#pregnant and kicking the living shit out of elijah?
ohjaimelannister · 1 year
Look Chenford is my world but Angela Lopez is the baddest bitch to ever walk the earth.
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yn-ymn-yln · 3 years
Can i request a klaus mikaelson x reader where the reader is in hayleys place… a pregnant wolf but in the end klaus and her fall in love?
Okay lovie I got pretty carried away with this so it's kinda long... but thank you for the request! I hope you like it!
Klaus Mikaelson x reader
*I didn't want to copy the show verbatim so I basically made this completely different from what happens to Hayley I hope that's okay!*
“Nik I’m sorry I didn’t mean it!”
“LIAR!” The pain in his voice has you recoiling. How had things gotten so fucked up?
“I swear, I love you! Please stop!” The hybrid’s furious gaze turns to your father who challenges him for what you all know is the last time.
“STOP IT! PLEASE!” Your father’s corpse drops unceremoniously to the ground within seconds. You can’t take your eyes off of the man that had raised you, tears slipping down your face.
“Remember this day Y/f/n Y/l/n. This is what happens when you betray the original hybrid.”
Three years ago, to the day Klaus Mikaelson had slaughtered every remaining blood relative of your pack right before your eyes, leaving you the sole survivor of his man-made massacre.
Standing at the entrance to the compound you hoped today would go smoother than that day had all those years ago.
Klaus didn’t speak after you’d said your piece. Letting the shared history between the two of you cloud his judgement he’s on you in a second. His hand is wrapped around your throat, pinning you to the wall before you even have the chance to react. Instantly your own hands fly to his wrists pulling harshly to try and free yourself and continue the conversation without conflict.
Klaus doesn’t let up though. His grip gets tighter with each passing second. As his eyes begin to glow, the veins beneath them appear in a show of dominance.
Problem was, you were never one to back down from a challenge.
Growling lowly, you refuse to submit to the hybrid before you. With all rational thoughts out the window you sink your teeth into the arm of the man holding you. His unrelenting choke hold falters offering you your only chance to slip free. You push past him and take shelter behind his oldest living brother.
“Please do tell, what exactly is going on here?” Ever the noble gentleman, Elijah tries to diffuse the rather abrupt display of aggression.
“I’m pregnant.” The words fall past your lips without warning. Elijah didn’t know who you were, none of the Mikaelson’s did except for Klaus.
“Pardon?” Turning towards you, you can already see the look of disbelief color his features.
“She’s a liar! I’LL KILL HER!” The threat did little to scare you off. If he had really wanted you dead, he would have killed you three years ago when he had the chance.
“I’m not lying and we both fucking know it!” Lunging at you Klaus tries to maneuver around Elijah only to be stopped with a hand to his chest.
“I think that’s quite enough. What is your name?” He addresses the hybrid, then you.
“I find it hard to believe a woman I’ve never met harbors the child of my brother.” You chuckle humorlessly then.
“I do know him, have for years. He just doesn’t want you to know that.” Admittedly you had wounded more than Klaus’ pride when things had gone south between the two of you.
“Niklaus?” Elijah gives his younger brother a look that reads don’t fucking try lying to me. He doesn’t offer Elijah an explanation, opting instead to leave the room in a huff.
“I know this isn’t ideal, but I promise it’s his.”
“Very well, make yourself comfortable, we’ll find a witch in the morning.” You don’t ask him to elaborate, you knew they all needed proof, he needed proof. Without a word more you trudge up the stairs, Elijah following closely behind you. “If you’re lying about this, I’ll rip your heart out myself, you have my word.” hastily leaving the room you both had entered, he quietly shuts the door behind him.
There was nothing left to do now but wait.
Klaus Mikaelson should have been the last person you wanted to see. The remaining hatred you had for him should have been simmering but it wasn’t. You had never gotten a proper goodbye from the man that had stolen your heart. Your alcohol fogged mind told you there was no better time for a good bye than right now, and what better way to say it then to fall into the bed of the man you had once loved?
Klaus had eyed you suspiciously, his heart locked behind the walls he had built that fateful day.
You hadn’t even spoken, words had never been your winning feature. You had grabbed him by the collar pressing your lips to his.
It was heaven
He didn’t ask questions, choosing instead to lead you out of the bar hand in hand to the only safe place he knew.
His bed.
The months that had followed had been nothing short of chaotic. The witches of New Orleans had “officially” confirmed that you were in fact carrying the child of Klaus Mikaelson. He had taken the news rather poorly. Disappearing for weeks before finally surfacing at the compound again. Though he had returned, his icy demeanor towards you had stayed ever present. So, you kept as far away from him as you could. Until you didn’t.
You had been passing his study when the door had opened quickly causing you to stumble. You were sure your face was about to become very acquainted with the hardwood floor of the hall way when a pair of strong arms hand wrapped around your waist. You hadn’t meant to grip his wrist desperately, one hand flying to your barely showing baby bump.
“Your alright, I’ve got you.” His sentence was clipped, but that had been the most he had said to you since you stepped foot in the compound all those weeks ago.
“Thank you.” You’re not sure what had possessed you to bury your face in his chest but the warmth and comfort was worth the ire you were about to face. You’re surprised to look up and see him peering at you through confused eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t- It won’t happen again.” You leave before he has the chance to yell.
After your bout of clumsiness Klaus had laid off his harsh temper with you. You were sure it had been Elijah’s doing, probably some speech about stress being bad for the baby, but you didn’t mind. The somewhat calm atmosphere had brightened your mood considerably and gave you the tiniest shred of hope that maybe this wouldn’t be such a nightmare.
“ELIJAH!!!” You had never seen a thousand-year-old vampire move so fast in your life.
“What is it?! What’s wrong?!” His panic laced tone has a sheepish smile spreading on your face before you feel the tiny flutter again. Grabbing the originals hand, you place it on your stomach and wait.
“Come on little bean, you can do it.” The look of utter surprise that spreads across his face as a tiny thump reaches his hand is priceless.
“KLAUS COME HERE!” Elijah doesn’t move his hand, the wonder of human life making his undead heart melt. Klaus rushes into the room in much the same manor, the only difference being the glowing eyes and raised fist.
“Come feel!” You don’t hesitate to place his hand over your ever moving child. Elijah leaves the room then, wanting to give you and the father of said child a moment. “Do you feel it? Feel her?” A small smile spreads across the hybrids face his hand pressing slightly harder to the fading kick.
“I do. It’s amazing.” Silence fell upon the two of you, with it your doubts grew.
“What if I can’t do this?” The vulnerability in your words has Klaus looking at you in shock. He had never seen you so unsure of yourself.
“You can love, you are going to be a great mother.”
“No, I’m not, this baby is screwed and we both know it. Fuck, you can’t even look at me half the time. What kind of a family is she going to have?”
“This family isn’t perfect but it’s hers.” His words do little to comfort the growing fear inside your heart.
“I wish my dad was here.” The sob that rips from your throat is deafening, not for the first time Klaus wishes things had happened differently between the two of you.
“I’m sorry love.” You don’t let him finish, far too hormonal to not hug the father of your bastard kid. Klaus holds you tightly letting you release the built-up emotion, kissing your forehead every so often. “We will get through this, I promise.” Nodding your head, you stay firmly planted against the hybrid’s chest.
You hope he’s right.
Things weren’t perfect between you and Klaus, but with each passing day you saw the tension leave his shoulders and felt your anger slip through the cracks.
You loved him. It was simple, but none of it mattered if he didn’t love you back.
Sitting on the couch watching T.V. you traced patterns onto your stomach, mindlessly humming a melody that lived rent free in your mind. Klaus made his way into the living room, lifting your feet before placing them in his lap.
“What are you watching love?” The nickname had become a staple in the conversations between the two of you as of late.
“I’m not sure, I’m not really paying attention.”
“Why? Are you feeling alright?” Rubbing his hand up and down your leg you watch the man before you. Things had been so corrupt between you both, at one point you were sure you could never go back. Now though? You weren’t sure what to believe.
Nodding lightly, you try to defuse his worry.
“Just thinking.”
“Us.” The word hangs heavily in the air.
“What about us?” Inhaling a lengthy breath, you burst the perfect bubble you had been living in.
“I’m in love with you.” Klaus pauses his movement on your leg shifting his gaze to stare into yours.
“I know a lot of shit happened between us Nik, and I know you don’t trust me but I love you. I don’t think I ever stopped. I know you might not feel the same” Your sentence is cut short by the hybrids lips connecting with your own.
“I thought I would never hear you say that again.” Closing the gap again, you press your forehead to his.
“We both made mistakes. I’ll forgive you if you forgive me.”
“I forgave you a long time ago.” At his words you feel the moisture begin to pool in the corner of your eyes.
“Me too.”
The love you and the hybrid shared had never faded, you both just needed a little clarification to see it.
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John B x reader
Summary: You end up pregnant and because John B’s life was already hard, you didn’t want to make it any worse so you keep it from him. However, after a tense night at the boneyard, everything comes slipping out. 
A/N: This is my first obx fic, I hope you guys like it!! I’ll post the rest of the obx fics/requests I have tomorrow (Thursday). 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Your eyes stare at the two pink lines. Positive. How could you and John B let this happen? You’d been careful. You used protection and you were on birth control, something your mother had you put on after she found out you were dating John B, a pogue. Your mother warned you about pregnancy and strongly urged you to use protection. Your family’s reputation would not be able to handle a pregnancy caused by a pogue. The reputation was already beginning to crack after they found out about you and him, this would completely ruin it.
Your mind then went to John B and his life. He was living alone at 18. His dad disappeared in a boating accident years ago and he was barely scrapping by. His life was already hard and to throw a baby into the mix? It would be even worse for him. You couldn’t do that to him. Especially, since your family would disown you and kick you out, leaving you to live with John B. However, this was John B’s baby and he deserved to know. He would want to know you were carrying his child. You knew he was going to be a good father, no doubt about it.   
Gathering yourself from you white tiled bathroom floor, you stood in the mirror and wiped your eyes, washing the mascara from your face and headed to the Chateau.
When you arrived, you let out a sigh of relief to only see John B’s van. Kie’s car or JJ’s bike no where in sight. You stepped out of your car and headed inside.
“John B?” You called out, but there was no answer. You stepped through the house, checking in the rooms, but no John B. You checked the time; he’d be home from working at the dock by now. So, where was he?
You stepped off the screen porch and looked around the yard when you heard a boat motor. As you headed down to the dock, there was John B, pulling up in HMS Pogue. He must have gone for an evening drive.
“Hey.” You gave a small smile and a wave, stepping to the end of the dock as he pulled the boat closer to the edge.
He threw you the rope to tie off the boat, “Hey, what are you doing here?”
You bent down and tied off the boat, “I needed to talk with you about something.” After tying off the boat, you stood and wiped your hands on your jeans.
As he stepped off the boat and onto the dock, you could see the weight of the world on his shoulders, “Can it wait? I’ve had a shitty day.” He sighs and sits down on the bench, running his hands through his hair.
You frowned and nodded, “What’s wrong? Do you want to want to talk about it?” You take a seat next to him and put a loving hand on his thigh.
He holds his head in his hands, “They’ve cut back my hours on the dock, which means I won’t be able make enough to pay bills, so I have to find another job.”
And that is when you knew, you couldn’t tell him about the baby.
It had been a few weeks, John B had yet to find a second job and you had yet to tell him about the baby. It was Kie who found out about the pregnancy first. You didn’t mean for it to happen but she’d come over to drop something off and found you sobbing in the bathroom floor. She was your best friend and you knew there was no lying to her.
“I’m pregnant, Kie.” You sobbed into your hands.
She immediately pulled you into her arms as you two sat on the bathroom floor. She let you sob for as long as you needed, “Does John B know?”
You shook your head and quickly pulled away to look at her, “He can’t know Kie. You can’t tell him. Please.”
She sadly nods, “Okay, I won’t.” It wasn’t her secret to tell.
You didn’t want to go to the Boneyard for a party, but John B begged you to come. He’d finally found another job and wanted to celebrate. As you and the pogues were situated around a fire, you sat next to Kie, who was telling you about her horrible date, when John B came stumbling over.
“Hey y/n.” He slurs, two cups in his hands, “Here drink up.”
You glanced at Kie and then back up at John B, “I’m okay John B. I don’t feel like drinking tonight.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “You don’t ever feel like drinking. You don’t feel like doing anything anymore! All you do is sit around on your little kook ass crying about the dumbest shit!”
Your eyes sting with tears. It had been a rough couple of weeks. Your hormones were horrible and all over the place and you had terrible morning sickness lasting through out the day.
“John B.” Kie snapped, “Don’t be an ass!”
He looks at Kie then back at you, noticing the tears, ���There she goes now with the damn water works.” He shakes his head and finishes off his drink with a gulp, tossing the cup in the trash.
You stand, “John B I think it’s time for you to stop. You’ve had enough..” You go to grab the other drink in his hand but he smacks your hand away.
“Don’t touch my fucking drink.”
You put your hands up defensively, Kie standing at your side as JJ and Pope make their way over seeing all the commotion.
“You sit all high and mighty in that big ass house of yours while the rest of us pogues bust our asses to put food on the table!” He points a finger at you.
‘he’s just drunk. He’s just drunk and doesn’t mean those things.’ You repeat in your head, but your hormones are already raging and another tear slips down your face. This is what sends John B into a fit.
“And there you are with those damn tears again! What do you have to cry about?! You’ve never worked a day in your life and you probably never will!”
“I’m pregnant John B. That’s why I cry all the time! That’s why I don’t drink anymore or I’m always sick!” Tears are steadily falling and Kie puts an hand on your back.
John B is taken back by this information and stumbles back a little, “P-pregnant?” He shakes his head, the alcohol making his head spin. “There isn’t no fucking way you’re pregnant.” His eyes snap to you, “We used protection. You were on the pill. That isn’t my baby.” He points to your stomach. The next thing that happens is something none of the pogues saw coming. He tosses the drink in your face, the beer splashing on your face and down the front of your clothes.
Everything else happened so fast. Suddenly, JJ was protectively in front of you, grabbing at John B and yelling at him. Kie is cussing at John B and trying to get napkins to wipe up your face.
JJ and Pope drag John B off toward the van, still cussing and yelling at him for what he did.
“Are you okay?” Kie asks, wiping the beer off your face.
You shake your head and let out a sob.
“Oh sweetie..” She wraps her arms around you in a hug, “He was just drunk, you know that he didn’t mean any of it.”
Kie drove you home that night and made sure you were okay before leaving. JJ and Pope took John B back to the Chateau where John B finally passed out on the couch. They didn’t leave either, they wanted to be the first to tell John B how much he fucked up after he woke up the next morning.
You slept in the next morning, never leaving the bed. Kie came over and hung out but never once mentioned John B. Not like you wanted to hear about him anyways. Maybe your mother was right, dating a pogue was wrong.
Back at the Chateau, he knew he’d fucked up. The next morning after the outburst, JJ and Pope were quick to tell him everything that happened, how he’d drank too much, snapped on you, the pregnancy announcement and the throwing of the drink.
“Oh I fucked up.” John B groans, running his hands through his hair, “I need to go see her.” He starts to walk out but Pope grabs his arm, “Kie called from her house. She doesn’t want to see you.”
He shook Pope’s arm off, “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.”
When he arrived at your house, Kie’s car was still in the driveway. Kie was never going to let you see him. He sighs and knocks on the door. To no surprise, Kie opens the door.
“She doesn’t want to see you John B.”
“I know Kie, I fucked up but please, I have to apologize.” He begs.
She shakes her head and goes to shut the door, but he stops it with his foot, “Kie, Please!”
You slowly make your way down the stairs, wrapped in a blanket, “Kie?”
Kie turns around, “He’s leaving, it’s okay.”
John B looks passed Kie and looks at your appearance. He can see you’ve been crying all night. Your eyes are swollen and red. And you’re wrapped in your favorite fluffy blanket, one only used when things were bad, “Y/n please… I’m sorry.” His eyes are pleading as he begs.
You wrap the blanket tighter around you as you walk behind Kie, “It’s okay, Kie…” You give a small smile at her and she nods before heading back to your room. Pushing John B out of the house you close the door behind you and sit on one of the white rocking chairs. “Well?”
He quickly takes a seat next to you, “I’m sorry about last night. I was a complete asshole.”
You laugh halfheartedly, “Asshole? That was more than being an asshole John B. You snapped on me and said mean things and you threw a drink in my face.”
His face falls, “I know. And I don’t know what got into me. I got scared when you said you were pregnant. I was already stressed and had finally found a second job then you say you’re pregnant? I can barely take care of myself, let alone another human being.”
“You don’t think I’m stressed out? I can’t take care of another human being either! You’re not the only one in this John B.”
He sighs, nodding, “I know and I should have never reacted the way I did.” He stands from the chair and steps in front of you, bending his knees so he’s eye level with you. He puts a loving hand on your knee, “I will take care of you and our baby, no matter what. Okay?”
You sniff, another round of tears filling your eyes, “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
His heart breaks when he sees the look in your eye. They’re filled with regret and sadness. “Hey.. I know that.” He rubs his thumb along your cheek, “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen. This is on both of us, not just you. It was an accident and that’s okay. We’re going to go through this together. I’m going to be there every step of the way, alright?”
