radiantroope · 1 year
Joe motherfucking Pavelski did not score all 4 of our goals tonight in his first game back for us to lose in overtime.
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wifelinkmtg · 2 months
man i'm not gonna figure out which of these beatrix potter animals fuck
I'm predicting I will get less and less interested in reviewing new magic releases as time goes on, but 1) there's still a lot of older stuff I haven't even touched, and 2) you never know, maybe they'll do something to recapture my interest down the road, like bringing Kaja Foglio back, or taking any creative risks whatsoever. Or, you know, there's other games!
Meanwhile, original Theros block!
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Kiora, the Crashing Wave (Scott M. Fischer)
I don't have that much interest in Kiora as a character but I cannot deny that this is a fine piece of pin-up art. Big Hokusai wave, pearlescent light off her thighs, the cheesecake pose, feet - and the gentle way her hand rests on that tentacle. The connection to the other Hokusai piece everyone knows is surely not accidentacle.
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Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver (Karla Ortiz)
There's so many good feet in Magic that you never get to see because Wizards crops them out of the final card, because they're cowards. I, however, am not. You're welcome.
Anyway yeah Ashiok's hot, we all know this already.
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Forgeborn Oreads (Ryan Yee)
The starry infusion of Nyx here mixes with the fires of Purphoros to create a look I'm calling Julie Mao if the protomolecule had been red. It's a good look.
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Spirit of the Labyrinth (Jason Chan)
Stupid little airhead can't even solve Mommy's brutalist maze, can she?
Dunno, never played it! If anyone has, let me know if that joke was funny or not!
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Reaper of the Wilds (Karl Kopinski)
I guess I do kind of want a woman who can turn me to stone and also crush my petrified ass into powder with her powerful feral serpent body.
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Hythonia the Cruel (Chris Rahn)
Goddamn, did Elesh Norn really not have an original thought in her life? "Throne of petrified victims" makes so much more sense for a gorgon tyrant than a cyborg cult priestess, too. Anyway this ain't about her, this is about Hythonia turning me to stone and then sitting on me. Look how her snake-hair entwines her victims bodies. It would be like sleep paralysis, but sexy and forever!
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Pharika, God of Affliction (Peter Mohrbacher)
O, for the limb-loosening fever, the delirium of the god-touched! O, for the venom-rite and the sharp ecstasy of the serpent-kiss! O, to be obliterated by a rolling wall of scale and snakeflesh! O O O for Pharika, She of bitter remedy and sweetest poison!
Ooh, yeah, good idea.
O lips full of lust and of laughter, Curled snakes that are fed from my breast, Bite hard, lest remembrance come after, And—
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Aspect of Gorgon (Willian Murai)
The flavor text for this one reads, "My adopted children are loved no less." —Pharika, God of Affliction, so in addition to being an extremely pretty woman with curly black hair-which-is-also-snakes (already a great start), there's a trans metaphor going on here. Which is to say, one can by the grace of Pharika transition to gorgon, and then presumably have a whole lot of T4T gorgon sex. And if I can do all that and also call Pharika "Mommy" then I do think I'm living my best life at that point.
Pharika isn't running a sex cult yet.
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oblivious-troll · 4 months
Going to drop by here and say that I absolutely adore your Mermay entry with the Jalim snippet your wrote 🩷🩷
Now I gotta ask how you envisioned their first meeting went like ? How did they cross paths and how did such an unlikely romance between a merman and siren unfold ?
Thank you! I'm glad you like it ♥️ I might have gone a bit overboard with this answer, so bare with me, lol
I think they'd meet pretty simular to how they meet in the game, kind of forced to work together to survive and the longer they get to talking the more they tease and flirt until, oops! They're in love!
For different reasons they're both looking for a place to establish as their territory, Salim to settle down and live a peacefully secluded life when his old territory gets too filled with predators, Jason to get out of his old pod he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with (Sirens are solo creatures once old enough to live on their own, until they mate and then they keep to just two and their young until they also grow up and leave. Merfolk are more pod oriented, usually in groups of 10-20, but solo merfolk aren't unheard of.)
They both come across this old ship wreck in a large cave, the perfect bit of territory to claim as a home. Neither know who got there first, bumping into each other not long after they get there- a short fight ensues but is cut short when a minor earthquake has the cave shaking and the entrance is blocked off when a chunk of rock is shook loose and falls.
The alliance is temporary and unstable at the beginning, both expecting the other to suddenly attack and that when they find another exit the territorial battle will continue. Maybe that was once the plan for both of them, but the environment has a way of interfering.
The cave goes deep, way deeper than either thought, and it's filled with octopus of various sizes, seeming to get bigger and more aggressive as they go down. Too many times are they grabbed by Giant Pacific Octopuses, Salim needing to take the brunt of them because he can withstand their toxic bites better than Jason- not immune like poison, but resistant enough to shrug off a good solid few. Not that Jason lets him take any bites, throwing himself back into the battle whenever a beak gets too close to Salim.
Distracted by the octopuses, it takes a while for them to notice that there's a lot of ship wrecks down here too... way too many with splintered wood suggesting they'd been dragged.
And at the center of it all, in the deepest pit of this hellish cave they've found themselves trapped in, lay a Kraken.
They thank Neptune that it sleeps, carefully maneuvering through the landmine of octopuses, unable to swim too high off the ground without disturbing the Kraken.
It's a mad dash at the end, jumped by an octopus that shreaks as Salim jabs in through with an old bar torn off a ship they'd passed earlier. Not such a stupid accessory after all when Salim had been fighting fine with his teeth, tail and claws up until now.
Jason's relived when they make it out of the Kraken's nest, turning around to laugh his stress and adrenaline off with Salim... but Salim's not there.
He doesn't hesitate a second, diving back into what has to be of the most dangerous place in the sea, swimming as fast as his tail will take him.
Salim’s in trouble, struggling to get multiple octopuses off him, claws chipped from overuse and too many scratches from strong beaks, suction cup cuts and bruises on the scaleless bits of his skin.
Jason’s helping Salim up just in time as a giant tentacle spears into the ground where his head had been, he keeps Salim's hand in his own as he dashes for the crevice too small for a Kraken- he's moving so fast he can't stop when he sees another tentacle of the now awake beast try to strike again, he just braces for impact and hopes Salim will make it.
A shriek louder than anything Jason's heard pierces the air and shakes their surrounds. He looks up to see the tentacle flail back, a distinct metal bar pierced through it. He gives Salim an incredulous look, and Salim's shit eating grin confirms it. The bastard speared it with the bar.
There's no time to think as they flee, hardly time to recuperate either as a bunch of octopuses try and follow them- they're lucky they find an exit on the other side of the vast cave only needing to kill a few more, but they have the advantage in the open and the blood of the octopuses lure out other sea creatures that thankfully aren't interested in either of them, seals the biggest help.
They don't part ways after this, continuing to search for a territory that will be best for both of them instead. And when they finally do, mating is the next step for them :)
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theacedragon0w0 · 6 months
Pocket Partner
Sage attending Rosalina's meetings for the first time, plus some gay peeps are there too (Seafarm, Speedflight, and Sharkbox)
Indigo and Hazel belongs to @puffymucher
Sage belongs to me
And everyone else (myths, Bolt, and Scarlet) belongs to the pookie @mirconreadzztuff22
Ngl this is one of my longest fics yet
Sage was honored to be Rosalina's escort for one of her meetings, well in a more technical sense they were more equivalent to be Rosalina's fidget toy as they were aware how apprehensive Rosa was when they were announced.
"Do you think they'll enjoy these brownies?"
Sage attempting to keep Rosalina's nerves at ease, as the two were approaching the enormous doors. Rosalina petted Sage's head,
"Of course they will darling, but if they have anything to say then they'll answer to me."
Sage, much to their expectation, was tiny in comparison to everyone in the room, thankfully they felt Rosalina's tail wrap Sage's own, thembgiving the dragonness a reassuring smile in return.
The moment didn't last long, as Sage was quickly lifted from the ground as a blurr of brown fur blocked their vision. They managed to shake it off when they met eye to eye with the stranger, a large bull demon with an almost similar scar on her face. Which unfortunately contrasted her glowing smile, placing the shaken reptile on the table so she could have a better look at them, turning her head at Rosalina's direction,
"Is this the Sage doll we've been hearing so much about?"
Sage nodded, well as much as they could given how the myth was squishing their face.
"Rosalina you didn't tell me how adorable they are! Kabra you have to say hello, wait are those brownies?"
Sage looked over at the container that held the baked goods, seeing how three other beings were already digging into it.
One of them look marine-like, with tentacles for hair, this must be Kabra, the gluttony myth that Rosalina mentioned. The kraken looked at Sage and gave them a small wave, which comforted them. Sage then reasoned that the bull who still had a grip on them was Minataur, the wrath myth, which Rosalina did mention that her and Kabra were close.
"Hey! Save some for the rest of us you savages!" A large scorpion demon snarled from across the table, who was in a tug-of-war battle with an avian-like demon for the container. Raz must be the scorpion, and Erwin the Avian, Sage remembered, noticing that Erwin had a similar prosthetic arm like them.
Erwin returned the same hiss, "There's enough for everyone dipshit! Just let me grab one for me and Bolt before you end up hogging the entire bowl!"
Sage looked behind Erwin and noticed the large hellhound who was assisting his companion in the battle. This must be Hazel's brother Bolt that they heard about, noting how the hellhound's arm wrapped around Erwin's waist.
"Hey!" Rosalina boomed. The room fell silent, which Rosa cleared her throat,
"Mina, I would appreciate it if you let go of my companion, also yes they made sure that there is more than enough for everyone to have at least two servings, even for the assistants that are also present here," gesturing at the hellhounds and a noticeably disgruntled shark demoness.
Wait isn't that Hazel's ex? No they promised her not to cause any trouble, they were no longer enemies.
Mina passed Sage back to Rosalina, who carefully placed them on her lap as she sat down. Sage tried to hop off to mimic Bolt that stood beside Erwin as he did the same, but the gentle grip that they felt from Rosalina told them enough to remain there.
Still, it didn't help unease the intense stare that they received from the sixth myth, or was it stares? As the demon possessed two faces, one of a goat for his head and a lion that rested on his chest. This must be Jeopard, the man who dropped the ball with Rosalina.
Jeopard looked at Sage with a deep scowl, "Rosalina how many more of those things are you planning to collect?"
"Al menos no me decepciona en la cama, polla flácida."
Sage didn't fully understand what Rosa said but seeing how Jeopard's teeth bared, it was definitely not a compliment.
"Me preocupa cómo esa rana sigue viva ya que estás tan orgulloso de exponer tus asuntos."
Rosalina's grip tightened on Sage's thigh as the two continued to throw insults at each other, Sage noticing how aloof and downright frustrated the other myths looked. Sage guessed that this was a normal occurrence, but the shouting match came to a screeching halt as one more member entered the room.
The figure was cloaked, with a large mask that covered their face.
Andrea, the pride myth.
Rosalina's grip shifted as she moved her arm to wrap it around Sage's waist, even if they wanted to run out from there, they were definitely trapped now. Andrea looked at the couple, only giving them a scoff, which both were grateful that it was the only thing that she gave them.
The meeting went reasonably quickly, as it was mostly about the other myths reporting the current state of the other rings and other issues that they are having to deal with in their respective stations.
After it was adjourned, Andrea was the first to leave, but not without making a snide remark that "at least this one out of all Rosalina's pests is the quietest."
Thankfully the air quickly lighten as the pride myth left, leaving the more friendlier beings to get more information about the new addition to Rosa's love life. With the exception being Jeopard, who was next to leave, not wanting to know more about whoever was sleeping with his ex.
Erwin was the first, as he noticed Sage's prosthetic, "Yo! Same arm! Also thanks a bunch for the baked goods! It's nice to know that Rosa can share a kitchen with someone rather than keeping them from burning it down!"
"Erwin, don't diss my sister like that, anyway it's awesome to meet you Sage. Hazel has told me a bunch about you, name's Bolt by the way, the excited peacock next to me is Erwin."
"And this peacock happens to be your awesome boyfriend!" Shoving his companion so he can get a better look at Sage, shaking their prosthetic a bit too excitingly, as their arm popped out of the sleeve.
"Shit, sorry about that." Erwin nervously chuckled, returning the arm back to Sage before Rosalina could bite his head off.
