#I’m not still mad at Netflix for cancelling all my favourites
bakedspoonie · 1 year
still haven’t watched the witcher or any of the marvel shows but have decided fuck it if I see a pretty gif I’m reblogging it.
I don’t want my favourite gif makers to stop making shit just because I’m tired of certain companies and their bullshit.
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cower-before-power · 4 years
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Summary: Gojo has sinned, and he will repent at the altar of his beloved
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
TW: swearing, implied sexual content, idolatry
Link to A03 here
A/N: First time writing for everyone’s favourite sensei, hope I did him justice. This man can step on me. Enjoy, sweet potatoes!
“You’re late.”
He laughs softly from the doorway. “I told you I would be.”
“I know,” you say, your eyes focused on the rising moon out the window. “But you’ve always said I was the exception.”
“You are,” you can hear walk over to the closet; next, the rustling of clothes as he sheds his uniform. “But Yuuji-kun is doing so well I got overexcited and just had to stay a bit longer. When I was finished with him, I was planning on rushing straight home to you, but then I ran into my other darling first years. They wanted me to watch them fight. Their training for the exchange is coming along nicely too.”
“Hmmmmm,” you hum, rocking on your heels, “good reasons to be late, I suppose.”
You can’t help but let a little irritation creep into your voice. You’re not angry with him, not truly, but you can’t help be a little annoyed. Your lives were so busy it was often hard to find time to actually act like a couple. The two of you had set aside tonight to finally go out together, a real date. You’d made reservations at a fancy restaurant and even got dressed up for once. Not that you didn’t love your late night routine of takeout, Netflix and sex, but it was nice every once and a while to get out.
To pretend everything was normal. To pretend you were normal.
So when he texted you that he was sorry but things came up, could you please cancel the reservation-you couldn’t help but feel....cast aside.
You loved Gojo’s dedication to his students and his passion for his cause. You were proud of his strength, his powers. But sometimes it felt like you were a planet orbiting around his brilliant sun, competing with all the others for his warmth and light. He was the best, and was always needed by someone somewhere. You knew it was what you were in for when you put your heart in his hands, but it was still sometimes a bitter pill to swallow.
“You’re upset with me,” he says, and you finally turn to face him. He’s out of his uniform and only in a pair of dark sweatpants; your favourite look. You have a strong urge to run to him and bury yourself in his chest. You stay put.
“No not at you, per say,” you run your hands through your hair, taking out the style you’d coaxed it into earlier. “Just at life, I guess. Things are always crazy around here, but they seem to be getting even wilder and it just makes it even harder for us to spend quality time together.”
“You’ve never complained before.”
You sigh, tugging at the straps of your dress. “I know, I know. I’m just in a mood today, I guess. I was really looking forward to going out, and when you texted me, I just felt, I don’t know, shuffled aside.”
He stays quiet, face unreadable. It’s unusual and quite frankly rather unsettling. You feel guilt suddenly bubble hotly in your stomach.
“I mean, it’s fine! What you were doing was very important! Yuuji needs all the training he can get, poor boy. Plus, Megumi and Nobara miss you, they’ve noticed you haven’t been around a lot and they probably just wanted to see you be proud of them, even if they’ll never admit it. I’m being silly, I mean, who cares if we missed the reservation, the students and their training is definitely more important than going out with me-“
Your words die on your lips as you find yourself suddenly pressed flush against the chest you were just admiring moments earlier. You blink and gasp-bright blue eyes are staring intently down into yours. It always stuns you momentarily to see them. They are like sapphires; not only beautiful in shine and hue, but rare and precious. They only show up when he’s feeling particularly loving and mushy, or the very limited occasions when he gets serious.
You have a feeling it’s the latter.
“What have I told you about being too kind, angel?” He scolds you, shaking his head as he cups your face in his large, warm hands. “Just come out and say I’m the asshole here.”
“Hush now,” his voice grows stern, the tone he uses when he’s got you at his mercy. You obey on instinct, snapping your lips shut. “I shouldn’t have stayed so long at school, and I definitely shouldn’t have assumed that cancelling would be okay without asking. I’ve never, ever wanted you to feel like you’re playing second string, and I’ve gone and done just that.”
You frown. “I don’t feel like that all the time, please don’t think I-“
“Once is one time too many,” he interrupts. His fingers smooth over your skin, stroking the frown from your face. “I clearly fucked up. I let my angel, my reason to live, my sweet darling thief who stole my heart, down.”
(You feel warm. So he is feeling mushy as well as serious.)
He replaces his fingers with his lips, featherlight brushes over your skin that make your knees begin to wobble. “It’s okay,” you breathe, eyes slipping shut so he can kiss your eyelids gently. “You didn’t mean to.”
He laughs. “Sweetness, you are shit at being mad at someone. This is the part where you call me a prick and make me grovel for forgiveness.”
“You’ve never groveled in your life,” you hum. The irritation you’d been feeling earlier is melting away under his gentle ministrations. He hadn’t meant to hurt you. He sometimes forgets the two of you didn’t always operate on the same wavelength. He sometimes forgets that everyone didn’t operate on his wavelength.
“Another exception I’d make for you,” he nibbles at your bottom lip, and you can’t help but chase him, trying to catch him in a proper kiss. He just laughs and sweeps a thumb over where he’s just nipped. “I’ll even get on my knees.”
The image of the worlds most powerful shaman on his knees before you sends a shiver up your spine. And the perceptive bastard doesn’t miss it. He pulls away, peeling himself from your body with a sticky slowness that causes the air around you to heat and thicken. He sinks to his knees before you, palms upturned in perfect piety.
“Oh goddess divine, please accept my humble apologies,” the words drip from his lips like a sacred prayer. “I have displeased you, and I seek to make amends.”
“Only you could apologize and make fun of someone at the same time,” you murmer, feeling your cheeks begin to flush. “You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot who only wishes to repent for his sins,” he grins lazily up at you, and his upturned hands are suddenly on your legs, beneath your dress. His thumbs begin to rub circles on your inner thighs. Time stops; your next breath lodges in your throat.
“Tell me what I must do,” his voice is smooth like the silk of his blindfold, slipping over you. He leans in and presses a kiss just above your right knee. His mouth is hot against your skin.
“Ummmm....” you try to speak, but nothing comes out but a choked whimper.
“I’m waiting very patiently,” another kiss, this time slightly higher. Your brain begins to malfunction. You open and close your mouth, trying to get the words out, but there’s nothing. Nothing but his warm breath and deft hands. Nothing but crystalline blue darkened with hunger. Nothing but need beginning to boil in your blood.
“I’ll just have to decide the form of atonement myself,” he murmurs, skimming his nose along your inner thigh. His hands slowly slide up your legs, your dress is coming up with them....
And then you both hear it.
The loud grumbling of your very empty belly.
He pulls back and blinks up at you. You stare back, mouth open. And then you both burst into raucous laughter.
“What a mood killer,” he grins, sitting back on his heels. “I’ve never been cockblocked by your stomach before.”
“Sorry!” You rub the offending area, still giggling. “I guess in all my stewing I forgot I was hungry.”
He’s on his feet in a flash. “Well we can’t have you starve on me, can we, sweetness? I know, how about I cook for us?”
Your eyes light up. Gojo is an excellent cook, but he rarely does it due to his busy and exhausting schedule. And his bad habit of filling up on sweets. “Really?”
“Sure,” he’s already across the room, throwing on a shirt and his blindfold. “Tell you what, you go have a nice hot soak in the tub while I cook. I’ll bring you a glass of wine and something from my extra secret sweets stash to tide you over till I’m done.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Something from the secret stash? I’m honoured.”
He grins. “Another exception for my angel.” He suddenly claps his hands together. “Oh, and tomorrow we’ll play hookey! Go to Tokyo for the whole day, and I’ll spoil the absolute shit out of you. The kids can survive a day without us.”
“You already spoil me,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I’ll just be happy to spend a whole day just us.”
“No arguments!” He wags his finger. “I will drop mad cash on you and you will enjoy it.”
“Ugh you are such a dork,” you roll your eyes, but your heart fills with love for this silly man. You know he really is sorry and is trying to make it up to you. He’s an idiot on occasions, but he’s your idiot, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
You make to move towards the bathroom, but the lingering feel of his touch on your skin reminds you.
“Hey, what happens after the bath and food?”
Before you can blink, he’s back in front of you, gathering you against him. His smile is absolutely feral, and you can feel his smouldering gaze even through the black fabric now covering his eyes.
And his lips are descending on yours, hot and hungry. He licks into your mouth, swallowing the moan that’s threatening to escape. There’s nothing left but him. His touch, his taste, his scent. He is everywhere, in every sweep and valley of your body, in every corner of your pounding heart. He consumes you like fire consumes a forest, and you are happy to burn, burn, burn.
All too soon he pulls away, and you are left empty. Bereft. Lost. But he leans back in, his lips brushing your ear, his voice dark with reverent desire.
“I’ll worship at the altar of my divine goddess until my penance is paid a hundred fold.”
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dreamyyang · 3 years
hi bb hope yr doing well? can you do a 127 reaction where the reader tells them she needs to talk to them / tell them smth & she starts crying but it’s becos she’s confessing that she was in love w them? like she was nervous LOL and they comfort her ofc ehe smth fluffy,,???
surprisingly, I’m in a good mood lol. I hope you’re doing good as well ^^
god I haven’t written reactions in like five years shsjdhs I hope you like it, love. tysm for requesting 💖
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summary: you're finally about to confess to your crush of god-knows-how-long but your nerves get the best of you.
pairing: nct 127 x reader
genres: fluff, humour, crushes to lovers
warnings: none except for a lot of cursing lol
word count: 0.7k
note: these reactions are based on my interpretation of the boys' personalities so I'm sorry if this disappoints you
requests are open
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concerned bubu™
honestly thought you were gonna tell him you had a terminal illness or something
conducts an impromptu therapy session
“what’s been going on in your life?” “mhm, and how does that make you feel?”
when you finally manage to tell him that you like him he looks so done with you
“I like you too y/n but you didn’t have to cry tf”
literally doesn’t know what to do/say
just wraps you in a hug and goes, “I promise you, nothing could ruin our friendship.”
which makes you cry harder bc holy fuck taeil is such a sweetheart :(
squeezes your hand and encourages you to continue speaking
“go on, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
gives you a big kiss and can’t stop smiling as he does it because he also has the fattest crush on you
turns into your personal hypeman, “y/n, babe, you’re the baddest bitch alive and don’t you DARE let anyone tell you otherwise”
isn’t focused on what you’re trying to say, just wants you to feel better
so he’s completely thrown off-guard when he’s scooping out ice cream for you and you go, “so yeah...I have a huge crush on you”
ice cream is now on the floor
“wait where are we going?” “ice cream parlour for our first date. you’re paying.”
“just breathe, okay? take as much time as you need.”
ends up cancelling his plans bc he’s really worried
starts coming up with ways to hide the body cause he’s convinced you killed someone
honestly isn’t surprised when you confess, you were being so obvious these past few months
now he’s kinda mad cause he cancelled on father-son bonding time with shotaro
half “noooo my lil baby please don’t cry” and half “well this is awkward”
he’d probably want to impress you and seem like really chivalrous and shit
holds your hand and comforts you or gives you his jacket if you guys are outside and it’s cold
is a bit awkward but really happy when you confess to him
expect to get teased constantly
“hi this is my s/o y/n, did you know they cried while confessing to me?”
okay it’s so ironic that I just wrote a hurt/comfort fic w jae but pFFT this boy does nothing
gives you blank stare, and on a good day, he might even nod encouragingly
there’s a chance he’ll hold your hand, rub your back or do some action that’ll comfort you, but that’s it
jaehyun just strikes me as the type to be quiet and let you say what you have to before reacting
gives you a cute smile and a kiss on the cheek after the words, “I really like you” leave your mouth
he laughs, feeling relieved it wasn’t something bad and actually finds it cute when he thinks about it later
like jae he just feels like he wouldn’t really say something aside from some words of encouragement
if he feels like you’re really upset he might try to make you laugh
“you don’t have to tell me right now”
can’t help but laugh at you when he finds out you were just nervous to confess
cuddles afterwards while watching your favourite movie/show to help you calm down (netflix and chill 🥴)
he might joke about it later but not as much as hyuck and doodoo
panics and gives you a fucking bro hug
awkward back patting and all
literally the most awkward interaction ever cause you’re too scared to confess and he’s too scared to do anything that might upset you further
“dude it’s all good, just like, chill bro. you know you can tell me anything bro”
you manage to stop crying but only cause you’re laughing at how terrified mark looks
you end up confessing to him mid laugh and honestly all he does is just stare at you
mark: *ten minutes later, telling jungwoo the whole thing* anyway so I think I have an s/o now idk I’m still very confused
hyuck gives me “imma annoy you into feeling better” vibes
“stop doing that thing with your face you look ugly” “stfu I’m literally crying”
at some point you stop crying and start beating his ass with a pillow
“okay now that you’re back to being murderous instead of a depressed lil bitch what’s up?”
tries to act smooth when you tell him but he’s honestly ecstatic because he has liked you for literally the longest time
like doyoung, he will make fun of you 24/7. actually scratch that, he’s even worse than doyoung
let’s just say he’s lucky that he’s cute
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© dreamyyang, 2021
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anoriginalweirdo · 4 years
i’m really pissed at netflix for cancelling all the shows where you have a real character development and a bit of originality. they start thousands of seasons 1 but they cancel everything and, of course all the good ones, but they renew the same shows with the same plots and characters over and over again. i’m tired of that. stop releasing seasons 1 if there aren’t sequels, and you leave us with a thousand cliffhangers!
