#I was pretty close to becoming Michael XD
lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 187 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bath.
Lol, that elevator music xD
HELEN: "So, where’s the old ball and chain?" Fucking Helen... Always talking about others in a degrading way... Also typical narcissistic behavior, pushing others down in order to feel like they’re better.
JON: "You hoped that by nudging us past his domain, Martin would still be there when I arrived… so I would have to pass through on my own. Apparently, you were right." HELEN: "I thought you said you weren’t going to look inside people’s heads?" JON: "I thought you said you weren’t people." HELEN: "Touché." JON: "Well, for what it’s worth, I have tried not to look inside you." By now Jon has seen enough of the Distortion's behavior as Helen, it has become easy to predict what she's up to.
HELEN: "… He’s still so new to all of this, caught up in ideas of justice and ‘solving’ things. Sure, he can wave away the theoretical idea of people suffering…" JON: "But if he sees it up close, he might try to get his boyfriend to smite you?" I feel like Jon likes the sound of that. His boyfriend.
JON: "I’m trying to ‘know’ if there’s another route I can take." HELEN: "And?" JON: "Turns out there is, actually. But it is rather full of spiders." Coincident? I think not!!! The Web wants Jon to pass on the Fears.
HELEN: "The tape recorder feels more, um… awake." Hmmm, I wonder in what sense... The tape recorders have already been very actively clicking themselves on (or appearing at all) in S4. Is it just because the Web is now in this world instead of lurking at the edges?
HELEN: "Even though I saved you from Michael." The Distortion saved itself from Michael. Suddenly putting itself clearly on the side of "I am not your friend" is not what the Distortion is about. Besides, if it had killed Jon, the "Wonderland" of an Eyepocalyse, which is oh so loved by the Distortion, would have been delayed.
JON: "I liked Helen." HELEN: "I am Helen." JON: "The real one." It is consistent for his character, but I find it funny that Jon seems to bond with people rather quickly. He knew Helen for 20 minutes. He knew Jordan for 20 minutes. 
JON: "True. But as you’ll recall, I was pretty paranoid myself at that point." HELEN: "So what? You saw yourself in her? A sad reflection? A possible future?" Hmmm, maybe it's the same with Jordan. He bonded with him over his experience with the Corruption.
HELEN: "Oh, Jon! This existence can be wonderful, if you just let it." JON: [Sadly] "I know." :( He could just give up. Resign himself to his role as Archivist... Reminds me of working in retail, for example. Other people get sent to ware house duty because they're too rude be around customers. While I have to do the dirty work with customers because I care too much about not being an asshole. Or like working in a team with the same pool of work load. Others put their feet up, after all the work gets done by the others. But I don't want to be someone like that. I don't think I could be someone like that... 
JON: "I see. How long have you been working with Elias?" HELEN: "I’m not." JON: [Faux-shocked] "Helen! Is that… a lie?" HELEN: "No! No, it’s not. I don’t know him. I’ve never even – Look, I’m happy here, all right?" Changing the subject, hehe... We know, that it was Elias who sent og!Helen to the Institute. Did he also suggest that Helen will probably be confused after her statement so there’s high chances of her finally walking through his door? Was it also Elias who sent Michael to Sasha, so they could find out to use CO2 extinguishers against Prentiss?
HELEN: "You are so difficult to like sometimes. I’ve been nothing but nice to you." JON: "Maybe that’s why I never trusted you." Ohhh, yes, I've talking about this in another post already. I'm super wary of people who are immediately over-the-top nice to me. That's very often a facade which hides a very ugly personality. (Also, that was a lie again. Helen threatened him in MAG 157, so not very nice. But very typical for that personality again. Stating untrue things in a beneficial and factual way, suggesting you should believe it.)
(STATEMENT) "Well, not a dead end. It’s a door that says ‘Honeymoon Suite’." HELEN: [Saucy] "Currently unoccupied…" (STATEMENT) "I turn to retrace my steps. I must have taken a wrong urn." HELEN: "Just in case you and Martin were looking for a room." Pfff, Helen is so pushy and nosy regarding things which are absolutely none of her business.  
"How long… How long has Alex been alone now? " Ha! Another character called Alex!
The sound of laughter during the statement. So mean...
"She’d love nothing more than to help me, although she does hate to see me check out, it’s always so hard on her when guests leave." Making you feel bad for a totally normal thing...
VICTIM: "I don’t know how long I’ve been here." JON: "Look. I’m so sorry –" VICTIM: "You’ve got to help me!" JON: [Angrily] "Don’t touch me!" It's a stressful situation, but you're always allowed to set boundaries. No one gets to touch you when you don't want to. Again, it's just a shitty situation all over like so many others in TMA. Also, especially understandable that it’s Jon who doesn’t want to be touched... So many have hurt him..
HELEN: "Oopsie. Not so easy, is it? Keeping up your humanity?" Oh yeah, and then making you feel bad for setting boundaries...
JON: "You’re dangerous because for all the torture and cruelty, you still somehow got us to think you’re our friend." Mentioned it in MAG 183 (I think?) already that I'm not sure, what's more dangerous. More straight up hostile Helen. Or fun Helen. The one that makes you laugh about all her little manipulative comments. Schrödinger’s douchebag: Come on, don't be like that, it was just a joke!
JON: "No, you are the question of “What lurks behind a smile?” Is a friendship true, or is it reaching out with hands that cut you?" Being wary of the people who are over-the-top friendly... JON: "And when one face finally stopped smiling, you just changed the face." Helen taking over from Michael.
HELEN: "Fine. So if that’s all true… why? Why would I do any of that? What’s my actual motive?" JON: "I don’t think you even have one. It’s just what you are." I have asked myself this question so many times. And I've come to the same conclusion. There is no grand motive behind that. Just doing it over and over again, torturing others, they like that. The feeling of being able to make a person so submissive, so obedient that they will do everything to stay your friend. It makes me sick... I have once asked one of my “Helens” if she knows that those things she did are horrible. She got all smug and said yes and that she likes it and is proud of it. Fucking hell..
JON: "I will end you." [SILENCE BUT FOR SOME CREAKING] JON: "What, nothing? No smirk? A laugh? I’ve got you rattled." HELEN: "I’m not scared of you." JON: "Helen… Was that… a lie?" Smug and badass Jon is back, yaaaaaaaaaay!
JON: "Urgh!" [A STRANGE SOUND RINGS OUT AS THE ARCHIVIST REAPPEARS IN THE WASTELAND] MARTIN: "Christ, Jon!" JON: [Groggy] "Oh, Martin! Good." MARTIN: "Wh– Wh-wh-what… What happened? Th-th-there was the hotel and then…" Hmmm, I like the headcanon that Martin saw (and heard) something in the sky shifting and and suddenly, like "the sky ate him" but in reverse, it spits out Jon and Martin catches him^^ The soundscaping suggests otherwise though. After "Christ Jon" and during "Oh, Martin! Good." there's rubble to be heard, like climbing over debris. And only after "What happened?" we hear fabric rustling. So sounds to me like Jon fell out of the sky in front of Martin, then gets up and they hug.
JON: "Do you? Want to mourn?" MARTIN: "… A bit, I guess. I-I mean, she was our friend. Sort of. A bit." It's okay to be upset losing a "friend" like this. After all, there most definitely were fun times too, if it was just awful, you probably wouldn't have become their friend, after all.
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mable-stitchpunk · 1 year
I hope this hasn't been asked yet, but what would all the romantic relarionships look like if everyone was still human?
Have a nice day/night :)
Well, let's see...
I'd like to think Mike and Mari would still have gotten together. Though how they got together might've been significantly different. They could've met while Mari was sneaking in somewhere where he shouldn't have been, or if a Foxy's is opened, maybe the two stumble into being coworkers. I almost see them starting off a little more abrasive with each other, taking a little longer to become friends and then closer, but somehow I still think they'd wind up close.
It should be noted that Marionette is very protective of Mike, but I wonder if that dynamic would've shifted if he would've still been human. Maybe Mike would've been more protective (more than usual, lol.) Marion's no longer a force of nature, so Mike's gotta try harder to keep himself alive. XDD
I feel like Jeremy and Gabe too would've gotten together. They would've likely had to meet through Mike and Mari, or perhaps through Foxy's, but I could still see the two's personalities meshing. In fact, Gabe likely would've made a move a lot sooner if he would've been human. At least some of his crippling image issues would've been lesser.
Charlie and Baby are currently at a spot in their friendship, but it's hard to tell what might've been if they had grown up together as humans. Perhaps Charlie and Lizzie would've stayed in a close friend group and, in that case, maybe they would've simply stayed friends. Or maybe they would've broached something earlier. It's hard to tell.
Now the one tragic tale is Scott and Ben. I just don't realistically see how they would've hooked up outside of the scenario they found themselves in. Unless Michael for some reason introduced them. That's not to say it's not a possibility, but it's harder to imagine how it could've went down.
Fritz and Natalie are both humans, clearly, but even without animatronics involved I feel like they would've hooked up pretty quickly. XD They just had that instant click energy.
...Michael probably wouldn't be so lonely. 🥺
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i-925 · 2 years
i'm back????????????????????????????????????????????????? XD i think it'll be good to share what i wanna share right now :)) my first time purchasing in shopee worth 900+ and i thought mom would be angry at me but she didn't (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠) idk, i hope she isn't angry. my friends drank on like wednesday night? all of them, even though i am not interested in drinking (truth) i still wanna be there like it's NIGHT with you friends, the breeze of the air touches your skin, the night sky, the jupiter and venus at the sky, the starts, and who knows a shooting star might pass by while you're busy laughing with them (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠) it doesn't matter even though i hate them for leaving me out sometimes and they all could walk together w/o noticing me being left behind. i just don't want to talk, i don't have a words in my head and even if i have i can't just say it like "i fucking hate you all, i hope y'll all die" but that's not so like me or saying a cringe joke but that'll just be awkward and they'll prolly just ignore me and if i say that cringy joke they all might think that i'm stupid and they'll think i'm plain or what, i don't want that to happen. i only talk when it's awkward and when i don't have any choices. i think they're not the ones for me, i'm different to all of us, not in a good way. i think differently compared to them, my humor is different too but i'm trying my best to blend with them. me and grace, i thought we're alike but not (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) i mean we do kinda .. i guess? i thought she's so much lonely like me and i thought we could be partners like saying secrets to each other and yk that sibling-sister relationship but idk if it's like that since she's only 1 year older than me, yeah back to that she have friends or cousin to talk to at least, she have close people compared to me who's a whole fucking fuck loser, i'm worse ik. i hope there's someone who slides in my life who can understand me and all like how becky understand tori (idk a example, but maybe 🥹 them but not but yeah idk), but we've all been friends and known each other since elementary we have many memories but i just don't think they are the one for me, but they're not 'that' worse ok, i'm the problem... and them too.. yeah? but thinking of tori and michael who only met for like 2 weeks but become rlly close to each other maybe it can happen to me too?? but i live in ph : <<<<<< my mouth r shut. i prefer like having 1 friend at the moment who can understand me. idk, someone better i need, as long as we understand each other and has a good mindset. i'm thinking earlier ik some of the people think of this too but like i have many things that i wanna do and even a hundred of years me existing isn't enough for me to do it all like shit it's making me insane, i wanna be a mentally stable coquette ballerina girl that loves her job and just enjoy being pretty, taking care of herself, doing skincare, being a girly, enjoying things, dressing up but like the highlights of all is dancing at the stage with the spotlight following my movements with a good song playing in the background, people being mesmerized at you that not even a word can escape in their mouths, the way you move, your face, or like basically everything about you is so gorgeous that even after your performance they can't get u out of their minds because you are so perfect. or like a girl that paints, writes, and loves just everything, lives in a cozy green house who also loves taking care of plants (got a whole garden to take care of), owned a café shop, bakes, idk a sunshine girl? likes to read or what just being what she is. or a goth mentally unstable girl who's always in bed, idk rotting, insane and <3 drugs. my ears r getting read now, i just love headphone ok? like i'm so cool and this is new and expensive like 99 pesos so i just enjoy it while the two speakers still works and not crusty k? and the sounds leaking... doesn't matter idc at least i have one duh i'm so inlove i'm happy that i purchased it duh (i regret buying it). i hope everyone die early (true).
