#I’m losing it but also night walks are very nice. very refreshing. I only got insanely paranoid and terrified twice!
dorianwolfforest · 1 year
Goes for a walk at 1:30 in the morning because I am hollow I am nothing I exist somewhere else and there is nothing and no one for me in my apartment, I need to go and I need for no one to see my escape
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jujutsubabe · 4 years
“This is so pathetic”
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Synopsis: In which you and Megumi get really touch starved after not seeing each other for too long 😌
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: reposting this cause the last one got super blocked! It got no likes at all omg
You laid in Megumi’s bed squinting up at a textbook you were supposed to be taking notes on. As you stared all the words blurred together the longer you went over them and Itadori’s mumbling as he read aloud made you lose focus.
You sighed before reaching over the bed to tap his head. “Itadori can you please read in your head.”
Nobora clicked her tongue from across the room, “You’re almost an adult and you still can’t read in your head!?”
“I can’t help it, it helps me focus better.” He whined.
“Well if you could, could you just,” you pinched your fingers, “quiet down a little more, I’d love that.”
“If you could read in your head I’d love that.” Nobora grinned.
As Itadori pouted you moved the text book up and down, trying to see if a change in movement would do you better. You squinted, glared, flipped pages, whatever, no matter what the words continued to jumble.
You dropped the book and looked over to Megumi, he sat at his desk effortlessly writing away. It looked as though he did this daily, skimming his eyes over the pages and flipping within seconds. He had filled notes piled all over his desk in messy, but organized stacks.
You turned your head to the few sheets of notes you took, with margins full of doodles. You had to write so much more information.
If only you, Nobora and Itadori hadn’t slacked off all day watching movies, you would be at the same level as him. Or better yet, finished!
You popped some candy Itadori bought into your mouth. You had all been studying for hours, you figured it could be time for a bit of movement.
You hopped over Itadori’s legs to the door, “I’m gonna get a drink from the vending machine, anyone wanna come?”
Nobora shook her head, “I’m good, can you bring two sodas for me though?” She fluttered her eyelashes until you rolled your eyes and held your hand out. She squealed before placing some quarters in your palm. “You can keep the change!”
“Thanks.” With what she gave you, you’d have enough change leftover to throw one penny at someone's car. “Anyone else?”
Megumi stood from his chair while Itadori looked up from his game, “I'll go.” They said at once.
They turned to each other, Itadori’s face full of interest while Megumi’s was full of anything but that. You didn’t like being around people for a long period of time, but he really didn’t like it. Especially when they were in his space for this long.
He did tell them to “go somewhere” but like usual you all didn’t listen and procrastinated all day. Leaving a loud group of teens within Megumi’s quiet space was torture, you swore if you squinted you could see him twitching every time anyone talked.
You looked between the boys, Megumi probably needed an excuse to go outside. You hoped Itadori would somehow get that.
Itadori cocked his head, not reading the room. “Nice! It’ll be the three of us the—”
Before he could finish Megumi already slipped out and slid the door shut, leaving Itadori hanging with his mouth open. Nobora laughed at him.
The two of you walked in silence, Megumi thinking and you in your own little world. The sounds of your footsteps echoed as you walked along the pavement.
He wondered what you were thinking about as you hummed and blew on your hands. Your sweater didn’t have any pockets so you kept pulling your sleeves over them.
“Are you cold?” Megumi asked.
You nodded but continued to rub your hands together, “But we might get caught if we hold hands.”
The two of you were dating. Very secretly, only being romantic whenever you had definite private places to kiss and hold hands. If it was in public it would be you giving a quick peck to his cheek or his hand slipping into yours.
You two wanted it to be a quiet relationship, at least until your friends and teacher happened to catch you guys, which you were both very careful to avoid. He figured as soon as the group found out it would be full of so much chatter and teasing, something you both weren’t too interested in dealing with at the moment.
He flicked his eyes around the building then held his hand out, “No ones here.”
“Are you sure…? What if Gojo comes out of nowhere?” You checked your surroundings as you whispered.
The two of you silently listened for any rustling or footsteps of some kind. He continued to glance at you while your eyebrows pushed together, when you were focused on something he thought you had the sweetest expressions.
Even you looking frustrated made him feel soft, like today when you struggled with that book. It was cute and he couldn’t help but look at you every so often, whenever someone looked back at him he would turn and start writing something random down. He had a few piles of paper with random crap all over it… he really hoped Nobora or Itadori didn’t check his notes while he was gone.
He looked down at the hands by your sides, at this point he didn’t care if the relationship got exposed to everyone.
“Please.” He mumbled.
You pulled on your ears, leaning forward to hear him again. “Huh, what’d you say?”
He squirmed the longer you looked at him. “I didn’t say anything...” he looked away the closer you got to his face.
“You didn’t? I thought I heard you say something.” You backed down, teetering on your toes.
“I…” his tongue tied as he tried to spit out what he wanted to say. It felt like he was confessing to you all over again. He internally groaned as he lost courage to say the words that he felt were too embarrassing to share. “This is so pathetic…”
You grinned, “What are you trying to say? Is it that bad?”
He shook his head, covering his mouth as he circled his brain about how to say his thoughts. Get it together! You two are dating. This shouldn’t be that hard to express, why was he struggling so bad with this?
He glanced down at your hands, flickering his eyes between your face and them. You were shivering and he wanted to do something nice, and he also kind of didn’t see you all day. So he didn’t understand why it was so embarrassing to admit it.
You followed his gaze down before twisting your hand around. “Are you trying to ask if you can hold my hand?”
He frowned, it was even more embarrassing for you to catch onto him...
“So that’s what it was?” You pulled his hand away from his mouth, pulling it up to your lips. “That’s not bad, it’s cute.”
You gave a quick peck to his knuckles, making him let out a flustered noise he tried to eat up with a cough. His brows knitted together as he tried his best to look away, he must have felt overwhelmed or something, your hands were cold but so much warmth spread through his arm.
You two hadn’t held hands in so long, it was like that first sip of drinking cold water on a hot day. You were refreshing, well needed company after a long day.
He intertwined your hands correctly, fingers wrapped up in each other, held inbetween the center of you both.
“I missed you.” He whispered.
You grinned as you squeezed his hand, “I missed you too.”
He let out a sigh, letting the corners of his mouth twitch into a smile as you two stared at each other. The crickets cooed and the wind wisped soundly against the grass, if you listened closer you could hear the whirring of cars on the main roads.
You turned your head closer to his, looking up to him as you cupped his cheek. Your eyes danced over every feature of his face as he looked down at you with his glossy, painted like eyes.
He leaned down, fluttering his pretty lashes shut as you pulled him in closer. Up until your lips touched, a light butterfly kiss that felt like a small cloud graced your face. You could feel him smiling the second your lips touched, his hands moved to your waist, pulling you in just a tad bit deeper.
Your lips were soft, pushing onto his with a gentle squish. He was a little too excited for this. But who could blame him? With the way you touched him it made him warm on the inside, you had him wrapped around your finger with every smooch.
You grazed his cheek with your hands pressing kisses all over his face. He felt himself go weak under your fingertips, every press of your lips against his face made his heart rise into his throat.
How did he get someone like you?
This felt right to him, pulling you away from friends for a night time kiss felt needed. You pulled away, tapping his cheeks while he blinked his eyes open.
His eyes glided over your features, the moon highlighting every lovely aspect of your face. He ran his thumb over your cheek, making space, about to give you one more kiss before he heard a gasp.
“Fushiguro you creep! What are you doing!?”
The two of you flipped around to see Nobora with Itadori trailing right behind her. Itadori’s face dropped open while Nobora’s face twisted into itself.
“Yeah Fushiguro, get it!” Itadori pumped his fist up and down.
You were blinking and taking in your surroundings, one second you were being romantic with your boyfriend, the next you were caught by your friends. You looked between the two wondering where they even came from.
“Why are you guys out here?”
“I didn’t tell you what sida to get and you two were taking a long time!” Nobora pinched your cheek until you apologized.
You rubbed the side of your face as you checked your pocket for change, you forgot she sent you out here. You were too caught up in this quiet boy’s eyes to realize people could have gotten suspicious if you didn’t hurry.
You sighed, nothing you could do now, Itadori was already embarrassing Megumi and you couldn’t help but giggle. As hectic as this situation was, at least now you two could show a tad more affection in public. Nothing more than holding hands, but this reaction from the two wasn’t bad.
You cocked your head, though sweet, this situation felt a little too calm… you looked around as you thought of something that was missing in this situation, like an almost full puzzle piece with one left to fill.
Itadori sighed, “I can’t believe Fushiguro started dating before us…”
“Right it’s not fair…” Nobora nodded solemnly.
Megumi scoffed as the two moped. Scolding them for ‘not minding their business’ as you laughed at them. It was so cute seeing your friends like this over your secret relationship, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit happy your secret was released.
That was until you heard shuffling from around the corner. You all turned your heads until you heard a voice.
“Did I hear Megumi and dating in the same sentence?” Gojo slipped from the deep dark shadows below, a goofy smile wrapped around his cheeks.
Ah there it is, the missing piece.
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sei-hoe · 3 years
manager pt. 5
hello all! as always thank you for your love on this story.  i hope you like this new chapter! leave me a comment, i love reading your thirsty thoughts! also i recently remembered that shiratorizawa is a dorm school lol, so from now on i will write it as such oopsie. also!! i got all official and made a banner for this series, im so official!
Fem Reader X Tendou Satori & Fem Reader x Ushijima Wakatoshi
CW: blowjob, angst, jealous themes, manipulative reader, language, implied sex, spit kink
WC: 2.6k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Clingy. That was the word you would use to describe Tendou as of late.  During school he was walking with you in the hallways, during practice he was standing next to you, after practice he was walking you to your room.  It wasn’t necessarily annoying, just strange.  His change in behavior was sudden and unprompted, at least in your mind.  
You had been the Shiratorizawa volleyball club manager for about a month now and your outlook had changed drastically.  What used to feel awkward was now second nature.  You used to flinch at what now was commonplace.  Being “used” wasn’t what it used to be.  Now it was something you looked forward to at the end of practice and you had actually become...dare you say it...friends with these guys.  Friends with extreme benefits that is.
But still, Tendou was different.  You’d catch him staring at you in a way that was different from the other guys.  You’d catch him staring as Ushijima would carry you out of the gym on his back and straight to the locker room.  He’d have a look that you used to not be able to identify in his eyes, you knew now it was jealousy.  It was the same look that you’d found on Ushijima’s face about a month ago.  
From Tendou’s perspective, it seemed as though Ushijima was hogging you, whisking you away after practice day in and day out.  You would always walk out of the locker room with wet hair and another one of Ushijima’s shirts on.  It was infuriating and just wasn’t fair.  Tendou had barely been able to talk to you recently, hence his rather clingy behavior.  But you were in heaven.  You were in Ushijima’s presence daily and were able to care for him how he deserved.  However, he had made it very clear that you were not his girlfriend as he didn’t have the time for such a commitment.  Another price you were willing to pay.
Another grueling practice ended a little bit later than usual, you noted the dark sky through the windows towards the top of the gym walls.  You were working on a bit of homework when the final whistle was blown signifying the official end of practice.  You stood up and began packing up your bag as the team approached the bench for a meeting.  Tendou was the first to arrive by the bench, coming up behind you for a hug, wrapping his arms around your upper stomach and resting his chin on your head.  His chest felt hot and sweaty against your back, instantly raising your body temperature.  You giggled, knowing exactly which sweaty athlete this was.  You and Tendou had become quite close, despite spending less time with him sexually, at least, during the last month.  It seemed as though you were never really alone anymore and Tendou was always around you.  It was nice, he had become a great friend to you.  The two of you were always flirting back and forth and unlike Ushijima, it seemed as though Tendou really cared about you, both emotionally and physically.  He always made sure you came before him and that you were alright after one of your umm...managerial obligations, whereas Ushijima didn’t care if you came at all.  Long story short, you always enjoyed the time you spent with Tendou.  
A few words were said per the usual by the captain and practice was dismissed.  Tendou, still holding onto you from behind, moved his hand further down to your lower stomach, began rubbing gently, and craned his neck down to whisper in your ear, “ya wanna get outta here?”.  You could hear the smirk behind his words as his hot breath blew against your ear.
“Mhm”, you murmured eagerly, missing your time with Tendou.
“Good”, he hummed in response, “because there’s something I’d like to give ya,” He accentuated his dirty talk by moving his hand even lower, “right here.” To say you had butterflies was an understatement.  It was crazy what a couple of words could reduce you to, but here you were.  
You walked back over to the bench to pick up your bag, but was intercepted by Ushijima who had a proposition.  
“Come back with me to my room”, he offered, stepping close enough to make you crane your neck up.  You looked behind you at Tendou, he was laughing with Semi, unaware that you were about to ruin his night.  It’s not that you didn’t want to fuck Tendou, you did, very much actually.  That’s just how whipped you are for Ushijima.  
“But I already told Tendou that I’d-”, you started.
“Go make up some excuse and then wait for me outside of the locker room.” he interrupted while he started for the gym doors. Ushijima was hardly in the mood to share you tonight, or ever really.  You watched him leave while standing and staring, awkwardly contemplating what to say to Tendou.  You mustered up the courage to walk over to him, smiling and saying goodnight to Semi as you passed him on his way out.  
“Hey, umm, I just remembered that I’ve got a ton of homework that’s due tomorrow and I just think I should probably-”
“What did Ushijima just say to you?” he caught you off guard with his question, although you should have been expecting it.  
“Nothing, I just have a lot of homework.” you quickly replied.
Tendou rolled his eyes, “Come on, we’re closer than that, you don’t have to lie to me.” His hands were placed on his hips in an annoyed fashion.  
You remained silent, thinking of anything you could say to ease the tension.  
“Ok, I’ll say something then.  Are you dating Ushijima or something?”
You shook your head.
“Ok...so then last I checked you were still the team manager, would that be correct?  Meaning you’re not just Ushijima’s to play with? Cuz there are other guys on the team that are stressed out too, if that’s what we’re even calling it anymore.”
You blushed at this choice of words.  “You don’t understand, I-” you started again.
“I think I do understand actually.  And just so you know, he’s never going to give you what you want.  You think you’re the first girl to fall for him?” He scoffed.  “I mean, fuck,” he ran his taped up fingers through his sweat-soaked hair.  “It just gets old, ya know?” Tendou looked so hurt and angry.  He opened his mouth to speak but closed it promptly and turned on his heel to leave.  You reached to grab his arm before he could slip out of your grasp.
“Wait, Tendou...please.” you whispered into his sleeve, despite being the only two left in the vast gymnasium.  “I don’t want things to be like this either.  You,” you paused to collect your thoughts. “You’re my friend and I love all the time that we get to spend together.  I always have the best time with you. But I can’t help liking Ushijima.  So please don’t be mad at me,” you prayed into his arm, still gripping at his sleeve.  
He finally turned around to face you, taking a deep inhale, he looked down into your wide, pleading eyes while exhaling through his nose.  
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” he looked away from you.  
“Look at you, how?” You prodded, widening your eyes and moving closer to him.  
“You know exactly how.” he smirked, bringing his hands to rest at your sides, lightly rubbing his thumbs in soothing circular motions.  Beginning at the bottom of his abdomen you begin running your hands up his stomach, to his chest, shoulders, and finally around his neck.  Standing on your tippy toes you pull him down to your level.  
“Can I tell you a secret?” you breathed in his ear.  
“Please,” he replied, his hands making their way down to your ass.  
“You’re the one that I think about. It’s your hands that I imagine are touching me when I’m touching myself. You always make me feel so good, Tendou.”
“Ughh why are you doing this to me?” He whined, tipping his head back.  It was then that you noticed the prominent tent in his pants, poking you in the stomach.  
You’d never seen Tendou so flustered in the short time that you’d known him.  He was usually the one making you flustered, not the other way around.  It was a nice change of pace.   It was also refreshing to know you had a kind of power over him, the kind to make him lose his mind.  
“You sure you can’t bail on him?” He asked, hope gleaming in his red eyes.   It made you pause to think about your options, a wicked idea popped into your head.
“Come wait with me?” you began pulling his arm towards the gym doors.  He looked confused, but followed you anyway.  Maybe you needed to give Ushijima a little push, it’s only a bonus that you get to makeout with Tendou too.
The concrete bricks felt cold against the backs of your legs as Tendou shoved you against the locker room corridor hallway, the entrance to the room just around the corner.   One of his hands cradled the back of your head, protecting it from the hard brick while the other pressed bruises into your waist.  His chapped lips scraped against yours in a heated kiss, tongues fighting for dominance, his eventually winning as you whined into his mouth.  He broke the kiss to stroke his own ego, his hands trailing down your sides to play with the waistband of your shorts.  
“So you really think about my hands touching you when you play with that cute little cunt?”
“Please Tendou”, you moaned in response.  
“I think you’ve had enough attention for today, fucking teasing me for the last fifteen minutes. Hell, the last couple weeks actually.  You fucking rile me up just to go fuck some other dude.  You like being a little slut? Hmm?”  
You were at a loss for words.  As much as his words were turning you on, you knew there was some truth behind them.  He was onto your antics and done with them.  
“You think I don’t know why we’re making out right by the locker rooms?  Are you trying to make Ushijima feel like he’s missing out or something?  Being all cute with me to show him how good of a girlfriend you’d be? Well fuck that shit. Get on your knees slut.”
He removed his hand from your waistband and brought them to your shoulders guiding you down to your knees. You couldn’t even rest on your calves, you had to stand up as tall as you could on your knees to be eye level with the imprint in his shorts.  
“Fuck, it doesn’t take much, does it?” He scoffed as he pulled his shorts down to reveal his hard, heavy cock.
“Aw you didn’t think we’d take it this far, didja?  Better make this quick if you don’t want your boyfriend to catch us!” Tendou tilted his head to the side, a smirk plastered on his face while he caressed the top of your head.  
You opened your mouth to lap up the precum on his tip, swirling your tongue along the soft skin on the head of his cock.  
“Nah, I don’t feel like being teased anymore today.” Tendou spoke as he readjusted his grip on your head, scooting you back until you were trapped between the painted brick wall and his body.  You didn’t have a moment to adjust before his cock was plugging up your throat, making you gag around him.  The pace started brutally, shoving in and out of your mouth.  It was all you could do to keep up, running your tongue against the engorged vein on the underside of his cock.  He never eased up until you tapped his thigh signifying you had enough.  
“Too much?” he condescended.  You looked back up at him with watery eyes, swallowing as many breaths as you could before it all started over again.  
“This would have been much nicer for both of us if you hadn’t ditched me,  I would’ve made you feel so good, baby.”  He paused to take in your appearance, you looked so pretty like this.  Your hair was a mess, eyes watery, lips so fucking swollen, drool dripping down the sides of your mouth, your chest heaving, and he had a great view down your shirt.  Is this what his captain got to see everyday?  The thought filled him with rage.  If he had known he’d come to feel this way about you, he would’ve just asked you out, not asked you to be the manager.  Ushijima wouldn’t have ever noticed you had it not been for him!  Fuck, that’s annoying.
“Ya ready for a little more?”
You smiled at him through bated breaths, nodding your head.  Things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but you were still having a good time.  You opened your mouth, closed your eyes, and stuck out your tongue, ready for whatever he had to give you.  Tendou bent down into a squat until his mouth hovered just above yours.  You felt something warm and sticky hit your tongue, you opened your eyes only to find a thin line of spit connecting Tendou’s lips with the liquid pooling in your mouth. Did he just spit in your mouth?  Before you could say anything he was back on his feet, cock in his hand, rolling it in the spit laying on your tongue.  He inched his way back into your throat, watching your eyes water with every thrust of his hips.  
“Fuck you’re gonnna make me cum if you keep looking at me like that.” He continued thrusting, your throat convulsing around his cock.  
“You’re gonna leave here with a tummy full of cum, ok sweetie?” His breaths and thrusts were becoming stuttered, he was close.  
“You’re gonna fuck Ushijima with my cum swirling around in your stomach.”  He whimpered, talking himself into an orgasm. With his hips giving one final thrust, you felt the back of your throat flood with cum.  Tendou held his hips flush to your mouth for a few seconds, emptying himself completely into your stomach.  He hissed as he pulled your head off of his now oversensitive cock.  
“Lemme see.” he sighed.   You stuck out your tongue, displaying your empty mouth to him.  
“Mmm good girl.”  He offered you his hand to help you up off of your knees.  He tucked himself back into his pants as the locker room door creaked open.  
“That’s my queue!” Tendou pulled you in for one final kiss, moaning as the taste of his cum hit his tongue.  And with that, he shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders and took off walking down the hallway.  
You walked face first into a warm chest when you rounded the corner leading to the locker room door, looking for Ushijima.  Looks like you had found him.  His hair was still damp from the shower, his body was warm and humid through his clothes.  
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.  
“Yea-” you cleared your throat.  “Yeah!” That’s better.  Your voice was horse and your throat was sore.  
Ushijima noted your appearance.  Your hair was messy and your makeup was smudged.  Your lips were bright red and your chin was glistening.  He took your hand in his to begin the quiet walk to his dorm room.  He heard footsteps in the opposite direction, only to turn around to see Tendou walking away from the two of you, a slight pep in his step and unknownst to Ushijima a smug look on his face.  
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Just Another Conquest - Part 1
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Warnings: You were sweet, innocent and completely infatuated with Javier Peña. After an incident at the Christmas party, you become the talk of the secretary's at the embassy and everything starts falling around you.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader, Reader x Original Male Character
Warnings: Angst, Kissing, Mentions of sex
Notes: There are some touchy subjects at the end of this chapter. If you’re easily triggered this might not be for you. Don’t wanna add too many tags as it’ll spoil it.
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For two years you had worked at the embassy as a secretary. You kept your head down and your nose out of trouble and so no one noticed you.
Except Greg.
Greg was sweet. You’d been on a few dates and you were taking it steady. Too many times you had jumped in headfirst into the flames and gotten burned so this time you were going to take things slow, Glacial, but Greg didn’t seem to mind. Greg was sweet.
Someone who wasn't sweet.
Javier Peña.
He had bedded most of the single or unmarried secretaries in the embassy. Even some of the married ones. He flirted with everyone. Well everyone except you and even though that stung a little you were glad. He couldn’t tarnish you if he couldn’t see you.
You’d been infatuated with the man from day dot at the embassy. He was a smooth talker and painfully handsome but you knew you weren’t his type. You were plain, a little on the chubbier side and uninteresting. You'd seen some of the women he’d slept with. Your apartment was across from his and they were all beautiful. The polar opposite of you.
It was the day of the Christmas office party. An event you looked forward to as it gave you a chance to dress up a little. Greg had bought you a stunning dress for the event, something you’d spotted in the window of a shop one day and told him you liked it. He’d managed to find out your size and had snuck back to buy it for you and you had swooned. No one had done anything like that for you before.
The dress fit perfectly. Highlighted all the right parts of you and for once you actually felt pretty. You did some simple makeup, pinned your hair up in a loose bun and wore the only pair of heels you could walk in. Greg was there to collect you when you were done, his jaw dropping to the floor when you emerged from your apartment building and you chuckled at his reaction. You both then got a taxi to the embassy and he had been unable to keep his eyes off of you or his lips from yours. Maybe tonight was the night that you’d let him into your bed.
