#I’m still learning how to write Zen’s character so I’m sorry if some parts are like
mrs-han · 5 years
Water Runs Dry - Part One
For my beautiful @jafndaegur ♥️♥️♥️
This is totally different from what I had originally planned, but!! I really hope you like it!!
Happy Belated Birthday, my darling!!
Sarah’s shriek resounded through the penthouse. A sound that would have otherwise deafened you, you were far too preoccupied with him, the man gripping your arm with one hand and steading your chin with the other. 
“Wh - what, what are you...!!” Sarah stammered her voice but a faraway mirage. 
You pulled away enough to create some space between your body and his. “... Ju - Jumin...?!” 
“Shh...” His placid hush followed by a more established squeeze on your chin silenced you... captivated you. “You’re blushing.”
“... We - well, of course, I’m blushing, y - you’re k-k - kissing me...” 
“You’d better close your eyes,” Jumin hummed, his lips barely brushing against yours. “Focus on your senses.”
Your emotions began to pound as his lips reconnected with yours. A small buzz - a voltaic shock caused your head to jerk back, but he refused to release you. In that very moment, you two were the only ones who existed. But as he opened his eyes and looked toward Sarah, a sinking sensation in your stomach took hold.
“Ugh... I’m going to tell Ms. Choi!” Sarah stamped her foot and drew her phone from her purse. 
“Yes,” Jumin sighed. “Having an audience for our first kiss takes off the tension.” His eyes fell back over you and a slow, steady smirk ran over his lips. He spoke gingerly to you, completely different from the curt tone he had given Sarah. “Your lips are so warm and soft. And... I think I smell a bit of the pancake?” He beamed. “You’re cute, MC.”
“How...! I’ve never been so insulted!” Sarah roared, her voice moving further away from where you and Jumin stood. 
“God... finally she’s leaving,” Jumin huffed, his hold on you relaxing.
The door to the penthouse slammed roughly, making you jolt in place. Jumin caressed your arm and moved his thumb over your cheek, stroking delicately... but you felt no comfort. No sense of solace. The warmth and vibrancy of the kiss had dissipated, leaving you with more questions than whimsical ideas of what the future held for you and Han Jumin. 
He could sense the tension emitting from you. A small blush crept over his cheekbones as he said, “I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you.” He took steps toward you - bold and confident about what he had done.
But the pounding sensation in your heart faded... and once curled fingers and toes from the sheer passion of the kiss unfurled as a heat of a different kind overcame your senses. Your cheeks and ears burned with embarrassment, even anger. Your brows furrowed and your arms wrapped firmly around your midsection.
Jumin stopped.
“What... what was that all about?”
Confusion flashed through his expressions, which upset you further.
“How disconnected are you...?” You rasped, barely able to get your words out.
Jumin’s eyes widened. “MC?”
“You really don’t see what you did?” Your voice crackled back to life, a flash of rage rising to the surface and flowing from your tongue. “You kissed me just to get rid of her.”
He blinked. “MC... I’m sorry if that was so sudden. I wanted you to be comfortable here... perhaps I’ve bothered you.”
“Bothered me,” you whispered, running your hands through your hair. “That wasn’t real, was it?”
“What... of course it was,” Jumin frowned. “The kiss was very real. As I said, I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you -”
“You used me to get her out of here,” you blurted, pointing towards the door. “And it worked. She’s gone. But I’m still here dealing with the repercussions of your... your agenda!” 
Jumin’s gaze dimmed. His lips formed a grim, straight line. “MC, I didn’t mean to cause you any pain. Can you believe that, at least?”
Your body began to tremble. “Your cat is missing, by the way. Was kissing me a way for you to distract yourself from that too?”
“This has nothing to do with that,” Jumin replied, his voice louder and more imposing. “My emotions have caused me to act in a way I normally wouldn’t. I was impetuous and thoughtless, this I will admit. I should have been more considerate of your emotions. But MC, my feelings for you are real, solid and sincere. I realize that the longer Elizabeth the Third is away that you are indeed different from not only her but the other women I’ve met in my life -”
“Oh my god,” you laughed bitterly. “So now you’re comparing me to your cat.”
“Listen to me,” Jumin’s voice dropped and his hands immediately went to fiddling with his sleeves. “You aren’t listening to me.”
“I think I hear what you’re saying loud and clear,” you spat sharply.
“You aren’t,” He whispered, vulnerability dripping from his speech. “I’ve never known what it truly felt like to have that one person. That one special person who can truly understand me... who I can touch and kiss and understand what I’m saying. Seeing you right in front of my eyes... I feel like I’ve finally gotten what I’ve always wanted.”
His eyes - those alluring orbs that resembled the foams of the ocean but plunged you in just as deep as the waters themselves - bore into yours.
“I want you,” Jumin hummed, confident enough to take a step toward you. “And I want you to want me too.”
Your hands fell to your side. “I admit... your words are very pretty...”
“They’re honest. They’re real,” he said as he grabbed your hand and pressed your knuckles against his lips. “I mean everything that I say. Answer me now. Do you believe I intentionally meant to cause you any pain?
“No,” You began. “But I do think you had a plan... one that didn’t dare to consider what I might think or what I might do... and you pushed through in fulfilling it.”
“MC -”
“That was my first kiss.” A pained smile flashed over your lips. “Maybe it was wrong of me to fantasize it to begin with but... never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined it being done with a hidden motive attached to it.”
“MC, please -”
You pulled your hand away. “I need to get out of here... ah... right, I didn’t bring anything.”
“What, wait. No.” His wing-tipped shoes struck the floors frantically as he rushed to block the door. “MC, don’t leave.”
“Please move, Jumin.”
“Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.”
A brisk shove of your shoulder caused him to step off to the side. He tried to reach out for you, an action taken in vain as you quickly skirted away from him and to the door.
“MC!” Jumin shouted.
“Ma’am?” The chief bodyguard called after you. “Ma’am, where are you going -”
“Stop her, now!” Jumin boomed.
You dashed to the staircase, yanking your phone from your back pocket. If anyone could help you... or at least give you some sense of comfort... it was Zen.
You urgently punched his image through the RFA chatroom.
“MC!!” Jumin hollered, his voice ringing through the stairwell.
“Leave me alone!!” You barked back, nearly stumbling over yourself.
“MC? MC, are you there?”
“Zen?” You gasped.
“Where are you? Did something happen?”
“Can you pick me up?” You sniffed, wiping at your nose. “It’s urgent.”
“I’m on my way.” Frantic rustling from his end only heightened your sense of awareness. “Are you still at Jumin’s penthouse?!”
“I am,” your voice trembled. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll be right there. Hold on, okay?”
You silently thanked him for his swiftness. He was the first to ask questions, and no doubt he would have some. But in urgent matters... especially matters that involved your safety... he was fast on his feet.
You looked back, just to make sure Jumin wasn’t following you. As you did, you yelped as another stumble caused your ankle to roll over the weight of your body. You landed on your hands and knees, fully aware of the sprain on both your ankle and maybe even a wrist.
“Shit,” you hissed, grabbing onto the railing and pulling yourself up. The lobby wasn’t far, and that mentality gave you the strength to limp down another long flight of stairs.
Music mixed with heavy perfume welcomed you as soon as you opened the door to the foyer of the building. Excited chatter as shoppers hustled and bustled through the apparel outlet C&R had graciously bestowed gave you ample opportunity to sneak through the entrance undetected by the bodyguards who knew your face.
A motorcycle engine revved furiously, startling you as you limped outside. You could recognize him immediately despite your only evidence of his existence from his chatroom selfies; his silver ponytail whipping smoothly through the wind, his lean yet athletic physique...
“MC?!” Zen panted, haphazardly jumping off his bike, snatching his helmet from his head and nearly sprinting over to you. “MC, are you... why are you limping?”
And his eyes... crimson and full. Full of worry, passionate for you cause, and a friendliness that couldn’t be contested.
“I’ll explain everything later,” you tried to smile while wiping the tears coursing down your eyes. “For now, can we go?”
“I’ve got you,” Zen reassured, curling his arm under your legs and lifting you into a bridal-position. “You can lean on me if you need to, don’t be afraid to rest your head on my back okay?”
“Thank you Zen,” you whimpered.
He placed you on the passenger seat and secured his helmet over your head. “Okay,” he assured calmly, settling into the seat in front of you.
“Wait, Zen, your helmet -”
“Ah-ah. You expect me to let a lady ride without any protection?” He smiled. “Trust me. I’ll get you away from here safe and sound.”
“Thank... thank you,” you sighed, hesitantly hugging his waist. “Thank you so much... and it’s nice to meet you by the way, I’m MC...”
A soft chortle escaped him. “Nice to finally meet you, MC. I’m ZEN, the KNIGHT who has NOBLY COME TO YOUR RESCUE!”
The theatrics in his tone allowed you to burst out laughing... for a short while. Jumin burst through the doors of the building, his bodyguards in tow.
“MC!!” Jumin’s voice thundered.
“We’re going!!” Zen whooped, revving his engine and speeding ahead.
“Wah!!” You yelped, your head crashing against Zen’s back.
“Hang on!!” Zen shouted, weaving through lanes of traffic.
“Zen, oh my god!!” You gasped, adrenaline spiking through your body.
“By the way!!” Zen turned his head slightly. “Do you know where Rika’s apartment is?!”
“No!!” You answered.
“We- well!! ... Uhhh!!” Zen stammered. “If...!! If it’s okay with you, you can stay with me until we figure something out!!”
“And if we don’t?!”
“We... well!! We can always talk to Seven!! Besides!! Any place is better than Jumin’s, right?!”
