#I’m gay and biracial
djarinslover · 2 years
I liked that in Strange World they don’t make Ethan’s crush on Diazo obnoxious or try to push it too hard to be like “see!!! Gay character!!! Look everyone!!” But they also don’t dismiss it. Searcher and Meridian AND Jaeger ask/talk about Diazo with Ethan and it’s just accepted and normal and sweet and NORMAL bc guess what gay kids get crushes too and it’s nice to see that in Disney movies
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saiwestfield · 2 years
Man, sometimes I’m sad that I like math class because I’m basically betraying my own kind (the gays) and (half??) enforcing stereotypes of Asian people 😔
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Jay Kuo at The Status Kuo:
There’s a strange phenomenon occurring with the terminally online right. Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that Gov. Tim Walz would be her running mate, many of the right have acted with fury. They’ve attempted to “Swift Boat” his 24-year service record in the Army National Guard. They’ve called him a racist for talking about “white guy tacos.” And they’ve dredged up a nearly 30-year old DUI—for which he took accountability and after which he stopped drinking altogether—to prove he’s somehow not so perfect a role model.
What they haven’t been able to do is make any of this stick. And yet, Walz continues to draw fire, which could otherwise have been directed at Harris. In other words, Walz is turning out to be a shrewd pick. At net 11 points positive favorability in polls, Walz is immensely more popular than his counterpart on the GOP ticket, JD Vance, who is underwater by nine. And as they continue to rail against him, the right keeps making his fundamental point about them: They are just really weird. In today’s piece, I explore some theories about why Walz brings out the worst impulses of the right just by being who he is. Then I’ll lay down some political tarot cards and prognosticate about where I think this leads.
Politico Uno Reverse
By most identity measures, Walz should be one of the MAGA right. He’s a midwestern white dude in his late 50s. He loves to hunt and is a sharpshooter. He served for decades in the military and achieved the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was a football coach who helped lead his team to the state championship. And yet, despite all these identity markings, Walz in an unabashed progressive. He is for reproductive rights and an ally and protector of gay teens. And there isn’t a bigoted bone in his body. It’s as if when Harris picked him, she played, as writer Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman succinctly described it, a “political uno reverse.” The Walz card threw it right back at them, as if to say, “I’m a guy just like you, but without any of the weird baggage.” The MAGA GOP’s base is supposed to include white guys like Walz. But here is living evidence that they don’t have all of them or the best of them. That’s why they’re so eager to discredit him, because if they don’t, as psychologist Julie Hotard notes, then Walz will stand instead as a model of what is possible. On many levels, an appealing, white, male Democrat is a far bigger threat to their sense of identity than even a biracial woman candidate for president.
Attacking Mr. Nice Guy
For the past two decades, the GOP has shifted markedly toward being a party of cruelty, of “owning” the libs and drinking their tears, and of being as unpleasant and in-your-face as they can be. That kind of behavior has been rewarded with appearances on Fox and other right wing media, fundraising dollars from the MAGA base, and a spot at the side or in the tweets of the ex-president himself. As author Patrick S. Tomlinson observed, Walz represents what shouldn’t be an extraordinary notion: that you can be a nice guy, supportive of women, embracing of gay people, and still be all the coded masculine ideals of soldier, football coach, hunter and father that the MAGA right believed it had a lock on. Plus, you can be all those things without ever asking weird questions about menstrual cycles, chromosomes and genitalia. The right even tried to make a big deal about Walz’s efforts as governor to ensure free tampons were available to girls in school. Rumors circulated that schools had been required to also put tampons in boys’ bathrooms, but those claims turned out to be untrue, while demonstrating how off kilter the right becomes over sexuality and gender. The “Tampon Tim” moniker didn’t stick. On the contrary, there are probably many moms and dads grateful for a governor like Walz who is thinking about their daughters’ needs.
Jay Kuo explains the real reason why the right is being driven crazy by Tim Walz: The fact that he has a profile that would typify a MAGA voter (football coach, military service, loves to hunt) yet is a progressive white dude (solid LGBTQ+ rights ally before it became fashionable among Democrats).