Minataur and Kabra were next, with the bull having her arm around Kabra's shoulder so she would be included with the conversation, "You gotta tell us how you two met!"
"Velvette was the one to introduce me to Sage, as she was dealing with one of their exes, and I just couldn't resist their charm~" Rosalina teasingly playing with Sage's ear, making them turn a bright red.
"How did you lose your arm?" Kabra asked, not realizing the weight of the question.
Sage figured that they can tell as she wasn't a certain small pup that they were babysitting, "An angel cut it off as I was escaping extermination day."
"Because you were making your way back to your loved ones dear, " Rosalina added.
"A bit sappy if you ask me, now which one of your is the top in this orgy of yours-AACK" Raz was cut off by his enormous hellhound, she looked to be even taller than Bolt, "We don't ask people invasive questions sir." She coldly stated. Turning her head to Sage she spoke in a monotone voice, "It's nice to meet you, I hope we can talk more, but Raz here has some matters to attend to," releasing the scorpion demon from her tight grip.
"Yeah I do! Let's blow this joint."
Sage managed to excuse themselves to the bathroom, where they ran into Hazel's ex and a tall imp next to her.
"Hey, I'm just gonna,"
Sage rinsed their face over the sink, trying to quickly leave before things got more awkward than necessary, but the tall woman spoke, "Are you the one who is dating Hazel and them?"
"Pretty much, I'm Sage," shaking her hand, at least she is trying to save face.
Indigo immediately clung onto the imp, "you got four girlfriends, this one is MINE and ya not gonna add her to your harem!"
Sage just as quickly backed their hands, "I'm not trying to flirt, you guys do you, anyway it was nice to meet everyone so I'm going head back."
Sage managed to catch their breath when they got outside, returned to Rosalina's side as she was talking to Mina about a something about sharing a recipe, her conversation was cut when she felt Sage's hand, "Oh there you are! Ready to head back?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about making your favorite dish when we get home."
"Rabbit stew!" Rosalina spun the lizard, planting multiple kisses all over Sage's face, still holding them, Rosalina looked at Mina and Kabra, "We'll see if we can book a double date sometime."
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stereax · 1 year
tell me whos gonna get the cup next year. like who would u say will get it. ik u cant say but who you do think it will be, lets make predictions
Hmmmmm. I did do a bit of an analysis on that a bit ago, but with Free Agency Frenzy almost fully in the rearview mirror, things have changed...
Here are my WAY too early predictions for the playoffs.
Metro -
1. Devils - Conference Leaders
2. Hurricanes
3. Rangers
4(WC2). Penguins
Atlantic -
1. Maple Leafs
2. Panthers
3. Bruins
4(WC1). Senators
Central -
1. Stars
2. Avalanche
3. Predators
4(WC1). Wild
Pacific -
1. Golden Knights - Conference Leaders
2. Oilers
3. Kraken
4(WC2). Kings
This would give us a bracket as follows:
Devils v Penguins
Hurricanes v Rangers
Maple Leafs v Senators
Panthers v Bruins
Stars v Wild
Avalanche v Predators
Golden Knights v Kings
Oilers v Kraken
My picks to win?
Devs v Pens - Devs. Even though I give the Pens a playoff berth (which they really could blow) because of some of the good short-term moves Dubas has made to solidify the team, I really doubt they can beat the Devils in a seven-game series. Devs v Pens games always have the aura of "our grandparents threw a party and we were the only ones that came". They're just too old to make a serious Cup run. And Jarry is more often injured than not.
Canes v Rags - Rags. The top three teams in the Metro last year have what could be described as a rock-paper-scissors relationship. Devils overpower Rangers through offense, Canes stifle that offense with good defense, Rangers goaltending blocks Canes volume shooting. Plus, Shesty's mad.
Leafs v Sens - Sens. That's a hot take, but let me justify it. Despite the Leafs breaking the curse this year, they have many glaring issues - most notably, they've gotten way worse over this offseason and are even more cap-strapped than usual. They can't really acquire at the trade deadline even if they want to. On the flipside, the Senators' main issue was goaltending. They got a good goalie in Koorpisalo. I do see this going six or seven, but I honestly believe the Sens can upset the Leafs.
Cats v Bruins - Cats. The Cats already beat the Bruins last year. Arguably better Cats versus clearly worse Bruins? Not even a contest.
Stars v Wild - Stars. The Wild can't seem to crack the first round and they're dealing with $14.7m in dead cap. Contrast with the Stars, who are able to make deep runs for the Cup and don't have $14.7m less to play with. Easy choice here.
Avs v Preds - Preds. The Preds made some really good moves in free agency, adding Ryan O'Reilly and Luke Schenn, among others. The Avs lost their captain for another year and coped by signing Miles Wood to a 6x2.5. Holy overpay. It's almost like they're trying not to contend.
Knights v Kings - Knights. The Kings are an aging husk of a team that managed to lose the PLD trade where Winnipeg was begging for anyone to take him. The Knights just won the Cup. How is this a contest?
Oilers v Kraken - Kraken. The Kraken have depth and have four solid lines of players. The Oilers shipped off Yamamoto and Kostin to the Red Wings for literal table scraps. Darnell Nurse is on one of The contracts in history. Campbell is massively underperforming. C'mon, further the tragedy of the Edmonton Oilers. I know you want to.
Round 2 becomes:
Devils v Rangers
Panthers v Senators
Stars v Predators
Knights v Kraken
Devs v Rags - Devs. Shesty probably gets a panic attack when he sees Timo's smiling face. The Devils have learned that the speed game is paramount for them (which is what they use to beat the Penguins as well) and they can track meet the Rangers seven days a week. This really becomes Devils Offense versus Shesterkin. I think the Devils win this one.
Cats v Sens - Cats. This one's gonna set some penalty minute records. The Tkachuks are going to kill each other and their teams' penalty kills. While the Sens upsetting the Cats would be ironic and further a Senators Cinderella Run, I think the Cats win here. I mean, one solid hit on Stützle and half the offense is gone.
Stars v Preds - Stars. The Predators have a Saros, the Stars have an Oettinger. What the Stars have is their top point scorer NOT being a defenseman. That's right - the Preds' top point scorer last year was a defenseman (Roman Josi). I put the Preds above the Avs because the Avs are seemingly trying to be bad now, but I can't put them above the Stars.
Knights v Kraken - Kraken. I just want to see a battle of the expansion teams in the playoffs. Giving the edge to the Kraken only because of Knights playoff fatigue, but it can go either way. Just make it happen, Bettman. That's all I want.
So the Conference Finals become:
Devils v Panthers
Stars v Kraken
My predictions here?
Devs v Cats - Cats. This one could REALLY go either way. I'm giving it to the Panthers because they're a more physical team that the Devils have historically struggled with. Expect this to go to six or seven if nobody's injured.
Stars v Kraken - Stars. I think the Stars beat the Kraken seven days a week. There's no real reason for this (maybe outside of Oetter>Grubi) but just a general vibe that the Stars are just the better team in that matchup.
So your Stanley Cup Final is:
Cats v Stars.
And my winner?
Stars. Anything can happen in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. This one can go either way (damn, I've said that before). I'm calling Stars in six or seven because I think they can be slightly more consistent over the Cats, who can be notorious for being hot and cold. Once again, injuries will play a big role here - if Robertson, for example, is out of commission, the scales tip drastically towards the Cats. If Benn is injured it might be better for the Stars...
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
ETERNALS (2021) Arishem The Celestial [HD] IMAX Clip
So they're asking because they feel like their memory comes back and I think they're eternal and he says no you have to earn it and he says I haven't really killed anyone and they went oh well geez and they weren't being mean it's kind of a funny scene because you can see them all looking at each other and it's like if you look to your left and to your right you probably have killed that person and that's why we don't do it and I don't want to start trouble we probably killed each other equally it's better to have fun games so you can learn to fight the empire like you know that Star Trek thing we have pads and that stick with pads on it you have points and stuff so they tried to do it and they said how do you do it you said sensors in for the computer and you could actually map out what you're doing and you could analyze and have the computer do it by changing it to like a computerized I think it kind of be cool so they did it and they said I have not seen something this intense for a long time and the whole thing is mapped and so you guys do it all the time and they said we have all the gear so they put it on later they changed it up and it's awesome this is making me make it a little better than start Star Trek number two really looks like number two.. he's number one oh yeah but Daddy I don't want to go to school with this on. So they had a lot of fun and he's actually there and they got in tune to it and they started doing it they said why is this so much fun we're playing a game together we're not hurting each other and we have to try and do things and they did it for a while I'll go and they want to start it up it says you know you can do I don't know if you could do this without get in trouble with maybe you have screen people to make sure they're a certain health level you scan them and you can have something called like the danger room and it'll be like an X-Men like an entertainment game and I don't know I think it would be interesting you might be able to fight like a hologram at first and the computer would register it and you have to block the hologram in a computer can actually do that so they're trying to work on it and couldn't get it to work it says will and Bill can make it and they said no but they're working on it I said they have to have the game or people know it's them and they said this blows they're going to put it out there and it's going to be the most intense video game in history cuz you can do a bunch of it and you can do the walking thing.
But this is really serious we talked about Galactus and when in our son says there fleet up there is going to dwindle but he's worried about his wife and Trump is a maniac but Tommy f is as well and he has other ships and they're both wild cards and they fight each other and in all seriousness if Trump is getting close Tony f is going to take ships out that's one thing what does no insurance and Trump is very nasty and today was important but really it was important but really you're being pushed around a lot and we would make a great stride so I went back to them and I said if not now when and why would it be better what can we change from now till then and they said less eyes and less trouble I mean in the bunkers of the mass and there's too many and there's too much weaponry there and they're right so we have to raise others to do it and they'll start looking at it and we'll be forced to do the job and she said this is actually the problem and she wanted me he wanted me to correct them since it and then I'd say it after and they kept on seeing it to you and you're like okay release the kraken and they won't say like okay it release the kraken and it's not out no it is that's what up north it's not out and that might be out they had a huge storm up there and it's true so she says it's okay I have to go another year I'll be all right and she said it to you but then what about the iron so we started thinking about it this iron on the planet toys that does not that much and that's what they're going to do so we're forced to do it and we're forced to move her or not forced to remove Galactus and she says if we take Galactus out and it makes it real safe I started to see what he was saying it's going to be a nightmare for a year and we do see what you're saying in one way it's good but the other way it's not that's a big risk and we're going to be working on other stuff and we already are and we know what you're saying it'll be pretty big and it's big enough to save a lot of it and we have others coming out so we'll have to be patient you're right I'm probably going to do it but your stuff's everywhere I need to deal with it and get used to it and find out that I have to go after people more and you mentioned it this morning and it says similar everywhere and they start moving and so we need generals who want to stay on it and want to get rid of them and have them go to do some Blockbuster for training Duke Nukem Blockbuster and it's going to have to squeeze it into a schedule so he said okay just like John Cena says you know so he knows he knows something he's aggressive like he is but it works and we're moving out and he thinks us and she does too
Thor Freya
Who said that they have iron elsewhere no we said we might have to move her without Galactus instead we have to move or when and we have a month okay that's what we have and you're right about something what else are you going to use and what do you need the iron for so I'm looking at it and they might come tomorrow and they never can get there and I try and fight over a venus and they never get there but he gets tighten and Titan has a between the four planetoids it's a third of what Earth did which is enough for a year and it says good cuz I'll be fighting over it cuz it might not be and that's true
Thor Freya
So I get something it says damn it Jim and use the doctor and he doesn't get listen to her some things it's usually right and church would be Thor and really they want to go to a Halloween like that and he always comes out with his wife and it would be fun at Halloween we could go over there and get in line first so we can talk later and everything to do if we had a half a brain and he looked over and he's a big fella and my husband is used to the look and he gets it from Bill and people imitate and they kind of look at you aside because they're internally are there and he'd say never mind our business or he would say something more gym like cuz he's in the costume like James t Kirk in his costume and he'd say bones what do you want to do pretty empty entire buffet and eat it all there's others here too you need to be considerate of them and my husband would say well all right we consider it if we got the message across which is more important than one meal and I'm a doctor... So it's a real situation and that's me Hera and he would say we're going to stand down for now Jim and he'd say all right. and towards the middle of the night he's saying we're going to stick stuck here eating and we need to be speaking and as James secret James has James t Kirk and my husband would say well who told you that the dalai lama on top of the mountain and said no I figured it out cuz they're still eating cuz we are still eating. And that was James t Kirk but really Thor dressed up it says and Jim would say no that's bones would say it's a good thing we're going to eat a lot cuz we're going to be here for a while and James t Kirk would say that's enough bones. Now bones is played by a man and Dr Bones is a woman and she's laughing because of the name but it brings back memories of how they were and how they want to be and it's sadness and they're thinking of Thor and my husband and how they get along and how my husband will be a little bigger but that's kind of how it is with bones he's a little taller and my husband will be a little taller and you don't miss and enormous but Thor is large okay they're powerlifters and the conversations but it's important to me what do we need and we're putting a list together and my husband says I can't get Galactus so we're looking cuz he said the iron might need to go out they said it's a third on Titan but I don't know so he's telling me I don't know either and it's not true but they're calculating it so we don't want to be forced into a bind.
