#I will try my best to remember the names of the sellers I get everything I buy from so I can promote them here later
zippityzap · 2 years
I am so so excited for this conversation tomorrow! I haven’t been to one in about five years
I’m gonna keep an eye out for any cool Sonic merch or art!
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at1nys-blog · 1 year
Pairing: Crows x fem!reader; Pekka Rollins x daughter!reader
Summary: leaving home is not easy, not when your father is no other than Pekka Rollins but help cames in the name of Kaz Brekker.
Part 2
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You didn't know when everything changed. Maybe it was when Alby your little brother came into the dynamics of the family and you were left on the sides. Maybe it was when you went out, not saying a word to anyone and came back way after dinner. Or it was when you spoke back to your father about your ideal future and dreams.
You wanted to see the world, you wanted to escape the golden cage you were raised in. You wanted freedom and to write your own story, away from your father's name.
You had spent three weeks, strolling around the streets of Katterdam trying to remember every turn to the Crows Club so when the time was right you would ask for help to Kaz Brekker.
"Where are you going?" asked Alby seeing you heading out the farm
"Just taking a walk. Tell mother I'll be back for dinner." you said, taking your sachet you walked out ready to walk around the market of Katterdam.
Unknown to you, the second you walked into the market, both Inej and Jesper started to follow you. The first by jumping from roof to roof, while the latter walking around the streets of the city always some miles of distance to not drag your attention into him.
It was after some time, when the sun was finally down, and you were mere blocks away from the Crows Club that you felt someone following you in the dark, and before you could phantom what was happening strong arms shoved you into a lateral hallway, hidden from curios eyes but a couple.
"Little Rollins, what are you doing here all alone?" you recognized the voice as of one of your father's underlings, you had heard his voice too many times to not recognise it.
"Out for a walk. Everyone at home knows that" you retored.
"Not your father. He got a glimpse of you in the market and asked me to follow you. For some protection, you undersatand right?" you were happy that you didn't went into Kaz's club sooner or at this point your father's men were going to let all Hell let loose. "Now, why would you take a walk here and not around your pretty farm?" you were ready, you had thought something like this would happen so you studied and memorized the best answers to give.
"I like to see what the sellers have in their stalls. I might be in need of new clothes or fabbric, but what do you understand." he lifted an arm and you were ready to get hitten, pretty sure your father gave them permission to hit you, but it never came.
"Hitting a pretty lady in a dark halley like this is not very gentlemanly, isn't now?" said a voice behind you, followed by shot of his gun. The bullet flying very close to the man's hand making him falling back and finally realising you from his grip.
"This has nothing to do with you." he said, running to get him, but the sharpshooter was faster and fired another shot at his opponents, this time hitting the man in his right shoulder blade. Another shoot, another gasp leaving your lips and this time the man that attacked you mere seconds ago was now standing on the ground, grounting for the pain, but it lasted less than a minute becuase the gunslinger ended his soffuring with yet another shoot.
"Now..." a knive was on your throat in a second, the scare making you jump out of your skin. "why Pekka Rollins' daughter is coming to town every single day?" the voice behind you asked but the only thing you said before anything else was asking if she was Inej Ghafa, Kaz's Wraith. "How do you know my name?"
"My father is obsessed with you guys, he is always like Kaz Brekker and his crows this and Kaz Brekker and his crows that. Is annoying." you said trying to light up the mood of the situation you currently were.
"I like her."
"Thanks, I like your guns' game." you complimented the man. "Now, if is not too much to ask I would like to see Kaz. I need some help" you added. Inej and Jesper looked at each other unsure of what to do next. You, Pekka Rollins' daughter, their boss' enemy, were asking to see him.
"Jesper, this is stupid. Do you know how many things could go wrong? What if Rollin's man are following us?" said Inej, once she met up with the boy inside the club.
"You would have noticed" you and Jesper said in unison, the guy smiled at you saying how much he loved all of this, the Wraith rolled her eyes and walked in the back of the club to get Kaz. "keep the wood up, people like to talk and if they see you are here with me chaos will unfold." he said, your hands fell on the table in front of you and so your head.
"I'm sorry to bother you but I really need the help. If I go somewhere else my fath-" you weren't able to finish your sentence that gloved hand gripped your wrist and dragged you away from the bar.
Entering a little studio, you managed to understand Kaz's studio, the man you were trying to reach all this time closed the door with such sstrenght you thought he broke it, but no.
"You want me dead?" he said first thing first sitting in his chair. You were about to answer but he was faster. "Coming here as nothing happened, after weeks keeping an eye on me and my club." of course he noticed, why would he? "Are you here to spy on me for your father?"
"NO" you screamed. "No, for all Saints no. I know you don't believe me, for I share his last name but please give the benefit of the doubt and..." you cleared your throat, you had to choose your words wisely, it was of no help imposing your reasoning to him. "Could you at least hear what I have to say? Why I came for your help?" he run his hand over his blonde hair, sighing but letting you talking.
After saying everything he asked you to wait there and most importantly to not touch a single thing in the room. He gave you a quick glance before leaving and locking the door behind. You thought it was for precaution, you thought too many drunk people had walked into his private room exchanging it for a bathroom or whatever else.
You were growing impatient when louds noises started to come from the other side of the door and then you heard him. Your father, asking Kaz where his daughter was. The rest of the conversation didn't reach your ears, even because the beats of your heart was audible on top of everything. You started to look around, in a desperate need of a spot where to hide in case your father were to search the studio. Nothing. You started panicking, tears forming in your eyes as nothing seemed a good option.
It was when they came to the door that you thought you were doomed. You heard the key rumbling at the door and the handle moving a few times, you thought you were done. You pictured your father's face looking at you, mad like never before. You felt your skin burning at the thought of the beating. You felt ashemed at the thought of his insults. Thankfully Inej came in and helped you climbing to the roof of the Club. She hugged you, hidding your frame, you were shaking, scared that something could go wrong.
"Don't worry. We will help you." with that you started to silently sob into her shirt, both happy and relieved that everything was going as you planned.
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classic-maya · 1 year
why did Justin fall for Brian?
Ahhh, I love this question because I feel like it is more complicated than answering why Brian fell for Justin but I’ll give it my best shot.
After their first night together when Justin says he is in love with Brian I think he has a naive understanding of what love is at that point. He is infatuated with this handsome, confident, wealthy guy who took him home, let him join at the hospital during one of the biggest nights of his life, and then gently took his virginity. I really like that all the way in season 4 Justin says they made love that first night and when Brian disputes it he says "It was love to me." Even if it was infatuation, Justin is right, that night, that moment, that whole experience was love to him.
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Despite not being able to remember his name, Brian made Justin feel like he was the center of his world that night and Justin had never experienced that before. I think it’s that initial spark that pushes Justin to be so resilient and keep seeking Brian out. I mean how do you get over a man who says "you can see me in your dreams." !!!
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Later on I think Justin falls in love with what Brian represents. Brian is freedom incarnate; he will say anything, do anything etc. When the audience meets Justin he is entrenched in his rebellious teen phase. Don't forget that Justin is 17 running around all night. He is the kid who told his teacher to fuck off, told his mom that he likes dick, and in an absolutely iconic statement after his dad threatens to send him to military school to learn some discipline replies with "I know all about discipline and you should see me take it like a man."
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In many ways, Brian is in the same place emotionally as Justin in season 1. He is chasing his youth. He is angry at the world, he likes being an outsider in society and he revels in it. He doesn't care about driving around in a vandalized car painted with the word “faggot." I mean for goodness sake Brian drove through a fucking car dealership because the seller said something mildly homophobic. Justin finds Brian's fuck you attitude ridiculously attractive. The persona of Brian no excuses, no apologies, no regrets Kinney is Justin's first love.
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But over the course of the first season, Justin's understanding of love and his understanding of Brian both develop. Justin is suddenly dropped into this very adult world that is different from his WASPy upbringing with two parents who have fallen out of love with each other. Justin has adult friends for the first time and he gets to see how Melanie and Lindsay love each other. How Michael and Brian love each other and Ted and Emmett and how Debbie as the matriarch loves and cares for all of them. I think he comes to the mature idea that you don’t just fall in love with someone and everything is fine, you decide to love someone and then you hold on to that decision and make lot of little decisions in order to keep loving them.
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In the first season while Brian struggles with himself and his love for Justin, he keeps hurting Justin in an effort to push him away. He tells him not to trust people, he flaunts his tricks in front of Justin, he is downright mean to him at times. I love this scene in 1x17 when Justin tells Brian “Being mean to me has never really worked, you should try another tactic.” He is telling Brian that he’s got his number and that can’t get rid of him that easily. He then says “I’m killing you with kindness.” From the start, I think Justin saw through Brian’s bluster and just dug down until he could see the scared boy behind the walls Brian built around himself.
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I honestly don’t think anyone else in the show understood Brian as much as Justin. Justin notices all of the little ways that Brian sacrifices himself to help his friends and others. Brian has a reputation for being selfish, but Justin peels back the layers and sees how Brian uses that assumption as cover.
And while Justin does eventually lose his infatuation, he still loves Brian because he already made a decision to love him and to love him for the man he is and not for everything he represents to him. Brian is no longer a symbol to him but a human being with significant flaws and insecurities. This is where I see a massive difference between Michael’s love for Brian and Justin’s love for him. Michael idealized Brian but never got over his hero worshipping crush. Anytime Brian acted outside of how Michael expected him to he was overly upset and confused. While Brian obviously hurt Justin’s feelings sometimes and they misunderstood each other at inopportune moments, overall Justin was able to accept and love Brian as a person not a persona.
Another one of my favorite scenes is in 1x11 after Michael’s birthday party and everyone else abandons Brian but Justin just says “I guess you’re going to need someone to help you clean up this mess.” As an audience, it’s one of our first indications that Justin really gets Brian. Although everyone else thinks he is an asshole, Justin knows what his true intentions were. I also like the use of the word mess in this scene. He is not just talking about the party leftovers but everything. It is also a small little commitment. Justin isn't going anywhere, he is going to love Brian even when it’s messy and difficult.
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Of course, if I'm arguing that Justin made an active decision to love Brian that begs the question why did he leave him in season 2? I don’t think Justin ever fell out of love with Brian. Even in the cheating era I don’t think either of them stopped loving each other. Justin was very hurt and he wanted to see what life was like with someone who was deliberate about showing and stating their love for him unlike Brian. Obviously, Justin shouldn’t have betrayed Brian by cheating but I don’t blame him for wanting something else, nor do I blame Brian for not being able to give Justin what he needed at that time. I think Justin was so shocked by Ethan’s betrayal again because he is a bit naive and did not realize that someone can say they love you 10 times a day but not mean it the way you want them to. On the other hand, although Brian couldn’t let himself say it he showed Justin in every way he knew how that he was important to him and he cared about him. Also, one more reminder that Brian NEVER broke their rules and I think Justin knew that and realized that was what he wanted way more than someone who spoke the right words but didn't follow through with real action.
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TL;DR Justin fell in love with Brian over and over for so many different reasons. Because he was sensitive and gentle, because he made Justin feel important, because he represented Justin's anger, rebelliousness, and the freedom he desired, because he loved Justin unconditionally even when it was messy and difficult.
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ridestomars · 2 years
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𖥻 pairing: old money!steve harrington x fem!reader. 𖥻 warnings: no mentions of y/n (finally!), allusions to sex/suggestiveness. not proofread - we die like men here.
💭 liv's thoughts: i'm back!!! and decided to start with this yummy concept that is very dear to me, so feel free to talk to me about old money!steve bc he owns my heart rn. i would also like to dedicate this one to @oncasette and @fleurfairie <3
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♡ㆍIf you think Steve's a bit irresponsible when spending money, you should see how this boy gets when he starts dating you. 
♡ㆍI swear that in less than two weeks of dating, Steve is planning on buying you a car, and will even take you to the dealership so you can choose your favorite vintage Cadillac – then you'd have to take your time convincing him that you do not, in fact, need a new car. He gets really grumpy. 
♡ㆍNeedless to say that his love language is giving gifts. So, even though you might think he's only spending money because he can, Steve only does it because he adores you. 
♡ㆍAnd because he is absolutely obsessed with your reaction every time he gifts you anything. There's no one in the world who would make him feel butterflies just by smiling brightly in his direction. 
♡ㆍThis means that his credit card would either get put on hold or be limited by his dad – only because his old man is terrified of Steve spending all of their family's money on you. Which might sound a bit unreal, but it could totally happen, trust me. 
♡ㆍEven when Steve wasn't dating you and you'd just hang out as friends, he would take you shopping for that cute top you saw weeks before but didn't get the chance to buy. 
♡ㆍAnd I would also like to say that Steve remembers everything. Like, you may offhandedly comment that you liked one of Brooke Shields's jeans, and next thing you know, Steve already ordered at least five of them. 
♡ㆍ“But baby, you said you liked 'em! Of course you'll need more than one… if one of them rips, then you'll have another one to use”, he'd explain to you like it was the most natural thing ever. 
♡ㆍ And don't even get me started on how he would make you try on almost every single item in a clothing store and buy you almost all of them. 
♡ㆍMan, when the sellers see him enter their stores it's like Christmas; they always receive you both with the biggest smile on their faces – partly because of the year-worth commission they would receive in only one day and because of the ginormous tip Steve would leave them.
♡ㆍThey're not so pleased when they hear the not-so-subtle moans that come out of the dressing booth. 
♡ㆍIt's always a bit awkward when you both stand in front of the cashier. But hey! At least Steve would tip a $50 dollar bill. 
♡ㆍSince being a poor ol' rich boy also comes with its cons, Steve would have to go to those fancy parties almost weekly. Friends of friends of his parent's friends, you know? 
♡ㆍAt least it would serve as an excuse for Steve to buy you new party dresses. And let me tell you: he lives for assembling a good outfit. 
♡ㆍHe would literally help you pick everything from your head to your toe. Hair accessories, nail polish and design, gold necklaces, fancy shoes…
♡ㆍAnd he'd always make sure that you're wearing his 'S' necklace – in fact, he got you that in both silver and gold.
