#I’m happy to do it like my pay is good and I am so secure
bioswear · 1 year
Ordered some brioche rolls and crab meat to make the crab equivalent of a lobster roll and also fresh fruit to make smoothies and guarantee I eat fruits and veggies
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camilaxmartin · 7 months
hello good!!Could you do something about Vanessa x reader.the reader where the reader is a security guard and has a relationship with vanessa.One day while walking home, a group of drunks harass the reader and Vanny's personality comes to light?
unwanted touch
hi dear, sorry for the wait!! i need to get back to my writing habits skshdk anyway, i love the idea of vanny coming to light when ‘we’ are in danger and doing stuff vanessa wouldn’t normally do but oh my- she wants to. also, the whole way of switching personalities was inspired by @foxcantswim fics about vanessa/vanny:)
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summary: (request)
warnings: old gross men, harassment, unwanted touch, a bit of gore, pet names (one use of ‘bunny’)
notes: i actually loved writing this one and i’m so happy with how it turned out:) let me know what you think!!
requests: open!!
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i looked at the cameras checking every room for the last time on this shift. everything was perfectly still, there wasn’t any mess anywhere, all the machines were turned off and the animatronics stood right where they needed to. perfect. i looked at the time showing 5:58 am and i comfortably sat in my chair turning off all the cameras and throwing my head slightly back letting out a deep sigh. night shifts were a pain in the ass but at least i could even in the slightest help vanessa with paying the rent. oh, and my parents finally stopped thinking of me as a failure, even though they haven’t really said it straight to my face. i took a deep breathe and blinked a few times trying my best to at least stay awake until i get home. i looked at the time again, seeing 6:00 am finally came along. i smiled to myself and got up from my seat, grabbing my bag and my phone. i closed the doors to ‘my’ office and waved to the animatronics while walking past them to the main entrance. i locked the door and tried opening it, to see if anyone will be able to break in. when the doors didn’t even move, i smiled to myself once more and began walking home, daydreaming of finally laying in my bed and going to sleep.
i walked the small sidewalk lighted up by high beams, even though it was already 6:00 am the sun was not yet awake so it was still pretty dark. i watched as the lights make circles on the ground and smiled at the sight just admiring the way it looked. i felt my phone buzzing in my pocket so i immediately took it out and checked the message i apparently got.
are you coming home already? or should i pick you up?
i smiled seeing the message and quickly sent a reply, that i’m already walking home. not waiting for another text from my girlfriend i slipped my phone into my pocket once again and continued on walking by the sidewalk hopping over the broken tiles, not even paying special attention on doing so. when i jumped over the last cracked one i realised that the lights end here and i have to walk through a total darkness for a while. i rolled my eyes not liking this idea in the slightest but not having any other option. i started walking the dark path trying not to think about all the horrible things that could happen and just simply focusing on my surroundings in case something actually happens. i slowly walked past an abandoned church and scrunched my nose at the sight of it. i turned my head around and noticed some other strangely looking building not being able to define what was it purpose before becoming abandoned. i shook my head slightly and looked down at the ground trying to just get over this dark path as quickly as i could. after many of my steps i’ve noticed a light in the distance and immediately smiled knowing i won’t be so scared in just a few more steps. focusing only on the light i haven’t noticed some people started to slowly walk behind me. i took a notice of their presence when they started talking to me.
“what a pretty lady like you does alone in the streets at night?” one of them asked, from his voice i could easily tell that he was drunk. i rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him, quickening my steps.
“there’s no need for rush” another man spoke up and i felt my heartbeat rising. maybe i should’ve asked vanesssa to pick me up.
“so? where are you going?” the first of them asked again. i tried to walk straight in my direction but knew they wouldn’t leave me alone if i just ignored them.
“i’m going back from work” i said not looking back at them but feeling their presence there still. and their smell.
“at this hour? it can be dangerous, let us help you out” the first one spoke up again, i could feel the smirk in his voice. i had to physically hold myself not to roll my eyes again. i tried ignoring them once more.
“yeah, we can definitely help you” the other one chuckled and i felt goosebumps cover my body in disgust.
“thank you a lot, but i can manage” i said and started walking even faster, feeling that they also picked up their pace. shit.
“oh, don’t be like that” the first one spoke up again. “we just want to help you, nothing more” he chuckled knowing exactly what he really meant by those words. i smiled sarcastically not even being sure if they can see my full face.
“thanks, again but i can take care of myself” i said seeing the light move closer and closer as i went into its direction. i felt my phone buzz again and i prayed it was another of vanessa’s messages. i moved my hand into my pocket trying to get it out but then they spoke up again.
“hey hey-“ one of them started and grabbed my hand that tried to take out my phone. i felt my heartbeat rise up again as i was completely terrified. “tell your boyfriend he can wait while we show you how real men act” he said and laughed the other ones along with him. there were at least four of them so it was obvious i didn’t stand a chance against them. i tried to wiggle my hand out but it did nothing as he hold me in place not even letting me walk.
“i don’t have a boyfriend” i said my brain going completely numb in that situation. the one holding my hand laughed again gripping my wrist a bit tighter, i groaned at the touch.
“then it’s even easier” he chuckled and tried to pull me closer to them but then i remembered one thing vanessa has taught me recently. i should always pull my hand in the direction of somebody’s thumb. i quickly looked at his hand around my wrist, the darkness not helping in the slightest and noticed that his thumb was pointing to the right. i immediately moved my arm right snatching out of his grab as my eyes widened not believing it actually worked. all of them looked at me in shock and my brain started to work again as i began running towards the light at the end of this dark alley.
i didn’t turn my head until i reached the light and noticed a lot of homes and buildings around me. i started to breathe deeply and finally turn around not noticing anyone behind me or even further in the dark. i shook my head at the whole situation and continued walking home, doing it quicker that usual. i took out my phone finally and looked at the notification, noticing it was actually a message from vanessa.
it’s taking you a while, are you okay? are you sure you don’t need me to pick you up?
i smiled at the message and sent her a quick one back saying that i’ll be home in less than five. i shoved my phone back into my pocket again, trying to focus on anything else rather than that situation.
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when i opened the doors to our shared apartment my eyes have met with the blonde’s ones and i immediately smiled at that. i closed the door and locked it behind me throwing the keys on the kitchen counter.
“finally you’re back” she said coming up to me and locking me into a hug. “i was starting to worry”
i chuckled and hugged her back, hugging her even tighter than usually. “nothing to worry about” i said and laughed a bit too fake for her not to notice.
vanessa leaned away and raised one of her eyebrows at me, looking adorably considering that she was still in her pyjama. “what’s with the fake laugh? did something happen to you?” she asked visibly concerned, worry spread out on her face.
“no no!” i said throwing my hands around “just a bunch of guys wanted to probably rape me, but nothing happened” i said visibly exaggerating the situation but vanessa didn’t laugh. oh boy.
“did they touch you?” she asked her voice stern. i swallowed the saliva i had in my mouth wondering how to get out of this conversation.
“nothing happened, i’m okay, that’s what matters” i said while shaking my head and walking away to put my bag on the ground.
vanessa walked behind me almost immediately and grabbed my chin with one of her hands making me look at her. “did. they. touch. you?” she asked putting a more annoyed tone on every of the words. i let out a deep sigh.
“yes.” i said and looked down at her lips not wanting to keep the eye-contact with her. “one of them grabbed my wrist but, thanks to your practice, i got away” i explained and looked up into her eyes again, seeing a somehow crazy look slowly entering them. oh no.
“where was it?” she asked her gaze still on my eyes. “tell me” she said trying to sound more softly but making it come out as even more annoyed.
“in the dark path i had to walk from my work.” i said not knowing how to fully explain it. “close to the abandoned church if you know what i’m talking about” i added and she simply nodded her head letting go of my face.
“from this day on i’ll always drive you off the work” she said and walked to the kitchen making herself a cup of coffee to start the day. i bit the inside of my cheek not knowing what to respond still not being sure if i’m talking to vanessa or maybe vanny just now.
“i’m going to sleep” i said and yawned. vanessa looked at me with a smile on her lips while sipping her coffee.
“sleep tight, i’ll be back before you go to work today” she said starting to get ready for her day shift. i just nodded my head with a smile.
i went to our bedroom, laying down on the bed not even caring about taking off my clothes. just as i was about to fall asleep i heard the doors creak and slowly opened one of my eyes. i saw vanessa quickly walking over to me and giving my forehead a kiss. i smiled sleepily and immediately fell asleep.
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i groaned looking at the time sitting in my chair. five minutes left till the end of my shift. i grabbed my phone looking for messages from vanessa to see if she was still coming to pick me up but nothing came. i burrowed my eyebrows not understanding why she hasn’t wrote anything yet. i rolled my eyes shoving the phone into my pocket and taking a last look at the cameras. everything was pretty still so i turned them off, gathering my things to finally leave this place. i threw the bag over my shoulder and took out headphones from it preparing myself for the walk home again. i checked the phone for the last time - nothing. i sighed and closed the door to my office, saying my goodbyes to the animatronics as i was leaving. i locked the mane entrance and began walking home still hoping somewhere deep, vanessa would come pick me up. i played one of my playlists trying to make this walk at least a bit more enjoyable.
i was walking the path with high beams and smiled again at the sight of circles appearing on the ground. as usual, i started jumping over the cracked tiles trying my best not to step over a broken one. after many steps i’ve noticed that the dark part of my walk was approaching and i immediately felt goosebumps covering my skin. i rolled my eyes forgetting about jumping over the tiles and tried my best not to freak out at the thought alone of meeting those guys from yesterday.
i passed the last light and my dark path started. i kept my eyes at the ground not even looking around at the church or that old building, concentrating only on the task of getting out of this dark alley. a slow song suddenly started playing in my headphones making me more aware of my surroundings than i wanted. great. i still tired to just focus on my steps not caring about anything else, but of course it couldn’t go that smoothly.
“long time no see huh?” a man said suddenly appearing behind my back. from his voice i concluded it was the same one from yesterday. i tried ignoring him at my best.
“you probably couldn’t wait to see us again right?” another one of them spoke up and my heartbeat rose up again. i glanced at them seeing there were five man behind me. i was horrified.
“let us show you how real men treat women” different one of them laughed and immediately grabbed my wrist, this time holding with both of his hand so i couldn’t shove out. i felt tears coming to my eyes.
“take off those headphones” one of them said and with my free hand i did as he told me not wanting to be in even more trouble than i already was. they pulled me with them to an even darker corner of the alley, probably behind that church. my brain went numb again i literally didn’t know what to do.
the one holding me shoved me into the wall still holding my wrist waiting for the others to start their actions. i closed my eyes not wanting to see anything and just hoping for the end to come.
one of them grabbed my neck and squeezed it so harshly i thought they wanted to just kill me at the spot. another one started to unbutton my pants and the tears from my eyes started to run down my cheeks. when he finally stopped unzipping my pants i heard a noise at the end of the alley from where they previously took me. i gently opened my eyes and saw a pair of red ones in the distance. oh god.
when that man wanted to pull my pants down another one of them started screaming in pain and my eyes immediately opened wide. i saw vanny’s costume slit his throat with one swift motion of her hand. i looked in disbelief at this situation thanking in my soul for her rescue.
vanny didn’t stop there, when the rest of them looked at her terrified i almost saw her smile widen even more but maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. she shoved the lifeless body of that man into the wall running up to the next one and pushing her knife into his stomach, the man yelled in pain and fear, while his shirt started to become red from his blood. vanny twisted her knife repeatedly in his body trying to make it as painful for him as it was humanly possible. when that man stopped yelling from all the tiredness she took her knife out and shoved him into the ground with one kick, letting him bleed out. she looked back at the three that were still left. one of them started screaming and running away vanny only following him with her glowing eyes, definitely letting him get away… at least for now. she then moved her red glowing eyes to the two standing the closest to me. if that was what she did for the ones who didn’t even touch me, i definitely wouldn’t want to be in the skin of those two.
she tilted her head while looking at them and waved her knife from side to side, obviously debating on what to do about them. i felt that one of them took their hands off of my wrist while the other let go of my neck. i smiled to her not being sure if she saw my face. one of the men suddenly started to run towards her which was the stupidest decision he has ever made in his life. vanny swiftly grabbed his neck, just like he did to me a moment ago, and shoved him into the wall keeping him there and looking straight into his eyes. then, she moved her knife to his face and harshly pushed it into one of his eyes. he started to scream but then she pushed the knife even deeper not liking that he was making a noise, or wanting him to make even more of them. she hardly pulled the knife out along with his eye and dropped the knife to the ground. with her free hand, she pushed two fingers inside the hole in his head and tried to crush his bones. he screamed unbelievably louder and she definitely had enough of it cause then she pulled her fingers out and shoved her whole hand so deep into his throat i didn’t even know it was possible. she somehow managed to grab his vocal cords and rip them out making him bleed also from his mouth. she let go of him and let him slide down the wall not even being able to scream anymore.
the next thing she did was quickly run up to the man who was previously holding my wrist and just shove him to the ground sitting down on his hips keeping him there. he started screaming so she slapped him on the face with her fluffy paw. she then looked back to where her knife was laying and quickly turned around to him. knowing she wanted to use her knife again i walked over to it and picked it up moving to give it to her. but when i came over, she was already playing with not one, but both of his eyeballs using them like rubber balls. i looked at that situation a bit horrified by it all but also feeling a strange satisfaction that they got what they deserved. she then turned her head around and noticed me holding her knife. she shoved it out of my hand and started slowly cutting his face. the knife went in like into a cake and again i swore her smile widened. when his whole face was cut up and i was pretty sure he already passed away she stood up and shoved her knife right into his manhood. the man screamed for the last time and then life left his body for good. vanny dropped the knife and laughed out loud, looking around and seeing everything she did.
i looked at her still a bit terrified by all of this but a small smile creeped up to my face at the thought that she did all this for me. she finally moved her head to look at me and walked over to me staring my face down with titled head. then she moved closer and connected my nose with her fluffy big one. i chuckled slightly as my hands gently stroked her mask. vanny then moved her hands and took of the mask showing me her beautiful face, with messed up hair and a maniac look in her eyes. i tried to keep my calm but my pulse sped up uncontrollably. she laughed still looking at my face and threw her mask on the ground grabbing my waist with her one blooded paw while the other she put on my cheek gently stroking it.
“you’re mine” she said, her voice sounding maniacally, i still wonder how she manages do to that.
“only yours” i whispered and smiled to her trying my best not to be scared. she laughed feeling my heartbeat rise and rolled her eyes.
she moved her head closer to me and connected our lips in a passionate kiss, showing me how deeply she cares and that she would literally do anything to keep me safe. i smiled into the kiss and wrapped my hands around her hair, keeping her in place for as long as she lets me. vanny sighed into the kiss and slowly leaned away still gripping my waist. she opened her eyes and the maniac look was still present. i smiled to her taking my hands out of her hair.
“i would do anything for you. we would” she said and laughed again this time it sounded more like a chuckle.
“i know” i said and smiled to her. “and i really appreciate it” i added and gave her lips a quick peck.
vanny smiled at me and let go of my waist as well as my cheek to grab my hand while her other one picked up her mask. she led me out of that dark corner as i looked back at all the bodies and then turned to her not knowing if it’s safe to just leave them like that. she laughed seeing my sight and gently shook her head putting the mask back on.
