#I’m having flashbacks with Dobby
radiantroope · 1 year
Joe motherfucking Pavelski did not score all 4 of our goals tonight in his first game back for us to lose in overtime.
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the toiling triumph of reflections
the toiling triumph of reflections
by transformativetransgender (rivkael)
As soon as Voldemort apparated away, Harry could tell. Nagini could too, he knew it in how she began to coil more firmly around his body.
Remus seemed to steel himself. “Harry, Harry now is our chance, we can-”
Nagini let out a loud hiss, neck arching into a powerful S-shape as she anchored herself on Harry, and he winced. She was heavy, and her coils were tight. He knew she meant to be protective, but… “Nagini, you’re hurting me,” He told her softly, lifting his hand that wasn’t trapped beneath the heavy snake to run down her back. “I’m not going to go with him, but please-”
He couldn’t even look at Remus, terrified that the man would have a disgusted expression on his face, shock and horror evolving into hate - he’d seen it hundreds of times before.
(Harry leads a revolution. Voldemort patches his broken heart.)
Words: 4204, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of reflected in our eyes
Fandoms: Harry Potter - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Nagini (Harry Potter), Remus Lupin, Dobby (Harry Potter), Nymphadora Tonks, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Fleur Delacour
Relationships: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Severus Snape/Nymphadora Tonks, Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Angst, Revolution, House-Elf Rights (Harry Potter), House Elf Culture & Customs, Telepathy, Platonic Cuddling, Touch-Starved Harry Potter, Touch-Starved Voldemort, Dark Magic, POV Alternating, Mental Health Issues, They are all Traumatised, Flashbacks, Panic Attacks, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, British Myth and Folklore, House Elves are Brownies, Past Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48189037
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drarrysinful · 4 years
Draco and Harry find an stray kitten outside and bring it home, they take care of it and love it very much and Harry is like ‘look we have a child now darling’ (AND EVERYTHING ENDS WELL)
A/N: sorry this took so long, I promise I’m still working on these.
Hand in hand, Harry and Draco walked through the park near their flat, as they did most evenings to enjoy the fresh air and sunset.
“What was that?” Harry asked, looking around.
“Sounded like a meow. You know there are stray cats around here.” Draco said, arching a brow at Harry.
“Yes but...”
“Harry...” Draco sighed, recognizing that look on Harry’s face.
“I just want to make sure it’s okay.”
Harry smiled that bright smile that made Draco weak in the knees every time. He couldn’t help but give a smile back as he watched Harry looking for the source of the mewling.
“I found it!” Harry came back, cradling a small ball of grey fluff in his hands.
“Is it a kitten?” Draco asked, looking over at the small ball of fluff.
“I found it in a box, someone abandoned him.” Harry said, looking down at it. “I think it might be hurt.”
Draco leaned forward and checked out the kitten, it had a small injury on its paw. He smiled up at Harry. “Harry, stop panicking. You are one of the best Mediwizards at St.Mungos. This little one is in the best hands.”
Harry gave another smile and cradled the kitten to his chest as they walked back home.
As Draco had predicted, Harry was easily able to heal the small kitten once they got home. It had a broken paw and a small cut, which Harry healed very quickly.
Looking closer at the kitten, Draco looked over at Harry. “It’s eyes aren’t open yet, which means it’s still on formula. I’ll run to the store.”
With that he got up and headed out the door, Harry smiling at him. He may seem cold to others, but Harry knew he had a kind soul, and now that this kitten was in their house, it was theirs.
“I want to name him Dobby,” Harry said sometime later, cradling the kitten as he bottle fed it.
“After father’s old house elf?” Draco asked incredulously.
“After the house elf that was my friend and died saving us from Bellatrix.”
Draco paused for a moment, “Fair enough.”
“Hey Draco,” Harry grinned, watching the kitten drink from his bottle, “Looks like we have a kid now.”
Draco just shook his head, but he had a smile on his face.
It didn’t take long at all for Dobby to start to grow under their care, and become an important member of their family. He was playful and curious, and one of his favorite places to be was in Draco’s lab while he worked on his potions. Much to Draco’s distress, as he liked to jump up on the shelves and weave through the fragile potion bottles. But Draco conceded that keeping an eye on the small cat weaving through the potion bottles was better than listening to Dobby screaming at him from behind the door wanting to come in.
Dobby was very attached to Harry, always weaving through Harry’s legs, climbing up his pant legs, and running up to the door whenever he got home from work.
Draco worked from home, so Dobby would cling to him instead whenever Harry was at work. As much as Draco grumbled about it, he did enjoy the small kitten’s company when Harry was away, especially on nights where Harry was working a double shift or was called into an emergency. Those nights he curled up in bed with the small bundle of fluff instead.
It also didn’t take long for Dobby to earn his namesake, as he had the tendency to make off with Draco and Harry’s shirts as well as socks to build himself little nests in hiding places all over the house. Harry thought it was cute, but it always set Draco off when he couldn’t find a favorite shirt or a single pair of matching socks.
“Dobby, no!”
Harry looked up from the book he was reading with a concerned look on his face as a disgruntled looking Draco came marching into the living room, carrying a now adult Dobby by his scruff.
“What happened?”
“Your blasted cat got into the owl’s room again.” Draco grumbled as he deposited Dobby onto Harry’s lap. Nonplussed, Dobby curled up in Harry’s lap and started to purr. Draco glared at that cat, “One of these days he’s going to piss off Cepheus just a bit too much. He’s a great owl, but he’s still a bird of prey. And much bigger than you, you little prat.” He said pointedly to the purring cat in Harry’s lap.
Harry ran his fingers through Dobby’s fur, “Why is he always my cat when he’s in trouble?”
Draco gestured pointedly at Harry’s hand, “Because you’re always spoiling him.”
“He’s a cat, he doesn’t understand that he shouldn’t mess with Cepheus.”
Draco snorted, “He’s smarter than you give him credit for.”
Harry looked over at Draco, a curious look on his face.
Draco leaned over and absently scratched Dobby behind the ear, “Little bugger opened the door to Cepheus’ room.”
“Draco, have you seen Dobby?”
Draco looked up from the potion he’d been working on and glanced over at Harry, who was standing in the doorway. “No, why?”
“I was looking for him as I was going to give him his dinner. It’s not like him to miss a meal.”
“He’s probably just napping somewhere. He’s getting pretty old, he’s been taking a lot more naps lately.”
“Yea, but...”
Draco sighed, “Give me a moment to get this potion to a stopping point. I only have a couple steps left and then it will need to simmer for about an hour.”
“Okay, I’ll start looking while you finish.”
They had been looking for about an hour and Harry was starting to get panicked as they walked back to Draco’s lab so he could finish the potion he was working on.
“What if Cepheus ate him?”
“That is highly unlikely, and we would have heard something like that. There would also be evidence of it in his room.”
“What if he escaped? If he can open the door to Cepheus’ room, maybe he can open the front door as well!”
“Harry, I have the whole house warded, I would have known if the door opened for any reason other than you or I doing so.”
Harry stopped his worried babbling when they walked back into Draco’s lab, and found Dobby curled up and sleeping next to the low-burning fire Draco’s potion was sitting on.
Harry glanced into the kitchen, only to see all of Dobby’s food missing from his bowl. He looked back in at the slumbering cat.
“So...” Draco said, arching a brow, “While we were frantically looking for him... He came out of hiding, ate all his food, and then fell asleep in the one room that we didn’t think to look in...”
“Seems so.”
“I’m going to skin him.”
“He’s just proving that he belongs in this family.”
Draco rolled his eyes, picked up Dobby, and deposited him in Harry’s arms, so he could get back to his potion.
Harry was in his office at St. Mungos, when a small silver ferret appeared on his desk, opening its mouth and speaking in Draco’s voice. He sounded extremely distressed.
“It’s Dobby.”
“Expecto Patronum!” Harry said, his stag erupting out of his wand. “I’m on my way.” was all he said before the stag disappeared, heading off to Draco.
“Janet!” Harry yelled out the door, hearing his assistant’s answering call, “I’m going home early, reschedule my appointments! Something is wrong with Dobby!” Harry didn’t wait to hear Janet’s response before he had flicked floo powder into his office fireplace and stepped through.
After the swirling stopped he stepped out of the fireplace in his home and looked around for Draco.
He was sitting on the couch, cradling a very skinny and ragged looking Dobby in his arms. As he was walking closer, Harry got a flashback of Draco cradling Dobby in this same way as he bottle fed him as a kitten.
Draco looked up, his face red, “He isn’t eating and his breathing is so fast, I don’t... I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”
Harry felt tears stinging his eyes, he had an idea what was wrong, but he didn’t want to admit it to himself, “Let’s take him to his veterinary witch.”
“This isn’t something you can handle?”
“No, cuts and broken bones are similar enough to humans that I can take care of it, but I’m not a vet.”
Draco got up and hugged Dobby to him, the scruffy old cat giving a piteous mewl in response.
“I’m afraid, Mr. and Mr. Malfoy, that there’s nothing we can do for him.”
Harry wiped his eyes and gave a nod, he had already expected this. Draco slammed his hands on the counter, “What do you mean there’s nothing you can do! You’re a veterinary witch, aren’t you?”
Harry put his hand on Draco’s arm to calm him, “Draco... as you like to remind me whenever I have doubts, I’m one of the best mediwizards in St. Mungos. But... even I can’t stop old age.” He gestured at the veterinary witch, “Neither can she.”
The witch nodded with an understanding and sympathetic expression. “At this point we suggest putting him to sleep. We have a few options past that, one of the more popular ones is extracting some of his fondest memories and preserving them in a small pensive with his name on it. It is however one of the more expensive options as well.”
Draco bristled a little at that, “We’ll do it.”
She nodded. “Would you like to say goodbye before we start?”
Harry and Draco both nodded, and the witch brought them both back into the examination room, where Dobby was sleeping fitfully in a bundled pile of Harry and Draco’s old shirts, the ones they had given up trying to take back from him.
Harry leaned down and wrapped his arms around the bundle, his tears fogging up his glasses, “Goodbye Dobby. I’ll miss you.”
Once Harry was done, Draco gathered the bundle into his arms, saying nothing but holding Dobby as close as he could without hurting him, his tears flowing down his pale cheeks.
Neither of them could bear staying past the witch extracting Dobby’s memories and placing them in the small pensive, which she had already magically carved his name onto while they were saying goodbye. They left the room and waited silently in the waiting room to pay their bill and go home, Draco holding the small pensive to his chest and Harry holding the empty cat carrier loosely in his hands.
Many many years later, an elderly Draco and Harry we’re walking hand in hand through an ethereal version of Kings Cross Station. They knew why they were there, they were waiting on the train that would take them to the afterlife. They had both passed on in their sleep, going together as they had done in life.
“This is quite peaceful,” Draco commented.
“It’s definitely more comforting being here as an old man welcoming death rather than a young teen.” Harry said, looking around at his familiar surroundings.
“Really, there’s only one thing that could make this more comfortable.”
A small grey kitten streaked out from under a bench, one of Draco’s old socks in his mouth, and weaved around both of their legs before attempting to climb up Harry’s pant leg.
They both smiled brightly, “Dobby...”
“We missed you.”
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forestal-ramblings · 4 years
Tower of god S2 331-337 +S3 ep1-3
Endorsi leaving Rachel behind ? Just absolutely sublime.
