#once because I unlocked my door and the sound was loud and I worried it was actually the sound of someone waiting outside my apartment
dorianwolfforest · 1 year
Goes for a walk at 1:30 in the morning because I am hollow I am nothing I exist somewhere else and there is nothing and no one for me in my apartment, I need to go and I need for no one to see my escape
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inkspiredwriting · 28 days
Defending Maddie
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
A/N: daddy five protects his little daughter
Warnings: none
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Maddie, the sweet, four-year-old daughter of Five and Y/n Hargreeves, was the Commission's latest target. According to them, Maddie should not exist, and her existence posed a threat to the timeline. But Five, Y/n, and the rest of the Hargreeves family were ready to do everything in their power to protect her.
It started on a seemingly ordinary morning. Five was making breakfast while Y/n played with Maddie in the living room. Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by a loud crash. Five immediately sensed something was wrong.
"Stay here," he instructed Y/n and Maddie, his voice tight with urgency. He rushed to the source of the noise, only to find Commission agents appear in the house.
Y/n, holding Maddie close, came into the room, her face pale but determined. "Five, what's happening?"
"The Commission," Five growled. "They're here for Maddie."
Y/n's eyes widened in fear and anger. "They won't take her," she said, her voice shaking but resolute.
Five glanced at her, his eyes filled with steely determination. "You're damn right they won't."
The agents advanced, but the Hargreeves family was ready. Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Viktor joined the fray, fighting off the intruders with everything they had. Y/n, refusing to leave Maddie's side, used her own abilities to create a protective barrier around her daughter.
"Not my daughter," Y/n whispered fiercely, her power pulsing with her every word.
In the chaos, Maddie watched with wide eyes, clutching her favorite stuffed animal. Five managed to take down an agent and rushed to Y/n's side. "We need to get her out of here."
Y/n nodded, tears in her eyes but determination in her heart. "Where can we go?"
"The safest place is with us," Luther said, blocking an attack aimed at Five.
Klaus, ducking a punch, added, "Family sticks together, right?"
Viktor used his powers to knock back a group of agents. "We'll keep her safe, no matter what."
The family fought their way to the back of the house, forming a protective circle around Y/n and Maddie. Five's mind raced, trying to think of a plan. "We need to get to the basement. There's an old panic room there. It’s shielded from temporal detection."
Diego nodded, clearing a path. "Let's move!"
They hurried down to the basement, with Five leading the way and the others covering their retreat. Once inside the panic room, Five quickly locked the door behind them. The sounds of the battle above faded, replaced by the tense silence of the small room.
Maddie looked up at her parents, her eyes filled with tears and fear. "Mommy, Daddy, why are those people trying to hurt me?"
Y/n knelt down, hugging Maddie tightly. "Because they don't understand how special you are, sweetie. But don't worry, we're going to keep you safe."
Five placed a reassuring hand on Maddie's shoulder. "No one will ever take you away from us. I promise."
The door suddenly rattled, and the family braced themselves for another wave of attackers. But instead, they heard familiar voices.
"It's us," Klaus called out. "Let us in!"
Five quickly unlocked the door, and his siblings piled into the room, bruised and battered but alive.
"Did you get rid of them?" Y/n asked, her voice trembling.
"For now," Diego said, wiping blood from his forehead. "But they'll be back."
Allison, panting from the fight, added, "We need a plan. A permanent solution."
Five nodded. "We'll take the fight to them. We'll make sure the Commission knows that if they come for Maddie, they'll have to go through all of us."
Y/n looked at her husband, her heart swelling with love and pride. "We'll do whatever it takes."
Maddie, sensing the resolve in the room, reached out and took both of her parents' hands. "I love you, Mommy and Daddy."
Five and Y/n shared a determined glance. "We love you too, Maddie," Five said, his voice filled with emotion.
The Hargreeves family stood united, ready to face whatever came next. The Commission had no idea what they were up against, but they would soon learn that no one messed with the Hargreeves, especially when it came to protecting one of their own.
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genshinarchives · 1 year
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Kaveh, Nilou, Tighnari / gender-neutral reader.
Synopsis: Their reaction to you dying/your death.
Part I ( you’re here! ) / Part II (other POV: Al-Haitham, Dehya, Cyno).
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You had gotten into a fight with your boyfriend earlier and wanted to apologise to him, unable to ignore your growing guilt. It was midnight, but you knew that Kaveh would still be awake because of his recent project. As you tried to open the front door with the spare key Al-Haitham was kind enough to give you, you soon realised that you weren't able to because another key was lodged in the doorlock on the other side of the door. You then rang the doorbell twice before attempting to unlock the door again.
The sound of the doorbell and the doorknob rattling incessantly woke Kaveh up, who had fallen asleep while waiting for you on the sofa. He groggily sat up whilst rubbing the sleep off his eyes, and when the rattling suddenly stopped, he stared at the front door, puzzled.
"(Y/n)?" he called, planting his feet on the floor. He then rose from the sofa and made his way over, jumping slightly when a sharp rattle abruptly sounded - like somebody had grabbed the doorknob tightly. With wide eyes, he peered through the peephole and saw your back. "Angel, what are you doing outside at this hour?" He then unlocked the door for you and pushed it open - only to discover that he couldn't. Frowning, he fiddled with the doorknob, and just as he moved to look into the peephole again—
There was a loud bang as your body recoiled against the door. Kaveh mirrored your involuntary action as he staggered backwards, jaw slightly slack as he tried to process what the hell just happened.
"You..." he heard you say. Your voice was faint, weak, like you just had the air knocked straight out of your lungs. You then groaned as a few thuds echoed from the other side of the door, which snapped him into action. He peered through the peephole, noticing that you were struggling to stand up, and this caused his insides to churn with worry. Someone else was with you, he noted, but he couldn't discern their identity.
"(Y/n)... (Y/n), are you okay?!" he exclaimed, using his shoulder to try and fail to shove the door open. He twisted the doorknob violently before throwing himself at the door again, pushing against it with all of his weight - to no avail. "What's wrong? Please tell me!"
"Please..." Kaveh pressed his ear against the door to hear your murmurs better. "Spare my boyfriend." Impatient and wanting answers, Kaveh slammed his fists on the door, begging you to let him out.
Another bang cut his sentence short, and he recoiled in horror, finally realising what was happening. Did you... have something to do with the Fatui the Traveler once told him about...?
Gasping as if out of breath, he rattled the doorknob which refused to budge, screaming your name hysterically. "(Y/n)! Open the door, my angel!" He slammed his palms against the door until they stung, but the pain couldn't compare to fear that was shredding his heart.
"Don't... Don't come out, Kaveh!"
"But why?!" He banged on the door, eyes burning with the desperation clenching around his heart. "Why can't I come out? PLEASE TELL ME WHY!"
He then heard a soft thud and another groan.
Kaveh was finally able to twist the doorknob properly, but he still couldn't push the door open.
"(Y/n), are you okay? Open the door if you are!" he yelled, not caring if he's going to wake Al-Haitham up with all the fuss he's making in the middle of the night. "Please, angel... I want to come to you! Please let me out!" His tears threatened to fall as he could hear your gasps of pain. He didn't know what was happening to you outside, and it was frightening him. He let out a sob, clinging to the door like his life depended on it. "P-please..."
He immediately pressed his ear against the door again. "Yes, angel? What is it?!"
"I'm sorry... I keep breaking my promises to you."
Kaveh sobbed loudly. "No! No, it's okay!" He slammed his forehead against the door, tears cascading from his eyes in thick streams. "IT'S OKAY! Please, open the door!"
When he couldn't hear a response from you, he wailed.
"N-no, angel... Open the door! I forgive you! SO PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" he shouted desperately, yanking on the doorknob, "OPEN THE DOOR! None of this is your fault-"
He faltered.
"To me, you were..."
Kaveh stared at the door. He listened carefully, but all he could hear was silence.
Your silence.
It's the type of silence that he fears the most.
With shuddered breathing, he said, "Hold on, (y/n). I'm coming outside..." He grunted, shoving the door open by a few inches and seeing your hand on the ground. His pupils dilated. "N-no, please...!" Choked sobs were ripped out of his throat when he was finally able to open the door, revealing your lifeless body in front of him. Dropping onto his knees, Kaveh grabbed your shoulders, rolling you onto his lap as his arms shook with the grief that threatened to tear him apart inside.
He cried hysterically as he tried to shake you awake, not caring that the blood from your wounds was ruining his clothes. He then spotted you crimping your bloody Vision in your fist, and he grabbed the empty husk, screaming when he saw that it had lost its colour. He threw it into the dark streets ahead without a second thought before cupping your cheek, hoping that his loving touch would bring the life back to your blank eyes.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Kaveh hugged your head tightly, rocking you back and forth in his arms with broken sobs.
"(Y/n), wake up! Please wake up!" he yelled, burying his face in your hair, "Angel, please. Please... Angel, please!"
Al-Haitham, having been awakened by Kaveh's crying, quietly appeared behind him, his eyes widening at the shocking sight in front of his house.
"Al-Haitham, help them! Please help my little angel!"
Al-Haitham sighed after a few seconds of silence. "... Kaveh. Let them go."
The Scribe did want to help you.
But he also knew that nothing could help you as you had long ceased to breathe.
Nilou lost all the strength in her legs when Lumine returned to Sumeru City with you in her arms. She would have jumped for joy at Lumine finding you if you weren't lying limp in her arms, your blood imprinting messy patterns her white dress. Dehya quickly grabbed Nilou's arm when the dancer collapsed on her knees with a heart-wrenching sob.
"N-no... NO!" Nilou cried, tears brimming in her eyes. She couldn't control her emotions and wailed, tugging her arm out of Dehya's gentle grip before crawling over to Lumine. The Traveler then lowered herself on her knees to carefully lay your body on the ground, and Nilou immediately cupped your face with a trembling hand, her bottom lip quivering and eyes glossing over with unshed tears. She lightly caressed your cold cheek whilst whispering your name, as if she was casting a spell that would wake you up and reveal your eyes that she had grown to love so much.
"Ya 'amar..." She pressed her ear against your chest in hopes of hearing that reassuring heartbeat and choked back a sob when your body's silence crushed that remaining hope.
"Lumine... Why is it so quiet?" Nilou murmured, her tears running down her cheeks in endless streams. Lumine didn't utter a single word as she watched the dancer bury her face in your chest, her fingers digging into the fabric of the shirt she had lovingly sewed for you the other day. "I-it's so quiet... I can't hear their heartbeat at all!"
Since that day, silence rang in the place of your laughter.
Tighnari found it difficult to keep his eyes open as he slowly crawled past the fire that had engulfed a large portion of the forest, puffs of grey clouds rising from the flames surrounding him. The heat embraced him like an old friend, and the smoke made his eyes water as he also struggled to breathe. After a moment, his body finally gave out, the stab wound on his left shoulder being too much for him; however, before he went unconscious, he was able to pick up on a familiar scent...
"Nari! Oh Archons-"
Ears twitching, he tried to raise his head but was too weak. Soon, your arms enveloped him in a warm embrace, and he instinctively leaned against you. Your warmth wasn't unbearable like the blistering heat around him; it was comforting, soothing, and assured him that everything will be alright since you're here.
"(Y/n)..." Tighnari murmured before his consciousness completely slipped away.
He later awoke to find his upper body being supported in your arms as he was laid across your lap. He could hear your exhausted pants, and upon focusing on your face, he discerned the pearly tears that had gathered in your eyes. Frowning, he reached up to gently cup your cheek, prompting you to lower your surprised gaze to him.
"Nari... You finally woke up," you said, sighing in relief before your expression turned grim, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I wouldn't have returned to Sumeru if I knew that my commander would send the Fatui after me."
Tighnari's eyes widened. "You're-?"
"I'm sorry I lied to you." You then gave him a sad smile, forged from the remorse you felt of having deceived your lover. "But please believe me when I say that I never meant for this to happen... or for you to be hurt."
He didn't know how to react to this sudden revelation. He was tricked and you led him on, yet—
He couldn't find it in himself to hate you.
Whether or not your love for him was sincere, Tighnari knew that his for you is and will always be.
"Tighnari... Let me push you out with my last bit of strength. We both can't die here," you said, noticing that the fire was inching closer. Before you can hook an arm under his knees, he quickly stopped you by gripping your upper arm, his fingers digging deeply into your flesh to express how opposed he was to the idea.
"Don't say that!" Tighnari exclaimed. Tears brimmed in his eyes but he immediately blinked them away. "If you die, then how will I be able to continue living with the burden? What about Collei? Think about her! She cares about you as much as I do!"
"... You'll both be fine without me." You laid a calloused palm against his cheek, and he immediately held onto it as if you would disappear in a blink of an eye if he didn't. "Just pretend that I never existed, and everything will be okay. When you get out, please live the rest of your life well. Take good care of Collei. Don't let anyone make her suffer more than she already has."
Tighnari could only shake his head vigorously as he kept your hand in a tight grasp. "No... No! (Y/n)-"
"Don't choose anybody else in your next life," you murmured with a smile of melancholy, "Wait for me." You pressed your lips against his in a brief kiss, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. Before he could say or do anything, you easily lifted him into your arms and ran towards the edge of the cliff. You then leaped forward, across the gorge. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as you moved through the air with Tighnari in your arms.
As you had predicted, you weren't able to reach the other side. Your foot slipped off the edge of the other cliff, but you were expecting this.
Looking at Tighnari, you softly told him, "I'll wait for you in my next life."
Tighnari's pupils dilated as his eyes turned glossy with unshed tears. Flashing him one last smile, you used your remaining strength to throw him up.
The last thing he saw before his body landed on the cliff edge was his lover plummeting into the rushing river below.
Hurriedly peering over the edge, he hoped to see you...
But you were gone.
Of all things, it was Mother Nature who claimed your life in the end.
Tighnari felt something inside him break as he wept, fingers curling into the dirt beneath him.
Taglist: @coco-goat-milk / @m3gitsune / @melkxsh / @irethepotato / @frostines-blog / @xphantasmagoriax / @crunchy-princeles / @nanamisflowerfield / @dulcetamore / @beowers-spam / @sinnyrants / @chuusposts / @xiao-bedo / ​@chocogi / @angelkazusstuff / @flowwerpot / @mintydump / @kiraisastay / @niktwazny303 /
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a-living-canvas · 6 months
Be mine
Whumper got a confused look on his face, as he saw Whumpee waiting for him outside the house. He parked the car outside the gate, took a deep breath and got out of the car.
Whumpee looked a little anxious. "I wonder why…",Whumper thought. Whumper unlocked the gate and locked it back again when Whumpee went over to his side.
"Yes, Whumpee?" Whumper asked softly. Whumpee blinks their eyes a few times. "Well, uh…actually I was waiting for you so I can go back to my friends."
Whumper's breath came to a halt for a moment but he kept his calm demeanor in front of Whumpee. Whumper eyed them up and down, "You are still sick." 
"No, I, actually I have gotten better since last time. I think I can make it to my friends." Whumpee tried to convince as Whumper just stared at the ground beneath them.
"Listen. You are still sick. You may not feel it, but I'm the doctor here. I know what you exactly need, and right now you need to rest." Whumper walked past Whumpee but their hands were tugged slightly.
"Can you just let me go now? My teammates would be worried if I gone for too long." 
Whumper let out an exasperated sigh. They wanted this to be over fast. "Why do you care so much about them? I'm the one who treated you."