You sniffle and nod, before standing up and walking right into his open arms. He kisses the top of your head, “We’re going to be parents.” He whispers and gives you a small squeeze. Suddenly the thought of having a baby pogue, half you, half him running around made his heart swell. It was earlier than he would have hoped. He wanted to have a steady job. He wanted to marry you first and then start a family but looks like he’d have to do things another way and that was okay.
Few weeks went by. You were now 3 months pregnant, no baby bump yet. You’d asked Kie to accompany you to one of the appointments because John B said he had to work and couldn’t make it. You two had made a day of it, stopping for lunch and did some shopping around town. Now, you two were on your way home. You decided you’d wait at the Chateau for John B until he got off work.
“Can you take me by John B’s?” You ask, looking over at Kie.
“yeah sure.” She nods, turning off a side street and heading toward the Chateau.
When you arrive, his van is parked by the house along with JJ’s bike. “Thought he was at work?” She asks, turning off the car.
“Yeah I did too..” you mutter before getting out of the car. The two of you head up on the front porch; the door is open and it sounds like JJ and John B are arguing.
“That’s not the right part, JJ! It’s this one.”
“Dude, I’m not a rocket scientist.”
“This has to be perfect.”
You look at Kie, who shrugs, so the two of you walk into the house and to the office where John B’s dad kept all his treasures and research. However, the room isn’t filled with his dad’s things anymore. It was empty. The walls had been painted a light grey and there were baby animals hung around the room. In the middle of the room sat John B and JJ, half of a crib up, the rest of the parts were strewed around them.
Your eyes swelled with tears, “John B..”
His head snapped up to you, oh shit. He’d lied to you about work and now was caught right in the middle of it.
“I’m just gonna.. go outside.” JJ quickly stands and follows Kie out, leaving you and John B in the room.
He slowly stands, “I wanted it to be a surprise… this is the nursery.. for our baby.”
Your let out a small sob, admiring the room, “It’s amazing!”  
His face lights up, “Really? You like it?”
“Like it? I love it John B!” You smile, turning around to face him, frowning, “But all your dad’s stuff.”
He nods, “In the shed. I figured he wouldn’t mind his grandchild having this room..”
You look at the décor and then the crib, “How could you afford all this?”
“I had some savings set aside for something else. But I knew this was more important.” He steps over to you, “Do you like the color? I can change it if you don’t like it. It’s just the guy at the paint shop said grey was a neutral color since I didn’t know the gender.”
You quickly shook your head and smiled, “No, it’s perfect. All of it.. is perfect.” Your hand digs into your back pocket and pull out the ultrasound photo.
“New ultrasound photo?” He asks as you hand it to him.
You point to the little bean in the photo, “Size of a plum now.” You giggle a little.
He chuckles, looking over the photo, “Size of a plum..”
You nod, “Doctor said baby was healthy and growing just fine. And the mother was doing great too.” You laugh a little.  
He smiles, “Can I keep this one? I want to put it with my others” He’d kept the photos from the first ultrasound, hung on the fridge and in the van. He was proud and would show of the photo anytime someone entered in the Chateau or even the van. “We know John B, we saw the photo in the van.” The pogues would mutter.
“Sure. I have another one in the car. That’s your copy.”
His hand slips around your waist and pulls you into his side, his free hand going to your tummy, “My little family…”
OBX Tag list: @emmalvei-blog​ , @tregua-oca​ , @weirdbiwitch​ , @losers-club6​
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auroracalisto · 4 years
started: 24 june 2020 last updated: 29 october 2020 see what I will write for here want to submit a request?  do it here (:
roman sionis
Roman’s Girl┆first chapter of multiple┆Roman Sionis gets what he wants. And when he sets his eyes on you, a girl ten or more years his junior, he’ll get you. Lucky for him, despite your shy and flustered nature, you want him just as much as he wants you.
married life┆short┆the two were always at it—now, the reader was in the middle of it. harley doesn’t care for roman, but she wouldn’t dare hurt you. hell, she would kidnap you—and that’s how you ended up here.
hormones and clubs┆one-shot┆the reader is pregnant and begs roman for a chance to go to his club before she goes into labor.  it doesn’t exactly go how she’d like it to go.  
emily prentiss
i love you┆short┆based on the quote “do you still love me?”
my everything┆requested┆by @millipop18​: Hi! I love what you write! Could I request a emily prentiss x reader where she comforts the reader who’s struggling with depression? Have a nice day, much love xxx
spencer reid
not alone, never alone┆requested┆ by @amy-de-l-abc​.  The request was quite long, but the jist of it was having a suicidal reader, but one who isn’t quite able to do anything.  She and Reid start out as friends but the ending will have them getting together.  Fluff on Reid’s part, as he comforts her when she is feeling down.  Reader also feels like she can’t depend on her therapist or her family, and unfortunately, not even a suicide hotline will help (in a very negative way, which is purely for this story’s purpose).  
empty hearts┆short┆in which the reader tries to get spencer to talk to them, but he’s just not listening. 
useless goodbye┆short┆the reader dies right in front of spencer. 
moon and back┆requested┆by @petrichor-ds.  “i loved you to the moon and back, you know.” for spencer when he’s comforting his SO who has been ~going through it~ w depression ??
jack-o’-lantern┆short┆where you carve pumpkins with spencer and he tells you how carving pumpkins became a thing.
derek morgan
something extra┆one-shot┆where you’ve been married to morgan and now you’re expecting your second child (with a little extra surprise).  the team decides to throw you a baby shower.
baby kicks┆requested┆by anon.  hiii, don’t know if ur taking requests rn. but if you are, i would love if you could do an imagine with derek morgan, where the reader is in her 7 or 8th month of pregnancy. and the team is out on the field and the baby kicks and everyone gets so excited, but especially morgan because that’s literally his baby? 
victor zsasz
forever until the end┆first chapter of multiple┆the reader is falcone’s long lost daughter whose mother fled to washington after an argument got out of hand. she was raised in an abused home where if she even mentioned her unknown father, she would be hurt. a couple of months after turning twenty-one, she’s beaten to the point she packs her things in the middle of the night and leaves. she does everything she can to get to gotham, even going as far as stealing a car. in gotham, she, fortunately, meets her father, along with a man named victor zsasz who was given the assignment of keeping the reader safe while she gets used to the city. zsasz has never dreaded a job more, but he ends up surprising even himself when he begins to like the reader.
you being done with victor’s shit.
sugawara koshi
grey┆one-shot┆you had always wondered why the stripe of color on your wrist was grey. moving to a new school in the miyagi prefecture, you find out exactly why.
rest of my life┆short┆what sugawara would say if you ever asked him if you could spend the rest of your life with him.
tsukishima kei
it’s you┆one-shot┆after watching Avengers: Endgame, you meet your soulmate for the first time.
ukai keishin
Unanticipated┆one-shot┆the reader is an English teacher at Karasuno, who lived in the United States for much of her life. Never did she think she would meet her soulmate; at the age of twenty-four, she had yet to find them. Yet, one day, after a day of teaching, her friend Takeda asked her if she would come to the boy’s volleyball club meeting. She did. To her surprise, she remembered how much she loved volleyball and actually found her soulmate in that very gym.
aone takanobu
jackets┆short┆where aone points out that you have something on your shirt and he gives you his jacket.  
how you meet includes hinata, kuroo, oikawa, tsukishima, sugawara, and ukai
draco malfoy
sick┆one-shot┆where draco comes to join you in the common room, coughing his head off. 
birthday surprise┆one-shot┆no one seemed to like Ivan.  except for you and the children where you worked.  with his birthday going unnoticed by your coworkers, you decided to call Natalia up and make it possible for them to celebrate, only asking for friendship in return. 
2p! nyo! america
pissy proposal┆one-shot┆Emily’s worried that you’re going to leave her.  You make sure she knows that she’s the only one for you.  
2p! russia
scared┆short┆our dear reader is pregnant.  and she’s really nervous about telling viktor.
cute neighbor┆short┆alfred ran out in just his underwear after the fire alarm went off.  you luckily had a blanket to spare.  
lucifer morningstar
willpower┆one-shot┆lucifer really doesn’t understand your motives.  he tries to figure it out.  platonic lucifer x reader. 
necessary goodbye┆one-shot┆where the reader loves lucifer, but he’s in love with detective decker.
necessary realization┆requested┆pt. two of necessary goodbye, where the reader is engaged and she brings lucifer her wedding invitation.  after she leaves to return to her hotel room for that weekend, he comes after her. 
lucifer preparing to show you his true face.
marcus pierce/cain
poisoned words┆one-shot┆where the reader is in love with pierce and they go undercover together.  reader is poisoned and she goes to the hospital.  after coming back, she tries to talk to pierce about how she feels.  he shoots her down.  i promise, there is a somewhat fluffy end to this.
uncanny resemblance┆requested┆you like the lieutenant.  you cannot figure him out.  it leads to a home invasion and your uncanny resemblance to a string of victims for anything to happen between the two of you.
lost and found┆one-shot┆the reader’s child, leo, gets lost and goes to the police department.  amenadiel and lucifer are there and leo goes straight to amenadiel.  
ella lopez
nerd basket┆requested┆being ella’s significant other is always filled with geeky questions and gifts.  for your anniversary, she has more questions than you anticipated for your early anniversary gift.  
fading┆one-shot┆The reader doesn’t know what to do with their self after Crowley dies, right in front of them.  There’s nothing that they can do except grieve.  
sam winchester
you hate when Sam says, “All Hallow’s Eve.”
steve rogers
101┆first chapter of three┆steve finally meets his soulmate at the ripe age of 101.  his soulmate is 24 and good friends with peter parker. 
tony stark
shut up, stark.┆short┆tony stark is arguably the reader’s best friend, despite the constant jokes.  he would give anything to help the reader with their constant anxiety. 
stephen strange
birthday plans┆short┆It’s Stephen’s birthday.  Tony called and said he was having a cookout.  But you need to make sure Stephen and your little girl, Rosa, are ready for the event itself.
peter parker
liability┆one-shot┆somehow, the reader is in a predicament that only Spider-man can save them from.  But just a couple seconds of Peter not paying attention literally cost them their life.  
stalker┆short┆where the reader is being followed and peter comes to the rescue.  
peter loves halloween and among us, a little too much.
natasha romanov
cute┆short┆about natasha calling you cute.
loki laufeyson
a little crush┆short┆in where loki is suuuper vulnerable.  fluffy. 
loki doesn’t like midgard holidays. 
bucky barnes
cynophobia┆short┆where you’re afraid of dogs and it takes bucky to save you from one trapped in your apartment.  
samwise gamgee
conceal, don’t feel┆short┆in which samwise doesn’t return your feelings.
diego hargreeves
replaceable┆one-shot┆in which diego loves lila, you love diego, and you witness the death of your best friend, elliot.  
klaus hargreeves
back to the future┆short┆in which you are in love with klaus.  he returns the feelings, but unfortunately for you, he does not want you coming to 2019 with him and his siblings.  
allison hargreeves
cuddling with allison.
for the love of you┆the reader is summoned by bonnie, on accident, to the world of the mikaelsons.  as confused as she is, she comes to realize that not only has she found her soulmate, she’s found four soulmates.  PART ONE PART TWO┆more coming soon
elijah mikaelson
The Soulmate Principle┆one-shot┆Dear Prince Elijah should have just left you alone. But with the Soulmate Principle, he just couldn’t help himself. And it just so happened to cost you your life.
hugs and kisses┆requested┆Hello! Can I request an Elijah x reader one shot; just fluff with lots of kisses and cuddles? Btw, love your blog ^^ — Anon
could you be?┆one-shot┆It’s been on Elijah’s mind for some time.  Would you feel the same way?  Would you want him for the rest of your life?  
ocean’s beauty┆one-shot┆Klaus, of course, the traveller he is, decides to take everyone along with him.  You’re a human and you’re married to Elijah.  Oh, and your ship’s hit an iceberg in the middle of the Atlantic—and it’s sinking quickly. 
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with elijah, klaus, and kol has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
injury┆short┆where you are injured and elijah takes care of you.  
glitter┆short┆based off of the song glitter, by patrick droney.  the reader is dead, but not entirely gone.  elijah doesn’t know this.
choose me┆one-shot┆elijah has been a bad boyfriend, in the sense that he’s always gone and never takes into consideration how that makes you feel.   
surprise parties┆requested┆Hii! If the bingo requests are still open can you do a one shot of elijah x reader with the birthday prompt it can be like rebekah throwing a birthday party for the reader or just like elijah fluff, up to you <33 — anon
she will be loved┆requested┆Hi! Can I please request an (platonic) Elijah x 3-4 year old fem!child oneshot where when Elijah went to Mystic Falls (when he needed Elena) and when he’s walking, he hears crying and finds her alone on the streets. I’m sure his heart would absolutely break at the sight and he would do anything he can to help calm her down. He obviously wouldn’t leave her on the streets, deciding right then and there that he wants to adopt her, so he brings her home with him. Omggg he would be such a soft (and veryyy protective) dad and all of the Mikaelsons (once they were undaggered) would love her so much 🤧  (Also Elijah would absolutely lose it if the Mystic Falls gang ever brought Y/n into any of the drama) — @kpopgirlbtssvt
a welcome arrangement┆requested┆Hi! If requests are open, could I request an Elijah x Reader where the reader is a vampire and long time friend to the Mikaelson's, and Rebekah and the others try to set her up with Elijah because they know they both like each other? I love your writing!! 💕 — anon
you adopt a child with Elijah.
klaus mikaelson 
you’re safe now┆one-shot┆the reader leaves the mystic grill with the intent of going home. instead, something distracts her and she’s attacked. her soulmate is the one who saves her life. crazily enough, it’s the same guy who she was staring at just moments earlier.
pretend boyfriend┆short┆ reader is being watched by some creepy guy at the mystic grill. she asks dear klaus to pretend to be her boyfriend.
which disney princess are you?┆short┆Klaus walks in on you taking a Which Disney Princess Are You? quiz on Buzzfeed.  Color him intrigued.  
heather┆short┆in where the reader is in love with klaus, but he loves heather.
endearment┆short┆klaus is in love with you.  but he doesn’t know if you return the feelings. 
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with klaus, elijah, and kol has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
forgotten lifetimes┆one-shot┆reader has dementia and has forgotten her children on multiple occasions.  now, she’s forgetting klaus.  
writer’s block┆short┆where the reader is suffering from writer’s block and klaus comforts the reader so they don’t get upset because of it.
silent treatment┆requested┆hi, can you please write an imagine with klaus mikaelson? his gf calls him by one of her close friend’s name (that he don’t like bc he’s possessive like that) and he gives her the silent treatment — anon
one night stands, and then some┆requested┆hi! i just wanted to say that i love your blog! i have a request, for a klaus mikaelson drabble/imagine. where the reade had a one night stand with him (instead of hayley) and now she’s pregnant. whatever else you want to do with that! thank you! ❤️  — @mikaelson-emma
a bolt from the blue┆one-shot┆the reader has recently moved from colorado and finds one of her first cases on the job to be a dead doctor, invited to a ball held by the mikaelsons.  she goes, expecting to find the killer, but instead, she finds that two of the mikaelsons have fallen for her—klaus and rebekah.  
kol mikaelson
take a hint┆requested┆can you do a kol mikaelson one where Caroline is distracting Klaus and she brought the reader with her so she could distract kol? maybe it can be based on the song take a hint from victorious? i’ve listened to it and thought it would be funny and cute! thank you! — @mikaelson-emma
family game night┆one-shot┆where you play Monopoly with the Mikaelson’s and the youngest finds out he’s developed a little crush.
kiss of life┆one-shot┆polyamorous reader in a relationship with kol, klaus, and elijah has died.  however, she comes back in a revenge plot by a witch who lost her wife due to klaus.  
tell me a lie┆short┆loosely based off the quote, “my favorite lie was, ‘i love you.’”  definitely not happy.  reader was cheated on. 
forsaken hearts┆short┆kol doesn’t love you.  what’s his reason?
talks of mortality┆one-shot┆about you trying to talk kol into taking the cure, but he doesn’t want to listen to what you have to say.  
truth or dare┆one-shot┆after a game of truth or dare, you reveal to your friends and siblings that you’re dating kol mikaelson.  
times of change┆short┆an argument between kol and the reader.
kol pisses you off
rebekah mikaelson
pesky┆short┆using the sentence prompt, “can someone kill him again?”
a bolt from the blue┆one-shot┆the reader has recently moved from colorado and finds one of her first cases on the job to be a dead doctor, invited to a ball held by the mikaelsons.  she goes, expecting to find the killer, but instead, she finds that two of the mikaelsons have fallen for her—rebekah and klaus.  
rebekah reveals how she truly feels.
damon salvatore
Closure┆one-shot┆a year has passed since Damon and the reader broke up. Damon was with Angie, the reader was a depressed shell of herself. A drunken three AM phone call is exactly what it takes for the reader to get some closure.
by your side┆requested┆Can I get a fluff fic of either Elijah Mikaelson or Damon Salvatore where the reader is going through a rough time (depressive episode) and they comfort reader through it? 😔  — anon
stefan salvatore
only time will tell┆requested┆a stefan soulmate au — @123cvcz 
lovelorn hearts┆requested┆heyyy, can i request a angst fic where reader is damon’s best friend and stefan has a huge crush on her, she overhears damon teasing him about it which leads to his confession, but she’s unsure if she feels the same way and he gets his heart broken all over again? (after elena) thanks, your writing is lovely. — @xoxosinister
hope hearing stories about you.
