#I’m constantly lacking energy and when I have it I lack motivation
zanerak · 5 months
I think the fact that I’m allergic to my own cat actually does a really good job at capturing how I feel about my entire life as a whole but for now I’m gonna eat some pasta and maybe the sense of accomplishment from cooking something for myself for the first time in months will help delay me inevitably feeling worse about everything until a later time
#everyone loves me but no one can help me#everyone likes me but I am always alone#everyone thinks I’m great and yet I’m still completely unequipped to handle the real world#all my friends are busy and/or physically distant#my family is physically distant but when they’re here to take care of me they’re awful#every time I find something I could pursue I’m horrifically lacking in some aspect#I know exercise would help but there’s always some Problem in the way#I’m constantly lacking energy and when I have it I lack motivation#my education is the only thing I have going for me and that has been failing me horribly#I’ve never been sure about anything in my life except in regards to my reproductive system#I’ve got no emotional permanence and regret every single decision I’ve ever made#I’m kind of able to talk to people but mostly I really really suck at it#literally all I can do is lay in bed feeling guilty for feeling lonely and helpless#no one ever handheld me through life and I was fine without it#but now all I need is to be handheld#shit ass existence#wish I had the courage to just quit whining and grit my teeth and do SOMETHING#but I know the part of me that would just rather make excuses and feel bad about myself is always gonna win#I wouldn’t normally want to post something like this but I’ve never crashed this bad and like idk#part of me thinks it would help if someone could relate which I’m sure plenty do#but in a way that’s just even sadder#if everyone feels this way then what the fuck is wrong with society#but then again… I’m probably just seeking external blame for something entirely my own fault
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youthnighttarot · 1 year
Baddie Check (Good qualities about you)🫦💋💄💅🏾
Tarot Reading
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Pile 1
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Pile 2 Pile 3
🔮 Welcome to my tumblr!! I’m 🔮youthnighttarot🤗
Things to know
💜This is for entertainment purposes only and, not to be taken seriously
💜Take what resonates leave the rest
💜All feedback is welcomed as longs as it’s respectful
✨Take a breath before you choose your pile
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Pile 1
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Tarot cards pulled: 10oS, 8oP (rv), 10oW
Oracle cards: Edward VIII (story may resonate with you watch a documentary) Lover card
First things first when I was shuffling I was supposed to say clear the energy ended up saying clear the check. So maybe you be clearing this check pile 1 because you a baddie that’s about their money!! Ok I’m not sure if you know this yet but you are a sex fiend….not like in the addiction sense just the energy that you give off. It’s like that girl/boy could rock my world. You’re also really goofy like you be playin LMFAOAOAOA frfr.
You may have been betrayed in the past or backstabbed by someone who you worked with. They weren’t putting in any work and, you had to constantly take the brunt/bulk of the work. This could have overwhelmed you and even strained your creativity but you came out on top. With the 10oS this woman has knives all in her back but she’s focused on her phone. You may not be as nonchalant but, you don’t give basic bottom barrel hoes energy and time they don’t deserve.
You’ve been through dark times and felt overwhelmed by creative project or just in general. You may have lacked motivation within your career or in regards to money/stability. People see this and view you as resilient and strong. You are that girl/guy because you never let this betrayal or malicious gossip make you skip a beat. You can carry a lot but that doesn’t mean that you should have to, though this is part of your hood qualities. It can easily become a bad habit if you let it get out of hand. You may have an online social media business and you are thriving but need time to rest. This is also what makes you a baddie you will work your ass off and rest just as hard. (Yesssss pile 1 can you help me out with that)
💅🏾A king is nothing without the woman he loves
💅🏾Make your own kingdom and choose your own family….I feel you go by this mantra 🕉️
💅🏾Your very luxurious
💅🏾You’re a good lover because you don’t rely on lies or rose colored glasses, trying to be the next Edward and Bella like it’s a movie. You take it seriously and are logical/reall about what a relationship entails
Pile 2
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Tarot cards pulled: 7oC (rv), Judgement, the hanged man (rv)
Oracle cards: Gala Dalí, one eye open one eye closed
One of your good qualities great I should even say, is that everything good that comes in your life comes in 2s, 3s, or 4s. You have a lot of abundance surrounding yourself. Something regarding the eye of Horus is significant here. Ok some of the good qualities about you pile 2 is that you have a kind nature but you also know how to cut through bullshit. You are not one of those people floating through life and allowing things to happen to you versus for you.
You are quite a decisive person especially in matters relating to heart and emotions. You may be disconnected from certain religious ideals and people can view you as a hedonist. (Chile🙄) simply because you don’t always comply but little do they know spirit is divinely protecting you. You’re not emotionally unbalanced you feel how you feel no matter how hard someone tries to sway you.
You may not be spiritually bound to any particular religion and this scares people.
You could be a witch/high priestess for some of you. You’re just you and you don’t try to be anyone else but you. (Purr 🐈) So people could celebrate you or even look up to you many ones. (Archangel Micheal, Raphael, and Azriel are looking after you have a lot of power on your spirit team) (Yemaya and Oya for some of my Yoruba gyals) (Nana Asee for my Akan gyals shout out) (Aphrodite and Cupid?) (Freya and Odin) You have uncertainties sometimes but you’re emotions never cloud your judgment. You understand what it means to be in tune as you should!! You may have been spiritually inclined always but repressed for others peace of minds.
💅🏾 It is by being in the shadow that one emits the most light…you truly believe this and this way of thinking has greatly benefited you
💅🏾You used to constantly be looking over your shoulder or you just didn’t trust easily
💅🏾You no longer jump the gun, or assume you know someone’s nature until you see it in its truest form
Pile 3
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Tarot cards pulled: 9oW, The Magician (rv), The hermit (rv)
Oracle cards: Marilyn Monroe, Magic is being used (rv)
So you know when to take time out for yourself first of all pile 3. You can sense when someone is trying to manipulate or play the con-game with you. You also know how to get people to do exactly what you want but, you don’t maliciously take advantage of people rather suggest. You take time to yourself in order to pondering your actions or how other people actions led up to your actions. So you may avoid it happening again at all cost. You are a dreamer. Again I’m getting your not afraid to reflect on your wrong doings…you take accountability.
You’re a person who knows when to shut social media off. You have no aspirations to chance fame/notoriety it just happens for you. You’re not caught up in trying to be a baddie you just simply want to be you. That is as all nothing less. Some of you could have some sort of connection to gypsies or Eastern European culture?
You believe in divinity and equality, you dress nicely as well. You know how to stand up for yourself by saying no…you are not afraid of sitting with yourself or your thoughts. You’ve traveled (physically or mentally) long and far in order to get to this point in your life. You have the emotions, the career skills, and the mindset to wether any storm. You are not deceptive but can sense deceptions easily.
💅🏾Never pick stability over a good time…at first I was like 🤔but what I got is that you don’t just choose something because it will bring you finances or wealth you choose to do something or be with someone because it makes you happy
💅🏾You don’t use spells and magic on people to get them to like you they just do
💅🏾Whatever story that people have in mind for you, you say to hell with and continue to be yourself
Call me beep me if you wanna reach me🔮📱
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shineemoon · 10 months
SHINee ✨ CLASH Magazine (August 2023) FULL Interview → HERE
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As humans we’re constantly evolving; how have the members’ identities shifted since the release of ‘Don’t Call Me’ (2021), and how is this change reflected on ‘Hard’? KEY: After ‘Don’t Call Me’, I’ve personally gained more confidence, and had the opportunity to experience many new things. With that said, I feel honoured and grateful to have received even more love. TAEMIN: I decided to give myself a break and not to be so hard on myself. I wanted to focus more on the feelings of happiness and the positive energy that people give me from recognizing my work instead of contemplating what I’m lacking and overanalyzing my shortcomings. And because I was able to take a different approach and attitude toward this album, I was able to enjoy this promotion and feel more comfortable. MINHO: I feel that we took another step forward through ‘Don’t Call Me’ and also showcased a new side to SHINee with our eighth full-length album. I do want to express that we haven’t changed after ‘Don’t Call Me’ – I’d word it that we’re continuously growing and evolving.
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I watched videos taken from the latest concert – SHINee World VI – and could hear how much fans enjoyed your older tracks and watching you enjoy performing them. Recently, On MBC World’s I Live Alone, however, Key was looking back on the difficulties of performing such songs as four members, and I wondered when that feeling began to ease and the members grew to love performing their classics again. ALL: Being SHINee allows us to share our past, present, and future vision together. Although it’s not always easy, we hope that those who watch our performances never feel a gap or emptiness. The unwavering support and love from our fans have been instrumental in helping us recover and strengthen our bond with them. We’re truly grateful and fortunate, and always genuinely wish for our voices to reach the skies and the heavens when we sing.