“don’t worry about it, bunny” she said and pulled me closer to her once again now standing almost in the light of the street lights. “vanessa will take care of it, i discussed it with her earlier” she said and my eyes went wild at the mention of vanessa realising she knew exactly what vanny did. i smiled to her and uncontrollably giggled at everything that happened. vanny laughed with me as well and pulled me in for the tightest hug i’ve ever received from her.
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Marriage - Aegon II Targaryen
Aegon x twin sister Fem!Reader
Warnings: normal G.O.T
Word count: 966
Summary: If Aegon has to marry a sister he wants it to be his twin. He wants it to be his twin anyways. The only person who loves him in his life.
House Of The Dragon Masterlist
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“You need to marry. You are of age and need to secure yourself.” Alicent tell’s her oldest son for  what felt like the hundredth time. She wondered if he’d ever get the urgency of this topic.
“I don’t see why it’s so urgent.” Aegon spoke up for the first time since having entered his father’s chambers to discuss an ‘issue’ with his father and mother.
“I agree with the boy. It’s not like he has to get married before the next moon.” Viserys raised a hand gesturing towards Aegon. It’s not like he would be taking the Iron Throne, he didn’t need to rush marriage.
“He needs-”
“Do you have anyone in mind, Aegon? I would prefer to keep our blood pure Targaryen.” Visery asked his son, completely ignoring and cutting Alicent off.
“You have to be joking?!” Alicent exclaimed with wide eyes filled with horror and disgust at the thought of her children being married to each other.
Sure she knew it was the Targaryen way that they married their own blood more often than not. It didn’t mean she supported it or liked it.
“Since Rhaenyre hasn’t had any girls, do you happen to like either of your sisters?” Viserys continued to not pay Alicent any mind as it was not her say that would be finale. Nor was she truly a Targaryen.
Alicent couldn’t believe that she wasn’t going to have a say in this. Or that Viserys would let Aegon have a choice. “By the gods-”
“Y/n. Y/n or no one. That’s my decision on marriage.” Aegon stated with a surprisingly strong tone of voice. If he was going to be allowed to choose he wanted it to be Y/n. His twin sister. The one he loves and who loves him.
“Its settled then. I think it’s a fitting match that will work out perfectly. Good choice.” Viserys smiled and clapped his hands together.
“You can not be serious?!” Alicdnt looked on in shock. That did not go as she had planned.
“I am and it is finale. No one will change my decision, or Aegons or I’m sure Y/n’s. Not even you.” Viserys looked to Alicent with a look that told her to step down.
Viserys had noticed over the years how close Y/n and Aegon were and he also knew how bad of a father he’d been to them. If letting them marry each other was what would make them happy it’s the least he could do for them.
“I’ll go tell Y/n the good news.” Aegon gave a nod with a smile before he left to go find his sister and share the news of their engagement.
It took him a while searching a couple of her favorite places. But he finally found her at the dragon pits.
“Y/n.” Aegon called out.
“Over here.” She called out and Aegon followed the second of her voice. “How was your meeting?”
“Dreadful. But it ended well.” Aegon told her as he stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her torso.
“Oh really? What was it about?” Y/n raised a brow curious to know about it.
“Mother wants me to marry.” He told her with a groan.
“To secure your place.” Y/n mimicked their mothers words with a roll of her eyes.
“Exactly.” Aegon scoffed but was amused by her imitation of their mothers nagging.
“And the king? Our father. What’d he say?” Y/n asked wondering if he had said anything to either support or put down their mothers ridiculous plans.
“Asked if I had anyone in mind. Said he’d prefer our blood to stay pure.” Aegon was giddy to tell her the news for them but he also wanted to see her reaction.
“Did you?” Y/n was nervous about asking the question. Sure they say they love each other and wish they could marry the other, but given the chance to choose anyone would he still choose her?
“Yeah. And he said yes. He approved of us. He approved of us getting married.” Aegon couldn’t contain his excitement any longer. He was overjoyed that they were going to be married. It was always a hope but with their mother and grand sire always scheming behind people's backs there was always an air of uncertainty.
Y/n spun around looking her twin in the eyes. Her own wide with shock and hope. “He did?”
Aegon nodded, tightening his hold on her waist. “Yes, he did.”
“Oh Aegon.” Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as she could. Aegon lifted her up and spun her in his joy, happy she shared in it.
“We can finally be together.” Aegon mumbled into her neck.
“We can.” She let out a happy sigh. At least they would get to have each other in this cruel world.
“Mothers furious.” He laughed, setting her back on the ground as they pulled back to look at eachother.
“Let her be. Not like she really cares about us.” Y/n reached up to cup his cheek’s in the palm of her hands. Smiling at him as if he was the only person in all the realms. “Aegon, I won't turn against our sister. Against Rhaenyra.”
Y/n knew it was probably bad timing. But he had to know before they got married her decision and where she stood if their mother and grand sire got their way.
“I don’t want to be king. Whatever you want to do, I’ll follow you.” Aegon didn���t care to ever be on the Iron Throne, but he did care about Y/n. He’d go wherever she wanted to go. All they ever had growing up was each other and that's how it’ll always be.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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AITA for editing my friends cover letter and then telling him I wouldn’t give him my employee number for a referral if he used the cover letter he wrote? (Emojis to find this whenever it posts)
For some context… I work for a HUGE university that is extremely hard to get a job at. I have friends in HR here now and they said pretty much every job posting (and the postings are pretty sparse) gets a minimum of 250-300 applications. I got extremely lucky securing my job and truly do not take that for granted. And now that I’m an “insider” I have the ability to make referrals for my friends so that they can at least get an interview and hopefully a job here too and hop on the good pay and excellent benefits train especially since we’re all coming up on 26, therefore, we are all losing our health insurance (yay America).
So, one of my friends finished his masters degree recently and was looking for jobs in my area and saw something at my place of employment he was interested in. I told him I would be more than happy to look over his cover letter and resume before he submitted his application because I know what they look for in those. He said if there was any major changes he would pay me for edits too. I agreed because why not help my friend out. Give him a shot at this place.
And as much as I hate to say it… his cover letter was just… bad. It was so bad I reread it a good 5 times before I was fully able to comprehend just how bad it was. I had to go for a walk around the block to collect my thoughts on it. It literally made me question how he got a masters degree if I am being completely frank. It was also just so atrocious I offered to edit it for free because I felt so bad.
I don’t want to give specifics but think, half a paragraph on things he explicitly states that he has not done and will never do in his masters program, saying “folks” instead of colleagues (which is fine in conversation but like. Not for a cover letter ya know?), talked more about his experience in retail than he did his actual masters program, and just so so so much more.
So to just give him as fair of a shot as I could, I asked him for his thesis and service work that he did in his program, and asked permission to pretty much start from scratch on his cover letter. He excitedly agreed and told me to “go to town and do what you have to” and said “you know better than me what they’re looking for” and once I returned the final product to him he wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about the amount of jargon I inserted and the amount of changes I made to his “flare”. I had my friend in HR at the specific department I work at read it over and he said it was spectacular and he would interview someone with the cover letter in a heartbeat. I told my friend that and he still felt like I “robbed it of his personality.” I told him he’s welcome to edit it however he wants but my friends in HR said it was really strong how I wrote it and I would highly recommend not making any changes before he applies if he wants to get an interview and told him to just think on it for a bit before throwing in his application.
He didn’t respond for a couple of days and then called me out of the blue and told me he was working on his application now, was planning on using his original cover letter unedited, and needed my ID number for the referral. And I said… no. I am super super lucky to have my job and as jobs here are in such high demand I was scared to stick my neck out for him because I felt it might stain my reputation and reflect poorly on me. And he yelled at me and accused me I was being selfish and uppity about my job and that I needed to just give him the number because “if doesn’t matter anyway”. I tried to explain to him that any referral an employee makes gets added to their file regardless if the person got hired or not.
I did not want to stand by his original cover letter because I felt like it would’ve knocked him out of the running LONG before the interviews would’ve even started getting scheduled. I also feel it is important to add, I never told him his cover letter was garbage. I just told him it needed some work/jargon/fine tuning to the job description. I would never EVER say something like that to someone because I would never want to hurt someone’s feelings
I feel horrible. I didn’t want him to be hurt by the advice and changes I was making but I am in a very interesting and delicate position with my job in that I am one of like 5 people in any kind of administrative role at the entire institution that doesn’t have a bachelors degree. I secured my job because I worked as a temporary assistant for a few months and they loved me so much they made an exception to hire me in fully. I am deeply loved in my department and I truly love my job with all of my heart. It is wonderful and incredibly rewarding to do the work that I do so I really do not want to fuck this up for myself. I have had other friends apply and get jobs here with a little guidance and they love it too. I absolutely want that for my friend I was trying to help. I truly do. But he was not willing to take my advice and I just couldn’t risk sticking my neck out for him. So… AITA?
TL/DR: I work for a hard to get into place. Spent a lot of time fixing my friends app bc he writes like a 14 year old despite having a masters degree. He said he was using his shitty cover letter and asked for my referral number anyway and I told him no it’s not gonna happen because I can’t afford to stick my neck out like that since I got my job in a non traditional way leaving me a bit more vulnerable than most. I never explicitly told him “your cover letter is garbage” because I didn’t want to make him feel bad but warned him it would most likely not make it to the interviews and the one that I wrote him was applauded by my friends who work in HR.
What are these acronyms?
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
WARNING // Some themes in this chapter may not be suitable for all audiences, viewer discretion is advised
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Nick stares at Noah like he was a dog with his tail between his legs. He had been caught, but Noah was not quite sure he feels guilty about what he did.
Because he didn’t.
“How long have you known?” Noah asked him.
“Known what?” He sighs, throwing his hands up.
“How long you have had your eyes on her or how long you two have been sneaking around?”
“Either at this point Nick. You’re not acting like yourself.”
“No. I am acting like myself. It’s just the first time you’ve actually pulled your head out of your ass to actually see it. Ever since you started hanging out with her again, you haven’t bothered to pay attention to the rest of us. Your band. Your brothers.”
“That doesn’t give you a right to separate us. You’re not her older brother and you’re not my Dad. I thought if I were to get involved with anyone, you’d be happy it was her.” Noah scoffed.
“It’s not that I’m unhappy Noah. I just don’t like how even though she’s higher on your priority list, you still don’t treat her like it.”
That hurt more because Noah knew he was right.
“I’ve never been in a serious relationship before.” Noah admits. “So you think it gives you free range to pick Folios sister of all people to fuck around with.”
“I didn’t fuck her.”
“Doesn’t mean you weren’t planning on it.” Nick shot back. Noah swallowed the dryness in his throat.
“I’m sorry. About the NDA. Truly, but I figured it would be the easiest option to suggest to Matt to get through our tour. And then Folio got hurt…… she took the position. Shit just got messy… Noah I really wanted you two to be together, but I didn’t want it to fuck the band up to a point the fans would start noticing. How would that look?”
Nick wasn’t wrong. In fact, Nick is never wrong, factually, at least. Morally on the other hand, he had to have been the worst offender next to Noah.
The room filled with silence, the two of them soaking in each others words before Noah finally broke the silence. “I haven’t been putting this band first. I thought I was doing that when I finished the rest of the album, I guess it wasn’t enough.” He sighs
“Noah, you’re the lead singer dude. You already carry so much responsibility and I don’t think we cut you enough slack. But, a girl can’t just come in and fuck that shit up when we have stuff we need to get done.”
“She’s different Nick. I feel like there’s a fire inside of me when I’m around her.”
“And if you don’t contain it you’re going to get burnt. You haven’t even told Folio how you feel about her. He’s one of your best friends and he’s in the dark. “
“I know..” Noah sighs.
Nick walks over and slaps Noah on the back comfortingly. “Jolly’s known for a bit too dude. Expecting him to keep that secret? A lot on him too.”
Noah’s realization of his stupid actions finally caught up with him as be planted his face in his hands. “ I’m sorry, Nick.”
Nick pulled Noah up from the seat and embraced his friend in a tight hug. “I’m sorry I fairly kicked your ass.” He jokes and a light laugh escaped Noah’s lips. “I let you win mother fucker.” He slaps his back lightly.
“Cmon dude. We have a show to do. It’s our last one.” Nick smiles before the door to the dressing room opens and Jolly peaks his head in. “You guys coming?”
The two nodded as the three of them met you backstage. You felt Noah’s large hands grasp each side of your hips, his front against your back, and warmth spread across your cheeks before you rest the back of your head on his chest. “Everything good?” You asked, looking down at his tattooed hands. You hear him sigh in your ear before clearing his throat. “Yeah. It will be.” He says before the lights dimmed in the pit of the audience.
The crowd went insane. You were used to being in front of the large fan base that Bad Omens had. Something about Noah's hands being secured on your hips, almost reassured that he was right about everything being okay.
Granted, given everything that has happened already, you weren't sure it was capable of getting worse.
The beginning of the show went as expected. You performed the usual set list. The crowd seemed to be higher in energy today, perhaps due to the fact that it was the last show of the tour.
The crowd eventually settled through the show; the energy seemed more positive compared to how you left the boys. Nick and Noah actually made eye contact and it didn't look like they wanted to kill each other.
You thought everything was going well, until Noah began talking to the crowd between songs.
You could see him at the front of the stage, holding the microphone in front of his mouth while his sweat-dosed hair hung over his eyes. The makeup covered his bruises well, if anything it added to his on stage persona. The more you watch Noah perform, the more you could see the differences between the real Noah and the person he makes himself into for the sake of his fans.
"So. How many of you know a song called ' Just Pretend '? "
The crowd went expectedly loud with an uproar. Noah held the microphone with both of his hands as he quickly looked back at you at the top of the stage behind the drum set. You sent a half smile down to him, and it seemed as if you gave him the confidence he needed.
He turned his attention back to the crowd before he continued. "For the second half of this tour, our drummer Folio had an unfortunate accident which handicapped him temporarily from performing on stage with us."
The crowd was awed as Jolly and Nick bobbed their head. "But. In Folio's absence, our band was saved by a talented drummer who is fortunately here to fill in for her brother while he heals."
You felt your heart in your throat and the air felt almost too thick to breathe through your nose. What the hell was he doing? The feeling seemed to be mutual between the four of you because Jolly and Nick turned their heads up to you, their eyes looking at you for some form of answer as to why Noah was doing what he was doing. Unfortunately you weren't much help for them.
"Her name is Y/N. She's one of the closest people in my life, and one of the biggest inspirations for many of the songs this band sings. Including this one, Just Pretend."
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Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 Lots of love, as always.
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world-of-aus · 1 year
Never Been The Type To
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Mobster!Reader
Warnings: Cliff Hanger????
Author's Note: An accompanied piece to Tell Me I've Been Lied Too! I'm not sure where I will be taking these pieces but if y'all are interested I'll try and see where I can take this. Hope you all enjoy this follow up! Happy Readings Buns.
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The shipment was torn into, bullet casings strewn amongst the wooden framing that adorned the floor of his warehouse. The longer he looks at the damaged goods the harder his jaw clenches, teeth grinding, as he looks over what will set him back months to replace. “Security’s been taken care of,” Steve calls from behind him flanking his side as he joins his boss, eyes assessing the scene. 
“Cameras catch anything?” 
