#I was screaming YAAAS at the screen
ohjaimelannister · 1 year
Look Chenford is my world but Angela Lopez is the baddest bitch to ever walk the earth.
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joulex · 3 months
So sorry to talk about this again but wtf is wrong with straight white woman?? Like they are screaming and crying over micheal being michaela, and saying "the great love story is ruined" WTF WHY IS SUDDENLY OKAY TO BE OPENLY HOMOPHOBIC AND BE OKAY???
I want to rip my skin off, sapphic relationships in period pieces most of the time, not to say always, ends up with death,sadnees or both. Bridgerton is one of the rare cases were it will end on a happy ending. Francesca story will be the same with some minor changes of course, and michaela IS LITERALLY THE SAME CHARACTER SHES JUST A WOMAN SHE WILL HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AND TRAITS.
They have no problem with benedict being bi and being in a treesome (nothing is wrong with that just stating a fact) but when francesca is queer actually is not okay.
Also, the fact that michaela is a black woman, presummably queer black woman, doesnt escape me as a contributing fact as to why straight white women are hating. I saw the fancasts of mostly white men for michael before pt 2. Its just so fucking infurating. Eloise and cressida being a ship, yeah we dont care, but when its a black woman actually being on screen and being put in the love interest position, suddenly its a problem.
Im so fucking sick of it, if you hate diversity so much WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WATCH BRIDGERTON. IF YOU WANT MICHAEL, REREAD THE BOOKS
I hope michaela and francesca scissor in every single scene in her season just to make everyone more mad
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oro-e-diamanti · 1 year
Omg yaaas prompts are BACK ❤️ may I pls request number 16 "I missed you like I never missed anyone before." it made me think of the meaning of The Loneliest… what if it’s Damiano coming back from the writing session in LA and showing the reader the song
“I missed you like I never missed anyone before.”
Damiano + angst/fluff
There’s a fog over the airport when he arrives. When you hope he arrives. Worse, yet: Even if he does, you have no certainty whether he wants to see you or not. You can’t even being to describe how that’s making you feel.
You watch as the planes take off and land, one after the other, so many people, everyone with their own little stories, going somewhere, going home. You wonder how many have knots in their stomachs similar to yours. How many are on the way to the unknown. Who aren't sure who will greet them when they arrive. How it might change their lives, or not at all.
The arrivals hall is busy, bustling with people, the sound of suitcases being moved over the smooth floor, announcements echoing, mothers crying, children screaming in play or displeasure, lovers kissing, being reunited or torn apart. You wonder which one will be happening to you today.
The arrivals screen changes to “landed” where his flight is listed. Your heart drops, misses a beat, then comes back to life with twice the force. The uncertainty makes you feel like throwing up. You've always been the type to get queasy with anticipation and nerves. Only, you miss the times it would happen with the widest smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach, happily taking all the physical symptoms in the eyes of the excitement of him coming back home to you. Now it was pure anxiety.
The time until the first passengers walk through the doors and into the hall takes an eternity. It leaves you with too much time to think. Nothing else will occupy your time enough not to let your thoughts drift.
A break. You can’t even recall whose deranged idea it was. A fight that escalated in ways it never had before. You didn’t want to get loud and mean and unfair. Neither did he. It wasn’t about him. It wasn’t about you. It was the situation, it was his job, it was your responsibilities keeping you away from him, it was his accusation of not making enough of an effort and yours of not making compromises. It seemed silly the very second the fury had subsided. But the bad taste in your mouth lingered. A break. A chance for both of you to figure out what you want. A three-week trip away from home for him, three weeks of physical pain from the intensity of missing him.
You can’t count how many times you found yourself wondering if he was missing you too. At all. You had no way of knowing. Both of you had agreed to no contact. Take the time to really think things through. Find out if you still wanted each other in your lives and if yes, in which way. Pure torture. You even refrained from contacting the rest of the band, unwilling to bring any of them into your weird, messed-up situation. Only one message had reached you.
Our flight back gets in at 7 pm tomorrow.
You thanked the heavens for Vic. You still aren’t sure if he knows about the text at all, but that’s the least of your current worries. For now, you’re here. For now, you’re waiting for him.
You hate the way the sliding doors keep closing after each passenger, leaving you anxious and impatient for it to open again, just to see another stranger’s face. You still stare at each and every one of them intently, as if you could find him in their features, or gather any knowledge about him at all.
Ethan appears first. He spots you quickly, to your own surprise, since there are multiple people waiting for loved ones and business contacts and you’ve taken to hiding in the crowd. The fear of getting rejected while standing front row for all of these people to see was too humiliating. Ethan gives you a quick wave, puts his sunglasses on, and leaves. You assume he’s looking for their driver. You passed him by earlier but resigned to standing far away from him.
Thomas and Vic walk through the doors at the same time, she’s animatedly talking, hands moving around as much as possible with a heavy-looking bag in tow, he seems tired and not quite in tune with her energy. He spots you too and you can see him change course, direct his feet toward you, but Vic intervenes, a quick look over her shoulder, a soft smile for you, then she pulls Thomas away.
Then he’s there.
The love of your life. The one that left you wondering if you were his too.
He looks rougher thank you’ve ever seen him. And you’ve been there for a lot. He’s wearing a baseball cap and it’s pulled down into his face so much you would have missed him if you hadn’t been looking out for him in particular. You can still make out the dark circles under his eyes, pale skin that looks like he hasn’t been taking care of himself. There’s no energy in his step and he doesn’t look up.
But you need him to see you.
Stepping forward is all it takes. As if drawn in by an innate knowledge of you being around, he looks up, scanning his surroundings for the first time. It only takes a moment before he’s looking straight into your eyes. He doesn’t hesitate as he sets off your way. Your heart is pounding so hard you’re convinced you’re in danger of passing out.
But then he reaches you, his bag dropped and forgotten, and his arms wrap around you so tightly it feels like he’s attempting to make you a part of him. You don’t resist at all, molding against his chest, biting back the tears you don’t want to see on your face in a public setting.
“I-” His voice is hoarse and he immediately stops himself but you assume it’s not just because he sounds off. His eyes flicker away from your face, unable to ignore the people gawking around you. “Not here. Can I- can I take you home?”
You would love to tell him with a kiss. You nod instead.
Your eyes are scanning over the page, struggling to make out any single thought that has been put down on it, and for once it’s not due to Damiano’s handwriting. Your brain is clouded with panic and fear of rejection, you’ll be the saddest part of me, a part of me that will never be mine, words crossed out and re-written, underlined and hasty, the paper slightly crumpled at the edges, it’s torturous. You’re not entirely sure what to make of it, how to sort your thoughts. When you look up at Damiano from your spot on the couch, he’s pacing.
“I couldn’t write about anything but you,” he finally says. “The break… I wasn’t sure if I would see you again. I was completely prepared to have to beg and cry and fall on my knees for you to give me another chance.”
He crouches down in front of you now, holding out his hands to you. You take them immediately as relief floods his eyes.
“And I… I missed you like I never missed anyone before. And this,” he says, only briefly removing his hand from yours to point to a specific passage, “is all I want you to know.”
Cause I don’t even care about the time I’ve got left here The only thing I know now is that I wanna spend it With you, with you, nobody else here
It’s only when you laugh that you realise you’ve started crying. Damiano looks up at you, startled, already wiping away the tears from your cheeks.
“That’s awfully dramatic,” you say with a smile on your face. Your eyes are still watering but the weight has been lifted off your whole body, not just your chest. You feel so light, you’re convinced anything is possible right then and there. Damiano can’t keep the chuckle in either.
It’s not over. There’s a future. He missed you like you missed him. You can do this.
You grab his head into your hands and pull him toward you, finally, finally, putting your lips on his.
“I love you,” you mumble against him.
“I love you,” he replies.
“Good,” you grin, pressing another kiss on his mouth. “Only promise me one thing.”
“No more breaks?” he offers with a laugh.
“Well, that too, but I thought that was a given.”
“Anything you want, amore.”
“Record that song.”
