#I’m gonna tag some weird shit so y’all see this
harrywavycurly · 1 year
It Was Just One Night: Date Night Convos
Masterlist: here
Tag List: @ihatepeanutss @sofaritsalrightt @emma77645 @ietss @1paire2vans @robyn-118 @josephquinnlover0 @mommymilkerfanclub @littlemoon-beam @lodeddiperrodrick @silkholland @shotgunhallelujah @prestinalove @allsortsedits @a1ex-ba1ex @eddiemunson-fanfic @josephquinnsfreckles @hiscrimsonangel @rustboxstarr @idkbbyx3 @silky-luxe @mrsjellymunson
A/N: I thought it would be fun to give y’all some conversations from Eddie and Reader’s date night✨
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“Is…is that what you’re wearing?” “You told me it was a surprise and I like to be comfortable especially for surprises so yes…you can take it or leave it daddy-o.” “It’s just..the slippers with the sweatpants are so…-” “Distractingly sexy? Deliriously cute?” “Distracting…is a great word for it but it’s fine because we are just going to go see a movie.” “Our first date and you’re not only taking me to the place I work but…you’re taking me somewhere we can’t talk for two hours?” “Correction sweetheart I’d never take you to your own movie theater….and I know you like the snacks.” “Well then…let’s get going…what movie are we seeing? I hope it’s scary.” “It’s a limited time showing of the original Halloween…” “but you hate Michael?” “Yeah but you love him…”
“Are we having dinner after this?” “Why?” “It’s going to determine what I order…” “oh well yeah..yeah we are gonna go to dinner after this.” “Okay so I’ll just get a large popcorn…can I get a sprite or are you going to make me drink water?” “You can get a sprite…” “okay then a large popcorn and a sprite and some nachos.” “You’re going to get all that after I said we are going to dinner?” “Yes? I was going to add a pretzel and a hot dog but I didn’t…stop looking at me like that you asshole I’m almost eight months pregnant and I’m hungry all the damn time.” “Sorry…order whatever you want.” “Thank you…”
“Feel free to hold my hand if you get scared.” “You’re so annoying…just because I don’t like Michael doesn’t mean he scares me.” “I’m just saying…I’m here if you need someone to cuddle with.” “Do you want me to…hold your hand?” “It’s a date isn’t it? Don’t most couples hold hands and shit?” “Yeah…yeah they do…is this..okay?” “That’s not comfortable…that’s my grabbing popcorn hand…how about this?” “Jesus! You have to warn me…before you just put your hand on…my thigh.” “Sorry!” “But it’s…it’s fine yeah…that uh works for me.” “Look at us doing couple type stuff together…” “I think we actually…make a cute couple.” “Oh the cutest couple in this theater for sure.” “It’s still weird when we agree on things.” “Only because you make it weird Eddie…”
“I just think cheese fries are actually hard to perfect…everyone tries but few are successful..” “but Benny…he’s managed to perfect it somehow?” “Yes…just try one.” “If this doesn’t change my life then I’m going to be upset.” “Oh trust me baby daddy it’ll change your life.” “Oh..wow…yeah okay…I get the hype.” “Don’t get greedy..these are mine.” “I know you well enough to know you’d never share food with me….I’ll order my own.” “I’ll share food with you Eddie just not cheese fries.” “Really?” “Yes…just not cheese fries…or candy…or my secret stash of chocolate.” “What about a bite of your grilled cheese?” “I know what a bite means to you…so here just take half…I told you that the burger wasn’t what you wanted today.” “Next time I’ll just let you order for me.” “Next time? Is that your sneaky way of asking me on another date?” “I think this one is going good enough to maybe do it again?” “Yeah…I’d say so…” “so you’ll go on another date with me then?” “Yes I’ll go on another date with you.”
“So…mind if I come in and tell Dotty goodnight?” “Trying to invite yourself in on the first date? God Edward what kinda girl do you take me for?” “Don’t be annoying.” “Yes you can come-” “I’m sorry I just wanted to do that all night and you-” “who taught you how to kiss like that?…was it Nancy?” “I hate you.” “Sorry couldn’t help myself…come on and help me get ready for bed? I’ll let you tell Dotty your side of the date before I tell her mine after you leave.” “I have to leave?” “Edward James Munson you are not sleeping over on the first date good lord.” “I like it when you say my full name like that….so what nightgown is it gonna be tonight? Smiley faces or peace signs?” “Smiley faces please.” “Good choice…I’ll go make you some water while you go get changed.” “Okay…hey Eddie?” “Yeah?” “I had a really good time tonight.” “Me too sweetheart…me too.”
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Soft Touch Baby
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Eddie’s POV | Song | ao3
(If y’all want a tag list or something let me know, I’m already up to part 8 or 9 in drafts. I don’t know how many more parts there will be after that, but I’m willing!)
Eventually the god-awful hitching in his breath stops. The trembling stops. The tears stop. His breathing slows down, his mind comes back online, and he takes a deep breath.
“Hey,” Eddie murmurs. “That sounds better. You back with me?” He punctuates it with a slow hand down Steve’s back, and Steve never wants to leave.
He forces himself to lean back, sniffle and wipe his face and try to rein himself back in, laughing quietly when Eddie hands him the entire tissue box on his nightstand. “Back,” he mutters, sniffling again. “Sorry.”
There’s enough light coming from the hallway that Steve can see the brow Eddie raises at him. “Sorry for trauma? Cut the crap, Steve, and tell me what I can do.” He shifts so he’s sitting cross-legged on Steve’s bed. “Wanna talk about it?”
Steve huffs out a humorless laugh. “No.” He picks at the corner of the tissue box. “You died. We were back in the Upside Down, and Dustin was just standing there, and I was getting annoyed because it’s not like we haven’t been through this before, it’s not like he doesn’t know what to do, which fucking sucks, but. Anyways. He was standing there, so I walk over and I- I see you, and…” he shakes his head. “Guess you tried to be the hero or some shit. I don’t know. Fuckin’ broke me.”
“I’m here,” Eddie promises again, hand palm-up on the comforter between them. Steve stares at it for a second before taking it.
“Yeah,” he murmurs, taking another breath before he trusts himself to look up at Eddie’s face. “You are.”
Eddie cracks a joke, because he’s Eddie. “So I tried to be the hero and I couldn’t cut it, huh?”
