#I will not give the hornets my time or attention
roosterforme · 2 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 16 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Your expectations are absolutely shattered when you get to North Island with your class and find out you're going on the field trip of your dreams. Bradley pulled all the stops, and if he wasn't already, he was about to become an absolute legend in your classroom.
Warnings: Fluff, adult banter, Bradley in love, 18+
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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You took Bradley's breath away every time he saw you. Even when he was standing tall between Maverick and Cyclone, it made no difference. He was reduced to a lovesick wreck when you walked down the stairs of the school bus with your students in tow.
"Well done," Maverick muttered, and Bradley felt his cheeks grow a little warm. You looked incredible in a pair of jeans and a plain top, but the look was really completed by the lanyard around your neck with the visitor's pass with your name on it. He'd work on getting you a permanent pass so you could stop by whenever you wanted. God, he was a mess every time he thought about the future.
When you smiled directly at him, he knew he'd take the reprimand if it came; you wanted him to kiss you right now, so he was going to. "Welcome to North Island," he told your kids with a grin. Then he looped one arm around your waist, pulled you close, and kissed you in front of everyone. "I can't wait to show you everything."
You made a soft sound when he released you, and your eyes darted from Maverick on his right to Cyclone on his left. "Thank you for having us today," you said a little breathlessly, biting your lip. You were flustered. He made you that way, and he loved hearing it in your voice.
"Fourth graders," Bradley called out. "This is Captain Mitchell and Admiral Simpson. They both outrank me. By a lot. Let's all give Admiral Simpson our attention."
"Welcome," bellowed Cyclone in his stern voice, and Bradley watched the kids fall in line silently. "This is an active military base. It is important that you remember that fact while you're visiting today." Half of them looked scared while the other half looked excited beyond belief as he said, "The last thing we want is an injury, or worse. Stay with your group. Stay near your teacher. Never go off alone." A very stiff smile appeared on his face as he said, "But have fun."
Bradley cleared his throat. "Thank you, Admiral Simpson," he told the other man, saluting him. Then he addressed you and your class again. "Does anyone have any questions before we get started?"
When Violet's hand shot up into the air, Bradley pointed to her with a smile. "Lieutenant Bradshaw, how many different kinds of jets are we going to see today? And do they all fly at the same speed? And can you help me solve a math problem that I thought of on the bus?"
"Well," Cyclone said, looking pleasantly surprised. "These children sound like aviation experts."
Bradley noticed how your smile grew as he said, "That's because their teacher is incredible." He kept his hands at his side instead of flinging his arm around your shoulders like he wanted to as he nodded toward the hangar. "To answer Violet's question, we will see three different kinds of aircrafts and get to sit in one of them."
"No way!" Oliver said in excitement. "Do we get to sit in your jet?"
Bradley winked and said, "You'll just have to wait and see."
He and Maverick led the group into the busy hangar, the kids trailing along single file as the chaperones brought up the rear. He positioned you in the middle of the group, because nothing was more important today than keeping everyone safe. He pointed out the EA-18 Growler and the E-2 Hawkeye before some Super Hornets came into view.
"Who wants to see Marty work some of his mechanical magic?" Bradley asked as soon as he saw the tarp on the ground where there were engine parts lined up like a surgical procedure was about to take place. Every child's hand shot up into the air, and he chuckled as you and the three chaperones all enthusiastically raised yours as well. "I have some good news. We get to watch while he rebuilds the engine mount and part of the intake manifold on my colleague's jet."
"Phoenix," Jayden read, pointing to the name emblazoned on the side. "That's a cool call sign."
"It's an even cooler pilot," said Natasha as she peeked around the workstation in her flight suit. "You must be the pen pals," she said with a smile. Bradley watched her wave to you, and he'd have to remember to make a comment later about how his best friend finally saw you with pants on.
"It's a woman," Violet said in complete awe. "She's a pilot."
"The best of the best," Nat replied. "You can all call me Lieutenant Trace or Phoenix. Oh! Here's my backseater, Lieutenant Floyd."
When Bob strolled around the workstation and waved to the kids with a smile, he said, "I'm Lieutenant Floyd, but my call sign is Bob."
"He has glasses!" gasped Henry. "Like me!"
Bob gave him a fist bump on his way to the rec room. "I sure do. You can fly with glasses."
Bradley watched all of the kids staring at him, Nat and Bob like they were the absolute coolest adults to ever exist, and maybe they weren't wrong. But they had to know they were in the presence of someone just as fascinating on a daily basis. "You all have your teacher to thank for sparking such an avid interest in aviation in your minds. She probably knows just as much as we do."
Your eyes went wide. "I'm sure I don't," you muttered glaring at him playfully. "Is that Marty? I recognize him from your deployment videos."
When you nodded past Bradley, he turned to see his favorite mechanic stroll back into the hangar with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Hey! It's the fourth graders!" he greeted. "And their teacher who I heard so much about when I was deployed with Lieutenant Bradshaw."
"Did he now?" you asked softly as Bradley gestured for everyone to move in a little closer to Marty's tarp. The mechanic was showing the kids where they could sit on the floor while he grabbed some folding chairs for the chaperones, but Bradley discreetly wrapped his fingers around your hand to keep you next to him.
"Come on, Gorgeous," he whispered, keeping his eyes on Marty as he leaned a little closer to you. "I was smitten with you right away, and I was very lonely. That man heard more than his fair share about my crush on the fourth grade teacher from Mira Mesa Elementary School, that's for certain."
You let your fingers tangle with his as you said, "You're too charming for your own good."
Other than Marty talking his way through the repair he was working on, you could have heard a pin drop. Your students were sitting with rapt attention, and so were the chaperones. You were standing a little bit off to the side, trying to hold Bradley's hand without anyone noticing, but you were pretty sure Captain Mitchell was onto you.
"Who wants to feel how heavy the crankshaft is?" Marty asked before he started passing it around to your excited students.
"Mine's heavier," Bradley whispered next to your ear, and you tried to fight the smile that threatened your lips. "But you already know that."
You elbowed him in the side as you watched everyone around you having the time of their life. Marty let everyone try their hand at tightening a bolt to Naval standards, then he laughed and pulled out a hydraulic machine to take care of it. Once the engine components were all in place, he let your kids try to pick it up before he informed them that everything put together weighed over five hundred pounds. He lifted the engine using a huge hook while everyone cheered like he was performing a magic trick, and then he posed for a photo with everyone.
"I can't thank you enough," you told him, shaking his dirty hand after he tried to wipe it on his jumpsuit. "My kids were just as excited to meet you today as they were to see all the jets. You're a bit of a celebrity in my classroom."
The older man blushed and smiled down at the tarp at his feet. "Well, ma'am, that's just the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."
You hadn't even mentioned it to Bradley let, but as you released Marty's hand,  you asked, "Is there any chance you would consider visiting my school for career day to give a five to ten minute presentation?"
"Oh," he grunted, his blush deepening. "The stuff I do isn't as interesting as the aviators."
"It is," you insisted. "My kids were hanging on your every word. I could pass the information to you through Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
He kind of shrugged and grinned at you. "I'll think about it."
When you nodded and turned away from him, you found that Bradley had lined your class up again, and then he started leading them to the cafeteria for lunch. "I need you to help me make a definitive ranking of all the menu options," he told them. "This is some very scientific stuff."
"Is there meatloaf?" Nia asked. 
"Every day," Bradley promised. 
"What about the cabbage rolls that you said were yucky?" said Oliver as he bounced along. 
"Only on the aircraft carriers," Bradley informed him. "You all lucked out on that one."
He had each of you scan into the cafeteria with your visitor's badge, and then he nodded toward a long table with RESERVED signs on it. "Is that where we're all sitting?" you asked in surprise.
"Absolutely, Gorgeous. And you better sit by me."
He handed you a tray and pointed you toward the end of the line of officers getting their meals. "It's almost like a date, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
He smirked as he handed trays out to your kids. "They do have some Thai options on the menu. I will warn you and say the pasta is terrible compared to Salvatore's."
You were smiling nonstop as you selected a few different options, including some Thai curry, and made your way to the long table which was now lined with juice boxes and water bottles. Somehow Bradley thought of everything, and if he thought the last blowjob you gave him was a nice thank you, he was definitely in for another one. 
When he slipped into the seat next to yours, he asked, "Do you think everyone is having a good time?"
"This is better than anything I could have imagined," you promised.
Soon your kids were all poking at and sampling the foods on their trays, calling out opinion after opinion as Bradley pulled a small notepad and pencil from his pocket. "Okay, okay. We all hate the baked ziti?" he asked, giving you side eye. "I told you the pasta was terrible." He made a note and said, "But we all like the meatloaf and the breaded chicken?"
"Yes!" shouted Jayden.
"The chicken is so good!" called Violet.
"So is the macaroni and cheese," said Oliver.
Bradley was actually taking real notes which made you want to push him down onto the table and climb on top. 
"It's like you're really in the Navy now. You have opinions on the cafeteria food," he said with a salute. "Ready to earn your wings?"
Eighteen pairs of eyes went wide. "We get wings?" Henry asked Bradley, lunch completely forgotten.
"Only if you're brave enough to sit in the cockpit of my Super Hornet."
The table erupted in cheers.
"It's huge," you gasped. "It's so much bigger than I could have ever imagined."
Bradley led everyone outside to the tarmac near the hangar where his F/A-18 was parked with the ladder down. Natasha was sitting in the cockpit with Bradley's helmet in her hand, waving down at everyone.
"Why don't you go first and show everyone how it's done," he said, and you looked up at his smiling face.
"Alright," you agreed, still clearly surprised by the sheer size of the jet.
There was something about seeing a military aircraft in person for the first time that nothing could prepare you for. Some of the kids were looking at it with their mouths hanging open, and Violet looked like she was on the verge of happy tears.
With one hand in the middle of your back, Bradley helped you start to climb the ladder. The fantastic view of your ass was a perk, but he really was trying to make sure you got up safely. When you were standing on the last rung, Nat helped you climb inside, and she plopped his helmet on your head. It was comically large, and you were laughing as you waved down at everyone from the seat.
"This is incredible!" you shouted.
"You just earned yourself some wings," Bradley promised, and you pumped your fist in the air while the kids all cheered. He took his phone out to get a picture of you and Nat up there with his name on the side of the jet, and then it was time for you to climb back down. You probably didn't need the extra help, but his hands ended up on your hips anyway, and you looked back at him over your shoulder once you were on the ground.
"Thank you," came your breathless voice, and he had to remind himself that he was at work and not allowed to push you against the ladder and make out with you like he wanted to.
"Who's next?" he asked, prying his hands away from your body. The chaperones sent Jackie up to the ladder first, and Bradley held her hand until she was securely on the ladder. "Be careful on the rungs. Phoenix still slips on them all the time."
"I do not!" Nat called down from the cockpit. "I never slip on them, ever. But Rooster always does."
"You got me there, Phoenix," he said with a laugh as Jackie scaled her way up to the top. 
Each kid got a turn. Oliver told him that his jet was probably fast enough to feel like you were slam dunking off the back of a dragon after all. And Violet looked at him as she climbed down and said, "I'm really sorry Lieutenant Bradshaw, but Phoenix might be even cooler than you."
He laughed as he said, "You're breaking my heart, kiddo," and she nodded somberly. "That's okay. I'd probably agree with you most days. Go line up with everyone else so you can get your wings."
Maverick and Nat helped you and Bradley pin some replica golden wings on each lanyard, and then Bradley pinned one on yours as you grinned. "What if I want to wear the real thing?" you whispered as the kids all gushed over their little treats.
Bradley glanced down at the insignia pins on his khaki uniform. "You want to wear my shirt around, Gorgeous?"
"Maybe," you told him softly, and he could already picture it.
His nostrils flared, taking in your sweet scent over the jet fuel. "You sleeping over tonight?"
"I don't see how I could possibly stay away after you gave us the perfect day."
He swallowed hard, once again wishing you just lived there with him. Then he wouldn't have to ask or invite or assume. He would just know you'd be with him after work. "Then I'll make sure my shirt is ready for you."
Bradley released your lanyard and turned toward Maverick. "Sir?" he asked as Mav nodded toward the air traffic control tower.
"They're ready for us."
"Excellent," he replied as Nat folded up the ladder next to him. "We have one more thing for you to learn about. Naval aviation wouldn't be possible without skilled air traffic controllers making sure we have safe flight paths. If you promise to be quiet, we can all climb the tower stairs and listen in."
The kids were bouncing around excitedly again as Bradley and Maverick led the troops across the tarmac with you and Nat bringing up the rear this time. "You look like you're having as much fun as they are," Mav remarked.
"I think I might be," Bradley replied with a chuckle. "Their love of aviation is pretty infectious."
Mav was quiet for a beat before he said, "That's true. But there's something else." He glanced at Bradley over his sunglasses with a very serious look on his face. "You remind me of your dad today."
"I do?"
"Yeah. Absolutely," he promised. "And I think it's because the love of your life back there reminds me a bit of your mom."
Bradley stumbled, his boot skidding along the ground, but he managed to stay upright as Maverick reached for his bicep. "Really?" he asked his dad's best friend, voice hoarse as he thought about how his mom mourned his dad for the rest of her life.
"Yes. Make sure you treat her well."
The tower wasn't large, and all of you had to really cram in there. But as soon as your kids saw all of the instrumentation panels and the line of officers in uniforms wearing headsets, they started asking questions.
"Quiet," you reminded them. "We promised we would be very quiet."
Bradley squeezed through the group until he was facing everyone, and he waved so everyone's attention was on him. "We have two pilots who are out over the desert and in position for you to give them some flight commands. Their call signs are Coyote and Hangman, and each of you are about to be tasked with telling them how and where to fly."
You gasped, heart beating a little faster. "Is that safe?" you asked, looking from Bradley to Natasha.
"Well, it's just Coyote and Hangman, so if anything happens, it's not such a big deal," Natasha said, earning a bland look from Bradley while she laughed at her own joke.
"It's perfectly safe," Bradley said, holding up a stack of papers. "I'm going to have everyone read off of one of these sheets." He started handing them out to the kids. "Once Lieutenant Maxwell here gives us the go ahead, she's going to turn on the speakers so we can communicate with Coyote and Hangman without a headset. And that way everyone will be able to hear the transmissions. Sound good?"
It sounded too good to be true to you, but you nodded silently. A minute later, the woman sitting in the chair at the end, removed her headset and flicked some switches. "It's all yours, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
"Thank you, Lieutenant Maxwell." He raised his voice a little louder. Coyote. Hangman. Do you copy?"
"We hear you loud and clear, control," came a voice with a southern drawl.
"Copy," came a second man's voice. "Ready at the throttle."
Bradley pointed to the paper in Oliver's hand and nodded. "Go ahead and read it," he whispered.
Oliver cleared his throat and practically shouted, "Hangman, break right. Coyote, breach the hard deck."
