#I’m also a pretty boy sooooo it comes with the territory
iwait4youalexg · 6 months
Hiii I’m getting a cat soon and I was curious how u got ur son, did u adopt him? And do u have any advice for soon to be cat owners?
Yay I'm so excited for you!!! Yes I adopted Percy. When I went in I had a few cats in mind but I did notttt think I was gonna take home a kitten. Kittens are definitely really tough so personally I would go for an adult but I've heard if you do want a kitten you should adopt 2 so they can be properly socialized. Like Percy just grew up with me so now he can be pretty aggressive with the other cat and even my dogs because he's not used to sharing 'his' territory with other animals. I'd definitely recommend checking out the youtube channel jackson galaxy he makes videos on just about everything you need to know about cats but off the top of my head I'd say
get a hard carrier. The soft ones come in cute colors and are collapsible but they suck and its sooooo much easier to just be able to close the door. Try to encourage a good relationship with the carrier - have it out in the room so they can explore, give them treats/meals in it so they know it's a safe place. I regret so much that I didn't stress this. Getting him in the carrier is a nightmare
It is more expensive but wet food is really so much better. It's really important for cats to be properly hydrated, especially with boys who are more prone to UTIs and urinary issues. I started Percy on Hill's science diet bc that's what they sold in the shelter and it's not bad ("the worst wet food is better than the best dry food") and I also like Weruva, though it's expensive. I give him Weruva BFF now which is slightly cheaper. Chewy is the best . I give him majority wet food now but I sprinkle a little dry on top bc he still just likes dry food
Speaking of hydration tbh Percy has no problem drinking water when he pees it sounds like someone left the faucet running but there's a lot of fountains out there that make cats wanna drink more
World's Best Litter is really good. It's also the only one I've ever used. It's made of like corn I think and I believe it is septic safe
Toys - very important. Cats need to be intellectually stimulated (I am not kidding). I think Jackson galaxy probably has a video on toys. I would try to stay away from toys with feathers because I've heard if they chew on those it can get lodged in their digestive tract. Percy really loves these little plastic springs, but honestly when I first got him I bought him all these toys and he just wanted to play with a crumpled up receipt. so do what works for you
Treats - Churus are great. The vet gave one to Percy when he had to get his first shots and he was so into it he didn't even notice. Percy goes apeshit for them now though so I will warn you that could happen like if I throw away the tube he will dig through the trash to lick it
When you first bring them home, limit their space at first to just one room. Percy spent his first few days in my room only so he could be acclimated to the change in environment and not get scared
Lmk if you have any more questions!! Good luck :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 23 days
I CALLED IT?!!??! Anyways happy 1 year anniversary Vettonso and a thank you for gracing us with your artwork. I love the way we see both sides of Fernando, the stoic and the cheeky. Seb’s blush at the hint of physical contact is sending meee. The outfits are so intricate (I’m a sucker for matching designs). Also pussy facing the world vs cock shame I’m giggling at this. The background also needs to be highlighted I love the colouring. Is it supposed to be RB themed on purpose since Fernando is in Seb’s territory? If so then bravo.
All in all, you’ve outdone yourself with this and I hope you’re doing well 🫶🫶
— Penalanon
YEP YOU DID!!! I got your ask and was like "wtf, how did they know!? I was trying to keep this a secret???" so it was very funny to write my response, and straight up talk about the things I was actively drawing. But no one was any the wiser....Anyways, I think I'll make this the lore post for today since I'm gonna talk a lot about the choices I made, hope you don't mind! Thank you for the compliments <3 I'm so happy to hear you liked it considering it was such a labor of love for me, and something I really put a lot of thought into. So I'm glad it makes sense to other people!!
misc lore drop day 43/?
I'm very happy I decided to draw two. I guess I felt it was a bit mean to only have Seb happy, as per usual. But then I wrote a lot about flirting and affection in the meantime, and ended up developing the second part! It's good to know Fernando can catch Seb off guard too, and that he is not entirely upset. It's so cute to see him clearly feel so smug at having the upper hand for once. Hand, get it? It really gratifies him when he learns how easy it is to catch Seb off guard. Fernando is sitting there all gloomy, and then he remembers that one simple trick to absolutely murder Seb's concentration in an instant. You absolutely know that Seb is so red, that he's also having to literally fan himself because he feels physically hot. Fernando is being affectionate yeah, but he's also definitely doing that evil thing where he's not only squeezing Seb's hand super hard, but also painfully grinding his knuckles together. It's okay though, Seb's swooning too hard to even notice the pain.
Okay, but I'm literally so bad at actually coming up with patterns, so I just use pre-made brushes LOL. But I do think the sparkles fit them pretty well, very cute. I was originally was gonna have them have different patterns. But them having clearly matching outfits is sooooo cute, really solidifies that they're a married couple now, a combined unit. But the little differences are super super important to me as well, the little notes of individuality!! The way they sit is super important to me, they're both chosing to sit in very specific ways, and it says a lot about them how they sit. Maybe another royal couple would try and sit the same, but not them. Even if they're matching, they still are clearly their own people. The jewelery is very fun too because they are both matching but also clarifiying their uniqueness. They're wearing wedding rings, BUT their necklaces! Very much: we are our own people with our own separate thrones, and kingdoms, thank you very much.
The colors of the background and seat they're on were mostly last minute color picks, but now that you say it...The fact that they're red/blue/gold is very Red Bull, you're correct!! I like those little reminders that they are clearly in Seb's territory. Though, do note, they share the color gold, because they are both golden boys!! But yeah, to many people there, Fernando is just a pawn in a greater political game of taking over the entire continent. Though, he makes the most of it, by doing things like wearing his own symbols/colors and wearing that mourning veil(even if he's annoyed he can't wear a full crown.) I think he eventually comes to realize his problem is less with Seb, but more with the political game as a whole. Though I hope he never learns that Seb originally pushed for marriage specifically because it would be more of a domination, oops. Don't worry, by the time they get married, it's more emotionally motivated for Seb.
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amarits · 4 years
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
So very many, but rather than go through them I’ll share a scene from Camp Murder. I’ve got a couple chapters of that one written that I keep almost posting. The kiddos are middle-schoolers attending a summer camp, and Roy is having a good ol’ sulk in the woods.
Roy had been following rabbit tracks for ten minutes when they stopped abruptly at a set of large cat tracks. He crouched beside them, studying the shape of the pads. Were those cougar tracks? This close to camp? He took pictures of the clearer tracks and started following them. Backwards, of course. The last thing he wanted was to actually find a cougar. But maybe if he could get an idea of where it was coming from, he’d know if it was a risk to the campers. Usually, cougars avoided areas with people. 
He followed the tracks on a winding path out of the thinner, friendlier woods that surrounded the camp into the thicker, untamed forest that stretched on for half the state. He and Ollie had hiked for days through this and never gotten close to the other side. 
In a mile, the flat ground would start rising in small hills that eventually became mountains. They usually did a camp trip to one of the smaller hills at the end of the week, and had a cookout at the top to celebrate “conquering the mountain”. He snorted. It was ridiculous. He and Ollie had climbed real mountains and that took days, not a couple of hours of casual walking. 
He lost the tracks at one of the low rock outcrops stretching out from the mountains. That was probably good. The mountains were where the cougar was supposed to be. Far from camp, and unlikely to bother them when they came out as a group. Still raised the question of why it had come so close in the first place, but maybe it was hunting a deer. 
He walked around the outcrop, looking for more tracks. He should probably start heading back towards camp. It was already going to be almost dinner by the time he got back, and Ollie was only gonna get angrier the later he was. 
His eye caught on another cougar track and he turned to inspect it. It was next to what appeared to be… shoe prints? 
“Hello!” a voice exclaimed at the same time that a small figure swung down to dangle upside down from a branch directly in front of him. 
“Jiminy Christmas!” Roy exclaimed, stumbling backwards and raising his hands in… was that supposed to be a martial arts position? Stupid. What was he going to do, karate chop the threat?
“What are you doing out here?” the figure asked. Now that it was still, Roy could see it was a boy about his age with black hair, blue eyes, and deeply tan skin. Mexican, maybe? His bright orange camp shirt hung down around his shoulders and he swung back and forth on the branch by his knees. 
“What am I doing out here?” Roy asked. “What are you doing out here?”
“Talking to the birds.” He had an accent, but it didn’t sound the same as the Mexican kids he’d met. More European.
“Talking to the… What are you, a Disney princess?” 
The boy grinned like that was a compliment instead of the insult it was meant to be. “Maybe.” He swung harder and let go with his legs, flipping to land on his feet in front of Roy. Roy stepped back to avoid being hit, but shouldn’t have bothered. The boy moved like he was born to fly. 
“I’m Dick,” he said.
“Roy,” Roy replied cautiously. “Do you even know where you are?” 
“Sure!” Dick exclaimed, turning his whole body to point. “Camp is that way.” 
Roy silently pointed in the actual direction, about 40 degrees clockwise from where Dick was pointing. He’d made sure to keep track of landmarks and the sun while he walked so he wouldn’t get lost. 
Dick kept his finger raised. “What makes you think you’re more right than me?” 
“I live here,” Roy said, also continuing to point steadily in the correct direction. He could keep this up as long as Dick could.
“In the woods?”
“Basically. My dad’s a counselor. I’ve been here for months.”
“Huh,” Dick said, mulling this over as he lowered his hand. “That sounds awful.”
“I know, right!” Roy exclaimed. It was the first time someone had said “awful” instead of “great” or “fun” and he felt vindicated. “I am so tired of everything. You’re new, though. Why’d you skip out on activities?”
“They were trying to make us sit still and make bracelets and it was sooooo boring.” As if to punctuate his point, Dick flipped backwards into a perfect handstand, and then just stayed on his hands while he talked. “I asked to use the bathroom, and then a bird was singing at me and that seemed way more interesting so I followed it.” He whistled in an actually pretty good imitation of a chickadee. 
Roy felt weird talking to Dick’s feet, so he crouched to look him in the face. “Well, you’re lucky I found you. You’d probably be lost forever and die.”
Dick didn’t seem at all concerned, which probably meant he was stupid, but at least he was interesting.
“What are you doing out here?” Dick asked, swinging his legs back and forth without his upper body moving at all.
“Following cougar tracks.”
“Cougar?” Dick asked. Roy wasn’t sure if he didn’t recognize it because he was used to a different name for them or if English wasn’t his first language.
“Puma,” Roy said. “Mountain lion.”
At ‘lion’, Dick’s face lit up and he flipped back onto his feet. “Where?”
Roy pointed at the ground under him. “You’ve trampled all over that one.” 
Dick lifted a foot and looked down at the muddled track under his hand and shoe prints. “Whoops.”
“I’m sure there’s another one nearby,” Roy said, searching in the direction the cat seemed to be coming from. There were more shoe prints. Big ones. He glanced back at Dick’s feet. Definitely too big to be his. Poachers, maybe? He scowled. That would explain why the cougar left its territory. 
“What?” Dick asked, trailing behind him.
“Nothing. Here.” He pointed at another pawprint. This one also had a shoe print overlapping the edge, but it was cleaner. 