☼ X-MEN ☼
charles xavier
happiest year┆one-shot┆although the reader loves charles—although she makes sure he knows that she would do anything for him, he throws it all away. the reader leaves and moves on with her life.
erik lehnsherr
embarrassing moments┆requested┆BROOOOOOO i didn’t know you wrote for the x men … could i please request smth w erik?? smth with mutual pining ~~~ maybe reader is an awkward mutant who’s insecure and can’t talk to erik ……. bro the erik thirst has been REAL recently — @petrichor-ds
sparks fly┆requested┆reader is a cheerful mutant w some sort of electricity ability, and she’s bright until erik comes around.  then she’s removed, quiet, and reserved.  charles has had enough and pairs them up to do training demos tgt (electricity overlaps w magnetism a bit) and then ~romantic tension~ and then reader finally confesses to him after he’s like “why r u so nervous????” — @petrichor-ds
☼ THE 100 ☼
bellamy blake
you’re left behind at mount weather, instead of gina.  
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hwu-adventures-blog · 5 years
Honouring the Past:
Book Series: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir, references to the It Lives series.
Pairing: Maxwell x MC, mentions Lucas x MC.
Setting: before the Apple Ball but after the car crash.
Warnings: mention of bullying by family members, entitled parent and entitled sibling, separation of parents, bad language.
Description: whilst looking through a box of her old stuff, Zoe Beaumont comes across a photo that brings back some memories of a tragedy in her life, it’s up to Maxwell to try to cheer his wife up and that somehow leads to a discussion about what they are going to name the future Heir of Cordonia.
A fairly heavily pregnant Zoe Beaumont was sat in her room shifting through some boxes her dad had sent over of her childhood stuff he’d thought she might like for the baby when she came across it. a framed photo of her and her younger half brother, Fred. It from one time her dad and her had embarked on their annual visit to the town of Westchester in Oregon to visit her mother, Alexandra, stepfather, Elijah and half brother, she could remember that summer clearly. She was twelve, her paternal step mother and step sister , Julie and Liana were pushing the boundaries of their usual petty bullying and she was miserable. Her dad, James, had noticed her mood change and had tried to get it out of her however she wouldn’t tell him so her dad had left her step mother Julie and stepsister Liana to house sit, whilst he and Zoe hopped onto the plane to see the rest of her family in an attempt to cheer her up. It was one of the best things her dad had done, and he was a great dad, but the lengths he was willing to go to to cheer his daughter up always astounded Zoe.
You see, her mom and dad had been best friends since they were little and that hadn’t seemed to change, even after one drunken night when they were sixteen and seventeen that had created Zoe herself, or when they decided to end the relationship that had just fallen out of romantic love when she was two, or when her mom met her current husband Elijah Peralta and had her son, Fredrick when Zoe was five (hell, it was James who introduced Alexandra and Elijah in the first place, and was even best man at their wedding and godfather to Fred) or when her dad married an entitled witch with her spawn of Hell who was the same age as Zoe at six but acted like her spawn was above her despite her being seventeen at her birth just because Zoe was bi-racial and hated her mom just because she was black. Nevertheless, Zoe loved most of the situation she was in, she got on like a house on fire with Elijah, who treated her like she was his own child, and she had the best little brother in the world. She’d had so much fun there, on that holiday, she’d forgotten about the petty abuse she’d suffered at Liana and Julie’s hand, and they’d even gotten the biggest ice cream from a dessert shop on the last day there and that was when the photo was taken. It was one of her happiest memories and one of the last ones before her life went to shit. Her dad got very sick, she was forced to drop out of college and drop her dream of pursuing a career in musical theatre and get a job as a waitress because why should her step mom pay for her husband’s medication, when she was paying for her own daughter’s education? which said daughter then screwed up because she got pregnant by her badboy boyfriend. And then kicked Zoe out of the house on her twenty first birthday so she now had to pay for her father’s treatment (which she didn’t mind really she’d do anything to help her dad) and rent and food. She managed it, for a few years but of course if the opportunity came, to leave she was definitely going to take it. And she was glad she did, when it came along in the form of Maxwell Beaumont (and Liam and Drake). Luckily by that time her father was in remission from his illness and that only added to her choice of escaping. Zoe’s life immediately became better after she left, only hindered by the death of her younger brother just after she’d started (kind of secretly) dating Maxwell.
She remembered that phone call well, she was in the lounge area of the Beaumont’s residence when her mom had called in tears. She’d obviously asked what was wrong and then was told her brother was dead. He’d gone off into the woods with his friends and then most of them had been found dead, with the only survivor being Lucas, a boy that Zoe knew for certain her brother had a crush on and her brother’s body was never found but he was assumed dead as Lucas had told them Fred was dead. She’d broken down on the phone then and there and was inconsolable, to the point where not even Maxwell had been unable to cheer her up in the usual manor.
All this thinking of her brother was making her upset. He was never going to get to see his niece or nephew, he wasn’t going to get to grow old with Lucas, who Zoe met after the funeral, and had her suspicions confirmed that, yeah they were in love with each other. And that upset her. She was also kind of happy thinking of her brother before he died and all the rare but fun times they had together.
“Hey Zo, Liam’s just arrived as have Hana and Drake, to start to get ready for the Apple ball tonight” Maxwell poked his head round the door an excited grin on his face, he was so excited to meet his son or daughter, in a month or so, and Zoe honestly had no doubt he was going to be a great father.
“Hm? Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute” Zoe said sounding uncharacteristically distant
“Woah hold up, what’s wrong my little blossom?” Maxwell’s demeanour suddenly changed from cheerful to concerned as he hurried to his wife’s side.
“It’s nothing, it’s probably just stupid hormones” Zoe sniffed
“Come on Zoe, it’s my job as your husband to cheer my amazing wife and mother of my child up, so what’s up?”
Zoe didn’t say anything but looked down at the photo, Maxwell followed her gaze and gently took the photo from her to have a look
“is that what you looked like as a kid? My wife was cute even then” Maxwell said “and I’m guessing that’s-“
“Fred” Zoe’s voice was barely a whisper
“Is that what’s upsetting you?”
“It’s stupid- it just occurred to me that our kid is never going to meet their maternal uncle and-“
“Hey that’s not stupid, I’d be sad if our kid never got to meet Bertrand if he died before they were born and honestly I’m a bit upset my mother isn’t able to meet them”
“I don’t know why it’s getting to me now though”
“Like you said, hormones” Maxwell joked “ow!” He exclaimed and leapt up as Zoe hit him playfully with the cushion next to her but she managed to smile at him through her tears but then it dropped back
“You know what, we should honour your brother somehow”
“why don’t we name them Fredrick if they turn out to be a boy, like you suggested when we were last discussing it?”
“A-are you sure? I seem to remember it was a little too traditional when I last suggested it and I want our kid to have a name we both like”
“It’s grown on me, in fact I think it would be perfect way better than Maxwell Jr” Maxwell smiled
“Really?” Zoe smiled her eyes prickling with more tears
“Yeah anything is better than Maxwell Jr, we’d be honouring your brother in the best way and i think that any sibling of yours would be proud of their amazing sister and her brilliant child even if they never got to meet them”
“Oh Maxwell!” Zoe exclaimed crying harder
“Hey I thought I was supposed to cheer you up, not make you worse”
“I’m not sad, I’m happy, it’s the stupid hormones” Zoe said wiping her eyes with her hand
“-Maxwell, I love you, but if you make another hormone joke that cushion will be thrown at you in a place you don’t want to be hit and I may be eight months pregnant but my strength is just as good”
“Just since were on the topic of baby names, any thought on girl’s names?”
“It’s silly, but I always liked Grace as a name” Maxwell said
“You’re kidding?”
“What? Why?”
“I’ve always liked the name as my mom’s mom was named Grace, and she really helped my mom fight the stigma of being a black teen mom, she died when I was really young but Granny Grace became an inspiration to me” Zoe laughed
“Grace if it’s a girl and Fred if it’s a boy! We’ve got our child’s name sorted!” Maxwell exclaimed before he looked at his wife beaming with delight “I can’t wait to meet them!”
“hopefully not for another month or so though, unless something goes wrong, which is unlikely if we take it easy” Zoe replied
“I’m not sure I can wait that long but I’ll try” Maxwell grinned “I’d rather they be healthy and on time than not though”
“Did you hear that? Just come out when you’re ready, there’s no rush- seriously, you may be your dad’s child and mommy and daddy can’t wait to meet you but take your time okay?” Zoe addressed her bump softly before feeling a kick from the baby “I’m going to take that as a yes”
Maxwell and Zoe laughed at that before Maxwell knelt down and rested his head against his wife’s tummy
“Hey, it’s your dad here, just here to tell you that we’re going to be quite the team, because we’ve already managed to cheer your mom up already”
That was true Zoe was no longer crying or upset in any capacity “Also we need to go to your uncle’s Liam, Drake and auntie Hana and get ready for your mom’s last event before we can meet you and I know she’s feeling nervous about it after the last few eventful weeks we’ve had so if you can give her an encouraging kick that would be great!”
The baby kicked in response again Maxwell looked at Zoe “the baby has spoken” he got up on his feet and offered her his hand “Come on, let’s go and see our friends for the last event before we’re a proper family” Zoe took his hand with a smile and was pulled up by her husband before wrapping her arms around him the best she could
“What’s that for?”
“Thank you Maxwell, for putting up with me and being the best husband ever”
“You don’t have to thank me, I’ve got the best wife ever, although I was half expecting you to blame your hormones for your mood again”
“Aaaand moment over” Zoe said moving away from Maxwell and picking up another cushion from the bed and looking menacingly at Maxwell in a light hearted way, aimed at him
“I forgot! I’m sorry! Zoe! Have mercy! Zoe!” He flinched bracing himself for the thud
Zoe lowered her aim putting the cushion back
“Alright, but only because our friends are waiting”
She smiled and took hold of Maxwell’s warm hand, intertwining her finger in between his
“Come on, let’s go and see our friends”
And the couple walked out hand in hand, knowing that very soon they’ll be a proper family and Zoe was sure any child of hers would make her brother proud, wherever he was now.
A/N: This is my way of coping with the fact that the MC and Their LI has had no discussion about baby names together and this probably won’t be canon but still. Also, I hadn’t really gone into my MC’s backstory although I headcannon that my TRR/TRH!MC and my ITLITW!MC were half siblings and yes, literally only Lucas survived in my play through of ITLITW and my MC got turned into Mr Red (but that was before I really started posting properly on this blog so I didn’t post anything). But yeah, that’s it although I will say that if Pixelberry paywalls naming our baby in the next book I’m done with the series, sorry I’m still a little bitter about the pacing of the first book of TRH. (But I’m pretty they won’t do that as I’m sure if they did everyone would riot). Also ITLITW ended around the time that book 2 of Royal Romance did so I put the end of ITLITW during the events of book 2 of Royal Romance but before Constantine’s assassination as I finished ITLITW a while before TRR book 2. Anyway hope you enjoyed this fanfic! And I’ve got another one planned where MC finds a portrait of Percival Beaumont and points out that the genetics are so strong that he’s literally Maxwell with a beard! So look out for that!
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bert-thefrog · 5 years
Tender: Jackie Varma
PermaTags: @lilyofchoices and @msjpuddleduck
Word Count: I lost count
Summary: Jackie x MC fic. Jackie finds out she’s pregnant and pushes MC away.
“Give me two minutes and I’ll be out, I forgot my ID.” Sienna heads back into her room as we finish getting ready for work that morning. “You sure you’ll be okay babe?” I look over at Jackie where she’s curled up on the couch in a pair of grey sweatpants and a hoodie so oversized it looks like she’ could be swallowed up by it at any second. “I am a doctor Casey. I think I can look after myself.”
“I‘m a doctor too, remember? I’m also your girlfriend and I’m worried about you.” I ruffle her hair and she swats my hand away. “Go away, I don’t want you getting sick too.”
“Alright grumpy; I’ll see you later, love you!” Sienna reappears as I reach the door, waving her ID badge in my face as she catches up to me. Jackie doesn’t respond, seeming to sink further into herself as we head out the door. “Is Jackie okay?” Sienna asks as we get off the subway and begin walking towards Edenbrook. “She says it’s just food poisoning.”
“Yikes. Do you think we’ve got it too? We did all get takeout from the same place.”
“I don’t think so, but let me know if you feel queasy. I’ll see you later.” I wave over my shoulder to my best friend as I head down the corridor to begin rounds.
“How you doing babe?” I call round to the apartment during my lunch break, the living room is empty, her cup and plate from earlier neatly stacked in the sink. “Jackie?” I knock on her bedroom door to no response. “I’m here.” She speaks softly from behind me, exiting the bathroom and leaning against the frame. “What’s the matter?” I panic, taking in her bloodshot and puffy eyes, rememants from tears she’s shed earlier. “You’ll hate me.” She begins to cry again, sliding down the wooden doorframe into a ball on the floor. “I could never hate you.” I sit down beside her, pulling her into my arms as she sobs. “Don’t be so sure.” She rubs her eyes, taking a few shaky breaths. “C’mon Jackie, spit it out.” I stroke her hair.
“I’m pregnant.” She whispers after a brief pause.
“What?” My blood runs cold, making my veins feel like ice, weighing down my limbs.
“It was before we started dating. A random one-night stand, Casey I’m so sorry. I’m so-”
“You promise you didn’t cheat on me?”
“God no! I could never.” She looks up at me, her brown eyes flashing with panic.
“Okay. Okay. I believe you.” I take a deep breath, attempting to steady myself and stop my heart from racing out my chest. “So what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know Casey. I really don’t.” Her bottom lip trembles, reducing her into fresh waves of tears. “Then we’ll figure it out together.” I promise her, squeezing her hand gently. “Don’t be naïve.”
“We’ve been together three months, that’s hardly the kind of time you’d need to commit to someone about to bring a child into the world.”
“I love you..” I protest as she shakes her head, pressing her forehead to mine softly.
“Sometimes love just isn’t enough babe.”
“Don’t say that.” I find myself welling up too, squeezing her hands tight as she tries to pull away. “It’s over. I’m sorry.” She shakes her head at me, brushing herself off as she rises. “You should get back to work.” Her bedroom door slams behind her, leaving me sat in the tiny hallway staring up at the now closed entry in shock.
“She ended things with you? Just like that?” Elijah is incredulous as we make our way home beside Sienna and Bryce that evening. “I mean, she’s not wrong. I wouldn’t want to raise someone else’s kid with a person I���d only been seeing a matter of months.” Bryce shrugs, his cheeks coloring slightly with the admission.
“Do we know the father?” Elijah questions and I shrug, pressing my lips together tightly as I hold back tears. “It’s really none of our business.” Sienna speaks up quietly, reaching out and taking my hand in hers as the boys move ahead of us. “You okay?” She gives me a look. One of those expressions just dripping with pity as we wander along. “I’m fine.” I pull away from her, bottom lip trembling as I blink back tears.
“Do you think she’ll stay in the apartment with us?” Bryce is still talking about her when we catch up to them. “I don’t see why not.” Sienna shrugs, we all fall quiet the closer to the flat we get, quietly filing through the door to where Jackie sits alone on the couch, watching tv with a blank expression that hints she’s not actually seeing anything that’s going on onscreen.
Things only get more awkward in the apartment as Jackie becomes more obviously pregnant. One morning I’m sitting alone after the night shift, shoveling cornflakes into my face before bed when she emerges from her bedroom, shuffling into the bathroom for a few minutes and back out. It’s hard not to stare, her usually petite frame is ballooning out with the bump, making her movements more cumbersome and labored as she makes her way into the kitchen. “You doing okay?” I avoid making eye contact with her as she sits across from me. “Great. It’s like having my own fucking carry along tray for snacks.”
“Yes. It sucks”
“Oh.” We trail off into awkward silence, me focused on my cereal and her saying nothing, tracing imaginary shapes on the countertop. “I want to be there for you, as your friend Jackie, let me in please.”
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?” I reach across the table for her hand as she bites her lip.
“That if I let you in now, you’ll walk away in the end.”
“Friends don’t do that Jackie. I’m right here.” I stand up, walking round the island to wrap her in a hug.
“Ok.” She nods, breathing shakily in my embrace.
“I’ve missed you.” I mumble in her hair, she’s avoided me like crazy lately, to be fair I haven’t exactly been running like crazy to see her either.
“I’ve missed you too.”
“Oh god. Feelings, this early in the morning.” Aurora grimaces from where she’s just exited her bedroom and promptly re-enters it. Jackie and I catch each other’s eyes, pausing for a second before we burst out laughing. “I’m gonna head to bed, do you need anything before I go?”
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I know it’s a lot, and I’d get it if you don’t want to come. But do you wanna come to my scan?”
“No I want to. I’ll be there definitely, but shouldn’t the father be there instead?” Jackie’s face falls as I speak and I realize I have put my foot in it. Massively.
“Nah. I told him, he doesn’t wanna know. Doesn’t want his wife to know either turns out. Not that we need him.” She looks down at her belly and strokes it softly.
“Well fuck him. I’ll be there. What time?” I smile brightly at her and she returns it gratefully.
“Don’t say a word.” Jackie growls at Bryce as he positions himself between her legs.
“I would never.” He smiles innocently up at her, his face falling as she howls with another contraction.