"Copy tower," came the immediate response.
"See it on the screens?" Bradley asked, pointing to where there was some sort of radar output of the placement of two aircrafts dipping and diving. "Nia, your turn."
She read, "Hangman, bank down to five o'clock low," and sure enough, one of the jets changed position on the screen. The children were taking this entire mission very seriously, and you were almost shaking with excitement from everything that happened. This was literally the best field trip in the history of field trips. 
Jayden was the last one to go, and after he shouted out the commands, he said, "Hangman is kind of a dumb call sign, isn't it?"
"I resent that!" drawled the first voice.
"I mean, it's just not as cool as Coyote," Jayden told him while Bradley stifled his laughter.
"He's not wrong," came the second voice. "Please tell your teacher you earned a bonus point for being so smart, courtesy of Coyote."
"Copy that!" you said, and Bradley handed the reigns back over to Lieutenant Maxwell. As quietly as could be expected, the group headed back down the stairs and onto the tarmac where apparently there was another surprise. 
Bob was waiting with a crate full of noise canceling headphones. "Hangman and Coyote are on their way to land their jets on the runway!" he said, passing out the headphones to everyone. "With proper ear protection, we can stand here and watch them come in, but we need to keep our ears covered at all times."
The kids were all reaching for a pair, and Bradley walked around to adjust them and make sure they fit nice and snug. When he got to you, he took some extra time, letting his thumb tease your cheek before moving on. Bob stood ahead of everyone with a radio to his ear, then he turned and gave a thumbs up before stepping to the side and securing his own ear protection. 
Off in the distance, you could see two dots rapidly growing in size, and even though you knew what was coming, you still jumped a bit at the noise they made as they screeched through the air and touched down on the runway. You were overwhelmed. Your heart was full. It was hard to believe that your aviation lessons in your classroom led all nineteen of you here.
You'd never be able to top this day for the rest of the school year, and you were okay with that. As long as Bradley would visit you again. And again. And again. If he hadn't already reached legend status, he definitely had after this, and you were certain an hour wouldn't go by for the foreseeable future where the kids weren't asking about him.
"Can I walk you all back to your bus?" he asked after collecting the headphones with Bob.
You let your knuckles bump against his. "Please do, Lieutenant Bradshaw. And on the way there, please tell us how we're your favorite field trip group of all time."
"I can do that with an abundance of detail."
Legendary. I want to go on the same field trip a million times with Bradley as my tour guide. I've started to think about what I'm going to include in the rest of this fic, so let me know if there's something you're dying to read about these two! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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> Ascendant Aspects < How you Appear to be, and how your treated based off your appearances > why you look like a clown without makeup
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Ascendant aspecting Sun - I like your smile. Did you put it on for me, or for yourself? yes your charismatic, yes we noticed why your so confident, yes your literally the greatest person do you really need us to shower you in affection all the fkn time? your extra but too many toppings ruin a good pizza. your the embodiment of the cheesy smile from that cat in alice in wonderland. main character energy for sure you get the attention and you know how to use it Ascendant Aspecting moon - 🌚 < dont they look like that.? idk but you guys look like someone you want to grab the cheeks of and treat like a baby, your like a sugar glider. but we know your emotional so we have to be careful with how we grab your cheeks 👀 please stop crying its just a joke > also; big ass eyes. you are so sweet that everyone just wants to take you home and feed you till you become so obese you cant leave Ascendant Aspecting Mercury - the most devilish and cheeky smile all at once. they look like a kid about to do something bad, or have just been caught doing something bad and are now trying to explain why they had to do that dumbassery. but no matter how much you explain yourself, we will still question you because its funny watching you come up with explanations. you give me the vibe of any character from cartoon network or nickledoen - timmy turner, southpark, phineas and ferb, ed edd and eddy, or fkn bart simpson, you act like a cartoon yes.
Ascendant Aspecting Venus - I dont normally do this but whats ur number? is what your used to hearing presumably. and its not necessarily because your attractive... okay you are, you can stop pouting now. but its because you know how to get attention and you clearly love getting it. but they act so superficial, and oblivious sometimes... like they purposrfully look away just so its easier for you to look at them, 💀 then they look back playfully and it gets you in the feels. remind me of doctor who's bitches (any of them) they all act the same idc what you say
Ascendant Aspecting Mars - so pissed off lol but its hot. they are fierce > if they want something they are going to get it, and even the mere consideration of negotiating what they want will just get them more mad. which makes them more attractive? idk people love their ferocity, and as much as people say they don't like aggressive types, they don't ever get in their way when they pissed off (ik because im hot head) your basically a hornet > and no one gonna fight a hornet without the proper precautions Ascendant aspecting Jupiter - Yall are excellent at impressions and being impressionable, idk how you do it so well. You just act normal but then pull off this funny shit and return back to normal like its nothing. you guys perfected just being, and this energy makes people want to be around you. Your like a firework, the explosion is awesome, but when it goes away your like damn that was awesome wish it stayed; but thats what makes it so good, because we never know when its coming, and when its gone we want it back lol Ascendant Aspecting Saturn - batman without the mask sucks. thats you. batman without the mask.... why so serious???? > "because life shouldnt be taking for granted and fuckery aint apart of my Repertoire" - is some whack ass shit yall would say. you have great dignity, but people get insecure around you because your on top of your shit. oh and you tell people to get on top of their shit all the fkn time lol. > your like a crow, you look like one and act like one. - Side note- one time i had a stand off with a crow: I was chilling at home and i was on top of these tile blocks, then this crow came along. I tried to scare him, by like staunching him just a bit. but he responded by gripping the tree branch he was perched on, by twisting his claw foot; and he did it with so much ferocity it made this bone cracking noise (from the strength of his grip gripping the tree) and suddenly i was intimated.... by a fkn crow. okay moving on
Ascendant Aspecting Uranus - how did you even become like that. no one really understands why you act the way you do, you do some really eccentric things which are eye grabbing but also disturbing the more you think about it. your like a sword fish. theres probably more effective ways to kill fish, but i mean a sword works, we are just wondering how you attached a sword to your face. also try to calm down, you doing so much and acting so bizarre that im actually more worried about you, even though im laughing my ass off. Ascendant Aspecting Neptune - your like a mirror of all that i ever could want in a person, and this mysterious allure you so easily pull off is truly enchanting. its like being around you makes it feel as if reality can so easily be readjusted into what i would like it to be. but this quality of urs is addicting, and no wonder people project onto you. but you cant even blame them, you literally shapeshift into whatever you want, and typically you like to show it off. your like a chameleon. or a axolotl Ascendant Aspecting Pluto - you scare people easily lol. your a spider. but spiders are sexy.... look at the BUNDA. okay but those teeth yeesh, have you ever seen a spider like lick its lips, bro its fkn scary. theres a reason arachnophobia is the most popular phobia and its because spiders are fucked. and yall are fucked. you move like a spider, and i swear to god you smile like one too lol. but people low key wanna be eaten by a spider..... so go ahead choose yo prey you fkn creepy crawler
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Creepypast & Marble Hornets headcannons:
Jeff the Killer:
100% sneaks into your house/ room just to wake you up randomly to spook you
If he ever took you on a date it would 100% be to the cheapest cinema in town cause my man's is broke
Your the breadwinner, you can make $2 a month and still be the breadwinner
He buys axe body spray and sags his jeans like a middle school boy and you can't convince me otherwise
Opened a nesquick Powdered milk tub with a table saw cause he couldn't get him open
Doesn't know how to undo child proof locks on meds no matter how many times you explain it to him
"No Jeff your not listening. Press down and then turn it," your voice scolded
"I'm trying! Damn you woman!!" Jeff yelled back
Yea, he never opened the jar right
It started with you and Tim dating and then when you met masky you trying getting to know him
He ignores you at first, more focused on doing his job then dealing with his other half's lover
He's smart, he'll pick locks open jars and complete puzzles in no time flat
He doesn't make money but Tim does so indirectly he's the breadwinner
He'll start hanging out with you after getting tired of sleeping on the downstairs couch
He's not nice, like at all, he's very blunt and when it comes to any type of criticism, constructive or not, he's pointing out every miniscule flaw
Don't bother lying to him, he can see right through it and it pisses him off
It doesn't matter your gender or your sex. He's turning around when you change any form of your clothes. He's big on privacy
"Masky? C'mon masky, it's just a sweater you don't have to turn. I'm wearing a shirt underneath, " you sighed, pulling your sweater off
Masky shook his head. "I don't care sometimes you don't wear a shirt under them, and i don't wanna see your nipples," masky spoke bluntly
Yeaaaa, if you can't tell your sex life is totally (not) amazing with man
As I said before Tim has a job, he Linda needs it to pay for his smoking habits
Speaking of smoking, he hates when you do any kind of drugs, he doesn't want you to end up like he did
He's surprising clingy behind closed doors and really likes being your little spoon
He constantly takes showers and cleans your shared home, even if no one except for you, him and masky will see it.
He has this bad habit of just buying whatever he craves, so when he goes to the store, expect the bill to be rather high
As I said before he's clingy behind closed doors but when it comes to pda the most he'll do is lock your pinkies together
"Tim, pleaseeeee I just wanna hold your hand! Just five minutes, and if you don't like it, you don't have to keep holding my hand. " You tried to bargain
Tim sighed "fine fine but you're giving me your box of cigarettes. Don't think I didn't smell them on you"
He has a sharp nose, so there's no point in trying to hide things from him
Hoodie was beyond confused when he first met you, he had a whole "who what when where why?" Moment
You and brain both pay for everything so there's not really a breadwinner
Hoodie is rather quiet, it's not because he's awkward or shy, he just has nothing to say
Hoodie Hates coffee, he's more of a tea or energy drink guy
I hate to say this(no I dont), but he's a stoner, he hates all vape or smoking products except for weed
He usually sticks to weed vapes since it's less work and he can be a bit lazy when it comes to that
I mean his hygiene is ok he doesn't really shave or trim any thing but his beard but yknow he do him
Speaking of , he leaves his beard shavings all over the sink and leaves the toilet seat up
"HOODIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW" You shouted to get the man's attention
Hoodie walked in. "What?" He said monotonely
You pointed at the sink and then the toilet "pick up your fucking mess!!"
Hoodie shook his head "Nah I'm good. Thanks for the offer, though. "
You would probably try and beat him up if he couldn't just wollop our ass
He's such a sweet boy,it like he's made out of cotton candy
He's mostly did cleaning and cooking on top of his job but after switching back from hoodie, he's out of commission for like a week
He picks up after himself, and does his own laundry and there's never beard trimmings in the sink
He occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat down but it's rather rare
He's not too clingy but he does cuddle up sometimes
"Brian pleaseee get off!! It's the middle of summer! It's too hot to be cuddling" you huffed sleepily
"Shhh just let me hold you.." Brian muttered
Ticci Toby:
Your the breadwinner. Period
You think this man has a job? Hah funny
He hates when he tics especially when you are trying to have intimate moments together
You guys have to be silly during sex especially when he has a verbal tic and just yells bird
"Fuck toby right there~" you moaned out holding onto his shoulders tightly
"I'm so c-*whistles* shit sorry~" toby moaned out a bit embarrassed
"Toby it's ok it's normal~.." you muttered a bit trying to keep your voice even
Toby nodded "fuck I lov-Birds!" Toby shouted
You both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing just holding eachother close
Overall aside from Toby's horrible moodswings at times and his "work" you guys have a pretty helpful relationship
No, Just no
This man is toxic asf when you guys first meet, definitely a manipulator
He tones it down after a bit but still gaslights you into getting what he wants
When he gets angry, please down run from him- he will track you down and may or may not resort to physical violence to get you to learn your lesson
If you ask about the missing children he WILL gaslight you into thinking that's he's told you before and it hurts that you forgot and won't tell you again
Sex? What sex? You think he would let you even get close enought to see that shit happen hah very funny
"Slenderman? Cmon I'm sorry you know I didn't mean to hurt you.." you muttered softly
"No. I already told you, and you forgot.. it is insensitive of you and unwise of me to tell you again, " he responded through your mind. And though he doesn't have eyes, you could only assume he was glaring
He's not healthy for you, but you've got yourself into this for life and there's only 1 way to get out
Eyeless jack:
Just like Jeff he'll sneak into your room
You literally can't get rid of him
He won't talk or anything, just stand and stares
He doesn't cuddle and he barely touches you
He definitely tried to offer you a kidney as a way of telling you he appreciates you
No hygiene whatsoever, he doesn't shave and it takes a month before you even get him to shower
He mostly just grumbles and groans to let you know he understands what your saying
He's really smart, puzzles, locks ,and riddles are no match for him
He's blunt, when he does talk it's rare, bit it's honest and unfiltered
You guys barely have sex and honestly you've probably never seen his face
"Jack, please!! I just wanna see your face, " you whined, laying yourself over his lap
"I said no, and if you keep asking, I'll eat you. Literally, " Jack retorted
Yeaaaa he meant it literally and you could tell
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brights-place · 1 year
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A/N: Sooo I’m in lots of Fandoms and I’ve recently joined a fandom called welcome home! And I LOVE ITTT SOOOO MUCHHHHHH so I’m making some Head cannons for if you are dating Wally. This is for you simps out there! I hope you all enjoy it and I am also done with my Marble Hornets and Tokyo Revengers Headcannons so check those out too if your intrested.
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You Dating Wally Darling
He is a golden retriever boyfriend
He is so high up the ranks on PDA but if your uncomfortable about it he will just hold your hand and help you get more comfortable around him.
When you argue he paints or draws you and him with hearts with the words “I’m sorry” on it. You bursted into tears
He loves when you two paint together he just gets so happy and giddy.
When he wants attention he goes up behind you and hops on your back or cuddles you out of nowhere.
You guys have matching outfits, socks,jewellery and plushies!
He gets angry if you're going to spend a day without kissing him or showing affection so give this boy some love.
When you go in small dates he likes showing you little art doodles in his sketchbook.
When you guys were baking with poppy he made such a mess you had to buy some more baking things for poppy oh the bird was horrified seeing you and Wally covered in flour and the cookie dough.
When it rains he offers to go dance in the rain and you go out in the rain with him to dance while music was playing from inside home.
Whenever your sick he would run straight to your side and will never let go he would protect and take care of you the whole time.
When he can’t take care of you he asks Barnaby or Julie. The whole time he was gone and left you with those two or one of them he was worried about you the whole time.
He sneaks into your arms when your sleeping so he can cuddle.
-He has a crush on you-
Sometimes NO all the time he talks to home about you and tells home everything that happened today about you. (Does the same with Barnaby when they hangout)
He loves listening to you talk about your interested he just sits there are listend with a Goofy smile on his face while you tell him everything you love.
He always looks at you and when you catch him, he says "oh! Sorry I zoned out.." and looks away with a giant smile on his face.
If someone was sitting next to you, he is fighting for that seat. He will just stare someone down so he could sit beside you.