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The words ‘icons’ and ‘legends’ get thrown around too easily these days but SHINee really are both. Does it seem real for you, especially as you’re still an active, progressive group? Do you ever consider the band’s legacy and what you’d like that, ultimately, to be? KEY: I believe that we’re currently shaping SHINee ourselves. I feel that it wasn’t wrong for us to try to create and shape our own path and, actually, I’m curious about where this journey will lead us to in the end. MINHO: Rather than focusing on a specific end goal, we’ll always strive to fill our days with happiness alongside our members, staff, and our beloved fans. But I’m always grateful for the compliments we receive, and although it may feel challenging to live up to those descriptors, we’ll make it happen. TAEMIN: One of my juniors once said to me, ‘I feel like idols’ careers are extending because you continue to be active. Thank you.’ Hearing those words made me feel proud because it seems like we’re pioneering something, and when I see friends who consider me as their role model, it also helps me release all the built-up stress inside of me. Because of that, I feel a sense of motivation, I want to work even harder to inspire people, and I hope SHINee will be remembered as a group that continues to shine and remains in people’s hearts for generations to come.
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Doubt and how to persist
When you’re working towards manifesting your dreams, there will be times where doubt creeps in and it feels like it will never come to fruition. However, you need to stay persistent if you want to make your dreams come true. Here are some tips to help you persist even with doubt in your manifestation journey. it can be difficult to maintain faith and believe in the process. Even when you know that it's real and are dedicating time and energy to manifesting your desires, it's common to experience doubt. In this video, I'll explain why it's so normal to doubt your manifestation, and how to push past those doubts in order to successfully realize what you're wishing for.
First off, let's examine why it's so common to experience doubt when you're trying to manifest something. We live in a society that condones logical thinking and tangible evidence, so when we focus on something intangible and unseen, our minds will understandably become filled with questions and uncertainties. This is why it’s natural to have doubts - your mind may be propelling you to view the world in a more analytical way.
It's also important to understand that manifesting often requires us to have a certain level of faith and belief. When we become aware of the doubts and lack of faith that can exist within our minds, it can create further doubt as we become even more aware of our own lackluster faith. So to work around that doubt I think it’s important right First, focus on your ‘why’. Your ‘why’ is the reason you’re motivated to make your dreams come true. Remind yourself why you’re doing this and the impact it will have on your life and the lives of those around you. It will be the source of strength when doubt creeps in. Also limit your exposure to external factors. Doubt can take root more easily when you’re constantly exposed to outside opinions that may not align with yours. Block out this noise and focus on yourself and your ‘why’. The amount of time I see people question their own beliefs just because a blogger says something else is super concerning. Different perspectives and beliefs from someone else doesn’t take away from the validity of yours.
Also..Don’t forget to practice self-care during doubt-filled moments. Take a little break from your manifestation journey and do something that makes you happy. When you come back feeling refreshed, that doubt won’t be so big anymore. God or not, you’re still a person with emotions and this can be overwhelming. Taking a break says nothing about your persistence or your faith, don’t let that false notion stop you from taking care of yourself. Despite how seemingly difficult it can be, understanding how to persist with doubt is something that anyone can work through. Taking the time to practice far-reaching awareness of one’s thought patterns is key to improving internal dialogue and recognizing those pesky, discouraging thoughts. Developing self-compassion and an awareness of past traumas can help in having a more soothing, understanding approach to handling these types of thoughts. Additionally, engaging in activities like mindfulness meditation, journaling, and nature walks can help build healthy coping strategies for when these unwanted feelings arise are all things I’ll never stop advocating for.
Finally, this isn’t talked about much, but don’t be afraid to find an accountability partner or group and keep working towards your goals. Having someone support and encourage you on your journey makes it easier to push through the moments of doubt. Plus, knowing someone else is counting on you can be a huge motivator to keep going. Community and relationships not only have personally held me more accountable but my resolve is always stronger when I’m also encouraging and fighting for others.
I think it's also important to remember that we must persist if we want our desires to come true. I think this is a concept but we’ve all seen but people interpret what true persistence looks like differently.
So let's talk about the concept of persistence according to Neville Goddard. He famously said, “What you persist in imagining, you will ultimately experience.” This is a powerful statement and it's one that we should remember if we want to manifest our deepest desires. Goddard believed that it was necessary to persist in our imaginings in order to bring them into being. He taught that our subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and can help shape the world around us. We can use this power to create the life we desire if we are willing to persist in our imaginations.
When we imagine something vividly, we are actually bringing it into being in our minds. The more we do this, the more powerful it becomes and the easier it is to manifest it into reality. This is why Goddard emphasized the importance of persistence. remember that our desires will inevitably come true, no matter how many times we imagine them. However, this does not mean that we should not persist in our imaginings. We must be consistent in order for our imagined realities to take physical form. This is how we create the life of our dreams. That’s it. Simply having the desire and constantly longing it for it in the imagination is all it is and it’s what we all do.
Persistence is key when it comes to manifestation. When we persist in our imaginings, we are planting the seeds of our desires deep within the subconscious and they will eventually take physical form. But it will only happen if we persist in visualizing and believing in our desired reality.
At the core of Neville Goddard's teachings is the belief that by believing and feeling something is true, it will eventually come true. He believed that each of us has the power to create our own reality by using our thoughts, feelings, and in some cases, physical actions. This means that we have the power to shape our lives as we see fit and that it is up to us to take the actions necessary to make that happen.
So then why does it take so long for a 3D manifestation to conform to a 4D vision?
Well, Neville Goddard himself said that it takes time for the spiritual vision to become physical. That is because, in order for a manifestation to become real, it has to go through several steps, including developing an emotional connection to the desired outcome, defining what that outcome looks and feels like in detail, and committing to the daily practice of visualization and affirmation in order to bring the vision into reality. Another reason why it may take some time for a 3D manifestation to conform to a 4D vision is because the spiritual process requires us to surrender our attachment to the outcome. When we let go of our expectations and surrender our attachment and need for control, we open up space for the divine to work its magic. as Neville Goddard stated, “Energy follows thought” – so if you invest more energy into something, it will eventually come to you. This means that if you are focused on your vision and put in all the effort needed to bring it into reality, not only will you remain patient until its completion but you will also see faster results.
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gugugagacodons · 2 months
i had someone ask me, “what if i wish to manifest X because if X doesn’t manifest only bad things will happen"
yst i came across this post and this is literally my fav post ever because even tho i always think this, i’ve never found the words to articulate it this well.
and then i realised, that if you can manifest anything, you can manifest coming out of the desperate state, get rid of overthinking and anxiety, do away w negative thoughts etc.
here are some things i do for better and anxiety free manifestation:-
dr = desire reality cr = current reality
detach from your dr (desired reality): sometimes we get so obsessed w our dr that in order to manifest it, we start looking at it from the perspective of lack and since manifestation is ultimately bringing your state of mind to life, the only thing that gets strengthened as a fact is that you LACK it. (check the link in the intro of this post) to be able to manifest it freely, you need to detach. set a timestamp of maybe a week or two where you swear you won’t think ANYTHING related to dr. i did this once where i wanted person X to reach out to me, and then for a week of no contact and no thinking about them, boom they reached out to me exactly how i imagined it.
tell yourself you deserve your dr: in Roxie Nafousi’s book “Manifest”, she clearly states that you only manifest what you think you deserve. think of the times you have manifested some things and you haven’t. now compare the self concepts you had while manifesting each of them. i’m sure you’ll feel a stark difference of self worth in both scenarios. while having a good self concept is not absolutely necessary to manifest, it is better to have a good self concept in order to feel you deserve everyth bec really, you DO deserve everyth. in all, wtv you are desiring, you first need to tell yourself that it’s absolutely not a big deal that it happens to you, and you do deserve your dr. (you can try badmouthing/pointing flaws in your dr so that it doesn’t feel unachievable to you).
accept the situation as it if first: okay i need y’alls to HEAR ME CAREFULLY. so, you wish to change your cr (current reality) bec you are not happy/satisfied w it. but do you feel comfortable w being in it? have you accepted the situ as it is? ofc if you wish to manifest your life outside of your current life, you do not like your cr. but if you absolutely do not accept it or make terms w your cr, it will only make you more miserable, it will increase your desperation. and we don’t want that. when i wish to manifest smth i do not have in my cr, i firstly accept my cr and come to terms w it.
find a motive: i move thinking that i wish to manifest bec i wish to change this, cr is not making me happy. this gives you the MOTIVE to manifest. embrace the change from cr to dr and implement that. having a clear, defined motive escalates it several folds.