“Why is point break here assisting me in delivering this baby?” Dr. Mirani frowns at our friend as he walks into the room, snapping a pair of gloves on.
“It’s kind of been a mad panic.” I try not to laugh, remembering Bryce’s face a few hours ago when Jackie’s water broke in our kitchen.
“This is a joke. You, get out of there. Go find me an actual ob-gyn.”
“Sir yes sir.” Bryce exits, leaving Jackie, Zaid and I alone with a nurse.
“Ready to have a baby?” Mirani offers us one of his rare smiles, occupying the space Bryce previously occupied.
“I think so.” Jackie takes a deep breath, looking up at me fearfully.
“You have got this.” I squeeze her hand as she groans, another contraction washing over her.
“I sure hope so.” She grits her teeth, clutching my hand tightly in return.
“Need some ice for that?” Bryce spies me as I slump down in the locker room, rubbing my hand where it hurts from Jackie clinging to it.
“I’m good.”
“How is she?”
“Exhausted. They’re checking the baby over now. Were you seriously about to deliver that kid.”
“It did cross my mind. What’d she have?”
“Little girl. No name yet.”
“You guys still haven’t got back together?”
“Bryce she just pushed a human out of her body. This is hardly the time to think about getting back together.”
“I know exactly what she just did. I saw it, remember? I’m used to putting things in there, not seeing them come out. This has been a learning curve.”
“Don’t be gross.” I burst out laughing at him.
“Let me finish, who has gone to every appointment with her the last three months? Who rubbed her feet and back nightly? Who was the first person she wanted to feel that baby kick? You have been her partner in all of this Casey. You two are just too stubborn to do anything about it.”
“Bryce I can’t think about this right now.” I sigh, getting up and heading back to Jackie.
“Then don’t think.” He shrugs, squeezing my shoulder as he passes.
“Because that makes so much sense.”
“Do you want to meet her?” Jackie beams at me from where she’s lying, nursing a tiny human at her chest. Her hair is stuck to her face, slick with sweat, but she’s never looked more content. “Of course I do.” I perch beside her cautiously, winding an arm around her shoulder.
“This is Valerie.”
“Valerie Varma. Nice alliteration.” I grin, kissing the top of Jackie’s head without thinking.
“Shut up.” She laughs, turning her head upwards so her lips meet mine. The both of us freeze, staring at each other.
“You told me love wasn’t enough sometimes. But what if it is? Maybe not every time, but right now. For us. I love you, Jackie; I love you and I want to be there; for both of you.” I gesture down at the baby yawning in her arms.
“You are so sappy. Aren’t I supposed to be the emotional one?”
“You’re seriously teasing me? Now?”
“Get used to it if you’re sticking around.” Jackie says simply, a smile playing on her lips as she gazes down at her daughter.
“That’s a yes?”
“Yeah. Maybe love is enough.” She tenderly strokes Valerie’s cheek with the pad of her thumb, brow creased thoughtfully.
*i know it’s a piece of shit, especially at the end- but it took me a frickin’ week and I’m dying*
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randomtwistedlife · 6 years
Heartbreak (Part 2)
Pairing : Klaus x Reader
Summary : Klaus cheats on the reader and the reader finds out.
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Part One
Love and hate — they’re opposites. 
It’s like yin and yang. New and old. Good and bad. Light and dark. One cannot exist without the other.
You cannot hate someone until you have loved them. And you don’t have the words to describe how much you have loved Niklaus Mikaelson. 
Which is also why you don’t have it in you to tell him how much you hate him. 
Your intense staring at your coffee cup was interrupted by the scratching of the chair beside you. Elijah didn’t offer you any words; he knew there was nothing he could say to make you feel better. It was your third cup in the past two hours. The smell of coffee had always been intoxicating to you. Bur right now all you wanted to do was throw this cup in Klaus’ face and go raid the nearest bar. Alcohol and you had never been a good combination. The result had always been the same - a terrible hangover and only bits and pieces of the previous night that you could remember. However, you were craving the burning taste of vodka down your throat and getting drunk enough to forget all that was revealed to you two hours ago. 
Klaus had cheated on you. 
He hadn’t cheated today, or yesterday or even in the couple of days he had completely vanished. He had cheated on you months ago. He had cheated on you on some random night and then he had the crudity to come back home to you; to love you. 
Was it the day when he had come back from the bar and had kept you busy in bed the entire evening and night? Did that surprising but fun night happen because he had felt guilty?
 Or was it the day when he had come home only to find you crying in the bathroom? Did he spend the night in some brunette’s bed and then had come home and comforted you?
You could feel the bile rise in your throat and you pushed the coffee away.
“I decided to get that cup of coffee.” You spoke, finally looking at the man who sat beside you. You recalled how Elijah had asked you to get some coffee while he fetched Klaus and how you had demanded him to stop and take you to your boyfriend. You were seriously regretting not listening to him now.
“I know this is something you don’t want to hear but the baby is good for our family,” Elijah said. 
“I am truly sorry for what Klaus did but the baby — “ he looked at you with a hopeful look “ this baby is his chance to redeem himself.” 
“How is she even pregnant?” You asked, your voice coming out scratchy. This is what happens when instead of speaking you drown your feelings in coffee.
“Klaus is a vampire. How can he even — you know — father a kid?”
 “He isn’t just a vampire anymore. He is a hybrid.” Elijah explained to you as he moved his hand over yours.
 “He needs you, (Y/N).”
That was the last straw for you.
“Everything is for Klaus, isn’t it.” You said bitterly.
“This baby would be good for Klaus. Having a chance at starting his own family would be good for Klaus. Having his family around would be good for him. Having his big brother be around to clear up his mess would be good for Niklaus Mikaelson.” You said sarcastically.
“So I should stay, too? Because it would be good for Klaus Mikaelson?” You argued as your hands clenched in anger. The pain from your nails digging into your skin strangely felt good.
“What about me? What about me, Elijah? Do I not get to choose what would be good for me? Maybe I don’t, right? I mean I thought Nik was good for me and look where that got me.” you whimpered as the volume of your voice increased with each word.
“I am in a coffee shop crying about it to his broth —”  your voice cracked  “brother.” 
You could feel the burning wetness rolling down your cheeks. You let out a sob. Then another. And another.
“It hurts, Elijah. It just hurts so much.” You buried your face in your hands.
Elijah put his arm around you and pulled you close placing your head on his shoulder as you cried your heart out. 
The silver moon was like a glowing disc hanging alone in the starless sky. It was midnight and you were sitting on one of the street benches under the flickering streetlight. You had made yourself comfortable on the cold steel bench two hours ago when the coffee shop staff had politely kicked you out. They must have witnessed your pathetic crying incident with Elijah because they let you sit in the shop even when the cleaning began up until they had to close and leave. 
One of the girls was kind enough to make you a cup of hot coffee and informed you of the inn down the street. You thanked her but you had no plans of spending the night in the town. You were planning on going back to your house, you just had to somehow make yourself get up.
Elijah had tried to persuade you to go back to the Compound with him but you couldn’t face Klaus right now. Or the girl, Hayley. You were trying your best to stay strong but you knew to face him would crumble the walls that you were trying to place between the two of you. 
You rubbed your hands together and blew some air into them, trying to warm yourself as best as you could. You were wearing a thin top and jeans which was a terrible attire in the cold night. In your defence you were not planning to spend your night on a bench on the street while avoiding any thoughts of a certain blond hybrid. You hugged yourself tighter when a warm piece of clothing was draped on your shoulders. You turned your head to see Klaus place his jacket on you and sit beside you on the bench.
“Wearing the jacket would be more helpful.” His voice cut through the silence of the night.
 You were petty enough to not wear the jacket and die of hypothermia in the middle of the street but the warmth from the jacket was tempting so you gave in. 
“Why?” You asked, your voice barely audible to you but not to his hybrid hearing.
“I am a bloody idiot.” You could feel the heat of his stare on the side your head.
“That doesn’t answer my question. Why would you throw away a relationship of four years down the drain like that?” You asked, raising your voice.
“I get that you are immortal, and that you have lived for an eternity and will live for many more but I won’t!  Do I mean nothing to you? What we had — that was pointless for you!” You screamed, finally turning to face him.
 He raised his hand and brushed away your tears. “ I -“ 
 He took your hands in his and said softly, “You mean everything to me. I am a monster and you, (Y/N), are my light. We may not have an eternity together but you have my heart for as long as I shall live.” 
Your eyes met his and you could see the tears welling up in his dark blue-green ones. 
“I - I am sorry I hurt you and I will spend forever begging for your forgiveness if that's what it takes but I need you and I am sorry.” He pleaded. 
He cupped your cheeks with his hands and leaned in. 
You let him.
The moment your lips touched his, your eyes closed and all you could focus was on the feeling of the movement of his lips against yours. He kiss was soft as if he was scared that you might break in his hands or vanish. His hands traveled from your face down tour waist as he removed any space between the two of you. It didn’t take long for the kiss to turn into a hungry one, both of you kissing like there was no tomorrow.
When the two of pulled away to breathe, you placed a finger on his lips.
“I love you, Klaus Mikaelson. I love you but if you break my heart ever again there is nothing you can say that will stop me from leaving and never turning back. You hurt me so, it will take time for me to trust you again but I will try. I need you, too. Promise me you will never pull shit like this ever again.” your voice came out heavy but strong.
“I promise, my love.” 
No sooner were the words out of his mouth, you pulled his face down and kissed him. 
Tags -
@trumpettay @sacredburial @lorayma9
(A/N) : Cheating is terrible and if this would have been some other dude things would have ended in a different manner BUT ITS KLAUS AND I CAVED IN!!
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ofthingschanged · 5 years
Bunch of Hope wanted plots. Like if you like to talk doing one of these plots
College au. Hope jumped into Malivore and when she comes back no one remembers her. Freya was trying to find Rebekah (who had been kidnapped) only to be lead to HOpe because she did a spell to call her to Mikaelson blood. Hope ends up back at the compound and starting college/ Landon and Rafael finished the Salvatore school and ended up finding a home in New Orleans. Landon working at a local restaurant that Hope always comes into for lunch, the two of them flirting and at some point, Hope asks him on a date. It isn’t after the first kiss but after the first time sleeping together does all memories coming back to everyone. The angst of it all and them going about their relationship now.
Also, presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard. He has no idea what he’s in for or the trouble she attracts. She has a problem with the word ‘no’ and he likes to say it a lot.
AU on 1x05 of Legacies: Hope turns around, kisses Landon and then decides to go with him
someone take Hope bowling and let her win or better yet, take Hope bowling and get her drunk
I want a twisted what if plot where Hope and Roman went to a witch in Mystic Falls and bound her werewolf side, her mother was let go and Hayley finding out her daughter did the unthinkable.
So this is cheesy but assuming Klaus rarely comes back to Mystic Falls it could work. Normally, I never have Hope anywhere near Mystic Falls if she never knew her dad but au on an au where Hope goes to the Boarding School or goes to Mystic High and Klaus comes to town to see this kick-ass red-haired girl that has eyes that shine bright golden when she is angry, does magic freely, and has been sipping blood for days and he can smell it
Freya going to Hope’s parent-teacher conferences and Alaric saying that she doesn’t listen to him. “What do you want me to do?” Freya asks. “Maybe if you stop treating her like some magical little pony that can be used and thrown away she would listen better.” Hope sitting in the chair next to her aunt texting on her phone pretending not to listen to everything that is going on.
I love verses where Hope grows up not knowing one of her parents because she is different there and it is like magic. But in canon, Hope deserved a hell of a lot better like KNOWING her father instead of having to guess the little things. She didn’t get to ask questions about his likes and dislikes, instead had to read about him to feel connected to him. She couldn’t ask him what his favorite drink was or what he likes to do besides painting.
So I have a private verse of Nashville based but another verse based on it would be amazing. Handon, Hosie, Hizzie. all with Hope being Juliette
I still want Hope going dark full tribrid and Hayley coming back to life because someone has to stop her daughter and angsty feels
AU Handon: Reincarnated lovers, again and again, these two always find each other again. Set more if Hope had been born after her father broke the curse (If he had done it back when Katherine was still human) and Hayley was born much earlier. Anyways, immortal Hope chasing after her not so immortal true love and all of the angsty moments. Flashbacks of Landon and Hope in different eras living completely different lives doing their thing, Landon dying young for some reason or another until he ends up being born a phoenix (or golem. I need to research both of these really) and just this whole thing is cheesy and overdone but still going to put it in my wishlist tag
A verse where Landon was pushed into the pit would be interesting or even one where Landon was pushed and then Hope jumped in to destroy said pit and two years later both Landon and Hope come back and find themselves in a middle of a field
So plot idea. Hope and Landon go about their lives and Hope becomes pregnant. She has the baby and with that, she uses the  𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢 to bring back both Klaus and Hayley.  Like how Davina used Hope’s birth as a  𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢 to bring back Mikael.
Hope would bring back Mikael just to torture the fuck out of him, She hates the fact that Mikael brought her family pain for their immortal lives. Hope would make him beg for death. He thinks her father is an abomination so keeping him in a nice cellar for her own pleasure would be fine by her.
Davina and Hope should draw together! Aunt and niece quality time
I really don’t need to do the whole let’s rewrite the Originals with Klayley but man, now since watching the first episode I want to do it differently. Starting with Klaus being the one there for Hayley when Agnes does her shit, him in the pool with her. give them the freaking pregnancy they should have gotten even with Klaus being Klaus.  I blame by sudden Hayley muse on rewatch and reading fanfiction. So while this isn’t a Hope plot it is a plot
You know, why didn’t they just bring Finn back from the dead and shove the Hollow into him? He didn’t want to be a vampire and that way he could stay together forever. Instead of taking Hope’s mom and her dad from her.
No, but for real. Klaus flipping the fuck out when this teenager comes claiming he is daddy. Hope throwing her phone across the room and shattering it when she sees her mother’s name pop up on the screen. Klaus doing the same thing he did to Hayley in canon of pinning her to the wall by her neck, Hope knocking him on his ass with magic. Hope being locked in the place that Roman had been in when it comes to canon. Hayley showing up and threatening to rip apart Klaus’s hybrid army if he doesn’t start talking about where her daughter is. The two of them getting physical upstairs and Hope hearing the yelling and screaming. Marcel sneaking down to take a peek at this teen that claims to be Klaus’s daughter and ending up distracting her from the fighting.  Hope ending up bonding with Marcel from the start. They play tic-tac-toe with different colored rocks (one color for o’s and one for x’s). Hayley throwing a royal fit to find her kid and Klaus ordering Elijah to go get the defiant teenager. Hope coming back up, having to be physically dragged by Elijah and the moment she sees her mother start’s crying her eyes out. Hayley finally hearing a heartbeat that isn’t Hope’s because Hope had cloaked it with magic until she was out of state going to find her father.
In just a Marshall. Hope running to find her father when she finds out she is pregnant. I can just see it in my head. Plot idea for sure here!
Muse A is a single parent of a very young child, just getting back out there and dating because it’s terribly lonely sometimes. They’re out at a bar and meet Muse B, who’s got a reputation for being a heartbreaker. One thing leads to another and Muse A invites Muse B home for a one-night stand. That morning, Muse B awakens to Muse A’s very small child sitting on their chest, asking if they are their new parent.
A thread or verse where Gretta killed Hope right in front of Hayley and spent two hours torturing and taunting the mother that just “lost” her child. Hope laying on the floor the whole time and all of a sudden Hope wakes back up in transition and hungry, enough that she r breaks the chains and sends both Gretta and Roman onto the ground with magic, pinning them to the floor as she frees her mother and Hayley kills Gretta by taking her heart out while Hope shoves a piece of wood into Roman. Give me Hope dealing with that she died, give me Hope killing someone when feeding and becoming a full tribrid. give me Hayley dealing with the fact that her daughter had kidnapped her first.
So in the adopted or so they hoped verse. I had this idea of how they had Marcel down in the basement and only Mikaelson blood could know where he was and hear him. What if Freya spelled a room in the house for only Mikaelson blood could enter and or hear what is being said and Hope sits down in the kitchen when they all come down and Hope asks, “So what are we going to do about BLANK.” asking about the thing the Mikaelson family just talked about before they came down.
Okay but a college au with Lizzie, Josie, and Hope sharing an apartment that has three bedrooms. Hope meeting Landon later in life and brings him home one night. Lizzie stopping to admire his backside. The girls fighting over the bathroom, struggling with homework, going out partying, paying bills, and just everything that goes with it. Each of them having their own lives but coming together sort of thing.
Give me Hope going back in time to help her mother find her family. Give me Hope appearing in Freya’s dreams when Freya was with Dahlia. Give me Hope going back in time to the very day she met Landon or even when Landon was locked in the transitional cellar. Give me Hope collecting blood every day and taking it with her when she goes to save Landon and instead of her jumping into Malivore, she dumps a hell of a lot of blood into the pit. Give me that it works and she saved the day. Give me when Josie lit the fire in Hope’s room and Hope goes back in time to spot it. Give me Hope deciding to take a different path and becomes friends with the twins after the events of the Originals (After going back in time). Give me Hope going back in time to when her father is human and using magic to show him the life he is going to have for him to have hope for the future. Give me Hope going to the future where she has kids and is married. give me normal Hope going to see Ripper Hope. Or Mikaelson Boarding School Hope going to the normal world.