You arrived a short while later and made your way inside, people excitedly bussing around you as you made your way to where the party was being held. The hall in the embassy had been decorated in traditional American fashion. Tinsel, baubles and lights adorned the walls and a large, audacious, tree sat in the centre of the room with presents surrounding its base. You gazed around in awe of what you were seeing and Greg couldn’t stop watching at you.
Little did you know, neither could Javier Peña.
He had spotted you as soon as you’d entered. He had seen you around over the past few years but until now had never spared you a second glance. He watched you as you entered with Greg from accounts. He’d spoken to Greg a handful of times and he always seemed nice enough, if not a little dull. His attention was so stuck on you that he didn’t even hear Steve talking his ear off until his name was shouted in frustration. Pulling the agent from his fancy.
“Oh no, you leave that one alone.” Growled Steve when he noticed who Javier was staring at.
“What… why?”
“Because I know what you’re like and she’s sweet. She has worked hard to keep herself out of the limelight and you paying her any sort of attention will destroy that completely.” Stated Steve, downing that last of his drink as he watched you head to the bar with your companion “Besides she’s dating Greg anyway.”
“Greg’s dull.” Mumbled Javier and Steve barked out a laugh.
“Greg is nice and perfect for her.” Asserted the blonde agent “Leave her alone.” He warned and Javier simply rolled his eyes, waving his partner off as he stood.
‘Another.’ He asked as he lifted his empty glass and Steve nodded before turning his head to seek out his wife in the bustle of people beside him.
Javier watched you as he approached the bar, taking you in as he came to a stop a few stools over. The dress you wore fitted your form beautifully, highlighting your small waist and larger breasts. You had a perfect hourglass figure and he practically salivated at the sight, wanting nothing more than to worship every inch of you but you were forbidden fruit. Which made it all the harder to resist you.
You hadn’t noticed Javier watching you but Greg had and he felt resentment start to simmer beneath the surface of his skin. If Agent Peña had set his sights on you then he had no chance. No one could resist that man's charms. He was relieved however to see that you remained blissfully unaware of the man’s attentions so he did his best to keep yours on him.
“They’ve done a wonderful job with the decorations huh?” He spoke as he wrapped his arm around your waist and you nodded eagerly in reply “You’re the most beautiful thing here though.”
“Oh shush Greg.” You chuckled, you’d never been very good at taking a compliment.
“No seriously.” He said as he gazed longingly at you “These last few months have been… Well they’ve been wonderful and I know you want to take things slow and that’s fine. Just know that when you are ready, I will make sure to show you just how beautiful I think you are.”
You swooned at his statement but Javier scoffed and then as the narrative repeated in his mind he became intrigued. The two of you hadn’t slept together? How serious can you really be if you’ve never fucked? So he decided you were fair game. God help him, he was going to taste those lips before the night was done.
“Would you like another?” Javi asked you as he motioned to your empty glass.
You jumped at the sudden question, turning your head to see Javier Peña staring back at you. A mixture of thoughts and emotions rushed through you at once but the one that lingered was lust. The way the man opposite you was looking at you went straight to your core and you found you were losing yourself in his dark chocolate orbs.
“Oh uh… Yes please.” You fumbled, the shock of your current situation lingering.
“You look lovely.” He said sweetly as he motioned at the barman to refresh yours and his drinks “A little different to your usual get up.”
“How would you know what I usually wear?” You questioned, a little taken aback by his statement.
“I’ve seen you around.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders.
“Right.” You sniggered, taking a sip from your new drink “Thanks for the drink, Agent Peña.” You finished as you turned to leave only to be stopped by his hand grasping your arm.
“Call me Javi.’ He said softly as he smiled at you.
“Well, thank you again Javi but I must be getting back to my date.” Giving him a last nod you sauntered away, unable to miss the scowl plastered across Greg’s face.
“What did he want?” He asked as you came up beside him.
“He got me a drink.” You replied nonchalantly “That was all.”
“That isn’t all he wants from you.” He growled and your head shot back in shock at his change of tone.
“Greg, I am in no danger of attracting Javier Peña.” You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
“Have you seen how you look?” He snapped and you found yourself growing irritated.
“I have and I am not his type.” You spit “He’s only interested in slim, tall, perfect skinned beauties and I am none of those things Greg. You have nothing to worry about.”
Little did you know, he had plenty to worry about. As the evening went on the music started to die down and people began to say their goodnights, thinning the crowd down to the younger staff members of the embassy. Greg had remained possessive of you, noting how Javier would watch you as you danced with your friends or talked with other people from your department. He’d picked his prey and you were it. Greg, helpless to stop it.
“Would you like to dance Hermosa?” Came a deep voice from behind you and you shivered at the effect it had on you.
Turning you see Javier smiling down at you, his suit jacket long since discarded and tie also. He’d unfastened the top three buttons of his shirt and you couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight of his golden skin beneath. Then suddenly your brain caught up with the rest of you and you shook your head as you looked back up at the man that was towering over you.
“I shouldn’t.” You replied, shaking your head as you looked around nervously “I should get back to Greg.”
“Greg is stuck in a deep conversation with a bunch of other accountants.” He countered, taking one of your hands in his “Just one dance. Will be perfectly innocent I promise.”
You tried to find another reason to say no, anything, but you were coming up blank and so you were unable to resist when he pulled you gently towards the dance floor. The song was slow, soft and you glanced around at the other couples close to each other, slowly swaying to the music.
“Relax.” The agent whispered against the shell of your ear and you shivered,
“Why are you doing this Javi?” You questioned, looking up into his eyes.
“Doing what?” He asked with a mildly bemused expression on his face.
“This. Dancing with me, paying me any form of attention.” You elaborated and his brow furrowed “We both know I’m not your type so this isn’t some ploy to get me to sleep with you, or at least I hope it's not. You’ve never spoken to me before tonight so why? What’s this all about?”
“How do you know what my type is?” He questioned, dark eyes watching you closely.
“Because I live across the hall from you and so have seen many of your conquests leave. All thin and beautiful which I am not.” You chuckled to yourself, glancing at Steve who watched the two of you.
“Well firstly, I think you are beautiful.” He stated and you rolled your eyes “Really, you don’t believe me?”
“I believe you’re a smooth talker that’s good at getting women to fall in love with him.” He snorted at the, glancing at Steve a moment before returning his attention to you “I know I’m not beautiful.” You shrug “I came to terms with that a long time ago but I don’t like to be teased or played with. So if this is some sort of game or bet. Please don’t involve me.” You pleaded and Javier felt his heart ache a little that you’d think such a thing.
“This is no game Hermosa.” He said softly “I like you and I wanted to dance with you.” He continued, bringing one hand up to cup your cheek “That's all that is going on here.”
“You like me?” You questioned, unable to help the squeak in your voice.
He nodded as he smiled at you and then time seemed to stand still. Your eyes flitted to his lips as you gazed at each other, the world around you falling away as Javier Peña cupped your face and kissed you softly. You didn't react for a moment, shocked that this is even happening and then you responded, kissing him back as your hands gripped his wrists and when he pulled away, all eyes were on you.
“Can I take you home Hermosa?” He asked quietly as he gazed at you, smiling when you nodded in reply and then he was leading you out. Greg and the party were all forgotten.
“I hope you don’t expect me to sleep with you this evening.” You chuckled, smiling shyly at the man driving you.
“A man can always hope.” He replied, glancing at you a moment before returning his attention to the road.
“Well, I’m not that easy.” You stated, sticking your tongue out at him playfully which elicited a throating laugh from the agent "I like to be wooed first."
You loved his laugh. It brought you all new waves of pleasure to hear it but as your building seeped into view, along with a familiar-looking truck parked out front, the realisation hit you like a freight train.
“Oh my god.” You sobbed as you hopped out of his truck, clutching your middle as you cried.
“Hermosa what’s wrong?” Asked Javier, his tone panicked as he sprinted to your side.
“Greg.” You choked and he noticed you staring at the vehicle parked in front of his “I kissed you, and I left him there. What… Why would I do that?”
Javier pulls you into his arms, holding you as you cried over the relationship you know you had destroyed. He pulled you with him, taking you inside and into his apartment where he sat you down on his couch and poured you a drink.
“Thank you.” You hiccuped as you took the drink from him, staring at the glass as he sat beside you “I liked Greg.” You started, eyes not wavering from your glass “He was sweet. Liked me for me and I’d never had that before. All my previous boyfriends wanted one thing and I got burned so much I gave up on the idea that someone could want more with me.”
“You have to go through some hurt to find the right man.” Javier replied, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close “You’ll find him I’m sure. You deserve happiness.”
You sat there and talked for a little longer. Until your eyes were so heavy you could no longer keep them open and when Javier noticed you dosing off, he scooped you into his arms and carried you to his bed. He didn’t try anything. Just simply held you and it was the best sleep he’d had in years.
You had no idea you’d be the talk of the office when you returned from the holidays. Greg hadn’t spoken to you since that night and neither had Javi. You’d snuck out the next morning before he’d woken up, mortified that you’d fall asleep at his. You knew you hadn't had sex with him but you’d still slept with him and that brought on all kinds of different emotions. Did he like you the way you like him?
“So how was it?” Asked Kirsten as sat down at your desk, her eyebrows lifting.
“How was what?” You asked, your confusion evident in your features.
“Your hot night with agent Peña.” She elaborated and you almost choked on your coffee “You did fuck him right?”
“No, I didn’t.” You expelled, already feeling sick to the stomach at the realisation you were the talk of the office.
“Oh come on.” She rolled her eyes at your denial “No one goes home with Javier Peña without him having his way with them. You’re so lucky.” She sighed “Although poor Greg left with his tail between his legs. No one blames you for going to the better dish though… Javi is quite the meal.”
You abruptly grabbed your bag and stood from your chair, not stopping to pick it up as it clattered on the stone floor. All you could think about was getting out of there, and fast. You couldn’t miss the sniggering as you swiftly left the office, only to be stopped by two hands grabbing your shoulders.
“Woah what's up?” Asked Greg as he pulled you to the side.
“I uh… everyone's laughing at me.” You sobbed, eyes skirting around and catching peoples stares.
“What did you expect when you went home with Agent Peña.” He scoffed and you looked up at him with a broken expression “All those months clearly meant nothing to you as you dropped your panties for him the moment he called.”
“What? No… I didn’t sleep with him.” You assured, head shaking tears loose from your eyes “I swear to you I didn’t. He kissed me and that’s it.”
“Didn’t see you pushing him away.” He growled and your stomach sank “Despite what you pulled, I still care about you so I will have a word with the others. Just try to keep your head down from now on yeah?”
You nodded, sniffing as you watched him walk away but as you looked around you could see that everyone was still looking at you, talking about you.
You needed to leave.
Your sprinted to the elevators, uncaring of anyone else's attention and pressed the button vigorously, willing it to arrive. You didn’t even look when it opened, just shuffled inside and pressed the button for the parking level. You’d explain later why you’d left.
“Everything okay?” Came a soft Southern voice and you turned your head to see Steve beside you “Rough day?”
“Putting it lightly.” You replied, letting out a watery chuckle as you threw your head into your hands.
“I told Javi to leave you alone. Fucking prick.”
“No this is all my fault.” You sobbed as you looked up at him “Javi was sweet. I should really talk to him but today isn’t the day. Right now I need to go home and wallow.”
“Well, you can do that together if you like.” He chuckled and you looked at him in confusion “He ended up taking today off.
“Right.” You replied as you pulled your bag tighter over your shoulder as you exited the lift and headed towards your car.
Maybe you should speak to him today.
You’d more or less talked yourself out of it by the time you'd made it back to your apartment building. You pulled into your allotted parking spot, sprinted up the stairs and made it to your front door, only to be stopped by a familiar voice.
“What are you doing back?” He asked and you turned to face him, noting how his brows were drawn together in concern.
“I uh… Well, let's just say I’m the talk of the office.” You replied plainly as you pulled out your key, desperate to escape this inevitable conversation.
“Why?” He asked and you looked at him again in amazement.
Did this guy seriously have no clue?
“Well, let's see Javi. I turned up at this year's Christmas party with Greg, the guy I was seeing and then left with you after you kissed me in front of all of our colleagues. Why do you think that I’m the subject for office gossip?” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you awaited his response.
“We didn’t sleep together thought?”
“They don’t know that” You replied, rolling your eyes at him “So that’s what everyone assumed happened. That I waited months to take that step with Greg but one kiss from you and I give you what you want.”
“I’m sorry Hermosa.” He replied, his eyes taking on a sad puppy dog quality that immediately had your anger melting away.
“Why aren’t you at work today Javi?” You questioned as your body language relaxed and you turned to put your key in the door.
“One of my informants died.” He announced and you immediately turned to look at him “She uh… Well, she was ratted in by one of her colleagues. We found her last night mutilated and raped.”
“Oh Javi, I’m… I’m so sorry.” You replied as you gave him a sympathetic look, your heart breaking from the pain that was so evident on his face “Did you want to come in?” You asked innocently and he nodded, taking the hand you offered and following you inside.
Little did you know that this time, you really would give Javi what he wanted. You talked, you consoled each other, you kissed and then finally when the kissing became heated and passionate you fucked him, allowing your own troubles to be dissolved by pleasure. You allowed yourself to lose yourself in him and he buried himself in you to escape himself but when all was done and you lay their sated in his arms you started to wonder.
Maybe he did like you.
It doesn’t take long for word to spread around the office that you had fucked Javier Peña now. Someone else who lived in the building overhearing your activities and telling the entire office the following day so when you’d turned up the following feeling more relaxed, it was quickly ripped away from you.
“So decided to skive off for a fantastic fuck with Javi Peña eh?” Kirsten asked as she winked at you, the colour completely draining from your face “You lying slut though. I knew you were shagging him.”
“I uh…”
“Oh no use in denying it, you were heard. You’re apparently pretty vocal in the sack.” She sniggered as the other girls in the office started to chuckle along with her “Oh Javi.” She mocked “Oh Javi yes… just there-“
You left before she could finish her berating, tears streaming down your cheeks as you made your way through the halls to the bathrooms in the hope you could cry alone in there but sure enough, you were not to be so lucky. Greg grabbed you as you tried to scurry past but there was no sympathy in those blue orbs anymore, nothing but anger.
“You fucking slut.” He growled, eyes burning you “I courted you for months. Treated you right and the first moment you get you fuck man whore Peña?” He spat and you flinched at his outburst “You just used me. Did you even fucking like me?”
“Yes, Greg.” You sobbed, fat tears flowing freely now “I did like you... I do even. I like you a lot, I swear I didn’t use you.”
“But you couldn’t resist opening your legs for Javier Peña.” He growled, snarling at you as he watched your face crumble “You know he doesn’t commit so good luck regaining any credibility you had here.” He finished, leaving you sobbing in his wake.
You quickly sprinted through the halls, people's mocking laughter filling your ears but you just pushed forward. You looked up a moment and that's when you caught eyes with him, the man from which all this trouble had stemmed from and you stopped, giving him a hopeful look as he grabbed your arm and pulled you to one side.
“What's the matter?”
“You seriously the only person in the embassy not to hear the latest gossip?” You asked, noticing the genuine confusion that spread across his face.
“We were heard Javi.” You explained, wiping your cheeks with your sleeves “Someone heard us and has told everyone.” You sobbed, face leaning into his hand as he cupped your cheek “But you can set everyone straight, tell them that this is different? I mean, it was different right?” You asked, eyes pleading for him to soothe your worries.
“Hermosa…” He trailed off as he dropped his hand and shook his head, your stomach dropping “Hermosa I-.”
“You said you like me.” You choked, eyes growing wide as you shook your head in disbelief “That I’m beautiful.”
“I do and you are.” He assured you “But I’m not a commitment guy.” He paused and you felt sick “What we did was just two friends comforting each other. Nothing more.”
You can’t believe it. How had you gone and done this again? You’d given yourself to someone body and soul only to be stomped on again. You were a fool and you knew it. There was never going to be a chance of Javier Peña want more than to bury himself in you. You were plain. Simple.
You left without another word. Darting into the nearest bathroom where you emptied the contents of your stomach before crying yourself dry. When you did finally emerge you were called into your manager's office and were instantly told to take some time. You had some leave to take so they advised you to take it. Let the scandal die down a little. You couldn’t be the talk of the office forever.
So you do. You take the two months you accrued and you leave, numb the entire drive back to your apartment. You thought about going home, actually taking a vacation but then you’ve never been one for adventure. You don’t have anyone back home. No family or friends to speak of so you decide to spend it here. At home. Wallowing in your own self-pity.
2 months later…
Javier had noticed your absence and he’d also noticed that you never left your apartment. At least you never left it when he was around to see it. He knew you were due back today, one of the other secretaries informing him that your leave had ended so why weren’t you here? It wasn’t like you to be late. You were always in before most of the other office admins were, sipping your coffee as you went through your daily schedule.
No one else seemed to be worried about your absence. A few assuming you’d forgotten that you were due to come back but they were a little surprised when Agent Peña had started asking around for you. Everyone knew that things between you and him had crashed and burned, your very public refusal being the next hot topic for the weeks that followed. So when he came up short with your colleagues he went to your boss, his worry growing by the minute.
“I’m not sure why it matters to you where she is.” Stated your boss as they continued to skim through the paperwork in front of them “It’s because of you that she ended up taking leave.”
“I understand that but…”He paused a moment, trying to carefully plan what he needed to say “She lives opposite me. I’ve not seen her leave in two months or even heard a peep from her apartment. I know that her suffering is my doing but I do care about her well being.”
“Well, you should have thought about her well being before you dragged her name through the dirt.”
“Do you know where she is?” He growled, growing more and more impatient by the second.
“Yes, I do.” They replied plainly.
“She’s in the hospital.” Javier’s eyes shot open, stomach dropping as he stared at the older woman across from him.
“What… what happened?” He asked although he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“I can’t tell you that.” She stated and he let out a frustrated sigh
“Is she at least going to be okay?”
“She’s in a bad way.” She paused as she finally placed the documents in her hands down “If you want to see her I can’t stop you. Just know… it is very likely that she won’t want to see you.”
She told the agent where you were and watched as he left, knowing that deep down he had a right to know what had happened to put you there.
A few flashes of his badge and he was soon led to your room, stopping the doctor as he left your room and demanding he be told what was wrong. He could see that you were sleeping inside and he felt himself ease a little seeing that you weren’t bloody and beaten. So what was wrong?
“She was poisoned.” The doctor explained in Spanish and Javier felt his anxiety shoot through the roof again.
“Poisoned?” He asked “How? By who?”
“By herself.” The doctor stated and Javier’s stomach dropped.
Had he really hurt you that badly?
“She tried to terminate her pregnancy using an old home remedy.” The doctor elaborated and Javier jumped at that.
“Yes.” The doctor nodded “She is around 2 months pregnant.”
Javier knew instantly it was his and a mixture of emotions coursed through him. Why had you not come to him? Why did you feel like this was the right thing to do? If there was a baby involved he would do what was right. You had to know that right?
“She is sedated.” The doctor continued “The baby survived. The remedy did not work but it did nearly kill her. She was hysterical when she arrived. Begging us to save it.” He paused, glancing at you before returning his attention to Javier “I don’t think she really wanted to get rid of it. She was just desperate and scared. She should be okay though. We will continue to monitor her and the baby. ”
Javier nodded before stepping aside so the Doctor could leave. His mind was racing as he stepped inside of your hospital room and taking a seat at your side. He would wait. Wait until you woke up and he would talk to you. He needed to understand why you did this. Why you felt you had no other option.
You were shocked to find Peña dosing in the chair beside your bed when you woke up. How did he even know you were here? Your head was pounding and your mouth dry so you turned your head to find the bottle of water a nurse had brought you earlier, only to knock it when you went to grab it. The agent woke instantly and you groaned in frustration. You didn’t need his lecture right now.
“Hey.” He said softly as he grabbed the bottle and opened it before bringing it to your lips “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged as you sipped the water, relishing how it soothed your sore throat and dry tongue. You nodded when you’d had your fill and watched as he screwed the lid back on and placed it back on the table.
“What are you doing her Javier?” You rasped and he flinched at your inquiry.
“I was worried about you.” He stated, sad eyes locking with yours “The doctor said you and the baby are going to be okay.” He said with a smile and your eyes started to water.
“So you know?”
“Yes.” He replied plainly “He also told me you tried to get rid of it.” He paused, stroking away a tear that escaped from your eye “Why?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t want it.” You replied, lip trembling as you spoke “And I didn't want to raise it on my own.” You paused, watching him process your words before you go for the jugular “Besides, I was just another one of your conquests. Can't go tarnishing your record and I’ve destroyed my reputation enough. Having your baby will just destroy whatever integrity I have left.”
“So what are you going to do?” He asks, stomach twisting.
“I’m going to leave Javier.” You said plainly “I will leave and I will raise this baby on my own. No one will ever need to know you have a bastard child with one of your many whores. I want nothing from you so you can go now.”
“Hermosa I-“
“Leave.” You growled, angry tears staining your cheeks “I’m giving you the out you want. Take it.”
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Part 2
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 2: Casual Friday the 13th
Previous Chapter - AO3 Link - MSR, rated E
He gives himself a pep talk on the way to work the next morning. It feels ridiculous.
Just ask her out, he thinks. Be casual. Invite her to grab a drink, act like you’re going whether she joins you or not. It’s just Scully.
That’s some bullshit; she’s not just anything to him. She’s everything.
Also he doesn’t go to bars much, and never alone, so he’s not sure how subtle this will be.
He pushes the thoughts out of his head until they’re leaving the office at the end of the day, gathering their things and donning winter layers.
“Buy you a drink, Agent Scully?” he tosses out casually, taking her coat from the rack.
“Hm, what’s the occasion?” she asks.
“Friday the thirteenth; I’m testing my luck,” he replies, holding her coat open for her.
She slips her arms into the sleeves. “I guess one wouldn’t hurt,” she decides.
Huh. That was surprisingly easy.
He chalks it up to beginner’s luck and ushers her out the door with a hand on her back.
They end up at Casey’s Bar because it’s close to the Hoover Building, and neither of them had wanted to walk too far through the cold February night. Mulder’s a little nervous, but not enough to let it show. At the risk of being overconfident, he thinks it’s actually going pretty well. This outing is markedly different from every first date he’s had in the past. There’s no need for small talk with Scully, no pressure to act more gregarious or charming than he naturally is. Scully herself is a refreshing presence, like a crisp spring breeze. Cool without being austere, gentle and yet invigorating.
Also she doesn’t know it’s a date, so there’s that.
They perch at the far end of the counter and shoot the shit, talk about work. She orders a draught beer, and seeing the large glass in her little hand makes his stomach flutter nonsensically. He orders one too, just to keep pace with her, though he suspects she could drink him under the table if the occasion ever arose. The thought is strangely erotic.
Mulder watches her full pink lips press against the edge of her glass and he clears his throat awkwardly. Down, boy. He scrambles for a diversion.
“Any special plans for tomorrow night?” he asks, taking a foamy swallow of beer.
“What’s- oh.” Scully sets down her glass. “No, not this year,” she says softly.
