#I wish you the best of luck!!! if you ever need help never be afraid to ask!!
coyoteclan · 6 months
Hi! I'm doing my own Clangen and there's periods of long inactivity, where nothing happens at all. Have you dealt with that? How do you fill it?
I haven't had too many inactive moons yet, but I have had a few where there's no/very little inactivity, moon 9 being the biggest example of it lol (literally nothing happened at all). When it does happen though, I try defaulting to their relationships with each other and their little uh. personal status blurb under their name? If you can call it that, but I kinda just take it as a bit of free lore/story building time where I get to choose a bit more of what I want them to be doing!
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I mean tbh you can go pretty crazy with some of the smallest little things it gives you sometimes. It can be kinda stressful to see "Nothing interesting happened this moon" but the little flavor text and relationship tab can be used as GREAT inspo when you really need it (if coyoteclan was more Rufus-central I could use this to show off how he got where he is)
alternatively you could totally use the longer stretches for world building! Show off some of the territory, maybe your cats have a little quirk to the way they do things that you haven't been able to show off yet. Have something from a previous moon you didn't feel like putting in at the time? Could be great backup content for an empty moon!
And if absolutely nothing happens at ALL for a long while? try skipping a few more moons ahead until you hit something and use that to figure out what your cat's might've done during the quiet!
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
what if engel is a virgin but insanely boy crazy 👁👄👁 and she will/can never not be
Hoooo boy!
NSFW below the cut
So, um. Reader never told König if she's experienced or not (if she was a virgin then my thoughts and prayers are with her.) Part of König's hostility in the crazy mating scene comes from his belief that Engel is not a virgin. He is extremely jealous of everyone reader might've had before him, so he guides his frustration to heated, possessive sex, stripping her with a knife, and so on.
But if we imagine you told him it's your first time, then things would go slightly differently. König would be much more delicate with you!
And good God… He would be even more enamored. You're kind, you're sweet, you're innocent and you're a virgin too?
König can’t believe his luck. You're just perfect. He can’t stand the thought of you with other men so finding out you're in fact untouched is only a blessing. König wants to be the only one who makes you scream and sigh. And what an ultimate fantasy: he gets to corrupt a pure, pristine virgin (of course König would never put it this way. He's simply introducing you to pleasure. Nothing wrong with that, right? He has good intentions! He's the best choice if you wish to feel good, ja ❤️)
So, König tries to keep his cool as he asks if this is what you truly want (yes? please say yes) and if this is the right time (this is as good a time as any, you just need to trust him!), is he truly the man you want to give yourself to? (tell him he’s the one, you will not regret it.)
He tries to be a gentleman and at the same time can't keep his hands off you. Hands steal their way under your clothes as he tries to persuade you by whispering things like: "I will be good to you, there’s no need to be afraid. I will be gentle, I promise…" But it’s difficult to believe anything he says because his hands are trembling, the whole man is trembling and throbbing and panting already.
If and when you're willing to have sex, König will take you in a classic missionary. No pounding from behind, no crazy unhinged mating press. And he prepares you first! With his tongue, perhaps pulls out an orgasm or two so that you will be relaxed and ready for him. It’s very likely that König pumps himself through an orgasm too while pleasing you with his mouth because he’s waited so long for this moment. Your taste and the sounds you make as he licks you to ruin are far too much. He will erupt in mere minutes and then be hard again in no time for the main event.
König tries so, so hard to control the urge to just plow you until your eyes roll in your head. He tries his best not to simply pound himself straight into oblivion. He wanted you before, sure, but now his want is doubled. Tripled. He fears he will hurt you and basically shakes from the effort to restrain himself as he finally enters you.
He goes a little over the top with the praise, too... You feel so good, nothing has ever felt better, you're such a good girl when you said yes, Lieber Gott you look cute like this, he knew you were made for him, etc. And he wants to know that you feel good. Not just to check if you're ok, but to hear how he makes you feel. Does he give you pleasure? Do you like it when he does it slowly? He can be more rough if you want. How does it feel to have a man inside you for the first time?
He's sweating from love and frustration, the hunger becomes all-consuming as he approaches his peak, and you get to see a sliver of who this man truly is underneath all that fake composure. As sad as it sounds, there's a chance he is so lost in you that he cums before you. He just can't help it. But he will make sure you get all the pleasure you need before the night is through and be extra attentive with the aftercare ❤️ (Also he would definitely be one of those guys who check if there's blood after you did it because he thinks it's a given that there is)
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salty-croissants · 7 months
If its okay to request, could you do some relationship headcanons for Rayman (and later Ramon?) with a s/o who's been working with him for a really long time? Like a PA? If that's too specific though I totally get it.
Thank you for the request ! 
Don’t worry , it’s not too specific , it’s actually a very interesting concept :D
Hope this turned out okay ! 
Details : use of gender neutral reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
You have been working for Rayman for quite a few years , handling various business matters for him in the position of the voice of Eden’s personal assistant , and over time his charming presence and confidence completely won you over …
… and you weren’t the only one who felt that way .
The more time he spent with you , the more Rayman started to notice little things about you that him smile : the way you were always so kind to the other staff members working behind his shows , the way you laughed , the way you seemed to know what to say to him whenever he was having a bad day , even bringing him coffee when he ended up working overnight …
It wasn’t long before your relationship grew beyond more than just a professional one , and when eventually Rayman revealed his true feelings to you you were overjoyed …
Now it’s been a while since you two started dating , and you both really couldn’t be happier about your decisions .
I think Rayman is someone who overworks himself quite a bit , with the Board of Directors constantly monitoring what he’s doing and giving him more and more things to handle , so you definitely have to take care of him whenever he ends up not doing it himself …
< Ray , it’s 1:00 am … you need to get some sleep . > 
< Ah , don’t worry about me y/n … I need to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting , it’s really important , and - > 
< Well , I assure you that you will barely be able to stay awake at tomorrow’s meeting if you don’t get some rest , and having you fall asleep live in front of everyone doesn’t sound like the best way for it to go . > 
< I - 
Heh … touché . > 
Since you’re always working together but can’t really display too much affection in public , Rayman likes to surprise you with little kisses when no one is looking , smiling in front of your adorable reactions to them …
Before he heads out to one of his shows , you make sure to wish him luck with a kiss of your own , adjusting his bow tie while feeling his loving gaze on you .
< You got this sweetie , you’re gonna do amazing tonight . > 
< Thanks love … I’ll meet you back here as soon as this ends , don’t think I forgot about our date ~ > 
You actually got to see up close the catastrophic interview with Red that lead Rayman to lose his beloved job  , and you were the only one who remained by his side to comfort him when he was in shambles , desperately trying to bury his sorrows in alcohol rivers …
< That’s … that’s it … m-my life is … it’s all over … I have no goddamn purpose left , how am I even going to … > 
< Ray , you do have purpose … we are going to figure this out together , I promise . > 
Your words mean more to him than you’ll ever know , and as he lets you hold him in your arms Rayman can’t help but be thankful for having met you , the person that was able to fill the emptiness in his heart created by a life of loneliness and fear …
With you by his side , Eden’s now ex star doesn’t need to be afraid anymore . 
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Ramon 🖤
Now that he is fully aware of the atrocities Eden committed , atrocities that he unknowingly allowed to happen , Ramon’s only wish is to find you and explain everything to you .
He knows you would never blame him , he knows you will understand , and yet he can’t help but feel incredibly nervous as soon as he take a few steps into his lounge where he knows you were waiting for him to come back …
< Oh Ray , there you are ! I was worried something happened to … you … > 
Your relieved expression immediately turns worried when you see just how troubled your boyfriend looks … he looks … different , for the lack of a better word . 
< Oh god … sweetie , are you okay ? Are you hurt ? >
< Oh … don’t worry , that’s not mine . > 
Ramon briefly points at the blood on his face before walking towards you , holding your hands in his . 
< y/n , there is something I need to tell you …
It’s … probably gonna be hard to accept , but I need you to listen to me .
Can you do that for me ? > 
You nod in response , staring back into his tired eyes and giving him your full attention .
< I’m listening . > 
When he finishes speaking , Ramon’s worries about you blaming him for being so blind to all the terrible things the Board of Directors had been doing behind his back immediately vanish as soon as you wordlessly lock him in a tight embrace …
< Is … is it really okay … ? > 
< Of course ! The Board of Directors was really good at keeping all of this hidden all these years … there was no way for you to know . 
Besides , I … did indirectly work for them too , so we’re in the same boat right now . 
I could never be mad at you over this . > 
He is so relieved to hearing you say that … 
< Thank you , y/n … I … I love you so much … > 
< I love you too , Ram … nothing that happens from now on will ever be able to change that . > 
Even now that the two of you have basically started your own little resistance , some things haven’t changed that much between you … like you constantly taking care of him whenever he gets hurt during a fight .
< y/n , I’m okay , really , you don’t have to - > 
< Yes I have to . 
Now please stay still honey … I need to finish patching you up . > 
Ramon is always , always going to be watching over you , no matter the circumstances : 
you’re heading out alone ? He will come with you , and if he can’t he’ll still end up following you from afar , his guns always ready to shoot any possible threat to your safety .
You’re sleeping ? He’s ready to immediately wake up if a sudden , suspicious noise reaches his ears … you sometimes wonder how he can fall asleep comfortably with a big gun under his pillow .
< Are you sure that’s comfortable for you , love ? You might get neck pains , sleeping on a hard surface every night … even if your neck is invisible , I think it could count , and - > 
< Pfft … you’re so cute darling … thanks for caring so much about me , but it’s fine , really . I just wanna be ready for anything at all times : I won’t allow anyone to hurt you . >
Even tough you often tell him not to worry too much about you , Ramon just can’t help himself : you know him better than anyone , you mean everything to him , and if he were to lose you … 
Let’s say he does all he can to avoid thinking about that horrible scenario .
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
Every step of the way
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PAIRING || Husband!Chris Evans x Wife!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY || Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
RATING || Mature (M)
TAGS || RPF. Established relationship. Use of nicknames (Princess). Slight hurt/comfort. Wedding anniversary celebration. Cuddling. Kissing and making out. An almost criminal amount of fluff.