Steve might still be figuring out his own emotions, and where his feet exactly are (he’d been sitting at an awkward angle and his legs fell asleep), but he knows that tone of voice. “You know why I said that?” He asks. “Why I told you not to be the hero?”
Eddie snorts. “Think your subconscious just told us exactly why. I woulda died.”
Steve shakes his head. “I told you not to because I couldn’t risk it. I know you would’ve, no hesitation. But I needed you safe. Alive.”
Eddie giggles. “Well, shit, man. Way to make me feel like a dick.”
Steve squeezes the hand he’s holding and somehow manages a teasing tone back. “You do that well enough on your own.”
Eddie groans and flops backwards, head narrowly missing the tissue box. “You wound me,” he says dramatically, and Steve starts laughing.
Eventually Steve gets his emotions under control and Eddie sits back up, tugging on their joined hands to get Steve’s attention. “You thinking you can fall back asleep?”
Steve shrugs. “I usually stay up and read or listen to music or whatever.”
Eddie grins. “How about breakfast instead?”
Steve laughs incredulously. “At three in the morning?”
Eddie shrugs. “You’re not gonna sleep. I’m not gonna sleep if you’re not. We might as well. Plus, pancakes just taste better in the middle of the night. It’s a well-proven fact of life.”
Steve giggles. “You’re so fuckin’ weird,” he says, uncaring that his voice sounds unbearably fond.
“Why thank you, my good sir,” Eddie says in an absolutely atrocious British accent, almost tripping over himself as he tries to get off the bed and bow at the same time.
Steve very carefully doesn’t think about the fact that they’re still holding hands.
He flicks on the light as they enter the kitchen, then immediately regrets it, hissing and shutting his eyes. “Fuck, I forgot.”
Eddie pauses. “Your eyes need to adjust?”
“No, man, fuckin’ headache, just… just gimme a second, I’ll be fine.”
Eddie reaches over and flips the switch back to off. “Y’know,” he starts, quieter than normal, “I’ve never made pancakes in the dark before.”
He squeezes Steve’s hand, pulls him forward a few feet. Steve, eyes still closed, lets him.
He startles at the feeling of something cold on his forehead, only after the fact registering the sound of the freezer door opening and shutting. “Thanks,” he murmurs, squeezing Eddie’s forearm before moving to grab the ice pack, adjusting it a bit and sighing. “Tylenol in the bathroom. D’you mind—”
“‘Course, sit down, I gotcha. Want a Coke? Does caffeine help or hurt?”
Steve hums. “Hurt. Water please.”
“I’m on it. Nurse Eddie, at your service.”
Steve smiles as he imagines the overdramatic bow Eddie probably took. “Nurse Ratched, maybe.”
Eddie gasps in mock offense. “I will have you know I’m an excellent nurse.”
“Mhm. You’re takin’ a while on those meds, excellent nurse.”
“I- you- be quiet,” Eddie lands on, at odds with the soft squeeze to Steve’s forearm as he brushes past on his way to the bathroom.
Yeah, Steve thinks, I’ve still got it.
Pt 7
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jemgirl86 · 7 months
When people were mentioning Mackie and Stan playing gay characters in the past, it was usually as “proof” that they weren’t homophobic, not as proof that SamBucky was going to go canon lmaoo. People typically don’t think that their fanon ships are gonna go canon 😂😂 Now, I won’t touch the whole “Person A played this type of character, so it means they could never…” thing, because, well, I’m not even about to go down that road with the internet crazies lmaoo. But, if there was a Bucky related MCU ship that had shippers who thought they had proof their ship was going to go canon, it damn sure wasn’t SamBucky 😭😭 Yall love to rewrite history. Hell, most people who even talked about SamBucky being canon were clearly joking lol. That whole post is weird tbh and so are the comments I can see.
I’ve seen SamBucky fans do plenty of odd mess lol, but I don’t remember masses of them ever sitting around thinking the ship was about to be canon.
Y’all gotta stop coming in the SamBucky tag being crazy. Do that shit without a tag lol
Ijs… trying to apply some stuff that Stucky shippers famously do all the time, to SamBucky shippers is… weird, but expected. Folks are very weird about this relatively niche ship in general, when y’all could simply… stay out of the tag and go enjoy whatever it is you like 🤷🏾‍♀️
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mushpired · 1 year
I’m back! And with a new chapter! This one is shorter, but I still hope y’all will like it!
I had trouble writing this, but I still like how it came out.
The idea of the permanent or semi permanent tear tracks is from another account here on tumblr, but I can’t find it, when I do, I’ll tag them!
5 times someone thought that something was wrong with soap + 1 time they realized that’s just how soap is.
3. Alejandro
“He makes no sound when he walks”
When he told this to Rodolfo, he thought he was just being paranoid, after all, all soldier are trained to make as little sound as possible while on missions. Some get so used to it, that they don’t make sound while on base, or at home.
Los Vaqueros had arrived to the 141 base some days ago. Captain Price, Lieutenant Ghost, and sergeant Garrick had been there to greet them, but the other friendly sergeant was nowhere to be seen.
He didn’t pay it that much attention, but after days with no glimpses from the Scott, he decided to ask Captain Price.
“ Captain Price, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Sergeant soap, is he currently deployed?” he asked after all, the young man had been of great help during the Las Alma’s mission, I’m not seeing him was quite weird since he used to always be socializing with everyone.
“ Sergeant MacTavish is on break on base, he has been feeling ill since we came back from another base” captain price said, his eyes, revealing that a simple illness was not the whole truth to it, but who was Alejandro to pry on it? So he decided to ignore it, if the sergeant wasn’t feeling well, he wouldn’t bother him.
It wasn’t until night, that he would finally see the man, and it earned him a heart attack!
