#I was definitely going through a phase
earl-grey-love · 11 months
Despite being intensely into two different rockst*r games for multiple years (self shipping with some well written kings/queens), I never got that into GTA5. I love the online mode for the cars but the story mode didn't pull me in. It's one of my husband's all-time favourite games which is why I tried to so hard.
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Tagged by @twoheadedfawnn my dearest red headed woman <3 MWAH !
Last listened to:
Current fav:
Song of my choice:
Tagging @supersonic1994 @concordewillfly @projectiondepartment @mossyfield and anyone else who wants to do it <3
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definitelynotrhi · 2 years
[cw // blood] happy monday ! here's more fcg to start your morning 💗
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based off of that one hamtaro meme:
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Lesson 17 Hard Mode Spoilers(???)
Just finished Lesson 17 Hard Mode ( Don't @ me. I'm taking anything I can get to stay invested ) and like.... Did Michael just love bomb the Angels? (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
Maybe my ass just hates gifts cause I'm so difficult but like... Weird doting vibes- Anyways weirdly I feel bad for Raphael being caught in the middle of it all - He's so awkward I see myself in him (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
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orangeshinigami · 5 months
I'm not in a very good place (mentally/emotionally) right now so most likely, there won't be much activity on this blog in the next few days :/ i apologize to anyone & everyone who's waiting for a reply from me, hopefully by the end of this week, I'll be feeling better.
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villain-in-love · 19 days
One of the many reasons I love Xerxes Break:
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As the oldest sibling I understand this exact emotion all too well.
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wolfgirlclit · 1 year
Out of Curiosity, I Have A Queer Question:
If you vote, please reblog.
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scottstiles · 1 year
Why not just eat chocolate? Nobody will know and not eating things you like because of a religion seems kind of cruel? Obviously I get the pork thing - even though that stems from the time Piggys were gross and ate poop - but to not eat chocolate because men 3,000 ish years ago said 'Only eat simple bread and starve yourself" said so?
It just seems so wrong 😕 Religion should be about you and your god, not what people a long time ago said you can or can't do. I have this problem in my own faith. By rights I think it's a period of not indulgence is here or coming shortly. Yet I'm pretty sure main event guy wouldn't want people starving and whipping themselves over him. 🙄
80% of religions these days it going by what some man wrote or decreed, rather than about god and that is a giant same.
Please eat your eggs if you want. You shouldn't have to restrict yourself on word of what a group of men who lived 3000 years ago said.
there are so many things wrong with this ask but you sound so genuine and earnest and im just so fucking pissed right now that i have no choice but to answer asks in this horrible awful no good very bad new post format that im gonna make this brief.
1- i know i dont talk about it much anymore but i have my masters in jewish education and up until last year was working as a bar/bat mitzvah teacher and torah reader in my synagogue for the last like million years of my life. religion has never felt like a burden to me.
2- not eating piggies although its plausible does not necessarily come from the fact that theyre in close contact with poop. doesnt say anything about that in the biblical texts. keeping kosher is also not the same as the dietary restrictions for passover and the reasons for them are not necessarily related.
3 - not eating certain things (chametz - not "simple bread," its more complicated) on passover is not about starving yourself and its not about atonement (that holiday is in the fall), its about remembering important events in jewish history and keeping the sense memory of those events and lessons alive for thousands of years.
4- what religion is asking you to whip and starve yourself for god? sounds like a cult or a dan brown novel tbh
5- judaism is definitely based on shit some men wrote, but it most certainly was nowhere close to one man. we're talking lots and lots of very opinionated and highly intelligent and insightful men (also women if you know where to look, also some dumbass men) whose interpretations and decisions of law regarding how their society and religion could and should function without a central community or authority on earth were passed through millions of hands and thousands of more opinions through the centuries and enforced to many degrees in both extremes only to be falling apart in the last century or so thanks to inescapable global factors that have rolled through our disparate communities like indy's boulder on a rampage.
wait a minute i said this would be brief. fuck.
anywaynot eating my cadbury creme eggs is def not a burden i just enjoy complaining its probably all for the best.
also i hope this didnt come off rude i understand where you're coming from but i also invite you to do a little googling about judaism and the holiday of passover. happy holidays! ✡️🫓🍷
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bugmistake · 16 days
i should rewatch my neighbor totoro ..
