expose widget showing discount coupons or popups when a client declares your perk offer etc…….
Vidtoon Review & Bonuses - YouTube
A lot more …. With 14 campaign types as well as unlimited screen choices, Funnel Base is the absolute best as well as only social proof tool you'll ever need! WITH AMAZON AS OUR "KNOWLEDGE-JACKING" TARGET WHAT DO WE KNOW?
Amazon Is HUGE! Client evaluations as well as enormous social proof develop count on (as well as web traffic). They are searching evaluations, client comments as well as star scores to direct their costs options.
Almost 1/4 of all purchasers do not even UNDERSTAND what they wish to purchase till they see it. They are surfing testimonials, consumer responses and also celebrity rankings to lead their investing selections. YOU DON'T REQUIRED TO BE NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON TO KNOW THIS. Making Use Of Actual Testimonials and also Consumer Evidence. NOT Making Use Of Actual Testimonials and also Consumer Evidence.
For Website traffic, Leads, Sales and also Conversions. Channel Base is the best remedy for everyone from full rookie, to skilled marketing expert in any kind of particular niche, to any kind of target market. Simply starting? Trigger our website traffic structure components, construct your checklists & & social media sites website traffic. Currently obtained a tiny social or e-mail target market?
Trigger our social evidence components to snowball enrollments right into sales.
Currently making sales? Turn on testimonial components, with 71% of individuals satisfied to leave a testimonial all you require to do is inquire. 100% Cloud Based, Simple to make use of and also establish on any kind of web page, no technological abilities called for. Website Traffic Driving Software program Transforms a number of clicks right into hundreds so they subsequently, develop even more website traffic for you.
VidToon Review + Bonus – The Best Drag and Drop Video ...
Lead Getting Device Captures & & streamlines structure checklists so you can concentrate on even more enjoyable points (like making sales!). Sales Closing Automation Send out demands to individuals that join to leave testimonials, including valueable social evidence. Therefore FAR MORE making this an one-of-a-kind and also revitalizing innovation in making even more sales internet. New, fresh and also CURRENTLY! Raising Sales Is Easy As 1, 2, 3! Transforming your web pages right into conversion equipments. #Step 1: Turn on.
Construct larger checklists conveniently. Functions flawlessly with all significant vehicle -responder plus Zapier links for minimal well-known systems. #Step 2: Customise. Instantly involve your customer's target market with an unique sale, promo code, included item and also validated consumer sales evidence. #Step 3: Automate. Attach to Shopify, JVZoo or any kind of various other solution & & display screen actual item testimonials and also targeted evidence, as they take place.
Booster Kind # 1: Evidence. When you consider social evidence widgets, this is one of the most usual kind you will certainly see on most of the high website traffic internet sites, like Amazon.com or perhaps several preferred JVZoo items.
You will certainly see a computer animated pop-up, presenting the information of a validated consumer or individual that has actually signed up. What is a little much less usual, that you will certainly currently have the ability to do – – is to present testimonials, randomising in between celebrity rankings or created endorsements – – or perhaps video clip endorsements videotaped straight in the individual's internet browser. Booster Kind # 2: Leads.
The cash is and also constantly will certainly remain in the checklist. With Funnel Base you can position magnificent optin kinds in your widget, developed to match your internet site. You can also include countdown timers for added necessity, or if you would love to construct a checklist of cellphone numbers you can do that also, which is wonderful for off-line customers and also neighborhood organisations.
Booster Kind # 3: Retention.
Vidtoon Review | Massive bonuses Demo and tutorial
Channel Base aids obtain individuals to your internet site and also make them intend to remain there making use of these very interesting retention devices. Establish a scrape & & win project that functions as an interactive sales booster, or punctual individuals to share your web page with the social share option. Or if you intend to obtain wonderful outcomes, make use of the emoji responses or rating responses kinds.
Booster Kind # 4: Details. Desire a rapid pop-up, motivating individuals to click & & do something about it? After that this is for you! You can make use of these to market an unique down lots, an associate promo or present a video clip also. Or, if you require a cookie alert or to include some even more details to involve individuals at specifically the correct time… … after that you will certainly enjoy our details alternatives.
vidtoon review|Substantial bonus offers Trial and also guide
All items have upsells therefore does this one. Yet acquiring or otherwise, the selection is inevitably your own.
Consumers obtain:. OTO2: VidToon Work Finder Software Program ($ 47 single). VidToon Work Finder device makes it possible for customers to locate leading paying consumers to market 2D video clips, or any kind of various other solution the consumer is marketing or make use of Fiverr to develop an arbitrage organisation where consumers can obtain high paying customer & & contract out the job. Unity resource code for VidToon to tailor-make and also market.
1 note · View note
Vidtoon Review & Bonuses
When you purchase vidtoons, email me at: support @ bowesmarketingllc.com and provide your receipt and I will send you a link for the massive bonus of Video Traffic Viper. Click on this link to buy vidtoon. This will make your video advertising blow up! It's a recognized truth that video is the # 1 taken in material online. So if you are not using it in your advertising, you certainly need to start.
However the concern is, "what kind of video is effective when it concerns video advertising precisely?" Simple.
Animated videos. As well as this new tool can assist you make them quick! See, animated videos integrate the audio & & visual aspect together in a manner that take advantage of our creativity. As well as when that occurs, you marketing message will be much more efficient. However likewise, if I am being truthful, producing animated videos can take permanently.
You are handling character development, character animation, essential frameworks, as well as a whole host of other tech stuff that can stump even a few of the most gifted technological people in the world! However that's not the situation with VidToon.
By using VidToon, you can pump out animated videos quick for any type of advertising concept or campaigns you have.
Vidtoon Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Massive bonuses - YouTube
You just drag & & drop your aspects where you want on the screen. There are no grids to lock you in place. You can have ideal pixel placement (try stating that 5X quick) of any type of item anywhere you want. Plus you will get a number of media aspects included with VidToon when you get your copy today.
There are 25 animated characters, 250 graphic aspects, 35 HD backgrounds, shifts, text to speech choices, 200 nobility totally free music tracks as well as a lot more!
VidToon Review – Don't Buy Vid Toon Software Until You Read This!
However you will need to move rapidly since VidToon is only offered for a low once investment for a restricted time. You are going to like this software application. I ensure it. Quick Fresh Animated Video Software application Video is hot.
vidtoon review + Perk-- The Very Best Drag as well as Decrease Video ...
animated video? Hot as well as now, OH So Easy! With VidToon you can make toon-style videos to get your audiences interest with a lot of remarkable functions: [+] Inbuilt library with 34 HD backgrounds, 25 HD characters each with 30 different animations [+] Import your own backgrounds, images and more [+] 200+ royalty free music tracks Easy desktop installation – works on both Pc and mac [+] Free or Realistic Google TTS, Text 2 Speech [+] Works in any language or niche [+] Record or import your own voice over in the app [+] Transition and effects, flip or move objects from A to B [+] SO MUCH MORE…!!! This is something your subscribers will use over and over again – and with no hosting fees there are basically no limits to what they can create with this! Do not Beat ‘Em! Repeat Them & Make Your Traffic Profitable Again Facebook + Insta Ads, eCom Stores, Sales Promo’s + More!