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aretarers · 11 months
21 46 yass
21. How was your day today? 
it's been Okayyyeee. to be fair i've only been up 3 hours but i'm tryin to have a good day ^_^ drawing a bit finally for the first time in ages that's nice. my tv just got delivered so i need to wait for it to be scanned but then my roommate and i can go get it and set it up...and then we can have jerma on the big screen... yaaa
46. What do you need when you’re sad? 
this one's hard...it really depends on why i'm sad. usually though what i need is just a distraction so like, someone to hang out with, talk with... something to make me laugh to shock me out of it i think. I also think that often when im sad im feeling a lot of other things and it can be overwhelming so honestly i think something that would be super helpful would be one of those rage rooms you know. like a place to just sort of scream and shout and cry and smash shit. i think that would be really helpful. But i can't really do that so all the other stuff you know
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2021.11.02 DIR EN GREY at Zepp Nyagoya - setlist & report
00 SE
01 Spilled Milk
02 朔-saku-
04 人間を被る・ningen wo kaburu
05 滴る朦朧・shitataru mourou
06 落ちことのある空・ochita koto
07 てふてふ ・tefutefu
08 谿壑の欲・keigaku no yoku
09 赫・aka
10 朧・oboro
-inward scream / Oboro outro-
12 Devote My Life
13 T.D.F.F.
en15 FINAL
en17 Rubissh Heap
en18 Sustain The Untruth
en19 詩踏み・utafumi
It's been a few days since but some of my smoothed out notes:
It's always good to visit Nagoya🖤
I arrived at Sasashima in the afternoon so I  got my stickers and got the paper concert ticket, then with friends we went to get ZARAME doughnuts and eat something.
This time I was in a central block in the back, N row (Nagoya row😆).
Toshiya wore a black suit with a white shirt, Die the arm sleeve outfit, Kaoru ?, Shinya?
Kyo had the gold/beige adidas tracksuit you saw on instagram, green~yellow fluorescent hair, no make up and impressive swag😆
From the very start every song was so raw, full of energy🔥
There were so many parts Kyo just shouted or growled instead of singing.
During Ningen wo kaburu, the part 'dare no tame ikiteru・who are you living for' the heart screams were silent but fierce!! And Kyo encouraged us with shouts of 'Nagoya!!!'
Shitataru dancing was so 😳
Kyo started removing the jacket then.
Ha! Tommy who wrote we should just stand and watch the performance as a film - if they used a totally different footage on the back screen today I wouldn't have even realized, I was so busy headbanging😆
And other time I was busy looking at Kyo, and dancing and jumping!!
With keigaku the mood changed.
During Aka Kyo was hanging his rope (gestruring everything with his hands and body), he caught something suddenly thrusting his hand through the loop, a flower? a butterfly?. But he kept it in his fist and eventually crashed it clenching his hand strongly.
During Oboro Toshiya made a cross sign. And again the song was just cutting really deep, Kyo really broke there on the stand. After the end he stayed on the stand when the lights went dark and we heard cries of 'can you hear?   Can you hear??   I can't forgive!'
And this time too, it was hard to enter another song but the choice of the following song again was done masterfully.
And then it felt like the venue might not contain the energy, headbanging and fistpumping madness😆🌪
TDFF had Kyo again doing pistol hands at Toshiya during bass solo ピョンピョンβ゚。.*゜☜(=σωσ=☜)
We got so many 'your necks are still intact' or 'come here with your necks' etc, all meaning 'is that all you got????!!?GET HEADBANGING RIGHT F NOW!!!!!' 😂
Sustain, this time Toshiya did the 'shooting' / pistol hand😆
And Kyo was pointing at fans with each '残酷な・zankokuna'.
Even without us screaming we were definitely projecting our heart screams at them😆
And encore felt like you pure fire. Kyo kept encouraging us to do more and more at each song, but before Utafumi we got a longer bit:
Kyo: Are you still alive? Are you? Nagoya? Guys! Girls! Are you alive??
Nyaaa~gooo~yaaa! NYAAAA GOO YAAAA!! You can't scream huh. Do you know what to do instead? Do you????! LAST! Bring us your necks!!!!!🔥
After there was so much pointing at fans, the two-fingers-eyes-to-fans pointing.
Kyo stood on the stand clapping a bit with us, then teasing us that we can't scream, laughing.
He waved byebye and shouted Nagoya without the mic. And more smiles as he turned and walked away.
Other band members also stayed waving and pointing at fans, Kaoru did his 'throw the heart pick to fans'😆 Die was the last to leave.
It was my last show this tour but it was such a perfect ending🔥
I will be doing whatever I can to get tickets for Shinkiba in January!!!🖤
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nurisiliel · 2 years
A Zouxie Week
fandom:          Tales of Arcadia
characters:     Hisirdoux Casperan, Zoe Ashildr, Archie
Summary:       Eight sequential short stories from the lives of Douxie and Zoe in Arcadia Oaks for the zouxieweek2022.
warnings:       Day 4: /
disclaimer:     I don't own Tales of Arcadia (Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards and Rise of the Titans) or any character which you may recognize from the shows or the movie. They belong to Guillermo del Toro and DreamWorks Animation. However, everything else is my own creation.
Day 1 - date night / steamy (NSFW) - Read on AO3
Day 2 - angst - Read on AO3
Day 3 - mothers - Read on AO3
Zouxieweek2022 prompts, Day 4 - motorcycles
They were in Zoe's garden. However, shouldn't a garden actually be a piece of land bordered by a fence at or around a house? But where Douxie was standing right then and there, there was no fence of any kind, nor was there a house to be seen far and wide. Not to mention Zoe's apartment...
"Oh, shut up, Douxie," he heard Zoe scold next to him.
"What?" he pulled his left shoulder up questioningly, showing his palms, and frowned. "I didn't say anything!" he defended himself.
"Ha! Your thoughts are screaming at me. Don't give me any know-it-all dictionary wisdom. I've been cultivating and shaping this piece of land here to my liking since I moved here. So, it's my garden, got it?"
Zoe pointed accusingly at him, but in the next moment made a come-further gesture with the same finger and walked toward a small hill.
And so he walked among what appeared to be wild medicinal herbs, bee and other insect-friendly flowers, discovered the distinctive green leaves of carrots that Zoe loved to eat, and secretly wondered how many of these little flowering islands, protected by her magic, were scattered around the world. For Zoe, of course, didn't miss the opportunity to plant and grow her garden everywhere and to cherish and care for it wherever she had settled down domestically in the course of her long life.
"Is that catnip?" Archie suddenly asked, getting restless on his right shoulder while yawning profusely.
"Only the best for the familiar of my wizard companion," Zoe replied with an amused tone and no sooner had she uttered it than Archie had leapt from his shoulder and disappeared into a corner overgrown with several bushes and shrubs. Only an appreciative mewing announced that Archibald was still around...
"You do realize that it's going to take a miserably long time for him to come down from that trip, don't you?" Douxie shook his head, looking reproachfully at Zoe.
"Let him be. He hasn't so many secret guilty pleasures to enjoy by himself. And that way we'll both be undisturbed. Because..." she dragged out the word as she stopped in front of a small sitting area made of artfully arranged stones, smiling as she pointed to the laptop sitting on the stone that no doubt acted as a table. "I found an old treasure of yours that I'm sure you'll have to think about for a while."
And while the glow of her magic flickered briefly in her eyes, a window opened on the screen, showing a motorcycle.
Douxie's breath caught and his eyes widened. Could this be possible?
"Is that-"
"Oh, yes."
"My Wolfbrand," he stammered breathlessly and, without taking his eyes off the screen, slowly settled down on one of the stones.
"Yaaa. But seriously, Douxie, I can't stand that name. You, who write pretty much all of our awesome songs, named your bike as a mix of the manufacturer's names? So unimaginative!"
But her complaint flowed over him like the balmy wind. Now that he saw the machine in front of him, all the memories came flooding right back. Of how he had almost worked himself to death to be able to afford it. How Archie and he had driven it from place to place and on and on. And the anger that had boiled in his stomach when he had returned from that bloody World War and his motorcycle was no longer where he had left it.
"You found it?"
"Well, obviously. Turns out a farmer's boy had taken it back then. Since then, Good Hilde has been passed down through that family from generation to generation. But that's a good thing, too, because she's been kept in good shape and properly cared for. And I must say, the current owner is a decent person. When I showed him the bill of sale of your ancestor, who had left the motorcycle here because he was off fighting in the war, he apologized profusely and was immediately willing to return it to you, since you are the only heir of your ancestor." Zoe winked at him.
"I can get it back..." Douxie sighed. But then he looked sharply at Zoe. "But the name is not Good Hilde!"
"We'll talk about that later," she grinned cheekily at him, "but yes, you have to decide now if you want her back. Or you can officially sell her to him. Because he's already very attached to her, after all, he got her from his father and he got her from his father and so on. He also lives only one state away, so we could bring her here as a weekend getaway. What do you say?"
