#you are very impressive either way I’m so intrigued by you
femboy-central · 4 months
I can’t believe I had to call the Real Words “have you seen my natsby yaoi pin I don’t know where I put it :(“ across the house to my actual mother today. And she knew what I was talking about
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Delicate part.2
Gwayne Hightower x reader
Description: Gwayne finds himself enamoured by his sister's friend, though the lady in question seems implacable to his charms, and he seeks to impress her through his swordsmanship.
Part 1
Writer's note: thank you for all the lovely comments on part 1 💚 more Gwayne content incoming.
Warnings: female reader, touch averse reader.
The mellow light of the sun broke through the window of Gwayne's chambers early the next day, as he dressed in the velvet green brigandine of his house and his metal vambraces and pauldrons, in preparation for his training that day. His mind was pleasantly occupied in thinking of how contented he was to be reunited with his sister, as well as how intrigued he was by her lovely friend. Struck by her pretty features, quick wit, easy humour and the care she evidently felt for his beloved sister, he was eager to meet her again.
After Alicent had risen and broken her fast with him, he offered her his arm, eager to join her on her daily excursions. "Lead the way, sister. I am your servant." He smirked at her.
"I thought we might ask Y/N to join us on a walk around the grounds so that we can both give you a tour of the Keep."
Smiling down at his sister, Gwayne inwardly rejoiced at the thought of meeting Y/N again. "A charming idea. It's a good thing I have two arms for either of you to take a hold of, or we should be lost."
Gwayne was confused to see Alicent's brow furrow and a small frown downturn her lips at what he had meant to be a playful rejoinder. Lowering his head to examine her face in concern, he murmured "are you well, sister?"
Patting his arm affectionately, Alicent responded, smiling once again up at him. "You will have to be careful not to frighten Y/N with your usual behaviour. She is not fond of being touched by others and may not wish to take your arm. She means no offence by it."
Slightly puzzled by this but, nonetheless, taking note of it in his mind so as not to offend the lady when he only meant to be attentive and chivalrous, he continued to walk with his sister in the direction of her friend's apartments in the Keep.
As they walked, Alicent informed Gwayne that her friend was the daughter of an important member of the King’s Council, that her relationship was as strained with her own father as theirs was with Otto Hightower, and that Alicent and Lady Y/N had become fast friends over the course of the last few months.
Stopping in front of a pair of large oak doors, the guards admitted Alicent almost immediately, recognising her from her frequent visits to Y/N. They waited only a few moments before the guard returned with Lady Y/N, who smiled affectionately at Alicent, and nodded deferentially in Gwayne’s direction.
“Alicent, I wasn’t expecting to see you so early. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
“Don’t be silly Y/N, we have been waiting but a moment. We only wanted to ask whether you might want to join us on a walk about the grounds. I know Gwayne is keen for us to give him a tour of the Keep.”
Looking slightly hesitant at this, Y/N responded, clasping her hands together.
“Wouldn’t you prefer to spend the day together without a third party imposing?”
Gwayne took this opportunity to address himself to Y/N.
“There would be no imposition at all. Indeed, my Lady, I would be most grateful for your company on the tour.” Smiling at her encouragingly, as he did so.
Seeing Alicent nod her head in excited accord, Y/N’s smile grew wider, and Gwayne felt his heart stutter at the sight.
“Then I shall be very happy to join you.”
As she strode towards them, Gwayne could not resist tilting his free elbow out towards her, almost imperceptibly, allowing her the choice to take it or decline it without the embarrassment of verbally rejecting such an offer.
Y/N looked at him curiously as he did this, an almost apologetic expression overtaking her features, before she moved to stand on the other side of Alicent, avoiding his proffered arm.
Turning with his sister and her friend in tow, Gwayne tried to temper his disappointment at Y/N’s rejection of his arm, reminding himself that she seemed to dislike such close proximity and that it was not personal. At least, he hoped such was the case, and that she was not still offended by his behaviour the day before. Seeing her smile and walk comfortably in his presence, answering his questions about the Keep, he assured himself that she was not. Still, he allowed himself to hope that, perhaps, in time, she would not find his assistance so objectionable.
After Alicent and Y/N had taken him on an extensive tour of the Keep, and the three had picnicked together under the white tree in the courtyard, Gwayne rose to make his excuses to the ladies and go to the training yard.
Just as he was about to bow respectfully towards both and kiss his sister’s hand, although not Y/N’s, fearing it would be objectionable to her, Alicent arrested him in his movements.
“Oh Gwayne, we should very much like to see you train. I would like to see how your swordsmanship has improved since I last saw you train.”
Looking over at her friend excitedly, Y/N surprised him by turning to direct a radiant smile at him and a laugh.
“Indeed, I am most eager to see if Ser Gwayne can, in fact, use a sword, since he has invested so much confidence in his charm to disarm the other knights.”
Laughing at this, elated at how quickly Y/N fit into his and Alicent’s usually closed off, private world together, he winked at her.
“I’m not sure where Alicent gets these ideas of my fine swordsmanship from, since I have clearly admitted to having never used one before, but I will gladly demonstrate to you ladies how I employ what Lady Y/N has kindly called my disarming charm.”
Gwayne only laughed harder when he saw Y/N’s mouth upturn and her brow raise in mock consternation, as she realised the trap her words had led her into.
Having helped Alicent to her feet, Gwayne offered his hand out to Y/N to assist her ascent from the grass, forgetting her aversion to physical contact. Remembering only when he had already offered his hand, and was internally rebuking himself for doing so, he was surprised and elated when she hesitantly placed her smaller hand in his, and allowed him to pull her up.
Unable to repress his smile at her acceptance of his aid, he nonetheless took a pace back, allowing a respectful distance for Y/N to choose whether she would walk on his side or Alicent’s, to continue to the training yard.
Y/N returned to Alicent’s side as they made their way to the training ground and Gwayne humoured the ladies, as they continued to suggest that they would have to carry the sword for him and that he was bound to be killed immediately, for he would, “no doubt, be distracted by the reflection of his charming smile in his opponent’s helmet,” Y/N cleverly accused.
Smiling at her with renewed confidence, he responded.
“I am glad to hear, my Lady, that you find my smile charming. Let us hope that the same can be said for my opponent, else I am bound to be slain, as you so prettily predict.”
Seeing a light blush growing on her cheeks, Gwayne’s smile only grew, but he directed his gaze ahead of him so as not to embarrass her further.
After leading the ladies to a seat on a low balcony overhanging the training yard, Gwayne bowed at each in turn before descending to begin his training for the afternoon. Sauntering confidently towards the sword rack, he returned the condescending smirks or glares of the older knights, with an arrogant smile and jaunty nod of his head in their directions. He sought to conceal his real nervousness at training in front of knights who were his seniors in both age and combat experience. He was also eager to prove himself as a capable knight, worthy of being his sister's champion. His desire to impress his sister's lovely friend was an additional consideration that did not prevent him from pretending to struggle to lift a sword, in order to gain the amusement of the ladies. Looking up at the balcony upon hearing their laughter at his antics, he raised the sword properly in his grasp, directing his most charming smile at them.
"When you've finished amusing the ladies, I would urge you to direct your sword to better use against mine, young Ser."
Turning to meet the sneer of the knight before him, Gwayne ignored the condescension of his challenge and responded with a respectful smile and nod of his head.
"Whilst I will never finish amusing the ladies, my good man, I would be only too happy to accept your challenge. Happily, the two things are not incomensurate."
Raising his sword across him in a defencive position, Gwayne noted the knight's arrogant smirk, clearing anticipating him to pose no significant challenge; he was not the first knight to make this mistake, assuming that Gwayne's lack of years and experience would make him an easy target.
The two knights circled each other or, in Gwayne's case, sauntered casually around the other before the challenger rushed at Gwayne with his sword. Gwayne swiftly positioned his sword behind him, flat against his back, only moving his torso slightly this way and that to avoid the clumsy strikes of the knight before him. As the knight swung his sword at Gwayne's neck, Gwayne swiftly evaded the stroke, tilting his head back, before twisting out of the way of another blow and raising his own sword for the first time. Bringing his sword down in one swift arc to disarm his opponent, as their sword clattered yards away at the force of Gwayne's parry.
A look of disbelief and then rage swept across his opponent's face, as Gwayne smirked knowingly at him and lowered his head in a deferential bow.
Hearing enthusiastic applause, Gwayne looked up at the balcony and felt his heart soar at the sight of his beloved sister and the lovely lady, he had so sought to impress, clapping and smiling down at him. Internally buoyed up at the thought that he had really comported himself as a worthy knight and protector of his sister and her friend, he could not surpress a boyish grin. He promptly  held one hand to his heart and his other arm extended out, before bowing dramatically at them both in what he hoped was a gallant fashion. He was rewarded by their laughter, once again, but he was delighted to see real admiration for his swordmanship in their eyes.
Flourishing his sword in a complicated pattern before returning it to his side, he called up to the ladies.
"It appears that your champion will not be so easy to fell as feared, my sweet sister, although I hope Lady Y/N will continue to place her faith in my disarming smile and gallantry."
Gwayne rejoiced in his sister's sweet laughter at his jest and in Lady Y/N's pretty blush at his remark. He found himself hoping that he could elicit such a response from her again, his heart rate increasing as she shly looked away, even as he could see from her upturned lips that she was supressing her own laughter. Perhaps she was not so implacable to his charm as he had begun to fear.
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@liafiction @ambrosia-v-black @darknessinside11
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months
Could I just like make a request about the jojos having a darling who does literally everything to stay away. Like they come up with the dumbest excuses or do dumb stuff just to stay away
woot woot, this’ll be my first thing with Jodio hopefully I can write him correctly before doing headcanons. Sort of more of a reaction thingy but hope it satisfies, since I’m trying to get back into a groove of things.
His heart flutters hearing you stumble on excuses, he can tell you’re lying but he doesn’t mention this. Though he finds it in your best interest to have someone looking out for you, in the end. Whatever little thing you busy yourself with, he finds a way to come around. Sometimes it just happens to align with his father’s request to fetch something. Just maybe he twists things around to something you like, even if it only keeps you around for a few extra seconds.
The biggest trickster there is, it’s near impossible to try and get out of anything with Joseph. “Mmm, you already used that one” He gives you a quick wink. He knows where you hang out mostly, and can easily tell if you’re not the “ruffian” type. If you’re a bit snarky yourself, he does his best to make you slip up. Or if he’s really determined waste enough time that you don’t have to bother with that other “task” you had to do.
Blunt. To put it lightly, Yare Yare leaves his lips as soon as you stumble through an excuse. He knows how efficiently you may or may not get things done. Anything you’re usually not fond of makes him raise an eyebrow (immediate suspicion if it’s possibly just to impress some other person). It almost feels like an interrogation when he asks the sudden interest in whatever you spilled out. Forget trying to do anything dumb, fib or otherwise he’s not letting you do it. Even if you do manage to slip off and go out on your own, Jotaro is around somewhere.
Similar to Joseph he’s pretty on top of silly excuses, because he’s probably made up a thing or two himself. The best course of action for him is making up an excuse himself to get into whatever you made up on the fly. If you ask, he tells you he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Even if it’s obvious he’s lying to you, he makes it nigh impossible to leave “hey that’s what you said you were doing”.
He definitely knows the ins and outs about you, so lying won’t likely get you very far. Besides every little excuse you do make, he seems to always have a counter for. It’s almost freaky, if you don’t know how much Giorno negotiates. Though there’s times he let’s you go on the basis of a flimsy lie. Rest assured though something goes missing and it always leads back to him. Anything out of the ordinary for you is promptly taken care of, “That’s a rather interesting way to try to keep away from me” He’d tell you in a friendly tone.
Like her father she can be pretty blunt herself, even insists it’s not a great idea to stray too far. The little excuses you make are intriguing to her, but she counters with her own plans. Sometimes she’ll get you lipstick and see if you’ll wear it out later, depending on what you told her you were supposedly doing that day. Little runarounds with you keep her on her toes making sure you don’t run off. Simple things like getting you to spend extra time with her, with her own little excuses. Eventually there might be a time your handcuffed to her bed, for a day or two. “Don’t you ever get tired of making up stuff? It’d just be easier being here with me you know, I’ve got your back”
He’s rather scary when you make up something on the fly to avoid him. His blue eyes bore into your soul, unless he uses spin there’s usually nothing much he can do. As he improves however, the space between the two of you slowly shrinks. Johnny makes it certain one way or another your attention is drawn back to himself. He notes everything you do, so if you don’t “have” something he either has an extra or absolutely knows you have an item. Similar likely happens with your horses habits. If he’s determined he manages to pin you under him. He merely mumbles “Stay” at a little too close for comfort distance.