Very intrigued by the sleepy wave controller lore really.
Jinsung really is a badass , I'm worried about him , but he still has some tricks to teach bam in the future. And he isn't married , girls we have a hit bachelor right here. I hope he doesn't die.
Of course now SIU hits me with the flashback. All that loneliness makes me sad too.
Oh young Yuri is very cute. On the topic of the ha family , Jinsung and her are actually related ?.
Bam gaining power by stabbing himself. Ah is he gonna do that with all the 13 months ?
The khun in charge of this floor is like an old man whose yard is being invaded by drunk college students.
Yuri keeps changing between princess or traitor depending who is in the situation. But after this I don't think there is away she can keep being a princess.
God how I hate kalavan. I should have realized pretty blondes are always massive bastard's. Now I want him dead.
Bam is really forcing all that he has in order to avenge his master ( who of course isn't really dead , that's what plot armor is about)
I didn't expect Karaka to be jinsung disciple too. He is practically redeemed.
I stan evankhell like hell ( i know terrible pun).
Hoaquin being saved by Evan is hilarious.
Kaiser is back !!!!! Unexpected but her wolf power is very cool. And shibisu and hatsu.
Confirmation that Jinsung isn't dead but mascheny is going to do some shady shit.
Oh Yuri is staying and facing Jahad wrath ?. Noo she is going to be away for a lot of time.
Finally they manage to escape , although just barely. Bam looks so sad. At least shibisu gives him a hug.
The family leaders !! Or at least that off brand light yagami that is poe bidau.
Evankhell is going to train bam ? That's one awesome duo.
Poe bidau omniscient , omnipotent intellect ? Please he is really channeling Kira.
Karaka and wangnam finally together and talking. Oh yess.
Rak really gives the best speeches.
Okay my hunch is that Rachel is going to be trained or at least gain done power and become s bit of an anti-bam.
Okay I couldn't stop at the time skip. I needed to know what happens next.
Evan is surely an useful guide.
Oh Karaka and evankhell drinking tea. Just awesome.
Everyone together for a brief moment. More Rachel dangerous shit and the sleepyheads sleeping.
Bam is back and with a new hairstyle. ( Tower of god big season's really are marked by bam's hair).
Oh God the doberman man , that level of furry is going to give me nightmares.
I can't believe the enemy shibisu had to face is the evil version of dobby the elf. All that trouble just for a sock.
Oh Khun is back , i missed him so much , i can't wait for him and bam to reunite.
And now bam is in slayer business , with those creeps who showed up , specially snake guy.
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Getting Started
Dear Windschild8179, I really enjoy your work and I was hoping you'd have some tips for me. I've been trying for the past few weeks to start writing a multi-chapter story, but every attempt at creating an outline has ended with me sitting there staring at a blank page. Then I tried just getting started without having an outline first, but that didn't work either. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this, especially as I already know how I'm going to start and how it's going to end, but I can't seem to fill in anything in between the first and last scenes. Any advice you could give would be immensely appreciated. Yours sincerely, TharAmira.
Then write the start of the story and the end. It doesn't mean that you have to use either of those scenes if later in your writing things change, the point is to have it done. To start.
Often times just having it written out helps to find the connecting points.
I often write out of chronological order and it makes writing connection scenes much easier. Sometimes for a story idea, I will write a scene that comes WAY down the line. Like... with Boogeyman, I wrote the scenes from Peter's point of view before anything else. I wrote the whole five chapters of that and it comes directly in the middle of the story.
For Spitfire, I wrote Ron's captivity with the Death Eaters first. Everything that happened with his captivity and everything else. These scenes are viewed through various means (flashbacks, PTSD symptoms, court accounts) but they came first.
With Vanguard I wrote the Billius scene at the start of the chapter five years before I actually decided to go through with the project.
Write the scene that you WANT to write more than anything else and then ask yourself questions once you're done. 
What needs to happen to get here?   [The beginning and lead up]
What repercussions will happen after?   [The resolution and ending]
Try to summarize each of these events with one sentence and then say: Ok, so this has to happen, how can I make this scene fun to read while also getting across the goal of the scene?
For example:  
I pictured a scene where Ron is wearing quidditch clothes that are far too tight. It's hurting him but he refuses to say anything. He has rashes and cuts along his body where the arm guards are cutting into him and the metal pieces are rusted from age. A younger student, Jack, notices and runs screaming to Harry, the captain (I set it up in sixth year).
Now, I wanted a story where we see the repercussions of poverty and how Ron comes to have a slight eating disorder because of it. This scene, I knew, would be far off in the story, but I didn't know anything else about it. So I wrote the whole scene out. And this helped set the tone of Harry and Ron's relationship for the story. Where Harry gets angry and tells Ron that Ron is hurting his best friend. He's hurting himself and that's not okay.
So what does that mean?
First of all, this takes Harry from left field. He had no idea. Which means I have to write this story form Ron's point of view and no one can know what's going on for a good while. I'll have to put little bread crumbs so that things click into place, but not big chunks.
It means that the clothes issue has to have a reasoning. 
-Why is Ron so set on hiding it?
-How long has it been such a serious issue? 
-How did it develop? 
-How did it worsen?
Jack also needs to be present before this scene in a story. I hate one-line characters, so I have to develop this kid a bit to make the impact of him being the one to discover Ron more dramatic. And I decided, then, that I would have him not really like Ron at the start. I decided to write an entire chapter where he sees Ron being a jerk and then slowly witnessing how and why Ron was being a jerk and throughout the course of the story, Jack is used as an outside observer for events. Someone who doesn't care about Ron so he doesn't feel the need to step in when he sees problems or issues. But someone who, by the time he discovers Ron in the locker room, DOES care.
What else needs to be done here?
Tension: No story works well without tension. (Angst)
How do we rev up the angst if we want Harry to be oblivious? -I start writing down possibilities 
1) Dean is an artist. Maybe I'll have him draw his roommates throughout the semester and when he goes to gather them up he notices the change in Ron through his own drawings. Something he couldn't see in the day to day, but is obvious in the pencil sketches. 
2) Neville noticing something right from the start and nagging Ron about it but people brush off Neville's concerns because its Ron and he's fine. 
3) We got the first two roommates so what about Seamus? Confrontation. He's good for that. We'll have him take the mickey. Tease Ron about some of these 'minor things' that later blow up. 
4) Humiliation is always good: We'll have a moment where Ron's clothes break in some manner in a public place. Something tears or maybe a button comes off and he has to deal with it all day. He tries to mend it, but it’s been mended too many times before. His clothes have so much residue magic in them that they are literally falling apart by the fiber.
How does Ron fix that issue? Find new clothes? Maybe the room of lost things? Painstakingly sew it the muggle way? Try not to eat as much so he doesn't grow anymore? ... ...
All three.
Notice how now from that one scene I now have a good chunk in the middle. I now know that the story is going to surround the dorm mates so I'm going to want to limit characters outside of these because that's FIVE main characters.
So what do I need to make this central bulk work?
If we're focusing on the dorm mates then the story should start when all five of them are in the dorms sixth year for the first time. To set the tone and lay down the foundations.
So Dean needs to be sketching. Seamus needs to be teasing. Neville needs to be his normal affectionate self so that when he gets upset, the contrast is clear. Harry needs to be focused on his own issues so that his obliviousness is more believable.
And this needs to be seen through Ron's eyes where maybe we see a tiny piece of what's to come. Maybe he notices that he's down to his last few pairs of pants that fit or one of his shirts starts to disintegrate or maybe Dobby offers Ron socks because the house elf noticed Ron's clothes condition when he was doing the laundry.
It HAS to be something small though. An almost off hand note or observation. 
Because one thing you want to do above everything else is to slowly build the tension up more and more. A very basic mistake of writing is coming out in the first chapter with guns blazing. You throw the reader in the center of the conflict and from that point on, the reveal of the secret is imminent rather than a fear of discovery. 
Remember, there is a promise that is made in that first chapter and if it conflicts with the promise in the summary then you WILL lose the reader. If you promise that the story is about the fear of discovery and the MC is discovered int he first chapter then there is no longer a story. Everything that comes after is just the author struggling to find a new plot because they gave up the one they had within the first few pages. Most readers are just looking to answer the question raised in the summary. If you give that answer away in the first chapter then there is no incentive for them to continue. 
The secret must slowly be unveiled so that the little things start to be noticed, built upon, and each discovery is like a small precious thing between the mc and the reader.
Now: You know Ron's secret, but no one else does.
This causes tension without ever doing anything else. Don't treat your reader like their stupid. They NOTICE those little things. They are paying rapt attention. Make sure you drop one small thing in each scene. Even if its a fluffy piece.
Now at this point, I have a beginning, some central middle points, but no end. What do I do for this? What do I want? -I want people to find out the depths of the issue which means a hell of a lot more than just the clothes being too tight in the quidditch scene. So is the quidditch scene the first big 'oh shit' moment? What are the consequences? -I want Dean to show his sketches to someone. [Ginny is the most obvious but I'll have to see at what stage of the year there at if that's a possibility] -I want Seamus and the others who were teasing to become more and more upset when people finally start noticing that Ron isn't eating. -I want protective Harry -I want pissed Neville.
Notice how this all started with one scene in a locker room, and how that scene is clearly in the middle of the story.
I highly recommend writing out whatever scene speaks to you the most and build from there. For many people, not just you, getting started is the hardest part because they feel the need, the obligation, to start where the story itself starts. Which most have only a vague idea about. But everyone has that image in their mind that's set in stone, the inspiration for the story they want to write. Allowing yourself to write that scene first, even if you end up never using it, helps infinitely in getting you starting on the right path and on creating a more defined outline.
Hope this helps. 
