#I was very excited to get this newsletter
baconmoop · 4 months
My argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely Gaster.
Okay, now I’ve had time to drink it all in/actually do things for valentines day, I’m ready to make my argument as to why the mysterious letter is definitely our boy Gaster. I’ve been of the mindset that he’s a goofy old man for a long time, and I’ve always wanted to make a video essay to explain my point of view but I've never had the time. This newsletter gave me the push to write this ‘quick’ summary  though. Feel free to fight with me in the notes.
First of all, I am aware that the Japanese version uses Hiragana instead of his normal Katakana. I barely understand English, so I can’t even begin to understand the importance of it. It is my biggest foil, but I don’t think it affects things too much.
My first, easiest bit of evidence, is the fact that Toby has already removed the letter, leaving only this.
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He does this constantly with Gaster stuff. He did it with the tarot cards, he did it with abc123a.ogg. The moment someone posts something online, he removes evidence of its existence. Suspicious, is it not?
Okay, let’s break the letter down shall we?
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This is in line with a lot of things we already know about WDG. Most likely in Wingdings, we have hints in Sans’ lab and the true lab that his handwriting is impossible to read. We don’t know any of these are 100% him, but it makes sense that it would be difficult to read unless you were determined enough to do so (I assume that is what ‘squint your heart refers to?). 
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There are multiple people who know what the ‘delta rune is’, but here to me he is clearly discussing the game, not the prophecy. The only person to ever have interest in our opinions of the experience is the ‘other him’, when he introduced us to the survey program. He also talks in short sentences, Like he does in the initial goner sequence, and pretty much everything else. 
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Okay, so this is something that has plagued my mind for a while, but this has brought it to the forefront. I assume here that he’s referring to Dess being stuck in the code, or whoever it is (See here https://forum.melonland.net/index.php?topic=68.0). I’ve always been of the mind that Gaster genuinely wants to help, partially because of the eggs and partially because he seems to want you to win. He wants you to stop the roaring. I have a bunch of theories about this that probably deserve their own video, but here’s a quick summary:
If you name yourself Suzie in the goner maker scene, he says:
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As far as I know, he doesn’t say this for anyone else, including ralsei, so he clearly has some kind of positive opinion of Suzie. Why would he say this if he was an antagonist to the fun gang?
When you die in the game and press no on the continue screen, the song ‘darkness falls’ plays (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSn4p1Xx7NU&ab_channel=Palpe). While definitely having Gaster’s leitmotif for starters, Just listen to how melancholy it sounds. It gives me the same bittersweet vibes that it’s raining somewhere else gives me. If this is a reflection of how Gaster feels when you give up, then he’s definitely a bit bummed that you failed.
Someone is clearly helping the secret bosses. While most people assume that he is doing it for some kind of nefarious purposes, I think he was genuinely trying to help, and it backfired. 
Anyway, back to the letter.
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There’s a lot of connections between forgetting and Gaster. Fanon dictates that he’s been completely erased from everyone’s memories, but I don’t want to rely on fanon here. The first thing that comes to mind is obviously ‘Don’t forget’ plastered all over deltarune, which is what I assume he means when he calls it ironic, but that isn’t specifically tied to him. What I do think of however, is goner kid. I’ve already put enough images in this bad boy, but he says "Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...Except you don't exist? Everything functions perfectly without you...Ha ha... The thought terrifies me." We know so much about how the goners are connected to him, I’m not gonna re-go over it here. Someone also mentioned the Spamton sweepstakes “AREN'T YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING?” on the ice page, which could also be relevant here. Is there any other character linked to forgetting as much as he is?
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Okay, now for my most dubious point (sue me I’m not an actual theorist). But… Doesn’t this give you old man papyrus vibes? It’s goofy, It’s in all caps, it puts a smile on my face. To quote my friend outside the fandom, “It’s giving old man texting his grandchildren for the first time”. I know this is one of the biggest contradictions for people, claiming that it’s out of character for gaster to speak like this, but I give exhibit A, from the legends of localisation book: 
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(Ripped directly from https://www.tumblr.com/gasterofficial/715722490333298688?source=share)
I’ve always loved this. It’s probably not canon, but it’s goofy as hell. It was one of the first things that made me want to do a video on my “gaster is a good dude” ideas. It’s the exact same vibes as the letter. 
So what do you think? I could definitely go into more detail about all of this, if people are interested. I just saw something that helped fuel my theories and had to put my opinions out there. Please don’t murder me in the notes for going against the antagonist gaster grain I am very sensitive okay good by!
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cornerful · 8 months
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It's newsletter time babey!!
I've some catching up to do 🏃‍♂️
I basically ended up taking a complete hiatus from tumblr for several months when my migraines got real bad last year. And then things, as things do, kept on happening. Bastards.
I haven't looked much at the tag yet and I still have to catch up with the first five? Chapters and relearn the ropes so to speak, but hopefully I'll see some familiar faces around this year, and new ones 👀
Last time I couldn't get to the end but what I did get through was a lot of fun and the best part was what everyone else was saying and drawing and discussing! That's what I missed the most, was talking and joking with everyone. Lotr is probably my Favorite Story, and to have this in-time community readthrough is such a treasure. As usual, three cheers for @sindar-princeling for organizing. It's a hell of a feat 😁
I'm arriving uh...Precisely When I Mean To ;] but here's to a great year! 💚🍻
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magentagalaxies · 2 years
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we got a shoutout in the new kids in the hall mailing list email update!!!!!!! (and by we i mean me and by shoutout i mean the instagram account for mouth congress was linked which may not sound like much but i'm still just over here like i did that!! if people follow the mouth congress instagram it's my phone that gets a notification!! that second link in their section would not exist were it not for my impact!!)
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ariaste · 5 days
I'm super excited for your new book, quick question though... I recently saw something about an author not getting much $ from amazon because of the way revenue/profit was allocated when the book was on sale. What are the best 3 ways to buy your book in terms of revenue for you? I'm assuming Amazon isn't great? What about B&N? small local book stores? From the link you shared? A different method?
That is an AWESOME question and extremely thoughtful! I will give the short answer and the long answer. Short answer for RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND specifically:
Buy the hardback from Allstora (GREAT) or my Bookshop.org affiliate store (still good) or Barnes & Noble (I won't get any extra money, but it's good for other reasons, see below) or your local indie bookstore (we love supporting small businesses)
Buy the ebook from wherever is best for you! Right now I make pretty much the same amount of money regardless of platform.
Remember to recommend it to your local library in hardback, ebook, and audiobook form. (I still make money when libraries buy my books, and libraries help new readers discover my books)
For readers outside of America: You should be able to get it everywhere, and buying it from any retailer is great! I recommend a local indie bookstore.
Longer answer for all of my books:
Right, so I do both indie publishing and traditional publishing, so this is where things get weird:
Allstora is amazing for authors. For physical copies of my books, I get between 10% and 40% of the sale price on top of the royalties i get from my publisher. It is sincerely a game-changer. Buying my books from from my Bookshop.org store, linked above, is also pretty good -- it gets me a little boost of 10% of the profits of any books you buy through my affiliate link. Pretty cool. Buying books from Barnes & Noble is good for different reasons, because while I do not get any extra money beyond my royalties, B&N is very good at reporting their preorder numbers to my publisher, which is useful data for them to know for things like how much of a marketing budget to give my books. As for buying from indie bookstores, that speaks for itself: They are the backbone of our literary society and supporting them is just a morally good thing to do. (For international readers looking to get the hardbacks: Whichever retailer you usually use is great! There's no clear frontrunner right now that gives me more benefit than any other)
For ebooks of my traditionally published books (A Conspiracy of Truths, A Choir of Lies, Finding Faeries, A Taste of Gold and Iron, and now Running Close to the wind), again, buying them anywhere is currently fine. I hear Allstora might be working on getting ebook functionality in the future, in which case that will become the answer :) For ebooks of my self-published works, however, get them from my Patreon shop. I walk away with about $8 off an $8.99 sale. It's incredibly good.
Again, recommending my books to your local library (there's usually an online form on their website) is hugely helpful because that's FREE for you and STILL MONEY for me! :D And libraries are awesome, so.
You can also sign up for my newsletter or join my Discord server to get notifications of special events when you can buy autographed books directly from me! This gets me even more money than Allstora, but I only run these events a couple times a year for special occasions.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for asking this question! I hope this helped!
