#I would die for yasmina
⛄ twst jp december 2023 schedule ⛄
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Early December
📚 NRC Unified Exams! There are new Attack Type battles, as well as Crowley’s office furniture items.
🤵‍♂️🏹 SSR Platinum Jacket Rook! His 💐🧹 Broomquet banner will also make a return. Funnily enough, Platinum Suit Rook is also holding a bouquet.
🏃‍♂️♠️ SSR Club Wear Deuce! The way he’s holding that baton like a yankee would hold a metal pipe to bash someone in with… Old habits die hard I guess…
🐉 Main Story Update (Book 7 Part 6)! This is our gift for the holidays 😳
⛈️🐊 SSR Eternal Knight's Armor Sebek!OMG, HAIR DOWN SEBEK REAL…
This is a limited time card without vignettes just like SSR Cerberus Gear Ortho and SSR Right General’s Armor Lilia.
🎁 Winter Holiday Campaign! Log in every day to get rewards.
🤵‍♂️💀 SSR Platinum Jacket Idia! His 💐🧹 Broomquet banner will also make a return.
🍏 Harveston's Kelkkarotu/Sledathon Rerun!
Features ❄️🍎 SSR Snow Boa Epel and ❄️⚡️ SR Snow Boa Sebek in the gacha banner.
There will also be a new ❄️🐍 SSR Snow Boa Jamil oh no, is this another SSR Yasmina Silk Vil situation gacha banner!
❄️💀 SR Snow Boa Idia and ❄️🐬 R Snow Boa Jade can be obtained by playing through the event.
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silverview · 15 days
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maybe the details of art are common knowledge, but i only read up about it yesterday. it's interesting! it opened in the west end in 96 & was something of a popular hit
it's about three old friends who fall out when one of them buys an expensive painting that's an almost-blank white canvas (a quiet night in); one of them aggressively disapproves, calling it pretentious; and the third is caught in the middle trying to keep the peace
had a ton of casts – a new one every three months. (the effect of this is interesting – more on that below.) tlog were selected to be the last lot before it closed in 02. if you don't already know, who do you suppose played each role? it has nothing to do with the weirdly deceptive promo pics. answers & more below the cut
mark played the friend who buys the painting, steve played the one who disapproves, and reece played the guy caught in the middle. i wonder how that decision was made. i wonder if they considered any alternative configurations (bf had steve & reece switched, which i think makes a lot of sense). as always i'm like. but what does the character say about YOU
they got mixed reviews. nearly every review singles out reece's delivery of this monologue, though they disagree on whether it was good or not. perhaps surprisingly, they don't uniformly characterise it (or his performance in general) as particularly angry. not to be dramatic but i would kill and die to have seen it, just that monologue alone
so below i've collected the most interesting parts of surviving reviews. the last one is my fav. some of them have interesting things to say on the effect of the rotating cast, sort of the opposite of the in9 meta-character effect, which i think is pretty funny & fitting
Reece Shearsmith is a little too giddy with Yvan's furious diatribe about his impending wedding - the laughs are landing so hard that some others are being lost in the process. But he is a particularly touching and vulnerable go-between, desperately sitting on the fence in the conflict that erupts between his friends Serge (Mark Gatiss) and Marc (Steve Pemberton), and finding - as you do - that those who sit on fences are liable to get splinters.
[A] play as bland and flimsy as this requires actors who are not only heroically talented but who also have formidable technical skills. Pemberton, Gatiss and Shearsmith don't. They are likeable, even mildly engaging but you are always aware that they are putting on a performance. What's more, they are far less funny than the two other casts I've seen. Shearsmith, for example, flunks the timing of his long monologue so instead of making an audience rock with waves of laughter, he gets only one big laugh right at the end. The silences in the evening, in particular the famous olive scene, are not eloquent, just empty.
I've heard, though, that other casts have had other dynamics. With some, it plays as light comedy, satirising everyone's pretensions to high passions. Others make it a touching study in the fragility of friendship and all three men's hitherto-unrealised need for it. The cast changes every three months or so [...] Just be prepared for the fact that the show you see will be different in tone and effect from the one your friends saw last year, and will probably be a glib skating over the emotional issues and implications it raises. [...] And while the laidback, indeed colloquial, approach of Mark Gatiss (perky Serge), Steve Pemberton (laconic Marc) and Reece Shearsmith (wickedly neurotic Yvan) may not be to everyone's taste, it's undeniably perfect casting to complete the spectrum of wall-to-wall talent that's made the show such a feature of London's theatrical landscape. [...] Playing cheekily with rhythms of speech and timing, they create a very English rendition of what is essentially a French play, substituting the de rigueur dramatic devices and flourishes with frighteningly real personalities that transcend the dramatic crutch of Yasmina Reza's Continental-style philosophizing text and sub-text. Admittedly the first ever cast of Courtenay, Finney and Stott all those years ago set the benchmark for the production (though I found them yawnsome and wooden) - and the League have the advantage of tapping into the accumulated performances that followed.
i think "laidback," "colloquial," "cheeky," "English" and "real" might be euphemisms for northern – more on that below
Having now seen Art three or four times (to be honest, I forget which), I've begun to muse that in some strange way it's a metaphor for itself. It's not just the performance dynamics, our impression of the trio's relationship, that varies from cast to cast... it's the very sense of how much real content there is in Reza's play, of whether it takes its thematic concerns about inherent versus attributed qualities (whether of a painting or a person) very far or not. In a sense, the performers are the series of diagonal white lines painted on to the white canvas of the play. And like the lines in the painting on stage (or so we're told), they're not pure white: some are vaguely yellow, some are sort of ochre-ish... In the case of the League, the bizarrely unrelated publicity images make clear that what's hoped for is a kind of fake-blood crimson tinge. So although there's no real indulgence, director Jennie Darnell allows the three to turn in a slight caricature of the naturalism with which the piece has usually been played, that little unreality often seen in the kind of sketch comedy where the group cut their teeth. The elegant apartment set is a world away from the League's fictional town of Royston Vasey, but the casting of the individual members plays to respective strengths familiar from their various screen guises. As Serge, who has paid 200,000 francs for the picture, Mark Gatiss exudes an appropriately smug and supercilious cleverness. As Marc, who faces off against Serge by declaring the canvas "shit", Steve Pemberton is more mercurial, with an air of suppressed violence. Reece Shearsmith, the relatively cuddly one [sic], succeeds in focusing audience identification on Yvan, the less smart piggy-in-the-middle. All three are of course skilled performers, and you can see the rapport gained from up to fifteen years' collaboration in, for instance, the way Gatiss and Pemberton trade facial "mugs" as they first consider the painting. However, this very affinity with each other enables them to skim over deeper elements in the play. When Shearsmith gabbles out Yvan's great bewildered set-piece about the complications of his wedding arrangements, we applaud the high-speed delivery but don't pick up enough of what he says to engage with Yvan's travails.