He buys you flowers and chocolates and asks Eddie to deliver them for him.
He loves drawing you in his sketchbook sometimes he Put your initials in a Heart.
When he asked you out on a date he was fidgeting abit but when you agreed he was jumping with joy and hugged you.
On your 4th date he asked you if you wanted to be his S/O. You cried with tears nodding your head while wally pecked your face with a goofy smile you couldn’t help but giggle and hug him.
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hi hi !! 🎀 anon here! May I get some HCs of Laughing Jack, Tim Wright/Masky and Jeff the Killer with an affectionate clingy s/o please and thank you! 🥹👉👈
(An unrelated note regarding last time: My job and boss is actually super cool and they said I can dye my hair!! I’m so stoked eek! <3 magenta highlights, once again, after so many years, here I come! They have been missed…)
a/n: omg yay!! happy you get to dye your hair!! <3
with an affectionate and clingy gn!s/o.
includes: laughing jack, jeff the killer, and tim wright.
warnings: uh... none... i don't think.
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Out of all three, Laughing Jack is definitely the most stoked about having an affectionate and clingy significant other.
My guy has terrible abandonment issues, and he can be a bit clingy himself if the mood calls for it, so to have someone who doesn't want to leave his side? Might as well return him to heaven or something, because nothing will ever get better than that.
He is equally as affectionate if we're being honest.
Yeah, he's a big scary evil clown and all that terrorizes children but he knows how to be nice to the people he likes.
Knowing that you cling to him the way you do, it helps reassure him that you don't intend on leaving anytime soon. I mean, if you wanted to leave him, then you wouldn't be clinging to him like you always seem to do, right?
And so long as you keep clinging to him like you do, then his abandonment issues will rarely ever show up and everything will be all good and a-okay.
Hm... he can't decide if he likes you being clingy or if it annoys him. He won't lie, he loves the attention and it feeds his ego whenever you praise him or call him beautiful. You being affectionate is something he knows he likes. But he's not sure if he's fond of the clingy part or not.
When he first met Nina, she was pretty damn clingy as well, and that made him grow to hate her. To be fair, he didn't harbor any feelings for her. He does harbor feelings for you, however, and it feels different when you cling to him.
There are days when he can't stand you clinging to him, and he'll make it known in a rather rude way, to be honest. But there are also days when he wants you to cling to him because sometimes, your clinging to him feels a lot more genuine than your affectionate words.
He's very 50/50 on it, and it can change by the hour, to be honest. But he's fine with it more often than he's not. Only because he likes you.
But will he ever actually tell you that he likes it? Probably not.
It'll be fairly obvious though. Jeff may be rude, but he's not exactly the best at hiding his emotions around people he feel comfortable with.
Please give him time to adjust because holy shit there's no way he'll be immediately comfortable with you clinging to him. He can barely take a compliment without feeling uncomfortable, so there's no way he'll be fine with physical affection right off the bat.
He'll tense up whenever you throw your arms around him, and it'll be very awkward because he's not entirely sure what he's supposed to do. Does he hug you back or does he just stand there? He's never been super close to people like this before, so it's all still very new to him.
If he becomes too uncomfortable, he'll let you know and will definitely put some distance between the two of you until he no longer feels that way.
He doesn't feel suffocated by your affection and clingy behavior, it's just something he's struggling to get used to because, I mean, Tim does have the mindset of 'I don't deserve this type of love' so it's very hard for him to accept it.
He'll definitely distance himself from you entirely during the events of Marble Hornets because there's no way he wants you getting involved, and he already blames himself for everything that's happening. He doesn't want anything to happen to you.
And if you're still around after the events of Marble Hornets, then honestly he would need your clinginess to ground him.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Flumpy part 2 ( jake seresin x reader)
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SUMMARY : Y/N is settling well in miramar , even more so with the dagger squad bar one although after hearing a potential date taking shit  jake rushed to defend her while y/n rushes out the door  only to head into a worse state which bids the question is it too late .  
warning : this is an angsty chapter  mentions of character death as well as some violence and our girl gets into an accident , the some violence is only in defence  though and its fictional so let keep our hands to ourselves but also jake hitting someone for us 🥵🔥 
@harrysgothicbitch as promised 😎🖤
@djs8891 😊
First official day wasn't so nerve wrecking giving she spent her weekend with her new could she call them coworkers . She liked how got along with them well nearly all of them one she really couldn't stand one of them . hangman , at first she was going to tease him for the flumpy comment it wasn't that deep til she heard him talking at the food table on the beach and well that just killed any sort of base for a friendship . throwing on her overalls and her hair in a ponytail as grabbing her helmet she and set on her way not wanting to be late for her first official day . only to see a bronco parked outside her driveway .
" i got my ride roo or did daddy dearest send you" she batted her lashes only to see a blonde head of hair in the passenger seat. " well roo my dear boy get out of my dad's ass and follow me" she laughed lifting the garage door .
" i tell him same thing darling doesn't listen" jake flashed her a dazzling smiles only for her to not even pay attention .
" i got you a coffee" rooster offered .
" we got you a coffee" jake yelled .
" i'll grab it when we get there" she laughed closing the garage and driving off on the bike.
" why are you in my car again thought your truck was way better than my... then my what did you call it flintstone mobile" rooster walked to the driver side .
" i thought i'd give the flintstone mobile a go you know i'm doing this whole don't judge a book by it's cover" he smirked. " i judged it right this time" he added looking around missing his baby.
" you wanted to try get on y/n good side , bagman that woman will chew you up and spit you out before you even know it" .
" no woman could do that and you know it" jake scoffed.
" you taking a ride to base with me and getting her coffee" .
" yeah because i like being liked" .
" oh bagman you met your match" rooster chuckled as two set off .
She pulled up in the car park taking the helmet off her head , fixing her hair as phoenix walked up to her.
" you ride a motorcycle god can you get any hotter" .
" wanna be my backpack" she winked . " i don't know what that mean but i will" the woman laughed .
" well i'll explain it at lunch lets see if any more repairs are needed plus the hornet which i can tell is roo's well i need to look it over as well as the one behind it which i know is seresins" .
" please don't kill bagman i need you around" nat fake pouted.
" even if he's a dick well i can be professional at work plus i don't look good in orange" she sighed sadly.
" hey kid thought rooster was giving you a lift you know it being your first day...." .
" or you trying to get me not to ride my baby which is ironic cause who got me into them?" she arched her brow.
" yeah well you didn't join the navy" he countered thinking he was getting somewhere .
" whats my degree" she smirked. " thought so old man now stop your sexism is showing and not good in this day and age" .
" it's not sexism" he scoffed .
" so if rooster wanted to drive the bike you would be same right" she asked.
" of course not you know why i don't want you on it" he looked at her pointedly .
" well if that's the case then you can't fly in planes ,check mate mister , where are the locker rooms" she turned to nat who was standing slightly awkward at the exchange.
" this way you need to get your keys at the front first" .
" well discuss it later young lady" he called after them. " in your dreams old man" .
" hey shit guys wait up" rooster ran after trying to avoid looking Mav in the eyes after hearing some of their discussion .
" what was that about" jake asked.
" probably one of the worse time in our lives and not my story tell hangman" .
First day was done then the first week then the first month it went by in a flash . she found she really like the dagger squad could understand her father and rooster could like them , she liked wednesdays because her and fanboy played video games after work or working out with javy on thursday , tuesday she help payback with cooking so he could wow his wife and sunday were girls day with halo and phoenix saturdays were beach days and due to rent issue most nights where spent with bradley her new roommate also saturdays the torture before the beach a hike with rooster and hangman although they still weren't on speaking term hell she pretended he didn't exist and unless it was work related she didn't acknowledge him at all and it was driving jake seresin beyond mad . He watched how she would be with the squad , the smiles and affection that he secretly yearned for , the laugh of hers that drove him crazy .
he stopped with even taking girls home because last couple of times he did they left mad as bulls when he realised that he called them y/n . one woman who turned up and derailed his life and now he was stuck like a lovestruck wimp with a girl that wanted nothing to do with him and that was all completely new. But he never showed that , no he would put on the same old charm or pull her pigtails like they were kids on the playground . He would say something ,first she would well ignore him but he kept saying things til he eventually would get a response with even though wasn't good it was better then ignoring him .
" well if it ain't my favourite little handy woman" he called as she was taking inventory of what parts would be needed already done with the day.
" what can i do for you" she eyes checking over each tray.
" jet making weird noise again , starting to think you aren't looking after my jet properly darling" .
" oh bite me i take care of it like i do all the jets you just aren't careful with the flying machine all action and no finesse" she shot back tying the top part of her overalls around her waist knowing there was nothing damn wrong with the jet this was just one hangman's ways of torturing her .
" where is the location of the weird noise or is it you brain trying to work" she asked climbing up the ladder ready check over the engine and to see it was in tip top shape.
" my dear you wound me so i heard it promise cross my heart"he winked making her bite her tongue not wanting to sink to his level . she checked it over knowing she wasn't going find anything wrong with the jet , she check it only a couple of days ago when he said same thing . she check the wheel well only to see what exactly was the problem and one that hated her job .
" problem here is you got a dead bird in here and it's not my job to clean that out have fun"she smiled happily leaving him speechless looking up as feather fell out floated to the ground .
"hey y/n you got a minute" bob called out.
" course i do" she skipped as jake wished he ignore the weird sound . she as well as the other squad members watched as hangman began clearing the jet watching as the carcass felled down onto the ground as he gagged loudly . " least there will be no more weird noise huh bagman" she cackled.
He may of washed himself three or four times after the whole bird incident wanting to make sure he got the reminisce of it off his skin even though it didn't touch his skin knowing . he probably should of got a recruit to do it but nope he done it all himself. In his cleaning he didn't noticed the door open or the pitter patter of the sounds of feet on the cold tiled floors . it was when the sound of the shower and humming started , he knew who knew it was wondering why the hell she was using the base showers . " princess is lowering herself to using the peasant bathrooms huh" he called making the humming stop completely.
" peasant bathrooms really also i thought you were gone" she sighed .
" nope still getting bird off of me".
" well i need to get the grease and oil off me i meeting up with a friend after work" she almost sang.
" yeah i know we're all meeting at hard deck later" he rolled his eyes .
" different kind of friend but enjoy" he could almost hear the smile in her voice which annoyed him but another feeling was rising one he's never had when it came to women , almost new as turned the shower off leaving promptly . what was it about this one that had him so well fucked .
" yeah i got her to agree to go on date with me" the voice laughed .
" man you are one lucky son of a bitch" . it was like the world was against him now having to listen so prick to brag about getting the girl, getting his girl .
" yeah all i had to do was pretend to like the shit she did and boom eating out the palm of my hand , i don't know whether to hit it and quit it or do i carry it on i mean her dad's maverick so maybe i can get something out of" the sniffling little shit was about to say more but the rage that built up as he spoke well he didn't get a chance to speak when he found himself slammed against the wall with a seething hangman staring at him .
" woah hangman let him go" rooster rushed up .
" little prick you think you can use her" he growled pushing the man harder.
" wait what you talking about man" the mans voice shook .
" i heard it all hit and quit or use her for her daddy now we both know she too smart to fall for that , she probably didn't even fall for your crap , she probably felt bad for you but that still doesn't mean i shouldn't beat you into these tiles right here" .
" because he's not worth it just let him go jake" her voice sounded so broken behind him yet he did, he let the man go even though he wanted to beat the shit out of him .
" leave now while you have teeth"rooster snapped as they ran out of there .
" pretty girl?" rooster said but she quickly rushed off to get dressed and leave the base before they could get to her she was driving off clearly upset .
She felt stupid , she thought he actually liked her , she couldn't believe she felt for his shit . " idiot you fell for the easiest line in the book because ugh" she grumbled to herself feeling the tears start to build . " great now i crying" she laughed although muffled through her helmet .
checking around only seeing one car she nodded to pull over and he waved indicating for her to go ahead . she moved almost there and then she wasn't it was all so fast she was almost there. She was catapulted off the bike at first is was all in slow motion like time was moving at snail pace then the impact she hit the ground hard setting time back into motion . she could hear her bike scrapping along the gravel as well as her skin where her suit was ripped open . everything hurt no hurt was probably too minor to describe it , everything burned intensely as she looked up through the now cracked visor of her helmet and yet she couldn't move it was like something was holding her down in place.
" miss can you hear me , she not responding" a voice called . " she still breathing although it looks like she struggling , no i didn't touch her , she bleeding bad" the voice frantically called like he was talking to someone she couldn't hear.
" he just came out of no where at full speed , hit her off the bike please are they close ". she felt warm liquid coating her skin and burning was starting to dull . " yeah there's a visor on her helmet there i got it off , miss can you hear me , her eyes are open" . " her eyes are closing miss stay with me , god he came out of nowhere please hurry miss,miss" was the last thing she heard before it went quiet and everything went black.
They stood quiet , standing their usual spot waiting for a text or call she was ok .
" she isn't at home i checked already" rooster sighed something in his gut told him something bad was going on same one he got the day his dad died or when his mom got her diagnosis.
" maybe she needs time" nat said softly although she was itching to go out and look for her .
" she needs her friend and i've a bad feeling" rooster began pacing . Jake seresin well he was quiet , almost too quiet as he replayed it all from her face to the fact she called him jake . usually it wouldn't of meant so much if it wasn't her. She never used his name not even his surname it was always bagman or hangman maybe even cowboy but never jake.
" fuck it i'm going looking for her" rooster snapped the man from his own thought and instantly he was on his feet.
" i'll come with you" was all he said. Usually rooster would tease him , taunt that they would be using the bronco but no for some reason the look on jake seresins face was reason enough to keep it quiet and all he did was nod . they all walked out , standing talking about who was going with who til they heard it .
" fucking bitch had to be there man i was so close could of been balls deep now and buttering up captain mitchell " that pricks voice from across the car park . Not a second thought or the voice of reason from his friends to ignore it cause he saw red , full blown rage that had him barrelling across and punching the man square in the jaw . it was almost satisfying when his fist connected or when the prick hit the ground .
" what is your fucking problem asshole" .
" my problem is you , ya had the perfect woman and all you wanted was what she could give you , what she could benefit you not realising you had the best thing on this earth and you fucking took advantage of it , i hear you call her one more thing or they hear you in there well son a punch is gonna be last of you worries" he spat .
" she a chick man get over it acting like a crazy person over maverick bitch" he laughed the fucker laughed as jake went to dive on him only his friends pulled him back.
" she a force of fucking nature , smart and beautiful fucking woman , you lucky she even gave you time of day
. " hangman" rooster called.
" you don't hear what he's saying what he's calling her man" jake growled pushing out of his friends arms only for rooster to pulling back turning him around.
" hangman come on" he said again more almost gentle or something he couldn't quite place.
" nat no" was all they heard before the female pilot hit the man again only he went to hit back this time .