Dick hurried over and stared down at it. His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head. “That’s not a lion track,” he said. “It’s a tiger.”
“It’s not either,” Roy said. “Mountain lion. Lions and tigers live in Africa.”
“Not all of them,” Dick said.
“All the ones that don’t live in zoos.”
“Nuh uh,” Dick insisted. “We have a tiger.” Roy rolled his eyes at the blatant lie. “We used to have a lion too, so I know what the prints look like.”
“Mountain lion,” Roy repeated. “You don’t even know what animal I’m talking about. Mountain lions are smaller and eat deer.” He held a hand at about waist height. He thought that was right. He’d never actually seen one in person, though he and Ollie had turned around a few times when they saw tracks. 
“Then this is definitely a tiger,” Dick said. “Because the prints are tiger-sized.”
Roy gave up on trying to talk sense to him, following the shoe prints instead. It looked like there was more than one style of tread, but it was harder to tell on the dusty slope up the rocky outcrop. They were big, though. Definitely not kids. Could be counselors, but he didn’t think it was likely. Could be a band of poachers. They followed the cougar, not perfectly aligned, but definitely traveling parallel. 
“What are you doing?” Dick asked, following. While Roy tried to walk lightly, separate from the trail he was following, Dick barged through like Godzilla entering Tokyo, destroying the path underfoot. At least we’ll have no problem knowing which way we came from, he thought, annoyed.
“Tracking poachers,” he said. “Probably. I guess they could just be campers.” He didn’t think so, though. Not with how closely they were following the cougar tracks.
Though to be fair, that’s what he and Dick were doing too.
Dick gasped. “They want to kill the tiger?”
Roy felt the last of his patience slipping away. “It’s not a ti—!” His voice didn’t so much trail off as just stop, the rest of his word swallowed by a silence more complete than the end of their voices and steps. There were no bird sounds, he realized. He should have noticed earlier. Prey animals disappeared when predators were around. 
At the top of the outcrop, a man lay much too still, a bleeding gash in his side. Roy knew he was dead before his inhale became an exhale. There was too much blood. His skin was too white. He thought he could see actual guts through the sliced skin, and he was not going to throw up. He was not going to…
Oh, god. He had to at least check. He knew first aid and CPR and pretty much every emergency medical procedure they’d teach a thirteen-year-old. Normally when he was hiking, he had a simple med kit in his pouch, but he didn’t have it, didn’t have any gear at all because he hadn’t planned to be hiking. Stupid, stupid. Ollie had taught him to always be prepared, and the first time his training would have come in handy he was completely useless.
Dick reached the man before him, crouching down and pressing his hands against the open wound. Roy felt like he was pushing through water while Dick ran alongside him on the shore. He finally reached them what felt like minutes later, falling to his knees next to Dick and reaching for the man’s throat. He adjusted his fingers three times.
“There’s no pulse,” he said, his voice sounding hollow to his own ears.
“There must be something we can do!” Dick exclaimed, pushing harder against the wound.
“We can’t save someone who’s dead!” Roy yelled. His eyes lingered on the blood trailing over Dick’s hands. It took his brain a few minutes to register why. The wound was fresh, or it wouldn’t still be bleeding. Recent like the cougar attacked the man, then wandered a couple of miles towards the camp?
Or recent like it came back?
“Dick, we need to go,” Roy said, standing up and backing away, looking into the woods around them for any sign of the big cat. Or anything, really. The birds were still silent. He didn’t hear any rabbits, or squirrels. He didn’t hear anything. 
“We can’t just leave him!” Dick said, turning tear-filled eyes towards him.
“He’s dead!” Roy repeated. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. No signal, of course. It barely even got a signal in the camp. He and Ollie had high-powered walkie talkies and SEND devices for hiking, but he didn’t bring his because he was stupid. 
He turned on the camera instead and started taking pictures. The body with Dick still holding his blood-stained hands to the wound. The surroundings. Anything that might be a landmark.
“What are you doing?” Dick snapped, like he thought Roy was some kind of sick paparazzi. 
“We need to go get someone and bring them back here,” Roy said. “I can get us back to the camp, but I’m not positive I could find our way back here.” He pocketed his phone, still backing up. “Come on, I’m serious. We need to…” 
He stopped. Dick’s head snapped up at the same time, so Roy knew he heard it too. Something that sounded like deep breathing, like a motorcycle revving up, like purring broadcast through a sound speaker. He jerked his head back and forth, trying to find the source and not seeing anything. 
You weren’t supposed to run from a cougar. They’d think you were easy prey. You were supposed to try to look big and intimidating. Fight back if you had to. Grab a stick or a rock. 
But he didn’t see it. It might not see them. It would be a lot simpler to just not encounter it at all than to convince it they weren't easy prey. They were such easy prey. Who was he even trying to kid?
“Run,” he whispered.
Dick didn’t have to be told twice.
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jinxofthedesert · 4 years
Hi there! Annoying anon that loves rambling about the Valeska twins is here again 🤣 Let the discussion continue! 😂 Yeah, I totally get your point of writing such stories as a means of fulfilling wishes. I guess it makes sense from the writer's pov that they want to give these characters a different (better) treatment. Valid point, but still, they don't feel real to me.
(Below this is the rest of the messages, put together. Farther down, below the line, are my responses)
It's like I'm reading a story with a character that's called Jerome/Jeremiah Valeska and looks exactly like him, but it's not truly him (just like you said, at their cores they are bad guys). But it's perfectly understandable and all right that people want to give them a rest from their chaotic lives haha 😊 everybody’s got their cup of tea ☕
Damn, yes, these stories are so hard to find! I imagine that writing something of the sort and investing so much in such complex characters can be draining and daunting, so yeah I get the reason why there are not so many fics out there... and OCs are so difficult to write haha you are right. They take too much time and effort 🤣
Yeah, I guess Ecco was not the best example. It's very true what you say about Jeremiah's and Ecco's relationship. In the show it was portrayed as a professional one. So we don't really know if there's anything else beyond that, save for some level of concern. So I guess I should have gone with Bruce instead because, just like you said, Jeremiah went totally bonkers when he realized that Bruce was the only one who saw past his resemblance to Jerome.
Basically, what I was trying to say is that in these fics there's not really that same vibe of evil obsession and lunacy from the twin's side. Maybe just some sort of heightened jealousy when their partner is addressed by other characters, but not in a really "Valeska" way. In fact, it is also strange when Bruce is completely absent in these stories when the twins' obsession revolves around him.
Yeah, there is sooo much to explore, so that is why I am very curious to see how people construe their backgrounds, but usually it's just the repetition of the show with some added scenes and dialogues here and there 😅 I would love to see something a bit different, but well, I guess I am being very demanding 🤣 Don't worry about it and thanks so much for replying! 😘 I am now doing some research in different sites 🤣
It's a bit weird because even though I enjoyed the show, I have to say I merely watched it to see ma broski boys in action 🤣 so If I wasn't so lazy (and didn't have other unfinished projects) I would try to write something (my mind is already full of vague ideas OMGGG 😏🤔😂), but I don't really know much about other characters or subplots, so I would not be sure how to tackle it 🤔 Thanks again for the lovely discussion! 😊
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Hi anon! Don’t you worry about your rambles, they’re not at all annoying! I find it rather fun to discuss the twins. 
I’m sorry you’ve not been able to find the content you’re looking for; usually, I always run into comments on Tumblr or Pinterest about how you look for certain fics and when you can’t find them, then it’s time to try a hand at writing it yourself. I’ve done that and, even though I enjoy writing, it’s still pretty hard, especially to find a drive to do it when I really am not feeling it.  With the twins not feeling real, I understand, ‘course I now think I’m at the point where I might read anything if I’m gifted with more content lol (though there are some tags that, if I see them, I don’t touch if I can help it). 
I think, usually, with most writers, it’s easier to take a character like Jerome/Jeremiah and, instead of doing the tremendous work that comes with trying (emphasis trying) to change them, they do a few things and that’s enough for a road to recovery. Because, most of the time, they’re not writing to change the character, or even to make it realistic; sometimes they’re just writing, or they wanted to try a different aspect. There can be so many reasons and sometimes digging deep and getting a character 100% correct isn’t at the top of the list of what you want in that story. Personally, I’ve learned to broaden my sense of disbelief with characters and just enjoy what I manage to find, especially since the Gotham fic-oriented content is sooooo small 😢
After reading your last message, I actually went onto Ao3 and searched ‘character studies’ under the characters and yeah, there’s not much, I read a few and I honestly wasn’t sure what to think (not to call anyone out). It reminded me a lot of my years reading batjokes on fanfiction or, again, Ao3 where, if you search long enough, there’s a fic for almost all your needs. There have been some good gems in there that delve into character studies and helping these characters try and become better. Comparing that to Gotham’s arrangement of fics is sad, to say the least, but batjokes in all media have a lottttt of years to have such a collection of wonderful content. (Even if you’re only a Gotham fan, stretching out into the actual Batman fandom can be very rewarding, even if your next step is into the Nolan movies or even Batman in general cause you can replace the characters in your head if you really want too)  I think one big problem with Oc’s is that, in a way, they’re easy to make, but in the worst way. You can create a character to put in the place you want, a blank space and they’re just nothing. This comes up a lot in anime type works, where the main character is so blah for the purpose of the audience (reader in our other case) to put themselves in the place of the main character. This also happens in a lot of movies as well, instead of fleshing the character out and allowing them to move and breathe the way THEY would and not how the audience thinks they themselves would. Because of this, oc’s can be very flat. There are the exception, of course although I have no examples since I don’t remember the last Oc story I read . . .  *wracks brain* yeah no idea. Though I’m sure it’s somewhere in my saves.