kissing this reviewer on the mouth for specifically describing what he thinks their respective strengths are & especially for describing reece as THE CUDDLY ONE like... idk if it shows but i'm obsessed with how people see them, and how they see themselves & each other
Not so much a piece of headline-grabbing stunt casting as three trained actors flexing their thespian muscles [...] bona fide drama graduates, not comedy chancers. This immediately shows, from their poise, projection and presence. Only the dimple-chinned Pemberton as intolerant Marc comes close to his rogues' gallery of BBC2 personae during moments of rage when he cannot come to terms with Serge's purchase of an overpriced minimalist painting. By contrast, Mark Gatiss as the punctilious, pretentious Serge is the epitome of restraint, as cool as his sharp, charcoal suit. The comic moments are all in context. Shearsmith, as the boyish Yvan, is increasingly troubled by his imminent nuptials. This eventually spills out in a breathless pseudo-Pythonesque rant against marriage that is as funny to witness as it is difficult to say. But throughout, the trio respect Reza's text, sidelining their insatiable appetite for the grotesque that has made their their brand of humour so distinctive. This may, however, be problematic. Having sold out in the West End with their sketch show a couple of years ago, some of the threesome's intensely passionate fans may see Art as a follow-up and feel shortchanged. The eye-catching poster may compound the deception, the chopper, axe and chainsaw being wielded suggesting some Grand Guignol flourishes which never materialise.
The northern accents do not quite ring true in the sophisticated setting of a Paris apartment and often lead to flat performances, where one gets the feeling their brand of wit is not quite enough to portray Parisian conceit. The strongest display by far comes from Mark Gatiss (Serge) - the eerie butcher in League of Gentlemen - as the tall, slightly effeminate doctor who acquires the painting, striking just the right balance of preciousness and acerbic wit. The diminutive Reece Shearsmith is adequate in his portrayal of Yvan, the put-down-upon soon-to-be-married stationer caught in the middle of the feud between his two friends. But the biggest disappointment comes from Steve Pemberton, who plays Marc, the critical compadre who takes Serge's indulgence for contemporary art as a personal slight. Pemberton, normally the trio's strongest performer, well-known for his brilliant turn as Pauline in the League of Gentlemen, seems ill at ease in the role. His northern persona cannot quite stretch far enough to inhabit the part of Marc, an angry homeopathic freak whose insecurity finds it hard to cope with his friend's show of independence over the painting. Like the painting, the play does not remain colourless throughout however. One of the highlights is Shearsmith's 10-minute tirade about the difficulties of coping with the women in his life ahead of his impending wedding.
yeah this one is definitely my favourite. casually calls them ALL scallies, then calls each of them out INDIVIDUALLY for being a) gay b) short c) shit. absolute legend. did they ever find this reviewer's body
related, from this article in the guardian:
"When we first did Art, a review said 'Yes, but can they act?' and that made me angry," said Shearsmith. "I remember thinking 'What have we been doing in The League of Gentlemen? It's not standup."
in 2013, reece said art was his favourite ever play to do. highlights from the replies
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 5 months
And today, instead of anylysing another Yasmina and Sammy scene, we're analyzing THESE TWO BAMFs!!!
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OMFG, these two I can't with these two I love them so dearly my lord. One of my favourite brother/sister relationships of all time. Their so supportive of each other and have a "sorry I just threw you down a mountain, it's how I show affection :)" relationship it's the best dynamic ISTG.
Like, I think Ben is the only other person Yaz voluntarily hugs (Not counting all the time's with Brooklyn cause those were kinda out of like "I protec u").
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Like, Yaz didn't really have a strong relationship with Ben before he became "Island Ben", but when she sees him, instead of standing in shock like Brook and Kenji, she just throws herself at him (In a very "Sammy-like" manner, if I do say so myself lol). She obviously cares for this boy, even in when he was "Scared-Ben" and before their relationship really took off.
And she CONTINUES holding on to him like a lifeline for a good 7 seconds (Trust, I counted lol) AND THEN SHE FUCKING-
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She pulls him in AGAIN. And Ben isn't like, akward about it at all. He just hugs her back instantly, which to me screams that there were never any romantic interest between them (Sorry to those who ship these two) and honestly shows need more of this. Like, these two are the only ones in this series...
ok I take it back, no one has shipped Ben and Brooklyn or Darius and Sammy as far as I'm concerned, but they have such limited screentime together I can see why.
They're the only well-developed and HEALTHY non-romantic duo in this series.
But like, Brook, Kenji, and Darius all had this really...weird and unexplained love triangle going on. Like I swear I wasn't the only one picking up on Brooklyn and Darius in Season 1 and 2, but then it shifts to Kenji for no real reason. Then obviously Yaz and Sammy were hinted at since the very first episode lol, but these two.
They're not even really as sibling-coded as Darius and Kenji (Yet another ship that I hope no one wanted to sail because...ew. their brothers yall. BROTHERS). They're just...different. I really don't know how to explain it. Honestly the best way I can explain it is with these two vvv
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Yaz would definitely call Ben "Dingus" and make a "You Rule | You Suck" board I will die on this hill.
And Yaz obviously trusts this boy with her life. Like, when they were hiding from the robo-dogs (Oh my god, the demodogs and demogorgons of JWCC, the BRADS and BRAD-Xs) she's leaning into him.
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And then they think their gonna die and this snipped right here actually breaks and heals my heart at the same time 🥹
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Yaz just clings to him and hides her face in his shoulder and Ben doesn't waste a single goddamn moment before he tries to shield her as best he can.
*Raine pauses and watches again for science*
Screaming, crying, sobbing over them.
Can't find the GIF for it, but in season 5 when Ben sees Bumpy on get off the boat and makes a run for it, Yaz is the first one who notices Ben is gone. She's looking around for him before everyone else and she's the one who asks "Where's Ben". It's the little details in their relationship.