accept that you already have it: okay i know it’s hard to simple live like it, but when you are detached from your goal, it is easier for you to live the way you would when you already have your dr. distract yourself. don't dwell on thoughts of dr. your present needs your more. when you live in the present, it's easier for your to forget about the dr.
you're the absolute maker of your life: this fact used to give me so much anxiety before, bec it used to feel burdensome. but now it makes me powerful. always remember that since you are maker of your reality, you can NEVER NOT MANIFEST. you can NEVER MANIFEST INCORRECTLY. so stop w your intrusive thoughts.
makes fake POVs: okay this technique helps me a lot to keep myself from wavering. so quantum mechanically, since everything is energy, i picture that every time i affirm, the energy of my affirmations is helping to convert that energy into 3d mass. so whenever i check the 3d for my manifestations, i tell myself that the characters of the dr are working right now to make dr come true in the best way possible.
do not react to the 3d: what i have seen is that even when there are things going super wrong in 3d right this very moment, but when i don't react to them, the 3d IMMEDIATELY rewards me and turns it into my favour. not reacting to your 3d and having control on your emotions is the best manifestation gift you can give to yourself. as a very emotional person i did that and my manifestation journey changed wonders. do not think realistically. ever.
lastly, intro-fkn-spect: i'm so sorry for the cuss, but i cannot cannot CANNOT emphasize enough on how much introspection helps me personally to manifest. one thing abt introspection that helps me is to remember the times i was able to manifest. bec we are CONSTANTLY manifesting, it's literally not difficult to not manifest dr w/i days or even hours. and this makes me feel so powerful, and the fact that it doesn't matter what i do, i just need to stay true and committed to my dr. that is literally all.
always, always remember. you attract what you are. you manifest what you think you deserve. you keep what you resonate with.
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trubbishrubbish · 5 months
Happy Last Day of 2023. Here's a long overdue update over how I have been.
As you recall, Jabberwock Genocide Part 2 was uploaded 3 weeks ago. And the only thing I did this whole month of December after Part 2 was uploaded was that I went to Canada to climb a huge mountain and confront my other self because it’s cheaper than going to therapy.
Just kidding, I just worked on more Jabberwock Genocide, nothing else.
This is a positive as I have made so much forward progress in the animation and the upcoming part 3 that you guys won’t have to wait 9 months for more Genocide Jack fun time. However, there is a cost to just working on Jabberwock Genocide, one that I’m currently struggling to find a way to deal with.
Basically, all my free time, focus and thinking has been dedicated to Jabberwock Genocide, but other stuff I do and create I have left to the dust.
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My output in making Genocide Jack posts has just stopped.
I keep neglecting to share updates to my Sho Shrine. I am still getting new stuff for it but I have not yet organized it and taken picture of it.
I have barely played any new games. The last game I have beaten that is new was Super Mario Bros Wonder. I loved that game, but I had a hard time sitting down to play it for long sessions as I wanted to work on Jabberwock Genocide.
And tragically, I have really neglected interacting with my online friends. This I feel the most guilty of as I have no excuse for it. I know there are friends I used to talk to a lot before that I have now stopped engaging with for a really long time. If you are one of those people I just to say that I am sorry for ghosting you. I still consider you a friend I don't want our friendship to slowly die out due to lack of communication on my end.
This is my struggle. I love making Jabberwock Genocide. It’s honestly the most enriching thing I am currently doing in my life. I’m creating a story with my favorite character, Genocide Jack. I’m developing my skill as a sprite animator. I’m constantly thinking about how to create a particular scene with the limited resources I have. I get a real kick of joy when I am creating a scene and suddenly an idea comes to mind that I love and I put it in the animation.
I feel so satisfied when the ideas I have for a scene that I see in my head are transmitted into actual animation on my editor. More often then not, what I make in the final product is better than what I imagine in my head. Every single line, every single detail, every single joke, it all feels so amazing to craft them into a video.
It’s crazy to think that just a few months ago, I was at a low point in the animation where all of my motivation was drained and I struggled to make progress for weeks. But now, I feel so freaking happy and elated just thinking about the animation. Heck, even doing really tedious tasks like making every single sprite jump a little is still enjoyable to me. I’ve been working on this project since August 2022. I never expected this to be what is now when I first started writing down ideas. But I am happy the project did turn into this, because I really, truly enjoy working on this.
But… That’s the problem. I enjoy working on Jabberwock Genocide so much that any other hobbies, I find less fun. I rewrote my brain to dedicate huge parts of it to think about Jabberwock Genocide. I’m fully being this attached to a project like this isn’t healthy. I should be consuming different media and doing other activities and talking to my friends. I know this but I find it difficult to summon the energy to do it.
I’m still trying to find a good balance between working on the project and doing other leisure activities that I enjoy doing. I’m going to make this a goal for 2024, it might take me a while to find that balance but I will try to. Hopefully when I do, I can slowly rekindle friendships that I have abandoned.
That’s what I wanted to say. Thank you for taking the time to read this. See you in 2024.
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starsinkpop · 7 months
ATEEZ Choi Jongho Tarot Reading - Future Spouse
Disclaimer: I do tarot readings for fun, so please read them with a grain of salt. Don’t take my words too seriously and just keep an open mind. Tarot is a divination tool that can’t predict the future, as every single individual has their own will and makes their own decisions. Tarot should be seen as a guidance and a good friend that just has your best interest and gives you advice when needed. I’m not putting anyone in my readings on a pedestal nor am I trying to harm anyone. One last side note, I’m not a native speaker, so please excuse any wrong spellings or poor grammar.
Date of Reading: October 26th 2023
Decks: Ethereal Visions Tarot, Dreamscape Oracle, Romance Angel Oracle, Love Oracle, island time wellness love Oracle, Angel Answers Oracle Cards
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Eight of Pentacles (R), Nine of Swords, Six of Cups (R) Knight of Cups, Knight of Wands, XXI The World
Jongho’s future spouse is a perfectionist who easily obsesses over things
they give me the energy of someone who gives up on new hobbies if they don’t perfect them in the shortest amount of time
they have a tendency to quit before they finished what they’ve started
they have many talents but don’t know how to use or develop them
when it comes to their abilities and work quality they underestimate and undersell themself because of a lack of self-confidence
I see them having a pretty “average” occupation
they maybe could have an office job that doesn’t excite them but it pays the bills
could be an assistant to someone
they seem to lack direction or purpose in life
this is someone who’s a bit materialistic
I’m getting this vibe of someone who is quite bored with life and routine and since this is extremely tiring they reward themself regularly with fancy stuff just to keep themself somewhat motivated
this could lead them to overspend from time to time
they’re introverted and don’t really like attention
they feel uncomfortable when people are watching them so I’m pretty sure this is not someone in the public eye or who is posting on social media
they could deal with anxiety or insomnia
I feel like this is caused by people constantly mistreating them and stabbing them in the back
they could appear a bit helpless at times
I’m getting Bambi energy
Jongho’s gonna protect them at all costs, I just know it
they’re someone who often has to face their fears
almost feels like life is constantly testing them and forcing them into uncomfortable situation
but this will help them grow stronger, even though it’s a long and maybe painful ride
people take advantage of them
this is a quite sensitive person who’s dealing with a lot of insecurities
they focus on their flaws instead of seeing how wonderful they are
this person has a hard time moving on
but I feel like Jongho helps them getting over their fears and turns them into a new person
they gonna rise from the ashes like a Phoenix when they start dating Jongho
I also think they meet when his fs is at their lowest point in life
it’s like he reveals a whole new and different world to them, this is actually very beautiful
all strings that their inner demons have control over will be cut off when Jongho enters their life
I’m seeing both of them improving each others mental and physical health
this is Jongho’s soul mate, these two found true love in each other
Jongho makes them understand that they deserve to be loved
they both balance each other out and build the life together they always dreamed of
they can be stuck in the past and have a hard time to move forward, again that’s because they’re a bit fearful
it feels like they’re inner child needs a lot of healing
they could appear to be sweet, but like a bit too sweet
it’s like a facade so people won’t take advantage of them and rather protect them
I see them as someone pretty charming actually, but only when they feel comfortable
they could a bit dramatic at times
but they’re very romantic and love the idea of love
they could’ve been single for a long time or maybe never had a proper relationship
again, I feel like this is caused by people constantly mistreating them, kinda getting sick of others in a way
they’re very diplomatic
this is someone who loves art and has an eye for aesthetics
they’re very interested in different cultures and languages, probably even speak multiple languages
this is someone from further away, like there’s a separation between them and Jongho
could be a different city or a foreign country
they enjoy traveling a lot
this is someone who’s very intelligent knowledgeable
they’re quite stubborn and could have Capricorn or Aries placements
they have a lot of sympathy for others
look wise I can see someone conventionally beautiful
they’re very attractive
they probably have brown or black hair, either straight or a bit wavy
from the energy I’m getting someone who’s a bit younger then Jongho
~Nicky 🫧
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nso-csi · 10 months
230814 Clash Magazine twitter update 'In Conversation With SHINee'
In the early days of prepping for this record, what was the group’s mentality like? Was there something very specific you each wanted from this process? TAEMIN: I think I wanted to show that SHINee is still as strong as ever. To be honest, during our promotions, I couldn’t really pinpoint our exact goal but now I feel like I can organise my thoughts and reflect on what my feelings were at that time: I still want to receive a lot of love when we’re on stage, continue to cherish what we’ve achieved, and maintain our strong bond with our fans.