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andreablog2 · 3 months
Not to be this way but charli xcx being from Essex makes sm sense……..her fondness for Yung lean, her bad person radar is broken, aversion from tanning to distinguish herself from the classic essex profile etc. …..I don’t think she’ll ever feel like she truly has money but she’s always striving for this sort of rough around the edges New money clout ..despite the fact that she’s grown as exponentially alienated from a real persons life as she possibly could be and will never live a normal life ever….this album is like her biracial class dysphoria…where she has to say her life is still super cool and she’s not ashamed of it while also being like “I know why this is all ridiculous”…..it’s such a common dilemma and I’m sad for her because she should be eating at sketch or summering in Ibiza…..not smoking cigarettes around empathy drained racist 30 something gay men in Brooklyn….summering in like Georgia or some shit that’s also a work event. She’s squandered her potential in so many ways with this weird thing she’s done
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themotherofhorses · 5 months
Hi guys, it's Vic! Also known as:
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Round TWO at addressing the extreme racism in the CoD fandom!
So it’s both odd and funny that my Indigenous fem!OC has pissed off so many random people, especially with the fact that I created her to ship with Ghost.
(A fictional character that has NO canon love interest, FYI. Sorry to bust y'all's little bubble. Well, there's Mara and Urban Tracker....)
Anyways, I really don't care if this post sounds bitchy in nature. I really don't, not anymore. Some of y'all need a damn wakeup call. Several months ago, in December of 2023, I made a post (here) regarding the sudden influx of hate I began receiving following the posting of my OC, SilentDove Reyes. For around two weeks after that post, the hate died down, and I felt motivated to create more content involving Dove and Ghost.
Until the hate picked up again with every little thing I posted that related to my OC x Ghost.
However....this new hate incorporated the MMIW. A bold ass move, in my opinion.
If you are not aware, the MMIW stands for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women." Alternate spellings include the MMIWG & MMIWGTS (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits). As of 2023, statistics indicate that Indigenous women face a 10x murder rate than any other race/ethnicity. I have made a previous post regarding the issue, seen here. The unfortunate truth is that young Indigenous girls are more likely to be SA'd and murdered than to attend college. Let that sink in for a moment.
Now, I am an Indigenous woman. That is no surprise there; I fashioned my OC to provide myself (and, by extension, others) with Native representation in a franchise I greatly enjoy. What IS surprising, however, is that me doing so has pissed off so many people. I'm very certain some of y'all must descend from Andrew Jackson, or John Wayne cause, christ on a bike driven by a pike.
Here is a screenshot of a hate anon I recently received:
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Listen, I don't care who you ship Ghost with. I really don't. I've blocked numerous shipping tags, remained mindful of the content I'm interacting with, and surrounded myself with fellow mutuals who also have personal OCs. It is really that easy.
What I do care about is the fact that some of you CANNOT separate fanon headcanons from canon material.
Exhibit A:
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So let’s clear some stuff up!
Soap x Ghost is NOT canon.
Ghost being queer is NOT canon.
And, most definitely, Ghost being a woman abuser who would harm/abuse/murder a woman (either physically, emotionally, psychologically) is NOT canon.
What IS canon is his and Soap's strong bond. In my eyes, that is a brotherly bond, reminding me of a big brother/little brother relationship; in my fanfiction, Soap is Ghost's children's uncle. In fact, his son (second-born child) is named after him.
You are, of course, free to view them as romantic; what you are not free to do is attack OC creators/non-shippers for not perceiving them like that.
That is just fucking weird and delusional behavior. Knock it off. You're giving your fellow normal shippers a bad name.
ALSO! Let’s clear things up!
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1. I’m not straight — I’m bisexual and demisexual.
2. I’m only half white (Spanish, with Mexican heritage). I’m QUITE LITERALLY an enrolled Native, so I guess the best way to describe me is “biracial.”