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notsodailycake · 2 years
God, I'm starting to have my health close to declining to GLBUH!Michael levels-
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birdie-ghost · 2 years
I would like the infodump about the dragon husbands pls
So William and Henry both work together to create magic and entertainment for the city cus it brings in good tides for their areas of land, they gain wealth and stability through agreement with the city, consistent food in exchange for the protection of the city. William starts luring and killing kids to gain more magic, but it’s black magic, dealing with souls and it continually corrupts him.
Henry and William both make an agreement with a wealthy human family to make golems for their tavern. They both do it in trade for things and it’s not something they expected to bring anything good for them but it ends up being a great thing for their relations with the village.
So William starts to delve into dark magic, trying to make his own magic stronger. But  that completely consumes him. He loses any ounce of empathy he had and becomes corrupt (not that he was that good to begin with). He kills charlie but her being a dragon is why she can give the gifts to the other kids, who are all human except for Evan and Elisabeth (and possibly Cassidy too, but I haven’t decided yet lol)
We have a generally basic fnaf story for the most part, but minus a lot of the security guard stuff because that has to be slightly different lol. Mike accidentally kills Evan, Elisabeth gets too close to Baby and dies, it’s pretty standard for the most part on this front lol
Jeremy is a sorcerer who was called to try and undo the magic of what like, binds the golems to the spirits but is put in danger while doing so. Mike saves him and that’s how they meet.
This whole time William is on the down-low because while he was trying to disenchant the golems Cassidy managed to curse him so much that it damaged his magic severely.
So, Michael finds him and they reunite, William's magic is corrupt and his form is deteriorating due to it. They have a fight and Michael commits dragon arson.
Now at this point for whatever reason, a lot of the golems have been let loose, and so mike and Henry work together to lure all the golems to one location (not necessarily a tavern but ya know) to burn them and such. And so they also find William, who due to the amount of black magic he’s messed with has become really un-alive but not because he’s a zombie, his form was just so broken it ended up becoming more similler to a golem in a way if that makes sense.
They destroy all the golems, Henry had to die to do that though cus of the amount of black magic that was bound to William's creations, he managed to save Mike, but Mike’s own magic had been severely expended in the process as well.
Jeremy and Mike have Gregory and things are all good and dandy for a good couple of years.
Now the main events of my au take place.
All but a shard of William’s ‘heart’ had been destroyed, everything else was crushed and burned to dust with nothing left. And the only reason being is that dragon hearts are generally extremely powerful on their own, and with the amount William did to his own heart a piece had managed to live on, and sadly that’s enough. So Vanessa found that shard and William basically had possession of her through it, it takes over her. So 
Vanny has magic and is hellbent on finding mike and dragging him down, and so they find them and there’s basically the events of the comic, but this go around we get magic fights. Vanny was only able to fight Mike because beforehand she had fucked with his magic because William knows how to do that.
Can’t talk about much else cus it’ll spoil the comic lol XD
if this is weirdly written or illogically worded its because it was like midnight and I was in a car.
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
You did well on part one and two for the sleep paralysis! I’m invested in it 😌 I was wondering what would happen once he found her it could be nsfw if it’s no issue. Hope you have a good weekend💕
Oh boy... Yeah, it's a pretty grim one TBH... Hope y'all enjoy~ And I’ll be doing a more… fluffy and chill ending after this XD
Part One
Part Two
Part Four (Alt Ending)
Found You... (Ending One)
Warnings: Stalking, Kidnapping, Rape/Non-Con, Stockholm Syndrome, Extremely Abusive/Toxic Relationship
Once Michael had recovered from his first ever mental breakdown, he was more determined than ever to hunt you down and make you pay for what you had done. He wouldn’t kill you, oh no. No, no, no, no, NO! No, Michael wouldn’t kill you. He knows now that he can’t live without you. He’ll make you understand that you belong with him and him alone, and that the two of you would be together forever.
With a little snooping, Michael had learned that you hadn’t completely skipped town. Yes, you took all your most important things, but it seems it was a momentary precaution. You left with only three days worth of clothing and some, not all, of the money you had stashed away. You wouldn’t leave all of your belongings behind and not come back to get them, but Michael doesn’t think he can stand to wait and see. Just as he was becoming increasingly frustrated with your absence, he heard it.
Michael instantly recognized it. You had left your phone. Of all things you could have left behind, that was perhaps one of the worst things you could have forgotten. Well, for you, that is. For Michael, however… He strides over to the kitchen, grabbing it off the counter. Looking at the caller I.D., he’s pretty sure it’s one of your female friends. He doesn’t hesitate to answer it, silently holding it to his ear.
“Y/N? Y/N?! Is that you?! I’ve been trying to reach you for hours! Did you get to the motel okay? Did you have any trouble checki-“
That was all he needed to hear. He knows exactly where you are. You didn’t even run that far away, just to the outskirts of town, to a shitty, run-down, roach infested motel that’s less than forty bucks a night. Michael tightens his grip on your phone. All this time, you were so close. You haven't even left town…
Hairline fractures spider web across your phone’s screen. You haven’t left town, but you thought Michael was stupid enough not to find you. You thought you could get away that easily..? You really thought so little of him? Michael’s hand stung where broken glass bit into the palm of his hand. Warm blood seeped out from his white knuckled fists and onto the tiled floor. You don’t realize just how much you fucked up. You want to get away from him? You should have never stopped running…
What should have been a nearly forty minute jog took Michael less than fifteen minutes to complete. He’s never pushed himself so hard before, but he can’t stop. Not when your so fucking close. It was insultingly easy to figure out what room you were in, and he didn’t even have to kill anyone to get what he needed. The front desk was empty, and after glancing over the check in book, he found out that you were in room 107, and that there was no one else that was checked in around you. Perfect.
Snatching a spare key to your room, he quickly makes his way to your room, not stopping for anything. It’s some kind of miracle that no one was anywhere near you, because if they were? They’d be paste on the asphalt when Michael was done with them. But you’re all alone, and there won’t be anyone there to hear you scream… Michael didn’t wait to shove the key into the lock and to throw open the door. You didn’t even lock the deadbolt. Are you an idiot or something? Or maybe… You didn’t really want to leave him…
Michael’s heart jumped up into his throat as he entered the motel room. He nearly flew off the handle when he didn’t immediately see you or hear you freaking out, but calmed significantly when he heard the shower running. As he takes a step towards the bathroom, he stops. He turns on his heel and locks the door, including the deadbolt that you had so graciously forgotten earlier. You aren’t going anywhere, little mouse…
God, you needed this shower. When was the last time you bathed properly..? Every muscle and joint in your body screamed from fatigue, and you could barely stand on your own two feet. You’re so close. So fucking close to being free… Just three days. All you need is three days and you’ll be able to leave town permanently. You already have something set up with a friend, all you have to do is hold out until then. You just have to keep it together…
Sighing heavily, you hang your head and rub the back of your neck. You were so tired… Deciding enough was enough, you turn the watery off and grab a towel, not really bothering to dry yourself off. You barely even wrap yourself up correctly before you leave, though why would you? It’s only you here, and you’re so fucking exhausted… You just want to lay down and sleep. As you exit the bathroom, you’re shoved forward, suddenly and violently.
You don’t even scream, you’re so shocked. Landing face first onto the bed, you’re pinned down before you even have time to bounce up from the initial impact. Throat squeezing shut, you struggle to breathe, crying out in a broken sob as your wrist is twisted painfully behind your back. You don’t need to look to know who it is. You can’t fucking believe that he’s already found you, but regardless of what is or isn’t happening, you’re sure that this was going to be your last day on Earth. Oh how wrong you were…
Between panicked breaths and pained cries, you spew out apology after apology, knowing that it’ll do nothing but piss him off even more, but in a sick way, hoping he’ll just kill you and get it over with. You really should know better by now. Michael knew that you weren’t too smart, but (un)luckily for you, he was. He wouldn’t kill you, no matter how much you begged for it. He’ll show you just how much he loves your ungrateful ass, and you will feel the same way when he’s through with you.
Michael struggled to reign in his emotions. He needed to have some tack, lest he accidentally kills you. He wheezes, clenching his teeth and focusing all his attention on the back of your soaking wet head. Vision blurring, he hangs his head, chest spasming as he tries vainly to keep his emotions in check. Hot tears stream down his face and land on your partially exposed back. You freeze, stiff and breath held. Michael can’t stop the sob from breaking past his teeth, broken and sharp, stabbing both him and you painfully in between the ribs.
Even though you’d never admit it to anyone, especially yourself, you really did care about Michael. You’ve never, ever thought that he was even capable of shedding tears of any kind, so actually having the Shape crying over you, you, another person, was almost more than you could take. You felt sick. Fucking sick and scared… You were scared of what this meant, and so was he. He fucking loves you, and he doesn’t know else how to show it other than through sheer force and brutality.
He flips you onto your back, your towel coming undone and leaving you completely exposed underneath him. When your eyes briefly meet, he chokes up. You’re crying too, though he knows it is probably out of fear and not something else. But… you’re so beautiful… Michael can’t help himself. For the first time in his life, he leans down and smashes his lips against yours, hard enough to actually split your already chapped lips.
He’s never kissed anyone before, not even you, so all you do is lay there, stunned and terrified. There’s too much teeth, and you’re both too scared to reciprocate and too scared not too… but… There's a familiar warmth already spreading throughout your body, pooling in between your thighs… so, deciding that you’re dead anyways, you press your lips back against his subtly. That was what broke any illusion of self control that Michael had over himself.
Pinning your wrists above your head, Michael shoved his tongue in your mouth, taking a hold of your chin so that you wouldn’t have the opportunity to turn away from him. You wouldn’t, though. Not anymore. The kiss is dominating. Animalistic. Primal. Everything Michael has ever done was based solely on his instincts alone, and sex and intimacy was no different. He only did what felt right to him, what would appease the bitter fire that replaced his soul long ago. Michael never thought he’d ever be interested in another person like that, but then he met you.
The hand on your chin is moved down, past your collarbone and to one of your bare breasts. He roughly palms at the mound of fat, pinching your hardening bud in between his fingers. You whine in his mouth, hips bucking against his. Michael’s hardened cock brushes past your wet sex, and the hands gripping your wrists and breast tighten painfully. He breaks the kiss, taking a moment to observe your flushed reactions when he pinches your nipple once more.
He can’t wait anymore. He fumbles with his zipper with one hand, yanking it down and quickly freeing his throbbing cock from its confines. You moan at the sight, rolling your hips and leaving your mouth agape. Still keeping hold of your wrists, Michael grabs a fistful of your hair, roughly jerking you into a sitting position, then down lower to his member. He’s never had oral, before, mostly because he’d just fuck you there and then, but today was a day of many firsts, it would seem.
Why are you doing this..? Weren’t you trying to get away from him not ten minutes before? So why..? Why are you willingly doing this? It’s not because of self preservation, this is Michael Myers you’re talking about here. He has and will kill anyone for little to no reason at all. There’s no reasoning with him. And there’s no getting away, either. So, why does it feel so good to be hurt by him..? Why do you crave his twisted affections? How could you let yourself become so messed up and not care anymore in the end..?