Even if one doesn’t ship Jeremiah with Bruce, it’s very difficult to ignore/brush under the rug that there was definitely an obsession and that originally, during their weeks of spending time together, building the generator, there started a friendship. The first is very obvious, show-wise (and friendship kinda came with the territory) and the gay subtext can be there if you look at it that way. As much as an interesting character Ecco is, she’s both not important enough in the show (sorry Ecco lovers) or to Jeremiah or to anyone for that matter. While with Bruce and Jeremiah, with how their first meeting go’s and all the meetings that follow after (very willingly on Jeremiah’s part even though I’m sure before this NO ONE was allowed in the inner parts of his bunker for long periods. Probably not even Ecco) the relationship is much more pronounced than anything we’re given prior.  I like to think that even though Bruce was manipulating Jeremiah when they first met, he actually did see him as his own person. Even though he, like Jim and Harvey, have personally bore witness to Jerome’s tyranny. (And that only twists the knife harder when Jeremiah eventually loses his mind because both him and Jeremiah saw him as his own person and in a way Jeremiah doesn’t become like Jerome, he becomes worse)
One could argue that since we didn’t see a ‘true’ way the Valeska’s love that any type of them showing affection might never seem very Valeska. Unless one looks at their reactions and interactions with Bruce as something more than just ‘wanting to kill him’ or ‘obsession’. This would be another reason I’m don’t read much in the oc-area or out of the romantic’s lol mainly because the moment they take Bruce out of the picture, everything seems off. Jerome, while willing to divide his attention, only does it with specific people, who are: Jim, Bruce, Jeremiah, and, on occasion, Oswald (though he’s much less in comparison to the ‘big three’). Other then them, we don’t see him hyper-focus on anyone else in the show, and if he does, it’s for a second and to simply kill them after. If these three aren’t integral to his behavior and actions then things feel flat and out-right ignoring his obsession with Bruce and his inner darkness can be unrealistic. With Jeremiah, this is much worse because in canon, once No Man’s Land starts, all he can think about is Bruce. Everything he does in that setting and before this even started was for Bruce. This type of obsession is . . . well, something that can’t simply be ignored, it’s a big part of his character and also very integral to just who he is after the spray. It may not be as bad at the start of the spray (because he’s too busy rebuilding Gotham in his image) but literally second to that desire is his connection with Bruce. If there were a summary of Jeremiah as a character it would be IMPOSSIBLE to write it without Bruce (same with Jerome though his might be a footnote, depending). So him suddenly focusing on someone else is . . . odd (even with Jim he doesn’t give his full attention too and, in the finale, Jeremiah only starts moving around and doing shit when he realizes that Bruce has come home early and that it’s time to finally come back to the spotlight). Especially since he’s supposed to be the ‘Joker’ in the Gotham world, which, technically speaking, means this obsession with the Bat (a.k.a Bruce) will only ever get worse from here (not to mention the fact he knows Batman is Bruce because he remembers the prophecy Ra’s told him, which we’re shown in the finale when he first sees the Bat and comment’s ‘you’ in a knowing way; this can be argued he’s just recognizing that this is what the prophecy was talking about or that it’s Bruce but personally I think both cause the prophecy was about both of them.).
It’s hard not to repeat things in canon though, believe me, I know and if you ever try writing a time travel story, it’s much worse cause then you have to change literally everything if you’re doing it that way.  Nah, you know what you like; the only problem with that is it’ll be hard to find it most of the time. I wish you luck in searching! Hopefully, you’ll find something.
Same. My older brother introduced me to the show and his way of doing so was first telling me it was a batman show, that I would LOVE Oswald’s aesthetic and that there was a Joker-type character just introduced. I was sold lol. There’s been a lot of drama with the show though, concerning the twins and I honestly wish they’d just stuck with Jerome or if they did still use Jeremiah that he wasn't just . . . a backup plan for killing Jerome off. And, if they’d been allowed to go on for a few more seasons, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they would have also killed Jeremiah and a third (never heard of) Valeska twin (triplet) would show up, playing into the overall Joker lore about there having been three. 😒🤨😑 Which I find humorous because they did so well with Jerome, he was a well-rounded, fleshed out character and, as much as I love Jeremiah, it’s hard not to consider what we could have gotten if Jerome had lived *wistful sigh* I won’t lie that the drama hasn’t affected how I watch it too these days, or at least left me with a lasting impression.  I was very invested in the first few seasons, it was a good show, minus the plot-holes and annoying characters (yes, some annoy me and there are some I can’t stand) but when the twins were on screen, it was probably the show at its best. If they had implicated them more so into the main story I probably would have watched all the way to the end (I can admit, I’ve never seen season five, but I saw many clips, have been completely spoiled and DID watch the finale lol and . . . I think I saw some of season four? Maybe, not sure anymore.) because when they’re also interacting with Bruce, perfection. I could watch that shit for days. 
Also, if you did write it, it wouldn’t have to be about other characters if you don’t want it to be. You’re talking to me, who has never seen the last few seasons and when I wrote my first fic ‘Blindly Evident’ literally all my scenes I had to LOOK UP because I only knew the base of what the scene was even about lol. So sometimes, you can totally bullshit your way lol and somehow it turns out to be really good and you like it. Or it’s just snippets of small scenes with your characters (I’ve been writing a fic like that for awhile because it’s fun and easy and yet you can make it so thought provoking because these snippets are so smallll.) I would implore you to give it a go. Even if you have no idea what the other characters are doing or even what their names are. 
I feel like this has just become me rambling about Gotham and writing tips at this point lol but you’re welcome~ I am here to try and help and always willing to listen about Gotham and talk (or rant, I’m not picky lol). Thanks again for your ask, anon! Hope you find that content you’re looking for 🥰🧡💛
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kisant · 5 years
agoddamn ha respondido a tu publicación “@ezralahm ha respondido a tu publicación “The Miklan mission is...”
Wait, when is it said that Ionius was trying to limit the power of Crest nobles? I was under the impression that all we heard was that Ionius was trying to obtain more power. Noted anti-Crest Hanneman believes that von Vestra was acting altruistically 
Sorry but I went into a coughing fit at "I guess I assumed it was progressive because that makes Edelgard right" and "I've only finished Flower"
That came out a lot more aggressive than I meant, I apologize. I'm not feeling well and let myself get too flippant. I like a lot of your original analysis but I think your foundation is critically flawed by not having the full context of Faerghus's situation and making assumptions in Edelgard's favor”
Yeah, that did come off as a little bit aggressive my dude. Like, oh, excuse me for not having yet finished all the routes in a rather lengthy game that only came out in late July, I happen to have a life outside talking about videogames. 
What I’m essentially doing is liveblogging my experience with the game, first with Crimson Flower, which was my first route, and now with Azure Moon, my second, so it’s only natural for me to compare Edelgard and Dimitri because of their radically opposed viewpoints and roles in the game, not because I hate either of the two. In fact, I think I’ve been rather fair to what I’ve seen of Dimitri just yet (I’m up to the “investigate Flayn’s disappearance” mission in AM), because I acknowledged his good points several times already in these meta posts. I do agree with you on that I don’t have all the information yet, and that my analysis may be flawed because of that, but that’s because I’m liveblogging, not analyzing the game from the perspective of someone who has finished all the routes. 
And I defend Edelgard because I actually like Edelgard, much like Dimitri stans defend Dimitri and have yet to get half the amount of vitriol Edelgard’s get. With him it’s all “poor little boy was sooooo sad and traumatized, let’s handle him with kiddy gloves and ignore his violent streak and unthinking defense of harmful traditions and the status quo, because that bitch Edelgard made him SO MAD and it’s all her fault for starting an unnecessary war when everything was already fine and dandy in the perfect land of Fodlan” 
That’s what annoys me about Dimitri stans, that many of them absolutely refuse to admit Dimitri’s faults while requiring Edelgard’s to pretty much put on a disclaimer before any post that is vaguely positive about her, saying that of course we know she was evil and wrong about everything and that we apologize for preferring her to the oh so perfect and holy knight Dimitri. I’m not saying that you’re one of those Dimitri stans, but it is a common enough attitude in his fandom for me to be annoyed at it.
If Ionius’ reforms were about centralizing state power, that means that he was dimishing the power of the crest-bearing nobility by default. And given what we’ve seen about the state of most of the empire’s noble houses (like with houses Aegir, Varley, Bartels and the house that used Hanneman’s sister as a crest broodmare, for example), I can’t say it was a bad political move born only of the desire for power. I also find it quite interesting that people in this fandom apparently have so much sympathy for the plight of the game’s feudal lords that use magically inherited superpowers and relic weapons to rule over their territories and get pissy about that power being diminished in any way, but okay. 
I got an entirely different reading on the Hanneman and Hubert support conversations, by the way. What I got from that conversation is that Marquis Vestra was a good and loyal man who was forced to choose between the emperor and his son’s safety, and he chose to protect Hubert over his duty to the emperor. This caused Hubert to hate his father and to act as his complete opposite, putting his own loyalty to Edelgard above everything. And given Marquis Vestra’s position as spymaster and retainer to the emperor and the Slitherer’s involvement with the Insurrection, I think they were involved in him being cornered into making such a decision. 
Talking about the experiments, I don’t know where you got that the emperor approved the experiments. In Edelgard’s crowning ceremony, she says that the crest experiments on the royal children were part of the Prime Minister’s plot with the Slitherers, and that not only did they made her father watch as his children were turned into science experiments and tortured into death and insanity, but Edelgard saw the suffering in his eyes and how helpless he was to help them or make their torturers stop. 
EDIT: Wait, I don’t know if it was you making that point or another person. I apologize if it wasn’t you and I confused you answer with someone else’s. YUP, I CONFUSED TWO DIFFERENT RESPONSES TO THE SAME POST, MY BAD. IT WAS @ezralahm WHO SAID THAT THE EMPEROR CONSENTED TO HIS CHILDREN BEING EXPERIMENTED ON BY THE SLITHERERS, NOT YOU.
So yeah, I do believe that there is enough evidence in canon Crimson Flower to believe that Edelgard and her father had similar reformist ideals, and that the difference between them is that Edelgard succeeded where Ionius failed, not because I think having a similar political ideology to her father automatically gives Edelgard the higher moral ground. 
What I do think gives Edelgard a high moral ground are her actions after the war, in which she spent years, if not decades, working on reforming the united Fodlan, reducing the power and importance of crests and the nobility, and giving commoners a chance to excel on their own merits through measures such as universal education, not to mention having gotten rid of the two shadow factions that had been fucking over humanity for at least a thousand years. It’s also implied that Edelgard also fostered good relations with foreign countries by negotiating with Almyra (something she showed she was willing to do in her paralogue) and giving Brigid its independence back. 
And after her job was done, she selected a successor based on their personal merit (instead of making her own crest baby to succeed her) and abdicated the throne. There are still nobles in her ending, just like there are still slitherers, but it’s because completely getting rid of those two factions took the majority of her reign after the war. 
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astralsweetness · 5 years
Sooooo I heard from some little birdies that you went to your first svt concert in Dallas, and was just wondering if you could give us a little rundown of how it (your first concert!) went and any thoughts or things that you noticed?
Yes I did! I was extremely nervous beforehand (my best friend was coming, and he isn’t into KPop, so I was worried he wouldn’t enjoy it) but I really had no reason to be! My 60+ father also came and got to cheer on Woozi, so he was pretty happy too haha
I’ll put my thoughts and what happened under the cut, just in case people don’t wanna see it on their dash lol
Okay! So, I actually got SUPER “sick” after the concert so the rest of the night was not fun, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. My mind is sort of all over the place so this may not be in order lol
Hoshi tried to teach us the chant that I’m sure he teaches every crowd, and told us that it’s easy and we couldn’t mess it up (he underestimated our potential of being stupid lol). He told us to go “jjak jjak, ode to you” with some hand motions and we all deadass just repeated “jjak jjak” instead of actually clapping. It started a running joke and for a while (and during the encore) they would end all of their sentences with “jjak jjak” to mock us lol
It was Seungkwan’s birthday, so we all got to sing happy birthday to him! I felt sort of bad that we didn’t sing it in Korean, esp when he said it was his first birthday away from Korea, but he seemed happy ☺️
Speaking of feeling bad, they did a little segment where we all had to continue the lyrics they gave us, and Woozi sang his solo song Simple and not enough of us knew the lines after the chorus 😔😔 I’m sorry Woozi!! (We made it up to him by chanting his name which he didn’t want lol and by cheering him on during his ending ment for long enough that he just had to wait it out)
On that note, I’m sorry, Josh, that we couldn’t all continue the lyrics for Rocket when all you gave us was “ooOOH”
Seokmin was fucking radiant, as always, being able to see him in person for the first time it was really fucking clear what a nice guy he was, he genuinely just wanted everyone to enjoy themselves. (He made a comment about how we all reacted well to whatever he did, and when we ofc screamed at that his smile was blinding, it was beautiful)
Ngl, Wonwoo did not come to fuck around. Boy dropped low (physically AND vocally) more times than I could count and I for the first time ever was in dangerous territory lol he tried to bias wreck me hard
Never fucking ending encore, continuously replaying the last moments of Aju Nice just so Seungkwan could be forced to dance more since it was his birthday lol - if he looks sweaty in the pics uploaded afterwards, that’s why, he alone did like, six encores
Jeonghan was super subdued though - idk if that’s how he really is (since I’ve never seen him in person before this) but he continuously faded into the background and during any of his talking bits he seemed a bit out of sorts, so I hope he’s okay and didn’t force himself!