Steve’s silence is enough to have Bucky sending his foot into the already damaged crates, the wood splintering further under his foot as the fire burns within him, rage all consuming. “What the fuck am I paying for then!” the brunette all but growls as he rounds on his best friend getting in his space. “No one,” he points to the doors behind Steve, “No one should have been able to get to these crates without a bullet between their eyes, do you know how far back this sets us? Do you know how much money I've lost to this? Give me something Rogers, something other than Security's been taken care of!” 
Steves hard gaze is undeterred, “whoever did this knew what they were doing, they’re not some chump hired off the streets, it could have been a rat.” 
Bucky’s jaw clenches as he glares his concierge down, “you telling me that you let a rat fly under your radar unnoticed,” he growls poking Steve in the chest, “don’t think Wilson would let something like that happen if he had your rank.” Steves features mirror his, “not what I'm saying,” the blonde grits teeth bared, “but this person knew what they were doing Barnes, they took out the cameras, took out our men and our cargo in a matter of minutes, whoever this is has it out for you.” 
The brunette turns away from his friend, cold eyes going back to the problem at hand, “I took care of every last person who would even think of pulling some shit like this when I went after those who wronged my father.” Steve doesn’t have to say your name, for Bucky to know what he’s thinking, “she doesn’t have the drive to pull something like this,” Bucky lies turning away from his friend. “We can’t scratch her from the list,” Steve murmurs, “you lied to her, betrayed her trust, you murdered her father in front of her!” 
Bucky’s on Steve in an instant his hands curled around the lapels of his collar, “I did what I had to do,” he growls, “she wasn’t made for this life Steve, couldn’t even see the corrupt shit her old man was doing behind her back, I had to do it! Her father was ready to sell her soul for the next big thing!” 
“So you to lie to her, couldn’t be the bigger man and tell her what was going on? Had to be just like daddy?” Steve knows he deserves the fist to the face, but he also knows his boss needs to hear it, Steve had never agreed to what Bucky felt he needed to do you that night. Couldn’t stand at his best friends, stand at his bosses' side, the night he murdered your father. Steve knew your father deserved it with what he had planned for you, but he couldn’t agree with how Bucky went about it. “Feel better big man,” Steve spits, blood splattering the concrete, Bucky pushes him away, “Go home Rogers, you’re done here.” 
“You think letting yourself into her home is going to make matters any better for you,” Steve calls after Bucky. “I’m getting answers Rogers, answers you all have failed to give me, go home to Peggy, you’re done.” 
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Your back was to the wooden oak doors of your office, cooled glass in hand as you look out the French windows of your home. It was dark out, your security having gone home for the night after inspection of your property, your father wouldn’t have agreed to the new change implemented, but they had families; loved ones who waited up for them, waited for their safe arrival home. 
You swirl the cube of ice in your cup, bringing it to your lips as you swallow down the last of the amber liquid. You pretend not to hear the soft creak of your office door, the cautious steps into your office. You wait, “you have a death wish?” You chuckle placing the empty glass down onto your desk before you’re turning to face the man you once thought was the one. 
You wondered if the ache in your chest would ever wane. 
“If it’s my time, it’s my time,” you answer voice void of any emotion, “to what do I owe the pleasure?” 
In the dim of the office you catch the tick of his jaw, he’s annoyed, good. “Your dad’s gone and you just let your guard down? Anyone could just walk in and” he points his fingers at you in the representation of a gun going off right between your eyes. The laugh you let out is cold, “you’re the reason he’s gone James. Is that why you’re here asking stupid questions? You come to end my life the way you ended my fathers? Shame, was expecting you sooner than this, you’re slacking.” 
The tick is more prominent, you’re getting under his skin, “I think you and I both know why I'm here.” You raise a brow, “no actually I don’t, care to let me in or are you going to leave me in the dark like you always did.” “Cut the shit y/l/n the cargo,” he grits, “you’re the only one who could have pulled an operation like that, you knew -” 
You cut him off with a loud laugh, “you’re here because someone fucked with your shit and you think it was me?” “My men are dead because of you,” he growls. Your lips are set in a thin line as you stare the brunette down, “No your men are dead because of you. Not everyone has a vendetta to get those who wrong them Barnes, and my condolences to your men’s family but whoever fucked with your shit it wasn’t me. The day my father died was the day I vowed to myself never to be seen with the likes of you again.”  
“If it wasn’t you then who was it? I made sure to take care of every last person who wronged my father, you’re the only one who could have -” 
“Get out,” you grit, “I said get the hell out of my home Barnes!” you yell when he doesn’t move. “I want nothing to do with you, I don’t want to know anything about you, I hate you, I hate what you’ve done to me, who you’ve made me. I have lost so much because of you, I won’t let you take anymore.” 
His lips part but you hold a finger up, head casted down as you will the knot in your throat away, “Get out. Please.” 
The tick returns, but he doesn’t go against your word as he turns on his heel. It takes a lot of you not to crumble, your features stoned as you heave in shaky breaths. You turn to the desk picking up your burner unlocking the device as you pull up your messages. Opening the only message that sits there you draft up a reply, a file going attached with your warning. 
‘This is all I know. Don’t let your guard down, he’s coming for all of you.’ 
With notification that your message had been received you're sending the device crashing into the floor, your heel cracking straight through the screen glass. 
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moonstruckme · 1 month
Okay sorry I don’t want to burden anyone I know irl so rant below ! Cw for anxiety maybe? Please feel no need to read, everything is fine in my part of the world :)
I’m graduating on Saturday and that’s already more scary than exciting unfortunately, but a couple of days ago I got turned down for the only position I wanted in the city I live in now, so I’ll officially be moving away at the end of the summer. The thing is, I have no idea where !! I’ve always wanted to move out of my home state so it was never the plan to stay here, but there was a weird sense of comfort in the idea that I could potentially just stay where I am right now, continue to hang out with my friends who are doing grad school, kinda sorta pretend to just still be in college for another year or so. Which maybe wasn’t the best idea, but the familiarity was like a security blanket. Now, I cannot stop thinking about how I have no idea what I’m going to do.
I really hoped I’d have a job lined up by now, but as it stands it seems like I’m going to be working 3 jobs until my lease ends in August and after that I have no clue where I’m going. Jobs in my industry are worryingly scant and while I’m trying to make my peace with working in like a coffee shop or a bookstore or something (which I think I would be perfectly content with, at least for a while) the amount of decisions that leaves me with is stressing me out so bad. I have to figure out where I want to live, get a job there, go and find an apartment with some roommates, make all new friends, etc, etc. I’m terrified.
I have literally one friend who isn’t going on to some kind of higher education and she’s already gotten her dream job after applying to two (2) places, and I’m genuinely happy for her but it makes me feel like such a failure that I’ve applied to dozens and not even gotten an interview. I want so badly to just do something I care about but I feel like soon I’m going to have to settle for whatever pays rent. I keep telling myself that that’s fine, because plenty of people live that way and I’m sure that so long as I keep writing and have some good people in my life I’ll be happy, but it’s so so scary to know that in a couple of months I’ll be leaving all my friends and family behind but have no idea where I’ll be going.
I’m really not trying to whine, I know that I’ve been extremely lucky to go to college and enjoy barely paying for anything the last few years (I have a scholarship that pays for most of my rent and my parents help me with grocery money). There are genuinely awful things happening all over the world right now, and I live in a country that affords me a good amount of safety and have parents who I know would step in to help me if I were literally starving. I’m just sort of coming to terms with this being the first time in my life that I’m completely on my own. I’m confident that I can find something to keep myself alive, but I’ve been very lucky to have great friends and a very contented life so far, and I’m both grateful for that and terrified it’s going to end soon.
I can sort of feel myself on the edge of a wee breakdown and that really cannot happen right now because my family and my long-distance bestie get here tomorrow for graduation so I’m going to have to be very smiley and confident for at least the next few days ! And anyone I shared this with would be taking on the burden of feeling some kind of guilt, which of course I don’t want to put on anyone. So yeah. Sorry to do this here, but I really felt like I had to externalize this somehow and you guys are my unfortunate victims!
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 5 months
♡Weekly Chronicles♡
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Hey babes! I haven't done a weekly chronicle in so longgg but I have some good updates because I missed you girlies<3 Welcome to my new girliesss!
The semester has officially started and so far I like all my classes. I decided to do 18 credits worth of classes this semester and I didn't realize how busy my schedule would be until last week lol. I'm trying to find a way to reorganize my schedule because babes it is a lot. I have a bunch of items I need to get a few textbooks I will try and order this week but other than that it has been very simple since it is the first full week of the semester I don’t expect them to do too much. I hope all my college girlies are doing well let's buckle in and get this semester done so we can be hot girls all summer lol. Side note there is this really cute guy in a few classes near me and I see him all the time he is soooo cute lol he's blonde and tall I had a math class with him I believe a year ago never said anything to him and I don’t plan he’s just cute lol.
I have been great mentally. So far this year I have been super organized when it comes to my goals and habits so it has made me feel secure knowing I am going down the right path. I need to pay for my refill of my antidepressants I like to call them my happy pills. They have helped me a lot these past 3 months because I remember last year around this time I was so depressed Seasonal depression affected my motivation and goals, so I didn't accomplish much. Thankfully this year is different. Also, I've been working on saying more affirmations I sometimes have a tough time looking in the mirror, especially around the time of my period but I'm constantly reminding myself I'm beautiful self-love is a continuous journey and to be patient.
I have been sticking to my diet plan! It has been working I've been seeing major results of course I have slip-ups sometimes but I get right back on and  I don't judge myself because I'm human and weight loss will not be linear. I can’t wait to reach my goal I still have more pounds to go but I got this! I've been super strict on my skincare routine and I've been seeing results with that as well my dark spots are slowly fading and I'm super happy. I recently cut my hair so I’m on a hair growth journey now. So if you have any tips especially if you have 4a, 4b, and 4c hair I'd love some tips below, and even if you don’t please share babes<3
My schedule has been super hectic. So now I'm trying to figure out how to organize my hobbies into my schedule but also trying to keep balance so I don't become overwhelmed. Pilates has been amazing I love the burn it's so addictive I can’t wait to get back into weightlifting in the second quarter of the year! I want to learn how to create flower arrangements so I can keep fresh flowers in my home. I'm still looking into new hobbies so I can have some excitement in my life outside of school. I tried some hobbies during the break and realized certain hobbies aren’t for me and some are. Also, I have been on it with my Italian! By the end of this year, I want to be bilingual. Every time I practice it makes me want to book a trip to Italy just to speak Italian with Italians lol.
I love chatting with you babes and want you girlies to chat back<3 so let me know what you have planned this week and how was your weekend Love you babes we are almost at 200 followers<3
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mmkin · 4 months
Hearth and Home (Get You Some Arlong)
Next chapter of Get You Some Arlong is now up... let us Arlong simps rejoice. Link to AO3 here, the chapter can also be found under the cut and the handsome pictures of Arlong. Enjoy!
Content warning - the chapter is NSFW/18+ but all intimacy is consensual. There is a serious injury - no one dies but there is mention of blood and wounds.
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A couple of notes and observations I have from watching the Arlong Park episodes (both anime and OPLA) I’ve enjoyed both versions of the Arlong Park arc, but as I was thinking about Arlong's tribute system, it left me wondering how people of places like the Conomi Islands manage to come up with the money to pay these monthly tributes.
In the anime, Arlong destroys the ships of the villagers and sinks Marine ships that come to fight him. So presumably places like Cocoyashi Village have no stable way of continuing to earn money. They would run out of cash and need to trade with one another for necessities. Arlong takes most if not all the money, and there does not appear to be an inflow of money from the outside of Arlong's area, at least none of which would reach the human villagers directly.
Tangerines may grow on trees, but money doesn't. Someone must have figured something out, but it’s never discussed AFAIK. And I’m one of these nerds who gnaws on little details from a show/movie/book/etc until I go near-mad over it, haha.
Also, Bellemere's sacrifice was unnecessary. (I refer more to the anime here as Bellemere had more wiggle room here compared to OPLA) I'm sure some people will hate me for saying this, but it was unnecessary for her to have opened her mouth because she had been given a perfect out by Genzo. I am sure the villagers would have been happy to support Bellemere in hiding Nami and Nojiko. There are historical records of various people going into hiding for years when facing persecution.
Instead, Bellemere cast her children into an uncertain future. She left the villagers on the hook for the tribute fees of two children (she had no way of knowing that Nami would have become part of Arlong's crew) and forced her children to witness the trauma of seeing her killed instead of keeping her mouth shut.
Lying about her family didn’t mean she didn’t care about them. Sometimes lying about someone’s existence was what kept them safe. In the past, people would hide escaped slaves, or unjustly persecuted fugitives and then pretend they didn’t exist when the authorities came sniffing around. It didn’t mean that the benefactors thought any less of the people they were covering for. It was simply pragmatic, and if Bellemere had been more pragmatic, a lot of grief could have been avoided all around. Just my two cents.
Not much a fan of Queen Otohime, either. I get that she wanted to bridge the gap between humans and merfolk, but she was too idealistic and didn't do as much good as she wanted to. Like, did she and her husband take a strong stance against slavery? Did they take measures to increase security around Fishman Island to prevent their people from being captured as slaves? And dumping orphans in the Fishman District and never giving them another thought, did anyone really think that problem would just solve itself?
Yeah, if I were a fishman or mermaid I’d be pretty upset, too. Of course, it’s nice that One Piece shows varying viewpoints, not just black and white, but it bothered me when Fukaboshi asked Hody what had happened to make him so hateful and Hody said ‘nothing’.
No no, it wasn’t ‘nothing’. Hody and his friends were very nearly kidnapped as children – thankfully Arlong showed up and kicked the ass of these would-be slavers. And honestly, if you’re a fishman seeing humans trying to kidnap fishman children, then I’d hope you feel at least a little pissed off. Or from Hody’s POV, some asshole humans tried to kidnap you and your friends to sell – that’d have to shake you up at least some. So as much of an asshole as Hody is, some of his anger was justified.
Also, if you come across a reference to 'The Breakfast Club', yes, I put that there on purpose, lol. Ok, that's a long enough author's note – kudos if you made it through that. On to the fic!
You sip your tangerine juice and lean back in your chair as you eye Buggy’s head idly when Chew sets it down on the table. The head is not quite as talkative, but then considering what he’s been through recently, you’d be pretty quiet too, probably. The clown has been through a wide range of experiences since being captured by Arlong. He’s spent most of his time in pieces, or when he’s intact, the seastone cuffs Arlong keeps on hand make sure he can’t use his Chop-chop powers. When his body hangs in the gallery, Arlong lets the other fishmen use him as target practice, which had Buggy wailing in dismay when he was allowed to see his body the next day, covered in splatters of paint.
The clown's head blinks as he takes in the morning light and then he registers your presence. You've not interacted with him much, but Buggy has paid attention – not that there's much else to do when one is a captive – and he understands who you are. He quickly looks around – doubtless to see if Arlong is around – before turning back to you. Chew sits down. Arlong is out for the day with some of his fishmen, collecting the tribute from a couple of nearby islands, so he’ll be back before the end of the day.
Since you were outed by Toma, you see little point in covering up at Arlong Park. Passing for human or male was something you preferred to do on missions or when traveling incognito was needed, but this place is your home now – the first place in a long, long time you’d call home. And you should be able to be yourself in your home if nowhere else. So you’re just sitting there in a swimsuit top and shorts.