You obediently open your mouth, letting him ram his cock deep down your throat in one harsh thrust. Immediately you gag and choke, eyes fluttering shut as he relentlessly fucks your throat raw. You can hardly breathe, but it doesn’t matter. It’s Michael, so you’re bound to pass out at least a few times. Probably more, given how badly you fucked up tonight…
And you certainly weren’t wrong, even if you didn’t know it yet. You’ve never been so brutally face fucked in your entire life, nor have you ever heard those kinds of noises escape your throat before. How long did he keep it up? Minutes? Hours? Your jaw aches and burns, as does your throat and lungs. Thick ropes of saliva are streaming down your chin and onto your chest, and you’re so wet that you’re probably soaking into the sheets. Michael grunts and growls above you, using you like his personal cock sleeve or something. The thought turns you on. Being his and his alone. That no one else will fuck you like he can…
He rips his cock from your mouth, flipping you onto your stomach in one smooth motion. Your head spins from the sudden change in position. Gasping and whining, you get on your knees, face down flat onto the bed. Your wrists are behind your back uncomfortably, but it does nothing to retract your arousal. Michael doesn’t wait before forcing his entire length into your tight pussy, bottoming out as you scream at the top of your lungs.
You thought you knew what pain was, what rough sex felt like. But God, you couldn’t have been more wrong. Every thrust you screamed, and every screamed you gagged. It hurt worse than every other time he’s ever fucked you. You don’t try to hide your voice. You let ever scream, cry, and violent dry heaving episode go unabashed and unfiltered. Michael moans in your ear, leaning down to bite down on your shoulder. Your voice raises an octave, body revolting against itself.
Everywhere Michael touches, he leaves darkening bruises in his wake. Bite marks line your throat and shoulders, and your wrists are surely blackened from how tightly he’s been holding them. Your pussy feels like it’s being torn in half, and your cervix aches from the pounding it’s receiving. Unable to catch your breath, you cry hysterically, partially from panic and pain, and partially from intense pleasure that’s wracking your entire body.
Michael releases your wrists, instead placing you in a headlock as he chases his own high. You fumbled, latching onto his arm and digging your nails into his skin as his snap hard against yours. With a feral snarl, he cums inside of you, pinning you to the bed as you silently scream in both agony and ecstasy. He’s barely finished inside of you, when he begins to fuck you again, with the same animalistic brutality as the first time.
It wasn’t enjoyable. It wasn’t wholly pleasurable. It was something different for Michael, this time. Territorial would have been a good description of how he felt then. He needed to remark his territory. Not because someone had trespassed onto, or rather, into it, but because you were the one who had forgotten who you belonged to. He was angry. Furious, verging on enraged, but he didn’t hate you. He simply couldn’t. Michael somehow loved you more than he loved himself, and the fact you knew this and broke his heart, anyways, hurt him more than he’d ever be able to put into words. This wasn’t done out of hatred, but it was done out of hurt, and he was just getting started. You needed to feel how he felt. You need to understand how much you fucking hurt him, and that you will, under any circumstances, will never, ever do that again. Ever.
No matter how many times you apologized, cried, begged for mercy, begged for him to please stop you’re killing me..! he didn’t. You won’t die. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, he knows this, and you will, too, when this is over. Everytime you weakly raised your arm, trying to push him off, he’d pin them both above your head and relentlessly fuck your harder. Tell him to slow down? He’d do the opposite. Say I’m sorry..! for the forty-seventh time? He’d start to choke you so you’d stop talking. He let you have too much freedom. He let you take advantage of his kindness one too many times. You need to relearn your place. You are his. You don’t get to just pack up and leave and pretend that you’re the victim here. Michael would fucking die without you, and you didn’t fucking care. Well, now, little mouse..? Now you will learn to fucking care. Learn to care as much as he does so this little mistake will never happen again.
Michael kept you in that motel room for three days. On the last day, you called your friend, sounding… off. You told her that you made a mistake. That you don’t want to leave. That it was a misunderstanding. When she started to protest, instantly realizing that something was seriously wrong, the call ended. You sat on the bed, covered in bruises and bite marks, barely able to sit properly with how painful it was in between your legs. You don’t look up, just fiddle with your fingers. You did make a mistake. You should have never done this, and Michael may never trust you again. But, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love you.
He was sitting in a chair, on the opposite side of the room to you. You were only wearing a thin nightshirt, and you felt completely naked under his gaze. Your thighs were sticky and crusted together with dry cum and blood. You need to be a good girl from now on. Somehow, you need to prove to him that you really do love him, and that you will never make that stupid mistake ever again. He stands up and you freeze, staring straight ahead as you see him move closer from your peripheral vision.
Michael stops in front of you, silently looking down at you. When you don’t immediately look up at him, he hooks a finger underneath your chin, tilting your head upwards.
“Get cleaned up. We’re going home.”
You silently nod, standing up stiffly. Something thick and slimy gushes out of you, and you struggle to hold back your tears. Michael wipes the pad of his thumb under your eye, catching your tears before they fall. Sniffling, you look up at his face, heart dropping as you see how tired he looks. Hesitating, you place your hands on his shoulders, and much to your shock, he allows it. Standing on your tiptoes, you gently kiss him on the cheek.
“Okay, Michael…”
It was the first time you two had ever spoken to one another, and though the circumstances were horrifically fucked up, you hoped it wouldn’t be the last. You really did love him, and in his own disturbed way, he loved you too. You knew this now, and a broken, messed up part of you hoped that you and Michael would be together forever. And, with how things are going, that seems likely. He’ll make sure no one takes you away, and you will isolate yourself from anyone that would try to poison you from him again. Love may be a two way street, but only one path remains. You both are headed down the path of no return, and the other way has long since been blocked off and unobtainable.
Michael will take good care of you, and as long as you take good care of him, too, you’ll have nothing to worry about. You’ll have everything you’d ever need, and then some, as long as you don’t forget your place. You are his, as much as he is yours, too. You need to take care of one another, for that’s all you’ll ever have. That’s all you’ll ever want, though, so you're happy. Right?
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Doing Their Makeup
Poly Lost Boys, Michael and Star x Gender neutral reader
Basically came up with these while I was messaging @aliypop​ . Thank you for somehow getting me to a place where I wanted to write an imagine about the lost boys, Michael and Star’s partner wanting to do their makeup. XD This is everyone x reader. 
Also this is kind of my head-canon that Michael and Star became one happy family with David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. But Max still died cause I don’t think anyone likes him. 
Warnings?: swearing? Cursing? 
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The second you told your partners that you wanted to do their makeup, each and everyone one of them were down with the idea, but at all different degrees of being okay with it. 
Paul was the first one to practically bounce his way over to you. He already needed your help with doing his simple eyeliner on a daily basis so you paying attention to his face for more than a few minutes made him a very happy camper. 
Paul LOVES it. I mean it. Give him the whole glam rock look! Glitter? Yes! Winged eyeliner? Yes! Bitch, make him look like a disco ball and he will be very happy. He loves glitter more than any of them and will directly ask you to use as much as you wanted. 
When doing his makeup, he always smiles, loving that your attention was solely on him. Though you have to scold him not to smile because the crinkle in his eyes will totally mess up whatever eyeshadow or eyeliner look you're trying to accomplish. He complies… for about two minutes. 
This boy will have you straddling him as you work, his hands on your hips, rubbing little circles into your skin softly. He practically becomes putty in your hands as you gently touch his face. He finds it absolutely adorable that you're being so delicate with him. 
When you're done, he shows it off to everyone around the cave. His babe of a partner went all out and he will brag that his makeup is going to be better than everyone else's once you are done. 
Second would be Marko. Seeing how good you were with Paul, he was excited to see what kind of look you would give him. He wasn’t too much into glitter like his fellow blonde but he was okay if you wanted to use it. Makeup to him was an artistic form of expression so he became your canvas on which to paint on. 
Seeing you figure what colors you wanted to give him and what tools you wanted to use would make him smile with how serious you were taking this task. He would ask you as you worked what your ideas were and you thought looked best on him. 
Your bodies would be close, not sitting in his lap close, but your legs would be locked together as you sat on your makeshift bed. His hands fiddling with whatever piece of clothing he could get his hands on. It was very hard not to touch you and he wanted you to fulfill your wish for the night. 
By the end of it, Marko’s makeup look would have half of the amount of glitter that Paul had. It would be very colorful, almost reflecting the multiple colors of his jacket. Marko was a little easier compared to the others because of those colors, you had more options to work with. 
Marko reacted like Paul, showing it off to everyone. Soon him and Paul compared their looks and pointed out what they liked about them. 
Dwayne was third. He wasn’t overly into it, but he loves seeing you happy and if doing his makeup was going to put a smile on your face, then he was happy to do it. He did have a few things to say though, he was okay with a little glitter but nowhere near Paul's and heck, maybe even half of what you did to Marko. Also, no colors that were too bright. 
From that, you only choose a few warm hues, some reds, oranges and a tiny bit of yellow. Even some earthy tones to complement his tanned skin. In a way you connected it with the jaguar on his leather jacket. 
Dwayne would have his hands placed on your thighs as you worked, saying only a few words here and there, asking simple questions if he was curious about something. If anything he was the calmest one of the bunch, not really interrupting your process. 
In a way it was nice. While you worked, you didn’t really talk, too focused on the task at hand and he thought it was cute when you would bite your lip in concentration. The silence that sometimes hung between you two was sweet, like you both were in your own little world. Minus the fact that Paul and Marko were just outside your makeshift area in the cave making noise. 
When Dwayne was done, he placed a small kiss on your lips and walked out. He didn’t really show off to the others but he couldn’t help but smirk when Paul and Marko grew silent at his new look. 
David was the fourth and probably the one that wasn’t overly crazy about it. If he was going to have glitter, it was going to be tasteful and very little of it. Dark colors only, and if you want to stick on gems, guess what, they better be little and it's gotta be sexy. Make him a sexy princely creature of the night and you are good. 
For once, he let you have control, even with his requests orders on what you can and cannot do. You went to work, both of your knees touching and you had to constantly stop him from moving, trying to smoke his cigarette. In the end, you lost against him cause if he couldn’t smoke a cigarette to distract himself from your hands being so gentle with him, they were going somewhere else and you would get nothing done. 
In between his puffs of smoke, you poured everything into his look wanting it to be perfect because you definitely wanted to do it again in the future. The only way he would let you is if you did a bang up job. 
You made his facial features sharp and his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce through your soul even more with the dark eyeshadow on his eyelids. A little bit of glitter and a few small black gemstones later, he was beautiful. Definitely different from what you were used to, but with David, he could pull off anything and he’d still look good. 
With a smirk, he thanked you for your work, which surprised you, and walked back out to the others. You chuckled when you heard Paul exclaim “Holy shit!” when he saw David. Needless to say, you did make David look like a prince of the night with your talents. 
Second to last was Star. Your beautiful girlfriend of your group of male partners entered your part of the cave, bringing some of her own collection with her. Star was probably the easiest of the group to do makeup for. She already wore red lipstick on the daily and brown toned eyeshadow to compliment her skin but she never went farther than that. 
But tonight, she would let you take it a step further. Nothing too crazy, maybe even a little more toned down than David’s. 
Star practically cuddled up to you as you worked your magic. It was a little difficult but she stayed still nonetheless. You kept her signature red lipstick, and decided to focus more on her eyes and add some stick on gems that matched the colors of her skirt. 
You added a splash of color to her eyes that went well with her usual browns, picking some of her favorite makeup items and mixing them with your own.
Of course you couldn’t help but smile when Star would giggle as the makeup brushes lightly tickled her face. You wanted to scold her for it but it was too cute so you said nothing just having to work around it. 