A settled feeling coursed throughout as you silently agreed.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Characters: Jaehee, Yoosung, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,755
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: In which Rika’s apartment blows up and the reader’s s/o evaluates their emotions.
Author’s Note: I haven’t played Yoosung’s and Jaehee’s routes in about a year so this probably won’t be too canon compliant. That being said it felt great to get back to my fic roots. I Hope y’all enjoyed this nostalgic journey! I especially tried to distinguish their personalities in writing style.
Also, if a whole apartment blew up the building would collapse and most likely everyone inside it and immediately around it would die but we’re going to pretend certain laws of physics and stuff don’t work. Idk maybe Mint Eye used a low explosive like gunpowder.
She hadn’t meant to forget about it, she really hadn’t. It was only, well, life was so complicated at the moment. Work, contemplating what she wanted to do with her life, surely it was enough for one person; even more so for an overworked secretary. Besides, she didn’t want to think about the terrors of the world when she thought of you. Indeed, what did she want to think of when she thought of you?
All these questions swirled around her head. Earlier Jaehee might’ve dismissed such foolish questions. After all, thinking about such things didn’t get meetings done or stop Mr. Han from doing something idiotic again. Jaehee didn’t have the time or the privilege to think about what she wanted in life. It was enough to be here, to have a good paying job and a roof over her head and some semblance of freedom from what she’d left behind.
Maybe it was for that reason that she had forgotten about the apartment situation. Her horizons had already been broadened so much, perhaps there simply wasn’t room for anything else. Even if that anything else included your own safety.
Getting calls from Seven wasn’t necessarily unfamiliar, but nevertheless Jaehee still felt a sense of unease at the number that suddenly appeared right as a company meeting was about to begin. Luciel knew the RFA members’ schedules like the back of his computer, more than the members themselves in the case of Yoosung most likely. Besides, Jaehee had told him this coffee situation was proving to be incredibly important. Why then was he calling her now?
“Luciel, I don’t know what you want, but I have urgent matters to attend to. Could you please call back in about an hour and fifteen minutes?”
“Jaehee, I think you’ll want to hear about this.”
“What, what is it?” Sometimes Seven’s tendency towards cryptic messages was truly too irritating. Still his voice was certainly more agitated than the normal, joking tone that he took. Already Jaehee could feel the familiar tendrils of anxiety.
“You know how I told you guys about the hacker, right?”
“Yes, the one that was trying to get into Rika’s apartment. Didn’t you say that you had taken care of it?”
“That one. Well, I thought I had, or at least, it certainly looked that way. I didn’t, damn, I didn’t think that the bastard would be able to hide what he was doing from me. Who on Earth is that man I don-”
“Luciel, please keep this short.”
“O-oh. I’m sorry. Well, apparently, he wasn’t done. I got a notification, or, well, more like I saw it on the news. The apartment complex, uhm, well, haha…”
“Seven!” Jaehee had the sneaking suspicion she knew what was about to be said. Still a distant part of her brain retained the calm of denial.
“Sorry! I, what I mean to say is, the apartment. The apartment got, set off.”
“Set off?”
“Blew up. Boom. The bomb, I don’t know how, but it was triggered. And now, yeah. The whole block is half covered under rubble, and we don’t, I don’t, have a lot of information about the people inside the apartment. I’m doing the best I can, trying to get into the CCTV footage outside. But, uh, yeah. I thought you should know. Since, y’know, I know that you seemed really close wi-”
Maybe it was unpardonably rude for Jaehee to hang up on Luciel, but in that moment she could think of nothing else to do. It was as if, in letting the line die, she was rewriting time, so that nothing had happened.
Jaehee made it as far as the doors of the conference room before turning around and dashing towards the staircase. Taking the stairs two at a time she didn’t bother to clock out or tell Jumin about what was going on. It wasn’t important after all. How could it be? The explosion, that was what took precedence in her mind. More than work, more than these strange questions, all she could think about was you. She had to find out if you were okay, had to contact you in some ways. If not, if not. If not then what?
“Seven, I need the address to Rika’s apartment.”
“What? No are you crazy? You can’t just go to the place the hacker blew up. Besides, the location is confidential.”
“Not when it’ll be on every television station in Korea. I need to find out if they’re okay.”
“You can’t just go rummaging through wreckage on your own, you won’t even get past the yellow tape. It’s better to wait.”
“I’m going.”
“Wait! At least let me try to call them first, okay?”
“It would be faster if I went.”
“No. No it wouldn’t. Just give me a second. I’m already trying to figure out where their phone is. I’m almost done.”
For once Jaehee didn’t even question the legality, or morality, of Seven’s actions.
As it turns out you had been going grocery shopping – against Seven’s recommendations – and as such were at the tail end of the blast radius. Staring intently at the hospital address Seven had texted her, Jaehee quickly made her way over to the front desk. Having finally messaged Jumin, she made it through the entrance quite easily – sometimes being the secretary to a well-known CEO-to-be paid off.
Your room was in a quieter corner of the hospital, away from the groaning and shrieking of those who hadn’t been as lucky. The bomb had been a small sort of one, made up of a low explosive. Apparently V and Seven’s reservations truly hadn’t been feigned. Perhaps Jaehee should’ve felt grateful that they had made a bomb that was relatively ineffective. In that moment however she couldn’t bring herself to feel relief.
The soft smile that illuminated your face as Jaehee walked into your room was enough to make her heart ache.
“Hey Jaehee. Hope I didn’t cause too much work for you.”
“Work for me? How could you think of something at this time? What about you? Are you too badly hurt? What happened? Is there something I can do for you?”
“Jaehee please! Calm down. I was basically fine. A few cuts and bruises are nothing to worry about.”
“Did they check and see if you inhaled anything? What about your head, did anything hit it?”
“Hey,” you replied softly. Taking Jaehee’s wildly fluttering hands in yours you smiled softly. “Thank you for worrying about me, but I’m fine. Really. Don’t make yourself sick over me. You already work too much.”
“I’ve informed Mr. Han I’m going to take a few days off. I want to make sure that there are no side effects to what just happened.”
“Well, I’m very flattered, happy even. But you have to take care of yourself too Jaehee. It’ll just make me unhappy if you get sick over me. Besides, there are other things to worry about. Like what you’re going to do about your work and what you love and stuff. Don’t bury that stuff, alright?”
“Think of me still, how odd you are,” Jaehee let out a sigh. Nevertheless, she said nothing more. It wouldn’t do to make you worry about her after all.
Though you couldn’t exactly call it nursing you back to health Jaehee was certainly attentive in the week and a half to come. All throughout the time she kept thinking, about you, about her, about what all this meant. In truth it was only after you were safe that Jaehee could acknowledge how terrified she had been, enough to consider diving through the wreckage of an apartment. You had opened up a whole new world to her, without you Jaehee would’ve never begun thinking about herself, about her own happiness. She had so much to thank you for. Even more, Jaehee had the sneaking suspicion that she would want to thank you even if you had done nothing.
“I’ve made my decision.”
“Oh?” You smiled, puzzled by the sudden conversation.
“I’m going to attempt to start again, to start doing something I want to do. I hope that you’ll join me in this endeavor.”
Your smiled was blinding.
“Of course, I will!”
Perhaps now Jaehee could acknowledge the love that bloomed within her at your assent.
He knew it was going to happen. He knew that there was no way of escaping it. Maybe that’s why he almost felt like a burden had been lifted when he finally heard that the inevitable had happened.
Ever since Seven had first revealed the bomb in Rika’s apartment Yoosung knew it was going to go off. It wasn’t some weird dream thing like Zen, or some calculation the way Jumin or Seven might do. Yoosung just knew, somehow, he really did just know it. He tried to put it off, tried to stop it even. If he could go with Seven to find out about the hacker, if he could stop this weird organization, if he could get V to finally tell the damn truth, then maybe, maybe he’d be able to prevent it.
Luck was never on his side though, this Yoosung had learned long ago. He wasn’t strong enough to stop the bomb from going off, he wasn’t strong enough to keep you safe. All these things that he wanted, needed to be, and he couldn’t do any of those things. You were the first person he had formed any sort of deep connection with since Rika. Maybe that’s why he kept mixing you up in the beginning; after all, it was the first time he even began to feel a similar amount of happiness since her death. And now you were in danger of going away as well. It haunted Yoosung. He never thought that he’d ever use that word to describe, he found it sort of pretentious, but really it was the only word he could think to describe the situation. Every text, every voice call, every reminder that you were alive, that you were somewhere on this Earth, it was like a lifeline, one he was desperately grabbing onto.
“Hey, Seven?”
“What?” Seven’s reply was muffled by the cheap sandwich shoved into his mouth. Secretly Yoosung found the convenience store sandwich bread disgusting, but right he wasn’t thinking about that.
“Something’s blinking.”
“Gonna have to be more specific.”
“Something on the monitor, it just started blinking red in the corner, one of the tabs in the bottom, it might’ve just opened too I don’t know.”
“Let me check,” Seven replied, ambling his way over to the monitor. Once he saw the icon though he let out a loud series of curses. “Shit, shit, shit, shit. Yoosung?”
“What?” Yoosung already knew that something had gone wrong. Adrenaline began to race through him, and the world suddenly seemed both all too fast and all too slow.
“Grab my phone and go to the RFA app. My version has a tracker on all the RFA member’s phones. I want you to make sure that there’s one around Rika’s apartment.”
“Isn’t that illegal?”
“Yup and sleazy. Now look.”
Yoosung tapped on the app with trembling fingers. Seeing the icon, he paused. He needed to know. Before he looked, he needed to know.
“Hey, Seven.”
“Did, did something happen to the apartment.”
“Yoosung, I need you to understand that it’s probably fine.”
“Probably, Seven what are you talking about?”
“It’s, it’s, something went wrong.”
