#I wonder how much that would've changed seasons 2 and 3....
thesilliestofgals · 1 month
Watching the Owl House concept pilot and reading the leaked concept bible... WOW, what could've been, huh?
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 4 months
All Hermits in Hero Forge!
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Season 10 is coming! And I've finished modeling every Hermit (Thus far) in their TCG-cards poses!
Special thanks to Hoffen for their original minecraft models...
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You've already saw these eight models in my Life-series minis showcase, slight tweaks and costume changes... I really need to buy Hero Forge subscription, so i can manipulate fingers individually... Now, for the new guys... Guess what?! I've figured out how to make links! Now you can see my references directly! Technology!
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Ren got his cool casual look...
Docm77 inspired primarily by Belmarzi's design, such as this... It was very funny to suddenly stop in the middle of this project to model him hugging Snoop Dogg...
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JoeHills, unsurprisingly, based on real-life Joe Hills... But I did have this comic by my side while modeling him, for moral support, because modeling someone's likeness is always stressful...
Cleo's pose pose a challenge, It uses a transparent one-legged skeleton inside the main body... Like a real armour-stand magic! I like how it turned out...
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I've started watching Zedaph very recently, so both Noxolotl's and Applestruda's portrayals of him were very helpful in forming mine...
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Blaise's Hermit line up was used for Cub and Hypno, which you will see down the line... Bee's art was helpful, once again, and these Cub-arts by Sylvan...
My main goal with Jevin was to somehow convincingly make a slime look slimy... I was so ready to make him as rotund as this art, but alas, program restrictions...
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This art was used for False at the very beginning, but it drifted so much with the addition of cheekbones, that it doesn't look like it at all anymore...
Hypno had a surprise for me, because before making this model, I've never saw this brown line on his chest as a boob-window... But now, I am convinced... This is the art, that guided me to that conclusion... Ghostea's and Locus's portraits were useful for figuring out his face...
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Iskall lifted from this art... Hero Forge doesn't have any cool one-eyed visors, so I've settled on monocle for him and Doc...
Hero Forge also for some reason doesn't have a hand-held flower, so pretend, that Stress doesn't hold a pen, okay? And has a cardigan... Based mainly on this and this art, which was also used for XB...
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My best guess with Keralis was that he is doing Edvard Munch's "The Scream" ommage... Thanks to Myra and Cole , without them, Keralis would've looked more like a bug with them big ol' eyes...
Oh, boy, XB... A true enigma for me... Pictured here, lightly jogging... Only you could tell me, if I did a good job with him, I sincerely have no idea... Since this is in part a TCG-inspired project, it would've been wise to use references from the actual TCG-cards... To bad, I've came up with this idea near the end of a project...
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I have made so many Xisuma-costumes, and only now I am showing you the main friendly-neighbourhood DoomGuy cosplayer himself... Do I need to credit id Software for this?
WelsKnight is my champion in regards to how many references I needed for him... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7! Despite how many armour options Hero Forge has, making something coherent out of them was difficult... Especially, keeping in mind, that one day I'm going to model HelsKnight as well...
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And finally, TinFoilChef, based heavily on this stunning artwork... And somewhat on this skin by Ink-Ghoul... It all comes around...
And the Creator Himself! Beef! And his wonderful portraits: 1 2 3 4...
I actually going to use him as an example, to address something...
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Here is how my screen looks, then I am working on a model... My method of creation is derivative by nature, it requires the art and creativity of other people... And I have SO MUCH anxiety about this... Not being an artist, but still trying to make something with my limited capabilities... And post it on the internet, oh horror...
With recent talks about plagiarism and AI-art, it has come to my attention, that I myself not so different from AI, just not so efficient... So, this is why I so obsessively document my influences, it is the least I can do... Credit the artists, that I stole from... Please, check out everyone mentioned, subscribe to them, commission new pieces of art...
And if you've liked my dorky "minecraft youtubers made in DND character creator" models... Thank you...
Sometime later there will be a google doc on my blog with links to every model I've ever made, go nuts with them... Try Hero Forge for yourself, it's fun...
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Why Crosshair Will Live
(aka an essay by a Crosshair girlie who loves her clone husband too much)
So, I've been thinking long and hard about the final season and how it could end. Obviously, it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster and all that. However, there's always going to be discourse about who's gonna bite it, especially since our main characters don't have plot armor and this show is allowed to go way darker than Rebels. Crosshair is my favorite character and I don't hide that at all. He's all over my page. But looking at his character, there's a part of me that believes he actually might make it out in one piece. Let's get started!
"Redemption Equals Death"- Out of all the tropes, this is the one Crosshair embodies the most. He was the villain for a season, but now he's changing his ways. In past seasons, I would've said this is how his story ends. His brothers find him and Omega on Tantiss and he goes out protecting them, proving he deep down he still loved them. But after season 3, I don't think that's the case anymore. I think he's passed the point. Crosshair in season 3 is actively redeeming himself through his actions and words with his family and the other clones. We don't need to see him go out in some big self-sacrifice because we already see the person he truly is inside. More importantly, his family sees the person he's become. He's already proven it in so many ways. Crosshair openly admitted his mistakes, saved Hunter from the wyrm, is very protective of Omega, and saved his brothers, Omega, and Rex + Howzer from CX-2. At this point, Crosshair has passed the "redemption equals death" marker. His redemption is playing out and the people around him are seeing the changes.
His Character Arc- Crosshair's character arc has always been about loyalty and identity. Go all the way back to season 1 with the infamous "this is who I am" line and his whole spiel about the Batch not being loyal to him. "Aftermath" shows us this poor man already beginning to struggle. In season 2, Crosshair is going through every hurt no comfort fic trope in the book. This man was pushed to the brink, with every sense of his being questioned. And he almost didn't make it. Crosshair in "The Outpost" was so close to dying after trekking through the blizzard and shooting Nolan. He's suffered through so much already from being severely burnt to freezing, and now almost drowning. Pretty much half way through season 3 and Crosshair's trials aren't over. His hand is still bothering him and he's still trying to find himself.
Although Crosshair has made peace with his family, I believe he still needs to make peace with himself. He's been humbled sure, but there's more to go. Who is he if he isn't a soldier or sharpshooter? Crosshair's arc will probably finish with him realizing being a soldier isn't entirely who he is. His hand tremor still could be related to his internal conflict, we don't know. So far, he's doing a great job. We've seen Crosshair begin to find peace on Pabu and comfort with Omega. It would be so satisfying to see him make it out of this mess alive. My best BB ending would be him (and his brothers) alongside Omega retired somewhere. They have each other and that is enough.