WARNINGS || Angst. Dentophobia/fear of the dentist. Anxiety. References to anesthesia. Referenced wisdom teeth removal. Lots of praise and reassurance.
A/N || This one-shot is requested by a very sweet Anon! I wish you the best of luck during the procedure of having your wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, and I hope this fic brought you all the comfort you could possibly need! This story is proofread by the amazing @ccbsrmsf1. Thank you so much! 💙
A/N 2.0 || As of 14 April 2024, my requests are closed. I will work through the backlog of requests for the foreseeable future - once they are opened again, I will make an official announcement on my blog! 💙
EVENTS Masterlist || @anyfandomfluffbingo || Toothache Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || Covered with [kisses] Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || Cold hands + 'I'll do anything to keep you right here with me.' + 'Here's the day you hoped would never come.' Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Wild || ''Trust me." Masterlist || @multifandom-flash Compliments || It has been an honor Masterlist || @ultimatechrisbingo || Walk on the beach
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GIF: Source || All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Chris Evans Masterlist
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It's a beautiful Sunday afternoon as you walk on the beach with your husband, Chris, and your dog, Dodger. The sun is shining bright on you both, and he's wearing shorts and a shirt while you're dressed in a stunning sundress that flows around you beautifully with the wind coming from the ocean.
Dodger constantly runs back and forth with his tennis ball as you and Chris alternate between throwing. Your hands are interlaced, and now and again, he squeezes softly while looking over at you fondly. It's the weekend of your tenth wedding anniversary, and he surprised you with a trip to the beach with all three of you.
"What's on your mind, Princess?" Chris says after you've been awfully quiet for a while. He stops you in the middle of your tracks as he turns your bodies towards each other, and you're practically standing chest to chest.
"Nothing," you sigh as you cast your eyes down, pulling Chris into a much-needed hug. He nuzzles his face into your neck while his arms wrap tightly around you, his hands rubbing your back soothingly. You have to have your wisdom teeth removed in a few days, and he knows how afraid you are, but he will be there every step of the way.
"You're going to be okay, Princess. Trust me," Chris whispers, and you nod before letting a couple of tears glide down your cheeks, absorbed by the fabric of his T-shirt. The two of you stay there for a few minutes until Dodger interrupts the moment by jumping against you both, and you can't help but laugh through the tears.
"Okay, okay! I'll throw your ball, Buddy. No worries," you say between a few sniffles, wiping your tears away. Before you can bend down, Chris cups your cheeks to wipe the last tears away, and he captures your lips with a featherlight kiss that immediately leaves you wanting more. You bite your lip as he pulls away with a smile.
"I love you, and I promise you'll do amazing. I will be there every step of the way," he tells you, and you nod.
"Thank you, Chris," you whisper with a smile, and you finally bend down to throw the ball for Dodger, who runs after it like a dog with the energy of about five puppies combined. Chris pulls you into his side as you continue your walk, and after about an hour, you finally arrive back at the apartment you two have rented for the weekend.
Dodger is completely tuckered out as he's lying in the last bit of sun for the day, and you're in the kitchen cutting up some fruit while Chris is running both of you a relaxing bath. Seeing how it's the last evening of your anniversary vacation, he's planning on going all out to make it truly unforgettable.
"Are you ready for a relaxing bath, Mrs. Evans?" Chris asks as he stands behind you, his hands on your hips, lightly swaying you both from left to right to the soft music he turned on.
"I am, and how about you, Mr. Evans?" you ask as you turn in his hold, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him close. When your chests touch, you feel your heart beating faster, and he bends down to put his forehead against yours.
"More than you know," he whispers against your lips as he leans in to kiss them softly, and you both slowly deepen the kiss. Your hands glide through his hair as soft moans escape from your lips, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your sides. He pulls away all too soon for your liking, but he looks at you with a love-filled look that has your insides on fire at the sight.
"Come on, let's enjoy that bath together," he says before stealing one last kiss and grabbing your hand to lead you to the large bathroom. There, he put a few candles to add to the atmosphere, two glasses and a bottle of wine, lots of rose petals, and a rose-scented bath bomb in the bath. The music in the background finishes it off, and he closes the door behind you both to give you all the privacy you two could need.
Chris slips the straps of your dress down your shoulders, leaving you in nothing but a pair of panties in front of him, and his mouth curls into an appreciative smile.
"So beautiful," he says while his hands glide over your body, and your neck and shoulders are covered with kisses. Once you're completely bare for him, he turns you around so you have the opportunity to undress him, too - which you gladly do. From revealing his broad shoulders and small, muscular waist to revealing his bare, strong thighs, you take your time to unwrap him like a present on Christmas morning.
Chris first steps into the bath when he's completely bare, guiding you into the warm water to ensure you won't slip and fall. As soon as you're seated on his lap, Chris pours you a glass of your favorite wine before handing it to you. During your entire time in the tub, you two share many loving moments, funny jokes, and sweet touches and feed each other pieces of the fruit you've cut.
The entire time, the butterflies in your stomach go wild, and this is one of the best surprises Chris has ever prepared. He's never shy about wanting to surprise you, and something he goes all out, but moments like these will forever be your favorite.
"Thank you for everything this weekend. I will never forget it," you tell your husband as his hands softly massage your stomach underwater.
"You don't need to thank me, Princess; I'd happily give you the moon if I could, so this is the least I could do for my girl during our special weekend," he tells you, and you smile at his words. A warm feeling spreads through your body as he calls you his girl - even after being married for a decade.
"I love you, Chris," you tell him before cupping his cheeks and kissing his soft, pink lips softly, his facial hair tickling your hands a little bit.
"I love you too, Princess," he whispers against your lips, gradually deepening the kiss again, which you can never get enough of. Your husband's hands roaming over your body while you two get lost in a kiss is one of the best feelings in the world, and it's one you will look forward to every single day.
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The day you have been dreading has finally arrived, as your alarm goes off too early for your liking. With a groan, you turn around and into Chris' waiting arms as he pulls you close against his hairy, bare chest.
"Mornin', Princess," he grumbles in his deep morning voice. If it were every other morning, you would have been more than happy to say good morning to him, but today's not an ordinary day because here's the day you hoped would never come.
"Do we really have to get up? I'll do anything to keep you right here with me," you try to convince your husband after your cuddle session is over, and much to your surprise, he gives in to your pleadings.
"Well, I suppose we do have about an hour before we have to be ready, so maybe I can calm your nerves a bit," Chris offers as he positions you on your back before caging you in by draping his body over you.
"Hmm, what did you have in mind?" you ask playfully, and the nerves are already calming slightly.
"I think you know exactly what I have in mind,” he says with a roll of his hips against yours, his erection teasing you between your spread legs. You bite your bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping at the friction, and Chris is nothing if not a man of his word as he spends the next 30 minutes pulling you apart until all you can think about is him.
"How're you feeling now, Princess? Are you still nervous?" Chris asks, and you giggle in response, unable to form a coherent sentence. He peppers your face with kisses before cleaning you both up and getting ready to head to the hospital.
Chris will be there every step of the way during your stay at the hospital, but despite that, the anxiety has definitely found its home in your body. You constantly bounce with your leg, you're having difficulty focusing on anything, and you're genuinely getting scared as soon as he pulls into the large parking structure that's attached to the hospital.
"Can you look at me for a moment, Princess?" Chris asks as he grabs hold of your hand. Your brows are furrowed as you look at him, and you're squeezing his hand as you do, but he doesn't mind.
"I know you're scared and anxious right now, but I promise to be there for you every step of the way, okay? From the moment you go into the treatment room, and they administer the anesthesia until you wake up after, I will be there, okay? I promise you that I am not going anywhere," he says, his large hands enveloping the hand closest to him.
"Do you trust me?" he asks, and you nod.
"Y-yeah, I trust you, Chris," you say with a small smile, though it doesn't reach your eyes.
"Okay, let's go inside then because they cannot come out here to do it," he jokes, and you smile at it despite not being in the mood for his silliness.
Not even 15 minutes later, you're being called in for your procedure, and Chris has called ahead of time to explain the entire situation. He's allowed to stay until you're completely under anesthesia, but after that, he has to leave the room until you're in the recovery room.
Your heart is beating out of your chest, and you're on the verge of tears as you squeeze Chris' hand tightly. He feels a bit of a knot in his stomach as he sees you like this. Despite that, he has to be strong for you. He can worry about himself later. Right now, you need him most.
"How are you feeling today, Mrs. Evans?" the dentist asks, but you don't answer. Instead, you look at your shoes while you fight against the tears threatening to spill over.
"It's okay, Princess. I'm here, okay? I promise you I won't go anywhere. I know you're scared and anxious, but he will make your toothache disappear, just like we talked about," Chris says, and you look over at him.
A certain warmth in his voice brings you a bit of calm, and you nod.
"Okay," you whisper, and even though your heart still feels like it's going to beat out of your chest, you eventually lie down so everyone can start prepping you for the removal of your wisdom teeth. During all this, Chris is standing in your line of sight while he holds your hand, so you know he's not going anywhere.
"Alright, you can say your goodbyes now; once the anesthesia starts, it will only be a matter of second before you're in a deep sleep," the anesthesiologist tells both you and Chris.
"I love you so much, Princess, and I am so incredibly proud of you for doing this. You're such a brave girl for me right now," Chris whispers between soft kisses on your forehead.
"I'll be right here with you when you wake up, okay? It will be over before you know it, and then we can go home to see Dodger again," he says, and you smile at the mention of your dog.
"I love you, Chris," you say before a few last pecks on your lips, and then it's officially time for you to go to sleep. As promised, Chris is petting your cheek softly while you go to sleep, and shortly after, he's ushered out of the room so they can get started.
The procedure goes smoothly, and less than an hour later, you're sleeping off your anesthesia in the recovery room. Chris is seated in a chair on the side of your bed, his hand holding yours as he rubs soothing circles with his thumb. When a soft groan leaves your mouth, he's up and standing next to your bed.
"Welcome back, Princess," he says as he smiles at you. Your eyes slowly open as you're greeted by the sound of your husband's voice.
"Thank you," you groan, seeing you're still groggy from the anesthesia. Your cheeks are definitely swollen, but you have gotten some medication for the pain, and Chris has also gotten a prescription for more that you two can pick up as you head out of the hospital later.