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chichiichiii347 · 7 months
In the fan newsletter volume 100, the members were asked to answer to questions from each member and here’s my take on the translation:
Kyo > Toshiya
- Rich or Extremely rich? (referring to food such as ramen broth) Rich
- All humanity is turning into dogs: woof 🐶
- Very hard or very soft noodles? Hard
- Pigmon or Kanegon? (from Ultra Q) Pigmon
- Would you dye your hair blue again? If everyone dye their hair like the old days then I’ll consider it.
Die > Toshiya
- Are you the type who sleeps well at the hotels during tours? depends on which day
- How often do you change your smartphone? 4-5 years
- What do you usually order from Starbucks? Drip coffee
- Which electric appliances are you very particular about? Electric toothbrush
- If you were to drive, which car do you want to drive in? Shelby Cobra
Kaoru > Toshiya
- Any recommendations lately? ask and answer by yourself
- You’re not watching anime recently? I watch it sometimes
- Which is the most delicious ramen shop? If it’s hard to say here then tell me next time: I’ll tell you secretly
- What would you say if Die send you a picture with his hair completely shaved off? maybe he can’t deal with the intense heat..?
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? I want it to come with a different kind of excitement
Shinya > Toshiya
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? the US, Hawaii
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Musashi no Ken
- Are you becoming farsighted? My vision is getting worse so it could be that…
- Do you want to live in Nagano in the future? I'm thinking about it lately
- Are you planning to keep your black hair forever? Silver hair
Kyo > Kaoru
- Jumping up and down (びょんびょん) or chuckle (むひむひ)? (I think he’s referring to fans’ reaction) chuckle
- Which one is better, Light salt or Cheese Karl snack? Curry
- Aren’t you gonna grow your hair long? It’s troublesome
- Aren’t you going to dress up as a pirate? I’m not doing anything this Halloween, so I won’t do that
Kaoru > Kaoru
- Gonna do “it”? Give “it” to me
Die > Kaoru
- What make Hanshin so strong this year, let me hear your opinion: pineapple candy
- If a Hanshin member was to throw an MVP, who would that be? Kinami Seiya
- If you could scout one player from an 11-members team (other than Hanshin), who would that be? Yamamoto Yoshinobu
- If Hanshin finally got “it” after 18 years, what do you think is going to happen at the Dotonbori river? become the prey of Idiots, onlookers and youtubers.
* I don’t watch baseball so I’m not so sure about this whole conversation, but I know Die is a huge GIANTS fan while Kaoru is at Hanshin’s side, and people in Osaka often jump into the Dotonbori river when celebrating something big (new year, winning the olympic games..) so Die is talking as if the Hanshin would surely win the game (or winning over the GIANTS? idk..)
- If the GIANTS were to change the manager, who would that be? I think Abe Shinnosuke…? but the atmosphere would be…
Toshiya > Kaoru:
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? 1
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? 2
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2
- Which member is most likely to runaway from terrors? Kyo
- Who is the most manly member? Toshiya
Shinya > Kaoru
- Which country do you like aside from Japan?Hawaii
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Toriyama Akira
- Are you becoming farsighted? Yes, I am
- Who is your favourite Hanshin player? Kakefu Masayuki
- Which LINE stamp do you use the most? Kaoru chan
Kaoru > Kyo
- Any recommendations lately? Fish from Fukushima
- Are you building plastic models? I’m building them intensely
- What would you say if Shinya send you a picture of him and Tom Hanks? from Deep State?
- Have you seen Mad Heidi? I haven’t seen it, but I’ve watched MEN
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? Isn’t Ramen Jiro (without the broth) the best thing ever?
Toshiya > Kyo
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? must be 2, right?
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? maybe 2, to the future
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2, the inner strength (health)
- Who is the most affectionate member? Must be me
- Who is the best at telling lies? Must be Shinya
Die > Kyo
- Any scary experience at the hotels while touring? a fan peeping through a peephole and put their ear to the wall (in Osaka)
- Favourite game console? Mega Drive
- The most intimidating movie character in your opinion? Norman Bates
- How many pair of sneakers do you have? about 50?
- FOOD (don’t know why he’s using english here lol) that touched your soul lately? Blowfish dish from the restaurant that senpai took me to
Shinya > Kyo
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? None. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Jojo. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Are you becoming farsighted? Dunno. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Have you gotten more tatoos? I’ll get more when I’ve become a skin-head. Aren’t you Shinya!
- Will you give up smoking? No. Aren’t you Shinya!
Kyo > Die
- How many times do you go to the beach each year? when I think about it, I guess I haven’t went to the beach for years
- What is your choice of drink on a cruiser, beer or wine? I get drunk immediately after having wine so I think it’s better to go with beer
- The whole world is destroyed: If everything and everyone dissapear all at once then I’m not scared
- Won’t you dye your hair red again? or would you dye it blue? Frankly, during the pandemic when I could not see anyone, I’ve made a mistake and dyed my hair blue. It didn’t suit me at all, to the point that it gets creepy. So I cover it with red dye right on the next day.
- What’s your favourite colour other than red? BLACK&WHITE (he used english here)
Kaoru > Die
- Any recommendations lately? Prison’s book of rules
- Favourite type of meat for Yakiniku (grilled meat)? high-quality outside skirt steak, thick-sliced beef tongue, beef organs
- After Hara Tatsunori, who’s going to be the GIANTS next manager? I wanna see Abe Shinnosuke as the manager already
- What would you say if Kyo send you a picture of him standing on top of the mountain that he’s just climbed? The Zoom meeting has already started
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? raw (fresh) sound
Toshiya > Die
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? I’ve spent my whole life with this band so maybe 1
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? If I can not return to this life time then I’d want to see what the future is like
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? 2-I’ll work on my appearance somehow…
- Who’s a foodie among the members? Our interests may vary but isn’t everyone a foodie?
- Which members hold the most secrets? All of us are secretive but I think “that person” definitely stood out.
Shinya > Die
- Which country do you like aside from Japan? The humidity right now makes me really want to feel the air of Los Angeles
- Which manga did you like the most as a kid in elementary school? Captain Tsubasa
- Are you becoming farsighted? I’d say my vision has gotton worse from 2007-when I got lasik surgery
- Favourite GIANTS player? It’s hard to choose one, but I’d say Kuwasa Masumi, he lived near my house back in Osaka, and used to be my hero when I was in PL Academy
- Your luggages always seem heavy, which item is the heaviest of them all? Dyson airwrap styler, hair dryer, hair iron, hair oil, hair cream, hair treatment spray… most of the items that added weight to my luggage are hair related
Kyo > Shinya
- You’re already dead. No, I’m not dead
- If you can become another person, would you choose to be Yoshiki san or Gackt san? please choose one. I’ll choose Yoshiki san because I’m a drummer
- Aren’t you going to build a room in your balcony? I don’t have a balcony in the first place
- Would you try the punch perm hair style? I really want you to try it? or eipper. you only have two choices, punch perm or eipper? If only these two choices then eipper…
- You’re already dead. No. I’m not dead.
Die > Shinya
- Would you wear anything other colour aside from white at the liveshows? Please answer with something different from “No”. Maybe there’s no other options in the future?
- Would you change your hair style? Please answer with something different from “No”. Maybe there’s no other options in the future?
- Would you change your phone to the iphone 15? Please answer with something different from “No”. I’ll skip for once next time
- Favourite Apple’s product that you’ve owned? please also explain why. I’d say the Macbook Pro that I’m currently using. Without it, nothing will work out
- If you didn’t become a Youtuber then who would you be? Maybe a drummer
Kaoru > Shinya
- Any recommendations lately? What kind??
- What kind of game should I, Tooru and Fujieda play? Who’s “I”??
- If you have the Rock f Solo sheet for Kurenai (ロックfソロシート), please give it to me. I only have DIR’s records
- What would you say if Toshiya send you a picture of him DJ-ing in the club? You’re spinning the Kurenai Solo Sheet! Yay
- How do you want our next song (album) to turn out? Ah! the person who ask this question… must be Kaoru kun? Am I right? 😏😏😏
Toshiya > Shinya
- We will die at some point in life, would you rather (1) be remembered by everyone in the world or (2) always be remembered by one particular person until they die? Maybe everyone in the world
- If you have a chance to time-travel for once, which timeline would you choose (1) before you were born, (2) after you’ve passed away? Absolutely the future, I want to see the future world
- If there is one drug that brings super power, would you choose the one that (1) make you look young like your 20-year-old self or (2) keep the same appearance, but have the strength of a 20-year-old? Inner strength
- Who the most domestic member? Die san
- Most ambitious member? Kyo san
And that’s it. They haven’t change one bit 😂
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
Omg a fellow F1 enjoyer here!! I absolutely love all your works, but I especially loved that one even more! 🥺 can I request for the dateables and side characters too pleaseee? 🫣
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a/n: I'm glad you liked it! the demon bros were more like mc's little crew and it was such a cute idea. I think the others would still support mc in their own way too.
