#I’m not too bothered because I fell in love with the actors beyond their characters
firebluewood157 · 2 years
I don’t think y’all understand. Kinnporsche was by no means cheap to make and for a new company mostly fueled by a couple of men who has a lot of money it took a toll on how much money they had left. The tour was created to get the word of Kinnporsche out and to promote the show and the entertainment company. BOC is essentially a start up company who are just entering the industry so with the money they made with kinnporsche it will be more responsible to make 3 different shows with the allotted money that genres can reach different audiences and increase sponsorship than to put all of their money in one season of kinnporsche. As a finance major it’s nothing short of brilliant. He said that they were in the negatives doing the tour which makes inviting people like Disney, HBO, Maybelliene etc great because The Bakery show could be catered to a Disney audience while 4 minutes could be catered to a HBO Max audience and effectively gaining sponsorship from both and better than just one. We have to give new genres a chance, kp will always be there but I have never seen a Thailand period drama stand strong against other period dramas like China or Korea. Their main goal is to promote Thailand to the world and through partnering with international producers, they’ll achieve it. Just wait a little longer.
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accioecho · 3 years
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Lee Da Hee for GQ Korea
"Everything becomes memories in the end. You should always strive to have a positive energy."
Feel free to share this translated interview! Though I would appreciate if you could credit me by linking back to this blog or tagging me on Twitter ^_^
GQ: But... uh, why do you look so happy? You’re looking at me with such a happy expression that I don’t know what to do right now.
LDH: Hahaha. No but if I kept listening with a blank expression, I would come off as cold looking. And you would go: “Are you in a bad mood?” So I try to smile more. Otherwise I would come off as cold looking.
GQ: That’s quite a big difference. I got startled when you pulled a straight face.
LDH: Right, it looks like I’m angry. But I’m not, so this is why I try to smile more. If I don’t smile like this, people tend to think I’m cranky. Of course when I get angry, I have a temper, but I’m not usually like that.
LDH: And it goes both ways, it’s easier for me to open up to someone if that person is smiling instead of sporting an expressionless face.
GQ: You were laughing/smiling so brightly that I was kind of hypnotized.
LDH: Hahaha
GQ: When you appeared in the drama “Beauty Inside”, you weren’t the typical villain wearing a red lipstick but were the kind of villain to wear a new, nude shade.
LDH: Ohh, that’s a very nice way to put it.
GQ: Really?
LDH: A nude tone villain. This is the first time I’m hearing this expression, I like it. Yes, up until then, secondary female characters usually tried to win someone’s heart or because they lacked attention and love, they tended to bother the female lead. But “Beauty Inside” was different. It was a different kind of role. I played a villain but my character wasn’t hateful. She had her own convictions and that’s why she was so interesting.    
GQ: Kang Sara was that kind of character, played by Lee Da Hee.
LDH: This is why I didn’t want to play the typical secondary character, the typical second female lead. Yes she was given a fancy background but I also wanted to try something new, something different. Not something that could be shown through strong makeup, I wanted to add a layer of depth to her style.
GQ: I think we could feel the difference hence why it was so interesting. It was obvious that you studied this role a lot and this perfected style has stuck to you, the actress.
LDH: Well, first of all, I find it fun to radically search for something new. In a way that doesn’t stand out too much, while still being faithful to the character, I try to bring out the best of what I can do. Back when I was younger, I had no clue about all that so I just did what I was told to do. As I matured, I discovered what were my weaknesses, what to cover/hide etc. For example, you might think that I’m skinny, and that all my clothes fit me well. But I have a big bone structure so clothes don’t fit all that easily. But because I know this about me, I’m able to adapt,  know how to find the right clothes to try to keep looking pretty. Thanks to the GQ photoshoot, I got to try out this colorful mascara for the first time. And it’s so much fun. As I experience new things one by one, I’m able to see what’s right for me and what’s not.
GQ: It might be insensitive/rude to say this to an actress who has a career spanning 20 years, but I feel like the name Lee Da Hee has become clearer to me since “Beauty Inside”.
LDH: No it’s not insensitive. I’m really thankful that you remember me from that role. No matter how recent the drama is, the point is that you remember me because I left you a good impression. I really appreciate it. To be honest, a lot of people remember me from my role in Beauty Inside. People actually think I didn’t play in many projects before that.
GQ: But you did consistently star in various projects.
LDH: Yes, but I guess they weren’t memorable roles. I don’t think I played characters that stayed in people’s minds. Beyond the character and the role in itself. A drama can be loved by a lot of people, but beyond that, when I watch a show as a viewer, there are some actors that leave a deep impression in the way they play their characters. I wonder if I lacked that kind of aspect. I kept thinking to myself that maybe there was something missing in my acting that didn’t leave a memorable impression.
GQ: You left quite a strong impression after playing roles like Kang Sara in Beauty Inside and Cha Hyeon in Search: WWW. But more recently in LUCA: the beginning, I feel like you shed that strong image. If you found a type of role that fit you, you could have just kept on playing the same kind of characters, but it looks like you’re not afraid to radically change your image.
LDH: You’re right, I wanted to do something different. I wanted to show a different side, something that differed from the bright roles I usually played. After Beauty Inside and Search: www, I was afraid of being type casted. I didn’t want people to think I always played the same kind of roles. But I think I was was too confident when I chose to play in LUCA. I thought I could do anything.
GQ: You thought you could do anything but it didn’t turn out this way?
LDH: Even my mom thought the same thing. That it wasn’t a really good fit. In a few words, she thought my acting felt a bit forced. Hahaha. That it didn’t really flow well. The main takeaway is that I tried something different. If it turns out to be a good fit, then it’s good and if it doesn’t, it means I can just find something that does.    
GQ: Your mother sounds like the type of person who doesn’t mince her words.
LDH: My mom is very level headed. Just by looking at my back, she can tell if I was focused or thinking about something else. I spent a lot of time with my mom, even more so than with friends, and I also cried a lot in front of her. If I ask her “Mom, what’s wrong with me”, she’ll tell me not to think these kind of thoughts, that whatever I’m thinking is not true. We had a lot of moments like that.
GQ: You looked so cheerful today that I didn’t think you could also have rough times.
LDH: Why wouldn’t I? I went through times of depression when I would think, “Am I charismatic enough?”, “Do I lack something as an actress?”. There were times when my self-esteem was very low.
Since I’m tall, I used to have Directors who always said “you don’t match, you don’t match” (with fellow actors). Since I couldn’t do anything about my height, I thought that I could at least work on my body, make myself smaller. So I worked really hard on my diet. I used to eat rice cake soup that my mom used to make using beef broth, once every day. My mom followed along and did the diets with me. Every time. You can guess what kind of mom she is, right? I used to say: “Mom, should we at least drink soju since we only had one meal today?” And we’d share a bottle.
GQ: Hahaha, I see that you don’t hide your positive energy.
LDH: Everything becomes memories in the end. You should always strive to have a positive energy. And try not to think negatively. This way, you can find more motivation when an opportunity comes along, and this is also how more opportunities come up. I know that if I don’t love myself, I’ll end up being depressed and have a low self-esteem. So starting with myself, I also try to be nice to everyone, to compliment them. Let’s not be hurtful, and let’s try not to say mean things. I try to tell myself I’m a good person, and I project that to others as well. Let’s be nice to each other. Let’s be someone that gives off a good energy.
GQ: Why did you hurt your knee?
LDH: Ah, this? (Points to her left knee). I rode one of those electric scooters and fell as I tried to avoid an electric pole.
GQ: It must have hurt a lot if you fell while riding it.
LDH: I’m okay now. It was a bit concerning at first, but I’m just glad I didn’t hurt my face. It’s too bad I fell while riding it for the first time, but I wanted to try it so I learned my lesson now. I don’t even look at the scooters now. I know they’re too dangerous for me.
GQ: You made a very decisive conclusion based on your experience.
LDH: Yes, I should never try to ride a scooter again.
GQ: I also see a scar on your neck. Do you fall often?
LDH: Hahaha. No, I was washing a necklace. It’s a necklace made with my grandmother’s ring but the edge is a bit sharp. I got scratched while washing it a bit hastily.
GQ: Did you grow up under your grandmother’s care?
LDH: No I didn’t... actually both of my grandparents died in a car accident. They were so healthy so I thought they would live for a long time, but they suddenly passed away. When I didn’t work for a while, they used to say “When are you going to make money”, or “how long are you planning to live like that, without earning any money for your mom and dad”. It hurt me sometimes. But whenever I appeared on tv, they were the first ones to watch, and they always asked me when I would be on TV, on which channel... and when the time came, they always made sure to turn the tv on and watch my shows, and whenever we met, they told me they were proud of me, holding my hands and hugging me. I always think about these times. I miss them. Very much.
GQ: This is very moving. I believe these emotions and feelings make who you are.
LDH: I might sound like a crazy person, hahahah, but I have a picture of my grandma and grandpa next to my bed, and I always speak to them: “Grandma, I’m back”. If I’m upset about something, I say “Grandma, this thing just happened and this is so hard. I miss you.” - that’s how I cope and move on. This is how I try my best everyday. It makes me focus on what’s important. My family, tomorrow (the future) and all the things I love.
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theravennest · 3 years
Let’s Talk: The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion
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I finished all 40 eps about two weeks ago, actually. I enjoyed it for the most part, the 1st half especially, but there were several things near the end that took me out. 
But first some of the good bits...
The cast chemistry was immaculate. Our four main lead actors were a lot of fun together. Not just Zhang Zhehan and Ju Jing Yi, but also Wang You Shuo and Xu Jiaqi (Loved them!). The four of them have such obvious ease with each other after their previous work together in Legend of Yun Xi and it made scenes with any combination of the main four really pop. 
I was especially drawn to the sisters’ relationship and the Prince-Vassal bond going on between Prince Su and Little Marquis. (Y’all know I’m a sucker for both sibling stories and stories about fictional royals and their loyal vassals.)
Most of the ancillary characters were interesting, actually. As y’all know from my last post about this one, I was crack shipping like crazy all the side characters. 😂 This cast made it easy for me.
Except for Prince An. (Sorry to hit the bad so early.) Good god, I hated that man. His character was poorly drawn in pretty much every way, which is unfortunate cuz he’s the main antagonist. Any story with a main antagonist that just doesn’t work is always gonna be weaker.
Also, no offense to people who like that actor but he was the only cast member who did absolutely nothing for me in terms of performance. So much of the story was focused on his weaksauce motivation and dry acting like, my god, put me out of my misery I do not care.
Anyway, the set design and costuming was top notch and I even enjoyed the broader story ideas the show was trying to put forth. The sitcom vibe of the first 20 eps or so was SOOO good. Our four mains’ comedic timings were pitch perfect. 
Unfortunately, the writing took a sharp nosedive in the back 3rd or so and it had a rough ending. (The lightning strike on the tower scene, the fight in the underground temple, the return of Prince An’s mom...all of that was trash. let’s be real.)
I mostly blame this on three things: the missteps with the Prince An character, the lack of development of Rong’s prophetic dreams even though that was the main premise of the show, and the jump-the-shark moment that was the wedding night and its subsequently underwritten fallout. 
Now to clarify, I don’t mean to say the wedding night event shouldn’t have happened at all but rather the execution of it within the story was poor and it negatively impacted 90% of the other character motivations/progressions and the overall pacing. 
You know, it felt like that thing you do as a writer where you wake up and have a specific scene in your mind. It’s evocative, impactful, fun, or otherwise intense. But you just have that scene and it’s something that would have to happen in the middle of your story. So you work your way backwards to try to get to that scene and you do your best to get the characters to make decisions to get there but when you sit down to write nothing works out. It’s clunky or OOC for the scene to still happen so you end up having to either scrap the evocative scene or keep the clunky lead up and hope no one notices. That’s what that wedding scene and everything that happened after felt like. They wrote themselves into a corner and just struggled to recover until the bitter end. 
The main pairing suffered the most because of the poor writing choices. No matter how much chemistry ZZH and JJY have together, even they could not completely salvage Rong’s yo-yoing behavior with Prince Su. They started off so wholesome and then dove into such toxicity and miscommunication for no reason. 
Don’t get me wrong. I can very easily enjoy angst. But Fu Rong consistently broke this man down. After ep 25-26, it stopped being good angst and became so awful to watch all the emotional manipulation and turmoil. There’s something broken in the writing if 9 out of 10 times Prince Su cried or fell into depression it was because of something Rong did or said to him after jumping to a conclusion with only part of the puzzle pieces gathered. 
I could forgive some stuff because Prince An was manipulating things but some stuff was just all Rong not giving Prince Su the benefit of the doubt or plain old not doing her due diligence in investigating. She is supposed to have inherited the most prolific and successful spy organization in the show and she still got 90% of her conclusions wrong. It was like she was determined to always think the worst of Prince Su no matter what despite how often he went above and beyond to help her. Despite the fact that he literally had a reputation as a general for being a harsh taskmaster but fair and just. 
I think what broke me was when she did the bare minimum investigation into her own father’s death and just fully blamed Prince Su without confronting him honestly or even considering his personality or their relationship up until that point. She really believed a single street seller’s entire testimony over the man she lived with and supposedly loved for months. Girl...
And this is after she’d previously mistakenly accused him of killing her mentor with very few facts to the point where she stabbed him on their wedding night.
There came a point where I actually wanted Prince Su to finally, truly divorce Rong and settle down with someone who could love him right. Maybe give him time to heal from the repeated heartbreaks, betrayals, and the literal stab wound in his chest but he was so fucking in love with Rong, he just couldn’t escape.
(If there were behind the scenes production reasons for the clunky-ness of the back half, I would not be surprised at all but ultimately they don’t matter cuz the story we got was the story we got.)
Imagine if we had gotten a Rong who used her prophetic dreams to navigate the cut throat world of royal politics. Or imagine if we’d gotten Rong as a true apprentice to Ruyi who learned both metalsmithing and spycraft in the first half and took over the pavilion as a competent leader in the second half. As it stands, it just felt like wasted potential.
I’m glad they had the modern day special AU eps tho cuz those were great. Zhang Zhehan and Ju Jing Yi had the opportunity to really showcase their incredible chemistry but in a modern setting and with better writing than the back 3rd of BRYP.
Now let’s talk Zhang Zhehan since he was the reason I started this in the first place. I loved him in this. I truly did. He was stern and serious but also playful and sweet. He was romantic but awkward, badass but vulnerable. He really delivered a nuanced and charming performance. I loved every second.
I think my favorite moment wasn’t some badass fight or even a super romantic moment. No, it was when he got drunk and started crying like a little baby cuz Rong was constantly doubting him no matter what he did. It was simultaneously sad and hilarious. Like gut busting funny. Y’all can watch it here:
I laughed so fucking hard at this. Oh my god, guys! This shit was too much.
Random Thoughts:
The romance between the 2nd leads was A+. Truly an adorable affair. Though I think they should’ve gotten together officially earlier around ep 25 or so and we should’ve seen the rest with them as a couple.
The costuming was so good y’all. For all the main four characters but I was especially drawn to Prince Su’s outfits.
The ghostly pale look with the bright red lips and eyeshadow makeup for Rong did not bother me at all. I actually liked it for her though I think it would’ve worked better if she’d had more explicit prophetic abilities.
I could’ve used more actual war scenes with Prince Su and Little Marquis.
The OST for the show SLAPPED!
That one kid spy in Ruyi Pavilion was voiced by the same actor as Chengling from WOH and I have never double-taked harder. lmao
Even though there were things I didn’t like in this show, I appreciated how gay I could make it in my last post. Truly it was a bisexual’s dream aesthetically.
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sadviper · 4 years
Confessions of a Seducer: Woo Do Hwan Interview with Hong Kong Esquire, July 2018
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The time is 9:21 PM. Like any other city, New York is vibrant and teeming with activity after dark. Lights glisten throughout Manhattan. This reporter, Patrick Soon, has an appointment to interview Woo Do Hwan at this time. It feels right to interview him late at night. This year, Woo Do Hwan is still only 25 years old. His drama, “The Great Seducer” is the reason for his recent rise in popularity. In it, he acts as a 2nd generation chaebol who deliberately gets close to an honors student named Eun Tae-hee with the intention to get revenge for his friend. However, he unconsciously becomes attracted to her without realizing it.
Seduction is the theme of this drama series. Woo Do Hwan is its living embodiment.
The night is dark. He arrives on set where the photoshoot is taking place, enveloped with a mysterious aura. The amazing seductive power that he exhibited in the drama is present here, demonstrated to all as he appears in the midst of “Quiet Nights”, a soft jazz melody that permeates the air.
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He has a quality that is different from others
We never deviate from the topic of seduction for the purpose of the interview. In Korea, there was a strong reaction to the drama series after it aired. Typically in Korean dramas, the male lead is either entirely warm and loving, or the type of guy who is very strong but is still full of love and righteousness. The type of role that Woo Do Hwan plays in “The Great Seducer” is rare: he’s edgy, defiant, a little bit dangerous, wrapped in an aura that might very well kill you. 
This series focuses on the classic kdrama subject matter of upper class angst. Within this structure, he sets new goalposts that redefine the image of a male lead actor--simultaneously cool and fragile, conflicted and gentle.
Following the broadcast of the drama, the positive feedback went far beyond Woo Do Hwan’s expectations. I paid him high compliments, telling him he was the breakout male lead character of the new generation, that this series placed him into the public consciousness of Hong Kong audiences. His expression clearly showed his astonishment.
WDH: “You said that I became an Adonis through this drama. I’m pretty embarrassed--I don’t really know how to respond. Maybe I should just accept your compliments and thank you.”
He humbly smiled and laughed after he said those words. It was like being with two different people; the feeling of someone fresh out of school versus a man with dark powers of attraction.
The drama is full of seduction, danger, and excitement, so I asked Woo Do Hwan if he ever encountered any kind of temptations in his own life. He took the question seriously, and fell deep in thought. Then he replied with a hint of embarrassment, “I have to give it some thought, if you want me to tell you what are the most difficult things to resist. That’s because at different points in your life, different things will tempt you. Lately, the greatest temptation for me is sleep. I was very tired during filming and kept wanting to just pass out. I have to sleep; so more than once, I would skip meals and go straight to bed. I want to perform well, so I try to grab every chance I can get to sleep. That way, I can stay focused and not wander off while filming.”
He likes women who are straight-shooters
In “The Great Seducer”, Woo Do Hwan plays a chaebol heir who at first treats love like a game. But once he starts dating Tae-hee, without realizing it, he becomes deeply attracted to her, only to discover after the fact that he has fallen in love. Not just love; through her, he rediscovers meaning in life. 
WDH: “I feel that the character I play is very similar to who I am as a person. When I find my true love, I will give my all for the other’s sake, just like him. I can walk through fire and do anything for her. The most important thing is giving her happiness.”
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There is an unspoken rule that women do not like men who are perfect, pure, goody-two-shoes. Woo Do Hwan’s role in the drama, with his aura of mystery and soul-slaying power to captivate, confirms that unspoken rule that men can’t just be normal if they want to appeal to women.
Woo Do Hwan couldn’t help but laugh when I shared my thoughts. 
WDH: “Sometimes I wonder whether I’d be attracted to someone mysterious or to someone happy, upbeat, and straight-forward. Personally, if a woman can talk to me about anything and everything under the sun, then I will find her attractive. That’s because heart-to-heart communication is important to me. If she is too mysterious, then I won’t know what to do. She’d give me the feeling of being hard to get close to. So if I were to date, I would definitely choose someone who makes me feel relaxed and comfortable. Any important relationship should have no reservations, pressure, or secrets. There should be no need to hide anything. That’s what I believe.”
Noona romances
Woo Do Hwan’s focus and involvement with only one person is a testimony to how seriously he treats romantic relationships. I listed five qualities that could be used as a new definition for masculinity: Seriousness; the ability to mesmerize; manliness; mystery; and lastly, being easy-going or easy to get close to. 