He suddenly feels like a prick.
“You?” she asks, because she’s a polite human being.
Diffuse the moment, buddy. “I’ve got a pretty hot date, actually.”
Her shoulders stiffen momentarily. Interesting. “Oh?” she says lightly.
“Yeah, the boys invited me over to pick apart some found footage they stumbled upon. Frohike’s making chili.”
Scully’s face breaks into a smile, and he feels a wash of relief. She shakes her head. “You know, for about two seconds I thought you might actually have a life. It was a surreal experience.”
“I have a life, Scully,” he insists. It’s you. Aliens, conspiracy, and you.
“Mhm,” she hums, licking a bit of stray foam off her upper lip, causing a twinge south of his belt buckle. “Mulder, can I ask you a highly personal question?”
He coughs awkwardly. “No guarantees that I’ll answer, but sure. Hit me.”
She suddenly seems nervous. “Well… we’ve known each other for five years now, and we spend a lot of time together. I’ve met your mother, your friends. And in all that time, I’ve not known you to go on a single date.”
Besides this one, he thinks. “And?” he prompts.
She absently wipes her finger through the condensation on her glass. “Well, I can’t figure out why not. Your - preferences - are quite evident, and I’m sure finding a willing partner would be fairly easy for you, at least for… casual encounters.”
I don’t want casual encounters, he thinks. I want to burn pancakes for you on Sunday mornings.
He huffs out a breath of laughter. “I have it on good authority that I’m not the best company, Scully. What makes you think it’d be easy?”
She takes a long pull of her beer. “Because you’re very attractive.”
His heart stops momentarily, then starts back up at twice the speed. He scrambles for some composure. “Oh, so you think I’m attractive,” he teases lightly. He hopes she doesn’t notice the sudden tremble in his fingers.
Scully nods, as though she hadn’t just dropped a bomb on him. “Yes, I do. A lot of people do, Mulder,” she adds quickly. The lighting in the bar is dim, so he assumes he’s imagining the flush on her cheeks. Or it’s the beer. “The women’s restroom at the Bureau is a cesspool of gossip.”
“Well I’m not the only hot piece of ass in the X-Files division,” he says, glancing at her over the rim of his glass.
“Don’t let Skinner hear you say that,” she quips. “He’s shy.”
Mulder grins, amused by her deflection. “People talk about you too, Scully. I’ve had to fend off suitors for you more than once.” Now it’s her turn to squirm, he thinks.
She blinks rapidly. “You’re joking.”
Mulder chuckles. “Swear. Every once in a while a guy will ask me something about you. I tell ‘em to ask you themselves, and I assume they usually chicken out.”
“What kind of things do they want to know?”
Mulder shakes his head. “Let’s just say they’re not asking me your favorite color,” he says simply, lifting his glass to his mouth once more. “You can imagine the rest.”
Scully presses her lips together. “I don’t have to, unfortunately,” she sighs. “Thanks for having my back,” she adds.
He shrugs. “I’m your partner,” he says. “I’ll always have your back.”
He suddenly remembers a conversation he had a little over a year ago, a month or so before Scully’s birthday. It seems like a fitting time to tell her.
“There’s only been one guy that I thought was alright,” he says. “I, uh, never told you this, Scully, because it was confidential, but seeing as the subject in question is now deceased…”
Scully turns to him on her stool. “Mulder, what?”
“Pendrell. He liked you.”
She knits her brows together in that adorable way she has. “I liked him too.”
“I mean, he really liked you,” Mulder emphasizes. “He asked me once if you were seeing anyone.”
“Oh,” she says. "What did you tell him?”
“I told him ‘Agent Scully’s personal life is her business, and any questions regarding it should be posed to her directly’.”
“Very formal,” she muses. “I should print that on my business cards for you to hand out.”
“The thought’s crossed my mind. Are you currently accepting applications for the position of ‘boyfriend’?” Mulder asks. “I’d be happy to field candidates.”
“Oh, I bet you’d love that,” Scully says with an eye roll. “Admit it, you like interrogating suspects. Especially when you think they’re mutants of some kind.”
“I promise that any potential boyfriends will be firmly terrestrial and completely unremarkable.”
The sentence hangs in the air for a long moment. “I don’t know that I want that after all,” Scully finally says quietly. “The husband with a nine-to-five, the picket fence, the priest over for lunch after Sunday mass. I’ve seen too much, done too much, to really fit into that picture anymore.”
Mulder feels a pang in his chest, the old familiar guilt creeping in. “This is a lonely path,” he admits. “Working nonstop to find evidence, only to have it be discounted offhand.”
“No closure, no arrests, no satisfying conclusions to leave you feeling a little bit safer knowing you did your job,” Scully adds.
Mulder rubs his hand over his mouth, nodding. “Just weird substances that nobody can explain and accounts of phenomena that nobody believes. Spooky shit.”
Scully raises her drink with a sudden levity. “To spooky shit,” she toasts.
Their glasses clink, and the contact chimes in Mulder’s ears. A kiss of half-empty pints.
Mulder bites his lip absently, gathering his next words. “So… what do you want?” he asks carefully, leaning in a fraction.
Scully shakes her head, sighing softly. “That’s the big question, isn’t it? I can’t even think about long term at this point. My life is so different from what I’d planned, and I’m still adapting.”
“Alright, forget long term for the moment,” Mulder prompts. “What’s something that you want that you can acquire within, say, the next month or so?”
“You granting wishes now, Mulder?” she asks coyly, taking a sip of beer.
“Depends on what you ask for,” he replies, voice low.
It feels as though they’re circling the truth, caught in each other’s orbit, traveling an ellipse of the unspoken. He wonders if she feels it too. The beer has him weightless, spinning out into the unexplored reaches of space between them. He wants to grab her hand on the worn bar counter, anchor himself to her sun-warmed earth.
“As strange as it sounds,” she says after a moment, “I’m… oddly contented. If I spent more time on it I’m sure I could give you a whole list of things I feel I’m lacking, but at this moment none of them really matter.”
His heart accelerates. “Must be some beer,” he jokes.
She smiles at him, a soft closed-lip turn of her mouth that warms him better than any liquor. “Company’s not half bad either. Despite whatever good authority has told you otherwise.”
He drops a hand onto hers then, gives it a brief squeeze before returning it to his glass and finishing his beer.
They walk back to the FBI parking garage, arms bumping each other as they brace themselves against the winter chill. Mulder escorts Scully to her car because he’s a gentleman and squeezing out every last second he can with her.
Scully ducks her head, seeming almost shy. “Thanks for inviting me. I haven’t been out in a while,” she says simply. “This was nice.”
Mulder shrugs, suddenly unsure how to orient his limbs. He wants to hug her, but he knows this isn’t the right time. “Don’t mention it,” he replies, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.
“Enjoy your ménage à quatre with the Gunmen,” she says with a cheeky grin.
“I’ll save some kisses from Frohike for you,” he replies with a wink.
They face each other, suddenly quiet. It feels as though they waded too far into the ocean and drifted down shore, losing sight of their picnic spot. They float in the silence, buoyed by their exchange, but uncertain as to where they stand.
“Goodnight,” Mulder says finally, because he can’t think of what else to say beyond that and ‘I love you’. Or ‘come home with me’.
“‘Night,” she replies, unlocking her car door and slipping inside.
He wanders aimlessly over to his car and bundles into the driver’s seat, heaving a deep, half-contented sigh. He considers the evening a tentative success, despite a somewhat unsatisfactory conclusion.
He jerks off when he gets home, holding Scully’s sweet face in his mind’s eye as he comes shamefully into his own lonely hand.
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rogueonestan · 4 years
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shereshoy - wanting to live everyday to its fullest and more
word count: 2.3k
pairing: the mandalorian (din djarin) x reader
summary: din reveals his true feelings for you through an anecdote from his childhood.
Faint laughter and the sound of the soft splashes of the nearby lake are what calls Din’s name.
So when he returns back to the Crest after a quick supply run to find you and the kid enjoying yourselves, he can’t help but smile underneath his helmet. 
The sight isn’t much to see. You’re laying down on the grassy floor as the green little baby is currently running around as he’s trying to catch something. The baby will leap towards his prey, only for the prey to run away, resulting in the baby giggling as you follow suit. To others, it may not be much, but to Din, it’s everything. It’s been such a long time since he’s experienced this kind of feeling before. He can’t exactly put his feelings into words, but it’s a feeling that he never wants to go away. It’s a feeling that he used to feel all the time with his family back on Aq Vetina before he was taken in by the Mandalorians. It’s a feeling he's associated with the life that was stripped from him. A life that he always dreamt that he would be able to get back someday. 
The closer he gets to where you and the baby are, the more his heart soars. The baby continually is running around, enjoying himself, as your eyes remain close as you take everything in. You don’t even notice his return until he makes himself known. 
“Enjoying ourselves?” 
You didn’t realize that you were in such a trance until you’re greeted with the familiar ‘T’ visor that you’ve familiarized yourself with over the past few months. The tranquility of your surroundings are what made you first lose yourself in the moment. From the baby’s giggles to hearing the birds sing to the soft waves hitting against the rocks in the nearby lake, it was easy to lose track of time. 
“You’re back.” A soft hum comes from Din in response as you continue, “how was your trip?”
“Good. There’s a local town that’s a few miles up north and I was able to stock up on a few things that we were running low on.” Now it’s your return to mimic your partner and hum in response, “it’s a nice little town, you would enjoy it. Maybe all three of us could go there tomorrow.”
“I would like that. Were you looking for anything in particular while you were there?”
“No.” Yes, but it’s not like he would tell you that- not yet, anyways. 
“Do you want lunch? I was just thinking of making some.”
“You stay- I’ll go make it.” 
A few rebuttals leave your lips, saying that you can do it and pointing out that he just returned, but Din ignores your pleas, insisting that you continue resting and watch over the kid.
As Din leaves to go back inside the Crest to put his purchases away, what makes him walk a little bit faster is the laughter that comes from both you and the baby. How in the galaxy he was able to be blessed with a life as good as his, Din will never know. After all of the ugly decisions he’s made in the past, he’s one of the last people who deserves a life as great as his. To be able to wake up every single day and know that he has a new family that will support him through anything. To have someone as devoted and generous, traits that his own mother had, is something that he thinks about as he makes the three of you lunch.
The lunch that Din ends up making is something that you’ve had on multiple occasions before, just a stew made out of the items that he picked up from market earlier, but it’s the company of Din and the soft breeze brushing against your cheek that makes it so much better. When Din comes out with the two bowls of food, a smile immediately appears on your face as the spices from food linger in the air. The feeling of fresh air that you got used to now is mixed with the scent of Din’s cooking. It’s not often that you get to eat home cooked meals, let alone meals made by Din, but it’s a welcome rarity. Din’s cooking isn’t the best that you’ve ever had, but his skills improve each time he prepares food for you.
The spices in the stew are a bit intense at first. You nearly choked on the pure flavor of peppers that surprised you at first, but the more you eat, more like devour, your food, the more you enjoy it.
“How is it?” He asks. 
When you look over at him, you notice that he doesn’t have a bowl of food in front of him, giving the baby the other bowl, as he studies your actions. Nearly half of the food is already gone. 
“It’s really good, Din.” With a smile on your face, you cover one of your hands as you take another bite.
You nod your head at him. The food that’s in your mouth is a little bit more difficult to chew as you try to fight the smile that’s threatening to appear on your face. The idea of not only him making lunch for you, but also wanting to know your thoughts on it as well is what makes you smile.
The hand that covered your mouth a moment ago covers your partner’s hand. 
The warmth that radiates from the palm of your hand is the same warmth that fills Din’s body. The transition of your relationship going from friendly to romantic is a recent change, so the feeling of your skin touching his is a new one. Foreign but welcomed. 
“It’s much better than the last meal you made for us.” A chuckle leaves his modulator.
The last time Din cooked a meal for the three of you was only a few weeks ago, but it was so disastrous. After seeing how tired you were by watching the baby for a few days, Din offered to keep an eye on him as you used the refresher. Once you finished, the sight you returned to was not what you expected. Din wanted to surprise you with a warm meal, but instead of spices from the food lingering in the air, the smell of smoke welcomed you once you finished what you were doing in the refresher. As you rushed out, you saw that Din was struggling to look over the baby and cook simultaneously. In summary, you ended up eating dinner from the local town that night. 
“That wasn’t my fault.”
“I never said it was. I’m just saying that you’re getting better. Who knows, maybe next time you’ll be able to cook a meal that doesn’t have anything to do with burning.”
“I didn’t burn this one.”
“Tell that to my mouth.”
“It’s still good though!” You reassure him, interlacing your fingers with him as you give his hand a soft squeeze, “just, don’t go as heavy with the pepper next time, my love.” 
The baby feels the same way of Din’s cooking as you do because half of his meal is on his face as he takes gigantic mouthfuls. How he hasn’t choked on his food yet is a miracle. 
“Aren’t you going to eat?”
“I promise, ner cyare, I’ll eat later.”
As much as you hate to scold him, you drop the subject. Din isn’t the best when it comes to looking after himself, but he’s getting better at it thanks to you. You know that he would never break a promise he’s made to you. 
“Well, then I guess we should start heading back inside.” You say as you lay your free hand behind you to support yourself, but before you’re able to, Din’s hand squeezes yours.
“Cyar’ika, if it’s alright with you, I would like to stay out here for a little bit longer.”
You nod your head as your body goes back into its relaxed position. You’re not one to say no to spend a little more time with him, but you really want to make sure that he, too, is able to enjoy the food that he worked so hard on.
“Whatever you want, Din.”
Giving your hand one final squeeze, he tries to force out the words that have been stuck in his throat ever since he returned, but he still doesn’t have enough courage to say them.
“I lied earlier, well, kind of.” 
“What do you mean?”
“When I left earlier, I wasn’t looking for anything in particular when I was in town, but supplies weren't the only thing that I got.”
There’s more that he wants to say, but he doesn’t know how to say it. He knows exactly what he wants to say, but he doesn’t know how to say it.
“When I was younger, my mother, she-“ Din cuts himself off. The right words just can't seem to leave his mouth. But that’s okay because you’re more than patient as you wait for him to continue on. Being so open and vulnerable about his feelings and thoughts is very new for Din, but you would wait for an eternity just to hear what he has to say. 
The soft yet reassuring squeeze of your hand is what makes him continue, “Something that my father used to do to show his love for my mother was to surprise her with gifts when he got home from work. We didn’t have much money to live off of so he didn’t do it that often, but it always brought a smile to my mother’s face whenever he did. 
And my mother did the same. I remember helping her pick out a gift for my dad. It was something that we would always look forward to and it was a tradition between the two of them. Once a month they would surprise each other with a gift, the other not knowing when it would happen, and it’s something that I would like to do as well, with you.” 
The last of his words barely managed to come through his modulator. Just thinking about his parents brings tears to his eyes, let alone telling a story about them. It’s been such a long time since he’s revealed something as special as a memory of his parents that he reflects on a lot. Every time he’s thought of them lately, it’s always been of the last day that he got to spend with them. But maybe now, he’ll be able commemorate them by carrying on one of their traditions with you. 
Like Din, tears brim your eyes. Not only is this the first time Din revealed his true feelings to you by saying the word ‘love’, but he also revealed something to you that no one else in the entire galaxy knows. You knew that he harbored the same feelings as you do (he never spoke them outright), but revealing such an intimate thing from his childhood just shows how much he loves you.
Not only did he share a story from his childhood, but he wants to entwine it with your lives.
“I would love that.”
“You would?”
“More than anything.”
Suddenly, Din reaches in one of his many pockets to fish something out. Within a matter of seconds, a small mesh bag is in his free hand. The white color of the bag stands out by the contrast of Din’s dark glove.
When you take the small bag from his hand, you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. In all of the time you’ve spent with him, you don’t think you’ve ever been this nervous around Din.
Gently pulling on the strings that have secured the gift inside, you let go of Din’s hand to take a peek of what’s inside.
A small gasp leaves your lips as you look inside. With one of your hands out, his gift to you lays in the middle of your palm. 
“I know it’s not much, but it reminded me of you.” Your focus is entirely on what he has given you. What lays in your palm is a simple gold ring. Not much can be said about it: it has a simple band, no jewels or anything, but it has a textured feeling to it by the years it’s lived. 
“It’s perfect.”
“So you like it?”
“I love it, thank you.” You say as you admire the way the ring reflects off of sunlight. When it’s on your finger, it may not look like much, but you’ll be able to remember this afternoon because of the ring. You’ll be able to remember the way you’re feeling, how much you love your partner, and how he shared such a big part of himself with a simple ring.
“If I had known, I would’ve gotten you something as well.”
“Getting to wake up by your side and call you mine is the best gift I could ever want.”
His name leaves your lips as you groan at his cheesiness. 
Din’s hand tugs on yours to pull you closer to him, but before you’re able to, the baby that’s been almost radio silent this entire time finally decides to make his appearance as his hand pulls at Din’s sleeve. 
“We’ll continue this later.” He says as he scoops up the little baby and makes his way back to the ship.
You can’t hear what he’s saying to the baby, but your heart soars at the sight of your partner shifting from his romantic confession to his role as a father-like figure to the little one. Just thinking about what your partner meant is what makes you quickly pick up the bowls you used for lunch and follow your partner inside.
taglist (i don’t have one yet but let me know if you want to be added):
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I Think I Love You || Daniel Le Domas ||
A/n: Adam Brody has no right to look so hot in this movie. 
Part two will be all about the game.
Flashback Italicized 
/Thought will look like this/
Warnings: Smut/implied smut, swearing, death mention, blood.
||Part 1|| 
|| Part 2|| - Coming soon
Song Inspiration: I Think I Love You- Tenacious D.
Summary: You are the granddaughter to Harlan Thrombey, daughter to Richard and Linda Drysdale, twin to Hugh Ransom Drysdale. You are your grandfathers favorite and once you found out about your fathers cheating you’ve decided to become Y/n Thrombey which Harlan was happy to see. Wanting nothing to do with your toxic family you’ve decided to move and do something with your life.
Becoming a doctor was a nice touch, but finding your best friend through collage was even better and it only took one night to meet your soulmate.Though it seem’s that that Daniel Le Domas has to deal with his own toxic family.
You never thought that you would be fighting for your life at your best friend’s wedding.
Just wait until you get home.
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Drumming your finds on the bars counter top, you gave another glance at your phone checking the time. You weren’t surprised Grace was late, she did have a boyfriend after all so you couldn’t blame the girl for wanting to spend some time with the man. Sighing you took another sip of your drink debating on if you should call her or not though it was a gruff voice calling out your name that stopped you. 
“You Y/n?”
Blinking you turned in the bar seat to see a tall man staring at you, the firs thing you noticed was that he was frowning. The second thing you noticed was how handsome he was. He had dark brown hair, god you want to run your fingers through it and some beautiful chocolate brown eyes and that beard...god you wondered what that would feel like on your skin though the man must have called your name again, you cleared out your throat forcing a smile on your face.
“Uh...ya that’s me...can I help you.” 
Wrinkling his nose, Daniel tore his gaze away from you. Grace never mentioned how attractive you were though then again it’s not like she got the chance with the woman practically begging him to go and see you.
“Daniel...please...she’s my best friend! can you just go check on her...maybe stay with her for a while.”
Nursing a beer, Daniel didn’t even bother to hide the scowl that was on his face. “Now why would I do that.”
“I was supposed to meet with her but Alex wanted to take me out...he kept on insisting on taking me out...he said it was important.”
That made him nearly drop his beer, god he hoped that the idiot wasn’t going to ask her for marry him. He wanted to say no say, he wanted to tell her to just blow his brother off and to just go see her friend but that’s not what he did, how could he when she’s been so nice to him.
“Fine....stop looking at me like that...where is this friend of yours?”
Shaking those thoughts away, Daniel sighed as he sat in the empty seat next to you. “Grace sent me...Alex want to take her out....though before you get a sad it has nothing to do with you...I’m pretty sure he’s going to propose.”
“And who are you?” Taking a sip of your drink, you wanted to know who this handsome stranger was and how he knew your best friend.
“Daniel...Alex’s older brother.”
Snorting you turned to face the man fully. “Right...well...I suppose it’s nice to meet you Daniel.” Wrinkling your nose, you gave him a pleasant smile holding your hand out for him to take. “I’m Y/n....well you already know that but I thought I should at least say it.”
A small chuckle escaped Daniels lips, something he was surprised about. You were more refreshing than he ex wife was and as the night grew on he came to find that you were much more kind, he found himself wanting to spend more time with you.
“Would you like...to walk me home?”
“I’d love too.”
Daniel did not think much of walking you home, he was to distracted by your soft lips against his neck. The honey words whispering in his ear of the things you wanted him to do once you two got back to his apartment. Though what Daniel Le Domas did not know was that this one night was going to change his life.
Because it wasn’t going to be just one night. This one night would turn into to two, two would be come a week and a week would turn into six months and somewhere along those six month’s Daniel had fallen in love with you and thanks to his brother, he would be getting a sister in law then that meant you would be meeting his family. 
The one thing he never wanted.
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“I can’t believe she said yes.” You muttered resting your head against your boyfriends chest. His fingers was slowly running down your back, though they lingered in your hair.
Daniel let out a snort, closing his eyes falling into the after glow of the sex. It always felt magical when he slept with you. Completely different from the passionless sex he would have with his ex. “I take it from her news your not happy?”
“I...just don’t trust him...I’lm sorry Daniel.”
Closing his eyes, he couldn’t blame you. His family wasn’t very trust worth, not with all the shit they did. “You don’t have to apologize y/n...my family is pretty shit.”
Shaking your head you adjusted your body so you were not sitting on his lap as his hands grasped your hips.
“Well that makes two of us....everyone in my family is shit but my Grandfather.” 
Leaning down you gave him a kiss, Daniel deepening sliding his tongue across your lower lip though soon you found yourself on your back with him hovering over you. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Capturing your lips in for another kiss he slowly slid into.
You were perfect...and you were his.
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He was talking in his sleep again but this time it looked like he was having a nightmare.
“No...no...please...not her.”
“Daniel.” Frowning, you watched the man twitch in his sleep. Face twisting in pain as he shifted in his sleep.
“Daniel.” Moving closer to him, you placed your hand against his cheek as the other grasped his hand. “Wake up..you’re having a nightmare....just open your eyes for me.”
Jolting awake Daniel had to stop himself from screaming out No, tears were streaming down his cheek as he frantically looked around the room. “Y/n.”
“Shh...I’m right here.” 
Holding Daniel close, you hated feeling the man sob against your chest. His tears hitting your naked skin. “I’m not going anywhere...I promise.”
Soothing Daniel, you pressed a kiss to his head as he finally settled down with him falling into a deep sleep. His body spooning against you, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist.
You prayed he didn’t remember that nightmare.
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Pulling up to your grandfathers, Daniel swallowed thickly.This home was giving his family’s home a run for its money. Leaning forward you gave Daniel a soft kiss.
“You don’t need to come with me Daniel...I think my asshole brother is here anyways.”
Shaking his head, Daniel gave your hand a soft kiss. “No...I want to join you..meet your grandfather...he mean’s a lot to you.”
Beaming at the man you slipped out of the car pausing for a moment feeling another wave on nausea hit you. “Hey? you okay?”