Princess Protection Program AU because why not?
Once again Supernatural royal but freaking everyone wanting to be in the favor of the Mikaelson family so wanting their kid to make Hope fall for them so that way it has protection for life.
So I am so freaking cheesy but royal aus ONLY supernatural. Two rival kingdoms that have been fighting for thousands of years decide to stop the war if there was an alliance so the parents get together and decided that the firstborns are going to get married
So I want an au where Hope is kidnapped by Greta instead of Hayley. I want Hayley and Klaus saving their baby girl instead of Hayley dying. I want Hope binding her werewolf side or even worse, them binding her witch side and Freya has to figure a way to fix it.
So thread based on Hope turning Rafael back into wolf form. Bonus points if he found human (that he couldn’t harm for some reason? Didn’t exactly chase her down sort of thing) and she is living off the land in this old crappy cabin and Rafael comes back often. He tells her about this school for people like them. Hope going by her middle name and Rafael just finding a really good friend in her. Could turn Rafael x Hope romantic or stay platonic.
Hope has been in a mood for the past couple days. Give her children! Give her angsty pregnancy threads. I mean, she fears having a child but wants them. She doesn’t want her kids to be feared like she is.
Hope body painting Landon would be funny as hell. “Stop moving.” “I swear to god if you tickle my side one more time Hope!” I can see these two spending a lazy Saturday together like this. Hope painting his back while Landon lays on the bed with his head turned watching scifi movies. It wouldn’t be something she would do if her dad was in the house because she doesn’t need him barging in saying, “Alright! Party’s over!” even if she is an adult.That gives me a good idea for her way to tell him she is pregnant if they were together. Alright, so I can see it as Hope sort of using her nursery for inspiration. Hope painting a beautiful sort of nursery set up with a rocking chair that holds Landon and a blanketed baby in like a yellow color so it isn’t that traditional pink or blue thing (even more so because at that time they wouldn’t know what they are having). A sign that hangs on the wall above the crib that says something really cheesy like “Loading…” and see you in ten months (Or maybe even like thirteen? Since Hayley had been pregnant longer with Hope but that most likely was an error in the continuing of the storyline). Hope taking a few pictures when it is all dry that she will edit on her laptop and send out in emails or if they decide to make a social media announcement that they could use the painting as a way to say, “Get ready for another Mikaelson!”
Handon freaking teen pregnancy; young parent au with everything being the same with them being supernaturals.
Handon only a twisted thing sort of based on the drabble I wrote. Hope ending up like Landon’s mother (pregnant) after coming out of the ashes of what would be Malivore. The moment Hope sees Landon again, all his memories of her flash before his eyes.
Okay but the just pretend world for me but with instead of Landon going to Mystic High when he finds out about Hope being supernatural. It being kind of legacies where Hope goes to stop the Catholic church to save a werewolf (Rafael), without her dad knowing and well, instead she drives them to New Orleans with Rafael sleeping in the back seat and somehow Hope manages to convince her dad to let them stay just for a few days which turns into a few months.
So writing Legacies? A thing I want, starting from the moment Landon asks her to stay with him. Her crawling into bed with him to keep him calm because of small spaces. Alaric deciding that he can stay. The knife still ending up being taken by him like in the show but instead of finding a fire breathing witch / dragon in the woods, it comes on campus wanting the knife.
Handon first apartment though. Hope and Landon painting walls, getting into a paint fight. Moving day. the first night at their new place. Give me them buying furniture and fighting over silly things. Give me soft kisses in the room that is going to be their room even.
AU where Hope goes with Landon to find his mom. So drinking coffee every morning with him at the coffee shop with Landon while his mom works. Going to motel rooms and just giving her a taste of what could have been. Plus, I mean imagine Hope with Landon when he was given drugs, she would be still standing and his mother would be all, “What the fuck?” Just Handon road trip really.
Okay but an au where Landon’s mom kept him. Where when Landon’s mom woke from being in the pit, she ends up working for the Mikaelson family. Landon and Hope growing up together and ending up being the best friends to lovers trope. Landon’s mother being hired to keep Hope safe from threats of the Mikaelson family. Even though she thought of supernaturals as monsters that shouldn’t exist, it was good money
Okay but Hope starting a school of her own when her kids are growing up with Landon. They set up the school in New Orleans for Hope’s pack, the witches, and the vampires that come back into town. Headmistress Mikaelson and Headmaster Kirby.The two of them raising their kids together without shame of being this completely unheard of species. Everyone treated like they should be. Just feels. Married Handon with a school though?
Dark Hope and Landon. Blood covered, murdering couple of the year, I am totally seeing Mr and Mrs. Andreason episode of Criminal minds. The couple fucked near the dead body and just killer couple trope right there. Totally twisted and fucked up, tribrid and her boy. Just give me darkness. Two people that will kill anyone but each other.
So, in general, the idea of Hope wanting to murder Roman being a thing. She clearly wouldn’t know her mother is either at the school or lurking about able to sneak into her world undetected. My thought is he is like his mother (because there is no way he is innocent in my mind) so if there was even a thought she was pregnant he would suggest getting rid of it or even trying to kill Hope himself. Either way, I have this image in my mind of Alaric holding Hope back from killing him in the middle of the field at the school and someone (Namely Alaric) mentioning that Hayley wouldn’t want Hope to become a murder and well, of course coming in and making her opinion known on the subject, maybe even killing Roman herself. The whole thing of watching your baby grow up almost overnight and is going to have her own kid that she is willing to protect
Struggling actress that gets to work with a child actress that has always been the center of attention.
Makeup artist and actress/model were they are dating but have to pretend not to be
two costars that are dating in real life but on their show, their characters hate one another so when they come home from work they are all sort of hot and bothered because wow those words your character said to mine left me wanting you.
Actress/Actor relationship where they hooked up and opps three months later the other is at their door crying because they are pregnant and what is the press going to say?
Reckless rich kids that have never been told no that secretly wish their parents bad attention to them so they start dating their parents rival (could be an actress/model/instagram famous person as well)
Honestly, just give me all the angsty human aus
or even make these not human and have them be their supernatural selves as well.
So Hope coming back to the school as Andrea Marshall and makes friends with Lizzie and Josie, starts dating Landon Kirby, asks for fight training with Alaric Saltzman. Just a big do over
 Handon, Hizzie, Hosie plots set after the season one final are something I am living for in the moment! But also anything with the Mikaelson family in general really.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
How To Hold My Heart/3
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Part 3
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
AU TVD/TO  short story
a/n: Elena and Elijah worked together in a Law Firm. One night he hooked up with her friend Hayley, and continued seeing her. Elena, had always secretively loved Elijah, but never told him how she felt. Hayley fell pregnant and Elijah married her, and Elena went to live in Toronto, accepting a better job, but also to forget Elijah. Will life bring them together?
Thanks for reading. I so appreciate it. xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
A year later
Caroline and Bonnie looked for Elena as they got through the arrivals and seeing her friend they waved at her, hurrying to the brunette and they nearly went into a girly screaming frenzy as they did a group hug. 
"How was your flight?"- Elena inquired her friends as they were walking on towards the exit.
"Fine. Now- what’s this message about you and Enzo? Can’t believe you two got together again"- Caroline kicked right in- "does that mean you are over HIM??"- 
by HIM, Caroline, of course meant Elijah. In one of their many conversations over the phone, Elena asked Caroline and Bonnie not to mention Elijah to her and what he was doing - treating it as if he never existed. 
"Who?"- Elena said but she could not hide the flicker of sadness and pain in her eyes as she knew who Caroline was referring to.
Bonnie just sighed, shaking her head a bit.
"Lena- wow- seriously- Oh!-"- Caroline just gasped, but Elena knew what she meant.
"I am undead"- Elena then said- "at least that is how I feel. You can say his name- I say his name- Elijah- and- my heart is not responding. I am slowly forgetting- "
"Oh, really? Could have fooled me!"- Caroline went on- "I know what it is- I had that with Tyler- it's like someone stuck a particle of magic evil ice in your heart- like from the story about the Snow Queen- remember- the school play-"Caroline remembered the fairy tale Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
"Yeah- and Gerda melted Kai's frozen heart "- Bonnie remembered the story.
"You are like the Snow Queen has done it to you!"- Caroline now said.
"Didn't we start talking about Enzo and me - kind of getting together- not that we ever had anything except that one night stand?"- Elena then cut to the beginning of the conversation.
“Ok. I want to know detail. How? When? Where?”- Caroline said-”didn’t see this one coming.”
“I am surprised he didn’t say anything to Damon.”- Bonnie said.
“Because - we both, took it slow and didn’t really want to say anything -”- Elena explained. It’s still kind of - just a fun thing. Nothing serious. Feels good!”
"Feels good?"- Caroline then uttered and thought- "feels good not to feel" - and she knew her friend was maybe in some kind of transition period. Maybe it was a way forward. Maybe it was not. She, herself had done it with Klaus.
"Hey- this is where I am at now"- Elena then added and continued- "you are hiding something, I can tell!"
"Me? Nothing really"- Caroline acted all innocently.
"Care, spill!"- Elena urged her now and looked at Bonnie, who was mimicking with her eyes to press Caroline for an answer.
Caroline knew there's no avoiding it- and how could she- Elena was her best friend and she would tell her everything about herself and so she spilled-
"Klaus asked me to move in with him!"
"Whoa!"- Elena exclaimed and looked at her friend wide-eyed, but glistening with happiness.
"And I said yes!!"- Caroline said- "next weekend is the great move!!"
"When did this get so serious?"- Elena remarked.
"You know when Bonnie and I said we are going to Hawaii - well, yeah- Klaus went, too- with Kol and Bekah.We stayed on for another week just us- I just- with the whole Elijah thing and you- really - ugh- I just didn't want talk about it - didn’t want things to be awkward."- Caroline tried to explain why she kept the full expose of her and Klaus' bliss.
"OMG, Care- if you are happy I am happy for you!! I thought we had a pact!?"- Elena now said.
"I know- it's crazy - you are right!"- Caroline felt relieved.
Elena would lie if she denied that her soul was in peaceful equilibrium talking about the Mikaelsons. She now swayed to another subject of Caroline's redecoration plans, as she knew she would want to change things around Klaus bachelor pad. This now involved Bonnie as she was managing the designs.
There was actually much more grimmer news, but Caroline could not break to her friend and kept it quiet.
In New York
Elijah was going through the papers familirizing himself with a new case.
Rebekah walked in and straight from the door scolded him for having found him working-
"You know that it is not ok keeping Davina still here at this hour?!"
"What hour?"- Elijah said not picking his head up continuing to read the notes.
"It's 8 p.m. We had dinner at 7! Why is your phone on silent??"- Rebekah went on.
Elijah now looked at his sister-
"I am working. I have sent messages that would not make it!"
"It's like all you do lately is work work work- I know you are sad and it's not easy losing-"
"Don't say it!!"- Elijah now got up and if he was a vampire he would have showed his fangs out to her.
Rebekah took a breath. She knew that he would hide like a snail back in his own little house when his soul was filled with tremendous pain as it was in this case.
"Elijah- this was not your fault. None of it"- Rebekah said.
"Right. I have not done anything. But - you don't know"- Elijah now lowered his voice and said his eyes watering- " just leave me be. Please."
" I am sorry- I didn't want to be insensitive. We thought you could do with some time with us- cause all you do is work and go to sleep and work- and yes- I don't know how you feel- I miss her too- Hayley and I were friends- and whatever I say would be wrong-" Rebekah said calmly.
"You don't know-"- Elijah said again.
"What is that I don't know, Elijah-?? Hayley didn't tell any one of us that she had this diagnosis! This was not your fault!"
"No, it's not my fault! But why is it that I feel like shit! What kind of a husband doesn't know that his wife is sick?? She never talked to me about this stuff! I should have known! Shall I tell you what kind of a husband  I am!? A shitty one! A shitty one!!!!"- Elijah now shouted completely losing his cool.
"Ok- please- I am sorry- I didn't want to upset you!"- Rebekah now walked over to Elijah, who now tossed away the papers and files from his desk breaking down in tears. Rebekah froze for a second and then enveloped him in her embrace as he sobbed his soul out.
" I am not a good man- I am not a good man!!!"- he cried.
"You are, Elijah! You are-"- Rebekah held him tight wishing she could take all of his pain away. _____
Three years fast forward
Sadness after losing someone dear is one of so many emotions that is lingering but in time the fondest and happiest memories take over and the heart finds its breath again. 
Elijah put flowers on Hayley’ grave.
"I am so sorry that it took me such a long time to come here. I wrestled with so much, but mostly with this feeling of guilt"- he said and took a pause looking up in the skies and then back at the tombstone and continued-"I should have done things differently-  neither you or me were truthful to one another - and I don't really know who we really were- I didn't really know you, did I?"
He stayed a while longer silently making his own peace with the tremendous mix of different feelings that were attached to her, him and her death.
***** In Toronto
Elena's life had changed as well. A lot. Her life was work, but she had continued to see Enzo. And it had brought a new addition in her life - a baby girl, whom she called Jen after her aunt. Enzo was immediately wrapped up in his daughter. Elena loved being a mom. She felt it was a blessing of a special kind. Everything seemed to be right as rain. Except that she evaded getting married.
"It's not that I don't love you, we are good together - the three of us!"- she said to Enzo as he mentioned the M word.
"Someone must have hurt you so bad, that you have closed your heart forever"- he said.
Getting married just because of Jen would not be right. You know what you mean to me, but"- Elena started and Enzo finished for her-"I know- you are not in love with me!
"Elena sighed-"Please, let's not spoil what we got"
"I love you- but I guess, someone else has taken your heart and-I get it! You could never let go. Not really."- Enzo said- “I want more and you will never give me that- and I just - can’t go on like this”
“I’m sorry”- Elena sighed, tearing up-”I am really sorry.”
“It’s ok- I - not really, but - yeah- Ok. I’ll see you”
Elena hated hurting Enzo, as he was a good guy.They came to an agreement soon after that they would always share the parenting duties, but whatever their relationship was - it was over. Months floated away in what seemed a new course for her, Caroline, Klaus and even Elijah. And Caroline had the biggest thing happening in her life centering everyone's lives around her.
Elena put her two year-old daughter Jen to sleep. "Sweet dreams" - Elena whispered blowing a little kiss before she moved away from the girl's bed.She then went to the living room checking her phone. They were loads of messages from Caroline about her wedding planning agenda. 
"Call me asap"- was the last one.Elena smiled and now pressed the speed-dial.
"Seriously, Lena- everything is going wrong- I will fire her as well"- Caroline shot before Elena could say anything.
"This would be the third wedding planner you would fire, do you know that?!"- Elena tried to be the voice of reason and calm."I should have done this all by myself"- Caroline continued in her stressy tone.
"You definitely should have taken six months off and do it yourself- I told you that!"- Elena reminded her friend.
"OMG- I can't believe that no one can organize a simple wedding?!"- Caroline moaned. "SImple??!!"- Elena had to react to the word that was a paradox since Caroline never did anything simple.
 "I wish I could have you here-"- Caroline then said lowering her tone."I can't fly out- there is so much work- and Jen-"- Elena said.
 "I know- I will send you all the notes and pics and the last three dresses- I probably will choose the Carolina Herrera one"- Caroline said."Send it now"- Elena said.And they continued exchanging opinions about the wedding and Caroline's input.
An hour later, In Toronto Elena poured herself a glass of red wine, as she put her daughter to sleep and as she went through some photos of her friends and her, she also found one with her and Elijah from the office.
At the same time in New York, Elijah, took a sip of beer and took a photo from a pile 
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Elena’s flashback
Elena opened the door for her friend saying-" Come in"
Caroline walked in the apartment seeing three suitcases packed and ready in the hallway-
"What is this? Where are you going?"-she asked-”Bonnie called me from her honeymoon - and she is like - stop her from leaving!”
Elena sighed a little and said-
"I am leaving!"
"Leaving? Why- where are you going??" - Caroline just looked astounded.
They walked in the living room-
"I just can't go on- huh, I am in love with him. I tried not to feel what I am feeling, but it's not going away!"- Elena poured her heart out finally, having kept it all inside of her for more than a year.
"So why did you break up with Jackson I know it was a rebound, but it's clearly"
Elena now cut in blurting out-
"It's not Jackson?!!"
"Who then?"- Caroline uttered, her eyes widened in astonishment.
"Elijah! It's Elijah!!"
"Wow! Seriously, but he - oh- is getting married-"
"Really?!!"- Elena said, her eyes watered-" you see, how wrong this is!??"
"Huh, Elena. I don't know what to say!"- Caroline wished that she had wand of some kind and make her friends heartache disappear.
"I can't look at him everyday at work. The way he is -sweet, clever, charming, sexy. So, I went to Will and accepted his offer."
"OMG- You accepted Toronto??"- Caroline concluded.
Elena nodded taking a deep breath and then turned away as if she was compelled  collecting herself looking at her friend as if all her memories were erased.
"Elena- this is crazy!!"-Caroline now protested about Elena shifting her mood like that.
"Everything new will help me get it out of my heart. Change is always good!"
"It's really that bad?! I don't get it- you never ever said anything. "-Caroline said.
"It's worse than bad. It's like I can't breath- and I need to breath again! -Elena said, tears welling up again in her eyes again.
"You are not telling me everything!"- Caroline couldn't believe her friend would keep such emotions from her and make crazy sudden decisions without telling her .