Many kdramas have been using noona romances for their thematic material. As the trend increased in popularity, it caused an upswell in discussions in Korea, opening up a new possibility of redefining masculinity.
WDH: “I also recently found out that noona romances are very popular in both dramas and movies. It’s an interesting phenomena. I don’t think love has anything to do with age. As I previously said, the most important things in any kind of relationship are honesty, communication, and trust. If each party thinks of the other as The One, then age shouldn’t be a factor.”
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The father as the role model for your life
Woo Do Hwan’s career is only just starting to rise. He spoke frankly that he didn’t have time for romance at this stage of his life.
There is a movie called “The Divine Fury” that he is about to film. He was cast to play a completely different role from “The Great Seducer”, and will go head-to-head in direct confrontation against Park Seo-joon. In this movie, he plays a Machiavellian character who manipulates and betrays others without hesitation.
WDH: “I’m looking forward to acting this role. I’m so grateful to my family who helped and encouraged me after I entered this career field. My father is the person I admire the most, and my family are the most important people in my life. Since I was young, I already respected my father. Now that I’m an adult, I keep reminding myself to learn from him, and hope that I will become somebody like him.”
The interview is drawing to a close. I said, “You’re absolutely a rising star.” He immediately responded with a humble smile, “If you want to talk about what’s fashionable, let’s talk about local hotspots. If I don’t need to work, I’d ask my friend to join me at the Nanji Hangang Park (a resort area for picnicking and camping near the Han River?). I feel very relaxed in those kinds of places. After camping, then along the way, I’ll visit rooftop bars and cafes in the ___ area (in Cantonese, sounds like “Lee Tai Yuen”). I like to enjoy my coffee or handcrafted beer, and just relax and talk until nightfall. That’s the kind of life that I like.”
Notes: Not my translation, I just bothered someone to give me the rough idea, and I cleaned up the aftermath, chortling over the endless amounts of “amazing seductive power” that Woo Do Hwan was overwhelming this Patrick Soon guy with. Apparently the interviewer was being excessively roundabout in his writing, so I just...made stuff up since I couldn’t verify accuracy, ahaha. I’m irked that this article isn’t on the HK Esquire website, so this is for internet posterity I guess?
Finally, I seriously hope WDH got paid beaucoup bucks for sitting on dumpster lids and bare doorsteps in NYC, my god. ;__;
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Summary: Mahiru is an actor. To promote his upcoming movie, he must pretend to date his co-star. (KuroMahi, Actor AU)
“This is the most ridiculous marketing tactic I’ve ever heard of! I’m not going to date someone to promote a movie. The movie’s plot should be enough to draw people to watch.” Mahiru argued. He sat across from the movie producer and the man’s expression didn’t change. He turned to his manager for help. “My contract said that I will go on interviews to promote the movie. I won’t date a stranger.”
“The person will be your co-star so he isn’t a stranger.” His manager’s words took Mahiru aback. He didn’t expect him to agree with the producer so quickly. “This will help your career as well, Mahiru. You entered this industry onto a year ago and this will be your first major picture. Fake relationships are more common in Hollywood than you’d think. You’re an actor so this should be easy for you.”
“What if my co-star is in a relationship already? It won’t be fair to them or me.” Mahiru desperately searched for a way to change the producer’s mind. He understood that gossip magazines would draw more attention to the movie than a short trailer could. On the other hand, he couldn’t agree with their plan. “I’m an actor but my job is limited to my time on set.”
“Then we’ll find another person for the lead role.” The producer said coldly and a rock dropped into Mahiru’s stomach. He tightened his hands into fists on his lap. The movie was important to him and he was excited to be the lead. He had only starred in small indie movies and this was the first production where he would be the lead.
Beyond that, the movie was an adoption of the book series, The Stray Cat. His mother loved the books and she would read it to him each night. She had died when he was young and he planned to dedicate the performance to her. Mahiru now felt conflicted about the role because he didn’t want to date his co-star. He bit his lip and debated what he should do.
A knock on the door broke the silence in the room and they turned towards the door. Mahiru was confused to see Kuro enter but this presence calmed him. Kuro walked into the room and he placed a stack of papers onto the table. “Sorry to barge in like this. Hyde wants to make a few changes to his script but he needs the producer’s approval. He asked me to deliver these notes right away. Can’t deal.”
“Hyde considers this a few notes?” The producer sighed and flipped through the binder. “It will take me all night to read through these. He doesn’t have the decency to wait until my meeting ends before he gave this to me. The Servamps may be talented and powerful in the industry but that family is haughty. Are you their new assistant? Tell Hyde that I will email him later tonight.”
Kuro didn’t correct him and tell him that he was Hyde’s brother. His family had various roles in the entertainment business and they were influential. Many people would treat him differently once they learned of his name. Luckily, he was a voice actor and only a few knew his face. “Hyde is already writing revisions to the story so you should go talk to him right away. He said something about changing the setting to the North Pole.”
“Fine.” The producer said and then he turned to Mahiru. “We’ll talk about your decision at tomorrow’s meeting. Think about it carefully.”
“Thank you for your time today.” Mahiru politely bowed to the producer yet his voice was a little stiff. His manager started to speak with him but Mahiru stopped him. “May I have a moment to think about this alone, Takashi?”
His manager nodded and then left the room with the others. Mahiru followed the others outside and he walked down the hall alone. He thought over what he should do. Pretending to date someone as a marketing scheme was outlandish to him. Mahiru was grateful for Kuro’s sudden appearance because it gave him a night to think over his decision. He didn’t know how he was able to save him so many times. The man was the main reason he didn’t want to agree to the producer’s plan.
For the past few years, Kuro and Mahiru had been secretly dating.
He noticed Kuro standing at the end of the hall. Mahiru didn’t know if his thoughts had summoned him or if Kuro had simply waited to speak with him. He was happy to see him after the stressful meeting and his steps quickened as he walked to him. Kuro bought a can of orange juice from the vending machine next to him. As Mahiru stopped next to him, he handed the drink to him.
“Congrats on landing the role. How did the meeting go? You looked tense when I came in.” Kuro whispered to him. While Mahiru tried to hide how uncomfortable he was with the director, he was able to read his expression easily. He subtly took Mahiru’s hand and squeezed it tenderly. “Do you want to drink this outside? The fresh air might help.”
“I don’t think we should. Someone might overhear us.” He answered in a soft voice so Kuro would be the only one to hear him. Mahiru glanced at them and he was glad that they were alone in the hall. He pulled Kuro to an empty office next to them and locked the door. He didn’t want anyone to over hear their conversation and possibly discover their secret.
Mahiru pulled the curtain closed as he thought of how he should tell Kuro about the director’s plan. He turned to face Kuro and leaned back against the cold door. “Misono will be in New York for a week so he gave me the key to his office. He said I could use this room if I need to talk to you while we’re working. No one should be able to overhear us while we’re in here.”
Only a few people knew about their relationship. There were times Mahiru wished he could go out with Kuro without worrying that someone would see them. He met him in high school and they had been close ever since. No matter what challenges they faced, Mahiru was happy with Kuro. He sat in a chair and told him about the meeting.
“I don’t know what we should do. Acting like a couple on a movie set is different than pretending to date someone for a movie.” Mahiru sighed and his gaze fell onto his lap. He felt Kuro’s lips brush over his hair as he stopped in front of him. He placed his hands next to him and his warmth surrounded him. “He says this is normal in Hollywood. Is that true?”
Kuro didn’t know how to respond to him. He had told him how important the movie was to him and he wanted to encourage him. On the other hand, he didn’t like the thought of someone pressuring Mahiru to date another person. A lot of things in the entertainment industry were fake. It was difficult to find honest people like Mahiru. “You already signed the contract so they can’t replace you easily.”
“I’m glad.” He smiled at his reassuring words. Mahiru touched the gold bell that hanged around Kuro’s neck and twirled the string around his finger. He couldn’t help but feel a little worried though. “The producer made it clear that he won’t be happy with me if I keep arguing with him. I don’t know why he’s so fixated on this plan to market the movie.”
“It’s an easy way to draw attention to the movie. The paparazzi are troublesome but using gossip can help us sometimes. A fake relationship is one of the ways to do that. I don’t agree with them.” He had grown up with reporters following his family for a story. “Hyde is the screenwriter for the movie. Maybe he can talk to the studio and ask for a new producer.”
“It’s okay, Kuro. I think I can handle this on my own.” He didn’t want to rely on Kuro and his family. Due to his family’s name, people would pretend to be Kuro’s friend with the expectation he would help them become famous. Mahiru never wanted Kuro to think that he was like the ones who hurt him. He fell in love with him for the kind and strong person he was. “It’s like Licht said, my hard work will shine through and show people that I’m the right one for the role.”
“Licht likes to say crazy things but that one sounds reasonable. Are you sure your uncle didn’t say that instead of Licht?” Kuro joked. He was happy to hear Mahiru giggle lightly and finally smile again. While Mahiru didn’t voice his thoughts out loud, he knew the reason he wanted to face the issue alone. He respected how strong and independent he was but he wished he could do something to help him. “Have they chosen an actress to be the female lead yet?”
“No,” He shook his head. “Hopefully, she’ll disagree with the plan as well and the director will give up on promoting the movie with a fake relationship. If only the character was a man and you could be my co-star. The irony would be funny.”
“Mahiru.” He was surprised by the sadness in Kuro’s voice when he said his name and he looked up at him. There was a mixture of affection and longing in his red eyes. He wondered if the director’s comment bothered him more than he thought. Kuro rested his forehead against Mahiru’s and said, “You don’t want our relationship to be public. I understand but I hate feeling that we have to be a secret like it’s something shameful. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“It’s hard to not tell people that we’re dating— especially when someone tries to flirt with you in front of me. You’re mine.” Mahiru wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed a small kiss onto the corner of his lips. “But this is the best way to protect your career. The tabloids will write stories about you if they knew that you’re with a simple man. I heard Hugh discuss it with you the first night I met your family.”
“What?” Kuro’s brows furrowed and he leaned away from Mahiru so he could look into his eyes. “Hugh warned me to not date you but I told him I didn’t care. I love you.”
“I overheard that part too. Honestly, I was hurt when I heard Hugh say you shouldn’t date me but he was only looking out for your career. I want to protect you too, Kuro.” Mahiru had never told him about the night because he knew how important family was to Kuro. “Thinking simply, Hugh won’t have to worry about you dating a ‘simple man’ if I’m also a famous actor.”
“You’re not a simple man to me. Hugh shouldn’t have said that. I don’t care what reporters write about me or what the world thinks. The only thing that matters to me is you.” Kuro cupped his face and kissed his soft lips.
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“Good morning, Sir.” Mahiru greeted the producer. He arrived at the meeting early so he could discuss his decision with the man. He didn’t want to waste the meeting with an argument. “Thank you for the opportunity to play the lead. I will do my best to make this movie a success but I can’t agree to a fake relationship with my co-star. Is there something else I can—”
“Oh, there’s no need for that anymore.” The director gave in quicker than Mahiru expected him to. His explanation shocked him further. “Last night, Kuro Sleepy Ash Servamp contacted me and asked if he could audition for the role of the antagonist. He’s a voice actor so he never auditions for live action movies like this. This will draw a lot of attention to our movie. I gave him the role right away.”
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation and he looked over his shoulder to see Kuro and Hyde enter. He sat next to Mahiru while Hyde spoke with the producer. While the others were distracted, Mahiru reached under the table to lightly touch Kuro’s hand. It was obvious that he only auditioned for the movie so he wouldn’t have to pretend to date his co-star or quite the production. “Thank you, Kuro.”
There was a hint of a smile on Kuro’s lips as he said, “This is my first time acting on screen. Maybe we should practise our lines together and you can give me tips. You’re the star of this movie.”
“You’re already a talented voice actor, Mr. Servamp.” They needed to pretend as if they were meeting for the first time. He hoped they could be together more openly now that they were acting in a movie together. Reporters wouldn’t question why they were together. “I look forward to working with you.”
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thorne93 · 4 years
History Repeats (Part 9)
Prompt: Life’s hard, right? Well throw in a not so great job, a broken heart, and chasing a pipe dream in LA. But could someone come along to make all the bad shit disappear? Or is he just another heartbreak waiting around the bend?
Warnings: language, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, angst/heartbreak, adult themes (??)
Word Count: 2711
Note: Aesthetic made by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo because she’s absolutely amazing Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo . Brainstorming from @carryonmyswansong
**Song Inspiration: Delicate by Taylor Swift
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A package arrived and you nearly screamed from joy. You unwrapped it immediately and grinned ear to ear. You’d had an idea some time ago, but had only gotten around to it recently. But now, you could put your plan in motion. Hayden would be home in probably forty-five minutes so you began to set out candy, cokes, and got the popcorn ready to pop with melted butter and salt on the side. 
Hayden walked in, looking beat and you felt bad for him, but seeing him was always the highlight of your day, even if he didn’t feel the same. Again, you were plagued with the question, how and when did Hayden go from he friendly face you enjoyed seeing, your savior of the day to the man you could hardly stand being away from? At this point, you didn’t care, you were just happy he was here, with you, whether he  felt the same or not.
“Hey! How was work?”
“Exhausting...I think I’m just gonna hit the hay,” he said, walking in.
“Wait! I have something for you!” you said, running over and grabbing his hand and pulling him on the couch.
He plopped on the couch, his head resting on the back with his eyes closed. “Ugh. Y/N, I’m tired. Can it wait till tomorrow?”
“Well...technically, it can, but I can’t! I have a surprise for you!”
“A surprise? What is it?” 
You grinned and pulled up a basket, the first DVD on top.
“Open your eyes,” you instructed. 
He propped one eye open to look at you, and when he saw you were holding something, he opened both and sat up. He looked at the object on top, picking it up. 
“In the mouth of Madness…” he said curiously as he flipped it over in his hand, then looked at the next one sitting on top of the pile. “Street Law? Y/N, why do you have old movies I played in?”
“Because we are going to have a marathon of your movies!” you exclaimed, giddy.
“What? Why?”
“Well...because I’ve never seen a lot of these. I’ve seen you in like two things, and I don’t think that’s right. I want to fully understand my roommate,” you explained with a beaming smile.
“We...You really don’t have to do that,” he insisted, getting shy as he leaned forward and started looking at the movies. “Wow. You really got all of them…” he mused, almost under his breath. “But I’m barely even in In the Mouth of Madness,” he remarked. 
“So? Your face is in it, so we’re watching it.”
“And why am I being subjected to this?” he asked as he fell back on the sofa and propped up his feet. 
“Because,” you started as you hopped up to pop the popcorn, “I need you here to make fun of you when you stay cheesy shit in these movies.”
“And how do you know I say cheesy shit?” he retorted, spinning to face you, resting his chin on the couch, looking more than adorable. 
You shrugged. “Doesn’t every actor, somewhere, have a few skeletons in their closet? I’m sure out of all of these films, at some point, you said something totally stupid, and it’s my duty as your best friend to make sure you don’t live it down,” you teased as you stuck your tongue out at him. 
Grabbing the popcorn, butter, and salt, you headed back to the couch and plopped down beside him, starting the first movie that was already queued up. 
The two of you settled in for a long marathon, and you got through several films, until you reached Life as a House, which totally blew you away. The opening scene of Hayden made you audibly gasp.
“Oh, my god, that’s you!” you shouted as you pointed at the TV. 
“Yeah, that’s kinda the point, Y/N,” he joked before you slapped his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
“No, you jerk. Like...That’s you! You look so…”
“I was going to say different. You don’t look much older than now. Oh my god, you’re such a brat!” you commented as you watched the film. Usually you tried to keep quiet during movies, but this was just too good and too easy to mess with him. 
“Uh, no, he’s a brat. I’m not,” he corrected, pointing to the screen and glaring at you.
“Well you play the part pretty well,” you joked with a sideways look.
“That just means I’m an excellent actor and I take no shame in that.”
“No one said you should.” At this, you stuck your tongue out at him. “I am loving the outfit,” you mocked.
“Oh, just shush and watch the damn thing,” he commanded, gesturing to the movie.
You giggled and quieted down to watch the film, trying to ignore the fact that you did really like him in this role. It was the first time so far he looked...of age. He had a goth look to him and at one time, you’d really been into goth yourself. He didn’t look half bad with black hair, but his blonde fit him so much better. 
The movie progressed nicely. You really did think he was acting very well, seeing as Hayden could never act half as bratty and annoying as his character, he made it believable. But then...at a particular scene, he was in a shower and your hormones started to stir in ways you wish they didn’t. If you’d been watching this alone, it would be one thing, but actually sitting next to the guy who was getting you hot and bothered, being your best friend, made it feel insanely awkward for you. 
It didn’t help then, that later, in the same shower, his female co star kissed him and he orgasmed prematurely. Regardless of the fact that it wasn’t real, that the character was facing embarrassment...you were highly aroused. The sounds he had made, the expression he wore, it was all dangerous mix of an aphrodisiac for you. Because like it or not, real or fake, Hayden had just made orgasmic sounds, and you hadn’t realized until that moment how badly you wanted to hear the real thing. 
Chancing a glance at him, he was sitting with his right arm resting on the couch, propping his face up with his cheek resting against his fist. He looked so...calm, and observant. 
“Are you okay?” you suddenly asked.
He turned to you, breaking out of his trance. “Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“Well, I just realized, I never asked you if it was okay to watch all of these or if you’re comfortable with it or whatever. I just sort of made you do it,” you noted meekly.
“Y/N, it’s fine. It’s kinda fun reliving these films.”
“Good. If it gets weird or awkward or anything, let me know,” you assured.
“You mean because I just came on screen with you watching? No, not awkward at all…” he said evenly before shooting you a half smile and turning his attention back to the screen.
After the film was through, and you were done crying, you picked up your glass and went back to the kitchen for a refill when your hand accidentally knocked into the counter, smashing the glass in your hand to pieces. The bottom part of the glass broke off onto the floor, the top piece in your hand had entirely shattered, shards and pieces flying everywhere. When you looked down, your feet had tiny bloody streaks everywhere, and your hand had shards of small pieces of glass in them.
“Y/N?” Hayden said as he turned around at the noise. “You okay?” 
“Uh, yeah, a glass broke. I’m fine though.”
“Oh, shit. It's everywhere,” he said as he jumped up and came over. He picked up the big pieces and put them on the counter. “Oh my god. Your hand,” he noted as he looked at it. “Don’t move, you could get cut worse,” he instructed as he looked around at all the tiny shards. Without warning, he suddenly grabbed you bridal style. 
“Hayden!” you shrieked, scared of him dropping you, your arms flying. 
“Y/N, stop. I’m just carrying you over here so you don’t step on the glass,” he said as he got you on the sofa. “Don’t let your feet touch the ground. You don’t want to get glass stuck in there. I’m gonna clean that up and I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t be ridiculous! I can clean up a simple glass breaking,” you argued as you started to get up before Hayden pointed at you and gave you a warning look.
“Don’t. It’ll take like two seconds. Just sit.”
He ran to the closet and got the broom and worked on sweeping nearly all of the kitchen then came over to you, examining your cuts on your legs, feet, and hands. He was still in jeans and boots, so he had been safe from the glass, but you were in a shirt and pajama shorts, barefoot, leaving you open to all the glass.
His fingers traced over your feet, lightly touching up your leg, the sensation much stronger than you anticipated. You and Hayden touched all the time, grabbing his hand to pull him somewhere, hugging every now and again, hitting him playfully...But now, he was tenderly, gently, touching you, and shortly after that orgasm scene in your head, so your body wasn’t responding in the typical sense, sending a blush to your cheeks. 
“They look okay, nothing too deep, just need to be cleaned up. Where’s your kit?”
“I’ve got peroxide and cotton balls and all that in my bathroom, the bottom drawer on the right,” you informed, thrusting your chin towards your room. 
“I'll be right back.”
“Shut up,” he said without looking at you as he walked away. 