“Went wrong? What went wrong? Seven, stop being so damn cryptic!” Yoosung’s voice was shaking by now, but he pressed forward.
“Fine.” Seven let out a long sigh, before breathing in deeply once more. “The apartment, it blew. I don’t know how or why or what but the bomb went off. And now we need to make sure that all the members of the RFA are safe.”
That they’re safe. Yoosung knew what Seven was trying to say, what he refused to say. Still the words seemed so odd. Of course Yoosung knew it was going to happen, knew that he wasn’t going to be that lucky, knew that V and Seven’s secrets would eventually fuck something up. But still, it was too soon, it was not right. Just because he had seen it coming didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt any less. Letting the phone drop from his hands Yoosung drifted down the hall towards the bathroom; where he promptly crumbled into a ball and let the tears flow.
Yoosung didn’t know how long it took to figure out you were alright, didn’t know how far away the hospital was or how much Seven stepped on the gas. His mind was surprisingly blank, wiped free of any sense of time or space. Even learning you had survived – by climbing on the neighboring fire escape and running like hell when the warnings started going off – didn’t clear the fog around his brain. Wandering down the hospital, half pushed by Seven, he wondered when this odd nightmare was ever going to end.
The moment he saw your face the world sped up again. Not realizing that Seven had decided to stand outside instead of watch the scene in front of him, and frankly not caring, Yoosung catapulted himself towards you. Crushing you in a hug he buried his face in your neck, trying to convince himself that you were real, that you were alive, that you weren’t going to be put in the ground and have dirt shoved upon you. That you were really, truly, still here.
“I should’ve been there to protect you.”
Night had fallen, and visiting hours were almost over at the hospital. At first Yoosung had been all smiles, all very teary smiles. Fussing about you, fluffing your pillow, yelling at Seven about what food would be appropriate to give you, Yoosung had ridden the wave of manic relief that kept him from thinking about everything that he’d been beating himself up about for the past, who knew how long. Now that things had slowed down however, he found himself thinking about them again.
Talking to you was the only way Yoosung knew how to make all the doubts and worries go away. He wasn’t cool like Zen or in control like Jumin. He desperately wanted to talk to you, wanted to know what you thought about everything and anything. And this was part of that. Now that he was here, in the quiet of the evening, Yoosung realized that he couldn’t bring himself not to talk to you about it.
“Don’t beat yourself up about that Yoosung,” you replied softly. “It wasn’t something you could predict. Besides, you could’ve gotten hurt, and then where would we be?”
“I know, but still! I, I really like you, I want to be your boyfriend when this is all over. But I can’t even protect you. I couldn’t save Rika, and now you almost died!”
“I didn’t almost die, Yoosung you’re exaggerating.”
“No, I’m not!” Frustration and fear combined in Yoosung’s voice, and he found his words cracking pathetically. “I’m not even mature enough to protect you, I’m not strong enough to be someone, someone worth something.”
“Yoosung, please listen to me,” your voice was soft but firm. Yoosung quieted, staring at your linked hands. “There are different kinds of maturity in the world,” you continued. “Sometimes being mature means not giving into emotions, or being really strong, or really good at doing all the things you’re supposed to do when you grow up. But you can be mature in other ways. Yoosung, I think you’re really matured when it comes to being kind. Not a lot of people are kind like you, or care about people a lot. And I really love that about you. So, I hate when you act like it’s a bad thing, or like you’re weak or something. You aren’t weak because you can’t control the world or because you aren’t ‘cool’ or something. In fact, you’re one of the strongest people I know!”
Yoosung was silent, trying to let your words sink in. He wasn’t good at accepting compliments, he never had been. Still, in that moment, he felt unbelievably light.
Smiling softly, finally letting himself look you in the face Yoosung felt his heart flutter as you smiled back. He didn’t quite believe in you, or himself, yet. But in that moment, he couldn’t deny how much he loved you.
And how much it meant to him that you loved him back.
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reifromrfa · 3 years
Surprises: Vanderwood x MC | Mysme RBB fic
Hi guys! I’m sure you’ve seen this project in the fandom, there are a lot of talented artists and writers who are a part of it ^^ This piece is for the @mysme-rbb and it was such a thrill to write it! I’ve missed writing for the fandom and I’m glad I got this opportunity to do so <3 Even luckier that I got paired with two amazing artists! 
For this first collab, I got paired with the wonderful GLX ! Please check out their instagram HERE!  We’re super lucky to have collaborated on a character we both love: Vanderwood! So I hope you enjoy the story and I hope I can write for everyone again soon ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ PS: I’ll edit this post with the link to the art once it’s out! ^^
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
In collaboration with gl.artsy 
Vanderwood chuckles and closes the car door, hoisting bags and baskets on his arms and shoulders. MC laughs and hugs the beach towels to her chest, grinning widely.
"Sorry...I'm a little excited," her grin turns sheepish but Vanderwood shakes his head, his smile mirroring her own. Seeing her this happy makes him feel things he hasn't felt before --pleasant feelings. Feelings...that a secret agent just doesn't have the luxury to be thinking about, much less feel. But he's not a secret agent anymore --he has a legal job now, one where he doesn't have to risk his life everyday or dirty his hands. Hell, the dirtiest his hands can get with his new job as Jumin's bodyguard is cleaning up after his cat.
With his free hand, he reaches for hers and weaves their fingers together.
Today is their one-year anniversary and Vanderwood wants everything to be absolutely perfect. He's not one for grand gestures and romantic stuff, but he knows celebrations like these matter to girls.
In the past year he's been with MC, he's gotten used to watching those cheesy romantic chick flicks. Never in his life did he imagine he'd be forced to watch those kinds of shi--stuff. But he's braved through The Notepad, A Stroll to Remember, Crazy Silly Love...and he's learned a lot from those movies. For one, his girlfriend ends up crying every time they watch the shows together.
Every. Single. Time.
But he'd see how immersed she is in the scenes where the guys make a big move for the girl. Vanderwood would notice how she heaves a deep sigh and wipes her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face.
Ha...he's new to this relationship thing but he's not stupid; Vanderwood knows how this works. The bigger the gesture, the happier MC will be...
He's startled out of his thoughts when MC tugs his hand, pointing at a spot on the beach. "Over there! There's a free spot there!"
Vanderwood follows after MC and starts setting up their towels and beach umbrella. This is the first step in his grand surprise for MC today: spend the morning at the beach, a place MC rarely went to. The excited look on her face is all the confirmation he needs; he did good, choosing this as the start of their date.
MC sits on the towel under the shade of the umbrella and takes off her wide-brimmed hat, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. When she opens them, she turns to Vanderwood. "Baby, this is perfect. The skies are clear, there's a breeze and there's not much people; it's almost like we have the beach to ourselves!"
Vanderwood chuckles, sitting beside his girlfriend and reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "You like it?"
At his touch, she blushes and smiles, nodding her head. "I do, Vanderwood. I really do."
He leans forward, lips quirking up into a smirk. "Good...that's real good, MC." Vanderwood can see the blush on her face deepening as he inches closer and his own heart races, eyes darting to her slightly-parted lips. As he draws nearer though, he hears a whooshing sound through the air and a distant yell: "LOOK OUT!"
His reflexes kick in and Vanderwood pulls MC against his chest then pins her against the ground, using his body to shield her from whatever it is --MC doesn't even have the time to process what's happening. But she feels herself warming, eyes fixated on Vanderwood's tense expression, at the way he's hovering on top of her, holding her protectively against him.
A second later, their umbrella is knocked over and a spray of sand flies across Vanderwood's back. He turns away and shields MC's eyes, a million thoughts already flying through his mind.
"Could it be that some agents found me? How many are there? How am I gonna get MC safely to the car? The taser's in the bag, if I could just reach it in time
"Vanderwood turns his head to look for the target-
-when his eyes fall to the white volleyball lying on the sand near them.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry, that's my fault!!!" A kid with blonde hair is running up to them, waving his hand and trying to bow at the same time. Vanderwood's eyes narrow. Wait a minute...isn't that-
"Yoosung?" comes MC's voice.
Sure enough, Yoosung's purple eyes widen as recognition dawns and he laughs, running faster. Right behind him is the silver-haired actor and Jaehee Kang, all dressed in their beachwear. Zen smiles when he spots the two familiar faces but it only lasts for a second --the moment he realizes the position the couple are in...
"YA!!! Vanderwood! What are you doing!" Zen glares at Vanderwood, pointing an accusatory finger at the Silver Spoon's bodyguard. Vanderwood narrows his gaze at the actor but hurriedly straightens himself, his face feeling warm.
"Baby, are you okay?"
"I am...what was that all about?" MC takes Vanderwood's hand and he pulls her up just as Yoosung stops in front of them, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Sorry! Zen hit the ball too hard and I received it wrong so it went flying...I didn't know it would end up here where you guys are! I didn't even know you two were going to be here too!"
Vanderwood rubs the back of his neck, wishing they'd leave him and MC alone. It's not that he doesn't like them, but today he'd like MC all for himself. "Ha...yeah, what a coincidence."
"Ya, you!" Zen jabs a finger at Vanderwood's chest, eyes blazing. "What the heck was that!"
Vanderwood looks at Zen with a deadpan look on his face. "I thought there was a threat, so I was defending my girlfriend. Will you stop having perverted thoughts?"
MC giggles. "It's true, Zen! He was just trying to protect me~"
"That's very quick thinking." Jaehee pipes in, picking up the ball. "I suppose that's what makes you a great bodyguard, Vanderwood."