I said the top part or we did that's hilarious. I think we're going to do that I kind of agreed I'd be Kirk cuz he's always playing like the sidekick comes up with ideas sometimes they're good sometimes they're not so great lots of times we run them and here he is why don't we just take that out I started laughing and he started to say okay and tons of people are listening saying what is this and it's a huge argument and now we have to take all these other ones a lot of it gets sent back but really this is real and we have Venus coming up and iron problem it does a lot up there you didn't get the mind too much and they built a bunch of ships but not that many and they're not mining cuz they can't get there so that's something to keep in mind and the planetary is about 40,000 miles across but it has a bunch of iron and the other ones are 30,000 mi and have a bunch of iron Earth still has about 1/3 of its iron so we're up to a decent amount and we will limit it there what they do there's an excellent presentation so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
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foyil420-blog · 1 year
WordPress Plug-Ins / What Are They?
Hello GmaKelly here to talk about WordPress Plug-ins. There are a gazillion Plug-ins that do all kinds of things automating this and that.  These are the Plug-ins I'm currently using on this site.  I'm this will need to be updated, possibly Monthly.  So....... WordPress Plug-Ins - What are They? A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that adds new features or functionality to a WordPress website. Plug-Ins can do amazing things to and for your Website.  There are plug-ins to do and automate pretty much everything you need to keep your Website functioning and accessible.  All you have to do is Install and Activate. You use WordPress Plug-ins for: - SEO - Security - Social media integration - Forms - Ecommerce - Analytics - And much more! Plug-Ins I Currently Use: Keep in mind this site is still fairly new, so there may be more to add or maybe take away.  We'll see what pans out and I'll keep you updated. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) -  Google AMP Project.  Makes your Website faster for Mobile visitors. AIO SEO - All in One SEO Original to WordPress since 2007, Over 3 Million users.  Helps your website rank higher in Search Engines. Aweber for WordPress - Email Marketing, Landing Pages, Forms, Lists, Funnels.  Automate and increase Traffic. Bing Webmaster URL Submission- Allows submission to Bing Webmaster Tools (Bing and Yahoo) Blog2Social -Manually or Auto post to Social Media Platforms (see my Review) Canva - Use full features of Canva in Edit Screen. Elementor - Block Editor, Drag & Drop Past or Post Create or Edit Google Analytics - Monster Insights - 3 Million Users, Most popular Google Analytics Plug-In for WordPress.  How People find & use your Website. Google Sitemap XML - Create a Sitemap for Search Engines to Crawl IndexNow - Shares all posts & pages (create, update, delete) to Search Engines without need to register or verify site. Kraken Image Optimizer - World's Most Advanced Image Optimization Solution.  Optimize WordPress images. Lara's Google Analytics (GA4) - GA4 Dashboard pTypeConverter - Convert Pages to Posts and visa versa Site Kit by Google - Everything Google. This is a complete list of what I'm using today on this site.  Nothing shady happening here, lol.  I recommend these few Plug-Ins at the very least to get your site up and running with ease.  My site is not a E-Commerce site so I don't have any monitization Plug-Ins. Other Plug-Ins Obviously, there are 1,000's more that I could sift thru and probably add or replace one here or there.  There are other Plug-Ins that I would definitely use if the circumstance called for it. WooCommerce - Monetized sites.  Comes with a whole suite of Plug-in for Social Media Platforms and all the necessary forms and pages you need for monitization.   Facebook, Packing Slips, Storefronts, Carts, Paypal, etc. WordPress  has many conveniences built into it including Landing Pages, WPForms, WPCodes, etc. As you know, I'm still learning, On the Job Training, and I'm still listening to every bit of advice and information I can get from Articles and Videos.  If your part of a Program, it more than likely has a list of Plug-Ins they recommend, if not, they should have a Chat room where you can ask questions and get advice. Keep in Mind that not all Plug-Ins are Good Plug-Ins for Your Site A few months ago I installed a particular Plug-In, I honestly don't remember the name,  but it lockced up my site.  Thank God for the Best Site Support in history, it was fixed quickly.  But still causes us to pause, and reminds us to review everything  you do. Your Theme can cause a Plug-In to flip out. or the other way around.   I installed a Plug-In that my Theme was not compatible with.  Of course I didn't know that till I did it. So on the soft side:  Mine was fixed within 30 minutes or less.  So if you have good Site Support no Problem. Final Thoughts As with everything Online or in the world, research the plug-ins and/or consult an expert.  Even with the best advice and research things can still go wrong, be sure to back up your site before  making any major changes. I hoped you found this Post helpful, and educational in a few of the WordPress Plug-Ins.  As I said these are the Plug-Ins that I currently use.  Each change to your Site creates a new piece of the Vision  you have of your success.  Plug-Ins are big part of that. If you have questions or comments or maybe your own Plug-In suggestion, please leave it below.  I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you. Thank you for sharing your time with me. GmaKelly Read the full article
0 notes
financialsecrets · 1 year
WordPress Plug-Ins / What Are They?
Hello GmaKelly here to talk about WordPress Plug-ins. There are a gazillion Plug-ins that do all kinds of things automating this and that.  These are the Plug-ins I'm currently using on this site.  I'm this will need to be updated, possibly Monthly.  So....... WordPress Plug-Ins - What are They? A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that adds new features or functionality to a WordPress website. Plug-Ins can do amazing things to and for your Website.  There are plug-ins to do and automate pretty much everything you need to keep your Website functioning and accessible.  All you have to do is Install and Activate. You use WordPress Plug-ins for: - SEO - Security - Social media integration - Forms - Ecommerce - Analytics - And much more! Plug-Ins I Currently Use: Keep in mind this site is still fairly new, so there may be more to add or maybe take away.  We'll see what pans out and I'll keep you updated. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) -  Google AMP Project.  Makes your Website faster for Mobile visitors. AIO SEO - All in One SEO Original to WordPress since 2007, Over 3 Million users.  Helps your website rank higher in Search Engines. Aweber for WordPress - Email Marketing, Landing Pages, Forms, Lists, Funnels.  Automate and increase Traffic. Bing Webmaster URL Submission- Allows submission to Bing Webmaster Tools (Bing and Yahoo) Blog2Social -Manually or Auto post to Social Media Platforms (see my Review) Canva - Use full features of Canva in Edit Screen. Elementor - Block Editor, Drag & Drop Past or Post Create or Edit Google Analytics - Monster Insights - 3 Million Users, Most popular Google Analytics Plug-In for WordPress.  How People find & use your Website. Google Sitemap XML - Create a Sitemap for Search Engines to Crawl IndexNow - Shares all posts & pages (create, update, delete) to Search Engines without need to register or verify site. Kraken Image Optimizer - World's Most Advanced Image Optimization Solution.  Optimize WordPress images. Lara's Google Analytics (GA4) - GA4 Dashboard pTypeConverter - Convert Pages to Posts and visa versa Site Kit by Google - Everything Google. This is a complete list of what I'm using today on this site.  Nothing shady happening here, lol.  I recommend these few Plug-Ins at the very least to get your site up and running with ease.  My site is not a E-Commerce site so I don't have any monitization Plug-Ins. Other Plug-Ins Obviously, there are 1,000's more that I could sift thru and probably add or replace one here or there.  There are other Plug-Ins that I would definitely use if the circumstance called for it. WooCommerce - Monetized sites.  Comes with a whole suite of Plug-in for Social Media Platforms and all the necessary forms and pages you need for monitization.   Facebook, Packing Slips, Storefronts, Carts, Paypal, etc. WordPress  has many conveniences built into it including Landing Pages, WPForms, WPCodes, etc. As you know, I'm still learning, On the Job Training, and I'm still listening to every bit of advice and information I can get from Articles and Videos.  If your part of a Program, it more than likely has a list of Plug-Ins they recommend, if not, they should have a Chat room where you can ask questions and get advice. Keep in Mind that not all Plug-Ins are Good Plug-Ins for Your Site A few months ago I installed a particular Plug-In, I honestly don't remember the name,  but it lockced up my site.  Thank God for the Best Site Support in history, it was fixed quickly.  But still causes us to pause, and reminds us to review everything  you do. Your Theme can cause a Plug-In to flip out. or the other way around.   I installed a Plug-In that my Theme was not compatible with.  Of course I didn't know that till I did it. So on the soft side:  Mine was fixed within 30 minutes or less.  So if you have good Site Support no Problem. Final Thoughts As with everything Online or in the world, research the plug-ins and/or consult an expert.  Even with the best advice and research things can still go wrong, be sure to back up your site before  making any major changes. I hoped you found this Post helpful, and educational in a few of the WordPress Plug-Ins.  As I said these are the Plug-Ins that I currently use.  Each change to your Site creates a new piece of the Vision  you have of your success.  Plug-Ins are big part of that. If you have questions or comments or maybe your own Plug-In suggestion, please leave it below.  I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you. Thank you for sharing your time with me. GmaKelly Read the full article
0 notes
horriblegaming44 · 2 years
Top 5 Best Lightweight Gaming Headset in 2023 – Horriblegaming
The majority of people think that headsets that are easier to wear are more comfortable. Despite having less padding, they don't exert as much pressure on your head and ears. They are also less stressful on your neck as a result. Particularly for gamers that play for extended periods of time, these have a big impact.
Unfortunately, many consumers mistakenly think that lightweight gaming headphones are of lower quality. Usually, it's accurate. People who feel they aren't really to blame for this.
Because of this, it can be challenging to locate a gaming headset that is only 200 or 300 grammes.
You're in luck if you're seeking for a portable gaming headset.
Below is a list of the top 5 Lightweight Gaming Headset expected to be on the market in 2023.
Best Lightweight Gaming Headset
1. Razer Blackshark V2
Razer, you rock. We still don't understand how they were able to fit so much into something so small and light.
The Razer Blackshark V2 is among the lightest gaming headsets, although not being the lightest. Its 262 gramme weight is significantly less than that of many of its rivals' products. It still contains just as many features, if not more, as the previous one did.
The microphone and sound quality on this over-the-ear, closed-back headset are superb. 50mm TriForce Titanium drivers with separate high, mid, and low tuning choices are its main selling point. Also featured is a detachable Hyperclear Cardioid microphone. It is a function that makes it possible for the microphone to just pick up voices while blocking out extraneous noises.
As a final flourish, the Blackshark V2 has cooling cushions that are oval in shape and filled with gel. By doing this, the effects of pressure buildup are lessened, and the engine doesn't get too hot.
The $100 price tag on the Blackshark V2 only increases its worth.
Technical Specifications
Over-ear, closed-back acoustic design
 TriForce Titanium 50mm drivers
 Wired connectivity (5.9 feet)
 Hyperclear Cardioid Microphone
 Dimensions: 262 grams/9.2 oz.
2. Astro A50 Wireless (Gen 4) 
Bravo to Razer. We're still perplexed as to how they managed to cram so much into something so little and light.
Though not the lightest gaming headset, the Razer Blackshark V2 comes close. It weighs 262 grammes, which is far less than many of its rivals. Despite this, it contains just as many features as the other, if not more.
This over-the-ear headset with a closed back has a great microphone and sound quality. It boasts 50mm TriForce Titanium drivers with distinct controls for the highs, mids, and lows. It also has a removable Hyperclear Cardioid microphone. The microphone can be made to focus just on voice calls thanks to this capability.
As a final flourish, the Blackshark V2 has cooling cushions that are oval in shape and filled with gel. By doing this, the effects of pressure buildup are lessened, and the engine doesn't get too hot.
The $100 price tag on the Blackshark V2 only increases its worth.