But Douxie honestly didn't know what to say to that. Oh, he had loved the machine. It had character and personality and had been a wonderful addition and drivable vehicle for Archie and him. It had made them both independent of the public transportation system. But it was also a fact that he had been without it for over half a century now and honestly hadn't thought about it at all for years. And that, well, was a clear sign that he didn't need it at all. Especially with his current living and working situation - he could easily walk to everything important, and to the band rehearsals and sporadic gigs he was taken by his fellow ADP members.
"You really don't have to decide right away, Doux," Zoe's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and brought him back to reality. When he looked up and noticed that the lights around them had taken on an evening shade, he winced. How long had he been lost in thought?
Zoe, meanwhile, had turned off and closed the laptop, and had obviously brewed herself a peppermint tea, judging by the smell.
"You want some?" she asked and gently pushed a cup to him from which a little steam was still rising.
"Thanks," Douxie murmured quietly and nodded.
But even as he lifted the cup and blew into it, watching the dancing curl of smoke, he suddenly heard a bloodcurdling hiss that ended in a deafening crack.
In the next second, before his cup hit the ground and shattered, Archie came running toward him, eyes wide and panicked, and without reducing speed sprinted onto Douxie's shoulder again, nearly costing him his balance. And behind him, his pursuers broke through the bushes.
@moppetwithamanbun @emsprovisions
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Hi hi! So I'm a fairly new writer here on Tumblr (couple of months now), and I'm noticing that a lot of my fics don't get notes? How do you handle things like lack of interaction? How do you fix it?
Hi, hi!!!! Honestly, I really don't know what to say. A lot of garnering interaction is consistency (something which I should be the last to talk about considering the number of series I currently have collecting dust). But just constantly updating your blog even if it's just random musings kind of like, idk, makes you seem like an actual person outside of the fics? Sometimes just having fun and being respectful is enough to get some interaction, I'd rather interact with someone screaming about how hot Yuta Nakamoto is (respectfully) than someone who only posts a 20K oneshot and disappears until the next fic is ready.
But in cases like notes and stuff, I can't really help with that. I've honestly been considering doing self reblogs of certain fics because they're just getting buried under my constant ramblings haha, but yeah. Usually I just take it at face value, if people like a fic then they'll like it, if not they'll scroll by. I just dump whatever scenario I have in my head on a computer screen and see where that goes, and if enough people like a certain musing I make more! It's like supply and demand, but for fanfiction.
For example, not many people read Midnight Coffee (which is okay, I don't mind, plus MC is a warmup/winddown fic of mine anyway) while people are eating up Prominence so I chug out chapters of that one because seeing everyone interact with it and enjoy it is such a heartwarming thing, you know? Like yaaas let's all yell about Kyungjae and his strange obsession with YN while also screaming about YNSH
But I think the most important one is to interact yourself. Go onto other writing blogs, hype other authors up, leave feedback, likes, reblogs, it's like the golden rule (Treat others how you want to be treated)
TL;DR: Be a person, have fun, stay consistent. Tumblr is a community, make use of it!
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apathycares · 4 years
Purple Nurple
I wrote this a while back for someone’s birthday, but here - enjoy some Atsumu x you chaos.
※ Warnings: someone gets their nipples squeezed, also, word vomit
※ Pairings: Atsumu x bff!reader (implied feelings); an appearance from other Miya twin.
He slammed a roundhouse kick onto his jaw, smirking in raw sadism as his opponent lay on his back, eyes closed in shameful defeat, blood staining the cobblestone-
PRINCE LIME WINS! - flashes on the flat screen TV, illuminating the silhouette of a girl dancing around in clear victory, before she jumps on her bored looking friend and shakes her mess of hair on his face.
"Who the champ? Who the chump?" she sings as she rolls against his now bent over back, reveling in his short-lived discomfort, because as soon as she brings a pillow into the mix, he's up and on his knees and choking her with said pillow on the floor.
"Wohh er mnformshun tss limuhh!!"
Realizing her hands were very much free, she surges forward and grabs at his shirt, and when her fingers find their intended destination, she twists them hard, releasing him as soon as she hears his pained howl. His grip on the pillow loosens and she seizes the opportunity by jumping as far away as she can.
"I said, you banana bread piss hair, it's pronounced Prince Lee-mah, okay?" she coughs slightly, before her eyes narrow at his indignated form, still rubbing the spot she grabbed in soothing circles.
"I can't believe ya nurpled me..." he muses, his brown eyes contemplatively staring at her. "What're'ya, five?"
"Your fate had been decided the moment you attempted to kill me over a LOSE! YOU LOST, BOY! LOSER LOSER LOSER! ATSUMU BABY AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON ME!"
He gets up slowly, before making his way to the once again dancing girl, his hands outstretched and a blank look in his eyes. "I think I should get revenge."
"YEAH YOU LITTLE- wait what?!"
He reaches towards her chest, just as she realizes what he was going for and slaps his hands away.
"And ya touching mine wasn't? It's only fair–"
"Kaa-chan knows better than to interfere," he chuckles, evading her thrashing limbs with practiced precision, before he adds in spite, "It's not like yours is any different than mine, FLATTY!"
After a few more minutes of struggling, curses and laughs, he pulls her into his chest, making sure her hands are as far away from his torso as possible. He pats her head and mutters a soft, "There there," in attempt to lighten the situation.
"Aw, what if ya were in a real situation? As your boyfriend, I should prepare ya for the real world."
"You wish you were asshole," she mutters as she hugs him back, a small smile playing on her features. "Speaking of 'preparation' and 'real world', whatcha' going to do, when fan girls molest you?" she sings in a low hum, laughing maniacally into his chest as an image of Atsumu being pulled apart by crazy adolescent girls came to mind. "You'll be wishing you had a girlfriend to ward them off!"
"Mhmm, you'll work just fine."
She laughs some more, her hair swaying against her shoulders as she shakes in his embrace. "I can't always protect you you know," she simmers down and looks up at him, flashing a grin. "Best friend is tired now, and will make sure she gets her down time soon enough!"
"Yeah yeah, I'll take ya home," Atsumu sighs with a roll of his eyes, his hands slowly releasing her. "Funny thing is, yer not as flat as I've heard."
"Yeah, right?" She agrees absent-mindedly, before she frowns, as it dawns upon her what he was referring to. Her cheeks turn bright red as she starts screaming "PERVERT-!" once again.
Osamu slammed the door open to find his shared room in a mess, his twin dodging a mass hurdle of flying objects being thrown at him by a livid Y/n. He sighed with a sheepish smile.
"YOU!" Y/n noticed him standing by the doorway, her rage momentarily leaving Atsumu, who by now had taken refuge by his TV stand (knowing full-well she would never aim for his videogames and consoles since she herself was dependent on them as well). "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS ASSAULTING ME?!" she howled, throwing a first place trophy at the chiller Miya, who very surprisingly, caught it despite the breaking force.
"This ain't it. Isn't it your birthday, Y/n?"
"Awww lemme give you a-" Atsumu howled as a controller struck his face.
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matan4il · 4 years
Helloooo it's yaaa boiii. You told me I could submit an anon ask, so here I am!! So, in 2x18 the 118 get called to an influencer who is live streaming. At the end of the scene the chat on screen goes crazy, people writing things like: "these two should totally be a couple" when only Buddie is left in frame. What do you think about this? Is it just fan service or some typical baiting? Just to get us excited? Or is it a way of the writers hinting that Buddie will be canon? That they see what wesee
Awwww, yay, I’m so happy to see you here! :D *hugs*
And thank you for sending in this ask. I absolutely love that scene! I think that when I originally wrote my first round of Buddie meta (up to and including season 3B), I didn’t touch upon that bit, because I assumed everyone had already screamed their heads off about it. And besides, it’s pretty straightforward, right? The people in the chat are clearly a nod to fandom, saying about Buck and Eddie exactly what we’re saying. That they’re cute together and should be a couple (well, they’re the tamer version of us, since I use way more words to say that).
I think it is mainly a nod of appreciation. Because after all, it wasn’t that long ago that shows frowned upon fans shipping two characters of the same sex. The idea that a show could be aware of such shipping and embrace it is still relatively new and I think the main thing that the scene wanted to say was - we see what you see and it is legit. And I think that’s pretty awesome in itself, they easily could have come out with denials and taken the ‘no homo’ route on screen, where suddenly the two shipped characters barely interact and at least one immediately gets a love interest of the opposite sex that’s meant to squash any doubts about the character’s heterosexuality.
