#I’m not pretty or skinny or smart or funny
baba-fett · 1 year
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seattlesellie · 1 year
୨⎯ a helping hand ⎯୧
pairing: loser!ellie williams x fem!reader x dina nolastname synopsis: ellie's too shy and too nervous to take it all the way with you, and thank god dina's right by her side. warnings: weed, smut, mdni, soft dom!dina, awkward top!ellie, sub!reader, oral (r receiving), fingering (r receiving) authors note: this is based off of a request i got but accidentally deleted since i'm a little braindead ˚ ༘♡ ✧༺♡༻∞
It was thick, and and hazy, and the pungent smoke hung lazily in the air. The scent was… captivating. It wasn’t bad — no, it was a tad skunky and earthy, citrusy. Piney too, and a little bit of spice. 
Something that smelled sickly sweet wafted through the air. It was almost intoxicating— The way her Jasmine and Vanilla fragrance mixed with the musk and and the resin. 
Dina took the skinny spliff in between her fingers. 
Ellie’s eyes took a on a reddish hue. They were glossy, and bloodshot. She wore this languid, almost dreamy expression on her face. It rendered a slight droop to her eyelids and a gentle, unfocused gaze. She always got like this. 
She was not quiet— no, she was relaxed, calm. Shoulders dropped down, she wasn't hunching, she was perfectly serene, slightly manspreading on the velvety, emerald green colored couch. A piece of lint landed on her faded beige khaki’s, and she flicked it away gently. 
Everything seemed to move so slow. 
“Are you gonna let go of that blunt, D?” you questioned, lazily grasping and squeezing Ellie’s light blue stress ball in your palms. You caught her playing with that when she kissed you, once — Just a mere week ago. 
“Are you playing with your fidget while we’re making out?” Your voice was breathy and faint, just above a whisper. You could taste her on your tongue, bordering going on cotton mouthed. 
“No — no, I’m — It’s…” she stammered, and let the ball fly out of her hand and land on the concrete floor. 
An awkward silence. 
“You make me nervous” 
“It’s not a blunt, babe, It’s a spliff.” Dina took another drag, and handed it to you. 
“Whatever.” you shrugged. 
It caressed down your throat, a slight burn tingled in its wake.
Ellie always loved the way you smoked. A well manicured hand squeezing the bud between your fingers, the way your eyes were forced completely shut when you took a hit, the way your eyelashes fluttered while you exhaled. In all honestly, Ellie just thought you were very pretty. It was not the reason why she dated you; you were funny, and smart, and sweet — and the way you laughed made her stomach tie in knots and her heart feel like it was trying to leap out of her chest and leave her still as a corpse. 
But that “pretty” part, made her very, very nervous. 
She shifted on the couch, lifting her legs up to rest her chin on top of them. Ellie couldn't help but look, examine the way your chest heaved up and down, with her gaze fixed on you. She had a bit of a… staring problem. You saw her gaze from the corner of your eye, and smirked. 
“Can you two stop with your little sex games?” Dina's voice pierced through, breaking Ellie’s trance. 
“Sex games?” you probed, followed by a small huff. This wasn't a sex game. No, no... this was — purely innocent. Just two gals, who happen to be fresh as a daisy lovers, staring at each other while their best friend is in the same room.
“Ellie’s staring at you like she wants to fuck. I’m not a ghost — I’m here too, hello?” She waved her hand from side to side. You could tell she’s here too, you’d be lying if you said nothing in this living room screamed “Dina’s house!”. A silver menorah that’s been laying on the kitchen counter since Hanukkah, with a layer of fine dust collecting on top of the highest branch, a white crocheted mandala hanging slightly loose over the flat TV, bright colored crystals, and some dark ones too — splattered all over the antique mahogany table. Yes, Dina was definitely still there. 
But still, so was Ellie. And being around Ellie… made you want to… Well — Sex games? Is that how Dina put it? 
“We’re not doing anything” Ellie murmured, reaching over to take the spliff out of your hand. Her touch lingered a tad too long, lengthy finger softly caressing yours. Maybe you were? 
“You can go to the bathroom if you want. I wont peep” Dina suggested with a grin. That little devil. 
Ellie almost choked as she exhaled, You chose to ignore. 
“Promise?” You asked. 
Ellie huffed, Yeah right. 
“Gimme” Dina whined, signaling Ellie to pass her the half finished spliff. 
“I’m not done” Ellie’s defended, and took another hit. Her eyebrows were hunched together, and a small line had formed, creasing right between them. God, did she look pretty too. 
“Give it, bitch” Dina moaned, and abruptly took the spliff out of Ellie’s wet mouth, Ellie groaning in response. 
Dina rolled it between her fingers, and gave it a small squeeze. 
“Ew! You fucking drooled over it!” 
“Fuck you man” Ellie hissed, bumping lightly into Dina’s shoulder. 
“But seriously… Where’s like—“ Dina inhaled, blowing the smoke into Ellie’s face. 
“Dude—“ Ellie huffed, waving her hand in the air as if attempting to disperse the thick smoke that enveloped them. 
“Where’s the wildest place you had sex?” Dina questioned, as she smushed the spliff on the ashtray, then casually picked off some leftover tobacco from the table, absentmindedly wiping it on the red ceramic surface.
Ellie felt her cheeks turn an adorable shade of light pink. She was a blusher, you soon came to realize. 
The sex thing... that was an issue — Well, it wasn’t necessary an “issue” but it was… a thing. 
You and Ellie hadn’t had sex yet. ₊˚⊹♡
two full months of dating, resulting only in heated make out sessions. Sure, Ellie played with your tits, breathy and panting, and you almost came when she made you jump up and down her creamy thigh, crossfaded and washed by a sudden burst of extreme boldness, but that was that. When you lifted your skirt up to let her see what was underneath (that day, was a mint green colored lace thong) she hastily pulled it down, followed by a whispered “m’sorry”, and when you pouted, nauseous and incredibly embarrassed, she calmed you down with soft delicate butterfly kisses on your nose and on your forehead. 
“Wanna take it slow” she mumbled, her cheeks turning a rosy pink, lips curling down to a pout — almost matching yours. 
Maybe she didn’t really like you like that, you wondered, hugging your pillow, hot tears smearing all over the bedsheet. Maybe you weren’t attractive enough, perhaps she saw you more as a friend… A friend she liked to kiss and only kiss, a friend who made her stomach flip and her mind race, but still, only a friend. 
If you knew that Ellie spent the entire night after that glorious encounter with her purple vibrator in between her legs and a pair of your panties stuffed inside her mouth, perhaps you wouldn’t have cried. Perhaps… you wouldn’t have been embarrassed. Thing is, you didn’t know. So you didn’t kiss her hungrily after that, and you didn’t sit on her lap just to watch her get flustered like you always used used to. You kept your distance, respected her boundaries, and pretended to let it go. Small pecks, hand holding, and one kiss on the pulse of her neck — That’s how it went. 
You crossed your arms, and fixed your gaze on the yellow colored wall behind Dina. 
“We made out in Jesse’s bathroom” Ellie said quietly. That you did, right after Jesse’s birthday party, you needed to “Clean the bathroom” because “A girl threw up and made a mess”
Dina rolled her eyes, and turned to face her. 
“I asked about sex” 
“Mhm” Ellie hummed, feeling her toes curl inside her Chuck’s. She wasn’t going to get this. 
“Don’t know why you need to know so bad” 
“I'm just... curious," Dina stated, her smirk growing wider as she looked in your direction.
“You two seem like freaks.”
Ellie bit her lip so hard it almost bled. She couldn’t look at you, too embarrassed to see the look on your face, so she looked at the ashtray, examining its sleek cover. Would you pout again? just like you did when she pulled your skirt down? will you look angry? sad? disappointed? 
“Cmon” Dina grumbled. 
“I wont judge —“
She glanced at you.
You looked at her like you wanted to shut her lips tightly together with a piece of tape. 
“It’s been kinda dry for me and I’m trying to live vicariously through my best fr—“ 
“We haven’t had sex yet.” Ellie blurted. 
The room fell silent. 
Ellie’s eyes were glued to the table. 
Why the fuck… would she say that? 
Dina cleared her throat, her gaze fixed firmly upon you. Her lips hinted at a grin, but she suppressed it, pressing them together into a straight line.
“Oh” Dina quietly said. Noted. 
