#I’ll always be grateful to Nic
crinkle-eyed-boo · 5 months
Happy anniversary to me giving Louis the middle finger MillyPin and then him promptly stealing the concept for his merch but changing it to a peace sign, love you bestie.
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zumiiisumsum · 4 days
I see a lot of discussion about Luke and Nic’s relationship and how it seems to be “problematic” how the bridgerton and netflix social media accounts are encouraging the fans to ship them knowing full well about Luke’s private relationship with his gf. There are valid points but also ridiculous ones so here’s what I’ll say:
First of all, it isn’t our business to mind their private lives as much as it isn’t our duty to “protect” their private relationships (particularly Luke’s). A lot of you need reminding that these are adults and professionals doing their jobs in order to ensure the success of the show. They have probably had prior mature conversations about this including ALL parties and it’s literally none of our business how they’ll handle things if issues arise. If there are insecurities in these relationships, it is not our problem and we should never even get involved. We are not their friends, we are merely fans. We should only be here for the show and entertainment.
Second, I think it has always been clear that the shipping between the two of them has been green lighted by the actors themselves. The purpose of the press tour is to encourage the audience to watch the show and what better way to do that than to show how engaging the actors’ relationship are in real life. All the flirting, fan service and banter is something that the actors have signed up for since the very beginning. THIS is what a consensual work relationship looks like. There are boundaries to be met that’s for sure, but generally the act of shipping them was never wrong or problematic in any way. For them, it’s a testament to a job well done and AS FANS, it’s something we can and should admire them for.
Lastly, we can both be aware of the boundaries we have as fans while also enjoy the chemistry and relationship of the actors, as an extension of enjoying the show! We have been waaaaiitiingg for this specific love story for years now, let’s not do anything that’ll ruin the experience for us. I say we are very lucky to have been given a press tour like this one in the first place in order to absorb everything in, with one of the most talented and charming leads we can have as Colin and Penelope. We are very VERY blessed to have Luke and Nic as our main leads this season who are not only great co-workers but also great friends off-screen. They seem to be very secure in their own friendship which is very rare in it of itself and it’s the reason why it’s been so easy to root for them. Of course, the line is drawn when fans harass or insult anyone they are rumored to be romantically involved in just because of shipping. It’s never okay for any fan to get involved in their private lives like that. Ultimately, we just don’t know any of these people personally beyond their public persona and it should stay that way. What happens in their private lives is of no concern of ours. There are a lot more things to appreciate and be grateful for and that’s what we should focus on! Also shipping has been very fun come on now. They’re adorable!!
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polinluv · 1 day
POLIN WILL FOREVER BE MY NUMBER ONE 🥹💗 i am so in love with their love and their story and everything that involves them. They’re very special to me and will always be, nothing will change that.
I am so happy i got to enjoy this era fully 😭💗 i will literally miss them so much. I don’t think i’ll ever be as excited as i was for this and for them again🥹 they truly changed the standard for me.
alsooooo luke and nic were amazing and i will forever be grateful it was them who played this characters 💗
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ovaryacted · 4 months
Awwwe nic, I just saw your rant. I'm so sorry you're going through a rough patch. People truly underestimate how time consuming a nine to five job is. We want you to know that you shouldn't feel any pressure from our side, we'll read whatever you write and whenever you write, even when we have to wait for it. Don't overwork yourself because that'll help no one. Now I do understand all the frustration and dread you're feeling if you want to write but just can't. Trust me, I've been there. I am there. With college and me being a procrastinating little piece of shit, I haven't written anything in ages, even though writing is my truest passion and I wish I could be an author some day. The dread felt when you're stopped from doing things you want to do over an extended period of time is so valid. Now, this little ask of mine can't magically make you a few more hours to spare nor can it make your job any easier, but I hope you at least feel heard. Take your time, write when you have time for it. Even five minutes, just put something in that word document - that's better than nothing. You'll continue later. It'll help with the feeling of depression to at least type something, even if it's just one paragraph. And when it comes to feeling like it's a waste of time, I don't think there's a writer in the world ho hasn't felt that at some point. We see you, and we know how much hard work you put in to give us those yummy fics. Know that your following is standing right behind you and we'll eat up whatever you put out there. As someone who's been writing since I learned how to hold a pencil, I can tell you that the feeling sadly never truly goes away. But it comes less often and becomes easier to deal with. And, If you really need something to keep you going, know that hundreds, if not thousands of people would be really sad to see you go if you decided to give up on the blog. I don't know how much this helped, or even if it helped at all, but the point of the story is that we're here for you, no matter what. Love you pookie, take care!❤️❤️❤️
This ask made me emotional in the morning, and I’ve been reading it over and over the past few days. I’ll admit, I’ve been in a rough patch for like a month, I genuinely forget how my mental health can get around January-February, which are relatively rough months for me in general because that’s when my depression spikes the most. I guess it’s a combination of the pre-birthday blues and the existential dread of getting older lmao, but idk it’s always a stressful time for me and it’s been that way since I was 16. My home life is also not the best right now, which just stresses me out more cause now I’m stressed at work and at home thanks to my inconsiderate family. (Eldest daughter things feel me?)
Honestly, I’m really thankful I have a 9-5 job and a good one at that, it gives me financial stability I’ve never had before. It’s also a job I prayed for, in the field I studied and with reputable nice people. I got very lucky, especially with the current economy in the US dealing with hyperinflation and how hard it is to get a job right now I’m very grateful. But it is a busy job, I mean I work with people who are essentially government agents and have ties to the FBI so I have pressure to do well at work. I did underestimate the amount of time I’ll have for myself working a full time job, especially after coming from a shitty part time job I had more time to do things throughout the week. I feel like I took all that free time for granted, and at least when I was in college I had several days off, now I only have like 5-6 hrs after work plus the weekend to myself and the cycle gets exhausting at some point. Usually when I come home, I have the mentality and the creativity to want to write, but lack the energy. Literally the moment I rest on my bed, I just put on Netflix and doze off, or won’t have enough brain power to make cohesive ideas so I end up hating what I write or starting over (which has happened so far). So I have the weekend to relax and write, but now I have to start studying for a big legal exam later on in the year which is my ticket to law school for 2025. I just have a lot going on right now and to prep for (adulthood I guess).
Believe me, I’m trying, and I want to create, I’ve been writing since I was 12 so this is a hobby and a skill I want to build up. I’ve been taking some time out every day to just write stuff out, and so far it’s worked. And with asks, I use the morning and my lunch break to prepare responses and edit them at home to post when I have time. I just want to upload multiple things at a time, and then I get indecisive about what to start, and end up posting nothing lmao. Plus with all the bs going on in the tags and the fandom in general, it’s annoying the hell out of me cause it’s just constant drama. But I appreciate your kind words honey, I always do, they’re encouraging and make me feel better. Adore you, I hope you’re having a good day though and taking care of yourself. ❤️‍🩹
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Just a note- I tend to write this in an AU format where Nic and Conrad didn’t date. It makes writing easier because I could never write over Nic. I love their relationship.
Remember Feedback is always welcome: HATE IS NOT ✨💕
“One Hundred Percent”
Conrad Hawkins x Female Reader
Warnings- None? Fluff 💞
Since bringing our baby girl home from the hospital, sleep has become, well, none existent.
Both me and Conrad settle into a routine quickly but sometimes our sweet girl refuses to sleep.
Tonight happens to be one of those nights.
Her cries burst into the main bedroom and I am up in an instant.
“She’s up again” I mumble getting ready to exist the bed.
Conrad shifts his weight to lay me back down. He presses a kiss on my forehead and says “I’ll go get her, you go back to sleep”
He climbs from the bed and pads into the nursery.
As much as I’d love to go back to sleep my body has become custom to being awake when my baby is.
I wrap the blanket around myself and follow my baby daddy.
I stay by the entrance and watch the scene unfold.
The crying stops as soon as she lands herself in Conrad’s arms.
She said her first word only a couple of days ago and it’s quickly become a habit.
I smile to myself as she babbles to her father.
“Mama, Mama, Mama”
“Dada will have to do for now. Can you say dada?”
Conrad had been trying to get her to say it for awhile but she makes a show of mocking him. It makes for a good laugh.
He tries to put her back down into her crib but she clings onto his shirt, whinging again.
“Okay honey, okay” Conrad picks her up again and sways slowly.
He stays there, letting her babble garbage before another word leaves her mouth.
A gasp escapes my mouth as I watch Conrad’s face light up. He laughs to himself and smiles as he cradles his daughter.
He spots my presence at the door and waves me in.
I stand next to him and marvel at my little family. We fought long and hard to get where we are now and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Eventually, Gigi falls asleep against Conrad’s shoulder and we settle her back down into her crib.
I may not get much sleep but it is one hundred percent worth it for moments like this.
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pretty-face-breaker · 3 years
Cold, Humourless
Hey guys! I’m back from finals week(s) and here with a followup to this piece. After this, I want things to be linear for a while as the boys finally escape both with Nick’s help and dubious intentions.  
c.w. restrained with ropes, caning, pretty brutal beating, death threats, talk of murder, whumpee thinking he’s going to die, fucky guilt-tripping, possessive whumper, possessive touch, abusive relationship
“I’ll admit, you got good at lying to me, but only because I let you.” 
Muddied droplets trickled to the ground from a pipe across the warehouse. The leak was his clock, the puddle of water forming on the ground his indicator of how long it had been going on. Besides his ragged breathing, there wasn’t much else to listen to but if he tried very hard, he could hear angered mumbling behind the door. Eladio, signing his death warrant. 
Hayko lowered his eyes as Nick passed by him again and raised the cane. He tried to suppress the shudder as sweat rolled down his nose and fell to the ground in a perfectly translucent drop - one he was grateful couldn’t show him his reflection. The lower he looked, the worse the pressure on his wrists became. Suspended tight in the air with his toes barely grazing the ground. Shivering in anticipation of the next hit. Setting his teeth to avoid biting his tongue when the pain came, biting and merciless. 
He-... couldn’t remember anything from before. 
How had he found out? 
Does it matter anymore? 
The edges of his vision were darkening, portent, and an answer. Nick struck him in the stomach and he cried out but the noise seemed so much further away than before. Shaking as he felt the thrill against his skin, Hayko thought of how familiar this dance was for them. It was just like old times before he had gotten on his good side, moreover before Nick had realized just how precious his little pet was. 
How many other uses he actually had. 
Just like old times. The thought came affectionately, though tainted with delirium and pain and terror, because it hadn’t been like this for a long time and here they were again, dancing again, and he was suffering beautifully and Nick had to be enjoying it as much. Except now, he wasn’t. The hit came without warning and Hayko threw his head back and whimpered high in his throat as it bruised a deep cut where he felt blood slowly starting to well.
“Three months in, I thought I had beaten the disobedience out of you but you kept proving me wrong, again and again.” He lined up the cane over one of his shoulders and cracked it down, expressionless as he bucked and screamed. “You know, I found it endearing from some point.” Nick leaned in and Hayko flinched, hearing the grinding of teeth.
