#I wish I could buy things with smaller money notes
toiletpotato · 9 months
going to try to make samoosas today because I want to eat them but don't want to pay $7 for two
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seaofreverie · 3 months
Delivery day!!!!!!!
#my comic and zine and wooden pin arrived from the uk#i would be so powerful if i could get stuff like this from the us too. but alas customs and fees not going through that again#but yeah i was just thinking yesterday about how it's been a while since i ordered them. so yay!#they already look sooooo cool can't wait to read them#when you get a personalised note from the seller along with the order 💗💗 ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )#plus there's just something so nice about having something from smaller artists. feels personal and sort of unique!#because it really is both of those things when you think about it#all of the mini-comics and zines i own now i have acquired over the past couple of months#still getting used to the fact that 1) i'm an adult 2) i have some money of my own that i got from freelancing for a while#and can therefore buy whatever stuff i want if i wish so really#but speaking of zines its even cooler when one of them has your own art in it!!!!!#this is such a huge thing really. if there's one thing that made studying at this other university for one semester worth it in the end#it's the long trail of events that led to me learning about this project and then actually deciding to participate!! and getting accepted!!#anyway. my piece is a short comic based on the lyrics of eaten of the monster of love and it's my favourite thing i've ever made possibly#ok sorry for the ramble. my point is.#yayyyy getting a delivery and yayyyyy surrounding yourself with things you like and that inspire you. so cool#goosepost
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hyunnie04 · 10 months
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summary: changbin loves to spoil you, but you won’t let him.
pairing: changbin x gn! reader
word count: 1117 words
warning: small mention of financial insecurities
genre: fluff
a/n: hi! this is my first drabble/short fic on this blog, i know its a little rough around the edges but i hope you guys like it anyways! any feed back is welcomed ^^
a more recent a/n; i edited this a bit at the end just to make it more coherent!
im having binnie brainrot atm excuse me
changbin has always been an observant person. when you and changbin first started dating, he began to notice something you did often. 
when you two would go out to run some errands together, or just simply go out on a date- it would be almost a routine that you two would just walk around, looking at clothes and or just looking at necessities for your shared apartment. changbin trails behind you, glancing and observing some of the random paraphernalia on the shelf.    
you smile at the white knit sweater that you have been eyeing since earlier this year, feeling it’s nice and soft material between your fingers. oh how you wish you could bring it home, but you knew better. your wallet and your conscience was practically yelling at you to not spend a single dime on stuff you probably don't need. you suddenly feel changbin’s gaze on your figure. 
“you like that sweater?” he tilts his head towards the article of clothing, adjusting his thick black frame resting on his nose bridge.
you knew that look, his eyebrows raising in question. he wants to buy it for you. putting the piece of fabric back in it's place, you turn to him and smile. “i-no, it’s alright.” he stares at you again, making you tilt your head at him. “but you’ve been eyeing that sweater every time we pass this place.” 
“you should get it.” he continues and smiles at you. “i’ll get it some other time. I don't… have the money right now.” you lie, voice much smaller. shaking your head and waving him off, you continue to browse the isles. he strides after you, confused. “i can get it for you, you know.”
“bin, it's okay, really.” you smile and insist. you hope that he wouldn’t press on the topic anymore. his keen eyes notice once again when you hold up a ceramic cup with a silly design that he knows you love, but after staring at it for a good minute, you quickly put it back down. changbin sighs and makes a mental note of the things you were eyeing. he’d just have to make an impromptu trip back to this shop once he has some free time.
now back at home, you sigh and plop down on the plush couch. your feet are just aching from the miles and miles you two have walked the entire day. changbin presses a kiss onto your forehead and beelines it to the bathroom. grumbling about how he has to pee. you laugh.
after a while, the rumbling in your stomach signals you to finally get up and make dinner for the both of you. shuffling to the kitchen, you start with opening the stove and chopping up some veggies. a strong pair of arms suddenly engulf you from behind, startling you.
“bin! i am holding a knife, don’t startle me like that.” you laugh as he starts to trail kisses on the column of your neck. he chuckles and rests his head on your shoulder for a moment. it takes a while before he starts swaying you side to side without saying anything. you've known him for so long to know when he has something on his mind.
"what's on your mind, honey?" you hum, putting the greens into the pan. "i should be asking you that." confused, you tilt your head at his answer.
"why won't you let me buy you stuff?" you glance at him, he leans on the counter and continues, "i mean- it's just that you've been holding off buying stuff for yourself for so long. you deserve a little splurging y'know."
mouth gaping like a fish out of water, you shut your mouth and continue to stir the pan.
“now, tell me why my baby doesn’t want me to spoil them?” you deflate at his words, knowing this conversation was about to happen sooner or later. 
aside from wanting to save some money on things you probably don't need part, you grew up with this feeling- having to be ashamed of people spending their money on you, you were determined not to make changbin an exception. accepting help from others growing up meant that there we're feelings of being a bother- feelings of being a waste of time.
years and years of conditioning yourself has lead you into believing whatever mental gymnastics you did inside your head was the absolute truth, no matter how absurd it sounded. maybe your strict upbringing also had a hand in it. that's the way it's always been.
so you explain to him. in all your vulnerability, all the while stirring your hot pan of stir fry.
“but i like doing this for you.” he stresses. changbin moves to rub your shoulder affectionately in an attempt to further reassure you.
biting your lip, “i just feel guilty.” you probably say for the umpteenth time. looking at him, you open your mouth to speak but is immediately cut off, “baby, please." he sighs, and turns off the stove from behind.
"why don't we come up with a compromise?" your buff boyfriend smiles at you. "like what?"
"tell you what, if you let me buy you something you want," he leans incredibly close to you, his breath fanning your face. "you'll get a kiss from me." you blush at his proximity and furrow your eyebrows at him, his grin widening by the minute.
"how is that a compromise?" you say after mulling it over.
"well," he starts, hands trailing and drawing simple shapes on your forearms. "you would get kisses and... and...." you look at him with your eyebrows raised, now very interested in his defense.
"ah whatever!" he groans and burrows his reddening face into your neck. you chuckle and run your hands through his black hair, comforting your poor whining binnie.
"please just please let me spoil you!" he throws his hands up in defeat. changbin gives up his argument and grabs both of your hands, making his best pleading face. you can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's ridiculous sudden 180 turn. binnie continues to do his over the top aegyo at you, hoping you would crack.
"o-okay. alright! you win." you reluctantly agree with his constant pleading, his puppy eyes certainly winning you over. you turn to plate the poor neglected stir fry on the pan as he lets go of your hands and hug you from behind.
"but seriously- i'm really, really not bothered. and again, i like doing this for you- correction, i love doing this for you. so please let me?"
"...alright." you grin, already feeling lighter about the whole thing.
"thank you for putting up with me."
"anytime, honey."
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thefrogman · 4 months
Recently I took a panorama of the Pittsburgh skyline at night that got a positive response. That was done on the spur of the moment with an iPhone. I want to do that again and more, but this time with a dedicated camera setup. It's been years since I've had one, so I'm basically starting over again. I'm mostly interested in getting day and night cityscapes, and maybe the carryings-on at this year's Anthrocon. Would you have any particular knowledge to pass on as I set off on this journey?
Since you didn't specify a budget I'm going to assume it is in the $10K range.
And you're probably thinking I'm going to suggest a Leica. Every dentist and his brother (who is also a dentist) gets a Leica. But I just can't take a camera brand seriously when they charge you an extra $2200 for the privilege of not being able to shoot in color.
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Sure, you can hit a single button in Lightroom to get B&W and save some money, but then you won't be able to brag about how limiting yourself to only shades of gray has opened up new artistic pathways in your brain while a clueless person responds in mumbles during their root canal.
What you really want for your landscapes is a Hassie.
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They were the first camera on the moon! How could you *not* want a Hasselblad? That is some camera gorgeousness right there. And it's so reasonably priced*!
*compared to their previous $40,000 camera systems.
And if you are doing landscapes with the Hassie you'll need a nice wide angle lens to go with it. This one is actually quite affordable*!
*compared to their previous $8000 lenses.
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Can we all agree that is a work of art? They even use their H logo as the knurling.
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That is just so... extra. And I love it.
Out of the entire alphabet I've heard Hs give you the best grip.
Man, I almost wish I was a dentist just so I could buy a fancy camera.
Sorry... I was just having a little fun.
I never get to recommend the super cool expensive cameras. Because, ya know, the economy and the fact that only dentists have Hasselblad money.
You probably think I'm being silly but there actually is an entire community of dentist photographers keeping the high end camera market alive.
Okay, let's get started...
Landscape Buying Guide
Opening Thoughts
For landscapes I would highly suggest a full frame camera and a high quality wide angle lens.
Full frame has several advantages but it is not necessary. You can go with a smaller sensor like APS-C and get great images. Personally I would not go any smaller, but there have been some great landscapes taken on micro 4/3 and even smartphones. Technique, knowledge, experience, and composition will usually win the day over a camera, but having a nice camera makes things a lot easier.
At this point, with full frame options being very affordable now, the main reason to get a smaller sensor is if you want a smaller system that is easier to carry for extended periods and easier to pack when traveling. Or if you aren't sure you want to take on photography as a hobby, you can get an old APS-C DSLR for under $200 to learn with and test out.
So if you need a very cheap OR very compact system, APS-C and Micro 4/3 might be worth considering, but a bigger sensor will cause less frustration most of the time.
Froggie Note: The expensive Micro 4/3 and APS-C systems are the compact ones. The cheap systems are about as bulky as full frame.
The biggest advantages to full frame are low light shooting, lens selection, and field of view. Full frame cameras have many, many more lenses to choose from. And since the sensor is bigger, it is much easier to get a wider field of view that is often needed for landscapes. And the high ISO noise performance tends to be better on full frame.
However, you can use full frame lenses on APS-C camera bodies within the same ecosystem. They just get a little... zoomier. Roughly 1.5x zoomier. A 35mm acts like a 50mm, for example. So if you want to spend a little less now you can get an APS-C camera with a full frame lens and then upgrade to full frame later on without having to buy a new lens. Full frame lenses work on APS-C bodies but not the other way around.
Most landscapists have a really solid 16-35mm lens and that covers almost all of their needs. So I would suggest something comparable. Please don't get suckered into some crazy 18-300mm superzoom. Just get the focal range you need for the photos you want to achieve.
A purpose-built lens always outperforms one that was made to do everything.
As far as where to get used gear, I highly recommend using KEH or MPB when buying used camera bodies. They check every device and offer between 3 and 6 months warranty to make sure the device won't crap out on you. Lenses are typically a lot more robust and a safer thing to buy on eBay or Facebook Marketplace if you can find a better deal. But the security of having a warranty and a return apparatus if something goes wrong might be worth the extra price when using these two sites.
I am going to recommend Canon, Nikon, and Sony systems. I feel they have the most complete ecosystems with gear that spans all budget ranges. I'm not saying there aren't good cameras from other brands, but you have to remember every camera has an ecosystem surrounding it. There are accessories and upgrade paths and niche lenses that may not be available with other brands. I think Fuji has some tempting options and if you like the look of vintage film photography, their emulation options are quite stunning. Their cameras are also quite attractive and have very satisfying knobs. But I still can't recommend them unless you have a specific reason for wanting their gear.