Ellie shifted on the couch, and mumbled something you couldn’t hear under her breath. Could have been a “so nosy” or a “fuck off”, but alas, it was barely above a whisper. 
“Happy?” she murmured. 
Dina flipped her hair to the side, brushing her fingers through the thick, black strands. If you sat any closer, you would have been able to smell her pistachio-almond shampoo. 
“Pass me the weed? I wanna roll another one” Ellie groaned. 
“I dont have any” 
Ellie ts’kd, attempting to divert the conversation everywhere but towards what had just happened. Avoid, avoid, avoid. 
You sat quietly, manipulating the stress ball, squeezing it so hard your knuckles almost strained. 
It’s not like Dina didn’t know everything about you, because she did. It wasn’t confessing to some clueless stranger, this was Dina. And still, it hurt. You knew she wouldn’t judge you, never. But you — you would judge you. And that was worse. And now, this wasn’t an unspoken thing anymore. It was out there, waiting to be pounced on. 
Maybe… maybe you needed that. 
“Fuck” Ellie huffed. 
The room fell silent again. It wasn’t the smoke that made the air feel thick anymore. 
“Can I ask…” 
Dina turned her body to squarely face Ellie. 
“No," Ellie stated bluntly, her voice tinged with raspiness and hoarseness. 
“Was it like this with Cat too?” Dina asked. She always knew how to hit the fucking jackpot. Cat. 
“No, t’wasn’t” Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“Can you let it go?” 
This was a conversation about you, that you didn’t even participate in. Until you did, because you truly couldn’t help yourself. Was it you? Did Ellie just… Did Ellie just like Cat better? 
“Is it me?” Your voice was shaky, soft and quiet. 
She wanted to say no, Wanted to ask Dina to just let it fucking go. 
It was silent for a moment again, till it wasn’t. 
Ellie took a deep breath, slid off the couch slightly as the need to hide under it slowly overtook her. She crossed her arms.
You felt something turning in the pits of your stomach. 
“Oh” you whispered, god, that was painful. It was you. 
Dina’s mouth fell agape. 
“No— not like that” Ellie retreated. 
“No it’s… I get it. S’fine” 
There was nothing Ellie needed more than a punch in the gut to knock her out and a fat blunt intertwined between her fingers. 
“You don’t get it though” 
“Think I’m gonna…” You hastily started to look for everything you needed. Sunglasses, purse, keychain. You weren’t doing this. 
“Gonna go” 
“Hear her out, babe… Sit” Dina calmly suggested. It was as if she knew exactly what Ellie had in mind. It was you, but not like that. How could it ever be like that? 
“Just… Fuck” Ellie mumbled. 
“Cat — she didn’t… Can you sit down?” 
You stared at the floor. Maybe you should sit down.
“Okay how do I—“ Ellie began, scratching her head. 
“How do I explain this?” She looked at Dina. Yes, Dina knew. 
“Calmly, and with reason.” She squeezed Ellie’s bicep, followed up with a small, breathy “Fuck you” from Ellie. 
“Cat didn’t make me nervous like you fucking do, man— She didn’t make me rethink every single step I took and kissing her— Fuck” 
Silence again. 
“Kissing her didn’t make me feel like my legs were fucking wobbly or whatever.” 
“I dont wanna disappoint you.” The way it came out of her mouth, so real, and so raw… you looked… wide eyed. 
“Ellie…” you whispered. 
“Why would you disappoint me?” Gosh. Give her a little squeeze! 
“Because what if I don’t fucking know how— What if you don’t like the shit I do and what if you think I fucking suck and leave me and—“ 
“Can I say something?” Dina interrupted. 
“No, Dina” Ellie nudged her. 
“Ellie shut up, you’re rambling and it’s probably turning her off more th—“ 
“S’not turning me off” It was your turn to interrupt now. "You don't know how?" the brunette asked Ellie, with a teasing smile. Oh, she was making fun of her. Ellie barely picked up on that, too frustrated by her own thoughts running circles inside her foggy brain.
"I do know how— Just... fuck, Dina, just let it fucking go" 
“I can help.” Is all she said. Quiet, but confident. She could help.
“What?” you were stunned. Maybe she had a printed guide? A 101 on lesbian sex? 
Dina rolled her eyes and flashed her pearly whites. 
“Remember that time… when you slept over?” She had to stop herself from grinning again. Her tongue was bumping her cheek, like a naughty little chipmunk. 
“What time?” As if there weren’t dozens of those times. 
“That… Time” Dina tilted her head slightly.
“Don’t know what time youre—“ you rambled, soon to be cut off.
“Ellie—“ Dina turned around to face her, yet again. 
“I fingerblasted your girl” 
“What the f—“ Ellie blurted, and her mouth fell wide open. 
“Dina!” you yelled. 
“I’m just—“ She lifted her hands up in defense. 
“I wanna help because it clearly felt good and—“ 
“Are you on fucking drugs?!” Ellie blurted, and immediately stood up. 
“I mean we fucking smoked, Ellie” 
It was almost comical — how fast paced all of this… situation was.
The room felt silent again. How many more times could this happen? awkward silences, questioning looks. 
“I’m saying I wanna help you, El” 
“Let me show you” Dina’s voice was quiet. Genuine. Begging… almost? 
Ellie stared at the floor. And then at you — and then at the floor again. She could feel her hands grow clammy, and a droplet of sweat forming and flowing down her neck. Show her? why didn’t that make her feel nauseous? Why did she feel it in her fucking crotch?
"What the fuck does that mean?" Ellie shook her head.
“Only if it’s okay with you” Dina murmured softly, and gave you a warm, calming look. Comfort — Dina. 
“And with you.” She took Ellie’s trembling hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I can show you just what I did." 
Ellie dropped her ass on the couch, and fuck — if her legs didn’t feel so fucking wobbly again maybe she would have stayed standing up. But she sat, her legs slightly parting. 
“Okay?” Dina quipped. 
Ellie gulped.
“I won’t steal her from you… I’ll be your… tutor?” Dina questioned, a sly smirk forming on her lips.
“Dina” You and Ellie said in unison. Ellie glanced at you. She felt ashamed, she felt sweaty, sickly, and too fucking turned on to move a muscle. 
“Let me take care of this” She sounded genuine. Like she truly wanted to help. No grin, no smirk, no attitude, just long eyelashes batting softly as the sun sank lower in the west.
“Okay?” she quipped softly.
Dina smiled so wide she had to bite her entire cheek to stop herself from fully crumpling down on the floor. 
You glanced at Ellie, then Ellie glanced at you. She still couldn’t… fully look, But this was something. A small agreement. 
“C’mere” Dina patted her thigh softly. 
It took you a moment, but you took up on her invitation. Hesitantly, you crawled slowly towards her. When you lifted yourself up in order to sit on her bare thigh, her purple thin linen shorts ending right where your ass met her leg, Ellie felt it in her guts. Her face twitched, maybe in jealousy, perhaps in confusion, but none of it mattered, since her clit throbbed inside her boxers. She didn’t know what was more painful, seeing you — sitting directly on your best friends thigh, getting felt up by someone else, or the aching of her own cunt.
“And I won’t kiss her if you don’t… want me too. Just show you, okay?” Dina whispered. Always so fucking attentive. 
“Mhm” Ellie hummed, as her mouth felt too dry to form any real, clear sentences. It was as if time stood completely still. She could stop this, she could. She doesn’t want to.
Meanwhile, you, you were trembling all over. It was almost too much — and nothing even happened yet. Dina's thighs were soft, and her scent tickled your nostrils. Vanilla, jasmine, almonds, and a hint weed. Her chest was firm as it brushed your back, two soft mounds caressing it. She let out a long breath that lingered on your neck, you hummed softly.
“Ellie… come closer” she whispered.
“Get on the floor… right between my thighs, okay?” It was the way she had said it, that got you. The way it came out to soft, so delicate, as if she was trying to comfort her, make her feel safe.
Ellie slowly crawled right where she needed her.
Dina bunched your skirt up just a tad, revealing a little bit of your upper thigh to Ellie. She sat directly in front, almost as if she was watching a movie, the bystander that she was. Her chest rose up and down. She’s never even seen that part of you yet. 
“This okay?” Dina whispered in your ear, her saccharine voice making your entire body shudder in response. 
A barely audible "Yeah..." slipped past your lips, barely more than a whisper, breathy and faint.