There's a whole other post I might make tomorrow on the amazing wingmanship between these two with Sammy and Ben's hilarious misunderstanding of Yaz being Kenji's wingman (Still not over that).
I love these two so much, my babies :))) There's so many moments between them that I caught on my rewatch.
Can't wait for JWCT, I miss the children so muchhhh
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phoenixgrl1412 · 1 year
Jazz is Damian's bio sibling, not Danny
I see tons of Demon Twin AUs, and I love them, but I started to wonder about what the universe would look like if Jazz was Damian's sister.
Not sure what her birth name in this AU would be (Yasmin? Yasmina? Something else) so I'm going to just refer to her as Jazz.
I'm thinking that Jazz was attempt #1 at getting the perfect heir, and for whatever reason, she was deemed to be inferior. Is there something actually wrong with her? No, but Ra's is an asshole. If you'd like to go a more sexist route, Jazz could be unworthy because she's female (in this AU, Ra's keeps Talia around to make an heir, not to be the heir).
Despite not being the perfect child they wanted, Talia and Ra's train Jazz until they are able to try again. She's taught as if she was the heir, even though everyone knows she isn't, because there isn't a better choice at the moment.
When Jazz is three, Damian is born. Damian is her little brother and she loves him as best she can, but Damian is raised to treat her as inferior, and it shows. Everyone looks down on her, especially Ra's, and that attitude is the example Damian follows.
Jazz is still trained, because if nothing else she could still be an assassin, but no one holds out much hope for her. She isn't as talented as Damian, even though she's older. She's not as strong or as stealthy or as cutthroat. She is more clever, but she is older than him, so it's brushed off. Besides, good assassin soldiers don't need to be clever, they just need to obey.
But where Damian excels in the physical arts, Jazz excels at the mind arts. Solving puzzles, recognizing patterns, psychoanalyzing her opponents to predict their moves - that's what she's good at. It's clearly inherited from Batman (no one can explain her red hair, though).
When Jazz is eight and Damien is five, Jazz flees the League. Why and how is your choice. Maybe Damian is supposed to kill her in a show of superiority. Maybe Talia helps her fake her death and escape as a final act of motherly love. Maybe Jazz flees on her own, wanting to be something else even if she doesn't know what.
Jazz makes it to America, and then to a little podunk town in the middle of nowhere, Illinois, called Amity Park. She meets the Fenton parents and their almost six-year-old son, Danny. And somehow, they take her in. And for a while, it's the family she wished she had, with loving parents and a little brother who didn't want to stab her.
Danny isn't Damian. He isn't a replacement. She knows that they aren't the same. They are radically different, even if they both make her want to cuddle and love them (at least Danny doesn't try to stab her for doing it). She can miss Damian and what could have been while embracing what she has found.
And for a while, she's happy.
Sure, she didn't expect her little brother (Danny is her Little Brother, Damian is her Baby Brother, there has been and will always be a difference to her) to die and come back, but she's seen weirder stuff when she was in the League.
She also didn't expect Danny to use his newfound powers to become a hero, but it's his choice, and she's going to support him. At least she has her League training to fall back on, even if she's a bit rusty.
And yeah, she was hoping that her adoptive parents would take Danny's halfa status a lot better than they did, but she'd always known it wasn't going to end well. She's always been good at recognizing behavioral patterns, and theirs said nothing good. But she'd hoped, for Danny's sake, that she would be wrong.
She never thought she would flee for her life for a second time, but here she is, driving a stolen car with her unconscious and bleeding brother in the backseat, heading towards the one place she swore she would never set foot in: Gotham.
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r-i-03-17 · 2 months
@yasammyweek So I've decided to do another one of these yasammy week things. And I decided to do the second one, which I believe is hurt/comfort. I did one of these yesterday so feel free to check that out as well as my other headcanons. Hope you enjoy.
Thunder and lightning shook the sky as Sammy sprinted as fast as she could through the forest of Isla Nublar. Her heart pounding so hard in her chest she thought it would give out on her, she couldn't breathe, couldn't see more than a few feet ahead of her, and couldn't hear anything over the rain constantly coming down, hitting so hard it stung her back. But out of the darkness a faint light shone through the rain and pitch black sky. The camp....if she could make it to the camp she'd be safe.
She sprinted on and on as hard and fast as she could, getting closer and closer until she finally made it to the base, but something was wrong...where was Kenji, Brooklyn, Ben, Yaz, Darius? They weren't in the ground waiting for her, or in the treehouse. She looked everywhere for them but nobody was there.
Something broke behind her, she flipped around only to see two red eyes, massive white fingers, attached to massive white claws, and Yasmina Fadoula pinned to the ground, covered in blood and mud, with the claws of the Indominous Rex digging into her back.
Y: Sammy....help me......please.....
Yaz was silently sobbing, begging to be helped, and Sammy wanted to, but something was holding her back, holding her shoulders were three hands, one dark skinned, one tan skinned, and one pale skinned. But they weren't attached to anything, blood dripping down the arms and onto the floor. Sammy was horrified, backing away and trying to find Yaz. But all she saw was the claws of the Indominous piercing her best friends back and dragging her away while she screamed and cried, desperately trying and failing to get away. Then it was silent, deadly silent.
Sammy had just seen her best friend die right in front of her, all her friends gone, except for one.
B: Why didn't you help us Sammy? We needed you and you weren't there. Why Sammy? Don't you care? It was your fault we got trapped here in the first place, but you couldn't even bother to keep us safe?
Sammy stood horrified as she watched Brooklyn, a limp figure in the jaws of a T-Rex, speak to her in a monotone voice and unblinking eyes. Covered in blood and dirt, tear stains visible on her face, reaching an extended hand to Sammy, beckoning her to come closer.
Brooklyn grabbed Sammy's arm and yanked her in close, for a minute having a clear expression of anger, fear, sadness and pain. Inches from Sammy's face, Brooklyn spoke.
B: You are the worst person on this planet, we supported you, forgave you for stealing my phone and getting us stuck here, and yet you couldn't even be here to help us? Kenji, Ben, Darius, and me are all dead because of you!
Sammy was able to speak for the first time, sobbing and holding onto Brooklyn's hand and apologizing as desperately as she could.
Sammy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I was...I....I just... I didn't want....
