#I’m not killing his horse as implied in the original text
batwynn · 2 years
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‘Nope’—Quincey Morris
- a reminder that you can read The Secret Diary of Quincey Morris over on my Patreon for any tier level!
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hylaversicolor · 1 year
37, 38, 69, and 80 ! :>
ty for your ask !
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
my way back og characters (more on them later) were appearance and backstory based at first. now i tend to go with motivation and personality.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
actively? one. i have a few ongoing projects in the background though. stares forlornly at the 1.5 chapters of my webcomic, thinking about how we're only on the prologue
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
i mean on some level, yes. when i’m actually writing the scene though i’m not like. acutely feeling the emotions, more like i’m eavesdropping on them as they go thru their thing. a lot of moments in my stories are based on things i’ve either felt or done or both. i have had a VERY similar experience to ocelot in sunday kind of love, for example. SIGH
80. do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
for longer stories, absolutely i put themes and motifs. i’m not really interested in putting “””morals””” in my stories though, i think morals are more for the reader to glean from the themes and motifs, and you can take whatever you want from what is in there, it’s not my business lol. the moral of western pleasure could be anything from “doing drugs is bad” to “don’t kill your business partner” to “stick by the person who understands you even if the relationship is unhealthy codependent and doomed” <- wouldn’t recommend this btw.
but as for themes and motifs in western pleasure…there’s a lot. i really wanted to have this idea of female rage and kaz feeling like she’s at her most powerful and feminine when she’s angry. you can see this in kaz and in kitty too, who is really there to be a foil to kaz, i actually think my original character note for her was something like “need a lady for kaz to develop off of.”
also this one is more basic, but i wanted to make the connection between diamonds and stars in the fic, and then between kaz and diamonds, so at the beginning there are snowflakes that resemble stars but everything is hazy, showing that kaz isn’t ready to confront Gender yet, and then as the fic progresses there are a few more scattered references to stars, kaz describes herself as The diamond dog and has a few other connections to diamonds. then in the very last scene, when kaz has officially come out and has accepted wanting to be a woman, the stars are out. (but they might not stay out, implying that this might not have a happy ending.) so it’s something that you can see in the actual text of the story but i also wanted to show it thru symbolism because i like making things as complicated as possible lol.
and then there’s the title of the fic itself, which (i think) is a fun little pun with a few different layers to it. kaz and ocelot both have a somewhat fraught relationship to The West, because it is something that they both aspire towards but are sort of repulsed by at the same time. for kaz this is because she’s neither japanese nor american and rejects the idea of nations; ocelot because he doesn’t really belong anywhere but still chases the aesthetics of the idyllic western cowboy. we also have “””pleasure””” because of drugs, and schemes, and money and whatnot. and also “”western pleasure”” as a whole because of the notion of a horse moving in a very unnatural way to provide comfort to the rider, not necessarily because that’s its natural gait but because it has been trained that way, and what that might mean in the context of a hetero and cisnormative society. and also ocelot’s past and his connection to the boss and how he might carry that relationship with him into the present wrt horses. <- this explanation is a hot mess
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Relationship in Mythology
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It’s a classic tale, and arguably one of the most famous in mythology: How Sigyn held a bowl above her lover’s head to shield Loki from the snake’s venom, in turn, holding back Ragnarok a little longer. 
But how did Loki and Sigyn come to be married? How did they meet? How did they fall in love? 
With so many questions, but few answers we are left with in what has survived with the stories today, we are often left to ponder how the story of Loki and Sigyn came to be. As have many others before me, I will be exploring my thoughts with what information we are given to ponder as to how these two lovers became a thing.
To answer this question, we must go back to the beginning where Sigyn was first introduced to us in the mythologies, presenting the ONLY information we know about their relationship -- specifically: The Poetic Edda & Prose Edda.
In the poem, Lokasenna, the most famous of poem’s with the couple, it talks of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth. 
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”  
Now, knowing the little knowledge we have on their relationship, it’s time to explore it from the Viking’s point of view, which is where this all pretty much originated from, in order to understand it better.
Viking Way of Love and Life
I’m no expert in this category, in fact, I’m still learning about it as I go, but there are some important key things to note here about the Viking’s POV on things and how it ties into Loki & Sigyn’s relationship. 
Divorce was completely acceptable in Viking Times. In fact, women could own property, request a divorce and reclaim dowries if a marriage ended. She could divorce him for a good number of reasons actually. 
Women often remained faithful to their husbands, although they were known to have extramarital sex. If they were caught cheating by the husbands, it usually ended pretty badly for the women. 
A Man couldn’t marry his concubine, so his wife wouldn’t have to feel threatened about competition. They usually all lived in the same household. Adultery concerning the husband was okay, but not the wife.
Vikings didn’t categorize people as homosexual, bisexual, straight or etc.They differentiated between submissive and dominant roles in sexual relationships. Homosexuality was acceptable with limits.
Poetry was a big part of Courtship. 
Typically marriage was usually for alliances, set up by families and parents. However, this doesn’t mean there wasn’t romance or love between couples or potential marriages. 
Family life was important to Norse Men and people usually aimed to survive: typically by marrying and having children. 
How does this apply to Loki and Sigyn? Now, let’s dive into the typical hypothesis of their relationship. I call it a typical hypothesis because it hasn’t really been outright pointed out in the mythologies, but it’s something the Mythology community usually agrees on concerning Loki and Sigyn’s relationship from what we know here.
A Hypothesis into Loki & Sigyn’s Marriage
The marriage between the two of them alone is usually questioned by others, especially concerning Loki’s chaotic nature and Sigyn’s undying loyalty. Obviously, she could have divorced him whenever she wanted to if things were bad, but instead she remains by his side which leads us to the fact, not only does she truly love Loki, but she also knows more to him than we do -- as if there is a secret hidden side to the god of Mischief.
It is sometimes implied that the marriage between Loki and Sigyn was an arranged one to establish position in Asgard  -- as marriages typically were in Viking Times. This doesn’t mean there wasn’t love between them, In fact, it could have been a perfectly arranged marriage. 
Sigyn isn’t blind to Loki’s flaws, knowing perfectly well how her lover is and accepting him flaws and all -- unlike the other gods. It’s more than likely she knows about his other children: Jormungandr, Sleipnir, Hel and Fenrir, just as she probably knows about his affair with Angrboda. Again, this wasn’t an uncommon thing in Viking Times for a man to have another lover and other children with them. 
Loki is very much a family person, just as he enjoys having fun. There has never been anything alluding to him abandoning his family or abusing Sigyn and his kids despite what pop culture or other versions may say. Instead, they have been taken away from him by others in someway (ex: Vali having to kill Narvi as the gods use his insides as Loki’s bindings. Odin taking away all of Loki’s children, making Hel the ruler of the underworld, Jory the serpent of Midgard’s sea and Fenrir locked in bonds. Lets also not forget Sleipnir becoming Odin’s horse and most of his children dying during Ragnarok because of said gods. Sigyn’s whereabouts are unknown and Angrboda is dead. Case in point: I’d wanna start Ragnarok too.) 
Vikings typically used motifs or symbolism with their writings. This is where the “opposites attract/compliment each other aka Balance of nature’ comes into play. While Loki is outright known as a Trickster God, hence the God of Mischief (which is typically harmless pranks or fun), but it usually ends with bad results for him, turning into Chaos. And what’s the opposite of Chaos? Constancy and Order. Although it isn’t outright stated, she is pointed out as Loki’s loyal wife and seems to offer that Constancy to his Chaos. Hence, some of us refer to them as “Different Sides of the Same Coin.” 
Loki and Sigyn’s relationship is typically misunderstood by others nowadays thanks to how little information we have on them in the texts, some peoples own interpretations of their relationship (*coughs* MARVEL COMICS *coughs*) and how much Sigyn still remains to be unknown by others. 
I believe that if their relationship was to be portrayed in the proper way, taking everything here into note and not given to writers who don’t understand or refuse to take the time to understand their relationships/characters, they might actually be understood better overall. A good example of this I’ve found myself is from the German Movie: Mara and the Firebringer and Neil Gaiman’s book: Norse Mythology. They both explore Loki and Sigyn’s relationship in a proper light, not undermining either of them and exploring their thought process and actions in ways that only strength their relationship and one another as individual characters bonded together in marriage. 
Bonus mention to The Bifrost Incident by The Mechanisms for their interpretation of Loki and Sigyn’s relationship as well. 
Viking Love: 8 Facts about Love and Love making from the Vikings - https://historycollection.com/eight-facts-love-marriage-viking-style/
The Love Life of the Vikings - https://historyofyesterday.com/love-life-of-vikings-f21c9ed58d4e
Norse Mythology Character Tropes - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/NorseMythology
Mara and the Firebringer TV Tropes (SPOILERS BEWARE) - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/MaraAndTheFirebringer
Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology (Book) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norse_Mythology_(book)
The respective Edda’s are linked above by their names. 
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vgfm · 3 years
Deltarune Theory: More Musings on Everyman and Gaster
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Hey all, it’s been about a month since my big Everyman Analysis Post and I just wanted to make a quick follow-up that ended up being quite long.
This follow-up includes some things that I left out of the original post, as well as a couple of new revelations and developments I’ve uncovered since then.
This new post also segues into a theory I’ve been building about Gaster, since I feel like both characters are connected.
I recommend you read the original post (if you haven’t already) otherwise this follow-up may not make much sense.
Quick Recap
Further Foreshadowing
The Curious Case of Mettaton
“Strange” Times
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Creating Reaper Bird
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
A New Challenger Approaches!
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Creating a New Future
Gaster is ???
Gaster the ???
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
Quick Recap
If for whatever reason you haven’t read the previous Everyman post, here’s the cliff notes version:
Everyman was the bullet attack from the Reaper Bird amalgamate in Undertale’s True Lab (the one whose head got eaten by butterflies)
Everyman appears twice in Deltarune Chapter 1, implying a greater role in the full game
In Undertale, Everyman was likely an actual person/monster who became part of an amalgamate like Snowdrake’s mother and Shyren’s sister did
Everyman is likely to be “The Knight,” mentioned in Deltarune (see first post for full argument/evidence)
Jevil and the King of Spades are connected to both the Knight and Everyman, implying they’re the same person (again, see previous post)
The word “strange” is associated with Everyman; his sprite in Undertale is called “strangeman” and Seam refers to the Knight as a “strange knight”
The Knight may or may not have a “strange son”, according to Seam (it’s unclear because the line is worded vaguely)
The Knight/Everyman is probably connected to Gaster
If Everyman is an existing character, then he’s likely either Father Alvin or one of the Ice-E’s employees (long story, see previous post)
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[Image transcript: Two text boxes from Rouxls Kaard. In order, he says: “Lost...? Frightened...? Confused...? GOOD!! HA HA HA!!!” end image transcript.]
Need some help? Otherwise, we’re moving on...
Further Foreshadowing
I wanted to touch a bit more on the concept of character foreshadowing in Undertale/Deltarune, since it’s one of my foundational arguments for why I think Everyman will be important in Deltarune.
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I still can’t help but find it remarkable that Toby took the time to include multiple Everyman “cameos” in Deltarune Chapter 1. The Jevil fight cameo especially gets me because it’s in a secret fight that most players already won’t experience on their initial playthrough, and on top of that it’s a rare event in said fight. It reminds me of how the “Mysteryman” event in Undertale has a strong chance to not trigger even if you have the correct fun value. This all feels like a lot of trouble for Toby to go through for what is an otherwise extremely obscure character.
Last time I gave examples of how characters like Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard were foreshadowed before they were properly introduced, but I found another example of a foreshadowed character that better illustrates my argument:
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Muffet was a fan-made boss included in Undertale as a backer incentive for the game’s Kickstarter. In other words, she was (presumably) not part of the initial plans for the game or its demo (which was released prior to the Kickstarter). In the finished game, Muffet, while not as important as other boss characters, still ties into the spider bake sale seen in the Ruins and she’s (possibly?) one of the mercenaries hired by Mettaton to kill you.
Muffet’s inclusion in the full game retroactively makes the Ruins’ spider bake sale serve as foreshadowing for her character. However, Toby didn’t stop there.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side screenshots of Undertale. In the left one, the narration says “(It’s a spider web.)” In the right screenshot, the narration continues: “(There’s a flyer for a bake sale on it.)” end image transcript.]
Toby also added a bake sale flyer in Napstablook’s house as an additional reminder and gave Muffet her own introductory bake sale room in Hotland before she’s properly fought.
Note how once again Toby took the time and effort to foreshadow a character multiple times, even though that character wasn’t even part of his original plans. And, as was the case with MTT and RK, the foreshadowing wasn’t just a one-off hint or nod, either.
Muffet is also an example of how foreshadowing doesn’t need to include a character’s name or a direct reference in any dialogue or flavor text. Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are both mentioned by name (or initials) by other characters, yet Muffet’s name is never spoken before her fight.
A first time player going in blind would have no way of knowing that Muffet exists as a specific character in the narrative, but her presence would still make sense and be foreshadowed from contextual clues. The spider bake sale, while not telling us exactly who Muffet is, clearly builds up to the eventual reveal of her role and motivations. This is what I meant when I said that some foreshadowing only makes sense in hindsight, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is foreshadowing.
The Curious Case of Mettaton
Think back to what I said last time about foreshadowing:
“For all we know there could be other, more-cryptic Everyman references already in Deltarune that we don’t have the full context to understand yet.”
While I didn’t specify it at the time, I meant this as a subtle hint that Deltarune’s mentions of the Knight would double as foreshadowing for Everyman (assuming they’re the same person, as my theory alleges). Obviously I didn’t start my original post with this argument because it would be putting the cart before the horse and I had to first establish why I think Everyman is the Knight.
Speaking of the Knight, another thing that I hinted at but didn’t fully spell out last time is the fact that the three most prominent characters who mention the Knight (Seam, Jevil, and the King of Spades) all coincidentally leave “clues” that point to Everyman as well. Seam uses the word “strange” more than any other character and is the first one to mention the “strange” Knight. Jevil mentions the Knight and has the rare Everyman bullet. The Spade King mentions the Knight several times, including as his final in-battle line, then right after allows his cloak to fly away as a butterfly (an image associated with Everyman, per my last post).
If my theory is correct then it would mean that Everyman is foreshadowed even more heavily in chapter 1 than just his two visual “cameos”. It would also mean that every mention of the Knight would serve as a “namedrop” for Everyman, like how Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are namedropped before their introductions.
This type of foreshadowing, where namedrops are seemingly “unconnected” to visual cameos, isn’t unprecedented. Mettaton is namedropped several times in Undertale before Hotland, but we also see his rectangular form powering the Snowdin colored tile puzzle.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk looking at Mettaton’s deactivated body next to the colored tile puzzle in Snowdin. The narration says “(The machien isn’t working.)” end image transcript.]
I also want to clarify that, yes, that’s actually Mettaton--Papyrus mentions that Alphys designed the tile puzzle and you can see that Mettaton disappears from that room later on before eventually reusing the tile puzzle himself in Hotland.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk talking on the phone with Papyrus in the Snowdin colored tile puzzle room. Papyrus is saying “OH HO!!! THE PUZZLE THAT DR. ALPHYS MADE!” end image transcript.] 
But here’s something you may not have ever thought about: there’s absolutely nothing prior to Hotland that outright says that the mysterious “MTT” and the machine powering the tile puzzle are one in the same, just like how there’s no line of dialogue in Deltarune Chapter 1 that outright says Everyman is the Knight.
In fact, I’d argue there’s more evidence to suggest that Everyman is the Knight than there is to suggest (to a new player, pre-Hotland) that “MTT” and the tile puzzle machine are the same person (or even a person at all), and yet we know the latter is true. Just something to think about.
“Strange” Times
Something else I wanted to expand upon was the use of the word “strange”. I pointed out last time how Everyman is called “strangeman” in Undertale’s game files and how Deltarune’s dialogue uses the word “strange” very deliberately. 
What I didn’t touch on was how the word “strange” is used in Undertale. Long story short: it’s used a lot more often than in Deltarune but its usage also feels a lot less deliberate. On the one hand, “strange” is used to refer to important things like Alphys’ Lab, Sans’ room, Toriel already “knowing” humans after a reset, and the broken machine in Sans’ workshop.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk staring at a curtain in Sans’ secret room. The narration says “(There’s a strange machine behind the curtain.) (It seems to be broken.)” end image transcript.] 
On the other hand, “strange” is also used to refer to more mundane things like sleeping in Toriel’s house, quiet echo flowers, or Mettaton rattling off the features of the game-shaped bomb.
In truth, I don’t think the word “strange” has much meaning when it comes to dialogue in Undertale. However, Everyman is the only sprite in Undertale with the word “strange” in its title. Almost all of the non-dialogue strings with “strange” in their name also relate to Everyman. There are a couple of other strings referring to a “strangetangle,” but I’m not exactly sure what that is.
My personal theory is that Everyman and the True Lab may have been one of the later additions to Undertale’s programming, and by that point Toby had likely written most of the game’s dialogue and didn’t feel the need to retroactively limit the use of the word “strange”. That’s purely my own speculation, of course.
The point still stands that Deltarune uses “strange” in a way that feels much more planned. Unlike Undertale, Deltarune tries to limit “mundane” uses of “strange” as much as possible. I must also reiterate that the first mention of the Knight and the first usage of “strange” in Deltarune is Seam referring to a “strange knight” in bright red letters.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Seam saying “But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away.” end image transcript.] 
On the flip side, Toby has gotten a lot more careful with filenames for sprites in Deltarune. There are no sprites named “everyman” or ”strangeman” in Deltarune’s game files, just as there’s no “Gaster” or “mysteryman” either (save for the vessel name flag that restarts the game). The Everyman bullet that appears in Jevil’s fight is simply “spr_carousel”, and the graffiti is part of “bg_alphysalley”. Toby left far fewer secrets in Deltarune’s files than he did in Undertale’s, likely as a conscious effort to avoid spoiling any future reveals.
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Speaking of covering tracks, when writing my previous post I was a little disappointed to find that Reaper Bird’s battle text was something of a dead end for clues. Almost all of the dialogue and flavor text in Reaper Bird’s fight is repurposed text from the Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot fights.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of the Reaper Bird battle. Reaper Bird has three text bubbles. In order, they say: “Someone finally gets it,” “Ribbit ribbit,” and “Courage...” end image transcript.] 
When you think about it, Everyman is the most noteworthy thing about the Reaper Bird fight. Without him, Reaper Bird would be the most forgettable amalgamate. Reaper Bird doesn’t even show up again during the True Pacifist “victory lap” walk-around. Endogeny, Lemon Bread, and Snowdrake’s mother all show up in the overworld and have additional dialogue (or dog noises) with their family members. Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are the only amalgamates never heard from again.
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I do think that Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are meant to serve a purpose beyond being general amalgamates. Memoryhead at least has the distinction of being the first amalgamate fought, having the unique “bad memory” item associated with it, and (arguably) being the most mysterious of all the amalgamates due to having no easily-identifiable “component” monster parts. 
Still, there are a couple of Reaper Bird tidbits worth pointing out. First is the name: I find it interesting that Everyman has been associated with two different “reaper”-affiliated enemies (i.e., Reaper Bird and Jevil w/ his scythe). It’s also interesting how the artbook shows an early concept for Whimsalot that carries a scythe as well:
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[Image transcript: Two entries from the Undertale Artbook. On the left is a spritesheet for Everyman. Beneath it says “spr_strangeman_losinghead.png by Toby Fox. Name: Everyman Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion. To the right of this entry is an image of a Whimsalot holding a scythe while wearing a skull mask. Beneath it says “spr_whimsun_reaper.png by Toby Fox. Different idea for Whimsalot.” end image transcript.] 
The sprite is even called “whimsun_reaper”. Funny coincidence how Whimsalot’s design was changed to become more knight-like in the end.