“Ellie?” Dina questioned, adverting her look to face the girl. 
“Have you seen it yet?” 
“N… no” she huffed. Her clammy hand formed in a fist, short nails digging crescent little moons on her palms. She hasn’t seen it. Of course she hasn’t. She’s barely seen anything.
“It’s so pretty” Dina teased, bumping her nose into the crook of your neck.
“She has a really pretty one” she whispered, and began slowly pecking your shoulders. 
“You gotta make sure you treat her good.” kiss. “Make sure she’s wet for you” kiss.
Ellie was breathing like she had run a marathon in the Sahara desert for 18 kilometers.
“Do you wanna maybe… Move her panties to the side?” 
Ellie gulped, you almost heard the fat glob of saliva slip down her throat. her mind almost went entirely blank. This could not, under any circumstances, possibly be real.
Another moment of silence. 
“No?” Dina questioned, running her fingernails down your thighs. She pinched one of them, pulling the fat between her fingers, making you jolt in her lap. 
“Yes” Ellie groaned. 
“Fuck I wanna—“ Fast paced, and needy. Slurring her words and trying to stop herself from fainting on the floor.
She jolted forward, practically leaping towards you.
“Do it…” Dina teased. 
Ellie’s hands were shaky, and her movements were agonizingly slow. As she brought her hand up your thigh, slightly tugging on your skirt, playing with the hem of it, you felt your mind melting completely off. You could only whimper in response. 
With an unsteady pull, your skirt was down. It stood pretty right above your feet.
“God” Ellie groaned at the sight. All she wanted to do, was lay her head on top of Dina’s thighs, as if they were two soft cushions, and stare till her mind completely liquefied.
“Did you pick them just for her?” Dina teased, taking both of your hands in her palms. You hummed in response.
“She’s such a sweet girl, isn’t she?” she looked towards Ellie. Ellie could barely make eye contact with Dina, let alone with you.
All she could do is moan softly in response.
“You can do it, El”
“F—ffuck off” she hissed.
She slowly moved the fabric to the side, and her eyes almost closed entirely shut when she unraveled your drooling, messy cunt. She could see the big wet spot on your panties, and all she wanted to do was suck the juices completely dry, clean them with her tongue until all that was left on the soft cotton thong was her own saliva. she wanted to digest you whole, taste the sweetness running down her throat, but all she could fucking do was pull them to the side, and let out an incredibly harsh breath— bordering on a grunt, almost a whimper. 
“Isn’t it so fucking pretty?” Dina cood, patting your pussy lips softly, each little pat making you buck your hips forward. She played with the sticky strings of slick that hung loose in the air.
Ellie ran her fingers through them, as if they were the strings of her guitar.
You — poor you, didn't even know where to look. 
All Ellie could do was hum, and stare like a tortured, bordering on perverted soul.
“Tell her” Dina commanded. 
“Tell her how pretty you think it is” she parted your puffy lips slightly, revealing the beautiful pearl that resided inside. The cool air, mixed with Ellie’s breath, so so close to where you needed her, made you shiver.
You thought you could come with just her looking into you, examining you as if you were some sort of art work, the most beautiful one she’s ever seen, with details carved by the Gods themselves, a pretty little button, a hole that clenched in and out— inviting her in, and lips like gentle curtains, soft and ethereal.
“Its so… fuck” She huffed. She could feel her mouth watering, the soft muscle hiding inside slowly grazing the top of her mouth. 
“So pretty” 
Before you could move and react to Ellie’s praise, Dina plunged a finger directly inside your greedy hole. Small, delicate, sheer little bubbles made perfectly round of your own juices formed on the tiny tip of her middle finger. 
“Ow fuck!”
Dina, quickly as ever, smeared them all over Ellie’s plump lips. 
Ellie fucking whimpered, and babbled about how good it tasted, and almost instinctively licked all of the gathered slickness that formed on her mouth. 
“Thats a good girl” Dina smirked, patting her fingers on Ellie's left cheek. 
“Dont fucking good girl me” Ellie hissed, almost falling to her knees when she heard the needy, long, high pitched moan that escaped your lips when Dina caressed your cunt again. 
“I see how it is” Dina nodded, grinning like the little minx that she is. 
“Tell her” She whispered. 
“Tell her how good she’s being for you then” 
Ellie gave Dina a questioning look, and stared at your hazed expression. You were wheezing, it was all so fucking much. Dina’s finger slipping in and out, Ellie staring and panting like a cat in heat, and the way Dina started slowly but surely, grinding your hips back and forth to meet Ellie’s hungry, desperate gaze was making you see a million galaxies every time you dared to close your eyes shut. 
“You’re being so good” Ellie whispered. 
“So good” she repeated. She was telling it to herself, now. 
Dina’s middle finger began forming slow circles on your clit, making you whimper out quiet sobs into her neck. 
“Look at her… I think she likes the circles”
She fastened her pace, making you cry softly.
“Tell her you like them”
“I li— I like the circles… God— yesss” you hiccuped, bucking your hips faster and harder towards Ellie’s face.
The way she looked at you, like she was absolutely ravenous, was inexplainable.
Ellie sat on her knees, legs slightly parted, both of her hands laying on the plush of your thighs. Forcefully, she parted them further apart.
She was utterly hypnotized by the way Dinas fingers pinched your swollen clit between her fingers, tugging at the little button. Every time she gave it a little slap, and stopped those agonizingly slow circles she was forming, almost as if she was creating something out of clay — Ellie noticed how your eyes completely shut, she noticed the juice leaking from your hole directly into your ass, making Dina’s thighs glimmer as the slick created a small, sheer puddle on her thighs. 
Ellie had to stop herself from taking her pants off and grinding on the fucking floor. 
“You like that baby?” Dina cood, plunging two fingers inside of your hole, pumping them in and out slowly. She made sure she was putting on a show for Ellie. 
“M’— oh fuckfuck” you babbled, feeling it jolt inside of your stomach. 
“You ready? Ellie? Touch her fucking clit” 
“I c—“ Ellie panted pathetically. 
“Make her come, c’mon, make her fucking come” Dinas voice was breathless and desperate. Somehow, she managed to keep it stern. She was in charge, for now.
Ellie’s fingers met your cunt, pinching your puffy outer lips together, her gaze fixed directly upon it, marveling in how louder you got when it was her who had her fingers caressing you. Dina made you feel good, sure, but it was Ellie who made the coil in your stomach tighten. It was her you craved. 
You needed her. 
“El—Mph— Ellie” You cried, as you felt her movements grow faster and faster. She wanted to drown herself in it, at last — her mouth was on you. She gave no warning, was she truly the student here? 
It was fervent, and warm, and the tight, pink muscle caressed you everywhere, from your clit, and then lapping up the juices gathering in your entrance, it all happened too fast. 
The thing is, she couldn’t help it anymore. 
“Put your—“ Dina breathlessly mumbled. 
“Put your finger inside when you eat her out” 
Her ears perked up, and she obliged. Ellie pumped them in and out, so long they almost grazed your cervix, over that one sweet spongey spot inside, rendering you almost unconscious. 
“Fuckkk” Ellie hissed, as she hungrily kissed your clit, sucking the sensitive little button in between her lips. 
“I wanna fucking—“ Ellie panted 
“Dont you dare keep your mouth off of her, Ellie —"
"You like when she does that?" Dina mumbled, gripping your tit with her left hand, her right one opening your puffy lips together to let Ellie's fingers slip inside easier, quickly pumping in and out like she was trying to win a race.
"I love it— oh god" you babbled. You were almost riding Ellie's entire face, your thighs clenching around her.
"Make her cum Ellie" Dina tugged the taller girls hair.
Oh, she fucking did. 
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plantboiart · 3 months
List of bitb headcanons I’ve just accidentally convinced myself are canon or something to the point where I’m shocked when they aren’t (under the cut so I dont needlessly fill up people’s feeds and also for spoilers)
-Rolan is a gay man
-Rolan did not realize he was a gay man until like his mid to late 20s
-Kian’s parents were drug addicts and very neglectful (I mean there’s subtext pointing to it but like technically all we know about them is that they’re hippies, they’re part of a “commune” (probably a cult) and they didn’t give him a last name)
-Rand has a stockier build than the other two. I don’t. He’s very skinny in official art. But in my brain? No he is not. Bro is chubby.