His Poster and Theme- Crosshair is the only character as of right now in the Batch who has a separate poster for season 3. Not even Omega has a separate one (although I can see her getting one later). In fact, Omega shares her with Crosshair. Both are wearing their prison outfits, showing their shared situation and stand against a white/grey backdrop. We also see Cross gripping his right hand, referring to the issue he's having with it. However, he also has one of himself in the same golden lighting as his brothers. Crosshair stares at his helmet with a calm look on his face and appears to be contemplating. That has to mean something. From my POV, I get the sense he's wondering about who he is. Wouldn't it be a great ending if Cross finds himself and lives to see that self be happy?
He is also the only member of the Batch (Omega aside) to have his own theme/leitmotif. He has two actually: his Imperial one and his heroic one. His heroic theme aka the "Mayday" theme is stunning and highlights his struggle perfectly. You can actually hear it in season 1 fun fact but it's faint. The fact that he does have a separate poster and theme from the others does give me hope that he will make it. Not to say that the others aren't important, but something about Crosshair and his journey is very meaningful to have warranted this. You can argue that he shares the title of "heart of the show" to some degree because his arc is the most dynamic of all the Batch. His struggles and fight back towards the light truly raise this show to greatness.
Crosshair is also season 3's "Batcher of Year" award and so far, they're doing everything we wanted and more. For two whole seasons, his character has been building and building towards this season. And they better give us a great payoff. Crosshair's character going to continue to soar as the season progresses. I can definitely see him making it through to the end because of the focus on him.
Omega- how can we forget about the kid who never gave up on our grumpy sniper? Omega (and we can argue Cross to a lesser degree) is the heart of the show. She gives the Batch a new outlook on life and it is through her that they grow and change. Omega brings out the paternal and softer side in each of her brothers. Crosshair, however, takes a bit longer to get there. He's the only character whose main development happens away from Omega. When he finally gets home, he becomes Crossdad. But Omega is still a kid, despite her capabilities. If the other Batchers die, who will take care of her? Omega being on her own just doesn't feel right. We also know going off with Rex wouldn't feel satisfying either even though he would take really good care of her.
Now that Crosshair is back, it feels like the show is propping him up to take over Hunter's role. Hunter parented for 2 whole seasons. As the mentor figure, he might bite it. But wait! Crosshair is still here. There is no way the writers would just let Omega finish alone or get killed off. She will have someone with her. Crosshair, having spent the majority of the show away, will probably be the best candidate narratively speaking. As mentioned above, he gets two posters showing just how integral he is this season. He's also been getting a lot of screen time with Omega. So, I can definitely see the show ending with just the two of them left. It would be bittersweet, but still satisfying.
Disney- let's ask the question: would Disney kill off an entire family aside from their child? My best guess is no (this isn't a Disney movie with a prince to save the day). Tying into my last point, I can't see this family-friendly company letting a literal child lose her entire family and end up all alone in the end. We all saw Rogue One and we know that this is a plausible option. However, I'm beginning to think that they aren't gonna do that because again, Omega is a child. She's gonna hopefully have one, if not all, her brothers alongside her. And I swear, if they give her to someone else not named Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker, or Echo, I will blow a gasket. She needs her family. Disney and Star Wars is all about hope and it's not very hopeful to me if all of the BB but Omega dies.
Rebuttal- let's get this out of the way: if Cross dies, it will be with his brothers, protecting Omega, and defeating Hemlock. There is literally no other way he could go out that would be satisfying. He's redeemed and fought the Ghost of Crosshair's Future (aka CX-2). Backpedaling on his character arc would suck. If he dies, it will be as a Bad Batcher, a loving brother, and the best sniper the galaxy has ever seen.
But I don't think that will happen. I do genuinely think Crosshair has a chance to survive. But what do you guys think? Obviously, I'll still be nervous about the whole thing, but I'm trying here.
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dexdia · 3 months
Highly considering doing a Seven Deadly Sins rewrite myself bc man there's so much missed potential and honestly a lot of things that don't make sense or haven't been gone over enough-
My biggest gripe being the Goddess race, we barely know anything about them, the archangels were said to be oh-so-strong but 3 of them died not to long after being introduced- And my biggest gripe is that the author definitely pulled that "Bloody Ellie" thing out of his ass during the fight with Demon King Zeldris.
Like man, even the Demon race feels so lacklustre..
Oh! And don't get me started on Chaos!! Especially since its literally the entity that gets put into Arthur who's the main antagonist and villain of the sequel series!!!
Like, I'm pretty sure we don't know about chaos until it's actually revealed,,
Like in my mind, if I was to add/redo things- One of the things I'd do is make the Supreme Deity into a religious figure, being praised as the "Benevolent Goddess" among humans, setting up basically a religion- And maybe this could stem into the magic, such as human believing that the magic they hold was a blessing of the Supreme Deity.
And maybe also set up a clearer hierarchy system among the Goddess and Demon race.
I just want the Goddess race and Supreme Deity herself to play a bigger role cause man I don't really like how she was defeated within like the final 20 minutes of that one film.
Because I think it'd be so interesting to have humans actively worshiping the Goddess race, specifically dedicated to the Supreme Deity and the archangels.
Also, I'd have Chaos introduced a lot earlier- who knows, maybe I could throw in like a group that are worshippers of Chaos.
Tbh I'm just spit balling but it's mostly bc I'm so frustrated at simply how bad the author is at writing- Cause I feel like a lot of the time, he throws in ideas just because he thinks it's cool and doesn't elaborate and explore said ideas.
As I mentioned earlier, the whole "Bloody Ellie" thing ( a character who was established a pacifist in the Gloxinia + Drole flashbacks thing) as well the thing with Helbram where he talked about how fairies were captured and had their wings torn out (I believe we never hear anything about it again after Helbram tells us it), honestly many things.
Also, I just thought of another thing I'd change- Instead of having Derieri, Tarmiel and Sariel die useless deaths, I feel like we could've had Ludociel fight Esta/Mael when the Mael reveal happened bc I feel that would've been so much more impactful-
Because imagine, Ludociel finally fights the person who he thought "killed" his brother and before he goes for the finishing blow, the spell corrodes away and Ludociel is left with the shock and horror that he nearly killed his own brother.
And one more thing or else I'll be ranting forever, have Meliodas' and Elizabeth's relationship questioned and have them actually have to go through challenges
Have people question as to whether or not it was their relationship that trigger started the holy war, have other characters question the way he acts towards current Elizabeth, have Elizabeth have questions herself and wonder if the war was worth it- Let them have arguments!!
I think the only one they technically had was when Elizabeth wanted to rejoin the adventure at the start of season 2 if my memory serves me right.
But yeah.
It's just those little tweaks and add-ins that really begin to flesh it out to its potential, imo.
Anyway, rant over before I continue ranting up to 30k+ words more.
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londondziban · 8 months
I'll forever be confused over the writing of Steve's character in season 4. Like, what was the thought process behind the choices that were made for him?
