#I’m going to work and go to school online yup I’ve decided
rosereign · 2 years
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dgtn · 1 year
Hey all! So I wanted to take a few to introduce myself. Another blogger did this a few days back and I was just like omg I need to do that too!
So my name is Diane and I am at midlife now in terms of age. I have been married for over 20 years and have 2 amazing kids, a young man and a daughter.
We live in Tennessee. I love so many different genres of music - my playlist has everything from BTS to Carrie Underwood, Troye Sivan, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Aretha Franklin…you name it…it’s probably on my list!
Outside of BTS and Jikook I love spending time with my family, health, fitness, and making jewelry, and yes that includes BTS themed jewelry of course 😏
My favorite shows to watch are crime dramas and anything sci fi. I’m a huge Star Wars fan (I still remember going to see A New Hope when it came out!)
I have 5 fur babies- 4 dogs and a cat. We also have a gecko.
I am a cancer survivor, coming up on 8 years now. I've also had brain surgery - crazy crazy!
So now that that’s out of the way….let’s talk BTS.
I’ve always heard the saying: you don’t find BTS, BTS finds you when you need them. This is true for me too (more on that later ).
I discovered BTS when I heard Butter for the first time back in 2021. I thought it was a catchy song and wanted to know more about the band behind the song. And so it began. I looked up BTS on the internet and the first member I came across? Jimin of course. My first thoughts were my god he is gorgeous. And his voice - are you kidding me! I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard a voice like that! So of course I needed to know more. Next came Jungkook. Uh….wow! That man is beautiful too! And his voice! I mean come on!!!! I had never heard of kpop before BTS so I had no idea about the world of kpop or any of its inner workings.
So into the world of BTS I dove. I went on line and started watching their music videos and started listening to more of their music and really really liking it. I slowly discovered the world of BTS online; Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Lives, Run Episodes, etc. Of course, watching all of these...I started to wonder, what's up with Jimin and Jungkook? Definitely caught a different vibe from them. So.....started watching jikook videos. Then, I discovered GCFT - and that sealed the deal for me. No looking back from that point. I remember the first time I watched it (yup, like yourself Ive watched it way more than once!!!) I was blown away and my reaction was "these 2 are in love with each other".
I absolutely love love love Jimin and Jungkook (as I’m sure you can tell from my blog!). I love them as individuals and I love them as a couple. They have something SO very special together and I just get so much joy out of seeing their relationship now and how it has grown over the years. They went from seriously crushing on each other in the early days of BTS to being in a long term fully committed monogomous relationship. I do believe that they are in this for life and have committed to each other for life. What that exactly looks like I'm not sure as they are still "In the Closet". My hope for them is that one day they will be able to show us their love for each freely and openly.
So getting back to BTS and how they found me when I needed them. I am officially mid life, in my 50's. I have always been a stay at home mom. My son is high functioning autistic. Throughout his schooling we really struggled with finding the right fit for him academically. When we moved to TN we eventually decided to home school him which became a huge priority of mine. Homeschooling was not easy. When he graduated high school it was such an accomplishment. I will admit that it also left me very emotionally drained. Being a mom in general is really hard (best job in the world!!!). We always put our children first before everything else; it's just what we do.
As my children have grown and continued to become more independent I actually started thinking about what I want to do for me. It's a foreign concept because as a mom I've never really thought that way. That was right about the time I discovered BTS (see where I'm going with this?). Their message of love yourself, take care of yourself, was something that really resonated with me. I know it might sound crazy but that "glow up" that some people have experienced through BTS happened to me too. I have found the time to "love myself" as BTS says. I am really putting myself first for the first time in my life. I am still here for my family 100% but I am also finding the time to take care of myself :) I am on that journey to find balance in my life and BTS has most definitely played a big role in that!
I absolutely love BTS as a band and as individuals. I have really enjoyed getting to know them and I look forward to sharing my love of BTS and jikook with all y'all for years to come :) I have met some wonderful people through Tumblr; some of whom I have become very close to and consider dear friends; and I feel so grateful and blessed to have these peeps in my life. I am really excited to see what the future holds for these 7 incredibly talented young men who came into our lives.
One thing for sure, The Best is Yet To Come.
Xoxo 😘
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sab-teraa · 7 months
Tye Talks: A Diary Entry
(22/02/24 || 22:58 pm)
Good evening friends, I hope you are all well and having a lovely Thursday! Just one more day till the weekend! Yay <3
Inspired by the lovely @the-winds-of-destiny-xxx , I've decided to start blogging about my day. Hopefully, I will be able to stay up to date lol.
Ugh, I've been up since 5am prepping myself to deliver my second lecture of the semester. It went well, kinda. The students were super interactive which is great. Application + practicality > regurgitating information. They did super well. Also, we have a new HoD, and while I really liked our previous heads, the new HoD is a breath of fresh air and I really enjoy their approach towards education.
My full-time job is actually soooo … atm. My colleague has resigned which is all cool and I wish her the best.
But, there’s a trend I’ve noticed recently within our organization … and I hope it does not present any problems in the future. Tbh, I think it has presented a problem before … but idk. Anyway, constructive criticism goes a long long way … only if you’re keen and willing to learn …. which this person defo is NOT.
Enough about my colleagues, the CEO presented me with an opportunity but I'm lowkey nervous .. bc I prefer being a private + somewhat anonymous person lol, but I obviously said yes. Let's see how it goes, anything can happen and this whole project might fall through. Especially in this economy.
All in all, I really love my job and the career path I’ve taken. I hope it does not backfire on me later on in life.
Gosh. Uni is the bane of my existence atm. Tho, i did make a bit of progress on my thesis today. I know exactly what I need to do, but I just don't have the motivation to it. But, I think I've finally got myself together .. so let's see what happens.
Also, I'm so grateful for my thesis supervisor <3 she is so understanding and supportive.
Is this tmi? Maybe? Apologies if so?
But, my nose and throat have been KILLING me recently? Idk if it’s bc of the fan or what … but yup. Thank god for cloves! They’ve helped wayyyy more than anything else I’ve tried lol. Also, my pms is really starting to hit 😭😭 I’ve been in soooo much pain since I got back home.
My mentally, I’m doing okay … there’s obvs moments in the day where I’m like shit?? I’m an adult adult?? Yet my life feels so stagnant 😂 but then I try to keep it moving and not think so much about what I want … and I try to focus on what I do have…. bc I’ve done my best.
Fun and mundane
I finally got to go to my first gym class of the week - I really needed that! The housewives from my class invited me for smoothies afterwards … and they are so fun! Are they my mums age mates? Yes 😂😂 but I loved hanging out with them .. they truly live in their own bubble .. I wanna be exactly like them when I’m older lol.
Oh Oh! And I finally finished the second season of Al Rawabi School for Girls ... flip, it truly broke my heart. What an amazing show.
I really wanted to start the new season of Real Housewives of Durban … but the new Showmax app is truly YUCK! I have the ick 🫠🫠 but, I love the show waaaaay too much, so I’d probs get over it soon lol.
Other than gym and catching up on tv, I made a delicious lasagna for dinner. I'm convinced that my homemade meat sauce and cheese sauce remains undefeated, or maybe that's just me being cocky lol. If I had more space, I would have defo attempted to make the pasta too.
I'm super excited for this weekend bc my friends and I are going to this art and music event and getting food afterwards. I also really wanna buy that duvet set I saw online ... since I'm no longer purchasing an apartment (recession boo boo boo 🍅🍅🍅), I may as well just re-do my current apartment lol. It already looks great, but I've been putting off getting a new duvet set bc I presumed I was gonna buy a bigger bed lol... so I've just been rotating between the two sets I have ... and damn they've seen better days lol.
After all he has been through, my brother finally has some great things happening. I am so proud of him. I know he will achieve everything he aspires to <3 This has also done wonders for his self-confidence, he truly needed this, and I hope ... I really hope that it stays on this positive track.
Positive family news aside, idk if anyone saw the post about my uncle? But god damn I'm annoyed af. (Side note: He is my mums cousin btw; but my entire family is close). Anyway, my uncle called my mum to rant … and according to my mum he was sooooo proud of what he said to his wife??? I’m just disgusted. Idk how. His wife could forgive him for this. I’m so glad my mum put him in his place ✋🏽✋🏽✋🏽
I know its not about me and I have no right to speak on other people's relationships, but I hate seeing people put their all into a relationship and even go against their own family to be with someone ... only for their partner to treat them like this. His wife deserves soooooo much better and its sooo heartbreaking that she has to go through. My heart truly breaks for her. I pray everything works out for her.
Anywho … if you made it this far! Thank you for reading my ramblings <3 wishing you a lovely day! Stay safe babes 😘
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sleepysnk · 4 years
not a very long chapter today, but next chapter will be VERY IMPORTANT. keep watch for it! <3
Team Player: Chapter Five
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.9k
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Eren awoke to the aching of his ankle. His green eyes fluttered open as he reached for his phone on his nightstand, the screen lighting up and showing the time that said 8:55 A.M.  It felt too early to be awake, but his ankle was bothering him too much. 
He arose from his bed and looked over at Armin's bed. He was already gone and out to class. Eren stood up and winced as his ankle throbbed in pain. 
Unfortunately for him, he was now injured way worse than he was before. His muscle was now more irritated and the nurse told him that he needed to skip the next game or two to make sure it fully healed. Eren was irritated with that. He wanted to get back on the field as quickly as he could, but he knew damn well Coach Smith wouldn't let him. Judging on how pissed off he looked on Saturday, Eren was certain there was no way he could smoothly talk to him. 
Eren grabbed the side of his bed, reaching for the small bottle of pills that was prescribed for the pain. He had to take more now since he wasn't doing that well. The nurse gave him so many instructions on how to take care of his ankle, it all bombarded him at once. 
Grabbing the plastic water bottle, Eren put the meds in his mouth and swallowed, feeling the pills go down his throat. 
He quickly changed into a sweater and black sweatpants, making sure to wear the patch the nurse gave him. He threw on slides and grabbed his backpack, exiting his dorm to the main campus. 
As he entered the main doors, he felt eyes suddenly boring holes into his head. Eren hung his head low as he stared at his phone, trying to get some attention off of him. Many people were pissed at what happened during the game, people clowned him on Twitter, giving him nicknames or posting meme videos to his fail. It was honestly kind of embarrassing for him. Many sports analysts talked about it, and Eren knew that wasn't good. 
Eren's eyes averted upward as he saw Jean walking with Marco. 
"Hey Jean," Eren said and approached him. 
Jean stood there and clenched his jaw. "What do you want dude? You here to tell me how shitty of a lineman I am?" he asked and crossed his arms. "Look dude.. no offense but stay out of my way." he added and pushed past Eren. 
Eren stood there watching Jean walk off. He's never seen him act that way before, Jean usually kept his words to himself sometimes, but it kind of made Eren feel shitty. 
"You suck!" a random student yelled and looked at Eren. "Selfish as fuck.." he added and kept walking. 
Eren didn't even do anything. He just walked away from the guy near him. His mind was clouded with so many thoughts, he really was the laughing stock of Trost. Everyone just stared at him as he walked in the hall to his class, what was he going to do? He couldn't exactly clear his name or whatever, the footage was all online. 
He silently prayed things would go well at practice. 
The day seemed to pass by slowly for Eren. 
He barely did anything in most of his classes and he didn't bother to pay attention. 
What bothered him the most was that most of his teammates avoided him, whenever Eren tried to say hello they all ignored him, or they told him to go away. The team’s loss was not his intention, he wanted to show everyone his talent out on the field as well as impressing the scout that was there and to make others proud.  
Going on social media was the worst. People made memes about his fail, and many people were disappointed in what happened. They looked like idiots during that game, the Titans were their rivals too, which also meant that the school itself looked absolutely shitty. 
Eren could care less what was happening in his physics class, the teacher just blabbed on and on about velocity and other crap. None of it seemed to interest Eren as he was just too lost in his thoughts about the game. 
"You're all dismissed!" the professor called and looked around the room. 
Eren stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder, he walked slowly down the hall as his ankle was bothering him still. What was he going to do? 
The day had already ended and Eren decided to make his way to practice, he knew he couldn't exactly play or catch any balls, but maybe he could just observe. 
He opened the door to the locker room and saw many of his teammates staring or exchanging looks with one another, he felt awkward walking in there. This hasn't exactly happened to him before either. 
"What are you doing here?" Reiner asked, crossing his arms. "You're hurt. Coach doesn't want you here," he added. 
Eren looked at the blonde who seemed to be in a bad mood. "I-I just… wanted to observe," he replied and rubbed the back of his neck. 
"Eren." his head turned to see Coach Smith standing there with his arms crossed. "Come into my office… we need to have a chat," he said and waved him over. 
Eren gulped and made his way into the office, his pulse began to race rapidly. He knew it probably wasn't good. 
"Have a seat," Coach Smith said and plopped down at his desk. 
Eren put his backpack down on the ground and looked at his Coach, his icy hues burning holes into his head. 
"U-Um… what do you want to speak about?" Eren asked, giving a weak smile. 
Coach Smith leaned back and sighed. "It's about what happened on Saturday-" 
"I'm sorry. That was totally my fault, I thought Jean was going to get-" he was cut off. 
"I didn't finish Eren," he said sternly and crossed his arms. "Eren what happened on Saturday was absolutely unacceptable and unsportsmanlike. Jean is your teammate! I gave Reiner that call to throw to him, not you. Your behavior lately has been very inappropriate.”
Eren looked down and bit his lip. "B-But! I thought he was going to get tackled! If I-"
"Enough. There is no excuse for your actions Eren, not only that, but you were hurt too. I told you three times that if you were hurt, to step off the field. That's not okay at all Eren. Look at you now! Your ankle is now even worse than before. Your actions are extremely selfish," he stated. 
Eren fell silent as his words played into his head. 
"Until you can play like a team player, leave." Coach Smith said. 
Eren looked up with wide eyes. "What? What do you mean leave?!" he asked with concern in his voice. 
"Until you can get your act together, you're benched and off the team. There's not buts anymore Eren, I've let your behavior slide numerous times. Your own teammates have come to me about this as well, so until you can gain some proper teamwork skills you're benched," he replied. "Don't bother coming to practice or showing up to games or I will suspend you," he added. 
Eren leaned back in his chair. "You can't do this coach please! I need this season!" he pleaded and looked at him with pleading eyes. 
Coach Smith stood up. "Nobody wants a player who can't think for anyone else, especially not the Chiefs," he said. "Now please… leave. Don't show up for the rest of the week," he added and went towards the door. 
Eren grabbed his backpack and exited the office, many eyes watched as he exited the locker room. Frustration, anger, and even sadness rushed through him all at once. How could his own Coach do that to him!? Coach Smith has believed in Eren from the day he entered Trost. Why the sudden change? 
He went outside and breathed in the cool air, the leaves fell from the trees as it was now fall. The leaves crunched under his feet as he walked back to his residence hall, he just wanted to lay in bed and sleep the rest of the day. 
He eventually got back and opened the door, Armin sat on the opposite side of the room with his laptop open. 
"Eren? You're back early. Short practice today?" he asked and nodded. 
Eren threw his backpack onto the floor which made a loud thump come from it. "No.." he replied and sat on his bed. "It's way worse than that," he added. 
Armin furrowed his brows. "What happened?" he asked. 
Eren threw his phone onto his nightstand. "I got benched for what happened at the rival game, so don't expect me to be playing. I can't go to practice either," he replied and leaned against the wall. 
The blondes eyes went wide as saucers hearing the news. "What? That's never happened to you before…" he said and looked down. 
"Yeah.. I guess the other players have talked about it too," Eren said and adjusted his man bun. "Which is absolute bullshit to me," he added and shrugged. 
Armin stayed silent as he listened to Eren rant, he knew how badly the situation was. Being injured didn’t exactly help anyone, being benched was the best course of action. Seeing the way he played on Saturday was kind of embarrassing in a way, Eren barely let anybody have the ball. 
"What am I going to do? My teamwork skills are fine!" Eren complained, staring up at the ceiling. 
Armin laughed a bit. "You're going to have to work on it yourself. Teamwork takes a lot of self work, it's up to you to fix it." he replied. "I wish I could help but to be honest, I suck at that kind of stuff." he added. 
Eren felt a small smile draw onto his lips. "It's okay Armin… I guess I have to fix all of this on my own," he said. 
"So you're benched for the next game?" Armin asked and nodded a bit. 
Eren sighed. "Yup… and who knows how long either. Coach told me to not show until I get my act together," he replied, putting his arms behind his head. "Which sounds stupid to me because I'm fine the way I am," he added and shrugged his shoulders. 
Armin closed his laptop and placed it next to him. "Maybe you have to accept his words Eren.. he could be just trying to help you," he said, looking over at him. "Sometimes you have to face the reality of it," he added. 
Eren sat up and looked towards his roommate. "No.. there's nothing wrong with me Armin. If he was trying to help he wouldn't have benched me," he replied. "I'll be fine.. just don't worry about it," he said and stood up limping to get his medication. 
Armin stayed silent and just watched as Eren took his medication. Was Eren right about everything? Maybe his skills were fine and everyone was just being dramatic, or maybe Coach Smith was right. Maybe Eren needed the work, that was something Armin wasn't sure of, but judging off the way Eren played on Saturday… he was convinced Eren did have issues on the field. 
One thing was for certain, something was up with Eren.
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @callmepromise @moomii-hime @katsuhera @flam3bird @kc-braun @backstagepaige @thicmitten @daughter-of-the-stars11 @just-a-little-sad @chayauwu @sof-yeager @basket-flower-chick @lunamoonawatcher
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atlafan · 4 years
could u maybe write something ab harry and the reader reuniting after taking a break for a while 🥺 just something a lil angsty and fluffy
a/n: oh wow, I’ve actually been wanting to write something about this for a little bit, let’s see what I can whip up! Less angst in this than I thought, but super fluffy. Hope you liked it! This is an au, so ya boy’s not famous. 
New York to London
Tumblr media
It wasn’t easy, but you both decided to take some time apart. You both just graduated from college, and you needed to figure out what you were doing for jobs. If you needed to move somewhere for work, neither of you wanted to hold the other back. You were in love, but you were still so young. If it was meant to be, it would happen, right? 
You ended up in New York. You loved clothes and fashion. Were a marketing major with a minor in art. You found yourself living in a cozy apartment on the upper east side, working remotely for a clothing app. You got to design and select outfits for people. It was sort of like Stitch Fix. Working from home allowed you to fill up your sketch books with design ideas of your own. Sometimes you would go out and work from the local coffee shop, just to have a change of scenery, of course making sure to buy coffee and food in exchange for the free wifi. 
You and Harry agreed not to really talk, or fill each other in what you were doing. Neither of you wanted to fall into the “please, just come move here with me” trap. You weren’t entirely sure what he was doing, or if he had decided to go back to London altogether. You missed him, and it was a good relationship, but it had definitely run its course. You were with him for two years, you did a lot of growing up together, but you were never certain if he was the man of future. 
Six months into your job, you had started making friends in the city. You found time to go out and enjoy the night life when you could. You had even gone on a few dates here and there, a couple of one night stands when you were sick of using your own devices to get off. Things a lot of young, twenty-somethings did. One day, out of the blue, you got a text from your ex-boyfriend. 
Harry: hi love, is it okay if I still call you that? lol...anyways, I’m in NYC for a few days...work thing...would love to see you if you’re up for it...xx
You take a deep breath when you see the text. You hate the way it makes your heart flutter. You ended up dating Harry in the first place because he always had this way of making you nervous, but in a good way. You always had butterflies around him, and you always found it hard to say no. You were genuinely curious to see how he was doing, and what exactly he did for work, so after waiting precisely twenty minutes, you decide to text him back. 
You: hey! course it’s okay ;p I’d love to catch up! dinner and a drink sound good? 
Harry: sounds great, name the time and place
You and Harry decide to meet up at a restaurant near his hotel that Friday night. You didn’t want to go to some tourist trap, but you knew of a nice place near where he was staying. You made sure to look your best, maybe remind him a bit of what he was missing. You knew he’d do the same. You put on your best little black dress, put your hair up into a sleek high pony, and put on some makeup. You grabbed a pair of red pumps for a pop of color, and into your uber you went. 
It was a nice, spring evening. It was getting warmer out, so you only needed a light jacket along with your dress. You wait in the lobby of the restaurant for him. 
You’d know the sound of his voice anywhere. You turn around and smile. He was almost shocked, you had never looked better. He looked nice. Blue pair of slacks, white button up with the first few undone, and a salmon pink sport coat. Classic Harry. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. 
“You look great.” He says, blushing slightly. 
“Thanks, so do you. I put a reservation in for us online. Wanna see if the table’s ready?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” 
He puts his hands in his pockets and follows you up to the hostess. She checks you both in and leads you to your table a few minutes later. 
“Come here a lot?” He asks as he sits down.
“Sometimes. Been here with some friends.” 
You take your jacket off and hang it on the back of your chair. He gets a really good eye full of you. He smiles when he sees you wearing the necklace he had gotten you for your last birthday. 
“So, you’re in the city for work?”
“Yup, I’m an admissions counselor for a small school up in New Hampshire. I got hired to do a lot of the traveling, so I’m rarely on campus.” 
“Oh, that’s cool. Where else do you travel to?”
“Mostly the state of New York and Massachusetts.” 
“What made you-”
“Hi folks, I’m Max, I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start either of you off with a drink?” 
“I’d love a glass of pinot noir please.” You smile.
“Just a Corona for me, thanks.”
“Excellent, I’ll be back in a few minutes with those.” He smiles and walks away.
“Anyways, what made you want to become an admissions counselor?”
“I get to travel with all expenses paid. I really had no idea what I wanted to do after I graduated, so this gives me more time to figure it out. I can explore the various places I go to. S’not like I’m tied down, right?” He jokes.
He clears his throat.
“So, it seems like the city’s treating you well.” 
“Very well!” You chuckle. “I love it so much. I get to work remotely too, so no one really bothers me, which is great. I’m able to work on my sketches in my down time.”
“Yeah, you’re working for like a clothing subscription service?”
“Mhm, it’s awesome. I love getting to know my clients and all that.” 
“You seem happy.”
“I am. I feel really independent.” 
The waiter comes back over with your drinks. You end up ordering a salad with some grilled shrimp, while Harry opts for a veggie burger. You clink your glasses together.
“So, it’s okay that I texted right?” 
“Of course! I think I’d be a little upset if I knew you were so close by and didn’t even think to say hi.”
“I’ve wanted to reach out for a while, but...I know you said you wanted some space.”
“Well, we both agreed on that.” 
“I guess.” He shrugs. 
“Did we not?” 
“No, we did. I guess all I mean is...I don’t know...takin’ a break has just been weird, that’s all.” 
Before you can respond, your food is brought over. The conversation lightens up a bit as you eat. Harry really enjoys the food. Towards the end, he insists that he pays. You eventually agree to just split the bill. 
“Wanna come see my place? I think you’ll like it, it’s cozy.” 
“Sure! Thought I’d have to work a little harder for you to invite me back with you.” He smirks.
“Oh, stop it.” You swat an arm at him. 
The uber ride back to your place is quiet. He was impressed by the building you were in. He couldn’t believe you could afford such a nice place. 
“So, it’s a studio, but it’s not cramped.” You show him inside. “Like, I can stretch out in the shower.” You giggle. “Got really creative with the storage too.”
“View makes it all worth it, huh?” 
“Yeah, it’s beautiful.” You both look out the window together. “Sit, sit. What can I get for you? I have more wine, and some beers int he fridge.”
“Beer’s fine, thanks.” 
He sits down on your small couch while you get the drinks together. You come back over and him a beer.
“Sure.” You take a sip of your wine. “So, do you, like, have an apartment in New Hampshire?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a small place to call home when I’m not traveling.”
“That’s good.”
“Mhm.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Can I ask you something...sort of personal?”
“Um, sure.”
“You haven’t been, like, hooking up have you?” 
“Because I haven’t.”
“I never told you not to.”
“So, does that mean you have?”
“Harry...we’re not together, we’re broken up.” You frown and so does he. 
“A break is different from a break up, though, right?”
“We agreed to end things so we could go off and find our career paths. I mean, I think about you a lot, but I guess I didn’t really think we’d actually get back together. It’s been six months, Harry.”
“I know...”
“I mean, I’m not seeing anyone. I’ve had a few dates here and there, but nothing serious. I don’t really have time for it.” 
“Me neither...I guess the only difference is I haven’t wanted to even be with anyone else, random or not.” 
“I find that very hard to believe.” You scoff. “If there was a day I couldn’t see you, you’d tell me how touch starved you were.”
“That’s true, but it was your touch I was starved for, no one else’s. You know me, I was never the hook up guy as it was. It’s gross.” He takes another sip of his drink. “Do you always hook up with different people or-”
He nods his head.
“How many have there been?”
“What does it matter?” 
“Just wondering if I need to catch up or something.” He scoffs. 
“Harry, we never agreed on not hooking up with other people, we never even talked about it.”
“Because I just assumed we wouldn’t! Don’t you miss me?” 
“I miss being in college and having zero responsibilities.” You sigh. “I try not to think about what I miss about you too much. And no offense, but I’ve actually begun a career. You’re still figuring things out. It wouldn’t good if we tried to get back together right now. I like living alone, and-”
“Alright, I get it, you’re better off without me.” He rolls his eyes.
“That’s not what I meant.” You put your hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs it away. 