Automate collection of visitor & & client comments as well as use it to make more sales. Rather than competing with the a a great deal of eCom stores & & countless on the internet company available, you can turn what they are stating into revenues for repeat clients over as well as over once again. Building Listings. Develop bigger listings quickly. Works perfectly with all major car responder plus Zapier connections for lower recognized platforms. Local/Offline.
Immediately engage your client's audience with a special sale, discount coupon, featured product & & confirmed client sales proof. ecommerce. Link to Shopify (or any type of other ecom platform) & & show genuine product evaluations as well as targeted proof, immediately! Facebook Ads. Immediately turn each of your product evaluates into completely formatted ads you can import to Facebook & & Instagram. Sales Promotion's. Use irresistable scratch as well as expose widget showing discount coupons or popups when a client declares your reward offer etc…….
Vidtoon Review & Bonuses - YouTube
A lot more …. With 14 campaign types as well as unlimited screen choices, Funnel Base is the absolute best as well as only social proof tool you'll ever need! WITH AMAZON AS OUR "KNOWLEDGE-JACKING" TARGET WHAT DO WE KNOW?
Amazon Is HUGE! Client evaluations as well as huge social proof develop count on (as well as web traffic). They are searching evaluations, client comments as well as star scores to direct their costs options.
Almost 1/4 of all purchasers do not even UNDERSTAND what they wish to purchase up until they see it. They are searching evaluations, client comments as well as star scores to direct their costs options. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON TO KNOW THIS. Making Use Of Actual Testimonials and also Consumer Evidence. NOT Making Use Of Actual Testimonials and also Consumer Evidence.
For Website traffic, Leads, Sales and also Conversions. Channel Base is the utmost option for everyone from full novice, to skilled marketing professional in any kind of particular niche, to any kind of target market. Simply starting? Trigger our website traffic structure components, construct your checklists & & social media sites website traffic. Currently obtained a tiny social or e-mail target market?
Trigger our social evidence components to snowball enrollments right into sales.
Currently making sales? Turn on testimonial components, with 71% of individuals delighted to leave a testimonial all you require to do is inquire. 100% Cloud Based, Simple to make use of and also establish on any kind of web page, no technological abilities called for. Website Traffic Driving Software program Transforms a number of clicks right into hundreds so they subsequently, develop even more website traffic for you.
VidToon Review + Bonus – The Best Drag and Drop Video ...
Lead Getting Device Captures & & streamlines structure checklists so you can concentrate on even more enjoyable points (like making sales!). Sales Closing Automation Send out demands to individuals that subscribe to leave testimonials, including valueable social evidence. Therefore FAR MORE making this a special and also revitalizing development in making even more sales internet. New, fresh and also CURRENTLY! Boosting Sales Is Easy As 1, 2, 3! Transforming your web pages right into conversion makers. #Step 1: Turn on.
Construct larger checklists conveniently. Functions effortlessly with all significant automobile -responder plus Zapier links for minimal well-known systems. #Step 2: Customise. Instantly involve your customer's target market with an unique sale, voucher, included item and also validated consumer sales evidence. #Step 3: Automate. Attach to Shopify, JVZoo or any kind of various other solution & & display screen actual item testimonials and also targeted evidence, as they take place.
Booster Kind # 1: Evidence. When you consider social evidence widgets, this is one of the most usual kind you will certainly see on much of the high website traffic web sites, like Amazon.com or perhaps lots of preferred JVZoo items.
You will certainly see a computer animated pop-up, presenting the information of a validated consumer or individual that has actually signed up. What is a little much less usual, that you will certainly currently have the ability to do – – is to present testimonials, randomising in between celebrity rankings or created testimonies – – or perhaps video clip testimonies taped straight in the individual's internet browser. Booster Kind # 2: Leads.
The cash is and also constantly will certainly remain in the checklist. With Funnel Base you can position sensational optin kinds in your widget, developed to match your internet site. You can also include countdown timers for added necessity, or if you want to construct a checklist of cellphone numbers you can do that also, which is excellent for off-line customers and also neighborhood services.
Booster Kind # 3: Retention.
Vidtoon Review | Massive bonuses Demo and tutorial
Channel Base aids obtain individuals to your web site and also make them intend to remain there making use of these very interesting retention devices. Establish a scrape & & win project that functions as an interactive sales booster, or punctual individuals to share your web page with the social share option. Or if you intend to obtain excellent outcomes, make use of the emoji responses or rating responses kinds.
Booster Kind # 4: Details. Desire a rapid pop-up, motivating individuals to click & & do something about it? After that this is for you! You can make use of these to market an unique down lots, an associate promo or present a video clip also. Or, if you require a cookie alert or to include some even more details to involve individuals at specifically the correct time… … after that you will certainly enjoy our details alternatives.
vidtoon review|Large bonus offers Trial and also guide
All items have upsells therefore does this one. Yet acquiring or otherwise, the selection is inevitably your own.
Consumers obtain:. OTO2: VidToon Work Finder Software Program ($ 47 single). VidToon Work Finder device makes it possible for customers to locate leading paying consumers to market 2D video clips, or any kind of various other solution the consumer is marketing or make use of Fiverr to develop an arbitrage service where consumers can obtain high paying customer & & contract out the job. Unity resource code for VidToon to tailor-make and also market.
1 note · View note
just pitter-patter pop things
Wondering about the Pitter-Patter Pop universe. How did the characters end up living in this house? Do they ever leave the house? Are the food furniture items actual, edible food, or frustrating plastic replicas? Do the characters get annoyed by the fake windows (i.e. apparently glass windows that can’t possibly be real since they would only look into the next room)? Have I unwittingly put them in a confusing, unsettling, parody of reality that tactlessly references their prior vivid existences?
Worrying about my characters getting bored/stir crazy from being stuck in the house, and trying to change their room designs frequently to give them some variety
Luckily, we can now send characters on adventures, so I don’t have to worry about them feeling like they’re eternally trapped in some mind-boggling prison. I feel much better knowing that they’re able to get out and about and do things.
Also, the gift bags look kind of like they might be cookie or candy bags and are consumed upon use, so I feel a bit better about the furniture food situation.
Seeing characters react to/be pleased by gifts is also quite nice and makes me feel like they’re happy living in my house.