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aproblematicpanda · 4 years
Harry Potter? For the in-depth fandom ask
Hi thank you! ♥ I will use the books for my answers, since I didn’t really like most of the movies. I apologize if I mix up some of the characters, I’ve only read the books in my native language so I will have to google for some of the names in English. :’D
Top 5 favorite characters: Minerva McGonagall, Luna Lovegood, Fred & George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley. Other characters you like: The golden trio obviously, Molly, Dobby, Draco Malfoy, ... There are not a lot of characters I dislike. Least favourite characters: Umbridge, for obvious reasons. Otps: Hermione and Ron. Notps: I don’t think I have any? I’m not very invested in shipping when it comes to the HP fandom, I pretty much keep an open mind to everything? Except incest but I’ve never seen anyone ship anything like that, so. Favourite friendships: Harry, Ron and Hermione, obviously, and I also really liked Fren, George and Lee, and Lavender and Parvati. Favourite family: The Weasleys Favourite episodes: / Favourite book:  Prisoner of Azkaban is probably my favorite book. Favourite quotes:  "If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." "But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." "Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, 'It unscrews the other way.’" "There is no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor." And probably more. The books have so many amazing scenes, funny, inspirational, sad, hopeful, ... It was really hard to pick just a few. Best musical moment: / Moment that made you fangirl the hardest: Ehh... I mean, obviously I was rooting for Harry and the ending was a satisfying one, just like every other time Harry beat Voldemort, but the moment that made me fangirl the hardest would probably be Hermione punching Draco in the face. xD When it really disappointed you: The only truly disappointing thing about the book is how House-Elves are treated. Other than that, the only time I’m disappoint is literally every time JK Rowling decides it’s a good idea to open her mouth. Saddest moment: The moment Harry breaks down in Dumbledore’s chambers after Sirius dies gives me chills every. damn. time I reread the book. Most well done character death: Oh god, this is so hard because most of the deaths really hit me hard Favourite guest star: / Favourite cast member: / Character you wish was still alive: Honestly? Probably Hedwig. Maybe Fred. One thing you hope really happens: That JK Rowling’s Twitter account is banned so she doesn’t have a damn platform anymore. Most shocking twist:  When did you start reading: I think the first three books were already out when I started to read them. My classmates kept telling me to do it and I was in that annoying phase where I refused to dive into anything that was this massively popular - but I’m glad I eventually caved because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have grown up in this fandom and that means I would’ve had an entirely different experience. Now I can still say I grew up with the books and I’m glad I did. Best animal/creature: I’m a gigantic sucker for unicorns and I’m not sorry about it. xD Favourite location: I mean, Hogwarts is amazing, the descriptions of the castle never get old. Trope you wish they would stop using: Ehh... I honestly don’t know? One thing this book does better than others: I love how this show has such an inspired, dedicated, creative fanbase. The amount of HP related art, fanfiction, headcanons, ... out there is mindblowing. I’ve never quite seen that happen in any other fandom and it’s part of why I love this one as much as I do. Like how people can take a character that’s mentioned maybe a couple of times in the books and they create so much content for them to the point where I’ve actively had to stop myself from writing an answer to this questions because the answer isn’t canon, that’s admirable. Funniest moments: Fred and George wrecking havoc on Umbridge and finally leaving the castle after they get caught is without a doubt the funniest scene I can think of. Couple you would like to see: Like I said, I was never really into shipping anyone with anyone. I enjoy quite a lot of fanon ships I see on Tumblr, though. Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: / Favourite outfit: Every outfit I can think of is influenced by the movies so I don’t really have an answer to this. I would’ve loved to see Hermione’s dress to the Yule Ball, though, and the Patil sisters’. Oh, and Fleur’s wedding dress. Favourite item: The Marauder’s map. Do you own anything related to this show: No. What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in: I’m a Slytherin. Most boring plotline: I can’t think of anything. The passage that bores me the most is the one where the Minister of Magic meets the Muggle Prime Minister but that’s not a plotline. I guess everything is just so well thought of, everything that’s in the books in there for a reason and I wouldn’t cut anything out of it. Most laughably bad moment: As much as I dislike JK Rowling, she wrote seven brilliant books. I can’t think of a bad moment. There are plot holes, sure, and things that really fucking bug me, but no laughably bad moments. At least, not any that I can think of right now. The fact that she gave Cho Chang two last names as a name is a bad moment, though - but it’s not laughably. It’s just more proof that JK Rowling is a terrible person. Best flashback/flashfoward if any: The memories Snape shows to Harry, and the ones they both get to see of each other during their Occlumency lessons. Most layered character: I love the character development Ron goes through. Most one dimensional character: Ehh. There were a lot of important characters so it makes sense that not all of them got the layers they deserved. Right now nobody who’s relevant to the plot comes to mind as an answer? Scariest moment: Well, when Harry and Dumbledore came back from finding the fake Horcrux, that had me scared. Not for their lives (because it was obvious that Harry would live and Dumbledore would die) but because it felt like all of Dumbledore’s plans would be ruined so that’d probably be the scariest moment for me? Grossest moment: Ehh... I would probably throw up if I had witnessed Nagini sliding out of Bathilda’s dead body so I’m gonna go with that one, that must’ve been horrifying for Harry, especially because he spares Hermione the details. Best looking male: Well the books name Cedric Diggory as the most attractive one, so... Let’s go with that one then?  Best looking female: Fleur and Ginny Who you’re crushing on (if any): I would probably be all over Ginny if I had gone to Hogwarts. Favourite cast moment: / Favourite transportation: A Thestral! Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I really love the descriptions of Hogwarts. Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Oh god, so. many. Off the top of my head, here we go. 1. The carriages that bring the students back to the train station are mentioned specifically at the end of the fourth book and yet Harry can’t see the Thestrals until the beginning of the fifth book. 2. In what world are the Weasleys poor? Hermione specifically mentions in the seventh book that you can increase the quantity of food and Harry gets more wine for Slughorn and Hagrid with a spell in the sixth book, so no wizard or witch would have to spend any money on food, ever. And like with clothes and books and everything, why buy multiple ones? Just buy one and then duplicate it like when Hermione did it with the medallion? 3. Harry randomly remembering the phone number to get into the Ministry of Magic after almost an entire year, having heard them once: please. I started rereading the fifth book like two months ago for the gazillionth time and I already don’t remember them anymore. 4. Supposedly there’s a curse on the position as the DADA professor ever since Voldemort asked for the job, so there’s a new teacher every year, but Professor Quirrel is introduced in a way that makes it seem as if he has been teaching there for quite a while and other students (like Fred and George) treat him as such - seems to me like the curse was only activated with Harry coming to Hogwarts but that’s not what’s canon. 5. Voldemort conveniently waiting for the end of the school year each year to make his move. 6. The school year somehow always starts on a Monday and the Hogwarts express always leaves on September 1 which would mean that September 1 was a Sunday for seven years in a row. 7. Why, WHY, would they use feathers and parchment? What the hell is wrong with pen and paper? Or things like torches, when electricity has been a thing since forever? And the same goes for using owls to send letters, or the memos that are used in the Ministry of Magic: just text or e-mail, dudes. One sloppy ‘this doesn’t work here because there’s too much magic in the air’ just doesn’t cut it for me, especially because Harry does wear a watch, for instance. I probably have more but this is all I can come up with right now. xD Best promo: My childhood best friend bugging me about the books until I finally caved and started to read them. xD At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Literally the first chapter.
Send me a show/fandom and I’ll answer
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Movie
Once again this is being written while watching, so lots of jumping around and random thoughts. This movie is 2 hours and 54 minutes, that is LONG. No wonder so much had to be cut.
Daniel’s voice drop is WILD and suits Harry very well. I like Harry’s movie character, how he’s a little more reserved and careful than in the books. He’s more childish in the books, which I suppose is more realistic, but less enjoyable.
Having read the book, it makes WAY more sense why Dobby came to warn Harry and takes such drastic measures to keep Harry from school. At the very least, reading the book has made the movie more enjoyable because I know more context.
The car scene makes much more sense in the movie, waking Vernon up with the bars being torn off instead of Fred and George actually going into the house. This one makes way more sense. I’m still mad that JK Rowling expected us to believe that the Ministry knew magic was used but not that Harry didn’t use it, and I’m glad that was cut.
Molly Weasley still warms my heart just to see her. And Arthur’s look at Harry as if he doesn’t remember having quite this many children is unmatched. Molly wacking Arthur when he looks excited that his flying car was used is priceless, so well done. Possibly the most well cast characters in the whole movie.
I have completely missed that the scene with Lucius and Draco in Borgin and Burkes happens in the movies?? Just completely wiped from my memory apparently. (a Google search has revealed this was a deleted scene, not sure why it’s included in the version I’m watching)
“I’ll see you at work” is such a terrible line why was that added, the encounter with Lucius in the book was cringeworthy but not THAT cringeworthy.
The flying car randomly cutting out in the movie makes more sense in the context of the book when the engine has been sputtering for a while, and Ron looks like less of an idiot when he pulls out his wand to try to stop it when we know that’s how the car is started.
Filch catching Harry and Ron coming into the castle makes more sense than Snape, it makes Snape seem much less like he’s specifically targetting them. Filch, on the other hand, is always looking for people breaking rules.
Was Harry finding Filch’s Kwikspell envelope always in the movie too? I don’t remember that either, and Harry didn’t open it. (Google confirms this is also a deleted scene, how strange that this movie includes some deleted scenes) Even so, this is nowhere near where this happened in the book, so it makes absolutely no sense at all.
I also forgot that the scenes with the test given out by Lockhart about himself was in the movie? Or is this another deleted scene? (Google confirms it is, and noted that the extended version of the movie includes it, I must have stumbled upon the extended version of the movie)
Hermione already knowing what mudblood meant was much more powerful than having it explained to her in the book.
Movie Hagrid is so much better than book Hagrid. They’re both good, but movie Hagrid just has a much warmer presence because he’s less childish.
In the movie we jump straight from Harry hearing the voice for the first time during detention with Lockhart and following it to seeing spiders crawling away, noticing the floor is wet, and noticing the message on the wall along with Mrs Norris. Packing all of this in a short time seems like a lot, and in the book it might have been, but chronologically it makes a lot of sense, and doesn’t feel like too much too fast when done properly here.
Harry serving his detention and Ron and Hermione going looking for him when it took him so much longer than it should have makes WAY more sense than going to a weird deathday party. Thank goodness it was done this way instead.
As I said in the chapter, McGonagall explaining the chamber of secrets is just as good as the professor in charge of history classes.
Again, the movie switching Neville for Ron in the duelling club because of his wand makes much more sense, and the way Snape points this out and subs in Draco is much more convincing.
Harry speaking parseltongue in the movies is just as cringy as I remember it. I don’t think it could have been done better but still, yikes.
Is this ANOTHER deleted scene, listening to people whisper about Harry in class? I swear in the original movie there was nobody talking about where Justin was. (Confirmed that both this and the scene in the duelling club where Justin introduces himself are deleted scenes)
The “is there something you wish to tell me” line in the movie makes very little sense without the context given by the book, weird choice to keep it in the movie.
Another deleted scene of Fred and George making fun of Harry for being the heir of Slytherin, so weird to have this many deleted scenes stuffed into this version of the movie. Kudos to this website for giving me such a fun experience without giving JK Rowling a dime.
Another deleted scene, a short one, Hermione admitting she got Slytherin robes for them. So weird to have this many deleted scenes. Another one, Harry and Ron visiting Hermione in the hospital wing and talk about Tom Riddle.
I’m relieved that the movie skips the scene of Tom in Dumbledore’s office, because it’s unnecessary to the plot at this point. It’s better to just see the flashback that Tom uses to convince Harry that Hagrid is responsible for the attacks.
Cornelius Fudge is just as pathetic at his job as he is in the book. The actor was perfectly cast to play it. Again I like that the plot moves faster in the movie because they spot the spiders in Hagrid’s cabin instead of having to wait a lot longer for it, it makes equal little sense for the spiders to be in the cabin or the greenhouse.
The flying car still being able to fly out of the forbidden forest in the movie is an interesting idea, unnecessary but doesn’t really take anything away from the plot.
It’s a bit of a shame we didn’t get to see more of Lockhart being his self absorbed self. The movie showed enough to get it across, but the book was very entertaining with just how many times he has to pump himself up.
Lockhart losing his memory is so well done, the acting is beautiful. The fact that he was so oblivious before just makes it that much funnier.
The longer struggle with the basilisk is definitely worth it, makes the movie much more believable than the book, where Harry ran from it for a bit then just killed it on his first move.
I’m glad that Lockhart was cut from being in Dumbledore’s office at the end, Ron is sent to get an owl to fetch Hagrid from Azkaban, and Dumbledore and Harry still have the conversation about why he’s different from Voldemort.
I’m a bit disappointed that the movie doesn’t have Dumbledore explaining thoroughly why Ginny was chosen to give the diary, but also the movie doesn’t show enough context to make it make perfect sense, so it looks more like opportunity instead of a well thought through plan.