Josuke (Part 8)
He’s curious at some of the excuses you make here and there. Or hearing about things you’d usually wouldn’t do. He’s not dumb obviously, so he asks if there’s a reason you’re avoiding him. The possible roundabout answers you give, don’t really satisfy. It is cute you’re nervous about it though. He may just simply ignore some of the things you tell him to try and keep your distance. Josuke wants to see you anyway, if he can’t he might try and call just to test if you’re at a certain place. “There’s nothing that can convince me to keep away” He’d tell you at one point or another.
“Li~ar, liar~” At least this is what happens when you come up with something on the fly. Admittedly he’s busy with trying to get rich, but since he likes you on a level enough to significantly care. The things you tell him don’t quite match up. It’s not really hard to tell you’re avoiding him, he might even put that out bluntly. He’ll show up randomly when you least expect it, he might swipe something from a friend or delay a meetup somehow. “I don’t really care about whoever else you hang out with ya’ kno~w, it only should be a me and you thing”.
“Just don’t get used to thinking you can avoid me all the time”
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nayatarot777 · 2 years
how do you come across to others (first impressions)?
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pile one 🥪
cards: the world, 7 of swords, 10 of swords, 9 of coins, page of wands
people view you as someone who’s very complete within themselves and someone who’s a very well-rounded individual. people feel as though you’re one of the good people within the world who are actually genuine about their kindness and nice gestures/words to people. many people with trust issues seem to be able to trust you a little easier than others and you challenge their self-limiting beliefs. particularly their insecurities and things that they worry about regarding themselves. you restore their self esteem by picking up on certain attributes of their personality and their mindset specifically. which is something that they don’t experience often. you seem to be able to see through the bs. the bs being their ego in these first interactions. you have a very sly way of calling certain things out - mainly things that you don’t agree with and when you do, it’s backed up by logic. this seems to be a juxtaposition to what people see upon the very first instance that people meet you. from the outside, you seem to be very kind, sweet, nurturing (so people assume that you’re dumb), but if someone says something false or ignorant - morally wrong in your eyes - you have no problem in calling them out. you’re the person who says what everyone in the room wants to say but won’t say due to fear of conflict. you’re assertive in many different ways but “submissive”-seeming too. that’s why i’m feeling like many people may not trust that what you show is everything to you. there must be more submissiveness but most of all more assertiveness that you’re not showing too. and people are interested by that. obsessed by that even. a lot of you guys have to deal with people challenging you as a power play in situations. even people who you’ve never met in your life. and this is because you have a mix of feminine and masculine energy that is perfectly blended. you can’t see where it starts or where it ends. and that makes people highly intrigued but scared too. you could experience a lot of runner and chaser dynamics in your relationships - not just romantic. a lot of you may have pluto or lilith (maybe even uranus too) conjunctions to your ascendant in your birth chart - but with the planet/asteroid just before the ascendant, resting at the end of the 12th house (in the placidus house system or the whole sign house system for early-degree ascendants). this results in the blending of the 1st house and 12th house energies within your birth chart, and describes how and why you are able to be chameleon-like and switch up in situations. as well as people’s curiosity about this as a result. you guys are definitely one of a kind types of people. no matter how basic you dress or feel like you look. your energy is always going to be felt by anyone and everyone that comes into contact with you.
pile two 🍤
i’m just gonna be honest - and i want you guys to believe it because it’s basically the overall energy of this reading - people believe that you have something that most other people want to have. this is a physical thing so it could be money, physical appearance (natural beauty and a natural appearance specifically), stability within self due to self esteem, etc. this is something that is shown in the physical realm though. people don’t have to speak to you to see it. it’s either in the way that you look or your mannerisms and the way that your energy influences the way that your world looks - whatever that may mean to you. You seem to be someone who is extremely emotionally fulfilled by small things throughout a conversation or throughout your day. small things seem to bring you genuine happiness. your energy feels rich and heavy - but comfortable to be in. i’m picking up on taurus energy with this pile. or you could have a second house stellium in your birth chart. it’s assumed that the type of happiness and confidence that you portray could only manifest in someone who has achieved a lot. therefore you’re seen as someone of value. “high value”. people can just look at you and know that something about you or your personality or mind is “rich”. and i’m not specifically talking monetary (although it could be). i’m seeing richness in terms of the quality of something. like rich-tasting chocolate or cake 😭. people see you as a whole snack, pile 2. i heard that people want to figuratively “sink their teeth” into your energy. that sounds creepyyyy. i’m not feeling creep energy from this (although you could experience that often too 🙃) but for the non-creepy people, they think about you in a “deep” way. they want to get to know you deeply before they even talk to you a lot of the time, so they think about you a lot. more than they usually would about someone. again, i’m feeling obsessive energy, and a lot of these people don’t even know why they feel this way. your natural appearance and natural beauty could draw people into you. even people who wouldn’t usually consider you their type. you got people thinking that you’re their soulmate and i’m picking up on Pisces energy from that heavily. dark energy in general tbh - all of the water signs, houses, and planets in astrology, so these could be significant in your chart. damn, pile 2. 😂
pile three 🍿
cards: fragmentation, fated to suffer, perchance to dream, addicted, bride in a cage
significant numbers: 27, 25, 28, 11, 21
hi, pile three. welcome to your reading :)
for some reason, i was told to use oracle cards for your pile (one of the darker oracle decks that i have).
i’m feeling like people view you as someone who has been through a lot, especially upon first impressions. you seem to obviously be struggling with something and that observation evokes different intentions out of people. some people view you as someone who they want to help and attempt to save, and the more ill-intentioned people view you as someone who’s easily lead astray and gullible. i heard “confusion” so you might look naive and always lost. there are many different sides to you - you have a dreamy temperament mixed with depressed? you just don’t seem very happy as a person, but even so there are childlike qualities that shine through in your conversations with people or your reactions to things. with how you perceive things and view the world. as well as how you communicate? something about your voice or the way that you speak is very childlike and endearing. your beauty also stands out to people but there’s a guardedness surrounding you. like you’re “off limits” to the people who are attracted to you. people view you as a prize of some sort, but a prize that they can’t have. the childlike aspects of your personality let’s people see into your kind nature a little bit, but it seems like you’re someone who prefers to always be alone and maintain a distance between you and others. others feel as though it’s basically impossible to get to you. unattainability is a huge aspect of what people think of you when they first meet you, so i’m assuming that many of you are pisces/neptune/12th house dominant people. there’s also an energy of addiction here, and i’m getting two different messages about this. either 1) people get addicted to your energy or 2) people seem to be able to pick up on an addiction that you have. particularly a drinking addiction for many of you. others of you have an addiction to keeping other people at bay, not letting anyone get close to you. throughout this whole reading, i’m seeing a lack of confidence. people are confused about what your insecurities are. your insecurities aren’t obvious to others but your low self esteem is. nobody can really tell what you have to be insecure about. which is why they can tell that you’ve experienced a lot of hardship. you seem to always be sleepy or tired. just out of it in some way as you go around your daily life. again, like a child. and it’s quite endearing, even after people realise that you’re someone who zones out a lot and has a lot on your mind. you’re put on a pedestal by other people, which is odd because a lot of people view you as very quiet and reserved. maybe a lot of you barely speak, but your energy speaks for itself. you’re seen as someone who’s clearly going through a lot or someone who has been through a lot, yet you still manage to stay very connected to your inner child. and for that, many people view you as someone who they want to help, nurture, and put back together. but again, there are others who want to take advantage of who they see. i feel like you guys do a good job of defending yourself from those types of people, but please stay safe.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
I’m so intrigued….do you think chrollo could ever be taught from his darling how to love in a “healthy”/“normal way? Like could he learn to change? And also do you ever see him as growing tired of his darling and leaving her after a while?
in a normal relationship with chrollo, you might actually be able to sand away at the edges of his more unhealthy tendencies... even if he isn't yandere, he'd still be doing some questionable things without your knowledge. after being with you romantically for a while, he'd fight the impulses better. unless you leave your journal out in the open. that's an opportunity too tempting to resist.
this progress isn't so much his way of settling down and becoming an upstanding citizen, either. you've gone from being the cute person at a café reading a translation of a novel he's itching to tell you doesn't do the original work justice, to someone he can't ever see himself being without. even then he still isn't normal when it comes to you. his loyalty, once earned, is intense. if your boss ever passes you up for a promotion he's stealing their car and leaving it at a harrowing crime scene. he considers that an act of mercy, compared to what else he's capable of.
yandere chrollo, though. hm. you can try setting up your 'how to love normally' academy. he'll attend your lectures, do the reading, submit his assignments on time... but the material isn't applied how you hoped. he isn't going to have a miraculous change of heart. no, he'll apply what he's learned on a superficial level. you've essentially handed him a wealth of knowledge for him to use to his advantage. he's no stranger to deception — if you want him to change his behavior, he'll give you the impression that he has. he's game for almost anything, so long as it doesn't involve you going out and about by yourself.
as for him getting tired of you, it isn't going to happen. his devotion is an iron chain there's no freeing yourself from. he derives too much enjoyment from your interactions and just you in general to ever give it up. he's very much a 'til death do us part' type.
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trashytoastboi · 3 months
Hi Toast :) — Dialing 📞 ☎️ for Sugar Daddy Lucifer please <3 It can be either HCs or scenario! I’m totally okay with either and preferably with She/Her pronouns 🎀 I’ll be waiting if you choose to do this :3
Hi bean! Thank youuu- This was an amazing request to wake up to! I went for headcanons because I felt I could include a bit more of how I see Sugar Daddy Lucifer, also I wrote with female reader in mind but since no pronouns were mentioned it works for gender neutral as well.
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3K Permanent Event! Dial A...
Sugar Daddy! Lucifer x Reader
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🎶 You had doubts the first time you decided to use this mystery service. An ad popped up for it while you were scrolling through Devilgram. You saw their list of services and some even sounded intriguing. You genuinely didn’t expect someone to answer. There on the other end; was the operator who easily led you through the prompts, and even the listings of people they had. You ended up choosing Lucifer. Honestly you went into this thinking it was going to be a joke, so when he showed up for your date you were surprised. 
🎶 Lucifer’s first impression was a great one. He is courteous, gentlemanly, polite, charming and easily carried the conversation when you stuttered from being overly shy during your first meeting. He waited until you got a little more comfortable before discussing things like your allowance that he’d be giving you. You honestly thought the sugar daddy thing was a joke- it was not. When Lucifer told you the amount he’d be giving you every week you genuinely had to ask if he made a mistake in adding an extra 0 at the end.  
🎶 As if the weekly allowance wasn’t enough he often surprised you with gifts, ranging from expensive things, to paying for your meals or sweet treats whenever you had a craving and telling you to spoil yourself- at his expense and he felt a surge of pride whenever you did. Lucifer often told you he has so much money that he doubts he could spend it all and so even if you wanted expensive things, it barely put a dent in his finances. 
🎶 You’d see him quite often, one thing you could call a condition, which wasn’t at all bad. Lucifer wanted you to go on a date with him, once a week and more if both your schedules would allow. He’d like to take you out to whatever restaurant you wanted to try, sometimes he’d be in the mood to go watch an opera if there was one performing at the theater. Sometimes he’d invite you for something quieter, just the two of you and he’d be the one to make dinner and say it’s to spoil you (He’s very much a softie for his sugar baby and wants to provide in any and every way.) 
🎶 Without fail every time you saw Lucifer he had a new gift for you. He knew your tastes perfectly, sometimes he’d buy you something that he felt you’d look absolutely gorgeous in, other times it was something that you’d been looking at. He truly pays attention to everything you like and encourages you to talk about yourself more. He loves seeing how you light up when talking about the things you like. 
🎶 Lucifer is the avatar of pride, and he takes pride in being able to give you everything beyond your wildest dreams. He wants you to always feel and look your best. Hell, half the time it’s something silly and you’d tell him that you don’t need it but he’d always follow up with the question “Do you want it?” It started with an allowance then evolved into Lucifer telling you he’d handle all your living expenses, after all the money he gives you as an allowance should be for you and the things you want. 