Is it a promise that Buddie is going to happen? No. Truth is, nothing can guarantee that until it’s filmed, even in terms of... maybe tomorrow Oli will decide to quit acting and become a firefighter for real. I don’t think that’ll happen, but it could and in that case, there can be no Buddie. So it’s always good to hope for the best and smart to prepare for... other scenarios. XD But I do find it to be a very positive and indicative sign of the show’s attitudes, that they didn’t freak out and instead, they embraced the Buddie shippers. I hope that helps, hon! xoxoxox
Also, from @yelenabelous​:
Thank you so much, darling, you’re so incredibly kind and sweet, and right back at you! xoxoxoxox
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koukamisstuff · 4 years
Chapter 15 - What if ☄
Masterlist - Previous / Next
Hello everyone, I apologize for the late posts. I’ve been so busy for school but I will try and post more weekly. I’ve almost moved the updates to Sunday or Monday! So just send an ask, comment or message if you want to be added to the taglist. Thank you again for supporting my story! You guys are the sweetest! 
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“Yaaa, look what you made Yaku say about us again.” You said playfully hitting Kuroo’s arm.
“Hahahah he’s just joking around.” 
You couldn’t help but smile as you heard the sound of his signature laugh. Placing your phone down onto your coffee table as pick at the snacks Kuroo brought. You focused back to Kuroo who’s eyes were glued to the screen still attempting to find a show that you haven’t watched. After spending the week convincing you to let him take the reigns for tonight, you kind of felt bad that with the last 8 options he gave you said you already watched. 
You sank back into your couch and started to wonder how did it become normal for Kuroo to be here. It hasn’t even been long since you’ve met him and yet now he’s high jacked your binge watching day. However, its not hard to admit it felt nice to have someone to share this with. Looking back to Ye-joon you two never even watched a movie together and yet Kuroo shows you constantly what that relationship should have been. 
“What if we dated?” a thought quickly interrupted by an excited Kuroo.
“Hey Kuri?” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I called you name like three times, you okay?” He asked with worried eyes that you might be feeling sick.
“I’m fine sorry got distracted.” You said shrugging off that thought you had.
“Yeah I tend to have that effect on people. Finally, give in to my good looks.” He teased with an eyebrow raised.
“You wish, little kitty.” 
“Haha, and I asked have you watched this?” Kuroo said finally findind show that you didn’t watch, but you didn’t think it was fair since it was found under horror.
“Ummm no that’s on my genre, ITS A ZOMBIE MOVIE!” 
“Just hear me out, you’ve seen every romance, comedy kdrama. So one movie can’t hurt.”
“Hahaha fine, but just this once.”
As much as you agreed to watch this movie – Nope, you just can’t with zombie movies. So, you did what you could to avoid watching it. 
For the first 10 minutes,you got Kuroo to bring up more about his family life and added how his grandma kept asking about you. 
“She keeps liking and sending me baking videos that you two are suppose to do together.” Kuroo says showing you his phone and those exact messages.
“Awwe, I miss your grandma and these all look delicious.”
“Yeah so could you please hurry up, she won’t make any more me until you come.” He pouted hating the thought that he couldn’t get any of his grandma’s sweets.
He continued to share how due to his family situation was how he met Kenma. And it became clear as to why they were so close. He told you the stories about his childhood, school life and the one that you liked the most, his love for volleyball. 
“–and then I became the amazing captain I am today.” 
“You worked really hard to build the team you have. Everyone is so amazing. I’m sad I never got to watch a match, if only I got her earlier.”
“Same here.” 
You ended up continuing with stories about your life. He learned about your friendship with Nanami and Emiko and how you’ve been friends since birth. Your mom, Nanami’s mom and Emiko’s dad had all been bestfriends in college and from there stayed in each others lives. Which didn’t go unnoticed by him after making a joke that all your moms had a pregnancy pack. 
But after your dad’s death, your mom needed to a change of scenery. After deciding that moving to Korea would benefit her company more. She made this decision to move during your first year of middle school. From there you spent time finishing school and helping your mom with her business.
It was surprising how much time you took talking to each other and barely watched the movie. 
The chat time was sadly cut,  after you screamed in Kuroo’s face because of a zombie jump scare and dived behind his arm. You hated that even if you didn’t like zombie movies, once it played you couldn’t help but watch it. Kuroo of course couldn’t help but laugh at you the entire time you stayed hidden behind him.
~~~sometime later~~~
Kuroo watched has the movie came to an end, you pretty much watched the entire moving hiding behind him and continued your binge watching night as usual. Well almost… Kuroo  has assumed that since you stopped yelling you had just decided to duck and cover the rest of the way. But suddenly he felt something hit his shoulder. He looked at you…
You fell asleep.
A rush of nervousness ran through his body. Could it be because just a few days ago he realized his feelings and now the same person responsible for them was here laying on his shoulder. It was a high possibility. 
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“Next time we are finishing a zombie movie.” He smiled pushing strands of hair from your face. “What if I told you…”
“Ahhh did Mika fall asleep.” Kuroo heard a raspy older voice call from behind him.
He look back to see his coach standing in the doorway, who had clearly just got back from an outing. 
“Coach, this is–”
“I know, movie night. Mika texted me, so I took my friend up on his offer to get dinner.” Coach Nekomata placed his things down and went to grab a cup of water.
“If Mika asks I didn’t drink.” He clearly did. “She’ll scold me for this.”
Kuroo smiled and looked down at her.
“Yeah seems like something she’d do.”
Coach Nekomata looked over to observe the two of you. Yes, in a way he should be very upset that some boy was so close to his precious granddaughter. But, then again this wasn’t a random boy. He knew what Mika had been through that made her come home. Although she didn’t talk about these things to him, her mother did. Deep down Coach Nekomata knew Mika needed to learn to move on and at the same time trusted Kuroo. But still being the grandpa he was, a talk needed to happen. 
“Tetsuro can I ask two favors?”
Kuroo looked over to him, “Yeah Coach?”
“Can you carry Mika up and put her to bed and then come down and sit—”
he tapped the chair directly in front of him, “—we need to talk.”
Taglist: @onelostgirl​ @roiana-mustang​ @anejuuuuoy​
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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TVXQ Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU) Summary: You were the teacher of class Summer, and he was the teacher of class Spring. And though it was a snowy winter day, seeing him made you so warm. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: FLUFF GAH!
A/N: I watched TVXQ’s 72 hours and now Yunho is a damn teacher, fight me LOOK AT THESE SCREEN SHOTS I HAVE GAHHHHH
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The rest of the teachers and I were seeing our kids off to their parents. Some of children who got picked up greeted their mothers or fathers with a sweet squeal and hug. The rest were packed in the bus and one by one dropped off at their stop.
This time around, it was I and my co-teacher in class Summer, Tan, that were seeing the kids off.
“Annyeong!” we called to the last child that went out of the yellow school bus. Once it was just the two of us, we sat down and shared a huff. “Ya, I feel like these kids are so happy because they feed on my life force.” Tan noted, making me laugh.
“In-ha was so persistent in interrupting my stories; I thought I was going to scream.”
He laughed and nodded.
“I love our kids but they drive me crazy. It’s like they want to know how much I can withstand before I blow up.”
“Speaking of withstanding...” he trailed off, making me knit my brows. “Mwo ya?”
“How are you and Yunho withstanding things?“
My cheeks burned at the mention of his name. 
“Aish, look at you! It’s disgusting how you look at each other when we see class Spring. Don’t you know there are kids around.”
“I literally just say hi to him!”
“Yeah, and give goo-goo eyes.”
We arrived back at the school and I raised my nose at Tan. “Your problem is your own,” I said before getting out of the bus, hearing him laugh as I did.
I quickly removed my shoes, put on my slippers, and went to the teacher’s office to gather my things. Part of me hoped Yunho would be there, but when I was faced with an empty room, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. 
“Psssh, look at you, hoping for Yunho to be around.” Tan snicked behind me as I gathered my things, once he got in as well. I rolled my eyes, “You’re worse than the kids.”
He held back a laugh, “And so are you.”
Once I was done, I said a quick goodbye to Tan and went off. I put my shoes back on and walked out of the place, feeling a shiver run down my spine when the cold breeze hit me..
“Ah, are you leaving?“ a voice erupted from behind me, making me jolt and lightly squeal. I turned around and sighed upon seeing the tall man behind me.
“Mianhe,” he called with a guilty face before I started bubbling up in laughter. “Ah, gwenchana, Yunho-ssi. I was just lost in thought for a bit, thinking about where I should go get coffee for today.”
He chuckled and put changed from his slippers to his shoes, walking up towards me on by the front gate. He smiled when he was in front of me, “They said it would snow today. Coffee seems like a good idea.”
I chuckled lightly at his saturated insinuation, “You... do you want to come with me? And get some coffee?”
He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets, “I would like that.”
I felt my cheeks slightly burn at his reaction. As we walked down the block, I rubbed my hands compulsively and not so much because of the cold.