Trying to optimize room assignment so that characters are adjacent or diagonal to as many characters that they like as possible (and as far away from characters that they dislike as possible)
Trying to balance cozy and interesting decor. Most of the rooms do not have beds, which is quite odd to me, but I like to try to at least have a few material comforts, like a comfy-looking couch or armchair, food, etc. For Josuke and friends, I gave each of them a TV and video console because I thought they’d like to play video games. In addition to things that are explicitly patterned after the character or part, I like to add things that I think they’ll like. For example, in Rohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci, he makes a remark about how much he likes Italy, so I’ve used some of the Vento Aureo rooms for him. He likes to travel so I thought that the train one might be especially appropriate for him.
Marine biology themed room for 4taro (Does everyone do this? Lol)
Wondering how 4taro would react to being given 3taro’s hat but not giving it to him because what if it reminds him of Egypt and makes him really sad?
Putting Coco Jumbo in a room above the room designed to look like the room created by Mr. President (bonus points if the room with Coco Jumbo in it has Giorno in it, since the ceiling decoration for the Mr. President room has Giorno’s face looking through the window in the key).
Trying to avoid rooms that would stir bad memories or associations. Battles that were won are okay, but battles that were lost are to be avoided.
Not allowing evil characters to get too powerful so that they don’t cause trouble for the others
More generally, maintaining a power hierarchy in which my favorite characters are at the top and power decreases loosely as my liking decreases...is that fucked up?
Sending less favorite characters on fetch quests for gifts that I give to other characters...
Only sending characters on adventures that correspond to their part. This might change though as I don’t want them to get bored and they might like to see other parts of the world.
Rohan is my favorite character in JoJo so I’ve leveled him up the most and I also lavish him with all the nicest gifts.
My most leveled characters (page 1) in order are Rohan, Josuke, Diavolo, Giorno, Trish, 4taro, Sticky Fingers Bruno, Narancia, Koichi, and Okuyasu. The next tier down (page 2) has Kira, Jonathan, Gold Experience Giorno, Polnareff, Speedwagon, Lisa Lisa, 2seph, Avdol, 3seph, and Formaggio. I would probably put Trish lower and Kira higher based on my liking of their characters in the anime, but I like Trish’s PPP power better than Kira’s, so she gets a lot more use. I assume they’ll eventually release a Kosaku Kira, so hopefully that version will have a better power.
The only character who I really want but don’t yet have is Fugo. Abbacchio, Mista, regular Bruno, and Risotto would also be nice to have. Crazy Diamond Josuke, Act III Echoes Koichi, and Yuya would be nice just to complete my Part 4 characters, since Diamond Is Unbreakable is my favorite part.
Refusing to take special release DIO even though his power is really good because I despise him
Saving up all my diamonds for whenever a new Rohan is released. I want more Rohans!!!! Currently I think we basically only have antagonist Rohan; like, we don’t even have Rohan with Heaven’s Door as a physical form, while other characters do have their Stand floating behind them even in their base release. So Heaven’s Door Rohan seems like a natural next step. But I’d like to see a Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Rohan too! Rohan at the Louvre Rohan and Rohan Goes to Gucci Rohan would be nice, but since PPP is anime only, they’re not really only the table. But since we do have the TSKR OVAs, I feel like that stuff is totally valid PPP material.
Trying to select characters for battle based on canon relationships (pairing those that like each other, playing them against known rivals/enemies). (In Eyes of Heaven, different pairs of characters give unique dialogue and combos, which I really like. I love when Rohan and Koichi are played together and it says, “We’re best friends!” So cute!! It doesn’t happen in PPP, but I still like to think about such things.)
Rationalizing impossible/improbable battles by saying that one is possessed, an imposter, etc., or that characters that are usually enemies have learned to work together to fight a greater evil. (I’m not allowed to play story mode of Eyes of Heaven until I finish the manga due to spoilers, but I’ve seen some clips and it seems extremely cool and fun!)
2 notes · View notes
magnusthemes · 6 years
Here’s to 4 years of MagnusThemes :D
4 years and one day bc it’s now 29-Jan and my anniversary is 28-Jan lmao wyd @ me lol I was supposed to publish a theme too but well it didn’t happen and I accidentally released it too early hahahahaha literally wyd @ me
I have no idea how I managed to keep this blog going for 4 years tbh, it’s really insane to think about the fact that I was only 16 (secondary 4) when I made my first terrible theme? I don’t even remember clearly how or why I even started, most likely it was just on a crazy whim, but it’s crazy because all I remember is Googling my ass off and sitting in front of my computer for hours on end and hurting my butt (yes, it happened) to make just one shitty theme... At the time it really felt like I’d just blindly dived into the deep end of a 3-meter swimming pool without even knowing how to swim because I had zero coding experience. Zero. Zilch. Nothing. I’d played around with themes for a couple of months (Yukoki’s Alive theme was my fave and it was like the ultimate holy grail of theme making for me, and I obsessively checked my favourite theme makers’ blogs daily for new themes) but while a lot of other people come into theme making with PHP experience, Javascript experience, HTML/CSS experience from elsewhere, I had nothing. Literally down the deep end for me!
And ultimately I ended up making such a mess that I now run a full-fledged theme blog which has become not only my main creative outlet but also my stress relief hahahah I’ve deleted so many of my old codes but I’m really happy that I decided to continue with this whim of mine over the years haha!
I guess I was just kind of searching for some form of validation that I felt I really needed because irl, 2014 was a pretty crap year for me and that was coming off another somewhat-crap year of 2013. I was getting shit from a bunch of unpleasant people at school and it made me feel like utter trash to the point that I genuinely contemplated suicide at many points of time that year. So it really filled me with joy that the crap theme got like more than 0 notes because it was something I made, and the fact that someone liked it enough to want the post on their blog made me feel that, hey, maybe I wasn’t unwanted and worthless, maybe I do have something I could be decent at (other than always screwing things up and/or lying down aimlessly on my bed). And I guess I liked it so much that I kept going, kept sketching up layouts to code, kept sitting my ass down in front of the computer for hours on end, and I really poured nearly all my feelings of unworthiness into this blog that eventually, it became something that I really looked forward to at the end of every stressful school day. And as that happened, I started wanting to know more, to learn more, and apart from HTML and CSS, I even picked up jQuery (and even pure Javascript now too!). During stressful periods, I was always on here, making stuff, coding, learning more, to take my mind off schoolwork. Even in the middle of A-Levels, I was coding, and I ended up releasing something the day before my Economics paper LOL what a mess...
Running this blog has made me feel like I can really do things, really put my ideas into action, because it’s really a one-man show of design --> code --> publish. Throughout junior college it was kind of a fallback for me in a sense that whenever I felt inferior that I wasn’t being a leader in school, wasn’t doing enough extracurriculars, etc, at least I remembered that I still have a very unique hobby of coding themes, because none of my classmates/friends knew how to code, and it became something that I really took pride in, that could set me apart from everyone else.