Technical Specifications
Closed-back, over-ear acoustics
Neodymium magnet 40mm drivers
Wi-Fi connectivity (15-hour battery life)
6.0mm unidirectional voice-isolating microphone
11.2 ounces or 380 grammes.
3. Razer Kraken X
A Razer product is on our list for the second time. This time, it's the Razer Kraken X, which is quite inexpensive.
For $50, you should actually be prepared to get a basic gaming headset. But, at least in terms of features, Kraken X is anything but lightweight. Typically, being lightweight means having less features. Taking into account that the Kraken X weighs only 250 grammes (8.8 ounces).
Despite being exceedingly light, the Kraken X has a potent punch. Because it includes virtual 7.1 surround sound, the depth, clarity, and sharpness of the sound are improved.
However, it is done using the app. You're forced to accept the deal at this price.
The Kraken X also has a beautifully understated design and is pretty comfortable to wear, if that's even a term. Certain improvements could be made. Although the design is excellent, the microphone cannot be taken out, and it has a plain appearance.
Technical Specifications
Closed-back, over-ear design
 Drivers: 40mm Neodymium Magnet
 Connectivity: Wired (4.27 feet)
bendable microphone Microphone Cardioid
250 grammes or 8.8 oz in weight
4. HyperX Cloud Mix
The HyperX Cloud Mix is not just one of the best gaming headphones on the market right now. It's conceivably HyperX's best gaming headset to date.
This is very complimentary. Few gaming headphones have yet been made by HyperX, a small company. However, there are still further justifications for praising the Cloud Mix.
Its appearance and feel are similar to that of an expensive headset, which is one feature. The aluminium frame has a sturdy, hard feeling. It is also portable and lightweight. In addition, a plush, soft material with a memory foam-like feel is used to cover the headband. This makes it comfortable to wear. The entire design is finished with a matte black lacquer that has very no branding on it.
It is not only the best, but it also works well. It can be used as a wireless headset in addition to having a wired connection. It can also be used by almost any Bluetooth-capable device, such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles.
The Cloud Mix has braided cables, a portable case, a retractable boom mic, and clear, balanced sound. A 20-hour battery life is typical. It only increased the bar for future HyperX audio products.
Technical Specifications
Closed-back, over-ear acoustics
Drivers: Personalized 40mm Dual Chamber
Wi-Fi connectivity (20-hour battery life)
Electret Condenser Boom Microphone
Weight: 260 grammes or 9.17 oz.
5. Audio-Technica ATH-ADG1X
The audiophile market is where Audio-Technica struggles to survive. They keep putting out useful headsets. The ATH-ADG1X from Audio-Technica does a fantastic job of illustrating this.
The ATH-best ADG1X's competitive price and distinctive Audio-Technica features are its main selling points.
Focusing on the other advantages is preferred because excellent sound is already a given. It's fortunate that the ATH-ADG1X has a lot to offer. This pertains to its weight (285 grammes), the comfort of the 3D Wing support system, and the length of the cords (6.6 feet). The mic is really clear and bright, and the ear pads are cosy.
The ATH-ADG1X furthermore features a metal honeycomb enclosure in addition to all of this. This enhances audio quality while keeping the headset lightweight and cool.
Technical Features
Open-air, closed-back acoustic design
53mm drivers
Wired connectivity (6.6-feet)
Hypercardioid Electret Condenser Microphone
Weight: 285 grams/10.1 oz.
1 note · View note
aka-indulgence · 3 years
I was a bit sad and I had an idea with Kraken Sans so....... here it is /w\
Hurt/comfort, reader feels lonely and usually tries to hide it, etc. etc.... giant sea monster man comes to comfort.
There were many reasons you went to the cliff by the sea, with it’s huge waves crashing onto its craggy side.
There were times when you came with friends to go down to the beach. There were times when you came just to enjoy the view (the sunsets were especially breathtaking).
And then there were times where you came when you weren’t feeling so great and just needed to go somewhere.
That was the case right now.
You lean against the railing, the only barrier stopping you from falling down. Looking down always made you dizzy during the day, but during the night, all was dark; nothing but shadows below you, with the occasional glimmer of the waves, or a bit of sea foam whenever the sea struck the rocky face.
Your eyes shimmer as they look up at the stars. Out here, far away from artificial lights, they were clear to see, twinkling wherever you looked at the sky. The wind was blowing in your hair, sweeping your tear-stained cheeks.
You hadn’t even noticed you were crying.
“S… stupid…” you mutter, wiping away the infuriating drops away from your face, even as they keep springing from your eyes.
W… what were you supposed to do when you felt lonely? It wasn’t like you could just… swim over to the main island just like that. Even if you got on a ship, you’d only be there temporarily before you had to go back, and you weren’t exactly made of money to go every day.
You were here to work, and you get visited sometimes, and that’s nice…
But there are times when you really just… wanted someone to be with you, on this relatively tiny piece of land.
“G-get it together… stop… crying already…” you sniffled, frowning in dismay as more kept flowing out of your eyes. You pressed your hand to them, closing your eyes, your body shaking as a silent sob wreaked through it. Your tears ran down your elbow, falling to the waves below.
A few more moments of that gnawing, painful feelings of loneliness, and you took a deep breath, folding your arms on top of the railing. You took in the salty air, letting it slowly fill your chest before exhaling it out. The tears hadn’t stopped, but you’re sure you wouldn’t feel like you were stuck in a lobster cage anymore when you went back to the bungalow you stayed in.
… Maybe… just a few more moments out here. At least until I’m really calm. You thought, waiting for yourself to stop crying, just breathing in, and out.
The sound of the waves and the winds were relaxing, unwinding your muscles. It was quiet and loud at the same time, in a way that you enjoyed.
You were sighing when all of a sudden you a hear a much louder, big splash, waters below you being disturbed, as if something big had come near the shore.
… Or more accurately, like something big had come out of the water.
You watch with wide eyes as a giant skeleton?!?!? Rose out of the waves, with something dark and gleaming rolling about, parting and making waves around it. You squeak when a massive hand lands right beside you, crushing the and bending railing like it was made out of thin wires. You were completely frozen when a skull much bigger than your entire body appeared behind the cliff, and huge lantern-eyes stared down at you.
They both shone white, but there were little changes in its brightness, as if it was a floating ball of liquid sloshing around an invisible container. In a weird way, it reminded you of the sea itself, with globs moving back and forth in those huge glowing spheres.
It only took a few more moments of staring into this giant’s eyes (eyelights?) before you noticed the predicament that you’re in, and fear settled in as your utter shock started to bleed away.
A- A kraken?!!
You assumed as much, those long tendril like objects that were slopping around this creature must’ve been its tentacles.
You started taking a step back.
W… what’s a kraken doing here? W-was he here to eat you??!
Maybe it was the step, or maybe it was the pure terror that was on your face, but suddenly the huge beast reacted. His face contorted into a look of sadness and worry, and the huge interlocking sharp teeth that made his mouth parted in the slightest. He let out an impossibly deep rumbling sound that practically quaked the ground and shook your entire body. The sound stops you in your tracks, trying to stop yourself from losing your footing.
He made another, slightly higher sound that reminded you of whale songs, the hand on the cliff shifting against the ground, his fingers gently curling behind you. The paranoid side of you thought for a second that he was trying to block your escape route, but he didn’t try to grab you or squash you; just making a (protective?) curl around you.
Your hammering heart started to slow down as you realized this giant of the deep doesn’t seem to mean you any harm. But if he didn’t, then… why was he here?
“H… hello?” you greet(?) him tentatively, rubbing your hands together, both fidgeting and keeping them warm.
Your voice seems to have delighted him, as his furrowed brows raised a little and he looked like he was smiling.
Did… did he even understand…?
A series of clicking sound filled the air from somewhere in his throat (you’d wonder how, but you were staring at a giant skeleton-kraken monster). Somehow, it sounded happy to you, light and playful.
He brought his skull closer to the cliff, trying to get a closer look at you. Something about his gaze made you blush, and you hug your hands a little.
“…. (y/n)….” He rumbled again, and after bracing yourself against the deep sound, you perk a little when you realize he not only spoke, but he also said your name.
“H-??” you breathe, “How did you know my name??”
The monster seemed to process your question slowly, blinking once.
“like…. (y/n)….”
At that, the beast’s mouth definitely turned into a smile, and you hear the waves churning under him as he seems to get excited, his sockets crinkling. His tentacles must’ve hit the cliff, because you feel a minute shaking in the ground.
“Like me…?” you echo, and the giant nods as fast as his body allowed, making what you guess is a happy little trill in response.
You let out a sigh. He doesn’t seem especially dangerous at the moment, though you are aware of how easily it’d be for him to squash you like a bug.
His eyes seem to shine brighter when they look at you, and the movements below him slow down.
“How did you…” you start to say, but you’re not sure how much you want to know about apparently having a giant deep-sea admirer, and the fact that you never noticed he was even there. So instead you ask, “Well, who are you… Mr. Sea monster? Do you have a name?”
He didn’t take as long to answer that.
“sans….” he tells you. Then, “have… sea name…”
He demonstrates his other name by making a series of rumble and clicks that you don’t understand, but you assume must mean a whole lot in… ‘Sea language’.
You giggle at this apparent-gentle giant, smiling at him. “Oh ok! So, Sans, or…” you try to mimic whatever sounds Sans had made and apparently made him chuckle (new languages are hard!), “why are you up here?”
Sans’ grin falls a bit, and his eyes looked… sad? His other hand rises over the cliff, around your level, and he points at you.
Or more specifically, your face.
You furrow your brows a little. For you? Was this the time he chose to introduce himself to you?
“H-huh?” was all that came out of your mouth, looking from his pointed finger (it was pretty much as big as you!) to his face.
When it’s clear to him that you didn’t understand, he brings his hand close to you. So much closer that he was going to touch you. You held your breath a little, concerned as to what he’s about to do, and then-
You felt a firm, yet light touch on your face. His finger was on your cheek.
“… water…” Sans rumbles. “from… your face…”
… Oh. Your tears. You still had tear tracks on your face, and you found you even still had some left when you blinked, another one falling down your face.
“O-oh, these?” your face reddened a little in embarrassment and you wiped the remaining drops away. “Th-they… it’s… nothing to worry about.”
Sans actually frowns, and his brows dip between his sockets.
“… sad.”
Your heart sinks in your chest.
You were used to hiding your hurt from others. You were used to drying your tears and smiling for others when they came around the corner. As much as you hated having to just take and endure it, you wouldn’t know how to face others if they tried to look closer.
… And yet…
Just one word from this monster that just appeared himself to you… just brought down any sort of walls you were unconsciously trying to build.
It was so genuine, like…
Like he was speaking to your soul.
A new wave of tears welled up in your eyes, and you let them spill. No use hiding it when it feels like he could see right through you.
“Y-yeah. I was… I’m… sad.” You say in defeat, slouching in front of him. His pointing hand shifted around you, and blink through wet eyes, seeing him cup his hand around you, and his giant thumb gently press against your cheek, as if he was trying to wipe them away.
His hand was warm. It felt like… he was hugging you, the closest thing he could do to hug you, and you slump into his palm. You hug the thumb that was on your face and started to sob against the giant bone, shaking and shivering a little. Just… having someone with you… it opened the floodgates, again.
“I-I just…” you tremor, “I-I just feel so lonely s-sometimes…”
It wasn’t if you couldn’t speak to your friends, you could. But the distance was wearing on you, and you weren’t quite as close to your colleagues, and you just…
You just wanted someone to…
You wrap your arms around his thumb and rub your face against it, finding yourself comforted instead of afraid when his fingers curl further around you.
Lulling, empathetic songs sounded from the great monster, slowly getting lower in pitch before it raised back up to do it all over again. With practically no pressure, he rubs his thumb on your face, either to dry your tears or to pet you.
… Slowly, you let your trembling fingers go of his giant one, and Sans seems to sense that you’re pulling away, because he pulls his fingers away from you to let you stand. You hold onto the tip of his thumb and rub your sleeve against your face, sniffing.
“Th… thanks Sans.” was all you manage to eke out, unsure of what else to say.
Sans croons, bringing his hand back to press behind you, radiating heat and keeping you warm and safe from the slightly chilly night.
You feel slightly awkward in the silence, not sure what you’re supposed to say to a giant kraken monster after you just cried all over his hand.
You suppose, “I… I should go back. T-to my house,” you stammer, breath still interrupted by the occasional hiccup.