♡ㆍBut anyway… Steve loves bringing you to those parties because now, at least, he has a company that he actually enjoys. And it also means that he can talk shit about people to you. 
♡ㆍLuckily for you, he would know about everybody's business. And I mean it! 
♡ㆍ “See that girl over there?” he discreetly points out to a blonde girl who's fixing her dress by the corner of the room, “She's going out with her best friend's dad”. 
♡ㆍ“Hey, baby, look to this guy behind me”, Steve leans down to whisper, “Not like that! Now he totally knows we're talking about him”. 
♡ㆍIf you excuse me for a minute, I would really like to talk about Steve's pet names for you because I literally cannot stop thinking about it: 
♡ㆍWe'd start off with our very casual but still extremely sweet baby. It's almost second nature for Steve to call you that… in fact, he's been calling you that even before you were officially going out together. 
♡ㆍThen, he literally never misses when he calls you princess, though I can totally see that happening in more intimate and domestic moments between the two of you. Like, when he shows you the new top he just got you and is passionately being kissed all over by you, Steve would just start laughing and say, “thank you, princess. Now, go try it on, will you?”, with the softest blush on his cheeks.
♡ㆍBut you seriously cannot look me in the eye and say that he wouldn't call you baby doll. I'm sorry but that's just so real that it hurts to even deny it. Again, another one of those pet names that Steve saves only for the two of you and your endearing moments together – especially when he gets to help you with your outfits.
♡ㆍAnd last but not less important, the rare lover that he would just randomly throw around like it doesn't affect you at all. He's just extremely evil like that. For example, every time he needs you to grab something for him, it's always something like, “lover, can you pass me the salt, please?” and you have to contain a lovesick sigh as you're passing the small glass over to him. 
♡ㆍSince you were the one who introduced them to the kids, he might as well be considered more than their babysitter but the campaigner of their get-togethers. 
♡ㆍWhich means that, at least, once every month he'd invite the kids (and Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie, and Robin) to what he calls "Harrington Marathon" – he's the only one to call it that, by the way. So he'd rent almost twenty movies because he simply "doesn't know what everybody likes" (knowing damn well what every single one of them like), and buy the most unhealthy snacks and drinks so that you all could watch movies until the sun rises.
♡ㆍHe would even go as far as buying the most cutting-edge VHS player, television, and sound system so that you could enjoy an almost cinema-like experience. His plan is always ruined by Dustin's screams and Eddie's rantings, though. 
♡ㆍNeedless to say that he would also allow the kids to go over to his house so that they could play D&D without having to be interrupted by Mrs. Wheeler's screams. 
♡ㆍAnd he always teams up with you so that you can throw each one of them a birthday party… and Steve goes as far as picking the birthday theme for each one of them because he just gets so excited – Max had a serious conversation with him when she found out that her birthday party theme would be Dig Dug related, but they both settled down for a horror house theme where she could dress up as Michael Myers again. 
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steve masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve, nancy and eddie. 
𖤐 taglist: @kinqsteve ;  @virgoyves ; @stevesmixtape ; @thedixon04 ; @joekeeryismyuncle ;  @hqrrington ; @missmaxmayfield ; @slytherinambitious ; @artemis-the-ace ; @louievr ; @liltimmyst ; @Igotbasicdrag ; @saintlessmunson ; @stumachergf ; @falsegodsaltar ; @summer-may
if you'd like to be removed from my taglist, send me an ask or dm me! if you want to be added to my taglist, just click here
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silverynight · 2 years
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Slightly different from what you want, nonnie, since Tanjirou is just a charcoal seller in this one.
The consort
Some people say the kings and queens have been visiting different villages to find the perfect consorts for each of them, others say they just want to make sure everyone is safe and happy in their kingdom.
Tanjirou doesn't have too much time to think about that; every morning he has so much work to do, he usually goes to the forest to get some wood, returns home to turn that wood into charcoal and then goes back to the village, face dirty, a little bit tired, just to sell the charcoal he carries on his back.
Around him, everyone is excited to meet the people in charge of the kingdom, some couples have decided to prepare their sons and daughters, put them in the best clothes they have to see if one of them gets chosen, because that'd mean money for the whole family.
Tanjirou looks at the young men and women forming a line, they look good and he's happy for them because most seem to be really excited about it. He hopes they get what they truly want.
But then, he notices that a woman is crying, trying to break free from her dad's grip as he tries to pull her towards the line, yelling at her that she needs to make sacrifices for the family. But she begs, because she's in love already and doesn't want to marry anyone else but the woman her heart belongs to.
Her father ignores her on purpose and keeps pulling her, but this time he's more aggressive.
"Let her go!" Tanjirou narrows his eyes; he promised Nezuko he wouldn't get in trouble, but he can't stand there while someone suffers.
"Tanjirou!" The woman grins; most of the people in the village know him because he goes there every single day.
"I really like you, boy but this is none of your business," the old man growls.
"She doesn't want this..."
When he starts hurting her, Tanjirou can't stand it anymore and headbutts him; they both end up on the ground.
One of the members of the royal guard approaches and the man starts complaining about Tanjirou, telling the warrior he should be arrested.
The royal guard usually accompanies the kings and queens, although everyone says they don't need them, they're more than capable of protecting themselves.
"We saw everything, it was great. The boy is wild and it seems like his forehead is a rock."
Everyone shuts up as soon as they realize the one speaking is the wind King himself; none of them know his name, but they have heard enough of him, of each of them actually, to recognize them by their titles.
"Are you alright, darling?" The love queen gets closer to him and offers her hand to help him up while the water King tells everyone else they're dismissed and explains they didn't come there to look for a spouse.
Most people in line get sad after hearing that; the young woman runs towards her lover and her father gets a serious warning from someone from the royal guard.
"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." Tanjirou looks around to start getting the basket he dropped in order to protect the woman, but the flame King already has it on his back with all the charcoal he hasn't sold yet.
"You were looking for this, my boy?" The King with hair like fire asks, leaning a little bit too close to Tanjirou. Although he can tell he has a good heart.
"Yes, thanks... I can take it–"
"Let me carry it for you!"
Tanjirou blushes to the tip of his ears, he has noticed the people around have started to watch with curiosity at the scene.
"No, there's no need, I–"
"What's on your face?" The youngest king cuts him off as he gently cradles his head in his hands.
Remembering that his face is dirty, he feels a little bit embarrassed; his mother wouldn't be happy with him at all.
"It's probably charcoal..." He should've checked himself on the lake and splashed his cheeks like he did every morning, but that day he was late and didn't want to come back home after dark so...
"It makes you look adorable," the young king mumbles. Then, he turns to look at the others who are gathered around them and adds: "Can we keep him?"
"Actually... I need to take care of my sister..."
"She can come with us as well," the insect queen assures him, taking his hand before kissing it softly. "We'll take care of her."
Before Tanjirou can say anything, huge hands find his shoulders before lifting him and pulling him against a broad chest. Suddenly, big fingertips travel all over his face, although they're soft and very gentle.
"You have nice features," the stone King comments before slowly getting closer until their foreheads touch. "You must be really beautiful."
Tanjirou's blush comes back quickly, spreading through his face and towards his neck. He doesn't want to argue with a king, but he's never considered himself beautiful.
"Oh, yeah... He's really pretty, Gyomei," the sound King says, surprising Tanjirou. "A redhead with eyes like rubies..."
"Mitsuri wants him as her consort," the serpent King says, looking away from Tanjirou, even with all those bandages around his mouth, everyone can tell he's blushing. "Well... We both agreed to share him..."
"I was going to say that I want him as my consort too, Obanai," the water King narrows his deep blue eyes at the other.
"I don't think I'm ready to get married..."
"At least let us court you, my boy!"
"All of you at the same time?" Tanjirou's face is burning, his heart is beating so fast... But part of him likes the idea. They all seem nice, he's sure they have good hearts...
"Yes, of course," the sound King grins before taking him away from the tallest one, who doesn't look too happy about it. "And then you can choose one or just marry us all!"
"I need to speak to Nezuko first..."
"Actually, we all are going to talk to her, we need her permission to court you. My name is Shinobu, by the way."
Everyone introduces themselves with their first names, it's almost like they want to make things difficult for Tanjirou on purpose. It feels a little bit too intimate to call them by their names like that, but they refuse to let him call them anything else.
Nezuko seems to approve of them and agrees to move into their castle with her brother, but she still threatens each and every single one with torture if they hurt her brother.
Tanjirou looks at her, alarmed.
"She's not... she doesn't–"
"You have an amazing sister, Tanjirou," Gyomei says with satisfaction. "She'll be a great sister-in-law for all of us."
"If Tanjirou actually wants to get married at the end of the courtship," she says. "I'm going to keep an eye on all of you."
"We'll do our best not to disappoint you," Giyuu nods at her, by the way Nezuko smiles back, Tanjirou can tell they're doing good so far.
He still can't quite believe what's happening.
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stars-and-cows · 6 months
Danganronpa OCs dump!!!
(mostly for me cuz I need to get these designs all in one place)
These four are from my fanganronpa story ("Danganronpa : In the spotlight!"). I'm working on the other character sheets too
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Ine Kobayashi; Ultimate Seller; Protagonist
(Her name is literally rice. Mostly because it's funny but also to show how simple minded she is. As someone who grew up having nothing, she really doesn't need anything more than just some rice to be happy.)
She's easygoing and open for new possibilities. She tends to trust people first without thinking. Anyone who shows her even a snippet of compassion will be remembered as an angel by her
She was adopted by a rich pair due to her seller abilities. She was made to go around the world and be a pitch seller for various items her parents were currently investing in. She was later enlisted in the "Ultimate Future program" due to her amazing persuasion.
"Ultimate Future program" is a program that takes extremely talented teenagers ages 16-18, gives them money to develop their talents and makes them into public figures. Basically you get a scholarship for being a celebrity.
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Kazue Kobayashi; Ultimate Watchmaker
(Her name is written with kanji for "One" and "Benefit" to kind of contrast how she thought as a child she would be her parents favourite. So she was named to be the first child that gets all the benefits and then, only after Ine git adopted into her family, did Kazue fade into the background.)
Biological daughter of a very rich couple and sister of Ine. She grew up thinking she had everything guaranteed but once Ine became her parents favourite she realized in a family like hers, even her parents love isn't unconditional.
She hates her name as it serves as a constant reminder of how everything was perfect until One appeared. She was the first, the favourite, the best, but now it was taken away and she is stuck with a name that is just a dark joke.
After she realized her parents were after Ine's talent she desperately looked for a talent she could call her own to make her parents love her. That's why she became an Ultimate Watchmaker. She hates her talent and never mentions it first. She thinks it's stupid and weird but at least she got into the "Ultimate Future program"
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Haruko Kai; Ultimate Carpenter
(Her name means spring child because she was born in spring. Very usual name. But also, she loves to watch people and things bloom and in chapter 3 she basically "blooms" too. So her being a spring child is also metaphorical for how she views the world)
She's as shy as a mouse. During all the trials she's just in the background, trying not to get wrapped into the whole mess.
She's also dating (in secret) one other student from the "Ultimate Future program". Ultimate Gardener, Kenshin, flew across the world (from Mexico to France) just to tell her to stop "Disrespecting the planet by making fully functional plants for her fancy furniture"
She's very passionate when it comes to her work. She believes that she's honouring the dead trees by making beautiful furniture out of them. She will never cut down a tree or ask for it. Everything she does or she owns is either full eco, reusable or made by herself.
So after she told him that, he was more than embarrassed. They ended up spending a lot of time together nerding about plants and ecology. They eventually exchanged numbers and later started dating long-distance. (And I'm definitely not going to use this relationship for some good emotional trauma for one of them hehe)
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Kenshin Harada; Ultimate Gardener;
(His name is basically trust and humbleness. Because he's none of that. I think his parents wanted a nice young man who would hold the doors open for women but they got a moody teenager with an unhealthy twitter addiction who says "I won't hold the door for women, it's like I'm saying they are not capable enough! That's sexist!")
He's very much what you would call a "chronically online sjw". He's vegan and loves plants. He knows every species on top of his head. If not for the management of "Ultimate Future program" he would definitely fight you about oil companies on twitter.
He's definitely one of the hardest to manage when it comes to public image. He would often take interviews with dirty and torn clothes.
And then he started dating Haruko and he started "corrupting" her. Or at least that's what he heard.
He stands for justice, only justice and nothing but the justice. But he's very open and annoying about it.
He's basically going "are you suuuureeee?" to Ine at every trial and constantly bashing every idea she comes up with. Just because he likes to know everything.
His fav series is def Ace Attorney and he is constantly screaming at the phone to the characters cuz he "already figured it out".
I think he might be my favourite besides my Ultimate Hairstylist lol
Anyway I have the whole story figured out. With who dies when and who kills who. I'm going to redo the same chart for the 7th time and post it soon.
Like I said, It's mostly so I can show it to my friends when they ask me about my danganronpa ocs or so I won't forget
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genshinimpactlife · 1 year
What If Childe Died?
Interested in a commission? Kofi Premium Fanfiction | Commission Information
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Childe Fanfiction 600 Words
Cw: Major Character Death
Just how long had it been since the traveler washed up on that beach all those moons ago? Sometimes they couldn't remember, even Paimon wasn't sure, blabbering off guesses. But the two of them had started the next leg of their journey. They had reached Snezhnaya.
It was quite beautiful, the snow-covered mountains, icicles hanging off the dead branches of trees, and the powder snow that covered the Travelers boots and every other surface outside… Unfortunately, they had to shed their otherworldly outfit on this journey, changing into something warmer to handle the cold, which was even worse than Dragonspire.
The two ended up in a small village outside one of Snezhnaya's significant cities, and the traveler had a solemn look to them throughout the trip. They hadn't spoken much to Paimon during this journey. Paimon knew not to poke too much at them for once. They had talked about what they wanted to do in Snezhnaya before they arrived, but now the weight of it all made it difficult to speak of.