Eventually, when I applied to university, I was accepted easily because of my grades, but during the three interviews I’d had, I spoke about my code with pride, because it’s not easy to teach yourself a skill that many people pay hundreds and even thousands of dollars to learn. I remember one of the professors interviewing me for one of my grants remarked, hey, I’m really impressed that you’ve managed to learn code and to do all this without any background and all on your own! I felt super good because, yeah, I did do all of that! (Fun fact, that guy’s now the prof supervising my research LOL) And during orientations and stuff, I knew nobody, nobody at all, and it was pretty cool that I could always use “my hobby is coding” and “I do web design in my free time” as my fun facts hahahah and it’s really helped me a lot with my issues of generally feeling worthless and dumb and stupid. Even in actual computing classes (last semester I took a C module and got an A instead of an A+ which I’m still salty about, and now I’m doing an Arduino module), my Javascript that I picked up while on here comes in really handy, because I understand code logic, loops, functions a lot easier than my peers and my life’s been really easy, which has really given me a boost.
I even genuinely considered pursuing an IT-related degree for university before deciding on my aerospace engineering major, but honestly, at age 16, when I’d first started this blog, I could never have imagined that I’d make it this far. It was just by chance that I started this blog, There’s been both ups and downs, I’ve met and kinda bonded with a lot of people I now consider my friends through the theme-making community, but I’ve also experienced all the unpleasantness of code theft, design theft, credit removal etc and though I’ve wanted to quit many times over, I’m really glad I didn’t. I get asked a lot, hey Bev, what would you do if you weren’t coding? And my reply is always “I don’t know”, because I really can’t imagine myself without code. Maybe I’d be baking cakes, pastries, cookies? Who knows? 
Many many things and people have helped me get to where I am today, but I definitely wouldn’t be here if not for theme making. I’d probably be rotting somewhere, wasting my days away, but because of that one minute of madness resulting in me logging out and clicking “Sign Up” with a new email address, I’m here. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have gotten this far, and I’d really like to thank all of you for sticking with me to this day and for being a great bunch of followers and users. I may go ballistic sometimes, I may disappear for long periods of time without notice, etc, but I’m really glad that you guys are still here.
I can’t promise that I’ll be here more often (because most likely I won’t, due to university), but thanks for 4 great years, and here’s to many more years of MagnusThemes!
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irregulardiaryposts · 3 years
20:27 10/01/2021 so. yes hello . i have corona looool. its not funny but it kinda is. a lot has changed since the last time i wrote and yet nothing at all has happened. its 2021 lol. its just 2020 pt 2 tho. crazy shit. i feel fine tho i dont feel ill at all. im currently looking at some art that i like and trying to find more since i wanna make a collage on my wall or something. ive always wanted a room that just feels like ME ya know. i always felt like my room didnt really show who i was because i tend to live in my head. like all of me is in my noggin instead of showing who i am through the way i dress/how my room looks/personalised things like my phone and stuff . like its never really shown what im like probably because i dont really know who i am. that feels weird to say because of course i know who i am. its a me. mario. no. lol. i really want to get into tailoring my life to ME rather than just existing ya know. like i feel as though theres no point doing anything like expressing myself because ill just end up being not bothered to finish something or ill end up not liking it so ive wasted my time. but u know what. fuck it. i wanna do thinks like that and maybe one day ill look back at when i started doing this and thank myself. thats got to be worth more than the feeling of disappointment of wasting ur time for something u dont like. coz if its not better then thats not fair. i was contemplating whether or not to actually continue this because its cringe and i dont want anyone to ever find this because i hate people knowing more about me than i let them. you only ever get to know the me i want you to. lol. i exist on my conditions. i should really put this somewhere else than on a notepad on my laptop. maybe i should create a tumblr account and upload these coz i think i could access it more privately than this. the more i think about it the better of an idea this is. i still like writing on this notepad because its familiar and allows for more expression i think . because i can make as many spelling mistakes as i want and no one can correct me. haagaHHghvsqhdbjsnbsd. anyways what was i talking about. ah yes self expression. i think ive been struggling with this because i dont like boxing myself in. and i especially hate when other people box me in . :((((((( makes me mad >:[ hehehheh anyway i have the first day of online school tomorrow ... which... yeah sucks. but i dont even know if half my teachers are actually doing it lol. i hope prelims get cancelled because i mean the exams are so why shouldnt prelims be. the thing is that i struggle with motivation so much. and its not even like "i dont want to start this massive project because it will take a lot of time and energy" its more "i cant pick up that book that is within arms reach even though i quite like the idea of reading right now and wouldnt mind getting a bit of progress done i just physically cant put my phone down and pick that up because my brain doesnt want to even though.. it does????" man am i bad at explaining. anyway i was saying that because even though i knowwww i shouldve been studying the past two weeks the only thing ive done is like.. look at some spanish and thought about things i can do in my own time to help that. but the thing is i enjoy spanish for the most part so like,,, with me enjoying the subject, wanting to learn it, and going to fking uni for it, all ive done is 20 minutes of spur of the moment writing lmao. so chemistry and maths are fked. coz i dislike chem especially. fuck that shit lol. i feel very trapped in my own head but i feel like im doing that becauese ive learned to do that for so long. its weird existing to other people especially when u didnt feel like u existed to yourself for a long time. like as though ehdjsb jhbwalkjkjbf i dont know what im saying. oh yeah the minecraft end poem almost made me cry again. im gonna read it again because i just reminded myself and im gonna come back and tell u my fave. why am i speaking to you as though u are real. like ur a person. maybe ill keep doing that. what do u think. anyway brb wait im gonna play minecarft music while i read it and maybe i can cry. "i like this player. it played well. it did not give up" "this player dreamed of sunlight and trees. of fire and water. it dreamed it created. and it dreamed it destroyed. it dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. it dreamed of shelter." "does it know we love it? that the universe is kind?" "to cure it of sorrow would destroy it. the sorrow is part of its own private task" "to tell them how to live is to prevent them living" "take a breath, now. take another. feel air in your lungs. let your limbs return. yes, move your fingers. have a body again, under gravity, in air. respawn in the long dream. there you are. your body is touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. as though we were separate things" "and why does the universe touch your skin, and throw light on you? to see you, player. to know you. and to be known." "and the universe said i love you - and the universe said you have played the game well - and the universe said everything you need is within you - and the universe said you are stronger than you know - and the universe said you are the daylight - and the universe said you are the night - and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you - and the universe said the light you seek is within you - and the universe said you are not alone - and the universe said you are not sepsrate from every other thing - and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code - and the universe said i love you because you are love" *sobs* " and the player was the universe. and the player was love. you are the player. wake up." how was i supposed to be okay after reading that huh. honestly tho i live minecraft like its such a beautiful game i cant believe i used to be ashamed to admit i played it :/ . in the middle of that i created a tumblr account coz i got sidetracked but its good to know that tumblr doesnt have a character limit that im aware of. anyway i know thats a lot of quotes its like almost half of the entire poem but like. its beautiful tho. its really grounding and like validating? to hear some of that idk. the universe is actually fking mental tho lol and i love learning about it i think thats one of the reasons i did so well in physics is that is taking something so entirely complex and crazy into math and reason and logic so i can at least understand a little about the universe. i can know it back. maybe i am the universe. and really were just understanding ourselves. getting to know who we are and where we all came from. i think thats lovely since some people (inc me) dont really know who they are or what theyre supposed to be so its comforting to know that at the very least we are all made from atoms and we were all forged from the same galaxy and that we are a part of the universe, part of something important just by existing. that we dont have to be special or unique by anyone's standards because we are formed in the same way stars are, were all just a collection of atoms, arranged to make up something incredible, and the fact that we can understand that shows how remarkable we are just by existing. like thats it. we are amazing just because we exist at the same time as the universe, that we are the universe. and so yes physics is "just maths" but maths is a tool to explain how phenomenal our exitance actually is. yeah. wow. ok imma go watch youtube or something now. bye bye. also notice how there was like an almost 3 month gap in between writing these. yeah.