-Rolan was raised very religious and now he has issues
-Kian’s death and rebirth left him with a very large scar on his stomach (listen all I’m saying is the stingers like melt your skin and shit so if he swallowed it it would have done that to him from the inside starting at his stomach and also-)
-Rand is aroace but because he’s pretty sex positive and romance like neutral / positive he ends up thinking he’s bi
-Rolan had a cat with en ex-girlfriend but she took it when they broke up because Rolan’s a workaholic (mutual decision)
-Kian was definitely homeless at some point or at least very very much struggling for money while still trying to make the rockstar thing work
-Rand is dyslexic. Don’t really know where that came from and it’s not based on anything I just feel it in my soul
-Rolan can’t actually like… get sick. At least not with any kind of human illnesses. He just thought he had a very good immune system for the longest time.
-Kian is so so so very trans!!! Which direction? Depends entirely on what I feel like writing that day
-Rand was left a lot of shit in both of the other twos’ wills so post canon he’d be financially speaking pretty okay. Once he was doing a bit better he’d spend some of that money to just fucking start a record label, publish Kian’s music, and then leave conspiracy theorists going wild when the record label never publishes anything else ever again
-Rolan is the only one of the three who has like… actual other friends. They’re mostly from college and stuff and they’re not super close anymore but still call from time to time
-Kian calls Rolan hot nonchalantly
-Rand attempted before (please tell me you’ve seen the original please it’s meant to be a joke but also. Uh. Yeah.)
-All three of them are autistic. You know I’m right.
-The bugs can buzz in a way that has a similar effect to a cat’s purring :)
-Also on the bugs: they have a hierarchy that consists of
The queen (starts the hive, typically stays in the nest, not really of this mortal plane so needs a host to like tether them to it (Rachel), very intelligent and obviously rules the hive),
What I am choosing to call impostors for funny (more intelligent than average workers, are fully aware of what they are and what’s going on but can still pretend to be just normal people, act as a sort of middle man between the queen and the workers, mostly in charge of reproduction and gathering intel, keep and have all the knowledge from the person they are pretending to be),
And then the workers (not very smart on their own and need the hivemind to have like any idea what to do, have basically two minds aka the human mind and the bug mind, only one of which can typically be in control at a time, not capable of reproduction (mostly so i dont have to think about the implications of the bugs canonically laying eggs and Rolan), main purpose is to expand the hive, get food and protect the queen)
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nephblrus · 8 months
gay oc drabbles pt 1.
vince gets a bad high and perri comes over
// very brief references to perris ed. lots of talk abt drugs (duh)
vince doesn’t get bad highs that often. he knows his limits and he’s smart about how he smokes, when he first started doing it he only did it around some friends who were experienced and helped him out. took him a bit for him to learn his limits, but he got there. he was careful, and still is. but it still happens on occasion
when perri and vince started getting closer, vince mentioned casually that he smokes weed, and perri was indifferent. he knew people in highschool who smoked it, it’s not really his thing but to each their own. vince likes getting high at night, usually when his brain is going too fast, or if he’s with friends and wants to have fun.
it was around 1:30 when vince decided he didn’t wanna listen to the thoughts swirling in his head, about school, work, the cute boy at the studio and how warm he is and his pretty smile and he just needed some quiet. opened his dorm bedroom window. got his snacks and drinks. smoked. waited for his head to quiet, took out his hearing aids, started playing with a pop it he stole from his little sister.
was his door locked? probably. he kept poking at the pop-it, debating on putting his hearing aids back in to hear the sound.
is he sure the door was locked? he should check. it might be unlocked. someone could break in and steal everything. he’ll just go make sure. he liked the quiet. the floor was cold and it was nice and quiet in his head. what was that sound? sound… he doesn’t have his hearing aids in how did he hear a sound? was it that loud? was it something breaking? he should go check. but he needs to check the door. he can’t do both at the same time. but if something broke he should make sure. but what if someone comes in his dorm? his roommates aren’t home, vince is the only one here he needs to check and make sure everything. why is his heart beating so loudly in his ears? why is he breathing so fast? it’s so dark and the hallway feels so small this is-
he sits on the floor. his hands are shaking. his whole body is shaking, actually. he doesnt like this. his brain is too loud, that’s not supposed to happen. is this a bad high? is he freaking out? he should call someone. he doesn’t like calling people, it’s hard to hear over the phone. oh, he needs his hearing aids. what was that light- maybe the smoke alarm. was it going off? was something burning? did his lighter accidentally set something on fire?
he goes back to his room. fumbles around and grabs his hearing aids and phone. calls the most recent person in his contacts.
perri sounds half asleep. i just called perri. it’s 2 in the morning. i woke him up. why does he sound so hot like that?
“vincent? you okay? it’s like- it’s the middle of the night”
he didn’t even know what to say. he didn’t want to embarrass himself. he’s never heard what perri sounds like right when he wakes up.
“vince, where are you? slow your breathing”
“o-oh. um.” he didn’t even realize he was breathing fast. “i’m…. uh, at my. place. in my room”
“are you high?”
how could he tell? was it that obvious? was he saying something wrong? he didn’t wanna drive perri away. he really liked him, he was so nice and funny and warm and-
“vincentttt. are you listening?”
“…m high. ‘s not good.”
“are you alone?”
“…..uh huh..”
perri says something. vince doesn’t listen. he goes back to his thoughts, perri is so warm. he’s woken up next to perri a lot of times, sometimes they hang out and end up sleeping over. vince always ends up holding onto perri in some way, weather his arm or stomach, he’s a little too skinny and it worries vince, but he’s just so warm.
“can you come over”
he blurts it out before he has time to think about it. he just wants perri. he doesn’t wanna be alone. he’s never had a bad high alone, he’s always with a friend or someone, he doesn’t want to be alone right now. he’s paranoid. his heart is beating too fast. from anxiety? or the idea of perri sitting with him and taking care of him, holding him close with those soft hands?
“yeah, yeah of course. i’ll be there in a bit. want me to stay on the phone?”
“…no. can’t… hear good. on the phone. i’m deaf yknow”
“i know. that’s okay. i’ll text you when i’m here, is your door unlocked?”
is his door unlocked? did he ever go check? he should go check. it’s okay if perri comes in, he’s okay with that.
“uh huh”
“okay. drink some water, i’ll be there soon”
vince sits on his bed. he doesn’t remember what perri told him to do. he just liked the sound of his voice. he doesn’t know how long he sits for. he’s just anxious. his body feels wrong. he doesn’t like it.
before he knows it, perri is in front of him. he startles.
“you’re good. lets put this away okay?”
perri moves vince’s little tray to the dresser, he’s not sure how much vince smoked but he will not be having more.
“um. you’re warm”
“mhm. can you sit with me”
“i will. im gonna get you some water first okay? you spilled your glass on the floor”
oh, he forgot about that. his socks are a little wet. where did perri go? did he leave him? what did he do wrong? vince doesn’t even realize he’s started crying. he’s so thirsty. and hungry. he feels like shit.
“oh dude,”
perri wipes a thumb on vince’s cheek, wiping away the few tears that have started to fall. his hand is so warm. and soft. he leans into it. there’s a straw at his mouth. thank god, he’s so thirsty. his mouth feels like a desert. perri sits down next to him. vince leans into his chest, closing his eyes.
“you’re warm..”
“i know. keep drinking. you hungry?”
perri spots the grocery bag of snacks on the end of vince’s bed, and rummages through it, pulling out a packet of pepperettes, earning an “oooooo yessss” from vince, who eats a couple while still leaning into perri.
“what do you feel like?”
“i think i’m paranoid. and anxious”
“do you wanna do something else? wanna watch a movie or something?”