When he returned, he set to cleaning you with a wet washcloth, wiping the little streaks of blood everywhere, then used peroxide on all the spots that came back up, patiently, gingerly tending to your minor cuts, his attention seemed hyper focused on the task at hand. Meanwhile, your eyes were planted on him, watching him, drinking him in, etching the lines of his face, his fingers, his jawline, his neck all to your memory. 
Once your eyes hit his fingers, your thoughts went to places they shouldn’t explore, places that shouldn’t be explored. But, you couldn’t help it. Hayden was beyond any man you’d ever met. He was...everything you’d ever wanted from a man and more. He was a father, a caring, loving one. He was a best friend, loyal, patient, willing to listen to you vent and bitch and whine and complain on end. He was a hard worker, never complaining of long and hard days, not much. He was talented and funny and understanding. He was kind and thoughtful. 
You wanted to know everything about him. You wanted to share nights with him as well as days. You wanted to know what it feels like to greet him when it got home with a kiss, instead of a friendly wave. You wanted to know what it was like to wake up next to him. You wanted to know what his scruff felt like before he’d shaved in the morning. You wanted to know what it was like to call him in between shots and tell him how you loved him, how you wanted to see him.
Sometimes, you wanted to just pretend, even for a second, that he was yours. That when you were sitting together on the couch and his arm was around you, that it wasn’t a relaxed friendly gesture. Sometimes you wanted to pretend that when he walked in the door, he didn’t go to separate bedroom, that he joined you in yours...
You wanted to know if he felt the same. You wanted to know if you danced in his dreams too. If you plagued him at work. If you were an ever present force in his life as well. You wanted to know if he looked forward to seeing you. You wanted to know if he desired touching your skin, all over.
Did he want any of that?
Suddenly, he was done treating your feet and legs and he looked up at you, his eyes filled with so much wonder and mystery, you were captivated by them as he gave you a soft grin. 
“Can I see your hands?” he asked and you silently obliged, turning them palm up so he could start the same routine. The entire time, you stayed mesmerized by him, watching him, just in awe that you’d met someone like this.
And that’s when it hit you. You didn’t want to wait another day to see if he felt the same. It’d been nearly four months since you met. And for some time now, you’d felt some pretty deep feelings for this man, and every day it was getting harder and harder to ignore those feelings.
“There, all fixed up,” Hayden said with a wide grin as he sat the cotton ball on the coffee table. 
“Thanks...Would….would you wanna go out to dinner?”
He frowned slightly. “Tonight? But it’s after midnight,” he commented. “If you’re hungry I’m sure we could find something--”
You shook your head, slightly laughing of embarrassment and nerves, no trace of real humor in the chuckle. “Uh, no, not tonight. Like, I don’t know, Saturday or something?”
“Uh, maybe, why, what's up?” he inquired as he continued to clean up the supplies he’d brought out.
“Uh...I...No reason,” you said, shaking your head, the same nervous laugh escaping as you sat back on the couch. “What’s next? Star Wars I think. Awesome. I haven’t seen this since it came out and I’ve completely spaced it since then…”
Hayden noticed you rambling, your cheeks heating, your hands shaking and it suddenly clicked in his mind.
“Y/N, why did you want to go to dinner?” he softly demanded as he took the dvd case from you and sat it down, situating himself on the edge of couch so you could look at him. 
Taking a deep breath, you weighed your options of answering. On one hand, you could save face and save the friendship if you just told him to forget it. On the other hand, you knew that if you denied your feelings, you would always wonder if it was a missed chance at a great opportunity.
“I...uh….I was asking you on a date. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go for dinner and drinks or...whatever…” you explained, your eyes on your lap as you toyed with the hem of your shirt. 
Hayden’s eyes cast down as well as he mulled over how to answer, and the fact that he had to think about it was answer enough.
“It’s fine, I get it. You’re not interested. No big deal. I swear,” you promised. “We can still be friends and all that.” 
Inside, you were twisting. You’d made a fool of yourself. Now he knew that you had feelings for him and he didn’t return them. Would he feel awkward around you now?
“Y/N...I...I just...I’m still getting over things with Rachel,” he explained. “I just...I’m not sure I’m ready.”
You nodded. “No, yeah, I get that. It’s...delicate. It’s too soon. I understand. I’m sorry I brought it up,” you said, trying desperately to sound normal. A stiff silence hung between you two before you finally piped up and said, “Star Wars next?”
“Uh, I should be getting to bed. We’ll finish tomorrow, yeah?” he asked, his brows going up, hoping you weren’t offended, probably. 
You nodded. “Sure. Yeah. No problem.”
Standing, you smiled a goodnight smile at him, and he returned it. “Well, goodnight. See you in the morning,” you quietly said as he returned a salutation and you went to your room, closed the door, and got into bed. Before you knew it, hot tears were streaking down your face, staining your pillow. Quickly, you turned on music so he couldn’t hear your heartbroken sobs.
Forever Tag:
Hayden Christensen:
History Repeats:
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irwinkitten · 4 years
you can’t stop | a.i
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notes: so this was an idea that came up when i first started screaming to @spicycal​ about broadway!ash and then i spiralled because i started listening to the hairspray soundtrack and said the magical words ‘my head has got ashton playing link in hairspray and my mind won't shut!! up!!' and honestly it was one of the first things i started screaming at sarah about and it’s how we became friends because we’re musical nerds (read: clowns) and this idea wouldn’t leave me alone thus this was born. (also there is a part two in the works!) pairing: broadway!ash x plus sized female!reader warnings: a few swears but that’s it? word count: 2.3k
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When you stepped into rehearsals on the first day, it took some time to fully register that you were the leading lady of the show and not just a background character. You knew that today was all about breaking the ice, so to speak. 
You knew that over the years, your sense of humour had developed because of the kids you’d grown up with, the people who still made you feel uncomfortable about your weight, and you had turned it back on them.
So when they got to you, you grinned as you gave them your name and who you were playing.
“Don’t know if the extra weight gave it away, but I’m playing Tracey Turnblad. This is my first time as a lead character and the only way I break ice is by jumping on it.” It took a full second before the other actors started laughing, the director wearing a short grin as the atmosphere relaxed.
It was certainly more easier on your nerves than you’d anticipated because everyone had laughed and you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding as the others introduced themselves.
And then your eyes fell onto the final person.
“My name’s Ashton, feel free to call me Ash. Can you guess who I’m going to be playing? Although, unlike our leading lady, it could be a difficult guess.” And for the first time in your career, you wanted to punch that stupid self satisfied smug look off his face. 
A few people tittered nervously, but you just snorted in response. You’d heard worse from directors.
‘You only have to deal with him for the next two years.’ You told yourself firmly. 
The first ten weeks were rehearsals. Normally it would’ve been six weeks, but since it was an entirely new cast, the producer had opted for the extra time to help the cast bond since this show run was going to be two years to start with. Opening night was far enough away that you could surprise your family, since you’d kept this job quiet from them.
As you began the warm ups, the director—who had introduced himself as Evan—moved you front and centre. 
“Right, I want to start off with your vocal range. We’ll have other duets fall in as we change the songs but keep it to mostly your songs before we move to ensemble. Once we know the ranges of you lot, our lovely composer Brian,” he waved out to the man who was leaning against one of the walled mirrors in the studio, “will be able to figure out if we need to change any songs.”
It wasn’t so much as brutal, but it put you through your paces. You realised quickly that this was certainly going to be a welcome challenge for you.
Ashton remained smug throughout his parts and it took everything in you to not slap the silly smirk off his face when it got to your duets. But you resisted, matching him pace for pace which surprised him.
When the first break hit, you were feeling warm as you took some water and the actress playing Maybelle—Jace—stepped up to you, braids piled up on her head as she lifted her water bottle in a toast to you. 
“So, first time being the leading lady, huh?” And you smiled. 
“I’ve been working as just an ensemble cast member for the last few years. I jumped at the chance for the audition with Evan and when I got the call back, I knew it was gonna be what I needed.” You shared a grin with Jace. 
A few other cast members came up to you. It was when the one who was playing Amber bounced over, her blonde hair tied back in a high ponytail, bouncing with her movements. 
It took you a second to remember her name was Cassie. 
“So you’re going to be my enemy for the foreseeable future.” Her tone was teasing, the grin on her lips disarming you for a second. 
“I mean, I guess?” You felt confused and she grinned. 
“Reckon we can be friends?” This had you relaxing instantly. 
“Don’t see the harm in that. And maybe when you’re in character you can teach Irwin good manners.” Cassie laughed as she slung her arm across your shoulders and looped her other with Jace’s 
“That man might be a good actor but if you get him to learn some good manners I think the gods would bless you.” 
When the day finished, both Cassie and Jace were convincing you to come out with them for drinks. And despite the hesitation, you couldn’t say no to their pleading faces.
“Is your place close by?” Cassie finally asked and you could feel a smile settle on your lips. 
“If you’ve already got stuff to change into, we can get ready at my apartment?” The offer was met with an immediate agreement, both girls split from you and began inviting others to the night out. 
You’d made fast friends with both of them by the time you were dressed up with a splash of makeup on. As the three of you left, it felt nice as you laughed at Cassie’s imitation of Ashton. 
“Hi, I’m Ashton Irwin and I’m a cocky son of a bitch who doesn’t like meeting new people.” Her tone and pitch had the two of you cracking up as you waited for the lift. When Cassie had pitched the invite to him, he’d rolled his eyes and told her that he had better plans. It certainly hadn’t endeared him to her with that.
It took barely ten minutes but by the time you reached the club where a lot of the cast were waiting, excitement began to ooze through your body. 
“First round of shots are on me!” You called out to the group, earning excited yells as you all headed in. 
With Cassie’s help—since she knew how many people there were—you got the order in and toasted to the lot of them. 
“May these runs lead up to incredible shows!” With the shot knocked back, Jace was quick to pull you to the floor, the music loud as the two of you danced the night away with the rest of the cast members.
You were furious. Beyond furious with Ashton.
He’d crossed a line. To embarrass you in such a way in front of so many directors, it hurt. 
When you got to rehearsals the following morning, your anger hadn’t abated. Jace wisely kept her own counsel as you changed into what you’d dubbed as your rehearsal outfit. Loose fitted tee-shirt and black leggings. 
“You realise that it’s final scenes today?” Jace had quietly commented, her eyes concerned and you could feel your temper bubble. 
“I can be civil with him when we’re on stage. But off stage? All bets are off.” You snapped, slamming your locker shut and making your way through. She fell silent, casting a worried glance with Cassie before they headed onto the stage.
You hadn’t even made it to the stage when a hand grasped your shoulder, pulling you deeper into the wings of the stage, further away from your castmates. Your fury ignited at the audacity of Ashton.
“Look, about last night-” he started, his voice quiet.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Irwin.” You snapped back, cutting him off as you yanked your arm free from his grip. His shock at your reaction stunned him silent. 
“What? Nothing to say to me? Nothing to say to me after you embarrassed me in front of every big fucking name in the industry? Nothing to say to me after saying that my family shouldn’t bother for opening night since I’m going to mess it up?” You didn’t bother keeping your voice down. The director knew you and Ashton didn’t get along well, but you were able to work with him. 
“I just wanted to say-” He tried again but you cut him off.
“You wanted to say what, exactly? That you’re sorry? I don’t want your fucking apology. It’s worthless. You could be the king of fucking england and I still won’t give you my time or attention anymore, unless it’s directly related to work. Now back off.” You snapped, pulling away completely and leaving him stunned.
“Ooo, do we need to be having words?” Cassie teased and you took in a slow deep breath, pushing down your anger towards him so you wouldn’t snap at Cassie. You knew she meant well she always did, but you were still too angry, too hurt to not take it the wrong way.
Evan gave you a lasting look, tapping his fingers on the script. 
“Dance rehearsal today. We’ll work on the scenes later and tomorrow.” He announced, earning groans from the ensemble. Ashton slipped onto the stage quietly. 
You threw Evan a grateful look and he simply nodded as he clapped his hands.
“Chop chop, we don’t have all day for this. We’ll go from where the girls are fighting to be seen on camera.” As the cast rearranged themselves, you stepped over to the corner from where you’d come down. Cassie winked at you and you offered her a weak grin. 
“From the top!” 
After you’d yelled at him, Ashton had done his best to keep out of your way before opening night. But on opening night you knew you had to call a truce. 
Knocking on his dressing room door, you waited quietly before you heard him knock something over in his haste to get to the door.
As he pulled it open, his eyes widened in shock to find you standing there in front of him.
“Can I come in?” Your voice was quiet and it took him a moment before he nodded and stepped back, letting you in before closing the door behind you. You had to try and ignore the fact that he was half dressed, his shirt clearly hanging from the back of the chair.
He offered the small couch that was in the corner of his dressing room, pulling the chair over to sit in front of you and suddenly you felt your courage and words disappear.
“So, did you need something?” His voice was hesitant, and you couldn’t exactly blame him for that. Ever since you’d verbally smacked him down before rehearsal, he’d done his best to avoid pissing you off outside of rehearsal. 
His question pulled you back to that moment and you felt your courage return, taking a slow deep breath.
“I’m calling a truce between us. Or at least, a truce between my attitude and yourself.” Although you’d been well in the right to be so angry with him and continue the treatment, he’d done everything he could to change that before backing off.
His jaw dropped at your words, sucking in a sharp breath as he processed your words.
“I-uh, don’t know what to say to that except, thanks, I guess?” You snorted at that.
“I’ve been so furious with you for what you did. You embarrassed me and made me look like some kind of pity pick. After working Broadway for years, do you know how much that hurt me? Hurt my career? ” His face flushed in shame as his gaze dropped to his hands that were resting in his lap.
“I hadn’t even considered...” He trailed off and you scoffed.
“Of course you didn’t. You’re the popular kid. The one people fight over to have on their team. You don’t need to consider other people’s feelings because everyone tries to cater for you.” You couldn't help the bitterness slip out with your words and his eyes lifted to meet yours.
“I really fucked up.” 
“That’s putting it lightly, Ashton. You single handedly nearly destroyed my entire career with those words. Evan had to tell me that he’d had calls from other casting directors who had other names to replace me if he needed it.” You could see that the message was sinking in for Ashton, the guilt etched into his face mixed with a look of horror.
“I’m so sorry, I- I never even realised-” You cut him off.
“The damage is done. Thankfully Evan managed to put them off from that and invited them to the opening night of the show. If we pull this off we could be working together for a lot longer than the two years we’re scheduled to.” A wry smile crossed your lips. “So don’t fuck this up tonight.” 
Ashton stared at you for a solid ten seconds before he started laughing. 
“You’ve got it, doll. How about we start over?” He held his hand out to you and you took a second before grasping his hand. He surprised you by bringing the back of your hand to his lips and without even realising, you’d rolled your eyes at his theatrics.
“It’s one thing to start over with me, but I think you need to start over with the rest of the cast too. Cassie is still fully prepared to scalp you for doing what you did.” He winced at that before letting your hand go.
“I guess I owe it to you and them to start over, don’t I?” You nodded at his words, watching as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I know that everyone has their families in for the opening night and they’re going to want to celebrate this success with them. How about you start with the rehearsal tomorrow and see how that goes?” He nodded at that.
“I think I might just do that. And for what it’s worth, I truly am sorry for what I did and said.” Your eyes studied his face and you let the corner of your lips tug just a little bit.
“I know.” You leaned forwards and kissed his cheek before heading out, leaving him speechless.
taglist:  @sexgodashton​, @goth5sos​, @malumsmermaid​, @empathycth​, @wildflowergrae​, @calpops​, @rosecolouredash​, @cakesunflower​, @loveroflrh​, @clockwork124​, @cal-puddies​, @stellar5sosrecs​, @ashtoniwir​ , @cthwldflwr​, @cthla​, @calmlftv​, @spicycal​, @liketheydidwithyou​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @bluehairedtracii​, @drummerboy794​, @feliznavidaddycal​, @ukulelecal​​, @thecurlsofgod​​, @converse-luke​​, @madbomb​​, @ccnicole02​​, @youngblood199456​​, @megz1985​​, @lukesidentitycrisis​​, @snapback-irwie​​, @neonweeknds​​, @666yourwitchyfriend666​​, @cashtonasfuck​​, @ashtaway​​, @conquerwhatliesahead92​​, @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @kchillout​​, @damselindistressanu​​, @colormekaykay​​, @findingliam-o​​, @sublimehood​​, @singledadharrington​​, @sugarcoated-pain​​, @singt0mecalum​​, @calumspeachy​​, @colourfulcalum​​, @lostincalum​​, @burncrashbromance​​, @asht0ns-world​​, @flusteredcliffo​​, @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​​, @fangirl-everythang​​, @lashtonswildflower​​, @lashtondaddies​​, @calumssunshine​​, @ambskiwi​​, @abundant-stars​​, @myescapefromthislife​​, @lmao5sosimagines​​, @beyoncesdragon​​, @jae-writes-fanfiction​​, @cxddlyash​​, @tresfandom​​, @niallisworld​​, @lietomevalntyn​​, @babylon-corgis​​, @monochrome44​​, @behind-my-hazeleyes27​​, @lyllibug​​, @bloodmoonashton​​, @ghostofmashton​​, @summerellaz​​, @a-little-less-sixteen​​, @cashworthy​​, @smokeinherlungs​​, @longlastingdaydream​​, @h0tsos​​, @sadistmichael​​, @sugar-nico​​, @sunnysidesblog​​, @angel-cal​​, @samros95​​, @maluminspace​​, @lukeinblue​​, @britnicole11​​, @gigglyirwin​​, @everyscarisahealingplace​​, @loverofcashton​​, @iovehemmings​​, @g-l-pierce​​, @jannimoeller3​​, @wildmichaelflower​​, @lukeskisses​​, @youngbloodchild​​, @abb-lan-5sos​​, @calumsbub​​, @flameraine​​, @here-for-the-uproars, @mateisit-balsamic​​, @ilovelukey​​, @castaway-cashton​​, @musiclover1263​​, @alloutofcashton​​, @tobefalling​​, @sarahshepherdblog​​, @cassie-sos​​, @possesedperson​​, @treatallwithkindness​​, @wonderlandiswhereitsatyo​​, @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​​, @ashtonlrwin​​,
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moonstone27ls · 4 years
Ducktales finale spoilers
You’ve been warneddddddddd
Warning you againnnn
Sooo Ducktales will be ending soon my thoughts? Not as sad as when compared to Rise of the TMNT, Venture Bros, Brooklyn 99 (though it had a good run considering), Drunk History, Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. Though there are rumors Darkwing Duck is gonna be rebooted.... uhh maybe excited? I'd say maybe becauseeeee again its on a streaming service... and no for anyone's future question don't have Disney+ and have no intention of getting it why? Cause I'm broke/on a budget and I can't buy every stupid streaming service for the sake of a few shows.
But I'm getting off topic the show in general... sorta sad but sorta not. I'll be honest some eps of Ducktales in the last season didn't fit well with me. Some felt uhh very cliche/or readable, some felt kid dumb (but its a kids show so you're gonna get a few of those more than once), some felt like they were uhh if I had to compare like when you'd watch Adventure Time and you'd be "WTF was that one for". I wouldn't say dark you're just "that one felt random". Sometimes thats not bad but heh depends on the taste.
There are a few things disappointed we didn't get to see one Donald & Della's ACTUAL parents interacting with their children, GRANDCHILDREN. Don't get me wrong their interactions with Scrooge was nice but we barely got one ep with family that WASN'T him. You'd think given what dangerous work they were involved with we'd see a flashback or actual talk of their parents talking to them. Especially with Della being a single mother oO. Kinda feel it slightly unrealistic that they'd just sit and do nothing (and no there's no sign they're dead so they should be around) when their daughter disappeared into space. I mean maybe it'd been nice to see a few eps of past Donald getting advice from his mother Hortense how to raise the triplets. Heck would have like to see Hortense & Matilda's relationship.
Second the triplets father would had been nice oO. Yes he does have a father. All these fan ships but no one actually wondering "hey who's the boys father?".