On instinct though, he looked up. “Never did any of it for y-you.” 
Nick’s eyes were on him in an instant, beneath them boiling something different, colder. Anger. Overwhelmed by the intensity, Hayko looked behind him instead and closed his eyes like he had before Nick had beaten that out of him too. Hoped he could shut out the blistering pain in his back, the pressure on his wrists, hoping he could just disappear.  
 “Hayko,” he purred. “All this time and looking away from me never did you any good.” So miserably, he lifted his head. 
“You fucked up,” Nick hissed, and he meant it. 
Hayko trembled in earnest now, realizing that this wasn’t at all their old dance. A chill bore deep into his core and wiped over the pain. It was too fast and he couldn't pull back, only choking down a scream as the cane hit his chest again and again until he was gasping for air and pulling at the restraints that would creak but wouldn’t give. Tried to hold himself up through it but each one made him reel, the force behind it, and all of a sudden, he recognized that this wasn’t sadism but simply anger. Real anger.
Nick wiped his forehead, just as Hayko prayed he’d gotten enough, and laughed  before his eyes widened and he wound back his arm.
This time, Hayko threw his head back just in time to muffle the pained noise, refusing to hand himself over. He could take a beating from time to time, but he’d only ever apologize if he’d done something to Nick personally. This was far from those times. It wasn’t as personal as it was targeting everybody at once and now, every gun was turned on him. 
Then again, maybe he had wanted it to be that way. 
Nick gripped his jaw hard, digging the dull ends of his nails into the skin. “Don’t ever say you never resisted for me. You resisted plenty. You did it to test how far I would take it and I let you know. over. and over. again.”  
He hit him beat on beat and each time, Hayko’s fists clenched and pulled at the bar his wrists were tied to but it only creaked, never giving. 
 It’s been an hour since it began. 
About eight hours since he had helped Santiago disappear from this life. Eight hours since he had fled these horrors and possibly less than one left before he could leave the horrors too.  
Hayko grimaced and weakly tilted his head up, his tongue suddenly bleeding from fighting the screams. “H-He deserved to get away from you and that fucking-” The hit caught him off guard and he gasped, savoury iron spreading in his mouth. “He’d been trying to get away for months. You didn’t even know-” The slap pulled a whimper from him. 
“Of course I knew, you fucking idiot,” Nick hissed, closer than before. “I know everything about you and that miserable shit. But rest assured, your efforts paid off. I knew you lied because I always do. He’s probably halfway out of the country already but you? You’re here and I get to do whatever I want to you.” 
Hayko blinked away the spots dancing in his vision. “I-I won’t- won’t tell-.” 
“Yes, you will.” Nick fixed his stare on him for a few seconds, until he shifted from whatever terror that look could still incite. “You will, baby, because when Eladio tried to reach him tonight and he didn’t answer, and when they turned up to his doorstep and didn’t find him ready-to-please as he always fucking is, you’re going to give me his location so they can rip him apart.” 
Hayko bared his teeth, feeling a twinge in his chest. “Santiago isn’t-” He got no further before Nick brought another lash down and stunned the words. 
Nick’s voice comes with a cold, cautioning cadence. “Talk again and I’ll cut your throat.” 
He should have killed him when he had the chance. For months, all the nights he lay beside him, an open target, and let him sleep and live to see another day. Somehow, he had him convinced that he wouldn’t kill him and how fucking stupid had he been to believe that? 
How stupid had I been to do something like this and think I would live? Live to do what? This is what I am now. 
And Nick had let his guard down, not because he was careless but because he knew he’d be too weak, too desperate and miserable to even try. He had been there where Nick had needed him to be for months and watched him kill, torture, and break everything he sunk his claws into, and had watched Santiago break at the same time, and done nothing because he was no better than him.
Saving Santiago had been an attempt at repenting. 
I’m still an accomplice.  
Nick spoke through venom, jolting him back to reality. “They’re hunting him now. It probably won’t take long because when they find him, he’ll be cut to ribbons on sight.” He snorts. “Faster fate than I’ll be giving you.”
His heart pounded and then froze all at once. 
The cane hit the ground with a half-hearted clatter and the shadow on Hayko’s face grew as he approached. He let his eyes slip shut, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. 
“What the fuck have you done?” Nick muttered. “You know what they expect me to do now, right? He’s a rat because he ran away and by extension, so are you.”  His face was contorted with disbelief sooner than anger now. “Why, Hayko?” 
Hayko couldn’t respond because the answer wouldn’t mean anything to him. He had done it on a principle only he understood between the two of them and lord knew that didn’t mean a fucking thing to whatever Nick was. 
At the start, he was looking around the empty warehouse in search of a distraction. Now, he looked for a saviour. He dropped his eyes for a moment, still wide with a renewed horror. “Y-you can’t.” He stated it like a fact and realized then how ridiculous it sounded in his mouth. 
Telling a killer that he couldn’t kill. 
“Oh, I can.” Nick reassured with a cold, humourless laugh. 
Hayko didn’t see the next blow coming, not from the cane but from his fists. Nick couldn’t restrain himself as he closed to lunged onto Hayko and piled on the blows, raining hits down onto his face and grabbing him over the shoulder to land one in his stomach just when he thought he could escape to breathe. Skin broke from the rings on the sight of the punches.
“I did everything for you,” he hissed, driving his fist into his stomach.  
“Sto-op-” Nick tore his hair back when Hayko turned away, “Pl-ea-,” breath knocked out as another punch sank into his ribs. “Ple-nngh.” The next hit nearly spun his vision black and he wobbled on the balls of his feet. He had to breathe in gasps through his bruised lip, trying to keep up with the rapidity of the hits, trying to make sense of the world through his swollen eyes but the hits came like a shower. Unceasing.
Nick grabbed his bloodied face rough enough to hurt. “I did everything for you and now they want you dead.”  
He couldn’t even pry his arms in front of him to defend himself. 
When Nick eventually stopped, he hung between wake and consciousness. Everything hurt and it was going to hurt all the while and up to- 
Hayko teetered, trying not to succumb to the restraints that were beginning to numb his wrists. There was a painful shifting in his chest that brought a new wave of agony each time, neurons firing away at the categories of damage and the overwhelming taste of iron sat rich, heavy on his tongue.  
“Wai’, Nic-...” he slurred at finding an opportunity, catatonic, barely there, and uncertain whether this was really it. Whether the past few months had been real. Whether he was really lying when he told him he loved him, and again and again and kissed him and told him he was perfect for him, that he’d never let him go. “Before you k-... Please... don’ let him die. I was just trying to s-” 
Silence. He could faintly hear ragged breaths, hushed by his ear and made a strangled noise in his throat when a hand touched his bare chest and another hooked under his armpit. His thoughts swam with the introduction of the gentle touches until he registered that Nick was holding him up from the pressure on his wrists. He choked with relief. 
“Save him?” he said dismissively. “Idiot.” 
Despite every word out of his mouth nearly seething, Nick did his best to alleviate the pressure on his arms. Even with the effort, his grip still hurt. Hayko winced as his nails dug into the flesh of his arm. “I did everything I could to keep you alive. Do you even know what measures I had to go to, how many people I had to kill just to keep you alive for this long? Can you take a guess of how many fucking liabilities I tied up so I keep you-” 
He wasn’t listening, or couldn’t rather. All he knew was that this was it. Maybe whatever God still watched him, the one he had chosen to abandon years ago, held some mercy for him still to let it be quick when the finishing blow came. The guilt almost choked off his breaths when his mind supplied that he had only saved Santiago to save himself from all of this. It might be for that reason that it wouldn’t be painless. 
I should feel the pain they’re going to put him through if they find him.  
As the restraints were loosened, Hayko moaned in pain, trying to keep his wrists still despite hardly registering his surroundings let alone figuring out what Nick was trying to do to him now. Though the sudden surge of pain as his arms fell finally tipped him over to a scream. 
Nick caught him as he collapsed. “You should have thanked me every day of your miserable life that I got you out of what you put yourself into. I saved you. Don’t ever fucking forget that.” 
Hayko held onto his shoulders, not knowing where else to turn that didn’t hurt. “Tha-nk-” Nick’s scoff cut off the attempt at gratitude.  
“I don’t want it now.” He held him tightly for a moment and his arms jerked from haphazard holding to fully circling his back, pressing him tight into his shirt. Possessive. “No, I want you grovelling at my fucking feet for what I’m about to do to save you for the tenth time already. Even though you don’t deserve a bit of it.” 
A hand grabbed and jerked his hair to turn his eyes upwards, blinking away tears, and Hayko groaned but met Nick more willingly now. Suddenly, it appeared that Nick had fixed his posture, collected himself and his raw anger had been replaced with smugness, almost relief. It was still there though. What set it apart was that it was now eagerly calculating as if…
This had been his plan. 
Nick sighed, shaking his head with thinly veiled pity at the wide eyes, beautifully lost despite his own rage. “Even though you don’t fucking deserve it, I’m going to save you from them too.” He tightened the hold on him, not that he would have been able to move anyway. Hayko felt the outline of a gun in his jacket.  
“Told you I’ll never let you go, right, love?” 
Tagging @doveotions @heathenville @thewhumpstuff @thatsthewhump @adamantem-rose @lonesome--hunter @whumpsorbet @whumpasaurus101 @lektricfergus @downrivergirl914 @burtlederp 
Let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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futurebicon · 3 years
My best friend is almost done with her tolerance break which means I get to shmoke shweed again
CW- vaping, drug use
“Here baby.” Jules passed Marc their vape.
“Mh, mh.” Marc shook his head.
“Sure?” Jules raised their eyebrows.
“Yes because I” He rolled on top of his partner. “Am sticking to the pact we made to cut back.”
“Oh, come on Marc. I’m taking a tolerance break from weed, why do I have to take a break from nic?” They brought the crimson cylinder up to their lips.
“Because it’s better for your body.”
“You’re better for my body.” They blew the last bit of smoke onto his face.
Marc laughed at the soft tickle and leaned down to kiss their lips.
“Speaking,” Jules pulled away but quickly reconnected their lips. “Of the, tolerance, break.”
“No.” Marc groaned.
“It’s been five days.” They whined.
“You don’t have to smoke. I’ll do it outside.” They told him.
“It’s okay. I just won’t.”
“No. Now I feel bad.”
“Baby, don’t. It’s okay.” He shook his head with a laugh and pecked their lips.
Jules kissed him one more time before jumping up and running over to the closet, pulling out a prerolled joint.
“It’s over here.” Marc pulled the lighter out of Jules’s nightstand.
“Thank you.” Jules opened a window and took the lighter from his hand.
“Just be grateful your parents aren’t home.” Marc shook his head as Jules lit the joint and brought it between their lips.
It didn’t take long for the dazed look to come over their slightly pink eyes.
“Thought you said you were cutting back?” Jules said as Marc took a hit from their vape.
“Cutting back doesn’t mean quitting.” He shrugged. “Besides this is my first hit all day.”
“I’m not complaining. You look hot when you vape.” Jules crawled on top of him.