The cemetery looked lonely, sitting on the outskirts of the small village with no soul in sight. Tombstone after tombstone was lined up, most of them appearing to be generations of families with the same last name. As they approached the graveyard, it became apparent just which one belonged to Ajax, but not because of the stone itself, which hadn't been tarnished yet by time.
Toys were resting on top of the stone and even scattered on the ground around it. They weren't made by a professional, as they were of poor quality. Carved wood in the shape of horses, and boats, stuck together with what appeared to be nails and glue. It was a strange sight to see to those who didn't know, but the traveler knew just what it meant all too well.
The howling of the wind wasn't the only thing that could be heard as the traveler's name rang out, someone approaching from the distance. When the blowing snow subsided, it became apparent that it was Teucer approaching, yet he looked so different. How long had it been since the traveler had seen him? The rambunctious young boy had grown up, he was about twelve or thirteen now. He was carrying a shoddily made wooden duck, the beak almost falling off as Teucer must have tried to attach it with glue after it broke.
"I didn't think I would ever get to see you again, Traveler."
Teucer smiled at them… but it was different now. That bright childish wonder he once held in his eyes was gone, replaced with something new. Sadness? Or just the cruel reality of the world settling in. Neither of them knew what to say to the other. Just what could make this situation better?
"Oh… I almost forgot" As he spoke, Teucer held up the toy he had brought with him, placing it on top of Ajax's stone. "I'm doing my best to learn. I want to be just like brother when I'm older… I come here to show him everything I make." The traveler reached over and placed a hand on Teucer's shoulder, gently squeezing it to comfort the boy. It was clear Teucer was trying to hold back tears. It doesn't matter how long its been; losing his older brother would always hurt. Just before they left, Teucer got down on one knee in front of Ajax's grave, whispering to him.
"Just you wait brother… I will be the best toy seller to have ever existed."
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teezado1 · 1 year
Graphic t-shirts "I Love My Girlfriend Shirt" best gift idea for couples. Explore our collection of couple t-shirts and customize them online. Look no further than I Love My Girlfriend Shirt, Valentine's Day Tee Tops Long Sleeve! Made from high-quality materials, this T-shirt is perfect for any occasion. Whether you're looking for a gift for your mom or dad, or simply want to treat yourself, I Love My Girlfriend Shirt, Valentine's Day Tee Tops Long Sleeve is a perfect choice. Our shirts are shirts that can have your girlfriend's photo printed on them. Please email us photos: [email protected]. If not, upload your photo to google driver, then enter the link in the personalization box. [thien_display_title] Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine and, through later folk traditions, has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world. How to love your girlfriend? How to love her better? I always see questions about “How to impress her?” Most couples think it’s time to live the love, the working for love has passed. The truth is being in love requires even more work. Pay attention to her likes and dislikes. even if they sound silly to you. Spoil her every now and then, It all depends on her likes and dislikes; is she a cuddly person? does she like Italian food? what colors she prefers?music?…etc. Remember little things she loves, will show your love more than you imagine. Wherever you are, make sure she is having a good time, and offer help when she seems uncomfortable. Listen when she talks, don’t go to your anything place. Listening will show care and respect, besides, you’ll know more about her needs and interests. And you’ll be able to answer something other than. Surprise her with gifts even little ones, little gestures, dinner out, breakfast in bed, fix something she cares about …, or wear an "I Love My Girlfriend Shirt" Be there for her when she’s upset or having a problem, and give her a shoulder to cry on, I know it sounds corny but do it, don’t try to stop her just show sympathy, listen and get her something to eat or drink and put her to bed when she’s done, not when you think it’s enough. Later when she’s better offer what you can do. Remember her birthday and any other dates she cares about, I understand this could be too much for you, set an alarm. Intimacy and romance, privet times, can easily be spoiled by little things such as bad breath, or anything of that kind. If she can’t trust you she‘ll never be happy, don’t give her reasons to be uncomfortable. girls can sense dishonesty. Share with her your cares, dreams, treat her as a partner. Do everything with sincerity, she’d sense it. These are the basics, but people are different so pay attention. At present, this I Love My Girlfriend Shirt is trendy and popular among people. It's not only the quality but also its affordable that makes it a top seller for its buyers. We have a great selection of I Love My Girlfriend Shirt in stock right now. They are some of the most popular new styles that we get! Get with us today and order your I Love My Girlfriend Shirt with Shipping Worldwide. Don’t miss the chance! Come and grab one gift for you or your friend. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you want another color or a different style, you can visit Teezado. Product detail T Shirt: 5.3-ounce, 100% cotton (99/1 cotton/poly (Ash) & 90/10 cotton/poly (Sport Grey) Heavyweight classic unisex tee Taped neck and shoulders; Tearaway label Made with sustainably & fairly grown USA cotton Decoration Type: DTG Hoodie: 8 oz; 50% cotton, 50% polyester Air jet yarn creates a smooth, low-pill surface Double needle stitching; Pouch pocket; Unisex sizing Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low
Size Chart Sweatshirt: 8 oz; 50% cotton, 50% polyester Air jet yarn for a softer feel & no pilling 1×1 athletic rib cuffs & waistband with spandex; Double-needle stitching Care: Machine wash cold; Tumble dry low Size Chart Long Sleeve T Shirt: 5.3 oz, 100% cotton preshrunk jersey knit, Sport Grey 90% cotton/10% polyester Seamless double-needle 7/8 inch collar Taped neck and shoulders with double-needle bottom hem Size Chart V Neck T Shirt: 4.2 oz., 100% combed ringspun cotton; 30 singles Dark Grey Heather is 52/48 cotton/polyester Side seams, Unisex sizing; Coverstitched v-neck and hemmed sleeves; Shoulder-to-shoulder taping Size Chart Tank Top: 3.8-ounce, 100% polyester Ultra breathable & moisture-wicking Removable tag for comfort Athletic, sleeveless, crewneck Size Chart Specification Processing Time: 3 – 5 working days average after payment and all designs updated correctly Shipping Time: 7 – 15 working days average (US) Packaging: 1x Faux Wool Sweater [thien_display_attachment_images] *** Thank you very much ! *** Don’t miss the chance! Come and grab one gift for you or your friend. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you want another color or a different style, you can visit Teezado.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Sacramento biotech map - Google Search
There's several of these in Sacramento and it's not much of a campus for school it's only five buildings in the middle the rest of it is biotech research and we purchased it all that's our buildings and so our facility now and we're not doing much r&d they say it's been pushed out and we're not running the school either not many people are going to school these days it's kind of sad and odd but it's normal for your realm as a plus one in schooling for a year or two or so and we purchase this this week and yes it's another headquarters for our hospital products we have big meetings really big and we have a lot of workers a coordinating everything it's a lot of work to restock redistribute resell and remark and all sorts of products because most of them don't do anything they're harmful and making a big huge line of supplements and vitamins we have to make sure they're real and then our formulas are right you sell a large amount of iron and vitamin b complex combines supplement and we're going to be selling a lot more of it it's the number one seller and each campus usually has a different formula and they're different companies representatives of ours to do make other medicines that have potent effects for their use and to cancer is medicine for the heart they're all real their best is for cholesterol and more maybe interested in but this weekend part of the campus is going to be the last show hello explain which part shortly
Thor Freya
We thank you father and mother and it's late and it's tiring and he's going to put this up and we'll probably all get a nice rest tonight
Nuada Arrianna
I heard you retrieving I told her what it is she's not so sure to leave it but she will hear about it later I need some bug spray and they're saying it all over the place and Tommy f is holding the facility as usual
We have a lot of time here now but I like to submit that he's trying pretty good and he was getting a little ill from his medicine and we need assistance and we also need to break anything that's not good for him and see a few things are causing him irritation but not a ton of it it helps with the acne which was out of control
The movie on it we have several items to heal and fix and they're pretty good size ones it's a little exterior needs to be fixed and we're working on it and it is possible we're trying to hyperoxygenate him and it works at times I don't understand it's a problem down here
Frank Castle Hardcastle
He's been getting a good amount of oxygen in the past few days because of this new fan and we're going to keep that going
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
Have a lot of ideas of what to do and health is a massive issue and we do that septic tank closed and start working on that it's gross instead of someone should accept the assignment and Zig Zag wants to I'll see if they're busy he says right now they're too busy to do it and but I want them to help assign a task force and we're going to do that
Thor Freya
I didn't hear what you're saying I have several massive assignments and people should be helping right now to clear my desk of other things that are going on that I'm working on and they are and I'm heading off the automobile drive system which I must say I did an awesome job on impeccable he says the whole world is changing to it maybe it's the name carrying the weight I said not really they all think it's just you and her it's kind of crazy I designed to change over and you designed one yourself but I came up with the first idea for the automobile and you just gave a couple parameters it's got to be much beefier stronger sturdier it is wonderful I had for moving on but I did design it yes and a lot of people remember no it's very weird
Zig Zag
I'm on all night long you better watch out you there I can see what you're doing okay well we had words really did not you had words I was in here just listening that's fine you coward anyways I know it's going to be a great day oh Friday and we're going to have fun but it was a lot of work and I'm getting worn out no, I enjoy the assignments I have I'm doing very well they're tasty too tons of people bought tic tacs no they bought kit Kats that's fine and it was a wonderful experience though all over the world that complaining of diarrhea and we haven't changed it over yet so we're trying to grab it from the shelves and stop the production since we own the company well we purchased it today part of it and said you can have that stupid candy division everyone made it and pooped. So we own that division the confectionery division and you stop production on some items because it's disgusting and nobody was buying it at all said bag of candy. And he says it looks like Wonka candy and to pull off everything from the shelves and distribution and replace it with similar candy but from Wonka and we have to rework the packaging a little I started to think of something same company no it's Wonka and then we eat this particular candy so I'm going to do that and we packaging a little bit not much sleep kit Kat and Nestle bar he's bringing back which wasn't even mentioned in any meetings so we have to contact them. I have the Nestle bars ready there's that all the testing and research and development and we have the packaging ready to pump out and the chocolate and we have to wait for Nestle USA to get up in the morning so I sent over a special dispatch shortly and we're going to get that going and we're going to change over the other chocolate because unfortunately nobody was buying it and the white chocolate we're continuing to make we changed the recipe a little bit and the packaging to stop from rotting and we also added some lines to it including regular chocolate it's going to Britain now and we're pulling all the other chocolate off the shelf cuz it has a crappy sugar in it
Yaay good job
I thought it was many things so many items you're listening and you know you say but this is what I captain it came along and you help me and you're wondering if your decision on those bags of candy are correctly made and I think so cuz they were selling and people didn't like it and I is just a little different
0 notes
danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years
I'm new to tumblr so is this how you do request? May I request the brothers forgetting mc's birthday and later remembering it. How would they react? Maybe they were busy or something. Your choice if you wanna do the dateables too.
Trigger warning
Mentions of Angst/sad/slight comfort
Busy almost all the time, the first-born barely spent time with our dear Mc. He would try to finish the work only for more to be slammed on his desk.
Never would his brothers acknowledge his efforts or the sacrifices he made for them. Instead they'd mock him. Mock him for being absent at all family times. Mock him for doing what he does.
It was once again such a time, such a day. They didn't bother to care what the day has held for his beloved. It was their birth.
The birth of the one who truly changed his life along with his brothers. It was such a blessing yet he forgot about it. Entirely.
The Avatar of pride was strong, Lucifer wasn't. He was weak. Vulnerable. Especially against his brothers whom he adored with his entire being.
And the mocking words had stabbed him deeply, which made his current state as to how it was. Drunk. Wounded. Crying.
Rubbing his eyes, he awoke to a mess of his office which screamed the need for cleanliness.
During the process, he found the calender. A sweet calender gifted him by his doll.
A smile had crept on his face as he lifted it for what? Perhaps to calm the unsettling feeling in his bones that told him to run but where he didn't know?
While their lover was, Mc wilted much like a delicate flower would if the sun stopped shinning, they were laying curled on the floor of his room. Mc needed him.
How could he forget his own lover's birthday?! even after he promised... it hurts.. so much...
Yesterday. The poor human cut the cake wished themselves a happy birthday when he didn't...crying...in pain...
The realization hit hard. He ran to Mc's room as fast as he could. A shiver ran his spine and the horror in his stomach grew as each and every step was taken.
Yet could not find them, so he went over to his office expecting a fuming Mc.
He was once again not right, for his beloved was breaking down as he took them into his arms. Consoling.
He apologised and comforted them. Reassuring them over and over again. Reminding them his heart still is with them and no-could ever take it away.
He later threw a party, just like how you wanted. You. Him. And the growing fragrance of the candles surrounding you both.
Though late as it may have been, it was the best birthday the innocent human had. Smiling while he kissed your knuckles, he asked for your hand in marriage.
Never had you expected this...
"I Found the reason for my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile and marry me, my love?"
As most had expected, he forgot your birthday due to witches or the modeling gig, he did not.
Instead he forgot about preparing your birthday gifts. His excitement had always gotten the best of him.
The Avatar of greed did not have enough budget to prepare the gift you dearly wished for, therefore multiple part-time jobs and skipping RAD became more often.
Despite the scolding, he didn't bother and worked on, just imagining the smile you'd make once you saw what he got you.
''I'll make Mc smile. Just one more hour extra and the budget would be*chef's kiss* '' he thought as his co-workers packed their belongings up.
It was late night and the moons shined brightly over the streets of devildom however he wasn't much worried because it was not like your birthday the next day. (it was)
Stretching his arms, he woke up around 1:35 pm due to his fucked up sleep schedule, only to be greeted by your excited figure cuddling him.
Grey-haired demon thought it was the Delirium before the day itself. He was wrong.
At first he acted totally oblivious to the fact any special day was just around the corner. He knew that surprises even more better!!
And then your great mammon ignored you for a while to rid of the risk of you following him to the destination.
Though his plan was to get your hopes down, he ended up making you cry. It hurts a lot especially when the love of your life forgets your birthday afterall you gave him everything he wanted on his.