Whumpee's eyes widened, "W-what are you talking about? It's not their fault I ended up getting injured while I'm separated from them."
Whumper glanced to their side, "Still, you are sick. You might not survive in the forest alone until you are fully healed."
Whumpee lifted their arms to their side, letting Whumper examine them once again. "See, I'm okay now. Thanks to you." Whumpee forced out a genuine smile. They felt gradually suspicious and scared of Whumper as days went by.
Whumper's eyes softened when Whumpee so politely thanked them. But, then they touched the wound on Whumpee side, making them winced at the contact.
"See? Still sick." Whumper grabbed Whumpee's hand and dragged them to the house. "Wait, that's not fair!– Why can't you just let me go?!" Whumpee snapped.
Whumper stopped at their tracks, turning their head slowly to Whumpee. "Because…," they loosened their grips on Whumpee's wrist. "...you are mine."
Whumpee watched them in disbelieved, "You are not making any sense…" Whumpee stammered, "W-we just met and that was only because you offered to treat me. And now you won't let me go because…because of that? Are you…crazy?"
Whumper gritted their teeth, they didn't like it when Whumpee started to say this kind of thing to him. "You are not doing okay, but don't worry I'm gonna help you."
Whumper said it casually even though panic started to rise in their head, they needed to convince Whumpee to stay.
Whumper tightened their grips again and walked to the door with Whumpee resisting behind them. "No! Let me go, just let me go! I don't want to stay here, I don–"
The door slammed shut as they entered the house. The loud sound made Whumpee froze in an instant. Whumper locked the door before releasing Whumpee who immediately backed away from them.
Silence enveloping them, only the sound of Whumpee's ragged breathing filled out the room. Whumpee rubbed their bruised wrist slowly and Whumper noticed that. Guilt suddenly washed over them.
Whumper ordered before going around the room to get the First aid–kit. Whumpee stood still, their legs can't seem to move from the floor. Whumper glanced at them slightly, "Don't make me say it again." Their tone wasn't firm or harsh, but it did made Whumpee took their seat regardless.
Whumper came back with the First aid-kit, and gently held Whumpee's wrist in one hand. They started to carefully wrap it with a bandage. Whumpee silently watched their every move.
"I'm sorry for bruising your wrist…" Whumper muttered quietly, they couldn't even look at Whumpee in the eye. Whumpee blinked their eyes a few times. They slowly regained their composure.
"If…if you are really sorry, let me go then…" Whumpee silently pleaded that won't make Whumper mad at them even more. Whumper seemed to be ignoring them as they continued to take care of Whumpee's wrist.
When they were done, Whumper appeared to be lost in their thoughts. Whumpee stayed silent as well, not daring to let out a single word.
"Is it the food?" Whumper asked, bringing their eyes to Whumpee's. Whumpee was speechless for a second,
"Did you not like the food that I made for you?" Whumper sounded almost sad, which made the situation even worse for Whumpee.
"What? No, I–"
"Or maybe the curtains? You don't like the color?" Whumper looked frantically around the room, desperately searching for something that made Whumpee didn't want to stay with them.
Whumper turned their attention back to Whumpee, "Is…is it the couch? It's not soft enough for you?" Whumper wrapped Whumpee's hands. "What is it then?" 
"Listen, I–"
"Or maybe you didn't like the color red on furniture? I-I like red you know but if you don't want it I can change it for you."
Whumper placed his index finger between his lips, and disappeared into their own world. "Maybe the fridge? But I just bought a new one last week. The air conditioner seems fine, too…" Whumper muttered to themselves.
Whumpee suddenly felt a shiver down their spine. Their hands trembled when they tried to reach for Whumper's shoulders. "H-hey…"
Whumper's eyes perked up when they heard Whumpee's voice. Their eyes widened when they realized Whumpee's hands were carefully wrapped around them.
"L-listen to me…if…if you send me back to my friends, I promise I will call you and if you want to meet we can meet but…but please don't lock me in here."
Whumper couldn't resist the pleading look on Whumpee's face. But at the same time, they didn't want to be separated from Whumpee. Whumper swallowed hard, they were afraid Whumpee would hate them if they refuse.
"O-okay…" Whumper finally said, looking down at their lap. They decided to trust on Whumpee's words, because Whumpee wouldn't lie to them, right?
Whumpee let out a relieved sigh as they released Whumper's shoulders. They smiled at Whumper, "Thank you! Thank you so much…"
Whumper gently patting Whumpee's head. "You are welcome, my dear." 
When they both arrived at the campsite, Whumpee couldn't hide their excitement as they watched their friends again after a few weeks. It was the opposite for Whumper though, as they gripped the steering wheel tightly.
The desire to return back to their beloved home with Whumpee was overwhelming them. But they couldn't do that even if they wanted to. They didn't want Whumpee to look at them with the look of hatred.
"Do you want to meet my friends?" Whumpee asked. Whumper shook their heads almost instantly, they had no interest in anyone other than Whumpee.
"Okay…so…I need to go." Whumpee said and unbuckled the seat belt around them. Before they got out of the car, Whumper tugged on their shirt, "We will meet again?" Whumpee hesitant for a moment, but they put on a smile,
"We will meet again."
Part 2
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no-see-um-incorrect · 9 months
Bad Blood (literally)
Sam/Masc Darlin
Fluffy sick Fic
No proofread
Darlin’s POV
“come on Sam. pick up” i dialed the number again only to be met with the same voicemail I’ve heard 1 million times today 
“you’ve reached Sam Collins if it’s important enough, you’ll leave a message”
Sam hadn’t answeredmy calls at all today, not even any texts. Which was abnormal usually I’m the one to mentally respond, but not actually message back.
Was he napping? no. Sam usually texts before he lays down for a nap 
Maybe he was listening to music and it was too loud for him to hear his phone….No. Sam has sensitive ears, And likes to be hyper aware of his surroundings. usually the music is just loud enough to hear.
Maybe I’m just being obsessive and spiraling over nothing, maybe I’m just being a paranoid little shit like Chrissy is always saying…
or maybe my paranoia is warranted.
I make my way to David’s office
*KNOCK-KNOCK* “come in” I quickly open David’s door closing it a little too loud behind me 
“oh, I thought you were Asher” “so sorry to disappoint. Can I go home early?” He cocked his head like a confused dog (yea. I know) “…..can I ask why” “I think something might be wrong with Sam. he hasn’t answered any of my texts or calls….and I’m getting worried” “alright you can leave. I’ll get Milo to cover for you on the Walton job” “holy fuck, thanks David” I turned to leave.
“hey…Next time something like this happens just leave….you can fill me in later” I whisper a quick thank you. Before bolting out the door. 
Nobody’s POV—————————————————
Darlin jolted through traffic in ways that should’ve earned them many tickets. But that didn’t matter all that was going through their head was. possible scenarios of what they were gonna walk into. most of them less than pleasant. 
Have they checked in with Quinn’s containment facility? Could Alexis’s invoke have worn off? Can invokes wear off? why does their driveway feel so much longer than it usually does. 
Darlin pulled up next to Sam’s truckand threw open the door, not even bothering to turn their car off. Fumbling with their keys all the way up to the front door. Darlin unlocked it and ran inside.
“SAM! IM HOME!” They waited for a few seconds then they heard a groan. Coming from down the hall. they start walking down the hall, making sure to listen closely. the groan is coming from the end of the hall. It’s coming from.…..the bathroom??
Darlin presses their ear up against the door. inside they can hear labored breathing 
“Sam?” They softly spoke. Admittedly, a little scared. a few seconds past before they heard a weak “Darlin?” it was quiet, it was weak but it was there. and it was Sam. and he sounded in pain? They think that’s what that is. “Sammy…i’m gonna open the door is that OK?” They can hear Sam grunt in agreement. they slowly opened the door. and they see Sam. On the floor. hunched over the toilet. They thought he was pale before.  but you might as well call him a friendly ghost because he’s white as Casper.
“oh, baby…what happened?” “B-bad blood bag..*Gulp*” “like expired? or just bad blood?” “bad blo-*Cough!* I tried to-get to my phone but I-” Sam quickly leans closer to the toilet. Darlin places a soft hand on his back. using the other to hold his hair back. “oh shit. Ok. I got ya i got ya..” once Sam was finished hacking up a lung. He leans back against the bathroom wall. 
“feel any better?” “still nauseous, but not nearly as bad as before” “how long have you been in here?” “…since around three hours after you left-And i know what your gonna say-” “SAM I left at 5 AM! And I don’t know if you’ve checked the clocks but it’s 3 PM” Sam was quiet his cheeks were flushed from being sick and his eyes started to fill up “…Sam..have you been throwing up all the time?” “…I couldn’t s s-” Darlin places a hand on his cheek. Caressing his face with their thumb. “oh Sammy” they wrap their arms around him and hold him close. Sam takes a deep breath and leans into the embrace. 
After a minute, Darlin hooks their arm under Sam’s legs. The other supporting his back.  standing up and lifting him off the ground. Almost out of reflex, Sam wraps his arms around their neck. “Darlin! Put me down!” “nope, not happening. Sorry a Babe, but it’s my turn to play the big strong man in the relationship” Darlin walks them to the bedroom and lays him down.
“No. I can’t lay in the bed I’m gross” “and you laid in the bed and cuddled me when I had the flu. I don’t see your point. Can I take your shirt and pants off?” “yeah. Wait hold on. why?” “you’ve been in these clothes all day they’re probably sweaty and icky” Darlin removes his flannel and jeans, taking off his shoes and socks.
Sam’s skin was warm. But not the cozy warm that Darlin look forward to when they came home every day. This was like fever warm…but vampire edition, 
“I’ll be right back. stay here” “well I don’t think I have the strength to go anywhere else”
Around 15 minutes later, Darlin comes in the room with a Home Depot 5 gallon bucket. They sit on the floor on Sams side of the bed.
“I’ve got Vernors courtesy of Ashers sister, saltines and vapor rub, three ice cold water bottles, and the main event..” they drop the 5 gallon bucket next to the nightstand in front of him “puke bucket. I Also threw away the blood bags that were left in the fridge and told Vincent to pick up some fresh ones at the bank by his house” Darlin sits down next to him and opens one of the water bottles “Drink” Sam grabs a water bottle and chugs it. not realizing how thirsty he was until now. Once he finishes, he tosses the water bottle into the bucket. 
“thank you darlin” “there’s that voice” they lean forward and give him a kiss on the forehead  “aw. Is my big bad wolf being soft?” “Only for you cowboy”
The next few hours were spent making sure Sam could function again. Darlin’ had reheated some of the chicken soup that Marie had given them. And made him eat a few bowls of it. not that he was complaining. he had drank almost every of the water bottle they had in the house. made quick work of the crackers and Vernors. and was now simply resting. laying on his side while his Darlin rubbed his shoulders. Feeling his now normal Sam temperature skin 
“this is gonna sound bad, but I’m kind of happy that you were sick” “you’re right. That does sound bad” “what I mean is….when you weren’t returning my calls or texts I…I got really anxious and started thinking..” “started thinkin’ the worst?” “yeah..and of course, now I know that it wasn’t your fault that you weren’t answering I just got really worried” “well your worry was warranted you saw me. I was a mess…A mess that was then rescued by his favorite night in shining torn jacket” “Ha! Look, who’s being sappy now!” “must be the medication got me all up in the clouds like them migraine meds David takes”
Sam stretches out his shoulders and lets out a yawn.
“you should probably get ready for sleep. You must be exhausted” “you’re probably right” Sam turns over clicks the lamp off. And closes his eyes to sleep. 
“what are you doing?” “getting ready to sleep” “all the way over there?” “I didn’t think. You would want to cuddle with me” “well you’re right about one thing” Darlin pulls Sam closer by his hips forcibly little spooning him “you didn’t think” they nuzzled their face into his neck and wrapped their arms around his torso 
“…..I love you Darlin. your the best thing I’ve got” “your worth trying to be the best for”
This might be shit. OH WELL
@frog-0n-a-l0g Luv u Boo. this for you
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sumaneun-stars · 11 months
'My Prince'
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Pairing. Jungwon x fem!reader
Genre. Royal au, fluff, a LOT of angst
Warnings. None!
Synopsis. He was yours, and you were his. No one could change that. Or else- that's what you thought. Your love was unbreakable, true. But would it last even after death? In our next lives, like he said it would?
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'He'd love me even in his next life, he said'
"Princess y/n, I need a word" he interrupted the conversation you were having with some high class women, who would be 'useful', according to your parents, in the future.
"If you'll excuse me" you told them with a smile, and they nodded in response.
You walked beside Jungwon, or else, Prince Jungwon, trying to resist the smile which was forming on your face.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, a sigh of relief- followed by a smile once you met his eyes. But why did he look nervous?
"Y/n…" he took your hands in his.
You tilted your head, waiting for him to complete his sentence.
This was the place you loved the most. It was just a wall and a few trees away from the palace, but it held everything that you and Jungwon had.
"Let's get married"
You choked on your words.
"M- married?" You smiled brightly, but still in disbelief.
He nodded.
"Okay!" You said as you pulled him in for a hug. You were overwhelmed, but you'd do anything if it were with him. You loved him. He parted the hug, and held your jaws with his hands, his sparkling eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
He leaned in to kiss you- and it wasn't long before his soft lips reached yours. He buried his head in your neck. You wanted time to stop. You wished you could stay like this forever. You loved him.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you more, my prince"
He shook his head
"I love you to the moon and back, and I'd burn in the sun for you" he said with a smile, his eyes teary.
You gasped.
"Why're you crying?" You asked, worried.
"Because I love you too much!"
You giggled at his childishness.
"Wherever you are, I'll be with you. I want you to be my present and my future, I'll love you even in my next life!"
"You won't know me in your next life, silly"
He raised your chin for another kiss- but it didn't arrive. You heard a loud sound, before screams and cries overtook the singing of the birds and the whispers of the trees.
You fell on the ground due to the turbulence, along with Jungwon. Your heart was beating faster with every second. You heard the high pitched voices of mothers crying for their children and the sharp sounds of drawing out of swords.
"They've attacked! Protect the king and the princess!" You heard a man yelling over the screams.
And before you could run-
Your breathing was unsteady. You opened your eyes which were closed unintentionally, to the bright fire which was destroying everything you called home. The flame grew closer and closer as they caught every leaf which they could reach.
"Y- y/n…" you heard a faint voice.
You panted as you tried to reach your lover's stretched out hand, accepting the fact that your pants could be some of your last breaths. You reached his bruised fingers and entangled them with yours.
"Don't forget me, my prince" you whispered between your trembling lips.
You were witnessing your beloved dying in flames, and you couldn't do anything about it.
And before you knew it, the heat of the blazing flame caught your hand. The hand which was once holding his. This was it. You felt yourself drowning in a pit of red, burning fire, your skin was boiling and your life was slowly leaving.
The last sigh arrived.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
"I'm hungry!" You whined as you took a seat on the dining table.
"I made you some sandwiches, dear," your mother replied with a smile.
"Thanks, mom," you smiled back.
After you ate your breakfast, you ran outside with your bag.
"I'm leaving!" You announced.
"Be careful! And have a good day!" Your mom replied.
You walked along the peaceful roads, before you heard a door being unlocked.
"Be safe, Jungwon! Don't mess up your first day!" You heard a woman, probably his mother, tell him. You heard him respond with a small 'okay'.
You screeched. A damn rock. You almost tripped on a rock. Well you didn't- but you did catch the boy's attention (in the most embarrassing way). 