"Ha...thanks." Vanderwood feels awkward still, but for an ex-agent with no family and no friends...his life's shaping out real good. Still, friends or not, he wants these people to go away and let him pamper his girlfriend. "So, now that that's settled-"
"OH! Why don't you two join us in a game of volleyball? Please!!! I'm tired of picking up the ball all the time!" Yoosung begs them, hands pressed together in front of him.
"Aww, that sounds fun! We're game, right, baby?" MC says, winking at Vanderwood. To the others, she says, "The two of us will be in a team against you guys! You'll see, Vanderwood will carry our team!"
Vanderwood can't help but feel proud at MC's words. Okay...maybe one game of volleyball wouldn't hurt. After that, they'll go back to their spot and maybe he can go swimming with MC, or get some cool drinks.
Yoosung, Jaehee and Zen stayed with them the entire time. After volleyball, they took MC and Vanderwood to their rented cabin and shared their meal. Vanderwood and Zen ended up grilling meat and seafood for the rest but it was actually fun. The non-stop chatter and laughs, the volleyball games, seeing MC enjoy herself --okay okay, it's not so bad that their first date got interrupted. But of course, Vanderwood has more tricks up his sleeves.
A long drive and a shower later, Vanderwood and MC change into more semi-formal attire as he drives them to one of the fancy restaurants in town. The restaurant is situated atop a building, with the entire floor encased in glass windows so guests can dine with a view overlooking South Korea. It's fine dining and Vanderwood has never been to a classy restaurant while off-duty; to be honest, something like this kinda suits Jumin Han more...but Vanderwood doesn't want to take MC to their regular dining spots. No, for this special day she deserves something special too.
As they're led to their seats by the hostess, Vanderwood once again intertwines his fingers with hers. "I heard this place has the best seoullangtang."
MC tugs at his hand, looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Baby, this place is really expensive...you didn't have to."
Ha...oh no, doesn't she like it?
"It's our anniversary," he tells her, lifting their hands and then turning hers so he can kiss the back of it. "Don't even think about that, baby."
MC turns red at Vanderwood's blatant display of affection. Usually, he's more reserved and careful when they're in public; she assumed it's because of his past and she didn't mind. But today, he's been more touchy and showy...MC has to admit, it's giving her heart a pleasant workout. They're seated right by the window and Vanderwood is the perfect gentleman, pulling her chair out for her and helping her onto her seat. MC feels shy all of a sudden as Vanderwood slides into his seat across her. With the dim lighting from the restaurant, the candle in the middle of the table casts Vanderwood's face in a warm glow and MC unconsciously swallows, entranced by him.
Their previous dates were never this fancy and she's not complaining --she loves wherever they are, be it the beach or the supermarket, a fancy restaurant or McFonald's. As long as they're together, she's happy.
But seeing her boyfriend all dressed up in a crisp button-down shirt and a coat, hair tied into a half-ponytail, brown eyes staring at her --she can't help but feel the depth and seriousness of their relationship. Today is their anniversary, which means she's spent 365 days with this man...more than that, of course. Ever since they met, her days have been full of color and life. MC reaches across the table for his hand and holds it tightly in hers.
"I love you, Vanderwood."
Vanderwood's glad it's kinda dark because his heart does that weird little thing and he feels his cheeks burn as a smile spreads across his face. "I love you too, MC."
She mirrors his smile and it's strange but MC feels like she did the first time she met him in person, nervous and intimidated, but at the same comforted by his presence and intrigued. This once mysterious man is hers and though she knows she's barely scratched the surface of all that he is, she can't wait to learn more about him everyday, for the rest of their lives.
"Baby, order whatever you like, okay? Haha, don't be worrying about the prices." Vanderwood says as they open their menus. MC's eyes are skimming through the dishes (half of which she can't even pronounce because they're in different languages) when she hears the sound of a familiar voice.
"I didn't expect to see you both here this evening."
Vanderwood tenses. No freaking way...
But he's been hanging around that voice for months now and he'd recognize it anywhere --his boss, Jumin Han. Vanderwood reluctantly looks at the man standing beside their table, the leader of the RFA at his side. Jihyun at least looks apologetic for barging into their date.
"Jumin! Jihyun! What a coincidence!" MC exclaims happily, smiling at them. Truth be told, she was looking forward to spending more alone time with her boyfriend, but she also doesn't want to be rude to her friends. "Did you guys just arrive?"
"Yes. A business colleague recommended this place. I would have asked for a private room but Jihyun preferred to stay close to the windows."
Jihyun laughs good-naturedly at Jumin's words. "This place is popular for their stunning view of the city, after all. We should get going to our table, Jumin, let's not bother them..."
"Have a good time, boss, Jihyun." Vanderwood gives them a little wave. "Nonsense. We haven't seen MC in a while. Perhaps we should ask for a bigger table and dine together."
You've got to be kidding me.
"Jumin-" Jihyun tries to interrupt, but Jumin is already gesturing for the host. In mere minutes, Vanderwood and MC are seated with Jihyun and Jumin. Of course...it's not all that bad. He didn't have to be so formal with his boss since they're outside of work, and Jumin knew his way around the menu; the meal Jumin ordered for them was mouth-wateringly delicious. Vanderwood had no idea which ones were good, so he's grateful for that part, at least.
But seriously...this was starting to get annoying. Would the RFA be popping up at his planned dates with MC? Vanderwood represses a sigh though, and fights the itch for a cigarette.
They enjoy their meal and, realizing he has no choice but to endure it, Vanderwood relaxes and allows himself to enjoy the company.
All of a sudden, they're bathed in a hue of colors and MC's eyes turn to the windows, widening with surprise. The sky is lit up by fireworks --something Vanderwood had arranged for. Her eyes are bright and her smile is priceless. As the fireworks paint the night sky with streaks of brilliant color, MC feels a peace inside her, knowing that's exactly what she was thinking of moments before. Vanderwood is like the scene outside, illuminating her life with the most dazzling colors.
And while MC gazes at the beautiful display, Vanderwood stares, enchanted, at the woman who brought light to his life.
The last stop of the evening is the last showing of the latest romance movie, a movie MC has been waiting for. Vanderwood settles into their comfortable lazy boy couches, glad he paid for these seats.
"I'm so excited, I've heard a lot of good reviews already!" MC whispers to him, leaning close. Vanderwood chuckles.
"Baby, it's gonna be amazing." He leans closer to her, stealing a quick kiss in the dark theater. MC bites her lower lip as he pulls away, wanting to tell him how much she loves him. But the movie starts and MC has to stop herself from squealing in excitement. She keeps her hand locked with his, eyes focused on the screen.
Vanderwood feels relaxed now, knowing no one can interrupt them, knowing he can enjoy this moment with his girlfriend and sneak glances at her cute reactions.
But just thinking those thoughts has jinxed the situation. The doors to the cinema creak open and Vanderwood picks up the sound of popcorn bags and two hushed whispers. He glances at the empty seats beside him and sighs.
"Oh! If it isn't Mary and MC!"
Vanderwood curses inwardly and almost slaps his hand to his face. No. No freaking way. No damn way.
But after some shuffling sounds, Saeyoung plops down on the seat beside Vanderwood with Saeran occupying the other.
"Ohoho, I didn't know you were into romance movies, Vandy~" Saeyoung whispers before leaning forward in his seat and waving at MC. "Hi, MC! Thanks for restarting this guy's heart! If you ask me, you should have used a tase-"
"Ya! Shut up!" Vanderwood says, a little too loudly. The audience shushes him and Vanderwood slinks into his seat while Saeyoung covers his laughs with a hand.
For the duration of the movie, Vanderwood has to put up with Saeyoung's reactions and his hushed side comments. At some point, popcorn starts to fly towards the brown-haired man too, bouncing off his hair. Saeran shakes his head, heaving a sigh as Saeyoung takes another popcorn and throws it subtly to Vanderwood. The ex-agent was ready though; he catches the popcorn and throws it back to Saeyoung, who slides down his chair dramatically.
"I've been hit...Saeran ah, save yourself~~~"
Vanderwood glances at MC's face to watch her reaction and he's surprised to see her eyes fixed on him. She's biting her lower lip, trying to stop herself from laughing. Vanderwood smirks, reaching out and freeing her lower lip from her bite.
"You want a shot at the idiot?" Vanderwood murmurs near her ear. MC nods and takes a piece of popcorn then tosses it to Saeyoung, who's crawling up his chair as quiet as he can.
Saeyoung gasps and flops back down on the ground, holding his chest as though he's wounded.
"Sneak attack! Saeran, help m-"
"Okay no ;;;;"
Vanderwood stirs, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn.
Damn, what time is it?
Yesterday felt so long --with all that happened, Vanderwood feels exhausted and a little disappointed at himself for failing MC. Everything should have been perfect, but as luck would have it, the RFA just had to meddle in all his plans.
He lays in bed, blinking away his sleepiness, wondering if he can do anything today to salvage their anniversary. Absently, he reaches beside him, wanting to pull MC to his side and wake her up with kisses --but his hands come up blank.
"What the-?"
His head whips to the empty space beside him and Vanderwood sits up just as the door opens. MC comes in, balancing a small tray table filled with food.
"Baby, what are you doing?" Vanderwood asks, bewildered. He starts to move from the bed but MC makes a sound and continues moving towards him.
"No no, you stay right there," she says, eyes staring at the orange juice sloshing inside the glass. "Don't get off the bed, baby!"
Vanderwood freezes, unsure what's happening. Finally, MC lays the tray table on the bed and beams at Vanderwood. "Happy anniversary, baby!"
The brown-haired man blinks, surprised. Then a soft chuckle escapes his lips. "MC, baby...did you do all this for me?"
MC shrugs, her smile wide enough to light up the room. "Maybe~"
She carefully sits on the bed closest to Vanderwood, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Baby, yesterday was amazing! I wasn't expecting those surprises at all."
