#I wouldn’t wish strep on anyone
cupcakes-and-pain · 9 months
Hey does anyone think I can stop myself from having strep throat through positive thinking? Because I sure hope so.
(being sarcastic, I know that’s not how disease works)
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Sicktember Day 21 - Does This Look Infected To You - Steddie - Paramedic/Nurse AU
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Steve wakes up to the worst sore throat he’s ever experienced. His body hurts, his skin feels sensitive, his stomach aches. He’s freezing even though he’s got sweatpants on and he’s under blankets. 
Shivering, the nurse squeezes his eyes shut, trying to ignore how sick he feels, but after ten seconds he knows it’s useless. Rubbing his flushed cheeks, the brown eyed man looks over and sees Eddie still asleep, messy curls splayed out all over his pillow, a peaceful look on his face. What Steve wouldn’t give to feel like that right now, or to at least still be asleep. 
Coughing quietly, the sharp pain intensifies in his throat. Swallowing feels vaguely difficult, the sides of his neck feel tender and uncomfortable. Getting up slowly, Steve moves to their en-suite bathroom, wishing he had more than just a thin t-shirt on. Fuck he feels awful. 
Rummaging through their middle drawer, the twenty eight year old finds what he’s looking for, the white plastic instrument beeping when it gets clicked on. He slips it under his tongue and waits, all the while prodding his lymph nodes and wincing at the ridiculously tender muscle. 
Another beep- 100.8. Knowing the next step, Steve takes his phone that’s in his pocket and clicks the flashlight feature on. Opening his mouth and shining the light in so he can see, the nurse wrinkles his nose at the sight. It’s red everywhere, white dotting his swollen tonsils. Great. 
The only saving grace in all of this is that he’s off today from the hospital, and Eddie’s off from EMS and the garage. Turning the light off and putting the thermometer away, Steve jumps slightly when hands come up from behind him, and a solid weight is against his back. 
“Hey baby, you okay?” Eddie’s voice is sleepy but full of worry, and their eyes lock in the mirror in front of them. 
“Ugh, I feel like garbage…” Steve turns in his boyfriend's arms, cheeks flushed and skin pale. “Does this look infected to you?” 
Normally, if it was anyone else, Steve wouldn’t even dream of asking. But this is Eddie, who also works in the medical field, and has seen far worse than whatever’s going on with his throat. The paramedic takes Steve’s phone and shines the light once again into his mouth. 
“Jesus, Stevie,” Eddie looks for a moment then clicks the light off, feeling Steve’s forehead with the back of his hand. 
“Just took it, 100.8,” Steve mumbles, letting most of his weight rest against Eddie, who’s tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. 
“Textbook case of strep, we should probably take you to the urgent care so you can get some antibiotics.” 
Steve nods but doesn’t want to. He wants to sleep, wants to be oblivious to how sick he feels. Instead he’s going to be sitting on an uncomfortable wooden table with minimal padding, getting his throat swabbed. He presses his face into Eddie’s shoulder, shivering again. 
“Alright princess, let’s get changed hmm? You can wear that sweatshirt of mine you like so much if you want? Just got washed.” 
“Kay…thanks Eds.” 
“No problem Sunshine.”
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Pairing: Yandere! Jotaro x reader
Prompt: “Just give in to me love”
Description: He was your Jojo, after all... You big, handsome, considerate... stalker. He was also your only friend, though and... you were afraid to lose that.
Content Warning: Yandere, "creepy" gifts, jotaro gets into the readers house without them knowing (but you figure it out in the fic) ask to tag!
Rating: sfwish
Word Count: 1831
Notes: I’d like to thank anyone who reads this, and mister Jotaro Kujo, for dealing with me using reader as an excuse to vent about my work lol nothing like that particular scene has happened but.. well its all based on real like events :pensive:
Notes part 2: man am I glad I don't work at a candy store any more. You guys remember that Sydney arc? I also edited this one a little bit, but again it was more for spacing then content. Hopefully easier to read now that it isn't such big pieces of text.
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“Really?” You sigh, closing your door behind you and sighing. It had happened again; he left you a ‘gift’ inside your apartment, despite everything being locked and nothing being broken into.
“Come on Jotaro…” You went up to the table where a vase of flowers sat. It looked expensive, too, you would feel bad if you just threw it away… Just like the many other gifts you had received. Nice candies and chocolate, a game you had really wanted but been unable to afford, jewelry… you even came home one evening to find your fridge and pantry had been filled when nearly empty and you couldn’t go to the store.
Another time, you had gone to pay off part of your student loans to find they were just… all paid for. It was sweet but a little too much for you… You wished Jotaro would stop well… stalking you, because really at this point, that’s what it was. You weren’t ready for a relationship at this point in your life. You just wanted to finish collage, get by with your job and then, maybe, you would consider it…
Last year, he was the TA for your favorite professors Biology class. He had helped you a lot more than his appearance betrayed. When you had been out sick for a nearly two weeks with a particularly bad case of strep throat it was him who helped you keep in. Not only in that professors class, to your shock but he went out of his way to help with the other classes you were taking that semester to.
The two of you actually ended up getting pretty close after all that and ended up being friends. You seriously didn’t expect it to end up like this...
Leaving your purse and coat on the table, you decide to head to your room to relax for a bit. It had been a rough day at the candy store where you worked-- a lot of little kids who didn’t know how to follow the rules and not stick their hands in the candy, parents who didn’t know how to control those kids and properly wear a mask-- the likes.
All you wanted was to lay down in bed and mess around on your phone for a while.
“_____,” Ahh, but of course you wouldn’t get that.
Of course, your dear old friend Jotaro would be just… waiting for you in your room.
Because that’s what friends do.
You’re not even surprised! This isn’t the first time he’s done this! Honestly, maybe you should start calling the cops…
“Jotaro, I’m not in the mood.” You bypass him and flop on to your bed. You don’t even know why he wants to be with you so bad. He’s seen you at your worst far before he saw you at your best.
“Can you just like, drop it for a night? I had a shitty lab this morning and then an even shitier day at work and now you’re just, here, in my apartment, when all I really want to do is lay down and forget about my problems.” You say all this, mumbled into your pillows. You knew Jotaro understood you though. You would describe him as a freak of nature, in a loving but also please get out of my house kind of way.
“Tell me about it.” He sat on the edge of your bed. God damn him being your friend and knowing you loved to vent.
You roll over, hand on your hip to glare at him. Of course, he’s unfazed, but he ought to know how you feel.
“Okay, so there was the usual idiots-- people who don’t know how to wear a fucking mask even though its been a fucking year of this pandemic at this point, little kids who can’t listen to their parents and I just… ugh you won’t believe this!” You groan, sitting up cross legged to properly speak to him.
“A mom comes in, on the phone, with like, 3 kids. The older two are amazing, they put on their gloves, they use the tongs. Just, amazing. The youngest kid is like, 5 years old tops. Immediately this kid goes for the kill and sticks his hands in some of the bulk candy. And I’m like hey! Don’t do that, other people wanna eat that too! Why don’t you have one of your siblings help you!” You have his utmost attention, bright blue eyes trained on you and the exasperated movements you make.
“So one of the other kids come get him and help him for a bit, but of course they’re kids too so they get distracted and this little fucker does it again! Again!” You fall back on your pillow, dragging your hands down your face as you do. Jotaro is clearly amused as you do so.
“So obviously, I’m watching this kid like a hawk now. And the mom is off the phone, so she helps him. And you know what she says? You know what she fucking says to me Jotaro?”
“What did she say?” A small smile is on his face. Despite everything you treasure it. Jotaro… doesn’t show his emotions often.
“She said ‘I can’t help but feel like we’re being watched because we did something wrong’ while staring directly at me. Ma’am you are! You have the devil on your hip!” You yell.
“I couldn’t take it at that point, I just had to excuse myself to the back and leave my poor coworker to deal with it.” By now you’ve found yourself sitting on the edge of the bed with him, falling into old habits.
“Enough about my shit day, how did yours go?” You ask, swinging your legs gently.
“Not near as exciting as yours.” He laughs softly. “I did the same boring things as usually, you know how it goes. It’s much better now that I’m here with you.” His hand, that had been resting by yours, slides ever so gently to rest over and curl his fingers in yours.
“Jojo…” Softly, you take your hand from his holding it to your chest with your other hand. You look him in the eyes, desperately trying to see what he’s feeling.
“I’ve told you countless time… I’m not ready for a relationship.” You can’t deny, Jotaro had you feeling some kind of way. Your dear Jojo was, after all, a big, handsome, and considerate stalker… It wasn’t as if you didn’t like him. It just wasn’t the right time.
“Can’t you just give into me?” Your taken aback by his words, but he continues. “Just for a night… can’t you be mine?”
You’re silent, fiddling with your hair as you consider his words.
“I know you feel the same for me, why continue denying your feelings?” His words hit you hard and you can't help but feel a little guilty.
“I…” You knew why. You wanted to finish school before you got into a relationship. But it felt like if you said that to Jotaro it… wouldn’t be the same. Like it wouldn’t matter to him.
“What if things change between us?” You look away. “Like, listen I could always go for you not randomly appearing in my apartment… but I mean like. I don’t want to lose my friend.” You sink closer into your bed, scooting back until your back hits the wall and you have your knees pulled up to your chest.
“You know, you’re the only person that cares to hear about my day? That thinks to check in on me…” You cross your arm over your knees casting him a sidelong glance. “You were even the only person that thought to get all my notes and homework for me when I was sick… you hardly even knew me back then.” You laugh a little bitterly.
“If… I did agree to be in a relationship with you… if we ever decided that it wasn’t going to work between us, would you still want to be my friend…?”
Only saying that aloud did you realize… you didn’t have many other friends than Jotaro. You had been so busy working and going to school… they had all been cast to the wayside. Only Jotaro could keep up, because he kept injecting himself back in your life.
“I wouldn’t let it come to that.” Your bed groaned as Jotaro moved back, sliding in to sit next to you on the wall. “I… want to continue to be there for you. Like I am now.”
You looked back to him, this time not pushing him away as he rested one of his hands on your knee.
“You promise…?” You straightened out your legs, allowing yourself to hold his hand and lean into him.
“I promise.” Jotaro gave your hand a little squeeze. Your heart was beating so fast, your throat quickly constricting as your mind considered what a relationship with Jotaro might be like….
“You’ll take things slow? And tell me how you keep getting into my apartment?” You asked.
“You gave me a key when you had strep throat-- you were on so much medicine you were practically high. I took care of you.” He said it as if it were nothing.
“Y-you did? I-I did that? I thought you were only bringing me my classwork and notes…” You looked away from him.
To your shock, you heard him laugh softly. You looked to him in disbelief.
“You’ve been letting yourself in this entire time… oh my gosh…” You shook your head.
“You never did answer my question.” Jotaro held your hand a little tighter.
“Oh, I didn’t, huh?” You giggled softly. “Sorry to keep you waiting Jojo… it must have been eating you up inside.” You winked at him when he just huffed in response.
“I think… I… if we continue to keep things at the rate we’re going… it would be alright… if we dated.” Saying the words aloud felt surreal.
For some reason, you never saw yourself here. You never thought you would be the one to hold his hand first… but it didn’t feel wrong. It was almost as if a weight had been lifted off you.
“Thank you.” You bristle as you feel Jotaro place a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’m sorry I was so… insistent.” That’s the extent of his words but you know, through his actions he means it.
“It’s okay. I was… being stubborn. Like I said I... was scared. I still am but… it’s you, Jojo. So I’m sure I’ll be okay.” It was times like this, Jotaro wished he had the words to express how much he cherished you-- how much he loved and adored you.
“You’re worth the wait.” You moved ever so closer to him, content to cuddle into his side and hold his hand on this quiet night.
You knew, the gifts wouldn’t stop, and the surprise visits would continue… but this time, it would be alright. After all, Jojo was your big, handsome, considerate stalker… it was okay if it was him.
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ravennm84 · 3 years
Doctor’s Note
We all know how Lila fakes having different diseases and medical problems, but what would happen if she actually got sick and her mother went to the school to drop off a doctor’s note and pick up Lila’s assignments? Want the answer? Warm-Fuzzies and please enjoy!
Greta Rossi could admit that she was a bit of a workaholic. Being the secretary to the assistant ambassador of Italy, in a city that was constantly under attack by a magical terrorist, was not the easiest job in the world either. It took a lot of early mornings, late nights, and even some weekends to make sure everything was prepared for her boss. But that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t drop everything for her one and only daughter when she needed her. 
Right now, for example, Lila was trapped in bed with a nasty case of strep throat. The poor girl had a fever, white pustules at the back of her throat, and could hardly stop coughing. It was only due to some very strong medicine that she was able to stop coughing long enough to pass out from exhaustion. 
She had contacted her work to let them know she would be taking the week off, and the ambassador had been very understanding. Stressing that he knew how dedicated she was to her work and that it was good for her to take time off for her family. It was only after Lila was sound asleep that she made the phone call to her school, she wanted to make sure they knew why Lila was staying home and that she would be in later that afternoon to pick up her daughter’s assignments for the next week.
The principal, M. Damocles was his name, seemed very happy to have spoken to her and said that he would have her assignments waiting when she came to pick them up. Also, if she could bring the doctors’ notes with her, that would be very much appreciated.
Checking again that Lila was sound asleep, she left a note on her daughter’s bedside table that she was running some errands, would be home soon, and to text her if she needed anything. 
Arriving at the school, she was surprised to see everything running so smoothly and that the reconstruction after the two month akuma attack had been gone so well. She was impressed that she couldn’t even tell the difference between the old and new parts of the building. But then, she wasn’t overly skilled with architecture or building construction, so that wasn’t a surprise to her. 
A few knocks on the door and she entered M. Damocles office. She had only met the man a couple times, but he had seemed like a decent person. It was a shame that he had been akumatized for so long and she was curious about what had happened to cause him to be akumatized, but she wasn’t sure if it was proper to ask him.
“Mme. Rossi, good to see you. I understand that Lila has fallen ill?” He asked, spinning around to grab a blue folder behind his desk.
“Yes, the poor dear has strep throat and has been coughing nonstop for days.” Greta told him as she pulled the doctor’s note from her purse. “Here’s the note you requested, do you have her homework packet?”
Damocles looked over the note for a moment before nodding and looking at her expectantly. “Thank you, do you have her other doctor’s notes?”
Greta tilted her head in confusion. “Does she need more than one? It’s just strep throat, she should be back to school after next week.”
“No madam, this is all I need for her current leave from school. I was referring to the doctor’s notes for her tinnitus, arthritis, sprained wrist, and her lying disease. That last one especially, and any information you can give me on accommodating that one so we do not have a repeat of the incident last month.”
Nothing in the world could have kept her jaw from dropping. What he had just told her? “M. Damocles, everything you just said is completely false. Lila has no such ailments, and I don’t think there is such a thing as a lying disease, unless you are referring to pathological lying.”
The man blinked back at her a few times before raising one hand to rub his brow. “Oh my, Mme. Rossi, I believe you and I must have a long discussion about the things your daughter has been saying and doing since she started school here.”
Her legs were stiff as she lowered herself into a chair, a sick feeling growing in her stomach as M. Damocles pulled a different folder out from his desk.
Over two hours later, many truths had finally come out. 
1) The school had never closed for months due to akumas. 
2) When M. Damocles had been akumatized, it had been at night and did no damage to the school. 
3) Greta was not the ambassador, but a secretary. 
4) Lila did not suffer from any diseases. 
5) They had been in Paris since Lila had started school, no globetrotting whatsoever. 
6) She and her husband were not estranged, he had simply wanted to stay at his dream  job in Venice and she would never force him to leave it for her temporary assignment here in Paris. 
7) Lila’s grandmother was alive and had never owned or given Lila a foxtail necklace. 
8) The phone number on file was Lila’s number, not Greta’s. And the email was supposed to be ‘.gov’ not ‘.com’.
Damocles had also called one of Lila’s classmates to his office, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. When the principal told Greta about the incident from the previous month, she was shocked. Then Marinette told them her side of the story; all the lies, the threats, and finally setting the poor girl up to be expelled. Greta had never been so angry with her daughter in her life. Sure, she had been a good little story teller and actress when she was little, but she never would have thought she could be so cruel.
By the end of her explanation, Marinette was practically in tears.
When she mentioned that Adrien Agreste also knew of Lila’s lies, he was called to the office as well. He was a little more reluctant to talk about what Lila had been saying, but Greta insisted that she wanted to know what her daughter had been doing since coming to school, so he told her. If she hadn’t been disgusted before, she definitely was now. Getting Adrien’s father’s employees in trouble, lying about being friends with Ladybug all while telling Greta that she was a useless hero, sexually harassing Adrien while the boy didn’t even realize that was what she was doing to him. She had become a Gabriel model without her permission, which meant that Lila had likely forged her signatures on the contracts, so she would need to contact M. Agreste to get that sorted out. One of the things that surprised her was hearing that Lila had been akumatized, not once or twice, but three times! 
Not long after that, M. Damocles dismissed the children so he and Greta could finish speaking. He told her that, due to falsifying contact records and two months of truancy, Lila was likely to be expelled. Greta accepted this, knowing that she would have done the same thing in that man’s position. In fact, she already had a plan forming on how to thoroughly punish her deceitful daughter. And since Lila had basically been quarantined for the next week and a half, she knew exactly what to do.
First, she began the paperwork to have Lila pulled out of Francois Dupont, effective immediately and asked to go speak to Lila’s classmates. After hearing what her daughter had put Marinette through, she wanted to make sure everyone knew the truth. Damocles allowed this, first pulling Mme. Bustier from the class to alert her as to what was happening. The woman was appalled to hear what had happened but insisted that she had been in contact with her for months via email, to which Greta informed her that it was not her email, but one that Lila had likely set up to keep the school from contacting her. This shocked the teacher to the point where she heavily leaned against the wall and M. Damocles had to support her to keep from collapsing.
When Greta was finally permitted to address the class and debunk the lies that her daughter had been spewing, there had been a lot of shock and questions to follow. But when a girl named Alya began furiously typing on her phone to blow up at Lila, Greta stopped her.
“I’m going to ask that none of you contact Lila from now on.” Alya and the other students looked at her in surprise, but she continued before anyone could interrupt. “I have already begun putting her punishment into motion and know for a fact that it will not be something she will forget anytime soon. So I ask that you do not call, text, or email her. If she attempts to contact you, tell her that you are busy and can’t talk. If she attempts to invite you over or make plans for the future, tell her that you are unavailable or that you already have plans. If she makes any threats or rude remarks to anyone, please forward those messages to me, I will leave my number for you to do so. Do this so that I may move forward with her punishment without her suspecting that I have discovered the truth.”
Having finally had the wool lifted from their eyes, the students realized just how much attention Lila seemed to demand on a daily basis. So, by acting like they were too busy for her or not in the mood to talk, that will drive her crazy and be a nice bit of revenge for lying to them. The class agreed.
After that, Greta headed home to find that Lila was still asleep but beginning to wake up, if the coughing was any indicator. While still having the chance, she called up her husband back in Venice.
“Mio amor, how are you? How are things at the school?”
“Ah, mia bella, the school is wonderful, though I must admit, my urge to see you and Lila grows by the minute. When will you come to visit me?”
“Very soon, actually. I’m afraid that you and I need to have a talk about our daughter.” About thirty minutes and a lot of cursing later, Ciro Rossi was now completely up to date on the actions of their daughter.
“I wish to say that I cannot believe Lila would do such things, but I can’t help remembering that boy, Roberto, from two years ago.”
Yes, Greta remembered him well. He had been a very popular boy at Lila’s school; handsome, rich, from a very well connected family, and from what she understood, completely dedicated to his boyfriend. She hadn’t paid him much attention until Lila came home crying that Roberto had attempted to sexually assault her. Greta and Ciro had refused to let such a thing go unchecked and went to the police to report him. During the weeks to follow, Roberto was put through hell; bullied at school, he was beaten up a few times, his boyfriend broke up with him, and his name slandered all over Venice. They had believed what happened to the boy to be justified… until proof was provided that he was nowhere near Lila when she claimed to have been assaulted. 
She suddenly recanted her story, saying that she must have been mistaken and someone that looked like Roberto assaulted her, but the damage had already been done. The boy and his family moved somewhere far away, and Greta and Ciro were forced to pay restitution to Roberto for ruining his name and reputation. Through her tears, Lila convinced them that it had been an honest mistake and that she hadn’t meant for any of that to happen. It wasn’t long after that, Greta received an offer to be the secretary for the assistant ambassador in Paris. Lila had begged her mother to go with her, claiming that her classmates were now bullying her for what happened to Roberto. Wanting to protect their daughter, they agreed.
Looking back on it now, and noticing the similarities between Roberto and Adrien, both Greta and Ciro were disappointed in themselves for not seeing the truth. Which likely was that Lila had tried to get close to Roberto for his money and connections, and when he turned her down, she lied about the assault to ruin his life, much like she had done to Marinette. And when it came out that she had lied about Roberto, her classmates had turned on her. So when she got the chance to start somewhere new, with people who didn’t know about her lies, she took it. Not caring if she harmed anyone at her new school while repeating old habits. But they were not about to let Lila do the same thing to Adrien or Marinette. Once Greta told her husband her plan, he was all for it and began preparing things on his end. By the time Lila was done being sick, her entire life would have turned upside down.
It took a lot more effort than Greta had expected to hide her intentions for the nine days it took for Lila to get over her case of strep throat, but she had been making good use of that time. 
She had contacted Gabriel Agreste’s secretary and asked about any contracts that may have been signed. When she told her she hadn’t signed any contract and that her daughter would no longer be modelling, the woman had no choice but to accept this and inform M. Agreste of this development. The woman also informed Greta that such a breach of contract would result in Lila being blacklisted from the fashion industry. She agreed and promised that she would inform her daughter of this once she was better.
Greta then looked into Lila’s savings and trust fund, of which she had control of since Lila was still a minor. She drained the accounts to pay restitutions to Marinette for bullying and slander, Adrien for sexual harassment; and then sent the rest of it to Roberto, along with a message that she was now completely aware of the type of person her daughter was and would be adequately punished very soon.
And to keep too much suspicion off of her, Greta began mentioning to Lila how her father desperately wanted to see her after she got better, so after the doctor gave her a clean bill of health, they would be going to Venice to see him. Now that she was watching, Greta saw the twinge of uncertainty at the mention of Venice, but quickly covered it with false excitement for going back to visit her father.
