#I will be your slave
voiidghoull · 11 months
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i had a reaction i cannot share when i saw this image
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anne-chloe · 9 months
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Trust Me | Epilogue |
Jareth/Goblin King x F! Reader
Summary : It’s been roughly a month since you escaped the Labyrinth, but Jareth hasn’t finished with you.
It was a drizzly evening when you visited the park. You needed a break from work, and decided you'd get some fresh air by walking down by the local pond.
Spring had always been your favourite time of year. When the flowers bloomed, and the weather was beginning to grow warm.
You stood with your umbrella hanging over your head, protecting you from the light rain. You stared down at your reflection in the water, deep in thought as the droplets made little splashes to alter your image.
It had been 1 month since The Goblin King had taken you and Tobey to his Kingdom. Every time you woke up, you felt disoriented and wondered if escaping had simply been a dream, and that you would truly wake up back by Jareth's side. You tried not to dwell on what would have happened if the timer ran out, and Sarah had been unsuccessful in her attempts.
Jareth had wanted you by his side for eternity. And that frightened you more than anything.
Sarah wasn't the first to wish her little brother away, and you knew she wouldn't be the last. The Goblin City was full of Goblins, meaning Jareth was called upon frequently by others before Sarah. It was a wonder that he had chosen you to rule by his side, a 19 year old girl with simple aspirations in life.
A flutter of wings caught your attention.
You tilted your umbrella slightly and looked into the tree, now spotting a gorgeous barn owl perched on a branch sheltered by leaves. You blinked at it, wondering why it was staring so intensely down at you.
Perhaps it thought you were mad for standing out in the rain and staring at the water.
You approached it slowly, smiling gently at the beautiful bird. It stayed very still, it's eyes glued to you, watching your every move. While you felt somewhat weirded out by its stare, you figured owls always had that ability to cast such a feeling.
Its eyes were the most mesmerising. Mismatched and deeply filled with emotion.
But, where did you recognise those eyes from?
You remind me of the babe
What babe?
You reached your hand up, the tips of your fingers brushing gently against the owls feathers. It nuzzled close to your hand, snuggling into your touch and seeming to savour the very moment.
The babe with the power
What power?
A glass ball rolled through the wet grass, and it stopped down by your feet after nudging you in attention. You paused your fussing over the owl, taking the chance to look down at the mysterious object. You leaned down and picked it up, your eyes widening in immediate recognition.
The power of voodoo
Who do?
A white mist clouded the inside. You blinked rapidly at it, feeling a wave of dejavu.
You do.
Do what?
The owl suddenly started to flap its wings. You looked back up at it, gasping loudly as it flew at you. Glitter splashed in your face. You stumbled, letting go of the umbrella and letting it drop unceremoniously to the ground. You furiously rubbed at your eyes.
And when you reopened your eyes.
Jareth was standing in front of you.
Remind me of the babe.
~ End ~
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ditzybat · 6 months
bernard: i’m going to club you on the head with a rolling pin if you don’t drag yourself from your computer and eat
tim: you wouldn’t dare!
bernard: babe, i fought an entire cult keeping up with robin - a trained professional - in hand to hand combat, yes i would dare
tim: you’re genuinely frightening… it’s hot
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
tired: fox has never done anything wrong in his life he was under control of the chip he didn't mean to kill fives he would never do that
wired: fox was being deliberately, continuously manipulated by palpatine into doing anything he wanted under threat of severe bodily harm, no chip necessary
inspired: fox is a product of brainwashing and genuinely believes in the senate and the republic, which is in constant conflict with the rhetoric he hears from politicians and his general dislike of senators, but that conflict is ultimately irrelevant. he believes in the institution with his entire self. he was born to die for this system and would lose his shit if he started questioning it in any meaningful way. The Institution told him to kill fives so he killed fives, it told him to hunt down ahsoka so he did it, etc etc. conviction that this is all worth it because the republic Can Only Be Right (or else his entire existence and everything the guard puts up with are meaningless) is what gets his ass out of bed in the morning. he'll do terrible things to protect it, and by extension his sense of self, and he won't apologize for it because it's categorically Right in his brain. none of this changes the fact that he's routinely abused by this system, or the fact that he's enslaved by it, or that he has no real choice in anything, only how he personally reconciles it all
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damiannasworld · 11 months
Palacio De Los Deportes, Mexico City 20.10.23
🎥 dianaromerx
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demaparbat-hp · 1 year
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'Cause I'm a fucking monster
Who's searching for redemption.