In season 1, he was shown to have a change of behavior, felt remorse for his actions, attempted to apologize to not just Nancy but also Jonathan, and bought a camera for Jonathan to replace the one he had broken. Not only this, but he had turned back around to help Nancy and Jonathan–after having a gun pointed at him and nearly getting eaten by a creature he probably couldn't fully comprehend at the time–despite the fact he was scared shitless cuz, hey, that's his girl in there and a guy he may not know very well but he's not going to let them fight the monster alone.
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In season 2, we watched him grieve his relationship with Nancy and form a bond with Dustin and the other kids. Though he was clearly upset about the breakup, he never once truly blamed Nancy for it. We saw him respect not only Nancy's feelings but her choice as well. He knew he wasn't the one she chose, he knew she was struggling and turned to Jonathan. He was heartbroken but he did his best to move forward and keep his mind on the mission at hand.
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In season 3, we watch his bond with Dustin develop further and we see him make his first friend that's (close) to his age since he dropped his previous friends in season 1. He was actively looking for a new girl to date and developed feelings for Robin; We were led to believe he'd moved on from Nancy. In this season, though he was fairly removed from the other kids for most of it, we were once again shown he has a selfless nature when it comes to them, even Erica whom he barely knew. We saw that at the end of the day, he's simply a good friend through his instant support of Robin rather than lashing out over the rejection or being flat-out homophobic. He's selfless and loyal to those he cares about. His character in this season was wonderful (not talking about how his injuries were constantly played for laughs though, that's for a future post).
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So in season 4...what happened? Yeah, I still loved him because he's Steve and I've become attached to his character over the years. But he just felt so off? I'm glad his friendship with Robin was still there and I loved them together throughout the season. But he's 1. suddenly in love with Nancy again, 2. doesn't seem to respect her actual feelings nor her relationship with Jonathan (because if he did he wouldn't be actively flirting with her and telling her he wants to have kids with her, hello?), 3. he complained about being with the kids despite being shown to deeply care for them over and over again (it could've been a joke of course but it just felt mean spirited when compared to his behaviors in prior seasons. Like he sighed when being paired with Dustin?), and 4. he just felt kind of weird and a little creepy at times.
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It felt like they didn't know what to do with him this last season. It felt like all the development he'd gone through suddenly took a left turn and then backtracked out of nowhere. Instead of finding ways to discuss the way season 3 events affected him (and Robin) or maybe showing him form a genuine bond with Eddie (someone else his age that he never would've previously been friends with), they made him a little mean spirited, they made the other characters be meaner to him and treat him as if he's stupid (more than usual), and they made him be in love with Nancy again. They could've done so much with his character that wouldn't have contradicted all of his growth, and yet.
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I say this all with good intentions, of course. I love Steve. He was one of my favorites when I first started watching the show. Which is why I was so upset about the way they wrote his character in season 4. He just didn't feel like the Steve I'd loved anymore. Was it a conscious decision? Is there a specific reason behind it we just haven't been shown yet? Or was it just poor writing? I hope whatever is going on with his character is either fixed or simply explained in season 5 (and I'm so excited to see he'll have at least one interaction with Jonathan!). I'm just a little worried they've run out of ideas for his character and are just going to kill him off next season without any explanation as to why his character took the turn it did.
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TLDR: I love Steve but the way his character was written in season 4 confused me.
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imagination-confusion · 7 months
I constantly think about the Redwall animated series (1999) and Watership animated series (1999)
When I re-watch those I wonder what Warrior Cats would've been like if they had an animated series in that similar style and vain. How much would actually changed?
Watership Down the series added a lot of newer conflicts, characters, pretty much this series exclusive things and their own twists to the story. Follows the story in the beginning and then it gets wild!
I should make a retrospective on these two series.
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Redwall animated series pretty much follows the story where season 1 follows Matthias, Season 2 follows Mattimeo, and Season 3 follows Martin the Warrior.
But I was an idiot and I watched the series backwards from Martin, to Matthias, to Mattimeo. Still got the same enjoyment either way.
It'd make a fun exercise. Creating short animations of canon Warriors in similar style of these two already pretty fun to watch animated series of great books.
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Might be actually pretty heckin' fun! I can feel the gears in my mind turning just trying to create this and make it come to life!
So which one of you guys read and watched The Silver Brumby on YouTube? I never got far but what are your thoughts? I never actually well.. fully finished but, as far as I seen it's pretty nice lol
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 4 months
My Opinions Of TVDU In 2024
(They really haven't changed all that much but I feel like sharing)
–I loveeee Delena. Yep, I love this ship with all my heart and I'm not afraid to say it.
–I loveee Damon, probably another problematic opinion but I don't care.
–I don't like Caroline. There, I said it. She is just the kind of person that would irritate the shit out of me. Honestly, until season 8 I couldn't handle her scenes.
–Bonenzo is the best. Loveee it. They deserved better and I personally want to stab Julie Plec for how they ended.
–Bonnie deserved better. This is an universal truth.
–I hate Tyler, but I recognise that he was right to hate Klaus and right to be mad at Caroline for sleeping with him. Revenge on Klaus was kind of dumb, but understandable. He was right to want him dead.
–Klaus is my beloved, always going to be and I'm not even sorry.
–Marcel is a Mikaelson!!! Marcel is Klaus's son and his treatment is another reason for me to feel murderous to the writers of the shows.
–I don't like Kol. Yeah, he was right in many things, but he came across as somehow self-righteous and believed himself better than his family. Like bro, you aren't.
–Finn deserved better. I honestly still wonder if Finn knew about Klaus's real father, 'cause if he did Klaus would have a valid reason to hate him. I am saying this because in The Originals season 2 episode 3 we have flashbacks of young Klaus and the necklace Esther gave him. If I remember correctly Finn was always in the background and even retrieved the necklace when Klaus lost it. Given that Finn remembered Freya and what happened to her, it wouldn't be far fetched to think he knew who Klaus's real father was and hid it as well. That being said, he is a victim of his parents as well and deserved better.
–I hate Elijah. He just gives me the wrong vibes.
–Marcel and Rebekah made sense and I ship it. The Mikaelson family is insane with their romantic relationships, so they just sort of clicked.
–Kol should have taken the cure instead of Rebekah. Bekah could just adopt, but what is going to happen with Kol when Davina dies? Nothing good. Plus, he loved being a witch.
–Hayley and Klaus and Klaus and Cami made way more sense than Haylijah and Klaroline. Honestly and throuple with Klaus and the two women who call him out on his shit the most would have been chef kiss. Hope deserved two moms.