As the day grew closer that they would be heading to Italy, Greta also noticed Lila glaring at her phone with utter malice. She might not have known what was going on if Lila’s classmate, Alya, wasn’t keeping her up-to-date on what Lila was telling them. Her daughter was attempting to tell the class that she was going to be going on a trip with a famous singer after she was better, but her classmates were doing as Greta asked and treating the lies as if they meant nothing. When she accused Marinette of calling her a liar while she was sick and couldn’t defend herself, the class stopped responding. 
One message that was forwarded to Greta nearly had her abandoning her plan and confronting her daughter at that moment. It was a message that Lila had sent to Marinette, who had shared it with Alya, who then forwarded it to Greta. It read:
You fugly, no talent bitch! You think I don’t know what you’re doing? Those stupid sheep were eating up every single one of my lies before I got sick, and now they won’t even talk to me! Just you wait. When I get back to school, I’m going to ruin you in every way imaginable. No one will want to be your friend. By the time I’m done with you, I hope you kill yourself. Maybe I’ll convince someone that you tried to kill me and they’ll kill you for me. Either way, you’re dead. And even if you show someone these messages, no one will believe you over me. 
Greta forwarded the message to Ciro as well. He called her right away to discuss other accommodations that they would be making for Lila in the coming days. There was something seriously wrong with their daughter, and they refused to turn a blind eye to what was happening.
When the day finally came that Lila was better and they were heading to Venice, Greta instructed Lila not to pack her more expensive clothes as she would not want to lose them if their baggage got lost. What her daughter didn’t know was that Greta was planning on selling all of her designer clothes, jewelry, her electronics, and everything else to continue paying restitutions to Marinette, Adrien, and Roberto. And it wasn’t like she would need them soon, anyway.
The plane ride was a bit nerve racking for Greta, as she worried about giving something away and Lila figuring out her plan; but if she did, it didn’t show. When they landed at Venice Marco Polo Airport, she had to resist her sigh of relief. The plan was almost ready to be put in action. 
When she saw Ciro waiting for them in his dress whites, her heart sped a bit more. The man was, without a doubt, the most handsome man she’d ever met, and was the love of her life. Being away from him for so long was difficult, but what else could they do? Her husband was a Capitano di Vascello of the Italian Navy and had worked very hard to get where he was. Although he was semi-retired now and no longer served on a ship, he had followed his dream and became the Vice Principal for the premier naval academy in Venice, Francesco Morosini Naval Military School. 
He had gone to the school when he was younger and always claimed that it was the best experience he could have ever wished for. That being in that school saved his life. So when he continued into the navy to serve his country, he made it his goal to one day become the Principal of the school that saved him, so that he could do the same for other students. And now, they would be doing the same for Lila.
Greta and Ciro had thought of admitting Lila to Francesco Morosini when she came of age, but quickly realized that she was not the Navy type and did not want to force her into it. That choice was no longer Lila’s and she would be staying at the military school where it was Ciro’s job, not only as a father, but as an administrator of the school, to keep a close eye on any problem children.
Ciro embraced Greta and then Lila before taking their bags and walking them to his car. Lila was talking at length to her father about all her friends at school, all the happenings in Paris, and even mentioned her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste.
“You would like him, Papa. He’s a model, a gentleman, and his father is the designer, Gabriel Agreste. And he treats me like a princess!” Lila gushed as she showed her father a picture of Lila kissing the blonde boy’s cheek. Greta had seen that picture and had even asked Adrien about it while they had spoken in M. Damocles office. Lila had apparently kissed him without permission when she took that picture, and then sent it to every girl in Adrien’s contact list to make it seem like they were dating. 
Ciro played along, asking questions about her classes, Adrien, the akuma situation that he had heard about over the news, and other things to keep Lila from growing suspicious. Sure enough, she prattled on through the entire car and ferry ride to Venice. Only seeming to look around questioning when they arrived at the Naval school, rather than their apartment.
“What are we doing here?” She asked, looking at her father in confusion.
The two parents dropped the act and glared at their daughter in disappointment and anger. “I’m surprised at you, young lady,” Greta started. “Did you really think you could keep lying to us? We. Know. Everything.”
They watched as her olive skin quickly paled. “What do you mean? I didn’t lie, I sw-”
“We know the school never closed,” Ciro interrupted, his tone leaving no room for argument or interruption. “We know about you lying to your classmates and teachers about having disabilities and diseases. We know about you changing our contact information on your school records. We know about you bullying and sexually harassing your classmates. We know about the threats you’ve made to that one girl. We know that you’ve been akumatized multiple times. We know the truth about what you really did to Roberto two years ago! WE KNOW EVERYTHING!”
With every word he said, Lila seemed to inch away from her irate parents and shrink into herself. At the same time, they saw the rage and contemplation in her eyes. She was angry at being caught and was already trying to think of a way out of trouble. Not that they would give her a chance to even try.
“But I didn’t li-”
“Lie number one, Ladybug is a useless superhero that let your school get damaged and spent months trying to deakumatize your principal, which is why you were out of school for two months.” Greta interrupted that time, pinning her daughter with a glare that she usually reserved for idiot interns who screwed up important paperwork at the embassy. “I personally spoke to your principal and looked into Ladybug. The school never closed. Ladybug and Chat Noir have always defeated the akumas and restored the damage thanks to their abilities. And you told the school that you and I were off globetrotting to places like Achu.”
Her eyes grew to the size of saucers. She was just beginning to stammer out an excuse when her father spoke over her.
“Lie number two, a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng has been bullying you because she is jealous of your relationship with your boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. We have seen the texts that you have sent that girl, the most recent saying,” Ciro pulled out his phone to read off of the text “‘...I’m going to ruin you in every way imaginable. No one will want to be your friend. By the time I’m done with you, I hope you kill yourself…’ Does that sound familiar to you?” 
“I also personally spoke to Adrien after I spoke to Marinette, and found out that not only are you not his girlfriend, but you have been sexually harassing him! You even showed us proof in that picture you took where you kissed him!”
“But that’s not sexual harassment!” Lila shot back at them as her panic grew.
“Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment. Your mother and I memorized that when you accused Roberto of assault, which is another thing you lied about! And let me guess, you wanted to use that boy’s popularity and family connections for a leg-up, but he turned down your advances since he was gay. You didn’t take that rejection well, so you told us he assaulted you. Is that what happened?”
“How did you-” Lila interrupted herself that time by slapping her hand over her mouth, quickly realizing that she had confirmed what her father had just said.
“Well, congratulations young lady. You have earned a complete overhaul on your life.” 
“What do you mean?” Lila didn’t want to know, but it seemed like she had no choice but to ask.
“Your modelling contract with Gabriel is done,” Greta told her, noticing her wince since they weren’t supposed to know about that either. “I spoke with his assistant and discovered that you forged my signatures on the contracts to let you model. They were kind enough not to pursue legal action against you, but they have asked that I inform you that you have been blacklisted from the fashion industry, so that career option is completely closed off to you.”
“Your mother educated your friends at school with the truth. They know about all your lies and have kept us apprised of what you have been saying, the rumors you have been attempting to spread about going on a trip with a random music star, and were kind enough to forward that threatening message you sent to that girl, Marinette. They are no longer interested in being your ‘sheep’.”
“Not that you will be returning to that school,” Greta continued. “Your truancy has made that impossible, even if we did want you to stay there to face the consequences of your actions. Which includes paying restitution to the people you’ve hurt.”
“Paying!” Ciro and Greta watched as Lila’s right eye began to twitch as she snapped at them.
“Yes, paying. I’ve already emptied out your savings and trust fund to pay back Marinette, Adrien, and Roberto for what you’ve done to them-”
“You can’t do that! That’s my money!” She screamed, stomping her foot at her mother like a five year old throwing a tantrum.
“Money that you earned illegally modelling after forging my signature. And you are a minor, I am well within my rights to take that money to pay for the damages you have incurred. I will also be selling your laptop, tablet, mobile phone, as well as the clothes and jewelry you left in Paris. Seeing as you won’t be needing them anymore.”
As she said this, Lila clutched her phone and hugged it against her chest. “How am I supposed to talk to anyone without my phone?”
“Pen and paper, and if you need to speak with your mother, there’s my office phone or the payphone in the barracks, where you will be staying.” 
The girl’s eyes grew impossibly wide as she looked at her parents in a panic. They couldn’t mean…
Ciro smiled the smile that he used to greet the families whose children were in need of discipline. “Welcome to Francesco Morosini Naval Military School, where we strive to give children an education that will help them for their future and the world that waits for them.”
There had been a lot of begging, crying, and screaming after that as Lila did everything she could to try and change her parents’ minds. This was a total nightmare for her. Forced to wear a uniform she hated. Surrounded by students, teachers, and her father; all of whom knew that she was a liar. No one gave her the type of attention she craved, but everyone was giving her the overly watchful attention she despised. She couldn’t even enjoy becoming an akuma anymore, as she was far out of Hawkmoth’s reach.
Greta and Ciro had gone out to dinner afterwards in an attempt to de-stress, only to get a call an hour later that Lila had tried to steal a boat and run away from the school. She was put on a 24/7 watch after that, now required to wear a tracking monitor wherever she went and was on bathroom and floor cleaning duty for the foreseeable future.
When Greta returned to Paris, she went about doing exactly as she promised. She sold Lila’s electronics, clothes, and jewelry; only keeping a pair of plastic stud earrings that her grandmother had given her. She met with M. Damocles again to let him know that everything had been taken care of. She contacted the Dupain-Cheng family to let them know that Lila wouldn’t be bothering their daughter again. That was probably the most pleasant thing she did, as they were a lovely family and sent her off with a box of assorted scones, so yummy! When she had them send a box of goodies to her husband in Venice, he called her a few days later and begged her to send more whenever she could.
Lila absolutely hated seeing her father enjoy pastries from the bakery of her rival’s family. That, along with being forced to talk to a psychiatrist three times a week to make her admit that she was a liar and to figure out why she feels the need to lie. All while wearing a horrible uniform and actually having to clean. She was in her own personal hell. How she wished that she had never gotten sick.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Midsummer: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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word count: around 6k
a/n: took a long time writing this and I've never done anything like this (where its y/n) so any feedback would be greatly appreciated <3
You had never technically been to the Midsummer festival. Of course, since you were a Kook, your parents were invited and tried to make you go but every year came a new excuse. First, you had the "stomach flu." Then, there was that time you said you had "strep throat." Another time, you had a "fever." You had so many excuses for not going to Midsummer every year, you had become a pro at lying.
Only this time, you had an actual reason not to go and, out of all the times, your parents didn't believe you.
You had told them the truth. You and Rafe had just gotten into a huge argument and had technically broken up. It wasn't official or anything but you both knew it was the end. You wanted to stay home and binge watch 'New Girl' from the beginning and maybe order some food. You just wanted to indulge yourself for a moment. You had lost 170 pounds (aka Rafe) and you kinda wanted to celebrate.
Rafe loved keeping up appearances and you were just another way to do that. You were the "perfect" girl next door. You surfed, played soccer during the school year, and it helped that your parents were loaded. You and Rafe looked like a great couple on the outside, but the reality was you were both broken in one way or another. You were struggling with your mundane life, finding every day one endless loop. You were desperate to break free but didn't know how. Rafe was struggling with addiction and wouldn't admit to you that he had a problem.
Finally, you were at your breaking point. This morning, while you still had the courage, you started to talk to Rafe about getting help. You had kept this secret for him for too long and keeping it any longer wouldn't help anyone. Rafe, as you expected, flew off the handle and said the most horrible stuff. He called you a bitch, a slut, and basically every thing that could hurt a person. And you took it because that's what you always did. Then he said something that you couldn't forgive.
You're gonna die alone.
All of those words before never hurt as much as this one. You think it hurts the most because there's a possibility that it's true. You have never had an honest conversation with anyone in your life, including Rafe. You let people in, but not all the way. You were scared to get hurt, but even more scared to die alone. Rafe knew that.
So, you told him you're done and then left. No, you're here, talking to your parents and telling them you couldn't go because you had broken up with Rafe.
"I just don't understand what happened. Rafe is such a nice young man." Your mother said, going through her jewelry box to find the right earrings to match the dress that was laying across her bed.
The Midsummer party was not to start until the sun set in about three hours but your mom loved getting ready early and this party was no exception.
"I just don't want to go. Rafe is escorting me and I don't wanna put on a smile and pretend like everything's okay when it's not."
You didn't understand your mother sometimes. She was fine with letting you stay home from the party for years now as long as there was a physical reason like a cold. Now that you're telling her it's a mental reason, she could care less. You watched her by the frame of her bedroom door. She continued to look in her jewelry box and not for one second check on you.
"It's just for tonight sweetie." She smiled, but not at you.
At first you thought it was directed at you even though she wasn't looking at you. Then you realized she had found the matching earrings and that's why she was smiling. She held them up to her ears and looked in the mirror for a second.
You wondered if she remembered she had a daughter. It felt like she didn't remember sometimes.
You couldn't change her mind. You knew this now. She was picking out her jewelry and accessories now and the room for anything other than the talk of jewelry and makeup was not interesting to her. You decided to cave, not wanting to plead your case again.
So, you returned to your room and called the only person that ever listened to you. Your best friend, Sarah Cameron. She had recently met a Pogue named John B. and also didn't want to go to the Midsummer party where Topper, her soon-to-be ex boyfriend, was escorting her. She had planned to break up with Topper to be with John B. but hadn't gotten the chance yet. Although she wanted to end things with Topper, she didn't want to cause any drama and breaking up with him at the Midsummer party was definitely not a good way to avoid drama.
Sarah understood. She always did.
"Hey girlie." Sarah chimed as she answered the phone.
You instantly smiled, sitting down on your bed. "Hey."
You could basically hear the frown in Sarah's voice as she spoke. "What's wrong? Did Rafe text you?"
You hummed a no. Just hearing Sarah's voice made you feel better. "I tried to tell my mom I don't feel like going but she refuses to listen."
Sarah sighed. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'll look after you tonight. Make sure Rafe doesn't talk to you. He'll escort you to the party and then that's all you'll see from him. I promise."
You chuckled. "And who is gonna make sure Topper stays away from you as you go meet up with your new boyfriend?"
"Ah, my friend," Sarah chides. "That's where you come in. We'll help each other out tonight."
You laugh, the plan sounding ridiculous but it made enough sense to actually work. "Okay, I'll see you then."
"See you there sister." sang Sarah, hanging up the phone soon after.
After you put your phone down to charge, you decided to take a shower and start getting ready for the Midsummer party. You showered quickly, scrubbing your hair so that it wouldn't smell, as your mother says, "like the sea."
After you got out, you washed you face with a cleanser and towel dried your hair. You then brushed your teeth for the second time today and popped in a mint. You put your hair up in a bun while it was still wet so it could dry on it's own. That's when you picked out your dress. Your mom had bought it for you a week ago and it had been collecting dust in your closet ever since. You laid it out on your bed and finally got a proper look at it.
It was a yellow, spaghetti strap dress that fell to your ankles. It was made out of silk and shined even with your bedroom light. When you had tried it on, your remembered how tight it was on the bodice and how it dainty it looked on you. You did like it and it made you feel like a princess, you just wished you didn't have to wear it for the Midsummer party.
You started your makeup first. You applied a tinted moisturizer to give yourself a natural glow and then applied some concealer to lighten your under eyes. Once ever was evenly applied, you filled in your brows and brushed them back and applied some mascara. You added blush and some highlighter to give you a brighter glow. You finally finished off the look with a nude lip.
You let your hair down and it was stil damp. In an attempt to get your hair to dry faster, you got a blow dryer and dried the rest of your hair. Once it was all dry, you brushed it through once and let it stay down. It had turned out nice, the natural curls in your hair giving you the volume you needed. Why change something that already looked so good.
With your makeup and hair done, you finally got changed into your dress. Once it was own, you gave yourself a proper look in the mirror.
You did look beautiful. You had to admit, when you put effort in, you cleaned up well. Although you liked how you turned out, your heart still hurt. Not because of Rafe, but because you can't imagine doing this every year for the rest of your life. Your parents were always okay with doing the same things everyday. You weren't. You wanted to go out on adventures and experience all life had to offer. You wanted to travel by yourself. You wanted to have something different to do everyday. This mundane life you saw your parents do was not for you but you were scared if you lived any more days like this, it was going to be your future. That's what scared you the most. Not being able to get out of the bubble your parents and your life as a Kook put you in. It's one of the reasons you envied the Pogues. Sure they might not have as much money but they had adventures and didn't lead a mundane life. Everyday was different. You sometimes wished you were a Pogue.
You slipped on your heels and looked into the mirror one last time. You looked good but still couldn't smile fully. You didn't hate how you looked, you hated the person looking back.
You didn't know if that ever would change.
Sarah always looked beautiful and you hated it. Even on days when she woke up, hung over with bed head, she just had to smile and she'd look beautiful.
When you entered Sarah's house, she was waiting for you in her bedroom. Her dad, Ward, told you where she was and you basically rushed upstairs. You hadn't seen her in two days since before she went on an adventure with John B. and you needed to know all the juicy details.
Now, as you looked at her in that perfect white dress, you didn't feel self conscious, but you certainly felt like you had to change.
"Holy hell." Sarah said as she stood up from her bed. "You look so sexy."
You rushed to her and hugged her for a moment before saying anything. "I look sexy? Look at you. You look like an angel."
Sarah laughed, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "How are you doing?"
You shrugged. There wasn't much to say. You weren't really torn up over the situation. "I'm fine. We both knew it was coming."
Sarah laughed. "You should've seen my brother. He was totally freaking out when he called Topper."
You frowned. "Sorry. I know he's your brother."
Sarah waved her hands in the hair. "Are you kidding me? Someone needed to knock Rafe down a few pegs. I'm glad you guys are done. He doesn't deserve you."
You hugged Sarah again. She really was the most important person in your life right now. You didn't know how you got so lucky.
"Speaking of which, are Topper and Rafe here?"
Sarah sighed and nodded. "Waiting for us downstairs to escort us to the Midsummer party."
You rolled my eyes, grabbing onto Sarah's hand again. "Ugh. We can't just keep them waiting."
Sarah smirked, playing along with your sarcasm. "God forbid."
As you guys made your way downstairs, you talked. You knew you couldn't ask her all the details right now but you made sure to let her know that once you were alone, you'd pressure her to tell you all the information. You had seen John B. and his friends around OBX but had rarely talked. The only time you ever encountered each other was when you and Sarah slept on the boat overnight and John B. had come in the early morning to drop off the scuba gear. They seemed to not get along at all so you still wonder what changed.
"Just one question?" You pleaded as you and Sarah made your way to the sliding glass doors, leading you to the backyard where the party was taking place. The sun was setting now and the party would be starting any minute.
"Fine, shoot." Sarah nodded, whispering to you now since Topper and Rafe could see you and Sarah now.
"Is he a good kisser or not?" You leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"What are you beautiful ladies whispering about?" Topper asks as he approaches you and Sarah. You instantly pull away, acting very suspicious.
"How to please a woman. Not that you would know." You smirk at Topper, being very mean. For good reason though. He had made Sarah feel very bad about not sleeping with him and you were glad she had moved on. Now, hopefully Topper would too.
Topper rolled his eyes. "Hello Y/N. How are you?" You know he's only being so nice to try and impress Sarah and show her he's changed. Of course Sarah doesn't buy it.
"I'm spectacular." You gave Topper a wide smile. Maybe if you stared at him long enough, his head would explode.
"Good." Topper grumbled, looking at Sarah. "You look amazing."
Sarah frowned. "Yeah, thanks." She seemed so unenthusiastic it was almost funny.
Topper extended out his hand, ready for Sarah to take it. Sarah looked at you and tried to smile but you could see her discontent. Sarah unwilllingly reached for it and smiled again at Topper.
Here's the thing; if you have to smile so much at everyone all the time, you're probably not happy.
Just as Sarah and Topper move away, Sarah stops, tells Topper to wait one moment and turns around to you. She smiles, for real this time, and says, "To answer your question; yeah, really well."
You giggle, trying to make sure Topper does not ask too many questions. That smile that you had, though, is now replaced with a frown.
You can see him lurking near the door, finding the courage to come up to me.
God, I wished he would just leave me alone, you thought.
You decide against confronting him and instead walk to Sarah's kitchen to grab some water. The doors to Sarah's backyard can be seen if you stood in Sarah's kitchen so you can see Sarah walk out with Topper, smiling and waving. People who don't know Sarah well won't know the difference but you do. Her shoulders are slightly droopy and her smile is not as wide as it usually is.
You watch her quickly depart from Topper soon after he's escorted her around and you can see Topper stay behind, a little shocked she's gone. You don't know why he is, but that's the thing with guys like him. They never think they're the problem.
Speaking of problems, Rafe has followed you into the kitchen and is just standing there. You pretend not to see him. Maybe if you ignore him, you thought, he'll take the hint and walk away.
Of course, he doesn't and as you try to walk past him, he stops you from leaving the kitchen. He's standing in front of you. So, you move to the right and he follows, blocking you again.
"Can we talk?" He asks, reaching out for your hand.
You move my hand out of the way. "Don't touch me."
"Y/N..." He's looking at you with those puppy dog eyes and granted it would've worked at one point but not anymore.
"No." You say sternly. "This is what's gonna hapen: you're gonna escort me out and after that we'll never talk again."
Rafe frowns even harder. "I don't want that. I said things I shouldn't have but -"
"No." You cut him off. "There's no more excuses. We're done."
Rafe's brows crease together. You can tell he's pissed now. "No. You're not giving up on us."
You scoffed, his confidence misplaced. "Trust me, you gave up a long time ago." You then grab onto his elbow, surprising him a little. You could tell he was confused and so you rolled your eyes and then spoke again, "you're escorting me."
Rafe's eyes widened and quickly nodded, guiding you to the glass doors. As you walked, you felt a weight lifted. It had been a long time for you to admit this but you wer glad you guys were over. Your relationship was not aware near perfect and very toxic. The weight lifting, you realized, was definitely Rafe's link to your life.
As the doors opened, you put on a smile and stared waving. You looked around and smiled at your family and friends but you were looking for Sarah. You saw your mother, who was clapping and had a proud smile on her lips. She gave you a thumbs up but you looked away. Could she seriously be any more annoying?