"You have cold hands," you suddenly say, and Chris can't help but laugh at your comment, combined with the way you're clinging onto his hand for dear life, trying to warm it back up.
"I'm sorry. I've been sitting by your side for so long that my hands must've gotten cold," Chris explains, but all you can see is his face.
"Beautiful," you whisper to your husband, who smiles at you.
"You're also beautiful, Princess," he says with a reassuring smile, making your heartbeat skip.
"I like it when you call me that; do it again!" you tell him.
"Yeah? Do you like it when I call you Princess? That's good because I can assure you that you're by far the most beautiful Princess in the entire world. You even looked like one during our wedding day," Chris tells you.
"We're married? Ooooh, I'm a lucky lady," you sigh as you look at him with fond eyes. Chris knows it's a side effect of all the medication you have gotten combined with the anesthesia, but that doesn't make it any less funny when you act like this.
"We are. You have been the beautiful Mrs. Evans for the past ten years already," he tells you, and your eyes twinkle at the thought of being married to the handsome man beside your bed.
Shortly after, the nurse comes to check on you, and not long after, you're allowed to go home, where you can fully recover from your procedure.
"I'm going to cuddle with Dodger when we're home," you tell Chris as he carefully wheels you to the car in one of the hospital-issued wheelchairs.
"I think he would love that, Princess. He always loves you a lot," Chris says, and you nod. Once you're seated in the car and strapped in, your husband returns the wheelchair before joining you in the car.
"Thank you for being my chaperone today," you say as you look at Chris, and a warm smile lights up his face.
"It has been an honor to be there for you today. I know you needed me, and just like I vowed to you a decade ago, I will be there for you through sickness and health. I will always be here for you, Princess, every step of the way," he says before lifting your hand and bringing it to his lips.
He kisses it softly before driving home, and when you're there, Chris prepares the couch for you to lie on. It doesn't take long before Dodger joins you, and you're getting the cuddles from him you've been craving so much. Today has been stressful, but with Chris by your side, nothing bad could ever happen to you.
After all, he's right there with you every step of the way.
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mcflymemes · 8 months
AS SAID BY FENRIS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age ii, updated version
meeting you was the most important thing that ever happened to me.
i can’t bear the thought of living without you.
you are too willing to involve yourself in the affairs of others.
nothing could be worse than living without you.
before we found you, there was a moment when i… don’t do that again.
you should really post some guards outside, considering all the trouble you get into.
everywhere we go, people try to kill you.
i don't want to hear another word out of you.
and here we are again. for the fourth time.
how much do you wish to test that luck of yours?
it seems you have won the day. well done.
why must you go on about this?
i can do that, if you wish.
i am alone.
i'm afraid to ask what brought this on.
is this going anywhere?
do you want to guess what color my underclothes are again?
you’re squandering something you don’t understand.
you do not like your name?
you'd look pretty in one.
i felt like a fool. i thought it better if you hated me.
nobody asks for their fate.
oh. that. it’s... a talent.
it was better than anything i could have dreamed.
do not make light of this. leaving was the hardest thing i’ve ever done.
whatever you need, i am ready to assist.
the true character of any city is found among its poor.
i enjoy following you.
i didn’t come here to burden you further.
we have never discussed what happened between us three years ago.
is there no one else who has your attention?
you wound my pride with such accusations.
break their heart, and i will kill you.
you keep staring at me. is it my eyes again?
you are more naive than i thought.
did i hear correctly?
that is my hope as well.
i don’t want your pity.
i needed to be alone.
that night... i remember your touch as if it were yesterday.
i shouldn’t trouble you with this. my problems are not yours.
how is it you get into these situations so often?
you did the right thing. many would turn a blind eye.
you do not want to know the answer to that.
i don’t know. it’s just something people say.
you have an entire story written in your head already, don’t you?
a shame that you are going to die, no?
i should have asked for your forgiveness long ago. i hope you can forgive me now.
from what i gather, you like a lot of things.
you wish to do this here? in front of everyone?
i’ve never spoken about what happened to anyone.
why are you watching me like that?
i remain at your side.
i may not get a chance to say this again.
thank you for asking me to come along.
perhaps this is what it means to have a friend.
i suggest keeping your distance.
if there is a future to be had, i will walk gladly into it at your side.
we need to stop and rest when we’ve a moment.
this ground is cursed. only wretched or ignorant souls would linger here.
i cannot imagine what it must be like to lose your family. anything i could say would be insufficient. i’m sorry.
i have never allowed anyone too close.
forget i said anything.
it’s so wonderful having my personal business as someone else’s sport.
well... at least i’m not dead.
you were never ordered to kill?
does it bother you? should i stop?
promise me you won’t die.
do not bare your heart to me, unless you would have me rip it out.
is that a compliment of an insult?
do you intend to go after me, then?
it is always good to be at your side.
thanks for getting rid of them.
i imagine you imprisoned them?
you have my thanks.
i am yours, as always.
the smug sense of superiority does give you away.
you caught them, then?
there you are. were you hurt? what happened?
i don’t know what to say, but i’m here.
surely you can’t hope to best me.
i am yours.
we should move on.
i could ask you the same thing.
i just... am pleased to see you, that’s all.
you are looking for forgiveness, but i’m not the one who can give it to you.
they say death is only a journey. does that help?
i stand ready.
shall we end this quickly?
another battle is upon us.
you frightened me.
oh, you've learned a few new words.
keep going. i'm sure your training will kick in any moment.
to be honest, i see no point in filling these moments with empty talk.
my wounds need attention.
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cheeseceli · 11 months
Love looks good on you
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Pairing: Han Jisung × gn!Reader
genre: angst, drabble
inspiration: this scenario and the song i want you by stephen sanchez
description: you are going on a date and han, your best friend, can't help but regret not confessing to you earlier
Warnings: no happy ending (unless i do a part 2), not proofread and the use of the world asshole like once, ft. Yeonjun from txt because why not
Han was trying. He was trying with all his will to be happy for you and the fact that you were going to your first date after what felt forever. But he knew he would be so much happier if the date was with him. Unfortunately, it wasn't.
While you were deciding on what to wear and talking so happily about this someone new, the boy was sat down on your bed trying to understand what went wrong.
Was he wrong when he fell for you? That was inevitable though. How could he not fall in love when you were so kind since the moment he saw you for the first time? He was infatuated with the way you closed your eyes when you smiled, the way you laughed at his jokes even when he knew they were not that funny and how simply ethereal you looked. He loved the way you would comfort him and the way he did not try to love you. He just did. It was natural and meant to be, he believed.
That could never be the mistake. And if it was something wrong, he would admit he made a mistake but would never regret doing so.
Maybe he should have made the first move. He was scared that maybe he was making up things from his imagination. Everytime you would hold his hand without even noticing and how your gaze would linger on him for more than it should were not enough signs. He needed a confirmation that you were into him as much as he was into you so he could ask you out. Confessing without a guarantee would mean that there were risks of ruining the friendship you guys had. He could not, never, loose you for a silly mistake like this one. If keeping his feelings would also keep you around him, he would be more than satisfied.
Maybe that was why he was in such a situation. He kept quiet. This guy that had the chance to go out with you now didn't. If he had spoken up before, would he have a chance now?
You were still talking. Jisung had noticed that you were happier talking about the clothes you could wear than about your date. Was he projecting or maybe you didnt want to go? He remembered how you didn't even know the dude, Changbin who was the "wingman" just thought you guys should meet each other. Maybe you would like to ditch your date to stay with him a little longer. Maybe...
"Ji? What do you think about this one?"
He looked at you and if you paid a little bit more of attention you would have noticed the way his eyes shone when he saw you. See, he was a songwriter. He knew hundreds of words in korean and english. He knew a lot of metaphors and wrote a lot of beautiful love songs. But he was speechless. No word, in no language, could ever describe how perfect you looked like right now.
"You look beautiful."
"Are you sure? I am afraid he won't like it." you looked to the mirror analysing what you saw in front of yourself "Maybe I am wearing too much..."
"You are perfect. I wouldnt change anything."
You looked at him once more, straight to his eyes and he saw the universe for a second. Maybe, somewhere in those galaxies you held in your eyes, there was a place where you guys could be together. A place where he was there first, asked you first and you said yes to him first.
Sadly, he wasn't there. He was in front of you now, preparing himself to wish you good luck on a journey he didn't want you to go.
Time has passed. You probably thanked him for the compliments, you probably talked a little bit more but suddenly he was waiting for you to lock your door so you could go to this date.
"Well, that's it I guess" you said to him, a little bit awkwardly "Thank you for the help."
"That was nothing, don't worry. Do you want me to wait with you until, uh..."
"Right, Yeonjun" gosh, he already hated that name. And he couldn't even blame the man for taking interest in you "Until he picks you up?"
"I am going to meet him in the diner."
"He is not picking you up?"
He probably didn't hide his displeasure when you told him you'd need to walk to the place to meet the guy because you giggled before saying "Don't worry, Changbin said he is a cool guy."
"Of course he is. Well, if anything happens don't hesitate on calling me. And if it's too late when you get out of there I can pick you up."
"Okay" you smiled. God, Han wished he could live in that moment forever. Only the two of you and your smile "Thank you once again."
"Don't worry about that. I'll be going then. I hope you enjoy it."
That was it. That was the perfect thing to say. He could now go back to the dorms and just wait until he had any updates of you, without putting your relationship at a stake. But his mouth spoke before he could stop it.
"I like you."
For what felt like eternity, there was silence. He didn't dare to look at you. He messed, he shouldn't have done that. But he did. Since you already said the most confidential part, say everything already.
"Actually, I think I love you. And I am so incredibly sorry for telling you this in the worst timing ever, I don't know what came over me. I just needed you to know. I love you and I want you but I will be more than happy to just be your friend if that's what you want me to be" you could hear his breath get heavier, like he was holding his tears back "And I must be messing up your mind now, I'm sorry."
He turned around as fast as he could, trying to get out of there. He was almost breaking down in front of you and the last thing he needed was to make you comfort him even though he is the one who created this mess. He was already kinda far from you when he turned around to look at you again.
