#I wrote this earlier today but I had to rush to work so I didn't get to throw it on tumblr until now
fallingforyouforeverr · 2 months
𝐍𝐚𝐩 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 | 𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐏𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢
summary: Oscar misses a team meeting, but when Lando goes to look for him, he gets a surprise
author's note: i finally published my first f1 fic!! sorry it's so short, but I have a bunch of other drafts I'm working on rn that will hopefully be finished soon. also, i literally wrote this at midnight inspired by a picture i saw on Pinterest so it's kinda bad but oh well
warnings: none, just fluff (600+ words)
• f1 masterlist • youtubers masterlist •
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It was no secret to anyone that Oscar was a clingy boyfriend. The other drivers loved to compare him to a koala because of how often he would wrap himself around you, pulling you close to him and resting his head on top of yours. Although he often annoyed others by getting distracted by you, they couldn't even blame you for it and even Zak had to admit his clingyness was actually quite cute.
Today however, it was annoying – especially to Lando who had spent the last 20 minutes searching for his teammate after he failed to show up to the team meeting. He had already checked everywhere he could think of and was beginning to contemplate calling the police and reporting the younger boy missing when he heard a faint snore coming from a small room on his left. Slowly pushing open the door, Lando was met with the sight of you and Oscar sleeping on a sofa, your limbs so tightly wrapped around each other that it was hard to tell where you ended and he began.
As quietly as he could, Lando took out his phone and snapped a picture of the two of you and posted it on his story. He slid it back in his pocket, wondering how to wake his teammate without disturbing you, when Oscar stirred, stretching out his long limbs and opening his bleary eyes.
"Wakey wakey sleepyhead," Lando teased, causing the other boy to groan.
Oscar wriggled his arm out from under you, bringing it up to rub his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked.
"It's almost 2"
"WHAT!" Oscar shot up, accidentally waking you in the process, "shit I missed the meeting didn't I."
"Oz? What's wrong?" You spoke as you sat up, voice still slightly scratchy from sleep.
He froze, looking at you with wide eyes and a guilty expression. "Um... I forgot to set an alarm and I kinda slept through the team meeting."
"Oscar!" You scolded with a laugh, " Zak is gonna be so mad!"
Lando chuckled, making you jump as you hadn't realised he was there. "Oh yeah, he's pissed by the way."
Dragging a hand down his face with a sigh, your boyfriend reluctantly pulled himself out of your arms and stood up. "I'm gonna go catch up with the team," he announced, raking a hand through his hair as he rushed out to the garage.
"Oh I can't wait to see what Zak is gonna say about this" Lando began, a grinning cheekily at you. Narrowing your eyes at him in response, he held up his hands in surrender. "Ok, alright, I'm going!"
Smiling wryly at his childish antics, you began packing away your stuff, knowing that Oscar would be finished soon as he tended to become antisocial when tired. Just as you finished putting the last item in your bag, the Australian appeared in the doorway, affection laced with exhaustion in his eyes as he observed you. When you had finished, he held out his hand for you to grab as he led you through the McLaren hospitality. You had almost reached the exit when a familiar voice rang out behind you.
"Ah, Oscar, there you are!"
You both turned around guiltily to come face to face with a less than pleased Zak Brown. "We missed you in the meeting earlier, mate. I hope that nap was worth it."
"Oh yeah sorry I was um-" Oscar paused, a frown overtaking his features as he realised what the older man had said. "Wait how do you know about that?"
Zak chuckled, calling over his shoulder as he walked away, "Let's just say a certain someone isn't very good at keeping secrets."
"Lando, that absolute muppet!"
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angelpuns · 12 days
Kid Leo Reunion Arc - Test Writing
As promised, here's the blurb I wrote to prepare for this arc! I may actually do this for the rest of the arc cause I don't like what I've sketched out for the end of it, as well as future arcs. It helped a lot with the pacing and making the scene as emotional as possible!
Raph was trying to pay attention to what Leo said, he really was - though a lot of it was just a nonsensical story about a dream he'd had. Half his mind was still cast on the issues from earlier. On how they just kept failing and failing. Meditating should have worked…it worked the first time they unlocked their ninpo and when they needed to break out of the cage and defeat Draxum…. 
So why couldn't Leo unlock his ninpo?
Was it the fact that he was just too little or that he couldn't meditate properly or that he just…still didn't trust them? But that couldn't be right, ‘cause he'd been acting like…well, like Leo around them again. He clung to all of them like the real- like Leo always had. 
Raph just wanted to scream and fight and hit something- but he didn't. He took a subtle breath in, held it, and let it out a few moments later. Calm down, Raph. You can hit something later. 
He didn't want to scare Leo, after all. 
He tuned back into the conversation, watching with faint amusement as Leo spoke animatedly about his dream, hands moving all over the place. 
He was saying something about ‘a purple Leo that was him but not him’ when he stopped, eyes wide. Raph noticed the staticky electric feeling before he turned and a bright purple light washed over the kitchen and all its inhabitants. 
For a brief moment nothing happened, everyone else turning in slow motion to see what was going on. 
Two figured emerged from the portal, the purple light blinding Raph so he could only see their silhouettes. One tall and one short. He recognized the short one in a second, and so did Leo, judging by the loud gasp and the clattering of his chair as he leapt down from the table and rushed over. 
It didn't seem to bother Leo, though, the boy rushing over to Splinter with a shout of “DADDY!” and leaping into their dad's arms. 
For a moment Raph was almost angry- Splinter didn't deserve a greeting like that after he'd ignored Leo during their last few phone calls. 
But he was jealous, too. He missed being small enough for Pops to hold like that. To hug like that. 
Splinter opened his arms and Leo ran into them, squeezing Splinter as tightly as he could manage. 
“ Oh, my little Blue….” Splinter sighed, voice nasally and exhausted, “ Were you good for your brothers?” 
Leo squeezed him tighter, tail wagging a mile a minute. He seemed to be so happy he couldn't contain it, little body trembling with the need to get the energy out. 
His voice shook as he yelled, stumbling over his words in his excitement. He couldn't seem to keep a happy chirp from leaving his throat either. the sound intermingled with his words. 
“And-and,” his little voice wobbled, no longer shouting, his claws gripping Splinter's sleeve tightly, “and I thought you got brainwashed and then I got s-sad and-”
Tears had begun forming, his beak trembling with the effort to keep them in, squeezing Splinter tightly. He didn't let them fall, though, claws shaking where he was trying to keep still. Like he didn't want anyone to worry that he was crying. Like he was afraid he'd make more of a mess of things. 
Then Splinter gently rubbed a hand over his shell and Leo burst into tears, pressing his face into Dad's robe and voice coming out in choked gasps. 
“ I WA-WAS SO SO SCARED!” He wailed, Splinter glancing up to give the rest of his children a concerned frown. 
Leo’s crying carried on, but his words were choked out by sobs. All he could do was let out a pitiful wail, even as Splinter tried to comfort him. He curled into Splinter's embrace, little body shaking with sobs the entire time. 
He rubbed Leo's shell and hugged him tighter, the little turtle only barely starting to calm down. He couldn't seem to keep the tears from coming now, his crying echoing throughout the kitchen. 
“It is okay, Leonardo, I am here now,” Splinter murmured, leaning in close so Leo could hear him, “ you were a very brave boy while I was gone, weren't you?” 
The wailing died down to a quiet sobbing, Leo sniffling and hiccuping in response. 
It was quiet, save for a few hiccups and gasps, before a wet chirp came from the turtle in response. It was muffled by Splinter's shoulder, but had most certainly come from the little turtle. 
Splinter sighed, still rubbing his shell, his voice softening, “ I am so very proud of you, my son. You did such a good job.”
A beat of silence, a hiccup, and then- 
Another chirp, this time with a sad, questioning tone to it. As if to say, ‘really?’ 
“ Yes. and I think your brothers are very proud of you as well,” He glanced up to his other children and beckoned them over. 
Mikey pushed his chair back with a screech and quickly joined the group hug, but Donnie and Raph didn't move just yet. 
Raph’s jaw was tight, his face a stony mask of barely concealed anger. His hands flexed open and closed, claws tapping against the table as if contemplating if he really should join. 
Raph was only thinking about how Splinter had spoken to him on those phone calls. How he'd wax poetic about Raph being the leader again. 
Leo didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve to be ignored by their dad when he was just trying t tell him about his days. About all the things he was doing. Leo sought his attention over everyone else, even when he wasn't here. 
And yet Splinter was here now acting like it had never happened. Like Leo hadn't had to fight for attention the entire time he was gone. 
The thought made Raph sick, but he joined the hug regardless. 
it didn't show as much on Donnie's face, but he seemed to be going through a similar revelation. He'd been hesitant to call Splinter and ask for his status at all. He doubted Splinter would even find Draxum, doubted that he was even trying. He had suspected their dad of just running away from The problem rather than seeking an actual solution. 
It wasn't as if Splinter had ever done anything like that for them when they were children, so why would Donnie give him the benefit of the doubt now. 
Sure, he'd left of his own volition and had done so promptly. But this was Splinter. Who raised them off of movies and as little information about their family and their origins as possible. Splinter who left Raph to do so much of the work that he'd- 
But this was different. Splinter was different. And Leo was- well Leo was still clinging to the idea that their dad would pay attention to him and kiss his booboos and tuck him in at night. Because at that age he still did. For a little bit, anyway. 
Donnie swallowed, tucking his phone into his pocket. He could think about all the ways Splinter had failed them in their childhood later. What mattered now was his twin. They couldn't go influencing how he felt about Dad, after all, there was no telling how it might affect the space-time continuum and all that. 
 Donnie’s eyes shone and he reluctantly joined the hug, trying to put all the feelings and concerns about Splinter out of his mind for now. 
Raph squeezed them all together, just like it should be, and rumbled that he was proud of Leo. For the record. He wondered to himself if maybe they should tell Big Leo that a bit more. Because maybe then he wouldn't go throwing himself into danger for them and maybe Raph wouldn't have to worry about him so much. 
And cause it was the truth. He really was proud of Leo. Both this version and the teenaged Leo. He wasn't sure if his opinion mattered much to either version, but he made a note in his mind to tell Leo when he got back. To make sure he got it through the kid's stubborn head. 
…if he ever got back. 
It was quiet for a bit.April joined the hug at some point, Casey Junior staying at the table and keeping his distance for now. 