While we’re on this page, there’s something I wanted to take another look at:
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Madjick and Knight Knight are grouped with Everyman and Whimsalot despite neither of them being represented within the Reaper Bird’s design or dialogue. This page is immediately after a page that shows concepts for Final Froggit and Reaper Bird:
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Wouldn’t it make more sense for Everyman to be on the same page as Reaper Bird, rather than being grouped with with Madjick and Knight Knight? The only things that Madjick, Knight Knight, and Whimsalot have in common are (1) they’re Core enemies and (2) they have the strongest “knights and wizards” theming out of all the Core mercenaries. Final Froggit and Astigmatism’s designs are more ambiguous, and the latter isn’t even included in this section of the artbook at all (despite being a component of Reaper Bird!).
Looking at this page, the earlier design for Reaper Bird’s eye-mouth thing does remind me of something...
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It’s a somewhat tenuous connection and could just be a coincidence. Then again, Spade King is connected to the Knight and I already made a big deal out of his butterfly-shaped cloak. Interestingly, Spade King never uses his Chain of Justice attack after his cloak flies away and instead resorts to basic spade bullets to put down the Fun Gang. If the cloak was a gift from the Knight, perhaps it was endowed with sort of power that heightened the King’s abilities?
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It is odd how the Chain is the only part of the King’s sprite that’s grey instead of black, white, or blue. Lancer’s sprite doesn’t have any grey on it, nor does he have his own “Chain” appendage. As far as I know this shade of grey is not used on any other character. Grey seems to carry a very specific connotation in this series: New Home is entirely in grey, the overworld sprites for the Amalgamates are grey, and Gaster Followers/Goners are associated with the color as well. We don’t fully know what it means yet, but it seems to be significant. Best make a mental note of it, at least.
Creating Reaper Bird
What especially sticks out to me now is Toby’s line above Reaper Bird’s Artbook entry:
“I created Reaper Bird first but I realized it wasn’t creepy enough so I gave it longer legs in-game.”
Now, when Toby says he created Reaper Bird “first”, he doesn’t specify what that “first” is in relation to. Was Reaper Bird the first amalgamate he designed? Or does Toby mean that he designed Reaper Bird “first” and then designed the Core mercenaries afterwards so that they’d fit as “components” of Reaper Bird’s body?
That latter interpretation may seem like a bit of a stretch, but it’s worth noting that Reaper Bird is the only amalgamate shown in the art book whose concept art does not have a step-by-step “breakdown” of how it was created from the designs of its component monsters. Endogeny and Lemon Bread both have full-page spreads showing earlier concepts alongside the regular monsters that make up their components.
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What’s especially interesting is the artbook also includes a scrapped “Royal Guard” amalgamate and a page for Snowdrake’s Mom, whose final design only takes inspiration from Snowdrake.
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And yet despite the fact that Reaper Bird has one of the most obvious designs in terms of how its components “fit together”, Toby did not show his early design process and instead only shows three frames of Reaper Bird’s idle animation. Assuming Reaper Bird was designed first and the Mercenaries’ designs were created or modified afterward, this would fit with my theory that the Core Mercenaries were deliberately themed around Everyman and his “knighthood”.
Even the design of Reaper Bird itself evokes some traits of Everyman’s design. Namely, both characters are bipedal, both have long necks, both have a beak/proboscis, and both have a single visible eye mounted on the side of their head. That last part stands out the most to me, as every major character in Undertale and Deltarune has forward-mounted eye sockets, like a human would. Even among random encounter enemies and background NPCs it’s a rarity to find wall-eyed characters.
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It could just be my over-eager imagination, but the fully-stretched Reaper Bird looks like it even matches Everyman’s proportions to a degree, almost like it’s a skeleton or outline attempting to regain its “true form” out of the cobbled-together mercenary parts.
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I said before that Reaper Bird becomes the most “boring” amalgamate without Everyman. In many respects Everyman is the centerpiece of that amalgamate, and by extension he may also be the centerpiece that informed the designs of the Core mercenaries.
If that’s going too far out on a limb, consider how many places and characters in Undertale are connected to Gaster despite the fact he has no real role in the game’s main plot. Sans, Papyrus, the Core, and the True Lab are all “informed” in some way or another by Gaster’s “existence” even though he never properly appears. Is it so unlikely to imagine that another “unseen” character who may be important in Deltarune also had a large impact on aspects of Undertale’s world?
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
Speaking of impact... I don’t really have a segue lined up, so let’s talk about Ice-E’s instead. In my last post I brought up the idea of Everyman being one of the Ice-E’s employees that we see in Hometown. The bulk of my analysis focused on The Warrior, but I neglected to talk about the other unknown mascot: the “purple guy”.
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In truth, there’s not a whole lot to this character. He only has one line of dialogue and he seems to be a deliberate reference to the “purple guy” from Five Nights at Freddy’s. Still, he’s just as mysterious as The Warrior and could very well have a larger role to play in the full game.
Interestingly, the purple guy’s sprite is named “icemascot_fake” in Deltarune’s files, whereas Burgerpants and the Nice Cream Bunny are “icemascot1″ and “icemascot2″, respectively. This fits with Burgerpants’ line where he questions whether the purple guy “even works here”.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris talking to Burgerpants in Hometown. On the left, Burgerpants says “Purple Guy - Man, THAT GUY, you gotta...” and on the right he continues, saying “... actually, does that guy even work here?” end image transcript.] 
The purple guy is also the only Ice-E’s mascot whose costume’s body doesn’t match the color of the costume’s head.
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His colors do match the Everyman/Ice-E graffiti, though. Judging from his “fake” costume, he’s apparently some sort of Ice-E’s fanatic who made his own Ice-E’s getup and pretended to work there. I’m not sure how that would tie into the Knight’s motivations, if at all, but it certainly fits the bill for being “strange”.
Ice-E’s is apparently strange and creepy enough in-universe to inspire urban legends about it
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But Kris was only kidding, right?
Getting back to Ice-E’s as a brand, it’s interesting how the company focuses on the letter “E”, inserting it into the word p”e”zza and other places where it doesn’t belong.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Burgerpants saying “Ice E’s P’E’ZZA, You’re number ‘1′ Spot for a piping hot pe’E’ce of PEZZA.” end image transcript.] 
Could the focus on “E” be pointing towards “E”veryman’s involvement? Eh, mayb”E”. 
Something that was pointed out to me by gantaloupe on Reddit: In the Core we see two branching paths: the sage’s path and the warrior’s path.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk reading a sign in the Core. The sign says “(North, the warrior’s path.) (West, the sage’s path.) (Any path leads to The End.)” end image transcript.] 
While this could just be a coincidence, it’s an interesting factoid in light of how Everyman is connected to the Core mercenaries and possibly connected to a character named “The Warrior” in Deltarune.
One last thing that I noticed is how Everyman’s bullet sprite and the Ice-E’s costumes both have nubby arms and legs without any defined fingers or toes. Everyman’s body and Ice-E’s head would fit together like a glove. It would certainly be easier to picture one of the mascots abstracted into Everyman’s bullet design rather than, say, Gaster or Father Alvin. Speaking of which...
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Father Alvin kinda got the short end of the stick in my previous post when I said he was “less likely” to be Everyman than one of the Ice-E’s employees. I still hold that opinion, but that doesn’t mean he’s not worth exploring further.
One thing that I glossed over was the topic of Alvin’s potential connection to Gerson. Now, there’s nothing in chapter 1 that outright says Gerson and Alvin are related, but it’s easy to intuit based on the fact that they’re the only two turtle monsters that we see in the series. Both characters are connected to Hometown’s school, and one could infer that Alvin’s drawing in the supply closet could be a drawing of Gerson rather than a self-portrait.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris looking at a drawing on a cabinet in the unused classroom. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a yellowed, poorly-drawn picture of a green turtle.)” The right screenshot continues: “(It’s signed ‘Alvin’.)” end image transcript.] 
Gerson himself seems to have no connection to the Knight’s machinations, and it’d be difficult to imagine otherwise since he’s, y’know, dead. Still, it is eerie how Gerson was the only character in Undertale who provided any information on the deltarune symbol and now he’s “conveniently” absent from Deltarune’s narrative.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Gerson saying “That’s the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom.” end image transcript.] 
Instead we have a different turtle character who also makes mention of an “angel” like Gerson did.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris talking to Father Alvin. Alvin says “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” end image transcript.] 
We don’t know much about Alvin yet, but the impression I get from him is that he’s Gerson’s opposite--mild-mannered, patient, and more interested in divine matters than history or research. Alvin also shows reverence for the Angel, capitalizing the name, whereas Gerson uses the term “angel” with quotation marks and treats it as a quaint curiosity.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Gerson talking. In the left screenshot, he says “Most people say it’s the ‘angel,’ from the prophecy...” The right screenshot Gerson says: “I jus’ think it looks neat! Wahaha!” end image transcript.] 
Getting back to Alvin’s drawing, it was pointed out to me that Alvin’s green turtle drawing and the drawing of three people smiling in Sans’ lab are both described as “poorly drawn” by the narration.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk in Sans’ secret room. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people.) (Written on it...)” The right screenshot continues: “don’t forget.” end image transcript.] 
This may sound minor, but these are the only instances where the descriptor “poorly drawn” is used in either game. It’s also significant because the drawing of three smiling people only shows up when Frisk talks to Clamgirl, who mentions “Suzy” and is eventually revealed to be a goner/Gaster follower. This means both drawings are tied to Deltarune’s world.
I’m not entirely sure what the significance of the drawings is, since we still don’t know for certain who the three smiling people are or which green turtle is in Alvin’s drawing. If Alvin is the Knight, I could see him using drawings to attempt to bring specific types of darkners to life with the dark fountains he pulls out of the earth. In the case of the turtle drawing, maybe he was hoping to bring Gerson back as a darkner by recreating his likeness?
In Deltarune we’ve already seen a possible darkner “counterpart” to a lightner in the form of Ralsei, so maybe the idea of “recreating” lightners as darkner doppelgangers will be explored further in the full game? Chapter 1′s dark world was in the school and Gerson was a teacher there before he passed away. Chapter 2 seems poised to take place in a hospital dark world, and we see Rudy in a poor state of health at the hospital just prior to chapter 2. It’s too early to tell, but maybe these “holy” fountains and darkner doppelgangers are the Knight’s idea of bringing about life after death, or an “angel’s heaven,” if you will.
It goes without saying that my ideas of the Knight’s motives are purely speculative, but one last note I’ll leave on is how Gerson is mentioned an awful lot in Deltarune, more so than he was in Undertale. Gerson’s name is also one of the names that triggers a special response in the vessel creation sequence. Seems like an awful lot of attention for a “dead” character with no further role to play in the story, and remember what I said earlier about repeated character foreshadowing. All I’m saying is, don’t be too surprised if we meet a darkner by the name of “Snorge” or “Resong” or “Goners” or--hmm... Goners...
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
Now’s as good a time as any to bring up something I and a lot of others have noticed: Deltarune’s heroes are dark. Ralsei is a prince from the dark with horns, Susie is a bully described as a “dark knight” in one of her equip screen titles, and Kris is described by some Hometown residents as “creepy,” to say nothing of how Chapter 1 ends. Others in the fandom have pointed out how Deltarune’s battle system places Kris & co on the left side of the screen, in contrast to many classic JRPGs where the heroes are positioned on the right side of the screen.
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On the other end of things, Ralsei’s prophecy refers to the “heroes of legend” sealing the “holy” dark fountains in order to “banish the Angel’s heaven”. That doesn’t really sound like a typical “heroic” goal. There’s also the speculation that sealing Card Castle’s fountain may have had negative repercussions for the Castle’s inhabitants. I’m not saying this to argue that the fun gang is somehow “evil”, but merely to point out that they have the trappings of darkness. 
Angels, on the other hand, are typically associated with light and goodness, and we know that Alvin serves the angel (whether this is solely in an abstract/religious way or in a more direct way remains to be seen). We know that sealing dark fountains somehow relates to banishing the Angel’s heaven, so it’s not a stretch to assume that the Knight is in league with the Angel due to his desire to create fountains.
I already entertained the idea of the Knight and the Angel working together in my last post, but something else that ties into this is Toby’s refrain of describing Everyman as “just a good guy that shows up on occasion.” He uses this description in the Everyman tweet as well as Everyman’s entry in the Undertale art book. It’s clearly meant to be a significant phrase.
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[Image transcript: On the left is a Twitter thread by Toby. On the right is an excerpt from the Undertale Artbook featuring a spritesheet of Everyman. In both images, Toby writes “Everyman. Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion.” end image transcript.] 
We can infer that the Knight will be a major antagonist going forward, and I’ve already argued that Everyman is the Knight, so this paints the picture of a Knight with good intentions--a “Knight in shining armor,” if you will. This could be another argument in favor of Alvin being Everyman/the Knight, since he at least tries to project the image of piety and fits this theme of "holy” villains to contrast the “dark” heroes.
Now that I think about it, a “villain” like that would be an interesting inversion from the likes of Flowey--instead of an antagonist who’s trying to kill people, we have an antagonist who threatens to smother the entire world with the unchecked new life he’s creating. His actions at Card Castle show that he doesn’t go out of his way to kill, given that the three kings were kept alive as prisoners, but we also see how his actions enabled an evil King to abuse his power in the name of protecting his “holy” fountain.
While Flowey illustrated the lesson of “don’t kill and don’t be killed,” perhaps this Knight would be meant to show the dark side of appeasement and how “good intentions” only get you so far? The Spade King definitely comes off as a subversion of the typical “don’t fight!” approach of Undertale, and if Alvin is the Knight then he might push that “lesson” further going forward.
Still, for every champion of the light there is one who waits in the dark...
A New Challenger Approaches!
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That’s right, there’s a third Knight candidate to cover. I’m sure some of you have been eagerly awaiting this one, so give it up for...
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Ok, in all seriousness a couple of people wanted me to talk about this character who shows up in the Hometown Library. Their name isn’t given in-game and they’re simply known as “spr_normalnpc” in the game files. As of right now their only purpose is to block Kris from visiting the upstairs floor of the Library.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Kris talking to Normalnpc in the Library. In the left image, Normalnpc says “I love reading books. Especially the books upstairs. You should really.” before finishing in the right image, saying “Read them!” end image transcript.] 
As far as we can tell, this character is the Deltarune counterpart to the elusive Gaster Follower 3 from Undertale.
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Not all of the character design details line up, but both characters cut a similar silhouette and that’s good enough for me.
After my initial Everyman theory post, I’ve been asked whether I think normalnpc might be Everyman/the Knight. I never gave it much thought before now, so let me start with the points in this character’s favor:
Normalnpc shares some of Everyman’s basic design traits, namely a beak/proboscis, a single eye visible on the side of their head, and a long neck
“Normalnpc” and “Everyman” are both such generic names that they immediately arouse suspicion
Normalnpc acts “strange,” repeating placeholder-ish dialogue about reading books while simultaneously blocking you from going upstairs
Normalnpc maintains a positive tone, making them a “good guy”...?
Both characters are connected to Gaster, maybe?
Ok, look, I’m not saying that Normalnpc can’t be Everyman, but there’s very little to work with here besides the general design, the name, and vague Gaster connections. And even then, I’d say Normalnpc’s and Everyman’s designs have too many differences for my liking. While some of the basic features are there, their silhouettes, proportions, and stance/posture are all completely different.
Another complication is the fact that Normalnpc’s “goner” counterpart already exists in Undertale, and I said last time that Everyman would have to be a character who isn’t seen elsewhere in Undertale because he was busy being stuck inside Reaper Bird.
On the other hand, we do see goner counterparts for characters that already exist in Undertale, as is the case with Gaster Followers 1 and 2 (for the sake of simplicity I’m assuming that Gaster followers are the same thing as “goners”).
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But I’m not sure whether these “goners” are meant to be alternate “versions” of these specific characters or whether they’re just other members of the same “species” as their counterparts. 
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Monster Kid and Goner Kid, for example, have many differences in their designs, including different shirts, different spine arrangements, and slightly different facial features.
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Clamgirl muddies things even further, undergoing a total transformation when she “becomes” Gonerclam. This raises the questions of what causes someone to “become” a goner as well as how and why their bodies change in ways beyond just turning grey.
So far we’ve seen instances of goners coexisting alongside their “originals,” like with the two Monster Kids, but we’ve also seen Clamgirl get “replaced” by her goner by becoming one. Based on our limited and seemingly-contradictory knowledge of how goners work, I can’t even say for certain whether Normalnpc’s presence in Undertale would be accounted for or not with the existence of Gaster Follower 3.
And that’s kind of the problem with Normalnpc as an Everyman suspect: we know far too little. Father Alvin and the Ice-E’s employees each have a smoking gun that makes them likely Everyman candidates: in Alvin’s case it’s the drawing in the closet, and for Ice-E’s it’s the graffiti plus the Warrior’s hospital stay potentially lining up with Chapter 2′s setting. The best things Normalnpc has going for them are a vague resemblance and having a more obvious (yet vague) connection to Gaster, the latter of which is hardly a unique thing in this setting.
Moreover, there’s nothing that specifically ties Normalnpc to being the Knight other than through Everyman, and the “connection” between Normalnpc and Everyman is already tenuous. Alvin is independently connected to the Knight by virtue of leaving his drawing as a “calling card” in an area the Knight has recently been. The Warrior’s roleplaying shtick would make him a natural fit among a “swords and sorcery” setting that the Knight evokes. Of the three candidates, Normalnpc definitely has the weakest claim to Knighthood.
That all being said, Normalnpc is still a character to keep an eye on. The name alone comes off as Toby hiding a secret in plain sight. Even if this character doesn’t wind up being Everyman or the Knight, I’m sure their role will be bigger than that of a mere NPC.
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Now for the moment you’ve really been waiting for! Truthfully, a lot of this is Gaster stuff that I wanted to talk about last time but didn’t have room to fit in.
I made clear in my last post that I favored Everyman being the Knight over Gaster being the Knight, though the two could be interchangeable in the event that the Knight has a “strange son” working alongside him (which is a prospect I still can’t fully commit to).
Still, a lot of Deltarune speculators have latched onto the idea of Gaster being the Knight. Near as I can tell, here’s the evidence:
Both characters are associated with darkness
Seam, who’s familiar with the Knight, uses the Entry 17 phrase “darker, yet darker” in reference to the “strange someone” Jevil met (who may be the Knight)
Jevil says “THE HAND OF THE KNIGHT IS DRIFTING FORWARD”, and Gaster is associated with hands
Gaster is believed to be the “man” who gives Kris an egg. The word “EGG”, in all-caps wingdings, is written as three hands pointing in the “L-shaped” movement pattern of a knight piece in chess
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I can see how this evidence would be compelling, especially in the absence of any competing theory for the Knight’s identity. I can’t refute all of this, aside from saying that the “darkness” association is overly broad in a game where half the cast are darkners and the “EGG” thing, while neat, could be a coincidence. I do think this evidence could point to Gaster being connected to the Knight, but I have two main reasons for believing he isn’t the Knight himself.
First off, I don’t think Gaster’s goals align with the Knight’s. For this argument I’m going to assume that the mysterious voice from Deltarune’s intro, game over screen, and pre-release Twitter takeover is Gaster. Gaster, at least nominally, seems to be on the same side as the red soul, or is at least willing to work with them. The fun gang’s goal of sealing the dark fountains would almost certainly put them at odds with the Knight, if the Spade King’s reaction was anything to go by.
When you get a game over and continue, “Gaster” says “THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS”.
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While he doesn’t urge you to continue like Asgore does during Undertale’s game over, he certainly doesn’t discourage it either. When you refuse to continue, Gaster says “THEN THE WORLD WAS COVERED IN DARKNESS” and the melancholic song “Darkness Falls” plays.
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One could argue that Gaster is trying to maintain objectivity or “neutrality” when the red soul dies, like a scientist would in an experiment.
Nonetheless, I would imagine that if Gaster was the Knight then he would be adamantly opposed to anyone who threatened his creation. Ralsei mentions that the prophecy of legend was foretold by “time and space”, and Gaster is said to have shattered across time and space.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Ralsei talking to Kris and Susie. In the left image Ralsei says “A LEGEND that one day, two HEROIES of LIGHT will arrive.” In the right image he says “And fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space.” end image transcript.] 