Daniel frowned as he stepped behind you, his hand rubbing your lower back. “Still sick? maybe we should skip the wedding?”
“What! no! Grace is my best friend...I’m also the maid of honor...” Sighing he closed his eyes. He hoped, even if it was a small part that you would have agreed. He was scared of losing you,you were his best friend, the woman he loved. He still had flashes of his nightmare, one’s of you drawing the dreaded card.
Of his family sacrificing you, with him being restrained watching them plunge a knife in your heart. He could barley even register you talking, no you weren’t talking you were screaming at someone. A man that looked similar to you...was this the twin brother you mentioned? 
“Fuck off Hugh.” Your hand protectively grasped Daniels.
Hearing your voice, Daniel narrowed his eyes as he stepped in front of you doing his best to shield you from your brother.
“You were always attracted to trash y/n though I never thought you’d be the one to fuck a former alcoholic...then again I’m sure knowing who his family is you’d open your legs for anything”
Stepping close to Ransom, it took a lot for Daniel not to deck the man across his smug face. “I don’t care what you say about me...but say one more disgusting comment about y/n and I swear I will knock you on your smug ass.”
Ransom blinked in surprise, he was not expecting that comment though the moment did not last long as he gave Daniel a smug smile. “Hm...I do not know if I like you or not.”
Walking towards his own car, Ransom gave you one last glance before he slipped into his own car driving off.
“What a prick..”
Blinking for a moment you let out a laugh as you reached out to grab his hand. “Hm...I can’t help but agree with you on that but thank you Daniel...for standing up for me.” Giving his cheek a kiss, you then tugged him into your grandfathers home eager for him to meet your grandfather.
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“And who did you say you were again?”
Daniel shifted his body as he glanced away from Harlan Thrombey , your grandfather.
“Uh...I am Daniel Le Domas.”God he wished you were by his side, to reassure him but you were to busy talking to Marta.
Harlan’s eyes flashed in surprise for a moment, next was anger but then they went back to his neutral expression. “Ah..yes I’ve heard of your family.” Leaning forward Harlan cleared out his throat. A slow smile forming on his face though it was one that Daniel would call friendly. “You do well to take care of my granddaughter...she’s a good woman...I’d rather not see her die...from a broken heart.
/Die from a broken heart...could he know?...no that would be ridiculous/
Taking a breath in, Daniel shook his head. “I’d never do anything to hurt her...I love her.”
Nodding his head in satisfaction, Harlan cleared out his throat. “Good...now would you be a good lass and grab her for me.”
Letting out his breath, Daniel quickly turned away from your grandfather as he hurried out of the room.
“Y/n...your father wanted to see you.” Glancing at the young nurse he gave her a light smile pressing a kiss to your head. “See you in the car?”
“Of course” Giving him a quick kiss, you then turned your attention to Marta. “Talk to you later?”
“Of course...have fun at the wedding y/n.”Holding back a groan you watched Daniel leave. 
“Oh...I’ll try.’ 
Slipping into your grandfathers study, you wondered what he had to say.
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Clapping your hand’s, you gave a happy but teary eyed smile to Grace. You were happy for your friend but you tried to ignore what your grandfather had told you but the news you received from your doctor. /Pregnant...I can’t believe I am pregnant./
“It was a beautiful wedding..” 
“It was.” Reaching out, Daniel grasped your hand to reassure himself. Praying that you and Grace would not draw that card.
Resting your head on his shoulder, you gave him a teasing grin. “Wanna have a quickie in one of your many rooms.”You did your best to ignore the look’s his family gave you...the one’s his ex wife gave you.
Once you noticed Alex and Grace were gone you grabbed Daniel’s hand pulling him up from his seat then down the isle, that was until a man, Daniels father stopped him in his path.
“Daniel...aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friend.”
Narrowing his eyes, Daniel gave his father a glare. “She’s not my friend...she’s my girlfriend.”
Looking him over, you bit your tongue holding back a comment. “ I’m Y/n...Y/n Thrombey.”
Tony Le Domas’s eyes went wide for a moment though it vanished once a thin smile formed on his face. “A Thrombey....you don’t say...well enjoy the party Miss Thrombey.”
“I think I will...” Brushing past the man, Daniel let his arm weave around your waist as you two walked away from his father.
Stepping into the mansion you stopped a door in the far off corner. Smiling, you quickened your pace. Giving a quick look around you were pleased to see know one was around, once you saw that the cost was clear you tugged him into a empty room smashing your slips on his own.
“Fuck me.”
“Oh you don’t need to tell me twice.”
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A game....who the fuck plays a game at a wedding reception. Leaning on your palm you tried not to show the bored look on your face as each member of the family drew a card. Once it was your turn you rolled your eyes seeing what you got.
/Hide N Seek....what are we five?/
Then one by one everyone showed what that had, you were surprised to hear the card Grace got. 
“Hide N Seek?”
But before Grace could say anymore you frowned holding your own card up. “Um I think we need to shuffle the deck...because I got Hide N Seek too.”
Daniel’s ex seemed please but Daniel. The man could feel his stomach drop, his heart squeezing tightly in his chest as your words rang through his ears.
 /I got hide an seek too/ 
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
How to say I love you - Dick Grayson x reader
Requested: no
Warnings: fluff 
Summary: Jason needed to know if what he was feeling was love, so he went to his older brother hoping he could get some help, after all Dick was engaged to the love of his life.
Prompts: 50 wordless ways to say "I love you"  7. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise. 23. Taking a picture together to print and hang later. 36. Helping brush their hair after a shower. 49. Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
Word count: 1.8k
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Jason had thought a lot before it actually came down to it. He considered all of his options, but there wasn’t many. He could ask Roy, but he didn’t know much either, Kori provided to be little help. Bruce would just be weird, Tim didn’t know anything either. Did he even need to justify why he wasn’t going to ask Damian? Duke was a nice guy, but he wasn’t sure he would be of much help either. Stephanie and Barbara would make it a big deal, and Cass wouldn’t know how to help. 
So there he was right now. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching Dick make himself a bowl o cereal. He seemed very concentrated, trying to balance the perfect amount of milk to go with his favorite cereal. 
Jason took a deep breath, it was now or never. It was just the two of them. Damian was probably at the cave, Bruce had already left to work and Tim most probably went with him. Cass was getting ready to go to school, Duke had to leave for college in a while. So it was just him and Dick. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Jason questioned, almost wishing his brother would say no 
“Good morning, Jaybird.” Dick answered happily “Of course! What can I help you with?”
“How did you… How did you find out that…” he stopped, realizing how stupid he would sound if he asked that question out loud “You know what? Never mind.”
Dick frowned “What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Jason considered his options, if he asked the question and Dick started laughing or judged him, he could bolt out of room. His bike was parked in the driveway since he had spend the night over. The keys were in his pocket, and he was sure Dick wouldn’t be able to react fast enough to follow him in time. Before his brother even knew he would be in one of his safe houses that his family did not know about. 
“How did you realize that you were in love with y/n? How did you know she was the one?”
Dick’s face blossomed into a smile. But it wasn’t a mockery one, it was a pure happiness smile, the one that only you could put on his face. 
“Oh, Jaybird, it actually took me a while to realize that.” He said, taking a sit a stool, motioning for him to join “I had many girlfriends in my life before, but everything was different with y/n, you know?”
Jason was hoping for more, waiting for more. He didn’t watch with envy for so many years his brother being deeply in love with his fiancé and being as happy as Jason has ever seen, for Dick to not sare it all with him. He wanted, no needed to know if what he was possibly feeling for a certain person was what he was so afraid it was.
“There was this one time” he smiled “that y/n was trying to reach the top shelf in my kitchen…”
Cookies. You wanted cookies, craving them like crazy after having tried to spend a week without eating sugar, but you couldn’t, you needed sugar in your life. You knew Dick kept your favorite cookies at the middle cabinet, what you didn’t expect was for it to be as high as it was. Did he really have to put that in the top shelf? 
You stood on your tiptoes, stretching your arms, but it didn’t work, you still couldn’t reach it. You looked around, spotting a stool near the laundry. You grabbed it, positioning it in front of the place you needed it, and stepped on top of it. Again, you stood in your tiptoes, successfully grabbing the cookies. What you didn’t expect was to lose balance and fall.
You screamed, hitting the ground with a yelp. Ouch, that hurt. 
“Y/n?” Dick yelled, coming running towards the kitchen and finding you on the ground “Oh my God, what happened?”
He kneeled down before you, cradling your face, looking it over for injuries.
You grinned at him “I fell down when I was grabbing some cookies.” You showed him the smashed package in your hand 
He shook his head, helping you sit up, but he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. This was such a you thing to do.
"Why didn't you ask me to get those for you?"
You pouted at him. 
"I was actually hoping I'd eat them before you realize that I gave up on my month without sugar thing."
Dick pretended to be hurt "You didn't plan on sharing? How dare you?"
You giggled. He knew just the right thing to say. You were probably going to feel guilty for having given up, but there he was cracking a joke just to make you smile. 
You two got up from the floor, but you moaned in pain when he grabbed your arm to help you stead yourself. He frowned, looking at your forearm where a big bruise was starting to form.
"Does it hurt?" he asked
"Yeah, but only when I touch it."
He nodded, bringing your arm to his lips and laying a kiss there, very softly so it wouldn't hurt you.
"Now, I've kissed it better."
You smiled, your boyfriend is such a dork. A cute one.
"Oh, there was this one time too that we were out and I took a picture of her on my phone. I didn't think much of it, until later when I was out on a mission and I grabbed my phone and saw it there." Dick smiled, pulling out his phone to show his brother which picture he was talking about "She looked to beautiful and before I knew it I had already printed it and now I carry it with me, inside my wallet, so I always have her close to me, even when we're far away."
Jason thought he would be sick listening to this stuff. Normally, he would make fun of his brother for being a softie romantic dork. But right now, he was wanting more stories.
"There was also this one time..." Dick continued 
You got out of the shower hoping you would feel refreshed, but you had such a hard day at work today. You had to go in earlier and ended up staying until late, you reassured yourself it was worth it, you were working your way towards a promotion and you could really use the extra cash that will come with it. But damn, you were so tired. 
After having your muscles relaxed in the warm water, you wanted nothing more than to just colapse in bed and fall asleep. 
"Why are you up so late, angel?" 
You looked trough the mirror, watching Dick in his Nightwing suit standing behind you. You were so tired you didn't even hear him slip trough your window. 
He would do this sometimes, after you found out about his secret ident. Show up in the middle of night, sometimes to make sure you were ok, other times just to see you for a while. 
"Late shift at work, and also early shift. I am so tired." you mumbled, closing your eyes and allowing your back to rest against his strong chest "I think I'm going to go to bed now. Will you tuck me in?"
He kissed your temple. 
"But your hair is wet, sweetheart. You're going to get sick."
"I have no energy to blow dry it."
Dick smiled, guiding you to bed while he grabbed a few stuff in the bathroom. He sat behind you in bed, gently brushing your hair, untangling nots. Then he blew dried it, making sure all of the spots were dry so you wouldn't get sick - winter was approaching, he didn't want you to catch a cold. 
"There you go." he smiled at you, tucking you into bed "Goodnight, sweetheart."
You smiled with your eyes closed, feeling him peck your lips before going out the window again. 
Jason was so engrossed in Dick's tellings, that he felt to notice Tim slipping in the sit beside him, sipping at his coffee mug. Damian stood at the doorstep, holding Titus' leash, completely forgetting it was going to ask one of them to walk his dog. Duke stopped midway while putting his laptop inside his backpack, and Cass stood near the trash can, throwing away a rotten banana that she though was still eatable. 
"Oh, when I go away on missions that last more than three days..."
You heard the front door open and close. You jumped from the couch.
"Dick!" you exclaimed, running towards him "You're back!"
You threw yourself at him and he caught you with ease. His arms circling around your waist while you placed your around his shoulders. You hug him so tight, knocking some of the wind inside his lungs. You had missed him so much, and you were so worried about him.
He pulled back, staring into your eyes.
"I love you." He said without second thoughts 
"I know." you smiled "I love you too."
Jason absorbed every single word that had just came out of his brother's mouth. He was surprised he didn't give up halfway trough. And his heart... it was beating weirdly inside his chest, there was something cold inside his belly.
"So after doing all of this... idiotic things you realized you loved y/n?" He asked slowly 
"Yeah." Dick nodded his head "It was actually Roy who made me realize that."
Jason frowned "Roy?"
"That day that I meet you two for that mission you asked for my help. Roy asked me about y/n, and I spent nearly two hours talking about all of this stuff, telling him all of this. In the end he told me he was glad I had finally found the one. And that's when it hit me. I ended most of my relationships when it got close to them finding out about who I am, but I let her stay. And all of those little things I did for her and she did for me? That was our way of wordlessly saying I love you to each other."
He stared at his siblings who had lost looks on their faces. Cass frowned a bit to herself, thinking. Tim fished the phone out of his pocket, typing furiously at it as if his life depended on it. Duke ran out of his room, saying he had to get to the library before it was too late. Damian quickly left the room, muttering something to himself. And Jason slowly got up from his sit.
"Need to go somewhere?" Dick asked teasingly
He nodded his head. Heading towards the exit.
"There is someone I really need to talk to." And with that he left 
Dick smiled to himself. He did it, he really did. He inspired all of his siblings to go out there and get their loved ones. He showed them it was worth it.
He grabbed his phone that was laying near his bowl of cereal, going to the speed dial and placing it on his ear.
"Hey, sweetheart." he grinned "You're never gonna guess what just happened."
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outofsstyles · 4 years
WHEN IN ROME - part 1
a/n: Ciao ragazzi!! So this is the part 1 of my friends to lovers featuring italy!Harry. Also a special thanks to my dear friend Giorgia for helping me with this, love her very much!! Hope everyone enjoys it!! Pease feel more than welcome to leave feedback (or just chat if you’d like) :)
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Word count: 7k                                  Rated: M,mature
You visit your best friend in Rome and some old feeling may start to resurface.
You struggle with your luggage after one of the wheels got caught on a loose tile, making it jerk across the airport floor. 
The other passengers from your flight stroll along the illuminated hallway, towards the arrival gate exit. Looking around, you notice their tired faces; half-open eyelids and pouted lips, often opening in small yawns. You probably didn’t look much different, considering flying always tends to make you sleepy, which is why you preferred the night ones. 
This one, in particular, was supposed to have landed around sunset, giving you enough time to enjoy your Harry’s company before settling in the hotel room. What no one was expecting, however, was to hear a muffled voice announce through the speakers that your flight was expected to be delayed for about 3 hours. The news was annoying, sure, but you knew there was not much to be done about it. So you simply snuggled further on the uncomfortable metal seat as you rolled your eyes at some angry man who was trying to argue with the poor attendant.
The warm Italian weather was a refreshing change of settings when you finally got to step out of the aircraft, making you take off your cardigan and tie it firmly around your waist. It sent a sparkle of energy down your spine, knowing you arrived after what felt like such a dragged-out flight. But despite your tired state, you feel a warm feeling settling itself in your tummy. One that makes you fight back a smile and jump on your heels in excitement as you walk maybe a bit faster than you should. 
Going through the exit doors, it almost feels as if your heart wants to escape from your ribcage. The nervous anticipation filling every inch of your mind. 
You walk past the group of people gathered around the gate, politely declining the ones who approached you offering taxi rides in a strong accent. Peering around the busy area, it doesn’t take long until you spot the curly mop you were looking for, as he calls out your name.
You don’t hold back the smile that breaks into your face as you watch him approach you with open arms, his dimples marking his cheeks. Not giving a second thought, you let go of the handle of your suitcase, rushing to his direction. You find your place between his arms as he pulled you into a tight hug, arching his back a bit to make your feet leave the ground just barely. 
The scent of his cologne makes your eyes water just slightly, not realizing how much you had missed his presence until that moment. You nuzzle your face deeper into his neck, his arms tightening around you once more.
“Missed you so much, love,” he blurts, his voice muffled as his face squishes into your shoulder blades. 
Placing a quick kiss to the side of your face he pulls away, allowing you to take in his appearance up close for the first time in months. His hair was still short, but longer than it was the last time you’d seen him in person, some locks falling charmingly along with his face. 
You place your hands on his smooth face, rubbing it lightly, “you shaved!” You exclaim, referencing the last picture he had sent you, which showed a scruff growing along his upper lip and jawline. At the time, you were quick to text him to playfully let him know you were not the biggest fan of it. 
He rolls his eyes at you, shaking his head slightly as he pushes your hands away from his face. “‘m very happy to see you too, knobhead,” he mumbles, moving to retrieve your forgotten bag lying on the floor behind you.
“I’m just teasing, silly,” you pinch his chin jokingly as he comes back by your side, guiding you through the airport, “You know I support all your decisions, even the bad ones.”
“Okay, I get it, it’s a no for the beard,” he chuckles, “mum hated it too.”
“I’ve always trusted Anne’s good taste,” you provoke, making him poke you playfully before reaching to put his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as you two walk. 
“‘S too bad your flight got delayed,” he says, “was planning on grabbing a bite and show you around fo’ a bit.”
Your heart grows a bit at his words, you reach your arm around his waist as to hug him back. “Yeah, it’s too bad,” you gaze up at him, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked up again, “sorry for making you wait so long.”
“Stop that, don’t have to apologize,” he assures, “‘s not your fault.” He squeezes you against him gently, “‘sides we have the entire week to make it up fo’ it.”
When Harry broke in the news that he would be moving to Rome to pursue a photography degree you obviously felt heartbroken. You two were inseparable at the time and knowing you wouldn’t be able to see him every day anymore made your heartache. It couldn’t have come at a worse time either, you had just broken up with your boyfriend, and suddenly it felt like you were losing everyone you loved the most at the same time.
But still you swallowed back your selfish feelings to show him your support, promising to visit as soon as possible. 
In your ideal world, you would drop everything and pack your bags with him to start a fresh life somewhere else. But realistically speaking, you had too much tying you up to your home, and not nearly enough money to pay for tickets to Italy every weekend so you could visit your best friend as regularly as you wish.
So you hugged him goodbye with tearful eyes and shaky hands, watching him walk towards the departure gate as he waved back one last time.
That had been eight months ago. 
You never expected to take this long to finally be able to see him again, but life sometimes just doesn’t line up the way you want it to. Harry never let you lose contact, though, and for that, you were eternally grateful. He always made sure to call you at least once a week to catch up on each other’s lives. 
It was the highlight of your weeks if you were honest. Getting the comfort of seeing his face even if it was just to talk about trivial things like his recipe of vegan brownies or a new boutique shop that opened on the corner of your street.
But now you don’t have a screen separating the two of you anymore. You can see his smile without it being a pixelated image. You can hear his voice clear next to you. You can hug him back and feel his arms squeezing your waist. You can smell the faint lavender scent on his shirt, mixing with his cologne.
You definitely missed him much more than you’d realized.
The sound of your alarm clock rang softly through the compact hotel room. You sigh contentedly, reaching to turn it off before rolling on your back and blinking your eyes open with little internal fight. 
It wasn’t often you could feel this well-rested, especially after sleeping on a strange bed. But thinking about how tired you were the previous night, it didn’t take long for you to fall into a deep slumber as soon as you finally got to lie down. 
The sunlight invaded your small room through the cracks of the nearly closed curtains, making you realize you might’ve been too sleepy to bother on closing them all the way the previous night. Usually, in regular days, you’d lay back in bed and steal a few more minutes of sleep, which would eventually lead to maybe another hour or two of snoozing your alarm clock. But this wasn’t just a regular day, you were in Italy, and Harry would probably be waiting for you down in the lobby in just a few minutes. 
He had revealed none of the plans he made for the day, wanting to keep most of the trip a surprise for you. This habit of his of trying to keep a mysterious front usually makes you tease him with a roll of your eyes, but on this occasion you accepted it. You didn’t really care about what activities you’d do on your stay, as long as you can do it with him.
You check your bag to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything as you wait for the elevator to go down. Running your hands over your summer dress as the doors opened.
Walking into the lobby, you expected Harry to be late, considering he would always be the last one to arrive on any kind of social gathering you’d go before he moved. But to your surprise, you find him leaning against the reception counter, speaking excitedly to the sweet old lady that had welcomed you when you checked in. 
As you get closer to them, you can identify that they’re speaking Italian, making you smile softly at how easily the words flew through Harry’s lips as he speaks.
The lady notices you first, smiling at you as you approach the counter, making Harry check over his shoulder to find you standing behind him. His smile grows, his eyes traveling down your body so subtly it almost felt like your mind was making it up. He greets you with a small hug, looking back at the woman behind the counter one last time and saying something you don’t understand.
“She looks beautiful!” she speaks, her word flowing with a strong accent, “bellissima!” 
You feel a blush creeping to your cheeks as you thank her, wishing her a nice day before Harry and you make your way to leave through the front door. The hotel you’re staying in isn’t the fanciest, but it makes up with the cozy feel and charm you could only find in a small, old building. You chose it specifically for being located just a block away from Harry’s apartment, allowing you two to be closer to him.
“She seems nice,” you say once you turn into the street.
“She’s lovely,” he agrees, shooting you a quick look with a smirk on his face, “was telling me about her husband.”
“Oh,” you say, “What did she tell you?”
“Told me about how they met and all that, they’ve been married fo’ forty years!”
“You love those stories, don’t you?” You chuckle.
He rolls his eyes, “they’re sweet, okay?” he argues. “Not my fault you have a cold heart.”
You gasp, poking him playfully. “I don’t!” you exclaim, earning a knowingly look from him.
You walk a few more blocks along on the small sidewalk; the closeness making your hands brush slightly every so often. The day was nice, ideal for staying outside and enjoying the clear sky. A morning breeze messes up your hair a bit and the sounds of birds singing take over the empty street, along with Harry’s low hums to a tune you’re not familiar with.
He guides you to a small bakery, barely noticeable amongst the surrounding buildings. As you approach the entrance he explains how it’s one of his favorite places to go for what he says is “the best Italian breakfast in Rome!”
Walking inside you are met with the delicious smell of fresh-baked bread. The place is filled with quiet chatter as a few people sit on a long couch located by the back. An older man wearing an apron with various spots of flour on it greets Harry happily as you come in, pulling him into a small conversation you, once again, can’t really pick much of. 
Soon, you two are sitting at a small table by one of the large windows that overlook the street you came from. You bite into the sandwich as a pair of green irises watches you carefully, trying to catch a glimpse of your reaction. 
“So, what are we doing today?” You ask as you pick a few crumbles of bread left on your plate.
“You’re very impatient, haven’t changed a bit,” Harry replies, taking one last sip of his coffee. 
You roll your eyes at him, “you say that as if we haven’t talked in eight months.” 
He chuckles lightly as he leans back on his chair, his arms reaching over his head in a stretch. You try not to notice how his shirt rides up just barely, but enough for your eyes to wander a bit lower than you should’ve. When you meet his gaze again, he has a smirk adorning his face, knowing he just caught you not-so-subtly checking him out.
You clear your throat, praying the warmth you feel creeping on your cheeks isn’t noticeable as you try to think of how to cover up.
“Nice fit, by the way,” you motion towards his blue shirt with an imprint of Mickey Mouse on it, to which he matched with floral shorts. 