B: What? Didn't mean for anything to happen to us? HA! A little late for that Sammy, isn't it? You know the saddest thing? Yaz was holding out hope for you, convinced you would save us, that you would be there when we needed you.....it's pathetic really, that girls love and admiration in you so strong that she bet her life on it.....and you let her down.
Sammy: No.....
Sammy fell to her knee's, defeated. Brooklyn was right, SHE was the reason her friends were dead, SHE was the reason they were stuck on the island in the first place....it was all her fault.
A black figure seemed to appear out of nowhere as Sammy sat on her knees in the rain. As the girl looked up, the lanky, spiky, figure was all too familiar for her, the Scorpius Rex. The creature from hell raised its tail and extended it's poisonous spikes. Sammy knew what was coming, somewhere in her memory she recognized it, and accepted it. Sammy closed her eyes, puffed out her chest, and lifted her arms into the air, as she felt a sharp pain in her side, and the world faded around her.
Yasmina Fadoula sat beside the hospital bed where her wife lay, scarred, bloody and bruised. Yaz had been at a contracting job (she was a carpenter) and was having an amazing day. She was planning on picking up some flowers and a special order from Sammy's favorite fast-food place for the couples 3rd wedding anniversary. She had invited Kenji, Brooklyn, Ben, and Darius down for the weekend and they were all planning to go on a special camping trip, where Yaz had rented a portable movie projector kit, and had ordered everyone to pick out their favorite movie to watch. That's when she got the call, Sammy had been in a car accident, swerved off the road to avoid a dog, and hit a telephone pole. It wasn't looking good, and she needed to come to the hospital right away.
Yaz had broken about 16 traffic violations to get to the hospital, and almost took out a handicap sign trying to park her truck. She raced into the hospital, to find Brooklyn standing outside the door to Sammy's room, and stopped her from entering. Before Yaz could speak, Brooklyn did.
B: Yasmina, I know you're worried, and you have every right to be, Sammy's looking rough. But she needs you to be calm, if you get worked up, EVERYONE will get worked up, and that won't help anybody, so I need you to take a breath, calm down, and slowly walk into the room with me, ok?
Yaz and Brooklyn walked into the room and it took Yaz a lot of self control not to freak out. Sammy was wrapped in bandages, hooked to a heart monitor, with her chest slowly rising and falling, soaked in a pinkish red. Ben, Darius, Kenji, and Brooklyn sat with her for 3 hours before anyone said anything.
Y: Why did this have to happen, why her? I was so excited for tonight, the movies, the food, the surprise, of COURSE this had to happen to her......like we haven't been through enough already.
Ben: Surprise? What surprise, Sammy knew about the camping trip and everything already right?
Y: Yeah....she did, but that's not what I was surprising her with.
Yaz sat back in the chair that she was sitting in, and everyone noticed that her stomach had seemed to have gotten a little bigger, but not from food.
B: Yaz.....are you....
Y: Yeah....4 months along. Sammy always wanted kids, and for obvious reasons we couldn't "technically" have our own, so I found a good donor through a reputable company and....
D: Yaz that's amazing, Sammy's going to be so excited, once she wakes up........
The room went silent after that, because there in lies the problem, they didn't know if Sammy WOULD wake up, the doctor was hopeful, but remained realistic, the crash did a number on Sammy, and was very clear the only reason Sammy even MADE it to the hospital was because she was wearing a seatbelt, and only hit the pole going about 30.
Sammy was unconscious, nobody was sure if Sammy could hear them or not, because she showed no signs of moving. But Sammy could hear them, and she knew if it was the last thing she did, she WOULD wake up, and WOULD meet her child, whatever it takes.....
6 days it took Sammy to wake up, 6 days of nothing but worrying from her friends, and a near heat attack for Yaz when Sammy's heart monitor started to speed up, Sammy's heart beat apparently skyrocketed for no reason. Turns out the heart monitor had a malfunction and Sammy was perfectly fine, Yaz was not. Brooklyn almost put the nurse in a hospital bed of her own, and DEMANDED the hospital check on Yaz and the baby. They checked on the baby.
When Sammy had finally woken up, she was greeted by her wife, friends, and smiling hospital staff. Yaz immediately asked how she was doing, and Sammy had assured her that she was okay.
Sammy: All I want to know is how "she's" doing.
Sammy said as she gently and weakly put her hand on Yaz's stomach. Yaz's eyes widened in surprise, before smiling warmly at her wife, and reassuring her that "she's" ok.
Y: So, you think it's a girl....I've always wanted a girl.
S: Me too. I'll love she or he no matter what, but a daughter has always been my go-to when I think of having a baby.
Sammy beckoned Yaz closer, and whispered something in her ear. The two women smiled and looked at Brooklyn, which made Brooklyn a little nervous, but they called her over.
S: Brooklyn, you are one of our best friends, an incredibly important person in our lives, and have been nothing but supportive of us since we've been together, and we wanted to ask you......
Y: Would you like to be our child's godparent?
Brooklyn was stunned, shocked, and so happy. She immediately accepted, and thanked them for the incredible honor. The entire group hugged and talked for the rest of the time Sammy was in the hospital.
5 months later, it was Yaz in the hospital bed, when the accepted Isabella Fadoula into the world. And it just so happened she was born on the day they returned home to their families. A consistent reminder of the best days of their lives.
Sorry if it's not the best, I'm tired and just threw this together on the spot, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless
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st4rrmii · 1 month
The End.
((CW//Death, blood))
(Quick thing I wrote based off something I drew earlier, sorry Lu)
They made it home.
After what felt like a lifetime of fighting, again, and again, and again, they made it home. All seven of the camp fam, including their friend who they once believed to be dead. Brooklynn, Darius, Kenji, Sammy, Yasmina, Ben, and Lucien were all home, they were safe. There were smiles all around, everyone hugging each other, basking in the warmth of their friends' hugs. Everything was okay.
The familiar sound of a gunshot rang out, everyone's heads snapping towards where the noise came from, finding a disgruntled woman standing atop the boat they had all just came off off, her pale skin covered in blood, dropping the gun she held as she made her final step, succumbing to weakness now that she had used her final bullet.
“Is everyone okay?” Sammy called out, looking around as the others checked themselves for wounds, five other voices responding with confused ‘yeah's.
Only five.
Everyone whipped around once they heard the sound of jeans hitting concrete, a horrified silence filling the air once they saw Lucien on his knees, going limp and falling forwards, the fall moving his hair and allowing everyone to see the bullet wound in his upper back.