He was in the common room, simply making himself a tea, when he felt a cold shudder and a whisper that made shivers go down his spine
“Would ye make me a cup?” The sergeant spoke in a low voice
He jumped
“Hijo de las re mil putas! Dios, hermano que mierda?!” He got so scared that he didn’t bother switching languages. He turned quickly to keep on shouting at the other man, but the moment he saw him, he immediately disregarded the idea
The man was covered from head to toe. A hoodie that obviously wasn’t his fell to his mid thigh, paired with some ratty and worn sweatpants and a jacket that was simply draped over his shoulders. He looked like he hadn’t seen daylight in a month
“Sorry hermano, didn’t expect you to get so surprised…” Soap spoke, but his voice was all wrong, too low, too scratchy, as if he had been screaming for a week, and when he saw his face, he almost punched himself. His face was covered in tear tracks that looked like scars, as if he was a sculpture, and the tears had been carved on his skin. His eyes were red, contrasting the normally beautiful blue. He truly looked terrible
“Ah, don’t you worry brother, was my fault, was not paying attention” he tried to talk as usual, so to not make the other soldier feel bad
“Thanks, so… what about that cup of tea?” He said, a small grin on his face, and a tiny light in his eyes “actually, make it two”
“Huh? Two? I was already making one for myself”he asked, confused at the request
“I know, one for you, one for me, and one for Ghost. Sir, you gonna come out?”
And as if he hadn’t been scared enough for a night, the big form of the lieutenant appeared from the shadows of the doorway, making Alejandro think that maybe the whole 141 was crazy
“You okay Alejandro, you look like you have seen a ghost?” Said the sergeant, now with a shit eating grin
“Haha, sergeant, you think you are so funny” said the bigger man, his covered face saying nothing, but there was an amused shine in his eyes
Deciding that he didn’t get payed to deal with this, he focused on making tea for the three of them, and prayed that there wasn’t another hidden somewhere
He heard the lieutenant asking the other how he felt, how he had been, if he needed anything and thought, ‘was I that bad before confessing to Rudy?’
He laughed silently at that
When the tea was ready, and he left the common room and the lovebirds alone, he remembered
The sergeant hadn’t made any noise when he entered the room.
He hurried to tell his lover that.
@swiftwaterprawn , you asked me to tag you! So here it is! Hope it doesn’t disappoint.
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youngbeezer · 2 years
maybe an insta edit ✨ for a hard launch or soft launch with luca fantilli
thanks for requesting🤍 hope you enjoy :)
sherlock holmes | luca fantilli x reader
yourusername posted!
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liked by adamfantilli and others
yourusername the key to my heart🤭
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frienduser sneaky sneaky
jdrusk53 A MAN??? you have a heart??😮
-> yourusername i was talking about the food BUT RUDE
bestfriend i missed a few chapters
adamfantilli nice
rutgermcgroarty that’s weird i don’t remember taking you on any dates?🤔
-> yourusername only in your dreams❤️
luca.fantilli yum
luca.fantilli posted!
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liked by mbeniers10, yourusername and others
luca.fantilli 🕺🏼
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rutgermcgroarty yuhh
umichhockey 🙌🙌
user bunch of beauties
kienandraper disco disco disco
edwards.73 is just no one gonna talk about the last pic?
-> adamfantilli your bf is jealous @ luca.fantilli
g.brindley4 hold up i’m bouta do some detective shit real quick
adamfantilli i know something y’all don’t knowww
g.brindley4 posted!
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liked by rutgermcgroarty and others
g.brindley4 just call me sherlock holmes🧐
-> tagged yourusername, luca.fantilli
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nolan_moyle ok honestly i did not see that coming
user who’s that
rutgermcgroarty @ yourusername baby how could you 😩
-> luca.fantilli i will kick your ass
yourusername i can’t believe THE gavin brindley exposed my relationship
-> g.brindley4 you literally told me to post this
jdrusk53 disappointed but not surprised
-> adamfantilli bruh why do you think i was coming over to your dorm so much?!
-> jdrusk53 IDK TO HANG OUT MAYBE?
luca.fantilli ❤️❤️ @ yourusername
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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Kirbtober 2023 Day 31: Final Boss
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Kirby and Ribbon facing off against 02 within the red-and-black space of Dark Star, the Crystal Gun shining brilliantly as they hold it aloft between them towards their foe, who looms above them angelic and terrifying, tears of blood oozing from its single, staring red eye. END ID.)
Kirbtober 2023 prompts by @/paintpanic (link to list here)
Started on 10/07/23, finished on 10/08/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 10/31/23.
Do your best.
Whew… holy shit. I did it. It’s over. I made it all 31 days. I’m… exhausted, but very proud of myself. Like, looking back over it all now, I can actually see the gradual improvement in my art from prompt to prompt compared to where I was at before. Not gonna lie, it’s awesome to feel like I’ve made some genuine progress for once, y’know? And that’s in spite of getting hella sick and pushing through major fatigue burnout. Man, it’s gonna be weird not having this, like, routine anymore. Doing a piece a day (or roughly so) was very rewarding in a lot of ways… but also draining. Very draining. My hands need a rest badly, and so do I.
(Hi, future Veins here, popping in to say I did not rest as much as I would’ve liked for, you see, I seem to have accidentally muscle-memoried myself. It’s not so much I have a real routine now - more like I need to draw at least a little bit every day or I get antsy. It is… quite the double-edged sword, I must say.)
(Hi, future-future Veins here. Apparently I left rubber banding on this month because burnout has gleefully slammed back into my spine without warning. This is a reminder to myself that longstanding mental nonsense does not go away just because I’m away on vacation in Popstar for a hot minute. How humbling. -_- )
Anyway, thanks for coming with me on this impromptu art journey. I had a lot of fun and a lot of not fun. I hope you all liked the art regardless. Shoutouts to Panic for making the prompt list and to everyone else who joined in with their own amazing pieces in the hashtag. I tried to share as many of them as I could over the month to spread the appreciation around, though I hope you’ll browse the tags yourself to see all of them. You all did absolutely amazing! Whether you made it here with me or only managed a few pieces here and there, I hope the experience was worth something to you. Go have a snack and a well-deserved rest - you’ve earned it. Take care, y’all, and see you in the next one!
Oh, and have a Happy Halloween! (it was halloween when I first posted this, oops...)
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sintiva · 1 year
I don't necessarily think it's going against the "black community" on here to critique a canonically white character speaking AAVE and always being a drug dealer/plug/stoner. Or not even that just speaking on how a character is always portrayed. There's no variety. And compared to every other character except maybe Connie (like Levi, Armin, Jean, Reiner, Porco, etc.) Eren's always the main theme that occurs on here.
Some anons are being dumb asf with the reaching but people are gonna talk anyway about fiction regardless. I know black writers get hate on this app for dumb shit but people shouldn't be shut out for just voicing their opinion on fiction.