Just remember that for every Canon DSLR I recommend there is a comparable Nikon option available as well. There are more lenses for a Canon full frame DSLR body than any other brand with Nikon coming in a close second.
So if you choose not to go mirrorless yet, the Canon and Nikon DSLR camera ecosystems are immense and have tons of gear and accessories available to go with them. And since used gear holds up really well, those ecosystems will survive for decades.
Should you buy a mirrorless camera or a DSLR?
Mirrorless cameras are the latest camera technology for interchangeable lens camera systems. At this point they are superior in every aspect and they continue to improve year by year. Because of that, used DSLRs have plummeted in price. This allows people greater access to a starter ILC (interchangeable lens camera) without a significant investment. You can get professional quality images on either format, but mirrorless has a shallower learning curve and much better automatic modes.
The in-body image stabilization (IBIS) stabilizes *every* lens and the eye tracking autofocus make "focus and re-compose" extinct. These are huge selling points for a lot of people. With IBIS you can take photos with up to 2-4 second shutter speeds without a tripod. And never missing focus on a human or animal or bird is pretty cool too.
DSLR camera bodies are no longer being designed by most of the major manufacturers. Thankfully Canon and Nikon developed plenty of bodies and lenses, so you will always have options and upgrade paths. But you will not be able to upgrade to systems with the latest advanced features.
The best DSLRs available are probably the Nikon D850 and the Canon 5D Mark IV. That is as good as it will ever get. The technology ends there. So if you want to enter an active camera ecosystem then you will have to get a mirrorless camera.
DSLR Camera Systems
Full Frame DSLR Camera Bodies
If you buy a used DSLR, there are some very affordable full frame options. In fact, the classic much-praised budget full frame Canon 6D can be had for under $300 right now.
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This is an old camera. It has no fancy features. It only has 20 megapixels. It just does what it says on the tin. But it has a big sensor and a *ton* of really cool lenses available for it.
If you are specifically looking to create really high resolution panos, you could also look at the 50 megapixel 5DS R for around $1000.
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There is a community of landscape pano-maniacs that love to create "gigapans" that have endless amounts of detail where you can zoom in and find new details in every photo. I was only able to create a 120 megapixel photo, but you can still find things like people starting a campfire and a dude fishing and a truck on a far off bridge. So even though this seems expensive for a DSLR, you are looking at another thousand bucks to find anything with more megapixels than this bad boy, so it is quite a good deal relatively speaking.
Probably the best DSLRs ever made were the Nikon D800 series and you can get the Nikon D800 for $464.
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This is a newer camera than the 6D with more megapixels (36) and a better sensor. It also has a more modern autofocus system and about 3 more stops of dynamic range which can come in handy for landscapes. This is an incredible camera for this price.
APS-C DSLR Camera Bodies
If you aren't sure you want to commit to this hobby, you can look into a Canon APS-C sensor body like the Canon Rebels and Canon 60D through 90D models and get good results.
And there are many Nikon DX APS-C bodies that would be great starter cameras as well. If you get a Nikon, you'd have an upgrade path to the D800 if you get hooked by the photography bug. I would miss a few very special Canon lenses like the 100mm f/2.8L macro and the 400mm f/5.6 telephoto but I'm sure I could figure out some reasonable Nikon alternatives that would do roughly the same thing.
Canon APS-C
There is a Canon 60D for $139 right now that would be perfectly adequate for landscape work on a tripod.
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That was my first camera and I took some very nice photos with it. Only 18 megapixels but it has a very convenient flippy screen which was really helpful for a disabled photographer trying to get low angles.
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This was in 2014 and I didn't know what I was doing but that is a pretty stellar-looking sunset for a (now) $140 camera.
Nikon APS-C
And the Nikon D3400 would be a great option as well at around $184.
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You get some extra megapixels (24) and it is a bit newer than the Canon. I get the sense that used Nikon DSLRs give you more value for your money right now but I don't have a large enough sample size to confirm that.
Full Frame DSLR Lenses
Froggie Note: I am recommending full frame lenses even if you choose an APS-C DSLR body so you have an upgrade path. But also very few purpose-built APS-C lenses had superior glass. Just remember, crop sensor APS-C cameras add ~1.5x to your focal length. So a 16-35mm will have the equivalent field of view of a 24-50mm lens. Still quite acceptable for landscapes, but you may benefit from doing panoramas more often. And if you upgrade to full frame down the road, you'll already have the ideal lens.
Canon DSLR Lenses
If you get the 6D or another Canon you could pair it with the beloved-by-landscapists Canon 16-35mm f/4L.
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Honestly, it is blowing my mind you can get that combo for under $600. Me from 12 years ago is super jealous right now.
If you are worried you might need something to work in lower light and still want a zoom, the f/2.8L starts at around $434.
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This might be the most famous landscape lens of all time. Kinda boggles the mind how many gorgeous vistas this thing has captured the light of.
If you can live without the zoom, you could get a much sharper prime lens that can also be used in even lower light. A used Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens is $439 would be a fantastic option.
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24mm is still a very good focal length for landscapes and the sharpness of this lens lends well to panoramic stitches. Seriously, these art lens are so freaking sharp. Although 35mm is typically preferred for most street photography, I think this would do great for that purpose as well. It couldn't do close up portraits, but 3/4 and full body portraits would look great. I also love this focal length for doggos. It enlarges their heads a bit which enhances adorable-ness.
Though I probably wouldn't recommend the 24mm on APS-C for landscapes as it would put you near a 40mm full frame equivalent field of view.
Nikon DSLR Lenses
And on the Nikon side of things you could get the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4 for $399.
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This is a great lens too. Very comparable to the Canon L glass. And paired with that D800 you would have a better shooting experience than with the 6D if it fits within your budget.
It's a little harder to find, but you can also get that same Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens for Nikon at around $528 used on Amazon and in the $400 range on KEH and MPB when it is available.
The older and softer Nikkor 28mm f/1.8 is a little more affordable and easier to find.
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What if you are not a dentist but are willing to save up for something a little nicer?
Enter the world of...
Mirrorless Camera Systems
Sony currently has my favorite ecosystem of mirrorless cameras and lenses and they are consistently ahead of the other brands as far as technology and features. In fact, many other manufacturers use Sony sensors. They literally supply their competition with their own tech. They are also pretty good about updating firmware—even with older models. So I feel like Sony has a lot of future-proofing advantages over other brands. Sony has a great selection of 3rd party lenses like Sigma, Tamron, Viltrox, Laowa, Samyang, etc. These lenses often have nearly the same optical quality as Sony's G Master lenses at a fraction of the price.
Full Frame Mirrorless
Currently, I think the best value full frame mirrorless camera for landscapes would be the Sony a7R III.
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This is very nearly a top-of-the-line landscape camera for a little over $1200.
That might sound like a lot, but I want to be clear...
This isn't just decent. This isn't "good enough." This is a spectacular professional grade full frame camera.
10 years ago you could spend $6500 for a *worse* camera. 5 years ago you could spend $3000 for a *worse* camera.
It can do every genre of photography except for maybe fast paced sports/action. It has an amazing 42 megapixels—which are not necessary but they do make editing and printing a lot less of a headache. The file sizes can get a little big, but storage is a lot cheaper than it used to be.
Oh, and it can be used for professional quality 4K video work too.
The a7R III comes with all of the modern bells and whistles including in-body stabilization (IBIS) so you can handhold at very slow shutter speeds. It has one of the best autofocus systems—complete with eye tracking. But not just human eyes! Dog eyes. Cat eyes. Bird eyes. If it has an eye, the Sony can probably lock focus on it. And it has an admirable 10 fps burst shooting mode.
APS-C Mirrorless
If you want to enter the Sony ecosystem but can't afford full frame quite yet, you could do the a6400 for about $600.
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You still get the eye-tracking and the in-body stabilization, but you will lose some image quality at higher ISOs due to the smaller sensor size. However, you can get the same full frame E-mount lenses for it and upgrade to a bigger sensor later on and not have to buy new lenses.
Mirrorless Landscape Lenses
I think a good value landscape lens would be the very impressive Tamron 20-40mm f/2.8.
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This is a newer lens so there aren't many deals on used options yet. But this is still a great price for the quality and versatility you get. You will never regret spending a little more on glass.
The 20mm range can fit an entire cityscape in the frame without needing to do a panorama. But if you zoom to 40mm and mount the camera vertically, you could stitch together several photos to get well over the 100 megapixel range.
Also, the 40mm focal range is long enough to do street photography and even head & shoulder portraits. The wide f/2.8 aperture combined with the high-ISO friendly full frame sensor and in-body stabilization means you can shoot in very low light without a tripod. You can also get some great pictures of stars if you travel to someplace with minimal light pollution.
The cheapest landscape zoom lens I could find was the Sony 16-35mm f/4 at $384.
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It's one of Sony's older lenses and may not take advantage of all of the a7R III's pixels, but it would be a good option to get you started in this system and upgrade the lens later on.
Mirrorless Prime Lenses
Zoom lenses are great but you have to spend more to get tolerable quality. Kit zooms can be softer than even the tiny plastic lenses on your phone. So a great way to stretch your budget is to get multiple fixed focal length "prime" lenses. Primes can be built inexpensively while still having good low light performance and decent sharpness.
For instance, you could start with something like the Tamron 20mm f/2.8 for $175. And if you want to do more than landscapes you could add the Sony 50mm f/1.8 for $170 later on. Cheap primes will outperform any of those mediocre kit zoom lenses in that same price range. You lose some versatility and have to deal with the pain of changing lenses or zooming with your feet, but sometimes a tight budget demands a little pain.
There is also a higher quality 3rd party wide angle prime lens that is very popular right now. The Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 is only $549 and the reviews say it has similar quality to lenses 3 times its price.
If you have to choose between a better camera body or a better lens, a good lens will help your photos more than a fancy camera body.
Froggie Note: These are examples. You should always do your own research before making a major technological purchase. This post could be a year old by the time you see it and there could be new stuff that is better. But all of the principles I tried to convey should hopefully guide you to a good decision. Also, feel free to message me if you want to ask about specific gear you are considering purchasing.
More Resources
This is my Encyclopedia of Lens Terms which is a helpful primer in understanding all of the wonderful and different lens options available on ILCs.
This is my buying guide for low budget used DSLRs. Similar to this post but less geared toward landscapes.
And this guide for getting decent landscape photos with any camera.
This is a free tutorial that teaches you everything you need to get started with an ILC system.
And this free tutorial by Karl Taylor is quite good as well.
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rarepears · 1 year
Hello 👋
Since you're answering, can we now know a little more about SJ x TL? Or maybe SJ x WRH? (Is Wangxian still happening?)
Can't wait for another update, your fics are my favorite thing to re read 🥺
Lol I read SJ as Shen Jiu and TL as Tianlang Jun.
I'll spoil some things for Sung Jinwoo X Wen Ruohan, how about that?
With the expansionary policies of the Wen Sect (aka taking over many smaller sects and recruiting rogue cultivators), the other sects take note and do the same. It's very much an imperialistic race to conquer and colonize the other sects (like the European powers slicing up Africa and Asian ahem).
So rogue cultivators? Far and few.