Harry’s quiet confidence is much more powerful than an outburst at Lucius over the diary. And like I said, sticking the sock inside is a much better way to free Dobby than wrapping the book in a sock. Although I must admit that I notice Lucius says the first word of the killing curse, which seems a bit extreme for what Harry’s done. Maybe to show Lucius as impulsive? But that makes little sense, he’s very calculated in everything else he does.
The ending is so heartwarming, hugging Hermione as she got back. The ending seems less rushed when Dumbledore makes the two announcements for the banquet. And celebrating Hagrid returning is the most touching scene. Showing Hagrid’s bond and friendship with the main three is so beautiful, one of my favourite moments of all the movies.
Just taking a moment to appreciate the scores made for these movies, they’d be worthless without all the hard work put into the music for all these movies.
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your-lost-mind · 5 years
Harry Potter for the Fandom asks?
Yay I was hoping I’d get HP, just don’t hate me after this lol
the first character I ever fell in love with: well I honestly have to say Harry
a character that I used to love/like, but now do not: Dumbledore I guess
a ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: hmm I’m actually not sure about this one
my ultimate favorite character: Harry but I honestly have loads of faves 
prettiest character: Hermione and Fleur
my most hated character: Umbridge for sure, I truly hate her more than Voldemort
my OTP: I know a lot of people are gonna hate me for this one but I have to admit it’s Harry and Hermione
my NOTP: Harry and Ginny 
favorite episode/scene: well if I’m choosing from the movies then I think the one at the end of OOTP when Harry is possessed by Voldemort and has those like flashbacks or whatever of everyone he loves, that one gets me every time
saddest death: in the books Sirius dying hit me hardest and I was really sad about Dumbledore too, but man in the movies Dobbys is the most heartbreaking  
favorite season/movie: Prisoner of Azkaban 
least favorite season/movie: Goblet of Fire 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Idk I don’t really hate anyone except the bad guys but I never really cared for Ginny or Tonks which I guess is weird  
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Draco 100%
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Lupin 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: Snape and Lilly and ofc Dramione lol
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship’: Ron and Hermione, they’re cute I just kind of never thought they’d be endgame
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divagonzo · 6 years
why do you hate Hermione so much everything i read from you is so rude about her what gives
Well ‘ello to you too Nonnie.
So do I hate Hermione? Heavens no. As weird as it sounds, I treat the character like one of my nearest and dearest - gonna call them out when they act wrong and expect them to do the same for me when I fuck up. I was doing this when I was that age, being an arrogant arse (and somewhat one still to this day.) (There are reasons why I go by Dragon and it’s not always my award-winning wisdom.)
Does it come across as brusque and rude? Sure. I’ve never been accused of sugar coating anything, unfortunately. Another of my bad traits, I reckon.
But after this, I’ll delve into this bit for you, nonnie.
(and I’m repeating myself by going into this again but since I can’t scare up the previous discourse for Hermione positive narrative from me…)
Positive Hermione discourse….
For me, personally, I think her world turns right side up the moment Ron walks back into the tent, having saved Harry, destroyed the locket, and keeping the sword of Gryffindor.
While she was rightfully beastly over what had happened (not understanding maybe how deep that abyss went for Ron in those moments he was being pushed away) she shouldn’t have hit him - but her anger otherwise was justified. And like Ron (which seem to be two sides of the same complimentary coin) she needed time and distance to eventually quell her anger.
I’ve been Ron at that moment with someone I deeply love, having hurt them. The palatable fear over losing them for your stupid shit is very scary. I had to do what Ron did - giving them space and time. Unlike a story which can be remedied in 100 pages, mine took years.
But unlike when Ron and Hermione were even a year younger, Ron has grown to where he respects her space and will take what he can get, having betrayed her and Harry. Harry pushed him away but he was the one who got shirty and walked off, to disastrous consequences.
So they are off hunting clues again, with Ron helping out immensely. The debacle at Xeno Lovegood’s house and then being caught out by the snatchers showed everyone how the others are important to each other. There was no perceived weak link anymore. Everyone knew their value. All three were vital and necessary to the others.
So when Ron’s being beaten to a pulp and Harry’s gotten a stinger to the face to try and hide his identity, the only one left standing whole is Hermione. And she’s terrified.
I can’t blame her in the least.
Viv and I disagree on this point, but I personally think that this was a geometric growth moment for Hermione. Ron’s offered himself up to Bellatrix, knowing what is coming (or so he thinks) but instead she picks Hermione. (Once again reinforcing the theme that villains pick out the one most dangerous to them.)
You can’t sway me from thinking that Hermione and that iditic and iconic memory of hers didn’t flashback for a moment to Ron’s courage to come back to them, willing to face her wrath for walking out. I can’t be dissuaded that she had that thought in her head that “Ron came back. Ron faced down acromantulas for me. I can do this, too.”
Hermione knows that what is coming is gonna suck dragon’s talons. And it’s going to hurt, especially since she got yanked by her hair when separated from the guys. I can tell you that hurts horribly. She’s using every bit of Gryffindor courage to keep her wits for what is going to happen. She was going to protect her friends if it was the last thing she would ever do.
Now that’s love, everyone. That’s a fireworks explosion demonstration right there where even oblivious people can recognize it. That’s a demonstration that a Dragon respects writ large.
For me, this is her defining moment - facing down a worst case scenario and facing it with courage. It’s facing possible death and not cowering from it but buying them time and praying that they can find a way out, with or without her.
I honestly don’t think she expected to survive it.
She had a good 30 seconds to consider what was going to happen. Anticipation was probably at the forefront of her thinking because she knew what Lestrange was capable of achieving.
The guys are downstairs and Ron’s frantic. He doesn’t know what is happening except that Hermione is screaming bloody murder. And since it’s off-screen (gives stink eyes to Uncle Steve and Uncle David) the reader’s imagination is used to consider how bad it really is. All the reader - and the guys - can hear is her screaming.
She’s there for minutes - more than five, less than 20 total. It’s fast and dirty and roughshod - unlike what the Longbottoms went through, potentially. But she’s being tormented for information - a Shrodinger’s moment in betraying how important the vault actually is.
But Hermione’s holding up and holding her own, lying while in unspeakable pain.
While I hate to broach such a thing, there’s a huge reason why the Geneva Convention has enacted rules and laws of warfare, including torture. There are reasons why prisoners of war, fighting under flag and uniform, are protected. Why?
Because under pain, a prisoner will say anything to make the pain cease. And with anything like such, it’s not a question of breaking but of when.
But Hermione? She’s keeping her wits under torture. She’s able to withstand such pain to keep Bellatrix from going after the others. (Yes, I know it’s the Author but I also think that some of it was scrubbed by the editors because you can’t go too dark on it, at least not that way.)
Cut to Dobby’s rescue and the guys escaping courtesy of Wormtail and they finally get to see - Griphook lying for them, Hermione barely stirring.
Like many a hero in books I grew up on (and media, too) Hermione gave them the one thing they needed: time. So many of the fallen heroes I’ve loved in stories are the ones who face down their demise with courage, standing in the breach to give the survivors a better chance.
While the book makes light of it and the movie, even more, something like that isn’t shaken off like you caught a volleyball to the face. (That stings, lemme tell you, double if you wear glasses.) Going through something so traumatic changes a person.
I liken what she went through as a baptism by fire - where it burned away all of the bollocks and bullshit, all of the petty games and bad communications, and made all of them realize how important each one of them is to the others.
This doesn’t mean that Hermione now has empathy and support for Ron the way he needs immediately. I personally think that the communication lines are completely open at this point and all of the words said that don’t quite mean what they say boil away to where what they do say to one another is what they mean. Nothing is hidden, everything on the table for the other to see - complete vulnerability.
While I do wish some problematic things were handled differently (*and I can’t advocate abuse for anyone*) My critical analysis of the character shows geometric growth after that situation in MM - and beyond. I do wish there had been more shown but more couldn’t have been shoehorned in into the last 1/3 of the book. There was too much else that had to happen in the narrative to give Hermione any more arc than she had.
But damn this is why I love fic that explores it afterward, warts and all.
So nonnie, I love Hermione, even if I am critical on some things. I don’t give a pass but I do understand the whys and hows of it. If I were a written character, I’d hope someone would say how fucked up I was at times in my life and also see how much growth happened between 15 and 40-something.
I try to live my life as a lesson on how to not fuck up - and how to survive it and grow from it when I do.
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Please continue to compare Final Fantasy VII and KOTOR. I need more of this.
I don’t have any quotes in mind, but if you find it funny, here’s my reaction as a first-time player to the game so far.
I’m talking to the secondary members of Avalanche, and, yeah, they’re all going to die.
Did they just leave a small child in charge of the bar?
As disturbing as this whole mob boss infiltration mission is, I can’t help but find it funny how enthusiastic Aerith is about getting Cloud to wear a dress. She is dead-set on getting him to wear one. And the wig, can’t forget the wig.
Wow, they’re really going to make me run up all these stairs. That’s… kind of brilliant.
Where’s the option to kill the deputy mayor and get my money back for those “hints”?
I’m seriously doubtful of Hojo’s understanding of biology if he thought… that… would yield anything useful. Also, I am never going to not stop finding Red XIII weird.
I can’t find the button to attack left on my motorcycle, so I’m stuck trying to keep all the other drivers on my right. It’s working, sort of.
I’m romancing Tifa. Thanks to reference osmosis, I know who dies in this game and I’m not getting onto that sinking ship.
I am going to shove my stupidly gigantic sword up the Midgar Zolom’s ass (or whatever you call it on a ten-meter serpent) if it’s the last thing I do.
With the right timing, I was able to run past the Midgar Zolom. I don’t know if that’s supposed to be possible, but at least I can save money on that stuff used to catch chocobos.
Is it possible for this child to die if I screw up the CPR minigame? Also, there’s a CPR minigame?
I utterly failed the infiltration mission at every possible opportunity, yet somehow this had no negative consequences.
There’s a talking cat riding on top of… I don’t know what that’s supposed to be, and he has forcefully joined my party.
Why is this prison infested with weird floating masks?
I lost the first chocobo race. On the second one, I was doing okay, then I had to go take care of something, didn’t hit the pause button, then when I came back it turned out I won. Waht.
Half of the enemies in this game elicit a response of “I don’t know that that is, but I’m going to beat the shit out of it”. I’ve fought living motorcycles, Dobby the elf, a tankceratops, a fabergé egg/matroska doll, and a sentient house.
I hate the frogs the most. They attack five at a time and just keep transforming me into a frog. Why.
The talking cat is going to betray me.
Ninja Misssion Vao is my daughter now and I will kill anyone who harms her.
Okay, after a bunch of backtracking and grinding to get up to the right level, and through the combined power of several gods, I have killed the Midgar Zolom. Finally, I can cross this stupid swamp in peace.
The Midgar Zolom respawns immediately. Fuck, ABORT!
Where’s the option to threaten and attack everyone in Fake Nibelheim until they answer me honestly?
Sweet, I have a plane now.
Ninja Misssion betrayed me, stole my best items, and has left me to die. Once I get them all back, she’s grounded.
Dammit, I can’t ground her, she’s the third-strongest person in the party.
The Forgotten Capital is beautiful, and the music makes it very atmospheric. It’s too bad I can’t figure out how to get to the next door around that goddamn fish. 