" not now rooster" jake gritte only for rooster took a hold the mans fist as the fucker actually looked scared.
" you get out of here not in there, he's right you say one bad thing about y/n in there you gonna get your ass beat " rooster pulled the men away sending them off with black eyes and bruised cheek .
" what the hell , did you hear them" jake snapped.
" jake we need to go hospital , there's been an accident . y/n hurt real bad" .
" come on lets go" he said leading him , nat and bob to his car . all again quiet once more.
The ride to the hospital was silent all wondering what bad truly was and all afraid to ask . in the space so short as a month she'd managed to worm her way into their hearts and now they hoped it wasn't end of what was going to be a beautiful friendship . jake felt ill hell he felt everything all in once but now more so fear and worry . it was all so much in so little time but one feeling he felt one he more , one he feared of feeling all these years and it could be too late.
" oh my" nat gasped turning their attention to the side of the rode . they saw it all the glass everywhere , blood pooled on the ground it didn't take a genius to connect the dots they knew . her bike still on the ground as the cops had the area closed off and her helmet thrown on the ground half haphazardly. " stop i'll meet you there" nat yelled already getting out of the car. " that bike is her baby i need to" was all she said .
" i'll go with her and get guys to bring us" bob said running after her.
" she right , that bike is here baby , she been driving them since she was sixteen , think that's her second one , the other one is in our garage she still cleans it takes it out. My mom was freaked when she got the first one i mean scared to death on it but mav would say she was go driver" he chuckled as they drove down the highway.
" thought he hated her on them".
"wasn't always that way ... shit mav probably freaked thinking history's repeating , look i said it wasn't my story to tell but fuck it , you know charlie blackwood her mom well she died when y/n was seventeen hit her hard during the whole thing well she needed space. sick of people giving their well wishes which i agree it's only so much of if you need me .. anyways she went on drive although that night it was raining from what we know she lost control on the road was real bad she ended up in a coma for couple months , they said she slim to none chance of full recovery and she beat those odd woke up all ok first thing she asked was her bike ok" he laughed as tears gathered in his eyes .
" she stubborn one huh but she fighter too so determined you know well of course you know your like her brother , she never lets anything go even when the guys talked down to her she showed them what was what probably how she had half the base on her side in matter of weeks, she's so smart too like brains for miles , it's cute to when you see her concentrating hard on something her little tongue poking out or that laugh not the fake one she gives cyclone to boost his ego but the real one that makes you wanna do more to keep it going" was like he couldn't stop talking it all falling out his mouth on it own free will as bradley smiled listening.
" sounds like a man in love to me , i mean i know i was young but reminds me of the way my dad would talk about my mom" .
" you hit your head chicken boy you sound crazy" jake quickly covered his track albeit not well .
" oh shut up man you know i'm right and me crazy you attack the same man twice for merely talking bad about her" rooster shook his head.
" that was hypocritical i mean come on i said same sort of shit first time with met i called her flumpy like she should of clocked my ass".
" well you do make shit first impression, i'll give you that is true but i've noticed a change in you since you met her , woman of hard deck are safe from your chat up lines , your not sleeping around like a dog and you've been trying to make it up to her since the beach. Yeah you tease her but thats your love language or what ever amelia says . all i'm saying is you got time to turn it around" rooster explained all so easily like he knew something more then he was letting on and maybe he did .
" do i though?" jake ask crashing them back to reality knowing it might not be a chance. He hope rooster was right , he hoped he could make things right and he hoped it wasn't too late . 
Part three
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asking in good faith, i remembered you once posted about having nuance about ABA and i want to understand what you mean by that because i know you post from a non-western disabled perspective.
is ABA something other than operant conditioning in other places? if not, shouldn't we be listening to the ABA survivors who call ABA abusive and dehumanizing? if something is abusive to some but happened to help others, isn't it irresponsible to say that ABA is good for anyone just because it helps some people and has hurt others, like the psychiatric system?
asking because i want to understand what nuance there is, because the only people i know who have had to endure ABA therapy in their life have survived really horrific, dehumanizing abuse like being treated as a dog by their ABA therapists. is there nuance to this?
hornet nest. don’t really love talk about ABA but will answer this one. so
1) when talk about ABA, from western perspective. ABA here (<certain non-western country) even worse lol (would say newly introduced compare to say US… plus there not much of neurodivergent acceptance movement here & eugenics rampant people on social media proudly say classic eugenics stuff n admit eugenics good. like admit eugenics by exact word.)
2) important correction that never said ABA good for anyone everyone. never said ABA not abusive never abusive. because ABA often is abusive. would say such vast majority abusive. some more subtle and or not all encompassing in practice than others but vast vast majority use harmful ideology or methods in some way (90%? higher?not scientific number by any mean, throwing it out there based on observation, more illustrate point of how high than Actual Accurate Number). if any time you (general you) got from my post about ABA think am arguing ABA never abusive then you definitely understand something wrong, or am didn’t communicate right. despite what may seem like on this blog, anytime hear “ABA” alarm bell go off. anytime see “am ABA therapist” immediate distrust & avoid & rarely earn back.
with that out of way:
fortunately with neurodivergent activists & ABA survivors advocating, n neurodiversity affirming become more of a “good thing to describe self as”, some ABA clinics trying/say they trying change. try more natural learning, try more strength based techniques, less drills, less DTT, less force eye contact, less force mask, less punishment but more reward, less food motivators, less planned withholding… we at very very beginning of this
unfortunately “neurodiversity affirming” becoming buzzword. can slap it on anything. include “at first glance look all good person have fun smiling but if know what look for, harmful practice glaring at you” ABA. people can say they do nonabusive ABA n do harmful practices. n sometimes it people genuinely trying take abusive part out of ABA but not realize some aspects still… harmful. still coercive. still take away autonomy. (ETA n of course there many places where unchanged)
operant conditioning… hard one because. n this maybe out of topic or nit pick. give self shiny gold star sticker for monkey brain (reward) whenever finish task (goal behavior) technically operant conditioning. not abusive. but ABA abusive because… “only look at behavior ignore internal, smile mean happy eye contact mean better milder” operant conditioning. “‘tantrum’ undesirable behavior attention seeking so not reward behavior need extinguish behavior by planned ignore (who care why they meltdown)” operant conditioning. “food rewards you earn eat only when you good, you earn comfort only when you good” operant conditioning. “stop elopement by physically block them from leave n once they learn stop elope they better (actually just replaced physical flight with dissociation freeze)” operant conditioning
& sometimes it not that “ABA not abusive”… but more not believe ABA more abusive than say. police that kill visibly autistic people especially visibly autistic Black people. or more serious than “put your autistic child in therapy or we take them away. n by therapy we mean ABA.” or “am single parent work multiple jobs child keep get sent home mid day bc behaviors which mean interrupt work less pay more likely get fired. struggle pay bills cant afford childcare but insurance cover 40 hour ABA idk what to do.” or “get kicked out of 7th school 937473th SLP OT because behaviors” ETA (forgot to retype when draft got deleted so add back in) this not saying “ABA abuse okay bc other abuse exist.” but more of ABA not exist alone & ABA exist because other things exist & cannot get rid of ABA alone without get rid of system that produce it
know people who went through ABA as child n not feel traumatized n actually found it help (n some of them may be traumatized just not realize it but there people who thought about it a lot & still conclude not traumatized). know people who went thru ABA found it both help n abuse. know ABA survivors who “maybe did help but abused by it don’t want the help if mean abuse.” know ABA survivors who just. abused. of course ABA survivors who abused by it should be prioritized. people who went thru ABA who not traumatized very minority & at least huge bit of luck. n often times also with some mix of privilege (location eg state with better healthcare more up to date healthcare cities at blue states etc, financial, etc.). hence why never say “ABA never abusive.” n why don’t feel comfortable call self ABA “survivor” because. well. not traumatized by it. don’t feel right
all of this (n tbh anything am saying abt ABA) more said towards non ABA survivor audience (specifically those who hear like third hand fourth hand fifteenth hand information n never actually read anything official about ABA & can’t tell you what it does beyond “promote masking” (often true… but how?) & when asked for more, no clue. am firmly believe you need know enemy to criticize & defeat enemy.). it more of way ask them talk about ABA with more nuance n more knowledge. no interest “educating” ABA survivors on what ABA is & how it work. not my place. they not need it.
^ because right now “anti-ABA crowd” turned kind of into joke in some people eyes because some people who say “ABA abusive” keep saying same thing as eachother n can’t tell you what ABA actually is beyond “masking & eye contact.” n also poorly done studies (that ABA PTSD study that anyone can just say they went thru ABA & no verify… there difference between letting survivors exist online without interrogate & demand for proof papers, versus published scientific papers). yes many most ABA abusive harmful yes no doubt ABA survivors gotten PTSD from it etc. but if in role of advocacy, neeeeeed be able talk about it with knowledge & nuance (ETA & good evidence). because most impacted are gonna be ABA survivors & them not be taken seriously (already happening).
would love world where. autistic people with serious behaviors that danger to self or others get help they need. without be kicked out of multiple services. without be abused. be treat as human. be treat compassionately. for help be freely available. n their caregivers have respite. n not need work 9 million jobs just to pay bills n not have time be around child. unfortunately we not there yet. n take long time get there. n people struggling now. so need something for now. need harm reduction. so will try take as much harmful stuff out of ABA as possible while we work on new thing.
very bad TL;DR: are there any nuance? ..yes? but when say that people tend think mean “ABA never abusive.” so also no… not in that way
sorry kind of went off tangent. but no short way talk about ABA nuance
potential context for other people? one two three four
though PLEASE. DON’T reblog these ^ posts. don’t want them get revived n have to Deal With That.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
i am potentially just perhaps perchance maybe begging on my hands and knees for brian / hoodie and reader smut.... your writing is so good it scratches my brain just right
Absolutely!! I’ve been on a Tim and Brian CRAZE. And honestly a fall craze too since it’s my favorite season so I hope you don’t mind! Thank you sm for the ask 🖤🖤
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Fandom: Creepypasta/ Marble Hornets
Plot: Some sex in the woods 😊
Warnings: Fingering, nipple play, not much else
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You didn’t know if you’d be able to ever get used to the way Brian’s gloved hands ran down your body. You didn’t know if you’d ever get used to fucking in the woods! Lord knows you’d never do this if he hadn’t practically forced you into trying it. The sharp fall wind hit your skin immediately as he lifted your shirt, pushing your bra out of the way to get to your erect nipples. His mask was pushed just above his nose, giving his mouth just enough access to you. His warm tongue was a beautiful contrast to the wind that chilled you. The way he swirled around your sensitive bud was just enough to pull small moans from your lips.
Brian was more of the silent type, even when fucking he didn’t feel much of a reason to make noise. Small growls and grunts here and there but usually his hands did most of the talking. He let his gloved hand slide slowly into your pants, giving your clit the attention it so desperately needed. His free hand squeezed your breast, running up and down your side tenderly.
He liked taking it slow with you. If he wasn’t recording you, he’d be fucking you like the one true love you were. Today his pace was almost agonizingly slow.
“Bri… Come on baby…” You tried your hardest to coax him faster. You knew your words of encouragement would make his mind fuzzy, softening him so you could work him just the right way.
He pushed two gloved fingers into you, feeling your slick soak through the fabric as his thumb continued to work your clit. Your soft moans only made his pace grow quicker. He wanted his glove to be soaked with your sweet juices. He wanted to be able to smell you whenever he wore them. Fuck how he loved how sweet you were.
Your small hands clutched his broad shoulders, sharp nails digging into the fabric of his hoodie. You could feel his muscles flexing with each pump of his fingers.
The mix of his tongue on your sensitive bud and his fingers deep inside of you made your eyes roll back. Your orgasm creeping closer with each deep pump of his gloved fingers and each swipe of his tongue.
He could feel the heat radiating off of your flushed skin. No matter how cold it was out, he knew just how to get you heated. You wouldn’t ever need clothes with him around to keep you warm. You could almost feel his smirk against your skin as your moans got louder. All you could hope was that no one was close by. Heavens forbid anyone heard you…
Brian on the other hand almost hoped someone heard you and came to investigate. He wanted anyone to see how good you were for him, how you would let him do anything to you. He wanted to hear the creeps talking about how you got dirty with him in the woods. Wanted to see the blush creep up onto your cheeks when you heard their comments.
Every time he didn’t record he wished he did. He wished he pulled out his camera to capture your euphoric expression as your orgasm overcame you. He wished he had multiple angles. He took a mental picture instead. Slowly he pulled his fingers out from your pants, stuffing them in your mouth while he fixed your clothes, making sure you looked presentable.
When he was sure you had a good taste he removed his fingers, taking off his gloves and shoving them in his back pocket. He picked you up in his arms, giving you a soft kiss followed by a loving smile. Giving him a soft smile in return you pulled his mask back down, giving him a kiss on his mask’s painted frown. You listened to the leaves crunch under his heavy work boots, your head rested against his muscular chest that even under all the layers he was wearing you could still feel.
The walk back to the mansion was long but there’s no place you’d rather be than in his strong arms.
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yippee-boi09 · 1 month
Uwa!? You findz this bloog??? (O_o)
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ANYWAYZ haiiii welcome to mai blooogggg!! <3
My name is [REDACTED] but for the time being y'all can call me LittleGuy!
About me
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-I'm transmasc, aroace
-He/They/It/Xe pronouns
-I have ADHD, am currently working to get an autism diagnosis and may update this later so plz keep in mind
-Green/Rainbow scene, RAWR X3
-I'm a furry just to let you all know (probably not gonna talk about it much unless asked)
-I don't allow NSFW on this blog nor do I usually talk about serious stuff unless it concerns me or it needs attention brought to it. I ABSOLUTELY allow gore and stuff (drawn, I can stomach real gore just fine but I'm not keen on it being on my blog :d)
-Anyone except the DNI below is welcome!
-I'm also an age regressor (and a pet regressior, kitty cat :3), this isn't my main blog for it... it's right here! (I still allow agere/petre topics on here! <3)
-Also I like ICP (Ice cold penis lol), Creepypasta, Marble Hornets (Slenderverse as a whole), Twisted Wonderland, Omori, and the horror genre as a whole
-This blog is mainly to just be about me and stuff :P about my life depending on when and what I wanna share. I will every now and again make posts about controversy that should have eyes toward it or possibly exposing people for horrible actions. (O_o) (this could be out of defense for others I know, I usually do the last thing if it involves me or friends and/or I feel the need to... I'm not always gonna address controversy happening lol) I also do stimboard requests, that's really it tho :P
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That's really all about me... oh! I also write on ao3 occasionally and I may or may not post stories I write here and there lmao just don't expect frequency (I also laze around on spacehey too), I'm friends with @bloodydove08 and @lazloshearse so Go check the out! Never give up and have fun!