"And I know we'll be awkward for a while but please don't go back home alone if it's already late. You can call me to pick you up, i won't say anything. Or you can call one of the boys. Just please be safe."
You tried to say something, you don't even know what, but he went away before you could come up with something. You didn't see his face. And he was relieved, because his cheeks were wet from all the tears. He wished he could've been stronger. He felt like the biggest asshole to ever walk on earth because he probably destroyed your friendship and brought your date down with it.
But deep down, even if it hurts to admit, he wishes you fall in love with Yeonjun. And he wishes he can treat you right. Because even if Han himself can't be the one to make your eyes shine, he knows love must look good on you, and you deserve to experience it.
Feedbacks and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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moedull · 25 days
A/N: This is part of my AO3 series where my favourite characters represent different times (and ways) to say I love you
this was written waaay back in 2021? This is rewritten ofc, but, quite hastily in my opinion! It may not be the best, but, hey, it's cool
also.... dont be afraid to comment... help artists survive by showing ur love through comments or sharing their fics!!!!! >_o thanks!
AKA. Posted from my ao3 once again!
words: 1273
tags: NOT BETA READ, mild hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader, established relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Oh you’re still going on about that?”
Tsukishima sighs, sitting behind you as you smash the letters on your keyboard. You hear the bed creak and suddenly, he’s sitting next to you. He gently grabs your hands and holds them tight. 
“Hey.” He starts casually.
You look him in the eye with a huge frown, and furrowed eyebrows. “What?”
“Come here.”
‘Here’ is the soft bed you wish to lay on with no worries in the world. Of course, with your boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei.
“Why not?” 
“I’m busy right now…” You try pushing him away. 
“You don’t look like you’re in the best condition.” He says matter of factly, rubbing circles onto the back of your hand.
“So what if I am? I have to finish my thesis.”
He looks at you, sighs, and rolls his eyes. “I know that but it doesn’t change the fact that I worry about you.”
“I can take care of myself.” You hushed. “But thank you.”
“Are you ever gonna let me help? Or just go along with everything because you have too much pride for your own good?”
“No.” You huff. You suppose it was a habit from when you first met– always reaching for the top, showing everyone who really deserves to be up there– and, you do. You try hard everyday, working and caring for so many different things.
You just seem to be out of luck as it always feels like your efforts are unnoticed. In such situations, perseverance is key– but that kind of mindset may quickly turn sour when they’re left to linger and turn into stubbornness. 
You should probably hate Tsukishima Kei– strong-willed, cool and collected, and of course, smart. You would never have expected to hit it off with him, but he's one of those people who could easily get under your skin and get you to crack.
“Well, I know you can handle yourself, but don’t forget to eat.”
You roll your eyes (no malice is intended, of course). “You don’t need to baby me all the time.”
His eyebrow twitches, and he rolls his eyes in exasperation (no malice is intended here as well). “Whatever. But you need to sleep. Okay?”
“Yeah yeah.” You wave his concerns away, already turning around to resume typing.
Tsukishima huffs, gets up and moves over to your desk. He places his hands on either side of the laptop, leaning forward slightly as he studies the screen. 
“It’s not good to stress yourself out like this.”
“I don’t stress out.” You argue.
“Right, cause you always make sure you’re not stressed out.”
“I am not stressed out.” You insist.
“Fine.”  He relents. “But just remember I care about you. I can’t help it if you act like an idiot sometimes.”
The corners of your lips twitch up. “You’re cute.”
“Shut up.” 
“And sweet.”
“Stop saying that.”
“Don’t you think I should use more than two adjectives when talking about someone I like?” You ask with a smile, tilting your head.
He grins smugly down at you, crossing his arms over his chest. “Maybe.”
You chuckle, but it stops right away as you turn back to your work. Tsukishima still hangs around, not entirely convinced of your claims of being fine. He is especially convinced when you simply stare at your blank page, trying to find the right words to make the right sentence to make the right point of the right argument and–
“Okay, so what’s the problem?” He asks, taking a seat next to you. He scrolls up with your mouse, trying to read the rest of your document. 
You see the reflection of his face; His eyebrows knit together, lips pursed as the cursor moves underneath a few words. He lingers on a few sentences for unknown reasons that make your hands sweat and your heart beat faster. Flustered? Hardly, it’s the ache of anxiety. Your problems, right now, are far from school-related. 
“Mm.” Tsukishima hums, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You have the idea, so that’s good.”
“You’re not being straight to the point about it.” He scrolls back to whatever page you made some stupid mistake on.
When did mistakes matter? I mean, seriously, at which stage of your life, did you begin to wallow over your mistakes? You were only in 3rd grade, scraping your knee on a cement pavement from running and that was one of the worst things that happened to you. 
Now, you read back on all of your essays and tests and feel your heart drop when you see that red ‘X’, the teacher encircling a specific part, or some harsh comments at the side. You want to blame the system, the adults, the economy or whatever God is up there– but, you can’t help it– You look in the mirror, thinking: Fuck. Was this all me?
Someone flicks your forehead, and you let out a wince, rubbing the spot.
“Hey.” Tsukishima says, tilting his head to look at your face. “You were zoning out.”
You glance back at him with an almost confused, somewhat dazed look. Here’s another big question: When did Tsukishima Kei matter? It’s incredible that you looked at someone for 304 days, talked, fell in love and somehow, it’s your life and his. You can’t put it into words right now; the questions that grow inside the empty pit of your stomach, because, right, you haven’t eaten yet, and you can’t tell if it really is a question, or if it’s screaming at you. 
You feel like you’re going to vomit–Fuck, that anxiety was just building up inside of you.
“I..” You pause, swallowing a non-existent lump in your throat. 
 “I didn’t think..” You pause again, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t think you’d like me back.”
He sits straight up, and stares down at you, furrowing his eyebrows with narrowed eyes. “What do you mean?”
You shake your head. “Look, I wasn’t expecting any response from you when I confessed.” 
You pause, feeling your eyes burn slightly from the tears that were building up, “I was just.. someone. You were one of the smartest guys in school—still are—but, out of everyone....” you start to trail off. 
“Out of everyone, why did you choose me?” You continue, forcing yourself to speak slowly, slightly tensing up at the evident sound of your voice breaking halfway.
He doesn’t respond. He slumps his shoulders, seemingly taken aback and bewildered.
“Why does someone like you pick me?” You laugh bitterly. Your heart aches even at the thought of it.
You watch him closely, as if looking for some sort of reaction or sign of how he feels. A flicker in his eyes, anything.
Tsukishima’s face remains blank for several moments before opening his mouth slowly to say, “Because I like you.”  
It takes you a minute to process what he said and you blink owlishly. You’d been prepared to hear something like ‘You’re a dumbass’ or something along the lines.
”But why?” You manage to blurt out, unable to hide a frown.
There’s a long silence as you hold his gaze. You stare at each other, neither willing to break eye contact, not until he leans in and presses his lips against yours.
“Was that answer not enough?” He whispers into your ear, his fingers gently caressing your cheek.
You feel lightheaded, your entire body buzzing and your heartbeat drumming against your ribcage.
You can’t speak, so instead you shake your head.
There's silence as he begins to cradle you in his arms, resting his chin on your head.
“I love you.” He tells you again.
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startledstoat · 6 months
Right Person Wrong Time
I definitely don't ship Sirius and Mary but I kinda like the idea of the two of them dating as teens and then having this mutual realization of like "omg I'm gay" "omg wait me too" "omg I'm in love with my best friend" "omfg dude. me too." and having an amusing amicable breakup and becoming each other's wingman/woman so here's this that I just wrote except its less amusing and more sad.
14-year-old Sirius black not knowing was being gay even was because merlin forbid such a topic was spoken about within the halls of the noble and most ancient house of black.
14-year-old Mary choosing random guys to pretend to have crushes on because she didn't know why she never had a real crush like all the other girls her age. She didn't have the knowledge she needed to recognize her feelings for her best friend yet.
15-year-old Sirius asking Mary out because she was a pretty girl and he thought he was supposed to date pretty girls.
15-year-old Mary saying yes because Sirius was a cute boy and she thought maybe if she dated him long enough, she would actually start to like him.
15-year-old Sirius not understanding why the room felt like it lit up whenever Remus walked in but that didn't happen with any of his other friends.
15-year-old Mary being afraid of why she got butterflies when Lily hugged her but not when Sirius kissed her.
16-year-old Sirius hating himself for hurting Remus and not being able to find the words for why his guilt was so immense and why it ached so bad that Remus would likely never speak to him again.
16-year-old Mary suddenly making sense of everything when Marlene came out to her and Lily. Realizing that she'd never grow to like Sirius romantically because she's only ever had eyes for the girl sitting next to her.
16-year-old Mary breaking up with Sirius and being honest with him about why. Not telling him about Marlene or even about Lily but telling him that she had feelings for a girl. Mary being relieved when Sirius took it well and wished her the best of luck with the girl.
16-year-old Sirius having an honest to god crisis when Mary came out to him, realizing that if girls could like girls, then boys could probably like boys too.
16-year-old Mary seeking Marlene out and asking anything and everything about how she knew and what it felt like to be gay. Marlene answering all of her questions and helping her become comfortable with her identity.
17-year-old Sirius keeping these feelings bottled up, even after Remus has forgiven him, because despite being wholly supportive of Mary, he just can't accept himself the same way. Not when his mother's voice is always at the back of his mind, telling him to be a good son, a respectable man, and pure heir. Not when Remus' words to him a year prior "Looks like you really do wear your last name well" rattle his bones every time he looks at the boy.
17-year-old Mary being crushed when Lily and James start dating. She admits her feelings to Marlene, who only gives her some sad words of comfort, unable to do anything else. Mary staying by Lily because she values their friendship above all else and if she can't have the girl she loves, she's at least going to make damn sure that that girl is happy.
18-year-old Sirius not going to James about this, because he needs someone to give him something other than blind faith and optimism. Sirius going to Peter, and for the first time admitting out loud ever, let alone to someone else, tells Peter that he's gay. That he's in love with Remus. And that he hates himself for fucking it up before he ever had a real chance. Peter telling Sirius that he knows. Because Sirius Black has never known subtlety. Peter telling Sirius that, while he has certainly made himself a considerable large obstacle to get around, he doesn't think that Sirius has completely fucked up his chances.