Wei Wuxian's parents thus are part of the Jiang Sect and are still alive in this AU; they were rogue cultivators for a few years until the rather insistent Wen recruiters trying to get their headhunting commission (cough much like how job recruiters today can make big bucks for successful job candidates) so they went back to the Jiang sect to become officially affiliated. They still act much like rogue cultivators, but, you know, being officially affiliated still means something.
Add in Wei Changze's bbf (best buddies forever) status with Jiang Fengmian and you get a Wei Wuxian who's more highly regarded by the cultivation world because who cares as much about social status/class when power is more important - power and money.
(Imperialism and colonialism - or at least for British Empire and I'm still using a wide paintbrush for describing this - the social hierarchy was a lot more flexible for the monopole center. Families gain great status and class with the wealth they could claw from the colonies. Indentured servants who traveled to the Americas worked off their years of service and were able to acquired land and slaves afterwards thanks to good timing and buying cheap land before its value and price skyrocketed.)
With Wen Ruohan serving as a leader for both the cultivation world AND the mortal realm - notice how he's establishing schools and domestic policies that impact tradesmen, roads, local politics, and more? - the cultivation world wakes up to the value of the non-cultivation world and is now imposing more control over the local towns and cities. The extraction of wealth (cough taxes) naturally is one form of control; but propaganda and the flow of information is another.
Does Wangxian happen? Sure, but here it's tainted by the fact that the Lan and Jiang are seeing another opportunity to establish another strong alliance via marriage. There's more eyes on the couple - more to criticize, more that wish to undermine such a relationship, more to gossip. As much as there are those who wish to throw Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji into nice neat boxes of gender expectations, there's those who want to profit off such things (the yellow books, gossip columns, matchmakers who see more opportunities to throw concubines at the two, etc.). The fate of Lan Wangji's mother was a well kept secret... which means that naturally it will get leaked out and weaponized at some point.
The political instability is both a result and response to Wen Ruohan making his imperialistic desires clear and obvious to all. There's more shuffling of cultural norms and more social mobility but there's also more bottom-up movements -religious revivals, fearmongering events (cough like the Salem witch trial) - that are a response to the social chaos and economic unpredictability.
Okay, that's enough rambling from me. Not even sure if all these random thoughts make sense, but here you go.
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flowerofsakura · 10 months
Random. (Again, high school au. RusAme mentioned)
“I told him not to do that and trust me with it, but he’s too stubborn to even listen to me” Ukraine said. Another day and another complain from Ukraine about Russia, things never change for him. Russia was sitting beside Ukraine.
With them were sitting Belarus and Kazakhstan, who were listening to whatever the two were talking about. Kazakhstan was confused for the most part, while Belarus just wished the two countries would shut up already.
“You know me, Rain.” Russia answered, smirking at the smaller country. “I trust myself to do things, rather then trusting someone else with it” he continued.
Ukraine would say something, if it wasn’t for sudden someone entering the classroom. It was a brunette with ocean blue eyes everyone knew about. Not just because he was popular, but also because somebody else seemed to be in love with the brunette. It was just a suggestion, no one knew if that ‘somebody else’ was actually in love with the brunette.
The brunette came to the desk, the four guys were sitting and putted a food on it, putting it closer to the blonde Russian. “Here” he said and was about to leave. “Thank you, ‘Merie.” The Russian thanked and this is when America left.
“You asked him to buy you food..?” The Ukrainian asked, looking back at the American. Ukraine turned to Russia, waiting for his answer. “Yes, but I gave him my money. Didn’t want for him to spent his own money” Russia was still smiling, but now putting the food in his backpack. He will safe it for later.
“You’re acting too weird around him” Belarus quietly noted. Russia was showing a little bit different act around USA. Still, the same traits he showed everyone stayed, but some of the traits were either gone or added when he was around USA, if you could put the sentence like that.
“How weird ?” Russia asked
“You sometimes flirt with him, even though you never flirt with guys. You also more touchy with him, then you were before. As well, you always try to find a reason to be first at taking a stroll, hanging out and more, when it comes to US before the other boys or girls will ask the same to him.” Belarus noted again with a long speech.
After the speech was finished, a chuckle was heard from Ukraine, who smirked. “That’s hella gay, dude” Kazakhstan said, also smirking, but unlike Ukraine, he looked like he would tease Russia about it one time. Ukraine would tease Russia about it hundreds of time.
Russia was surprised for sure, but tried to keep his calm self with himself. “So ? He’s handsome” Russia replied. “You love him only for his looks ?” Ukraine answered, not being amused. “Of course not. He’s sweet, strong, brave, independent, athletic and breath-taking. I love the type of people who can kick my ass”
Russia added. Russia was the guy everyone else would never expect to be… Bisexual ? That’s probably was his sexuality, who knows. They thought he was homophobic, he was Russian after all. Turns out not.
“Alright then” Ukraine said. Whatever Ukraine thought to himself. It doesn’t matters if Russia is in love with USA.
The ball rang and everyone sat on their places
It’s short sorry heh
Have another thing about my high school au, and it’s RusAme again. I’ll probably post some New Zealand x Belarus later. Also, about headcanons, I probably won’t make them, but who knows.
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smallerplaces · 10 months
2023 in review 1: the great decluttering of Mom's collection
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These are the survivors of the early-year decluttering of Mom's vast, vast, vast doll collection, plus culling from my own much smaller collection. If you've watched my photos of new acquisitions, you know that since getting the place decluttered, I've been buying for myself at an unsustainable rate -- but I've lucked into like 90% of my wish list, and the other 10% may never show up.
That's a story for another day. This part of 2023 in Review is about decluttering. A couple of preliminary notes:
My own collection has varied in size since it started in 2012, reaching about 100 at its peak. My interests have also changed a lot over that time. When I moved to California to live with Dad and declutter the family home, I brought maybe 30 dolls at the outside.
Mom loved dolls, inundated me with dolls when I was a kid, and bought more dolls as an adult, and the brakes really came off in her sixties. I see nothing at all wrong with having whatever size collection you want! She enjoyed her collection, and then I got to deal with it because everyone else in the family stared in awe, muttered about how it must be worth a fortune, and then sloped off to do more important things than identify and sell dolls.
Let me tell you what confronted me here in California.
Sewing room lined with shelves (including small shelves two deep!) filled with dolls. This room was heavily My Twinn and "collector" dolls. I do not consider dolls creepy, but I maintain it's creepy af to have My Twinn dolls that look exactly like daughters one has gone NC with.
Extra bedroom completely filled with dolls and dollhouses, to the point that most things were on rolling shelving units like a library. When I first sorted dollhouses, I'd tentatively kept about six that had been on my wish list.
Guest room (now my room) with two cabinets full of Vogue Ginny and Madame Alexander Dolls of the World, floating shelves loaded with stuffed animals, and every piece of furniture stuffed with doll clothes. (There was space to unpack solely because one of my sisters had cleaned out half the guest room closet by chucking it all into the extra bedroom. This was the only way she could have done it!)
Linen cupboard "folding counter" completely covered with dolls and bears.
Additional doll clothes in boxes in Mom's bedroom closet and in trays in all the furniture there. Also additional dollhouses.
Small cabinet of dolls in the dining room (plus multiple large dollhouses!).
Dad's count had been that Mom had 834 dolls (not counting dollhouse residents), and with things I found in cupboards, I'd make it a round 1000.
Here's where you say, "This must have been an incredible collection!"
One big lesson from working my way through all this is that, if a doll was a bargain on eBay when Mom bought it, it's probably not worth that much now. This includes most things made in the name of Ginny or Effanbee after 1980, as well as anything pitched to "collectors."
Never collect collector's items.
A second one was that Mom loved dolls with strung limbs but had so many bajillions of them that nobody kept track of whether the string was still strung. If it were a couple of dolls needing restringing, Dad would have done if for me. But when I pulled Ginny dolls off their shelves and dozens of them explode in random limbs... it's too much.
At the beginning of the process, I spent hours on identifying dolls and trying to figure out how to eke out money from every single doll. By the end, I knew at a glance what wouldn't sell and was shoveling entire cabinets of dolls into the donate bag.
Yes, I know thrift stores don't sell all donations. But (a) I've literally seen dolls I donated in the store; and (b) this is honestly not a loss to the doll world if they don't. No matter how pretty a 1980s Effanbee in a fancy dress, with loose limbs, is, her value on the market is close to zero. Dolls in good enough condition to donate got a chance at finding an appreciative thrifter. Some got sold or given away on FBM in large lots instead.
The number of dolls individually sold on eBay was a small fraction of the total -- after the first couple months, it was dolls I found fun to pose, photograph, and list, or else they had to be worth more than $30. The ones I remember most fondly as selling projects were the Kelly dolls (at least 100) and the Madame Alexander Travel Friends (who are adorable, and I had some when they were new, but they never fit well with my fashion dolls).
All stuffed animals got donated. Life is too short to figure out what drugstore bear is what.
Didn't you want to keep dolls because they were Mom's?
Yes and no.
On that size of collection, sentimentality ultimately doesn't mean much. If it's all Mom's Treasures, none of it is terribly meaningful. If I'd been 100% sure that certain dolls were ones from her childhood that I remembered, I might have kept them -- but I wasn't.
Mom's tastes were also mostly different from mine. She was highly influenced by Toy Box Philosopher, in a sort of hate-buying way. She'd inevitably buy whatever Emily was touting, while complaining about Emily's tastes, buying level, etc. I don't know! So a lot of dolls in the 18" to 24" range showed up, and I have no interest in those sizes.
She also went whole hog for sulky 8" collector dolls (Madame Alexander and Ginny), which I can't stand. Again, if I'd been 100% sure I'd found my Ginny from when I was a kid, I might have kept it. But when there are five dolls that could be that doll... eh. (The experience also unearthed for me how much I resented having been pushed, as an impressionable child, to pretend to like older-style dolls better than Barbie. There was literally a lot to unpack here.)
That all said, in dealing with fashion dolls in the Barbie-Bratz size range, I'd been setting aside dolls I thought I might want to keep, so my one bin under the bed expanded temporarily to two.
I sold most of the tin litho dollhouses as a lot to a collector.
Was there a process for decluttering?
Grab a thread and pull.
Seriously, every organized method i tried fell apart on volume and identification. I did my best work in fits of spite, where I could get through an entire section of shelves without deluding myself that if Mom had liked a doll, it must be worth cash money.
I set myself the goal of finishing within a year of when I'd moved in here (May 2022) and I beat it by a full month.
Did you enjoy any of this experience?
In selling the dollhouses and some of the Playmobil, I consistently met delightful buyers who were so excited to get a bargain. One of my happiest afternoons was sitting with two buyers and a box of furniture and accessories that I was letting them have free or cheap, listening to them be delighted over items I'd ceased to care about. This whole process has surely done something to boost dollhouse love among a younger generation. I met a number of lovely people as repeat buyers or freebie takers, too. And the son of one of Dad's friends is now the Playmobil Tycoon of his kindergarten.
Photographing vintage playsets was fun, and those buyers were nice enough.
The Kelly collectors are adorable.
One My Twinn buyer told me about how she chose that doll because it reminded her of a childhood friend. There was also a buyer of over 100 vintage dollhouse dolls who was charming and saved me so much listing and shipping time.