This was the kind of clothing combination that would most definitely look silly on anyone else, but Harry was the kind of person who could pull off wearing a potato sack. He just looked good in anything, it was almost aggravating if it wasn’t also endearing in a way. But you’d never say that out loud.
“D’you like it?” He asks as he moved his hands to pull at the hem, looking down at it before meeting your eyes with a smug look on his face. “‘S my tourist outfit.”
“Is it now?” You chuckled, “does that mean we’re being tourists today?”
“I mean, you are a tourist, but yes,” he said, “we’re sightseeing, baby.”
Walking around the historical neighborhood in Rome was an overwhelming feeling in every sense of the word. You knew choosing to visit the city at the peak of summer would come with tourist-filled streets so it didn’t surprise you to be met with congested crowds as you got closer to the historical sites. 
But as much as you were not the biggest fan of crowds, you couldn’t even feel bothered in the slightest by the masses of people surrounding you. The feeling of the city itself was ethereal, something that seemed right out of a movie screen. Timeless buildings stood tall above you, with the perfect combination of old-fashioned and modern. 
Harry is having fun with his camera, teasing you at the amazed expressions you made at every corner you turned. But you couldn’t help but feel like that. 
The day only helped to enhance the enchanting feeling of the place. With the sun shining proudly in the clear blue sky, but still catching a light breeze that relieved the heat that formed a light coat of sweat on your body, making you take big gulps out of your water bottle every so often. 
Even the air around you feels different. Something you couldn’t really explain, it was lighter. Harry said it was Italy’s perfect mixture of great food and great people - to which you can’t deny - but you know having him with you is also a big factor.
“Harry, please, I’m scared I’ll bump into someone,” you say,  moving your hands blindly in front of you.
“You won’t,” he replied, keeping his hand firmly above your eyes as he guides you. 
“What if I run over a child?”
“I find your lack of trust incredibly hurtful,” he says from behind, pulling you closer to him. “We’re almost there.”
“Do we really have to do this?” You chuckle.
“Yes, now shush.”
You walk a bit more before he stops. His chest meets your back as he leans in, the ends of his hair tickling your ear slightly. You mindlessly hold your breath, grabbing his wrists anxiously as you wait for him to remove his hands.
“Ready?” He asks. His low voice causing goosebumps to form on the back of your neck.
You nod quickly into his hands, bouncing on your feet slightly as you wait for him to pull out his hands from your eyes. 
It takes a second until your vision can get used to the sunlight after being in the dark, but as soon as you focus on the sight in front of you, it’s like all the air escapes from your lungs. The colosseum stands in all its glory, centered in the open area. A place you have only seen in pages of history books or through a screen. You bring your hand to cover your mouth mindlessly as you gasp at the gigantic monument. 
“How does it feel?” Harry bites his lip, grinning as he gazes quickly at the construction before looking back at you. “Seeing it fo’ the first time?”
“It’s incredible,” you gasp, your eyes still wandering around the sight in front of you. 
“It’s two thousand years old, you know,” he explains. “‘S why it kinda looks like a swiss cheese f’you look at it closely.”
“Oh my god,” you giggle, shaking your head at him. “Did you just compare one of humanity’s most historical monuments to cheese?”
Harry rolls his eyes playfully, “‘s a metaphor, darling, you wouldn’t get it.”
“Of course, I’m sorry for being so illiterate.” You joke, bumping your hip against his.
“‘S fine I’m used to it,” he provokes back. “So, are you just gonna stand there with your mouth open or are we going in?”
Your eyes widen at his question. “Wait.” you grab his arm as he looks at you with the most amused expression.”So we actually get to go inside?”
“Course we get to go inside, love.” He throws an arm above your shoulder, squeezing it gently. “What kind of tour guide d’you think I am?”
It warms your heart how much thought he clearly put into planning this trip for you. Not just planning it, but also making sure you’re enjoying all the aspects that Italy has to offer in your limited time here. Truthfully, the biggest reason that brought you here was him. Getting to visit one of the grandest cities in the world is just a bonus. A wonderful bonus. And you are glad to do it with him.
Okay, maybe you finally realize what people meant when they described Rome as “enchanting, yet congested” on the many traveling websites you had researched before packing your bags.
Harry warned you about it before you entered the small square - that isn’t even that small but the packed crowd makes it seem much enclosed. He keeps his hand holding securely onto your waist, pulling you close as you walk towards the fountain.
The fountain, yes, the whole reason you are here. Fontana di Trevi. One of Rome’s most prized monuments, and just taking one look at it you could see why. It’s gorgeous, not like any other fountain you’ve ever seen in your life. 
That seems to be a repeating theme in this place, finding the beauty in the most minimal details, like the flowers blooming on a building’s wall, but also on the obvious ones, like the carefully crafted statues posing forever on top of the marble stones.
As you get closer, your eyes never leave the artwork standing in front of you. You’re thankful for Harry’s grip on your waist, otherwise, you’d probably trip down the steps as you make your way through the crowd. 
You find a spot by the edge of the fountain surprisingly easily. Harry lets go of your waist to reach into his back pocket, retrieving a few coins and offering to you.
“Do I make a wish?” you asked, picking a couple from his palm.
“No, there’s this whole thing,” he began, “f’you throw one means you’ll return to Rome,”  he held up a coin as he explained, “two, means you’ll get married, and three, s’to get a divorce.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, “that’s a nice way to break the news, I guess.”
You looked down at your palm, quickly picking up a cent and throwing it at the fountain, watching it descend slowly into the clear water.
“Just one, love?” Harry asked, making you look up at him to meet his gaze.
“Don’t really have anyone to get married to, do I?” you joked, “What about you?”
“Already made my wish when I first got here,” he replied, “not gonna risk throwing more.”
“How many did you throw?”
He simply grins down at you, letting your question linger in the air for a moment. You can feel his hand making its way on your waist again, pulling you closer to him.
You’re received at the bar table with excited cheers from the small group already gathered there. 
There’s an already annoying knot settling at the pit of your stomach. It’s something that has been bothering you throughout the day from the moment Harry mentioned you’d be meeting his friends for dinner. Even with his assurance that you’d be fine, telling you how excited they are to meet you, it still makes you a bit anxious. Of course you want to make a good impression, they are his friends after all. His new friends. 
What helps with your nerves a bit, is the fact that it’s not a massive amount of people, in fact, you are a bit surprised to see there’s only four of them. 
They all seem like they’ve just walked right out of a Vogue issue photoshoot, which makes you fidget with the fabric of your dress nervously. Harry keeps his hand placed on your lower back soothingly as he introduces you to everyone.
The two girls don’t even bat an eye in his direction, getting up to make their way directly to you. The first one pulls you into a tight hug immediately, the unexpected gesture causes you to take a second before hugging her back. She’s shorter than you, but she gives you a big smile as she introduces herself as Giorgia with an excited voice. Her look is very classy which stands out from the more laid-back outfits of the rest of the group.
You barely have time to separate from her before you’re being pulled into another hug. 
“I’m Francesca!” She says before pulling back, her blonde hair a bit messy on top of her head. “It’s very nice to finally meet you!”
You laugh softly at the warm welcome, “It’s lovely to meet you too.”
“We were all so excited to meet you,” Giorgia says, as you sit on the chair across from her. “Harry talks about you all the time.”
You glance at Harry who’s pulling the chair next to yours, arching your eyebrows at him. “Oh, does he now?”
“Alright, alright.” He scratches the tip of his nose, letting out a light chuckle. “Knew she’d do that as soon as you got here.”
“It’s my personal job to tease you at any given opportunity, H.” She reaches for the wine bottle, pouring it into a glass and handing it to you.
You give her a slight smile. “Think we’ll get along then.” You chuckle, moving the wine glass to your lips.
“Wait!” Giorgia stops you, “there’s a saying here in Italy that if you drink without toasting, you have seven years of bad sex, so.” 
“Oh,” you move the glass away from your mouth, raising it. “We don’t want that.”
“No, we don’t.” You hear Harry say from his spot next to you, moving his own glass to meet yours in a light click.
The night progresses bringing a warm feeling in all the pleasant ways. 
A light chatter fills the table, mixing with the sound of the other loud conversations from other young groups surrounding you. You risk learning a bit of Italian from the girls, as they tell excitedly stories about Harry’s first months not knowing the language.  It makes you feel silly for ever thinking they wouldn’t welcome you, seeing how they are treating you as if you are friends for years. 
But what makes your heart swell is seeing Harry so comfortable and laid-back amongst them. 
It may be the effect of the alcohol settling itself on your bloodstream, but as time passes, you find it harder to keep your eyes off of him. 
The crinkle in his eyes as he throws his head back with laughter brings an inevitable smile to your face. His hand squeezing your knee reassuringly, every so often, makes your breath catch in your throat. His eyes never leaving yours as you ramble about something you don’t even pay much attention to.
He’s listening closely to the words coming out of your mouth, his own lips forming a soft grin. You can feel your words start to get confusing as you become much aware of the distance between the two of you. It was close enough so you can notice the cloudy look in his eyes, but till not as close as you wish. 
Your mind seems to erase everything around you as you can see his eyes moving down, so quickly it almost seems like it’s part of your imagination. 
“You two look so cute together.” You hear Francesca’s sudden voice from the other side of the table, reminding that you’re not alone. “You’d make such a cute couple”
It catches you off guard, making you glance over to Harry before shaking your head. “Oh, I mean, I- Well- We’re not- We’ve never-”
“Francie!” Giorgia - thankfully - interrupts your nervous stutter, poking her friend gently in the arm. “You don’t just say stuff like that.”
“What? But it’s true!” Francesca says defensively, “they must get this all the time.” She turns back to you.”Right?”
You quickly bring your glass to your lips, taking a long sip as you decide to let Harry deal with the situation. You feel grateful for the dim lighting of the place, knowing it will cover the undeniable blush that you can tell is already covering your cheeks.
“I mean, yeah, we used to,” he begins, wrapping an arm over your shoulder. “But that’s just cause we slept together.”
You choke on your wine at his words, making him laugh at your clear affected state. “Harry!” You exclaim, hitting his chest lightly before gazing at the amused expressions watching the two of you. “We just slept together, literally. As in just sleep. And that was years ago!”
“I feel like I should take offense at your horror,” he teases.
“Wait- No! I- I didn’t mean it like that-” you try to explain.
“I enjoyed sleeping with you. Thought it was special.” He throws his head back dramatically.
You shake your head at him. “You’re having way too much fun with this.”
He looks back at you with a smug look on his face, “maybe I’m just flattered.”
You look away from him, taking a sip of your wine as you hear laughter taking over the table.
“Told you, you are cute!” Francesca says once again.
The walk back to the hotel was filled with giggles and rushed whispers as to not disturb anyone, considering Harry’s warning about the loud acoustic of the narrow streets. Your minds were hazy and your chests warm as you stumbled along the way.
“Madame, you’re home.” He says, motioning dramatically towards the entrance door.
“Well, sir thank you for your company on this dark night,” you giggle, bowing slightly. “Seems like you’re a proper gentleman now, aren’t you?”
“Now?” he questions, an offended look taking over his face, making you giggle again. “Was I not before?”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Of course you were!” you bring a hand over your mouth as an attempt to quiet your laughter.
“Well on that note, I’ll leave.” He turns on his heels.
You reach for his arms pulling him back to you. “No! Stop! I’m sorry, come back.”
He glances over his shoulder, allowing you to drag him towards you. His grin was visible on his face, dimples deep on his cheeks, as he wraps his arms around your waist, drawing you in. Your laugh stops on your throat when you gaze up to meet his eyes, realizing how close you were. 
Even in the poor lighting, you can still see the green of his irises as he brings his hand up to cup your cheek. The alcohol dancing in your mind making it seem like you were watching it from the outside, as you hold your breath, too afraid to make any kind of movement.
Your heart was loud on your chest. You wish you could read his mind, know his next move. His eyes looked at you almost as if they wanted to tell you something, but your head was too blurry to understand it.
You swallow dryly, “thank you for today, H.” You break the silence. “Was really nice.”
“‘F course, love.” He whispers, caressing his thumb gently over your cheekbone. “Should get some rest,” he says, “got another early day tomorrow.”
“Sure,” you breathe. “Good night, Harry.”
He leans in, your breath catching on your throat as he places a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling away completely.
“Gelatto!” You hold up the two ice cream cups before handing one to Harry and moving down to sit next to him on the steps, carefully avoiding the handlebar of your bike laying on the ground.
“Look at you!” He giggles, “by the end of the week you’ll be a proper Italian.”
You chuckle, “I mean, it’s not like this word is not written all over the store or anything.” you lick the ice cream off your spoon. “But I do have the best tour guide in Rome, so that helps a lot.”
“Is that so?”
You hum with your spoon between your lips, nodding at him.
“Should get his number then, heard he’s a pretty cool bloke.” He smirks, “heard he’s quite handsome as well.”
You roll your eyes at him, “he’s got a big head too.”
He scoffs, nuzzling you as you giggle. “You’re a pest.”
“I am?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Yes, you are.” He shakes his head, playing with the spoon on his ice cream before scooping a bit. 
You fall into a comfortable silence enjoying each other’s company with the soft sound of nature surrounding you. 
The day was thankfully cooler than the ones before, allowing you to sit underneath the sun without feeling like your skin was boiling. The light breeze helped to chill your hot skin, caused by all the cycling you did to get to the island.  
“Y’know,” Harry’s voice breaks into the silence. “I’m very happy that you’re here.”
You gaze up at him, smiling softly. “I’m very happy that I’m here too.”
“No, like really I-” he begins, meeting your eyes. “Thank you fo’ coming.”
“Of course I’d come, silly.” You say, “promised I would.”
“Yeah, I know but-” he looks down at his shoes, a frown forming between his eyebrows. “‘S just,” he sighs, almost in frustration, as if he doesn’t know how to say it. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too, H.” Your eyebrows knit together - you can tell there’s something on his mind. “Where’s this coming from?”
“‘S nothing,” he brushes off, still not meeting your eyes.
“Almost fooled me there,” you say, bumping your shoulder on his softly. “You can talk to me, you know?”
“I know.” He looks at you, “was just thinking back to right before I moved. When I told you about it.” He shakes his head, gazing up to the river in front of you. “Felt like the worst friend in the world.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighs, “‘s just-” he begins, his eyebrow still in a frown - as if he’s searching for the right word to say.  “You just were in a bad place back then, felt so bad fo’ just leaving you like that.” He admits, glancing at you. “I’m sorry.”
You can feel your heart sink as the words come out of his mouth, knowing what he’s referencing to. Your breakup. 
It’s something you don’t really enjoy thinking about but still seems to come back to your mind occasionally, as if to haunt you. 
The entire relationship was a mess, to begin with, and it’s something you can only look back now and realize. From the start, you only accepted going out with him as a form of distraction from your genuine feelings - to which you assume now it’s incredibly unfair not only to him but to yourself. Truth to be told, you never loved him the way you were supposed to.
But as the months went by you learned to get used to it, telling yourself that maybe with time you would forget about who your heart yearned for. So you swallowed back that ache.
When it finally happened, it didn’t come as a surprise to you. You felt like it was inevitable that you wouldn’t last. What did surprise you were how harder the aftermath would be when you learned your biggest support was leaving.
So you look at Harry apologizing for it, not knowing how to express in words that the primary reason you were a mess back then, wasn’t because of the breakup at all.
“I’m sorry, shouldn’t have brought it up.” He apologizes after your lack of response.
“No, it’s fine.” You reassure, “just haven’t thought about it for a while.”
You can feel him watching you from the side of your vision.
“It killed me to see you with him.”
The sentence makes you freeze a bit. You’ve always known Harry wasn’t a big fan of ex. It wasn’t something explicit, considering he never spoke about his dislike of him. But you know Harry. You could tell from his dry words and uninterested eyes every time your boyfriend came up, that he disapproved. So hearing him admit it straightforwardly shocked you a bit, to say the least. 
“I-” You begin, but stop, not knowing how to end the sentence.
“‘m sorry, shouldn't’ve said that.”
“No. Harry-” you pause for a moment, his eyes never leaving you as you think how to say it. “He was a dick.”
“Yeah.” He agrees. “He really was, love.” His gaze moves forward, breaking the eye contact. “You deserve much better than that.”
Like who? You want to ask. Even if you already know the answer. Well, you think you know the answer.
The words get caught in your throat, screaming so loud inside your mind you physically shake your head, trying to stop thinking them. It’s that unsaid confession. The one you’ve been meaning to say long before you even dated your ex..
There’s an awkward pause in the air. One you created without even realizing, because of your lack of response. Harry clears his throat, getting up before offering one hand to help you do the same which you take it.
“We should go,” he says, his eyes still not meeting yours. “Still got to return the bikes.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” 
You let out a content hum as the orangy taste hits your tongue, scrunching your nose slightly at the bitter aftertaste, due to the alcohol in it.
“You don’t like it? Harry chuckles at your expression, pulling his glass back to his side of the table.
“It’s good,” you say, “Just looks like orange soda.”
Harry wraps his lips around the straw, taking a sip. “Suppose it does.”
The sound of a small boat passing by the river next you call your attention, making you gaze at it as it moved lazily across the water. You take a moment to appreciate the view from your table, feeling grateful for finding one right by the edge of the sidewalk, allowing you to look at it without lots of people serving as obstacles.
A pinkish and golden tone paints the sky, as the sun goes down to give space for the nighttime. The sound of someone playing the piano took over as background noise. The lights are already turned on though, reflecting beautifully by the water. You can see the masses of people strolling on the other edge where the expo was set up.
You were there earlier in the day, going through the small businesses and gazing at the artworks exposed on the tents. 
There was a particular rose necklace that caught your eye, making you run your finger through the delicate piece for a moment before deciding it was best to leave it be. To your surprise, a few minutes later, as you stopped to watch someone plays a ukulele version of Riptide, you feel a cold chain being wrapped around your neck. 
You looked back to find Harry smiling at you, muttering a shy “Surprise,” as you reach to your neck, only to find the same necklace you had been eyeing before.
The recent thought brings a smile to your face, causing you to play with the pendant.
“D’you remember,” Harry’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “When we went to that friend of yours birthday party.”
“I think so,” he says. “That party was shit.”
You laugh, “God, it really was.” You shake your head slightly at the memory. “We left after, like, ten minutes.”
“We did, yeah,” he says fondly. “Went to that petrol station at midnight to get those awful chips you like and ate them at that empty parking lot.”
“The one with the broken sign.”
“The one with the broken sign,” he smiles. “‘S one of my favorite memories.”
“Really?” You incline.
“Really.” He says, “can still picture you laughing at my terrible attempt at making jokes.” He looks down, poking his finger at the tablecloth. “Almost kissed you that day.”
You blink at him. Feeling your heart skip a beat at his confession. His eyes moving up to meet yours with a gleam to them.
Maybe it was the ethereal feeling that had settled into your mind from the first moment you got here. The one that made it seem like you were in one of those cheesy romcoms Harry loves so much. One where you found yourself in a breathtaking place along with your best friend, where you two slowly would come to the realization that maybe you felt like being more than just friends.
You tried your best to keep those thoughts away. Locking them down in the back of your mind and trying to forget they even exist. But like an annoying ich you can’t quite seem to reach, they would come back to you, almost in a provoking way, to remind you you couldn’t get rid of old feelings. No matter how hard you tried.
It was in the small moments when those thoughts came back to life. When he holds onto your waist in a crowded space so you wouldn’t get lost. Or how he always found a way to compliment you. 
Or even when he’s not even doing anything, but the string of lights above you just hit his face perfectly as he looks at you with the most affectionate eyes. His thumb finding your hand over the table, caressing it so gently that brought the most beautiful butterflies on your stomach.
Maybe the wine has gotten to your head but those unspoken words weigh so heavily on your tongue you can almost taste them.
But it was a little voice inside your head that makes you swallow them back. One that screams that this has become something too important to be thrown away in a failed attempt at a relationship. Whatever window that was of becoming more than friends had already been closed years ago. 
And with one look at his glistening eyes, you take a sip of your wine, deciding that those past feelings should stay in the past.
