#I will go to sleep now
dutchess-of-fear · 11 months
I will fall into a deep sleep like aurora from sleeping beauty but what will cure me from my eternal sleep is that AO3 is back up and running. I am literally serious, who knew being deprived from fanfic would be so hard😫
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yell0wrabb1t · 8 months
Actually I think the serial killer of children mad scientist abusive father works far better as a villain of a story than the protagonist of a fall from grace tragedy. Bold claim I know but also any other character around him works far better as a protagonist and heroic figure than simply as a supporting character in his story.
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galakianexplosion · 1 year
You're a pretty funky guy Chaos have you always had the god status or did you have to obtain it?
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He is a funky guy, tho nobody {in his lore} ever calls him a god or anything. Most people dont even know it is one! It also doesnt use his abilities{other then esp ig} that often despite the 💥chaos💥 that he can cause. {And end up causing but thats another story}
Most people just knows him as "Chaos, who is most likely a danger and might be on the lookout to be eliminated who also has a god and superiority complex"
Also he isnt invincible or anything, kirby{who wins against everyone} could beat him. However he isnt easy to beat either, not impossible but not easy.
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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puppyeared · 1 month
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made this while watching ep 1 of dunmeshi
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forgotmysword · 2 months
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Doomed from the beginning
Unknown / Marguerite Duras / Blanca Varela / Ramona Ausubel / Anne Carson / Heather Havrilesky / Michael Cunningham / Lisel Mueller / Richard Siken x Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui
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candlecafe · 5 months
Sorry, I haven’t done my work, yeah, I’m in spoon jail. Yeah, I was in really bad spoon debt, and I stopped paying my spoon taxes. Yeah, I can’t do anything until I gather enough spoons to pay my spoon bail.
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Like the majority of society I’m obsessed with Nimona
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And I rewatched it a million times and one thing always sticks out to me 
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There are moments when Ambrosius is surrounded by light like a little protective bubble 
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That keeps him away from the man he loves more than anything 
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et-in-arkadia · 10 months
aziraphale and crowley try to perform the tiniest most unobservable fraction of a miracle together and they end up producing a massive burst of power so astonishing in scope that it sets off alarm bells in heaven where it can be seen as an enormous purple beam and radiates with a force twenty-five times the energy needed to raise someone from the dead. we’re told only an archangel could perform an act of such earth-shaking consequence which again is the result of them trying to exert their abilities in the subtlest way possible so can you imagine what they’re going to be like in bed? talk about the second coming. in this essay i will
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themetalhiro · 4 months
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eelo · 1 year
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salamispots · 9 months
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dream wip
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stargirlbryce · 9 months
This probably sounds really weird but I have this unrealistic dream to become an actress (that will probably stay a dream forever) because pretending to be someone else and playing different characters is very fun and other people have told me that I have talent.
But I also feel the need to leave something of me behind when I die, something in which I'm still young and beautiful yk because I can't shake off the fear of getting older (even though I'm only 21)
Because sometimes I think that my youth and beauty is everything I have (not to sound arrogant or something and I know that if you would compare me to some other girls, they would be way more beautiful than me)
But I'm also scared of failing and that's why I haven't started to follow this dream yet (I probably never will, this whole thing is silly) because that could destroy my self esteem
God I sound like this girl from the movie pearl, I should just go to sleep
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greykolla-art · 2 months
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I’ve been so inspired by @bananadramaaa lately!
Their human Alastor and Mimsy comics drive me insane!
I’m realising how cool their relationship is: it’s giving sibling energy!👌👌👌
just two pals looking out for each other while they murder!
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bosetsu · 4 months
It's the fastest and the shittiest fanart I've ever done in my life but I had to make this joke
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harpygon · 1 year
I'm literally naseaous rn. Mostly because of overstumulation because fuck was that whole stream loud and hectic and partly because of Bobby just fucking dying.
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