All this stuff is out in the world, giving more joy than it could possibly have given to me alone, even if I'd liked more of it.
How did you get from two bins under the bed to the four dolls and three pets in the photo?
So I got to the end of the big room-clearing. I could, at that point, have called it done, left the dolls under the bed for later, and moved on with life.
However, I decided I needed to tackle whether I was even going to do dolls any more. So I pulled out the bins and asked myself what I'd consider a comfortable, non-stressful amount to keep. The number 20 popped into my head. I don't recall whether that total was meant to include 4" dolls or not -- I've gone back and forth on that -- but 20 was a good number.
I culled down to 20 with surprisingly little difficulty. For the most part, I don't remember what I got rid of, so I guess I wasn't all that committed to my own collection by then!
The deal was that those 20 went on shelves for display. If I didn't engage with a doll over a reasonable period of time, it would leave. If I wanted to buy something new, something old had to leave.
Within a couple months of my buying Simply Fresh Kylie, virtually all of the retained 20 had left, in favor of dolls I was finding more interesting to acquire, restore, or customize.
The survivors are:
Fashionista Teresa, who I'd found at a thrift store and given to Mom for a birthday.
Manbun Ken, my grail doll from the TRU going-out-of-business sale.
Articulated Kelly, who was a long-time grail doll from Mom's collection and makes a good body comparison doll. I'd originally intended to trade her in for a different doll from the same line, but she grew on me.
Scarlet the Sparkle Girlz Mini, who I bought in Connecticut.
Vinyl dog and white tiger from Mom's collection, because they're cute.
Felted dog from Target because I was totally taken with those when I bought it.
What I learned was that I'm happiest with a leaner, more focused collection, where I have space and time to make clothes and furniture for them.
A later recap will discuss the dolls I've bought this year, which was definitely a pace I won't be keeping up in future years!
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Hi BPP! I’ve been thinking a lot about BTS’ career moves these past years and what Tae said in their Burn the Stage docu about reaching heights faster if they wanted, but they wanted to do things their own way. I feel like they could have become more mainstream or at least bigger (if that was even possible lmao) if they had decided to, just to name a few
1. Officially sign with a US label, not just the distribution one they had with Columbia
2. Released a full english album back in 2018 and releasing English singles every year after
3. Did payola to get the BB100 number #1s faster
4. They could’ve just toured the past few years (if covid didn’t exist or if they had… different sensibilities) and earned billions of money. And ARMY would’ve celebrated too, I don’t think the fandom would’ve care if we had no new music since a BTS live show is something we’re always hungry for
5. Capitalized on Dynamite and Butter even more, instead of releasing BE and Proof
Basically, do whatever USA artists are doing now.
In fact, they deliberately seemed to choose to do stuff that made things harder for them. I think this concept of fairness and doing things the right way has been simultaneously been a boon and a curse for them. A boon because they would’ve been absolutely crushed if it came out that they had underhanded tactics but because they’re squeaky clean, the most people have had to say is that ARMYs are bots LMAO. A curse because they truly could’ve achieved even more if they had done things the way most artists do it.
I think it’s really interesting that BTS has always been careful to not slip up for both the optics, but also because I think it’s just part of their creed as a band, and a part of their personalities as individual people. I will never forget about Jin’s speech back in 2019 where he gently reminded everyone that it’s better to do music honestly instead of doing sajaegi, which is doubly more poignant considering the amount of shit they got for unfounded sajaegi accusations.
Idk, I just have a lot of respect for them for sticking to their guns. I feel like Hybe would be open to a lot of the business tactics above but I think BTS themselves are the ones who put their foot down. It’s impossible for me to think otherwise especially because of Namjoon’s statement from FESTA this year: I wish we could continue to perform sincerely and talk like this without thinking about the rules of the world. It was heart wrenching. It just makes sense considering the statements he’s made over the years.
Hi Anon,
I agree 100%.
These boys have been accused of Epstein-level crimes since they popped on the scene in 2013. Some years back I used to find it amusing how people seemed so eager to catch them in some kind of slip up, how k-pop stans would be in forums tallying up their music core points to prove fraud...
It was lame, of course. But that's just the sort of thing k-pop stans of Big 3 groups, groups that were constantly bouncing from one drug scandal to another fraud investigation to Lord knows what else every few months, would do to smaller 'squeaky clean' groups. K-pop Twitter wasn't a thing back then so that's how people passed the time. BTS was often a target and each time, k-pop stans would come up with nothing. Even after escalating their accusations to the Korean president's office.
It's been interesting seeing the theories they've come up with to explain the lack of dirt on BTS including, (1) Hybe owning Dispatch, (2) Hybe owning Mnet, (3) Hybe buying up MAMA, (4) ARMYs blackmailing journalists, (5) Hybe buying Harvard shares (lol), (6) BTS dating chaebols, (7) ARMYs being a well-networked cult that buries everything bad about BTS, (8) BTS members funding album purchases, (9) BTS all being asexual, and so on and so forth.
Ngl I enjoy reading the theories.
But on a more serious note, and to tie in to your ask, BTS are not stupid. They, more than anyone, know that even though 90% of the industry uses payola tactics and media-play to get ahead, the minute BTS lean too heavily on those methods they'll be made an example of. It's the model minority conundrum within a k-pop context writ large. It's why despite ARMYs not doing anything other fandoms aren't doing, ARMYs in fact choosing not to employ tactics in fandoms such as Bad Bunny's, TSwift's, and BP's, ARMYs are still the most heavily scrutinized. Lol.
One thing that makes me chuckle when I see k-pop commentators waxing lyrical about BTS's rise to the top and why they dominated in ways no one else has, is that none of these people seem to realize that in addition to the barriers put on BTS, the group deliberately handicapped themselves in many ways.
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the guys to just say fuck it. I'd like to see what it looks like for HYBE to deliver all the tools at their disposal for ARMYs to use, let's see what happens when 10+ versions of whatever American artist is in the running with 10+ versions of a BTS release, with the same playlisting/radio considerations et al.
I expect that over the next two years with the members' solo roll-outs and with other groups under their manangement, HYBE will be doing a lot of experimenting. Seeing what's tolerated and what works.
In 2026 the world will be a very different place, but somehow I think it will be the perfect time to see what a no fucks given BTS looks like.
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I COULDNT AGREE MORE. The Adam characterizations are ridiculous. They're so off. No one is shitting on him
like yes realistically he is not used nearly as effectively as he could be by the coaches and is being scapegoated, i don’t think the team is actively shitting on him?
like i *know* how brandt clarke speaks. sometimes he doesn’t have a brain to mouth filter and blurts out random shit. he didn’t mean what he said about playing cute to hurt either connor or adam. same as shane today saying they were playing too cute. i really don’t think anyone on the team hates him, especially not guys like brennan and connor and shane and brandt who have grown up with him. i really don’t buy the “woe is me everyone on the team hates me and i miss luca” narrative. i think that yes, maybe he’s not having a great time and he does miss his brother, but maybe it’s just the expectation of international competition. he was just like this at u18s too, it’s not surprising to anyone who did any research on that.
i also hate how people are blaming it on the whole “canadian vs american development style and media attention” thing. BIG newsflash for everyone, very few people in canada actually care about the chl and most of their franchises are located in smaller cities to try to promote the sport in those places. really, the only widely covered events are the wjc, hlinka gretzky, and mem cup. that’s it. no one even gives a shit about u18s because most of the players are busy in mem cup runs. the billet thing is also a mute point because literally the ntdp is the same. it makes SENSE that a team that is cultivated for 2 years together basically spending 24/7 with one another is going to have more camaraderie and be more loose with each other. people don’t care enough about chl teams to pay deep attention to them like the umich team or the ntdp because simply most franchises do not have the money to promote their players as much as the colleges and national program do. maybe if anyone actually took a look, they’d realize that yeah they’re pretty alright too. only thing that comes close right now is the steelheads socials.
so like fuck off about the idea that adam only suffers in canada cause all the media is on him and he can’t handle the pressure and blah blah blah. adam played in the noted hockey ignoring city of chicago. he’s used to the pressure.
yes tsn wasn’t kind to him, but deservedly so. he just hasn’t played well. i wish they would use him better but they haven’t and there’s nothing i can do about that. tsn has barely mentioned him as the tournament has gone on too.
anyways sorry anon this kinda went on like a tangent, but i’m mad about the adam characterization as a whole. tune in next time for when i tell people it’s absolutely idiotic to think that luca is the only reason adam didn’t stay in toronto!
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miumiins · 5 years
hello i made an inprnt if anyone was interested in some prints!
(please note that these are different from the kinds of prints you usually see at cons, as these are printed on archival paper and include a 1inch white border around the artwork)
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fluffernuttermemes · 3 years
98 Unique Character Development Questions
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If they were an animal, what would they be? What is the first thing they’d do when they learn they’re an animal?
Do they pick wildflowers?
How do they like their eggs? (Fried, poached, soft-boiled, etc.)
How do they see themselves in their head, and how is that image wrong?
If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
(For good guys) If they were a villain, what would their evil dark lord name be?
Muffins or cupcakes? Write at least one page of their rant about muffins vs cupcakes.
Do they prefer arm day or leg day?
What is the longest they’ve ever slept in?
They’re on their way to the hospital when they hit a parked car. They can’t stop, and don’t have paper for a note. They drive away without telling anyone what happened. How do they ease their conscience?
Most embarrassing middle school moment?
Favorite pizza toppings? List the top five in order.
What was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
If they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (Shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
Write out their last nightmare as a short scene.
If they spray-painted a wall, what would they write / draw?
Pick a fictional character from another book / movie to be their guardian angel. Is it hard to look out for your character? Does the guardian angel interact with them? What’s their first conversation like?
Do they find fart noises funny? (Be honest.)
They wake up invisible. Do they ask for help right away, or do they stay hidden? What do they do while invisible?
What are their final words? Try to make them unexpected!
What one aspect of their physical appearance do they think is hot?
Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
How far can they spit a watermelon seed?
Are they more likely to notice the shapes of the clouds or the color of the sky?
What do they joke about and say, “I would die for that!”
On a road trip, are they the driver, the DJ in the passenger seat, or one of the people eating snacks and huddled under the bags in the back?
Do they sleep in normal clothes or pajamas? To what degree are they clothed?
What are their three favorite types of flowers?
If they could travel to the future, but they couldn’t go back, would they do it to escape their problems?
Do they prefer unicorns or pegusi?
When they sneeze: hand, elbow, or nada?
Their crush / another hot character asks them to dance and pulls them to the dance floor. How do they react? Do they try to hide their feelings? And most importantly, do they dance?
What was the last thing they thought about stealing?
Their favorite thing about riding a Ferris wheel?
Are they a cat, dog, or horse person?
What time period do they wish they lived in? Now as the author, write why that would be a disaster.
Do they celebrate Christmas? What’s their favorite Christmas decoration?
Do they prefer the loud fireworks or the smaller, quieter fireworks?
What song is their theme song?
Do they keep a diary? What is the biggest secret in it?
When they’re stressed, do they stress shop, bake, eat, or clean?
Five years ago, who did they look up to? Do they still look up to them now? If not, why?
Do they prefer raw cookie dough or fully baked cookies?
While playing Monopoly, do they buy a bunch of properties right away or save their money as much as possible?