“i’m sorry for waking you up”
“it’s okay, i don’t mind. i’d rather be here helping you than you feeling like crap all alone” perri runs his fingers though vince’s hair, stopping at the base of his neck, scratching it gently. vince’s ears flick. he could lay like this forever. vince wishes perri was gay. he’d love to fall asleep next to him every night. did he just think that? nevermind.
vince snuggles more into perris chest, pressing his forehead against his sternum, whispering so quietly, “…can you lay with me”
perri shuffles, pulls vince to be laying down more. turns on the tv and puts on a random movie, making sure to turn the subtitles on for him. he keeps scratching at his head, and vince thinks he could die like this and be okay with it.
the movie is a good distraction from the anxiety built up in his chest. he fumbles with the end of perris shirt, needing something to fidget with, but when his hand comes in contact with the warm skin of perris stomach he feels him tense, sucking his stomach in slightly, trying to break the contact. vince pulls his hand away, mumbling an apology. perri sits up slightly, his eyes landing on a green and white pop-it, and grabs it and puts it on his stomach for vince to play with. perri had spent the later part of the afternoon staring at his stomach, criticizing it, staring at it for so long that his brain warped his perception of it, like always. he didn’t want anyone touching his bare skin right now, but even vince.
it doesn’t take much longer for vince to come down from the high, for his anxiety to calm, for the weird feeling in his chest to turn to butterflies in his stomach.
i just called perri and asked him to come over. now he’s laying in my bed. and i’m laying on him. and he’s playing with my hair. and-
“you okay?”
vince relaxes, not even having noticed that he tensed up.
“yeah- i’m…”
perri tilts his head at him.
“i’m sorry”
“for what?”
“i called you, in the middle of the night. because i got a bad high like an idiot. and made you drive all the way here. it’s like- what time is it?”
“3:30” perri responds, letting vince continue his thought.
vince groans into perris chest. “im sorry. you- you can leave if you want. i’m really sorry.”
with a sigh from vince signalling that he’s done talking, perri laughs a little.
“you didnt ‘make’ me do anything. i said before, i’d rather sit here with you, rather than you be anxious alone. even in the middle of the night. anxiety sucks”
“i don’t even really have anxiety. like normally. i get stressed and shit, school is… a lot, but i don’t get panic attacks or anything.”
“do you?”
“yeah. i’ve had anxiety since i was little” that confession sets a tone of vulnerability between them, such a soft and quiet moment, laying together in the middle of the night. “i’ve been on medication since i was 8. it helps, but i still get panic attacks and stuff. but i’m not feeling like i’m gonna die or throw up every second of the day, which is nice”
“yeah. medication does crazy shit”
“i know”
“i know a lot about medicine yknow”
“i do know. you’re really smart. med school seems intense”
“ugh, it is”
they lay in silence for a bit longer. perri yawns.
“you can sleep yknow. my uh, my roomates aren’t home, if you wanna take one of their beds”
“i’m fine here”
vince stills. perri’s fine here, with vince laying on his chest like this?
“i mean, if you’re okay, i’m okay. i can move if you want me to”
“no!” vince didn’t mean to say it like that. “n-no, i’m…im good. you’re good here.” he relaxes again. “um, im gonna.. take out my hearing aids.”
“mhm, you want me to put the batteries on the thing?”
vince nods, and reaches to his ears, but stopping to say “thanks by the way. for coming over. you’re… you’re a really good friend yknow?” i wish you were more
perri laughs a little, softly. vince loves that sound. he wishes he could hear it clearer
“you’re a good friend too. go to sleep vince”
he hands perri his hearing aids after taking the batteries out, and waits until perri has put them on their charger and the hearing aids on the nightstand before settling his head back on his chest.
“you really are super warm” vince mumbles, probably quieter than he was intending, and perri laughs a little more, rubbing his back as he drifts off. vince falls asleep shortly after, trying to ignore the urge to pull perri even closer, to wrap his arms around his waist, to bury his face in his neck as he falls asleep.
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hai….i’m back….here to give more modern (plus some general) hcs!! :3
⭑i like to think of john and abi as highschool sweethearts :) But they were pretty on and off, so everyone was surprised when they made it to senior prom (john wore those tuxedo t-shirts)and eventually graduation! they got pregnant with jack a few months after graduating
⭑when it’s time for spring cleaning, DUTCH IS THE LOUDEST MF IN THE HOUSE. he’s blasting the 70s music, waking up everyone in the house very loudly announcing that it’s spring cleaning day…poor hosea, john, and arthur
⭑i like to think charles makes these super pretty bracelets and sells them online :3 some of the gang members got some! they’re very meticulously crafted and he takes pride in his art!
⭑Karen is def a crazy cat lady. She has FOUR OF THEM!!! She’d give three of the cats really pretty names but let Sean name her most recent one…in which he named the poor cat “napkin” 💀
⭑Dutch and Hosea have an unreal amount of hawaiian pattern shirts..it’s crazy. hosea wears them in the spring and summer but dutch wears them year round
⭑For some reason, it’s tradition on Arthur’s birthday to go to Texas Roadhouse (I know he’d FUCK UP that bread they give as appetizers). He usually has his family, an s/o, and a couple friends there :)
⭑Speaking of fucking up rolls…I think Artie in general would just have a guilty soft spot to sweets. His s/o would come back with those rolls or just any pastry or candy and arthur will feel so special and spoiled! He’ll also do the same thing for them in return :) (Or just any kinda fave food they like)
⭑Lenny was a SUPER smart kid in school. I like to think in the modern au he just graduated outta highschool, but he got all of these scholarships and awards for being such a smart kid. He’d def major in some sort of writing or literacy thing in college
⭑Sadie can and will destroy anyone at those bull riding things at restaurants. she’s got a plaque of her name on it at a restaurant she won at!
⭑This is more of a general one, but seeing Arthur and John compared to eachother is so funny…Arthur is like this big bear while John is skinny and dorito shaped
⭑It’s also funny seeing the heights of the vandermatthews (name still in progress) family. From shortest to tallest it goes Dutch (5’8”…short dutch all the way), Hosea (5’10”), John (5’11”), and Arthur (6’2”)
⭑One time John borrowed Dutch’s laptop and clicked on a weird website, giving the laptop a virus. John was grounded for a few days and Arthur didn’t stop teasing him about it
OKAY!!! that’s all i have rn ^^ i think i might be saying too many hcs but i love making them…they’re too fun!! (sorry for showing my arthur favoritism again sighhhh 😭😭)
So sorry it took me several days to get to this, real life has had me busy 😔 but I’m here now and EEEEEEEE so fun and silly!!!!
-I’ve also always seen John and Abi as a high school sweethearts type of thing, I think they broke up and got back together so many times in that immature high school way until like senior year when they just stayed together
-Dutch is that one vine where the guy was dancing to Morning Train by Sheena Easton
-crying real tears rn imagining Charles crafting stuff for his pals🥹🥹🥹🥹 I could see him eventually getting into bigger crafts too
-Listen I’m gonna defend Sean bc I just KNOW that napkin the cat fits her namesake so well. It’s one of those skrunkly white kittens
-Arthur having a sweet tooth is canon in my heart sorry ladies, I think he’d enjoy baking goodies for his friends/partners bc he’s suchhhhh an acts of service/gift giver love language kinda guy
-I think Lenny was just one of those kids in high school that everyone loved. He was nice to everyone and genuinely really smart, sorry haters but he definitely got voted prom king or something. As he should!!!!!!
-Sadie drives a cool truck but not in a douchebag way, like that woman is hauling shit AROUND!!!!!!!!
These are all so fun and so silly! It’s been a rough week so I genuinely enjoyed getting to read these :) yall please never hesitate to blow up my inbox with thoughts like these!!
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Rewatching Dragon’s edge and I’m in love I’m with it all over again.
Some funny dialogues I laughed at.
Ruffnut: not if we steal it first!
Tuffnut: that is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard I’m disowning you
Hiccup: I actually kinda like it
Tuffnut: welcome back to the family
Tuffnut: we’re gonna live!
*Astrid falls in water*
Tuffnut: …most of us are gonna live!
*about to drown in eel-infested waters*
Fishlegs: dragon-proof bars? … ooh, fascinating!
Dagur: ALL THE GOLD!!!! ALL. THE. GOLDDDD!!!! … you know you can never have nice things around that guy.
Snotlout: ah, women, I totally understand them.
*fing dies*
Tuffnut: I can’t look! …Because my hands are over my eyes
Fishlegs: see you up there… heh…
Tuffnut: he means up in the sky, right? Not Valhalla?
Ruffnut: not sure, let’s ask him! Aww he’s gone.
Tuffnut: and this is why you always carry an ax!
*bumps into guard*
Tuffnut: uhhh I mean cleaning, yeah, my fine fellow
Snotlout: mom, dad, hiccup punched me! … I’m really thirsty
Tuffnut: they’re probably out there having the time of their lives, blasting everything in sight… remember when random destruction was our thing?