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moeyynorris · 1 year
Let’s Talk About Chemistry
Let’s Make Trouble in the Dream World - Part 1
Max Verstappen x F!Reader (for now)
Warnings: Some angst (mostly internal), uncertainty in a relationship.
Moeyy’s Master List
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Qualifying was always a big day. The tension was like sludge in the air compared to Practice Friday. Teams hummed in their paddocks, and drivers hovered over the cars as they took in any minor changes made. And, the loved ones of the drivers lingered around, mostly in the shadows.
However, you were not someone who could remain in the shadows. No, the press scrambled to get a glimpse of you doing, well, anything. As someone who had been made famous from social media, it almost felt like the press was scouting you out more than the drivers themselves. That’s why you had been hunting for a quieter place to be for the last hour.
“Y/N,” a familiar voice called from inside the paddock. You slowed your scurried walk to look for the source. The moment your eyes caught the name at the top of the garage, you smiled.
“Charles?” You answered, just as you were greeted by a sweet smile. “How are you?”
Charles offered a hug, which lasted a little longer than you had expected, but it had been a while since you had seen him. Actually, this was only the second race this season that you had gotten the chance to speak to him. And, since it was the middle of the season, it felt like it had been an eternity.
Charles gestured for you to follow him into the garage. You did happily, knowing the press wouldn’t have much to report on in the Ferrari side. Unfortunately, most of the press attention was on Red Bull, and the quickly rising McLarens as of late. At least it was a safe spot for you to lay low before the beginning on qualifying.
“How’s the car?” You asked casually, coming to a stop at Charles’ side. He shrugged, then quickly snapped his gaze to you with a smirk.
“Are you trying to gather information for your love’s team now?” He played with a chuckle. But, you didn’t laugh, which caught him off guard. “I’m joking, Y/N. I know you wouldn’t—“
“No, it’s okay. You said nothing wrong. It’s—never mind.” You returned his smile. “Anything we should be looking out for? I mean, it would be nice to see you on that podium more often. Last weekend was a treat.” Charles nodded in agreement.
“Well, there are some small changes that I hope will give us some advantage. But, I’m just hoping your lover boy lets us all have a chance.” Your stomach churned at his nickname for Max. You didn’t even know what the plan was this weekend for Max. Over the last few months, it was like you weren’t even there. Until now, you blamed Max’s silence on nerves. But, here was Charles, who wasn’t even close to Max’s points in the championship, making time to show you his car. Charles was just a friend, and not one you knew all that well honestly. Max was your… boyfriend. No, it wasn’t the pressure at all.
“Who knows what his plan is this time,” you whispered a little louder than you meant to. Charles stared for a moment, then nodded, as if he could hear every thought. The two of you stood there in silence for a few seconds, before another red-clad driver caught your gaze.
“Bellina!” Carlos charmed as he jogged to you. “Y/N, how are you?” You hugged him, then shrugged.
“Better now that Charles saved me from the press spotlight. They are like a swarm of hornets over the Red Bull garages.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Well, the better looking drivers are over here anyway.” He winked, then glanced at Charles. You peered over to the slightly rosy-cheeked Monegasque driver and smiled. “Anyway, I got tickets to your show tonight!” Carlos beamed. You snapped back to him.
“You… got tickets? Carlos, you don’t have to buy tickets. You can just tell me and I will let you through.” You nudged his arm and smiled.
“It was my idea,” Charles chimed from your side. You turned to him, confused.
Charles had never been to one of your shows. Actually, the last time you saw him, he had asked you what kind of music you made. When you said rock, he almost seemed repulsed, and that was the end of it. Now, he was buying tickets? Your stomach flipped…
Which was weird. Why were you so suddenly reactive to Charles?
You struggled to gather your thoughts. “Uh, so you like rock music, Charles?” Charles pursed his lips, then nodded slightly.
“I like most music. I have to say, I haven’t listened to much rock, but since I have a connection to the artist, I should have a listen. You know, to show support.” He offered a smile as a mechanic wizzed past him.
You took a step back realizing the number of people quickly filling the garage around you. Mechanics rushed around the car, and engineers murmured amongst themselves as they gathered around the car.
You peered down at your watch. Q1 started in less than an hour, and you didn’t want to hold up the two drivers any longer than you already had.
“Best of luck, gentleman. I’ll see you after the session. If not, then I will definitely see you tonight. Just let them know you’re with me, and they will let you through if you want to say hi after. I mean, they should know who you are anyway.” You grinned, then leaned in for a hug from Carlos. He squeezed you, as he always did, and nodded goodbye. Then, you turned to Charles.
Charles was more of a quiet, gentle soul compared to his teammate, at least on the outside. But, the last few times you had chatted with Leclerc, you had noticed a mischievous side. He offered subtle hints to his prankster side, and even let slip a few lines from his dirty sense of humor. A part of you hoped to see that side of him more.
You leaned in to wish your friend luck, wrapping your arms loosely around his shoulders. His right arm braced your lower back a little stronger than you expected, pulling you against him. Your grip instantly tightened around his neck as his other hand gently cradled the back of your head.
Your heart started to race as you accepted the oddly positive emotions flooding you. You felt safe, warm, happy. It had been quite a while since a hug made you feel like that.
Your eyes fluttered open as Charles slowly released you. You stared up at him for another moment, then flash.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
How To Save A Life
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: Hi, I made a part 2 so no one would be sad :) -Thorne
It’s been a week since Price let them have leave after the mission, but no one left the base, most feel like they can’t. Price, being the saint he is, let them handle training for the new recruits instead of forcing them to leave. It’s easy work. Yelling at fresh meat is always something officers can do with perfection, whether it be to eat, shit, shower, or shave.
This time, it’s a meeting.
The meeting hall of the base is filled with chatter, laughter, and arguing. Multitudes of metal tables fill the floor. The officers of the 141 are sitting at a table of their own near the front, waiting for Price to start when the doors open and two men walk in flagged by a third.
“Admiral on deck!” One shouts.
Fifty men hit their feet at attention as the old man steps in behind the two, tucking his sunglasses into his breast pocket. The uniform he wears is old, World War Two old, they realize as they stare at him. He’s old and whitened, trimmed white hair and a mustache to go with it. His wrinkled hand wraps around a cane as he steps past, but it’s almost like he doesn’t even need it, legs still firm and strengthened.
He doesn’t give them the call to stand relieved, and the enlisted are looking to Price and the others for their next move; they’re still standing at attention. He’s old. Retired no doubt, and they don’t have to salute or stand at attention to him, but they’re not about to argue.
The old man walks past to the wall across the room and admires it. “‘Those Who Went Above and Beyond’,” he reads, whistling at the end. “Quite a few souls this task force has acquired.” He looks over their pictures before falling on the one that had joined a week before. “What a pretty dove,” he murmurs to himself, pulling the picture off the wall.
He walks over to a table and turns the photo face down, slamming it on the hard corner. Glass shatters on the front and everyone save the officers jump at the action. He snags the photo from the frame, letting it fall without care as he raises it in his hand, a woman in her enlisted uniform, barely out of the cusp of her adulthood.
“I tried to make her into a well-respected lady, but she never wanted to be anything but an officer.” His smile is prideful. “Went behind my back to enlist. Was madder than a hornet when I found out, but when I saw her in that uniform…I was never more proud.” He shows everyone the photo. “My granddaughter. The only surviving child of my only son. The woman I raised.”
They know her, all of them do. She’s the one who died last week.
His eyes don’t leave her face. “And someone here in this room is the someone she died for.” He finally scans the room. “I don’t know who he is. I don’t particularly care to know anything about him.”
For once in his life, Ghost wishes he wasn’t who he was.
“Ghost,” he says and all eyes in the room shift with a palpable force to the masked man at the front table. “Where are you.”
“Here, Admiral,” Ghost replies and the old man takes his time to get there, standing in front of him.
“What’s your rank, son?”
“Lieutenant, sir.”
“How many kills do you have to your name?”
“Over three-hundred.”
“Hmpf.” Ghost’s a giant compared to him, but he stares like he’s a foot tall. He raises the photo. “She talked about you. About the task force in her letters. Kept talking about a ghost in them. Could never figure out what she meant by it. But…I see now.” He puts the photo in front of his face. “Look at her, Ghost.”
And Ghost does. Follows the order, but wishes he could feel anything but the overwhelming regret.
“Have anything you wish you could’ve said to her?”
He does.
He has hundreds of things he could tell her.
Don’t die for me.
Die for something worth dying for.
He says nothing and the Admiral nods, turning the photo back to himself. “She was the light of my world. The hopes of all my pride and joy.” His smile is almost contagious. “They used to ask us what we were fighting for in the War. I had nothing. But if I’d had her back then, it would’ve been her.”
His hand dips into his pocket and he pulls something out, punching it through the top of the photo; a tack.
“And now I buried her. Shot dead in the asshole end of Russia by an enemy she had no business fighting. Dying for her superior. I wonder if she ever wished for a more honorable ending. I wonder if you tried to save her.”
“She died for you, Lieutenant. My little girl died for you.” He put the photo square in the center of Ghost’s chest and raised his fist, slamming it against the man. Ghost didn’t even flinch as the metal pierced his clothing, skin, and into the bone of his sternum. “Don’t you ever fucking forget it.”
He turns, walking back to the door and leaves without another word.
Price relieves them but no one even wants to move; they’re all still staring at Ghost.
And Ghost, Ghost doesn’t move from his attention, feels nothing but a three by five piece of paper burning itself into his chest. Something starts to feel too tight in his heart. Twisting so painfully that he can’t breathe. There are too many eyes on him, too many murmurs he can hear. He feels the heat on his hands, looks down finally at them and sees blood, he blinks, eyes widening as the world around them him shifts. Snow crunches under his boots as he looks up, sees her in the distance held in the arms of a man who looks awfully like him. He starts moving, feet carrying him in a sprint across the battlefield as puffs of white air escape through the mask. The man is shaking her, screaming at her to wake up, and he can’t breathe, hands outstretched for her as he slides to his knees. He touches her and—
Ghost shoots up with an audible gasp, lifting the mask above his mouth so he can suck in air into his deprived lungs. Sleep-filled eyes suddenly awake. He shudders as warm air fills his body and looks around the hospital room, at the monitor still steadily beeping along, the clean sheets on the bed, and the woman tucked in, quietly breathing as she sleeps.
He lets his shoulders fall in relief as he settles back into the uncomfortable hospital chair. He remembers now. Soap and Gaz taking out the shooter, Ghost calling in a rescue after she’d fallen unconscious. The chopper picking them up, keeping her stable until they arrived. The surgery. The survival.
She’s alive.
She’s still fucking alive.
Ghost takes a look at her, her expression calm; his hand moves on its own accord, gently brushing along her cheek. Her skin is warm under his fingers and he dips his hand down, laying it in the center of her chest. Her heart beats solidly beneath, strongly. Too stubborn to die, she’d muttered when they’d gotten her to the hospital.
He wishes he’d never hurt the heart beneath.
He’s so focused on the feeling of her beating beneath him to notice her eyes have opened. It’s the change in her breathing that alerts him and he looks up, doesn’t remove his palm as he meets her slitted gaze.
“How you feelin’, rookie?” he asks softly, and she merely smiles at him.
“Hey, LT…” she whispers, throat scratchy with cotton. His thumb brushes in a calming line and she adds, “Knew you liked me too.”
Ghost laughs, corners of his mouth pulling up as he smiles. He doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t pull away from her either. He simply keeps his hand there and stares at her as she stares back, both smiling at each other.
“I’ll spend as long as it takes to repay you for saving my life.”
She shakes her head, or tries to and lifts a shaky hand, laying it atop his. “Take me out on a date…I’ll consider it even.”
He breathes deeply.
Ghost doesn’t know if he can trust himself to love.
Ghost doesn’t do love.
Ghost has never kept anyone close enough to attempt love.
But Simon Riley loves.
He stays with her all night. They talk as long as the medicine allows for her to stay awake until the periods where he simply watches her in silence. Protects her when she’s vulnerable. Simon feels the burn in his chest. The coldness of the dead organ beginning to de-freeze to live again. He’s scared. Unprepared for what’s to come with this. But something in there too feels like it’s been saved. He’s been saved.
And I would’ve stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
I don’t usually make gendered readers/mcs but because the MC is hyperfemme in the webtoon I’ll be making off this + the themes relate to femininity. . .
Inspirations: From Films : Mean Girls, Jennifer’s Body. From Tumblr : the blog heartfullofleeches
Pairings (Blurb Specific) : Yandere! Ex! Jock! x Popular Girl/Queen Bee! Reader x Yandere GF of the Jock! Good Girl! Soft Girl!
TW/CW: Heavy themes typical to Yanderes, Manipulative! Reader. Mention of violence towards a girl. Reader cucks her ex.
Poor Darling de Leon.
It was obvious she was being used as a replacement. A way to make you jealous by your attention seeking ex.
He could have at least tried to hide it better. The girl wasn’t his type at all. She was demure, easy on the eyes yes, but awfully withdrawn and shy. Her fashion sense heavily contrasted yours, by its blinding pastels and childish themes.
Her lips, covered in gloss, made it even more plump and kissable. Yet the dimwitted Jock hadn’t let her gone past the occasional lap sitting and back hugs whenever you were in the room. His disgust for replacement could be spotted from a mile away, really.
Poor, pretty Darling De Leon. So unused, so unloved.
If it were up to you . . .
“Yoohoo~ Darling?”
“You’re silly, y’know that? Why don’t you come here?”
Your entourage gave you a funny look. Throughout the years they have learnt not to question your actions lest they face the consequences. Yet it still bothered them whenever you wasted your time on people like Darling. You time was better off spent with them and them alone.
Darling, although apprehensive, knew enough to not knock on the hornet’s nest. The incident yesterday showed the transferee just how much power you held over the student body here.
You stared at her standing with an amused look before you gestured to your lap.
“Here, sweetie.”
She sat on your lap. Completely frozen.
What were you planning? Was she going to end up like that girl? She never wanted to date Justin, she was coerced into it.
Before any more thoughts entered her pretty head you spoke once more, “You’re still a virgin, aren’t you?”
She bit back a squeal as you glided your hands across her inner thighs.
“Hmph, what a man Justin is.” You lean into her ear and whisper, “He doesn’t deserve a pretty girl like you, Darling.”
Was this a ploy for you to get them to break up? Darling winced as you squeezed the soft skin on her legs. She’ll do it in a heartbeat! You didn’t have to bully her like this.
“You know who does, though?”
You began giving her neck kisses. Lightly, as if putting just a little more pressure would break her.
Your lips separated from her skin, hands too. The absence of the warmth it provided startled her. Finally, as Darling caught her breath and looked at her surroundings, she finally noticed her boyfriend staring at the scene in horrifying anger, not to mention the entire class . . .