–Every Klaus ship made more sense than Caroline. Bonnie? Bennett witch and he likes witches. Aurora? First female vampire (other than Bex) and met him when he wasn't as he is now. Elena? Has Tatia's face, and I think if Klaus just tried to befriend her and explain why he needed to break his curse she would've helped. Camille? Her mind, she clocked him the moment they met, not to mention the O'Connell legacy. Genevieve? Powerful Witch. Hayley? Baby mama, werewolf princess and hybrid, not to mention they are similar. Stefan? The ripper days gave off fruity vibes. Damon? I love their scenes together, they have a similar vibe to them. Rebekah? He is literally killing her boyfriends left and right. Elijah? The codependency is strong here, Elijah's girlfriends have a higher mortality rate than Rebekah's boyfriends. Katherine? Tatia's face, also they are similar. Greta? Their few interactions in season 2 pointed to a thing going on.
–Elena is overhated. Baby has the biggest survivor's guilt in the universe and still she soldiers on. I hate when people said she was less compassionate as a vampire, I honestly thought she was the same. Like, she controls her hunger to become a doctor. She is too good for this world.
–Enzo should have been introduced sooner, Bonnie and him should have gotten together sooner.
–They should have explored Damon's trauma with Augustine more, and the fact that he always disregards his emotions.
–Klaus wolf side should have been explored!!!
–Unpopular opinion, but not everything Katherine did was necessary for her to survive. She could have easily contented herself with one Salvatore brother, but she had to go after both.
–Davina and Klaus needed more scenes together. I mean, that's her adoptive grandpa!
–Lily was awful, Damon was in his rights to not forgive her.
–I liked Valerie, and I liked her with Stefan.
–They should have explained more about Klaus ability to have children, 'cause that was weird. I loved it, but weird.
–Alaric should have died and the twins should have been raised by someone else.
–Matt lived too long.
–Jeremy and Damon were kind of funny.
–Bamon was really great.
–They should have addressed the fact that growing up Damon was the only one there for Stefan. We saw that in the flashbacks but they should have said it more.
–Damon purpose in life was to live for those he loved. My take on him.
–Damon was pretty humanity-full vampire until after Augustine when he turned off his humanity. But, five years of torture in the hands of humans would do that to a guy.
–The witches opinion on vampires were ridiculous. This species has been around for over a millennium, they are pretty assimilated in the magic ecosystem. I think their extinction would actually do more damage than their existence.
–Mikael and Esther deserved more pain.
–I think Dahlia only tried to negotiate with Klaus not only because he was Hope's father but because he was the only one who wasn't Mikael's son.
–Vampire/Supernatural politics are actually so interesting.
–Lexi was too hyped. And I don't get what she had against Damon in the forties.
–Legacies doesn't exist.
That's all. For now.
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burst-of-iridescent · 11 months
Hello! (First I wanted to say I'm sorry if you've answered this before, and if so could you please direct me to it in your response?) but I was wondering what you thought of Zuko's betrayal toward Katara in The Crossroads of Destiny, if it felt in character or not for him, if not, how do you think it should have been written differently? On the same note, what are your (specifically Zutara related) thoughts on Season 3? Is there anything you would have written differently, and if so, how? Personally, I always felt dissatisfied with S3 in general, although it was still overall enjoyable. I don't even personally dislike kataang, but maiko disgusts (and I mean REALLY) disgusts me.
i know there are many who argue that zuko's choice in CoD was character assassination, that it was meant to torpedo zutara, that it was too sudden etc etc... but personally, i've always felt that it was both in-character and necessary for zuko at that point in his arc.
i can understand how on first watch it seems like too much of a turn-around, given how zuko's arc seemed to be heading, but i think this ignores two things: firstly, that the path to redemption isn't linear and secondly, the real context of the choice that lay before zuko in CoD.
it's one thing to give up on chasing the avatar and accept a quiet, humble life in ba sing se; it's another entirely to actively turn traitor yourself and work against your nation and your family. part of the reason zuko was able to reconcile himself to being lee the tea shop server forever is because it was essentially a path of passive neutrality: he was helping neither the avatar, nor the fire nation. it was the best option available to him, a grey area that allowed him to find some measure of peace without forcing him to pick a side.
azula's coup, however, destroys any chance zuko has of ever going back to that life. he's been dragged right back into the conflict, and this time there's no question of staying out of it. one way or another, he'll be forced to fight, and the only choice left to him is who his enemy will be. azula, his own sister, offering him everything he's ever wanted? or aang, the boy he's spent years hunting, who embodies everything he's been taught to oppose?
and so naturally, when confronted with a dangerous unknown, he chooses to go back to what's familiar and what he spent most of his life believing he wanted. remember that zuko is also a victim of a lifetime of abuse and indoctrination in a moment of extreme psychological stress, and it's no wonder that he picks what he sees as safe and easy (zuko isn't actually safe in the fire nation ofc and he knows that, but it comes back to the case of the devil you know vs the devil you don't), though he himself is aware deep down that it's the wrong choice.
from a character perspective, zuko also needed to go back to the fire nation to realize how much he's changed, and that the home he'd always yearned to return to didn't actually exist, and probably never had. had zuko actually gone with the gaang in the book 2 finale, i think a little part of him might have always wondered about the what-if of it all. ultimately, i think it strengthens zuko's redemption for him to backslide and then actively make the choice to change and still try to do better, further proving the show's message of how it's never too late to do the right thing.
the only thing i would have changed is how zuko's arc in the first half of book 3 is handled, because while i do get what the writers were going for, i think it was a wasted opportunity to get insight into the war from the fire nation's perspective. it would've been cool to see zuko learning about the gaang's exploits and slowly putting the pieces together about who was likely responsible for it, allowing us to see the effects of their actions from the other point of view.
book 3 was definitely the most unsatisfying of the series, because the season as a whole is the least cohesive and well-planned of the three, and coming on the heels of the near-perfect book 2, the disparity is even more obvious. it's somewhat masked by the fact that it does have some of the best individual episodes of the series, which is probably why many people overlook how weak the season is as a whole.
i actually wouldn't change anything zutara-related other than letting them have ONE conversation and a hug post-agni kai (as they deserved) because that entire arc was just *chef's kiss*. my problems with book 3 stem almost entirely from the finale and aang's overall arc, but that's probably too long to get into here so tldr: less magic pointy rock, lion turtle, and half-assed relationships, more letting go of katara, confronting grief over air nomads, and found family with hints of an actually well-developed romance for the future.
sigh, to think of all we could have had.
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apocalyptichearts · 2 months
So, hi! I hope this message finds you well!
I know you might’ve moved on from the AoS fandom, but I’ve come from your TikTok, and I love your May & Daisy edits! The fics that accompany a few of them as well are simply glorious! And the captions are mini fics in and of themselves as well so they’re lovely (if heart wrenching at times) to read, too!
I was hoping, if you wouldn’t mind, could you rec some of your favourite May & Daisy fics? Doesn’t matter whether it’s complete or how long it is :)
Thank you for your time! And for your wonderful edits and works!