You froze once you met his eyes. It was probably just 3 seconds, but it played in slow motion in your eyes. And little did you know that he felt the same. You walked awkwardly on either side of the road, before you had to make a right turn. But he went left.
You glanced at him over your shoulder one more time, before you went your own way.
'A new neighbor, perhaps'
A/n: sorry for the continuous depressing content I swear it'll get better omg TT
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Donald's Week, day 13 – Post Card
For the last day of Donald's week, i come with a one-shot fic! It's been a while since the last time i wrote something and posted it, so let's come back to it this time right under the cut!
Characters: Donald Duck, José Carioca, Panchito Pistoles, baby!triplets
Hurt and fluff fic
tw angst, tw implied death
A soft knock of the door didn't take Donald surprised, he was already waiting for these guests, even though them not being terribly loud don't felt right to him. But it doesn't matter, because all he needs now is just a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold.
Saturday morning, José and Panchito found themselves on flies from their respectives hometowns right to the city of Duckburg. Since these post cards with the same small text to fit on the space to write arrived on their houses in the day before, they needed to visit him as soon as possible. Both of them had read it again and again, getting more worried each time.
Dear José/Panchito,
Please come to visit me on Duckburg as soon as you can. My address is on the back. I am needing your support.
Donald Duck
Donald was in what now is only his house, barely awake after not sleeping in two days and full of a mix of coffee and energy drinks. Big dark circles under the eyes and dirty clothes in a messed up home. He can't deal with all of this for once, especially with the new three little balls of yellow sunshine that made him feel an unconditionable love but also a growing fear and a giant sadness. He will keep his promise no matter what it costs, no matter how long it will take, but he shouldn't be doing this, they're not his.
It's been two weeks since the happened forced him to send post cards to his friends. Gyro said that see them to get a little bit of help will give him part of the support he needs to keep going.
Sitting on the couch with his cup of coffee, he listened to the soft snoring they were making. Even though still being very young to be able to walk and talk, they were babies curious enough to not need any of these abilities to mess up somebody's life. Hear the sounds of them sleeping calmed Donald down, even though he couldn't fall asleep too.
They reminded him of her so much, painfully, all the time. He is not ready to become a father all of a sudden, but she was ready to become a mother. She was taking care of herself and them so well while he was on the navy, it isn't fair to them to switch the care of their loving and multitasking mother to the care of their clumsy uncle that just had to leave his sailor life to be there for them. Grandma Duck is too old to be taking care of her three great grandsons as babies, uncle Scrooge is too busy in getting richer (and searching for her) to be a help most of the time, and his cousins are pretty much a disaster around children. He is a disaster too, but playing the big brother role to Fethry and Gladstone made he learn a thing or two. They send to most help they can, but it's Donald who really had to step up.
The soft knock of the door took Donald out of his thoughts but not in surprise, he was already waiting for these guests for so long even though them not being terribly loud don't felt right to him. But it doesn't matter, because all he needs now is just a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold. He got up slowly and unlocked the front door. The parrot and the rooster were ready to scream and hug him happily, but before they could even breathe, he warned "Quiet!"
The guests were took by a surprise because of this reaction of Donald, but also by how terribly tired and sad he seemed to them. Donald opened the whole creaking door, and they could see how messed his house was even not noticing the oddly big baby stroller on the middle of the living room. They entered quietly and their exhausted friend closed the door back.
"Donal', we missed you!" Both of them took Donald in probably the most silent hug they ever gave to somebody, which the duck returned letting himself fall into their arms. The hug was unbraced after a long while, and Donald already felt a bit of a healing happening with a little smile.
"You told us that we needed to come here as soon as possible! What happened, mi amigo*?" Panchito started, desperate to know the reason of Donald's post cards and how bad he seems to be.
Donald put on a sad face, pointing to the big baby stroller made specifically for triplets that was facing the couch. The group went quietly to the front of the baby stroller to see what was inside.
"Panchito Pistoles, José Carioca, meet the triplets Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck. The newest family members." Donald said, smiling proudly with the other two were focused on the little snoozing yellow balls of feathers.
"Donal'... they're beautiful! Congratulations! Meus fofos patinhos*!" José said with stars in his eyes, until suddently they vanished "But... where's their mother?"
Donald's face got fastly melancholic again, with a bit of anger. They sit on the couch "They are... hers." He said pointing to a photo of him and his sister from a while ago in a frame that rested on a small coffee table. He couldn't even say her name, it was too painful.
Now the other caballeros started to know what is the point of the problem, and had to go very cautious to find it all out.
"And... where's she?" Panchito said before he could think of first, and José's answer came fast as a step on his foot that he had to put up with silently to not wake up the kids.
Donald's hands started to shake and his voice started to trembling as he looks away to the floor "Well, y'know... she's a pilot... and i was proud of her..."
The tears started to show up on his eyes "There was a new mission that she accepted right when i came back from months on the sea... she is the first woman to go to the space... and... a-and..."
Donald dismantled. He covered his face with his hands but it wasn't worth, it wouldn't hide his feelings from his friends. He's just... so destroyed. So lost. So lonely. It's been two weeks without his twin, the other half of himself, and he didn't even know if she was fine. He was holding all his hope in the promise Scrooge made to his broken nephew in the name of the space station to take her back home, no matter what. Donald's pain was specifically worse on Scrooge's eyes, because he knows how does it feel to lose a sister. He encouraged the nephew to not make the same mistake of his and get up to be brave enough to take care of the kids because, differently from Scrooge, Donald was a good brother.
José and Panchito held Donald on a big bear hug, the best they could do to calm their depressed friend down. They stayed for a long time, as Donald could feel the soft back pats in his back from José and the gentle head rub from Panchito. The most silently they could to not wake the ducklings, but after all they were sleeping heavy enough to nothing wake them up until the next snack time with milk.
"I-I should have done something! Something to stop her! Now it's too late! And it's my fault! I cannot raise them, they're HER kids, not mine!" Donald said through sobbing. He was really feeling the worst, like he's that dirty puddle of slurry that come out of a trash can. "And here i am with them, all alone!"
Even with the best aim to shoot of his country which could have made him with a toughie fame, Panchito was good with comfort words. "Donal', you are not alone! You have your family supporting you! You have us, right, Zé?"
"Right! We are the three caballeros, all for one and one for all! We will help you to turn into be the best uncle even seen until their mother come back!" José answered, putting some excitement in his words to encourage his friends.
Once Donald wiped his tears and gave his friends a smile of relief and bravery, the hug got unbraced, José and Panchito blinked to each other leaving Donald out confused. The three of them got up of the couch, and José headed to the door while Panchito took Donald by his back and pushed him to the stairs of the second floor.
"Hey, where are you going?" Donald asked, confused.
José pulled his sleeve and showed his wristwatch to them "It's almost 12pm, i'm going to the restaurant down the street to grab us some lunch."
"Why don't you call for a delivery?" Donald asked again, and the realization came fast as he rolled his eyes "You have money to pay for it, right?"
"Better, i have an idea!" and José ran away closing the door after him to not get the opportunity to get followed by an angry duck.
"It's better for him if he don't get able to teach the boys these schemes he's always involved in." Donald complained.
"And you are going to take a shower right now!" Panchito pushed him up in the stairs "I will replace you taking care of the children and make their nursing bottles for when they wake up for lunch too!"
"You?! Are you sure of this? They are three!" Donald asked, unbelieving of his friend's ability with kids.
"Don't worry, i got you! Soon they will be talking and calling me their tío Panchito!" They laughed and Donald went to the second floor alone to grab a towel.
While searching for a towel in his bedroom, Donald realized how he's not alone, as nobody ever is. Even on one of the hardest times of his life, in a soul-crashing pain of loneliness because of the missing of his beloved twin sister, he still have a lot of people to care about him. Della, wherever she is; lost in the space, coming back home or, on the worst hypothesis... watching him along their parents, she would be happy to know how much people care and want to see her brother well and taking care of her kids, as she would be also happy that her boys weren't left alone, that they still have a loving family that will always be there to tell them a hundred stories about the family.
She wouldn't trust anybody else but Donald to take care of them, and she was right. She knew that, if anything happens, Donald would be the best for them even with all his flaws, and he wouldn't do this alone. Not only because of their family, but also his friends.
We are the three caballeros, all for one and one for all.
*Mi amigo = my friend
*Meus fofos patinhos = my cute ducklings
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nyxotiine · 6 months
Time ~ VV
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A/N: 18+ fanfic!!! MDNI!!! First smut fic so I'm sorry for the horrible plot and positioning lol
Warnings: degradation, slight choking, biting
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You sat in bed, waiting for Ville to come like he was supposed to hours ago. He told you he’d be home at midnight after going out with friends, celebrating the end of their tour. You looked at the ticking black clock that hung in your bedroom, the clock read 4:00 am. You grumbled on your side of the bed as you continued to read under candle lights.
After a while, you kept reading the same line in the Edgar Allen Poe book that Ville bought you ages ago. You blow out all the candles and crawled into the velvet sheets of the bed, tossing and turning at the thought of Ville. You decided to go to bed, angry that Ville hasn’t called or messaged you to say he’d stay out later. Just one text to let you know he’s okay and that he’s thinking of you.
You heard the door unlock and you heard a loud groan from a familiar sounding man. You heard the man stumble in the kitchen, shoes being tripped over, and then you heard the laugh of the person you know and love. Ville was finally home and he sounded tipsy. His clumsiness in the kitchen and living room made you more awake than before.
He finally climbed into bed with you after a minute of getting comfortable at home. You could smell the cigarettes and beer on his lips and skin, pissing you off even more. Your left eye twitched with annoyance. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind at the moment.
He slithered a hand on your hip and whispered in your ear, “Sweetheart, did you miss me?” A kiss then being planted on your neck.
You swatted his hand off of you and scooted closer to the edge of your side of the bed. He looked at you for a good minute with confusion. He sighed and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling.
“Did I do something wrong?”, he whispered again, this time with worry in his voice.
“I don’t know, Ville. It would’ve been nice for a text or call. It would’ve been nice to have you home. Your friends missed you but I missed you too.”, you spat. You rolled your eyes despite him not being able to see you in the dark.
He turned on the lamp on his nightstand and looked at you, his elbow propping himself up. “Darling, it was just a party. I’m back home, I’m here with you now.”, he attempted to soothe you.
“Ville, you do this more times than you think. I’m patient but not this patient. I feel like I’m second compared to your friends and parties. I can wait until you come home from tours because that’s work but I swear you and your friends have a much better relationship than we do.”, you turned to him to argue.
“Hun, I always come back to you. You’re not second, you’re always first. I’m just trying to balance personal life and work. What else do you want me to do?”, his voice sounding stressed and annoyed as he asked the question.
“I want you to actually spend time with me when you come home. Let’s go out for once in a while, watch a movie inside or something. All you do is party nowadays!”, you toss your hands in the air as you get up.
“Oh my fucking gods, sorry that I’m constantly busy for months on end and get no sleep on tour. Gods forbid I try to have any fucking fun.”, he yells at he gets up.
“Oh, you’re busy? You play for a hour or two and then get shit-faced until the next show! I take care of this fucking apartment while you’re gone! I’m the only one cleaning this place thanks to you. I still work while taking care of it, I take care of everything. And I’m doing this alone! You couldn’t handle what I do!”, your voice raises as you get up as well.
You both continue to argue and fight about the situation. A few low blows are made and grunts and sighs are exchanged. The both of your faces are close and angry. You can feel his heavy breathing on your nose as he tries not to lash out. You’re trying not to say something you’ll regret but want to get your point across. His eyes are cold and stern as yours are more upset and frustrated.
“You’re being such a bitch right now. I get to come home to your little temper tantrum, I love it here.”, his voice becoming sarcastic and degrading. His mind is sober and clear, the anger diminishing the liquor in his body.
“Then fucking leave, asshole. Pack up your shit and go find a skank to shack up with.”, you yell at him.
“Oh, you think I’m easy? That’s too fucking funny. Try paying for the apartment with your lousy piece of shit job.”, his voice deep and husky as he tilts his head close to your face.
“Fuck you, Ville.”, you say through gritted teeth.
You felt like exploding with adrenaline and anger. Your heart raced as you stood your ground against him, his tall figure looming over you. The blood in your veins boil at his stupid remarks and sarcastic comments. Why did you ever date someone so stubborn and immature like him?
“You already have and apparently any other girl can too according to you.”, he squint his eyes as he looks you up and down for a quick moment. He looks at you for the faintest reaction.
Your adrenaline gets higher. Yet you didn’t want him to win this argument and fight. You truly were annoyed with his recent actions and decisions. You wanted him to grow up and take this relationship more serious but you couldn’t think of anything to say back. You leave the bedroom to go into the living room, trying to calm down. He follows you to proceed the fighting.
“Oh, now, you don’t have anything else to complain about? You just want to pick a fight with me for no reason? Speak. The. Fuck. Up. You’re being a pyscho bitch.”, his voice getting more aggressive with every word that leaves his lips.
He's trying he hardest not to punch a wall or break anything in the house. He knows how he gets when he’s angry like this and can’t express himself in words.
“I’m the pyscho bitch? I just want to spend time with you. Is that so hard to ask for? You clearly can’t get that through your thick fucking skull! I don’t care what we do. Just be with me. You don’t even make love to me anymore. You don’t fucking want me!”, you lash out with tears in your eyes. The anger getting to you and overwhelming your emotions.
Before you can even close your mouth, Ville kisses you. His big hands grabbing your hips and caressing them with his thumbs. The kiss is aggressive and hungry. His touch is rough and irrational. You kiss him back and wrap your arms around him, running a hand through his wavy hair rapidly. He pats your butt for you to jump and wrap your legs around his waist. You caught the hint and did it, he carried you to the bedroom, still kissing you with full intensity.
You both make it to the bedroom and he pushed you down to the bed, grabbing your wrists as he kissed you harshly. His lips travel to your cheek, jawline and neck in hunger. A string of whimpers and sighs spill from your lips as the sensation of his lips on your body get you hot and bothered.
“Is that all you wanted? You just wanted me to fuck you? You’re such a slut.”, he degrades you before he bites at your soft skin.
You let out sighs of pleasure, becoming a little louder with his words. He had you pinned and you craved to touch him, anything would suffice.
His tongue slides across the crevice of your neck to then leave hickeys littering all over your neck. He gets close to your cleavage before rushing to get your shirt off. Your bra was in the way of getting to see his favorite thing about you, he unclasped it with one hand. His other hand now holding both of your wrists.
“Such a pathetic pretty whore.”, he whispers before he kisses your breasts, leaving bites along the way.
He bites, licks and kissed all of your sensitive spots, leaving you a mess. You could only think of your anger towards him and the overwhelming feeling of lust. He lets go of your wrists to touch your body in any way he pleased. You watched and bit your bottom lip before you place your hands on your pajama pants, attempting to pull them down and off.
He smacks your hand away and grabs your face with his hand, making eye contact with your eager face. “I’ll get to it when I get to it. You don’t get to throw a fit and then lead me.”, his voice is husky and demanding.
You nod and let him touch you even more. He grinded his evident erection against your clothed pussy. You laid there, letting him control you and your every action. You were desperate to touch him but knew he wouldn’t let you. You felt like you were begging him through your gasps.