“So do you,” Marc smirked.
I changed my icon and don't know how I feel about it. Characters by the always amazing @lumosinlove
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omg. BLESS YOU! i’m not sure how you feel about writing nsfw but if you could do a nicolasxreader oneshot i’d be forever grateful 😭 if not then maybe some cute HCs? i’ll leave the plot to you!
<3 <3 <3
I’m not the best at writing NSFW one shots, but I can do some HCs, if you don’t mind!!
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Nicolas, being a Tag, never, in his life, ever imagined that he would find someone that would be kind to him, let alone genuinely care and love him.
Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened in his life, no joke.
He would be scared to even touch you, in case he unintentionally hurts you with his strength.
Even more, the fact that he’s deaf and he has a hard time talking properly, only being able to read your lips and sign thought that it’s going to make you run away from him.
But you didn’t.
Poor Nic was looking at you like a puppy who’s just been adopted from the streets whenever you’d smile at him.
The first time you hugged him, he froze and looked down at you like-
What is this?
Why is this so warm and nice?
How can you stay so close to him?!
It took a lot from Worick, Nina, Theo and Alex to get him to understand that YOU LOVE HIM and it’s not a prank or something.
And it took even more to push him to get the courage to hug you back, or kiss your forehead or cheeks.
He would blush so hard, god bless him.
He loved you more than anything in this world, and not even the Sun’s warmth could get anywhere close to being equal to how much he treasures you.
I don’t think he’s ever had any kind of actual intimacy, unless maybe there’s a brothel with women who don’t mind Tags, but that doesn’t count for much, except for some physiological needs that he can solve with his hand anyway, so he just tells Worick to stop bothering him about it.
Well, that’s until he met you, that is, and he started feeling his skin ablaze whenever you’d touch him.
He’s not stupid, he is aware of the igniting effect you have on him, and he’s a fire hazard at best, but he loves this feeling you’re giving him.
You’re making him feel alive.
Nicolas wouldn’t be the one to initiate anything, especially at the beginning, because he’s afraid you’ll get scared or disgusted and run away from him, even though you always reassure him that you’d never do something like that.
Nonetheless, his touch in going to be so gentle on you, his kisses are no longer as sloppy as the first time you kissed, but full of passion and tenderness, and he’s going to prioritise your pleasure above his at all times.
That being said, the first couple of times you get intimate, he’ll cum pretty fast, and with good reason.
But other than that, he’ll learn pretty quick what he has to do to make you feel good.
Nicolas loves to have your body close to his, feeling your warmth, feeling every vibration, every little twitch...
And don’t even mention the rush he gets seeing the cute faces you make when you moan, or when he feels your fingers on his skin.
He’s just so in love with you, he can’t imagine life without you by his side, always being so sweet and kind with him, and trying your best to communicate with him with sign language and other cutesy ways, like white board and coloured markers ( and cute doodles ).
Nic is romantic in his own way, and would pick up whatever advice he gets from people around him, but what he loves is to pick up wild flowers and gift them to you, with no reason really, just because he likes flowers and loves to see you with flowers in your hair.
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 2 years
Wait you have met the sun??? Like actually met him and talked to him??🥺🥺
I did!! I was lucky enough to snag a ticket to the release day event for Walls at Rough Trade in Brooklyn, and there was an album signing after! He is…so much. He clocked my Millypins that I was wearing right away (which means I’m also pretty sure he clocked my Larrie necklace Maggie gave me for my birthday) and commented on them. I was like “That’s great, because here I brought one for you,” and I gave him a pin I had multiple copies of, which was the pin of his 28 hand giving the finger. We high-fived and laughed and I told him how proud I was and it was like the best 90 seconds or so ever.
It’s also the story of how a rip-off of Milly’s design ended up on Louis’ merch site a month later 🤣😳🤦🏻‍♀️ My true fandom legacy.
I’ll always be grateful for @louandhazaf for capturing this moment of us laughing together from afar. They were being pretty strict about photos at this one, and Nic was like NOT ON MY WATCH. I don’t even care that one of the security guards is blocking me because I remember the exact moment.
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themarvellouswriter · 3 years
Summary: The cute EMT has a very snarky personality and the pretty trauma surgeon isn’t a fan.
Genres: Slight smut, fluff and slight angst. Mostly fluff though.
Words: 2.6k
Notes: This is actually my first A/B/O fic.
Warnings: 16+, Dub con, Non con if you squint. But everyone ends up happy I promise. Not beta read yet, will do it later.
Friday, 20:37
“Doctor L/N! This is the last one. 30 year old beta male. Broken arm and concussion. BP is slightly elevated. O2 levels normal.”
“Thanks Sam. Please take him to med bay 5 and have Doctor Feldman to give him a full check up,” you call out from where you’re examining another patient, a fifteen year old female omega. She’s looking up at you in awe.
“What?” You give her a small smile as you finish looking over her reports.
“Nothing, its just that you’re an alpha and you’re so much in control when nobody lets unmated alphas near newly minted omegas.”
You laugh. “I have more self control than all the people in this entire building. And I don’t get that affected by omega scents. So, there’s that.”
You close the folder. “Well, good news. I’ll draw up a rough schedule of your medicine and you’ll be as good as new in a few weeks.” She smiles up at you. “Thank you doctor. Nobody took me seriously when I told them I wanted to be an omega athlete. They’re always telling me that its for betas and alphas. I hate it when people say that.”
“You know, I used to hate it when people used to tell me that I couldn’t be an surgeon because I was an alpha. Look who’s laughing now. Never let people tell you what you can and can’t do.” She nods determinedly as you take your leave.
You step outside for a breath of fresh air. Your thirty hour shift is about to be over in about an hour and you couldn’t wait to get home and prepare for your upcoming rut. You had been on your feet for what felt like days and all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep for hours.
You spy a haphazardly parked EMT van. Curious you make your way over, wrapping your white coat closer to your body. “Sam? Is this one yours?” You say yanking open the front side door of the ambulance. There is a figure slumped over the steering wheel, breathing heavily. Long dark hair falling over their face. You sniff. “Barnes?” The person in question turns slightly. “Ugh. Of all the people to find me here. It had to be you.” You roll your eyes at his irritated voice. “If its that much of a problem how about I walk away like I never saw you?” You move to close the door. “Wait, no. Stop. I need my meds. I ran out. And Sam left so can you please…?” Your doctor side took over, ignoring the previous and very mutual hostility between the two of you. 
You pull him back to the seat. His face is flushed and he’s sweating profusely. You take a deep breath, making him flinch slightly. “So, you’re an omega. Should’ve figured. I’m assuming you ran out of suppressants and now you’re about to go into heat?”
He presses his lips into a thin line. “Alright smarty pants, can I get them? Or do you need my doctor’s note?” Your mouth twitches, fighting a smirk. “How about I do you one better?”
You unclip his seat belt and rest your hand on his waist. He stares at you mouth ajar. “What’re -” “Relax, I’m not going to hate fuck you in an ambulance. I’m taking you to the Omega Ward. You’ll be safe there.” He looks taken aback, opening his mouth to protest. “Be quiet and get out.” He shakily climbs out, legs nearly giving away as his feet touch the ground. You catch him in your arms, alpha strength making you lift him up with ease. He’s trembling in your arms, eyes clouding as his body approaches the initial stages of going into heat. He buries his face into your neck. “I still hate you but you smell so good.” You snort as you carry him inside bridal style. “Dumbass.”
All eyes are on you as you walk in, your archenemy Barnes tucked in your arms. People literally stopping in their tracks to look at you.
“Has nobody ever seen an omega in heat? In a hospital of all places? I mean is it really that weird?” Your voice is sharp and cuts across the room like a knife. “Get back to work.” Doctors Feldman and Pravesh, your friends from the ER, give you a surprised look as you walk past them. You mouth ‘I’ll explain later’ at them, as you make your way to the lift.
Barnes looks up at you, eyes wide, pupils blown. The pretty blue of his eyes almost black now. You swallow as his rich, dark extremely familiar omega scent invades your senses.
“Thank you.”
“Its my duty.”
“Not everyone would do it. Especially if they hate the person in question.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
You open your mouth to object but are cut off as the lift open and a wayward hand makes it way towards Barnes. You take a quick step back. Another alpha stares at you, eyes filled with lust. His eyes move to the body in your arms. You feel him shift closer to you, fear mixing in his scent. You growl threateningly at the stranger who immediately runs out of the lift at the sound. You enter and use your elbow to hit the button to the basement where Omega Ward is.
Barnes looks up at you with glassy eyes and rubs his nose against the underside of your jaw. “That’s ticklish and wildly inappropriate Barnes.” “Bucky.” “What?” “Call me Bucky.” You clench your jaw as the top of his head moves along your neck. “Bucky. Stop. You’re going to be nesting in a very safe space soon. You won’t need an alpha.” “Say it again.” “Say what?” “Say my name.” You finally look down at him, dark hair spread across your shoulder, eyes glittering in the dim light. “Bucky.” You whisper in his ear. The omega throws his head back and lets out the most sinful moan you’ve ever heard. “Fuck,” you mutter to yourself and hoist him upright. Cradling him tightly you nearly run out of the lift as it opens.
You stop at the reception and check him in. One of the sweet smelling beta nurses leads you to a small room and you deposit Barnes, Bucky, on the bed and then dump a pile of blankets on top of him. “Nic will be taking care of you, for as long as you need. You guys are friends, right?” His gaze moves to the blonde nurse who just walked in to join you. “Hey, Buck. You tell me what you want, and I’ll get it for you. Anything at all.” He gives you a sad look as you turn away.
You give her a slight nod and walk out, shutting the door behind you. “You smell like him now,” Nic says from behind you. “Don’t remind me.” You sigh and go back to your floor, still about 40 minutes before you’re done with your shift. Conrad Hawkins, your best friend since high school, meets you as you step out. “So, Barnes, huh?” You roll your eyes. “Like the other betas here, who actually listen to me, why don’t you?” “Just saying. You hate him and you carried him to the OW. When there was a perfectly good gurney here.” He tilts his head towards the ER. “Oh my gawd, stop. I am an alpha taking advantage of an omega in heat. I think I scented him.” He snorts with laughter. “You think. When you growled at the guy in the lift, the entire floor heard it. And the dude pissed himself.” You grin. “Nice,” you nod appreciatively.
“I would love to continue this riveting dicussion about Barnes’ heat and Y/N’s idiocy but we have a surgery to get to,” Mina Okafor seems to pop out of nowhere and drags you away with Conrad still laughing behind you. “I don’t have any. My shift is about to get over.” “Too bad. Its a whipple and Doctor Austin wants you there.” You sigh for what feels like the millionth time that day. “There is somebody out there who hates me.” “One thing’s for sure.” “What?” “Its definitely not Barnes. You stink of him.” You give her an exasperated shove as you both begin your preparations for the surgery.