Some people eat it up and some people don't. Personally I think it's weird because why make a white man say AAVE (not mama, but like "ma", "shawty", etc.) and give him stereotypical hood ***** characteristics like being a drug dealer, toxic, cheater, guns, or like the fics themselves being struggle love, cheating, etc.
You or anyone else accused of this don't have to change how you write him, but obviously reading the tags and seeing this all the time gets kind of depressing to read because the y/n we read gotta go some BS to be loved.
This post also explains that Eren doesn't even have to be less of anything I or anyone else got a problem with, but couldn't he be more down bad for black reader like he is in canon? Like why does it have to be struggle love/situationships?
And not saying you said this but like I know the: "well the white y/ns sometimes do dubcon/abuse/dracophilia/etc. but y'all never call them out for it" argument but that doesn't solve the case neither. They both got problems. And since we're all black we're more likely to look at the "eren x black reader" tag and point out issues than the yt ones.
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this entire ask overwhelmed me so bad😭
(i say y’all a lot, but i’m not talking about you specifically nonny)
but overall this whole concept of nigga!eren is so tired?? the way y’all are talking about this seems like y’all only believe a black men can have these negative ass sterotypes, and why is that…. MEDIA?? y’all saying only niggas can have struggle love, use guns, be plugs and so fourth?? what are black men? fucking degenerates??? i’m not liking how people are using all these traits they see in eren fics and simply saying he gives black man. y’all are playing into the stereotypes by thinking like that. y’all talking bout struggle love relationships??? are y’all reading on mf wattpad 😭😭, i’ve read tons of eren fics where that’s not the situation at all, so i’m genuinely confused in where these fics are found. and tbh i could care less about what white folk write, every community/group/fandom has their own problems but seeing the black community get continuous back lash is exhausting. but i do understand how seeing constant toxic renditions of eren fics can be distasteful, i feel that way myself, but at the end of the day people will write what they want to write. i don’t like how it’s perceived that people are just basically writing a black man version of eren, but 🚶🏽‍♀️
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TW: Talk of gun violence
Hey guys! Life update… my school’s gotten a weeklong shooting threat and we’re an open campus with shit security so we’re gonna see how that goes cause I gotta go, they fail you if you miss too many classes 😳😅 The threat is probably fake, but hey, this is America. Shit happens. I’m usually crazy active on here but I’d say don’t like worry or anything unless I have like. 48 hours of inactivity or smth. There’s a list of my IRLs at the bottom of this post that you can reach out to on tumblr in case that happens. Again, most likely they’re just gonna up security and it’s gonna be fine, but I don’t wanna leave y’all hanging if the worst happens. Love you all so much <3333 I’m gonna continue just as normal for now but again, want to be prepared.
IRLs: @mantaraygirls @randmwizard @psychedelic--spaceman @shameless-dumbass
Tagging some mutuals so y’all know what’s goin on: @killorbekillian @heavenly-whumper @hallowgendered @some-weird-queer-writer @save-the-villainous-kitty @whumpkitty @wizardemail @that-gay-jedi
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Tagged by Wyatt @orbleglorb AND @nosongunsung11 wow! I don’t actually have that many writing wips so I will also include the list of images in my brain to make since that exists as of recently
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
(I bolded the ones that are especially snippetable please ask me about my wips)
Snow White is something that can be so twink death (FF robobs fic about what if your boss gave you a fucked up little son that you hate)(also you lobotomized your ex in a weird power play thing)
Ballet au setlist (not really a fic but compilation of the ancient robobs ballet au)
If you couldn’t be a king (Underhill!Jay sleepaway manifesto that’s probably about as done as it’s gonna get but could definitely use some editing so it’s still in the wip folder)
Here We Fucking Go Again (ditto ballet au but it’s the Mamma Mia au of the Anastasia au in which Kismet and Catalyzer robobs wind up raising Moonshadow and nobody dies)
Souvisel Theseus Hadestown Timeloop (pretty much what it says on the tin! Sleepaway ship of Theseus polycule reimagined as my dream impossible doublecasting of Hadestown)
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Milfs (prequel to the 100k enemies to lovers road-trip slowburn I’m never gonna write abt ailermaid robobs)
(Doesn’t have a title bc it’s just in my notes app but there’s about 200 words in there trying to flesh out the Ricosquad dynamic)
(Ditto no title but there’s also like three sentences of CJ sleepaway in there that I wrote at like 1am yesterday and I don’t remember where they were going)
ART: (technically only a couple of these (bolded) is actually a wip. But if they’re rotating in my brain that counts.)
From Eden comic (ancients robobs)
I know a lady animatic (Kismet and Moonshadow robobs)
Echo CJ classical piece (Sleepaway)
Night we met animation (Joel oscu)
Ancients lineup I started years ago (robobs)
Azalea and Sat running to cope (Memphis guys blaseball)
EQ and Mercy roller derby image (robobs)
EQ and Mercy good omens au (robobs)
Blood Guy (🤫)
Two Birds and a Wire (Rico Dyker Hazard robobs)
Okay I literally do not know that many people to tag especially ppl I know who actively write and shit and also between Wyatt and Pallas y’all got most of them BUT @nplutonian @whoisthisboy @frosteee-variation @lovelandfrogman maybe?? and anybody else if you want to do this just say I tagged you
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coro-chan6 · 1 year
Somehow Supernatural
Chapter 2: It's All Starting to Feel Real
Tags: poc!oc, gn!oc, teen!oc, panic attack, heavy cursing, Dean always needs his own warning, self-deprecating thoughts, mentions of anxiety, Cas not taking a hint, Deanstiel (or whatever the fuck Dean and Cas's ship name is), general chaos
Summary: The Winchesters and Cas have a meeting about Casey. It doesn't go too well, and Casey realizes what shit their stuck in.
Words: 2,675
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I kinda felt like I was gonna vomit. Not because I needed to vomit, but because my tum-tum was doing flips and turns like a fucking rollercoaster due to my crippling anxiety. Usually, I would do little exercises that helped me regulate like my mom taught me, but that just reminded me that I was in a different universe where I might not be able to see my mom - or anyone I knew in real life - ever again. These consistent, little thoughts did not help my already upside-down stomach.