What game are they terrible at playing?
Are they ticklish?
What would they do if they were locked in a room with a rat?
They die and become a ghost, doomed to haunt others but unable to talk or write messages to say who they are. Who / what do they choose to haunt? Do they wish they could speak, or do they prefer to remain anonymous?
What’s inside their glove box?
What’s their birthstone? Do they like how it looks? Why or why not?
If they could snap their fingers and become super famous overnight, would they do it? Have them weigh the pros and cons of fame.
What’s their favorite color of Skittles?
What TV shows do they binge-watch by themselves at 2 AM?
Who is their favorite Avenger? Which Avenger are they the most like personality-wise?
How can the other characters tell when they’re lying? (Looking down, picking at fingernails, not blinking, etc.)
Do they prefer floral / outdoor scented candles, or candles that smell like food?
Would they rather own a sailboat or a jet-ski?
What keychains do / would they have on their backpack?
When was the last time they physically attacked something?
Do they pay attention to the weather forecast?
What book / movie / song do they swear they hate until they’re alone and start reading / watching / singing it on repeat?
Would they rather wear glasses or contacts? (Even if their eyesight is fine.) Why?
Are they more of a slow-and-steady endurance runner or a super-fast sprinter?
Can they do any celebrity impersonations?
When was the last time your character got sick? Who took care of them?
Do they know what memes are? If so, what memes do they quote on a regular basis?
Do they give nicknames to other people? What is the funniest nickname they’ve come up with? Does everyone else know about these nicknames?
What’s a weird / wacky / embarrassing story about them as a young child that everyone else remembers, but they don’t?
When they go to the beach, do they use sunscreen? Lotion or spray-on?
Do they play the arcade game with the claw? What do they try to win?
How do they like their steak?
If they speak more than one language, do they know the swear words in those languages?
Do they prefer to write with a pencil or a pen? If they use pens, what color is the ink?
They’re on the beach, waist deep in the water. A big wave rolls up and towers over their head. Quick— do they dive under the wave, body surf the wave, or freeze and get swept off their feet?
What annoys them about the religious groups in their area?
What is the most popular tweet they’ve ever written?
Before the story starts, what are the last ten items in their Google search history? Did they clear that search history?
Do they sing in the car, in the shower, or both?
Deep down, do they believe a hot dog is a sandwich?
Long sleeves or spaghetti straps?
Do they have a harder time going to sleep at night or getting out of bed in the morning?
What’s the weirdest place they’ve climbed up on?
If they could make any scent into a perfume, what would it be?
Picture this character’s worst enemy. Now write a short scene in an alternate universe where they fall in love with their enemy. What attracts them to each other? Try to find personality traits that the characters fall for (not just physical attraction).
Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
Would they rather fly or be immortal?
Do they try to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk? Do they step on every crack? Do they care?
What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
Are they able to fall asleep in the car? On an airplane? On a boat?
What is something they are fine with that most people would be afraid of?
If they were forced to dye their hair, would they rather dye it purple or neon green?
What do they schedule / plan out in their life? (Even if they wing it most of the time, they probably have at least one thing planned.)
Under what circumstances would they hug a complete stranger?
If they were able to compete in the Winter Olympics, what sport would they compete in?
How do they like their coffee? (Or tea if they don’t drink coffee)
List 10 reasons why you love spending time with this character.
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kamisathoes · 3 years
*cutely opens ur asks*
Opinions on cam girl! Reader?
─ 💳💥
HELLO I HAVE MANY OPINIONS !!! THIS IS ONE OF MY FAV AUS <33 i keep trying to write about it but i can't articulate my thoughts so here's some brainrots... i didn't really know who to write for so i just went for the classic DCKZ <33
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cws: modern au, camming au, camgirl ! reader, masturbation, overstimulation (kaeya), toys (incl. a fuck machine in childe's part) — not proofread.
camgirl ! reader who's popular across teyvat for having some of the cutest streams <3 you usually wore dainty lingerie and played with the prettiest toys that one could buy. each viewer had their own personal favorite to see you use, and they could donate to have their wishes fulfilled <33
DILUC who finds your stream after a drunken kaeya mentioned it. he couldn't tell you why the name of the site stuck in his head, but he figured that the only way to get it out was to put it in the search bar. drawn to your stream, he watched as you teased your clothed cunny with a thick vibrator, the most adorable little moans falling from your glossy lips. the redhead wondered how such an innocent thing found herself in this line of work, the urge of wanting to support you financially so that you didn't have to whore yourself out online bubbling in his stomach. diluc didn't understand that you enjoyed what you did, entrapped in his vanilla mindset. he felt dirty as he unzipped his pants and began touching himself, unable to resist the spell you placed over him. the man refused to cum until you did, moaning your screen name as he spilled his milky seed into his fist. guilt washed over him, as though he had just committed a grave sin. the only way for him to atone seemed to be a donation. this became a cycle for him. he'd tune in, beat his meat, then double your tip jar for the night. each time you thanked him, he felt his length growing harder again.
KAEYA who's no stranger to consuming adult content. he'd religiously tune into your streams, refusing to miss one. though he wasn't necessarily your wealthiest viewer, kaeya would still send you a chunk of his disposable income just to see you flaunt your pretty tits. the man was fixated on your lips as you drooled onto them, thick globs of spit falling onto your tits. he loved seeing you all messy for him, overstimulating your pretty cunt with how many times you had cum for the camera. oh how kaeya wishes it was his cock buried between your legs rather than some stupid silicone. he was convinced that he could make you feel so much better than any toy could, fucking his fist to the thought of stuffing your hole.
CHILDE who pretty much pays for your rent. he was known in your chat for being one of the top donators - his job provided him with more money than he could spend, why not indulge a pretty girl? he loved watching your cunt split open on a fuck machine, your face contorting in pleasure as his high tips sped up the fake cock drilling into you. if the man was feeling rather teasing, he'd shower you in smaller tips, making the machine fuck you at a painfully slow pace. depending on how well you took the torture, childe would tip you tremendously for your efforts.
ZHONGLI liked to spoil you with gifts rather than donations. the moment something was added to your wishlist, whether it be a new lacy set for you to wear on stream or a new book you'd been looking forward to reading, the item was on its way to your door the next day. sometimes zhongli would add little notes of praise, telling you how much he'd enjoyed a particular stream of yours. he had such a way with words, the messages always making you press your thighs together. he'd even add little extras to his cart for you - you loved it when he sent you expensive chocolates or coffee. other times he'd add some naughtier presents, perhaps a toy or accessory that he'd found whilst browsing. the pride that coursed through his veins if you used one on stream would act alongside the blood rushing to his crotch, becoming desperate for some kind of release.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Feed Me
Pairing: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Rintaro Suna x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Ooooo what about when Alphas 🐘 ( maybe akaashi, ushijima, rin and kuroo) find out that their omega has not been eating enough like (their only eating little things like granola bars or fruit) so their upset that they had to find out through someone else and they scold them for that but then their told that they have gain some weight and that gets them even more upset because they think their perfect etc.
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Author’s Note: Hey, you. Yeah you. The beautiful person reading this? You are perfect. You are worth it. Your feelings are valid and you shouldn’t feel bad about having them. You are so amazing, and even if I don’t know you, I am so proud of you. You are so strong for making it so far. Keep going. Never change. :) Also your nice comments? Literally my dose of serotonin
did I mention my OC one or twice? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Also, idk if anyone is curious, but Yuka doesn't actually go to Shiritorizawa but whatever.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of (Semi?) Starvation.
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Keiji Akaashi
➵Now, Keiji is pretty on top of omega and significant other care.
➵ Like, weirdly so. It's honestly kind of creepy?
➵ In an endearing way.
➵ He always says 'Bokuto-Kun prepared me in a way.'
➵ Honestly, he loves doing this for you too!
➵He loves caring for you so much.
➵ Like I firmly believe Akaashi's love language is acts of service.
➵ So things like bringing you food, leaving sweet notes in your locker, helping you with your homework.
➵ He lives for doing these things.
➵ Especially feeding you snacks and things.
➵ It made his inner alpha purr because that meant he was caring for you. Providing for you.
➵ Being the very thing that made him worthy of an alpha.
➵ Prove that he could continue being the alpha you needed and wanted.
➵ Unfortunately, there were downsides.
➵ Your hips had the beginnings of small love handles, a little more chub on you tummy, thighs a little squishier.
➵ Let's not lie, Keiji absolutely adored this, by the way.
➵ I also think one of his biggest kinks is praise
➵ He makes sure you know how loved and how perfect you are.
➵ It's sometimes hard to believe him though.
You hummed an acknowledgment at Keiji's call, typing the final words to your essay before turning to look at your beautiful alpha- Sometimes you questioned how you hooked him. His gorgeous emerald eyes shining with love and adoration.
"I'm gonna go run and pick up some supper, what would you like beloved?" He came up to squeeze and massage your shoulders, leaning down as he pressed a small peck to your temple, your purr a sweet melody to his ears.
You swallowed behind your purr, trying to hide the small panic in your eyes. Your mind instantly flashed to your reflection this morning, how you pinched your hips with a frown. You already had been slowing down on the snacks, and fast food made you shiver.
"I-I'm okay for now, Keiji. Thank you though." You smiled, nonetheless, holding Keiji's cheek in your hand. He quirked a brow, frowning slightly before nodding lowly. Another peck was pressed to your cheek before he left, ordering your favorite from the diner he took you to for your first date.
"Beloved, I'm back." Keiji called, once more tearing you away from your essay; you were always thankful for the distraction though. He set down the take out bag, taking out the top box and handing it to you before shrugging off his jacket.
"Keiji? I said I was okay-"
"I didn't believe you. Now come on, you need to take a break and I'm touch starved." The raven didn't even look behind at you before pulling out his own box, dragging your rolley-chair to the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head, handing that to you as well before giving you a sweet peck.
His eyes locked with yours. Your breath hitched. So many silent words swam in his eyes, asking you, demanding you, to tell you what was wrong.
"I just- I've gained a little weight lately and-"
"And? My love, you are just as gorgeous as the day I met you. Nothing is wrong with a little weight, even if I think you're foolish to think you've gained weight. Never think otherwise. Even if you do, let me know, my job as your alpha and boyfriend is to make sure you feel as good as possible no matter what."
He slipped the sweater over your head, rehanding you your meal that he took from you momentarily, running a hand through your hair.
"Your my beautiful omega. Nothing should keep you from your happiness."
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵Unlike Akaashi, Wakatoshi is little more...Hesitant (In a way) when it comes to omegan care.
➵ He never really learned how to? Ya know?
➵ Both his parents were alphas, and he was never around omegas consistently enough to learn.
➵and it's not like you were a volleyball that he could use the same techniques to up-keep.
➵ He also couldn't ask his team.
➵ Well, he could, but only one other person on his team had an omega. (It was Satori and his advice, though helpful, could only go so far.)
➵ He was doing good though, especially with you holding his hand through the entire thing.
➵ The first time he noticed something was up was when you didn't show up to lunch-- texting him a picture of you in the library, tongue poking out as you held up a peace sign to assure him you were okay.
➵ When he brought it up to Satori, who had his own omega (A small, but fiery brunette named Yuka) leaning on his side as she played some sort of phone game on his phone (Mama's slusheria? He thinks?) .