Saturday, 7:45
You dragged yourself out of the OR, pulling off the bloodstained garments off and throwing them away. You made your way to the Omega Ward to check up on Bucky Barnes. It felt weird to call him Bucky, you guys weren’t exactly enemies but had never gotten along for some reason. He was excellent when it came to disguising himself as an ordinary beta. But he wasn’t ordinary at all. And you knew it, felt it deep inside when you looked at him. Something special and so inherently Bucky about him. Even though the both of you never got along and rarely agreed on things, you couldn’t deny the feeling of protectiveness that rose within you when you saw him. With his soft brown hair and big blue eyes, the toothy smile, the razor sharp wit and general overall perfection it was impossible to not fall in love with him. You froze in your tracks at the sudden thought, stopping right outside the Ward. In love with Bucky Barnes? The salty EMT with whom you liked to butt heads? Thinking about all your encounters only added fuel to the fire that you loved him. And given the way he was looking at you with those soft, lust lidded, ocean coloured eyes and practically breathing in your scent, you were mostly sure he felt the same way.
You gave Nic a small grin, walking past her and pushing open the door of Bucky’s room only to be greeted with the overwhelming smell of an Omega in heat, strong enough to make even your knees weak. Taking in a deep breath, you walked inside to give his vitals a quick once over. He was huddled in a corner, tee shirt drenched with sweat and face flushed, eyes tightly shut, softly moaning your name as his hand pumped his length and brought him closer to the edge. Your eyes went wide as you saw him climax to the sound of your name, grateful that the rooms in the Omega Ward were soundproof. He hadn’t realised that you were in the room yet, you felt a bit relieved, inwardly knowing that his heat was distracting him from everything else around him. You finally knelt beside him, cupping his face in your hands, making him open his eyes and look at you. You gave him a genuine smile, brushing the sweat off his brow. His dazed expression slowly morphs into one of panic and absolute mortification.
“Oh my god, how long have you been here?”
“Long enough to know that you want me to help you through your heat.”
“This is humiliating.”
“Not really. I just had an epiphany and given the way you’re reacting to me touching you, I think you did too.”
“I’ve been in love with you the second I saw you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t realise that I love you sooner, it would’ve saved us a bunch of heats and ruts spent alone.”
“Agreed. Now are you going to keep talking or take me back to your place before the next wave of my heat sets in?”
“I thought you’d be more comfortable in your place?”
“I want you to consume me. And your place, with all that is you is the best place for you to take me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. I trust you.”
“Is that the heat talking?”
“Not at all.”
“Great. My place it is.”
You don’t even remember how you brought Bucky back to your place, swaddled in blankets and smelling so absolutely divine. You tucked him in bed, feeling the first onset of your rut come on as you tinkered in the kitchen, making sure you had enough for the next few days and joining him as fast as you could. You curled your fingers in his soft hair before pulling him into a deep kiss and straddling him. His hands were placed firmly on your hips, holding you so close and you felt a rush of delight at having him so close to you. He was nearly intoxicated by your presence, breathless as he pulled your shirt off hands touching everywhere. Feeling a soft laugh bubble up you grinned at him. “So perfect.” The tips of his ears turned scarlet at your words, making you coo softly and pinch his cheeks before kissing him again. Your rut was making you more sensitive to his touch and it felt so good. For a moment you just wanted to soak in everything but there would be time for that later. Right now, Bucky was the priority.
Pushing him back in bed and pulling off his uniform was easy. Taking the entirety of his massive length in your mouth was not. So you started slow, all the while maintaining eye contact as you teasingly, tantalizingly began to suck him off. His hands found their way to your hair, harshly tugging the roots, begging you to go faster and the moans escaping his perfect mouth were nearly a sensory overload. And he felt so good, so perfect and pliant under you. Achingly beautiful and you had no idea how you’d managed to leave him alone for so long. He was now only all yours and you weren’t going to let anyone near him. You were an alpha and nobody was going to even look at what was yours. He came shortly, much sooner than you’d anticipated as you licked your lips before trailing warm kisses up his chest, ignoring the exhaustion that was threatening to overwhelm your body. You sank your teeth into his neck, his warm blood filling your mouth and spilling down his chest as you marked him as yours. He looked at you wide eyed and you felt horror set in as you realised what you’d done, backing away.
“You marked me as your mate.”
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry. You look so beautiful and perfect and my rut is going to set in anytime-” You babbled away, frantically waving your hands.
“I’m not complaining. And why is my mate now so far away? I need my alpha.”
You stared at him in disbelief before throwing yourself at him and holding him tightly.
“I’ve wanted this for so long. Just waiting for you to have your way with me.” He admits, slightly shy now.
“And I will because I love you so much.”
“I love you too Y/N. You’re the best alpha I could ever ask for.”
You don’t say anything, finally letting the exhaustion set in knowing there would be enough time to talk things out later, now that you both belonged to each other forever. And sleeping in his arms felt like heaven. It would feel even better when you both were fully ready to take things as they come. Before you finally drifted off you felt him smile against your skin and could almost see your co – workers’ smug faces when you both showed up freshly mated and smelling like each other and looking like young idiots in love. And you wouldn’t give it up for the world.
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wayhaughtprompts · 3 years
"No, don't pull away yet"
"No, don't pull away yet" Nicole mutters as Waverly moved out of the bed to tend to their crying twins.
Ever since the birth of their twins, it was rather hard to have any personal time with each other. It was either work or the twins that needed their attention, causing them to be tired by the end of the day.
“Babe, I’ll be quick they’re probably hungry or needs a diaper change” Waverly replies, kissing Nicole’s head before heading towards the kid's room.
While they were grateful to be parents, it was a hard adjustment to having one teenager to one teen and 2 babies. Often it was rather difficult to have time for the family to just sit down and just spend time with each other. Nicole looked over at the clock and noticed that Waverly has been gone for a while now. Slowly Nicole stood up and found herself walking towards the twin’s room, to find Waverly sitting on the rocking chair nursing.
“You know you look beautiful” Nicole mutters as she came closer and noticing she was nursing their son, Robbie, while their daughter Riley was laying in her crib waiting to be next.
“Oh shush, it’s only because I’m shirtless” Waverly teased as she burped Robbie. 
Nicole found herself smiling as she took Robbie from Waverly and watched her take Riley out of her crib.
“You know that’s not true, you always look beautiful no matter what” Nicole replied as she starts to sway, causing Robbie to lay his head on her neck.
“Mmm you look more beautiful than me Nic” Waverly mutters back as she finishing up nursing Riley and pulling her shirt back up.
Waverly stood up and walked over to her wife and son and started to sway as well, both hoping that their twins would fall back asleep. Nicole couldn’t help but notice how Waverly looked in the pale moonlight and lean down and kissed her forehead. The pair continued to sway until they realized the twins fell back asleep, they slowly walked over to their cribs and laid them down before softly walking back to their room.
It was moments like this that they were meant to be, soft nights and moonlights washed over any fears or pains. This is true love. This is family. 
42 notes · View notes
thoushallnotfall · 4 years
God Bless the Children of the Beast - Part 8
Previous // Masterlist
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Pairing: The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Notes: Ugh, this one was a chore. I had to rewrite a chunk of it since I changed my mind about some stuff…it was a whole thing.
I am playing chess with so many plot elements right now and some of them are like so freaking long game; like hang with me this is gonna be one of those updates that makes sense 8 updates later. Like I am laying the ground work for the bigger picture I swear it’s all relevant and my narrative choices will make sense later. (probably)
1984 is almost over… 🙃
Warnings: N/A (I don’t think anything majorly bad happens in this update?? So used to them at least doing drugs…)
After your fight with Nikki, the atmosphere on the set of the video shoot had been less than stellar. It’s a wonder you all had managed to finish filming at all.
You were angry at Nikki for what he’d done and for putting you in an awkward position with Tommy, and in turn Nikki was trying to avoid you as much as possible. Then, you felt guilty about keeping the whole thing a secret from Tommy, which made you feel awkward around him; so it was easier for you to just try and avoid him all together if you could.
Tommy was trying to calm Roxy down after meeting his parents, and he was kind of pissed at you for laughing at the whole ‘groupie’ comment his mother had made. Normally you’d be upset about this, but it actually worked out in your favor, since you were trying to avoid him anyway. Still, how long could you keep this up? How long could you keep your distance from your best friend? How long could you lie to him, even if you knew it was for his own good?
The shoot done, you’d all retreated back to the hotel. After a long, hot shower, you called Razzle. You talked to him most nights now; some days it was only a few minutes, just to check in, see how the tour was going, make sure everyone was doing okay before he and his boys went out to party and you and yours did the same. Other times, the two of you stayed on the phone for hours, talking through the night. You had seen the long-distance bills from the hotels when you helped Doc with the paperwork–they were outrageous; but you didn’t care. It was worth it.
You had debated whether you should tell him about what was going on with you and Nikki, just so you could get it off your chest. Normally, if you had an issue like this, you would go straight to Tommy, or in the past Nikki; the fact that they were both at the center of the problem meant you had no one else to turn to. You could talk to Vince or Mick–under normal circumstances you would trust them enough to confide in them, but this issue was delicate; what if something happens and they accidentally told Tommy? You couldn’t risk anyone else close to you finding out and telling him. But then trusting someone new was, for lack of a better word–scary–and you weren’t sure if you were ready to put that level of trust in Razzle yet.
When you called him, you hadn’t really planned on telling him; you were just going to have a normal conversation. But he’d picked up on it immediately; he could tell something was wrong just by the tone of your voice. When he asked you about it, you realized you wanted to trust him, and you decided to take a chance and open up to him.
It felt good to talk. Not just to tell him about the situation, but to tell him how you felt about it. Razzle listened, telling you he honestly wasn’t sure what the right thing to do was, but that he was there for you, and you only had to call if you ever needed anything. Just listening was enough; just being there was enough.
And you really did love him for that.
After the shoot, there had been a noticable change in the dynamic of your group. No one wanted to talk about it, but the difference was obvious. You could barely stand to be around Nikki; between your anger at his actions with Roxie and his increasingly rude and inconsiderate behavior towards everyone, you found yourself fighting with him more and more each day.
Then there was Tommy. He and Roxie broke up, so that was one problem solved; but just like he always did after a breakup he was extra clingy with you now that she was gone. He wanted to hang out all the time, and that had caused some problems. For starters, while Roxie may be gone, you were still dealing with the weight of the her secret sex with Nikki, and knowing about it made being around Tommy awkward for you. You tried to suck it up and act like nothing was wrong, but it was obvious something was on your mind, and you wished Tommy would just give you some space so you had more time to process everything.
Then, there was the other issue that had come up between you. You had made it clear to Tommy you needed some time to yourself every once and awhile, and he seemed to agree, in theory. Then, in practice, would still bug you whenever he felt like it. Sometimes, he came to bother you in the middle of your phonecalls with Razzle. The few times this had happened, things had not gone well.
Tommy would insist you hang up and spend time with him. You would of course tell him no, saying you would hang out with him later. Usually, he would leave, pouting like a child. Later, he would spend the whole time complaining about Razzle; which annoyed you to no end–and you made sure to tell him so. That would only pissed him off more, and you two of you would both leave angry.