“Do you think I like not being good enough? I’d give you the world if I could, but I literally have zero idea what I’m passionate about. I feel like I wasted four years of my life. Now when I talk with these kids on where they want to go to school and the reasons they want to go...” He shakes his head. 
“You’re a people person, you’ve always been that way. You have a stage presence to you. A room lights up when you walk in.”
“S’not exactly a transferable skill, love.” 
“You’ll figure it out, Harry. I know you will.” 
A year or so later you heard from a mutual friend that Harry moved back to London. He had gone off into the world of PR, and he was thriving. Your job had lead you to some opportunities to go to London, they had even asked you if you wanted to relocate there. Many of the clothing lines they had were exported from there, and they wanted you more on the buying team since you had such a great eye. You said you’d consider it and go for a visit to check things out. You and Harry hadn’t talked much since he had seen you in New York, but you wanted to pay him the same courtesy he given you. 
You: Hey, Harry! It’s Y/N...I’m coming to London next week for a work thing. Might even be relocating there! I was wondering if you’d like to get together. Maybe you can tell me how great the city is, lol
You had deleted the text about five times before actually hitting send. Two hours later he got back to you. 
Harry: Did you think I deleted your number?! Of course I know it’s you! That sounds great, let me just check over my schedule with my assistant and I’ll get back to you on when would work. 
You: wow, an assistant, how fancy are you? 
Harry: she keeps my head on straight, that’s for sure
You: well, I’m looking forward to seeing you...it’s been too long!
Harry: I agree
And just like that, you had butterflies in your stomach. You hoped maybe he was single, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he was seeing someone. He was a girlfriend guy, and you had basically told him you weren’t getting back together last time you spoke. 
You were given a wonderful tour of the office you’d potentially be working in. Everyone seemed friendly, and you certainly wouldn’t be the only American working there if you decided to accept. 
Towards the end of the week, Harry invited you over for a dinner at his flat. You were surprised he didn’t want to go out. Maybe you’d be starting at his flat and then go to a club? You were dying to see how the London night life compared to New York’s. You take a cab to his flat and text him when you’re there. He comes downstairs to meet you outside. 
“Harry!” You practically squeal. You wrap your arms around each other for a nice embrace. “It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you too. Driver found the place okay?”
“Mhm.” You smile.
“Come on up. Just got dinner on the table.” 
He leads you upstairs. Your jaw drops when you see how spacious his flat is. It was a one bedroom with a nice open concept. It looked like he entertained quite often. He had a bar set up in the living area. 
“This is beautiful.”
“Thanks. Figured I could afford a nice place, why not have one?” He shrugs. 
You use his hall bath to freshen up. He has you sit down at his dining table. He had made curry. 
“This smells so good, thanks so much for cooking.”
“I figured you’d enjoy a real meal after eating out all week.”
“You figured right, thank you.”
“Oh stop.” He sits down. “Just eat, yeah?” 
You moan after tasting the food.
“This is delicious.”
“Thanks.” He smirks. “So, do you think you really might move here?”
“I might, yeah. It seems like a really big step up for me.”
“No one back in New York to miss you?”
“Nope.” You grin. “Other than the few friends I’ve made.” You shrug. “My family is really supportive too.”
“That’s great. I’m really glad I came home. I feel like once I did the opportunities came flying in. I love PR. I make phone calls, set up events. And I get to meet so many cool people.” 
“And you have an assistant.” You chuckle.
“S’not what you think. She’s not some young thing that’s enthralled with me. She’s like forty years old, has a couple of kids that don’t need her home with them anymore. She’s a great help though. I actually requested someone a little older.”
“Why’s that?”
“Some of the younger girls in the interview, when they actually came to speak with me, I don’t know, I just kept getting this weird vibe.” 
“It’s because you’re so captivating. You’re intimidating, but charming.” You take another bite of food. “Sexy.” 
“Oh, gimme a break.”
“I’m serious! You always made me feel nervous when we first started talking. You would always really sit back and observe the room before talking. You can be quiet sometimes. But that was you then, that’s just a version of you that I know, you could be different now.”
“I’d like to think so. Although, I think I’m just a good listener. I definitely like reading a room before I join a conversation.” 
“I’m so happy to see you doing well.” You take a sip of your drink. “So...any lucky ladies or fellas in your life?” 
“No.” He laughs. “M’way too busy for all that. I mean...I’ve had some fun here and there, I’m not celibate.” He takes a sip of his own drink. “What about you?”
“Nothing serious.” You shrug. “I haven’t minded being focused on my career, you know? I have a good work-life balance, don’t get me wrong, but like if I were in a relationship right now, I may not be making this move.” 
“Tell me, if I didn’t live here would you still consider moving?”
“I don’t know. It’s a huge plus knowing I’d have someone close by, someone I know to show me around. If you had the time of course. You could even tell me what the good neighborhoods to live in are.” 
“You could get a flat here. It’s a really nice building to be in. I bet you’d be able to afford it if I can. They want you to be a buyer?”
“Yeah, my boss thinks I have a great eye, and I always get the highest ratings from my clients.” 
“That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. I know last time we saw each other it didn’t seem like it, but I was really confused about the direction my life was going. I wasn’t happy.”
“You’re happy now?”
“Very much.”
“Good.” You put your hand over his. “It’s all I ever wanted for you, to be the best version of yourself.” 
“Same here with you.” He rubs his thumb over the back of your hand. “I got some chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Wanna move to the sofa?”
You both sit down on his large sectional. You dive into the sweet treat. 
“Do you entertain a lot?”
“Sometimes, yeah. I like it better than going to some stuff club. You can be out until four in the morning if you’re not careful.” He laughs. 
“Well, I’d love for you to take me out to a club sometime.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice, love. I’ll take any excuse to dance with you.” His dimple peeks out in his grin, and it makes you melt. “When do you have to give them your decision by?”
“A few days. I’m headed back to New York tomorrow night.” 
“How’s your hotel been?”
“It’s nice...not as cozy as this though.” You lean back into the cushions and look up at him. 
“Yeah, I definitely don’t miss that about working in admissions. Different hotels all the time sounds like fun, but when you just wanna do your laundry and you can’t, it gets old really quick.” 
“I can imagine.” You make a bold move and rest your hand on his knee. This time when you touch him he doesn’t shrug you away. “I think I may move here. I can home here and you can cook for me all the time, or you could bring me to your fancy parties.”
“Is that so?” He scoots a little closer to you. “It would get some people at the company off my back. They’re always askin’ why I never have a date to anything.” 
“And why don’t you?”
“I don’t know, I’m there to work, not bring arm candy with me.” 
“Ah, but that arm candy can help you network. I’m impeccable at networking.”
“Alright, so you’ll be my date then when I need one, is that what you’re saying?”
“That’s what I’m saying.” You smile. 
“What about when there’s no fancy party? Can I call you for a date?” 
“I’d like that.”
“Can I please kiss you?” 
You nod yes. He leans in, cups your cheeks, and presses his lips to yours. They were soft, just like you remember. He takes them away a little too quickly for your liking though. 
“What’s wrong?” You frown.
“I just don’t wanna, like, rush this, that’s all. I don’t even know what this is, but whatever it is, I don’t wanna mess it up this time.”
“Harry, you never messed anything up. We did the right thing before. I think we’re both in a place where we could have room to be together again. But, I think you’re right, one step at a time. Let me actually accept the job and move here before we dive into anything.”
“Exactly.” He sighs happily. “Okay, I’m gonna kiss you again, and then I’ll drive you to your hotel.” 
You giggle as he smooches you again and again. Harry never really ever stopped loving you, and you could tell. You never really ever stopped loving him either. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 4>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
Part 4 woohoo! I just really love these girls and their friendships with each other. I kind of wanted to spotlight some of their friendships/back story a bit more in this chapter, just to round out the story a bit more. I swear we’re getting to the good stuff. Also, has anybody else noticed that the word count is steadily increasing? Lol you don’t mind, right? Anyways, thanks so so so much for all the love the story has received so far, I was seriously not expecting anybody to even see it haha. So thank you, it means so much! I’ll probably have part 5 up really soon! Enjoy!
By the time morning rolls around, I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. A quick glance at my phone tells me what I need to know: it’s nearly 10:30. I wince at the time, it’s a rare occurrence when I sleep in for this long. However, judging from my jet-lag and my eyes that are still a little red and puffy from my emotional breakdown last night, I’ll let this one slide. Heaven knows I needed some extra rest.
I stretch and put on one of the hoodies I left behind in my closet from last year, glaring at my suitcases that still need to be unpacked. I’ll add that to the to-do list for today.
Brushing my teeth, I inspect myself in the mirror. I already feel lighter, more at ease. It was a good thing to open up last night. All of my worries haven’t been put to rest, but I feel less overwhelmed. Happier, too. Happier than I’ve felt in a while.
As I descend the stairs to the main level I can hear the mixture of voices, Ichika’s voice piercing through the others as she talks about running out of her favorite cereal.
“Wow,” I mumble as I finally enter the kitchen and dining area. “I think this is the first time everybody else is up before me.”
“Did we wake you up?” Seohyun looks guilty, but I shake my head no.
“Just woke up, actually. I can’t believe I slept for so long. Where’s Soon?” I notice that there is one missing.
“In here!” I follow the sound of her voice, leading me to the living room where she sits underneath some blankets on the couch. The TV is on, and I scowl as my heart kicks into high gear.
It must be the boys’ latest interview, I haven’t seen this one yet. I curl up next to Soon silently, and she resumes her focused attention on the TV. While Kyun-soon may not be as outward in her devotion to the boys, Jin in particular, she is always the first to watch the latest interviews and performances. That is, when we don’t watch them together.
“Which one is this?” I whisper, careful to not distract her too much. Her eyes glisten, and I turn to see Jin giggling in the background.
“iHeart radio,” she whispers back.
Eventually everyone wanders in after hearing the boys’ voices drifting in from the living room. Ichika munches loudly on some toast before nearly choking on it when Taehyung comments on something.
“Ugh,” she groans as we laugh at her. Nobody can blame her, it’s happened to the best of us. “That boy is going to be the death of me.”
I try my best to focus on all of the boys, but I can’t help it if my eyes keep drifting back to Namjoon. He sits in the front as per usual, Jimin on his right. He has a pleasant smile on his face, and not for the first time do I wonder what goes on in his head during these interviews. If he thinks that the interviewers questions are as dumb as I do.
A single camera is in the living room. There’s one other in the entire house, in the kitchen. They automatically turn on at certain times of day, the schedule is hanging up on the fridge. I’m rarely in the living room as is, much less when I know the camera is on. A quick glance confirms my suspicions; there’s a little red light on the camera. It’s filming us. Try as I might, I still can’t help but react when Namjoon offers his adorable dimpled smile at the end, thanking the interviewer and ARMY for the interview.
“Thanks for having us!” Namjoon’s voice echoes through the apartment. “We love you ARMY! We can’t wait to see you soon!” He blows a kiss to the camera, then immediately gets embarrassed after.
I get embarrassed too, the red in my cheeks all too noticeable.
“Aw, look at Beth! She’s embarrassed!” Himari pokes my side, and I tug at Soon’s blanket in order to hide my face.
“So cute!” Seohyun giggles from where she stands behind the couch. “You two are just alike. Oh my gosh you’re going to be so awkward around each other, aren’t you.”
I glare up at her, Seohyun chuckling lightly even as her eyes remained glued to the screen. “I’m not embarrassed…”
Aera laughs wickedly. “Not embarrassed? Beth, I’m sorry, but as cool and calm as you try to be, we all know what your weakness is.”
We laugh together, even as the interview ends and something else comes up on the television. It’s mere background noise as I try to deal with the sudden flood of emptiness that overtakes me. No, not today, I tell myself. I feel happy today.
“What’s the plan for today, boss?” Himari asks, taunting me with the nickname I usually use for her.
I yawn, stretching against Soon who doesn’t seem to mind. No doubt her mind is elsewhere at the moment.
“Well, I’ve got an editorial meeting this afternoon for Webtoon,” I sigh, rolling my neck. “Then I’m free for the rest of the day after that. What are you guys going to be up to?”
Everyone goes about talking about their plans. All of us have some form of work, Minsuh and Seohyun are attending university too. I plan on jumping back into school for my master’s soon, but I just can’t decide where to go yet. It would be fun going to school with them, though. It’s hard to decide when I’m constantly traveling, I’ll probably have to settle for online classes.
Minsuh and Seohyun excuse themselves to go to class together, promising to be back before I get back from my meeting. I smile at Seohyun’s backpack, an assortment of pins adorning it. The centerpiece, of course, is a “Trivia: Seesaw” pin.
Kyung-soon yawns, easing herself off the couch. “I’ve got a couple of clients today, so I’ll be out until later. But I bet I’ll be back before you, too. Your meetings last forever.”
I grunt in agreement. They do last forever. Long enough for Soon to show two different clients houses and still finish before me.
“Where are the houses that you’re showing?” Soon is a respected realtor in Seoul, and it’s no secret that she loves her job. She can make any house a home, in my opinion. She certainly has a knack for making people feel at home, myself included. She’s one of the reasons I survived those first few months after I found out about my soulmate.
“Not that far, you know that one night market you got lost in for hours and Himari and I had to come pick you up?” Himari chuckles at the memory even as I wince at the embarrassing moment.
“Yup,” I mumble. “It’s close to there?”
“No,” Soon gives me an evil smile. “I just wanted to embarrass you again.”
I launch myself off the couch after Kyung-soon, caught between yelling and laughing. She’s smart, locking herself in the nearest bathroom where I can’t get to her.
When I return to the living room Aera, Ichika, and Himari are wiping the tears off their faces as they laugh at me.
“That really was embarrassing,” Himari says. “How long were you lost again?”
“Oh, shut up.”
The rest of the morning passes with no further incidents, although I do go about cursing at my luggage as each suitcase seems to have no end in sight. I typically stay for roughly six months at a time here, which is what I’ve planned for. That should put me here over Christmas this year, returning at the tail-end of January. Just in time for tax-season in the states.
It would be a real pity if I missed that, now wouldn’t it? Himari and Ichika sneak into my room to observe the damage, wincing as I tell them that I still have one bag left to go.
“We’ll be back in a bit, but if we aren’t back in time for your meeting, good luck!” Ichika gives me a thumbs up before heading back downstairs. Himari lingers for a moment, assessing the piles of clothes I’m currently trapped between.
“Having fun?”
I give a dry laugh. “You have no idea. Ready for your lesson?” Himari and Ichika work together, tutoring kids in Japanese. They tend to spend the majority of their time here every year, and over the past three years they’ve created quite the reputation. Apparently the two of them are a dynamic duo.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Himari replies. She’s hesitating, that much I can tell. We may have only known each other for three years, but we know each other inside and out. Outlandish circumstances tend to lead to strong bonds.
“What are you wanting to say?”
She laughs at my intuition. “Ah, right. That. It’s just,” she fidgets in my doorway. “Are you doing ok? I saw you and Kyung-soon up on the balcony last night, it looked like you were having quite the conversation.”
I sigh, a little surprised that I didn’t notice when the others came back. I must have been in my own little world last night.
“I’m...better now. I was just overwhelmed, and Soon was able to wring some emotions out of me.”
Himari nods, the concern in her face fading. “Good, I’m glad. You know, Beth, you can talk to me if you need to. I was getting worried over the last little while, it’s been hard not seeing you and having to guess about your emotional state. If you need anything, I’m here.”
I stop folding a shirt, laying it aside as I rise and make my way to Himari. She meets me halfway, enveloping me in a tight hug. Neither one of us talk about our emotions very often, rarely do I feel the need to. But the fact that she’s so willing to listen makes me thank my lucky stars for friends like Himari.
“Thanks, Himi. I’m so lucky to have you, truly.”
“Oh, I know.”
With that Himari leaves me to my unpacking frenzy, leaving me alone in the house with Aera. It doesn’t take long until she’s knocking on my door, her room just down the hall from my own.
“Need any help?”
With the two of us working together we finish much sooner than I had anticipated. Aera makes me laugh, stating that she thought I should have brought more clothes.
“What do you mean more clothes? I’m pretty sure these are all of the clothes I own.”
Aera looks at me in feigned shock. “Are you kidding me? It’s high time I take you shopping. What time is it?”
We check the clock and notice that I only have a couple of hours left before I have to leave for my meeting. Not nearly enough time to go shopping. Especially not in the huge city of Seoul. Instead we settle on my bed, the two of us staring wistfully at my photo of Jeju Island.
“We should go back,” Aera mumbles from beside me. I hum in agreement. “That was such a great weekend.”
“That weekend was the weirdest weekend of my life.” I laugh as Aera smacks my shoulder. “What? It was! Within literally one week I found out I had a soulmate, he was famous and one of my role models in life, and that I had these six other girls in the same situation and I was shipped off to an island for a weekend to ‘bond’ with them. Don’t tell me that’s not weird.”
Aera nods beside me, eyes sparkling as she recalls that weekend. “Yeah, it was weird I guess. I don’t know, I was just so happy that I had six new best friends who would always be linked to me since our soulmates are inextricably linked with each other. I had thought for so long that I would be all alone on this crazy journey. I guess I was just so happy that I wasn’t alone anymore that I didn’t think about the weirdness of it all.”
I forgot about that. Aera was the first soulmate BigHit found. She’s from downtown Seoul, certainly the closest to our boys. Apparently Mr. Bang found her almost six months before he found me. He hadn’t informed her when he found the others, preferring to not get her hopes up until all of us were found and agreed to the terms of agreement he set us.
When I think about those six months Aera went through all alone, not able to tell another soul that she was impossibly linked with Park Jimin, I can’t help but admire her even more for her quiet strength.
“That must have been horrible, not being able to talk to anybody about it.”
Aera only nods, eyes still glued to the photo. “I’m not going to lie, it was. I thought I was going insane most of the time.” She laughs drily at the memory, and I scoot closer to her. “Do you remember what it was like meeting each other? For a second I thought that Mr. Bang had messed up and that we were soulmates!” She shoots me a fond smile.
“You can say that again.”
“Why would I say it again?”
We look at each other blankly before I burst out into laughter. “Oh, sorry! It’s a phrase in English. I guess it doesn’t translate over very well, does it?” We both giggle, the moment seeming so calm. “It’s true, though. What you said. We all just...clicked. It makes me wonder.”
The moment I walked through the doors of the house we were staying at and met my six best friends, the world became a much brighter place. I had arrived later in the day due to meetings, and I had been so nervous. I was cursing myself the whole ride over, calling myself an idiot for agreeing to Mr. Bang’s idea of “bonding” with my soul sisters. It seemed like a ridiculous idea, but the thought of having other people to lean on and talk to was too tempting to pass up.
The second I met the others, I could feel the warmth and love our friendship would bring. It was like, for a split second, I experienced all the emotions we would go through together. The heart-wrenching tears, the nights filled with laughter and silly antics, the worry and adoration for each other. Above all else, I felt the pillar of support that promised to be a constant throughout our friendship.
It was, in a word, overwhelming. Which I’ve noticed has become a common theme over the past few years. Overwhelming, yet exhilarating.
“Wonder about how it will be to meet Namjoon?”
I nod, laughing at how even the mention of my soulmate seems to have me melting. It can be inconvenient at times, especially when I’m in a meeting and somebody brings up the band. It’s pretty hard to play it cool, so instead I’ve learned to just excuse myself to the bathroom whenever that happens. Can’t have anybody thinking that I’ve got a schoolgirl crush on BTS.
“Well, look at it this way.” Aera rolls off of my bed, stretching like a cat. “I’m probably just going to pass out. No questions asked. The second I lock eyes with Park Jimin, I’m going to pass out cold.” I let out a startled laugh as Aera feigns seriousness. “So, as long as you don’t pass out, you should be good. I’ll take up all the embarrassment, there won’t even be enough left for you. Which is good, I think. Because if it was that intense just meeting you guys, and we’re not even directly connected, then I can only imagine how intense it’s going to be with those weirdos.”
With that little speech, Aera flicks a strand of long brown hair over her shoulder and marches out of my room, leaving me dumbstruck.
“Um, Aera?” I call after her, heading toward the bathroom to finally get ready for my meeting.
“I really hope I get that on video.”
“What, me passing out in front of Jimin?”
“Oh-ho, you’ll regret it if you do. Better watch it, little girl.”
It’s been so long since I’ve been in Seoul that I decide to leave nearly an hour early for my meeting, taking the option of the bus over car. Aera didn’t mind, she was leaving anyways. She was off to a high-end boutique she had just pitched some designs to. She was obviously nervous, but I had no doubt the boutique would gladly welcome her ideas. Aera was an up and coming designer, she had even recently designed a dress that was worn overseas at a film premier.
I was on the bus for just shy of an hour as it made its way across Seoul. I didn’t mind one bit, it allowed me some extra time to simply reconnect with the city and map it out in my head. It was something I often did, in order to prevent future mishaps...like getting lost at a certain night market for hours on end.
I was so lost in my mental map-making that I almost didn’t notice the bus’s approach to the Webtoon office building. Scrambling off the bus, I made my way to my first meeting.
Everything went pretty much according to schedule. I was able to review the panels that my illustrators had prepared for the upcoming season of my book-converted-toon “Young Rising”.
It was all too easy to dive into the work that awaited me there, happy to back among my friend and editor. He was the same prestigious editor who had been there that day Mr. Bang came to visit me. I have no idea what Mr. Bang told him, but my editor never asked me any questions about it.
Apparently it was so nice to be back that I didn’t even notice the time until the sun had set. I glared at the clock on the wall in the drawing room, claiming that it was already well after 9 pm. Add a bus ride onto that, and I won’t be home until nearly 11. I pulled out my phone to text the girls only to find a flurry of texts already waiting for me.
7:32 Himari loml: Don’t tell me you’ve decided to go back to the states already, you just barely unpacked.
8:01 Himari loml: Wow, did you miss work that much? More than me?
8:17 Aera 💛: Are you staying late tonight? Let me know.
9:08 Kyung-soon☺️: I swear if you’re lost at another night market, I’m not coming to get you.
9:32 Ichi: Beth I drew you a picture while I was in class, come home so I can give it to you.
9:38 Himari loml: Ok
9:38 Himari loml: We’ve got a situation here
9:39 Himari loml: Seriously, come home ASAP
9:41 Himari loml: Minsuh is on her way to the office rn. Let me know when you get this.
What started out making me roll my eyes suddenly comes to a halt as I keep scrolling through my notifications. It’s only when I return Himari’s text, letting her know that I’m fine, that I notice the missed call from 9:35.
Missed call: Bang PD 😟
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taglist: @mae-musicbitch
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Rehearsal (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: Peter and you have to rehearse a scene for your theatre class, which just so happens to have a kiss in it. (Gender neutral reader!)
Prompts: 1. “Why would you do this?” 22. “This is the part where you kiss me.”
Warnings: good old fashioned fluff
Note: Lol this one kinda got away from me. I used a random number generator to choose the prompts and only expected this to be like 800 words max but I ended up with over 2k so. but I really like what I ended up with so I hope y’all do too <3 mostly from Peter’s POV btw. oh and I tried to keep it gender neutral but it’s natural for me to write with a female reader so let me know if I accidentally left a few she’s/her’s in there.
Word Count: 2.1k
Peter Parker is a nerd. He’s good at science and math, which is why he’s attending Midtown School of Science and Technology. Despite the STEM focus the school has, there’s still a requirement for at least one art-related class in order to graduate. When Peter chose an entry level Theatre class, he hoped it would focus more on the study of famous plays than actually having to stand on a stage and act. Peter was very, very wrong. For the first assignment of the semester, students had to pair up and perform a short, dramatic piece. He had been paired with Y/N Y/L/N, who he had a minor crush on. Ok, major crush. After he and MJ broke up last year, he honestly didn’t think he’d find anyone else for a while. But then Y/N transferred to Midtown, and he was whipped right from the start. 
“Look man, you gotta use this opportunity to make a move!” Peter and Ned were walking down the hallway between classes, Ned trying to convince Peter again that this was a great chance to finally tell Y/N how he feels. “Just look up some cute scene for the two of you to perform! It’ll be like when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fell in love on set!”
“I’m pretty sure they broke up, Ned.”
“Whatever. The point stands.”
The pair approached their lockers, where you were waiting. You had a few papers in your hand, which held your attention until you noticed Peter in front of you.
“H-hey. What’s up?” Peter tried his best to contain his stutter, but couldn’t help it. Y/N just had that effect on him.
“Hey Pete, I, um, I found some potential scripts for us to use for our assignment. I thought you could look over them before we rehearse at mine on Friday? I like them all, so whichever you wanna go with is fine...although I did put a star next to my favorite piece.” You handed half of the papers you were holding to Peter, keeping copies of each script for yourself. Peter noticed that the copies you kept had already been highlighted and annotated, while his were straight from the printer. Except for the small star at the top of the first script in his stack. Before Peter could respond, the warning bell began to ring, signaling only a minute to get to your next class. “Just text me whichever one you want, and we can walk to my place after school tomorrow to rehearse.” You said this as you began to walk away, giving Peter and Ned a small wave before you turned around to race to your final class of the day. 
Instead of paying attention to his teacher’s lecture during Chemistry, Peter spent the 50 minute period reading through the scripts you had chosen. Peter already knew he wanted to perform the script you liked, but he was nervous. Your favorite scene happened to be the only one which called for a kiss, but he didn’t know if he had the guts to go for it. He could easily choose either of the other scenes and call it a day, but...well, was this your way of making a move? Had you intentionally chosen the script with a kiss to find out if Peter liked you? Did you like him? Or did you just choose that one because you genuinely thought it was the best option?