Finally, you spotted Sarah near table. She was looking at you and clapping. You could tell from her facial features that she was being sarcastic. You stuck your tongue out quickly as you walked and waved and she quickly flipped you off.
Once you were done, Rafe let go of you. You turned to him and gave him a half smile.
He did not smile back. "I'm sorry."
Your smile dropped. "Are you?"
And with that, you walked away. Once you got to Sarah's table, she was already standing you give you a hug. You hugged her tightly, sighing as you did. It was finally over. You never had to speak to him again.
"How are you feeling?" Sarah asks, the boh of you sitting down at the table beside each other.
You shrugged. "Surprisingly, I'm good."
Sarah smiled. "It's cause you know it's for the best."
You nodded. You hoped so. "You want a drink?"
Sarah nodded. "Thanks so much."
You got up and went to find a waiter. There were so many around you but each one was speaking to someone and you didn't want to bother them. It took a little of a walk but you finally saw a blond boy in a waiter's suit, standing there. He seemed to be doing nothing so you approached him.
"Excuse me." You said politely, causing the blond boy to turn around. You knew who it was.
JJ Maybank. A Pogue. Specifically, one of John B.'s friends. More specifically, the guy who pulled a gun out on Topper. You were there and saw it all. He had never liked him. Although you hated Topper as much as the next sane person, he didn't deserve that.
JJ looked at you, up and down. He then smirked and crossed his arms over his shoulders. "Yes princess?"
You scoffed. "Not happening. I need a ginger ale and Sprite."
JJ scoffed back, imitating you. "A 'please sir' would help. Or do you Kooks not know how to say please?"
You glared at him. "I know how to say please to people who deserve it."
"And I don't?" JJ asked, bemused.
"No." You said coldly.
"You don't even know me."
"I know the type." You retorted.
JJ grabbed ahold of his chest, faking being wounded. "Wow, that stings Y/N."
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the fact he knew your name. "You don't need me to explain it to you?"
JJ nodded, a smirk adorning his lips. "I really do, miss."
So you did. "I've heard stories about you JJ. You pulled a gun out on Topper, use girls left and right, and get into trouble with the law for fun. Trust me, I don't wanna get to know you."
JJ frowned, maybe for real this time. "Ever heard of don't judge a book by the Kook's stories?"
You tried to suppress a laugh. "Just get me those drinks."
JJ nodded at you and then you turned away and made your way back to Sarah. To be honest, he wasn't anything like Rafe had said. Yes, you had been there the night he pulled the gun but he was completely different now. He had a personality. He was more than a meathead Pogue like Rafe had said. Maybe you should stop listening to what Rafe and try to decide for yourself who JJ was.
When you returned to you table beside Sarah, the drinks where already there. You were confused. How did he get there before you?
"Took you long enough." Sarah joked as she sipped on her drink.
"Sorry." You sat down, confused. You looked at your drink, then at Sarah. "Who brought them here?"
She shrugged. "Some girl. She said that you had told her to hurry up. What did you say?"
You looked around for JJ. Finally, when your eyes found him, he was already looking at you. He smiled and gave you a small wave before walking away.
You smiled. You wanted to tell Sarah what happened and why JJ had made such an impression on you but you didn't get a chance.
Suddenly music came from the dance floor that had been decorated for this party. You looked to the dance floor were people had stared dancing and then you looked back to Sarah.
"Can for a dance?" You extended you hand out to her.
Sarah smirked. "Of course."
And so, as the sky turned to dark, you two danced.
You had been consecutively dancing for about an hour and your feet ached. You were wearing heels and although you were skilled in the art of wearing heels, you were completely overwhelmed by the aching. You had to stop.
You looked to Sarah, who was holding onto both of your hands as she swayed to the music. You smirked at her. She was a terrible dancer but her confidence made her seem like the best dancer ever.
Once you stopped moving in the middle of the song, Sarah noticed almost instantly and stopped along with you. She looked at you face and instantly knew.
She frowned. "Just until the end of this song."
You sighed, easily swayed when the music was so good. You nodded, swaying to the music again. Sarah picked up where she left off and you both smiled again. The song seemed to be in the middle so you only had to wait a few minutes. You trudged along, the soles of your feet aching so badly you chewed on the inside of your cheek to distract yourself.
"Hey, if you need to stop me can -" Sarah was about to stop but she was cut off by a tap on her shoulder.
A blond boy you now knew as JJ, danced beside Sarah. "Val?"
You frowned. Maybe he thought she was someone else and you thought that was true when you saw Sarah's face, who was confused for a moment.
"JJ?" She questioned and your eyes widened.
"What do you want?" You ask defensively. You wanted to keep up the impression you were still cautious around him.
JJ looks to you and perks up a little. You do the opposite. The other side of his face is badly bruised. You hadn't seen it before because of the darkness before, but now it was all you could see. It looks like he got punched over and over again. You suspected he probably got into another stupid fight. You almost felt sorry for him. The only way to boost his ego was for him to punch someone.
"Well, hello m'lady." He said, bowing.
You took a step back, bemused. As he bowed, he extended his hand for you to take. To indulge him, you grabbed it and he then stood up straight and pulled you close. One had rested, surprisingly, respectfully on your back and the other intertwined with your hand. You looked to Sarah, who was laughing. Your hand rested on his shoulder as you tried to contain your laughter.
"Madam, who you be so kind to get a note for Sarah out of my pocket for me?" JJ asked, swaying with you to the music.
You pulled away only enough to look at him the eyes. "Can't you do that yourself?"
He smirked. "Yes but I'd have to take my hand off your back and I don't wanna do that."
You rolled your eyes, swaying with him. Although he was a tad annoying, it was a comforting type of annoying. Your past presumptions of him yelled to you in your head about the gun and the fights but you quieted them. For this moment, he was being nice and you would look the other way. Maybe you had been wrong.
You nodded to him and reached to the back pocket on his pants and pulled out a note, handing it to Sarah.
Your hand soon returned to his shoulder as he smiled. "Thanks."
"Were you flexing your ass?" You laughed, shaking your head. You were embarrassed. Never had you done that but you couldn't help but laugh. JJ was one weird guy.
"Trying to impress you." He smirked, making you laugh. He then looked to Sarah and nodded at her. She was blushing so hard, and you were about to ask her what happened but she was already running off.
You looked to JJ. "What's going on?"
JJ leaned towards your ear as you swayed. You felt his lips touch your ear and you shivered. "She's meeting JB."
You smiled at JJ as he looked back at you. "I see. Star crossed lovers."
JJ shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't see the appeal of macking with a Kook but now," JJ says, looking you up and down. "I see the appeal."
You gasped and laughed, embarrassed again. "I'll slap you, I swear."
JJ smirked. "Please do."
You rolled you eyes. The next song had already started but you continued to dance. Your feet hurt no longer. "And why shouldn't I just smack you right now?"
JJ smirked. "Because I'm about to dip you and if you slapped me, I would drop you."
You shrugged. "Good enough."
And with that, he dipped you. You leaned your head back as he did and you felt the pressure of his hands on your back. You felt so secure. You knew he'd never drop you.
Once you came back up and looked at him again, you spoke. "I'm sorry for earlier."
JJ smiled. "Are you kidding? Probably the sexiest thing that's ever happened to me."
You rolled your eyes. "Really?"
JJ shrugged, continuing to sway. You had never felt like this. It felt as if you and JJ were the only two people on his dance floor. Not even with Rafe. This feeling was new and you didn't think you'd feel it with JJ. Someone who, before today, you never would've wanted to spend time with.
"So," he started as you continued to dance. "Have I impressed you?"
Before you could answer, you were pulled apart by two hands you recognized immediately. It was Rafe. Topper was right behind him, ready to fight. But this fight wasn't fair. It was two against one. How would JJ ever stand a chance?
"Rafe -" You started but Rafe silenced you by speaking over you to JJ.
"What're you doing dancing with my girlfriend?"
"Actually ex girlfriend." You corrected, standing between Rafe and JJ. "You have no right -"
"No right?" Rafe scoffed, his glance shifting to me now. "Until three hours ago I was your boyfriend and now you're grinding against this Pogue?"
You glare at Rafe. "Get away from me."
"Oh, I will." Rafe gritted through his teeth. As he spoke, his arm went around you and he tried to grab onto JJ's collar. JJ was quicker though and dodged his grasp.
"Run!" You yelled, turning around and pushing JJ our of the way.
JJ was fast. You were in heels so you weren't exactly the fastest person at this party but even as you ran, JJ was miles ahead of you. He looked back for a second, to see where you were and stopped to wait. You were surprised.
"C'mon." He said, grabbing onto your hand as you both ran into a closet and hid.
You heard Rafe and his goons tun down the same hallway you had just run down and they missed you completely. They were such idiots that they didn't even check the closet.
As you both caught your breath in the closet, you couldn't help but smile like an idiot. You had never felt so alive and you still couldn't believe you felt like this with JJ. He was the last person you ever thought could make you feel like this.
Soon, your dumb smile made JJ smile like an idiot and soon you both were smiling at each other. No longer did you guys have to catch your breath but you both still were breathing heavily. You were chest to chest and you were sure JJ could feel your heartbeat pick up.
He looked to your lips. "Why're you smiling?"
You shrugged. "Never done this."
JJ raised his brows. "What? You never ran from your ex with a boy you just met and ended up in a closet?"
You covered your mouth as you laughed. "You have?"
JJ shrugged, obviously joking. "Yeah, like five times."
You nodded, suppressing your smile. You were afraid if you smiled too much, your happiness would be taken away too quickly. You didn't want this to end. "With your rap sheet, I believe you."
JJ gasped, grabbing his chest again and falling an injury. "Another shot. I'm starting to think you're jealous."
You scoffed. "Jealous? No."
JJ raised his brows. "No?" His hand reached up from his sides and came to the hair in front of your face. He brushed it to the side and tucked it behind your ear. "Never thought about kissing me?"
Your smile was gone and replaced with butterflies. "Nope."
"I'm hurt." JJ confessed, fake frowning.
You smirked. "Why?"
"Because," JJ whispered, leaning forward. "I've thought about kissing you ever since you spoke to me for the first time."
Your breath hitched in your throat. His face was so close, his lips even closer. All you would have to do was lean forward and your lips would definitely meet. So, with a deep breath, you leaned forward to meet JJ's lips.
The second you kissed, you felt heat move through your entire body. JJ's hands came up to cup your face as your hands rested on his chest.
Your lips were on fire. For about the millionth time since you met him, he had proved you wrong. You were so glad he did. This kiss was like your favourite song. It was a beautiful sunset on a summer night. It was everything. You never kissed anyone like this. Whether it was adrenaline or the fact that he was someone you barely knew, this kiss was passionate. Your heart felt like his hands were around it. You didn't know how to act when this kiss would come to an end.
You angled you head so that your kiss would deepen. He tasted like mints and liquor and it tasted divine. You seriously couldn't get enough.
But sadly, you had to part. You needed to take a deep breath and you couldn't when his lips were on yours. You were the first to pull away and take a breath.
Once you did, JJ was the first to speak. "Um, wow."
You nodded, wiping your mouth. Your lipstick was definitely smudged. JJ saw your struggle and moved your hand to help. Except he didn't. Once he touched your lips again, your stomach dropped and you leaned to kiss him again. He instantly closed the space and kissed you again.
God, he was addictive. You definitely got it now. Sarah was right. The way Pogue boys kissed was so different from any Kook boy. Kook boys were careful and soft but JJ was the exact opposite. He was passionate but slow and everytime your tongues touched, you felt your stomach flip.
Finally, you both pulled away again. This time he actually helped you rub away your lipstick without kissing you.
"Wow." You said this time.
JJ nodded, catching his breath. He held onto his chest dramatically once more, making you giggle. "Who the fuck are you Y/N?"
You shrugged. Then, you remembered something. "You wanted to kiss me even when I was ripping your head off?"
JJ chuckled, shaking his head. "The first time I met you was when you smiled at me at the station."
You tried to remember that. Finally, you did. You were interviewing Sheriff Peterkin for the school newspaper and that's when JJ walked into her office. He plopped himself down as you said your goodbyes to Peterkin and you hadn't spoken to him at all. He had sarcastically waved goodbye to you and you genuinely smiled. You remember feel bad for him. You barely remembered his name but you saw him around school, always pissing someone off. You wondered why he wanted to kiss you then.
So, you asked. "Why'd you want to kiss me then?"
JJ rubbed his good eye and smiled at you. There was no arrogance under this smile, it was just pure happiness. "You smiled at me like I wasn't a delinquent like everyone else. You just saw me, a regular person."
You were so surprised. You hadn't thought anything of it and never thought of that day again. Until right now. How could JJ remember that?
"I'm surprised you remembered that." You confessed, grabbing ahold of JJ's hand.
JJ smirked. "If you ever tell anyone that, I'll embarrass you."
You giggled. "How?"
"I'll tell everyone you kissed me." JJ joked, squeezing my hand.
"That's not embarrassing." You gave JJ a fake frown, suppressing a smile. "Tell them I once peed my pants in ninth grade."
JJ cackled as you said this. Scared we'd be found, you covered his mouth. "Don't."
It was too late. Someone had heard you and JJ.
Only seconds later, someone opened the closet door. You squeezed JJ's hand to brace yourselves for Rafe but instead it was another waiter. He looked disappointed but not surprised.
"You gotta get out of there." He deadpanned, making way for you to leave.
JJ exited first, you following him shortly after. After you exited, he let go of your hand and looked to you. You were standing in a hallway now and you were too busy looking out to see if Rafe and his goons were around, you didn't realize he was trying to get your attention.
"Y/N." He said, finally getting your attention. Once you looked to him, he spoke. "You wanna pretend like this never happened?"
Your heart sank. Maybe you were wrong in giving him the benefit of the doubt. You sure decided to be honest. You never wanted to go back to never knowing JJ Maybank.
You shook your head. "Do you?"
JJ smiled. "No."
You both just stood there and smiled at each other for a moment. You were just content in being together. You wondered that maybe this is how relationships were supposed to be; easy. It seemed so easy with JJ.
After a long period of silence, JJ leaned forward and kissed you once more. As you pulled away, he spoke."I should go. Don't wanna get my ass handed to me by those goons."
You laughed, shaking your head at him. "I'll see you around then?"
JJ shrugged. "Let's just say, I forgot my keys in Sarah's closet and I'll come by tomorrow at three to get them. If you're there, then I'll see you then."
You shook your head, smiling so wide. "I'll see if I can make it."
JJ nodded and then let you go, making his way farther and farther away from you. At first, you watched you as he walked but when he got to the door, leading him in the opposite direction of the party, he turned around and opened the front door of Sarah's home. Then, JJ was gone. He was gone before you could even say goodbye.
But you knew its wasn't goodbye. This was just the beginning.
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nicknellie · 4 years
Anonymous requested: Julie and the Phantoms are on tour and Juke are dating, one stop on tour Luke gets sick  (woke up with fever, swollen glands, sore throat etc) and the doctor diagnoses him with strep and an ear infection and Julie takes care his stubborn butt back to the hotel because he doesn't like to let down the fans since they have to cancel few shows.
Anonymous requested: alive guys, out of school in the real world, now all living in an apartment together. The 5 Times Luke Was Sick, and The 5 Times Julie Cured Him and maybe add in the 1 time Luke returns the favour of taking care of Julie.
Anonymous requested: Luke and Julie are married and have a daughter (Rose, 3). Rose and Luke end up waking up sick with the flu and Julie takes care of them, and she gets worn down from doing everything and caring for them. And even with him being sick in bed he lays with Rose when Julie’s beat and cuddles her when she feels sick even though he feels the same. Cute family fluff basically.
We Will Fight To Shine Together
The entire week had been hectic. Julie – along with her boys, Luke, Alex, and Reggie – had finally got the keys to their new apartment and had spent the whole of the previous two days hauling their belongings there from their respective homes. Ray Molina, protective as always, had been breathing down their necks in a frantic and worried attempt to help them out, the presence of Willie and Flynn had resulted in less unpacking and more Cardboard Box Wars, and most of their things were strewn about in unlikely places after the chaos of unpacking; just that morning Julie had found Alex’s drumsticks in the fridge.
But they were finally there, they were finally home, and there was nothing to worry about. Everything in the apartment seemed to be in order, they weren’t set to go on tour for another six months so the stress of that was still a way off, and the band’s new-found sense of freedom and independence hung over them like a rainbow. There was nothing that could have gone wrong. Nothing except–
“Dude, you look sick! And not in the good way.”
Julie had been sat atop the kitchen counter, watching Alex prepare their breakfast, but she looked towards the door when she heard Reggie’s exclamation. Stood in the doorway, bundled in about four hoodies, his eyes bloodshot and his nose running, was Luke. Reggie was right – he looked as if he were about to keel over and die. His puppy dog eyes were wide and watery and he looked utterly dreadful.
“Luke,” Julie said, hopping off the counter and heading over to him. “Are you feeling alright?”
He shook his head and sniffled pathetically. “I’m sick,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, you look it,” Julie said. She took his hand and gently led him towards a kitchen chair. He collapsed into it with a relieved sigh as if he couldn’t have bared standing any longer.
To Julie’s surprise (and slight annoyance) Alex and Reggie were laughing.
“You must have the weakest immune system known to man,” Alex joked as he put the group’s breakfast onto plates.
“On the bright side, Willie owes me ten dollars,” Reggie said with a beam. “I bet him you wouldn’t last two weeks before getting sick.”
Julie put her hands on her hips and glared at the two boys who immediately ceased their laughter. She knew she could be quite terrifying when she wanted to and she didn’t like abusing that power too much, but this was a situation she felt called for it.
“You two are seriously lacking compassion,” she scolded, pointing to and from Alex and Reggie. “Your friend is ill and all you can do is laugh at him. It’s mean – he has it difficult enough right now.”
Luke, pouting pathetically, nodded in agreement.
Alex and Reggie, both looking suitably chastised, muttered, “Sorry Julie.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t apologise to me.”
“Sorry Luke.”
“That’s better,” she said. Julie took herself out of Mother Mode and returned to Supportive Girlfriend. She gently ran her fingers through Luke’s hair – he relaxed a little as her touch. “I’m going to take you back to bed, you’re going to get some rest while I look up your symptoms, and then I’m going to take care of you.”
Luke’s eyes widened. “It’s probably just a cold. You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t, but I’m going to. Come on.”
Julie sent one more cutting glare to Reggie and Alex before helping Luke stand and leading him back through their little apartment to their shared bedroom. She eased him back into the bed, helped him make a half-nest-half-fort with the pillows and duvet, then grabbed her laptop and set up YouTube for him. Then, she pulled up a tab on her phone and sat beside him on the bed.
“Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?” she asked.
Luke shook his head.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all?”
“A little bit,” he croaked.
She smiled knowingly. “Sore throat too?”
He closed his eyes and nodded.
Julie asked him more questions, then determined that because of the stress of moving his immune system had utterly crashed and some nasty bug had seized the opportunity. According to the internet, he needed plenty of bed rest, he should have been kept warm, he needed a lot of water, and most of all he simply needed to not do anything for a while.
“But we’re supposed to go to the studio tomorrow to record a bunch of songs,” Luke protested when Julie told him. He sat up abruptly, but eased himself back down, a hand rested against his forehead, wincing.
“You’re not going anywhere like that,” Julie told him. “I’ll call the studio and let them know we’ll have to record your parts a different time. Don’t say anything,” she commanded as he opened his mouth to argue again. “I’m not changing my mind.”
He grumbled something she couldn’t quite hear but assumed was something childishly rude – it had certainly sounded as if he’d been mocking her voice. She ignored him and instead headed back out to the kitchen. Julie grabbed painkillers and a large glass of water and took them back to Luke who had started a long YouTube playlist of Bondi Rescue videos.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be sitting in front of a screen if you’re dizzy,” Julie contemplated, handing him the tablets and the drink. Luke looked up at her with a mixture of sadness and fury in his eyes.
“I’ve already lost my health, I can’t lose Bondi Rescue too,” he said.
She breathed a laugh and sat back down beside him. He immediately melted into her side, his head rested against her abdomen. She stroked her fingers through his hair and felt him sigh at the touch.
He was asleep within minutes.
Julie and the Phantoms were on tour. It was a moment they had all been anticipating ever since they’d inducted Julie into the band. The four of them had saved up enough money to buy their own tour bus emblazoned with their faces and the band’s logo and were spending nine months driving across the United States and Canada to perform their show to sold-out crowds. Julie could hardly believe it was happening.
Right that moment, part of her wished it weren’t happening.
Julie had been led to understand that before she joined the band and became the responsible one, Alex was the ‘parental figure’ who had kept Luke and Reggie (both far more boisterous by nature) in check. If anyone had told her that on the second leg of their tour, she would not have believed it for a moment. Alex was sat in the passenger seat beside her, but was leaning over the back of it to swat at Reggie who was kicking the back of his seat. Both were calling each other childish names and their hands were flapping about like they were having a catfight. Julie had given up trying to stop them about two hundred miles ago.
Looking after them sometimes felt like having a pair of toddlers. Though more often it was like having three toddlers because Luke would find a way to join in on the shenanigans. But right then, in the backseat beside Reggie, he was oddly quiet.
“Luke,” Julie called over Alex and Reggie’s squabbling, readjusting the mirror so she could see Luke behind her. “You okay?”
Luke nodded then tried to clear his throat. “Yeah,” he said, voice gravelly. “Sore throat, that’s all.”
Julie frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t sound good. Will you be able to sing for tomorrow’s show?”
His eyes widened frantically at the mention of the performance. “Of course! I’ll be fine, it’s just a sore throat.”
It was, unfortunately, very clearly not just a sore throat.
Julie pulled the tour bus into the parking lot of their hotel and the gang all headed to their rooms. Julie and Luke were sharing, partially to save money and partially because they wanted to. Before they went to sleep, Julie checked again with Luke to see if he was alright and again he told her in that rough voice that he was fine.
However, when they woke up Luke seemed distinctly worse for wear. He was radiating heat like the sun but shivering as if he were in the arctic, he was complaining of pain in his right ear, and when Julie looked down his throat she saw that his tonsils were swollen and covered in white spots.
“You’re not going on stage like this,” she said, shaking her head. “No way. I’m calling a doctor.”
“I don’t need a doctor,” Luke insisted, attempting to hoist himself into a sitting position but giving up quickly. “It’s just a sore throat.”