Ruffnut: seems like yesterday…
Tuffnut: it was, it actually was…
Dagur is such a hilarious villain and I’m all for it.
Also hiccup being actually pretty strong for such a skinny build, perfection 👌👌
Tuffnut: I hate smart dragons! Which is why I love you <3
Dagur: w- was that hiccup?! Why would he lead a skrill right to us?! It’s not my birthday… is it?
Hiccup: we’ll, I’m not perfect
Tuffnut: *gasp* well whose painting am I gonna have above my bed?!
Astrid: since the vigo…
Hiccup: fiasco?
Astrid: …I was going to say episode…
(Fourth wall break much?)
Hiccup: toothless no! Stop firing bud!
*dragon hunters appear*
Hiccup: start firing bud! Start firing! ———————————-
Tuffnut: Fear not my fearless leader!
Tuffnut: ruff and I are the best booby trap sniffers that have ever sniffed out a booby
Ruffnut: 🤨
Tuffnut: …trap
Tuffnut: really? “I’ll take that”? seriously, That’s the best you can come up with? This is your moment, H!
Tuffnut: Books will be written about it, children will act it out, some adults will act it out but it won’t be as cute as the children.
Astrid: I hope the others are okay…
Heather: Astrid, I’m sure hiccup is safe.
Astrid: 🫡
(She knows.)
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5) help, Molly
The funny thing about trees, Molly thinks, is they never seem as tall as they do once you’re in them. She should have remembered this from the last time she tried climbing, but she’s had a birthday since then, which means she should be better at things. And she somehow always forgets how much she hates heights.
“You know you’re not even that high up,” Matty says from the ground, grinning.
“Shut up,” she tells him—it comes out meaner than she wants, because she’s scared, but she can’t tell him that part or he’ll get smart at her. She’ll say she’s sorry later. When she’s not stuck.
“Don’t distract me, I’m trying!” The branch just right below looks so far away. She doesn’t want to let go of the one she’s clinging to that’s level with her chin, even though it’s skinny and keeps swaying her backwards with the wind, making her grip the branch she’s standing on with her toes. The bark hurts, but not as much as she knows the ground will. “I can do it,” she says. It doesn’t sound very honest even to herself.
“I know you can.” He kicks off his shoes, then thinks better of it and picks them up to untie them properly. Almost enough for her to her roll her eyes, if she weren’t busy trying not to get blown out of the tree; he thinks he’s got to be a good example, like she just copies everything he does without considering it for herself. “That one’s gonna break on you; you have to let go. Sit down on the one you’re standing on and lower yourself that way.”
“I know how it goes,” Molly insists. “I’ve done it before.”
“You mean you’ve fallen before. Come on, just let go of the little’n and sit, I’ll talk you through it.” Even from here, she can see the faint sheen of sweat on the back of his neck when he bends down to make sure his shoes are lined up neat out of the way, over by where she’s left hers (not so neat, but he doesn’t say anything). “Come on. Dad’ll kill me if you get hurt.”
Her palms are sweaty too. It’s making the little branch feel kind of gross, damp wood unpleasant and still scraping up her skin besides. The wind swishes her skirt and pushes her off balance again—she screws her eyes shut and tries not to think about the way the little branch is creaking, right up by her face. “Give me a minute, so—just so the wind stops and then I can—”
“Or you can jump from there.” She squinches one eye open to see Matty with his arms out. “I’ll catch you.”
He thinks he’s a real adult now just because he’s started at the bakery. He’s not; he still cries when he gets too scared, same as she does. “You can’t catch me.”
“Sure I can. What’s a brother for?” he says with that funny smile that means he thinks he’s being wise.
“For being annoying,” she says, “and smelly, and—” The wind picks up again and ends her sentence in an embarrassing shriek. She forces herself to unlock her knees, drag the little branch down as she crouches with great careful effort, until she’s sitting on the sturdier one, and scoots to hug the trunk.
“Why’d you even climb it, anyway? You know you get scared up high.”
“Because—” She flushes, snips her mouth shut quicker than scissors.
Dulcia said yesterday she thought it was so bold how high Cedric made it, and then flipped her pretty hair and only wanted to talk to him. She’s always ducking out of things to talk to boys, even when she’s promised to bring the nice patterned rags so they can drape them over the little twig houses they make to shade the anthills. She left the rags, at least, but it’s not the same alone, and she’s better at making up the stories anyway.
Molly’s not bold. Dulcia’s not even here, which is a good thing probably, since she couldn’t make it as high and now she can’t come down either. Probably this proves that she’s a worse friend than Cedric, by whatever measure it is that Dulcia’s using.
“Just—wanted to try it,” she mumbles, half into her own shoulder.
Matty shakes his head. “Well, in a few more years when you’re fourteen,” he says, wisely, “maybe you’ll figure out you don’t like climbing trees.”
She starts to pull a face at him until another swoop of wind has her lurching to flatten herself against the trunk, heart in her throat. “…you promise you’ll catch me if I jump?”
He breaks into a smile, and she thinks for just a moment he looks like the lighthouse in Anvil, tall and beaming. “Molls,” he holds his arms out again, “I promise—I’ll always catch you.”
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urlocalsadkid-l · 4 months
this is going to be a really long list of some stuff that’s been happening.
so like to start im friends with this one boy and we started dating on the tenth, he’s really sweet and we were, are, really really good friends and really close. close to the point where the line of platonic and romantic mixed with feelings. he’s older than me. he’s coming over saturday, and i don’t know what’s going to happen. i’m really scared but excited i know he would never do anything to knowingly hurt me in any way but since we became a “couple” he’s shown his horny side and like it’s nice to see that side but him and i have eventually talked about eventually having sex and that’s a scary ass thought because i don’t want that to happen like i want to kiss him and whatnot but i don’t want to have sex and it’s really really scary because i’m not ready. i told him this today because he was pressing for what’s wrong and i told him that much because it was bothering me and now we’re still talking about it nd i don’t know what to do
i’ve also relapsed, i was still on the app at this time but i still need to say that. i tore skin. not anything much, i just lost it and started scratching at my skin till it bled and then started sobbing when it bled because i threw over two years of work down the drain. i feel like shit but seeing that blood felt amazing. i also accidentally nic-ed myself in the shower and it wouldn’t stop bleeding and i felt amazing even though it was an accident. i was so proud of myself that it wouldn’t stop. i want to relapse again so badly, but seriously relapse.
i know i’m supposed to be happy. i don’t have any reason not to be. i don’t know why i am like this. i really hate being like this. why am i like this??? i don’t know what’s wrong with me. why can’t i be normal. i want to fucking die. why do i not know who i am? why do i have to be liked? why do i have to be smart? why can’t i just sleep forever? just let me die.
also i miss her.<3 so much it makes me feel ill. i’m getting over her. i’m fine with talking to her, i can have conversations and smile and be a polite human. i think i just miss what could have been. like all of my friends are pretty but she’s super pretty. and i get it sounds dumb, but i don’t care, she’s gorgeous. she’s also really sweet and kind. i really like her, i’m glad we are still friends, though now i could never imagine us going back to the way we were. i don’t have a thing for her anymore. i really don’t. i miss the memories, and what could have been. honestly her and i are better off friends because we could have never worked. things could have ended better, but it’s okay, no way to change it at all.
also my food thing is getting bad again. like the last weekend, i only had a total of like two meals? three? i don’t know. no snacks either. i feel so dumb. why can’t i be skinny? i’m so fat i hate it so much, it makes me want to rip off my skin and put it in a blender. why can’t i be pretty and skinny and gorgeous and liked and popular and funny and so much more?
why? why on earth was i decided to be a target for all this? why can’t i just look normal, and be normal?? why do i have to think the way i do? or act or talk to look? i want to be normal. i don’t care about how i am. i want to change. i’m fucking losing it and want to sob.
also him.423 and i had something happen. i don’t know what. but we don’t talk now. we haven’t talked since jan 28th. i don’t know how i feel. hurt, i guess. i really don’t know what i did. i mean, he’s not good for me, he doesn’t treat me right, he doesn’t care about me. it really sucks.