➤ when MC is a professional F1 driver | the dateables + mephisto
1.3k words | sfw | gn!reader | fluff & slice of life shenanigans
cw: developing relationships with the other characters (except for baby brother luke who is strictly platonic and mc's #1 fan).
related versions: the demon brothers
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— He's thrilled that you're forging your own path in the Devildom and that the demon brothers are involved.
— He's impressed by your abilities but he still worries about your safety.
— Every morning when Barbatos brings him his morning paper, he scans the front page and sports sections for articles or photos about you or your latest race.
— He saves clippings of all your newspaper/magazine appearances and keeps them in a scrapbook.
— His original intention was to give it to you as a gift when you finished your year in the exchange program. He ends up making copies for everyone who wants one and keeps the original for himself.
— He has his own impressive vehicles. your excitement is palpable when he shows you the collection in his garage. When you go out together, he offers you the keys and hopes that you'll take the wheel. (He can't explain why he likes it so much.)
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— He's a skilled driver himself even though he rarely needs to drive. Portals are so much simpler.
— The Devildom racing league tightens up its safety and security measures when you join. Barbatos personally oversees that their lax approach to rules and safety are amended. He argues that there's a fortune to be made for having the novelty of a human world driver on their track. He promises with fake smiles that their license and investments will suddenly be forfeit should anything happen to you due to their negligence.
— Barbatos doesn’t have a lot of free time to watch your races in person, but he follows your Devilgram account and watches the highlight reels that Asmo posts when he is done working for the day.
— He receives your fan club's newsletter. He's also purchased some merchandise as well, including a coffee mug he uses when he drinks tea privately in his chambers
— The Little D’s are some of your biggest fans too. Some of them make zoom-zoom noises as they race each other in the halls of the castle. (Little D Number 2 has tried to "borrow" Barbatos' fan merch, several times, but always gets caught.)
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— He's not sure why humans are so fascinated in sports or activities that look far too dangerous. He admires your passion and hates it at the same time.
— He’s a little nervous the first time you offer to take him out for a joy ride, but later he admits it was surprisingly enjoyable. (Anything with you is enjoyable, though.)
— He and Luke go to your races and both of them have a small collection of your fan merch.
— He’s very concerned about your safety. He knows humans are less durable than demons are and he watches from the stands with the pent-up energy of a bird about to take flight. If something happens, he's going to be out of his seat and flying to your side to help you.
— He secretly hopes you’ll retire from this career sooner rather than later because he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt (or worse) one day.
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— He’s fascinated by the sport and how talented you are. He thinks it's a little scary how fast the race cars drive and he reminds you before each race that winning isn't important, as long as you're safe and having fun!
— He makes cupcakes and other yummy treats for you to celebrate your big wins. The cake and icing is dyed the same bright colours as your racing car.
— He loves it when you give him a chance to visit you behind the scenes at the track: exploring the pit, letting him sit in your car with your too-big helmet teetering awkwardly on his head.
— The others get a little jealous when you show Luke special attention, like when you wave to him in the crowd before a race or hug him when he runs up to you after.
— Luke likes sitting shotgun when you drive him and the others around town or for little day trips. Mammon even gives you permission to take him for drives in his own car sometimes. (Mammon lets Luke sit in the front seat with you if the three of you go somewhere together.)
— Luke talks about you constantly with his roommates in Purgatory Hall. He also mentions you a lot to Michael and even offered to send him some of your fan merch.
— (Michael grows more curious about you with each story or photo Luke shares with him, but he won't admit it to himself or anyone else.)
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— Solomon doesn't have an interest in most human sports, but when he meets you, his interest in the racing world is piqued.
— Whenever he wants to go out somewhere, he insists that not only should you go with him, but that you should drive, too.
— (There's something about your cool confidence and quiet joy behind the wheel that makes him feel things.)
— Your fan following in the human world is almost as impressive as your growing popularity in the Devildom. He goes on a little shopping spree, buying up the various official and fan-made merch that was sold during your rise to success.
— He keeps his favourite items for himself but lets the others have their pick. You think it's embarrassing how he even managed to find some of this junk (really, who has a pristine copy of an old racing calendar?). The demons and angels divide it all amongst themselves without too much arguing—at first. (You leave when someone suggests Rock, Paper, Scissors to settle some of the arguments over the most coveted items everyone wants for themselves.)
— Solomon rolls his eyes when Mammon claims loudly that this stuff is gonna sell for a fortune in the Devildom, but he knows the Greed demon has no intention of selling any of it. (Asmo confirms later that Mammon keeps everything he claimed, including the little collectible figures of your old racing car, on a shelf in his bedroom.)
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— He's completely unimpressed with you when you first arrive, and he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. So what if you're human? You're completely ordinary and boring and unremarkable, so why should he care?
— The revelation about your human world profession, and your dramatic debut into the Devildom racing scene, changes his mind. Professionally, anyway.
— It's hard to refuse his next assignment when the prince himself takes such an interest in you. Mephisto is the RAD Newspaper Club representative tasked with covering your career and setting up interviews and photo-ops that the rest of the school are clamoring for.
— Mephisto really underestimates your popularity. He grits his teeth when Asmo cackles on the other end of the D.D.D. and informs him that he'll be added to the list of news outlets that want an interview with you.
— Seriously???
— (He refuses to be affected when you admit bashfully that interviews are something you'll never get used to, and that maybe if he's feeling generous, can he be kinder than some of the human world reporters used to be?)
— He gets special access, along with one of the Newspaper Club photographers, to the front row staging area so they can capture the best shots of you before, during, and after each race. He hates your bright smile when he grudgingly hands you a photo afterwards. Don't get the wrong idea, either: it's for his younger brother. Mephisto couldn't care less.
— (His brother is over the moon when Mephisto gives him the signed photo later. If he's smiling, it's only because his brother is happy!)
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chrisrin · 2 months
the latch batch of pre-orders are packed and i'm bringing them to the post office tomorrow!
i'll probably put leftover stock up in a few weeks? i'm a little worried i might've missed a charm or two in an order because my cat (love of my life. bane of my existence) decided to have play time in my pre-prepped packages and i came back to the crime scene of her having literally pulled a bunch of charms out of the packages in their little baggies, i guess she really liked them! but it meant that! i had a mess of unsorted charms that had already been packaged!
and after i packed everything back up i had (1) singular ranchers charm that didn't find a home that i Should Not Have. so someone is probably missing a rancher.
so i'll wait a tad for people to get their packages and if you happen to be missing any items feel free to reach out and e-mail me or use my shop's contact page, or dm me on tumblr i swear im friendly and do not bite.
i don't have a TON of leftover stock but i'm also not sure if i'll sell out again as quickly as last time? but either way if you do want to secure a lovely little charm and didn't before, it'll probably be around the 14th of april that i put the leftovers up.
i'll make an announcement on my socials reminding, and also i'll send an e-mail on my newsletter!
i do have more merch ideas and stuff i want to do in the future but after the leftovers i'm gonna take a step back for a few months and dig my teeth back into animating because a) i miss it and b) if i don't finish slow motion this year i will stop drawing for the rest of my life and c) the shop's been very time consuming and i need a bit of a break from it.
ANYWAYS THAT'S ALL!! upd8 from me. also for the scitties fans im working on hotguy comic zine stuff and ;) excited to show that stuff off in due time. i'm returning to my roots. those roots being drawing scar shirtless.
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formulaforza · 1 year
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daddy-daughter dance-- d.ricciardo
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader word count: 770 a/n: just like. who else would I write this about yk?
He’s been talking about it for ages, dreaming about it since you found out you were having a girl. They still do those, right? He’s asked, said his sister went to one every year when she was young. 
They do, still do it, you learned when she was five, and a newsletter came home with her from school advertising it. Baby, look at this, you told him, tapped on the headline in the corner of the page. Father-daughter dance. 
It was a Saturday, and he’d made a whole day out of it. Woke up early, earlier than usual, and made her favorite breakfast, served it to her in bed, woke her up with a soft kiss on the forehead, moving her sweaty hair from her face. 
After breakfast, they go to the spa–get pedicures. Daniel sends you lots of pictures, even more videos of her giggling uncontrollably in the big chair. After much contemplation, she chooses rainbow nails, with rainbow sparkles. A classy decision, Daniel tells her from behind the camera in the video he sent, very smart. 