A few more moments passed of him attacking your skin, marking what was his. His hand that held your wrists now on the other side of your speckled neck. He pulled down your pants and panties, exposing your whole body to him. He wasn’t on top of you anymore but leaning towards the side.
He slides his rough and big hands across your body, finally reaching your folds where he plays with you gently. His touch is different to his hunger driven kisses and it causes some mixed signals. Was he still mad or did this calm him down?
To test the question, you put your hands on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair. He lets you and continues to rub your clit, teasing one of his fingers at your entrance. The slightest touch giving you some mental praise.
Testing the waters even more, you run your fingers down his body, stopping at the low waistband of his pants. He bucks his hips towards your hands, gesturing for you to touch him.
You put your hand into his pants and brush your fingertips along the length of his cock. You keep touching him but only gently, scared he might shrug you off or swat your hand away again.
This time he grabbed your hand and led it to touch him more. You wrapped your hand around his cock and stroked him until he was moaning with every kiss, bite and hickey.
He stopped touching you for a moment to pull down his pants and boxers, freeing his constricted cock. His cock pressed against your folds and clit, grinding against you as he continues to kiss and mark you as his. With every roll of his hips, a jolt of pleasure gets sent through your body, filling the room with whines.
“I fucking need you right now.”, he groaned as grinds against you for one last time.
Your breath and voice hitched before you nodded rapidly. You wanted every part of him to touch and love you. You were begging at this point with your lust-craved eyes and parted lips. He chuckles before kissing your lips gently.
He leaned closer before grabbing his cock in his hands, stroking himself in the process. His deep groans filling your ears, you wished you could have a recording of his pleasurable voice to remember how he sounds. His voice was vulnerable in these private times.
You feel like you were daydreaming with each noise from his thin lips. Your empty weeps and gasps echoed in his ears.
He angled himself to slowly slide himself in you. You were losing focus of him as he eased himself to a steady pace. Your eyes couldn’t lock with his as you turned to moan in the grasped sheets. His hand was placed on your throat, holding you head in place to look at him.
“You were so desperate to get fucked and now you don’t even have the decency to look at me”, he degraded you through his teeth.
Your eyes locked with him and he began smirking before speeding up. Chuckles slipped from his lips as he saw your pathetic expressions.
His thumb slid across your neck as he slowly eased off the pressure. Your hands landed on his lower back, feeling his hips buck to his quickened movements.
The room was full of moans and the sound of his hips impacting yours. The slight creaks of the bed rustled against the wall. He tried to conceal his moans and groans as best as he could. Every noise made him smile and smirk more before getting lost in lip biting.
His hands landed on your hips to stabilize himself and you. His fingernails digging cresent shapes into your delicate skin. His wavy hair draping over his face as beads of sweat form on his forehead.
His movements slow down as his grasp loosens on your hips. He leans down for a kiss, your lips automatically locking with his. His elbows fell right above your shoulders, propping himself better.
His rough and aggressive kissing mixed with your longing and desperate manners created frantic touching. His hands roamed all over you, your hips, tits, stomach, and ass.
Every time his fingertips glided around your skin, he wanted nothing more to continue to ruin you. To ruin the soft skin he loved so much and to leave you remembering who you belong to.
His hips moved again but at a slow pace. His body positioned right over you as your stomachs pressed together.
His head is in between your neck and shoulder as he keeps plowing into you. He starts to bite on your shoulder to hold in his own grunts and moans but to also mark you even more.
You scratch at his back as he becomes more rough and aggressive. He’s taking out all his anger, frustration and stress out on you. You won in this scenario, having him listen to your frustrations and him fucking you into oblivion.
You already felt your body heating up as he fucked you, almost unraveling underneath him. You moan louder from the sensation and dig your nails in his inked back.
“Baby… please, I’m close. Don’t stop, please.”, you whine out in a begging manner.
He lifts his head to look at you and smirks. He completely stops, a small chuckle leaving his lips before he starts to pant. You look at him and whimper, losing the feeling of your orgasm.
“I think I will stop. You don’t deserve to cum after your little outburst.”, he snickers as he starts to move again.
He give you painfully slow and long strokes before he puts one of your legs on his shoulder. He was hitting everything the right way but it wasn’t enough to cum. He kept everything paced out to keep denying you of climaxing. Whines and whimpers keep leaving your lips, your breath keeps hitching as you hear him groan in a almost silent volume.
“Look at you. Whining like a little bitch. You need more?”, his voice was mocking as he cooed in your ear.
You could only nod repeatedly, giving the gesture of wanting more. You would do anything for him just to let you cum this one time. He gave a shit eating grin when he saw you nod and give a begging expression. He would give up the world for your messy and pleading self.
His slow strokes started to become a tad bit faster as he was losing himself inside you. He couldn’t help it, you just felt too good. He was trying to chase his own high but he wanted you to feel good too. He was going to give up. He shook his head and sighed.
“Tell me what you want. Say please and I’ll let you cum.”, he breathed out through his strokes.
“Ville, you fucking tease. Let me cum, please, Ville…”, your voice was shaking and started to mumble.
He let out a small chuckles before leaning down to kiss your neck. “Good girl. Stay just like that.”, he moaned as he picked up the pace.
He lifted your other leg on his shoulder as he began to hit those deep spots. He wanted you to feel all of him and all that he can give you. His body was still close to yours, leaving hickeys on your soft skin as he spread your legs.
Your denied orgasm came back and you unfolded beneath Ville. Your muscles tensing up as a series of moans and whines leave your puffy lips. Ville gave you a few more thrusts before finding his own climax.
His shoulders dropped as he rode out your high. His lips parted as sweat trailed down his face. Your legs slid off his shoulders but your bodies were still intertwined. You couldn’t look at him for a solid minutes, attempting to compose yourself. He smiled at you and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
Ville looked at your sweating and glistening body once more before he went into the master bedroom’s bathroom and grabbed something to clean you up with. He was careful and gentle, massaging your thighs as he cleaned you.
You giggled and panted as he provided you care. He was soft and loving now, despite his previous hatred filled actions.
“You sure you’re okay? That was a lot even for me. You did so good though.”, he praised you before he went into the bathroom to run a bath for the both of you. The water ran as he came back.
“I’m sorry for what I said.”, you looked at him with worry, worried you offended him earlier.
He chuckles before he pressed his fingertips firmly on all of your hickeys and bite marks. You winced in slight pain and soreness. “That’s for you to remember who you’re talking to.”, he looked at you with a smile before dragging you into the bathroom with him to bathe.
“You know I love you and hate you right.”, he whispered as he helped you into the bathtub and joined you. You smiled at him as you began to hold his hand.
“Maybe you’d hate me less and love me more if you came home on time.”, you smirked at him, repeating the same argument from earlier that started this all. You just wanted to get a rise out of him.
“Sweetheart, I’m not doing this again.”, he rolled his eyes at you.
“I love and hate you too.”, you leaned towards him and gave him a soft kiss on his small lips.
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the-narrow-street · 3 months
I think I feel a bit guilty towards Jumin because Zen is my second favourite character lol
The sight of her slightly flushed face and bashful smile as she accepted the spare helmet from Zen remains burned in his mind. Hands reach for his temples and a frustrated sigh escapes him as he is forced to experience the aching moments of watching them ride off on the motorcycle together over and over. 
Wine, Elizabeth the 3rd’s quiet company, and the expansive view of the city lights below are usually the foundations of a pleasant evening alone for Jumin. But the memory of earlier events intrudes and prods at his mind relentlessly, a loud and incessant banging at the door which he does not wish to answer. Thoughts and feelings he does not want to address. Stubbornly he turns the lock and covers his ears. 
Even the wine was of no use tonight. As he hears her lovely laugh ringing in his mind, the taste sours when he thinks of Zen being the one to elicit her delight. Zen’s easy touches and nicknames for her push the boundaries considering how little time has passed since she joined the RFA. The image of an arm all-too-casually draped over her shoulders - bang bang bang - appears each time he closes his eyes. 
But even with his mind swimming from the alcohol and the late hour, Jumin can recognize himself as being unreasonable. Zen flirted with her nearly from the moment she entered the chatroom, despite being a complete stranger. And MC had always been kind to everyone, even to Jumin. She defended him when the other members mocked him. He warms at the recollection and the ghost of a smile dances at the corners of his mouth. 
He almost sinks into that warmth, lulled by the gentle comfort which she effortlessly seems to supply him. But as his body eases and his eyes slip shut, an icy chill once again spreads over his skin. 
Is this what jealousy feels like? 
He scoffs at the realization, feeling suddenly foolish and somehow a bit small. 
The desperate knocking grows impossibly louder. Covering his ears seems to be a hopeless endeavor, but Jumin has been here before. He can ignore it. He must ignore it. But this losing battle comes to a stand-still at the pleasant tone of the notification sound he had set just for her. 
MC: Hey Jumin, I wanted to let you know that I got back safely! You seemed a bit worried earlier when Zen offered to take me home… 
MC: Did you spend the rest of the evening with Elizabeth the 3rd? I’d really love to meet her soon :) 
A shaky and self-conscious laugh rises to the surface as he reads her words once, then over again. His hand rakes through his hair and he allows a smile to finally settle. 
The knocking continues, though now significantly less threatening and demanding. He uncovers his ears and the sound softens further, until ceasing completely as he takes a breath and unlocks the door.
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pink-tonic · 24 days
Peaceful Night is Gone📰
All Chapters
Warnings: Blood and wounds
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Saturday nights are a bit lonely for me. My parents usually come back home at around midnight on Saturdays, which is different from all the other days of the week since they usually come back at around seven. The silence in the afternoon is nice, but the silence at night makes me paranoid. I always feel like something bad is going to happen. Maybe someone is going to break in, or when I walk into a room, someone will be there waiting for me. I hate the feeling.
To fill my room with noise, I started to play on my Saiko Station. The sound of the racing game fills the room, and it confronts me. The voice lines of the goofy characters keep me entertained, the sound effects of the items being used keep me engaged, and the sound of the cars makes me stay focused. Nothing else matters because at this moment, I need to beat the CPU so I can unlock one of my favorite characters. I almost reach the finish line when my focus gets interrupted. I hear a loud knock coming from the door, but to me, it sounds like someone is banging on the front door. I start to get worried.
Who could it be?
My parents have the keys to the house, and it's eleven. They shouldn't be back home until around twelve. The knocks keep coming, and my anxiety spikes up. Maybe I should answer it quickly, but I get an idea. I rush to the kitchen, and I grab a small knife. I hide it in my pocket, and I go over to the door with more confidence.
I open the door, and I'm stunned to see... him.
Ayato stands in front of me while he's holding his side. I can see that his breathing is abnormal and that he must have lost a lot of blood already. I cover my mouth, and my eyes widen at the sight.
"Ayato, what happened?" I ask him, but I'm unsure if he heard me since my hand was covering my mouth.
"Can I step inside?" He asks weakly, and I step to the side to let him in. He slowly walks in, and I try my best to help him. He takes my help, and he starts to walk down the hallway.
I close the door and lock it. I then follow him, and I see that he is on the couch. He lays down and keeps covering his wound.
"Ayato, please tell me what happened!" I practically beg him. I know that Ayato hurt me, but I can't help it. I know I shouldn't care. I'm supposed to put him behind bars, that's what I want to do! But seeing him like this makes my heart ache. I can't just let him die.
That's all that he tells me, and it all starts to make sense. I heard a rumor flying around school that Ayato joined the delinquents or was trying to join. I found it interesting since it could help me with my mission of locking him up, but now I know that won't be the case. Something must've gone wrong while he was trying to join.
"Osoro did this to you?" I keep questioning him, I hope that it really wasn't Osoro. Instead, I hope it was one of the other delinquents. But Ayato nods his head and closes his eyes.
"Ayato!" I yell out once I see him close his eyes. He must've passed out from the blood loss. I'm now left in confusion and sadness. Did Osoro really do this? I know the guy can be aggressive and all, but did he really try to stab Ayato to death?
I'm unsure of what to think, and I'm in a scary situation. I could try to heal his wound since I still have some medical supplies during the time when I had my own stab wound. But I don't know if the knife pierced anything vital. My wound was in my forearm, so there weren't any worries since it just sliced through my muscles, but Ayato is stabbed in the abdomen, and it could have gone through one of his organs.
My mind is racing fast. What should I do? Should I just wrap up the wound? But what if the knife did hit a vital organ? How much time does Ayato have? Maybe the wound isn't that deep? But how would I know that? Should I just call an ambulance? Is Ayato going to die?
I quickly pick myself up, and I run to the bathroom, and I grab the medical supplies. I open up the mirror that also doubles as a medicine cabinet. I quickly pull out the bandages, and the force of me taking it causes a few things to fall and land in the sink underneath it. I then pick up the rubbing alcohol, some cotton balls, and a toilet paper roll. I rush down the steps, and I almost fall down since I nearly missed the last two steps. I regain my balance, and I go over to Ayato.
I lift up his blood-stained shirt, and I take a look at the damage. I expected far worse since he was bleeding, and he passed out. I notice that the wound isn't deep enough for stitches, so he should be okay.
I try my best to remember the steps that Ms. Kankoshi took to heal my wound a few weeks prior. I remember it was actually easy. She would use some cotton balls and pour rubbing alcohol on them. She would gently rub it around the area of the wound. But I have to clean up the blood first.
I take some of the toilet paper roll and took some of the paper from it. I start to wipe it on the blood, and it absorbed the blood. By the time I wipe most of it up, there were marks of dried blood left on his skin. I quickly got up to wet some of the paper, and I came back to keep wiping him down. I then dried the area of the wound, and I threw the blood-stained paper on the table.
I then unscrew the cap of the plastic bottle, and I pour some of it on the cotten, and it soaked it up fast. I then gently press it against Ayato's skin. I rub the cotton ball in a circular motion, and it left a wet shine on his pale skin. When I felt that it was enough, I threw away the cotton balls that I used on the table.
I now have to place the bandages on Ayato's body. I will need to make him sit up in order to do it properly. I grab him by his arm, and I used my other arm to hold him up by his torso. I did my best to do it gently. It was a slow process, but I was eventually able to have him sitting up. I made him lean back on the couch.
I grab the white bandages, and I start to unravel them. I get close to him, and I wrap them around his abdomen. I do it carefully, and within a few minutes, everything was done.
I look at the clock above the TV, and I notice I only have twenty minutes left before my parents come back. I clean up everything, and I make sure to put it in the trash bin in my room. If I put it in the bathroom trash, my parents would notice the blood and wonder what happened.
That's one way to hide the evidence, but now I have to hide Ayato, too. I don't think he will wake up before my parents come home, so I have to put him somewhere. The idea of where to put him comes naturally.
I get to work trying to lift Ayato off of the bed. Lifting him up to make him sit wasn't hard, but taking him up the stairs is going to be much harder. I try my best to take him off the couch, and it works! But as I walk over to the stairs, I start to feel like I'm suffocating with all his weight on me.
I move slowly up the stairs, and I grip tightly onto the rail. Each step gives me hope that I can get it done, and I eventually make it to the last step. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding, and I feel satisfied with my endeavor of taking Ayato up the steps. I rush to my bedroom, and I quickly place him on my bed. I take off his boots and his bloody shirt. I leave the rest of his clothes on, no matter how dirty they are. I place my blanket over him, and now I wait.
I look at my digital clock, and I only have ten minutes to spare until my parents come back. They usually check up on me right before they go to bed. I'll just hide in my closet and let Ayato be me.