3. It’s y’all ruining the canon gay representation by shipping Laswell—a GAY woman—with Price, despite the fact that she canonically has a wife.
4. My OC does not have a “dumb fucking name.” Her name is an Indigenous name with a specific backstory to it; it’ll be explored further in future fanfics once I find the motivation to return to writing.
Anyways, I highly doubt this will be the last post I create regarding this problem; apparently, a nice chunk of the fandom has this intense animosity towards fem!OCs, fem!Y/Ns, and BIPOC!OC creators. Alright. With that being said, I invite anyone who has similar experiences to share yours, either in the reblogs or in separate posts.
As sometimes we say during pow wows:
“The floor is all yours.”
Thank you!
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tommystummy · 16 hours
The reason I talk so much about Eddie and his psyche and where I think his character might be going is that he is, in fact, the character I relate the most to in the show. He’s Catholic, has panic attacks, a history with the army (I’m an army brat, not the same but he reminds me of my dad in that way), biracial, Southern, kind of sassy, technically he’s even in the medical field. Understanding and relating to him as he is presented in the show (not the fandom where all that matters is that He Is Gay) is partially about processing myself and my father through the lens of fiction so yeah I have a lot of thoughts about him and not all of them are going to be him as a wish fulfillment machine taking swings at bigots. Sometimes I’m going to say he’ll do something unhealthy because it follows who he is and I don’t mean it as character hate but as an exploration of his character motivations. If he only made virtuous and righteous decisions he wouldn’t have cheated on his girlfriend and his son would still be living with him. Sometimes Eddie makes poor decisions borne out of his trauma and that’s ok, and predicting that should be ok too.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 16 days
I’m so sick of people trying to fit me into boxes
gay or straight, black or white, based on whatever’s most convenient for them at the time.
I’m biracial and bisexual. I’m both. Fuck off
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doberbutts · 9 months
So after seeing your post about BES I finally started watching it and damn. DAMN. People saw Mizu and can’t understand why transmascs gravitate to this story???????? I’m pretty sure “using bandages to bind chest” is like one of THE TOP symbolic moves that transmascs gravitate to when it comes to our (admittedly lackluster) representation in media.
Also, I feel like a lot of people get really weird about the idea that a story about empowering women and a story that’s relatable to transmascs aren’t mutually exclusive. I won’t speak for everyone but personally I like stories like this that don’t shy away from representing people whose AGAB doesn’t align with their outward actions.
And! Personally! As a man who is East Asian living in the US and has a higher voice even after 5 years on T, characters like Mizu rekindle my hope that one day I’ll be able to pass as flawlessly as him lol. Characters like Mizu, Mulan, Haruhi (from ouran high school host club) always seem to spark that little bit of hope in me… that maybe one day I won’t have to try so hard to be accepted and people will just see me and assume I’m a boy without me having to correct them… or at the very least, that they’d refrain from using any gendered language towards me until they ask and find out what I want to be referred as.
Oh for sure. It's like the Mulan thing. Like I'm sorry but you put "when will my reflection show who I am inside" and "who is that girl" and "why is my reflection a stranger" and you're mad that trans guys went "wow where'd you get that picture of me" like??? In a deleted scene, Mizu tries to play with her feminity in the mirror at the brothel and ultimately scowls and doesn't like what she sees- and you're trying to tell me that it's *not* supposed to be relateable to trans mascs trying to be feminine women and hating what they see reflected back at them?
Like you said, it's not that I'm mad that this is a story about empowering women and featuring a highly GNC woman as its main character. It's just annoying, and more importantly highly concerning, that people seem to think that because it's about empowering masculine women that trans mascs can't or shouldn't see any of themselves in it. I'm an entire grownass binary trans man and throughout my entire life I have felt more seen and more fellowship with masculine women both fictional and real than I have with anyone else except specific gay cis men who were very gender themselves.