“You can try telling me that again when you can swallow more than a drop of water,” Julie said before picking up her phone and calling the nearest doctor.
Luckily, the doctor was able to come out to the hotel so Luke didn’t have to even get out of bed. The doctor took one look at his symptoms, then turned to Julie.
“Looks like strep throat,” they said, snapping their latex gloves off. “The pain in the ear is because of an ear infection that came after the bacteria travelled from the throat to the middle ear. I’m going to prescribe him a course of antibiotics, he’ll need to take them all otherwise the infection will come back stronger. I recommend he doesn’t perform for at least another month to give the infection ample time to heal.”
“A month?” Luke tried to yell, but it came out as an outraged breathy whisper.
“Yes,” the doctor said, looking down at him over their glasses. “Your infection is particularly severe, Mr Patterson, and if you want to finish your tour then I suggest you take my advice.”
“We can’t cancel shows,” Luke protested weakly. “Think of how excited everyone’s been…”
Julie smiled to the doctor and saw them out of the room. “Thank you very much,” she said. “I’ll make sure he gets those antibiotics and plenty of rest.”
Once the doctor was gone, Julie called Flynn, the official manager for Julie and the Phantoms and Julie’s lifelong best friend. “Cancel every show for the next month,” she instructed. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Are you alright, Jules?” Flynn said, immediately sounding concerned. “I can come over and take care of you, whatever you need, I’ll book a flight right now–”
“I’m fine, Flynn,” Julie assured her. “It’s Luke. He’s got strep.”
“Oh no.” Flynn’s worry morphed into something akin to disappointment. “He’s literally the worst one of you guys to get ill right now.”
“Tell me about it. He’s furious that we’ve even suggested cancelling the shows.”
“He gets it’s for his own good, right?” Flynn asked.
Julie shook her head even though Flynn couldn’t see her. “He knows that but he doesn’t want to let everyone down. He’s been more excited for the tour than the fans have – he doesn’t want any of it to go wrong and this is about as wrong as it could go.”
“I’m sure he’ll get over it once the ‘get well soon’ messages start arriving,” Flynn said.
“I think that’ll just make it worse,” Julie countered. “Anyway, it’s fine. There’s nothing we can do. Just make sure everyone knows the next shows are cancelled.”
“You got it, boss. Good luck with Luke.”
“I’ll need it.”
Julie hung up on Flynn and headed back towards Luke. He was still sat up in the bed, looking very sorry for himself as he pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hey,” she said softly, crouching down next to his side of the bed. “I’m going to make you some hot honey and lemon water – my mom always made it for me when I got a sore throat. It’ll help, I promise. Is there anything else you want?”
“I want to do the shows,” he said petulantly.
Julie shook her head firmly. “You heard the doctor – none of us are going on any stage for another month. Flynn’s cancelling the shows as we speak.”
Luke looked aghast. “No!”
“Yes. You’re sick, Luke. And think about it; if this were me or Alex or Reggie in your position, what would you say to do?”
“I’d say we should cancel the shows until you got better,” he said as if the answer were obvious, then he seemed to hear his own words and deflated a little. “Fine. I suppose this is for the best. I… I just feel like I’m letting everyone down.”
Julie intertwined their fingers and held his hand tightly. She gave him a soft, reassuring smile. “You aren’t letting anybody down, Luke. It’s not your fault that you’re sick and there’s nothing any of us can do about it now. All that can be done is for you to rest and take your meds so that the next shows we do are as good as they can be. Okay?”
He rolled his eyes sighed, but there was the tiniest smile playing about his lips. “Okay.”
Julie had said it was a bad idea from the very beginning, but the boys had insisted that they’d done it before and it was perfectly safe.
It felt good to be proven right, but less good to be vomited on.
The first problem was that there was definitely not enough room anywhere in their tiny apartment for three grown men to attempt the famous lift from Dirty Dancing. Julie had pointed that out. She had pointed it out almost a dozen times. Every time, Reggie had told her that they didn’t actually need a lot of space, trust me.
The second problem was that their heights simply didn’t add up to a safe lift. Luke and Reggie were of a similar build, but Alex was much taller and there wasn’t really anywhere for him to go – if he held up one of the guys, they’d be held at an angle; if he were the one on top, he would likely crush the other two.
The third and final problem was that none of the boys were dancers and had no training or experience, therefore none of them knew how to do the lift properly and safely. Julie had stretched this argument to its breaking point but the three idiots had not heeded her warning.
And so they had done the lift.
It had started out strong. They had decided that Alex would be the one in the air, so Luke and Reggie had got into position with their hands outstretched and Alex had taken a great running start and leapt at them. To their credit, the boys held Alex in the air for a solid three seconds before Reggie lost his balance and Luke’s grip slipped, and the three of them went tumbling to the ground.
Julie watched in unsurprised horror as Alex fell flat on top of Reggie and scrambled to get off him, while Luke dropped far too close to the dining table and whacked his head on its corner with a grotesque thud.
He was out cold.
Julie muttered a curse and hurried towards him. Alex and Reggie gathered around slowly too, warily looking down at Luke, clearly feeling guilty.
“Luke?” Julie said to the unconscious lump in her lap. He was heavier than he looked – she privately understood why they had decided to lift Alex instead. “Can you hear me, sweetie?”
After a few more minutes, Luke came to, groaning and cradling his head.
“Hey,” Alex said, smiling brightly. “You’re awake! Sorry about that, we–”
Alex didn’t get to finish his sentence because Luke interrupted him by loudly and violently throwing up on Alex’s shoes. A little bit hit Julie’s dress and she quickly yanked the fabric out of the way.
Alex looked at his shoes disappointedly. After a long while he said, “I am going to the bathroom. Either to shower or be sick, I’m not sure yet,” and then disappeared.
Reggie was a deathly shade of green, staring at Luke and the vomit.
“If you don’t like it you can go, Reggie,” Julie said. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
Reggie nodded and followed Alex out of the room, wide-eyed.
“Let’s get you to bed, huh?” Julie said. Luke nodded vaguely, his eyes far away, and she led him through the apartment to their bedroom. She only just managed to get him into bed before he started slipping into unconsciousness again.
It was plain as day that Luke had a nasty concussion. Julie tucked him into bed, then switched off the lights and drew the curtains so that it was almost pitch black. She got him an enormous glass of water and readied all the painkillers she could find, as well as grabbing a large bowl so that he didn’t have to run to the bathroom if he needed to be sick again. Then she looked up concussion on her phone – it said that if he’d woken up after being knocked out then he needed to go to hospital; she wasn’t sure how she was meant to get him there now that he was unconscious again.
Julie decided to wait until he woke up again. She laid down beside him on the bed and pressed the gentlest of kisses to his forehead.
“You’re such an idiot,” she whispered. “I love you.”
Julie loved her boys usually, but sometimes she really believed they lacked the common sense necessary for general survival.
“You did what?!”
Luke, Alex, and Reggie looked between each other frantically, stuttering for excuses.
“Nothing really out of the ordinary, I don’t think.”
“Pretty sure it was actually you who did something they shouldn’t have.”
Julie raised her hands and the boys silenced. She glared at them, half furious and half exasperated.
“Are you seriously telling me – or rather not telling me – that after all the times I specifically told you it would be a bad idea, you went and got hotdogs that were being sold out of the back of an Oldsmobile?”
“In our defence,” Reggie piped up, raising his hand like a kid answering a question in class, “they smelled really good.”
“Wish they’d tasted as good as they smelled,” Luke grumbled. Alex hit him.
“I have never met anyone with less common sense!” Julie yelled, waving her arms. “What is wrong with you? What made you think it’d be a good idea? How did you not think that it was the dodgiest set up for any fast food ever?”
“Relax,” Reggie said, “street dogs haven’t killed us yet.”
The highly questionable hotdogs did not, in fact, kill them. However, the next day all three boys were overcome with food poisoning so horrible that Julie simply could not take care of them all by herself.
That morning she sent a quick text to Willie to offload Alex to him: Come and get your dumb boyfriend, he and his idiot friends ate bad hotdogs and got sick, you can take one. Twenty minutes later, Willie showed up to take Alex back to his apartment, an ungodly amount of blankets in his hands when he arrived at the apartment.
Reggie was the least ill – he could pretty much take care of himself and at the very least he wasn’t throwing up everywhere. He stayed on the couch, watching some cartoon on repeat. Julie let him be.
Luke, on the other hand, was quite the task. He was feeling and looking absolutely dreadful, unable to move himself from his bed and being sick whenever he tried to do so much as drink a glass of water. Julie truly had her hands full trying to take care of him.
Despite his protests, she called the studio and cancelled their appointment with Luke today. He was in no fit state to record any hit songs right then; he could hardly even open his mouth without sick coming out of it.
Feeling particularly frazzled, Julie finally allowed herself a little break from rushing around after Luke to relax, just for a moment. She settled herself comfortably onto the bed beside Luke once his sickness had calmed down a bit and fired up Netflix. She could feel his doleful eyes on her as she selected a movie and let it play.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked.
“Are you apologising for being sick or for eating those hotdogs even though I told you not to?” she questioned.
Luke had the good grace to look a little ashamed. “Both.”
Julie shifted a little to wrap her arms around Luke’s midriff. “Don’t apologise for being sick. It is your fault, but don’t say sorry for it. I will accept your apology for disobeying me though.”
Luke rested his head against Julie’s shoulders, shuffling further into the covers. “We should have listened to you, I know. But if you could have just smelled those hotdogs…”
“Yeah, I’m sure they smelled great mingling with the stench of petrol,” Julie deadpanned. “I’m starting to think you three need constant adult supervision.”
“We are adults.”
“That’s why I’m so worried.”
Luke huffed a laugh, but then frowned. “I feel bad. You’re always the one taking care of me. Just once I want to take care of you.”
Julie raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you want me to get sick?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean that,” he said hurriedly, even though Julie had been joking. “I just meant that you do such a good job with this every time. I want to give you a break.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Julie assured him. “But… if I ever do get sick, I’ll make sure to come straight to you and you can take care of me. Deal?”
“Deal,” Luke said with a soft smile.
It had been many years since Luke had been really sick. Julie had naively thought that maybe they’d get lucky and he’d never be sick again. Maybe his laughable immune system had finally caught up and had strengthened itself against what most people could avoid easily.
Wishful thinking.
Flu season was set to ruin Julie’s life. She had woken up one Monday morning and followed her usual routine, heading to her daughter’s bedroom to wake her up for preschool. She had shaken little Rose awake, but the three-year-old had been extremely hot.
“Oh, sweetie,” Julie had said gently. “Are you feeling sick?”
Rose, rubbing her teary tired eyes, had nodded and cried very quietly.
Julie had pulled her into a hug. “Okay, honey. You go back to sleep. It’s alright.”
She laid Rose back down, tucked her back in, and encouraged her to sleep. It took a long time and a lot of tears from Rose, but eventually the little girl drifted back into a fitful slumber. Feeling like all she wanted to do was go to sleep herself, Julie headed back to her own bedroom and shook Luke awake.
“Luke,” she whispered. “Rose is sick. I’m going to call the preschool and tell them she won’t be in, but then I’ve got to get to the studio. You think you can take care of her today?”
Luke sleepily opened his eyes and groaned as he shifted into a sitting position. He held a hand to his head – it looked far too similar to him steadying his balance for Julie’s liking.
She sighed. “Please don’t tell me you’re sick as well?”
Luke tried for a smile. “No, no, I’m alright. I’ll take care of Rose, don’t worry.”
He tried to swing himself out of bed, but Julie didn’t miss the way that the sudden movement made him wince. That and the fact that he clapped a hand to his mouth, the other held over his stomach. Unsteadily, he got to his feet and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came back to the bedroom looking sheepish.
“I’m sick too,” he said quietly.
Julie sighed haggardly and looked to the alarm clock on her bedside table. She needed to be at the studio to start her recording session in half an hour, but no part of her was willing to leave her husband and daughter alone while both of them were seeming awfully ill. She quickly made her decision.
“You get back to bed,” she said gently to Luke, taking his hand and leading him back to the bed.
“No, I need to get Rose,” he said, but he grudgingly followed her.
“I’m going to get Rose,” Julie told him as she sat him down and tucked him in. “I’ll bring her here and you can stay snuggled up together. I’ll call the preschool, run some errands, and I’ll check on you both later, okay?”
Luke nodded and lifted Julie’s hand to his lips as if to kiss it, then seemed to think better of it and dropped it. “Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Julie went back to Rose’s room. The little girl was fast asleep, wriggling around a little as she dreamt, her black curls that were the same as her mother’s spread out over her pillow. Gently, Julie picked her up and held her tightly to her chest, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head as she carried her to her own bedroom.
Luke smiled as Julie entered the room with Rose cradled in her arms. He lifted up the duvet so that Julie could lay Rose down beside him. As she put Rose down, the little girl woke up. She looked around, seeming surprised to have been moved. Then she began to cry very, very quietly.
“Dada,” she wailed, tiny fists clutching at Luke’s pyjama top. “Mama!”
Julie was exhausted. She could see a long day ahead of her, looking after both of the most important people in her life as they battled this disgusting illness. But as she looked at them – tearful little Rose snuggled up with Luke, who had his arms around her tightly, stroking her back soothingly as he whispered shushes – she felt a little bit of that exhaustion melt away, replaced with love.
She perched herself on the bed. “Rosie,” she whispered, tucking one of Rose’s stray hairs behind her ear. “If you quiet down, Mama will sing you a lullaby.”
Luke’s eyes widened. Behind the bloodshot sickness, Julie could see the love and admiration he had for her in them. She beamed at him, and he smiled back as if in awe of her. She felt her heart swell with love.
Rose hushed a little and Julie began the lullaby that her own mother had sung to her when she was little. It was a traditional little rhyme, simple and easy, but the beautiful melismatic notes strung together like bunting made the rising melodies sound ethereally pretty. It had always been one of Julie’s favourite songs.
Rose fell back asleep, huddled in Luke’s arms. Luke reached his hand out of took Julie’s hand.
“You’re perfect,” he mouthed, trying not to wake Rose.
Julie smiled, gently kissed his hand, and finally got up to phone the preschool.
Julie never got sick. It wasn’t in her nature. It just didn’t happen.
Except for that one time.
Julie woke up with the highest temperature the thermometer had ever recorded, her head was spinning like she was on a rollercoaster, and her muscles felt so fatigued that she couldn’t get out of bed.
And yet, she said to Luke, “I swear I’m fine.”
Luke, in a rare moment of knowledge and common sense, didn’t take her word for it. He seemed almost excited for her sickness – Julie wasn’t sure how to feel about that – and he pulled her into a tight hug.
“No,” he said firmly, “you’re sick. I’m going to take care of you.”
And he did. The very next thing Luke did was make Julie up a hot water bottle and bring it to her to help combat her chills, then he brought her three boxes of paracetamol and an entire pitcher of water. He called the doctor’s office for advice, then dragged the entire television set up to his and Julie’s room from downstairs. He got Rose ready for school and before he left the house he assured Julie that he would be back soon and she didn’t need to worry and, “If you need anything, just call me and I’ll come straight back.”
Julie couldn’t help but smile despite her tiredness and awful feeling. “I’ll be fine, Luke. Get Rose to school before she’s late.”
“I love you,” Luke said.
Rose, stood at the end of Julie’s bed, said, “Love you, Mama!”
“I love you, Rosie. Have a good day.”
Julie watched the love of her life and her perfect daughter leave the room and listened to their footsteps heading downstairs. Maybe she felt absolutely terrible and perhaps like she was going to be sick, but when she had someone like Luke looking after her it didn’t feel quite so dreadful.
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His Little XPLR (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Hi! Tell me how you feel about this colbys daughter is sick with strep laryngitis and a throat infection and basically Colby baby’s her and takes care of her. I know it’s short but it’s the best I got and I’m not the best at explaining
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,346
Warnings: fluff, swearing
“I should come home. I’m flying home right now. I’m going to book a flight and call my manager. I can be home in like 6 hours. I knew I shouldn’t have gone on this trip.” I hear Y/N panicking on the other line. I hear her muttering to herself and packing up in the background.
“Y/N, babe, stop packing. Stay in New York, you’re on a work trip. I can handle Bea on my own. It’s just a cold I’m sure. I only called to keep you updated on her. I gave her some medicine and I’m going to check on her in an hour. If her fever isn’t gone, I’ll take her to urgent care. You’ve been planning this meeting for a while and it’s a big one. Stay and do your contracts and stuff.” I reassure her. I peak my head into Beatrice’s room and watch the four-year old’s small frame rise and fall slowly.
“You’re right,” she says sighing, “but if she gets worse, I’m on the first flight out of here. I don’t care. You better fucking call me Colby, I swear to God—”
“I know, just go back to your meeting. I love you.” I say softly.
“I love you too, Colby. Call me.” Y/N hangs up her phone and I’m left with a sleeping Bea.
Bea hasn’t been feeling well for the past couple of days, and for a four-year-old, you can definitely tell. She’s done nothing but sit on the couch to take naps or watch tv. She’s a very active child, she takes after me that way, she’s almost always in the backyard climbing over shit, my little explorer. Ever since she got sick, Y/N has been wanting to cancel her trip. When she got pregnant with Bea, she pretty much put off her career.
Her channel has mostly become a family channel so she can balance work and home life. I know she misses doing her old content and making music. She’s been putting off meetings and collabs so she wouldn’t have to leave and I can do my own stuff. She was ready to go back last month. She planned meetings with her manager and some YouTube big wigs up in New York. So I pushed her to go and start getting her career back. I can handle staying with our daughter for a few days. If I need help, Sam and Kat live nearby.
I leave Beatrice’s door open and head out to the living room. Normally, I would take this time to clean up, but there isn’t much to do. Bea’s toys have been neatly put away since Saturday. The only toy she’s played with is some creepy ass doll that Jake bought her when she was firstborn. That thing gives me the creeps, it’s like a raggedy Anne doll on crack. I kept trying to hide it, but she would throw a fit. She’s sleeping with it now. She also took the blanket she was sleeping with on the couch with her.
I pull out my laptop and flop down on the couch. I opened it up to my email. I could edit some videos right now, but that’s too time-consuming. I don’t know when Bea will wake up and I want to be able to give her my full attention. It’s hard doing this as a single parent. I need to remember to kiss Y/N when she gets home for somehow dealing with Bea while she was sick and I was away on a Sam and Colby trip.
“I want to go home!” Bea cries from my lap.
Her fever got worse and her voice was nearly gone when she woke up from her nap. As promised, I called Y/N, who told me she would be home in about 6 hours. We’re sitting in one of the beds in the urgent care waiting for the results of the rapid strep test. We were going to be in the waiting room longer, but Bea threw up on the floor and I had to unleash my inner Karen.
I stroke Bea’s hair, trying to soothe her. This must be hard on her little body. I don’t think she’s been in this much pain in her entire life before. It must be confusing to her. She told me this morning that she had a headache, and I know for a fact she’s never had one of those before. I wish I could take all of her pain away and be sick instead.
“Daddy?” I hear Bea ask softly.
“Yes, princess?” I whisper back.
“I want mommy!” She starts to cry again.
“Shh, I know. Mommy is on her way now. I promise.” I readjust Bea so she can put her head on my shoulder. I pat her back and rub soft circles on her back.
“Mr. Brock?” A small nurse knocks on the door before poking her head in.
“You got the results back quickly,” I reply. Bea has stopped crying and is asleep now.
“Yeah, the lab isn’t too busy. The doctor wanted me to tell you that it is strep and to send you home with this prescription and packet about how to take care of Beatrice and you can go. If you want to ask him some questions, he can come in a few minutes. His number is on the packet just in case.” She hands me a stack of papers and I quickly look over them.
“Thank you. I’ll just take Bea and go now. I might call in about an hour, but thank you again.” I put the papers in Bea’s backpack and leave.
Bea hasn’t left my side since we left urgent care. I had to take her with me to both the grocery store and the pharmacy after we left because I couldn’t find anyone to watch her last minute. Well, I knew Kat would but she’s pregnant and I don’t want Bea to get her sick. When we got home, I gave her the antibiotics that she was prescribed and some soup. She took a nap on the couch while I did the laundry and clean up the messes I made while Y/N was away. When she woke up again, I gave her a popsicle.
Right now, Bea is cuddled next to me on my bed watching tv. It’s about 3 am but she woke up to go to the bathroom earlier and couldn’t go back to sleep. She fell asleep here earlier. Y/N and I didn’t put a tv in her room yet and I wanted to fall asleep in an actual bed. In the corner of the room is a humidifier helping her breathe.
“Mommy!” Bea says tiredly.
“Hi, baby, what are you two still doing up?” Y/N whispers coming into the room. I must have been dozing off because I didn’t hear her come into the house.
Y/N drops her bags on the floor and climbs into bed next to Bea. She hugs her and kisses me on the cheek.
“I would have picked you up from the airport? It was a nice surprise though.” I tell her, kissing her forehead.
“I thought Bea was asleep already. I didn’t want you to have to wake her up to get me. It’s fine though. But how has she been.” Y/N asks as she pulls the thermometer from the bedside table.
“She’s doing better. The antibiotics are helping, she played a little bit today. She’s been asking for you though.” I brush Bea’s hair out of her eyes, which are just like mine. She mostly looks like Y/N, except for her eyes.
“That’s good, and her temp is good too. Well, I’m glad you two were fine while I was away, I was worried. How have you been?” She asks. Bea is now cuddled on her mother’s chest, slowly falling asleep.
“I’m better now that you’re home,” I whisper, kissing Y/N again before going back to watching tv.
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Flower Child (Peter Parker x ofc)
Chapter 11: Just a Nobody
I’m really sorry I haven’t been consistent in updating on this platform, I think I’ll just mass update on here and catch up to speed? Idk, it’s a lot and again, I’m sorry. I’m trying to find inspiration to write!
warnings: Peter being rude, angst, depictions of anxiety… sorry 😬, mentions of death
The pair of them didn’t leave the greenhouse until midnight that night. Papers had been scattered around a workbench in the greenhouse under a single lamplight, covered in formulas that had been scratched and edited past legibility. Lila and Peter made an incredible team, much to their surprise, and within just a few short hours, a new webbing formula had been made.
Peter also walked her home, despite Lila reassuring him that he didn’t have to. He merely brushed off her attempts and bid her goodnight at her door. And despite the crazy events, like her almost dying, she went to bed with a smile on her face. Her crush was a superhero, how could she not?