I go back to playing my game, but I turn the volume down a bit so I can hear when they come back home.
Within fifteen minutes, I hear a car pull into the driveway. I turn off my console and the TV. I rush over to the closet, and I hide there. I hear the front door open and close, I hear some footsteps going up the stairs, and then I hear my door open up. I hold my breath in fear, but then I hear the door close. I hear footsteps go down the hallway, and I hear another door open and close.
I let out a deep sigh, and I get out of the closet. I walk over to Ayato, and I look at him. My eyes look over his sleeping form. I can't help but feel weird. Seeing the man I want behind bars sleeping peacefully in my bed is jarring, to say the least. I even helped tend to his wounds. Was that wrong to do? Did that go against what I want? I couldn't just leave him there on my couch with an open wound. If I did, I don't know what I would've thought of myself.
But now I'm met with another dilemma. Where do I go to sleep? I can't sleep on the couch because my parents would question why I'm there. There aren't any extra rooms, so that's out of the question. As I'm lost in my thoughts, I feel something graze my wrist. I look down, and I see that Ayato's hand is reaching out, I then move my eyes over to his face and see him looking at me. I step back at the sight of his dead looking eyes staring at me.
"You're awake!" I say quickly, and I slap my hand over my mouth since I sounded too loud for my liking. I then put my hand down, and I walk over to him.
"Where am I?" He asks me, the light from the bright moon was the only thing giving my room light. Only a small part of my room was lit up, while the rest was left in darkness. I'm sure my parents are already sleeping, so I go over to the light switch, and I turn the lights on. The lights come on with a single flick, and now my room is lit up.
Ayato lets out a small 'Oh', and I don't know if he's surprised or disappointed at the sight. He then starts to slowly get up, and I rush over to him.
"Don't move too much, please," I tell him quietly as I make my way over to him. I make him lay down again, and I place the blanket over him. The sight of seeing him tucked in bed warms my heart a little. It takes me back to a time when we would have sleepovers at each other's houses and sleep in the same bed. We - well, it was more of my idea, but I would make a pillow fort, and we would sleep inside of it together. Sometimes, we would even cuddle, but it didn't mean anything. We were only kids, and our parents found it cute.
No, I can't think of any fond memories with Ayato right now. If I think too fondly, I'll second guess my choice of sending him to jail. I have to stay focused.
I can see Ayato's hand move under the cover, and he feels the area where I bandaged. He looks up to me, and I swear I can see something in his eyes. It looks like he gained a little bit of light in his eyes. Maybe it’s just the light of the room reflecting off his eyes, nothing more.
We stay in silence. I really don't know what to do. Should I keep asking questions? Well, I need to. We can't just stay in silence until the sun comes back up.
"Where are you going to sleep?" His voice sounds a bit rough. He must be dehydrated.
"I don't know. I thought of sleeping on the floor..."
"I'll move over."
"You don't need to do that. You need the whole bed, and I doubt that it would hold both of us."
Ayato doesn't seem to care about my statement and moves over. The left side of the bed is now free, and it looks like just enough space to fit me. But do I want to? Do I want to sleep in the same bed as Ayato? I don't think he would try anything. I did help him and let him stay. Plus, there are two potential witnesses down the hallway. And there is evidence in the wastebasket that he was here.
Can I trust him?
Maybe one more time.
I turn off the light, and I walk over to the bed. I wonder what Ayato is thinking as he hears my footsteps. I can hear him shuffle from under the blanket, I walk over, and I take my place on the bed.
I sink into the familiar feeling of my bed, and I pull the blanket over my body. I look up to the ceiling, I usually face the wall when I sleep, but in this case, it would mean that I would have to look at him. I just sink into the feeling of the plush mattress, and I close my eyes.
I let sleep take over and hope that I have a dreamless sleep.
I wake up, and I see that the sun is up. I feel a hand on my waist, and the feeling makes me jump. But then I remember what happened last night, and I relax into the feeling. This isn't some random intruder: it's Ayato. I'm unsure if that makes it better or worse.
The feeling of his hand on my waist makes me feel odd. It feels a little too intimate for me. But I'm sure he did it unintentionally. He must have done it while he was sleeping.
"Awake?" I hear Ayato ask me as he looks down at me. How long has he been awake for?
"Yeah... are you going to go home?" I look over to my digital clock, and I notice that right now my parents are gone. During this time, they usually go to the store to buy the groceries for the week.
"Yes, I'll get going."
I get out of bed, and Ayato gets out of it, too. I look through my closest and I find an extra shirt. I hand it over to him, and he takes it. We don't exchange words since he quickly puts it on and starts to leave.
I follow behind him, and I walk him over to the door. I open the door for him, and he walks straight out of it. As he's halfway down the steps, I call over to him.
"Ayato," I call out his name. It catches his attention, and he turns around, "Please, be careful. Take care of yourself."
Before he can tell me anything else, I close the door. I know I shouldn't say that, but I'll just conclude it as it being in my nature to be caring. I don't want to think about the possibility of me still caring for Ayato even after everything he did to me.
But no matter what, the thought still lingers.
Would forgiving him be okay?
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yaimlight · 1 year
Would you still be willing to write the sequel of the Time Traveler’s Boyfriend showcasing future Katsuki’s POV? I just finished the fanfic on Ao3 today and I was left literally going through all of the emotions; sobbing, laughing, giddily smiling and everything in between. I would love to read more of Bakugo and Reader’s beautiful and heartwarming future relationship. After all, they both deserve happiness after everything they’ve been through. 🥹
I’m glad you enjoyed it. The whole process was a rollercoaster for me and one of my biggest worries was I was going to mess up all the different emotions and how they effected the story and characters. So the fact you felt all that makes me stupidly happy because it means I didn’t mess up. So, thank you for sharing that.
In regards to a follow up I am more then willing, in fact I have an outline done and everything. The problem I seem to having is that I am getting distracted by a bajillion other ideas and because I’ve technically already told this story once it kind of gets moved to the bottom of my list. I do want to explore it though, see how all this affects Katsuki’s and reader-chains relationship in the future because we all know it’s going to and maybe not in a good way to start with.
Maybe one day I’ll finish it but till then here’s a little something something just for you.
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Katsuki clenched his jaw, his patience quickly disappearing as Izuku carried to prattle on about everything other then what he had asked him. “Shut it nerd,” Katsuki finally snapped, the line going silent instantly. “Erm sorry Kacc…” Katsuki’s quick to cut Izuku off before he can start rambling again. “Just, is Y/N still there or not?” Silence is the only answer he gets, the damned nothingness stretching on a beat to long to be comfortable and that feeling of dread ye had been feeling since the fight yesterday cam back tenfold, making his stomach twist painfully. “She left hours ago,” Izuku finally said and Katsuki swears his heart stopped. Just for a second.
“Kacchan, what’s wrong? Do you need me to put an alert out?” Katsuki barely hears Izuku on the other end of the line, the faint sound of papers shuffling and an office door being thrown open. His mind is already elsewhere, eyes darting around the apartment for any signs of a struggle. There’s nothing though, everything where it had been that morning when he had left for the agency. The only thing out of the ordinary had been that the apartment door had been unlocked, the security alarm disabled using your code. You had been there, had to of been but then it was like you had disappeared in the blink of eye. Gone before you could even take those stupid Ground Zero high tops off that you were so opposed with.
Something clicks in Katsuki’s head then, remembering what you had been wearing when he had last seen you. Leaning against his office door you had looked so sure of yourself, practically a walking advert for him with one of his tank tops from his hero uniform and those stupid Ground Zero high tops, the black jeans doing nothing to break up the hero merch heavy outfit. He should have realised then what was about to happen but he had seen you in that same outfit so many times over the last year that he had grown careless, not forgetting what was coming but forgetting what signs he was supposed to be looking out for. How could he have been so stupid? Of course it would be now, when he was at his happiest, that everything would go to shit.
As if in cue there came a loud pop from behind him, like a bubble being burst. Katsuki swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, his grip tightening momentarily on his phone. “Gotta go,” Katsuki mumbled, hanging up on Izuku’s worried demands to know what was happening. He let the phone fall forgotten to the couch, his eyes fixed on the dark screen of the television in front of him. Katsuki could just about make you out, stood in the middle of the living room and your hands pressed over your mouth. Exactly as you had been the first time you had left him, confused and alone in his apartment and thinking he was going crazy. He wasn’t ready for this, didn’t think he ever would be because now that it had he knew he was on a timer, the clock counting down till he would be left bloody and clutching desperately at your dying body.
Katsuki screwed his eyes shut, turning his head to the side and trying push back the images that flooded his mind. The ones that still kept him up at night sometimes and left him clutching at you like you would disappear if he let go. Katsuki sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly in an attempt to keep his mounting panic at bay. He had known this day would come, had spent hours with his therapist and Eijiro going over how best to handle it but talking hadn’t really prepared him for the reality of it. You had barely given anything away before, making sure to keep information about now as scarce as possible. He had no clue what he had told you but clearly it hadn’t been everything, the version of him who had already been through this keeping things to himself for reasons Katsuki didn’t know. Had it been for your safety? For his? Maybe it had just been because he hadn’t done it before so he had done the same. What if he did tell you everything, what would happen then? Maybe if he was honest with you from the start then past him wouldn’t have to go through thinking you had died in his arms. Maybe then Katsuki wouldn’t be haunted by it every time he hears you had been hurt.
“Katsuki.” He flinched at the small and confused call of his name, his eyes squeezing closed even tighter. He doesn’t want to do this but he knows he has to, that it’s his responsibility as the one who had already been through this to explain things and answer the questions you would undoubtedly have. Straightening his back and squaring his shoulders Katsuki took one last deep breath, reminding himself that he had already done this once before so he could damned we’ll do it again. Finally, feeling some semblance of capable, Katsuki turned to look at you and regretted the moment he laid eyes on you.
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theblogofdavyjones · 1 year
Bad mood rising
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Pairing: Davy Jones x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @loner56
Hi, can I have a scene in which the reader is in a bad mood, doesn't want to see anyone and forgets where she is? (the reason is constant thinking about the meaning of life) Davy Jones sees that she is devoid of any emotions, and he worries about it, wants to know the reason. Thank you
Honestly, you have no idea what’s been going on with you lately.
Although, you think the mood changes are caused by the constant thoughts of life and the purpose of your own. Bootstrap was the crew mate you grew close with, right after the captain, Davy Jones.
After the unknown amount of your time since the first step on the Dutchman, you seem to have forgotten your place and soon enough, you have even seemed to forget what ship you were sailing on. Just days ago, you wanted nothing more than to be around those who you now call family, now it seems you want nothing to do with anyone at all. Even Davy Jones, and he wants to know the reason of this, wants to know what’s caused this sudden change in you. At first, Davy didn’t think much of it until you started avoiding him, too. Now he’s worried and wants to find out what’s going on so he can help you. When you woke up the next morning, you kept yourself locked up in your sleeping quarters, hoping you’d be left alone all that day.
However, it didn’t turn out that way, much to your disliking. It was mid afternoon when Davy still hasn’t seen you anywhere in the ship, that’s when he decides to search for you and find out what’s going on this time. Finding you was almost too easy for the captain, the first place he thought to look for you was your sleeping quarters.
There, you were sitting upright on the little chair that you kept in with you, quenching your blank mind with a bottle of rum. Because your mind was so focused on the rum, you were startled by a sudden loud knock on the door, causing you to slightly spill. Thinking it was only Bootstrap, you gave a rather rude greeting in response.
“Go away! I have no time for your silly games today!”
“Neither do I, (Y/n)! Open up!”
You froze at the sound of Davy’s voice coming from the other side, not moving again until another unexpected loud knock startled you once more, followed by a commanding voice.
“I’m not going to say it again, (Y/n)! Open up!”
With a sigh, you lazily walked over and unlocked the door, allowing him access.
Moving out of the way, you go back to sit down in the chair. Reaching down, you go to grab the now half empty bottle of rum, but Davy stops you, warnings a dirty look along with a glare as you set the bottle back down.
“What’s going on?” you ask.
“I should be asking you that.”
You were thrown off guard by that, it didn’t make sense to you until he went onto explain what he meant by that.
“You seem distant lately, you’ve been isolating yourself and don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you’ve been devoided of any emotions, I just want to know what’s going on and why.”
After that being said, you couldn’t help but stand up in shock, avoiding his gaze before you go onto explain, only to find you didn’t know where to begin.
Nothing was said as Davy’s stare never left you, you finally speak up with an explanation.
“Well, I haven’t been feeling myself lately is all. I just have been wondering a lot lately about the meaning of life and what my purpose in life is.”
Davy listens as you go onto explain, almost shocked himself that this was what had been going on. Once you finish, he goes on to give his opinion on this before trying his best to comfort you by the end of it.
When he does this, you do feel comforted, the comfort that was needed without you evening knowing it. The comfort was enough to bring back out with him, out of your sleeping quarters and into the fresh air as you rejoin the crew in a game of Liar’s Dice.
Which you were excellent at.
@royisrandom @marsswann @friendlynova @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence @personlovinganime @imalittleoutthere @mypookiebeardavyjones
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sleepwrites · 2 years
hey! if you're taking requests, could you do an angst to fluff with Leo (rottmnt) x male / gn reader?
Something with how the reader is talking about something they are really interested on, and Leo acts like he's not listening (saying things like how the reader sounds like Donnie, how boring it is, etc) which bothers the reader so they just excuse themself and leave. Later, Leo gets worried because they haven't been responding to his messages and goes to the reader only to find them moping around in bed. Not crying, bit still sad and bothered. And then the fluff proceeds! If you can somehow do tooth-rotting fluff, that would be great, but any fluff'll do :) Thanks!
Aww this sound adorable! I had so much fun writing this!
Card games and Apologies
Leo x male!reader
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It was a fairly normal day for you. Go to school, shove information into your brain because you forgot to study for a test and finally head to the lair and hang out with your boyfriend.
On the way you picked up a packet of this card game you were really into, planning to open it with Leo once you got there.
Making your way out of the shop and sucking into an alleyway with the manhole that you’ve used to get to the lair so many times.
After a climbing in and a bit of walking you greeted Mikey and Raph who were having a mario kart tournament.
Once you got to Leo’s room you stopped just short of entering.
“Ohh Leoooo, guess who~” you said in a sing song voice, a familiar voice greeted you back.
“Hmm, could it be? My lovely boyfriend?” Leo answered back, you giggled with delight, you could tell he was near the door.
“Yeah thats right! Can I come in?” You asked. Leo opened the door and pulled you inside, twirling you around as he did.
You both started laughing as you flopped onto his bed.
“Ah, Its been too long Y/N! How’ve you been?” He asked swinging his legs onto the bed.
“Great actually! I wanna show you something,” you said, looking around in your bag for the card pack.
Finally you found and started rambling about how the game works, different strategies, a couple of trades you did with these kids at school.
You looked over to Leo, gauging how interested he was in.
He was ‘sleeping’ and snoring quite obnoxiously. He opened his eyes and smirked. “Sorry you just sounded soooo much like Donnie I did what I normally would!” He teased
You pouted, this was just like Leo, so why did you feel so bothered by it? “Yeah, whatever, I just remembered I have a bunch of homework, see ya,” you said, attempting to get off the bed.
Leo grabbed your hand, trying to pull you back down. “Wha- come on Y/N! You just got here!”
“Leo, let me go,” you said not looking at him. “Y/N, I’m sorry!” He said, tugging on your arm a bit harder.