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  Third would had been nice to see more of Violet's family life. I mean whats the point of giving her "dads" if they never have a role beyond background character. Heck would had been nice to see a day of Violet and Lena's life with their fathers. Yes probably to the viewers it probably would had been boring but whatever 8B.
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Four uhh I dunno explore space more? Maybe actually see some of Moon's home. I'll be honest that episode of "Moonlander on Earth" ep always bugged me. While I could believe some of the moon aliens wanted to stay on earth. I'm not convinced an entire planet thought Earth was so amazing they'd just stay there forever. People are fickle things, I can believe some wanted to stay like a vacation. But I feel at some point some, like Penny wanted to just go home. And I always found it... disturbing that no one attempted to really listen (no I don't count Webby cause that was written more of an experience lesson than "oh I miss home"). I mean the McDucks have all the money in the world, thats how Scrooge spent almost all his fortune finding Della. I'm just not convinced Scrooge and them thought "Hey we got extra rockets if they wanna go home we'll let them". No it was "oh they'll never get home, lets not bothering asking or giving them those extra resources. I think the show MISSED a good opportunity to let Penny go home (as well as others). And since Fenton or Gyro are often considered so smart they couldn't make a special teleport device JUST for them or ways to keep communicating with the moon. Thus meaning they could have explored space. And while some might argue "yes we needed Penny for the finale" (minor spoiler). She didn't DO anything she and Goldie were mostly used for cameo purposes. Sooo wasted use there.
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Hmm anything else....  would have LIKED to seen more eps with Gandra/Fenton but hey if that Darkwing Duck spinoff is a thing maybeeee Gizmoduck will make special appearances and Gandra/Fenton can double date with Morgana & Drake(yes I wanted her to make an appearance I liked her goth look). Uhhh I don't think we ever got a Selene & Della interaction. (So far no eps were really... well friendship stuff. I mean I got a small fraction (if that) with Gods on the Block ep but it was near the literal END)
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Also wish we could had more from the old show cameos Kit/Molly, Rescue Rangers, Goofy... pft plus I'll be honest before the show ended would had loved an actual cameo of Goofy, Mickey & Donald just alll together. Pfttt omg I would had loved a Max & Roxanne cameo date/wedding (yes I shipped them).  Haha more interactions would had been fun. And while I enjoyed the Talespin sorta crossover... could had more (and yes sorta ship Kit/Della. heh sorta more of a crackship haha). And lets be honest that Molly cameo was wasted potential. I mean would had been cool to see Baloo & Becky. Though I understand to a degree why we didn't. At least with Baloo.  But ahh well what can you do.
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  And same with Daisy and Donald buttttt gonna take some of the finale as something. I'm just gonna say it left enough for my imagination to think "they're having a happily ever after soon". Uhh another minor spoiler with Ludwig revealed not to be dead (which I'm glad)... just disappointed he wasn't in the credits or given more interactions with Scrooge. Yeah I know they weren't BEST friends or anything but I dunno I do associate them as friends.
Anything else... uhhh would had been nice to see more of Boyd and Doofus family moments too. I mean I dunno consideringgggg that life probably was better for Doofus' parents now that they had an ACTUAL loving child. Be nice to have seen more scenes. I mean heck that last ep with Doofus... uhh jumping? I assume it meant Doofus had closure and accepted his fate? So I dunno would had been good to see him and Boyd bond more. Heck I'd like to have seen his parents' telling Gyro in finale (yes minor spoiler) take care of "our" son.
Nowww onto the finale gonna put spoilers soo warning here.... as for the finale it was... good. I'm not gonna say "Oh it was the best everrrrrrrr". Nah it was pretty good given their budget or whatever. Yeah some felt rushed and all those cameos while I appreciate the thought felt wasted potential. I mean I get why budget/timing etc. Just saying you know could had some Goldie/Scrooge moments, more Lena & Violet, Webby friendship stuff. I mean heck when they were all "released" (and judging by that cube system) there was a lot we don't really see where they go or how the Ducktales group got everyone where they originally belonged.
What did I think of Webby's so called surprise... uhh mixed. Bigger picture wise kinda explained that need to be so clingy. To a degree I sorta agree with the split fans I like it and I don't like it. But I get it the writers NEEDED something for shock value cause lets face it they ran everything else. I say a part of me didn't like it cause I was kinda hoping this version would show us Webby's real parents. And I'm not fully convinced that photo was just a fake or some random relatives Beakley took to shut her up. 
I think she sounded genuine when she said "I missed a lot". I admit when the whole "oh she's made from FOWL" was becoming obvious. I thought Beakley was subtly hinting that her daughter made Webby. I dunno could see that happening seeing that this whole ep was hinting at adults who did NOT think of their actions effects (yeap Scrooge, Della's choice to go on that rocket, Bradford's granny traumatizing the dummy), I thought "Ohh sooo she felt neglect and rebelled or fell for the enemy". But anyways yeah I still think Beakley probably DID have a daughter. Where is she? I dunno, thats kinda the whole point. Either she died or like Donald did with Scrooge, broke away from her family. I really believe whatever the reason, her daughter's gone from her life and Beakley deeply regrets she wasn't a more attentive mother. She probably to a degree saw Webby as her second chance to do better by her.
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Hmmm lets see anything else.... as dark as it was with what Bradford did... not really shocked. And while he was obviously a villain I think his background did prove a point. But I could be thinking of Dean Venture and Dr Venture's childhood. Not every kid is built or for that matter wants an adventure life. Bradford was a product of his well intentional but neglectful family. Had the triplets or Donald not wanted this life that could had been them. Thankfully it wasn't 8B.
I admit the part with the villians at the end was quiet surprising. Not because they turned him into a bird pft. But because technically they saved Scrooge but heh I get it, chalk it up to either "they don't like to be used" or "Bradford was so terrible he was beneath even their level". Just somewhat made me wish Magica could have found Poe or something (I liked his design and voice actor). 
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 And super glad we didn't really lose a lot of villains. I dunno I wanted Phantom Blot & Pepper to escape, fight another day stuff. And I kinda think to a degree thats why we saw that dumbed-down clone of Bradford. He's gone but that clone could get "smarted" up to stir more trouble 8B. Maybe I dunno.
Heh but all in all I enjoyed this finale. Its was wayyyy better than Star and Tangled's finale, no flippin' drama :P. I mean I suppose you could call Donald & Daisy leaving drama? but no not really cause literally none of this bothered me. The credits kinda gave me that nostalgia of how this show got so much attention. So while it was rushed maybe and it had its flaws. All in all it kept up with the heart. Soo I enjoyed the credits a lot good way to say goodbye
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(just putting that gif there cause I liked it 8B)
Anything else....KEITH FREAKING DAVID, another reason to give this finale a point best flipping part I’m just sad I have no gif to use XD
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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I don’t know how many of the non-latins here will get this reference, but I’m sure Brazilians -such as myself -and if there’s any Mexican around will. I can’t say about other Latin countries, or any of our northern neighbors and everybody that’s beyond that…
Have you guys ever heard about the Mexican band RBD? That’s a good way to start this conversation.
Back in 2004 (if I’m not mistaken) there was this Mexican telenovela called “Rebelde”. It was a remake of an Argetinian telenovela (“Rebelde Way”), and it told the story of a bunch of rich kids in a boarding school. Well, not all the kids were rich, but you get the idea.
From the telenovela came the band (RBD), which had six members, who also played characters in the telenovela.
I was 14 at the time and I was absolutely mad over it. It was great, cheesy and corny in the best possible way. I have many fond memories of the telenovela and great regret that I never got the chance to see RBD playing live.
Anyway, the band broke up around 2009, but many fans still love them (maybe it’s just us Brazilians, we have a hard time letting go of stuff…)
Recently their albums finally were made available on Spotify and it got me thinking and…Well, this is the result.
I’m not saying that this is what happened to the actors after the band/telenovela was over. It was just another crazy idea that popped into my mind and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it down.
So… Yeah.
Chapter 1
Arthur was passing by Catia’s room when he heard it.
“You’re such a hooligan.”
He knew the voice, he knew where that sentence came from. Before he even noticed what he was doing, he’d pushed Catia’s door open and caught her watching TV.
He saw himself on the screen, much younger -God, so much younger -talking to the pretty redhead.
“And you’re a brat. So what?”
“I didn’t know you liked this show.” He said, startling Catia.
“Arthur!” She paused the scene, and turned to him. “I’m sorry. Did you…”
“I didn’t know they had that on Netflix.” He spoke before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh.” She looked at the TV like it was guilty of something. “They put it on it last week.”
Arthur hummed his understanding.
He didn’t really mind seeing himself as Michael Rivers, the poor student at High Tower Academy. It’d actually been his first role in TV, many years ago. The show (which was cringely called ‘Rebel Way’) was about an exclusive boarding school, and he was the underdog who fell in love with a rich girl.
Oh yes… They also sang. They made it cool before High School Musical came along. The show wasn’t actually a musical, but his character and a few friends were part of a band in it and in ‘real life’.
The show lasted three seasons -their time at the Academy -and the band still lasted two years after that.
“I can turn it off if you want.” Catia offered quietly.
Arthur shook his head. “No. It’s okay, Catia. You can watch it; I just didn’t know you liked the show.”
“It’s fun in a silly way.” She confessed with a giggle.
Arthur chuckled. “I know. I’m not embarrassed by it or anything.”
He left Catia to her show, and tried not to think about his time spent on it.
His mobile rang; it was Bedivere, his agent.
“Olenna Tyrell called me.” Bedivere told him without preamble. “She wants to talk to you.”
Sansa sat there as the hairdresser fixed her hair for the shooting. George was an artist, and he was making amazing curls on her hair.
Brienne was sitting on the couch nearby, checking her phone as they prepared and Sansa was talking about a new restaurant with George.
His new assistant kept throwing nervous glances towards Sansa, and the woman wondered when she’d get the courage to ask what was on her mind.
“Oh Seven, Lindsay. Just ask her already.” George told the girl, rolling his eyes when her fidgeting got on his nerves.
“I’m sorry!” Lindsay blushed terribly. “I didn’t want to bother you, Miss Stark.”
Sansa gave the girl a gentle smile. “It’s fine, Lindsay. What did you want to ask me?”
Lindsay bit her lower lip, clearly worried about saying what she had on her mind. However, she seemed to find her courage.
“I… I’m a big fan of Rebel Way.” She finally said. “I know it’s been a long time and all… But your character, Mia, was my first fashion icon.”
Sansa chuckled. “I’m glad to hear that. I loved her clothes.”
Lindsay seemed excited by it. “I made a uniform by myself when I was eleven.”
“Which uniform?” Sansa asked. “I liked the one in the first season better.”
“Me too!”
“Sansa.” Brienne cut in gently. “It’s a call for you. You might want to take it.”
Sansa frowned, wary of Brienne’s tone, but took the phone her agent was offering her.
“Sansa speaking.”
“Hey, Stark.” Margaery’s sugary sweet voice called from the other side. “We need to talk.”
Margaery knew Sansa wouldn’t be happy with the idea, but she’d promised her grandmother she’d do this for her.
Olenna was the only person that could get Margaery to do absolutely anything. She’d hide a body for her grandmother.
It took some convincing, but Sansa eventually accepted coming to the meeting. A part of Marge had wanted to hide some things from Sansa -like who was going to be there -but she knew it was unfair. They’d been friends for a really long time, and Marge wouldn’t risk it just to make her task easier.
She was in a peculiar position: on one hand, she was really happy with her life now, on the other, she genuinely thought that her grandmother’s idea was a good one.
When Marge entered the cast of Rebel Way, she was supposed to be the star of the show. Her grandmother was producing the whole thing, so it was a given.
She hadn’t liked Sansa at first, because it was clear that she’d get a lot of attention too. Their characters -Mia and Rosalie -were rivals for a big part of the show -they only became friends at the end of the second season. 
Marge and Sansa managed to become friends much earlier. Probably because Marge started dating Sansa’s brother, and Robb wanted them to get along.
It was very difficult to say ‘no’ to Robb Stark.
Which reminded Marge…
He’d be there as well.
Oh hell…
With the years, people stopped recognizing Robb as Daniel Cross from Rebel Way. He’d been way younger then, and now he had a beard so most people didn’t recognize him.
Some of the old fans still could, and he never changed his name; but generally he lived a pretty normal life.
“Mr. Cross.”
Some people were just fuckers. “Can I help you, Jon?” He glared at his long-time friend.
“Sansa’s on the phone.” Jon informed him, offering his own mobile. “She said she needs to talk to you and your phone is turned off.”
Robb frowned. Sansa was supposed to be in Madrid for a photoshoot. Why would she be calling him in the middle of the day?
Robb’s phone was dead, and he’d forgotten to recharge it, but if Sansa had called Jon looking for him, it should be serious.
“Hey, princess.” Robb said softly as he picked the phone. Jon waved at him, before leaving the room so they could talk.
“Hello, Robb.” Her voice was warm. “Do you have a minute?”
“For you? Always. Is something wrong?”
There was a pause. “Not exactly.”
“This doesn’t sound promising. What happened?”
“Margaery called me.” She sighed. “Olenna wants to meet with us.”
“What does Her Majesty want with us?”
Sansa took another long pause. “It’s about the show. Margaery just wouldn’t say what exactly.”
Oh shit. Robb did the math quickly in his head. He was almost certain that the show was about to reach its 15th anniversary. If he was correct, this couldn’t be just a coincidence.
“I really hope this isn’t a revival.” Robb joked softly. Lord, no!
“I don’t think it’s about the show, to be honest. I think it’s about the band.”
Robb cursed under his breath. “If it’s about the band…”
“They’re all going to be there.” Sansa finished for him.
“Shit. I’m going to call Theon.”
“That’s why I called you.” She confessed.
Robb sighed. “Thank you for the heads up.”
“Just be ready when you get the royal call.”
Robb snorted.
“Thank you for coming, Theon.”
Theon shook the hand of the man. “It’s always my pleasure, Tom.”
“You bring a lot of comfort to those kids. You make them realise it’s possible.”
Theon gave Tom a vague smile. “I’m glad to be of help.”
He waved and started leaving the room. Theon had mixed feelings when he heard things like this. On one hand, he was very proud of himself; it hadn’t been easy to get sober and remain sober. On the other hand… He didn’t feel like a good example, like he was someone any of those people should aspire to be like.
Yes, he’d been sober for almost seven years now, but it had been one hell of a messy journey.
When he reached the parking lot, he was shocked to see Robb there, leaning casually against his car.
“What’s up, Stark?” He called.
Robb looked at him and grinned. “Hey, Greyjoy.” They hugged it out. “Listen… Have you checked your phone?”
Theon was immediately wary. “No. I turn it off during meetings.”
“Right…” Robb cleared his throat. “So you’ll probably have some missed calls.”
“Robb, you didn’t come here to play the answering machine to me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Olenna is calling all of us.” Robb admitted. “Called Sansa, then me… And probably you.”
“Sansa thinks she wants to get the band back.”
“Why?” Theon repeated, this time disconcerted.
“I have no clue, but we’re getting close to the show’s anniversary.”
“Oh shit.” Theon grumbled. “I knew there was something weird going on.”
“What do you mean?”
“You should start checking Twitter.” Theon told him dryly. “Last week they put the show on Netflix. ‘Rebel Way’ is trending.”
Robb groaned. “Now what?”
“I’ll be honest… I want to know what the Queen wants.” Theon confessed. “Let’s see if I have a message waiting for me.”
“Have you heard? Sansa Stark is going to be exclusively with Versace this year.”
Maggie ignored the gossiping assistants and tried not to sigh.
She couldn’t escape Sansa’s name, since they were basically in the same industry, but it was never easy to hear it thrown around so casually.
Fashion Week was almost upon them, and people had often questioned the lack of interaction between the two former band mates.
Maggie was used to people asking her why Sansa -one of the highest paid models in the world -never worked with Maggie -the rising star of the fashion world.
Maggie wished she had a simple answer to that. She normally said that their schedules never worked out, and she knew Sansa had answered the same a few times.
The truth was Maggie resented Sansa a bit. She didn’t hate the model or whatever some people thought, she just…
Those years working together hadn’t been easy on Maggie. That was it. She wasn’t ready to just get back to it.
Her phone rang and when she picked it up, she saw a strange number calling. She ignored the call and was ready to put it away when it rang again, and Arthur’s name flashed on the screen.
“Hello, Arthur.” She said as she answered it.
“Oh you answered, great.” Arthur let out a relieved sigh. “Listen, Olenna Tyrell is going to call you. I’m calling first to warn you: she wants a meeting.”
“Oh. Slow down.” She asked, her head spinning. “What meeting?”
“A meeting with all of us; the whole band.”
Maggie had to sit down. “You can’t be serious.”
“I talked to her myself a few hours ago.” He told her. “The old witch wouldn’t tell me exactly what’s on her mind, but if she wants to see us all…”
“Are you sure she wants to meet with all of us at the same time?” Maggie pressed, desperate for a negative answer.
“She said that. ‘Get the kids back together’.” Arthur copied -poorly- Olenna’s voice. “Bedivere thinks it’s about the songs, but I think it isn’t that simple.”
“It never is.” Maggie grumbled, massaging her temples.
“Listen, if you don’t want to go, I’ll stand by you.” Arthur said, and she knew he meant it. “We don’t owe her anything.”
“Well, technically…”
“No ‘technically’, Maggie. We don’t need to do this.”
Maggie sighed. No, they didn’t, but she needed to. Some things had to be discussed, some problems had to be solved, and this was the only way she’d get some closure.
She needed to face the music -and the band.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Hi, i loved your general hcs about Kuroo 💞 Could you write for oikawa and kageyama too, please?
Author note : Hello there ♡ Thank you for your request and your kind work it means a lot for me !  it took me a long time I’m sorry about it.  I hope you’ll enjoy it those two dorks are my favorite (honestly I can’t dislike a character from Haikyu). Again I tried to be as impartial as possible. 
Warning : None just me daydreaming about them / Spoiler-free i base my G headcanon on the anime for now
i do not own those gifs credits to their owner (the Oikawa”s one comes from tenor) 
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General headcanon Oikawa edition aka pretty boi ... How am I supposed to be impartial ? 
A lot of people tends to think he is a lady boy which he is not. Sure the man is handsome, he is very nice and pretty funny but honestly he is married to Volley ball.  
Have you seen his reaction when his girlfriend dumped him ? He asked himself what did he do the wrong way. It doesn’t mean that he is blind, that he doesn’t care about you. But Volley ball is his passion. You need to understand that, he is breathing volley, he is eating volley, he dreams volley, he literally went as far as to hurt himself from training. You need to understand that he craves for Volley Ball 
It doesn’t mean he won’t take care of you, when this man let someone getting close to him it’s means the world. Have you seen him ? He is self-conscious, he has a low-opinion on himself even when he tried to be cocky it’s just a way to brush off his own insecurities. 
He thinks he is not a good setter, he is probably doubting his leadership even his own ability as an athlete (it probably started when he hurt his knee) 
I won’t be surprise if he got some trust issues too, despite being pretty popular he is only around the same people which include his best friends Iwa-chan (which he knew since he is child) and his friends from his team that he knew since 3 years. So I don’t think he was in relationship with a lot of people. 
Speaking of relationship, i think he will talk with Iwa-chan about his crush you know just to be sure he doesn’t misunderstanding things
He got a tone of buddies but don’t have much friends, it means a lot for him
I do think he is the kind of people to run into your house if you say you’re feeling down, probably because he’ll appreciate if you do the same for him 
I highly doubt he can take care of himself, I’m not saying that he can’t live on his own but he tends to forget a lot of things because of volley ball. I do think he’ll skip meal time to time especially night meal because he is too focused on analyzing a match but I also think he is smart enough to know how to stay healthy. 