🎶 One thing you came to learn later on in the relationship is that Lucifer is a very affectionate and sensual man (demon). He enjoys your affection, he doesn’t outright ask for it and more hints towards wanting you to initiate it. If you’re the one who holds his hand first or kisses him first, he can feel himself falling deeper and deeper for you. It’s interesting he didn’t realize how lovely you’d be and thought it would be a casual relationship not knowing that the longer he knew you, the more in love he fell. 
🎶 He intentionally made more time for you, working a little harder to clear up time so he could have two dates with you a week instead of one. If he really wasn’t able to get away he’d enjoy just hearing your voice, sometimes when he’s working he’d call you just to hear your voice. Lucifer loves being able to hear you talk about your day, something you did or saw today. It makes him happy. 
🎶 He raised a problem. An issue you’d never think you’d hear someone bring up as an issue but here you are. With Lucifer, who sincerely hopes and pleads that you’d spend more of his money. You’re smart and you don’t squander it, he can appreciate that but he’s asking you to just buy whatever you want without considering the price tag. There’s been too many incidents when he takes you shopping and you shy away from something after seeing the price. (He buys it for you anyway) 
🎶 Out of all your previous partners, Lucifer is the most confident and self assured. Lucifer also taught you that someone can genuinely be confident without being conceited or arrogant. He knows what he wants and it’s attractive to you who really has never seen those qualities in the people you’d previously dated. Maybe that was the appeal of an older man after all.
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everythingmp3 · 5 months
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𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲
𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
after one too many weeks of Tess refusing to give into her feelings for you, you decide to stop flirting with her and turn to a less noble strategy: dating someone else to make her jealous. you know playing with Tess like that is risky, considering her temper, but you simply can´t help yourself. so, eventually, things are bound to take a turn.
warnings: minors dni! strap use (bottom!reader), light edging, light overstim, oral (reader receiving), slight infidelity
author´s note: this is my take on Tess’s meaner side but the vibe shifts a lot halfway through! definitely more smut in this than my others for her, I truly just wrote this for fun, so no discussion of any personal issues this time, just two desperate fools <3 also as always: I’m not aiming to be super faithful to the source material. hope u enjoy!
wordcount: 8.5k
the way you´d come to work with Tess was a rather funny story looking back. 
for the longest time both her and Joel refused to trust anyone but each other, they were stubborn about it, but as they got older they had to admit to themselves that it really wouldn't hurt to have a few allies, especially when it came to physically demanding work, since they weren´t 25 anymore. they slowly figured out who they should recruit, mostly looking for younger people who were either very fit, very clever or ideally both, so after a while they managed to assemble a group of around 6 people whom they knew they could always rely on. as someone who had grown up in the QZ you knew about the smuggling business, even had friends who were involved in it, but you never seriously considered it for yourself until the day you and Tess met for the first time.
Tess had always been vaguely aware of you, the way she was vaguely aware of anyone living near them, and one day she happened to stand right out of earshot when a few FEDRA guys cornered and questioned you about why they´d seen you loitering around suspicious areas multiple times, who you were working for, what you were hiding. without missing a beat you started lying through your teeth, making up some utter bullshit, Tess knew enough about you to know you were bluffing, but you did it so convincingly and with such charm that they let you go after five minutes. it was pretty impressive to Tess as she listened to it all, pretending to mind her business, the way you weren´t overdoing it but playing into their need for authority so well that she swore she could see one of them blushing as they walked off. this one. we need her. she thought. it would be priceless to have someone who wouldn´t crack under pressure, who could talk their way out of risky situations, who could, for a lack of a better term, manipulate people. the second they were gone she approached you, leading with a compliment, so at first you thought she might be flirting and got all excited, considering how rare it was to talk to encounter someone who was so your type, but when you realized that she was offering you work, the giddiness died down a little. still, it intrigued you enough to agree, because what else was there to do with your life really.
the process of getting integrated into their group was easier than you expected, a few weeks into proving yourself as reliable it became clear as day that you were their best negotiator, their secret weapon when it came to talking your way out of trouble, or talking your way into acquiring information they otherwise wouldn´t have gotten; your charisma was lethal, your way with words was impressive and hardly anyone was immune to it, so a good amount of times Tess and Joel had taken you along with them to help when beating information out of someone hadn´t worked, when smarter tactics were needed. 
the one thing that was hard about the job had nothing to do with what you were actually doing; the violence, the bloodshed, the lack of guilt and shame you needed to have, none of it bothered you, none of it shook you, but one thing messed with you from the start: your insane pull towards Tess. perhaps part of the reason you´d even said yes to her offer in the first place was to get closer to her, to be around her, perhaps it would´ve taken more convincing for someone else, but when she talked to you that day and her deep smooth voice made your face feel hot for a second, you knew before she´d finished her proposal that you´d say yes. 
the first few weeks you tried to gauge the vibe, wondering if there might be a chance she found you attractive too, but you quickly came to realize just how ice-cold her facade was. nobody ever had a good read on her true feelings, except maybe Joel and even he seemed at a loss at times, there was no way of knowing for sure whether you had a chance, so you decided to start dropping hints: lingering around her even when you could´ve stood further away, looking at her more intensely when you listened to her talk, moving your body differently when she was near, showing off certain assets, “coincidently” playing with your hair or licking your lips when you could feel her eyes on you, touching her arm for emphasis when you were telling her story. at first, you thought she was actually uninterested, but after a while you´d caught her looking one too many times to believe that you were reading into things, Tess was subtle but not subtle enough. something told you that she was bluffing, that she was denying her attraction for some reason, you could practically see her restraining herself whenever you flirted with her and it only made you want her more, to know that she did feel something but was hiding it from you. 
what you didn´t know was that it had only taken a few days of knowing you for Tess to feel panicked by her sudden attraction to you. at first it was easy for her to ignore it, but once you started pursuing her she felt herself getting nervous, which made her try to shut down whatever it was that you made her feel because she knew how fucked she´d be if she let some girl she´d have to see on the regular get under her skin like that. Tess grew stubborn, she had too much pride to let you feel like you had the power to get her to give into her urges, so instead of taking your flirting as an invitation to just go for it and have fun, she tried her hardest to let you believe you had no effect on her, unwilling to be the weaker one in a dynamic. someone else would have just delighted in being so aggressively hit on by someone they were so into but she was different, she couldn´t just go with the flow and be normal about desire, and she´d come to regret this, hard. after a few months of unsuccessfully trying to get her to give in, you changed strategies. you had a feeling that jealousy might be a weak spot for her, so you were going to test that theory and do it well. 
there was a girl in your group who obviously had a thing for you, you´d never considered it because she wasn´t really your type, but she was still pretty and good company so one day you thought fuck it, let´s see how good her poker face holds up once she sees someone else claming me right in front of her eyes. 
so, one day you and the others, including Tess, were sitting around planning something and the girl you´d started seeing rested her hand on your thigh, caressed you a little as she listened to Joel and a few others talk, and you caught the brief second of shock on Tess face as she saw it, quickly followed by a flicker of something like rage, I knew it, you thought. the good thing was that the girl was very heavy on physical affection, so she kept touching you and nobody gave much of a fuck but Tess was dying on the inside. you were absolutely shameless about it because while the girl kept showering you in affection you kept giving Tess stares, the kind that made it obvious you were messing with her, challenging her, and she couldn´t believe it, your audacity, but then again, wasn´t that what she´d recruited you for, your effect on people? she hadn´t considered that she might find herself on the receiving end of it. 
the following week you kept doing it every time you were all in a room together, and it was driving Tess increasingly insane, seeing a girl holding your hand, kissing your cheek, rubbing your back absentmindedly, while you kept staring at her, getting a twisted kind of pleasure out of watching her struggle more and more with denying her needs. she´d rarely felt rage like that, so hot and visceral she caught herself being unnecessarily aggressive with other people who just thought jesus, what´s up with her these days. she felt a sense of possessiveness over you that was of course unwarranted, since she´d rejected your advances and of course she knew that you were probably dating people, but actually being confronted with it was a whole different thing, seeing you being touched by someone like that was forcing her to admit that she wanted to be in the girl´s place, and even worse, could have already been if she had just given into your pursuit.
one night as you were all leaving after a brief meet up to plan a mission for the following day, Tess was leaning against the wall of the building smoking as you said goodbye to the girl, really playing it up because she was near, kissing her longer than you usually would, pulling her in tighter, before she walked down the street in the opposite direction of where you had to go home. 
Tess thought okay, if you wanna fuck around with me, two can play that game. as you were about to pass by her she grinned in a way that made it look like she was laughing to herself about you, so you stopped, staring at her, “can I help you?”, not masking your annoyance well. she kept that cocky expression on her face as she flicked her cigarette away and crossed her arms, eyeing you, you hated how hot it looked, her leaning back like that, her hair falling down her shoulders, her eyes piercing even though it was dark, “oh nothing..” she said, which of course only made you press the issue, “no, go on, what´s so funny, enlighten me”, she spoke in a lower tone then, “well. you might wanna dump that girlfriend of yours”, she wasn´t your girlfriend but you didn´t correct her, couldn´t hurt to let her believe it, “huh??”, you were confused, genuinely.
the moment she saw your puzzled expression her body changed the way it usually did before throwing a really good punch or hitting a target perfectly, she knew she´d get you good with what she was about to say, she had you right where she wanted you, “well. she´s clearly not giving it to you right. otherwise you wouldn´t be staring at me all day”. 
your face froze up, your whole being for that matter, it took a good few seconds for words to return to you, you were in utter disbelief. “I´m sorry, what the fuck did you just say to me?”, she loved it, finally seeing you crumble for once, having the upper hand, “you heard me.” she said, very satisfied with herself, still staring you down, unyielding, her stance solid and unmoving, her strong arms pronounced by the shirt she was wearing, you tried your hardest not to look, not there, not at her neck or her lips, there was hardly a part of her that was safe to look at, so you grew angry, “yeah I really wish I hadn´t, Theresa.” drawing the last word out. 
a low blow from you, everyone knew she despised her full name. seeing her flinch a little at its sound was a momentary win, a hint of power in your hands, “careful. and I didn´t hear you denying it yet”, you shifted your stance to look more secure then, regaining your wits a little, “yeah I don´t owe you a justification of my fucking sex life as far as I´m aware. also you´re being pretty inappropriate”, that got her pissed too then, “oh that´s rich coming from you, I´m not the one who keeps eye fucking their superior”, you scoffed then, “superior? really?”, “yes. really.”, technically you knew she was right, it was only fair that those with decades of experience called the shots, still, you knew she used the word in that moment to assert a different kind of dominance, one that had little to do with your work. again, you´d failed to deny her accusation but you were eager to just get the fuck out of there with your dignity somewhat in tact still, you knew she was clever and hadn´t said anything that was too far off from the truth, “what do you want from me Tess? what business of yours is it what I do or who I date?”, a last attempt to push back, tired and riled up by all your unresolved feelings for her, the anger over having been ignored by her for so long and only now getting her attention by playing some mind game that got her to be mean to you, also anger over being turned on by it.