"I can't-"- Elena then said and it was obvious that something was going on and she kept it to herself.
"So you will just shut down?!"- Caroline said.
"Please- I just want to forget everything."- Elena said and looked at the clock.
Caroline reluctantly let go, although it was not in her nature to do so.
"I will come to Toronto and - oh- come here-"
The two women now hugged.
"This is not a goodbye!"- Elena said.
"Of course not- I am so visiting you! "- Caroline said. 
Elena saw her to the door and as Caroline left she looked around to see if she had forgotten to pack something. She opened a drawer and saw a book she had forgotten about-"Interview with a Vampire"
She took the book out and saw that something stuck in it. She opened it and there was a photo of her and Elijah from a office party.
Elena and Elijah’s Flashback at the same time 
Elijah knocked at Elena's office walking in-
"There is a rumor that you are leaving and that you have accepted Maxwell's offer!"- he said.
"Yeah"-Elena gulped a bit seeing him trying to hold it together-"ready to fly!"- Elena answered trying to hold her breath gulping a bit hoping he could not hear her heart jump.
  Open up next to you and my secrets become your truth And the distance between that was sheltering me comes in full view Hang my head, break my heart built from all I have torn apart And my burden to bear is a love I can't carry anymore
All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe Holds my love in his hands...
And they are both silent for a moment as if there was a truth both denied. 
"I hope you weren't going to escape without paying us round at the Mystic Grill?"- he then said.
"I was hoping I would avoid all the goodbyes and skip town-"- Elena tried to joke now just to steady herself. Elijah said something more, but Klaus got into the office needing to consult her on a case and Elijah then just waved off and left. 
"Later"- rang in Elena's ears all day long afterwards.
Now, Elena looked at the photo again and slid it in the book, she was reading, taking a sip of the wine, and walked to the window gazing out in the night.
In New York, Elijah, got out on the balcony, the cold air hitting his burning face.
 Elena and Elijah’s Flashback at the same time 
"Elijah?"- Elena looked at her colleague and friend surprised to see him come to the roof top of the firm they were working for.
"Yes- it's me Elijah!"- he joked a bit as he approached her-"thank you!"
"What for?"- she didn't understand what it was he was thanking her-
"If it wasn't for your clever input- we wouldn't have won the case!!"
Elena now remembered what it was about and let a jubilant yay out- hugging him. 
How and in what moment they got  nearly into a kiss- it was strange milliseconds- and then they moved away from one another as if  some crazy magic swept them over. They both just looked  somewhat awkwardly without saying anything like the kiss was something forbidden. That was that. 
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I’m going going, back back to AZ AZ
2 years ago we were living in Phoenix, Arizona. It was the best decision we made for our family and we thought things would be amazing. I am born and raised in Los Angeles, CA but life in LA was too busy, always working, Bella was growing up and life was just to expensive. I was looking for something else, something slower. I was tired of trying to keep up with work, my friends, family,... it all was very overwhelming.
We packed up our SUV and put our LA life away and drove 8 hours with our baby girl (she was 7).
We arrived so excited, ready for our new life, full of expectations. We planned this months in advance, we saved money, we prepared our friends and jobs. We had going away parties and tears. We arrived to our home, a 3 bedroom, hard wood floor, made for us house. We celebrated over drinks on our first night and experienced our first monsoon in our first week, It was spectacular. I had never seen anything like it. After settling in and introducing ourselves to the neighborhood I landed a job at a local hospice and Eli resumed his stay-at-home-dad job during the day and a night job he got at a local facility. I worked 3 days on, 4 days off 12 hour shifts. Bella was going to a great school right across the park, we would literally walk her over, drop her off and have a morning workout, followed by our breakfast, some morning sex and Eli then was off to sleep to be ready for his night job. We were living in a beautiful big home in a quiet neighborhood with a nice yard for Bella, fireplace, we had a cat and a Kitchen island I absolutely loved. My Master bedroom was bigger than the size of our entire LA apartment and my closet space, sigh... why did we ever leave? ... well, here's what happened.
We made plans to live there for life, but we only lasted six months. I got a job a few weeks after we moved in, we were living off of our savings and we were  planning our next career moves. The Job I got was good, but it paid very low and yes, I know that is expected in AZ the wages are less than in CA, what I made in CA was an unreasonable wage in AZ and they clearly told me this during my interview. But I thought, well ok I can figure this out as we go. The bills or the first month were a little outrageous. We moved to AZ in August ... need I say more? It was HOT AF so we had the AC unit on all day and all night long at a cool 71. Although some locals told us how to maintain a low electricity bill during the summer, we had NO IDEA how serious they were and didn't quite listen to their advice! It cant be that bad right ? wow, $600 for a month? A MONTH? That's not even including any of the other bills. that was the electricity ALONE! It knocked me out of my shoes. Ok, so the bills became an issue but we got a handle on it the best we could, but we were definitely in a strict budget.
A few months after we moved in my sister and her GF were having a hard time in LA and we agreed to help them out and let them live with us in AZ, we had an extra room and it would help us with the bills, plus it would be nice to have family around since we still hadn't made any new friends. It was good for a while but turned ugly really quick. I don't like to talk shit about people, but the GF has a nasty attitude and she's just an overall toxic person, I kind of see her as a bully who cried wolf. Awful, awful. Unfortunately my sister doesn't see it and they always think it's everyone else. I mean if she's happy with that, it's on her but like I've said before, leave us out of your negativity. Anyway, things got heated one night, she yelled at my daughter and insulted Eli, and I had to defend my family. After a screaming match, and an almost full on throw down in my kitchen I kicked them out. They moved to Tempe and my sister and I stopped talking. Cause of course, we attacked her, so they say. I have never in my life been in a fight and i'm so non confrontational... but apparently that night big bad me was in attack mode. Such silliness.
At this point, we're broke AF, we have no friends and my sister lives 20 miles away and doesn't talk to us. Ugh, Great start. Seriously the only good part for us about AZ was the happiness Bella had. She made so many friends on our street, she ruled that street basically. This girl was never home, she was always outside riding her bike or her scooter, or playing in someones yard, at the park ... she loved it. Sleep overs at out house, she had her room which we decorated to her style, her own bathroom...she loved it. I cant even begin to explain how good we had it. Bella was in her happy place.  Isn't this what we moved for? We completely lost sight of it. Eli and I were arguing a little bit, we were kind of just annoyed at life and we took it out on each other. Bella was getting stressed out because she hates to see us bicker, she tried to help us make up a few times. We don't like to put that on her, so we would make up, but a week later we were both back to not giving AF. We made things work, but there was a tension.
A little after Christmas we found out I was pregnant, 2 weeks pregnant to be exact and that very same day I found out I was pregnant I received a call from my boss at my old job in LA that they needed me to come back and that they would give me a raise. We looked at each other and it was like a weight lifted off our shoulders, we didn't even think about it before saying yes. We packed our shit and were gone by the weekend. We dipped out SO fast, we like ran back to LA ... what we thought was the best decision. Boy... were we wrong.
We moved in with Eli's parents, we were broke and didn't have money or time to find a new place. I started back at work that upcoming Monday and we had to get situated ASAP. work, yes, work was great. I went back and they started me at a great rate and It was like I never left. I still had my status of 10 years and accumulated my PTO, benefits as if I never left. So grateful that they thought well enough of me to ask me back. Bella went back to her old elementary school and things went back to Normal. Months went by and I'm super pregnant. We decided to stay at his parents house during the pregnancy because I didn't want to add anymore stress.  I have come to realize that I don't like living with other people other than Eli and my girls. People have something to say about something and always give opinions. whatever, I stay at work or in my room most of the time anyway. But, that's not how I wanted to live. Soon after I had Olivia, Elijah went to work so that I can spend time with the baby and bond. 4 weeks in a was stir crazy and made him quit his job and I went back to work. That's his family we live with and I am not comfortable, I don't feel like I can just go make breakfast and lounge around, not that I cant but it's a me thing. I don't like having to tell people where I am going if I'm leaving the house. I have always been very independent and I am easily annoyed when I don't have my freedom. plus, hey we pay rent ... I don't really have to explain my life ... but I cant be rude you know, so I bite my tongue.
We live in a trendy area of LA filled with hipsters, bars and restaurants .... and also very high rent. A 1 bedroom small apartment on the low end will cost you somewhere along 1900 month. jeez. We haven't been able to move out or find a decent price. We almost decided to buy a home but they're at 1 million for a little house. Bella has her room, a small room ... literally half the size of her AZ bedroom and she cant play outside , we live on a busy street and with the mentally ill/homeless that hang around the area doesn't make it safe. So she spends most of here time inside unless we go somewhere. Olive sleeps with us, we co-sleep, we did with Bella too, but soon I am going to have to transition her to her own room, plus she's about ready to crawl but we don't have space! Another thing is things have changed here. I don't see any of my friends, they don't have kids so they're out traveling and brunching. Things that I can't do right now. I haven't seen them at all to be honest, maybe once since I've been back from AZ. Olivia is 8 months now. Management at work changed, we have a new director and things are so different from the company I once knew. My sister eventually moved back to LA and I made peace with them, I wanted to have my sister in my life and things were good until recently. The GF strikes again, but with my mom! that's another story for another day. so, yet again my sister thinks its everyone else, except her GF. Also, I don't have a relationship with my little sister, but we will get into her in another blog.
I am a total mom and my focus is 100% on my kids and my family. I didn't know this until I had them.. obviously. I used to be all about me, going out, working and living my life. everything changed. everything. I live for my kids, I love them so much and my ultimate goal in my life is to make sure they are taken care of. why the fuck did we leave Arizona? Because we had no friends? I want to slap myself sometimes. were we bored? who fucking cares? Bella was happy! We could have made it work. We could have but we ran and took the easy way out. Eli and I sat down one day and we were trying to figure out our next move. we need to grow and make changes to better us as a family. We asked ourselves where is our happy place? where are our kids going to be happy?
The move back to AZ is in July. YES! we are so excited and thrilled. This time we see things differently. this time we know what to expect , we know the summers are harsh and we know the job market, we know that we only have each other out there... and that's OK! I am going to start an online business which I am currently working on. Eli will be the one working and I will stay home with bebe. It's NOT about us anymore. The house is set and ready for us we just gotta pack and go. By the way, we have a family house in AZ. It's my moms and she rents it out, but she lets us (her daughters, family) stay there and it's currently without renters. She knew I would go back. She knows that we have to make sacrifices for our kids sometimes. I don't feel that I am sacrificing this time.
I have faith and we love adventure.
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I think there is some really good TV in the second half of ‘GIRLS’, but I had forgotten how many of the scenes I came to remember the show by happen in the first few episodes. So many big moments! Shoshanna telling Hannah that her biggest baggage is being a virgin; Marnie meets Booth Jonathan; Hannah and Marnie kick off their shoes and dance to Robyn in her bedroom. The line when they’re all waiting for Jessa at the abortion clinic and Hannah tells Shoshanna that men are “wont” to do some freaky shit I won’t print here during sex (”Are they really wont to do that?” Marnie says). There were also some plot points I had forgotten about, point blank: Hannah gets HPV; Elijah’s gay; Hannah tanks a job interview by making an entirely uncalled for and easily preventable joke about her interview being a date rapist in college. Just when the shows does a good job of creating a basic level of empathy for the titular characters, it reminds you that at the heart of it, they’re a bunch of assholes. 
I always thought Episode 2 felt a little strung out, to me: Jessa’s pregnant, and getting an abortion, and the girls dunno how or whether to be supportive about it, especially Marnie, who thinks Jessa accidentally making life is just as irresponsible and disrespectful as Jessa never showing up on time to things. The abortion storyline doesn’t even play out, really, because Jessa gets her period mid-makeout session with a random stranger she picks up at a bar, while she’s ignoring her friends’ texts and phone calls about her missed abortion appointment. There’s so many interpersonal dilemmas that unspool themselves in consistent and interesting ways on this show; the drama usually feels pretty close to life, and this has always been millennials’ main gripe/easiest critique of the show. But making Jessa pregnant when she doesn’t want to be and then magically making her not pregnant feels... IDK, easy? I guess it feels less ambitious than if the show did try to portray an actual abortion, but maybe that would’ve been too much for Episode 2, even for HBO.
Anyway, another thing I forgot was how many famous people are on this show. Mike Birbiglia (as the guy who explains to Hannah that date rape jokes are not “office OK”)! KATHRYN HAHN (as the strung out documentary filmmaker who hires Jessa as a babysitter)! I know Mike Birbiglia was a big early supporter of Dunham, so that makes sense, but Kathryn Hahn’s cameo felt genuinely surprising and fun to watch, even if it was just for one scene. Also surprising: the Twitter desktop UI from 2012, shown fullscreen after Hannah finds out Elijah is gay.  
The HPV storyline, which again I had forgotten about, is a really nice bit of writing: Hannah spirals when she finds out (”I have pre-cancer”) but eventually comes back down to earth after talking with Shoshanna and learning Jessa also has HPV, and believes it’s kinda of just the price of being a modern woman. That feels like the thesis of the show, at least so far, and it’s a genuinely uplifting statement: If you’re living life on your own terms, you’re bound to incur some damages. Fucking shit up is allowed; actually, it comes with the territory. 
Still, it feels like the really good stuff is yet to come: I wanna see more of Marnie and Charlie’s fallout, Jessa getting her bearings in NYC, Hannah figuring Adam out. The crack-ccident! It’s all coming soon.
Some notes:
- “I’m a lady, she’s a lady, you’re a lady. We’re the ladies!!!”
- Marnie is awful. When Shoshanna tells her that she’s never had sex, Marnie struggles to think of anything nice to say before finally managing: “I hit a puppy with my car once.”
- For someone who just landed in NYC with no job, Jessa is dressed so incredibly well for the abortion appointment she never makes it to!
- “You don’t have HIV, you just don’t. It’s not that easy to contract.” “It’s like really not that hard to contract either, though. Haven’t you seen ‘Rent’?”
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lynseylou · 6 years
Backdoor Pilot “The Originals”
Because The Originals recently debuted their series finale, I thought I would share my rather lengthy recaps of the first six episodes of the series that I did a year ago. I was so pumped about the show I made my own Wordpress website and everything. Now I have these lonely recaps with nowhere to put them but here! Enjoy if you want.
In regular backdoor pilot fashion, this The Vampire Diaries episode begins with very forced exposition explaining why we as viewers are leaving/escaping the wonderfully supernatural Mystic Falls and entering, what appears to be, an even more sadistic and cutthroat, New Orleans.
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“Welcome to the dark side of New Orleans,” says the random tour guide with rad facial hair, “a supernatural playground where the living are easily lost and the dead stick around to play.” Spooky.
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But what exactly are we doing here? Klaus Mikaelson recieved a tip from everyone’s favorite doppelgänger, Katherine, that a witch with the name of Jane Anne Deveroaux is conspiring against him. Conspiring? Very vague. Could it be a trap set by Katherine and this Jane Anne Deveroaux? Let’s keep watching to find out!
While Klaus is making his rounds of murderous threats, Rebekah and Elijah are arguing back in Mystic Falls. As per usual, Elijah wants to help Klaus, like the loyal brother that he is, and Rebekah wants Klaus to go to hell.
“Where are you going?” Says the particularly pouty Rebekah Mikaelson.
“To find out who’s making a move against are brother, and then… I’ll either stop them, or I’ll help them. Depending on my mood.” Oh, Elijah! You crack me up when you’re indecisive about when its appropiate to murder.
However, through the collective perspectives of Hayley Marshall, a sassy werewolf girl in search of her family, and Sophie and Jane Anne Deveroaux, we find out Hayley is pregnant.
Holy cow! Remember a few episodes back when Klaus and Hayley have a super steamy one-night stand while amongst bonding over their perpetual loneliness and sorrow? I do!
But how could this be? Well, being that Klaus is both vampire and werewolf, the original hybrid, he can in fact procreate. If you weren’t on the edge of your seat already, you are now.
But back to Klaus. During his interrogation of a French Quarter witch, Klaus finds out that a vampire in charge, Marcel, won’t let the witches practice magic. Klaus finds Marcel singing his little vampire heart out at a bar. My first impression of Marcel? Hot. Second? Exudes confidence.
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Klaus and Marcel approach with caution, and you don’t know if they’re going to kill each other. But they don’t! It turns out, Klaus and Marcel are old friends, in fact, Klaus sired Marcel. We also learn that the Mikaelson’s helped build New Orleans but were run out of town for some reason. So the plot thickens!
What exactly is the deal with Marcel? “Well we can tell you!” Says The Originals writers from beyond our TV’s. Marcel has quite a little vampire community. He has night-walkers, vampires who thrive under Marcel’s rule, and the inner circle, which are those who get to bask in the sunlight with the help of mystical daylight rings. It’s as if Marcel has complete control over the supernatural in New Orleans, and Klaus is jealous. However, Klaus focuses on the task at hand and asks Marcel what he knows about Jane Anne Deveraoux. What coincidence! Marcel is scheduled to hold a weird criminal trial in the middle of the street accusing Jane Anne of practicing magic.
But unlike an actual court of law, Jane Anne is publicly executed.