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i’m mad that they cancelled The Society, of course i think you know my love for this show, but not only that one! there are so many shows that have potential to be super interesting and original, but if they cancel them before they can develop anything, sorry to say that but it’s freaking useless!
i know coronavirus is making it hard for production and everything, i got that, but still, there are so many shows that are now on netflix but there are only seasons 1 and you know nothing that happens next! what’s the point? i’m gonna take my favourite example: The Society. season 1 all alone is clearly about setting the ‘universe’ and the atmosphere of the show, asking all the questions to keep the viewer intrigued about what it’s gonna happen, why are they here? how? how can teenagers create their own society? they are so many (very interesting) questions asked - i’m clearly not exposing all of them sorry because i’m gonna forget my point haha - and it’s so captivating. especially on psychological aspects and character development. but what did happen? we know the different characters, you start loving some and hating others, not really sure about your opinion on some of them - because you freaking want to know more - we have all the questions, the setting, the tensions... whatever you want to make the viewer completely into the story. it ends perfectly on freaking cliffhangers to tease you enough to watch season 2 but... now nothing? i’m sorry but what’s the point in doing that?
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i was not a huge fan of I’m Not Okay With This but i was very intrigued to watch season 2. season 1 is building slowly and step by step this particular ‘world’. you’re building it with the main character who is trying to understand herself what is happening. season 1 is a sort of a ‘prologue’ to bring the viewer into the show. the main character has so much potential to be very interesting as she grows up and evolves. but there we have just a season 1 that is ‘useless’ (i hate saying that but without any sequels there’s no point).
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why cancelling interesting tv shows while renewing the same stories over and over again?
sorry i’m just super mad at netflix for that, i don’t even know if it’s clear or if it makes sense :/
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016. fever
a/n:  another chapter from my Wonty “comfort fics “Dirty Little Secret”. As I mentioned from the previous chapter I posted few days ago, I’m just going to post some chapters which I enjoyed writing. So the number is the chapter of this fic, and this is the chapter 16, hence, 016. Enjoy reading! 🙈
Monty didn't sit next to me on our third. But if I'd be honest, I'm still salty about yesterday. I know I'm not in the place to do so…
Maybe I'm just hoping that somehow he cared about me since that's what he's starting to make me feel, and not let me hope for nothing.
Just because he apologized, and agreed to meet you in your place tomorrow, you thought he cared.
Ugh! whatever.
So when I caught him staring as I ate with Charlie that lunch, maybe I had been extra chatty towards the latter.
Yes, he joined me at lunch again, and with Alex this time. Unfortunately, Charlie just made himself look awkward. He obviously didn't know how to make a conversation with Alex, so he talked to me instead, which became favorable for me. Apparently, Alex got the wrong idea and thought that Charlie was hitting on me.
Oh, if only he knew.
I exchanged numbers with him since he asked for it, only to  bombard me with questions about Alex. I told him that I'm not some slam book or Alex's diary who's carrying all the information he wanted to know about him, so he should be the one making a move towards the guy himself. But he pleaded, for me to help him out at least, and enlighten him some basic things about my friend- he's been using the word to persuade me- like his favourite food, movie, color, hobbies and such, which I realized I didn't really have ample knowledge about. Though, I still promised to help him in any way I can, as a kindred spirit I am. Then I just learned that my friend and Zach wasn't like a real thing yet, but they have a thing. Well, relationships could be complicated.
And that's it, that's all I know about my 'so-called friend'.
So, I deemed it safe for Charlie to take his chances and make a move on Alex. Even giving him words of encouragement to do so. Go, Charlie!
By afternoon after class, since the Football practice had been cancelled due to Coach Kerba's absence, I spent it at Monet's, attempting to do some homework. I didn't ask Estella to come. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts for a while.
"Is this seat taken?"
I froze knowing the voice so well.
What's he doing here?
Looking up, I had to blink a few and asked myself if I'm dreaming. Then I glanced around before I nodded and let him sit with me, taking the seat in front of me.
We were quiet at first, me flipping through my notes. Pretending rather, as I found it hard to concentrate anymore with him around.
I cleared my throat and asked where Estella was. I wanted to reason that he couldn't come here all by himself, so he should be at least with his sister, but decided against it. He said she's having a night out with some friends.
I just hoped it's true and she's not with that guy, Gavin, somewhere. Perhaps, I'm starting to be protective of her too, and I caught myself sending a quick text to her asking where she was.
She replied: With Gavin.
I knew it.
I told her to be careful and to call me if she needed some help or just anything.
I turned back to Monty and asked him in a hushed tone, "What are you doing here?"
He let out a smirk and said, "What do you think?"
I looked  around, even though it's obvious that students from Liberty were everywhere in this little coffee shop. "I think we're not supposed to be here together."
He moved towards, resting his elbows on the table, his face quite dangerously close to mine and whispered, "We're working on a project." He held my gaze and gave a ghostly smirk, before leaning back to his chair. We were silent for a second as he lightly tapped his fingers on the table. Clearing his throat, he said, "By the way, I… apologized to Tyler."
Blinking, I looked at him in disbelief. Smile then stretched out my lips. I wanted to ask why, though I didn't want to sound like I doubt his sincerity. I wanted to believe he's wanting to change.
Then I caught Ani with Jessica from afar glancing our way.
I casually moved my gaze back to Monty. And focused down my homework. "People are looking," I whispered.
"Let them look," he said.
He, mayhap, asked me about Charlie's deal with me as he began pulling his own homework, suggesting for us to work together.
I said nothing. And changed the topic to where we are now… in my house.
We only had the place to ourselves. Our maid was out shopping for groceries, so it may take a while before she could come back.
We're settled in the living, flopped down on the couch.…watching some movies on Netflix. A bowl of popcorn between us. We both pretended to pay attention to the movie, when my hand, as I blindly grabbed a handful of popcorn, accidentally collided with Monty's, whose hands were already dipped in the bowl.
I stopped and turned to him. His gaze on me.
"Sorry," I pulled my hand away.
He sighed, taking his empty hands off the bowl, and shifted closer to me, enough to make my heart skip.
I just focused my eyes back on the show. It's a movie from the 80's, entertaining enough. Although, I know I would appreciate it more, but not with Monty around who had completely stolen my interest.
"Seriously, what's your deal with Charlie?" I heard him say.
I sat back, suppressing a smile. I couldn't believe he's not done with that talk yet. So he really wanted to know.
I turned to him, making sure I looked innocent. "I told you. None."
"Then why does he keep clinging to you?"
I looked away and decided to chew on some popcorn since I couldn't hold my smile anymore. Thanks, popcorn.
"Maybe he's just trying to be friendly," I reasoned after swallowing the popcorn down. Then I shifted, turning my body his way. "I think I should be the one asking you why your friend keeps on hanging around us."
He moved his eyes to me from the TV and I swear, I could stare at him all day, and wouldn't be tired. I began counting the freckles that scattered around his face.
"We're not really that kind of friends," he said. Then he snatched the bowl of popcorn from my hands to his lap.
I frowned. "Hey--"
"Trying to be friendly, eh?" he scoffed and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth and added, "Why don't I believe you?"
I grimaced. Couldn't believe he would show me his unethical side.
"Didn't your parents teach you not to speak when your mouth's full?"
It's too late when I realized what I said. I know his deal with his parents. Fuck you, Winston.
But then he smiled, and playfully threw a popcorn to my forehead.
Frowning, I touched where the popcorn hits. Okay, I think I deserved that.
"Why don't I believe you?" he said, but he's still smiling. It took me a second to realize that he just repeated what he said; maybe he thought I didn't understand him after speaking with his mouth full.
I decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?"
He just ignored me and continued on his rambling.
"Really, why?" This time he looked serious and held my gaze. "He isn't like…" he trailed off and moved his eyes to the side, looking away, "... trying to hit on you, right?" With reluctance, he moved his eyes back to me.
Hiding a smile, I turned to face the TV. "And… what if he does?... I mean, Charlie can be cute."
He scoffed, a loud one at that. I felt him shift, but I kept still, trying to make sense of the movie and failing.
"So you like him."
My skin jumped, feeling his breath close to my neck, his voice soft but clear against my ear.
I glimpsed at him, he's a little close with me, but still keeping a safe space between us. However, for me, it's dangerous.
I swallowed. "...I don't."
He scoffed again. "Oh yeah? Is that why you find him cute?"
"Just because I find him cute doesn't mean I like him. Give me back the popcorn."
"No, you get it yourself."
"Tell me why does it seem a big deal to you?" I turned to him, forgetting for a second how close he was, and now we're practically face to face. I held my breath, and froze in my place.
None of us moved. Our eyes silently travelled down to our face with our hitched breaths and racing hearts.
Damn. I wanted to kiss him. So. Fucking. Bad.
But I'm surprised how I'm still able to control myself; maybe it's the fear he'd punch me again.
Though, my mouth started to feel dry.
"Kiss me," he whispered against my lips, causing my heart to beat even faster as if it's possible.
My throat moved as I looked down his lips.
Slowly, I inched towards him, closing my eyes, until his dry trembling ones brushed against mine. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who's trembling. I didn't make a move and just teased our lips together, but that simple contact already caused us to inhale sharply. So we had to break off, when I felt him grab the back of my neck and pulled me back, crashing his chapped lips on mine.
He took in a deep breath, and stayed just like that, unsure what to do next. So I decided to take the lead.
Sliding my hands between us, I reached for his chin, opening our mouths, so I could have more access.
His breath hitched, making me smile, as I grazed my tongue, licking the dryness of his lips before I slid it in and explored his mouth. He inhaled once more and quivered against me. His hands were tight on my sides but I loved how he's holding me.
"Relax," I whispered as I continued drowning him with my fiery kisses. He softened and I gave him time to adjust until he's able to catch up with my kisses.
I inhaled, feeling his tongue poking against mine. Soon we're kissing like mad. Our breaths sharp with every stroke of our hungry lips. His hands grabbing my hair and my arms tight around his neck. Our bodies glued together, feeling the heat. We kissed as if our lives depended on it.
I moved my hips wanting to feel him and we tensed feeling how hard we were. He pressed his body more to mine as if it was possible, and felt him move, his hardness rubbing against my thigh, causing me to draw a breathless moan and suck on his lower lip. Our kisses became harder. Hungrier. Intense. And I'd never kissed anyone like this before.
I never knew he could be this passionate and I'm all here for it.
We only stopped to catch our breaths, but he soon collided his lips back to mine, and his kisses became slower but just as ardently.
I could feel myself wanting more, feeling him getting harder as he continued riding my thigh. I didn't notice that he already got me pinned under him, with my back on the couch.
The movie still played in the background as we continued kissing and grinding each other desperately.
"I want you…" he said, breathlessly, between feverish kisses; making me melt but even harder. Is that possible?
"Come on," I pushed him gently, and stood up. And impatiently led him to my bed room.
It only hit me that we were making out boldly in the living room. I'm just relieved our maid hasn't come back yet, or I didn't know what I'd do if she caught us screwing here. Though, the idea seemed thrilling.
We didn't waste any time and kissed as soon as we got to my room. I just managed to push the door. I didn't know if I was able to lock it. I didn't really care.