{PART 2}
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kirislut · 4 years
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the swing set
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a/n: so this is just a comfort fic for myself really pfft,, just some feelings of mine that seem to stay unresolved,, but i still hope you enjoy! i need to stop pouring my personal feelings and experiences into fics abxmwkd also i’m worried osamu might be a little ooc sorry about that!!
pairing: osamu x gn!reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: over thinking, self blame, mentions of toxic friendship?
taglist (open): @katsushimaa @animatedarchives @peach-pops @deephasoceanmagic @goopyartiste @sugas-sweetheart @shoutamajiki @justamultifandomfan16 @spookykiri @yee-harr @colorseeingchick @tetsurolls @meliorist-midoriya @olsenholic @ordinary-ace @bunnythepipsqueak @sushii10 @sunseteyes @aaakaaashii @aizawaslovebot @rousouhouuu @wompwomphq @eighth-wanderer
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moving was no easy task. having to leave everything behind and restart was no fun in the slightest. the hardest thing was saying goodbye to all of your friends. you knew the promise of texting each other was flimsy, eventually, they’d forget and move on with other friends. but you tried not to dwell on the thought too much. you tried to think of how making new friends would be good for you, trying to put yourself out there and make connections was something you needed to improve on anyways.
it wasn’t long before you were accepted into a group of friends, being the new person in school comes with perks since the attention was on you for the first week. everything was smooth from there, you enjoyed your new friends even though there were moments or inside jokes you didn’t understand. you tried not to dwell on it much, it’s not like they were trying to exclude you. however, slowly yet surely, they began to.
whether they meant to or not they started to leave you out of things. forgetting to text you plans for hanging out together, leaving without you after school ended, and sometimes never even glancing in your direction during lunch. some days it was like you never even existed to them in the first place. yet you still stayed around the group. how could you not, you had nowhere else to go.it didn’t help that another new student joined the class. and just like your group did with you, they gladly accepted the new girl into the friend group.
if you didn’t think they didn’t care about you before, you did now. it was painfully obvious how much they enjoyed the new girl’s company instead of yours. often talking to her or asking her to tell them stories. the spotlight was constantly on her, asking her about how she thought being at a new school was. or how cool she was for being new and such. even though you were new as well just two months or so ago.
however you held no resent towards the girl, she was funny and lovable, gorgeous as well. you could understand why they enjoyed her company over your own. you just weren’t interesting enough for them, no matter what you did or talked about. but they still had their moments of being nice to you and inviting you to hang out. maybe you were just overthinking the friendship between yourself and them.
with winter break just starting, you couldn’t help but feel excited. you had ideas of what to get and make your friends for christmas. even if they weren’t as attentive to you they were still your friends after all! besides if they didn’t want you there they would’ve said something, and they did.
a few days into the break you got a text from one of the girls in the group. she explained how she and everyone else didn’t want to be friends with you anymore because they just didn’t like you all that much anymore. their excuse was not connecting with you, that you were just too different. that and with the new girl there they didn’t want to keep you around anymore, it apparently just felt too awkward.
you responded with a string of angry and emotional texts, saying how they were all mean and how they were terrible friends anyway. it was all in the heat of the moment, and while you said you wouldn’t miss them, deep down you knew you would. while the last bits of the friendship was weak and crumbled, the beginning was lots of fun and memorable. what were you going to do now that you were alone?
you don’t know how much time was spent with you crying in your bed, but that was all you could do. so when tears no longer came out, you decided to leave the house and just get some fresh air. your room was now stuffy, the tearful atmosphere felt suffocating to you. so you grabbed your jacket, told your parents you were gonna go for a walk and left the house.
the winter night instantly made you feel chilly, a tingle immediately rushing down your spine as your started to walk to nowhere in particular. even though you went on this walk to try and clear your head, thoughts slowly started to spill into your mind about the ordeal.
you wondered what went wrong, they said it was you so could you have done better? maybe you weren’t a good enough friend, maybe you should’ve been more interesting and fun, maybe if the new girl never came you wouldn’t have been tossed aside like a piece of garbage. all of the possibilities and thoughts of maybe this and maybe thought clouded your mind. it was only when you felt tears running down your cheeks again that you were pulled out of your spiraling thoughts.
carefully you swiped your tears away with the back of your hand, only now looking to see where your feet had carried you too. it seemed that you ended up at the local park in your neighborhood. this was the one place you enjoyed after the move, coming there after school to just relax and enjoy the weather. it seemed that your subconscious knew where to take you to try and comfort yourself. it made you feel a little happy that at least someone cared, even if it was just your subconscious.
you beelined straight to the swings, it was the best place to sit in the park. it also felt nice to pretend like you were in a shoujo manga, waiting for your crush to meet you at the first place you met so that they could confess to you. maybe this was why your friends, now previous friends, decided to drop you. were your thoughts and interests just too different from theirs? was it really that bad enough for them to decide and exile you from their group? whichever way you tried to think about it, it just didn’t make sense. what could you do to improve yourself? how could you become more likable like the new girl? you were the problem right? it wasn’t their fault they dropped you, no it was yours. you were the problem, you were the problem, you were the pro-
“is this swing taken?” you looked to the source of the voice, not expecting to see a gray-haired male that seemed to be the same age as you. “oh no it’s not sorry,” the male nodded at your response and sat himself down on the swing beside you. he looked straight ahead, pushing off on the ground and gently starting to swing back and forth. you watched as he didn’t pick up much speed, just slowly and rhythmically going back and forth.
you looked over the male, taking in his handsome and very familiar features. you felt like you’ve seen him around before yet you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. so when you noticed the maroon sports jacket he was wearing it finally clicked. “you go to inarizaki high as well? i feel like i’ve seen you walking around the halls before,” the male glanced over at you and simply nodded. “yeah i do. you’re in my friend’s class i’m pretty sure. i’m miya osamu, what’s your name?”
the conversation after that flowed slowly and steadily, you exchanged names and talked about his friend, suna, who was in your class, and about how he played volleyball for the school. it was casual and very calming in a sense, something that felt a bit out of place after crying your eyes just before this. osamu was surprised you didn’t know him as one of the miya twins, but it was refreshing, to say the least. “so what are you doing out here?” osamu’s question caused you to sigh, you didn’t want to suddenly dump your feelings onto some cute guy you just met. “i just wanted some fresh air that's all,” you watched as the male’s eyes squinted at you, clearly questioning your answer. but it wasn’t a lie, you did want to get some fresh air because your bedroom reeked of your sadness but you didn’t think it was necessary to include that part.
“any reason for wanting fresh air? i don’t mean to be rude but it looks like you’ve been crying. do...you want to talk about it?” you unconsciously started to nervously play with your fingers, you weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him much. what if you would scare him away just like all your prior friends? but also, at this point, you didn’t have much to lose. so, you did something you never thought you’d ever do. you poured your feelings out to some cute guy you just met, on the swings of all places.
osamu nodded slowly as you explained the situation of you moving and how you found new friends only to be replaced and dumped not too long after. you even shared your doubtful feelings of not being enough and thinking you were the problem. “well there’s always going to be someone out there who's just better.” the blunt comment made you deadpan at the gray-haired male, so this was how he comforted people? but before you could interject he continued, “that’s sadly just the reality of life. i know from personal experience, but—“ he paused for a moment, his mind flickering to his more preferred twin brother “—it’s not your fault. no matter how much you want to blame yourself it’s not your fault. it’s theirs for being jerks.”
your eyes bore into the ground as you processed his words. you knew he was right, but you still had a hard time accepting that you weren’t the problem. surely something could’ve been different if only you were different. “you shouldn't have to change yourself to be more liked by others, it’ll just end up as a complicated mess anyways. i’m sure you can easily find better friends,” osamu intervened, trying to stop your mumbling about being different. he didn’t know why he asked, or why he wanted to help you, but he didn’t mind the small bit of attachment he had no formed with you. if anything he couldn’t help but somewhat relate to your problem.
while it was never voiced out loud, osamu knew that atsumu was the preferred twin. it made sense to him, he was the more charismatic and somehow the more handsome one. even though they had the same face. even though atsumu insisted they were equals he always felt like the second-best in most things. but, there was always one thing he knew he was better at than his brother, and friends that he knew valued them both the same. “hey osamu,” you started, fidgeting with your hands again as you felt the male’s gaze on you, “thank you for talking to me. i feel better about it.”
osamu smiled just slightly, he was glad to hear that you were at least doing better. though he could still see you were a little down, he had an idea to fix that. he hopped off from the swing and walked behind you. the gray-haired male looked at you quickly, silently asking for permission to which you allowed with a nod. he gently pushed you on the swing, pushing harder with each time you swung back to him so that you’d swing higher and higher. the sensation of swinging back and forth brought a smile to your face, there was just something about it that could always bring a smile to your face.
the male stepped to the side to let you swing, glad to see you finally looking happy. he ended up swinging beside you, he wanted in on the fun as well. the two of you swung for a good while but had to stop because swinging and conversing was surprisingly difficult. you guys talked about the upcoming holidays and about where each of you lived since you had to both live somewhat near to each other. he even shared his insecurities about his brother, since you began to apologize for drumming your problems onto him. but then you guys got to the topic of food, and osamu talked about all the food he loves and how he wants to make so many dishes. you thought it was admirable to see him so passionate about it, and it was cute to see him ramble off. but sadly the two of you had to head back to your separate homes since it was getting late.
osamu walked you back to your house, finding out that you only lived a few houses down from his. you stopped outside of your house, asking to exchange contact information so you could stay in touch. after that, you parted ways so that you could go inside and osamu could go home. that day was terrible, there was no way to sugarcoat it. you had lost a group of friends all at once, but in return, you had made one that you knew you were going to be close to. but maybe one that could even progress to something further. you shook your head at the silly thought, trying not to get too caught up in the sudden thought. your life wasn’t a shoujo manga, no way. but maybe, just maybe, it would start to turn into one.
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imnotasuperhero · 4 years
I would lie and say you’re not in my mind.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Reader
Type: Angst.
Summary: Reader finds herself alone, with no explanation as to where Wanda went. And life without her was a true nightmare she could only scape with not-so-nice coping mechanisms.
Wordcount: 2644
Warnings: Drug abuse, one suicidal thought and depression.
A/N: This is my submission for @jbbarnesnnoble writing challenge! I’m so sorry for the delay. Life and work got in the middle, leaving me drained to get some actual writing done. You can search this and other works with the tag #JBBNNMHAMChallenge which deals with different types of mental healt, as to raise awarenes about it.
A/N 2: Since it’s inspired in real events, I decided to twist this and give it a happy ending. People need to know there is hope. No matter how hard life becomes, you’ve got this and you shouldn’t suffer alone. Fight your fear and seek for help. I promise, life is worth living.
A huge than you to @marvelfansince08love for enduring her patience with my rants and mini meltdown about this monster. I could never thank you enough for puting up with my dumb ass, boo. I owe you a lot! <3
If you guys want more, I might have a plot for some kind of spin-off for this story. Just let me know. Also, criticism is welcomed.
"Miss Stark," one of the executives called your attention. "Your nose is bleeding."
Automatically, your fingers found your nose and yup, it was happening. Fucking hell.
Excusing yourself, you left the conference room with rapid steps to the closest bathroom, dismissing whoever you crossed on your way. You weren't new to this, after all.
Once you got the bleeding under control, you inspected yourself in the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was nothing like your old self. The circles under the eyes needed much more concealing and your smiles were forced. But at least you picked a black blouse today, which it'll do until you got a chance to go back home and change.
"Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Julia asked sheepishly.
"No. I'm capable of handling the rest of the day," you mumbled as you finished the last touches to your make-up.
"Mr. Stark could find-"
"Mr. Stark will find out shit," you cut your assistant. "This is just a sneeze that caused a vein to pop. Understood?" You could see how the woman in front of you shivered slightly and you almost laugh at it. You've become so pity.
"Y-yes, Miss. Is there anything else I can do?"
"No." You inspected yourself in the mirror once again before walking out. "Go over the rest of my day and make sure you send the informs to Stewart."
Fortunately, the day progressed smoothly with very few bumps. And none of them were about you, so you took it as a victory.
Kicking your high heels after closing the door behind you, you started to strip while walking towards the bathroom. The weekend was finally here, which meant you could wind out and enjoy your own company. After the latest events on Beto's, you made sure to lay low for a while. You didn't need another clingy bitch hanging from you all the time. You were just a gal wanting to have some release. Nothing more, nothing less.
In the middle of your calming bath, the sharp razor you kept for emergencies caught your eyes. 'God, it'd be so easy.' You thought to yourself. Just a little line in the right place would do it. The consuming pain would disappear and you'd be free. Hell, maybe you'd find her again in the afterlife.
Before you could continue the line of thoughts, your phone rang with your dad's personalized ringtone. Something you made sure of for when you were doing not-so-nice activities.
"Hey, dad." You absentmindedly sank deeper in the tub. The bubbly water covering up to under your jaw.
"Hi, Peanut." Tony's voice soothed your damaged soul the littlest bit. "It's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm fine," you answered nonchalantly. Lying has become second nature by now. "Living the life. How are you guys?"
"That's what I called you about. Pepper and I want you to come to spend the weekend here. We barely see you outside work so we thought it'd be nice to take advantage of the long weekend. Pleeeeaaase? With a cherry on top?" He finished in a child's voice and you felt your heart squeeze itself.
Truth was, you were tired of lying all the time. You were tired of faking and saying you were okay when you weren't.
"Okay," you sighed. 
"Yay!" Yup, he was a child. "We'll get your room ready. We'll have your favorite."
You didn't know the exact moment you started crying, your dad going a mile a minute talking about his latest invention and how he'd love for you to help him figure out the last touches.
Hanging up, you finally let out the awaiting sobs. Memories of an easier -and happier- time plaguing your mind, making it harder and harder to breathe. Life without her sucked balls.
After drying yourself and throwing on a fresh pair of pajamas, you quickly fixed your bag for the weekend, knowing fully well you'll wake up with just the right spare time before you had to leave for your dad's.
The next morning, you woke up before your alarm went off, which would be fine if it weren't for Wanda appearing in your dreams. Promises of a better life and reaching milestones together, fanning the painful fire in your heart.
Walking to your stash, you retrieved the white powder, forming three consecutive lines on your nightstand. A small straw between your fingers ready to be used. You wouldn't be able to consume when you were at your dad's, so you better took your chance before it was too late. Odin knew you needed the boost.
Stopping at a random café a few blocks from your home, you quickly got yourself a black coffee and a muffin before hitting the pedal once again, changing the playlist to something more upbeat. 
Soon enough, your mind drifted to the impromptu road trips you'd do with Wanda. Sometimes even a week-long trip. Just the two of you apart from the chaos of your lives. 
Out on the road, it was only laughs, music, and fast food with the occasional make-out sessions. God, if you could, you'd live in the past forever. 
Stepping out of your car, you couldn't help the smile that broke your face. Working in the same place as your dad didn't mean you've got to see him every day. And being honest, you were happy he offered you scape from her curse.
"Hi, dad." You answered once you reached him, returning his hug. And boy, didn't you felt safe in those strong arms. They never failed to soothe you.
After what seemed like hours of walking around your dad's property, you and Pepper came back to the house ready for a refreshing iced tea. But any trace of a nice calming bath dissipated away when you say your dad standing in the middle of the living room, his face stoic.
"What's this?" The quietness of his voice freezing your blood.
"I'm waiting, Y/N." 
You cringed at your dad's voice. The disappointment showing in his eyes made you regret not checking before you grabbed a random bag for this trip.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me this is not what I think it is," he begged, showing you and Pepper the almost empty baggy between his fingers. And you ignored him. He already knew the truth, after all. "Say it," he growled.
"So the bleeding nose-"
"Screw you," you muttered, cutting Pepper mid-sentence.
"Hey! That's no way to talk to her,"
"You know what?" You walked to your dad, looking up to his eyes. "Yes, I'm an addict. Good job, Sherlock. Now you can get rid of me as you did with my mom. After all, you never wanted me in the first place, so why should it matter." You snapped with burning tears in your eyes. "There's no need to keep faking it anymore." You walked away, leaving them mouth agape, trying to process your words.
Plopping down on your bed, you couldn't help the feeling of failure igniting inside you. The tears in your eyes burning your eyes as they appeared, flowing down your cheeks as the sadness and emptiness became just too much to handle.
You didn't remember when was the last time you were genuinely happy. And it sucked that it depended on someone. It sucked and you despised it more than anything. But then again, Wanda was everything you'd need to live in this world. Always positive, with a smile so bright that could light up the darkest room. Her eyes? God, you loved losing yourself in those green orbs of hers in the afterglow. And now you had to live without all these little things that made you happy. All the little moments of joy were gone, tuning you into this sack of bones and flesh, with no expectations for life.
It wasn't till much later that night that you left your room, after ignoring your dad's callings.
Padding your way to the bar, you served yourself a whiskey. The burning on your troat a welcomed feeling. Your mind going back to her, as it was the normalcy since she dusted away, leaving you with thousands of questions and a hole in your heart that you knew well you could never fill again. How could you, when you knew she was it? how could you even try to patch it up, when you knew there was no one else like her?
One whiskey turned into 5 and you didn't know when you started to cry, considering you thought there were no tears left after all these years. But the strong hand on your shoulder made you snap from your pity party, hurriedly drying your tears. Crying was for the weak, and boy were you weak.
"I'm sorry," you drowned the last of your drink before looking up, mustering the best stoic face you could.
"You don't need to fake around me, Peanut. We're family," your dad poured you another drink as he got one himself. 
"Look, what happened with your mother has nothing to do with you." He continued once he sat beside you. "And I would never leave you alone, Y/N. No matter how many headaches you give me." He joked but composed himself when you didn't react to it. "I- Pepper is pregnant. And we really want you in the baby's life. But.. Look, if there was a way to bring her back, I would. In a heartbeat. But Y/N, you have to understand, she wouldn't like this version of you. If not for yourself, do it for us,"
You wanted to speak, you wanted to answer him. But the lump in your throat was too big to swallow and the knife in your heart twisted when you saw your dad's eyes tearing up. And fuck did it hurt. To see him cry -for the first time- pained you like hell. And knowing you were the cause of those tears made you feel like you were the worst person alive. 
"I-," you paused to gather your bearings, but your dad beat you to it.
"I know, Peanut," his arms surrounded you in that way that only him could.
"I promise you," he continued once you broke away. "One day, it will get easier. Those feelings will never fully go away, but it will get easier." He dried your tear-stained cheeks softly. "You are not alone. And she'll always be with you,"
 And despite the grief eating you from the inside, you knew you had to live. For them. For her.
The next few months had been a true rollercoaster. You didn't know the abstinence would affect you so badly. And while others would have it much worse, you couldn't help the change of moods and the few tears you caused to those around you. Not to mention, the significant drop in your moods. But you also knew better. You've kept your word, and you hadn't touched it again. 
Under Natasha's supervision, you got rid of every secret stash you had at both, your apartment and your office, and you deleted the number of your dealer. And even if sometimes it seemed like hell would manifest itself as Nat was your watcher, you couldn't be more glad because, admittedly, the woman had balls and she did knew how to bribe you, to the point that you'd even quit drinking even if it was more of a social addiction, in your case. That, mixed with Natasha's friendship and support -as well as those around you- and the birth of Morgan, your little sister had you believing once more, even if you knew you'd never get to be the same person you once were. 
The little bundle of joy had come to this world with a few rays of sunshine for you, finally opening your eyes and making you realize that there was hope. Even if you never saw her again, life was worth living and you'd live it for her at your best capacity. 
So when Pepper asked you to babysit Morgan for a few days, considering she couldn't bring a 2 months old baby with her, you accepted in a heartbeat.
But as you were awoken by a fussing Morgan, after an eventful night in which you barely slept, you realized this might've not been your brightest idea.
Inhaling deeply, you got up and walked to her room, picking her up from her crib and rocking her as you made your way to the kitchen. Babies were a fucking clock. Which only served to add to your decision of never having kids. 
If you were on the verge of tears most of the time, wishing deeply for her parents to come back so you could have time for yourself, you knew you'd be mental if you had to live through this for the rest of your life.
Your ears catching the front door opening made you stop mid singing, turning around as you walked to the hushed words as you feed a calmed down Morgan just to stop dead in your tracks when you saw her. The only reason you stood still, was the baby in your arms. 
Your eyes scanned the room, looking for a sign that this was just a dream. That the image of your girlfriend was just a projection of your mind, like so many other times before during these 5 years since she disappeared from your arms. But the silence surrounding you all and 8 pairs of eyes inspecting you made you realize that this wasn't a dream.
The cries of Morgan took you all from your reverie and soon, Pepper was by your side, taking the baby from your arms before kissing the top of your head, something she always did whenever you felt unsettled.
"Is she real?" You questioned as you scrutinized a fidgety Wanda, who stood by the door, ready to run away if needed.
Natasha could sense your turmoil growing with every single second that passed and soon enough you felt a strong pair of arms supporting you, ready to catch you if you fell.
"She's here, Maliska. We brought her back," she spoke quietly, making sure you understood her words.
The wild thoughts on your mind got you walking towards her. The need to touch her and prove yourself that she was back, got your fingers itching. You could feel the blood running in your ears and you shaking steps as you got closer to who you thought was gone forever, leaving you empty and moving through life like a zombie.
The choke that broke through you when your hand cupped her cheek got you smiling as tears rolled down with every erratic thump of your heart.
"You're here," you whispered, afraid of breaking the spell you've found yourself into. 
But you couldn't stay in that thought for long because an intimately familiar pair of arms surrounded you as Wanda threw yourself at you, hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
Feeling her hot breath against your skin was all you needed to finally give in and hold her with all you had, knowing that she was here; with you.
You didn't know how long you both stood there, holding each other and basking in the calmness that surrounded you. All your previous tormenting thoughts dissipated in that exact moment. Wanda was back and you found the hole in your heart start to fill itself.
"Hi, Printsessa," Wanda murmured against your neck, kissing her way up to your jaw, peppering your face with kisses before she finally kissed your lips. And boy, did your knees trembled.
After 5 long years, the lips you've got used to kissing whenever you pleased were once against yours, igniting all the love and hope and good things you got to feel once upon a time.
You can find the continuation, here (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr @wannabe-fic-reader @natasha-danvers @jumbojamba47 @rooskaya-yelena @sananabdliw @aaron-despair @username23345 @nate-the-dreamer @higherfurther-romanova
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green-socks · 3 years
Hungry Eyes chapter 1
Pairing: Benny Miller x OFC (Dirty Dancing AU)
Summary: Dirty Dancing but here Benny is in the role of Baby and the dance instructor is a female OC. Benny goes to the resort with Will’s family (because who wouldn’t want cool uncle Benny to join their summer vacation?), and ends up falling for a dance instructor working on the resort. This first part is Benny and the dance instructor’s first meeting, basically the “I carried a watermelon” scene if you will.
Words: 1,818
Warnings: Alcohol/drinking, some curse words. Something else? Let me know!
Notes: This is one of those “I want to see it so I have to write it” situations. I have never ever written fiction before and this is scary as fuck, but I have this story in my head and now I’m trying to put it into words. I’m posting this part of the story now because I can, but I’m also working on a prologue of sorts.
This idea came to me in a dream (which was probably inspired by this headcanon ) and I told @the-purity-pen about it and she told me to write it. Without your encouragement I never would have even tried this fun thing and I’ll love you forever for it <3
And of course I’ll be eternally grateful to @astroboots for the beta and giving me that final push! Thank you for letting me ramble to you about this and being so lovely <3
The night was warm, only the sounds of crickets and the slight rustle of wind keeping Benny company on his walk. Most people on the resort, like his brother and his family, had already retired to their cabins and rooms for the night. It was quiet, calm.
Despite what many people thought, Benny enjoyed the quiet. Needed it, in fact. He was always energetic around people, giving them all of himself. And he didn’t have to fake that energy, but sometimes even he needed to wind down and enjoy some peace and quiet. These walks, this whole vacation, was his time to relax and just be.
Benny was walking along a path near where the hiking trails begin when he heard the quiet thumping of bass through the night air. The further he walked along the path the louder the music got.
Through the bushes and trees Benny could see a house a little further up the hill. There seemed to be a party going on there, judging by the noise and music coming through its open windows. Benny wondered who were partying there and if the house even belonged to the resort or if it was a private property.
He continued walking, thinking he’d just walk past the house and continue further into the woods, when he saw a woman on the bottom of the stairs leading to the house. She was carrying a big box in her arms, clearly struggling under the weight of it.
“Hey! Do you need help with that?” Benny hollered to the woman.
She let out a breath. “Sure, thanks,” she answered, while handing Benny the box and starting to climb up the stairs. “Hope it isn’t too heavy!”
“Nah, doesn’t weigh a thing. We goin’ to the party house over there?” Benny asked, nodding his head in the direction of it.
“You’re technically not supposed to be here, you know. It’s off limits to resort guests.”
“I can keep a secret”, Benny grinned. 
“What’s your name?” she asked him. “Benny.” “Nice to meet you Benny. My name’s Lily,” she added, pointing to the name tag still on her work shirt.
“Anyway, some of us who work on the resort live in this house for the summer, and sometimes we throw parties. But they’re strictly for a limited group of people, and we could get into a lot of trouble if our employees or other resort guests found out, so you better keep your mouth shut,” she warned sternly.
“I promise I won’t tell a soul.”
They continued up the stairs and Benny heard the telltale clinking of bottles from the box even through the loudening music.
“Wait, you’re all of age, right? Cause this is a lot of booze”, Benny asked, suddenly slightly worried about assisting these partiers.
“Oh yeah, don’t worry, we have a strict no minors policy!” Lily answered.
With that they reached the top of the stairs and Lily held open the door for him into the house.
Benny wasn’t fully prepared to the sight that greeted him.
Sure, he had seen his share of parties, especially with his boys, but these people were wild.
There were no more than twenty people in the room, but they were all dancing like no tomorrow. Benny doubted they even needed all the booze he was carrying to let loose like that.
He watched in awe the mass of bodies moving to the beat, everyone shaking, grinding, jumping, twisting, and twirling around without a care in the world.
“Who are these people?” He asked incredulously, eyes wide.
Lily laughed at his shock. “We’re the entertainment team! Most of us are dancers or come from a theater background. Now come on!” she said and led him deeper into the house.