When she went to school the next day, Lila was tired but cheerful. A light kind of air sat in her chest and put her in a good mood, even with the whispers of what happened the day before following her to her locker. She supposed the feeling of falling in an elevator made things like school more enjoyable since they were a part of living, but she attributed her happiness mostly to the two boys who walked quickly over to her locker as soon as they saw her.
“Hey, Lila,” Peter said, lips twitching in a nervous smile.
“Hey, guys, what’s-?”
“So you know?” Both Lila and Peter looked to Ned, whose expression was unreadable. “About-“ His voice lowered into a whisper, “-Peter’s sticky situation?”
A patch of red grew on the boy in question’s face, and he sent an exasperated stare his friend’s way. “Dude, come on, at least think of a better code name.”
“So you know?” Ned asked Lila again, to which she nodded apprehensively. Her eyes flickered to Peter, who offered an apologetic shrug. When she looked back to Ned again, he looked relieved. “Finally. I’ve really needed this, I didn’t know how much longer I could keep it a secret-“
“Ned,” Peter said, “You found out last week.”
“- I thought I was gonna blow it, but I didn’t. And now I can talk to you about how totally amazing this is.” Ned inhaled deeply, launching into a slew of questions. “So how did you know it was him? Are you psychic? Did you psychically connect to Peter, and that’s how he saved your life? Do you have, like, a spider-link now?”
“N-No, it wasn’t anything like that,” Lila answered him, Peter giving her a thankful look that she interrupted Ned’s questioning. She tucked her hair behind her ear before continuing, “Peter disappearing the night before, y-you having the Ch-Chitauri core, and - and the Stark Internship. Just… a lot of it d-didn’t add up.” Lila looked around them to see Michelle walk through the front doors. “Look, I’d b-better go before MJ gets suspicious but I’ll see you guys for fourth.”
Peter and Ned said their goodbyes while Lila walked down the hallway to her friend. Before she could reach MJ, however, Lila was stopped by Betty Brant, who had a fiercely determined look on her face. “Lila,” she practically addressed, her tone was so formal.
“B-Betty,” Lila swallowed, raising her eyebrows in surprise. “Wh-What’s up?”
“Midtown is running a story on the survivors of the almost-tragic Washington Monument scare yesterday. I need to know that you’ll be available for lunch to answer a few questions with the rest of your team. I would do it now, but I don’t have my co-host.” The last sentence ended with a note of bitterness, and Lila tilted her head in concern.
“Oh n-no, where’s - where’s Jason?”
Betty rolled her eyes, “His mom called him out of first period for some stupid dentist appointment and wouldn’t cancel. I’ve told him time and time again that his mom doesn’t understand how brutally competitive journalism can get in the age of technology.” Her eyes narrowed at the apparently sour thought. “Like, she doesn’t even know how embarrassing it was to see Principal Morita’s fall after the floors were waxed with new wax on Flash’s Snapchat story first. That should’ve been our story, but no, Jason had strep throat.” Her tone grew mocking and she put air quotes around “strep throat”. There was a beat of silence, and then, “Anyways, so I’ll see you at lunch?”
At this point, Lila had been daydreaming of a way to get out of the heated one-sided argument. “Sure.”
Satisfied, Betty nodded. “Good. And don’t talk to anyone else about what happened.” She strode away, leaving Lila feeling slightly confused as she walked over to where MJ was standing, watching the whole interaction.
It didn’t go unnoticed that Lila was becoming fast friends with Peter and Ned. Soon enough, in the span of the next two days, they popped up nearly everywhere in her daily life. For some, it was a welcome addition to Lila’s friend count (now up to three). For others, it was a topic of slight confusion.
“I’m not, like, unhappy for you or anything,” Sophie commented one evening in the flower shop. She was watching Peter and Ned leave through the front doors, the cooler air from the outside falling at their feet. “I just didn’t know you were so close.”
Lila and the boys had just brought over some chemicals they’d nicked from school, and finally perfected the stronger webbing for Peter. It was all discreetly put away in a box tucked underneath spare gardening supplies. The box in question was placed in a corner, out of sight and hopefully out of anyone else’s minds that weren’t Peter’s, Lila’s, or Ned’s.
The door had shut by the time Lila turned back to Sophie, a light blush on her cheeks. “Falling in an e-elevator is a surprisingly easy way to m-make friends.” The flicker of suspicion in Sophie’s eyes disappeared almost immediately at Lila’s reply, and for a moment, Lila had the gut-twisting sensation of guilt. It was confusing: she wasn’t actually lying to Sophie, but she was hiding the truth. Plummeting to her death with Ned by her side did craft a strong foundation of friendship at a remarkably fast rate. And being one of about four people who knew Peter’s secret identity also warranted spending more time together than what was considered normal. Only, she couldn’t tell anyone that last part.
Lila hated that her cover story for spending time around the two boys was her near-death experience, but even she couldn’t deny its effectiveness. Sophie stopped asking questions after her comment, and soon started addressing them with the same familiarity as she would Michelle or her dad.
Michelle, whose skepticism came as easy as breathing, wasn’t as easy to persuade. MJ knew Ned was in the elevator with Lila, and her interest in them hanging out didn’t extend farther than a simple statement of, “Ned needs to download the free VPNs I sent you. I don’t want my network data accidentally getting monitored by the government because he’s using the WiFi at your shop.” Which was fine with Lila, Ned would be one less thing to worry about in regards to her most perceptive friend.
However, with Ned deemed not a problem, MJ’s wariness was focused on Peter. If she thought he was sketchy before, it was nothing compared to how she felt after he started to hang out with Lila. Michelle wasn’t much for holding a conversation with people she didn’t know, but the times where she did talk to Peter, it almost always was staged as interrogation. Lila felt sorry for Peter, for she knew MJ was intimidating, and too smart for her own good. She also knew that Michelle’s intention was a heavily-veiled protectiveness for her friend.
Ted Landry seemed to be the only person in Lila’s life who wasn’t suspicious of her new friends. In fact, he was completely clueless. Peter being around Lila more was merely a correlation to him personally checking on her the night she got back from D.C. The worst part was that Ted told Lila that the reason Peter was starting to be around her so much was because he had a crush on her.
“It just seems kind of obvious,” Ted said, ignoring the choking noises Lila emitted after hearing her dad’s thoughts. He merely patted her on the back as she tried to dislodge the granola that she accidentally sent down the wrong pipe. “I practically did the same thing with your mom, we became inseparable.”
Lila wished above all that her dad’s thoughts were the truth. But the brief look in Peter’s eyes that appeared whenever Liz walked by the three of them in the school’s hallways sent those thoughts crawling on all fours to the back of her mind.
Over the next few days, Lila grew privy to the information Peter was gathering over the last week as Spider-Man. It all started with the bank robbers that accidentally decimated Delmar’s bodega, which Lila learned were capable of doing so with the acquisition of illegal weapons. Weapons that happened to have access to alien technology.
Peter and Ned explained that someone was stealing alien technology and fashioning weapons to distribute on the black market. Their target was Damage Control, whose existence was to be the clean-up crew of the Avengers.
“For lack of a better term,” Peter went on, fiddling with the screwdriver in his hand. That Wednesday evening, Peter had Ned and Lila over after he had perused the streets of Queens as Spider-Man. It was then the two boys filled Lila in on their mission. “But basically this department’s been confiscating all the alien tech and Ultron mess for the past eight years. And the helicarriers in Washington? They’re still working on that stuff.”
“And this guy in the wingsuit… the birdman?” Lila asked, trying to keep up with the nearly unbelievable tale.
A spark emitting from one of Peter’s web shooters had him diving back with his screwdriver. Ned, meanwhile, took the reigns. “We’re pretty sure he’s their leader. But they’ve got this stuff nearly on lockdown. Peter figures he must’ve been doing it from the beginning.”
Lila looked back over to Peter, “Do you know who he is? O-Or any kind of clue?”
The web shooter made a clicking noise that seemed to satisfy Peter. He turned away from his desk and set his eyes back on Lila. Shaking his head, he answered, “No, I’ve got no idea. And he got away with some of the stuff that was in the Damage Control trucks. Best guess, I’ll just have to catch them when they’re out selling this stuff again.” He paused, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. And after a moment, he added as an afterthought, “You didn’t happen to catch what Puth assigned for homework, did you? I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Peter, dinner’s on the table - Lila!” May poked her head inside Peter’s door. Lila whipped her head around to see her large grin, and heard Peter hastily slam his desk drawer shut to hide his web shooters. “I had no idea you were here!”
“Hi, May,” Lila smiled, a pale pink dusting her cheeks. “H-How are things?”
“Finer than wine, honey. I feel so bad, I would’ve made more food if I’d’ve known you guys were going to be here.” Her lips pursed briefly as an afterthought came to mind. “Actually, it might be better if you guys hit the road.”
Peter stared at his aunt exasperatedly, “Oh, c’mon May-“
“Uh-uh,” her expression was suddenly stern when her eyes fell on him, “If you’re going to ditch class, then you’re not going to have friends over.” She softened her gaze when she moved back over to Lila and Ned. “You guys need a ride home?”
Lila grabbed her backpack, eyeing Peter and feeling confused. Why would he ditch class? Peter’s eyes met hers before answering her with a jerk of the head to his desk, where the web shooters lay hidden.
“No,” Lila finally answered, brushing off Peter’s answer with a wave of dismay. “N-No, thanks. My neighborhood’s just f-five blocks over.”
Betty Brant released her story on Thursday morning. Apparently Jason actually did have a pretty awful tooth infection, and wasn’t able to co-anchor her story until then. When Lila walked into school, the conversation, which had just begun to die down, picked right back up, and attention was back on the academic decathlon.
Everyone at Midtown pretty much knew of Lila and her inability to confidently socialize with peers, but that didn’t stop them from pointing at her while poorly concealing whispers. So she was left to navigate the crowded hallways alone, doing her best to ignore the eyes that followed her and the sounds of the news story reporting on her brush with death. One thing she did manage to catch was Jason saying, “Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, thanks to Spider-Man. Up next, the Spider mania is sweeping the school, how can you show your Spider spirit?”
And Jason wasn’t wrong. The talk of Spider-Man was re-invigorated at the school news’ story, and if they weren’t talking about the decathlon team, they were talking about Spider-Man. Some people wore shirts they bought from street vendors, and talked about how amazing he was. Flash was the biggest proponent of this, boasting about how Spider-Man made a harrowing rescue, pulling Flash out of harm’s way just in time, and giving him a fist bump right afterwards. All of which was untrue, and Charles and Abraham we’re glad to remind everyone around Flash of the fact.
Lila felt a deep sense of pride as she made her way down the stairs and past the mural. She knew Peter must’ve been at school, and hearing all of the positive thoughts everyone had on his secret identity. She could feel it in the air: pride. A sense of pride that one of New York’s own was a hero, a champion of Queens. Even Lila herself felt that pride, but for other reasons entirely.
She ran into Ned first, who was beaming at the television screen in the corner of the hall. The two of them shared a knowing smile, and the pair launched into a quiet conversation about it in the otherwise loud hallways. Ned spotted Peter ahead of the two of them, and pushed around the students in his way. He and Lila met Peter at the foot of the stairs, all three grinning from ear to ear.
“Dude, dude, dude, what is it like being famous when no one knows it’s you?” Ned asked.
Rather modestly, Peter smiled and gripped the straps of his backpack. “It’s crazy,” he whispered, looking around to make sure other people weren’t listening.
“Crazy,” Ned repeated, almost in awe. “Should we tell everyone?”
Peter still smiled, but his head tilted a little in confusion, “No.”
“Should I tell everyone?”
“No, dude, that’s not a good idea.”
Ned looked to Lila, “Lila could tell everyone.”
“I-I would not,” Lila said, briefly panicked. She felt better seeing Peter let out a breathy laugh. “Really, I w-wouldn’t do it.”
Ned sighed, his hopes dashed. “Well, come on, we’re gonna be late to class.”
Lila was prepared to bid them goodbye, since their classes were on opposite sides of the hallway, but Peter didn’t follow Ned. “I’m not going to class.”
Ned looked at Lila and looked back, apprehensive, “You're already in so much trouble for ditching the decathlon-“
“P-Peter, you can’t keep d-ditching school-“
“Would you listen? I figured it out, right?” Peter’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m going to see if my suit can go back to the deal I walked in on the night of Liz’s party and find out where those guys came from. Maybe they can lead me to the wing suit guy, and then I can catch him!”
“But we have a Spanish quiz,” Ned argued.
Peter looked at Ned with an expression that felt a little belittling. He was tired of arguing and clearly didn’t see why Ned and Lila would want him to stay in school. It was a kind of reckless determination that didn’t sit well with Lila at all. “Ned, I’m probably never going to come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate. So, when I bring this guy in-“
“Dude,” All the excitement from the morning was gone from Ned. “You wanna be a high school dropout?”
“It wouldn’t be like that,” Peter assured him, even though that’s exactly what it sounded like.
“Ned’s right, Peter, you can’t - you can’t just skip school t-to fight crime. High school’s important-“
But Peter wasn’t listening. In fact, he started walking away. “I am so far beyond high school, right now.” And as he turned to a pair of doors that led to the exit, Principal Morita stood in his way.
“Ah, Mr. Parker,” he said, already walking back down the hallway. “Come with me, my office. Ned, Lila, get to class.”
“Here, c’mon,” MJ pulled at Lila’s arm. The girls had a free period, and usually spent it in the library. Lila has fully planned on spending it pretending to do her homework when in actuality she was just going to worry about Peter.
Skipping school just wasn’t like him. Lila thought he was getting caught up in his situation. True, it was extraordinary beyond belief, and there was no way to tell how she would handle it, but she thought Peter had more grit than what he was showing. School was important, almost if not equally as important as the crime Peter fought in the afternoons.
And then there was the issue of Tony Stark, and Peter’s idea of where he stood. Peter had the mindset that he had to prove himself to Tony Stark in order to be fully accepted into a world he’d always dreamt of, but that made little sense to Lila. In her mind, Tony Stark already was accepting of Peter. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have given Peter the suit.
Those were the thoughts Lila distracted herself with in her first two periods, anyway. She’d planned on delving further into her worry during her free time next period. That is, until MJ changed their plans. “And where are we going?” Lila asked, allowing herself to be steered by her taller friend.
“I’ve been sketching the kids in detention,” she answered, ”Lila, they’re the perfect inspiration: they basically all just sit and wonder if they’re lives are going to spiral out of control. Like first, it’s detention, next it’s prison. I mean, you can’t get that kind of raw panic anywhere else.”
“I’m slightly worried you seem so excited about this,” Lila muttered, filing into the classroom where detention was being held. Coach Wilson was already perched at the desk, the TV on the stand waiting to play the Captain America tape that was at the ready. Michelle sat at the edge of the classroom, and Lila sat with her, already pulling out her homework.
She thought she got a few odd stares from the one or two kids that were further in the room, since Lila had never been in any kind of trouble in her life. Even though her presence wasn’t mandatory, she was still unsettled at the thought of being so close to a trouble she had no interest in ever being a part of. She only felt slightly better when Peter walked through the door as the bell rang. He eyed her suspiciously, and seemingly answered his own question when his gaze slid over to Michelle, who was already sketching away.
Peter looked antsy. Sitting in his seat, Lila could see the tension in his shoulders as Coach Wilson lazily went over the rules of detention from his desk chair. He proceeded to play the clip of Captain America lecturing the kids in detention, but Lila could tell Peter wasn’t taking in a word of it. She was considering shooting him a text when suddenly he shot up and grabbed his backpack. He marched out of the room without another word.
After a moment’s hesitation, Lila made the decision to go after him. She told Michelle she’d be right back and hurried after her friend. When she caught up to him, he’d reached the row of lockers where he hid things and lifted it one-handed. Despite her worry, Lila watched him in awe, having to take a second to adjust to the fact that he did actually have super strength.
When the moment ended, her sense caught up to her. “Peter!” She called out, jogging the rest of the way up to him. He turned, impatience dotting across his features. “You can’t go.”
“Lila, I don’t have time-“
“But you do,” She insisted. “Y-You do have time. You can’t just - just leave.”
“Yes, I can,” Peter actually rolled his eyes. It stung Lila more than she thought it would. “Look, you don’t understand, I’ve gotta do this for Mr. Stark. Now, I’ve really gotta go.”
He tried to turn away, but in a bold move, Lila grabbed his arm, “T-Tony Stark is a c-certified genius, and even he stayed in school. Why can’t you?”
“Because when the Avengers move upstate, I’ve gotta be there. The best school I could have would be by learning from him. Who knows, maybe - maybe I’ll get a tutor or something-“
“P-Peter, you’re chasing a-approval from someone who already gave it to you. I mean - look at what y-you’ve already done. The whole school’s b-been talking about it for the entire w-week.”
“Lila,” irritation at still being in school was what made Peter grow short. Lila flinched at the tone. “You don’t get it. I can do so much more if he could just see it, that’s why I’ve gotta go.”
“You do so much, Peter. You - you saved my life twice-“
Peter snapped, “Lila, stop. I’ve made up my mind. I can’t just be Peter Parker anymore, you know? I finally have a chance to prove that I’m so much more than just a nobody now. Because while that might be fine for you, it’s not for me.” The words left his mouth harsh and bitter before his mind could even keep up. Peter didn’t even realize what he’d said until he watched Lila take a step back.
White hot anger burned her skin and flushed her face. Hurt came quickly after, and Lila blinked furiously to stop the tears from rushing to the surface. She released a short breath and made eye contact with Peter. He felt bad, she could tell, but he didn’t offer any kind of apology.
So much for being friends.
“You w-wonder what that life is like, Peter? Being an - an Avenger?” Her voice was quiet, more quiet than normal, but the emotion seemed to amplify it down the empty hallways. “I’ll t-tell you. It’s staring d-down at people who are dead for the sole r-reason that pure evil just likes it that way. It’s being unable to s-save the people you love most, and l-living with that when all is said and - and done.”
“Lila, I-“
She angrily brushed the lone tear away that managed to escape. “You wanna hear wh-what I think? I think that if - if Tony Stark wanted you to b-be like him, he would’ve given you an I-Iron Man suit. Instead he gave you the Spider-Man suit. But what do I know, r-right? I’m just a nobody.” She gave Peter, the boy who broke her heart, one last look. “Good luck out there.”
And she turned around, walking away from Peter Parker with a few tears falling down her face.
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aswallowssong · 4 years
OWP (but make it December?) Day 12 - My BFF
These are back too! I forgot I had already written this one (bless) so I guess the one that’s basically just silliness will have to wait until tomorrow... oops?
Read on AO3
JJ had brought the game under the guise that they could only play so much poker in a five hour flight. 
Kit knew that it was really because Hotch would never let them play five hours of poker on the jet. Someone would come away wounded.
She also knew it was for her benefit. She’d been working between sites for two months, and she didn’t know much about anyone on the team, save for Morgan. Even with their morning workouts, they were surface level friends at best. 
Somehow she thought that it might have been Hotch behind it, but she couldn’t be sure, and she wasn’t going to ask. While still holding fast to the mantra that she wasn’t a part of the BAU team, the more they made an attempt to include her, the more she wished it were true.
“Okay, this one says, who’s your best friend?”
“Lame,” Elle said, her small grin full of mirth. Morgan nodded, “Yeah, that’s a boring one. Why do you always pick the most mellow cards, Jayje?”
JJ pouted momentarily. “You have to pick off the top, Morgan. What was I supposed to do, look through the cards until I found one I liked? That’s cheating.”
“Actually, I don’t think you can cheat in games like this, because there isn’t a point system. No winner, or loser, would be affected by the cards chosen.”
“This isn’t a game you can win,” Kit said, “If there isn’t a point system, how would you win at all?”
Reid thought for a moment with his eyebrows pulled together before he looked over at JJ and said simply. “This isn’t a game.”
��I didn’t say it was a game,” JJ said evenly, though the annoyance radiating off of her was entirely palpable. Elle shrugged as she and Morgan shared a look, but Spencer wasn’t done. “Actually, you said ‘Okay everyone, we aren’t playing cards for five hours, we’re playing a game that’-”
“Who’s your best friend, Reid?” Elle said, effectively both cutting off his verbatim quote of JJ from an hour before, and his impending death-by-Kit-glare if he continued. She hated when he quoted someone back to themselves. It felt like Reid trying to show off, and she hated a show off. 
Reid was clearly caught off guard, though he was the one next to JJ. The rule was that everyone had to answer but the person holding the card, and Reid was seated on JJ’s other side. “Oh, um. I don’t know. Morgan?”
“Aw, thanks Pretty Boy,” Morgan said, heckling from across the table. “I’ll say you, but just because you said me, and you make the coffee in the breakroom almost good compared to the way Elle makes it.”
Elle, who was next to Morgan, rolled her eyes and shoved at him. “Listen, that coffee sucks without my help.”
“Who’s your best friend, Elle?” JJ asked, she and Kit sharing the same laugh as they watched the two bicker back and forth. Elle thought for a second before she said, “I guess Liza. She and I went through the academy together, and then we were both in Seattle. We get together when she’s in town and try to talk, but…” She trailed off and gestured vaguely, but they all knew. Kit nodded along with the others. She felt like she barely ever talked to her siblings anymore, especially the ones she didn’t live with. The BAU was running them all ragged, one day at a time.
Elle looked up at Kit, nodded at her. “Alright, Lep. You’re last, go ahead.”
“Hotch and Gideon didn’t go,” Kit said, nodding towards the men on the other side of the jet. They both insisted they were not playing, but they’d still been asked every question, and both had answered with little to no interest.
“Haley,” Hotch said easily, without even looking up from his file.
“David Rossi,” Gideon said, barely glancing up from his book before looking back down.
The group of five around the table were silent for a second before Elle nodded, looking over at Kit and saying, “Okay, there you go. Haley and David Rossi.”
“Who’s yours?” JJ said, giving Kit a small, encouraging smile.
Kit took a breath and tilted her head. “Um. Oh, okay. Monty, easily.”
“Monty isn’t your best friend,” Morgan said, and Kit raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh, no?”
“No, she’s your identical twin sister who you work and live with. That’s not friendship, that’s codependency.”
Kit raised an eyebrow at him, eyes going hard and defensive. She knew he was joking, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. “Okay, so, Ari then?”
“Don’t you all live together?” Reid asked, tactlessly. “That would make Morgan’s reasoning sound for both your… twins? Siblings? How are you supposed to phrase that?”