He shoved me on the bed, and crawled on top of me. I smiled and pulled him down as I brushed my tongue sensually against his parted lips. He smiled, kissing me before he sat up and yanked his top off. Then we began to help each other be free of our clothes; hands fumbled against the fabrics. We gasped as raging teenagers we are, whenever our heated skins made contact. And, I loved it. Loved the feel of his warmth and his weight over me, and how hard he was against my thigh, sending delicious shivers down my body.
Feeling suddenly bold,  I reached for his ass. And gave it a meaningful squeeze, earning a moan from him. The sound he made, did things to me. And I'm even more eager to hear them again.
We continued to fool around the bed, moaning and breathing each other's names like a song as the height of pleasure rose within us.
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valhallasubstitute · 4 years
Rainy Days
Modern AU 
--Sihtric x reader
Sihtric promised to be home yesterday but Uhtred insisted that the business trip be extended. Again. You’re a little bummed out about it but he promises to make it up to you. And then the rains come.
A/N: It’s been raining the last couple of days (love a Scottish summer) and all I’ve wanted to do is be spooned in bed by a big man.  Enjoy my pining.
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, this is a very fluffy and soft Dane boy who looks like a rat because he deserves it.  
Wc: 1336
‘Sihtric you promised, you said-‘
‘I know what I said, I’m sorry babe. Blame Uhtred, blame Alfred, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.’
‘You better.’ You heard Sihtric laugh down the other end of the phone and the sound brought a smile to your lips despite your annoyance.
‘Look I’ve got to go, okay? I love you.’
‘I love you too.’
And he was gone.
Sihtric had been gone for three weeks and was meant to be home yesterday but some unforeseen complication came up, meaning you were left alone and disappointed.
You weren’t really mad at Sihtric, maybe a little, but more than anything you just missed him. You decided that next time you saw Uhtred you’d tell him that yes, while Sihtric may be one of his best friends and work for him, you’d actually like to see the man you’re in a relationship with from time to time? Or maybe you’d just text Gisela and get her to do it…
You tossed your phone onto the couch and flicked through Netflix. There was nothing new and you couldn’t watch the show you had started with Sihtric because he wasn’t here. The audacity of the man, he had pushed for you to watch it with him and then he buggers off. You had been enjoying it too, though you couldn’t remember the name of it, The Only Land? The Last… something?
Nothing caught your eye and forced yourself out of the little nest you had built. You decided as you shuffled through to the kitchen that you’d have a hot drink and then stick a shitty romance movie on. If nothing else you could fall asleep to it.
While the water boiled you watched the world out of the window. It had smelt like rain for days and finally small droplets began to fall from the sky. The presence of the Old Gods was still strongly felt in your two story home, magical things seemed to happen between you and Sihtric when it rained, blessings from Thor he would say.
The first time you had met it had been raining. You were waiting for your friend Hild, a catch up between the two of you was well overdue and you had agreed to meet her outside of her work. You were shocked when you had walked up to a big house rather than an office but you soon learnt that that was just how Uhtred operated, one big family.
You had sat on the wall outside, kicking your legs against the stone, umbrella in hand, when a car had pulled up. Two men got out, one of them hurried past you, a small nod of acknowledgement and a brief smile. Finan.
The other man looked as if he was in no rush and you took the time to admire him. Broad, arms that had you salivating and kind eyes. When he spoke you nearly fell off the wall.
‘You’ll catch your death from sitting out in the rain.’ You recovered quickly, savouring the sound of his voice, it was soft and you wondered how your name would sound if he said it.
‘It’s not so bad, you don’t seem to mind I either.’ He smiled then and you should have known your heart would end up belonging to him. He opened his palm and closed his eyes, letting the rain fall on him for a just a moment, embracing it.
That’s when the door opened and Hild came out. She took in the scene before her with a single, perfect eyebrow raised and you found yourself blushing.
‘Whatever he says Y/N don’t listen to him. He’s a heathen.’ She was smiling at Sihtric as she said it and he smiled back, embracing her.
‘Abbess.’ Sihtric said nothing more, nodded to the both of you and then he was disappearing into the house that you thought would be an office.
You had met Gisela at that lunch date and suddenly you were a regular at that house, becoming friends with everyone and a little more with some.
The first time you had had sex with Sihtric it had been raining too. He had almost cancelled your date for a late night work thing but you had insisted that you tag along. You sat in his car at 1am and watched a warehouse, you were 100% certain that you were on a stakeout, a game of spies without the fun and all of the risk.
You’d been there for nearly 5 hours when you finally snapped. You had slept a little, talked a lot and shared enough caffeine to make anyone buzzed. The rain was too heavy to see properly and you couldn’t turn the engine on for the noise. He looked so good and the space between you was so small and before you could really explain it you were riding him in the front seat, all breathless moans and desperate hands. You fell asleep in the back, your head on his chest and the sound of the rain hammering against the window.
The memory of it send a shiver through you, a smug little smile spreading across your lips. You loved that you got to share his bed. You made your way up there now, slipping into one of his T shirts and some joggers to sleep in. He’d never know and even if he did you knew he wouldn’t mind.
He had told you once that one of his favourite memories was just after you moved in together. It was summer and the window was wide open due to the heat but a thunderstorm was on its way.
The two of you hadn’t gotten out of bed all day, the invitation of fresh sheets and each other, with nowhere to be far too inviting to decline. You had woken up in his arms, tucked tightly into his large frame. You had stayed there, sharing soft touches and taking photos,  laughing at nothing and everything.
You had fallen asleep again at some point and when you woke up Sihtric wasn’t in bed with you. The storm was in full swing and some of the warmth had left the room. Instead of walking around your home naked you threw on one of Sihtric’s shirts and went to find him in nothing else.
He said that the minute he saw you in his clothes, smiling at him with messy hair, he knew he wanted to be with you forever. He had always known that, he’d said, but in that moment he had never felt such clarity, determination and love.
You couldn’t picture a life without your Dane in it and as the memory faded his side of the bed seemed to become even more empty, mocking you in his absence. You sipped your drink with a pout.
Until you heard the slam of a car door.
It was far too close to the house to be from anywhere other than your driveway, and you knew the sweet little lock noise well.
You didn’t put on shoes, you didn’t grab an umbrella and you didn’t close the front door. None of those things seemed important in your haste, your excitement.
Sihtric wasn’t even halfway to the house when you flung yourself at him, the stoic look he wore so well evaporating into a wide smile that rivaled your own.
He didn’t answer you, just shrugged as if it wasn’t exactly what you had been wishing for all day. He dropped his duffel bag and brought you into his arms.
He felt like home.
You took his face in his hands and crashed your lips into his, a happy groan telling you he had missed this just as much as you had. It wasn’t until you both stopped for air that you realised you sock-covered feet where soaked.  
‘You’re home!’  He beamed at you before dipping, throwing his bag over one shoulder and you over the other.
‘I’m home.’
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 5 years
Happily | th x fem!reader
Anonymous asked: Hi I have a request for a Tom Holland x reader in which the reader has an activity that they were really looking forward to but it gets canceled and she gets really bummed out and Tom decides to do something to make them happy again. You can decide what he does and can you make really fluffy, please?
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requests are now closed
Warnings: none but the usual fluff ☺️
Word count: 4252
A/N: a cute little request as soft as a cloud for us all 😘☁️ because Tom being cute and boyfriend material is just a big YES!! hope you enjoy it✨
This morning you wake up with a big smile on your face. More than just being finally Saturday, you are excited about the things you are about to do today. In fact, Tom asked you last week if you wanted him to teach you how to play golf. Of course you said yes because: one, you can’t play golf or understand this game at all and two, because it means you will spend some quality time with your boyfriend.
I mean, who wouldn’t be excited about this?
At least, that is how it was supposed to be.
As you are getting ready for the day, you go out of the shower to dry your hair when you noticed a missed call and a text both from Tom. Thinking he wanted to give you some info for today, you don’t waste a second and open his text... before the smile instantly vanishes from your face as soon as you read it.
Tommy💙: Hi pretty face, I’m so sorry but something came up this morning and I have to meet up with my manager and stuff, seems really important... so we have to cancel today’s plan... I’m so so so so sorry baby, I know you were excited for it😢 I promise I’ll make it up to you! Calling you when I finish, love you lots baby❤️❤️❤️
With sloping shoulders you lazily throw your phone on your bed, not replying to his text. You know being mad at him is such a childish move, perfectly understanding it is because of his work but still you couldn’t wipe away the growing disappointment in you. You take a look at the polo shirt and sport short on your chair that you were planing to wear today, and sigh.
Well, Netflix and snacks by yourself it is then.
* * * *
You stuck to your couch all day and you are pretty sure Netflix’s catalogue has no secret for you by now. Your phone rang a few times during your all-by-myself day, each call and text being from Tom but you didn’t answer any of them. Still a bit moody and bummed out, but at the same time debating to act like a grown adult or not. Well. Apparently not. And you just moped around like a child, not without feeling a little bad for Tom because nothing was his fault.
As you continue watching an episode of ‘Grace and Frankie’ while munching on an apple, you hear a knock on the door. Wondering who that could be, you stand and jog toward the entrance. Not thinking twice you open the door wide and here stands an out of breath Tom, casually dressed in a sweater and sweatpants with paper bags in his arms. 
You blink a few times to make sure you are not dreaming. Not a single word finds its way through your mouth.
“Jeez baby, you got me anxious all day long!” says Tom finally smiling when he sees you.
You gulp, slightly feeling bad.
“Oh, uhm yeah, s-sorry I mean-”
“It’s alright doll, I kinda felt you were upset” cuts Tom while looking at his feet, “and as I promised, I’m here to make it up to you.”
Now you feels pretty bad. 
Seeing his arms full takes you out from your thoughts, so you allow him to enter your apartment and the boys goes straight to your living room. As he walks past you, a delicious smell follows him. A familiar smell, actually. Once Tom puts down the paper bags on the coffee table, he looks at you who still stands speechless at the door.
“Come on, I brought some of your favourite takeouts” he cheers at you.
You can’t stay mad at him for long, because this boy will move heaven and earth to make you happy. After letting out a happy sigh, you close the door and join him back in the living room. He already takes a sit on the couch and begins to put all the delicious food he bought on the table. You then sit next to him, still a little embarrassed by your previous attitude.
“Tom, I’m sorry for ignoring your calls and texts today...” you mumbles as an apologise, the carpet now being really fascinating for some reason.
You hear Tom chuckle and then his hand caressing your thighs gently. You catch his eyes and notice he is already looking at you, lovingly.
“I know babe” he pecks your cheeks then lays his back, getting comfortable on the couch. 
He then opens his arms wide. 
“Now, cuddle with me while we watch one of theses cheesy comedy you love so much” he adds smirking.
You can’t help but giggle at him before throwing yourself into his arms. 
“Also” Tom continues, his face buried in your neck “I booked the golf course for tomorrow, is that alright for you?”
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aaronmaurer · 4 years
TV I Liked in 2020
Every year I reflect on the pop culture I enjoyed and put it in some sort of order.
Was there ever a year more unpredictably tailor-made for peak TV than 2020? Lockdowns/quarantines/stay-at-home orders meant a lot more time at home and the occasion to check out new and old favorites. (I recognize that if you’re lucky enough to have kids or roommates or a S.O., your amount of actual downtime may have been wildly different). While the pandemic resulted in production delays and truncated seasons for many shows, the continued streaming-era trends of limited series and 8-13 episode seasons mean that a lot of great and satisfying storytelling still made its way to the screen. As always, I in no way lay any claims to “best-ness” or completeness – this is just a list of the shows that brought me the most joy and escapism in a tough year and therefore might be worth putting on your radar.
10 Favorites
10. The Right Stuff: Season 1 (Disney+)
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As a space program enthusiast, even I had to wonder, does the world really need another retelling of NASA’s early days? Especially since Tom Wolfe’s book has already been adapted as the riveting and iconoclastic Philip Kaufman film of the same name? While some may disagree, I find that this Disney+ series does justify its existence by focusing more on the relationships of the astronauts and their personal lives than the technical science (which may be partially attributable to budget limitations?). The series is kind of like Mad Men but with NASA instead of advertising (and real people, of course), so if that sounds intriguing, I encourage you to give it a whirl.
9. Fargo: Season 4 (FX)
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As a big fan of Noah Hawley’s Coen Brothers pastiche/crime anthology series, I was somewhat let down by this latest season. Drawing its influence primarily from the likes of gangster drama Miller’s Crossing – one of the Coens’ least comedic/idiosyncratic efforts – this season is more straightforward than its predecessors and includes a lot of characters and plot-threads that never quite cohere. That said, it is still amongst the year’s most ambitious television with another stacked cast, and the (more-or-less) standalone episode “East/West” is enough to make the season worthwhile.