( it might be cute if Leo was like 🥺 Casey hug too? ) 
Leo sniffled. He rubbed at his eyes under his glasses and glanced up at everyone, tears still dribbling down his cheeks, “ even though I didn't- I didn't get my superpowers back?”
Splinter seemed confused, so Mikey quickly cut in, “ It's okay, Lee! You've been trying your very best, haven't you?” 
They hugged him a little tighter at that, Leo letting out a weak, warbling chirp in response. 
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agi-ppangx · 1 year
💭let me help you
pairing: bang chan x gn!reader
word count: 806
tags: non!idol au, gn!reader, angst, fluff, pre established relationship
warnings: hospital, broken leg, a bit of crying
author's note: hiii, i hope yall are doing fine!! wrote this pretty quickly and its totally not proofread, so please dont mind any typos and mistakes </3 feedback and reblogs highly appreciated 🫶🏽
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you tried calling your boyfriend several times now and finally, after what feels like forever, you heard his voice. "channie! hi, um… look, i'm really sorry, but we have to cancel our date tonight…" you said with a pounding heart. you felt guilty, knowing that today was one of rare times when chan could wrap up his work earlier and spend some time with you. "everything alright? you sound worried" chan asked, concerned about your well-being. you started to panic a bit, not wanting him to worry about your problem. "yeah, it's nothing, i swear it's just-" "y/n, what's going on?" he interrupted you, clearly lost in your rambling. you sighed and mumbled "i'm at the hospital right now. but it's fine! really, i'm fine, just won't be able to go to the movies later". chan didn't respond for a while, but you heard rustling and the door closing. "which hospital?" he then asked, his voice shaking. you knew it was useless to argue with him and you told him the address. "i'll be there in 20, wait for me, okay?" chan stated and you hummed, ending the call.
you and chan have been dating for a little over 2 months and throughout this time you weren't able to go on many dates, since chan's job was quite time consuming and your schedules collided every time you wanted to go out together. and today was one of the rare times when you could meet up. you two planned everything a week in advance, chose a movie you were going to watch and the restaurant you were supposed to eat dinner after it. but you had so much to do today before the date and in a rush your feet slipped on the stairs, causing you to fall down and break a leg. you were in a hospital for a while now, nervously waiting for your doctor to carry out essential tests and put a plaster on your leg. it felt like hours and you didn't know how long it would all take.
chan arrived pretty quickly, bursting into the emergency room and looking nervously around it. when his eyes finally met yours, he sprinted to your side and took a better look. "what happened?" he asked, his voice quiet and unstable. "i… fell down the stairs this morning" you murmured, ashamed that a grown up person could be that clumsy. "i'm really sorry channie, i wanted to run errands before our date and i just…" you sighed, pointing to your leg resignedly. you mumbled a quiet "i'm sorry" once again and looked down to hide the tears that gathered in your eyes. after a while, chan finally spoke. "y/n, you don't have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong. i was just really worried about you and for the whole drive here i was praying for you to be fine" he said, placing his hand on your cheek and wiping the tears from your face. "does it hurt?" he then asked softly, although he knew the answer. "it does, so bad, and i don't know how long i have to wait for the doctor" you whispered, sounding defeated, and more tears ran down your face. he kissed your forehead and then got up. you didn't know where he was going, but soon you saw him talking to the nurses and to your doctor. you didn't hear the conversation, but you saw that chan was impatient, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he was speaking. he returned to you after a while with a smile and a soft "they'll take care of you now". then everything happened really fast, the nurse taking you to examine you and within an hour you were ready to leave with a plaster on your leg.
chan offered to give you a ride, helping you to get to the car. "you'll spend a few days at my place, okay? i'll take care of you" he stated and you looked at him. "chan, you don't have to, i'll be fi-" you started but he interrupted you, "baby, you know your place is too cramped and complicated for you to get around with crutches. please, let me help you". you sat in silence for a while when you suddenly asked "baby?". it took you off guard, being in a fresh relationship you two didn't really use affectionate names yet, but you liked it a lot. you saw chan's face become red like a tomato and you giggled to yourself. "fine, let's go to your place, baby," you grinned. chan smiled to himself and then there was a pleasant silence between you. you wondered how you got so lucky to have chan in your life - someone who treated you with care and love and was there for you for good and for bad.
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porcupine-girl · 1 month
There is a lesson in here somewhere
IDK, not quite about killing your darlings since this wasn't really darling but about when you're stuck, letting go of what you've got planned or already wrote to get unstuck.
I'm trying desperately to finish this WIP I started back in 2018 for the WIP Big Bang. Fighting with my writing brain the whole way.
I was very very stuck on an early scene. I knew exactly what was supposed to happen, down to what position they were going to have sex in. Scene has been in my brain for several years. Couldn't write it. Maybe because I've been writing less smut than I did back then, and smut was always the hardest thing for me to write? But also maybe because I'll never be back in whatever very specific headspace I was in when I started this scene and so making it go the way I thought it was supposed to go is going to be smashing a round peg into a square hole no matter what.
I had to have such an argument with myself to finally get to what in hindsight is the logical solution!
Me: They could have sex differently. Maybe instead of rushing madly into it they take their time.
*tries that*
*still stuck*
Me2: Maybe... they don't have to have sex? Me: They've already fucked twice, despite this being their first actual date, it seems likely they'd do it again. Me2: Sure, but what if they didn't? Me: But Bitty has to spend the night, it's important to the plot and characters for multiple reasons. Me2: Yes, but he could spend the night and they just... don't have sex. Me: I think you're just trying to worm your way out of writing the smut you're stuck on. Me2: Yeah so? Me: They're so horny for each other, though, that's been established. Me2: Yeah, but what if they don't have sex this time. Me: ...
Lo and behold, when I finally convinced myself to think about how the scene might go if they don't have sex, it worked immediately. I knew exactly what conversation this would lead to, which could reinforce things they said earlier, and how to transition to Bitty spending the night anyhow. I sat down today and easily wrote nearly 1000 words and finished the scene.
Now, the lesson here might be something about not forcing myself to write smut just because there are already explicit scenes in this fic, when my brain doesn't want to, but I think the bigger lesson is if I want to finish this damn thing that might mean throwing out bits of my outline and accepting it going a different way.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 5 months
Day One of falling back in love with my book
Question of the day: Where the hell do I even start?
I wrote a book over a period of about four years and started submitted it to potential literary agents last summer, and used nanowrimo last year to start working on the sequel. As of a few months ago, I have been rejected by every single agent I applied to. I had to take a break and step back, it was a draining process and I started basically convincing myself that this was just never going to happen for me because I wasn't a good enough writer. At the time I was also writing and sharing fanfiction through tumblr and discovered that I was falling fully in love with writing in this pressure-free environment; I ended up creating an ao3 account earlier this year and have written a lot, usually publishing one chapter a day. Through tumblr and ao3 I have found such wonderful support over my writing and I thank you all so very much for that (especially @lunarthecorvus for being the most amazing cheerleader). I have finally decided that I feel ready to go back to my book, which is intended to be the first in a fantasy trilogy, and rework the project until it's ready to be shared with the world. I've come to the conclusion that I rushed it into publishing because I was so excited to see a completed project and didn't take the time to properly make sure this was the best that it could be. So here we go, I'm falling back in love with my book and I'm bringing you lot with me! (it'll make me stick to the plan)
I'm hoping to focus on one question a day, and today's question is 'where the hell do I even start?' because I have not looked at my manuscript in a long time and I know there is a lot of work to do. I've decided that today's plan is basically just to start thinking about the book again; I'm going to open up my manuscript and my worldbuilding documents and just immerse myself back in this world and actually think about it.
I'm aiming to update how the process is going on tumblr to motivate me to keep working on it, and if you'd like to ask any questions about the book (process/world/plot/characters/premise/industry/anything) please do!! Thanks so much for all the support y'all have given me <3
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mafuluzx · 6 months
Beautiful Liar (part 1/2)
If you have no idea what this is, it's the first part of my scrapped Wattpad story. I made a post with also the prologue in it, please go check it out from right here.
But this will in total have three posts: the prologue, part 1 and part 2. Part one and two are basically just the chapters I wrote before giving up split in two.
So, let's go.
Part 1
"Ah, this to the Walker's again?" You gave the envelope to the mailman and nodded. The mailman stuffed the envelope into his bag and left. You looked around before walking back to your house, your home. You always sent the Walkers money for Jay's allowance. You saw Jay on tv a lot these days. He was your precious little brother whom only you knew about. And to him you were a... nobody. You doubted if he'd seen you anywhere other than tv either.
You walked inside, the collection of Fritz Donnegan posters giving you a cold and wordless welcome, as always. In the past, you asked how Jay was doing from his 'parents', the Walkers. Edna was a sweet lady and Ed was a funny and kind old man, whom you met for the first time when you were two. You don't remember why Your father chose to leave Jay with them of all people, but you didn't mind. But You couldn't ask them anymore, for when Jay became a ninja, he visited his parents less and less. Instead you relied on the newspapers and tv to know how Jay's been doing.
You and your group were active as always, and your dad was at work all day long, as always. You didn't like him leaving you to take care house all year round, but you didn't want him to come back home either. He had love only for three in this world. Your mother, himself, and his job. His two children lived their own lives separated from him. You didn't even know if he cared for you and Jay, if he cared for one but not the other, or neither one.
But that was a long time ago. For a long time you had no one to call mother, but after that long time had lasted for ten years, it finally took it's toll. You didn't need to see your father anymore, you didn't need for him to take care of you anymore. But you didn't wish him to leave you. You only wished he would invite Jay back... back home.
You were two years older than Jay, and now he was sixteen, now you were eighteen. The letter which you sent to Ed and Edna contained one message, but you've though of it for so long that you could remember it from memory...
Mr. and Mrs. Walker, I have now turned eighteen, and have the right to take custody of Jay. If there's ever trouble, you may contact me, and I'll take full responsibility. But please, take care of Jay as long as you can, I don't want him to have to part with his parents anytime soon.
Signed, (y/n) Gordon.
You sighed and walked into the kitchen. You swiped a remote controller from the kitchen table and turned a small tv in the corner of the room on and took a glass of water for yourself. You sat down and pulled out a notebook before starting scribble down x marks on your to-do list. You weren't paying much attention to the tv, you kept it on as just some background noise, but something in the broadcast seemed different.