“Ya, you must be really cold.” Yunho noted, placing a hand on my shoulder. He then held both my shoulders and stopped me in my place. Yunho huffed against his hands and then started to rub his hands together. He scrunched his nose up and chuckled, “It’s cold today.”
There was absolutely nothing funny about what he said nor did, but I couldn’t help but giggle like a school girl. I was disgustingly crushing on this guy.
“We should hurry up to the c--” but I cut myself off when suddenly, Yunho’s hands were on both sides of my face. He smiled softly, “Your face is so red because of the cold.”
Welp, now my face was BURNING UP!
Though I didn’t want to move away, I knew I had to, and yet I couldn’t. I was too stunned and too comfortable to move my face out of his large, warm hands. I just looked dumbly at his kind eyes and sweet face, the same look he had whenever he talked to one of his kids in class Spring, or any child for that matter.
When he pulled his hand away, my cheeks were immediately assaulted by the snipping wind. Yunho repeated his prior actions and warmed his hands once more. This time however, when I expected he place his hands on my cheeks again, he caught both my hands and knit his brows, “Ya, you should start wearing gloves; your fingers feel like icicles.”
He stepped closer and held my hands in both of his, rubbing them into warmth.
And as passive as I was about all this, my mouth grew a mouth of its own and spoke the thought lingering in mind, “Mwo-- what are you doing just now?”
Yunho’s eyes that were focused on our hands flicked to mine.
We looked at each other for a moment, and it was as if Yunho just now realized what I had asked, “Mwo?” he asked for himself.
Suddenly, his eyes widened and he turned to our hands. It was though he didn’t really grasp the gravity of his action, which was why he let go of my hands and chuckled nervously as he took a step back, “Ah, mian-- jeoseonghamida.”
He turned to his feet, forced a nervous smile then turned to me, “I didn’t really realize that-- I was just-- I was treating you like a child. I’m sorry. It’s just second nature for me to do this to people I car-- jeoseonghamida.” 
I looked at him for a moment and found my lips curving up at the sight of him. “Ani, gwenchana. I do expect this much from a pre-school teacher, especially if he’s handling the Spring class.” because they were the youngest class in school.
He turned away and shoved his hands in his pockets, “We should just go get coffee.”
With that, we both turned forward and began walking again. In the moment of silence, I felt my hear flutter at Yunho’s actions. Honestly, though he admitted it was second nature for him to act so affectionately, I found that more endearing because it meant he was just naturally sweet.
I bit my lower lip to hold back a smile.
“Jjangkkamanyo,” Yunho spoke smoothly, stopping in his place, making me stop and turn to him. He looked at me then huffed before turning to his feet. “Ah, the thing is... I’m not really sorry for doing that. I was concerned becauase... joahaeyo.” he concluded abruptly.
He looked at me when he said those words, and I looked right back at him wit my mouth slightly agape.
I didn’t know what to say, even though it was I like you too.
So I was absolutely relieved when he continued speaking, “And actually... I know you like coffee, so I had been planning on asking you out to get some. So I was thinking of asking you later, but now... do... do you want to go on a date with me?”
His question put me back into reality, and I held back a laugh by blowing air into my cheeks. I bit my lower lip and looked away, covering my reddening face with my hands.
“Ahhh, that’s,” I let out an airy laugh. I turned back to him and found myself unable to lock eyes with Yunho and his hopful and conflicted face.
I began giggling so I covered my mouth all the way. I then opted to shake my head in agreement, making the man’s eyebrows quirk upward. 
“Yes?“ he spoke, a smile spreading across his lips.
I nodded profusely, hands containing the laugh pushing itself out.
“Yaaaa,” Yunho dragged out, turning away and smiling. He scratched his nape then chuckled, “araso,” he spoke in a key higher than his normal tone.
It was then I broke into a fit of laughter, body bending down, hands on my knees. Yunho laughed along with me for a moment, up until he took my hand and entwined it with his, “Uhh, I don’t want you to get lost, so let me hold your hand.”
My face was absolutely on fire when he said this. I looked away and hid my face in my free hand, chuckling lowly while nodding.
Yunho looked at me and smiled, “Yaaa, we should get going. The cold is making you as red as a strawberry.”
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sodamnprctty · 6 years
look how far we’ve come, my baby
rating: g
tags: fluff, introspection, reminiscing 
words: 2.2k
summary: after the ii show in la, dan and phil have a little heart to heart over pizza
read on ao3
Fans scream with surprise as red and white confetti explodes from cannons at either end of the expansive stage. Phil shoots a giddy, knowing look down at Dan from atop the piano as they harmonize the end of their catchy closing song.
They each give a small bow when the song finishes for the second time that night. They run to the very front of the stage to wave frantically at their audience, shouting thank you for coming’s and we love you’s all the way to the fans in the very back of the crowd.
Passing Dan on his way to bid farewell to fans he had yet to thank, Phil catches a glimpse of Dan’s infectious grin and the slight gloss that covers his brown eyes. He feels a tightness in his chest that he knows he’ll have to contain until they are back in their hotel room. Pride.
They run back towards the white grand piano, still waving as the platform pulls them away from their endlessly adoring audience. As the screen lowers to conceal them from view, Phil lets out a breath he hadn’t been aware he’d been holding and Dan takes his hand in response.
Phil’s eyes trail from the familiar, sweaty hand gripping his up to meet his boyfriend’s face, which is still turned towards the theater. Dan’s eyes are shining like Phil had only seen a handful of times before and he looks the slightest bit stunned. It’s an expression that signals to Phil that Dan is genuinely proud of himself, astonished at the life he has created.
Phil stares for a while before bringing Dan’s hand up to his mouth and placing a gentle kiss on the soft skin covering the back of it. Dan breathes a shaky breath in and brings his face into Phil’s full view. His face is wet with sweat and tears and his wide smile reveals crinkles in his eyes and dimples in his cheeks. His eyelashes look even longer and darker than usual thanks to the water in his eyes and Phil thinks it might be the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
Dan places the key card into the lock and pushes the door open with his left hand, his right occupied with holding Phil’s. They are greeted by the recognizable smell of a fresh hotel room as they drop their luggage near the foot of their beds.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower,” Dan alerts his boyfriend, “D’you wanna call for pizza?”
Phil nods happily. “What kind?”
“Whatever you want,” Dan raises an eyebrow, “as long as you get all the dips.”
Phil grasps at his chest in mock offense. “I’m hurt you would think I could possibly forget!”
“You are such a drama queen,” Dan fonds, leaning into Phil clumsily for a kiss. He feels his boyfriend’s smile against his own and hopes this warm fluttery feeling in his chest lasts forever.
Dan sighs when he enters the bathroom. The sweet surreal feeling of a night that is sure to be retold for years to come lingers in their hotel room. Cliche as it is, Dan feels like he’s living in a dream. His heart is full and his smile everlasting, knowing every move he has made and is yet to make tonight will remain a permanent memory for him and so many others.
Dan lets the steaming water run down his face and hold his curls to his forehead. He hadn’t felt this way after the big Hollywood show during their first tour, and he can’t quite place what’s changed.
Perhaps it’s the heightened honesty of this show. It being different every night makes him feel even closer to his and Phil’s viewers, with whom he had never connected in this way before.
Perhaps it’s the thinner veil he and Phil have placed over their relationship over the past few years. The shameless flirty banter littering nearly every upload, the little fond affirmations they were no longer compelled to edit out. The feeling that the fans had caught on, and the fact that he felt perfectly okay with them knowing. More than okay. Comfortable, even. It felt infinitely more comfortable than just five years ago, and that made him so damn proud. Proud of himself, and proud of Phil.
Phil. It always comes back around to Phil. Dan often wonders what his life would be like if he hadn’t relentlessly tweeted at his favorite youtuber all those years ago, before “youtuber” was even a word. He wonders if he would have finished school, if he would have been stuck at a job he hated. If he would have ever fallen in love with anyone else.
He couldn’t imagine sharing this life with anyone but Phil. Mainly because this life is entirely due to Phil. Phil, who encouraged him to start his Youtube channel in the first place. Phil, who reassured him his videos were good enough, that he was good enough. Who always reminded him how much he meant to him. Phil, who gave Dan the foundation he needed to finally learn how to love himself.
“Thank you,” Phil shoots a grin at the courier as he scoops the towering stack of food into his arms.
Phil sets the boxes on the tiny hotel desk before meeting Dan on the bed. There’s a fresh bed right beside him, but tonight is too damn special for them not to cram their long bodies and copious amount of food onto one mattress. There is no way Phil is putting any distance between himself and Dan tonight.