I was sitting in the bunker, in the room with the table that has the big map of the world. I liked to call this room the “meeting room” when I watched the show because… they met people in the meeting room. Come on, it was like the foyer of the bunker so everyone had to pass through it to fight and argue and shiz.
Anyway, I was sitting in the meeting room surrounded by men that I never thought I’d ever meet in person. Maybe the reason for my anxious tum was because of the “omg-smexy-men-are-staring-at-me” effect. If so… give me an anxiety stomach ache every day.
Dean sat straight across from me at the map table. Even though he wasn’t in pouncing position anymore, he was still on guard; which, I mean, valid. All that shit he’s gone through definitely made him a tough cookie. 
Castiel was standing right behind Dean’s chair like a guardian angel. I mean, literally right behind. He was basically breathing down the hunter's neck. Maybe he liked the smell.
And Sam.
Oh. Sammy. Boy!
He had his ass sat directly on the table and was staring at me in wonder. Sam’s hair was hanging in his face at an angle that was just… perfect. It was also the perfect length, not short enough to make him look like he was 15 and not long enough where he looked crusty. Did I mention that he looked fucking perfect? Honestly, if I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought Sam was the angel.
No offense, Cas.
All three attractive men were gathered around the meeting table to discuss me. Me! I was kinda feeling myself and basking in the attention that I was getting from multiple hot men before I realized something a bit alarming.
Dean, Castiel, and Sam… were deciding what to do with me. I wouldn’t put it past Dean if he decided to kill me or abandon me in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. He doesn’t seem like the type to have a father instinct for just some random teen.
…or maybe whoever’s body I’m occupying is important to him.
“Y’all gonna talk or just stare?” I asked. Yes, during my whole internal monologue full of ogling men and withering away from anxiety, not a single person talked. They gave each other looks, but they didn’t utter a word. 
Someone finally decided to speak up after realizing how weird they were being.
“So…” Sam started. He had his hand thoughtfully under his chin. I thought I might mention it because it almost took me out, “You just appeared out of nowhere?”
“I mean, I guess so. I’m just as confused as you guys are,” I spin in my chair, “Honestly, I thought I was just having one of my regularly scheduled psychedelic dreams but then, I woke up with Dean in my face.”
“A dream?” Castiel asked.
“Yeah, dude, a dream. I was basically floating in this void and then I started hearing someone telling me to wake up and then… Dean’s face.” I took another twirl in my chair. 
The guys looked like they were trying to solve a puzzle. They had their thinking caps on full blast, you should have seen their faces. 
“Did you try the usual holy water, sliver, cross stuff?” Sam turned to Dean in question.
“Yeah,” Dean replied.
I get trying to make sure I’m not a bad type of baddie, but he could have used his non-dominant hand so it wouldn’t be as hard cause damn. That shit really hurt.
“They didn’t try to attack you?” Sam continued.
“Then, I think we should be good for now. We can let them stay here since they seem discombobulated,” Bless you, Sam. You’re the greatest of all these fuckers.
“But if they try anything, they're out,” Cas nodded along with Dean’s words. The angel barely even looked like he was listening to what Dean was actually saying, “And if we figure out you were lying about who you are, I will find a way to send you to hell. Trust me.” 
Go shit on a brick, Dean. And you too Cas, agreeing with Dean like a lost puppy. 
“Okay…” I muttered. I didn’t really like the idea of dying, especially if it was in someone else’s body, but what could I have done? Said no? Been kicked to the curb? I’m not really worth anything to them so-
“You never told me, whose body is this?” 
All of a sudden, it got a little awkward. Sam’s cheeks were pink and Dean was avoiding my eyes. Even Cas looked a little weird.
“Well-” Dean started.
“Sam found the kid on a hunt and couldn’t help but save them. They almost died, but Sammy got Cas to heal them,” Dean blurted. Sam’s face turned a dark red now that the truth was out to the masses.
“W-well you cared about them enough to train them!” Sam retorted. Now it was Dean’s turn for a red face. 
“You brought them stacks of books!”
“You made them your big bacon breakfast…three times! I can barely get you to cook for me!”
“You eat salad. I’m not making a fucking salad for a meal!” 
“It’s good for your body! Your body will rot away from all the red meat you eat!”
“At least I’m not eating rabbits' food!”
“You know,” Cas finally piped up, “The kid was bound to die.”
Silence. Damn, dude. That was a bit harsh, wasn’t it? From what I heard just now, the Winchester brothers really liked this kid. It kind of makes me feel bad for pushing them from their own body, but… what was Cas saying?
“They were meant to die the night of the hunt. Right on the floor of their living room where you found them. It was their fate. It was a miracle I was able to heal them and it was almost impossible for them to survive a month like they did,” Sam and Dean were getting pissed. Castiel - bless his heart - didn’t seem to notice, “They were never supposed to have formed relations with you two because you weren’t supposed to meet them while they were still alive.”
Poor Cas and his sucky communication skills. Now due to his harsh words, the angel’s collar was being winkled by Dean’s man hands. Castiel didn’t look alarmed at all. I wasn’t sure if it was because Dean was a mere human or because the majority of the Supernatural fandom was right about these two.
“Shut up,” Dean seethed. Sam was hovering behind Dean either waiting his turn to get a lick in or making sure Dean didn’t take it too far. I was now feeling really bad because this was all making a bit of sense. I finally understood why Castiel didn’t seem fazed by my sudden appearance, why he’s been saying all this shit about how this person should be dead already.
Speaking of Castiel, he was just letting Dean choke him up against the table. I knew he didn’t really need my help in the situation, but I was starting to feel a little awkward just sitting there. It’s way different seeing these men fight when they’re on screen and I’m in a whole other world looking like a mole rat on my couch. 
With courage that I didn’t know I had, I muttered, “Guys… I need to take a shit. Real bad.”
Three pairs of eyes turned to look at me in… surprise? Disgust? Both? It didn’t really matter what they thought of my statement, all that mattered was Castiel’s insensitive words were forgotten. For now.
Fingers combing through his hair, Sam sighed, “Come on then,” he said, walking off. He expected me to follow him and I did. To the best of my ability. He’s got long fucking legs, so he’s got even longer fucking strides. I had to practically run and I’m of average height!