"Where are the ninja? This reporter has the answer." Nope, just the usual. You thought to yourself as you took a sip of water.
"They're calling it the Crime Wave of the Century." Oh, a bigger crime this time. Well, more fame for the ninja.
"Earlier today, Green Ninja Lloyd Garmadon was caught on tape robbing the city bank." Like lightning, you shot up from your seat, knocking over your glass of water in the process as your gaze shot up to the tv screen. Even if you could hardly believe your eyes, the screen definetely showed Lloyd right in the act.
"And that's not all. At Mega Monster amusement park, Zane was on a rampage of vandalism and mayhem." After a pause to listen to the absurd accusations of the tv, your rushed to grab a towek and quickly wiped the water off the table and floor to which the water had fallen, before sprinting away to fins your phone
"I am ashamed I ever wore their underwear. Oh, uh, I mean, T-shirts." You could hear the broadcast all the way to the living room, where you noticed your phone on the sofa, before quickly grabbing it and running back to the kitchen. Scrolling through your contacts at a rapid pace, you stopped at the name of your father and quickly pressed 'call'.
The phone rang a few times, before the line opened and the hassle of what could have been a movie set, or a party for famous people, or anything else in fact, sounded in the background.
"Cliff Gordon." A voice said from the other line.
"Dad! Look at the tv, quick!"
"Dad? Last time I remember, I was just Cliff Gordon to you. And there are no televisions here, so I can't."
"Ugh, yeah yeah let's talk about that later, but Jay's a fugitive!"
"Okay, slow down. What?"
"The ninja apparently started suddenly committing crimes all around Ninjago, and are now wanted criminals!"
"...Let's talk about this when I get home, okay?"
"Come on! Jay is falsely being accused-"
"We'll talk. At. Home." Beep, beep, beep... The line got cut. Your blood boiled, and you just stuffed your phone into your pocket before sitting back on the kitchen table, and intently listening to the rest of the broadcast.
The next day, the day was full of warning the city that the ninja were on the loose.  Even as the night had passed, your father got no word from the Walkers about Jay, they hadn't even seen the broadcast, appareantly..
"I'll go get him a lawyer." Cliff Gordon sighed before pulling on a jacket. You were basically biting your fingers off as you anxiously watched the news. Cliff Gordon slipped out the door, but not before calling to you.
"It's not worth stressing over, go train or something. Just try to clear your mind of it." Then he left. You knew he was right, and in the end, you walked up to your practicing room and put on some music to practice to, but kept it quiet enough to hear the radio you had turned on. An hour, two hours, you didn't really care how much time had passed, when suddenly:
"The ninja have successfully been caught! They have been sent to Kryptarium prison, the best prison in Ninjago, and are there to stay." You almost let out a sigh as you turned the music off along with the radio, and dragged yourself out to your room, and plopped yourself onto your bed. And next morning was hell, again. Your father was nowhere to be seen, so you sent him a text,
Got Jay a lawyer yet?
Nope. I'll come back home once I do.
It's good you finally decided to take responsibility.
Do you hate me that much?
No. I just really like my brother.
Unlike someone I know.
I'll be back by Sunday.
You didn't send him an answer, and instead went on about your day as normal. Now that the ninja had been caught, the tv went back to normal, and all word of the ninja disappeared into thin air like nothing had ever happened.
Until they broke out. Suddenly all the channels on tv were exploding with people looking for the Ninja again. And not even much to your surprise, your father gave up on getting a lawyer, and hurried back to work. There was nothing worth discussing about with him anymore. The two of you were never on the best terms, but now even the one moment you finally agreed on something together was gone.
 "I wish I wasn't born in a junkyard. I wish I wasn't poor anymore and could give Nya everything she wants."
"Your wish is yours to keep."
Suddenly your phone rang. You were expecting it to be your manager, for you had been slacking off group practice for personal reasons you knew damn well of. He could have been angry, for Starstruck's schedule could have gotten messed up, or perhaps you had just missed a deadline on something small, and he would only scold you a little. 
"(y/n) Gordon." You said, when a voice you weren't quite sure you recognised spoke from the other end of the call.
"This is Max from the police, we're sorry to inform you, but..." His tone was careful, as if he was afraid to tell whatever he had to tell.
"Your father was involved in an accident, he passed away in the ambulance." Your phone fell onto the floor. There was no way. You dropped down onto the floor, and buried your face in your hands.
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mj-iza-writer · 10 months
I wrote this at work on a slow day. Character death- MJ
"Amy, stop spacing out", the charge nurse snapped their fingers while they checked vitals.
"I'm sorry, but do you ever feel like something is watching you in this room?", Amy shivered, "it gives me the creeps."
"All of the time", the charge nurse sighed, "I try to ignore it, this poor soul needs us", they looked at the battered body.
It had been a full week since the detectives had located Caretaker's location and raided the building. Caretaker and two others had been held captive there. All three varied in how long they had been there.
Caretaker had been there three weeks, and even in that amount of time, the doctors felt it would be safest to put him into a coma to heal.
The second person had been a week there, they escaped with minor injuries.
The third, Whumpee, had been there for a year. They were badly broken by the time they were removed. It seemed they had fought to stay alive long enough to be found, they succumbed to their injuries in an officers arms. Dead by the time they felt the chill of the night air.
Caretaker had been heard yelling, asking about the two others. No one had the will to tell them Whumpee died.
Now, Caretaker lay in their hospital bed, a long road to recovery. Most was to be spent in the medically induced coma.
Most staff couldn't get over the spooky feeling of someone watching in Caretaker's room.
No one noticed Whumpee sitting on the floor beside Caretaker's bed. At least no one could see them there it seemed.
Whumpee often cried, they didn't want to be invisible. They wished to be acknowledged again, even if it meant going back to the torture. This was almost worse than anything their captors had done.
Whumpee stood up and gently poked Caretaker.
"Caretaker", they whispered, "please tell me what's going on."
Caretaker just layed there motionless.
Whumpee screamed, causing the lights to dim. The monitor beeped a few times before someone rushed in.
"That's the second time today", the charge nurse sighed, "whatever keeps doing that needs to stop, it's going to kill Caretaker."
Whumpee whimpered when they heard those words.
Another nurse came in.
"Everything okay?", they asked.
"Yes, Caretaker is stable", the nurse looked over the vital another time.
"Good. I was reading the chart for Caretaker. Did you know two others came out of that place. One hadn't been there too long, so they were fairly okay and were in a different part of the hospital. But one other named Whumpee died as they were being carried out", the nurse frowned, "it seemed Caretaker had been doing all they could to keep Whumpee alive, with promises that they would be rescued soon. Whumpee died as they left the building."
Whumpee listened, "I remember now, I didn't want to be forgotten in this world. Caretaker kept promising me that we would be found, just hold out a little longer. I remember now. I-I died."
Whumpee fell to the ground in front of the nurses.
"Not to be superstitious, but you don't suppose Whumpee could be here with us. They seemed pretty close to Caretaker", the nurse frowned.
Whumpee listened bewildered.
"I don't know, I have a hard time believing in ghost."
"You can admit though it's spooky in here", the other admitted.
They both left agreeing with each other.
Whumpee stood by Caretaker's bed now. They cried but tried to be careful with their emotions they didn't want to kill Caretaker or anyone for that matter.
Whumpee sat by the bed for the rest of the day thinking about what had happened. Wishing they knew more of what was going on. If only Caretaker were with them to tell them it was going to be okay.
"He probably wouldn't be able to see me anyways", Whumpee sighed.
The door opened again. The nurse from earlier came in carrying something.
"This is awkward, but is there by chance someone in here named Whumpee?", they looked around.
Whumpee stood up.
"If you are here, will you move this", the nurse held up a string with a needle hanging from it.
Whumpee went over to them, but stopped suddenly, "how am I supposed to move that", they waved their hands at it. Nothing.
"Come on, I can feel your energy. Just tell me I'm not crazy", the nurse pleaded.
Whumpee groaned, "I can't", they looked at the string and with all concentration they could muster tried to flick it."
"It moved", the nurse exclaimed excitedly.
Whumpee fell back suddenly feeling really weak.
"Okay wow", the nurse looked around excitedly.
Whumpee smiled, glad they had been noticed again.
Whumpee decided to tour around the hospital a few days later.
There was nothing else to do besides watch Caretaker's steady breathing and the machines thankfully keeping Caretaker alive.
Whumpee came back to the room in time to see the doctor come in.
"They are looking good", the doctor exclamined, "I may consider taking them out of the coma if it keeps up."
Whumpee sat on the couch across the room from them to listen.
The nurse who knew Whumpee was there. They looked around the room.
"You seem a little sidetracked", the doctor smiled.
"I'm sorry, um it's weird, but I feel like someone is watching", the nurse blushed.
"You mean like a ghost", the doctor smiled wider.
"Yes", the nurse looked down, "do you believe in ghost?"
"Well honestly I don't know, there are a lot of things we don't know about in this life", the doctor sighed, "but I don't doubt your senses. There was a death involved in this case."
"Yes, Whumpee", the nurse looked at Caretaker.
Whumpee stood by the light switch, they had learned a few tricks, and was working on their energy. They smiled as they flicked the switch off then on again.
"What the heck", the doctor looked around.
"They have a few pranks they like to pull", the nurse sighed.
"They?", the doctor looked at them wide-eyed.
"Whumpee, they've been with Caretaker this whole time watching over them", the nurse smirked, "I was able to make contact, and I think they've enjoyed being noticed again. The room seems lighter than it did before doesn't it."
"Y-yes", the doctor tried to catch their breath, "I uh, wasn't expecting that."
Whumpee laughed as they walked to the bed. They reached down and touched the doctor's hand.
The doctor jerked back.
"Cold hand touch yours?", the nurse grinned.
"Y-yes", the doctor looked at them shocked.
"They won't hurt you, I think they are learning how to do things, and are trying to be noticed more", the nurse sighed, "I wasn't ready when they poked me the other day."
"What do we do?", the doctor asked, "this is a new one for me."
"Just say hi, they don't want to cause any trouble", the nurse smiled, "they just want people to know they're here."
The doctor nodded, "Hello Whumpee, I promise Caretaker is in good hands."
Whumpee smiled finally someone else knew they existed still, they weren't forgotten.