Vanderwood's brows furrow. "What do you mean..? MC...I...was gonna apologize-"
"What? For what?"
Vanderwood awkwardly scratches his cheek, not sure what to say. "Uh...ha, 'coz I didn't intend for the RFA to show up. And I mean, anniversaries aren't supposed to be celebrated like that...right? The movies we watched, the celebrations ain't like that."
Giggling, MC leans towards her boyfriend and kisses his cheek. "Oh Vanderwood, it was perfect. I had so much fun, even more so because our friends were with us celebrating our special day with us.
Without the RFA, you and I would have met in a different way. But I like our love story, because everything that has happened so far has led us to this moment, baby." She holds his hands, cheeks turning red. "I loved watching you play volleyball and grill our lunch, I loved listening to you talk with our friends, I loved catching my boyfriend all dressed up to take me on a fancy dinner, and I loved that you sat through another romance movie with me, all the while having a popcorn battle with Saeyoung."
MC squeezes his hands and all of Vanderwood's doubts vanish; his eyes fix on her, his heart beating loudly against his chest.
"Vanderwood...the girls in those movies we watch get one big gesture per movie but I got three amazing dates in one day. My friends were there to celebrate a special day with me: the anniversary of the day I promised forever to the love of my life. And I-"
Before MC could finish her speech, Vanderwood closes the gap between them and meets her lips for a kiss, pulling her close to him without toppling over the tray. MC's hands clutch the front of his shirt and her eyes close, her body tingling as he pours his emotions into their kiss.
"MC," Vanderwood says breathlessly, leaning his forehead against hers, "I love you. I'll keep takin' you out for dates, keep celebrating this day with you every year. 'Coz it's the day you and I got together, the day my life started to make more sense..." He gives her another peck and pulls her closer, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "But every day you remind me that there's more to life than fighting and running. Every day, I wanna see you smile and hear you tell me you love me."
MC giggles and wraps her arms around him. "I love you, Vanderwood." She lays her head on his chest, feeling the strong beat of his heart, a heart that's tied to hers. "Yesterday was amazing but today I'm keeping you all to myself."
Vanderwood chuckles, reaching for a piece of bacon and holding it near her lips. MC takes a small bite from it and Vanderwood takes a larger chunk. "You and me all day, huh?"
MC nods, reaching for her phone. "You and me, all day, everyday." She holds the phone away from them, opening the camera app. "Happy anniversary, baby~"
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate, @mysme-rbb :) I had fun and kudos to the mods for an amazing project! 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3 (Commissions are full and closed atm ;A;)
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years
I always got the impression that during Zen breakups, Donna more sided with Hyde than Jackie. What do you think?
Donna is often seen through an undeserved negative lens by a portion of T7S fans. Contradictions in her characterization do exist, thanks to inconsistent writing. But when her behavior, dialogue, and choices are examined closely, her true character is revealed. I do this in the metas linked below.
In Defense of Donna (an essay in eight parts).
In Defense of Donna: Supplemental
In Defense of Donna (Yet Again) in Her Relationship with Eric
Was Donna Mean to Jackie from Throughout Their Relationship?
Analyzing the facts burns away the foundation on which the biases about and misinterpretations of Donna’s character are built. After the cut, I discuss in detail her reactions to Jackie and Hyde’s breakups. She’s a far better person, and friend to Jackie, than is often recognized.
Jackie and Hyde’s first breakup occurs in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” (5x14), after Jackie shouts, “Get off my boyfriend!” to Annette about Kelso in the previous episode. Below is Donna and Jackie’s first discussion about it.
Donna: So, have you talked to Hyde about the whole, “Get off my boyfriend,” disaster? Jackie: No! And why is everyone making such a big deal about it? It's like every time I walk into a room, people look at me funny. Donna, how do you deal with it? Donna: Jackie, the reason people are making a big deal about it is because it sounds like you still have feelings for Kelso. Jackie: Well, I don't. I think the only reason I said it was because I was having an allergic reaction to the Formans' cheap, generic soda.
Here, Donna is being supportive of both Hyde and Jackie. She cares about them and their relationship. Jackie, however, has a tendency toward denial and self-delusion, which Donna has experienced extensively. She wants Jackie to be honest with herself, face reality, and not put herself or Hyde through the pain she went through with Kelso during seasons 1-4.
The next time in the episode Donna talks about this situation is with Annette at The Hub.
Annette: Guys, I really think there's some unfinished business between Michael and Jackie. When they were together, did she make him happy? Donna: Well, she totally dominated him and made him feel bad about himself. Annette: I guess what I'm really asking is, was she ever fat or anything?
Donna’s assessment isn’t accurate and nowhere near complete. This is not the fault of Donna but the writers, whose take on Jackie and Kelso is made clear in “Everybody Loves Casey” (4x26). Despite the few concessions the writers make during Jackie and Kelso’s exchange that give Jackie some sympathy, the onus for the toxicity of their relationship is put on Jackie. New “facts” that are never mentioned or shown in the series before this episode are introduced so that Kelso can give Jackie the responsibility for his cheating and the audience will agree with him, at least in part.
Donna’s assessment of Jackie and Kelso’s relationship in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” reflects the point of view given in “Everybody Loves Casey”. What actually occurs during seasons 1-4 contradicts this assessment. Jackie encourages Kelso and bolsters his self-esteem (see “The Forgotten Son” [4x09] for one of many examples). She buys him so many presents that he owes her $8,265 in 1977 (see “Baby Fever” [3x07)], which is the equivalent to $35,525 today (due to inflation).
Yes, Jackie also berates him, but she most often does so when he mistreats her by lying, cheating, and generally disrespecting her. She also tries to control him in certain situations, like how many of her stuffed animals she’ll keep in his van or refusing to break up with him when he asks to in “Red’s Last Day” (2x02).
But the so-called total domination Donna claims Jackie had over Kelso is false. If it were true, Kelso never would’ve cheated on her with Pam Macy, Laurie, a girl from Sacred Heart. He wouldn’t have avoided her for a week after the first time they have sex or treat her like a servant once he gets in contact with her again. He wouldn’t have ignored her many nos about having sex until she’s exhausted by his relentlessness and given into what he wants. The list goes on.
The point, though, is that real!Donna would not have said Jackie “totally dominated [Kelso] and made him feel bad about himself.” Real!Donna -- who’d tried to get Jackie to break up with cheating Kelso then stay broken up with him -- would have said that Jackie and Kelso made each other miserable and that it wasn’t a healthy relationship for either of them. This assessment would have given Annette, a virtual stranger, enough information without betraying Jackie’s privacy.
Jackie enters The Hub soon after this conversation.
Jackie: Donna, Steven broke up with me. Donna: Oh, Jackie, I'm sorry.
Donna is sincere in her compassion. She doesn’t say, “You deserved it,” or, “What did you expect?” Her friend is hurting, and Donna feels for her.
This is the last interaction between Donna and Jackie before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in this episode. Donna’s empathy is obviously for Jackie. We get no scenes between Donna and Hyde or dialogue from Donna that shows she believes Hyde is in the right for breaking up with her. She just wants Jackie to recognize why Hyde might feel hurt by Jackie calling Kelso her boyfriend.
Jackie and Hyde’s next breakup happens in “Nobody’s Fault but Mine” (5x23). Kelso tells Donna about Hyde sleeping with the nurse.
Kelso: [Hyde] doesn’t know it but I saw him kissing this lady at the hotel. Donna: Oh, my God, that’s horrible. Kelso: I wanna do the right thing, right? So I’m thinking that I’ll just tell Jackie, and then she’ll feel really bad. Then I’ll console her, and -- presto! -- we’re making out topless! Donna: No, Kelso! The thing to do is to tell Hyde that you know and then give him a chance to tell Jackie.
Again, Donna is concerned for the well-being of both Jackie and Hyde and their relationship. She cares about both of them, but Hyde’s behavior / choice is likely incomprehensible to her at this point.
Once Jackie breaks up with Hyde and the full truth is out, Hyde calls Jackie at Donna’s. Donna wants Jackie to talk to him, but Jackie hangs up the phone, and Donna pleads Hyde’s case
Donna:  I think this whole thing was a misunderstanding. Hyde didn’t know what was going on. Jackie: I know, okay? But after Michael, I promised myself that I would never be with another boy who cheated on me. Donna: But Hyde’s so good for you. Since you started dating him you’ve completely stopped quoting Nancy Drew.
Donna’s point of view, again, reflects the writers’ -- that Hyde’s transgression is a “stupid, one-time thing.” If Hyde had actually been written as real!Hyde during this episode and arc (after sleeping with the nurse), he would’ve put Jackie’s pain and feelings ahead of his own, shown true and lasting contrition along with self-awareness, and not expect forgiveness.
Donna’s argument would be much stronger if Hyde hadn’t displayed similar behavior to Kelso’s in season 2 (e.g., acting entitled to Jackie’s forgiveness and growing hostile toward her when he doesn’t get it in his desired time frame). Hyde’s relationship with Jackie does inspire her to grow and change, but that doesn’t negate his betrayal of her -- or vice versa.
Donna needed to give Jackie empathy in this moment rather than try to fix what Hyde had broken, but she does so right after Jackie rejects Donna’s argument to give Hyde a chance. Jackie cries on her shoulder, and Donna holds her during it.
Before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in “Join Together” (6x02), Donna continues to point out the positive effect Jackie’s relationship with Hyde had on Jackie. She’s neither Team Jackie nor Team Hyde. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She’s supportive of and compassionate toward Jackie while also maintaining faith in Hyde’s innate goodness.
