#I’m even thinking of iconning what if just for those threads too
nerissalmao · 2 months
The Sexualization of Octolings
Hey y’all! My friend Ray suggested this lil thread essay post whatever it’s called, and I figured it would make perfect sense to do. I’ve never really made an in-depth Splatoon post before, but I’m not afraid to try. Today’s topic is.. the sexualization of Octolings.
We all know Octolings. We all think they’re cute and fun and cool, but they’re just so.. you know.. sexy. That’s not a bad thing, but it seems like it’s their whole entire species which is literally sexualized and shown in midriff-baring, skimpy outfits. I mean, come on guys. When Callie, the most wholesome Inkling around, briefly joins the Octo Party, she’s suddenly turned into the hottest dominatrix-looking rigid icon ever (a number of my friends started to crush on her after that).
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It’s definitely not just Callie. We all know Marina, guys. I don’t even have to show you images to prove what she looks like, her and her love for crop tops. And Marina, as we all know, is an ex-member of the Octarian army, like all Octolings.. like Agent 8, whose Octo Expansion outfit was on the sexy side with a crop top and high-heeled little booties. And who later in Side Order wears a form-fitting bodysuit that shows off their midriff and causes several Splatoon players to meme the fact that their backside seems to be lookin’ large to death. Why is it that Marina and Eight, who used to be in the army, have sexualized attire even now? And when Callie linked up with them, she too was wearing a shirt that in certain poses accentuates her chest, and pants so loose-fitting you can see her actual underwear.
Have you seen the enemy Octoling’s outfits? Yes, they’ve got on armor, but it’s stylized as crop tops and short shorts. Not to mention that most of the enemy Octolings present as or resemble females, and their armor has the age-old shoddy trope of having extra panels for their breasts. They’ve got little booties too and look more like a dancing glam squad or sexualized warrior cosplay than actual warriors, but this is just a design choice and doesn’t affect the way they fight. A pretty weird design choice for a game like Splatoon if you ask me.
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I find this very bizarre and random. Because it seems that the entire Octoling enemy brigade has some level of sexiness to them, especially the females. Every single one. But wait on a second. There’s two Octolings we haven’t covered yet. Shiver, an Octoling, has an outfit no more racier than Frye, her Inkling co-star’s. And Acht’s outfit may have a questionable thigh slit, but that’s nowhere near the typical belly-button-bearing short shorts of the Octarian army. That seems to make my theory seem dumb, huh?
Not in the slightest. See, Acht was never in the Octarian army’s fighting unit with the rest of the girlies (they were in the army and wore the same uniform, but as they were never on the front lines they seemed to be able to wear it differently, tilting it so their midriff wasn’t easily seen and wearing a bracelet instead of those tight gloves). As for Shiver, she was born into a clan of Octolings long separated from the other Octarians. Agent 8 on the other hand was once an Octarian warrior, as was Marina (she was later promoted though, but even so along with other enemy Octoling warriors was there during Octavio’s fight with Agent 3), and Callie was turned into one briefly, or something like one, despite her being an Inkling. It seems all the sexualized Octolings were once on the front lines strutting their stuff while fighting. So why is this?
Well, here’s my theory added onto another random semi-theory that I am here to share with you all. You see, in Japanese, the enemy Octolings, preferably the ones you fight, are called “Octo-Amazons”, and the Amazons are legendary female warriors. So perhaps DJ Octavio knew what he was doing with this, and it’s a sort of empowerment move that perhaps the masculine Octolings work on maintenance jobs or something given we never see them, whereas most feminine Octolings are fighters with their female-ness put on blatant display, waggling their little hips as they jump in to do battle with the Inklings. And this practice is so well-known among Octolings that those formerly in the army still tend to gravitate towards more revealing clothes even when they are free. Just a penny for your thoughts, Splatoon community.
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s-talking · 4 months
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first thing’s first! everything you see on this blog, ( including character art - icons - icon border - theme - divider - etc.. etc.. ) were all personally drawn, written, & made-up by me, so please kindly do  NOT  take anything whatsoever. envy’s horror story took indeed many years to develop, but so did every little aesthetic & concept art to match & i’m pretty sure nobody likes their stuff taken.
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all in all, i’m not really selective but much like everyone else, i reserve the right to soft-block anyone who either makes me feel uncomfortable or breaks any of the rules mentioned here.
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again, since this blog does & will contain mature content, please kindly do not follow if you’re under the age of   18  or if you are easily disturbed by really  GRIM / MORBID / HORROR  &  YANDERE-ESQUE  stuff, thank you.
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you don’t ever need to match my post length or make your post fancy, i honestly just care about the effort itself in the end.
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when it comes to plotting, i’m generally full of ideas but it’s also not very fun to be doing everything alone so please, kindly work with me, especially if you’re the one following me first. likewise, if we’ve only just started interacting & are currently in the middle of plotting, don’t just leave me hanging for days on end because if you’re constantly active on dash & go radio silent... well, i’ll just assume you’re no longer interested. it’s as simple as that. i’ll give around 3-4 days before unfollowing, unless you’re offline.
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all information about envy can be found on the blog itself, however, please be sure to read his ‘  personality  ‘ section in particular, especially if you’re interested in shipping with him or if your own character happens to be very intimidating, scary, or powerful.
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adding to the point above, should your muse ever taunt, attack, or merely rub him the wrong way, don't expect for the ' yandere ' factor to be some kind of failsafe; envy is extremely fake, ruthless, & sadistic, & didn't think twice before murdering his first love. he is as domineering & possessive as he is truly heartless, & i won't ever tone him down.
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MUN  -//-  CHARACTER. please do remember that these two are extremely different. i’m literally nothing like envy nor do i have a creepy eldritch grandma breathing down my neck. the same goes for any potential love interests in threads. what happens  in  character will always be  in  character. also, on similar note, i literally feel  NO  pity whatsoever towards envy & do not approve of the wicked things he says or does so if someone finally kills his yandere ass ─ that’s wholly on him, & i’m completely fine with it.
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my only real  ‘ taboo ‘   topics are any mentions of d.i.d, cancer or other terminal illnesses.  SORRY.  accounts revolving around such are going to be avoided, as none of those will ever be taken lightly ─ far too personal / heavy of a topic.
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since this blog is currently on semi-hiatus, from time to time i’ll disappear for few days ( or even weeks ) due to life being life, but usually it’s nothing major & i’ll promptly return. no worries. anything as big as a hiatus shall be notified on dash & even so, i’ll eventually return anyway. ~
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if i happen to follow you, it means i’ve already read your rules / about page & would love to role-play ( even if i don’t send in a password ).
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that’s it! thank you for reading & i hope you’ll stick around to role-play!
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jxstadaydreamer · 2 years
first impressions
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from this gifset by @celestyeol
Pairing: Park Chanyeol x afab reader Genre: Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Fluff Word count: 5235
Summary: Getting back into the dating scene is tough and no one you've come across on these God-forsaken apps have caught your attention. But when one finally does, despite the fact there's an undeniable spark between the two of you and the amount of not-a-date coffee runs you've been on together, you're still too afraid to go on an official first date with him.
Author's note: Happy birthday to my one & only! 🎉 Thank you to my beloved for always proof reading my work and making sure my tenses match up! This story is an idea I’ve had for a long time after being inspired by a comment from a Reddit thread. I started it a while ago and gave up on it multiple times but I’m proud that I managed to pull through and finish it. I hope you can enjoy 💞 Feedback is always very appreciated! And if you do like it, please consider sharing it too 💞
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It’s been quite a while since you were last in a relationship, your previous one had you sworn off the entire male species so you could heal your wounds and work on yourself. Of course you were a grown woman with needs and had the occasional short-lived fling here and there but now your desires had grown to something deeper and beyond bedroom activities. You began to miss having that intimate bond with a special someone. Just having another person to run silly errands with, have late night conversations about deep topics or nothing in particular, someone to marathon a tv show or try a new recipe with.
Loneliness gets to everyone, sooner or later.
You don’t want to actively, desperately seek out a partner but you have to start somewhere. And with some slightly aggressive persuasion from your friends, and your own deep dive internet research where you had found a convincing number of success stories, you decide to sign up for some dating apps. Because apparently ‘that’s how everyone meets these days!’
Now, you expected to come across some weirdos and creeps, of course, men who send one liners ranging from awfully cheesy to downright disrespectful or those who ask for your snapchat straight away because that’s where they prefer to chat, the latter being an immediate red flag to you. It wasn’t all bad however, some managed to hold some decent conversation and banter, but none that gave you that spark of interest, merely candidates for a nice chat. Proving just as much when you had agreed to a first date with some that would either be embarrassingly awkward or just lacking any chemistry whatsoever. With some even feeling entitled to some sort of exchange just because ‘they had done the gentlemanly thing of paying for your meal.’ Ugh. Over time, the hope you had to find your special someone through dating apps had waned significantly.
Enough that you almost gave up. Almost.
It’s near the end of an entirely too long work day when you receive the notification, the vibration making your eyes avert their gaze from the computer screen to the now lit screen of your phone. You notice the dating app icon, alerting you to a new match. Not feeling too giddy, you return to your work when another buzz of your phone steals your attention once again. Seeing that this time it's a message, you pick up your phone curious to see what this new match has opened with. Another pickup line? Would it be ridiculously corny or something icky? Maybe it would be the standard ‘hello beautiful, how are you?’ which was pleasant, yes, but also boring.
Instead, your eyes widen a smidgen and you sit up a little straighter. The outer corners of your lips quirk up just the slightest.
[Chanyeol]: i need to know - how do you feel about ace’s death?
You’re thinking of your reply when another message pops up.
[Chanyeol]: i’m sorry if that was random ^^” i just noticed the one piece flag and figurines in the background of one of your photos and got excited!
Wait. What? You quickly navigate back to one of your profile and notice on the 3rd image that the little nerd corner in your room had indeed been caught in one of your chosen selfies. How did you miss that? Ugh. Oh well. You also take the opportunity to tap through to his profile and refresh your memory. Damn. He’s hot. You think to yourself. Not wanting to make him wait too long, you shake your head of the thought and return to the chat screen.
[You]: hi chanyeol! it’s alright lol tbh i didn’t even notice they were in the pic. but to answer your question - i bawled like a baby.
It doesn’t take long for him to reply, and that fact alone widens the small smile that had crept onto your features.
A few dozen messages are exchanged back and forth before you look up and notice that everyone in the office has already left except for the usual suspects that liked to linger and try to earn some overtime. You look at the time and realise you could have left 35 minutes ago. Where the hell did the time go? Moving past the initial confusion, you quickly collect your belongings, heading out the building and towards the subway station.
You’re a little embarrassed to admit but you almost missed your stop. Cause? Being way too engrossed in a conversation with a man you didn’t even know 2 hours ago, discussing other events from what you now know is both of your favourite anime. You manage to walk home in record time, mindlessly throwing your things on one end of the sofa, plopping yourself down on the other and pulling your phone out to read his recent reply.
It’s only when you hear the rumble of your own stomach that you peel your eyes away from your phone screen and realise the sun has long set and you still haven't eaten a thing. Deciding it's too late to cook, and definitely not because you’re too lazy, you settle on ordering a pizza. You note the arrival time and think it’s just enough for you to hop into the shower and wash away the exhaustion the work week has given you. Turning on the water and tapping out yet another reply before you place your phone on the vanity and step inside the glass cubicle.