The visit was successful. He even had extras left to treat you!!!
The was big achievement for someone who hated working to the slightest, to work for 3 weeks and multiple jobs!!!
But before he left, the seller mocked him about being a damned day late for this gift could have been sold at a better price if not booked.
That is when it all clicked and he panicked. Today was your birthday! Oh shit!!
He rushed home back to you. As he ran, he planned how to ask for your forgiveness.
" Oi Mc I'm sorry!--Oh hell no!!" "Mc I fucked I am sorry, please forgive afterall I'm your first man.--fuck this shit imma just play smooth."
Panting, he paused right before the door of your room and knocked lightly. Seeking your permission to enter.
You lazily opened the door for him, tired after shedding many tears for him.
Mammon instantly knew what to do. "Oi Mc I'm sorry for not wishing ya' a happy birthday earlier but I was busy buyin you somethin', here darlin' close your eyes."
Hearing his apology, you felt oddly happy and followed his request. Soon you felt a soft cold metal cling to your wrist. A bracelet, huh.?
"Open y'er eyes, human." On your wrist was bracelet that said 'His human' and another matching one was on his wrist which said 'Their stupid' . (Now isn't that adorable?)
"I was savin' up for this, so ya' better appreciate it. Hmph!" Giggling you yelled 'I love you' at him making him blush immediately.
However, when he spoke, he spoke genuinely and not in tsundere.
"Ya' make my life worth living. You bring smiles to my face, and y'er touch shows me how much you love me and care for me. Y'er my friend and my lover. Happy Birthday!"
With envy filled to the brim, Leviathan was very focused upon you and having your attention only for himself. To not let anyone snatch you away for they could better be than him, he'd make notes to treat you like royalty and improve his guilt-tripping habits.
Guilt, regret, shame. His heart screamed within the confines of his chest, as he rubbed your back assuring you that he still loved and will continue to do so.
It was his envy. It had always been his envy. Who always held him captive like a bird in a cage, he struggled to break free. He just couldn't.
The fault was his for if he hadn't given in to the jealousy named poison, you would be happily celebrating your birthday rather than crying in his embrace.
The fault was his for if he hadn't screamed at your friends who just came to congratulate you about getting in a relationship with the demon you very much loved and to wish you a birthday.
They left because of him. Not because he humiliated them but he forgot his own lover's birthday and called them a pathetic cheater, as they didn't feel like reminding of what the day was. They had left off with their friends, returning at HOL at night only to get yelled at.
Caring friends as they were, they tried convincing Mc to leave which his love refused. So, they left pitying the poor human.
No-matter how much Mc begged her companions to stay, they didn't.
Oh the suffering for His Normie, they ran upto him vulnerable-ly and started hitting him weakly, breaking down. Why was he? Why was he like this?! Why must he always leave you crying due to his envy?!
"Hey easy...calm down please, I'm sorry. I really am sorry, please forgive me and I promise I will make everything right. Please." "How..?" "Please trust me. My love." "Are you sure..?" "Yes...yes...I love you..."
Could you really trust his statement? You wondered. He could forget his word much like how he forgot your birthday.
The great admiral of hell's navy was true to his word, and successfully united you again with those who almost abandoned you or it seemed like--but no they were just disappointed. They were never going to do such a thing.
The meet went smoothly, and soon the the sun was setting casting shadows along with dying light, it was a dreamy sight for anyone.
Leviathan had known that he still had to make upto you properly and therefore, he took you to the cosmos of frodane.
Red, blue, yellow, any colour you could possibly think of was there, shining as brightly you were.
Taking in a shaky breath, the Avatar of envy gave you a bouquet, each flower consisting different scent which complimented the other.
The shimmer in your eyes gave you away and he gave you a sweetly addicting kiss while mumuring...
"I always cause some mess. It is never your fault. I’m sorry for making you feel unhappy. I cannot believe that I cause hurt to you. You are my only hope for my life. I promise you that I will do my best to make a better version of myself for you, my 3rd waifu~"
And here we go... the pain and the suffering. Lol
Hope you like it and stay safe everyone. ♡♡♡
Have a good day!
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Business (Mis)Management
AYO you know the drill. MGI Trope Tussle! 
Fics Masterlist
Timari Oneshot 2.3K words
"Right before her, where her professor usually stood every Tuesday and Thursday, stood a surprise guest lecturer. One problem, though. Marinette hates the guy. She hates him and his stupid well-fitting suit that she dedicated actual blood sweat and tears into making. "
One shot using two prompts for this server event: Day 3:College AU Day 5: "Why'd you do that?" "I- I don't know..."
without further ado: 
It was Tuesday, bright and early at 9:30 am, and Marinette was ready to commit murder. She was sitting in her Intro to Business Management course with her cup of coffee and notepad ready and pencil about to snap in her grip. Right before her, where her professor usually stood every Tuesday and Thursday, stood a surprise guest lecturer. One problem, though. Marinette hates the guy. She hates him and his stupid well-fitting suit that she dedicated actual blood sweat and tears into making. 
Right there, on this awful Tuesday morning, stood one Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne looking all the world like he would rather be anywhere else; stupid rich people were all the same, thinking the world was doing them a favour by letting them grace everyone else with their presence. Marinette also wishes he was anywhere else but life doesn’t work that way. Her actual professor stood off to the side, waxing sonnets about how accomplished the young CEO was and Marinette listened to none of it. Rather, she was silently stewing in her thoughts, lost in how this man became the particularly large thorn in her side.
It was six months ago when she got an email asking for a commission. A commission for the exact three piece suit he was wearing today. He had gotten her contact from another client and his emailed request was perfect and professional. He had asked for the suit, listed all the required measurements and requested any personalizations he wanted. They couldn’t meet for any in-person fittings so it was currently both aggravating and satisfying to see it fit his lean figure so perfectly. The drama didn’t start, however, until two weeks after, when Marinette had sent the finished product to the designated address. While Marinette isn’t one for showboating and bragging about her capabilities, it grinds her teeth when others try to talk down on her skills. 
When Marinette had sent off the suit, and emailed the man that the package was to be expected within three business days, she got a rather crude email in response, labeling her work as ‘tacky’ and a ‘pathetic attempt at wiggling her way into his family’s pockets.’ That had her doubletaking at the sender, making sure it wasn’t some spam mail that she was reading. Nope, that’s his email right there. Marinette remembered a particular twitch she had in her eye the first time she read that email. It was one thing to be ungrateful of a finished product, Marinette was no stranger to harsh critiques and pieces that worked better on paper than as actualized designs, but the accusation of being a gold-digger set off warning bells that threw her back into the tenth grade where she had battles with a rich blonde with daddy issues. At least he had paid her in advance for the suit. Marinette would have been perfectly fine with silently cutting all ties with Mr. Wayne right then and there, and putting the whole ordeal behind her, until he decided that a crassly worded email wasn’t enough. No. He felt compelled to go on national television and insult her suit for everyone to hear. Marinette remembers his words perfectly, as if they were ingrained in her memory forever.
“You’ve seen the suits I’ve worn, I look like I escaped my own funeral. I’ve tried local, and outsourcing designers and tailors and nothing matches my taste. I’m only twenty-three and I dress like I’ve gone through my third divorce—”Marinette had turned off the television to shamelessly cry into her pillow. She couldn’t bear to hear him insult her design over the poorly timed laughs of the ‘live-studio audience’ that particular interview was filmed in front of. 
After that, Marinette had reaffirmed her conclusion that all rich people were assholes best left to their own privileged bubble. 
A solid clap snapped her attention back to the front of the lecture hall, eyes narrowing at the man by the podium. The presentation pulled up on the smart board indicated that he was going to be speaking to them about professionalism and how to engage in buyer-seller conversations. Oh that was bloody perfect. What did this guy know about any of those things? 
The time was 9:45 exactly when the guy decided to start his presentation. 
“Hello, everyone,” his voice was smooth and firm, not wavering while speaking before a hall filled with two hundred students. “My name is Timothy Drake-Wayne but you all can just call me Tim. It’s lovely to meet all of you and I’m honoured to be here speaking for you today.” 
Cue a very predictable, very standard, very boring introduction. Marinette was beginning to tune out at this point.
“To start off this presentation, I would like to talk about misunderstandings in professional conversations.” He started walking across the front of the room. Slow and methodical; he knew he had all eyes on him and he was taking full advantage of it. Marinette wanted to gag. “Additionally, I want to discuss how to avoid them, and what to do if miscommunication occurs.”
Blah, blah blahblah. Marinette didn’t trust him as far as she could throw him.
“To start off, I’m going to talk about a situation I found myself in not too long ago.” That caught her attention. “It’s funny now and makes for great dinner conversation but not so much when it had happened. How many of you siblings?”
He paused and surveyed the room. His eyes passed over Marinette and for a brief second she thought he focused on her for a blink longer than necessary. She banished the thought from her mind; she didn’t have siblings so he had no reason to notice her.  
“Now,” he continued, “how many of you have siblings who aren’t afraid to sabotage your work when they’re mad at you?” 
Another pause as some of the students lowered their hands. Some were unsure and Marinette had a weird feeling in her gut. Her instincts were screaming at her but she couldn’t figure out why.
“Don’t feel shy,” the guy raised his hand to join the students, “my younger brother is a menace who can and has attempted to sabotage my business. Just recently in fact.”
Marinette looked around the room to see quite a few surprised faces. She was vaguely familiar with the Wayne family and remembered a few details about the youngest child. He was a menace, that’s for sure. As egotistical as any thirteen year old can be. That feeling in her gut returned with vigor. She was suddenly very alert and eager, almost desperate, to figure out how the ankle biter had sabotaged this man.
“About six months ago my brothers and I were butting heads as usual. My sister was enjoying everything while shit hit the fan from a safe distance. I’m not going to go into much details.” He’s arms were waving animatedly as he spoke. It was quite endearing. NO. Bad thoughts, Marinette. “The point of all this is that I pissed my younger brother off somehow. I don’t know, maybe I breathed too hard on his cat or something.” That got a laugh out of the students except Marinette. Six months. He said his brother had sabotaged him around six months ago. That gut feeling had turned her stomach into a pit, eating away at her nerves.
“My brother had hacked into my email and sent absolutely horrible replies to everyone that was marked as important in my contacts in a poor attempt at pretending to be me. Of course, most of those contacts work at Wayne Enterprises. It took a courtesy email explaining the mishap and a personal visit with an apology gift to clear the air. Now for the contacts who don’t work at Wayne E, that’s where it gets tricky.”
Marinette was holding her breath, wishing for this day to already be over and for the ground to open and swallow her whole. She both hoped she was and wasn’t wrong. On the one hand, it meant that he was truly that harsh in replying to her and she wasn’t among the contacts his brother emailed, justifying her slowly dwindling fury. On the other more plausible hand, it meant that he wasn’t responsible for the crude email. It still didn’t explain the interview he did but…but she never did watch the entire thing. She had started watching the interview already expecting him to tear her down. He never referenced her suit by any specifics before she had changed the channel. That probably meant that she had poorly misjudged him. But she would have been contacted in some way if she was among those people and she hadn’t. So he was still an ass to her. Right? 
“For those who I couldn’t visit in person,” Oh god, he was still speaking. “I sent them more personal emails compared to what I sent the employees. That was really the most I could do and I hoped for the best. I got a reply from most; they were rather understanding, actually, some even claiming that their own siblings would do something like that. It went over pretty well.” He suddenly had this forlorn look as he rubbed his hands absentmindedly against the suit. 
“While I was lucky that most of my contacts were understanding, one important thing to be prepared for is people who won’t be that forgiving. Do you see this suit I’m wearing? I love this suit. I will absolutely get buried in this suit. I had commissioned and received it just before the email fiasco and I, regrettably, never got a response when I tried to both thank and apologize to them. My brother had used my email to accuse them of being a gold-digger of all things. I would have loved to commission them again but it looks like my brother burned that bridge permanently.”
What? No. That’s not true and Marinette felt hot rage flare up in her. Was he really lying to try and save face right now? She felt the strong urge to interrupt him. To march down those steps and let him know exactly how she felt about him lying about emailing her to apologize. But, a treacherous hopeful part of herself whispered to her, she had to be sure. She had to have irrefutable proof that she wasn’t one of the victims to his rabid brother and he was just an ass. 
She couldn’t get to her phone fast enough. She searched for all the emails the two had exchanged, finding the most recent to be his harsh email. She had another niggling feeling, however, and decided to check her spam mail. 
Marinette has most definitely stopped breathing. 
Right there, in bold letters sat a Wayne Enterprises email waiting to be opened and read. She couldn’t bring herself to click it open, ice flooding her veins, freezing her in her seat. She actually misread the situation. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to bash her head on the table and grovel for forgiveness from this very handsome man. She didn’t do any of this, however, managing some degree of composure and sat through the remainder of his presentation. She would bet her left leg it was the best presentation she would have ever heard but she couldn’t recall a single word of it from that point on; too busy digging her own grave and writing her own eulogy. She could never show her face around Gotham again. Her life was ruined.
The sounds of people packing up had her crawling herself out of her own head. She mechanically packed her things up, gazing pathetically at her blank notebook. She made her way down the steps, eyeing the gaggle of students surrounding Marinette’s biggest missed opportunity to date. She was just about to walk straight out the door, resigning herself to her fate when she made a hasty decision. She turned to the dwindling crowd and marched like a woman on a mission. She wormed her away to stand directly in Tim’s line of sight and she braced herself for possibly her dumbest idea yet. She listened to the conversation going on and as soon as it appeared she was not going to interrupt anyone, she shot her hand out and grabbed him by his suit. The act caught everyone’s attention but before she could chicken out, she turned to leave and pulled the businessman along with her, leaving stunned silence behind. 
They didn’t get far out the door when he yanked her arm off him, stopping them in their tracks. He looked angry, confused but also very put out at her. Fair. 
“Why’d you do that?” 