When they get home she gifts you with two sets of foam toe separators, says they’re for the next time the two of you have a girls night. You thank her, put them in the bin that all of your nail polish is in, and then you start on her hair. 
She has his curls, long and thick and  wild and unruly. They’ve never been easy to tame. You wet them down, soak them with a spray bottle and slowly work through the tangles. “Are you excited to go to the dance with daddy?” You asked her, tugged on her hair and apologized. 
“I’m so excited!” She told you, mirrored your actions on the Barbie doll in her lap. “Me’s and Daddy will has so much fun.”
“You and Daddy will have so much fun.” You nod, re-align the part of her hair. “Daddy is sooo excited, too.”
“Really?” She says, shoots her eyes up to meet your in the mirror. 
You smile at her smile, at the crooked baby teeth and apple cheeks. “Oh, yeah.” You tell her, nod, reach for the curl cream. “The only thing he loves more than dancing is you.”
“You think?” She says, the th- sound horribly enunciated, dull and lispy and adorable. 
“I know.”
– –
Daniel’s in your bedroom, receiving updates from you, in your daughter’s room, via text. She’s wearing purple. You told him three outfit changes ago. Blue. I think we’ve settled on blue. She had not, in fact, settled on the blue dress. Yellow. Yellow, for sure. You finally said, after she looked into the mirror and said she looked like her favorite princess. 
You couldn't’ remember if he had a yellow tie–he has to, you think, you hope, because he is dead-set on matching her and there’s no way you’re going to make her pick a different outfit, no way your sanity can last another trip through her closet. 
She asks if you can put makeup on her, and you can’t imagine Daniel’s reaction to that–his little girl in makeup. You put the tiniest amound of blush on, a dollop of sparkly lipgloss, and run a dry spooly brush through her eyebrows and eyelashes. “Fabuolous!” She declares, spinning around in her dress and her dress-up disney-princess heels. 
She’s waiting on the couch, patiently playing with the tule on the skirt of her dress, picking at the sequins and the sparkles. She’s taken one of your purses hostage, a tiny white baguette bag slung over her shoulder. She put your lipgloss in it–just in case, Mom, she told you. Your lipgloss, and an old phone, sceen cracked and practically unusable, one she uses when her imagination is feeling extravagant. 
Daniel walks through the door with a bouquet of yellow and white flowers in his hand, and two plasti boxes–a white corsage and a matching boutonniere. You pin it on him, and he double wraps the elastic band of the corsage around her wrist so it doesn’t fall off, tells her she looks so lovely, beautiful like always. 
You take a million pictures of them on the front porch before they go, so many they’re both begging to go. We can’t be late, Mom, your daughter told you, huffed and crossed her arms. “Yeah, Mom.” Daniel teases, “We can’t be late.”
“Okay, okay.” You say, snap a couple more pictures, kiss them both goodbye. You watch on from the porch, hand over your heart, smile on your face while he helps her into the car like it’s a chariot, a horse-drawn carriage for a queen.
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haridraws · 1 year
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I have... NEWS!!!
I’m genuinely so excited there's going to be UK and translated versions of my big trans historical rom-com(ic).
It was honestly WILD to have so much interest on home ground and very surreal to talk to all these important people. Growing up I had a lot of people (including tutors...) tell me there were no careers in comics and I should stop making them. I was also a huge book nerd kid who (a) really wanted to be an author and (b) knew I was queer from a very young age, and I was so desperate for any crumbs of queer or trans characters. Back then I never found them them outside absolute tragedy / total villains, and never thought queer main storylines OR graphic novels would ever make it to mainstream UK publishing, let alone that I would get to do one.
Feeling relieved and grateful it’s been possible, and excited the book will be able to get to more people - and to show you all the story.
(Tag here with mini previews Newsletter here if you want to hear when the book comes out!)
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hi yaz 💕 i was wondering if you had any recs to start reading poetry. i like reading dreamy, melancholic or warm concepts? i don’t even know if this is useful. but i literally have no idea where to begin 😢
hi hi hi! omg i’m actually so excited on your behalf... getting into poetry is like opening a door you always knew was there for the very first time and stepping into a brand new world laid out just for u! there is absolutely no wrong way to go about exploring it. 💌
firstly i really recommend signing up for a daily poetry newsletter because i have found so many wonderful poems that way. you can sign up for the poetry foundation newsletter here & the academy of american poets newsletter here & the paris review newsletter here! poetry anthologies are also a wonderful way of getting a taste of a lot of different works centered around a particular time period or theme & poking around in the poetry section for an interesting one next time u find yourself at a bookstore might be very rewarding for you!
and secondly here are some recs that came to mind when i thought of the words dreamy, melancholic, and warm. luckily there are lots of poems out there that fit these parameters. i hope u like them!
heart by dorianne laux
there is a gold light in certain old paintings by donald justice
the shampoo by elizabeth bishop
we have not long to love by tennessee williams
the leaving by brigit pegeen kelly
winter love by linda gregg
your night is of lilac by mahmoud darwish
my mother’s music by emilie buchwald
this morning by jay wright
effort at speech between two people by muriel rukeyser
in the museum of lost objects by rebecca lindenberg
sometimes, when the light by lisel mueller
a girl ago by lucie brock-broido
a song on the end of the world by czesław miłosz
dead butterfly by ellen bass
the spinner by paul valéry
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davidmariottecomics · 6 months
Goodbye IDW! Hello Something New!
Hi there! 
After seven years and some change, today, 12/22/2023, is my last day at IDW Publishing. It's for good reasons. Things just timed out that my last day could be the last work day of the year for IDW and in the new year, I'll be starting a new job elsewhere. I'll still be in comics and once I can talk about the new gig, I'm really stoked to be letting you all know. So, today, I want to say my goodbye to IDW. 
But first, before I get to that, I did have something else notable happen this week. I sent my last tweet!  I'm officially shutting down my Twitter at the end of the year and if you see a Twitter account claiming to be me after January 1st, it's an imposter. If you'd like to keep up with me, however, I've got good news! There are lots of other ways to find me still. Here are a few! 
Check out and bookmark my website! Get access to my blog, plus lots of behind the scenes stuff and new projects at my Patreon!  Subscribe to a newsletter version of my blog for free at Buttondown!  Follow my blog on Tumblr!  Keep up with my main socials: Bluesky and Instagram (I'm @davidmariotte at both)! 
Okay, with that out of the way, let's talk about it. This is not my first time saying goodbye. In fact, almost exactly a year ago, I said my farewells to Transformers, one of the hallmarks of my IDW run. I don't want to revisit that too much, so if you want to read about my early days at IDW or that part of my career or a big list of thank yous to my collaborators, you can! And while I've had significant runs with other books, most notably Sonic the Hedgehog which with January's Sonic: Fang the Hunter #1 will mark 100 issues of Sonic at IDW under my editorial eye, or my personally exciting, if shorter runs on stuff like Godzilla, Samurai Jack, the Hasbro Action books, Canto, Scarenthood, The Kill Lock, The October Faction, Wynonna Earp, Brynmore, Atomic Robo, or literally so many other books, I don't want this to just be a retrospective on the work. In fact, I'm largely not interested in talking about the past when I say goodbye this time. 
IDW has afforded me a lot. They've helped me find my place in the industry. They let me do some writing. They let me do a lot of editing. I learned various other skills both through directly on the course of the job and through my own interest because of what I was doing and seeing there. I have made true lifelong friendships. And I have made comics. So leaving feels weird. I'm very bummed to be leaving a place that really has been my home (and for the past couple of years, has quite literally been mostly at my home) for so long. But I am even more excited about what's to come. On my side, I can't announce it just yet, but watch this space for some big news soon (after a couple weeks of much needed vacation). 
Talking about the future I actually can say a little more about, I wanna tell you how excited I am for IDW. Yes, I'm leaving, but IDW remains home to so many people--both at the company and our freelance creators--and so many projects that are close to my heart. Next year is their 25th anniversary. That is an impressive feat in not just the world of comics, but any industry. For the milestone, they've got a lot of cool stuff planned. 
I'm not going to blow up IDW's spot and say anything about what's coming up too early. Just to talk about the things that are already public knowledge, you've got things like the new TMNT: The Last Ronin sequel! The TMNT ongoing on it's road to issue #150! There are cool new originals like Golgotha Motor Mountain! There's the launch of the aforementioned Fang the Hunter which is IDW's first Classic Sonic mini-series and sees 100 unique issues of Sonic at IDW and is just laugh-out-loud funny and full of such good action! And I'll tease this, when the Sonic ongoing is back with issue #69 in May, you'll be in for an absolute treat as that series runs up to #75! 