It would be odd for the Knight to deliver a prophecy that predicts the undoing of his own handiwork, and then deliver that prophecy to a prince who would assemble the heroes to do just that.
Creating a New Future
I want to touch a bit more on Gaster’s use of the word “future”. He also made mention of this during the Undertale Twitter account’s takeover just before Deltarune Chapter 1 released:
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[Image transcript: A Tweet from the official Undertale Twitter account, dated the day of Deltarune Chapter 1′s release, saying in all-caps “I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU.” end image transcript.] 
For whatever reason and through whatever means, Gaster wants to help the red soul create a new future. Choosing to continue from a Game Over causes Gaster to reiterate this goal, while the “opposite” of that, i.e. giving up, is seen as allowing the world to be covered in darkness. This implies that the “future” Gaster wants to create is one where darkness isn’t running amok. Even if Gaster is trying to remain neutral or merely observe, it still sounds like he prefers for the fun gang to prevail.
All this emphasis on the word “future” reminds me of something from the Reaper Bird fight...
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Reaper Bird’s check text description, stating “REAPER BIRD - ATK ?? DEF ?? This relentless future finally looks brighter and brighter.” end image transcript.] 
Now, this check text is a combination of the three check texts for Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot. To wit:
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[Image transcript: Three Undertale enemy check text descriptions arranged from top to bottom. In order they say “ASTIGMATISM - ATK 32 DEF 26 This relentless bully ALWAYS gets its way. FINAL FROGGIT 7 ATK 2 DEF Its future looks brighter and brighter. WHIMSALOT - ATK 34 DEF 12 It finally stopped worrying.” end image transcript.] 
But as I said before, Reaper Bird may have been designed first and then “informed” the designs of the Core Mercenaries afterwards, and that could hold true for their check text as well.
I find this use of the phrase “relentless future” interesting. A “relentless” future could mean one that’s inevitable or predetermined, and the phrase “finally looks brighter and brighter” could signify that the future has finally changed for the better. Gaster’s goal seems to be to create a “new” future, which would imply an outcome different from a “predetermined” future where your choices don’t matter, which is a running theme in Deltarune. I don’t think Gaster would describe the future as being “created” by people or “in your hands” if he felt that choice was an illusion.
This isn’t the first time that Gaster has been associated with unpredictability or defiance of “fate”. Most Gaster-related events in Undertale were tied with the fun value, a randomly-generated number that changed with each playthrough. Although this mechanic had little impact on the story, it did give each playthrough a greater sense of identity and made events less set-in-stone.
Now, compare this “optimistic” interpretation of Gaster to the “strange someone” that Jevil met.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Seam talking. The left image says “One day, he met a strange someone... and since then, he began to change.” The right end image continues, saying “ Soon, he began to see the world as a game, and everyone as its participants.” end image transcript.] 
Seam says that Jevil began to see the world as a “game” and everyone as its “participants,” which doesn’t imply a lot of agency. This mindset is a big red flag when we remember how Flowey viewed others when he saw them as part of a “game.”
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots. The left one shows Flowey tying Frisk’s friends, saying “This is all just a GAME.” The right image shows Flowey talking in New Home, saying “Sets of numbers... Lines of dialogue... I’ve seen them all.” end image transcript.] 
Seam’s own view of the world becomes “darker, yet darker” after talking to Jevil, and Seam asks “would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” if not for the experience of locking up Jevil (and, presumably, the experience of listening to Jevil’s words).
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[Image transcript: Four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid, all featuring Seam talking. From beginning to end the four images say “Since that time, the strange words he’s said have stuck inside my cotton... And my view of this world has become darker, yet darker. And I wonder, if I hadn’t been asked to lock him up... Would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” end image transcript.] 
In order to understand what “darker, yet darker” truly means, we need to view the line in its original context:
The phrase “darker, yet darker” originally referred to something that Gaster was observing in Entry Number 17. Although the phrase has come to be associated with Gaster, it doesn’t necessarily refer to something that he’s causing or wants to happen--part of a scientist’s job is to observe and comment on results as they unfold, after all. And the “interesting” experiment Gaster refers to is something that’s happening “next”, which implies that the experiment is happening after or in response to whatever is causing things to become darker, yet darker. It also suggests that he’s not calling the “darker, yet darker” event itself “interesting”.
The impression that I get from all this is that Deltarune is meant to be a struggle against inevitability, with Gaster seemingly in the “choices matter” corner of the conflict. If the Knight is the “strange someone” Jevil met then that would imply that he’s very much on the opposite end of that spectrum. If, for example, somebody like Father Alvin is the Knight then I could see him rationalizing his position as fulfilling “fate” pre-ordained by the Angel. In this dynamic, the Knight would serve as an agent of faith and order to oppose Gaster as an agent of science and invention, further tying into the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theme I posited earlier.
Okay, phew, that was all the first reason why I don’t think Gaster is the Knight. As for the second reason? Well...
Gaster is (Probably) a Darkner
Boy, that’s sure a loaded title, isn’t it? I made an offhand remark about this in my original post but didn’t want to get into it there. I only bring it up now because I previously argued that the Knight is a lightner and that would rule out darkner characters from filling the role.
So, why do I think Gaster is a darkner? Well, part of the reason is because I think that Sans is a darkner as well. Two Left Thumbs’ "Sans is a Darkner” video is probably the most accessible way to understand the theory, but there are several posts about it on Tumblr already if you look hard enough. Either way it’s not required viewing in order to understand my arguments for Gaster, but long story short there’s a lot of evidence to suggest Sans is a darkner and it’s strongly implied that Sans and Gaster are related (if not by blood then through other means), which makes it likely for Gaster to be a darkner as well.
Aside from the Sans connection, another reason I think Gaster is a darkner is due to the line about him being “shattered across time and space.”
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Alphys might work faster, but the old Royal Scientist, Doctor W.D. Gaster? They say he shattered across time and space.” end image transcript.] 
We can infer from Deltarune that, for whatever reason, darkners are more difficult to kill than monsters due to Deltarune’s enemies all being unkillable. Whether this is an inherent trait of darkners or some “rule” of the dark world or Deltarune’s universe is unclear, but given that defeating Sans doesn’t contribute towards your kill counter in Undertale, there’s a strong likelihood that darkners are difficult to kill, if not outright impossible.
So how is this relevant? Well, it seems like a darkner would be far more likely to survive being “shattered across time and space” than a monster. When a monster’s body is broken apart it means they’ve either turned to dust or will soon, but the fact that “pieces” of Gaster persist (as seen with Gaster Follower 2) implies that he’s made of something sturdier than dust.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Ha ha... How can I say so without fear? I’m holding a piece of him right here.” end image transcript.] 
Not only do I believe that Gaster is a darkner, but I’m pretty confident that I know what “kind” of darkner he is. Most of the darkners we’ve seen in chapter 1 can be linked to real-world objects that exist in the Hometown school’s supply closet. While we don’t know what objects (if any) were used to create Ralsei or (possibly) Sans, at most those two are exceptions to the otherwise-universal rule that darkners come from inanimate objects. In Gaster’s case there’s definitely an object that’s associated with him:
Gaster the Egghead
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris hidden behind a tree. The narration says “(You received an Egg.)” end image transcript.] 
In Scarlet Forest “a man” gives an egg to Kris before vanishing, much like how “Mysteryman” vanishes in Undertale. The song that plays during this scene is called “man” in the game files and sounds a lot like Gaster’s theme. The egg itself exhibits strange dimensional properties, reappearing when used, prompting the narration “what egg?” when you try to get rid of it, and becoming two eggs when put into Asgore’s fridge.
When Kris leaves the dark world at the end of chapter 1, their inventory turns into a “ball of junk”, i.e. the real-world objects that were given new form by the dark fountain.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of the inventory menu open in Hometown. The only two items are “Ball of Junk” and “Egg” end image transcript.] 
The egg is the only other object that remains after chapter 1, implying that it’s a “real” egg and that the egg itself is not a byproduct of the dark world like the dark candies and other items are.
The fact that the “man” disappears when he hands you the egg implies that his presence or “form” is somehow contingent upon the act of giving you the egg. If Gaster is a darkner, if he’s “the man”, and if his form is based on an egg then it makes perfect sense why he’d disappear in that moment--he’s turning back into an egg and surrendering his “true form” (or a piece of it) to you for safe keeping. Given that Gaster seemingly wants you to seal dark fountains, it would make sense that he’d want to hitch a ride out of the closet’s dark world before its fountain goes caput.
This isn’t the only time we see mentions of eggs in Undertale and Deltarune:
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Papyrus’ dating HUD. On the left is a small white egg, labeled “EGG.” end image transcript.] 
Papyrus (who’s connected to Sans and likely Gaster as well) has a conspicuous “egg” on his dating HUD.
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[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to a Temmie in Temmie Village. In the left image, Temmie says “tem... WATCH EGG!!!” In the right image, the narration says “(It’s hard-boiled.)” end image transcript.] 
In Undertale, one of the Temmies is watching over a hard-boiled egg. However, in Deltarune we see a Temmie with a very different kind of egg.
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[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris examining an egg on Temmie’s desk in their classroom. The narration says “(It’s a black-and-white hardboiled egg.)” end image transcript.] 
Specifically, it’s described as a “black and white” egg. Needless to say, that’s an odd way to describe an egg. Not all eggs have white shells, but most people wouldn’t describe a white-shelled egg as “black and white”. Of course, we know someone who’s also “black and white”.
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[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Mysteryman in his grey room.” end image transcript.] 
And he’s “black and white” in the very literal sense. Unlike the Gaster followers, Mysteryman solely uses pure black and pure white in his color palette, and he’s one of the only characters with an all black-and-white overworld sprite. Note also how Mysterman’s head is vaguely egg-shaped and has lines resembling cracks.
Out of all the objects that I could imagine a darkner being made from, an egg is one that I could picture “shattering” like Gaster did while still leaving some small pieces scattered around. I’m not sure whether this would be a “real” egg or a similarly-fragile facsimile like a Faberge egg--either could work in this scenario.
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
“Now wait,” some of you might be saying, “isn’t Gaster supposed to be a skeleton?”  Well, I don’t think Gaster being a skeleton is mutually exclusive from Gaster being based on an egg. Egg shells are made of calcium carbonate, one of the mineral components that make up bones.
We see in Deltarune that darkners’ forms in the dark world don’t have to match their “true” forms completely. Pretty much all of the darkners based on playing cards are abstractions that barely resemble a rectangular card. And while we don’t know what Ralsei’s “true” form is (if he has one), it’s very unlikely that he’s a small goat with a hat and scarf in the light world. If Sans is a darkner then there’s also the possibility that his “true form” isn’t a skeleton either.
The rules of the dark world and its inhabitants aren’t entirely clear, so in spite of my arguments I can’t say with certainty that Gaster is a darkner because I can’t even say with certainty that Sans is a darkner, despite him having much stronger evidence supporting that conclusion.
As compelling as Sans’ case is, it still invites questions like how he’s able to exist in Hometown without the apparent aid of a dark fountain, or why Papyrus turns to dust in Undertale despite being Sans’ “brother”. Similar concerns crop up with Gaster in light of his connections-by-proxy with Papyrus and his implied presence in the mysterious Hometown shed.
I still think the possibility of Gaster and Sans being darkners is one worth discussing and it’s a possibility that many fans are sleeping on. Moreover, it’d be fittingly poetic if Deltarune’s main conflict was engineered by a lightner trying to spread darkness and a darkner trying to seal away the darkness.
So this ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned--almost as long as my original Everyman post!
A lot of what I’ve said here is meant to provide further context and elaboration to my earlier theories, but I admit that some of this was pure speculation, namely in regards to Gaster/the Knight’s motivations and the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theming.
While a good argument should have evidence to back it up, at the end of the day a work of fiction is still a story and is governed by the conventions of storytelling much more than it is by logic or the laws of physical science. This is one reason why I lean so heavily on Toby’s use of foreshadowing, since it’s a narrative tool he’s leveraged consistently in the past.
My attempts to second-guess the motivations of unseen characters and chart the plot’s trajectory would be downright conspiratorial if I were talking about some real-world event, but Detlarune is a story and stories have to go places. A well-written story doesn’t take the time to set up or foreshadow certain characters or exposition if it doesn’t plan to pay off that setup down the road.
Normally I wouldn’t make theory posts this long and esoteric about a work of fiction, since a large amount of writing consists of revision, retcons, and changing things as you go along. Undertale and Deltarune are partial exceptions to this rule in no small part due to Toby planning Deltarune before he began Undertale and planting many “seeds” referencing Deltarune in Undertale’s narrative as a result.
A lot of my conclusions haven’t significantly changed since my previous post: I still believe Everyman will appear again in the full game, I think he’s the character most likely to be the Knight, and I think the most likely Everyman candidates are the Ice-E’s employees and Father Alvin, in that order.
As far as which of my conclusions have changed, I’m now more apprehensive of the idea of the Knight having a “strange son” and of Gaster being the Knight himself. I still can’t discount either possibility entirely, however. I was always shaky about the “strange son” and I often went back and forth on it, but further probing Gaster’s motivations has made me far less convinced that he could be the Knight or in league with him. I’m sure there’s still a connection between both characters, like a shared origin or some past falling out that they had, but I no longer think that they would be on the same side.
Another thing I’ve (sort of) changed my mind on is that the “purple guy” Ice-E’s employee and Normalnpc have both risen in prominence in my eyes. I don’t know if I’d put either of them down as top candidates to be Everyman or the Knight, but something is definitely up with them and I’m sure Toby has plans for them in the future.
Deltarune is shaping up to be a much longer game than Undertale, likely following the mold of traditional RPGs whose stories span several hours. In the time that it would take to play through Deltarune’s story, we may see narrative payoffs to every loose thread and Everyman candidate I’ve brought up. If the identity of the Knight is meant to be a mystery then some candidates might even be deliberate red herrings set up by Toby. Who can say? We’ll just have to wait and find out.
I closed my previous Everyman post by remarking that I had said all that I can on this topic and hopefully this time I mean it. I can’t really think of much else to say about Everyman until Toby releases more information himself, and that’s not likely to happen until the next Undertale anniversary or Deltarune’s full release.
As I said before, my main goal with all this is to spark conversation within the fandom on what is an otherwise under-discussed topic. I might still make other theory posts in the future, but for now I think I’ve bled this topic dry.
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helloo! Do you know any good fics with ace sherlock because I am just getting t i r e d
Hey Nonny!
Check out these Lists:
Asexual Sherlock
Queer / Ace Relationships (Dec 2019)
And these fics on my MFL list, since I’ve nothing new to add to my original lists <3
ACE SHERLOCK Pt 1.5: Marked for Later
Their Safe Haven by SwimmingBird (G, 846 w., 1 Ch. || Queerplatonic Romantic Relationship, Straight John/Ace Sherlock, Fluff, Love) – Written for the prompt: "Asexual!Sherlock/Straight!John in a queerplatonic romantic relationship. It’s a bit of an oddball, but anything fluffy and loving and nonporny will be endlessly and forever adored. It’s always fun to see the two work out that 'hey, we’re in love, we don’t have sex,' but it’s still a wonderful and meaningful relationship."
Bless You and Keep You by aceofhearts61 (M, 2,047 w., 1 Ch. || Rape/Non-Con, Ace Sherlock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Non-Graphic Violence) – In which Sherlock is captured and nearly destroyed for being what he is. Part 14 of the A Love with No Name series
I Just Want You to be Happy by Sini333 (T, 2,177 w., 1 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Biromantic Heterosexual John, Establish Relationship, Overthinking Sherlock, They Need to Talk) – John and Sherlock have been dating for a while, and Sherlock starts to overthink. All he wants is for John to be happy. Part 5 of the JohnLock One-Shots series
In These Words, There Is Healing by ImpishTubist (G, 3,110 w., 1 Ch. || Ace Sherlock, Sherlock/Lestrade [not johnlock]) – Sometimes, on the very worst of nights, the only thing that can calm Sherlock's mind is the sound of Lestrade's voice. Part 4 of They're Gonna Be All Right
A Regular not at all Terrifying-for-unknown-reasons Conversation by Dodoa (T, 5,506 w., 1 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Unilock, Best Friends, Coming Out, Self-Discovery, Dialogue Heavy, Self Acceptance) – Sherlock is trying to work something out and goes to John for help. John might not have all the answers, but he's determined to help.
The Adventure of the High Grade, Uncut MDMA; or, Sherlock Holmes Rolls his Face Off by redbuttonhole (M, 7,259 w., 1 Ch. || Drug Use / MDMA, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Asexual Sherlock, Cuddling, Hair Playing) – Sherlock accidentally doses himself with pure MDMA and has a LOT of feels. John is with him to babysit, and has some feels of his own. Extreme fluff ensues, but no sex. This is rated M for explicit drug use, NOT porn.
A Study in Asexuality by ladyxdarcy (M, 8,082 w., 1 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Acephobia, Mentions of Rape/Corrective Rape Therapy, Past Suicidal Ideation, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Overdose, Past Mary/John, Emotional Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Vulnerable Sherlock, Est. Rel., Angst with Happy Ending, Fluff) – When Sherlock, asexual to his core, fears that John may grow bored of a sexless life, he decides to do whatever it takes to make John happy so he stays. Good thing John is already happy.
What Would Sherlock Do? by EinahSirro (T, 9,359 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff and Humour, Psychological Warfare) – John Watson comes to the conclusion that Sherlock Holmes should be his lover. But how does a (mostly) straight man seduce a (possibly) asexual genius who can spot any maneuvering a mile away? Well, John asks himself, what would Sherlock do? Part 1 of the What Would Sherlock Do? series
The Body by ButterscotchCandybatch (E, 14,751 w., 7 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Vibrators, Intercrural Sex, Asexuality) – Sherlock asks for John. Not to get him a pen, or make him tea, just John. He apparently wants John’s body. On the couch. Right now. For a case, of course. Asexual Sherlock. Not-so-asexual John. John’s POV (mostly).
Living Witness by ImpishTubist (E, 20,777 w., 4 Ch. || Past Sherlock/Victor, Past John/Mary, Sherlock/Mary, Angst, Language, Character Death, Asexuality, Sexual Content, Kid Fic, Fluff, Violence, Paternal Lestrade, Domestic Violence) – Alice Watson is four months old when her father walks out of her life. Part 1 of Living Witness
Indecorous by Basingstoke (E, 55,424 w., 25 Ch. || Asexual Sherlock, Bondage, Squirting, Hangover, Nightmares, PTSD, Threesome [J/S/Mary], Triggers) – In which John learns to balance a kinky girlfriend, an asexual boyfriend, a ten-inch cock, his sister, the neighbours, his friends, and his blog. Some are more balanced than others. Part 2 of the Yes Yes Yes series ||  Part 23 of the Author’s Favorites series
Horse And Carriage Series by flawedamythyst (T, 60,284 w. across 14 works || Asexuality, Proposals) – Sherlock proposes. John thinks the whole idea is ludicrous.
I'm coming home, John. -SH Series by Ranowa (M, 67,247 w. across 3 works || Post-TRF, Angry John, Idiots in Love, No Mary, Drug Use/Substance Abuse, Emotional Rollercoaster, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, PTSD Sherlock, Recovery, Sherlock’s Violin, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Asexual Sherlock) – In the two years after Sherlock throws himself off the roof of St. Bart's, crunches into the pavement below, and dies in John's arms, John starts texting. He doesn't know that his text messages are being read.
Winter's Child Series by Canon_Is_Relative and ImpishTubist (M, 116,608 w. across 26 works || Post-TRF, Asexual Sherlock, Asexual Relationship, Language, Paternal Lestrade) – Sherlock and John are in the process of becoming something more after the events of "Reichenbach," but a disagreement threatens all they are to one another.