Sans’ calm and almost sleepy face suddenly looked distressed, looking at you like you just threatened him. Sad, weeping sounds came out of him, his fingers starting to close in around you.
Apparently, he didn’t want to say goodbye.
“W-wait! Don’t worry! We can always meet again!” you held your hand out against him, almost reassuring him while you were panicked. “I can come see you again here, tomorrow night, if you’d like?”
The wibbling and calls of despair he was making got quieter, and when you look back you realize both his hands were coming up behind you, like they were about to scoop you up and take you away. At your offer, Sans looked mildly placated, looking at you hopefully.
“tomorrow…” he echoes, “… promise…?”
Ah… maybe…
Maybe you weren’t the only one here who was lonely.
“I promise, Sans.”
You add, “You were good company. I’d like to meet you again tomorrow.”
He takes another moment to process your words before his smile was back on his face, wider than before. A series of rumbles came from him in waves, like… like a chuckle. He pulled his hands away from you, giving you your way back to the bungalow.
“tomorrow.” he says, almost in a sing-song voice, “(y/n). tomorrow.”
“That’s right,” you smiled at him, as you turned inland. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sans!”
“(y/n). tomorrow. (y/n). (y/n).”
You could faintly hear his voice as you walked back, with a little spring to your step. At the moment you had promised to see him tomorrow to stop him from possibly taking you away, but you really did like Sans. And you did want to see him again.
If you looked behind, maybe you could’ve seen those two huge lights, watching you walk back home.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
if you're doing requests, than can I possibly ask for some G!revivebur and t!tommy hurt/comfort? (with soft noms involved if thats okay)
hope you're doing well today and i love your writing too
Thank you so much! I'm glad you love my writings! mwkdakdn and I've actually had a great day today! So thank you for asking! (Also of course noms are okay uwu)
Warnings: Soft vore, mentions of death and torment of a tiny
Words: 1.1K+
His train had finally arrived…
Meanwhile, Tommy was working on his base, being a borrower, it wasn’t quite as easy as you wish to get the materials needed.
He was exhausted from mining all day and now he just had to organise his chests, which was just another annoying task. Tommy huffed in annoyance at this, at least he had enough minerals to last him ages.
He hated organising his chests but if he did it would at least be easier to find things, as to why he was doing this millennial task.
Chest after chest, block after block, ore after ore. It was finally almost done. Just a couple more to go, he went over to another chest and found some… interesting things… It held his old L’manburg uniform and his flag, things he put away after Wilbur had well, died.
He picked up his old uniform and noticed something strange on it, it was stained with blue, covered in stitches. Alarmed he began to examine the uniform and there fell out a note, from Ghostbur.
“Hey, Tommy! I came to borrow some things and noticed your old uniform! I fixed it up for you! I know you said not to go through your stuff, but I figured you’d like it!” – Ghostbur
He huffed as the note itself was covered in blue, Ghostbur had a tendency of leaking his blue everywhere, It couldn’t be helped…’. He looked down and saw water beginning to seep at the pages, he wiped at his eyes.
He wasn’t going to cry! He was Tommy Danger Kraken Innit! A man! And men don’t cry!
It wasn’t his fault! It was Sam’s! He didn’t let him protect Ghostbur! It could’ve been stopped and now the only remnant of his brother is gone.
Gone to the afterlife, once and for all. Maybe his symphony could finally be at peace with everything being gone now, he could move on…
Little did he know that wouldn’t quite be the case as a thing popped right into his face, much to his hate and surprise…
‘Wilbur Soot has joined the game’.
He couldn’t be back, Dream really didn’t revive him right?! Wasn’t revival supposed to be immediate?! Whatever exhaustion was trying to take over his body was gone as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He immediately booked it through his door towards L’manburg.
His vision went from black to clear, he fiddled with his hands, finally becoming aware of his surroundings, the blue and gold catching his eyes with a torn L’manburg flag, with the crater in front of him. He pinched his arm to make sure he wasn’t going crazy, and he wasn’t!
He was alive again with blood rushing through his newly revived veins! He was alive again! Dream his hero! He had really been brought back! He could feel his excitement jolting every part of his body, so many things to do and see, so many things to make amends for!...
Panic filled with thoughts rushed through his head, what would the others think? Oh god, back when he was dead himself, he remembered how Wilbur was… This is practically going to be doomsday all over again if he didn’t stop it.
He had never run so fast before, not even in the war. It seemed his body agreed with him this once that this was very very bad. And it wasn’t going to be an easy trip for the borrower. Every hole he jumped over, and soon L’manburg came into his view.
His fingers twitched, not used to being able to function. He could feel bruises over his body and particularly felt an aching pain from his chest, probably some remnant from the stab wound, but that wasn’t going to stop him out, now that he was finally free.
He breathed in the fresh air, taking a deep breath, and filling his lungs as much as he could. How he missed being able, you learnt to appreciate such things.
He closed his eyes in a sort of relief, happy, satisfied but this was only the beginning.
“Wilbur!”, he heard a voice, a familiar one. One he hadn’t heard in a while; he knew he was close not far. He was used to having to keep an ear out for the borrower, he was just surprised at himself he wasn’t rusty.
He turned around to see a small figure approaching, seeming to run with all they had, wow, Tommy must’ve really missed him!
Soon, Tommy was just a couple of meters away from Wilbur. Not one of them talked at first, “Hey Tommy! I missed you!”. Tommy’s expression turned somewhat dark, upset, grim. He titled his head in confusion and crouched down as much as he could.
“You shouldn’t be here.”, Wilbur snorted slightly, then turned to giggles and those giggles turned to psychotic laughter as he processed the point that Tommy just brought up, he wasn’t supposed to be here? “I’m not supposed to be here Tommy? What about you?”.
No answer came, he laughed again, “Oh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.”. He brought a finger to Tommy’s face, gently squishing it. “Listen, I spent 13 and a half, 13 and a half years! IN THAT GOD DAMN HELL!”. The gentleness faded as he increased pressure on Tommy, causing Tommy to fall over from under the pressure and try to fight back.
The pressure lightened as he removed his hand, he was about to speak when he saw Tommy back away from him, he was confused for a minute.
But whatever it was, Tommy was mumbling and crying, flinching whenever he made a small movement. Usually, Tommy would be fighting back right now?
He put any other thoughts he had aside, “Tommy, what’s wrong?”. Sure, he might be cruel sometimes but that never stopped his older brother instincts. The boy cried louder. He cupped the boy into his hands and brought him closer to his face.
“Tommy, I’m here, what’s wrong?”, “I-, You-, Dream-, Can’t, S-scared”. He hushed the boy and nuzzled him, he flinched at first but soon reluctantly gave into the contact. It was clear to him that Tommy had changed drastically, more than he thought, he was traumatised. Who dared to hurt his little brother?
“Tommy, who?”, “Huh?”, “Who did it?”. He sniffled, “D-dream”. His eyes widened suddenly, a vision flashed of a tiny Tommy caught in an explosion, a memory from Ghostbur. He remained silent.
Without a word, he brought Tommy close to his mouth, gently placing him in. Tommy flinched as he was placed on his brother’s tongue, “W-Wil?”, “You’re safe”. He mumbled as he moved his tongue to coat Tommy, which then lead to tilting his head back and swallowing.
He traced his brother's descent with his finger, and soon felt him land in his stomach, he waited for his little brother to get tucked in and fall asleep, to which he did. Then he decided that he’d keep Tommy in there for a while, where he’d be safe.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Disney Villains in DnD
With the Disney Princesses and Princes, I put them into parties, but for the villains, I’m going to start by listing the ones powerful enough to be a Warlock Patron in descending order of power (by their base form). The rest are ordered by the release date of their film. I’m not going to cover all of the Disney villains in this one post, as there’s just too many, and not all of them map easily onto DnD.
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AS BIG BAD: Archfield Patron Warlock (Asmodeus)
As Playable Character:
Race: Asmodeus Tiefling Background: Courtier Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer (Evil) Skills: Insight, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion
The Devil on Bald Mountain, Chernabog stands as Satan and Lucifer incarnate, the Disney-Canon equivalent to the Prince of Darkness, and the ruler of Hell. Like with Maleficent and Hades, Chernabog lacks a stat block, being a Greater Deity, and King of the Archfiends, Ruler of the Nine Hells. As a playable character, Chernabog doesn’t lend out his hellish powers or get them from an outside source. Instead he is a Tiefling with the infernal bloodline of Asmodeus (Lawful Evil) running through his veins. When he was an angel, Lucifer would have been a courtier, standing in the shining Court of Heaven before he was banished to Hell. His skills make him adept at lying to and manipulating people, as Insight lets him learn a person’s desires, and then use lies and honeyed words to lead them astray in his service. Consider this a free “how to play as satan” build.
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As Big Bad: The Raven Queen
As Playable Character:
Race: Hexblood Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Wildfire Druid Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Perception
Lore-wise, Maleficent uses “All the Powers of Hell”, but in terms of Dungeons and Dragons, the Wildfire Druid gives Maleficent the best parallels to her powers, as she’s able to grow a wall of thorns, call a bolt of lightning, Polymorph into a fire-breathing dragon, and spread fire. It also works lore-wise as the Wildfire Druid destroys the very forest they swore to protect. As a Hexblood, Maleficent becomes a fey hag, able to curse princesses and disguise herself as a racial ability. As the Big Bad, Maleficent maps perfectly onto the Raven Queen, ruling over the shadowfell, summoning the Heartless to do her biding, and loaning Diablo to those who worship or swear fealty to the Raven Queen.
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As Big Bad: Hades/Death God
As Playable Character:
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling/Reborn Background: Charlatan Class: Death Cleric Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
For Hades, the God of the Dead, making him into a Cleric was a no-brainer. But Clerics have very limited options for fire magic. Sacred flame and Flame Strike both deal radiant damage, and their only other fire spell is Searing Smite which they got in the spell list expansion. But as a Mephistopheles Tiefling, Hades can also gain temporary access to Burning Hands and Flame Blade, along with Mage Hand. Mephistopheles is also the demon best known for making a deal with Faust, a trait shared by the deal-making Hades. If you’re not feeling the fire theme, or your DM doesn’t like the tiefling subraces, Hades can also work as a Reborn.
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As Big Bad: Undead/Undying Warlock Patron (Lich)
As Playable Character:
Race: Reborn Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Necromancy Wizard Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
Ironically, there is a new magic item that maps perfectly onto the Black Cauldron, the Cauldron of Rebirth. But oddly, it can only be attuned by a Druid or Warlock, and the Necromancy Wizard creates the strongest undead thralls, as he adds his Proficiency Bonus to their attack and damage rolls. But if you’d rather have the Horned King be able to use the Cauldron of Rebirth, then make him a Spores Druid. If you absolutely must go warlock, make him an Undead Warlock. As a Warlock Patron, he would be a Lich. In the Chronicles of Prydain books, he served Arawn, God of Death. But the Horned King serves no such master in the Disney film.
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As Big Bad: Genie Warlock Patron (Efreeti)
Race: Human/Fire Genasi Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Genie Warlock (Djinni)/Wild Magic Sorcerer Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion
Jafar is the only one of the patron villains who themselves is a warlock to another patron. In his human form, Jafar has little to no powers. Everything Jafar is able to do is through either his magic snake staff or Genie’s magic. It’s only once he becomes a genie himself that Jafar has his own powers. So, Jafar here is split between two builds. As a human, he’s a warlock relying on a djinni. As a genie himself, he’s a wild magic sorcerer. Technically, he could be both. Play Jafar however you want. As a big bad, Jafar is stuck as one of the most subserviant types of warlock patron, which isn’t so surprising why he’s this low on the patron scale. Only Ursula is technically weaker than him, but that’s only true when she’s in her base form. Once she wields the trident, Ursula is even more powerful than The Horned King.
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As Big Bad: Fathomless Warlock Patron (Sea Hag/Kraken)
As Playable Character:
Race: Triton Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Glamour Bard Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Performance, Persuasion Items: Circlet of Human Perfection (reskin as seashell necklace)
I built Ariel as a Fathomless Warlock because in order for her to be on land, she had to make a deal with Ursula. So, with Ursula on land, she can masquerade as Vanessa, using Ariel’s voice to charm and manipulate people. We even see Ursula do this when she charms Eric, so we know that as Vanessa, Ursula could easily run a successful criminal empire using Ariel’s voice to hypnotize and manipulate people into obeying her orders. The Circlet of Human Perfection allows Ursula to maintain a perfect beautiful human disguise without having to eat up spell slots. As a Fathomless Patron, Ursula in her base form is a simple Sea Hag, being much weaker. But once she gets a hold of Dekella, the Bident of Thassa from King Triton, she can grow in both size and power to rival the might of a Kraken. And with Thassa’s divine bident, Ursula can command the tides and all the beasts and monstrosities within it, puting her nearly on par with the powers of a goddess of the sea. But unlike Hades, Maleficent, and Chernabog, even at her near godlike power, Ursula still has a stat block, her bident can still be taken from her, and she can still be slain and defeated.