Just as you were finishing, your last partner, Michael walked in, watching you with curiosity and a slight twinge of interest. When you did finish, Star looked to Michael to see what he thought and happily kissed him when he said he liked it. Which in turn having you redo her lipstick one last time before she left, leaving only you and Michael. 
Michael was probably the most hesitant of the bunch. It wasn’t that he didn’t dislike makeup, he just didn’t know what the process was and never really saw much interest until you expressed how much you love doing it. 
With a little bit of encouragement, Michael sat on your bed, having you sit on his lap. Michael reminded you a little bit of Paul. He was very affectionate but was much softer compared to the blonde. 
Michael asked you the most questions as you worked. Asking what tool was used for what purpose. What colors you were using and why. Glitter? Yeah, why not? Just use it however you see fit and what you thought looked good on him. 
Overall he was excited about this. New things always intrigued him and he was willing to try something new. 
When you told him you were going to give him a more softer look, he had no quarrels with your choice. Just a tiny bit of glitter, some light colors, a sharp eyeliner that could cut someone, accentuating his cheekbones a bit, and even giving him a little bit of gradient lips, made him look even more pretty than he already was. 
You were so proud of yourself that couldn’t help but hug the poor boy. You went all out for your partners and you had a lot of fun doing it. When you let him go after hugging him, he was met by a few compliments from the others who admired his own look that seemed very different from everyone else. Which made the poor boy even more flustered. 
When all was said and done, and after doing your own makeup to your own tastes with the help of Star since, well, mirrors can’t help any of you. You all went down to the boardwalk as one big group date, showing off your talents proudly, taking any compliments, and giving you credit where credit was due. 
If anything was said negatively, especially by a group of surf nazis, guess what? After your group dinner date at the local diner, those surf nazis would be your dessert for the night. 
If that did happen, you’d be a little upset that your work was now covered in blood but they all reassured you that you could give them makeovers whenever you wanted.
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katnip225 · 3 years
So remember that au where the dream smp is a comic book in the manhunt universe. Well more of that. This is what manhunt!Dream thinks of each character. Now I will just be using the real names but in the comic the names are different. Not doing the tales of the smp characters. Might also get some backstory for Manhunt!Dream
Techno - As stated in my prev post, this is Dream's fav character. He has regularly copied ideas from him. He loves all the pets that Techno has. And how no matter what Techno always follows his beliefs. Might also remind him of his childhood rival.
Phil - finds the character very funny. The 3 months thing. Through does have some very good serious moments like Nov 16th and Doomsday. The guy is clearly not perfect but he really has a hard time hating the guy. Only time he did hate Phil was during Doomsday for letting Friend die and hurting Ghostbur.
Wilbur - easily his 2nd fav. The way his fall was done. It was so heartbreaking. Then his revival. To find out about being alone for 13 years was rough. Dream feels for the guy since being on the run is very lonely. The only people he talks to is when the hunters get close enough for banter. He really hopes that Wilbur gets the help that he needs.
Ghostbur (yes counting this as a different character) - loves the guy. so sweet and just wants to help. Through feels very sad because of the memory thing and the blue. Plus the speech that he gave on Doomsday.
Tommy - this kid can't catch a break. He feels so bad for the kid. Tommy is a good kid that overall does not mean harm. The only thing that Dream hates Tommy for is killing the cat. Dream likes animals and while can understand why Tommy did it, still found himself crying over the cat's death. Dream always wanted pets but his life before on the run was rough and now there is no way he will get one
Tubbo - another kid he feels sorry for. Dream feels bad for Tommy but for some reason Tubbo hits harder. Maybe it is because Tubbo reminds him of one of his neighbor's kid. They are pretty similar in personality from what he remembers. He was sad when the neighbors moved. The scene of Tubbo crying hurt so much. He really wanted to jump into the comic and comfort him.
Ranboo - Easily his 3rd fav. The memory book. The ender walking. The weird connection to main bad guy. The begging to be locked up in the prison. Plus love the marriage to Tubbo. Really hopes they can talk to each other. This comic needs one healthy relationship that lasts. Reminds him of this enderman hybrid that helped. Found the kid lost in the woods and badly hurt. So helped get the kid back to help then took it to the village with the nice baker lady. It was a nice village so hopefully the kid is okay.
Michael - yes doing their son. Super cute. The in comic reason for keeping Michael inside is for safety. I like to imagine there is a small mini series of Michael playing pretend or sneaking out to meet the other kids.
Fundy - neutral. Does not like him but does not hate him. Through is curious about the seeing the future thing. Wonders if this is his god's blood in work. (in the comic, Wilbur is confirmed to be a demigod. Only Phil and Techno know about it but it was confirmed)
Yogurt - cute kid. Hangs out with Michael when he sneaks out.
Puffy - a cool pirate and therapist. Kinda wish that she was his mom. He does not have any parents but he feels like Puffy would be a cool mom. She went feral when Foolish was killed.
Niki - reminds him of a baker he meet once while on the run. This was before he was well known so he could risk being seen. She gave him some free cookies and gave him a discount on the bread when she saw that he did not have much money. Super sweet and nice but also not one to be messed with. He saw how that baker handled an attempted robbery. Sad to see her wanting to hurt Tommy but was so happy that she is healing.
Jack: Feels bad for the character since he is put through so much. Even had to crawl out of hell.
Karl - love the guy. The time travel spin off series is super cool. feels bad for the losing memories things.
Quackity - flip flops between feeling bad and hating the guy. Quackity has been through a lot and Las Nevadas is cool. But he is just doing what the main villian did. Please just heal so you can be at peace. Hopefully him and fiancés will get back together
Jschlatt - great villian. hated the guy. Also reminds him of his neighbors. The father. Through was a much better person. Actually wanted to give a better life for his son (Yes in this au, DadSchlatt is a thing and he is a good father)
Purple - felt bad for the ufo being blowen up but does not feel anything towards him.
Punz - He respect the guy. Reminds him of a mercenary person that once was after him. Through stopped after realizing that the pay was not worth all the chase. Needed to be payed more
Ponk - felt bad for losing his arm but otherwise neutral for the character
Skeppy - over all neutral. Nice guy and feels bad for the possession thing.
Eret - liked the guy then hated the guy then went back to liking him. Glad the character was making up for the whole betrayal thing.
XD - does know what to make of this character. Through does not trust the god with George
Drista - a fun character that can cause a lot of chaos. Would want as a sister. Yes he might get attacked by a fork but hey he already has a younger brother.
Kristen - not much is known about her. Only that she is Wilbur's mom (in the comic, Wilbur does say his mom is a fridge but I am going on what Phil said. Which is that Wilbur got confused when Phil pointed to the fridge which had a pic of his mom)
MD - fun guy. So sad to see him die. Was really helping Tommy
Mamacita - another fun character through has not been seen since MD's death.
Sally - in the comic Sally is a shapeshifter through the writer wanted them to be a fish. Their editor refused to allow that. Not really shown much outside flash backs. I go back and forth on how good of a mom she was. So if she was good then Dream liked her. If not then he hates her.
Slimecicle - very confused. not like conflicted. Just confused.
Sam Nook - like him. Only one he trusts Tommy with. If he could becomes friends with Hunter!Sam would totally ask if he can build something like Sam Nook
Sam - really hates the dude. Does not care that the main bad guy asked Sam to build it. Sam has control so everything is Sam's doing. Plus the whole thing with Ponk. Part of him does remind dream of Hunter!Sam but that was earlier in the comic. Hunter!Sam would never hurt his partner (Yes Hunter!Sam is dating Ponk)
Ant - again the character remind him of Hunter!Ant. Through overall neutral. Does feel bad for the whole possession by the egg thing
Sapnap - hopefully gets back with Quackity. The dude really gets the short end of the stick. Also reminds him of Hunter!Sapnap. Through hopefully his relationship goes better then dsmp!Sapnap (yes Quaickity and Karl are his boyfriends)
George - reminds him of Hunter!Geroge. The weird dream comics were funny. feels bad that the character can't tell what is a dream and what is real.
Bad - again remind him of Hunter!Bad. Only reason why Dream does not hate dsmp!Bad is because he is being possessed by the egg. He did not like Foolish being killed. Also finds it sweet that the character was willing to do something for Skeppy. (yes. Bad and Skeppy have the same relationship as canon)
Dream - is a great villian. very evil. Through as stated before. Does not like the prison treatment. Does see himself in the guy but it is like all his more negative traits were turned up to 1000. Through Dream is lonely and does not make attachments, there is one he can't get rid of. Since that attachment is why he is doing all of this
Foolish - can probably tell he really likes Foolish. reminds him of his younger brother. Foolish being killed was the one time he needed to put the comic down and take a break.
that is everyone. There are a few more that I really don't watch so have no idea what Manhunt!Dream's opinion would be.
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lyokotyper95 · 2 years
Pokemon XD: Evening Notes
I’ve been getting back into Colosseum and XD Gale of Darkness. So I wrote up a fan fiction about Micheal, Jovi, and Lily
Michael is sitting at his desk. He’s scribbling in his blue lined notebook
“Alright, so fire is weak to water, ground, and rock. I’ll have to remember that for the next simulation battle. And let’s see, fire is super effective against-“
“Big brother!”
Micheal drops his pen in surprise. He sighs, turning around in his chair and looks at Jovi standing near his room. She’s in her light blue pajamas, with white clouds all over. Her hands are behind her back as she smiles widely 
“What do you want Jovi?”
Jovi stretches her arms down by her sides and clenches her fists. She stomps her foot
“No fair! Big brother is being mean!”
“I’m not trying to be mean! I’m just busy right now!”
Jovi relaxed her arms and her eyes widened with curiosity
“Oh! Jovi wants to see!”
“Fine. Come here”
Jovi ran inside Micheals room. She reached up to his desk and looked at his notes 
“Wow! What is all this?”
“Just some notes I’ve been writing about todays simulation battle”
“Is it because you lost?”
“Yeah. I want to get better though, so I’m reviewing what I did wrong”
Jovi rests her arms and head onto the desk. Micheal pushed out his seat and patted his lap
“Come on. You can sit”
Jovi perked up and sat atop Micheal’s lap
“Ow! I keep telling you not to sit down so hard”
“Jovi is excited!”
Micheal scooted in his chair and held onto the desk. Jovi looked through Michael’s notes 
“You write so much big brother! More than Jovi!”
“I always write. It’s good for practice. You should too if you want to be a trainer”
“Nu uh! Jovi doesn’t want to fight! Jovi will never put Minun in a fight!”
“But if you had a Plusle they’d work pretty good together”
“No fighting!”
“Alright alright. Just think about it”
Jovi continued to read Michaels notes. She pointed at where he left off
“Big brother didn’t finish!”
“Oh yeah, I was writing that part till you came in”
“Don’t worry big brother. Jovi can do it for you!”
Jovi picked up Michaels pen and started writing
“Hey?! What are you doing?!”
“Jovi is almost done…there!”
Jovi placed down the pen. Micheal read what Jovi wrote 
“Fire is super effective against grass, bug, and ice. Woah! You got it right!”
Jovi crossed her arms and smiled 
“Jovi is smart!”
Micheal patted and rubbed Jovi’s head
“Alright, you did good. But your hand writing could use some work”
“Jovi’s handwriting is fine”
As the two continued to talk, they heard a voice behind them 
“You both should be in bed by now”
Micheal turned his seat, holding Jovi in place 
“Hi mom”
“Hi mommy!”
Lily crossed her arms against her pink robe 
“It’s getting late. I know it’s summer but I don’t want you kids staying up past bed time!”
“But mommy, big brother needed me! I helped him with his notes!”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah! So if Jovi wasn’t here, Micheal would mess up!”