All the Best and Brightest Creatures by wordstrings (E, 188,426 w., 33 Ch. || Case Fic, Action/Adventure, POV First Person, Alternate Canon, Romance, Hurt / Comfort, Love at First Sight, Asexuality, Kidnapping, Torture, Drug Use/Addiction) – Sherlock sent Jim Moriarty to prison for killing Carl Powers at age ten. This is the story of the consequences.
Shadow Child by Kourion (M, 288,426+ w., 42/? Ch. || WiP || Aftermath of Violence, Past Abuse, Sharing a Bed, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Injury Recovery, Eating Disorders, Asexual Sherlock, First Person POV) – What the hell does it matter if my words upset him, when he's so obviously out of control? “I think you know what this is. I think you know that you have an eating disorder. And I think you are scared.” Sherlock blinks at me, his throat still swallowing. He has a wild look in his eyes that I don't like, so I push back against my chair, stand up, and go towards him.
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daggerfall · 4 years
At the risk of starting yet more disk horse, what's the problem with Dyvayth Fyr? To clarify I've only interacted with him in clockwork city, haven't played Morrowind or seen him anywhere else in eso. And he seemed like kinda a privilaged ass but no more so than Tharn, or honestly any of the Wizard tm characters in tes, so I've always been a little confused by the hate.
i did kinda worry this was like, bait when i first saw it, not noticing what had popped out of my queue around the time I got this - but at full risk of discourse, i think it is still best to like, give you an answer as unbiased as I can. full disclosure ive not played morrowind and im gonna get a little soapboxy about tesblr discourse
in TES III morrowind, there are some dialogue lines that imply/state the four women in fyr’s house to be his daughters, clones of himself, but also his wives. which should pretty obviously be uhhhhhhhhhhh really REALLY yikes. ESO fyr exists 800 years before this and has zero references to this, nor does it give any indication of fyr as being anywhere NEAR that level of reprehensible. It’s a big difference, one that some fans agree with as “the writers of ESO wanted to distance themselves from the original writing of morrowind, which was a massive dumpster fire and highly HIGHLY problematic in places, but wanted to bring in such an important lore character as divayth fyr for their story”. other fans see the decision as woobifying an irredeemable character for the purposes of wanting to fuck him or whatever, without the baggage of morrowind, which to them is something one cannot and should not shrug off. 
and in all honesty, i support whatever people feel in regards to the character, on an individual level. the morrowind characterization can and should elicit strong emotional responses - some want him killed and to suffer, some want him entirely gone from the game, some just want that one aspect about him removed from the game for personal comfort, some want it gone so they dont have to feel guilty about liking him. and some people only know him from eso, where he is as you described: no worse than any other lovable asshole wizard character. he induces a certain level of rage in me only seen before in tharn that I find to be... enjoyable to play through. I do admittedly enjoy his characterization in ESO (but I’m just a corporate simp so what do I know). 
and those people who only know him from eso often have NO CLUE what his morrowind characterization was like (or that he was in morrowind at all) because morrowind is highly unplayable if you have any form of dyslexia, adhd that doesnt let you read walls of text, hate the combat system, hate older graphics, your system can’t play it, you’re wildly uncomfortable with the amount of sexual harassment and depictions of slavery in it... there’s so many good reasons to never play or care about morrowind. 
The hate I usually see directed at Fyr is either “he’s like tharn so it’s lovable bullying of an asshole wizard character” or “he’s disgusting and i hate that he even exists in ESO”. It entirely depends on people’s stance of what to do with his Morrowind characterization: throw it out, acknowledge and condemn it, or be unaware of it. So i cannot tell you if the hate you are seeing is coming from one side or another without knowing OP’s intent. 
If people want to talk about Fyr without ever acknowledging Morrowind, hell yeah. If people want him to suffer and die because his Morrowind characterization is especially emotionally triggering given trauma or whatever other reason, then all the power to you, I support you. If people never want to acknowledge him, go for it. If people want to talk about Fyr but knowingly remove that singular disgusting thing about him from Morrowind because the idea of it even existing in the world makes you WILDLY uncomfortable (that’s my stance personally), rock on. 
I think people deserve the right to feel uncomfortable with him, feel rage and hate toward him even. And I also think they deserve the right to just, delete that one bit because it would be SO EASY to get rid of it and make him into a character more like Tharn who we love to hate - to just take Morrowind and throw it out the window. And I think both these groups deserve the right to exist in the same spaces and be civil toward each other. Essentially, let people feel their rage, but also don’t bully and harass people off this site for only knowing ESO characterization of Fyr when they talk about him :)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 265: Tamaki What Did You Eat
Previously on BnHA: The heroes began their invasion of the Ol’ Villain Marriott. Down in the basement, Re-Destro was all “what’s going my fresh villain citizens, what a beautiful day, well I guess we should start that meeting” and they were all “WE’RE UNDER FUCKING ATTACK” and he made a face and I laughed. Class 1-B, Edgeshot, and Midnight then jovially killed some people, and then we cut to Dabi and Hawks! Hawks was all “sorry it has to be this way Bubaigawara but I’m gonna have to arrest you” and Twice got all Harry Potter in that one scene from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, and then he did the thing, and fucking Hawks just fucking stood there and DID NOTHING. So now he’s gonna have to fight 100,000 Twices I guess, and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs on his way to intervene and somehow make things even more chaotic. Also either Hawks or Dabi thinks heroes are scum, and I’m still not clear on which. But basically it’s safe to say that angst is on the way, friends.
Today on BnHA: Tamaki turns into a horse. I have questions. Dark Shadow fights fucking Re-Destro and fucking destroys him in like two seconds flat, like holy shit whaaaaat. Then Tokoyami just hops on inside of Fatgum like a goddamn marsupial, and spends several pages like this, during which I completely can’t focus the entire time but I do remember that we learned that Machia won’t be joining the fight because he apparently only listens to Tomura, so that’s convenient I guess. Then we cut to Twice and Hawks (I literally typed out “Dabi and Hawks” just now and had to go back and change it, so you can see where my mind is at), and Hawks defeats Twice and is all “guess I’ve got no choice” and is seriously going to kill him (hahaha what the fuck), but then DABI FUCKING BURNS THE ENTIRE ROOM DOWN WITH EVERYONE IN IT WHILE LAUGHING AND THEN THE CHAPTER JUST ENDS. I feel like I just got slapped in the face.
so before we start, let me just mention that I got a ton of asks and messages about the whole “HERO SCUM” line, and I appreciate everyone keeping me up to date on the twists and turns of our wild little fandom lol. so as you all probably know, in Viz’s translation of the last page they had Dabi saying the line (“Twice, this isn’t your fault. as always... scummy heroes are to blame”). so naturally everyone was either like “whaaaaat!” or “I KNEW IT!!”, but then Caleb went and deleted his original tweet saying that it was Dabi, and replaced it with a new tweet, the gist of which was basically “I don’t fucking know either” and admitting he wasn’t an authority on the matter. so to sum everything up, we basically don’t know and will never know until the anime airs this in about three years’ time, or until the only man who can actually clear this up decides to stop drawing weird mushroom men for five goddamn minutes so he can clarify for us
anyway, so in the meantime it’s time to see who’s having angst this week! probably everybody! let’s just assume it’s everybody and save some time
ohooo so we finally get to see why they had Tamaki and Tokoyami in the vanguard, eh?
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(ETA: gotta say, “you” is an awfully impersonal way to address someone whose entire body you are shortly going to stuff inside your little quirk papoose and tote around like a fanny pack.)
honestly this isn’t much of a mystery though lol. Tokoyami is obvious, and with Tamaki it’s probably because of his kraken thing if I had to guess
...excuse me sir is this leading where I think it’s leading
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sir. Mister Gum, sir. please do not tell me you are actually about to lead these children into the building and down into the basement. first of all the thought of you and Tamaki in yet another basement is already giving me PTSD so no thanks. and second of all, ???!?!?!?!?! [gestures incredulously to the two children] ?!?!?!???? [emphatically taps my computer screen with the wiki page showing their respective ages] ???!?!?!?!?!?! [gestures wildly toward a picture of Gigantomachia I pulled up just now in a google search. yeah that’s right. Gigantomachia!! you all forgot about him didn’t you!! well guess who didn’t forget about him?? that’s right. so you’d better explain yourself right the fuck now, Fatgum. oh wait I’m still talking in action brackets whoops]
holy crap is Tokoyami giving orders lmao
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well look at you. a general, huh? somebody must’ve told them about his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab
so now some generic villain guys are all “HOW’D THEY FIND OUR SECRET PATH” and “WE MUST DEFEND IT” and I sure can’t wait to watch them get their asses kicked three panels from now
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lol and the cow horns too. why though. just completes the look I guess
loooooool he’s all “apologies, but please remain still” who are you, Tuxedo Mask??
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by the way, I almost skipped right past this, but the text says Tamaki will be a sidekick at the Fatgum agency starting “next year”, which presumably means “in a couple of weeks because the school year is about to end.” our boy is graduating! I’m so proud, and also really pissed off about Mirio all of a sudden, just throwing that out there. how much longer must his dreams be put on hold. where is the justice. man I need a minute
okay! anyway so now Tokoyami is just running into the basement alone!! hooooo boy. I know it’s dark down there and that’s presumably why they’re sending him of all people, but still. hooooooooo boy
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*except he didn’t, let’s be real. didn’t even come close. but still, on paper the hype looks real good!!
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by the way, check out that one guy in the bottom right corner who just totally doesn’t give the least of fucks. he’s fresh out. he wants to know how much longer this is gonna last so he can go home and get back to playing the new Animal Crossing. did you know they added a new crafting feature. can’t believe he’s stuck here at this boring meeting. this man genuinely doesn’t seem to be at all aware of anything that is currently happening around him and it’s amazing. added to the box of questions
oh man. I don’t quite understand what is happening now but I keep expecting Gigantomachia to just pop up out of nowhere any second and I can’t fucking stand it. Horikoshi please stop showing us these close-ups of destroyed walls
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(ETA: what a casual fucking line implying that Tokoyami genuinely believed that there was nobody in THE ENTIRE LEAGUE OF PLIFF who stood a chance against his latest super move. don’t mind him everyone, he’s just been lowkey biding his time to become the strongest member of class 1-A offscreen while his loser classmates were having dramatic family dinners. how many High Ends could Dark Shadow take out I wonder. why did I suddenly get a mental image of Toko losing an arm only to sigh and nonsensically quote Shakespeare or some shit before wrapping Dark Shadow around the stump and getting back to the asskicking.)
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:) :) :) can we maybe get my solemn bird son out of this fucking DEATH BASEMENT right the fuck now. can we do that, please
holy shit!?
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:) :) :) I can’t decide whether I trust these panels or not. why is he so confident. does this mean Machia really will be sitting out the arc, or is a trap. help
(ETA: I guess it’s okay for now. ... dammit I’m still suspicious sob.)
also, Tokoyami’s “?!” face is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen though. the fact that he’s physically incapable of altering his expressions no matter what is true comedy gold here
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dfkjkjk oh noooo
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“does this young man amuse you,” Horikoshi says as he darkly pencils in the disturbingly concave shadows of Fatgum’s ridiculous fucking quirk. “are his ‘magnificent fellow’ bird antics pleasing for you to watch. I guess it sure would be a shame if I gave him some... angst”
but for real y’all I genuinely can’t take this at all seriously when Tokoyami’s head is still stubbornly and persistently poking its way out of Fatgum like a goddamn baby kangaroo in every fucking panel
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we are entering another Tokoyami+Hawks mentor flashback and this is still all I can think about. why is he even in there. why is any of this happening. Tokoyami really just flung Re-Destro into a wall and then climbed inside of Fatgum feet-first so they could run along to freedom. just fucking ensconced himself. do you think it’s cozy in there. do you think Aizawa would fall asleep
hey Toko please stop having ominous thoughts about my other bird son
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have you ever heard of an announcer jinx. “now here’s a guy who the fans have loved since the moment he was first introduced. and if you look at the stats, fourth place in his first popularity poll, which was taken only ten chapters after his introduction. heck, he’s so popular they even went and gave him a role in the second movie even before he appeared in the anime! it’s undeniable that this young man has a bright future ahead of him, Al.” now you listen here. I don’t at all like where this is headed and it needs to stop right now
anyway so of course on that note we are cutting back to Hawks
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so we’ve confirmed that Hawks has his hands full just melting all of the new clones as they come, and doesn’t have the speed or the excess feathers (or the conviction? :|) to go after the original and put a stop to all this
or you could just ignore everything I say ever because immediately on the next page Horikoshi is all “actually he’s winning lol”
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anyway but it sure would be a shame if someone were to run in and set you on fire right about now. that probably sounds sarcastic but it actually would be really bad lol please don’t set Hawks on fire
(ETA: motherfucker. goddamn. fucking --)
and now Hawks is making clones of his fellow League buddies oh shit!! but right when I was about to scroll down I noticed that Hawks is carrying some sort of recording device?? or communications device?? in his hand very conspicuously in that last panel? and so what is going on here, exactly?
oh shit and never mind about those LoV clones
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that’s all well and good Hawks, but I need you to please just be very cautious and aware and proactive about not catching on fire okay. watch your six
oh my god oh my god
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“now here’s a guy whose rise in popularity was unexpected but just a real pleasure to watch. he just really cares about his friends.” “you said it; he really came into his own a couple arcs back. twenty-third in the most recent poll, and the fans all love him.” fffffff Hawks isn’t a killer Hawks isn’t a killer, I can’t hear you lalala
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maybe... he’ll just... punch a small hole through one of his lungs... ...
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or... a large hole... ... ,,,
oh THANK GOD he’s jumping on top of him. so clearly he’s fine because Shounen Rules. that’s right, this is a manga where Toga survived blowing up from the inside out and Jeanist survived being murdered and stuffed into a tote bag. (right??) why am I so tense I hate this!!
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or you could just KNOCK HIM OUT??? ?????!??! did they not teach you that in peewee assassin league?! Hawks
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House of Hades Read with Me Part 2
Hey guys! I’m back with my final thoughts on House of Hades (HoH) by Rick Riordan. My thoughts covering the first half of the book can be found here. My thoughts on Son of Neptune/why I’m re-reading the series is here. My Mark of Athena thoughts are here. If you want to know my general thoughts on HoH and don’t want to read my long winded review of it here it is: It’s AMAZING. This is the best book in the series so far by a landslide imo. Literally if I actually felt more than indifference or dislike for the new HoO characters, I’d say this book was better than any of the PJO books. I was really losing faith in the series before I read HoH to the point where I had wished Rick ended Percy’s story with the Last Olympian. If I were to rate this book, I’d give it a 4.5. I enjoyed the Percabeth, the suspense, and the journey through Tartarus the most. Despite issues with pacing, lack of platonic bonding between the Seven, romantic relationships being stunted for couples such as Piper/Jason and Hazel/Frank, HoH has renewed my faith in the series potentially ending on a good note. 
So let’s get into more specifics down below. I’ll have thoughts, my issues with the book, and spoilers under the cut. 
I’m going to try not to fangirl too much over Percabeth because I’ve done that for all of my read with me’s so far but my heart belongs to them. I loved every reference to their future together. Percy and Annabeth both mentioned possibly having children in the future and I just decided then and there that their relationship is why I have such high standards. This is the blueprint of what I want for my romantic life. Taking applications for suitors now. Actually no, I’m scared of men. Percabeth’s chemistry is out of the world, romantically and in their fighting abilities. I really started to pay attention to how they fight together and as I read, I noticed how they would stand back to back and work together without even saying anything. I’m curious to how they’re going to react now that they’re literally been through hell and back. I’m sensing a PTSD arc. I guess Percy will have a more aggressive reaction (My mans was wildin in Tartarus-also when he said he was going to kill Gaea with his bare hands, I was like umm. sir. Rick better let him have that kill though.) but I can’t quite predict what Annabeth’s reaction will be. Also it wasn’t explained why Percy was acting like a psycho in Tartarus and about to brutally kill Aklyhs but I guess I’m just to assume it was to add suspense and implies he has a dark side. And don’t forget that Percy told Annabeth he loved her back-it wasn’t as poetic as when she said it but he still said love you too. 
Next topic: Bob/Iapetus/Damasen. I like to check goodreads reviews after I finish a book just to see what everyone thought of it and it seems that a lot of people were heartbroken after they (presumably) sacrificed themselves. I don’t have much to say here-I mean, that’s sad and I’m thankful that they did that but I’m not in my feels about it. It was a clever outcome of the ‘foes bear arms to the doors of death’ line from the prophecy. I was wondering if Small Bob had any cool powers the entire time so that was cool when it got all big and helped Bob fight Tartarus (who by the way, scared the shit out of me jesus). 
Nico. Check out my first part to know my thoughts about his whole coming out. I just had a question for you guys here-was he technically outed? And if so, that’s not good. I consider myself an LGBT ally and I try to be aware of when it is and when it’s not okay to reveal someone else’s sexuality. On one hand, I thought it was shitty of Cupid to coerce Nico into it but on the other hand if we (the readers) found out that Nico was gay by just him saying he liked Percy, I would’ve been like there’s nothing in the text to support that statement (because prior to HoH, I thought he hated Percy--blaming him for Bianca’s death--then only helped Percy (River styx, the Labyrinth) because he was an ally to the gods like Nico) so having the scenes in HoH of how Nico started to develop feelings for Percy made so much more sense to me. And those scenes only came up because of Cupid. Idk. Let me know what you guys think.
I found it a little strange how Nico wrote off Percy at the end of the book when Percy thanked him for leading the other demigods to HoH. I get it’s probably a defense mechanism to keep his distance from being even more attracted to Percy but I figured Nico would be a little less cold to him now that he admitted his feelings. I saw a goodsreads review that said there was a confirmed Nico POV in Blood of Olympus so fingers crossed we get that and it’ll explain his curt response to Percy and I’d love a Nico POV if we don’t actually have a Percy/Annabeth POV (according to another review I saw) because I can’t deal with the other HoO characters (except Leo, y’all know that tho).
Next topic: Frank and Hazel. I always give credit where it’s due even if I don’t particularly like or care about a character and these two got the MVPs for this book. Hazel’s fight with Pasiphae-it was so cool. For someone who didn’t get a mentor to help her with the mist and figured it out on her own, she was a straight boss. It was a little off to me how her POV started off the book yet she had the least amount of chapters but had this huge task of controlling the Mist/helping the team get through HoH ahead of her. And then her POV pops up in the end to defeat Pasiphae. This is again, why I say, there’s no need for all 7 to narrate. Hecate could’ve easily come to the ship and say all that stuff in front of the crew and let’s say it had been Frank’s POV. He would notice how Hazel is apprehensive/scared of this task because he knows her well and they could talk about it together so we still know her feelings and that’s one less POV because once again, she barely had any chapters. 
Frank. I stand by my thoughts about the ‘growth spurt’, still think it’s hella problematic. I don’t generally care for him but even I got seduced by him more times than I’m willing to admit. When he commanded that dead army I was like yesss. The blessing of Ares and how he literally was on fire and the fact that he pulled an arrow out of his arm like it was no big deal really did it for me. I feel bad, because he’s just not very well written or else I think I could like him. I want to touch on the ship-- tbh, ship is not a word I’d use to describe this DOA relationship, maybe dinghy--ya this DINGHY ‘ship’ that is Hazel and Frank. Like it’s even drier than Jasper lmao. No chemistry there. They had no scenes alone together. I see that they care for each other and are worried when the other person is in danger but that’s not enough. Worry is normal for any relationship, Percy was worried about Grover when he went missing in Sea of Monsters but they weren’t together romantically. 
And it could just be me refusing to ship a 13 year old with anyone but I just get no vibes from them. Leo and Hazel have more chemistry in their conversations alone. This is a total aside but I’ve been getting salty about how little Percy has had to work with in PJO compared to the HoO characters (And I know Rick wrote PJO first, he didn’t develop all these cool things/weapons like charmspeak or Leo’s belt yet) but although Percy is a great swordsman, he only has his powers like every other demigod. Like Hazel has her child of Pluto powers, the jewel curse that has helped her find gold, and now she can control the mist. And technically she has a horse but so does Percy. Frank’s got his fire stick, shape shifting, Ares’ child powers, archery, and he can command armies. Y’all know the other skills/boosts/weapons the other Seven have (Not including Annabeth) so like Rick really gave Percy (and no offense to Percy but also gave him half the intelligence of the HoO demigods) the bare minimum in PJO and we were all still impressed.