I know some readers of this blog don't read a ton of American direct market comics. You aren't "Wednesday Warriors" who go to the comic shop every week. You like the comics you like and I've been graced to be a person working on those comics. If you aren't as familiar with how these comics work, let me assure you of a couple things. The books I was editing and many unannounced projects that I set up will still be happening. Because of the timelines of comic production, you'll still see my name in IDW books for a few more months and, at the same time, you'll see new credits creeping in. And if we've done everything right, that'll be about the only thing you'll notice is different, at least at first. As the editors really take the reins and take over, we'll both be in for the treat of the unknown! I'll be reading them with a good sense of professional jealousy. 
Now, there's one other book that has been announced for next year and I wanted to do a special call out for. Godzilla: Valentine's Day Special went to press this week. It's the last IDW book I saw all the way from inception to completion. And, in many ways, it's kind of a really good analogy of a comics editorial career. I think, genuinely, this may be the book that went from conception to reality the fastest in my career. I think it took... less than a week from a half-joking suggestion of doing a Godzilla Valentine's Day book to getting Zoe Tunnell's pitch in and approved by Toho and getting it on the publishing schedule. Usually these things take a bit--people are working on other projects, licensors need time to review things, whatever other bumps happen along the way--but this was like lightning. Everyone just got it instantly. And then Zoe turned in the script and it was great! Things continued, as they do, and then... we got a curveball or two. I won't go into too much detail, but major thanks to Sebastian Piriz and Rebecca Nalty for getting it done and having a book that we were all so proud of that I could send to press this week. And it struck me on that final press day that despite the curveballs we had been thrown, when it came to actually getting it approved, everything was so easy, straightforward, and smooth. When you read it in February, if I've done my job right, maybe you'll remember seeing somewhere that there were some curveballs. But mostly, you'll just have a really good book in your hands. (BTW, you did JUST MISS the final order cutoff on that, so do check in with your shop about still trying to get you a copy!) 
Most of the time, after a book like that goes to press, an editor gets ready to do it again--maybe in a few minutes or days or the next week. For the first time in a long time, I won't be getting ready to do it again at IDW. That's a complicated feeling, but I'm so excited for the future. 
The best metaphor I've been able to come up with for what is happening is it's like I've been working in a one room office constantly for the past seven years. It's got that dull office lighting, you know the kind. Each day, projects come and go across my desk, and as they otherwise disappear into the world, I put up one of those glow-in-the-dark stars as a memory of it. And each day, I work with so many people--my coworkers at IDW who've helped foster my growth, my collaborators as both a writer and editor who have made so many stories with me, all the folks where things never quite lined up but we kept trying, and the readers who are an inherent part of the ecosystem, the reason we make what we do. And so, for each of those people, I put up a little glow in the dark toy. 
Now, for the first time, I'm going to get up and leave the office. As I flick the switch behind me, everything in there that has been soaking up light for years now glows. Some of the glows are slight. Some are so fantastically bright, it feels like they're drawing attention through the walls of the room. Together, they make the room brighter than it was when I left. Now, sometimes, I might sneak in to borrow a toy--make a copy of it for the new office I'm doing the same thing in. Other people will certainly do the same and make they've got their Evan Stanley figure on their shelf. If I ever return for a longer time, I'll be so glad to flick the light back on and let them all absorb even more light to glow an even longer time. If I don't, I rest happy that the glow goes on and forever people will be able to come back and discover some part of it. And I'll start working on a new office soon. 
If I keep going,  I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to stop. So, for now, I'll just say again, thank you. The future is about to be very exciting. Next year is for the creators you love or don't know you love yet, the books that are going to light you up that you've come to expect and the ones that will catch you by total surprise. While there are a lot of things I'm going to miss deeply and books that I'm going to wish I had gotten to do more on, I also have the really exciting experience of getting to see this stuff as a fan of IDW, just like you. And, hey, I hope you'll be a fan of the stuff I do next too! 
As for next steps, like I've said, I'm not going far. I'll still be in comics. I'll share the news when I can.
Before that, I'm getting a little break. Not too long, just a few weeks, and obviously the holidays are part of those, but in my time between my jobs, I'm going to be working on some personal projects. I put together a little tracking list recently and I have something like 40 projects in various stages of gestation right now. Obviously, I'm not going to be working on all of those at once, and chances are, some of them will never see the light of day, but I'm going to be working on trying to bring a couple of them to you in the new year (and beyond). If you're an artist that I've had the pleasure of working with in the past and you think you might be interested in peeping the list and seeing what we could do together, let me know. You can reach me on my website contact page, through my email, or through Discord (feel free to ask if you don't have it!). 
And if you read this blog, you'll see me hyping my last IDW projects up until we run out of what I left behind. Simultaneously, once I've got stuff to start hyping up for my personal projects and for the new gig, you'll see those start to pop up here too! I'll also keep talking about making comics and my thoughts on the state of the world and whatever else it is I blog about here on a regular basis! 
Thanks for reading. Bye-DW! Next week, I'll be doing a little Best of 2023. But for now, onto our regular features. 
What I enjoyed this week: Dungeons & Daddies (Podcast), Reverse 1999 (Video Game), Nancy (Comic), Lego Masters (TV show), Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (Short story collection), Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links (Video Game), Cunk on Earth (TV show), I'm a Virgo (TV show), The Boy and the Heron (Movie), an easy last week at IDW, all the well-wishes that've already poured in, leaving today to celebrate Christmas with my family and then have some downtime to work on my stuff, signing the paperwork for the new job, not being on Twitter anymore, getting all of our mail out in a timely fashion for the holidays, Chainsaw Man (Manga), I picked up Superman and Hawkgirl, so excited to get caught up on those, and knowing that in leaving this job, there are certain folks I just get to deepen my relationships with as friends, instead of co-workers. 
New Releases this week (12/20/2023): Godzilla: The War for Humanity #3 (Editor) Godzilla Rivals: Jet Jaguar vs. Megalon (Editor)
Announcements: The Cartoonist Cooperative is still doing E-Sim cards for Gaza. You can donate a digital sim card so that residents can get access to the internet and have more functional phones and, in exchange, get some comics or a drawing or whatever else is available from the many participating artists. Additionally, the CC is hosting their mini-comic awards! It's a cool way to maybe get your mini-comic recognized and make some scratch!
You can also give more directly. If you don't have money, and I get it, you can call or fax or email or show up at the offices of your representatives. Keep your eyes open for actions too, whether they're another general strike or demonstrations and marches in your area. Given the nature of the things, they often come together fairly quickly, so do exercise your due diligence. Also, of course, being informed and just giving your time to Palestinian journalists and writers is incredibly valuable. 
While Becca has got some things brewing for next year (and now on a schedule), you should reach out if you'd like to work on comics with them! You can find their gallery on their website and also, y'know, maybe pick up a few things for belated gifts while you're there!
Finally, I called out my Patreon earlier. You can support me (and boy, that would be cool during the time between paychecks because vacation is nice, but living is still expensive) and get not just this blog, but a lot of cool special features like extra posts, comics, infographics, and more! At the $10+ levels, you can also access stuff like a holiday gift guide I made, a podcast pilot for a spicy show with Becca, and a ton more! 
Pic of the Week: Happy holidays from Becca and me! If you wanna full card in your inbox, lemme know! 
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beebfreeb · 5 months
DIDL + Website Status Update
You may have noticed that I have not updated my website in quite some time. I've also noticed this, and I enjoy working on my webpage, so this has made me quite sad.
I've made a decent amount of progress since I first announced my webpage design overhaul, and I have to say: I like how it's going!
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Obviously unfinished, but I'm excited about it.
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About half of the illustrations for 18 are done so far, I have another side comic finished, and the writing for intermission 2 is coming along well.
If possible, the updated website should be out in February 2024, with more regular updates to DIDL afterwards.
More under the Read More below! I tend to ramble + have a bunch of misc bonus stuff I haven't posted (I think).
Feedback on any issues with the current website layout is wonderfully appreciated. You can contact me here, or use my email which can be found on the website.
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(I haven't been able to start on the new DREAMLAND main page yet, but I'm very excited to share everything I've been working on when I can!) I really want to work on more Extra Content. While I have some short comics scripted out, I just have so much information in my head and no idea what is best to present first...! If you can think of something I could expand on, I'd be happy to hear it. What would be fun to see?