“I was managing till you came in!”
Lily chuckled 
“Thank you Jovi. Now, time for bed!”
Jovi jumped off Michaels lap and ran up to Lily. Lily kneeled down and hugged Jovi, along with a kiss on the forehead 
“Goodnight sweetie”
“Night mommy!”
Jovi ran out of Michaels room and into her own. Lily walked up to Michael 
“Im glad you’re both getting along better. You both used to fight so much when you were younger”
“She’s still annoying but it used to be worse. Like when she eat my snacks and took my toys”
“Little siblings can be a pain. So, how’s the studying coming?”
“Pretty good! I can’t wait to do another simulation battle!”
“Im so proud. If your father were here he’d be so happy to see how dedicated you’ve become”
“Yeah. Sometimes I wish he was still here”
Lily hugged Michael
“I know sweetie. We all do”
She patted Michaels back before separating 
“We’ll time for bed.”
“Ok mom. See you tomorrow”
“Good night”
“Night mom”
Lily ruffled Micheals hair before walking away. She turned off the light and left his room. Micheal closed his book, put away his pen, and walked over to bed. He got under his covers and stared up at the ceiling 
“I hope you’re proud dad. I still think about you”
He closed his eyes and went to bed 
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slasherwife · 4 years
(I was originally thinking of Michael Myers for that ask, but honestly any slasher you see fit to add would also be a treat to read 💕)
aww kk! 💕 (i literally love this idea here u go uWu 🥺💖💖)
“Sharp as knives...”
by jena marie
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Y/n just seems too badass and lethal for anyone in Haddonfield, except for one man. She signs her fate unknowingly when she snaps a pervert in half at the bar. Just like that, Michael wants her. xD warnings: cussing and a wee bit of violence :) also michael being a total stalker but what were we expecting
Her eyes were piercing. Sharp and direct as knives. It was like she looked right through you. She wore eyeliner that made them darker than they already were, and her hair flowed like a waterfall as she walked the streets. When she was angry, her voice could cut metal, and she never showed her teeth unless she was snarling.
Michael was in love. He though she resembled something of a feral wolf, and yet she was such a tiny little thing. One time she went into 7/11 for cigarettes, and her tshirt was so large that the shoulder-sleeves went past her elbows, and the bottom reached her mid-thigh. Her shorts barely showed, and her hair was in a messy bun. He watched her the entire time, practically glowing with dominance over the whole vicinity even though he was nowhere to be seen. He was there for her only. He was going to be the ultimate nightmare to anyone who gave her so much as a wrong look.
One time he got close enough to see her wrists, and how easily he could snap them within his grip. Once he could see her slender neck, and imagined how perfectly it would pulse around his long, thick fingers. He wanted to feel that, and yet the thought of harming her brought him anguish.
Today was hotter than normal, and Michael sought shade in the pine trees as usual. It was quiet in there and no person thought to go wandering, so that was his home for now.
There she was again. Her languid steps and flowing hair, bounced as she walked with purpose to the new bar that had opened up a few months ago. Michael watched, eyes cracked and predatory, his gaze on her pretty little form.
She was getting closer. Her form growing, although not so much due to the height of this pretty girl.
Michael wanted to sneer at how tiny she looked up close, and was too caught up in his fantasies to notice that she caught sight of his face in the bushes, and was making her way to him.
Her eyes were piercing, sharp, direct. They cut through Michael and he loved it. He never wanted to look away from the sheer power she radiated. They were e/c. Beautiful, like gems, against the glow of hell within them.
Then she was still. And they stood five feet apart.
“Have you been following me?” Her voice wasn’t sharp, it wasn’t threatening, nor did it sound frightened or shaky. It stood tall, and Michael couldn’t read her expression. It was a blank page.
Michael nodded slowly, not emitting any sound whatsoever. It was deathly quiet.
She wanted to know if he wanted to hurt her. Maybe he wanted to take her forcefully against a tree or on the asphalt against the dark sky.
Michael didn’t reply. He only stared. It was something intense, brooding, large. The gaze, Michael’s usually and most casual look, emitted danger, darkness, and sadism. It was something that you didn’t want to come near, let alone be in the view of. And yet she didn’t even flinch. She didn’t even blink. They’re gazes we’re locked, like two lions trying to intimidate each other.
Then, Michael wanted to see something. He wanted to see her reaction. He reached out, and grabbed her wrist, his rough hands scratching against her soft skin. He pulled her towards her, to which she obliged with a blank face, and he could finally smell her scent.
She smelled like an oak forest, peppermint, and jasmine. He could smell her perfume and her shampoo.
Y/n caught his scent too. He smelled like every dark thought she had ever had, every sinful desire, every morbid feeling— and yet so sweet.
He dug his fingers into her hair, something that seemed rough to Y/n, but bliss to Michael.
“I have to go.” She said, an edge to her voice that Michael couldn’t name, and his grip tightened. He seemed to growl. The sound echoed, and it swallowed her.
Michael then let go, and the girl stumbled backwards. Then it showed on her face, giving Michael a sense of satisfaction. She wasn’t scared, but she looked up at his in awe. How morbid, how dark, how beautiful it is to experience a scratch of his impulses and want more.
Michael stepped back, disappearing into the pines like a ghost.
The guitar was loud, blaring in the dark lit room, the bass shook the floor, and Y/n was having the time of her life. A man from the bar licked his lips with predatory eyes and Michael was already aware. He was internally shaking at the thought of competition. Then again, when does he ever lose?
The man with messy hair contained within a dirty baseball cap rose from his chair, and stalked drunkenly over to her. Michael seethed, as he watched through the small window of the staff-only room of the bar with the manager strangled dead on the floor behind him. He growled a guttural and animalistic growl, and watched with eyes aflame and murderous.
She strummed, making her guitar wail in a fit of rhyme and rythme, and she never wanted to stop. She didn’t even notice the poor man until he felt her up from behind her. She initially pushed him away slightly and absentmindedly, too caught up in her trance of music and being drunk on rhythm.
Her attention was snagged like a skirt on a thorn bush when the man grabbed onto her and her guitar, making the music stutter to a stop with unwelcome hands on her body.
Rage in her body bubbled up and exploded like an active volcano. She was in such a shaking, violent, overwhelming rage that she wasn’t just seeing red, she was seeing black spots in her vision.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Michael watched in awe as her fist flew to his nose, and the man fell back with a spray of blood from his nose. He clutched it in a pitiful yelp, followed by another pained yell as she, this tiny, petite girl roundhouse kicks him in the ball-sack and he fell to the floor.
“Fucking prick!” She spat, and she whipped her head away from the pitiful excuse for a man keening on the ground, practically immobile. She wiped her nose and fixed her clothing, then sighed, trying to keep her heart rate under control.
Michael was amazed. He was smitten. Yes— The Shape, Michael Myers, was smitten, taken aback, and extremely turned on. He didn’t understand why he felt this way over someone so insignificant, and yet he couldn’t turn himself away. The way she didn’t hesitate to temporarily maim him sent a delicious feeling throughout Michael’s body because it was like she was begging to be tamed. This lone wolf, feral and unpredictable, was undeserved to almost every man alive. Every man alive didn’t have the hands strong enough to carry her crown, but Michael does. And he will.
Her eyes were closed, trying to compose herself when an alarm was pulled, and it was blaring in the ears of everyone.
Police had showed up because one of the employees discovered the body of the manager in the back, and Y/n had her suspicions, and she was smart enough to know soon who the man in the pines was— and she knew.
She knew what would become of her and him, all that was due now was time.
i hope u liked ittt 💕💕
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battery-forgot · 3 years
More DSMP Headcanons
Keep in mind that some of these might not make sense, I don’t think a lot before I type and I just don’t remember how logic works sometimes.
-Every once in a while, his look and height changes because he forgets what he looked like after awhile (my excuse to not have to worry about having the height and stuff looking the same)
-When Charlie closes his eyes, he can still see through them because he is slightly transparent
-Charlie’s chat (for when he does in fact stream) are just little slimes that bonce around and on him, when lurking they become one of the “popsicle slime” things (what the heck even is it-- they are like slime versions of caramel apples xd) and when they leave, they just absorb into Charlie
-He doesn’t understand the concept of genders which leads to interesting conversations
-Charlie sometimes calls diamonds “gamble ores”
-Tommy’s right eye is gone from when he was punched to death by Dream, he normally covers the eye with an eye patch along with his hair covering some of it
-Tommy’s chat is a reused clock he made with Tubbo
-M a n
-Tubbo’s chat is a bunch of animals, mainly goats and bees, sometimes they carry items for him
-Schlatt, Puffy, and Tubbo act/acted like siblings but they were just good friends with eachother
-Sometimes Tubbo talks to Michael about space and explosives, though now that is rare 
-He despises the 4th of July because he sometimes hears fireworks go off
-He normally wears shorts because of his goat legs
-Man just doesn’t have arms. He has hands, but no arms. It makes people confused, though he can move his arms pretty far from his body though it feels weird and it is hard to control
-Ranboo has bad eye coordination
-He has wings but they are too tiny to use
-His hair isn’t split, but it is more like IRL Fundy’s hair where there are streaks of white
It is 3 in the morning and I am tired ;-;
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smallheathgangsters · 3 years
IMO Michael most likely always been built up to become an enemy, IMO his family tie is not that strong and imo i never felt he and his cousins were that close/warm and in end of s4 Tommy and Michael relationship begins to sour, Michael clearly begins show his not that loyal he claims he chose his mum or w.e but he knew Tommy might die and said nothing, Michael to me always felt someone who wanted more, he ditched his adoptive family and now his no longer loyal to his cousins/felt loyal cause it
i got quite a few asks about michael, i assume they are all from the same anon. if not, i am sorry. but even if not, they fit perfectly with the other asks and i thought i'd put them all together in this post, instead of going through every single one lol.
"suited him/wanted prove himself and now maybe feels he no longer has to and his relationship towards tommy and his cousins has soured but imo i never felt they were that close or warm towards each other."
"No offense but sadly Michael is the expendable member of the family now... so his now the villain to go up against Tommy/create drama/tension in the family, but it is possible his character was always intended to be a villain/enemy, being shocked by Michael sudden change doesn't mean ruined him people can change and people question did ever really know this person etc, also people have trusted the wrong people etc, finn cole did say Michael is a predator who exploits people."
"I feel maybe that why Tommy and Michael got along when Michael was learning from Tommy as they similar etc and is now exact reason now they butting heads lol, from moment Tommy met Michael is obvious Michael was stubborn etc and someone Tommy have to watch out for xd, Michael looked up to Tommy maybe cause wanted to be him."
"IMO Michael relationship with his cousins has not been really strong, John seemed jealous, Arthur didn't like Michael standing up to him, it like they expect Michael loyalty but it not like they been strongly loyal to him either, imo i never got the impression they that close as cousins while they did seem some loyalty it never felt that strong."
"Watching that scene with Michael and Tommy when he says he makes up his own mind, hits different seeing how their relationship is now and pretty obvious/hints this route was always going to go down ."
"didn't Tommy sell out his whole family, almost got them all hanged but Michael evil for trying to take his crown?"
"I agree i feel he wanted to impress his cousins/Tommy and prove himself, but his relationship with Tommy begin to sour and it goling to his head his like f u Tommy i going to take you're place/ the role i think i deserve/ maybe wants to now be Tommy."
i agree with most parts. about john: he was jealous, but i understood his jealousy a lot. he's already done so much shit for tommy, doing a lotttt of dirty work and suddenly this cousin shows up and is more of a priority than him and arthur.
i agree, that michael being the potential villian doesn't mean that his character has to end up in a bad way. really, anything could happen in s6.
michael isn't the type of evil tommy is. still, michael ruined their business in america and still came back telling everyone what to do. perhaps he is a little over his head with all of this, not seeing what he did wrong and i believe he's really bad at admitting his own mistakes and admitting that he fucked up. but, let's be honest, tommy couldn't either.
i'm just really excited to see what happens with michael and tommy. maybe we'll get a happy ending, maybe not. i'm excited for either. michael is trying to go his own way and it can go wrong, but it could also go right. we don't know yet.