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Race: Human Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Alchemist Artificer Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
I really did consider the Transmutation Wizard for Grimhilde, as it has the power to cast polymorph for all of your Frog Prince needs, and a master transmuter can even Restore Youth. But then, the alchemist can brew a potion of transformation, and the chemistry set is clearly how we see Grimhilde using magic. The only magic she performs without the chemistry set is when she creates a gust of wind in front of her magic mirror. She doesn’t even create the lightning bolt for her transformation spell, it just happens to be storming outside, so she’s not controlling the weather either. Plus, the most powerful spell she has is the poisoned apple and she has to summon a bolt of lightning to cast Alter Self, a 2nd level spell. By DnD standards, Grimhilde’s not really that powerful. She doesn’t even fight the player herself in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.  If you want Grimhilde to be more magical, then go with Transmutation Wizard, but if you want to be more accurate, the Alchemist is how Grimhilde does her magic. Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove shares a nearly identical build.
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Race: Human Background: Pirate (Athletics, Perception) Class: Swashbuckler Rogue Skills: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
While Hook’s still a putrid coward, he holds himself quite well, and is the epitome of Lawful Evil, maintaining a strict personal moral code to clash with Peter’s frankly Chaotic Neutral “heroism”. Hook’s not really good at the normal rogue skills like hiding or thieving, but he shines as a manipulative double-talking liar. Long John Silver from Treasure Planet has a similar build.
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Race: Human Background: Folk Hero (Animal Handling Persuasion, Survival) Class: Monster Slayer Ranger Skills: Athletics, Perception, Persuasion Stealth, Survival
As the strapping hero of Belle’s Village, Gaston has the favor of his entire community, keeping them safe from any and all beasties that lurk beyond the city. Too bad he’s as rotten as they come. Likely one of the weakest villains in terms of pure power scale as little more than a local hero, he’s still an iconic enough villain I couldn’t resist adding him. Clayton from Tarzan shares a similar build.
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Race: Leonin Background: Noble (History, Persuasion) Class: Oath of Treachery Paladin Fighting Style: Unarmed Skills: History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion
Simba was a druid because he was a wise king who could call upon his people to stand beside him. Scar is a paladin because he has devoted himself to a single goal: his own personal power. Scar shows little wisdom, but has a strong character and savvy charms about him that make him better suited as a CHA caster.
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Race: Human Background: Investigator Class: Light Cleric Skills: Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion
This was an easy villain to build. As a religious man worshipping God (who would def fall under Life, Light, and maybe Knowledge) Frollo would go for the one that lets him keep witches warm. His background was chosen as an investigator because he’s responsible for keeping the peace in Paris, and there wasn’t a background option for lawmaker. Noble or Courtier might have worked, but didn’t seem quite like the right fit as they deal more with aristocratic authority and royal court politics.
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Race: Human Background: Soldier (Athletics, Intimidation) Class: Raven Queen Warlock/Hexblade Warlock, Shadow Sorcerer Pact Boon: Blade Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation
In the first Kingdom Hearts game, Riku spends most of the game being manipulated by Maleficent. His DnD counterpart would surely be a warlock to her. But Maleficent oddly has not one but three possible warlock patron options. As the Raven Queen, she obviously has the Raven Queen Warlock, but the Raven Queen also created the Hexblade, which come from the Shadowfell, which she rules over. The third is unique to Maleficent, as she is a fairy, and a powerful one at that. Making her a valid choice for an Archfey Warlock. Archfey doesn’t quite fit Riku, but the other two do, and as a Sorcerer, Riku draws power from the Shadowfell which his patron rules over.
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Race: Human Background: Charlatan (Deception, Sleight of Hand) Class: Fiend Warlock Skills: Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
It’s kind of hard to deny that Dr. Facilier is obviously a warlock, though his patron options don’t really come close to a neat fit. Among his choices though, fiend comes the closest to selling his soul to the Other Siders or Shadow Folk. It’s possible he could have sold his soul to the Raven Queen and his shadowy friends are the emissaries of the shadowfell, but as he has no raven or crow familiar, that’s a somewhat weak comparison.
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marvelhero-fics · 4 years
Series - Chapter Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip. 
A/N: Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist, no spoilers in this chapter!
Word Count: 1,750
Snowman Masterlist || Full Masterlist 
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New York
“Did you see her much after that mission?” Dr Raynor asked Bucky. She seemed interested in (Y/N).
“Yea. I saw her in passing a few times. She spent a lot of time at the base I was at. Sometimes I’d be out of cryo for weeks on a mission. That’s when I saw her the most.”
“What did you do together?”
“Played card games, trained together, built weapons, I taught her how to snipe. Normal shit, I guess.” It felt strange thinking about it all. It felt like a different lifetime to him.
“I guess that is somewhat normal for trained assassins. Did you tell her anything about yourself? After she explained her story, did you reciprocate that?” His therapist questioned.
“I couldn’t. I didn’t really remember that much about myself. Everything I knew was wiped, I was pretty much a blank slate. I couldn’t even tell her my name because I didn’t know it.” Bucky shrugged.
“What did she call you then?”
“She gave me a nickname. Snegovik. It means snowman in Russian. She thought it was hilarious, because I was the Winter Soldier. If anyone else called me snowman I would’ve snapped their necks, but when she did it-'' Bucky paused to think, “It felt nice.”
“What’re you doing, snegovik? (snowman)” You placed yourself down at the table opposite Bucky. He looked up at you, his pale blue eyes gazing into yours. You noticed Bucky started looking differently at you as you spent more time together. Instead of a look of hostility or annoyance as he gave to everyone else, it was a gentle look. A look you would give birds dancing in a fountain on a warm day, or a look you would give the sun as it rose so smoothly over the snowy mountains.
“Reading.” He shut the file laid out in front of him. The maroon file had a black HYDRA symbol resting in the middle. It was his next target.
“I haven’t had a case in weeks. I’m bored out of my mind. Do you wanna go to the firing range with me?” You queried. The HYDRA base you were currently stuck at had one of the largest firing ranges down in the basement, with a very fun collection of weaponry.
“I know what we can do. Let’s go snezhinka. (snowflake)” Bucky pushed up against the table to stand, he grabbed his file and walked off. You quickly followed behind.
The two of you ended up in a large room full of dark grey lockers. It was an empty, dusty smelling room. Not many agents or assassins resided at this base so it was mostly desolate.
Bucky pulled a few lockers open, his metal fingers clanking against the steel lockers. He tossed a large coat towards you. It was black with a soft fur lining the hood.
“Put that on.” He demanded.
“Are we going outside?” You asked, tossing the coat over your shoulders and zipping up the front.
“Mhm.” Bucky pulled his sniper rifle out of a locker. It was already put together. He grabbed a small, red box of ammunition and an extra scope. He walked off again, he tended to do that.  
You waltzed off behind him.
“Don’t you need a coat too?”
“No. I’m the snowman, remember?” He smirked back at you. Bucky didn’t smile very often, you always tried to savour the moments that he did.
The two of you exited the compound through a side door, it simply led out into the snowy forest. He began walking out into the snow, along a path he’d obviously walked plenty of times before. The large pines that inhabited the forest were covered in a layer of thick snow. The reminisce of grass and flowers barely poked through the large sheet of white on the ground.
Bucky’s path guided to a small, wooden sniper nest. It was an old sniper range that used to be for protecting the base. As more enhanced people began showing up, HYDRA moved to using giant concrete bunkers instead.
Bucky threw down a thin, dark green blanket and lay down on his stomach. He quickly set up his sniper rifle and adjusted the scope.
“Lie down.” He asserted. You complied, lying down on your stomach next to him. There was nearly no room between your bodies, the sniper nest seemed like it was only made for one. His body radiated heat like a fire. So much for snowman, you thought. Bucky lined up the spare scope and passed it over to you.
“Look through that.”
You stared through the small scope, it showed a few trees over two kilometres away. “What am I looking for?” You asked, quietly.
Bucky didn’t reply. The sound of the silenced sniper announced, and a single pinecone burst into pieces. You turned from the scope to look at the man next to you. “That was 2,000 meters away, holy shit.”
“2,248 meters.” He added, lifting the sniper to sit in front of you. “Your turn.”
“I told you, snegovik, I can’t snipe. I’ve never been good at it.”
“I’ll teach you.” He took the spare scope from your hand. “Get nice and close to the gun, your  shoulder should be up against this part,” he motioned to the back end of the rifle, you shuffled so you were in place, “look through the scope,” you did as he instructed, “and here,” his hand grabbed your wrist, the cool metal of his fingers burnt against your hand. You didn’t know much about how his metal arm worked, but he seemed to have amazing control over it. He was so gentle as directed your hand to a dial near the scope, “use this to adjust your sight. Take it to 500 metres out, we’ll start off easy.”
You adjusted the scope. 500m. You agilely moved to line up with a large pine cone resting on one of the giant pine trees.
“Deep breath.” Bucky said lightly, “fire.”
Your finger snapped down the trigger and the bullet flew. Bucky watched through his own scope as the bullet hit its target.
“I did it!” You announced,
“You’re not as bad as you thought.” He smiled, “go further out and try again.”
You and Bucky sat in that tiny sniper nest shooting pinecones for hours.
Bucky left early that morning for his mission, leaving you at the base by yourself for a few days. You spent most of those days shooting and you spent your nights combat training. Unsurprisingly, you’d developed some severe insomnia. In your line of work it wasn’t uncommon. Kraken didn’t want you to take any sort of sleeping medication that the HYDRA doctors suggested because he was afraid it would affect your work ethic. He wanted you staying sharp. Arguably, running off no sleep didn’t have you very sharp.
It was another regular night. 2, maybe 3 in the morning, you were in the gym, giving everything you had to a black punching bag. Your bandaged knuckles were feeling the force with every blow. You tiring body felt shaken under the strenuous training you were putting yourself through.
“It’s a bit late for this, snezhikna.” A deep voice announced from the entrance of the gym. You turned to see a muscular figure. He was covered in black clothing, only revealing his face and his large metallic arm. Not many people were able to sneak up on you, except Bucky, he always could.
“How was the mission?” You returned to your punching bag.
“The target was eliminated.” You heard the faint sound of his boots approaching. By the time you spun around he was directly behind you. “Let’s spar. It doesn’t look like that bag’s putting up much of a fight.”
He moved towards the thin gym mats. You watched as he adjusted his arm, each metal part whirring into place. You unravelled your knuckles, standing on the mat opposite him. The two of you stared in silence for a moment, the tension between you hung like a heavy, black smoke. A vicious grin flicked along your mouth and you began.
Punches were met with dodges, kicks were defended with blocks. You ducked, grabbed his metal wrist and pinned it behind him. He adjusted and threw your body over the top of him. You landed hard on the ground. He smiled. You whipped around and caused his legs to fall out from beneath him. He fell, and you quickly moved to throw your legs around his neck. He lay on the ground in a choke hold between your legs. You didn’t apply too much pressure, just enough to stop him from moving.
“Nice job.” He grunted. Just as you thought he would tap out, he grabbed either side of your waist and twisted you so he was able to free himself from your legs. You scrambled to get off your back but Bucky was too quick. His muscular legs had your ankles pinned down and his metal arm had both of your wrists over your head. It clicked into place and held you pinned to the ground.
You’d never felt weak in your life, you were skilled, strong, smart. But Bucky sitting above you like this made you feel so small.
“How can I tap out if you’re holding my arms?” You joked.
Without a moment's warning Bucky lowered his head and pressed his lips against yours. Everything about Bucky was harsh, rough, and cold. But his kiss, it was gentle and sweet.
You kissed back without hesitation, his metal arm relaxed and your hands tangled into his messy hair. He unpinned your legs and you instinctively wrapped your thighs around his waist. His soft, real hand caressed your waist, holding you as if you were fragile china.