Sam finally stopped at the door to the bathroom. I didn’t actually have to shit, but I figured I could use this opportunity of aloneness to recoup, realign, and do all things zen. 
Closing the door to the bathroom, I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. Today was one of the weirdest days of my life. I wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad weird yet, but it was weird. I never thought I would travel to a different universe. I never thought I would ever meet the Winchesters. I never thought I would get to walk with my own two feet - mostly - through the bunker that I’ve adored for years. 
What the hell brought me here? I wasn’t really complaining, but I still have to wonder. Was this planned? Was this person’s body kept alive for me to go in it? Do I have to save this world somehow? Am I connected to something here? Was this fate like Castiel mentioned?
I sat on the toilet seat feeling pretty lost. I wasn’t sure why it was so bright in the fucking bathroom, but it was bothering me so I slammed my face onto my lap. It was dark and warm and what I really needed at the moment. 
I know, a really sharp change in my emotions, but that’s just how it be sometimes. Perhaps being alone right now wasn’t the best decision. Usually, being alone worked, but now it felt like there were 20-pound weights on my shoulders, and it was getting kind of hard to breathe. It was also really hot, so I started squirming on the toilet seat like that was gonna cool me off.  I don’t know what I thinking because that’s not how heat works.
Then, I thought I could sit on the floor and continue my deep ponder about how the fuck I got into this situation, but I finally realized I was having a panic attack and didn’t really want to move. I found that if I moved, I would black out or it would be 10 times worse, but who knows, maybe this body works differently.
So, I moved to the floor. The floor was nice and cool, but then I started thinking about spiders because I was on the floor in an underground bathroom and spiders here really made sense. I wanted to get back on the toilet, but my body didn’t wanna listen. So now, I was a lump of a human on the bathroom floor that was probably shivering, but I couldn’t really feel my body anymore.
I wonder why when my body’s panicking my thoughts are calmer than when my body’s not panicking. It doesn’t really make sense. Like, none of my thoughts were screaming at me or telling me to do stupid shit. They were just calmly saying stuff like ‘you should get up’ or ‘there might be spiders here’ or ‘your probably gonna die, but take your time’. 
Yeah, the calm thoughts were definitely worst.
Now I recognized the feeling of tears falling down my face and I felt pretty pathetic. I mean, what the fuck was I crying for? Nothing was wrong. They hadn’t killed me yet. I’d always wanted to travel to another world, but I guess my body couldn’t take it. Wait! This wasn’t even my fucking body!
“So goddamn pathetic,” I wheezed. My right cheek was pressed against the floor and when I talked I could feel the tears smearing all over the place and it gave me the ick, but I couldn’t stop myself from crying. 
I love to mention the fact that I have a superiority complex, but I never talk about the opposite of that. My dandy ‘you’re a fucking loser and will never do anything in your life’ complex. It always sneaks up on me at the worst times, like when I’m supposed to be enjoying myself in another universe for crying out loud, and makes me feel more worthless than - fucking - everything. It makes me wanna crawl into a hole and never come back out.
Feeling worthless and having a panic attack simultaneously isn’t the best. It means not only can you not breathe, but you also don’t feel like trying. So, I laid on the floor of the bathroom and didn’t do any of the breathing exercises that my therapist taught me. I just waited to black out.
“Hey, kid, you doing okay in there?” Sam’s voice sounded so far away. I could barely hear it. My lungs were starting to hurt from lack of air, so I curled my aching body into a pathetic little ball.
“Did you hear me?” Sam sounded. I didn’t move a muscle. I wasn’t surprised when I heard his footsteps getting farther from the door. Of course, he would abandon me. Even I would abandon myself. I was so damn pathetic that I didn’t deserve to be cared for.
“Kid! What the hell?” Sam’s voice was now closer. Was it odd that I could smell him? Was I really that desperate for someone that I was imagining things?
So fucking pathetic.
Strong arms lifted me off the floor. I was now pushed against a firm chest and not cold tiles. I don’t think I was imagining this, but I wasn’t gonna get my hopes up. I couldn’t see much because of the tears, so I just snuggled deeper into Sam’s flannel.
More footsteps approached. More voices.
“What the hell happened?”
“They were in the bathroom and I heard sobbing, but they wouldn’t answer the door.”
“Are they hurt?” 
“No, I think they’re having a panic attack.”
“A what?”
“A panic attack, Dean. I’m just gonna get them to lay down somewhere other than the floor.”
“The floor? Did they pass out?”
Sam brushed my hair back to see my face, “Maybe. They’re awake now.”
When we got to the couch, Sam put me down and crouched in front of me. He was looking into my eyes while I was trying to look at his. 
“Breathe with me,” Sam whispered gently. 
I tried to do what he said, but my lungs were burning. Every breath I tried to take would come out shaky or devolve into a sob. Sam slowly took my hands, giving me a chance to pull away, and continued breathing with me. It took a while, but soon I was breathing steadily and my crying had stopped.
“You okay?” Sam asked.
I nodded.
“You want some water?” 
I nodded again.
“Dean?” Sam turned to his brother that was standing behind him, “Mind getting them some water?”
Before Dean could move Castiel appeared with a glass of water in hand. I hadn’t even noticed he had left. The angel handed me the glass and while I gulped it down, he stayed hovered over me. He looked really worried, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Does this happen a lot?” Sam questioned. His hand was still holding one of mine. It was comforting.
“Yeah,” I croaked, “No big deal.”
“Is there something wrong with them?” The shorter brother asked.
“Nah, I’m just kinda sensitive,” I huffed, “Kind of hoped I wouldn’t have to deal with that in this body.”
“Sorry you have to,” said Sam, “I know how it feels.”
Well, well, well. One of my personal headcannons was true. 
I gave Sam a smile and finally let go of his hand. I didn’t really wanna talk about this anymore.
“So, you guys got anything to eat?”
I used my own experience with panic attacks to write the scene in this chapter, so if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
AN: loved this chapter sm. I really like the tone of this fanfiction and I'm gonna try to keep it like this so when it gets dark... well- it doesn't get too depressing.
Hope you enjoyed!