“Cúpla,” she said easily, “Ari and I aren’t identical twins.”
“You’re in a set of triplets,” Elle pointed out. “I think that counts.”
These fucking people.
“Okay, well, then…” Kit trailed off, ears burning as she realized she didn’t really have any friends that weren’t Ari or Monty. They spent their time together on Sundays, the only day they all had off, and Kit saw Ari in the evenings and Monty leaving work. All her other time was spent in the clinic, or at the BAU.
“Then?” JJ prompted, and Kit sighed and looked away from their group. “Then I guess I don’t have one.”
“You don’t talk with any of the girls from the clinic?” Morgan asked, and Kit shook her head. 
Elle prompted further, “What about your academy roommate?”
“Monty,” she said quietly, one hand coming up to tug at her left braid while the other slid along the leg of her pants. 
Morgan spoke again, gently throwing an elbow in her direction, “No secret boyfriend?”
She knew he was teasing. He was trying to bring the mood back up; the mood she’d clearly just crushed by admitting that she didn’t have any friends at all. “I don’t have time for a secret boyfriend, even if I wanted one,” Kit said, rolling her eyes and swatting at his shoulder. 
Reid looked confused at the other end of the table, next to Elle. “We have a two day weekend every week. Surely if you wanted to go out, you could go on either Friday or Saturday night without seeing sleep repercussions?”
Kit shook her head. This conversation was very quickly going from sort of sad to super depressing. “I work Saturdays in the clinic. My only day off during the week is Sunday, and if we’re on a case, I don’t get a day off at all.”
“You work six days a week?” JJ asked, clearly unaware. Kit didn’t care, she’d never told them, and hadn’t anticipated it coming up. She didn’t really care. Why would she?
She was sort of glad the conversation was scooting away from her lack of any conceivable friendship.
“Yeah,” she said with a shrug, “I have to keep my hours balanced. Three days with you, three days with them.”
“That doesn’t leave you a lot of personal time for friends.” Elle crossed one leg over the other, actively wrangling the conversation back into the super depressing. Kit wished she would have left it alone, but she knew it was strange. What twenty five year old had literally no friends?
They were quiet again for far too long. Kit refused to look up, or around, or at anything at all. She focused on the dryness of her hands, constantly chapped and raw from washing and washing in the clinic. She was startled when, out of anyone sitting there, Reid spoke up. 
“You talk to us,” he said simply.
The other three nodded immediately, words tumbling and spilling as if they’d all been wanting to speak up, and now the floodgate was open for them.
“You came to my apartment when I got strep,” JJ said. “I wouldn’t have called anyone but a friend for that.”
“And I’ve never had a better training partner,” Morgan said, “No one else is competitive enough.”
“I didn’t think anyone else would share the same taste in music as I do, but then we caught you at the bar, and I knew you were cool before, but that really sold it.”
Kit looked around at them before feeling a small smile tug at the corners of her mouth. She knew what they were doing, of course, but the feelings coming off of them were genuine. They meant what they said, and she was incredibly grateful. She didn’t let the tears that threatened to prick get any further than a threat, but she had to physically swallow and clear her throat before she could speak.
“Thank you. All of you. I guess… I guess you guys are my best friends.”
Morgan scoffed, giving her a smirk and nodding towards Reid. “You may have to fight Pretty Ricky over there for it,” he said, watching for Reid’s reaction, which was exactly what they all expected it to be.
“‘Best’' is a qualifier of relative quality, which means that its place as a superlative adjective makes it of a singular quantity. Superlative adjectives are used to show-”
“You can have more than one best friend, Spence,” JJ said, cutting him off and nodding toward Kit, who’s cheeks lit a similar color to her hair. He seemed to realize and read the situation, though he’d already shoved his foot in his mouth, and instead of continuing just said quietly, “Right. Yeah, obviously. The world isn’t a thesis.”
“The world isn’t a thesis,” Elle echoed before nudging the deck of questions towards him. “Your turn, Doctor Reid.”
He fidgeted with his fingers before pulling the top card from the deck, reading aloud, “What is your favorite color?”
“Throw the whole game away!”
“It’s not a game! We’ve established that this does not meet the qualities that allow something to be a game!”
“Shut up, Reid!”
Kit watched as the jet settled, all of the attention being pulled away from her as a warm presence settled in her chest. 
Yes. These people, who drive me crazy, and have no concept of personal care of any kind. These people are my best friends.
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Day 2 (11th of February) - “That might just be the least romantic thing you’ve ever said to me” @buddietinesweek
Love sick
Buck was waiting on his doctor to come back with his results. She'd said his throat looked irritated then took a swab.
He wasn't feeling too hot. Or, well that wasn't the right way of putting it. He felt like his skin was on fire to top off his throat hurting.
"Mr. Buckley." She pulled him out of his phone where he was watching short videos while he was alone to try cheering himself up.
"Just Buck is fine." Buck forced a smile once he finished coughing.
"Well, your results came back as streptococcal pharyngitis. Strep throat. That's what's causing your fever. We'll get you on some oral antibiotics." At buck's gulping which made him wince she continued.
 "I'd advise you need to avoid others for a few weeks at the least. You can come back in a week or so for a checkup though. I'm sure you already know not to share any fluids with others." At buck's nod she went on.
 "Be sure to keep as clean as you can as it can be passed on easily to those around you through sneezing and coughing. The nurse at the front desk can take your insurance and set up where you want your prescription to go before you leave. You didn't have any questions sir?"
"But Valentine's in less than a week." Buck groaned.
"I'm sure you're partner would like to stay healthy and you wouldn't want to pass it on to people you love." She said.
"Yeah, yeah. I don't have to like it." Buck huffed as he got up to go.
This was just great. His first Valentine's day with Eddie since last year when they got together after it had already passed. Buck couldn't catch a break. But he'd be damned if he let himself infect Christopher and Eddie with this. He felt miserable and he wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
His trip out towards his jeep and eventually to the store for cleaning supplies and comfort food while waiting for his drugs was a blur. Buck's pretty sure he could double for a zombie with how he looked but made sure to keep to himself avoiding a cart for his arms and hands. His cough drops were helping too.
Soon he was on his way home to spread the news. Casa de Buckley was off limits till further notice. He took his first dose with food and sent out the mass text. Bobby would have to coordinate things till Buck was 100% again.
Buck decided to call Eddie instead though to both be more personal with his boyfriend and hear his comforting voice.
"Hey Buck, how are you babe?" He heard that smile.
"I'm sweating because my brains melting, and my throat feels like a bee stung my insides, but all i can think about is not being able to kiss you or see Christopher,"
"Wait. You're sick? But I just saw you yesterday”
"I'm coming over."
"No! Eddie I'm not getting you sick with my dick or yours for that matter no matter how hot and sweet you are fever delusions or not and that's final. I'll barricade my door if I have to. Don't test me man. Please," Buck started coughing only to sigh.
“That might just be both the most and least romantic thing you’ve ever said to me”
"Just keep talking. I like the sound of your voice Eds. And I might owe you a rain check for valentine's,"
"Ok. But you're more important than some holiday. Do you wanna talk to Christopher too?"
"Sure. I gotta explain why movie nights cancelled. Let me drink something, "
"It was game night. I'll get him."
"Right. I'm sick cut me a break" buck laughed.
"Hi buck." Christopher's voice brought a smile to his face.
"Hey buddy." Buck replied.
"Are you ok?"
"No buddy I'm sick. But I'll be better in maybe over a week. The doctor got me medicine to help but hearing you guys is good too." Buck said.
Christopher told him about his day after Eddie got home along with Eddie saying what they'd gotten up to at work. Buck replied when he could until he was snoring.
"Daddy, i think buck fell asleep." Christopher whispered.
"Yeah. Say good night."
Christopher did then handed back the phone.
Eddie went to his room. He'd put Christopher to sleep in another half hour. He left the call connected even if someone else might find it odd. Buck was his boyfriend so he could do that right?
He'd fall asleep to the sound of Buck once he put Christopher to bed a few minutes later.
It'd been a few days. Well four to be exact.
Eddie had wormed his way inside despite buck's protests. They didn't kiss and barely held hands as they watched a movie while buck's soup cooked.
"I can't figure out how I got sick still" buck said as Eddie brought him a bowl.
"It could have been the smallest thing. Don't worry about it. Just get better and if you're not okay by valentine's then we'll do something else later." Eddie turned off the TV.
"What?" Buck blew his spoon away from Eddie.
"I'm gonna go. Finish your soup then take a nap Buck. Love you." Eddie moved to kiss Buck on reflex.
Buck tucked his head as Eddie's lips met his hairline and forehead near his birthmark.
"Oh. Sorry. I guess I forgot,”
"You're not getting sick. I love you too much for that." Buck smiled as Eddie left.
It was valentine's day. Outside of Maddie and Chimney coming over to check up on him his place was still quarantined.
Buck sat alone in his apartment as his favorite show was ending.
Eddie hadn't said much about today during their nightly check ins with Christopher too.
The door opened to Eddie bringing in a pizza.
"I know, no kissing or sex,I'm not a caveman Buck."
Buck snickered.
"Stop laughing." Eddie said lightly as he got them drinks.
"You've gotta admit you walked into that one even if your are pretty good at it mister punchy."
They had space between them as Buck found a romcom to watch.
Half way through Buck turned it off as the guy was way too creepy even if he was hot.
Eddie switched the TV over as Buck asked. "So Christopher okay?"
"He misses you, same as me. He's with my Tia tonight and his cousin."
"Wait. What are you doing? You can’t sleep over Eddie even if I feel a little better.”
"Relax it’s just for the surprise part of our date night. I had to go to two stores for this and it wasn't even the version I wanted."
Buck watched as a Sims game booted up on his console.
"Okay?" He still didn't get it.
"At least one version of me can kiss you tonight. Come on, we're gonna make you first. Think this game says they even got supernatural stuff in it too." Eddie started on the character creation.
Buck found it entirely hilarious but also incredibly thoughtful. With Eddie's character finished and them looking for passable doppelgangers they began the game.
They kissed as a fire started in the kitchen only for the fire department to show up and save them.
Eddie had them get in the hot tub as music was playing. It was nice until their random visiting neighbor died summoning death.
"Okay this is just weird now." Buck said as he flirted with the grim reaper making Eddie jealous.
"How could you cheat on me with death?" Eddie asked incredulously.
"I just did it. Relax it’s not like I really like them. Oh." Buck watched his avatar hug death.
"I'm a werewolf?!" Eddie asked as the moon rose transforming him.
"Dude. Death just proposed to me and I turned them down for you. Wait, now I'm a zombie?"
Eddie turned off the game after that.
"Okay. Maybe that wasn't a good idea."
"No. It was great. I haven't laughed like that all week. Real me would never cheat on you, you're it for me." Buck leaned in absentmindedly as Eddie smiled before remembering and leaning away.
"Want another slice?" Eddie got up.
"Yeah. I can't have you in me so I guess I'll just have to settle for that." Buck joked startling Eddie to drop his plate into the sink.
"Buck you can't just say that.I’m only human, it’s hard not jumping your bones babe. But I'm glad you're feeling better." Eddie said while taking the second controller and moving it before sitting back down.
"The second I'm cleared of the zombie virus I'm gonna be all over you." Buck said devouring his food with fervor.
"I look forward to it. But until then this is a good date because I'm spending it with you." Eddie said drinking his lime soda before enjoying another slice.
"I owe Christopher hugs and kisses too so he's first then I'm all yours." Buck winked.
"All mine you say, hmm. I like the sound of that. The things we could do." Eddie raised his eyebrow.
"Just keep that thought for a few more days and hope my doctor tells me I'm all good." Buck grinned.
"You're more than good." Eddie said.
"You know what I meant."
"Yeah. But it's still true."
They were back to it now watching an action movie.
Eddie was glad Buck didn't look so down anymore. He'd wait a lifetime for buck, he was worth it.
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redhawtriot · 5 years
When Cheated On
For whatever reason, you cheated on one of our beautiful sweet babies and was caught and/or found out. This is how said sweet babies would react to the news.
Tip Jar ☕- Not expected but always appreciated💞
(I like this prompt and am working on one for Bakugou! lemme know if there’s anyone else I should do)
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Part 1: Shinsou
1300 words
It had only been two years since he met you, but he couldn’t even begin to envision his life without you. He could hardly remember a time before waking up to your shining smile as you repeatedly kissed his cheeks under his sleepy eyes.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” you managed to softly whisper between an onslaught of sweet kisses. Of course, he would never wake up right away. No, it wouldn’t be until you threw your body on top of his and squeezed the sleep out of him while attacking him with a much heavier barrage of kisses when he would open his eyes to your bright smile. 
This morning you never made it to, “Good morning, sleepyhead.” This morning it wasn’t a gentle rain of kisses that woke him up, but instead a harsh whisper coming from the other side of your shared bedroom door.
“Please stop calling me! I blocked you for a reason!” he heard your slightly muffled whisper strain to keep quiet. 
Not having entirely woken up, Shinsou slowly sat himself up in the bed and strained his tired eyes to look pasted the slightly cracked door. He opened his mouth to ask who you were talking to but you began talking instead,
“I can’t keep lying to him! Whatever you and I had isn’t worth it and its over,” your voiced raised slightly and allowed Shinsou to hear you clearly, however he still thought that he must have heard you wrong. 
His heart gave a sudden jolt into his rib-cage.
“Y/N?” he called out suddenly. He didn’t expect to hear his voice. He couldn’t ever talk in his dreams and this had to be a dream, “Kitten, who are you talking to?”
It rang in his ears and pounded against his brain.
Shinsou’s head began to hurt as he shakily pulled the covers off of him and walked to the bedroom door. He felt like a child checking in the closest for monsters—terrified to open the door and come face to face with his nightmare.
He pulled the door open and found you with your hand clamped tightly around your mouth. Sobs threatened to escape from your brutal grasp and your chest heaved up and down as your eyes became glossed with hot tears.
You looked like you had just seen the very same monster in the closet that Shinsou was looking at in that very moment.
“What’s going on.” He asked flatly, “I heard what you said. Whats going on?” He repeated more venomously. 
At his words your hand fell back down to your side and you dropped your phone to the ground. Soft sobs were almost immediately released as you stared at the beautiful man in front of you, unable to say a word.
Shinsou stepped closer to you and grabbed your face softly with his still shaking hands. He pulled you face up to look at him, “Tell me everything. Now.” He didn’t even have to use his quirk for you to completely unravel before him.
You leaned into his grasp as your sobs intensified, “I…It was a mistake, baby. I swear it will never happen again. I will never look at anyone else but you,” he dropped your face as soon as you began to speak. Your weak legs gave out from under you and you fell into his warm chest as you continued to clarify, “I promise you’re the only one for me. I-I can see that so clearly now.”
You continued to spew out the same apology an excuse with different words, but Shinsou had tuned you out after your first sentence.  His chest had stayed tight after his heart first jolted into his ribs, but it was almost suffocating at this point. His throat burned and he didn’t know if it was because he was aching to cry or aching to scream at you.
How could you do this? You?
You were his biggest supporter. You brought sunshine into everything that you did. Even after he failed to make a name for himself as a pro-hero you stuck by his side and lifted his head up for him. You looked him in the eyes and told him how amazing he was. And how special he was. And he almost believed it.
He looked down at your tear-soaked face and suddenly felt his heart drop into his stomach. He couldn’t even see the face of the woman he loved anymore. He could only see the face of a liar and it made his stomach twist into knots. It continued to twist and writhe as you spewed more of your bullshit excuses until it had finally tied his heart down.
He couldn’t feel anything anymore.
“Hitoshi. Please. Tell me what I can do to fix this. Please Baby! I-I’ll do anything!” You sobbed as you buried you face deep into his chest.
“Yes.” As soon as those words left your mouth, he saw a familiar haze cover your eyes. Your face fell blank and the room became still as he stared at you for a few moments. His burning throat constricted even further, but eventually he managed to squeeze something out,
“Go sit down on the living room couch and wait.” He harshly spat. You obliged without hesitation as your shell of a body sauntered out of his sight. It wasn’t like you had much of a choice after all.
He promised that he would never use his quirk on you. He never had until now, but then again, you had broken some of your own promises to him recently as well.
Shinsou hadn’t realized that his body was still shaking until he had reached out to grab your suitcase from under the bed. He harshly snatched his shaking hand and cursed under his breath.
“Dammit.” He gritted his teeth as he leaned down into his hand and futily tried to fight the emotions away again. As soon as a single tear broke through his emotional damn, the entire wall burst open, “Da….Dammit!” he sobbed loudly. He released the death grip on his arm and clutched at his hair as he painfully sobbed into his lap.
He always knew that he wasn’t good enough for you. He guessed that it was only a matter of time before you would realize that same thing, but he was entirely unprepared for how fast it came.
Or with how much it would destroy him.
As he packed a small travel bag for you, he couldn’t help the rush of memories that flooded into his mind:
Meeting you at U.A. last minute during graduation. You had been so confident as you strolled up to him and confessed your admiration with a cheeky smile plastered onto your face.
Your first kiss a few months later when he accidentally moaned against your embrace, immediately retreating to see your giggling face, “I always knew you had a wild side somewhere in there.” You joked.
When you were sick with strep throat yet continued to laugh even with obvious pain in your eyes. He told you that you needed to calm down and that your throat would never heal itself if you kept giggling like a crackhead.
You simply responded with another laugh, “You’re my crack though, so really this is your fault.” He had rolled his eyes then. God, you were so freaking corny, but he couldn’t fight your contagious smile from infecting his expression.
Shinsou faced your still blank face as you sat on the couch and stared expressionlessly ahead of you. That smile he had woken up to every morning was no where to be seen, and probably wouldn’t be seen by him ever again.
“Get. up.” He tried to keep his voice from wavering in his tired throat through clenched teeth, “There is a cab outside to take you to your sister’s house. Get in it.” He demanded as he opened the front door for you.
As he watched you mindlessly march towards the door a piece of him wished that you would wake up from his control. An even larger part of him wished that you would wake up from his control and tell him that this had all been some sort of sick and twisted joke.
You would jump into his arm and apologize for taking your jokes too far like usual and he would give a gigantic sigh of relief and tell you how much you scared him as he embraced you tightly with his face buried in your neck.
As your figure turned the corner past the frame of the front entrance all if his wishes fell into dust.
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All About the Face
What color are your eyes? Brown Do you have big eyes or small eyes? Average sized? Do you or anyone you know have a lazy eye? I used to have one and it might be coming back a little
Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? Yes, I wear glasses
Do you wear “regular-sized sunglass” or “big sunglasses”? I usually just wear my glasses because they are transitional lenses, but when I’m at the pool or something I wear big sunglasses
Do you pluck your own eyebrows or get them waxed/shaped by a professional? No Do you wear eyeshadow often? If so, what colors? I haven’t worn much during covid but usually I do, and I like a variety of colors Do you make wishes on eyelashes? No Have you ever pulled your eyelashes out before? Accidentally from rubbing my eyes How often do you have eye boogers/crusties when you wake up? Probably a normal amount?
Have you ever had pink eye before? Yes, it sucks Name some sights that are appealing to you. Cute guys, jewelry, sunsets, oceans Do you know anyone who is colorblind? My middle school crush was colorblind Do you know anyone with two different-colored eyes? I don’t think so Do you know anyone with a glass eye? No Do you know anyone who uses/wears colored contacts? Only for cosplay Do you tend to look at people when you talk to them, or look away? A mix When you cry, do tears come out? Yes, do some people not have tears come out?
