#I’m awful at tagging my posts
I remember when the Kenobi show first came out, and there was quite a lot of outrage around the fact that Reva knew Vader’s identity.
I specifically remember one post on r/fixingmovies suggesting that this plot hole could be fixed by… rewriting the Order 66 Jedi Temple flashback scenes at the beginning of the series to include Reva as a Jedi youngling, and thus giving her a reason to know Vader was Anakin Skywalker. I am sincerely not joking.
If you, perhaps, remember the Kenobi series and have, perhaps, a singular brain cell, you will remember that not only was it quite clearly obvious that Reva was one of the younglings in that flashback, but that this was later explicitly confirmed.
Obviously this ‘fix’ was not needed in any way and was entirely ridiculous.
Reading this, you are, perhaps, shaking your head at the idiocy of some people. But rest assured that your criticisms of the ‘plot holes’ and ‘lore-breaking events’ and other unutterably terrible occurrences in The Acolyte are THE SAME FUCKING THING
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femboy-central · 1 month
I can’t believe I had to call the Real Words “have you seen my natsby yaoi pin I don’t know where I put it :(“ across the house to my actual mother today. And she knew what I was talking about
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tealmoth · 1 month
to fill the void of having finished rebels, i give you this quote from my sister, said earlier today: “for like, two days, my brain has either been replaying kanan’s death, or it’s been giving me a slideshow of kalluzeb moments.”
that’s the post-rebels experience, baby!!!!!
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dooblez · 7 months
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general jake the third consensus
jake the third is @/shuueep’s abomination/pos/j you can find more over there :]
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septembersung · 3 months
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
on the one hand we have many people treating me like Mrs. Bennet trying to marry off her daughters, just like Maria pls date someone go on a date once, anyone, just GO, get out there and then on the other hand we have my mom saying she doesn’t think you should try to make Romance happen but only take opportunities as they come if you want to. so.
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ao3screenshotss · 1 month
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20doll · 30 days
With all the Google AI BS happening right now, I’m so happy to be using DuckDuckGo and desperately hope they never attempt something like this. I genuinely do not understand why Google went and thought “Oh! Surely feeding our LLM results from spaces on the internet where people can post quite literally anything is a marvelous idea, let’s implement this!”, especially since said LLM clearly cannot detect satire or joke posts if it isn’t clearly stated. Obviously, none of us should be taking anything the internet says seriously without fact checking, but I am vaguely concerned about how naive young children/older people who haven’t adapted to the magical world of the web are going to take things like this, for instance. Haven’t we learned our lesson from ChatGPT hallucinating the most random shit and not accepting “That’s incorrect” for an answer?
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awakefor48hours · 2 months
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skyward-floored · 1 month
I like rainy days, but what I don’t like are humid grey muggy days that aren’t really much in the way of days at all. Bleh.
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cyncerity · 1 year
i’ve snapped i’m posting at least 1 south park g/t comic that i made in school
this is part of the au thing i’ve been sending to @gtraccoon so go and follow them to not only see the rest of my stuff but more importantly because their content is amazing and they deserve every follower ever!! and while you’re at it follow @sodastrain because they’re super awesome as well! <3
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Quick explanation for the time being: plot twist Tweek’s parents are actually human and still run the coffee shop like they do in the show. However Tweek gets fed up with them one day cause they’re awful and runs away. But somehow they find out he’s hiding out at the Tucker house, and decide to try and scare him into coming home. After all, if he can’t feel safe with his own parents, he shouldn’t deserve to feel safe anywhere…
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dw guys he’s fine just a little more traumatized <3
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artsslumber · 4 months
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dontheckinswear · 2 months
i’m getting real close to blocking the jiang cheng character tag bc every single Discourse™ post i see about him is a bad take. does not matter which side of the argument op is on, their take is always bad and i’m going insane seeing them when mdzs posts pop up.
but also if i block the tag i won’t know what they’re saying in there and i have this burning self destructive curiosity to see what’s happening…
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wait that idea is making me lose it pep comes over to hang out one day and he’s like guys. I need you to not die. and they’re like?? aha ofcourse bud no problem. and he’s like (700 years of life experience and has watched several friends die) (probably just lost simon or finn and is raw but won’t admit it any other way to his wizard friends) no I mean it guys. I’m going to figure out a way, to continually extend your lifespans. since I’m immortal now. no it’s ok my mom has been into immortality experimentation and the extension of life and regeneration since like forever.
like where were you when our friend died a few years back when we were kids and can you bring him back
(oh yeah lemme check with my other mom, who can do necromancy. no, I said my OTHER mom, the one who can do it without the use of potions that frequently backfire)
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arthur-r · 4 months
ALSO if anybody has any studies about the long term health effects of testosterone as gender affirming care…. my dad wants me to send him articles to prove that it’s safe and necessary for me to do. which is a normal request if you don’t ask it the way that my dad does. and if you don’t say “well i mean i could do my own research but it’s awfully likely that i’ll find too much evidence on the contrary” piss off if there’s something you have a concern about then tell me what it is, otherwise how much of transsexuality do i have to spell out and explain???? anyway just if anybody happens to have comprehensive literature with more of an emphasis on physical than mental health then that would be really helpful to help me argue my case.
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