#I’m not tagging them all <3
gaylittlewizardcat · 1 year
Sadly there’s a limit of 10 options otherwise there would be way more, so if your favorite Misto isn’t here sorry :(
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sunnixsunshine · 2 years
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Designs subject to change. I was doing these at nearly midnight so they aren’t good lmao they wear handkerchiefs either around their neck or wrist bc I think that’s cool, they have totally different fighting outfits tho but i don’t wanna design those yet ❤️
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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a family that grows and grows <3
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voidshrub · 24 days
This week may be a busy one so have this while I do things :3
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They are overwhelmed
Click (all pinks) belongs to @brightgoat and Link (green) belongs to @e40536 ^.^
Based on that one sonamy(?) image (under cut)
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leapdayowo · 4 months
I’ve been taking notes on hermitcraft stuff I’ve been wanting to paint over the last month or so (at least seven note cards)
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These are the more recent notes :P
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friendlygirlswag · 2 months
rip gale dekarios you would’ve loved abba
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gracebethartacc · 10 months
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Erm?? what the fuck??? 🤨 Paper????
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sammygender · 15 days
i just feel like looking at precanon dynamics going ‘oh the main reason sam and john clash is because they’re sooooo similar’ is ignoring actual canon and implication in favour of taking a specific comment about a specific arc of sam’s that dean makes and running with it.
for one it’s missing all the context which is. this isn’t two random people who clash for unknown reasons, this is a father and the son he’s actively abusing and neglecting. sam has a right to be angry!! it’d be more concerning if he Wasnt angry (a la dean)!!
also just what we do see in canon is like. totally the opposite. john’s always hated the fact that sam’s different from him… that sam wants different things, doesn’t want to hunt, a different life…. DEAN’S the one who tries to be identical to his father. whether he succeeds is another story (i don’t think he’s innately very like john but i do think he leans into the same coping mechanisms and behavioural patterns, wholly for the worse!) but john seems to mostly believe him. even going by the journal which like. i know people don’t take as canon but i like it <3. john thinks dean’s practically a mini him (ofc he Isn’t but) and that sam reminds him of mary. 🤷‍♂️ ofc you can still see sam and john as being similar in some ways. i can certainly see it and i’m sure i’ve written it. kids r often like their parents. but 1 that’s not, like, the Secret Reason they’ve always fought so badly and 2 sam is like john sometimes but he’s also like mary who’s like dean who’s also still like john. and sam and dean are often like each other. i already went on about this in my last post so i’m repeating myself but. reject the false binary inside your head where a sibling like. picks a parent and grows up to identically be them.
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sixlane · 16 days
the bridge
jegulus microfic | just a few words | i only read this over like. twice. so um. hope you like it.
“Noooo, no no no Reg this is not happening,” James said, clinging to the railing of the pedestrian bridge.
“This will be fun,” Regulus had said, “amazing views,” he’d advertised. And now here James was, a million or whatever feet in the air over rushing rapids, his head spinning and his palms sweaty.
“James you can’t wimp out now. We’re already halfway across.” Regulus gestured toward the other end of the bridge where the rest of their tour group was waiting for them.
“Regulus, baby, I love you so much but there is no way I will make it over there. Just leave me here to die.” Maybe he was being dramatic, but it truly felt like the bridge would collapse with even the slightest movement.
“I’m not leaving you to die on our honeymoon. I think that would probably ruin the mood,” Regulus said with an eye roll. “Okay how about this. Just close your eyes. I’ll hold your hand and guide you the rest of the way.”
James started to shake his head. “I don’t know—“
“I’ve got you, James. It’ll be okay. Just me and you.”
And in that moment, looking into the eyes of the man he loved so deeply, so complexly, and so completely, James knew it was true. He would always have Regulus to guide him. His own personal north star.
“Okay,” James said, “Just me and you.”
As he took Regulus’ hand, even though they were 50 stories up, James had never felt more grounded.
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total-funger-island · 5 months
“Whiteness of the day.”
“Numbness of mind.”
“Darkness of depths.”
“Dance La Mad.”
“Termina is upon us..”
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24 people traveling to the Wawanakwa island where Festival of Termina hosts by invitation from mysterious jester-man in their dream. All contestants have to manage surviving on through the island in 1 week and there must only one winner. Non of them are aware of the island’s threat that faces to their life.
* You finally arrived.
* As you step down from the train, you can feel the horror.
* Your body begins to tremble with fear and hunger.
IM BACK BABY I FINISHED ALL OF THEM WOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Finally everyone is here after I spent time to find their fits, don’t get me to mentioning about my sense of fashion is horrible but I’m glad all of them looking good. Thank you for all supports from my lovely followers make me here at this point, love you all <33
Update note infos about this au
The setting were take place in 1940s during ww2
This au will contain stuffs like g@re, d@ugs and ant dark themes. I will make sure tag them everytime as warnings
All characters are young adult (around 18-20) (I just don’t want to see teens being tortured :(
As I mentioned from those past posts this au will have multiple endings kinda like games (I think it cool to see my followers make their death choic— *gunshots*)
I just decided change 6 day to 1 week, I feel like it still too small for large casts
Btw stories will based on funger itself 90% might change some details or lore to fit tdi
Here all contestants designs I hope you like them, their moonscorched form and enemies will be next (also tagged me anytime if you fanart of them au I would love to see them *wink wink*)
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Real footage of me after this post if you care /pos :
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silverthelovebug · 20 days
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She’s cheering up her gf :3
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poorlydrawnandroids · 2 months
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Unfortunately they did not get burgers for Hank, but Connor at least learned a valuable lesson. I guess Nines suffers from Amelia Bedelia Syndrome.
Hi guys, this is actually a comic I drew and basically finished 11 months ago. And it’s been just about then since I’ve last really opened my iPad and did any drawing. There’s a ton of half-completed works on there and they’re pretty cute, so I’ll try to post them as I get the motivation. My therapist says posting to this blog will probably improve my mental health and he’s right but >:3c
So yeah! Let’s see what I can toss out this year, wooo!!
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notsoevilmagistrate · 2 months
Nick drives me fucking crazy because the first chapter was literally just “Gatsby’s not like other girls :(“ STOP SUCKING HIS DICK HES IN LOVE WITH YOUR COUSIN!!!! HES DOWN SO BAD ITS PATHETIC!!! Nick stop being a funky gay dude challenge IMPOSSIBLE.
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layla-carstairs · 1 year
Cassandra Clare is never beating the incest allegations but personally I admire her commitment into making these five families lives hell & completely entwined generation after generation like they are never ever escaping each other
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chaos-lioness · 2 months
In general I have not been engaging with this show in a fandom way but I gotta say Molly Cobb is absolutely my blorbo. My skrunkly problematic fave. Rotating her in my mind etc. one of my favourite ‘asshole’ characters of all time. I’m so glad they didn’t have her die of space cancer or in a fiery test vehicle crash and instead she got to round out a good decade of flying very large vehicles very fast by stalking around NASA with her fuckin. Seeing eye wolfhound and spending time in her brass tub with her weird husband (who I also love.) good for her.
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rubysundaey · 4 months
got bored a few days ago and decided to make blinkies of all the phighting characters :3
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