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
I find it kind of poetic that Chuck first appeared as a seemingly human, bumbling writer and ended up becoming exactly that. He had fun in his Chuck guise and was left with it. He was no longer the god he was pretending not to be, he was now the guy he always wanted to be, or presented himself as, and now he's not happy. XD
I know, right? Like... we just saw Jack assume the mantle of Chuck AND Amara’s powers, in balance, like she’d wanted from Chuck. And we saw what HE chose to do with it, very much in opposition to what Chuck chose. Chuck wanted to participate in his creation directly, instead of being present as the force of creation in everything... heck that just sounds idiotic, but the concepts I’m attempting to describe aren’t really word-compatible in English >.>
(can I blame Chuck for that? I think I’m gonna.)
We saw this in the episode with Adam, and his test for Jack-- choosing the stone that God had touched. I’m not even gonna get into the confirmation that Chuck had been screwing with people since Adam, 300,000 years ago (by Adam’s own count). Can you IMAGINE carrying a grudge that long? And recognizing the essential cruelty of the guy who created you just to toy with you?
And another aside... kinda goes a long way toward all the times the “breaking Daddy’s toys” metaphor was used by Lucifer and various versions of Michael. The archangels were the most direct and specific creations of Chuck’s own self, and I’ve written a lot about how they were less individuals and more just... four facets of Chuck’s own self. But that’s going way off topic, because that wasn’t enough for Chuck. He wasn’t content to just ~be in everything~ and be the force that connected everything and brought life to everything in a metaphysical sense. He wanted to be part of it, to interact with it all directly and play with the pieces to see what would happen.
Back to Adam, and his test. He looked almost disappointed that Jack only sensed Chuck’s presence in one of the stones, until Jack seemed confused by it, and said this:
JACK: Yes. [Adam looks slightly disappointed, but Jack goes on] And the others. All of them. They're just rocks but their existence makes them divine. Because God is in everything.
ADAM: [he sighs with relief and smiles at Jack] Right on. At least, he should be.
HE SHOULD BE. As in, the act of personifying himself into Chuck “concentrated” him into that form and “pulled him out” of the fabric of creation. Yes, he’s the force holding it all together, but in becoming Chuck, he... sort of lost touch with the rest of it and became more fascinated with his own game. And it all kind of went to his head.
All through it, he played the character Chuck pretty well, on the surface. But he as method as he got with the character (which we really saw on display in 11.20 when Metatron confronted him), that’s all Chuck ever was. He put on a decent act of being human, but I don’t think he truly understood the experience of humanity, or human love. He only understood the adulation he expected to receive from humanity (and which was sort of hardwired into angels).
But he never really understood his own creation, from the human perspective. Meanwhile, Dean Humanity Winchester is over there being like... it’s awful to play games like this with all of humanity! And Cas... in this one universe... listened. Cas came close to falling so many times, and spent a short (and awful) time as a human himself, but I think he truly got to EXPERIENCE humanity as a human. I don’t think he would see it as a “downgrade” to be human the way Chuck clearly feels about his demotion from all powerful and omniscient being to Just Some Guy with a blank book.
Just like everyone else, though, now he’s got to write his own story. And I don’t think he ever really wanted that. He just... wanted to screw with everyone else’s stories. And now he has to truly make one for himself, and he doesn’t even have one friend on the planet.
I found Michael’s bit to be fascinating, how even after Chuck disappeared, Michael carried on with everything just as if he was still there, building churches and basically turning chuck into an idol to be worshipped, which is weird-- this hollow reflection of the truth, when Chuck as God should’ve been a part of everything instead of focused on messing with creation for kicks.
Now that Jack has reclaimed that power-- having experienced true humanity for himself and what the loss of that humanity had truly changed in him-- and then having his humanity restored to feel the weight of his own actions... yeah, Jack understands completely, and has finally restored the balance that Chuck should’ve been but never was. Not by being a guy to be worshipped, but by bringing what was missing from every aspect of creation.
Probably even to poor old Chuck, if he’s willing and able to do a bit of true self-reflection now, the way Jack did, and the way Cas has done that brought him to the point where he fully understood his own love, and what it means to truly care about people.
I thought it was a fantastic resolution.
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
@rnmmarchformeta​ Day 1: Tonight’s theme is: Themes
Malex and Music: Tracing a relationship through music used in the show - Part 1
Given that both Michael and Alex have a personal connection to music, I wanted to go over some of the intricacies of what the music choices and lyrics/stories behind the songs used might tell us about Malex. The music choices in Roswell New Mexico are deliberate and often incredibly pointed. Particularly in the case of Michael and Alex there are elements of their relationship that are not so much underlined as written about only in the lyrical choices that play under their scenes. This choice for me made rewatching the series a lot of fun because as I discovered the lyrics to some of the more obscure song choices I kept discovering new intricacies and motivations for each of their decisions. Below the cut for length.
(Author’s note circa 2007:  (rawr xD) I’m focusing specifically on the parts of these songs that play over or in direct correlation to scenes where Michael and Alex are both present. I would love to explore this theme in the wider context of the whole show and how their interactions with other characters might change some of these but...this is already like 6k and that’s just how the peas and carrots cooked. That said I will be referencing other characters and relationships as relevant, particularly, I will be talking at some length about Milexa and the airstream scenes in 2x06. I personally have a favorable reading of the scenes and what they mean for Michael and Alex. I also talk briefly about Milexa in a few other spots - they’ve been marked as ‘Milexa’ or ‘Miluca’ if you wish to skip them, although I don’t know if this will make sense as a whole without them. But, should you wish. Proceed accordingly. <3)
Posted on AO3 here.
Sedona - Houndstooth (1x01)
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The first song we hear in relation to Malex is ‘Sedona’ by Houndstooth. The song plays during the reunion as we see Alex confront Michael about the chemicals found around his airstream. The verse that plays underneath the scene references how, due to its scenic beauty, the town of Sedona was once a highly sought after filming location but had fallen into obscurity when cowboy movies went out of style in the late 70′s.
Similarly, Alex tells Michael that he is ‘wasting his life.’
“Does the macho cowboy swagger thing ever get old for you?”
“Did it get old for you?”
For me, this scene is as much an introduction to the past between these two as their present. Gone but not forgotten, their interactions are a ‘script’ that the two of them play off of. In other words, Michael and Alex don’t so much interact as play off of what the other expects from the other. This becomes especially clear when in 2x05 we learn that Alex has at least once before warned Michael about ‘wasting his life.’
When The Truth Hunts You Down - Sam Tinnesz (1x01)
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The next scene is this one, in which we see Alex contemplating an old picture of himself. We then see Michael watching him.
Later, the last line is overlaid with Jesse telling Kyle about the existence of aliens.
The truth about Michael’s alienness is quiet literally hunting them, but so is something about Alex’s past. As we get to know him, we learn just how much his father is interconnected with all of the worst moments in his life and everrything he has buried and tried to run from in order to avoid it. Michael, Roswell itself - Alex ran halfway across the world to try to run away from the trauma of his youth, and yet here he is.
“Nostalgia’s a bitch, huh?”
“You know I thought when I got back from Iraq you would be long gone.”
“Is that what you want?”
“We’re not kids anymore. What I want doesn't matter.” 
We also find out something of the nature of his and Michael’s relationship and that there are clearly still feelings between them - no matter how much Alex is trying to deny it.
Give Me The Night - Des Rocs (1x02)
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This is one of my personal faves from the Malex soundtracks. It just *slaps* okay?
Aside from the obvious nod to Michael’s alienness, this song underscores the divide still between Michael and Alex despite the passionate kiss they shared at the reunion. Michael is initially flirtatious and full of swagger - until Alex shuts him down.
The fallacy of Alex’s rebuke and his dismissal of the feelings behind the kiss are underscored by his refusal to even look Michael in the eye as they talk. Even if he tries to deny them, the truth of his feelings hunts and haunts him because he feels he can never act on his own desires. And in turn when presented with the about face, Michael turns bitter as the push-pull is reinitiated. Michael falls back to the script they’ve been rehashing to save his feelings - ‘puts on a show’ as it were, and Alex falls for it hook, line, and sinker. He is still unwilling or unable to see the truth that lies beneath the surface.
“Isn’t there some law about building on a historical site?”
“A historical - oh you mean because the UFO crashed here? Yeah, we’re not supposed to build on Santa’s workshop either.”
For Michael, who at least to me was obviously hoping things would change this time around, this must feel like a bucket of cold water, especially in the face of Liz Ortecho’s knowledge and seeming easy acceptance of the aliens’ existence. While Max might get his happy ending, Michael is left to keep hiding from the person he loves, never being seen and wondering if Alex’s feelings are even real. 
Two Princes - Spin Doctors (1x02) (Miluca)
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In rapid fire we have the next three songs as Michael and Alex spend some time at the Wild Pony. This verse plays under the interaction when Alex comes in the bar and spots Michael.
“Though he got kinda hot. In a ‘sex in a truck, smells like a river, never introduce him to your mama’ kind of way.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
My boy. My child. My bluntest instrument in the tool kit. Has no one ever told Alex Manes that saying you hadn’t noticed an objectively hot guy is hot is basically code for ‘I haven’t stopped staring at him since I walked in and my brain is not functioning at a high enough level to mask that fact’? Son, please, this is a drunk Wendy’s.
(Also this is huge foreshadowing for Miluca - Michael and Maria don’t have sex *in* a truck but it’s pretty close, we find out later that Michael/the aliens smell like rain, and she tells him he’s not meeting her mother at one point. The angle of this shot is also, for me at least, a hint that Michael is going to become the object of these two ‘princes’ affections, at some point.)
Anyway this is basically poking fun at Alex Manes, repressed disaster, for having no clue what love is and trying to express his affection through like, everything except anything anyone would understand as romantic love. (And we will see this in the flashbacks as well as present day - that Alex mostly uses his station or advantages as a way to show the people he loves he loves them, rather than using words. When he offers Michael the shed, brings him the guitar, uses his military connections to find out about Michel’s mom, hacks into Maria’s computer...listen I got more.) But that isn’t enough, as we’re learning. If only there were some way Alex could also learn that lesson.
And seriously, “This one said he wants to buy you rockets?”
How’s It Going To Be? - Stephen Edwards (1x02)
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“Is there really nobody in this world that you wouldn’t risk everything to save? Sad.”
Oh Isobel, if only you knew.
So, aside from returning the kiss Michael initiated at the reunion, Alex has soundly rejected every advance Michael has made for a relationship. Despite that Michael seems to have been harboring some hope that things might be different not that Alex is back more permanently. But now with Isobel bringing into question what he’s willing to sacrifice, I think he might be realizing that toll has been extremely steep already.
(Also truly obsessed with how both Alex and Michael have positioned themselves so that they can casually glance over at each other without arousing suspicion. *Boys*. It’s not that complicated what is this middle school?)
We know that Michael doesn’t like having to keep secrets, and again I have to wonder if he’s regretting not telling Alex he’s an alien, or wondering how that conversation would have gone.
From the previous scenes we can tell something in their relationship is coming to a head - maybe Michael is hoping it’s that he can finally stop keeping secrets from Alex and show Alex who he really is - that Alex will stop misreading him. That Alex will change.