Joshua fucking snatched my best friend - all my friend is talking about now is Josh, and honestly, fucking same. He wore a dusky rose colored tux coat and tie with a sort of pastel blue shirt and honestly I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, he’s fucking 😍
Big shoutout to the gag trio for persisting with English even after they messed up and/or got tongue-tied (which they did a few times). It was really sweet and appreciated. Specifically to Hoshi, who would not fucking REST until we were having a good time, bless that boy he works so damn hard. Also hearteu to Minghao for not knowing the lyrics for another person’s verse in the encore and just giving us the most adorable “uhh..” into the mic we’ve ever heard
Bit of a weird thing regarding Dino’s ending ment - the translator said that he said “I feel like you all only gave 50% out of 100%” but then he followed that up with “you all were perfect” in English, so idk man lol (I’ll be honest, I wasn’t listening to his Korean closely enough to know, too many things were happening lol)
I only recorded a few things (and while I wish I recorded more, I know I wouldn’t have enjoyed the concert as much if I had, so kudos to those who do fancams omg) but my favorite was the group singing Smile Flower/Laughter, and both Josh and Vernon delivering a very sweet message to us before we sang it back to them, so I’m glad that I recorded that out of everything else Woozi was listening SO INTENTLY that the feeling of judgement he was projecting was impossible miss.. I just dunno if we satisfied him or not lmao
Ik they won’t actually remember this concert as much as they claimed, but it was really sweet how they focused so much on the “making good memories” aspect of it 💕
Seungcheol, you were missed! I’m not sure anyone was cheered for louder than you, so please take it easy and be resting well! We all love you and want the best for you 💝
Bless Woozi for doing most of his ending ment in English - I know it’s got to be nerve-wracking and just uncomfortable in general to do it in a language you aren’t fluent in, but it was much appreciated by everyone!
The general consensus by them was that we were super “energetic” and “crazy”, which is prob bc despite doing the fanchants (my section, at least) everyone screamed along with the lyrics too lmao. Pretty sure that’s what most of their concerts in the states are like, but it’s nice of them to say things like that regardless
I don’t regret spending the money to go at all - I was dubious that it would affect me a lot since my depression has gotten a lot worse, but I felt genuinely calm and happy during it. I also stood the whole time anyway, so next time I’ll just buy the tickets for near the stage 😂 It’s strange, seeing them in person - you just get this weird sense of what good people they are, how they really love what they do and want to spread happiness through it. Lmao my friend afterwards asked me “...you ever think about how we were that close to them but we will never ever actually get to know them as real people?” and yes, I fucking do, and it’s an uncomfortable feeling, but all I can really do is wish and hope that they have happy lives 😔☺
If anyone else went and wants to scream at me about the boys, please feel free to!! It was an amazing night and I am genuinely glad I forced myself out of my comfort zone to go
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inkstainedfanfics · 6 years
Fic Rec Friday ~ 6/1/18
Fic Rec Friday is the day where I recommend my favorite fics that I’ve read over the week and post any story submissions I’ve received. Within this post, the title + link is first, the author second, the pairing (if applicable) is third, my thoughts on the piece are fourth, and the Synopsis written by the author is last and in italics.
Please give these authors a reblog/comment if you enjoy their work!
If you’d like me to read your story, please be sure to tag me in it - I’d love to read it!
If you’re on this list and would like to be taken off, lmk and I will do it!
Fenhawke Drabble - @jawsandbones - Fenhawke - Starting off the list strong bc who wouldn’t put Jaws on their list??? Everything she writes is pure gold. I especially love this one bc of how she portrays the unspoken affection between Hawke and Fenris. It shows how awkwardly they dance around feelings that are clear to everyone, and I love that. Plus it has dialogue from the game, which I’m a sucker for sooooo. Definitely one of my favorites - If that prompt post you reblogged was meant to be "used" this way, “Surprised you saw me, the way you keep looking every other direction to make sure no one’s watching. Careful there, or you’ll sprain your neck.” for Fenhawke? I love your writing, I always get so excited when I get a notification saying you posted something! Thank you so much for sharing!
Butter Me Up - @reid-fiction - Dad!Reid - Idt I’ve seen Reid portrayed so well as a father?? His daughter is soooo cute, and I love how the author includes what his daughter inherited from her mother. He’s literally just so cute, and I can hear Spencer saying the dialogue in his voice!!! Plus the ending line “Yeah…he didn’t need a lot of persuasion when it came to his girls“ ????? Iconic. The story’s so good. I still remember it a few days after reading! Highly recommend! - In which Spencer’s daughter has picked up a few tricks from her mom
Didn’t Mean to See That - @bookofreid - Reid x Reader - This is adorable bc it has awkward, flustered Spencer. The dialogue is strong, and honestly I always love Bee’s fics bc the reader’s always flirty and strong, and this fic is no different. The end is one of my favorite parts, reading the two flirt. And I love getting to see Spencer’s worry then Reader’s mortification. It’s so realistic! - When Y/N takes a little too long showering, Reid goes to check up on her. 
Good Intentions - @bookofreid - Reid x Reader (Coffee Shop AU) - Another from Bee bc she’s great. This is a coffee shop AU which definitely takes a new spin on the genre?? (Is it a genre? can I call it that?) Spencer is, as always, a gentleman. Again, a confident reader that’s relaxed and comfortable around Spencer. That makes me super happy. Idk it’s a sweet (ehhhh) read and you’ll totally be missing out on great Reid fluff if you overlook this one! - We’re throwing it back to the coffee shop AU because I’m still a sucker for it!! 
Risk it All - @peterparker-imagines - Peter x Reader - ANGST ASDLHASGLAUROEG. This story is so intense I was literally on the edge of my seat and THE ENDING. Yikes. It’s soooo good. I cannot wait for the 2nd part to come out. I don’t read much Peter Parker but I’m so glad I clicked on this one day. - When a fire breaks out in a nearby building and with neither the emergency services or your boyfriend Peter anywhere to be seen, you decide to rush into the flames yourself to save the children trapped inside.
Breakfast - @dracodiligo - Ronsy - So Ron x Pansy wasn’t a pairing I’d ever thought of?? But this drabble puts me 100% on board. It’s so sweet though it’s short, only a little under 400. Yet it manages to set up the scene and the emotions of Pansy really well, and I can imagine pretty easily how she reacts when Ron talks to her.  I like the awkwardness between them, the uncertainty that comes with the territory of flourishing relationships. Very well done and maturely written (not in content, just style lol)
Wet - @thepokyone - Remus x Reader - This is cute! I really enjoy how the other marauder boys are included as well! And teasing Remus or Reader over their clearly mutual crush is a weak spot I have for Remus fics tbh. There’s an implied friendship too which just makes everything a thousand times better bc friends to lovers??? Amazing! - I love Remus so much, I always have. Also, return of Andrew Garfield as young!Remus. This was from an anon for 20. cold and wet and 7. “I can’t help it. You’re just really warm. Like a giant heater.” I hope you guys enjoy reading this request as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Little Prince - @fantasticnewtimagines - Newt x Reader - Kelly’s obviously one of my favorite people on this site and she’s also clearly one of the most talented Newt writers here, and this story shows it! Prince!Newt, my weakness, is worrying as his wife gives birth. He’s all nervous, a worrying, pacing husband that fears for so many things, like his wife’s health and the baby’s health, but then he’s invited in the room, and fluff ensues, of course. She writes him so well when he first lays eyes on his child. My heart stops just thinking about how adorable it all is - Prince Newt and the Reader being married and like her going into labor with their child and he’s not allowed in the room and like him and Theseus like sitting by the room with like Theseus trying to make him smile by like telling him dumb stories of when they were little and like soon they hear the baby start crying and one of the midwives comes out and is like….. it’s a boy…..
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anexperimentallife · 7 years
Going through some of my older work, and started re-reading the first story I ever sold...
There are some embarrassing things about it (the obligatory cishet romance is unnecessary and comes off forced, for one thing, and I tied things up into much too neat of a package at the end, plus there are some other aspects I think I need to redo), but overall it reminds me that yeah, although I need to up my game, I DO have chops. I can do this. This isn’t bad at all, IMHO, but I can do SOOOOO much better now. If you want the entire anthology it’s in, grab yourself a copy of The Crimson Pact Volume 2. (It’s also available at Amazon and so on, but when you buy directly from the publisher, you get all formats, DRM-free--whether you buy the hardcopy or just the ebook version--and I get a bigger royalty cut.)
And I am going to do better. Now that I have  the rights back, I am going to rewrite the fuck out of this,,especially now that I have better ideas about how to fit it into my revised Quiet World setting.
I’ve posted a little of the beginning before, but here’s a much bigger chunk:
Karma (story excerpt)
by D. Robert Hamm
We hit the interstate like an unguided missile. Needles of frozen rain and jagged blades of wind beat my face numb and turned what was left of my dress into a full-body ice-pack. Even with the heater on ‘incinerate,’ I couldn’t stop shivering, but the outside air was all that kept me from gagging on the smell of my own puke and the rusty stench of blood, so the window stayed down. Between the black pavement and blacker sky, the air was wet and gray. It sucked the vitality from my headlights well before their natural time, but that was okay. I wasn’t paying much attention to the little they revealed anyway.
The man in the passenger’s seat either didn’t feel the cold or was too stoic to show discomfort. The dashboard glow turned his short white beard to green and deepened the age lines in his face. Gods, I’d loved that face growing up. It was my grandfather’s face. But right then, I could barely look at it, because this wasn’t my grandfather, just a sad, confused spirit wearing his body. And even though he was one of the good guys, that didn’t mean it was easy to take.
“You’re going to catch cold,” Not-Grandpa shouted over the storm.
“I’m . . . what?”
Since last night I’d been shot at, whipped, and electrocuted. I’d watched a good man beheaded and disemboweled before my eyes, and learned things about myself, my family, and especially my past, that had already driven other people into padded-room territory. I was marinated in a vile concoction of blood and various other body fluids, quite a bit of it my own, and had spent the last however-many hours fighting horrors that should never have existed. In the middle of all that—because I’m an overachiever—I took time out to kill a man I loved.
And this guy was worried that I’d catch a fucking cold?