“So, what did you bring me out for?” Buggy asks casually, seeing that the park is quiet. It’s just the three of you. “Chew taunts me while you watch? Not much of an audience this time.”
“Hmph," you snort. "You're a real showman, aren't you? And your Chop-chop jazzes things up, I bet." You sip your juice, your tentacles draped comfortably across the arms and back of the chair. Buggy perks up at your words, and Chew raises an eyebrow. You smile at Chew before returning your attention to Buggy. You're someone who prefers to live incognito. Even as Arlong's mate, you advise him behind closed doors, letting others think you're just Arlong's arm candy. Like a deep-sea squid, many do not see you until you're nearly upon them, if they ever see you. And here is one who is nearly the opposite of you.
“You’ve never seen one of my shows, have you? Such a shame.”
“I don’t know,” you say with a small sigh. “I mean, weren’t you holding Orange Town captive? A captive audience is…” You shrug, scrunching up your face. Chew smiles at that, behind the back of Buggy’s head. You blow a raspberry to punctuate your comment.
“Sometimes people need to be forced to sit down to appreciate what’s before them!”
“That’s an interesting mindset.” You look down at your nails. “Interesting doesn’t always mean good, though.”
“You could prove me wrong, then,” he says, staring at you with a pair of sea-green eyes that you will admit are attractive. (Nowhere near as attractive as Arlong’s azure eyes, though...)
“Well, I could put on a show for you. You’re the one in the position of power here, not me, toots. Put my head back on my body, and let me out of the seastone cuffs, and I’ll knock your socks off!”
You cross your arms at that, raising an eyebrow. On one hand, keeping Buggy captive constantly would wear on both him and Arlong, and even Chew. On the other hand, he’s still resistant at times, so none of you know if he will turn on Arlong the moment he has a chance to.
“How do I know this is not a ploy to escape?” you ask.
“Well, I’m on an island. One heavily populated by fishmen. I can send my parts flying, but not that far, not to another island.”
“Hmm.” You glance over at Chew, stroking your chin. “Arlong never did get to see a show either, did he?” you say, recalling Arlong telling you how the clown had been defeated by some kid in a straw hat. The two of you had a good laugh over that.
At that, Buggy’s smile freezes, and you smirk. “Hey, better than an audience of one, right? You didn’t think you were putting on a private show for me, did you?” You bat your eyes at him and Chew chuckles.
More fishmen watching also means more to take Buggy down if he ever tries something with his powers. Arlong has never allowed Buggy to perform at full capability, and well, you admit you're curious.
“Well, I can ask Arlong about it when he comes back. Besides, it’s not like I have the key to the seastone cuffs,” you add with mock chagrin. You know where they are, safely tucked away where Arlong left them, but there's no reason to mention that, is there? And Chew knows, too.
“But if you want to entertain me now, I’m not opposed to a good story or a joke.”
Buggy stares at you and then the tumbler of juice you have in your hand. Oh, how thirsty he must be. The Chop-chop fruit means his metabolism pauses if he's in pieces, so he doesn't need to eat. Nonetheless, you can see the poor thing’s lips are a touch dry.
“If it’s a really good one and Chew and I both laugh, you can have a few sips of my juice.”
Buggy glances upward while thinking of something that’ll get him some of that juice. You hold up the cup enticingly.
“A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two-foot salami in the other…”
One of the things Arlong likes to do when he is in an especially devilish mood is to have you ride his thigh. He enjoys watching you getting all worked up and then trying to give yourself relief by rubbing yourself against his leg. At least this time he took off his shorts before he has you doing that and is sitting back in his chair, watching as you rock your hips against him.
You've never said it, but you know that he knows you enjoy his roughness sometimes. His dirty talk, the way he grabs you or holds you down, or gives you orders. He knows you have a difficult time cumming – if at all – when he tells you to ride his thigh, so he can watch you get all flustered and frustrated. If there's a glimmer of mercy in him during such sessions, he might decide to use his hand and help you, but right now he's just watching you with that smug smirk of his.
His erections are temptingly close, but you know you can't touch them – much less ride them – until he decides he's ready for that. Sometimes he might pump himself while you watch, so the entertainment is mutual. Your gaze drifts down to the thick pair of throbbing rods, starting lavender at the base and taking on an enticing red hue along the shaft, especially around the heads. Even now, you still on occasion boggle over the fact that Arlong has two of them, but you have no complaints when you think about how absolutely fantastic these shafts feel buried inside of you.
“Arlong…” you groan. You are close, and your hips snap in frantic rhythm as you bear down on him, feeling that gorgeous sharkskin of his against your pelvis and thighs.
“That's it. I know you're close… keep going. Good girl, yes, that's it. You're so wet and hot. Be a good little slut and cum for me, and you'll get to play with more than my thigh…" His hand reaches to touch your face, his thumb sliding against your mouth. Your lips part, and you bite gently down on him as you start keening. You're so close. So fucking close.
You look into his eyes and bite harder, pressing your tongue against his thumb as his words give you the push you need. A short moan breaks from your throat before your rhythm slows, your thighs shivering against him.
“I'm so proud of you," he purrs lecherously. "You worked so hard…" Damn right, he knows you worked hard for it – he was right there for every minute of it. That bastard.
He’s your bastard, though. He can spew out his obscenities, and grab you, and dominate and fuck you, and chortle over how you belong to him. All of that is yours. But as you also know very well, Arlong has more than that to offer, though few would know or suspect it.
He’s also your mate and partner. You bask in the purr of his voice as he speaks to you, your hips swaying against him slowly as he pulls his hand from your mouth.
“You have more than earned your reward. Come and get it." he wiggles his hips. You need no further invitation and straddle him as you lower yourself onto him, one cock sliding into you while the other one is nestled between your stomachs. You wrap a tentacle around it and ensure he gets both cocks stimulated at once.
It’s all too easy to lose yourself in his passion, and the park fades away as you ride him fiercely, his hands on your sides as he keeps you close, his cocks twitching against and within you as you moan out his name, tasting him as he pulls you in for a fierce kiss.
After he cums, you lean back, seeing the pearly mess that is smeared along both of your stomachs.
“You see the mess you made, little slut? Clean that up now,” he scolds, pointing to himself. You smirk at him but obediently disengage from him and kneel before him to lick the cum off him as he watches you, savoring the taste of his skin and the firmness of his stomach. You bat your eyes at him, or wiggle your tongue, making a little show of it as he relaxes in his chair.
“Mmm. Arlong…” you growl against him as you lick the last drop off him before playfully biting along the ridges of his abs. He smiles at that before you stand up, your front in full view, including your semen-splattered stomach. “Well?” you ask lightly, placing a hand on your hip as you look at him. His smile widens into a smirk as he raises his eyebrow. “Are you going to return the favor?” you tease.
“Does this dirty little slut want me to clean her up?” he asks in a drawl, resting his chin on a hand.
“Considering that you made your slut dirty in the first place…”
He rises from his chair, stepping out of the shorts he had bunched around his ankles. Even naked, he is an impressive sight, all muscles and sharp points and sheer strength. (Actually, one might argue that he looks even more impressive naked, all of his physical strength on display, every rippling muscle there for all to see, admire, or cower before) But you stand before him unafraid, his passion evident on you – not just the mess on your stomach, but the fading bite marks on your shoulder and thigh. (You know he will be marking you with fresh bites in due time)
He steps toward you with a playful growl. You giggle and step back, batting your eyes. Without another word, he pushes you into the pool, and you instinctively react before you’re in the water, whipping your tentacles out and hooking them around him. You drag him in with you, hearing his surprised but amused laugh.
That’s what he gets for messing around with someone with tentacles. Though you have to wonder if he had an inkling you’d do that if he gave you a reason to. You smirk at him as the two of you drift through the water, his hand sliding across your stomach to clean you up – and continues sliding along your body long after the fact.
Nami comes home from one of her missions, and you can tell something’s up.
Cocoyasi Village is free, but it is still surrounded by Arlong's territory, which has expanded in the years since Arlong and his pirates came to the island and his deal with Nami was made. Arlong still has more power over their lives than the distant World Government, and certainly more than the Marines, of which Nezumi and several others are in his pocket. (Arlong still has plenty enough towns to extract tributes from to cover all these bribes. More towns, more bribes, it seems the cycle doesn't end…) Even though Arlong has never officially announced Cocoyasi Village's freedom, word still gets out and over the last few months, several humans arrived at Cocoyasi Village, petitioning for citizenship.
Nami's deal with Arlong did not include newcomers – only existing citizens of the village at the time Nami bought its freedom, and any children they might have. This he is able to argue when Nami asks him to allow them to take up residency. And in this, you see where he is coming from. If people from towns under Arlong's control see Cocoyasu Village as a haven, then people will flock to the village, meaning Arlong loses tribute from these people, and the village will grow too rapidly. Arlong Village is a learning experience as word of mouth attracts more seafolk from a variety of walks of life and there are definite growing pains.
Nami glances at you. It was a surprise to her to finally learn that you are Arlong's mate, but you've since assured her that you remain friendly to her and she can come to ask you for help if she needs it.
… It doesn’t mean you’ll help her every time she asks for it, though. Much as you respect Nami, you are still Arlong’s mate, and Nami has a more secure place in this world as a human than you and Arlong do as fishmen. (which is how this whole thing started) Humans have most of the Red Line and so many of the islands. The tragic tale of Queen Otohime shows how much hatred persists in the world despite her efforts to make peace. So if a fishman wants to seize a bunch of islands for himself and his fishmen, what of it? Humans still have most of the world’s land.
“They will have to pay tribute,” Arlong says. “If they do that, they can stay in the village in peace.”
You know that’s as much of a concession as Arlong will make. These new humans can return to their home villages, or suck it up and pay tribute.
“I will let Genzo know," is all Nami can say. You wonder if these newcomers will be expected to pay on their own or if the village will pitch in and help – they certainly have more money sitting around without the old tributes to pay.
“Good girl," Arlong says, dismissing the redhead. He looks at you with a small smirk. You smile and shrug, though you can't blame Nami. After all, Arlong had been going to exploit a loophole to keep Nami bound. So if Nami saw a loophole she could use against Arlong, you certainly won't blame her for trying. "In the meantime, these Straw Hats?" Arlong says musingly. Buggy had mentioned them, and now Nami has run into them on her last mission.
“Worth keeping an eye on,” you say. It wouldn’t be the first small pirate crew that you or Arlong ever had to deal with, but you know from experience that once in a while, life likes to toss a nasty surprise at you.
You and Hatchan – who both can pass for human by hiding your extra limbs under clothing – are on a mission. This one called for gathering information directly from humans so you and Hatchan pose as partners – platonic or romantic as befits the situation – while gathering information near a marine base. It is outside of Arlong's territory, but as Arlong expands his reach, conflict with this base will be inevitable unless the right person can be bribed or threatened.
As you expect, the local tavern has quite a few Marines, so you buy a drink and sit there, listening to the conversations around you.
Unfortunately, shit goes sideways when someone starts a fight, and as luck would have it, a few rookie pirates come in, and it becomes much worse. All you can do is slip out as quietly as you can because you do not get involved in fights between humans.
Outside, you see a pirate ship that was not there when you went into the bar.
Yeah. This sort of thing usually doesn’t happen on the smaller islands, but as Arlong expands his territory and takes on bigger towns, it means bigger problems – hence the necessity of this mission and any information you can gather. Unless somehow the pirates and Marines can weaken one another to the point where Arlong can move in and take the spoils.
Guns are fired and there are a few explosions. More than one of the pirates is a Devil Fruit user. You're not dressed as a Marine or a pirate, but as a 'human civilian' you or Hatchan are not necessarily safe especially as there are multiple fights and you just want to get past them but you can't use your tentacles unless you want to out – and draw attention to – yourself, which would defeat the purpose of this mission. And as luck would have it, you catch several bullets that would have killed you if you were human.
Hatchan manages to get you out of there and back to Arlong, but you’re in considerable pain and there were moments you were not sure you would make it. You almost lose one of your tentacles because of a bullet that went through it. Arlong looks down at you as you lay there in the infirmary, Hatchan and the physician fussing over you, making sure your torso and tentacles are bandaged properly and you are comfortable before they leave you alone with your mate.
You lay there, high from the painkillers you were given. You're not quite sure how much time has passed. Even with the superior speed of a fishman, it took some time for Hatchan to get to Arlong Park, especially with having to take care of you as well, because you were in no condition to swim. You were in so much pain and half-mad from it that Hatchan was giving serious consideration to seeking out the nearest doctor, regardless of whether they were human or not. You managed to fish out the bullets with your tentacles and a dagger you carry with you, and oh fuck, did that ever hurt. Hatchan's not likely to forget your yowls when you were digging out the last bullet that was embedded more deeply in your flesh than the others. If he wasn't a fishman, you might have broken his hand with how hard you were squeezing it.
The drugs are such a relief. It still hurts some to move around, so you keep your body as still as you can, drawing in slow breaths and feeling the bandages around your middle.
Home sweet home. It’s not the homecoming you were looking for, but at least it seems like you’re out of danger and you can finally breathe easy (and so can Hatchan)
Arlong on the other hand… you’re not sure what you see in his eyes as he stares down at you. There is concern and relief for you, and anger that someone dared to hurt you in the first place. But there’s more than that, and despite how well you’ve come to know Arlong, it’s a mystery to you. You do find out about it soon enough.
“Hey, Y/n,” you hear Nami’s voice as you doze in the infirmary, several days after your homecoming. You’re recovering, and feel considerably better, but you are still weak from blood loss and dealing with multiple injuries.
“Oh, hi," you murmur. Though Nami didn't complain to you after Arlong made his decision about the newcomers to Cocoyasi village, you know that she thinks you should have said something. You're not going to hold it against her. Maybe it's from living around humans for periods of time before coming to Arlong Park, but this insight does help you advise Arlong. After all, it's this knowledge of yours that stopped Arlong from destroying his already-fraught relationship with Nami.
“How have you been?” you ask.
“Just fine. Sorry about what happened to you.”
All you can do is shrug. “You’ve had some close calls, didn’t you? And I know you’ve gotten worse than scrapes and bruises.”
“Not something that nearly killed me, though,” she says with some sympathy.
“It is what it is. It's good to see you though." You sincerely care for her welfare and even that of her sister and the town sheriff. You don't tell her that, though. Maybe she knows, maybe she doesn't. "Is there anything you wanted to talk to me about?"
You see the hesitation on her face, and you won't pressure her about it. "You can trust me. But, no worries either way. Hey, there's a birthday party coming up in a few days. Are you going to be there?" you ask, looking to change the subject to something more cheery. One of Arlong's most senior crew members has a birthday coming up soon, and you and Nami both know Arlong likes a good party.
“I don’t know. I’ve been to plenty enough of these,” she replies with a shrug. Oh, that’s right. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that Nami has had a quite difficult time here, especially in the first few years. One wouldn’t think that by looking at the way she moves freely around Arlong Park and the island or how she talks to Arlong or other fishmen, but you’ve picked up on bits here and there of the trauma she’s had to deal with here. The two of you exchange a few more friendly words before Arlong’s shadow fills the doorway. Nami sees you look up, and she turns to see her captain.
She and Arlong exchange a couple of polite words before he excuses her, and she slides past him. You can not help but smile a little as you look up at him, his presence is comforting to you. But then, he’s your mate. After your ordeal, all you want to do is be near him.