He didn’t touch you with his metal hand. He used it to hold up his weight. He never barely ever touched you with that hand. He never knew how strong it really was and he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you. Ever since you’d told him his hand was cold, he’d been much more cautious with it. You were the warmth in his life. He didn’t want to mess that up.
“Snegovik, we can’t do this here.” You smiled up at him, your hands held gently against his cheeks, his stubble tickling your palms.
“Let’s go then, my snezhinka.” He carefully picked you up and led you out of the gym.
Taglist: @selfsun​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @stranger-names​ @bb-tings​ @is-it-really-a-secret​
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curedeity · 3 years
From Different Worlds
Summary: the world of Magix is made up of many different peoples, and thise differences are sometimes very, very tangible.
(Aka: what if the winx were actual aliens)
    It was a bright morning, the sun having snuck in through the blinds and forced all the girls awake. Stella was still yawning as she and Bloom padded down to breakfast together.
    “Hey Stella, could you tone it down a bit, the sun’s being super obnoxious today, like you,” Musa sniped as she passed the duo with her tray. Stella pulled a face at her, leaving Bloom in a fit of giggles.
    “That is a misconception of her powers, it's doubtful Stella has the actual power to control the sun,” Tecna pointed out the obvious. “And if she did, Flora would already be begging her for help with her gardening.”
    Flora shrugged innocently, walking over to go sit with Mirta today.
    It was a normal morning, all in all. Fairies pouring into the breakfast hall, slow conversations and sleepy eyes.
    A sun shining brightly in them-
    God, what Bloom wouldn’t give for some shade. Maybe if she stood behind Stella, her shadow would block out the glare-
    Bloom’s eyes flicked down, widening in shock, before she tapped Stella’s shoulder.
    “Huh, what is it hun?” Stella turned around to look at her, one perfect eyebrow cocked.
    “Where’s your shadow?” Bloom whispered.
    Bloom had seen some strange things at her time in Alfea. Magic had become a routine occurrence in her life, just another part of the atmosphere. Yet she had to be dreaming right now.
    “Oh, I don’t have one,” Stella shrugged. As though that was all the explanation needed. Stella was Stella, so she simply didn’t have a shadow.
    Bloom was going to fucking lose it.
    “Almost all Solarians don’t have shadows. It has to do with how their bodies process and emit light,” Tecna explains to the look of confusion on Bloom’s face.
    “Oh yeah, you wouldn’t know that,” Musa mumbled to herself in the background. Bloom was glad some of them were now remembering how batshit this stuff was to her.
    “That doesn’t make sense.” Bloom dredged through her memories of her middle school science classes. Because Stella’s body was opaque and solid, light wouldn’t pass through it. Therefore, due to the angle of the sun, parts of the ground would end up shaded from where her body blocked the light.
    That’s how things worked.
    “Well, I don’t get how you all have shadows,” Stella waved a hand dismissively.
    “I guess not all of us can be as radiant as you, Princess,” Musa taunted her.
    And the conversation moved on after that, leaving Bloom to just having to accept that some people didn’t have shadows. Because that’s a thing now.
    Flora was the best roommate Bloom could’ve asked for. Sure, sometimes her plants ate her homework, but in those cases Flora would help Bloom redo them. And Flora was much better than Bloom at the problems, so it would ultimately raise her grades.
    Or at least, that’s Bloom thought. The day her opinion was challenged was after one of Griselda’s classes. They had spent two whole hours practicing a litany of spells, and Stella was the only one of the Winx in the class with her. 
    Griselda hadn’t let them off easily afterwards either, piling them high with homework to complete over the weekend.
    Bloom was exhausted by the time she returned to her room, her bag digging into her shoulder. She swung open the door with a little shout to announce her presence, and stumbled on in, ready to drop her bag on the floor, then drop herself onto her bed.
    Her attention was captured, however, by Flora. Who was sitting on her bed. And eating dirt right out of a flower pot.
    She ate it like popcorn, squeezing it in between her fingers and tossing it into her mouth. She wasn’t even focused on that, rather she was doing her homework. It was… casual.
    Flora looked up with a soft smile directed towards Bloom, as she did every time Bloom entered their shared room. “How were your classes Bloom?” She inquired, as she popped even more dirt into her mouth.
    “You know, you know you’re eating dirt, right?” Bloom couldn’t stop herself from asking. This had to be a mistake made from lack of sleep. Flora must’ve been reaching for the bag of chips they kept on the counter for studying snacks, and accidently grabbed one of the many, many flower pots instead.
    “Yeah, it’s specially made to taste like cotton candy! My sister sent it to me as a treat. Would you like to try some?” Flora offered, sticking the pot out in Bloom’s direction.
    “No, thank you,” Bloom managed to respond, giving up on the conversation entirely and flopping down onto her bed.
    Classes at Alfea didn’t tend to run on any curriculum Bloom could understand. While there were vague outlines for the subjects, it seemed like the teachers could give any lesson, and if they had even the vaguest justification Griselda wouldn’t stop them.
    Which, Bloom supposed, was how they had ended up learning about sea creatures in Professor Paladium’s class. 
    Living in the same dorm as Aisha, Bloom had already learned a fair deal about the variety of species that lived in Magix’s seas. Flora, Aisha and Tecna could get into long discussions about the biodiversity and importance of them. It seemed to be one of the few commonalities between the many planets of Magix.
    When Bloom first thought of magical sea creatures, her thoughts were filled with ideas of Krakens and Sirens, Kelpies and so much more. And while there were some very odd creatures out there that made her fantastical heart scream with joy, there were also many that were similar or the same as those found on Earth.
    “Dolphins are quite majestic creatures. They eat a variety of other fish in the seas, making them quite the predator. In fact, they even have quite the complex language, made up of calls, whistles and clicks,” Professor Palladium lectured them, spreading his hands out in grandiose gestures, a picture of a dolphin on the whiteboard behind him.
    “It would be helpful if you could all hear them communicate then. Oh, Musa, could you demonstrate for us?” Professor Palladium clapped his hands together as Bloom tried to piece that sentence together in her mind.
    Before she could even give it a cursory thought, a series of inhuman noises filled the room.
    Bloom jerked around wildly, her eyes landing on Musa.
    Who had her mouth open.
    And was emitting those eldritch calls.
    Like- like a fucking. Dolphin.
    “Fantastic demonstration Musa, now, each dolphin has their own individual name…” Professor Palladium’s class droned on as Bloom sat at her desk, reconsidering the existence of reality itself.
    Bloom had never played many video games. Consoles were expensive, and she spent most of her free time drawing or reading. It had been during her first week at Alfea that she had been hanging out in Musa and Tecna’s room, doing her nails, that she had paused to watch Tecna play.
    Bloom had entertained herself by sketching the wild scenes, a mash of movement and color of the fast-moving games Tecna played. After a few days, Tecna had offered the controller to Bloom while she had gone to grab a few snacks. She had returned to Bloom having died a dozen times.
    Video games were not Bloom’s forte, and she often came in last during Winx Game Night. The few times Stella got worse scores than her, Bloom was 99% sure Stella did so on purpose so Bloom wouldn’t feel bad.
    It was fun though, to watch Tecna obliterate Timmy in every game they played. They were a quite competitive duo, and Tecna had no qualms about crushing them in virtual combat.
    It wasn’t until the specialists had joined them for their game night that Bloom had realized Tecna and Timmy made an even more terrifying team. After that, Tecna and Timmy were no longer allowed to partner together during these games.
    Bloom had to admit, she was a bit jealous that Tecna could maintain her decent grades while spending so much of her time goofing off.
    That’s why it was odd when, during one of their long weekends with little homework, Bloom entered Tecna’s room to find her not playing video games but rather opening a package.
    “Whatcha got there?” Bloom asked, peeking over Tecna’s shoulder curiously. It was a fact of life that privacy was different when they all lived together. They were expected to knock on doors before entering any room, not to eat each other’s snacks, and not go through each other’s cabinets. Anything else was fair game.
    “It’s a new controller that was just released on Zenith, I ordered one to test it out. It has new technology that should improve response time, which will make it easier to shoot Timmy before they shoot me,” Tecna explained, grinning all the while. Tecna’s grins were small, just a tiny upturn of the mouth, a twitch of movement. Barely any warning before she destroyed all your plans.
    Bloom watched as Tecna pulled out what looked like a small half orb. A cord dangled from the base, and Tecna plugged it into her laptop.
    “Uh, how does that work?” Bloom couldn’t see any buttons on it, and it couldn’t spin…
    “Oh, I release a certain amount of electrical data that this controller interprets and uses for it’s commands. I just have to hold it and have the right instincts.” Tecna’s attention was more on loading a new game than talking to Bloom.
    Bloom had been at Alfea for a year and a half now. She just left the room.
    Bloom had used to love summer, school was stifling and getting to sit outside all day and draw the scenery really was her passion. But now, her feelings on it had become more bittersweet. Every year it was hard to readjust to the routine with her parents after spending so long with the Winx. No more late nights throwing popcorn at Flora’s plants, or getting her makeup put on by Stella in the mornings.
    It wasn’t bad, she missed her parents dearly while she was at Alfea, but there would always be pieces of her scattered at both places.
    They still saw each other over the summer. Stella would take her out for shopping at Magix, and Flora stopped by the shop to help out her mother. Musa got concert tickets for all of them, and Tecna had a server set up so they could always text and play games together.
    Aisha, for her part, had invited them all out for a beach day.
    Bloom rubbed sunscreen onto Tecna’s back while Stella just laughed at the duo. It was unfair that Stella couldn’t get sunburn, when she could burn easily through other means. Bloom stuck her tongue out at the laughing girl.
    Musa had gone off to get them surfboards, given Aisha had promised to teach them all. The other two were already in the water, laughing as they splashed water at one another.
    Bloom stood up, giving her own sunscreened body a once over to make sure she had got everywhere. Stella was already dashing for the water, only a cursory cry of warning that gave neither other any time to move out of the way before Stella cannonballed between them. 
    The water showered over them, Aisha just laughing as she playfully promised to get Stella back, and Flora coughing as she tried to rid her lungs of the excess water. Bloom paddled in and rubbed her back.
    “Sorry Flora!” Stella shouted before returning to her banter with Aisha. 
    “I’m ok,” Flora smiled at Bloom, clearing her throat once more.
    Bloom returned her brilliant smile. “We’ll have to plan a retaliation.”
    Flora nodded, “Most definitely.”
    Bloom’s attention was drawn back to the argument at a splash of water, Aisha was already gone by the time she looked over, only a shadow under the water, and she watched as Aisha pulled Stella down with her.
    “I think Aisha might’ve given her enough actually,” Flora admitted, and Bloom had to give her that.
    She watched her two friends reemerge, hair soaked and Stella whining. Her attention was almost caught by the way Stella’s hair glowed in the sun, before her eyes noted a rippling on Aisha’s neck.
    There, closing back into layers of skin, were gills.
    Alright, so one of her friends had gills. That’s fine. This is fine. 
    Bloom’s parents had always known she was a strange kid since the day Mike brought her home, but sometimes that oddity was really hammered in. It was only now, with the context that Bloom was basically an alien child, that the two sat at the dinner table and began reconsidering all those incidents.
    “Remember that time Bloom got stuck in that walk-in freezer while we were chaperoning one of her school trips?” Vanessa added in to the litany of memories.
    “I don’t want to remember that was terrifying!” Mike shivered. “But then I opened up the door and she was completely fine other than a bit annoyed.”
    “I guess we were too relieved to think properly about that, huh?” Vanessa teased.
    Mike sighed. “What about that time we went camping and were making s’mores and Bloom just held the marshmallow in her hand and stuck it into the fire.” The anxiety Mike had felt in that moment bled into his tone, now mixed with the resignation of time.
    “Oh yeah! That’s why we never went camping again,” Vanessa mused.
    Bloom had been a very strange kid, but they’d loved her all the same. Maybe it would do some good to check in with one of the other fairies and see if all this should be considered normal though, just in case. They were responsible parents after all.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 25
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because some fire just proclaimed Tavra the true All-Maudra, the Vapra have joined the loosely affiliated resistance, and skekSa has our heroes back against a cliff. Two chapters left, tensions high!
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unify the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve succeeded with the Sifa, the Dousan, and now the Vapra. But they’re cornered by skekSa the Mariner who is feeling a bit sore about the Sifa ditching her and wants to take Naia to use as political capital with the other Skeksis.