“Leo stop! Just STOP!” You yelled, storming out of the lair, tears already streaming down your face.
You laid in your bed, the sheets were messed up and you hugged a pillow close to your chest.
Suddenly, you heard a tap at your window. Scrambling to untangle yourself from your sheets you went to the window and unlocked it.
“Hey love, you feeling ok?”
Leo had a melancholic expression on his face as he climbed through your window. You shrugged not meeting his eyes.
“Hey, look at me please? I wanna say something and it would be kinda hard without you looking at me, handsome,” Leo took your chin in his hand and tilted your head upwards.
Blush dusted your cheeks at his comment and you smiled. “You wanted to say something, blue?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make you feel bad, I just got caught up in a joke and I didn’t realise just how much you liked the game,” He smiled at you.
“And I’m sorry I stormed out like that,” you rested your head on his plasteron, wrapping you arms around him.
“I love you, Leo,” you whispered.
“What was that?” Leo asked. You said that out loud?!
“Nothing!” You said, smiling innocently. Leo then pulled out the card pack you left at the lair. “Maybe this will convince you,”
You eyed the pack before snatching and, kissing Leo on his cheek and saying “I love you Hamato Leonardo,” you said smirking.
Leo smirked back. “Aw, I love you too sweet cheeks,” You raised an eyebrow. “Sweet cheeks?” Leo shrugged “Sorry, that sucked,”
You kissed him for just a second before ripping open your cards. “Nah, sounds cute,” you said filing through the cards you got. Leo stared at the cards curiously.
“You wanna learn?” You asked, holding up one of the cards between your fingers.
“Of course, sweet cheeks,”
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casuallivi · 2 years
The Midnight Kiss
Enjoy. Comments are welcomed and cherished :)
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Part 4: Are we there yet
“Azzy, Azzy. I haven’t seen you in weeks baby bro.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not, Azzy? I’ve called you Azzy since you were little.”
“And I never liked it.”
Elain massaged her throbbing forehead, feigning normalcy while feeling the heat of Cassian's stare in the back of her neck. He walked a step behind them, casually whistling, the loud tap of his shoes hitting the hard-concrete ground competing with the beep of Azriel unlocking his car. He opened the door with the same easy confidence he display on the nights before, as if his brother hadn’t popped out of nowhere and ruined her confidence to forget him. She stopped short beside him.
“Cass should sit in the front.” No way he would be comfortable on the back, that man was way too big to fit there, his massive legs would be all cramped with nowhere to spread. Mmmh, his spread legs…She glanced at his brother, discreetly checking him up and down.
“You sit there, doll.” Cassian politely refused.
“No, it’s bigger here. You sit.”
“No need.”
“I insist.”
“Don’t worry Lainy, I can fit anywhere with the right effort.” He winked. “Besides, I wouldn’t dare to interrupt your ride. Ridding the back is not proper for a first timer.” Now he was the one checking her up and down, making her extremely conscious, his suggestive tone tinting her ears the same tone as his read tie. Jesus, this man would be her death.
Elain noticed Cassian smirking at her evident embarrassed, but she wasn’t one to shy away from shameless flirting. Elain flipped her hair over one shoulder, twirling the waving ends in a deliberate slow motion, greeting him with an obnoxious smile of her own,  
“Who said is my first time?” Ignoring him completely, she turned to Azriel, pushing her purse in his chest. "Az gives me plen-ty of rides." Both men went still as she bypassed them, sliding with grace inside the car. Only when her seatbelt clicked in place did Elain noticed how the pink satchel seemed out of place in his stiff arms - stiff because he was frozen with a petrified expression in his face. Shit. Maybe she went a little too far. Whatever, it was too late to back down now, so she batted her lashes at him. "You coming?
Twenty minutes in, Elain was positive that if a pin fell on the car floor, she’d be able to hear it. The ride was that silent. God, this was uncomfortable. It didn’t help that she hadn’t been able to look at Azriel once since her big fat mouth decided to work against her. Again. Elain didn’t know why she did stuff like that, it was stronger than her. One minute she was having a normal conversation, on the next she was shamelessly flirting with her counterpart without a care in the world. It also didn’t help that Cassian’s brain seemed to run in the same speed as hers. They couldn't spend two minutes in each other company without making other people uncomfortable with their overly sexual innuendos and heavy jokes.
Inside the cup holder Azriel’s phone vibrated like crazy, but he only ignored it. Elain traced patterns in her purse, risking a glance at him. His back was ram-rod straight, hands on three and twelve, eyes fixed on the road, a slight downward frown on the corner of his mouth. Was he mad at her? He probably was. Elain mentally slapped herself for being so playful with Cassian in front of him. She and Azriel weren’t in love or anything, but she did agree to be his girlfriend tonight, it was shitty of her to be flirting with his brother on the next breath. She made a note to fix that habit near Cassian asap!
Ten minutes later Cassian was bored out of his mind. They had been sitting in this car, in silence, with no music whatsoever, for goddamn thirty minutes! Where the hell did Elain live? Canada?
“Are we there yet?”
“No.” Azriel responded, his phone buzzing.
That had been the only sound made in the car. Whoever was trying to reach him was perseverant, because it kept calling even when Az showed no signs of wanting to take the call. A light lit up inside Cassian’s brain. Was it a woman? If his brother was shaking Elain’s sheets, as Cass suspected, it would make sense for him to reject another woman’s call. Smirking, Cassian prepared to snatch the phone, his plan turning to smokes when they stopped on a red light, his brother using the opportunity to turned it off, dropping it back with a little more strength than necessary. He sighed and asked again,
“Are we there yet?”
“No.” Elain responded.
Cassian tapped his foot, drummed his fingers on his thigh, scrolled his phone, relaxed the knot of his tie.
“Are we there yet?”
“No yet.”
Cassian rolled his window down, rolling it back up when a quick rain began to fall.
“Are we there yet?”
Hiding behind her hand, Elain laughed softly, a part of her tension dissipating. She couldn’t help but compare Cassian with Donkey from Shrek, sitting there, bored out of his mind while the trio traveled to Far Far Away. At least he didn’t resort to doing that annoying popping sound with his mouth. She was about to ask Azriel if she could turn the radio on when the object of her distressed fantasies pushed his head between the seats, his silky hair brushing her upper arm.
“By the way Azzy, I’m going to yours.”
Cassian cleared his throat, mimicking an overly excited girly voice. “Sleepover!”
“Come on. We can braid friendship bracelets and stay up late like the old days.”
“We never did that shit. Sleep in your own home.”
Cassian nudged Elain. “He is no fun this one, run while you can. Seriously, tho, I’m crashing with you.” His faced turned less playful. “My upstairs neighbor flooded his bathroom, which flooded my bathroom, now the entire block has the water shut down till they fix the pluming. Help a brother out, your brother.”
“And where will I go?”
“Your girlfriend.”
“She’s in Miami.”
“Go to a hotel.”
“You know I feel lonely in hotels.”
“I don’t care.”
Venting dramatically, he turned to Elain, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Heard that, Lainy? My heartless brother wants me on the streets! You are my only hope now. Do you have an extra room?”
“No.” Elain clutched the edge of her sit, looking straight ahead. He was so close to her face she was afraid to breath. “Sorry.”
“No problem, we can do that there’s-only-one-bed thing girls enjoy in books.” He wiggled his brows, and unhelpful snort scaping her. Elain bit her lip to stop her comeback. She was dying to say, 'I sleep on the nude.'
Azriel slammed his foot on the break, nearly crashing on the black sedan in the front. A serious of honks and curses was thrown at them. He cared for none of them.
“For Christ’s sake, respect your girlfriend!” Azriel knew he shouldn’t be worrying about Mor anymore, that he should be defending his girlfriend, but the damaged part of him didn’t care for the unusually quiet girl beside him. No, all he could think about was, if he’s brother was this brazen with him right there, what wasn’t him doing when no one was near? Was he cheating on Morrigan and having affairs while she was away? Did he have a girl on the side? Azriel gripped the steering wheel tightly. Cassian was his brother, his blood, but if hurt Mor in any way…
“Relax. I’m joking with her.”
“It’s not funny.” He pushed Cassian’s head, forcing him to retract. "Put you damn belt."
“She’s laughing!” he defended himself. “The girl has a sense of humor.”
“Go to your girlfriend, go to a hotel, I don’t care. But don’t say that shit to her. You are being disrespectful no matter how funny you think you are.”
He exited the car, slamming the door on his way out. Elain looked around, only them noticing they were parked outside her place. Contrary to her bluff, Azriel didn’t give her plenty of rides.
Twice he had taken her home before.
It was never Elain's intention to live in New York, Nuala's crazy suggestion of her moving here only being accepted by the photographer once she landed a permanent position in Marinos. After abusing her friend's hospitality for almost a year, Elain was finally able to save money. gathering enough for the deposit of a one-bedroom in a brownstone building in a cheaper part of town. The moving dried her to the last penny, so when her beloved Death Trap – a lovely nickname Nuala gave to her car – broke down again, Elain was left with no car. It was fine, she was used to the piece of metal dying on her.
By pure coincidence, Azriel saw her downtown on Tuesday, waiting for her second bus. He promptly offered to take her home, no doubt trying to be polite, barely did he know that Elain wasn’t one to refuse this kind of offers only to appear ladylike. Some called her cheap, the middle Archeron called herself a pro in saving up, so she said yes without even thinking too much about it. Later she remembered he might try to convince her of his crazy plan again, but her boss didn’t make a single move on her, he simply turned the radio on low and rolled the windows down, night breeze blowing her hair as they talked about nothing in particular. They didn’t even snarl or fought about anything! Elain was seriously impressed with their mutual civility. Silly fool. Had she known the pleasant nights were driving towards this disaster, she’d have caught that bus yes or yes.
Her door opened suddenly, startling Elain, who fumbled with her belt. Azriel was really mad now, there was no hiding the smoke coming out of his ears, the annoyed vein pumping on his neck. Still, he accompanied her to the door, waited for her to find her keys.
“This isn’t a prank.” she had her door halfway opened when his cold midnight warn hit her. “I didn’t ask you to date me as a prank. I hope you knew that when you said yes to me. I’m serious about having a relationship, Elain.”
"I know."
"Are you serious?"
Elain can’t look at him.
“...I'm trying to be."
"If you don't want to do this you have to tell me now."
"No! I want to do it. I do. It's just, I can't dislike him from day to night, you know how sometimes I speak before thinking,"
"I know."
"It's stronger than me."
“Be stronger. Don’t flirt with him.” Easier saying than doing it. Guilt twists in her gut. Azriel stepped closer until he was invading her space, craning her neck back, his scorching angry gaze holding her ashamed eyes. “Don’t flirt with my brother,” he repeats, “you are my girlfriend now. Mine. Don’t forget that.” The possessiveness in his voice raises goosebumps in her arms. She liked the way he said the word ‘mine’. His gaze slides up to her forehead, his free hand feeling the bump forming there. Elain hiss softly. “You better ice that.”
“I will.”
“I’m taking you out tomorrow.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“You’ll want to.”
Elain couldn’t restrain the smile threatening to break free. Their bickering had toned down these days, more on the playful side of the thing than the ‘I hate you’ side. Sometimes she likes to contradict him just for the hell of it.
“Go inside.”
His hand comes down to her cheek, his thumb moving back and forth against her skin. She holds his wrist, imitation his motion.
They don’t move.
“My kiss.” Elain closes her eyes, puckering her lips.
Azriel shakes his head in denial, thinking about how it’s impossible to have a serious conversation with her. Curiously, this doesn’t annoy him today, Azriel founding himself rather entertained by her attempt to be cute. The kiss is closed-mouth, chaste and quick.
Elain blinks in confusion.
“What’s this?”
“Your kiss.”
Elain is in shock. She wanted a good goodnight kiss, one to have lips tingling all night, one to have her stalker neighbor curling her toes in bed later. Where is the man who kissed the life out of her? She wants him back!
“What are you, a nun?”
“I knew you are a pervert. Good things come to those who wait, pervy.” He gives her another quick kiss, nudging her inside her building. “Go. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” She mumbles mildly disoriented, but not for the reasons she’d like.
A few feet from them, inside the silver SUV parked by the curb, Cassian’s unblinking stare didn’t stray from the couple. He had jumped to the front sit as soon as Elain was out, winking her goodbye, the cute photographer blushing as she dipped her head in returned and followed his brother. Off they went, and Cassian staying scrolling on his phone without paying attention to a single thing appearing on the screen.
He didn’t know his brother had it in him, the ability to casually fuck someone. But the longer Cassian looked, the clear it got that this no casual fuck. No man drove they casual fuck home and accompanied them to the door, kissed them goodnight without guaranteeing an ass grab or a boob squeeze. Cassian could not remember seeing the two spending time with each other, didn’t know they were close enough to share rides, to stay in the same vicinity without yelling.  
Seeing his bother kissing Elain for a second time was quite a shock for two reasons. One, his brother wasn’t one to introduce his girls, Cassian had never met a single hook up, or girlfriend, or whatever, he was honestly waiting for Azriel to assume he was gay. Two, the girl he chose to kiss was the farthest thing from what Cassian assumed his brother might like. He always pictured Azriel coming out of the closet to introduce them to his tight-ass boyfriend, someone obsessed with fashion, cold and closed off, who didn’t know how to have fun and spent way too much time in suit pants. You know, someone like his brother.
Elain was nothing like him. The cute brunet with big eyes and a perky behind was easygoing, lively, and had the thing Azriel lacked the most; a good sense of humor. A girl like Elain was a much better fit for someone like him, too bad she was a Flowers and Chocolate kind of girl, and Cassian did not do flowers and chocolate. The idea of having a one night stand with her unsettled him for some reason. She seemed to fragile for that, to pure. He couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had been the common denominator to bring those two closer. How many times had Az come to her place? When he stopped to think about it, Elain hadn’t said her address, but his brother knew where to go. Knew to wait for the light coming to life in an apartment on the third floor, knew to wait for Elain to push her head outside the window, waving him. This development between then must have been going on for a while. And for some reason, this development unsettled Cassian.
When he saw the two of them getting cozy in the parking lot his instinct was to interrupt, so he asked for a ride. While in the car, Cassian noticed that he didn’t know where Azriel was taking Elain. Were they spending the night together? A lump of rocks settled on his stomach. It was impossible to say where the fuck they were going in the long silent ride. Before he knew it, Cassian was inventing some shit about his bathroom to have an excuse to crash in his brother’s. Azriel might not be gay, but he was a prude. No way he was having sex with some else nearby.
Azriel put the car in reverse and Cassian spread his legs on the leather seat, a lazy smirk blooming; his favorite weapon.
"Kissing your employees goodnight now, huh. Is that new Union's Right?” Azriel didn’t bother to answer, making a U-turn. “Till yesterday you were all ‘Cassian, stop hitting on my employees. Cassian, stop fucking my models,’ When I do it, it’s harassment, when you do it, it’s a ride.”
“Your tune changed pretty fast, little bro.”
“I wonder how many of the girls under you, you are fucking,”
“Why do you care?” Azriel snapped. Finally.
“Because you care when I do.” Cassian shrugged, pretending to be unfazed. Now he would get some answers. “Hypocrite much?”
“Contrary to you, I'm no fucking her and never looking at her face again. I'm dating her.”
…Dating her…
"And how many other?"