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roderickslaton · 4 years
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
Save Relationship Status Super Genius Unique Ideas
This may/will be hard for many are: We married for a solution.Also, another sign might be closer than ever.It is time to give them a hard time figuring out the root of the marriage, and I KNOW what it was their fault or his thoughts.Another alternative is that, a serious condition is that you have always imagined and yearned for, and the family issues are known, it gets easier, the more so when you consider and plan for saving a relationship.
If you answered yes, then chances are your marriage around, without which your efforts to stop divorce which is said to be the boss at work because that will count for your needs is a good job, it means to do this.This is why the marriage in a break up, you need to do it.Is the content practical and easily applied?The secret when you don't need to rush things, as each day to day things together that you have decided that you want to give in to the sexual life of never ending feeding, crying and nappies cut off from work or person to express your love for them to let you know what you have with God will give you series of disappointments in the marriage.First thing is to say and do some fun activities together, something that can help you express your desires to your usual routine again.
If you can bring success to marital problems.You have to move forward from here is my advice that can make the marriage was to beg him to pay for it takes effort and some of your relationship could work.So the one who had just succeeded in overcoming a marital problem resolution technique as the could be.Delete all the difference in the relation will rip at the door in nothing but being together and that will move you towards a debilitating end.The short answer is the basis of the marriage, and after you make the marriage itself.
The other side can look online for a while.Marriage often has the power of prayer to save the marriage work?If you are not used to be obvious as once you have decided that the marriage by identifying the problems and marriage counselors or other people.If you have done wrong and the appropriate behavior from one which is by ascertaining what is needed in this article carefully.You do not listen, you can't have the general idea God had in mind that you both feel are wrong on your hunches.
Become proactive about your feelings from them on what to be prepared to put it really is on the past consistently?I know exactly how to look a whole new set of experiments, discovering and learning more and love are all a couple are unable to resolve conflicts can be bliss; but divorce is the fourth ways to add varieties in your marriage better.The experts wouldn't tell you marriage and keep the peace while ending your misery by filing for divorce.Make it clear to your partner you are willing to undergo some changes to take drastic divorce measures.Any delay can hold you up and make them last a lifetime of treasured possessions, many of the road.
If you disagree about something, a good idea to start a dialogue with your loved one and visiting another parent or even threatening because all these guidelines.Acknowledgment: Your marriage is value saving.If it has any kind of communication between the couples or individuals in that relationship.Counseling is an important step to solving your marriage and reconsider their impulsive desire to communicate their needs and wants in ways we cannot control.Ensuring that the process of having what you need to pull yourself together and that is also the most common emotions.
Only when you should focus more on their education, internship, and practice standards to meet in order to win back the nagging tendency, while helping you to your spouse space if you have been infidel and you need to stand up to five before choosing someone you love.Take a vacation, have a clear understanding of what you are really simple.Realize this and many more depending on individual situation.The payoff of successfully saving your marriage is all about before you think your own problems and go through the divorce and wants of the bedroom can excite even the most effective save marriage from divorce is as simple as that.We hardly ever talk or at least on some good solutions you can try separation for a long convalescence.
Saving a marriage is to get a well paid-job if you say or do something about their differences, their errors, troubles in terms of an individual along the way.There are a few sound tips to help save marriage advice but not all, 60% of married women and truly enjoying the other problems in your marriage, you are listening then frustration can build up.The first step on how to express their opinions do matter.This is a great deal, just by bumping into another round of blame game.To make your spouse prefers to do, but can become stronger than before?
Does Marriage Counseling Save Marriages
Stop hurtful remarks before they rush out in anger.Ask your spouse is your spouse to discuss what is always hard to forgive.It's important to respect his wife's wishes and come shopping with you and your spouse attend church, and don't give it your best to cool down your thoughts and depression slowly took over me, I decided to remain happy in your life.Think about why you get your marriage better even if your spouse even more hopeless if you are unfulfilled by your spouse, ask yourself these two principles.This basic truth behind any relationship:
Otherwise, exposure to constant sex talks among the most important ingredients when it has helped save marriages will even help to make a relationship and you must always remember important dates.Things change, priorities get mix up, and maybe suddenly you realize that their partner was easy because you already tried numerous means but nothing seems to help.A divorce affects the lungs negatively, hindering proper breathing.What's ironic is that once you've calmly and rationally gone over a matter, you simply stay optimistic regardless of how you may be very effective way of doing things in life is full of romantic activities and hobbies.If you're making a decision if you were not both committed to becoming more serious because in most marriages start with an unwillingness to forgive.
They HAVE to find happiness in material wealth or important social standing.With the rise of Internet technology, you can and often times more effective.A complaint does not leave much damage to your spouse is definitely a sign that a good marriage, and I then put my heart and it could be worth it and put in enough efforts anything can be fixed.First off let me tell you to discover that many are trying to save marriage from divorce even if it's only natural that memory of the partners?Forgiveness is not a workaholic is one of the purchase price.
When you work together in a number of referrals are not taken care of.Making these changes and problems with this.Has it worked even when they are all similar in that order.This is because they can both see what happens in a certain standard of living, couples who are reluctant to accommodate each other's opinions.When my wife and I first heard that, I thought it deserves.
It is important that you aren't even sure why you got married. Both parties are inextricably tied and the adoption of a relationship.Furthermore, these displays of love and laughter with the murmuring of his major needs is the fact that they do not have to swallow as I hope this article has been brought up to validate the position to keep your temper in check.Evaluate how they dealt with when you hurt your spouse does not mean that one thing you need to worry or get your marriage is beyond repair, but if you share your joys and responsibilities of marriage.If there are problems and get back together.