“Was that convincing? I studied law back in the fifties.” Oh Marcel, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Rats! Klaus didn’t get to talk to her before Marcel cut her throat open. But there is still hope! Klaus tracks down the sister, Sophie, where she works at a bar called Rousseau’s. Unfortunately, Sophie is to scared to speak due to the night-walkers that are following Klaus. Damn it Marcel! You foil everything! Fed up, Klaus threatens the night-walkers and lavishly orders them some scotch and hands the bartender a $100 bill (which will be important later).
Meanwhile, Elijah vamps through an alleyway and demands that Sophie Deveraoux tell him what the hell is going on. Of course, he articulates this request in a more respectful and Elijah-like fashion. He also kills a couple night-walkers while doing it, but that’s neither here or there.
Marcel is throwing a rave in his house/mansion and Klaus crashes, giving off murderous glances while searching the wild party for Marcel. Marcel calms Klaus down and shows Klaus to a balcony overlooking the city. We quickly learn that Marcel is smart and calculating, could he be another Klaus?
“Mmmm, new blood.” Marcel, don’t do it.
“Bartender. Walking alone at night. She’s either brave or dumb.” Klaus don’t encourage him.
“Brave, I let her live, dumb, she’s dessert.” Marcel, don’t eat the nice bartender.
Marcel quickly vamps off to go flirt or drink the bartender from Rousseau’s, while Elijah vamps in to inform Klaus of what he has found out.
Elijah takes Klaus to a creepy cemetery where Sophie Deveraoux reveals she has been holding Hayley captive for leverage over Klaus.
But why would should I care? Wonders Klaus, looking back and forth between Hayley and Elijah.
Because she’s pregnant the and carrying your baby Klaus.
Well, shit.
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Sophie Deveraoux reveals her evil plan. Jane Anne sacrificed herself in order to confirm the pregnancy, because the witches need help taking Marcel down. They need big bad Klaus Mikaelson. What better way to achieve that then by linking Klaus’s baby mama to Sophie, so that if any harm comes to her, the same harm happens to Hayley and the baby.
Elijah is rather disappointed in his brother’s behavior, and expresses this child to be their best chance. At happiness. At a home. At family. However, Klaus doesn’t feel the same.
Klaus crashes, once again, Marcel’s rave and picks a fight with him. Seriously guys, just put in on the table and measure already.
“Now look at you! Master of your domain, prince of the city.” Klaus, could you have made a more obvious set up towards Marcel’s big monologue?
“Hey man, I get it. 300 years ago you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it, but then you left. Actually, you ran from it. I saw it through. Look around. Vampires rule this city now. We don’t have to live in the shadows like rats. The locals know their place, they look the other way. I got rid of the werewolves. I even found a way to shut down the witches. The blood never stops flowing, and the party never ends! You want to pass on through? You want to stay awhile? Great. What’s mine is yours, but it is mine. My home, my family, my rules.” By the way, throughout this episode, every time Marcel says “rules” take a shot.
“And if someone breaks those rules?”
“They die. Mercy is for the weak, you taught me that, too. And I’m not prince of the quarter, friend. I’M THE KING!”
Well that does it. Klaus inflicts his fatal werewolf bite on one of Marcel’s inner circle, Thierry, and makes his grand exit.
Next commences the wonderful New Orleans nightlife montage. As Klaus is enjoying the festivities, he spots the brave bartender, she’s looking at a painter while he’s painting, and he approaches her. Her name tag says Camille, but she rejects that name because of the notion that its made for a grandma. We can call her Cami.
“And what do you suppose his story is?” Ask’s Klaus.
“He’s… angry. Dark. Doesn’t feel safe, and doesn’t know what to do about it. He wishes he can control his demons, instead of having his demons control him. He’s lost. Alone.” Hmmm… does this painters emotional state remind you of anyone else?
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Cami apologizes for being an overzealous psych major, but Klaus reassures her, and whooshes away.
Klaus and Elijah meet up and Klaus admits that he wants what Marcel has. But Klaus? What are you going to do about the baby sized elephant in the room? To which he concludes, “every king needs a heir.” Not the most heartwarming, but we’ll take it, and so will Elijah.
Klaus now has a plan being put into action. Klaus gives Marcel his blood, which will heal Thierry, in order to get close to Marcel again. And it works. Now that Klaus is feeling all powerful again, he gives the lovely Caroline Forbes a call. But of course she never calls back. Ouch.
Rebekah doesn’t want to go to New Orleans, despite Elijah’s protests. She’s still upset apparently. Also it looks like the end of Elijah and Katherine. So sad.
And that was the amazingly epic backdoor pilot of The Originals!
Onto Power Rankings! Who are the top 5 characters that “slayed” this episode?
Your heart beats strong, young one.
#4 goes to… Sophie Deveraoux!
Getting Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson into an alliance is no easy task.
#3 goes to… Elijah Mikaelson!
Kicking butt and taking names.
#2 goes to… Marcel Gerard!
Smooth talking, karaoke singing, king of New Orleans.
#1 goes to… Klaus Mikaelson!
You glorious bastard and all of your dysfunction.
To the characters that didn’t make it on this list, maybe next time.
Do you agree with my power rankings? What was your favorite part? Enlighten me in the comments!
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samcarter34 · 7 years
Victims of Narrative: Mikael
There’s nothing to drum up motivation quite like avoiding schoolwork, so I’m doing another one. This time on the Original daddy: Mikael
Mikael; a villain, but not an antagonist.
 To start with, let’s talk about his backstory. The Mikael who kicks children and whips people half to death? A complete fabrication by TO that in no way reflects TVD.
 “But Nik was not born a killer – none of us were! You did this to us when you turned us into vampires! You destroyed our family. Not him.” – Rebekah TVD 3x09 Homecoming
 “My family was quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get along too well.” – Elijah TVD 2x18 Klaus
 The emphasis here being that it’s all wrapped up in them becoming vampires. Klaus’ fall, Mikael ruining their family all of it. Before, they were all content, a whole loving family. Yes, Klaus and Mikael had troubles, there will be people whose personalities don’t mesh.
 Now, is this to say that Mikael was actually an all loving father and Klaus is just a lying liar who lies? No (well, at least not in this specific instance), as I said, Mikael is a villain; a harsh man from a harsh time. His children loved him, but they also feared him, and that’s generally not something indicative of a father of the year award nominee. But the man who Elijah confessed he should have killed a thousand years ago, the man Rebekah tried to kill in his sleep, the man who hated Klaus just because (WE WILL GET TO THAT) didn’t come about until TO.
 So then, who is Mikael? We first see him as a mysterious figure whose presence scares Klaus into running, both in the flashback to the 1920s, and in modern day. The first real glimpse of him we get is in Ordinary People, when he grows angry at Klaus and Elijah’s play-fighting. This angers him, as he believes that combat should be taken seriously. When confronted, Elijah backs down; Klaus tries to defend it, and gets a swordfight in response. It goes on until Esther, who at first permits it, tells Mikael that he’s ‘made his point’ and to stop. Which he does.
 Mikael is a Viking, and though Plec and co. erroneously assume that Viking refers to the entirety of Norse culture, the fact that he is one means he’s a warrior. He was the guy that went out and fought and pillaged. Which informs a great deal about his worldview. How to treat combat, and how to respond to threats.
 Which in turn leads to his pride, dubbed by Rebekah to be his greatest weakness. Mikael ran once, when his eldest died, because a disease has no form you can fight, there’s no enemy to be beaten, but still it pained him to do it. And so, when Henrik dies, he decides he won’t run again. The werewolves are a physical opponent, they can be beaten, but suppose another child gets sick? Or another enemy comes, one who is beyond Mikael’s ability to fight. He’s been unable to protect two of children, has had to outlive two of his children, and he will not permit another. And so he and Esther come up with a plan. One to make it so that their family can’t lose anyone else; make them immortal. No more running, now they fight.
 Until everything went to hell, culminating in the revelation of Klaus’ true parentage, the casting of the hybrid curse, and Klaus murdering Esther in a fit of rage.
 And so Mikael lost basically everything, his son murdered his wife, and his other children believed that Mikael was responsible. And so he spent the next thousand years hunting. Seeking to avenge his wife, and to kill his son.
 And really, that was what he dedicated himself towards.  TO pretty much erases all of it in order to say that it was the fact that Klaus was a hybrid and not biologically his son that spurred him to hunt down his children -and it was all his children on TO- but that ignores a whole lot, as shown here:
 This scene is incredible, for starters, because it alone manages to give more depth to Mikael than an entire season of TO did. Mikael loves Rebekah, he loves all his children, and Klaus was his only target. In TO, Mikael seems incapable of anything but hatred. The show forgets that pride -not rage- was his defining trait, the pride that prevented him from apologizing to Rebekah, of acknowledging that no matter how justified he felt, he still caused harm to her. In TO, Mikael hates Klaus, hates hybrids, werewolves, vampires, his children, his wife. The only person he doesn’t hate is Freya, who’s a frigging retcon character.
 Speaking of retcons, on TO it’s repeatedly stated that Mikael burned down cities in his hunt for his children, hell we see him burn down an entire opera theatre. Remember this quote from Homecoming: “I had a hand in creating vampires, but bloodlust was never my intention. Over the centuries I learned to feed from the predator, not the innocent?” The bloodlust, described by Rebekah as being the darkest consequence of what they were because it drove them to kill, and Mikael trains himself to overcome it because he doesn’t want to kill innocent people. At least not needlessly, he is a vampire, an Original, he definitely has the will to kill, but a guy who spent god knows how long training himself to feed on vampires, a guy who refused human blood after being dessicated for a decade, destroys cities willy-nilly for the hell of it? That’s not even getting into the fact that TO shows him multiple times willingly feeding on living people. Again, this is the guy who refused human blood after going without any blood for a decade.
 Oh, and going back to Klaus:
Notice Klaus calls Mikael father in this scene. On TO, when Klaus did that in a flashback during 1x15 Le Grand Guignol, Mikael mocked him for it, derided him for “still clinging to that word.” On TVD? Nothing. Because Klaus is Mikael’s son. The narrative irony, that the child Mikael got along with the least would come to be the one most like him. After all, Klaus wants to be the biggest, baddest, strongest guy out there, and growing up, who was that if not Mikael?
 Mikael was a villain, but not an antagonist, his role in the story was an ‘enemy of my enemy’ type with the MFG. They both wanted Klaus dead. This narrative role allowed for a bit of nuance. Mikael and Klaus were mirrors of each other, and both had their own twisted senses of honour and love. And yes, I do fully believe that Mikael loved Klaus. In their meeting, he doesn’t deride Klaus’ biological parentage, he doesn’t insult him for calling Mikael his father, he chastises him for his “impulse” and calls out the fact that between compulsion, sirebonds and daggers, there isn’t a single person who’s loyal to Klaus who is so willingly.
 The entire meeting is of two family members calling each other out on their failings: Klaus calling out that Mikael always underestimated him, never gave Klaus’ own strength the respect it deserves, embodied through attempting to call Mikael’s bluff. But Mikael wasn’t bluffing, and as far as Mikael and Klaus were aware in that moment, Mikael killed Elena and Klaus’ access to more hybrids. And then Mikael dies, killed by his son, whose strength he never acknowledged. Is it really any wonder that the only response to this is cry, however briefly?
 Mikael’s relationship with Klaus was a focal point for his character, and TO’s complete derailment of it, therefore, had a huge impact on the character. On TVD, Klaus was a villain and an antagonist, but on TO he’s the protagonist (ostensibly anyway, in reality, the deuteragonist to Hayley’s protagonist), and Mikael the antagonist. Now there are two different ways that this could have gone.
 1)   Recognize the incredibly complex relationship between these two and build on it in order to help cement the relative moral nature of a show focused on the oldest serial murderers in the world
2)   Say ‘fuck relative morality and nuance’ and make the antagonist as evil as possible so that by comparison the guy you had choke a pregnant woman for trying have an abortion seem like a good guy
 Three guesses which option the show went with. First two don’t count. Yes, they eschewed any complexity by making Mikael out to be a sadistic psychopath who tried multiple times to murder Klaus BEFORE he ripped out Esther’s heart and blamed it on Mikael. Oh wait sorry, ~choked her to death~ and blamed it on Mikael. As opposed to the intense regret he felt upon seeing Rebekah on TVD, on TO Mikael shows nothing but anger when meeting Elijah, even when he’s ostensibly saying he’s proud of him. On TO, he can’t mention Klaus without saying the word bastard, on TVD it’s never uttered.  On TVD he explicitly states that Klaus is the only one he ever wanted dead, on TO he plans to help Finncent kill them all. On TVD, avenging Esther was what spurred him forward, on TO, upon meeting he screams at her and tries to hit her. Hell, their entire relationship is reduced to a Stockholm syndrome-fuelled abusive horror show.
 And it all culminates in that scene. Klaus has the white oak pointed at Mikael’s heart and asks ‘why?’ Why was he a kid kicking, Klaus whipping, no-good-awful-abusive-piece-of-shit? Why, for Klaus’ entire life did Mikael hate him?
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   “I don’t know, I just did.”
 A character’s motivation: why they do what they do. Why they feel what they feel. It’s fundamental to them. Without that, a character could be replaced with an object. They stop being a character and become a macguffin. And TO cares so little for Mikael, the man who created vampires on their vampire show, that they didn’t even bother to give a motivation as to why he was an abusive ass. They retconned him into a complete psychopathic monster because they didn’t have the necessary skill to make us care about Klaus despite the fact that he’s a monster, so why not make Mikael irredeemably horrible because abuse survivor=relatable right? This despite the fact that Klaus was still an abuse survivor on TVD, and they still managed to make him likable without relying on the image of him being kicked as a child.
 On TO, Mikael could have been replaced with literal cancer and the result would have been the same. A source of pain and agony in Klaus’ past that made him feel weak, and he never wishes to re-experience. They didn’t just take away nuance and complexity from him, they took away the most basic aspects. The closest thing to characterization Mikael has on TO is his relationship with Freya, who is a retconned in character from the same season Mikael came back in. The ‘I love you/I hate you/I want you to die/please acknowledge me’ relationship with Klaus built up from TVD goes nowhere. There’s never any further expression of regret from when he met Rebekah again. Hell, the shadow he ostensibly cast over the Originals’ existence is kind of called into question when they can stay in one place for nearly three hundred years, openly referring to themselves as the Mikaelsons the entire time. Everything Mikael was on TVD was stripped away in favour of ‘stock antagonist’ such that his only real points of note are his fighting capability, which is nice to watch but doesn’t make a character, and his relationship with Freya, which isn’t part of the character that got people invested.
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puckrstud · 4 years
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character information.
full name. Noah Elijah Puckerman
nickname(s). Puck
age & birthday. 17 | July 4th.
preferred pronouns. He/Him
romantic orientation. Heteromantic
sexual orientation. Bisexual
positive traits. Ambitious, protective, charming, humorous, loyal
negative traits. Promiscuous, insecure, impulsive, stubborn, manipulative
family relationship. canon
parents.  Miriam Schmidt ( mother ) | David Puckerman ( father )
siblings. Sarah Puckerman ( sister ) | Jake Puckerman ( half sibling )*unaware
significant other. n/a
other. Check out the connection page !
physical traits.
faceclaim. Noah Centineo
eye color. Hazel
hair color. Dark brown ( as of right now he has curly hair that sits on top of his head with the sides kept shorter )
height. 6 ft 1 in
body build. Slim, Athletic
tattoos/piercings. He has this tattoo on the inside of his left arm.
notable physical traits. His right eyebrow is slit. He also has a noticeable scar on the left side of his face, below his month from a fishing incident when he was seven.
outfit/clothing style. His style is very relaxed and not flashy at all. Except for on an occasion when he has extra money or one of his neighbors offers up something in return of a favor he did. He is big on jeans and just a plain shirt to go with it, sometimes it layers it just a jacket or flannel, unzipped. ( examples ) one, two
phobias. catagelophobia ( fear of being ridiculed )
mental disorders. borderline personality disorder
when was this diagnosed. still remains undiagnosed
David Puckerman and Miriam Schmidt were never really the ideal couple. She spent most of her life chasing after a guy that never really showed interest in her until he needed something and she was always there to deliver. When Miriam was just a junior in high school, she discovered she was pregnant. After some repetitive nagging from their parents, they were successful in getting them to marry after Noah was born. When he was born, his parents were young and very inexperienced. His father was a year older than his mother and he never really wanted or cared to be a father. His mother, well, she was too busy chasing him around to get him to want to settle down with just her. Noah spent most of his childhood being raised by his grandmother and grandfather. His grandmother insisted on his mother getting a college degree and agreed to look after him while she did so. With his father doing minimal work at odd jobs that never really seemed to last longer than it took for his parents to go from not fighting to fighting. However, when Miriam was only halfway through her nursing degree, Noah’s grandmother died and she was left to be responsible for him because his grandfather just couldn’t handle him on his own.
Noah Elijah Puckerman, born on July 4th., had always felt like somewhat of a burden when it came to his parents. His father was never around and when he was, all they did was fight about his absence and monogamy issues and assumptions. He never understood why his mother stayed with someone like that, why she wanted that to be an example for her own son. Even though his parents were married, it still felt like he grew up with a single mother that struggled to put food on the table because she wasn’t able to get a good-paying job with no degree in hand.