8. The Last Dance (ESPN)
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Ostensibly a 10-episode documentary about the 1990s Chicago Bulls’ sixth and final NBA Championship run, The Last Dance actually broadens that scope to survey the entire history of Michael Jordan and coach Phil Jackson’s careers with the team. Cleverly structured with twin narratives that chart that final season as well as an earlier timeframe, each episode also shifts the spotlight to a different person, which provides focus and variety throughout the series. And frankly, it’s also just an incredible ride to relive the Jordan era and bask in his immeasurable talent and charisma – while also getting a snapshot of his outsized ego and vices (though he had sign-off on everything, so it’s not exactly a warts-and-all telling).
7. The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix)
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This miniseries adaptation of the Walter Tevis coming-of-age novel about a chess prodigy and her various addictions is compulsively watchable and avoids the bloat of many other streaming series (both in running time and number of episodes). The 1960s production design is stunning and the performances, including Anya Taylor-Joy in the lead role, are convincing and compelling.
6. The Great: Season 1 (hulu)
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Much like his screenplay for The Favourite, Tony McNamara’s series about Catherine the Great rewrites history with a thoroughly modern and irreverent sensibility (see also: Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette). Elle Fanning brings a winning charm and strength to the title role and Nicholas Hoult is riotously entertaining as her absurdly clueless and ribald husband, Emperor Peter III. Its 10-episodes occasionally tilt into repetitiveness, but when the ride is this fun, why complain? Huzzah!
  5. Dispatches From Elsewhere (AMC)
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A limited (but possibly anthology-to-be?) series from creator/writer/director/actor Jason Segal, Dispatches From Elsewhere is a beautiful and creative affirmation of life and celebration of humanity. The first 9 episodes form a fulfilling and complete arc, while the tenth branches into fourth wall-breaking meta territory, which may be a bridge too far for some (but is certainly ambitious if nothing else). Either way, it’s a movingly realized portrait of honesty, vulnerability and empathy, and I highly recommend visiting whenever it inevitably makes its way to Netflix, or elsewhere…
4. What We Do in the Shadows: Season 2 (FX)
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The second season of WWDITS is more self-assured and expansive than the first, extending a premise I loved from its antecedent film – but was skeptical could be sustained – to new and reinvigorated (after)life. Each episode packs plenty of laughs, but for my money, there is no better encapsulation of the series’ potential and Matt Berry’s comic genius than “On The Run,” which guest-stars Mark Hamill and features Laszlo’s alter ego Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender.
3. Ted Lasso: Season 1 (AppleTV+)
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Much more than your average fish-out-of-water comedy, Jason Sudeikis’ Ted Lasso is a brilliant tribute to humaneness, decency, emotional intelligence and good coaching – not just on the field. The fact that its backdrop is English Premier League Soccer is just gravy (even if that’s not necessarily represented 100% proficiently). A true surprise and gem of the year.
2. Mrs. America (hulu)
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This FX miniseries explores the women’s liberation movement and fight for the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and its opposition by conservative women including Phyllis Schlafly. One of the most ingenious aspects of the series is centering each episode on a different character, which rotates the point of view and helps things from getting same-y. With a slate of directors including Ryan Bowden and Anna Fleck (Half-Nelson, Sugar, Captain Marvel) and an A-List cast including Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Uzo Aduba, Sarah Paulson, Margo Martindale, Tracey Ulman and Elizabeth Banks, its quality is right up there with anything on the big screen. And its message remains (sadly) relevant as ever in our current era.
1. The Good Place: Season 4 (NBC)
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It was tempting to omit The Good Place this year or shunt it to a side category since only the final 4 episodes aired in 2020, but that would have been disingenuous. This show is one of my all-time favorites and it ended perfectly. The series finale is a representative mix of absurdist humor and tear-jerking emotion, built on themes of morality, self-improvement, community and humanity. (And this last run of eps also includes a pretty fantastic Timothy Olyphant/Justified quasi-crossover.) Now that the entire series is available to stream on Netflix (or purchase in a nice Blu-ray set), it’s a perfect time to revisit the Good Place, or check it out for the first time if you’ve never had the pleasure.
5 of the Best Things I Caught Up With
Anne With An E (Netflix/CBC)
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Another example of classic literature I had no prior knowledge of (see also Little Women and Emma), this Netflix/CBC adaptation of Anne of Green Gables was strongly recommended by several friends so I finally gave it a shot. While this is apparently slightly more grown-up than the source material, it’s not overly grimdark or self-serious but rather humane and heartfelt, expanding the story’s scope to include Black and First Nations peoples in early 1800s Canada, among other identities and themes. It has sadly been canceled, but the three seasons that exist are heart-warming and life-affirming storytelling. Fingers crossed that someday we’ll be gifted with a follow-up movie or two to tie up some of the dangling threads.
Better Call Saul (AMC)
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I liked Breaking Bad, but I didn’t have much interest in an extended “Breaking Bad Universe,” as much as I appreciate star Bob Odenkirk’s multitalents. Multiple recommendations and lockdown finally provided me the opportunity to catch up on this prequel series and I’m glad I did. Just as expertly plotted and acted as its predecessor, the series follows Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman on his own journey to disrepute but really makes it hard not to root for his redemption (even as you know that’s not where this story ends).
Joe Pera Talks With You (Adult Swim)
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It’s hard to really describe the deadpan and oddly soothing humor of comedian Joe Pera whose persona, in the series at least, combines something like the earnestness of Mr. Rogers with the calm enthusiasm of Bob Ross. Sharing his knowledge on the likes of how to get the best bite out of your breakfast combo, growing a bean arch and this amazing song “Baba O’Reilly” by the Who – have you heard it?!? – Pera provides arch comfort that remains solidly on the side of sincerity. The surprise special he released during lockdown, “Relaxing Old Footage with Joe Pera,” was a true gift in the middle of a strange and isolated year.
The Mandalorian (Disney+)
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One of the few recent Star Wars properties that lives up to its potential, the adventures of Mando and Grogu is a real thrill-ride of a series with outstanding production values (you definitely want to check out the behind-the-scenes documentary series if you haven’t). I personally prefer the first season, appreciating its Western-influenced vibes and somewhat-more-siloed story. The back half of the second season veers a little too much into fan service and video game-y plotting IMHO but still has several excellent episodes on offer, especially the Timothy Olyphant-infused energy of premiere “The Marshall” and stunning cinematography of “The Jedi.” And, you know, Grogu.
The Tick (Amazon Prime)
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I’ve been a fan of the Tick since the character’s Fox cartoon and indie comic book days and also loved the short-lived Patrick Warburton series from 2001. I was skeptical about this Amazon Prime reboot, especially upon seeing the pilot episode’s off-putting costumes. Finally gaining access to Prime this year, I decided to catch up and it gets quite good!, especially in Season 2. First, the costumes are upgraded; second, Peter Serafinowicz’s initially shaky characterization improves; and third, it begins to come into its own identity. The only real issue is yet another premature cancellation for the property, meaning Season 2’s tease of interdimensional alien Thrakkorzog will never be fulfilled. 😢
Bonus! 5 More Honorable Mentions:
City So Real (National Geographic)
The Good Lord Bird (Showtime)
How To with John Wilson: Season 1 (HBO)
Kidding: Season 2 (Showtime)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy Vs The Reverend (Netflix)
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iwritethat · 5 years
Batboys: Valentines Day Headcanons
A/N: I couldn’t think of any for Duke or the Batgirls and I don’t know their characters that well so my apologies that I couldn’t give them an individual one.
Happy Valentines Day, I hope you have a wonderful day doing what you do.
All my love, Jessica ♥️
Bruce Wayne:
• Cancels all meetings for the day so he can spend it with you, however Batman is still on call and he does genuinely apologise for this. You don’t mind, you’d expect some mad love scheme from Gothams villains at some point tonight.
• Has probably bought you a few gifts, the classic flowers and chocolates are a must and you can bet they’re top quality.
• Alfred makes breakfast for the two of you as you chatter and enjoy the family’s company in the kitchen.
• Of the assortment of gifts you offhandly mentioned you wanted throughout the year, there is a truly meaningful one that he would give you in private. Whether it be jewellery, a gadget or book which reminded you of a time you spent together. You cry. It’s too sentimental.
• Has plans to take you out for a fancy meal later that evening, we’re talking 5* restaurant and you give him his gift there which of course he loves.
• You take a peaceful walk through the city afterward, which is cut short by the revelation of Joker kidnapping couples. You give each other a knowing look and in minutes the Batmobile is pulled up in the closest alley.
• Bruce - Batman is apologising but you smile and wave him off, but before he leaves you quickly give him a new gadget you got Barbara to work on.
“I have two Valentines I suppose, so my gift to Batman is this.”
“You’re truly amazing (Y/n), I love you.”
“Go save the city love.”
Dick Grayson:
• Not subtle about the fact Valentines Day is around the corner, you know he’s planning something and are on edge.
• Jokes on him though because the competition is ON this year. You woke him with breakfast in bed and he was salty about how his patrol the night before had prevented him from waking up before you. Still assured you that you didn’t have to do this.
• The romantic gestures get more extravagant throughout the day from each of you, in reality you both do this for fun as you show how much you love each other through everyday gestures. But this was go big or go home.
• You arrived from your shopping trip to a trail of rose petals leading to the lounge where too many flower bouquets were waiting - each equipped with a cheesy pick up line. You’d probably give some flowers to the elder residents of the building in the end.
• Dick stood proudly in the middle of them, also nervous as to whether you’d like them. You smiled, pulling him into a loving embrace when he whispered “I’m winning.”
• That evening you took him out see Haly’s circus and he was a mess, it was cute to see him catch up with old family members as well as watch the show. You wanted to give them some privacy but Dick pulled you along introducing you as the love of his life, adamant that you meet Haly. The older man approved, covertly telling dick he’d be an imbecile to let you go.
• In return Dick treated you to a meal at any restaurant of your choice and was glowing for the rest of the evening. Honestly he’s so pleased that your his it’s ridiculous, expect showers of adoration and you just can’t shut him up.
• When you get home and are well relaxed, he presents you with a velvet box.
“This is - no it was too much. I can’t accept this you beautiful dork.”
“I saw the way you looked at it all those months ago so I saved and got you something special, with everything you put up with, you deserve this and much more (Y/n).”
It’s a price of jewellery that you fell in love with whilst shopping for Wallys birthday present and of course your boyfriend remembered.
• You’re cuddling on the couch at this point, pure bliss for the both of you as it’s not often Dick takes a full night off but for you, he would.
“I really tried to get you the best gift in the world this year so I could win our game but I just couldn’t part with it.”
“What do you mean?” He’s confused are your unexpected confession but intrigued.
“How am I supposed to gift you to yourself? Besides I wouldn’t give the best thing in the world up, how could I ever lose you Dick Grayson?” Your words have him blushing, he’s flustered and so full of sheer joy that he just pulls you into his arms with a soft kiss to your lips.
“I - that was - god you win. I don’t deserve you.”
Jason Todd:
• On this day, it is common knowledge to everyone who knows you both that you can ask him anything and he’ll do it. Only If it’s reasonable and for you. Breakfast in bed? Hell yeah. You want a romantic bath? It’s done.
• Will get you a lovely meaningful gift that reminds him of you and you love it so much, and thank him profusely.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” Jason obviously brushes it off with a brilliant blush adorning his skin.
• Never admits to the fact he loves baths with you, but on Valentine’s Day you got out the rose petals, bubble bath and candles. Didn’t take much convincing to get him in there with you and you presented a new book you’d gotten him. Jason melted. If you want him to read aloud in the bath whilst you relax, he will. It’s so peaceful for him.
• Jason isn’t into fancy wine and dining and would rather a casual setting, so brings up going to Big Belly Burger for dinner. As a joke. No he seriously would.
“Oh yeah, sounds great. I’ll get ready.” And you do, willingly.
“Wait but - um, don’t you want? I dunno, a nice restaurant?”
“As long as I get to spend time with you I don’t mind, I would eat on the roof for all I care. Actually no, it’s quite cold - but in summer I would.”
• It’s all registering in Jason’s mind how amazing you are, and he’s just gazing at you with pure adoration before skidding over and clasping you’re wrist as you went for his keys.
“Ah - no, we’re not doing that. I’m making you dinner, no objections. It’ll be incredible I promise.”
“I’ll help then.”
• And boy can he cook, the food is gorgeous and he put so much effort into it too. He appreciates your help as his sous chef, the many kisses in between demonstrated that.