“well if you keep pulling me into your dissatisfaction with her it is kind of.. “my business””, her fingers making air quotes for the last part of the sentence, mocking you in a way, and her calm air as she said it was only pissing you off more, she was enjoying it, having a point, sensing that she was getting to you, “you sound insane you know that right? maybe take a downer or something” you hissed and she was getting fed up, her smile dropped,“okay here´s the deal sweetie. you quit your obnoxious starring act and we´re good. otherwise I won´t play nice anymore” you looked at her, questioning, “this is you playing “nice”?..”, she nodded, “is that a threat I´m hearing?” you inquired, “no. just a very clear instruction of what you should do. so, now go home and try to dream about your girlfriend instead of me” she waved for you to move past her, that fucking grin on her face again, you went to leave, uttering “bitch..” as you were a few feet away from her, but still close enough for her to hear, “say that to my face next time and see what happens”, loud and clear enough for you to hear, somehow not inspiring fear in you, but intrigue, which didn´t help with calming down at all. 
you´d been so wrapped up in trying to defend yourself against her sudden attack that it only dawned on you after that that way of talking to you had also been an admission on her part. you knew her, you knew she wouldn´t have bothered to mess with someone like that if she truly didn´t care about them. it only solidified your belief that there was something there, something thrilling, the air between two people isn´t that charged for no reason. nobody had ever had that physical of an effect on you and you were starved for passion, you were starved for so many things, and she made you sick with a hunger that would only loosen its grip on your insides once you´d get a taste of her. usually people saw you as sweet, as easy to get along with, but she forced something out of you that was darker, and for some reason, despite the rage, you liked it and had a sneaking suspicion she did too. you could have taken her warning as a sign to finally back off and give up, you could have stopped your games and let it go, but of course, you couldn´t. something told you that you were very close to getting what you wanted, if you were willing to take the risk of finally pushing her towards a breaking point. needless to say: you were. 
your work as smugglers, or whatever the hell your own job title was, was often divided within the group, Tess and Joel mostly took care of bigger plans that required multiple days of serious mapping out and careful consideration, often with a few other brainy types to figure out the details, you and a few younger people often did smaller dirty work that required you to be quick on your feet, finding people who´d screwed you over on deals, intimidation tactics, smaller drug deals, so meeting up as a group only happened semi regularly, but about a week and a half after your little stand off with Tess you found yourself in a room with almost all of the others again. that day you told yourself: okay. one last try. if she doesn´t bite now, I´m done. 
part of the agenda that day was you teaching some of the other ones a thing or two about run ins with law enforcement because a few of them had come back bruised and battered from a mission and you were the one person who always without a doubt came back unscathed. it was convenient for you to have to do a lot of talking that day, because it was forcing Tess to pay attention to you, to listen to your voice, to watch you be charming with the others who took in your instructions, a glimmer of admiration in their eyes, and Tess fucking hated all of it, that she felt the same way watching you, convinced you were moving certain ways on purpose when you stood with your back turned to her. that alone was fine, she could manage, but by the time it was someone else´s turn to talk, you´d made your way back to where your “girlfriend” was standing only a few feet away from Tess. you thought perfect and went in for a kiss, but this time you kept your eyes open, looking over her shoulder to stare at Tess as you kissed the girl and you knew in that moment you´d done about the most shameless thing you could think of and for a moment Tess looked like she might actually drag you off and beat you up for it, a darkness in her eyes that would´ve scared you if it hadn´t turned on you on as much as it did, you swore you could see her clenching her teeth. 
about fifteen minutes later you were all ready to leave, your date was in a hurry, she had somewhere to be so you said goodbye and watched everyone including her clear out first before you made your way to the door, for a second fully forgetting about Tess because you were lost in thought, but just as you were about to exit the door you almost ran face first into her because she´d been watching you make your way there and swooped in the last second to block your way, her arm functioning as a barrier.“and where the fuck do you think you´re going?”, she said, her voice sharp, angry, emphasis on the “fuck”. 
“what??” you uttered, still recovering from being ripped out of your thoughts that violently, stumbling back a step, “what?” she mocked, imitating your tone, “you have some fucking nerve. wasn´t it enough to be a bitch to you when I told you to back off? do you need me to hurt you to finally get it? is that what you want?”. “maybe” you shot back as you felt the words hitting you right at your core, the threat of violence drawing your eyes to where her fingers were gripping the doorframe, the sudden thought it wouldn´t be the worst thing in the world to be roughed up by those. you realized you´d done the exact right things to get her to break but you were done playing games, you were done acting like you had no idea what she was talking about, you were tired of pretending; it was time to put all your cards on the table, the game was over. 
you stared into her sou as you said, “you´re really fucking predictable, you know that right?” which was not what she expected to hear, her eyes narrowed then, “excuse me?”, you went on, throwing your hands in the air and looking around as if someone was there whom you could turn to and ask “can you believe this woman?”.
“Jesus fucking Christ Tess, for months I threw myself at you and got nothing in return and then the second I try to make you jealous you´re giving me the time of day, talking to me, paying attention. I was so sure that it would be the only way to get to you and well…” you gestured at her face, the intense expression,“clearly I was right.” a touch of cockiness to that last phrase. she nodded, slowly, thinking, “so you used that girl to get to me, is that it? that´s pretty fucked up of you, you know that right?”, she said it as if she was judging you but there was a clear hint of admiration at the core, Tess was impressed by your cold way of going about things, all to be alone with her.
you shrugged, “sure, yes, I know” she shook her head muttering “you really are something else..”, eyeing you up and down, still a little riled up but also thinking about the fact that you had actually done all that not to just fuck with her but to try and get her to give into her pull towards you. to her it had seemed like you just wanted to rub it in her face, that you´d moved onto someone else, but it was dawning on her that you still wanted her, that you had been trying to get with her all along. a moment of charged silence followed, you trying to understand what she was thinking before she shifted her stance, dropped her arms and looked over her shoulder onto the street, “alright. follow me” she ordered, a questioning look on your face, “what are we-”, she shushed you as she started walking and motioned for you to do the same “just shut up and come”. 
as you walked a few feet behind her, down the dark street that still smelled faintly of rain and wet asphalt, you had a brief second of wondering whether she was taking you to her place or just leading you to a back alley to beat you up, and truthfully you wouldn´t have minded either option. Tess didn´t bother to turn around one single time the entire way, counting on the fact that you were behind her, cocky bitch you thought, you could have walked off in another direction without her even noticing at any second but of course you wouldn´t and of course she knew, so after about five minutes she opened the door of a five story building and didn´t bother to hold the door open, trusting you´d rush in fast enough, still not looking at you, “wow thank you” you uttered under your breath as you caught the heavy door mid closing and tried to keep up with her. 
by the time you found yourself in her apartment you were out of breath and leaned against the wall in the hallway while she turned around to face your for the first time since you´d left the place you were at before, the apartment was only lit by the orange streetlights outside but you saw enough, her hair that had gotten effortlessly wavy from the humid air, the way her shirt sleeves were pushed up to her elbows, something about her arms always got you, so forced yourself to look back at her face, but she´d clocked it, your admiration for her physique, so she stepped closer to you, only stopping when she was about an arm´s length away, your already fast heartbeat not slowing down at all, your cheeks burning. 
for a moment neither of you spoke because you were just sizing each other up, feeling out the vibe, waiting if the other was gonna do or say something. the reality of the situation had come to her: after all those weeks of agonizing over you she had you in her space, you were alone, nothing in the way anymore, and the freedom was almost too much to process for a second, eventually Tess spoke up as she slowly shook her head, taking in the painfully beautiful sight of you, the hint of a smile that you couldn´t suppress, “what am I gonna do with you, hm?” she thought out loud, her voice barely above a whisper, you tilted your head, speaking slowly, putting weight into each word, “you can do whatever you want.”, getting her right in her weakest spot, of course you´d figured out that bending to her will was the one thing that would make you irresistible to her, and watching her face change as the words settled was perfect, she looked like she was blacking out.
Tess realized in that moment why you had gotten under her skin as intensely as you had, why you´d taken up her whole mind and made her blood boil so many times, why her usual stoic facade crumbled around you. it was not like she´d never been pursued by other girls, of course she had, and at times she enjoyed the attention, played into it and had some fun, usually they were easily intimidated by her, tripping over their words if she looked at them long enough, blushing cheeks and wide eyes, but never you, from the very start you talked to her with confidence, unshaken by her aura, you never grew nervous when she looked at you, because you enjoyed it too much, holding eye contact as long as she wanted without breaking it, without surrendering. 
the whole thing of someone twirling their hair and blushing over her had its appeal, sure, but the joy Tess got out of it was very superficial and short-lived, it never really affected her on a deep visceral level because it was so predictable each time, it was almost like following a script, and then you came and showed her what it meant to face an equal, to be caught off guard, the unmatched pleasure it could lead to if she could abandon her pride and let herself be truly moved by someone for once. 
Tess had to admit that what she had going on with you was more thrilling than any other connection she´d ever had before, to see you and to know that you were clever enough to figure her out even when she gave you so little to work with, your ability to do and say exactly the right things to get her worked up, to raise her temperature just with a glance, it was so unlike anything she´d ever experienced that the initial shock made her back away from you, made her try to pretend she wasn´t fully in awe of you, but in that moment it was clear to her: I´ve never wanted anyone the way I want this girl. she sees me for who I am and shes´s not scared of what she sees. we´re the same kind of intense. 
Tess was suddenly devoid of any previous resentment, it all came to her in that moment, just how rare of a thing it was that you´d pursued her for months and months without success and had still not given up, not backed down. for the first time she saw that it wasn´t just some viscous game of yours, it was a deep commitment of time and energy to getting what you wanted and it was a strength she admired, that turned her on. those words you´d used whatever you want, had activated something in her, there was no going back anymore, she saw what she needed to do clearly then. 
she moved even closer to you, close enough for your knees to almost touch, reaching out to mess with the collar of your shirt a little as she said “whatever I want hm?”, you nodded, your eyes wide and expectant, your demeanor suddenly completely different, none of the usual toughness was there anymore, it melted away the second you felt her fingers over your clothing and she could tell, finally you were at her mercy. so without warning she grabbed you by the shoulders and flipped you around, pushing you up against the wall, making you brace yourself with your palms flat against the hard surface, hers placed directly next to them, trapping you, her body pressing against yours, not very gently and you barely had time to shut your mouth to conceal the sound that it got out of your throat, to be manhandled like that by her. your breath was heavy by that point, the feeling of her hips pressing into your lower back, feeling her weight like that made you dizzy with want, it was the closest you´d ever been to Tess, the first time you could properly smell inhale her scent, she leaned in close to your ear, her hot breath sending shivers down your spine as she spoke again, “you´ve imagined this many times, haven´t you?”. 
a nod was all you could give her, words weren´t coming, your mind was blank with need, you were all body in that moment “hm, bet you jerked off thinking about me and felt unsatisfied after, wishing I was actually there, wishing I was between your legs” spot on, you´d spent many nights trying to get off to your image of her but never really did, not in a way that satisfied you, another confessional nod from you as a response, she could feel you struggling under her and she loved it, “poor thing” she whispered before removing her hands from the wall and grabbing your tits, wrapping her strong arms around your torso, the grip immediately forceful enough to get a whimper out of you followed by a breathy, “fuck..” you were scared of actually losing your mind if the action while still being fully dressed was already getting you that soaked, you could feel the heat growing between your legs, spreading through your whole body as her fingers squeezed the sensitive skin of your chest, feeling you up aggressively without shame. “let´s get you out of these already” she said as she spun you around again, your face flushed, your lips parted, the first glimpse of what she could do to you and she was hungry for more, much more. 
Tess briefly pushed a few loose strands of hair out of your face before pulling your shirt over your head in one swift motion. you weren´t wearing a bra so you were left topless immediately and the sight left her speechless for a moment, her motions stopped and she just stood there marveling at your body, none of the clothes you usually wore gave much away about what was hiding beneath them, so being confronted with your bare figure seemed like a dream at first, none of her fantasies of you had prepared her for the real thing, “god..” she sighed, her eyes roaming your upper body, the curve of your neck and where it went down to, and her lustful gaze was too much for you, you couldn´t wait longer, so you grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss, not a pretty one, but one that made it crystal clear just how much pent up tension you were both dying to release; it was sloppy and hard, a kiss that bordered on violence, hands grabbing at each other frantically, almost biting each other with how eager you were, the soft warmth of the other person´s lips driving you both crazy with wanting more, so very quickly you were open mouthed kissing and groaning at the feeling of your tongues meeting, your fingers in her hair while she grabbed your face, the rough fabric of her shirt brushing your bare chest as you tried to get as close as possible to her.
the second you separated to breathe you used the opportunity to move down to her neck, placing a few kisses down the side of her throat before getting carried away and running your tongue over her skin, you were dying to taste her and she was completely taken off guard by it, usually people were passive with her sexually, but in that moment she realized just how much it turned her on to be desired that openly, to be devoured in a way, she let you have your way for a moment, holding onto your back as you left her neck in red splotches where you´d sucked the skin, before she grew too eager and peeled you off, grabbing your hand as she said “come” and pulled you towards her bedroom.