But there is also the expectation that if that happens, Alex will likely leave again. Not just because that’s what Alex’s trauma makes him do, but also because that is how Michael frames all of his relationships. As ‘until you leaves’. He is shown to have a habit of catastrophizing because he doesn’t believe himself to ‘belong’ anywhere(HA) and this is one of those times we’re shown that.
Come With Me - Gold Star (1x02)
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“Home can be a person.”
And here we have Alex “thinking about who he was” as Maria closes up the bar. Given where this scene leads with him and Michael, I think the rest of the lyrics to the song are incredibly poignant.
Tell me what were you dreaming? Tell me who were you trying to reach? Gimme something real to believe in Or gimme a reason to leave So i left her standing under shining stars in the Silver moonlight by old Borough Hall - whoever you are
We know that after this evening Alex attempts to rekindle his relationship with Michael, still thinking about who he was, and maybe for the first time trying not to run from what he wants. He’ll be unsuccessful this time, but it’s the first clue that Alex is attempting to break a pattern that has held him in place for ten years.
While he may have been misreading Michael’s stunted growth, we’re starting to see Alex contemplate change in himself. This is the start of Alex’s two season long journey to break out of the fortress he’s built around himself. To ‘put his weapons down’ in an effort to be with Michael.
(She lets her guard down on her way back//to close her eyes and fall asleep - “It was late....I was tired.”)
God of Wine - Third Eye Blind
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So clearly the writers were like ‘how can we hurt Milo specifically’ because these lyrics are *so good* as we hear malex talk about the way they view their relationship for the first time in the show.
The music starts just as Michael picks up the old photographs, first of the pod squad, then of himself and Alex playing guitars in the desert. As he packs up the airstream to move it off Foster’s Ranch, Michael is also thinking about the past.
Throughout the series, we’re given a bunch of musical lines about how Michael and Alex can’t go back to what they were, that they have to move forward. And it’s true - as we’ll see over and over again the dynamic they’ve had has been incredibly unhealthy for both of them. But they also cannot avoid the other’s orbit. And when Alex comes to talk to Michael it’s the first time we see him actually decide to initiate - to try and take what he himself wants, rather than waiting or hiding from it. But it is also very much Alex falling back into the ‘madness that holds a truth he can’t erase’ of Michael’s really, very, super, incredibly obvious feelings for him. Our boy is not subtle.
But Alex is still hunted by the past - before we know his history we assume that when Alex references ‘who he was before he went to war’ he means Iraq. But Alex’s war is his father. As much as combat can absolutely be a traumatizing experience, for Alex I never really read that as his main source. As he’ll tell Forrest later - “My PTSD triggers are a little more complicated”.
And so when he tells Michael he’s been thinking about who he was “before he went to war” for me that’s more a callback to who he was before Jesse found the two of them in the toolshed. “When this started.”
As Michael tells him “From where I stand nothing’s changed”  the words “I know, I know, I know” repeat in the background because WE KNOW. We all know, except Alex.
“And that’s a problem for me, Guerin.”
And the siren’s song that is your madness
“Because every time you look at me, I’m seventeen all over again.”
holds a truth I can’t erase
“- and I forget that the last ten years even happened. And then you look away and I remember all over again. And it almost kills me every time.”
All alone on your face
“I never look away. Not really.”
For Michael this is basically confirmation of what he’s been realizing over the last few days - that Alex has been totally misreading him and that yes, Michael, you’re going to have to use your words on this one. 
To which we see Alex’s brain 404-blue-screen for a minute as he realizes what Michael means. Which I personally really appreciate.
And especially since we’ve just learned that a lyric of this song was written on Rosa’s hand the night she died, I can’t believe it’s a coincidence in this being the song that plays underneath this scene - where Alex says he was thinking about who he was before. Everything changed that day for everyone - including Michael and Alex. Michael had gained a terrible secret he couldn’t share, that meant he changed his whole life and started needing to hide and lie and act out, and Alex - not knowing the truth - assumed that it was Michael’s way of trying to push him away and end the relationship. Which leads to the decades long miscommunication of Alex seeing Michael do that over and over again.
For the last ten years, Alex has been seeing Michael as the boy who looks away, then looks back. A Michael whose focus shifts to and away from him and who he sees as wasting his life; directionless and aimless. But as he realizes what Michael is saying he has to recalibrate everything he’s thought their relationship is.
This is possibly the first time Alex has realized that his view of Michael has been wrong. That he really doesn’t know Michael at all.
And we know this interaction has a profound impact on Alex in terms of how he views their relationship. I feel like this is one of those things that becomes a mantra for Alex, later down the line. He repeats it to Michael at Caulfield, and in his song as well, “You never looked away, now I won’t look away” to express his commitment to breaking down the walls he has built up for himself. 
Even though we know the relationship is doomed at this point, it’s the first time a stone falls from the walls Alex has built around himself in a decade.
Here - Chance Peña - 1x03 (Alternate title: “Home”)
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Okay I would like to petition to make it illegal to have unreleased songs in episodes, Chance Peña help a bitch out. I had to watch a *fish show* to hear the full lyrics because they’re edited in the show! ( I will also note the next lyric is ‘goodbye, my dear’ which. rude.)
Anyway, we’re given these lyrics as Michael wakes up to seeing Alex has stayed the night. I took the editing, with the previous song choices, to be a reaffirmation of this being something new to Alex, but not necessarily to Michael. Michael knows what he wants from a relationship with Alex - even if he’s put the hope aside from time to time the want is always clear.
For Alex though, a relationship with Michael is something that scares him because of his fear that it can be taken away. (”I just thought that I could be happy, and not be afraid that if I loved anything my dad would destroy it.”) He is trying to make it work - “drawing near” to Michael - but he knows that in order to do that he is going to need to be uncomfortable. To face the fears that have held him back and kept him in comfortable limbo for so long.
I’m also going to flail about how, while RNM has the song listed as ‘Here’, the producer of the other show(Battlefish) identified the song as ‘Home’. I hope I don’t have to yell at y’all, other Roswell New Mexico fans, about how often that word has snuck up on me and knifed me in the back regarding malex. Especially since Alex *is* currently - well, here. With his home. Kill me please it would be kinder.
But then of course we see the old insecurities pop up again as Isobel arrives. Even if he is trying - Alex is nowhere near ready to jump out of the closet yet.
Fast Aint Good Enough - Inkwell Echo (1x06)
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I debated adding this one because it’s a little bit reachy, but I thought it was significant in that even when they were seventeen, the thing Alex is ‘afraid of’ is his feelings for Michael - not necessarily of being gay but of what people like Kyle and his father do with information like that.
Wish I’d found the words when we were seventeen-
Kyle asks
“What are you so afraid of?”
-just as Alex catches sight of Michael.
(“I wanted to be the kind of person who won battles. It felt good.”)
Aside from Alex’s general need to protect Michael in any and all situations, I feel like the lyrics of this song - about the singer’s attempt to leave an abusive relationship - underscore that even before the toolshed, Alex was fighting. Even before the toolshed, he has been fighting to this cycle he is trapped in.
While he and Michael build their relationship he starts thinking seriously about leaving and not just surviving but he will ultimately choose to trap himself for years in order to hide his love for Michael.
Like so many gay kids, Alex is fighting a system that deems him guilty of sin - and takes his fighting back as a sign of his guilt. And in order to actually be able to love Michael, he is going to have to figure out how to put down the weapons and the hurt and break the cycle.
First Day Of My Life - Bright Eyes (1x06)
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Are they serious right now I swear to god.
So obviously, we’ve got the origins for everything we’re told about Michael and Alex’s lives changing based on their feelings for each other in like two and a half verses of song. Forget the entire second season we have everything we need right here.
“It was the first time I liked our hometown, though.”
“Alex made me believe there was a place for me here.”
We know that for both of them this is really a moment of self discovery as much as it is a discovery about each other. 
For Michael in particular, who doesn’t know why he’s here or who he really is, and who previously had no plans besides leaving the planet, this is the moment that he realizes what he wants - to be with Alex.
And for Alex, to me, this moment is a brief glimpse into what his life could be like. We don’t have any confirmation if Michael is his first kiss with a boy or not, but we do know that this moment is significant in that it’s the first that makes Roswell feel like a place he enjoys being.
And as he is realizing that, the lyrics echo it -
But I realized that I need you // And I wondered if I could come home
(Screeching from the background: WOULD YOU COME HOME)
But of course, as the song says, these things take forever because...well....
(It’s because Alex is dumb. My poor dumb emotionally stunted child. Please go to therapy.)
In essence, this is the moment that sets Michael and Alex on their entwined path. The path that Alex will have to fight to get back to - the path Michael will lose faith in before he later starts to regain the hope that it exists. I also like to think about the link between the last lines:
Remember the time you drove all night // Just to meet me in the morning?
and the line from ‘Would You Come Home’
Would you meet me in the middle // Could we both stop keeping score?
I like to think about the parallel here, about meeting people where they’re at, and the love and care and effort it takes to be willing to drive all night to meet someone. Listen a bitch is soft and gay don’t look at me.
You Can’t Love Me - Novi & Tyler Blackburn (1x12)
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(*Whispers and rocks back and forth* this is fine it’s all fine)
Once again we have a song whose lyrics give us a tailor made road map to Malex, and will pop up later in ‘Would You Come Home’. We’ve already seen the implosion of the way Michael and Alex have been orbiting each other for a decade, but now that Alex knows the truth, he actually has the ability to understand Michael in ways he hasn’t been able to before. (Something we’ll see later in Season 2 when he talks with Maria.)
And because of that, we see the true beginning of the journey of Michael and Alex back to one another in a healthier way.
But part of that journey is going to be realizing that what they’ve been doing and the way they have loved each other in the past isn’t sustainable - and maybe isn’t even the way they want to love each other.
“They’re my family, Alex!”
“Alright, maybe! But you are mine. I don’t look away, Guerin.”
“No. We’ve been holding onto this thing. And it’s gotten us nowhere. Just let it go.”
Even though the words are said in anger, there is some truth to what Michael says. Their relationship so far hasn’t been a good one. Where Alex is trying to repeat the words that Michael said to him that made such an impact on him, Michael is (well, a, trying to save his dumb boyfriend from getting flambayed) using the opportunity to reveal how little faith he has in their relationship. To say that no, this doesn’t feel like love.
But as much as the song lyrics are about loving someone who isn’t good for you, they’re also about changing and growing, and about a commitment to be better.
(Sound familiar? Brb, I’m gonna go jump off a cliff.)
Love is messy, and especially for Michael and Alex, love has always been something that hurts. “Home is where the hurt is” - and a really important part of their journey is realizing that, and realizing there is a different way of loving each other.
Additionally for Alex, this is when he starts to realize the full extent of his family’s involvement in hunting and hurting Michael’s family. It isn’t just his dad - his entire family line has been involved in this since before Alex was born. And still is. This is really where he starts realizing the roots of the guilt and shame he’s going to have to deal with in order to be anything to Michael - not even a partner but a friend.
This is the first step in that journey. Not just the commitment that yes - I want to build a home for you - but that first, I don’t know, maybe I need to put down these weapons and pick up a different set of tools?
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the-passenger-if · 5 years
heya! sorry if this has been asked before, but i couldn't find it thanks to crappy tumblr... but do you have any fave WIP's? i'm currently looking for new stuff to play. kinda broaden my horizon XD and since i love your game, maybe you have a similar taste as me?? thanx!
Hey there :3
Yeah of course, there are a lot of really good ones, but my top ones are heavily character driven and most of them have awesome ROs
List of WIPs in no particular order.
Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights. TW: a scientist is creepily gross towards MC.
From the author’s fingers: A fish out of water tale.