How many different parts of the eye can you name without using Google? Like 3 probably Do you blink often? Yes Would you be any good at a staring contest? No, I can’t keep a straight face Do you know anyone who is blind or legally blind? There was a blind kid in one of my classes Can you do any weird or creepy eyebrow-wiggles? No, I wish Can you make yourself go cross-eyed? Yes Do you enjoy watching 3D movies, or do the glasses give you a headache? Sometimes if it’s well done, but if it doesn’t add then in it’s just annoying because I have to wear the glasses over my regular glasses
Are you able to see things from multiple points of view/perspectives? Physically or emotionally? Physically yes but I have some problem with depth perception, and emotionally yes I try to Do you get dizzy have blurred vision, or vertigo often? No Have you ever had to get something small removed from your eye or had any sort of eye surgery before? I think I might have had some tear duct thing when I was a baby? Do you wear eyeliner or mascara? Yes (just not so much during covid)
Do you have differently-shaped ears? (ex: elfin ears) No but they are slightly different heights How often did you used to get ear infections as a child? I can’t remember ever getting one Have you ever failed a hearing test? No Do you know anyone who is deaf? No, but my grandmother is very hard of hearing Are your ears pierced? How many times/what parts? Yes, just my earlobes Do you have good listening ears? Eh Have you ever lost your sense of hearing before and had it come back? (ie: had your eardrum burst) No
Do your ears hang low? Not particularly lol Can you wiggle your ears? No How do you get the earwax out of your ears? I use Q-Tips What are some sounds that would make you cover your ears? Fire alarms What are some sounds that are pleasant to your ear? Music, waves Do you or anyone you know have an auditory processing issue? Not sure Are you guilty of frequent eavesdropping? Yeah lol Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your ear canal before? If so, then what? Don’t think so
Do you have a large, medium, or small nose? Large Are your nostrils small or large? Average Do you get seasonal allergies? Not excessively How often are you guilty of digging for emeralds? Every so often What’s the highest number of sneezes that you’ve done in a row? Maybe like 4? Usually I do 2 What are some smells that are unpleasant to you? Pickles, sauerkraut, garbage, bodily fluids What are some of the best smells, in your opinion? Cookies, citrus, my boyfriend’s body wash, cinnamon Are there any unusual smells that you enjoy that most others do not? (ie: gasoline, Sharpies) The smell of a heater being turned on for the first time in the winter What’s your favorite candle or air freshener scent? Citrus Have you ever stuck anything up your nose before? If so, then what? probably Do you get frequent nosebleeds? Do you know what causes them? Yes, not sure what causes them. Maybe dryness and/or altitude Do you have any nose piercings? If so, then where? No Have you ever had a broken nose before? No, but I had to get stitches on it when I ran face first into a brick planter as a kid Have you ever lost your sense of smell before? How did it happen? Not really other than when I’m sick Do you use any sort of nasal spray? Occasionally but I don’t like it When’s the last time that you had both nostrils close up on you at once? Probably the last time I got sick Do you have a habit of being nosy and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? Maybe just a little bit Have you ever snorted any sort of drug before? If so, then what? No Do you snort when you laugh? Occasionally
How often do you get sinus infections? I’ve only had a couple in my life How long does it take you to get through an entire box of tissues when you’re relatively healthy? Like a month or two, but I’ll go through a box in two days when I’m sick
Do you have plump lips, thin lips, or one of each? Maybe on the thinner side of average Do you wear more lipstick or lip gloss? If you wear it, what shade do you normally choose? I guess lipstick lately, but I used to like gloss a lot. My favorite is like a raspberry color Do you use lip liner? No Do you remember those LipSmacker Chapsticks from your childhood? Which was your favorite one? Yes, I loved those. I think I had a cinnabon flavored one that I loved What brand of chapstick do you use as an adult now, if any? Chapstick brand Do you have a tendency to pick at your lips or chew on them? Not really Who’s the last person you kissed? My boyfriend Nick Do you lick your lips often? Yes Do you make “the fish face” often in photos? Not really unless I’m making a joke Have you ever had gingivitis in your gums? No Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? No How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day How often do you floss? Like twice a year when I go to the dentist  What brand of mouthwash do you use, if any? I don’t use any How many teeth are in your mouth currently? 26. I know I’m missing the two top laterals and I’ve had all my wisdom teeth taken out Do you have any cavities? Not that I know of Have you ever had a root canal? No What color are your teeth? Off-white, they could use some whitening What brand of toothpaste do you use? I never remember the brand, just what the bottle looks like Have you ever had any teeth extracted? Yes, my wisdom teeth and a couple baby teeth How old were you when your last baby tooth came out? 13 or 14 Do you grind your teeth at night in your sleep? Not that I know of Have you ever broken your jaw before? No Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn’t have? Yes Has your throat ever started to close up from something before? A little, I think I was allergic to something a couple years ago but I never figured out what
Have you ever choked? If so, on what? Not seriously, but I choke on water all the time How many times have you had strep throat? A few times, it sucks ass What is something that causes your throat to itch? Dryness
Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, when was the last time? Yes, on my 19th birthday. People actually listen to you more when they have to make a conscious effort to Have you ever lost your sense of taste before? How long did it take to come back? A little, the same time I had that unknown allergy What are some of your favorite foods that taste delicious to you? Pasta, cheese, chocolate Can you fold your tongue into a taco shape? How about a clover? No Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? No What’s the last thing you licked? My lips Can you roll your R’s? No Who is the last person that you stuck your tongue out at? My boyfriend Have you ever choked on your own saliva before? Yeah lol How frequently do you experience dry mouth? I’m always thirsty Have your parents ever threatened to wash your mouth out with soap before? Not that I remember Who’s the last person that you mouthed off to, and why? My boyfriend because he beat me at chess Do you speak any other languages? I took french and italian classes in school but I don’t remember much Have you ever worn braces or retainers? Yes
Chin & Cheeks/The Whole Face
Do you need to shave your upper lip or chin? No Do you shave your entire face? If so, how often? No Do you have a moustache? No Do you have a beard? No Have you ever fractured your cheek bone? No
Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? My boyfriend Do your cheeks get extra red in any of the following instances: sickness/fever, drinking alcohol, cold/windy weather, embarrassment, or infatuation? All of the above probably, but definitely embarrasment and infatuation, and also when I get hot Do you have any relatives who are guilty of pinching your cheeks and making comments about how big you’ve grown? No
Are you mature enough to turn the other cheek? Depends When’s the last time that you said something cheeky, and who did you say it to? Probably to my boyfriend Has anyone ever slapped you across the face before? If so, what was the reason? Not on purpose Do you get a lot of blackheads or acne? If so, are there any special products that you use in order to combat this? Not really Do you wear blush or foundation? I use compact powder What shape face do you have? I think oval? Idk Do you have any scars on your face? One above my nose Would you ever consider getting a face lift or Botox? I’ve thougth about it but I probably wouldn’t
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by shamegmeg
Have you ever cut your own hair? I’ve trimmed my own bangs but that’s it. I feel like doing anything to my hair altogether on my own is too big a move and would have bigger consequences if I fuck it up (which I definitely will end up doing).
What do you eat most frequently? Meat - chicken, beef, and pork. It’s in nearly every dish we eat, if not all of them.
Are you a fan of video games? I will always find the topic interesting and I played a fair share of video games growing up, but I’m not an ultra fan of any of the most popular games right now. I do like staying updated with my favorite series like Grand Theft Auto, The Sims, Mario Kart, etc. but it’s rare that I get my hands on the console itself to play. 
What's your favorite color combination? I don’t really think of any specific two colors, but I’m generally a fan of combinations of muted or pastel colors. Anything that doesn’t hurt my eyes too much.
Did you share a locker at school? We didn’t do that; we each had our own.
What's one sport you could never play? Basketball. Never understood the rules and I just never had the stamina for it. I’m also pretty competitive so I feel like I’d be pissed off and take it personally whenever somebody blocks me hahaha.
Blue or black ink? Black. I have nothing against blue though - I just like keeping pens with black ink around more.
Have you ever sang karaoke? Just once or twice. I’m not extroverted enough for it, not even when drunk. I just really hate the sound of my own singing voice, so it doesn’t help if I’m suddenly singing into a microphone.
What was the last concert you attended? Answer’s gonna be unchanged for the meantime, man...Paramore. No complaints naming them every time I’m asked this, though. Let’s hope they’ll also be the next concert I attend, as they like coming back to Manila anyway :))
Have you held anyone's hand in the past week? No.
What's your favorite perfume/body spray/cologne? I’ve used Beyoncé’s Heat Rush since high school. I’ve never gotten tired of the scent and pretty much everyone knows me by that perfume now.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Before Covid, it depended on how late I’d get out of bed. If I had the energy to get up earlier, I’d devote 20-30 minutes to getting ready; but if it was a harder morning to face, I’d just take a quick 3-minute shower and wear the first things I see in my closet. These days since I just work from home, all I need to do is shower which takes no more than a few minutes.
What is the oldest age you think should wear makeup? I think anyone of any gender of any age (except babies and younger kids) of any background from any walk of life should be allowed to wear makeup...
How old were you when you went on your first date? I was 16.
What's your nationality(ies)? Filipino.
Are you an open book? I can be for the most part since there’s no harm in sharing, but there are a few things that I’m extremely protective and secretive about.
Do you think you're a good secret keeper? Yeah. I used to share secrets with Gab but that’s because she tends to forget easily, but otherwise I have no problem taking secrets with me to my grave.
Name one fashion trend you could never follow. I have never been into wedges. Too chunky-looking.
Do you prefer long hair or short hair? On me? Short. It’s easier to maintain and take care of.
When do you plan to go to sleep tonight? Depends on how tired I am by the end of the day. I did make a cup of coffee today though so the caffeine might also choose to hang out into the evening.
Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? Yes.
If so, who? Gabie.
What exotic animal would you love to have as a pet? That’s a pass for me. I don’t know their temperament and what they need on a normal day, so I’m really not well-equipped to keep an exotic animal as a pet and I don’t want to end up accidentally killing them or something.
Do you want kids when you're older? At this point in my life I can go with or without them.
Did your parents sign you up for anything you hated as a child? I’m definitely grateful for it now, but when I was going through ballet classes as a five year old I absolutely hated it and had no idea what I was doing there. I wish I could tell my five year old self to appreciate it more because now I think it’s pretty cute that my parents wanted me to take up ballet and enrolled me in classes.
Where's your cell phone? It’s just right beside me. It’s always right beside me, haha.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I’ve always been a firm supporter of the egg lol because it had to be an earlier version of the chicken that laid the egg that would ultimately hatch the chicken as we know them today. Idk though, I hate questions like this hahahaha
What are your feelings about Octomom? I don’t know anything more than the fact that she had octuplets, which is awesome and badass in itself.
Do you know of Smosh? I used to LOVE Smosh, like holy shit. I probably talked about them in my earliest surveys a decade ago; simply put I was hooked. Watched every new episode and every new Lunchtime with Smosh/Ian Is Bored video from around maybe 2010-2013 until they started adding more crew members and until their videos started to stray from the content that made them blow up in the first place. I still remember when it was Smosh and Pewdiepie vying for the highest subscriber count on YouTube, haha. Was also sad when Anthony left. Suffice it to say I’ll always hold a fondness for Smosh - Anthony and Ian were my first favorite YouTubers along with Pewdiepie.
Do you drink enough water daily? Some days I do, some days I don’t.
Is your diet healthy? When I do eat my dishes are always a good balance of meat and veggies, but I feel like me skipping most of my meals overshadows that fact and makes my overall diet not-so-healthy.
What's your favorite fruit? The only one I’ve had and not feel like gagging whenever I consume it is avocado. To an extent, tomato too.
What was your favorite Halloween costume? Going as my former best friend, Sofie.
Have you purchased any cool objects from a foreign country? I bought a few trinkets from Japan when I was there, but they were all for my loved ones and I don’t exactly remember what I bought anymore.
Are you on a laptop or a desktop computer right now? Laptop. 
Where do you plan to post this survey? Tumblr, as I’ve always done in the last near-decade or so.
Do you remember anyone's number by heart? My mom’s, sister’s, and Gabie’s.
Are you a morning person or a late night owl? I’m more of a morning person lately because of work and because of the need to be chirpy by 9 AM. Being awake these days makes me sad now, so I avoid staying up late as much as I can; which means my days of being a night owl are over.
Name something you will never try in your lifetime. Coprophagia.
What do you think is your biggest flaw? I’m super competitive, which makes me the suckiest person to have friendly games with. I avoid them altogether so that I don’t end up killing the vibe of whatever crowd I’m with. I’ll own this lol.
First physical trait you notice in the sex you're attracted to? Wouldn’t say I’m automatically attracted to any sex. With everyone though, I tend to notice body language first which kiiinda counts as a physical trait.
How about personality wise? Whether they look approachable/easy to talk to or not.
Are you sick often? Almost never.
Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection? Uh I’d rather not be sick at all hahaha.
When did you last shower? This morning, before work. We have online meetings every Monday morning, and I wanted to look fresh and clean for it.
Do you have neat handwriting? I’d say so. I get a lot of compliments about my penmanship and my friends usually call on me when they need someone with consistent and clean handwriting, so I guess must be holding my pens right.
Are you a messy or organized person? I’d say my workspaces are always organized but my personal space (car, backpack, etc) is messy.
At what age do you hope to get married? By the end of my 20s or early 30s.
Is being thin really all that great? Idk, I feel like the experience differs per person. I don’t have complaints about it for the most part, but it can get annoying when there are certain tops I’d like to wear but will never be able to pull off and thus have to leave on the rack just because my chest is flat or my overall figure is rather tiny.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you're most guilty of? Pride.
How much time have you spent on the computer today? 9 hours and counting. WFH is basically being on the computer all day, so that’s a big reason why I’ve racked up so many hours.
What size shoe are you? 6–7.5.
How was the weather today? The sun was out but fortunately it wasn’t all that hot for me to feel uncomfortable. I hate that it was bright all day, though. My disposition is more likely to improve if it’s cloudy and a little gloomy, haha.
Do you live above, below, or on the Equator? Above.
Do you know how to use Photoshop? I tried to play and experiment with it as a teen, but it just never made sense to me. I hate touching any kind of Adobe program.
Admit it, you're thinking about someone right now. Eh, false. I’m thinking of how much longer this survey will still be.
Where is he/she?
Where was your first job? My first internship was also at a PR agency, if that counts.
Favorite year in high school? Junior year.
East or West? As in parts of the world? East all the way, of course.
Where did your first kiss take place? On my bed.
What color do you wear most often? Probably maroon because of how many UP shirts I have.
Who was the last person you talked on the phone to? That would be my dad.
Have you ever done your own laundry? Kinda. I’ve had to wash my blanket a few times because Cooper peed on them.
Have you ever been to a night club? Yes.
Are you allergic to anything? Nope.
What's the best place you have ever eaten? Mendokoro Ramenba by a freaking mile.
Do you own a hair straightener? No. My mom does; if I ever need a straightener I just borrow hers.
Are you barefoot right now? Yep, always am when I’m at home except for the rare times I put socks on.
Are you subscribed to any magazine? No. Even when magazine subscriptions were popular I was never subscribed to any; I didn’t see the point when I could just get the new issue every month at the mall myself lol.
Puppies or kittens? Puppies.
If you had a billion dollars, where would your first investment be made? First I would probably read up on investment so that I don’t end up making decisions I’ll regret. My first agenda is to help my parents settle whatever payments they’re making at the moment, so that they don’t have to worry about any of that crap anymore.
Who is the best artist you've seen live? PARAMORE. I mean they’re artists, as in plural, but still.
Any major plans coming up this week? Keep myself alive.
Did you know they never told you Arnold's last name in Hey, Arnold? Never realized that but I don’t really care too much, considering I was never into the show.
Would you rather watch a romantic comedy or watch a thrilling horror movie? Romantic comedy, as long as it’s one I’ve already seen and enjoyed, like Love Actually or The Proposal. Most other romcoms are too cheesy and suck.
How is your hair styled right now? It’s in a ponytail that’s been unchanged all day, so it’s a bit messy at this point.
Favorite person that you've talked to today? Angela.
Do you need AC right now? I’m good. It’s a little chilly tonight, so yay.
Do more people call you by a nickname or your first name? My first name is already my nickname - most people just call me Robyn. At home, though, I’m usually called a shortened version of my name.
Name something you're proud of. I confided in Angela today that I’m finally starting to think of seeing a therapist. Which I think is such a big realization to have and a big choice to have made. So yay me. Let’s hope I actually push through with it, and let’s hope I’m able to land a job soon so I can finally fucking afford to see one.
Are you a hopeless romantic? I never knew what this meant and I don’t feel like learning tonight.
How do you feel about couples who say 'I love you' too soon? No judgment. I don’t comment on how other couples navigate their relationship; it’s their thing.
What's the most recent favor you've done for somebody? Can’t remember.
Are you at home right now? Yep.
What did you last spend money on? Gas.
Does any accent annoy you? Stereotypical ones, like how Filipino-American stand-up comedians always try to cash in on Filipino quirks and make fun of thick Filipino accents, which makes all Filipinos look like we can’t speak English ‘properly,’ whatever properly means. Full-blooded Filipinos are so sick of that shit. We get it, the cellpown is ober der -___-
How about turn you on? None actively turn me on.
Are you wearing any jewelry? No.
Do you get along better with your mom or your dad? Dad. Easier to talk to and we share more interests.
Are you craving anything right now? Sushi.
What's worse: Crocs or Uggs? I’d go with Uggs, because Crocs actually look cute on kids so at least it suits one market lol
Do you knock before you open doors? Yep, always. I learned the habit because my mom never knocks and I quickly realized I don’t want to be that kind of person.
Do you know what a sock on the doorknob means? I think so.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate.
What's your zodiac sign? Taurus.
Does Fred from Youtube annoy you? I don’t think he ever did.
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Seventeen
Prove Me Wrong | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Angst, profanity
Word Count: 2000
Author’s Note: Just a heads up, this chapter goes back in time a little bit! I know the chapters have been pretty linear up to this point, but I wanted to show how both the reader and Tyler reacted to what happened, so I rewinded a little bit. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)
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Your throat hurt. Bad. Worse than it ever had before, you were pretty sure. Except for maybe that time you had strep and were out of school for a week.
That had been pretty bad, too.
The tears had finally stopped coming, but you knew it wouldn't be long before they were back again. Thankfully none of your family was home, so you could cry as loud as you needed to without anyone asking what was wrong. You preferred it that way, at least for now.
It was hard to believe that he was actually leaving.
Not wanting to sit with your thoughts any longer, you headed downstairs to get yourself something to drink. There was some juice in the kitchen leftover from when Carter had decided to surprise you with breakfast the other morning, so you poured out a cup and took a seat at the dining room table. It hurt a little to swallow, but it still tasted good.
You heard Carter before you saw him. He was whistling as he shut the front door behind him and kicked his shoes off next to the door. For a moment you thought he might not have seen you sitting at the kitchen table, but his eyes met yours when he was about halfway up the stairs.
“Didn’t expect you to be down here,” he said as he backtracked and joined you in the kitchen. “Is Tyler still here?”
“No. He decided to leave early.”
Your voice didn’t sound right, so you took a long sip of your juice. Maybe Carter would think it was because of that. Somehow.
“That’s a first,” he smiled as he sat down. “Wait - have you been crying?”
“No,” you lied, but his simple question caused you to break down again. You buried your face in your hands and tried to hold back the sobs.
“Woah, hey, Y/N,” Carter said.
His chair scraped against the wood floors as he stood up again. He was at your side in seconds, lightly rubbing your back.
“Let’s go upstairs.”
You nodded and let Carter guide you up the stairs towards his room. He helped you get comfortable and wrapped you up in blankets. It was silly, but he used to do it when you were kids and your parents weren’t home to properly comfort you. Something about the childish gesture always made you feel a little better, even now. Once you were settled in, Carter sat down in his desk chair.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“It’s Tyler,” you muttered. “He’s leaving.”
“Leaving? What do you mean?”
“His label is having him tour. He’s leaving next week and won’t be back for three months. I don’t know what I’m going to do without him, Car.”
A fresh wave of tears started to fall down your cheeks. Carter reached out and gently tried to brush them away with his thumb, but they were only replaced by new tears in a matter of moments.
“Alright, come here,” Carter said.
He took a seat next to you on the bed and held his arms out. You buried your face into his shoulder and held onto him tightly, no longer caring how hard you cried. Carter just rubbed a hand along your back and held you.
“It’s ok, Y/N,” he whispered.
“It’s not.”
You hated the way that your voice sounded. It didn’t even sound like it was coming from your mouth.
“He’s not going to be gone forever.”
“That’s what it feels like.”
Carter held you at arm’s length. You were too embarrassed to meet his eyes, so you stared at the belt he was wearing. It had belonged to your dad at some point. You could tell by how worn the leather was.
“Will you look at me?” You shook your head. “Please?”
You took a deep breath and tilted your head slightly so that you could look at Carter.
“This isn’t going to be the end of the world. The relationship that you and Tyler have is special and neither one of you is going to let it end just because he’s not in Ohio for a few months. Just think, he’ll be getting back right as you get done with school for the summer.”
“I guess that isn’t too bad.”
“And you’re still going to have me, alright? Sure, I’m not Tyler, but at least you don’t have to deal with this alone.”
You nodded. Carter was making some good points.
“It just sucks, you know? To not have him here.”
“I know. Come here.”
Carter pulled you into another hug. You held onto him, just taking a moment to appreciate that he was looking out for you. It was hard to imagine where you would be without him and Tyler.
“Alright, I need to talk about something happy now,” you said, wiping away the last few remaining tears. “I want to hear all about this coffee date with Marenna.”
Carter immediately started grinning like an idiot, which was always a good sign.
“Ooh, what happened?” You poked him in the side a couple times.
“Well, we were just catching up,” he explained. “She was talking about grad school and I told her about working and stuff.”
“Did you pay for her coffee?”
“I did.”
“Was it a caramel latte with half the normal amount of espresso?”
Carter’s eyebrows furrowed, “Yes. How did you know?”
“She used to take me out to coffee before school when I was a sophomore! I remember her always ordering the exact same thing, but I tried it once and it was disgusting.”
“Oh yeah,” he smiled. “I remember that now.”
“Ok, sorry for the interruption! What happened next?”
“I decided to be bold and ask her if she was seeing anyone…”
“Carter!” you gasped. “You decided to be bold?”
“Yes, now shut up and let me finish.”
“She said no, she isn’t,” Carter paused. “And that slowly led into a conversation about where we left off. I told her that I missed her and she said that she missed me too.”
“Carter!” You got so excited that you reached out and smacked his arm, although it was a bit harder than you had intended it to be. “Oh, sorry.”
“Ouch, Y/N,” he laughed, rubbing at his arm. “Anyway, we just talked some more and then I walked her out to the car and…”
“And?” you said, hardly able to contain your excitement.
“I kissed her.”
“Carter!” you stood up on his bed and began to dance around. “Carter! Carter! Carter!”
“Y/N! Stop, you’re going to mess up my bed!”
“Sorry,” you fell back onto his bed, “This is just so exciting!”
“I know,” he grinned. “I’m really happy.”
“So are you two together now?”
“Not officially, but I’m taking her out on a proper date later this week. You know, just to test the waters before we dive back in.”
You sighed, “I want to get taken on a proper date.”
“Your time will come.” Carter reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder.
You shoved it away, “Yeah, yeah. Just like my time was supposed to come in high school, too.”
He rolled his eyes at you, “I bet there’s a guy out there who’s head over heels in love with you.”
“Not likely.”
“How would you know?”
“I just know, Car.”
Besides, even if there was, he would never live up to Tyler.
*     *     *
“Fuck,” Carter muttered as he pulled burnt chicken nuggets out of the oven.
“Carter! Our nuggets!” you sighed.
“I don’t know how I managed to mess up this bad.”
“Now what are we going to have for dinner?”
“Burnt chicken nuggets,” he grinned, holding the pan up.
He groaned and tossed the burnt nuggets into the trash can. Carter had offered to make you a nice dinner since you were still dealing with the news from Tyler, but his subpar cooking skills were putting a bit of a damper on things.
“Are you sure you don’t want any help?” you asked. “I could make us some noodles real quick.”
“No, I’ve got this. I’m capable of making dinner for my little sister.”
“You have yet to prove that to me.”
Carter turned and shot you a look before returning to rummaging through the cupboards for a second option. With each passing minute that he was unable to make you something good for dinner, you were growing hungrier and more impatient.
“What are you working on?” Carter asked.
You looked down at the paper that was sitting in front of you. It was covered in random words and sentences.
“A list.”
“Of what?”
Carter sighed, “For?”
“Tyler and I want to make our last day together really special, so I’m trying to come up with ideas for stuff we can do to make it as much like a movie as possible.”
“What do you have so far?”
“Just random stuff: eating an entire gallon of ice cream, going on a picnic, playing Mario Kart. Just like our regular days together, really.”
“Then how do you plan to make it like a movie?”
“Um, well, I hadn’t really gotten that far.”
That made Carter laugh, “Glad to see it’s going well, then.”
“That’s why I’m brainstorming ideas!”