And yeah. As your existence proves, it's not like East Asian trans mascs aren't real??? Like I'm sure there's nuance there that I'm missing because despite being biracial I'm not Asian and *definitely* not Japanese. But acting like characters like Haruhi, or Mizu, or Mulan [Chinese] *can't* be trans mascs because that'a inherently disrespectful to East Asian women is just plain erasing the fact that, um, Japanese and Korean and Chinese and Thai and Vietnamese and more trans mascs absolutely do exist and have existed as long as gender has existed.
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bigswitchenergyy · 1 year
rwrb brainrot
So, a quick timeline: RWRB trailer came out 7/6? 7/7? I watched it and immediately bought the book because I’m apparently VERY behind on the times. I’ve read it 5 times now (as of 7/19) and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched the trailer.
I still can’t believe this is real life. We have a gay rom-com - a biracial gay romcom - with a canon bisexual man. Nobody dies. There’s angst but it’s not the majority of the story, and it actually moves to further the plot. The characters are fucking HILARIOUS. The love between the two grows so deeply that I felt it in my fucking soul. I can’t get enough of reading their emails, the cute scenes, the angsty scenes, and everything in between.
I want to hug Casey. They wrote these absolutely beautiful characters, and even though they can’t talk about or promote the movie rn thanks to the greedy fucks in Hollywood, this book touched me deeply and I know it has touched so many others. I’ve cried more than once thinking about how beautiful this story is and how incredible it’s going to be to see it in live action. Taylor and Nick are perfect as Alex and Henry, and the sheer chemistry we see from 2 minutes of footage is already enough to have my chest aching - i can’t even imagine what it’s gonna be like when the fucking movie comes out. Fuck. I love this story. I love these characters. I love their love and the love this fandom has for them. I can’t wait for this movie.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
My dream is that you one day will write boiling rwrb au
Also I need to know all of your thoughts about the film
In summary: I absolutely love it and have so many thoughts. But also I don’t see myself writing an obikin au for it. (Not to worry, I speak autocorrect 😉) Read more below the break
I adore rwrb. It’s my new comfort movie. I’ve watched it three times and I read the book after my first viewing.
The first time I watched in I could NOT believe how gay it was. Honestly I am still twirling my hair and kicking my feet that we get to have a rom com that is just SO!gay. I want more! And I��m really hoping that it’s popularity means we’ll get it
*side note for any of my younger followers: this makes me feel so old. But as a teen in the 2000s there wasn’t a lot of queer media readily available and what was definitely wasn’t showing or marketed toward teens. What I was aware of was adult dramas surrounding HIV/AIDS. Glee and Modern Family didn’t come out until I graduated. Stories like this would have been a game changer
Anyways: back to rwrb. I LOVE that it gets to unabashedly be everything that it is. Is it corny as hell? Yes! Is it tropey and over the top? Yes! Does it read like a fanfic? Yes! Is it fantastic that it gets to be all of these things that every!single! hetero romance/romcom gets to be while basically leading a pride parade through everyone’s Amazon Prime account? YES!!!
A short list of my favorite things about rwrb in no particular order:
All the star wars references in the book. They are nerds and they are my kind of people
Get Low is also my drunk jam. Yes I am the target audience. Yes I am ok with this
There’s a female president and vice president (girl power!)
The sex scene might just be the sweetest, most intimate thing I have witnessed with my own two eyes? It was so tender and so real
There was zero attempt made to pretend that they weren’t just copying the royal family and the fact that the movie leaned into it so hard is absolutely hilarious to me.
They’re also a biracial couple and they don’t shy away from Alex’s experiences as the son of an immigrant to the US (the book does more here)
The key stays on during sex, just hanging there bonking him in the face. 10/10. Hilarious. Kills me.
They do not shy away from gay sex happening and the boys are horny for each other. Like, we don’t just see them kiss once. Again, I’m old, but YES!!!!
I’m cutting myself off here but I could very much go on.
As for the possibility of an obikin au: I’m not going to lie, I thought about it. But I don’t think I see that happening from me.