A few more days passed, three weeks since Caretaker was hospitalized.
The doctor peaked in, "alright Whumpee, no spooks, I need to check on Caretaker."
Whumpee sat on the couch and watched the doctor and nurses working on Caretaker.
"I think we can take them out of the coma, they've healed remarkably", the doctor smiled happily, "better than I thought."
Whumpee did a happy dance, they could finally find out if Caretaker could see them. They ignored the thought of Caretaker not seeing them though.
Later the staff came in to start the process.
Whumpee stood at the bedside next to them.
They poked the nurse they had befriended.
"I know I'm excited to", the nurse whispered.
Everyone gave a weird look, only the doctor gave a knowing glance around the room.
The nurse quickly pointed out where Whumpee was.
The doctor nodded.
Whumpee watched as Caretaker struggled to wake up.
Caretaker gasped a couple times, "where am I?"
"You are in a hospital, just getting out of a medically induced coma", the doctor smiled, "you are safe now."
Caretaker closed their eyes, "okay, yep its coming back to me, how is, how is Whumpee and that other one? Are they okay?"
"How about we finish here, and we'll talk", the doctor sighed.
"No please I know Whumpee was in bad shape, and no one has told me anything. Are they ok....", Caretaker locked eyes with Whumpee, "oh they're right there, good. Whumpee, you look like your in better shape than me, oh that's good", Caretaker relaxed.
Whumpee almost cried.
The doctor locked eyes with the nurse, they both shivered.
Everyone else looked startled as well, Whumpee wasn't there. They figured he was still processing.
Once everyone had left except the doctor and the nurse. They both sat beside Caretaker's bed.
The doctor started, "Caretaker I am so happy you are awake, you've been an honor to take care of."
The nurse agreed.
"I have some news though, um, Whumpee died that night", the doctor sighed, "um the moment the officer got them outside they passed", the doctor wiped a stray tear.
"I'm looking at them right now", Caretaker pointed, almost pleadfully.
Whumpee wiped a tear away, they disappeared and reappeared closer to Caretaker.
"I'm dead Caretaker", they sighed.
"No, no please", Caretaker sobbed, "you were supposed to be free with me, and live and be remembered. And- and be reminded there is good in this world."
"There is good", Whumpee reached and grabbed Caretaker's arm, "this doctor, this nurse, you. There is so much good here.
Caretaker sobbed as they listened.
The doctor looked away, they eyed the nurse.
"I'm so sorry Caretaker", they replied, "we both believe Whumpee is here with you, they've been here this whole time watching over you, and playing pranks on us. I think you might be able to see them, I'm taking it as that."
Caretaker nodded.
"I'm sure you both have a lot to talk about so we are going to leave you now. Use this call bell if you need us", the doctor pulled down the alarms.
Caretaker wiped a tear as they watched them leave.
"The other person was rescued as well, they've already been cleared to go home, they couldn't see me, but I spent some time in their room before they left", Whumpee stood by the bed, "so far you've been the only one to see me. That nurse made contact with me first, then the doctor felt me."
"I yelled for you, no one told me. I'm so sorry", Caretaker sobbed.
"The only thing I would change from this is that I wish I could have known you on your side of life. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now', Whumpee looked down, "the officer that carried me was very kind. When he saw I was dying, he stopped and hugged me as I died. I'm okay."
Caretaker shook as they listened.
"I promise, I'm okay. You were right, I was able to hold on a little longer, and be free, just in a different way. Hopefully, you will remember me if I ever do fade out of existence. I honestly have no idea what will happen to me now."
"I won't forget you Whumpee I promise", Caretaker smiled weakly, "until that happens will you stay with me, haunt me if you will. Maybe you can enjoy your freedom that way until you know what you are supposed to do."
"I'll enjoy that", Whumpee grinned, "it's been fun learning to be a ghost."
Caretaker nodded, "I'm sure."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
~"𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐇𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞…"~
(𝓐𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻)
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UGH everyone stfu you'll hurt Anakin's stupid feelings 🙄🙄🙄💅💅💅 It's choppy and rushed at the end because I wrote this over like three months, and I also am on my period so my cramps are at 100 ysdhhhfdh :'(
Summary: After Anakin defeats Obi-Wan in a training battle thingy, Anakin eagerly awaits his Master's praise and kind words for his abilities. Instead, he's met with a bit of disappointment, and sulks for the rest of the day...
Warning(s): Angst but not that much, Anakin being a crybaby (he's not being a crybaby I just like bullying him), Anakin's stupid feelings, shut up Anakin, Anakin himself is a warning, I usually do GN/Female reader so I'm sticking to those, definitely more on the female reader side tho, tiny bit of sexual tension bc my fingers have a mind of their own oops
Note: Some of the text color thingy is black to match Anakin. I suggest turning on a lighter mode to read, if you use a darker one.
~Anakin's Playlist:~
Anakin smiled, his heart beat in his throat, chest heaving slightly as he attempted to regain the right amount of air in his lungs.
"There! Your weapon's gone." He stated confidently, feeling quite proud of himself. A boyish smile crossed his face, "It's over."
Anakin swallowed, his throat feeling dry after the hard battle. After winning against Obi-Wan, he eagerly awaited his Master's praise- But instead, was met with the expression of Obi-Wan's disappointment and worry in his Padawan.
"...Your need for victory, Anakin, it blinds you." His Master said, looking up at Anakin. He certainly hadn't meant to hurt Anakin's feelings- this was only a gentle warning. But, perhaps he had underestimated how sensitive his young Padawan truly was.
"...I'm sorry, Master." Anakin muttered, running a hand through his short hair. He absentmindedly went to fidget with the sleeve of his Jedi robe, feeling discouraged and exhausted.
Anakin sat in a meditation chamber, all alone- he had come to hopefully get his mind off of his earlier mistake- Was it even a mistake? He thought he was doing well! He did everything right! What's wrong with being a bit playful and competitive?
But Obi-Wan had to be right, after all, he was the Master, and Anakin was the Padawan. This shouldn't be making him so upset!
Anakin sighed and turned his head away, shutting his eyes. He had no idea why this was getting to him so much. He felt ridiculous for being so sensitive, but he just couldn't help it.
Even when he could sense your lovely presence rising upon him, he still felt as though everybody was disappointed in him, he still felt as though he had failed his Master, even though he had tried so, so hard.
You shut the door of the still meditation chamber behind yourself, and looked back at Anakin, studying him momentarily.
"Anakin?" You called to him.
Anakin looked up at you, trying to force at least a half smile upon his face- it didn't work. "...Hi." He said briefly, his voice quiet.
Able to tell something was wrong with your darling, you walked toward him. You kneeled down in front of him, resting your cheek upon Anakin's right knee. You ran your hand down his left thigh comfortingly, earning a shaky inhale from Anakin. He reached his hand down and ran it through your hair, his outfit feeling a bit tighter down low, the rest of his body feeling hotter at the sight of you in this position before him.
Anakin smiled slightly. You really were good at getting his mind off things.
"What's wrong, pretty boy?" You mirrored his little smile, while your lips found their way to his inner thigh, pressing a kiss to the sensitive area.
Anakin's breathing hitched for a moment, and he found it hard to concentrate. Why, he almost had forgotten why he was-
Oh, right. He had failed his Master today.
You stood up, and nudged Anakin over, taking a seat on the cushion with him.
Anakin avoided your gaze, instead looking down at the floor, as though it were the most interesting thing he had laid eyes on all week. "... I've disappointed Obi-Wan today." He admitted, fidgeting around with his Padawan braid.
You frowned. "I don't think you ever disappoint him, you're still learning, and he knows that..."
Anakin shook his head. "No, the look on his face said everything. He told me that 'my need for victory blinds me'. But...is't that what I'm supposed to do? Win?" Anakin sounded quite confused and upset, like he didn't truly know what to do with himself at this point.
You linked your arm with Anakin's, resting your head on his shoulder momentarily, before turning your head to kiss his cheek comfortingly. "Maybe he was just worried about you. You do tend to get competitive," you said fondly, but stopped smiling when you took note of how Anakin's face scrunched up further. "It doesn't sound like he was really disappointed in you, maybe he's just worried. You are his Padawan, after all. It's his job to worry about you."
Anakin huffed. "But I still did my best. I thought I did well." He muttered, leaning his head against yours, and slipping his arm out of your grip to instead wrap it around your waist. "I dunno. I just feel like I've been failing him lately. I..." he paused, searching for the words to describe how he was feeling as of now.
"...I don't think he likes me." Anakin said finally, looking as though he felt even worse now that he said it out loud.
Your eyes widened, and you looked Anakin in the eye. "Anakin, he's your Master, and you're his Padawan! He loves you!" You raised your voice slightly. "Even if he thinks you're annoying sometimes-" you paused, "...because you are-"
"That doesn't mean he dislikes you. Obi-Wan is always proud of you, he loves you. You keep him on his toes."
Anakin rolled his eyes, looking unamused when you said that he was annoying...but he did appreciate your comfort. He sighed, reaching over and squeezing your hand. He didn't respond yet- he only swallowed hard and looked downward, thinking about what you've told him.
"....Why don't you tell him?" You added in a gentle voice. "I think he'll understand...He'd never purposely make you feel bad."
After a moment of silent agreement, he nodded, an almost shy smile drawn onto his face. "...You're right..." He looked at you so fondly it made your heart rate quicken. Though he still seemed a bit self-conscious and saddened by the situation, he was obviously cheered up just by you existing near him. Looking at you seemed to make everything...better.
After Anakin had leaned in and kissed you for a moment, he squeezed your hand again. "Thank you."
OKAY SO This has been in my drafts for like forever and I just wanted to get it done so here it is- I'm probably going to rewrite the ending at some point, because it was definitely rushed, and there was a lot more I wanted to add to the oneshot, but I got frustrated and just decided to publish it. So I'll reblog it once I update the ending
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~Love, PinkBoots
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gamerbearmira · 3 months
Little fishy in the sea
I wrote this earlier today, and I was gonna do more screenings redraws but oost motivation so fast 😭
Alma got out of the car, the triplets followimg close behind. The stoem began to calm, strangely, though the water was high on the hill. Alma checked over Pepa and Bruno, moving to the other side of the car to check on Julieta. She saw her eldest staring past her, and turned.