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Also, an update on my very long body type and height reference lineup. I'm unsure if I'll add anyone else, as this is just for characters who I consider major enough to keep consistent heights.
I also have this Phoebe turnaround because I planned to 3D model her before I got very sick in November, and I've yet to return to modeling... I'll get back to it eventually.
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Outfit sketches I geniunely can't remember if I've ever posted or not (if not, tell me, so that I can upload them in a separate post!)
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And finally,
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(^ I want to add more of this style of graphics around the website. Is anyone interested in a sort of "page-doll" type graphic?)
This concludes DIDL newsletter Tumblr exclusive. I should set up a real newsletter one day, so I can force people to check their emails.
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neontoad · 7 months
“Chuuya Is a Sore Loser” needs a special edition, Dazai thinks one day, a genius prank idea brewing in his head. He’s not gonna lie - he’s really proud of this plan. He’s the best strategist of the Port Mafia for a reason - and his talents span further than planning missions. 
Step one - install a hidden camera in Chuuya’s kitchen.
Step two - get Chuuya drunk on some shitty wine and watch him embarrass himself, every single bit of his drunken delirium caught on tape. 
Step three - send the video to everyone in the Port Mafia and have a good laugh. With the nature of the prank, he won’t even have to bother with printing the newsletter out. Saving trees AND humiliating the hat rack? 
Sounds like a perfect plan. 
Installing the camera is a piece of cake - Dazai had messed with Chuuya’s apartment so many times, that he’d probably be able to do it in the dark with his eyes closed. 
Luckily, Chuuya immediately agrees to Dazai’s proposal to come over with a bottle of wine, his text message read and answered within seconds. Silly slug - he makes it so easy. Too easy, even. 
Just to be sure the plan works out, Dazai shows up with two bottles. He knows Chuuya has a very low alcohol tolerance, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?
After the third glass, Chuuya���s cheeks get all red, a sure sign that he’s almost had a little bit too much. With his brows furrowed and speech slurred he already looks hilarious, but Dazai just knows it’s about to get even funnier. What is Chuuya going to do today? Dance to some obscure Eurodance music? Sing anime openings from the 90s? Tell some trashy story from his Sheep days?
Dazai has no idea and it makes him vibrate with excitement. He glances at the camera and pours some more wine into Chuuya’s glass. He takes a sip and puts the glass on the table with a loud thud. 
The show is about to start, Dazai thinks triumphantly. 
Chuuya makes a strange sound and Dazai giggles internally - seems like the Port Mafia will have the pleasure of seeing the “best” martial artist, the gravity manipulator Nakahara Chuuya throwing up all over his kitchen floor. Perfect. 
Another sound escapes Chuuya’s mouth. And another one. And another, until Dazai, to his horror, realises that Chuuya is sobbing, his shoulders jerking up and down, tears streaming down his red face as he desperately tries to wipe them away. 
“I have no one,” he wheezes through his tears. “They are all gone.”
Dazai takes another glance at the camera, immediately looking back at Chuuya. His eyes are red, his hair sticks to his wet cheeks, and the look in his eyes is eerily unnerving. It’s so raw that it looks like Chuuya can see right through him. Dazai opens his mouth but no sound leaves his mouth. What can he even say?
“I only have you, shitty Dazai,” Chuuya sobs. “You are the only person I have left. Don’t you leave me, too.”
The breakdown as well as the excessive amounts of wine seem to have drained Chuuya of the last of his energy. With his head on the kitchen table, he falls asleep, soft hiccups interrupting his even breathing. 
For a few minutes, Dazai sits still, watching Chuuya’s back go up and down, his wailing still ringing in his ears: “You are the only person I have left”.
He takes the camera and turns it off. 
Chuuya is way too heavy to be carried all the way to the bedroom, so Dazai lays him on the couch in the living room and covers him with a blanket. Tiptoeing around the kitchen, he cleans up, places a glass of water on the coffee table and quietly leaves. 
When Dazai gets home, he breaks the SD card in half. 
He doesn’t sleep that night.
The next day Chuuya doesn’t show up to work. The Port Mafia meetings are even more boring without him, and Dazai wonders if he should go and check on him. 
He doesn’t. 
Chuuya is back the following day. It’s as clear as a day that he tries his best to avoid Dazai, and when he can’t, he averts his gaze and doesn’t react to a single taunt Dazai throws at him. 
Naturally, Dazai comes to Chuuya’s apartment in the evening.
Usually, Chuuya throws something at him, or yells abuse, or kicks him down the stairs when Dazai breaks in. This time, Chuuya’s reaction makes Dazai’s blood freeze. 
“Leave me alone,” he whispers, his face full of horror and… shame?
Dazai takes a step forward.
“Leave me alone,” Chuuya stubbornly says again, stepping back. “Or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
Unfazed by the empty threats, Dazai crosses the room and looks into Chuuya’s eyes. He can still see the flames hiding in them behind the crippling shame, and he has to admit that the raging fire looks gorgeous with icy blue, contradiction as bright as Chuuya himself. 
Dazai cuts him short, wrapping his arms around Chuuya’s shoulders and pulling him close, instantly feeling the tension in Chuuya’s body disappear as he slowly raises his arms and wraps them around Dazai’s waist. 
He doesn’t know how long this moment lasts — it could be seconds. Minutes. Centuries. All he knows is that it’s more than enough time to say what he wants to say without using any words. 
Although… There is something that he’d like Chuuya to hear.  
Chuuya’s hair smells of peppermint, and when Dazai leans down to Chuuya’s ear, he thinks that it might easily become his new favourite smell.
“I’m not leaving you.”
Thank you for reading! Nezu on twt made the loveliest artwork for this little story, make sure to check it out!
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
Miss CEO - Instagram AU
(Bengals Quarterback! Joe Burrow x Beauty Influencer OC)
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liked by yourinstagram, and 270,155 more users
MISHTIMAKEUP: introducing “Mishti Makeup” a new make-up brand created by @.yourinstagram.
after many years of hard work through cosmetology school, collaborating with other make-up brands, and building up the social media platforms, the day that our Chief Executive Officer has dreaming about since she was a little girl is finally here 🤎✨
it’s important to click the website in our bio to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our upcoming make-up collection launches and sales!
view all 95,420 comments
yourinstagram: i’m very excited for this new journey!
↳ MISHTIMAKEUP: we love you! - social media intern.
nikkietutorials: i can’t wait to try out all of the new make-up products!
mamaburrow: i’m so excited to support you!
varijstylez: this was one of the hardest secrets that i have had to keep in my life… i’m so happy that the news of your company is finally out in the world!
joeyb_9: i’m so proud of you princess 💗
↳ yourinstagram: thank you 😽 i’m proud of me too!
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liked by joeyb_9, and 300,851 more users
yourinstagram: Miss CEO Of Mishti Makeup.
view all 119,663 comments
yourlittlesister: so… since the CEO of Mishti Makeup is a my big sister, does this mean i get free products?!
↳ yourinstagram: hmm… i don’t know if you deserve those privileges 🤔
↳ yourlittlesister: i’m your little sister that was your makeup model for many years… that means i have automatically earned those privileges of free products.
joeyb_9: it’s more like… Miss CEO Of My Heart.
↳ yourinstagram: stop flirting with me on instagram…
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like by 66,925 more users
DailyJLBurrow: Instagram Stories from (12/5/22)
view all 9,616 comments
username1: Joe posting about his girlfriend and Spongebob Squarepants on his IG stories… now all he needs to do is post something related to football and then Joe would’ve posted his holy trinity in one day!
username2: the Bengals beat the Kanas Chiefs yesterday but Joe is making it a priority to post about his girlfriend’s business over the football game win.
↳ username3: Chiefs fans really wanted to get a reaction out of Joe but it’s clear that he’s so unbothered even with the game win!
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liked by joeyb_9, and 333,799 more users
yourinstagram: just the two of us @.joeyb_9 🤎
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mamaburrow: the two of you are so cute!
joeyb_9: roses are red, violets are blue… you’ll be the 6 and i’ll be the 9.
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liked by 99,725 users
BeautyGuru_Updates: Y/N’s instagram story of her and NFL Bengals Quarterback Joe Burrow.
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username1: we really are getting spoiled with Y/N and Joe content today… this is a rare occasion!