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confessions-official · 6 months
hate growing up poor cause i learned to choke down my food, be stingy with money, and only except the bare minimum and now im a teen and fat and i look like shit .
i wish i could be like my friends who complain about being skinny shopaholics. i wanna have that luxury .
middle class people did nothing to me but sometimes i want to scream with rage. you had so many opportunities so many luxuries you complain about .
your mom makes you only eat healthy food? you’re so unbelievably lucky my mom hates me and only can afford shit . you have a problem with compulsive shopping ? yeah that’s funny cause if i was a compulsive shopper we’d be homeless . fuck you
i know i’m sour . i hate being poor . the ahitty books they give these kids glamorize being poor . it’s not . it sucks
worst part is i’ll probably be poor for the rest of my life . i’m not smart and im not pretty either, it doesn’t get better, does it.
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leorawright · 9 months
soo let’s go!
Please only do the guys for now, pref don’t include soldier 76 or Winston!!
we will start with the fact I am ⭐️extremely hyper⭐️ especially at night. I am naturally cold and sleep with like a million blankets which sucks :3
I am 5’9 and German/American! I am a bigger person, chubby YAYA!! I have self esteem issues because of it so often I need comfort!
I have a slight accent and I’m really tired in the early mornings, my hair is curly with white stripes and I like all sorts of people.
tall, short, chubby, skinny, rich, poor, yoj name itttt
im really good at tech and engineering, I made a robotic arm once!
personality wise I’m very shy at times, but if I know you well I’m funny, and kind and smart. I have pretty bad paranoia-
like I mentioned before I have scratches amd dents I. My arms from scratching myself, so someone who knows how to comfort me when I’m not feeling to good??
pet peeves are usually when people put others down, or bully people.
I can be very aggressive when it comes to something I don’t see as right, usually the bullying or mocking of people I love and care about.
-star anon (kisses and hugs!!)
Star anon, my beloved!!!
For you I've chosen...
Tumblr media
He's a very respectful person in general, so don't worry
His love language is words of affirmation so he loves to shower you in compliments not only about how you look but how amazing you are as well
He thinks your accent is super cute
Also he runs pretty warm so at night he's happy to be your personal heater if you two are cuddling
And he starts coming to you if his arm is malfunctioning because he wants to see you
He's also surprisingly good at styling hair if you ever want to try something new with yours
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okkotsuus · 1 year
tw vent (i’m getting too comfy on here lmao!!)
i so genuinely wish i was conventionally attractive, like i’m attractive once people get to know me i like suddenly become pretty to them. but i wanna be able to be admired from afar. i want to be able to not always have to make the first move. i want to be pretty and skinny and liked. my eyes are uneven, my jawline is uneven, my lips are uneven and i just wish i had the power to sculpt my face like a block of clay. i want to be pretty, but i’m too tall and too big for most men to ever find my attractive on the surface. women like me, and i’m thankful for that because i’m bi. but i’ve never truly solved my need for male validation that stemmed from my parents. as a kid my mom never commented on my physical looks, only how smart i was or my clothes (which she chose) which never let me build self esteem. my dad worked a lot and was like virtually never home, but he’s here now and he’s like my besy friend. my mom was a prettu cheerleader growing up who everyone liked and she loves to talk about how nice she was when she was my age. my brother always made fun of me whenever i ate anything that wasn’t an apple. i grew up as the chubby, ugly, nerdy, weird kid and that image haunts me like a ghost i can never get rid of. i’m too socially anxious to be outgoing and charismatic and i’m not nice enough to strangers to be seen as kind or caring. i’m too weird to be accepted by anyone who doesn’t get to know me. i’m too ugly for people to want to get to know me in most cases. my face isn’t eurocentric other than the fact that i’m pale, my indian nose is too big for my face and i have my dad’s face shape. my rib cage is too wide and i hold onto weight easily no matter how little i eat or how hard i work out. i’m not even funny enough to be liked. everyone i know is better than me, prettier than me, more well liked than me. all i have going for me is that i’m smart but now people just use me for answers or help and sometimes it’s the only reason why people talk to me so i can’t bring myself to deny it. all my friends would never choose me in a room full of people. my mom loves my brother more than me and she always will. i will never be anyone’s first choice except maybe my dad. i just want people to like me, so desperately. i just really can’t do this anymore and i don’t know what to do. my therapist is on leave and i can’t talk to anyone because i can’t stand feeling weak. the only good thing i have going for me is that i’m reliable, and i can’t let that go too. i’m sorry this is dumb i’m being dramatic.
love you all mwah mwah i’ll post something maybe tomorrow 🩵
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moodymisty · 7 months
Mortarion is an interesting primarch to simp for because at first you think he’s just a dude with a grim reaper theme (which by itself is pretty cool) who’s kind of sickly. And then you read a little bit about him and it’s like. Oh. This sure is A Guy. Like his backstory is basically sci-fi rapunzel. He managed to, as previous anon stated, create suits of armour for an entire army. And from what I know he has a numerology hobby (which is just numbers astrology). (Like my interest in Ferrus doubled when I found out he ate gravel for a while, so you can see what this lore did to me)
He’s got an air of gloominess about him, and I like a man who is apathetic and mean to everyone except for me. And since he’s mothman, have you seen the Point Pleasant West Virginia mothman statue? The one with that’s double cheeked up?? Like if you know then you know.
Overall, I cannot fix him but I can make him feel loved. Even if that means he’ll be blowing vape smoke in my face the entire time. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
I’m fucking shitting y’all. Sci-fi Rapunzel lmao.
The whole suit of armor thing both you guys brought up is so funny because it proves just how resourceful and damn smart Morty really is, but he couldn't get over his issues (and pskyer bigotry) for five minutes to really get things done. Cause all things considered the dude really did care.
And all the ladies love a good sad man with a shitty personality, so I respect the Morty simping. I mean Loki and Astarion took over the collective conscious for how long? It's just that Mortarion is a bit too not skinny and long haired to be a tumblr sexy mothman.
I considered myself decently versed in the lore but are you memeing or did I fucking miss something. Cause I mean tbh he fucking would but I need answers. Are we just memeing that his head hit the floor again or did this dude actually chew concrete.
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coral-melon · 7 months
Ohh could i get an obey me matchup if u have time? :D
Appearance: i’m afab, tall but skinny like a noodle, still have curves tho. i have light brown hair and dull blue eyes i’m pale af and have a slightly larger than average number of moles. i have had purple under-eyes since i was 12 they are never going away
Personality: professionally i’m doing well but every other area of my life is in shambles lmfao. still live with my parents can’t drive depressed as hell and barely any relationship experience💀i hate responsibility but i’m still responsible because i hate letting people down. i make a conscious effort to always meet deadlines and show up to meetings on time and it bothers me when other people don’t. but still i’m pretty lenient with others and give them the benefit of the doubt. i am fairly whimsical and quite unbothered by everything. not afraid to push boundaries and attempt things no one has done before, when ppl tell me my goals sound unrealistic it just motivates me more
Strengths/weaknesses: good at drawing and school, graduated college with a 4.0 gpa and a bunch of honors and stuff, and i am the creator of several viral posts and quizzes. good at taking advantage of opportunities that come my way. and i can see humor in everything i love to laugh. i’m kinda irony poisoned and struggle with sincerity, but i’m also an open book i don’t rly have anything to hide. i always talk pretty casually with people no matter who they are but i get away with it cuz i’m smart and good at my job or something. i may come across as impulsive but i do think through everything i do and say, i’m just a fast thinker. i’ve been told i’m too trusting but i haven’t been hurt yet sooo idc ^_^
Likes/dislikes: i am fan of any kind of creative hobby. i like being in nature and interacting with animals but i’m also a pwetty pwincess who hates getting dirty. i hate doing chores and paying for stuff too 💅🏻 i avoid drama and conflict like the plague, though i enjoy it as a spectator. and i hate office jobs, specifically because i work very efficiently then have to pretend to be productive for my dumbass boss when i finish everything early. i love to hang out with people even if it’s something boring like running errands. for some reason people think i don’t like hugs or texting but i do :( i constantly crave novelty i love new experiences
Other: when i really like someone i’ll take an interest in their interests and memorize every little thing i learn about them to the point where i gotta play dumb sometimes so i don’t sound overly invested. we would probably have to have a strong friendship as a foundation cuz u gotta be patient with my repressed ass. i don’t have a lot of preferences for dates so i’d be happy doing whatever they want, i’m v indecisive so it would be good for both of us if they like taking the lead
- 🦝
Hello -🦝! Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself, it a pleasure to meet you! ^^
This felt really fun for me bc I already had a few silly hc in mind for you, so I hope you enjoy!