So there’s still that feeling of pressure, even if it���s lesser these days, when you gear up to a release? TAEMIN: The album release was delayed from the original schedule, and we wish we’d had more time to prepare because time was really limited. Despite that, we were able to wrap up this promotion well. I tend to be hard on myself, but this time, I think I felt like I wanted to appreciate the moment.
SHINee have talked at various points over the years about their identity – as a group and individuals – and you explore this on Hard’s B-side ‘Identity’ with lyrics like “I want to find the original me” and “a destination to find in chaos”. Have there been times where the members experienced losing their way? TAEMIN: I’ve always tried to view myself objectively, and sometimes it felt like a trap in an endless cave. Fortunately, I’ve had really wonderful people around me, who were my greatest source of strength. I’m not sure if I can be someone who can say uplifting words to others but when I feel overwhelmed, I take walks which clear my mind and this has helped me.
As humans we’re constantly evolving; how have the members’ identities shifted since the release of ‘Don’t Call Me’ (2021), and how is this change reflected on ‘Hard’? TAEMIN: I decided to give myself a break and not to be so hard on myself. I wanted to focus more on the feelings of happiness and the positive energy that people give me from recognizing my work instead of contemplating what I’m lacking and overanalyzing my shortcomings. And because I was able to take a different approach and attitude toward this album, I was able to enjoy this promotion and feel more comfortable.
After 15 years, what – if anything – still makes you nervous as an artist? TAEMIN: The constant anticipation and expectations motivate me and heighten my expectations but, on the other hand, they can also be stressful. But this process is a significant part of my life, and the challenges make the sense of accomplishment I feel even greater.
Upcoming film aside, if there was one moment in your SHINee careers that you could revisit in-person – just because it was so amazing you’d like to experience it again – what would it be? TAEMIN: The moments I want to relive are not only from our [stage] careers but I really do want to relive those small moments when the five of us would have meals, talk, and fall asleep together.
The older we get, the faster time seems to move: Is there a new or different sense of urgency around your ambitions? And how does this compare to the early days of SHINee when, perhaps, you felt like there was also so much to accomplish? TAEMIN: I’ve achieved many of the things I’d aimed for and also experienced moments of wanting to give up. Going through numerous experiences and internal turmoil, I can see myself ageing, but the memories and records of us when we were young are vividly alive and preserved. So, personally, rather than a sense of urgency and ambition, I always want to do my best in the present and in this era.
The words ‘icons’ and ‘legends’ get thrown around too easily these days but SHINee really are both. Does it seem real for you, especially as you’re still an active, progressive group? Do you ever consider the band’s legacy and what you’d like that, ultimately, to be? TAEMIN: One of my juniors once said to me, ‘I feel like idols’ careers are extending because you continue to be active. Thank you.’ Hearing those words made me feel proud because it seems like we’re pioneering something, and when I see friends who consider me as their role model, it also helps me release all the built-up stress inside of me. Because of that, I feel a sense of motivation, I want to work even harder to inspire people, and I hope SHINee will be remembered as a group that continues to shine and remains in people’s hearts for generations to come.
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dear-wormwoods · 1 year
Okay, I have 2 questions for you: 1) What do you think about people who say that if Cartman became abusive with Heidi it was Kyle just because he openly suggests that he would use Troll Trace to reveal Cartman's bigoted past and send the information to Heidi and because he only helped Heidi because he was in love ( honestly it's just make my blood boil) and 2) What do you think about Kitty Monk's video " Are Cartman and Kyle the same person? "
Ps. I'm happy that I'm not the only one who adore Kyle and thinks Rabbi Cartman was and awful person.
I’ll be honest anon, I kept putting off answering this because I wanted to actually watch the video you mentioned so I could properly give you thoughts on it but I truly do not have the time or energy to watch it. I’m assuming the whole video is about making Kyle’s actions out to be more terrible while downplaying Cartman’s so as to put them on ‘even ground’ and I’m simply not here for that kind of content. If I’m wrong, please let me know!
To answer the question the title poses: no, they are not the same person. At all.
Kyle has a conscience, which sets him apart from Cartman for obvious reasons. He feels bad when he does something wrong. He worries about how his actions affect other people. He even worries about and feels bad for Cartman, despite being the one person who really should get a free pass to not give a shit about him. He’s a dick in the same way a lot of kids are dicks, and that really isn’t comparable to Cartman’s behavior and total lack of remorse.
I imagine people who follow the ‘same person’ line of thinking would say things like “well Kyle laughed at Cartman getting HIV so Cartman was just teaching him a lesson, just like how Kyle tried teaching Cartman a lesson by making him ginger” or “Kyle blew up Toronto so he’s probably killed more people than Cartman ever did with Cthulhu.”
To those points I would say - Cartman’s reaction to Kyle laughing was disproportionate and to suggest otherwise or downplay the seriousness of intentionally giving someone HIV as ‘payback’ is ridiculous. Kyle was laughing at the irony of the person who constantly jokes about him getting AIDS being the one to end up getting it, and he clearly knew he was wrong to laugh about it which was why he excused himself so he wouldn’t do it in front of Cartman. It was a gut reaction that he knew was socially unacceptable. Cartman was completely out of line in his response by doing something which, as far as he knew at the time, would cause permanent damage to Kyle. The difference between that and the ginger thing is twofold: Kyle wasn’t really reacting to Cartman’s bigotry on behalf of himself, he was trying to come to the defense of actual Ginger kids who were now being bullied by other kids because of what Cartman was saying. He wanted to show Cartman what it was like to be on the other side of things for once. Kyle wasn’t motivated by selfishness or revenge. The other difference is that dying Cartman’s hair etc wasn’t permanent. He did not forever alter Cartman’s body or intentionally make him sick, he and the other kids made surface level, temporary changes. This is not equivalent to giving someone HIV - obviously.
The other thing… well, I’ll preface this by saying I don’t think that the Canada thing was handled well by the show. It did not really deal with the aftermath and how it weighed on Kyle’s conscience other than the two second scene where Ike tells him to stop being a victim. But I also understand that it’s difficult to like, reconcile that kind of devastation for a character who is so overcome by guilt that he wants to die over toilet papering someone’s house. Here’s the thing though, Kyle isn’t directly responsible for what happened. He feels responsible and it makes sense why he does, because it was his own emotional outburst that ultimately ‘swayed’ Garrison, but I truly don’t think he meant for that to happen. He was speaking from a place of hurt and trauma, after not feeling heard by his friends and supposedly safe adults, and finally, the wrong person listened to him. Garrison already had a vendetta against Canadians - he was itching to do something drastic. Ultimately it’s HIS fault. Compare this to Cartman using Cthulhu to knowingly and intentionally destroy San Francisco, who knows how many synagogues, etc… it’s not the same. Cartman knows what he’s doing, and he doesn’t care about how it impacts others. Kyle cares about the natural consequences of his actions, even the indirect ones.
I’m not sure if those points were even in the video but those are what came to my head. Ultimately, Kyle’s conscience will never allow him to be ‘the same person’ as Cartman. Suggesting that they’re on the same level is, I think, fundamentally misunderstanding both the characters and their relationship with each other.
As for Heidi, I’ve never heard anyone say it’s Kyle’s fault Cartman became abusive, but I’m not surprised it’s been said. Some people will just say anything to villainize Kyle and make Cartman more sympathetic. It sounds like something Cartman himself would say, or any other abuser - “oh, I only hurt you because of x y and z”. It’s removing accountability from Cartman, which is… insane to me. Maybe Kyle’s threat put pressure on Cartman, but it didn’t CAUSE him to become abusive. He was always going to become abusive. It’s just who he is. That’s like saying Butters caused Cartman to become abusive by laughing at Heidi’s jokes. Or saying it’s Heidi’s fault for expecting Cartman to put effort into their relationship and talk to her more. It’s gross. Cartman is responsible for his OWN jealousy and paranoia and whatever else contributed to the way his relationship with Heidi played out. Saying otherwise goes against one of the messages of the whole season - Cartman deflecting and placing blame on everyone else and victimizing himself was an abuse tactic in itself. Heidi saw herself going down that same road and chose to break the cycle and take responsibility for herself. People need to hold Cartman responsible for his own decisions, words, and actions.