There’s this tik tok sound where someone (I don’t know the original meme or video, if you know please comment or reblog. I’d love to give credit), in disbelief, says ‘Wait a minute, what is this? This isn’t enough’ and someone responds in a sassy tone, ‘Make it enough’. And I feel like for PJO, Percy was like this isn’t enough and Rick said make it enough lmaoo. Percy was struggle bussin’ for no reason in PJO! HoO characters get everything handed to them and they still have the AUDACITY to not have any characterization. Couldn’t be me. 
Next two couples I’ll talk about: Leo and Calypso & Jasper. I wasn’t expecting Calypso to be such a savage, like she was DONE with having heroes wash up on her shores. I missed her so much. While I liked the banter between Leo and Calypso, I felt that it was rushed/forced because it all took place in about four chapters. This wasn’t the best execution and part of why I can’t give the book five stars. I think he’ll come back for her, I don’t know how but out of everyone, Leo has really figured out how to make things work when they’re deemed ‘impossible’. So he’ll find a way. I wonder if he’ll confront Percy about leaving Calypso tho, I’d like to see that. So while he was on Ogygia, the other demigods had moved forward and were in Africa. And I was like WOW y’all really said fuck Leo. There was no search party for him (or mention of it), no tears shed for Leo. Damn. No wonder he feels like the Seventh wheel. I mean we got one or two throwaway lines about them worried about Leo’s whereabouts from Jason and Piper but I mean they weren’t in distress about it. I guessing I’m to assume they asked Nico if Leo was dead off screen and Nico confirmed that he wasn’t so they weren’t too worried about him? Anyway, they’re fake friends for that one. 
That aside, Piper and Jason are *yawn* boring as I’ve said before. But I thought he was going to address Piper’s ‘I love you’ confession last book but I’m not sure if he even heard it. I really thought Reyna was going to come in and shake things up between them but just as soon she came, she left w/ Nico and Hedge to take the statue to Camp Half Blood so missed opportunity for resolution there. Piper and Jason also had NO scenes together so I’m really shocked how Rick expects us to ship couples if they don’t spend any time together. I’m not shocked about how Jason is most likely going back to Camp Half Blood after all this is over. It’s superior to Camp Jupiter so I don’t blame him but it’s an interesting choice. I was actually thinking that Percy might stay at Camp Jupiter because I figured he’d stay as praetor. And since Annabeth’s dad lives in Cali, I was thinking they could stay there but I’m sure they go back to New York after BoO because I saw an excerpt where Apollo asks for Percy’s help and I believe Apollo went to Sally’s apartment. But Percy could’ve been visiting Sally and live in CA normally. Speaking of which, how did Jason just give that position to Frank?? He has to be elected lmao. I mean when I read it, I was like Frank gets handed everything but then I was like well, Percy got the position and he wasn’t even at Camp Jupiter for a week and I didn’t complain about that. At least Frank has been there longer and has shown leadership qualities. But yeah, it’s still a no for me for Piper and Jason. At least Piper’s POV chapters weren’t annoying this book but she only got 4 chapters lmao so no time to be annoying. 
To end this review, I want to touch about why I give this book gets a 4.5 and not a 5. I really feel like the 7 POVs were extremely unnecessary especially because the demigods not in tartarus were mostly together and didn’t have as many side quests as MoA. And some of them didn’t even get more than 4 chapters. I found the magic growth spurt way too problematic to overlook. I still feel like the new HoO characters except for Leo are underdeveloped or unlikeable. The pacing wasn’t the best-Alot of things happened in this book and very little of it could’ve been taken out. The pacing wasn’t slow, it was the right pace until about 60% of the way in and then I was just constantly being hit with attacks and rushed meetings like Leo and Calypso. But I can’t quite fault Rick because I felt every event in this book was necessary for it to be as good as it was so of course, some parts end up rushed. In addition, there’s not much bonding happening between the Seven. Like each trio that had their own book had some bonding in there (Can’t speak for Lost Hero because I haven’t read that in 6 or so years. But tSoN had a little, mostly between Frank and Hazel tho) but collectively, as the seven demigods of the prophecy-they haven’t really hung out and just talked about things that aren’t quests. For example in the Lighting Thief, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover would play hacky sack and he bonded with both of them when they were stuck in the zoo animal enclosure whatever. Grover told him about finding Pan and being worried since he was supposed to guide Thalia back to camp safely and he wasn’t able to. Annabeth told him about her dreams to become an architect in the Sea of Monsters. 
Those moments of platonic bonding and intimacy are what’s missing from this series. Yes, the plot/the quest of the Seven should be front and center but I don’t feel like they’re a team. They’re just co workers at this point lmao. Hell, I think all of them participating in a conversation and just talking and enjoying each other’s company would actually make me like the HoO characters. Not Piper, she’s irredeemable in my eyes. She belongs to streets. Everyone else has a fighting chance tho. Guys, think about it. They have something in common (that’s number one requirement of friendship) they’re all demigods. They’ve all been scared, under pressure and expectations to save the world, and felt abandoned by their parents at one point or the other. Leo and Frank have said in their narrations that they feel inadequate next to powerful demigods like Percy and Jason. Imagine if Frank and Leo spoke to each other about that and were friends. Or started a dialogue about feeling inadequate and the other demigods could share their insecurities. The Seven are able to work together, that’s true but it doesn’t feel like friendship. It seems like each separate trio from the first two books are friends (Annabeth is in between because she’s friends with Jason and them but also Percy’s girlfriend) and they all just call the other trio friends because what else is there? Quest mates? 
And I’m getting a little upset rn because there have been so many instances where we could’ve gotten some platonic friendship. Piper is learning from Hazel how to sword fight (How this girl has survived without learning an actual weapon how is beyond me. Charmspeak didn’t work very well for her in this book), like we had both their POVs. We could’ve had a training/bonding scene from either perspective. Not just some throwaway line about how they got close because they’re the only girls now that Annabeth was in Tartarus. Why couldn’t we have gotten one scene Rick? What was the reason? Tragic.
Platonic love and relationships exist. And it’s more than just complimenting someone when they use their powers. The scene at the end of the book when the Seven, Hedge, Reyna, and Nico are having lunch together on the hill is a whisper in the right direction. How Jason ‘bear hugged’ Percy when he got out of Tartarus is another example. Though this wasn’t platonic and was more familial but Nico basically accepting Hazel as his siser (On a level that is acknowledging her on the same level as Bianca and not just another kid of Hades/Pluto) by kissing her on the cheek. I know you can do it Rick. You’ve done it before. All I want from the last book in this series is platonic love, answers about how Hazel’s curse will be lifted by a descendant of Neptune, Percabeth, and the Gaea/giants defeated. You can have all the POVs your heart desires if you just give me those things. 
See you guys next week with the Blood of Olympus read with me. My writeblr followers must be tired of me lmao, I swear I’ll get back to normally scheduled content after this. I love writing this kind of rants/reviews even though they take me like 2 hours to write.
13 notes · View notes
baddyzarc · 4 years
1/6 Ruins: Legend of the Ancient Hero
x 2 3 4a 4b 5 6 7  
So awhile back I wrote a small, incomplete piece over Vector and his guardian, Minotarous, and how it connects to his legend and mythyrian number. Since then, I've been wanting to do it for all of the Emperors since there's enough details and Easter eggs to do that and nows a good time. I'm gonna be taking text mainly from the original subs since the dub did things to them that I do not agree with.
Since its gonna cover 6 different ruins, I decided to split this up into multiple parts.
So let’s begin with the ruins of everyone's favorite blind, book-loving, memelord supreme barian, Dubhe
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Being the first to kick off the arc, Durbe’s ruin is probably the easiest of the ruins to understand. 
Aside from the theme of trusting in others, one of the other major themes of his ruins revolves around the self-sacrifice motif.
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This is clearly seen at the very start of the arc. It started with the scene where Yuma jumped in front of a bear in order to protect Durbe, who is a stranger and a very likely candidate of the Barian Emperor that crashed into their ship. Yuma was willing to sacrifice himself to (or fistfight) a bear to protect a complete stranger.
The next example is a little more obscure, but I say it happens when Durbe pushed Ryouga out from under the falling rocks and trapped himself with the fish boy. This one is a bit tough to grasp what Durbe “sacrificed” by doing this, but I argue that Ryouga was immediately held distrust towards Durbe from the beginning. Durbe has no reason to save him, and it would’ve benefited him greatly if Ryouga is out of the picture. Instead, Durbe saves him, and in the process he sacrifices his safety for a person who really hates Barians.
This whole concept continues throughout the Durbe's ruins. “Numbers 44: White Winged Horse - Sky Pegasus“ has the ability to destroy a monster unless the owner pays 500 lifepoints, and due to additional effects, Yuma has to pay 1000 lifepoints (which is a quarter of his life) each time this happens. Yuma chooses to sacrifice his lifepoints to keep Durbe and Ryouga as well as his “Numbers 39: King of Wishes, Hope” alive. In the Legend, Mach sacrifices himself for Durbe, and Durbe sacrifices himself for Mach in the past. There’s also something to be said when Yuma places his trust in the Barian Emperor, Durbe, after recounting his disaster with my boy Vector too. Even near the end of the episode, Ryouga is willing to die in order for Yuma to win the duel. The whole mini-arc is lathered in this theme.
What I found interesting about the "self-sacrificing" theme is what Mach says at the beginning of the duel. He says that in order for Yuma to win (and in turn save Ryouga and Durbe), he has to surrender the duel, or "victory can only be achieved through surrender." In essence, Yuma has to sacrifice, or surrender, the Mythyrian Number if he wants to save everyone. This is usual villain banter, but in the context of this episode, it is almost knee-jerking and tragic.
Recall back to Durbe’s legend. The Legend of the Ancient Hero (recounted through the scriptures on the ruins, Durbe, and Mach) tells the story of a group of four brave knights with one of them being Durbe and his Pegasus, Mach. Together they protected a distant land. Durbe returned to his homeland for some time (presumably to aid Nasch in his quest). Corrupted with the aspiration for power, the remaining knights overthrew the king and took over the country. When Durbe returned, he tried to appeal to them by saying “their hearts [are] filled with justice.” Unfortunately, he failed to open their hearts, and the three knights attacked Durbe.
Despite the assault, Durbe refused to harm or kill the attackers because he saw them as his cherished companions. Instead of fighting back, he surrendered, and he was stricken down by their relentless attacks. 
Mach intervened in these attacks in order to protect his master, and he became fatally injured as a result. Durbe refused to retreat or abandon his dying steed, so he stayed by Mach’s side so they could perish together. 
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The final line of the legend said that the knights saw how noble the two of them were in their self-sacrifice to each other. They committed their lives to prove the bond between friends, the knights included. To honor Durbe, the knights ceased their rebellion, and they laid Mach and Durbe to rest as heroes. 
In the case of the legend, even with their tragic demise, victory was achieved through surrender. 
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Yuma does a similar thing. In order to win, he has to play Mach’s game. He has to accept sacrificing himself over and over again. Only by taking those hits, by surrendering his life, is he able to win the duel and save his friends.  
Okay, so enough about the theme of the ruins, let’s talk about physical ruins. 
Noteworthy imagery used in the ruins is the use of colors. 
When the characters got separated, they ended up in two chambers. One is lit by blue flames and the other by red flames. 
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And the thing about Zexal is that blue and red have strong associations to Astral World and Barian World respectively. Not all of the time, but the usage of these colored hallways and flames disappear shortly afterwards. So if the writers didn’t want you to notice the difference, they would’ve omitted it entirely. These colors are included for some reason.
Now you're probably wondering why I bring this up. Ryouga, Durbe, and Rio are Barians, Astral is, well, an Astral, this separation doesn’t make sense. But consider where the characters wind up. The “blue light” leads to the legend of the hero while the “red light” leads to the Number.
With the "red light" path, their intention is to free “Number 44: White Winged Horse - Sky Pegasus”. 
Okay, slight deviation since this is important, but the Mythyrian Numbers are a special set of Numbers that Astral used to seal Don Thousand’s powers away. With Numbers, they do not belong to the Astral as a whole. If that’s the case, the existence of “Number 100: Numeron Dragon” implies that Astral created God, which is a little problematic (or a plot hole, take your pick). This is also why the Barians have their own set of Numbers. Astral is called the Original Number, so I take this as he is conglomerate of a bunch of strong Numbers, and Astral’s whole identity and powers is tied to the Numbers. This is why his memory shatters in the form of Numbers, or how other beings can absorb Astral’s Numbers. The Astrals simply used the powers of the Numbers to create Astral and lock Don Thousand away. I’ll explain this more later when we get to Mizael’s ruins and the whole smitck with the Numeron Dragon because it gets complicated.
BUT if anyone took the Mythyrian Number, whether it was carried out by Astral World, or Barian World, or an Earthling, Don Thousand’s strength will be restored. No matter what, Don Thousand's strengthening is inevitable as long as the characters choose to act on the red path.
For during the path of the “blue light”, or the one that Durbe and Ryouga took, the show hints that the evil Barians maybe aren’t evil. They have another secret to them that we don’t know of. In fact, the legend concludes by mentioning that the heroic Durbe and Mach ascended into Heaven, or into Astral World. This did not happen, of course, since we know of Durbe’s true fate. With Ryouga, his presence with Durbe allows for a crucial scene to play out later in the episodes.  This also steadily connects him to his Barian heritage.
I can’t say much for Rio, but I feel as though the writers were incredibly inept about handling her Barianhood in comparison to Ryouga. They had no idea what to do with her (aside from being a handy-dandy translator and expositioner) and her character suffers for it, but ill get to her later. 
Like, I may have an slight explanation for why Rio stays with the “red light” group. It’s kinda weak, but here we go.
Out of all of the legends, only Nasch and Durbe were not seen to be touched by Don Thousand's direct actions:
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All of the other Emperors had a scene where an Over-Hundred goes into their heart or are possessed by Don Thousand. It is highly implied that Durbe also had the Over-Hundred Number monster enter his heart, but this was not shown since the scene cut away before we find out. Far as I know, Durbe was influenced to become a Barian when Donny made the knights turn on him, and the betrayal of his friends was so heart-breaking that Durbe descended into Barian World. Nasch was… well, ill get to him later too, but Durbe and Nasch could be the only ones who aren’t embedded with the curse. At least, on-screen. 
Whether it happened or not is up for your interpretation, but them staying on the “blue light”, in the path of true heroes, makes sense in this concept. 
Weak, yeah, but if there’s anyone that can explain why Rio is on the “blue light” side, let me know, aside from plot convenience. It’s obvious that the writers wanted Ryouga and Durbe to be together in the death rooms for plot reasons though. 
Moving on, more plays on colors could be seen with the drawings in the Ruins.
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This handsome, colorful fellow is meant to be Durbe. This depiction of him is much different than the one that is shown in (hopefully accurate) flashback. 
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It isn’t known who is responsible for scriptures and drawing in all of the ruins. 
But the person who did this has the right idea of dressing Durbe in this multicolored garb. The story is called the “Legend of the Ancient Hero” and heroes are often associated with the three primary colors: blue is seen his shirt, pants, and helmet; red is seen in his cape; and yellow is seen in his undergarment. Meanwhile, white is a color often associated with purity, peace, and sincerity. All of these colors represent Durbe his legend—as a pure hero. 
Being as he is the first Ruins we visit, using all this imagery to scream to the audience that “the barians are actually fallen heroes! theyre not evil!” is quite a nice, fun touch. 
As well, out of the Seven Emperors, Durbe is the one who tends to be the most pure and heroic. From his deck being based on “holy” objects and his... questionable leadership, Durbe isn’t like Vector. He isn’t cruel or evil; everything he does is “for sake of Barian World” and that’s about it. 
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He knows that if Barian World does not attack Astral World, they will die (and vice-versa with Astral World). His motivations are solely to protect his home and his people. Also, I like Durbe I really do, but he is pathetic as a villain. Literally the worst plans and a bad leader who does not know how to use any of his pieces, but I appreciate his noble goals. He’s funny, Durbe is really funny. He just doesn’t have the heart to be the bad guy; but as a character who acts heroic (his duel with Merag for example), he does it pretty well. 
And to rub my grubby little barian-eatin hands all over Durbe’s heroness, I want to talk about his ace monsters—his Mythyrian, his Over-Hundred, and his Chaos Over-Hundred. 
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Durbe’s Mythyrian Number also serves as his beloved Guardian of the ruins, Mach. This holds true for most of the Emperors due to the Guardians connection to their Emperors during their past life. 
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Now, Durbe isn’t shown with the card like some of the other Emperors, but we likely can infer that he was in posession of the Mythyrian Number, thus being a target of Don Thousand. 
The role of the Mythyrian Number for the Emperors isn’t crystal clear, but what is known is that their being used to seal Don Thousand away. During the original fight between Don Thousand and Astral, Astral won the battle but lost fifty of his Numbers. Among these were the Mythyrian Numbers, which had the power to suppress Don Thousand. I don’t know if it was random chance that the Numbers glided towards the Emperors or it was divine intervention, but what I do know is that anyone who got the Mythyrian original had a good, strong heart and were destined for Astral World. 
My personal theory is that the Barians and Astrals are like Newton’s Third Law, “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. They complement each other and balance each other out. 
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In order to seal Don Thousand’s Chaos away, the Astrals had to counteract with equal forces of Cosmos. In their true life, the Emperors provided the necessary Cosmos to suppress Don Thousand. The Emperors were supposed to be Astrals anyways; the Astrals just harnessing their powers while they were humans to fight Don Thousand.
Since the Mythyrian Numbers are drenched with the power of Cosmos due to their relationship with the human Emperors, they are the antitheisis to the Over-Hundred Numbers whose powers come from Chaos.
Mythyrian Numbers being based more on Astral World could also be seen in how the Pegasus on the coat of arms is often associated with Heaven, or a messenger from God. And as Mach recounted the ending of Durbe’s legend, he does that color thing. That iconic blue, Astral-like glow.
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With his Over-Hundred Numbers, I think the most interesting thing about it is that the full Japanese name is “Numbers 102: Holy Lightning - Glorious Halo”. These Number monsters represent the Barian Emperors in some way (despite some of them being weird like the giant handy one). The most direct statement to this is when Vector uses the Over-Hundreds to mock Nasch by summoning Durbe and Merag’s monsters (as in “I ate your sister and best friend and these are mine now”), and the entirety of Nasch’s tragic display during his final duel with Yuma. 
So even in death, even as a Barian, even as one of the villains, Durbe is still sainted as holy and adorned with a halo. None of the other Over-Hundred are dressed in such a positive light (if at all). 
When he turns “Glorious Halo” into a Chaos monster, technically putting extra barian sauce on a plate of fried barian, the name changes into “Number C102: Unholy Lightning - Noble Daemon”. Durbe still has the “Noble Demon” attached to him, even with extra evil on him. 
Durbe’s nobility as a Barian makes since if you see that he isn't deeply infused with Don Thousand's curse in comparison to someone like Vector. Or his strong affiliation to keep Barian World safe from harm.  
Plus, as a little extra snippet that I noticed in the episode, I wanna focus on this scene in the ruins.
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This scene is great. It doesn't have much to do with Durbe, but it's an amazing foreshadow. I think by this point, the audience suspects that Ryouga is a Barian. He acts weird sometimes, his past is unknown, he can summon Chaos monsters, the Emperors are missing two and the Kamishiros slide in like a puzzle piece. BUT, I think the most damning evidence is this specific piece. 
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Before entering the ruins, Durbe broke his Baria crystal. He is unable to use his Barian powers nor does he have the ability to fix it. But the moment he saves Ryouga from falling to his death, Ryouga begins to glow that iconic red Barian color. 