Noah had to take on the role of being the man of the house when he turned ten. His mother ended up pregnant again, by his father, on a drunken hook up that started out with fighting, once again, and ended up with a little girl, Sarah, nine months later. Having a sibling after being an only child for all those years was tough but he grew very attached to Sarah very quickly. Especially since his mother spent most of her time working to provide for them. He’d do anything to protect her from having a shitty, parentless, childhood like he did. All the late-night fights, the ridicule about how he was going to turn out to be just like his father. He didn’t want her to have to deal with all the negative like he did and that’s why he was sure to receive it all so she wouldn’t have to feel so disturbed about herself like he did.
He wasn’t really sure when it all started but somehow, trouble started to follow him wherever he went. He didn’t grow up in the best neighborhood, living in the lower-income part of Lima, in a two-bedroom apartment was his lifestyle. Which he always tried to conceal from his peers at school. Seeing all of their houses, that he dreamt up as perfect, he was jealous of them and never wanted to have friends come over. He became friends with people that most kids would never dream of but they were his neighbors and he always thought they were cool because they always had the newest clothes, shoes, gadgets, you name it. Especially, when he would do stuff for them and they get him new sneakers or a jacket.
When it comes to school, he is honestly shocked that he has made it this far. He barely does the work and when he does, it’s because he makes someone smarter than him do it for him. He is however really good at math. He just plays it off that he needs the knowledge for his pool cleaning business but it’s something about numbers that he just gets. However, he’d never share that information with anyone. He’d rather spend his time hitting on girls and causing someone else trouble because he doesn’t like to focus on the fact that his life in his won words is a shit show. Especially, since he makes it out to be the complete opposite.
He had a small buzz in middle school when it came to his reputation and now that he’s in high school he wants to keep it that way and make sure it quadruples. Doing whatever, whenever it’s necessary. He’s something like a class clown but on another level. He doesn’t do stuff for laughs, okay maybe he does to a point, but mostly he does them for attention. His mother is too busy working two jobs to pay attention to him or go to any school game or award show. Not that he gets any of the fancy awards, but to him, it’s the thought that counts. He is basically stuck watching his sister during the week but he makes damn sure to go out after he knows she’s asleep when everyone knows he should be at home doing his homework. Instead, he flirts with the older lady next door to look after Sarah, while he goes to hook up with some girl or go to his fight club. Fight club is the one place he feels like he belongs. Most of the time it’s him getting knocked around but every once in a while when he’s kicking some dudes ass, the control he feels in his body is what he enjoys.
His father hasn’t been around since he was eleven and he’d honestly like to keep it that way. Figuring that maybe if his mother stopped fooling around with him, that she would eventually forget him and her need to compare the two all the time. At least he has a job, right? It might be just cleaning pools in the summer but he’s contributing to the family more than his father ever has or will. Not to forget the fact most of the money he makes is doing illegal things or stealing small things from the housewives pools that he cleans. Assuming that he knows they would never accuse him to their husbands, because he would just tell them he was in the house because he was having sex with them.
He knows he won’t mature any living there with a mother that barely acknowledges his existence but maybe this summer could change him or make his life worse.
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Hello! Could you, please, write an AU where Klaus goes to Elijah's wedding and finds out that the one night stand he had with the bride years ago resulted in a child about which she never told him?
this thing upon me, howls like a beast [1/3] ;
a/n: I changed it from ‘one night stand’ to ‘past relationship’ since it seemed to go with the flow of this story a bit more. hope you enjoy it! this one’s a bit of a longer fic. i also really like thic fic and kinda wanna continue it, so that might happen in the near future!
(The flower girl has his eyes.
It’s unbearably recognizable, long wispy blonde lashes and apiercing blue gaze, it was something Hayley always had trouble hiding. Because,you see, Hope Marshall was made in her mother’s image. Long brown locks, afiery spirit, dripping with resilience.
All except for her eyes).
“Mom,” Hayley lowers her gaze, watching her little girl as shetugs on the edge of her wedding gown.
“Yeah Hope?” She mumbles, bending down in order to be ateye-level with her daughter.
Hope points to the left. “Someone’s at the door,” she signals,referring to the incessant knocking that Hayley was trying her best to ignore.
She lifts her puffy white dress just a bit, so she can get hersteps in order. And, to her dismay, her fiancé’s younger brother ends up on theother side of the door.
“The lovely bride,” Klaus whispers in a soft tone, looking herup and down. She’s picture perfect in every sense of the word. Then, he spiesher child. “And the even lovelier flower girl,” he smirks.
“What do you want, Klaus?” Hayley jerks, scowling at him.
He rolls his eyes, she couldn’t even try to make this pleasant.“Rebekah’s running around screaming for this little one,” he says, pointing toHope. “Apparently, she’s not in the right attire?” he quirks, raising aneyebrow in confusion.
Hayley turns around, staring at her kid as she cowers behindher. “Hope doesn’t like dresses,” she tells Klaus, ruffling her little girl’ssoft brown curls.
“I can’t run in them, and they’re really uncomfortable,” Hopequietly explains.
Klaus nods, understanding her concerns. She was a kid afterall, and she wasn’t the type to wear pretty frocks and make up. She was more ofa wild child, which was as expected, since she was Hayley’s offspring after all.
“That’s alright, sweetheart,” Klaus sings. “I won’t tell mysister where you’re hiding out,” he reassures her, offering her a gentle smile.
“Thanks so much Mister Klaus!” Hope cheers, wrapping her shortarms around his waist and squeezing tightly.
She was quite the friendly child. A look of worry washed overHayley’s face before she quickly pulled Hope away from him.
“Okay, that’s enough interruptions,” she announced, sendingKlaus a dark glare. “Are you done wasting my time? Because I have to get readyfor my big day,” she grits, sounding rather peeved.
“Already a nagging mess I see,” Klaus chuckles. “My brother’sgot a lot on his plate now, hasn’t he?” he sighs, as he shoves his hands in hispockets.
The bride-to-be stares at him, eyes narrowing while she bit herlip.
“Klaus,” she says, in an authoritative tone. “Leave,” sheorders.
He can’t say that it doesn’t sound familiar, that he doesn’tmiss seeing her all frustrated and angry. So, he abides by her terms, but onlyfor the sake of reliving old times. Back when things were so much simpler. Andshe wasn’t about to become his brother’s fucking wife― 
“Fine,” he shrugs, making his way out.
He offers Hope one last little smile before Hayley shoves thedoor in his face.
(During the ceremony, he has his eyes on the bride.
You see, they’re not exactly your typical ‘snarky brother-in-lawand fiancé who just can’t get along’ types. They’re the type to meet at a barabout eight years ago. The type to fuck in bathroom stalls and alleywaysbecause she lived in a group home and his father didn’t want him around. Thetype to runaway from home at seventeen and lose touch over the course of ayear.
Yeah, they’re eight different kinds of fucked up. And she knowsthat she had no right to keep secrets from him (especially one this big) but,she just couldn’t tell him.
He was a broken boy, Klaus Mikaelson never was thepicture of fatherhood.
But, maybe Elijah, is just that). 
He finds her afterwards, sitting by the punch bowl and mindlesslystaring at her glass of champagne.
She’s not making eye-contact with him. Instead, she’s observingher husband. He’s dancing with her daughter, tiny feet on larger ones, swayingand swinging to the beat of every drum. It makes Hayley think a bit too much abouther missing childhood and how she never had that experience.
But, that doesn’t mean Hope has to miss out on them too.
“She’s mine, isn’t she?” Klaus finally asks, leaning back andwatching her every reaction.
She takes a swig of champagne and swallows hard.
“Yeah,” Hayley nods. “She is,” she confirms while they bothstare at Hope.
Klaus looks lost, rubbing his forehead infrustration. He doesn’t know how to react, however, it’s not as if he’scompletely surprised. You see, he’s had a sneaking suspicion about Hope, ever sincehe first saw her. That fateful day Elijah had brought Hayley and Hope home andintroduced them to the family, was the same night Klaus had figured it out.
“Were you ever planning on telling me?” he wonders.
“Not really,” she honestly replies. “You wouldn’t havewanted her anyway,” she announces.
He knows she’s right, she always is, after all. “I see,” Klausnods. “And you marrying her uncle, it’s not going to make things weird oranything?” he questions, with a rather amused tone.
“Not if she doesn’t find out,” she’s so calculating whenshe speaks. Almost as manipulative as he is.
It was code for ‘don’t-tell-Hope-you’re-her-dad’. And becauseKlaus had no proof and didn’t want to send this poor child into shock, he couldn’tsay anything. Not anything believable anyway.
Besides, he knew this wasn’t his place to talk. He knew nothingabout Hope, or her life with Hayley. And he hadn’t provided them with any typeof care. Who was he to suddenly interrupt their lives and turn everythingupside down?
No, he could never do that to her.
“Look,” she mutters, interrupting his thoughts. “Elijahmakes me happy, and I fucking deserve that, especially after all the shit Iwent through―” 
Tears stream down her face as her voice cracks. She can’t keeptalking about this. She just can’t. She’s pictured this conversation in herhead, so many times, and she never imagined that she’d be the one to break.
But, over the years Klaus had matured. He was no longer thebrash, odd, and abrasive seventeen-year-old she had fallen in love with.
He was an adult, mature, sophisticated, and so much gentler thanbefore.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, almost as if he’s made of ashes. Ofbroken things. “I didn’t mean to abandon you, I wouldn’t have left for artschool in France had I known you were pregnant,” he admits, and it’s the worsething Hayley has ever heard.
Because she hates thinking about all the ‘what-ifs’. Of all thealmosts and all the ways they could’ve ended up together, but didn’t.
“Save it,” she says instead. “I would never have wanted youto give up your dream for me anyway,” she adds on.
“And yet,” he smiles. “You gave up yours,” Klaus barelyreleases, heart beating restlessly in his chest as his breath is heavy.
“I didn’t,” she firmly responds. “I always wanted to be amom,” she reminds him, tilting her head up like a queen.
He doesn’t dare meet her gaze, not when the darkest of thoughtsare gathering in his mind. Not when the room just feels like it’s gettingsmaller and smaller.
“I’ll disappear,” he suggests. “If that’s what you want,”Klaus reluctantly offers.
“It’s not,” she instantly replies. “Just, let me have thislife. Let me be normal, with a husband, a kid, a home,” she begs, with eyesthat scream, please don’t ruin this forme, please don’t take away my one shot at happiness because I’ve never beenhappy before. Please― 
“Okay,” He almost kicks himself in the face for saying that but,he just couldn’t take it anymore.
He couldn’t bare to break her heart again.
(And they’re dancing, the one that got away and his olderbrother, oh god. It sounds like a bad movie.
He stands in the sidelines, drink in hand and a beautiful womanwhispering sweet nothings in his ear. As he watches the life he could’ve hadhad, if only he’d been listening to her just a bit more).
“Hey,” he hears as he then feels a tug at his sleeve. “MisterKlaus,” Hope squeaks, looking up at him.
Klaus grins, composing himself and devoting all his attention tohis daughter. “Yes, little Hope?” he quirks.
She turns around, making eye contact with Hayley. “Mom saysyou’re in charge of me tonight,” Hope informs him.
His eyes trail off, wondering what in the world Hayley wasplanning this time.
“Is that so?” he quips.
“Yep,” Hope nods, smiling.
And he doesn’t know what role Hayley wants him to play. Whethershe wants to do things slowly, or if she’s just doing this out of guilt. Eitherway, Klaus isn’t dumb enough to let his only chance to get to know his daughterslip away from him.
“I suppose she wants some alone time with ‘Lijah on her weddingnight,” he comes up with instead.
“I guess,” Hope shrugs, leaning into him. “Weddings are soicky,” she giggles, and that’s when he notices her muddy ballet shoes.
It reminds him a bit too much of his high school days with hermother. Where she came home to their dingy little apartment with dirty sneakersand a pack of cigarettes.
“I agree,” He smirks.
Klaus catches Hayley’s eyes and knows that this is not the end,it’s only the beginning. And maybe someday, Hope will be ready to accept himinto her life. Until then, he would wait, and go at Hayley’s pace.
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starlingsrps · 7 years
manon williams development
Name: marie suzanne williams (nee belanger)
Nickname: manon
Birthday: april 4
Age: thirty
Gender: female
Place of birth: saint-malo, france
Places lived since: [passing car]
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: blaise (63) and anna (60). blaise and anna have been a couple since the dawn of time and do everything together from running the family tour boat business to visiting the same bar every single saturday night where they sit at the same barstools every single time (next to each other, of course).
Number of siblings: two - an older brother, julien (38), and an older sister - lili (35)
Relationship with family: they're close but there's a bit of transatlantic distance that's a problem. she tries to talk to her parents at least once a week and talks to lili more frequently than julien but she’s okay with that.
Children of her own?: a son, sebastian. he's five and her absolute favorite person in the world (sry elijah).
Height: 5'7
Build: average and she swears she's hippier than she used to be ever since having sebastian.
Disabilities: n/a
Complexion: tanned all the time - manon is the worst about sunscreen.
Face shape: roundish
Distinguishing facial features: manon has a pretty animated face - she's expressive but she can also go cold real fast and has a stare that can kill a man when she's pissed.
Hair color: blonde
Usual hair style: long and wavy/messy.
Eye color: blue
Glasses? Contacts?: both
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): pretty casual mom gear but she likes to knock elijah on his ass when they manage to go out.
Typical style of shoes: anything she can chase after sebastian in.
Grooming: clean and showered always but she's not much for makeup or primping but again: she likes to knock elijah on his ass now and then.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: her wedding ring every day but not much otherwise. she has pierced ears and briefly had a pierced nose in her early twenties but that's long gone.
Accent?: french af
Athletic?: she goes for a run whenever sebastian is at school or a playdate.
Level of education: secondary school but she skipped university - no one in her family ever went and she always had the boat business to work in. so she went until she was eighteen and started working and she's just fine with it.
Level of self esteem: pretty good but she can be sensitive about weird things
Gifts/talents: manon is a hell of a mom and she's proud of that. she works to make people feel wanted and welcome - warm. she's a warm person and tries to be generous. she's also got a million and one stories from traveling and working the boats and loves to tell them.
Shortcomings: manon is stubborn as an old goddamn mule.
Style of speech: english is absolutely her second language and while her accent isn't as thick as it used to be, she absolutely still has one and it's apparent. she can be a little tricky to understand at first but once you get the hang of it, it's not too hard to figure out what she's saying. and then there are the times she pretends to not understand english to avoid unwanted conversations.
Artistic?: she tries to be crafty with sebastian but it's hit or miss.
Mathematical?: not especially
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emotions
Neuroses: she's a little anxious about getting pregnant again and it's leading to her being a little more sensitive than usual about stuff and things.
Life philosophy: like just be good and do good okay?
Religious stance: catholic and a little superstitious about it - sebastian was baptized and even if she doesn't go every sunday, she'll still haul the whole gang in if there's something that needs praying over.
Cautious or daring?: daring.
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: ohhhh it's a list. parenting and motherhood in general (she once mentioned that she had a glass of wine while pregnant and nearly got kicked out of mommy and me class), sebastian, elijah, the status of her tomatoes - manon is sensitive about a lot of random shit and gets emotional easily.
Optimist or pessimist?: optimist
Extrovert or introvert?: extrovert
Level of comfort with technology: comfortable enough
Current marital/relationship status: hella married
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Past relationships: a few when she was in school and while bopping around but she's been with elijah for a good long time.
Primary reason for being broken up with: not taking it seriously enough.
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: taking it too seriously.
A social person?: very.
Most comfortable around: elijah
Oldest friend: her sister lili
How does she think others perceive her?: manon doesn't particularly care as long as people like her and treat her nicely.
How do others actually perceive her?: generally pretty nice if a little air headed
Profession: stay at home mom
Past occupations: secretary for the family tour boat business
Attitude towards current job: it's the dream
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: he's okay but she could do without the sass.
Salary: nah.
Phobias: the day sebastian wakes up and doesn't want to hang out with her anymore.
Life goals: as long as she lives a good life with elijah and raises sebastian right, she'll be happy.
Dreams: she'd really love to have more children.
Greatest fears: something happening to elijah or sebastian
Most ashamed of: sometimes the other moms make her feel like she should be more educated or brighter and she knows that it doesn't matter and /yet/.
Hobbies: mom stuff and gardening. she's also real good at swimming and sailing but those aren't really daily activities.
Secret skills: manon insists upon having a boating license wherever she lives, even if she doesn't have access to a boat. never know when you'll need it.
Past sexual transgressions: nah.
Crimes committed: nah
What she most wants to change about her current life: she'd really like to pregnant but that does not seem to be in the current cards.
What she most wants to change about her physical appearance: nah.
Daily routine: up when sebastian is up, make breakfast (manon really likes cooking but especially breakfast), hang out with sebastian and do errands while he's at preschool, various stuff and things, family time, bedtime, hanging out with elijah after bedtime.
Night owl or early bird?: early bird
Light or heavy sleeper?: light
Favorite food: breakfast. manon loves american breakfast so damn much.
Favorite book: le petit prince - sebastian isn't quite old enough for it yet and she can't wait until he is.
Favorite movie: manon thinks stepbrothers is the single greatest film of our time. she likes comedies - anything too serious makes her antsy.
Favorite song: "landslide" by fleetwood mac
Coffee or tea?: coffee
Type of car she drives: a small suv - very momly.
Lefty or righty?: lefty
Favorite color: blue
Cusser?: yes but only in french - she figures it's better if sebastian repeats it and no one understands him than if she does it in english.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: #winemom
Pets?: a doG!
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