When it comes to Kyle’s relationship to Heidi, I don’t even think he liked her let alone loved her. I think he helped her because he felt bad for her, could see that Cartman was abusing her, and knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of Cartman’s abuse. He didn’t even think he liked her at all until the girls told him he did, and it was easier for him to go along with that than to grapple with the complicated dynamic he has with Cartman. I do not think Kyle’s intention to help Heidi was selfish at all. It wasn’t about taking away Cartman’s girlfriend and making her like him instead. It was about helping someone he could tell was suffering.
Sorry this took so long to respond to! I’d be interested to know what points that video made but I’ll probably never watch it.
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analanaisdying · 3 months
Some things I’ve noticed while on my Intermittent Fasting Diet so far
1. My cravings have stopped
I was really surprised with this one because usually I have really bad cravings. But being on a schedule has really helped with that and helped stop me from binging because I know exactly when my next meal will be.
2. I appreciate food more
Since I’m now not constantly eating, when I do eat, I can actually enjoy the food. I’m not constantly worried about gaining or losing or feeling guilty while eating because my diet is designed so that my body is on a schedule and will lose a certain amount consistently. If anything, if I break the schedule and don’t eat that would be worse.
3. I have more energy
This one is surprising too. I was expecting to be completely drained and exhausted from the lack of food intake but instead I have more energy. I’m not constantly shovelling food into my mouth so I’m not bloated and weighed down by it sitting in my body. Also since my body doesn’t need to use energy to digest an excess amount of food, I can use it for other things. I also no longer take a nap midday anymore like I would after eating.
4. I’m more focused and my head is clear
I’ve noticed that I’ve became able to focus on the task at hand much better than before. I used to only be thinking about food and snacks while doing anything, but since I know when my next meal will be, it takes the pressure off of wondering if it’s okay to eat rn/if I should eat rn. Since I have more energy too, I can also use that towards doing productive tasks like homework. I’ve also gotten better at managing my time and scheduling things out so that I’m productive and get things done. I feel like I can actually hear myself think. My thoughts aren’t muddy anymore. My head is calmer.
5. My hunger pangs have went down significantly
I was also worried about this before beginning my diet but I was pleasantly surprised. I only get hungry if I think about food too much or smell food for too long. But because I know when my next meal will be, I’m able to stay in control and resist pretty easily. While I’m hungry tho, I’m more irritable and get angry/annoyed easier. However, once the hunger fades and I’m distracted from whatever irritated me, it goes away quickly.
6. I get leg aches
This one isn’t so positive. I frequently feel like my leg bones are aching. It can also be slightly painful/uncomfortable to have my knees pressing together, whether I’m laying down on my side or crossing my legs while sitting, etc.
7. It’s hard to get comfortable
This one also isn’t positive. Whether I’m sitting down or laying down, etc, after only a few minutes I’ll have to readjust myself. If I don’t, it gets really painful and uncomfortable.
8. I have less modivation
Another negative one. I’ve noticed my motivation to do things has decreased. Even if I want to do something, it will be hard to get myself to do it. I frequently just sit and stare into space with my thoughts and will have to snap myself out of it because I’d rather do that than do something I have to/want to do. More aligning with motivation though, it can be hard to do things like get out of bed, leave the house, shower, etc, which is what I’ve been experiencing.
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sokkas-sword · 2 years
flickers (chapter five)
sokka x female reader
summary: after the events of the swamp and avatar day, the gaang try and rest for a couple of days before continuing the search for an earth bender to train aang 
warnings: mentions of death - nothing else i think this ones pretty lighthearted :)
wc: 3.5k
prologue --- chapter four -- chapter six
a/n: long time no see - this is actually a record for me not posting anything in a year, i was just so busy and then when i wasn’t i didnt have the motivation to write. so sorry for taking so long and i dont even know if people are interested in this fic any more but i’ve written some more for it again so might as well post it and hopefully will not disappear for a year again. anyways i went back and made a few changes through the story already written including the addition of a nickname for the reader (mainly because i dont like using y/n all the time) but yeah this a little filler chapter so there is more of a connection between the characters before i ruin it for them in a few chapters time :)
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“Alright! This place looks great!” Aang clapped his hands together as Appa landed in a large clearing, a stream running through it and into the forest that surrounded them. 
She watched the avatar jump from the bison’s saddle and onto the dirt below where he stood with his arms wide, a huge smile on his face. And she couldn’t help but smile back at him - his positive energy was infectious and it meant the prospect of staying in this clearing for a few days more appealing - especially as the water tribe siblings were still a little hesitant towards her.
Although, after their experience in the swamp, and whatever went on in Chin on Avatar Day, she had noticed Sokka being a little more caring towards her and Katara was doing her best to be civil. So even if they didn’t trust her yet, they were trying and so was she - so hopefully, their relationships could only improve from there.
The idea of having a break from the Avatar's group constantly getting into trouble and other situations that make her head spin if she thought on it for too long, put a smile on her face as she climbed off Appa’s saddle, the feeling of dirt beneath her feet allowing the tension to melt from her body. She may have only been with this weird group for a week or two now but she wasn’t yet used to flying on Appa, her fear of heights making her uncomfortable every time they travelled on him.
Caught in her own thoughts as she reached for her bag, she didn’t notice Aang trying to get her attention, that was until he airbended himself right in front of her a bright smile on his face as he spoke, “Hey Lia I was calling your name, do you want to play a game?”
She blinked at him, surprised by the nickname she hadn’t heard someone else call her in over a year now.
The lack of response confused the young avatar, waving his hand in her face he asked, “is everything okay? You seem a little out of it?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” she nodded at him, “it’s just you called me Lia.”
“Oh, am I not allowed? It’s just you said to Momo that’s what your friends call you and we’re friends right?”
A warmth spread through her chest at Aang so nonchalantly calling her his friend, she was Fire Nation and apart from Ria, had never really had friends that weren’t themselves from the Fire Nation as well so this meant a lot to her.
Realising she hadn’t replied back to him yet, she gave him a small smile, “Yeah we’re friends, I just haven’t had someone call me Lia in a while.”
“Well get used to it, travelling with Team Avatar gives you the opportunity for loads of friends! It’s one of the best parts!” He gave her a thumbs up before turning to look at the Water Tribe siblings who had been watching the interaction silently, and when Aang subtly indicated they should do something, they both smiled at their new acquaintance. And even though their smiles looked more like grimaces, y/n felt just a little more accepted into the group than she was this morning and that was enough for her.
She turned back to Aang, answering his original question from before she’d gotten sidetracked “well we should help set up camp first but then we can play a game if you want?”
“Yep sounds great!”
It didn’t take long for the four of them to set up a small camp, Sokka going off into the trees surrounding them to collect some wood for the fire, Aang scouring through the bags for some food for them and her and Katara setting up the tents. It was quiet whilst they completed the task but y/n didn’t mind, it allowed her time to think about all she had already experienced with the Avatar and his companions.
She still avoided thinking too much about the swamp debacle where she saw her mother and the old man, less she become emotional, but the whole Avatar Day situation they’d stumbled into in Chin was much easier to focus on if not confusing in a different way. It was interesting to see a place not associated with the Fire Nation hate the Avatar as much as they did, even if they had their own misguided reasons, but the similarity of misinformation on specific topics between the people of Chin and what was taught in the Fire Nation had struck a chord in her. Obviously, there were still great differences between the situations but it still had affected her more than she had thought it would. And it led her to become more grateful that she had started to push past her previous teachings and learn how much damage the Fire Nation was doing to the rest of the world and all the people in it, especially how it had affected the people she was starting to become close to. 
It didn’t take long for the group to finish setting up camp and whilst Katara began cooking, refusing the offer of help from y/n, Aang began his task of having fun and tried to drag his new friend into the game he had planned earlier.
“So it’s called ‘don’t fall in the quicksand’ and basically the first one to touch the floor loses, but you have can try and sabotage your opponent by trying to get them off balance however you can.” Aang briefly explained to her.
“Oh I used to play that when I was younger, except we called it ‘the floor is lava’! And you’re looking at the reigning champion young Avatar.” She smiled teasingly at him whilst she gloated, ignoring the pang in her chest at the thought of her and Zuko playing this in the palace gardens when their parents weren’t around.
“Ha! I’m an airbender Lia, so unless you have a miracle tucked into your tunic you’re going to lose,” he looked over at Sokka to see if he wanted to play as well but he was already shaking his head at the pair. 