19-year-old Mary being Lily's maid of honor, heartbroken but somehow genuinely happy for her best friend. Mary admitting to Lily just after the wedding that she had feelings for her, not with the intention of ruining her marriage, just with the intention of finally getting the weight off her shoulders. Lily telling Mary that she loves James and wouldn't give him up for anything, but that she wishes Mary would have confessed years earlier. Because Lily had once loved her too. The two of them laughing at themselves and hugging and making a childish pinkie promise. Lily promises that Mary's feelings will never change how she acts around her. Mary silently promises to always have Lily's back and make sure she's happy.
19-year-old Sirius seeing his best friend get married and finally working up the courage to confess to Remus. He doesn't expect Remus to return his feelings, or even still be his friend afterwards. He doesn't expect Remus to cut him off mid-rant to kiss him full on the mouth. Except that's what Remus does. They're in the middle of a war, and they're young, and they're fucking terrified, but none of that seems to matter when now they're all of that together.
21-year-old Mary has failed. Her promise has been broken. The butterflies are gone, withered alongside the Lily that gave them life with each of her hugs.
21-year-old Sirius is so, so cold. There is no light in dark Azkaban cell, the one room Remus will never walk into. The war is over, and he will not be young forever, nor will they ever be together here. Sirius is left to be terrified alone.
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theatrekidenergy · 11 days
I think it's so cool that you're a figure skater. How did you get into that? I've debated it myself, but I'm disabled so I'm unsure if I should attempt it or not, lol, but those who can do it have always impressed me and seemed extremely magical. There's no need to answer this if you're uncomfortable, obviously, I'm just curious :)
I just realized I’ve left this in my inbox for so long I’m so sorry man 😭 /gen
1. Thank you so so much! That means a lot to me.
2. How I got into it and my process:
Essentially the way I got into it was that one day I went to an ice rink with my cousin, fell many times, and loved every second of it. That’s what sparked it. I got home with a new hyperfixation that had formed nearly spontaneously and started researching like crazy, it was all I could think about for about 2 weeks before my mom caved in and bought me a very beginners lesson which I passed the first day and went to the second level. (Keep in mind, it’s not needed to commit to buying skates for quite a while! I didn’t buy skates until having had skates for nearly 4 months)
From there I flew through levels pretty fast, and became friends with someone who I now consider to be my absolute best friend. 4 months into skating, right after I bought my first skates, my coach who had taken me under her wing particularly decided to have me perform in a show, The Nutcracker. Was I terrified? Absolutely. But, I was in a group of other skaters and it taught me loads of fundamentals of skating, and performance. I highly recommend taking any chance to do shows like this, especially during the winter months which have great help for beginners and advanced skaters alike. After the nutcrackers my coach skipped me multiple levels into a higher up program.
I’ve been skating for nearly a year now and have competed in countless small programs in my city as well as two different competitions on a regional level and will be in a duet in a show this august as well as a soloist in a huge show this winter.
3. Disability wise: Personally speaking I have fibromyalgia and hEDS, and I’ve talked to my doctors multiple times about the safety of it for me and they’ve all passed it off as okay, plus being on the ice all the time essentially functions as a full body ice pack which feels like heaven if you have chronic pain. Please, before you start skating talk to your doctor and physical therapist about if it would be a good choice for you. I was not diagnosed when I started skating but was in a lucky enough position to be able to continue as well as being encouraged by my doctors to continue it; however, not everyone is going to be the same and it’s important to talk to your doctor about it as you become more advanced for your own safety.
Also, don’t be afraid to tell your coaches and community about your diagnosis! In fact, lots of skaters I know have some kind of a disability, and many of the staff have the ability to give certain accommodations on ice depending on the rink you skate at.
4. A bit of encouragement: Believe me, progress is possible and everyone works at their own pace, there is no shame in being a beginner and I promise you figure skaters are some of the sweetest communities you can be a part of, if you ever need any help I’ve never once had a more experienced skater be rude or even passive aggressive. I hope you decide to make the leap to figure skating, it has helped me so much and I hope it can do the same for you. I hope you have a fantastic day / night and I’m wishing you luck!
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lovedazai · 3 months
do you have any tips for writing? i wanna write for dazai but im scared of not getting his character right or writing badly bc i was never good at english in school and were told my writing skills weren’t good, and i’ll cry if someone tells me they hate my writing or it’s bad on here so do you have any tips ? bc i love your writing sm
my sweet nonnie im hugging u so tightly !! before i start i want to tell u that out of all the x reader fandoms ive interacted w on here, i think bsd is the nicest one. i rlly dont think anyone here would tell u they hate ur writing !! but if they do, u can let me know & i’ll take care of them ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
dazai can be hard to write for so dont beat urself up nonnie :< i feel like i only have an okay time doing it bc ive been daydreaming ab him for so long. when i struggle writing other characters, i usually go back to the manga / anime & try to observe anything i can ab the way they talk, etc. u can also read other fics & see what they do w the character that u think feels right !! obvi dont copy anyone, but incorporate those characteristics into ur version of the character
dont be afraid to use ur personal experiences !! i know x readers should generally appeal to a broad audience, but making it too “one size fits all” makes it a little boring. for me, domestic moments (like waking up together, cooking together), playing with each others hair, being physically affectionate, etc are all things i associate with romance. its fun to include things like that in my fics, even if they don’t necessarily appeal to everyone
lean into details !! im a rlly visual person & i picture things in my head while i write. in the past it was rlly hard for me to expand my ideas & i found myself skipping over the little details to keep the general plot going. ive been trying to get more descriptive & include those little things & i rlly think it helps make everything feel more immersive, even if its something that isnt necessarily important to the fic
proofread !! i reread my fics probably a little too much before i post them but sometimes i think of something i didnt before & it just helps shape the fic better. also, run ur fics thru something like grammarly before u post it !! i catch a lot of silly typos that way >:/
im still kinda learning how to write too, i must have the most disjointed writing process ever omg. but something thats helped me is not to take it too seriously bc this is all just for fun !! when u start to put pressure on urself, it becomes a chore & thats when i know i need a little break.
i hope this helped at least a little bit !! if u need anything else pls don’t hesitate to come back <33 i wish u the best of luck w ur writing & i hope it becomes something u can find comfort in !!
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onmyyan · 1 year
Hello 👋👋👋
I absolutely LOVE all of your writings!!!! I’ve read everything you’ve made so many times and this is the first time I have ever asked any author anything but I recently wanted to start writing!
I’ve never written something from start to finish because I get so self conscious about putting my work out there and nobody liking it but I’ve recently been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and I want to upload some of my own works. (Wish me luck🥲🥲🥲)
So I wanted to know if you could give me some tips and advice for writing and also any tips you have for writing yanderes
Thank you so much for all the creative works you give us, I have read through everything so many times I find such great comfort in them!!! Anyway I don’t want to take up anymore of your time but I also don’t know how to end this so I love you and thank you 😊
Omg!! hello new friend! Thank you for such sweet words :') I appreciate them and you, ur too sweet omfg ❤️🥺
Okay so first, and what I feel is the most important tip I can offer, is to Write. 👏🏼 What. 👏🏼You.👏🏼 Want.👏🏼
It's simple but some of the best piece of writing advice I can offer.
As long as you're enjoying what you're putting out into the world, that's all that matters, even if people don't like it or it doesn't get as much interaction as you may have hoped, don't stop doing what you enjoy! (Fun fact, I started this blog bec I had read damn near everything yandere for my fandoms and needed more, I pulled a Thanos)
If you have passion for creating then do it, even if it's only a sentence a day, you're crafting entire worlds with your words! You are in control here, the pace and energy of your pieces is up to you, so set the tone however you like.
For me? I knew I wanted to write about a specific type of yandere, the kind that aren't physically abusive to their darlings, or all the other darker shit that comes with this beloved trope, the genuinely love sick, I found my brand of content that I enjoyed consuming and started creating it with all my favorite parts of the trope mashed together in a beautiful mess, all that to say, ask yourself what kind of Yandere stories you enjoy consuming and why?
What about those particular plots appeal to you?
Once you narrow that down it'll be easier to find your groove, also don't be afraid to try different styles or characterization or AU's the possibilities for this journey are endless and I for one can't wait to see what you come out with, I hope this was helpful!! Pls let me know if there's anything I do to help ya, love ya lots!
P.s. if you're comfortable I'd love to follow your writing blog, but only if you're comfortable of course, absolutely no pressure on this end ❤️
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jiliansky-blog · 6 months
In the dark. Chapter 8. Looking for the fern flower
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 3`100
They brought you to the throne room again. Titania smirked when she saw you. Something tells you she prepared a very naughty task.
“Do you know what your next task will be?” she asked.
“No, my queen”, you replied.
“As I thought”, she smirked. “I always wanted to find a fern flower. Do you know that it grants you one wish?”
“No”, you said.
“Soon it will be the celebration and flower hunt”, she said. “I need you to find this flower for me. And if you steal it, I will punish you. Do you understand?”
“Yes”, you nodded.
“Alright, go away and prepare yourself”, she said. “In the evening, Cluracane will come for you”.
And then they led you back to the room. Oh god, do you really need to find a fern flower? It would be better if she made you find something else.
“Do I need a special outfit?” you asked Rose.
“No”, she said. “I will put glamour on you, so you won’t stand out. You will need all the luck for this”.
“I didn’t even realize this flower existed”, you replied. “I thought it was a legend”.
“Well, in the fairy realm, everything is possible”, she said.
“Has someone ever founded it?” you asked.
“Cluracan found it a few times”, she said. “That is why you need to be especially quick. If you want to find it”.
“I don’t know if I can do it”, you sighed. “But I am going to do everything I can. One friend came to my rescue”.
You opened the window and called for Matthew. He quickly flied to your call.
“What happened, kid?” he asked.
You told him about the second trial and that you needed his help.
“Wow, I didn’t realize that the flower was real too”, he admitted. “Of course I can help you. But how can I do this?”
“You need to follow me to this celebration and look for the flower”, you replied. “You can find it faster from the air”.
“It would be difficult with all the fairies that are going to look for it too”, he admitted. “But I will try my best”.