“What's a pretty little squid like you doing in a place like this?" he asks with a playful rumble as he pulls up a stool and sits next to you. You reach out, and he takes your hand in his own.
“Waiting for my sexy sharkman,” you reply. He chuckles.
“So the doctor says you’re coming along,” Arlong comments as he glances at the bandages.
“I certainly hope so,” you reply dryly. He grins at that and squeezes your hand. “I’ve been hurt, but never like this. I was actually afraid I’d never come home.”
“Home,” Arlong says quietly.
“What else could it be?” you reply. “You’re my mate, and this is your home, so it’s my home, as well.”
You see a rare glimmer of softness in his eyes and expression as he looks at you. He murmurs your name in a husky tone before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
By the day of the party, you’ve recovered enough to be out and about, though you have no plans to leave the island for a while. You’re content to simply walk around the island before the party starts, getting some much-needed sun and fresh air, stretching your legs after all that time spent in bed. You wiggle your tentacles, and all of them stretch out and dance as you command, except for one. It’s the one that took the bullet, and the doctor is not sure if the damage is permanent. It’s sluggish, especially beyond the wound.
All you can do is stretch and massage it, and now and then exercise it, trying to restore it to its full functionality. You don't want to think about what will happen if it never does. You try to count your blessings. At least you didn't get anything cut off. You're alive. You're with Arlong, home and safe, and you still have all your other fully-functioning tentacles to kick ass with. This is not the first crisis you've faced (although you certainly hope it will be the last!)
You get back to Arlong Park just as the party is getting underway, meat roasting on the spits as kegs and bottles are being set out for the guests.
“Enjoy your walk?” Arlong asks as you sit in the chair that is set for you.
“It feels good to be outside," you say. You still feel a little weak, but you no longer feel half-dead. And you feel nice in the dress Arlong gave you. He took it off one of the ships he recently captured and brought it down to the village where a fishman had set up a tailor shop, and had it altered to accommodate your extra appendages. It's a summer dress that once belonged to a privileged human female who will never see it again, and damn, you look good in it. The color suits you, the sequins are tastefully applied, and you are very well aware of the admiring glances Arlong sends you through the night. Arlong gives the birthday boy well wishes, and the food and drinks are passed out. Buggy is brought out, and Arlong unlocks the seastone cuffs.
You will admit, Buggy knows how to put on a show with his daggers and chop-chop ability. It's quite a treat for the birthday boy, and it's funny to think that hiring a clown or magician is something some humans sometimes do for children's parties, and here Arlong is, employing a clown to entertain a grown fishman who is nonetheless enjoying himself.
There's a bit of soreness in your stomach when you laugh too much, but otherwise, you're having a grand time. The show goes without mishap, and for Buggy's cooperation, you convince Arlong to let Buggy have some of the good food that's being shared by the fishmen and even a bottle of rum. You've become an effective good cop against Arlong's bad cop when the situation calls for it. The seastone cuffs go back on Buggy before he gets fed, but he gets to spend the night in his cell in one piece.
Devil Fruits may be a pain in the ass to a fishman, but you have to admit you see how some of them can be useful. And in this world, you can’t rely on just one thing to get ahead. Sure, Nami’s maps are wonderful, but you’ve nudged Arlong into diversification so that he focuses less on Nami and more on things that are truly more beneficial to the Arlong Empire. As you remind Arlong, there are better and more powerful men than Nezumi that he can manipulate, and the strength of a fishman is nothing to scoff at, but fishmen can still be captured and forced into slavery so the Arlong Empire needs weapons and technology of its own to augment the natural strength of the fishman race.
As the night winds down, you excuse yourself and for the first night in several weeks, you will be sleeping in Arlong’s bed. It seemed like almost another lifetime since you left the park with Hatchan to go on your mission. The nights in the infirmary were long and lonely, even in a drug-addled sleep.
You remove the dress, carefully folding and putting it away before pulling on a plain linen nightie and sliding into Arlong’s bed, feeling a wave of nostalgia and comfort wash over you as you stretch out in the bed you share with your mate. The sheets are freshly laundered and you bury your face against your pillow, inhaling the crisp scent.
It’s not long before Arlong comes upstairs, and you watch through half-lidded eyes as he removes most of his clothing, sitting at the side of the bed in his shorts. He’s a handsome sight from the back as he runs his fingers through his hair, and you lean up to kiss the side of his fin.
“Mmm. The sight of your bare back and fin is a most pleasing one, Arlong,” you purr as you kiss his shoulder several times before you lay back down. He turns and grins at you, obviously happy to have you back in his bed. You know it hasn’t been easy for him, having you close but having to restrain himself for your well-being. You’re still a bit sore, but as long as Arlong is gentle, you’re happy to accommodate him because let’s be real, you’ve been wanting him, too.
Arlong would sometimes sit with you in the infirmary if he was going over his ledger or had correspondence to go through. It was nice to know that he looked for work he could do near you and sometimes you’d just watch him for a few minutes as he stared at the page intently. At least that was better than hearing him roar at various fishmen outside over small irritations. He’s already quick enough to anger, but the stress caused by his worry over you causes him to be even pricklier than usual around his subordinates. You know the fishmen have been hoping you’d recover fast and put Arlong back in a better mood.
He draws close to you, gathering you up in one arm as he looks down at you. You hum contentedly and cuddle against his chest.
“It has been lonely up here without you,” he growls gently into your ear.
“Do you think I haven't been lonely?" you scold him lightly. He chuckles and his other hand rests on your hip. You wiggle against him, and he takes the cue, his hand pulling up the material of your pajamas to reveal the fact that you're not wearing any panties. "I only ask that you be gentle with me. I'm still healing," you whisper.
“It will not be easy,” he says as he growls and nips along your jaw. “I’m quite pent up.”
“I would appreciate it,” you coo at him. “I promise, you can be rough when I’m fully healed.”
He grins at that, and you know he’s going to hold you to it. But in the meantime, he honors your request, soothing the ache in you that was caused by time away from him and exacerbated by your injury and recuperation.
I love you, Arlong. You want nothing more than to whisper that to him after your session. You moan quietly and arch against him as he slides his hand down there, rubbing a finger along your slit, where his cum is oozing out.
“Mmm. I love filling you with my seed,” he says as he nuzzles and kisses your shoulder and arm, being careful with his nose. His finger continues to gently tease your slit, sliding up and down it, and on occasion, pushing his finger inside, as if he’s trying to push back the cum that’s leaking out of you.
“I know,” you reply with a satisfied purr. Out of the two of you, you are certain Arlong enjoys sex more. That doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy it nearly as much as he does. And how could you not? This man is your mate. You were his from the first moment he laid eyes upon you at the Baratie regardless of whether he was conscious of that fact at first.
“I’ve been doing some thinking while you were recuperating,” he states conversationally, his hand continuing its lazy ministrations. “You know you are very dear to me.”
“I do not doubt that, Arlong." You reach up to touch his face.
“I want you to stay on this island unless you accompany me somewhere," he states. You stare at him for a moment, absorbing his words.
“What about missions?” you ask softly.
“No one can fault the fine job you have done, but we have more people here now who can get closer to humans, including mermaids. I do not wish to risk losing you, and there is much of value you do here at Arlong Park already, and I don't just mean the sex," he clarifies with a twinkle in his eye, "As a member of the Arlong Pirates, consider this a promotion."
You're flattered, and you're not surprised that Arlong is being possessive and protective. After nearly losing you, of course, he doesn't want to take any risk of that happening.
“There’s something else I would like from you,” he says softly, and he is staring at you with hunger, his hand still down there, caressing you.
You wonder what it could possibly be. You've given him all of yourself. Your body, your skills, your loyalty, your wisdom, and advice. Your love. “What is it?” you ask.
“A child.”
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Gathering: Chrome Mox
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“What’s his real name?” Gaeul asks pulling out her phone. The group all reference back to Astrid’s messages about staff she had been sending out. One thing she just forgot to mention… Theodore is not my actual first name. All of the paperwork I have is under my birth name which she knows and does the correct thing in terms of writing that down but my real name is not actually Theodore. So they were all shocked when nothing came up when looking for me.
Seeing that this easily could be fixed Yujin ran outside to find me.
But by that point, I was already back at Astrid's. When I got back to the penthouse Astrid and her two siblings were waiting. I see them all getting ready to order food to eat out.
I groan before walking to the fridge and pointing out how stocked it is. Astrid groans back and says “I’m too tired to cook can you make us something Tj and I’ll pay you later?”
I laugh and start to tease my friend, “With how much you’ve been saying that you’re going to owe me the Porsche.”
“I know but it’s your fault for being so good at being helpful,” Astrid says as I start cooking food for her and her siblings. I just made teriyaki chicken ramen noodles for them. When I was done I also cleaned up and packaged the leftovers. They dug in hungrily and the smiles they gave me were so big and large.
“Mmm, this is so good Tj. An excellent warrior, A great cook, A Shrewd businessman...is there anything you can't do?" Astrid's sister asks
I chuckle before responding. "Talk to people correctly, that's why I am single."
Really are you sure? because I can fix that. I’d love to make you mine.” Astrid’s sister says euphoric. Astrid laughs
“Careful wheels, his girlfriend might not like that,” Astrid said as she pointed at various places where I noticed lipstick stains. Astrid smirked and said to me “I am happy for you. You better introduce me later.” With that, I take my leave and then go to sleep.
The next day I worked with Astrid at her office. She finished up everything else she could do at home and now just prepping payroll for the event. The other reason we were in her office was that Ive was coming in to discuss some minor details. I feel a funny feeling when she says Ive is coming but I can’t place why. I leave the office to get coffee and food for the meeting. when I got back in and saw them I knew why my gut was feeling funny because I saw Yujin and about half a dozen other girls whom I recognized in varying degrees. I feel incredibly awkward when I see the Ive girls talking to Astrid so I try to leave silently after placing the food down, but the door has other plans it creaked and groaned as I attempted to close it a large number of eyes turned my way. Most of them read as confused but two pairs read as familiar. I’ll let you guess which was which.
“Oh good you’re here. The girls were just asking about you. Girls this is Theodore Sobek More Jr. You’ll hear me call him TJ, but that’s because we go way back to call him Theodore or Theo for now. He will be head of security during filming.” As Astrid was introducing me I noticed Gaeul and Wonyoung eyeing me with fury while Yujin was all coy smiles. It was kinda jarring. I waved to the girls who got up and did their little group introduction followed by their individual introductions. Rei one of the Japanese members recognized a few of the Japanese symbols I was wearing on my shirt and made a pleasant comment about it.
"I like your shirt but why you were the Raijin symbol?" she asked
"I just like it," I responded casually
Both Wonyoung and Gaeul continued to have their gazes bore into me like I killed their dog(which for the record I would never do I love dogs too much). The whole time Yujin stared at me even during the rest of Ive’s meeting with my Astrid her eyes tracked me down. Every time I’d catch her she’d give me the cutest smile possible. As the meeting was ending Astrid asked the girls if they had any questions for her or me.
Wonyoung feeling protective of her best friend (again understandably) asked “One question. We looked up “Theodore” (she pointed to me accusingly) and he didn’t show up anywhere!” Wonyoung exclaimed towards. Astrid looked at me and then the Ive girls confused. Understanding the confusion I just slid them my ID and said “Theodore is my English name my birth name is Tshomba. Theodore just happened to be the closest name phonetically and in denotation.” I explained. To allay her fears the girls. They searched me on their phones and sure enough I popped up really quickly. Their eyes widened.
"You work for the BRIPE?" Rei said Loudly. I nod before clarifying
"I am more of a consultant. I only help when things are really bad."Rei nods and then gives me a thumbs up which I return to her.
Gaeul approached me apprehensively, and I smiled in a goofy manner.
“I love eleven, love dive, and after like,” I said while scratching my head. Rei laughed. As Rei and Gaeul sized me up a comforting voice could be heard behind me.
Anyeoung Tj-ah.” I heard as two soft arms wrapped around me.
“Ah Eunbi Noona. How are you?” I asked recognizing the voice. the shining ball of positive energy popped from behind me to the front of me.
“Great! What about you?” Eunbi said and I gave her a thumbs up. At this point. Eunbi turned and noticed Ive. her smile grew even brighter if that was possible and she forgot all about me. I swore I almost saw a tear from Wonyoung…Almost.
“Ya fighter Oppa, what are you… Chaeyeon said before breaking down at seeing so many of her friends. I could also hear the voices of Le Sserafim, Minju, Yuri, Nako, Hyewon, plus a few others. So I just took this as a time to exit. As I inched away to the door to let Le Sserafim in, and escape Yujin said, “Wait TJ don’t go I have questions?” I groaned as I was reaching my Social limit, and if any more people showed up I would be certifiably less fun. While the izone girls all mingled Eunchae approached me surprisingly.
“Hey ajusshi,” she said. I violently turned to her but before I could say anything I remembered there was almost a 10-year difference between us. So I took a breath and recalculated my response
“Yeah, kiddo what’s up?” I said
Eunchae glared at me annoyed, but eased before asking “Do you ever feel like you don’t belong sometimes?” I looked at her and wondered where this was coming from. She pointed to all the Izone girls Plus Yunjin chatting leaving Eunchae and the younger Ive girls on the fringes of the conversations.
I nodded then turned to her and said, “All the time but I don’t think you’re as alone as you think gesturing to the Ive girls.”
Eunchae smiled and then said, “Thanks ajusshi.” I groaned hearing that, as I didn’t feel that old. Astrid saw that and smiled at me before texting me, “That was really sweet.”
“Okay now that you’re all here let’s iron out staff and dietary restrictions before we go. Tj can you go pick us up some breakfast.” Astrid asks. I looked at her confused. "Oh right, you already did. Thanks. You da best." Astrid said.
After the meeting, Yujin stayed a little bit longer to “get to know the security guy.” she approached me slyly with a mischievous smile
“So long time no see” Yujin opened.
“Yeah, 13 hours 56 minutes, and 27 seconds,” I said
“You made that up.” Yujin teased
“Nope just really good with numbers,” I replied
“Okay,” Yujin said her eyes fixed on me unwavering her look was a mix of that weird look from yesterday and hesitation. “So tell me about your psionic powers," she said with a serious tone. I began formulating my response or trying to as I didn't want to tell her but I needed something at least somewhat believable. before I could really come up with something intelligent Yujin said with an insistent tone, "Come on tell me."
"it's complicated Yujin-ah," I replied
"Oh really how?" Yujin asks with a pout
"Well..." Before I could explain any further I was saved by Chaewon thanking me for the food I brought. I gave her a thumbs up and after that, Astrid asked for my help.
The next day was the flight for the event. Connor Dexter and I all just used our Psionic abilities to place ourselves back in the States. Me back in California and then back in NYC. While I wait I pick up a pack from Lost Caverns of Ixalan. In it, There was a Sultai legendary creature that was named “HWI Geneticist”. I instantly fell in love. I looked to the shop keep to get his showcase foil and grabbed a few essentials for his deck which was just the land base sol ring, arcane signet, the appropriate talismans, mox amber (because he was so cheap mana value-wise), and lastly a pet card; growth spiral. After that, I grabbed stuff for Thrasios Tevesh (my merfolk deck). On the way out one of the vendors I frequent was selling K-pop photo cards. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a familiar face and copped the card.