once you were in her room you didn´t register a single detail about it, not the color of the walls, not the furniture, nothing, because you were so lost in the physical sensations that left you vibrating with anticipation for more, you could barely walk straight as she said “take those off for me” pointing to your pants, which you gladly got rid off, leaving you in your underwear as you approached her bed and saw her walking to the other side of the room, which made you realized that wasn´t just gonna use her hands on you and for the first time that night you felt nervous. you could count on one hand the amount of times you´d let someone strap you and the last time had been a while back so you were worried for a second about how you´d handle yourself, someone less perceptive might not have noticed it but the moment Tess walked over to where you were sitting on the bed waiting for her she saw that something in your face had changed, she gave you a look that said, “what is it?”, so you admitted, “it´s just.. it´s been a while since i´ve done it this way”, in that moment it hit her that the image she had of you as this ruthless seductress was only the surface, that below that you were still just a young woman who probably didn´t have that much experience yet, it softened her a little, especially combined with the sight of you all exposed save for your panties, looking all angelic for her, your thighs driving her crazy with the need to just get between them, she nodded, a slight grin as she responded “well, you´re a tough girl. I know you can take it”. and for some reason that was much hotter to you than if she´d have babied or underestimated you.
you were in the middle of her bed, she was by the edge and waved you over “come”, you obeyed, crawling to her, waiting for further instructions, “why don´t you get it nice ´n wet for me hm, that should help”, she said, holding out her hand right under your face, you realized she was asking you to spit in it, so you did, letting salvia drip from between your lips into her open palm, drawing it out a little to make it filthy, and you knew she loved it, seeing you take her orders well, “hmm, good girl” she uttered as she used your spit to lubricate the strap, licking the residue off her hand after, the sight getting your already drenched underwear even wetter. the moment she was done with that her aggressive side returned, she told you to take off the last piece of fabric, which you did, before she climbed over you, watching your face intently as she got settled and teased your cunt for a moment by lightly running her fingers over the wetness that had collected there, a groan from her as she felt the proof of your lust slick against her hand, the moment she touched you there you let out a pretty deseprate moan and she thought oh. this is gonna be fun.
it was clear to her then that you were the needy kind and nothing drove her wilder than a girl who´d lose her composure for her entirely, so without wasting time she guided the tip to your entrance, a wince from you as she slowly pushed herself into you, carefully, her hands moving up to pin yours down next to your head as she saw your face twisting from the sensation of being stretched out, a slight pain that would subside soon,“you´re fine, breathe, deep breaths” she cooed down at you as she pushed herself fully into you “fuck..”, you sighed, wrapping your legs around her waist instinctively, your eyes shut, she was staring down at you, “no, come on look at me” she ordered, wanting to see your expression so you held eye contact as she started slowly moving in and out of you, building up a rhythm, your walls clenching around the silicone, the feeling of your hands being restrained by hers adding to the rapidly increasing heat in you, she quickly started going at it with deep but slow thrusts, the kind that drove you more insane than fast fucking, the intenstiy of it immediately getting more moans out of you, she leaned down as her hips kept meeting yours, whispering, “this is what you wanted all along hm, being taken by me?” you whined in response, your legs tightening around her, “yes- fuck this feels so good” you got out in a shaky tone  as she kept really driving herself into you as deeply you as possible, not necessarily punishing but determined, forcing more and more pathetic sounds out of you.
the sight of your open mouth, your tongue, was too inviting, so she removed one of her hands from yours and pushed her index and middle finger in, which you immediately closed your lips around, sucking on them, the stifled sounds almost more perverse than the previous loud ones, she got more forceful then as she view of your eyes closed in pleasure with your pretty mouth filled by her digits almost drover her insane, and it turned you on too, not just the sensation of being entered in two ways at once, of feeling your walls throbbing as she kept fucking into you with hard strokes, but also because you knew you looked good, you could tell that you were her fantasy come to life from the way her breath sounded as you sucked her fingers, all messed up and clearly matching you in desperation, “god you were made to be fucked, look at you” she breathed, while getting up from where she was hovering over you to get on her knees to push your legs apart, pressing them towards your chest to really fuck you as deeply as possible, bracing herself against one of your legs as she increased her speed then, making you see stars.
“Tess fuck, unhgg-” you begged as her hands gripped your legs and forced you open for her, your head pushed back into the pillow, your back arching up, “you’re doing so well, so pretty like this” she encouraged as she got you to unravel, your hands frantically grabbing the sheets as you tried to somehow remain conscious as you felt your insides twisting up and your climax approaching, which she could sense, but she wasn´t gonna let you cum just yet, so after a few more moments of savoring the sight of you all fucked out on your back, squirming and holding on as she had her way with you, she stopped, pulling out for a moment, an immediate desperate whine from you, “ugh fuck Tess.. I was close-” you sounded like you might actually cry and she might have felt bad if she wasn´t so into it, seeing you like that, an utter mess for her, “I know sweetheart but I´m not just gonna let you lay there, gotta see that perfect body of yours move” she answered, peppering in some genuine praise that did make the shameless edging hurt a little less, she moved to the other end of the bed and gently slapped your thigh to signal to you to get up, “come on, get on top of me pretty girl” she took satisfaction out of seeing you struggle and shake a bit as you got up on all fours and climbed over to her, weak from her impact, placing your knees on either side of her thighs as you tried to lower yourself and she grabbed your hips to guide you, “nice and slow okay”, she instructed, not wanting you to hurt yourself, her grip securing you as you used one hand to guide the strap back into yourself, your soaked cunt practically begging for it, a pornographic moan from you as you sat down on it and felt yourself full again, “good girl” she cooed, watching your face change again, that intoxicating look of yours, so needy and overwhelmed, “just like that” her hands still on your hips, not letting go.
you faced her then, your eyes glazed over with pure need, an endearing sight to her, she locked eyes with you as you slowly rocked your hips back and forth, but she could tell you were holding back a little, so she said, “come on don´t be shy now, fuck yourself for me, as hard as you want”, her hands on your waist then as you stared back into her eyes and braced yourself on her chest as you moved back and forth with more feeling, more force, moaning each time you could feel the tip hitting that sweet spot, trying hard to find an angle of where it would be hit over and over, “that´s it, ” Tess praised as she got high on of the image of you riding her, using her, losing yourself in the feeling of being full of her, “god nobodys ever looked this good taking me, fuckin´divine..” she sighed before she got you to sit more upright on her so she could lean forward and suck on your tits as you rode her, the sight of your chest bouncing up and down from the rhythm of your fucking too enticing to just watch, your hands on her neck then as she ran her tongue over your nipple and sucked on it hard enough to turn your sighing into broken up cries, “fuck - don´t stop” you mumbled as you felt her switching between licking and sucking the soft skin, her teeth digging in at one point, a sharp pain that felt good mixed with the ache between your legs as you kept rocking back and forth, your clit throbbing too by that point from getting the friction.
you could feel yourself getting close as Tess moved her face away from your chest and used her strength to help you finish by holding you in place while thrusting upwards from below you, your whole body consumed by the need to cum by that point, the heat at your core turning into a heat all over, your limbs tingling, your chest rising and falling with labored breaths as you felt her fucking you from under you, “oh jesus fuck-” you cursed as she did this, throwing your head back and bracing yourself on her legs as your cunt got demolished by her, “let go, cum for me” she groaned, the order pushing you over the edge, a final pathetic sounding whine from you as you shuddered and shook for a moment, your walls clenching hard around the silicone which was drenched in your juices by that point, from the sound of it Tess might have actually cum too just from having you move on her like that, her breaths punctured by sighs as her hands rested on your back to push you towards herself, needing you close as you gave her what she wanted: the uninhibited display of your release, it was pure ecstasy to her, your body goddess-like as you slowly rode out your high, all for her to take in, every detail, she was obsessed to her core.
as you stopped moving and tried to catch you breath before attempting to get off of her, she helped, lifting you up a little and hearing a slight gasp as she left you empty, spent, falling onto your back, your arms splayed out, and you thought that was it, you were done, but Tess wasn´t, not yet. 
she got up from the bed, quickly freed herself of the harness and got down on her knees, pulling you towards the edge of the bed in one rough motion, “Tess fuck no I can´t-” you pleaded as you realized what she was doing, but she just smiled as she pushed your still slightly shaky legs apart, hooking one of them over her shoulder to get good access,“sure you can, one more okay? for me” a sweetness in those last two words, persuading you to give into it and you tried to believe her but your body was losing all sense of place and time, all sanity, as you felt her fingers digging into your thighs, her face close to your soaked, aching cunt, your soft sounds of desperation only turned her on more so she wasted no time and licked up the slick that had leaked out of you and coated your inner thighs, savoring it, “god you taste like heaven” she breathed against your skin, biting down for a second, she had a thing for it, leaving marks, not just to mark her territory but because she loved knowing that you wouldn´t be able to shower and look at yourself in the mirror without thinking of what she´d done, so she briefly lost herself in the feeling of your soft skin between her teeth, the immediately visible red and purple indents, your whimpering, before moving up to where she´d fucked you open before, kissing your aroused lips, sucking on them, running her tongue up and down in a slow, heartfelt rhythm, moving her face to add to the friction.
“fuck- I´m- Tess” you were incoherent as your fingers found their way into her hair, pulling a little as she focused the tip of her tongue on your clit, swirling over it in circles, more crying and begging from you each second, a few tears forming in your eyes from the overwhelming pulsing and twisting at your core, your legs pressing together on the sides of her face, but she didn´t yield, forcing them apart again, flicking her tongue against your overstimulated most sensitive spot and finally just sucking on it, hard, determined, “you´re killing me” you groaned, your hips bucking upwards as a reaction and her fingers probably leaving bruises from how hard she was gripping you, and since you were still so sensitive from before it took little time for you to cum against her face, cursing under your breath as her chin was left glistening from you juices, just how she wanted it. the moment the second climax crashed over you in waves your body was drained of all energy, your limbs went totally slack, your lower half felt like it was burning up, and your breathing was so messed up you didn´t even try conceal it, laying thre exhausted but buzzing with endorphins, the good kind of tired. 
Tess got up from the floor to sit down next to where you were laying, a satisfied grin on her face as she traced your outline with her fingertips, admiring her impact, the light bite marks on your chest, the shine of sweat on your face, it was pure bliss to her, seeing you like that.
“god I really shouldn´t have made you wait this long..” she said, truly at a loss over how stupid she´d been to deny herself the pleasure of being with you, you gave a tired laugh then, turning to look her in the eyes, “yeah no shit”, she smiled, “guess I have a lot to make up for hm?”, you nodded, “well, this was a good start”, reaching for the strand of her hair that framed her face, twirling it around your finger as you slowly regained your composure.
“but just so we´re clear, you´re not getting any favoritsm out of this” she teased, you returned the energy, “well fuck, I clearly just did all this to lower my work load.”, you propped yourself up on your elbows then, looking at her more clearly, her cheeks still flushed, an unusual ease to her expression, you took some pride in being the one to get her to look like that, just eyeing her for a second and for once she loved it, being stared down by you, being fucked with by your intense gaze. “you know, the first time we met I actually thought you were flirting with me for a few minutes. could´ve saved us a lot of time if you had been” you told her, which made her laugh,“really?? and you would´ve just gone with me if I had been? that easy?” you shrugged, “hey, I am not the one who played hard to get here” you had a point, she nodded, amused by the idea of you wanting her from the very start.
you crawled over to her then, wrapping your arms around her neck as she ran her hands up and down the warm skin of your back, both of you just looking at each other all blissed out and relieved, “I didn´t expect you to be so..” you started saying, she cocked her head, “so what?”, “you know, generous..” she smiled then, placing one of her hands on your cheek, “right, you thought I´d just be mean and use you and take out my frustrations, huh?”, you nodded, “maybe, kinda yeah.”, “well, not my thing. I mean I´ll do whatever you want me to, if you want it rough just ask, but I am simple, I just want my girl to feel good”, you squinted your eyes at her, “your girl? is that what I am?”, charmed by that way of putting it, “well you´re sure as hell not anybody else´s anymore”, she said, meaning it, her possessiveness jumping out, “yeah I don´t think I could show up with bite marks at someone else´s place, so..”, “that was the plan” she whispered before leaning in to kiss your neck, getting a soft sigh out of you before moving to your lips, a gentler kiss than the one before.