The bell rang, interrupting Peter’s thoughts and signaling the end of the school day. Hopefully a few hours of swinging through the streets of New York would be enough to distract Peter from thinking about you all night. For once, Peter was actually hoping New York criminals would keep him busy.
When Peter slipped through the window of his bedroom, his thoughts were unsurprisingly still revolving around you. Despite a somewhat busy night - two muggings, an almost-car crash, and one lost little girl now safely back with her mother - He still hadn’t been able to come to a decision. Half an hour ago you had texted Peter asking if he had chosen a script yet, and he still hadn’t responded. 
“Just go with the script they want, Pete. Even if Y/N doesn’t like you, at least you’ll get to kiss them.” He thought as he removed his skin-tight supersuit and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt. He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his backpack, and, after another minute or so of arguing with himself, finally began to type.
8:31 pm
hey pete, have you decided which script you wanna do yet?
9:06 pm
Uh, yeah. I think the one you liked is the best.
9:08 pm
yesss, i was hoping you’d choose that one. i have great taste ;)
9:08 pm
Haha, yeah, you do. We’ll rehearse tomorrow after school right?
9:10 pm
yup! i’ll meet you by your locker again :) see ya tomorrow pete
Peter decided to let the conversation end there. Honestly, he had no idea what to think. What does “I have great taste ;)” mean? Is that a reference to the kiss? Does this mean they like him? Or is it just a joke? Peter sent a screenshot of the conversation to Ned for help, but Ned being Ned wasn’t helpful at all. 
9:15 pm
Just. Make. A. Move. 
9:16 pm
Betty thinks you should make a move too.
Despite his confusion and nerves over tomorrow’s rehearsal, Peter managed to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Hopefully tomorrow he’d get the answers he was looking for.
Peter waited by his locker after the final bell rang. As the hallways began to clear, he noticed you making your way over to him.
“Sorry, I hope you weren’t waiting too long. My English class is basically all the way across the school.” You looked nervous. Is that good? Or bad? Have you been thinking about the kiss too?
“Y-you’re fine. I’ve only been here for like a minute.” That was a lie. Peter’s Chemistry class was just across the hall from his locker, but you didn’t need to know that. After he finished talking, you seemed to lose all sense of nerves.
“I guess it wasn’t me causing the nerves then…” Peter thought, his mood dropping a little.
“Oh good. Let’s get going then, my apartment is only a couple blocks from here.” And so you began the short walk to your place. You made some small talk on the way there, talking about your other classes instead of the one class you did share. 
“You have Mrs. Jenson third period right? I have her during fifth. Maybe we can study together for her tests...I know the school year just started, but I can already tell she’ll make her tests unnecessarily evil.” You said as the both of you entered your building. 
“That’s a good idea, I know someone who took her class last year and they said she always had essay questions. Not to mention 5 choices for multiple choice questions instead of the usual four.” Peter responded. As he spoke, they headed towards the elevator, and Y/N pressed the button, causing the doors to immediately open. After hitting the number 4 on the wall, the doors slowly began to close. Despite the unfortunate news he was sharing with Y/N, his voice had a hopeful tone to it; They want to hang out with him again. Sure, it’s just loose plans to study for a test sometime in the future, but hey, he’ll take it.
“Damn. History has never been my subject, so I’ll definitely need the extra study time. I can never remember all the important dates.” Your phone buzzed after that, causing you to glance down at it. As you responded to whoever had texted you, Peter was left to his thoughts when the elevator began to move. It wasn’t until the elevator doors opened and you stepped out that the conversation resumed. “That was my mom, guess she’s gonna be at work for a few more hours. We can order a pizza if you want, I’m not sure how long we’ll be rehearsing today.”
“Pizza, uhm,” Peter’s voice cracked, “Pizza sounds good.” Peter cursed to himself, but if you had noticed his voice cracking, you had the decency to ignore it. You pulled your keys from your backpack, and unlocked the second apartment on the floor. 
“Cool, I’ll order something online. Pepperoni ok for you?” You asked as you walked into the apartment, holding the door open for Peter. Peter only nodded, not really trusting his voice for the moment. He took a second to look around the place as you closed the door behind him. When you came into his eyesight again, you were looking at your phone, presumably ordering the pizza. “Since my mom isn’t here we can rehearse in the living room, it’s just this way.” Peter followed you as you led him across the apartment, then sat on the couch. He tried to give you space as you continued punching in the pizza order. While you were busy, Peter opened his own backpack and pulled out the script you had agreed upon. Last night he had highlighted his lines, although luckily for this assignment the teacher had mentioned that memorization was optional. After all, the school year had just begun and it was a beginner’s class.
“Ok, pizza will be here in like half an hour. Now we can get to work!” You quickly pulled out your own script from your backpack, and turned to face Peter. “Do you wanna just read through it a few times, then once we’re used to it we could start working out the blocking?” You suggested.
“Y-yeah, sure, that works for me.” Peter was relieved at this option; read throughs meant he didn’t have to worry about the kiss yet. “Your character starts, right?”
And so the two of you began reading through the script. It was short, only a few pages, and featured someone on the day of their wedding, and the man who was trying to convince them to leave their fiance. At first, the reading was a little awkward, as neither of you had any experience in acting, but by the third or fourth time you had gone through the script together, both of you were feeling much more comfortable. Instead of sitting away from each other on opposite ends of the couch, you were close, the way your characters would be. The blocking had even begun to take shape naturally, so you and Peter stood for the fifth reading, walking around the room, trying your best to embody the characters as they argued. This time, as you approached the end of the script however, Peter’s nerves returned.
“Why would you do this? Just barging in here on my wedding day?” You said, trying to act as frustrated and confused as you felt your character would be. 
“You and I both kn-know you don’t love him! You’ll never be happy with him!” Peter tried to keep his nerves in check, but he knew what was coming.
“And how do you know I’d be happier with you?” Following the stage directions indicated on your script, you stepped closer to Peter. Instead of continuing with the scene, Peter just stared at you, no longer looking at his script. “Uh, Pete?” He still didn’t respond. You were confused, until you looked back at the script. You weren’t sure how you had forgotten, after all, this is why you chose the scene in the first place. “Peter, this is the part where you kiss me” You said quietly. You had taken his choosing of this scene to mean he liked you too, but you weren’t sure. His eyes widened a little at your words though, which made your confidence drop. “O-or not, um, we could do a stage kiss, or you could just kiss my cheek, or we could just cut it complet-” Peter cut off your rambling by putting his hands on your cheek and bringing his lips to meet yours. You were shocked, but easily melted into the kiss. He was gentle as he kissed you, his nerves disappearing the second you kissed him back. After a while, you both separated from the kiss. Neither of you spoke for a minute, just staring at each other.
“U-um.. that was ok, right?” Peter whispered, as you were still pretty close to him. You only smiled, and gave him another short kiss as a response. Before you guys could do anything else, there was a knock at the door.
“Pizza!” Someone said loudly through the wood. Before you could make a move, Peter had grabbed his wallet and was already walking towards the front door.
“I’ll pay...after all, what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay on our first date?”
85 notes · View notes
Love Is Blind: Chapter One
“Come on Robs, what could it hurt?”
Robyn looked over at her friend and frowned.
“Online Dating? Really? Do you know the kind of psychos on these sites?”
Leandra sighed, “Girl, ain’t nobody saying marry them but at least try it out. It’s been years since your divorce. Why are you still so gunshy?”
“Well maybe because my ex-husband ripped my heart out my chest.”
“Isn’t that a little dramatic? You and your ex-husband were both childish and lost. I still don’t think you should’ve gotten divorced either.”
“You and everyone else seems to have my failed marriage all figured out.”
“Look, forget about all of that, you need to get back out there, even if it’s just for a night of fun. It wouldn’t kill you.”
“You know what, just to shut you up, I’ll do it.”
“Good, I got your profile all set up, you just need to approve it and submit it.”
“How in the hell? This is the first time we’ve spoken about this.”
“Yea but this was just a minor technicality because I was gonna set you up anyway.”
“Ugh….get away from me.”
Leandra laughed  as she slid her laptop over for Robyn to review the profile. After a few minutes, Robyn nodded her head in approval and pressed publish.
“So now what?”
“Now you wait to see if you get any hits or you just peruse others’ profiles too.”
Robyn was shaking her head before Leandra even finished her statement, “I am not perusing anything. I don’t even want to do this right now.”
“So let the men come to you, it is the natural order of things.”
“I’ma divorce you next.”
“You love me so whatever.”
Robyn laughed as she leaned her head on Leandra’s shoulder, “Le, do you really think this will help?”
“I think it’ll give you something to do while you try to get your life right again. I love you and I know you and I know that your divorce is something that you’re still trying to understand but your life doesn’t have to stop while you’re doing that. Things don’t have to be serious. You don’t have to fall in love with anybody but it wouldn’t hurt to get from behind these walls you’ve erected and live. You owe it to yourself, if nobody else.”
“Daddy, come on, the movie is starting”
Chris smiled as he rushed into the living room with a big bowl of popcorn. He sat next to his 3 year old daughter, Anesa, just as the classic Disney symbol flashed across the big screen.
“You know Princess, you could’ve just paused the tv. This is just a stream.”
“No because you were supposed to be faster anyway.”
Chris chuckled as he kissed her temple. He made the right decision becoming a foster dad two years ago. The little imp had done so much to replace the empty void in his life. He had suffered so much loss, being able to give that extra love to someone felt good. An image flashed in his head and he shook it. Years ago, he thought he had someone but that relationship crashed and burned. It surprised him that he even thought about her sometimes, all these years later.
Just as he started to become enamored with the Princess and The Frog, his phone rang. Anesa glanced over at him as he stepped out into the kitchen to answer it.
“CB, what’s going on, Bro?”
“Marcus, how you doing?”
“I’m good. I’m moving back to the city so I just wanted to check in and see if we could meet up one of these days.”
“Of course, I’ll see if my sister can watch my daughter so just let me know when.”
“Daughter? A lot has happened, huh?”
“Too much.”
“How’s the wife?”
“Divorced years ago. I thought you knew.”
“I thought you were joking. You really went through with it?”
“We weren’t exactly seeing eye to eye.”
“But you were together for so long since middle school, right?”
“Officially since high school but you’d think that would’ve made our life together much easier, but nope.”
“Wow. We definitely got some catching up to do. Well, I’m back officially on Friday. We can meet at Roddy’s Bar.”
“Cool. 8 good for you?”
“Perfect, Bro. See you then.”
They hung up and Chris went back to watching TV with Anesa.
Robyn fought as much as she could to not be curious about the stupid dating app but….that only worked for so long. As she scrolled, the frown in her face just got deeper and deeper. What the hell had the world become? These men were just- no. It was hard being single. She hadn’t been single in years. Scratch that, ever. She’d never been single. She wasn’t used to being alone and being married was supposed to prevent that. Her ex-husband had literally tore her heart in two and she still hadn’t recovered. How two people so in love could be so incompatible baffled her mind to this day? Of course, her people just thought they were too young and just gave up too quickly but what would they know? They didn’t live with them 24/7. Yes, they had awesome memories but all she could remember was how alone she felt when he was in the bed right next to her. How withdrawn he had gotten in the last two years of their marriage. How unsettled she felt. Like she never knew when he would finally explode from holding everything in. She felt like she walked on eggshells her whole marriage but him asking for a divorce shook her to her very core and she had never bounced back from it. She endured his brutal silence, his emotional hardness but yet he was the one who walked away. It just never made sense to her. Just as she was about to close the app, a direct message popped up. 
Subject: Hello
Body: Hi, I was browsing your profile and you seemed really interesting. I was wondering if you would like to chat.
Robyn frowned a bit but she clicked on his photo to be directed to his profile. 42 years old. Divorced. One child. College Music Professor. 
He seemed harmless. His photo was full length so his face wasn’t the clearest but he looked decent. Besides he’d probably say something weird and she’d never have to meet him in person so what’s the risk and Leandra had listed her under just her initials so it’s not like he’d know her real name anyway.
Re: Hello
Body: Hi, I would love to chat with you. My name’s Anna. Yours?
A few minutes passed before she got a reply
Re: Hello
Body: Christian but my friends and family call me Chris. It’s nice to meet you Anna.
A: Chris? That must be a common name, I know a few of those.
C: I can imagine. Don’t know too many Annas though. Not the typical name of this time
A: It’s a little old school but I like it. I see you’re a music professor
C: Yup. Decided to change career paths once I got divorced a few years ago. You’re a veterinarian?”
A: Yea, I own a clinic and a shelter in the city.
C: No children?”
A: No. Seems like my animals take up all my time.
C: Understandable. Animals can be like children.
A: Definitely. How old is your child?
C: She’s three. 
A: That’s an awesome age
C: Very fun and energetic
A: My friends have children so I definitely imagine. Have you lived in the city long?
C: Just a few years. I was working at another college when the possibility of tenureship opened up at Columbia. Normally that can take years so I got lucky for the invite.
A: you work at Columbia University? That is awesome
C: I think the shock still hasn’t worn off. Kind of waiting for them to take it back at some point
A: Lol when I got the keys to my clinic, I felt the same way
C: Where’d you go to school?
A: Stanford for undergrad. University of California, Davis for veterinary school.
C: Pretty far from home, huh?
A:New York has always been the place for me. I always knew I’d end up here. You?
C: I’m from down south so that’s where my soft spot is. I did my undergrad and grad at Stanford though.
A: Wow talk about a small world.  It is a large school so I’m not surprised we haven’t met unless we have.
C: Probably not, don’t remember many Annas there
A: True. How do you like being a professor?
C: It’s cooler than I thought it would be. My previous job had a little bit more excitement but after some personal issues then my divorce, I had had enough excitement to last a lifetime.
A: My divorce kind of knocked me off balance so I can understand wanting to start over
C: How long were you married?
A: Three years. You?
C: Same. Together?
A: Over ten years. You?
C: Same. Bad ending?
A: I really don’t know. It wasn’t the best situation but it wasn’t the worst. I think abrupt would be a better word. You?
C: I walked away. I wasn’t the best husband but I think we really outgrew each other.
A: That can happen. How old were you?
C: 35. You?
A: 34. A lot can change in over ten years
C: True. I don’t know if she knew that though
A: did you try to tell her? 
C: Honestly no but that’s partly why I walked away. I wasn’t any good for her let alone for myself. I struggled a lot emotionally back then, I still do now sometimes. She didn’t need that weight in her life
A: Did she say that or did you make that decision for her?
C: Both.
A: Ah. I’m sorry
C: No need. She was better off without me anyway
A: you still think about her?
C: I try not to. It hurts. Failure sucks.
A: tell me about it. Have you seen her over the years?
C:No. We both moved away once we got divorced. Don’t really know where she went to be honest
A: Same. Some things are just better left alone, I guess
C: True.
A: You know Chris, this was fun. I was a little nervous about this online thing
C: Really? I’ve done it once or twice before. It’s not too bad if you take it for what it is
A: And that is?
C: Just a way to meet people. Doesn’t have to go further than a conversation unless you let it
A: That is very true.
C: If it’s agreeable to you. I’d love to talk to you again
A: I’d like that
C: Great. I guess, until next time
A: Have a good night
C: You as well
Robyn closed out of the app after reading Chris’s last message. They had a lot in common, a lot more than her ex-husband. She got a little nervous when he said his name was Chris but once he clarified that his full name was Christian, she could let out a breath. Her ex-husband’s name when shortened was Chris but his full name was Christopher. Christopher was a common name but she really didn't need that reminder of him too.
Chris dropped his phone onto his nightstand just as Anesa ran into his room. He laughed as she tried to climb onto his bed before leaning over to pick her up, “what’s the matter Love Bug?”
“Can I sleep in here with you?”
“Of course you can. Did something happen?”
“I had a bad dream.”
“Aww...I’m sorry, Love Bug. Come on, get under the covers.
Anesa climbed under the blankets as Chris turned off the lights. She cuddled onto his chest and Chris hugged her close, “Comfortable?”
“Yes. Goodnight Daddy.
“Goodnight Love Bug.”
“So….how was it?” Leandra asked as her and Robyn sat down for breakfast.
“It was a nice conversation. He seemed like a decent guy.”
“What’s his name?”
“Christian but people call him Chris.”
“You really have a thing for Chris’s, huh?”
“Don’t say that. Chris is just a common name.”
“It is but what a coincidence.”
“So what does he do?”
“He teaches music at Columbia.”
“Nice. Educated. Kids?”
“A daughter.”
“Marital status?”
“Divorced like me.”
“Guess you can share horror stories.”
Robyn chuckled, “my marriage was a failure but not a horror story. Stop it.”
“Have you spoken to Chris?’
“Not since the divorce was final. Why?”
:Leandra shrugged.
“Le, what happened?”
“Nothing. I thought I saw somebody who looked like him the other day, that’s all.”
“Where? Here? In New York?”
“Please don’t tell me we moved to the same state.”
“Robs, I don’t know if it was him. I just caught his profile. It could’ve been any cute light skin guy. They are running around here galore.”
“That’s true.”
“So about your new Chris?”
“What about him?”
“What’s the next move?”
“We agreed to talk again but nothing more than that. I’m still stuck in limbo, I’m not trying to make something out of nothing.
“I guess. Are you gonna meet him?”
“Nah. Some things are just better left alone, you know.”
“Not even if you really start to like him.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’m swearing off serious relationships until I fix my broken heart and I have no idea how long that’s gonna take.”
“You still love him, don’t you?”
“I don’t know but I don’t want to.”
“You were together a long time.”
“Yea and he still left me so what does that mean?”
Leandra sighed, “I don’t know. “
“Chris, who are you messaging so much?” Jessica, his sister, asked as she started stirring a pot of beans.
“I met this woman online. We’ve been talking for a few weeks.”
“Online dating? You sure that’s safe?”
“I don’t plan on meeting her so it’s not a huge deal. Just a conversation.”
“Few weeks is a long time for it to just be a conversation. You like her?”
“She seems really nice.”
“Glad you’re opening your heart up somehow.”
“I’m not opening anything up. I went down that road and have no qualms about avoiding it.”
“You know you walked away from your marriage, Chris. I don’t understand your apprehension with moving on.”
“I didn't walk away to move on. I walked away to keep from hurting her. Two different things. I’m not fit to be in a relationship, let alone a marriage. My daughter is the only woman I’m concerned about right now.”
“Anesa can’t be your whole life.”
“Who says?”
“I wish Momma was here to talk some sense into you.”
“Don’t do that, Jess.”
“What? She was the only person you listened to. Did you ever tell your ex what happened with Momma?”
“You never took her to meet her?”
“It’s not like she was around. Auntie C raised me.”
“So when you left every weekend to see Momma in the hospital your ex never asked why?”
“She asked. I never answered.”
“I don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t for her to know. She didn’t need that kind of weight on her, ok?”
“You never gave her a chance to really love you, Chris.”
“Well that doesn’t really matter. She moved away and about her life. I did the same. No harm, no foul.”
“I wouldn’t quite say no harm, no foul but whatever.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I don't want you to hurt this new woman because you’re still in love with your past, Chris.”
“I’m not in love with anyone so there’s nothing to be worried about.”
“And that worries me even more.”
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terreisa · 4 years
Love Down the Line: Chapter 5
The last thing Indie musician Emma Swan needs is a gigantic wrench thrown in the workings of her biggest tour to date weeks before its launch.  When her backing guitarist that caused the problem says she has the perfect solution Emma is skeptical but left with little choice but to accept.  Unfortunately she isn't really prepared for said solution to be former Rock Star and leading man of Emma's teenage fantasies, Killian Jones.  With no other options and a month of performing across the country ahead of her Emma just hopes she doesn't come to regret letting Killian onto her stage and into her life.
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, AO3
Cincinnati, May 12th
“Emma, sweetheart, how’s the tour?  Are the fans nice?  Have you been able to go sightseeing anywhere?”
“Are you getting enough sleep?  You didn’t on the last one and you were basically a zombie when you got back.  Did you pack that melatonin I dropped off?  What about your meals?  You’ve been eating something green everyday right?”
Emma rolled her eyes at Mary Margaret and David’s unending questions.  While they’d never formally adopted her they were as close to having parents as she was ever going to get.  She absolutely loved them but sometimes they drove her nuts with their worrying.
“The tour is going pretty good and the fans are great as always.  No sightseeing since this is the first day of rest we’ve gotten so far and I don’t really feel like leaving the room.  I packed the melatonin and I’m getting as much sleep as I can and I’ve eaten green things.  Sour apple rings count right?”  She stifled a laugh at David’s spluttering and Mary Margaret’s attempts to calm him. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.  Tink’s been on a health kick lately and has been making us drink these smoothie things with more vegetable juices and leafy greens than frozen fruit and Killian refuses to eat fast food so we’ve been stopping at actual restaurants or he’ll cook for us on the bus.”
At the mention of his name Killian popped his head through the doorway that connected their rooms.  One of the greatest perks of having him on the tour was no longer having to share one room with both Ruby and Tink while Will got an entire room to himself.  Of course Will hadn’t been as enthused about having to share for once.
“Need something, Swan?”
“Oh, that’s very thoughtful of him.  You have been trying to be friendly with him, haven’t you?  I know you were hesitant at first but Ruby has nothing but nice things to say about him and he’s been through some tough times.”
“What’s he been cooking?  And what kinds of restaurants?  Some of those places can be just as bad as fast food and he might not know it.”
Emma was extremely glad that it was only Mary Margaret and David that were on speaker.  Though she wouldn’t have put it past Killian to have heard everything they said with the way they were just shy of yelling into their phone to make sure she heard them.  As it was he could probably tell they were talking about him from the heat she could feel in her cheeks and ears.  She waved him off from her spot on the bed, turning slightly so he could see the phone she was holding.  His eyebrows shot up before silently apologizing and ducking back into his room.
“You guys really need to chill out.  Everything’s going great, Mary Margaret, and it’s early enough that we’re still getting along.  And please stop analyzing what I’ve been eating, David, you’re a sheriff not a nutritionist.”
They both hemmed and hawed but it had been that way since she’d started going further than fifty miles outside of Storybrooke to play her music.  At first it had been annoying and unwelcome until she’d realized that that’s what people did when they cared about someone.  The Nolans were second to none when it came to worrying and being overprotective out of love.
“Then, as a sheriff, is he being respectful?  And I don’t just mean with you and Tink.  He’s not trashing hotel rooms or causing disturbances in the cities you’ve been playing at has he?  I’ve read about some of the trouble he’s gotten into-”
“David, you didn’t!”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Online, stuff online!” David corrected impatiently. “I’m not going to illegally pull a file on someone, no matter how much I want to.”
“So you’d rather rely on gossip sites?” Emma hissed lowly, not wanting Killian to overhear any part of her conversation at the moment. “I thought we’d agreed to not look at those after that one article made you both join Twitter just to berate the author and the site.”
“Hey, now, I got rid of it after that,” Mary Margaret said defensively, “I’m only on Instagram now.”
“I only promised to not look at stuff about you,” David grumbled. “A man with a very public history of causing trouble joins the band on only the good word of one person?  I have the right to be concerned.”
She bit back her sigh of frustration.  As much as she didn’t like David’s attitude she couldn’t help but understand, seeing as she’d felt almost exactly the same way in the beginning.
“Yeah, you do, but I’m not too worried about it and you shouldn’t be either.  You should be more worried about what Ruby’s going to do to you when I tell her you don’t trust her.”
Their twin gasps had her grinning.
“That’s cold, kiddo,” David grumbled.
“Just like your lasagne will be once word gets to Granny,” she said, snickering. “Look, everything’s going great and will keep going great unless you keep sending bad vibes my way.”
“Bad vibes?” Mary Margaret asked with a smile Emma could hear in her voice.
“Yup, the baddest of vibes, ones where I end up with laryngitis or the bus gets a flat in the middle of nowhere or my guitarist breaks their hand and can’t go on tour.  Oh wait, that’s already happened.”
Killian took up space in the doorway once again, his eyebrows high on his forehead.  She shook her head at his unasked question but didn’t shoo him away again. 
“According to Ruby it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her and that it could be the best thing to happen to you.  She has been very forthcoming about what Killian going on tour with you might end up becoming,” Mary Margaret said smugly.
“Wait, what do you mean?”  David asked confused as Emma scrambled to end that conversation before it started.
“Would you look at the time?  I gotta go!”
“Emma, sweetheart-”
“I’ll call you guys in a few days.  Love ya, bye!” With a huff she ended the call and dropped her phone onto the mattress, knowing she’d only postponed the inevitable gossip session Mary Margaret wanted to have with her.  She looked at Killian, who was still lurking in the doorway, “Yeah?”
“Not to be nosey-”
“But you’re going to be anyway,” she groaned, “You heard your name and you’re curious.”
He chuckled and strode into her room, settling himself on Tink’s bed, leaning back against the headboard, “You would be too.  Especially when you have a tenuous hold on a gig and the person who decides your fate has mentioned your name and then not long after is discussing ‘bad vibes’.”
“You think too highly of yourself,” she said dismissively. “I was talking to Mary Margaret and David about how terrible your cooking is and that it’s been giving my stomach bad vibes.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Swan,” he said with a shake of his head, “If I recall correctly you had three servings of last night’s fare.”
She rolled her eyes, “Just replenishing the reserves I used up during the show, Jones.  The stir fry wasn’t that special.”