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1987vampire · 2 years
spoiled dog. | Masky
Fandom: Creepypasta / Marble Hornets Word Count: 3.8k Warnings: PET PLAY, puppyspace!reader x owner!Tim, transmale!reader (fem body/masc names), cockwarming (in mouth), degradation and praise kink, face slapping, spanking, collar and ears, heavily submissive reader. A/N: Still in the poly!proxies universe. They will never be seperate. Extra:
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The space under Tim and Brian’s desk was more comfortable than it should be. This was not fair. Of course, you were going to be here at any given opportunity. After all, they had made the space so nice for you – even if you had torn it apart and put it back together the right way when given the chance. The pillows and blankets that lined the roomy bottom of the desk made it to where you didn’t ache as you laid at their feet, listening to them tap away at the computer for hours at a time while you lounged, waiting for their attention to come again.
Why did they have to have so much paperwork? It just wasn’t fair. That’s what you were thinking as you curled under the desk again, head tucked close to Masky’s foot. The man had been fronting for the past two days in a surprising but happily accepted turn of events. Tim had just been tired, too tired to not accept the offer to sit in the back of the headspace for a while and rest instead of reining control. Masky had been tapping away at the keyboard for at least seven thousand hours now, it felt like. Truly, it had been maybe three, but you were needy, and he had only given like three head pats.
You itched at the ears placed neatly on your head - like you could really feel them - before you shuffled around. Masky’s typing didn’t stop as you rearranged yourself, circling around a few times the best you could before plopping back down with a huff, turning to stare up at his legs. They were parted just slightly, you could just-
You lifted yourself up, folding your legs underneath you before you just plopped your face down at his knees, the space just big enough that he was cradling your face with his thighs unintentionally. You let out a low sigh of content at the feeling only to be interrupted as you realized he had done it – he had stopped typing.
You glanced up, no doubt looking pathetic as you made eye contact. Masky gave a neutral look, eyes narrowing just slightly before his hand dropped down from the desk and to your head. You closed your eyes again, leaning into him as he ran his hand through your hair carefully, nails scratching deliciously against your skin. This was nice.
His hand dropped slowly, moving to the back of your neck, fingering at the leather of your collar. “You’re a good, little puppy aren’t you,” he finally spoke. Your eyes flew open, looking up at him with a dopey smile. Of course, you were good. You were always good for them. “They’ve got you trained so well,” he drawled out. You shuffled, rocking from side to side just slightly, excitement flooding your body. “Good dog.”
You let out a little whine at that, pushing into him more forcefully, staring up at him with doe eyes, wanting more and more attention. He chuckled lowly, tugging at the collar a few times teasingly. “Wanna play, puppy? You’re looking awfully needy down there.”
You nodded excitedly, the words already going straight to your cunt, face flushed at the thought of what he would do. Masky wasn’t known for being soft, after all.
He seemed to think for a moment, giving you a few more pets before he paused, another laugh passing his lips. “How about this,” he spoke, palming at the growing bulge in his sweatpants, your gaze locked on his movements. “How about you use your little mouth to keep my cock warm and ready for you while I finish these documents, and if you can hold out for that long, I’ll think about fucking your slutty pussy.”
Oh, what a dream he could be. You nodded, eyes still locked on his lap, ready for him to tug down the tops of his pants, ready to have something. His movements weren’t rushed in the slightest, each tug of his pants emphasized with the languid pace. You were practically drooling with excitement when his cock finally sprung free, hard and thick and beautiful at the moment. He pumped his cock with one hand, teasingly showing off what was so close yet so far. You whined lowly, bouncing in place slightly, anticipation climbing higher and higher.
Your patience was paid off for in the end as Tim gripped your chin with his other hand. “Open,” he mused, thumb pressing against the plump of your bottom lip. Your lips parted so easily, eagerness showing in abundance with every move you made. He made a pleased noise, fisting his cock once more before he tapped it against your tongue a few times.
You made a noise of impatience, trying to follow him with your mouth, but he was having fun. He finally - finally - laid himself on your tongue. His hand fisted the back of your hair firm enough to hold you in place but not hurt. He sighed lowly as he pulled you forward, letting him fill your mouth until you couldn’t fit anymore before stopping. You shuddered harshly, you could feel him pulsing in your mouth, and you could also feel how wet your underwear was getting at the action.
You let out a low sigh as the two of you settled down. You were doing good, so, so good for him, you knew you were. He made the prettiest sighs as he typed into a few more documents. After you heard him click out of a tab, he rewarded you with a shallow thrust of his hips, sure to make you whine every time. There was so much spit pooling, though. You must have looked absolutely depraved, face stuffed with cock, drool slipping past your lips and gathering down his thighs, hips grinding into the air, no friction found but desperately wanted.
You waited, and you waited so patiently, your breathing picking up even restricted as it was. You shuffled in place a few times, but you kept him seated perfectly inside your mouth, your tongue instinctively pressing against the small ridges of his cock, against the vein that ran along the underside, laving at the slit. This was heaven.
It felt like an eternity before he was done, waiting endlessly, patiently, and then –
A shallow thrust into your mouth, a soft groan falling from his lips, and then a hand in your hair again, softly pulling you away. You couldn’t help the cry that escaped you at the movement, leaning forward as he pulled away and out. His hand pressed against your forehead, stopping you from moving any farther as you tried to crawl forward. You huffed, letting him tilt your head back so you were looking at him.
“You were such a good boy, sitting so pretty for me,” he cooed, moving to caress your cheek instead. You sighed heavily, leaning into his touch, his warmth. He was oh-so warm. “You really gonna fuck it up by getting greedy now? They have you so, so spoiled don’t they, puppy?”
You whined lowly again, dropping your head as you shuffled in place. You were good, you swore, you just wanted to please him, but… You whined again, sad.
“Oh, baby.” He tutted softly, reprimanding. “You’re not in trouble.” You perked up at that, glancing up at him through your eyelashes. “Dirty little whores like you can’t it? Can you, puppy? So cock-drunk and desperate already. I bet if I got you out of those panties, you’d be dripping all over the floor, wouldn’t you? Such a messy little boy.”
The sounds you let out were downright pornographic, head filling with only thoughts of him. You moved around until your foot was below your ass, trying to angle your body in a way where you could get some sort of friction without using your hands, but it was in vain. Nothing was helping, and you were sure that even if you did manage to catch it right, it wouldn’t be enough. You needed him more desperately than ever.
“Pathetic,” he drawled out. “Such a whiny bitch. You think your foot is enough to get yourself off? Think you can satisfy yourself like that?”
You shook your head, crying out a loud ‘no’ as you did so.
Before you could even register it, Tim had smacked you across the face. It wasn’t hard, definitely not as harsh as he had done before, but it still shocked you enough into stilling, a defeated look crossing your face. You were a bad dog.
“Last I checked,” Masky spoke, moving to gently rub the cheek he had just hit. “Dogs don’t speak. Do they?”
You shook your head again, closing your mouth to prove a point.
“Good boy.” As a reward, he pet your head a moment longer before pulling away. This time, you sat still, ready, hands in front of you on the ground, steadying your dizziness. “Now, come on, you still deserve your reward.” He took a few steps back and paused once he realized I hadn’t moved. “Do you not?”
You moved. Slowly, one knee and one hand at a time. Crawling always felt so humiliating, no matter how much you did it, but the fire inside you was not diminishing anytime soon, so you would crawl and beg if needed if it meant that you would finally be satisfied.
Masky sat at the edge of the bed before he began to shed clothes, t-shirt and sweats tossed to the floor without a care. Then, he settled down, legs spread, hands pressed to the bed behind him, head tilted just enough as he watched you make your way towards him. Once you finally reached him, you took your spot between his legs, kneeling.
You wouldn’t even lie, your gaze was fully trained on his cock, mouth watering again at the thought of finishing him off, the thought of cum filling your mouth, the neediest whines he made as he came. For as much as he made fun of your noises, he had the filthiest sounds mixed with his words.
Masky whistled, long and attention-grabbing, a chuckle passing his lips after. “Want a taste? You weren’t satisfied with having my cock in your mouth for almost an hour?” He tutted softly. “Greedy little whore.”
You looked up at him, wide eyes barely blinking. What did he want you to do? What did he need you to do? Just one command, and you would do anything for him. It took everything in you to stay still, especially as he caressed your face, hand slipping down to pull at the ring on your collar.
The word was stated so forcefully that you didn’t think twice before your hands were at the hem of your shirt, and you were pulling it off, throwing it somewhere to mix with his clothes. Your underwear was a harder feat, getting it down your legs and off without standing was a talent you had slowly picked up, and soon, they were gone, too, and you were back to waiting. Always waiting.
Masky took his cock in hand, a smug smirk on his face as you put all of your focus into watching him, your eyes following the movement of his hand as he jerked off in front of you, teasing you with what you wanted so desperately. You whimpered, pawing at the ground, leaning forward.
“Want a taste that bad?”
You nodded frantically, scooting forward enough to be in reach of it.
“Open up. Show me that you want it.”
You complied, tongue lolling out as you opened wide, practically shaking from excitement. He patted his thigh, a signal to go ahead, and you took no breaks, diving forward and taking as much of him as you could in one go. He moaned, the sound deep and rumbling in his chest as he tried to muffle it. You moaned around him in response, internally grinning as his mouth dropped open, releasing the sounds he tried to keep in. He let out a heavy sigh before pulling at your hair again. You let him control your movements, forcing your head up and down, your hands moving to grip his thighs, nails digging into the flesh.
You were pulled off of him much too soon for your liking, the hand in your hair suddenly yanking back and pulling you off. You panted loudly, trying to catch your breath, confusion clouding your mind. He must have been able to read your face, the disappointment evident, because he smoothed over the spot in your hair he had yanked.
“You’re not in trouble, puppy. You’re doing so good. I just want to cum inside that slutty pussy instead of your throat. If you kept going,” he trailed off, scratching the base of your skull.
You leaned into his touch, sighing blissfully before you recognized what he had said. If you kept going.
You leapt forward again, wrapping your mouth around him before he could catch on. Masky made a noise of surprise followed by a groan and then, he was yanking you back again, watching as you almost toppled over. You re-steadied yourself, making noises to try and communicate without speaking. What happened?
Masky reached forward, grabbing you by the waist, and throwing you onto the bed behind him. You landed on your stomach, head reeling as it tried to catch up with his movements, but then, his hands were on your hips, and you were positioned until your face was pressed into the pillows while your ass was high in the hair. A sharp smack was landed on your ass followed by another on the other cheek.
“Greedy, filthy fucking slut,” Masky grumbled. “It’s never enough for you, is it? Always wanting more. Is that what you want? More.” You whined pathetically, wiggling your hips in hopes that it would entice him to finally give you what you want. “I was right about one thing, though. You’re absolutely dripping.”
To prove his point, he pressed forward, and you cried out as you felt his tongue press to the inside of your thigh and lick all the way up to your cunt, dipping into your entrance teasingly before pulling away. You wanted to cry. You were shaking so bad, so pent-up and needy, and he was still playing with you.
Masky let out a small ‘fuck’ and then, you felt him press back in, cool air fanning over your most sensitive parts as he moaned and sighed as you felt his tongue against your clit, and you were in heaven. You had no idea how the man knew how to use his mouth so well, but you found yourself fisting the sheets and biting down on a pillow in an attempt to quiet yourself, each flick of his tongue sending heat traveling through your body to the tips of your fingertips. You were burning, practically on fire.
One of your hands clenched around the sheet a few times before you let go and smacked the sheets a few times instead, head thrown to the side so you could breathe properly. “Cum. Please, may I cum, sir?”
Masky pulled away to talk only for you to wail as he replaced himself with two fingers plunging deep inside of you. You shuddered, a few tears falling as you clenched around him, trying to wait for permission, trying to be a good boy. “Well, you have been so patient.” He paused, shuffling for a moment behind you until you could feel his breath fanning over you again as his fingers kept a relentless place. “Cum for me, puppy.” Then his lips were wrapped around your clit, and the tips of his fingers hit that special spot so well, and you were crying out as you came, back arching uncomfortably, and body shaking in pleasure. Oh, this was worth it, but then, his movements didn’t stop.
His tongue slowed to languidly massage your clit, digits practically locked on your g-spot with every plunge they took, and they didn’t stop. Even as you made a noise of discomfort. Even as you tried to pull your hips away. Even as the tears picked up again as the pain took on a form of pleasure all over again. Even as you came another time and the cycle repeated. He had his hand on his cock, working himself slowly, keeping himself at bay as he practically destroyed you. The only noises he made to acknowledge you and what you were doing were the soft moans and groans he breathed into your skin.
He finally pulled away after the fourth orgasm, after you were a shaking and sobbing mess, slumped into the bedsheets and barely able to keep yourself up. If it wasn’t for Masky’s hand wrapped around your thigh possessively, you wouldn’t be lifted at all. He took his time after you came, like he was cleaning the mess he made, slow, long licks to your overstimulated body that made you jump and whimper every time.
“What, pretty boy,” Masky breathed out as he leaned over you. You could feel his cock press against your ass, and even in the mess of a state you were, you managed to roll your hips against him, sighing at the thought of him finally inside of you. “Are you not as spoiled as I thought? You look pretty spent already, puppy. Do those boys not know how to use their mouths like I do?” Then, his mouth was pressed gently against your neck, and he angled his hips and guided himself with his hand until you felt the head of cock press against your entrance.
He stilled and pressed his free hand to the small of your back before dragging it down and smacking it hard enough to have you jolt. “Such a good dog,” he praised, and then, his hips snapped against yours, and you were wailing all over again. He didn’t give you time to settle or get used to the stretch, but with the amount you had already cum, you were slick, your body betraying you and letting him slide right in.
“Ple-ee-ease,” you sobbed out, throwing an arm back to press against his chest.
His reaction was almost instant, everything too much, too fast for you to process at the moment. One moment you were face down in the mattress, and the next, he had wrapped your arm behind you back and stuffed his fingers in your mouth with the free hand, three digits pressed to the top of your tongue to hold it down. “Don’t make me regret my compliment, puppy,” Masky huffed, thrusts not slowing in the slightest, each rock sending pleasure through your body. “Good dogs don’t talk, they bark.” He let go of your arm, reached around, and you let out a garbled noise as he managed to find your clit, immediately gripping his forearm tight enough to leave marks. “So bark.”
He took his hand, damp with your spit, out from your mouth and smacked your thigh before grabbing at the collar’s ring. When you didn’t make the noise he wanted, he was quick to pull harshly on your collar, sucking the breath from your system for a moment.
“Be a good dog and obey.”
And you did. You barked like the dog he wanted, and you barked as he changed his pace until it was practically merciless, and then you were practically howling as you came for the fifth time, panting heavily crying again, and it was pure bliss. Even as your eyes rolled back, and you felt your front hit the bed as Masky let go of you. He was quick to follow, letting out a delicious moan followed by a few panting breaths. You could barely register it, eyes closed and body slumped, sparks and heat coursing through you in strong waves that made you feel disoriented.