➵He explained he didn't know what was going on with you while Satori listened with a hum before giving him a sad smile. "Sorry I can't help you further Ushi-waka, but as you can see-" He slid his unfinished lunch towards Yuka, who popped one of the Dango skewers into her mouth without looking up. "I'm not very familiar with the problem."
➵ He offered his help as much as he could nonetheless.
➵ He slowly began to pick up on smaller things, locking them in his steel trap.
➵ Like a good boy :)
➵ He put hours of research into omegas after this (not that he hadn't previously). Keeping strenuous notes beside him.
➵ They were colorful and highlighted :)
➵ And he followed the advice that 'Mommy Luna-boo' posted on the blog he found like a goddamn Mantra. ('Sometimes Omegas need a little more love! Their bodies, especially during high school years, will change a lot! They may feel a little down! As an alpha, make sure you remind them how beautiful they are!')
➵She was mother Theresa and he was her follower.
➵ Well after he followed you.
➵and after he made sure you were feeling better
Walking into your dorm room, Wakatoshi set down a small bag filled with goodies. He set it down on your bed as he sat down as well, watching you carefully.
When you gave him a small smile with a quirked brow, he took a deep breath, remembering everything Tendou had coached him through.
"Have you been eating enough lately?"
You sucked your tongue at the question, shuffling your shoulders. Truth be told you had been missing out on a few lunches after noting a few extra pounds you hadn't noticed earlier. You never meant to worry him, that was never your intention, but it seemed the world was working against you. You had no clue where to go from here. If you told him the truth that would do nothing but worry him, but lying was never good in any form of relationship.
Your hesitance to tell him was more than enough though, as his larger lands encased your own, holding them tightly.
"Why?" His tone wasn't accusatory nor was it angry in the slightest. Genuine curious if anything. If he could get to the bottom of the root of the problem, he could prevent it from happening in the future. Right?
"I- I just...Noticed a few extra pounds and-"
"That's it?"
You looked up to him with a tilted head, like a lost puppy. "What do you mean that's it?"
Pulling you closer, Wakatoshi effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, using one hand to dig through the bag beside him while the other wrapped around your hips. He pulled out a few of your favorite snacks laying them out in front of you.
"That's, in my opinion, a silly thing to worry about. If you feel that's a big problem, I can offer my services to you in any way you wish-- whether it be support or as help, it is my job to be there for you." He nuzzled your scent gland, voice rumbling against your shoulders.
You purred in response, leaning back onto your alpha.
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Rintaro Suna
➵ Suna is a lot like Akaashi in the sense that he has incredible observational skills as an alpha.
➵ His eyes are like sniper scopes.
➵ The minute something is wrong, he's on it.
➵ Like he looks aloof but he's not.
➵ He had notes.
➵ So hiding something from him is not easy at all.
➵ But you two most likely ended up together because you gave him a run for his money.
➵ You made him work at being an alpha.
➵ And he loved you for that.
➵ It did come back to bite him in the ass though.
➵ The only reason he heard about this was because the betas at Inarizaki were loud mouths.
➵ Honestly he learned so much tea from them.
➵ Like this third year was sleeping with a first year because she planned on baby trapping him and-
➵ It was wild.
➵Though most times it was nothing more than a source of entertainment for you and him to laugh about.
➵This time the gossip was actually useful.
➵ He wasn't thrilled they were talking about you, but provided some very useful information.
➵ And he was set into action.
➵ typing a few things onto his phone he set out to find you.
"Rin, I said I'm not hungry-"
"I know and I'm making the executive decision to ignore you."
He squinted his eyes at the carefully written instructions in front of him, sending a silent thanks to Atsumu's mate Haruka. (;)) She had written a step by step instruction sheet to making Onigiri while also dropping off all the ingredients (Pre-prepped). The only reason she didn't make it was because Suna's alpha, no matter how much he trusted her, wouldn't have let it near you.
"Look, Y/N. I love you, you know that. You know a lot of things, you're my smart little omega. So you must also know this isn't good, right?" Sliding a plate of, albeit mediocre, onigiri towards you, Rintaro focused his gaze on you.
"You know this, eh?"
You swallowed before grabbing one of the triangles, nibbling on the top in an attempt to appease your alpha. His sharp gaze still focused on you, making you shiver as he rounded around the counter. He turned you around so you were facing him, his hands holding your hips.
"You know this."
You wilted under his expectant gaze, knowing what he wanted from you. "I know this."
He smirked, leaning to take bite from your snack, licking his lips as he did. "Good omega."
"Rintaro that's mine!"
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agapaic · 3 years
[19 days] whiplash [ch. 365 after-shot]
The shop will be closing soon. He’s seen an attendant wandering around, who will probably ask him to leave in the next five minutes. There’s no one else here. His clothes are vivid against the neon glow of the tanks. The fish cast strange shadows on his shirt, living out a second life on his skin.
They swim in half-circles before sharply changing direction, never touching the glass. He wonders if they know it’s there, as if they can sense some immovable wall that holds them back.
He’s not getting deep about this. He could contemplate, quite extensively, about how their freedom must be bought by some higher power, and they would really only go from one tank to the next, slightly bigger, slightly richer. It’s all fake shit, and he remembers that in some ways he’s got it better than an animal. He can, at least, run away. Maybe he won’t get far. Just to the edges of the city villages where he’ll get a job earning less than before and lose his place in school.
Guan Shan puts a finger on the glass in front of him. There’s a label in the corner, peeling away from the glass. Veiltail goldfish. They have wispy, membrane-like tails. He could put his hand on the other side and see all the way through. Guan Shan watches the only black fish in the tank move placidly through the water.
Beneath the label, a smaller one: Black moor. For a minute he considers tugging the label off and putting it in his pocket, a little secret. He remembers that would be stealing, in some way, and someone in the shop would have to go to the effort of printing and laminating and reapplying the label just for one fish.
Guan Shan turns away.
He wanders for a few more minutes. He’s aware of his reflection in the glass. He worries about how long the attendant will let him stay there, and the thought that they will make him leave makes him feel slightly sick. He likes it here—the quiet, the muted hum of the tanks, the strange lights. They make him feel somewhere else.
His mother is working the night shift and won’t be home until just before he’s meant to go to school the next morning. They’ll have long enough together that he could tell her he got fired from the shop, but not long enough that he could reasonably pretend to have forgotten as he tugs on his uniform and slips out the front door.
She won’t be mad—she never is.
She can’t take on another shift.
Mentally, he has started taking stock. His Xbox is a few years old, but he’ll get something for it. He has a stack of old music magazines from his dad that could catch the eye of a collector. His computer, maybe.
The earrings.
His stomach twists.
Really, it’s not much. It’ll earn them a month, which could be just long enough for him to get another job, but what’s the likelihood of that in a city where most kids are just trying to bulk their CV’s for their college applications. Besides, his grades speak for themselves. He got lucky with the shop, and lightning doesn’t strike twice.
‘Hey, kid. We’re closing soon, so unless you wanna buy something…’
Guan Shan nods. His shoulders round.
For no logical reason, he says: ‘Can I take a goldfish?’
‘Sure. The black moor? Saw you had your eye on that one.’
‘No, one of the others.’
The attendant comes up next to him. ‘Just the one? They don’t like being on their own, you know.’
He presses his jaw tightly. A small sound comes out of him. He looks at the price tag and is somehow shocked and saddened to see the figure so low.
‘Fine,’ he says. ‘The black one, too, I guess.’
He pays, then leaves. It’s late enough that the streets are quieter than he expected. He’s usually home by now, his shift over, reheating leftovers while he works on his homework. He stands there while the shop attendant locks up behind him, holding the plastic bag with two fish in his hand. He feels stupid. Behind his eyes, he can feel a sort of stinging sensation.
He has the unnameable urge to grab one of the passing strangers and tell them how he’s feeling, what has happened, what could happen. On some level he knows that everyone has their own problems, and he’s not the type of person to overstep his bounds. Instead, he watches them pass, and after a few more minutes he goes to the nearest subway station and gets the train home.
He had half expected He Tian to find him on the street. He’d imagined it, He Tian catching his arm as he wandered from store to store, deliberating at large windows with thin mannequins and expensive jewellery without price tags. There is a part of him that’s disappointed that it didn’t play out like this, a part of him that is even angrier to find He Tian sitting in the stairwell of his apartment when he eventually does get home.
It’s close to midnight, and the stairwell is clinically quiet. Outside, the stars are dusty and covered in a thin layer of smog that is less noticeable in the day. He Tian looks exhausted. He’s the type of good looking where even the slightest imperfection somehow makes him even more attractive. Guan Shan hates it.
He stands when Guan Shan walks in, suddenly filling the space, and Guan Shan says, ‘Get outta my way.’
‘Where have you been?’
Guan Shan shoulders past him. There’s a moment where he thinks He Tian will grab him around the shoulders, the air around him simmering enough that Guan Shan is convinced it’s a near thing, choking with danger, but he lets him pass. He follows Guan Shan up the staircase, his footsteps silent, his body casting long shadows on the steps where Guan Shan sets his feet.
At the door, Guan Shan pockets the notice that’s taped there, knowing He Tian has already seen it. Less sharply, he picks up the notes in He Tian’s and Jian Yi’s writing and folds them into careful squares.
‘You’re not comin’ in,’ he says.
‘I called you, like, fifty times. Did you block me?’
Guan Shan thinks He Tian sounds angrier than he really has a right to be. He turns and presses his back to the door. He has his keys clenched tightly in a closed fist.
‘Yeah. I didn’t want to talk to you. I thought you would’ve gotten that.’
‘I can get you another job. Something better paid.’
‘You’re so fuckin’ clueless.’
He Tian’s eyes tighten.
‘You’re ruining my life,’ says Guan Shan.
‘That’s—that isn’t true. I’ve helped you. You would’ve been expelled if—’
‘Maybe I would’ve gotten expelled. But I wouldn’t have had She Li on my dick all the time, would I? Wouldn’t need you to get me a job ‘cause you made me lose my last one, would I? You’re just—stickin’ a bandage on shit when you hurt me first.’
‘It’s not always like that. Don’t make it sound like it’s always like that.’
Guan Shan shakes his head. ‘I want you to go. I told you I didn’t want to see you again. Fuck off.’
He Tian says, ‘Let me pay what was on the door.’
‘Fuck off.’
He Tian doesn’t move and Guan Shan squeezes his eyes shut. He’s going to cry again, the frustration bubbling sourly in the back of his throat. He doesn’t trust himself to open the door while He Tian is still here because he knows he’ll probably let him in.
‘Do I really make you feel like a failure?’
Guan Shan rubs at his eyes with his fist. His voice comes hoarse and thick: ‘I am a failure. Bein’ around you just makes it so much more fuckin’ obvious.’
He doesn’t want He Tian’s pity when he says this, or his reassurance. He’s just being honest. Saying it out loud is kind of breathlessly relieving. He couldn’t say something like that to his mother, or any of the teachers at school. He couldn’t say it to Grey, who he’s known for years. He Tian knows more about him than anyone. It’s a terrifying thought.
If they never see each other again, will He Tian tell everyone the things Guan Shan has told him? About the restaurant and his dad, or about She Li and the things Guan Shan has let him do to him? He feels vulnerable and sick thinking about it, completely powerless, as he does a lot of the time when he’s around He Tian.