“I— I don’t know.” His glare was intense. Marinette felt her face flush and her knees weaken. She wanted to make things right but it seemed she was only making things worse. She took a breath. Focus, she reminded herself. She just needed to address one problem at a time. “I mean, I do know why but I wasn’t supposed to do it like that. I just needed your attention.”
“Well now you have it. So what do you want?”
“I wanted to apologize. Not about dragging you out here. Yet. But for accidentally ignoring your apology email.” One of his eyebrows rose incredulously as she kept talking, but she ignored it and powered on. “It was, for some reason, in my spam mail and I didn’t see it. But if it’s any consolation, I would love it if you commissioned me for another suit. Or anything else really.” 
“Pardon?” He didn’t believe her, or was at least confused by her, that much she could tell.
“You suit. I made it. Here, look.” She turned her phone screen, showing him their conversations in her emails. At his slightly more relaxed posture she continued speaking. “I’m glad you like the suit.”
“Also I’m sorry for dragging you out here.” She had curled her shoulders into her ears, still holding her phone out like an idiot. His chuckle in response eased her nerves only slightly. He had a cute laugh. And he was cute too. Bad thoughts! Stop getting distracted!
“Okay, I’ll accept your apology if you accept mine.” The carefree smile he threw at her was disarming. “And I would love to talk more about working with you, Ms. Cheng.”
“Marinette, please, Mr. Wayne.” She could breathe easier now, no longer on the verge of catastrophizing. “If you want to get started as early as possible, I’m free for an early lunch right now.”
“Only if you call me Tim. And lunch sounds great actually. I know a great bistro off campus if you will let me escort you.” He really needed to stop smiling at her like that. Her heart couldn’t take it.
“Sounds wonderful. Lead the way.” He turned and offered her his arm. She was slow to move, still faintly caught in the emotional whiplash of the morning. Her gentle grip on his bicep was enough for her to feel the muscle definition under the suit. It pleasantly surprised her but not nearly as much as his next words.
“Perfect. It’s a date.”
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lovextriangle · 3 years
Imagine Thorin before The Unexpected Journey
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a/n: early release draft, I’ll probably edit more later!
You were never one to fall for the brooding type, but there was no stopping for the inevitable.
The dwarves showed up out of nowhere. They were passing through Gondor on their way to Dunland where Thror, Thrain, and Thorin had decided that place was their best option. Many of their following had dwindled, most headed for the Blue Mountains or the Iron Hills. Dunland was a place of no importance, it was just a place for them to seek refuge. They had no plans of staying there, for the true goal was to take back their home, Erebor. Though a plan like that already had people grimacing for the bloodshed was still fresh and the loss was many. How could they overcome a beast that had defeated them so easily on their own home front.
They needed allies, they needed help, not from men, and definitely not from the elves, but from their own people, dwarves assisting other dwarves. That is what Thorin thought anyways. But with supplies running low and spirits at an all time downward spiral, they would have to start from the ground up.
About a month after the traveling dwarves had passed through Gondor and finally settled into the neighboring Dunland, Thorin seeked out work. The big city was the best place to look for it, though no one cared about the tragedies a person had been through, if you had no talent or skill, you wouldn’t find a job. Luckily dwarves were brimming with skills and their expertise was known for crafting weapons. The grandson of the King Under the Mountain, became a blacksmith of Gondor for the sake of putting food on the table. He had a perpetual frown on his face as if it was engraved there permanently.
He had all the reason to be, rumors spread fast in Gondor of what had happened to the dwarves and the almighty Smuag, the terror of their lifetime. Everyone was afraid of what the dragon would do next. Most thought that the dwarves would bring it with them somehow, as if they carried bad luck. So Thorin was well aware of how much the people of Gondor didn’t want him there. He wasn’t wanted anywhere. But the skills he possessed as a smith kept his employer from kicking him to the curb like others had done before.
“Another fine piece of weaponry Thorin. The next order is a pair of long swords,” grunted Izec the chief blacksmith of the establishment that Thorin worked for. Sweat ran down Thorin’s forehead as he leaned back to stretch out from the hammering position he had been in. His back ached, he had been finishing up the fine details of his last assignment, the entirety had taken three days, the last five hours he had just completed. He was tired and in need of a break. But Thorin liked pushing himself past that point nowadays. He didn’t really care much about his body at all, he was angry all the time, and it felt good to hammer down something that would bend to his will. If only other things in his life went that way…
“Take a lunch and be back before long, ya hear?”
Thorin only gave a nod as he wiped the sweat from his hands onto his pants as he took his leave from the shop. It was midday in Gondor and people were everywhere. The weather was hot and stuffy, no summer time breeze in the air, Thorin guessed it was just his luck. He had eaten at a couple of stands in the past, the food men served were at least better than elves but it was nothing like home. Weaving through the crowds, he ignored the glances he got, it wasn’t exactly rare to see a dwarf in Gondor but this was definitely the birthplace of men.
He hadn’t been to this particular meal stand before, he was complacent enough to try it since the others hadn’t left a lasting impression for him to seek them out. He just wanted a good, quick meal to regain his strength and head back to work.
“What’ll it be?” Thorin had to take a slight step back to take in the whole menu. “Roast will do.” His response was a curt reply, quick and ready to move on. “7 shillings,” you matched his reply, not really wanting to drag out the conversation either. This was only business after all. Out came a pouch from one of his pockets as he gathered the correct amount. You hadn’t exactly been looking directly into his eyes, just glancing over everything else about him.
He was dirty, a hard working dwarf. Long dark hair, that was thick but not matted. He took care of himself or at least his hair. His cheeks had what looked like dirt or maybe ash from a fire. Dwarves were usually blacksmiths around here so you took an educated guess. “You work with Izec?” you hadn’t intended to ask out loud but it seemed you couldn’t help yourself. There was a reason for asking after all.
Thorin met your gaze, ice cold irises told you one thing. That he wanted his meal and to be left alone. “Yes.” The one word reply, a clear warning to not ask anymore questions. “I’ve placed an order for a piece of metal myself..” it was a low response from you as you had gauged his reaction. He didn’t seem curious or to care about the details of what you had ordered at Izec’s. With that you gave him his meal and he gave you the shillings.
“Thanks.” He was gone, not stopping at any of the nearby tables set up to sit and eat. You watched as he parted ways, and wondered if he would come to your stand another day. Such cold eyes, you had the feeling he wouldn’t. Lunch hour was busy, and more customers took up your thoughts and as soon as the dwarf had came he disappeared from your mind.
A week passed before Thorin decided he had a particular craving. He had thoroughly enjoyed the roast from last time, and had wanted to stop by again. He had lasted a week only because he did not wish to be remembered, he simply wanted the good food and nothing more. Chitchat could wait until after he had reclaimed Erebor. But Thorin found that you simply couldn’t just hand him over the meal without at least one question being asked.
“How’s work?”
“What’s it like being a smith?”
“What do you think of Gondor?”
“You must really like roast, would you like to try our roasted chicken?”
No matter the angry stares or the frustrated sighs, Thorin would respond begrudgingly to each question. He liked the chicken now too, and from the four more times he had stopped by (on different days of course) it was quite apparent that this was his favorite food stand now. Because of the appetizing meals. Not because of your curious brown gaze. Our the sprinkle of freckles that were cast across your face. You had steady hands too, careful in passing and gentle in receiving. The few times your fingers had touched when he had exchanged his money had given him surprising chills. Your touch was quite cold and felt foreign from his hot temperatures.
It was getting a little easier to talk with one another. But Thorin didn’t make it to where it was ever a fluent conversation. He was only here for one thing after all. “Do you eat at Izec’s?” You decided to use up your one question on that this time. If you had counted right this would be your fifteen encounter and you still hadn’t caught his name, they just had so many other interesting things to know first, but you were getting pretty curious about that particular piece of info.
“Yes.” Thorin nodded, and the exchanged of meal for money transpired. You decided you weren’t satisfied, “Well isn’t it a bit stuffy to eat in there?” Thorin had taken one step away, “Sometimes” he agreed, not very happy that this was turning into more than the one usual question. “Well you could eat by the stand.. I give out complementary bread to my customers who do.” This was a lie, but maybe some enticing fresh bread would make him stay a little longer. “Maybe next time…” He wasn’t buying it, or maybe he wasn’t that hungry, or maybe he didn’t want to answer anymore questions. Whatever the reason, he was gone before you could talk him into it further.
Your sigh was obvious as it was loud.
“Maybe he’s just not into ya”
Your eyes immediately rolled, “Can it Howser.” The neighboring stand was a flower seller. He sold beautiful orchids when in season. But he was terribly nosy. “Well I’m just sayin, he’s only ever given you one-worded responses. Can’t get much dryer than that!” He laughed to himself at your misery. It was true you were getting nowhere in the sense of progress. Progress in what exactly? You weren’t entirely sure, maybe you could admit you had a crush on the recluse dwarf. “Any ideas then? I’ve tried to point out at least my interest,” you glumly stated, not wanting this to turn into some laughing stock at your failures.
“How about giving up?” Howser laughed, and the laughingstock it was. You glared at him as he tried to choke back his giggling. “Thanks.” You answered sarcastically and stopped paying attention to him, to which he tried to offer real advice but was left to be ignored.
Maybe giving up would become an option if the dwarf never came back. But he did come back, and it no longer took a week in between his visits. It was more frequent which had him occupying your thoughts more than the usual. The only thing that didn’t change was how uninterested he seemed in you. Which had Howser teasing you as soon as the dwarf departed. The game of chase felt like forever until that one fateful day.
It was a Tuesday afternoon, the sun taking its course to the west. It was unusual for the dwarf to come so late and even more unusual for him to be carrying a package. “What’s th-“ Your words were cut off with the thud of the item being placed on your counter. “Your order.” Thorin replied, already knowing the answer to the unfinished question. Izec was well acquainted with most in Gondor, which made him a good businessman. But once Thorin had told him about your stand and how good the food was, it was now tasked to him to deliver the finished product.
“Thank you for bringing them, you didn’t have to,” Thorin didn’t say anything as he had been told to do so it wasn’t like he was doing you a favor. With the silence, you decided to tear the parcel excited to see the results. Two beautifully slender long swords were revealed to you. Your breath was sucked in as you saw the fine lines and detailed swirls,
“Is it to your liking?”
This was the first question, he had ever asked to you. Just that had your heart rate accelerating. You assumed he had not only brought it to you, but had been the one to create such refinery. “It is, absolutely.” You beamed and he nodded, “To what name can I thank for such hard work?” You figured now was as good as anytime to finally ask the burning question. He was a mystery man, a stranger with no name, and you couldn’t continue to go on like such.
“Thorin.” He answered and had thought to himself that you had already known since most in Gondor knew from the rumors. “Thank you Thorin, I will treasure them.” He was never one for smiles, but somehow you knew he was at least proud of his work, and satisfied in knowing that you would be the one the wield them. You were positively optimistic in thinking that things would only get better with the two of you from here as he walked away. You let him go with no questions trailing him. With his back turned he held up his hand in departure, you couldn’t hold back your grin.
“Until next time,”
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renchinworld · 3 years
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Renjun x fem reader 
fluff & angst // word count: 3.2k
This is the story of Renjun’s childhood friend who he left in Jilin when he followed his dreams of becoming an idol.
Now six years have passed, dozens of awards, hundreds of thousands of fans, and a triple million selling album later... he comes back home to see her engaged to another man. 
A blizzard is coming to Jilin and it’s the strongest one China has ever seen. 
___ ___ ___ 
 “I passed the auditions!” Renjun hugged you tightly, shaking you from side to side in joy. “I’m going to Korea!”
“Congratulations.” You smile, tears forming at the sides of your eyes.
Renjun’s dream has always been to be an idol, but your dream was always him. To be with him. 
For him to spill out the words that his eyes never fail to say everytime you catch him staring at you. 
For him to realize that maybe he didn’t give you his coat on cold winter mornings when yours did not make you feel warm enough just because he thought of you as a friend.
For him to tell you that what he truly wants is to just be an ordinary man in Jilin, grow old with you, chill with each other in the warm fireplace as you look back on your lives in old age.  
To leave it all behind and choose you.
But that would be selfish. That would leave Renjun always wondering with what ifs. He would be with you but his heart would be stuck with a dream he never got to achieve. Like an empty vessel of a person you once loved. You can’t bring yourself to do that to him just to make him stay. 
You love him so much to cut off his wings when he wants so badly to fly. 
“Shouldn’t you go home and pack?” You ask with a forced smile. You’re on the verge of crying in front of him. He needs to go before he sees your tears.
“Right!” He jumps. “By the way, you’re the first one I told. I’m gonna prank my family and tell them I didn’t get accepted first hehe. Serves them right for trying to stop me from going.” 
“You meanie.” You chuckled and he smiled. 
“Come on. You know I love them and it’s just for light fun,” Renjun ruffles your hair and you almost tell him not to leave you then. You bite your lower lip to stop yourself and his eyes land on your lips before he clears his throat. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You’re always the first one he told everything to. That was your place in his life. But now, seeing him walking away from you, you realize he no longer belongs only to you and you to him. 
He will be loved by a thousand screaming fans and he will perform for them in return.  He will end your calls at night earlier than usual because he has to meet other girls and boys in the morning for a fansign event. He will eventually stop messaging you as he becomes busy and you’ll wonder if he forgot about you completely.
Renjun will get his wish while you can only dream of yours. 
He will be shining as always. Under the bright, blinding spotlights and the glowing eyes of his many supporters. While you will be at your hometown, staring out at the snowy mountains, reminiscing the days when he looked at you the same way his fans look at him now.
Then you will wake up one day and realize that maybe this is bearable enough. 
Maybe it’s okay to continue on, knowing that in this short life you met the one you’d choose in a hundred lifetimes, but he couldn’t choose you in this one. 
Maybe you’ll finally agree to that arranged marriage your parents have been trying to set you up to. 
And maybe you will change your dream to an actual goal instead of a person who will end up leaving you. Maybe, just maybe… you will forget about Renjun too.
And that’s exactly what you did. Or so you thought.