Ben was the first to move.
His jacket came off instantly, the tall man instinctively wrapping it around Lucien as he rolled him over onto his back, propping him up in his lap and holding his head up, watching the blood spill from his nose and lips while his pants began to feel warm from the wound on his back. “Lucien, Lucien stay with me, you're going to be okay.” Ben's voice was scared, like he was a little boy all over again, looking up to the others and making use of the volume that came with being a giant,”WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STANDING THERE FOR? GET HELP.”
Brooklynn ran off, Yaz not far behind as they went searching for someone, ANYONE, to help their injured friend. The other three were too terrified to move, Darius had seen a similar scene before, but he never saw the body, this time he saw everything, he was watching as his friend bled put in their lover's trembling arms, there was no coming back from that, this was real. Kenji was the same, having watched his father be torn to shreds only a couple months prior, he couldn't do this again, he wanted to help to bad, but he was frozen, unable to take control of his body, just like he was when his father died. Sammy had seen death before, but not like this, she'd seen older family members take their final breath, a few cows die of natural causes, the couple deaths on the islands, but this was different, this was a friend being taken away far too early for her comfort, someone she loved having their life stolen from them before they were truly able to live it. This was murder, plain and simple.
Ben could feel the hot tears pouring down his face, he was trying so hard to hold them back, trying so hard to stay strong, make sure Lucien knew he was going to be okay, yet they still fell. He could feel how shallow Lucien's breaths were, feel how labored each attempt to fill his pierced lung was, gargled breaths filling Ben's ears, that's a sound he would never forget.
“Lucien, Lucien hey, look at me, just keep breathing, okay? Brook and Yaz are going to get hel-”
Ben froze, he watched in silence as the life drained from Lucien's eyes, the taller man going completely limp in his arms, the sudden deadweight making him have to readjust, pulling his body closer to him. “No- nonono NO! Lucien- Lucien don't you FUCKING DARE-” Ben's voice cracked, he was angry, he was so goddamn angry, they were home for gods sakes! They made it! They were supposed to be on their way back to Lucien's place now, finally living peacefully together like they deserved, yet here Ben was, cradling the lifeless body of his soulmate, praying to a god he didn't believe in that SOMEHOW Lucien would wake up.
That didn't happen, though. That was never going to happen, Lucien was dead, and he knew that.
It was too late, no matter what help the girls would find, Lucien was gone, he wasn't coming back, ever. Sobs wracked Ben's body as he desperately pulled Lucien in as close to him as he possibly could, pushing his face into the now cold crook of his neck, high pitched attempts at breathing forcing their way out of the man's throat as he wailed. This wasn't supposed to end like this, they were supposed to grow old together, raise Speckles and Bumpy on Lucien's little cottage while Ben learned to garden.
Now Ben was never going to learn to garden, he was going to continue to live in a city he hated, he was going to tell Lucien's sister she had lost the only family she had left, he was going to go visit Bumpy alone and break down all over again when he heard her sad and confused grumbles when Lucien wasn't there. Ben was going to put that same suit he wore to Brooklynn's funeral on again, he was going to watch yet another casket be lowered into the ground, but this time the person it belonged to was going with it.
Ben was alone, again.
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
6 days until JWCT
In this post I'm gonna talk about the extended trailer that came with the premier yesterday. Some people have put it on youtube so it is available to watch separately.
So first, my initial thoughts and observations:
There's a scene where Ben, Darius, and Sammy are in Darius's cabin or perhaps it's Kenji's RV.
Darius slips during rock-climbing
Yasmina frozen moment? There's a scene where she's sitting/frozen in the dark looking at something in fear maybe
Sammy's kick is by far my favorite part of this entire trailer. Like damnnn girl <3<3 The sweet harmless Sammy we saw in CC has definitely changed and I love that for her.
The dinosaur free island is so interesting to me and I'm so talking about it.
The scene where Sammy gets into the van and she's holding onto Yaz <3
Darius crying at the crime scene...
Now let's get into the substance of it.
The main thing I want to talk about is the dinosaur-free zone and Yaz living on it. I find it really interesting how people made a DFZ in the aftermath of dinos on the mainland. It makes sense, especially if you consider it a sort of apocalyptic scenario that there will be communities in order to get away from the chaos. The place seems really pretty and cool enough and I can for sure see why Yaz chose to live there and also why she doesn't want to leave. It's the same place that we see in the released clip so let's get into my first theory:
Brooklynn's death is what caused Yasmina to move into the DFZ. From the mock interviews that were released we know that before the events of CT and Brooklynn's death, she and Sammy were living together on the (dinosaur ranch). Perhaps Yasmina was managing well enough with living with the dinosaurs on the ranch but when Brooklynn was killed by a dinosaur it caused all of the progress she had been making with her trauma to regress. Maybe seeing Brooklynn die at the dinosaurs they had evaded on Nublar reinforced the idea that they aren't invincible just bc they survived Nublar and that dinosaurs are still dangerous. And I'm going to assume that Sammy is ranching herbivores so maybe that made it easier for Yaz at first but after Brooklynn's death, all dinosaurs were off the table so she moves to the DFZ.
Now the clip that was released earlier with Yaz and the hologram, it either takes place before or after they try to get Yaz to come with them. Now, assuming that the clip takes place before, here's my next theory. And I'm going to assume this bc I feel like the mood and the pace of the released clip is not one that would happen after being told they're being hunted.
Obviously with Yaz's PTSD and such they probably don't want to freak her out with the whole being hunted thing (shout out to Ben who failed at the "I don't want to freak you out" with Darius) and want to drop it on her delicately. But Yaz gets side tracked/really wants to show them what she's been working on so it's making it more difficult for them and of course Sammy wants to be a supportive gf but also needs Yaz to leave her comfort zone because of the rising circumstances. Like Yaz's "give me a second" along with Sammy's elbowing and "help me out here" leads me to believe this. Sammy's trying to break the news to Yaz and seeks out Ben's help who's like, 'hey she's your girlfriend."
I've also seen a couple of people say that maybe they had an argument after which I agree with. We see Sammy alone, possibly cooling down, when the van comes through the tunnel and being chased by a dinosaur.
That'll be it for today's post because I do want to get it out today when we have 6 days left.