Once I started laughing, I couldn’t stop. The kind of deep, full-body laughter that doubles you over and makes your stomach muscles ache for days afterward. The kind that shreds the lining of your throat and rises in pitch to rapid staccato squeaks, like sneakers on a hardwood floor. I held back the worst long enough to wrestle the car onto the shoulder, then let go. The laughter turned to howling, the howling into screams, the screams into sobs, and the sobs into a quiet whimper that finally, gods finally, tapered off, and I could breathe again, in great, ragged gulps. I wiped away a rope of snot hanging from my nose and sat hunched over with my eyes closed and my forehead against the steering wheel, shaking, while the rain pummeled my back with tiny, ice-cold fists.
In shock? Probably. Hysterical? Definitely. Look, I make sandwiches at my family’s restaurant for a living, okay? Sandwiches.
Not-Grandpa waited until I quieted down before speaking. “I’m sorry,” he said. It was the dozenth or so time he’d said it. The line of his mouth stayed hard, but his eyes and his voice were soft and broken. I believed him. Had to believe him.
“I know.” I didn’t mean for it to sound bitter. He’d saved my life after all, and he deserved better than that. I just didn’t know if I could forgive him for not being who I wanted him to be.
* * * * *
A little too “in media res” for you? Yeah, me too.
So here are the vitals: My name is Karma Miranda Rodriguez. I’m twenty-three years old, five foot six, with brown eyes, light brown skin, and dark brown hair that I keep boy-short. I claim to be a size five, and I dare you to say otherwise. I like strawberry daiquiris, support equal rights for supernaturals, am indifferent toward long walks on the beach, and . . .
And oh, yeah—Apparently, I kill demons.
* * * * *
Eli’s Borderland Station, my family’s restaurant, has been the only twenty-four hour eatery on the Kansas City Plaza since back before the Jasonites outed the supernatural community (aka, “The Quiet World”) and we had to coin the term ‘daylighter’ to differentiate plain vanilla humans from those touched by the paranormal. During the riots that followed the Jasonites’ little party, and all through the Apocalypse Wars, my Grandpa Eli and Uncle Garston kept the restaurant open as a free kitchen-slash-aid-station for refugees and emergency workers, and turned the upstairs apartment—which is mine, now—into a de facto headquarters for various peacekeeping forces.
So alongside our Absolutely Killer Turkey Sandwich (made from, according to the menu, genuine killer turkeys), we serve up a mean side-order of history. Obviously, a lot of things have changed since the AWs; for instance, the Plaza, always an upscale shopping district, is now a level four Private Patrol Zone with the best law enforcement money can buy. As you’d expect, our main business is well-heeled shoppers whose sidearms are more fashion statement than personal defense, but we try to keep prices reasonable enough for the average college student, too.
No amount of money will buy you a table or a bar stool in our VIP lounge, though, even if every other seat in the house is taken. The lounge is permanently reserved for veterans, proxies, bounty hunters, elites, and so on. It’s where people with code names like Halloween Jack, Lucy D.T., HalluciNathan, and so on come to catch up with one another, trade information, or just relax. Grandpa and Uncle Garston are technically civilians now, but a lot of the VIPs still use their call signs from way back when, so if someone in armored leathers with notched weapons and a stare that looks like they’re counting the ways they could kill you with one finger says they’re going to see The General and Body Mass, they’re not talking about some secret mission, it just means they’re headed our way for the lunch special.
On Tuesday nights we lock up for a few hours of uninterrupted cleaning with my special patented Karma Rodriguez closing procedure. This involves, among other things, lots of dancing around with brooms and mops, and other Weapons of Mess-Destruction, and me in a casual dress singing along with loud music at the top of my lungs. It’s effective. The more I can make work feel like play, the faster and more efficiently I get things done, and as proof of that, what used to take three people on Tuesday nights now requires only two.
At thirty seconds to zero-dark-thirty on a drizzly February evening, when my grime-fighting partner Jayden and I were the only ones left in the restaurant, I locked the front door and hit the music. My mix for the night was weighted heavily in favor of pre-Apocalypse rock—music that was old before I was born. It was a minor tragedy when it cut off about ten minutes into the shift, right in the middle of David Bowie’s Rebel, Rebel. Jayden and I both trailed off a cappella.
“I didn’t hear you singing if you didn’t hear me,” Jayden said. “We stick together, and nobody can prove anything.” He fixed me with what would have been a deadpan stare if not for that quirk at one corner of his mouth that I thought of as his, ‘our little secret’ smile.
I put on my best film noir ‘tough dame’ voice. “It’s always secrets with you, isn’t it? Fine, I’ll play your game.” Staying in character, I headed upstairs with an over-the-top hip-swaying sashay, to reboot the router while Jayden kept cleaning.
I can’t be objective about Jayden, so I won’t try. He was one of a kind. Literally. Part Aosidhe, part Graealfinsidhe, and part daylighter, Jayden was a medical miracle, and he got the best from each branch of his ancestry. Six and a half feet of lean muscle, flawless skin, hair like pale gold silk, and . . . you get the idea. His ears were only slightly pointed, and with his hair down, he could pass for an exceptionally pretty daylighter, if not for his eyes. Whiteless, and bright turquoise in color. They suited him.
And yeah, I know. If only I wasn’t his  boss. Jayden had something of a ‘mystery man’ air about him that only added to his status as local lust-object. Among other things, the way he dressed like a wastelander (only cleaner) but acted like a gentleman fueled speculation. He kept his past and his private life just that, though—past, and private. It was like the world was in love with Jayden, but Jayden wasn’t sure how he felt about the world and didn’t want to lead it on.
When I got back from confirming that the router was indeed fried, those exotic eyes of his were fixed on the big screen in the main dining area. I came up behind him and stopped, gaping. “What the . . . ?”
Just north of us, people were fighting in the streets and looting, while Rushville—Jayden’s neighborhood—burned.
“Short version?” Jayden said without turning around, “They busted the wrong guy for the Taylor murders, so they released him. He lasted a whole three hours.”
“They didn’t give him police protection?”
“He was under police protection when it happened. Now everybody has a conspiracy theory, and apparently with every conspiracy theory this week, you get a free Molotov cocktail kit. Speaking of which . . . ” He rewound a few seconds and paused on a burning apartment building that I recognized as his. “Great firebomb, huh?”
“Wow. I’m sorry.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
He shrugged, his back still to me. “I carry everything really important with me.”
“You want to talk about it?”
“Want me to leave you alone?”
He paused, as if considering. “No.”
“Okay. But know what? Fuck cleaning. Help me get the trash out, then haul your duffel bag upstairs. You’re staying at my place tonight.”
Jayden turned and looked at me as though I were speaking Swahili. “Your place?”
“You just lost your apartment to a xenophobic asshole with a fire fetish, and you need crash space. Friends do that kind of stuff for each other.”
That earned me a confused look. “No, I just . . . Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks.” He seemed utterly bewildered. So much for his famed stoicism and unflappability. Ah, Jayden. Such a strange, strange boy. I ran up to get my coat and pull on a pair of jeans under my dress, and Jayden and I dragged the first can out into the alley.
I remember the air tasted of cold grease and wet pavement. I remember the electric buzz of the street lamp, and the way its dirty light turned the drizzle into sparse gray streaks like anime rain. I remember the exact cadence of the trash can’s scraping and banging as we dragged it toward the dumpster. How screwed up do things have to get before taking out the trash is a fond memory worth replaying in your head?
We didn’t hear the patrol team until they entered the mouth of the alley, running hard toward us, shouting at us to get inside. The woman’s name was Lawson. She’d lost her helmet, and a sheen of blood covered the left side of her face. Her partner, Hall, had a crack running down the side of his faceplate, and his body armor was shredded in places. They both carried their weapons at the ready, scanning the roofline as they ran.
Before they’d even finished their warning, a clot of shadow and sickening angles detached from the rest of the dark. The Kasu-Hurun slaughter-spider—How did I know that?—dropped from the roof and—The Kasu-Hurun and the bad people are making us walk a long way again. I don’t say how tired I am because I am almost eight years old, and that means I’m a big girl, and because it would make Mommy feel bad that she can’t carry me that far. Mommy and me are in our nightgowns because we were asleep when they—Where were these images coming from?—landed in the alley behind them. It was an impossible thing, eight or nine feet tall, all mottled ochre-and-black chitin, with eight spiked and bladed spiderlike legs from which it took its name, serrated mandibles beneath great protruding compound eyes, and short, thick, writhing tentacles suspended from the underside of a bulbous, misshapen central body.
I shouted my own warning, but Hall was already emptying his magazine at the thing as he backed toward us. Lawson either tripped or dove in our direction, twisting in mid-air to land on her back. She raised her shotgun, and—grabbed us, and it was really late because both moons were out, but they let us put on our boots before they made us start walking. Mommy tried to fight them and she shot one of them but they beat her up and cut her cheek really bad. But she is still the prettiest lady in the whole wide world. It was real people, not Kasu-Hurun, but they don’t act like real people. Mommy says they have bad things inside them called Qlippoth. I think they are telling the Kasu-Hurun what—made it roar as she hit the pavement.
The monster’s cry was like a foghorn made of cats and feedback, a spike that shoved through both eardrums. Lawson had hurt it, taken out one leg, in fact, but it wasn’t enough, and Hall’s automatic gunfire cut off with a sickening, meat cleaver sound as the spider sliced through his neck. Hall’s head flew from his shoulders and bounced against the alley wall while the spider eviscerated his body before it could hit the ground, as if he weren’t–to do. A man tried to run away today, but they caught him, and instead of shooting him a Kasu-Hurun stuck one of its sharp arm/leg things in him and cut him open and played with his insides until he stopped screaming, and I cried, but I won’t cry anymore, because I’m a big girl, and—dead enough already. Even as far back as Jayden and I stood, hot, sticky wetness splattered our faces.
The monster tried to leap toward us, but its missing leg threw it off balance. Lawson’s shotgun was out of ammo, so she fumbled out her .45 and taunted the slaughter-spider while edging toward the side of the alley opposite the door. Sacrificing herself—big girls don’t cry. The demons usually kill everybody, but now they only kill people who try to run away or stop walking before they tell us to stop or people who fall down and can’t walk anymore, but sometimes when somebody falls down they let somebody else make a travois, which is a kind of sled thing that you drag—to give us a chance to get away. My gun was in my purse inside, but even if I’d had it on me, I couldn’t loosen my grip on the trash can, let alone force myself to move.
I caught Jayden’s eye. I’d never before realized–when I feel like crying I think about Daddy. Daddy is a general, which is a kind of soldier who tells other soldiers what to do. He is a long way away fighting other Kasu-Hurun, but when he comes to save us, the Kasu-Hurun and the bad people are going to be sorry. I am going to be a soldier like Daddy when I grow up and—how much he and I communicated without speaking, but with that look, I knew we’d done the same math. One of us might—just might—make it to the door. If we left the other one to die along with Lawson.
Fuck that.