Alma's eyes widened. A boy, a small boy likely no older than the triplets themselves, stood there. He held the blue pale that belong to Julieta. She stared for a miment. Her daughter was right...
"There is a little boy," Alma muttered, moving forward. "Come over here! We'll help you! Stay there niños," Alma ran down the driveway towards the boy.
The boy, didn't seemed to pay any attention to her. He stared at Julieta, who was now looking at him. Seeing her face, he lit up, and began running towards her. He ducked beeath Alma's legs, much to her surprise, rushing towards Julieta. He held the bucket above his head, and suddenly he looked a lot more human, as before he had rather strange features
Julieta had no time to react as the boy slammed himself into her, hugging her tightly. She struggled against his weight as he picked her up, nuzzling her face with a surprisingly strength. Her younger siblings, Pepa and Bruno rounded the car, and Alma came running over again.
"Julieta! Do you know him?" Alma asked, staring at the two. Bruno hid behind Pepa, who inched closer to look at the two, though both of their eyes were fill with wonder.
Julieta blinked, shifting, and the boy set her down. They both stared at each other. The boy was smiling, but noticing Julieta's confused expression, frowmed softly, almost as if copying her. Julieta took in his features, her eyes scanning his face and his body. She blinked and suddenly she remembered, the light returning to her eyes.
"Agustín?" She said softly and he beamed brighter than the sun.
"¡Sí!" He exclaimed. "It's me, Agustín!"
Julieta steoped back in surprise. "It is you!"
Pepa and Bruno stared at the boy and suddenly he became familiar. "Agustín? Like...like the goldfish Julieta had a couple days ago?" Bruno asked and Pepa shrugged, but she looked happy.
Agustín laughed, jumping around and swinging the pail as Julieta continued to look at him. She then smiled at her siblings, who had gotten closer and now seemed as excited. The eldest looked at her mom, pointing to Agustín.
"¡Mamá, mira, mira!" She said, jumping up and down in excitement. "Agustín came back, and he's a little boy now!"
Alma blinked, and the sea suddenly rose, a sparkling gold clolor mixing with the blue and sun behind the clouds. Agustín picked up Julieta again, swinging her around. "I found Julieta!" He laughed, nuzzling her again, and this time she returned it.
Alma stared at the massive waves in awe before she shook her head. She quickly gathered uo the kids, rushering them to the front door, and pushing them in, slamming the door.
"Ok. This is...magical. And very strange, but it's ok. We'll take great care of you Agustín," Alma said, her face determined. "We have some work to do, and all of you are going to help me, ok?"
The kids nodded, and Alma moved to removed theur raincoats, hanging them up. She grabbed the lantern, sighing in relief when it flickered on. "I have an important job for you Agustín. Can you hold this lantern? I'll go get some towels."
Agustín nodded, and stared at the lantern. It felt warm in his hands, and he hummed softly, smiling.
Alma turned on a few more lights before disappearing into the other room. Tge triplets immediately began running around, and Agustín followed behind. Their giggles filled the room as Julieta guided them around the house. Agustín seemed amazed at everything, even if he kept running into stuff.
They were all running when Agustín found himself engulfed in a soft towel. "There you go. Let's dry you off now," Alma said, and Agustín giggled at the aoftness of the towel. He hadn't felt anything like it. "Look at that wonderful brown hair. It's almost dry actually...you're clothes are dry too."
Julieta walked over, wrapped in another towel. "Agustín's a fish! He can't get wet!"
"Huh," Alma mummered. "Well...ok then. Who's hungry?"
The children all exclaimed rushing to the table. Agustín seemed surprised but quickly followed. As he sat at the table, he saw the triplets having an animated conversation, and they asked him many questions. He smiled, his eyes bright. He already loved it here.
BRO LOVES BEING HUMAN❗❗❗ Felíx would likely join later, but well into the journey; like when they passed by the boats. He asks if he can come and they say yeah and he just jumps into the water and swims to their boat 😭 surprisingly his parents are pretty chill about it
ANYWAYYYYY I saw a Ponyo clip and decided to write this spontaneously <33 other stuff later, maybe...
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pbandjesse · 10 days
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Today was a little all over the place. I didn't feel amazing. I wrote an appointment down incorrectly and was two hours late to it because of that. I tried to sleep in the afternoon but still felt very bad. It was not a super ideal day.
I think some of it was just going to hard yesterday. Like I did so much! Walking! Being out in the sun! And I paid for that today.
I slept alright. Not the best. I had some really intense dreams. I also woke up a lot. But I would mostly be asleep until 9.
James had biked to Annapolis this morning. So they were gone when I got up. I realized right away that we forgot to move the car. But I decided to risk it and take a shower and get dressed first. And then went to move the car. I felt like I was rushing still and struggled to parallel park but I took a breath and fixed the mirrors and was able to get into a pretty tight spot.
I felt fine this morning. I was getting kind of dizzy and hot a few times. But I wasn't particularly nauseous so that was nice.
I would change Crabcake's water, because he was full of moss. And made him a nice salad with berries and tomato. Which he seemed to love. And then I made myself egg salad toast and sat outside.
I would come back inside and look at the crib pieces to see what we were missing. And thankfully not much! We're missing the mini crib base and the wheels. But I thought we could build it today.
But then I didn't feel very good and was very very tired. I was struggling to stand up without feeling woozy. But I didnt have to do anything so I just waited for James to come home.
When James got home they would come give me a kiss before they went to clean themselves up. They brought me some water to try and make me feel better but no luck. James said they were going to look at the crib and I wanted to be there too. They helped me up and we went to the studio together.
But I pointed out that we should probably build it upstairs. That it might be tough to get it down our skinny hallway. James said I was smart and we brought the pieces upstairs. I would also grab the Clorox wipes to clean it while we built it.
James would mainly build it while I cleaned the pieces. Lots of spider webs and water spots. But I think we did a good job. I would get very woozy though and had to lay down on the floor for a while. It was not comfy.
While I was laying there I noticed I had some voicemails. I had noticed the phone ringing earlier but ignored it. But then when I went to look at the voicemail my phones been weird about showing me my voicemails lately. So I had to close and open it a few times.
But then I realized that it was my rhumatologist who called me. Because I had an appointment at 10??? It was noon now! I called them back and explained I thought it was next Monday. I usually have 3pm appointments but I made this one 10am because I had a museum event next Monday and I thought I was making it for the same day. So e weird miscommunication for sure. But they checked with the nurse and she could still see me. I told them we would be there within a half hour and they said that was just fine.
So James and me gathered ourselves and headed out. It ended up working out really well because we were going to go out for lunch and to go to a Halloween store anyway. It just added a little bit to the journey.
We got out there and James would go to the grocery store and get coffee while they waited for me.
The staff was nice and told me not to worry to much about making the mistake of missing my appointment. I got taken back pretty quickly and weighed and such. I had to wait a bit for the nurse to come with my medication but that was okay.
She was a different one. Young. Not particularly chatty. I pulled up my pants legs and she was like. We do this in your stomach. And I was like oh no I get them in my legs, have for the whole year and a half I've been doing this. And she seemed confused but went along with it. I didn't bring up that I don't normally get bandaids. They got fabric ones for me anyway so I don't get itchy with them anymore.
The first shot went great. Didn't hurt at all. Second one hurt but not terribly. She wasn't as concerned about the surface veins as some nurses have been. And I think that ended up causing trouble.
I said goodbye and made my next appointment and then as I'm walking out I realized my leg was wet. I was like weird. I get to the stairs where there is more sunlight and I see I've bleed completely through the bandaid and all over my leg and pants!! I probably should have gone back inside and gotten a new band-aid but I was just slightly freaked and went to James instead.
We didnt have a first aid kit in the car somehow. So I would just use water and a napkin to clean it up and moved the bandaid form my right leg which wasn't bleeding, to the left leg that was. It would stop pretty quickly after cleaning it but man did that startle me.
James got me a donut. I would eat that on our journey to the Halloween store. And I would have a good time walking around while we are there.
We pushed all the buttons for the animatronics. Giggled at the silly costumes. I liked putting on the hats and holding the scary babies. James sent my mom a picture of me with the scary babies and she sent james picture of her scary baby collection right back. Like mother like daughter.
I would get a tiny totebag that reminded me of the Trader Joe's one that went viral last year. James would buy that for me. But that was all I got. I mostly just like looking around Halloween stores, not really buying things.
We went down the street to go to the double t diner for a late lunch.
Their sandwiches come with fries and soup but we didn't want soup so they brought us two plates of fries each! That's so many fries! So we had a fries appetizer and then fries came with our food. It was honestly fun to have a pregame of fries. And I was just super thirsty. But the diner smelled just like the one we used to go to after church, the clubhouse, with a salad at that had calamari that I loved. And that lead to me and James talking about our church experience and the rituals around it. How my family always did brunch after. How they walked there and home and where just home for sports after.
We also talked about baby and how we might lay out their room. And it was just a really nice meal.
We headed out of there. And I was in a good mood but I was getting really tired. It felt like it took forever to get home. But we were back around 230. I was really happy to be back.
We got back here and I went to lay down. I really wanted to sleep but I just couldn't turn my brain off. I would end up just laying here for a few hours. Watching videos. Hanging out with sweetp. With James who would come and hold my stomach because it was hurting me. I was glad I was laying down but I never fell asleep.
Eventually we would head downstairs. I laid outside while James started working on setting up the grill. Charlotte would be coming over for dinner. I was feeling pretty horrible but laying down was at least comfortable. When I sat up I was hurting.
But I still tried to be present when Charlotte came. James made us kabobs and hotdogs. I was only able to eat a little but I enjoyed the company. Charlotte told us all about her Europe trip and she brought us some presents. Some keychains for me. A book and some stickers for James. And two books for baby! One about animals and one about colors in Portuguese. Form the oldest book store in the world! So cool.
We showed her the crib and we hung out in the guest room talking baby names. It was fun.
But she was tired and I was tired. So we said goodbye. And she headed home.
I went to take a bath. It helped me feel a little better. And after I had some cake. See Sweetp kept trying to steal it.
I am not feeling quite as bad but I am very tired. I really hope that I can fall asleep easy and feel better tomorrow.
I am going to go to camp tomorrow. I hope there is stuff for me to do. I also just hope I feel better in general.
I love you all very much. Sleep well everyone. Goodnight!!