When I got home I just threw stuff together for HWI and after a few hours he was ready for testing.
I decided to rest when Connor and Dexter called and said to meet them at the lobby. I got up from my bed and space sifted. We checked into the hotel and then waited in my room.
Unfortunately due to delays, I would be taking point on settling in the girls for everything. I was careful to keep track of everyone, with the intent of making sure the transition was as easy as possible. When the Weskers did arrive Astrid was giving me a dumb and apologetic smile
“Sorry about that but you seem to be quite good at setting this all up, I have only heard positives from all the girls and staff at how you took charge,” she said I groaned before speaking.
“Shut up,” I said before adding “I’m going to my room don’t ask me for anything at least for a couple of hours,” I said
Astrid nodded then said, “Love you! See you in a bit.”
Wheels and Specs Astrid sister and brother respectively (these are their preferred nicknames by the way I am not being funny) see me and Wheels says “You look like you fought a demon bear.”
“That would have been easier than this.” I walk away to the elevator overstimulated and raw.
before I could leave though wheels said to me, “You know from what I’ve been hearing and seeing you’re pretty good at all this stuff. Why aren’t you more well-known.” Wheels asked
“I’m crippling shy,” I responded
“No, you’re not. You are very easily socially drained from the looks of it.” Specs asserted
I noticed Wheel's concerned expression about the demon bear comment as I went up to my room. As I’m riding up God must be feeling merciful because I see no one and talk to no one.
A few hours later I got a call from Siyeon. She wanted my help on a song she was working on. I said sure and went to meet up with her. I rolled out of bed and made the trip to her room. on the way up Chaewon saw me and smiled. Winter was also walking with her.
"Ah TJ what's up?" Chaewon asked
"Oh Hi, Chaewon. Hi Winter. Siyeon just asked my help for a song." I answered
"Oh, that's so cool. do you know what it's about?" Winter asked
"She didn't say." I replied, "I am in the dark like y'all." I added
Chaewon giggled and said, "Well have fun." I nodded and waved them off.
When I arrived in the room Sakura was just leaving, with Yujin. Yujin saw me and smiled. "Oh, my Bant Buddy." She said. I groaned but let her call me that well sort of.
"You say that but you don't know me," I reply.
"But I do know you. I have seen the way you play magic, and it's very bant-centered. you create safe spaces for people who wish to explore themselves. You're not an enforcer of their will like Dexter or Connor, but you won't be trampled. You are kind but not weak." Yujin said with a happy smile. I chuckled to which Yujin added, "Besides. you are much too kind for Sultai. Much too fair, Much too forward-thinking. When you make deals it's for everyone's interest and you think of yourself last. Unlike others. I respect it." I smile as Yujin hugs me and before she goes I feel leave something in my front Jacket pocket. I checked it, and it was a magic card. It's "Ellie and Alan, Paleontologists" Attached is a little note that says, "Build it and free yourself, from the burdens and expectations of others". On the other side was her number. I smiled at the note and I considered her words. I put both in my pocket as I walked into Siyeon's room.
In the room, Dami and Siyeon had set up what seemed like a mini studio inside. I walked in confused but didn't focus too much on anything out of the ordinary. Siyeon looked up to me and said, "Okay now we can work on the song." I appreciated her brevity and directness. it made me feel less out of place as I took my seat next to her.
"So here is the concept. I want to do a person who is trapped by society into being perfect but wishes to be something else." Siyeon said quickly.
"I like it how can I help?" I asked
"Write what's on your heart!" Siyeon demanded as she handed me a notebook.
"I am not a good..." I began
"Don't even start. I found your poetry page. You are the perfect person for this." Siyeon said before I could finish my thought. I groaned, knowing that I wouldn't be able to wiggle my way out of this. So I sat down and began writing. I started with simile lyrics and branched out while I wrote Mrs Lee (Siyeon) asked me how I felt about Yujin
"Hmm. I am not fully sure. She's so pretty and witty." I said. Siyeon nodded and then said
"She's cute right?" I nod at Siyeon's question and go back to work. after finishing a verse I handed her what I was working on. Siyeon smiles, then gets a text. she looks at me and then asks if I am hungry. I shake my head which leads to her saying "Well I just got invited to get food with Dexter and Connor you are free to join but you don't have to." I nod then say
"I'll go back to my room and sleep for a bit." Siyeon nods and we part ways.
Siyeon regroups with Sua, Eunbi, Connor, and Dexter in the lobby. "Hey Unnie," Siyeon says to Sua and Eunbi." Dexter and Connor smile as they turn around and see her. following this the group goes and looks for a pizza place. they find one next to a magic shop a few blocks away with some really good reviews. While waiting for a table Dexter goes into the Card shop to pick up a pack and some cards. His eyes go wide when he sees something that catches his eye. when he gets back he reveals to Connor the last OG Dual he needs Volcanic Island, along with two packs. He hands you one and cracks one open for himself.
"Ooh, what did you get?" Siyeon asks
"I got a Arid mesa Borderless, and a Ragavan." Connor says
"Oh nice I got foil scene Aragorn, and the one ring," Dexter answers
"Oh, those are nice pulls," Siyeon says the two young men nod in agreement as they admire their pulls. Eunbi and Sua are kinda bummed feeling left out by this interaction so Eunbi texts me this as her response
"Hey TJ can you teach me Commander?"
I see the text and Acknowledge it by saying "Sure just not right at this moment."
This causes Eunbi to smile. Dexter notices this and asks her what got her smiling.
"Oh, just a friend agreeing to help me," Eunbi said
"Oh, Nice!" Dexter replies.
"Speaking of friends. how are you and Yunjin Connor?" Sua asks.
"Oh, she's great!" Sua says almost yelling because for those who know her...her default setting is Loud.
after that, they all had Pizza and a great time. Upon arriving back to the hotel. Connor and Dexter were called by Astrid for something. I was also called and was already in her room at the time waiting for them. We all found each other outside Astrid's door, and we all walked in.
in the dimly lit room was a face I was unsurprised to see but was disappointed to find.
"Mrs. Radames," I said. I watched as Connor froze, while Dexter and I pulled out guns. "What do you want?"
"Oh please gentlemen hear me out?" Mrs. Radames pleaded. I cocked my hammer back.
"No!" Dexter said furious.
Knowing how ladies like her think I figured she would have something dumb at the ready in case we were not in the listening mood. "Spit it out because I don't have the patience to hear your sob story," I said to Connor and Dexter's shock.
"Oh good at least you're reasonable. well, I'll have you know..." Mrs. Radames began before trailing off into monologue territory.
"Listen lady tell us your proposition as to why we shouldn't kill you now because I don't want to hear your dumb back story," I replied
"Oh to the point I dig your style, Theodore. Well, I'll have you know I have several X-virus sleepers who are waiting for my signal, or lack thereof to begin a new outbreak. So if you kill me here you will be the direct cause of many needless deaths." Mrs. Radames explained as I lowered my weapon. "that's a good boy, you might be wondering where Astrid is, well I'll have you know she is safe. don't try..."
"I am going to stop you right there. Tell me where Astrid is right now." I said coldly. "
"You have my word. She is safe." Mrs. Radames said
"I don't want your word. I want the location. Tell me where my friend is right now, and I won't kill you."
"You would sacrifice..."
"Again don't do that speech monologue thing I don't care, but for the record, if I kill you here no one needs to worry about their being problems. Now tell me where Astrid is." I say.
"She is being guarded in a warehouse not too far from here."
"Where do I need specifics right now," I said to her She looked at me shocked.
"She is in the abandoned Facility near the waterfront two miles North eas from here."
"Okay great. I am going to get her now. For your sake, I hope this isn't a lie. For your guard's sake, you may want to tell them I am coming from my friend. I'd rather not make a massive mess of them. Cool, Cool (I gesture to Dexter and Connor.) You two are free to handle the situation with Mrs. Radames however you see fit. I trust y'all judgment." I say as I walk away from them. After I take my leave only Connor and Dexter are left. They look at Mrs. Radames with disgust and confusion.
"Quite the peculiar person." Mrs. Radames says about me.
As I walk away, Dexter and Connor exchange glances, uncertainty lingering in the air. Connor seems conflicted, torn between the disgust for Mrs. Radames and the unsettling bluntness of my approach. Dexter, on the other hand, keeps a stern expression, clearly not swayed by any attempts at sympathy.
Mrs. Radames, now realizing she might have underestimated the situation, attempts to regain control. "Gentlemen, please, you don't understand the complexities of the situation. The fate of many lives rests in—"
Dexter cuts her off sharply, "Save the monologues. We've heard enough. Now, what's this X-virus sleeper situation?"
Connor, perhaps more diplomatically, adds, "And why should we trust any information you give us?"
Mrs. Radames sighs, realizing that her grandiose plans are unraveling. "I suppose you'll need some proof," she says, gesturing to a laptop on the table. "There's a file. The location of the sleepers, their activation protocols, everything you need to neutralize the threat without causing undue harm."
Dexter picks up the laptop and glances at Connor, who nods in agreement. "Theodore might be a bit rough around the edges, but he knows how to handle a situation. If he's going after Astrid, we'll deal with your mess."
"I am surprised you trust him so much despite how little you know about him."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dexter asked trepidatiously
"Well, I am just surprised you all don't know anything about him. All you know is my daughter trusts him with her life, but what do you two know about him. I mean really, Do you even know who he is?" Mrs. Radames said realizing she had an in.
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desertdollranch · 6 months
Hello! I have a dilemma and am wondering if you or your followers might have any tips. I’m entering a phase of my life where I don’t have space to display my AG dolls or their clothes, but am not prepared to part with them. Do you have any advice regarding the best storage solutions for keeping a collection in good condition (without paying a fortune)?
If it helps, there are 11 of them, with the oldest being about 16 years old. I sadly don’t have any of their original boxes, though I do have some for clothes/accessories.
Thank you so much, and happy holidays to you and your dolls!
Hi! I do indeed have a solution for you. I recommend buying a few large plastic storage totes with lids and storing your dolls in those. Here's an example of what they look like.
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Here's where to buy them online from Home Depot. They're a little over $12 apiece, but you can also find them at Walmart and Target for a few bucks cheaper.
The reasons why I recommend these:
They are airtight and watertight, so they're protected from dust, mold, and humidity
The tightly sealed lids protect against rodents and bugs
Hard plastic top, bottom, and sides mean the totes cannot be easily crushed by boxes stacked on top
Clear plastic helps you easily identify the contents; if you opt for an opaque container, you can put a label on it
Portable and easy to carry around
If this is the option you choose, then I recommend storing the dolls unclothed in order to avoid dye transfer from their clothes to their vinyl skin, which can happen with long exposure to dyed fabric. This is especially risky if they're stored in a humid location. If that's the case, I recommend storing an open container of baking soda (cover it with a paper towel and secure with a rubber band), or silica gel pellets, in the plastic tote. That will suck up any moisture in the air and direct it away from your dolls.
Use another separate tote to store doll clothes. If you have even a small amount of wool clothing, definitely store a moth deterrent with the clothes. Strong-smelling herbs like lavender, rosemary, and cloves will keep moths and other insects away, as will cedar chips.
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thatfanfictionchick · 29 days
This is intended to be...archival, for myself, mostly. But if you find it interesting you should definitely check out Ikemen Villains!
Ikevil Event - Wrapped in Wicked Romance pt.2
Ellis's Route Ch. 1
What is happiness?
It was like the sky at twilight, changing colors right before your eyes.
Even though it may capture your heart forever and never let go, you’ll never experience the same thing twice.
(What am I doing? I really need to pull it together.)
Today, Victor called me to the palace where we enjoyed tea time together.
Just when I thought the day would end with that peaceful chat, he told me something shocking.
Victor: “Oh, I almost forgot! I have your first mission as Fairytale Keeper!”
Kate: “Oh, really? What is it?”
Victor: “I want you to choose one member of Crown to spend the day with as a couple.”
Kate: “... Pardon?”
(As a couple?!)
Kate: “W-wait just a minute! I don’t know the first thing about any of them!”
Victor: “Precisely! That’s just it, Miss Kate!”
Victor: “I was trying to figure out a way you could get to know them more deeply, and I finally came up with it!”
Victor: “I’m an absolute genius! Well, it’s already late today, so you can start tomorrow. I’m so excited.”
(I have to get them to trust me, so I can’t just run away during the first mission. I have to say yes.)
(But how am I supposed to pretend to be a couple with one of them?)
It was going to be a rough day – I was so deep in thought I nearly got run over by a carriage.
I looked down at my ankle, which I’d twisted badly jumping out of the way of the carriage, and let out a sigh.
(Well, there’s no point in worrying about it.)
(I’ll go see Roger and ask if he’ll lend me a plaster or something.)
As I limped up the stairs toward the entrance…
Ellis: “What happened to your leg?”
Kate: “Whoa! You scared me, Ellis.”
Ellis appeared out of nowhere, startling me so much my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.
Ellis: “Are you in pain?”
The night I had avoided being killed by becoming Fairytale Keeper…
…Ellis was the one who’d said, “Should we kill her?”
(Then shortly after that, he gave me some weird proposal and said he’d make me happy.)
I couldn’t help but feel incredibly uneasy.
Ellis: “I’ll take care of you. Put your arm around my shoulders and hang on.”
Kate: “Waaah!”
As soon as he saw that my ankle was swollen, he easily lifted me up without a moment’s hesitation.
Kate: “N-no, I’m fine! I can walk…”
Ellis: “Roger’s not here tonight, so I’ll take a look and determine whether or not you’re fine.”
Ellis ignored my protests and carried me toward the basement.
(He seems really used to this…)
He skillfully wrapped a bandage around my sprained ankle.
His gentle fingers moved deftly while holding my bare foot.
But he was very serious about what he was doing, so he didn’t make me feel bad about it at all.
Ellis: “How did you get hurt?”
Kate: “I was walking along without paying attention and almost got hit by a carriage. I twisted it as I jumped away.”
Ellis: “A carriage, huh? Are you worried about something?”
(I’m not sure if I should talk to him or not… but maybe he has some good advice.)
Kate: “Victor told me my first mission was to pretend to be a couple with one of the Crown members for a day.”
Kate: “But now that my ankle is twisted, I think it would be best if it was someone with whom I wouldn’t have to move around too much.”
Kate: “Do you know who I should choose?”
He finished securing the ends of the bandage together and then stared at me for a moment.
Ellis: “I’d like to do it.”
Kate: “Huh?”
Ellis: “I want to play the role of your boyfriend.”
(He does?!)
Kate: “But why?”
Ellis: “I want to make you as happy as possible while you’re here.”
He’d said something similar on the night we met.
(Why would he think that about someone he just met, right after asking if they should kill me?)
Ellis: “I don’t want you to be sad when the day is over tomorrow. So can I be your boyfriend?”
(I feel slightly uncomfortable with the idea, but…)
He’d been very kind to me and wrapped my ankle with great concern.
I couldn’t be cold or suspicious after that.
Kate: “S-sure.”
Ellis: “...Yay.”
He smiled happily and then lifted me up.
Kate: “I-I’m fine now! You bandaged me up and everything.”
Ellis: “I realize that you’re someone who doesn’t want to cause trouble for others even though you’re injured.”
Ellis: “But I don’t trust you when you say you’re fine. Let me take you to your room.”