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sweetpea-sprite · 1 year
i love that a large part of oliver's character arc is coming to love ni no kuni over time until the journey is no longer only about saving his mother to him but about defeating shadar. and i will forever be pissed that level 5 got rid of most of it in wotww. btw.
accidentally wrote an essay about this so i'm putting it under a read more
they didn't get rid of all of it. he has his soulsnare moment. he. uh. i'll be completely honest with you i'm entirely blanking on ANY other moments. like obviously he willingly sacrifices himself to defeat shadar but that's like the culmination not the build up. um. what other. uh.
okay anyway in dotdd you can SEE him get more attached to ni no kuni. literally the first cutscene you see of him after gateway (the deleted ghibli scene. you can see it in the casino in wotww) is him staring at the world in awe. it's emphasised. there's a zoom in on his face. in wotww he has a moment like this but it's a lot less focused on oliver's reaction and more on showing You the beauty of it. (the ghibli scene is prettier anyway...)
in general dotdd does a much better job of showing oliver falling in love with the world and its inhabitants. listen i am the fairyground's #1 fan but in the arc it replaces there's a scene where swaine protects esther, and then immediately after they start fighting again, and oliver starts laughing because he's FOND OF THEM. they're FRIENDS. it does a much better job of showing the party's bonds with each other than the fairyground does. (in a perfect world we would have both the fairyground and del mokahl.)
it's even little thingsss. stuff like swaine directly saying he wants to go with oliver. the tombstone trail where oliver makes friends with a ghost and cries when she disappears. it's so much more obvious that he's getting more and more attached.
and then in xanadu when they discover that mornstar's stones are scattered and they have to find them there's a TURNING POINT. where oliver steps forward and stubbornly says well i don't care that it seems almost impossible. there's a CHANCE. we can do this. think of everyone who's out there suffering we have to TRY. otherwise what was the point of everything we've done up until now? (foreshadowing for his soulsnare moment!) and he doesn't mention alicia ONCE.
in wotww the only stone guardian where you clearly help someone in need is aapep, where you help ali and yasmina break their curse. in dotdd it's all three - oliver promises to look after grey/cerboreas for his past owner, and also, um, organises a union during crossbones. it's just a lot more obvious that oliver wants to help people. he had an ulterior motive for coming here but now he genuinely wants to help and it's OBVIOUS.
and then oliver gets really fucking angry at shadar in perdida. he gets more pissed off in general in dotdd (yet another trait i wish wotww oliver had...) but specifically at shadar he starts shouting about it to the sky. he gets PISSED. it's set off by them discovering a girl who had a piece of her heart stolen by shadar due to her grandmother, on purpose. oliver shouts to the sky that he is "going to SAVE that little girl!"
even the SOULSNARE isn't only about alicia! esther and swaine get trapped in there too and oliver tries to run directly into the poison marshes HIMSELF to get them back and is only stopped by drippy who rightfully points out that he will DIE.
when he finally frees the souls in the soulsnare he has the wotww moment of "everything we've done up until now was for nothing" and then is reminded of everything they've done, and his reason for fighting CHANGES ENTIRELY!!! and it changes in wotww as well - this is the most important part of oliver's arc, after all - but in dotdd. it's already changed. they don't even need the pea montage because you already know how much oliver loves this place.
and then he SACRIFICES HIS LIFE FOR IT!!!!!!! he came here to save his mother - remember, he SAID NO when drippy asked the first time, until he learned about alicia. but he's become so attached and in love with ni no kuni that he heads into a battle he knows he's not coming back from to keep it safe. it drives me NUTS. this world isn't his own and he's killing himself for it because he adores it so much. it's [SCREAMING]
and then in wotww they get rid of almost all of this and oliver is still a fantastic fucking character. they got rid of all of his anger and most of his tears and he's still phenomenal. isn't that crazy. like dotdd oliver is superior but wotww oliver is still really good is the thing
god. anyway. this is your sign to play dotdd. please. please. please. pl
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ngray192 · 2 years
Ok, so a little while ago I posted about me writing scenes from a documentary that the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous kids would do after they got rescued. So, since people wanted to see it; here it is...
"State your name, please"
"Ben Pincus"
"Sammy Gutierrez"
"Yasmina Fadoula"
"Just uh call me Brooklyn"
"Kenji Kon"
"Darius Bowman"
"What were your first feelings when you got to Camp Cretaceous?"
"I was terrified"
"I felt guilty because I was there to spy..."
"I just didn't want to be there. Camp was never really my thing."
"Can you elaborate, Yasmina?"
"I've never been too good at making friends. My life has always been about being the best as an individual, not as a team."
"I was ready to 'unbox Jurassic World'" She chucked a little when she said the line she had said so much during her time on the island
"I don't really know how I felt." He paused. "I guess I felt like I was lying to myself. I kept telling these kids how rich I was hoping it would make me feel better about how my dad just put me on this island to get rid of me for a few weeks."
"I was excited. My dad and I always wanted to go to Jurassic World and I actually did it, I got to see dinosaurs."
"I didn't want to leave them," their camp counselor, Roxie, said "but I was forced to. We tried everything to get them back, but after three months we lost hope. We didn't expect them to survive on their own for more than a month, let alone seven."
Yasmina put her foot on her chair, motioning for the camera to zoom in. "I had to get surgery for my ankle. When I distracted the Mossosaurus I had to jump onto the stadium. I tore a ligament right here," she pointed to a small scar and then sat back down. "It hurt like hell, but I just kept running. There was... so much running. Every day, we ran, and ran, and ran."
"I... couldn't hold on," Darius didn't look at the camera. "I couldn't hold on and he fell."
"Darius," the interviewer said his name gently, "Ben is fine. Everyone is fine."
"No, none of us are fine. We're all scarred, we can't sleep, I know none of us eat enough. None of us are fine, and it's my fault because I couldn't hold on."
"We blew up an entire tunnel to get to that boat. We almost killed Toro, we used Ben's hand sanitizer to light a fuse. And we still didn't make it. We had to go on fighting to stay alive cause it wasn't enough." Kenji looked down at his lap.
"That's when we met Mitch and Tiff." Darius said to the interviewer. "They pretended to be there to rescue us, but they lied. They were there to hunt dinosaurs, and almost killed us."
"We– we thought he was dead." Brooklyn had tears in her eyes. "We watched him fall. Darius blamed himself, Kenji wore his fanny-pack, Sammy cried and cried. Then he was back, with Bumpy."