“you can stay over if you want by the way. it´s so late I won´t make you go home now” she said as you made her lay back so you could lay on top of her, smiling down at her as you asked, “really?”, she didn’t see what was so crazy about her offer, “yes really”, “hm. didn´t figure you for the “falling asleep in each others arms” type”, she feigned offense, “okay rude.. I can be romantic, I do have a heart you know”, you grinned, laying your head on her chest, “I know. also, staying the night is good because then I can return the favor”, a mischievousness to your tone, “oh that´s what you think is gonna happen?”, she asked, “well, I think you´d like seeing me on my knees, wouldn´t you?” , again, you´d said the right thing to her weak, “jesus. you´re still messing with me, aren´t you?” she couldn´t believe how good you were at hitting her where it would get her to fold, but she loved it, “maybe” you whispered, eyes closed and smiling as she caressed your still naked body to keep you warm. 
now that you´d gotten the initial push and pull out of the way, you couldn´t wait to see what it would mean to actually be with her, how you´d spend an evening together, how she’d act as a lover, if you´d sneak around or let people know, all the things that were to come now that your feelings were out in the open. you liked the idea of nobody knowing about you and stealing glances when you were in a room together. maybe that would be your next thing: teasing her in public until she gives in and drags you away. maybe you weren´t fully done with it yet, getting under her skin, and maybe she was secretly hoping that was th case.
for the first time in ages, both of you had the feeling of finally having someone who challenges you, who surprises and thrills you. boredom or a desire for more heat and passion was not going to be an issue anymore, not as long as you had each other.
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coralinnii · 2 years
Do you take request??
If you do, can i request a reader who can mimic people's voices?
With rook, riddle, the tweels and any character you like!
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MC who can mimic voices feat: Riddle · Rook · Floyd · Jade genre: mild fluff note: gn!reader, no pronouns used with reader, unspecified relationships,
I might be too outdated to understand that. I'm so sorry ^_^"
I typically just do up to four characters in a post so it's just the requested ones :)
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At first he wasn’t impressed. I’m sure that there’s a spell that can alter someone’s voice to change or mimic someone else (like Floyd’s deep voice in Book 4). But, when he found out that was your own talent was when he realized how impressive that actually was. 
Being the son of well-owned physicians, he’s fascinated by your capabilities as you showed how you mimic voices he thought were beyond your assumed range. He watched you in awe as you parroted the voices of your friends, chuckling when you matched their mannerisms (it’s uncanny how you could match Ace’s voice while giving off that mischievous aura of his)
You smiled at Riddle looking so giddy with your vocal skills, like a child visiting a performance for the first time (you kept that thought to yourself though). 
Like the Housewarden he is however, he does warn you to not use your skills for any pranks on campus. He doesn’t want to see you get in trouble for mimicking someone and scaring someone you shouldn’t be. Definitely do not mimic his voice or it’s definitely off with your head. 
"I see the fruits of your effort. Some students could learn from you"
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He’s definitely fascinated by your talents. He’s intrigued by your vocal prowess and if your mimicry is perfect enough to trump his recognition abilities, he’s absolutely floored by you. To think someone may be able to trick this huntsman, what a tricky lyrebird you are. 
Rook wants to observe you as you speak, he loves seeing the way you reach vocal capabilities that few can do. He watches your lips, your throat, your diaphragm, completely enamored by your voice
With your consent, he would like to see the limits of your skills. How well can you mimic animals? How about vibrating noises? How loud can you go with a certain voice or how high? 
Be sure to tell him you need a break because you have piqued the hunter’s curiosity. In all honesty, he could probably listen to you for hours, be it your acts of mimicry or simply your natural voice. 
“Marveilluex! How exciting it is to hone one's craft.”
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You went ahead and showed Floyd something fun. Good luck to you. 
Floyd is going to have a field day with you and your skills, asking you to copy his voice, Jade’s, Azul’s, Riddle’s, everyone. He might even pull up videos of random people to see if you mimic voices from a video. He wants to see how high you can go or how low. This man is giving off “kid in a candy store” energy
Like with Rook, be sure to tell Floyd when you need a break. Also feel free to decline his requests, especially when he asks you to say embarrassing things in Azul’s voice for him to record on his smartphone. 
He would absolutely bug you to teach him your talents. If you choose to help him learn, you just created the most annoying thing on NRC for a few days before Floyd eventually gets bored. 
If you choose not to, Floyd will get pouty and would probably bug you for a while until you either give him or give him a good enough reason. He will still ask you to keep mimicking voices for the fun of it. 
“Whoa, how did you do that? Do that again!”
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Color him curious, that is an unexpected talent you have there. 
Sound travels differently in water so seeing this skill is very intriguing to Jade, reminding him of those mimicking birds or seals he’s read in books before coming to NRC. To realize a human is capable of such abilities is a delightful surprise to him. 
A recurring pattern, Jade would also ask you to demonstrate your vocal range to him. He observes the way your voice reaches what was assumed to be ranges beyond you and pitches unlike your typical tone. It was very entertaining to watch. 
Jade wishes to talk more about your skills, how did you perfect your skills? Does it put a strain on your vocal chords? How long can you maintain a voice different from your own? 
This new discovery strikes Jade’s fancy. He can’t help but to compare you to the legendary sirens, of how they entice those who stray too close to them with their voices. 
“I keep finding myself surprised by the surface land. What an intriguing person you are”
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fumifooms · 7 months
With what we know of Chilchuck's daufhter's personalities; Who do you think would each daughter get along with best among their father's party members?
Alright so we got 4 options: Laios, Marcille, Senshi and Izutsumi.
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Immediately I think for Meijack it’d be Senshi. Yes yes, very ironic since she’s the only one not after his heart lol.
A lot of people consider her to be Chilchuck 2.0 but I don’t think that’s really true, she takes after her father in conscientiousness and profession yes, is the most serious and reserved of the daughters, but that’s the thing— I flip flop a bit on wether I think Chilchuck is an extrovert, introvert or just ambivert, he loves hanging out with people, but it’s distrust from past professional experiences plus boundaries due to drastic personal events that push him to avoid being open, especially since we see how cheery he used to be. With Meijack though… She’s an introvert, that’s it. She looks so so tired lmao. Chilchuck says it himself that she’s brusque/not personable. Obvi she might also have trauma that push her to be this and that way, but from what we see I think she’s just genuinely the type to stick to her business, be quiet and stick to her corner.
So why Senshi then? I think she’d gravitate towards him because he has the least overwhelming energy, Senshi can get fired up but mostly he tends to be laidback and gentle. While the others would be talking and arguing, Meijack would be sitting besides Senshi and helping him cook or tend to the fire, working in companiable silence. And if they do talk, I think they’d have nice conversations, Senshi giving life advice that affect her somewhat. Having a stable work and future is very important to Chilchuck and I’m sure he drilled that into his daughters as best as he could, so seeing Senshi thrive, the very opposite of a working responsible adult with a secure lifestyle aka an hermit hunting alone on the fringes of society, would be a wtf moment. If nothing else she’d be intrigued I think. I wasn’t even thinking of that but I do feel like she has daddy issues, if I had to write for her her arc would prob center on that, so in that way yay her getting a second, very different and uplifting father figure! 🎉 Senshi would be nothing but warm and happy to take her under his wing and chat, and much like with Chilchuck in the traps chapter would like learning a thing or two from her too.
Honorable mention to Izutsumi! I don’t think they’d hit it off which is why I didn’t pick her, but I think the people making fics about her and Izu interacting have the right idea, they’d clash at first I think especially on Izutsumi’s side since she’d see Meijack as a stick in the mud, and Meijack wouldn’t have a favorable impression either esp with how rude and irresponsible she is, but… I 100% believe that if they spent times together and got used to each other, to the point that Meijack understands Izutsumi somewhat and Izutsumi stops being prickly with her, that they’d develop an unlikely but strong companionship. Meijack’s section is already long so I’ll stop here but yes Meizu brotp
Marcille. Next-
Ok jkjk, but also yeah I feel like this one is pretty self-evident. They share the same sort of emotive demeanor and social values, they both seemingly love gossips and romance, and most of all Flertom is very social. We see with her panel at her workplace, the tavern, that she cheerfully talks with customers, this girl is a social butterfly who loves talking and making new acquaintances. She values her family a lot as shown by her taking in her mom and sending her dad a letter alongside a gift, so they could even bond over having a broken off family or over trying to solve others’ problems hah. They’d have a grand old time getting to know each other and swapping stories (maybe even about her dad specifically) and I could totally see them starting to exchange letters even.
Honestly without reaching, the only thing I could see them arguing over is if Fler has a competitive streak, or if she’d think Marcille too uppity/academic on some occasions, but even then I think she’d appreciate Marcille’s elven princess flair and they’d both be too emotive to bottle shit up and let bad blood brew between them, althouuugh yeah they could totally give each other the silent treatment after arguing for a while hah. Chilchuck doesn’t help them reconcile, but he does tease both of them about it. They reach out to each other soon after and apologize, and laugh it off. "Haha my parents taught me what happens if you don’t communicate and aren’t willing to self-reflect and apologize haha" … Me just now realizing that maybe this is how Marcille can get the details on the wife situation and the family dynamics, tho idk at which point, on one hand I could see Flertom being pretty flippant over it but on the other I can imagine it’d be a very personal and sensitive topic. Who knows if she’s had friends to vent to about the stress of the divorce- oh pardon, "separation"— But I do think she’s the kind that it’d really help to talk it out and vent, AND YET I do think with my family hcs that Flertom tended to take it on herself to help around the house and be an emotional support glue with her sisters and would notice the strained parts about her parents’ relationship so she’d have kinda grown being able to bottle her emotions up a bit… Okok I’m done, next fr this time.
Ok imo she’s the hardest to pin down, and that’s a part of why she’s my fave. Because of her being optimistic and cheerful I tend to compare her to Marcille a lot, but beyond that they aren’t all that similar, even if Puck also is interested in romance like Fler. She has a bunch of stuff that’s implied, like her working in scams, but they’re all under like, layers of interpretation. She’s shown to be cheerful and allegedly careless, happy-go-lucky, a bit of a ditzy, and although Chilchuck isn’t necessarily an accurate judge of character about it even, what we’re shown with that is that she worked selling "dragon dung" for a while and it’s implied she switches jobs regularly. What Chilchuck’s saying about her being reckless and too optimistic is probably about her not having a stable career, reliable work & income. Before the new comic from the Complete Adventurer’s Bible that was all we could glean from personality wise, but now we can see she’s also direct, and she’s emotive though not as much as Flertom, and she’s quick to scheme, not oblivious at all and sharing a conspiratorial spark with her sister. I’d describe her as laidback, here for a good time not a long time, ambtious and self-driven, and doesn’t let obstacles scare her or keep her down. She’s like….. Is she like, a cheerful Mickbell. A little scamp.
… Ok what now. Honestly Laios and Izutsumi tie with each other in my heart. I think she’d enjoy conversations with Laios and would find him fun/entertaining to be around, would like when he gets excitable and fired up. Puck seems like she might try her shot to get romantically involved with him, but maybe while doing that she sees something in him that’s worth hanging around to even if for platonic reasons, but mostly I think they’d be like friendly acquaintances. I honestly personally don’t see Puck being all that into making deep friendships, I get the sense that her life’s a lot about herself and where she wants to go next, so friendships would also be oriented towards having a fun time and not as much like, deep emotional connections. But the Izutsumi angle… Izu is the cool rebellious older sister. Izutsumi’s brutish and unruly free spirit attitude have her enraptured. She wants to hang around her because Puck thinks she’s cool and lowkey admires her, and thinks she’s fun and a good influence to have around. Finally someone who Gets It, to go on shenanigan adventures with. I think Izutsumi would also be interested by her, in a big part because unlike her party members, Puckpatti would be interested in following her as she does her thing, encouraging her in whatever she does even, unlike Chilchuck Laios and Senshi who kept trying to instill in her values and lessons and looking after her so she doesn’t do something reckless. Izutsumi notices early on that Puck’s easy to have around, nice even, and from there on Puck couldn’t get rid of the cat that took a liking to her even if she tried. Izutsumi brings her dead birds and stuff like "Hey Patti look at this isn’t it rad!" and Puck is like absolutely, you rock. Oh maybe Puck would want to run some scams together tbh, because of her ninja/stealth skills or otherwise. Anyways yes devil-may-care troublemakers duo, the bane of Chilchuck’s existence.
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Yeah I think Izutsumi is Chil’s fourth daughter and she should have a bond with all the daughters <3 Flertom’s the sis you go to if you need comfort, and she accepts Izu easily into their circle.
Between worrying about maybe his oldest and most serious thinking about courting Senshi (she’s not), Flertom teaming up with the nosiest and loudest friend he has and the duo of reckless agitators about to get in all kinds of trouble, Chilchuck is truly sandwiched by horror and agony.