• Essentially from then it stems to a normal evening for the two of you, a comfortable night of playful teasing either reading or watching a show. Jason believes these are the best kind, Valentines isn’t for special treatment when he aims to make you feel loved everyday - even if he’s not the best at it sometimes.
Tim Drake:
• Less invested than his eldest brother who is a hopeless romantic but is still determined to ensure you feel special. You’ve said you didn’t want anything but he refuses to let this be a completely normal day unless you really want it to be.
• Starts by making you breakfast in bed and it’s actually to die for, you share the blissful morning in one another’s comfortable company and it really invigorates you for the upcoming day. He had a gift for that.
• “How about we skip the cliche stuff and do something for us?”
“What did you have in mind my lovely nerd.”
• You played some video games before venturing to Titans tower where you spent the day with your friends - you cared about them too. Honestly it became a low-key house party with everyone conversation going and messing around.
• Afterwards you head back to Gotham and hit a nearby food stand and your boyfriend insists on zipping you through the skyline to perfect place to eat which is exactly what you do.
• Takes you up to the ‘best rooftop’ in Gotham, you didn’t believe one existed until you see the view. Tim offers his scarf as you sit on the ledge watching the sun set behind the city, the sky a breathtaking ombré.
“Y’know, this is very clićhe Tim.” You laughed, nudging your boyfriend who offered you a playful grin in response.
“Well you’re still here so I must be doing something right.”
“You are the something right.”
“I was going to say the same about you, thank you for everything (Y/n). I truly love you, y’know that?”
• After arriving home, you spend the evening cuddled up in bed with Netflix playing and an array of snacks out. You doubt you’ll get through a season by the time you fall asleep but you’re both willing to try.
• You couldn’t determine who went to dreamland first, but you awoke in each other’s arms after a gunshot echoed on screen. At this point you agreed to turn it off and once more curl into one another with occasional random whispers of conversation before falling asleep for the night.
Damian Wayne:
• Does not care for the holiday and has told you this before, whether you do or not he feels he should at least make some form of effort. Just to lowkey display his love for you.
• Brought you multiple bouquets of flowers, also invested in chocolates and you can tell he’s really trying.
• Titus happily brings you a rose, which had you swooning the dog regardless of how smug your boyfriend was. Definitely up for a romantic walk through the park with Titus and buys coffee/lunch whilst you’re there.
• The day is completely at your disposal, but after the walk and shopping trip he took you on (despite your unwillingness to tell him what you liked knowing he’d get it for you), you relaxed in one another’s company in the Manor.
• Damian put on your favourite movie and in return you set his film up next so you both had something of interest. Thus began the playful bickering and fights over blankets which you ultimately end up sharing anyway.
• Alfred brings in cookies, you had to do a double take because they are heart shaped and you give the Butler a curious look.
“At Master Damian’s request, apparently more ‘romantic’.” You can hear the disinterested sarcasm in Alfreds voice, his witty remarks are treasured.
“Alfred!” It’s a hiss from your boyfriend and you can’t help but laugh, thanking both of them.
• You’re both sitting comfortably wrapped up in each other, simply enjoying the movie playing in the background amongst idle conversation.
“I appreciate you’re trying, but this clearly isn’t your thing.” You smiled knowingly, Damian both offended and impressed that you could read him so eloquently.
“I -“
“Hear me out, how about next year we go away for a weekend? Maybe Africa or somewhere with a wildlife sanctuary y’know.”
• Immediately his eyes lit up, he’d moved for his phone and began listing the most exotic locations and soon you were joining him. So much so that within 30 minutes he’d adamantly decided to pay for everything.
• Now has a renewed excitement for Valentines Day, literally is counting down the days for a national holiday he still has no care for but loves spending quality with you. It becomes a tradition to spend Valentines away.
Bonus: Older Batsis
Imagine being the older sister of the Batfam and having to spend Valentines on your own.
• You didn't hate Valentine's Day but this year you were single and had a lot on your mind lately whether it be stress, work or any other life dilemma.
• As a result you opted to stay at the Manor rather than your own apartment, besides both neighbours were madly in love with their current partners and you didn't want to be around that right now. The family knew of these developments and since it was Valentines...
• A bouquet of flowers adorned the table that morning with Alfred cheerfully cooking your favourite breakfast, the smell alone was enough to die for.
"You didn't have to Alfred."
"Ah Miss (Y/n), you should take your own advice.”
• Damian simply tuts at the doorframe before entering the area and sitting beside you. The young man didn't believe in the holiday one bit and at this point you agreed with him.
• Okay so maybe you brought Cass, Barbara and Stephanie a bouquet of flowers each. Then proceeded to purchase the favourite snacks of Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke and Damian. Dick being in an annoying mood decided to question your behaviour.
“You brought us gifts? We’re not your valentine so, why exactly?”
“Because, I believe Valentines is about celebrating the people you care for, not just for couples to express their affection. And I do care about you all a lot, so this is me showing that.”
• Regardless, you enjoyed a chilled day in the Manor. After a luxurious bath, you enjoyed your own company really. Something you hadn’t managed in a while.
• Your family wanted to cheer you up though, thus ensued a strange day. Cassandra brought you a katana wrapped carefully ribbon warapped which left you speechless, Dick and Barbara got you that jacket you were telling her about last month and Tim had set up a slew of your favourite movies to relax to along with snacks.
• You cried. It meant so much despite them having their own plans, they took at least 10 minutes to see you.
• Steph made you waffles for lunch, which you enjoyed together after concocting masterpieces from the array of toppings on offer in the kitchen.
• Duke and Jason were next, each rocking up with bunches of flowers.
“We couldn’t remember your favourites, I thought they were (fave flower), but Duke disagreed.”
“Duh, they’re (second fave flower), anyway (Y/n) happy valentines. You don’t need no man - or woman. Either.” Duke grinned, Jason following on with his usual degrading humour.
“Exactly, you got us. Not that it helps haha.”
• You had dinner in the Batcave, it was only take out considering you were managing comms whilst the others were on mission that night. Oracle 2.0 if you will.
• It was then that Damian joined you, a box in hand that he slid in front of you and upon opening it, revealed a pearl white kitten/puppy adorned with an oversized red bow.
“His name is Valentine, or Val, or Vee - he’s for you, so you won’t be feel alone once you get home. I guarantee animals build more loyal relationships than humans.”
“Dami, I thought you hated Valentines Day. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
• The youngest gives you a frustrated look, embarrassed that he was caught being so kind in the first place.
“If it helps I wanted to adopt him but father wouldn’t let me, so I had to find him the next best person. Which out of all these Neanderthals, is of course, you.”
“I see, and what spurred you to even look into such a thing in there first place?” Damn you’d caught him out, the only reason he went was to find a companion for you.
"As you said (L/n), it's about celebrating people you care about and my gift will last the longest therefore you know I love you the most."
"And I love you too little bro, thank you Damian."
• Best Valentine’s Day ever.
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mayfriend-archive · 5 years
Hey I need a new show to watch and I feel like you are a good person to ask because I am also a history student, bi, but 19. I see all these cool shows on your page but I can't keep up! can you give me your top five and why they're good? I've already seen good omens and tua! THX
Have I been waiting my entire life for this ask?? Possibly. 
Keep in mind these are my top five shows EVER, not just the ones I’ve been obsessing over recently. I wouldn’t actually put Good Omens in my top 5, but Umbrella Academy would probably get the number 3 spot if you hadn’t already seen it :)
   1. Dead Like Me (Amazon Prime)
This show, man. This fucking show. I’m a slut for found family (as the rest of this list demonstrates, with 4/5 of my favourite shows of all time featuring it as a main theme) and the Reapers are the Ultimate Found Family. The humour is incredibly dark and you will start sobbing at least once every episode; Bryan Fuller’s concept has stood the test of time and Mandy Patinkin kills it in what is (imo) his best role - sorry, Inigo. Dead Like Me was cancelled after two seasons, something I am still mad about almost twenty years later, but don’t let that stop you from diving head first into this exceptional show.
   2. Borgia: Faith and Fear (I watched it on Netflix although it’s since been removed; it might come back if you wait a little while)
I came across this show completely by accident. I’d heard a lot about Showtime’s ‘The Borgias’ and searched for it on Netflix - that didn’t come up but this utter gem did. I still haven’t watched The Borgias because Borgia made it obsolete in my eyes; a lot of people struggle with the fact that the cast’s accents are all wildly different, with Rodrigo Borgia voiced by American John Doman but I found it easy to get used to after an episode. Mark Ryder is Cesare Borgia, and the quality remains high throughout the three seasons, with each character being treated with care and completing their own story arcs in three seasons. 
   3. Daredevil (Netflix) 
Daredevil was the first ever Marvel Netflix show, and remains an example of just how good that genre can be. Seasons 1 and 3 are outstanding in every way, and Season 2 is still incredibly watchable. Daredevil is one of those shows that will stay with you long after watching it, with spectacular writing, incredible acting and cinematography that is as skillful as anything from a top Hollywood studio. Even if superheroes aren’t your thing, Daredevil is absolutely worth a watch.
   4. La Casa De Papel (Netflix)
The heist show to end all heist shows. Each and every main character is three-dimensional, complex and deeply flawed; Tokyo’s narration and the non-chronological storytelling take what is essentially a very basic premise into one of the best television shows of the 21st century. Netflix provides both an English dub and English subtitles, but I would stress just how much the actors original voices and intent matter to the quality of the show.
   5. Dollhouse (Amazon Prime)
Although Joss Whedon has fallen out of bed somewhat in the last few years, I stand by this particular work of his. Dollhouse explores the idea of what ‘makes’ a human being, and allowing actors to shine by playing multiple nuanced roles in universe by essentially ‘wiping’ people’s brains and uploading them with different personalities for the enjoyment and benefit of the obscenely rich who can afford their services. This show in particular is what made me fall in love with Enver Gjokaj and despite only getting two seasons, it manages to wrap itself up well whilst showing both the very best and very worst of human nature. 
Honourable mentions go to The Boys, which I just finished and adored (although it is very dark and an 18, so keep that in mind before starting), The Good Place for being simultaneously funny and philosophically compelling and Parks and Rec for being my go-to pick me up show (although its a good idea to skip season 1, which is of low quality compared to the following seven seasons).
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reallysaltyobject · 5 years
Timeless children thoughts
Ok, so I’ve spent about all day trying to form my thoughts on the changes that last nights episode had and now i’m going to try and write them down just to process and, like, see other people’s thoughts (???)
First of all, I love Doctor who. I hate feeling like this. This conflicted feeling. I love Jodie as the Doctor, she is probably my 2nd all time favourite Doctor (David T, Jodie, Tom, in case you were wondering). This season has had some, in my opinion, great episodes. I loved Fugitive of the Judoon, the Tesla episode (featuring my SJA fave Rani), the Mary Shelly episode. Guess what? i EVEN LIKED SOME OF ORPHAN 55 (it fell apart in the end, but Ed Hime can write some great lines (that spam line and the sequence with Ryan getting rid of the virus are personal faves), also that episode was co-written by Chibnall, and the episode seemed to be going in one direction but it felt like there was changes from a certain show runner). Anyway, I have been watching Doctor who since I was 4, I’ve been watching consistently since Ecclestone, through the good and the bad, never missing an episode. And until the finale of season 12, I have never felt so... sad. Not even angry, just sad and let down. I hate this sensation. I need to vent
So, now that the disclaimer is out that I do like Doctor who, even up till now, let’s get into my current trauma 
OK, the Doctor is not a TIME LORD. what? ...What?!...WOT!!? Time Lords and Gallifreyans are mutated from her DNA!? 
Right let’s back up a but and start from the beginning of my puzzled thoughts. Why did we need last weeks episode? I mean seriously, It was about an hour of going ‘you’re going to learn something, we known something you don’t’ and then it leads to that. I’m just very confused. Also more side characters which I do not remember the names of by the end of the episode, and thus them dying does not affect me in any way. Was it ever explained why the head Cyber man was ‘torturing’ the other Cybermen? I honestly cannot think of why that was there (maybe to make them 100% robotic with no organic material cause of the particle (WHICH I WILL GET TO!) but idk not very clear).