Once I’d made the decision, the tension drained from my body—I am nine years old, and I have been in the prison camp for a over a year. They tell me it is time for the laboratory again, but if I pick someone else to go, they will leave me alone today. If I choose my mother to go they will leave me alone for a month. They seem surprised when my answer is to hold out my wrists for the cuffs. I am the daughter of a general and a hero. I do not run, or let others take my pain. And no matter what they do to me, I won’t let them see how scared I am—the way the fear had, sublimating into the night and leaving me perfectly relaxed. Jayden gave me that ‘our little secret’ smile, and I knew he got it. He understood. Not just what I was about to do, but why.
When anything you do will end in death, make your final act one of defiance.
And so it was that we, about to die, in the most futile and ridiculous gesture in the history of futile and ridiculous gestures, screamed our defiance in the face of death, and charged the monster that would surely kill us.
With a fucking trash can.
We slammed into the slaughter-spider and fell hard, with the trash can bouncing between those giant legs and spilling its slippery contents out onto the already-slick blacktop. The slaughter-spider screamed at the impact, even louder than when Lawson had shot it, and nearly toppled. A serrated leg missed me by inches, and I rolled away, but I’d only be able to dodge for so long. My only regrets were that since I hadn’t properly prepared this body, I would die along with it—again, where the hell did that thought come from?—and that so many things would go unsaid between me and those I cared about. Including Jayden, if I was being honest.
Something hard in my coat pocket bit into my side as I rolled. I’d forgotten about the taser I almost always took with me when I left the restaurant. Even if it was still charged, it wasn’t salvation, but at this point salvation wasn’t an option. Victory was what mattered, and victory was nothing more nor less than continuing to fight until the inevitable happened. I pulled out the taser, flipped off the safety, and sent 50,000 volts into the center of that mass of tentacles, along with all the fury I could muster. The slaughter-spider jerked momentarily, and Lawson took advantage to pick up a piece of steel rebar from the junk pile in the alley and plunge it glove-deep into one of the slaughter-spider’s faceted eyes. Jayden followed with a sharp piece of broken two-by-four into the other.
And as though someone had flipped a switch marked ‘alive/dead,’ the slaughter-spider fell . . . in slow motion, like those television broadcasts of building demolitions. After one final spasm, it was still, and the alley was silent for several seconds except for the buzz of the streetlight. After barely long enough to begin to accept that we weren’t dead, answering cries to the spider’s death scream split the night.
We staggered inside the restaurant as the first new creature hit the pavement, and got the bars across the door just before another slammed against it. I slapped my palm against the ward sigil and spoke the syllables to activate it, then ran to the front and did the same there. After grabbing my gun and other weapons from upstairs and activating still more wards, I hit the ‘dim all’ switch and met up with the others in the kitchen. Lawson used a cabinet as cover, her shotgun aimed at the door, and Jayden . . .
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
I’d been gone perhaps two minutes, but when I returned, Jayden stood transformed, a grim-faced cross between a modern wastelander and a wild warrior from legend, in a combination of armored biker leathers and Fay armor. The hilts of two matching blades extended over his shoulders, and his jacket sleeves were pushed up to reveal Sidhe archery gauntlets—the real kind, not the department store knockoffs. Other weapons clung to various parts of his body, strategically placed so as not to impede movement—blades, throwing disks, bolas, and quivers and bandoliers of bolts and arrows for the quick-load mini-crossbow in his hand and the compound bow housed in a slender case across his back. He shrugged bashfully—Jayden? Bashful?—when he caught me staring. So this was what he meant when he said he carried everything important with him.
The booming of another hit on the door jerked my attention away from Jayden. After a few more tries, though, the spiders seemed to realize that it was futile, and ceased their efforts.
Now that we had stopped racing time, time slowed to let us catch up. Whether from the endorphin rush or something else, I felt disconnected, an observer watching from inside myself. In the dimness, Lawson and Jayden were pale, oh so pale, and heartbreakingly beautiful against the gray and charcoal shadows. I stood with chest heaving alongside them, seeing and feeling and hearing everything as though for the first time, in love with it all. Because we, who moments before had been dead, were alive and more than alive, were filled with life until we could burst from the pressure as it strained against the insignificant scraps of skin and flesh that could barely contain it.
A single glossy drop of blood formed at the tip of Lawson’s finger, creating itself until it was real enough to float downward and finally join its comrades who had already emigrated to the floor to form a puddle, and Lawson was falling, falling, falling behind it as if to join the puddle herself.
I shook out of my trance barely in time to help Jayden take Lawson’s weight. She was conscious, but weak. “It’s okay,” I told her, “We’re going to get you taken care of. Did you call for backup?” Lawson shook her head weakly, closed her eyes, and made a sound between a chuckle and a sob. “Nobody left to call. Even if the radio worked, nobody left to . . . ” she trailed off and seemed to fold in on herself. I’d seen what that thing did to Hall. I didn’t need her to tell me what had happened to the rest of her squad.
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asks for 08/28/18
anonymous asked:
How's your guys' day been so far? -MWT
Tord: not bad.
Tom: meh.
Matt: hi mayhem!
spooncryptid asked:
Tord: hello cryptid.
Tom: hey cat freak.
Matt: *making childish grabbing motions towards cryptid*
anonymous asked:
You okay Tom? -MWT
Tom: just bored, almost finished my project, i just have to wait of the final piece. i’m thinking of starting another. what do you think of a personal energy shield? or is that too syfy?
spooncryptid asked:
//happily trots over to Matt// what have you guys been up to today?
Tord: just the usual. paperwork, training, etc.
Tom: mostly thinking.
Matt: the espionage unit did drills today where they all had to lie to me. *pets*
spooncryptid asked:
Isn’t lying bad??
Tord: to us yes, but to the enemy when they are in the field it could be necessary so we need to know they can lie to anyone. even if that person has extra sensory abilities like matt does.
Tom: they’re spies, they have to lie.
Matt: one soldier in particular is both amazing at it and terrible at the same time.
spooncryptid asked:
Mm? How can they be amazing AND terrible??
Matt: they can lie to just about any one, except when it’s someone they know personally… not even i could tell they were lying but the minute they started talking to their friend i could hear the lie clear as day!
spooncryptid asked:
Hmm, how are you gonna try’n fix that??
Tord: well in this case we don’t really have to yet. they haven’t been out in the field yet and are pretty isolated to only a small friend group, which matt has apparently entered somehow, so it can wait a bit.
spooncryptid asked:
Ooh! You made a friend??
Matt: yup! they are very nice.
Tom: matt has made friends with most of the army…
Matt: lots of friends!
spooncryptid asked:
Aa, you’ll have to teach me how to make friends sometime, I’m very bad at it
Tom: maybe you’d be better at it if you didn’t pick at the scars the first time you meet someone.
Tord: or offer strangers candy from a trash can.
Matt: or lie about doing something wrong and just took responsibility instead…
spooncryptid asked:
Mm.. yea.... verrry bad.....
they are unimpressed with your response…
anonymous asked:
That energy shield sounds awesome. Probably would be a fun project to try making with a combination of magic and technology. Maybe I should talk to the Matt here into helping me make something like that. -WMT
Tom: so i guess that’s next on the list.
Matt: can i have one?!
Tom: yes, you and tord can have some.
spooncryptid asked:
Mmmh, I’ll just.. not be here.... //shuffles away//
they can tell you’re uncomfortable and let you go.
anonymous asked:
Well let me know how yours works, if I make any progress with the one here I'll let you know and give you the details. Be more interesting than reviewing this one case I was on recently. - MWT
Tom: i thought you loved investigating that shit? why do you sound so out of it?
anonymous asked:
It involved something similar to a mafia made up of beings that hated humans. Pretty sure they attempted to drown me at one point, but I woke up floating in a pool somewhere else completely. These guys also were reported to 3301 and his group as being wiped out by either an Eldritch or a Leviathan. Either way, they must have done something stupid. Well, with the horrid things they did to humans and those that liked humans, they probably deserved that fate. - MWT
Tom: uh…
Tord: …
Matt: *rapid shocked blinking*
anonymous asked:
It's just confusing for the most part. A lot of the beings want to know what those guys did to make something that mad at them, but I just can't figure it out. A new project would be a lot less confusing than this. - MWT
Tom: …
Tord: …
Matt: …
Tom: *in a squeaky nervous voice* maybe they were trying to hurt it’s friends?
anonymous asked:
That's actually a good theory. I'll relay to the others for sure. I know that would me rampage if I was whatever those guys made mad. - MWT
Tord: *he wants to say something sooooo bad!*
Tom: … right…
Matt: … so how is your tom doing?
anonymous asked:
He's doing good, recently got a really well-paying gig for a fancy hotel's band in the next town over every Friday and Saturday. He won't stop talking about it and we're all getting a bit tired of hearing about, but hey, at least it's something he's excited about. - MWT
Tord: good for him.
anonymous asked:
How're things with ruling Poland going by the way? Citizens not causing any problems? - MWT
Tord: most of them don’t even know anything has changed. we like to make out transitions of power subtle.
anonymous asked:
That's way one to do it. Slow changes that make things better for the country would make people want to keep you in power because everything's getting better because of you being in control. - MWT
Tom: most of them don’t know they were even taken yet. hopefully by the time they realize well have made the country more stable and safer.
anonymous asked:
As long as the people realize you're making things better for them and actually care, they might be happy with you in charge. Just don't let the power go to your head and do something crazy. - MWT
Tord: you think i’m gonna be in charge? HA! no i’m going to be laying down the ground work for the government yes but i am no politician. the system i’m making has no need for politicians anyway.
Tom: until we have more territory the old government stays.
anonymous asked:
That makes sense. Well as long as the people are safer and happier then they shouldn't care too much about what the 'government' is. A lot of us humans are kind of selfish that way. If it benefits them, then they don't care what it is. A few of the less selfish one might question it though so maybe having someone that's there to explain how things are now done once changes are made would be a good idea too. - MWT
Tord: we weren’t going to leave them in the dark.
Tom: that’s one of the reasons some of the red army is still in the country.
Matt: most of them are really nice and don’t mind when they have to explain stuff.
anonymous asked:
You've really got every detail planned out. Pretty good to get even what you'll do after taken over planned out. Never did that when I was a teen thinking world domination was a good idea. Did kind of fall out of that idea in favor of studying engineering and criminal justice. - MWT
Tord: …
Tom: probably for the best.
anonymous asked:
Yeah, probably was for the best. I actually think what I do now is more enjoyable. Plus I'm helping a lot of people out too. - MWT
Tom: *calm smile* good.
anonymous asked:
Anyway, what's the news with your army? Anything big happen since Poland? - MWT
Tord: not much, were mostly just planning our next attack. we decided to go with the whole Denmark suggestion.
Matt: we’re gonna try to be subtle with this one.
anonymous asked:
I wish you luck with Denmark. Hopefully, the subtle method works. - MWT
Tord: thank you.
spooncryptid asked:
Hai... I’m back
Tord: feeling better?
spooncryptid asked:
No but it’s fine
Tom: … You gonna be okay there?
spooncryptid asked:
Yea, why wouldn’t I be?
Tom: you seemed pretty upset when you left.
spooncryptid asked:
It’s Nothing i don’t deserve...
Tord: assholes deserve to be told their assholes… not to have it hung over their heads until the end of time…
Tom: you were an ass. not like we can judge.