The last time he came in while you were on the phone, he’d been high, or drunk–or both–and when you refused to hang up he’d come over and done it for you. You’d gotten into a huge argument–something that had never happened before–and you made him leave, locking him out of your room.
Ever since your fight, Tommy had been walking on eggshells around you. He knew he’d fucked up, but he didn’t know how to fix it. You knew he couldn’t do anything; he’d apologized, but you were still upset. You just wanted to get away from all the drama–from Tommy, from Nikki–where you could relax and you didn’t have to worry if someone was going to yell at you for something or if you were going to get into another argument.
You weren’t essential to the band, it had occurred to you that maybe you could just go home for a week or two; take a little break? The guys wouldn’t love that idea, but no one could argue that things weren't strained right now. You could use some time apart. You hadn’t been away from them since they’d become a band–you’d all been living together the whole three years since they’d formed Motley Crue. It would be strange to be away from them after being together for so long, but then again some distance was starting to seem like exactly what you needed. And they do say absence makes the heart grow fonder; maybe taking some time apart would help heal the rifts forming in your most important relationships. Even if you didn’t love the idea of being alone, it would be worth it to get away for awhile.
As you drop your bags in yet another empty hotel room, you spot the phone on the nightstand, and an idea suddenly occurs to you. A crazy idea; maybe a great idea, or maybe a totally stupid one. Either way, the boys will absolutely hate it.
You pick up the phone, dialing the number and giving instructions to the receptionist on the other end as you sit on your bed.
“'ello beautiful.” Razzle greets you, and you smile.
“Hey Nic, how’s it going?” You ask, twirling the spiral cord around your finger.
“No' too bad; the boys and I jus' go' back.” He answer.
“Oh, that’s good.” You say, biting your lip, unsure of how to proceed.
“Is everythin' awlrigh'? You sound upset again.” He asks. “More trouble wif your brofa? Or is it Tommy this time?” You sigh, grateful he brought it up so you didn’t have to.
“Um, well I mean yeah, sort of, but, that’s actually not what I called about.” You say.
“Oh?” He asks. “Do tell.” You take a deep breath.
“I was wondering what you would think about me maybe coming to stay with you?” You ask, nervous. “Just for a little while.” You add hastily at the end.
“You wan' to come wif me? On tou'a?” He asks, clearly surprised.
“Yeah; I, I mean if you and the band don’t mind.” You reply.
“Of course I don’t fuckin' mind!” He says, clearly excited; and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “But wha' about the Crue? Won’ they be angry you’re off tourin’ wif another band?”
“I’ll handle the boys.” You assure him, smiling into the receiver.
“The fuck do you mean you’re leaving?” Nikki asks as he looks at you, your bags at your feet.
“Exactly what I said; you need it in writing?” You snap.
“Would you stop being a fucking bitch for five seconds and explain to me what the hell you think you’re playing at?” Nikki spits back. “You can’t just fucking leave!”
“Newsflash Nikki; you don’t fucking own me! I can do whatever the hell I want!” You shout, throwing your arms up.
“Okay, okay can everyone just chill out for a second please?” Vince asks.
“Stay the fuck out of this Vince.” Nikki sneers as he looks over at the blonde. “This isn’t any of your fucking business.”
“Don’t fucking yell at him!” You say, scowling at Nikki as he looks back at you.
“We’re gonna get kicked out of the lobby soon.” Mick comments absently.
“Y/N please don’t go.” Tommy begs. “We can talk about this.”
“I’ve made up my mind Tommy.” You say firmly, crossing your arms.
“Where you gonna go, huh?” Nikki asks. “Back home? You live in my house y/n! You can’t go home–I won’t allow it!”
“'Allow it?’” You repeat in a mix of anger and disbelief. “God you have been such a fucking asshole lately! What the hell is wrong with you?” You yell back at him, exasperated. “And for your information no, I’m not going home; I’m going to stay with Nic.”
“Nic?” Nikki looks at you confused. Then, realization spreads across his face. “Oh hoho! You’re going on tour with Razzle and the rest of those fuckers in Hanoi Rocks!”
“What?” Tommy scowls. “You’re going on tour with another band?”
“I’m going to stay with my boyfriend, who is currently in a band that is touring.” You try dodging the question with a half-truth.
Technically Razzle wasn’t your boyfriend yet–but that was only because the two of you didn’t have time to talk about it over the phone before you had to leave to catch your flight. You expected that’s where things were headed though, since you were going to be touring with him now, so it wasn’t a total lie.
“Boyfriend? Since fucking when?” Tommy shouts.
“That’s none of your fucking business.” You snap, taken aback by his sudden change in tone. He had been so desperate and kind a second ago.
“So what? You a fucking groupie now y/n? Huh? You just gonna hop from one band to another whenever it’s convenient for you?” Tommy asks, clearly pissed. You look back at him like you’ve been slapped in the face. You clench your jaw as tears start forming in your eyes.
“Fuck you Tommy.” You whisper, tears sliding down your cheeks.
“Y/N–” He calls out to you, but you ignore him; grabbing your bags and heading out the door.
You stand outside waiting for your taxi as the tears continue flowing down your face. It was all too much, and as much as you hated people seeing you cry, you just couldn’t hold it in anymore.
Nikki was changing. It had been happening for awhile, but you had tried to ignore it; made excuses, played it off. Now there was no denying the truth: the brother you knew, who hurt himself to save you from your mother and her shitty boyfriends, who went hungry so you could eat, who took beatings to protect you–he was disappearing. This new Nikki was someone else, someone dark, and controlling. Someone who didn’t care about hurting the people he cared about–even you. You saw less and less of the Nikki you knew everyday, and you worried one day you’d look at your brother’s face and see a stranger staring back at you.
Then there was Tommy. That sweet, simple boy you meet three years ago. Your best friend. There was more to Tommy than that now–maybe there always had been, and you just never saw it. You didn’t understand how Tommy could be so sweet, then act so cruel. You didn’t understand why he got this way about Razzle; it’s like ever since you’d started seeing the other drummer, it had brought out the worst in Tommy.
As you stand under the awning waiting for your taxi, tears still staining your cheeks, you hear the doors to the lobby open behind you. You turn and see Vince and Mick walking toward you. You quickly wipe your face on the back of your arm and smile up at them.
“Hey, sorry you guys had to get stuck in the middle of that.” You say, doing your best to sound cheerful.
“Not the first time we’ve been in the center of a public shitshow; though usually there’s more nudity involved.” Mick says, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly. You know he’s trying to cheer you up, and honestly it works. A small giggle escapes your lips.
“We can still fix that if you want to y/n.” Vince says, winking at you. “I’m always down for a little public nudity if you’re involved.”
“I’d like to not get arrested tonight; but thanks anyway Vince.” You say, smirking at him. He shurgs.
“Your loss.” He replies, looking away. After a moment, he looks back at you, a more sincere expression on his face. “By the way y/n, I wanted to say…” He trails off, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks down at the pavement awkwardly.
“What?” You press. It was unusual for Vince to be at a loss for words. He sighs, then looks back up at you.
“I just wanted to say you shouldn’t listen to Nikki and Tommy–they were being real assholes, and they were wrong.” Your eyes go wide as you stare back at him in shock. You knew Vince and Mick felt bad for you, but you hadn’t really expected them to openly take your side against their bandmates.
“Look, you’re not a bitch, and you’re definitely not a fucking groupie, okay? I mean if you were then I think I got fucking jipped.” He says with a laugh. You’re too surprised to laugh at the joke, not that it was that great to begin with.
“With jokes like that it’s amazing you ever resisted his charms.” Mick comments, and that manages to get a laugh from you. “He is right though; those two were total shitheads and I don’t blame you for wanting to split. You deserve to be happy, and if that frilly English shit makes you happy, then I say go for it.” You’re taken aback by the sincerity in Mick’s words. Vince comes over and puts a hand in your shoulder.
“Look, try not to worry about what Nikki and Tommy said, okay? They’re just pissed because they’re used to having you all to themselves, and they don’t like the idea of having to share you. So go have fun with your English boy toy, and just know we’ll be here if you ever get homesick.” You look back at the two of them, and you feel your heart swell so full it aches.
Nikki and Tommy had been the people you were closest to since the band formed; Nikki was your brother, your rock, your oldest friend. Tommy had quickly grown to be your best friend, your closet companion, the person you trusted most. But you couldn’t forget how much you loved Vince and Mick; they were your brothers just as much as Nikki and Tommy were. You had been through so much with both of them, and just because you were having problems with Tommy and Nikki, you didn’t want to punish Mick and Vince for that.
You feel tears well up in your eyes as you grab hold of Vince, hugging him tightly as you bury your face in the crock of his neck.
“Thanks Vinny.” You say as you squeeze him tighter. “I appreciate it.” You let him go, and his cheeks are flushed as he looks away.
“Yeah, whatever.” He says, and you laugh, whipping your eyes. You move over to Mick and wrap your arms around him.
“Give us a call every once and awhile so we know you’re not dead.” He says, and you laugh as you pull away.
“Yes dad.” You reply sarcastically, and he scowls. You smile, moving to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. His eyes go wide as he stares back at you in surprise. “I promise I’ll call as soon as I get there, okay?” He looks away.
“S'all I’m asking.” He mumbles.
“Hey, why does the old man get a kiss?” Vince whines, and you laugh.
Just then, the taxi pulls up to take you to the airport.
“Well, looks like my ride’s here.” You say, trying to mask your sadness by turning away from them. You move to get your bags, but Vince grabs them before you can. He winks at you, and silently moves to toss them in back of the taxi.
“It’s not forever; I’ll see you guys again in no time.” You say cheerful as you look at Mick, who just nods in response, looking lonely. You take one quick glance back at the lobby doors, before turning to the taxi.
“Thanks for grabbing my bags Vince; maybe there’s a gentleman buried in there somewhere after all.” You say, smirking.
“Don’t hold your breath sweetheart.” Vince jokes, smiling; though you both feel the sadness behind it. As you pass him, you lean in and give him a quick peak on the cheek. You smile as Vince laughs.
“There, now you’re even.” You say, before getting into the taxi. You shut the door, waving out the back window as you watch the two of them get further and further away.
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sadistgalore · 3 years
Chapter 14: The (Ex) Detective and The Secretary
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Taglist: @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams, @whumptakesthecake
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Ok, this chapter is purely just to continue the story and lore purposes, and contains no whump at all, so feel free to skip it. I'm planning to post some Killian and Luther tomorrow to make up for it. If you're confused by this chapter at all, I would recommend reading these two first (x,y)
CW: pepper spray, mention of kidnapping, implied kidnapping, no whump found
“Motion 68B….Bill 72A….Motion 43….B? No, that’s not right. Damn it!” Elizabeth slammed her pen on her desk, throwing her head into her hands.
She had been here since seven in the morning, and Helene had made her stay late to make up for missed work. Missed work that happened because she was more concerned about looking for her roommate that disappeared.
“Okay, let’s just start from the beginning, Beth. Helene wants to pass-” She heard a clatter.