Benny suddenly felt like some silly delivery boy, even though he was probably older than most of them, when he maneuvered around the dancing people, trying to watch his step. Some of them spared him curious glances before getting lost in the music again.
“I imagine you don’t dance like this during the day when you’re doing dance classes on the resort?” Benny joked, still trying to get his bearings.
“Oh hell no, this is just for our own entertainment here,” Lily laughed again.
Suddenly two more people burst through the door, arm in arm, and everyone cheered happily in greeting. 
A man and a woman, who Benny recognized as the lead dance instructors on the resort, joined the party, immediately grabbing drinks and making their way through the dancefloor.
Benny noticed how they seemed to greet everyone individually by dancing with them; how they took eye contact and often physical contact with everyone and danced with them for a while before moving on, each one with a slightly different way. It was like they were speaking to one another, all these bodies communicating through movement alone.
He was mesmerized looking at them both, the attractive couple that were clearly the life of the party. But he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman who seemed to move so easily, so freely, the joy and love she was feeling visible in her every movement.
Benny couldn’t believe this was the same woman who had taught a dance class to his nieces earlier that same day. Sure, he had noticed her even then, how could he not; she was very pretty.
But the woman he was seeing now was sexy, confident, nothing like Benny had seen before.
“Those are my friends Patrick and Jolene, they helped me get this job!” Lily shouted in his ear over the music.
“They seem to have great chemistry,” Benny remarked, his gaze still focusing mostly on Jolene.
“Yeah, it’s because they know each other so well. People always think they’re together --“ Benny certainly thought their very physical and intimate way of dancing would mean that “-- but they’re just best friends from a long time”, Lily chatted casually, oblivious to Benny’s thoughts.
Benny found his heart beating a little faster with this information, not that he really knew what to do with it.
His mouth was getting dry and he was breathing a little quicker. For fuck’s sake, he was getting a little turned on from watching her. Get it together man, he thought to himself.
Benny tried not to stare too hungrily; he didn’t want to be that creepy guy at the party that no one even knew.
The longer he watched these people dancing their hearts out the more he found himself slightly bopping along the beat, wishing he had a beer in hand, or maybe that he knew how to dance like they did.
Jolene was enjoying herself, finally letting off steam after a hard day’s work. Few things on this earth made her happier than dancing, especially dancing with her best friend Patrick on these summer nights they got to spend together.
As she spun around in Patrick’s strong arms, she noticed the tall stranger standing near the back of the room next to Lily. Who the heck was this guy and where did he come from?
Jo tapped Patrick on the shoulder to let him know she was going to get something to drink and made her way through the crowd towards Lily and the stranger.
“Hey, Lil. Who’s your friend here?”
“Oh, this is Benny. He came with me.” Lily answered happily.
“Yeah, I, uh, helped her carry the box up here”, the guy, Benny, supplied shyly in a deep voice, pointing at the box in question.
Jo gave Lily a stern look. She really should’ve known better than to bring customers up here. These parties were kept a secret for a good reason, since they could all lose their jobs if the resort managers found out, but especially her and Patrick, because they were responsible for their team. And they were already on thin ice as it were, because, in Jo’s humble opinion, the managers were a bunch of jerks.
Lily just shrugged and Jo sighed deeply before turning to look at the man next to her, who, for some reason, was avoiding her gaze.
“Well, Benny, would you like to dance?” Jo thought she could size the guy up a little better if she could get him alone with her. She had to look after her team after all. Besides, he looked a little lonely, bopping along the music shyly. Maybe she could teach him a few things.
Benny looked a little startled, as he answered “Oh, I don’t know how to dance”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll teach you,” Jo said, pulling him on the dancefloor.
“C’mon, just follow my lead. Do this. And try to feel the rhythm.” Jo started showing him how to move to the beat, swaying from side to side.
“Good, now loosen your hips a little more,” Jo instructed, putting her hands on his hips and directing his movements.
Jo had to hand it to the guy; he was learning surprisingly quickly, and it was refreshing to see a man who was willing to try and learn dancing even if it was a bit awkward at first. His movements were a little stunted, but he clearly had a good ear for the rhythm. He was even smiling and laughing a little at his own awkwardness, but Jo could see he was also enjoying himself.
“Okay, now let’s try this. Follow my lead again,” Jo said, putting her hands on his broad shoulders. He was so tall she had to reach pretty far, but they managed it anyway. Jo stepped closer and started grinding against him, showing him how to move by using her own body to guide him.
Slowly Benny was easing into it, even putting his arms on her waist.
“Okay, you’re getting the hang of it now!” Jo smiled at him proudly and he grinned back.
Benny was actually enjoying himself. He was dancing with a gorgeous woman and he wasn’t making a complete and total fool of himself. He considered that a victory at this point.
He just knew Santi would be laughing his ass off if he could see Benny now. Will probably would tease him too.
Benny grinned at the thought. But hey, they weren’t here and he was having fun so who cares, he thought.
Although he had to admit, he was still a little shocked at the fact that this amazing dancer was dancing with him and even looking like she wasn’t completely hating it.
He was still a little dazed when the song ended and Jolene patted his arm, told him “See you around” and bounced her way to the middle of the crowd again.
“Yeah, uh, see ya,” Benny muttered after her, standing awkwardly on the edge of the dancefloor.
Deciding he had probably already overstayed his welcome Benny readjusted his hat on his head and quietly headed out to the warm night air again.
Chapter 2
Notes: If you read this far I don’t even know how to react. Thank you?If you like Benny and/or Dirty Dancing we can probably bond over that
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 3
MASTERLIST || First || Previous || Next
Disclaimer: Masterlist
The dinner was an interesting affair. Everyone was gathered around a large table that could easily fit several more people. Marinette was sitting between Damian and her mother; on the opposite, Tim, Stephanie, and Cass took the seats. She was glad that they were all people she knew well enough. It was overwhelming. Before, Christmas was always just her and her parents. Occasionally, Nona came too. And there was this one time when she was five when her great-uncle visited. This was much too crowded. 
Damian gently squeezed her hand, reassuring her that it was alright. She ate some, but the nerves made her lose appetite quickly. She was in Gotham. Celebrating Christmas with her husband’s family. Husband… She was going to have a panic attack. She wasn’t ready. 
“Habibti. It’s okay. Everyone here’s a friend.” Damian whispered into her ear, seeing she was spiraling. “Nobody is going to judge us on anything.”
“But I didn’t make any gifts for the Kents. And I didn’t know your eldest brother had a daughter! And I’m a total klutz. I will probably knock over the tree and it will fall and set the house on fire and you will end up homeless or someone will get hurt and then your family will hate me and the Kents will hate me and I…” she kept whispering faster and faster until she was finally starting to feel the need to breathe or pass out. The jury was still out. 
Seeing her daughter’s panic, Sabine also grabbed her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Honey, let’s go get some fresh air.” She said loud enough for people close to them to hear before leading Marinette outside. Nobody batted an eye when the pair passed them. 
Once the two were in the back garden, Mari felt her legs give up under her and if not for her mother, she would have probably collapsed. The woman held her tight and led the girl toward the bench, which was luckily not covered in snow. 
“I’m so sorry, Maman. I don’t know… I just felt so overwhelmed. There were all these people and I was really meeting my husband’s family and friends for the first time and I guess I was not prepared for all this…” She was speaking fast. 
“Don’t worry sweetie. I understand. Did I tell you how, when I met your Nona for the first time, I accidentally flipped her over my shoulder and pinned her to the ground?” Sabine asked, smiling understandingly at her daughter. 
“No! Really?”
“Yes. Well, in my defense, she surprised me with a gun that shot candies.” 
Marinette couldn’t help but giggle at that. It did seem like something her Mémé would do. 
“She was shocked at first and I was afraid I hurt her. Instead, after that, she decided that I was apparently worthy of dating her boy and gave us her approval.” 
“So… the moral of this story is that I should flip Talia over for them to accept me?” Mari asked with a cheeky grin. 
“That too, sweetie. I can even lend you something from my bag if you want a more… permanent effect.” 
“Fine…” Sabine grumbled goodheartedly. “You don’t need to worry about fitting in or how they will perceive you. I’ve seen how that boy looks at you and I approve.” She smiled. “That’s all that should matter.”
“Thank you maman. I’m glad you’re here.” She hugged her mother as the two sat together on the bench, enjoying the evening chill until the cold became irritating instead of refreshing.
When the two returned, the dinner was nearing the end. Marinette noted seven burning holes on the ceiling but didn’t comment. There was also a plate on fire next to Jason that he seemed adamant not to acknowledge. Also, Mar’i and Jon were levitating above the table and playing rock paper scissors, except they used the props. Silently, Marinette walked to take a seat next to Damian. Her mother went over to talk a bit with Bruce about something.
“Um… Why is Jason’s plate on fire?” She asked, very much confused. 
“Tt. He wanted a souffle on fire.” 
“We’re already at desserts?” The girl asked, surprised. In the corner of her eye, she saw Cass staring at Tim and Stephanie with a strange gaze. It wasn’t hostile, but rather, she couldn’t really name the emotions present. 
“Yes. I saved you some maracons. You love the strawberry ones, right?”
“You made me prefer lemon ones.” She smiled. “The subtle sourness really brings out the sweetness.” 
“Of course it does Angel.” He smiled. “Sadly, we sit next to Brown, who will devour anything with sugar in it.”
A devious grin appeared on Mari’s face. “Really now?” She reached over into her purse to pull a small box where she kept the power-up cookies for her Kwami. “Tikki… will you mind if I give her a burnt-red one? You know which…”
For a moment, it looked like the Kwami wanted to protest, but then the small goddess noticed the plate of cookies was empty. “Go for it, Marinette. It won’t hurt her.”
“Stephanie! I’ve got a spare macaron I can share,” she smiled at the blonde girl. 
“Gimme!” She almost leaped like a gremlin, her eyes in a slight daze.
“Uh-oh. She is experiencing a sugar rush. I think she ate the whole plate herself,” Tim spoke from his seat, eyes slightly worried. 
Mari handed over the macaron and watched as Steph ate it. It took only a moment for her face to flush red and tears to appear in her eyes. “Water!” She said with a hoarse throat. Tim handed her a glass, but when she downed it, the burning only increased.
“Oh no! I forgot to warn you! It was made with ground hot pepper instead of flour… silly me!” Mari said, keeping the cute smile on. “I would advise milk.”
When Stephanie ran to the kitchen, followed by Tim laughing and Cass and Damian smiling, the older boy turned to Marinette. “You are devious.” 
“She shouldn’t have eaten so many cookies,” the girl shrugged. After that, she actually started to enjoy the evening. It might have started a prank war later on, but for now, she was safe. 
After dinner, the crowd moved to a large living room where adults took seats on the couches or chairs while most kids and teens sat on the fluffy carpet. Alfred was walking around and handing the wine glasses to adults and hot chocolate to the youngsters. Clark opted for hot chocolate as well, which earned him a round of teasing. 
Since everyone was staying the night, there was no need for designated drivers. When Tim and Stephanie tried to get their hands on alcohol, Alfred slapped their hands. More laughter followed. 
Marinette sat there, cuddled into one armchair with Damian, observing everything and looking cute. 
“...I’m just saying, Bruce. You could smile a bit more in costume too. It wouldn’t kill you.” Clark finished a short speech.
“Work and homelife should stay separate,” Tim spoke up from his spot on the floor.
“Which doesn’t stop you from smiling. You’re not a Buckingham Palace guard.” Lois pointed out.
“To be frank, you could smile a bit more often, B.” Dick supported the enemy.
“It would be bad for the image,” Bruce mumbled. “If anyone saw Batman smile, it would ruin my years of hard work.”
“Diana disagrees.” Kor’i smiled. “She actually said once that ‘a smiling bat looks pretty handsome’.”
“I’ve seen a smiling bat!” Mar’i shouted from her spot on Jon’s knees, the two of them acting like nice siblings. It secretly irked Damian, but he wouldn’t ever voice that thought. “There was a cartoon!” 
“That’s nice, sweetie.” Sabine couldn’t help but rub it into Bruce some more. “Did he also have a cape, like Bruce?”
“Yes! And he walked on two legs!” 
“See? I think your image doesn’t need to suffer.” Tom joined his wife. His English wasn’t that good, but he could get by. “Maybe you could get a cartoon about Batman? Ladybug had her own movie and a song dedicated to her.” 
“Ladybug?” Jonathan asked. Marinette immediately tensed at the mention of her superhero name. She definitely did not want to reveal herself to everyone here. It’s not that she didn’t trust any of them, since all of them knew about Batman and co., but she felt uneasy. The fewer people knew, the better. 
“Parisian superheroine.” Sabine clarified.
“We sure didn’t hear about her back in Smallville.” Martha insisted, smiling. “Then again, we don’t really keep with the news from the old world.”
“There was this terrorist in Paris that used magic to turn people into temporary villains. He was finally defeated recently. I think you’ve seen all the ladybug decorations.” Tim explained in broad terms. 
“Ah! Right. I was wondering about the ladybugs…” 
Damian noted that his beloved was tense and decided that it was a moment good as any other to spring up the surprise. He shifted slightly, signaling that he wanted to get up. Marinette, who was still holding her cup, immediately sprung onto her feet. She thought he maybe wanted to leave somewhere or speak with his father alone. 
Instead, Damian hit the side of his hot chocolate cup with a spoon three times, gathering everyone’s attention. 
“Tt. I wanted to say a few words. This will be important so shut up you lot.” He cleared his throat before continuing in a mostly emotionless voice that most people associated with his ‘Ice Prince’ persona. “Marinette. When I first met you, it was not from our own free will. The bitch that is my mother forced our hand and tied us together. But we got to know each other out of our own free will. Nobody forced me…” His head snapped toward Dick. “Tt. Don’t you dare, Grayson.” Seeing his brother raise his hands in a surrender gesture, he carried on. “Nobody forced me to come to Paris. Definitely, nobody forced you to actually accept my courting. To this day, I am left wondering why an Angel as you would actually agree to go out with me, but here we are.”
The people watched with rapt attention. Marinette just stood there, unable to voice a coherent thought. She had no idea what was happening, but a deep red blush had made its way onto her face when he praised her. 
“You were so full of passion and joy and it reminded me a bit of Jon, but without the irritating factors.” 
“Hey!” The boy protested. A murderous glare from Damian shut him up quickly. 
“As I was saying, you were perfect in my eyes. I was taken away by your kindness. There are no words to describe my feelings.” His tone was still emotionless and monotonous, but Marinette could see that he was doing his best to actually see this through. “I can say without a doubt that I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
All air was suddenly sucked from Mari’s lungs when he fell on one knee and pulled out a small black box. Inside was probably the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. There were three flowers on a golden band. In the center of each, there was a shining diamond, surrounded by smaller stones. The petals were made from pink stones that she suspected were also diamonds. Were there even pink diamonds? All in all, it looked beyond words. 
“Will you do me that honor and become my wife?” When he finally asked, she could feel the world spinning. This was… this was better than in any of her daydreams. And not only because instead of Adrien there was Damian. 
The words died in her throat. She had to sit down to not faint. “Yes…” She whispered weakly, so only Damian could hear. The boy smiled brightly (a rare sight to be sure) and put the ring on her finger. 
Her gaze fell on the band he had on his own hand. It was silver with a large black stone in the center of the band, surrounded by eight diamonds. The Black Cat Miraculous she realized. 
An applaud arose from several places in the room, but some of the guests were confused. 
“Aren’t you two too young to get married?” Johnathan asked, scratching his head. 
“Tt. Technically, we are already married where I come from. This is for my wife’s content and nothing else.”
“Married?!” The old farmer asked, scandalized. 
“Tt. That’s what I said. Now can someone please get my Angel some water? I think she is about to faint.” 
“Um… I would also be very interested in the story…” Clark joined his father. He wasn’t exactly that much scandalized, but confusion was clear on his face. 
“I promise I will explain everything. I think we should give the two some breathing space…” Bruce proposed hesitantly. 
“I will help get Mari to her room. I think she has had enough excitement for today,” Tom offered.
“I am also turning in for the night, Father. I trust that between you and Miss Cheng they will get a full story. Sans the private parts of course.” He glared at him. 
“I will make sure of that.” Sabine quickly cut any protests.
“Good. Good night everyone. And Merry Christmas or whatever.” With that, he left, wanting to catch up with Tom and Marinette.
Masterlist // Next
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jpegjade · 4 years
When the Party’s Over - Spencer
WHY IS THIS THE LONGEST THING IVE WRITTEN???? probably bc drunk me is wordy. i do talk a lot when i’m drunk and it gets on people’s nerves. i just really love you guys. i was sad when i wrote this, really sad, and it’s the first “smut”???? ive ever written. so here we go frens and ferns. 
warnings: uuuhhhh smut???
When the night started, you were at Rossi’s house, getting drunk with the team. It was right after a hard case, difficult on everyone’s psyche so Rossi invited everyone over to relax in the usual way. After pasta and drinks, most of the team was still there while Spencer offered to drive you home since you were not in the shape to drive and he was the only one who opted for water instead of alcohol. He was beat but he wasn’t in the mood to drink tonight. 
Spencer was being a good friend but he had his motives. He wanted to talk to you in the car. You weren’t so drunk that you wouldn’t remember the conversation but your inhibitions were lowered enough to be truly and completely honest with him so you were the slightest bit tipsy but not drunk. You were 100% lucid and could think for yourself but you took the excuse to drink some of the smirnoff you brought and keep going. 
He wasn’t planning for it to happen like this but you were being very outspoken to everyone at the party so he figured it was time to get you home before you were out of a job after calling Hotch, “Hotchner the Grouch.” They found it funny but Spencer knew that you could go wrong easily. 
“Spencer Reid.” You said, staring at him. “I’m going to ask you something and I want you to be as honest as I’m being right now.” 
“Okay. I promise to be honest.” Spencer said, a little nervous. He chuckled anyway because you were so adamant that he answered honestly. 
“Do you like me?” You asked, suddenly very serious. 
“Y/n, you’re my best friend. Of course I like you.” Spencer tried to give you an answer that wouldn’t expose his real thoughts. 
For the past few months, Spencer thought about you a lot. It caused him to avoid you a little bit but you wouldn’t let him stray too far away from you. You kept texting him outside of the team group chat. You continued inviting him over for dinner. You never relented on checking in with his mental health. You never gave up on your relationship with him. 
 You were so focused on his jawline that your hand worked by itself, poking his face. He smiled and made the turn into your apartment complex’s parking lot and parked. 
“While I appreciate the validation of our friendship, that’s not what I mean and you know it.” You said, very serious. 
Spencer looked over at you, nervous to answer. He swallowed and took a shaky breath. 
“Y/n, is it really important?” Spencer tried to avoid the conversation. 
He opened the door and got out, walking quickly around to your side of the car to open the door. He didn’t have to but he wanted to. It’s always what he did. 
“Yes, it’s important, Spencer. I want to know.” You bumped shoulders with him as the two of you walked to your apartment on the third floor. 
Spencer sighed. 
“Yes, I like you. A lot…” You and Spencer arrived at your door, handing you your keys. 
You just stood there, staring up at Spencer. You reached up to touch his hair. It was so soft… You wrapped your fingers around one of the curls and smiled. Spencer stood there, nose ghosting over yours. 
“Do you want to come in?” It was barely audible but it was there. 
“I shouldn’t. You’re not sober. Unless you just want to hang out.” He said, looking at his wing tip shoes. 
“Spencer, get in here. I have literally been waiting almost a whole year for you to say that.” You pulled him to you by his tie and kissed him. 
It was tentative at first. It tasted like spearmint gum. Spencer wasn’t chewing any at the moment so you guessed that he had been chewing it earlier. You liked that. It was refreshing. Slowly, Spencer got more comfortable with the kiss and relaxed and got more involved. It was sweet and gentle and soft. You felt his hands in your hair and felt the gentle pull and you released an involuntary moan. You could feel Spencer smile, the two of you momentarily breaking apart. 
Breaking apart left you speechless and in a daze. It was almost like you were in a fog but your head was clear. You were more than ready to do what you had been thinking about with Spencer for the past year. Some part of you needed this release while the other part of you needed him. 
“So inside?” You said. “The apartment, I mean.” 
“Yeah.” Spencer said, just as dazed.
Getting in the door was a task by itself. You and Spencer tried to go in at the same time and it was quite awkward but he let you go in first. 
You closed the door behind you, pressing your back to the cold surface. Scanning Spencer’s face, you saw that he was staring at your lips. 
“Do you want to continue here or should we...” He asked, looking back up at your eyes. 
“You tell me. I’ll let you take control tonight.” You said, smirking. 
Spencer clenched and unclenched his jaw nervously before licking his lips. You always liked when he did that. He wore chapstick but he never did it for anything other than a sign that he was thinking. 
“I haven’t been in your apartment before.” He said, gingerly. He smiled as you took his hand, guiding him to your bedroom. 
You grabbed your cat off the bed, putting it outside the bedroom and shooing it away. The cat sauntered around to find somewhere else to sleep. 
“Are we really about to do this?” Spencer asked, looking at you on the bed. 
Laying back on the bed, half of you held up by your elbows, you marveled at Spencer. The light from your hallway illuminated his silhouette very nicely. You could see the curves of his arms and his slender frame very clearly. 
“Do you want to do it?” You said, tilting your head a little bit. 
“Yeah, a lot.” Spencer said, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. 
He had dreamed about this moment, literally, but he didn’t know he would be so nervous. He didn’t think it would ever happen. He never imagined you’d be laying in front of him like this. 
“Then drop the pants and I’ll drop to my knees,” You smirked. 
“Do you mind if we skip that part?” Spencer said not really in the mood for a blow job. 
It wasn’t that he was opposed to it, it’s just that he didn’t want to think of you like that yet. He felt like those experiences were for days where there wasn’t much time. Tonight, you had all the time in the world.
“You’re telling me you don't want my mouth on your dick?” You said, confused. 
You stood up, getting close to Spencer. You started unbuckling his belt and he audibly swallowed. He was nervous, not because of you but because he wanted this to go right. There was pressure when it came to something so intimate for the first time with someone. He felt your hands on his hips once you got his belt undone. 
“Shoes on or off?” He asked. 
“I’m taking my shoes off, obviously.” You said, already flipping them off. “Oh, you mean you. Well depends on what you want to do. You can bend me over the side of the bed, fuck me from behind, and call it a night. Or, if you want to draw it out, you can climb on top of me and fuck me in the bed. Oh, there’s also shower sex if you feel gross. Wouldn’t recommend it because it’s slippery and counterproductive to me getting wet.” You were rambling off some of the many fantasies and logistics that you’d thought about over the past year. You had thought about it a lot. 
Spencer kissed you. He just wanted you to take a breath because the more you talked about what you thought about, the more he thought about it. And the more he thought about all the ways he wanted to make love to you, the more he just wanted to get started. 
“Spencer, please pick somewhere because I’m literally struggling to keep it together.” You said in a low tone. 
“Clothes off, on the bed, legs open. I’ve got you tonight, baby.” Spencer said with a little more confidence. 
“Yes, sir.” You said, getting undressed. 