Not Durbe, but Ryouga. Ryouga’s energy flows into Durbe, which restores his crystal to full power and allows him to reveal his true form. Since Ryouga is the King of the Barians, Nasch, it makes complete sense that his body has remnants of his Barian life. (why this didnt activate before, idk, maybe shark wasnt in the mood) 
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Watching Ryouga heal a fellow Barian is conclusive evidence that Ryouga, as well as Rio probably, must be Barians, or at least connected to the Barians. 
Even parts of the duel includes Nasch’s legend in it.
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“Labyrinth of Decisions”, “Unfair Treaty”, and “Shield of Conspiracy” are cards used by Mach that fit into Durbe’s story. The labyrinth could be attributed to him leaving the country to aid Nasch in tracking Vector into the Labyrinth of Screams, and the unfair treaty/ or conspiracy is attributed to his own story, where the three knights betrayed the king. 
In the end, the first of these ruins reveals two major plot points about the Emperors with one being much more obvious than the other. First is that there are more to the Emperors than being “plain evil” for the sake of it. Second, the events seen in the ruins hints that this shark-shaped shadow is Ryouga, and he is likely to be the final and missing Barian Emperor(s).
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Of course this isn’t everything. I don’t know why his ruins are in South America (Ecuador, i think, go here if you want to know more about geography) when they say his homeland is somewhere else. 
The Pegasus came from Greek mythology which spawns an interesting connection to the legend of Nasch and Vector. Pegasus was borne from the death of a gorgon (Medusa) and reared by Poseidon (who is attributed to being the god of the seas in most pop culture iterations). Gorgons and oceans is basically the story of Vector and Nasch, and as you know, Durbe and Mach participated in that legend too. 
I’m just so fascination by Emperors and their everything, their monsters, their past lives, their ruins, their planet, their composition. Theyre entertaining to explore bc it feels like the writers put something in them for the audience to discover. They're simply fun, and I'll see you in the next ruins
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neargaztambide · 4 years
Civilized Games
Summary: just a fast question... do you like play chess?
Words: 1.630, almost.
Text made for the Stan Twins Celebration Month, idea from @thestanbros (week number two: BIRTHDAY).
WARNING: This story in its beginning may not seem about the Stan twins, but this requires understanding the metaphorical language (and the bizarre, strange and referential language) that has content. It is not for being pretentious, but it will make you think a little. Also, this story plays and changes a little the prompt for this week. You’ll know of what I’m talking about later.. Enjoy.
Two people were heading to a table: a chair for each. On the table was nothing more than chess boards, which were sixteen wide and nine long. The two armies looked at each other: one pink, the other yellow. These were ready to kill the opponent, and give the ultimate victory to their owners. The leader of the yellow was a class lord: Victorian outfit, monocle included. His opponent was a woman in a white dress, who took the pink figures. Neither spoke. They looked at each other, and continued without speaking. The woman put her arm on a pawn, and moved it just one square. "I suppose you are very insecure about moving, right?" The man moved a pawn in two positions. The woman did not speak, until she moved her first pawn again, one step again. "You know perfectly well what this game implies, and who will care about the result." "And what if they never find out?" “You have always been like this: you obscure everyone you met” The woman moved to keep her king intact, and the other wanted to attack, to go straight for the head. “. And you always think that everything can be false, unless it is in your favor. You are purely egocentric.” The man silently glared at the woman, not knowing how to contradict what she had just said. They kept playing, and so it got slower and more boring. After the initial phase, movements became more thoughtful: winning was everything. Losing was far worse than a simple endgame. "So if one of us wins, he can do whatever he wants." "I'll get you to do a handstand for an hour." "You know the rules perfectly, and who set them." The man stopped after moving his horse, and the woman approached with confidence. "Let's get serious: I'm not going to allow you to win." "Do you want to move, please?" The man wanted to get down to business in that game, because winning was too important. “Well: do you want to know?: Of course I know the rules.” Then, the woman moved, but the man made his horse eat her tower, which caused the woman to take a little finger near her teeth to bite her. She did it gently.
The man noticed it thanks to his insight. "You are nervous, right?" The woman quickly looked up, and that caused a good feeling of victory in the man, but he was able to disguise it with a completely serious and unreserved face: he was catching her. Mind games, convince her about her flaws, and make her believe; sow the seed of doubt so that he can control her. "What do you mean?" "Look at the board." The woman did, and realized that the man was close enough to check, and to eat the queen. That would mean she would be in trouble. “I already know what I am going to want when I win: to see you decay in fear. Doesn't that seem like a good request?” The woman felt a drop of sweat crown her forehead. The man toyed with her mustache as she felt victorious. “It would start with a simple terror. I don't know why, but it would be easy. Then... and sooner rather than later, if I am to be honest, it will consume you from the inside out, until you are... an empty shell. Like this… ” The man did not finish of speaking, when the woman said: “crown me”. The man did not understand, until he looked down to see that a pawn, the same one with which the woman had started the game, had reached the other end of the board. “And what does that even...?” The woman interrupted him, finally removing her little finger from the mouth: “In chess, there’s a rule called coronation; and it is applied when a pawn reaches the other end of the board. And so, you can turn it any other piece. And I want a new horsey.” The woman had recovered her calm, and she looked remarkably determined. He snapped mockingly.
The man did not refute that rule: he remembers it perfectly.
There began the decline of the man during the rest of the game: she moved during his speech taking advantage of the fact that it was an oversight. He kept going and going, promising himself he was going to win. But, the problem is that the woman had already gained him an immense advantage. No matter how hard he tried, she always ate his pieces, and made sure to keep him in line with her king. She always had her pawns reach the other end and they had to be crowned - plus, there was an insidious bishop who couldn't corner, and she was going around the entire board-. But, by grace, luck, or carelessness, her king was careless. "You forgot something, my dear" The man had long since despaired, and he was noted by the angry expression. The woman looked at him, putting her little finger in her mouth as she had done before. “: a king above all has to have eyes on his back! Check.” The man put a horse dangerously close to the pink king. He was clearly saying to her: "retire now, if not...” “And I say the same: checkmate.”
That was the final thing that made the man almost lose his nerves. "But what...?!" Upon seeing it, the man regretted the check almost immediately: that woman had put his precious yellow king in a slaughterhouse by cornering him with queens and a single pawn. He was basically in the greatest doom, finally being sealed by a bishop. The woman finished the game, causing the bishop to go after the king, causing him to fall to the ground. "How…?" The woman took a few seconds to assimilate her victory, and stepped all the pieces back in measure, while the man brought his right hand to his face and squeezed. "Let me answer that question with another question: do you know what the golden rectangle is?" To be honest, the man did not know. There came an explanation with quite a bit of mathematical poise: that rectangle was, simply, a visual representation of equal proportions, even with smaller rectangles for logarithmic use. “For example: this board is a perfect golden rectangle, and can create other rectangles to infinity. Look.” The woman took out a marker and began to make lines, and so she created those figures until it was almost impossible to do more. “It serves to make infinite sequences of numbers, as well as everything that has to do with the subject. However...” The woman paused dramatically, and took the bishop with which she had won and put it in its original position.
“There is more about it. For example, the golden spiral. These two themes complement each other. All this is considered divine, and the spiral ” The woman made the bishop move, making movements that made a rather pyramidal spiral. The man saw that with horror, but in turn, trying to guess what her sentence would be for having lost miserably. “It is not less: it is found in some galaxies, clouds, in some animals, in almost everything you want, basically. So” The woman said this with complete certainty, and already seemed to be very professional: she raised her voice to be heard more than by the man… maybe she wanted to be heard by something bigger than her, or him. “, everything you do or try to do will be like the rectangle, the spiral. All your intentions will end like this chess game: an infinite loose. And acknowledging your sins will be the only way to end your evil. It's a good request... don't you think so?”
During that explanation and sentence, the man had become angry. He was blinded, completely drowned by anger and hatred. He couldn't believe it... that... that!... “You... filthy lizard ...” The woman looked at the man, completely calm even when this guy looked completely insane. “I'm gonna kill you, you bitch!”
The man jumped at her: oh, of course he was ready to kill her. He was going to suffocate her with his bare hands, he didn't care: he could. He can, of course he can!... but she was missing. In a daze, she disappeared.
No... damn it, no... how is that possible? “No... no, no, no, no...” The man raised his right hand to his face. He scratched and was mistreating his face by making him bleed. He made it so strong, with the combination of defeat, resignation and anger that he made his monocle begin to crack.
“Oh my God! Filbrick!” The man stands up in a second from his seat, tossing the newspaper aside when he heard his wife screaming. The man went to his room, and his pregnant wife was screaming in pain. He saw her, with fear and disgust, that Caryn was... –Filbrick, is coming… -
The husband helped his wife down the stairs. They crossed by the pawn shop. The night before, they played a very quick game of chess: the black king was defeated by a white bishop.
On that day, not only was the birth of two souls was celebrated. That day, every year, not only was their birthday celebrated. Also, that day represented the first nail placed in the grave of a very, very distant being. The loser's fate was sealed forever, by a civilized game.
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation - Chapter 8 Part 4
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Chapter 8 - The Birth of the Second Generation
Part 4
All text is under the cut for spoilers.
Once her unit killed the last member of Mahnya's unit, Pamela landed by Andorey's side.
"So, what did you think? Silesse's pegasus knights are nothing compared to the might of the Beige Ritter! Just as I told you!"
"They certainly aren't…"
"I will continue traveling to Silesse Castle to seize it. And you can cross the mountains, and seize Torve Castle. Does that sound like a good plan?" Andorey suggested.
However, Dakkar had ordered Pamela to conquer Silesse Castle. "My unit is supposed to attack Silesse as well…"
"No, conquering Silesse was the role given to me. So my unit will do it alone. Got it?"
The way Pamela saw it, the reinforcements from the Grannvalian Beige Ritter had been the unit to defeat Mahnya's unit. But she also sensed strong conviction in Andorey's words.
'To say that so confidently, Dakkar must have made an agreement with him. And it is true that we must take Torve, however we do it. By the time my unit would reach the castle, Sigurd's army would be traveling to Silesse to provide reinforcements there, leaving Torve mostly unguarded.’
"Understood." Pamela answered, and told her pegasus knights they would head towards Torve Castle to conquer it.
Andorey watched Pamela's unit take off, then ordered the Beige Ritter to march to Silesse Castle.
When Rahna learned of Mahnya's total defeat, she was overcome by grief, but acted quickly.
First, she called in the commander of the remaining soldiers, and declared Silesse an open city.
"With Mahnya's unit gone, we have no reason to resist here any further. I don't want your nor the citizen's lives to be lost in a hopeless battle. You are to take all the soldiers here, flee the castle immediately, and go to Sailane Castle. There, you will join Prince Sigurd's army. If possible, I'd like for you to return and retake this castle with Prince Sigurd, but you are not to decide what you do. Leave all the decision-making to them. If you understand, then leave at once!"
"But what about you, Queen Rahna…?"
"I will stay here. It is my duty as lady of this castle."
"This is an order from your queen! Go quickly! You are wasting time!"
"Yes, Your Majesty. ...We will pray for your safety."
The commander left, then Rahna gathered together the soldiers to relay the same message to them.
"Your duty is to inform the citizens that Silesse has been declared an open city. Those who wish to evacuate, you may do so immediately after informing the citizens. Those who wish to stay should prepare for pillaging by hiding their valuables. Any court ladies who wish to remain here, please clean the castle."
"Queen Rahna, what shall we do about the valuables inside the castle?"
"Leave them where they are. I don't mind where you hide your own valuables, even if it's in a place you normally shouldn't. Now, please hurry! Oh, and someone stand guard atop the castle wall, and tell me when the enemy is near."
Rahna received the message late that afternoon that a calvary unit was approaching.
She opened the castle gate, placed the key on an ornate pillow, and waited for the enemy to arrive.
She walked up to who appeared to be the leader, and bowed.
"I am Queen Rahna of Silesse. I will not resist, and give this castle to you." She said, then stepped forward and handed him the key to the castle gate.
Andorey took the key and dismounted his horse. "A wise decision, Queen Rahna. In that case, I will be spending the night here.”
"Only the night?"
"Yes. My orders were to capture Silesse Castle, not occupy it. So tomorrow, I will leave this castle and return home. This key is proof that I fulfilled my duty."
“Do as you please. Now then, I shall show you around the castle.”
Andorey had received Reptor’s orders orally, so he’d repeated them over and over again to etch them word-for-word in his mind.
“Go to Zaxon Castle, work together with Duke Dakkar, and conquer Silesse Castle.”
But in reality, Reptor had not meant for his words to be taken that literally. Capturing the castle would of course mean occupying it, and if he were to fully work together with Duke Dakkar, it could very well end up meaning that he would march to Sailane, if the circumstances called for it.
However, the cowardly Andorey had interpreted the words in the most narrow sense possible.
‘I went to Zaxon Castle, worked together with Duke Dakkar to wipe out the entire enemy pegasus knight unit, and captured Silesse. There’s nothing more to be done! I’ve completed my orders perfectly! With this, there’s no chance I could disappoint Reptor. This is my first responsibility, so I must follow it word-for-word.’
With that, he fully enjoyed the Silessians’ hospitality, then left for home with the Beige Ritter the next afternoon.
Pamela’s pegasus knight unit neared Torve Castle.
There were no enemies in sight.
‘I knew it! The castle is empty!’ Feeling confidence in their safety, she flew in closer.
Suddenly, a large group of archers appeared atop the castle wall.
‘Dammit!’ She saw them all too late.
Brigid shot an arrow with Yewfelle, and pierced through Pamela’s chest.
‘I-Impossible… How could I be taken down… with one arrow…’
And so, Pamela’s unit suffered the same fate as Mahnya’s.
The Silessian pegasus knights were trained not to retreat unless their commander ordered them to, so Pamela’s unit continued their futile attempt at resistance until none of them were left.
If, and only if, Pamela’s unit and the Beige Ritter had crossed Silesse River together, they would have had a chance at conquering Sailane Castle. However, Andorey’s cowardice had ruined the chances of that happening. So Sigurd’s army was able to hold down Sailane without suffering any damage, and the fleeing citizens all made it to safety.
While that was happening, Dakkar panicked and deployed General Donovan’s unit to occupy Silesse Castle, but it was already too late.
Sigurd’s army pushed on without even stopping to rest, and crossed Silesse River all at once to retake Silesse Castle.
Their morale was as high as could be, as they felt they must save Queen Rahna, who had saved them.
Donovan’s axe fighters and wind mages were powerful foes, but no match for Sigurd’s experienced army that was traversing the country like a wildfire.
In a fight that lasted just three hours, they retook Silesse Castle.
Sigurd killed Donovan, then was the first to rush to Queen Rahna’s side.
“Are you okay, Queen Rahna? I’m sorry we’re so late.”
“No, Prince Sigurd, you did well. You have no reason to have any regrets. It was my helplessness that got so many people killed. Losing Mahnya was especially difficult…”
“No way… Lady Mahnya was…?”
“Yes, she was lost. By Grannvale’s arch knights, I’ve been told...
“Queen Rahna, please don’t blame yourself. I will avenge her. But first, we must take care of Duke Dakkar. Please let us go to Zaxon.”
“Those of his men that occupied this castle killed many Silessian citizens, many of whom did not resist, even after I declared it an open city. That man is a murderer. Of course I would want him to pay for his crimes!”
“Understood. Then we will leave to attack Zaxon at once! Stay calm and wait here. Prince Lewyn also contributed greatly during the last battle. I will call him in now, so please quell your anger towards him.”
But Sigurd didn’t even have to do that. Lewyn was already waiting just outside the door.
“Mother, nothing makes me happier than to see you safe. I could hardly bear how worried I was for you, but seeing your face just now has calmed my mind completely. I will fulfill all my promises to Silesse from now on.”
“You’ve finally grown up into a wonderful person who can keep his promises. Do I have Prince Sigurd to thank for all of this?”
“Still you jest? I won’t go anywhere else ever again. I promise to stay by your side, always. And you already knew I can keep my promises now, didn’t you?”
“Well, I can’t deny you when you’re being so nice.... Did you hear about Mahnya?”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping. The door was open, but I would never…”
“That’s fine. That’s not what I was trying to imply. She did something very pitiful. She died in my place.”
“Then I will protect you in her place.”
“Thank you. That’s all I wanted to hear. Please continue to aid Prince Sigurd. He needs your power.”
“But then what about you, Mother…?”
“I will be fine, Lewyn. As a descendant of Wind Sage Ced, you must work hard to lead this world down the right path. I think… this is the right time to entrust Forseti, the Holy Wind Tome, to you.” Rahna said, then handed Lewyn the tome that had been beside her. “I’d decided to give it to you the moment you came here, so I kept it by my side. Now, please take it.”
“This is… Forseti, the tome passed down through our family?” 
The moment she put it in his hands, a strange power flowed through his body. “Ah… this power… this warmth…”
“Lewyn, you cannot forget. The wind is sometimes strong and violent, but most often, it blows calmly. The Crusader of Wind is the same. He is violent in battle, but that is not his only purpose.”
“I understand. While I was away, I always thought about my purpose. I am the wind. I will never stop… I will lead the world in a new direction…”
“Yes, you are truly a child of the wind. I have done all that I must do. Now go!”
“I will. But… there’s one thing I want to ask you before I go.”
“What is it?”
“Please wait a moment.” He said, then left the room, and quickly returned with Erinys, leading her by the hand.
“Mother, and Erinys, please listen to me. I am in love with her. I wish to marry her. ...Erinys, will you marry me?”
Erinys froze in shock, and repeated the meaning of his words over and over again in her head. ‘He loves me… He wishes to marry me…’
“What’s wrong? I’m able to keep my promises now, so Mother will give us her blessing. I love you, Erinys. I want you to marry me.”
“Um… I… I… But Mahnya…”
“I did like her. But that was only a crush I had in my youth. Now, my heart knows what it wants. Erinys, the only person I want to marry is you.”
“Oh, Lord Lewyn!”
Tears flowed from her eyes.
“What do you say, Mother? I think this means she’s agreed to my proposal. Will you give us your blessing?”
“Congratulations, Lewyn, Erinys.” Rahna said with tears sparkling in her eyes. “If you think you have fulfilled your duties, then you should be free of your worries, too. Nothing would make me happier. I cannot wait to meet your children!”
Sigurd’s army marched towards Zaxon.
When Dakkar learned of this news, he deployed a mercenary group, led by Lamia the Heartless, to face them.
As her name suggested, Lamia was a warrior to be feared, and all her subordinates were seasoned fighters.
However, Sigurd’s army still had more experience.
After cleverly baiting the mercenaries, they completely wiped the group out.
Dakkar had sent the units fighting for him out one after the other, and had no soldiers left to defend Zaxon Castle.
Sigurd’s army attacked the castle in a full frontal assault, broke down the gate, and flooded inside.
Sigurd headed for the main building to continue the fight, but was held back by Lewyn, who shouted out to him from behind.
“Sigurd, leave Dakkar to me!” Sigurd stopped when he heard his name, allowing Lewyn to pass him. “Mahnya was very close to me.”
Dakkar stood tall in front of the throne.
When he saw Lewyn coming towards him, he sneered at the prince.
“So the runaway has finally returned home?”
“I made a mistake. But now, all I can do is look forward. ...Oh, and by the way, I inherited Forseti.”
Dakkar’s face turned white.
“You dragged the Granvallian arch knights into this, and killed Mahnya! With my first use of Forseti, I will have my revenge against you!” Lewyn raised his arm, and all of the air surrounding him condensed in his hand. “Go to hell!”
The compressed air flew towards Dakkar, and the tremendous power in that small ball pulverized his body.
“Mahnya, are you watching? Can you feel what I’m feeling right now…?” A light shone in Lewyn’s eyes.