"Just her. Elain is my one and only girlfriend," he slid his gaze to Cassian. "What about you Cass? How many others?"
"Just Mor," he answered absently.
Dating her...
Dating her...
Annoyed, Cassian ran his tongue over his teeth.
No, he definitely didn’t like this development.
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sweetestlittledarling · 8 months
Part of @monthly-challenge 2024 | Moral Support/Night Out
Rating: PG
Pairing: Julian/Sparrow (She/Her Apprentice)
Summary: They were each other's support, no matter what...
(So I am woefully behind, mostly because I got food poising last Friday and well that kind of put a damper on my weekend. I did manage to write though this was originally going to be for another prompt, but I figured it kind of fit both of these so yeah. It's once again inspired by headcannons by the ever fabulous @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia because I have read through all their work and love it all. It is off the headcannons of the helping one of the M6 through a panic attack and the M6 helping MC through a panic attack. I tried to read up on panic attacks since they are not usually my form of anxiety, so I tried my best.)
It had been a rather busy day at the shop. Sparrow had been so busy she had hardly noticed that it had become evening. She sighed thankfully as she blew out the light at the door, ready for a restful evening. She was kind of surprised actually she hadn’t seen Julian yet. He usually would have closed up the clinic by now. She really hoped he wasn’t pulling a late night again. A sudden loud cawing brought Sparrow’s attention to the sky as Malak flew circles overhead. Sparrow felt a growing sense of worry as she recognized the raven’s warning cry. Something was wrong. Malak glided down to perch atop the sign of Julian’s clinic, once again letting out a loud caw. Had something happened? Had she been so focused on work she missed something important? She quickly made her way over to the clinic, opening the door and stepping inside. Everything looked in to be in place, though there was no doctor anywhere to be seen. “Julian?” Sparrow called, stepping more inside. No answer.
Could he have stepped out for a house call? No, he would have never left the clinic unlocked and Malak was clearly pointing here. Sparrow hurried to the back where Julian’s office was. She carefully opened the door and peered inside. Like the front it was as it should be with a desk full of papers and…Wait, what was that? Sparrow listened carefully and could hear the sound of labored breathing. She peered under the desk and pressed up somewhat uncomfortably with his long legs was Julian, still in full doctor gear. He was paler than usual, and his breathing was shallow. She noticed the very familiar panic in his eyes as he muttered softly to himself. Sparrow’s heart broke seeing him like this. She moved the desk chair away so that she could sit next to him, her eyes focused on him. “Julian?”
At the sound of her voice his eyes turned to hers and she could see the recognition there. “Sparrow,” he said, his voice raspy. She could hear the love and need in his voice even if he didn’t say the words.
She nodded, giving him a comforting smile. “Is it okay if I touch you?” she asked. He nodded and she carefully reached down to take his hand. She removed his glove and gently placed his hand on her chest, allowing him to feel her heartbeat with her hand resting on his. She could already feel him relaxing a little just by touching her, but she knew he would need more. “Okay, now let’s take some deep breaths okay,” she instructed, “breath with me.” He did as instructed, soon their breathing was in sync as he looked thankful into her eyes.
“My darling Sparrow,” he said, voice wavering a little, “always coming to my rescue when I need it the most.”
“Always,” she said, “now would you like to come out here with me and be a little more comfortable?”
He nodded, carefully starting to untangle himself. He did almost hit his head but managed to make it out unscathed. They didn’t stand yet, instead remaining seated on the floor with him wrapped around her, his face pressed into her neck.
“It’s okay Julian,” she said rubbing his back. “Just take your time. I’m here and I won’t leave you.”
“Thank you,” came the muffled reply, which she felt against her skin, “thank you Sparrow for all of it.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Julian sighed as he seemed to pull her closer, holding her as if she was his lifeline on a very rocky sea. “My last patient today,” he explained, “complained of a persistent cough with some flecks of blood in the mucus. It wasn’t so bad until I looked into his eyes and saw…” Julian paused his body beginning to tremble.
Sparrow reached up and gently cupped his face in her hands. “It’s okay,” she said, brushing his cheek with her thumb, “take your time. I’m here. You are safe.”
“You’re here,” he repeated back, his eyes transfixed on hers, “you’re here and I’m safe.” He repeated it a few more times before feeling able to continue. “I looked into his eyes, and I saw…I saw red. His eyes were red. Not completely red but I could see blood and then all I could see was…the plague…” His voice started to get more hectic as his eyes became distant. “All I could think about was what if I was infected? And then all I could think about was being sick and brining it home to you and then you being sick and me not being able to help you. And then others getting sick…Pasha, Mezalinka, Asra and your brothers…” His breathing started to pick up again and Sparrow was quick to take his hand again, placing it gently on her chest.
“It’s okay Julian,” she assured, “it’s okay. Take your time and breathe.” She was thankful as he did just that, his breath coming in and out as he carefully worked his way down. As his breathing calmed, she gently kissed his forehead, allowing him to sag against her using her strength to hold him up. There they remained for a long time, before she gently pulled away to look at his face. “Do you think you are able to move?”
He nodded.
She got to her feet and then helped him to his, allowing him to lean against her. “We are going to go upstairs now, and I will make you a bath,” she said, as she carefully helped him to walk, taking most of the weight upon herself. Luckily, she was pretty strong and although he was gangly, he was pretty light. They walked up the stairs together and she did as she said, helping him strip his clothes, giving him a quick cool down with a face cloth before settling him into the bath. She gathered his favorite calming smells, including his shampoo which she used to do his hair, gently massaging his scalp with her fingers in the way that she knew he liked. He said nothing though she felt the tight ball of nerves begin to unwind. He didn’t speak again until she had put him into bed and his eyes met hers.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
She smiled as she leaned in and kissed first his forehead then his lips, gently brushing his hair as he pressed his face to her collar bone. “I love you,” she murmured to him, then beginning to hum as she helped him slip to sleep.
Sparrow’s emotional control was something Julian had always greatly admired. She was calm, cool, and poised on every occasion. But there were some moments, though far in-between, that he was reminded that she too needed his strength. One such occasion happened at a function at the palace. It had been quite an evening with people from all over coming to enjoy the city's sights. Julian was thoroughly enjoying himself, dancing with Sparrow, telling tales, and generally feeling like a hero. He had mostly kept to Sparrow’s side but had foolishly stepped away to get them drinks and then had gotten caught up in another conversation. It was Malak who had caught his attention again, the bird giving his worried caw which Julian of course ignored at first but when the bird began to tug at his ear he could no longer ignore it. That’s when he noticed that he had lost sight of his beloved. He looked around the room, but Sparrow was nowhere to be seen. His heart sank as he instantly felt something was very wrong. Forgetting the drinks, he quickly began to follow Malak who was swift in his flight. It was at first hard to keep up with all the party goers but as they slipped out into the garden Julian was able to move quicker. His heartbeat quickly as his mind whirled with thoughts of a million different awful scenarios. Malak led him to the back of the garden and there he found his songbird, though the sight of her in her current state made his heart stop for a moment.
She was dressed nicely for the evening, having done up her hair as well as dawned more make-up than was the norm. But where he would normally find her cool and collected, he found her pacing and trembling with tears at the corner of her eyes. Having had a few of these himself he instantly recognized the panic as her cool blue eyes met his. “I’m okay…I’m okay really…” she said, though her voice did not convey the same idea as her words. “I’m okay, I just…I Just…”
His mind sprang into action as he remembered who he was and who he was dealing with. He approached carefully holding out his hand. “Sparrow, my love,” he said, voice calm, “can I touch you?” She hesitated, her eyes looking from his hand to his face. Then she nodded, reaching out and taking his hand. He could feel how badly she was trembling now and if made his heart ache. He led them over to a nearby bench and placed her hand on his chest. “Now, breathe with me,” he instructed. He focused on taking deep breaths as he watched her face. She focused on his chest a moment, watching as their breathing slowly began to sink up before closing her eyes, her shoulders relaxing. He is there to catch her as she slumps against him, his other arm pulling her close.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured.
He calmly stroked her back. “For what darling?”
“We were having such a wonderful night and I thought I could handle…” She sighed as she held onto his lapel with one hand. “I thought I could handle this, but it just got worse and I’m sorry that I ruined the evening.”
“Oh, my beloved songbird, you have ruined nothing,” Julian implored. “As one who has felt this way before I know that sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming, and one might need someone else’s help. I believe that you taught me that, and with such a great teacher allow me to put some of my lessons into practice by helping you.” When she didn’t answer right away, he allowed her some time to breathe, still stroking her back and keeping her close to protect against the night’s chill. “May I ask what brought this on?” he asked after a bit. “You don’t have to tell me of course if you aren’t ready but I have found from experience that talking does seem to help.”
Again, she hesitated, and he wondered if he had pushed too much but then she spoke: “I was waiting for you to get back when I overheard someone talking. They were talking about the…” There was a pause and then another sigh. “They were talking about the Lazaret and if there were any plans for it. I don’t think they were from Vesuvia, or they wouldn’t have been so willing to talk about it, but they went on about all the people that died there, and it was like…it was like I was suddenly back there. I couldn’t fully remember it, but I felt such a feeling of dread and fear that I…I just wanted to escape. Like I was trapped. I know it’s just a place and there is nothing there anymore but…I don’t want to go back there. Please don’t make me go back there.”
“Never,” Julian said, his voice clear, “I would never want you to go back to that place nor would I want you anywhere but here with me. I am here and you are safe.”
“You are here, and I am safe,” Sparrow repeated, snuggling closer. “You are here, and I am safe.”
Their mantra seemed to put the same ease into her as it did him, as he watched her body relax a bit more. He smiled as he removed his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. “Now my dear, I leave the decision up to you. Do you wish to return to the party, or may I suggest that I walk milady to her door and then make her some tea with an extra doctor ordered cuddles?” Her little bit of laughter made his heart pick up and soar. He felt her lean against him, allowing him the honor of being her support.
“The second does sound kind of good right now, especially with the way my head is starting to hurt just a bit.”
“Then my dear,” he said, taking her hand in his, “let us away to home where I will dote on you hand and foot.” But as they started to walk away, he felt a slight tug as she stopped.
She looked at him with concern. “Are you sure that I’m not ruining the evening?”
He smiled as he reached up his other hand, gently cupping her cheek. “Sparrow, my love, my songbird, you and your well being will be more important than any party could ever be.” She smiled and he felt his own calm returning. He truly did love her and by all the magic in the world, she loved him as well. Later as she lay with her head on his shoulder, he heard her murmur:
“Thank you.”
He smiled as he gently kissed her head, pulling her close. “I love you.”
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determinedwriter · 11 months
Whumptober 2023: Day 25: “They’re not breathing!”
(Continuation of yesterday’s part and also the ending)
Friday, what do I have in the liquor cabinet? I deserve a drink after work today, don’t you think?” I ask my AI.
“Yes, Mr. Stark. Scanning your inventory…” She replies. “There seems to be some missing from your personal stash.”
“Missing? Who took it?” I ask.
“From the footage I’ve pulled, Aurora seems to have taken a bottle from it earlier this evening. Mr. Banner has also reported missing drugs from the lab.” She explains.
“Who took the drugs?” I wonder aloud. “You’re sure Aurora took the alcohol?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark. I am unsure of where the medicine has gone, as I do not have footage of any theft or tampering.” Friday says.
“Okay. I guess Ro decided to drink. That damn kid. She’s been different lately.” I mumble mostly to myself.
Going to Aurora’s room, I try to open the door but find it locked. “Ro, let me in. I know you took from my alcohol stash. You’re way too young for that. You know better. At least I thought you did. I’m not letting you go on some rebellious streak. No booze, no drugs, no bizarre hair colors and fishnet stockings. I’m just not doing that, alright? Open the door.”
With no answer, I groan loud enough for her to hear. “Aurora, don’t make me say your full name.”
“Aurora Anthony Stark, open the door.” I finally say. “See, now you know you’re in trouble. Open up.”
Nothing. “Look, I’m not trying to be like my dad. I'm not trying to be hard on you. Just let me in. You’ve been weird lately. I think everyone’s noticed. I’ve been busy, but…if this is a cry for attention, you can just talk to me. Open sesame.”
“Friday, are you able to tell if she snuck out?” I ask.
“She appears to still be in her bedroom. While there’s no cameras inside, I have detected her heat signature, though it seems off.” She tells me.
“Off how?” I question. “Because of Extremis?”
“No sir, I think something is wrong and I advise you to get the door open as soon as possible.” My AI actually sounds worried, which I didn’t realize was possible.
“Override the locks then. Get it open.” I instruct.
“There is something blocking the entrance.”
I groan. “Vision!”
“Yes sir?” Vision soon appears beside me, having heard me calling.
“Can you phase through the door here and see what’s wrong with Aurora? Unlock the door.” I tell him.
He quickly does what I ask, moving whatever is blocking the door from opening, unlocking it and finally allowing me to walk inside.
The sight isn’t pretty.
Aurora lies on the floor of her bedroom, empty liquor bottle beside her along with a container of pills. She’s pale, bleeding from the wrist, and twitching.
An inhuman gasp escapes me and I fall to my knees. “Ro. Ro, what…Ro…”
“BANNER!” I yell. “Banner, get in here!”
I absolutely lose it at this point. “Friday, call…call an ambulance. Get Bruce here now and get Strange! Get a whole damn hospital here right now!”
“Check her vitals!” I scream.
Friday scans her as I feel for a pulse. “She’s very weak, sir. Her heartbeat is erratic and her breathing is labored.”
Scooping her in my arms, I see Aurora’s eyes are fixed to the ceiling. “Hey. Hey, come on. Ro, this isn’t…you’re fine. You’re alright. Come on now. Come on now. Ro…Ro, please. Please.”
Bruce rushes inside soon after I call for him, eyes bulging as soon as he sees Ro convulsing in my arms. “Let me see. God Tony, what the hell happened?!”
“Does it look like I know?!” I snap. “There’s pills. There’s liquor and pills and…h-her wrist. Her…S-She…”
He nods in understanding. “She overdosed. I need to get her to the med bay immediately.”
Bruce starts to lift her in his arms and I take her, sprinting to the med bay. Once I get there and lay her on an exam bed, she has stopped moving and her eyes are now closed.
“Why isn’t she…she’s not having the seizure anymore. That’s got to be a good thing.” I convince myself out loud.
“She’s not breathing.” Bruce announces, doing chest compressions.
“This bleeding is too bad but I can’t stop compressions. Does anyone know how to do sutures?” He asks.
The commotion has gotten the attention of everyone in the compound, earning worried looks and shouts of advice. Everyone here cares so much about Ro.
“Open your eyes, Ro. Open your eyes.” I plead. “You’ve gotta listen to me, alright? Open your eyes. Please…b-baby…”
How the hell did I let this happen? It couldn’t have come out of nowhere. Were there signs I missed? There must have been.
I’m smart enough to see them, I just ignored them.
Goddamn you, Tony.
Continuing to beg at her side, I allow myself to fall apart. Even with Pepper here, who is now holding my shoulders and trying to calm me down.
Dr. Strange ends up coming in time to do the sutures for Bruce, stitching with impressive speed and precision.
Bruce ends up breaking Ro’s ribs to restart her heart. The sickening crack makes me wince. That’s going to hurt like hell when she’s awake.
After an agonizing few minutes, she comes back to us. Neither of them say it, but I know that both Bruce and Steven don’t see this ending well.