↳ username2: and when we do get spoiled of content, it’s just their shadows or blurry photos… it’s never clear pictures, we get spoiled while living off crumbs.
username3: i still can’t believe my favorite beauty guru and my dad’s favorite NFL Quarterback are DATING?!
liked by yourinstagram and 509,917 more users
joeyb_9: Unbothered.
view all 4,183 comments
Bengals: 🔥🔥🔥
yourlittlesister: i have the coolest future brother in law!
yourinstagram: are you a parking ticket… because you’ve got ‘fine’ written all over you 😽
↳ joeyb_9: so you don’t like when i flirt with you in your instagram comments… but here you are, flirting with me in my instagram comments?!
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Author’s Note:
if you have a request for an IG AU, please send the Instagram AU request in my inbox and i’ll try to get the IG AU requested published as soon as possible.
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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ivy-diaries · 23 days
‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT S1 ep #2◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
˒ wc! 3k
˒ starring! Ivy Kang , Yeonjun Choi
˒ taglist! @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if you wanna be added)
˒ desc! on this episode of "The Ivy Incident" ivy welcomes her husband, TXT'S Yeonjun as the first guest of the season where they talk about their relationship, wedding and much more!
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The Ivy incident intro plays and ivy is once again seated in the same place as last episode but this time, the camera is just showing her instead of the whole setting. Ivy smiles and leans in so the mic can catch her voice nice and sound.
“Hey guys!! welcome or welcome back to the Ivy incident! if you didn't know already this is a podcast where I invite my friends and close people to come on and just have a good chat for sometime! if you guys haven't done all the basics about adding this pod to your favorites and giving it a review of your choice, do it right now and putting all of that aside, let's begin!” she grins, claps her hands together and looks at the camera. The grin is somewhat a naughty one. not the kind you think… get your mind off the gutter!
She chuckles and continues, “last week for our first episode, we had no guest and it was just me and Diane in the studio by ourselves but today, we have a very exciting and probably the most requested one after I asked who I should invite here. and probably I should mention this too, this person was the most excited to be here too!” There's a deep chuckle heard in the background and Ivy looks off camera and smiles. 
“So without further ado, let's have the first guest of the season introduce themselves!” she adds on and the camera pans out and TXT's Yeonjun comes into frame with an identical mic set up as ivy. He chuckles before speaking, “hi everyone. this is tomorrow by together's yeonjun or in this scenario jen's husband and just like she mentioned, im very excited to be here” 
A few claps are heard behind the camera, probably from the couple's staff members and the couple start laughing at that. “Thank you so much for that guys, we're honored to have that kind of a welcome” she laughs and the scene cuts to a small video of yeonjun just to introduce him and a small snippet of ivy and yeonjun’s wedding video.
“So! how does it feel to be here finally? and how have you been? update us on recent life happenings!” Ivy asks her husband and smiles lovingly at him as he stares at her with the same if not more affection than her stare.  
“So the first and obvious thing is that I got married to my beautiful wife and yes, married life is so great! And other than that, we’re preparing for a comeback as a group and for a tour if i can say that yet… and that has been hectic but it's fun to be back with the boys after a while.” he answers ivy with a smile. 
She smiles in return, “That's so nice to hear! Although it's not fun to watch you come home late and tired, it's nice to hear you're having fun with the guys! So we got a lot of questions from moas, soleils and the viewers of this pod who have subscribed to the email newsletter. There were a lot of repeated questions, I heard.. So we’re gonna do the ones that were frequently asked! Are you ready to begin this husband?” she asks him and smiles at him (for the millionth time) 
“Yup! I was born ready! Also, I love it when you call me your husband if I'm being honest.” he answers and gives her a lovesick smile which makes her giggle in return. 
“Okay! First question! This is too funny to not read it verbatim oh my god! It says, What was the man's first impression of Ivy? “ ivy reads it and laughs 
“Not the yeonjun slander again oh my god” yeonjun says and laughs with her but stops laughing eventually to answer the question 
“I think at first, I was just intimidated by her sheer talent and the fact that she was a senior. Like if we go back to the beginning and before we both met each other, she had already established a name for herself at what? The age of 14, 15? To think of it now is pure insanity! Wait.. i think i’ve gone off topic here, but yea, to me she was a cool senior and even though she was younger than me, she was the most talented person i’d ever seen. When I saw her on that monthly evaluation, I still remember the date by the way, I fell in love instantly. The way she carried herself was and is still mind blowing to me.” he concludes after yapping for a bit.
Ivy looks starstruck at his explanation and chuckles. “I knew you’d have stuff to say but I didn't know you’d say so much! And for the record, I do too remember the date of the day we first saw each other and actually it's more memorable because i had bought my polaroid camera with me that day and a few of the trainees asked me if they could take a picture with me and he was one of them and with him, we took two pictures and i took one polaroid with me and he took one with him. Mine is still in my photobook!” She tells the camera her side of the story and a few awws are heard from behind the camera and the couple just laugh.
“Okay, so I will read the next question! Who said "I love you" first? Oohh okay a classic question” yeonjun reads it off and looks at ivy
“He did. Although I felt that I loved him, it took me quite some time to say it out loud.. He said it to me when we were “cooking” ” she air quotes it and laughs “we were making a mess literally. And then we were suddenly slow dancing and then we started giggling and then through the giggles he suddenly goes oh my god i love you and i freeze. And then he realizes he's said it out loud and then he freezes but he’s quick to recover. He gives me a smile and says like it’s very true but like you don’t have to say it back just cause i've said it now.. Take your time and stuff and all of this is not going into my head” she laughs “it's just going in one ear and off the other. But like it took me a few more months to muster up the courage and finally say it. And when i did, he cried” yeonjun laughs at her words recounting the scene in his head 
The couple take a few moments to recover and then they're back with the third question. “Ooh this one’s a little spicy “Have you guys ever been caught in the act? What was your guys’ reaction?” ” she reads it out and looks at her husband.
They hold eye contact for a good 5 seconds before bursting out laughing. “Poor beomgyu has seen stuff way more times than he should've '' she says.
“But like yeah.. Like all couples, we’ve been caught doing some stuff a few times.. I mean thank god not in the middle of the act but like we’ve been caught by beomgyu i think thrice? And once by my mum and thankfully that's it.. I don’t wanna explain this any more than that since we have a lot of young viewers'' Ivy laughs before concluding
“Ok! Fourth question? “how did all your friends react when you told them you were engaged?” That is a great question cause we have footage for all of these! I filmed it and stay tuned for it guys, the wedding series will be posted soon! It's just that I'm having a hard time editing and working at the same time so I don't know how long it’ll take but I’ll try my best to finish them asap! But anyways back to the question..” 
“Okay for starters, they were really happy but they were all really reactions” yeonjun says and Ivy laughs remembering them. 
“To start with the boys, they were all very happy for us and you know since they’ve been with us ever since we started dating, they know everything that went down, they kept saying that we really belonged to each other and made each other the better version of ourselves. It was really nice to hear it actually” ivy says and yeonjun nods agreeing. 
“To say I received threats from all of her friends is an understatement. And to make matters worse, they're my friends too.” Ivy laughs at his words. 
“The pandora girlies were mostly really happy for us although some of them pretended to have a sob party over this” ivy laughs. 
“Lua, obviously, was very sweet about it, she congratulated us and wished us the best as always.. Jeongie however, was the one we were all looking out for you know, since i’ve known her for a pretty long time, and as i expected, she teared up making a few of us tear up as well.” she laughs at the memory. 
“The funny thing is, me and her were like hugging each other and crying and like that was it, and the next day i hear beomgyu going like “yeonjun hyung is gonna sleep with both eyes open cuz he made jeongie cry” and the even funny part is enha didn't even know why she cried but was like “hyung what did you do” and the whole time i was just on the floor laughing” ivy laughs. 
“My misery is so funny isn't it?” yeonjun asks and laughs “oh that wasn't even the bad ones, just you wait” he says looking directly into the camera making everyone laugh.
“Rin went absolutely wild. She was jumping, screaming one second and the next she was like all serious and was like “omg what would happen to your careers and stuff” and we had to remind her that like the public would not be mad if we got married but would absolutely come for our throats if we didn’t and then she was back to being unhinged and took like a million pictures of my ring in a million different angles.” ivy laughed and showed the camera her ring
“Can i just tell you how offended she got because i didn’t ask her for jens hand and like her opinion of the ring? She was out for my throat. And at one point she tried to drunk fight me.. Like actually throw hands and i'm not gonna like i was terrified” yeonjun says making everyone laugh 
“She threw me a party for like my promotion to fiance from girlfriend where she was just asking me every single detail of the proposal” ivy laughs
“Inka had almost the same reaction, she pushed me away to give jen a hug, again, threatened me with a "if you hurt her i'll kill you" look but to my surprise, by the end of it, she teared up and like genuinely congratulated us” yeonjun says smiling 
“The others were all really happy and like gave us the biggest hugs and like you could tell they were all really happy for us by their reactions.” Ivy says. 