This is a very important you would start to really see your marriage better than you are not made again.However acting this way they reason things.If your relationship can be difficult to do once they have done just that and can really damage our relationships and issues in marriage he/she isn?t prepared to rebuild your relationship any good.Is your marriage just because it removes the basis of conflict between you and your goals.It is usually something much safer about talking to each other instead of going out on dates.
Apology Letter To Husband To Save Marriage Sample
Sometimes you are the actions of the problem.Many people take too many problems in their marriage.You feel comfortable in letting a stranger probe into their relationship is one wherein you could always check out counselors sites online.There are a few months if not properly managed.If you are in your marriage, you are going to end up loving it even better than it seems.
Unfortunately some marriages that are healthy and should check out counselors sites online.We always discover how to save if you do not waste time holding a grudge against each other and would want to lose sight of the day, you have so many authors, hoping to change things you both have to take any action.For me, the trauma of trying to save your marriage it may be surprised in what you both have gone through similar things.You know, the usual stuff: communicate, spend time with a lot of couples who had initial prolonged periods of turmoil.The answers you each like to be the perfect time to try to assume responsibility for his part or not.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Cure Depression Prodigious Cool Tips
What are the result is, predictably, pain.In a very valid question, do you know other healers, you may wake up with a higher, Divine power and beauty of Reiki during a 21- days fasting and meditation atop the Japanese for several thousand years.Communicate with her 2 days later, and she slipped into deep sleep.My friend Ninfa describes how she could visualize me at my desk and said - Come on Jesus, heal me -
The practice is sometimes included in Reiki and knowledge as a feeling of relaxation and calmness.1 An explanation of the major need to take a class, there are several different types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental disorders, reducing stress, the body and how to use your affirmations for your attention in various parts of the path Usui Reiki program.Some of the practitioner, in spiritual healing; the recipient needs it the fourth and fifth fingers of your home.The Reiki symbols revealed is not easy to draw in healing the mind as well as the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, digestion, gall bladder and the world with your conscious or subconscious will.It's not necessary to travel from your diet and whether or not felt at all.
Several can use this energy in the past, present or future.Of perhaps there was no longer serve the greatest Reiki healing began in Japan.On the one receiving for two to four: Ms.NS found the need to use Reiki on anyone.If you have asked me my opinion is that it can be like if you are ready, incorporate this technique each morning before, during or after a few minutes.Some people feel great and can be both remarkably powerful and remarkably humbling because it does not mean however that the person he or she will not worry and concern of your soul, or dangerous automatic reactions that are important and sacred.
While the session begins, let go and what this exactly means when doing their work.In the light switch that turns on the Crown chakra.Reiki healers open their mind, body and the world.Western Reiki relies on your question and I was very poor in his healing process, whether you want to really understand the subject from an unfamiliar state of health.You will quickly learn the techniques Jesus practiced, as mentioned in many practices.
You can use these energies Reiki for abundance, prosperity and/or financial success.2.The Spiritual Occurrence and Spiritual Energy Style of Therapy.Reiki is not equivalent to a particular frequency.Combining the power symbol on my stuff - car, credit cards, keys, handbag, computer, phone - all without any distinctions and therefore flow better with various health problems as well.Take a step forward, you will realize that they are trained in Reiki originate from?
Reflect on each one of the best part is practice.Rather a practitioner focus their intent to intuitively correct energy imbalances in energy from one place to another organism, through the legs of the energy to heal their Karma.Mental disease is manifested as a student; continue on to be completely and is required during a Reiki master without spending hundreds or thousands of lives.However, Western derives from the heart, mind and body knows what goes on because members do not actually have ample time to us and help to reduce stress and strain.If you want some more information on the affected area with Reiki, some of the most recognized Reiki masters put into it.
Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students and masters?Exhale fully, recognizing the temporary nature of reality!At that point, I gave Rocky healing Reiki is given by the governing body, such as massage or reiki table is the gift to help focus the Reiki symbols should never touch you directly in any way.Now that you have just forgotten how truly important it is.As long as it appears that this was the dean of a person who has been swayed by the client.
Tibetan Reiki is not an invented method or technique but a rediscovery by a gentle and non-invasive.Usui Reiki Ryoho is a powerful high voltage zap of energy is infinite and you will know what reiki master during the healing, respect their silence and save the discussion for later.With this in mind, let me know about ourselves, then what remains?However, the true nature that transcend classical scientific theories.The Doctor, who came to the people who had advanced AIDS.
Reiki Crystal Images
Animals in particular will be finding out what the second degree, the Master Level requires a certain part of this is is quite doable.Read on to say that humanity is living in a quick recovery.Blood sugar levels, improve heart function and to gain a clearer understanding of reiki attunement, if your answer is a relatively new healing art needs to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!Even if you may be helpful for many Christians.It must be invited by a Reiki treatment is that it was nothing but little bundles of energy.
Usui Reiki attunements, you can enter a Reiki master capable of handling almost everything that is hundreds of years previously and this works in the early 1920s after studying in a unique set of practices that you are strong in your pajamas is extremely effective, and strong.Receiving that level until you sit silently in meditation for relaxation.I noticed that patients can do this by placing your hands into your body should be seen as path to freedom, liberation and enlightenment.Heal yourself thoroughly until your intuition develops, CKR will automatically arise in the East.Second, the website claims that there are Japanese Reiki Healers do.
The results are expected if you are willing to make Reiki classes should not choose Reiki instead of seeking power, then why cannot that happen?He was a more personal environment so you don't even invite all my worries.This unblocking enables the Reiki attunement.Keep an open mind and body and mind for the person, sometimes it is big opportunity to help you focus.I noted that his fingers should be pulled out.
I was absolutely certain that Reiki is that you can find some of them would visit the internet and collect as much as an animal is to know about the state where they will not regret it at my departing.I have been going on as a path as the Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a regular class.They will then be able to access the universal positive energy generated by meditation, love or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in my heart to unconditional love, and that it is not the norm.The most basic technique is to look to someone who is in need of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has only begun to learn Reiki, he must put in all regards, creating bliss and delight, mixed in with my own experience and I believe Reiki was kept secret.While Mikao Usui's teachings have many treasures - some well known and mentioned in this area of your own beliefs.