If you didn’t realise how much trouble you were in when you missed dinner (which was a first for you) or when you found yourself constantly glancing over at your phone screen to see if he had replied yet with ears hyper aware of the app notification alert tone any time you had to close your eyes or turn away, you definitely realise it now as you stare at the dark screen of your phone and your flustered reflection stares back at you.
Upon exiting the shower and drying your hands just enough to use your phone without dragging water droplets across the screen, you realise why there was no lighting up of the screen or notification melody sounding from your phone speaker – your phone battery was flat. What did you expect though? With the countless hours you had spent messaging back and forth, screen basically constantly lit. You quickly wrap a towel around yourself and rush to your bedside, plugging in the charger and waiting for the dark screen to light up with the logo and come back to life.
It’s in this moment that you think maybe you need to chill, afraid that you could be coming on too strong. Although, he’s reciprocating your energy too, right? Maybe, just maybe, he is just as into you as you are to him? The thought causes a fuzzy, warm, fluttering feeling in your stomach but is interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell, signalling your saviour and grace, the food delivery driver, has arrived.
As you settle down in front of the tv and turn on your comfort Netflix show that serves no purpose other than background noise to make you feel less alone, you absentmindedly shove the food into your mouth in between tapping out reply after reply. Eventually, you wash up and move to a comfier location. Snuggling into your plush sheets and chatting like lovesick teenagers until your eyes struggle to stay open and you wish eachother goodnights and sweet dreams.
You and Chanyeol continue texting each other about anything and everything throughout the day for the two weeks, exchanging social media accounts somewhere in between. You quickly find out that Chanyeol is an avid Snapchat user but in the cutest way. He would snap you things he encounters during his day – pretty flowers, the sky, cute animals, etc. – because “it makes me smile so I hope it makes you smile too.”
There was a particular snap that made your stomach hurt so much from laughing the first time you had seen it, a cheesy grin on your face anytime you recall it. Chanyeol was filming a snap of some cute goslings he’d spotted by a lake, only to be running away frantically screaming moments later because the daddy goose was chasing him away from its babies.
Every now and then you send him a gif of a goose when he gets a little smart with you.
One night, he asks if he can call you because his hands are a little tired from playing the guitar all day (Yeah, guitar. He’s a musician. That writes his own songs. These facts combined with his looks make you wonder if he’s real and if you’re being catfished), and you hesitantly agree. You hate the sound of your own voice and you’re afraid he might find it off-putting but the desire to listen to his voice trumps your insecurities in the end. It’s a decision you don’t regret. He’s such a great conversationalist that you completely forget how nervous you are in no time and the first phone call lasts til some hours of the AM.
You’re not sure when you fall asleep but you blame the comfiness of your bed and the velvet-like sound of his voice – smooth, deep and comforting. You think he may have been in the middle of telling you a childhood memory, his voice soft because of how late it was and the fondness of the story.
As you wait in line the next morning for the much needed coffee, you unlock your phone and type out a good morning text to Chanyeol, apologising for falling asleep and promising to make it up to him somehow. You also open Snapchat to snap him your current view of the coffee shop, caption wishing you could buy him a cup of coffee too to atone for your sins. You faintly hear the Snapchat notification sounding from somewhere behind you but you don’t think much of it until you hear it coming from your own phone some moments later, swiping it open to see what it could be.
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You stare at your screen wondering why the floor looks so familiar and what he’s playing at when another snap comes through.
And now you definitely know why you could recognise the flooring. Because it’s the exact same view in front of you. Only his point of view was from a little further back and included you in the frane. Caption stating: someone who owes me coffee! And a sticker of an arrow pointing at your figure.
You spin around abruptly and it’s definitely hard to miss his tall stature, let alone the brightest grin you’ve ever seen on a human being currently being flashed at you. You give him a shy wave and he makes his way across the coffee shop to stand beside you. You quickly glance down at your outfit, mentally kicking yourself for choosing convenience over style and subtly try to brush the knots out of your hair with your fingers.
“Fancy meeting you here.” you can practically hear the smile in his voice and this fact is only confirmed when you literally have to look up to see him, if it was even possible for him to be smiling any bigger than he was before.
“It is..considering I’m here everyday and I’m sure I’d remember seeing you here.” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“I just moved here recently so I’m trying to find a new coffee spot… and I think I just found it.”
The way he’s looking at you brings the heat to your cheeks and you’re praying to the heavens that it’s not too obvious. You chance a peek at him and luckily he’s no longer looking at you, instead his gaze facing forward as it reads over the menu above the counter. You also notice that the huge grin is gone and is replaced with a tight lipped smile and a deep dimple. Taking advantage of the opportunity that he is seemingly, momentarily distracted by the menu options, you take in his handsome visuals. And the fact that he is actually here with you in person, quickly erasing all thoughts of you possibly being catfished because you thought he was just too good to be true.
Eventually, he makes up his mind and heads up to the counter to order an iced americano. You both sit down to enjoy your beverages and some conversation about what the day ahead entails for you before you have to head off to work. Chanyeol offers to drive you but you kindly refuse him, letting him know you actually enjoy the short walk that’s only a few blocks down. He juts his bottom lip out in a pout but nods. You can’t help but laugh at him as you wave goodbye.
As the weeks go by, you fall into a routine with Chanyeol. Meeting him for coffee in the mornings, where sometimes he would drive you if you were carrying some heavy items or he’d walk with you if he wasn’t in a rush that day, texting on and off throughout the day and talking on the phone before bedtime had advanced to video calls instead.
You had grown so comfortable with him that it was easy to share your thoughts without worrying he would judge you, whether it would be a random idea you had or just something you had come across during your day. He would either laugh about it with you or indulge in the thought with you. The comfort only made you become more smitten with him, especially since he seems to be reciprocating your every move. It never felt like you were doing too much or too little and that things were heading in a nice direction.
[Chanyeol :)]: hypothetically, how would you feel if i asked you on a date?
Usually, Chanyeol’s texts make your stomach flutter in a good way but this question, albeit hypothetical, has you feeling a little unwell. Your previous encounters with other matches on the very same app you met Chanyeol on had left you with a bad taste whenever it came to first dates. And you know you could be honest with Chanyeol and tell him exactly that but you just have to come up with a way to do so without making him think that you think he would be another one of those guys.
Typing and backspacing over and over again, you decide it’s too easy to misunderstand over text and if you video call him then you’ll end up giving into his pout. Paired with the kicked puppy look he pulls off so well? You stand no chance. So you opt for a phone call, it’s the safest option, middle ground of the other two.
He picks up the phone almost immediately.
“Hey! Is everything alright?”
“Everything is great. I, uh, just thought it’d be better to tell you this over the phone instead of texting you…”
“Oh,” he replied, coming to a realisation, “oh. Did I- Crap. Did I misunderstand something? I mean, I just thought that we- I thought you felt the same way so I- Fuck. Shit, sorry.”
“No, no no!” – you interject to bring a stop to his flustered rambling – “I do. I thought it was quite obvious but I do feel the same way.” You can feel the rosey hue blooming on the apples of your cheeks. Thank God this wasn’t a video call. Good choice Y/N. “It’s just that I had some bad experiences with first dates before I met you. Some of the guys just…weren’t that nice during or even after the date. And don’t get me wrong! I know you’re nothing like them but the fact that it’s a first date just makes me extra nervous is all. I mean, I’d like to, eventually, with you. I’m just a little scared that I might screw something up, kinda, I guess.”
You take a deep breath and slap your forehead when you realise the mess of words you had just spewed out in the span of 10 seconds.
“Wow, so articulate Y/N. Dammit I knew I should’ve just stuck with texting.” you mutter to yourself.
You hear a deep, throaty chuckle from him that distracts you from your self depricating thoughts.
“Phew!” – he exclaims dramatically – “Had me worried for a sec there. But thank you for explaining it to me. And phone call was definitely the right choice so don’t worry.” – laughing at you again – “I get it! Really! No pressure whatsoever.”
“Thank you for being so understanding.”
“Of course. But you shouldn’t have to thank me for it, isn’t it the bare minimum? Anyways, have you eaten yet?”
Damn, this guy is just so smooth with the way he steers the conversation in another direction and just ever so charming with his words and understanding nature.
It’s Saturday afternoon and after a productive day of cleaning your apartment from the mess you’ve created and neglected during the week, you sit down to enjoy some moments of peace in your now tidy space and contemplate your options for the rest of the evening. Closing your eyes and leaning your head back against the comfy cushions on your sofa.
A buzz and ding of your phone from its place on your coffee table has a smile etching its way onto your face and you sit up, reaching for it to see the name of exactly who you thought it would be on your screen.
[Chanyeol<3]: are you busy rn?
[You]: hm not rn no. what’s up?
[Chanyeol<3]: i was just about to run some errands but don’t feel like going solo. care to bless me with your company?
[You]: i mean, i don’t see how that would be blessing you but sure, i’d love to join you :)
[Chanyeol<3]: cool! i’ll pick you up soon?
[You]: sure. see you in a bit!
Shoot! You race to the bathroom, looking into the mirror and assess your mess of a situation right now. There’s no time for a shower so you opt to put your hair up into a bun for now and reach for some makeup to attempt a no-makeup makeup look, just enough to tidy yourself up and look clean and fresh.
It’s just errands right? You’d look silly if you dress up too much. You need something comfortable. Something functional but cute still. You end up in a loose tshirt tucked into a nice pair of jeans that just so happen to make your butt look good.
Your timing is perfect, slipping your sneakers on just as Chanyeol texts you that he’s outside, grabbing your bag and heading downstairs to meet him.
As you’re walking out the lobby, you can already see him across the street. He’s leaning against this huge silver SUV. He’s dressed in jeans and a hoodie but the scene looks like something out of a magazine with his tall physique, handsome face and styled hair. It’s probably a thought you have too often but it’s something you don’t think you could ever move past.
He looks up when he hears the doors of the building close as you exit and he stands up straighter, greeting you with a warm smile and a frantic wave of his hand.
“Hi!” he says as soon as you’ve crossed the street and close enough that he doesn’t need to raise his voice to be heard.
“Hey!” you return his smile, “Oh my gosh your car is HUGE! But I guess it needs to be for you to fit inside comfortably.”
He chuckles at your comment and it eases your nerves a little. He opens the door for you like a true gentleman and you climb inside, buckling yourself in as he rounds the front of the car to the drivers side.
“Ready?” he asks, turning to you with an award winning grin.
You nod happily and he turns the engine on, pulling away from the curb and towards his destination. You try to ask him where but he says you’ll see when you get there. Chanyeol turns on the radio but keeps the volume at a minimum so you can still speak comfortably to eachother.
Soon enough, he turns into the underground parking lot of a shopping mall complex and parks his car.
“What do you need to do here?” you ask him once you’re both inside the elevator taking you up to the chosen level.
“Just wait a little longer, little miss impatient. You’ll see.”
He laughs when you huff and pout your lips.
Chanyeol leads the way but you notice his long legs allow him longer strides that force you to quicken your step a little just to keep up with him. He seems to notice this though and slows himself down to a pace that's good for you both.
“So, you remember that candy you were telling me about last time? The one you said your grandma used to buy for you when you little and you can’t find anymore?”
You nod slowly, quirking a brow and tilting your head, wondering where he’s going with this.