Chapter 25
Amri and the others fight to escape the clutches of skekSa, they don’t get out unscathed
skekSa stared, wide-eye, rage saturating her dark eyes and making her look more Skeksis than ever. Amri tried not to let it frighten him. Not now that they’d had their victory lighting the Vapra flame. All that was left was to escape the Mariner’s clutches. Survive, like Tavra had said.
Win condition: get the heck away.
Similar to the first book conclusion, having to escape the Hunter. Different from the second book where they planned to trap the Satirist to keep knowledge of the resistance secret longer.
Beating skekSa in a fight, not even a viable outcome.
For one, her sword is longer than Amri is tall. That’s a bit of a discouraging thing.
skekSa tries being ‘reasonable’ one last time, offering Naia a chance to surrender for the safety of the others but Naia refuses.
[skekSa] charged at Tae, swinging her sword. Even if its edge were not sharp, the sheer power and weight of it would crush a Gelfling if it struck. Tae leaped, wings taking her up so her toes touched the gleaming metal of the blade. She ran along the sword, leaping again and slashing with her dagger.
That’s some more choreography that I’d love to see in puppets.
It’d look silly if not execute well but maybe good silly.
There’s only so many ways you can portray a small individual fighting a much larger one and its not like Yoda’s method of jumping around everywhere like a grasshopper doesn’t look silly if you’re not in the moment.
Naia runs to help Tae hold off the Mariner and Amri runs to take care of Kylan.
Kylan being Kylan, his first concern is to stop skekSa from destroying any more trees after the trees helped send the message but Tavra chides him they have to save themselves first.
Problem being they’re backed up against the cliff, they don’t see Onica’s lantern down in the ocean, and all the fliers are trying to knife fight a behemoth.
skekSa doesn’t give them space to think about it either, she dashes in and tries to split Amri in half. He tries to block with Tavra’s sword but the Skeksis wrenches it from his hand with the hook on her sword.
Not ideal.
Naia and Tae attack her again and do some damage but she just jumps away from Tae and throws Naia off of her. Fighting Skeksis is hard.
Tae tells Tavra to protect the others and keep lighting the fires no matter what happens and then dives against skekSa from the air.
Tae’s dagger bit. skekSa’s sword flipped into the air, and Amri caught his heart in his teeth when he saw that the Skeksis’ severed hand still clutched the hilt as it flew.
skekSa screamed. She grasped the stump where her hand had been.
“How dare you!” she cried, over and over. “HOW DARE YOU!”
Well, uh, plus side is that now she can get a hook hand to add to her piratey aesthetic?
Minus side is the Swimmer just lost a hand too.
Other minus side, Skeksis have four arms. Two usually vestigial but like the Hunter, the Mariner engages in vigorous exercise in the brisk outdoors and hasn’t had arm atrophy.
Amri tries to warn Tae when he sees the movement but is too late.
One of skekSa’s smaller arms slipped out from the Skeksis’ coat. Something flashed, and a BOOM rang through the mountain air. A cloud of smoke exploded from skekSa’s hip, blasting Tae off her feet. She crashed into one of the Waystar trees, leaving a red mark on its glowing white bark where she struck. Then she fell into the snow and did not rise.
The smoke cleared. skekSa coughed and reached into the depths of her coat again, drawing out a leathery, egg-shaped device and holding it in her tiny palm. Her breath rasped in anger and pain, her blood still falling on the white snow. She stumbled to one knee.
“I can’t believe this,” she panted. “Can’t believe it one bit.”
Holy crap! Guns exist? Skeksis have guns??
This is even weirder than the Emperor doing force lightning.
And here I was joking about her improving her piratey aesthetic when she had a gun up her sleeve!
A weird, egg-shaped gun.
The tech level of this world sure is unusual.
-rereading- Oh! Its a grenade!
Yeah, that’s more in keeping with what we have/will see. But geez, she hit Tae with a grenade. Poor Tae.
Also, sure she got blown up for it, but props to Tae for taking off an entire hand in one go.
Down below in the bay, Onica’s lantern has finally arrived and Naia says that their best chance is to fly down. Except now they’re down one flier and have two non fliers to convey.
skekSa throws another egg-shaped grenade, which Amri blocks by throwing a branch in its path. The explosion still knocks him on his ass because that’s what explosions DO.
And by the time he recovers, skekSa reaches them.
She had found her sword, held it in the hand that was intact, carelessly bleeding from the other as if it meant nothing.
“I don’t want to do this,” she said slowly, her blade tasting the snow at her feet. Her voice turned hard at the end, wicked as her sword. “I told you we had a deal -- you ungrateful fool.”
I can almost believe she means it.
The Mariner takes a swing but she’s blocked by someone with a Vapra sword and then has her sword knocked off the cliff.
skekSa is having a really bad day.
[Amri’s] eyes were still hazy, trying desperately to focus. But even so, he could see how stood between them and skekSa: a Sifa with hair gold as the sun, holding Tavra’s sword. Shining on her neck was a crystal spider, silver and blue as the moon.
The ringing dulled enough that Amri could hear Tavra’s words, stern and commanding in Tae’s voice.
“Get out of here, to the cliff,” she said. “Run! Fly!”
Tavra spidered Tae!
I guess Tae is alive from being exploded? If her body is still capable of being spidered and fighting?
skekSa tries to lunge past TavraTae to get Naia but without weapons and against someone with a sword who knows how to use it, she’s stymied.
The Mariner even grabs a tree branch and tries to use that to swat TavraTae, without success.
Naia follows TavraTae’s advice and grabs Kylan and jumps off the cliff.
And after breaking from the fight with superior mobility, TavraTae grabs Amri and jumps too.
Amri having a lot of trouble reconciling in his mind Tavra and Tae because its Tavra but looks like Tae and plus he might have a concussion.
Naia still is the Drenchen whose wings have only just come in and haven’t been strenuously tested much so she’s having trouble doing more than slowing down her and Kylan’s fall. Its a nice touch that that’s remembered two books later.
But TavraTae glides close so Amri can take Naia’s hand and they can all glide down together.
As soon as they land on the boat, Tae crumples, probably Tavra abandoning controlling her as soon as its not a life or death situation. Because of ethics. And because moving her around when she’s been exploded can’t be good for her explosion wound.
Naia immediately starts trying to heal her, only pausing so they can all move inside the cabin where its warm.
In the end, the glowing eased and Naia put her hand on Tae’s forehead.
“I’ve healed her body,” she said, brow creased with pain. “But she was deeply injured by that explosion. Even though I’ve mended her cuts and broken bones, her mind still sleeps. I cannot even sense her dreams. I don’t know when she will wake... if ever.”
It was hard to imagine. The Sifa merely looked as if she were sleeping.
“I didn’t mean to...,” Tavra began. She rested on Tae’s cheek, glistening like a tiny moon in a cloud of sun-gold hair. Amri sighed and shook his head. The moon had eclipsed the sun during a storm in Ha’rar, after all.
What a weird prophecy.
In the end, it turns out it wasn’t a prophecy of a sweet, sweet romance. But a premonition that Tae would eventually be body-jacked by a spider that was really a cool Vapra.
Goes to show, prophecies aren’t straightforward. Unless they’re incredibly straightforward. Like the one from the movie.
But sometimes they’re poetic because fate doesn’t like you screwing with it.
Amri tells Tavra that this isn’t her fault because she did all the right things and saved the group which is what Tae would have wanted and which she’ll definitely confirm when she wakes up.
Buuuuuut, the plot hasn’t stopped happening just because there’s like four pages left in the book.
You’d think it would and we’d be winding down and figuring out what to do next. But no.
A familiar metallic whistle shrills through the air. A whistle that Amri knows exactly what it foretells.
Amri ran out onto the deck, followed by the others. The ship trembled as the sea shook. He grabbed hold of the rigging on the ship as waves rolled out from the ocean and crashed across the back of an enormous black shell. A deafening moan trembled through the water and echoed against the steep cliff. Terror shot through Amri’s body as a behemoth mouth rose from the depths, water gushing from its enormous hooked-beaked maw.
It gaped, spreading its jaws. The ocean churned, sucked into the black abyss of the creature’s throat. Onica’s ship was caught in a vortex of inescapable currents, and Amri watched the slowly brightening sky disappear as the monster ship closed its jaws, swallowing them into a sea of darkness.
This is where the denouement is supposed to go! And you go and release the kraken on them?
You’re persistent, skekSa! You’re very persistent!
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foyil420-blog · 1 year
WordPress Plug-Ins / What Are They?
Hello GmaKelly here to talk about WordPress Plug-ins. There are a gazillion Plug-ins that do all kinds of things automating this and that.  These are the Plug-ins I'm currently using on this site.  I'm this will need to be updated, possibly Monthly.  So....... WordPress Plug-Ins - What are They? A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that adds new features or functionality to a WordPress website. Plug-Ins can do amazing things to and for your Website.  There are plug-ins to do and automate pretty much everything you need to keep your Website functioning and accessible.  All you have to do is Install and Activate. You use WordPress Plug-ins for: - SEO - Security - Social media integration - Forms - Ecommerce - Analytics - And much more! Plug-Ins I Currently Use: Keep in mind this site is still fairly new, so there may be more to add or maybe take away.  We'll see what pans out and I'll keep you updated. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) -  Google AMP Project.  Makes your Website faster for Mobile visitors. AIO SEO - All in One SEO Original to WordPress since 2007, Over 3 Million users.  Helps your website rank higher in Search Engines. Aweber for WordPress - Email Marketing, Landing Pages, Forms, Lists, Funnels.  Automate and increase Traffic. Bing Webmaster URL Submission- Allows submission to Bing Webmaster Tools (Bing and Yahoo) Blog2Social -Manually or Auto post to Social Media Platforms (see my Review) Canva - Use full features of Canva in Edit Screen. Elementor - Block Editor, Drag & Drop Past or Post Create or Edit Google Analytics - Monster Insights - 3 Million Users, Most popular Google Analytics Plug-In for WordPress.  How People find & use your Website. Google Sitemap XML - Create a Sitemap for Search Engines to Crawl IndexNow - Shares all posts & pages (create, update, delete) to Search Engines without need to register or verify site. Kraken Image Optimizer - World's Most Advanced Image Optimization Solution.  Optimize WordPress images. Lara's Google Analytics (GA4) - GA4 Dashboard pTypeConverter - Convert Pages to Posts and visa versa Site Kit by Google - Everything Google. This is a complete list of what I'm using today on this site.  Nothing shady happening here, lol.  I recommend these few Plug-Ins at the very least to get your site up and running with ease.  My site is not a E-Commerce site so I don't have any monitization Plug-Ins. Other Plug-Ins Obviously, there are 1,000's more that I could sift thru and probably add or replace one here or there.  There are other Plug-Ins that I would definitely use if the circumstance called for it. WooCommerce - Monetized sites.  Comes with a whole suite of Plug-in for Social Media Platforms and all the necessary forms and pages you need for monitization.   Facebook, Packing Slips, Storefronts, Carts, Paypal, etc. WordPress  has many conveniences built into it including Landing Pages, WPForms, WPCodes, etc. As you know, I'm still learning, On the Job Training, and I'm still listening to every bit of advice and information I can get from Articles and Videos.  If your part of a Program, it more than likely has a list of Plug-Ins they recommend, if not, they should have a Chat room where you can ask questions and get advice. Keep in Mind that not all Plug-Ins are Good Plug-Ins for Your Site A few months ago I installed a particular Plug-In, I honestly don't remember the name,  but it lockced up my site.  Thank God for the Best Site Support in history, it was fixed quickly.  But still causes us to pause, and reminds us to review everything  you do. Your Theme can cause a Plug-In to flip out. or the other way around.   I installed a Plug-In that my Theme was not compatible with.  Of course I didn't know that till I did it. So on the soft side:  Mine was fixed within 30 minutes or less.  So if you have good Site Support no Problem. Final Thoughts As with everything Online or in the world, research the plug-ins and/or consult an expert.  Even with the best advice and research things can still go wrong, be sure to back up your site before  making any major changes. I hoped you found this Post helpful, and educational in a few of the WordPress Plug-Ins.  As I said these are the Plug-Ins that I currently use.  Each change to your Site creates a new piece of the Vision  you have of your success.  Plug-Ins are big part of that. If you have questions or comments or maybe your own Plug-In suggestion, please leave it below.  I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you. Thank you for sharing your time with me. GmaKelly Read the full article
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