Also the whole Irish flashback thing? I get that was supposed to be a filter but going back and watching the episode when we saw it in episode 9 the doctor was ALSO SEEING IT?! There was no mention of it at all during the episode but she mentions it in the episode ten. What?! (Let’s not mention the odd editing choice at the end of nine where the Master’s entrance is funny and wild and then it’s like dramatic, threatening music? WTF. I’m guessing some lines of dialogue were cut but still it would have been better to end on his first entrance)
Chibnall’s first new and interesting villain is just gone. A Cyberman that still has its human emotion, erhm, would that not make a compelling villain that we could see at least another story out of? No? we just going to shrink this guy in the space of ten minutes? Cool. Cool, cool, cool
Also the death particle? WTF. That was 110% convenient plot device which I can forgive (a little lazy but so not worth getting worked up over), but it somehow went from being able to wipe out organic life from the ‘entire universe’ to just ‘a planet’. What. I’m serious what was the process here? Was it like not done cooking? 10 more minutes left in the Cyberman before it was done? I mean, it can’t be because it shrunk, cause, well, it’s A PARTICLE. It’s can’t get any smaller than that. Oh, are we just going with that? Lazy. Never-mind, much more to cover. 
So this was Chib’s let’s make Morbius canon time? You know the thing that was created cause they didn’t know how long the show would last, and was pretty much swept under the rug cause it was a weird idea? Right, ok , sure. 
I mean I was actually interested in the Doctor having a cycle of regenerations that she didn’t know about. A cycle. Not seemingly endless lives. Cause that would keep with the canon established, you known, with the whole 11th Doctor getting gifted an entire new cycle which we are two bodies into already on the whole Tenzelore death bed thing. It would explain Ruth!Doctor (not her TARDIS being a police box but I’m sure give any Doctor who fan 20 minutes and a box of crayons and they could come up for a better explanation than what was shown last night). 
But let’s get into the worst effect of last night’s show. There are no more stakes. The Doctor can regenerate whenever, not matter how many times, and there are no consequences. Sure, you want the show to live on but as an excellent TV show put it recently: it is death that makes life worth living (seriously go watch The Good Place)
The canon of the show is that Time Lords get the regeneration from looking into the time vortex, hence River getting these powers (being conceived on the TARDIS). Normal Gallifreyans do not have this, they have to earn it through the Academy. This episode said it was genetics (SEE midichlorians and star wars). W H A T. 
ALSO DOES THIS MEAN THE DOCTOR AND RIVER SONG ARE LIKE RELATED. i mean if regeneration has come from the Doctor and she can regenerate, is it incest? 
The Master did not make any sense in this episode - and for a character who is meant to be psychotic it must be pretty bad for him to seem off. So, the Master is mad cause he is made partly from the Doctor? I mean i know that you don’t go to the Master for coherent plans but still, I don’t really get it. He also spent the entire episode being exposition and that was just, a waste. That is one of my biggest gripes about that era. You hire these great actors and you don’t give them anything to work with. I mean you can see them shine when you do but, you don’t. why? 
Also why is the Master acting like he has no compassion? Gomez!master literally betrayed herself after spending like an entire serious feeling guilt with the 12th Doctor. So, how can he say he has no compassion? I mean, if you weren’t a lazy writer, you could write some material about how they feel abandoned by the Doctor when he left her to die on the Cybership and went mad by the time they made it to Gallifrey. Or even that idea they were in an alternative universe and so this Master had not had the development that the Capaldi era worked on, which would explain why there was another Doctor (Ruth) (I know that gets a bit muddled up with Jack being in episode 5 but you could probably think of something, i’m still reeling from the finale to form a plan right now). No, we’re just not doing that. 
This endless lives also cheapens the Doctor’s sacrifice before. I mean a lot Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor was spent with this. River giving up her remaining regenerations because of his unwillingness to leave his friends. The Doctor spending all of his last regeneration watching over this town in season 7. Was this just nothing? Is the Doctor just going to sacrifice themselves for everything now?
Also, the idea that the doctor is the Other is so much better! That would be cool, it would give her a past that she does not know of (check one), but it wouldn’t have the potential of ruining the stakes and mystery of the doctor (check two), AND it would make the doctor something above what TL are, make her demi-god, which could make the Master made, in a more logical way, (check three). 
right to finish this, I have to say i’m worried. The moves that are being made feel like they are cancelling moves. Like we’re going on another long hiatus. That there is going to be a reboot. It also is giving the BBC potential to make spinoffs of the previous Doctors to likes of Netflix and Amazon, which scares me for the safety of the show. With the ratings going down, and a majority of the fanbase being against the developments in the lore, the sustainability of the show is looking risky. This is an option that i do not want to happen. Unfortunately I think the only option would be to replace Chibs. He is writing the show in a way that is continuing from when he grew up (hence the Morbius thing, and the Master acting in this way) and not from how the show has PROGRESSED since then.
I’m still going to watch the show but I fear that more and more will turn it off. The whole point that they pushed in this era of the show was that new people can watch it, there is no need to have all this previous knowledge yet the only times there has been interesting episodes has been to call backs (Jack, Cybermen, Daleks). This change to something so instrumental to the plot is driving old fans away and confusing the new ones. What you need is someone who is above the show-runners keeping the canon and coherency of the lore, as it know most show-runners change the premise when they start (see Gallifrey gone, alive, gone again)
leave the canon. Look forwards. This Doctor is about being hopeful, they should be looking forward. 
I want this show to be good. I want this show to live forever, because it can. Because it should. 
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bubblegumstardust · 5 years
Quarantine Tag Game
@hms-chill ​ tagged me to do this, thank you!!! 💕💕
Are you staying home from work/school?
My university lectures are online starting tomorrow (we’ve just been off this week while they set everything up) so I’m staying home for another week before I go home home for Easter break. Still don’t quite know how it’s supposed to work for us since I’m on a practical-based film-making course and this final project we’re supposed to film in groups was originally meant to be the thing our entire first year grade is based on but I guess we’ll see.
If you’re staying home, who is there with you?
My flatmate left on Friday so I’m on my own until I go back home next Friday but then I’ll be with my parents and my dog. Unfortunately my sister isn’t coming home since one of her flatmates at the school she works at I think had the virus so she and her other flatmate have to self-isolate for 2 weeks and then the school she works at is gonna be one of the emergency ones that stays open for the kids of people who still have to work like doctors so she’s gonna have to stay on up there over Easter.
Are you a homebody?
Mostly, yes. I mean I like have to go outside and get some fresh air and a little bit of exercise most days both so I don’t go completely stir crazy and because my doctor told me I have to as part of helping my mental health or whatever. But like having the excuse to read or write or draw for most of the day is great!
An event that you were looking forward to that got canceled?
My mum, sister, and I were going to go and see Six up in the west end in a little under a month but that’s been cancelled. It sucks because I’ve been absolutely dying to see it and it was the main thing I’ve been looking forward to this year. Also we’d planned to try and see it over Christmas but couldn’t make everyone’s schedules match up so we pushed it back and I’m so mad about it now.
Also I was going to go over to Sweden again to visit friends for Midsummer which is just so much fun because everyone just spends the day eating and getting drunk and it was so much fun last time. Then again, I’m still not sure how much, if anything, I’m allowed to drink on my medication so like maybe it’s for the best that I don’t end up being there and being the only one to be sober. Still really sad I’m not going though because I lover going there in the summer.
What movies have you watched recently?
As always, Shrek 1 and 2. It is frankly concerning how many times a year I watch those films but they are absolute classics and I won’t have a word said against them. I also watched Gnomeo and Juliet the other night - another classic I must say - and would have Ella Enchanted on this list too but they’ve taken it off Netflix and I am fuming over it.
What shows are you watching?
Honestly I’ve mainly been watching YouTube rather than TV at the moment and also generally since I don’t have a TV licence at uni 😂 but I have been watching The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra on Netflix and Amazon.
What music are you listening to?
All kinds of stuff tbh. I listen to a lot of musical soundtracks - mostly Six and Hamilton, but also I bunch of random upbeat pop stuff because we need joy right now and always, there’s usually some Queen and ACDC thrown in there too along with stuff like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, and You Me At Six. Also listened to What A Man Gotta Do by the Jonas Brothers for the first time this week and might be a little obsessed
What are you reading?
Red Queen. It’s for book club and I’ve only read a few chapters so far so I need to get on that but I’m finding it kinda hard to get into at the moment since I finished reading Not Your Sidekick right before and I loved that book so damn much and it was so fun and real gay so like it’s quite a difference.
What are you doing for self-care?
I’m chilling as much as I possibly can. Also I treated myself to my favourite Lush facemask yesterday that I haven’t had in months because I just felt I needed it. I’ve eaten a ton of comfort food as well but that’s probably doing more harm than good.
I’m not exactly sure who to tag in this tbh, I haven’t done a tag game in so long so I can’t remember who I usually tag but you can all do it!
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l0vemark · 5 years
3, 6 and 10 for the cute asks 💕
3. favourite type of weather?
i’m a suckerrrrr for cold weather, my absolute favorite tho is def rainy weather, type of weather where you just stay in and watch movies or listen to music, stay in bed all day while the rain falls
6. favourite movie? (outside of mcu)
i have a list of favorite movies so i never forget cause i always blank out when someone asks me this question lolol but my favorite movie has to be Inception 
10. show you’re currently binging? 
i’m currently not binging any shows so please send me some good ones to watch (pls pls pls) the last one i binged was “Everything Sucks” tho and i’m still mad that Netflix cancelled season 2 :(
send me some cute asks!
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charlyritter · 6 years
For the tv show meme, I want you to answer everything please, except for 1, 7, 8, 11--14, 16--18, 20--24, 27, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 45, 46, 49--51
2 if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be? Deadwood
3 have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? lol all the time, ain’t nobody got time anymore to sit through shows that don’t grip them
4 are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already? I quit Supernatural when it wasn’t even SUPER horrible yet, so like even earlier than most people, and yet every time I accidentally come across it and it’s on season 58 I’m just like, WHY
5 what’s your comfort show? Columbo or just generally old-timey TV (partly because it’s old which gives it that cozy feeling but also partly because I watched a lot of 60s/70s/80s TV when I was a teenager, so for nostalgic reasons) (I finally found my complete The Persuaders box set when I visited my parents recently and I was OVERJOYED)
6 which shows do you think are underrated and need more love? Boston Legal, Sirens (US), honestly idk why it just seems to be me but I still think the first season of the British Mad Dogs was AWESOME, Jennifer - Sehnsucht nach was Besseres 😂, Bron/Broen, just generally all that good non-English TV but I mean there are obviously reasons why it’s not as well-known especially when it’s not on netflix
9 what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? I am not very familiar with that feeling since I just know myself way too well and always know what I’ll like and what I won’t like and I’m right 99% of the time. I didn’t expect to like The Good Wife that much because it’s a CBS show and I only watch highbrow television. jk but I did think it would have that ~vibe to it and I mean it does to a certain extent but it’s also just pretty well-written
10 what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate? can’t think of anything, also I hardly ever hate shows that I just find them boring and with my list, I don’t have time to spend time on boring sows
15 do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats? Formats? I don’t know about formats. I mean I can never believe procedurals are still so popular but I did also just watch 2 seasons of The Good Wife in two weeks so (tho I’m not actually sure if it’s strictly a procedural because there is an overarching storyline but there are a lot of case of the week episodes as well)
19 are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now? Nah, nothing. JUST KIDDING, I’ve got 77 shows and 10 miniseries on my listography list and more on my netflix list, what is this questions?! I never get people that are like “I finished my show, so I don’t know what to watch now :(” I always have at least 70 shows in the pipeline. I also hate it because I am never gonna be caught up on everything in my entire life and that thought is just depressing to me. 
25 do you prefer proper opening credits, or a simple title card? my attention span is so low that I somtimes even skip title cards, so definitely those
26 favourite TV show theme song? oh god I think it’s the girlfriends theme song :/ But it’s just so ~90s girlpower and it does fit the show so ://
28 who would be your dream cameo on your favourite show? I honestly do not know what part Colin Firth could play on Breaking Bad
29 do you tend to quote TV shows a lot? have you ever started using a word/phrase because of a TV show? All the time. “Not great Bob” is a mood for eternity
32 what’s one show you could watch over and over? I first had “I could watch all my favorite shows over and over” as my answer to this but actually, some of them are too painful to watch again (like Bron/Broen) sooo? Boston Legal maybe. Or my comfort shows (see 5)
34 what are your top 5 shows right now? shows that are still airing or shows that I am currently watching for the first time: The Good Wife, Santa Clarita Diet, Grace and Frankie, Dark, The Good Place
35 who are your top 5 TV characters right now? right now I’m all about Will Gardner but it’s basically the usual suspects Saga Norén, Jesse Pinkman, EB Farnum, Peggy Olson, Frank Columbo
38 do you prefer hour long episodes, or 30 minute? Out of those two I prefer hour long episodes esp since 30 mins tend to be comedy shows which I can’t get into that often but in general I think 40-50 minutes max per episode is perfect
39 do you prefer 22 episode seasons, or 13? 13!!!!! THIRTEEN!!!!!! 22 episode seasons are an atrocity and yes I am looking at you, The Good Wife
40 is there a show coming out soon that you’re really excited about? I generally don’t really get excited for new shows, just new seasons. Right now I’m excited for Santa Clarita Diet season 3
41 if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why? I don’t knoooooow I’m not creative enough for these questions. If I had it my way, there definitely wouldn’t be any romance on Stranger Things
42 what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting? I think probably like around 10 hours?