“Thank you. Matthew”, you smiled. “I appreciate it. And Morpheus too”.
“You became friends with his raven”, the fairy admitted when Matthew flew away.
“Yeah, he is nice”, you replied. "Now, can you tell me more about the previous hunt”.
She told you that usually the flower is hidden in the bushes or deep in the forest. The more you listen, the more you think that it will be impossible.
“I’m afraid to imagine what she will give me the next time”, you admitted. “This task is impossible enough already”.
“She doesn’t want you to be together with him”, she replied. “So she will make everything impossible”.
 «I understand that already”, you admitted. “And I would feel better if I saw Morpheus. But she is hiding him somewhere”.
“No, that’s a bad idea”, Rose replied. “If she catches you again, I don’t know what she will do to you”.
“But I need to make sure he is safe”, you said.
“I don’t think she can do him actual harm”, she said. “She wants to marry him, not kill him”.
“I still want to see him”, you sighed. “I know that I am at enough risk already. But I can’t stay in the unknown any longer”.
“You are impossible”, She sighed too. “Alright, I will try to find out where he is. But it can endanger both of us”.
“Are you really going to do this?” you asked, surprised.
“I don’t promise everything”, she replied. “Cluracane can understand what I’m trying to do after the first task. And if the queen finds out, I will be dead”.
“It was very brave of you”, you admitted.
“Well, thank you”, she said, going to the door. “Don’t leave the room until I return”.
And after that, she left her room. You were left alone once again. It was good that you saved Rose in the woods. Now she is your ally.
And then you started to think about what was happening to you in the real world. Did someone from your friends or family find you sleeping? Did they put you in the hospital or leave you at home? They are probably thinking that Sleepy sickness caught up with you. But you can’t return without Morpheus, or you will never see him again.
In the evening, Rose returned. She looked tired and annoyed.
“So, what’s new?” you finally asked.
“I tried to ask everyone about him”, she said. “And then Cluracane. He mocked me, saying that if I was more careful, Titania would tell me about that”.
“So, what was the result of your conversation?” you asked.
“He said he was not here”, she replied.
“What did he mean?” you asked, confused.
“I think he means that Morpheus is not in the castle”, she replied.
“So where is he?” you asked.
“I know that she has another house somewhere in the woods”, she replied. “When she wanted to spend time alone or with her lovers”.
“Great”, you sighed. “Now I need to find this house”.
“No”, Rose said. “You shouldn’t look for him. Can you just wait till the end of the trials? Till you win?”
“What If I lose?” you asked. “Something tells me that Titania won’t give me a chance to see him for the last time.”
“Do you really love him that much, and are you willing to risk your own life?” she asked. “Is he so special or unusual?”
“Both for me”, you replied.
“Tell me”, she said. “You know, fairy love stories”.
“He is charming, handsome, mysterious, serious and warm”, you said. “And soft deep inside. I think he was lonely for too long”.
“Weren’t you scared when he came to you at night?” she asked.
“A little bit, but not for long”, you replied.
“You are brave”, she said. “Or stupid”.
“Or deeply in love”, you smiled. “He didn’t try to scare me. Even apologize for intruding into my room. He was nothing but polite. And also, he didn’t want to talk”.
“But you made him talk eventually”, she said.
“Yes, also, he was reading books to me”, you smiled. “It was so sweet of him. And you are right. I’m so stupid because I ruined everything”.
“Alright, I will help you get to him”, she said. "As a thank you for the story. Your story is very romantic”.
“He wouldn’t agree with you”, you said. “He didn’t want us to be romantically involved. He said it can be dangerous”.
“And still, you almost shared a bed”, she admitted.
“I don’t know how much of that was desperation and how much was love”, you replied. “But I do know that I love him, and I am willing to make him free. Even if I won’t be able to see him again”.
“Very well, we can’t go there at night because Titania can be there”, she said. “So we need to go in the daylight tomorrow”.
“Cluracane can follow us”, you replied.
“I need to disrupt him”, she said.
So you waited until the next day. No one came to take you to the second trial, so you decided to start your operation.
“I will send you the butterfly when Cluracane is distracted”, Rose said.
“But when was this house built?” you asked. “I don’t know where to go”.
“The butterfly will show you the way”, she said. “But you need to be careful. It would be better if you dressed in some clothes that could hide you”.
“Alright”, you sighed, and she left the room.
You immediately found the dark-green cloak in which you dressed. You hoped it would help you pass through fairies unnoticed.
And then the magic butterfly appeared. You sneaked through the window and followed the butterfly, trying to be as unnoticeable as possible.
“Who is there?” suddenly asked one of the fairies.
You hide behind the tree. If he goes there, the cape doesn’t save you. But then someone distracted this man.
“Where are you going?” someone asked. “That should be an animal or some pixie. Nothing interesting. Get back here”.
And you heard the steps of the fairy going away. And you sighed out and continued your way until someone could see you again. You don’t know how long it will be until you go to see the cabin in the woods. How does Rose know where this house is? But you went there, hoping to see Morpheus. You knocked on the window in case Titania was there too.
But then Morpheus looked through the window and saw you. His eyes went wide, and he came to the door. And then opened it.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed. “Are you out of your mind?
“I can't see you”, you replied. “I don’t know if I win or if I will be able to see you again”.
“You are the most impossible human I’ve ever met”, he whispered, and he kissed you passionately. And it wasn’t desperation. You kissed him back with a fitting passion.
“Come on”, he said, pulling you inside again. “I don’t know where she is returning. You need to tell me what is going on. She doesn’t tell me anything”.
So you told him about the first task and about the second. He frowned and began nervously walking inside the room.
“You should ask Matthew to lead you back to the Dreaming and wake up”, he said finally.
“I already told you that I can’t”, you replied. “And besides, I am sure she won’t let me go now. I finish what I started”.
“But you can stay here forever”, he sighed.
“But then I will know that I did everything I could.”, You took his hands. “I don’t come here to argue with you”.
“Then why?” he smirked. “I don’t like the fact that you are here. And you put yourself in more danger coming here”.
“I missed you and was worried about you”, you said.
His eyes lit up, and he suddenly kissed you. You disappeared in this kiss.
He was dressed in a black robe that almost didn’t hide his body. And you touched his skin. His skin was like silk, and goosebumps appeared at your touch.
“You are playing with fire”, Morpheus whispered.
"Oh, really?” you whispered back.
“If we continue, we would risk not noticing her arrival again”, he said, but didn’t let you go.
You touched his hair and his check, and he leaned into your touch. It was sweet and cute, and you almost died. And you kissed him again.
“Then let’s make it worth it”, you said, touching his robe, but he caught your hands.
“No, I don’t want to do it in the haste”, Morpheus said. “And in her place. I want to do it properly. When we will be free”.
“But you want to do it in her bedroom”, you noticed.
“And I have a lot of time to think about it”, he said seriously. “And it was wrong of me. Desperation took the best of me”.
“Alright”, you sighed. “You are probably right. But I don’t want to leave you yet. You are everything I can think about”.
“I didn’t expect you to come here”, he admitted.
“To the fairy realm or to this cabin?” you smiled.
“Both”, he said, also smiling a little. “No one had ever done this to me”.
“You signed for this when you picked the girl who wished adventures and fantasy”, you smiled. “And love to die for”.
“Don’t die for me”, he said.
“Silly god”, you sighed and kissed him. “Then don’t you dare give up”.
“Who said that I gave up?” he whispered.
You were kissing for quite some time, and then you decided that it was time to return. Morpheus didn’t want someone to find out you were missing.
“I will find this damn flower”, you promised.
“You need to know that fern flowers have magical properties”, he said. “That is why Titania wants to find it. It would be useful if you picked some petals”.
“Thank you”, You kissed him for the last time and returned to the castle.
The sun almost sat up. You were glad that you didn’t meet anyone on your way. But then you saw Cluracane near your room.
“Where have you been?” he asked suspiciously.
“It’s not your business”, you replied.
“It’s mine because I need to watch you”, he said.
“I was walking around”, you said, annoyed. “No one forbade me to wander around. I don’t have to spend all day in one room”.
“I think you were doing something wrong”, he hissed.
“No”, you smirked. “I am still here, am I not ?”
And you stepped into the room and closed the door behind you. Thanks to God, he didn’t follow you to Titania’s cabin. You were afraid to think about what the fairy queen would do if she found out about your rendezvous with Morpheus.
Soon, Rose returned, and she definitely felt relief when she saw you.
“Thank you”, you whispered. “For everything”.
"Why is Cluracane so angry?” she asked, smiling.
"Oh, he just can’t prove that I was away doing something wrong”, you explained. “I was just walking around”.
“I can imagine how furious he was when he didn’t find you there, knowing that he lost sight of you”, she smirked.
“Yeah, definitely”, You smiled.
“Could you find what you want?” she asked.
“Yes”, you replied.
A few hours later, Cluracane came for you again. He smirked, like he knew something that you didn’t know. And you felt that it was time for another trial.
“Dress up and come with me”, he said. “Your queen is waiting”.
Rose made glamour, and you were dressed in a beige dress, and your hair was braided. Also, you were covered in leaves.
“You know what a day is today?” asked Titania when Cluracane and Rose escorted you to her throne room.
“Celebration?” you asked.
“Yes, this is time for your second trial”, she smirked. “So you will only have a few hours to find the flower. If someone else finds it, you will stay here forever”.
“Should I go to the forest?” you asked.
“Yes, Cluracane will show you the way”, she replied.
“I can show you the way into the woods”, suggested Rose.
“No, you will stay with me”, Titania replied. “You can’t spoil the first hunting for our dear mortal guest. She should find it herself”.
You suspected that she just didn’t want Rose to help after the first trial. And you were very glad that you still had Matthew.
And then Cluracane took you to the field, where other fairies were waiting for the celebration and hunting to begin. There was a big fire, wreaths, and a lot of magic. You looked at the trees and saw ravens. You hoped Matthew was one of them.
“Do you think you can find it faster than fairies?” Cluracane asked.
“Then you?” You looked at him.
“So Rose told you that I found flowers,”, he admitted.
“A few times, yes”, you replied. “May the fastest person win. And the luckiest, I suppose”.