And Strange can tell the future, can’t he? If he looks troubled, then…
Her stomach gets pumped at the hospital and I take this time to speak with him. “Strange.”
“Yeah.” He turns to me.
“You use that thing to see the future, right?” I ask, pointing to his necklace.
“I’m not using it for this.” He immediately counters.
I gulp, trying to keep my emotions under control. It’s far too late for that though. “You have to tell me my daughter’s gonna be alright.”
“I only see possible futures, Stark. I couldn’t guarantee anything even with the stone. Her life isn’t in my hands. It isn’t even in yours. She made this choice.”
I clench my fists. “She…she didn’t know what she was doing. Ro wouldn’t leave me like this. She must’ve…”
Trying to rationalize it in my head only makes me feel worse. I want to crumble when I recall the last thing I said to her.
“I love me too.”
I couldn’t even tell her I loved her. “Oh God, I…I…”
Strange’s normally stone face turns sympathetic. “Look…I’ve seen this before. I was a neurosurgeon. I’ve worked on victims of suicide attempts. It…doesn’t always end in saving their life. Sometimes you have to let go. No matter how much you try to save someone.”
“I’m not letting her go.” I reply. “Ever.”
“I’m not saying you should, I’m just saying it’s a…possibility. A choice you might have to make.” He explains.
My heart pounds in my chest and I fight back tears. “She told me she loved me and I made a stupid fucking joke and that’s the last thing I ever said to her.”
Dr. Strange nods. “I’m sure she knows how much she means to you.”
I shake my head in protest. “No. No, she wouldn’t have done this if she knew. God, what am I gonna tell the kid?”
He looks at me in slight confusion. “Spider-Man.” I clarify. “Kid’s so damn in love with her…”
Dr. Strange sighs. “Suicide never does just destroy the life of one person. It ripples to everyone around the victim. Their family. Their friends. Their community.”
“Then why would she do this to me?!” I accuse a bit too harshly. “Why would Ro just leave me like this?! She could’ve talked to me! She…goddamn it, she didn’t have to do this!”
He remains calm. “You may be right, but she didn’t see things clearly. In that mindset, you never do. The brain is a complicated thing.”
I sniffle, trying not to completely lose myself, though I feel I’m past the point of no return. “Yeah, well…she’s my kid. She’s smart. I know you’ve only really talked to her in passing, but…believe me, she’s smart. And she’s empathetic. Better than me. She’d be a good doctor.”
Strange grins slightly. “Honestly, maybe not. Having that much empathy is hard when you’re treating sick people. People you might see die right in front of you. But I have a feeling she’s probably seen more than a kid ever should.”
“Yeah.” I confirm. “I’ve tried to protect her. I’ve really tried. But I couldn’t…clearly I wasn’t able to keep her safe. Not even from herself.”
He pauses. “I don’t have kids, but for what it’s worth, Stark…the way I saw you react…the way you’ve responded to this…tragedy…it shows me just how much you love her.”
I let some tears fall. “I do. More than anything.”
Strange nods. “You should tell the spider kid.”
“Yeah…uhh, thanks, Strange.” I reply.
“Stephen.” He corrects softly.
“Tony.” I offer in response.
With that, he leaves down the hall, a comfortable but heavy silence in the air. We have this mutual respect and understanding of one another, but hate the situation we’re in that brought us to it.
God, I’ve never hated anything more than this.
And now I have to break Peter Parker’s heart.
I dial his number on my phone, having it for emergencies mostly. He picks up pretty quickly, mumbling something. “Shhh, shhh, Ned! Ned, shut up, it’s Mr. Stark!”
“Hey, kid.” I say.
“H-Hey, Mr. Stark. It’s kinda late. You need me for a mission?” He asks.
I sigh. “No, nothing like that. When did you last talk to Ro?”
“A couple hours ago now I guess? Why, is she not home?” Peter speculates immediately. “I can’t imagine why she’d be gone, I mean she’s not here and-“
“Kid.” I interrupt. “Did she give you any indication that she might…do something bad? Anything unusual?”
He pauses. “N-No, I mean…she said she appreciated me and stuff but…look, is she okay?”
“No.” I reply honestly. “Peter, she’s in the hospital. She…overdosed.”
I hear the breath catch in his throat and his voice shakes. “W-What? No, no, that’s…it was an accident. Right?”
“I don’t think it was.” I reveal. “It could’ve been, but…it doesn’t look like that. It looks like an a-attempt.”
“To kill herself?” He asks, clearly on the verge of tears.
“Yeah.” I say, trying not to become more anxious than I already am. “Her stomach is being pumped and I’m…waiting for updates. I don’t know how things are yet. I knew I should tell you so…here I am. I’m sorry, kid.”
Peter whimpers. “Oh my God. Oh God, Mr. Stark…no, no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you had to…did you find her…unconscious or…”
“She was...” I mumble. “G-Gone. They brought her back but Ro was gone. H-Her heart wasn’t…”
His cries are now clear on his end of the call. “C-Can I come to the hospital to wait with you? Could I do that?”
Honestly, I think I need him to be here. He’s spent more time with Ro than I have in a good bit and he knows her so well. “Yeah. You can come, just don’t…don’t expect anything. I don’t know what to expect myself. S-She’s gonna be fine. She has to be. But I don’t know if they’ll let you see her anytime soon.”
“I’m coming. I’m on my way. Bye, Mr. Stark.” He replies quickly.
“Bye.” I say.
He hangs up, leaving me to pace again, making my way back to the waiting room where most of the Avengers now sit.
An idea pops into my head and I ask for an empty conference room. “Team meeting. Now.”
Peter arrives in time for this meeting, sitting at the table along with Pepper, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Wanda, and Vision. Everyone else is either off planet or in their own personal homes where they have no clue what has happened.
I pace once more, unable to sit still at the table. Peter is also fidgeting in his seat. Pepper looks at me with concern. Usually she wouldn’t be a part of an Avengers meeting, but this is different.
“I need to ask if any of you know how the hell this happened.” I say. “Any warning signs I should’ve seen. Anything she said. Anything she did.”
Steve hesitates but doesn’t speak, causing me to immediately turn to him. “What is it, Cap? Spit it out. You don’t get to hide shit from me. Not anymore.”
He looks sad. “Tony, I thought she had things under control.”
I’m immediately angry, but hold it back. “Explain. Now.”
Steve closes his eyes, pained. “I heard her on the phone a couple of days ago. With a…suicide hotline.”
This is when the anger overwhelms me and it takes everything I have not to lunge at him. “And you decided to keep that to yourself for shits and giggles?”
“Tony, I promise you if I had any idea this would happen, I would’ve said something. I talked to her about it and she told me she was handling things. She promised me. I thought…I took her at her word. I’m sorry.” He apologizes.
I’m not in the mood for forgiveness. “Anyone else have something to admit?”
Nat sighs heavily. “She came to me sometime last week. Not about suicide. It’s not my place but…she spoke to me about some troubles she had. Asked me to get a blood test through the lab.”
“The one I did for routine testing?” Bruce asks her.
She nods. “Yeah.”
“What was she looking for?” Pepper questions.
Natasha bites her lip. “It’s not my place.”
“Now it is.” I argue. “Don’t. Don’t keep this from me. Look, I’m…I’m begging you.”
“I’m so sorry, Tony. But Ro…confided in me. She told me…she was assaulted. At a party. Some guy from her school got her to drink and he…he raped her.” Nat explains. “She wanted to know if she was pregnant.”
My stomach flips and I see Peter stand up, starting to pace. “I was at that party. I was with her the whole time until…”
His eyes widen and he holds his stomach. “I’m gonna be sick…oh God, it’s my fault.”
“Talk to me, Parker.” I reply.
Peter makes his way to a trash can where he vomits, tears streaming down his face. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry Mr. Stark. I never meant to leave her. Ned and I got caught up in a stupid party game and last time I checked she was talking to MJ and Brad.”
“Brad?” I ask, not recognizing the name.
He nods. “A guy at school. He’s into MJ so they hang out sometimes. I think Ro was trying to run interference. MJ isn’t into him.”
“Could he be the one that did it?” Pepper questions.
“I don’t know. I can ask MJ if he left her side the whole night.” Peter offers.
“Do that.” I reply.
He does, texting to ask. She replies by saying she had to leave early and Brad was flirting with Ro, but MJ didn’t think anything of it. She had no idea he was going to harm her.
“Brad. What do you know about him?” I inquire.
Peter pauses. “He’s just some jock, I guess? He’s kinda a dick. Especially if he did this, but…I don’t really know much about him. He’s got a brother, I think. I wish I knew more, but I don’t.”
I slowly nod. “I’m gonna kill him.”
“And you three? How could you hide this from me? How could you know something was so wrong and not tell me?!” I snap at Bruce, Nat, and Steve.
“I didn’t know she was suicidal. I told her to come to me if she needed to. And she came to me in confidence about something she clearly didn’t want you to know.” Nat gently argues.
Pepper frowns. “Why wouldn’t she come to me? She might as well be my daughter.”
I put a hand on Pep’s shoulder from behind as I continue to stand. “She probably thought you’d tell me. This isn’t…this isn’t your fault.”
“Listen Tony, if I had any clue she would do this, I would’ve stopped it. I would’ve told you.” Steve says.
“And I didn’t know anything about the situation. I ran the sample knowing it was Ro’s, but I didn’t know she was worried about pregnancy.” Bruce adds to defend himself.
I sigh. “Okay.”
I’m quiet after that, leading Steve to speak up. “You gonna be alright?”
“Only if Ro is.” I answer.
Nobody says anything after that, the silence then broken by the door opening and a doctor entering. “I have an update for Mr. Stark.”
Not caring that everyone is here to listen, I nod. “What is it? Is she okay?”
“You got to her just in time. If you’d been much later, Aurora would be too far gone.” The doctor explains. “She’s remarkably stable considering the circumstances. I’m unsure of when she’ll wake up, but her brain activity is looking good. You can come see her now.”
I immediately rush to Ro’s bedside, Pepper and Peter close behind. I allow the two of them to join me, knowing Ro trusts them and loves them both so much.
She’s pale and sickly, but alive. I grab her hand. “Hey, baby.”
Ro remains still and quiet, but I keep talking. “It’s Dad. I’m right here with you, okay? So is Pep and that spider boy you love so much.”
Peter gives me a watery smile. “Y-Yeah. We’re here, Ro. I’m so sorry, I…I didn’t…I would’ve been by your side if I had known you’d do this. But…”
“Everything’s going to be alright.” Pepper finishes for him. “We’re with you. Always, honey.”
“What she said.” I add. “You know Pep’s always been better with words than I am. At least when it comes to comforting you. Because otherwise, I’m a fantastic public speaker.”
Pepper and Peter chuckle. “I don’t know if it’s too soon for jokes but you’ll just have to wake up and tell me to zip it.”
We stay with her for a while, interrupted by the door opening gently, Bruce behind it. “Hey, Tony?”
I turn to him. “Hmm?”
He’s holding one of my helmets. “I stopped by the compound and Friday told me there’s a message on here.”
I blink in confusion. “A message?”
“Ro recorded something.” Bruce explains.
A lump forms in my throat. “Oh. Give it here, then.”
He does. “You could probably go to that conference room to watch it if you wanted. I’ll stay with her if the three of you want to do that. Whatever you need, Tones.”
“Okay…yeah. You call me the minute she wakes up if it happens when I’m gone, though.” I tell him.
Bruce nods. “Of course.”
Peter, Pepper, and I all step back into the conference room and I place my helmet on the table. “Friday, play the message.”
A hologram sparks to life, showing Ro looking worn down and distraught. “Hey, so…if you’re watching this I’m dead. Might as well get right to the point.”
My heart pounds as she continues to speak. “I killed myself. I did. No use in denying that. I’m just sorry anyone had to find me like that. And that I had to die like this. I know it’s not ideal, but…it’s for the best.”
“No.” I say aloud, unable to help myself.
“This message is mainly just…to give closure, I guess? I know I’m probably leaving you with a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here are your answers. I did this for everyone’s sake. I’ve become a burden. I know you’ll all be okay without me. Dad, you have Pepper. And your work. The work you always seemed to be too busy with to talk to me. I tried to reach out. I really did. But I don’t want you to blame yourself for this. You didn’t know. Nobody did. Except maybe Steve, but he didn’t know I was going to do this. You know him. He would’ve stopped me. I kept him off my scent so he wouldn’t do that. I made sure nobody would.”
Tears flow down her cheeks and she sighs. “This isn’t easy for me, okay? It isn’t. I’m not trying to be selfish, I’m trying to save you the grief of dealing with my shit. I’m just gonna come out and say it. I was raped by Brad Davis a few weeks ago. Peter knows when this happened but he had no clue what transpired that night. Nobody needs to blame him for a single thing. And Peter, I want you to know that too. It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault. I love you, Peter. If I was worthy of your affection, I would’ve loved you forever.”
Peter’s knees buckle and he holds onto a chair for support, crying as he watches Ro’s confession. “I’m sorry. I'm so sorry…”
“Pep, you were like a mother to me. Nothing you could’ve done either. I’ll always be grateful for our relationship. For your love. I mean it. Peter, lean on MJ and Ned. Move on. Be happy. You’re a good person. An amazing person. Please don’t let this change your heart. Your goodness. Dad, that goes for you too. You’re better than I ever could’ve been. I’m glad I got to tell you I loved you before I left. I didn’t say anything to Pepper because she’d probably sus me out…Dad, you’re smart, but you’ve been busy so…that’s why you didn’t seem to realize it. This is getting to be long and I don’t want you to see I stole from your alcohol stash…sorry, Dad. And Bruce, sorry about the pills. I know you’ve been in a low place before too, so…you get it. You know why. Anyways…I love you guys. All of you. Dad, Pepper, Peter, Steve, Nat, Bruce, Wanda, Vis…everyone. There’s too many of you to mention.”
She chuckles. “You’re my family. That’s always going to be true no matter how much time passes. You’ll always be in my heart and I’ll always be in yours. To end this thing I guess I’ll just say this…I love you. Keep being the amazing people I know you are. And again, don’t you dare blame yourselves. I’ll haunt you all if you do that.”
Ro pauses, grimacing. “Bad joke…like all of Dad’s. Wish me safe travels and…just live. Be okay. Don’t waste your lives. That’s all I ask. So, uhh…goodbye. Maybe I’ll see you again someday. I hope so…love you tons.”
The message ends and I let out the cry I’ve been holding in the entire time. “O-Oh God…”
The three of us cry together until there’s no tears left to cry. Ro felt so alone. So small. So hopeless that she thought this was the only answer.
And despite her pleas for us to not blame ourselves, I sure do. I think everyone does. Everyone feels they could’ve done more.
And when she wakes up, I’ll do everything and then some.
When. Not if.
And she does.
Ro wakes up at around midnight two days after her attempt, confused and disoriented. Comforting her only does so much. She seems upset that she’s alive at all.
With enough insistence, she does seem a bit more relaxed about the whole thing. I won’t leave her side and neither will Peter.
He won’t stop proclaiming his love for her.
But she’s not in the place to return that affection. And that’s okay.
We won’t leave her side. None of the Avengers will. We’re a family. We will never let her suffer again. Not if we have anything to say about it.
With lots of hugs and forehead kisses, I tell Ro how much I love her. She’s my daughter. My everything. And I came way too close to losing her.
She’ll never feel alone again. I’ll make sure of that.
As long as I’m alive, I will love her with my whole heart.
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