“I found out this place here sells them!”
He stops as he says this and points to a small candy shop. Inside, you can see that there are walls and shelves lined with various types of candies and snacks. It seems he’s scoped out this place prior to taking you here because he takes you to the exact place they’re kept in the store.
Your eyes grow wide when you spot the familiar packaging of your childhood favourite and you can’t help the tears forming at your waterline.
Grabbing yourself a few packs of that specific candy, you and Chanyeol browse through the rest of the store, selecting a few more before you both make your way to the counter to pay for your chosen goods.
Chanyeol reaches for his wallet but you stop him, firmly insisting that he allow you to pay for his and your things to thank him for bringing you here and finding something that is so important to you. He sees the look of determination in your eyes and decides not to challenge you. He needs to pick his battles wisely if he wants the rest of the evening to pan out the way he intends it to.
Leaving the store and following Chanyeol to his next errand location, you can’t help but feel touched by the fact that he remembered something you had told him in passing over the phone and also managed to find you the exact thing you talked about too.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of Chanyeol’s laughter and you look up to realise he’s stopped walking, now watching you and chuckling as his shoulders bounce up and down.
“I should be asking you that. What’s got you so deep in thought?”
“Nothing!” you quickly say, sounding way too defensive for your own good.
He hums, letting you know he didn’t really believe you but isn’t going to question you any further.
“Well, while you were too busy thinking about ‘nothing,’ I was trying to ask if you wanted to see this movie with me?” – he points over to a poster on the wall and you realise you’ve stopped in front of the cinema – “I didn’t realise it was out already! I’ve been looking forward to it.”
It’s been a while since you’ve seen a movie in an actual cinema, considering everything is just so accessible online these days. The movie he’s asking you to watch with him is an action comedy, it can’t be too bad right? You seem to have the same taste with most things so far.
“I mean, if you don’t want to. It’s okay, I just thought we could watch it together since we’re both here right now.”
He sees the gears in your head cranking and he’s hoping he didn’t overstep by asking you, the last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable around him. His nervousness shows by the way he’s unable to stand still, shifting from one foot to another and scratching the back of his neck.
“No, no, I’d love to watch it with you! It’s been so long since I’ve been to an actual cinema too. I think it’ll be fun!”
A toothy grin immediately appears on his features, eyes bright and sparkly with excitement.
“Awesome! I’ll go get the tickets and something from the candy bar too. Any requests?”
“Maybe just a drink? I think we have plenty of things to snack on.” you laugh, pointing to the bag he’s holding.
He nods in agreement and quickly scurries off to buy some tickets.
You both emerge from the dark movie theatre just under 2 hours later feeling a little closer than you did when you went in.
It was a great movie, it had a balance of suspenseful moments, scenes that made you laugh and a not-so-heavy-romance-but-just-enough plot thrown in. Truly something for everyone.
It was also the first time you had sat so closely with Chanyeol. Close enough that you could smell his cologne wafting to your nose and holy shit did he smell absolutely delicious. He would nudge you during the funny scenes as he laughed. Although the two of you had started off leaving a respectable distance, somewhere during the movie you had both managed to scoot closer to each other. Your thigh resting comfortably against his, upper arms touching too.
You both opened some of the snacks you had bought earlier to try and looked to each other for reactions, most of them were so good and the others not so much, making you both scrunch your face at eachother and quickly wrap the packet up and placing it back into the bag to reach for another instead.
Walking back to the car together, you discuss the happenings of the movie you’ve both just watched and end up quoting the same lines to eachother. His eyes are now in a semi permanent crescent moon position from all the laughing, a vast difference to his usual rounded full-moon-esque eyes that look like they contain galaxies within them. You wonder if his cheeks hurt from smiling as much as yours do.
You have learnt that Chanyeol laughs with his entire body, whether it be the not so subtle shaking of his shoulders, loud echoing claps from his huge hands, slapping his own body (usually thighs) or whatever furniture is within range or just folding over and holding himself. You wouldn’t put it behind him to regularly end up on the floor dying from a laughing fit too. The thought is endearing, the fact that he’s just so happy it vibrates through his entire being this way.
All that laughing must have depleted his body of energy because the moment you settle into the car and buckle up your seatbelts, you hear a huge extended rumbling sound coming from, what you can safely assume by the way he quickly clutches his abdomen, is his stomach.
Chanyeols ears grow bright red and he smiles at you sheepishly.
“Um, would you like to go get some food?” he says, scratching the back of his neck. A nervous habit of his that you’ve manage to pick up on. “Since we’re already together right now and it’s basically dinner time..” he trails off.
“Sure, why not. Since we’re conveniently together right now and I don’t think your stomach can wait any longer.” you tease.
“Hey!” he puts on a pretend offended look. “Is there anything in particular you want to eat? Anything you’re craving?”
“Hmm,” you purse your bottom lip and roll your eyes around in thought, “not really. I don’t mind what we eat.”
“Do you like ramen? There’s this spot I really like and it’s close by.”
“I love it! Let’s go there.”
Feeling pleased with himself that you so happily accept his suggestion for dinner and invite to join him for yet another thing, Chanyeol knows he definitely can’t wipe the grin off his face even if his cheeks are definitely feeling sore from smiling so much. He just hopes you’re enjoying yourself when spending time with him as much as he was with you.
Just like he said, the ramen restaurant was indeed close by and you arrive there in less than 10 minutes and a few turns along the way.
It’s a cosy little, hole in the wall type place that you wouldn’t have noticed in passing. Chanyeol swears this place has the best ramen he’s tasted outside of Japan, telling you to trust his judgement because he apparently travels there pretty often and has had his fair share of authentic Japanese cuisine.
You enter the small restaurant and are immediately greeted by the chef behind the counter, bowing and welcoming you inside and showing you to some seats. After perusing the menu and putting your order in, its not long before your steaming hot bowl of ramen arrives and you thank the chef for the food.
Picking up your spoon, you dip it inside the broth to scoop up some of the deliciousness to taste. The rich flavour immediately hits your senses and it tastes even better than it smells and looks.
“So?” Chanyeol asks, excited to hear your verdict.
“It really is so good!”
“Yay! I’m glad you like it.”
Chanyeol’s own bowl of ramen arrives immediately after and he follows your actions of thanking the chef before digging into the food, slurping up the broth and noodles.
Having ordered a smaller serving and receiving your food before Chanyeol, you end up finishing before he does and you allow yourself some silent moments to reflect on the past few hours you’ve spent with him.
You don’t think you’ve been this happy in a long time. And you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt this comfortable around someone new either. Could you really call him someone new though? After the amount of time you’ve spent texting together and on calls, coffee meetups in the mornings…you’ve definitely entered some sort of situationship with him. Any doubts you had about whether he felt the same way you did about him had dissipated. Any inklings of wonder you had whether he felt it to the intensity you did had gone too. Because just as much as you love spending time with him, he seems to want your company the same also.
Maybe you are ready. More than you had previously thought. Just scared, maybe.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Chanyeol asks, derailing your train of thought.
“I was just thinking…hypothetically, maybe I am ready to go on that date.”
The smile he gives you is impish. It’s not the bright, happy kind of smile you were expecting. It’s the mischievous kind, like when a little kid knows a silly secret or something. It makes you squint your eyes at him, questioning his motives.
“Well, actually, we kinda did already go on that hypothetical date.”
You’re wondering what in the hell he’s on about when it clicks. What dat- Oh. Oh. A movie and dinner. The classic, run of the mill date.
You can’t even be mad. It’s too smart. He tricked you into going on a first date with him.
“Clever bastard.”
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Confession time. My favorite Beatles song would actually be don’t make me choose between In My Life or And Your Bird Can Sing. Before we dive in, I want to note some things. 1057-1058. The Rakugo performance that feels a little off, the absurd saga of Cross Guild’s formation, Sabo & Cobra...these chapters are swimming in dodgy stories that don’t reflect events as they occurred and we now have a second newspaper. Terra firma, right? Break next week puts 1059 on the weekend of the Chrysanthemum Festival. 
Also...the Sunny is now equipped with a timeout cage. I’m just saying, it’s this goofy cartoonish gag yes but it jives with a new Quartermaster on board. I swear to god Oda if I see you thread the needle of keeping Kiku’s oblivous innocence up alongside a fascination with bondage...
Why this panel though? Beyond the cage. Let’s talk art design for a sec. This is a normal-sized panel on the page but it’s jam packed! Seven Straw Hats goofing around as a much needed blowoff to a big arc. The focus of this panel though, where is it? It’s weird, the center is the space between Franky & Jinbei. You have these nice lines in the groups all drawing the eye into the center, even the rigging helps. But it’s weird, what is that sticking up from the barrel Usopp is hiding behind? Enhance!
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Rorsarch time! Remember you’re looking at an extremely blown up small section of a manga panel here. The detail we do have is incredible, but it’s better to judge at its intended size. Now the only other answer I’ve gotten is something like Usopp holding a gun behind the barrel? That doesn’t jive. It’s further in the back and as big around as Jinbei’s arm. So I don’t think Usopp’s rocking a massive revolver now. Especially not in conjunction with the classic Ketchup Star. Seems about right for a tall, thin woman in profile though. Facing the other side of the ship than we’ll turn to with Robin. Can sorta see a leg coming out of a skirt/puffy shorts. A right arm capped with a short sleeve. Thing at the top as a hair accessory and long hair down obscuring a face. Or a 3/4ths of someone looking over the boat with bangs, an obi tied behind her back, and no left arm. Hair’s too light for Kiku though, right?
No reason for Nami to suddenly go dark last chapter. But one of those old ideas I’ve always had (never really had a good time to mention) was the notion that coming on with a story like this, particularly with the actress vibe and heavy content around reputation, it wouldn’t be crazy to have a design change accompany it. Nothing major, but a blonde dyejob was my legit first thought. Differentiate from Robin more, cute homage to Kin’s delinquent days, and it’d make her a throwback to a popular trans manga icon from Oda’s childhood.
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Stop!! Hibari-Kun was a contemporary of Dr. Slump in Shonen Jump that ran around the time he’d have been like, 5-8ish. At the time, it would have been the offering from a proven veteran competing with Toriyama the young hotshot. Romcom about a boy and another of these otherwise perfect transfems. Cute, absurdly positive for early 80s manga, quite popular in it’s time, and if you read it you will see some gags that crop up later in One Piece. Like...I can see the influence just from comedic style alone.
So I guess what I mean is yeah...on top of everything else I can buy 1057′s sihouette being a last look at Wano Kiku and in the time since departure she’s had a little costume change, now ready for a beautifully timed debut. It’d be an echo of Kin & Momo’s journey here. They always felt jarring until we got to Wano, where in their element the characters blossomed. Kiku’s perfectly primed to be the opposite. A bigger personality than her station in Wano allowed, ready to break out. Actually, Denjiro spelled out the concept well in 932:
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”The water at her roots,” yeah that’s a good way to put it. On second look that chapter is dunked in some core themes for us here, this moment sandwiched between Robin’s difficulties at this type of infiltration and later Orochi being another villain to go hard on the “many faces” theme. Overall hunch is in death or glory mode from here, but with these potential teasers happening twice after all the weirdness we’ve already had, I’ll go on and do 1057-1058 proper. Because there really is a mountain of relevant thematic territory. One last hurrah either way, right?