Honestly he needs someone to domestic him, I’m sure he’ll crave for it 
He really loves his fans they’re nice with him but sometimes he wish he could be less popular. They put so much hope in him and he is… well him. How is he supposed to support them while he can support himself ? It melt his heart to see how cute they are but it puts much stress on himself 
I do think he struggles for sleep because of his anxiety especially when he is fighting a good team 
When he got hurt, he was afraid he might no be able to play anymore. He never thinks about what kind of job he would have if he can’t play volley ball. But I can see him being good into social science or something related to language. 
I don’t how I know that but I’m 100% sure he smells something sweet like vanilla don’t ask 
Despite having some childish attitude, I think he uses it to hide his resentment. Especially when he is with Kageyama, he knows the boy does nothing to hurt him. But the fact he is literally made to play volley ball while Oikawa has to work hard, even hurting his body, is pissing him off. He is jealous of him. 
Since he is very close to his nephew I think he is family guy and was probably heart broken when he has to leave his family. I’m sure he FaceTime them as much as he can. I think he bought them ticket so they can travel to see him when he can’t travel. 
Probably the kind of people of doing aesthetic things on his instagram, remember the time when he nephew took a picture of him ? We can see a selfie with Takeru, a picture of a Sunlight, a selfie and a tone of picture of his nephew. His instragram is tidy. 
He is hard-working, he isn’t afraid of what he takes to achieve his goal. It could be a quality or a fault. 
We knows that his previous girlfriend dumped him because he was too focused on Volley ball. It probably means that despite his Monday, he can’t afford much time to date someone. But that doesn’t mean he won’t care about his significant other, maybe sometimes he’ll need you to tell him that it’s okay to live for his passion but that you need to have some times alone together. 
He won’t mind quite contrary, he’ll feel so relieve knowing you miss him but at the same time he’ll blame himself for not being able to notice that you were a bit sad lately. 
Speaking of notice, don’t even think you can lie to him. The man is able to adjust to anyone he is playing with. That means he is pretty good with people and especially good at reading them. Within a couple of weeks he’ll be able to read your body, he’ll know what makes you feel happy, what bother you and when you lie to him. 
Don’t lie to him honestly. As I said before I’m pretty sure he suffered from lack of trust on himself and everyone, he got trust issues. So don’t hide something to him, don’t lie. Tell him when something is wrong. It might not be good, maybe you’ll argue but at least you told him the truth and in the end he’ll be back to you. 
Lying means you don’t trust him and if you don’t trust him why would he date you ? I can see him dumping someone because he knows they’re hiding something. Of course if he noticed you hide something because you wanted to buy him a gift he won’t be mad and he’ll act like he didn’t notice (he is a great actor you won’t know he knew) 
Despite not being able to date you as much as he wants, he’ll be sure to be around you. If you two went into the same high-school, he’ll have lunch with you, he’ll walk you home, probably text you a lot (morning and night text are the most, he can’t sleep if you do not send him a have good night text)
Like Kuroo, I think he won’t mind getting married earlier. He is part of people who knows when they met their soulmate you know ? 
He will never give up on his career though, that means you’ll have to move with him If you want to spend the rest of your life with him. 
It’s kinda selfish but volley is too important for him, you need to respect that 
I also think he wants children, I can see him being a good dad (he claims he wants only boy but he’ll love his daughter with his life) 
At this time, we all know he is fan of science fiction. He is probably interested on everything related to space. 
X-files is his favorite shows. 
Deep down I think he’ll study to become astronaut but he fells in love with volley ball 
He loves to show off about his knowledge on space (and if you praise him about it … damn he would never stop) 
I need to talk about Glass!Oikawa cause he is too handsome, since he used it to watch a match. I think he might be short-sighted and wears contacts when he plays otherwise he won’t see shit. 
Since his favorite meal is milk bread (can relate buddy don’t worry) if think he has a sweet tooth 
To conclude, Oikawa is really great character with an interesting development and he is not as « superficial » as people tends to think he is more deeper than that. 
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General headcanon Kageyama edition 
Another volley ball’s addict 
You’re all pictured Tsukishima as a tsundere which is 100% true but do not forget this boy 
He is obsessed with volley ball and is own skill, he looks like Oikawa more than he would like to admit. Both of them are perfectionist, both of them are hard-working, both of them are passionate about volley ball to the point they might forget everything else.
Oikawa tends to not really taking care of himself while Kageyama struggle with relationship, we all see that he is not good with people. Not that he didn’t try. 
For now I know nothing about his past, but I think he used volley ball at some point to counterbalance something about his life. He worked harder to forget a situation who hurt him. Especially during his junior years. 
I do not think he is the nasty type, I think he is someone shy who struggle with relationship. All he needs is some help, he is completely aware of his lack of skills when it came to socialize, he tends to talk a lot with Sugawara because he is capable of talking with everyone. I won’t be surprised if they talk a lot you know to help him relax around his teammate. He even worked hard so he’ll be nice with Tsukishima 
I think we all know that the reason he hates being called « King » is because it reminds him times when everyone left him, when everyone decided they will be better without him. I think he got so abandonment issues which tends to stop him from making friends. 
After all why will he bothers making friends while he knows they will leave him eventually ? 
At the same times, he loves being surrounded by friends so that’s why he worked so hard on his social skill : cause he knows not everyone could be as easy-to-live as Hinata can be. Not everyone can’t see beyond his « king »’s behavior 
I think he loves animal especially dogs and the fact that he is afraid that animal might not like him prove it. Just picture him with a Shiba while going for a run ? 
I think he sees Hinata as a best friends or at least someone close, he helps him going through some of his fears, forces him to do better In order to be a good setter for his teammate. They are rivals but they are friends too. 
Deep down I think he would be a great friends with Tsukishima both of them haves some issues, but if they went through this they would be great friends
The CD-Drama confirm this, but he is very popular ; girls really like him probably because he is an athlete with dark hair and blue eyes (or it’s just me fangirling over him ?) 
Like Oikawa I don’t think this man he thought about an alternative job if he couldn’t be an athlete unlike Oikawa he is not good at school. So it was volley ball. 
Despite his inability to make friends, he can talk to people as we saw during his training on Tokyo with Atsumu he is pretty easy to talk as long as you’re talking about volley ball. 
I’m pretty sure people of his class tries to talk with him but since he only talks about volley ball they just stop. I wasn’t lying when I said he is obsessed with volley ball.  
Nonetheless, since he is pretty strict when it came to health ; I won’t be surprise if he studied so he could have a healthier way of live. I’m sure he knows a lot of things about food, what kind of food he needs to eat before running etc, I won’t be surprise if he would send some text to remind his teammate (especially Hinata) to eat properly … in his own way. 
Yeah he insults them but not in the mean way more like « you don’t know you need to eat banana after running ? How stupid are you » 
He would be a great nutritionist for athlete 
Despite everyone calling him special, he doesn’t see himself as a genius. That’s why he was so jealous about Hinata because to him he was the genius, cause he got so many potential while he barely has to work to be like this (Kageyama despite being awesome, worked hard to be how he is). 
The truth is he is too lazy for school which is a shame considering the memory he got and how dedicate he can be when is interested on something 
I also think he never date someone unlike his teammate he isn’t ashamed on that. He needs someone special, and he is too busy with volley ball to think about it. 
For what it worth I think he is into someone kind, not the mummy type but some who is into domestic things. I can picture him being overwhelmed every time he saw you cooking for him 
He is probably the type of guy who can break you if heard you talking shit about someone he cared about 
He isn’t very talkative especially about his feelings so he uses his action to show people he cares about them. For example the fact that he knows how to give you the ball so you could spike it’s his way of telling you that he consider you as someone close to him (don’t disappoint him) 
If he’ll stop yelling he would be a good teacher, he can analyze almost everything quite quickly so he can tell you what you’ve done the wrong way. 99% of the time he came with a solution. 
During his junior high, one of the reason of his behavior was the fact that he became a setter after Oikawa, we all know that he is still his biggest rival because Oikawa is everything Kageyama isn’t. He had to become setter for his team while they all know Oikawa, he probably felt like he had to so much better so he could beat Oikawa even if he left for high school. Kageyama was already a perfection before he met Oikawa and his obsession became stronger after Oikawa left. So yeah it could explain why he was such an asshole to his team and how he looked so shocked and kinda depressed when his team left him. 
Even if he actually beat Oikawa, Oikawa still win a match so there is a draw between them. However Oikawa is still a better setter at Kageyama’s sight, no matter how hard he will work it won’t be enough. And he knows that. 
But his insecurity is also his strength, it’s because he is insecure about his skill as a setter than he is working hard to be even better. While people would give up he stands up and work harder
I’m pretty sure he is addict to milk and yogurt because he believes it’ll help him getting bigger (also because he loves the taste of it and I couldn’t agree more)
I’m not seeing him being the type to get married or having a baby, but he’ll easily settle down with someone if he believes you’re made for each other 
I think he is dog type (probably into Shiba or Husky) 
Since his room is pretty empty judging by what we saw, I don’t think he is materialist. I think he tends to buy things if he really feels like he needs it. 
Apparently he run earlier in the morning and since he is very strict about his health I believe he doesn’t need a lot of hours of sleep. Probably something like 7 hours are enough for him maybe less. 
He valued punctuality a lot it probably bothers him when someone is late ; no matter what time it is he will be there, he isn’t afraid of waking up at 4am if it’s important for him. Besides we saw that he can sleep even on Saeko’s car so I guess he can sleep everywhere he just has to want it. 
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dyns33 · 4 years
So Anon, it’s not great, but I tried my best for your birthday ! A Sub camboy!Xavier x Dom!Duncan fic ! I kind of like sub and dom stories, but I’m into soft, so even if it’s a bit angsty, it’s still light. I hope you will like it. Happy birthday again !
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           Duncan knew Xavier's little secret very well, since that was how they had met. Daddy_Donut had been the most loyal donor and fan of Fantasyxboy since he discovered him by chance, one evening when he was more stressed and tired than usual because of his work, his family, everything. He wanted to relax by going on a camboys website he had heard of. There were many choices, but it was Xavier who had caught his attention. He had something more. While all the others were just showing off their little asses, he had a personality, he was funny, he made up stories, a character, he was clearly having a lot of fun. Normally, he never spoke with a client. He didn't do private show either, even if he was offered a lot of money, because Xavier didn't do that for the money. It was not his job, just a hobby. Training, for when he would become a real actor. Besides that, he gave dance and aerobics lessons. It was funny too, but not as exhilarating as being looked at by hundreds of men who wanted him, without being able to have him, touch him, begging to get his attention, a look, a simple word, a smile. Xavier couldn't explain why he made an exception for Daddy_Donut, as Duncan couldn't explain why he fell in love with this boy, spending astronomical sums just to watch him move. The comments of this client were less vulgar than the others, sweeter, more pleasant. He didn't just talk about his body, he noticed his outfits, his acting skills, the moments when he seemed sad, preoccupied or tired. So he agreed to communicate with him, first only writing, then via webcam, without this being sexual. They were just talking about their day, they got to know each other. Then they met in real life and they were unable to let go of the other. Or rather Duncan was unable to let him go. It didn't bother Xavier, who liked his dear Daddy who was taking care of him. There was just one problem.
           "I want you to stop."
           "Stop what ?"
           "You know very well."
There were a lot of arguments over Duncan's jealousy when he knew he was the only one who really owned him. The others had only a distant image. His lover did not seem to understand why he continued, when he was loved, pampered, that he had all the money he wanted, the gifts, the penthouse. Being maintained was fun, but it was not what Xavier wanted. He wanted to have fun, and he wanted Duncant to understand that.
           "Am I not enough for you ? Little brat..." he growled, lighting a cigarette, trying to get out of bed before Xavier held him by putting his arms around his neck.
           "You know it's not that. You know it. I'm not asking you to stop going to your stupid galas, where all these men and women flirt with you all evening."
           "It's not the same thing."
           "It is exactly the same."
           "I'm not naked, showing my dick to all the guests."
           "With your one hundred thousand dollar suit, for the rich people, it's even worse."
Despite all his efforts to convince him, reassure him, lighten the mood, Duncan continued to ask him to stop. Kindly, at first. Then with more insistence, at times when he knew that Xavier would have more difficulty refusing. Once, the website was hacked, and even if he couldn't prove it, he was certain it was Duncan. He asked him again and again, offering him luxury clothes, jewelry, more expensive things. Conversely, he ignored him for several hours, making him understand that he would only have his attention when he abandoned those of the others, but he always came back crawling, staying away from Xavier being too painful for him. He went beyond the limits by doing it while they were fucking and that he knew his lover was very vulnerable, totally submissive, wanting to please his Daddy.
           "Do you really want Daddy to be happy ? To be proud of you ?"
           "Yes... Yes Daddy." he moaned, stirring under him.
           "Would you do anything for Daddy ?"
           "Yes Daddy !"
           "So no more Fantasyxboys. You're my darling boy, mine only."
           "I... Duncan... No."
They argued more violently than usual that night. It was terrible for Xavier, because he was not yet completely out of his sub space, and he felt bad shouting on his Dom, who took care of him, who loved him and who was not satisfied by what he was doing, but he forced himself to continue, even if he cried like a child, to protect his rights.
           "I like to do this, okay ?! It's not a crime ! I'm not cheating on you ! You knew I was doing it, you know you're the only man I like ! Why don't you want to understand ?!"
           "I understand that I should be enough for you ! You would not like me to have fun with other people, even if nothing serious happens, it's normal that I'm jealous ! You don't need that ! You have me ! That's enough !"
           "You really are so... Uh !"
           "Dare to tell me it's not enough ?! My attention, my money ! Dare to tell me that you're not having fun with me ! And don't give me your excuse of the actor who trains. I can pay you the best acting lessons. It will always be better than taking the risk of someone finding these videos, if one day you become famous. No one likes to be searched in their past. Drugs, poverty, porn..."
           "You... Why are you talking to me about this ? You... Did you research me ?"
           "It was not very complicated." replied Duncan, even if he seemed a little embarrassed. "When we search, we find. I erased everything, but it proves that what you are doing is not..."
           "Get out. Now."
           "We're at my place."
           "I don't care ! Get out !"
Duncan understood why he was angry, he regretted doing this research, he would not have liked someone, especially someone he loved and trusted, to do this to him. Part of him was convinced it was for Xavier's sake, to protect him, to show him that he had to stop, but he knew it was just his possessive side that spoke. So he obeyed, leaving Xavier to cry alone, then not holding him when he left with his belongings. They did not speak for several weeks, but he attended all of his shows. His lover knew he was there, he saw Daddy_Donut's name displayed from the beginning to the end, but he didn't say anything. He didn't block him either. Hard to say what was worse, to be ignored or to be rejected. Several times he hesitated to give him money, that would have been vulgar. He didn't want to buy Xavier. Yes, he wanted him to be his, but not like that. He simply sent flowers to his home, with a card that said "I'm sorry, I screwed up", but nothing more, praying that he would forgive him. The day of his birthday, which his colleagues and his mother wished him quickly, too busy with other things, he waited impatiently for the moment when Xavier would connect. When his face, even if he wore a black silk mask to hide his identity, appeared on the screen, with his beautiful smile, Duncan was happy for the first time since he woke up. The smile quickly disappeared.
           "Why are you connected ?"
In the chat, the other customers asked what he was talking about, who he was talking to, if any of them had hurt him, but he ignored them.
           "You should be with your family. It's a special day today."
With trembling hands, Duncan wrote that he did not want to be with anyone else but him. That made Xavier smile a little.
           "Oh. You know, when you're with someone, you respect their choices. You don't delve into their past. You don't manipulate them and you accept everything."
Duncan sent that he understood, that he regretted and that he accepted. The Fantasyxboy's camera then stopped working, much to the chagrin of his clients and a few minutes later, Xavier jumped into his lover's arms, after running to his apartment. It took a little while, but their love regained its zeal. They found a compromise. Even if he preferred to touch him, Duncan would be Xavier's only client, who really liked filming himself too much, but who didn't really need an audience, whom he didn't see anyway. Duncan's comments and orders were sufficient. And teasing him, promising to do things to him or taking sensual poses when he couldn't enjoy them, was really fun. It was even more so when they met and his poor Daddy, frustrated and excited, punished him tenderly for everything he did to him, when they could always be in the same room.
           "I should tie you to the bed."
           "Oh, but, Daddy, where would be the fun ?" purred Xavier.
           "You brat."
           "I love you too Daddy."
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blankdblank · 4 years
We Didn’t Start
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@theincaprincess​ you requested We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel, and here it is. :D
“What are you wearing?” Your three week more than friend not quite boyfriend Mark chuckled out as you stepped out of the guest room of his two story mansion in LA. It was a twelve hour flight post connections when his private jet hit a couple storms you ended up having to finish the ride on a bus from the airport his supposed driver crew couldn’t find a clear path to around traffic.
“You said we were going to eat at your friend’s place.”
He chuckled again, “Seriously? That’s what you wear to get high in?” He asked with a shrug shifting his ratty hooded jersey over his sweats partially covering his thousand dollar designer sneakers. “Whatever floats your boat. We can take the jag, it’ll match your crimson.”
Lifting a finger you asked, “Get high?”
He nodded, “Ya, I’m traveling most of the year so when it’s me and the boys we light one up and just chill. Sean said he was bringing Linda so I thought you two could giggle out some girl talk between some passes.”
“I don’t do high.” You replied feeling the final tether of his supposed almost romance weekend that you had primped for when you are not normally a primper just to try and have this go better than your last disaster strong of dates.
“What do you mean? Just kick back have some fun.”
“That’s not fun for me. Do not tell me you flew me all the way out here so I could watch you and your buddies smoke a joint.”
“It’s what I do to chill, look I don’t need this.” He said swatting his hand on the air then pointed towards the door, “I’m going, you coming?”
“No.” You said halfway stunned in his demeanor and smooth stroll to the garage making you roll your eyes in his leaving your sight and turn back to your borrowed room.
The car fired up and peeled out of the drive and you muttered in pulling your phone from your clutch, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck you very much Mark for this colossal waste of time you giant string bean pot smoking half assed flashy head up his ass-,”
Across the screen your uncle’s contact page was pulled up and the number was dialing as you lifted the phone to your ear. “Gum ball, how are you sugar? Thought you were on a date.”
“Ugh,” you replied and his posture went rigid knowing how furious you were from your tone.
“How bad?”
“Twelve hours it took to fly out here, and all so he can invite me not to a dinner but to get high with him and his friends!”
“Where are you? Is he still there?”
“I said I wasn’t going to smoke with him so he left.”
“Give me his address I’ll have Benny pick you up. Our hotel is full but my buddy Reggie always has a room on standby. I’ll call you back gum ball. Just hang tight and try not to commit arson.”
“But it’s all so flammable,” you sighed out making him smirk in hanging up and you sat on the bed. Muttering, “Fuck you mark,” as you blocked his number on your phone you set on your lap starting to go through the ten pictures you had together in passing meetings at various hotels and events for work. Each one adding stickers of various characters from films into each one to blot him out.
A distant doorbell had you standing after your phone lit up with a message from your uncle that Benny had said he’d arrived at the house. Another drive later, post locking of his door you should have drawn a very insulting doodle or something to really get the point across that he should just drop dead after losing your number, and you were pulling up to one of the fanciest hotels you had seen in your life. Well beyond your budget that you had planned for a tiny bit of splurging on yourself but at the desk Reggie was there to enforce the fact that this was all on the house. The spacious hotel room complete with living and dining room off a tiny corner kitchen.
Still irritated beyond belief you decided some food would help. So off you went to search for food. On the street full of places to eat you would think that you might be able to get something to eat. However you would be wrong.
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Tapping a fingernail to the side of the glass your screwdriver you were nursing after having finished two to the tune of Tiny Dancer at the bar waiting for an availability in the half empty building claiming to sell food. Another sip of your drink later and a large body tried to slide between the stools bolted to the floor to get the attention of the bartender across the way trying to get the number of the blonde model on the other end of the bar trying to score something ‘fun’ of her own to take home. “I think you might need a D cup to get his attention.” You said in lifting your glass turning his head to look you over.