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noxereah · 2 years
Summary : This is Kaeya's birthday but he still has to work, however you have plans for him later !
Genre : Fluff, disgustingly sweet / Established relationship
AN : I hardly ever write and English isn't my first language so pls be nice. Basically I just wrote down the dream I had last night, so there's stuff that's not canon in here. Also, not proofread ! Enjoy <3
Despite today being his birthday, Kaeya had a long day of work ahead of him. He had to start early, and he hated it, the way he'd have to part with you when you weren't even awake yet to kiss him goodbye. As always, he got up as late as he could, enjoying the soft and warm embrace of your bed; so late he didn't have time for breakfast.
Though that wasn't a problem, he'd grab something from the cafeteria, or if he was lucky enough, you'd have enough time to drop by and bring him something homemade. He figured you'd do the latter, it was his birthday after all. So he was indeed surprised when he came back to his office from the horse stalls, to see nothing but a stack of paperwork awaiting him. He sat down with a sigh and started working until he heard noise in the hallway and felt his stomach grumble.
When he came back from a lunch spent with his favourite colleagues, his eye lit up. A fresh bouquet of lilies was decorating his desk, and a small envelope was next to the vase. He sat down and read your letter with a fond smile. He wished you were here right now, so so much. He put the letter back in the envelope and set it in a drawer, making a mental note of reading this whenever he'd miss you at work. He felt more lighthearted during the afternoon, and quickly wrapped up his work to be sure to finish on time. As he was tidying his desk, ready to finally leave; he heard a knock on the door. You didn't wait for him to answer and peeked your head to look inside. A large smile plastered his face, and yours. You entered the room, closed the door and rushed to his open arms.
"Happy birthday, love." You were hugging him so tight he thought he might get crushed. Or was it just his heart getting overwhelmed by his love for you once more ? He couldn't tell but didn't really care either. He kissed your forehead, and pinched your cheek lightly. "Thank you dearest, I missed you so much today." You chuckled lightly. "Why I can see that, long day huh ? Care to join me for a snack ?" His gaze softened a little. "A treat from you ? I wouldn't dream of anything better."
You two sat by a beautiful stained glass window, a warm teapot and pastries to enjoy. You bask in your lover's attention, answering his questions about your day; and returning them as well. As you finish your pastries and serve you two a second cup of tea, you notice two young knights approaching. It seems they were quite admirative of Kaeya, and started bombing him with questions.
He answered as best as he could, it was nice to see him as a role model. His serious side was always a sight to see. After a good twenty minutes, the recruits thanked him and left you two to be. You two decided to leave the Knights' HQ and go for a stroll. As you walked through Mondstadt's streets, arms linked; Kaeya apologised for earlier, having interrupted your time together. You laughed a little, and told him it was nothing to be worried about. "If anything, it was nice to see you so focused and solemn." He looked a little surprised as he focused his gaze on you. "I'm always serious about you." Yet he couldn't help the teasing tone in his voice.
"Now, how about we do something that I've planned ?" You raised an eyebrow. "What's this about ?" He smiled a little in response, and just continued to walk until you arrive at a familiar place. When you two entered Angel's Share tavern, you were greeted by Diluc. He wished his brother a happy birthday. It was nice to see them actually being genuine, no harsh teasing words. Kaeya then led you to the second floor, where unbeknownst to you was a small balcony, offering a pretty sight over Mondstadt's charming buildings as the sun was starting to set.
You and Kaeya sat down on a couch, in front of which was a bottle of wine and a few snacks laying on a coffee table. He took your hand into his, and thanked you for your heartfelt letter and the flowers you brought him. "I have to say though, I had a lot of trouble focusing on my work after reading that. I didn't know you could get so poetic." You smiled at him, a blush creeping up your neck. "I'm not the best with words, but I thought you deserved to know how I truly feel about you" He looked at you in adoration, and leaned in to kiss you. After sharing this moment, he stood up and took your hand. "Care for a dance, love ?" You two just swayed in the small space, for a moment without any concerns obscuring either of your minds.
The bottle popped open, and he filled your two glasses over a conversation; until the sun disappeared. Soon enough after smooth words and poor jokes were exchanged, the bottle got empty. "Well, it's time for us to leave then." You looked at him, surprise reading on your face. But little did you suspect he had made other plans, so you didn't question him and followed him to his place.
When you entered he told you to close your eyes, you heard some rustling, and he told you you could look. He was holding a very finely sewed and decorated cape, matching the colors of your favorite outfit, the very one you chose to wear today. You had seen it months ago, and were still saving to buy it because of how expensive it was. Even with a captain's salary, it was unreasonable. "Kaeya ! You shouldn't have, it's too much !" He smiled fondly "You always spoil me, I just wanted to return the favor dear. Also, we have some place to be that require formal attire; this is the perfect occasion." He placed the cape over your shoulders, kissed your forehead and took your hand in his. "Now humour me, and come along. Do it for your birthday boy." He faked a pout, making you chuckle. "Alright alright, I'll come; wipe that pout off your face, Kae." He smiled at you, put on a different but dashing coat that made your outfits match and he led you to the streets once again.
You were a little confused, arriving at the Knight's HQ again. Kaeya explained to you that his birthday also happens to be on a commemorative day for the knights; one that goes with a proper reception. You were glad Kaeya gifted you with that cape, the reception was indeed grand, and you would have felt a little underdressed without it. It was comforting to see him laugh and drink with his friends, everyone having a well-deserved peaceful evening.
After some dancing, everyone was getting a tad tired, but mostly drunk. You two decided to leave, and walk back to Kaeya's. Being his usual self, a drunk Kaeya wouldn't miss on the opportunity to serenade you. As expected, it was terrible and somehow your laugh was even louder than his terrible singing. His eye was fixed on you the whole time, enjoying the sight of you being so happy by his side. One could think hearing your laugh was his goal from the beginning.
Arriving at his place, the fatigue of the day fell on you both; and you decided to change and go to sleep. This day was amazing, you only wish you could have spent more time together. As you were starting to fall asleep, snuggled into each other's embrace; you both promised to make that day even better next year.
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alasijia · 1 year
ft. bachira meguru summary : when two young lovers miss their last train. note : my first post on this blog wawa!! hope u guys like it !! kinda short bc i wrote it out in a rush.. whoops .. wc : 716
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You and I were standing together in the silence that accompanied 25:00.
It was silent, unbearably so. You and Meguru had just missed the last train, just by a split second, and now you were here, standing around the train station in the middle of a cold, winter night.
The white mist of your sigh looked cold in the dim fluorescent lights casting shadows.
"I told you not to wait for me," You huffed out, your breath visible as white mist.
Meguru could only pout, "I didn't want to go home alone." He whined, much like a child. The silence came crawling back, and Meguru didn't like it.
"C'mon, let's go somewhere instead of just standing around, yeah?" Without giving you time to respond, he grasped your gloved hand in his, dragging you away. "W-Wait, Megu! What if we miss the next train?" You breathed out, struggling to pull yourself back from the athlete. Meguru could only smile in response, "We can just grab a taxi! For now, let's not waste this moment."
When you look up, a meteor blinks out beyond your line of sight.
The streets of tokyo were still lit up, despite it being well past midnight. It was silent, though, with few people being out on the streets, almost none, actually – the two of you had only passed by a couple of people while you were out and about.
"All the shops are closed. What are we gonna do here, exactly?" You questioned, adjusting your scarf that had been thrown out of it's previous, neat shape that you'd put it in before. "We're not going to go shopping, silly." Meguru chuckled, dragging you again, across the street, this time.
"Please don't tell me you want to go down the slides." You groaned, catching sight of the children's park, that was unsurprisingly empty.
"No, look." He nudged your side, looking up, which prompted you to do the same.
It was dark, as it should be. Only, it was littered with small white dots that glimmered in contrast to the darkness of the night sky. One moves through the sea of stars, shining brighter than its peers.
"(y/n)! make a wish!" Meguru clasped his hands, closing his eyes.
A monochrome cityscape under the small night sky
"What wish did you make?" You looked up at him, after he'd opened his eyes. "I'm not going to tell you, it wouldn't come true, then." He grinned, sitting next to you on the park bench.
Has the view always been this pretty? You should know, you've been here multiple times, passing this place when you'd gone to or from work.
"It's beautiful, don't you think?" Meguru took notice of your dazed look, smiling softly at you, in comparison to his boyish grin earlier. "It is." You hummed in agreement.
If we hold hands and look up at the starry sky, you and I will fly alone through the night.
You felt another hand take hold of your own.
Looking down, you see Meguru's hand atop of yours, providing your hand with an ounce of warmth.
"So, what'd you think of today's outing, hm?" Meguru nudged you again. Your eyes were half lidded by now, the exhaustion from a day's worth of work catching up to you. "Mm... I like it," You leaned your head on his shoulder, to which he reciprocated, placing his chin on top of yours. "I like spending time with you." You finished, another long breath leaving your lips.
It was silent for a while, and you're not sure if Meguru had heard you. But it didn't matter, all you could think of was sleep at that moment.
The two of us under the cold sky.
You were well into dreamland when Meguru had called a taxi. You woke up at some point through, but went back to sleep just as fast.
"I like spending time with you too."
You would've thought you were dreaming if you hadn't felt the warmth of his arms holding you as he placed a gentle kiss onto your forehead.
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michidafantasy · 2 years
Treat Her Better - {Stardew Valley Shane x Farmer x Sam}
Plot: Sam and Shane work together, so he's consistently seeing his behavior with the farmer who moved in. Despite being fairly decent acquaintances with Shane, Sam cannot help but feel like he isn't deserving of her affection.
Talk of the town was how Shane finally was opening up after the major incident at the cliffs with the new farmer. While it had been a substantial amount of time since that event, people still couldn't help but to whisper about how the new girl somehow took this antisocial man who spent all of his free time consuming glass after glass of pale ale from the depths of his anger and despair to an individual who would actually speak to people.
Almost a year had passed by and Sam would see Shane come into work like he was on cloud nine, whistling a tune to himself and carrying a homemade lunch from the farmer, little notes attached where Sam could see how loving of a character she really was.
One day in the break room he saw the note to Shane from the farmer
"Each day is a brand new opportunity. Your progress is amazing. I'm always rooting for you, babe."
He couldn't help but feel his hear swell up just knowing the smile she had to have while she wrote those little notes.