He oscillates between that feeling of uselessness and the feeling of being so empowered that he thinks it must be what being high or drunk feels like. That latter has him trusting his own convictions, having an unadulterated faith in himself like jumping from a bridge and thinking he might just fly—so long as He Tian is with him. He doesn’t like how it’s one or the other, empowered or powerless, and rarely anything in between. He’s heard adults on TV talking about being codependent, pulled punishingly into each other's orbit, and he wonders if this is the same thing.
In the end he supposes it doesn’t really matter. So what if He Tian tells everyone? Probably, he won’t see the rest of the year out at school. He’ll get a job on a different side of the city and no one will hear from him ever again. The embarrassment will all be internal and will only last a week or two. Then life will move on. He wishes he were older and wiser and better at believing this. He wishes it didn’t feel like the universe might fall out from beneath him.
‘Doesn’t matter what I do, it turns to shit,’ he tells He Tian. ‘No matter how hard I work, I’m never gonna earn enough. I can spend three hours studyin’ for a test and still come last. If it isn’t She Li, then it’ll be someone else. I just—I can’t catch a fuckin’ break, He Tian. But you do somethin’ and you come first every time. Life’s so easy for you.’
He Tian shifts from side to side. ‘Do you think things wouldn’t feel so hard if you stopped focussing on what you think my life is like?’
‘You’re pissin’ me off.’
‘I don’t know how I’m meant to help you. You won’t let me give you money. It’s like pulling teeth from you just trying to know what’s going on with you. What are you so fucking afraid of?’
‘I never asked for your help.’
‘You shouldn’t have to—that’s why we’re friends.’
‘I never said I wanted to be your friend.’
He Tian frowns, his look very serious. He isn’t teasing tonight. Neither is Guan Shan. There is the sense that their interactions are always anything but teasing, really, some dark undercurrent that runs between the two of them like dark veins.
He Tian says, ‘Are those fish?’
For a moment Guan Shan thinks he’s joking, deflecting wildly to distract from the seriousness of what Guan Shan has just said. Then he feels the crinkle of a plastic bag in his hand and, remembering how he’d just spent the last few hours, nearly drops the two goldfish onto the floor.
‘Yeah,’ he says.
‘You don’t have a tank.’
‘Yeah, no. I don’t know why I bought them.’
He Tian hesitates. There is a curious, predictable gleam in his eyes. ‘Red and black?’
‘It’s all they had left at the store.’
He Tian is looking intently at the bag. ‘Do you remember when we went to the aquarium? And you said I wasn’t someone you could forget?’
‘I just meant that—’
‘I know what you meant. But I always pretend like you meant it the other way.’
Guan Shan thinks, Don’t you think things would be easier if you stopped focusing on what you want me to mean and what I actually mean?
Instead of saying anything, he looks down at his sneakers. They’re scuffed and starting to rip at the seams. The thought of having to buy new ones makes him panic and the thought of buying a pair of second-hand ones online makes him panic even more. There’s no shame in it, but the thought of wearing someone else’s clothes makes him feel strange, especially when he knows He Tian could buy fifty pairs without blinking.
Guan Shan considers that thought and replays what He Tian has just said about focusing on his life too much more than his own. Maybe part of that is true.
Before He Tian, did he always feel things so intensely? Did the bad always feel so fucking awful? He knows that things were mechanical, and he was mean and didn’t think much about other people in particularly nice ways. He knows he didn’t laugh much then, or have dinners and sleepovers with friends. He knows everything hurt on a distant, muted level that was easy to ignore. Not much time has passed since then, and he reasons that nothing about him has probably changed, just everything else around him.
‘I can’t understand why you won’t let me help you,’ says He Tian, when the silence has stretched too long.
‘Because I’ll get used to it.’
He Tian frowns, not understanding.
‘One day, you’re not gonna be around. And I’ll be fucked.’
‘I’ll always be there for you.’
‘You don’t know that. People say that a lot and then they disappear or get taken away, even if they didn’t want to.’
It’s obvious they’re talking about his dad, but it feels safer to talk about things in vague, subjective conversation. Maybe things would be easier if they talked openly about things and didn’t use metaphors and hypotheticals. As it is, Guan Shan doesn’t feel ready to try the alternative. He is conscious of the fact that this feels like a conversation. They are passing words back and forth that hold meaning and neither of them has touched the other yet. It feels new and fragile as an oil painting, still wet, and so he doesn’t let himself think about this for long.
‘I think you’re getting this wrong,’ says He Tian. ‘I’m not asking you to rely on me. Obviously, I’d kind of like that. I like the thought of you needing me, and I know that says something about me. But—I’m just asking you to let me help you. Just here and there, no strings.’
Guan Shan rubs his forehead with the back of his knuckles. His keys are starting to pinch his skin and he can feel a headache starting to surface.
‘I’m tired,’ he says. ‘I actually do want you to go.’
He Tian’s jaw clenches and he breathes out heavily through his nose. He’s probably thinking he’s wasted his time.
‘Okay,’ he says then. ‘But we’re not done.’
A new wave of exhaustion comes over Guan Shan, crippling and final. He wants to get into bed with his skin against cold sheets and sleep for twelve hours without waking once.
‘You’re not the only one that ever gets to decide that,’ he tells He Tian, a little sharply. ‘You’ve gotta learn to let people go.’
‘But what if I know I can help them?’ says He Tian. ‘If I don’t, I’ve just—failed.’
They look at each other.
A minute stretches into an eternity that could be seconds or hours, and everything has gone backwards. Everything is the same.
Guan Shan can’t put his finger on what has just happened, but he feels like laughing. Their fears are twinned, self-perpetuating, some kind of ouroboros chasing its tail. Who will get caught first?
They both seem to take in a breath at the same time, and He Tian takes a step back.
‘Goodnight,’ he says.
Guan Shan nods. He waits for He Tian’s retreating back to disappear a few flights down before opening the door to his apartment, and shuts it swiftly behind him.
There’s a knock at the door while he’s brushing his teeth. The fish are swimming placidly in their bag on the edge of the bathroom sink. It’s past one, and he keeps all the lights off because his eyes are feeling sore. He’s adjusted to the dim glow that comes from street lamps seeping through the curtains, the blink of the timer on the electric stove, his Xbox gleaming in his bedroom. His mother shouldn’t be home yet and she has her own set of keys.
With a sinking heart, Guan Shan pictures his landlord demanding payment.
Worse, he pictures He Tian. Before He Tian left, they’d resolved nothing. It feels like being back to square one, chasing each other around a chess board. It fills him with a vast emptiness that makes him feel like he’s existing outside of himself, waiting for someone else to take over.
He pads silently towards the front door, his toothbrush jammed into his cheek, and peers through the viewer. There’s toothpaste dripping down his chin. In the hall, there’s no one there. He’s half-convinced he imagined it. He counts to ten before he opens the door, steps out—and his foot connects with something hard. There is a cardboard box sitting on the welcome mat.
Guan Shan peers around. The light in the stairwell is artificially bright. He kneels down and opens the tabs on the box, which hasn’t been taped. He swallows.
For the fish, says the note on the second box, nestled inside the first. Careful, it’s fragile.
Guan Shan rubs the heel of a palm into his right eye. He sighs. Then he reaches out, braces himself, and picks up the tank. He carries it into his apartment, and the door locks behind him.
thank you for reading! if you’d like to support me on my ko-fi/request a short drabble, you can do so here: https://ko-fi.com/agapaic 💞
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada & port mafia (part 1)
platonic! edogawa ranpo x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting these fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them! but only at the cost of your peace and sanity. 
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
author’s notes: this will be a multiple part series of head canons and this is only part one! this series will include both the agency and port mafia members, and then something special for the end. maybe i’ll even write a real one shot/scenario for it. if there’s enough interest, i might open up a tag list for this! i hope you all enjoy!! <33
also, ranpo is 25 in this part; kenji, atushi, kyouka, and the tanizaki siblings aren’t part of the agency yet, only yosano, kunikida, and dazai are, but in the next couple parts, it will be established that the tanizakis are
and (n/n) means nickname :)
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meeting the greatest detective
your bakery, Sakura’s, which you named after your late grandmother (who was also your guardian), went into business when you were 18 right after graduating high school
who needed a culinary course when you were trained by dear ol grandma?
your grandmother died when you were 16, just as you started your second year of high school
you were devastated of course, but you knew she wouldn’t want you to wallow over it too long
so in those last two hard years of high school, you took part time jobs at other bakeries and saved lots and lots of money
by graduation, using your life savings, the money your grandmother had left for you, and all the money you earned working, you were able to buy the small building—with a reasonable amount of money left over to survive— you and your grandmother had been eyeing back in her hometown, yokohama, to start your bakery
the building was a bit run down, but you were planning to give it a makeover anyways
it was a bit smaller compared to other buildings around, only having two stories, but on the plus side, the second floor had taller ceilings and was an apartment
is that realistic? probably not but bare with me here 
you finished putting your bakery up in about 4 months, then finished up your apartment 2 more after
you opened Sakura’s at 7 in the morning then closed at 8 in the evening
when you first started, you did quite well!!
especially with those who went to work on early mornings and families
the time when you first opened was the most peaceful, but you admitted that it was a bit boring, and you wished for a bit more excitement
and boy, the day edogawa ranpo stepped into your bakery was the catalyst for the chaos and excitement that was soon to come
not that you knew that
if you did you would’ve never let him in
you were 19 when ranpo discovered Sakura’s, and it was completely accidental
he finished solving a case and was on the way back to the agency, and he—not surprisingly—got lost and then it started to rain really hard
it was pouring; there was even the cliche thunder strike and everything
you saw the brown clad man across the street and you ran out with two umbrellas (almost getting hit by a car mind you) handed one to him and practically dragged him inside
with the heavy rain on the forecast, Sakura’s was empty, so you gently pushed him down on a chair and you rushed away to find towels
even though the two of you had umbrellas, the two of you were still soaked 
finding said towels, you quickly dried yourself the best you could then you draped your towel over your back and rushed over to give him his as well as a warm pastry and your special hot honey lemon tea
ranpo laughed as you placed down the refreshment and snack, thinking that you knew who he was and was giving him special treatment
poor bby blinked and went :0 when you said you didn’t
“you don’t know who i am?”
“no. am i supposed to?”
the 25 year old blanked and you worried that you broke him and started to apologize profusely 
he cut you off claiming that he got over it he didnt but seeing as the bakery was empty and it was pouring pretty badly, he demanded you give him all your attention sit with him so he could tell you all about himself and what he’s done
the two of you got along quite well
you were amazed with all the stories he’s told you 
you honestly acted like a cute little kid listening to fairytales
he told you that and in response you threw a napkin at him
“wow ranpo-san! that’s amazing!!”