“Honey, remind your fiancé that we’re having his family over for dinner,” your mom says, poking her head out of the kitchen. “Call him, okay?”
You nodded and proceeded to just text Hendery. This arranged marriage isn’t out of love and you both know it. He’s in love with someone else and you’re not willing to give your heart to him. There’s no reason to call each other over things you can just text.
“He says they’re coming.” You said, walking towards the kitchen and making yourself green tea by settling it over ice and waiting for it to melt. Someone you once loved told you this is the best way to make them.
“You didn’t call him?” Your mother asks, concerned. You shrugged. “He’s a nice boy, sweetheart. You’ve been engaged for years and yet you still--”
“Mom, please,” your smile never reached your eyes. “We’ll be fine.”
“Is it because of Renjun?”
You gulped. The mention of his name felt like the cold air that hits you when you step out of the house. It felt like beautiful smiles fading into the background. Like a thousand dreams that were thrown into the fire but the ashes keep on coming back, smothering you and making it difficult to breathe.
“No.” You said almost immediately. 
“I heard he’s back home, taking a short vacation.” She presses on, concern plastered on her face as she studies your expression. “Have you talked to him yet?”
“He’s probably forgotten about me.” Your heart was clawing at you from the inside. “Let’s stop talking about him, mom. Do you need help?”
“No, honey. I’m almost finished. You should just get ready.” She pats your back and goes back to cooking dinner. 
Finished with making yourself look presentable, you went down stairs. 
You stopped halfway when the doorbell rang.
No one rings your house doorbell. Hendery texts you whenever he’s in front of your house. Your father just goes in when he comes home from work every month. 
Only delivery men use that contraption. But it’s night time right now. What delivery company would be on duty at 8 in the evening?
“Sweetheart, open the door for me, okay? I’m setting up the table.” Your mom called out from the dining area. 
Something feels off. What if it’s a murderer? Nah, you’ve been watching too many true crime documentaries.
You looked at the peephole just to be sure. 
You wished it was a murderer instead. 
That would’ve been better for your health than Huang Renjun carrying a bouquet of flowers in front of your doorstep.
“What happened?” Your mom walks towards you. You look back at her, the color in your face gone. “Why aren’t you opening the door?”
She grabs the doorknob but you stop her, shaking your head. You hissed. “Don’t!”
Your mother’s eyebrows furrowed. She peeks in the peephole and sighs before she uses her strength on you and forces the door open despite your struggling.
“Oh look, it’s Jilin’s superstar! Welcome back!” She smiles, genuinely happy to see the boy who made your entire province proud. Asian parents amirite. “Come in, come in. Just in time for dinner.”
“Thank you for your hospitality.” Renjun says as he steps in and pays his respects. His voice was deeper than you last remembered. He was taller, more regal looking and even more handsome. How is that even possible?
Your eyes meet and a million memories flood through your mind. Him hugging you, telling you that he’ll be back soon. Not soon enough. You crying every night until one day you just stopped because you became numb. Not numb enough. Him saying goodbye on the phone one last time before he ghosts you. You cursing him on the top of your lungs and crying in the middle of a storm, wanting to just sink into the snow and freeze outside for years to come.
“Hi,” he says and hands you the flowers. Your eyes flutter, your hands are shaking as you receive it. You don’t know if you should be angry or what. “How are you?”
How are you? You chuckled bitterly. “Great, thanks for asking.”
“Hang his coat, honey. I’ll be in the dining area if you need me.” Your mom says quickly to mask the contempt in your voice and leaves the both of you. If your mother noticed anything, she pretended not to notice. The tension was so thick, it probably suffocated her.
“Won’t you ask me how I’ve been?” He smiles and your throat constricts. You don’t say anything so he sucks a deep breath, continuing. “We’re triple million seller idols now.”
“C-congrats.” You say, forcing yourself to not say more because if you do, you might say things you'll regret. You place the flowers down and he hands you his coat for you to hang. A whiff of his perfume passes. He smells like how a cozy and warm morning would be if it was a scent.
“I’ve missed you. I’m sorry for not reaching out--” You didn’t have enough time to process what he said because your phone suddenly rang in your pocket. He nods, eyes never leaving yours. “Go ahead. Must be an emergency.”
It was Hendery. You picked up. He only calls when it’s really important.
“Yes, Hendery?” Renjun's expression darkens at the mention of Hendery’s name. “A blizzard? Okay, I understand.”
You walk past Renjun and went to the dining area where your mother is. “They can’t come, mom. Can’t drive because the blizzard suddenly worsened.” 
“Oh no,” she pouts, then her expression changes when he sees the man standing behind you. “No worries, we have a guest to help us finish the meal. Don’t we, Renjun?”
“Of course, it’s an honor.” His honey voice from behind surprised you. You didn’t know he followed you. “Careful.”
He caught you in his arms when you almost tripped. You were quick to stand up and remove his hold on you. Your mother just stared amused. You were always too composed and collected, but Renjun brings out a clumsy side to you she’s never seen before.
“It’s a shame her fiancé couldn’t meet her childhood friend.” Your mother sighed when all three of you were seated. You and Renjun sat across from each other while your mom was beside you. “The blizzard really did it this time.”
“Fiancé?” His brows knitted, mouth hanging open, waiting for your mom to say he heard it wrong. 
“Hendery.” You said, not looking at him while taking a bite of the steak. “We’ve been engaged since 2018.” Since you stopped talking to me.
“Ah, of course,” he takes a bite out of his food but his eyes are still glued on you. “Congratulations.”
“They’re to be married next month. So exciting!” Your mom exclaims beside you and brings more food to your plates. “Eat up, babies. You both grew up so fast. You’ll probably have babies of your own soon!”
You cleared your throat, feeling the heat on your face. You probably looked so red right now.
“But…  next month?” He asks again, this time not bothering to cover his distaste of the marriage topic. “Isn’t that too soon?”
You said nothing. Why does he care anyways?
Your mom explains for you that Hendery’s parents have been trying to get you both married since last year but you keep on saying you’re still too young. 
“Right!” Renjun extends a hand to prove his point. “What if she changes her mind?”
He looks at you, trying so hard to steal your glance from the food. You give in and look at him. You almost gasp. This is the first time you’ve ever seen Renjun look this desperate. Not when his parents told him not to go to that audition. Not when he talks about becoming an idol. This was much more intense. Like he was about to do unspeakable things to you if you don’t answer him right now.
“I-I don’t think I’ll change my mind.” You finally say, feeling the heaviness in your chest spread through your body, tingling at the end of your fingers. 
“Of course you won’t.” Renjun leans, shoulders rolling back as he adjusts his posture. He says nothing to you throughout the whole meal. He smiles and humors your mother when she shares more stories but he has never looked at you again.
“It’s dangerous for you to leave now,” your mom says, worried. Renjun insisted on going home because their house was within walking distance, but the air was blowing outside at terrifying speeds. “Just stay the night like you always do when you were kids, hmm?”
But we’re not kids anymore. Now, we’re young adults who are totally frustrated with each other. That’s not a good idea. But going outside is evidently much worse.
“You can use her brother’s room.” Your mom laughs from the living room where they both are. Your brother Lucas has rarely visited since he married. “You’ve always been like a son to us anyways, even her brother gets jealous of you sometimes.”
Renjun laughs with her, remembering the good ol’ days. You roll your eyes. 
“Thank you so much. I’ll behave, I promise.”
Your mom turns to look at you. You’re washing the dishes in the kitchen. “She’s always insisting to hand wash instead of using the dishwasher. I taught her well.”
“I’ll help her. Please get some rest.” He smiles warmly at her and walks towards you. You both hear your mother go up the stairs, leaving you and Renjun alone again.
“Next month, really?” He asks, grabbing the plate from your hand.
“We’ve already talked about this over dinner.” You sigh. “Just drop it.”
“Are you even sure you want to marry him? Don’t you like someone else?” His tone carried a meaning behind it. Like he knew. 
What does he even know?!
"I'm marrying him and that's final." You say sternly, your patience drying up. “That would make me happy.”
“Since when did you start lying to yourself?”
The ticking bomb within you explodes. Years of sadness turned into rage and it filled your heaving chest. Your eyes started to water. Renjun settled the plate down when he saw your expression and faced you, apologizing immediately.
“Please don’t marry him.” He suddenly pleads as he kneels down, touching your hands and looking up at you. “Come back to me. Please.”
“What? Why are you so--” you stop to breathe out loudly. Tears began spilling and your heart felt like jumping out. You wanted to shout in his face. Why do you care?! Why are you begging?! What are we?!
But only a fountain of tears followed. Years of practicing what you would say if something like this happened just blurred in your mind. No amount of practice will suffice once your first love comes back and tells you something like this. None.
“I’m so sorry,” Renjun stood up and wiped your tears away. His eyes also started to become teary. “I know I’m not in the position to tell you that but I still did. I also know I’m way too late, but I just want to tell you that I love you. I really, really love you. I tried to forget my feelings because I know it would be difficult for you to end up with someone like me, but I just can’t get you out of my head.
“Every time my group members asked me if I liked someone, I would say no but in the back of my mind all I see is you. Whenever someone sings your favorite song, I would remember how beautiful you looked when we sang it together. Every moment I go up on stage, I always wondered if you’re watching me from somewhere in the crowd. Every winter when it snowed in Seoul, I would think of how the snowflakes fell softly on your hair here in Jilin. I may have left, but my heart stayed with you.
“I’m sorry I stopped talking to you. I knew you liked me back so I thought it would be selfish of me to let you wait for so long because of the path I chose. You didn’t stop me from following my dreams back then despite that. So I thought to myself, ‘she sacrificed for me, but I can’t do the same for her?’ and I decided that I needed to let you go. You deserved to be happy, too.
"I stopped reaching out so you could forget me and finally be happy in someone else’s arms. I was ready to let you go. But when I heard you were getting married next month, I couldn’t bear it. I can’t imagine it. I’d rather die. I’d rather give up on everything than see you walk down the aisle for another man--”
His voice cracks. Head drooping down into yours as he hugs you tightly. As if he let you go now, he would lose you completely. As if he doesn’t squeeze you like this, you will end up continuing with the marriage. 
You looked up at the ceiling, tears flowing and mouth hanging open from his words. Isn’t life funny? For years you were scrambling for answers and in just a mere minute, everything has started coming together.
“Renjun...” You say, your voice low and shaky. “I can’t breathe.”
He loosens his hold on you and looks you in the eyes. His hands cupped your face. “Did you hear me? I said I love you. I said I really, really, really love you.”
“I heard, dumbass.” You cough up a small laugh, the tears won’t stop falling. “I love you too.”
He sighs, relief washing over his face. “Marry me instead?”
“Dude, don’t you think you’re going too fast?” You say, your hands planted on his chest. Eyes puffy. Renjun only found it cute. 
“The last time I stalled, I almost lost you. So I’m going all-in now.” 
“You’re a kpop idol. What am I supposed to do if you're on tour and I need to give birth, hmm?”
"Don't you think you're moving faster than me? I'm just at the marriage part and you're already at pregnancy." He chuckles. "Then again, maybe we can rearrange the order of things…" 
You smacked him on the chest lightly. Who knew he could make dirty jokes like this now?
"You told my mom you would behave."
"Your mom likes me and wants grandchildren. I don't think she'd mind." 
"Shut up." You say with a smile and he kisses you. You didn’t expect him to come in stronger than a blizzard and break down all your defenses. His kiss. His truth. His love for you. Him.
There’s still a lot to be done before you two can be free to love each other without worries. But it doesn’t matter. No matter how challenging it is from here on out, you two will have each other and that's all you need. It would be like this. Always. 
Renjun's kiss deepens and he smiles victoriously as you melt into his arms. A dozen awards and a ton of trophies he received, but none of those comes close to winning your heart.
From upstairs, your mom smiles to herself. She heard everything when she went to ask what's taking so long but backed away quietly when she heard you both crying.
"I knew these kids just needed a little push. Oh, oof. We have to cancel that engagement…."
___ ___ ___
a/n: Dude I loved writing this so much I actually didn’t want it to end lmao
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sidespart · 3 years
The Fall of King Romulus Part 2
Summary: Twin Princes Remus and Romulus are cursed at birth with Honesty and Obedience. When Romulus, who cannot disobey any order, is told to kill his brother the next time he lays eyes on him, he changes his name to Roman and runs away. Roman joins up with a misfit group of adventures and plans to never return to his homeland. But the fae have other plans for him...
Warnings (for whole fic not necessarily individual chapters): Violence, mind whammying/memory altering, curse of obedience related consent issues, references to sex, references to war related injuries/PTSD, references to child abuse/neglect (YMMV on that one but just in case), antagonstic-but-not-exactly villian!Janus, Extremly-moraly-dubious-but-not-exacty-unsympathetic-Remus
Pairings: Mostly Platonic LAMP and all the found family feels. Could be read as pre-slash. 
Prologue     Chapter 1  
“Young Sir! Come look at this! A beautiful gift for your sweetheart, no?”
Logan bit back a curse as Roman, once again, slipped form his side and almost skipped towards the merchants stall.
They had finally left the forest earlier that morning. Barley a quarter- mile beyond the tree line the path merged with the great eastern road, already heaving with traders wagons heading to Steveange for the monthly market. Roman had gone to work immediately, finding an exhausted looking couple and charming them into exchanging a ride in the back of their cart for a selection of songs to soothe their gaggle of bored children.
Even Logan, no lover of music, could admit that Romans voices was objectively pleasing. Even the wailing baby settled down under the effects of his lullaby.
The closer they got to the city gates the more densely packed the road became, to the point where their pace might have been improved by walking. But the rest was welcome and the sun was still high in the sky by the time they had finally made it to the city square. They might even have made it to their target in good time, had Patton not insisted that they stay to help the family unload every box and crate from their cart before moving on.
Patton stood nearly seven foot tall, with shoulders to match and the patience of a Raspanzean monk. Moving him when he had decided not to move was difficult at the best of times.  Currently, with a good deed in need of doing and no less than three small children clambering all over him, it was going to be impossible.