You sighed and tapped your pencil against the counter. On the other side of the kitchen, Carter was cutting up some fruit for you. He had decided to make them into funny shapes, just to help you cheer up a little more.
“Hey, Car?” you asked.
“What did you and Marenna do on your first date?”
He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow, “Are you actually brainstorming date ideas and using it being your last day together as a coverup?”
“I wish.”
“Then why are you asking what we did on our first date?”
“Because you’re good at coming up with ideas.”
Carter smiled, “I try. And, um, let me think.”
You doodled flowers around the edge of your paper while you waited for Carter to think of his answer. His first date with Marenna had been close to six years ago, but you still remembered how excited he was as he got ready. You, being the curious fourteen year old you were at the time, had been asking him rapidfire questions while he tied his shoes. He had been nice enough to answer all of them for you.
“I remember!” he said as he slid your plate of fruit over to you. Most of it was flower-shaped, although he had managed to make a few attempts at dinosaurs. It made you giggle. “Ready to hear it?”
“Yes,” you said as you grabbed a strawberry flower.
“So, I picked her up and took her to this food place that we both really like. It actually ended up becoming one of our favorite date spots.” He allowed himself a small smile. “And then I took her out to this overlook and we ate our food and got to know one another. I even managed to hold her hand.”
It was like Carter was sixteen again, smiling like an idiot about his first date with a girl. You were happy that they were back together again; he hadn’t been this happy since before the breakup. At least one of you got to be happy.
“Did you kiss her?”
“Maybe,” Carter answered, drawing out the end.
“Aw, Carter had his first kiss” you teased.
“And definitely not my last.”
“Too far!” you squealed.
You munched on a piece of banana while you wrote down a few more ideas. Tyler had managed to set aside an entire half of a day to spend with you amidst all his last-minute tour preparations. The thought of a “last day together” before he left for so long still made you sad, but you were determined to make the most of what you had.
After all, maybe some time away from Tyler wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
*     *     *     *     *
@faceofcontvsions @ohprettyweeper @spookyjiimfanfiction @addictoftwentyone @svintsandghosts @gaiatheroyalrabbit @iamnotawasteofspace @patdsinner33 @merandlune @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah @schrodingersjustine @ccfffee @frappeitea @gayy-pilotss @coolcxt @donttellaweirdweakling @a-stumpsexuals-world @5secondsofmoxley @breadbinishigh @summer-wasteland @topownsmyheart @wearebxnditos @littlerachelbee
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Survey #253
hope everyone is staying safe through this quarantine. wash your hands.
Which band do you have more music of than anyone else on your computer? Ozzy. Who’s your favorite philosopher? *shrugs* I don't know any's ideals well. How old were you when you learned how to read? I'm not sure, but I know I was exceptionally young. What’s the coolest Halloween costume you’ve ever worn? I don't think I've ever worn something rather cool. Who’s your favorite painter/artist? If we're talking about well-known, "popular" artists, I'm not sure. Maybe DaVinci. What’s your favorite song lyric- ever? ARE YOU??????????? FOR REAL?????????? Holy FUCK I get goosebumps from lyrics SO easily, this is like impossible. Probably an Otep lyric, though. I really don't like her personally, but goddamn can she write. What’s your dream tattoo if you don’t have it already? I've linked it before, so I'll just remind it's "Denialism" by deviantART's NukeRooster on my entire, upper left arm. I've already gotten her permission (I don't like just... stealing artwork to put on my body), now just comes the day I can pay for it by a top-tier pro. What’s the coolest screen name you’ve ever had? I don't think any have been necessarily "cool." Who do you think was the most badass serial killer? (Real life.) I'm not well-versed in serial killers honestly, but I can say Charles Manson was a C A S E. I think we can all admit he was... interesting. Just the epitome of weird. Most badass fictional serial killer? ig Jason; again, I don't know a lot off the top of my head, but I like him. How many bank accounts do you have? I don't have one. Have you ever been falsely accused of starting drama? Yep. Have you ever found a song that describes your whole life? Parts of it, sure. What kind of car do you drive? I don't drive a car, but Mom's is a... Honda? Kia? Idk. I'm bad with car brands. What kind of car would you like to have? Average size, pretty simple. Burnt orange or red. I know I want one of those screens you look into to see what's behind you when backing up. Have you ever been to Dairy Queen? If so, what’s your favorite thing to eat from there? mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. So unhealthy, but I will destroy and Oreo Cupfection. Try. That. Stuff. Their milkshakes are also great. Which website do you email from? Outlook. Do you enjoy receiving souvenirs? Sure, it's nice. Have you ever had the flu? No. What about strep throat? Maybe once? Do you normally have a lot of homework, if you’re still in school? Kinda, yeah. Did you ever enjoy gym class? Fuck no. Even when I was healthy. What is your biggest insecurity? My body. Have you ever painted a room alone? No. How many huge secrets do you have? Huge? Uhhh, none, I think. Have you ever painted something and been impressed by it? Yes. Would you rather go out to eat or stay in? I prefer eating out because yummy food, but considering I'm working on losing weight, I avoid it. Do you have any younger siblings? One. Have you ever considered bleaching your hair? To the point of being snow white. Considering my hair is super healthy and bleaching so heavily would destroy it, I'll be avoiding that. I DO want to bleach my hair to do other colors, though. Brown hair sucks. Do you drink vitamin water? No. Are there any old movies you absolutely love? Oh sure, a good handful. The Outsiders probably tops it. Have you ever had a Big Mac before? No, doesn't appeal to me. I don't like veggies on my burgers... despite eating veggie burgers when I was vegetarian lmao. Do you think you attract the opposite sex at a reasonable rate? I doubt that. Have you ever filed a lawsuit on someone? No. Do you enjoy reading often? I'm finally back into it!! Lately all I've been wanting to do is READ READ READ. Have you ever had a deadly illness? Well, I consider depression (among other mental illnesses) to be very deadly, but on a literal level, no. I mean I have dormant MRSA, which can kill if active, but it never has been. Most people carry that dormantly anyway, if I remember correctly. Ever had food-poisoning before? No, thankfully. Where did you last eat dinner at? Mom bought Nicole and me Sonic. Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground & carried you? When I fainted, yes. Are you a flirty person? Not really. A name you hate with a passion? Edward, to name one. Erwin. A lot of old names. What is your favorite type of water (ex. arrowhead)? Essentia mmmmmmmmmmmmm,, Have you ever been to Warped Tour? I WISH. :( Do you know anyone who wears fur? I fucking hope not, because I wouldn't associate with them anymore. When was the last time you were on myspace.com? Damn yo, millennia ago. How often do you cuss? Too much. I mean, I don't even believe "profanity" is a thing by our definition of "that word is magically bad," but still, it's like when people say "like" too much. Have you ever cussed out a teacher? No. What did you think of the movie Juno? I never watched it. How often do you eat meat? Sigh, more than I wish. What grade did you meet your best friend in? We didn't meet in school. Last time you cleaned your room? Couple days back. I'm honestly bad at dusting regularly in here, but that's gotta change with Mom having chemo now. Her immune system will be compromised so this house needs to be as pristine as it can. When you were little, would you have rather watched Cartoon Network or Disney Channel? Disney Channel. We weren't really Cartoon Network kids, actually. It was Disney or Nickelodeon. Do you shave your arms? No. Are you a big fan of the Harry Potter series? Never read a book, never watched any movies; the first one was playing in my presence once, but I paid no attention. How often would say you pulled all-nighters, if you ever do? Shit man, never, nowadays. I don't think I've had one for two years now. My youth is escaping. Has a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend ever had a problem with you for any reason? I don't think so. How many times a day do you find yourself cracking your joints, if at all? Maybe not even once a day. Only my big toes and upper back can pop. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? No. Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? No. Do you put ketchup on top of your french fries or on the side? On the side. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Mom. Do you have a dog? Not anymore, thank fuck. Do you like orange juice? Yes. Are you one of those people who obsesses over Hollister? I never liked it. They're not inclusive at all towards fucking NORMAL bodies, nevermind plus size. Apparently even their rules on looks for workers are absolutely horrible. Ashley liked them though, so sometimes I just had to go in with her. If money was no object, would you change your wardrobe? My goth could finally  E S C A P E. How do you/did you get to school? My mom drives me. Have you ever had to have a pet put down? Four times that I remember off the top of my head. What candy cane flavor is your favorite? MMMMMMMMMM get the pink Starburst kind. Do you get angry when fast food restaurants mess up your order? It's annoying, yes. Angering when you've already driven away, especially when you really wanted something. What was your favorite elective class in high school? Art. Did you ever wish you could be homeschooled? Yes. I was homebound for a little while. Have you ever had a dream so realistic you could’ve sworn it happened? Yes. Do you have any mental disorders? I'm a walking mental disorder, lmao. Y'all know the biggies, and now ADD and especially DPD (dependent personality disorder) are being considered. Do you feel comfortable talking about these disorders, if you have them? Yeah, I really don't care. Where did you go on your last field trip? I want to say to a band competition in high school. Are you able to agree to disagree? Or do you have to have the last word? Yeah, pretty easily. Is there a cover song you like better than the original version? A whole lot, actually. Do you have a hard time talking about sex with the opposite gender? I have a hard time with anyone. Have you ever had major surgery? Major, no. Is there any food you don’t like that a lot of others do? Here in the South, everyone is most surprised when they hear I hate fried chicken. What was the last thing you bragged about? Hm. I'm not sure, actually. I don't make a habit out of doing that. Can you do a backflip? Hell no. Are you listening to anything right now? I have a video up of relaxing tracks from Silent Hill 2 + 3. Great shit. Has anyone ever tried to tell you you were adopted? No. How many doors are in the room you’re in? Two, but one's just the closet door. Have you ever been engaged and broke it off? No. Has anyone ever drawn a picture of you? Yes. Do any of your friends have children? Yep. Is there anything you’re craving right now? Not really. Who got married at the last wedding you attended? A family friend. It was the second wedding I shot. Is happiness something to be achieved and sought after or is it something to be retained and held onto always, no matter what happens? The former. You can't just stay happy when, like, your grandma dies. What gives you a peaceful feeling? Nature. Hearing water and birdsong, specifically. Are you a Toys-R-Us kid? Hell yeah I was. My sisters and I would go crazy if we had the chance to go there. We were SOOOO upset when it closed down. If you believe in Heaven, are there separate heavens for different animals (kittie heaven. dog heaven, bird heaven, etc)? I don't know if I believe in a "heaven," but some sort of peace after death, yes. I believe it's one, unified "heaven." When you sleep next to someone do they fall asleep first usually or do you? They always do considering it takes me ten years to fall asleep. If they do, do you watch them sleep? I have. Not in a creepy way, but rather a "wow I love this person" sorta way. What is your usual breakfast? Usually apple and cinnamon oatmeal What do your salt and pepper shakers look like? They're nothing special. The salt is a blue ceramic, and the pepper one is just what you get from the store. Have you ever had your car towed? I've never had my own car. What band or singer do you believe started rock and roll? I'm pretty sure Elvis is given that credit. Whose voice irritates you like fingernails on a blackboard? The female singer of Mother Mother's voice. Mom and I can't stand her singing. All I songs we enjoy feature almost solely the main singer. I can *tolerate* it in some songs, but. What do you contribute to society? Ha. Do you take naps? Almost daily. Do you have any cavities? Not to my knowledge. Do you believe that there has been a man on the moon? Yes, though I do believe the "first" landing was faked in competition with Russia. It sounds ridiculous, but I'm so serious, look into the theory - there's incredible evidence. Would you ever go into a sex shop? I'd be too self-conscious to. I'd just order online. Let’s just say your school team is on a winning streak. One of the cheerleaders cheers both for your team and the other team during games. Does it make you angry? I don't care enough about sports to even consider how I'd feel. Do you prefer carnivals, festivals, circuses, parades or faires? To be real, I only know the difference between parades and circuses. What even distinguishes the other three from each other. Do you believe in psychic ability or is it a sham? I lean towards no. What is your favorite classic rock song? You CANNOT ask me this question. Classic rock is some of the best music there is.
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simplygojo · 6 years
killer queen - chapter three
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Series summary : Y/n, a native to London England, gets asked by the legend himself, Freddie Mercury, to help manage the band. Obviously she accepts, and it ends up being the best decision she’s ever made. Quickly she becomes close with each member of band, Roger Taylor specifically…
Chapter Summary : After spending the night at Roger’s flat, you go on a trip to Paris to visit your family.
Word Count : 2.1k
Pairings : Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader
Warnings : Swearing. 
a/n - SO little update for anyone who cares! I just got strep throat, and I had it last week too. :/ If anyone knows any goo remedies for strep then pls tell me!!!
           You woke up the next morning to Roger gently shaking you awake. “Morning sleeping beauty.” He said as you opened your eyes, squinting as you became familiar with your surroundings. Roger was holding a thermos that smelled of coffee. You looked up at him and closed one eye, tilting your head a bit. “Sorry I fell asleep.” You mumbled, causing Roger to laugh a bit. “It’s fine, but we gotta get going, one song left and four days to go.” He said as he flicked on the lights in the room, which resulted in you yanking the covers over your eyes. “Come on.” he said as he walked out of the room. You groaned loudly but dragged yourself out of bed. You decided not to change, you just grabbed the pair of sneakers you kept in your bag and put them on. You stumbled out to the sitting area, coffee in hand. Roger was standing at the front door, handing you the same jean jacket he gave you last night. “C’mon. I’ll drive.” He said as he opened the front door and gestured for you to go first. “Okay..” You yawned as you walked out the door, grabbing the blue jacket from his hands and draping it over your shoulders. Roger put his hand on the small of your back to guide you out the door before he locked and shut the door. The two of you got in the car, with Roger driving, and began to drive to the studio. “I’m so tired.” You complained to him as he drove. “Well good thing we didn’t follow my nights plan, you’d be even more exhausted.” he said as he looked over to you and winked. You playfully glared at him, “Eyes on the road Taylor.” you said, causing him to smirk and look back at the road.            The two of you finally got to the studio, almost half an hour late. Roger opened the door for you and you walked in, immediately apologizing for being so late. “I am so sorry guys, I didn’t mean to sleep in so much, I was just exhausted for some unknown reason.” You said before sitting down on the couch and taking a sip of your coffee. The three boys were staring at you, as if they had seen a ghost. “What? What is it?” You asked, almost looking panicked. “Rog! Control room. Now.” Brian said in a frustrated tone. The four boys walked into the control room and John shut the door behind them. “Damn you, soundproof walls.” you muttered before taking another sip of coffee.            Brian looked at Roger as soon as the door shut. “What the bloody hell did you do!?” he yelled in anger. Roger took a step back in confusion, “Woah mate calm down! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He countered, putting his hands up in the air in surrender. Freddie looked at Brian and then he continued. “She’s in your clothes Rog! You drove her here! She is exhausted for-” Brian put his hands up, preparing to use air quotes. “Some ‘unknown reason’?! You slept with her!” He yelled and Roger looked at him in disbelief. “Are you joking?!” he said. “Look we all know I wish I did, but she’s different. I didn’t I swear.” he said as he put one hand over his heart and one up in the air. John rolled his eyes, “Rog, she’s wearing your pants and your shirt. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in your boxers too.” He said and Roger glanced out the window at you and smirked. “What I wouldn’t give to see that…” He trailed off and Brian flicked his forehead. “Oi!” “Sorry, sorry…” Roger said and looked back at his three friends, “I didn’t sleep with her!” He said again, now getting a bit frustrated. Freddie looked at Roger with a confused look. “So she slept over at your house, is in your clothes, and you made her coffee in your thermos.” He said as he walked up to Roger. “Look Fred if you don’t believe me then-” “No. I believe you, but what stopped you?” Freddie asked him. “You said she was different. I for one, dear, would like to know what in god’s name that means.” Roger looked at Freddie like a deer in headlights. He didn’t say anything for at least two minutes. “She works with us.” He finally said just before walking out of the room and straight over to the drum kit.            “What did they want?” You asked Roger, not getting up from your spot. “Just something stupid.” he muttered before he started drumming his sorrows away. The rest of the boys walked out of the room and exchanged some glances before they walked over to start playing as well. “Reid called us this morning.” John said, over the loud playing of Roger’s drums. “He got us on BBC!” He yelled. Once Roger heard those words he stopped playing. “On television?” He questioned. “That’s awesome!” You said, finally getting up from your seat and walking over to them. “Wait?! When? I don’t want to miss it.” You questioned as you tied your hair up into a ponytail. “Why would you be missing it darling?” Freddie asked as he adjusted his microphone. “Oh did I not tell you guys yet? I’m flying out to France tonight to visit my parents.” You told them and itched your head. “I swear I told you guys…” you mumbled to yourself until Brian spoke up. “This Sunday.” he said and you gave a relieved sigh. “Okay, I’ll be here for it.” You smiled as the boys continued to work with their instruments.            Hours passed and they still hadn’t come up with anything. You looked at the clock and scrambled to your feet when you read the time. “Holy shit! I’m gonna be late!” You yelled as you grabbed your bag from the couch. “Wait, can one of you guys drive me to the airport? It’s only a ten minute drive from here.” You asked, no one responded and then Roger sighed and stood up. “I’ll do it.” “Good, and you can keep the keys to my car while I’m gone, as long as you promise to keep it safe.” You said as you dangled the car keys off your pointer finger. Roger’s face lit up and he swiftly snatched the keys from your hand. You stuck your tongue out at him, and waved bye to the boys. “I’ll be back Saturday morning! Make some music!” You yelled as you walked out the door, Roger hot on your trail.            Roger hopped into the driver's seat of the car and turned it on. You threw your bag in the back seat and sat down in the passenger's seat. “You ready?” He asked you, and you nodded in response. “Hey Rog?” You began as you looked out the window. “Yeah?” he answered, keeping his eyes on the road. “Can you please just tell me what Brian was yelling at you over earlier today?” you asked, looking over at Roger, one hand on the steering wheel the other hand out the window, cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His jaw clenched a bit. “They uh-” “And don’t you dare try lying to me Taylor, I know you too well.” You interrupted. “They thought that we had sex last night because you showed up in my clothes, I drove you, blah blah…” He said trailing off. You knew it. “No way! Well, we’re just friends.” You said still looking at Roger. He nodded in agreement. “Totally! Just friends, nothing more.” he added as he pulled up to the airport. You grabbed your bag from the back seat and looked at him. “Just friends.” You said, and he nodded again. “Yeah, and I would never have sex with you, because..” He trailed off as you stared into his eyes, you looked at him, as if you were dreading the upcoming answer. “Because we work together.” He said to you. You sighed and forced a smile. “Yeah, same.” You replied as you got out of the car. “Thanks for driving me Rog, I’ll see you on Saturday.” You said before giving him a little wave. “Don’t turn French on me now, y/l/n!” He yelled before doing a reckless U-turn and driving the other way.            Once your plane landed, you put your small bag on your shoulder and waved down a taxi. Your dad taught you how to speak fluent French as a child, due to the fact that he himself is french. You asked the driver to take you to your parents house, and he obliged, taking you down the winding roads that lead there. Once you got there, you greeted your mom who answered the door, then your dad. You got settled into the musty guest room, put your bags onto the bed and opened up the window to let the warm summer air into the room. Later that night, you were having dinner with your parents, them asking about your life, you lying and telling them that you're still in law school. Then your mom began asking personal questions, which was odd because you never had a close relationship with either of your parents. “So y/n, any boys on your horizon?” She asked which caused your mind to drift back to yesterday night, you had spent at Roger’s flat. Sometimes you believed that he might want to have something more than your friendship, but other times you knew he could never like you like that. You broke out of your trance and looked up at your mother, “No. No boys.” You said then faked a smile.            Back at home when Roger finally returned to the studio John walked up to him and put his hand on Roger’s shoulder. “Rog, we gotta talk.” He said, but Roger just shrugged his hand off and walked over to the drum kit. John and Brian looked at each other and then both nodded. “Look, Rog. It’s okay to have feelings for a girl.” Brian started, Roger just ignored them and began to play a beat on the drums. Freddie waltzed up to him and sighed. “And if you have feelings for y/n, then that’s fine. If you like her you-” Roger stood up and threw the stool he was sitting on across the room, it breaking into pieces. “I like every girl I see! I’m a playboy!” He yelled at them. “I don’t have feelings for anyone, and I can have any girl I bloody-well want!” He yelled again, steam practically spewing from his ears. 
           Four days had passed, you finished visiting your parents and had your own little day trip to Paris before heading home. The plane ride felt long, much longer than it actually was, because you were eager to get home to see your friends, especially Roger. Over the course of four days you had made the decision that when you saw Roger, you were going to tell him how you felt. You thought that you liked him, and you thought that maybe if the two of you hung out more than maybe, it could work. And god, you wanted it to work. Your plane finally landed and once you grabbed your baggage you walked outside and waited for Roger to come pick you up in your car. You waited for about an hour until it began to rain. “That bastard!” You said angrily before waving down a taxi, asking the driver to take you to the recording studio.            At this point you were absolutely soaked, your hair dripping water just like the rest of you. You walked into the studio, a fuming look on your face as you spotted Roger. He looked almost angry at you as he rolled his eyes and looked away. You threw your bag on the ground and took off his now soaked blue jacket you were still wearing. “Roger Meddows Taylor!” You yelled as you walked up to him, anger seeping through your pores. You threw the wet jacket at him. “I was waiting for you! For one bloody hour!” You yelled as you crossed your arms over your chest. He shrugged, “Sorry, I forgot.” He said as he lit a cigarette and put it between his lips. You gave him and evil glare as you took a step closer to him so you were inches away from his face, you grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and dropped it in his half empty beer bottle. “Your a downright prick.” you whispered, not breaking eye contact with him as you spoke. He was quiet for a moment, his eyes searching your face for some sign of forgiveness, but you knew better. He swallowed and then took a step back from you, “You smell nice, is that new perfume?” He said as an attempt to change the subject. You let out a dry laugh and your hands fell to your sides. “It’s from Paris.” Was all you said before grabbing your car keys and leaving.
Series Taglist : @triggeredpossum  @june-uk  @toger-raylor @antoouu @ironicsecretfae @harrysniallpolish @s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-listener @creativedogs @wvnhedas @rockyroadthepastryarchy @sweetdayme4427 @pietrorunsforme @coltonthekanima @anna1523 @fandomshit6000 @shutup-sorry @a-crowd-of-newsies 
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