43 what do you think is a good amount of seasons for a TV show? Five. (It’s not my fault everything about Breaking Bad is perfect and they did everything exactly the way it should have been done…….)
44  if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why? Alicia Florrick so I’d get to experience what being smart is like?
47 are there any shows you love but your friends aren’t interested in? I mean tbh I have the best taste in TV out of all my friends so lots. My friends don’t even know most of the shows I love. 
48 are there any shows your friends love but you aren’t interested in? unfortunately my irl friends are all like “The big bang theory is so hilarious!!” kinda people sooo… In terms of online friends, right now I don’t see what could ever make me want to watch Grey’s Anatomy but never say never I guess (I did say the same thing about Tatort so.)
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long-ass fucking questionnaire
yoooooooo, I did it all.
I’m starting this at 1:15 in the morning.  Let’s see how long it takes me to finish.  cause I’m a masochist, apparently.
1: My name? do I HAVE to?  Okay, it’s Kelly.  But I really hate it, so usually I go by Kel.  A few lucky ones get to call me Kelly, but only because I love the way my name sounds when they say it.  There, my dirty secret is out.
2: Do I have any nicknames? A plethora.  Artie (after the fish), Fluffie (long story) Jellybean
3: Zodiac sign? The most Libra Libra that has ever Libra’d.
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? I don’t play video games.  But I play a few online games, so Doctor Who: Legacy
5: Book/series I reread? The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward (Series) The Harry Potter books Morgan Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan (series) Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett) Watchers (Dean Koontz) Insomnia (Stephen King)
6: Aliens or ghosts? I have nothing against either.  But I enjoy writing about ghosts more.
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? Stephen King
8: Favourite radio station? NPR, strangely enough.
9: Favourite flavour of anything? Lemon.  I still thoroughly enjoy chocolate, but my radiation therapy changed the way it tasted.  
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? Awesome.  Both with and without the addition of the adjective “fucking”
11: Favourite song? My standard answer is, ‘Everything Louder Than Everything Else’ by Meat Loaf, because I truly love that song, but lately I’ve been on a Game of Thrones kick, and i’m stuck on “The Rains of Castamere” by Sigur Rios and “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” because it’s such a Jaime x Brienne song.
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? Bold of you to assume I have friends.
13: Favourite word? sycophant, gestalt, melancholy
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? After about, oh, ten years or so, yes I did.  It’s a new thing for me.  usually I hold grudges until the end of time.
15: Last song I listened to? “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin
16: TV show I always recommend? Current:  American Gods, Better Call Saul Cancelled/ended:  Hannibal (NBC), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
17: Pirates or ninjas? Drink up me hearties, yo ho!  Yo ho, yo yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? Usually something from the Disney/Pixar Ouvre.  Except UP.  UP makes me sob in the first ten minutes, so no.
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? Du Hast, Rammstein.
20: Favourite video games? Puzzles and Dragons, Doctor Who: Legacy, Dragonvale
21: What am I most afraid of? Snakes, without a doubt.
22: A good quality of mine? I’m creative
23: A bad quality of mine? I don’t think before I speak, so i sometimes don’t end up saying what I mean to say and hurt/offend in the process.
24: Cats or dogs? Bi-petual with a preference to cats
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? Bruce Campbell.  Alien Apocalypse, anybody?
26: Favourite season? Winter
27: Am I in a relationship? No, although I do love someone very much
28: Something I miss? Being a kid, with all the possibilities of my life still ahead of me
29: My best friend? @mummyholmesisupset and @silvarbelle.  they tie.
30: Eye colour? Hazel-greenish, with a little bit of sunflower around the pupil
31: Hair colour? Normally, a pretty chestnut brown.  sometimes I bleach it or dye it.
32: Someone I love? @silvarbelle, she’s my sister-from-another-mister, and I will throw hands for that bitch in a heartbeat.
33: Someone I trust? @mummyholmesisupset because she’s earned it a hundred times over.  @silvarbelle because I love her like family.
34: Someone I always think about? My grandmother.  she died when I was seventeen, and I still miss her.
35: Am I excited about anything? My birthday
36: My current obsession? Gam of thrones, Doctor Who, Hannibal, the MCU
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? Thundercats, Scooby Doo, 60s Batman, My Favorite Martian, the Monkees
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? No, thank God.
39: Am I superstitious? Not overly, but I do have a few.
40: What do I think about most? Writing
41: Do I have any strange phobias? Is arachnophobia strange?
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind it, dear God.
43: Favourite hobbies? Writing, reading, pinning things on Pinterest that I absolutely mean to do but probably never will
44: Last book I read? Watchers by Dean Koontz, and I’m in the middle of Fear by Bob Woodward
45: Last film I watched? Backdraft.  “You go, we go.”  
46: Do I play any instruments? Not since band class in the early 90s.
47: Favourite animal? Cat.
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? ???????  I don’t think I do.
49: Superpower I wish I could have? Manipulation of probability
50: How do I destress? Writing, watching Netflix, watching Mythbusters
51: Do I like confrontation? Like it, no.  Good at it, yes.
52: When do I feel most at peace? When it’s quiet and the only noises are the clicking of the keyboard and my cats’ purring
53: What makes me smile? Cute animals, stupid puns, comments on fic
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? Off, except for my TARDIS nightlight
55: Play any sports? Fuck no.
56: What is my song of the week? Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
57: Favourite drink? 1% milk.
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? A few months?  It was to @mummyholmesisupset in fact.
59: Afraid of heights? Desperately so.
60: Pet peeve? Anchovies, people who don’t use coasters, and men who smoke in public places.  (yes, it’s a movie reference.  And if you get it, I will send you a shiny nickel)
61: What was the last concert I went to see? Black Sabbath’s Theater of Madness
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? Fuck no.  I am, in fact, omnivorous and diabetic.
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? To be Daphne Blake in Mystery, Inc.
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? Yep.  Not fun.
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Hannibal’s.  I’m not rude for the most part, so I have a pretty good chance at surviving.
66: Something I worry about? My future.  Cancer has shortened my life span, my relatives are all 65+, and I am an only child with no children of my own (Thank Christ)  I haven’t worked since 2004 (been caretaking sick parents) so I’m concerned.
67: Scared of the dark? I love the dark, so no.
68: Who are my best friends? @mummyholmesisupset  @silvarbelle
69: What do I admire most about others? That they can do things, very well, that I can’t do.  What that is varies from person to person
70: Can I sing? Not very well, but I don't let that stop me...
71: Something I wish I could do? Write professionally.  I love writing fanfic, but I'd kill to be a real, published author.
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? Pay off bills, go back to college, buy myself a car (pickup, Ford F-150 with fog lights and automatic steering), pay off my mom's bills, hire an aide to stay with Mom, move to my favorite city and hire a winter-time driver because I can't drive for shit in the snow/ice.
73: Have I ever skipped school? Nope.  Often wanted to, never have.
74: Favourite place on the planet? Asheville, NC.  Technically, it's Montreat, which is right outside of Black Mountain and is a township unto itself.  It's also home to Montreat Bible College, established by Billy Graham, and the Chapel of the Prodigal.  It is also home to Lake Susan, one of the most quiet and beautiful places on God's green earth, and I would live by that little lake if I could.  I have photos in my Google Drive, I need to share them sometime.  You'll see what I mean.  But I love Asheville, too, downtown and all.  
75: Where do I want to live? Asheville, NC.  Except I can't drive in the snow and ice, so there's that.
76: Do I have any pets? I have two cats, Samhain Murray (Sam) and Margaret May (Maggie, Maggie May, Margaret Ann)
77: What is my current desktop picture? On my laptop, it's Oswald Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) from Gotham.  On my tablet, it's the Superman logo.  On my phone, it's my cat, Sam.
78: Early bird or night owl? Night owl, given that it's 2:30 AM and I'm still working on this.
79: Sunsets or sunrise? Sunsets, please.
80: Can I drive? i don't know, can you?  I can.
81: Story behind my last kiss? I kissed my cat on his cold wet nose because he was headbutting me and so I kissed him.
82: Earphones or headphones? Earphones, sadly.  I prefer headphones, but headphones are uncomfortable because I wear glasses.  So, earbuds.
83: Have I ever had braces? Did you?  I don't know.  Did I?  Yes, I did, I fucking despised them.
84: Story behind one of my scars? in late 2004, I started getting very ill.  I couldn't keep food down, I was puking all the time, pale and everything, so I went to the ER and found I had a mass the size of a basketball growing in my abdomen.  I was shipped to the local cancer center because of the cancer markers, and at the tender age of 27, I got a hysterectomy.  I was cut from my navel to my diaphragm, old school, because the mass was twenty-four pounds.  Benign, thank goodness, but it had started to go necrotic and I was well into blood poisoning (the reason I was puking and sick all the time).  I still have the scar, and always will.
85: Favourite genre of music? instrumental celtic.
86: Who is my hero? I don't know that I have one, as such
87: Favourite comic book character? SUPERMAN, BABY.  SUCK MY DICK BATS
88: What makes me really angry? Mistreatment of people and animals.  Abuse of people and animals.
89: Kindle or real book? Both have their benefits, but I love the weight and feel of a real book.  I love the portability of a Kindle.  
90: Favourite sporty activity? Marathon TV-binge
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? There's NOTHING RIGHT in schools
92: What was my favourite subject at school? Creative writing
93: Siblings? Nope, my parents saw their mistake and decided never again.
94: What was the last thing I bought? A pair of Sperry deck shoes with Han Solo and Chewbacca on them.
95: How tall am I? 5'6
96: Can I cook? yes, I can.  perhaps not well, but I can cook enough to feed myself and my mom.
97: Can I bake? Yes, I can.  I'm a SLIGHTLY better baker than a cook.
98: 3 things I love? Writing, my cats, Christopher Reeve
99: 3 things I hate? So many things.  Um, spiders, snakes, creepy clowns
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? at the moment, girl.  when I was in school?  boy.
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? General rule?  Boys, or girls that are kind of not-ultra-girly.
102: Where was I born? North Carolina, that hotbed of conservative bullshit.  I'm actually ashamed to admit that's where I'm from.
103: Sexual orientation? I'm working on figuring that out.  Let's call it bisexual for now, and I'll update you as it happens.
104: Where do I currently live? North Carolina, sadly.
105: Last person I texted? @mummyholmesisupset
106: Last time I cried? Today.  I was watching WALL-E on STARZ, and UP came on while I was finishing dinner.  By the time Ellie was miscarrying, I was bawling.
107: Guilty pleasure? I'm not really guilty about my pleasures, but I do have a soft spot for mind-candy romance novels.  Like Johanna Lindsey, Nina Bangs, Harlequin, etc.
108: Favourite Youtuber? I hate Youtubers.
109: A photo of myself. uh, no.
110: Do I like selfies? fuck no.
111: Favourite game app? Doctor Who: Legacy
112: My relationship with my parents? It varies from moment to moment.  My dad never really understood me, and after he got sick and was in a coma for awhile, it changed him.  so there was never really a chance for him to try.  My relationship with my mom is... complicated.  Sometimes we're BFFs and finish each other's sandwiches, and other times, we hate each other's guts and would gladly murder each other and bury the bodies in the backyard.
113: Favourite accents? Spanish, English/Scottish, all the Asian ones (the gentleman that runs my local Chinese restaurant speaks Cantonese and Mandarin both, and I could listen to that all day.)
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? London, Dublin, Cork, Kerry, Scotland, Italy, Greece, New York, Japan, Los Angeles
115: Favourite number? 15
116: Can I juggle? Nope
117: Am I religious? Eh, not really.  I go to bible study mostly because I have half a crush on the preacher.
118: Do I like space? YES.
119: Do I like the deep ocean? Not so much.