“I see,” he said seriously, rubbing his hand thoughtfully over his chin, “I guess I’ll strike it from future meal options, wouldn’t want you to have to force yourself to eat it before complaining about it to others.”
“That’s not-” she huffed, knowing he’d called her bluff, “Whatever, you know it was great.  That’s what I was telling them.  David was all upset that I might not be eating what he considers a balanced diet.”
He chuckled, “And the bad vibes?”
“They worry too much and I basically told them they’d be jinxing me if they kept it up.  I don’t think Mary Margaret believed me and I know neither of them will relax until the tour’s over,” she sighed, flopping back onto the mattress and staring at the ceiling.
“Is this the same David that inspired you to learn guitar?” Killian asked casually but she could hear the hesitant caution in his tone.
“Yeah, him and Mary Margaret, his wife, kinda latched on and never let go, not even when-” she paused, still unwilling to share her whole messed up story with him, “things got really rough for me.  They’re pretty much my parents in every way without actually being my parents, including getting all up in my business and then nagging me about what they find.  You know how it is.”
“I wouldn’t, actually,” Killian said softly.  She sat up on her elbows and he gave her a self-deprecating shrug, “Mum died when I was eight and my father left when I was ten.  Spent a few years living with a distant cousin until things got straightened out.”
She blinked at him in shock.  Not once, in any interview or magazine profile had that part of his childhood been discussed.  They had only ever mentioned where he’d gone to school before he’d dropped out when the Realm of Jewels started getting big.  At the time, when she’d been devouring every piece of media she could when it came to her favorite band, she hadn’t paid attention to that lack of detail.  It hadn’t mattered then and while it still made no difference to her it did go a long way in explaining why she felt like she had known him for years instead of weeks.
“You, uh, got adopted then?” She asked hesitantly as she sat up, needing to know if he’d had the same heartaches as her or if he’d been one of the lucky ones.
“Er, not as such, no-” he looked up at the ceiling, his Adam's apple bobbing as his hand rubbed at the back of his neck, “First my brother was granted civil rights for adolescents, essentially cleaving himself out from under the burden of our father.  Once he proved he could support not only himself but me as well he became my legal guardian.  He had just had his seventeenth birthday the week before.”
“Seventeen?” she breathed, “And you were fourteen.”
His head snapped back down, his eyes wide and his voice a little unsteady, “You really must have been quite the fan if you still remember that bit of trivia.”
“Maybe I was,” she said softly.  She dropped her gaze to where her hands were balled up into tight fists in her lap, “Must have been nice.  Living with someone that actually wanted you.”
“It was but then there were times where it wasn’t,” he gave a deep sigh and when she looked up he was staring down at his own hands as they played with denim over his knees. “Liam had been my hero my entire life just being my older brother.  When he became my guardian I felt as though I had to push myself into perfection to live up to what I thought he expected of me.  I’d already started drinking by that point but it didn’t truly become a problem until I was sixteen.
“I knew Liam was disappointed but he had no idea how to help me and I’m not even sure I would have accepted it had he offered.  Instead he proposed a compromise of allowing me to play with his newly formed band if I curtailed my drinking substantially.  It worked, for a while at least.  I’d been playing for quite some time on my own but with the camaraderie of the band and the discovery of actually enjoying writing songs I found an outlet for all the feelings that I’d been trying to drown with the drink.  For the first time since Liam had assumed my guardianship I felt as though he was my brother again, not just my beleaguered caretaker.”
Emma wasn’t quite sure what to say to that.  She didn’t want to inadvertently come across as judgmental by commenting about his drinking but she would have given anything for some relative to have saved her from any one of her foster homes and done whatever they’d ask in gratitude.  Though, when she thought about it, Mary Margaret and David were practically the next best thing and she’d given them plenty of teenage attitude at the time.  Especially when it came to the year she would give anything to forget.
“Did he throw a fit when you decided to quit school for the band?” She asked, hoping to steer the both of them into less painful and mine filled waters.
He looked up with a small grin, “It was his bloody idea.  Liam didn’t want to leave me to my own destructive devices and since the band had been steadily building momentum he was loath to relegate shows to only weekends and holidays while I was in my final year.  He put it up to a vote with the others and they agreed.  And since I didn’t have a licence yet and therefore couldn’t do my share of the driving I spent my time on the road reading anything and everything I could get my hands on.  I’m fairly certain I got a better education that way than I would have otherwise.”
“So is that why you guys were the Jolly Rogers first?  A bunch of pirates driving all over England to pillage seedy pubs for fame and fortune?”
“Something like that,” he chuckled, his grin widening.
She grinned back, feeling somewhat proud that she’d been able to somewhat keep herself from completely depressing him with her curiosity.  As much as she’d obsessed over him when she was younger she was surprised by how much she actually didn’t know about him, even though she’d just berated David for taking gossip as truth.  There was a part of her that itched to know more about him, the real person and not the persona she and millions of fans thought they knew.  Their little chats on the bus and in the small bits of down time just weren’t enough and suddenly she had an idea on how to fix that.
“Alright, where to Jones?”
“Er, what?” He asked, his confusion at her non sequitur furrowing his brow.
“I’ve never been to this city before and I know you have so you are now my de facto pirate tour guide.”
“Swan,” he sighed, though his smile was growing by the second, “I’ve only been here twice and both times I only had a few hours to explore, which back then was usually as many bars as I could get to before sound check.  I’m probably the last person that should be leading you around this fair metropolis.”
“Too bad-” she jumped up off the bed and began looking for the shoes she’d kicked off as soon as they’d walked through the door earlier that morning, “Google ‘things to do in Cincinnati’ and pretend that you know what you’re talking about.  Then I’ll pretend to be impressed like every other time you think you’re being all too cool for school and worldly.”
“Too cool for school?” Killian repeated incredulously. “What are you, twelve?”
“Twenty-eight,” she said absently, grinning triumphantly as she extricated one shoe from under the desk and spotted the toe of the other poking out from under the bed Killian was sitting on.
“Twenty-eight and apparently have no idea how to stroke a man’s ego so he’ll want to do ridiculous favors for you,” he muttered.
She looked up at him sharply and got an eyebrow wiggle in return.  With a huff she sat back on her bed to slip on her shoe, “I don’t need to stroke a man’s anything to get him to do stuff for me.”
“Oh, really?” He asked incredulously. “And what pray tell do you do?”
Gladly rising to the challenge she straightened from her bent position she subtly arched her back and blinked owlishly at him, nearly grinning in triumph at the way his mouth parted slightly and he sucked in a breath.  She did let a small smile grace her lips as she pointed to the shoe under the bed.
“Can you grab that for me first?”
He nodded, a little slack-jawed, and as soon as he bent over the side of the bed she relaxed her posture.  When he came up with the shoe she was waiting with her hand out, her brow raised and a shit-eating grin all in place.  At his look of indignation she kind of wished she’d had her phone ready to get a picture of it.
“That’s- that’s bloody manipulation, that is!” He spluttered, slapping her shoe into her palm.
“Ooo, someone’s got their panties in a twist.  All I did was ask you to get me my shoe,” she said innocently, putting the shoe on. “Come on Tour Guide, show me the good stuff.”
“Unbelievable,” he growled, but he was shaking his head and smiling.  He stood and moved back to his own room, shouting through the open door, “I expect you to pay for whatever unique culinary delight we’ll inevitably be trying.  Fool me once, Swan.”
“Shame on you,” she cheerfully called back.
Making sure she had her phone and room key she shot off a text to everyone who needed to know where they were going.  It was a request from Regina that she had chafed at and ignored at first, until she began being recognized in the streets and the paparazzi had started following her around.  After one incident that had had her holed up in the backroom of a used bookstore with a dead phone, no one’s number memorized and a show that had been only a couple of hours away Regina had put it in her tour contract that she had to be in contact at all times.  She still chafed at practically being under her manager’s watchful eye like a toddler but she and Regina both agreed that it was better than being saddled with a handler instead.  At her insistence Ruby, Tink and Will were also in the group text so Regina wouldn’t try to hound them about her whereabouts thinking they could be hiding her.
Her phone chimed as she debated whether or not to put on a sweatshirt or her leather jacket.
Rub a dub: you know you could leave me out of this now right?
and ease up on the guilt trip I’m taking you on?  no way! She responded, deciding on the sweatshirt and tying it around her waist.
Rub a dub: jokes on you, girly, i’ve got a front row seat
to what? She sent, suspicious and wary about what Ruby could mean.
Rub a dub: if you’re asking you’re not ready to know yet.
Emma glared at her phone for a moment before sending multiple texts demanding Ruby to explain herself that all went unanswered.  She growled in frustration and turned to glare at Killian who was once more leaning on the door jamb, chuckling.
“Ruby’s being an ass,” she gave as an explanation, shoving her phone in her back pocket.  Then she got a good look at what Killian was wearing, “Is that a Reds hat?  I thought you didn’t know the city that well.  Why do you have a hat for their team?”
“Oh, you’re a big baseball fan then?” He asked, clearly surprised.
“David is, I’m more of a fan of the way the pants fit.  Plus the Reds had that jersey with no sleeves last year.  Arms like those tend to stick out in a girl’s memory,” she said dreamily, remembering just how well the players wore those particular jerseys.  Then she mentally shook herself and nodded at the hat, “You didn’t answer my question.”
His lips quirked in amusement, lightly touching the hat’s bill and then the sunglasses that she hadn’t noticed hanging from his shirt collar, “I’ve found that it’s the easiest way to blend into the crowd.  When we were at the height of… everything it was hard to even step out of the hotel without getting mobbed.  Liam discovered, quite by accident mind you, that people didn’t expect to see us dressing ourselves down and to be fans of the local sports teams.  Unfortunately it means I have a wide array of ball caps that one would consider quite a collection if they weren’t solely for a practical use.  If I had a choice I would have donned the hat from Pittsburgh but I’m not quite sure what rivalries are predominant in this city and I’d prefer not to be verbally insulted over the wrong choice.”
Emma gave a surprised laugh.  Just minutes before they’d been having a somber conversation that could have dragged the rest of the day down.  Instead they were joking around about baseball and overzealous fans.
“Should I put on some super elaborate disguise too?” She looked up at him with a teasing grin. “I could get a wig or maybe some of those glasses with the fake nose and mustache attached.”
Killian snorted, “As entertaining as that would be I think you’ll be fine, love, as long as you don’t wear the red leather.”
Feeling offended for half a second she begrudgingly agreed with him.  Her red leather jacket was her signature look, she’d worn it for all three of her album covers and went out on stage wearing it for the first half of the show.  It was as much a look as it was a kind of armor, one she’d been wearing for much longer than she’d been famous for it.  Having Killian tell her not to wear it, no matter how practical the advice was or that she’d already decided on a sweatshirt, had her suddenly feeling vulnerable.
“Do you… um, do you have a hat I could borrow?”
He looked at her for a moment before nodding and moving back into his room.  She followed, shoving her hands in her pockets to keep from hugging her middle to keep herself steady.
As much as the room was identical to hers and Tink’s, the boys’ room looked like a tornado had run through half of it.  There were clothes strewn across the far, unmade bed, a rifled through duffle bag under the window, and a tray of mostly-eaten room service food on the desk.  In sharp contrast the closer bed was tidily made, a small orderly stack of books and notebooks on the bedside table closest to it.  Killian was sorting through one of the drawers of the bureau near the foot of it.
“We’re staying for one night and you put your stuff in the drawers?” She asked incredulously, moving closer to his nightstand to see what books he was reading.
“If it makes any difference-” she looked over at him and saw that he had the bill of a red hat clenched tightly in his hand as his gaze darted between the nightstand and her, “I only unpacked enough for the two days we’re here.  Er, looking for something, Swan?” 
“Just wanted to see what you were reading,” she said cautiously.  Feeling that she’d accidentally hit on yet another touchy subject she stepped back and waved her hand towards the bureau, “But that’s not important, you really took the time to unpack stuff for only two damn days?  Do you also set all your stuff out on the bathroom counter with a ruler to make sure it’s all lined up perfectly?”
“Do you want to stand here nit picking my travel habits or do you want to go explore the city?” Killian asked pointedly, stepping forward and holding the hat out to her though she could see the tips of his ears turning pink.
“Fine, let’s go-” she grinned, grabbing the hat.  Catching sight of the logo on the front she held it up with a sigh, “Really?  Red Sox?  Is it because I’m from Maine?”
“Would you rather wear the Yankees cap?” He challenged.
She shuddered, adjusting the snaps so it’d fit, “Never.  David would kill me if I was photographed in it and I’d never be allowed to step foot in Storybrooke again.”
“Do you have a preference then?” He looked back at the drawer, “As I said I have quite the array.”
“This is fine,” she said, trying to sound like it was a burden when she really didn’t care.  Grinning she put on the hat, pulling her ponytail through the opening in the back.  When she looked at Killian for approval he was watching her with a half grin on his face, “What?  Did I somehow put it on wrong?”
“Nothing of the sort, Swan,” he said softly.  Then his grin widened “Shall we?”
“Lead the way, pirate guide.”
What followed was a day unlike any Emma had ever had on a tour before.  They roamed the streets of the city with Killian making up facts about the various things they saw and their history as she egged him on, resulting in ridiculous stories that had her laughing until she was crying.  To her delight they ended their excursion sitting in the upper tier at a Reds game, thoroughly enjoying themselves as just two faces in the crowd.  Though, when it came time for the kiss cam she found she was surprisingly disappointed that the camera hadn’t been trained on them.  It wasn’t until they’d returned to the hotel and spent an hour moving back and forth between each other’s rooms before parting ways for the night that she figured out what Ruby had meant about having a front row seat.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by brock-checkitout
Do you like cheese? Yeah but not to an obsessive extent like most people on the internet seem to be. I have a lower tolerance when it comes to cheeses with stronger or more pungent flavors, and I like sticking to those on the creamy side, like feta and burrata.
What type of shampoo do you use? Dove.
Do turtles make you happy? I mean not as much as dogs would but they are animals, so encountering one would still make me giddy and happy :)))
Name one person who snores in their sleep. Both of my parents, which is why I used to dread whenever we’d book a trip and there’s only one main room available for the 5 of us.
Would you walk around a grocery store with a bra as glasses? Sure, if I was gonna do it for like a cause or something. Or if I got paid for it. I can’t imagine why I’d ever have to casually/randomly do it. Also how would that even work, if it actually had to work as glasses???
Can you do the HoeDown ThrowDown? That movie came out when we were in the midst of moving houses and everything was super hectic in my little 10 year old life, so I never got to wach it, actually. I missed out on the whole Hoedown Throwdown craze and I distinctly remember jealously watching over my classmates as they danced it together.
Do you like Hershey's Chocolate bars? Just the cookies and cream variant.
What smiley face do you use the most? :) I very rarely use others.
What type of cell phone do you have? I have an iPhone 8.
Do you listen to rap? Not so much. For the most part, I stick to my tried and tested albums, like Jay-Z and Kanye’s Watch the Throne.
Look at something green, does it have batteries in it? That would be a nearby alcohol bottle, and no, it does not need batteries.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say: PRINTER? Ink and paper.
What is the last cuss word you said out loud? Not so sure, but since I commonly say shit and fuck they could serve as safe enough guesses.
Do you like cows? Sure.
What kind of car does your mother drive? These days we split ‘my’ car between us since we sold our third car, which used to be the one she’d usually drive. The new arrangement used to bug me at first because it meant I now had to notify my mom in advance whenever I planned to drive out, but I’ve since gotten used to the setup.
What do you get in your tacos? I don’t eat tacos. Not that I dislike them; there are just many other Mexican dishes I find more filling.
What is your opinion on blueberries? As a flavor, it’s fine. But I actually tried an actual blueberry for the very first time last week when my aunt sent over a blueberry cheesecake - I really wanted to give it a chance, but I still found it nasty :( I really don’t know why I hate fruits so much lmao.
Are you currently wearing lip gloss/chap stick? Nopes.
Is there a bottle of lotion near you? There isn’t.
Name one person that you know that smokes. Sam smokes superexcessively. Like I’ve completely forgotten how much she can smoke in an evening until I hung out with her again a few weeks ago. It was half impressive and half terrifying; and my clothes ended up smelling because of it.
What's your favorite season? We don’t have the usual four seasons, but based on what I’ve seen in media, spring and winter look and feel the most pleasant to me.
Are any of your friends vegetarians? No.
What is one phrase that you hate hearing? “All lives matter” really pisses me off.
Can you name four presidents right now? Rodrigo Duterte, Ramon Magsaysay, Fidel Ramos, Diosdado Macapagal. But because I’m guessing this meant American presidents...George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman.
What is the first thing you think of when I say: HOOD? A jacket.
Do you currently own a cat? Nope.
What do you think of Ulta? I think of the fact that I’ve never heard of that before and I don’t actually know what this is referring to.
Have you ever walked into a club and asked for a Coke? No.
Do you like classical music? Sure, some.
What is your opinion on Oreos? I had the biscuits like a billion times as a kid to the point that I got sick of them. I will always pick the Oreo flavor in other desserts though, be it cheesecake, cupcake, cookies, milkshakes, tc. 
Do you like Chips-Ahoy? No, tastes too artificial/processed. I’ll always go for freshly-baked cookies.
What did ya think of this survey? It was fine. I *think* I haven’t taken this before either, so that’s a plus lol.
survey by carolynnnnonia
1. What time did you wake up this morning? Around 6:30ish.
2. When did you take your default picture? It’s not a photo of me, it’s a still from BoJack Horseman. Years ago I saw someone on Twitter use it as a default and I found it hilarious, so I decided to do the same thing for this blog.
3. Are you hungry? Mmm not so much right now actually. I had a midnight snack that I only got to finish by like 2 AM so I still feel pretty filled.
4. Have you ever cheated on a test? Yup but just once. When I ended up perfecting the exam I cheated on, I felt like a fraud and I’ve never cheated since. I’d rather get an honest 99 than get a 100 that I’m ashamed of, lol.
5. When was the last time you ate ice cream? I think it had been last week when we had a cookies and cream tub in the fridge.
6. What computer game is in your CPU? I don’t play PC games and it’s been a hoooooot minute since I’ve seen a CPU.
7. Do you like Audrey Hepburn? You’ve come to the right person :))) Yup, obsessed. Have watched her entire filmography except for the ones that are impossible to find DVDs of or online.
8. What color is your winter jacket?
9. Do you have any siblings? Yup.
10. Would you call yourself skinny? Not anymore. I’ve filled up a bit over the last few years but I’m still usually seen as thin. I was a lot skinnier in my teens.
11. Does your phone take pictures? Yes, 2008 survey, it does.
12. Who is your favorite neighbor? They’re not really neighbors, but the construction workers who are currently working on a new house from across ours are crazy over Cooper and love to greet him and give him a few pats when I take him out. My actual neighbors are rather quiet and we tend to keep to ourselves.
13. Do you wish at 11:11? No.
14. Have you ever gotten a detention? We don’t have detention here.
15. Do you still watch Disney Channel? Nah, we took out our cable last year because no one was using it anymore. And I doubt there’s anything watchable on Disney Channel for a twentysomething?? Lmao I usually stick to the shows and movies I grew up with, so.
16. Who did you last IM? Angela.
17. Who is your least favorite teacher? Whoever hated me for no reason in middle and high school. Then in college, I had to power through a misogynist, sexist, delusional Duterte-supporting professor for an entire semester as well.
18. What were you doing six hours ago? I was winding down and watching Good Mythical Morning videos to eventually doze off.
19. What is your ringtone? Just the default iPhone ones.
20. Does your door have a dead bolt on it? I had to look this up haha but yeah.
21. Have you ever been to a show? Like, a live shooting of a show? Hmm....I don’t remember ever going to one yet. I remember being invited to one because they needed seat fillers, but I had school at the time and was never available on the day of the shoot.
22. What are some details about your first kiss? Innocent, pure. Even though that person ended up disappointing me, I don’t regret having my first kiss with them.
23. What college do you want to attend/currently attend? I went to UP.
24. Have you had any soda today? No and I most likely won’t.
25. What is your favorite scary movie? Carrie, The Shining, and Evil Dead are some good ones.
26. Do you own a Wii? We used to and it was a big part of my late childhood to my early teens. We had thrown it out years ago, though, because it stopped working.
27. Did you wear shorts today? I currently am wearing shorts, yeah, and I plan on wearing shorts for the rest of the day.
28. Anything fun happening this weekend? There’s an official Kim Seonho fanmeet happening tonight on Facebook and I’m so excited for it lmaaaaaaoooo
29. What shoes did you wear today? One of my sneakers.
30. What is your favorite type of Pop Tart? We only get 5 flavors here in the Philippines, but my favorite is the chocolate fudge one.
31. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Nope.
32. What was the last television show you watched? I didn’t watch it on TV, but I watched a few clips from this show called Caught in Providence on Facebook. I have such a soft spot for that show.
33. Do you know any other languages? If I’m not speaking in English, I use Filipino, yes.
34. Are you wearing anything green? No.
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
High Expectations - Ch15
Yup, this beast is still going and still growing.  Life sapped my energy so it has been a lot longer between updates than I would have liked but I’ve been experimenting with writing out of sequence to make use of whatever creativity I can grasp.  The plus side of this is that ch16 is in the editing stages and ch17 is also half written.  But anyway....it’s taken a while but here is ch15 in the saga that has become affectionately termed ‘Bad Jeff’.
@willow-salix has been wonderful at helping be fix the plot holes and pick out the parts where I contradicted myself.  I now have a proper timeline though (funky multicoloured spreadsheet and everything) so I shouldn’t tie myself in knots so much with the boys ages and milestones.
Earlier parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
AO3 chapter link
Chapter Fifteen
The incoming call notification had Virgil scrambling for his phone, fumbling with the handset while trying to swipe a call accept icon that suddenly seemed too small and fiddly to be practical.  It took him three hasty attempts before managing to complete the action correctly, allowing him to finally speak to the brother who had been frustratingly out of contact.  Scott had been in LA for three days and Virgil was now desperate for news but he had promised he wouldn’t interfere lest he call at the wrong moment and inflame matters further.  It had been a nail-biting wait, forcing himself to be patient and trust Scott to call when he could.
“Scott, how is it?”  It took him a moment to register that the face on the screen wasn’t Scott’s despite what the caller ID proclaimed.  “Gordon?”  He was surprised to see a younger brother rather than an older one.
“Don’t sound so pleased to see me.”  There was an air of the old teasing Gordon making a slow return.
“Sorry.   Of course I’m pleased to see you,” and he genuinely was, the face that looked back at him was still too thin and pale for comfort but the hair was clean again and the eyes had lost their haunted glaze, “I just wasn’t expecting it.  Where’s Scott?”
“He’s here too.”  The scene on Virgil’s screen shifted quickly as the handset at the other end was spun round to reveal its rightful owner who gave a little wave.  “He said he was going to call you so I asked if I could go first.”
“Well, how are you?”
“I’m....okay.”  Virgil had made him promise in the past not to lie about how he was feeling, it was one of the reasons he had been pulling away; it didn’t count as lying if you just omitted the truth.  “It’s been a strange few days.”
“I’ll bet.”
“For a start I’ve found out that flyboy over there gets ever so twitchy if anyone else is at the controls of a plane.  You’d best hope you never have to take him as a passenger in that bumble bee of yours if it ever gets off the drawing board.  Or was it more like a turtle, that beast was green wasn’t it?”  The look of fear that crossed Virgil’s face would have been comical if it wasn’t so genuine and Gordon was given the sudden reminder that, as far as Virgil was concerned, he wasn’t meant to know about their father’s vision.  He was quick with his reassurances.  “It’s okay, Dad told me about his rescue plans”
“He still won’t tell Alan though” Scott called out from across the room, “Dad has taken him out to fetch ice cream so we can talk freely for a few minutes.”
“Ice cream?”
“Yeah,  I think he’s just trying to cover some of his own guilt.  He’s still no Dad of the year though.”  Scott's tone was derisive and Virgil could tell that tensions must still be running high.  “He’s going to have to tell him sooner or later, he can’t just spring it on the kid that he is being dragged out of school and shunted across the world when the island move happens.”
“What, you mean like he gave us time to prepare for the move to LA?”  Gordon snorted.  “I don’t know about you guys but me and Alan didn’t exactly get much warning when we left Kansas.”
This surprised the older two who had known all about the plan, the many arguments were etched in their memories.  In this case the problem child had been John.  Scott had been making the transition from university to the Air Force and Virgil had been busy preparing for his studies at Denver but John had been on a path that didn’t align with their father’s business plans.  The fifteen year old, with a coveted place at Harvard nearly in his grasp, had begged to stay so he could finish high school without interruptions; he had worked hard to stay two grades ahead of the curve and an inter-state move could undo it all.  Of course letting John live alone had been out of the question, and Jeff had not been prepared to delay the move, leading to  flares of temper and defiance that none of them had realised the middle child was capable of.  It was only when Grandma stepped in, offering to return from New Mexico to become custodian of the farm and care for John during that final year that their father relented.  With all of the concerns over John and his university dreams it hadn’t occurred to either of them that the youngest two hadn’t been told about the move.  Evidently their father’s policy of ‘need to know’ was long running. 
“Don’t worry Gords, Scott and I will make sure that Alan gets told.  If Dad’s idea happens, and knowing Dad it probably will, Alan won’t just have another move sprung on him.  I promise.”  There was sincere honesty in those deep brown eyes and Gordon gave a subtle nod of thanks.  “So tell me everything that has been happening over the last few days.”