Have a nice day/night!
thank you so much for your kind words anon, they really do mean a lot :))
as for maydaisy fic recs, boy do i have some for you!!
now for the sake of not making this post too long here are some of my favourite maydaisy authors:
Book_freak I don't think we can talk about maydaisy fics without mentioning them; of they're 90 or so maydaisy fics, you're bound to find your cup of tea!!
PanicMoon15 for when you need a little fluff and lightheartedness. also, they're Baby Mine, Rest Your Head Close To My Heart series? a must read, no one does AU like they do.
cassiopluto for when you want something a little darker and want to read some insanely good writing <3
daisyqiaolianmay they have so many good fics to choose from and I think I mention The Framework later in this post, but others worth checking out are A Daisy By Any Other Name  and The Parts That Make A Whole Series!!
Inkquillery i can't express in words how beautiful her writing is, all of her maydaisy fics are such joys to read <33
marvelthismarvelthat would've ended up listing all their fics in the following section so I listed them here. they write so many cool concepts it's hard to summarize them, but each and every one is incredible
agentmmayy a lot of sweet philindaisy content as well as a handful of maydaisy angst bcus sometimes that's just what you need.
here are some more specific fics that I (obviously) love:
It’s a Long Road Out to Recovery From Here by PanicMoon15 I enjoy most fics that deal with their relationship post the season 2 finale, but this one is quite something else. the writing and the themes and the characterization and just omg I cannot stress how good this fic is!!
Hold Her Close by StillTryingToWrite I'm a sucker for character studies and introspections and this one is just so beautiful.
silent secret sacred ground by Inkspinner a post-coulson's s5 death fic that is just so sweet and so gentle and I lose my cool a little whenever I think about it.
In Kasias' arena, no one wins… by Axolotl7 read this so long ago but I remember it being just jawdroppingly tragic and such a cool concept. insanely vivid writing <3
Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Series by agentquakingskye philinda becoming grandparents?? yes please. this series is so fluffy and so happy and even if you aren't into daisy x sousa, i think it's still worth reading.
Exposure by agentquakingskye now this isn't maydaisy focused, but they do have quite a few scenes and honestly, I'll take any opportunity to recommend this fic because oh my god. life-changing, I'm telling you.
and if you're into AU's that deal with baby/younger daisy some of my favs are:
from your head down to your toes (and your tiny nose) by agentmmayy of all the "daisy getting turned into a baby somehow" fics, this one is my absolute favourite. sadly I think it was discontinued but I think it's worth reading the 18 chapters posted!
Just a Walk in the Park by Bdoyle1807 I remember lovinggg the dynamic between May and (a much younger) Daisy in this and I'm pretty sure I read it in one sitting so.
The Framework by daisyqiaolianmay such an interesting take on the whole Framework stuff, I can't recommend it enough.
honestly, despite going through my bookmarks pretty meticulously, I'm probably missing some I would absolutely recommend as well, but I hope you find something you like out of the ones listed :))
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nono-bunny · 7 months
Genuinely disconcerting how freely Bryke express their lack of respect for the fans of their show. Also, their hatred of Zuko just... Keeps showing and it's awful to hear them talk about it
I literally could not be less hyped for all the Avatar Studios stuff they kept mentioning during this episode (lead up to book 2) when THIS is how they see their own world. They're horrible horrible people, they mock the fans so easily and it's gross and they just truly still don't understand why ATLA was good in the first place god I hate them
This whole episode in general was just kinda infuriating because they keep talking about the ephemeral "Aang's Arc", and IT DOESN'T EXIST!!! Bryke really don't seem to get that they failed their main character, and the comments Janet reads from fans seem to suggest they're not the only ones who missed this... Somehow. Also wtf is there to like about the General Fong episode lmao it did a poor job of making a nuanced issue, it had damsel-in-distress Katara, and just like The Guru it can be wiped from the roster and it won't effect shit because the whole avatar state subplot was butchered
Speaking of The Guru... I am in two minds about the revelation that it was originally meant to be in the middle of the season before Aaron Ehasz suggested it'd work better close to the end. On the one hand, I feel like it works really well with Crossroads of Destiny and sets up Aang's projected arc really well. On the other, it clearly never ended up going anywhere and they like, basically never talk about it again and I'm kinda wondering if it would've become an actual thing if it was allowed a season to grow rather than being shut down immediately. But like? Season 3 didn't do ANYTHING with it either, so I don't know that giving it more time by placing it earlier would've changed much, either, so... Yeah it's a bad episode that doesn't fucking work at all, but with where Bryke decided to take Aang I don't think that having more time with this plot thread before it got cut would've made things any better. At least this way we're done with it in two and can go right back to pretending it never happened aside from vague allusions to Aang being unable (read: unwilling) to enter the Avatar state
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riceballmari · 3 months
ranking my favorite marinette pairings
okay, so, i am a HUGE multishipper. like, i greatly enjoy shipping characters with different people. since marinette has chemistry with pretty much most of the cast in some way, shape, or form, i figured i'd rank my personal favorite ships with her that i'm fond of.
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5. feinette
coming at #5 we have fei and marinette! i think this is a very unique rarepair and their relationship and dynamic in the shanghai special is adorable! the only reason they're so low is because i just prefer the others with marinette. i think we really need more of them together, as they were the highlight of the entire special for me. overall, very cute, just not my favorite!
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4. marigami
if you asked me to make this ranking a year or two ago, i probably would've put these two lovely gal pals higher up. but my opinion of them has changed drastically since last time so.
i think their relationship is so amazing. the "sunshine x grumpy" dynamic is always something i enjoy (hence why i love tohrin for the same reason). aside from surface level stuff, marinette really shows just how much she cares for kagami. she's her first friend, so naturally, marinette wouldn't want kagami to be left lonely with no one. and knowing marinette, she'd do everything in her power to make kagami feel comfortable and happy when they're together (see mr. pigeon 72).
at first, kagami needed time to warm up to marinette, but she really made a strong impact on her life (gee, i wonder who that reminds me of). i especially like how marinette wanted to get adrigami back together, when that probably wouldn't have even crossed s3 marinette's mind. her willingness to be there for kagami is why i love these girls so much. and kagami actually appreciating marinette's friendship is so wholesome. don't ask me about s5 i like to pretend that season doesn't exist, especially with regard to kagami and how her character was handled.
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3. zoenette
first off, i just want to say, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?? zoe's crush on marinette is so so cute and i REALLY like how they handled it in adoration. zoe's confession was so heartwarming and marinette's reaction and reassurance was wonderful.
zoe, who had practically NO ONE when she moved to paris, is automatically befriended by marinette, who didn't even know who she was and was so welcoming to her. marinette cares so much about zoe and worries for her because she doesn't want her to be a doormat to chloe and wants her to stand up for herself.
eventually, once zoe does, marinette is so proud of her and it really reminds me of the time when tohru congratulated yuki for standing up to akito, but i digress. she can see just how far zoe has come since she first arrived and her growth is everything. their relationship is built on support and trust and that's what makes their dynamic so compelling and sweet.