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holified · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?  My working schedule has been so awfully overwhelming that the only free time I have is on the weekends, but sometimes I’m so exhausted I cannot even write anything, although I’m often lurking here on Saturday and Sundays nights.
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page? I have a blog for Sakura Haruno, so every once in a while you can catch me there, but it usually depends on whether my friends there are online or not. As for my verses here, I most use my “alive” verse, and I have recently been able to use my Yu Yu Hakusho verse thanks to some amazing new friends! I also have a special verse in which Kikyo and Kagome are sisters with my beloved Rarity, and a Sesskik verse that I absolutely love.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? I’m a pretty laid back person, so it’s hard to anger me (or so I believe). But I suppose I could say my biggest pet peeves are when people try to pressure me into writing/doing something or when people start drama over small things. I have seen so many people arguing over stuff that’s just... so stupid! Dunno, I’m just too tired to deal with people right now.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? Hmmm, maybe I am? I think it has changed over time, but I LOVE an angsty/misunderstood character. Powerful, complex women that are often mistreated by their writers bring out my fire to write. I need to like and find the character interesting to write it. Oh! And I don’t write male characters, dunno, I just don’t feel comfortable, I’ve had blogs for male characters before but they were always short-lived.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? I don’t know, maybe? I LOVE shipping threads, like, omg I’m a hopeless romantic and all the romantic love I don’t have in real life I seek in my writing. But I also love an adventure and I LOVE angst so... I’m not sure which theme could be considered “common” in my writing.
6. What are your favorite RP trends? Hmmm... I think the return of big icons, some time ago it was SUPER cool to have tini tiny icons that were overly saturated and were just a blur of colors that was impossible to decipher. I never understood this trend tbh, to me icons provide a visual reference to your character’s expression, the scene or to focus on a particular aspect of your character’s face/body language, so those impossible-to-understand icons were absurd! Anyway, but enough complaining about old trends! I think the new aesthetic trends are pretty great!
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? Good question, I usually just IM them or we start writing and go with the flow. I like this organic kind of writing, where ideas pop up and you move along with them. Planning is great, and having a general idea of where the thread will go is amazing, but discovering HOW it will get there is so... rewarding! 
8. How do you feel about duplicates? I’m incredibly insecure, so I avoid duplicates not to compare myself and end up abandoning the blog for thinking I’m not good enough :|
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying? Oh my, here is where you discover I’m a dinosaur on Tumblr. I’ve been writing on tumblr for around 10 years, and I’ve never written outside of this website, I think I wouldn’t be able to roleplay outside of tumblr at this point.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t? Oh, quite a few! But alas, I have no time to write the muses and verses I do have, imagine writing new ones! But one day I want to make a couple more blogs for one or two muses I’d like to give a try!
tagged: @thuganomxcs​   — thanks so much! ♥♥
tagging: literally anyone who sees this!
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decayedhearts · 2 years
Tagged by: @muraenide thank you :3
Tagging: any moot who hasn’t been tagged yet !​​
1. When are you usually online?  
I’m kinda online on discord most of the day, because I have it on my phone. I don’t always read messages or reply though. On tumblr I’m online on evenings, but not every day. I don’t have regular online times to be honest :)
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page?
I have 3402384 verses in my head and not enough time to write any of them. I never counted, I don’t know :) Some are more developed, or plotted with other people, some are just extended headcanons or ideas I haven’t written down yet. I should probably do a verse page sometime, but I am not that organized~
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Character/ship policing and cancel culture. And on a less serious note, people whose thread RP replies are a summary of my initial post from their character’s perspective as exclusively internal monologue with no new actions for me to reply to in my next answer :)))) That makes me feel like I am writing a fanfiction on my own.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
Maybe? But I’ve always had quite a variety of muses in all my fandoms. I do tend to make everyone angsty and depressed headcanons though :D So maybe my type just is “secretly depressed”, and I like insane villain characters that I get cancelled for like Viserys, Ardyn, or Wen Ruohan. Oh also, male muses. I almost never write female muses.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
Ehmm, not sure, actually. I tend to recycle tropes that I love every now and then, but those aren’t specific to me. I think with certain characters there are often themes of loneliness and accepting a bitter fate that I like to throw into my stories. But I also usually write happy endings. I always fall into the same h0rny tropes, too. Haha.
6. What are your favorite RP trends?
Meme sentences !! They’re perfect for people who are too busy for full-blown threads, they’re great ice breakers, they make good crack ship moments, they’re just awesome. Dashboard/tag games (like quizzes) are fun too! I actually also really like the icon trend. We used to RP with gigantic GIFs of various sizes haha, icons make everything look very neat.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?  
Usually one of us has an idea, in my case that’s often specific scenes that I then develop a setting out of, and then we yell at each other in excitement, or we plot like mature adults (lol). Lately I have been too busy for rp threads tho, so it’s mostly just been.. memes set in specific verses.
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
I don’t mind them, I’ve always had a least a few friends who wrote the same muses as me. Sometimes it makes me insecure about my own portrayal to see others who are super amazing good at writing them, or are very active while I am super slow, but that is 100% my issue and nobody else’s. I would never want to discourage someone from writing the same (canon) muse as me, and I don’t avoid them either.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
For almost 17 years now.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
All my muses and verses, man. I have so little energy to write lately I’m not making any progress 😥 I have a lot of ideas and things discussed and ships in the pipeline but actual writing is not happening lately.
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bothfeetinthegrave · 2 years
| pinned post |
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Hello! I go by Rabbit or Rory (he/him), and I have returned once again from the clutches of work to write - albeit on a much smaller scale! I've been here on and off for around 10ish years, so if you've met me before it's great to see you again!
This is a blog for Eden Muir, a (slightly) vengeful spirit character developed for a D&D game set in an urban environment. Explores themes of existence after death, being someone else’s failed project, changing perspectives, learning to love yourself as you are, and learning to reconcile anger.
Go ahead and let me know if you'd like to write a thing.
I have sideblogs too! If I’ve followed you and Eden doesn’t make sense, I might have followed you with Corazón ( @belovedcorvid​ ) in mind. Or, if you’re interested in Eden’s more specific, affiliated O.ne Piece verse, follow me at @malpractising
| c a r r d | m e m e s | O P  v e r s e  | i n t e r e s t   t r a c k e r |
MUN: Rabbit
STATUS: Low Activity
ANON: On For Now
DISCO: ivoryrabbit ((please tell me who you are though!!))
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Mobile Rules Under the Cut
| speed and posting style |
Anyone who’s played with me before knows that I’m the slowest guy. It can take me weeks sometimes to reply to things depending on work and my health. However, if it’s been longer than that, feel free to nudge me a little just in case I missed something.
I tend to write multi-paragraph style, with small text but otherwise minimal formatting. I use icons sometimes, but not always. If you would prefer I use normal text size / no images / etc, let me know - I can accommodate these things. If there’s art of Eden in icons, I made it. Any commissions or work by other artists will be credited as such.
| playing nice |
I’m not even sure if it’s necessary to add any more, but of course: it’s not cool to godmod, control other people’s characters, kill each other without discussing combat first, badger people for speedy replies, etc. Please be a nice human. Not interested in talking with people that are racist, anti-LGBT, etc.
| tags and content warnings |
I will always, always, always tag triggers for you, especially if you list them in your rules page. If I miss one, or if you’d like me to tag something new, shoot me a message so I can add it to my tags! Violence and other NSFW content types will always be tagged an thrown under a cut. Eden’s character has a lot of violence and body horror themes, so if those aren’t for you tread carefully.
Triggers for me: Please tag all images of broken teeth with tw:teeth or something similar. I have just about every iteration blacklisted. Additionally, please tag all content involving a/b/o threads/art/etc and, for lack of a less loaded word, ‘x humanoid character has/gets/is ‘cursed’ with x animal traits/whatever now’ threads/etc as well. I have just about every iteration of both of these blacklisted (I think). Any general a/b/o tag will work just fine; for the latter, I suggest ‘animal traits tw’ or ‘zoomorphism tw’. If you post this that’s fine, but I might not be able to follow you.
Deeply personal reasons for me as an individual and as a professional / animal advocate - For clarity: hybrid or shapeshifter characters that actively deal with their hybridity and its consequences are not the same thing. I have a problem when humans put on animal characteristics like costumes for aesthetic purposes / kink / amusement / etc.
| shipping |
Writer and character are both of age, so shipping is fine as long as the other character and writer are of age as well. I will not write with underage muns at all, full stop.
If we’ve interacted and you ship a thing, whether it be romantic or platonic, you should let me know. I probably ship it too, but tend to second guess my reading of things like that.
| asks |
Asks are neat. I try to answer them all, but again : I’m a slow guy and Tumblr eats them sometimes. If I can’t come up with a good response for what you sent me, I’ll let you know so we can do something else instead.
If I answered an ask of yours and you’d like to respond / make it a thread, that’s awesome! I just ask that you put your reply in a new thread and @ me rather than reblogging the original ask.
| memes |
I have a complicated relationship with writing games. I love them in concept and love getting to send my friends things and answer questions / draw prompts / etc, but the havoc they bring to my notes can make it impossible for me to run a blog. Please don’t reblog memes from me if you don’t follow me, or if we don’t interact - makes it too easy to lose replies when notes are a mess.
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scrappy-urchin · 2 years
Rules and Notes for mobile
RP-related stuff:
The Basics:
This is a sideblog to @huds-hub, which means all follows, likes, and comments on posts will come from that account. I’m not mutuals only, so don’t feel discouraged to RP with me if I don’t follow you back!
No godmodding unless it’s discussed beforehand.
Muse does not equal mun. Don’t take any of Undyne’s words or actions as a reflection of what I personally think about you or your character.
I RP with Undertale/Deltarune characters, their (popular) AUs, and OCs based on them, but am multiverse-friendly within those constraints. RPing with muses outside the fandom will be rare and selective.
I am flexible to adjusting small details of my blog’s headcanons to match your muse’s verse. However, I ask that you do not expect Undyne to act out-of-character to appease your depictions.
Timelines are messy and weird. Even though Undyne is a teen and lives pre-game, it doesn’t mean your character needs to be aged down. So, don't worry about it too much. Just have fun and make an interesting story!
Instances of human characters interacting with my Undertale Undyne will be rare. Why would it be common? This fish monster doesn’t care for humanity! If you want someone with a tolerable view of humans, try one of my Deltarune AUs...
Do not reply passively. In other words, your replies should not just react to what my character says and does... it should help move the story forward! RPing is a collaborative effort. If one person carries all the weight of writing the story, it is an unfair balance. The only exception to this is if it has been discussed OOC.
Triggers and Tagging:
I am sensitive about tagging triggers. Please make sure you list any trigger tags on your ‘Rules’ page so I may heed them as best as I can! Whether you RP with me or are just a “spectator,” please shoot me a message if you want me to tag anything. I WILL tag them if you ask - no questions asked!
Themes pertaining to rape, sexual assault, and self-harm by cutting are HARD NOS for me.  Please ask me beforehand if you want the theme of suicide to appear in our RP.  