She sat up straight, everything had been quiet for the past four hours. She shook her head, figuring it was one of the security guards. Everything was quiet again for a moment, but then she heard footsteps that sounded like they were in a different room.
She was about to pass it off again, but security never made their way to the top floor where she was, due to Congresswoman McKinley’s strict orders. She heard another clatter once she got up, and knew immediately that it came from the documents room. That only she, the congresswoman, and a few others had access to- not including security.
So it can’t have been them, everyone else has gone home for the night, then who else could it be?
She got up from her desk and made her way towards the room, taking out her pepper spray from her handbag as a precaution. A gun would’ve been better, but Harper made sure she never used one, and always gave her a look when Beth would go snooping for the hidden one in their apartment.
The secretary made her way down the hall and into the document room, preparing herself for defense. Whoever was in the room broke in, and was searching through several classified files. It was Elizabeth’s job to stop them at all costs. She ran her keycard, and opened the door.
The figure rummaging through the files froze, turning just before a sharp and painful spray flew into his face. “AH! FUCKING HELL!” The intruder, who sounded like a man, writhed on the ground, clutching his eyes.
Beth stood above him, hand with the can pointed towards him. “What are you doing here? I swear to god I won’t hesitate to spray again!”
The man stopped, carefully moving his hands from his eyes. He knew that voice.
Beth lowered her hand, brows furrowed in confusion. “How do you know my name?”
She was answered with a groan, and pulled out the flashlight on her phone. Beth gasped as she could clearly see the familiar brown skin and scruffy back hair of her friend, Harper’s detective partner, eyes red and running with tears.
“Oh my god! Nic! I’m so sorry!” She said as she rushed over to him.
“I could slap you right now if your eyes weren’t burning! Come on,” she grunted as she picked him up and put his weight around her arm. They walked back towards her office, where Beth threw Nic into her chair and rushed to the kitchen. There, she grabbed a small towel and soaked it in milk.
She got back to her desk, handing Nicholas the soaked towel. “Alright, just put this over your eyes and the pain should go away.” She took a moment to see that he was alright, tears no longer running down his face. Then she exploded. “What in the fuck were you thinking breaking into the congresswoman’s office?! How did you even-”Beth stopped in her sentence, remembering this morning and how she couldn’t find her keycard to the file room. “Nicholas! Helene almost killed me when I told her I lost my keycard and you stole it?!”
Nic sighed and gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, Beth, I really am. But I needed to get into the room, and you wouldn’t have given me the keycard.”
“You could’ve asked instead of breaking into a government building! Aren’t you a detective? You know you’re supposed to have a warrant, not scrummage for clues like Batman.”
Nic hesitantly pulled the milk rag away from his puffy eyes and blinked painfully. “About that...I kind of got fired.”
Beth blinked. “What?”
“Chief fired me. Said I was getting too involved in Harper’s disappearance.”
“She’s your partner.”
“I know,” Nic winced as he rolled his eyes which were slowly starting to burn less and their conversation went on. “What kind of boyfriend- partner would I be if I didn’t at least try?”
“No, it’s-“ Nic sighed. “We were never that serious, more of a partners with benefits situation, but I still cared about her. I’ve always have, lovers or not.”
There was a long silence, until the girl spoke up again. “What did you need from Helene’s office?”
“Evidence. About her affiliation with the Jaguars.”
Beth stared at the ex-detective in shock. “Nic, I've been her assistant for almost three years. I would know if she was dealing with a criminal organization.”
“Then you’re not a great assistant. She’s either funding them, covering their crimes up, or working alongside them.”
Beth stood up in mild defense. “Listen, Helene’s a bitch and a half but she’s not a monster.”
Nic's eyes were devoid of any humor. “I’m serious, Elizabeth. And it’s not just her, I have at least five other government officials who are in league with the Jaguars, and I believe that your boss might be one of them. Or, at the very least, married to one of them.”
“Married? That’s impossible, she’s been single as long as I’ve known her.”
“Not according to an anonymous call I got. Whoever they were, they knew I was looking for Harper and led me in the direction of investigating the Jaguars and Congresswoman McKinley’s affiliation with them. They told me that Helene McKinley and Edward Darmine were married.”
“Edward Darmine? As in-”
“Dark, leader of the Vault Dwellers, the biggest weapons dealers in the Northeast. The same man that killed Harper’s father and took her brother.”
Beth huffed, growing frustrated as all she heard were lies and false accusations. “Are you seriously telling me that the man that ruined Harper’s life is married to my boss and she is part of the most dangerous organization in the entire Northeast? And you’ve found all this out in what, a month? While me and Harper have been looking into them for years?!”
Beth stared at the ex-detective for a moment, then pointed towards the door. “Out.”
Nic’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Beth-“
“No, Nic, I can’t deal with this right now. Just leave.”
Nic stayed for just a moment longer, then got up and left.
He anxiously turned back around, hoping his friend had changed his mind.
“Leave the key. And be grateful that I’m not reporting this to security tomorrow morning.”
Nic nodded, and dropped the key in the ground. Right as he reached the door, he said one last thing. “I’m telling the truth, Beth. If you want to start believing me and find Harper, call me.”
Beth said nothing as the man walked out, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
Helene turned off her computer after reviewing the security tapes, sitting back in her chair.
“Ma’am? What do you suggest we do with them?” Said a man next to her.
“Give me a moment please.”
The man nodded and left her office, a different one than the one she shared with her secretary in DC. She pulled out her phone, and dialed a number in her contacts.
“Yes, darling?”
“Edward, we have a problem. The detective, Nicholas Malcolm, found out about me.”
“He knows you’re one of the Jaguars?”
“Not just that, he also knows we’re married.”
“How? No one outside our organization knows that we’re married.”
“He said he found out from an anonymous source. Who that is, I don’t know, but now he and my secretary know.”
“The Carrien girl.”
“Yes. I know the right option would be to kill them, but I want Elizabeth alive. I don’t care about the boy.”
“He could be useful. I’ll convince someone else to take him. What will you do with the girl?”
“I’ll keep her as my secretary, but she could always be made into something more in the future.”
“Take that up with the boss.”
“I’ll try. And if I’m going to do this, I’ll be gone for a few weeks to make sure she’s settled in and everything is covered up. I might have to train her at the Philadelphia base.”
“Do what you need to do. Just let me know, Helene.”
“I will. I love you, Edward.”
There was a sigh on the other end. “Love you too.”
Helene hung up and called the man back into her office. “By tomorrow’s sunrise, I want Elizabeth Carrien in Philadelphia and Nicholas Malcom in a holding cell. Burn both of their apartments down. I’ll deal with the rest, but I want them alive and unharmed.”
“Yes, Mrs. Darmine.”
Helene looked over to an old photograph on her desk, a picture of two young girls with blonde hair. “I do hope you can be useful to us, Elizabeth.”
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erule · 4 years
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Summary: it’s the reader’s birthday and Dean, her boyfriend, has a surprise for her. There are also Sam, Cas and Jack in this story.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word Count: 1710
A/N: tomorrow’s my birthday, so I thought to write something cute and extremely fluffy to celebrate it! The sentence down here is from the song called Fine Line by Harry Styles, that inspired me to write this.
Story under the cut!
“𝑷𝒖𝒕 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒖𝒚”.
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The bunker was quiet that morning.
She got up with a sense of fear, because usually she could hear Sam and Dean discussing about some case, with the noise of something burned getting inside her nose. She went to the kitchen, they weren’t there. Yeah, that was strange, because the always told her if they went out, even with a text, but this time, nothing. So, she tried to pray Castiel, wondering if Jack was with him on a case of if they were with the Winchesters, but he didn’t answer either. Very strange. Castiel always answered. He even appeared to her while she was fighting with Dean about something once.
Anyway, after the fact that no one had answered her calls and having searched for them likeanywhere in the bunker, she went out. The weather was cold and she only wore Dean’s usual t-shirt, therefore she was freezing to death. But well, here we were.
«Took you long enough, uh?» Dean said with a smile, arms crossed and back leaning against Baby.
«Are you crazy? I was worried about you!» she yelled.
«I am worried about you, since you’re half naked and not in our bed!» he replied, taking off his jacket to cover her shoulders. «Could you please get dressed?»
«Could you please explain to me what you have in mind? And were are the others? Did you kill them?»
Dean chuckled.
«Not yet. Look, I just have a surprise for you. Don’t ask and put something nice on.»
«Like a smile?»
«Like a dress» Dean said.
«Fine. Only for you.»
«Thank you very much.»
Here’s what she did: she took off Dean’s clothes, let her nose get drunk on his perfume for a moment and then got dressed. She wore a cute, simple red dress and a pair of sneakers. She wasn’t used to wearing elegant clothes as she went hunting every day, but she wasn’t the type who liked them either. Besides, Dean didn’t say they were going to the opera! By the way, who knows what he had invented… all that mystery was putting a great curiosity on her.
What she knew about Dean was this: he was a caring boyfriend. Sure, in his own way, but he was. He wasn’t someone who liked to talk about their feelings or put a label on their relationship, but she knew he cared and that was enough. She could see it when he glanced at her during a fight with a monster to see if she needed help; she could see it from small gestures, like when he brushed her thigh under the table just to understand if she was okay or uncomfortable; she could see it from his smile when she kissed him in the morning before going to get breakfast for everyone while he remained happy in bed. He appreciated her. Most people don’t do that, but he did. He always cared, even they fought, because she knew that his way to treat her bad after an argument was his way to say that he was hurt because he cared about her. Dean was a man of acts, not words.
«Y/N, are you ready?»
«Yes, babe!»
She got in the car and looked in front of her, thinking about what he could have thought: a pic-nic? A trip to nowhere? A trip to somewhere? The beach? No, it was Autumn, that ws not possibile.
«You’re wondering where we’re going, aren’t you?» he asked with a grin on his face. Stupid adorable Dean’s face.
«You know me.»
«Sweetheart, I promise you’ll love it.»
«I have no doubt about that, I’m just curious» she replied, but the curiosity was killing her from the inside.
Dean smiled.
«You’ll see.»
At first, Y/N didn’t get what he was doing. She looked at him extremely suspicious, while he was telling her about the resolution of a some old case with Sam. She nodded, still thinking, but well, it didn’t take Dean too long to make her laugh and distract her from her plan. She immediately responded, reminding him of that time in which she had to save him from a witch who was very much intrigued by him, but she was jealous she just knew something was off. That was the time before the case in which she almost got killed and Dean declared his eternal love for her.
«I remember very well I just said: I feel something for you, Y/N» Dean replied.
«No, you didn’t.»
And then, he kissed her and she, three years later, didn’t recall a better memory than that.
And so they arrived. Y/N got out of the car and when she stepped on the ground, she couldn’t believe her eyes.
«Dean, are you serious?»
«What ever made you believe otherwise?»