Forcing yourself to keep from chocking on your drink when you realized it was Jason Momoa now sitting down in the stool beside you sighing as the women across the way started to flash him smirks and finger waves even though his wedding ring was sparkling away on his left hand in clear view. “Can I say one thing? Completely respectfully?” His head shifted to catch your purple eyes that had his head turning more, “I have to say, your wife is stunning.” That had the stunned actor grinning widely as you looked forward again, repeating, “stunning.” You fell silent again and his grinning self looked to the bartender again only to nearly scowl seeing him turning more to lean fully across the bar to touch the woman’s necklace he was complimenting.
Grumbling back he replied, “I take it your date’s on the way.”
Lowering the glass you gave a rapid giggle making his brow arch up in his inspection of your clearly date ready appearance in prime date hours. “Trust me, I don’t want to spoil your night. I didn’t want to spoil mine, but clearly,” you said with hand gesturing at yourself cross legged on the tall stool trying to keep staring ahead and not at the reflection of the group of actors coming to join Jason. “You keep having a lovely night, one of us should.” You sighed out and his gaze shifted to his friends approaching him wondering who had distracted their friend from seeing if they could order some bottles of their wine to go.
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Will Smith came over alongside Henry Cavill, Margot Robbie and Gal Gadot from a fan event for the films they were promoting. The first in line, Will, asked with a smirk, “Did you forget the wine buddy?”
Jason gestured to the bartender and you repeated, “He doesn’t have double d’s.”
Gal giggled and Margot asked looking you over noticing you were on at least your second drink, “Were you stood up honey?”
In a glance at her you shook your head and said softly, “Apparently there’s no room. I’m on the list.”
Gal slid a bowl of nuts closer from in front of a distracted man behind her, “Maybe you should eat,”
You shook your head, “Allergic.” Back away from you she nudged the bowl and your eyes landed on Will to say, “Jada has fantastic legs.”
Instantly he smiled at you and Jason said, “My new friend here says my wife is stunning as well.”
“So stunning,” You muttered again turning your glass in a partial circle. “The both of you, wow, you have reached wow level.” Making the pair of women grin and than you complimenting you in return.
“Thank you, Apparently I’m not dressed for fun-,” you muttered out tapping your nail on the glass again you really wanted to throw at the bartender still bothering the woman across the bar.
Henry asked, “So no date then? I mean, you look, like you’re ready for a date.”
You shook your head and Jason said, “Apparently it would spoil our nights to know what happened.”
Margot asked with a pat on your hand resting on the bar, “Come on, tell us,” nodding her head to the bar, “We got time.”
Gal said, “Yes, I highly doubt you could spoil our night at all.”
“Mark,” you stated making the men’s brows inch up and the ladies settle onto the stools to your left leaning on the bar to settle in for the clear rollercoaster ahead giving Henry a clear view of you on the end of the bar to the right of Will and his creeping smirk. “I got invited out to spend the weekend out here, I’ve spent the past five months in mud and muck through storm after storm in my latest job off in Scotland, Ireland and Norway, pretty much anywhere you can find a body’s worth of mud and surprise sink holes to get stuck in for some body tearing Viking style battle cinematic master-, anyways, Mark calls me up. We’ve been talking online and texting for months now since we met back when he was supposed to do some slam, or something basketball charity related. Back and forth phone tag then three weeks back he passes over his schedule so we have a bite when we are in the same airport. Not even my boyfriend yet, never even brought up the word yet.
Will, “Mmm,” shaking his head, “Player.”
“What I thought, but hey, all my friends said, get back on the horse, so, date wouldn’t hurt. He calls me, ‘I’ll fly you out to my place up in the hills, come out, meet the guys they’ve been dying to meet my girl’,”
Will, “Girl’s a bad sign,”
“Again, horse.” You inhaled then said patting your hand on the bar, “Twelve hours, on a private jet-, I flew from Texas, twelve, hours,”
The men bit their lips to keep from chuckling at your momentary glare of into the distance and Gal asked, “How?”
“I don’t know, storm here, freak alarm going off, ended the trip with a bus ride that I could have just taken myself from the start and gotten there faster no doubt. Then there’s too much traffic to send a driver because he’s out running drills.”
Will, “Asshole,”
“I gets bigger,” I get there, huge place, grand tour, shows me the guest room says to go pamper myself after the long trip, apologies galore.” Again you tapped your fingers on the counter making Jason smirk behind you, “I took a shower, I blow dried my hair-,”
They eyed your full head of curls perfectly shaped into an elegant bun, and Will said along with Henry, “Oh no,”
“Oh yes, 45 minutes to just dry it, and that towel dry hair having head up his ass ball player is on the other side of the door in a ratty hooded jersey, sweats and his thousand dollar sneakers saying I’m not dressed for fun!”
Will’s mouth dropped open and Henry said, “Idiot,” while Margo said, “Screw him!” to Gal’s shaking her head, “Imbecile.”
“This,” you lifted your hands to do air quotes, “’dinner’, he invited me to with his friends wasn’t a dinner. His idea of fun is hanging out and lighting one up with his ‘boys’.”
Will shook his head, “Dumb ass.”
Pointing at your foot you stuck out you said, “I put on my look at my ass heels, I went strapless so I have a corset on, I had my brows shaped day before yesterday…That burns. Less than waxing, but still-,”
Margot patted your hand, “Guys just don’t get it,”
“I said I don’t smoke and he left me there. I call my uncle, he’s got no room but Reggie does, and Reggie said there’s places to eat all around the hotel, which I would assume at first glance one could theoretically eat here but then two hours later I’m still hungry and,” sharply you whistled sliding two fingers between your maroon stained lips turning the bartender, “Come here before I drag you over here.” Jason chuckled as you pointed at him, “You might not have a rack but you know you can’t ignore those eyes.”
The man hurried over and in a lifting tip of your drink to the woman mouthing a thanks in her dart away the bartender asked the group, “What can I get you?”
Jason said, “We were wondering if we could get three bottles of x to go?”
The man nodded, “Of course, right away,”
Then he glanced at Will as he said, “My man,” the man nodded in Will’s lean in, “If a woman leans away when you are talking to her, it means go away.” He nodded again and hurried off to get the wine and you finished off the watered down remainder of the drink.
Setting the drink down you said, “You know what, fuck this place, I can have a deep dish stuffed crust pizza at my room in half an hour guaranteed.” Turning on the stool the ladies straightened up as you added, “And I am ordering so many of those cookie cake pie things,” In a surprisingly graceful slide off the stool you added, “Breadsticks,” eyeing an order being taken to a table with a huge pasta dish, so many breadsticks.” Glancing over the group you said, “Have a lovely night,” pointing at Jason you said, “Stunning,” then to Will, “Fabulous legs, don’t forget that those lovely ladies could have pick of the pack.” Your eyes shifted to Henry saying, “I’m not sure if you’re married but I’m certain your mother must be gorgeous,”
Blushing in a slightly bashful grin after having eyed your full tempting self now upright, “Thank you.”
You nodded, “You are very much welcome, enjoy your wine,” looking to the ladies, “Ladies, you were phenomenal, and as I am lady crush tipsy I am gonna go, and summon some food.” Turned around you muttered, “Why would I ever think to find it here?”
Halfway to the door Margot followed you saying, “Tipsy and alone, she needs a pack,” Gal nodded and Jason said, “I’ll catch up,” Eyeing the man returning with the wine in a bag Jason pulled out his wallet as Will did the same to split the cost and hurry to join the group now gathered around you at the door.
“Hey,” you said to Gal in the loop of her arm around yours before your smirk to Margot when she did the same on your other side, “Headed my way?”
“Yes we are,” she answered back with a smirk of her own as you somehow steadily in a confident stroll to the left led the way to your hotel.
Just twenty feet away the wine wielding pair trotted up through the cameras snapping pictures of you all, a fact somehow absent from your focus while you eyed the next eatery on the block sighing out, “I bet they wouldn’t feed anyone either.”
Jason chuckled noticing Henry’s second inspection of your alluring figure strolling in front of him and asked, “Which hotel are you in?”
“Just up here, Reggie’s place.”
Will’s brows inched up as he asked, “Your friend owns Y?”
In a nod you glanced back at him, “Been in the family.”
Will, “I’ll say. How could they not feed you?”
You shrugged and said, “Maybe they know the seams in my thighs on my leather pants at work splitting. Revenge for how hard the wardrobe crew had to work just on me for five months.”
Gal, “Your thighs are fabulous.”
Tilting your head her way you said making her grin creep wider, “Oh I know that, but they do love to be meddlesome with my pants.”
Margot giggled and said, “It’s always the inseams.”
“Always,” Henry stated in Jason’s poke on his side making him look at his friend with brows lifted and a confused shrug only making the men beside him smirk at their single friend admiring their tipsy new friend they were escorting back.
Up into the lobby that’s doors were opened for you all by eager doormen nodding your way as you said, “Roger, Henry, snazzy as ever.”
“Welcome back Miss Pear.” Then greeted each of the group also staying here.
Straight to the elevator you went waving at Reggie behind the counter who had waved at you assuming you had a lovely time and made some new friends. Once inside you said, “What floor are you on?”
They all gave different numbers and Henry punched them in along with yours in the middle floors compared to their upper floor rooms and suites. Curiously Jason asked, “Pear? Interesting name, where did that come from?”
“Well, my first week in drama school and this group of guys was naming girls by the shape of their ass,” that had the men’s grins flinch and bodies shift instantly, “I walk by,” you bobbed your head, “How’s it going, Pear?” You tilted your head to the side, “I said that’s Miss Pear to you. Apparently in front of three of my professors, who spread the word to the others that that was my new name. Wanted to make a name for myself an, I certainly did.”
Gal, “I want to slap the guy in that but good for you.”
You shrugged, “They’re gonna stare, make up nicknames, why not take the power from them, besides, when I reach Dame Maggie Smith’ age I will have a lovely story to remind all the young whipper snappers about just how lovely my ass was they put the shape of it up in lights.” Jason started laughing smoothing a hand over his eyes as Will did the same in your stroll to the opening doors, flashing them a grin you said, “If you find the urge for some breadsticks or cookies I’m in room #, no promises on the pizza. Nighty night.” Henry simply chuckled and memorized the number he’d have a nice breakfast sent to in the morning to keep any hangovers away while debating himself if flowers or a fruit arrangement would be too much to add to the mix.
Humming to yourself Tiny Dancer you pulled out your phone from your clutch attached to the chord you’d wrapped around your wrist along with your room key once the doors closed behind you the first thing you did was open your pizza app to find the closest location. Hoping that the location would encourage them to assume you were a bigger name than you were, and that the hefty tip you would give might ease the sting of the disappointed delivery man. A swipe of the card and you bumped the door closed behind you post slip inside, locking the bolt once it closed out of habit when traveling alone. Straight to your couch you went filling the order you paid for and sent off with confirmation email received of payment and that your order was being prepped.
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Turning on the tv your eyes dropped to your brother’s face popping up on your phone in a picture of him making a face and holding a gun at a teacup and saucer from one of your favorite shows he had been in. After a few moments of your bopping along to his ring tone of ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire,’ you answered the call. “Bunny!” Through the line once you decided to answer and break his wait and not make him sit through the whole song that you could just listen to later.
“Hey Benny.”
“I heard you got stranded in LA? Uncle’s looking after you right?”
“Ya, he got me in Reggie’s place,”
At that he sighed in relief, “I’m so sorry, I just got off a full day flight and I would have arranged something had I known.”
“I know.”
“Mummy called.”
“I figured,”
“You are alright?” he asked in a concerned tone dropping his own bag on top of his hotel bed he plopped onto to remove his shoes putting you on speaker.
“I will be once I eat something. Honestly, two hours at a bar in a so called restaurant and nothing, reduced to my pizza app.”
Firmly he replied, “Put them on!”
You giggled, “I’m back at the hotel,”
He scoffed, “Nobody makes my CumberBunny go hungry! What’s the name?”
You giggled again, “I don’t need to sick a dragon on them Benny.”
“Two hours, you said two, and just who is this Arse who left you to go smoke with his reject friends?!”
“Just some guy named Mark, I blocked his number.”
“I’ll do more than block his number he tries to speak to my baby sister again!” Wider your smile crept as he ranted on about what he would do to the man once he found him and all his bigger friends he would bring with him glad to help in defending your honor. Questions of your plans for the mini trip paused for you to collect your food and tip the man there who instantly froze and called you by one of your character’s names and accepted an autograph you were glad to give before heading in to lift the phone again.
A wiggle out of your dress and into a baggy sweater and some shorts while the food cooled a bit and you unraveled your hair letting it hang in a loose braid you wove it into so it wouldn’t get into your food but freed the curls to expand to their usual unruly selves. Your table was covered and muting the show you had chosen you chatted until he had to head in for his interview he had flown out for. Promises to text you the following day came with shared sentiments of being eager to start work on the detective mini series you would be sharing the screen in since your last time when you were still little and an extra in a period piece he was in.
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
But when we are gone
Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on
On your feet between bites of your pizza dancing along to the song playing on your phone with arms swaying and snaking around you awkwardly between bops of your hips you sang along feeling your mood a million times lighter after talking to your brother and the rich spread on your table.
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it
Buzzing from your phone had you grumbling at the interruption to your jam. Lifting the phone you paused the song and smirked at following the notice bubble to one of your social pages saying that the group was now following you. Tagging their pages you snapped a picture of spread and typed, “Hello Lovelies. Since they wouldn’t seat me here I go. Offer’s still good on sharing.”
Once changed Margot did come down alongside Henry and Jason, who smiled seeing you grinning in seeing his wife Lisa with him fresh from a nap allowing him the public meal while she ate in the room enjoying her favorite show. Will came down later sharing his wife thanked you for the compliment and the now comfy jean and t shirt clad men settled with Margot in her pajamas saying Gal was upstairs sleeping for her early flight. Random pictures and empty boxes later and Jason’s head was tilted in your plop onto the couch after hugging Margot good night. Lisa followed his and Henry’s intense stares to ask the unspoken question, “Is that a boot print on your thigh?”
Turning your head you angled onto your side contorting in an arch twisting your leg behind you only to roll back onto your back propping up your legs again, “Yup. Should have seen it last week, sore as hell.”
Her brows pressed together, “You have a boot print, on your thigh.”
Inhaling sharply you said to Jason, “You know some fight moves, you can do this. My last fight scene, he’s my buddy, we’re fighting other people. He’s firing off arrows and then hears a guy creeping up on my blind spot while I am throwing daggers,” behind Jason while he glanced over his shoulder you demonstrated, “He’s supposed to kick a lever right here,” waving your hand at your side and you lifted your foot faking a kick to press into the back of his leg showing how you’d gotten the downwards boot print on your thigh, “But he missed. Oh it was bad, knee gave out, I squeaked, he started crying, it was a day after that. He’d already dislocated his shoulder falling off his horse twice and two more of the stunt guys fell through a wall, just one of those domino days.”
Will, “Looks bad.”
“Had worse. Just a bruise. Few days and I’ll be back to my marshmallowy self.”
Will popped out first with a call from home and Jason and Lisa slipped out at a reminder for their flight both hugging you leaving just Henry in his slip into your bathroom. Perhaps it was planned, and he did need a moment to gather his nerve for the move he was planning. Wetting his lips he left the bathroom smoothing his shirt down over his middle joining you in the living room. “Just me then,” he chuckled out making you grin at him from the arm of the couch you were sitting on.
“Did you want to be my friend?” His brows inched up and you said, “You mentioned pokemon go earlier,”
“Yes,” he answered with a grin bringing out his phone trying to push through his body’s urge to blush at mistaking your meaning of the question as he copied down your code to add you. The Magikarp hat and short short wearing figure made him smirk as you inspected his simple Eevie cap and all black pant and flannel shirt combo with finger gloves. The only paid accessory being his Gengar backpack. “I know my guy needs some wardrobe work, I’d just rather go play than spend hours in the shops like my nephew wants to on his.”
“Well, expect ample gifts from me.”
“Good. How long are you in town?”
“Well seeing as I was flown out here on a private jet I actually have to book a ticket back. I happen to be off work for a few weeks, but I could push it maybe, three days before I get bored of pizza.”
“I am leaving Tuesday, how about this, tomorrow I can show you a nice trail for a hike and we can stop for lunch after. I am busy for dinner with another event, the following night however I am free.”
“Is that an either or situation, or are you asking me to a hiking lunch and a dinner?”
“Both, If you’d like. And I promise, no waiting at the bar, and I will fully appreciate the effort you put into dressing up or down for both occasions.”
His hopeful grin crept out in your amused smirk, “Alright, you’ve sold me on both. And you’ve stepped back so I’ll let you make your escape.” You said standing to walk him to the door making him regret shifting his weight at all. Leaning against the wall there however at his lingering gaze over you the words just flowed out of you, “You’re lucky you’re all the way up there or you’d be in trouble with that grin of yours.”
Playfully he rumbled back, leaning forward with his hands crossed behind his back, “Oh really? And just what danger would I face down here?”
“I may just steal something you’d have to normally earn.”
Smirking at you he asked, “That would be?” The words tapered off at your lean in and lips planting on his. He wanted to lean in and deepen the kiss but he could taste the hint of liquor lingering on your lips and he had to wait to claim another. Only you beat him to that adding a second quicker peck and leaned back making his hands split apart to trail his fingertips across the bottom of your jaw in a clearly welcomed lean in. After a tender press of his lips to your cheek he hummed when his eyes caught yours, “Sleep well, be by at nine to fetch you for the hike, Miss Bunny.”
Through the door he walked and you sighed on the other side of the closed barrier mumbling to yourself, “I’m going hiking with Henry Cavill…Did not see that coming.” Locking the bolt on the door you turned for the tv you shut off only to turn on the one in your bedroom bringing a bottle of water to finish off hoping to stave off a hangover only to fall asleep with phone charging by your bed.
Knocks on your door had you groggily lifting your head from your pillow. To the door you walked palming your phone as your brother asked you to do when you were younger just in case you’d need it to call for help. “Room service,” sounded through the wood and you repeated the words to yourself in a whisper wondering if Reggie had sent it up only to open the door and let the man in to set it out on the table with another man entering with a bouquet of roses and lilies in a small vase. Grinning at it when the pair had left you found the small card that between your fingers was eased open revealing the simple note,
‘Good Morning Sunshine,
Hope you like pancakes.
“Hope you like pancakes,” you whispered to yourself smirking like an idiot, “Who doesn’t like pancakes?” Settling down into your seat you snapped a picture of the food and flowers nipping at your lip as you typed a message to your brother, ‘Henry sent me flowers and breakfast!’
The smiley face at the end of the message had your brother halfway across the world narrowing his eyes at the message and scrolling to his social page to tag Henry’s page simply writing, ‘I see you Superman.’ Just that tiny hinting at ominous message out of the blue had notifications racking up like wildfire and once he managed to cross paths with the bulky Brit oh the interrogation he would unleash on him for his intentions. A hike seemed innocent enough but he would be paying close attention for your responses to everything, especially after your dinner he had asked you to the following night.
A second knock came and you opened the door flashing a grin to the man you soberly recalled having kissed already even before the decided mini dates who was smiling at you brightly with a hint of anxiety to his posture and fidgeting fingers around the water bottles in his hands. “Thank you, for breakfast and the flowers.”
“Well I couldn’t take you out hiking without a proper breakfast. The flowers weren’t too much?”
You shook your head replying in a step into the hall allowing him to look you over in your Capri khaki’s and a loose t shirt and sneakers in neon matching your mismatched socks. “Not at all. Can’t say I’ve had a guy send me flowers outside of family or my brother’s friends.”
Extending his hand he passed you one of the water bottles that you accepted and joined him for the walk down to his rental car for the out of the way drive to an incredible hiking path ending in a wide loop around to a small diner perfect for a cozy lunch. Driving back he shared about the event he was off to for a charity keeping him from a second night with you in a row. All the press was listing your time with your new band of friends and somehow the innocent hike was taken as just that, two active celebs off to keep fit on scenic trail. Where Henry on one story was said to be missing his dog Kal making you giggle at the picture added only emphasizing how small you were compared to him.