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henbased · 2 years
wip hey it’s wednesday
tagged to the evil and my most detested @adelaidedrubman and well. i’m back in the thick of things after taking some time away to put my brain in an ice bath (i got on new meds).
tagging @florbelles @unholymilf @nuclearstorms @belorage @shallow-gravy @turbo-virgins​ @thespiral​ @ishwaris @vasiktomis @chickenparm @dumpsterhipster @dihardys @marivenah @stacispratt @strafethesesinners @aceghosts
have some of a feather chapter 2 sneaky peakies. the girls are making nice with the locals.
Bianca gestures to a sign on their left. “How much an eighth of a bust get us?”
The woman glances sidelong at it with a roll of her head. “Run you about five or so.”
Bianca makes a noise in the back of her throat. “How ‘bout three for three?”
The woman makes a sound with her tongue on her teeth. “Three for five.”
“Aw, c’mon.”
“Could probably split a breakfast sandwich for five,” Brit mutters to Bianca. “They pack their shit full here, get more for your buck.”
“Or just go and take ‘em right off the tree. Whose gonna see, y’know?”
“Well,” The woman drawls, cutting through their conversation, “I guess I know to keep a lookout now.”
Billie rolls her eyes, “I’m just being — like — what’re you gonna do, stop us?”
“They could shoot you,” Bianca snorts.
“They’re not gonna shoot — you wouldn’t shoot us, right?"
“We go off the honor code out here.”
“So, like, how many of your apples get stolen?”
The woman drums her fingers against the green plastic covering the tables the register and signs sit atop of. She clicks her tongue against her teeth, staring at them with new eyes; Brit watches them narrow, flick between the three of them, taking them in in a way she hadn’t before.
Brit’s legs itch. She curls her fingers over the edge of her shorts, decides against it and crosses them instead. She picks at the holes in her fishnets.
“Y’all aren’t with the cult, are you?” The woman finally speaks. Her voice is firm in a way it hadn’t been before.
A movement at the woman’s side catches Brit’s attention. A floppy eared dog pokes its head up, blinking the sleep out of its eyes as it stares at the three of them.
Brit swallows. Speaks in an even tone. “Naw, they’re fuckin’ weird.”
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shurismainbxtch · 1 year
This entire fandom has become so toxic ..and I’m just witnessing it all fall apart and it’s honestly sad how people can ruin something that was supposed to be fun ..what happened to joking around all of it is just HARMLESS fun so nobody should be getting so mad ..
And to the writers please don’t leave these trolls should not have THAT much power if you y’all know the real ones love y’all work and appreciate you as a person ❤️ we just have to stop giving people the reaction that they won’t so badly and y’all have worked way too hard to just leave because if a bunch of bots on here fuck them don’t let a few bad apples ruin the rest y’all we literally just started this fandom and it’s already falling apart we can’t let it happen I love y’all fr in here and I appreciate y’all if y’all have no fan I’m always going to be one ❤️
Fr and I’ve never really been in fandoms so this is all new to me. All the homophobic shit, the trolls, etc. it’s getting really weird and this doesn’t represent Tish in any way like it’s getting real ghetto over here and we gotta do better. Stop responding to the hate, block and move tf on.
This is literally so sweet🥺I hope a lot of writers see this and say “FUCK THESE BITCHES FR!” and I’m not responding to no more hate anymore. Or if someone tags me in some bs, I’m just gonna block and move on cause I don’t want negativity on my blog. Y’all come on here to see updates and I’ll keep it at.
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valleynix · 1 year
oh sorry I haven’t read any of your posts yet cause I’m not caught up 😖😖 I’ll refrain from asking questions until I do!!!!
also idk why but if there is a “final battle” with Miranda, I just wanT to see Reader and Lunatic tag team the ever living shit out of her. Like they follow up each others attacks. Miranda gets socked by Reader and is trying to regain her bearings but Lunatic comes in right after with a another attack that has her REELING (idk I had a dream last night and had to share, you know you’re story is good when I literally DREAM about it)
anyways I know I’ve had rants about your characterization before, but I just have to praise you some more!! I absolutely love Cassandra. The way you write her is phenomenal and exactly what I see her as. She’s a complicated character with a lot of layers, and the way you beautifully peel those layers back so we can see the fiercely protective sweetheart she actually is, is so amazing. I literally love every scene she’s in because I know I’m gonna end up fawning, she’s honestly so cute.
NO NO ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS YOU WANT!! i didn’t mean it in a bad way when i said i’d posted about it before, im sorry if it came off that way 😭 i want y’all to understand what’s going on or what’s happened previously, even if it has been talked about before <3
BUT HEHEHE I LOVE THIS!! i’ve pondered the idea of an actual battle with Miranda, though i haven’t officially decided yet. there are a couple routes i’ve thought of going down, but… we’ll see :)
BUT AAAAAAA THANK YOU!!!! i try my best to do Cassandra right (and very much Not like the weird interpretations of her), and i’m glad it’s being received!!! she’s stubborn and grouchy and teases and pushes buttons while cackling about it, but she has a good heart </3 maybe a little reclusive and protective over what she cares for, but yknow… probably gets that from her mom LOL
her angst is also one of my favorites to write because she’s a very “no bullshit” person. she tells it like it is and doesn’t (usually) sugarcoat things, even if it’s not what she should be saying, whereas the others tend to only say things to make Reader feel better or something. she’s just painfully honest and it’s the best (also what the need)
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crowdsourcedloner · 1 year
have some scattered fanfest keynote thoughts
tural looks like it’ll be beautiful to explore, i’m loving the mayan/incan/aztec/south american vibes so far and the mamool ja look fun. valigarmanda showing up finally is neat. god only knows how much i’m gonna butcher the names though ;-;
i’m so gonna miscall this expac dawntreader instead of dawntrail, thanks narnia
beach episode expac is an excellent way to reset the stakes from endwalker and let some background schemes stew.
we get a caster \o/ i kinda want it to be geomancer, but i dont think it will be because geomancer has been portrayed as just eastern conjurer/astrologian in game so far (through the ast quests).
new melee is probably gonna be scouting (if my shirt prediction is right), i’m hoping its not corsair just because i’m not big on pirates and don’t want yet another sword job. tbf i’m not the target audience for a melee player anyways so don’t mind me lmao.
i’m really surprised we’re bringing all the scions along with us, i was expecting at least a few to be written out and do their own things. i’ll not turn down more g’raha, but the twins? don’t they have shit to do? and y’shtola? this isn’t exactly a complaint, i’m more confused than anything.