Logan looked at Virgil for support.
Virgil was already manhandling the smallest sack of produce down from the cart, under close supervision of a surly looking nine year old.
Logan looked back at Patton. Patton had somehow acquired a fourth child, and was swinging the small boy gently back and forth with one giant arm.
Logan sighed.  
Eventually they agreed that Patton and Virgil would stay to help the family, and then set about finding the four of them somewhere to sleep. Logan and Roman would head down the main street, complete their mission and return with, hopefully, enough coin to let them settle here for at least a weeks rest.
Which Logan would have no problem with. Except that the monthly market seemed far larger than when Logan had visited the city as a young apprentice. The city square was packed with stalls filled with meat, produce, spices and enough live animals to generate a stink so strong even Patton and his twice broken nose winced. The main road meanwhile was filled with more temporary looking stalls offering books, jewellery and potions of every colour alongside the usual clothing and home wear. These continued the whole length of the road from the square to the city temple and even spilled over into the side streets and thoroughfares of the city proper.
All of which apparently meant Roman couldn’t walk for more than two minutes without stopping to gawk at whatever gaudy display was on offer or chat with the seller.
“Roman!” he caught up with the wayward bard at a jewellers stall, where a heavy set man with salt and pepper hair was holding up an extremely impractical looking necklace for him to inspect
“Oh there you are specs” Roman grinned at him, “have you seen Master Galvenets wares? Look how shiny!”
“Is this your sweetheart?” The jeweller – presumably Master Galvenet – grinned at Logan with far too many teeth and reached below the makeshift counter top, “Then may I suggest this one instead – to match his  eyes?”
The necklace he presented was even bigger than the last. With blue glass masquerading as the sapphires surrounded by enough ostentatious filigree to decorate a dukes bed chamber. Logan stared,  momentarily struck dumb by his own disdain.
Roman nudged him, waggling his eyebrows and giving him a lecherous grin “What do you think sweetie? It does match your eyes.”
Logan blanched. Turning quickly to the seller her snapped out “We are NOT together. And also - we’re, extremely poor. And not interested.”
He grabbed Roman’s wrist and proceeded to drag the giggling bard with him back towards the main street. “Can you try to focus?” Logan glared at him, “remember this package is time sensitive.” Superstitiously, Logan patted his pocket, feeling the shape of the vial they had been entrusted to transport to Steveange still safely stored inside.
Roman failed to look chastened. “Logan, it’s a herb. And we we’re asked to deliver it within a week – it’s only been five days! Your forest short cut worked, alright, the worlds not going to end if we stop to appreciate some fine wares on our way.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You consider Master Galvenet’s works, ‘fine wares’?”
Now Roman had the grace to look a little sheepish “They had a charm of their own.”
Logan hmphed. “They were very clearly fake.”
“Oh?” Roman linked their arms together, tugging him back into the steady stream of south bound shoppers, “How could you tell?”
Logan told him.
The ensuring lecture took them the rest of the way down main street, and into the rabbit warren of alleyways that branched out behind the city’s temple.
Even here, there were traders. Many had their wares spread out on blankets on the ground instead of stalls, but they seemed less inclined to call over whilst the two of them walked together deep in discussion and so, mercifully, there was less opportunities for Roman to get distracted.
“A festival?” Roman suggested. Logan shrugged, it was possible, something was certainly occurring to draw such an enormous throng.
Eventually, Logan had to admit that his boyhood memories were not enough to navigate every twist and turn of the city streets and Roman stepped away from him to ask a couple for directions. Logan took the chance to study him, but whatever fit of irrationality had led to him wandering back through half the forest the previous night seemed to have past. Even the scratches on his hands and arms had healed almost completely overnight, helped along by a generous slathering of healing salve from Virgil.
(Logan had, at the time, pointed out that the healer was using up rather a lot of their  dwindling supply for an extremely minor injury. Virgil had hissed at him)
Roman was often contradictory. He would spend a day whining about his need for beauty sleep but then stay up till the early hours to fulfil every song request from whatever crowd they managed to gather. He fussed with his makeup and performance clothing as much as a lady at court, but kept his hair cropped unfashionably short and made no effort to seek out high class patrons who could have kept him in silks and finery. He was talented enough with a lute to spend the social season entertaining upper class lords, and talented enough with a sword to spend the rest of his time as a body guard or becomes some towns local hero. Instead he travelled with them.
“You know, I’m fairly sure there were some gentlemen painting miniatures on the main road, if you want to keep staring at me that is.”
Logan flushed, caught. “Don’t be insufferable.”
“You don’t pay me enough for that” Roman grinned cheekily.
This was an old joke. Virgil had originally found Roman, and hired him as a body guard and escort for a three day trip through a bandit ridden mountain pass. Three weeks and many diversions later, they had emerged on the other side of the mountain. Roman had become as much a part of the group as any of the others and had stayed to travel with them as a friend rather than a hire.
Logan was glad of it. Most of the time.
“Did you get the directions?”
“I did, I had to ask three people before I found someone who recognised the address – the city’s full of tourists!”
 The woman who opened the door looked like the word crone ha been invented especially for her. Her grey hair stuck out from a shoddily tied scarf and her face looked like at any moment it might collapse under the weight of her own frown. She scowled at the pair of them, looking like she already learned everything there was to know about them from one glance and found it all spectacularly unimpressive.
“What do you want?” She snapped.
Logan resisted the urge to smooth down his waistcoat like he was presenting to a lecturer and stepped forward.
“Good afternoon. We have been sent by Madam Valarie to –“
This, if anything, seemed to make the scowl deepen.
“My sister? What does that witch want?”
“To deliver you …this”
With a flourish Logan produced the vial and held it aloft. The thin shaft of light spilling from the doorway made the red herb glow a burning orange in the dim of the alley.
“And you think I’m dramatic.”
Needlessly dramatic or not, he had the woman’s attention. She reached towards the vial with trembling hands but Logan drew back before she could make contact.
“Your sister paid us half, with the promise of the second half on delivery.” Reaching into a different pocket  he produced an envelope and held it out. “She told us to give you this – it should validate our story.”
The woman muttered something decidedly uncomplimentary under her breath but accepted the envelope. Without speaking further she turned and retreated into the hovel, leaving the door open behind her
The two men exchanged a glance, and then Roman deftly stepped around Logan to walk in first, one hand on his sword.
He needn’t have bothered, the short hallway opened up to small kitchen, where every conceivable surface was covered with books, scrolls and bric-a-brac. Three of the four walks were taken up with shelving where kitchen ingredients and appliances sat shoulder to shoulder with  ornaments, candles and what looked like half a taxidermy ostrich.  
If the old woman had hired muscle ready to take to leap out and take the herb by force, they would have had a hard time finding space to stand.
“My sister claims this was picked under the glow of a full moon.”
Logan nodded, “that is what we were given to understand.”
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, “For this to be worth the price it needs to be used within ten days of the moon’s glow, my sisters village is two weeks ride away on the eastern road.”
“We came through the forest.” Logan explained, “Also, I sealed the herb in a pre-sterilised sample jar – the lack of air exposure should help it retain its freshness far beyond its normal time frame!”
The was a silence. The woman was now looking at Logan not with suspicion, but with the exasperation of a teacher whose student has just said something rather stupid.
Logan crossed his arms.
“If you look at the specimen carefully you will notice no discoloration or other signs of degradation – this method can be used to prolong the lifespan of most vegetation and-“
She interrupted him by laughing, an awful crows call of a noise, and held up a hand for silence.
“You are obviously quite uneducated.” she told him cheerfully “And you are bothering Mittens.”
“I beg your pardon I- wait what?”
Logan spun round, as much as he could in the cramped space, only to find Roman desperately trying to relinquish a scrambling ball of fur back onto one of the high shelves. The cat had already dug its claws deep enough into the bards wrist to draw blood, and was currently clinging on for dear life as Roman waved his hand around like Patton trying to kill a spider.
“My apologies Master Mittens” Roman told the cat a few moments later, after Logan and the crone had  finally convinced it to release him “I thought you were a hat.”
“Why must you touch things.” Logan hissed and was surprised by a much gentler laugh from their hostess.
“Aw now,  Mittens is not the most dangerous thing you could have touched in my kitchen. Here. Drink.”
Logan blinked as she shoved hot cup into his hands. Its contents was extremely dark and disturbingly viscous. A few drops glopped over the side, singeing his finger. He held it as far from his body as he possibly could.
“And for you?” She held up a second cup towards Roman who smiled politely but shook his head ‘no’
“No thank you, Madam.”
“We’re both fine.” Logan said firmly, putting the cup down on one of the first patches of exposed surface he could find. “If you wouldn’t mind completing our transaction we will take our leave of this…place.”
She looked at him for one long moment and then turned back to Roman.
“Your friend says you passed through the Serpents Forrest”
Logan frowned - “That’s not what the locals called it.”
“Well that’s who lives there.” The crone snapped without turning around, “One of the darker fae. I’m not surprised he” – she jerked her chin back towards Logan – “ got through alright, since the gods look after fools.”
“Excuse me!”
“But how did you manage?”
Roman juts shrugged, eyes sparkling with mirth at Logan’s outraged expression. “We saw no one Madam, but if we had done - I carry iron.”
That rusted hunk of junk Logan thought, but the crone was nodding approvingly
“A clever boy” she patted Roman cheek, “I thought so when I heard your accent – you’re from beyond the mountains.”
Logan frowned. He was not gifted when it came to interpreting expressions, but he thought Romans smile had suddenly become very fixed.
“So are you.” Roman replied softly.
There was a moments quiet whilst the two looked at each other and Logan tried not to roll his eyes out of his own head. All they needed to do was a simple swap of coin for produce and instead Roman had manged to find the only other grown adult in Steveange who still believed in fairies.
Whatever northerner to northerner communication was happening seemed to pass, and the crone reached past Roman to pull a small burlap sack from the shelf. Mittens took the opportunity to skitter across her arm and settle himself on her shoulder.
“Here you are then.” She tipped the sack out on top of an open tome, producing three cloves of garlic and a hefty pile of coins Logan couldn’t help but stare. That was more money than Logan had seen in one place since he had started traveling.
The crone picked out three gold pieces and a fistful of silver and handed them to Logan. He counted quickly and handed her the vial. Transaction complete, Logan headed immediately to the door, but turned back when he realised Roman wasn’t with him
He was still trapped between the crone and the shelving. “Will you come and see me before you leave the city?” she asked “It would be nice to share my tea with someone who would appreciate it.”
Logan thought to the gelatinous mess in the tea cup and gagged but Roman just smiled
“If time allows my lady.” He brought her withered hand to his lips and deposited a courtly kiss before sidestepping her and heading after Logan.
The city alley smelt almost like fresh air after the over mixture of incense, garlic and cat that her permeated the crones kitchen, and Logan breathed it in gratefully before setting off. Roman falling into sept beside him.
Logan glanced at him, uncertain.
He knew Roman was from the Northern Kingdom. He guessed from his speech patterns that he either grew up upper class or was truly committed to his larger than life bard persona. He had mentioned a brother once, off hand, and during an argument compared Logan to a tutor he’d disliked who had made him study maps until he could recount every river on the continent by heart.
That was all he knew.
Logan was curious by nature, a trait which tended to get him in trouble. He would have liked to pepper Roman with a hundred questions about life beyond the mountains, but Patton had told him once he should only ask a question about a sensitive subject if he was prepared to answer one himself.
None of them like to talk about where they came from, but that was fine. They were going forward together.
It was obvious though, that meeting his countryman had shaken Roman. He walked silently, even when they turned into a wider street and found the market still in full swing, shoppers crowding around each stall, he made no comment, only stepped closer to Logan.
If he was Patton, he might have known what to say to sooth whatever emotion was clouding Romans features. If he was Virgil, he might have made a joke or pointed out an interesting stall  to distract him
As it was..
“So do all Northerners believe in fairy stories or is it just you two?”
“The dark fae of the forest? She can’t have been serious.”
Roman straighten up, fixing him with a mock glare “Logan! You’re honestly going to keep pretending you don’t believe in magic? You travel with an elf!”
“Half-elf. And there’s nothing mystical about him.”
“He makes potions Logan!”
“He mixes herbs into useful medicines, it’s no different than any human herbalist.”
“He chants when he does it. And his eyes do that thing.” Roman wiggled his fingers in front of his face, apparently to illustrate ‘that thing’.
“Which I’m sure helps him know how long each concoction needs to stew before adding the next ingredient. You cannot decided a race is magical just because they’ve failed to invent clocks.”
“Urgh!” Roman threw up his hands, “Sometimes you sound like you’re from Arkaze’yed.”
Arkaze’yd was on the western coast. The most industrially advanced of the great cities, they had recently converted the city temple into an extension of the university.
Logan preened. “Thank you for the compliment.”
Roman pulled a face. “You are such a - ooh! Jam tarts!”
He darted away again, but this time Logan couldn’t fault him. A boy was hastily unpacking a crate of what looked like fresh jam tarts onto his masters stall and the scent was delicious
They had to wait for three families ahead of them before they could finally have their turn. Roman picked out four of the tarts and chatted happily with the seller whilst Logan carefully counted out the money.
“I had herd the monthly market of Steveange was something to behold but this! Are you going to go all night?”
“Most likely.” The trader told them happily, “The towns packed for the coronation.”
“Princess Stephanie is to become queen,” the man gushed, one hand over his heart in what Logan considered to be an alarming display of emotional royalism. “The guests have been arriving all week.”
Logan nodded absently. That explained the hubbub. The rich went traveling and the poor went to see them. A coronation was a good enough excuse for a festival. If you liked that sort of thing.
“They say,” the trader whispered leaning forward, apparently unbothered by Logan’s total lack of interest in royal gossip, “That even the mad Prince is coming - Remus of Notaleveale!”
“Is that so.” said Logan, monotonously “Here’s your coin.” He turned to Roman to claim his pastry and – stared.
All the colour had drained from Romans face. He gaze was fixed on the trader, his eyes so wide he looked quite wild.