Kate: “You’re making a huge fuss over nothing…”
I tried to convince him to stop, but he didn’t have any intention of letting me down.
So I had no other choice but to sit still and let him carry me.
Ellis: “I’d like to know more about you so I can make plans for tomorrow. What makes you happy?”
Kate: “Um… Eating something delicious?”
Ellis: “Hmm. Well, then. I’ll buy something delicious and we can have a picnic.”
Ellis: “I’ll come pick you up tomorrow morning. From that point on, we’ll be a couple.”
Kate: “...Okay. Thank you.”
(I was a bit unsure about this first mission, but it’s going pretty smoothly.)
(Maybe TOO smoothly. Should I be more cautious of Ellis?)
I looked down at the carefully wrapped bandage.
I wasn’t sure why he did it, but he had treated me with great care.
(I’m sure I’ll be fine with Ellis. Right…?)
-next morning-
Ellis: “Good morning, Kate.”
Kate: “Good morning. What’s that?”
The following morning, Ellis came to my room to pick me up, just as he said he would.
He was carrying something that looked like a chair with wheels attached to it.
Ellis: “It’s called a wheelchair. They’re not easy to come by, so I made one.”
Kate: “You made it… But why?”
Ellis: “Because I don’t want my girlfriend to put any strain on her injuries.”
(His girlfriend…)
Kate: “Wait, you did all that for me?”
Ellis: “Of course. Now come and sit down.”
I hesitantly sat down and was surprised at how comfortable it was. I could probably sit there for quite some time.
He pushed me from behind and the wheels turned smoothly as the chair moved forward.
Kate: “This is amazing. I can’t believe that not only do you know of such a useful thing, but you could make it, too!”
Ellis: “A long time ago, I researched things like… I just happened to remember it yesterday.”
Kate: “Thank you so much. I’m really happy. But you’re really making too much of a fuss. I don’t have any broken bones. I can walk.”
I tried to stand up, but…
Ellis: “No. You could make it worse, and then you really won’t be able to walk.”
Kate: “Huh?!”
He hugged me from behind and made me stay in the chair.
Ellis: “I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
Ellis: “And if we come across stairs, I’ll lift the chair up.”
Ellis: “All you have to do is sit here today. Please.”
Ellis whispered as he held me, his voice sweet against my ear. I was unable to stand or even move.
I was so bewildered by his excessive kindness. It was like I was being wrapped in a warm blanket.
(...Maybe this is how he treats his girlfriends?)
(Is it weird to ask him to stop, even though we’re pretending to be a couple?)
Kate: “All right. Thank you.”
Ellis: “Great. This will be our first date together.”
Ellis: “And I’ll do my best to make it the happiest day ever.”
[chapter 2] [main page]
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fortemelody · 3 days
miku expo was legit the best day of my life so i wanna ramble about it
edit: found this in my drafts and wanted to revive it even if this took place like a month ago now lmao
first off i wanna kinda stress something that i honestly might get flamed for
i was in the pit, literally the third row, and around the halfway mark people who didn’t have wristbands on (that you get if you’re in the pit) finagled their way in and no security stopped them. this was like 5 people near me and like 3 more on the opposite side of the chairs. i could barely move cus i was so squished in by them and beforehand i was taking the opportunity to jump and dance becus i was in the aisle becus it was very spacious.
i personally see this as wrong. like i understand the feeling so much of not having good seats becus they are expensive. my bsf’s parents payed for these seats and that was the closest i’ve ever been/probably will ever be at a concert. i am eternally greatful for them. however, if i were at any other concert with my regular nosebleed seats, i would not move up to somewhere where the seats were obviously filled and payed for. people work hard to have the kind of money to spend on good tickets, and i felt like they were stripping away all of that just becus there was some open space and no one from security happen to be watching
i do feel kinda bad becus my friend was complaining a little too loud and vulgarly without a proper confrontation and i was saying things like “yeah” and “real” and i think they eventually kinda heard us but they didn’t do anything in response until i finally asked them nicely to at least step back so i could move around. most of them listened then but one person didn’t.
i want to acknowledge that i probably wasn’t perfect either in a different aspect becus i was legit screaming my head off and i realize now that behavior can definitely be distracting. i forgot that convention idol etiquette very much applies to even a virtual concert because there are others around me that might not appreciate my loudness who aren’t performing, along with the band members (although they prob couldn’t hear me from backstage).
wanted to address my thoughts on the screen too. honestly i still think it’s a weird call (and would make a lot of sense if it was by crunchyroll) and i still think it’s rather cheap but i can at least acknowledge that the visuals were pretty crisp. im assuming it also helped people see it from super far away better. it was definitely not an experience ruiner by any means but it was pretty jarring for the first 10 mins or so.
anyways, on to the good moments. at the end i shouted thank you to the band members when they came out and one of them saw me gave me the heart hands AND IT WAS SO FUCKING SWEET AHHH
i went into this only knowing about 5 songs for the set list and i’m so glad for that becus the suprises kept hitting me. some of the most hyped songs for me were unknown mother goose and fraulen biblioteca. i was so happy they played a wowaka song becus he deserves to be honored in multiple countries. and with fraulen i have a video recording of it where me and my bsf’s convo went like this:
“i can’t believe they did it”
(for context we were debating which songs would get played on the way there and we wanted this one but thought it had a slim chance. also meiko is my fav soooo)
ALSO we didn’t know we got VIP till someone told us (thank you kind stranger). the tote bag is really nice and i’ve gotten a ton of use out of it. and i used the fan in place of a penlight the whole time- idk how it didn’t break. as for the other stuff it was just kinda meh to me.
lastly we got a shit ton of confetti from the cannon and passed some out to people and took a couple for ourselves too. i’m so glad they did that it was a nice touch and it looked so beautiful as it was falling tbh
i think that’s all i gotta say but i might make some fanart to commemorate it later (i just said this same thing in a post a couple days ago and i haven’t even started *that* drawing yet….oopsies).
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eloeloanna · 18 days
About John Hammel
I didn’t know much about this guy so this was very interesting! In some questions I didn’t go very far since I really don’t know If you are that into knowing more about him and his relationship with Paul. If after this you want to know more, let me know! So then I can go deeper in some areas that I thought needed more details.
So, here we go!
This for entertainment purposes only (don't sue me John Hammel, I loved your chaotic energy 🤣).
Check my readings! here
What did Paul think of John (H)?
I think Paul proposed an opportunity to John when he saw that he was a reliable person. It seemed to Paul that John was very honest and probably he heard from someone else that he was actually very calm and unbothered, so for him, it was an “ideal” candidate. I think since the beginning Paul saw what he could do of John, what would be the real reason of having him near, but I don’t think he took that decision quickly, even when he made the move, he wasn’t very sure about it. But it turned out that John was actually very good at his job, he excelled. For Paul even was VERY satisfactory, because John could be a REAL BITCH, like I’m not kidding, I’m seeing The Devil’s card 😭. He knew exactly how to be Paul’s bulldog. When Paul could see this attitude in John, he would feel that he needed to do “more” for him, but at the same time, John never asked for anything directly. It was like John was okay, but Paul still thought that he needed to take “care” of him more, but then regretted it. Paul felt very secured with him at his side.
What did John (H) think of Paul?
This energy was so messy 🤣 I need to know his zodiac sign 🤣🤣🤣.
At the beginning, the cards are showing me this: “Am I recognised enough for my efforts? I would like to be recognised for my efforts”. But then he would think that he was actually OK, even when he had to do some shady shit for this “queen” (the literal card that I’m seeing, sorry 🤣). But it was like he didn’t know what to do. It was like those thoughts could be intertwined…it was like everything’s ok but then don’t???!!! And then he would think that if he ended the relationship, if he did something differently, something worse could happen (?). And it was very messy honestly, because when Paul could notice what would happen with him, John wouldn’t like to show much emotion, but it was like a fuel to him! It was like “YES HE CARES! IT’S TRUE! HE ACTUALLY DOES LIKE ME!!!!” 😭😭😭 but then he would think “no, he doesn’t”. “But I’m good here. He pays me good money 😔❤️”. But then again it would hit him the “reality” and he would wonder about his own happiness. It came to a moment where he actually wondered if working with Paul was the reason why he hadn’t find good relationships. He needed to “expand” himself.
Was this relationship more of a work relationship or they would consider themselves friends?
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Here is what the cards said.
It is obvious that this was a work relationship. It seemed that it worked in that way, but it was like both of them had different ideas about what this would mean. So they would check all the boxes when it came to do the business side of the things, but on the other hand, it seemed that they had very little boundaries. It seems to me that it was unconscious, but that didn’t sit well all the times with one of the parts…but then he would convince himself that everything was ok. But then it wasn’t. I think in this part of the timeline, because he realised something wasn’t right, he made clear what he felt. They fought very nasty. But that led for them to have a “peaceful” result (not the best, but peaceful). I think also they would start a new way to have this relationship, and to be near (for convenience??? Because they liked to???).
Was this relationship like a romantic relationship or just a work-oriented relationship?
I will show you the pictures and everything on this because…it’s something 😭😭😭
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The cards start telling me about very complicated feelings. When you are even feeling anguish because of them. It’s too much. How can I feel better? It was like there was no way, because the relationship was in a way what it was. It shouldn’t be different. But that was difficult to accept, and difficult to understand. Why am I feeling like this if everything it’s supposed to work? But it wasn’t. It wasn’t at all. The thing is, even with these feelings they continued how they were, until one of the parts decided that he needed to end their relationship, and to think more about what to do. The thing is, he actually regretted it and decided to stay (he convinced himself that the work relationship was necessary), but it wasn’t what it made him feel good. But it was like he and the other part were meant to have that relationship…and being together in that moment was such a good time, so much happiness, even when the other part seemed to have more “benefits”. It seemed that the other part offered a way to do the things. Very specific rules, even could be perceived as “cold” and “strategic”. That he didn’t like it at all. It was very messy honestly. It was like for him there was no limit between the work and the life. It was like even a present would be seen as threatening because…it is a work reward or a “love” reward?
For that mixed feelings one of parts decided to end this relationship, the other part tried to reach, but it was very difficult to know the real intentions, and the damage was very hard.
Reading this was very hard to have an idea. In one part I can believe that some sort of affair could happen, it’s like if you connect the dots that would be very possible, but the lack of “romantic” feelings or even sexual, it’s what makes me doubt. Everything seemed so “mental”. On the other hand, I can understand this dynamic because it was very similar to what I felt with Brian. Like, you don’t know when Paul is really flirting with you or not 😭. If you want me to go deeper in this relationship dynamic I can try again and be more specific.
I actually liked John’s energy. It was like when I read for the first time John’s (L) energy. A lot of chaos in his head 😭.
What Heather Mills wanted to accomplish mentioning John Hammel?
I think Heather knew in a way that she was losing the battle, so this was a way to show that Paul had a imbalanced relationship with someone. I think in this timeline she could see that they were having some issues. So for her this was one of her strategies. Paul was a shitty boss 🫠.
What does John Hammel think of the relationship between John and Paul?
I think for John (H) was difficult to understand why that relationship worked if there was so messy things going on in the business aspect. But really didn’t choose to have an actual opinion about it. It was like “he didn’t care”. If someone would ask him about them, he would answer very impartially, like he was above all of that, and would try to come with a very simple answer. The thing is, he could’ve said more, but chose not to do it.
He would think that the relationship had so much potential, but it was like because of their poor management, they couldn’t keep going, even if they were very compatible creatively. The thing is, John (H) would think that the separation was the best thing they could’ve done in their situation. If he ever had another idea of this relationship, he rejected it. It is very weird in this part, because he purposefully wanted to believe this. He didn’t want to think other things.
I think he was very uncomfortable if someone would talk to him anecdotes about John and Paul. It was like he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to know more about John (L) either. And he didn’t like AT all when he knew about the possible reunion they would have in 1980.
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green-socks · 2 years
Play Silly Games, Win Great Prizes
Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw (aka floydsinshaw)
Summary: I wanted this to be like a 5+1 thing but it turned out to be 2+1+1, or something. Just four short scenes of different scenarios with floydsinshaw being super into each other. A lot of blushing, odd flirting, and horny behavior. A lot of this is from Bob's POV.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: Mature rating; kinda leading up to smut but no actual smut, suggestive language, horny boys, etc. Oh, an a new backstory for Bob's callsign (this is a fun one if I do say so myself)
Notes: Goodness gracious. Trying new things here! Idek what this is except I had ideas for all these scenes so I thought I'd write them out y'know? And I had a lot of fun! Big shoutout to @a-reader-and-a-writer for betaing this in multiple stages with iconic comments and for enabling my silly <3
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Dogfight football at the beach isn't Bob’s usual idea of a good time, but he could definitely see that this team-building exercise is already having a positive effect on the group’s spirits. Everyone is interacting with each other much more, and in a more relaxed manner than before. And he wasn’t going to complain about getting to admire some beautiful bodies in the process – he's not stupid. So what if he pays closer attention to Rooster’s victory dance moves than either of the balls flying around? So what if he laughs a little too loudly at Hangman putting on a show? No one will notice; everyone's too busy being loud themselves.
It's just that sports like this were never really his thing. Obviously, he keeps in shape for the sake of his job and his health, but he can take care of that by running or hiking or going to the gym. That's straightforward, easy, mechanical even. That he can do. It might not be his favorite thing in the world, but he recognizes that the benefits easily outweigh the negatives.
So, yes, he's as surprised as the rest of them when he manages to score a touchdown. Not that anyone is really keeping score anymore (he is, just for the heck of it, but there's no need to share that), but still. And yeah, he is having fun alright. He finally feels like a part of the group, and as a side effect, he's getting bolder in the game as well.
It's a good feeling. Bob is giggling, not really knowing how to act being in the spotlight like this, but it's fun anyway. Whether a testament to the team-building exercise gone right or to the not-keeping-score thing, after another successful – and if he does say so himself, pretty cool – touchdown, both teams are jumping up and down in excitement and cheering as if he just secured a major championship for everyone or something.
Suddenly he feels hands grabbing his arms, and before he even fully registers what's happening, he is being hoisted up on Rooster’s shoulders. Bob is still holding the ball up in victory, which is probably a good thing, because otherwise he would panic about where to put his hands.
Rooster's tall, and Bob is now sitting high above everyone else, but he's not worried about falling on everyone still jumping around them, chanting his name. Laughter bubbles out of him freely as the pilot jostles Bob on his strong shoulders, large hands holding onto the bare skin just below his shorts making him feel secure.
A hand lands on his shin, and Bob looks down to find Hangman of all people chanting his name along with everyone else, looking soft and happy in a way Bob has never seen him before. It's enough to make his breath hitch – the usually cocky pilot looks truly beautiful like this in the setting sun, and less like Hangman than ever. This is the man behind the mask showing his true face.
“Just making sure Rooster here doesn’t drop his precious cargo,” Hangman smiles and winks.
“As if I’d ever let Bobby fall. Are you sure you’re not just jealous, Seresin?” Rooster tosses back, but there's no true heat whatsoever behind it.
“Oh, absolutely I am. Just not sure which one of you I’m more jealous of.”
The blond man’s grin is positively devilish. Bob doesn't know what to do with himself, certain his face is now glowing red from more than just the day in the sun. Rooster jostles him again, giving Bob's thighs a warm squeeze that makes his stomach flutter pleasantly, before leaning down to let him off into Hangman’s waiting arms.