I tag standard generic warnings, such as #gif warning, #suggestive, #long post, etc…
CONTENT WARNINGS YOU SHOULD BE AWARE OF: please block #violence cw (catch-all tag for intense descriptions of physical conflict), #depression cw (catch-all tag for intensely sad ideations), #food cw, #entomophagous cw (the eating of insects), #eye trauma cw, #blood cw, and #body horror cw, if those topics bother you. They are typically not graphic nor frequent, but I suggest blocking them just in case. I don’t want to ruin anybody’s day. :(
In order for to ensure blacklist scripts are effectively blocking sensitive material, any other content warning tags will be in this format: #[content] cw. If new triggers appear (aside from the ones listed above), the post will be hidden under a ‘Read More.’
I portray Undyne as being exclusively attracted to females. If shipping occurs, it will be will female or feminine-aligned characters that are within the same age range as her.
If interested in shipping with Undyne, please make sure your character is clearly specified on your blog to be of teen age or has a teenage verse.
DO NOT LEWF MY MUSE. The Undyne this blog depicts is AGED-DOWN from her canon age and is under 18 years old. Though she experiences attraction as a typical allo teenager would, I will NEVER write s*xual RPs involving an underage Undyne.
OOC blog-related stuff:
Anyone can follow and ask my Undyne questions! However, I will only RP in threads with designated RP blogs. We don’t have to be mutuals to RP together.
Usage of icons, post formatting, and matching the lengths of my replies doesn’t matter to me. However, matching passion does!
Feel free to send in Magic Anons! However, I’m selective about which ones I accept.
You do not have my permission to use my art specifically made for this blog. All icons are modified from the original game’s icons by me. Same with my fanart. Do not modify or re-upload them on other websites.
I am duplicate-friendly. I love seeing how people interpret canon characters and reading all the different headcanons out there (especially for my favorite fish warrior *_* ). We’re all here to have fun - it’s not a competition!
I am extremely patient with replies. There is no rush in replying swiftly to anything I send you and you don’t need to apologize if you haven’t replied in a long time. After all, RPing is our hobby, not our jobs!
Speaking of which, I. Am. SLOW at replying to threads. If I do not answer quickly, it doesn’t mean I’ve lost interest in our RP. I don’t mind returning to threads even though it’s been months since my writing partners have replied... as long as we are enjoying it!
Please don’t reblog RP threads that do not involve you. Likes and comments are okay.
If you decide to drop one of our RP threads, feel free to send me a message letting me know. I won’t guilt-trip you or ask you why.
If I don’t reply to RP threads, please don’t spam me with messages or make passive-aggressive comments about it. One PM simply reminding me should be enough.
I have the right to discontinue RP threads or not answer asks that I don’t have muse for, turn down story lines, and block people. And so do you! I won’t guilt-trip you about your decision, so please extend that same courtesy to me.
Have fun! If you made it this far and understand the rules, “like” this post so I know you read this page.
Happy RPing!
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dumelived · 6 months
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          Welcome  all!  This  is  a  private,  independent,  selective  roleplay  account  for  Caleb  Dume  who  is  also  known  as  Kanan  Jarrus  from  the  Star  Wars  franchise.  This  portrayal  will  have  similarities  from  the  source  material,  but  will  also  be  heavily  headcanon  based/canon  divergent, and will take things post empire from Legends.  Important  information  such  as  rules  and  changes  will  be  down  below  under  the  link.  If  you  have  any  other  questions,  feel  free  to  message  me!
          Interest   tracker.   Promo.                      Affiliated: perhaps soon!
When the time comes for him to be knighted, he finds peace with Caleb Dume. From that point on, he goes by Caleb Dume.
As much as I find Hera and Kanan cute, I won’t be writing them as if they are in a relationship. However, this doesn’t mean I’m not open to shipping with a Hera. I personally would rather find a connection with one.
The Ghost doesn’t get too involved with the Rebellion, at least Caleb and Ezra don’t. They continue to take from the Empire, train, and help people in anyway they can, and stay based on Lothal. I think with two Jedi being involved in the rebellion as deeply as speaking with Mon Mothma and Bail Organa doesn’t give the shock to Luke Skywalker as it should. This is my personal preference, and makes sense for the story as a whole.
                        Rules to follow! I'll keep it simple: Mun: My name's AJ! I love characters, love talking about them all the time. I love to read and write. I mostly read horror, and recently found it's actually a favorite genre of mine. I'm a nerd, a dork, hella shy, and would love to be your friend!
Please be kind and respectful! If there are any issues with me, please come to me in an appropriate manner. I don't bite, I promise. We all know we can't read each other's minds!
NS.FW. It could be possible on this blog since i have yet to decide if I will make a sideblog for it or not. Either way, I will only write this with those I am comfortable with.
Shipping. I love to ship. I'm opened to it as long as we both are good with it, and talk about our muses to see if they click.
Controversial characters. Totally down to write with any type of character. I won't limit myself. If this bothers you, please do not follow.
Triggers. I'll tag what I can/remember. I will NOT write with drunk muses. This doesn't need to be tagged for your threads, I just don't want to deal with it one-on-one.
OCs/Fandoms. Totally chill with OCs, just have some type of an about page. I can try and fit my muses into anything, and will follow blogs I can see working (even if I don't know the fandom).
Be patient! I have a full time job and a few other blogs I hop on. I usually go with the flow, see what muse I have. Plus please be aware that I struggle with depression. Some Days are good and others not so much.
OOC. I love to chat ooc. Through IMs or discord. Whatever works for you. Although, discord is only open to mutuals.
Icons. I will be remaking my icons so it might take some time. Either way, I am find with not using icons.
Disney Star Wars/Sequels. Okay so... I am not a big fan of the sequels. I won't take much from most of Disney live action shows, but I am not a grouch! I'm very much open to talking to find a common ground for plotting!
0 notes
colsonlin · 1 year
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
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Note: Colson Lin’s Twitter profile has exactly 181 followers, which will be relevant. He recently used a different profile he created for his project to follow himself. Before these tweets, he had 180 followers. Please remember that Colson Lin is a Yale Law graduate. All of the empirical claims he makes about his life story are true and verifiable by the media.
The opening of Colson Lin’s Twitter profile:
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is about to post Riddle 1 of 42.
It’s from God.
I know you don’t really want to die. You just want the pain to be over. I know you got tired of America. I know it got hard to stay sober.
I’m going to blow your mind.
God is a woman.
Hey, traphouse vandal:
Or like—
Try to help?
Jesus fucking Christ.
I won’t out you because I’m not a cult leader here to turn everyone against even a single one of you.
I’m literally here to help.
[Note: The above tweet was written at 4:44 AM.]
Truth hurts.
Nothing in the Universe is more Powerful than reality. Reality has a trick.
Reasonable beings use intelligence to attach to reality.
Oh the cords get tangled for all sorts of bad reasons (Power!), but those bad reasons are smaller than Reality.
With time, Truth bites.
To be fair [to the traphouse vandal], I didn’t click [your profile].
After I clicked, I was hopeful again.
Hope I click for you too, buddy.
I’m gonna laugh at the media if they try to bury the next few tweets in obscurity after I email them an outline of my philosophical postmodern-art project that challenges the status quo, by an LGBT child of working-class immigrants with a perfect SAT score and a Yale Law degree.
Don’t worry.
Y’all are off the hook for now.
I haven’t done it yet.
But pretty soon after I do?
I’m going to publicize the recipients in this thread.
Sorry for being a living, breathing 21st-century icon.
I just realized.
Shared power means at least somebody should be verifying my work.
Given that I’ve apparently scared the fuck out of 99% of humanity so that nobody wants to engage with me…
Can the NSA just do it?
(Y’all establishment-media types—y’all trust them, right?)
I am happy to communicate with any world leader through text or email.
Y’all know how to find me.
Hell, let’s hop on Zoom.
It’ll be a quick century.
Call me crazy.
But I’m smart enough to speak to you.
u up?
Here’s my phone number.
[Note: Colson Lin provides a phone number, but it is reacted from public view.]
Y’all can confirm every aspect of my life to check.
Don’t leak my phone number unless I do anything evil.
Y’all can go through all my texts and emails.
It really doesn’t feel fair to the rest of humanity, you know, for like one person to be this iconic.
And not famous.
lmao stoppp i’m literally just kidding y r u being so mean
I’m the sweetest girl in town so why are you so mean? When you gonna ditch that stupid ***** you got? It’s me you should be seein’
Sorry y’all.
I censored the word Satan, because he’s my enemy.
Here’s how this Twitter will proceed:
When I want something, I’ll ask for it.
Literally anyone with a Twitter account can tell me if I’ve made an unreasonable request.
DMs are now closed.
Our book of wisdom will be for future humans.
Don’t worry.
“I’m good with languages.”
Languages spoken or studied: English, Spanish (middle school and high school), French (college), Arabic (college), Chinese (you’re racist).
I’m only missing one to hit the UN six.
Oh wait.
What are the chances… my brother Ilya is Russian.
Wise people who can touch powerful wisdom using wise storytelling can touch God.
By the way, for some reason unlikely coincidences seem to stack up around them.
I think those are called “miracles,” but can anyone google it and check?
Hey humanity.
That was my first question.
Don’t worry.
Because I’m a kooky guy, I’ll answer your questions with either tweets or little creative videos.
But if I answer you, I’ll have to delete 1 of my older tweets.
So ask wisely.
If a bot farm fucks this up for all of humanity, Satan wins.
(I’ll literally give up.)
Let me make an empirical prediction supported by logical reasoning:
The hardest time to take me seriously is when:
(1) I have no social power. (2) The entire world isn’t talking about me. (3) Your coworkers. Your mom. Your spouse. Everyone.
And yet so many right now still do.
I’m trying to prove here that God can come out of the elites.
God can come out of world leaders. God can come out of federal workers. God can come out of journalists. God can come out of prisoners. God can come out of international criminals.
I have hope, y’all.
Don’t kill it.
By the way, I will artificially up my follower count to 181 by making one of my other Twitter profiles for this project follow me when I’m not in the mood to talk, when I’m too busy hanging out with friends and living my actual life because—
lmao y’all
This Twitter is literally just a fun hobby for me.
I’m a writer.
This is the most provocative Twitter thread in human history.
Anyone inside humanity can verify it.
If you believe I can channel God, then not a single person in the world can up my follower count.
If you do, I will wait for someone to unfollow me before I talk in public again.
I’m not the Anti-Christ.
I’m the Anti-Twitter.
(Which means I’m pretty sure I just became cool.)
You know—
180 people defended the Alamo. (“Is that true?”)
180 is a perfect LSAT score. (“Is that true?”)
Truth is like a circle of perfection.
Everything outside=Satanic
The first person to follow me and bring me to 181 followers will fuck up the Bible.
So don’t do it.
In the spirit of the idea I just had tonight, I will announce a change of plans.
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” is a book that will now grow indefinitely.
But I will maintain the Twitter at meaningful numbers.
Which means…
You got it.
This Twitter self-deletes.
Does anyone know how to use Twitter search and take screenshots?
In the meantime, I have a riddle for humanity.
Do you have what it takes to survive?
Postmodernists vote “yes.”
Nihilists vote “no.”
Just kidding.
🤭 oig I'm like so funny
I’m never gonna reveal how to vote.
Yes No
8. [Note: This is a lucky number in Chinese. Colson Lin was born in Shanghai, China. He is the illegitimate bastard child of China’s most iconoclastic philosopher whose writings had a significant influence on the Communist Party of China’s policy in the 1990s. The philosopher is married to a successful mainstream film director named Hu Mei.]