Gordon recounted everything that had happened since Scott’s arrival, prompted by said older brother if he missed anything out.  Virgil winced at the revelations.  Even with the sanitised highlights he could tell that the last few days had been an emotional rollercoaster.  In some cases the revelations were beyond his worst fears and he couldn’t help feeling proud of his little brother who had been living through harder circumstances than any of them had imagined.
“Which brings us to today,” Gordon brought the tale up to the present, “Dad’s decided I need to learn to fly seeing as this island he’s chosen isn’t exactly on the commercial air routes.  Alan’s going to start learning too; Dad wasn’t happy about that idea but Scott reminded him that he started learning at Alan’s age.  You should have seen him up there, Alan is an absolute natural.”  Gordon’s voice glowed with pride at the achievements of his little brother.
“You didn’t do badly yourself” Scott cut in from across the room.
“So why were your knuckles white the whole time?”
“Hey, as you said, I just like being the one in control.  It was no different when Dad was piloting and he’s clocked up more flight hours than the rest of us put together.”
“I can just imagine it” Virgil snorted, “you should’ve seen him supervising John when he was learning to drive.”
Gordon glanced across at Scott who had visibly paled at the memory, before turning his attention back to Virgil. “So yeah, I’ve now got to fit in pilot training and exams around getting back up to strength for WASP selection.”
“And WASP is definitely what you want?  You aren’t just going along with it so you can get away from Dad?  I know you’ll be able to do it, but please don’t enlist unless you’re really sure.”
Gordon wasn’t sure if that was the concerned older brother or the family pacifist speaking; WASP was still military after all and Virgil had made no secrets of his thoughts in that direction.  But equally Virgil knew how stubborn he was and how he would never back down from a challenge and had managed to resolve his difference with Scott over the Air Force so he chalked the questions up to brotherly concern.
“Yeah, I’m sure.  It’s a good life Virg, something I can really make a career out of and the opportunities for officers…”
“Officer?” This definitely surprised the distant sibling.  The widened eyes elicited a slight blush from Gordon.
“Um, yeah, that was Scott’s idea.”  He was still having a little trouble reconciling himself to the notion that he was cut out to lead.  
“Not just my idea” said brother called out from his perch on the bed, “the Marineville lot wanted to transfer you to officer training too.  This time round you’ll just be applying for the officer steam from the beginning.”
“As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,”  Gordon shot Scott a glare of mock indignation, earning a chuckle from Virgil “it’s a good life.  And yes, this time I’ll be trying out as an officer.  I’ll have to redo the aptitude tests, different benchmarks and all that, but we’ve been looking into it and my scores were already at the right level.  There’s just one additional aptitude test for officers that I never took before.  I’ve tried an online practice test and did ok so I should be alright.  I’m booked in to take it for real in a fortnight.  After that it’s selection at Marineville again and then hopefully I’m in.  It’ll take a few months but by the summer I should have my first posting.  The officer intakes don’t happen as frequently as junior ranks so I’ve got time to train.”
“You seem to have it all mapped out and not a college course in sight.”
“Nope.  Thanks, both of you.  It’s...it’s been a hard few months and I couldn’t see a way out of it all.”
There was a noticeable slump in Gordon’s posture and the light went out of his eyes as the memories of his recent trials flooded back in.  It broke Virgil’s heart to see how on a knife edge his brother still was and he knew he and Scott would need to keep a close eye on their younger sibling for a long while yet.  At least Gordon had a goal to work towards again; they both knew his steely determination and drive to succeed. Once he had set his sights on a challenge nothing would stop him, the Olympics had proved that.
“Any time.  And don’t be a stranger.  If Dad starts getting on your case again or you just need to talk to someone you know where I am.  I’ve been told my couch is pretty comfy too if this new schedule of training and flying lessons allows you any time off.”
“Admit it, you just want me back for my cooking” Gordon smirked.
“Maybe…” Virgil gave his best puppy dog eyes, eliciting a chuckle from both his brothers.
Any further chatter was interrupted by the sound of the apartment door crashing open, announcing the return of Jeff and Alan from the grocery store, followed by Alan’s shouts that if they didn’t get out there quick there would be no chocolate chip left for them.  Both knew better than to treat this as an idle threat so with a hurried goodbye to Virgil they departed to claim their portions.
Life soon settled into a new routine.  Jeff still rarely made it back for dinner, they couldn’t expect miracles over night, but he was getting better at being home before Alan went to bed at least.  Gordon suspected that had something to do with the ‘discussion’ Scott had with Jeff the night before he returned to his Air Force base.  The voices that drifted through the firmly shut study door had shown a flare of temper from both sides and Gordon had been grateful Alan was already in bed and so not around to witness the argument.  It was just as well Tracys were good at putting on a front, by the morning of Scott’s departure the tension had been firmly suppressed and Alan had been able to say goodbye to his eldest brother without any hint of bad feeling spoiling the moment. 
Where life before the Olympics had been a mix of school and swimming, so life for Gordon going forwards became a mix of physical training and flight theory with time in the air thrown in at the weekends.   He passed the WASP officer aptitude test easily enough but the next available selection course date wasn’t until after his birthday, leaving him with several months to focus on gaining the appropriate endorsements on his pilot’s licence to allow him to transport himself to and from his father’s intended island base.  
Gordon wasn’t bad at flying but he didn’t possess the raw natural talent of his youngest sibling.  He was competent and thorough with a steady hand but he couldn’t miss the looks of pride Jeff directed towards Alan as yet again the youngest of the family performed a manoeuvre as if he had been at the control yoke since birth.  It didn’t stop at looks either, all too often Gordon found himself on the receiving end of an unfavourable comparison only this time it was against his younger brother as opposed to his older ones and the arena was cockpit rather than classroom performance.  Evidently, for Jeff, old habits were hard to quell.
This time though Gordon wasn’t facing his troubles alone.  Scott would check in with him occasionally until an overseas posting took him out of contact but Virgil was his real lifeline.  Virgil made sure there was never more than a week between calls and often the gaps were smaller if he sensed Gordon slipping back and becoming more distant.  The brother who had taken on the role of counselor seemed to have an uncanny intuition when it came to Gordon’s mood.   
The extended time around his father however was still proving difficult and Gordon found himself eagerly boarding a flight to Denver to catch a much needed break.
As ever, Virgil was there to meet him at the airport.
“Good flight?”
“It was ok.”
“Not tempted to crash the cockpit then?”
Gordon just rolled his eyes and carried on out to the taxi ranks.  To his surprise though Virgil directed the cab to take them to the smaller private airfield out of town rather than the apartment.
“Sorry Gords” he got in response to his querying look.  “You know Dad said you gotta keep up your air time and this was the only runway slot I could get.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the deal.”  One of the conditions of a weekend with Virgil was that he got some time in the sky to make up for the lesson he was missing with his father.  “Are you alright with me taking up your baby?”
“I trust you” Virgil shrugged.  He wasn’t quite as in love with and overprotective of his plane as Scott was of his, but neither was he going to let on to Gordon that he had had a long and in depth discussion with their father about Gordon’s ability and competence before he had agreed to help with Gordon’s pilot education.
Gordon always thought it odd that Virgil had a plane but didn’t bother to run his own car, although the longer he spent in the air the more he could see the appeal.  Scott of course had always loved flight and it was no surprise to anyone that a big proportion of his allowance went on maintaining a craft that screamed billionaire playboy.  Virgil’s choice was more subtle and practical, if operating your own private plane counted as practical; perfect for hopping around the country from his central base in Denver to visit family on his own schedule.  Despite also being in possession of big enough allowance to afford it John had neither car nor plane having declared that flying commercial was much more sensible for his main coast to coast journey and he wasn’t one for pleasure flying; he was much more interested in what lay outside the atmosphere, far beyond the reach of a mere plane.
At the airfield Virgil maneuvered his little hopper out of the hanger he stored her in and then passed control over to Gordon.
“Go on then, show me what you can do” Virgil prompted after giving Gordon a quick rundown of the specific take off speed and other essential details he would need to operate the plane safely.  He settled back in the co-pilot's chair, exuding a calm confidence despite itching to keep his hands on the controls; Gordon might be his brother and Jeff had given assurances that all would be well but Virgil was still uncomfortably aware that he has supervising an unlicensed novice pilot.  
His fears were soon dispelled once Gordon started going through the motions in textbook fashion including performing his own pre-flight checks despite having watched those same checks being performed just a few minutes earlier.  A short burst down the runway and they were up in the air.  It wasn’t graceful and Gordon lacked the finesse that came with experience but Virgil was pleasantly surprised at the amount of  progress Gordon had made in such a short space of time.
The problem with flying though is that unless you are practicing something like aerobatics then just keeping a plane in the air is actually pretty easy, it’s the take off and landing that takes skill.  They weren’t making a journey so there was no real navigation to do beyond avoiding the restricted airspace and corridors used by the commercial flights and the weather was clear so flying by instruments was unnecessary.  All in all it was a thoroughly untaxing lesson, allowing them to relax and enjoy the time together.
“So how’s your project going?” Gordon asked as he banked to avoid flying directly over a village.
“It’s okay.  I’m on track to be done by the summer.”
“What will you do after that?  Move back to LA or stay out here?”
“Neither, hopefully.”  Gordon gave his brother a questioning glance of surprise.  “Got to get space rated for Dad’s project.  Me and John’ll be heading out to Tracy College for that, just waiting for confirmation of a course place.”
“Space rated?”  He had realised John would need to undergo astronaut training in preparation for life on a space station but most of the project specifics were still a mystery to him.
“Yeah.  Someone’s got to be able to play taxi service for John and I might need to take a rotation on call monitoring; he can’t live off planet forever.”
“Sounds like plans are really coming together for it.  Does this mean Scott will need to get space rated at Tracy College too?”
“Scott…”  There was a heavy pause and Gordon took his eye off the sky to regard his brother.  Virgil’s brow had furrowed into a frown and when he spoke again there was a heaviness that told of hidden arguments.  “Scott isn’t joining, he’s sticking to the Air Force.”
This surprised Gordon.  In the few conversations he had had with his father about the project, usually confined to a cockpit where Alan couldn’t overhear, Scott was talked about like Virgil was, as a committed member of the team. His role as first responder and pilot of the envisioned rocket plane had been presented in terms of undisputed fact.  No wonder the topic made Virgil look stormy, he was a peacemaker and if Scott wasn’t fitting in with their father’s vision Gordon could imagine that the arguments had been many and explosive.
“Yeah.  Oh.”
“So what’s going to happen there?  Surely you can’t manage with just the three of you?”
“I don’t know.  I’d like to think there is a contingency plan but Dad seems so sure Scott’s going to change his mind and do it.  They’re both as stubborn as mules though and neither wants to give up their dream.  It’s a good project, the tech looks amazing and we could really save lives.  I can see Scott’s point though, he’s made a life for himself away from Dad and, well, you know yourself what Dad can be like for giving orders.”
Gordon knew all too well what it felt like to be on the receiving end of those orders, particularly when they were at odds with your own plans.  At least Scott had the advantage of physical distance as a buffer to the disapproval and if push came to shove, if Jeff cut Scott off as punishment, the Air Force pay was enough to live on even if it meant Scott had to change his lifestyle to suit the lower budget.
Gordon made the final approach back towards the airfield, diverting the full attention of both brothers to monitoring the landing.  As with the take off it wasn’t polished and it wasn’t pretty but it was safe and Virgil found himself once again admiring just how far his brother had come in such a short space of time.  He wondered if, given time, Gordon would join the team.  Jeff hadn’t made any mention of Gordon taking on a role in the rescue organisation, even if he was now allowed to know of its existence, but there was no denying that having an extra pilot on books could only be a good thing.  Maybe one day he and Gordon would fly together, the more time he spent with his brother the more he enjoyed the company although, Virgil reflected, if they were to fly as a team he would be happier if Gordon took the co-pilot’s position.
With the plane back on the ground and safely returned to her berth in the hangers Virgil pushed all thoughts of Gordon joining the rescue business out of his mind; unless their father issued the instruction there was no point even considering the option.  And anyway, Gordon was heading off to the military like Scott had so who knew if he would even want to join the project.  Better to just let their father know that the required flying lesson had gone without a hitch then settle back to enjoy the weekend. 
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selfcareparker · 4 years
so the better university is in germany.. you already live in germany.. but germans aren't good as good at english lol and lemme get this straight- UNIVERSITY IN GERMANY IS- wait shit Imaooo i read that wrong, I THOUGHT IT WAS 75¢ HDJSHS like 3 quarters😭 but that's still less expensive compared to the US, 75€ is about 90$ here... i just googled it and (apparently) college is typically around $27,000 in my state (22,588€ i think lol) but wowee gee whiz. i think waiting till you’re physically there is the best decision though, just really seeing how it is, how you like it and stuff. BUT WAIT Imao i'm rereading what you said as i'm responding, but the university sounds good!! hopefully your professor isn't the one writing the english on the website Imaoo. your english is fine hdhsjsh & why are you up at 3am😭
i'm literally jumping around udhsj but no that did absolutely make sense hahah i just really enjoy talking to you & wanted to tell you what's up lol but yay we're around the same age hdhagajs
+ yes i have !!! thank you LMAO I BET YOURE NOT THAT BAD JHDJS that whole paragraph actually made me laugh. dude i could neverrr write a script where people have to act it out? lmao it would not be pretty (though i need to work on that) well if you’re not good at acting, you’re hella good at writing (I FINISHED THE ENTIRETY OF UR PETER MASTERLIST AND I AM EMPTY & I AM SCREAMING- i’ll send in another ask on my favorites and all my replies bc WAH they had such an affect on me.......... it’s not ok. like affectttt)
HAHHAA “trash garbage” yea... she was helpful in helping me get my first lead on stage but yea that school as a whole was pretty 💩 but honestly thank youuu <3 my new favorite thing? “thump them in the eye with a sharp metal rod” i think i have one in the basement LMAO
that was a joke...... i think this will also need a tw..... but all my asks are messy lmaoo- not me missing the heritage thing in the tags: that’s so cool!! i’m guessing you’ve been the england since your mom is british? knowing two languages sounds so cool😔 and you speak really good english btw (is that rude-) OOHH so you’re german bc you were born in germany but none of your blood family is german & ur mom is british? bRO that’s so cool like literally 😎 i wanna travel so bad and the UK is first on the list (probably in two years.. i do really wanna study abroad or be a foreign exchange student or something) then Jamaica (bc that’s where my mom is from and i’ve never been) and then all the pretty countries lol
have a good day/night idk lol it took me really long to write this + idk why jdhsjshsj
- lovely anon 🥰
OKAY HI OMG (I was about to say giiirrrl but i never asked for your pronouns or anything so let me know if it’s okay if i say giiiiirl in the future lol)
I saw this at 3 am and got so excited lol but my sleeping schedule has been so awful lately that I forced myself to sleep instead of replying to this 😔
Okay so... if you put it like THAT then yes, the university in germany sounds a lot better lol. But yeah like you said I won’t fully decide until I’ve actually been to university (well, it’s online but ykwim) and that starts in april and honestly i can’t wait sksjshh but yeah i’m like 90% sure that i’ll be staying here already. And yes let’s pray that it’s not one of my professors who writes the shit on the website sishshg😭
also what you said about wanting to be a foreign exchange student or studying abroad... i felt that. but even if i end up studying in germany, with my degree, you have to either do an 8week programme (program? idk) where you go to an english speaking country,,, or you do a whole semester studying abroad so i’ll probably go to england one way or another lol and i can always do my masters in the uk (if i do a masters degree i haven’t even figured out what i’m doing this year let alone in three years loll)
Also I really have to stop saying lol so often lol
Also I have to stop saying also at the beginning of every sentence lol
Also (😔) i enjoy talking to you too 👉🏼👈🏼 you don’t know how happy i get whenever i see that you sent me an askd sjsjhshshs
And yupp i used to go to england like three times a year but because of cov*d i haven’t seen any of my english relatives since 2019🥺🥲 BUT the uk is so so so nice i love London but I also love the country side and esp the north of england 🥰🥰🥰 (that’s where most of my relatives are) and yes you deffffff need to visit one day!!!!!!!
Also (also is such a good word tho sksjsh) likeee i definitely don’t think it’s rude when people say my english is good dkdhsg so thank you 😌 but if you heard me speak english irl, i don’t have a german accent or anything and i’m 100% fluent but writing like this is different because it’s like... it’s not an essay so obviously not every sentence has to be 100% grammatically correct but i always worry that, because people know english isn’t my first language (only because i’ve told them), people think my english is bad and that i’m making mistakes when really it’s normal to just.. not use 100% grammatically correct word constructions all the time if that makes sense...? (I don’t think it does 👁👄👁 this was the worst paragraph i’ve written in my life i’m SORRY ksjshs, usually i’d delete this but i feel comfortable talking to you so even if it doesn’t make sense i’m not deleting my rantssjshsh)
And yup, speaking multiple languages is (in my opinion) one of the coolest things ever, i’m fluent in english and german, i had latin from year 7-12 so even though it’s not a language that people speak anymore, learning latin was one of the coolest experiences of my life (which sounds so lame dkshshs) because obviously in all the roman languages soo many words come from latin, so sometimes when i hear/read words in languages that i don’t even speak i can tell what it means thanks to latin. I can also kindaaaaaaaa speak/understand italian (where like 90% of words are the same as in latin or even some english and german words so i never had to study the vocabulary in school skshsh) and a liiiiiiittle tiny bit of french and serbian. I know quite a few people who speak 3+ languages because a lot of my friends are the same as me and have parents who aren’t german so they speak their dad’s language, their mum’s language AND german and it’s like the most fascinating thing in the world for me
And ooohhhh my mum’s best friend is from Jamaica and my mum has allllll these beautiful pictures from when they went to jamaica together when they were younger (goals)🥺🥺🥺 so i really hope you can visit one day✨✨✨ (i wanna go to jamaica too one day sksjs but i think it’s even cooler if you’re like actually jamaican obviously and it’s linked to your heritage)
OKAY THIS IS LONGER THAN SOME OF MY FICS I AM SO SO SO SORRY SKSHSBAKSKSHSJAHAHABA but i enjoy talking to you so i shouldn’t really apologise but still like what was the point of all my rambling? Nothing basically dksjsh also I feel like i keep talking about myself but idk what to say and likeee i don’t even know, so how has your life been since covid? (That’s My attempt to ask about YOU lmao tell me whatever you want about yourself sksjsh)
Okay byeee 💖💖💖💖💖
Edit: i realised i haven’t said anything about you finishing/reading everything on my peter masterlist AHSJSKKSBSBSSBSB thank you thank you thank you, sooo i can’t promise anything but i will most likely post a new fic this weekend... but idk if it’s going to be good? I randomly started writing it last night and i definitely like the plot but i’m always so insecure about my actual writing and wording but yeah... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Acting Your Age (Part 4)
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Summary: When Jensen returns from a business trip, he and the reader have a few more dates and a few sleepovers as their relationship continues to develop...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 7,000ish
Warnings: language, age gap, implied smut 
You hummed when you plopped down in your bed that night after your shower, smiling to yourself.
You’d spent the afternoon in the pool and had some barbecue for dinner, Jensen like a puppy dog and always smiling whenever you saw him. He had some paperwork to catch up on and eventually headed home though, letting you get in some playtime with the kids.
“Someone looks happy,” said Gen, stepping into your room that night.
“Mhm,” you said, staring up at the ceiling.
“Thinking about lover boy?” she teased as she walked in and lay on the other side of your bed.
“Sorta. I don’t know. I had fun today,” you said, closing your eyes. “I have a voicemail from my ex.”
“Really? What’s that about?” she asked.
“He saw my picture online. Told me not only is he younger than Jensen, by like two years, but, he also has way more money and is way more attractive. He wants me to go on a trip to Greece with him so we can ‘reconnect’ on his yacht,” you said. “He was a stock broker.”
“Oh boy. Someone realizes what they lost out on,” she said.
“When we were alone, he was great. But he was embarrassed of me, even when we went out to dinner. He was a lot more outgoing than Jensen but Jensen is the guy bragging that his girlfriend broke the woman’s record on hole six this morning at lunch to the waiter. He’s a quieter guy but he’s not embarrassed of me, you know?” 
“Honey, Jensen is head over heels. He’s also not a douchebag so I don’t think you have to worry about that. I think he’s more concerned about trying to make sure you’re able to keep some of your privacy. He’s no big movie star but he gets attention,” she said.
“I don’t care,” you said.
“Good. You’re gonna need that. Trust me,” she said. “The internet can be a cruel place.”
“He’s not gonna be like, showing me off at an award show or anything. He doesn’t need to worry about that crap,” you said.
“Boys are weird,” she said. You laughed and nodded, looking over at her. 
“What’s your honest opinion on me and Jensen? You’re my sister in law. You’ve always been the one keeping an eye out for me. What do you really think?” you asked.
“I think you should be with someone that respects you, is your best friend and that you can see spending the rest of your life with. That’s it,” she said.
“Gen. Come on. If I brought home a guy like Jensen but you didn’t know him,” you said.
“Exactly what I said. It’s not rocket science,” she said. “Jensen’s good. You’re under his skin. Enjoy it.”
“I am,” you said. “You wouldn’t happen to know any architects or interior designers looking to hire in town, do you?”
“I may be able to hook you up. A friend of ours just bought a house and they’re looking to redecorate. I know you’re very good,” she said.
“Independent contractor? I’ve never done that before,” you said.
“Maybe you could while you look for a place. I’m sure it’s not a ton of hours,” she said.
“Maybe. Taking Jensen out to dinner last night was a tad expensive. It was great but my funds are dwindling,” you said.
“He didn’t even go Dutch?” she asked as she sat up.
“He tried to pay but I caught the waiter and gave him my card instead. Jensen was a little mad over that I think,” you said. “But I want to be able to take him out on dates too, you know?”
“Let him pay next time, he’s got the money,” she laughed. “Take him hiking around Austin sometime and then do food trucks. Super cheap date and it’s fun.”
“Sometime,” you said, closing your eyes again.
“Get some sleep. You’re exhausted from playing all day,” she said as she sat up, pulling your covers out from under you.
“Alright, mom,” you said, turning into your pillows with a laugh. “Night Gen.”
“Night,” she said, closing your door part way. 
“She’s asleep already?” you heard Jared whisper outside the door.
“What?” you called, not bothering to open your eyes.
“I was wondering if you guys wanted some ice cream and to watch a movie but-“
“There’s always time for ice cream,” you said as you sat up with a smile.
You woke up on the couch the next morning, Odette poking your cheek until you opened your eyes.
“Hi Aunt Y/N!” she said loudly, your body letting out a large groan as you heard Jared laugh from the kitchen. “Daddy made pancakes.”
“Awesome,” you said, her little hand peeling your eyes open. “Jared.”
“That’s not nice, munchkin,” he said. “Why don’t you and your brothers get your Aunt some orange juice.”
“I got it,” you said, standing up wearily and taking a plate when it was shoved in your hands. You took a seat at the table between the boys, digging in with a hum.
“Dad, are Aunt Y/N and Uncle Jensen gonna get married?” asked Tom. You nearly choked on the food in your mouth, Jared whacking your back as he went past.
“They’ve been dating a whopping five days. Let’s hold off on the wedding bells,” he said and setting down some orange juice. “You okay?”
“Yeah, uh, I am not getting married anytime soon,” you said.
“I think you should,” said Tom. “Before you’re too old.”
“How old do you think I am?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged.
“How old is dad?” asked Gen as she cut into her food.
“37!” said Shep.
“Yup. Y/N is about ten and a half years younger so she’s…” she trailed off.
“Two...something,” he said.
“Twenty six,” you said. 
“Daddy, why you so old?” asked Odette.
“Mom’s older than me!” he said.
“I live with five children,” she sighed.
“I’m like a child half time,” you said, Gen giving you a smile. “So what are you guys up to today?”
“School,” said the boys.
“Swimmies!” said Odette. 
“Sounds fun,” you said. “Mom and dad gonna swim with you?”
“Mommy. Daddy’s playing at Uncle ‘ensen house,” she said.
“I’m gonna help him film his audition tape,” said Jared. “Your unemployed ass is welcome to join.”
“I’m actually going to take a me day, maybe talk to those friends of yours with the new house,” you said.
“Nice,” he said. “I’m running to the grocery store after so write down what you want on the list.”
“Sure thing,” you said, taking another bite of food when the doorbell rang.
“I wonder who that could be,” he said with a smile, nodding for you to get it. You stood and walked to the door, knowing they must have expected someone if they’d left the gate open. You tried to fix your bedhead as you opened it, giggling as you saw the ticket on the ground with a sticky note attached to it.
Something unexpected popped up at the brewery, potential opportunity so I will unfortunately be flying out of town this afternoon. I’ll be gone until Sunday night but there’s a concert downtown if you’re interested. Text me whatever you decide. I’ll meet you there, kiddo.
“He’s adorable,” you said, laughing as you grabbed the ticket and note, walking back inside and setting it on the counter. “Most guys would just text.”
“He’s old,” said Jared. “Fashioned.”
“He’s sweet,” you said. “And dorky.”
“Are you blushing?” he teased. You shook your head as you sat down.
“Your face is all red Aunt Y/N,” said Tom.
“Eat your breakfast kid,” you said, ruffling his hair with a smile. 
Sunday Night
You felt a tap on your shoulder, spinning around to find a smiling Jensen behind you.
“Hey, kiddo,” he chuckled.
“Hey! How’d it go?” you asked, giving him a hug, getting a peck on the lips quickly from him.