Sighing in his entrance to the building past the line of cameras Henry glanced around and got to milling about with familiar faces through the displays up for auction before he went to find his seat. The auction went well and in the next stream of milling about through the entertainment portion of the night he leaned back in his chair wondering if he should send another breakfast your way or possibly pick up some cookies or something to bring for a possible dessert to share with you before heading up to bed.
Into the seat beside him Martin Freeman who flashed him a wide grin, “Henry, hello, enjoying the night?”
Tentatively he paused then replied, “Yes, are you?”
Martin tilted his head a moment, “Yes, even more so that I was able to find a seat near you open.”
“Really?” he asked in a slightly confused tone.
“I heard you sent Bunny Pear flowers.”
Henry’s brow twitched up a moment and he slid his hands higher on his legs asking, “How?”
“From her brother.”
“Her, brother. She told her brother?”
Martin nodded, “Yup, after hearing about her disaster start of a trip out here relatives were trying to see how they could fix it. What did you have planned next?” Through sharing the dinner plans for the following night he kept wondering just who your brother might be that he had such famous friends and Simon Pegg came to join in on the questioning including what his schedule was like in a few weeks or months and where he might be headed to next.
“Would it be too much to drop by with cookies after this?” Henry asked unable to keep the question to himself any longer.
Simon’s grin split wider saying, “Oranges,” Henry’s brow ticked up, “Take her some oranges, but you have to make it seem like you already had them for yourself. Always likes oranges but like some people share ice cream or popcorn she likes to share fruit.”
Martin said, “Partly her brother’s fault, used to bring over heaps of it with friends to visit her at home between jobs.”
Simon nodded, “Showed up at my place with a whole tub of melon slices she’d cut up. Sort of endearing really to be picked.” Questions lingered through the bit of the entertainment until the real owners of the seats around him came back and they all sat through the rest of the planned events and headed out.
One knock later and your door was opened again finding Henry holding up a bag of oranges, grinning as he said, “I bought too many. Up to help me out?”
Smirking up at him you asked, “Who ambushed you?”
He shrugged and said, “Why would ambush be your first thought?”
Nodding with a momentary purse of your lips you stepped aside letting him pass, “You’ll see.” Oranges led to cuddling and a timid string of kisses until a commercial especially loud had him checking the time.
Shirtless in an accepted sharing of your spacious bed brought on a sunrise triggered good morning kiss making you smirk as he asked, “How do you like a good scramble?” Turning your head you let out a sleepy giggle seeing him dialing for room service and drifted off into another nap he nestled up around you until the food arrived.
It was a lovely weekend, but work called and home you went while he was off for another. But with a spot on a detective mini series off to England he went, excited for the new project but mainly to be closer to you and this new job of your own. Not till the night before set table read did he realize on his freshly delivered script that your name was on it instantly splitting a wide smile across his face. Everyone was busy and still with just a couple dates under his belt timidly he joined the crowd refraining from charging across the room to claim a fiery kiss surely making the wrong sort of scene for his first day on this project. Turning his eyes from you through the crowd he flinched back a half step seeing Benedict Cumberbatch right next to him with his eyes narrowed, “Hello Henry.”
“Hello,” Benedict at the last few actors claiming their spots turned to head around the tables to claim the seat beside you leaving poor confused Henry to take his seat across from you flashing you a wave you returned across the way.
Halfway through however just before lunch break one of the producers sighed as the plot ebbed away from their hopeful choice of having yours and Benedict’s characters spending the night together after the continued snarky bickering relationship they would have. “And you’re still adamant you won’t do even a kiss scene together?”
You and Benedict pointed at one another, you said, “Brother,” while he said, “Sister.” The revelation washed over the woman realizing how you both slipped into the relationship so well and you already had such a good rapport. And Henry eyed the pair of you understanding the Superman post the other day and the publicly close group of friends coming to talk to him about you. Though with a family like yours he had to wonder why you didn’t use your real last name. 
Beginning from small bit roles into the classic period pieces building your strong footing until your big cash film when you had claimed last minute a male’s role in a film on a football club that you with your old teammates and competitors from your Uni days just tore a hole in the planned plays to make it all the more phenomenal as you held one of the most heart wrenching story arcs void of the usual female traps in scripts. Jokes were added hinting that you were supposed to be cast as a guy while the overall lack of care for who was meant to be Billy in the first place only added to your roles after. Strong roles bordering on ambiguous when it came to gender as you bridged the gap between the bulky guys around you and the most emotional of the women filling their trap filled roles to the T. You made it here somehow without letting on the pair of you were related to the public. 
The pride swelling in Henry’s chest compounded the more he looked at you building his anticipation to see just how this project would go and if there might be a spark between you and him woven into the script. Another pair of eyes landed on him and in meeting them that pride in his chest clenched realizing your narrow eyed brother was staring right back at him. Leaving just one thought in his mind, Holy Hell, he’s her brother. He might just get his wish for the on screen addition to their romance, but big brother would be watching.
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laila-rk · 5 years
Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit
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I will admit I went into Jojo Rabbit with reluctance and in an already bad mood. I was planning on watching Little Women which I was very excited for but didn't make it in time, so it kind of felt like 'settling' for another film already. When the film began I was annoyed when the blatant rip-off Moonrise Kingdom aesthetic that I had expected from the trailer came to fruition. I don't personally see why a director would desire to rip off another's aesthetic and how they could be so conspicuous about it, but hey ho. So the entire first forty minutes or so I will admit I spent sitting in my seat silently pissed off and trying to talk myself out of my terrible mood. The film did nothing to assist me in this task. I ended up actually having to tell myself to try to see the film from a child's perspective, because frankly I don't see how anyone beyond the age of about ten could really take much from this film. Other cinema goers didn't seem to have the same issue — seemingly every person in the theatre was in hysterics at all the really badly written, juvenile script/ jokes. I despair.
Where to begin really? Rebel Wilson manages to be unfunny throughout, with every line seeming to be delivered with too much surrounding silence as if in anticipation of audience laughter. It felt like Pitch Perfect and all the jokes fell flat. The lead boy (Roman Griffin Davis) is strangely angered throughout, without any real impetus. I don't assign any blame to the twelve year old actor for this, rather the script and character writing was really badly done. Sam Rockwell, though one of the better performers, seems to be a tacked on character with no real point beyond serving as a vague father-figure to fatherless Jojo and as a precautionary "not all Nazis were bad people" add on. Scarlett Johansson I frankly felt sorry for throughout.
Jojo is a young member of the Hitler Youth. He is sufficiently indoctrinated but is small and cowardly. Some older Nazi boys tell him to kill a rabbit and when he can't do it, they call him rabbit as a joke. But Jojo confides in his imaginary friend, Hitler, who tells him it's okay because he would have his people be comprised of all 'animals' so to speak — the courage of a panther, the cunning of a fox, something something... you know, because Hitler was well into diversity. None of this matters though, because where the film is set up initially at the Hitler Youth training camp, and we feel as though we are in for a long slog of trying not to detect Wes Anderson's Fort Lebanon in this camp, the film bizarrely turns into another film when it randomly changes its mind and decides to set itself largely in the boy's home. It feels very much like the opening is from another movie and just stitched on the beginning.
Actually, despite the Wes-rip off, I would've preferred it to remain at Not-Camp-Ivanhoe, because what it turns into is Boy in the Striped Pyjamas meets Tracy Beaker. It has all the cheap tactlessness of a BBC film, including cheap looking costumes and predictable cinematography. There's a bit where Johansson tells Jojo (her son) that love feels like butterflies and soon after we get a camera pan down to Jojo's stomach where, yes, cgi butterflies reside. It felt like that bit where you go inside Tracy Beaker's head and see her 'famous' mum stepping out of a limo. It was embarrassing to watch.
Jojo falls in love with a Jewish girl, which feels like an unnecessary thread of the story, partly because it seems to be assuming the audience is also in the Hitler Youth and needs teaching that Jewish people do not in fact have horns and hang upside down like bats — actual line from the film— and partly because the girl is established as a stand-in for Jojo's dead sister. So that's weird.
Scarlett Johansson has to try to carry a scene off in which she impersonates Jojo's father who is said to be fighting in the war and has been absent for two years, therefore suspected as a deserter. Johansson awkwardly smears her face with ash from the fireplace and with this 'beard', begins to mimic Jojo's dad in such a way as to paint him as some kind of angry drunk, or rather just a stereotype of a 40s German father? We aren't sure. There's a lot of horrible awkward dancing in this scene and throughout, because Jojo's mum equates dancing to freedom and... well, that's about as profound as the film manages to get. The scene is really hard to watch and it just feels like the camera remains too long on an actress who isn't totally convinced of her role, and who could blame her really when the script is so embarrassingly flimsy?
The Hitler character, played by director Taika Waititi, has his moments. The performance is flamboyant and self-deprecating which does make for the occasional funny moment, in particular a part where he feigns confusion at public perception of himself as a 'psycho' as if he has no idea why this would be. The problem is that this should have been woven throughout and actually the film strays from this character too much in favour of following the Jewish girl who Jojo's mother has been hiding. This doesn't work because for some unknown reason, the girl is made to be frankly a smug brat. I'm not sure if this was in some kind of attempt to imbue the character with some form of liberation (she immediately grabs the Nazi boy and physically shoves him around a lot). It doesn't really come across as liberated though, if anything it makes it hard to empathise with the character as she behaves like a robot. She just comes across as an unbearable character who seems to have literally zero gratitude for the person who has been hiding and feeding her. That's not to say the Jewish character doesn't have EVERYTHING to be angry about, but human nature does dictate that one might be a little more emotionally nuanced and experience small moments of joy when everything else is bad. Instead, Elsa is perpetually angry to the point of essentially bullying the German child who is far younger and smaller than herself. This might make sense if she was even awarded some kind of emotional liberation at the end beyond her predictable escape when the war ends, but all she is permitted to do is another stupid dance on the doorstep (signifying Jojo's mother's idea of freedom, not even her own).
The film's redeeming quality is actually the performance by Archi Yates as Yorki, unfortunately perpetually referred to as 'the fat kid', as if that's a funny enough line to repeat throughout. His performance is naive (the actor is eleven years old), but it works because his timing is great and he delivers the lines as if he is familiar with the intended style of comedy; he actually delivers his lines with wit, where all the adult actors around him fail. He also seems to speak with a British accent where everyone else flits between a half baked German accent and their own real accent, which in between seems to fall into some kind of Welsh accent. Just do the German accent properly or don't bother with it! A scene in which Stephen Merchant arrives as Gestapo begins with a lot of 'Heil Hitlers' and ends with Merchant seeming to forget what he's doing and falling into his usual west country voice.
I don't have much else to write about this film because it's not enjoyable to bang on about the bad qualities of a movie and I do think there is something to be said for the director/writer's bravery in making a film about Hitler as a boy's imaginary friend.
I think the film would've been better off with less of a comedy vibe and by following in real earnest the experience of a member of the Hitler Youth; what his psyche would've been. Unfortunately the film is too babyish for any adult (Dukes at Komedia crowd notwithstanding), which means it is really only funny to kids, and I'm not sure what it does for a child without real prior knowledge of Hitler's Germany. The termination of the boy's friendship with Adolf manifests in his literally kicking Adolf out the window and telling him to 'fuck off', but actually this doesn't do much to negate the established charm/ charisma of the Hitler character. You don't ever really get that sense of revenge or satisfaction at Hitler's expense, if anything you feel a bit sorry for the neurotic clown incarnation of Adolf, who after all is a figment of the boy's imagination. I don't demand any kind of moral lesson from art, but it would seem that this film would be obligated to contain one, and yet it remains dubious as to what it even is... are we allowed to like this Hitler character? Are we even happy when he's gone? Wasn't he the only funny thing about the film?
The movie ends with the Rainer Maria Rilke quote “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. / Just keep going. No feeling is final.” Which left me with the final reflection that indeed I did have to let this film happen to me and was rewarded with the beauty of the final credits rolling and the liberating sensation of being able to leave the cinema to go get pizza.
Sadly this film immediately goes to the bottom of my Oscars nomination list (nominated for Best Picture. Ouch!). Interesting to note that Ra Vincent of LOTR/ The Hobbit fame (anyone else watch all those making ofs?) did the production design for this film. At least his name in the credits left me with some feeling of warmth towards it.
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y-ildthoughts · 4 years
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So now that the series has come to an end, I feel like I should summarize my feelings about WHY R U? the series, because honestly there are a lot of them.
When I heard the initial premise, I was very excited, a series about the fantasy story of a BL fan girl! It seemed like an original idea with a lot of potential for different narratives. A new way for fan girls to be satisfied; seeing their imaginations played out on screen as part of the script, and not just as fan service or in a fan fiction.
When the cast was announced I'll be the first to admit I didn't know any of the other actors apart from Saint. However, the lure of Saint in another BL role was more than enough to persuade me to anticipate the series. His previous role in LBC was carried out superbly. In fact, I learnt that the accent he put used for that series (which annoyed me greatly as a viewer initially) was an artistic choice for that character specifically, which makes me respect him as an actor even more.
By the end of the first episode, I was left with some rather conflicting opinions. Nevertheless, I continued to watch, episode by episode and have finally come to some sort of conclusion. It's a rather messy and confusing thought process but hopefully you can bear with me.
At first, I was off put by the jumpy plot, the narrative follows the characters along at the pace of a fan fiction, with little to no filler to explain how characters go from to enemies to friends in a single leap. The argument I've heard raised against this is that it's -meant- to be like that. Which I can appreciate, and I applaud the writers for their work, but I also think there's a reason that rarely if ever books are directly translated to screen in that manner.
However, I will say that once the relationships between characters- mostly Saifah and Zon - had settled that this style of plot development bothered me less and less and instead I found myself egging on the romantic tropes the two encountered.
As I've said I previously hadn't encountered any of the other actors before but now that I've watched the whole series, I have to say that they put together a really great cast. It's actually also a rather large cast I think, so I'll try to mention the actors that really stood out for me, but I don't think I can write about everyone.
Starting with the main cast:
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Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol plays Zon, and although this was not his first professional work it is arguably his biggest project to date. I think he plays the character very well. There is a sudden change in his character from stubborn to endearing; but this comes with the change in equilibrium of his relationship with Saifah and is therefore understandable.  Overall, I really enjoyed this character's journey and especially fell in love with his soft boi persona that he has adapted to by the end of the series.
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For his first ever professional works Jimmy Karn Kritsanaphan did a really well to undertake such a big role as Saifah. That being said, the characters integrality within the plot was not reflected equally to his time on the screen.  It could be due to the point of view that the series is shot from - predominantly Zon and Tutor's- that we don't get to see this character’s development in greater detail.
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Zee Pruk Panich and Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana play Fighter and Tutor respectively. I mention these two actors together because putting the more adult scenes aside, these two actors show such great chemistry and tension between their characters, there's a real push-and- pull between them which I think really draws you into their storyline. Also, I think they really deserve recognition for the "hard carry" they did of the series' last few episodes after the corona virus outbreak.
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As is typical of Thai BL series due to their nature, I feel that female actresses in these series have to work especially hard to gain recognition for their roles beyond being hated for keeping a male couple apart. Refreshingly in this series Zol played by Perth Veerinsara Tangkitsuvanich has a rather neutral yet involved role in the narrative. She particularly shines in giving a comical and expressive performance whilst maintaining verisimilitude. The other stand out female actress from this series for me is Janistar Phomphadungcheep who plays Hwahwa, is obviously gorgeous, and part of her role is dependent on that. More than that though she executes Hwahwa's brand of "dumb" comedy hilariously well, so well in fact that she easily defies the typical reaction that a female love interest ensues.
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And finally, without going into too much detail I also have to give special mentions to Nat Natasitt Uareksit who plays Blue, Poppy Ratchapong Anomakiti playing Junior and James Rusameekae Fagerlund as Kae. Throughout the series these three actors all had what have to be considered scene stealing moments.
Maybe it's just me but all I found myself wanting to do was to protect Blue from his older love interests, as his sweet demeanour is revealed. Junior's "waterfall" moment upon seeing the engineer gang in the cafeteria in episode one really set the president for his comedic moments throughout the series, as rare as they were. P'Kae is the boss we all wish we had, and his protective streak when it comes to Tutor has definitely earned him a place as a fan favourite from the series.
One of the biggest talking points of the series has got to be its method of shooting and how that has affected the entire production. The production was shot live, meaning that each episode was shot and edited before it was released for broadcast each week, with the exception of some scenes. To shoot live requires quite the commitment from both cast and crew, it's also an incredibly risky method of shooting as any number of unforeseen circumstances can occur and interrupt shooting which has a direct effect on the entire production. Hence why live shooting is less common nowadays. However, the team definitely deserves credit for this decision as without the corona virus outbreak I think that this method would have benefitted the production overall.
That being said unfortunately the outbreak has forced many productions to shut down, and of course this has negatively affected the production of this series too, possibly more so than others that are in production stages currently. As such more casual fans of the series that may be unaware of the situation, and therefore not understand the reasoning behind the shift of focus from around episode eight and nine when the virus began to affect production. When in actuality the team should really be applauded for managing to still broadcast such coherent episodes under the circumstances.
Is it a perfect ending to the series; with a broad oversight of each character, couple and relationship that the viewer may desire? No, I would regretfully say that it doesn't manage to reach these criteria, but it makes a damn good effort to try, and this valiant effort is spearheaded by what should be categorized as a FighTor fan's dream. Endless scenes of the two characters exploring the more intimate side of their relationship. Which is actually a rather fitting filler for the series considering it is meant to be a fan girl dream story. So without these scenes I'm not sure that the series stands up with the  storyline as it is. However, this doesn't and shouldn't distract at all from the stellar acting performances that we've seen from this series.
So, congratulations if you've managed to make it this far and read the whole review, my thoughts on the series were decipherable enough through the review, I hope.
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you look pretty, too.
first off: spider-man: far from home is a lot of fun. much like the end of homecoming, it left me feeling warm and happy and already making plans to watch it another time. it doesn’t hang together quite as well or quite as coherently as homecoming, but it takes more risks and displays more ambition, and honestly, how could i not appreciate that? 
far from home is absolutely FANTASTIC as another chapter in the mcu saga, much more so than any other film in the series (bar homecoming). it gives a great ground-level perspective on all the mind-bending cosmic shit that goes on in the other movies and does a fair bit of world-building. because it’s so interlocked so organically with a larger narrative, it serves to both bolster that larger vision and provide snide commentary on it. there are so many wonderful moments in this film that deal with the extremely bloated and extremely complicated legacy of iron man, and one gets the feeling that, even by the end of the film, spider-man hasn’t completely shaken off the spectre of tony stark. 
maybe because far from home functions so well as an episode of the mcu, spider-man doesn’t get to own even his most heroic moments. there’s still nothing here that i can brand as Iconic on the scale of some of the most memorable shit from other entries in the franchise. it also means that there are so many extra-textual pressures from so many directions on this movie, that the writing often comes off as sloppy.
anyway. i have a veritable fucking dissertation brewing in my head right now, so let’s get right on it.
SPOILERS ahead. if you’re on a device/app that doesn’t recognise the ‘read more’ cut i’m about to insert here and don’t want to be spoiled on basically every aspect of the film, please scroll past as fast as you can.
1. sorry to start off with a bummer, but the premise of this movie is bullshit. i see no reason why this whole shebang couldn’t have been set in new york. there could’ve been more time to deal with endgame-aftermath, we could’ve had more aunt may (criminally underused both here and in homecoming), and peter’s emotional arc could’ve had more set-up. the european locales contribute nothing beyond being pretty backdrops; all of the vital players in the story are american; a lot of the jokes revolving around them being tourists just. don’t. land.