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, trying in vain to hold back her tears. Here’s what Dean had done: he had asked everyone to go out and not answer her because he wanted her to join him outside the bunker, then they had traveled by the car for a couple of hours, eating something for breakfast, laughing and talking about everything. All of that just to take her there, on that hill where he had told her he loved her for the first time, to watch the sunset together. He had confused her ideas because they had walked streets after streets, without her realizing that they were not really going anywhere, because they had to go back in the end, since that place was not very far from the bunker. And so, in the end, his gift to her was his time.
«You’re such a romantic man, Dean Winchester» she said, putting her arms around his neck with sweetness.
«Sometimes» he replied, smiling while looking away.
«You know, I remember when you admitted you were head over heels for me, here.»
Dean open his mouth in disbelief.
«Me? You were so desperate for a kiss from me!» he said and Y/N laughed.
«Not true at all!»
It ended up with Dean tickling her until she declared she couldn’t take it anymore, so they sat and watched the sun die behind the skyline of the city in the distance.
She rested her head on Dean’s arm, who wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the temple. He’d given her the one thing no one could buy: his time, the same time they hadn’t had for weeks because they’d been busy with cases. She could never be grateful enough for that.
«The others are waiting for us at home. Tell me when you want us to go back.»
Y/N closed her eyes.
Dean laughed.
«You can always bribe me with a slice of cake or a kiss, you know. I would prefer cake just because I’m hungry.»
She laughed.
«I bribe you with both, my love» she replied, giving him immediately a kiss.
She took his face in her hands as they fell with their backs against the grass, letting her legs intertwine with Dean’s, slipping into a whirlwind of warmth, sweetness and passion at the same time.
They didn’t notice the time that passed. They only realized they were late when Castiel called them worried about where they were, because he, Sam and Jack were waiting for them at the bunker. At that point, they had to get up and go back, but not before they had bought something for dinner.
Once home, Y/N started to enter, but Dean stopped her at the door.
«Hey, I wasn’t completely honest with you before» Dean said, taking her hand. She looked at him, confused. «You know I don’t like chick flick moments, but today is your day, so I’ll make an effort. I just want to tell you that I need you in my life and I think this pretty much sums up how I feel about you.»
Her bottom lip trembled. She felt her eyes burning, but she didn’t cry. She just breathed out and then hugged him so tight her chuckles became white.
«Thank you.»
Dean caressed her hair.
«Yeah. Now we have to go, cherry pie.»
Y/N composed herself and then they entered in the bunker. The lights were off, but they were turned on when Sam, Cas and Jack screamed Happy birthday! Y/N was astonished.
«Oh guys, you didn’t have to bother!»
«You’re joking, right?» Sam asked, while running to her in order to hug her. «Happy birthday, Y/N.»
«Thanks, Sam» she replied. «And there was the pie!» she said, looking at Dean, that was caught while he was looking at it so greedily. «You don’t even look at me like that!»
Sam laughed.
Then, they finally had the chance to chat and celebrate her birthday properly. For once, there was no day that was bleeding or someone who got hurt. It was just the five of them, a family, enjoying a special moment. She looked at Dean, across the table, who was laughing out loud at Sam’s jokes and thought she was grateful for all she had.
Before going to sleep, Y/N sat down on the bed he shared with Dean, his shirt back on and her arms wrapped around her knees. She watched him enter the room and look at her in confusion.
«What’s wrong? Do I still have some cake on my face?»
«No, you just look happy. I had missed it.»
Dean took a seat next to her on the bed.
«Do you know what I like about you? That after five years of being together you always look at me as if I were the most beautiful miracle that has ever happened to you. I wish you could see it» he said, with so much light in his eyes.
«And I would like you to know how much I appreciated the gift you gave me today. I can never repay you enough for this» she replied, putting her arms around his neck and caressing his hair.
«Are you sure? Because there is a very interesting way to do that…»
Y/N chuckled.
«I thought that it was my birthday, not yours.»
«Well, technically, midnight is long past now, sweetheart» Dean replied.
Y/N gave him a kiss on his lips.
«Let the party begin, then.»
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Mother’s Day
Pairing: Montgomery Scott x Nicole Scott ft. the Scott kids
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Scotty gives Nic a relaxing Mother’s Day
A/N: I know this is a day late but I had to write a Mother’s Day fic
Tag List: @hyperionshipping @heavenshipped @dancing-with-skeletons @selfshipfeelings
“Monty, you didn’t have to do this,” Nic protested for what felt like the thousandth time. Scotty shook his head as he helped her out of the car.
“This is the first Mother’s Day we’ve spent together in five years. If you think I’m not spoiling you for the day then you’re mad,” he told her fondly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “The boys and I will be fine, you deserve the rest.”
Nic sighed. “I don’t get much rest these days anyway.”
“Next year we’ll get to celebrate with Saoirse, but until then—” Scotty took her hands and pressed another kiss to her head, “—you get treated like the queen you are.”
“Are you sure?” She asked, a little apprehensive of leaving the boys. It came as a habit from not only taking care of them for so long by herself but also as a maternal instinct that had steadily increased over the course of her pregnancy. If it weren’t for her husband, Nic is pretty sure she would’ve ripped the head off of the woman at the grocery store who said Thomas was an adorable little gentleman.
“I’m positive,” he assured her. They looked over to the boys who were busy peering into the window of the spa. “Boys, time to say bye to mum.”
Thomas and James looked over at their parents and rushed over to hug their mother. They gripped onto the fabric of her maternity sundress.
“Don’t go, mum!” James whined.
“Peese mummy!” Thomas begged.
“It won’t be long, I promise my loves,” Nic said, playing with their hair. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to both of their heads. “Besides, you two will have so much fun with dad that you won’t even have time to miss me. And when I get home, we can cuddle in bed and watch tv.”
“Okay!” The boys perked up at the mention of tv. They each gave their mother a big hug before being shooed into the backseat of the car by their father.
“We don’t have a lot of time now, get in the car,” he told them. When the boys refused to move from Nic’s side, Scotty sighed. “I’ll let you have ice cream when we get home if you get in the car.” Quickly the boys scrambled and pushed past each other to get into the car. Nic laughed softly as Scotty smiled at her. “Now don’t you worry about a thing, dear. I’ll take care of everything. The appointment is at least five hours so I’ll be back here at five-thirty to pick you up, okay?”
“Geez, five hours by myself for little ol’ me?” She giggled.
Scotty nodded. “Aye, they’ll give you the best treatments. Now go before you miss the appointment.”
Nic gave him a quick kiss before heading towards the automatic doors. “Don’t set the house on fire while I’m gone, Monty.” She joked over her shoulder. She sent the boys a wave as they watched her leave before disappearing inside.
Nic made a mental note to thank her husband when she got home. He apparently knew everything she needed and already arranged for the treatments. First was a facial—she had been complaining about the acne she was getting from the pregnancy. Then she would get some time in a nice warm bath—something she never got at home, usually a quick shower before dinner while the boys napped or when Scotty was keeping them entertained. Third was the prenatal massage, a type she didn’t know existed but was sure she’d be grateful for. And last came the foot massage, the one she most looked forward to. As she changed into the fluffy white robe in the private room, a glass of water and a bowl of complimentary fruit sitting on an end table, she stared down at her phone. After a minute of debating she decided to leave it on, but tucked away beneath her clothes. She knew that her husband wouldn’t call unless it was an emergency. Nic let out a sigh of relief when an employee came and told her it was time for the facial.
At home, James and Thomas sat at the dining table eating their ice cream. They played with their action figures between bites of ice cream, and Scotty sat on the couch folding laundry. He didn’t realize how much clothes there were. Sometimes he forgot that it wasn’t just his and Nic’s clothes anymore; it was both of the boy’s clothes and soon onesies for Saoirse as well.
Tiny hands covered in vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup came into view as Thomas reached for the pile of clean laundry.
“Oh no you don’t,” Scotty grabbed his son and set him on the couch, away from the clean clothes. “If you get those sticky from ice cream your mum is gonna kill me.”
“I want my shirt,” Thomas whined, pointing at the blue shirt with tigers on it.
“You can put it on, but let me clean you up first,” Scotty picked him up and carried him over to the kitchen. He set Thomas on the counter before grabbing some paper towels. He ran the sink to get the paper towel wet and began to clean the ice cream off Thomas’s face and hands. “You’re as messy as your mother,” he chuckled.
Once Thomas was cleaned, Scotty threw away the paper towels and shut off the sink. Or at least tried to. The water continued to run. He fiddled with the sink handle for a minute before sighing.
“James, can you please bring my tools over here?” Scotty asked, crouching down at the cabinets. He opened it and inspected the pipes as James dragged the toolbox over into the kitchen. “Thank you, laddie.”
Scotty began to inspect the pipes to determine what the problem was. As he did this, James settled on the floor by the toolbox and watched his father. When he reached for one of his tools Scotty realized he had an audience and smiled. He happily worked on fixing the broken pipe, telling James what he was doing when the young boy asked and asking James to hand him a tool every now and again. He was pleasantly surprised when his son knew what tool he needed, and happily showed him the tools James didn’t know. Once the pipe was fixed, Scotty tested it to make sure it was in working order. Satisfied with the results, he put his tools back in their rightful place before going back to the kitchen. Thomas still sat on the counter, kicking his legs as entertainment.
“Can I wear my shirt now?” He asked his father.
Scotty chuckled and put him back on the floor. “Of course.” He went over to the laundry and grabbed the shirt. He helped Thomas change out of the ice cream stained one he had been wearing and into the clean tiger shirt. Scotty sat back on the couch to finish the laundry and Thomas lingered for a moment.
“When is mummy coming home?” Thomas asked.
“In a while. She’ll be home for dinner, I promise.” Scotty told him. As he said that, an idea came into his head. He looked between the boys. “Do you two want to help me bake a cake for her?”
At the mention of a cake both boys perked up. “Yes!” They jumped up and down excitedly.
“Alright, let’s get to it!”
About halfway through making the cake Scotty realized why Nic was the one who always baked. Yes he could cook, but baking? That was her thing. And it didn’t help that he was having to stop Thomas from trying to eat the batter every five minutes. Scotty nearly had a heart attack when he saw Thomas reaching for a raw egg. After the cake was successfully put in the oven, he agreed to play with the boys for a little. But while the cake was cooling Scotty went back to folding the laundry and the boys took their naps. He wanted to at least get the laundry done before she got home. The boys were most excited about icing the cake, and Scotty had to keep the extra icing out of their reach. The cake was covered in the white icing and had “Happy Mother’s Day” written on it in blue icing. Scotty put it in the fridge and checked the time.
“I have time to make dinner,” he mumbled to himself, getting things ready to make dinner. He knew she’d want something simple but he still wanted to spoil her, so he decided on spaghetti. He had just finished plating the food when he noticed the time. It was nearly 5:30pm.
“Boys, let’s go pick up yer mum!” He called to the boys.
He hadn’t been waiting long when Nic exited the spa. She looked much more relaxed than she had when she entered and that made Scotty smile. She stopped in front of him and grinned, reaching up to cup his face and kiss him.
“How was the appointment?” He asked, although sure he already knew the answer.
“It was amazing, thank you for that, honey,” she kissed him again. “How was everything with the boys?”