Yep, she’s dead. C’mon, with all the enemies we’ve fought, I’m sure she could survive at least one stab through the chest.
“End of Part One”? How long is this game?
Cloud is gone, we have a giant airship, and Tifa is the main character now. I could get used to this.
Dammit, I found Cloud and Tifa is staying with him. Now Cid’s in charge. Fine, as long as I don’t get stuck with Cat Shit.
That was an interesting plot twist. Gonna have to play through the flashback again.
I’ve got a submarine!
There’s a big, green, ethereal thing wandering around the bottom of the ocean, and it is creeping me out. I’m gonna fight it.
That was a terrible idea.
Apparently it’s called the “Emerald Weapon”, and it has a million hit points. Literally 1,000,000. My strongest attacks can’t even take off 1% of its health.
On the plus side, the Midgar Zolom, which has 4,000, has ceased to pose a threat. I killed ten of them in a row.
I’ve been to Golden Saucer multiple times now and I still haven’t found any way to obtain their fake currency. I went to the areas they said to, no one offers to exchange.
Why are we trying to stop Shinra from gathering materials to destroy the meteor? I know they’re assholes, but they do have the most resources to deal with the problem.
I’m with Cid on using the Huge Materia to destroy the meteor. It has to be more effective than slamming it with an empty rocket. That’s just science!
Cid, you fucking idiot, why did I listen to you? You can’t even make your own goddamn tea!
I’m running into a bit of a problem since I did some grinding with Tifa and Ninja Mission, so now they’re a couple levels about Cloud, who keeps dying, then he doesn’t get experience from the battles, so he’s fallen another level behind. And I’m about to fight Hojo, I can’t just go back and slaughter some wildlife to gain their power.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten right now. I’m enjoying it, but this game is really really weird.
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madebycinexo · 6 years
Pathcode #HOGWARTS
I’m going to talk a bit about the inspiration and the idea first, then about my process of working with movies in terms of organization. I’ll then go over each individual edit and talk about why I chose the shots I chose for each member, the difficulties that came up and I’ll also share drafts and alternate versions of some edits.
This post is extremely tl;dr, so here’s the sources real quick:
Font: Neoteric
Member Emblem PNG (Just a heads up, the background of the page is dark and the emblems are black so you might not see them right away, but they’re there.)
I don’t remember if I got the idea to make a Harry Potter crossover before or after Pathcode came out. I do remember though that Tao’s Pathcode gave me Harry Potter vibes for some reason. When thinking of a crossover I knew I wanted it to be superpower related right away. 
At first I wanted to do Exo x Harry Potter spells, but when thinking about it, there isn’t necessarily a spell you could match with every superpower. Take teleportation, for example. When thinking of teleportation in the HP universe you’d think of apparition, floo powder and portkeys, but there isn’t a spell for it per se. So it quickly became Exo x Harry Potter... things. 
I wrote down everyone’s names and power and made a list of things that I could think of related to each power. I then watched the movies and took screenshots of everything that might be useful for this edit. At some point I realized that that wasn’t really the best way of doing this, because I would look at the screenshots and be like ‘well ok but what is the movement, and how long is it?’ it just wasn’t enough to help me determine which shots I wanted to use. Another thing I realized was that the first movie came out in 2001, and the last one in 2011. 10 years can really make a big difference in terms of visual effects; it’s quite fascinating when you look at the first and last appearances of Voldemort, Dobby, Fawkes and the Whomping Willow; so I figured it was a better idea to start watching the movies from last to first, so I wouldn’t feel the need to consider every random scene that has fire in it for example. 
Instead of taking screenshots, this time around I wrote down the timecodes for everything with a short description of what it was. Then I extracted the frames and tagged every folder with the relevant member. After doing that I could watch a member’s Pathcode and then go through the HP scenes to compare and get a better idea of which shots could work together.
I knew I wanted the format to be approximately a 5:7 ratio with 10 gifs, 268px width each, and be one half Pathcode, one half HP with the members name, power and emblem in the middle.
So, while going through the HP shots, I realized there were a lot of great ones and I wasn’t going to be able to use all of them, and while making some of the edits I realized that it was difficult to blend them together well in the middle, so I decided to use some extra shots to help the transition look smoother. I hadn’t accounted for that while watching the movies though, so I wasn’t specifically looking for shots that could be useful for that. Some of them were quite tricky to figure out, but I’ll get to that.
I’m gonna go over each member’s edit individually now.
Kai | Teleportation:
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I chose apparition for him. I think it’s the best fit visually. Alternatives were floo powder, which, you know, the powder itself just kind of looks like rough sand and when used, it creates a green fire, which to me was just reminiscent of Chanyeol, as his power is fire, and Slytherin house because of the green. It just didn’t seem like a good fit. The other alternative was a portkey, and since that’s always an object, the point of focus would have been that object as opposed to the teleportation itself. I had also briefly considered using Alohomora, since his emblem is a keyhole, but given the other options, this one felt kind of unspectacular. The shot I ended up using is from Deathly Hallows Part 2. It’s faceless, which helps focus on the effect and the coloring matched well. For Kai, I wanted to use the shot of him actually teleporting, but you can’t see his face there, so I used the other bit of his Pathcode where you can see his face (everything else is in black and white and shaky, his Pathcode is kind of a nightmare to edit with) but in that scene he’s on the very left side of the screen, so there was too much space to his right and it looked really empty, so I opted for blending both shots together. For the middle I tried using the bit from Goblet of Fire where they’re teleporting with the old boot, but that just didn’t work at all. So then I used the slow mo apparition shot from the very end of Deathly Hallows 1, where Bellatrix throws the knife at them as they apparate (which is kind of sad, because we all know how that ended...) Here’s a very early draft with a different Pathcode clip:
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Tao | Time Control:
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So for Tao it was either going to be the Time Turner, the Hogwarts clockwork or the hourglass. I had also written down Arresto Momentum, but watching the scene I probably didn’t think it would work. The amount of green in the shot with the hourglass feels very reminiscent of Slytherin house– now I’m not about to start making assumptions about who would be in which house, but I always felt that Tao would make the perfect Draco Malfoy. The hourglass, I realize, doesn’t have as much meaning as Time Turner, but I just remember seeing it in the sixth movie and thinking ‘I need to use this.’ There was just something about it, and with edits like this I generally try to find a compromise between meaning and aesthetic. The person tapping on the hourglass (I don’t remember if it was Riddle or Slughorn doing that) kind of feels like a nod to time control as well (in this edit at least. In the movie it’s probably more so about the scene being a flashback). And since I’ve always found clockworks really cool, that worked nicely as a transition shot.
Chanyeol | Fire:
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This one was kind of a no-brainer, because it was either going to be Fawkes or some random fire spell. When I was still watching the movies in the right order I was a bit worried though, since Fawkes in the second movie looks like those animatronics you’d see at a theme park, and especially that scene where he bursts into flames just does not look great. And I wasn’t sure wether he shows up anywhere later in the movies, but he does! In The Order of the Pheonix... so that scene was perfect actually. There was also a cool scene in Goblet of Fire, when the Durmstrang guys come in and blow fire in the shape of a bird. I tried using that as the transition shot, but that just failed horribly. I also tried the scene where Hermione sets fire to Snape’s robe in the second movie, but that didn’t look good either. I ended up using a shot from Chanyeol’s Pathcode for that, because it’s a flame with a completely black background, which doesn’t do a great job at blending the top and the bottom gifs together per se, but unlike the other two shots I tried it doesn’t look like a stripe in between the two gifs, and it still gives them a connection. 
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Xiumin | Frost:
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I think I knew right away that I wanted to use that shot of Ron’s hand on the window from Prisoner of Azkaban. It’s always been one of the most memorable shots from the whole series to me. Other than that, the only thing I could think of for frost was the Glacius spell, which is not in the movies. Anything do with frost in the movies is either when it’s actually winter, the Yule Ball or things freezing over when dementors come around. There was a really pretty shot of a flower freezing when a dementor flies by in Prisoner of Azkaban, but it’s one of those things that looks nice when you watch it, and then when you turn it into a gif, it doesn’t have the same effect. With the window freezing up around Ron’s hand, you can kind of trick yourself into thinking he’s the one doing it, so I think it works well for showcasing a superpower. For the transition in the middle I originally wanted to use the frost at the end of Xiumin’s Pathcode, but it didn’t look very good. I tried to find stock footage of something similar, but couldn’t find anything that really fit, so I ended up using a scene from Prisoner of Azkaban where the lake freezes over towards the end. I tried some different options for Xiumin’s part of the gif: 
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I like the one on the right because of the cold breath and the hat, it fits the theme, but overall I found the shot I used in the final version more intriguing.
Lay | Healing:
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For him it was either going to be Phoenix tears, Unicorn blood or that healing spell Snape uses on Malfoy in the sixth movie. Since Lay is often nicknamed Unicorn, using Unicorn blood felt kind of cruel, and while it makes you immortal, it does’t exactly have healing powers. Phoenix tears really works best here, because in the shot the healing aspect of it is shown really centered and precisely compared to the healing spell:
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For the transition shot I originally wanted to use the mistletoe growing when Harry and Cho kiss in the fifth movie. I tried really hard to make that work, but no matter what I did with it, it still looked awful, so I settled for the flower at the end of Lay’s Pathcode. I did try different variations with Phoenix tears and the healing spell, but as you can see, those just look very odd. For Lay’s shot I wanted to use something where you could see his sweater well, because the giant W on it really reminded me of a Weasley sweater. Playing off of the yellow lighting in Lay’s Pathcode, I wanted to make the overall coloring yellowish as well, but I just wasn’t happy with it. I tried making it more reddish, but that wasn’t right either:
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It felt like it just didn’t want to be yellow (or red), so I started over and tried to focus on enhancing the natural coloring and just really amp it up. It worked much better and made the skin and wound stand out a lot more so it really draws attention to the healing effect.
Sehun | Wind:
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With this one, I wasn’t quite sure at first. Nothing particular came to mind for wind. A few things related to flight maybe, but that’s a different power. I looked up whether there was a spell or something. So there is a spell called Ventus, but it’s not in the movies. When I watched the first movie I think I decided on the Snitch quite easily. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it just felt right. I still looked at other things. There were some scenes at the ministry of magic where stuff is flying around, and a scene with wind in the maze in the Goblet of Fire. Those felt a bit random. For the transition in the middle I originally wanted to use footage of a dandelion in the wind, like the one shown at the end of Sehun’s Pathcode, but once again, it looked more like a stripe in the middle. I ended up using a scene from the Exordium VCR. Here’s a few variations I tried out:
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Chen | Lightning:
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Chen’s was probably the easiest to decide on. It had to be the lightning scar. I mean he even dressed up as Harry Potter before. The only difficulty was finding the right transition for it. So I used the lightning from the very end of Deathly Hallows Part 1, but the rest of the sky was really dark and heavily graded, so it wasn’t really possible to make it look decent enough. Again, I looked for stock footage, but whenever I look for something specific, you could probably make bets on that I won’t find it but then somehow stumble upon it some time after I finish the edit I needed it for. I remembered Sehun’s Pathcode having a shot with a cloudy sky, so I used that, but it didn’t quite look right:
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I kind of left it like that and started working on other edits, so then while watching D.O.’s Pathcode, there was a quick shot, which I didn’t remember, and it worked perfectly together with the lightning.