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Candy 12-14
Even Jake’s having his proverbial love triangle troubles
It’s clear he genuinely cares for both Jane and Dirk, but if he’s being honest with himself, the one he romantically loves would be Dirk, the one he would prefer to be with, who he’d choose if they were equal options, would be Dirk
But he’s also right that it’s not like Jane’s a bad choice either, sure it’s not his preference if he’s being honest, but he’s also not about to look the gift horse in the mouth if it falls right into his lap
13 is where we start start to see the unraveling happen I suppose though
Again, everyone is acting so drugged up in Candy
Jane and Jake getting literally inebriated and Dave acting like he’s going through Dirk withdrawal
Then Gamzee being the weird ugly poster child of both drugs and candy, honestly it really did make sense to shove him into this timeline in a weird and uncomfortable ham fisted way, it gets that “are you fucking high right now” feeling across really well
Gamzee really being the cloud cuckoolander here though
hold on let me un-gamzee-ify it just reading his text quirk makes me feel like im on drugs
Gamzee: you don’t got any need to go and concern yourself with his mortal flesh body out here in this candycane whirlpool beyond the infinite black wink of the wicked singularity, my ninja.
Gamzee: a sack of meat and bones in one life or the next is only a means to the final totality that will damn and raise us all in brilliant apotheosis.
Gamzee seems clearly meta aware of the situation he’s in which is interesting, This is indeed a candy swirled timeline hidden inside an infinite black hole singularity
the second line seems to be describing the meat timeline in a way though too
a sack of meat sounds worthless, but it is apparently only a means to a truer end, it has to happen for something else to happen
Essential, but irrelevant, again
funnily enough he’s also seems to be referencing gnostic concepts, not that i’m surprised really at this point
one sack of meat, or, one body in one life or the next
so reincarnation
is only a means to an end that both damns and raises a person into apotheosis, or their “zenith” their highest point
which, i mean, yeah, you live life again and again, differently each time, becoming closer to ascension, and ultimate consumation of every version of you is the basic tenet of the reincarnation gnosticisms
Also, a lot of text was put into describing Gamzee haphazardly crashing into things and setting off rube goldberg machines, which I guess sort of describes his escapades through Homestuck lol
“cinder block, crusty puppet, and Japanese sword in a tornado’s radius off balance and avalanching them catastrophically onto the hapless clown’s torso. “
So the Sword is Dirk (or AR) the crusty puppet is Caliborn (because Lil Cal) which I guess leaves the cinder block as Equius? He’s built like a brick shithouse? eh only problem sleuth stuff comes up so 2/3 ain’t bad
Speaking of Equius, oh look, A feminine half finished robot in Dirk’s basement
the uncomfortable Equius vibes ping once again though I don’t think this is robo-Aradia, but likely something meant to serve a similar purpose and almost DEFINITELY Rose related if reading meat wasn’t already obvious and if the skull for an inner head thing wasn’t immediately referring to the headaches Rose was known to have
though it’s also uncomfortably a symbol of her Doom
“A flip of the cosmic coin has rendered your entire life completely inessential.”
yup what did I just say, Meat is representing the essential bits of the story, candy is decidedly, not
hm, Dirk’s going to kill himself for the supposed greater good of his own making again
not unsurprising, but a guy like him always like to make an escape rather than give up, is he thinking death will unlock this part of his conciousness and send the memories back to the ultimate self? probably
“and one final act of relevance that can bequeath your meager energies to the cosmic well from whence they came.”
Though as much as he keeps saying none of this matters he did leave an explanatory note specifically for his friends to find, so there’s still something in him that cares
Don’t like how the bigger blacker text is basically instructing this version of Dirk to kill himself though, that again implies there’s part of Dirk that are subservient to other parts, so again it’s a question of if his ultimate self got tainted through the connecting pieces of Arquisprite > Lord English > Doc Scratch, then who’s actually pulling the strings in Dirk’s Ultimate Self and directing the behaviour of “Dirk” in general
Is it Dirk Strider? Or Doc Scratch? and does that even matter anymore since it’s all DS all the same anyway?
“In a certain sense, you’ve never felt so free.
> Kill yourself.”
That’s hilariously also a JailBreak reference, I think, but definitely played for the morbs instead of as a joke lol
Literally this MC kills himself when his friend dies and he’s now alone in a vast cosmic emptiness and the text is:
“Yes! Finally! Free at last!
Though the victory is bitersweet. Your friend has died of blood loss.
This is no victory. The feeling is vast emptiness. You are no longer bound by bars or concrete, but you feel more incarcerated than ever. You come to the heartwrenching conclusion that the only true prison... is loneliness.
There is only one thing left to do.
> Continue”
and it just resets him back to the first panel but this time he makes choices differently
ironic that Dirk does literal the exact same thing but comes to exactly zero of the same conclusions
“Just as your epiphany occured at sunset, your death must occur at sunrise to complete the ouroboros of symbological harmonic resonance that is your personal arc. It is the very last moment of narratively consequential action that will happen in this whole, barren world.”
I wonder what about this death makes it so narratively significant? just because it passes along the knowledge of what not to do back to the Ultimate Self so he can avoid it? Probably nothing more than that
“but there really are no words that can adequately express the sound someone makes when they die. It’s a phenomenon that happens on two levels. First, there is the literal termination of organic processes, which is to say, the destruction of the meat. Then follows the dissolution of the ego. And you have quite the ego to dissolve, one that has flown so high above the forest that not only can it no longer see the trees, it cannot even conceive of the trees as material substance with objective meaning.”
funny it mentions a forest which is also where that happened in JailBreak
Basically describes how death in general works in Homestuck, the body dies but can leave a ghost/ego behind, but eventually that dissolves as well
Again though, making a compariosn between the Meat and the Body/Flesh and the Candy and the Spirit or Ghost
or another pun between Candy and Drugs if you take Spirit to mean alcoholic spirits
Candy seems ironically and symbolically the place where Breath Meets Void, no wonder John and Roxy hook up here lol
Does that make Meat then the place where Blood and Light meet? I have before put significance into the crossover of those symbolisms in Homestuck before, but couldn’t really conceptulize it as a solid symbolic thing and the Meat and epilogues in general did a really good job of conjoining them into the idea of the story what with the Narrative having importance but also Veins and the idea of Karkat as being reliable narrator etc etc
Meat’s as good a symbol as any for that I suppose
“ When you think so little of yourself as a moral character, any act of self-termination will result in a death that is Just. “
so this line seems to imply that Dirk’s death was permanent and Just here because he thought so little of his own moral character aka deep down he knew he was terrible person, amount of remorse felt over that not applicable, and because of that perception of his, the clock tick tocked over on to Just
Again reinforcing that the Clock is less of an ultimate moral judgment from down on high and much more like an influenceable moral compass, given form by the person affecting it at the moment
I actually kinda like the new spin on that it gives Vriska’s original just death, since that slow ticking of the clock was not just a decision, but a battle of wills between herself and Terezi, it could have easily gone either way depending on how each saw Vriska
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ryouverua · 6 years
A Certain Lab, Reprised
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lab get lab get lab get lab get LAB GET
Everything around us is either exploding or on fire so Sweetcheeks and I are going to retreat to our space safe, investigating
am I talking about the school exploding or tumblr
we just don’t know
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Speak of the devil!
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“I AM HERE!!!”
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Didn’t really wait at all tbh 8′D
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Actually all jokes aside Sweetcheeks is right, it was hella cool - and also thank god he was in the hallway and far away from the window! K1-b0 keeps asking if Shuichi is okay but is being incredibly reckless at the same time - what if Shuichi had been showered with that glass? He wouldn’t come out of that unscathed. Was that just K1-b0 taking more of his uncorked anger out on the school?
... Hm, though I guess calling it ‘anger’ isn’t quite right. Or, at least, K1-b0’s fluctuating between ‘anger’ and sort of... more... ‘grim determination’.
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Yeah, he didn’t even flinch at being complimented. He’s got serious tunnel vision right now.
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There’s only one other place I can think of that qualifies...
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Oh thank god I want to satisfy my curiosity about the library as much as you do but RANTARO’S TALENT FIRST
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Again - damn, K1-b0.
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Whoa -
..... This has a very YGO Season 0 vibe. Sorry, that’s a weird comment. Maybe the better way to describe it is that the words ‘punishment game’ immediately come to mind? Some sorta wheel/puzzle thing in the back, cards hanging from the ceiling, some sort of... table...? Kinda reminds me of a poker table, though there’s no center to it... Maybe he... really did specialize in death games...?
Actually, if Celeste had an Ultimate Lab, I feel like it would have a similar aesthetic ~
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“Yeah so I never shared with you all, but part of the Ultimate Detective status includes the ability to shoot spirit energy from your finger like a gun -”
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I don’t think that’s completely wrong but I feel like the actual talent name is going to be x100 times more ominous. 8′D
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MAN end-game Himiko is so different than early-game Himiko! Nice to have you onboard - wait, I just realized we’ve got a magician sidekick helping us in an investigation. Is this the right time to make an Ace Attorney reference, or -
Okay, huh. There’s actually way less to click on than I thought there would be. WHAT IS WITH THE MOST CRYPTIC PEOPLE HAVING THE LEAST INTERACTIVE ROOMS, COME ON DRV3 -
Okay, that laptop first:
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Empty laptop.... okay, let’s set that aside for now.
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Here’s the real question - what came first? The K1-b0 we knew for the first five chapters or this K1-b0? Which one should we consider to be the ‘true’ K1-b0? I think the game is implying that this is the real K1-b0, and the one who we knew up until now was a ‘controlled’ version of him - but at the same time, if the antenna was built in with him, could it be considered part of the original design and therefore part-and-parcel of K1-b0?
omfg I just realized the implications of a white-haired boy hearing a voice (that he literally calls ‘voice’) in his head who may or may not be controlling him behind the scenes be still my heart you’re getting distracted
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Like a safe?
......... Omfg it says ‘B’ and ‘A’ on them and it has pictograms on them. Is... this going where I think this is going...
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Okay Himiko is being our in-game tutorial and noting that the zodiac is on one side and astrological signs are on the other but honestly I’m fine to skip all past it tbh because there it is, there’s our fucking ‘horse a’ and ‘twin b’ is gemini, Kokichi himself was a gemini, this was where we were going with those hints??? Rantaro’s lab?! idk I just don’t find puzzles like this hard I kinda thrive off of symbolism and mythology in general 8′D
Wait.... doesn’t that mean Kokichi couldn’t have been the one to leave those messages behind?!
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Okay this was pretty cute so I left this in ~ but straight up two minutes later it was just a string of KACHUNK KACHUNK KACHUNK until I got it open immediately -
.... the symbols are weirdly cute though, hehe ~
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Don’t worry Sweetcheeks, the only life-threatening time-waster we’ll spend all of our time on is fluff text!
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Aaaaaaand done. Thanks Kokichi!
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Ah, so they’re talking about the stone with ‘horse a’ written on it - which... does make me curious, honestly. I think the existence of this safe pretty much confirms that he didn’t write the original message... right?
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When did the letters start appearing aside from ‘horse a’? Chapter 3? Was that around the time he concocted that particular plan, then?
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H-Hey now, he’s also the reason we found the second clue. 8′D I mean, it wouldn’t have been terrible to go through 12 different combinations with ‘horse a’ determined, but it wouldn’t have been ideal.
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i bet you can buy that, that is literally perfect DR merch
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yeah I’m totally going to pull up my old post to see what matches and what doesn’t
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“Oh god I forgot how absolutely stunning he was.”
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OH I thought that was an abstract red background, silly me - 8′D well, that was probably the point. It might give away the game if we saw something more concrete behind him way back in... what, Chapter 4?
Anyway, more importantly, Rantaro shouldn’t have had access to this place... except he clearly did. So... he... must have been here before. And he knew more about the killing game, or seemed to intuitively know more, than anyone else. He... must have done this before. Except he had made it all the way here last time??? So there is a loop of some sort? Though it can’t be an outright time loop because otherwise there would be no need to record a video (unless like I considered it’s a ‘simulated’ time loop, aka VR-style like last game)...
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This makes me wonder how we saw the video the first time. Was it just another flashback/tease like the meteorites were, before we saw the flashback lights?
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I mean, I guess it’s kinda hard for recording!Rantaro to prove, but we’ll have to take him at his word here I suppose. 8′D
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are you telling me you were the protagonist in the last killing game
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Man, what an asshole move??? Like, okay, Monokuma’s creating the puzzle of the safe which would unlock this video. Fine. But almost half of the class would have to be dead in order for him to get to it! There’s no way for him to even start the puzzle at this point, because he wouldn’t know it existed! What a huge handicap!
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......... Something.... he had.... since the beginning............. Hm. I’m drawing a blank. I don’t remember anything in particular that stands out....
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My dead boy, that is an understatement.
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Now this makes me wonder if he is the only one repeating it or if anyone else is? Well, maybe the mastermind - but like, maybe everyone is repeating it, but only those who ‘won’ were able to have better memories, or were just able to retain the memories of the last game better than the others?
Or, hell, if I want to go along with my previous theory about downloading the memories of students, maybe... Rantaro can remember more about his real self? Or something? But everyone else can’t?
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And if he’s really someone who won the previous one (along with one other person, I suppose), then he knows that for a fact.
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???!?! Aaaah this part got cut off last time too - so it was actually cut off in the video, and not just in our flashback?!
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“You’re also dead, which may make things a little bit more difficult, but I still believe in you!”
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That at least I expected -
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like the dramatic irony I’m sure the fandom has done to death, for example
What about the second person??? Is there a second Ultimate Survivor???? I guess there can’t be since everyone else knows their talents but -
wait, if you’re the Ultimate Survivor because you won a killing game, who were you in the last game????
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Does this really give him an advantage though??? I guess the information would have been nice but I mean, it obviously didn’t do him much good because he got taken out so quickly!
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Man this makes me wonder if Kokichi had any inkling of this...
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jsyk since I have the screenshots side to side, his expression is different in this video compared to the last one
~ fun facts ~
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Yeah, see, the ‘he wanted’ part is throwing me off. He participated, sure, and he didn’t say he wanted the original one, but he came back for round two and said he wanted it.... but why???? That implies there’s a purpose to it, and he was okay to gamble his own life - but also, as a person without his memories of this, he wanted to stop the game. If the chip he bet is his own life, the reward must be huge, right? He won these supposed perks for this game, but what did he win for his life outside the game? .... Assuming there is anything outside the game? Is there anything for him outside the game?
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Yeah, she didn’t know the identity of her target. 8′\ Also I’d be sad if it was Kaede in the end. Second also! I know that she ended up being the first chapter killer and I’m one of the people got taken by surprise by that, but we were in her head for that whole chapter! Her motive made sense - but for her to end up being the mastermind now? That wouldn’t make sense, based on what we know of her, memory shenanigans aside!
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That would require the mastermind to have knowledge of Shuichi and Kaede’s plan then, right? So they would have had to draw Rantaro to the library somehow, so he would get caught in Kaede’s trap...
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It... should be one of a kind, considering the circumstances...
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Yeah I’m still wracking my brain and not coming up with anything there. Could it have to do with his necklace? It did make me think of that ‘soldier tag’ present, about remembering someone who they lost. That would be an incredibly appropriate, if not cruel, ‘survivor’s perk’ present for someone who survived a killing game.
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Man are we going to get a new flashback for every place we investigate???
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you can pry the flashback light animation from my cold dead hands
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Immediate thoughts - generic students. But, are they? Is there any chance that they look generic on the face of it, but are actually representative of people in the class? I don’t see anything that could be an immediate match (Korekiyo = masked guy, Kokichi = small guy with similarly shaped hair/short stature/face, Kaito = tall guy, maybe), and they seem to have different VAs - hell, is that Jounouchi (or for the proper DR character, Munakata)’s seiyuu?
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...... or the guy with the sick mask could just be sick lmao
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Ah, so this is from when the virus began to ravage the population...
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That seems like an understatement 8′D But at least we know for sure when in the timeline this takes place! Shuichi doesn’t seem to know they’re going to be the only survivors yet, but they’ve already been presumably screened for the Gopher Project which means it is well under way.
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Calm down Sigma Klim -
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Shuichi hasn’t told them he swings both ways, huh.
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Don’t mind me, just wanted to make sure Shuichi didn’t miss the cryptic message left for him in these memories -
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Not only that, but these aren’t memories meant to act as a reward for completing a stage like the other ones or even one they found - this was literally forced on them. It’s supposed to be Monokuma’s weapon against them. So... similar to the motive from the last trial, it’s trying to make them take action...?
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And it’s clearly working!
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... Maybe it isn’t the necklace then. I mean, he was wearing it when he died right??? And his body is gone...
Oh man unless just like everyone else there were copies of it along with the rest of it in his room - except there are 15, one for all the participants for the last game or something -
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It might be 50/50 right now??? There’s something screwy going on, I just don’t know what.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Helstrom Became One of Marvel Television’s Last Shows Standing
Hell hasn’t quite frozen over on the Vancouver set of Marvel’s Helstrom but it’s close. A chill can be felt even inside the fabricated walls of St. Teresa’s Church as Tom Austen, who plays the titular Daimon Helstrom, sits down to talk with the press. It’s February and the show is months from its release date but Austen is already wearing the classic “Marvel leading man undercover” look, with a logo-less black hat atop his head. He’s prepared to discuss many aspects of Marvel’s first horror series, chief among them: just how much fun it is to set things on fire. 
“I love the stuff with fire. I would say like over 90 percent of the fire-work that we’ve done has been practical. If there’s fire and Daimon’s standing by it then I’m standing by it. Which has been quite nice shooting outdoors because it’s cold here.”
Helstrom represents plenty of firsts for the Marvel TV universe. It will be the first time a Marvel series has shot in Canada and the first time a Marvel show has been chiefly classified as horror. It’s also set to be the last in many regards. For starters, Austen just might be the last actor to ever set stuff on fire for Marvel Television…and that’s because the entity known as Marvel Television no longer exists.  
Last year, Marvel czar Kevin Feige consolidated Marvel’s TV offerings under the Marvel Studios banner, creating a new TV-producing entity known as Marvel TV Studios that could create TV content that fits within the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the newly-arrived Disney+. As part of the transition, Marvel Television (known for Netflix’s The Defenders, Hulu’s Runaways, and ABC’s Agents of SHIELD) was shuttered.
With one stroke of the pen, a half-dozen Marvel Television-produced shows were left in the lurch. Howard the Duck, Tigra & Dazzler, Hit Monkey, and Ghost Rider, which were all in active development for Hulu (which has been controlled by Disney since the Disney-21st Century Fox merger in 2019) were killed. In the end, Marvel decided to move forward with only animated series M.O.D.O.K. and live-action horror drama Helstrom and even then the latter show lost its “Marvel’s Helstrom” original title. Nor has the word “Marvel” appeared anywhere in the show’s advertising campaign. How then did Daimon Helstrom even become one of the last heroes standing for a Marvel era of television that no longer exists? 
For starters, the character is used to being an underdog. Though Marvel has historically been willing to mine some lesser-known titles, like Guardians of the Galaxy or The Eternals, for its adaptation purposes, Daimon Helstrom is particularly obscure. The character was created in the ‘70s when Marvel (perhaps wisely) vetoed Stan Lee’s desire to make none other than Satan himself a Marvel superhero. The character was revised to be the son of Satan, known as Daimon Hellstrom (the Hulu series drops the extra “l” in “Hellstrom”), and made his debut in 1973’s Ghost Rider #1. Daimon would go on to get his own brief “Son of Satan” arc in Marvel Spotlight issues 12 through 24. Since then, Daimon has popped up in a couple more runs but never fully took off as a character. 
To most, Daimon Hellstrom is best known as the moody magic-user with a Pentagram on his chest and a chariot of three-winged demon horses at his disposal. Despite the Son of Satan’s relatively limited comic history, however, one comic book page was all Helstrom producers needed to be convinced the character had a second life waiting on television.
That one page, from issue 13, captures everything one would need to know about the Helstrom family, as Daimon reads his mother’s diary and discovers that he is the product of a union built on lies and treachery. He has his father’s abilities but no guidance. He is charged with creating his own identity all the while marked with the sign of the devil plainly visible on his chest. 