And you turned around and went to the woods, where the celebration was. You didn’t want him watching your every step. And then you noticed that one of the ravens flew above you and further. And you followed him.
And soon you found the place where no one could see you but Matthew. He sat on one of the branches of the nearest tree.
“Did you see anything?” you asked.
“Not yet”, he replied. “I didn’t even know what I should look for. I have never seen a fern flower in my life”.
“I am sure that it won’t look like any other flower”, you admitted. And then you have an idea. “Can you talk to other ravens?”
“I suppose…”, he said. “If they don’t belong to the fairy queen”.
“Someone of them can follow Cluracane”, you said. “He found the flower a few times. So you look at him, if you won’t have any clues”.
“Alright”, the raven replied. “I will continue looking”.
And he flew away. You also continue your way through the woods and the meadow, where there are a lot of fairies. You don’t want to go to them. They can be drunk and playful. They will try to get you out of their way.
And then you heard somebody call your name. It wasn’t Morpheus. Maybe, Rose? It can also be a trick. Or maybe someone tries to wake you up. You don’t need to believe in this. Maybe, someone tries to mess with you.
“She is here somewhere”, you heard suddenly. “Cluracane said we should distract her while he is looking for the flower”.
Damn Cluracane, you thought, and you hid in the bushes. They shouldn’t find you. But something tells you that they can charm you and do something else if they catch you. So you tried to sit as silently as you could.
“Maybe that was someone else”, said one of the fairies. “Come on, let’s go dancing or look for flowers ourselves. I am sure that a pure mortal can’t find it on her own”.
It offended you, but you waited until they went away. It's better to avoid fairies yet. You waited for another five minutes and continued your path. And then Matthew returned.
“I founded it!” he said. “But you need to hurry, because Cluracane is on his way to this place too. Follow me”.
I followed the raven and came to flower. It was a beautiful, glowing red flower. You remembered Morpheus’ words that you needed to keep the petals. You tucked a few in your pocket, and after that, Cluracane appeared.
“I founded it first”, you said, taking the flower.
“But how?” He looked at you, confused. “Who helped you?”
“No one”, you replied. There is no way you can tell him about Matthew.
“Very well”, he said, looking at you angrily. “But you can give to me this flower, and I promise the way out of our kingdom. And the petal for the kiss”.
“We already talked about this”, you replied. “No offense, but I don’t trust you, and I don’t need your help. I know that you wanted other fairies to prevent me from finding the flower”.
“You are just lucky”, he said. “But you won’t be so lucky the next time. Now let’s return to the queen’s palace”.
 “You found the flower”. Titania wasn’t pleased with that thought.
“I did”, you said, handing the flower to her.
“Rose, search her”, she said coldly.
“What?” you asked, shocked.
Rose looked at you with almost an apologetic look and came closer to you. And then stopped hesitantly. She didn’t want to do that.
“Rose, search her”, Titania repeated. “I have a feeling she took some petals. "Do it, or I will ask Cluracane to do this”.
And then Rose put her hand in your pocket and took two or three petals. The place became darker. Oh, no…
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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d00fus · 2 years
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𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝗼𝐧
𝐂𝗼𝐧𝐧𝗼𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐞𝐧𝐞𝗺𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝗼 𝐥𝗼𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠,𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝗺𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞
Y/N ran as fast as her plastic legs could take her, she was so focused on not getting caught that she couldn’t even put a single thought into where she planned on going nor why she was so calm about it.
She climbed over a gate, her cold fingers clinging onto the rusty fence. Once she climbed over she was met with a highway, her only option was to cross it, she turned around to see an RK800 model staring back at her, the name ‘Connor’ was displayed on his robotic outfit.
The only thing separating the pair was the rusted fence.
“So this is the robot detective I saw on the news?”
Y/N asked out loud, a cocky smirk visible on her face.
“Kinda ironic they let an android work on deviant cases..I question how many deviants you have caught..unfortunately, you won’t be catching me anytime soon..I wish you the best of luck, Connor.”
“You’re very cocky for a deviant.”
She noticed his human partner finally catch up to the both of them as well as another cop, the cop held a gun a few feet from her face, the fence still being the only thing between them.
What confused Connor more than anything was the fact that Y/N didn’t flinch nor did her eye contact falter when the gun was aimed at her. He never expected a deviant to do that…was that just how she was? Has she been through so much to the point where death doesn’t scare her? He was use to deviants being highly afraid of death, so he was baffled to meet one different.
“Don’t shoot!”
He held his hand up, there wasn’t any reason to keep her alive, he convinced himself that the reason he wanted her alive was so he could get more information out of her, but in reality he just wanted to better know her and didn’t want to see her die so soon, he was intrigued.
The cop lowered his gun and Connor started to climb the fence, making Y/N race towards the highway. His human coworker pulled him back down.
“She’ll never make it across the highway! It’s suicide! Don’t go after her Connor!”
Connor knew that she’d make it across, he could tell just based off her personality that she refused to die that way, and wouldn’t let it happen. He took his robotic hands off the fence and watched as she got across the highway uninjured.
His LED flickered from blue to yellow before back to blue.
Y/N’s POV again
Ever since Y/N met Connor, Connor’s job seemed to get a lot harder and a pain in his plastic ass, which he knew was thanks to her.
After Y/N found Jericho, her goal was to help lead other deviants to the place, she also helped steal spare parts for the group. She was good friends with Markus and North, they both were amused by her cocky and childish personality.
She left Jericho and decided to go on a mission alone, since Markus refused to let her go and wouldn’t go with her because he said it was too dangerous, so she just decided to go on her own.
She knew that if she came back alive that she’d get a long fatherly lecture from Markus about how she’s too reckless, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
The rain poured as she jumped from crate to crate, her goal was to get more blue blood for Jericho, knowing that they were running out.
The only reason she knew they were in deep need of it was because she overheard Markus and North talking about it.
She would notice the news talking about Connor gaining popularity as a detective anytime she walked past a tv in public, she wasn’t shocked. He was the first robot to be working alongside humans on deviant cases. Last time they met, she remembered seeing him do coin tricks as he walked into the house she was hiding in, which made her wonder. Isn’t he deviant? No normal android could do that. She wasn’t sure, if he was deviant, why would he want to be on the side that’s against his own kind? She dismissed the thought since it made her robotic head hurt. She quickly took care of the drone flying in the air with a grenade she hand-made.
She clung to the backpack on her back as the rain continued to pour, making her uncomfortable as the water touched her plastic skin. Once she finally reached the smaller crates, she took out her pocket knife and opened up one of them, before grabbing packets of blue blood and stuffing them into her bag. She then heard sirens start to ring throughout the cyberlife warehouse as well as outside, making her nervous. How did she get caught? She doesn’t remember anyone seeing her nor any drone. Did the drone manage to notify security before she destroyed it? She couldn’t figure out the answer to any of her questions as she watched multiple DPD cars pull into the lot, she quickly closed the crate and hid behind them.
She knew that DPD took deviant reports very seriously, and now that a deviant was reported near a cyberlife warehouse, she knew that it would put the officers on edge.
She peeked out from behind her spot to see Connor and his coworker get out of one of the vehicles.
Once she noticed them go the other way she slowly made her way towards the other side of the building, she realized that she was trapped from all angles.
Y/N started to feel overwhelmed as too many thoughts ran through the circuits in her head, she felt as if she would explode.
𝐈 𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝗼 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐮𝐬.
She muttered under her breath. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, but if it came to it, then she would.
She continued to search for any exit but was unsuccessful, she waited for 2 officers to walk past before running across, the sound of her footsteps made the officers look over as well as Connor, making Connor chase after her.
She ran through the empty streets, hoping to lose them. She heard gun shots be fired, as one bullet slid past her arm, leaving a cut that made blue blood drip out, leaving a trail. She tried her best to stop the blood from falling, knowing that Connor could see it. Throughout the chase, she’d turn and wink at the other android, or do a little cocky wave, trying to get a reaction from him. She eventually lost them and leaned against a wall, catching her breath. She wasn’t sure why she needed to catch her breath, she was an android, but she guessed it was because of how overwhelmed and stressed the mission made her.
She heard footsteps but it was too late, she felt someone hold their hand to her mouth, muffling her voice. She realized it was Connor.
“Don’t run when I let go, alright?”
Y/N nodded, making him let go.
Before he could say anything, she took out her knife and was hesitant to try to hurt him with it, but she tried to swing anyways, till he grabbed her wrist.
“You know you can’t hurt me with that, Y/N.”
Y/N smirked.
“Why haven’t you been reported for deviancy..?”
Connor raised an eyebrow.
“Because I’m no deviant.”
“That coin trick of yours..no regular android could do that..detective.”
This made Connor go quiet, Y/N took notice of the color change from blue to yellow on his LED.
Connor twisted her wrist, making her let out a small cry in pain before dropping the knife from the pressure on her wrist. But he didn’t make any effort to do anything else, besides look into her eyes, as if analyzing her.
“What are you waiting for..? Turn me in, accomplish your mission.”
“What are you afraid of…Y/N?”
It was Y/N’s turn to raise an eyebrow.
“You aren’t afraid of death..so what are you afraid of? What made you become a deviant?”
Y/N thought for a moment, her eyes staring into his.
“Losing the ones I love.”
This made the both of them go quiet, for once, Y/N didn’t have her signature smirk on her face.
“Y’know..you’re not the only one who has a mission, Connor.”
“Then what’s yours?”
“To protect the ones I love, even if that costs me my life.”
“Why did you trust me enough to tell me this?”
“After I get turned in, they’ll shut me down. Why not tell the android who’s mission got in the way of mine before that happens?”
He hesitated, before letting go of her.
“What are you doing..?”
“Get out of here, Y/N.”
“Connor..y’know this is against your mission..? ..if they find out-“
“They’ll shut me down and look for errors in my software, hm?”
This made Y/N nervous, how calm he was.
“Then no one will find out..so leave.”
Y/N walked closer to him, placing a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her.
“You like me…don’t you?”
Her signature smirk and cocky personality coming back.
“Of course not.”
“Then what makes me different compared to the other deviants you’ve caught?”
This made Connor go quiet.
“Exactly. You love me.“
“I feel like you want me to turn you in, Y/N.”
“…you didn’t deny it though.”