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kpopreadersblog · 8 months
How will bts Jungkook meet his future spouse ?
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*Disclaimer this reading shouldn’t be taken seriously because nothing is set in stone this is Just the energy that I’m getting as of right now *
~ Jungkook of bts will meet his future spouse at a time where he has healed from things that had bothered him in the past , he’ll meet his future spouse in a foreign country that he’s been there before . He’ll be at that country for work purposes or just for vacation . He’ll not be expecting to meet someone there or feel drawn to that specific country . He’s just there to have fun. He’ll meet her at a time where he isn’t expecting to find love or anything romantic because he’s just starting to except being alone .
~ this place that he’s going to be meeting her is somewhere where a lot of people are there like a social gathering , it’s somewhere where people are enjoying themselves and having a lot of fun and there’s music blasting everywhere, it’s giving me like award show vibes . This place is going to be important to either Jungkook or his future spouse maybe because someone is there to except an award while the other is there because they were invited .
~ when meeting his future spouse Jungkook will be drawn to her it’s like love at first sight , in a group of people he’ll being only looking and being drawn to her only .
~ Jungkook will notice his future spouse first like I don’t see her noticing him right away she’ll be with some people like her friends so her full attention will be to her friends and not him , I do sense Jungkook being alone but like except with a bodyguard .
~ when he first lays eyes on her there’s something that intrigues him about her almost like she’s so mysterious and he wants to find every single little thing about her .
~ she’ll not be that impressed of him like I don’t see her having love at first sight like him , but she’ll just not care that’s what I’m sensing like she doesn’t care about him she’s treating him like everyone else .
~ Jungkook will be staring at her too much and I sense her feeling creeped out a bit . Like she’s like why is he keep staring at me . 
~ but Jungkook in his mind is just trying to find the right moment to approach her . Bc he wants to do it the right way and not make a fool of himself. He’ll feel like it’s hard approaching her bc he’s feel very intimidated by her .
I hope you guys enjoyed this reading this is my first ever reading on here so please feel free to msg me anymore question that you have 🎂💕 take care !
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melodrangea · 1 month
I'M BEGGING YOU PLS I NEED KID WITH A READER THAT'S LIKE THE TITULAR CHARACTER FROM KOMI CAN'T COMMUNICATE-- THEY COME OFF AS LIKE A KUUDERE, COOL AND COLLECTED-- BUT SECRETLY THEY'RE A DORK AND SOCIALLY ANXIOUS AND JUST HAVE A LOT OF POWER AND KNOW HOW TO USE IT!! Maybe they wear a cloak and mostly blacks and reds😈😈😈 And maybe instead of using a weapon, they have some unexplainable power source similar to witches that just makes them even /more/ mysterious and cool. Until they start talking to you about how the last of both the carolina parakeets and passenger pigeons died in the exact same cage 4 years apart💀 Maybe the reason they're so quiet is /because/ they're so awkward and weird🥺 They probably silently stare at him all wide eyed and freak him out until he realises that means they just think he's pretty and like looking at him🙏🙏🙏 Anyways sorry for rambling🥺🥺🥺
i have a bunch of asks i’ve still yet to answer (sorry my loves) but this sounded too intriguing and funny not to write right away
what i’m hearing is witch!reader that’s calm on the outside and quirky on the inside
and something about birds :)
so imma just roll with that real quick
Kid x Witch!Kuudere! Reader
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-now this totally makes sense
-because let’s be honest Kid is basically the exact same way
-cool and collected on the outside, but a total symmetry dork on the inside with a love for architecture
-you first notice Kid during sparring practice at the dwma
-assuming this is post-kishin and witches are more accepted, now you’re in the elite class with Mkf and the others
-you were assigned to face him, Patty and Liz
-you were nervous facing not only three on one, but one of the dwma’s top students
-Kid on the other hand noticed you for your witchy traits
-how the cloak you huddled yourself in flowed like a shroud of feathers, how soft your hair looked and the glittering jewelry you adorned yourself with
-you looked a little out of place but so did he and Kid respected your lack of care, how aloof you seemed to be to the whole scenario
-the spar ended in a close match with Kid winning but that impressed him even more at how close you got
-Kid was used to wiping the floor with every student that crossed his path, he admired how well you held up
-he liked a challenge
-you two danced around each other for a long time, pretending to be calm and calculated until one day the two of you were hanging out, walking down the street towards a cafe you’d heard of
-when Kid spotted a very symmetrical looking pigeon…
-and the facade was all over for the two of you
-Kid immediately went into fanboy mode, praising the bird for its unique coloring and symmetrical feathers
-and you about passenger pigeons and the odd coincidences revolving around the end of the species
it was an interesting time at the cafe, managing to both surprise the other about their hidden hyper fixations
but it honestly just gave the two of you more to talk about
there was the obvious initial embarrassment about your cover being blown but Kid found your wide array of knowledge very attractive
especially since your witchy persona is bird based
and Kid’s hyper-fixation made sense as a grim reaper he had to keep order, and what’s more orderly than symmetry?
and now that the metaphorical veil had been lifted it gave you both the confidence to admit your feelings, knowing that you both finally understood each other
were you the hottest and oddest couple ever? probably.
but did either of you give a single shit? absolutely not
and now Kid can spoil you with shiny objects while you use your magic to make things symmetrical :)
man if i had a dollar for every time i said hyperfixation
but if wishes were wings my grammar skills would fly so high they’d burn in the sun
and that’s a wrap my lovelies <3
i hope i did your request justice anon!!
-melodrangea <3
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enden-agolor · 4 months
I LOOOVE all of your aus, especially forest deity and sdv!! The way you designed both Lukas and Jesse in each AU you have is amazing, I absolutely admire the attention to detail and such :) Something about your au’s have me absolutely hooked, and I’m not complaining. Keep up the great work, Enden!! you don’t know how obsessed I am with your silly stories of stupid little minecraft blocks… 🙏
Also a jesskas forest deity AU is so cool. I don’t have any idea how you were able to come up with something as interesting as it, and the way you planned out the story was amazing as well! I always wonder if Jesse will actually show his normal form to Lukas (since you mentioned he was able to revert to his normal self but the town still wouldn’t accept him either way iirc) but we’ll have to see it for ourselves. I lovelovelovee your work so much and I’m excited for future au content !!
Dude thank you so much 🥺
I love designing characters and for some reason Lukas and Jesse are just so fun to play around with in regards to their designs. Maybe it's because their canon designs are so simple, yet compliment each other so well, like Lukas' magenta stripes alongside Jesse's green suspenders. Then the rest of their pallet is pretty natural colors. I really like to keep their designs simple when drawing them. I try to imagine, would they actually wear this? Does this color fit his style? I like to keep them in pretty casual clothes you would see when passing someone out in public, or when shopping at a nice clothes store. This definitely goes for the sdv au.
In forest deity au, Lukas maintains a professional look. Outfits that you would see and think, "oh this guy means business", because he's an author, so he wants to dress the role. He wears a lot of warm, darker colors. Nothing too bright and flashy that would make him stand out. He's the kind of guy who dresses like he's always going to work. Jesse, on the other hand, he wears a lot of dark colors with purpose, as a means of fitting in with the darkness that shrouds the forest he lives in. He wears a lot of dark leather gear to keep his body protected. He's always pretty dirty, because well, he lives out there alone and has no means of impressing anyone with appearances, so why bother? The only one who seems to be intrigued in his appearance is Lukas.
On that other note, we came up with the au kind of randomly. My bf and I like to throw ideas at each other, and since we were already invested in the normal Admin au, I remember jokingly playing into this idea of Admin Jesse being this big bad wolf kind of role and Lukas being a little red riding hood. Discovering each other in the woods for the first time, except we kind of built this story over time and I started making the designs and I was like. Fuck. Jesse is big, scary, mute, and in love with this little blond freak that won't leave him alone 🧍I am OBSESSED with that. But yeah that's basically how it happened and now the lore has gotten pretty intense. The story is full of angst and plot built off of canon. A very hurt/comfort slow burn kind of story.
But anyways I'm so excited to share more. Your questions will be answered eventually. Trust me, I wish I could answer them, but with plot and context it will be so, so much more satisfactory. So stay tuned, and thanks again for this ask, I love seeing everyones little thoughts on this au!
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millenialmfa · 5 months
Bridgerton Thoughts
That literally no one asked for or cares about, but I need them out of my brain before season 3.
This will have some book spoilers, so be warned. Also, for context, I’ve watched season 1 & 2 and Queen Charlotte. I’ve read books 4, 5, and 6.
Who is season 4 about?
I think it will either be Benedict or Francesca. I think Benedict is the more obvious choice (I’ve heard murmurs that people think Sophie will be introduced this season). I also think Netflix would be aware of how upset people were initially that the show wasn’t going in book order. Also, for plot reasons for Eloise’s future season, Benedict kind of needs to be married with a kid.
However, I think it is very possible Francesca may get her season next, depending on how they handle her this season. If they have her meet and marry John this season, they could easily frame the next season around her and Michael. But honestly, whether this works or not is really going to depend on the amount of screen time she gets. I would wager most people who haven’t read the books completely forgot that she’s even a Bridgerton sibling.
Why can’t next season be Eloise’s season?
This is honestly for fully selfish reasons. Eloise’s book has been my absolute favorite so far. I LOVE her love interest (very largely in part because he has the same name and personality as my spouse). Because of this, I want them to do her story right, and I don’t think they will capture the magic of that book with the current state of Phillip and Eloise in the show.
Eloise needs a lot of character development in my opinion (not a dig at her, I’m so excited to see how she grows and I think it will be very rewarding). Maybe it’s possible that they do it all in this season, but I don’t want them to rush it. It is critical that by the time Eloise gets married, her and Pen are friends again. I will be heartbroken if they drag out the mending of this friendship for multiple seasons. Technically yes, Eloise’s wedding is literal weeks after Pen’s in the book, but I think the show writers can easily navigate this. Maybe instead of Pen’s wedding being the catalyst, it will be her pregnancy in a later season that pushes Eloise towards Phillip.
Now onto Phillip. The issue being that Marina is still alive, and his children are way too young at the moment. Could the show have Eloise be the stepmother to toddlers? Yes, but is that as rewarding? No. In the books, Eloise is the favorite aunt and has incredible experience with kids. This is what endears Phillip’s eight-(?)year-olds to her. In the show however, she doesn’t seem to particularly care either way about her nephew. Also, it’s not nearly as impressive to win over someone’s toddlers as it is to win over the absolute devil children (lovingly) that Philip has in the book.
The other issue is that in the books, Eloise has already turned down multiple marriage proposals for a variety of different reasons. What’s so fun is that these suitors’ “shortcomings” end up being massive character traits of Phillip. He is NOT perfect. He frustrates her and she frustrates him. But he is a good person. Your spouse isn’t supposed to be perfect, they are someone you choose to love because your life is better with them in it, in spite of their flaws.
Long story short for this one, I hope it’s not Eloise because I love her story so much, it would break my heart to see them do it poorly.
Season 3
I’m so freaking excited. This upcoming season is the reason I even started watching Bridgerton. I had heard about the steamy Netflix regency show, and honestly never had a huge interest…UNTIL I heard the next season would feature a love interest who is considered “plus size”. I’ve always been in the size 12-16 range, so this intrigued me. I knew I wanted to watch season 3, so I watched the show and even read 3 of the books (now I’m hooked).
I’m excited because it looks like the writers are definitely keeping some of the incredible scenes from the book, but I’m also excited about the potential differences. Especially when it comes to Lady Whistledown and the Peneloise friendship.
And speaking of friendships: I am feral with the idea that I will (hopefully) get to see Lady Danbury and Pen’s friendship on screen. Their scenes together were such a treat as I was reading, and I would give my left tit for them to keep those interactions in the show.
And of course, the music! Secretly hoping for a rendition of Unholy or Heart Attack.
The Colin discourse~
I’ll be honest, I’m a demisexual/virgin!Colin truther. I was really excited about the prospect of a male lead with no experience but a whole lotta lust. I was a little disappointed in the news that came out from the Sun article (though honestly I’ve lost the plot on whether it’s been confirmed or disproven). However, I think there’s the possibility that this could still be interesting for his character and for foreshadowing.