“you look like a little kid”
cue the napkin
he was happy with all the attention, praise, and sweets you gave him
the agency gave him praise sure, and made sure he had a lot of snacks but it was refreshing to have someone give him this much and your treats were the best he’s ever had
after he told you all his most interesting cases, the two of you just rambled about the most randomest things; going from the best desserts and snacks to the stupidest things his coworkers have done
you guys were on that last topic for a while
you two talked and rambled for hours, and when it hit hour two and the rain was still pouring, you just went ahead and slipped the “we’re open” sign to “closed” even though it was only 2 o’clock
you thought that this was probably the loving goofy older brother relationship that you missed out on
“ranpo-san, you’re kind of like the brother i’ve never had”
“and you’re still like that little kid”
cue another napkin to the face
don’t worry, he already adores you <3 
he just likes to make fun of you </3
*cuts you off as you’re talking to squish your cheeks* “(y/n) you still have a lot of baby fat and you’re pretty short...are you sure you’re still not in high school or smth??”
*incoherent talking due to pressure on cheeks* “ranpo-san you have 3 seconds before i kick you out”
at around 6, the rain came to a stop and by then, the both of you were all dried up
before he left, you gave him a map so that he hopefully wouldn’t get lost again and gave him a couple boxes of treats for him to have and to share with his coworkers
you closed early so you had to give away at least some of the remaining treats somehow
he wanted you to go to agency with him so he didn’t have to carry everything but you declined saying that you didn’t want to bc you wanted to rest
and for payback for calling you a little kid
you were 19 goddamnit
you already placed everything neatly into two bags so it was easy to carry but this bitch still had the audacity to pout and whine at you
and he calls you the little kid, jeez
you never told him but, you almost gave in
you never told him. but he probably already knows
ranpo san knows all after all; even you knew that by now
the two of you had also exchanged phone numbers and when the two of you showed each other what you each put for a contact name along with the note below, the two of you broke out into grins
you named him “the greatest detective <33″ & put the note “new nii-san <33 & bully </3″ and he named you “cute bakery girl” with the note “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
when he left, you properly closed the bakery and taped a sign to the door saying that you closed early for personal reasons
when everything was cleaned up, you marched up into your bedroom, plopped on your bed, and took a nap
you deserved it
at the agency not too long after that, ranpo had arrived and when he opened the door, everyone rushed towards him in concern asking if he was okay
he waved them off and walked towards his desk and plopped down in his seat
he placed the two bags in front of him and took out a box of cream puffs and started to snack on them
his coworkers watched him blankly as his scarfed down one after another
after finishing that box, he rummaged through the bags to look through the different kinds of pastries you’ve given him 
noticing that there were people still staring at him he paused before sighing in exasperation
he began to whine at his coworkers saying that no one told him it was gonna rain and that they were lucky that he happened to be in front of Sakura’s
“why did no one tell me?! it was pouring and i was soaked! you guys are lucky that (n/n)-chan’s bakery was right there! you would’ve probably lost me! how would the agency even function without me here?!”
no one wanted to be the one to tell him that they had no idea who he was talking about and that they did in fact tell him that it was gonna pour
they can save that, and their questions for another time
next >>
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wagner-fell · 3 years
I am still very new to this website and I don’t know how link a post but this fic is based on a post by @sandersgrey
(If someone reading this knows how to link a post please either explain it to me or link it in the comments because that post is *amazing*)
“Hmmm,” said Tessa, depositing Mina into Kit’s waiting arms and examining her buzzing phone critically. She shot a quizzical look in his direction.
Jem looked up from his novel. “What is ‘hmmm’, my love?”
Kit mimed vomiting but stopped dead in his tracks when she replied, “it’s Astrid’s mother. You remember her from parent teacher night, don’t you, my darling?” Kit swears they were being extra insufferable just to mess with him but he didn’t have the time to be annoyed when Astrid’s. Mom. Was. Calling. Tessa.
To understand why Kit was panicking as much as he was, you must know that Astrid’s mom was incredibly chill. She never got mad. The worst punishment she’d ever given her daughter was taking away her iPod for a week so she couldn’t listen to Mitski.
Was she calling about last night when Astrid, Mari and Kit threw eggs at the Shadowhunter’s that were giving Mari’s pack a hard time for no reason? No, that couldn’t be it. She’d given them the eggs.
Could the call be about the day before yesterday when Kit and Astrid got distracted doing homework and ended up snapping the coffee table clean in half while battling gladiator style with pool noodles? No, that wasn’t it. She’d just handed Astrid a twenty and told them to go to Kevin’s parents' shop and get a new one. Was she pissed because they ended up spending the money on ice cream instead? No, they ended up finding a table for free in the rubbing bin outside a fancy hotel.
Kit clutched his sister to his chest and prepared for the worst.
“Seo-yoon! What can I do for- Oh, hello Astrid!” Tessa paused briefly, presumably to listen to Astrid speak, and Kit sighed in relief.
“Kit is occupied at the moment but I can relay the message.” Another pause. “Oh don’t be frightened of me. I’m a tots rad mom. Your secret is safe with me.” Kit felt his face flush red as he heard his best friend’s laughter echo across the living room. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He has to get Mina to sleep before he can leave though. Lord knows he’s the only one who can these days.” Tessa chuckled at something Astrid said before wishing her good luck in her endeavour and ending the call.
She turned her attention back to Kit. “Astrid needs your help breaking into your teacher’s home to retrieve her cell phone.”
Kit blinked at her, dumbfounded. “You aren’t mad I’m going to go break the law?”
Because of course he was doing it. Astrid’s dad had bought it for her and he was extremely cautious about money. That was one of three things Kit knew about her dad. He was cheap, he lived in America and he loved the movie Fight Club.
Tessa ruffled Kit’s hair affectionately. “Please. I’ve raised two other Herondales. At least I know about this particular adventure beforehand.”
Mina began snoring softly and Kit handed her back to her mother. He grabbed his bag and started his journey to the door when Tessa added, “she also told me to say hi to a ‘daddy Kit’. Are you ‘daddy Kit?’”
‘Daddy Kit’ closed his eyes and wished for the sweet release of death.
“Why is Kit a daddy,” Jem asked, genuinely confused. “Aren’t I the daddy?”
Kit swung the door open so fast not even a speed rune could have aided him. But not before I heard Tessa reply, “Lily Chen certainly thinks so.”
Mrs. MacNamara clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we all go around and say a few things about ourselves?”
Kit buried his face into his hands. He’d been relieved when no other teacher had fulfilled the Disney channel stereotype of making every student introduce themselves to the new kid. But Mrs. MacNamara didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing.
All Kit’s fellow classmates groan. Expect one. Her hand shot up immediately. She was short, like smaller than Clary short. She wore a baggy pink shirt with the words ‘Queen Glimmer of Etheria’ sewed on with purple sequins and tight black jeans. Her colourful, choppy hair was in a low ponytail and she flew a few strands out of her eyes as her hand wiggled in the hair.
Mrs. MacNamara pointed at her. She stood up and smiled at Kit. “Hi. My name is Astrid. My hobbies include making my little cousin’s girl Barbies kiss, as it should be, and watching television shows where everyone is a terrible person so you can love all of them!”
“And what shows might that be?” asked Kit, already in the process of pulling out his phone and opening the Notes app.
“Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy again because it’s seventeen seasons as of right now. And to be fair it practically became a different show when they killed off Mark Sloan.”
“That’s enough, Miss Yang,” said Mrs. MacNamara. Astrid sat down and winked at Kit. Then she took out her phone and airdropped him a complete list of all her favorite shows, along with her number.
After Blessica’s pre-birthday birthday party, they went to Cirenworth and stayed up till four A.M. binging them.
They met outside a queer dry bar called Aries Not Welcome, the unspoken gathering place of the Merry Hoes. It was run by a poly lesbian couple in their mid-thirties. Quinn, Sydney and Aliyah may not have served alcohol but at least they were open 24/7.
“Did you bring the shit?”
Kit gave her a look. “The shit? How conclusive.”
“Shut up. You know, the shadowhunter thing.”
“The shadowhunter thing?”
“The, the, the glow stick that you draw with.”
“The glow stick that I draw wi-“ Kit closed his eyes briefly. “Do you mean a stele?”
Astrid snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” Kit shook his head in exasperation, smiling fondly. “I borrowed a torch from Quinn, let’s move.”
“Should I be worried that you know where Mr. Smith lives?” questioned Kit as he followed Astrid’s lead through the park.
“Should I be worried that your mom was fine with us breaking and entering?” she shot back playfully. Kit pushed Astrid and she fell off the path, laughing all the way.
“You called me ‘daddy’ to my mom’s face.”
She just laughed harder, slinging her arm around Kit’s shoulder. “It was over the phone, Christopher. And as I should.”
“Pffffttt. Why did you get your phone taken anyway?” She put her hands into her jumper pocket and looked at the ground. “Astrid.” She remained silent. “Astrid?”
She mumbled something under her breath. “What?” asked Kit.
Kit gasped. “I thought you were a die hard Kanej shipper,” he whispered.
“I’m a multishipper, okay?!” she replied, equally quiet.
“Does Blessica know?”
She shook her head. “And she will never find out.”
Kit saw the opportunity and he seized it. “She’ll never find out as long as you never call me daddy in front of either of my parents.”
She removed her arm from his shoulder and guided them out of the park, in the direction of the many apartments that lined this side of town. “I hate you.”
“Well, so does Mari. You're not special, Ast.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know Mari doesn’t actually hate you, right?! They’re just still in the enemy phase of your enemies-to-lovers romance. She only dislikes you because they feel something for you but they don’t know what so she interrupts it as loathing. In reality, her inner soul knows you’re hot and shmexie.”
Kit didn’t know how to process this so he just nodded and follow Astrid in silence to Mr. Smith’s house. (Plus, he was kinda glad that, according to his best friend, he had a little more time for Mari to ‘discover their true feelings’. If Kit screwed this up, he was out of countries to run off to.)
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What,” asked Kit, turning around to face Astrid and closing the drawer he was rifling through. “Did you find your phone?”
“Yeah. But I also found Blessica’s. She was Snapping Kevin. Platonic my ass. But he took the fucking trans flag out of her phone!”
Kit snatched Blessica’s phone out of her hand to examine it for herself. She was telling the truth. Where the glitter pride flag usually rested was just a clear purple case. Kit couldn’t believe his eyes.
“It’s one thing to misgender her every day.” Blessica had forced all four of the other Merry Hoes to sign a contract saying they wouldn’t do anything to harm him because of it. “But this is the last straw. You know what we have to do.” Oops.
“Yeah, but we don’t have any spray paint.”
Kit eyed Mr. Smith’s pink sofa, blue bar stool covers and white picture frames. “I think I have something better in mind.”
It would have been easier for both parties to just zip off the sofa cushions and tape them to the wall but by ripping them off in strips, they ensured he would have to buy new ones. And judging by the car he drove and the fiji water in his fridge, Mr. Smith could definitely afford it.
That reminded him, “I’ll finish up with this. Go put all his fiji water into my bag.” Astrid saluted him and ran off. “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. “Steal all the remotes you can find.”
“How is he not awake?,” asked Astrid as they ripped the fabric of his seating from the stool.
He shrugged. “Don’t question it.” He shoved the bundle of cloth into her arms. “Glue this above the pink. I’ll handle the frames.”
“Say the magic word,” she sang.
“No. Lesbian. Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.”
Kit laughed quietly. “Can you lesbian glue this above the pink?”
She grinned at Kit. “It would be my pleasure.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Sorry I haven’t written anything in so long. School just restarted and it has been…a lot.
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