“We fended for ourselves,” he joked. “They missed you, though.”
“I’m sure they did.”
“How did our wee angel do?” He asked, putting a hand on her stomach.
“She slept the entire time. I think this has been the most relaxed I’ve been in months,” Nic told him.
“I’m glad. Now let’s get you home. The boys are excited to have you back and we have another surprise for you at home.”
Nic hummed softly at that. “Lead the way,” she said. Scotty helped her into the car and closed the door, and Nic looked at the backseat at her sons. “Hi boys, I missed you.”
“I missed you, mummy!” Thomas exclaimed, reaching out for her.
Nic put arm back so he could hold her hand. “I’m here now, baby.”
The family got home and after getting out of the car, Thomas stuck close to his mother. She smiled and pet his hair as they got into the house, the smell of dinner hit her nose. Scotty guided her to the dining table where a plate of spaghetti and garlic bread sat.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t have to make dinner. I would’ve been fine with takeout,” Nic said as she settled into the dining chair. Thomas sat beside his mother as Scotty sat across from her and James beside him.
“Like I said before: I’m spoiling you today.” He told her.
They happily ate dinner, James excitedly telling Nic how Scotty fixed the sink. And Scotty grinned, adding that James acted as his assistant. Nic was happy to listen about how their few hours without her went. Once dinner was finished, Scotty insisted on clearing the plates and cleaning them. But before Nic could push herself out of the chair, her husband came back over with two plates and a cake.
“You didn’t have to make me a cake,” she said, feeling herself begin to tear up. James and Thomas kissed either cheek and grinned.
“We wanted to!” James told her.
“I love you boys.” Nic pulled them into a hug and kissed their heads. She smiled at Scotty as he cut two slices. “I love you, Monty. Thank you.”
He smiled at her and set the plate in front of her with a fork before giving her a quick kiss. “You’re welcome, darling. Anything for you. Happy Mother’s Day.”
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How Lovely Are
Hello my lights!  I have a quick fluffy holiday story.  I was going to wait till it was closer to Christmas but I think we all collectively need some happy holiday fluff. I’m tagging this as a modern AU but it could occur in the Narutoverse with some adjustments. 
Summary:  Christmas was rapidly approaching and a last-minute purchase at a flower shop would completely change Sai’s life.
** How Lovely Are
Ino happily rearranged the flowers humming a familiar tune as she worked.  Working at the family flower store had always been one of her favorite jobs, but especially during this time of the year.  She always took great care making the arrangements that would be the centerpieces for so many wonderful celebrations.  It was like putting a little bit of herself into what she created.  It was almost the big day so it was simultaneously slowing down while speeding up.  There were just a few orders left to fulfill but not too many being placed.  The shop itself was pretty quiet after a morning rush so now it was just her, the flowers, and Christmas music.  A pretty perfect afternoon if you were to ask her. 
“Welcome,” She announced after hearing the bell at the door jingle.  
She turned to look at the customer before stopping dead in her tracks.  He was gorgeous, tall, pale skin with deep, ink colored eyes.  
He brushed the snowflakes from his coat before looking up his eyes widening in surprise. 
She cleared her throat before finding her voice. “Hi, welcome. Is there something I can help you find?”
“Yes, this might be an odd request but do you happen to sell Christmas trees here?”
She shook her head. “No, unfortunately, we don’t.”
“Oh, it was a long shot anyway. I’ve just returned home and being so close to the holiday most places have sold out.  Thank you…”
“Thank you Ino, I’m Sai. I guess that I’ll be going-”
“Wait, uhm.  Give me a second.”  She panicked at the idea of him leaving so quickly from the store and subsequently out of her life. 
Ino ran to the back where she had decorated the office in a slew of ornaments and holiday cheer.  She grabbed the small tree from the desk hoping that the handsome man wouldn’t think it was an odd choice.
“Here.”  She pushed the potted tree into his hands and he gazed surprised at the small decorated plant.
Ino began to feel foolish at his stare.  She knew it wasn’t exactly what he was looking for. 
“I’m sorry, I know that it’s not very large.  It’s probably not what you’re looking for-”
“No, Ino, thank you.  This is perfect.”  He assured her genuinely grateful for the tiny tree in his hands. 
She was floored by the sincere gratitude.  “You’re welcome.”
“Is this for a party or a dinner?”  She asked curiously hoping that it wasn’t a gift for a significant other. 
“No, I'm not typically home during this time of the year so this is somewhat unprecedented.  I’ll just be by myself so I thought that it would be good to have some decorations to make it a little less lonely.”
“Come to my house!”  The sadness and heartbreak in his striking eyes led to the impromptu invitation. 
He looked at her surprised.  “Ino?” 
“Come celebrate with me.  My parents are a little ridiculous, and we celebrate with my aunts and uncles too.  There’s a lot of food and everyone probably has a drinking problem.  It’s loud and messy but it’s fun in that kind of chaotic way.  No one should be alone during this time of the year.”  Family time was inescapable during the holidays but she knew that she was luckier than most. It was impossible to imagine the season without her family and their precious traditions. 
Sai gazed at her curiously completely floored by the invitation.  The plan to get a Christmas tree was completely on a whim.  He didn’t want to admit but he’d been staring at couples and families longingly as they rushed through the town buying gifts or heading to their celebrations.  It made him want some semblance of warmth and holiday cheer.  He couldn’t have ever expected the gorgeous blonde offering to spend such a special season with him. It was by far the kindest gesture that had ever been extended to him. 
Part of him wanted to politely decline as socializing had never been his strong suit. The idea though of disappointment in her dazzling blue eyes would be far worse than any awkwardness he might have to endure.
“Thank you Ino, I would love that.” 
Sai surveyed the annual Christmas dinner.  It hadn’t changed too much over the years.  It was still far too loud, everyone most definitely had a drinking problem but it was warm and familiar and represented the best part of the holidays.  His son was busy playing with his new toys along with Shikadai and ChouChou.  
He recalled fondly that first Christmas that he and Ino had spent together.  Everyone had welcomed him in with open arms teasing Ino that it was about time that she’d brought someone home.  Her two closest friends had been bringing along their significant others for years now and were happy to ease Sai in.  He loved all the traditions, helped where he could, and participated in the family games. All the while Ino laughed and celebrated alongside him.  It made him realize just how much he’d been missing. And how badly he wanted to hold onto that feeling.
In just a few years he’d gone from being completely alone and now he had his own family and was a Yamanaka.  In addition,  he gained a huge extended family.  They were all far too close and way too invested in each other’s lives. And he couldn’t imagine life without them.  Ino had given him everything that he’d never allowed himself to believe could be his. 
On the table was a small potted, decorated Christmas tree. It had become a tradition of his to bring one along.  
Ino slid up next to him and his arm wrapped tightly around her. 
He kissed the top of her head affectionately thanking life and the universe for giving him the greatest gift that he could have ever asked for.  His wife, their son, and this family.  A kind of holiday miracle if there ever was one. “Merry Christmas Sai.”
“Thank you Beautiful.”
“You know I still owe you a gift.”  He peered at her, they’d both agreed not to get each other gifts, which of course he didn’t follow.  
“My love I have everything that I could ever want.”  She grinned knowing that he genuinely meant that. 
Those sky blue eyes that he adored took on a joyful quality.  “Well, this one might take about 9 months to come?”  His eyes widened in realization.  
“Really?���  He asked, surprised with tears lining his eyes. 
She nodded brushing away her own tears.  “We’re going to have another baby.”  Saying it out loud made it all the more real. 
Sai gathered her into his arms.  Excitement and joy hitting him all at once.  Early in his life, he couldn’t have imagined having a wife, let alone a son.  Now he would be a father of two.  It was worth it all to be at this point.  
“Mommy, is daddy okay?”  Ino nodded while picking up Inojin. 
“He’s just happy Jin.  How do you feel about being a big brother?”  She asked her son affectionately brushing his hair back. 
Inojin stared not quite sure how to respond.  “So I would have someone to play with all the time?”
“Yes, you’ll get to watch over and help us take care of the baby.”
“I guess that’s okay then.  Shikadai seems to like Yoshika even though she’s little and can’t do anything.  I bet that I’ll be an even better big brother than he is.”
Ino and Sai smiled hugging him tightly.  “I’m sure you will baby.”
Once they told Inojin the word spread and her parents were inconsolable as tears rained down from their eyes. Inoichi was joyful beyond compare at the idea of his baby having another baby. Being a grandfather had easily become his favorite role. He’d become jealous that Shikaku had two grandchildren and had been dropping not so subtle hints that the Yamanakas needed to catch up. Their family was growing and everyone was excited at the idea of a new baby joining them next year.  
Mikino came into the world like a soft gentle snow. Ice blue eyes that looked as striking as a snowflake, with jet black hair.  She was happy, playful, and a true reflection of the meaning of her name.  She was already a daddy’s girl.  If she cried or fussed one hug from her father was enough to ease those tears and Sai adored his baby girl.  
Inojin was so much like his mother, Fierce, intelligent, loyal, and strong. Sai wondered if his daughter might take after him.  Perhaps she’d be more quiet, contemplative, and grow to be as gorgeous as her mother.  He never imagined he could love anyone more than Ino and now with his two children, he easily discovered that his heart could carry so much more. 
That first Christmas Inojin held Mikino showing her the brightly colored lights on the tree. The lights reflected in her deep eyes as she curiously took in all the new sights and sounds. 
“When you’re bigger Miki you can help me decorate the tree.  It’s a big deal in our family.”  Inojin explained to his little sister as he showed her the ornament he’d painted to commemorate her first Christmas with them.  
Ino held onto her husband, both of them quiet and thoughtful watching Inojin and Mikino. This time of the year had always been Ino’s favorite but her family brought her joy all year long. 
She kissed Sai as the images of shared holidays and happy times played in her head.  He always thanked her for welcoming him into her life. For bringing him a certain kind of completion. He never quite understood that he’d done the same for her. 
Peace, love, and joy all present in that room.  Who knew that a search for a tree could have led to all of this?
I hope that a handsome man comes into your place of business, sweeps you off your feet and you live happily ever after :D
Also, everyone say welcome to my new OC, Mikino, Sai, and Ino’s baby girl.  If you’ve read my story “Nursery Rhyme,” that introduced my OC Yoshika, Shikamaru and Temari’s daughter.  I haven’t written anything yet but Chouji and Karui also have a daughter and her name is Chouchi.  They are a badass all-girls team of InoShikaCho.  I hc that they all go by nicknames, Miki, Yoshi, and Chi.  Maybe one day I’ll expand on this idea but for now, let’s all just imagine Sai having a sweet daughter.
Last year I did a 12 days of Christmas thing for InoShikaCho, “My True Love Gave to Me,” but I don’t know that I can do that again this year, but we will see.    (If ya’ll have some cute fluffy holiday prompt ideas message me :D)
Thank you for reading my loves!  I know it’s crazy this year and things are really tough for a lot of people so I hope that you can find some joy and light in all of the chaos. Love you all.
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