Brooklyn smiled slightly, "She's Ben's best friend, an Ankylosaurus we met in the genetics lab. He called her Bumpy because she had asymmetrical head bumps."
"We watched people die. After a while, it just didn't phase us." Ben said, not looking at the camera. "That can change someone. We saw dinosaurs eat people, see what was left while we walked through the jungle, and we changed. Darius went into 'leader mode', Brooklyn went into 'Esther Stone mode', Kenji just shut down and acted like it wasn't happening, Sammy tried to stay positive, Yaz just kept pushing herself, and I-" he stopped talking. "I got dangerous."
"Dangerous how?"
Ben looked up, his eyes were glossy. "My only thought was survival. I was ready to beat the shit out of that Hap guy even though he wanted to help us. I blew stuff up, I even tried to stay on the island."
"Why would you want to stay on the island?"
He shrugged, "People want to do crazy things when separated from civilization."
"I couldn't do anything. I wish I could, but I was useless. Yaz nearly killed herself for Sammy, Darius did everything to get us home, Brooklyn's YouTube videos helped us countless times, Ben had a fucking dinosaur, but me? I was absolutely useless." Kenji put his head in his hands.
"I'm sure you tried your best, Kenji" the interviewer was calm.
"How would you know?" He stood up off the chair, looking at the interviewer, "I showed Darius Toro. I wanted us to go in the tunnels. I didn't pack so we didn't set sail and the Scorpious came. I was gonna give Wu the computer and let the world be ravaged by dinos. I trusted my dad. I wasn't helpful at all when we were there!"
"Some good things happened when we were there," Sammy said, smiling a little. "I got to meet so many amazing people. I stopped a corrupt company. I met my amazing girlfriend. It was horrible, yes, but it wasn't all bad."
"Did you have a favorite moment on Nublar?"
"When Bumpy and I ran over Dr. Wu's laptop."
"The night we saw Tiff and Mitch's campfire. Kenji brought out Dave's mixtape and I swear it was the funniest thing ever. We were all dancing and laughing, I wish Ben was there." Sammy chuckled softly.
"This one day Ben and I had to bring Pierce, Firecracker, Angel, and Rebel to the new watering hole. That's when I told him I had feelings for Sammy and he did this stupid voice when he was 'helping me' by pretending to be her."
"When Ben saved us. Kenji and I were about to be caught by Hap and all of a sudden he falls. Behind him Bumpy and Ben were just standing there and it was one of the most amazing and confusing moments of my life."
"Seeing my brother get off that boat. We got the proximity alert and I was so worried there was gonna be another problem, but there wasn't. He got my call and I got to see him again, I never thought I'd get to see him again."
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Right. They got sent to interrogate “Sarah” by Elias. Michael would probably still be recovering at that point, and there’s no way Jon could do anything like that alone. So what’s Elias supposed to do, feed him another statement? Tim and Sasha wouldn’t exactly be cut out for that sort of job, nor would Martin, and Basira’s not working at the institute.
Melanie, maybe?
Nah. That’s a recipe for disaster. Although… Elias would be desperately trying to hold onto his plan at that point, so. He might pair em anyway.
And so Nikola threatens Jon, etc, etc, but he’s not really the archivist-
Hang on.
Why would she even bother messing with him? He was never Gertrude’s assistant…
So michael gets bothered by a mannequin, which must be super not-fun to have happen while you’re still not finished recovering from having been shot.
He doesn’t know shit about the gorilla, and is just really getting fed up with the questions about Gertrude, so Nikola just says she’ll “let him think about it” or something.
And then the moment he gets let out of the hospital, B&H nab him.
Nikola plans to find some way to either get information out of him or at least carve him up in a way that’ll make sure the skin fits.
Elias… does nothing, obviously, cause he doesn’t give a shit.
It’s Yasmina who finds him and gets in touch with Jon to get him out.
This winds up with Jon nearly getting flayed and Yasmina being a fucking badass.
I mean, she does work in retail. Specifically in a clothes department at a department store. So she already very much hates mannequins. Kicking their plastic asses is an incredibly satisfying experience for her.
Michael is… almost on death’s doorstep when she gets to him. Nikola hasn’t even been torturing him or anything, he just… hasn’t been able to feed or anything for DAYS, and it’s slowly draining the life from him.
He’s going to die if they don’t get him to a mirror or something.
Which Yasmina knows, because she’s seen this happen with him before.
She orders Jon to go get a mirror. He does. Michael doesn’t wake up at first, but after a few moments, he reaches out for it and goes through.
They stand guard by the mirror, which ends up being a very good idea, cause Nikola — who’d run away instead of getting caught in Yasmina’s mannequin murderfest — comes back, very pissed off, and tries to smash the mirror. Probably has other mannequins with her, too.
Only retreats when Michael comes back out of the mirror and fucks her shit up.
He’s not fully ok, simply cause he hasn’t had any statements recently, (Elias cut him off), but he almost tears off Nikola’s face, which is awesome.
He’s extremely worried about Yasmina being there and seeing him like this, but she’s beaming. And basically informs him that he’d been incredibly badass just then.
“You saved our asses.”
“I- but i look like-“
“You? You look fine. As long as you’re not wearing somebody else’s skin, I don’t mind whatever you want to appear as. Come on, I want to get out of here as quickly as possible.”
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lucidpantone · 1 year
the willems put so much character into sobbe😩god i miss them but like in a good way
I mean let's be perfectly honest. If we get a tiniest glimpse of sobbe in this new gen the fandom will collectively keel over and die. Like god forbid we see Sander and everything will implode. In away I want to see them in the most unexpected moment and in another way I love the last moments we got of them because they sorta of walked off into the sunset and the screen went to black. We get to hold onto them in this untouched way. Where with Elu we kept seeing them and finding out their issues and tho I get why they showed us that. That communication in relationships is hard it does kinda of ruin the magic. I will say that of the two actors herbots or DS I feel like DS would be the most open to doing a cameo because he has that new show. It'd be cool if it drove people to it but we will see. I do think we will see zoe or yasmina.
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noodlearg · 2 years
Young Royals S2 Thoughts - Episode 1
While watching season 2 yesterday, I took notes on it so i could remember my exact thoughts I had while watching it for the first time.
In total, I took 27 and a half pages worth of notes.