“Eh,” he shrugged. “It’s a good opportunity but I don’t have the manpower for it, namely me. I’d probably have to give up acting for good and that’s not something I want.”
“Well that’s too bad. Can’t you hire someone to help?” you asked.
“See,” he said, grabbing your hand as you headed into where the outdoor concert was going to be playing soon. “There’s this farmhouse on the land the brewery is on. It’s a few hundred feet away. It’s a gorgeous building. A bit run down but the bones are good. It was always sort of this side idea to make that into something. Restaurant. Bed and breakfast. Fancy tasting room. Something cool. I settled with the bed and breakfast since I thought that’s kind of a little of the restaurant and there could be a tasting room too or something. But I don’t think I can run two businesses and then act on top of it, you know?”
“Do you want to do it?” you asked.
“Yes. The brewery is pretty self-sufficient now but there was so much aggravation getting it set up and trying to work at the same time. I don’t want to go through all that again,” he said.
“Don’t you have more free time now?” you asked.
“It was just a really sucky time in my life I’d rather not go through again,” he said.
“Well I think if you really want it, you should do it,” you said. “Free manual labor, right here.”
“My last girlfriend broke up with me because of that whole incident so I’m not playing with that fire,” he said, smirking at you.
“Well now you totally got to do it,” you said. “I’ll help if I can. I’m an independent interior designer now so I make my own schedule.”
“Really? That’s awesome. Being your own boss is the best,” he said.
“True. Kind of scary though,” you said. “We’ll see how it goes. But you should go for it.”
“I’ll think about it,” he said, wandering the two of you over towards a beer tent, ordering two. 
“Well the internet thinks I’m a slut over one innocent picture so if I can handle that, I can handle a little overworked Jensen,” you said. He stared at you, taking the beers and handing you one before you took a sip. “Yeah, I looked. Fuck ‘em.”
“You really shouldn’t get in the habit of doing that. It’s a nasty rabbit hole to go down,” he said.
“I found it amusing,” you said, grabbing hold of his hand again. “Plus I needed to. So you fix up that farmhouse and don’t worry about this, alright? I like spending time with you but I don’t need constant attention. I’m not Jared after all.”
He chuckled and nodded, swaying your hands as you walked.
“I hope you like rock music,” he said. “Please say you like rock music or else this is going to be a very long night.”
“I’m like, totally only into Top 40,” you said, giving him your best bitchface. 
“Something tells me that’s not the truth,” he said with a smile. “What about country?”
“Eh, some country. Depends on how much I’ve had to drink honestly,” you said. “I like most music.”
“Me too,” he said. “I’ve never heard these guys before. I figured it beat dinner in a restaurant again.”
“It’s not that late. Did you not want to grab a bite after this?” you asked.
“Oh, I do. But something...easy,” he said. “Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Wow,” you said, carrying your fast food in one hand as you followed Jensen into his house a few hours later. “Wow.”
“It’s not that nice,” he said, showing you where to put your shoes. You walked into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter, Jensen going to the fridge and pulling out a few beers, some of his brewery’s brand from the looks of it. He set his bag down on the counter opposite you and sat up on it, letting his feet dangle off the edge while you started to pull out food. 
“You got to show me around your house after we eat. It’s so...interesting,” you said, glancing at the ceiling above you. “Nice beam work.”
“I bet you tell that to all the boys,” he said, earning a laugh from you. “It’s alright. I let some designer do everything once the house was finished being remodeled.”
“It’s nice. Not exactly what I would have thought your style would be. There’s definitely some unique things,” you said.
“I was had a girlfriend when the house was being updated. She picked out some of those things,” he said. “The girly stuff.”
“In the designer world we like to say feminine,” you said, taking a bite of your taco. “Same chick that didn’t like you working so much?”
“Different one. We were gonna live together which is why she was helping. That didn’t work out,” he said. “Obviously.”
“It’s still a very lovely house,” you said.
“Could I hire you? To re do some of that stuff?” he asked.
“Sure. We could work out some kind of deal I’m sure,” you said. He nodded and started to eat, swaying his feet again like a kid would.
“You probably think I move fast in a relationship huh,” he said.
“No. All you said was you almost lived with a girl. I’ve lived with a guy before. You’re a whole lot older, I sort of expect you’d have had more relationships,” you said.
“I think I thought us working on this house together would fix the stuff that was wrong, you know? I don’t know how I ever thought that was a good idea,” he said.
“Going through something hard teaches you more about a person than everything being easy breezy,” you said.
“Kinda like you and your brother?” he asked. 
“You didn’t have to drive down there to fix that last week you know,” you said.
“I’ll take the not easy breezy stuff too,” he said, giving you a smile.
“That wasn’t us though. That was something…” you said.
“If I’ve learned anything from my married friends, it’s that a relationship is picking a partner that doesn’t just do cute stuff. They have your back when shit happens. It’s just finding someone that you want to go through the highs and lows with. Never found anyone yet who wants to stick around for a low is all,” he said.
“You got someone to take care of you when that happens?” you asked.
“Yeah. Sorry, this going into a much deeper conversation than I intended,” he said.
“So?” you said. “The lows don’t scare me.”
“Not sure much does, kiddo,” he chuckled. 
“I’m serious,” you said.
“Well that girl was the last time I dated. A few years ago now,” he said.
“I should set her up with my ex,” you said.
“The British douche?” he asked.
“He called me last week. More than once. I politely told him where to shove it,” you said.
“That’s my girl,” he said. “Why’s he talking to you again anyways?”
“Oh, I think he’s jealous of you. I told him maybe he should try being a bit more respectful for like my new boyfriend if he wants a girl to stick around,” you said. 
“Maybe I should set this guy with her,” he chuckled. “She only ever wanted money after a certain point anyways.”
“Peter was an idiot that wasn’t comfortable with our age difference is all,” you said.
“I thought he made you feel stupid though,” he said.
“Oh yeah. Never mind, throw him to the wolves,” you said.
“Remind me to never break up with you,” he said as he ate.
“I’m not letting you go so easily,” you said. 
“Good,” he said with a laugh. “Not to mention your willingness to eat fast food at one in the morning makes you far more attractive than anyone I’ve ever dated.”
“I’m a cheap date,” you smiled.
“You know last week, you paid for dinner at the restaurant. That was a pretty pricey meal,” he said. 
“I can afford it,” you said. “You’re just gonna be getting happy meals for the next six months but I can afford it.”
“Let me pay next time,” he said.
“Alright,” you said. “But I get to pay the time after that.”
“Well since we’re not gonna be able to agree on this, let’s settle it with a bet,” he said.
“What kind of bet,” you asked. 
“Arm wrestling,” he said.
“That’s so not fair,” you said.
“I mean, I know you’re probably going to win but…” he said, biting his bottom lip. “Oh, that’s adorable. Your little cheeks are red but you’re kinda grumpy too.”
“Such a boy,” you groaned. “Fine. You win. But...nice dinners are not the norm, agreed?”
“Deal,” he said. “So I can totally get like, the cheeseburger happy meal though right?”
“Wow,” you said, shaking your head as he laughed. “Yeah, we can go all out on that.”
“Sweet,” he said, taking another bite when the lights flickered. You looked overhead, watching it happen a few more times before they shut off and the house was dark. You heard a hum and the refrigerator kicked back on. “At least the generator works. Only keeps the kitchen and bedroom going though.”
“It’s not even storming,” you said, a loud boom of thunder overhead. You finished the rest of your food and cleaned up, Jensen looking out the front windows at the pouring rain.
“I’m sure it’ll clear up in a minute,” he said. You grabbed your phone and checked the radar, the storm slow moving and another one right behind it. 
“It’s like solid red for a few good hours,” you said, a big crack of lightning appearing, Jensen stepping back from the windows. He turned to you in the dimly lit kitchen, a question on his face. “I can sleep on the couch.”
“I can sleep in the guest room, you take my bed. The power works in there,” he said.
“We could share,” you said. “Just sleep.”
“Yeah,” he said. “As long as you’re comfortable with that.”
“Yeah,” you said. He nodded and you followed him down a short hall, Jensen pointing to a dark space.
“Bathroom. Other side is the closet,” he said, stepping through the open door into a large master bedroom. “Comfy bed.”
“Pretty vaulted ceiling,” you said.
“Always looking at the ceiling,” he chuckled. He ducked into his closet, returning after a moment in just a t shirt and his boxer briefs. You kept your gaze up, spotting the shirt and boxers in his arms. “I don’t know if you wanted something to sleep in.”
“Thanks,” you said, stepping past him and going into his closet. “Oh my God. Can I have your closet?”
“It’s a closet,” he laughed.
“It’s huge! There’s so much space you’re not using,” you said, spotting all the clothes in piles on the floor. “Ah, so he’s not Mr. Perfect. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to hang up your clothes?”
“Oh shut up,” he laughed from the bedroom. You changed out of your jeans and shirt, taking off your bra after a moment. You carried your clothes out to the room and set them down on the dresser, Jensen sitting on the edge of the bed. He stared for a moment and ducked his eyes away. “Clothes fit?”
“Mhm,” you said, walking over to the other side of the bed. You sat down and threw back the covers, flinching when there was a loud boom.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Don’t really like storms at night,” you said. “Normally not a problem cause I’m sleeping.”
“S’okay,” he said. You nodded and lay down, flinching again when the storm was louder. He got under the covers and you felt him move closer, turning on his side and putting an arm over your waist. You turned your head towards him, swallowing hard when the house shook. He smiled and nudged a little closer. “You’re alright, kiddo.”
“Forgot about stupid Texas storms,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut as the storm got louder and louder. 
“Come here,” he said, turning you towards him. You didn’t mean to but you grabbed onto the front of his shirt, Jensen moving his arm to wrap around your back. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“Sorry,” you said, moving away when he turned you back.
“Really. It’s okay,” he said. You gave him a small nod before you sighed and closed your eyes, resting your head on his chest. “You’re okay, honey. I promise.”
You blinked open your eyes wearily, catching Jensen rolling over in bed, his arms flailing about before one landed on you. He immediately pulled you into his chest, giving you a big morning cuddle and jamming his face into your back. You giggled when he started to breath softly again, Jensen stirring this time, whole body tensing before his arms were off of you.
“Good morning,” you said, looking back over your shoulder.
“Morning,” he said, rolling away some. You moved to where he’d been, spreading out and smiling at him. “Oh, you don’t get the whole bed young lady.”
“Comfy bed,” you said, turning on your side, tucking your arms under the covers. 
“You look so pretty,” he said quietly. You leaned up and kissed the tip of his nose.
“You’re a cuddler,” you said. He groaned and turned away, your hands shooting out to grab him and move him back. “Oh no. Jensen Ackles is a cuddler and you are not denying it.”
“You wouldn’t dare tell,” he said.
“What do I get in return for my silence?” you asked. He smirked and wrapped his arms around you. “I will accept being paid off in cuddles.”
“Yes, yes you will,” he said.
“I like cuddles too,” you said. He smiled and you moved your leg, a strange noise coming from him as he shifted away. “Sorry.”
“S’okay. No one ever tells you morning wood keeps happening no matter how old you are,” he said as he fixed himself. 
“Here I thought it was me,” you said. 
“That part of me certainly likes you very much,” he said, quickly clearing his throat. “Sorry. I make it sound like…”
“Maybe tonight,” you said with a smile. “If you’re in the mood.”
“I think I could be,” he said, pushing your hair behind your ear. “We’ll see. For now though, all I want to do is make you some breakfast. Thankfully the power is back on.”
“How about you cook and I’ll set the places?” you asked.
“Deal,” he said, moving out of the bed. You followed after him, Jensen chuckling when he looked at you in daylight for the first time. “You look like a grumpy toddler.”
“Joke’s on you, Ackles. Too big shirts are my go to pajamas,” you said.
“I like it,” he said, starting to pad around the kitchen as you discovered where he kept the plates. Less than ten minutes later you had a plate of scrambled eggs in front of you, Jensen sitting two seats down at the counter, back against the pillar in the kitchen, legs spread out over the middle stool.
“Someone’s comfortable,” you said.
“Just enjoying the view,” he said, scooping some eggs into his mouth. “So you’re not a fan of storms, huh?”
You blushed and stared at your plate, eating quietly for a few moments.
“I don’t like spiders. Dolls are super creepy to me too,” he said.
“Yeah, not a fan of storms, at night,” you said, poking at your food.
“Well next time there’s one and I’m not around, give me a call,” he said. You glanced over, Jensen taking a bite off his fork. 
“You don’t think it’s childish?”
“No. I wish maybe you weren’t so scared but it’s not childish,” he said.
“When I was in college, I rushed for a sorority. The last hazing thing was pledges had to stay in this old abandoned house off campus. It ended up storming that night. They were going to prank us but we didn’t realize, some guy was squatting there. He was pretty...terrifying. We thought it was part of a prank but it wasn’t and he got violent super quick. Safe to say, I didn’t join,” you said.
“Fuck. I thought guys were bad. You were alright?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, Jensen staring at you. “I got a little beat up. I was okay. Far more damage has been done wrestling with my brothers.”
“Still. I get why you don’t like stormy nights,” he said.
“It’s silly,” you said.
“You know what I say to Jared when he says that? Tough shit. It’s bothering you so it’s not silly or stupid so let’s try and take care of it,” he said.
“Yeah but how do I take care of something like that?” you asked. 
“Make it into something good. I used to be so afraid of public speaking and now I tell myself it’s okay and it works. It took awhile but it does,” he said. “So next time there’s a storm, turn it into something good.”
“I suppose,” you said, stretching in your seat.
“So you were almost a sorority girl,” he said with a smirk.
“Shut up, pretty boy,” you laughed.
“I am pretty, aren’t I?” he teased.
“You have dried drool on your cheek,” you said. “Hot stuff.”
“You’re one to talk,” he giggled.
“You’re saying this is not the epitome of hotness? Messy hair and a tired face?” you laughed.
“We have very different definitions of how you look,” he said, biting his bottom lip. 
“I think I’m going to get dressed,” you said, sliding off your seat. “You know you aren’t getting this shirt back, right?”
“I figured as much,” he chuckled. You headed into his bedroom, changing in his bathroom and tucking his shirt under your arm. After grabbing your purse, he walked you to his door, carrying a cup of coffee now. “I’ll see you tonight, kiddo.”
“Yes you will,” you said, giving him a short kiss. “Hey, since you made me breakfast, can I cook you dinner tonight?”
“Dinner? It has been a long time since someone has made me dinner,” he said.
“What do you want?” you asked.
“I’m easy going,” he said.
“You like meat?” you asked.
“I love it,” he said.
“I’ll pick something out today. Drop by my place say seven?” 
“Sure thing, kiddo.”
You had just finished pouring the pasta in the pot when the doorbell rang that night. You looked down, cursing yourself for still being in a pair of leggings and your hair up in a messy bun. You jogged to the front door, opening it with a smile.
“Hi,” said Jensen, plucking a flower out from behind his back.
“Well thank you,” you said, Jensen stepping inside as you looked up after him.
“I don’t know what it is. Thought it looked pretty is all,” he said. “Reminded me of someone.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, Jensen following you back to the kitchen. “Apparently tomorrow is some teacher workshop day at school so Jared and Gen packed up the kids and shipped them off to our parents house so they could have a night alone.”
“Nice. Sounds like we got the place to ourselves then,” he said with a smile.
“Yes, we do,” you said. “You mind watching the stove while I put on something presentable?”
“Alright. I mean, I’m not in a tux over here or anything,” he said. “I am a very big fan of leggings.”
“I bet you are,” you said, pausing before you decided to leave on what you were wearing. “So what’s your poison?”
“Wine?” he asked.
“Preference?” you asked.
“I’m good with anything,” he said. You walked around to the far side of the kitchen and picked up the bottle you’d gotten earlier, popping out the cork and setting it near a pair of glasses on the counter. 
“Anything I can help with?” he asked, sliding into the kitchen.
“No, no. I’m making you dinner. You just sit there and look pretty,” you teased.
“Can do,” he said, grabbing the bottle and pouring you each a glass. “So are you a cook?”
“Uh, not really so if this goes horribly, I do have the number of a restaurant,” you said.
“You could honestly make me some kraft mac and cheese and I’d be happy,” he said. “Like I said earlier, it’s been a long time since someone cooked for me that wasn’t my parents.”
“Well you deserve to be taken care of too, hm?” you said, giving him a smile as you took a sip of your wine. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I could do with some of that I guess,” he said.
“How about after dinner, I give you the world’s best foot massage,” you said.
“I’d say I could get used to this.”
“Dinner was so good,” said Jensen again as you finished cleaning up. “You’re a way better chef than you give yourself credit for.”
“I’m a better baker than chef,” you said.
“I bet you’re an amazing baker then,” he said. “You gotta let me taste test next time you make something. Quality control.”
“I’ll be sure to enlist your services,” you said, heading into the family room, Jensen taking a seat on the couch. “Alright. You kick back your feet and I will be back in just a second.”
You dashed upstairs as he peeled off his socks, returning with a bottle of cream and a small towel.
“Oh. I see I’m dealing with a professional here,” he teased.
“Just get comfy, Ackles,” you said, Jensen adjusting a pillow behind his back as he turned sideways. You rested his feet in your lap on the towel, squirting some cream on your palms before rubbing them together. You started at the top of the arch of his foot, Jensen immediately closing his eyes.
“Fuck. That feels awesome,” he said, melting back into the couch. “How’d you get so good at this?”
“Dated a masseuse once. Ditched the guy but kept the incredible massage skills,” you said, rubbing your thumb into the skin. “For a guy, your feet are pretty clean to be honest.”
“Don’t laugh but my sister gave me some of those lotion socks for Christmas one year cause my feet always got crackly. I fucking love those things,” he said.
“Boys are allowed to be pampered too,” you said, moving to the other foot, Jensen letting out a large sigh.
“Remind me to yell at Jared for not introducing us sooner,” he laughed.
“To be fair, probably better that we waited,” you said. “It let me figure out what I like.”
“What do you like?” he asked, smiling lazily from the other end of the couch. 
“Cute,” he said. “I could say the same about you.”
“Alright then cutie,” you said, sliding his feet off your lap. “Once I wash this stuff off, we can watch a movie.”
You were only gone a few minutes, Jensen already flipping through the TV when you returned. You let him pick, some cheesy 80’s horror movie from the looks of it, and you sat down on the other end of the couch. He hummed and moved his feet to the coffee table, giving you a quick glance. You slid over next to him, tucking your legs under you, his arm going to the back of the couch.
“I don’t even get the yawn and stretch?” you laughed.
“I ain’t tired,” he said, resting his arm over your shoulders. You turned your head, his gaze on you. 
“What are you thinking about?” you asked. His eyes moved around your face, his hand on your shoulders going to the back of your head as he leaned in.
You met him halfway, the kiss already more heated and playful than you’d ever received from him. His free hand went to the small of your back, pulling you into his lap, a tiny smile on his face before you took the chance to invade his mouth. You went back and forth, both of you trying to control it until you needed air and broke off, his hot breath hitting your face.
You took the chance and pushed him back on the couch until you were leaning over him, Jensen going all kinds of gooey.
“You like that, don’t you,” you said, brushing your lips over his ear.
“Normally no,” he said with a quick laugh.
“Gonna make an exception for me,” you said.
“You are something el-” he said, groaning when you cut him off with another kiss. You used one hand to hold yourself up, the other shooting to his hair, running through the strands and messing the short spiky strands up.
He bit at your bottom lip, the two of you going back and forth again until you fell into a harsh but smooth rhythm, his hand rubbing circles against the small patch of skin on your lower back. He pressed his fingertips into the flesh, a shiver running through you.
“That’s what I thought,” he murmured, nipping at your jaw while you caught your breath. He moved his lips, finding that one little spot that turned you into jelly and he sucked, a keening whine escaping you. He pulled his mouth away, staring up at you with dark green eyes. You blushed, a dark smirk spreading over his lips. He moved his mouth again, finding the spot and sucking. Hard.
“Jensen,” you whimpered, already knowing you were going to be sporting a hickey. You only seemed to encourage him, your head dropping as he pulled back with a chuckle you felt through his chest.
“That’s so fucking hot,” he said. You raised your head, staring him down.
“You’re turn,” you said, ducking your head down before he could even blink. A minute later he had the beginnings of a mark on his neck appearing, Jensen bit his bottom lip hard, making the thing even more swollen and red than it was. “Was that a moan I heard?”
“Groan,” he said, narrowing his eyes, grabbing your head and kissing you. His hands started to move though and you felt them on your hips, your breath catching in your throat when he started to tickle your thigh. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what,” you said, resting your forehead against his, your noses jammed against each other.
“You want me to do this, right?” he asked. 
“Touch me? Hell yeah, Ackles,” you said.
“You on anything?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “I’m good.”
“Good,” he said, sliding a hand in front of you, a finger tracing over the top of your leggings against your stomach. He peeled back the elastic and slid his warm hand underneath, staring up at you as he moved oh so slowly. “You have no idea how hot you are, do you.”
“Jensen,” you said, kissing him as he reached your underwear, his fingers curling under it. You sucked in a breath, arching into his hand.
Just as the front door opened in perfect view of where you were on the couch.
“What the fuck!” you heard Jared shout as you immediately shot up, Jensen yanking his hand away as you went to the other end of the couch. He walked in the room, staring at the both of you. “What the fuck!”
“Movie,” you said, Jensen nodding, not making eye contact.
“Were you just...in my family room!” he said. “No sex in the family room!”
“It wasn’t…” you said, squeezing your eyes shut. “You said you’d be gone until the morning.”
“I left my phone here and-”
“He has a hickey,” said Jensen, pointing at Jared’s neck, turning to you. “He can’t blame us for doing exactly what he was.”
“You better not be doing exactly what I was for how long you’ve known her,” he said.
“So sex is cool if it’s in my room?” you asked. Jared groaned. “Well you said the family room is off limits.”
“You got a house. Go have sex over there,” said Jared.
“But we’re here,” you said.
“What are you two? Rabbits?” said Jared, throwing his hands up. “I don’t care. Let’s never talk about this again.”
“Agreed,” you said.
“Oh and Ackles,” he said, pointing at Jensen. “Please never let me see you with your hand down my sister’s pants again.”
“Roger that,” he said, Jared sighing as he went upstairs, returning after a moment and heading outside. “Surprised I’m still alive if I’m being honest.”
“He understands,” you said, crawling back over to him.
“What are you doing?” he asked as you resumed your position from before.
“He’s not coming back,” you said. “I think you were about to do something really fun.”
“I was, wasn’t I,” he said, a mischievous look back on his face. “A whole lot of fun.”
“Morning,” said Jensen when you rolled over in your bed, the sun just starting to fill the room. “Still a bit early.”
“We went to bed early,” you teased, placing your hand on his bare chest.
“We most certainly did not,” he said.
“Can I ask a question? I thought, and in my experience, as guys get older, it takes them a bit longer to recover downstairs,” you said.
“Got a problem with it?” he smirked.
“With you being hornier than a teenage boy? No, no problem at all,” you said.
“It wasn’t too fast for you?” he asked.
“I think you took it pretty slow at some points,” you said, scooting closer. “But no, not for me. Do you-”
“No, not at all. Not that I was expecting anything...I had fun,” he said with a sleepy smile. “I feel like I have a lot of fun with you.”
“I know I do,” you said. He hummed and lay his arm over your back, his fingers dipping into the curve of your spine.
“S’always the quiet ones,” he teased.
“You’re one to talk,” you said, getting a soft lazy kiss from him. “Any big plans for the day?”
“Catch up on a few brewery things. My agent called yesterday. Sounds like they got that part I wanted narrowed down to me and another guy,” he said.
“That’s awesome! I hope you get it,” you said.
“And after I tag up with him, I’m going to call that investor back. Give the bed and breakfast the go ahead,” he said. You gave him a big smile and a kiss, Jensen’s cheeks pink for a moment.
“That’s great. I’m sure it’ll be a big success,” you said.
“I’m okay with little success,” he chuckled. “I’m just happy I’m actually doing it.”
“Well I will be your first guest,” you said.
“If I play my cards right, that may end up being very true,” he said, brushing his nose against yours. “You look sleepy.”
“It’s early,” you hummed, nuzzling into his chest. 
“How about we go back to sleep for a little while and then, we can have some coffee on the back patio?” he asked.
“I like the way you think, babe.”
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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narcissasdaffodil · 4 years
Thank you for the tag @kiki-the-creator @codename-mango and @voile-de-lune this gives me a perfect excuse to ramble and talk in depth again!
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Iris. Some people know my real life name too, so if you do, please don’t use it on here. I make a serious effort to separate my real life from online life.
2. When is your birthday?
22nd February
3. Where do you live?
Wales, UK. That’s how specific I’m willing to get.
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Listening to music, thinking in general, and considering writing/editing something.
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest?
LITG definitely, that’s by far my main one. This blog is a split between LITG and positivity. I’ll chuck Choices, The Haunting of Bly Manor/Haunting of Hill House and Taylor Swift in there too. This blog has way more than just those 4, but those are my main ones.
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
Back at the start of the year, I was getting better mental health wise, and starting to become a proper adult in general. Then the pandemic hit, and my mental health fully stabilised and has mostly been stable. I’ve had a couple anxious spirals and anxiety attacks since then, but I’ll always have anxiety and depression, it’s all about how I manage my shit and not let it overwhelm me too much. And, ooh! I started my first year of uni in September, and uni in a pandemic is definitely a strange experience. Online lectures actually fit better with me, not having to struggle to hear is great.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
I’ll cheat, and go for two albums: Folklore and Evermore have definitely made my year! Those two have been on pretty frequent repeat, so yeah x
8. Recommend a movie.
Booksmart and Ladybird. I can’t remember watching anything in the past year, so here’s two recommendations from past years.