Well. Maybe playing sports isn't so bad after all, Bob thinks dizzily.
After the mission, the flirting that had started (at least more noticeably) back at the beach football game only increases. Now that they no longer have an upcoming suicide mission to worry about, the moments the Daggers spend together are more chill and lighthearted, though they all also know to give each other space when needed.
Tonight, however, space isn't what neither Jake nor Bradley are giving Bob. He thought the unnecessary amounts of touching between them would get comments from the others, but then again, the whole team in general is pretty affectionate and familiar with each other these days. Maybe only Bob himself is hyper aware of it. He would never deny liking it, however, and he feels indeed pleased as punch to have the attention of both gorgeous men on him. They brush their hands on his lower back whenever they walk past him, their fingers linger when handing over the pool clue, their thighs press against his when they sit next to him… It's a near constant feeling on his body, and it's making his blood hum happily inside him. He feels extremely aware of every point of touch, yet simultaneously pleasantly drowsy, like taking a nap on a warm afternoon.
Bob honestly has no idea what he did to deserve their attention like this, but he's enjoying it all the same. He's not entirely sure what the two pilots' endgame here was either, but at least he can tell they are being genuine. It overwhelms him sometimes, but in a good way.
All of it makes his head buzz, his limbs feeling loose and warm. He doesn't even drink, but he would think he's tipsy. And he blames those two for getting him into this state, because what happened next is not how he usually operates, thank you very much.
They're playing pool (again), two on two, Bob and Phoenix against Rooster and Hangman. Finishing his turn, Bob heads to hand over the cue stick to Phoenix when Jake rounds the table to step in his space. The pilot is on his trash talk agenda again, though by now Bob knows it's just Jake messing around and not really meaning anything. But the way the shorter man stands so close to him makes Bob’s head spin, and for the life of him, he can’t explain why or how, he bends down that little bit of way and presses a kiss to Hangman’s cheek.
It's over in the blink of an eye, but they both stand frozen on the spot – Bob blushing furiously, Jake looking like the cat that got the cream. He can’t think of anything to say to explain what he just did, so he just slides past the other man, back to his corner with his water.
Phoenix laughs at how Bob finally found a way to shut Hangman up while Rooster looks at both of them with major heart eyes.
It's still very new, this thing between them, but they have at least gotten to the point where they all agree that they want to date each other exclusively. So that's something.
Jake still hasn't entirely given up on trying to figure out what Bob's callsign stands for, and there are occasionally some new suggestions, though “Baby On Board” is still his affectionate favorite to use. Bob, for his part, is actually, for once, dying to share the story – partly for the shock value, but more importantly, he feels like the two pilots might have a different sort of appreciation for that particular fact. And honestly, he thinks they deserve to know by now.
So when Bradley quietly turns to him one night while they're all watching a movie, tentatively approaching the subject, Bob knows now is the time.
"You don't have to tell us anything, but can I ask if Bob really does stand for something or is it from your name?"
"Jake get you wondering too?" Bob asks, grinning. Bradley seems to like his grin a lot for some reason.
Jake elbows him in retaliation, but he, too, is smiling and scrunching his nose at them.
"A little bit, yeah," the brunet chuckled. "But I'm serious, it's not a problem if you don't feel like sharing either way."
"I don't mind telling you guys! Though it has been kind of fun to keep Jake guessing."
They both laugh at that. Jake sticks out his tongue, so Bob kisses him quickly before turning back to Bradley.
"It stands for “Battery Operated Boyfriend”."
As Bob expected, Bradley's face runs through a myriad of expressions, his brain probably coming up with a lot of different scenarios all at once. 
Bob decides to go for broke.
"Because I can go for hours." He winks to top it off, enjoying how the tables have turned for once with him flustering the other two.
On his right side, Jake makes a sound like he's choking. Meanwhile, Bradley's mouth is hanging open and a gorgeous red is spreading across his cheeks.
"Fuck, you serious?" Bradley breathes out.
"You'll find out someday soon," he teases them.
Bradley and Jake groan in unison on either side of him. "Bobby."
"Okay, I'm sorry. That's not quite where the name came from. I didn't sleep with anyone to get my callsign." Now Bob feels his confidence wavering slightly. While he knows it's nothing to be ashamed of, it was pretty embarrassing at the time, and he can feel himself blushing at the memory. "It comes from when one of the other guys caught me using a.. well, a vibrator on myself. I know it's kind of dumb to bring toys on base because there is a real risk of getting caught but I did it anyway, and that's how the joke of me having a battery-operated boyfriend was born."
"Fucking hell, Bobby, that's.. so hot."
Bradley's eyes have a fire in them that Bob's never seen before, while Jake seems to be beyond words, just letting out a small moan and making grabby hands at Bob.
Bob thinks it was definitely worth it to have saved up that story.
There hasn’t been a lot of physical advancements in their relationship yet, by an agreement (though it was Bob’s suggestion) to take it slow at first, to let them all get used to this new dynamic before diving into the deep end. Mostly there has just been a lot of horny teenager-level making out, which Jake isn't complaining about in the slightest. However, those sessions give a good indication that when they do move even further, it will be incredible, and that was making him very excited.
But he's just as content cuddling on the couch (Rooster’s), as they are doing at the moment, and watching some mediocre action flick on TV. They played video games all afternoon, but Jake couldn’t focus anymore so they switched to something more lowkey. Now Jake is lying on Bob’s chest with his arm around him, and Bradley's valiantly holding both Jake and Bobby’s legs tangled together in his lap.
Jake has his ear pressed right against the WSO’s heart, listening to the rhythmic thump while drawing mindless patterns on the other man’s hip. It's very soothing.
Or it would be, if the thump of Bob’s heart wasn’t getting steadily harder, the organ beating faster even though the man himself is lying still. The hand caressing Jake’s arm also feels a little shaky.
Jake is pretty sure he knows what it means. He doesn’t think the other man notices it himself, but their WSO always gets like this when he gets, well, aroused. Rooster once pointed out how Bob seems to get a little flush even before they progress to any proper making out, and Jake is willing to bet that there's a slight blush creeping up Bob’s neck right this second, if he was to lift his head and look.
Now Jake feels himself getting worked up as well. He can't help it – of course the feeling of one of his boyfriends getting hot and bothered gets him going too. Only Jake has never been that talented at hiding it, and Bradley in particular seems to have an uncanny talent of sniffing it out.
Bradley splutters, noticing his two lovers still cuddling seemingly all innocent, but both of them visibly getting aroused at the same time. He has to do something before Jake explodes because Bradley knows that while Jake is more than willing to wait for things to progress more, the blond is also the one who practically vibrates out of his skin every time they do anything sexual.
"What's up babies, besides both of your dicks I mean?"
He cackles just a little when both of their heads whip to look at him and then each other, the pretty blushes climbing up both of their cheeks even darker than before.
"What's getting you all excited over there?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows for emphasis.
"Bobby!" Jake responds immediately.
"What? What did I do?"
"You got excited first! It's only natural that I get turned on by that."
Bob is bewildered. "How did you know I was getting worked up?"
"Your heartbeat always speeds up when you're thinking dirty thoughts. I could hear it pounding in your chest," Jake shrugs.
"It's true," Bradley chimes in.
"Oh my god," Bob groans, covering his face in his hands. "You guys must think I'm a total perv."
"Not at all! I think it's kind of cute actually," Bradley rushes to reassure him.
"And I obviously think it's hot," Jake says, gesturing at his body as evidence of that.
"Really?" Bob peeks from behind his fingers. "You don't mind?"
"Of course not, baby."
"Why would we mind?"
"Well because I was the one who wanted to take it slow and apparently still get all horny at random times," Bob mumbles.
"Baby I assure you; you are not alone in feeling horny," Jake grins.
"And you know we don't mind waiting while doing smaller stuff. We still wanna hear if you're feeling like you want something," Bradley adds.
"I was actually, well, I was thinking about how I'm ready now and I was kind of building up to approaching the subject with you. That we could move forward. That's why I was getting turned on," Bob admits, and Bradley swears both he and Jake stop breathing for a moment.
Bradley reaches out to touch each of their hands with one of his own, grounding them for a bit. He knows this conversation will require some patience (especially on Jake's part) but the rewards will be more than worth it. Besides, he knows that even just talking about it will get them all heated, and that's half of the fun in his opinion.
tagsies (I know not everyone reads slash so feel free to skip!): @writeforfandoms @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @wildbornsiren @blue-aconite @mayhem24-7forever @lorecraft @callsign-phoenix @hederasgarden @lt-natrace @yespolkadotkitty @marvelousmermaid @luckyladycreator2 @alexxavicry @writercole
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bibiwrld · 11 months
The Sweet Babysitter🧁🎀| Miguel O’Hara
previously: –four.
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Kenedi sat in her office taking calls, taking notes and marking dates on the calendar.
She sighed, sitting back in her seat. Her mind drifted to the tall neighbor that lived near her parents.
Unconsciously biting her lip, she thought about the good morning text he sent her that morning and wishing her a good day.
She immediately sat back up, shaking the thought out of her girlish mind. People tell everyone good morning via text with a heart emoji…a red heart emoji… and a smiling emoji.
She was overthinking this, this was all platonic. He’s not interested in dating. She’s just the babysitter.
A knock was at her office door, and to her surprise it was the man on her mind. He stood tall in a white lab coat and glasses— she’s never seen him in glasses before. She thought he looked cute, oh so cute. He also had a food container in his hands, those very large hands of his.
“Mi-Miguel.” She stood to her feet.
He gave a kind smile, slowly stepping in. “Security is serious here.”
She nervously chuckled. “Yeah, when your boss is the most hated guy in the city, it calls for extra security.”
He chuckled to himself, taking a seat in front of her desk.
She sat back down. “But what are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I made you lunch.” He put the food container on her desk with a plastic fork wrapped in a napkin.
That was quite the surprise to her. “Uh–when..when did you get the time to make me lunch?”
He averted his eye to the floor shyly. “I woke up really early.”
She frowned, feeling special in this moment. “That’s so sweet of you, Miguel. Thank you, but you could barely stay awake last night, you must be running on little sleep right now.”
“I am, but it was worth it.” He grinned. “You look very nice today, by the way.”
Her lips pressed together and curved into a smile at this comment.
Shyly she said. “Thank you, I like your glasses.” She pulled the container closer to her.
Miguel smiled, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Thanks, I couldn’t find my contacts this morning.”
“I’ll look for them when I get to the house later.” 
“Thank you. About your pay, you’ll get 1k at the end of every week, even if you only took care of Gabby one day in that week.” Miguel spoke coolly.
“A thous— that’s a lot, Miguel.” Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets. “I can’t take that.”
He knew she would protest. “You are going to take it. You don’t understand how much of a big help you are, truly.”
She sat back, taking in his words.
He liked that she listened. “You’ll be paid fully in cash every Friday, extra if I need you on the weekends.”
She answered. “Okay.” She opened the container.
The amazing smell filled the office.
“Oh wow..this looks so good.” Her eyes grew wide. “Smells so, so good.”
Miguel stared in adoration at her reaction. “It’s called Camarones a la Diabla, with a side of Mexican rice.”
“Camerons..a la..” She struggled to pronounce the words.
Miguel could only laugh. “Bueno intento, hermosa. Takes lot of practice, you’ll get there.”
She huffed and pouted, hoping to get the words right.
“It means deviled shrimp.” He told her.
She grabbed the fork, putting a shrimp into her mouth.
Her mouth burst with flavors as she chewed. Her eyes widened in amazement while looking at Miguel.
He looked back at her with a content face. “Good, isn’t it?”
“Good is an understatement.” She tried the rice. “This is fantastic, so amazing.”
He liked the praise she gave him. “I’m happy you like it.”
She eyed him, still chewing her food. “Did you eat lunch?”
He shook his head. “No, I’m actually on lunch right now but I really wanted to swing by and give you this.”
She frowned. He was wasting his lunch time with her.
She stabbed the shrimp with her fork and guided it towards Miguel’s mouth.
He looked at the shrimp curiously. “What are you doing, Kenedi?”
“Feeding you.” She said in a small voice. “You didn’t eat lunch, so I’m just trying to be nice.”
Miguel couldn’t get enough of this girl. He ate the shrimp, looking into Kenedi’s eyes. “Gracias.”
Some of the sauce lingered in the corner of his mouth. Kenedi got up and leaned over her desk towards Miguel. “Oh, you got something here.”
Miguel stopped moving in shock as Kenedi swiped the corner of his mouth with her thumb.
“Sorry.” She smiled softly, leaning back.
Miguel grabbed her wrist, licking the sauce off her thumb.
Kenedi’s entire body froze.
What just happened?
“Um..” Her heart was practically beating out of her chest. Body tingling, her thumb feeling his tongue’s lick linger in that little spot.
Miguel wasn’t thinking at all. “I am so sorry, I don’t know why I did that.” His body moved faster than his mouth, as he quickly got out of the seat. “Enjoy your lunch.”
With that, he left.
It was late now, Miguel leaned back into his office chair, waiting for the files to save.
His mind raced from the afternoon deep into the night. He couldn’t think straight.
Why did he do that? What was he thinking? Was he even thinking?
God, what a shameless man he felt like he was. She probably thought he was an old pervert.
“Fuck.” Miguel ran his hands over his face.
Oh how awkward it was going to be.
He dreaded coming home. He entered his home to see Kenedi in comfortable clothing, watching television on the couch.
She stood up, fidgeting under his stare. “Good night, Gabby is sleeping in her room.”
“Okay.” He sighed. “I’m sorry about earlier, it was so weird of me to do. If you want to quit, I completely understand.”
She shrugged, giving an awkward smile. “It’s okay, I’m not going to quit.”
It’s not like she hated it, but she couldn’t say that out loud.
He let out a sigh of relief.
In small steps, she went up to him, holding out a small box. “I found your contact lenses.”
He took the box from her with a smile.“Oh thank you, where we were they?”
“On the bathroom counter, which was very messy.” She playfully pursed her lips. “I cleaned it for you.”
He was a little embarrassed. “It’s not usually like that, I was in a hurry this morning.”
That earned a small laugh from Kenedi. “You’re so cute.”
That wasn’t supposed to be said out loud.
She quickly covered her mouth.
“Cute?” Miguel chuckled, leering over the short girl. “You find a 30 year old man, cute?”
She uncovered her mouth. “Yes? Is that emasculating?”
“No, not at all.” He replied. “I like that you find me cute.”
“You’re cute, like a big fluffy brown bear, y’know?” She put a finger on her soft pouty lips.
Miguel was getting lost in her eyes. “Yeah, you’re like a conejita.”
“What’s that?” Her head tilted in curiosity.
“A little bunny.”
She smiled widely, swaying from side to side. “Oh, thank you.” Her phone buzzed on the couch, breaking their eye contact.
She went for her phone. “Oh I’ve gotta go.”
He was full of worry. “Did something happen?”
“Uh, my cousin is going into labor right now.” She hurriedly grabbed her bag and speed walked pass Miguel.
“I wish her a safe delivery.” He followed her movements. “Drive carefully.”
“Thank you, will do. Have a good night.”
And then she was gone.
He plopped into the couch and groaned.
Another night without making a move.
Next part: –six.
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