Y/n chuckled to herself at the Avatar’s confidence, yes he may be an airbender which gives him an incredible advantage, but unfortunately for everyone she has ever known, she had always been unbearably competitive and today was not the day she was going to start losing at a child’s game.
She tied her hair up into a top knot and started walking to the treeline, waiting for Aang to call the start of the game. She didn’t have to wait long before his shout of “QUICKSAND!” was heard across their little camp, she quickly jumped onto the tree beside her and climbed up the trunk to perch on a branch strong enough to hold her weight. Happy with where she was she began looking for where Aang had ended up, only for him to be on a tree on the other side of the clearing, waving at her.
Waving back to him she started figuring out how she could get over to him and get him to touch the floor without herself falling and losing the game.
Unbeknownst to the two already chasing each other through the trees trying to push the other one off, the Water Tribe siblings watched them from their spot next to the campfire. Katara shook her head at the pair, turning back to the food she was preparing and muttering under her breath, “one of them is going to get hurt if they’re not careful and then it will be my problem.”
Sokka turned to look at her from where he had been watching y/n laughing at Aang as she flung a branch at his face so he almost fell off the branch he had been on. “Come on sis they’re having fun, not committing crimes, lighten up.” 
She glared at her brother, “She’s Fire Nation Sokka, we know as well as anyone the damage they can do, I still don’t fully trust her - what if this is some plan to capture Aang?”
“Look,” he placed his hand on her shoulder pulling her focus from where she was angrily chopping vegetables, “I agree that we should be wary around her, but honestly from what I’ve seen, she seems to be, I don’t know, a nice person maybe? Definitely not what I expected from someone from the Fire Nation. And at the end of the day if there was some ridiculous plan to capture Aang, I’m not sure it would involve playing games with the Avatar.”
The pair looked up at the trees again to see y/n throwing some sort of berry at Aang’s face in quick succession, momentarily blinding him before kicking at his ankles so he fell of the low branch he had been standing on, and before he realised what had happened he had touched the ground and the Fire Nation girl was hooting in victory in the trees above him.
Sokka gave a small smile at the site and turned to his sister, finishing off what he wanted to say, “I’m just saying I think we should maybe give her a chance to prove herself and earn our trust before we decide she doesn’t deserve it. I’m thinking of asking her to teach me some of the fighting tactics she knows tomorrow, maybe if she offers to help you with dinner tomorrow you could let her? And actually try and talk to her if you do - we’re a team and Aang seems to already loves her so we could try and do the same?”
Katara thought to herself for a moment before nodding at her brother, wondering what she could even talk to their new companion about given the opportunity.
As they made their way back to the campfire, Aang laughed at how happy his new friend was at winning their game, even if he was surprised in her victory - he had never lost at that game before, but there was always a first time for everything and maybe if she was happy about this she’d start feeling more welcome in the group. He may have been the youngest here but he could still see how tense the others were around each other and he wanted to fix it.
Dinner that night was a quiet affair, everyone just happy to not having their lives threatened or experiencing something insane for once, and instead just enjoying the quiet world around them. Once they had finished, Katara got up to start clearing everything away, and when y/n offered her help, there was a small moment of hesitation before she nodded at her, taking Sokka’s advice of trying to give her a chance.
Y/n was pleased when Katara allowed her to help, sitting next to her when she used her water bending to clean the dishes and y/n dried them up. It would’ve been even quicker if she could have used her fire bending to dry the dishes but she was still not ready to reveal that bit of herself. 
As they finished their task Katara turned to her, “Um, I was wondering why your nickname was Lia? If it’s alright to ask?”
She smiled at the water bender, “Yeah of course. It started with my mum actually, my favourite flower was always the camellia flower, so she’d always call me ‘her little camellia’, and then enough people heard it and started calling me Lia, or Little Lia at the time,” she smiled at the memories of the people who loved her and who she had lost, “But yeah after a while Lia just stuck and it makes me feel closer to my mum I guess.”
Katara had felt enough pain at her own mother dying that she recognised the glassy look in y/n’s eyes as she recalled her mum, and she felt herself softening towards the older girl, reaching out she squeezed the Fire Nation girl’s shoulder, “I understand, since my mum died I’ve worn her necklace to feel closer to her. It’s the small things I guess.”
Y/n nodded at the girl, giving her a shy smile, “The small things.”
Feeling some of the tension between the pair dissipate, they both made their way back to where the boys were sitting feeling slightly lighter, Momo launching himself at his new favourite member as soon as they were sat down, cherishing the warmth her body emitted as a fire bender. 
It didn’t take long until the events of the past few days caught up with the group and they all fell asleep, the embers of the fire casting a small glow over their campsite.
Sokka woke up with a groan, he had never been a morning person and living on the road with the constantly happy and chatty Avatar was something that he suspected he’d never get used to. Not to mention their new companion was somehow always awake early as well and would also chat to said boy - it was all just a lot in the mornings. He looked over to the Avatar himself and witnessed him trying to flirt with his sister in his own weird way, somehow getting her to agree to go exploring with him for the day. 
That left him with y/n for the day, and he was hoping to ask her to teach him some combat skills, if he actually got the nerves to ask. He’d already been impressed with her skill with a blade on numerous occasions and even if just a few months ago he would’ve turned his nose up at her teaching him anything due to the fact she was a girl, his time with Suki had started changing his mind then and he’d since been proven wrong multiple times. So all he had to do was ask, that wouldn’t be so hard would it?
It turned out it was that hard. He was being ridiculous he knew but as he watched her practice her forms next to the stream - the perfect time to him to ask for some pointers, he was well aware of this - he just couldn’t bring himself to ask. 
So instead he watched. She looked calm as she went through her movements, the sun shining on her dark curls, as she span and lunged with no weapon in her hand, a true warrior even with no sword in her hand. He hated to admit, especially because he knew he should be wary of her, but he was starting to admire her, not just for her skills in combat but she was already good friends with Aang and maybe even starting to gain Katara’s trust if their relaxed attitude towards each other last night was any indication - and that in itself was nothing short of a miracle. But other than that she was pretty. She was really pretty, and Sokka couldn’t help but notice it anytime the firelight danced in her eyes or she laughed at one of Aang’s dumb jokes, or sometimes his dumb jokes, and it was beginning to annoy him. Why after everything, after Yue, did he start thinking a Fire Nation girl was pretty? It was stupid and he shook himself out of his thoughts and started walking towards her before he could psyche himself out of his plan.
“Hi,” y/n opened her eyes and raised a questioning eyebrow at the Water Tribe boy who had interrupted her morning forms, “I, um, was wondering, if you’d be able to teach me some sword skills or something I don’t know - it’s just I feel like I need to know more than just my trusty boomerang and you are you know, um, really good with a sword and you could help me? Maybe, if you want, if you don’t want to you don’t have to. Please stop me from talking.”
She couldn’t help but laugh a little at how flustered he had gotten trying to ask her for help - it was kinda cute and she smiled as he avoided her eyes.
“I can teach you somethings if you want, although can’t say I’ll be a good teacher, if you get hurt I’m not taking the blame when Katara gets annoyed at us.” She joked, pleased with herself when Sokka gave her a hopeful smile.
“Yeah I would like that, and don’t you worry my sister knows I’m to blame in any and all accidents, she’s had practice dealing with me for years.”
“Okay well we can start off with the basic defensive forms if that’s alright with you?” He nodded at her, glad he’d gotten over himself and asked - hopefully if he learnt a lot from her over time he’d no longer feel useless when Team Avatar found themselves in dangerous situations.
They went over the numerous defence stances for hours until the sun was at the highest point in the sky and they declared it was time to have a break, both of them lying down on the hard ground, a comfortable silence enveloping between themselves. 
Y/n was busy thinking about how she’d initially been taught her combat skills to better help Sokka when her thoughts were interrupted by the older boy himself.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I’ve been thinking about that dumb swamp, and was wondering what was it you saw when we were in there? Again you don’t have to answer if I’m being too nosey.”
She turned to look at him, making eye contact briefly before she lay on her back once again, debating whether she wanted to talk about it or not.
Silence stretched between them, and just as Sokka thought he had been too inconsiderate in his questioning, she spoke.
“I saw my mother.”
She could feel Sokka tense slightly beside her before facing her fully, her eyes remained on the sky above her, the clouds moving across it in various shapes, calming her down.
“She died a few years ago now, there was this illness in our city, it claimed a lot of lives but that didn’t make it any less painful when I lost her I guess, and my father-“ she took in a sharp breath at the thought of him, “none of us took it well and seeing her in that swamp, I just wasn’t ready for it.”
Sokka watched as she wiped a stray tear with her hand and was getting ready to say something to her before she continued speaking.