Donna believes that Hyde, at his core, isn’t a cheater. That he isn’t Kelso, but this doesn’t excuse Hyde’s transgression. What’s missing during this breakup arc is a scene where Donna confronts Hyde about what he did, why he chose to act out instead of talk to Jackie, and where she tells him he has to own his crap. This would have connected nicely story-wise (or grown out of) the lessons she should have learned with Eric in season 5 had the show not rushed into their engagement arc.
Donna could have brought up Hyde’s childhood, the source of his deep fear of abandonment, and how he allowed this fear to seep into his relationship with Jackie. Hyde, then, might have admitted he’d fallen for Jackie when she’d chased him back in season 3 and felt betrayed by her ultimately rejecting him for Kelso.
Hyde: I guess that crap came up again when she became my girlfriend. Part of me always believed she’d always go back to him.
Unfortunately, the writers didn’t make these story and character connections, and the characterization and story suffered because of it.
During Jackie and Hyde’s season 7 breakups, Donna behaves similarly as described above. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She supports both her friends and believes they’re happiest (and best) when together. She brings Jackie to her martial arts class to get out her rage at Hyde in a healthy way. She consistently teases Hyde about his love for Jackie so he won’t deny it to himself or quit fighting for it. She’s always got a hug for Jackie when she needs it, and she calls Hyde on his B.S. (finally) in season 7.
So, no, Donna doesn’t side more with Hyde over Jackie after their breakups. She an equal friend to both of them, despite the flaws in the writing.
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oingo233 · 4 years
I am loving how much thought you're putting into these ship requests ❤ so I thought I'd ask too!
I'm a heterosexual Ravenclaw female. I like to read and write. I used to peer tutor. I like to laugh. My sense of humor is pretty sarcastic. I like to play board games and watch movies and TV. I like being outside but just to relax and enjoy the weather. No camping or serious hiking for me lol. I have green eyes and dark blonde hair. Think you could do a ship for both ears? If not whichever you want is fine. 😊
You sound so awesome!  (Total side note: but yall or too cool for me wtf I just adore you) I kinda went off with the marauders ship, and since I wrote so much for it I decided not to do the Lightning Era ship, which I hope you don’t mind, but if you really want one just let me know and I’ll get to it.  Also sorry this took me forever, I’m the worst at posting/writing.  But I hope you enjoy it! <3 
Anyways, based off of everything here is what I think....
Marauders Era
I ship you with James Potter...
- He saw you were giving peer tutoring lessons so he lied and said he needed “loads of help.  Please, you’d be doing me a huge favor.  I’ll pay ya back?” he’d say with a wink, you’d roll your eyes and fight your smile because truth be told him and his friends always made you laugh with their pranks and you were always a little curious about this charming and handsome boy.
- You agree, in the name of education and graciousness of course.  No other reason... none at all.  Definitely not because he smelled good, and you knew he was passing that class with flying colors and so he had to be into you too, right?
- He was, oh god he was so into you.  He spent more time staring at you than the books you used to study.  It was often you’d look up to see if he was “registering” the information and he’d just be gazing up at you through his glasses, mouth slightly agape in a smile.  You’d blush and ask him an on-topic question, he’d answer correctly and you’d only blush more.
- He always made you laugh till your stomach was in knots and the two of you were kicked out of the library.  It was one of those time when he asked you out on your guy’s first “date”.
- The two of you were standing outside the library doors, cheeks flushed and eyes alight with humor.  He told the worlds best story about his first time on a broom, and how he thought he could fly into outer-space and bring back a star for his mom. (he was very little and didn’t know any better, his dad of course was right next to him and raced after him, but James was so fast.  Afterwards at dinner they scowled him, but knew he would be just great at quidditch.)
- “But it’s all true, all of it,” he says, laughing as you shake your head in disbelief.  He is walking beside you as you two wander the halls, not sure where to go but not wanting to part from one another. “But I’ll tell you, nothing has ever made me feel so free.  Just flying like that, nothing can hold you back.” he says, a large smile on his face.  You smile up at him and his heart nearly drops.
- “Sounds nice,” You mutter, only half paying attention to your own words because James looked so kissable then.  He smiled wider and walked closer to you, blushing as his nerves took over.  “I could teach ya?  If ya want, of course.” He asks you.  Without hesitation you say yes.
- That weekend you spend the whole Saturday together, learning, it seems as though he was the tutor now.  You nearly fell off the broom from laughing so hard, and James’s face would genuinely twist with worry when you would try new moves, he wouldn’t want you getting hurt.  The weather was just wonderful and the brisk breeze caressed your skin, yet the sun kept you warm.
- It was on that beautiful day, that you two laid back on the field of grass to rest and enjoy the weather, he leaned over and kissed you.  You were in shock and he almost pulled away, ready to apologies and die from embarrassment but then you started kissing him back and he found something he for sure liked more than flying...you.
- You two fell in love and have been dating ever since.  His sense of humor is both terrible amazing puns, and sarcasm so you two are always laughing your hearts out with the rest of the Marauders or even just alone.
- You two play board games a lot because he actually started to like them around the same time he found out you did (coincidence...I think not). When you two played together he’d get so into it, he’d just stare down at the board and figure out his next move, giving you perfect time to admire him in silence.  He truly was beautiful.  You’d see his glasses inch down his nose, and he’d slowly push them back up, still focused.
- Whenever you let him win (rarely) he’d would boast about it all day, but it made him so happy you learned to sit there and take it, you knowing the truth about your mad skills was enough.  Sirius and Remus knew it too.
- He’d always watch movies and TV with you, but only if you two were cuddled up.  It’s the only thing that helped him stay still long enough to really get lost in and take in the film.  His fav cuddle positions were when you’d lay in-between his legs, ontop of him, and cuddle your head on his chest, you were so warm and he’d play with your hair and give you forehead kisses .  
- Or, his all time fav cuddle was when it was switched, and he was laying atop your chest.  He loved how he could hear your heartbeat, and feel when you laugh.  You also just run your hands through his hair and if he isn’t careful he could just fall asleep like that, zenned out and warm.
- Since you like being outside so much, but no hard activities (gurl, same!) he would always set up a picnic for the two of you.  Outside on nice days, he’d cover your eyes and lead you across campus to this spot beneath a nice, shady tree.  Lying underneath it would be a blanket, your favorite book and foods, and some pillows.  He’s let you lay your head in his lap and he’d read aloud to you.  He’d put on voices for the characters and make sarcastic commentary that always made you laugh.
- During quidditch matches he gave you his spare jersey to wear and begged you to “Just for one day, be a Gryffindor.  I’ll give ya me jersey, splash some face paint on ya, and no one will tell the difference.” because he’d want for you to sit with Remus, and Sirius and Peter and cheer him on, because then he wouldn’t have to look all over the stands for his favorite group of cheerleaders.  You always kissed him before a match for good luck, he swears by it.
- But he also loved that you were a Ravenclaw.  He admired your intelligence, wit and creativity the most and it wasn’t like you were lacking the Gryffindor traits that he took so much pride in.  He also liked the different perspective you could give him on situations considering your different houses really shaped you both individually and he spent a lot of time with fellow Gryffindors.
- He’d pull the best puppy eyes to convince you to let him read whatever you are writing.  He adores every word you put on paper and even asks to keep his favorite story of yours that you’ve written so he can read it over summer.
- Overall, you both love and support one another so much!  And it was a match made by cupid himself aka me
I hope you liked this!
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hello!! Could I please request the RFA with a MC who becomes non-verbal when very stressed or sad? The kind to panic on the inside but stay too silent on the outside
Heyo! I have the exact same issue when it comes to anxiety tbh-any time I get over-whelmed im immediatly unable to talk for at least a couple hours afterwards ;; 
i focused this more on like panic attacks and anxiety so i hope it’s okay!
with that being said-be warned there’s mentions of panic attacks in this so pleaase don’t read it if that’s a trigger for you! Stay safe xx
The first time he witnesses MC's bout of panic honestly catches him completely off guard-he'd been playing LOLOL with MC in his team, sitting on the couch with their laptop, when he noticed their game character had gone completely still, and wouldn't respond to their teammates in the chat  
He turned to ask MC if their game was lagging when he noticed them freezing up-they were wide eyed and staring at the screen, their lips a thin line as their chest heaved and their hands trembled over the keyboard.
Yoosung's heart lurched from his throat-game abandoned, he ripped his headset off of his head as he kneeled in front of MC, taking their hands in his.
"M-MC? Hey, honey what's wrong? Talk to me please?"
His pleads fell on deaf ears-or well, not quite. MC turned to him, recognised the words as their eyes teared up, yet they couldn't speak, their voice lodged in their throat and refusing to come out.
Yoosung tried to make them match their breathing with his, and after what felt like forever MC seemed to wind down-they stopped trembling, their breaths evening out.
When they explained how this is a frequent situation for them, Yoosung didn't feel all that relieved; he never wanted to see his MC like that ever again.
He learnt to recognise the cues of an oncoming panic attack in MC, and became quick to act-at the slightest hint he'd take them to a quieter location if they weren't at home, and would simple sit there with MC, breathing slow and deep so as to have MC match his breaths-for him it wasn't much, but for MC his support meant everything.
The first time it happens was midway through a rehearsal for a play; he caught glimpse of MC dashing backstage and into his dressing room, and his gut told him this was serious; so he left the scene midway through, following suit to hos dressing room to see what's up.
When he found MC crumpled on the floor breathing erratically, their hands over their mouth, he ran and sat besides them, bringing them into an embrace as he rubbed soothing circles at their back.
When they wouldn't reply to anything he asked he held them at arms length with a furrow in his brows.
"Does something hurt?" he asked. MC shook their head no. "Can you speak?" Another shake no.
Quickly he shuffled through his pockets and took out his phone, opening the messaging app. He placed the phone in MC's hands, his touch lingering. "Here, just-type for me? Explain what's wrong, how I can help."