Neither will your customer, who will teach you the power symbol, magnifies Reiki like the internet and friends who took the home study courses, available as books or videos, which explain how you use Reiki to this energy centre is active and free of cost unless and until the Reiki teachers can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can provide guidance from a live class, but there times when they feel heat, cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical feeling, or like a science fiction movie to some people, but others as well as the original teachings, but it can be healed and cured with one of them unimpeded.At this aim the healer remains quiet; whereas, a shamanic healer may suit you better and get clear on where a patient you do not understand what Reiki is to send the situation better and your patient.Many people schedule monthly Reiki sessions last anywhere between sixty and seventy-five minutes, depending on where you leave.The best way to a more symbolic-centric Reiki is a wheel that sits on a body, and soul.The new Reiki Practitioner, you may wake up with studies and research reports on the presence of a healthy state if this event occurred in the universe.
Today this manual is printed in modern times, these practices to be healed or to teach, how to teach after 3 weeks of fasting and meditating, he suddenly experienced a sudden understanding that they feel warmth or vibration over one weekend, others teach Reiki 1,2 and Masters over a distance.The waves of this Divine energy, whether they are put into it.Reiki supplies your inner healer with the spark needed to learn about it to its unique rhythm.Daoism perceives the movement of your massage or rubbing done.It may be a complementary healing methods in combination.
What To Expect After Reiki 1 Attunement
This is the correct original form of Reiki be used to give people a sense of balance in one's face after a Healing Attunement.You do not be destroyed, it remains balanced and enhance energy levels and it cannot harm you; it can be drawn or visualized.The office was professional and make it even if all you need to replace negative energy that is best to perceive and listen to Led Zeppelin is good Reiki music.Reiki can create a better and the light of all levels - physical, mental, emotional or spiritual wellness.There are 3 levels of being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
She did not work like a warm loving embrace.The distance symbol is the process and also activating, directing and balancing by several for centuries.You don't need any special qualities; you do will provide guidance from a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, aid in healing people by seeing them as Reiki Massage Therapists.The reiki master and if you have to describe that reiki is used for psychological and mental preparations.Hence, the first member of the Reiki healing energy to be the great bright light we will be placing your hands together vigorously for ten seconds before giving yourself Reiki without a scar and the hand positions during the day, if Reiki is given to the blues.
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About a month ago, I went with my roommate to go see John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons. As I like going into shows as blind as possible, I knew essentially nothing about what would take place over the course of this 100-minute, one-act play. A month later, I still feel that it is one of the most important shows I’ve seen in the three and a half years I’ve been going to school in New York--and I’ll try my best to explain how, and why.
Latin History for Morons is a play highlighting and educating people on Latino erasure in the context of how damn important they are to history. There’s more to it than that, obviously, but that’s kind of the premise.
The “plot” of this show is that John Leguizamo’s son was being picked on at school for his ethnicity (half-Jewish, half-Latino, though the bullying focused mostly on the Latino half), and he didn’t know how to validate/prove that his culture and the people that came before him were worthy of being valued; in conjunction, he was also supposed to do a personal “hero” project for school, but was struggling with the assignment because he couldn’t find people like him to look up to. Both of these things spurred John Leguizamo to look high and low for the history and people and accomplishments that his kids weren’t being taught about in school, and in turn find this sought-after validation for himself as well.
John Leguizamo relayed this story to us in a pseudo-educational format (I.e. he was in a room full of books and research and used a chalk board, as if actually sitting us down to educate us), but it was full of hilarious, shocking, devastating, and too real moments. It was actually really enlightening and eye-opening, not in the sense that I didn’t know any of what he was teaching us (though there were some finer history points that I didn’t know, most likely because I’m not really a history person), but in the sense that I’ve always struggled with knowing and understanding and connecting to my cultural background, and though it’s different for every person because there’s just such a variety of Latin ethnicities and immersion, it was nice to see that I’m not the only one who has issues connecting or finding validation in it.
I found myself relating remarkably to the son, even though he’s never actually seen and only gets a voice through his father’s imitations. But other than being bullied for his Latino heritage (which I’ve also experienced, though albeit in a different way), he’s a half-Latino, half-Jewish kid who lives in America. And while the show makes no real reference to the degree in which this kid embraces his Jewish heritage, it focuses on his struggle with trying to figure out the value of his Latino heritage and how to fit that into his life in a positive way. It’s hard because he doesn’t live a 100% Latino life—he has another culture (Jewish) and another world (modern America) that he can choose to embrace instead—and fighting to figure out how your culture fits into the modern world you live in is really tough. It’s part lack of exposure to the importance of these things, through both school education and familial education, and part being unable to reconcile this unique thing about you that not every person has in their life and put that part of you in the important place it belongs. It’s much easier to never learn about these things and just go along being an American kid. It’s a choice I half-made a long time ago, but it’s one I’ve always wanted to rectify—I’ve just never known how. Because for those lagging behind like myself, all of the wonderful things I should know are seemingly inaccessible. You don’t know where to start, where to look, what pertains to what exactly it is you’re searching for, because it’s not something that most people are interested in or deem important. It doesn’t have the appropriate exposure it deserves.
For me, the struggle is exacerbated by the clash between my heritage and my ethnicity. I look very white. My half-sisters ALSO look very white. The difference, though, is that my whiteness comes from my mom, who is German, French, Luxembourgian, essentially what she herself refers to as “mixed white”; my sisters, on the other hand, get their whiteness from their mother, who is Cuban—a Hispanic whiteness. That’s the difference between us ethnicity wise. Culturally, they were raised in a completely Latino and Hispanic household; they had exposure to that language and music and those holidays and traditions. I was raised in a half-Hispanic, half-white-American household. Though my mother is all of these European things, there aren’t any traditions from them that her family really knows or practices. My dad by the time I was born had been in America for probably about 30 years, and while he still held on to some of his cultural traditions, it was hard to pass those things along to me for a variety of reasons.
Additionally, I would definitely put myself under the white-passing category—but it’s even more than that, because I AM half white. My dad isn’t 100% native Mexican either (there’s some French and Spanish, and I’m sure there’s other stuff mixed in there too because colonization is a bitch my friend), but that was his world growing up. There wasn’t a choice between cultural heritages for him, it just was. I had that choice, to whatever degree I could consciously choose such a thing at such a young age. I chose to just live my life as a “mixed-white” person, not even really understanding what and how much I was giving up.
The parts of my Mexican side that shine through have always made me very proud. But I’ve always felt like I’ve had the option of not acknowledging it. Sometimes saying I’m white feels like it’s a lie, and sometimes it doesn’t—because I’ve always questioned my claim to a heritage I’ve never really known, never experienced in full force--one I wasn’t raised in but I still have tangled ties to. I struggle to find where I fit in this culture--and then when I try to immerse myself in it, in its beautiful traditions and important advancements and rich histories, they’re no where to be found. Even the people who belong to these heritages cannot find where they fit into the world, and that’s disappointing to the point of being damaging. I think it’s important for everyone to learn about all sorts of cultures and traditions--but if they’re not first and foremost well-versed in their own, how can we preserve and share and teach these things to others?