1.25. i appreciate the impulse to be Different given how many Spidermen have appeared on screen just in the last couple of decades, but the european setting is wholly incidental to the plot and wastes valuable time, so.
1.5. apparently a fair bit of footage setting up the vacation was cut so that we could get into the action faster? but honestly, regardless of pacing, the vacation could’ve used some set-up; the jump straight to the holiday was jarring, and i can’t help but feel some vital foreshadowing regarding peter’s spidey sense was sacrificed as collateral. that wonderful moment in the climactic fight when peter realises he can trust his spidey sense to work around mysterio’s illusions feels like the end-point of an arc that never began in the first place.
2. honestly, what a genius way to work in somebody as goofy as mysterio, tho!
2.25. *flails* ok. a little digression here, because my love for this character needs actual build-up, and the build-up needs to start with how much i disliked captain america: civil war. there’s an intriguing ideological conflict that’s set up at the core of the movie that never gets followed-up in any meaningful sense and ends in a facile little brawl between two sets of superheroes who, in any case, are way, way too close to the situation to give us any interesting insights about it. what the two spider-man movies have ended up doing, however, is giving us actual glimpses of the legacy of having superheroes at all instead of just talking about it. the vulture swooped in on the carnage left behind every battle between the avengers and civil war, selling alien tech to anybody who would pay for it, from small-time weapons dealers to desperate people looking to arm themselves in a world that experiences cataclysms every other week to shady-ass governments and secret agencies. a lot of silent and potentially catastrophic damage has already been inflicted by the time spider-man takes him down. similarly, mysterio zooms in during a particularly vulnerable time, playing a world both ravaged and rebuilt by ineffable cosmic forces to build himself up through fancy smoke-and-mirrors work. as always, mcu’s spider-man delights me over and over again with just how organically it both manages to feed off and enrich this larger universe it belongs to.
2.5. mysterio talking about how people these days tend to believe flying people in capes more than technology used in more traditional ways--about how people would believe anything these days--is a bit of snide commentary on the state of the mcu itself and perhaps the world in general. there are now more and more ways to construct narratives and bend lies into almost-truths. social media, ‘deepfakes’, clever editing: you can build yourself into whatever you want the world to see you as if you just have access to the right tools. and it isn’t just mysterio that’s indulging in deception here--so are the ‘good guys’. nick fury getting skrulls to impersonate him and other shield agents to handle missions on earth is a quieter, more insidious kind of unsettling. it’s a mode of deception that is so much more complete and effective than mysterio could ever dream of achieving: you are being lied to by your enemy, but perhaps it is the lies that are being told in the name of your protection that you must be truly wary of.
2.65. quentin beck walking around in a cgi suit while orchestrating and editing big, fake spectacles where a cgi-ed mysterio fights a cgi-ed monster? fucking. brilliant. i thought i would crawl out of my own skin with how fucking meta that was.
2.75. mysterio’s motivations aren’t entirely clear and his ‘toast’ to his team midway through the movie is one of the cheesiest infodumps i’ve seen on film, but jake gyllenhaal makes it all fucking work. there’s a seething, manic energy just bubbling under the surface, and he puts it to brilliant use. he had me totally sold on both his intent to kill peter dead and his grudging affection for the kid. few actors could’ve pulled this off like jake gylly.
3. aah, tony stark. we see iron man’s face multiple times through the movie, to the point where it’s less a tribute to the man and more a depiction of a spectre that’s haunting peter parker wherever he goes. he looms so large that honestly it seems like peter’s biggest battle here is fighting his legacy as iron man’s protege. 
while ensemble films like civil war and the avengers movies were content to let the tony/peter mentor/mentee relationship play out without bothering to interrogate it at all, having tony stark so integral to this universe’s peter parker’s origin story is something the solo spider-man movies have to grapple with. there was always going to be tension between tony’s sweeping, big-picture perspective and peter’s focus on being a friendly, neighbourhood hero; between tony as a symbol of the corporate elite and peter being relatable to the everyday, common man; between iron man in his ivory tower and peter painstakingly cutting holes in a sweatshirt in an apartment in Queens. both of spidey’s supervillains so far are born out of tony’s actions--and not even through a deliberate misstep, like creating ultron or trusting secretary ross. they are born out of callous indifference--people who fell to the wayside as tony stark’s corporate behemoth pushed on, oblivious. both toomes’ and beck’s anger is justified, even if what they choose to do with that anger is not. 
even when it comes to peter, tony is spot-on in his judgment of peter’s potential, sure, but there’s something awfully... glib in the way he thinks about peter’s life outside of being spider-man. bequeathing him EDITH is a shockingly irresponsible thing to do--and the decision nearly kills both peter and his friends multiple times! i know the saying goes, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’, but as mature as peter is, i don’t think anybody ought to be solely responsible for controlling a super-advanced AI that can summon drones and engage an entire planetary defence system. it’s bonkers, and something i absolutely believe tony stark would do.
so, yes--both homecoming and far from home have no choice but to deal with iron man’s legacy, but they also do a good job in showing how complicated that legacy is. another thing that the solo movies have to contend with from the ensemble films is the clear love and respect tony and peter have for each other--if in civil war peter was utterly starstruck, by infinity war and endgame he’d begun to see tony as a father-figure. their relationship struck among the most resonant emotional chords in both movies, and it would have been near-impossible to have peter interrogate his relationship with his just-deceased mentor in the light of all of that. so while the actual movies complicate and darken tony’s legacy, peter never gets to acknowledge any part of it, which is a pity.
(having iron man appear as an actual zombie in peter’s trippy mysterio-induced vision was a great touch, tho: the words ‘next iron man’ followed him through the movie not as a privilege but as a noose cinching closer and closer around his neck)
3.5. all of this aside, tho, i do feel like something vital about spider-man was lost forever when, lost and hurting and alone, peter could summon a private jet and build himself a new suit in tony’s fancy 3d printer. i realised when i was watching this that i’d been expecting peter to fashion a plan entirely out of his own ingenuity and determination, but this peter... has all of stark industries on call. 
4. tom holland’s peter is as charming as ever and i hope he gets to play him for as long as possible--it really does feel like peter’s still in the beginning stages of a very long and fruitful arc. here he’s traumatised and exhausted, pulled by the allure of avengers-level fame and pushed away by the burden and trauma that being an avenger truly entails. he’s wide-eyed and wholly likeable when he’s chilling with his friends or pining after mj, but his bone-deep exhaustion and grief and guilt shine through the cracks in his veneer at exactly the right moments. peter’s put through the wringer here, both emotionally and physically--and holland plays it all perfectly.
given how much is going on in this film, a surprising amount of time is devoted to peter and mj’s budding romance? and almost every second of it absolutely works?? their sweet, tentative kiss on the bridge after the climactic fight feels absolutely 100% earned, and i’m HERE to see them grow as a couple.
5. the fucking mid-credits scene, man. the entire theatre gasped as one, followed by excited chatter and scattered ‘oh my god’s as the end-credits rolled--i’ve never seen anything like it. this is an incredibly bold new direction for spider-man, and it hit me absolutely out of left-field. i can’t wait to see what happens next.
6. honestly, i could go on for longer, but i’m super-tired rn and need to re-organise my thoughts. ultimately far from home is a fascinating consequence of the burden of both extra and intra-textual legacies--funny, wild, and imaginative, but always aware that it can’t run too far away from all of its responsibilities.
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padfootagain · 6 years
Singles Will Be Paired (II)
Part 2 : Ugly Sweaters
Here's the second part of my series for Ben! Again, this is very cute! I hope you all like it!
Gif not mine
Word Count : 2734
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You and Ben opted for hot dogs instead of sitting for a full meal. You kept on walking through the magical streets, eating and laughing. In the middle of the main lane, the snow had melted under the steps of all the visitors, only the borders and corners of the streets were still covered in white. You marvelled at the many decorations suspended through the passages, and the tall Christmas tree visible in the distance. People were taking pictures with the costumed characters of Mickey and his friends.
This charming stranger who had volunteered to be your partner for the rest of the day in Disneyland was wearing his funny Christmas hat again. A red series of 'Ho Ho Ho' was sewed in the white fur that decorated the red hat. You couldn't help but smile at the sight, and Ben noticed your amused gaze.
"What? You don't like my hat?"
"It's both adorable and ridiculous," you chuckled.
"Goes well with the scenery!"
"Why… you don't like Disney and you came to Disneyland?"
He laughed.
"I love it. It's magical. And I'm all for feeling like a kid all over again."
"You're not a cynical guy?"
"Not at all."
"Good! I would have broken our contract if you were a killing-joy!"
"I love Christmas," he went on. "I'm coming home to spend Christmas' Eve with my family."
"Are you staying in Paris until then?"
"I am," he nodded. "My brother was supposed to accompany me, but he fell in the stairs a week ago and broke his leg. He can't walk, and we reckoned that it wasn't the best idea to come here, but he insisted that I shouldn't waste my holidays."
"Same for my friend, she almost forced me in this plane!"
"I have to admit that I'm quite grateful that he insisted. I'm having a great time."
"Me too."
You exchanged a smile, passing before a couple of shops that sold tons of souvenirs.
"What's your favourite Disney movie?" you asked Ben out of the blue.
He shrugged, before narrowing his eyes a little.
"I can't choose just one, that is such a cruel question! The Jungle Book is great though… perhaps that one… but I don't know…"
"I understand you," you chuckled.
"Do you have a favourite?"
"Mary Poppins, I think."
He rolled his eyes.
"Of course if you bring up a cinematographic masterpiece into the fray, how can I compete?" he joked, making you laugh.
You started humming softly A Spoonful Of Sugar, and Ben soon joined you. You kept on walking and humming for a while, finishing your meal and walking through the magical little village. You explored Alice's labyrinth before walking towards more roller coasters. And by the time you were joining another queue together, you were either laughing thanks to his jokes, either humming tunes that had followed you through your childhood.
And you had to admit that it was a very lovely afternoon that you spent with Ben. The more time flew by, the better you felt by his side, and the more you wanted this day to never end…
But eventually, the sun started to sink beyond the horizon, and lights were alit throughout the park and gave another magical touch to the whole place. Something even more magical, as lights shining through darkness always brought the brightest thoughts and hopes, after all. And right before Christmas, lights were brighter than ever…
You walked back towards the entrance of the park in a slow pace, almost reluctant, and by your side, Ben didn't seem willing to quicken his steps. So, to make the day a little longer, you decided to have a hot chocolate before heading back to your lonely hotel rooms. The warm beverage was more than welcome with the cold weather outside. By then, you and Ben had shared a few personal details about each other, and when you had finally recognized him as an actor, you had become curious to know how the world of movie-making worked. So while you drank your hot chocolate, the conversation drifted towards cinema and Ben shared with you many funny stories he had lived on set.
"Don't laugh at me, it was scary!" he protested as you doubled with laughter.
"You're hilarious!" you managed to say between two waves of laughter.
Ben's cheeks took a redder shade and you knew that it wasn't because he was laughing too.
"I don't know if it's meant as a compliment or you're just mocking me," he joked.
"A compliment."
You kept on laughing but Ben slowly went quiet, merely staring at you. A smile lingered on his lips as he listened to your laughter, and he couldn't help but feel happier at the sound. He studied your features more in detail, and his smile grew fonder. Yes, you were definitely… charming. He wondered if you would accept to see him again once this day was over and you didn't need him to get a ride in roller coasters anymore. Perhaps… he could convince you to keep this arrangement of yours for the next day.
Behind you, a family was settling at a table, and two of the children seemed particularly… excited. They were running around the table and didn't seem to care at all about their parents' warnings. Instead, they were playing loudly and laughing as they ran.
You finally grew quiet again, taking a sip of your hot beverage, while Ben was gathering his courage and taking a deep breath, before diving.
"Y/N… I was wondering…"
His voice was shy all of a sudden, he was stuttering a little again, and you gave him a reassuring smile, silently inviting him to continue. But he didn't have the occasion.
As you rose your cup to your lips again, the children behind you accidentally pushed you quite roughly as they ran too fast, and you spilled hot chocolate all over your pullover…
You gasped, your eyes growing round as you watched the large brown stain left on your jumper, and you cursed under your breath.
Ben winced as he handed you his napkin.
"I'm not sure you can clean that up," he told you with a shrug.
"Brilliant," you mumbled angrily. "I'll be back in a sec."
You walked to the bathroom and tried to clean up this mess, but indeed, no matter how hard you tried to get rid of that chocolate, a large brown stain remained impregnated in the fabric. You heaved a frustrated sigh before going back to Ben's table. You let yourself fall back on your chair.
"I only brought one more sweater with me, and it's not as warm as this one," you told him. "Perhaps I should buy another one. That'll make me a souvenir."
Ben chuckled, before enthusiastically nodding.
"Let's go then! Before you catch a cold with that wet sweater!"
He stood up and gave you a bright smile. Looking for a jumper still meant making one more activity with you, and it might be the last time he saw you… as long as he could be with you for a little longer, he was up for anything.
And if at first you had been annoyed by the idea of searching for a sweater, now that Ben was coming with you, you were rather keen to the idea… After all, you didn't know if he would want to see you again once you would have walked out of this place tonight.
"Doesn't that bother you to come with me?" you asked him rather shyly, but he answered with a warm smile.
"Not at all! Anyway, it's not as if I had better things to do! It's that or watching crappy TV on my own, so…"
You chuckled, but stood up too, paying for your drink and following Ben to the door.
You walked down the main lane towards a shop, and once again, you welcomed the warmth inside. The shop in itself was richly decorated for Christmas as well, and many children were running here and there, excited smile on their faces. The air smelt like gingerbread and oranges. Everything felt like Christmas and magic…
You walked through the shop in search for Disney sweaters, and when you finally found some, you had to admit that you were rather disappointed.
They all looked rather ridiculous. At least, the ones available in adult sizes were. You were terribly jealous of that lightly purple sweater with a beautiful decoration reading 'May the Force be with you' on it. Instead… you were stuck with a sweater with the head of Pluto making a very weird face. Not that you had anything against the yellow dog, but the sweater was just ugly…
Ben hummed by your side, frowning hard.
"Looks like you won't have much of a choice," he sighed.
"I feel terrible for these poor characters to be on such ugly sweaters…"
Ben laughed, but had to admit that you were right.
"I'll look utterly ridiculous," you moaned.
"Come on, it's not so bad!"
You rose an eyebrow in surprise, before picking up a fuchsia sweater with a Mickey Mouse head upon it that looked like he was having a heart attack, and you pressed it against your torso to show him how you would look like in it. And he couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah… that's terrible," he nodded.
"Poor me," you dramatically groaned.
He gave you a bright smile, a mischievous glint alit in his eyes.
"Well, if you are doomed and have to look ridiculous for the rest of your trip, then I'll help you feeling better!" he offered.
"And how do you intend to do that?" you asked back with an amused smile.
"I'll buy the ugliest sweater I can find too," he answered matter-of-factly.
You exploded with laughter.
"No, I can't let you bring this on yourself, Ben! That's very generous, but that's too terrible!"
"I won't let you feel miserable about yourself. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time people laugh at me. Being an actor, I came at peace with that idea a long time ago."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am! But then, we need to find the most hideous ones…"
He looked through the sweaters and picked up an ugly green one with Pluto wearing a santa hat and making a very weird face that was supposed to look like he was happy, but looked more like he was a psychopath and was about to try to kill you…
"That will go with my hat, don't you think?" he asked with a laugh.
He chose the right size, before trying it on and putting his one Christmas hat as well. You couldn't help but laugh.
"You look dashing!" you laughed.
"I know," he nodded, unable to stop a smile to cross his face. "Which one do you pick?"
You looked at the fuchsia sweater you were still holding.
"I guess that one is horrid enough, don't you think?" you smiled at him.
"Good choice," he nodded, taking off the sweater and the hat again.
You chuckled, looking fondly at Ben, and you didn't think about the words you spoke as they passed your lips.
"You're one of a kind, Ben. You really are adorable."
His cheeks and ears turned crimson in the blink of an eye, and he clumsily ran a hand through his jet-black hair.
"What would your boyfriend say if he heard you compliment another guy like that," he joked his way out.
But your voice was more serious as you replied.
"I don't have a boyfriend, so we're in the clear."
You intensely stared at each other for a moment, and you lost yourself in his dark brown eyes. You studied their colour for a while, feeling like the whole universe had shrunk around you. And for a while, there was nothing but these two dark eyes in the whole world. You realized that they came closer to you, but didn't make a movement to walk away again. Instead, you took a step towards them as well. Only when you could feel Ben's nearness did you finally realize how close he now was to you. He didn't try to lean down towards your lips, although you saw his eyes jump down to settle upon them for a moment. He gave you a warm smile instead, and your heart skipped a beat. You noticed that his breathing wasn't quite even anymore, and your own breath matched his. It felt like being under some kind of spell that prevented you from looking away, from moving away… or for even wanting to do so. But you barely knew him, how could you share that kind of moment already?
You forced yourself to look away, and it seemed that you needed such an amount of strength to finally tear your eyes away from his face.
Eventually, you cleared your throat and proposed to go paying for the sweaters. Ben followed you without a word, but with a smile and flushed cheeks.
Now having a very ugly pair of sweaters, you and Ben both walked back into the cold of winter, slowly advancing towards the gates of the park. A comfortable silence had settled between the two of you, but you hadn't made proper eye-contact since that moment you had shared in the shop. You didn't feel uncomfortable around him because of it though, just… apprehensive. You were just a little scared that you would never see him again.
And Ben didn't dare to speak. He was scared that you would never want to see him again after tonight. He felt angry against himself for letting himself be drown to you so easily. He shouldn't have walked so close to you. What had happened in his head?!
You had happened. It was pretty clear. He just couldn't help it, the way he felt attracted towards you, as a comet pulled by gravity towards a sun.
You reached the large gates and walked out, still in silence, until it was time for you to part and go back to your hotel rooms. Ben waited for you to speak first.
"Well… thank you for today. It was great," you shyly smiled.
"I had a lovely day thanks to you," he nodded.
"And thank you for sharing some sweater-shame with me," you joked, making him chuckle.
"No problem."
"Well… I guess… it means goodbye then," you gave him a warm smile.
He nodded slowly. He wanted to ask for your number. He wanted to ask you to see him again. He wanted…
But his words didn't match his wishes.
"Goodbye, Y/N."
You slowly nodded, before slowly turning around. You started to walk away through the night, the road lightened by lampposts and Christmas lights.
He could hear his brother's words already, speaking a truth he didn't want to hear.
Ben, you moron! You should have asked to see her again!
And he mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot. Jack would be right. Ben liked you. He wanted to spend more time with you. He hadn't felt this way in ages. If he let you go now, he knew he would regret it for years.
You froze, before slowly turning back towards Ben, who was already hurrying after you. Soon, he was standing by your side again.
"What about we spend tomorrow together too?" he asked in a rush, his nerves getting the best of him. "I mean… we're still alone here, right? And I can still hear with both ears…"
You let out a laugh, before nervously touching your hair.
"What would your girlfriend say if you spent two days in Disneyland with another woman?" you half-joked.
But he answered with a large smile.
"I don't have a girlfriend, so we're in the clear."
You stared at each other in silence for a moment. Until your smile widened into a grin.
"I'd love to spend tomorrow with you, Ben," you whispered.
You both felt your cheeks heating up and let out a shy chuckle.
"Let's meet here tomorrow morning then, when the park opens," he proposed.
You nodded in agreement.
"I'll be here," you promised.
"Good night, then, Y/N," he grinned.
"Good night, Ben."
This time, he didn't stop you when you walked away. He didn't need to. Instead, he threw his fist through the air and towards the sky in a sign of victory.
He would see you again tomorrow…
Tag list : @geeksareunique @giggleberts @madamrogers @sad-orange-thoughts @aylinnmaslow @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla @drinix @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @rockintensse @newtstarmander @iammadeofstarsandlazyness @presstocontinue @ilmiopiccolounivers0 @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynight-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things
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