MC was awed at his idea-in their current state they didn't think of writing! So they explained everything in a text, how they sometimes go non-verbal and how even after the panic passes they sometimes still need some time to be able to speak again.
Zen nodded and stayed besides them until they were able to whisper his name-he was so grateful to hear his beloved's voice again that he simply had to lean in and kiss MC for their effort.
After that, if this ever happened again, Zen would immediatly grab his or Mc's phone and talk with them through text-sometimes though he'd simply hold them close and sing to them, soothing lullabies that'd make MC's heartbeat slow back to normal.
Honestly, she was so shocked the first time MC went non-verbal in front of her that she actually called an ambulance to their home-MC was too shaken up to try and explain anything even through text, and Jaehee genially thought her beloved was having a heart attack!
As the paramedics examined MC and realised what's going on, they gave them some anxiolytics and told Jaehee what's going on.
Jaehee was as relieved as she was confused. If that was a panic attack-why did MC not say so?
After returning back home, MC explained everything to Jaehee with a sheepish look, flustered at the proportions this had taken-they never wanted to worry Jaehee like that.
To their surprise, Jaehee nodded through MC’s explanation and sighed a sigh of relief, slumping down on MC’s shoulder, her head resting in the crook of MC’s neck.
“I’m sorry I-if something happened to you…”
She didn’t need to continue her sentence. MC rubber Jaehee’s back, and slept as physically close to Jaehee as they could that night.
From then on, Jaehee always had a notebook with her at all times, as well as other smaller pads around their home and coffee shop; whenever MC went non-verbal, Jaehee would simply give MC a pen and pad and ask them to explain what’s wrong and if they needed any help from her.
It was efficient, and honestly, knowing there was someone like Jaehee besides them to help was already more than enough for MC.
Believe it or not, he completely understands when MC goes non-verbal. He’s not sure how he knew what was going on-some repressed part of his mind suggested he’d been through something similar before as a kid, yet he ignored that in favour of helping MC.
After confirming they couldn’t talk, he’d take them someplace they could feel safe, be it their bedroom if they were at home or the car if they were outside, any place isolated for MC to catch their breath.
He’d wait it out with them, and wouldn’t speak unless MC asked him to-he’d simply sit beside them and observe MC with worried eyes.
If even after a panic attack they were still unable to talk, he’d simply ask them to type out what they wanted to say on his phone, and he’d read it and respond to them normally.
He never judged or asked much about this to MC-he’s a very observant man, so he’d make sure to learn and categorise in his mind any potential triggers MC may have and avoid them at all costs.
He did often suggest to MC to visit a psychiatrist-he knew the benefits medications could have on panic attacks, and he wanted the best for his MC.
So if they agreed to it, he’d find the best doctor he could to help MC with their anxiety-he never wanted to see the person he loves in such a state when it could be avoided. When and if it did happen again though, he’d be there for MC through it all.
Honestly he’d just be glad if MC allowed him to be beside them through it all, and if he saw them improve their health he’d be so happy (bless this man srsly)
Honestly, he absolutely has the same issue as MC-this is a head canon I’ve had of him since forever tbh lol
It’s not just with anxiety or panic attacks either; when he gets overy excited/furstrated or overwhelmed he’ll go non-verbal. He doesn’t know why it happened, he just figured fine, it’s a part of him and rolled with it
Since he never really had to talk to anyone during this times he never actually tried to combat it.
However when he realised MC had the same issue as him, he started pondering-could they do something about it? He hated how frustrated MC was with themself when they were unable to speak, and he hated being unable to help them.
In the meanwhile, he made an app for just the two of them-a text-to-speech converter that used their own voices, so that neither of them would feel they’re missing out from the conversation when they couldn’t talk.
Whenever MC panicked, he’d simply sit beside them and breathe deep and loud; he’d never tell MC to match his breathing, but since it was audible, it was a grounding sort of thing for them, and eventually they’d subconsciously match it on their own.
Eventually the two of them would sit together and think about what they could do-neither of them minded the fact that they went non-verbal since they’d already found ways to work around the issue, but the panic attacks were the issue-and both of them cared for each other enough to want to better their health and each other’s, lol
So eventually they’d reach out to Jumin for a recommendation to a doctor; he’d suggest a great psychiatrist to them that they could talk to individually, and that combined with medication really helped improve their anxiety respectively!
Although they’d constantly have to remind each other to take their meds orz
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thepinkcar · 5 years
The TC Gift Exchange
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words: 2K
note: I started this a year ago as a joke but then after some thought the idea grew on me. Enjoy my weird brain.
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Timothée found himself in an abandoned storage lot, sitting inside his aunt’s Toyota Camry while he tried to push down the impulse to scream. The location had been the address on a note he had received prior. The handwriting was unsettlingly familiar and read:
Honorable Timothée,
It wold be an honor to have your company at the location inscribed on December 31st close to midnight. Please bring a gift to exchange during the celebration. We hope to see you there.
In retrospect, showing up at all had been a grave mistake. He probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t desperately craved space from the New Years rager. The holiday season had been a well-desired break from the prying eyes of the public. Unfortunately it also meant an unwavering devotion to every friend and family gathering that could be stuffed into his schedule.
So here he was, risking a shoot out (or more likely, stabbing) on New Years Eve. Just as he had resolved to turn around and leave, there was a knock on his car window. A young man with long curly dark hair waved at him to get out and Timothée sighed, quickly complying. The man’s hair obscured his face, but Timothée felt a chill run down his spine once he spoke.
“You’re Timothée, right?” Timmy nodded slowly. “Is that French, ‘cause that’d be hella tight.”
Timothée froze, finally taking in the thick American accent. “Did you just say ‘hella tight’?” he whispered. The man ignored the question, instead turning towards him and offering a hand. Timothée shook it hesitantly as he tried to find the the gall to look up. 
“‘Name’s Kyle. Nice to meet you, Tim-o-tay.” Timmy looked up so fast he was almost surprised not to feel any whiplash. When he saw his own face he screamed. 
“What the fuck! What the fuck is happening? Is this some sick joke?” Timothée screeched. Kyle sighed apathetically, pulling a hand-rolled cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. Timothée continued to stare at him bug-eyed, half expecting him to glitch or evaporate from his vision when he woke up from this nightmare. 
“Dude, chill. It’s not that weird,” Kyle mumbled, taking another hit. Timothée remained frozen and Kyle sighed again. “It’s too fucking cold for this shit. C’mon, we’re going inside and you better have your gift on you.”
Kyle took a step towards Timmy and Timmy flinched. Aggravated, Kyle grabbed Timmy’s forearm and pulled him inside one of the storage buildings.
The inside of the building was surprisingly cozy with the halls decorated vibrantly for Christmas. Soon they arrived in a room occupied by a Christmas tree, cookies, and an ominous circle of chairs. 
“I have him, so we can get this over with and leave!”
“Apathy has and never will be a good look on you, Kyle,” a new voice said. Timothée turned to meet Elio (or him playing Elio) dressed in his winter time outfit. He tried to set aside the creepiness of Elio’s distressed half-smile that he remembered doing during his takes for the end credits. Elio pulled him into an embrace and Timothée suppressed the urge to wriggle. 
“It’s a joy to meet you,” he said warmly before pulling back. “You’re more handsome than I anticipated.”
“How do you manage to be so narcissistic and so self-deprecating in the same sentence?” Kyle growled. Elio rolled his eyes before taking off his headphones and handing Kyle his walkman. Kyle bitterly put it on before continuing to listen to whatever was playing. 
“What’s going on?” Timmy finally mustered, his throat burning from the screaming. 
“We’re calling it the TC Gift Exchange,” Elio stated simply. “Every year, all of the characters you play come together at an undisclosed location and give each other gifts before departing back into our separate universes.”
Timothée stared at Elio in bewilderment before bursting into laughter. Elio watched him in confusion. 
“Is everything alright?”
“Of course! It’s just that my dopplegangers have teamed up to make me feel insane. Excellent work, but I think this can stop now.”
“It’s true,” two voices say. Tim and Elio turn to face a Billy from Miss Stevens and Zac from One and Two. They both have a cookie in hand with same amount of bites taken. Tim gulps.
“Each year, the universe of the most successful part that year is where we host,” Billy explains. “Last year we partied in Crema…”
“The year before that we had to do it in the ass crack of no where,” Zac mutters. 
“Hey! That spot was next to the road that I sang with Miss Stevens in the car on the way to that theatre conference. And you’re being out of character!”
“Well I’m sorry if I’ve been cranky considering my house was burned to bits!” Zac sneers.
“Boys! You’re literally the same persona set in two different storylines. Find your zen,” Elio says, immediately cringing. “I’m starting to sound like Kyle.”
Timothée shakes his head and moves to take a seat in the circle. The others soon follow suit taking their respective seats that are conveniently in chronological order. Timothée takes the opportunity to take in the others (he’s still deciding whether or not to refer to them as individuals) profiles. Elio sat two spaces to the right of him next Kyle and another doppelgänger that Timothée could only assume to be Daniel from Hot Summer Nights based solely off the fact that he wouldn’t stop rocking back and forth.
Billy and Zac buddy up next to one another beside Daniel, followed by an awkward looking Charlie Cooper and roughed up Jace. Timothée cringed at the familiar backwards cap sitting on Jace’s head next to him. He turned to Elio who had busked himself switching the tape out of his Walkman for Kyle. “This isn’t everyone is it?”
Elio raised a brow but didn’t break his focus. “What do you mean? Timothée bit his lip. He didn’t want to come off arrogant, ironically.
“There’s do roles missing from the circle.”