“But that wasn’t the worst of it. I… I touched her shoulder so I could see her face for the first time in so long, I wanted to make sure I still remembered it you know? But when she turned around it wasn’t her anymore.”
There were lots of tears falling down her cheeks now, as she remembered what she’d seen, but she continued telling the silent boy beside her, hoping that talking about it would make things easier.
“Instead of my mother it was a man who I… hurt a few years ago. It’s the thing I’m most ashamed of and it was why I left the Fire Nation actually, it’s just seeing his face and remembering what I did, even though at the time I didn’t want to, it was just too much.” 
She sniffed turned to look at Sokka again, scared but curious as to how he would react to her admission, even if it wasn’t a full admission, but she needed to know that he didn’t suddenly hate her.
He leant over and wiped a tear of the cheek closest to him, “Thank you, for telling me, I’m not sure it’ll make you feel better but the person I’ve learnt you to be is not someone who would willingly hurt others, so to me, you’re not a bad person, and this does not change that opinion at all.”
She hiccuped, feeling a small weight off her shoulders even if he did not know the whole story he didn’t think she was a monster and that was enough for now. She went to reply to him when their moment was broken by the arrival of Aang and Katara from their little adventure, happily chatting away and asking about lunch. Y/n gave Sokka one last smile, wiped away the rest of her tears and went to greet Aang, trying to listen to him whilst he spoke about a mile a minute about the animals they’d seen.
That night, after dinner had been eaten and cleared up, there was, for the first time since y/n had joined the group, a nice and relaxed atmosphere surrounding the group and it stayed that way until they departed their small campsite the next day. Their break was over and now the hunt for Aang’s earth bending teacher was back on the schedule.
taglist: @kaylove12 @bestyearsof5sos @neemonroe @aangsupremacy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @lizziel1410 @idalinette @jasminedrgon @avocados-and-lemons @chewymoustachio @http-jackass @theamandaaashow​ @plutoneu​
strikethrough means i couldnt tag you - also because it’s been so long, if you no longer want to be tagged you can just ask :)
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
I was wondering if you could do a resident evil matchup for fun ! :D (if not all good)
Gender : Agender Sexuality : Queer/Bi Pronouns : She/her (tbh any is fine) Zodiac : Taurus MBTI : INTJ 
Personality : Can be quiet, will eventually open up (after a while). Once I open up I'm more playful and a little harsh in a joking way. Not really a personality trait, but constantly tired and low on energy until it's nighttime. My friends constantly say I look really angry, so my face is easy to read so there’s no hiding when I’m extremely pissed. I become extremely upbeat when it comes to something I obsess with such as resident evil, i will state random ass facts and info dump – it shocked my friends. Quote batman or the joker - the dark knight is my current obsession that i will rant abt. I can be extremely gullible at times and it’s hard for me to decipher sarcasm or seriousness!
Likes : CATS,  heavy metal, rock music, punk, goth, coraline (the movie is so good istg), tangled (disney), spacing out and daydreaming bc it’s better than reality, Writing silly stories I’ll never complete bc i lack the motivation. I love the diverse dishes with potatoes, it’s so interesting and it’s typically delicious no matter what.  
Dislikes : I despise overthinking because I can never relax and I’m constantly on edge. Anxiety of social interactions makes me want to cry. 
Ideal partner : Someone who’s fine w me being me ig, and who’ll point out mistakes I make. Someone I can relax with 
== Resident Evil ==>
I match you up with…
Claire Redfield
Claire is possibly the most genuine person in the entire RE series, and though you two may not connect at first, when you open up to her and let yourself be true, she matches your energy, and the two of you can genuinely be yourselves around one another. 
She most admires your honesty, especially with her and yourself. You’re not afraid to make mistakes, and desire to be accepted more than anything, and you let her know. It’s wonderful to her. 
She also never has to guess how you’re feeling, since your face is so expressive. 
She especially loves when you smile, and she’ll kiss the corners of your mouth frequently. 
She also likes that you’re a free spirit - much like her. The two of you listen to loud music and talk openly about your hobbies and she’s endlessly delighted to have found someone who she can let loose around. 
She may not absorb everything you say about your hobbies, but damn is she listening. Well, mostly she’s watching the way your face lights up, and falling even more in love. 
Y’all WILL get a cat together, and that cat is your child. You often find her asleep on the couch with the cat across her chest, blissed out. 
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Hi Em,
Hoping you can help me figure out my MBTI and/or enneagram type or at least point me towards the right direction.
As a writer, I do a detailed sentence by sentence outline for a specific chapter I’m writing and overall rough outline for the book. In life and in writing, I can veer off the plan, but as long as I have that end goal in mind, I’m good. It’s like seeing a train light in the fog – you know it’s coming even if you can’t see it clearly yet. Writing for me is all about enemies to lovers, witty banter, power struggles and internal monologue just like my life lol. I write best when it’s episodic or shorter segments at a time. I also need feedback the interactivity from fans to keep me engaged.
With routine, I need some external push, like deadlines from work, classes, or events, to get me going. If you say by the end of the week, it will done early or on time. If you say by the 15th I procrastinate or it’s late. It’s weird how that works. I also need actionable tangible steps to things otherwise I’m lost. Cleanliness and organization are my jam, not because I love order, but because I love beauty. I trust my gut and intuition for the final say with my heart making most of the decisions. It has to feel right or I get physically ill.
Aesthetics are huge for me – I’m all about beauty, art, culture and hedonism. I love nature, animals, children, reading, solitude, the supernatural, the dark, the taboo, the mythical, spiritual, touch, excitement and adventure. Good sex, good convo, beautiful clothes, good food- 100% me. I’m into enjoying life’s pleasures, and I spend a lot of time making sure my appearance reflects who I am. It’s not about others liking me; it’s about them knowing what kind of person I am upfront and they can do what that what they will.
I believe in fate, but sometimes I get too passive, waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen. I prefer alone or with my partner vs others. I don’t like venting without having some sort of solution at the end, some sort of action. I get frustrated, and I’m like, "Ok, but what are you going to try to do about it?" Doing can be crying, talking, or just giving yourself some time to think. It just has to have an action.
I’m quietly ambitious and if I want it I get it. I hate complaining or sharing my problems, preferring to work through things on my own. But when I do reach out, it’s all about finding solutions, getting that step-by-step guide to hitting my goals. My emotions are private but I go nuclear if pushed too far. I’m not about revenge- that’s up to the universe and it takes too much patience and minute detail, which just isn’t me.
Socially, I’m a bit of an enigma. I’ve faced bullying, which makes me cautious in social settings, despite being quite good with people one-on-one. I’m not into trends or networking; it feels inauthentic, though part of me wonders if it’s because I feel like I have nothing to offer. Talking up my achievements feels awkward; I’d rather let them speak for themselves. I’m the person who sees the talent in others and isn’t shy about pointing it out.
I have to know myself 100%- I can’t move forward without it. Once I hit a goal, I’m done and onto the next, always striving for excellence. Competition motivates me, but I’m not cutthroat. I work at my own pace, based on my mood. I’m generally calm until I’m not, and then it’s zero to a hundred. I struggle to express anger healthily, thanks to having to bottle it up when I was younger.
I’m triggered by the following: being called over-emotional, needy, lack of personal space and control, group projects, noise for the sake of noise. I worry about wasted potential and not living up to my gifts and talents. Hate being a second romantic choice option. I am intense, nicer than I look. I’m great at reading people in person because I can get a strong feel for their energy, vibes and body language. But online-social media feels like a minefield where I’m constantly misreading or attracting the wrong kind of attention.
I appreciate it, Em
Hi anon,
I am fairly confident you are a high Fi user, and I think with that in mind you are likely an Se user - the aesthetic focus is one part, but also what you said about needing interactions to stay engaged with writing (whereas I'd expect an NFP to be sufficiently hooked on the conceptual aspect) seems likely. I personally think the topics that interest someone in writing are not really dictated by MBTI, but how one approaches writing definitely is. High Se is also, generally, the best in my opinion at reading people; there's an attunement to body language. My guess here is ISFP.
The part about needing a routine to ground you/procrastination without clear deadlines is more in line with perceiving, though plenty of things (eg, ADHD) can complicate that, and going through this in order it was that followed by the comment on inauthenticity that led me to high Fi. It sounds like you're an introvert in MBTI but fairly comfortable with people, which is not unusual for feelers - I know a decent number of ISFPs and they tend to be quite personable but ultimately prefer to hang out with only a few people.
The ambition aspect is interesting though - you see this in high Se, to be fair, but much less so in the Se-auxes than with the Se-doms. I'm wondering if this is a relatively new thing, especially if you're at a point where inf Te would be starting to deepen.