Matt: *picks you up and pets you*
spooncryptid asked:
Im an ass and you guys are nice to me anyways, even if I try I can’t deserve it, I always mess things up still
Tom: when do people ever get what they deserve?
spooncryptid asked:
When they get punished for what they did wrong! It makes the world even and fair again, criminals get put in jail for breaking the law, animals get put down for biting and scratching the wrong people, I got declawed because I scratched things and people, that was what I deserved! That’s the way the world works everywhere else!
Tord: *hysterical laughter*
Tom: if you actually think that you’re a lot more naive then we thought.
spooncryptid asked:
...what dyou mean??
Tom: maybe that’s how it’s supposed to work yeah, but it almost never works like that in reality.
spooncryptid asked:
Well.. shouldn’t we still be trying to make it work?
Tord: to a degree, but we should also have a system where a person’s intent or lack of information should have an effect on the consequences of our action in a way we currently haven’t achieved.
spooncryptid asked:
Well I knew what I was doing, so I’m still guilty and I still don’t deserve this
Tom: did you really know what you were doing?
Tord: assholes like us are each other’s punishment.
Matt: we will constantly be here for you, no matter how much our mere presence torments you~~~
Tom: drama queen.
(you belong to them now, you are their friend and they are never letting you go -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
.... //sniffles// I don’t understand...
Tord: … think about it this way, how you feel right now, that horrible undeserving misery, that is your punishment cause no matter what happened in the past, we like you now.
spooncryptid asked:
I.. I guess that makes sense?
Matt: good! now come here so i can pet you.
spooncryptid asked:
//jumps into Matt’s lap and flops down lazily//
Matt: good kitty. *pets*
spooncryptid asked:
//purrs and snuggles in//
Matt is content.
spooncryptid asked:
.. is there anything else you guys need to do today?
Tord: not today, no.
spooncryptid asked:
That’s good, we can just hang out and be comfy
Tom: that is a nice thought.
spooncryptid asked:
Why’s it a thought? Why can’t it be reality?
Tom: … It is reality… You’re making me paranoid, stop.
(Tom is just a massive pessimist, he feels like somethings gonna happen. That doesn’t mean somethings gonna happen. -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
Oh, ok.. sorry
Tom: it’s fine.
(Don’t worry, you’re good now -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
//rolls over and plays with one of Matt’s hoodie strings//
Just the mental image of that gave me a cavity… The boys melted at it. Why do you gotta be a cat?
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
I mean I made it pretty dramatic when I said I wanted to be a cat
tord remembers pretty clearly.
spooncryptid asked:
And now I am a cat (or at least I look like one) why can’t I act like it?
because it’s too cute and gonna melt everyone’s brains!
spooncryptid asked:
That’s the plan >:3c
Tord: I don’t know if you want to love us or kill us… You really are a cat.
spooncryptid asked:
Ha h, did I say that out loud? I-I didn’t- uh, it was just a joke, I’m not actually planning anything,,,
Tom: if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were hiding something cat freak.
spooncryptid asked:
I-I’m not!- I wasn’t- it wasn’t- //trails off into nervous mumbling//
Tom: calm down. i know.
spooncryptid asked:
You.. know?
Tom: yes, i know.
spooncryptid asked:
Th-then why would you say thaat!?
Tom: because i’m just as much of an asshole as you are.
spooncryptid asked:
.. you...... //has an existential crisis//
Tom: oh stop you massive drama queen. just face the fact that you’re stuck with us.
spooncryptid asked:
Nothing makes sense anymore.. when I was a real cat I just lived, now I have to think about everything and it’s confusing and horrible! How do you live like this??
Tom: by sucking it up and carrying on.
spooncryptid asked:
But I don’t understand anything!! It’s all scary and Im too dumb to deal with any of it!
Tord: and you think we know what the fuck is going on? were winging it here.
Tom: the world never has and never will make sense.
Matt: … i just keep going.
spooncryptid asked:
But.. how? How do you do stuff when you don’t even know what you’re doing??
Tom: you just try. either you fail or you succeed, if you fail you try again.
spooncryptid asked:
... this is all confusing.....
Tom: yep.
spooncryptid asked:
I feel like what you’re trying to say is really simple but I’m still too dumb to understand it...
Matt: … nothing makes sense. nothing has ever made sense. nothing ever will make sense. you just have to keep going.
spooncryptid asked:
I get that, but.. why?
Matt: cause what else are you gonna do? you can’t exactly go back.
spooncryptid asked:
...I guess not.....
matt goes back to petting you.
spooncryptid asked:
Sometimes I wish I could....
even if you did you wouldn’t be able to change anything.
spooncryptid asked:
It’d be easier though
going through all the trouble to try and change history only to fail every time would be easier?
spooncryptid asked:
It’d be easier if I could go back, or if it had never happened
… you need to chill kitty cat…
spooncryptid asked:
(You adopted the drama queen, you gotta deal with its edgy teen phase)
they already dealt with edgy teen tom they can handle a cat.
spooncryptid asked:
(Yea but now they have to deal with it from a different perspective)
not tord and matt. the only thing that could throw them off would be the whole cat thing.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well at least Tom can get something new out of this uwu)
you think tom is gonna stick around for you to remind him of his shameful teen years? think again my friend, he’ll be outta there before you can say “susan.”
spooncryptid asked:
(Tommy pl ease, just give the cat a hug!)
tom is confused why you’re singling him out but he obliges anyway.
spooncryptid asked:
(Oh fuck, I exist)
why wouldn’t you?
spooncryptid asked:
(I dunno, thought it’d just be cryptid I guess, well! Nice to meet ya bois!)
they wave.
anonymous asked:
ah! hello! i didn’t mean to leave, i had to sleep ((T.T; ) so how was cake?!-ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ-shy anon
Matt: tom makes good cake!
Tom: *glare*
anonymous asked:
why are you glaring ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)-shy anon
you said you wouldn’t leave again… tom’s mad you broke your promise.
spooncryptid asked:
(OOH Tea spilled!! Tom and Tord both cook! What a happy little couple)
tord cooks, tom bakes, two different things.
endragoneel asked:
oh... i kinda dropped off the face of the earth last time too didn’t i... sorry about that y’all— so! what’s the plan for today?
nothing much again.
(i feel the need to point out the boy’s schedule. tord almost always finishes his work before the asks come, tom doesn’t have to work as late as he does, ever, matt just does whatever he feels like doing -mod x)
anonymous asked:
i need to sleep (oT-T)尸 but i will never permanently leave! i will always come back\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// you can count on me!-shy anon
tom is swayed… slightly.
endragoneel asked:
aye that makes sense! i just never know what to ask-!
well if you ask what they’re doing and they say nothing you could always make suggestions.
endragoneel asked:
hm... how about- tom could you turn into a bat too? who’s faster flying? y’all could have a race! : D
Tom: while i could turn into a bat, i’ve never flown before. matt would be faster.
Matt: *happy bat noises*
anonymous asked:
i’m sorry... will you accept my apologies.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.-shy anon
Tom: … fine.
endragoneel asked:
maybe matt could teach you?
Tom: probably but i have no real interest.
endragoneel asked:
why not? flying sounds awesome~
Tom: just not my thing.
endragoneel asked:
oh well- so what do you /like/ to do in your free time? ((hhh i’m bad at conversation sorry
Tom: music…
endragoneel asked:
oh? i play the piano!! y’all have a piano, right?
Tord: i think we have one in the cafeteria?
Matt: we do.
endragoneel asked:
alright~ lets go!
Tord: why not?
spooncryptid asked:
(Gee Thomas, with manners like that you’ll scare em off for good)
i have said this many times… trust issues.
anonymous asked:
i am very sorry! how do i repent of the sin (>人<;)-shy anon
you’re asking the son of a demon how to repent…
anonymous asked:
I.. ah! I mean how can i make it up to you, tom? (*´;꒳;`*)-shy anon
Tom: … you’re fine, let it go.
(he doesn’t hate you or anything, but he’ll remember. -mod x)
anonymous asked:
oh no... what if you did something nice today? like a surprise for another friend? pau and pat maybe (*^ω^*)-shy anon
Tom: … whatever…
endragoneel asked:
did they like my song? it doesn’t have a title yet...
tom cried, matt looked sick but said it was good, tord looked confused but pleased… overall i think they liked it… especially tom.
anonymous asked:
surprise them with something nice! matt and tord, will you join me?(*´▽`*)-shy anon
Tord: sure.
Matt: okay!
endragoneel asked:
what should i call it? ... matt are you alright?
Matt: … fine, i’ve never heard anything like that…
(matt is very emphatic when listening to music and anything that makes him feel too strongly makes him feel kinda sick -mod x)
anonymous asked:
what should we do? ( ´∀`)-shy anon
Tord: i don’t know…
Matt: we could make them something…
anonymous asked:
what do you suggest? (*´꒳`*)-shy anon
they have no clue, but are open to suggestions.
endragoneel asked:
maybe i should just stick to playing already written songs- that seemed to be too much of an ... experience? i cant describe. i’m flattered you like it though!
… the song seemed almost random and spontaneous, maybe if you tried doing something with repetition so the listener had more time to process one thing before moving on to the next…
endragoneel asked:
you’re right- i didn’t write anything down to revise
you don’t have to do it with that song, but maybe next time… i’m seriously still reeling from that…
anonymous asked:
maybe another treat! (^ν^)-shy anon
Tom: sure… if you’re making it this time.
anonymous asked:
i have cookies~ ( ´∀`)-shy anon
Tord: pau would love them… tom?
Tom: *sniff* not poisoned.
Matt: lets go give them cookies!
anon-hive-mind asked:
i would suggest surprise them, but then again being on an army based i don’t think they’d trust that-
if it was tord they’d laugh about it… after tom brought him back to life from the multiple gunshots to the chest…
anonymous asked:
nope! no poison! there is cinnamon though (*^▽^*)-shy anon
Tord: we have to test. come on i’ll lead the way.
anonymous asked:
test for poison?(・∀・)-shy anon
Tord: yes, we are the leaders of a rather large country at this point, people are going to want us dead.
anonymous asked:
didn’t tom say there was no poison? i promise aah! go test! (´ ▽`).。o♡-shy anon
Tord: … yes he did… that was the test…
anonymous asked:
i didn’t mean to freak out... i’m sorry i don’t like being accused becuase... never mind! let go surprise them~(*´ω`*)-shy anon
okay back up! i need backstory here! what is supposed to have happened?
-mod x
anonymous asked:
i don’t like talking about it... (;へ:)-shy anon
is this a thing that actually happened to you or part of a story you want to use? i only ask because is seems important. if you don’t want to tell me about it that’s fine i’m just a little confused…
-mod x
anonymous asked:
could be both, my insecurities fixed with a story (T▽T)-shy anon
… are you okay?
anonymous asked:
i am! it’s alright(´ ▽`).。o♡ i’ll be fine-shy anon
… i’ll have to trust you on that…
spooncryptid asked:
(Sorry for dropping out of existence for a bit, I never properly introduced myself, did I? You can call me Spoon, you’re probably well aware of Cryptid by now, I’d be pretty surprised if you weren’t all things considered.)