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2. alyanette
MY BABIES. i am a sucker for the “best friends to lovers” trope and this is basically that, just without the ‘lovers’ part. they support each other so much. their level of trust is put to the test in s4 when maribug tells alya her identity. alya, in return, helps marinette out even more than she already has. marinette needed to tell someone of the burden and heavy weight that's been put on her shoulders, and i think alya is the perfect candidate.
contrary to popular belief, alya is an AMAZING friend. she's the one who gets marinette out of sticky situations and doesn't get upset easily if she slips up (see the mime). despite not knowing what marinette is up to at times, alya still puts her full trust in her because she knows that, at the end of the day, marinette will make the right decisions.
i could ramble on and on about these two, but you get my point. also, i can't be the only one who could just FEEL the tension in the air rising during their oh so very intimate scene towards the end of the reverse special. no, just me?
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1. adrienette
to no one's surprise, adrienette comes crashing down in first place. i love these two SO MUCH. they care about and love one another in different ways. marinette shows her love through gift-giving and grand gestures. adrien shows his love through words of affirmation and by spending time with someone. they would go above and beyond for the other. adrien confronted AND blackmailed lila about marinette's expulsion and her treatment of her in order for marinette to come back to school. (honestly kinda reminds me of haru when he went and confronted akito about what she did to rin). marinette went to adrien's house numerous times to save him from a possible dangerous situation, i.e. oni-chan, gabriel agreste.
in oni-chan, lila sneakily made her way inside the agreste mansion and lied to nathalie about adrien needing to get some extra homework done to bring his grade up. obviously, she has an ulterior motive: to get close to adrien. marinette, hoping to prevent this, follows them. unfortunately, with no luck, she wasn't able to get inside. this does, however, showcase the lengths she's willing to go to for his safety.
another instance of this is in gabriel agreste, after chloe maliciously recorded a video of marinette and her friends talking about gabriel being a bad parent. knowing what this would do to adrien, chloe was planning on showing the video to his father to get him out of school, DESPITE the fact that chloe would never see him again (it's very telling that chloe does not care about adrien or what he wants in the slightest, and would rather fulfill her satisfaction of revenge for shits and giggles).
in contrast, marinette, despite sneaking into the mansion uninvited, comes up a plan with her friends to ensure chloe does not show the video. note that her goal was not to hurt adrien but to save him from chloe's clutches. this was not out of jealousy in the slightest. the video ends up not getting shown, much to chloe's determination, and adrien is safe, which was marinette's goal from the start.
i could list so many different instances where marinette and adrien show their tenderness for each other but we'd be here for hours. their relationship means everything to me. and as much as i love the other dynamics, adrienette work the best in canon, (again, not going to mention s5) and, unsurprisingly, complement each other really well.
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I was surprised to see you put george in absolute best - did you like him the whole time??? I had moments where I loved him but he ended up being too irredeemable for me so im curious to hear your thoughts
he's always been one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite character! a character being entertaining is way more important to me than their likability and I am almost always entertained by george. take owen for example: i absolutely hate him and don't find him likable because he is a smug murderous abuser but i find him very entertaining. the show has lots of great villains who are awful people but we all love them because they are charismatic and fun to watch. I feel the same way about george.
he brings a lot of the show's humor and i like his awkwardness. his nerdyness and intelligence contrasts well with his monstrous side and i like seeing his progression in season 1 towards becoming more accepting of himself. i will also admit that out of the 3 supernaturals in the show, i find werewolves more interesting than vampires and ghosts. i know a lot of fans of the show are more into the vampire stuff and i like it too but i just like werewolf storylines more anyway so that's definitely part of why i like george.
in season 2 we see how much george was affected both by killing herrick and by his relationship with nina falling apart in addition to his guilt about infecting her. even if he's not always at his most likable throughout that season we see character progression. a boring character is stagnant and doesn't change. seeing a character change and grow (for better or worse) makes them more dynamic. a character with flaws is more interesting than a character who is perfect and never does anything wrong. there are characters on the show who i find likable but mostly boring (like hugh or sykes).
i didn't put season 2 george on a lower tier like i did with mitchell because i was still entertained by george in that season, whereas i find mitchell's s2 vampire king storyline one of the least interesting storylines in the whole show (sorry anyone who loves it, just not for me).
HOWEVER i do wish the show had addressed him cheating on nina with daisy a bit more since nina never actually finds out about it (although he heavily implies it in that scene in episode 3x05(?) and i always thought it was weird that nina never confronted him because she is very smart and i would think she'd be able to figure it out). that felt like a totally unresolved aspect of their relationship and seems like a common complaint about george's character. i do find it kind of funny that most fandoms view adultery as worse than murder since i see people criticize george for cheating but never see people criticize mitchell for the box tunnel 20. im guessing it's because mitchell is seen as unable to control himself and will inevitably fall back into his dark side whereas george knew what he was doing (but i do wonder if it being post-full-moon when george cheated on nina was a factor in that decision with the wolf and its more primal tendencies influencing him more than other times of the month. im not justifying george's actions here but it's just interesting that i never see that possibility discussed while mitchell is granted more leeway for what is a much worse crime).
my least favorite version of george is in 4x01 and i agree with what other people have said about it feeling like a weird one-off episode that doesn't feel like the show we know. the whole episode feels like it only exists to kill off george but not before butchering his likability. he's just a husk of himself and his complete detachment from his daughter to the point of not even naming her is really upsetting. i get that grief can do that but i wish the writers would've went a different direction. i would've much preferred them killing off both nina and george in this episode so that we could've seen them parenting together while also dealing with losing mitchell. george comes off as sort of selfish to me in the way that his grief for nina completely overshadow annie's grief for both nina AND mitchell. the episode doesn't leave enough room for annie's feelings. I wanted to see him and annie coming together, not them being driven apart because he barely lets anyone else into the nursery. so he definitely loses likability for me here but i think a lot of that is that it's just an awkward episode that's really more of a stepping stone between 3x08 and 4x02.
i do find it really interesting how the fandom seems to criticize george more than mitchell. i think mitchell sacrificing himself because he knows he will never be able to control himself forever allows him to be redeemed in the end and he is given a heroic send off. george ALSO gets a heroic send off by saving his daughter and killing griffin but for whatever reason people don't seem to view him as redeeming himself as much as mitchell did.
so i guess my answer to your question is that george is still one of my favorites despite where his character ended up because:
he's very funny
i like werewolves and the contrast of his personality to what he is
russell tovey is a great actor who is good at both comedic and dramatic moments
i like his relationships with nina, annie, and mitchell
his character evolves and has ups and downs throughout the seasons
most of all, i am consistently entertained by him
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
With the way the season played out + some comments from the actors/team, I really believed this was the year we'd get a end of season with a cliffhanger. Really feels like they could have intended for the bridge scene to be the whole episode and to leave us with at least Bobby's fate in jeopardy. And then changed it to give everyone a somewhat closed ending.