I match you with…~
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꩜ Never a dull moment when your around him.
꩜ The two of you are a funny duo, to say the least. If it were possible, it would be like you taking care of a leash kid.
꩜ Not to worry, with this jackass over by your side, he will make you forget about your depression with his bullshit and shenanigans! That’s right, The Great Mammon himself! >;D👍✨ ((plz don’t take this too seriously..))
꩜ When it comes to you, he might as well not have any experience either. When others look at you, sometimes they think you’re the one who knows the ropes even if that’s not the case at all.
꩜ He’s supposed to keep an eye on you, but the fact of the matter is that it got twisted real quick and you ended up responsible for him instead. You keep him in check when it comes to his studies and duties he must finish. Oh what’s that? Sike! Even if you didn’t want to, he’ll beg you to help him out before Lucifer catches a whiff that he failed a test for the 1738929th time.
꩜ You’re motivated to want to improve yourself, so why would t you want the same for those you care about? No matter how hopeless someone is, surely there’s always a way!
꩜ Doesn’t matter how much he tries to hide something he did wrong though, Lucifer knows way before he himself does. So you’ll often see him upside down hanging from a ceiling. He temps you first before resorting to begging you to help him out again.
“Are ya takin’ me seriously, human?!”
— “Pfft- Yea yea of course!👌” nah, not really
꩜ As time passes by though, he starts catching your drift slowly without being told what to do. Simply wanting to get your attention and praise is enough to have him determined to want to do better. So in a way, both of you help each other out to get yourselves organized; May it be your actions or mental state. Thriving forward because of it.
꩜ He appreciates you never me giving up on him, thinking about it makes him soft and weak.. He’ll never admit it though! Not the Great Mammon himself! Not in a million years! Pretty obvious tho..
꩜ He, too, is an open book; not on purpose though. He tries to hide it but ultimately just reveals even more.
꩜ But It’s funny watching you two play dumb with each other when it comes to the other’s interests. He is just as invested in what you like — or perhaps even more — like you are with his.
“Oh, you like -insert hobby-? Ha, lame!” *Proceeds to look up everything there is to know about it*
꩜ Lovely to know you like to hang out, cuz best believe this guy is stuck to you like glue. He might try to come up with an excuse as to why he just barged into your room or sent you some random message, but it’s all bs. He just wants to be with you even if there’s no reason. He just really enjoys your company.
꩜ On days he gets paid, He’ll say he’s feeling generous and willing to spoil indulge you a bit. You better be grateful to the Great Mammon! Whenever you go shopping, he’ll keep an eye out for anything you might glance at, even if it was just for a brief moment.
꩜ And even if it’s rare coming from you, he’ll immediately sense if there’s greed coming from you. So he’ll buy you whatever it is that you want so badly! *cough* you just glanced at it.. *cough*
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I hope I was able to make you smile
Take care -🦝!✨
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wickerdmind · 11 months
I hate myself so much what’s wrong with me. I just keep on eating even if I’m not hungry. I’m a total self-destructive mess, I will never be pretty if I keep this up…. Fml
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🎀🧸DAY 7🧸🎀
No I live alone with my boyfriend, he does know that I don’t feel good about my body but I know he doesn’t take me seriously. I’m not really fat fat, and not super ugly so he doesn’t see why I would feel bad about myself.
I never told him that life for me is a game, and to win I have to be on top. And to be on top I have to be pretty, skinny, active, eat clean, be smart, be funny, be likeable,…
If I’m losing the game, then why am I still playing?
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de-liri-ous-blog · 1 year
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Day 5
I’ve been excited for this one! I wanna loose weight because I want to be the pretty girl for once. I have a quite nice face, could be really cute with a little slimming, and I think I’ll be able to get an hour glass figure. So if I just loose weight, I’ll be the pretty one.
I’m going to university next summer and I want to be in control by then. I want to walk into class on the first day, everyone is getting to know each other, and there I am. I’m skinny and decently pretty, and for once I won’t have to prove that I’m funny or smart or nice to get friends, because I’m pretty. That’s what I want.
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lonleywriters-blog · 2 years
Hello, it’s incredibly late at night, or more accurately quite early in the morning so I’m not thinking this through and asking on a whim, could ya, if you have time ofc, do a matchup of Gotham/MCU?(Well that was a run on sentence if there ever was one) I hope it’s not too long idk what I should do
I’m not sure how to even be gain describing myself, but half of who I am is a contradiction to the other half of who I am, I would say I’m paradox but I have strict moral codes that makes sense to me, so instead I just say “well I’m a Gemini so”…I don’t beivle in astrology tho. It just a fun coincidence.
Personality: I am an utter ENTP I cannot express enough how much I enjoy debate. However I don’t like arguments that much, but I’m not afraid of conflict. I have trouble taking things seriously, unless it’s school work then I get a little too serious about my own performance. I’m a musical theater nerd in every sense of the word. I do not lie to people and I hate people that lie about liking me more then people who just say there issues. I am a social chameleon. Throughout this thing I sound liek a buzz kill but I swear I’m not. Most ppl think I’m high half the time…I’m not. I’m a singer I do not smoke. I’m heigh on life 😎✌️…or ADHD
Something that might be helpful???: Through many shy phases of my life I have found a way to be assertive yet reasonable. But that tends to push ppl away. I am emotionally mature I would say, so if a situation arises I always like to have a good conversation about it with people. People tent to get defensive and don’t know how to handle adult situations so people sometimes osticize me. But I don’t tend to care becuase the people that do that never actually carry out intellectual conversations about literally anything. Don’t get me wrong I am good at being polite and having fluff talk with people, but the people who I would ride or die for are those who talk about the nuances in life at 3am with me. I’m observant with the actions of people.
Gender: I have a complicated relationship with gender. Because it’s a social construct that has become to ingrained in our society that it’s important to note how the construct has become real yk? But I’m a woman and I use she/they
Appearance: I’m new to tumbler so I don’t like to say much about who I am but I do know that I am pretty good looking. I have freckles, naturally pigmented lips, I’m relatively skinny with small boobs and bigger thighs. I work out and lift weights so I have muscle. I’m not conceded I’ve just finally gotten to a point in my life where I am happy with the way I look. I have brown hair but it’s died a bit so it’s more reddish and it’s very thick and wavey. A true nightmare.
Hobbies: reading. Singing. Acting. Dancing. Talking with my friends. Analyzing media or ppl. Friends.
Likes: Buffy the vampire slayer. Annotating books. Watching people being confused about me and saying “your a mystery” or just straight up “I’m sorry WHAT?” It’s funny. Puns, awful puns. Explaining jokes, it’s a new level of comedy. CROSSWORDS(my current addiction that replaced my Solitaire one). Working on my acting and singing. My “Little Book of Mind Benders and Puzzles”, I bring it to school for when I bored it’s so much fun! It’s actually not little it’s short but quite thick. Like me. And Natasha Pierre and the Great Commit if 1812
Dislikes: multiverse of madness. Wanda deserved better
Mental tw: anxiety, depression, dyslexia, dyscalcula, dysgraphia, ADHD I use humor. Funny story: when I was scuicidal the reason I didn’t slip and slide was cause I thought I was too smart to die. Quote “I would kill my self if it wasn’t for the fact I’ve worked so hard for such an amazing feuture
Thank you so much! I’m so sorry this is long. I’ve been scrolling through your blog cause I couldn’t sleep. I like it a lot. I hope this is good information and that I do not regret this in the morning
Okay darling let's see for gotham I think
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He also likes to debate but he will never fight at all. He understands how hard it is for you to take things seriously and he will help you. He also likes theater and he will take you to the best theater with the best seats. He hates lying and he would never lie to you ever. He loves listening to you sing and will dance with you. He loves your pins even the bad ones. He will help you with your disabilities at the best of his ability. He understands that it's stressful and he will be there for you to lay on. He also has strict moral codes.
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She doesn't have the best moral codes but she respects yours and will try her best to fit into them but not change herself. She's not that into debate herself but she loves watching you debate. She hates fighting unless it's for the people she loves so she will never fight or lie to you. She also struggles with mental illness and will try to relate and help you. She loves music and finds your singing amazing. She will dance around the house with you. She also likes puns and will come up with dumb ones all the time.
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