Spencer watched you but at the same time, he got dressed down to his boxers. Staring at you, he wondered how you were able to stay so calm on the outside right now. He didn’t usually have the sex drive as high as this moment. His body was on fire with desire and excitement but he was trying so hard to contain it. 
You laid down in the bed, just like Spencer told you to. He flipped on the light and you protested lightly with a groan and covered your face with both hands. 
“I want to watch you come all over me and lose complete control of your body. I can’t do that in the dark.” He said, walking over to the bed. 
“Well damn. Look at you, Spence. Actually showing some confidence. About damn time.” You said, smiling. You loved confident Spencer in all aspects of life, not just here. There was something about him that made you...want to be laid out in front of him, completely naked like you were now. 
“I honestly don’t know where I want to start…” Spencer said. Climbing onto the bed, he did the first thing that came to mind. 
“What’s your line?” He said, kissing your inner thigh, right above your knee. 
“Fuck, uh…” You never really thought of it in relation to Spencer. “Just don’t kill me.” You nervously chuckled. 
More thigh kisses. You wanted to grab your phone and put on some background music but it was just out of reach and Spencer’s arms looped through your legs and pinned your waist down to the bed. His grip was pretty firm. 
“Spence, can we…” A deep moan cut you off and slipped out your mouth when you felt his mouth finally where you wanted him. 
“Hmm?” Spencer looked up at you while his mouth went to work. The vibrations sent shockwaves up your body. 
“Holy shit. More.” You said. More was what he gave you, slipping in two fingers that matched the tempo that his mouth set. 
You were almost there, Spencer’s hair firmly in your hand and his name tumbling from your lips like a prayer, when Spencer slowed down and all together stopped. 
“I swear to god the room better be of fire.” You said, gritting your teeth. You were so, so close and he was being a tease. 
“You’re being a brat, baby. I promise I’ll give you exactly what you’re looking for.” Spencer said, looking for a towel.
“Don’t be a wuss. Kiss me.” You said, drawing his attention away from his towel search. He was nervous that you wouldn’t want to kiss him after he just went down on you. Crawling on top of you, he just stared at your features before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down to you. 
You hated breaking apart from kissing him, you really did. It left you in a daze, making the light seem a little too bright for your eyes. He rushed over to his satchel, digging in its contents to find the condom Morgan gave him for emergency purposes as a joke one day. Who knew it would come in handy. 
“Are you ready?” You asked Spencer. He chuckled. 
“I was just about to ask if you were ready.” Spencer went back to being a little awkward. He was nervous that he wouldn’t be able to keep up with you. 
“Spencer are you sure you don’t want me to help you out?” You asked, watching him shift as he got rid of his underwear. 
“I think I’m okay.” He said, blushing. 
“Okay well let me know if… Spencer, what the fuck?” You asked, looking down, between the two of you. “And you expect me to take all of that?” 
“Is it bad? I know I’m not like other guys but…” Spencer grew a little shy. 
“No, just work your magic because you’re different than most guys. Spence, just be confident because you are very special.” You said, hoping it helped him come back out of his shell. 
“Breathe, okay? It might be a little… Much.” Spencer said, lining himself up with you. 
“I’m fi…” You were cut off as he gently pushed into you. “Holy shit!” Was all you could breathe out while you tried to catch your breath. Much was an understatement with what you felt from Spencer just barely being inside of you.
He paused to let you adjust but it was tough. You could feel yourself stretching when he started moving a little more to help you relax. He took your leg and hitched it around his waist, making you gasp in shock. That was a completely new sensation that sped up your heart rate even faster, your head getting slightly dizzy. 
“Stay with me, darling, okay?” He whispered in your ear. 
If you weren’t all in with Spencer before, your feelings were definitely there now. 
The pace he set was slow and gentle, soft and delicate like he didn’t want to break you. It was just like you imagined it. Your hands intertwined with Spencer’s as he treated you so kindly. You felt pressure just below your stomach and it was like you couldn’t do anything but shut your eyes and let your body feel it. 
“Just keep breathing, okay? It makes it last longer.” Spencer said, trying to stay focused. His brain was going through the female anatomy but he wanted to stay focused. He opened his eyes as he continued pushing himself in and out of you. He wanted to make sure you were comfortable, taking his right hand and moving his thumb over your cheek. You looked so soft under him. 
“Faster.” You whimpered, the only thing you could manage. 
Everything felt nice, it felt comfortable. You were comfortable with Spencer. You thought it would be hotter, more dramatic when you would imagine it. You imagined him grabbing your hips and plunging himself into you until your body was exhausted and used. But that’s not how it worked. 
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked, quietly. He was going faster and a bit harder, making it very hard for you to concentrate. 
“I’m…” You couldn’t think of the answer. You couldn’t think at all right then.
“You’re doing such a good job, love. Just relax, I’ve got you.” Spencer kissed you on the forehead before shifting your leg a bit higher on his hip. That ignited something inside of you that was hard to turn off. 
Your body was on pins and needles. You felt your body shaking as you held onto Spencer’s hand. He kissed you, soft and slightly frenzied. He was chasing his own release so quickly. Everything moved so smoothly between the two of you. 
Spencer’s body rolled into yours like the ocean, and you were the beach. His waves rushed into your shore over and over, filling you with pleasure you couldn’t find on your own. He was kissing your neck, marking you with sweet mumbles of, “I’m all yours.” 
“Spence…” Another instance of being unable to think or speak clearly. 
“I know, I know. And I want you to let it go for me. Be good for me and let go, y/n. I’m right here.” He said, kissing you deeply. 
Spencer pushed into you a little sloppier, trying to stay composed but it was a challenge. He wanted to make sure you rode out your high, which you were definitely doing. Your body was shaking and you were out of it a little bit as you came down. Spencer finished in the condom and kissed you so many times that you lost count. Your cheeks, your neck, your lips, forehead, nose, lips again. 
“Spencer, that was… That was nice.” You said, opening your eyes. He was smiling over you, shaking a little bit. You weren’t sure if his arms were tired or if he felt like you did. You hoped to god that he felt like you did. It worked out so well up to this point. 
He rolled off of you, standing up to get that towel to clean you up. He saw the bathroom door cracked open so he slipped the condom off and put his star trek underwear back on as he went into the bathroom and warmed up a small towel and grabbed a big towel. 
“I got aftercare towels.” He said, walking back into the room. 
You had curled up into yourself, laying down on your side, as you fell asleep slowly. You heard him come back into the room and smiled as he cleaned you up and helped you put a t-shirt on. Putting the towels in your wastebasket, he flipped the overhead light off and came back around to the opposite side of the bed and gently nudged you to let him hold you. 
“How do you feel?” Spencer asked, nuzzling his head into the crook between your shoulder and your neck. 
He felt so warm on your back like that, holding you tight. You felt safe and secure. 
“Spence, I love you.” You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear. 
“I love you too, y/n,” Spencer said, falling asleep himself.
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catcze · 3 years
ooo more lore !! i don't usually use the wiki, i just look through items myself & i don't have those so i wasn't aware :0 wait watch me go on a wiki dive all night now adkhskdhfk. i do have a bit of a theory tho!
2.1 archon quest spoilers //
ok i'm probably gonna look like a clown when i'm proven wrong, but part of me kinda doubts signora's actually dead?? like, she seemed like a pretty major character, and it was so sudden. i know keeping her alive would undercut ei's power, but to be fair she hasn't had the gnosis for awhile, so the musou no hitotachi might not be as strong as it was when she slew orobashi, for example.
at the end, signora didn't use her vision(?) or delusion, opting to reach for ei's gnosis (that's what it looked like to me idk). which makes me think - if she wasn't using her pyro, why did she disintegrate to embers & ash instead of something more indicative of the lightning that killed her? i suppose it could just be a visual reference to how her body is made of liquid flame, but mayyyybe she did activate her pyro abilities at the last second to escape, and that's why her 'death' looked the way it did.
during the battle she seemed to be able to move pretty quickly in a pyro form of sorts, so what if she kinda.. dissolved into embers and disappeared of her own will? maybe she timed it right, or maybe she was hit by the musou no hitotachi - she is based on moths i think which have a sort of cycle of rebirth, and she did enter an ice chrysalis(?) mid-fight. so what if she's recuperating elsewhere in stasis like that, only to be 'reborn' later on in the game? many thoughts rn,,
idk, i'm sure i'm missing some points here, and i'm not rly convinced one way or another myself - i just think it would be cool if we saw more of her somehow hehe. as much as i love the whole 'mc befriends former bad guys they defeat' trope, it was refreshing to see a villain like her imo!
and yess, i've loved watching traveler grow more impatient & testy as the story progresses. altho the scene after signora's fight was.. a bit anticlimactic with my seelie dancing behind me lmao?? everything was dark & glitchy, traveler's silent, paimon's recounting the gruesome tale, and there's mr. bubblegum- "ubwbelbebrbeweb <3" doing flips in the background kdhfkhfsdkf - 🐺
I mean, it's a possibility ! After all, genshin is supposed to go on for 7+ (10?) years, so any sorts of twists and turns are definitely probably down the line. There were also some leaks a few months ago that,,, kind of ? support this theory, if you squint.
But! Regarding what you said about her reaching for the gnosis, I'm afraid that's not quite possible, since it later gets revealed that it was with Yae, and then later traded to Scaramouche.
But yes!! I deffo do think it's plausible (maybe even possible, if more evidence surfaces over time and with more lore reveals) that she could have dodged a hit. It would be interesting to have that kind of twist to the story, but I do kind of agree that it,,, does put a damper on the Shogun's strong image ? Idk and I feel like some people might consider it a 'cheap' twist, espescially considering the heaviness that befell the traveller (maybe guilt ?? idk, that's how i personally interpret it) during that sort of slow, dark walk out of Tenshukaku. Not to mention how I think that seeing Signora die directly or indirectly because of the traveller's actions is something that I'm interested to see in the future, regarding on how this knowledge might change the travellers attitude towards others, if it'll push them to be more ruthless, or if it would make them a bit more hesitant to fight after they've seen a strong foe like Signora die because of losing the duel to them.
And in a way,,, i don't know, and this is kind of opinionated, but I feel like killing Signora then reviving her would,,, be somewhat unsatisfying ? Because,,, it kinda feels like Genshin is going down a slightly different path now. It's grown a bit heavier and darker with the occurrence of its first on-screen death (and major off-screen death w/ Teppei) and i feel like turning around in the future and saying 'oh! actually this character isn't dead' feels too much like a 'take-back' or like they're backing out of that darker theme, which feels a bit unsatisfactory given that he archon quest has begun to push that sort of narrative, and it's an interesting route to go, considering we've seen the heaviness that meeting their sibling that has (presumably) pushed the sibling into being more direct in wanting to complete their mission (in how, at first, they just wanted to see the shogun, and not get wrapped up in the whole resistance thing) and how angry they got when Teppei died. Personally, 'taking back' something as big as the first character who the traveller is indirectly/directly responsible for killing feels,,, very much like they're just pandering to younger audiences, and i feel like it would be a cheap twist or a disservice to the heaviness that befell the traveller after the fight itself.
but idk thats just my opinion lmao,, wanting her to revive is valid too!! And i deffo agree that is was sooo refreshing to see a villain that was,,, wel, a villain. One without any highlighted redeeming qualities. One that's just bad. It was nice hahha
ALSO PLS THE SEELIE ASKJDN I love the name you've given him HAHAHA <33 also !! hope u enjoyed the lore dive, if you've done it. I mostly stick to the wiki instead of the game, since like you can open links in the paragraph instead of having to rifle through all the stuff in the game HAHHA
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 13- For the Love of Books
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Bookshop/bartender/baking AU)
Word Count: 2,312
Summary: You have dinner with Steve and Peggy and fill them in. You also set up your meeting with Tony and pitch him your idea. 
Author’s Note: I loved getting some more time with Steve and Peggy here, I love everyone and how much they love each other. It was fun to write Tony too because I just love him as well. I’m sorry for the angst at the end, but as I was writing this chapter that whole thing just kind of hit me...like...oh yea, what if? If you want to check out Los Tacos you can see their menu here and Eleven Madison Park is amazing if you want to see it here. Again, I cannot thank you all enough for your continued kindness and support! You are amazing. Thank you all for reading and much love always❤❤❤
Warnings: Sweet fluff, teasing amongst friends, soft fluff and some angst at the end 
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Previous Chapters: 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble
Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Chapter 4: Read Between the Limes
Chapter 5: Secrets on the Shelf
Chapter 6: Love Between the Covers *
Chapter 7: Love Lines & Soul Finds
Chapter 8: Drunk in Love *
Chapter 9: Pour it onto the Page
Chapter 10: Recipe for Love *
Chapter 11: The Pages in Between
Chapter 12: Bookaholics
By the time you and Bucky fell asleep it was after 7am and you slept well past lunch time. Steve and Peggy were coming by for dinner around 5 so you had plenty of time. After a nice refreshing shower, you sit on the couch, arms resting on the back while you watch Bucky make coffee. “I can just see you doing this in the bookshop. You’ll have to wear and apron and probably tie your hair back,” you say, almost dreamily.
“Maybe I’ll just cut it. I’ve been thinking of doing that.” Your stunned silence causes Bucky to turn around, two steaming cups of coffee in hand. “No?” Taking the cup in your hands you sigh at the delicious aroma, looking at Bucky while you take your first sip. “I mean. I know you’ll look handsome with any kind of haircut, but you know…I love it like this.”
He sits next to you, carefully pulling you close while you hold your coffee, “well, it was just an idea.” His hair is still wet, and you comb your fingers through it, “I know,” you whisper, taking another sip. “This is so good Buck. So good.” You sit in comfortable silence and drink your coffee. A text chimes in on both your phones and you grab yours to look while Bucky just waits for you to read it.
“Steve says he’s starving and what are we eating?” Bucky scoffs and rolls his eyes, “of course he is!” Chewing on your bottom lip, you ask, “can we just get takeout. I’m still shot from last night.” Bucky’s eyes light up. “Yes! Let’s get Los Tacos!!!” You giggle at his excitement, quickly replying to Steve with the idea. A few seconds later your phone rings. “It’s Steve,” you deadpan, answering it with a simple, “hey, Steve.”
“OK, Los Taco. Yes. But you need to get me at least 12. And then there are the sides. Do you have pen and paper? Are you ready for my order?” You pull the phone from your ear, giving Steve the side eye even though he can’t see you. “Oh my god, Steve! Just text me what you want that way I have it all down.” Silence. “Oh yea, ok, that makes sense.” You hear Peggy’s voice in the background and Steve’s loud oof before Peggy is on the line. “Hey love. Listen, I’ll get our order and text it to you right away this way you can call.” Now smiling you reply, “Thanks Peg, sounds great. See you soon!”
“You say Los Tacos and he loses his mind!” Bucky says with a sideways grin. “Well, they are delicious.” Putting down your coffee you crawl into his lap while looking over the menu. “I never know what to get though. It’s all so good.” Kissing the top of your head he mumbles something inaudible. “What?” you laugh, turning to look up at him. “I said, just make sure you get an order of chips and salsa and one of chips and guac.”
“Are you sure one of each is enough. Steve is coming.” Bucky pretends to think it over for a moment, scrunching up his nose, “you know what, maybe two of each is better.” You both laugh, cuddling closer and waiting for Peggy’s text. Once it comes through you place the giant order, thanking them profusely and explaining that it’s because you love their food so much.
Steve and Peggy arrive shortly after and you all make yourselves comfortable while you wait for the delivery. “So,” Steve says, smiling. “Let’s hear it guys.” Peggy squeezes your hand and gives you a reassuring smile. You go over your idea again, adding in the news from Sam about getting in touch with Tony. When you finish, Steve and Peggy are both smiling from ear to ear.
Steve turns to Bucky. “Does this mean you’re finally going to let me teach you some stuff?” Bucky hangs his head and laughs. “Son of a bitch. I knew you were gonna say that!” You look to Peggy with a confused face, “what is this about?” Steve’s smile gets bigger. “Bucky is jealous of my construction skills. Always has been.”
Bucky stands up, hands on his hips, “ugh, here we go,” he mumbles, walking to the kitchen. Steve continues, “I’ve always been good at building and fixing things and everything Bucky touches he breaks. But now…,” he waggles his eyebrows, “I can be in charge of the changes in the bookshop. And the only payment I require is cookies!”
You look to Bucky who is failing at trying to hide his smile, then back at Steve who can’t hold his back and launch yourself into his arms. “Really Steve? You mean that? Because that’s a huge help and a big expense and I’m getting way too excited for you to be pulling my chain.” Steve gently sets you down, his face more serious. “Nah, I’m not pulling anything. I mean it. Every word. I’ll do anything for Bucky. And you. We’re here to help.”
Bucky’s arms wrap around you from behind, holding you against his chest and he rests his chin on your head. “Thanks Steve.” They exchange a look that holds much more meaning than words could say and your heart swells once again. How did you get so lucky to fall into the arms of such a good man that has such a good family? A quiet “thank you,” leaves your lips, unsure if you can say more without breaking down.
“When are you talking to Tony?” Steve asks, his eyes soft. Regaining some composure, you explain that Sam told you to call him tomorrow and set up a meeting for that week. “Sam said he would let Tony know I would be calling. I’m nervous. He sounds intimidating.” Steve chuckles, “it’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
The four of you spend the rest of the evening bullshitting over wine and left-over cookies. It isn’t until you cover your third yawn that Peggy stands, insisting they leave the two of you to get some rest. You send them home with a few cookies and lots of hugs. Steve pulls you in tight, whispering in your ear, “I heard you got jealous over my cousins.” You push off his chest and look at him in shock. “WHAT!?! I did not. It was simply a misunderstanding. And did Bucky tell you he practically gave Peter a heart attack for simply doing his job?”
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up into his head before he looks to Bucky who pretends to not be listening. “We’ll just leave you two to sort this out. Thanks for dinner guys, have a good night.” Steve grabs Peggy’s hand and runs out the door, smiling the whole time. Spinning around you pin Bucky against the door. “So now you’re going around telling your friends I’m a jealous girlfriend, huh?”
Bucky throws his hands up, feigning innocence, “all I did was tell Steve what happened.” With a good hard poke to his chest you turn on your heel and try to hold back your giggles. “Maybe I’ll ask around the bar next weekend, see what my female customers think about me getting a haircut.” You stop dead in your tracks, slowly turning back toward him, “go for it. I’d be curious to know what they think.” With a triumphant twirl you head to the bathroom to get ready for bed, leaving Bucky in amused disbelief.
After feeble attempts to read before bed you both give in and curl up under the covers, quickly falling asleep in Bucky’s arms. As usual Monday hits you hard. You’re sitting at your office desk staring at your phone and Sam’s text with Tony’s phone number. Picking it up you dial, biting your nail while it rings. “Hey doll, everything ok?” You let out a sigh at hearing Bucky’s voice, “yea fine, thanks, I’m just nervous about calling Tony.” You can hear his smile. “Then let me call him. I’m more than happy to.”
You’re quiet for a moment, about to give in but remembering this was all your crazy idea. “No, it’s ok babe. I can do this.” “Of course, you can. Call me right after, ok? I love you.” Taking a deep breath, you reply, “I will, I love you too.” Hanging up with Bucky you give yourself five minutes before calling Tony, your hands shaky as you dial his number.
He picks up after the first ring. “Tony Stark.” You awkwardly clear your throat, cringing already. “Hey, Mr. Stark. This is y/n, y/n y/l/n. I’m a friend of Sam’s.” His voice gains energy with his greeting, “oh yes! Hi y/n. I’ve been expecting your call! Sam said you have a new business venture and wanted to meet to discuss it.” Shaking your head yes you realize you aren’t actually talking. “Yes, exactly! Bucky and I would really love your input. Sam said you have a really good head for this stuff.”
Tony scoffs, “I have the best head for this stuff! And I’d love to meet with you guys. How does Thursday night sound? We can have dinner at Eleven Madison Park, say around 7pm? I’ll take care of the reservations.” Once again, you’re shaking your head yes, this time very excitedly. “That sounds great, thank you so much! I look forward to meeting with you.” With a smile, Tony replies, “me too, see you then.”
Your fingers fumble with the phone as you try to call Bucky. He picks up immediately. “So?” “Thursday, 7pm at Eleven Madison Park!” The both of you try to celebrate with subdued excitement, failing miserably when you draw the attention of your coworkers. “Crap, I better go, everyone is looking at me funny.” You hang up and give them a little wave, doing your best to remain calm and smile.
Each night for the rest of the week you and Bucky work on devising a semi-decent ‘business plan.’ Neither of you really know what you’re doing but thankfully Sam offers to help. It isn’t until Thursday afternoon that you finally have something presentable. Shoving the papers in a folder you close it with a loud sigh, shooting Bucky a text with a picture of it.
You take a cab to the restaurant, the both of you nervous but excited. Bucky looks perfect is his button down and slacks and you’re elegant and chic in a simple black dress. You’re greeted by the hostess and you tell them you’re here to meet Tony. They immediately rush off and come back with the manager who personally escorts you to the table. Tony looks up from his papers and smiles.
“Right on time,” he says, standing to shake your hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark,” Bucky says, holding your chair out for you to sit. “Please, call me Tony.” He looks to you with a sweet smile, “and you must be y/n.” Straightening your shoulders you smile with a nod, “good to finally meet you Tony.” He clears away his papers, muttering about always having work to do.
“So, I hope you don’t mind but I ordered some wine and appetizers for us this way we can get right to business.” You both thank him, looking to each other before pulling out the folder. “We came up with a rough business plan, it’s nothing fancy but it will give you a good idea of what we want to do.” Tony waves a dismissive hand, squaring you both with a serious look. “I’m more interested in the real story. Yours. And how this idea came about. Just start from the beginning and tell me everything.”
Letting out a sigh of relief Bucky squeezes your hand and launches into a recap of the first day you met at the bookshop. Tony listens intently, his eyes warm and his smile soft. He asks questions or interjects now and then and you don’t even realize that you’ve been talking the whole time until dessert is served.
“Oh wow. This looks really good!” you blurt out, eyeing the incredible piece of art on the table. “You think you want to try to make something like this at the bookshop?” Tony jokes, taking a sip of his wine. With a chuckle you say, “no, I’m not sure it fits our aesthetic, but it does look amazing.” Tony nods, “and just wait until you taste it. But you’re right. You’re not going for fancy and over the top. It’s clear you want to create a space that’s comfortable and charming.”
Bucky smiles at you before looking back to Tony, “that’s exactly it. We don’t want to lose the feel of the bookshop, we just want to give it an update.” Tony intertwines his fingers and rests his elbows on the table. “So, I only have one question before I tell you that I want to help you.” You can barely contain your happiness at his words but then he gives you a somber look and asks, “what are you going to do if this doesn’t work out?
You’re combined confusion is evident and neither of you know what to say. Finally, Bucky speaks up. “Well, we are trying to be positive and from what you’ve told us it seems like we have a solid idea here. Failure isn’t really an option at this point. I need to make this work.” Tony’s smile is back, this time a bit more forlorn. “I like your passion. You’re going to need it, but I’m not talking about the bookshop. I mean you two,” he says, pointing at you both. “What if things don’t work out between the two of you?” Bucky quickly turns to you with a panicked look just as you suck in a breath and before he can reply you quietly say, “we never thought of that.”
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