If he does indeed go see sex workers, who’s to say that they won’t have red hair? Or be on the curvy side 👀. Would be a fun little Easter egg to display Colin’s preferences.
As for the voyeurism … kind of interesting to me that he takes the wallflower role in the bedroom with people he’s not emotionally connected to. Kind of like Penelope preferring to watch the drama unfold from the sidelines. I think it’s an interesting parallel that shows that both leads watch others as a spectacle or show, and prefer to really connect and engage with select people. Yes, Colin is sociable and charming; but it’s superficial. He laughs and has deep conversations with Penelope almost exclusively.
It’s also possible that Colin is seeking out sex workers because he has no desires for the women he meets on his travels. Maybe he’s trying to explore why none of the women he meets give him butterflies. Perhaps he seeks out these workers because he doesn’t have to connect with them. He likes that the presence of feelings are unnecessary with them. He doesn’t have to fake his disinterest.
Ultimately, I don’t think him seeing sex workers is a sinking of his character. I think it could serve to show that the only person for him (romantically and sexually) has always been Pen. I think it’s an opportunity to show differences in how he physically engages with others vs his future wife.
And I still disappointed? Yeah, a bit. But if it’s happening, I’m gonna try to give a positive twist to it. *I want to note, i am not upset that they are sex workers. I think sex work is real work and they should be protected. I honestly prefer this to him being romantically/emotionally involved with someone. I was just really hoping he would be as inexperienced as Pen*
Future Seasons
What am I hoping to see in future seasons? I’m excited at the prospect of continued diversity within the love interest casting. As far as I know, Sophie (Benedict), John (Francesca), Michael (Francesca part 2), Lucy (Gregory), and Gareth (Hyacinth) have not been cast yet. These are all great opportunities to bring in more actors of color.
I suspect Gareth will be played by a black actor, considering in the books he is Lady Danbury’s grandson.
I would be OVER THE MOON for Michael Stirling to be played by an Asian actor. Michael is arguably one of the “hottest” most “playboy” characters of the books, and it would be nice to see this played by an Asian actor. Unfortunately, American media doesn’t often portray Asian men as the typical “hottie” or “leading man,” though it has gotten better in recent years.
I’d also love to see a Latinx actor cast as a love interest. I feel that sometimes this group gets overlooked a lot in “diversity conversations.” Though I may be projecting a bit with this one, as my boss recently said she “forgot about the Hispanic population” when talking about diversity goals. As part Puerto Rican (thought very white presenting) that still didn’t feel super great.
I saw the article recently that said Bridgerton wants to bring in more LGBTQ+ storylines in future seasons. Now, I’m a staunch advocate for each Bridgerton sibling ending up with their book love interest. BUT, how incredible would it be if those character were gender bent? Same character traits, storylines, names (example, Lucien instead of Lucy), but now a queer love story can be explored in a way that doesn’t alienate fans of the books.
I don’t think the showrunners will actually do this, as it’s more likely stories for side characters (ex: Brimsley), but it’s fun to dream about a queer couple being the front and center leads of a whole season. Especially if it’s in a way that doesn’t give people the excuse to complain that it ignores the book characters. Nope, it’s the same character, just a different gender.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
treyxidia headcanons? :eyes:
Dear Anon, I am very sorry for making you wait. I’m trying to get through the older asks… and today is your turn!
I am very glad you asked about these two. This is such a sudden ship for us, and all Trey needed to do was to try to force Idia to chat with him a couple of times lol They are so worth exploring, and as I write them I really want to draw them again god damn it.
As always, starting with pretty much me reflecting on their relationship and ending on a spicier note lol
Trey is a bit bummed out that Idia didn’t end up joining the Science club. Whenever things get too noisy during the club activities, he remembers that Idia wanted to join initially and thinks that he would actually really enjoy having another introvert around (not that there are no introverts in the Science club, but sometimes Rook’s singing is very distracting). Not to mention Idia’s inventive mind and cool ideas… it would be fun to have him around.
In general, Trey has a soft spot for Idia, maybe because he sees how difficult it is for him to communicate with others and has this urge to help him out of his shell, or maybe he is just intrigued by him and drawn to him because of other reasons. His teeth is absolutely one of them lol
Idia is legitimately wary of Trey. He feels certain darkness coming from him and he can’t explain it. In a way, Idia thinks that Trey is shadier than even Jade sometimes… not more dangerous, but shadier – it’s easier to see the coldness in Jade’s eyes than in Trey’s, and yet there is something very uneasy about him. And if you compare Trey to people like Rook, Kalim or Cater, who just want to talk to everyone, Trey’s motivation is unknown to Idia. What do you want from him, Trey-shi? Why are you trying to start a conversation?
Both of them encounter their own kind of wall when interacting. Idia is very used of irritating people with his snarky comments, but Trey doesn’t really react to those – he just laughs it off even if Idia’s words visibly rub him the wrong way. And Trey’s main way of flirting interacting with others is baking stuff for them, and Idia is very rarely physically present, so he can’t feed him…
But that doesn’t mean that Trey will stop trying to feed Idia!! Especially since he learnt that Idia has a sweet tooth. So at some point he’ll start bringing sweets to every housewarden/vice-housewarden meeting, feeding everyone and saying that it’s a shame that Idia is never around to try these for himself. He is really out there trying to lure Idia out of his room with food lol
Trey is going to try to bake Idia something from his favourite anime or game one day. He’ll learn what his favourite one is from Ortho – he absolutely wouldn’t mind telling Trey if it means that they’re going to prepare such a fun surprise for Idia. And Idia indeed would be very impressed… Are you trying to make him fall for you, Trey-shi? What is this all about, it’s kind of creepy… it’s a trap… but such a pretty and delicious one.
If they end up kissing at some point, this is going to be such a long kiss. Idia will get overwhelmed by how good of a kisser Trey is (in addition to being shook by the fact that they are indeed kissing for some reason), and Trey is going to take his sweet time outlining every single tooth in Idia’s mouth with his tongue. And this is going to turn him on much more than it should… but then again, Idia wouldn’t expect to get turned by just one kiss either.
Since Trey is actually much naughtier than people expect, he would start thinking about getting a blowjob from Idia very early-on, even before the kiss. But he would just ignore these thoughts (naturally) at first, but… since they don’t leave him alone… once he and Idia find themselves in a sexual setting, he’ll start dreaming about it every single night. Of course, Idia’s teeth are dangerously sharp, but the danger of it just adds more thrill and arousal.
While Trey doesn’t really react whenever Idia tries to snark at him or even straight-up insult him, in a way it reflects on the way Trey treats Idia when they have sex. Trey’s go-to is usually to be very gentle with his partner not to scare him away, but he kind of allows himself to be a little mean to Idia sometimes. Once he notices that Idia kind of likes this treatment, he’ll feel enabled to continue to grab him roughly, overstimulate him and even tug on his hair every once in a while. Even if he feels guilty and awkward about it afterwards…
Idia is always so focused on Trey being this shady that he completely forgets about the fact that Trey is also well-built physically and kind of strong. When Trey undressed for the first time, Idia yelped, being both surprised and flustered. And when Trey touched him, it felt much more rough than he expected, but… His body feels very good afterwards… as if Trey just brutally massaged him all over…
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ask-the-royal-absol · 6 months
There was a loud, childish gasp as Ondorus immediately bolted his way towards Destino. His eyes glimmered with excitement, as he observed all around the specimen. "!!!Aaaaa, you look so fluffy and cool and awesome and blue and, and--".
Whoa there buddy. The little celestial Eevee had to take a quick breather, as it would seem he couldn't contain his immediate admiration. It may either be because he is intrigued by the sight of an Absol or is just simply particularly interested in Dark types.
Before he could say anything, he took notice of something. Something that he couldn't jelp but ask and point out. "Oh, mister! You look like you have some wet boogies on your eyes! Did something happen? Orrrrrr did you had one of those long good or bad sleepy mee-mees that make your eyes get the icky boogers on them?"
*Oh great. A child. Destino’s favourite. The prime couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the excitement. Of course they appreciated the praise, what Pokémon wouldn’t? But it was everything else about this child’s demeanour that made Destino want to gag. Time to add a little drama. Make this child feel bad. Bonus points if they made this child cry.*
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Destino: It’s like none of you choose to listen. What’s the point in me even picking a gender if none of you can follow it? Does being the Prime of the Underdark mean nothing to you?! Come on! I just did a whole gender explanation presentation like an hour or so ago. It was an entire thing. Silhouettes and all. It even had colours. Do I need to go through it all again?
*They pause their dramatic arm waving and gesturing to take a good, long look at the eevee in front of them. A claw rests on their chin, whilst they make a small humming sound.*
Destino: Actually, wait. Just taking one look at you says it all. How could I have not seen it sooner? You’re an idiot. I doubt anything goes into that thick skull of yours. I would ask if there’s a shred of intelligence in you but I doubt you even know what that word means. Is there a brain in there? Anything at all? Considering how you talk to royalty, I really doubt it. Let me say this for you really slowly so your tiny brain can understand what the deal is.
*Destino holds up their middle claw of their left paw.*
Destino: On this side, we have a man.
*They hold up their right paw, displaying another middle claw for the eevee.*
Destino: This right here is a woman.
*Destino brings the two middle claws together and waves them around, very proudly displaying the rude gesture.*
Destino: And that’s me. Gender? I don’t see her. I’m far too amazing for that. Does your simple brain understand now? Or does the little baby need some time to process?
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Destino: And do you come up to every Pokémon and talk about their lack of sleep? What’s up with that? And right after I’ve woken up with no sleep due to my prophecy dreams too. Why look at my face that closely? I mean, I get it. I’m clearly the most beautiful absol you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Everyone can recognise that fact, young and old. But there’s this little thing called personal space. Someone as idiotic as yourself should be able to understand that basic concept. Honestly, what a poor impression you’ve made of yourself. If you were trying to gain my approval, you clearly have no idea how to do it.
*Destino hoped Felix wasn’t listening in. They knew he’d never approve of them bullying a child. But it was so much fun being dramatic. They really didn’t care at all; they just utterly despised children.*
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little-sis-toga · 4 days
>Open Files...
Dossier Title–"Vampire Girl"
•Criminal Record:
▪︎A-Rank Villain
▪︎Known especially for Murder, Identity Theft/Espionage, and Assault with a Bladed Weapon
▪︎Associated with the League of Villains and the Paranormal Liberation Front
•A versatile Quirk with an even more intriguing prerequisite. I always find it interesting whenever someone has to take in other substances for their Quirk to function. (Maybe because mine also sort of works that way.) But how do you even discover that you need to do some of these things? I can only assume it's either by accident, or by an urge. Blood-related Quirks in particular likely fall under the latter, but that whole discussion of Quirk biology is for another time.
•This might be a somewhat random question, but what would happen if this one took a person's blood and directly transfused it instead of ingesting it? Would her Quirk work the same? Or would it be like when you have a regular blood transfusion and the blood type is wrong? If it ends up working like a normal transfusion, how would the "rejection of foreign blood" manifest when Transformed? There are many parts to this that require further studies.
•That uniform...she really can't be much older than me than a high-schooler. The implications of that are just sad, if anything. Stuff like this is part of the reason I feel such a need to make a change to the way things work in the world right now. Regardless, the rest of the costume is effective! It's intimidating, but also practical with how it seems to siphon blood from people. I was lucky enough to find a different camera angle within the same scene of video feed I've been using to focus on other League members(*) and their fighting styles.
(*)Speaking of other League members, I find that, as I watch this new angle of the feed, they're much more coordinated than I gave them credit for. I can see more of why they attack in the patterns that they do, and who's specialized skills suit different parts of the battle. Despite being Villains, they're just as much a team as anyone else. This one's fighting style emphasizes that very well since she moves in good, agile conjunction with the others. (Maybe I could learn a thing or two!)
Sadly, this might have to be one of the last dossiers I distribute for a little bit. I've enjoyed making them and cataloguing everyone's reactions, but there's just so little time with how much is going on. Things are already in motion, and there's no going back now. I just wanted to "give props to" another interesting player within this group. You're very talented and cool!
I’m impressed… that’s quite a lot of information you have on me. Have you been studying the League this whole time? eek! …I might be scared of blood transfusions now… as much I love the idea of having someone else’s blood mix with my own, could it kill me? …or maybe I would become that person permanently?
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🔥// Thanks for the analysis, I enjoyed reading it!!
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