Suho | Water:
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This was the first edit I made for this set. It came together by just experimenting and trying to figure out the layout. That’s also how the idea with the transition gif came about. I had written down quite a few things for water; The Aguamenti spell, the black lake, the faucet in Goblet of Fire when Harry takes a bath, the sea in Half Blood Prince (that’s the transition shot). I went for the water spell Dumbledore uses when fighting Voldemort in the Order of Phoenix, because it looked the most impressive, the most magical and it gave more of a sense of having the power to control the element. Coincidentally, it worked out quite well that the movement in both gifs kind of makes it look like Suho is controlling the water with his hand (even though you can still see Dumbledore doing it with his wand). 
Baekhyun | Light:
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Lumos and the Patronus charm were obvious choices. A less obvious choice was the Deluminator, which is very cool of course, but visually it doesn’t have as much of an impact as the other two. I knew which shot I wanted to use for Baekhyun’s part. For the transition shot I originally wanted to use the Patronus when it comes out the wand as a burst and have it rotated. So this is what that looked like when I tried it:
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It definitely looked a lot better in my head. This is just a draft of course, but even if I had cleaned it up, I just don’t think it would have worked. After that I thought about what Baekhyun’s Patronus would be, and I felt like it would be a dog. It slipped my mind that Ron’s Patronus actually is a dog and I oversaw it when watching the movies, but after looking it up I went back and used that instead. I tried a bunch of different variations and had a hard time deciding what the final version should be:
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So after a while I got goosebumps after looking at what ended up being the final version, and that’s when I decided on it. (It may have been the lack of sleep, honestly.)
D.O. | Earth:
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I made this edit before Power came out and his power was officially changed to force rather than earth. I think force is a more fitting term actually, since most of the time his power is shown as superhuman strength. But what did that mean for this edit? Usually he’s always shown breaking the earth by stomping or making boulders fly, in his Pathcode however, there’s none of that. His Pathcode is really interesting when you think about it. Now, this is my own interpretation of course, but to me it seemed like there was a connectedness with nature (which made sense with his power being earth back then). There’s also a sense of connection to the other members, a sense of control, and the feeling of the calm before the storm. I believe the hint for his Pathcode was beginning = end. So with all of that, I had a lot of ideas of what I could do. I considered the Bombarda spell, and generally anytime something blew up in the movies. But all of those things seemed really random. I considered using the Grim (who isn’t actually the Grim) because it matches his emblem (commonly described as ‘the Beast’). Even the Maurauder’s Map and the inscription on the Snitch; “I open at the close.” seemed like things that could work. In the end I decided on the Whomping Willow. I thought it made sense in a lot of ways. It’s a tree, so that obviously fit with the nature/earth aspect of it. It’s calm most of the time, if you don’t mess with it, but once you get too close to it can and will whip your butt. It also hides a secret passage to the Shrieking Shack where the majority of the film’s climax happens. I know some might see it as ‘just a tree’, but honestly, it makes perfect sense to me with everything I said about the Pathcode earlier. The transition between both gifs is from Deathly Hallows Part 1. Since it’s trees falling and shaking the earth it had both aspects of his power. I wanted to use more of the shot, so you could also see the leaves of the trees, but it’s a very long shot with a veeeeery slow focus pull and I just couldn’t include all of it. 
This time, instead of putting the gifs on the same canvas to see what worked together, I saved them out individually, since they all had a very different amount of frames, and then uploaded them here on tumblr and moved them around so I could get an idea of what the final version would look like. 
Whenever you see the Whomping Willow in action, it doesn’t have many leaves and the coloring and lighting doesn’t go with Kyungsoo’s Pathcode that well, and while that can be worked on, overall it just doesn’t fit the energy at all. Sometimes that kind of juxtaposition can be interesting, but for this, I wasn’t feeling it. 
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So I decided on a more calm, more vibrant shot that really channeled the earth/nature aspect.
These were some alternate options for Kyungsoo’s part:
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I chose a scene where he’s outside because unlike the two above, it wasn’t too close or too far away, and there’s a plant, so it makes it more cohesive with the Whomping Willow. 
For the final touches, I put a frame around the edits on soft light. It just helps bring everything together and center it a bit more. I wanted a font that was simple, but modern. I also tried a serif font, but liked the one I used better. I actually had the hardest time centering the member’s names and their power evenly between the emblem and the frame. I often struggle with the simplest of things and get extremely frustrated if I can’t figure it out. I tried to google it too, but I didn’t quite know how to word it. In the end, I figured it out somehow by doing some math and using guides. So I hope that the alignment is somewhat correct. 
Overall, I’m very happy how everything turned out. I think it’s still my favorite edit I’ve made. I’m happy I could combine two things I love and I hope that everyone who likes both Exo and Harry Potter can enjoy it.
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allmyfangirldreams · 7 years
Would you be interested in a (7 part) series based entirely upon the Harry Potter Books/movies except from another character’s point of view?
Before I start, I’d like to say that if this idea happens to already exist and I didn’t know about it then please ignore this post as a whole cause thats really embarrassing!
I’ve been thinking about this for like forever and I’ve read a few posts of people also wondering what having the Harry Potter series be from another character’s perspective would be like so I thought it might be a really fun idea to try it. I have a plan but I’m not really sure if anyone would really be interested in it so I wanted to get some opinions from you guys.
Here’s what I wanna do: I want to write a series based on every single Harry Potter book/movie (mainly books) but I want it to be based on another character’s experiences. If enough of you support this idea of mine, I plan to go through each chapter and rewrite it from whatever character you guys most want me to focus on - this will take a lot of time and but if people get to enjoy it at the end or the day, I really wouldnt mind putting that effort into it. (I might not be able to have the same exact number of chapters in the original book especially if the character is hardly mentioned but I’ll try my best!)
This will clearly be based on what I imagined happening and most of it will be made up since the specific character might not be mentioned in that chapter however Im going to also use some interviews with JK Rowling and try to gain ideas about what she thought of the characters and what she thought would happen and base all my writing on that.
My personal choices if I do go along with this would be either be Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape or Sirius Black/Remus Lupin but of course I also want some of your opinions on whom you would be interested in the most.
Let me explain to you why I’d like to do each of those characters and how I plan to do it for each of them.
My top choice would is Draco because I actually would find it the most interesting to go through his experiences through each year at hogwarts. I’ve always wondered how things would’ve been like if he was the main character and I’ve always wanted to know what he’s thinking - especially through the last few books.
As well as that, Draco would also be a good choice since he’s been there ever since the start of the series all the way to the very end and I want more detail on his character development since everything he’s been through is also pretty damn horrific for a teenage boy and I don’t think the original books did him any justice with his character development.
Obviously it would be somewhat hard to write this because Draco is not in all of the chapters of the books but I’d use the books and movies and try to imagine what sort of things he would be doing at that particular time and what sort of things he might be feeling and like I said, I’d take into consideration all of Rowling’s thoughts of him and all of the facts we’ve already got in the books.
Some things that I’d really enjoy writing would be things like Draco meeting Harry on the train, his thoughts and feelings after being rejected for the first time, Draco ordering Dobby to warn Harry and stop him from going back to Hogwarts, being afraid of the dementors and the escape of Sirius Black and so on.
I’m not gonna lie; I am a huge Drarry fan so if I do go along with Draco, expect to see some sort of pinning or like ‘in love but unaware of it’ kinda things. However this will not change the story line/ending of the actual story; Draco won’t end up with Harry in their first year and neither would he do so in the seventh since that is not what happens in Harry Potter. Although that would not likely happen in the rewritten books, because that is not the purpose of this is, I’d happily write an eighth year of hogwarts (after all other books are complete) that might focus on Drarry and their relationship if you guys really want that.
(I got inspired with some post from someone stating that they’d like to read a book or fanfic that revolves around Draco - I think it was by @rosesforlester here on tumblr that was posted in around March last year - and I’ve seen other posts here and there asking for the same things so…)
My second option would be writing the stories from Snape’s POV. I’m not the biggest fan of Snape however I know that many people for some reason are so I begun thinking about it. It might really be interesting to see things he might’ve gone through in order to keep Harry safe or gain Dumbledore’s trust and maybe his feelings might be interesting to some people who really like him and appreciate what he’s done.
I also know Snape is one of JK Rowling’s favourite characters so I might be able to get a lot of ideas from her interviews or from pottermore and such so thats why I’m considering writing his point of view however in my mind it’s kind of hard to imagine what Snape could’ve been doing or feeling since he was pretty much seen as a cold heartless character until the last book so bare with me if you would like me to do his perspective.
Lastly, Sirius’ or Remus’ perspectives. This obviously would not be a 7 part series if i decide to do it from either of their perspectives as they are only there for 3-4 books and they’re hardly mentioned but I’m in love with both of them and what they’ve gone through so I really want to write their side of the story.
For me personally, it would be really interesting to know all about Sirius’ mind. I want to have flashbacks based on the night James and Lily died, I want to experience his thoughts during Azkaban and the hatred he felt when he saw scabbers on that newspaper article and I want to write all about the nights he spent trying to forget those horrifying 12 years he spent locked up.
As for Lupin, I want to know all about how broken he was the night he thought 3 of his best friends were dead cause of someone he used to trust with his life, how he felt lonely every night as he thought of all the maruaders went through together, how after every full moon he missed this 3 animagus friends who became that way just for him, how betrayed he felt for 12 years and finally how happy he was to see Harry and have tea with him at school and to realise that Sirius really never betrayed him at all and that he’s back now and its all okay except it’s not.
For both Sirius and Remus, it would he more like another version of their experiences during the first magical war and their experiences together with James, Lily, Peter and Severus during Hogwarts and all of that. It will basically be the marauders books that we never really got from JK Rowling but it will hardly follow the plan like Draco’s point of view would.
Also I’m one of the biggest fans of the marauders so a 7 book series based on their life would be everything I’ve ever dreamed of but since we aren’t getting that anytime soon, from the looks of it, I’d happily be the one to write it if you guys also like the idea. I’m also a big fan of wolfstar and since we dont know much about the marauders’ experience at hogwarts, in my version wolfstar might be referenced or it might be canon or whatever - I don’t know yet.
Anyway, I’d love to know all about your thoughts on my little idea and if you’d be interested in any of it. Feel free to comment or message me directly with your support and opinion on the character you’d most wanna see and your thoughts on my plan as a whole! It will be a huge motivation for me since this task is a really big one and your support is what will make it happen.
Also, feel free to also offer your own opinion and reason if you think theres another character that I did not mention that would be better to focus on - let’s discuss and debate!
I’d appreciate all the support and if any of you are willing to help with the research, editing or any other area you think you’d be of help with please don’t be shy to message me and I’d love you even more!
Reblogs would be most appreciated as it would also help spread the word! Thank you so much!
(All of my social media links are in my bio)
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avani008 · 7 years
Meme time!
Tagged by the fabulous @iwearplaids. Thank you!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
*Harry Potter (I admit it, I’m boring.) *Lois and Clark (....does anyone else remember this old TV show? Maybe not.) *Baahubali (You are all shocked! Shocked, I’m sure.)