Phil sinks into the plush of the duvet and brings his pyjama-clad legs under him to match Dan’s position.
“Before we eat, there’s something I want to tell you,” Phil exhales, sounding slightly more formal than he had intended.
Dan visibly sits up a little straighter. “Okay…” his voice wavers worriedly.
“Don’t be worried,” He places a hand on Dan’s knee, giving him a reassuring smile. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m super super proud of you.”
Dan rolls his head back in relief, the dimple in his cheek revealing itself to Phil. “I know that, you idiot.”
“No, Dan, like… like sincerely. Doing the show with you tonight made me think about how much we’ve grown and … and how now is so different from when we could hardly even do a YouNow together without feeling…” Phil had way too many emotions about this night to form them neatly into words.  “... I dunno…”
He lets out a nervous, breathy laugh and scrubs his hand down his face. Why is it that, after almost nine years together, he still manages to make a bumbling fool of himself?
“Scared?” Dan finishes, looking down at his own hands. The dimple in his cheek had become deeper and his voice cracks like he might cry.
Phil feels his pulse quicken. He really hopes this is a happy cry. He grabs Dan’s hand and runs his thumb over the smooth skin there.
“How do you do that, Lester?” a light, high pitched laugh escapes Dan’s lips. “How do you always know exactly what I’m thinking?”
“What d’you mean?”
Dan is still looking down at his hand, now being caressed by Phil’s. The corners of his lips lift the tiniest bit. “I was thinking about it when I was in the shower, like, how much everything’s changed and how far we’ve come and all. It’s like everything we’ve always wanted is coming true and it makes me so so happy, and… proud.”
Phil’s heart does that flippy-over thing it does when Dan gets sentimental. Or when Dan does just about anything.
Phil brings his free hand up to his boyfriend’s cheek, “I actually wanted to thank you for that. For getting us to this point where it just feels… good. Comfortable.”
The way Dan nudges into his palm sends the familiar feeling of fuzzy fondness into his chest and stomach. Butterflies.
“Thank me ? You’re absolutely ridiculous. This was definitely all your fault”
Dan laughs that breathy laugh again, and lifts those pretty brown eyes to look into Phil’s. He can hardly take it. How does this man get more gorgeous every minute?
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Dan,” Phil insists, taking a more serious tone and dropping his hand from Dan’s face.
“I mean, you’re the one who finally convinced me to do this,” Phil gestured up to his hair, “You’re the one who made me feel confident enough to start being more myself, you know? You said I didn’t have to be, like, AmazingPhil all the time, and now look where we are. You wanted to be more open with our audience and you…”
Phil braced himself for the utterly mushy thing he was about to say, “You made me feel brave enough to follow you.”
He wipes at the newly-fallen moisture under Dan’s eyes. They were going to a really lovey-dovey place tonight, and Phil liked that. It felt right.
“This is so stupid,” Dan wipes his hands over his face and rubs them dry on his pyjama bottoms. “I was gonna thank you for everything but I didn’t wanna be too cheesy.”
Phil laughs. “You think that wasn’t cheesy? You must have a really high bar set for cheesiness, Howell.”
Dan giggles at his attempt to lighten the mood.
“Y’know…” Phil starts, “you could still do that.” He pokes Dan’s side with his elbow playfully. “Like, thank me for everything or profess your undying love to me or whatever.”
Dan shakes his head and chuckles. “Later, the pizza’s getting cold.” He shoots a cheeky look at his boyfriend, “Priorities, Phil.”
They rearrange the food boxes on the bed for a proper Insta story post. They had to commemorate this night, they knew the fans would be expecting some sort of celebration on a night like this.
Phil pulls his phone from his pocket to record the story, fixing his hair and straightening out his glasses before hitting record.
“We are celebrating finishing the LA show-” he starts, expecting Dan to complete his thought.
He does so cheerfully, “the only way we know how!”
Phil flips the camera to show the food they ordered what feels to be years ago, way too much for two people.
“Yaaas” he hums as he pans the camera to display the two pizzas, two boxes of sides, and, of course, Dan’s dips.
“Yaaaaaaassss” Dan repeats after him in a goofy high-pitched voice. Phil can’t help but giggle as his heart fills with warmth.
Phil leans to the side to place his phone face down on the side table, the rest of the night is just for them.
“So…” Phil voices through a mouthful of pizza before swallowing, “Your little speech.”
“Oh! Right” Dan straightens his spine and clears his throat. He puts on a dramatic voice, “Sir Philip Lester, to whom I owe-”
“Daaan” Phil groans.
Dan giggles, wiping his hands with a napkin. “Fine, fine. I was thinking about what my life would be like if I had never met you, I mean, yeah, you’re the one who got me to start Youtube in the first place, but even more than that… If not for you supporting me through, like, everything ,” he draws out the word for emphasis, “I wouldn’t be the person I am now, and I doubt I’d even like myself if it hadn’t been for you liking me first.”
“There you go again, not taking credit! You’re the only person who could make you love yourself Dan, not me.” Phil refutes reassuringly.
“It isn’t about taking credit!” Dan blurts.
Phil’s eyes widen in surprise at his shift in tone.
“Sorry,” Dan softens, “what I mean is… I guess it’s both of us. Dan-and-Phil, y’know? We’re only in the place we are now, touring the world being the fullest versions of us we’ve ever been because we’re Dan-and-Phil… Does that make sense?”
Phil reaches out for his boyfriend’s hand, careful not to spill the dips they have precariously sat on the duvet. “Of course it does. Like, everyone came tonight to see us, together . They say it all the time don’t they? We complete each other, Dan. Two halves of a whole idiot.”
Dan giggles and pushes Phil’s knee away from him. “Hey, this whole idiot made a pretty amazing life for ourselves though, haven’t we?”
“I’d say so,” Phil sighs, allowing himself to get lost in those big brown eyes he loves so much.
They’re deep like chocolate, and they always just look so kind. So warm and inviting. Phil follows the light splattering of freckles along his cheeks down the bridge of his nose to see those soft pink lips turned upwards into a fond smile. He could melt.
“Booo,” Dan drones, snapping Phil out of his trance.
“Booo,” Phil nods in agreement.
Together they clear the mostly-empty boxes of food off of the bed, ultimately deciding to sleep in the cleaner bed tonight for lack of crumbs and greasy residue. They climb into bed, Dan tucking himself snugly under Phil’s arm and nuzzling into his chest. Phil places a kiss into Dan’s soft curls. Bellies full, they drift to sleep ready to take on the world the way they do best: together .
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ludeere · 7 years
The Beginning of the end. Part  12
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“I’m giving up”
Crush x Reader x  - A/F (it used to be angst, but now I’m not sure)
Word Count: 1804
- What the hell, Hyseob???- you took Hyo’s hand and pulled him to the staircase. The blood was boiling in your veins and you tried your best not to explode in front of the reporters, but now it was high time to do that. You turned round sending deadly vibes with your eyes.
-Ok, Y/N, just calm down and listen to me. I know it seems ridiculous and you want to kick my ass right now, but it was hella good move in this big game of commercial world. I guess after all this, my album, no.. wait, OUR album will gain a lot of attention.- you looked dumbfounded while your brain was making difficult  process of analyzing data which you recieved from this cunning little ass.
-People love stories, that’s why a thing with some “history” is more interesting for them, than just a simple canonic thing like thousand of  others. The story of OUR album is love, that’s it. Though its one side, but it’s still love.- he was tottaly right and you couldn’t deny that, but you still couldn’t accept the fact that you had to be a couple in public. The worst thing was that somewhere deep in you heart you didn’t mind that at all, and maybe you would have accepted his feelings soon, but you were too sturbon to admit that, especially after he frankly forced you to be his girlfriend. And that’s how the “I won’t give up” game started.
-Why didn’t you tip me off? 
-If I had told you that, you would left before the press conference started. I put a lot of efforts to take you out of the car what to say about that stuff.
-Fuck, you know me too good and that’s not good for me. - you laughed ruffling his hair.
-I guess you won’t kill me now? I have something for you, let’s move out of here.- you both headed to his car. After you two were already in the car you remembered about your phone which you left on the backseat. As soon as you thought the phone rang, it was Jiho. Your eyes were full of fear when you saw this name on the screen.
- Dafaq, it’s Zico, he is going to kill me, I think he saw  everything, and he’ll bury me for not telling him before everyone else.- you gabbled turning gaze nervously from Hyo to phone. Hyo looked not better than you, like a helpless child, cause he knew Zico’s hot temper.
-Pick it up! Pick it up or we all gonna die.