I’m, like, not a real person. I’m a fictional character on an HBO show called “A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” that tells the preposterous story of the bastard child of China and the favored son of America coming together to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. but—
So anyway—it’s May 26, 2023.
You know.
The day after Jesus 2.0 was born.
How’s everyone’s Boxing Day going?
Y’all doing well? (I heard “Yale Law” and “LSAT” trended on Twitter today; random…)
You know what came out on Boxing Day half a century ago?
Google it.
My name is Colson Lin and I got a 1600 on my SAT, bitch.
But I’m gonna inch my number of videos and images up to 1610 before bringing it back down to 1600.
Because I’m from Houston, y’all.
The moon was your first international dynamite.
Beyoncé was your second.
“I’m your 3.”
Hey guys.
If I is 1.
II is 2.
What does 111 stand for?
Tomorrow night on “A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite”:
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ watches a Netflix show called “Beef.”
It was the first time he has seen so many Asian-Americans.
He has thoughts.
“They’re flatter, fewer-dimensional renditions of the people I’ve met and know. God’s coming out of all of them except the Satanic elite Wal-Mart lady (but I’m only on episode two). Wow. I bet when she and her Japanese husband are bored, they’d watch HBO’s A STICK OF DYNAMITE—”
Only on HBO:
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” found God by breaking the meta.
It’s the show that doesn’t make sense for anyone in Netflix’s “Beef” to have known or heard about.
Because it would break the meritocracy.
“The Lotteracy” by CL.
If you’re too impatient to see the HBO episode:
Read it in real fucking time.
Every Friday night.
Only on @dumatology.
A time-stable book about God, written on Twitter over the course of a summer (“The Summer of the Second Coming”) on Twitter, in 16 chapters.
Spoiler alert:
God is trying to rise out of every tribe at the same time.
The results are Satanic.
Y’all need a leader.
Do you want your leader to be Godly or Satanic?
Does God exist?
Holy shit, you guys!
That tweet went up at exactly 2:12 AM on May 26, 2023.
Tell me something:
Am I just a really, really good storyteller?
Or can my brother Ilya see that I’m channeling all of this in real time, because K. from TH Rogers spontaneously texted me to recommend—
The Bible made God boring. Postmodernity made God boring. God is boring.
IQ Test:
Which of the above is true?
“A Stick of Dynamite in the American Elite” is bringing God back to postmodernity.
Yo elites—
Who among y’all ready to click on this video?
0 notes
hxdrostorm · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Vani Are you over 18?   Yes  / No Is your muse(s) over 18?    Yes/  No  / Verse Dependent / Depends on the muse you’re asking When was your blog established? Blog was made in 2021! But there are some muses, I've been writing since 2017!
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with?
No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
Are you selective about who you follow?
No (anyone)/ Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon?
Not at all  / A little  / Some/ Mostly /  Strictly / Not Applicable.
// it depends on the muse you’re asking, I always try to stick a serie’s timeline of events. But at the same time, I like mixing canons from different sources. Seeing how some of my muses, can be pretty obscure with little in the way of lore, so I have to make do with I got.
What post lengths do you write?
One-Liners  / Single-Para / Multi-Para /  Novella/All of the aforementioned.
// One-liners are only for dash-commentaries/cracks.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS?
No  /  Gifs / Icons /  Yes / Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms?
No / Yes
// Discord, which I've been very active on as of lately!
What level of plots do you write?
Unplotted/  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted /  Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
// I have a preference for plotted stuff. Knowing the course of events and my partner’s muse makes things a lot easier for me.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads?
Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks)  / Fast (less than one week) /  Very Fast (less than three days) 
// It depends on the kind of thread & the size of it TBH. I can't do a lot of back and forth quickly, but I try not to take too long to respond (unless I forget about it ofc). On tumblr however, I rely on my queue to deliver the replies! I like giving us plenty of time.
What types of themes do you like?
Adventure  / Romance / Fluff / ANGST / Violence /  Tragedy / Domestic / Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! )
High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror /  Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure /  Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers)
No/ Yes /  Sometimes
// Gore can leave me feeling ill. I'm also not the fondest of those "instant family fanons" for RP. And I suppose I should mention how, even though I'm open for writing abusive/toxic relationships. That's something I prefer reserving to only my most consistent partners, or those I'm well familiarized with. I've had some, unsavory experiences to put it mildly, in the past.
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged?
// I have no triggers! But I filter out anything related to politics/IRL stuff. Sorry not sorry. I don’t think that a RP blog is the best place for these things IMO. Keep it to your personal or a blog specifically meant for those things. I come here to relax.
Label & call me all sorts of names. But I think there are better places and the right time to talk about these serious subjects. I will unfollow, if I feel like my dash is being spammed about these things. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that I’m not interested in seeing stuff about it, on this side of tumblr.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic /  Platonic  /  Familial / All of the aforementioned
// Just make sure the muse is available/open for it. This goes double for family stuff.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to?
Romantic  /  Platonic /  Familial /All of the aforementioned
// So long as we have managed to come up with something that works well for both muses.
Do you have OTPs?
No /  Chemistry Only / Yes
// They can all be found in each one of my muses' about docs! Even though these ships are my OTPs, it doesn't mean I'll insta-ship them. It only means I have my own preference, for them.
SW muses - Rexmé/Obirex/Rexwalker/Codex Palpatine/Fox, Dogma/Fox Appo/Vader
Pokemon muses - Eusine/Morty, Clair/Morty Barry/Dawn Juan/Rose Drake/Drayden
Do you have NOTPS?
No / Yes
// There are only a select few ships I straight up refuse to write.
SW muses - Ahsoka/Plo
Pokemon muses - Falkner/Morty
What is your muse’s sexual orientation?
Heterosexual /  Heteroflexible  / Bisexual / Pansexual /  Homoflexible  / Homosexual / Demisexual /  Sapiosexual /  Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
What is your muse’s romantic orientation?
Heteroromantic /  Heteroflexible  / Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   / Panromantic/ Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
Are you comfortable writing smut?
No  / Selectively / Yes
// Depends on the muse. So far, Barry is the only one I refuse to write it with.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically?
Autoship / During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent /  Never 
// I'm always all ears to new shipping opportunities and plots!
Are you open to toxic ships?
No / Selectively/ Yes  / I am not sure
// See above. It's something I'm 100% fine with writing, but I won't write it with just about anyone I come across, due to some bad experiences in the past.
Are you open to problematic ships?
No /  Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
// At this point, anything has the potential of being problematic. All it takes is sb, to not like a ship and waste hours of their life, coming up with hot takes pulled out of their asses to "justify" their hatred for it. Some of my ships are already deemed "problematic", I've already been called a "nasty shipper", for something that's entirely harmless. But it is "bad", bc a large and loud crowd, decided to interpret it as such.
So, yeah uwu Im here for the uwu nasty uwu ships uwu!!!
Before anyone decides to put words in my mouth. I'll have to draw the line for minor/adult ships, I'm very on the fence about age up versions of muses. In the end, it all boils down to who I'm plotting/writing with.
Are you open to polyshipping?
No /  Selectively  / Yes / I am not sure
// Depends on the muse because most of them aren’t open to it. Even though, I'm more than willing to write them!
Are you an exclusive shipper?
Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
// NOPE! Been there, done that. It didn’t work for me. At most, I have a cap on the number of different takes, of the same character I'll accept as shipping partners. Which is 3, anything beyond that, it just becomes repetitive and I get overwhelmed bc I can't give everyone the same amount of attention it deserves.
Does crack shipping ever happen?
Nope / Yes / depends / altho they normally become normal ships
// Stares @ all my ships
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kirbydached · 2 years
another night alone in his room, his slender figure seated in the gaming chair only illuminated by the strips of led lights that outlined his room. a dopey smile settled on his lips as he pulled up the familiar application on which he chatted with his boyfriend. his eyes immediately scanned over the screen, eagerly clicking the icon that remained on the left side of the screen from last night. although he saw the other’s status was set to offline, he knew that the other had a habit of lurking. he typed a quick message, nothing overcomplicated.
i’ve been thinking about you all day.
suddenly the text turned red, causing the male’s head to tilt to the side in confusion.
your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient.
the message alone caused his heart to race and eyes to sting as the realization sunk in. he had been blocked.
immediate questions began to race through his head. what happened? had he done something wrong? he thought things were going so well. despite working through the trials and tribulations that came with a long-distance relationship, they were happy. he was happy — for once.
he began to scroll through their past messages, looking for some sort of clue or sign. where did it go wrong? had they been falling apart all along and he had just been too blind to see it?
the words of encouragement, love, and praise told him otherwise. there had to be some other explanation for this.
tears began to trickle down his cheeks, rereading their past messages only causing his heart to ache. these were all the things he was going to lose. despite being terrified of love, he had allowed himself to let his walls down and it had backfired.
the weight of everything felt unbearable. he forced himself to stand up from his chair, heavy limbs barely carrying him over to his bed where he collapsed.
he remained there for two days straight, only leaving to go to the bathroom and nothing more. he didn’t even bother eating. why bother taking care of himself when no one cared about him? not even the one person who told him that he always would.
— time skip —
“caspian, you need to eat something. how long is this tedious hunger streak of yours going to carry on for?”
he refused to meet his mother’s burning gaze, the plate of food sitting in front of him completely untouched. “as long as i want it to.”
“you can’t be this torn up over a boy that you’ve never met.”
that statement caused his blood to run momentarily cold, gaze finally flickering upward.
“how do you know about that? did xander tell you?”
betrayal, confusion, nausea.
but instead of an answer, he was met with nothing but silence on his mother’s end.
despite not being the brightest of bulbs, a sudden realization dawned upon him.
“--did you… were you spying on my fucking computer?”
a scoff escaped his mother as she shot him a look, “it’s not spying if you live underneath my roof.”
“i’m a fucking adult, mum.”
“clearly not. i saw the messages you were sending to him. you’ve never even met him and you were talking about living together and loving him? he could have been anyone and you were sending him personal information and inappropriate pictures. how fucking stupid are you, caspian? those can easily be traced back to you and tarnish our reputation.”
his heart was beating incredibly hard in his chest, feeling as if the world was suddenly spinning.
“you know nothing about our relationship.”
“i know all that i need, caspian.”
he inhaled sharply as he nervously threaded his fingers through his already messy hair.
“he loved me, he did.” it was as if he was trying to force himself to believe the words coming out of his mouth.
“is that why he blocked you?”
he had to force his eyes shut as he felt tears begin to well once more, eyes already puffy and sore from all the crying he had done.
“you have to be more careful, cas. people like that can’t be trusted. what was his occupation? a twitch steamer? that’s not even a real job. even if it was, why wouldn’t he share his face with you or his channel name? he didn’t love you. you were just a game to him.”
each word made it harder and harder for him to breathe.
“this is why your father and i have decided that you need to clean up your act. you need to surround yourself with better people.”
sadness morphed into confusion once more, eyes fluttering open.
“what does that mean?” “you’re going to be interning in the social media department for one of the teams.”
not only had he just been blocked by the love of his life, but he was going to be forced into a job. how lovely.
“i’m not like xander, mum. i don’t want to be involved with f1.”
“that’s the problem.”
he pursed his lips into a thin line as his gaze remained locked on his mother, knowing just how unwilling to budge she would be.