Still, you found yourself crying out for a final time as he pulled out. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to make a noise as he lazily circled your clit, using his other hand to push the cum that tried falling out back in. He let out a content sigh before pressing a kiss to your probably bruised ass.
You only managed to make yourself move when you felt him fully move away from you, suddenly cold and needy. You blearily opened your eyes, pushing yourself up on weak arms to try and follow him. He was quick to press a hand to your back, pushing you back down softly. “I’ll be back, baby. I’m gonna grab some stuff to take care of you. I’ll be just a minute.” He pulled one of the softer blankets over your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple as you settled back down. “Be a good dog and wait here for me, okay?” He left at that, picking up a pair of sweats and closing the door behind him.
You waited with bated breath, curled up underneath the blanket, tired eyes trained on the door, waiting all over again for him to come back. A few times, your eyelids tried to betray you and force you to finally rest, but you were a good boy, and you would wait.
When he finally came back in, clutching a few things to his bare chest, you were barely awake, but you were quick to try and get up again. Masky huffed out a laugh as he set everything on the bedside table. He climbed up and sat next to you, folding his legs under him to keep room.
“Come on, puppy,” he cooed, “let’s get you on your stomach.”
You sighed but followed his movements as needed, rewarded with a few embarrassingly nice pets on the stomach, the calloused hands nice against smooth-ish skin. He helped you lean up to drink some water before tending to the mess of your face and thighs. “Such a good boy,” he praised as he cleaned. “Always so good for me – needy and spoiled, but so, so good.”
Your stomach filled with warmth at the words, your body practically melting into the bed. The feeling was only amplified as he began to massage lotion into your skin on the areas he had bruised, his fingers delicately soothing cream into the chafed part of your neck under your collar and the bruising on your ass. He was always so much harsher than either he or you remembered. He noticed you dozing off after a few moments as he kneaded the fat of your thighs affectionately. “Oh, tired puppy.” Your eyes fluttered at his voice, but he tutted softly, running his knuckles across your cheek. “Get some rest, puppy. I’ll be here.” He moved to get back to his desk, but you were the fast one this time, throwing your arm forward with the last of his strength to grab his. You let out a long, drawn-out whine.
He replied with a quiet, huffing laugh. “Alright, I can probably spare a few minutes,” he spoke as he climbed back in, and you were passed out before you could even wrap around him properly.
“Good dog,” Masky whispered, pressing one more kiss to your forehead before settling down, too.
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
you guys have shown me soso much support and it really means the whole world to me, and i wanna show y'all that with my writing !!
i'm gonna be opening up requests for NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets, romantic / platonic matchups, and songs for characters!! this is gonna be a longer post, so all of the specifics are under the cut :)
also, i'll of course still be taking normal requests, but while these are open they'll be the priority for me to get to :)
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Who's available for requests?
Evan Myers
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
Jessica Locke (fem/gn reader only)
Toby Rogers
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer (fem/gn reader only)
Nina the Killer
Clockwork (fem/gn reader only)
Cole Cassidy
Reaper / Gabriel Reyes
Soldier: 76 / Jack Morrison (masc/gn reader only)
(this includes the Blackwatch and Deadlock eras! just lemme know, without specifics I'll assume it's current era)
Songs for characters ;
a song for how i think a character would react/feel about certain things! being in love, their thoughts on themselves, things like that :) i'd be posting a song link, specific lyrics i think really match with what's being asked, and an explanation/break down on how it relates.
Romantic / platonic matchups ;
give me a rundown of who you are, if you want it to be romantic, platonic (or both), and i'll match you up with someone :) quick physical, personality and partner preference/needs descriptions would be great, the fandoms you want, and anything else you'd want me to know would be great !! if you'd want a basic template, i have this one right here !!
NSFW / romantic / platonic alphabets ;
you can ask for a full alphabet, or just specific letters, for characters :) all three are down below if you wanna get a feel for them before you request
A = Adventures, what kind of crazy shit would you get into together?
B = Bond, what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?
C = Cuddling, do you ever cuddle? how physically affectionate are you?
D = Dance, do you ever dance together? how?
E = Enemies, were you ever enemies? Do you share the same enemies?
F = Fight, how often do you fight? how do you resolve conflict?
G = Gain, how have you helped each other improve as people?
H = Help, how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?
I = Injured/Ill, how would they act if you got hurt or sick?
J = Jokes, what’s their sense of humor like? how do you joke about things together?
K = Kisses, do you ever kiss? how? Kisses not on the lips count
L = Love, how do they show you they care?
M = Meeting, how did you meet? how did you become friends?
N = Nesting, do you co-habitate at all? how?
O = Oasis, is there a specific place that is “your place”? what is it?
P = Protection, how protective are they over you?
Q = Query, how inquisitive are they when it comes to getting to know you?
R = Record, what’s something you’ll never let them live down?
S = Support, how would they show their support for you? how far would that support go?
T = Trust, how much do they trust you? how do they show you that?
U = Uplift, how do you bring each other up?
V = Vacation, do you ever travel together? what’s that like?
W = Worry, do they worry about you? how often?
X = Xerox, are there any traits or habits of theirs that you’ve picked up by accident?
Y = Yahoo, what’s an inside joke you share?
Z = Zany, do they have a weird side only you get to see? what’s it like?
A = Attention, how much attention do they want in the relationship?
B = Baby, do they want a family? Why/why not?
C = Cuddle, do they like to cuddle and show affection? How?
D = Dates, what are dates with them like? What do they like to do? 
E = Equal, do they prefer to be more dominant or submissive in the relationship?
F = Fights, how do they handle arguments? How quick are they to forgive?
G = Gratitude, how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? 
H = Honesty, are they honest with their s/o? How important is it to them in a relationship? 
I = Insight, how easy is it for them to read their partner? (Mood, thoughts, etc.)
J = Jealousy, do they get jealous? If so, how easily? How do they deal with it?
K = Kiss, what are their kisses like? Who kissed who first?
L = Love, who said “I love you” first? How often do they say it? When did they realize they were in love?
M = Marriage, do they want to get married? How long do they have to be in the relationship beforehand? What would the marriage be like? 
N = Nickname, what are the nicknames they have for their s/o? Do they like when their s/o uses nicknames?
O = Open, how long does it take for them to open up to their s/o?
P = PDA, how do they feel about public displays of affection? What kind of PDA do they show?
Q = Quality Time, what do they like to do for quality time with their s/o?
R = Reunion, how do they react after being apart from their s/o? How do they cope when they’re away?
S = Sad, how do they cheer their s/o up when they are feeling down? How do they like to be cheered up?
T = Thrill, do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine? 
U = Understanding, how well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V = Value, how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W = Wild Card, a random relationship headcanon
X = Explicit, a NSFW headcanon
Y = Your Name, if they did get married to their s/o, who would take whose last name?
Z = Zz, how do they like to sleep with their partner? What time do they like to go to sleep/wake up, ideally?
A = Aftercare, what they’re like after sex
B = Body part, their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s
C = Cum, anything to do with cum, basically
D = Dirty secret, pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs
E = Experience, how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?
F = Favorite position, this goes without saying
G = Goofy, are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.
H = Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
J = Jack off, masturbation headcanon
K = Kink, one or more of their kinks
L = Location, favorite places to do they do
M = Motivation, what turns them on, gets them going
N = No, something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.
P = Pace, are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.
Q = Quickie, their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.
R = Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.
S = Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?
T = Toys, do they own toys or use them on a partner or themselves?
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease
V = Volume, how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
W = Wild card, a random headcanon for the character
X = X-ray, let’s see what’s going on under those clothes
Y = Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Z = Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
Does the rest of the family know that grimm is essentially a killer for hire for lurien?
To add on to that question, how “criminal” are the people that lurien asks grimm to kill? are they actually murderers and genuine shitty people, or a are they just petty thieves that were unfortunate enough to get lurien’s attention or maybe some political opponents that lurien has marked for death?
I think they are aware, yeah. Vyrm most certainly is, and it wouldn't take Hornet long to find out either. So I do think this is something that isn't really kept a secret in the family.
Generally, I think something like this wouldn't be as big of a deal in their society as it would for us - they're noticeably more animal-like than us. Murder is, of course, frowned upon, mainly because it causes chaos within communities. Someone innocent being murdered is a big deal, it means that the community is not safe. In contrast, those who deal punishment for those crimes are seen more as protectors rather than murderers. It's definitely not a flawless mindset, if you start delving into the logic you'd probably find some holes. But it works for them more often than not.
And to the second part, I don't see Lurien sending Grimm after petty criminals. I think he'd only reserve that for those who cause actual serious problems to the city. Leaders of the criminal underground, murderers and those who committed other deplorable actions, and so on. Generally, if there's enough to warrant a "wanted: dead or alive" poster or anything of that sort, this is what Lurien considers a criminal worthy of a "more effective method". Is it a perfect logic? Far from it, there's definitely more nuance to it. But considering the post-infection state of the city, and all the shady types it attracted in its lawless state, he has more important things to worry about. His goal is to protect the city at all costs, and to drag it out of the criminal infested hole it was stuck in for the entire time it took him to gain power (which I imagine was at least a few years, he didn't become the head of the city until about 3-4 years before the current point in the timeline).
Now, would it include political targets? I think it's an interesting idea, perhaps in the future. As of now, there aren't many threats to his position, he's universally seen as a good leader in the districts where he's in power. His biggest worry is the safety in the city, the criminals still hold a lot of power over some districts of the city, and as the city's population rises, the problem remains difficult to solve. Weakening the criminal underground is his best bet for now, and Grimm does it far more effectively and discreetly than his guard.
There is definitely more to this idea that I want to explore so apologies if it's a bit nonsensical at this point. I think exploring the concept of a criminal underground holding power over parts of the city would help with making it more believable, and would explain why Lurien was desperate enough to ask Grimm for help. And on Grimm's side, it would also add another layer to his part of the agreement - aside from getting blood, he can also help make the city safer for his family, if they ever need to visit it.
Since I have more time now, I'll most likely give more attention to this in the worldbuilding section of my AU info page. I'm definitely open to feedback and suggestions about this. For now, I hope the answer was satisfying enough.
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dairyfreenugget · 5 months
That oc with pk is absolutely adorable! What’s the lore for that au and how they got together, if you don’t mind me asking?
Sorry this is a bit late, but thank you!
This is basically a little post game ending AU I made with @demonicintegrity 's help except PK survives (and I also frankenstained our messages together so hopefully it's a coherent story)
Anyway this is super long so I'm putting it under read more
Hollow is sort of aimless and doesn't know what to do with themself now that they've served their purpose so they just. Wander. Until they meet PK and basically decide hey I'm his knight, knights are supposed to protect their kings right? I'll just follow him. Meanwhile, PK's having an awful time and doesn't want anything to do with Hollow but the stubborn bug will. Not. Leave. Him. Alone.
PK also wants them to not be subservient to him and be an actual person and shit but he doesn't know how to go about making that change. First option was avoiding them so they had no choice but to make their own decisions but they just wouldn't. Piss. Off. Second option was just ordering them to be a person. He's not the best at this
Hollow just interprets any suggestion of his as an order and it's one hell of a battle to change that. PK and Hornet essentially try to teach Hollow how to be a person, with mixed results.
Hollow also has a lot of mixed feelings. Hurt and anger mixed with wanting affection and comfort from their parents mixed with feeling they don't deserve that affection and putting them up on a pedestal and treating them as gods and royals instead of parents, any kind of attention or care feels blasphemous to them. They're stubborn and think very badly of themself, still clinging to this idea that they're a tool and are meant to serve. Hell concoction!
They get out of it but. It takes lots of work.
First time they disagree with PK and have an argument, he genuienly celebrates after he cools off. FINALLY they're not just going with anything and everything he says! If only this argument wasn't about Hollow's worth, but...you know. Two step forward one step back.
Hollow also has a mouth now, one The Radiance made. The bottom of their mask shattered to make room for it. They also now have a voice, raspy, rough and painful, and mostly unused because they hate it.
So the first time they use it around PK it's a shock for him
Hollow: Can you stop fucking pacing? The tap tap tapping is going to give me a migraine
PK: Oh, very sorry I just- YOU TALK?
Hollow, nodding:
Pk: since when!?
Hollow: ….. since She was using me to scream
Pk, slapped in the face:
But! On the plus side, now they can eat and taste things. PK's new favourite hobby is getting them new meals to try...for better or for worse,
PK, finding a VERY bitter fruit: "....Hey Hollow, wanna try something?"
Hollow makes a face and that's probably the first time they heard their father genuienly laugh
Proceeds to eat fruit out of his hand like a horse.
And then just. Keeps the fruit there after one chew.
“….. you can spit it out if out if you need too.”
“………. -slowly let’s it slide out of mouth and onto the ground-“
Looks at their father with an absolute look of betrayal
“…….. some people like bitter fruits.”
"You could have warned me. You knew."
But their favourite food is berries :] Any berries, as long as they're not bitter. Will wat them right off the branches, often with leaves and stuff because they don't feel like picking them off.
He ans Hornet also teach Hollow how to hunt. And they proceed to hunt regularly for their entire family (the poor tiktik population...)
They just drop a dead bug on their mother's lap all proud and she makes a face
WL: Thank you, but-
PK, through their mind link: DON'T YOU DARE
WL, also through their link: But I don't need to eat with my mouth!
Hollow, waiting for the rest of her sentence: …….?
Wl: …. I’ll get to it in a moment dear, not super hungry at the moment
Hollow, still pleased with this:
PK helps her burry it so she can absorb it through her roots
PK eventually tells them and they start burying their kills and helps PK keep the soil nutrients rich for their mum
At least once a day Wl looks down and feels hollow digging a hole for their kill for her
Eventually she pats their head and tells them that decomposition, even with her roots, isn’t as fast as eating. So she really doesn’t need a substantial kill each day
Starts giving their dad kills every day instead
Pk, internally wondering about the ecological impact his kid might be having:
Hollow is an invasive species
Gets them to be occupied with something
But their family quickly tries to figure out a different possible hobby before they decimate the local wildlife population
Hornet and Pk at least keep moving around so they have to spend time finding them
Hornet: one day you’re gonna get caught in one of my traps I swear
Hollow: Nu uh
OH PK trying to get them to treat him like family and not authority and I think Hollow going to sleep in the nest he made for them right next to his would be a pretty big step
Because previously being close to him felt wrong, blasphemous, knights aren't supposed to sleep in the same den as their Kings, they're supposed to have their own quarters
Especially since they’ve never really. Seen him sleep before
After first they’re tempted to sit up, still play guard, but Pk tells them to lay down and rest. Put that fucker in a headlock because they absolutely will follow their old programming otherwise
Pk opens eye and sees they’re laying down but clearly just watching him and not actually sleeping.
Just baps their face.