“Okay, next question, what is this the fifth question? “Who first brought up the option of marriage? Was it an easy topic?” that's a great question”
“Hmmm… the first time I think we ever brought up marriage was when we were stuck in lockdown together and had nothing better to do..” ivy laughs “we had both agreed we were not ready yet and would wait a year or two more to even get engaged and that timeline worked perfectly i guess.. But surprisingly every now and then I get a few comments from people that I got married too young? I mean relatively i am young but i was not too young when i got married so i don't really understand their point” ivy says and yeonjun nods. 
“Next question, this question is really interesting “What made Ivy and and yeonjun realize that they're in love with each other and what was their big 'oh I want to marry this person' moment???” ” ivy reads of the question 
“Okay i’ll go first.. I think my big moment was, this is kinda bad if i say it out loud oh my god” yeonjun laughs but continues nonetheless and ivy just gives him a raised eyebrow
“This was on our second anniversary.. I had big plans for us not gonna lie.. Even if I think about it now, the eighteen year old me had some rizz.. So naturally I was very excited, but when I went to pick Jen up, she was as sick as sick could get. She was throwing up and stuff and I could not just stand there and watch it happen. I threw off my blazer - yes I wore a blazer.. I spent the night taking care of her and I actually liked it.. Like it made me realize that I'd give up on anything to make sure she was okay and I think that's when I realized I wanted to spend my life with her” he concludes with a soft smile. 
Ivy is seen with a smile and glossy eyes and she laughs when a few staff point it out. “I know this because he mentioned it when he was drunk once and I sobbed over it. But it never fails to make me tear up. Uhm.. it's kinda funny because my realization is the morning after this” ivy laughs as she dabs her eyes with a tissue her husband handed her. 
“I woke up the next morning and was obviously a lot better and just saw him on the side of my bed sitting on a stool sleeping.. And like for a moment i was very surprised and then it hit me that like i was sick on our anniversary and had ruined it… but when i looked around, i realized that he had taken care of me and i don't know how to describe this feeling but i was very grateful that he had done that for me and it was only after he left my place that day and after my schedules, i realized that i actually hated living alone and not coming home knowing he’d be there waiting or he’d come home to me as well.. Does that make any sense? We wouldn't live together for two more years but still.." Ivy says and turns to yeonjun and gives him a loving smile. 
“Seventh question! “Have you guys ever thought of having a family?” oohhh” yeonjun reads it and looks at ivy
“We have but not anytime soon…. I’d love to have a family one day but not now because truthfully i think we’re both doing really well career wise and we have a few more things we want to accomplish before you know, taking it slow and have a baby.. Plus, we’ve talked about it and we don't want to raise our child in the city because as much as i love the city vibes, it’s not my ideal place to start a family if it makes any sense” ivy replies
“Everything Jen said and like at the end of the day, it’s her body and just like Rachel Green said, no uterus no opinion.” yeonjun says and the staff bursts laughing. 
“Third to last question!! “Who cooks and who washes the dishes?” these questions are freaking everywhere omg” ivy laughs 
“Well it depends on who gets home first! If I get home first, I cook or if he does, he cooks! It's simple in the choi household!” ivy smiles 
“Second to last! “Who's the closest to their in-laws?” That is a good question isn't it?” yeonjun says. 
“Well we’re both very close to each other’s families so I wouldn't really compare who's closer.. But jun is very close to my brother cuz they're the same age and they match each others vibes and i’m pretty close to his mother and i'm so thankful for this but like she makes me vegetarian friendly dishes of like actual korean dishes so i can eat them too and it's soo sweet of her and i love her for it” she says giving the camera a hand heart knowing her mother-in-law watches her videos. 
“Last question “what were your vows? And how was your wedding day” oh no..” ivy laughs as she reads the question. 
“Okay we’re not gonna answer this right now because we have a video of it but we’ll give you like little insights of it” she says 
“I wrote stuff about our past and what we promised each other when we were young.. I mean we were and still are pretty young but we were just kids when we started dating. I mean she was 16, I was 17… and I mean we are still just 24 and 25 but we were literally just kids when we met and we had so many dreams and things we wanted to achieve individually and together and I think we are doing pretty fine compared to what we started..” yeonjun says smiling 
“I mean it was really emotional and we made almost everyone cry hearing it and we still cried looking at the video when we got it back from our photographer.. I’d say we had a pretty normal wedding for people who work in this industry. Because we had like a few ceremonies” ivy laughs 
“The first, we had it in Paris where we had a little private wedding and then we came back to korea and had, not a wedding but we had like a reception or a large dinner party you could say because most of our friends and jun’s family lives in korea. And then we had our final ceremony in the US because most of my family lives there. The one in Korea was somewhat public but the other two were not and I'm really thankful for it if I'm being honest. Because we know how some people are from just seeing airport footage of idols these days. So like I was saying.. Am I yapping now?” Ivy asked and it made yeonjun laugh. 
“No no you're fine go on” yeonjun laughs 
“As I was saying.. We had a really fun time at our wedding! Our vows were really emotional as we were saying in the beginning. I’ll try and tell you guys what they were because i don't think we have them right now” ivy looks at her husband and he nods in agreement. 
“So yea I guess that answers the question.. I don't even know what I said.. I think i was yapping mostly so im very sorry for that” she laughs 
“But that concludes today’s episode!” yeonjun groans at her words “he doesn’t wanna go home.. But please tell us your thoughts about how you felt today!” ivy laughs 
“I had soo much fun today.. I mean I always have the best time when you're around so this was the usual.. Okay okay i’ll stop flirting!” he laughs as ivy threatens to throw a pillow at him. “As I was saying, I had soo much fun and I hope I can come back one day! Thank you so much for having me here and this has been tomorrow by together’s yeonjun so far! Thank you!” he says and everyone claps
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed today where i had a great time talking with yeonjun and stay tuned for the upcoming episodes and this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a great day or good night!! Byee!!” Ivy and yeonjun wave and the outro plays with clips of Ivy being cute throughout the episode.
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˒ priya talks! the edit of the cover is not mine!! credits to the creator and pinterest where I found it!! if you've read this far, cuz this is pretty long, reblog with a 🧸!! let me know who you guys want to see next on the episode!! love ya!!
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solar-sunnyside-up · 7 months
I was wondering if you had any resources for people who don't have direct action groups nearby and still want to participate in direct action. I still rely on parents for getting to places and I don't have reliable public transit, so I don't have the option to go to many protests or direct action groups. Do you have any resources on things I can do in my neighborhood (that aren't little free libraries/pantries because my neighborhood doesn't have much foot traffic)
Hey there sprout!! 🌱🌱
It depends on where you live tbh, but given I just did a rural one imma give you some ideas that you could do in the suburbs/urban neighborhoods assuming you don't have a car in a car centric world!
Look into the groups that are in your area and read up on the actions they do. You might not be able to go to events regularly but keeping up with local events is still good to feel like there's momentum! You also wanna look into what programs exist. I'm personally from an Oil loving/God fearing hick town and yet!! There's a million programs going on they just don't advertise or market themselves so you'd never know! Like I just attended an online webinar for Dark Sky Reserve policies for my town this week?? Wild stuff I'd never know if I wasn't researching my own city all the damn time
Cleaning/ gruella building public features are very cool! And something you can do in your own backyard or in the middle of the night in your streets or while your waiting for your shitty transit to get there! (I do that last one a lot, renoed some bus stops and cleaned them up bc I was BORED) Some Secret groups have starting installing benches/painting crosswalks/renovating bus shelters that do exist and technically that is something you can do. Also could look into adopt-a-stop programs.
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Gruella gardening! Seed Bombs of native wild flowers and just chucking them around when you go on walks/go out or Moss Graffiti is also an option! Just pick an abandoned spot (on a walk to somewhere or just easily accessible to you in general)
Things like designing your own newsletter/zine/stickers for your community is also neat!
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Check in with your Community Association! You'd be surprised at what those guys can do, I've seen anything ranging from movie nights and game nights to craft clubs and yoga classes to pubs/restraunts that fund the CA. Same goes with a community garden/fridge in your area. Those guys need vollunteers
Open up a free toolshed/ clothing closet at a school/library/CA center/abandoned building and hold a drive to fill it up. You'd be surprised at how excited ppl get over those!
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