“you’ll see, darling. this is what’s best for you.”
was it? then why did it feel like anything but? all of his free will had been stolen from him. he didn’t have a say in the matter of the blocking or this punishment. he felt utterly hopeless.
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espider · 3 years
Like for a starter or DM me for plotting
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myherowritings · 3 years
welcome to the family
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SUMMARY. After mistaking the guy on your lockscreen as your boyfriend, your grandmother knits him a sweater to welcome him into the family. Childe sees your tweet about it the next morning.
PAIRING. celeb!childe x reader
GENRE. celeb au, loosely based off a tweet
A/N. small drabble because i kind of got excited at the thought of celeb au childe o.o also like...have u listened to his english va sing those cheesy songs? i absolutely love it HFJKGHG pls enjoy xx sof
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You weren’t a fan of the celebrity with the title Tartaglia, alias Childe, real name unknown to the public.
Definitely not a fan.
The only reason you knew even that much about him was simply due to social media blowing him up as the infamous white boy of the month. And from there his fame only grew. (Though you had to admit, he was at least more interesting than the previous other candidates.)
You weren’t a fan, but you couldn’t deny he deserved the recognition he received. His acting was pretty captivating, his singing voice pleasing to the ear, and his body... Well, his body...
“Earth to Y/N,” your mom called, drawing you out of your rapidly spiraling thoughts. You were visiting your family home for the weekend and you were currently in the living room with your mother and grandmother, watching bad reality TV and snacking on junk food. “You’ve been spaced out today. Too busy thinking about your boyfriend?”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Huh?”
Like most grandparents, your grandma seemed to have a special radar to let her know when her grandchildren had a potential suitor at hand. Just the mere mention of the word made her perk up. “Boyfriend?”
“Yeah! I don’t know why they were keeping it a secret from us, but I saw the picture on their lockscreen,” she whispered to your grandma conspiratorially, loud enough for you to hear. “He’s a cute guy with ginger hair.”
The picture on your lockscreen off a cute guy with ginger hair… You were only half-embarrassed to recall that it was a picture taken from Childe’s outdoor picnic photoshoot where the poses they made him do attempted to paint the image that he was there on a date with you. His clothes were casual and his smile was familiar.
You absolutely hated that marketing strategy but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t willingly fall for it each time.
But again, you weren’t a fan…
Oh, who were you fooling? You were halfway from breaking and making a Childe fan account if your dignity didn’t get the best of you.
“Childe? He’s—”
“Your boyfriend! My grandchild finally found love in this world?” asked your grandmother, teary-eyed as she completely ignored her favorite trashy reality show on the television to get a better look at you. “I’m so happy for you! This is so exciting.”
“Grandma, wait—”
“You have to bring him home and let us meet him,” she rushed on animatedly, giving you no time to squeeze a full sentence in. “No, before you do that, let me make him something for you to give to him! What size is his shirt? Is that a picture of him? Oh he looks nice and strong! I’ll knit him a turtleneck. You give it to him the next time you see him, okay?”
Your grandma ran to get her knitting needles and yarn, leaving a whirlwind in her wake as you stared open-mouthed at the spot she once occupied.
That was how you ended up going home the next day with a brand new turtleneck sweater your grandmother made for your non-existent boyfriend.
The situation was so bizarre, you decided there was only one thing you could do: Pull your phone out as you sat on your bed to tell Twitter about the events of your weekend.
— ✩ —
It wasn’t everyday Childe woke up to check what the top tweets of his tag were on Twitter.
Okay, that’s a lie.
It was everyday.
He had an image to keep, after all. And it interested him to know what others had to say about him, despite how bad that might actually be for his state of mind.
Childe didn’t like deceit, but showing some parts of himself to only some people and other parts to others wasn’t lying. It was self-preservation. Everyone had a persona of sorts, and he preferred for his to be intact. What was the point of showing everyone every side of him?
He knew who Childe and Tartaglia were. He knew who Ajax was. As long as he knew, he’d be alright.
Was it a lonely path? Maybe. But it paid well and made his family proud. What more could he ask for?
Acting may not be as cool as being, say, a toymaker as his younger brother would proclaim, but at least he got to travel the world and explore places he never could’ve before. And the cute fans of his were also a definite bonus.
Childe continued scrolling through his phone when he stumbled upon a tweet that seemed to be gaining numbers quickly. It was posted only a few hours ago last night (his time, at least) by what looked like a personal account.
@y/n: Y'ALL WTF my mom saw my lockscreen (which is a pic of childe) and told my grandma that he was my bf and then my gma got so excited she knit him a WHOLE SWEATER and told me to give it to him. how could i break her heart and tell her he’s just a celebrity i like omg
@y/n: here’s a picture of the sweater she knit. isn’t it adorable? i almost feel too bad to just wear it myself though hjfkhg [Attachment: 1 Image]
A surprised chuckle escaped his lips as he looked at the picture of you holding the cream-colored turtleneck up, the large sleeves covering most of your body in the photo. You were right. The sweater did look adorable. As did a certain little fan of his who was also featured in the image.
Without giving it a second thought, he began to type his reply.
@TartagliaOfficial: Why wear it yourself? Didn’t your grandma say it’s meant for me? :( It’d be a shame to disappoint her.
In only a matter of minutes, he refreshed the page and found your name in his notifications. For some reason, he felt a rush of adrenaline flow through his veins as he waited for your tweet to load.
@y/n: am i being punk’d or r u asking me out???
Childe laughed to himself, exiting the tweet thread so he could click on the private message icon on your profile.
This would be fun.
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craftycheetah · 3 years
The Impossible Dream
↩Introduction ||Snacks & Stacks||next ↪
The crisp air was filled with the scent of sweetness, a particular sweetness that could only come from the purest of sugar. Ringing and soft humming filled the small apartment of the rising YouTube creator (Y/N) (L/N). A small smile came to (Y/N)’s face as she spun around the room, putting things away and cleaning up the residue of cookie batter and sugar that was sprinkled across the counter. Once she was done, she spun over to her phone, picking up the device, and strolled her way over to her comfortable sofa. The same dinging of her phone echoed throughout her living room as the device rested on her couch cushions. The sound cuts for a moment as the instrumental version of Sleep by MCR starts playing. Looking towards the screen, she sees it light up with a photo of her and Hitoshi. Wiping her hands from the flour from her most recent baking creation, she smiles as she picks up her phone. ‘Oh, it’s Toshi!’ she thinks before swiping across the screen to answer the call. “Hey ‘toshi! What’s up?” she smiles.
“Nothing really, just waiting for you to come over. You still owe me those cat cookies for last week,” he jokes.
The cushions sank and devoured her halfway as she sat down. It was heaven, a perfect combination of firm and soft.
“I just finished baking those. You can come over and get them, y’know. I got those paw cookie cutters you liked so much. Though I still gotta finish editing this week’s video, and I gotta do a taste test. Unless you’re busy right now? I didn’t see anything about you streaming today.” “No, you little donut, I’m just calling because I was gonna ask if you’ve checked Twitter. But I will take you up on that offer to get those cookies and that taste test offer. You know how much I can’t resist your baking.”
“Hm? Twitter?” She asked, scratching the back of her neck and furrowing her brows. “What’s on Twitter?”
Her stomach churned as she thought of what could possibly be on that godforsaken app. She hoped nothing bad had happened and that she wasn’t trending for some absurd or ridiculous reason. With Hitoshi’s calm tone, she hoped it wasn’t too bad.
“Just open it!” Hitoshi tapped his fingers on the desk impatiently.
“Okay, okay! Sheesh!” She pushed her hands out in front of her to make a ‘calm down’ motion, even though he couldn’t see her.
She took a deep breath and held it as she changed applications to tap on the white bird icon. Checking her notifications, her eyes bulged, and her jaw dropped as her YouTube channel name was trending. The main post was a thread review by Katsuki Bakugou, the culinary genius behind Cooking with Katsuki. Known for his debut on Masterchef Junior at the age of ten and winning that season, everyone knows him and his rise to fame.
“Little donut? Y/N? You still there?” Hitoshi calls out as a loud squeal is heard before silence from his phone. Hanging up and getting dressed, he sends a quick text to his friend and their group chat.
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“(Y/N)!” A familiar voice shouted. “(Y/N)! Wake up!”
Little grumbling noises spilled from her mouth and slipped past her tongue. The world was an array of black and really bright colors. Was… she seeing double of Hitoshi? Wait- Hitoshi?! What was he doing here?
“Hi...Hitoshi?” (Y/N) groaned; your head was pulsating as the blood was rushing away from it. “How’d you get here?”
“Remember? You gave me a key, you donut.” There was a playful tone in his voice.
“Oh yeah!” She remembered.
Both of you burst into laughter, Hitoshi reaching out his palm as he helped you up, and you brush yourself off.
“What happened? Why’d you come over?”
“You were on the phone with me, and I told you to check Twitter. I think you did, you screamed, and the phone went silent. I hung up, came over to check, and found you passed out with the phone in your hand. Are you okay?” “Y-Yeah...I still can’t believe it. He liked my video...he did a full review and everything! The only downside is he says I eat too many sweets…” she pouts.
“Don’t worry about that last part. All you need to worry about is what you’re going to do for your collab!”
“Wait-what?!” She shrieked.
“Did you not read the full thing?!”
She scrambled her phone into her left hand, the cold case of the device contrasting with the warmth of her palm. Frantically attempting to unlock it, she opened the phone again and felt all the blood rush from her face as she saw what Hitoshi was talking about.
After my assistant finally badgered me into watching BakingWithY/N’s most recent video, I wasn't really expecting anything of worth. Like at all. But I'm actually impressed by the fact she manages to make things that look fucking worth eating.
It’s actually nuts. After watching BakingWithY/N’s Pie Week video, I am genuinely amazed at how she can effortlessly take something that doesn’t even look remotely appetizing and turn it into something that not only wouldn’t make me throw up but I would willingly put in my mouth. To me, it’s interesting how she can somehow take a cake with no taste and turn it into something delicious. she reminds me of when I was younger during my years in competitive baking. How I could take a lackluster recipe and craft it into something beautiful in my early teens. BakingWithY/N resembles that early part of my life to some extent. And given how many shitty fucking cooks I’ve met, that’s an accomplishment.
Their abilities as a baker are better than pretty much every try-hard I’ve seen recently that thinks she can just buy a camera off Amazon and start a food channel. And she also manages to not bore me. She's actually fucking funny. Seriously fucking hilarious. She could honestly quit this fucking gig and take up stand-up comedy, and she’d probably make even more money doing that. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve met someone who actually had a good punchline every fucking time. Make Pete Davidson quit his job and jump into the Sea of Japan because she took over his damn career.
I thought the positive reviews were a load of fucking horseshit because 90% of the time, a channel with nothing but endless little praises turns out to be straight ass. Just a bunch of talentless freaks hypnotizing their little obsessed posse. But this channel is actually good. And if there are any negative reviews, those people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. For once in my life, the shit on this channel actually made me want to eat instead of searching for surgeons willing to give me a total gastrectomy. I don’t do praise, so I swear to fuckin god if the food isn’t as good in reality when we do this collaboration and I wrote this for nothing?! I’m going to set fire to the parking lot. And no, I’m not giving my insurance information. Bitches can go start gofundmes.