similar note, the whole “hey y’all will be divided” thing makes me wonder if we’ll have solo instances fighting against the scions as friendly fights or something. i’d love something like that lol, way back in arr thancred wondered how he’d fare in a fight against the wol and i wanna see it.
erenville tagging along is fun, one of my friends loves him so she’s happy
qol additions all sound great (in game toolbox! glasses and hats! holy shit 2 dyes!) 
the graphics update looks incredible so far, adding more density will help a lot to fleshing out cities and whatnot. the lighting especially looks way better, those shadows look great. hair textures looked way better too. it all looks great lmao.
i really don’t want another island sanctuary style addition, especially if it’s at the expense of exploration zone content. i’m very much not island sanctuary’s target audience and i do not enjoy that content, and conversely loved bozja/eureka. 
the little sidenote about deep dungeons is weird, it sounds like a small rework? i need more information, they only said it in passing and forget the exact words they used. deep dungeons are fun. (the slide says “new plans for deep dungeons” which is. slightly concerning. i’m probably overthinking this way too much tho)
all the concept art was gorgeous
new variant dungeons are gonna be interesting, i like the quality of the ones we have, i sure hope they adjust the rewards though.
more pvp stuff \o/ i suck at pvp but i love hopping in to games, happy to hear there’s more stuff on the way.
free trial through stormblood is fuckin wild, i wonder if they’ll make all of the hydaelyn/zodiark saga free in the future.
xbox still exists? wild.
no comment about the crossover stuff. i don’t like crossovers on a good day. 
from what i understand na fanfest is pretty barebones, so i’m pretty whelmed with what we got. i’m looking forward to future fanfests.
all that said, 0/10 fanfest no hrothgirls i’m in shambles ;-;
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spyroforlife · 2 years
Aight I’m doing it, gonna explore some of my VERY OLD writing, the first “books” I ever wrote. Gonna use the tag ‘my old writing’ for this if ya wanna block it, but anyway it is time for me to reminisce >:) I’ll probably devote a post to each book I decide to post pics of, and I’ll likely do a format where the cover page will be in the main post, and the rest under a read more. Now without further ado…
ah yes. The label on the shoe box I kept all these in. Love how I wrote this as if it would actually stop anyone from opening it
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(it has my full name on there so I of course blotted that out lol)
Ahh gotta love that old school Microsoft Office clipart. Anyway it is time to open the box and select my first victim
OH I forgot I also used this much later on to store letters that were written to me in basic training (gently moves those aside)
…I’ve made a fatal error, this box doesn’t have my most ancient stories, it has ones from slightly later on in my childhood. NOO where is my Charmander and Torchic story!! Ah well I may have to delay this adventure until I rescue the early stories from my storage unit, but for now. This will do.
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Once upon a time (probably before 2008 but idk when exactly) my older brother made the fatal mistake of revealing to me that people will actually go on the Internet and just post weird lil stories :O Like they’ll just write something funny. And post it. And other people can read it. Wow!
Naturally, I wanted to try it, and came up with a really ridiculous idea about giant weiner (or wiener, I kept changing the spelling) dogs that ended up morphing into a multi-story saga where it turned out the giant dogs are actually ALIENS and Earth ends up destroyed, also it features me and my older brother as self-inserts which he thought was GREAT. The best thing? None of this actually made it onto the Internet but I sure did print out the whole dang story, make a cover, and then tie it all together with nice gold thread. More under the cut
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I just wanted to post the full first page so y’all can get an idea of the ridiculousness of my early writing. I was probably like. Actually I don’t think I was even 10 yet. Or maybe I was? Ehh about 10, maybe a little older but I’m relatively sure I wasn’t a teen yet. My brother helped contribute parts of this (like the strange, funky business part) but most of this was written by me.
As you can see the gross out humor is in full effect. Of course. As I was a young child who watched Nickelodeon. Moving on
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A small excerpt I just happened to enjoy. “Let’s go drink the sacred toilet water!!” is quality dialogue let’s be real here. From here on out I’m just gonna share my titles from each story
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This is the start of the second story in the series, and it heralds a running thing with me criticizing people if they happen to skip stories and read out of sequence
“if you had even bothered” TWEEN ME WITH THE SNARK
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Yeah said picture of Kibblion is actually what was on the cover page. Made in MS Paint, to everyone’s shock I’m sure
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I don’t care what anyone says, I was funny back then. My older brother said so which means it’s true
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How much do you wanna bet this one wasn’t actually the last story? Don’t bet anything, it actually was, whoa :O I had a thing back then where I liked doing Animal House style epilogues so-
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I promise there was context to all this. My self insert (Kari, of course) and the guy from the start, Joe, got to go to Kibblion and we inexplicably turned into alien weiner dogs ourselves. I think I handwaved this as “radiation”
My brother (Chris) got to be the villain who also survived Earth’s destruction and he had psychic powers just because.
the weiner dogs have a thing in their society about not eating animals unless they’re dangerous ones, hence them pulling bullshit like “oh this animal is tasty but not a threat? Oh- we’ll make it dangerous then :)”
Other names are just other random characters, mostly weiner dogs. but uhh yeah. There you go
the random shit I wrote back then. I promise I’ll dig out the truly old stuff but ohh my god looking back at this series was so funny. Maybe I could transcribe it all and post it to AO3. I already did that with some other old stories of mine which can be found here so. HmMM >:)
well lemme know what you think and I hope you enjoyed this ridiculous nostalgia trip
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max--phillips · 2 years
Also I’m thinking about doing like… a 2023 ABCs of kink? God willing and the creek don’t rise I’ll have a new job lined up and be able to put in my two weeks within the week (long story but I’m getting poached by a competitor like I was supposed to be like, a year ago, but shit happened so I’ve just been holding tight) and with this new job I should have a stable schedule and actually have time to like……. Have a life? So I’m hoping I’ll get more writing in unlike the past couple years.
I’m probably gonna go pretty hard with this, some of the kinks might be a little gross or weird but honestly . Everything will of course be tagged so I won’t be springing anything on anyone so it will be very much don’t like don’t read and me begging y’all to realize that fantasies don’t always line up with what you actually want and, believe it or not, there’s a big difference between fiction and reality so fjdbdjsms
But yeah . Idk that’ll probably mean putting out a fic approximately every other week but we’ll see
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