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seonghwasblr-moved · 9 months
Sometimes I get sad and annoyed about things that literally don't matter at all lol
#maja talks#(me reading 5 month old tweets saying the copenhagen crowd for ateez was dead)#like no it wasn't and also it's been 5 months why am I sad about those tweets now LMAO#it does make me wonder what the criteria of a “dead” crowd is tho#like someone wrote it was so dead that they could hear the members speaking clearly on their videos#but to me that is just manners? Like it's manners to me that you don't scream when the members are speaking#other people say a crowd is dead when people sit down too much but you can literally be so hyped while sitting down too#other people said the crowd wasn't as loud as other places but i'm pretty sure it one of the smallest crowds of the tour#so what do you expect#people were literally screaming their lungs out when it mattered and sang the songs and stomped(?) on the floor#I guess I just don't understand some people's definitions of a dead crowd#(try going to a concert in Korea then you will meet a dead crowd lol)#again this literally doesn't matter I just got annoyed reading the tweets lmao#again it's been 5 months and the only reason I saw those tweets is because I'm going through a trying to relive the concert phase lol#the members seemed like they had fun (wooyoung even mentioned the concert as one of his faves in an article if I remember correctly)#I had fun with my friends and that's honestly the most important#everybody are inclined to their own opinions#and again this is old news so it really does not matter LMAO#(I still don't think a crowd is dead just cause they let an artist speak and be heard at a concert)
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Original Vienna Cast of Mozart after being asked to hum/sing a peice of Mozart.
Yngve gasoy romdal, Ruth Bauer // Uwe Kröger, Thomas Borchert/ / Caroline Vasicek, Eva Maria Marold //Carin Filipcic, Lenneke Willemsen
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thesungod · 1 year
reread some tsats and it’s not even that bad… like, it bored me and i hate every single part of the ending and that clouded my judgement but i feel like maybe i’m starting to forgive
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padfootastic · 2 years
hi so im being very masochistic here but i would really love to know more about your thoughts on remus 👀. is your dislike of him directed more towards canon or fanon or both?
i tried looking through your blog but i only saw posts where you like... slightly approached the topic before backing away completely, and now i'm curious 😅
cause from what i have seen so far, i totally get where you're coming from, especially within what seems to be the popular fanon wolfstar dynamic lately. but you're one of the first people i've seen actually say anything about it and i've enjoyed reading all of your other takes in the short amount of time since i followed you.
so if you were looking for an excuse to rant about this then please, this is me giving you one :)
(remus is my favorite character and i feel like i need to say that in case you take one look at my blog and figure it out yourself cause then this ask is going to seem really weird lmao but i promise i can handle criticism of him)
oooh hello there and welcome to my rant zone blog 💀
i’m gonna be honest, you’re so much braver than i am because i could not even deal with tangential criticism of james or sirius, let alone willingly engage with someone else about it 😭 how do you do it? teach me ur ways, mighty soldier 🙏
as for remus,,,,i have talked about him a couple times but way back so it’s no wonder u haven’t found it. it’s here- 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
warning: it’s not remus friendly, at all. i’ve tried not to like, outright bash but i’d say i ended up doing it in some places anyway.
tl;dr—i used to really like remus and wolfstar a while ago, and even now i grudgingly read it because you cant really avoid it, but the more i’ve thought about it, the more i realised i really dislike him. it started off w fanon remus (because he’s,,,some other creature only) but now i can’t stand canon either.
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birlwrites · 1 year
hi! i don’t know how much fanfic you actually read compared to how much you write and if you even like golden trio era fics but i was reading this one fic and was thinking of ttdl! it’s called evitative by vichan on ao3 and it’s a harry gets resorted into slytherin in fifth year after being expelled and it has a lot of slytherin friendships and loyalty and politicky plots (not as much as ttdl but it’s still relevant) and i think you’d like it!
(for anyone who's interested in checking it out, here it is! it's a little over 200k and the first work in a series)
(vanishing back into collegiate hell now)
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grimmjowjaegerjaquez · 11 months
everyday i wonder if im ace and then i think well no im not well but i kind of am but no im definitely not but what if i am
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takaska · 9 months
Hi hiiii, what are your top five favorite songs right now?
oooooh good question!!! I've really been Feeling Some Things lately, so I think the list reflects that haha (no particular order; I've linked to their official videos for sake of ease but please note they may have flashing lights !!)
-To Let Go by NateWantsToBattle
-This Bird Has Flown by The Ghost Club
-Six Feet by Patent Pending
-Last Resort (Reloaded) by Papa Roach and Jeris Johnson
-Anything But Lonely by Fivefold
(Secret bonus song that's way more relaxed: The Child You Were by Frances Aravel!)
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