No, because the signs pointed to the bridge being worse than it actually was and personally I think a cliffhanger with a fan-favorite character in danger would be so effective to force a renewal. Like, imagine we get the sneak peek that Bobby is missing and we don't have the confirmation that season 7 is happening? We would've made NOISE to make sure the show got picked up. And I think the show always tries to package the finales nicely, let it end on a hopeful note for most characters, season 1 we had the start of Bathena, Chimney and his party, Karen coming back home, season 2 we had Bathena's wedding and Eddie's shield ceremony, season 3 we have May's graduation, season 4 we have Eddie's party, Hen's picnic with Nia, the Grant-Nash dinner, Albert's graduation, season 5 we have henren wedding and Eddie coming back to the 118, so like, I think it would be nice not to have a happy ending in season 6, leave us wondering, yk? Like, I don't think they have the balls to pull anything bigger than a temporary character death with the core 7, but like, even though we knew Buck was going to wake up, his death still left us on the edge, to put that in a bigger scale would've been a great experience. Like, my original guess was that rescuing Eddie was going to be harder, and that we wouldn't really see Bobby, he was going to fall, byebye see you next season. With what we got, I maintain that Eddie would be harder to rescue, but I think in a Hen would need assistance in the ambulance so it would take longer for Buck to get to him way, so by the time Athena found Bobby and there was the second collapse, you have Eddie and Chim incapacitated, we have Hen the way she was, we have Buck pushing through something (because i still can't believe he walked away from that unharmed okay, unrealistic lskoasokaosk) because Athena just radioed that she found Bobby then everything falls again and the episode ends. And to have Bobby, Chim, and Eddie incapacitated could even open up something with the broader theme they had going around fathers specifically and you could even do something cool with Buck taking charge but struggling, because you have his surrogate father, you have the father of his niece and you have his best friend who made him responsible for a kid in case something happened, so it could have so many cool ramifications all around. And it felt like they were building up to it and then just chickened out. It's like what @sherlockcrossing said, it's a square peg in a round hole. And it's a hole they built because the whole season felt like they were leading up to something that they chose not to deliver. I would much rather have the show not end than to have that attempt to force a happy ending that they could still pick back up next season if there was one.
I am curious really about how they'll pick it back up next season tho. If they'll retcon shit, commit to it, make something happen offscreen to work with. I'm particularly curious about Marisol and Natalia and the way they were building buddie up just to cut that off. But mostly because by the time the show comes back both relationships will be like, going 6 months (depending on the beginning of the season time jump they decide on once the strike ends) if they choose not to give them the Ali treatment, and to add 2 somewhat long relationships for 2 main characters (that a lot of people want together and that were being hinted at more clearly with 6b) with 2 characters we have no reason to be attached to will be a challenge. I guess we'll have to wait.
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canarypost · 7 months
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first shot we can see not just the people sitting at the help getting spaghettified but the floor and controls themselves?? which means it's not just everyone who works at the tva (who are all variants) getting sent back to the sacred timeline but presumably all matter that exists outside of the timelines. idk if this includes he who remains' lair/space rock/final resting place whatever but basically the sacred timeline is taking every single atom at the tva with it as we can see on the screen showing the timeline states.
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this is small but i noticed that in the first ss the lights in the pie room aren't on but what i'm assuming are emergency lights are on in the hallway and around the entrance?? and im comparing this to the second ss which we've obv already seen. i would've thought that any backup would be in red but yk whatever it's just a show
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i genuinely have no idea when this is supposed to take place. none of these people remember him but they're all here anyway. is this going to be like when ob kept remembering things in real time when loki slipped back in his timeline? who knows
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im just super emo about this. look at them all together. ob get in there you're part of the family too. and i don't like how sylvie is right behind loki here i feel like they should at least have mobius on one side with loki on the other. also b15 rights let my girl be in focus
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this is cool to me actually i like how it represents all the different universes w the letter multiples. also gives me hope that we're gonna meet another loki variant at some point. it'd be cool if we ended up seeing two specifically loki variants together?? it wouldn't make sense considering the established way that time works inside the tva (as we saw with loki's slipping with ob) but it'd be pretty cool to see loki himself react to how much he's changed as a person from an outside pov
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i saw a theory on twt that either loki or sylvie is going to become god of stories either at the end of this season or the show as a whole (that is if there's a s3) and i agreed w them that as cool as it'd be it wouldn't make as much sense for sylvie to do it bc she's already been shown to want and be happy with a life on the timeline and that's never been something that loki wants and it's never been disproven after s1 that loki wants/would be happy in a position of power!!
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girl wth is this. im terrified. get my babygirl casey OUT of there!!!! is this a time prison or smth??? or was casey IN PRISON when his nexus event happened???
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now listen im perfectly fine with him being a father he's always been a dad to me i'm sure his kid(s) is/are wonderful. but god forbid he have a FUCKING WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! IF HE HAS A WIFE I'M STORMING MARVEL HQ
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these 2 are out of order but i put them in what i'm assuming is the proper sequence of events that is 1. loki shows up in the room, 2. loki timeslips away, 3. screen and therefore everything gets consumed. what i don't know is how loki got there in the first place. im thinking this takes place in ep 6 instead of 5 bc loki had his brown tva jacket (not pictured) before slipping and he didn't have it at the end of ep 4. the real mystery here is where tf he got his jacket back from esp when talking to timeline!mobius after the tva got spaghettified
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this one of him slipping INTO the car lot is placed IMMEDIATELY after the one of him slipping away in the tva control room which makes me think either he slips from there to here (still don't know where he got the jacket from!!!) or marvel is fucking with us and these two are unconnected
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what cruel god would ever do this to them look at their sad wet kitten eyes. lord give us strength for the finale i can't do this alone
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this is the one that terrifies me the most. it has the same background as the one with loki. why is loki back in his variant uniform. why are they almost crying looking at each other. what is mobius about to say. are they saying goodbye. what if i killed mys
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i promise this is going to be the only lokius thing i have in this post but like. hello. husbands
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i saw another post on twt that was like "omg loki talking mobius through the walk <33" like no these are clearly different scenes. loki is holding the mic in the scene where mobius is right there in the room with him, it's much more likely that it's (another?) he who remains variant (who is absent in the middle ss with the group). my theory for this scene is that after loki went around the sacred timeline finding everyone and restoring their memories they went back to a time in the tva before he who remains got spaghettied and do pretty much exactly the same thing again. which thinking about it now wouldn't really be a great narrative choice but fuck it it's marvel
k this is gonna be contd in rbs bc i can only fit 30 imgs in one post and this next one is HUGE
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mcalhenwrites · 3 months
Spoilers for Seasons ahead. I know it's not available to read anymore, but I am going to ramble about what changed in the story.