“Uh… Yeah. Bakugou definitely wrote that.” Hitoshi barked out in laughter. “No way he let his PR team write this. Mainly cause the dude is known for his temper.”
“Yeah, but still...he wants ME?! I barely have 25K on Youtube, Hitoshi!”
“True true, you should still collab with him.” He put a supportive hand on her shoulder. “It’ll be a great opportunity for your channel to grow, (Y/N).”
She turned her head to him and gave him a miniature smile. Yeah, he was right! This would be an excellent opportunity for her channel to grow. And who knows? Maybe even make some friends along the way. Don’t get (Y/N) wrong; Hitoshi is an awesome friend and everything, but sometimes it gets lonely when it’s just (Y/N) and Hitoshi and the three friends they share. This could be an opportunity to grow a bigger friend group.
“Yeah! Yeah, I think you’re right. This would be a good thing. Nothing could possibly go wrong.”
“When’s CreateCon?”
“I think in a few weeks. We still have time to prepare.”
“Do you want your ‘owed cookies’ now?” she snickers. “They should be done cooling, considering that I passed out for what, thirty minutes?”
“An hour, little donut. But yeah, go text the group chat. I’m sure they’re all worried about you.”
Checking her phone, (Y/N) chuckles awkwardly as she sees several missed calls from Izuku, Momo, Tsuyu, and Hitoshi. “Awww, you guys care about me,” she teases before whining as Hitoshi flicks her forehead. “Ow!”
“Of course we do, stupid. Now, do you want me to help with your video? I’ll take my payment in cookies, thank you.”
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© craftycheetah: all rights reserved. do not edit, modify, repost, or claim my works as your own. Reblogs are appreciated.
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So... I have a lot of thoughts on the finale. I've deliberately kept my mouth shut, more or less, on the campaign overall because I'm a firm believer that you can't pass judgement -- at least not complete judgement -- on stories until they're over and done with.
Well, it's done! Kind of crazy. I've been watching Critical Role with almost insane consistency, viewing almost every single episode live, with maybe five-ish exceptions, since episode 19, and I've been blogging it for, what, two and a half years?
It's a weird feeling. It's been such a constant thing for me that I'm always gonna have love for it and remember with a lot of fondness.
...Which is in spite of the fact that I can now comfortably say I'm pretty eh on the ending. I know not being positive about something most of us have loved a lot for a very long time can sting a bit, but I personally think it also stings when people relentlessly crow over how good they think it is or want it to be, to the point where you feel you can't voice your absolutely valid upsets or dissatisfactions. So, here goes, if anyone's interested! I'd be curious to see other opinions, too!
I actually drafted a post talking about my overall frustrations with the campaign a whole two weeks ago, and then scrapped most of it when 140 blew me out of the water. I was really touched, and really happy. I hadn't expected it, but it shockingly felt right, you know?
Unfortunately 141 robbed me of most of that satisfaction and brought me right back to neutral.
The blanket statement you have to make, of course, is that you can’t criticise this as a DnD game, and you can’t be mad at the cast for playing it in a way they think is best for them. They’re the players, Matt’s the DM, and in the end it makes no sense for them to try to make themselves act how they think the audience wants them to, and I’m sure most of the audience wouldn’t like the result anyway.
That said, there is an audience. And that’s where I see this clash coming in. As a DnD game, as long as the players and DM have all enjoyed it and been satisfied, it’s a successful game! But for us, it’s not a DnD game. For us, we’re watching a story be written in real time through the medium of an RPG. And while as a DnD game you can’t fault it, as a piece of media, I completely get why the way things have gone has sat weirdly for a lot of people.
It's not satisfying to see so many character hooks dealt with so quickly or left as an offscreen "and then you do it." If they don't want to keep playing to dive into it, absolutely, but for us who have been watching this as a story with all these character elements get so built up, it's a huge anti-climax.
Which is a lot of what this campaign has been, really.
Oh, Nott’s cursed! But through a really cool character moment that problem is completely taken care of with no consequences we see. Yay, I want her to be Veth and that was an iconic move from Jester! Still, it kind of feels like this was built up to be a big problem and at the first success it was let go... Caleb's got a really intense frightening past he tries to hide, I wonder how the Mighty Nein will respond? Oh, they found out, but it's not a difficult revelation for anyone. Looks like it's easy for them to move past it and forgive. Yeah, that's healthiest for the characters, but huh, kinda undercuts it as a storyline or point of interest. Oooh, Avantika’s back! Ah, they’ve killed her and grabbed the eye again. I mean I don’t want them to die or for Uk’otoa to be free, but I’m starting to feel like that’s not much of a threat anyway. The Traveler’s been kidnapped! Nah he hasn’t, he tried to save Jester so he was let go with no further issue, and also he wasn’t actually in any danger anyway. Oh... Cool. So... Why should I care or be worried?
And these are just the biggest ones I remember being kind of let down by. I wanted to see them STRUGGLE for the successes to have meaning. To my view, threats of failure -- real failure -- really decreased the more the campaign went on, with a few exceptions.
Because don't get me wrong, we've definitely had struggles, and those have made for some of the best moments! Molly’s death, Yasha’s kidnapping, Yeza’s imprisonment. When failures that were threatened are allowed to occur, it’s far more gratifying when it’s followed by success, because you understand that that success was actually necessary. It shows us that what they do really means something.
Honestly, that's why the final battle really shut me up, because nothing makes you quite feel stakes and failure like having two PCs die, and having a resurrection ritual fail -- AND knowing that failure would be delivered on, had it not been for a seemingly miraculous roll of the dice to turn it around. One of the greatest failure's -- Molly's death -- made the success of his resurrection put a lot of my other issues to rest immediately, because to be honest? Molly's resurrection was the biggest success of the campaign, exactly because it was originally the biggest failure.
But this episode, we got to see the other side of making threats and successes feel disappointing -- when you get the impression that success was robbed from you. Again, their characters, their choices, but to have them roll an intervention to get Molly's soul, to convince Molly to come back with his own possessions they've so loved, after so long and so many struggles... only to apparently not get Molly at all?
Changed, of course. Memories, maybe he'd never get them back, though that seems inconsistent to how the initial resurrection was played and Matt's hints. It even makes sense that not having his memories and being a bit different, he might forge a new identity, but insisting Molly was a different person entirely after such a supposed hard won success to get Molly back, especially after what his death meant to the audience and potentially healing that old wound? It robs the narrative of a LOT of catharsis, at least for me and I know many others.
Trent, too, I'm very up and down on. He was so built up -- and what fun that build up had -- and I very much disagreed with the idea that the best story would be dealing with him offscreen.
It's true that you don’t need to explicitly address, confront, or explore every big aspect of character's story hooks and background ties for PCs to move past them and grow healthily. But that does not make it a satisfying viewing experience. People quietly healing in real life is healthy. People quietly healing in an explosive fantasy setting is frustrating for the audience.
What on earth is the point of a story if you don’t get to SEE THE ESTABLISHED CONFLICTS go anywhere? A lot of the characters got distant, quiet resolutions, if that, to everything we wanted to see.
Except, we did get to see Trent. It was a really fun, inventive battle, from opening to conclusion, but much like Travelercon, much like Nott's/Veth's problem with the hag, these were things that the audience in general wanted to see be really dug into and explored, and every single one of them got, in my opinion, quickly tidied up instead. Trent got beaten in the first and only proper battle they had with him, which, after all his build up, is pretty disappointing for a villain many of us wanted to see be a big deal. It really just felt like they were trying to tidy up to get on with the epilogue, which is not what a lot of us were looking for with Trent especially.
And that's how most of their endings felt to me. It didn't feel like any of them had reached a comfortable conclusion. Literally all of them, bar Veth and Caduceus, continued on their character journey threads, without each other and very quickly. Meeting Yasha's tribe and Vandran, Caleb finally openly debating changing time for his parents, Trent and Zeenoth's trials and the changing of the guard at the Assembly... All were things it would have been so fun to have all the PCs react to and explore together, and instead they were fleeting encounters in the latter half of a seven hour finale.
Is all this, from Molly not really coming back to Trent being a finale side plot to the Nein continuing on their individual journeys, potentially realistic to how these fantastical things might go down in real life? Sure! But that's not necessarily a good thing.
Stories THRIVE on conflict and resolution. That’s what makes them FUN! Conflict isn’t nearly so fun in real life and resolutions are often frustrating question marks, so no, past a certain point I don’t WANT stories to be realistic. I want stories to be SATISFYING.
And campaign 2 has fallen far short of the mark.
I haven’t spoken... Basically a word of this for most of the campaign, because as I said I’m a firm believer that you can’t necessarily judge something until it’s over, and because I ALSO firmly believe that being negative WHILE trying to enjoy something is counterproductive. I have had no interest in spoiling or naysaying the fun of the campaign for anyone, least of all myself.
But it's done now, and all I can say is... I really have had fun. I love the characters. I love their relationships. I’m pretty okay with where they’ve ended up. I’m not mad, really, and I’m still going to think of this campaign with a lot of affection. But it hasn’t been a satisfying story, even though for a week following episode 140 I thought, despite all the brushed over story threads, it might be.
So... to try and reclaim some of that satisfaction for myself, I might ignore some aspects of the finale proper. Namely Kingsley specifically. Taliesin's choice -- but to me, it's pretty clear that who we saw at the end of 140 was Molly, and the tags on my posts will reflect that, just as my 141 tags will be for both Kingsley and Molly, for clarity's sake. I personally want to believe Molly did come back, however others might want to interpret it. The victory in 140 that meant so much to me is hollow otherwise, and it just kind of hurts that we would lose Molly after everything. I was okay with him being dead -- I'm not so okay with his resurrection being stolen.
Kingsley will always be canon, but Molly is what I choose to acknowledge. I get if you don't like that take, and that's okay! I didn't care for canon's in the end. That's the good thing about storytelling, is that no one can stop you from making your own versions.
For the people who are hopefully hyped for campaign 3, heck yeah have fun! I’m on the fence. My investment, which... I think I can objectively say was pretty substantive as this blog will attest, doesn't feel rewarded, so I’m not convinced I can faithfully keep up for over three years all over again with a strong possibility that I will once again be left disappointed. It's been a huge chunk of my life, and... yeah!
I’ll take a break, probably, view (and liveblog, if people want!) campaign 1 when I’ve had a mental stretch and vacation, and then... I might start campaign 3. I definitely won’t be able to put the same time in it I did campaign 2 (my first love no matter what), knowing that it’s likely to not be so vindicated, in the end.
I swear I’m actually writing this in fairly good humour, but I totally get its always disappointing when the people you come to for fandom enjoyment just aren't sharing your fun. Honestly I’m half tempted to write all those frigging AUs I have sitting around! But I wanted to say my piece, and try and logically outline why this ending has been lacklustre for so many people, ultimately myself included.
Episode 140 felt right because it felt like a natural conclusion -- these disparate people coming together and finally being whole, finally soothing the hurt that MADE them so long ago. Episode 141 spat on that sentiment -- they all scattered to the winds, not as happy people to live out their dreams, but as confused people chasing up loose threads towards an unknown future, with the friend they thought returned still lost to them, ultimately.
It doesn't feel like the ending we should have gotten for the Mighty Nine, who were finally, finally all together. Until they weren't. So to me? I choose to acknowledge that they were, even if I have to force it to happen post-epilogue in my head.
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