And keeps his hand their as he closes his eyes
His hand fits squarely between their big eyes
A scene I thought up that I kinda wanna draw (but probably won't)
Hollow's going Through It and PK doesn't know what to do so he just wraps himself around them and hopes physical contact will help calm them down
This is the first full on affection he showed to them aside from that one time he kept his hand on their head as they slept
And Hollow just. Starts crying
They don't know why, their chest just feels tight and...hurts. They didn't realise how much they just wanted a hug from him all these years
"...D...dad..." They croak out in their broken, rough voice between their sobs
It felt like a hit aimed right at his heart, clawing his chest open. They never called him that before. He curls tighter around them and shifts to place a gentle lick on their forehead
"Shhh," He nuzzled them, "It's okay. It's okay, Hollow. I'm right here."
Hollow chewing PK's tail like one of these necklace stim toys and PK doesn't mind because his chitin is extremely hard
He's just doing his own thing while his kid is chewing and growling
PK absentmindedly moving his tail while he works on something and Hollow's playing with it
He only notices when he moves it further than usual and Hollow zooms across the den to catch it
Looks over and Hollow's staring at his tail like O_O
Has to move his tail a couple times to confirm that yes, hollow is zooming
“You’re just like your sister when she was little” (Bold words from somebody who would also get zoomies if his wife put a root in front of his face)
Hollow is also only a nickname, they don't have a proper name and go by their title The Hollow Knight. Others aren't happy about it either but Hollow doesn't care about picking a name. File this in your brain for later, it'll be important in just a second.
Anyway. Hollow has kids.
yknow how some trees when damaged or moved they lay down a ton of seeds to make up for potentially dying? They realize Hornet is missing from the whole silksong shenanigans after growing and being basically okay and better.
Stress and drop some seeds before going to look for her.
And then coming back and seeing some weird ass sprouts in their house/den/whatever
Trips on a growing sprout as they come back home to have their first night of sleep in like three months.
just faceplants and goes yeah its naptime right here
Wakes up to like. 5 whole children
most of them look v v much like a bby Hollow so for a good thirty seconds they think theyre still asleep and just kinda groggy
Gonna panic and scoop the babies up and head for the first family member they can find
"Dad I need help"
"What is it Ho- WHAT IN THE WORLD???"
Hornet, who also just woke up because she just had her first night of full sleep in months: huh
Hornet, not ready to unpack this: Theyre not hungry not injuried and responsive?
Hollow, nodding:
Hornet, rolling over: okay cool its a tomorrow problem then
Oh so helpful sister
Hollow: I don't wanna be a parent :( I can barely take care of myself
PK, looking at the five babies in their arms: I think it's a bit late for that
Hollow: How did this even happen
PK: i dunno youre the one who procreated. Whos the other parent??
Hollow: i dunno I just came back, tripped on a weird plant growing in my den and woke up to them.
Pk: ........ Here hold them I'm gonna go talk to your mother real quick
They have mother fucking Mary situation on their hands. FIVE Jesus bugs
One hell of a conversation did PK have to have with his wife when they arrived huh
“Our kid had kids it seemed.”
“Oh? I wasn’t aware they were seeing someone.”
“They seemed to have laid roots down and kids spawned kids that way my root.”
Hollow after getting a Root birds and the bees talk: Is there any way to stop that from happening again? I think five is enough for me
WL: Not that I know of
Hollow:[let's out the most miserable Ough known to man]
Luckily the new babies seem well behaved enough. And just kinda. Want to be on or around Hollow.
Dont seem to demand much
Theyre gonna be shocked when five little peeps are just babbling in void speech tho
Hollow decides that maybe being a parent isn't so bad once they figure out they can get the babies to torment their grandpa
the psychic damage pk receives bc they look so so similar to a bby hollow. Affectionately calls them the clones because of that
Another nickname is the terrors because they WILL try to maul him
Hornet, next time she sees the babies and is playing is one of them: Have you named them yet? Hallownestians name their babies right?
Hollow: Spawn one through five.
Hornet: fu-....God help me. Just one through five??
Hollow, nodding and pointing to each kid and knowing which is who:
They dont know how to name. they were never named. they were only ever given titles. described. they dont know how to name. But they know how to observe. One was the first one they saw when they woke up, and so on.
But theyll be observant. the curious one. the chatty one. the active one. theyll all be known.
PK is gonna dig through the Hallownest ruins in desperation to find a damn names book
Maybe recruits Hornet to help
Hornet: Here
Hollow: What's that?
PK: A book of names. You are not naming my first grandchildren One through Five
Hollow: they are getting titles! As they grow!
Pk and Hornet: huh????
Hollow: The first one, they are the curious one. They explore the most, and always want to see what im doing. They like to be picked up to be tall. This second one, the chatty one. Constantly chirping and poking through the void. They will wake their siblings if theyre awake first.
Hornet: That's hardly any better! Titles aren't names either
Hollow: Well, you call me Hollow, don't you?
PK, having a horrible realisation:
Hornet: ............. ohhhhh shiiiittt......
Hollow: It's fine. They will earn many nice titles growing up.
Hornet: okay. I get like, Deepnest does the naming after getting to know them but thats a name. Not a collection of random adjectives.
Hollow: Its not random I know them.
PK: ..........I need to find some sort of still living therapist, I swear........
Hollow: Huh???
But the numbers/titles stick. Hollow is one stubborn bitch
One is the curious one, the explorer. Two is chatty, likes to be social. Three is clingy and shy and just wants to be with someone at all times, but if you're not their siblings, parent, grandpa, grandpa or auntie they will NOT like you. Four is a menace, just a little mischievous bug. And Five is the brave one, tries to be the leader and protector of their siblings, has a stick for a "nail" because they wanna be a knight like their parent and brave protector like their auntie.
The mini Hollows are cute. The group of them like to sit in the dirt and watch.
Gets to plan a whole attack on grandpa or auntie
With an excuse of teaching them to hunt and defend themselves early
pk will never see it coming
many of the babies like to dig.
Dig holes. Dig tunnels. Dig and bury themselves in dirt.
Gonna break his damn leg on one of the holes one day when he's visiting Hollow and the grandterrors
menace number four, stepping right on top of every healed wound on Hollow as they climb across them simply trying to lay down and rest:
Hollow: ah
I think it'd be cute if PK teaches them how to groom the babies. He still remembers something from raising Hornet so he helps somewhat. so many wriggly babies to try and keep clean challenge (impossible. they yearn for the dirt)
Nr 1 squeaks and squals in protest and wiggles as grandpa cleans them
They don't wanna be CLEAN they wanna go explore and play in the dirt >:[
Hornet told Hollow once that its important for children to explore and look at different things and see different places.
So they would saddle them all up on their back and go on field trips.
Number four would try to eat a crystal in the mine
It makes pk happy because its actually really encouraging hollow to go out more often and plan to do different things
Whenever they stumble onto each other when they're like that he jokes that the stag of little terrors has arrived
"okay. Attack"
Pk can fly so it saves him if he reacts fast enough
Grandpa won't play with them?
Cruel and unusual punishment
they cheep and try to chase after him in the air
They do not pay attention and run right into a sewer in the city and make Hollow panic
The children are alright but both pk and hollow panic for a good moment
and they need a proper bath now
The One Time the terrors would like a bath time
But neither their parent nor grandpa want to groom them so into the fountain or lake they go
Poor things get pulled out a shivering wet sad mess
PK: Maybe now you won't try to maul grandpa
Hollow: Nah, just look where you're going when trying to kill
They all immediately climb onto Hollow and shove their little faces into them. No more wet time its time to get out of the rain.
The 5 menaces start attacking PK on their own accord when they grow up enough. Hollow taught them well (PK doesn't agree)
They also eat out of hands like horses, just like their parent. The Foals 💜
PK is feeding the babies berries out of his hand and suddenly mama's looming over him also, waiting for a treat
PK: ...Seriously, you need to think up some names, I'm not calling them numbers
Hollow: They'll get titles with time, it's alright
PK: Titles are not names
Hollow: They're just as good
PK: Hollow-
Hollow: Pale
PK: 🧍
Hollow: ..... thats what I thought
PK: What if we'll find you a name also? Wouldn't you like one?
Hollow: Eh, I'm used to Hollow by now
PK: 🧍
number one would be fascinated by eyes and try. to touch. Bother grandpa. "Please dont"
The five are so used to mama not being warm and then they discover the joy of warm toasty cuddles with auntie and grandparents
Hollow gets abandoned SO fast
Must absorb all warmth
Hollow: The betrayal. My own children. Stabbed me in the back.
PK with babies piled on top of him (and Hornet): Don't be dramatic
Hollow slowly just scruffs a baby one at a time to pull back into their own nest
plops them in blankets and tells them theyre fine. Hornet and PK can't help but be amused
Mx. "I don't want to be a parent" now being super doting and jealous whenever their babies aren't with them
these are their babies. Their babies who they know well and take good care of thank you very much
They're SO gonna get teased for that. A typical protective wyrm parent. It's cute
Hornet makes the babies little sweaters or cloaks
They're all a little different
From insight from Hollow on their personalities and what they like
theyre all silent/can only speak in void. So gauging some personality needed some help.
Hollow is so pleased they all like their new cloaks.
And they deny endlessly that they need a new on. But Hornet gets them a new one anyways
The kiddos make dirtmouth so lively once theyre old enough to play outside more
Okay back to the canon characters and the angst,
PK often babysits the 5 to give Hollow a break, and during one night when they're staying with him he has a nightmare about Hollow killing him. Wakes up startled and panting.
He feels like he would deserve that fate but the nightmare still felt so horrifying and real, and he just stays there shaking and wonders if the anger and hatred he saw in his dream is really how Hollow feels and they've just been tolerating him at best in actuality
His grandkids were sleeping with him, so he just looks down at the baby currently in his arms and just buries his face in them
He loves these five so so damn much, he wonders if they love him too- he wonders how Hollow can even tolerate him around their young
He just nuzzles into the baby in his arms, trying to forget about his brewing thoughts and fall back asleep
Hollow definitely had some wildly complicated feelings about him, their relationship was very volatile at times, and they for sure felt anger at him for what he's done to them
But it's been years now that they've spent bonding together, years to heal and grow a more proper father-child relationship, and with time they've learned to stop seeing him as a king creator but their father, and they learned to love him like one too
They're just not an overly affectionate person, but they're generally a complete recluse so the fact that they spend so much time with him is a testament to their love for him, he just haven't seen it yet. He didn't really get many opportunities to see how Hollow is with most people so he doesn't realise just how differently they treat him, Hornet, White Lady and their children.
And yeah, they won't lie, their relationship is rocky at times and he did massively fuck up in the past, but they still love him and see him as their father.
Had they found out about his nightmares they'd just lie with him and gently nudge their muzzle against his hand, maybe even worming their snout under it so he can hold his hand on their mask like that one time, hoping that this gesture would be enough to make him realise
And it would be
Also he is Very bothered by them still going by The Hollow Knight alone while they couldn't care either way
He'd bring it up again and they just look at him
"You really want me to have a name?"
"That...would be better, I think."
"Okay. Name me, then."
"You're my father. I don't have a name because you never gave me one, so if you want me to have one you should give it to me."
"But...me? Why me?"
"You're my father."
"I know that, but... I don't think I deserve to- Wouldn't you like to name yourself?"
They shake their head, "I do not care either way. I am just fine continuing to go by The Hollow Knight, I would also accept any name you pick for me, I truly don't feel strongly about this."
"But- I- why wouldn't you want to choose? I picked that title for you, I chose the trajectory of your life, I think you should get to choose for once."
"I am choosing. I'm choosing for my father to give me a name. It's Hallownest's tradition for parents to choose names for their hatchlings after they develop their personalities, so if I was to have a name I want it to be a proper one. One my parent would give me."
"...but...why me? Why would you want a name I give you after everything..."
"Doesn't that also apply to my title? The Hollow Knight, or even this nickname Hollow, is something you've given me," They tilt their head, "Is this why you feel so strongly about me choosing a name?"
Really torn up between continuing to call them Hollow here as shortening of The Hollow Knight or if they should get a name
Because I thought of calling them Echo that that's such a pretty name,, could be named after their quiet disposition
I think they'd be a recluse who doesn't say much and prefers to let their actions speak for themselves, only really talks when spoken to
But for now it's Hollow
I think after Hollow has the five seedlings they might move from living in the ruins of Hallownest and frequently travelling around to the outskirts of Dirtmouth, where they can keep their privacy and relative quietness but where its also considerably safer for the children
Hornet and Pale King would visit frequently, sometimes babysit for them while they go off to have a break (mostly their father, who doesn't mind and even enjoys taking care of these children (he sees this as an opportunity to fix his past mistakes, could never be a father to his child so at least he can help raise his grandchildren), as opposed to Hornet who's probably a very cool aunt but isn't the best with kids in the long run)
I think PK would also settle in Dirtmouth after a while. Spends 50/50 time living there and with his wife
Azalea, the moth, is an old librarian that eventually moved to Dirtmouth after the infection ended. She likes the quiet and keeps to herself, likes to have long conversations over tea, gets along best with Elderbug and PK for that reason...and weirdly enough, somewhat okay with Zote, but only because she likes to listen to people ramble on for hours, he's like a white noise machine to her but she has 0 clue what bro's yapping about.
She meets PK after Hollow moves to Dirtmouth with their seedlings. PK naturally visited them often and even stayed over to help take care of the kids, eventually moving there. They happened to stumble on each other while he was with his grandkids and started chatting. Their love is slow burning they first became friends and slowly came to take care for each other more than that, but it takes PK a long while to realise she's into him and he feels the same. She also eventually learns of his past and doesn't care much, doesn't treat him differently because he was a king, which is a huge relief to him. She enjoys his company and loves flying with him, she rarely gets to do that with anyone anymore. WL is very encouraging to PK about pursuing this relationship, but for a long while he didn't because he had convinced himself that she only sees him as a friend (it won't stop Azalea from making jokes that she's the second woman in the relationship/a mistress). Eventually she gets to meet WL too and they get along, swap funny stories about PK over tea. Eventually Azalea and WL become an item too, but similarly to her with PK it takes a while for them to get together.
Also I've been very tempted to keep Radiance alive for this AU because her reaction and feelings towards 1 out of 2 of her last surviving moths being with HIM would be very entertaining. Azalea doesn't remember their old goddess and would think she's just an ordinary moth and tries to make friends with her because there's so few of their people nowadays, it's good to have somebody you relate to! She occassionaly mentions her lovely centipede boyfriend and Radi truly couldn't give two shits, until she finds out who he is. PK also becomes very protective of Azalea after finding out Radi's alive, suddenly becomes very comfortable with PDA when she's around KDHDBDV Azalea doesn't mind and finds it amusing, but also why is he so clingy all of the sudden?
That's roughly everything :] This AU doesn't have a name yet so. If you have any ideas feel free to propose something
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