The first reason is mostly how I write obikin. I don’t write same age aus because I can’t personally separate out their age gap and power dynamic from the other aspects of their canon relationship. I just don’t know how to make them work as peers. (Note: nothing against same age aus, I’ve read many that I’ve adored. I just can’t wrap my head around it to make it happen myself).
Secondly, I kind of don’t want to touch it? I realize I’m basically the queen of looking at a movie and thinking YES, but make it obikin! But I just went on a rant about how this movie/story feels special in that 1) it’s already queer and 2) is allowed to unapologetically be itself. And I don’t know that I want to change that
(Would I read a RWRB obikin au? Absolutely)
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fruitgravies · 1 year
mr. pinned post
howdy! my name is moon, a 24 year old biracial queer illustrator. all pronouns. i’m based in nyc and i draw super gay stuff. mostly OCs or fanart from some of my favorite fandoms. i tend to lean toward drawing the eerie and the tender. i also love cowboys.
i use an ipad pro 12.9” with procreate, and my own brushes, which can be found on my gumroad.
buy some prints!
make sure to follow the rest of my active socials as im a bit more active there. links to all can be found here, on my carrd.
see ya.
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sappholovell · 7 months
You cannot convince me that Sar, a Latina (or half-Latina) woman, is going to stay with her racist girlfriend after all the BS that she pulled in Bloodmarked. I actually kind of love that particular part of Legendborn because it discusses two things that are pretty important to me: racism in the LGBTQ+ community and being biracial and white-passing in white spaces. It’s nice seeing and being in queer spaces that are very racially diverse, but it’s hard to find them in real life and white queer people (especially white gay men) sadly often have a hard time recognizing the oppression that they are participating in. Queer people can hide behind their own oppression and act like that gives them leeway to hurt other.
Also, I’m Latina and white-passing, and people really just think that they can say whatever they want. I feel like Tor sees Sar as “not one of them,” but has probably said stuff that has hurt Sar’s feelings.
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wagner-fell · 17 days
I think my type should’ve been obvious from the amount of cowboy romance novels I read-
If it has hockey or cowboys, I’m sold-
Unless it’s a second chance romance, then it can duck off
Oh dude I’m a sucker for cowboy romances
Especially historically accurate ones, because in reality there weren’t a lot of white cowboys, they were mostly either Mexicans or escaped slaves
And there were no laws out there so homosexuality wasn’t taboo
So gay biracial relationships were widely accepted amongst cowboys!!!
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I like pissing you people off by not hating myself. My gay biracial ass isnt going anywhere you hateful bitch
ok i don’t hate gay or biracial people. I’m happy you don’t hate yourself 👍
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s first openly gay taoiseach, or prime minister, said Wednesday that he will step down as leader of the country — a shock move he said was for both “personal and political” reasons.
Varadkar, who became Ireland's youngest taoiseach in 2017, said he would also relinquish his leadership of the center-right Fine Gael party, which forms a ruling coalition government in Dublin along with Fianna Fáil and the Green Party.
“I’m proud that we have made the country a more equal and more modern place,” he told reporters gathered outside government buildings in Dublin.
Sounding emotional as he made the announcement, he said there was no “real reason” behind his decision and he "had nothing else lined up."
"I have nothing in mind," he added. "I have no definite personal or political plans.”
A senior Irish official told NBC News that the announcement would be “a bolt from the blue for the Irish public,” which “throws everything up in the air.” The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, added that Varadkar, who trained as a physician “didn’t ‘see a lifetime in politics.”
Varadkar’s departure, which comes less than a week after he met with President Joe Biden at the White House, will not automatically trigger an election.
He said he had asked for a new leader of the party to be chosen on April 6, allowing a new prime minister to take office after Parliament’s Easter break.
The 45-year-old, whose mother is Irish and father is Indian, was the country’s youngest-ever leader when first elected, as well as Ireland’s first gay prime minister and first biracial prime minister
He served two terms as taoiseach, between 2017 and 2020 and again since December 2022.
During his time in office he oversaw referendums to change the Irish constitution, which legalized same-sex marriage and abortion.