1: Originally, I wrote five names down for the children, but I was thinking of narrowing it down to three. By the time I had everyone's names available, I had already figured out a bit about each child. I already knew they were immortal, so I thought, "Well, I could keep all five of them, and two are grown up now." 2. Shannon was almost the youngest, but then I imagined him growing up on his own. I wonder if subconsciously, this is where I pulled Bee's dislike of Shannon from, since this meant competition for the youngest slot. :') 3. I didn't know they would be Seasons until I sat down and started pouring the first chapter out. I just knew I didn't want them to be vampires. I'd given that plenty of consideration, and as much as I can dig some vampire stories, it wasn't fitting for Seasons. 4. Vivian was the first character made for this story, although he didn't have a name for a long while. The story started to unravel months later, when I did name him. 5. Early on, like before I even had five chapters written, I had planned for Vivian to redeem himself a little faster. (His character had other plans in mind.) This included him doing things to help Sophie, who wouldn't forgive him for everything, but he would go out into his garden, make a child, and hand her over to Sophie with no strings attached. I quickly realized his character was far too controlling and possessive to ever do that, however, and for a long time, I wasn't sure who would birth Odessa for Sophie. 6. I almost made it someone random, because originally, I wasn't sure I wanted the character who gave Sophie a child to be Cole. That's the best fit, though, without inserting more characters into an already hefty story. 7. Seriously, Seasons wasn't supposed to get to 350k. (And now I'm adding chapters to smooth over some transitions and show other POVs, and it's going to be worrisome how long it is.) 8. The plans for a sixth Liddell child were actually pretty late in the story. I think I was nearly halfway through writing it when I said, "What if Vivian had another child, years and years later, and showed he could do better?" I wrote several more chapters before I finally started taking the idea seriously. It started off as a "what if" but eventually, I started rewriting the ending chapter and liked where it went. 9. Until he walked in the door at Phineas's orchard with an infant, I had no idea what gender the child would be. Surprise, it's a girl! 10. I had vague plans throughout the entire story as I wrote it, but a lot of them changed or altered in some way. Mostly, however, I wrote this as if the story were telling itself to me. That's usually how I do most stories. They surprise me during the writing. The characters seem to take over my brain and do their own thing. (This is how Hazel quit his job at the beginning of Rascal instead of getting fired over the plot events, and I had to figure out how to finagle the plot back into the fucking story...) 11. Also, Vivian was going to hit one of his adult children (likely Shannon) and cause a fiasco. I eventually omitted it. Someone would have murdered him at that point. Sophie, probably. Then my story would've been in shambles and stopped there. 12. Shannon's whole breakdown in the basement was planned somewhat in advance, but getting him into the house was hard and took a while to figure out. The original version of the chapter where he takes Howie home did not include their encounter with that stray dog that resembles Bailey. I added that for further pressure on his trauma. I'm a monster. :) Anyway, I thought that was fun to talk about. It's fascinating to think about what changed. :D
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torturedblue · 10 months
Happy 1 year anniversary to the Rise Movie! I can’t believe it’s only been one…
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But in honor of this historic day, I present… Things I would love to see in Rise season 3+:
Part 1 | Part 2
Some of these are kinda the obvious stuff but most are new ideas I really want to see
Neon Leon being leader obviously. What I really want to see is everyone's adjustment to that tho. The movie still gives me whiplash skipping over that since the series finale ends with his being named leader and then Leo still not even technically being the leader in the movie. (I know it was supposed to go down differently without that last line even happening and the whole co-leaders stuff but my brain still doesn’t adjust every time I watch the movie)
The second episode of that dentist guy who wanted Raph's snaggletooth. Apparently there was gonna be a Raph-Leo episode about it? It seems strange it wasn't going to be an episode with all of them trying to help, but honestly it would've been pretty cute to see Leo trying to protect and take care of Raph instead of Raph usually doing that for them. Maybe even some more of Leo doing more of the planning or them collaborating
Dr. Rude and whatever other personalities he Mikey came up with for himself. watch the video and tell me Dr Rude didn't derive from Dr. Delicate Touch 😂
Shelldon 3.0. give Donnie his baby boy back and make him officially part of the family
Piel and Hueso together again, we got two whole episodes but since they only made up at the end of the last one it'd be cool to see a third adventure of them doing something heroic as bros who get along again. And honestly after Leo helped get Hueso’s name cleared and helped him restore his relationship with his brother I want to see how their relationship would progress
Cassandra (& now Casey ofc) being part of the Hamato clan. But seriously all the post-movie fics got me thinking about how we were also robbed of her entire reformation arc and having her on their side would've been so kickass. Especially since she and Draxum kind of bonded and were a good team together. And the relationship she formed with Splinter is so wholesome
Draxum possibly eventually moving in (and making up for dropping Leo off a roof.) He would have such a different relationship with each of the boys I just want to see how he would go about trying to gradually earn their favor once he completely committed to being part of the whole family unit. Only to come to Leo last and have the most difficult time trying to figure out how to make him trust him after the Roof Incident
Big Mama’s ending. Considering we now have two former villains turned good, I'm wondering if they were still going that same route with Big Mama. It very much seemed that way but atp doing it for a third character seems so redundant, not to mention there's still not much reason to trust her by the end of the show since she double crossed them again. I'm still surprised by the fact that splinter is so hung up on her after all the trauma fr. At this point what might be more interesting, realistic and believable would be splinter's journey in trying to trust her again but eventually coming to realize she'll never change, because not everyone does
I did get a response on the Twitter Q&A about it which was really exciting, so seeing this scenario below play out and then leaving it up in the air for whether she eventually chooses good or evil would be awesome to watch
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Finding out the real prophecy of the destruction of yokai kind. Draxum said it must've actually been shredder but Shredder wasn't after the yokai so I wonder if it was something else. That could definitely be an opportunity for bishop if they take the 2003 route with him
Them using each other's weapons/powers. We got a very brief glimpse of this in 2012 but otherwise it’s not something you see in Ninja Turtles. With Rise tho it would be even more so exciting to see them handle weapons other than their own. Donnie being a pyromaniac with Mikey’s kusari fundos (RIP bc I don’t think his nun chuks have that ability anymore?), Mikey being all stick happy with Donnie’s staff and just smacking villains left and right, Raph figuring out how to make portals and how to utilize them physics of them in battle, Leo making a huge projection of himself or a dozen clones with raph’s sais. That would a party of chaos
Also Raph dabbing just on principle he is literally the only turtle who hasn't done it, even Splinter got one in, let the man succumb to the cringe
I’m sure we might've seen a lot of this eventually since it was apparently supposed to have 7 seasons, so here’s hoping it’s a possibility somewhere in the future 🤞🏽
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