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avastyetwats · 1 month
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Captain James Flint and Captain Charles Vane eye-fucking.
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blessyouhawkeye · 4 months
finally getting around to reading interview with the vampire and i've realized that jacob anderson has become so intrinsic to my conception of louis de pointe du lac that i simply cannot imagine louis as a white man. anne rice keeps describing him as bone pale and every time it happens i go ??? why would you say that about my close friend jacob anderson
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katabay · 2 months
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”—ah. seems like mother goose has been playing around in your egg salad. if you won’t dance to that tune, I got others.”
honestly, the would you kindly scene is whatever to me*, code yellow is the more interesting violation/betrayal of the body because of how beautifully it escalates the Fontaine reveal/betrayal and shows how ugly some of those ‘locks and keys’ that Tenenbaum mentions are. not only have you been a tool in another man’s hand this entire time, it goes deeper. your body is not your own.
*there used to be a meandering thought here about the would you kindly scene, but it was really just talking around the fact that I spent way too many years seeing people discuss it in the most insufferable and reductive ways possible when it’s a combination of three or four other things that make that moment compelling lmao
collage credits: heart one/heart two
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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thecaptainjacksparrow · 2 months
#THEVAMPIRELESTAT: i'm crying all my tears and that's fucking pathetic
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 5 months
Måneskin Drinking: Chaggie 18+
Alright, time to be a little horny on main. Buckle up, buttercups!
Hazbins: (sitting in the newly rebuilt bar in the hotel and enjoying an easy night off)
Husker: .....I got a bad feeling.
Cherri: What? Why?
Husker: Call it bartender intuition.
-Lights dim and spotlights focus on the karaoke and band stage as "I Wanna Be Your Slave" by Måneskin plays over the speakers-
Charlie: (struts onto the stage while tossing her blazer away drunkenly and grabs the karaoke microphone. Runs her hands through her hair seductively and snaps her hair ties with her claws and sings) I wanna be your slave~
Vaggie: (steps onto the stage with a microphone in hand, salsa dance steps around Charlie and runs her fingers up her spine to the base of her scalp. Giving a gentle tug at the blonde hair while singing) I wanna be your master~
Charlie: (whimpers hotly and bends over to touch her palms to the floor, legs widening, and pushing her ass into Vaggie's hips while slowly rolling up to standing) I wanna make your heartbeat run like rollercoasters~
Angel: (snickering impishly as he holds up his phone)
Charlie: (grinds against Vaggie's hips) I wanna be your sex toy~
Vaggie: (spins Charlie around, undoes her bow tie, uses it as a leash, and uses a firm hand to make Charlie sit on her knees while hiking her knee over Charlie's shoulder) I wanna be your teacher~
Charlie: (mouth watering as she looks straight up and under Vaggie's skirt) I wanna be your sin.
Vaggie: (smirks) I wanna be your preacher. (kicks Charlie away and struts away like a fucking queen)
Husker: Someone turn off the music! Cut the music!
Cherri: HA!!! Are you kidding?! (Holds up her phone to record) This is GOLD!!!
Charlie: (demons out and crawls after Vaggie on her hands and knees) Because I'm a devil who's searching for redemption~
Vaggie: (grabs Charlie's chin between her thumb and forefinger) And I'm a killer who's searching for redemption~
-Lights and music cut out-
Angel: Your daughter was about to get laid!
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julls · 11 months
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»Let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want« Enver Gortash ✦ the Labyrinth
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brokoala-soup · 4 months
they're so marauders coded I'm crying
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disregardandfelicity · 4 months
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iwtv s2e4 | the vampire companion
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merrysithmas · 1 year
when ppl see this & this, directed by the same person, and think the narrative is "anakin is evil" not "anakin is a steward of the balance, a force demi god, as was foretold on Mortis" 😂
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pomburel · 6 months
Back in my Bubbline era
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