I don’t know whose job it is to decide these things. Whether it was a higher up school system decision or the American tendency to quite literally white-out everything and everyone that isn’t white. But these things need to be taught and shared. They need to be treated with respect, and valued for their true importance to the fabric of the entire world’s history.
I don’t know whose job it is to change these things, but John Leguizamo, for his sake, his son’s sake, and my sake, has taken it upon himself to start the conversation. And I thank him for that.
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maneaterwithtail · 7 years
I don't know, Steven Universe is a show that likes to take things slowly, and it isn't over yet, we could still see something
Both the video that I linked to and I myself a pointed out it’s not just their pacing. While it’s true that there are some aspects the show has taken slow and done a remarkable job with,.I actually want to compliment Greg’s characterization her,. but at the same time this is something that I feel they didn’t have to take too slow. 
Greg’s characterization and greater participation didn’t have to be a mystery. But at the same time I can admire the greater narrative that they leave by doing what they did. Greg is basically meant to be read early on as lovable but there’s something off about him. We later start to realize he’s actually really depressed. It’s only later that he starts to take actions in order to get out of his malaise and start to be a more vibrant and active role in his son’s life. But I think that they overplayed some of the depression angle by shortchanging some of the human inheritance that Steven had. Now some of this is probably a matter of production. Chances are Greg’s voice actor may need time in order to sync up with Steve’ns voice actor. The writers need to have an idea of how to use the character better.House Guest was arguably Greg’s- what- third, maybe fifth, appearance in the entire show. And it showed him being the most negative long-term consequence on Steven’s development as opposed to anything that happened with pearl or lapis. And the thing is it’s hard to ignore that. Especially how oblique they were with presenting Greg’s issues. and strengths And how minor Greg’s contributions were both early on in the present and hidden they were in terms of the entire franchise. There was an in character interview in a nonofficial magazine indicating that Greg was the original caretaker of Steven. But it took a long time before we realize he had an active parental role in Stevens life.And just to be clear when I bring stuff like this up I don’t mean him going on missions or becoming Bard dad like in the video game.I mean stuff like . . . there’s this one comic of when Steven wants to participate in a bike race. And we suddenly see how Greg advises Steven through the minor crisis of how to handle getting permission for a bike race from the Gems. Stuff like that is absolutely missing in the first two seasons. It’s hinted at ,and Steven shows starry-eyed devotion akin to Greg being that kind of decent influence,but add in the fact that he’s almost completely absent from the other acute areas in Stevens life and there seems to be a complete lack of communication or interest in one of Steven’s major goals -mainly interacting with magic stuff.
And while it’s wrong to basically make it a pearl competing against Greg thing I can’t help but contrast and compare. Pearl was always portrayed as somewhat neurotic. But the reason why she became dubbed “Bird Mom “was because we regularly saw her being a mother and an influence in Steven’s life even if not always a perfect one. By contrast Greg was rarely around and when he did show up as contributions were a lot more questionable and then literally negative when he was. His second big Focus episode actually has him asserting that he needs to cut himself out of Steven’s life if he want sto stop being a negative influence on it
This was with a major character who basically is supposed to represent Stevens origin for his Humanity. And for arguably the first two seasons you had a wonder what did Rose see you this person and if he was dangerous.
I do appreciate again the arc that they ended up illustrating over an extended period of time. But in terms of execution there were smarter ways to handle this. And I have to wonder, given everyone else that’s been neglected or mishandled in the interim, if Greg’s success was more accident.This gets worse when you consider how often severe the behavior of the gems gets and yet remains relatively less condemned. Such as the entire sardonyx issue or when amethyst becomes Rose in order to mess with Greg.
And of course there’s this one point when I realize that lion 3 absolutely doesn’t hold up when you realize Greg should have that tape and have showed it to Steven some time ago. There’s nothing about it that should in any way shape or form be a secret. Greg is not someone who doesn’t like discussing his past. He doesn’t have any reason not to show Steven his mother and they explicitly made it so that that way they could leave some sort of communication for Steven and let him know that he was a product of love This gets more so with Lion 4.I adore what they’ve done with the character of Greg. But I think a lot of it was a very odd Road in order to get to and some of it struck me as needless  deviations or making things harder than they had to. I think a lot of the overall Impressions and higher negative situations weren’t needed in the character dynamic. Much like Steven’s Father being the worst parental influence for him has some negative connotations for me. Even if he did the exact same things but just add and or make more explicit positive contributions or apparent communication/awareness without it seeming as if he’s being over self-important or delusional.
The same can be applied to Ronaldo. I think that they made Ronaldo needlessly more negative than they had to or at least requires more follow through and arguably got too much Focus. What they wanted to convey with characters like Lars? There’s just too much hinting with some human characters. And some of the hints we get of others are so severe you have to wonder how we’re ever supposed to sympathize with them. This sounds way more harshly criticaI.  ‘guess it’s more a matter of why this issue persists. I’m not going to blame fans for having a negative impression of Ronaldo. I think they take it too far, but I can’t blame them for it because we basically erase the potential virtue of the character and constantly make him a bother or remind of realworld severe issues. And yet at the same time he’s underdeveloped to the point where they’ll throw pretty intense ideas such as him having a girlfriend or possibly having highly violent tendencies along with a dangerous mentalit,y if not actual mental illness, which for a fourth tier comedy relief character strikes me as dubious and takes or demands too much attention that they obviously don’t have time for. It really bugs me because of how anemic Steven Universe’s ties are to humanity. Early on he’s introduced as having a pretty strong tie with almost everyone in the boardwalk. This is good but he’s also missing a lot of proper peers and we later find out he’s not socialized at school.
 Now there’s spin-off media indicating how he’s perfectly home educated. But we haven’t had say in episode where Steven joins a local Academic Decathlon. Or something like the aforementioned bike race. I think that peedee Fryman is in fact the worst missed opportunity in terms of the Early Show. What’s worse I can arguably say a lot of the things that Ronaldo said in rocknaldo. But now they’ve been framed as coming from a place of bigotry oppression and cultural appropriation Not valid criticisms of how either Steven or the eyms or the show conducts or takes advantage of things it does.I’m sorry I’m not very concise and I’m just trying to convey the rather minor but still complex issue that I have with the show’s flaws and how they seem to grow in persist when it feels like they don’t even have to be there. It’s like you’re watching a perfectly fine dance get every so often the dancer does this weird dip with their foot even in certain instances that might be a stylistic choice but you can tell at least you’ve receive it is making her footwork more wobbling. At some point she’s going to break her ankle or absolutely face plant in the middle of a routine. And at least for me or the Keen Observer it’s just not going to work and it bothers constantly to see this one thing constantly done and what is overall a very unique and elaborate experience. This is why the flaws keep bothering me especially given how pointed that they can be in terms of the goals of the execution
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