Shane had walked in and grabbed the little sack and pulled out a variety of foods and drinks, from homemade smoothies to pepper poppers. The chuckle from Shane's throat made Sam look up.
"She definitely overkilled it today...do you want some?" hand extended to Sam with a juice pouch and some of the poppers.
Hesitating, but surely, Sam took it, "She...really seems to love to cook." was all he could muster out.
"Yeah...it can be a bit much," Shane stated while munching on his food, "But I'm happy someone finally listens to me."
They sat together in silence for a while just chewing on the portions provided. Sam was deep in thought. The tone in Shane's voice didn't seem like he was all that appreciative of what the farmer was doing.
Maybe it was just all those times in the past that he had paid attention to the way Shane was with her. Morning, noon, and night that farmer seemed to memorize his schedule and tried so hard to make conversation after the Mayor had introduced the town to her and mentioned how closed off Shane was.
Working at Joja with the man, Sam was consistently seeing how Shane would bad mouth the farmer and yell at her to leave him alone. Pain could be seen behind her eyes, but she still would meet him every single time.
One time it was so bad that Sam actually stepped in to comfort her. He would never forget that day.
It had been storming that day, and it was a Monday of all days for that to happen. Despite not really wanting to go in, Sam made sure to be there earlier than usual to break ahead of the impending thunderstorm. Shane, strolling along as usual with the farmer in tow.
She was soaked, probably from waiting on him to leave his house. Sam had been spending time with her prior and knew she was an early bird from all the chores she had to do.
She looked rather miserable that morning, but she had an entire bag of goodies for him and was calling his name. Sam watched as they approached the store from his post when he noticed they both had stopped.
He leaned over to listen better as Shane had turned around, screaming at the top of his lungs for her to leave him alone...he would pay her all the gold if she would just fuck right off. He stormed right past Sam, barely locking eyes before slamming the door.
Sam felt his heart sink when he turned to see her just standing there, bag still clutched heavily in her fists. A clap of loud thunder shook her and she nearly fell to her knees from fright.
In an instant Sam was rushing to grab her and bring her towards the entrance.
"Don't mind him...he's probably grouchy from a hangover.." He reassured her, "I can take that if it was for him..we take breaks together sometimes so I'm bound to run into him."
The farmer's eyes were brimmed, but she did an amazing job at holding them back.
"I appreciate it," her soft voice shook, "You can just have it. I think he's sick of me constantly bugging him."
Sam gave a scoff, "He should just be grateful someone wants to talk to him. He's just an old fart."
Both shared a little giggle before she wiped her eyes and excused herself.
Now, here he was just nonchalantly talking about how she was a bit much. Something inside of Sam felt like it was burning. She had been taking so much from Shane for so long, the least he could do would be to show some genuine appreciation.
Deep down in his gut, Sam knew he could do just that. He was closer in age to the Farmer, and definitely more understanding and appreciative of everything she did.
Shane stood up, breaking Sam from his thoughts.
"Maybe I should tell her not to do that again. I can always go to the Saloon and grab something..maybe a beer."
Sam felt his insides twist in pure disgust at the comment. It was so intense that he visably scoffed. Shane looked at him with a cocked eyebrow, but Sam played it off like he was coughing from the heat of the peppers.
Shane chuckled, "She even picked the spicy ones, huh?" before walking out.
From that moment on, Sam knew that Shane didn't deserve her. She worked so hard and fought for him and stood up for him at every given moment. She deserved better. Sam knew he could treat her better.
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kinetic-elaboration · 7 months
February 18: Today's Writing
I did almost nothing all weekend and then rallied at the very end of Sunday to do some writing, this time another scene for my old Jonty fic. It was longer than I intended, which makes me a little uncertain of how the story as a whole is going to feel when it's done--if the divide between what I wrote 6 1/2 years ago and what I wrote this year is going to be too obvious--but mostly I'm just trying to remind myself that the bar here is so low. The bar is 'complete it in some halfway decent way so you can post it.' That's it! That's it.
Anyway, I did like what I wrote tonight and I think the main problem is that there are too many long-ish speeches in the dialogue. It's jarring all by itself, even more so when you compare it to the earlier scenes, where there is very little talking going on at all. But I think I can probably clean that up a little when I edit it later.
I had originally hoped that I could prep this fic during the week, then write one scene on Saturday, and start another Daria fic on Sunday, but it didn't end up working out that way. But, I'm really proud of myself for writing the Jonty scene at all. That's a big accomplishment, and it's really proof of concept for me that this story that's been on the back burner SO long is in fact something I can finish. Plus, I think the Daria fic needs some more time to just marinate in my head.
I really am making progress this year! I've been writing pretty consistently. I've been telling myself I'll write something and then doing it. I mean there's always room for improvement, right, but I am trying to be proud of myself.
I only have two more scenes and so I hope to be able to finish the draft in two weeks... I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself but like, the relief of finishing this thing that's sat in my drafts for so long is such a potential rush. I'm looking forward to it so much. (And it's okay that it's not happened yet because the plan is still to do the first chapter of the Road Trip AU next and I am very much not ready to do that, ha.)
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maii29 · 2 years
Day 3: 1/19/23
Yesterday, after submitting the journaling post, I joined a discord call with friends on my laptop. I played a game with them and logged off for the night. I was able to get an extra hour of sleep compared to yesterday since I slept earlier. I woke up to my father asking if I had classes today. I picked up my phone and opened up the email on my phone. No messages from the University or my instructors mentioned anything about a snow day or the cancellation of in-person classes, so I replied to my father that I still had classes. I was aware of the snowfall happening and kept in mind that we should leave early. I still took the same amount of time to take care of my personal hygiene. I received a package yesterday. It was supposed to arrive on the 28th but arrived early and I was excited. It was a package of skin products, which would add some steps to my skincare routine. This means that I will spend more time and energy consuming these products. I packed the regular things into my backpack. I spent more time deciding what to wear to keep myself prepared and warm for the snow. I got dressed in a long sleeve sweater and wore comfortable bottoms. I head into the kitchen room and refilled my water bottle, remembering to put on two pairs of socks. I was feeling hungry and quickly grabbed a fruit before heading outside. The color of the sky was lighter compared to the morning yesterday, and I could see the snow falling. The car had already warmed up, in addition, I was wearing my jacket so I felt warm in the car. During the drive, I could hear the sound of the car wipers and the clicks of the turn signal. I ate on the ride there and had small conversations with my dad about school and transportation.
Arrived at Coffman by 7 am and didn't have to use my Ucard to enter. Again, I sat at one of the square tables near the wall. Tables near the walls had outlets. I pulled out my chargers and plugged them in. I used my laptop to check emails and wrote in my planner. Using my planner more often is a goal I wanted to keep for the new year. The planner would help keep me organized and on track for due dates. Since I would be looking at my screen all day for emails and for classwork, the planner would give me a break from staring at screens all day. The planner also helped with practicing to write on paper, since I would be taking notes on my laptop.
I like to give myself extra time so I don't feel rushed. With earbuds in, connected to Bluetooth on my phone, I put on a song I liked. I walked through one of the hallways, passing the book store and service printing lab, arriving at the Gopher Express convenience store in the Cube. I bought a tuna sandwich along with some blueberry yogurt. I sat at one of the tables at the Cube. There was cool lighting but it was less intense compared to the area with the square tables in Coffman. There was also a window nearby where I sat and it felt colder. I could hear people ordering at Starbucks and having conversations but didn't really pay attention because the earbuds muffled the noises. I watched a Youtube video on my phone while I ate.
After eating, I refilled my water bottle at one of the refill stations near the bathrooms. I walked to West bank for one of my classes. I felt the grip of my boots slipping from the slush of snow, but the cold air that I breathed in and the music from my earbuds kept me calm. I arrived to class with no need to look at my phone for directions. I was able to keep focus and was attentive during the lecture because it was interesting to me. It was time to head back, and I had lunch at Coffman again. I ordered the usual from Chick-fil-a. It was something comfortable and safe. Something that I know I will enjoy. There were many people and many children. It was difficult to find a seat since the dining hall was full but I eventually found one. I sat at a counter with a tall stool chair. It was not the most comfortable seat but it worked. On the counter, there is a heater that kept me warm enough to make me take off my jacket.
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wnderkoo · 2 years
my you - jungkook oneshot
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summary: jungkook calls you into his studio, and you leave with more than just his cum stuffed in you. pairing: jungkook x reader genre: fluff, angst, smut warnings: the change from smut to angst to fluff will give you whiplash, warning you now. explicit smut; studio sex (should that be a warning?) dry humping, a lot of dirty talk, also a lot of praising? unprotected sex PLS WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT! creampie, some emotional ass angst lol note: an anon requested this ages ago and i'm so sorry that i only just got to it :] i'd started writing it when i first for the request but only got a few paragraphs in before i lost the will to finish anything.. anyway i had a random burst of creativity so i wrote it all out. hope you enjoy <3 ALSO THANK YOU FOR 1.6K!!! ILY ALL MWAH
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You should've known the second you stepped off the elevator, boots thumping against the solid ground of the hall as you made your way to the door of his studio, that you were in for it.
Jungkook rarely called you in to his studio, valuing his privacy and solitude when he was there mixing beats or experimenting with chords and rhythms, but today he'd messaged you to come by after your lunch, and even if the text seemed a little ominous and demanding, you'd never say no to seeing your sweet boyfriend.
With a soft knock on the frosted glass of his studio door, you step back and wait patiently for Jungkook to open it. When no answer comes, you raise your fist to knock again but the door shoves open and Jungkook pulls you inside hastily.
In a blur, you're inside the studio, lights dimmed and buttons lit up on the console telling you Jungkook had been working before you came but you don't have time to ask how that's going when you're being pressed up against the wall beside the door and Jungkook is smashing his lips onto yours, capturing your mouth in a rather demanding kiss.
Your hands flatten against the firm planes of his abdomen, finding new muscles appear under your touch from all the extra working out Jungkook has been doing lately.
"Kook-" you moan out when he leaves your lips to launch an attack on your neck, nipping at the soft skin before smoothing over it with a kiss.
You hadn't expected an impromptu make out session when you read the text message from your boyfriend earlier, but you couldn't complain- wouldn't complain - when his mouth was on you.