9. How old are you?
I’m 19, 20 in 2 months and a day! I don’t always keep a realistic count either, but oh well. It’ll be weird when I do hit my 20s for real though, it appears at the moment I’m likely to have a lockdown birthday.
10. School, university, occupation, other?
University and I’m mostly loving it! I love my course, and am so relieved that past me decided that English wasn’t my thing, or even half the weird stuff I got tempted to do. 4 years ago, I seriously wanted to be a child psychologist despite a dislike of children and sucking at Maths and needing a B to even take Psychology. I scraped a C, so Psychology was out, thank god.
11. Do you prefer hot or cold?
Cold by far. I hate hot weather and the summer with a passion. With cold weather, you can add more layers, hot weather you can’t do much, just get more and more uncomfortable!
12. Name one fact others might not know about you.
I want to be bilingual/trilingual in terms of long term life goals. I’m very slowly teaching myself French and Welsh. Both languages are on hold for a bit, but I plan to pick them back up.
13. Are you shy?
Yup. I plan words in my head when I do speak, usually the conversation has continued without me in groups, hell, even group chats that happens! For me to go unfiltered I have to be very comfortable with you, so if you’re starting to hear me talking about more weird stuff (I call it weird o’clock for a label) you know I’m very comfortable, especially so if my messages sound weird and I sound high. Which I’m not, just unfiltered.
14. Your pronouns?
15. Biggest pet peeves?
Slow walkers, noisy eaters, people who eat with their mouth open, people who move/take my stuff (like, I had it like that for a reason.), loud people, people being nuisances late at night, peer pressure/influencing people in general (I’m pretty damn stubborn, so if I don’t want to drink, there’s no way that you’ll influence me to), arguments, large groups, people who use me for a therapist, dogs (that’s more me not being comfortable with loud noise, things jumping up on me, being absolutely terrified of dogs/having a genuine trigger for them), people who mock strange/rare stuff about people (a serious amount of stuff about me is strange/weird. So you’ll need to find a different person if you want something not weird!), interrupters, being ignored deliberately, and I think that’s it! Phew, that’s a lot.
16. What is your favorite “dere” type?
I used to be into anime, but that was way too long ago, so I have no clue.
17. Rate your life from 1-10
Likely a 7/8. As my mental health is mostly stable, I can actually write and do creative stuff without letting other people tell me it sucks (well, if you hate my stuff so much, do you really need to tell me? Heck no, in my opinion anyway.) I don’t quit stuff just because I get negative feedback any more,
18. What’s your main blog?
I only have this one! My LITG/positivity/random crap one, which started as a mental health recovery/positivity and fandom blog, then gradually got more chaotic as my own creations appeared.
19. List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
I don’t use side blogs, mainly as when I used to have multiple accounts on other social media, I’d always end up sticking to one and neglecting the others. I don’t know how multiple blog people do it, seriously.
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
If your first interaction with me is via an ask box, it might change a little bit once we properly message. I ramble, and talk about a serious amount of strange crap just because it interests me and do spam a lot when I do create stuff, so if spamming makes you uncomfortable, you’ll have to give me a heads up. But also what you see is pretty much what you get, I’m straightforward in that if you’re an arse to me, or people I care about, I will cut people out pretty quickly. I have no patience for people who lash out at others and do set boundaries with people. On a slightly more positive note, a side effect of chatting to me a lot is that I do gush about people’s work a lot. If I love something someone creates, my motto is always telling them! I’m human sunshine for a reason, but even then I can’t always keep it up, so don’t expect me to be constantly happy!
Tagging: @ravenadottir @confused-lesbiam @ajs-wife @bubblybabynailpolish @lucas-koh just tagged the first set of names I could think of!
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
(Dialogue heavy part. Also, I plan to make a masterpost with a link in my description so all the parts are easy to find in one place, and I can keep adding to it.)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Harry spent most of the day with you Sunday, and went back to his place a little before dinner time. You woke up early Monday so you could get your workout in at home, and showered. Feeling fresh, you were thankful you had plenty of slacks to wear for the week. You hated wearing skirts or dresses on your period. You couldn’t wait to see Niall to ask him about Sarah.
You stop at the coffee shop and grab yours and Niall’s coffees. You get up to your office, and go right to his. He’s just settling in, and smiles at you.
“Hey there, lady killer.” You said handing him his coffee.
“Shh.” He looks around and closes his door. “Did she tell you anything?”
“She said she had a great time with you. Have you texted or called?”
“We’ve texted. I could kill you for not setting me up sooner.”
“I could say the same thing to you about Harry.”
“Fine, we’re even.”
“Besides, she was in between guys, I didn’t even know she was available. She raved about you, so I hope you guys see where it goes.”
“I’m hoping to see her Tuesday after work for a movie.”
“Oh, nice.” You smile at your friend. “You know if it goes well, the four of us could go on double dates, how much fun would that be?”
“Not so much.” Your face falls.
“Why not? I feel like we never hang out anymore.”
“Well, you’ve been busy, which is perfectly fine. And, I don’t really like double dates with Harry. I feel like I have to compete with him or something.” He shrugs, sipping his coffee.
“Compete with what?”
“I don’t know, everyone finds him so charming.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter now. Sarah may decide the only thing she likes about you is your tongue.” You tease. Niall nearly chokes on his hot drink.
“She, she told you?”
“Only a couple of details.” You lie, you didn’t want to embarrass him. “It was all good things though, she was very impressed.”
“I honestly have to thank Harry for help in that department.”
“So I’ve learned.” You say blushing.
“Hold on a second.” He sits down next to you in the chairs across from desk. “Did you two get a little frisky this weekend?”
“Maybe a little.” You play with the top of your coffee lid.
“How do you feel?”
“Safe.” You lock eyes with him. “I only let him do…that. I didn’t let him use his hands or anything.”
“What made you want to do it?”
“Honestly, I was curious.” You shrug. “And I was just feeling really close to him. He, um, asked me to be his girlfriend.” Niall jumps up with a huge smile on his face.
“That just made my whole morning!”
“You don’t think it’s too soon to be official?”
“Not at all, in fact, Harry hasn’t had an actual girlfriend in like two years. He really does like you, (y/n).” You can’t help but giggle at his praise. “You haven’t changed your relationship status.” He says checking Facebook.
“I honestly hadn’t thought of it since he doesn’t have a Facebook.” You say getting up. “I’ll ask him if he minds if I change it.”
“Why would he mind?”
“I don’t know, then it’ll like really be official. Everyone will know I’m seeing someone. I don’t know if I’m ready for my parents and siblings to be up my ass.”
“Fair point. Okay, I’ll tell you what, things go well with Sarah, and all four of us can hang out some time.”
“I would love that.”
You go to your office, and get some work done. Lunch rolls around quick. Before you can go meet Niall you see a name on your phone. It’s Kate.
“Hey, (y/n).”
“Um, what’s up?”
“Nothing, just saw the pictures Rachel posted of the three of you. Thanks for the invite.”
“You wouldn’t have come anyways.”
“So, it’s still nice to be included.”
“Well, I wasn’t the one who made the plans, so take it up with them.”
“You’re my best friend, you should’ve texted me.”
“Kate, I’m at work.”
“You’re on your lunch break.” There’s an awkward pause. “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone new?”
“Because it’s still really new.”
“Still, I hate hearing things from other people about you.”
“Who told you?”
“Rachel. She said some guy showed up to the club, and his friend took Sarah home or something. Apparently he’s super-hot.”
“You’ve met Niall before. Remember? He came with me to your wedding?”
“No, I mean the guy you brought.”
“His name is Harry.”
“Harry what?”
“Don’t bother looking him up, he doesn’t have a Facebook, and his Instagram doesn’t have any pictures of him.”
“Great, so you’re seeing a serial killer.”
“You could be happy for me. He’s really into me.”
“I just think you need to be more cautious.”
“I am. We haven’t done anything…serious.”
“Define serious.”
“I don’t owe you any explanations.” Usually, you and your friends were very open about sex, but lately it was hard to talk to Kate about these things.
“(y/n), you were practically ra-“ You cut her off before she could finish the word.
“Stop it! Harry is nothing like Jake!” Niall walks into your office horrified. You wave him in, and put your finger up to signal you’re almost done. “Kate, I’m not doing this with you right now.”
“Fine. Look, Kevin and I are spending the weekend in the city, and we were wondering if you’d wanna hang out. Maybe the four of us can do a double date.”
“You know, it would be nice if just us girls could get together. You never come here alone.”
“You know how Kev is.”
“Possessive, controlling.”
“Enough. Do you want to see each other or not?”
“Of course I do. I’ll see what Harry’s up to. When did you want to get together?”
“Friday night? Dinner at our spot?”
“Alright, I’ll text you later, I need to go eat.” You hang up in a huff and nearly throw your phone across the room, but you stop yourself. You look at Niall.
“Was that Kate?”
“Yeah! God, she is so fucking infuriating. She has no problem making me feel bad about my past, but the second I call her out on something.” You try to steady tour breathing. “And now I have to see her this weekend.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I miss her, Niall. She used to be so much fun.”
“Well, if you bring Harry, just be prepared, he’s not going to let someone speak to you like that.”
“Great, dinner and a show.”
You show up to Harry’s after the gym. You drive there sort of on autopilot. You let him know you’re outside, and he buzzes you in. You have an open sweatshirt on over a sports bra. Your hair is up in a messy bun, and you’re wearing cropped leggings. You only went to lift weights since you got your cardio in this morning.
“This is a nice surprise.” He says kissing you on the cheek. He makes you stand in front of him to get a good look at you. “Sexy outfit.” Your cheeks flush. “Want something to eat? I was just making dinner.”
“I don’t want to impose, love.”
“S’not an imposition.” He smiles. “ I always make extra.” You walk over to the stove to see what he’s making. “Nothing special, just roasted chickpeas to top my salad.”
“It smells delicious. I’ll have a little.”
“Good, go sit.” He makes a plate for you, and sits down at the table with you. “So, what do I owe this honor on a school night?” You giggle.
“Well, I got a call from my friend Kate today.”
“The one you miss who’s married?”
“Correct.” He nods. “Her and Kevin, her husband, are coming into town this weekend, and she wanted to know if we’d have dinner with them.”
“We huh?”
“I didn’t even have a chance to tell her about you. Rachel told her I was seeing someone.”
“What night?”
“Friday.” He takes out his phone and checks his calendar. “Um, yeah that works. I have to work late that night, so if they’re okay with an eight o’clock dinner…”
“That would work well I think. I’m sure they’ll hit traffic. The place we’re going is kind of swanky, so you may want to bring a change of dress clothes with you to work.”
“Is this okay with you? If you don’t feel comfortable-“ He puts a hand over yours.
“I would love nothing more than to meet more of your friends. Plus, she seems important to you.” He shrugs.
“I have another question?”
“So, we’re together.”
“And typically, when two people make things official, it’s customary for them to change their status online, to let others know they are no longer available.”
“Are you asking me if it’s okay to change your Facebook status?” You smile nervously and he starts laughing. “Go ahead, baby. I mean, s’not like you can tag me in it, so it’ll just say you’re in a relationship.”
“I know, it seems silly. But now that Kate knows, and Sarah and Rachel…I mean, god I haven’t even told my mom.” He furrows his eyebrows at you.
“So wait to change then.” He takes his phone out. He goes into Instagram, and you get a ping on your phone. “style2294 has requested to follow you?” You smile at him.
“That’s my private Instagram. Told ya it wasn’t really under my name.”
“Very cryptic that you left it as style and not styles. Is that your birthday?” You ask, accepting the request, and follow him back. He accepts.
“That’s around my half birthday.”
“Wait, don’t tell me.” He thinks for a moment. “August?”
“What’s the date?”
“The fourth, ’95.”
“So you like just turned twenty-four only a couple months ago. You young thing.” He teases.
“Oh stop, you’re literally a year and half older than me.” You go to scroll through his pictures, but he stops you.
“Wait to do that until we’re not together, please, some of those pictures are old, and embarrassing.”
“Alright.” You stop to think about your own photos. “I have some embarrassing ones too.”
“I’ll bet.”
“So, Friday, you’re sure?”
“Positive.” He takes both of your empty plates and places them in the sink. “Now then, come here so I can kiss ya.”
You go over to him, and he holds you in his arms, and kisses your cheecks, nose, forehead, and jawline. His hands move down to your bum, and you jump back with a squeak.
“Still got my period.” He gives you a funny look.
“So that means I can’t squeeze that glorious-“ You put your hand over his mouth.
“Please, I’m begging, don’t finish that sentence.” You say looking up at him with big eyes. He smirks at you. “What?”
“Lil horny are we?”
“You are, aren’t you?”
“It’s not funny!”
“I’m not laughing!”
“Your smile says it all.” You cross your arms over your tender breasts. “It’s the hormones.”
“Sure it is. How were your cramps today?”
“Much better. What you saw yesterday was an anomaly.” You look down at your watch. “I should probably head home now.”
“I’m going to be really busy this week. With the weather still nice, and the leaves just turning, I’ve racked up some freelance stuff. I don’t want you to think I’m ignorin’ ya or anything.” You give me a hug and rest your head on his chest.
“Thank you for letting me know.” You kiss him on the cheek. As you’re about to break the hug he pulls you in, and kisses you on the mouth.
“Didn’t think I’d let ya leave with just a peck on the cheek?”
“What was I thinking?” You kiss him again. “Thanks for dinner.” You say on your way out.
Your period ends Thursday, thank god. Kate texts you saying that eight is perfectly fine for dinner Friday. You and Niall find yourself chatting before you leave for work Friday.
“You never told me how the movie with Sarah went.”
“We never made it to the movie.” He winks at you.
“You dirty dog.” You tease.
“So, tonight is your big double date?”
“Yup, I gotta go home and change.”
“Where are you guys going again? That Italian place?”
“Yeah, it’s really nice. Kate and I used to save up our money once a month to go there when we were in college.”
“Well, I hope it all goes smoothly. I know Harry will be there, but if you need anything, I’m there for you.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that. I’m seeing Sarah and Rachel with Kate and Kevin tomorrow.”
“Yeah, Sarah told me. I’m seeing her tonight.”
“Dirty, dirty dog.”
You go home, and freshen up. You pull out a red dress. It has a high neckline, but hugs tight around your thighs, accentuating your bum. You know Harry will love it, and Kate won’t be able to say anything because your chest is covered. The back is open, so you opt to not wear a bra. Instead you just tape yourself up. The material is thick enough that you can’t see your piercings through it. You curl your hair and brush it out to create your waves. You put on some red strappy heels, and uber to the restaurant. You want to be able to leave with Harry in his car later.
Kate and Kevin are standing in the lobby of the restaurant, it’s ten of eight. You two smile at each other and take each other in for a big hug. You give Kevin a much smaller embrace.
“You look amazing!” Kate beams at you. “That gym membership is doing wonders for you.”
“The best part is my company pays for it. I think laying off the meat has helped too. I mostly am forced to eat fruit and veggies.” You hear Kevin scoff.
“I still can’t believe you’re a vegetarian. It’s like you crossed over to the darkside.” You flip him off, and he rolls his eyes.
“Harry’s a vegan, and I don’t want you making fun of him.”
“What the hell is he supposed to eat here then?”
“He’ll get some gluten free pasta and a salad or something.” You shrug.
“Where is he anyways?” Kate asks.
“It’s only eight now. He said he might run late, he had a really busy work week.”
“What does he do?” Kevin asks.
“He’s a photographer, a highly sought after one at that.” The two look at each other. “He works for a magazine, and does some freelancing on the side.” You take your phone out to show them his professional Instagram.
“Wow, these are actually really good.” Kate says.
“Don’t sound so surprised. Niall wouldn’t have set me up with some idiot.”
“Oh, you two met on a blind date?” Kevin asks. “Kate didn’t tell me the story.”
“That’s because she didn’t tell me the story.”
“Well, you can both hear it soon, when he gets here.”
“I hope it is soon, I don’t want them to give our table up.” Kate says harshly.
You feel a gust of wind, and turn around. Suddenly everything feels like slow motion. Harry walks in with damp hair, accentuating his natural curls. He’s wearing a light blue suit and a white dress shirt. He has brown dress shoes on. He looks heavenly.
“That’s him.” You say to Kate before walking over to greet him. He takes you in his arms, and kisses the top of your head.
“So sorry I’m wait, love, I had to have a shower. I was rolling in dirt all day.” He looks over at Kate and Kevin whose mouths are hanging open. “Hi, I’m Harry.” He sticks his hand out and they each take a turn shaking it. They both furrow their brows at his nails. He must have gotten them done this week because they were now a pastel pink and blue. His forefinger and middle finger were both pink on one hand and the rest blue. The opposite hand had the same, but opposite. He notices them notice. “Right, shall we?”
You all go to the hostess, and she seats you. Harry pulls your chair out for you, and helps you in. He takes his suit jacket off, and puts it over the chair. Kevin and Kate just sit down. You put your hand on Harry’s leg and give him a gentle squeeze.
“It’s great to meet you, Harry.” Kate finally says.
“Likewise.” A waiter comes over before anything else can be said.
“Hi folks, I’m Matt, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you all off with a drink?”
“Vodka tonic for me please.” You say.
“Yes, please.”
“I’ll have a glass of pinot noir.” Kate says. You frown for a second. She’s drinking, which means she’s still not pregnant.
“I’ll have a corona.” Kevin says.
“I’ll, um, have a gin and tonic.” Harry says.
“Perfect, be back with those in a few.”
Harry squints at the menu trying to see what he can actually eat. Another server brings over some bread and butter, and fills the water glasses. Harry leans into you.
“You look lovely, by the way.” You giggle.
“Thank you.”
“What are you going to eat?”
“Not sure yet. Maybe some ravioli?”
“So, Harry, (y/n), tells us you’re a vegan?” Kevin asks.
“Um, yeah.”
“If we had known we could have gone somewhere else.” Kate says, trying to make you look bad.
“It’s really no problem. There’s actually a lot I can have. They have zucchini noodles it seems. I’ll probably have that.”
“Don’t you feel hungry all the time without the protein?” Kevin asks.
“Not really, I eat a lot of nuts and beans.”
The waiter comes over with the drinks. He notices Harry’s nails.
“Oh, sir, I don’t mean to sound weird, but I love your nails.”
“Oh, thanks mate.” Harry smiles up at the young boy.
“So, um, did we have a chance to look over the menu?” Everyone nods. “Great, miss?” He nods to you.
“Can I please have the cheese ravioli, and can I have a side of whatever today’s vegetable is?”
“Of course. Sir?”
“I’ll have these zoodles with the roasted vegetables on top. No sauce, please.”
Kevin orders steak tips of course, which nearly makes you gag. Kate orders the raviolis as well. The two of them dig into the bread, and you also have a piece.
“Since the waiter brought it up, can I ask why you paint your nails?” Kevin asks. You want to kick him under the table, but glare at him instead.
“Just something I do for fun.” Harry shrugs. “I’m sure as an oral surgeon, you’re probably not allowed to have yours painted.”
“Even if I could, I wouldn’t. It’s a little girly.”
“Kevin.” You say, warning.
“S’alright.” Harry says. “I know it looks a little weird. But, I don’t necessarily think it’s girly. I like having clean nails. Why should women be the only people allowed to have a manicure?” He sips his drink.
“You can get a manicure without getting your nails painted.” Kate interjects.
“What’s the fun in that?” Kate looks down at his hands.
“The rings are nice.” She says.
“Is that an anchor on your wrist?” Kevin asks.
“Yup.” Harry rolls his sleeve a bit so they can better see it. “Can’t remember when exactly I got it, but it was a while ago.” Kate sees the cross on his hand.
“(y/n) is Jewish, you know?” Harry raises an eyebrow at her, then looks at you. “We all are, that’s how we became friends at school.”
“I didn’t know that.” He says looking at you, and smiles. “Guess the mezuzah in your front hall makes more sense now.”
“You didn’t tell him?”
“It didn’t come up, Kate.”
“Alright, so, how exactly did you two meet?” Kevin interjects.
“We have a mutual friend that set us up.” Harry rests a hand on your thigh.
“Niall, right?” Kate asks. “He came to our wedding with (y/n).”
“Yup, Niall. He and I were mates in school, and he works with (y/n), obviously.”
“What did you do for a first date?” Kevin asks.
“We went to dinner at that tapas place.” You say, smiling at the memory. “And then after that we just kept seeing each other.” You lean close to him.
The food runner brings all of your plates over. You stare at the steak tips. They smell heavenly, but as soon as you see the juices drip down Kevin’s knife, you find yourself standing up.
“You alright?” Harry asks, slightly standing.
“Yeah, just, um, excuse me, I need to use the ladies room.”
“I’ll go with you.” Kate says standing up.
You two rush to the bathroom, and you splash a little cold water on your face.
“What’s wrong?” She rubs your now clammy back.
“Nothing, I thought I was going to puke. He had to order steak tips?”
“I thought you weren’t an ethical vegetarian.”
“I’m not, Kate, but jesus, I can’t help being absolutely disgusted.”
“Is this because Jake ate steak on your first date? Is it triggering?”
“No! You mentioning his fucking name is triggering.” You turn to face her. “You both could also stop grilling Harry so much. He’s really sweet and you both are judging him. Nail polish on men is becoming more and more popular, it’s really not that fucking weird.” She sighs.
“You’re right, we’ve been rude. I’ll settle down a little. Just please come back and try not to look at his food.”
While you both are in the bathroom, Harry and Kevin wait to eat.
“I hope she’s alright.” Harry keeps his eyes locked on the direction you ran in.
“She’s fine. So, how long have you two been seeing each other?”
“It’s been a month this weekend, actually.”
“I think that’s the longest she’s ever seen someone.” He laughs. “She was pretty wild in college.”
“Who wasn’t?” Harry shrugs off the statement, taking a sip of his drink. He sighs in relief when he sees you walking back to the table, and stands up. Kevin stays seated. “Alright?” He says sitting back down as you do.
“Yeah, just needed to powder my nose.” You keep your eyes locked on your food. Everyone digs in to their own.
“(y/n), I was thinking we could all go back to your place tonight after dinner.” Kate says. “That way we can keep getting to know each other.” She says with a smile.
“Um, sure, we could do that.” You look up at Harry who is giving Kate a funny look. “Does that work for you?”
“Sure does.” He smiles at you.
The waiter comes over and asks if anyone wants dessert, you all say no, and he leaves the check. Harry and Kevin reach for it at the same time.
“Your money’s no good here.” Kevin says. “We asked you both here.” You guess all men have this rule.
“I insist, at least let me split it with you.”
“Sure, we can split it.” They each put their credit cards in, and the wait come by and grabs it. He brings it back in no time, they both sign the slips. Harry leaves some extra cash on the table.
“Where’d you park, love?” He asks putting his jacket on.
“Oh, I didn’t drive here, I took an uber. I figured I’d just leave with you.” You shrug. He smiles and kisses you on the cheek. “Right, so we’ll just meet you guys at her place?”
“Sounds good, see you soon.” Kate says.
You and Harry don’t say much on the car ride to your place. Once you’re inside, you quickly tidy up. He sighs.
“What?” You ask, as you run around.
“Kinda rude to invite herself here, don’t you think?”
“That’s Kate.” You pull up a playlist on your Spotify, and connect it to your Bluetooth. “It’s a late 2000s playlist, should help lighten the mood.” You say, taking your heels off. “They won’t stay long anyways.”
“Kevin is, interesting.”
“He used to be more fun too.”
“He mentioned you used to be wild.” Harry puts his hands on your waist. His touch burns into you. “This is a really nice dress.”
“Thank you, and he’s just talking smack. I did used to party probably a little too much. But who doesn’t when they’re in college?”
“That’s what I said.” The buzzer goes off, and you buzz them in.
“Harry, could you open that bottle of wine for me please?” You ask pointing to the one in the kitchen, as you go to open the door.
“I love what you’ve done with the place.” Kate beams at you. “You really should be an interior decorator.”
“Oh stop, you know my Nannie picked everything out.”
“Nannie?” Harry asks.
“My grandmother, I call her Nannie.” You say giving him a peck on the cheek. “You guys want some wine?” You take out four glasses.
“Yes, please.” Kate says. You pour the wine into the glasses.
Kate and Kevin sit on the couch. Harry sits in the large chair adjacent to the couch, and you sit on the arm rest of the chair. He takes his arm, and moves you to sit on his lap. You giggle, and make yourself comfortable.
“So, how did you all meet?” Harry asks.
“Oh god, well (y/n) and I met at an activities fair. We both were looking for a film club.” Kate says. “I think you and Rachel were roommates freshman year right?”
“Yup. Then we met Sarah at that Jewish students meeting, that school had a club for everything. You and I roomed together sophomore year.”
“Awe that was such a good year. Then the four of us lived together our last two years. We met Kev our junior year.”
“And when did you two start dating?”
“Mid-way through our senior year.” She squeezes his hand. Kevin smiles at Kate.
“Yup, and then I stole her away.”
“That’s an understatement.” You say, sipping your wine.
“Excuse me?” Kevin says.
“Nothing, we just barely saw Kate after. You two stopped hanging out with us.” You shrug.
“We were busy.” Kevin says with a smirk.