- Khmm… ohh it’s you Zico.- the tranquility of the voice on the other side of the phone was killing you, cause you knew  for sure that  it’s not a good sign at all.
-We’ll be right there in a few minutes. Maybe you want something, I can buy an apple pie or some ice cream.- you tried your best to wheedle him and it seemed to be working. You hanged up and looked at Hyo.
-Two buckets of ice cream and four cups of coffee, paliwa or else he’ll kick you out of “Fanxy” crew. -you both laughed and Hyo started the car.
   While Hyo was dealing with ice cream and coffee you stayed in car one to one with your thoughts. It’s not a big deal to explain everything to Zico, and it was the least thing which you worried about. But you were definitely afraid of meeting Dean right now, he was your ex, and you haven’t decided yet whether you are friends or what? You knew for sure that he is not the person to be moved from your life, cause you still felt something. It was love, but not that specific feeling that you had for a man but for good old friend. You also knew that Dean and Crush were best friends and you didn’t want to ruin this friendship. 
-Hey, are you still here, Y/N?? Let’s move or else I’ll lose my job.- you smiled slightly geting out of the car and turning off all your worries.
  To your big surprise Zico wasn’t as mad as you expected, he just asked if it’s true or not. He knew these tricks for sure, how could you didn’t guess that?? Nobody took it seriously except you, of course. Dean was as usually smiling and joking around and you felt relief, cause you didn’t need to explain something or feel embarrassed. You celebrated till the late night but after you remembered that you need to be at work tomorrow morning, you called a taxi and left those three by their own). 
  It was hard to get used to time zone so you didn’t have enough sleep for like two days but you grabbed yourself together and went to work. You took a bus but still had to walk from the bus stop like five minutes to get to the right place. Everything was as usual but a strange feeling like someone was following you didn’t leave your mind, you turned your head back reflexively but there was nobody. Your boss was already waiting for you to introduce you to a new group of students and give you some useful tips. After all the lessons were over and you were ready to leave you saw Hyo, who was surrounded by a group of your students, they all wanted to take a photo with him. So you stucked for fifteen minutes here.
-What are you doing here???? Why don’t you make a fansign for them????
-Are you jelous or what?? I came to take my girlfriend from her work.- you laughed nervously.
-Oh, shut up, why should I be jelous??? I want to eat something, let’s move.- after you had dinner at some restaurant you decided to go to your apartament and watch a movie which you heard of from your friends. It was already dark when Hyo parked his car in front of the building, the streets were empty and you both walked towards the door when suddenly you heard someone’s brisk pace. As soon as you turned your head you saw a young man with a knife in his hand. There was a foolish grin n his face and you felt like all the blood left your body, you grabbed Hyo’s hand, while he was hiding you behind his back.
-Stay back, Y/N. What do you want? - he asked looking straight at a man who approached you slowly, the grin on his face became wider.
-Haaa, she was mine till you came out from nowhere and told everyone that she is your girlfriend.- your whole body was shaking cause that sick asshole was approaching steadily looking straight in your eyes.
-Don’t you remember me, Y/N?- he stopped for a moment inclining his head on one side, it looked fucking scary. A lot of faces run through your head but you couldn’t remembered him, so you just shook your head.
-Of course, you can’t remember me, I was the one who was rejected by you in a high school, you were the one for me for all this time. I checked all your photos and knew your every step untill you moved to US. It was the hardest time for me, but you are here now. I was so happy to see you again, I even pre ordered your album, but he ruined everything.- he pointed on Hyo who stood still.
  You could still remembe those couple of seconds that lasted like an hour. Hyo swished his leg and you heard a clanging sound of fallen knife. The rest of the scene was like in a slow motion. You stepped back and fell. They came to fisticuffs. You’ve never seen Crush fighting, his hands were red with blood. You tried hard to get a grip on yourself and pulled your hand towards the knife which laid peacefully near the bush. 
-Get off him!!! - you screamed at the top of your lungs and cut his hand. Your screams scared that sick bastard and he ran away. Hyo wanted to run after him but you pulled his hand, scarcely standing on your feet.
-Let’s just call the police.- your whole body was trembling even more than before, you looked at Hyo’s face his lower lip was swollen like he was stunged by a wasp, his cheekbone was red as if somebody put some blushes on it. 
-Are you okay???- he looked at you with anxiety. You grabbed his hand pulled him to your apartament. After you found the medicine and got some ice out of the fridge you went to the living room where you left Crush.
-No, I’m not okay. I’m fucking full of angry. What if he could hurt you badly, or even kill? What the hell you were thinking about when you started fight? He is sick.- you gave him pouch of  ice and started rummaging in medicine box looking for salve and plaster.
-So you propose me to stand and watch while some jackass is trying to hurt you??? Yeah, that’s how real men always do!!!- he shriveled from pain when you put some salve on his lip.
-Thank you.- he looked at you putting his hand with a pouch of ice down.
-I’m sorry I shouldn’t have been mad at you, but I was so scared that I could hardly feel my body.- you hugged him still trembling.
-Congratulations on having the first sasaeng fan.- he chuckled and pulled you closer to himself.
-Yaaa, you still have energy to joke around, guess you don’t need medicine anymore. - he buried his face in your neck, pressing his lips.
-Can you give me a chance? - you freezed for a moment but you knew exactly the answer to this question long before all this started. You knew the answer from the moment he took you from the airport.
-I’m giving you a trial period for a month. So be nice and maybe I’ll make something out for you.
-Am I dreaming or what??? You just told me that you love me???
-What??? Where in those couple of words you saw “ I love you???”
-I definitely heard “Shin Hyoseob, I love you!”- you both burst with laughter. You punched him.
-Ashhhhh, it hurts.
-Oh Gush, I’m sorry, does it hurt so much???- he smiled again and you got that he was just kidding. 
-See, I told you.- you pulled your face closer to him and put a light kiss on his lips, he was shocked but didn’t lose a momemt and kissed you back but more confidently pulling you closer to his body. You stopped for a second looking straight itno his eyes.
-I’m giving up, Shin HyoSeob, guess you heard that right - I love you.
                                                        The End
Part 11
a/n I think it’s the end)) Excuse me for my bad english, it’s not my first language. Please, be indulgent cause it’s the first time I write scenario in english, some scenes may look stupid and not realistic, maybe some words are used not properly, but I tried to make it as realistic as possible. Thank you for those who stayed with me during the whole working process, encouraging me with comments and good words. And thank you all for reading))) 
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
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Send me a ship and i’ll rate it
Yaaas this is beautiful look at all the VLD ships being inquired about. <3 <3 Frosty I absolutely love your dedication and wish you the best of luck if you continue testing which ships I have. Hunay is one of them woot! Maybe I’ll have to give hints to help with the last two? ;)
Haddock’s Favorite VLD Ships
1. Klance 2. Hunay 3. ??? 4. ???
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
As with most other Shiro-Paladin ships, it’s hard for me to get on board with it due to age/maturity differences. Seventeen and twenty-five are pretty far apart from each other in term of life stages and personal growth, and I couldn’t imagine myself being able to enter a romantic relationship with a seventeen-year-old. 
There’s also something to be said about Shiro acting as a older authority to Lance... abruptly shutting Lance off from making siren noises, or telling Lance sternly that Keith will fly the Red Lion to the Blade of Marmora’s base, etc. There are many times we see Shiro keeping Lance in line, and not in the same sort of way Keith and Lance balance one another as equal comrades. Shiro might not be that much older than the other Paladins, and he might have a long-standing bond with eighteen-year-old Keith, but Josh Keaton himself said he channeled his fatherly experiences into Shiro’s voice acting, and the fandom’s nickname “space dad” entered the Paladin’s Handbook itself. Shiro’s relationship to Lance would be that of an older brother or “father” more than anything, so I cannot see it developing into a romance.
I suppose I also have a little challenge imagining what Shance would be like... Lance with his energetic spontaneity and Shiro with his serious professionalism? I don’t know that they’d match well.
So it’s one of the many VLD ships that I’m purely neutral on. ^.^ Nothing wrong with it, chill with it on my dash, just nothing that draws me personally!
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Hance has some interesting potential and it could be cute, though I don’t ship it myself. It’s one of those bonds I like as a friendship! And frankly I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HUNK AND LANCE’S PAST. When Katie first enters the Garrison, it’s obvious Lance and Hunk are already good buds, and in the first episode, Hunk makes a comment that Lance’s actions “always” get him sent into the principal’s office... indicating a long period of shenanigans between them. I love how we see Lance casually lay his arm on Hunk’s shoulder when checking his assignment at the Garrison... I love that they are friends and Hunk gets pulled into Lance’s tomfoolery... and I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS PAST HISTORY.