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My problem with 2017 MSM’s Harry and Peter (Spoilers ahead)
As much as I’m constantly praising MSM for their portrayal of Peter and Harry’s relationship, I do have one major issue with the show in the context of Peter and Harry (and many more in the grand scheme of the show if I disregard the platonic and romantic parksborn content).  There is a huge lack of payoff.  Let me explain:
The show hinted that Harry may have been sick like his mother, or at the very least, he was struggling with his health.  All of his energy would occasionally, suddenly drain, and Harry would pass out.  The show used this as a plot device, but once season 1 was over, it was forgotten, brushed aside as Harry not adjusting to the superhero lifestyle.  But this was a throw-away line that Harry used to keep Peter from worrying, those symptoms were extremely concerning and would have made for a great storyline.  
There are two storylines I could see happening, the first one is the shortest of the two. If the showrunners wanted to keep the plot short, they could have explained this through Norman.  Norman was using Harry’s ill health to manipulate and gaslight him, therefor, it wouldn’t be illogical to place the blame on him.  While a dark idea, it could have been possible that Norman was drugging his son to worsen his health for the reasons just listed.  This would have, not only, explained what I view as a major hole in the storytelling, but also added to the overarching plot of Norman being a terrible father and a terrible person.
The second possible fix that I can think of, simply off the top of my head, is the one with the most emotional payoff.  If the show had waited, if they had kept the storyline going throughout the seasons, it would have given us so much payoff when they finally decided to address it.  
The first season of any show is the basic blueprint for what the entire show should be at it’s core; therefor, from that blueprint, we learned to expect Harry to be a staple.  The first season was not a story about Peter Parker, not even Spiderman.  The show was about Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, both together and separately, it was about their journeys and how life continued to bring them together.  In season 2, the show threw Harry aside the moment they were done with the big bad’s storyline, his father’s storyline.  He simply disappeared to “Europe” for half a season, no explanation for his ailment.  While I don’t necessarily hate this concept, many people, including myself, isolate during rough emotional times, he should have never been forgotten. 
If the show wanted Harry to isolate to continue his father’s work, they should have shown us that.  We didn’t need a mid-season reveal.  I felt that that took away from the show immensely.  Personally, I’ve seen Spiderman tv shows, and MSM is nothing special there.  What drew me to the show was the depth that they gave the supporting characters.  I exclusively watch the episodes with Harry Osborn, because I’ve seen Spiderman before, I haven’t seen Harry Osborn like this.  The show should have continued Harry’s storyline separate from Peter, that way, the emotional payoff, when Harry’s actions and motives are finally revealed to Peter instead of the audience, would have been intense.
Finally, if the show wanted to pit Harry against Peter in a major showdown at the end of the show, (obviously keeping Harry redeemable, because we all stan a hurt but not evil Harry Osborn) it would have been the first on-screen adaptation of their relationship to truly, successfully, pull the green goblin storyline off.  Raimi-verse did it well, but MSM could have done it perfectly if they set themselves up for it.
At the end of the show, Peter could learn that Harry has been sick, and with the seasons of setup, it would have been heartbreaking.  The reveal would be the thing that enables Peter to understand where Harry’s motives have been, and it would be the thing that could save him from the dark path he was going down. 
Even if the show wanted to avoid any more Harry-Peter conflict, it would have been gut-wrenching to discover after seasons of build-up that Harry has been secretly sick, even if the ailment isn’t life-threatening and only life-altering. 
The moral of this story is, the show needed more consistency and a larger, more long-term plan for the show, because the best shows, regardless of the target audience, are the shows that plan their entire series out and don’t leave plotlines hanging with no explicit or implied explanations.  Avatar the Last Airbender is the perfect example of a kid’s show that will remain legendary because of the consistent and thoroughly developed and explored plot.         
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Could I get a matchup for a bitty (platonic)?
I tend to work in bursts of energy and listen to indie music, read fantasy, and watch the same TV shows. I am an ambivert looking for a bitty who can motivate me to get myself out there, but also one that can appreciate a chill day every now and then. I’m constantly putting on a persona in hopes of making people like me more. As such, I'm also looking for a bitty who won't judge me and will accept me for who I truly am.
. . . An anxious, depressed, exhausted student struggling with college.
Here's a few things about me. Most people think I'm overly eager or not trying hard enough when they first meet me. Consequently, I make more enemies than friends. It is not unusual for me to make jokes by teasing, however, those who don't know me well may perceive it as bullying. Psychology is one of my favorite topics, and I aspire to be someone who jokes about fucked up things that leaves people wondering whether what I said was actually a joke or not (hehehe).
Because I glare whenever I'm thinking, I may be seen as grumpy to some, but in reality, I'm just daydreaming. The truth is, I'm a people pleaser at heart. Because I’m used to having to prove myself to others and care about what others think of me, I’m easily embarrassed and quick to become defensive. I find it difficult to accept genuine compliments since I often assume they’re just being polite, but I will compliment others like it's going out of style (though it sometimes backfires and leads them to assume I’m flirting.) Although I'm not super awkward, I definitely lack social skills, so others make the assumption that I don't enjoy conversing. However, this is not the case, I just have difficulty holding conversations (or ending them, for that matter).
If someone took the time to get to know me, they’d find out that I secretly love polka dot patterns. I enjoy the occasional pun. Despite being constantly told to speak up, I tend to be uncontrollably loud when I am having fun. As soon as the time is synchronized with three repeating numbers, I make a wish. I collect keys and unlit candles. Due to my spacy nature (once again, an avid daydreamer), I have trouble paying attention to what is going on around me. I’m horrible at managing time and organizing myself, and I have no idea how to relax. I can be impatient and short-tempered, but it's only because I am strict with myself and want to do things correctly the first go around. In addition to being overzealous, I tend to overcomplicate things and take on more than I can handle. Most importantly, I will put so much effort into procrastinating.
Tldr; I’m an absolute mess and I’m looking for a bitty who will put up with my shit lmao
*I always read the whole thing so I can give the best matchup, and I think there are several bitties who would work out for you.
My recommendations for you are:
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): The first and most important thing for you about a Honey Bo is that he is very perceptive and unlikely to jump to an assumption or form a misconception about you. It takes some work to earn a Honey Bo’s trust and friendship, but it’s worth because he’s a great listener and doesn’t mind some unconventional humor.
King (UF!Papyrus): While a King might sigh at some of the unsavory jokes or puns, he’s not going to judge or dislike you for them. He’ll be quite charmed by frequent compliments, assuming that you recognize his greatness rather than that you’re flirting. A King will try to help you stay grounded when you need it, and he can handle some responsibilities if you feel overwhelmed by them.
Chain (SF!Papyrus): If you form a SOULbond with a Chain it is because he sees who you are in your SOUL and is drawn by that. You don’t have to do anything to impress him or be anyone but yourself. Weird humor? Cool. Collecting unusual items? He’ll bring you some whenever he finds them. Wishing on the clock when it has repeating numbers? Sounds great!
*Let me know if you’d like an adoption scenario!
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baba-fett · 1 year
Hey Iris, I saw your inbox was open for advice? I’ve been struggling with this for a while — I’m a writer here on tumblr and I have more followers than I ever thought I’d have — but now I feel like I’ve set a sort of precedent and pace for works that I haven’t been meeting in a long time and I just feel so guilty — unanswered requests in my inbox and WIPs I’ve wanted to work on for months and just… haven’t.
How do you deal with a passion for writing and a lack of motivation to actually do it?
Ask Me Anything
Hi Anon! First off, I feel like I could have written this myself. When i was first posting fic i think i was posting new updated every other week? Some times every week. Then life caught up to me and those updates become a lot more sparse.
I completely understand why you feel guilty, because there's a lot of pressure on writers on this website to be constantly creating, as if we have to maintain relevance to keep calling ourselves 'writers'. And it's easy to burn yourself out at one point.
For me when I have that lack of motivation, it usually stems from my personal life. Either my depression is dragging me down, or I'm just busy with work and other things. I work a 9-6 job every day (might not seem like that with how much i'm online but i'm a good multitasker lol) but the downside that is when I get off work, I don't have the motivation or energy to write fic, even if it's in my head.
If writing itself isn't giving you joy at the moment, don't guilt yourself for that. Take some time for you brain to relax. When you say you have a passion, I'm assuming it means that you're still brainstorming stories, just the writing part is where you're hung up. When i hit that, i go to my notes and write outlines, detailing important plot points that way when the writing motivation strikes, I remember what I wanted to write in the first place.
This is a bit rambly, but what I'm trying to say is take care of yourself first, because once your garden is watered the flowers will bloom. As for your requests: the way i see requests is that they are just that, requests. You get to them when you get to them. And the people who requested it, requested them from you for a reason. So they will be more than happy to wait for your take.
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