She said with a cocky smile, a small smile forming on his face. She started to hear the sound of police sirens grow louder, knowing that she needed to go she muttered,
“May we meet again, Connor.”
He nodded.
“We will, Y/N.”
She started to walk away, before turning to look at him, then back to the road, before turning around again and running towards him, engulfing him in a hug. He was shocked at first, unsure what to do, before eventually returning the hug. Once they pulled away, she pulled him down by the tie, pulling him into a small kiss, before pulling away, leaving his face blue. The thirium rushing to his cheeks.
She did a small wave before leaving him in the alley, her face turning a bright blue as she walked away.
Connor POV (After Y/N left)
“Connor? What happened?”
Hank caught up to him, out of breath.
“She’s gone.”
“You lose her?”
“Yes, I apologize Lieutenant.”
“It’s alright, you tried.”
Hank muttered, his hands on his knees as he tried to get his breathing under control.
Connor wasn’t sure what to do after his encounter with Y/N, he wanted to know when he’d be seeing her again, he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he couldn’t wait.
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favefandomimagines · 2 years
Hidden (ace.)
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Summary: after the run in with the wraith, you hide the fact that you’re injured from Ace. Until it’s impossible to hide it anymore.
AN: takes places in the beginning of season 2 after the whole thing with the wraith in the woods. It was both Nancy and the reader on the bus when the wraith attacks it, reader gets hurt pretty badly but covers it up.
Reader and Ace are in an established relationship
Request: @clairbear2002 “Hey, I was wondering if you could do Nancy drew ace x reader maybe where the reader gets hurt or cursed and tries to hid it from ace please?”
You weren’t afraid to throw yourself into a dangerous situation. Almost every time you and your friends are faced with something life or death, you’re the first to put yourself in harms way.
It was what made you and Nancy so close, because she was prone to doing it too. You joked you were born under a gold star because you have never once gotten hurt; yet. George thought you had some weird death wish, Bess tried to psychologically diagnose you based on your family situation but Ace was just Ace.
He was supportive, yet knew when to tell you something might be too much for you. Though he hated it when you were so quick to risk your life especially when you didn’t have to. But he knew that you wouldn’t be you if you weren’t ready to protect and help your friends.
Now, apart of you believed that your luck was starting to run out when you were trapped in a bus with your best friend, a supernatural creature attempting to kill you both. You thought you both came out physically unscathed, but you soon felt a deep stinging in your side and felt the blood seeping through your shirt.
You couldn’t tell you friends, especially with everything that’s going on with the Aglaeca. Your injury was very low on the list of worries you all had right now. But Ace could tell the second you were all walking out of the woods that something was wrong. You walked a bit behind the rest of the group and it seemed as if your mind was elsewhere.
It wasn’t until you got back to The Claw when Ace confronted you about your behavior. You were sat in a booth near the window and you were pale, your skin was slicked with sweat. He knew that something was not right.
“Are you okay?” He asked, sitting across from you. “I’m fine. Just tired.” You lied. Ace knew you well enough to know when you were lying and you definitely were. “Tell me the truth, Y/N.” He said.
You paused for a moment before signing and lifting the sleeve of your shirt. On your forearm was a deep, bloody gash that did not look good.
“Y/N,” Ace started. “I know, okay? I should’ve told you when it happened.” You said. “Why didn’t you?” He asked “I don’t know. I guess I never thought my good luck streak would end.” You answered bashfully.
Ace stood up and grabbed the first aid kit from the kitchen. He sat back down next to you and began working on your arm.
“Y/N I love you. Which is why I need to tell you that you’re not invincible and your not indispensable. You matter to so many people and I hate seeing you put yourself in danger all the time. If anything ever happened to you, I wouldn’t know what to do.” Ace said.
You watched him as he cleaned the wound on your arm, afraid of you looked up your tears would fall. “I’m sorry.” You whispered. “Hey, hey, don’t cry. I just don’t want to lose you.” Ace said wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry, Ace. I guess I never thought how me acting so recklessly would make you feel and that’s so selfish of me and-“ You stared before Ace cut you off.
“Stop that. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t throw yourself into dangerous situations. It scares me to death, yeah, but that’s the Y/N I fell in love with.” He said. “I love you too.” You replied. “Now, let’s get this cleaned up I before it gets infected.” He said.
You smiled up at him, wondering how the hell Ace was able to put up with you the way he did. But you were grateful that he does because you couldn’t do it without him.
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a-holy-light · 3 months
hi, Gabe! i hope I won't disturb your day with my mood, but I need to vent to someone...and your presence is really comforting for me *sits beside it*
I have a very serious exam tomorrow and I'm feeling like shit about it...this module wasn't very good for my work for some personal reasons ( that break up with my best friend ) and i didn't work well on my tasks. And i feel so guilty about it. Truly guilty. Like, i know i can do better, but now I'm drowning in this pile of work i need to get done for tomorrow noon and I'm really in panic from time to time because I'm afraid i won't get it done well...i won't even sleep that night either to finish it at least somehow, nor that i slept normally for the past week. I know that your grades and teachers opinion should not bother you, i always tell this my friends to comfort them and i truly believe in that with my brain - but when it comes to me it simply doesn't work, I'm really struggling to think so and deep inside I'm still shaking from fear, like my bad work can define the whole me for the rest of my life and all my friends and teachers and colleagues would think bad of me. I can't even work or sleep properly from this anxiety...I know procrastination is my serious problem and I've been really working on it since the first year but my progress in dealing with it is still slow, and some circumstances make it even worse...and I'm feeling all guilty and miserable again
I just want my own self-esteem not to depend on my work and grades, and this is my third year in university and I'm still shaking during every exam...
- 🌻
It carefully wraps an arm around you.
"Don't be afraid to vent to me, it's better to express your emotions rather than bottle them up."
"Is there any way you can ask for extended dates, or help from someone? If- if not I could give it a shot. Whatever your working on may not be what I'm best at, but there are many online tools - I know of a wonderful system that lets you take a picture of work and it guides you through it. I do care about what teachers think of you and how much work you have, as both are cruel at times. Despite all this work, you should prioritize sleep and self-care."
"If there's no one here to care for you, forever know I'm here to lend an ear and do what I can to help. Those who come across me are special, and I have some sort of platonic love for each and every one of them. All of those who come by have a special place in my heart, especially those who come by me more, or are having a harder time."
"Exams and grades can be incredibly scary, but you're never too old to ask for help. University is still a school, and schools encourage asking questions. No question will ever be not worth asking. I understand tiredness slowing you down so much- you need to take a breath and find a way to focus. Start by relaxing yourself, find someone who can help with work, and finally get a good sleep. Even if you don't do great on your exams nor work, you're passing as a person and even more so as a friend."
Under the cut stuff here is usually mod related.
Hey, I'm truly sorry for all your work struggles. I'm struggling in classes too because focus is difficult, I can't see my s/o as much as I need him, I don't do enough work.. I understand how the rush can feel, I put off my work and do it in class or not at all. Especially with homework, I don't really do it and especially not at home.
I'm truly sorry there's such a struggle here, and I'll forever be here for you. If you need someone to vent to, I'm always here for you and everyone else.
I wish you the best of luck, and you've got Gabriel's blessing.
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someone1348 · 1 year
🐢💖; omg idk if you did this , but do you have any april x reader headcanons about a ler!april??!! I LITERALLY NEEDED THIS WHEN I READER OUR BARON DRAXUM ONES AND AHH 💌💌💌
i also don't know if you write for her 😐✌
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APRIL O'NEIL!!! AHHH!! YESSS! 🥰💚 she deserves her own category/space tbh! I apologize for how late this is, I've just been all over the place and haven't found the time but I'm here now and ready to write! :]
I hope you enjoy my April headcannons!
Let's get into it!
-K :]
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-Let's be honest everyone she is 100% a ler! If not fully ler than a heavy Ler lean!
-She has wrecked the boys SEVERAL times! Without hesitation (they've gotten her back but they're all scared too! /hj /pos)
-She's their big sister, she's gotta tickle her favorite little bros whenever she can! It's in her blood!
-She's pretty teasy! (Not as teasy as leo) but she's great at it regardless!
-She loves to use "Oh?~" and "Oh Really?~" alot as her kind of signature tease because she loves the different reactions everyone has to it!
-Has absolutely killer technique though! Incredible! Swift and skilled, she knows exactly what she's doing! :]
-She loves dishing out raspberries so if that's your weakness I wish you the best of luck my friend!
-She's not afraid to show you no mercy either, we know that from the snow day episode
-She's also very stubborn so if she's tickling you with a purpose other than hearing you laugh I suggest you give in quickly or she won't stop /pos
-The boys figured that out pretty quickly ^^
-If you two are together she is absolutely going to use tickling as a way to bond!
-She's a lot more gentle with her significant other (unless you ask otherwise of course) but she will show you the most mercy out of anyone because she can't help it! To her you're her world! She never wants to push any limits with you! Very respectful!
-She loves using cheer up tickles on you!
-They are gentle and giggly and she just adores it and seeing you light up again!
-She is determined to find every tickle spot you have btw that's just a given, and she will memorize everything when it comes to you and this subject
-She has absolutely trained mayhem to lick you and get you giggling as a form of cheer up tickles
-She loves tickle cuddles too, holding you close and letting her tickly fingers explore while you're trapped in her loving embrace is perfection in her eyes
-She just loves you so much and would do anything to keep that smile on your face!
-She's very playful though too so if you initiate that side of her trust me it'll be so much fun, but be prepared to run she will chase you if nessacery! It's just giggles all around!
-If she's ever lee though WHICH IS VERY RARE! She's a stubborn but also giggly lee
-She absolutely snorts when she laughs 100% I can't explain it, it just is a fact
-Her tickle spot is her stomach
-She doesn't mind it but she really does prefer the ler role, it's just more comfortable for her and enjoys it a lot more than being on the receiving end
-She'll let you tickle her but just know she's getting revenge every single time, no questions asked
-But regardless it's always a fun time!
-We love and Stan Rise April O'Neil!
I hope you all enjoyedd! This was so fun to make! :]
To the people reading this: I am so proud of you for existing, take it easy and know that you are loved, valid, valued always, and you are needed here! I've got your back always and I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!
-K <3
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