So I love Hance as friends and I want to see more of it on screen in the present day. Gimme gimme!
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Okay I’m actually excited for the possibility of Shatt. I’m excited and I admit it. Good potential! 
We know that Shiro got along well with the Holts in his team... Shiro and Matt have got to have a good bond going. Shiro risking his life to save Matt from the gladiator ring already says something special. I could totally see Shatt being a cute endearing little thing. But I think I’d like to actually see them on screen more together (more than the opening two minutes of S1 E1 and that Champion flashback in S1 E3) and see what their real dynamics are before hopping on the Shatt train.
Side note... I facepalm that the fandom decided to name it Shatt. As in, like, the past form of shit with an extra t. I know Mattiro is longer but... it? doesn’t? sound? like? a? verb? for? pooping?
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
As much as Pidge says Lance bothers her, and as much as he can bother her with his more energetic antics, it’s fun to see the two of them have fun together. “Space Mall” is the prime example of Pidge and Lance getting excited together over the retro video games. That was great fun and I hope they build Pidge and Lance’s relationship!
But I also feel like Pidge and Lance are going the buddy route. I guess it’s hard for me to see Pidge getting romantic with any of the Paladins and would feel a bit off for her character. Plance is something I don’t think would develop into kisses. Hugs, though, yes. Let’s get platonic Plance hugs!
Platonic Kidge
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
They really need to give Keith and Pidge some time together, now that you bring it up!!! This hasn’t been developed much yet! There are a few interactions they have together, such as Keith yelling at Pidge about leaving the Voltron team way back in S1. But I think that Keith and Pidge actually becoming friends would be cute, and I want that to develop.
They’d be good at venting to one another... I imagine they probably have similar venting styles and pet peeves. They could probably have that “I KNOW RIGHT?” bounce back-and-forth that would make friends feel better once someone whines about their latest woe. I could imagine them being serious together. Also I can imagine them just chilling. They might not be doing much, Keith idly lounging, Pidge fidgeting around with her latest tech project, but they’d be comfortable in one another’s company, would make a few comments, would have a lazy evening well-spent. They wouldn’t rub into each other’s boundaries but would have good relaxed evenings together. Methinks I’d like that!!!
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Somehow I forgot about Hunay when I was thinking together my top VLD ships??? I think this actually trumps what I had mentally listed as two and three. So ya know what yeah. I do like me Hunk and Shay. :3333
If Hunk gets together with anyone in Voltron, I completely utterly wholeheartedly vote Shay!!!!! They are both sweet individuals who work for the better of the group, and we can already see them acting loyally to each other. Hunk is sooo doggone set to rescue Shay that he gets legitimately grumpy when the Paladins make another stop before the Balmera. Shay, on her own end, is willing to risk her life and safety for Hunk in turn. How much more they would be with even more time spent together! 
Romantic Hunay would be adorbs. Their relationship works very well as a friendship, and that’s what I’m sure they’re meaning to write it as, but I do think that Hunay could easily transition into something more. Love iiiiiiiiit!
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welldamnsatoru · 7 years
You can kiss me whenever you want // SHAWN MENDES
Overview: You’ve been dating Shawn for a while and you haven’t kissed and you really want to but you’re really nervous about it
Requested: Yaaas- sorry if it wasn’t exactly what you were thinking, I tried my best :)
Authors note: IM SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME I WROTE THIS, but seriously I’m actually semi proud of this so I hope you all like it and who ever requested this thank you so so so much for the idea
I wanted to kiss Shawn really bad- I’m not going to lie, but being around Shawn made me incredibly nervous that I just couldn’t seem to do it. I had plenty of opportunities to go for it but every time my nerves got the best of me.
First time I realized I wanted to, it was the coffee shop date last week.
“Did you really say that to him?” Shawn chuckles, taking a sip from this hot chocolate.
“Well, I said it in my head,” I say sheepishly, stirring my hot beverage with a spoon. I look up at him to see him already staring, head leaning against his propped up hand.
There was something different about his gaze that day that I couldn’t seem to pinpoint. It made my stomach churn with nerves, my hands tingle and it was if all I could see was him, everything in the background seeming to disappear.
All I had to do was lean in and kiss him. Just like that.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I murmur. Of course instead I say this, looking away, not being able to hold such a stare.
“Like what?” Shawn hums and when I look back at him the same look is still there.
“I don’t know,” I giggle, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Does me starring at you make you uncomfortable?” His eyes darken slightly and he leans in towards me. Kiss him, do it, I try and urge myself.
“Shawn,” I say nervously, twisting one of the rings I wore around my finger.
“Okay, Okay,” He chuckles, backing off.
I lift my drink to my lips, gaze still locked on Shawn, a faint smirk on his face and I could see the same look that he had when he was on stage right there where he sat in front of me. Happiness.
The next time it appeared was when we were driving to his parents. Shawn sat in the driver’s seat, hands clenched tightly on the wheel in case a sudden gust of icy wind blew us off the road.
The snow was coming down faster and I wouldn’t be surprised if we would have to sleep at his parents.
“It says that’s the turn there,” I say, quickly pointing to an exit off the main road that the GPS was highlighting, the snow falling so thick that it was easy to miss the last turn off. Shawn quickly turns, the wheels skidding slightly.
“I hate driving in snow,” I groan, my stomach churning apprehensively.
“It’s okay baby, don’t be scared,” Shawn chuckles, one hand reaching over to rest just below my knee. I could so kiss him right now.
I place my own hand over the top of his, sliding my fingers between the gaps and curling them under into his palm.
“I hope you’re parents like me,” I say, my hands trembling from both the cold and the nerves. Glancing quickly at him, his eyes still locked on the road.
“They’ll like you, I mean If I like you then they have to. I’m a tricky man to please,” Shawn teases, squeezing my thigh gently.
“Shawn,” I whine, just as we pull up in a driveway. “Not helping,”
He unbuckles his seat belt turning to face me.
“You’ll be fine Y/N, You’re incredible and there isn’t a single thing not to like about you,” Shawn tells me, eyes lit with the same happiness from the coffee shop. I might have kissed him then  if it wasn’t for his mum rushing out the front door calling Shawn’s name.
“Come on, come meet my family,”
Then there was right now. We were both laying on the couch watching a movie, Shawn’s hand twirling my hair lazily.
“This is my favorite bit,” I whisper, nodding to the small laptop screen perched on the coffee table.
“Is it?” he asks, voice raspy from not saying anything for a while. I nod once before looking at him out of the corner of my eye. His gaze was already upon me.
I titled my head to look at him. “What?” I whisper curiously.
“Nothing. You just look really beautiful,”
“Shawn,” I say abruptly, heat flaming my cheeks. He grins, nuzzling his nose against my neck.
The warmth in his eyes made me want to pull him even closer against me if it was even possible, his words sending shivers up my spine. I wasn’t used to this unknown feeling flowing through my veins. I wasn’t used to what ever Shawn made me feel.
His breath was feather light against my neck as I felt him exhale shakily as if my presence affected him.
“You okay?” I ask, my hand brushing away some of his brown locks that fell against his forehead.
“Perfect,” He whispers, his arm tightening around my waist to hold me closer. We hadn’t really been this close together before and the feeling of his warm body against mine had me screaming internally.
I couldn’t seem to tear my gaze away from his eyes, taking in the brown depths, hinted with flecks of green that were nearly covered by his pupils.
“Can I try something?” He asks so quietly that I thought I had imagined it.
“Um... sure,” I breath, heart hammering heavily in my chest.
Slowly his head moved closer until his forehead was pressed against mine. He was so close I could count every eyelash that framed his dark eyes.
“You trust me?” Shawn whispers, searching my face for any signs of uncertainty.
“Of course,” I say immediately and the result made my heart flutter. Finally.
His lips pressed against mine, a touch so soft that I craved more. I wanted more. I couldn’t think of anything else except for Shawn and how he was kissing me. My thoughts consumed by him.
But then he was gone, cold air pressing against my once warm lips. I opened my eyes, not realizing I had shut them.
“That was... that was good,” I bite my lip, not knowing what else to say. How about kiss me again.
“Can I do it again?” Shawn asks, a grin spread across his face, almost as if he read my mind. “Been wanting to do that for quite a while.”
And there it was. The look from the coffee shop and from the car.
“You can kiss me whenever you want,” I mumble before kissing the corner of his mouth softly, teasingly.
Shawn’s hand winds its way through my hair at the base of my scalp before pulling me towards him again.
“I’m holding you to the statement,”
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