The first character you loved:
*Hermione Granger, who made being a bossy, bushy-haired bookworm cool *Lois Lane, for having a steady stream of amazing wisecracks *Sivagami, because her introduction in the flashback ensured I would always love her
The character you never expected to love so much:
*Molly Weasley *Jimmy Olsen Mk.II *Avantika, ashamed as I am to admit it. When I first watched BB1, I was so disappointed by her character arc that I...kind of ignored her, but fandom’s gotten me invested in her again, as it should be
The character you relate to the  most:
*....still Hermione Granger, surprisingly enough *I have no idea; maybe one of the background Planet staffers?  *Devasena’s lady-in-waiting with the amazing facial reactions. You get the best of both worlds; technically separated from the drama but close enough to enjoy!
The character you’d slap:
*Severus Snape (As sad as “Always” is, it in no way excuses Snape’s horrible treatment/abuse of....everyone who wasn’t Lily or Dumbledore.) *Lex Luthor (STOP. COMING. BACK. EVERY. SEASON.) *Bijjaladeva (...well, not so much “slap” as “stab” or “push down a staircase?”)
Three Favorite Characters (in order):
*Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley *Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Perry White *Devasena, Amarendra, Sivagami
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
*Hagrid (By the third book in a row in which I’d predicted his inevitable death, and he held on despite the bloodbath of my favorites, I...became a tad grouchy.) *No one? *Also no one, but I go through fits of “Kattappa WHY?” so let’s say him
A character you did not like at first but they’ve grown on you:
*Dobby (who went from being an annoying joke to absolutely heartbreaking) *I HATED Cat Grant when I first watched, but now she’s....entertaining?  *fidgets* Oh, all right, Bhalla’s at least interesting to explore in fic!
  3 OTPs:
(I’m going to change this to include family dynamics/friendships too because most of the time I ship canon passively but really care more about the above)
*Harry&Ron&Hermione, MWPP+Lily, Lily & Petunia *Lois/Clark, Daily Planet staff shenanigans, Clark & the Kents *Amarendra/Devasena, Sivagami & her sons, the Kuntala Royal Family
Tagging @cassandor, @parlegee, @perspicaciouslynameless, @bleedinknightand anyone else who wants to do this meme!
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oyevans · 7 years
Why I hate... #1
“The headcanon that James changed for Lily" 
 There is no evidence whatsoever that James Potter changed for Lily Evans. It’s something that fans have decided is ideal to want. 
The main quote–if not the only–referencing James changing is from Order and the Phoenix, Career Advice (The chapter after Harry finds out Lily ‘hated’ James). 
[my thoughts]
The conversation goes as follows:
When he had finished, neither Sirius nor Lupin spoke for a moment. Then Lupin said quietly, “I wouldn’t like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry. He was only fifteen–” [He was actually sixteen at that point since his birthday is in March, but whatever.]
“I’m fifteen!” said Harry heatedly.
“Look, Harry,” said Sirius placatingly, “James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can’t you? [We know this is true from the flashback of them meeting in Deathly Hallows.] I think James was everything Snape wanted to be–he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything. [Snape does complain to Lily about how great everyone thinks James is in DH.] And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts and James–whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry–always hated the Dark Arts.” 
{Harry says James attacked Snape for no good reason. Lupin explains how they were the height of cool and sometimes got a bit carried away. Sirius and Lupin reminisce, and Harry says he thought James was a bit of an idiot. Sirius replies they were all idiots, “Well–not Moony so much.” Remus says how he never told them to lay off, and Sirius says he made them feel guilty sometimes.} 
“And,” said Harry doggedly, determined to say everything that was on his mind now he was here, “he kept looking over at the girls by the lake, hoping they were watching him!”
“Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around,” said Sirius, shrugging. “He couldn’t stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.” 
“How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!” 
“Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius.
“She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin.
“Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius. [Notice he says “a bit,” and not had a change of personality like in a numerous amount of fanfics.]
“And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin.
{Then they start talking about James and Snape and them hexing each other and whether Lily was okay with it.} 
The point is James had more important things to worry about than if a girl he fancied didn’t like him. Also, nowhere in that passage does anyone refer to him as changing, I mean he stopped doing things and deflated his head a bit but his essence was still the same (hated the Dark Arts, didn’t care about blood status, a good friend), he just grew up. 
Such things being:
Sirius said he (as in Sirius not James) ran away when he “was about sixteen.” When Harry asked where he went he told him he went to James’ place and that James’ parents “sort of adopted [him] as a second son.” Sirius' birthday, according to Rowling, is November third meaning he turned sixteen two months into fifth year, so ran away before sixth year started seeing as he has no chance to runaway after he returning to Hogwarts for sixth year but before he turns seventeen. He either ran away during Christmas or Easter break during fifth year or the summer before sixth year. But seeing he could have stayed at Hogwarts or just stayed at James’ (Harry never needed his guardians’ permissions to stay at Ron’s house during breaks), it’s more likely he ran away during the summer. And James grew up after fifth year but prior to dating Lily in seventh year. And Sirius running away could be part of the reason.
Also, Voldemort was on the rise (knowingly and not) while they were students at Hogwarts:
By the time that Remus was four years old, the amount of Dark magical activity across the country was increasing steadily. While few yet knew what lay behind the mounting attacks and sightings, Lord Voldemort’s first ascent to power was in progress and Death Eaters were recruiting all kinds of Dark creatures to join them in their quest to overthrow the Ministry of Magic. 
Eugenia Jenkins (1968-1975) Jenkins dealt competently with pure-blood riots during Squib Rights marches in the late sixties, but was soon confronted with the first rise of Lord Voldemort. Jenkins was soon ousted from office as inadequate to the challenge.
So Voldemort was known to be on the rise at latest late in their fourth year or early in their fifth year (between January 1975–fourth year–to December 1975–their fifth year). 
If the roles were reverse:
If Lily and James switched roles no one would say Lily changed for James, Meaning if Lily was the bully who hated the Dark Arts and taunted James’ non-popular Dark Arts obsessed friend who hated Lily and followed her and her friends around to get them in trouble and fancied James, and James was the mature one who stood by that friend no matter what his other friends said until that friend called him a slur because Lily was humiliating them and made James realize (after years of denial) what that friend was becoming. If James rejected her because he didn’t like how they hexed people and acted like they owned the place. If James was the one who ‘hated’ Lily, then Lily changed and stopped hexing people (except for the ex-friend who also hexed her) no one would say Lily changed for James.
No there would be an uproar about how a woman doesn’t have to/shouldn’t change for a guy to like her. And people would say Lily didn’t change for James but grew up for the war and her friend who ran away from a family who believed in pureblood mania. Which is what likely happened in James’ case.
Why it Matters:
It matters because (as far as canon goes) James did not change for Lily. By saying James changed for Lily, you’re implying that he changed specifically for someone to like him. You’re diminishing his character; James fancied Lily (he wasn’t in love with her as far as we know, prior to dating her), and at the age of fifteen/sixteen he was an idiot and a bully. But you know what, a lot of teenagers are (not that that makes it okay), I was a victim of bullying for several years by various people, and I witnessed some of those people grow up and become nicer people than when the younger version of me knew them. You know why? Because people grow up. Are you the same person at the age of seventeen that you were at fifteen, at eleven? Likely not, because we go through experiences that change us and make us grow up. There was a war and people dying, they wouldn’t have stayed the same people. 
Harry at eleven befriends people others wouldn’t (Hermione “know-it-all” Granger, and Ron “Poor Pureblood” Weasley) and makes a rival.
James at eleven befriends people others wouldn’t (Remus “werewolf-but-just-says-his-mum-is-sick” Lupin, Sirius “I-come-from-a-pureblood-family-that-believes-in-pureblood-mania-and-are-always-in-Slytherin” Black–also keep in mind that James hated Slytherin yet continued chatting well with Sirius despite knowing his whole family was from Slytherin, and Peter “I-look-like-a-nobody-and-people-overlook-me” Pettigrew) and makes a rival.
Harry at twelve gets annoyed with a fanboy of his following him. Saves Ginny Weasley.
James at twelve finds out his friend is a werewolf and continues to be his friend and tries to find a way to help him (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at thirteen Harry uses his invisibility cloak to throw mud at Malfoy for taunting Ron about being poor and for Hagrid. Spends most of it (along with Ron) mad at Hermione. Time travels to save Sirius and Buckbeak. 
James at thirteen, tries to become an animagus (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at fourteen gets jealous and avoids using Cedric’s advice as long as possible because they fancied the same girl–which would have come back to bite Harry in the arse if it hadn’t been for Dobby. Saves Fleur’s little sister along with Ron (and waited until Cedric and Krum had already rescued Cho and Hermione respectively before taking them up) even though it wasn’t his responsibility. 
James at fourteen, tries to become an animagus (along with Peter and Sirius).
Harry at fifteen attempts to use “Crucio” after his godfather dies and is constantly going through teen angst. Tries to save his godfather and stands up to authority no matter what it cost him.
James at fifteen saves a guy that he hates (Snape) and had been following him and his friends around in hopes of getting them expelled from a werewolf (after his other friend told him where to go, but it was partly Snape’s fault for going even when he already suspected Remus of being a werewolf). Became an animagus (along with Sirius and Peter) to help Remus. May have used an illegal hex (along with Sirius) on Bertram Aubrey–I say “may” in terms of James’ age, since we don’t know how old he was when it happened. Fancies Lily Evans. May have made the Marauder’s Map along with Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot–again, I say “may” in terms of his age.
Harry at sixteen, has to handle his godfather’s death. Used sectumsempra on Draco not knowing what the spell did only that it was “for enemies.” Saves his mate's life. Fancies and later starts dating Ginny Weasley, and then breaks up with her for a noble reason. 
James at sixteen, was a bully (I’m talking about the SWM scene, since it happens when he’s in fifth year, but he’d be sixteen at that point in time). Takes in his best friend who ran away from home. Began to deflate his head. 
Harry at seventeen, used Crucio and Imperio. Lost more of his friends. Sacrificed himself for the wizarding world.
James at seventeen, became Head Boy. Began dating Lily Evans. Had his head deflated. Still hexed Severus Snape (who hexed him as well).
Also note that I wasn’t going to explain everything good and bad James and Harry did at their different ages because respectively we don’t know everything about one of them in canon and it would be too long if I wrote everything good and bad the other did.
At any age we do things we regret and things we don’t. Do you think James or Lily would have used Dark Spells? No. Yet Harry does. Younger Harry wouldn’t have even considered it, but older Harry didn’t feel like he had a choice if he was going to save the world (he uses Crucio on one of the Carrow siblings after they spat in McGonagall’s face and Imperio in Gringotts on one of the goblins when they were close to losing their covers–as Hermione was disguised as Bellatrix). 
Back to James, by saying he changes for Lily you diminish the character he became. Sure it’s a romantic thought (although, I’ve always found it annoying in books), but you’re giving Lily too much credit and power over James. And it sends the wrong message of ”change for someone and they’ll fall in love with you” rather than “be yourself, whoever doesn’t like you is obviously not the right person for you.” You may ask: but he changed (grew up), so did Lily not really love him (or a variant)? Yes and no, yes he changed (grew up), but not for her. I’m not saying he didn’t take Lily’s comment to heart, but changing for someone and changing because you realize you don’t want to be a certain kind of person is different. Lily didn’t like the former James because of his former ill-behaved mannerisms, but he grew up and realized he likely didn’t want to be this person and again there was a war. He stopped being arrogant all the time (but he was likely still a bit arrogant, he’s James Potter) and acted more mature but kept a playful and loving manner–even if he still hexed Severus Snape who hexed him as well. 