A young isolated MC without a ‘voice’ grows up in a lab poked prodded and tested for eighteen years finds themselves thrown into the chaotic world of powers and abilities beyond human kine. They will have an adventure that will define who they are and make an impact in a world they never knew existed.
RO after my own heart: Mh. No one really, but  the MC and Silic are awesome.
WIP state: On hiatus
Model Citizens: Unmasked
From the author's fingers: It’s a story about a world full of heroes with odd and amazing powers! But… you’re not one of them. You don’t have powers, and you don’t plan to go and fight crime. No, you’re just a model, everyday citizen. A reporter, in fact, tied into the events of heroes but never really a part of them
Except for one (well, two, but thats already said and done), little exception.
You work for The Nickelport Rust, a controversial paper known for one reason and one reason only.
Unmasking heroes.
RO after my own heart: V. and Ricky (with a special mention to Lucy)
WIP state: On hiatus
Fallen Hero: Retribution
Enough said--also, Malin didn't write a summary for this one n_n"
RO after my own heart: Ortega. I would romance Steel and Argent too.
WIP state: Malin is running a closed alpha
SoS: The Mortal Coil. This one and The ORPHEUS Ruse were big inspirations for The Passenger as discussed here.
From the author's fingers: Archangels were designated to serve the whims of their God. As Gabriel, you wield power and influence in Heaven. Yet your God, silent for centuries, has given you an order, one unlike any other you have received. You are to raise a satanspawn on earth, living in secret as a mortal. play as the archangel, Gabriel. Your cover is that of a junior detective with the Major Crimes division of JCPD. It’s supposed to be a straightforward protection detail.
But things rarely go according to plan.
Will you stay loyal to Heaven and their rules or will you play it fast and loose? Will you try to seize the throne or find your place on Earth? Will the satanspawn prove to be beyond saving or will you raise him to be a beacon of hope?
Work with the various supernatural factions in one of the few cities that is neutral in the war between Heaven and Hell. Fall in love, solve a few cases, and discover if your past will define your future.
RO after my own heart: Michael. That fucking brat.
WIP state: On hiatus
Diaspora. You guys... Diaspora. If you're into Dragon Age, Diaspora is a must.
From the authors' fingers: it’s about a clan of people forced to flee their homeland and establish themselves elsewhere in the world. The Cine, of which the PC is a part, are traditionally a raiding culture, accustomed to theft and piracy as a way of life, meaning that few will welcome them as neighbors. Throughout the story, the PC will have opportunities to shape the perception of their clan, as well as the direction their people will take with their new settlement. Will you stick to traditional values at the steep diplomatic cost that may entail? Or, against the advice of your clan’s leadership and some of your close friends, will you try to change the very fate of the Cine, their role in the world around them?
RO after my own heart: Pan. There's no words to describe how much I love this magnificent bastard. They are my favorite RO ever too and a big inspiration for some of Roach's mannerisms.
WIP state: Kiku and August work on it whenever they have time but I would say it's pretty active for a WIP this big.
Relics of the Lost Age. TW: for people being bigots; it has nazis, it has the kkk, you can punch them in the face tho :3
From the author's fingers: The game is basically a fun (I hope), swashbuckling Indiana Jones-em-up, in which you play as a 1930s archaeologist trying to locate a number of occult artifacts before various nasty types can get their hands on them. There will be high adventure in far-flung corners of the world, wacky stunts, Nazi-punching, the possibility of romance (4 possible ROs in total, although you don’t meet them all in Chapter 1), loss, betrayal and all kinds of good stuff along those lines. Give it a go; you never know, you might like it!
I've never watched an Indiana Jones film in my entire life, but this game kicks ass and its author is a very intelligent person and also a sweetheart. Go say hello!
RO after my own heart: Not a RO but I'm crossing my fingers for Maria Garcia Perez. Yes, mama, call me a dumbass and kick me in the face.
WIP state: Active. The Prof is a word-spurting beast :O
But the WIP i'm following at the moment is the third book in the Evertree Saga, Lux: City of Secrets
From the author’s fingers: continuing the story that began with Evertree Inn and Sordwin. In this fantasy adventure, you return once again as an investigator of magical mysteries, this time exploring the many twisting tales of a city full of secrets. Can you balance all the commitments of your new life in the big city and rise above, or will you become just another nameless face in the crowd?
Also, Thom is truly a sweetheart.
RO after my own heart: Dandy. Dandy Dandy Dandy. (this one is a gender-flip and his female counterpart is Daisy)
WIP state: Active. Thom has 3 titles under their belt, they know what they're doing.
Monsters. So so cool, also so so full of triggers--a character is super homophobic and a racist, other dude may hit a female MC in the face if he doesn't like what she's saying, so bear that in mind. I don't feel like the author was trying to be edgy, tho, he's just playing with old horror tropes and these people aren't supposed to be likeable anyways. If you like horror that's kind of Texas-Chainsaw-Massacry, this is a good one.
From the author's fingers: First off: This game contains ADULT CONTENT!!! It is a psychological survival horror, and intentionally contains content which some readers may find offensive. There’s a proper disclaimer in-game. But the warning is there. I’m choosing not to describe the content of the game because, honestly, I want it to be a surprise to anyone who has not read it but is intrigued. I want you to not know what to expect. wink
RO after my own heart: Nobody, but they are interesting to chat to.
WIP state: On hiatus.
The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two
Through Broken Lenses. TW: so much abuse. Tread with care.
The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia: Part One
Fox of Sunholt
Supernatural in New York
Good Intentions. TW: I think this one may be triggering too, but I don't quite remember the specifics, sorry.
What a Brilliant Existence!
Spellbound: A Ghost Story
Seven days in purgatory
Burwick Destination: Book One
A Cage of Mist and Shadow
Please remember to pay attention to the last time WIPs were updated, you don’t want to necrobump a thread.
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Okay, who am I going to answer first...
Dear Jessy, as well as Yuvon I am dearly sorry for your loss. My relation to Matt goes the same way as with Yuvon and she already explained, so I will not repeat this story. I don't think you'd want that now.
I too, agree with everything Yuvon told you about him. Of course we can never be 100% sure about 'your' Jake. As with Yuvon, if you just want to close this, please stop reading now.
I know four Jakes now. Mine, a Jake we call TSB, Yuvons Jake and Jake of a person we call Rai.
None of those Jakes is to any extent a murderer and even less the MWAF.
You could call me Matts counterpart in this world, even though I am as well as Yuvon a girl. Your counterpart and myself aren't in a romantic relationship either. I wish [this word is completely blacked out] and I were
Two of the Jakes I talked about had personal contact with me, more than just letters. And you could say they safed my life. Or at least do everything they can.
Again, we cannot be 100% sure that the Jake of your universe didn't do it, but even though there seemingly is evidence against him, it just doesn't make any sense, right?
What would you do if an innocent person was caught now? And even more Jake, who probably gets even more problems now. [The words could be readable if you hold it in light. But probably even more if you have a bit experience with reading crossed out words] After he trusted all of you. I cannot imagine what I'd do if the same thing
It's for me the same as Yuvon, once more. Please don't ask me any questions after when you and Thomas were in Michael Hansons house.
I..I think I don't have to say more to you in the moment. Sorry if I sounded a bit rude.
You may skip this part, if you even read till here, Jessy :)
Have I been rude in my part to Jessy? I didn't intend to...Reading her letter just was like a real punch in the gut. [The writing becomes a bit shaky and the word 'imagining' is a bit smudged, as if it got wet] The thought of what might happens there right now makes me feel sick. And imagining that the same thing could happen to TSB because of me now...
But back to business. I need that now.
I already have a place chosen and Jake was so friendly to get Max and myself tickets and a place under a wrong name. I still payed though, I would feel bad if not.
It's evening now and the call happened. Same as last time, with the difference that some kind of anxiety kicked in. But luckily Jake texted me immediately afterwards :) So it wasn't too bad.
Yeah, it seems the Duskwood Detective Inc. is a real tragedy-magnet...
I feel so sorry for Matt, I mean, he's kind of our counterpart, right? Like the Jakes are counterparts.
You're right about Max, I'll do that. That sounds good. And in the end, the MWAF is a real danger, stalker, whatever. At least not friendly.
I mean, it seems that the Crow-Crew not trusting Jake is in many universes...BUT did you realise something in Jessys letter? It seems Lilly and Dan believed Jake to be innocent. Dan. Which is kinda cool and refreshing.
I also definitely wait for them to contact me!
And yeah, I packed a whole pencil case. And I'll probably steal my favourite pen from work. Just because.
Btw, Jake, I don't know what you and Jake talked about, but he seemed very excited after I sent him your answer. Thanks for that I guess? And he lets me tell you that this helped him enormly. He'll 'text' you again when he has more results about whatever it seems.
Oh, and about..what seemed to be your last question? I don't know.
So, Jake said that he wanted me to tell you no, he never had this experience. He couldn't. He has an idea what you're talking about but that doesn't fit to him. Another thing, though. But he doesn't want me to know. He'll tell you when he writes a message just for you again.
Damn, you make me curious..But I won't read what I am not supposed to. Those are Jake things.
Now I hope I didn't forget anything, if so just remind me. I'll answer that next time :)
Lis, and in some way, Jake🐾🔥
I don't think there's exactly a way to avoid being rude in a situation like this. Walking over eggshells is irritating. Being straightforward is rude. All the middle paths are irritating AND rude. I did the best I could in my letter to Jessy, but I'm pretty sure I failed miserably.
I feel really bad for basically Jessy's entire timeline. Jessy lost Matt. Matt was killed. Jake was captured. Hannah seems to still be missing, from what I can tell. Thomas lost Hannah. Cleo lost Hannah. Lilly lost Hannah AND Jake. Dan has to watch the bad end unfold and watch his friends spiral into depression. It’s basically one of the worst endings I can think of to all this.
I’m sure that TSB isn’t going through the same things now. Goldie probably gave things a nudge in the right direction in that timeline so you wouldn’t be too torn up about it.
Alright, at least things still are going chronologically. And it’s good Jake helped you get your destination all set up, and that he texted you after the call :)
Yeah, you, me, Rai, and Matt all seem to be counterparts of a sort. Not quite as closely as the Jakes are, but still.
You’re right! I missed that. Maybe Dan and Jake managed to get over their animosity in that year? Or maybe Dan saw the same weirdnesses with the crime as I did. But Dan sort of leaps to conclusions a lot, so probably not the second one.
Looks like the Jakes want to talk behind our backs XD   I’ll hand this over now.
(The handwriting changes to Jake’s.) Hello, Lis.
I am somewhat confused. If I am understanding this correctly, an alternate version of Jessica who dated an alternate Detective named Matt contacted Yuvon after Matt’s death, somehow. I believed that only entities and detectives could write letters to Yuvon in here: is that not so? If the restriction does not exist, that opens up quite a few possibilities I have never considered before.
Additionally, Matt’s version of myself was framed for his murder, if I am understanding correctly. I cannot comprehend a version of myself that would have been the kidnapper. And both Lilly and Dan both believed my counterpart to be innocent? Odd, given his recent behavior towards myself.
In any case. At least the timeline seems to be moving predictably as of yet, and your bolthole is secured.
Tragedy does seem to stalk the footsteps of you and your counterparts. It could be chance, mixed with the risk factor of being in your position, but I am becoming more and more inclined to say that even those of us who have not encountered entities are their playthings. Do you concur?
I am glad I was able to help your Jake. I am not sure what to feel about my theory being confirmed, however. On the one hand, confirmation is a comfort: I am not overly fond of the unknown. On the other, that makes me very markedly different from at least your Jake, in a way I would not usually assume would vary across universes. I wonder if there are any other Jakes like myself.
No matter. I will speak with Yuvon as you previously suggested shortly. It will likely be a long conversation, so please do not expect letters for a while.
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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