Tord: … wait… isn’t that *points at the cat* spoon?
anonymous asked:
i could make up a story for this based off of experiences if you would like (*´v`)-shy anon
you don’t have to sweetheart. it’s fine.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well at this point I call it Cryptid, I believe you call it Cryptid as well but I might’ve misheard, so I’ve decided to call myself Spoon, because in a way we’re both ‘spooncryptid’ if it’s too confusing for you I can give you something else to call me)
tord is very confused!!!
(you forget, they’ve addressed him as spoon a lot before now they associate the name with a strange cat creature then with what they have essentially adopted as a pet. continuity, it will be a thing here. -mod x)
0 notes
A Mist Minute: Episode 3 - Hide and Seek
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Sometimes we just don’t have the time to make a whole podcast episode about something like a TV show because they’re sooooo many episodes long and we’d need a million podcasts to cover them adequately. Who has time for a million episodes? Certainly not us! Just putting out 40 or so a year is killing us already and the sacrifices we’ve had to make in our personal lives are unmentionable. But every now and then there comes a TV show, nay, TV event, that we feel that we have to cover, especially when they relate to episodes we’ve covered already. I am of course talking about the new The Mist show, based off of the story by Stephen King (And 2007 Film) which we have definitively covered more extensively than anyone else on the internet ever and you can listen to HERE. So without further ado, the first of our “Minute” series, The Mist: Episode 3 - Hide and Seek:
In the mall the gang cuts down the hanging army guys and discovers that they all have dog tags and must be in the army! What are some army folks doing in a mall? Are they there for the Claire’s? The Hot Topic? The Cinnabon? Anyhow, they round up everyone in the mall and look for other army folks, and upon finding one questions him for 30 seconds about what’s going on, and then immediately lets him go. These guys should be applying for jobs at Guantanamo Bay!
Not so Gaunt Dad wants to leave the church with Gaunt Drug Addict, Amnesiac Army Guy, and Gaunt Friend but that mean ol’ Shitty Cop with Rapist Son won’t let those dang prisoners go! When Not So Gaunt Dad swings at him shitty cop throws the whole gang in the basement, locking them up.
In the mall we meet our two most lovable new characters, the dudes that work at the video game store, what lovable man-boys! Crash (From Scott Pilgrim’s Crash and the Boys) suggests they should put the dead bodies of the army guys outside and see what comes to eat them. Not a bad idea!
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Rapist Footballer sneaks up on Gaunt Daughter when she’s alone and tries to convince her that he didn’t actually rape her. Is it the truth? Is he now Maybe Rapist Footballer?
At the church Frances Conroy decides she wants to die and goes outside, her buddy with the Silence of the Lambs Death’s Head Hawkmoth back tattoo trying to stop her. Unfortunately a moth flies in his ear, causing him to grow a pair of moth wings out of his back while throwing up other moths turning him into a regular Mothman.
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Shitty Cop and Father Guy from Frasier get her back inside before she can be Mothwomaned and she says she doesn’t want to die anymore because she’s seen God. When the priest disagrees she states, “Oh, I’m not talking about your god.” BADASS.
The other folks in the mall are surprisingly nonplussed that the gamer nerds put the dead bodies outside and decide that they need to make up some rules on how the mall is going to be governed during this time of crisis. Gaunt Mom and Daughter and a few others have seen other disaster movies before and probably Blindness too and know where this is going and say peace out and go to some other part of the mall.
Gaunt Friend cons Father Guy from Frasier to baptize him so he can steal the basement key and get the rest of the guys out. They leave the church, giving the Shitty Cop a little punchola on the way out and maybe taking his gun, but there’s not a scene that shows that, there just appears to be a gun on the floor and then there isn’t so not entirely sure.
Back in the mall Gaunt Mom and Daughter attach messages saying they’re in the mall to helium balloons and let them loose into the sky.
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So I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, but things are starting to get a little good on the show. The video game nerds plan isn’t bad if a dead body is a zero to you because really as of now nobody in the mall has even seen anything in the mist other than a few dead body results. I guess even we the audience haven’t seen anything in the mist since a moth flying into someone’s ear and turning them into a Mothman isn’t really a monster. In the novella/movie people doubt for a bit, but once sundown hits and all the bugs start flying around they know some shit is up. In this they have nothing.
And while we’re at it, how does a moth flying into someone’s ear immediately make them grow giant moth wings and shoot a bunch of other moths out of their mouth? In the film when the army guy fell off the wall and spiders started coming out of him it’s because spider’s laid eggs in him days earlier and they took some time to gestate, you know, like it’s just some alien nature that blew in on the mist. For as must as this show goes on about weird nature there’s really nothing “natural” going on here. While Mothman wasn’t too shabby in general it just tips the show into a more the mist does a bunch of magical stuff for no reason territory which is meh.
It would be pretty interesting, but not in a way I would like to watch, if the show got super dark and the mall turned into some sort of Blindness scenario I really don’t think they’ve got the balls to go that unpleasant. I think the best we can hope is that it gets to something along the lines of the film, but so far there’s no religious nut and no monsters to build up with religious fever so I don’t know where it’s going to go, especially as we’re only 30% into this thing. At episode 1 I was not looking forward to the rest of the show, at episode 2 it got a little more interesting, and now at episode 3 it’s even more so, which bodes pretty well if it can keep this up. Still not sold 100%, but I’m not dreading this anymore, so that’s a plus right?
Also check out:
Episode 11 - The Mist v. The Mist
A Mist Minute: Episode 1 - Pilot
A Mist Minute: Episode 2 - Withdrawal
A Mist Minute: Episode 4 - Pequod
A Mist Minute: Episode 5 - The Waiting Room
A Mist Minute: Episode 6 - The Devil You Know
A Mist Minute: Episode 7 - Over the River and Through the Woods
A Mist Minute: Episode 8 - The Law of Nature
A Mist Minute: Episode 9 - The Waking Dream
A Mist Minute: Episode 10 - The Tenth Meal
A Mist Minute: Show Retrospective
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momthinksimemo-blog · 8 years
Character Comes Cfrom Cridiculousness
Lives are built around experiences. You literally are who you are because of the things you've done, seen, said, witnessed, laughed at, cried for, celebrated .. In high school I was a huge supporter of giving people advice that I couldn’t take myself, especially when it came to putting yourself out there. Whether it was telling a boy how you feel, wearing something that some might think is weird, or involving yourself in stuff that isn’t ‘cool,’ I could encourage the shit out of my friends to do whatever they wanted, yet could never apply it to my own life. Now, come college, I’ve gotten a tad bit better. I’ve gotten the dressing how I like part down (I only wear black). I’ve even involved myself with some things I would have never had the confidence to do in high school. But.. there’s still a column left with no check mark. Guys. Boys. Males. Men (??). Yah. They’re an issue. There’s plenty of cute boys at college don’t get me wrong. But I have a terrible habit of making a fool out of myself in front of them. Part of it may be due to alcohol intake, but overall that is the lesser of a 80/20 ratio with sheer awkwardness. 
There’s one boy in particular who’ve i’ve had my eye on since the first week of school. Even though there is legitimately no chance in hell he will ever see this, I’ll still call him by a different name. I’ll call him Pete. Sooooo lately Pete-y and i have been hitting it off. And by ‘hitting’ it off, I mean we’ve seen each other 4 times and added each other on every social media. ***romance*** It all started the first Friday after we got back from winter break. I had honestly forgotten about Pete. He was cute and worth pursing but to be completely honest, some bitch from my hall had a thing for him all first semester so I sort of just assumed he was off limits. WELL, this particular Friday we spotted each other from across the bar and chatted it up. We caught up and then talked about other things (I don't remember exactly what) (concerning), and ever since then we’ve just been way more social with each other. Since then, I have seen him out many times, spoken to him on several occasions, noticed that he is in my econ class, been added by him on Facebook and instagram, and drunkingly added him on snap chat. Basically, things are getting pretty serious (Napoleon Dynamite reference, if you don't get, click the hell out of this blog and reconsider the value of your life.) 
The point of this post though is not to list off moments that i have shared with Pete, it’s to discuss putting yourself out there .. taking your own damn advice .. SPONTANEITY for christ sake! So here comes the point of the background info involving Pete: last Thursday I went out per usual because i’m a piece of shit. Now usually, the bar i attend on Thursdays is “Sig Ep Territory,” like I live in mother fucking 1950′s gang culture, ugh. Anyways, I’m walking over to say hello to my friend when all of a sudden, a red back, who had up to this point just been a red back facing the bar, turned around and transitioned into Pete wearing a red shirt. I was taken back, but also not that much considering I was seriously drunk. “PETE!” I yelled. “ELLEN!” he responded, as we hugged each other amongst the crowded venue. It was a miracle. A god damn miracle from Jesus himself. Pete had never been to this bar before, and oh what a night he had chose to come. Going back to the detail I mentioned earlier about me being drunk, yah, I was faced. As the night went on I actually thought it was a good idea to consume MORE alcohol because that’s smart and responsible! Pete and I kept talking and running into each other for the remainder of the night until a little later when I thought of a great fucking idea. “Hey Ellen,” I thought to myself. “This is the PERFECT opportunity to tell him you like him!” ..........
You can probably guess what I did. 
However, surprisingly enough, I could not. (Guess. I could not guess what I did). I, what some may say, blacked out that night. So, for all my innocent viewers, i basically do not remember anything from the rest of the night. Not talking to him. Not leaving. Not eating an entire pizza. Not falling asleep under my friend’s sink (??). Because of this, I had to rely on some friend’s words as to what i did regarding Pete. 
Remember that bitch i mentioned earlier? The one that liked Pete and basically tried to own him all of first semester? Well here she comes back again, bein a bitch and all. She came BUSTING into my room unannounced friday morning, which she apparently thinks is fine considering she does it most mornings. She proceeds to tell me that I told Pete that I liked him and then went on to face time him after he had left. And oh yah, she knew this because she was in a god damn uber with him (again, bitch.) I, usually not outgoing about my feelings for boys, was MORTIFIED. I promised myself right then and there I would never speak to the kid ever again in my entire life regardless of the feelings I had for him. 
*Fast Forward*
Later Friday night, my roommate Samantha saw him in an elevator and thought it was a good idea to confront him about what all exactly had gone down with me the night before. His response ..... none. of. what. Bitch. said. had. happened ... but I liked him? *Samantha backed out of the elevator slowly* “Forget I ever said that, but fuck ‘bitch’.” 
Yah. So, I guess I didn’t take my own advice and tell him how i felt. But he knows now because Samantha, my best friend and roommate, told him. Yep, one of my own troops gave me away. I’m not mad though. I think I’m actually sort of relieved that he knows. I know that we’re in college and he probably isn't looking for anything serious, but we’ve continued to talk even though he doesn't know that I know that he knows that I like him. AKA he must not think I’m an absolute freak. 
Moral of this story kids is that, maybe, sometimes, it’s better just to be honest and tell the boy, or have your roommate tell him, how you feel. If he never knows, how will he ever be able to respond? He’ll either a.) like you back b.) not like you back, and things go on or c.) never talk to you again, and in that case, fuck him. So next time you're drunkingly debating, or soberly (props), telling your crush you like them, just fucking do it. You won't die. Life will go on. It’ll be fine.
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