120: Am I much of a daredevil? NO
121: Am I allergic to anything? Ciprofloxacin, IV contrast dye, Mobic/meloxicam, Zofram/ondansetron, and a ton of fragranced products (I have sensitive skin that breaks out at the drop of a hat.)  
122: Can I curl my tongue? Yep!
123: Can I wiggle my ears? Nope!
124: Do I like clowns? Yes, if they're cute.  NOT PENNYWISE, I HATE PENNYWISE.  But I love Tim Curry's Pennywise.  But that's because Tim Curry is awesome.
125: The Beatles or Elvis? Elvis.  I'm an Elvis chick.
126: My current project? "By Inches We Fall," a Game of Thrones fanfic that's Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth.  I'm also working on some Christmas projects involving spray paint and recycled K-Cups
127: Am I a bad loser? Horrible loser.  I hate to lose.
128: Do I admit when I wrong? sometimes.  depends on who I'm talking to, and the tone of the discussion.  if it's a civil discourse, yes I will.  If we're shouting?  I'm not backing down.
129: Forest or beach? Forest.  A forest doesn't leave sand in your butt crack.
130: Favourite piece of advice? Mind your own business and you won't be minding mine
131: Am I a good liar? I used to be.
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Slytherin/what the fuck is a Divergent/12
133: Do I talk to myself? i do, and sometimes I answer
134: Am I very social? HAHAHAHAHA NO.
135: Do I like gossip? sit by me and pour that tea, bitch.
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? I do, on paper, and you'll never read it.
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? i failed every physics test I took in high school.  after becoming a Mythbusters stan, I retook an online physics test and passed it.  
138: Do I believe in second chances? depends on the situation and the person, but generally not.  i have been known to give them, though.
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? oh man.  I'd like to say I'd turn it in untouched, but.  I also know I've got medication pay for (mine and mom's), her insurance to pay for (i'm uninsured), groceries and gas to buy, so in all probability?  I'd keep the cash but return everything else.
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? No.  People are who they are.  they might change what they think or what they believe in, but who they are?  No.
141: Have I ever been underweight? AHAHAHAHAHA NO
142: Am I ticklish? ...there's no good way to answer.  If I say no, you'll tickle me to prove it.  If I say yes, you'll tickle me.  But yes, I am.  especially my feet.
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? WTF?  No.
144: Have I ever been on a plane? Once, and never again
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? Rebel Wilson as me, America Ferrera as @mummyholmesisupset, Kristen Bell as @silvarbelle, Jessica Lange as my mother, and I can't think of anyone else.
146: Have I ever been overweight? Always, am currently, though I'm working to lose it.  I've lost about 50 lbs in the past year, so I'm doing okay
147: Do I have any piercings? Three in my right ear, two in my left.
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? Hannibal Lecter.
149: Do I have any tattoos? nope, but I want a couple.
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? .....i haven't made a single good decision....
151: Do I believe in Karma? it bites me on the ass often enough, so yes I do.
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Glasses, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to switch to bifocals next time
153: What was my first car? 1979 green Dodge Aries K
154: Do I want children? If they're furry and four-legged, sure.
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? um, probably my uncle with two frigging masters degrees
156: My most embarrassing memory? I met John deLancie at a Star Trek con once, just coming down the stairs from his room to the con floor.  And I fell all over myself talking to him because I was like, fourteen or something and he was tall and handsome and genuinely happy to be tthere and I was basically every fangirl's nightmare.
157: What makes me nostalgic? watching old TV shows I loved as a kid, or reading books I haven't read in years.
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Yep
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains.  i'm practically a zombie.
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? Purple and fuschia equally.
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Not as such, no.
162: What do I hate most about myself? Everything?
163: What do I love most about myself? I like my hair.
164: Do I like adventure? only the ones in books.
165: Do I believe in fate? not really.
166: Favourite animal? Felis cattus
167: Have I ever been on radio? nope
168: Have I ever been on TV? nope
169: How old am I? 42
170: One of my favourite quotes? "Lock the door.  And hope they don't have blasters."
171: Do I hold grudges? you bet your bippy I do.  (what is a bippy and why are you betting it?)
172: Do I trust easily? No.
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? I hope I have.  But I suspect I haven't.
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? A single cupcake and a rosebud, given to me by the nurses at the cancer treatment center because it was my birthday and I was having radiation and felt absolutely shitty.  so they surprised me with a little cupcake and a rose for my birthday and it made me feel better.
175: Do I dream? Yep.
176: Have I ever had a night terror? Yep
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? I remember some of them, like the Continuing Adventures of Roxy, the Pink Police Poodle.
178: An experience that has made me stronger? My breakups.
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Sleep a lot, read even more, learn everything that I never had before.
180: Do I like shopping? I do!
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Bank robbery.
182: What does “family” mean to me? family is a group of people, not necessarily related by blood, who have chosen to band together in love and support of each other.
183: What is my spirit animal? According to my meditation quest, it's a wolf.  But I'm not really comfortable saying that because it wasn't a real vision quest, I'd have to go to the res for that (i have Cherokee blood on my father's side) and I haven't.
184: How do I want to be remembered? As someone who tried to be good.
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? Woodcarving.
186: What is my greatest failure? I dropped out of college in the 90s, when I had an accident that broke my ankle.  I never went back.
187: What is my greatest achievement? five-year survivor, cancer-free!
188: Love or money? Money, sadly.
189: Love or career? love
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? Am I an observer like the Doctor?  If yes, then I would go back to the Globe Theater and see all of Shakespeare as it was originally performed. Am I living there, stuck?  Future, please.
191: What makes me the happiest? Writing.
192: What is “home” to me? Where I lay my head.
193: What motivates me? How I feel, what I see, something that fascinates me.
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? Wake me up when it's over
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? Depends on if they're hostile or kind.
196: A movie that scared me as a child? The Dark Crystal.  I love it now.
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? V-8 juice
198: Zombies or vampires? oooh, both.  But vampires.
199: Live in the city or suburbs? Suburbs
200: Dragons or wizards? Dragons all the way, man.  I love dragons.
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? Its always the same.  I'm being chased by someone/something, it's always getting closer, and it sounds like a loud, roaring motorcycle.  And I'm always running or racing through the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks (the place with all the red curtains and the black/white zig-zag floor.  That place freaks me the fuck out, and ever since the show aired, it's been in my nightmares)
202: How do I define love? Love is not love, that alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove; O no, it is an ever fixed mark, that looks on tempests and is never shaken.
203: Do I judge a book by its cover? sometimes.  I've found great books in the bargain bin that way.  I've also found a few stinkers.  Come to think of it, I've found a few people that way too.  Some great, some stinkers.
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? I have.
205: Do I like my handwriting? i do, actually
206: Sweet or savoury? Savoury
207: Worst job I’ve had? Market research interview administrator.  I was one of those assholes that flagged you down in the mall and made you watch a commercial or a movie trailer, or try a snack product and then asked you a billion and five questions about it
208: Do I collect anything? Funko POPs, Superman memorabilia, Star Wars and Star Trek memorabilia, penguins, mooses
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? my dragon ring, my pocketwatch
210: What is on my bucket list? I don't have one
211: How do I handle anger? Depends.  I sometimes hold it in, but most times I blow like a firecracker.  hot and hard, and then I cool off.
212: Was I named after anyone? my dad's uncle Kelly, and my mom's father Ray (i'm Kelly Rae)
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? me?  sarcastic?  Perish the thought.
214: What TV character am I most like? Dobie Gillis.
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? I can twirl just about anything like a baton and not drop it
216: Favourite fictional character? Ashley j. Williams
3:24 AM.  Son of a bitch.
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warstorys · 6 years
season 2 commentary (after 201) i’m sticking to frank-centric stuff but boy! i have so many opinions about everything but i want to focus on frank for the sake of my blog. 
i want my initial thoughts from over the course of the season down first, which is what this is, and then i’m gonna hammer out any canon divergences ... or if i’m even gonna bother with this season’s existence at all apart from amy lol
i’m not ... actually enjoying season two much. there are snatches here and there that i really like, and concepts in here that i think are really tasty, but then the rest of it isn’t sitting right with me and i’m not really enjoying watching it.
the two storylines - amy’s storyline and billy’s storyline - are both impressively weak and the moreso for the fact they don’t cross over at all. the trailer implied these things would be meeting up and marrying together but they don’t and it’s ... i really enjoy the individual characters - amy, curtis and dinah having a tonne of screentime with frank is awesome - but i don’t care for the story itself. it’s weak and disinteresting and crucial things like billy being a fucking fugitive have their important dropped after a couple of episodes and its just, it’s not an interesting season, sharon.
i was really unimpressed with the fight scenes so far but the sequence at the end of 203 finally brought things up ... closer to the standard that i’m used to ... a good use of music meets some impressive shots and a bunch a good atmosphere and for the fights to be well-choreographed, that’s what i want out of Every tps fight and it’s what s1 gave me and i just don’t quite feel that from season two
i don’t think frank is necessarily appreciating how scary he is to a 16 year old girl even if she is a smartass and it’s bugging me a little considering he’s usually pretty good at making girls comfortable and interacting with them ... ? i wouldn’t mind if he just eased up a little. just a drop. just a teeny tiny bit. obviously he does as the season goes on but then he does shit like hold amy at gunpoint and like - not in my canon thanks
“a man's got a right to defend himself and those who can't” is probably my favourite concept because of the way it pivots frank away from vengeance and more towards being a true antihero but here’s the thing — the rest of the season isn’t following through on that? frank’s temperamental and self-destructive - in part because of his tbi - but. i don’t like the direction the season is taking with him, particularly from about mid episode eight onwards. curtis pointing out that frank is very, “he doesn’t want to feel for you because he’s scared of getting hurt ... and he’d rather stay mad at the world than risk being a part of it” is dead on, but ... um ... like, frank unlearning his shit and starting to move on was the entire point of the end of season one. i wanted season two to be about him reconciling that crap whilst finding a way to exist as the punisher, too. i think there’s negative character development and there’s just ... idk, a complete breakdown of frank as a person. i want him to care about himself and the people around him?
frank constantly being an asshole to curtis pisses me off also; “way to go curt” are you serious? curtis doesn’t have to do any of this or be involved in any of this and to my mind ... it doesn’t tally, again, with season one. frank being shitty to curtis literally makes zero sense and makes me so angry. the flip-flopping on this is crazy, too; you can’t have frank treating curtis like shit and then going “yeah you don’t owe me anything” with no apologies in between. i’d rather frank is just, decent to curtis, given that curtis one of his oldest friends and someone he trusts so completely
and i don’t care if s2 tallies w the comics, i’m not writing comics frank
i’m kinda trying to work out how i feel about the kastle stuff; largely i Don’t want frank to keep shutting himself off and acting like he doesn’t or can’t care, but at the same time karen suggesting they just ... run away together was never going to fly. frank can love people and be the punisher and that’s what i want; if people’s lives aren’t compatible with frank’s choices then they need ... to stop. it can’t be all or nothing. frank has to learn how to strike a balance, you can’t ask him to give it all up. and that’s something i appreciate about amy and dinah and curtis? like they know frank can’t just wholesale Stop, even if they’d like him to, so they live with frank as he is, and they (i believe) know their own limits for when they’re done with him.
i feel like ... this whole thing has just culminated in driving everyone away from frank and i might be repeating myself as per previous bullet points but that is the exact opposite of what i want...? i feel like he’s successfully driven curtis away and he pushed karen away and ... they’ve done this thing where, they’re balancing out frank letting some people live, people with families or people who aren’t “worth it”, letting frank’s moral code evolve into protecting the innocent and. yet. he’s just isolating himself? even when he says “i’d do anything for amy” they’re still letting frank be driven apart and isolated and made alone - they send amy away, they sent micro away, curtis is ‘done with frank’, etc - and i don’t ... want that, i’m powerfully disinterested in frank being alone forever. 
uhhhhhh lmao the flash forward at the end of 213 was literally horrible like are you - serious the last shot we have of frank castle is him contextless murdering a bunch of minority youths? you really cannot be real???? FUCK OFF thats so cancelled
whatever i do with this mess of canon, i want the scene where dinah and curtis are napping together on the couch to exist forever. esp with, as amy called it, The Punisher Pity Party, gndfkgfd. just a bunch of people sat around being mad that they love frank castle. what a mood.
finally: why doesn’t netflix/marvel know that curtis hoyle is gay? 
anyway the tl;dr is that i’ll probably toss the majority of season two out of the window because i didn’t like it. and it doesn’t matter anyway bc in a couple of weeks they’ll cancel it ✌️
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