But earlier this month he suffered humiliating defeats in two elections, when his countrymen overwhelmingly voted against proposed changes to the constitution that would have redefined marriage and removed “sexist” language.
Varadkar told reporters he knew his resignation would "come as a surprise to many people and a disappointment to some, but I hope you will understand my decision."
“Politicians are human beings, and we have our limitations,” he said.
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vampirologist · 2 years
wait i want to hear your new and improved version of angel (show)
well right off the fucking bat is the fact I would have kept this scene in
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literally feel that would have been so great. it is fucked up and that’s why I feel it’d be so good to include it. he’s struggling with his journey and he fed from buffy a few months ago. he’s got that bloodlust. and the fact that when he meets doyle, doyle mentions to him that he needs to become more personal with who he helps otherwise he could slip and feed from them would be more resonant if that actually happened at the end of the episode. let angel be fucked up and have bumps on his path to redemption. he’s allegorical of a recovering alcoholic- have him relapse because that happens. and then it makes it more meaningful as we see him work through it in the show.
I would also let angel be explicitly bi. he already gets to be the butt of the joke with his sexuality and masculinity brought into question. he’s even made gay jokes himself. let him be attracted to men openly. we KNOW he and spike have fucked let’s get more on that and jokes about it. let him be flirty with men. I know he’s repression guy but in my vision he can be repressed and openly bi. maybe some homoerotism with doyle (not too much tho as he needs to be into cordy to transfer the visions to her)….. similarly lorne is obviously so gay coded but I want him to be more explicitly gay too <3 so it’s a no brainer I would like the show to have our LGBT characters
just better writing towards the female characters and related plot lines. like fear of pregnancy is an issue (such as expecting where the men deceive the women and they get pregnant with demon babies) but it needs to be dealt with more care. it feels a lot like cordy is our only main female character so let’s repeatedly knock her up with demons as a vehicle for issues regarding pregnancy. and it’s yucky
branching from above, more non-white characters! I’m white but like it’s pretty obvious the buffyverse has issues when it comes to race and gunn was finally a main cast member of color. I wish there was more on him and his old gang. they’re only brought up a few times following gunn joining the team and there’s an obvious rift with not only gunn aligning himself with a vampire, but these are all white people he’s joining. issues regarding gunn and race are kind of present in s5 with him becoming a super lawyer- it’s his time where he’s not the angry black man of the streets used as the muscle but instead an educated and respected black man. that’s why he’s so afraid about losing his lawyer knowledge. but it is also assimilation. so yeah better convos on race both with actual characters of color and the allegories through the demons (like in AYNOHYEB where angel is clearly paralleled with the biracial woman, I get what they were going for and again I am not biracial, but it still felt off)
these above points were ideas I already had in mind mostly lol below are ones I thought of when prompted
more cordy fighting! badass fighting cordy…. though I don’t hate it as much as others (I’m just like whatever. in terms of it narratively but the circumstances leading to it and the misogyny inflicted onto cc and her character- I’m very critical of that) I would still do away with the s4 plot line of her being the incubator for jasmine. idk how to do that plot differently it’s 4 am rn but disregard it. don’t have cordelia fuck connor and get pregnant. I know the issue at hand here is cc’s pregnancy which I feel could be played about differently but I can’t think right now. because like they could have cordelia actually being pregnant (groo?) but then idk how to incorporate another baby into the storyline. because angel could still have the angst with connor independent of that storyline, and those lead to him killing connor and then accepting the wr&h offer. I didn’t mind the jasmine story apart from the issue with cordy. maybe cordy can have some type of injury or affliction that leaves her bedridden and she’s helping from the sidelines? because she does do that to an extent already lol but it doesn’t force a pregnancy and possession narrative onto cordelia. perhaps I could think deeper on this
WAIT I’d also have more crossovers with buffy characters. buffy and dawn and anya and xander and giles and willow and tara. I need them to meet the angel team. also in an ideal world maybe whisk spike from buffy and have him join angel sooner
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