James Potter didn’t change for Lily Evans to love him. 
Rowling, JK. "Remus Lupin.” Pottermore. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2017. <https://www.pottermore.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/remus-lupin>.
Rowling, JK. “Ministers for Magic.” Pottermore. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 June 2017. <https://www.pottermore.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/ministers-for-magic>.
Rowling, JK. “The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. New York: Scholastic, 2013. 111 . Print.
Rowling, JK. “Career Advice.” Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. New York: Scholastic, 2013. 670-71. Print.
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raywritesthings · 7 years
Super random ask here, but, if you were to do a live action take on Harry Potter (like the movies but with less missing-the-entire-point-of-basically-everything), how would you want people to do it? Like, tv show or movie, what would be different, what would be in it and what wouldn't be, ect.
Ohhhhhh man, I hope you wanted a super long answer cause that’s what you’re getting.
First off, definitely tv show. I think it’s been proven that a movie format doesn’t work. So that being said and keeping in mind that I have limitless budget:
Each book gets one season, though later books (i.e. OotP) could get split into two seasons
It should be treated, particularly in the early seasons, more like a mystery series rather than an action/adventure. The first four books all read far more like whodunnits with a magic spin than high fantasy. You have the mystery of the year, the cast of suspects, and the protagonist attempting to figure out the truth all with his own luck, skill, and whatever friends and allies he’s got picking up clues along the way
Things like height and such in regards to actors (the child actors in particular) isn’t an issue, but things that can be controlled i.e. Harry and Hermione’s hair, Harry’s eye color, Voldemort’s eye color, Snape’s general grossness, will be followed to the letter.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all equal members of the Trio, none of this Hero-Heroine-Sidekick bs
The audience is encouraged to laugh with Ron rather than at him
No one steals anyone else’s lines or actions
Harry is allowed to be sassy af 
Hermione is allowed to have flaws
Ginny’s true personality is restored to her
As is Tonks’
As is Bellatrix’s
As is - ok, so basically every female character the movies fucked up? They wouldn’t be fucked up
Lucius is not shown abusing Draco to garner the latter sympathy, as the whole point of the Malfoy family is that no matter how shitty they are to everyone else, they love each other
Everyone in the Marauder Generation is cast age-appropriately, this means early twenties James and Lily, and mid-thirties Sirius, Remus, Wormtail, Snape, etc
Marauder backstory isn’t inexplicably left out of the Shrieking Shack scene
And Remus is depicted as being James’ friend, not having this weird obsession with Lily. That’s Snape’s job
Snape’s memories are shown IN FULL i.e. calling Lily a you-know-what, his and Petunia’s interactions, his jealousy and attempts at policing Lily’s actions with lines like “I won’t let you”, trying to laugh off being friends with future Death Eaters who perform Dark Magic on their classmates, begging for Lily’s life but not James and Harry’s, “you disgust me”, ripping a Potter Family photo in half like the dick he is, NOT including that stupid non-canon scene of him showing up at Godric’s Hollow (which would have really implicated him as someone Working With Voldemort lbr)
All the Marader stuff should really be filmed at one time so the actors don’t randomly age or the set looks different or what have you. Film everything needed at one time and then include each part where and when you need it in the show’s run.
Characters don’t appear in one season and then disappear despite being in multiple books i.e. Dobby, Rita Skeeter, Fleur, Percy
No telegraphing the plot twists i.e. the Barty Jr. reveal (I’m sorry but whatever that director told David Tennant...was not good. Also he needed to not be shown as alive before the reveal because it messes everything up and askjfdhsakdfaljfhasdjf)
Consistency in how magic is performed i.e. spell names being used, not every spell being a bang and a flash of the same color light, Avada Kedavra killing people the exact same way every time (can’t believe I have to say that)
Characters and sets don’t get random makeovers halfway through i.e. Flitwick, Dementors, the Fat Lady getting a new dress (she’s a painting??) the placement of Hagrid’s Hut in relation to the school, that bridge popping up out of nowhere in movie three
Relationships are depicted WITHOUT BIAS and WITHOUT DIRECTORS’ OR WRITERS’ SHIPPING PREFERENCE (you’re here to adapt, write your own thing if you have such a problem with the source material that you can’t do your damn job)
Characters aren’t given wildly OOC lines i.e. Ron stand up for Hermione against Snape instead of agreeing with him, Harry isn’t all “but I am the chosen one”
Snape’s treatment of the students isn’t watered down or made family-friendly
Hermione and Snape aren’t constantly whacking Harry and Ron with books and shit, and it isn’t played for laughs. Why was it played for laughs??
Ginny snapping Harry out of his funk in OotP with some cold hard truth and logic is in there
As is the chocolate Easter Eggs/library scene
Wizard robes look like wizard robes. They like a healthy breeze round their privates, thanks.
Kingsley, the Patil twins, and Cho aren’t suspiciously singled out for depicting in stereotypical “other-ing” robes
I realize including every little detail is unrealistic, but just some of the in-between times of Life At Hogwarts would be nice
Sirius does not “Nice one, James!” at Harry before he dies because he actually can tell the difference between his best friend and his godson
Sirius talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermine in the mountain cave above Hogsmeade plus his sheer joy at getting to eat chicken instead of rats
Moments like Luna coldly reacting to Hermione snubbing the Quibbler are left in to show she’s not just 100% quirk
S.P.E.W. is most definitely a thing
Dean and Seamus are together by the end
Neville’s parents are shown instead of just being told to us
Teddy Lupin, and Harry being named his godfather, are actually shown
Fawkes’ lament and Dumbledore’s funeral happen
The Other Minister scene happens
Quidditch and the importance it holds to character journeys like Harry, Ron, and Ginny, gets left in
The Whomping Willow Prank is depicted in its entirety, with possible consultation with JKR on how it started, but most definitely including the bit about James saving Snape’s life
A lot of things that are told to us in the books can instead be shown via flashback to make it more visually interesting
Current events that are told to us in the books, particularly the DA in seventh year, would also be shown instead
Dudley’s redeeming moment isn’t deleted
The Dursley’s are actually at the beginning of each year like they should be
Peeves is a character
Harry gives Fred and George his Triwizard winnings
the Hospital Wing scene at the end of GoF is depicted, including Sirius as Padfoot sleeping on Harry’s bed to comfort him, Fudge and Dumbledore’s fight (thus properly setting up the next season), the restart of the Order, Mrs. Weasley hugging Harry “as if by a mother” and Harry desperately trying not to cry 
Umbridge ousting Hagrid and McGonagall taking four Stunners to the chest while defending him
The whole Department of Mysteries Battle
Harry’s breakdown in Dumbledore’s office after Sirius’ death is done right
Harry hearing both his parents’ voices when the Dementors are near (and also feeling torn between wanting to learn how to repel the Dementors and wanting to keep hearing his parents)
The Potters’ deaths at Godric’s Hollow is shown in entirety (and Lily isn’t inexplicably wearing two completely different shirts because they spliced flashbacks together with no regard for consistency)
the two-way mirror is given a proper introduction instead of randomly being in Harry’s possession at the start of seventh year
Voldemort doesn’t explode into confetti
Harry gets his boss monologue in front of everyone, not a lame anti-climatic exposition dump after the danger has passed to an audience of Ron and Hermione who already know half of it anyway
Harry fixes his holly-and-phoenix-feather wand instead of stupidly snapping the one thing that could possibly fix it in existence in half
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fontasticcrablettes · 8 years
About Dream Sequences
Ok so this is related to the thing I posted about dreams last night and I thought about it because I’m about to write about someone having plot-relevant dreams.  So here is my personal advice for how to write dream sequences, aka the only way you should write them because all fiction must appeal to me.
Seriously though, these are my thoughts.  How to write a compelling dream sequence:
To elaborate: You know what your friend had a really cool dream and starts telling you about it but it’s boring as fuck?  No one is ever interested in hearing about other people’s dreams.  Why?  Because they don’t matter.  It feels very real to the person who experienced it, but to the listener it’s all just made up and has no relation to the real world.  It’s the same in fiction.  The narrative of the dream doesn’t matter.  What happens solely in the character’s head has no influence on the world of the plot, and if something has no influence on the world of the plot, it does not belong in the story.
But wait! Can’t dreams be a way to explore a characters’ psyche?  You’re right!  They can!  But we don’t need to see the whole narrative of the dream to see that.  I think a lot of people decide to show the entire dream because of the adage show vs tell, and think that showing the dream is therefor better than telling about it.  However, the important thing is to show characterization and plot events, and you tell things that show this.  Here’s an example of a line that always struck me as being very succinct in it’s message.  The main character recently became a father.
“He had a lot of nightmares about Young Sam. They involved empty cots, and darkness.”
Telling how he feels would be saying, “He was often filled with anxiety about keeping his son safe.”  Instead, this line is showing by showing us that he has nightmares and a hint at what those nightmares are about.  It doesn’t flatly say that the character is anxious about protecting his son, it shows us an example of how that anxiety manifests in his life and he we can put together what he’s feeling based on the dreams he’s having.   If the author had paused the story to delve into the character’s head to show a whole dream scene if him coming home and find the crib empty and the room going dark, what would we have learned about the character that we did not learn from the summary of the dream?  It would have carried the same message, except that instead of spending two sentences on it, the plot would have to go on hold for a few pages to show a scene that isn’t actually happening, and nothing that occurs in it could possibly have a tangible effect on the plot.  
When a dream sequence begins, the plot goes on a stand-still.  We’re treated to a few pages of the author shoving thinly-veiled symbolism at us while nothing actually progresses the plot.  It’s unnecessary, it drags the story down, it’s heavy handed, and I hate it.  As soon as I realize a scene is a dream, I start skimming.  
So, the best way to include a character’s characterization relevant dreams? Summarize!  Give the gist of the dreams.  Drop tantalizing hints.  Give a sentence or two highlighting the main points of the dream so that we know basically what the character is dreaming about and what that probably means about their mental state, and then get back to the story.
But!  There are some situations where showing the whole dream is necessary.  Those situations essentially come down to “when it’s real.”  For example, Harry has a lot of dreams throughout Harry Potter.  A lot of them are shown, but they are show because they’re not dreams (The exception is a dream in book one that is just a normal dream, but that was her first book and she had yet to hit her stride).  In Order of the Phoenix, it is frequently mentioned that Harry has dreams about walking down a long hallway toward a door.  We don’t actually see this dream play out until it is more than just a dream - until it’s Voldemort planting the idea in his head and the place he’s walking through is an actual place he’ll visit later.  The fact that he’s walked this corridor before and then finds it in real life is therefor relevant.  Or, the dream that began as an ordinary dream with him in the room of requirement with Dobby, which served to highlight the change from dream to vision when he stepped outside and became Nagini in the corridor, something that was literally happening.  If the dreams are visions or in some way will have tangible effects on the story beyond simply demonstrating the character's mental state, it is appropriate to show them.
Another situation is flashbacks via dreams.  If the character is dreaming about a traumatic event that actually happened to them, and the author is using the dream as a way to show that event to the readers, that’s not a dream.  That’s using a dream as a framing device to show a flashback.  
So, in conclusion.  Does the dream you want to write have tangible influence on the plot, or else physically happened in some way?  Yes?  Go for it.  No?  Skip it.  Work your symbolism into the story in a less obvious and ham-fisted way.  
Always keep the story moving.  If a story isn’t moving, it’s dead.
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