“Roman?” Logan asked, as gently as he could. He realised that Romans hands were shaking the second before the bag of pastries fell from his grip.
“Roman- ROMAN hey-“
Other customers were starting to push between them, Logan bent down quickly to rescue the bag form the floor and reached out to grab his friends hand.
But when he looked up, Roman had gone.
Part three
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writing-in-april · 3 years
My Knight in Shiny Armor
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader (Spencer POV)
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Summary: Reader is a fantasy novelist and writes Spencer into their story.
A/N: Heyy heyyy- this is my entry for the SFW fic swap that @imagining-in-the-margins organized! (Can y’all tell how much I love fic swaps I might have to organize one myself one day) This is a super fluffy little fic for @thekatherinewinchester! Hope y’all enjoy and my entry for the NSFW fic swap will be coming soon! If you have any requests they are open and I’m looking for requests for my next event- 30 fics in 30 days for April 2021 (I’ll make up a better title soon I promise) thanks for reading!
Warnings: this is so fluffy there’s no warnings 🥰- unless you don’t like the secret relationship trope
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.2k
Garcia came up to me with a giddy look on her face as I was pouring sugar into my next cup of coffee. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that she was holding a book that looked similar to a novel that I was extremely familiar with. A blush on my face immediately formed and I forgot that I was still pouring sugar into my cup, though I’m sure that I’d still like the excessive amount of sugar I put into my coffee. As Garcia had said before, it was my ‘brand’, whatever that means.
I cleared my throat in preparation for the interrogation I was about to face, “What’s up Garcia?”
Instead of point blank telling me what she was all giddy about she opened the hard covered novel in her hands with green binding that I had seen numerous copies of.
“The mysterious man was taller than the rest of us by far, with fluffy brown hair that his helmet tried in vain to hide. It wasn’t just his handsome looks that drew me to him, it was also his intellectual abilities. He was far superior in intellect to any other man I had met in the world. The rousing conversations I had with him also made me feel respected by him which was much more than I could say compared to the other men I had met. The name of the mysterious knight in the shiny armor that had invaded all my thoughts as of late was named, Spencer.”
Once she finished the excerpt of the book she shut it dramatically then raising her eyebrows, I knew exactly what she was asking with her nonverbal cues, “I’m friends with the author…”
The look on her face after I trailed off told me that she wasn’t buying my lie. I was about to say something more convincing, but Garcia was not impressed with my attempts to get out of this ‘interrogation’.
“Oh- no no no, you aren’t getting away with it that easy, boy wonder. The blush on your face isn’t fooling me.” Her calling out my blush only served to make my face an even deeper shade of red, I could tell just from how hot the room suddenly felt. She continued on despite my deepening cheek color, “I want to know how you got your New York Times Best Seller partner, tell me everything.”
I figured there was no way to deny it now, the way I fidgeted and the blush on my cheeks gave it away easily. Even though Garcia wasn’t trained to study human behavior she wasn’t stupid and I wasn’t a good liar. So, I proceeded to tell her the story of how we met.
Of course as soon as I finished the story of how we met at a coffee shop Garcia bombarded me with more questions and brought the rest of the team to ask. She even got Morgan to say he’d read the book because he wanted to know “what does pretty boy look like in shining armor?” Which Garcia of course had to correct, as she had read the rest of the book.
As I was riding the metro after work my mind decided to wander about what had happened today. At first I was excited to share with Y/N about what happened today, but then I started to worry. What if they didn’t want to tell anyone?
We hadn’t really discussed telling everyone about our relationship besides passing comments in conversation. I worried that maybe they wouldn’t want to tell everyone because maybe they’d be embarrassed to be seen with me. Maybe that’s why they hadn’t brought up me telling the team much.
Once I had gotten back to my apartment I opened the door and was immediately greeted with the smell of Y/N’s cooking. Normally, I’d be super excited that they decided to pop in my apartment, but my anxiety about what had happened today was taking over my mind. I was rooted to the floor in front of my door, not wanting to have to admit to them that I had told everyone.
“How’s my favorite genius?” Their melodic voice called out from the kitchen. There was no way I could avoid it now, they’d probably be able to immediately tell that I was anxious. They were good at being able to tell exactly what I was thinking, and it wasn’t even their job. I often joked with them that their ability to read my behavior was as good as mine.
I decided I better get this over with.
As I walked over to my small apartment kitchen I prepared my explanation in my head. When they spotted me they opened their mouth to speak and I just started to rant, “I may have told the team about you. I got cornered by Garcia in the break room and she happened to have your book and read the parts where you wrote a character based on me- and”
“Slow down, baby.” They cut my ranting off once they had gotten her bearings. Normally being cut off makes me annoyed, but in this case I could tell I was in a swirling anxious mind set that I wouldn’t break out of unless an outside force helped me stop. I took a deep breath, which did help slow down my racing thoughts. Once I had slightly refocused my thoughts I noticed that they were looking over at me from where they were standing over the pot of pasta at the stove with a look of concern, which surprised me.
“You’re not mad?”
They turned the oven off as the pasta was definitely done now, making their way over to the other side of the kitchen where I stood. Bringing their warm hands up they cupped my cheeks and then asked with sweetness, “Why would I be mad.”
I couldn’t help but start to spill my thoughts into another rant to try and explain my reasoning, “Well- I didn’t really talk about telling them with you and I know that communication is important in a relationship from what I’ve read. And it felt like I made a mistake because I wasn’t communicating properly and I’m an idiot, I’m sorry you have to date someone who doesn’t know anything about relationships.”
“Spencer, it’s ok I promise. I was going to ask if maybe you wanted to introduce me to them soon anyway and- you aren’t stupid I promise, baby. You’re a genius, remember?
After we ate the dinner they had cooked they brought out their book to read to me, specifically the part in reference where my fictional counterpart came to save the day.
“You’re my knight in shiny armor.” They said with fondness, this was my favorite line in the book.
“Shiny armor? Why not shining armor?” I had asked this question numerous times since I had seen the same line in their book. I knew the conversation in the novel like the back of my hand and every time we read the book together we enacted the conversation. They acted out the protagonist’s lines perfectly, which was not surprising since the protagonist was partially based on them from their own admission.
“I don’t know, I just think it sounds cuter,” Their words were as sweet as honey, making me want to lean in to kiss them, but they needed to finish the line, “and in my book, you’re cuter than all other knights in shining armor.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
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urban-homesteading · 3 years
Hey do you know what kind of tools I should buy if I want to move into a house? It won't have a yard yet, but fingers crossed for the future. Thank you!
Congratulations on the new house! Since you said that there's no yard yet, I'm going to focus only on tools I use inside my house and ignore gardening and lawn maintenance.
What tools should you have around your house?
So here's a pretty simple list that will cover most minor problems you will encounter.
Cordless power drill
Screwdriver set (grab one with the ten basic sockets)
Drill set
Adjustable wrench
Level (bubble works, but I upgraded to laser and it makes life so much simpler)
Tape measurer
Utility knife
Extension cord
Step stool
Spare batteries
Toolbox (or even a cardboard box, just make sure you have somewhere to return your tools or they will escape to the four winds)
So how to acquire these tools while maintaining zero waste?
1) Start with your research
If you are completely unfamiliar with tool brands and the features available on tools, do a little research. Visit the websites for Sears, The Home Depot, Lowe's, Menards, True Value, Ace Hardware or any retailer that sells tools, and take a look at their new selections. Most websites organize tools in a straightforward way so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Head to a local store to get a firsthand look – many tools will be on display and out of the box so you can actually pick them up. You'll see the most-recent models, from low-end to top-of-the-line. Make notes on the prices and available features (especially relating to safety). This is your base from which to work when evaluating prices.
The next step is to look at online auction sites, such as eBay, to get an idea of prices for used tools. This gets a bit tricky because you'll need to really look at the age and condition of the tools as described by the seller. But again, make notes for a range of features and prices. Don't try to list everything you see – just make a list of price ranges for the tools, with notes on the variances in relation to brand. For example, for circular saws that range in price from $30 to $60, jot down what separates the bottom-priced tool from the top.
Head over to pawnshops as well. Pawnshops only buy items they know they can turn around and sell, so they won't have tools that don't work (everything they purchase is tested), and a pawnshop won't carry poor-quality brands. Also, the prices will accurately reflect the current value of tools in the marketplace. Make sure you visit operations that are members of the National Pawnbrokers Association, as these businesses abide by a code of ethics established by the association.
2) Name Does Matter (For the more expensive tools)
Now that you have an idea of what you'll expect to pay, it's time to consider how you'll evaluate and decide what to buy.
It used to be that if a name brand was good, it was good.  But I have found that the ‘good’ name brands have been sold so many times that most manufacturers are coasting on their reputation and they are the same quality as the ‘cheap’ tools.  Even worse, manufacturers will have different quality tools that are sold by different stores.  For example, a DeWalt power drill sold at a Home Depot will be better quality than a DeWalt Power Drill sold at Walmart because DeWalt will have two different manufacturing plants and they will send the lower quality ones to Walmart, since Walmart demands that DeWalt sell them to them at a cheaper cost or else they won’t buy from them at all.
My personal rule of thumb is buy cheap for the first one, then if you use it so long or so much that it needs replaced, buy expensive quality the second time.  This prevents you from spending hundreds on tools you’re only going to use a couple of times.
3) Where To Buy
You can start your shopping by revisiting some of the places you accessed when doing your research. Clearly you'll save money on shipping if you go to a local operation or an individual. Remember to test and examine tools closely no matter where you shop.
Pawnshops As mentioned earlier, pawnshops are a good bet for buying tools. You're going to find better-known brands that are probably on the higher end of the quality and price spectrum. Although, you're going to have little to no negotiating room on price compared to if you were buying from an individual.
Thrift Stores A thrift store may be a little less reliable for quality, and you'll probably find a lot less availability, especially at a thrift store that obtains its wares through donation. However, those that aren't donation-based aren't going to want to develop a bad reputation by selling inferior items.
Live Auctions Check local notices for potential auctions in your area. You may have a good chance of finding quality tools, but “auction fever” may set in, and you could wind up overpaying if you are bid up. These may be a good source for large equipment.
Garage Sales You could score the best deal at a garage sale, as the seller may be less likely to know the value of the tools being sold. Sellers will also be more open to price negotiation, and you can offer a bundle price for several items. Quality is going to be your biggest concern, so look these tools over really well.
Flea Markets These are similar to garage sales when it comes to negotiating, but the seller at a flea market will probably be more knowledgeable on price. Some flea market vendors have access to surplus or closeout suppliers, so you could see a potential mix of newer and older tools that haven't sold well at retail.
Classifieds Search online or newspaper classifieds under the equipment and tools categories. You may see a set or combination of tools listed as one price, which can be a good deal. As with garage sales, look these tools over carefully.
Online Websites offering tools are almost too numerous to mention, but eBay is certainly one that comes to mind. Check the seller ratings and reviews when shopping on auction sites. You'll also want to take a look at Amazon, which offers a lot of items, both new and used. Overstock.com, for example, has surplus items and may be a good source for refurbished items. You can often get limited warranties.
Retail Speaking of refurbished items, you may do well by looking at the clearance aisles at hardware stores and home centers. Sometimes they will heavily discount tools that have been returned. Check the reason for the return because it can be merely cosmetic.
4) Be an Inspector
On corded power tools, examine the electrical and basic mechanics of the tool. Aside from plugging it in and turning it on, thoroughly inspect the cord. Look for any visible defects, such as a crimp (what looks like a big dent), or if the cord is bent at a severe angle. A thick wad of electrical tape will be a big tip-off that something might not be right. Also take a look at where the cord meets the tool to see if it's heavily worn or loose. Closely examine the prongs of the plug. A slight bend on one of the prongs isn't a big deal, but if the metal looks heavily worn at the bend, it may be close to failure. And don't forget to check out the switch to see if it is loose or cracked.
Cordless tools present their own challenge. If you've ever looked at the price of replacement batteries, you know they can be quite pricey. Some are very expensive in relation to the cost of a new tool and can be as much as half or more of the cost of a new tool. Plus, it's hard to tell if the battery will hold its charge for any length of time. Sure, it may work fine in the short time you test it, but it's difficult to determine if it will hold a charge for longer than a few minutes. Only opt for cordless tools that you know are at most a couple of years old. Refurbished units are your best bet here.
With both corded and cordless power tools, be sure all the parts and guards are there. It's a bonus if the case and operating manual are included (although you may be able to find a copy of the manual on a tool manufacturer's website). You can easily find replacement accessories, such as saw blades, for many tools because the standards for accessory sizes are pretty consistent.
While you can't exactly take a small screwdriver and dismantle a power tool to look at its inner workings, you can search for a few telltale signs that all may not be well. Be prepared to use all five senses.
Take at look at the motor vent area of the tool (which looks like little slits in the housing). Ideally, you want this to be free of any sort of dirt, grime or buildup – a tall order for a used tool, but a good indication of how well it has been maintained. While inspecting this area, look for any burn marks or smoke trails (take a peek at the switch area as well). These would be clear indications that there's been an electrical problem. But just in case the evidence of a fire has been cleaned up, give the vent area the old sniff test for odor of smoke.
Keep the focus on this area and turn on the tool. You don't want to see smoke or sparks emitting from the housing. Notice how the tool feels in your hand while it's running. Look for intermittent operation or jerkiness. Yes, a power tool will vibrate in your hand, but you should be able to control it. If it feels like the tool could jump right out of your hand, there could be issues. Listen to the tool. Is it making erratic sounds or grating noises? Think back to other tools of the same type you're inspecting. Does the used tool sound significantly different?
You can look for specific things such as the movement of the blade in a circular saw or table saw. With the tool off and unplugged, move the blade around to see if there is a significant wobble to its motion. An old blade may be the culprit, but the arbor (the metal rod on which the blade is attached to the saw) may be bent. It would be difficult to replace and not worth purchasing the tool.
These tools will be a pretty good head start and will enable you to repair most minor work around your home.  
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