I will transcribe them for you in parts. This is part 1.
episode 2:
⚠️Spoilers Ahead⚠️
Simon singing>>>>>>
marcus stop staring like a creep
simme looks so confused
they went to kindergarten together??
marcus making moves
simme stop smiling
ooh felice haircut
texting her bestie <3
periodt quit riding slay follow your dreams
wait so the three of them are sharing now?
aw shes moving out
not the initiation i’m scared
the music is so good
is that what she’s gonna burn?
at least they’re not making her drink spit
not the creepy smile
a condom in the pool?
she’s gonna commit arson slay
oh shit
not slay?
oh he’s getting a ride from marcus
malin 😡
wille felice friendship arc>>>>>>>>
marcus with glasses
not them calling sara weird 😭
shut the fuck up august
slay wille
the reunion
aw wille being nice offering the phone
“i got a haircut” STOP-
also the his are giving heartstopper
jealous wille
you saw him on grindr?
hold up
did he just come out
slay ig
Hillerska song!! they sound so good. better than before. not that they don’t already sound good but. yknow.
nobody told him he’s giving a speech
why did vincent smile at him
oh wait everybody in the society did
wille silence your phone everybody can hear you
Rosh and Ayub see what’s going on
is he crying? poor baby.
wille is not toxic 😡
good advice though (for clarification, i wrote this before they started convincing him to rebound)
yasmina? so rosh is also canon now?
not them convincing him to rebound with marcus-
how thi
oh because money
my bestie :D
that hug tho
(alex rebound? /j. unless)
oh so wille revenge era is coming
they’re just friends though chill
slay they mentioned bisexuality
erik with an onlyfans girl?
yes simme get that opportunity
that smile!!!
so much dopamine
oh it’s the pencil scene now
wait no it isn’t is it? we’re they in their uniforms in that clip?
nvm it is
bestie the pencil cup is right there
wille chaotic evil
shameless and i love it
shut the fuck up august
the sly smile
walters smile is so cute
oh shit he can’t tell alex
but he has to
actually die bitch
or a shot in the head
he’s having a panic attack?
i would feel bad but it’s august
sara slaying
how does she know how to do this? did she used to have panic attacks? what if simme taught her?
oh she’s about to have one rn
or is she
girl what are you doing
what was that i’m confused
oh this scene is gonna make me sob
not him trying not to smile
not the music from the dream
not him hanging up on the queen
marcus singing 💀
audibly gasped when they hugged
they kinda cute tho
shy simme
kinda reminds me of that scene from L*ve V*ctor
Alex and wille friendship then betrayal arc
jealous wille noooooooooo
wille prepared for murder
periodt it’s her fault
slay wille you tell them
that’s episode 1
why do i have 5 pages of notes?
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roselungs · 11 months
Musicians, I am speaking to you of a country engulfed in a fault of history of a people chosen to pay the price of another sacrifice of a story more than a hundred years old full of sound and fury and blood
Behind doctored words clean war surgical strike lies the same old dark reality Lootings blackmail extortions Beheaded sun and acid-attacked moon Clouds flat from dropping bombs Starving animals feeding on bullets if they could they would run to the sea and drown
Territory riddled with anger and rage Days and concrete trembling buildings collapsing one by one onto humans guilty of wanting to live with one choice left die here or there
Ruins upon ruins and among the ruins a vision a rag doll Batman on the wall jumping near a pink mouse a kite going over the hill a guitar torn apart on the table near the sofa some pillows a plastic chair In the middle of the room Yasmina’s long dark hair flying while Brahim whispers in her ear the vagaries of the weather and the games resuming on the beach This was my room . . .
Crickets scatter in the fields and gnaw the plants to the root History does more than stammer Ares god of war has lifted his arm The bloodshed may begin Everything burns fields and cities Immense mushrooms bloom in the skies No more hens in the henhouse Corpses of horses and beasts Doctors searching for souls Are they still there? Have they already left the bodies? Everywhere the acrid smell of death
Time of infinite sadness O rose and jasmine Palestine dressed in dignity dreaming impossible dreams Drunk with power they have hung your remains to the rear of their tanks and march making the V sign of victory to perfect your being torn apart
Is this how men live and their kisses follow them from afar
— Olivia Elias, tr. Sarah Riggs and Jérémy Robert
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a34trgv2 · 1 year
If you'd written Camp Cretaceous, in what order would the characters die? How would each character die?
First Kenji gets eaten by a carnotaurus, then Sammy by the indominus rex, then Yasmina from getting trampled by triceratops, then Ben from falling off the train, then finally Brooklyn from getting swallowed by a liopleurodon.
Can you stop asking me about these terrible shows, now? I really don't want to think about them anymore than I have too.
0 notes
ao3feed-sobbe · 1 year
We Can Make No Anthem
by Prevalent_Masters
The old Sander Driesen could not imagine war. He could not imagine death. He could not imagine this fight lasting longer than a few months, even as the Germans overwhelmed them, even as he loaded a gun with inexperienced, fumbling hands, even as he shot it over and over again, even as he watched men die around him and his city go up in flames. He could not imagine what would come as he walked through rain and mud with the remains of his division west to the IJzer. He could not imagine what would come even after that first true battle, sunk down in trenches for two weeks straight, peppered by machine gun fire and shrapnel, awake for days at a time and walking over, sitting on, tripping over, shitting on corpses–even then. Even then. The mind cannot wrap itself around such horrors. Sometimes, instead, it simply breaks apart.
Words: 9633, Chapters: 3/16, Language: English
Fandoms: WTFock | SKAM (Belgium)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Sander Driesen, Robbe IJzermans, Yasmina Ait Omar, Jens Stoffels, Moyo Makadi, Zoë Loockx, Senne De Smet, Milan Hendrickx, Jana Ackermans, Aaron Jacobs (WTFock), literally every named character in wtfock and several from other skamversus show up in this, Guest Starring:, half of the skam nl and skam france casts, allusions to druck characters, and a single italian
Relationships: Sander Driesen/Robbe IJzermans
Additional Tags: World War I, Alternate Universe - World War I, major character death is not the main pairing, Graphic Violence, Blood and Injury, War, Illness, Period-Typical Homophobia, Period-Typical Racism, Mental Health Issues, Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Spies & Secret Agents
from AO3 works tagged 'Sander Driesen/Robbe IJzermans' https://ift.tt/rwFVciv via IFTTT
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reyos · 3 years
Tumblr media
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