“Kev, please, don’t flatter yourself.” Kate says, teasing. “You know we had a lot of classes together second semester, we were studying together a lot.”
“You practically moved out of our apartment.” Harry taps his hand on your thigh to the beat of the song playing, and you lean back further into him.
“I’m surprised you didn’t notice, with how little you slept there.” You shoot daggers at her. “And at least I was staying with the same person every night, not just throwing it around for anyone who would take it.” She takes a large sip of her wine.
“That’s because you got all of that out of your system your freshman year, remember?”
“I do remember, I remember you saying how jealous you were of me.”
“Little did I know there wasn’t much to be jealous of. You’re still bitter that Eric stopped seeing you because he wanted to see me.” You take an even bigger sip of your wine.
“Really? You’re bringing up Eric?”
“You started it.”
“Well, at least I never got an STD!” You stand up and so does Kate. The guys just look at the two of you.
“Kate! For the last time, I did not get scabies from sleeping with someone!”
“Oh no? Then you how else do you get scabies?”
“I don’t know, but I didn’t sleep with any dirty guys.”
“Are you sure? Sophomore year you fucked anything with a dick! And you wanna know why we stopped hanging out with the three of you that last year? I told Kev how you felt about him, and he didn’t want to be around you anymore.”
“How I felt about him?” You point at Kevin. “I didn’t have feelings for Kevin, fuck Kevin.”
“Yes you did, you told Sarah that you wanted to fuck him, and you knew I liked him!”
“Well good fucking thing you married him, Kate! And I never told Sarah that, I never wanted to fuck your fucking boyfriend.”
“Then why would she have told me you did?”
“She was probably talking about Kevin from the track team. Did she tell you when she was drunk? She probably got confused. And just like always, instead of you just talking to me about an issue, you let it blow up for no fucking reason.”
“What do you mean like always?”
“You always make mountains out of mole hills, and you always think you know better than everyone else. Guess what, just because you’re married doesn’t make you any better than me.”
“There it is, you’re jealous that I’m living the life that you want.”
“What is there to be jealous of? You never have any fun, Kevin never fucking lets you go out!”
“Stop it.”
“You’re afraid of him, right? You’re afraid he’ll leave you? Personally, I think you could’ve done a lot better than him, but you needed the security right? You’re lonely, and you get mad at us for actually having lives. I didn’t tell you to run off with him, and buy a big fucking house. No one had a gun to your head, you made your choices.”
“Would you shut up!? You’re making me sound like I’m this idiot that can’t make a life for myself. Kevin and I love each other, and you’re just jealous of that because you can’t stand to see a married couple happy.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Ever since your parents separated you haven’t been able to stand the thought of marriage! I think you’re mad at yourself, you’re a slut, just like your mom!” You’re about to raise your hand to Kate, but Harry grabs your wrist.
“Alright”, he turns the music off. “I think that’s about enough of that.”
“Who are you?” She says to him.
“Kate, he’s right, you went too far.” Kevin says standing up.
“I won’t sit here and listen to you talk to my girlfriend like that.”
“Girlfriend? You two just started seeing each other!” She looks at you. “You said you were going to take it slow this time.”
“I did, we are!”
“Then how is he already your boyfriend, Jesus Christ, you are so fucking stupid! You trust people way too easily.” She shakes her head at you. Your blood is boiling, and you go to lunge at her, but Harry wraps his arms around you and holds you back. “Go ahead, let her hit me, it’s what she wants.”
“I think it’s time for you both to leave.” Harry says, still holding onto your shaking body. You steady your breathing, and tap his hands.
“You know something Kate, I know what you’re really mad about.” You smirk.
“What’s that?”
“You’re not actually angry with me, you’re angry at the fact that you married a guy that hasn’t been able to make you orgasm since you met.”
“Woah, what?” Kevin interjects. Kate’s mouth falls open.
“Speechless? That’s a first.”
You don’t register what’s happening until you feel Kate’s hand connect with your cheek. Harry steps in front of you.
“You need to get the fuck out now.” He says to her with dark eyes. You’re holding you’re stinging cheek.
“Have fun with your fru fru boyfriend, and his photos and his painted nails. Let’s see how long this one lasts.”
You don’t say anything, Harry follows them out. He comes back to you, tears streaming down your cheeks. You can barely breathe, your mascara starts to sting your eyes, and you can feel your cheek swelling. Harry crosses the room, he goes to touch you, but you flinch away from him.
“I’m so sorry all that happened. I should have interjected sooner, but it just seemed like you two needed to get something out.”
“It’s not your fault.” You say with a crack in your voice. “She’s just a bitch, and I should have stopped talking to her a long fucking time ago.” You press your fingers slowly to your cheek. “Fuck.”
“Let me get you some ice, go sit on the couch.” You do as he says. He pulls some ice out of your freezer and puts it in a baggy, then wraps it in a towel. He sits next you, and lightly dabs your face.
“Thanks.” You sniffle.
“She’s not worth your tears, love.” He takes his thumb and wipes just under your good eye. You lean into his touch.
“Will you please take me to bed?” He smiles and nods.
He scoops you up in his arms, and carries you to your room. He gently sets you down on the bed. He goes over to your bureau, and pulls out a t-shirt and shorts for you.
“I’m just gonna go down to my car. I, uh, packed an overnight bag just in case.” You nod.
You go into the bathroom, and wash your face, your cheek is still sore, but it shouldn’t leave a mark. You didn’t want anyone thinking Harry hit you. You change, and grab your phone. You sit down at your desk, and you call Rachel, knowing Sarah is with Niall.
“Hey girl.” She says to you.
“Kate fucking slapped me.”
“That bitch fucking slapped me!” Harry walks into your room, and starts to change in front of you. You can’t help but watch while you talk to your friend.
“Why? What happened?”
“She started a fight with me…I know I added fuel the fire, but she called myself and my mom a whore, so I blurted out that Kevin can’t fuck her right, and she slapped me.”
“Jesus, and she did this in front of Harry?”
“Of course she did!”
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, it just stings a little, she slapped me with one of her rings on.”
“Well, you know how she likes it rough.” You and Rachel burst out laughing.
“Oh yeah, she a freak.” You stifle your laughter, as Harry gives you a very confused look. He looks heavenly in his grey sweat pants.
“So, I’m assuming we’re not all hanging out tomorrow?”
“I’m not seeing her again.”
“Alright, maybe Sarah and I could come by to see you then. You know Kate is going to twist this whole thing around. I’m glad you called to tell me first.”
“Me too. It’s sad how much she’s changed.”
“I think if she just left Kevin she would be so much happier. They’re not a good match.”
“We tried to tell her, Rach.”
“But mother knows best.” Rachel groans. “Is Harry still with you?”
“Alright, then go be with your man. I’ll text you tomorrow to see when we should come by. Probably in the afternoon. Sarah is with your friend again tonight.”
“Oh, I know. And sounds good, talk to you tomorrow.” You hang up the phone, and look at the man sitting at the edge of the bed.
“What was so funny?”
“Nothing, Rachel just reminded me of something that Kate likes.” You shrug.  You stand up and walk over to him until you’re standing between his legs.
“Do you wanna just go to bed? I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
“Yeah, would you cuddle me?”
“Do you even need to ask?”
You both get cozy under the covers, and he spoons you nice and close to him. You wiggle your bum against him a couple of time, and he adjusts himself.
“If you keep moving against me like that, we’re going to have a problem.” He says into your ear. He starts laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, I just can’t believe she slapped you.” You start laughing with him.
“She’s an idiot.” He hugs you closer to him, and nestles in your hair. You both slowly drift off into sleep.
Early that morning, you hear your name being called by a familiar voice. Harry jolts awake and you look at each other.
“How many friends of yours have a key to this apartment?” He asks getting up.
“Too many.” You hide under the covers. “Make her go away.” He gets up, and leaves the room.
Kate looks much different from last night. She’s in sweats, her hair in a messy bun, and no makeup. She looks up at Harry. Her eyes are swollen and red, probably from crying. He crosses his arms when he looks back at her.
“I really don’t think she wants to see you.”
“I just need to talk with her privately. I need to apologize, I can’t lose her.”
“Seems like you lost her a long time ago.” She sighs and stands up. She starts to walk to toward your room, but he stands in her way.
“You don’t get to decide who she speaks to.”
“You’re right, but she did ask me to make you leave. And you should probably leave that key on the counter on your way out.” Kate brushes past Harry, and she bursts into your room. She closes the door quickly behind him and she locks it.
“She locked the door!” He yells. You get out of bed, and stand with your arms crossed.
“I have some explaining to do. I acted like a psycho last night.” You roll your eyes at her. “I suppose I was just taking all of my frustrations out on you.”
“Like you always do. I can’t be your punching bag.”
“I know that. I’m so sorry. Kevin and I stopped trying to get pregnant, and I haven’t wanted him to touch me. I may have lied about him not being okay with me coming to visit you guys.”
“What do you mean?” You both sit on the bed.
“Well, I made it all up. The truth was, it hurt to hang out. I was jealous of your lives. My parents pressured me into staying with him, and I stupidly listened. I love him, I do, but there’s no passion. Not like there was. We’re, um, going to separate for a while.” She chokes back a few tears. “I don’t expect you to feel bad for me, because honestly I deserve everything bad that has happened to me.”
“You don’t deserve to be unhappy, Kate.”
“Yes, I do. I’ve been having an affair for the last month. I told Kevin last night.”
“Oh my god, with who?”
“One of his colleagues.” She says looking down. “I was always attracted to him, and one night we met up and just fucked, all night. It was incredible. He, um, likes the same things that I do.” Her cheeks grow red.
“Where are you gonna go?”
“Kev’s gonna sublet an apartment closer to the hospital so I can stay in the house. At least until we figure everything out. We’re probably going to get divorced.”
“What did he say when you told him about the affair?”
“Well, he asked why I would do that. And he asked how he could better satisfy me, and I told him what I was into, and he said he just didn’t feel comfortable with it, and I told him I knew that. He knows it was just a sex thing. We’re both still so young, and we don’t want to waste anymore of each other’s time.”
“What will you do?”
“Well, I’m almost done with my master’s degree, and once I have that I’ll start making more money so I’ll be able to move out. He said once I’m a month into my raise we’ll put the house on the market.”
“You figured all of this out last night?”
“Yeah, we were up all night talking. God, my parents are going to be pissed.”
“It’s not their life, Kate.”
“I know. Listen, I am so sorry I said that stuff about your mom, I never should have gone there.”
“I’m not going to say it’s okay, because it’s not.”
“Do you think we’ll be able to move on from this?”
“You assaulted me.”
“I really shouldn’t drink anymore. I’m sorry.”
“I’m going to need some time. I know I said some hurtful things to you too.”
“I told Rachel and Sarah what happened in a group text.”
“I called Rachel last night.”
“I cancelled our plans today. Kev is waiting in the car downstairs, I just wanted the chance to explain.”
“I appreciate you being honest.” You reach out and hug her. “I need some time to cool down from all this.”
“Okay.” She breaks your hug and stands up. “When will we talk next?”
“When I feel ready, I’ll call.” She nods. “Kate, I still care a lot about you, and I want to be there for you. But…”
“I made this mess, it’s time I cleaned it up.” She opens the door. Harry is leaning against the hall closet. “Thanks warden.” She says to him. She looks back at you, and then to him. “Treat her right, she’s special.” Kate leaves the apartment, and leaves the key on the counter like Harry said. Harry sits on the bed next to you.
“Good talk?”
“Sort of. Her and Kevin are going to separate. She’s been having an affair with another doctor for over a month.”
“I heard a little, why exactly did she stray from Kevin?”
“Kate, how do I put this, she likes to be a little rough when she has sex.”
“She likes to be rough, or she likes when someone is rough with her?”
“The second one. We all know about it, and promised not to say anything. At first she said she was just into like being tied up, you know little fantasies, but she’s into some really dark shit. Not to kink shame.” You say in defense. “People like what they like.”
“Define dark shit.”
“God, don’t make me say it.” You say a little embarrassed.
“What is it, a daddy kink?”
“Yeah, but like it’s more than that. She likes when a guy is like really dominant, like scary dominant. Like one time she came back from hooking up with this guy, and she showed us her butt and it was beat red, like it left this giant bruise. I guess he spanked her like ten times in a row or something. And then she told us that he like choked her and would spit in her mouth.” It sends a shiver up your spine. “Gross.”
“And Kevin wasn’t willing to do any of that with her?”
“Not really. He was scared of hurting her, which I completely understand. Ugh, this whole conversation has turned my stomach. Could you imagine spitting your own come into someone’s mouth?”
“Wait what?” He bursts out laughing.
“Some guy came inside of her, went down on her, licked it up, and spit it into her mouth and made her swallow it.”
“And she liked that?”
“Loved it!” You start laughing. “I really shouldn’t laugh, it’s not her fault she’s into that sorta thing. She just discovered it.”
“At first I thought you were just grossed out at like regular spitting, but I can see how that would gross you out. Even I wouldn’t do that.”
“What are you saying exactly?”
“Regular spit isn’t gross, you’re already swapping spit as it is.” He shrugs. You put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m only going to say this once. Please, do not ever spit into my mouth.” He chuckles.
“You got it.” Your phone starts to buzz, it’s Sarah.
“(y/n), are you okay????”
“Yeah, Sarah, I’m fine.”
“I felt so bad, Rachel told me everything and I didn’t get Kate’s texts until a little while ago. Do you want us to come over?”
“No, I think I’d like to just hang out with Harry today. I’ve had my fill of girl time, but I’ll check in with you guys tomorrow.”
“Alright, sweetie. Talk soon.” You hang up, and fling your back on the bed and groan.
“I just want to turn my brain off!” You look at him, he’s smiling at you. “What?”
“You wanna spend the day with Harry huh?”
“Sorry, do you have other things you need to do?” You say apologetically.
“Nope, I just thought it was sweet.” He climbs on top of you, and you wrap your legs around him. “Let me distract you for a little while.” He says into your neck, and he starts to kiss you slowly.
“I really should take a shower.” He sighs, and gets off of you. You get up, and look at him confused. “Well?”
“Well what?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Aren’t you going to join me?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I wanna be close with you.”
“You realize I’ll be naked, and you haven’t seen me yet.”
“But I’ve felt you. And who says I would even look?” You say playfully. “C’mon, come shower with me.”
He doesn’t hesitate, and gets up, following you into the bathroom.
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Survey #298
“i don’t like what i am becoming  /  wish i could just feel something”
Do you have sensitive skin? Very. Do you wear necklaces or earrings more? Just my tragus piercing, really. I only ever wear a necklace sometimes if I'm taking a "nice" picture. Rings or bracelets? I currently don't wear any bracelets, but I do always have one ring on. How many toilets are in your house? Two. Is your current crush younger than you? By just a couple years. Are you a lighter complexion than your father? Yes; he's very tan, especially his arms from being a mailman. Ranch or barbeque sunflower seeds? I don't like sunflower seeds. Do you know the first five books of the Bible in order? No. Do you have a pet fish? Nah, they're not my thing. Do you believe being gay is a choice or a "disorder"? Neither; I believe it's a genetic mutation. It defies biology and the very motive for life, but I always say that a mutation does not, in any way, equate to "wrong." I am extremely adamantly pro-gay rights and bisexual myself, so I can't shit-talk it. What are some of your favourite sounds? Crunching leaves, rain gently tapping on windows, windchimes, birdsong... mainly nature sounds. There are others, I'm just blanking right now. Are you a warm weather or cold weather person? Cold, 100%. What time do you wake up? What for? This spans over a massive gap, honestly... I can wake up as early as 5 or as late as 9:30. Most often, it's pretty early, and I call that my "trial" of being awake, lol... because I will almost without fail go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Hell, that happens even if I sleep on the later side. Do you ever listen to music to fall asleep to? I used to do that in middle and maybe some of high school, I think; I'd fall asleep with my iPod on and earbuds in. I haven't done that in a very long time, though. Could you spend the rest of your life with someone who had bad taste in music? ... Yes? Their taste in music has nothing to do with them as a person???? Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? No, and it's best I don't. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yes, and that's how I found out I'm far from a lightweight. I wasn't going to drink more than I actually wanted to drink just to get wasted. Did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? Yeah. Who is the last child you held? My youngest niece. Have you ever woken up not knowing where you were? Maybe for a few moments after my surgery? I don't really recall. When is the last time you made the wrong choice in anything? Every fucking day when I decide what to do with my time. What is the most interesting thing in the room you are in? My snake, I guess. She's a champagne morph ball python. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first? I put on soap first. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance? Probably when Mom literally dragged me home after I tried to walk to Jason's to talk the night of the breakup. I lost my fucking mind. Which gift cards do you have in your wallet? I don't think I have any. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. I hate Pepsi. What is better: cute smile, or amazing eyes? A cute smile. What song are you listening to? "Drilled a Wire Through My Cheek" by Blue October is on currently. Name your best friend(s): Sara. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Nope. Last night you felt? I wasn't suicidal, but still kinda wanted to die lmao. Do you still watch Disney channel? No. How do you like your eggs? I only enjoy them scrambled, and preferably with cheese. What’s your all-time favorite song? "False Flags" by Massive Attack. If you could be any TV character, who would you be and why? Idk, I don't watch TV enough. Maybe Donna from That '70s Show. Very strong and independent, outspoken, and not to mention she has great taste. I find her to be a good female character to look up to. Do you ever come up with really good ideas for stories or movies? Do you do anything with them? Yeah; I'll try to integrate them into RP characters and plots. What sort of things do you post on your Tumblr? Vintage photos, screen caps, girly things? It's a Markiplier cesspit lmao. Sometimes I'll reblog shit I find funny. I've been very inactive on it, though. Have you ever had a dream that you couldn’t shake, even for days after you woke up? Oh yes. When was the last time you felt like a nuisance, or unwanted? Recently, I'm sure. When was the last time your dreams were crushed, or at least hindered? I dunno. How’s school going? I'm not in school. Are you angry at anyone right now? Myself. The last person to say they loved you? Mom. When is the last time you laughed hard? Hard? I'm really not sure. Are there any words on your shirt? No, it's just a blank black tank. Does it take a lot to make you cry? NOPE. Do you tell your parents everything? No. Do you get bored easily? I'm bored to the point of thinking being dead would be more fun at some point almost every day. I have anhedonia badly. I'm honestly starting to think I've over-medicated to a numbing degree so am trying to wean off some things. Have you ever burned someone's picture? No. How long was your last nap? Maybe three hours? I was really, really tired, though. Can you name the last time you felt happy? Probably when Sara and I talk-talked for the first time in a while. When was the last time you played with sidewalk chalk? Oh, I have zero clue. Probably not since I was a kid. Do you have friends obsessed with World of Warcraft? Bro wtf don't @ me. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. Have you ever told someone you hated them? The only time I've seriously said that was to my dad before we reconciled after the divorce. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? I actually don't remember... Favorite thing to do on Facebook? See The Memes. Do you wear flip flops, regardless of weather, all the time? I SAID don't @ me. What is in store for your future? I both do and don't want to know. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yeah. I adore bats. Do you chew on straws? No. Do you have any trophies? Yeah. Who’s the last person that creeped you out? Some guy who walked into the store I was at with Mom, continuously looking back and forth. Would you believe an ex if she/he said they love you? Well, that would depend on the person. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? Yeah. Anything exciting happening soon? My half-sister and her kids are visiting tomorrow and staying for a few days. It's a surprise for Mom. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? You could say these surveys kinda are. I don't have a designated "diary," though. When was the last time you took a painkiller? What was it for and did it work? I had womanly issues a few days back, and yeah, it helped. Have you ever had to go and rescue someone because their car broke down? When was the last time that happened? I mean, I've driven /with/ Mom to do so. I myself don't drive. What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood? Is this item something you can still buy or has it been discontinued? Y'all remember Baby Bottle Pops??? 'Cuz I do, and I love those fuckin things. I still see them sometimes in gas stations. When was the last time you used some kind of moisturiser? A few days back for my hands. They were painfully dry. If you’re under lockdown/stay at home orders at the moment, are you struggling or managing okay? A bitch is s t r u g g l i n g. Has anything positive come out of the pandemic for you? Fuck no. Do you wear a watch? Is it analogue/digital? Does it it have things like a step-counter in it? No. Do you have any gifts from Christmas that you still haven’t opened or used? Not used, yes. Well, then some things are still in their boxes, but they're unwrapped. Do you know how to tie a tie? If so, who taught you? No. Who was your last missed call from? Did you ring that person back? Some number I didn't recognize, so no. When was the last time you had some kind of problem with your internet connection? Is this something that happens often? A few days back. It has occasional instances where it'll go out but come back on shortly. Do you have a favourite celebrity chef? No. Do you prefer pizza or pasta? Pizza. Have you ever volunteered anywhere before? What was the reason behind doing so? Once at PetSmart when they had dogs to adopt out, which was for school volunteer hours. I spent time with them, giving them attention and taking them outside. I also had two other animal-related volunteer days, but each was only a few hours because my fucking weak-ass body couldn't handle them. Have you ever been truly obsessed with something? What was it and how did you come to feel that way? I have an incredibly obsessive personality; I could probably name near on a dozen or so things I've been genuinely obsessed with. I don't know what it means to love in moderation. Some are/were pleasant obsessions, some aren't/weren't. Does it bother you when people turn up at your house without asking or waiting to be invited? Yes. Are you taller or shorter than average height? I'm the average for an American woman. Do you have any family members whose beliefs or ways of life completely embarrass you? YUP YUP YUP YUP. Are you scared of heights? Yes. When was the last time you lost something of great sentimental value? Did you ever end up finding it again? I don't know. Have you ever injured anyone in self-defense? No. What food do you find to be the most filling? Is this something you eat a lot of? In relation to its portion sizes, oatmeal or eggs. I can't have a whole lot of either. I wouldn't say I eat either a lot, but oatmeal is more common. Have you ever heard people talking badly about you behind your back? Did you confront them about it? Yes, and in at least two instances. Do you consider “home” to be the place you were born, or is it somewhere you create for yourself? I consider it to be my childhood home; not the one I was actually born in, but only because I was way too young to remember and we only lived there like, maybe two years into my life. Have you ever experienced having to leave your home due to a fire, or due to the threat of fire? No, thankfully. When was the last time you felt you were in a dangerous situation? When we had a serious tornado warning Christmas Eve. Yes. In winter. Are there any superstitions that you believe in? Which ones and what are your reasons for doing so? No. Are there any series of books/films that you never finished - either because you got bored of waiting or just lost interest? Oh, I'm sure. I Wouldn't say I lost interest in a lot though, I just wasn't interested enough, like for The Hunger Games. Which theme park is your favorite? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Like, just one. Do you eat healthy? I try to be, at least. Though I've been doing very poorly about it lately because I'm a emotional goddamn eater and am having a very hard time. Do/did your parents fight often? They're divorced for a reason. Do YOU fight with them often? No. Would you say that you're respectful? I hope so. Are you a fan of Green Day? Yeah, I love them. Would you rather have 4 kids at one time or never have a kid? Jesus Christ, never. I don't want any anyway. Do you think 'friends with benefits' relationships really ever work? No. Do you or have you ever known a drug addict? Yes. Do you turn off the water while brushing your teeth or leave it on? I always turn it off. No reason to waste it. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Lots, if you include my half-siblings. Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? I tend to find them cute. What's your homepage when you bring up the internet? Google. Was the last book you read for fun or was it for some type of assignment? It was for fun. Have you ever dated someone you met online? Yes. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Depends on who's asking. Do you own any band tees? Oh, I have lots. Off the top of my head, some that I frequently wear are Metallica, Otep, and Korn. Do you know someone who wears a wig? No. Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks? I don't think so. What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? I strongly prefer the Olive Garden kind, but I also enjoy ranch. What genre of music do you listen to the most? Metal of some sort. Have you ever dated someone who was way overprotective of you? No. Do you personally know any cops? No. How many different colleges have you gone to? Three. How much stress can you handle? Not much at all. How confident are you in achieving your dreams? I ain't got the slightest clue by this point in my life. What is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing? There's a lot of things, most bad, some good. Do you have to take medication for any mental illness? A lot. Do you like looking at pictures? It depends on what's in them. Specifically pictures from my past, that's usually a big no. Do you believe the dead can have connections with the living? I guess in very vague ways. Which family member do you get along with the most? Well, define "get along with." I by far have the strongest relationship with my mom, but we fight sometimes. As for who I stay on the most stable ground with, that's probably my dad. Would you ever be able to become a vegan? I know I couldn't, but I'd love to. How did you meet your newest friend? Who even IS my newest friend... Have you ever watched the show Teen Mom? What did you think about it? No, and I think it's an awful fucking idea for a television show. Put a spotlight on and money into teen pregnancy, yeah, that's a genius plan. Are you old enough to remember MySpace? Yeah. Do you think you’ll be a good mother/father? I wouldn't be. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages? I don't need to. Is there something that you haven’t told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone? No. Have you ever been called a tease? Yeah. Do people ever make fun of your religion or lack thereof? No. Do you say/do things a lot for shock effect? No? What was the last compliment you gave a guy? I probably told my nephew Ryder he was a good brother. Was one of your grandpas in a war? Maybe? Idk. I never knew either well at all. Have you screamed in a pillow before? Yes. What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric. Have you ever ordered something off a commercial on television? No. What's worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointed. Do you still consider Pluto a planet? Yes. Didn't they reinstate it as one, anyway? Right now, are you at a high, leveled, or low point? What's lower than "low?"
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