“Look at the building blocks of what (Daimon) is,” co-executive producer Megan Thomas Bradner says. “He’s a demon who has an incredible guilt over his history, over who he is. Maybe the different writers and artists chose not to go down that path, but it all starts with the stuff that they gave us.”
Helstrom is a more grounded and realistic take on the character that delves deeper into his sense of isolation and pain. This Helstrom is the son of a serial killer father (according to the show’s synopsis at least) and a mother (Elizabeth Marvel’s Victoria) who lost her mind and now lives, restrained, in a padded cell inside St. Teresa’s hospital wing. As an adult, Helstrom now lives in Portland and works as an exorcist of sorts, all the while dealing with the trauma of an interrupted family life. There are no tights, no magical tridents, and no demonic horses… probably… maybe…
“They’re going to be ponies actually,” Austen quips. 
He does have a physical scar, in addition to his emotional ones. And that scar just may or may not resemble a Pentagram but it’s hard to say. Daimon keeps getting a tattoo over it but the tattoos quickly fade away. Makeup Artist Cindy L. Barlow says she knows where to place the scar on Austen’s back by tracing his freckles before applying the adhesive in a 10-15 minute process. Austen likes to peel it off at the end of each work day.
“You’re supposed to gently remove it but that’s not as fun,” Barlow says.
Daimon’s life has reached a fragile equilibrium as the series begins. Though he chiefly works as an Ethics Teacher at Gateway University (which makes a brief appearance in the comics), he also uses his supernatural abilities gleaned from “The Shadow Side” to assist St. Teresa’s and other interested parties in demon removal. To aid in that mission, he is supported by Dr. Louise Hastings (June Carryl), head of the psychiatric hospital within St. Teresa’s where Daimon’s mother Victoria is committed.
“(Dr. Hastings) acts as a kind of surrogate mom for Daimon,” Austen says. “She’s one of the first people to become aware of his abilities and tries to channel those for him to do some good.”
“There is a practicality to Louise that I think gets a workout,” Carryl adds of her character. “Walking that line is interesting. When something kind of goes off the rails and into another realm there’s a ‘huh, okay. I’m going to have to put that in the hopper. And it’s going to pop for a minute and we’ll deal with it later.’”
Another one of Daimon’s allies is Gabriella Rossetti (Ariana Guerra), a young agent sent by the Vatican to assist Daimon with his demonic issues. While everyone involved in Helstrom has old source material to sort through, Guerra decided to check out some even older texts to prepare to be an agent of the Church. 
“I was reading the Bible every day,” Guerra says. “I was going to church maybe like two or three times a week, just to kind of feel connected and to appreciate the rigidness of it and not see it as a chore. For a while I was like, ‘Mom, I think I’m going to convert.’ But then all of a sudden I started having a lot of Catholic guilt. So I had to just step away.”
The presence of the Catholic Church in Helstrom indicates just how big, old, and elemental the forces at play are. And if this is all starting to sound a little like The Exorcist, that’s by design. 
“I think there’s fun stuff in there for Marvel fans, whether you are a comic fan or a TV fan. But if you also are just a fan of horror, you can come to this too,” Bradner says.
This is the kind of production where (disturbingly anatomically correct) rubber corpses lie haphazardly on stretchers outside of offices. It’s the kind of production where the props team likes to note that they’re working on “human meat cubes” and that they’ve got a “bin full of thumbs.” It’s horror through and through. 
All that horror is a lot for any one Son of Satan and his Vatican agent buddy to deal with. And that’s where Ana Helstrom comes in. 
For as little Daimon Helstrom source material that the show has to work with, there is even less to go off of for his superpowered sister—the sultry Satana. In the comics, Satana’s key features are a profound love for her father and an even more profound distaste for modest clothing. 
“I said, ‘Oh, okay. So we’re going to be using wigs and prosthetic body parts apparently.’ That was an overwhelming sight,” Ana actress Sydney Lemmon says of seeing the comic version of her character.
“My Ana Helstrom is a little different though,” she adds.
For one, Satana is now simply Ana. Ana Helstrom works as an art and antiquities dealer at her own San Francisco auction house who uses the selling of swords owned by Napoleon Bonaparte and ancient Sumerian daggers as a jumping off point for her own brand of demonic justice. Lemmon (who is Jack Lemmon’s granddaughter and was recently seen in a crucial arc on Fear the Walking Dead) appreciates the role that legacy plays in crafting Ana’s psyche.
“I was really, really drawn in by the intense family dynamics happening between all of the Helstrom family members,” Lemmon says. “It’s fraught and turbulent and then when you add in the element of superpowers, it’s a done deal.”
Just as Daimon has his own helpers in the form of Gabriella and Hastings, Ana too has her allies. One is Chris Yen (Alain Uy), Ana’s business partner and surrogate brother figure in Daimon’s absence. 
“Chris is a very in-control type of person and likes things in this specific way,” Uy says. “In some ways that is the yin to Ana’s yang. It literally feels like a brother-sister relationship. Listen: I don’t know if you’ve got brothers or sisters, but I do and there’s definitely like a rivalry there, but it’s a healthy rivalry.”
Like many a Marvel sidekick, Chris Yen will become embroiled in some of the more intense and interesting aspects of Ana’s life, bringing the pair into contact with another one of Ana’s friends, Caretaker (played by The Wire’s Robert Wisdom). 
As the name implies, Caretaker has close ties to the dead and all manner of dark magic. The character is one of the few Helstrom supporting figures who has a comic book presence and has previously been played by none other than Sam Elliott in the 2007 Ghost Rider film. 
“If you’re familiar with New York, you know about the third rail on the subway. In the sense, Caretaker is working in two dimensions,” Wisdom says. “He’s up on the platform and he’s holding the third rail. He’s one of the few that can conduct that energy without snapping. That’s the tensile strength that I’ve given him.”
Wisdom describes Caretaker as a Nick Fury type, and also as a father-figure and guardian for Ana. 
Daimon and Ana Helstrom clearly aren’t hurting for paternal and maternal figures in their life, which is fortunate given the fate of their real parents. Though the siblings’ father is understandably not an announced part of the cast yet, Victoria Helstrom is set to play a big role haunting the pair’s lives, even from within the dismal confines of her padded prison. 
Elizabeth Marvel (no relation to…well, Marvel) took on the role of Victoria in part due to her teenage son being deeply steeped in the Marvel entertainment universe. Though she quickly found other aspects of her character and the show at large to appreciate. 
“It’s incredibly satisfying and creatively wonderful. It’s just actor candy all the time,” she says. “We work through a lot of issues, a lot of pain on this show. There’s a lot of dealing with the past and childhood trauma, and where, as a parent, your responsibility is, and how can you control and care for your children when circumstances are overwhelming?”
Victoria’s circumstances couldn’t possibly be more overwhelming. As indicated in the series’ first trailer, there’s a pretty compelling, pretty demonic reason that Victoria has been institutionalized for 20 years. As such, the character’s environs are as bleak as they come in the Helstrom world, though it comes with some actorly benefits
“We love going to visit, because the entire room is padded. So we all lie down,” Austen says. 
“Yes. We do a little yoga while they set up lights,” Marvel adds. 
Downtime for family yoga is few and far between on set but the Helstroms have done their best to create a familial environment amid all the blood, fire, and severed thumbs. And they’re hoping that chemistry and those themes of family and trauma appeal to Marvel fans looking for something new.
“I don’t think that anything that Marvel’s put out is quite like what we’re making,” Lemmon says. “I cannot wait for people to get to see this grounded, fantastical story that we’ve crafted. It looks so much like life, but has such magical elements. It feels like new ground for Marvel, and it’s such an honor to be a part of.”
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Who knows what the future holds for Helstrom as Marvel casts its eye towards Loki, WandaVision, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and more. For now, however, Daimon, Ana, and a whole cadre of demons are prepared to liven up Hulu’s October. Perhaps that’s why Daimon Helstrom was the last hero standing for Marvel Television. Somebody had to bring a spooky edge to the proceedings before the lights went out for good…and it might as well be the Son of Satan. 
The post How Helstrom Became One of Marvel Television’s Last Shows Standing appeared first on Den of Geek.
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diversegaminglists · 7 years
Torture Warnings
Discussion of many torture methods, mentions of rape, gang-rape, sexual assault and various other nasty things. I used as broad a definition of what constitutes torture as possible.
As with all lists suggestions and corrections encouraged.
Explicit on screen Torture:
The Age of Decadence - Uses crucifixion as a method of execution.
American McGee’s Alice - Multiple instances of on screen torture.
Assassin’s Creed Franchise - Interrogation usually involves punching people until they talk.
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood - Caterina Sforza is captured and beaten by the Borgia so badly that she cannot walk and must be carried to her rescue.
Batman Arkham Series - Dangling interrogation.
Battlefield 4 - Protagonist and partner are electroshocked.
Bayonetta - A key game mechanic, not avoidable.
Beyond Good and Evil - Double HH is rescued from an alien electrical torture machine.
Bioshock Infinite - Multiple scenes involving Elizabeth being tortured.
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - The protagonist is subjected to an attempted lobotomy as an interrogation technique.
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth - The protagonist is electroshock tortured by the FBI and an early level involves killing a person kept alive by electro torture.
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Electroshock torture, torturing people with glass shards, and Russian Roulette.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Torture of a captive and the protagonist has his legs shot off and the wounds stepped on.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - A character is beaten and executed.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - A warlord is threatened with a toxin grenade and offered a gas mask if he talks.
Clock Tower 3 - In a cutscene a man and his elderly mother are pushed into an acid vat by one of the murderers you fight.
Cold War: On Your Own Behind the Iron Curtain - Protagonist can interrogate people by dangling them over a fatal drop, Batman style.
Curse of Monkey Island - The protagonist gets tarred and feathered (at least once) but as the tar in question isn’t actually hot this is more of embarrassment for comedy that torture, mentioned for completeness’ sale because I’m a pedant.
The Darkness - The protagonist is tortured and forced to watch someone die.
The Darkness 2 - Torture and crucifixion.
Dead Space 2 - Isaac must perform eye surgery on himself, not technically torture but probably still qualifies.
Dragon Age 2 - Hawke can have a miner tortured to death and killed.
Deadly Premonition - Multiple murder victims tortured to death.
Dishonoured - You can use torture against a man in a brothel (who is obviously expecting an S&M session) to extract information.
Dishonoured 2 - A lobotomy is used as a non-lethal alternative to assassination.
Dragon Age: Origins - Multiple scenes, most notable in Arl Howe’s dungeon and the Broodmother backstory section of the Deep Roads.
Dungeon Keeper Franchise - Torture is a game mechanic.
Fallout: New Vegas - Interrogation of a Legion prisoner by the protagonist, you can use speech skills rather than physically hurting him though.
Far Cry 3 - Multiple instances of torture.
Far Cry 4 - The villain tortures a character to death with electro shocks.
Final Fantasy VIII - Squall is electroshocked.
Final Fantasy XIII - Multiple instances of magical torture.
Freedom Planet - The bad-guy electroshocks one of the the protagonists to make another character talk.
Game of Thrones (Telltale) - Ramsey Bolton tortures and kills a character on screen.
God of War Franchise - Multiple torture QTEs performed on enemies as well as non-combatants.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The protagonist ties someone to the hood of his car and goes driving.
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballard of Gay Tony - Batman style dangling interrogation.
Grand Theft Auto V - The protagonist Trevor tortures someone with the player’s choice of method.
Homefront: The Revolution - The protagonist and two partners are tortured, only the protagonist survives.
Kane and Lynch 2 - Opens with the protagonists being tortured. A female character is disembowelled and implied to have been raped.
killer7 - Russian Roulette
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Goofy is electroshock tortured during one of the Tron levels.
The Last of Us - Joel tortures two men to find Ellie.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean - Shows characters in stocks/pillories (to replace the scenes of hanged corpses from the original movies).
Heavy Rain - Multiple scenes of sexualised violence, police brutality, and torture. Some is avoidable with the use of a walkthrough.
Mass Effect Franchise - Many Renegade interrupts count as torture.
Mass Effect 2 - Shephard encounters someone being tortured in the Prison ship and can intervene. During Thane’s loyalty mission you can torture someone for information.
Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker - The premise of the DLC is to rescue a character from constant torture.
Max Payne 3 - A man is killed by necklacing (having a tyre put on his neck and set alight).
Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 - The protagonists are captured and tortured once per game, not skippable. Failing the torture scene (by submitting instead of resisting) in MGS 1 will kill off the character Meryl, resulting in a different ending.
Metal Gear Solis 3: Snake Eater - Multiple instances of torture towards NPCs and once towards the protagonist, but the torture scenes in this game are always skippable cutscenes.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - The B&B Corps are all victims of horrible torture.
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Peace Walker - Big Boss is tortured.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - The protagonist tortures Huey Emmerich and builds his army via kidnapping and indoctrination.
Metro: Last Light - The protagonist is interrogated, threatened, and dosed with truth serum.
Mortal Kombat - Some of the infamous fatality moves can be considered torture.
Outlast - Some of the protagonist’s fingers are cut off. Unskippable.
Outlast: Whistleblower - The protagonist watches another character be tortured and castrated before being murdered. After which they are also tied up and almost castrated themselves by a spinning blade before being rescued.
PAYDAY: The Heist - A character must be interrogated by various methods to give up access codes.
Phantasmagoria - A character is force fed until she dies.
Psychonauts - On screen lobotomies, though they are cartoonish and involves sneezing out the brain, still pretty nightmarish.
The Punisher - A gameplay mechanic enables the character to torture any of the bad guys for information.
Ratchet and Clank Franchise - Multiple instances of electroshock torture.
Red Dead Redemption - The lasso can be used to drag people on the ground from a horse.
Red Steel 2 - The game opens with the main character being dragged from a motorbike.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - A character is tortured to death.
Saints Row 2 - After one of their lieutenants is dragged to death the protagonist tortures a character as part of revenge. Johnny Gat buries someone alive as part of his own revenge.
Sam & Max: Freelance Police - Police brutality by Flint Paper.
Shadow Hearts - Alice is threatened by electroshock torture, can be avoided by the right dialogue options.
Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Electroshock torture.
Sid Mier’s Alpha Centauri - When you seize the final base of your last enemy you see their leader being electroshocked, also happens to your own character if you lose the game.
Silent Hill 4: The Room - Multiple deaths by torture.
Silent Hill: Homecoming - Multiple torture sequences/QTE.
The Sims Medieval - Stocks/a pillory are used as a punishment. The Interrogation chair also counts.
Sleeping Dogs - The protagonist is tortured after one of his friends is tortured to death.
The Sopranos - Torture is a game mechanic but has penalties.
Spec Ops: The Line - Multiple instances of torture.
Spiderman - Dangling interrogation.
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - Multiple instances of torture.
Splinter Cell: Conviction - Protagonist interrogates people.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - A character has their fingers and eventually their entire hand cut off during torture.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The protagonist and two party members are captured and tortured. The protagonist can try to protect themselves or their love interest by giving up information but they will be tortured afterwards regardless. One character is left behind when the others escape and they are tortured until they break and fall to the dark side. Not skippable.
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Many imperial faction and Sith class quests feature torture in some way.
Stronghold Franchise - Criminals are punished with torture by the player.
Tales of Destiny - The party are forced to comply by electroshock collars during a portion of the game.
Thief: The Dark Project & Thief Gold - The protagonist has his eye ripped out in a cutscene.
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect - The player can kill restrained mutants with a robotic torture device. Avoidable.
Welcome to the Game - The purpose of the game is to find a video of someone being tortured to death on the “deep web”.
Wet - The protagonist is electroshocked.
The White Chamber - The protagonist is electroshocked.
Wolfenstein: Old Blood - The protagonist is captured and tortured with electric shocks and railroad spikes.
Wolfenstein: The New Order - A Nazi Officer is threatened with and then killed with a chainsaw.
World of Warcraft - Death Knight quests involve torturing people to death.
Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht - An android who looks like a 12 year-old girl is “mind raped” in front of the rest of the party.
Xenosaga Episode 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Shion is tortured.
Not explicitly on screen/Text or sound only/Implied Torture:
Ace Attorney Franchise - Franziska whips a lot of people as a punishment, played for comedy as she is a teenage girl.
American McGee’s Alice - Many children NPCs who have clearly been lobotomised or otherwise experimented on.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Audio logs of torture.
Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn - The game opens with the protagonist and their party being captured and tortured, which not everyone survives. There are also several torture chambers in dungeons and hidden in a serial killer’s home. Played for comedy in the Thieves’ Guild.
Bioshock 1 - Torture audio log.
Bioshock Infinite - If Slate survives he will be later found lobotomised and can be mercy killed.
Blackguards - The protagonist is tortured near the beginning of the game while nothing explicit is shown on screen, you can hear the voice actor crying out in pain.
Borderlands 2 - Multiple audio logs of torture and happens to Mordecai’s pet Bloodwing off screen.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Off screen torture, you only see the aftermath.
Clive Barker’s Undying - A torture chamber hidden next to someone’s bedroom.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - Implied torture used as punishment called “going to visit the Dentist”.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - Features a secret torture chamber where a character tortures Argonians to death.
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - Many torture chambers in dungeons and prisons.
Higurashi: When They Cry - Fingernail ripping punishment.
Homeworld - An enemy is captured after a genocide and does not survive interrogation.
Liberal Crime Squad - A game mechanic in this freeware text game.
Life is Strange - Implied fate of a murder victim.
Mass Effect 1 - A colonist Shepard may encounter Talitha who has been tortured as well as enslaved since she was a child.
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes - Audio Tapes of torture scenes including gang rape.
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - one puzzle involves you and a companion being dangled over acid, take too long to escape and the game fades to black before giving you another chance.
NeverWinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer - A hidden torture chamber in the Red Wizard Academy.
Psychonauts -  The existence of the old geodesic psycho-isolation chambers imping solitary confinement for “troubled” psychic kids.
Red Faction: Guerrilla - A character is tortured for information and revenge while the protagonist drives, so can be heard as audio only.
Resident Evil 2 - A hidden torture chamber used by the Police Chief.
Sid Mier’s Alpha Centauri - Constructions like the Punishment Sphere and actions like Nerve Stapling in the game.
Spycraft: the Great Game - Torture can be used on a female spy in this text adventure.
Thief Gold - A torture chamber can be found with written logs about it use.
Thief 2: The Metal Age - A homeless person is reduced to rust by the villain’s invention during a meeting you overhear through a door. A torture chamber can also be found hidden in a mansion.
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines: A serial killer tortures people to death, but you only deal with aftermath, rescuing one of his victims after killing him. The blood bank also gets its blood from kidnapped victims.
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt - Triss is tortured by having her fingernails ripped out in the room next to Geralt, you don’t see it happening but you hear her screaming and see her bloody hands afterwards.
X-COM UFO Defence and XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Torture of the alien enemies takes place off screen.
Yandere Simulator - The protagonist can torture people in her basement but nothing is actually show in detail.
Torture as Backstory:
American McGee’s Alice - In the manual Alice attacks two orderlies after they force feed her.
Bioshock Franchise - The Big Daddies and Little Sisters backstory.
Dragon Age 2 - Fenris’ backstory.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Dorian’s father attempts what amounts to “gay conversion therapy” via blood magic.
F.E.A.R Franchise - Alma’s backstory.
Mass Effect 2 - Subject Zero/Jack’s back story.
Overwatch - Widowmaker’s backstory involves torture as part of her indoctrination, but does not appear in game.
Skullgirls - Painwheel and Peacock’s backstories involve torture.
Star Wars: Knights of Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords - Atton Rand’s backstory.
Yandere Simulator - The protagonist was conceived via Stockholm Syndrome after her mother kidnapped her father.
Unsorted - Needs More Research:
The Cat Lady
Crusader Kings Franchise
Dangan Ronpa
Emperor: Battle for Dune
Fate/Stay Night
Grand Theft Auto III
Hatoful Boyfriend
Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Shenmue Franchise
Virtue’s Last Reward
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