"Baby," you call, pushing at his chest lightly to put distance between the both of you. Despite being the most romantic person you knew, you didn't think Jungkook would call you all the way to his studio during work just to kiss.
Not that you could complain.
Jungkook finally leaves you, pulling away from your lips to look at you while he keeps you pressed against his warm, hard body.
He stares down at you with a gleam in his eyes, and you run your hand through his hair that's been growing longer lately.
"Enjoy yourself this morning?" he asks, nipping at your shoulders, smoothing over the sting with a kiss.
You rack your brain trying to find what you did this morning that could have possibly set him off, and that's when it hits you.
You let out a laugh when you realise, much to Jungkook's chagrin.
"Oh, you think that's funny?" he quips, grabbing your ass and giving the flesh a firm squeeze, eliciting a moan from your lips.
"I was just trying to show Namjoonie-hyung a photo of our new bonsai and I see your pretty little ass wrapped in a red lace set," he half growls, but there's no real bite behind it.
"I forgot about the cloud," you laugh, making Jungkook scowl harder.
You'd taken the set out this morning after your shower, feeling more confident in your body and wanting to see it on yourself.
You'd taken the photos with the intention of sending them to Jungkook when he was on the way home, hoping he'd rush home faster in order to unwrap you and give you some brain-numbing sex.
What you find so funny about all of this, Jungkook doesn't know, frowning deep as you continue to laugh.
"You're lucky Namjoonie-hyung wasn't looking," he mutters, nipping your ear.
"I had to lock myself in my studio and rub one out because of you."
You can't help the smirk that forms on your lips at the mention of the boner you gave him, a wave of pride hitting you at knowing the effect you have on him.
Reaching between your bodies, you graze the front of his sweatpants, biting your lip at the sizeable bulge there.
"Seems like you're not quite done," you murmur lowly, gaze dropping to his plump lips and that mole below them that you just love to kiss.
You feel like causing a little trouble, knowing just what it will get you.
"Oh, we're feeling bratty today, hm?"
Your ass gets another harsh squeeze as Jungkook takes your lips in a punishing kiss, your moan swallowed up by his mouth.
Nothing about this feels much like a punishment, as if you could resent any of Jungkook's touches, no matter how cruel.
That's what you loved about him.
He could give you what you want, even if you didn't know what exactly it was you wanted. And not once would you ever be uncomfortable, because that was how well he knew you.
That one syllable, and the husky tone in which he says it with is enough for you to obey, jumping right into his arms and locking your legs around his waist.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you continue to sloppily make out, tongues tangling and dancing together as Jungkook grinds you into his now fully hard cock.
Jungkook walks you over to his console with ease, setting you down on the flat part of the desk without leaving your lips once.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you in that set," he mumbles against your lips, forehead coming to rest against yours.
How was he supposed to concentrate on making a song when he knew you were at home strutting around in those pretty little red panties and bra?
"I'm here now, aren't I?" you ask, kissing all over his cheeks, purposely avoiding his lips.
"Punish me, Mr Jeon.." you whisper before taking his bottom lip and sucking it between yours.
What your teasing earns you is a quick spin and a slap on the ass as Jungkook pins you to the desk until you're bent over the cool wood.
"I was going to treat you tonight, unwrap my pretty present once we're in bed and take you in more positions than you could imagine.. but since you're so cock-hungry, why don't I give you a little preview?"
He nudges your legs apart with a knee, lifting your sundress over your hips, giving him a perfect view of your plump ass.
Jungkook curses seeing the red lace set still on you, and the dark spot in the centre of your panties giving away just how much you were enjoying his dirty promises.
No warning comes before he smacks your ass, hard. You have to bite your lip in order not to scream, though a small whimper still escapes.
Jungkook places a wet kiss over the cheek he just slapped, before standing flush against you, rutting his crotch into your centre.
"Why so mouthy today? My good girl isn't like this," he tuts, running his hands down your body.
"Just missed you," you admit, and maybe it'll dampen the mood, but your lust filled brain doesn't have much of a filter right now.
"You have me, pretty girl," he says, his touches turning lighter, more delicate.
"I know, but you've been so busy lately.."
The sadness in your voice breaks his heart, and Jungkook feels the concern overcoming him.
You avoid his eyes when he turns you around, your dress falling back down as he positions you upright.
"Is that why you did all this?" he asks, no longer feeling the lust he was just overflowing with.
"You wanted my attention?"
You shamefully nod, still not meeting his eyes.
You felt selfish for wanting Jungkook all to yourself, when you knew he was working hard to produce songs for his fans.
He still came home to you every night, didn't he?
That should be enough, shouldn't it?
But you weren't the easiest person to love, you knew that. You wanted to be cared for and cared about, you needed to feel wanted, seen.
And Jungkook did all that, when he wasn't coming home at almost midnight, too tired to even wash his face.
"Baby look at me," he urges, lifting you up onto the desk and tilting your chin to force you to look at him.
"You have me in every possible way that a person could,"
"I'm sorry if I've felt like a ghost lately, I never knew you were feeling like this," his thumb rubs soothing circles on your hip.
"We've all been working hard, but that's no excuse for making you feel like you aren't the most important thing in my life."
Your brows furrow, shaking your head profusely, finding it unbelievable that Jungkook could blame himself for his busy schedule.
"Don't argue," he smiles, smoothing out your brows (a thing he's learnt to do so that you don't get forehead wrinkles).
"I love our fans, of course I do. But you're the one I'm gonna marry one day, when I'm grey and balding, you're the one who'll hopefully be by my side."
"Of course I'll be by your side," you return immediately. You'd barely talked about marriage with Jungkook, both of you agreeing you were still young, but you've known your answer for ever.
It's yes.
"You always have my attention, you know that? I'm always thinking about you, every moment of the day- I have it so bad for you, my beautiful girl."
Tears sting your eyes as he gazes up at you, eyes twinkling and glossy as if he was just as affected as you.
"I promise as soon as things slow down, I'll make time for us. Take you to that taco place you told me about."
You'd rambled about it one night in bed, you hadn't thought he'd been too tired to be fully listening since you'd just gotten a nonchalant hum in reply.
It hurt of course, but you couldn't be mad, knowing how hard he was working at the studio.
"I love you."
Three words.
The same three words he says instead of good morning, the three words he says when you finish making love in bed, and they still hold the same meaning every time.
You whisper the word back, feeling overcome with the love seeping through his every word and action.
You hadn't come her expecting a heart to heart, but it was exactly what you needed.
"I'll see you at home," you smile, kissing his lips once before making a move to get off the desk.
You're stopped by Jungkook's arm hooking around your waist.
"I'm not done with you yet," he says, eyes still doe-like and gentle, no matter how much he tries to sound seductive.
"You don't have to Koo," you assure, cupping his cheek and running your thumb over his smooth skin.
"You're not going anywhere," he says, surging forward and taking your lips in his. The kiss turns demanding quickly, and soon you're both back to where you were before, with you bent over his desk.
Jungkook buries himself to the hilt, groaning at the way he fits smug within your walls. He soothes away the burn, massaging your hips as you get used to the stretch of him.
He keeps your legs tightly together, heightening the pleasure for both of you as he slides in and out at a relentless pace.
Your soft whimpers fill the studio, and Jungkook has to keep from coming too soon every time you clench around him when he thrusts particularly hard.
"Koo, how's that demo going?" comes a muffled voice from outside the door.
Instead of stopping, Jungkook clamps a hand around your mouth and changes his pace for slow but deep.
"Still working on it, hyung!" he shouts back, and you're shocked at how casual he sounds.
"Do you want some help?"
Your eyes bulge out of your head when the door handle rattles, and you're suddenly aware of the position you'd be caught in if the door hadn't been locked.
"No, I'm okay, thanks hyung.." Jungkook calls, biting his lip to stop a moan from coming out when you start moving against him. He pierces you with a glare, pinching your ass hard before placing a kiss over the mark.
"Okay, just send it to me when you're done."
Jungkook managed an okay in reply before footsteps sound and disappear and Jungkook thrusts hard into you. It's so sudden you can't even stop the moan that comes out.
"Brat," he coos, continuing his assault until you're seeing stars and coming undone in his arms.
Jungkook isn't far behind, just a few thrusts before he's spilling himself inside you. You ride your highs out together, a messy tangle of limbs and lips as you milk him for all he's worth.
You squirm away from overstimulation when Jungkook uses his fingers to stuff his cum back into you, slipping your panties back in place to stop it from escaping again.
He seals the deed with a kiss before he fixes your dress back into place.
Jungkook grabs a water bottle from his mini fridge, passing it to you and ushering you into his desk chair.
He places a pair of headphones over your ears.
"Listen," is all he says before he presses a button on his computer.
His soft voice fills your ears along with the strums of a guitar and you quickly realise that it's a song that Jungkook has produced.
You listen closely to the lyrics, closing your eyes as you get lost in his voice as it wraps around you like a blanket.
Jungkook watches as you listen, nervous about what you'd think, but when the song finishes and you throw your arms around him, he think he's done well.
"It's amazing Koo," you say, wiping away a tear that threatens to roll down your cheek.
"It's for this special lady in my life," he grins, making you shake your head.
"She's proud of you," you say going along with it.
Your eyes flicker to the clock on the wall, seeing that you've been here for almost 2 hours.
"I should head home," you say, making Jungkook frown.
Though it would probably be for the best, he still had a song to produce after all.
You stand facing each other at the doorway of his studio, and you have to push Jungkook away when he doesn't let go after a goodbye kiss.
You loved how clingy he was.
As you walk to the elevator, you feel his eyes on you every step of the way and when you turn around he's leaning against his doorway with a lazy smile, arms crossed over his chest.
"I can't wait to unwrap you tonight," he says, voice carrying through the hallway. You roll your eyes playfully, still smiling despite it.
His eyes never leave you even as you step onto the elevator, and the last thing you see before the doors close is the wave he sends your way along with a mischievous wink.
His promise earlier is enough to have you blushing all the way to the car.
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when she doesn't upload for months and then uploads twice in 2 days 😍 felt goofy innit xx i know festa 2022 was like last month but my you is so underrated, give some more love to my baby >:3 anyway thought i'd include it in this oneshot cus i love it hejsjjssj
please let me know your thoughts on this!! your love and support is what encourages authors to keep writing, no matter how small your feedback is, it really means a lot to us <3
@mwitsmejk​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ 
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