“Not everyone comes every year. Some are on probation,” Kyle said matter-of-factly. Timothée rolled his eyes. He forgot how much of a douche Kyle was meant to be.
“Some aren’t old enough to come, so we mail them their gifts,” Elio finished.
“But how do you send mail to a completely different universe?”
“You’re asking too many questions. Why is he asking so many questions?” Daniel grumbled, crazed eyes now trained on Timothée. Timothée felt his hands clam up more than they already had. 
“Danny, be civil,” Elio warned, giving him a cautious pat on the back. Kyle rolled his eyes.
“We mail them the same way we’re all able to gather with you tonight. Dumbass.” Timmy nodded slowly, surveying the room of doppelgängers. The more he looked at them the less anxious he became about seeing them, which only made him more anxious about how quickly he was acclimating to his Stockholm of a situation.
“What about the ones on—“
“Probation? We try to keep the celebration to main characters only, since we’re not exactly rolling in it, y’know?” Billy quipped, jumping in before Elio had a chance. “Then some people…”
“Nic can’t come because technically he’s a fictionalized real person,” Elio cut in once again, shooting Billy a cool look.
“And he’s a drug addict,” Kyle muttered.
“Recovering addict.”
“What’s the difference? There’s only one guy missing but I don’t really care if he’s here or not. I’m not a big fan of monarchy or oligarchy or government institutions—“
“—or the government?” Timothée cut in knowingly. Kyle smiled.
“See he gets it.”
A crash of metal silences the room’s chatter. After a moment of silence another doppelgänger, this time with a stylish bowl cut appears. Timothée shivers at the memory of his lost locs. Kyle scowls while Elio beams. The others arrange their reactions neatly between the two margins.
“Hello everyone. I hope you can pardon my lateness. I struggled to drag this sorry lot to the TC Exchange,” Hal declared, ceremoniously dragging in Gatsby Welles from the he-who-shall-not-be-named movie about rain. It was Elio’s turn to grimace while Kyle smirked.
“No foul, your highness. Be seated here. As for him…”
“We can’t keep blacklisting him, Elio.”
“His film didn’t even hit theaters! Mine has an Oscar, Kyle. An Oscar!” 
“You mean the award you campaign for?”
“I don’t mind.” The room turned to Timothée who had chosen to slump comfortably in his seat. He decided to sit up for the sake of his point. “I chose to play him. He still means a lot to me.”
“He’s just Kyle wearing a blazer!”
“He’s more complex than that, Elio.”
“No one if knows what he’s supposed to be like because it’s impossible to watch the movie!” Elio whined. Timothée moved to respond when a familiar click is heard from across the room. They froze to face Jace holding his signature hand gun.
“You better shut your ass, Elliot! Just because you like dick doesn’t mean you get to make all the rules. The man of the hour said he wants Gatsby to stay, so Gatsby’s staying!”
“While I try not to condone violence, unless my advisors misadvise me, I have to agree with as the kids might say Soulja Boy over there,” Hal added causing Elio to crumple further into his seat.  Timothée frowned.
“I understand why you’re upset, Elio. He somehow managed to write a poetry collection during this whole exchange. But I still wanna keep him if we’re gonna be here.”
“I’m gonna name this last one after you, Elio,” Gatsby said softly. Elio gives a small smile.
“Thank god,” Kyle sighed, “Can we get our gifts now? I don’t want to ring in the new decade with you lot.”
After an hour of mingling with his counterparts, the goodbyes tugged a bit on Timothée’s heart strings. He learned so much about everyone as far as the group dynamic went. He learned Kyle and Elio were actually quite close considering how much they seemed to rag on each other.
“You should have seen him the first year. An antisocial mess,” Elio reminisced fondly.
“That’s before a realized you have taste. I wouldn’t have shown up again if you hadn’t,” Kyle admitted begrudgingly.
Timothée also learned that while most of his characters felt similar, after two minutes of conversation the differences became glaring. Except for Billy and Zac. They were essentially the same person.
“I hope one day I’ll get a box of serotonin for Christmas,” Billy joked. Zac gasped.
“I asked for a bottle of Serotonin for my birthday!”
As Timothée walked back to his Aunt’s Camry with Hal, he couldn’t fight off the smile that kept creeping onto his face. Hal side-eyed him in solent satisfaction.
“Will we be seeing you again next year? I’m sure Elio wouldn’t mind providing free transit to space.”
“I’ll have to think about it,” Timothée chuckled. “This was…nice. Like really nice. It makes me kinda glad to be an actor. In an unnerving way.”
“I couldn’t have asked for better casting. Next year should be nice since Laurie will be able to come. I think him and Elio will get on nicely, then maybe…”
“Then maybe he’ll stop flirting with you? Still not sure how I feel about that,” Timothée mumbled with a shudder. The man really needs his Oliver.
“Don’t worry yourself about it. I only have one thing to request of you good sir.” Timothée raised a brow, trying not to fidget under Hal’s intense gaze. “Please, consider doing a comedic role in the future. We could use someone to shake things up around here.” The two of them smiled before bursting into fits of laughter.
“You’ve got it King!”
“No, you’re the king today. Drive safe and we’ll see you next time.” Hal walked back into the abandoned hall while Timothée sat down in his car and prepared to drive back. Maybe in the morning he’d wake up from a highly elaborate dream, but for now he could hang on to the feeling of gratitude and appreciation.
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aranciafiamma · 5 years
Killed in Action
Summary: Instead of Kaigaku, it was Zenitsu who encountered the Upper Moon. [Content Warning: Major Character Death]
After Inosuke smashed through a window and informed Tanjiro about the new training session in place, a sense of urgency sunk into the Demon Slayer Corps. More and more hunters were pulled from their usual patrol routes and assigned areas to take part in the "super hard training session". Apparently, the demon activity had decreased to a nonexistent level. It was completely unheard of, like the calm before a storm. Tanjiro could practically smell the singed snap of ozone. Speaking of, with all the hunters gathering, he's surprised that Zenitsu hasn't visited him once. There hasn't been a hint of that crisp, metallic tang denoting the blond's scent.
Goto has been wary of his arrival. With Nezuko now walking freely in the sun, he predicted that Zenitsu's cheer would reach explosive heights. Explosive, noisy, obnoxious heights. But so far, with Zenitsu still absent, such a prediction has yet to come true. Tanjiro wonders if perhaps his friend got lost somehow. He may have gotten distracted by a lady... This is unfortunately extremely likely. The small and scared side of him, the leftover from that horrible discovery, the anguish that he will carry till the day he dies, that dark, firmly-hidden part of him whispers about demons and death.
Everyone has this vague feeling that those we love and revere will be alive tomorrow and the day after that. But it's only a desire, and nothing more. Nobody promised us that this is an absolute truth. But people, for some reason or another, still try to convince themselves that it is one. Tanjiro really should have known better.
Chuntaro arrives with the early morning light. He seems tinier than usual. His feathers appear dull, with bald patches here and there. Tanjiro can tell that the poor bird has gone through quite an ordeal. This is the first sign. There is a letter tied to his leg. The scent is from the Ubuyashiki household. This is the second sign. Here's the thing about Zenitsu. He didn't like writing letters. It's not like he couldn't, not like Inosuke. He was simply bad at replying in a timely manner. He was very easily distracted and not too considerate when it came to communicating regularly. He never wrote to his Master, his dubbed Grandfather, about Tanjiro and Inosuke or about all the feats they've accomplished since. Consequently, his Grandfather would never think to write Tanjiro. So, that left young Kiriya Ubuyashiki with the task of informing all parties related and connected to Zenitsu Agatsuma. It is a short note.
"It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that your friend, Agatsuma Zenitsu, was killed in action. A few days ago, Hunter Agatsuma encountered Upper Moon 1 within the town of __. Presumably, the demon had been preparing for Muzan Kibutsuji's final assault on the Demon Slayer Corps. Hunter Agatsuma attempted to flee, and in an effort to keep the Upper Moon at bay, he caught his enemy's interest. He was offered Muzan Kibutsuji's blood in exchange for his continued survival. Hunter Agatsuma refused. Upper Moon 1 beheaded him. His sparrow, Chuntaro, bore witness to the whole event. Please accept my deepest condolences. My family and I mourn with you."
When his family was murdered, he hadn't been there. But he saw their bodies. He suffocated from the stench of their blood. When Rengoku-san died, he had kneeled a foot from him. He had breathed in mouthfuls of that coppery scent as the Flame Pillar spoke his last words. The point is, he had been there. In some capacity, either during or after, he had bore witness to their deaths. He has no such luxury now.
He half-thinks that surely he must still be dreaming. He half-thinks that surely none of this could be real. Times where happiness is broken always carries the scent of blood. But right now, all he can smell is antiseptic, soap, and wisteria. He's safe sitting on a clinic bed in the Butterfly Estate. The letter speaks of a battle in some distant, lonely town where the scent of dirt and sweat must have filled the air. It's almost like reading a story about a man long dead. Sure, he must have been real once. But he hadn't been real to Tanjiro. He hadn't fought with him, shared meals with him, trained and slept and traveled and - and - and...
Oh. He's torn the letter. He stares at the two halves of paper. The words are still there, in plain black ink. He tears the letter some more. He tears it apart until there's nothing but tiny scraps, barely recognizable. The words are still there, imprinted in his memory.
"Upper Moon 1 beheaded him."
Of all the towns, of all the demons, of all the assignments Zenitsu could have taken, he got this one. It was a bad draw, a terrible role of the dice, just an unfortunate accident. Except it wasn't really. Zenitsu was a hunter. And risking their lives was part of the job. But really? Truly? Honestly? What were the odds?? How likely was this to happen? For Zenitsu to meet Upper Moon 1?? Of all demons, it had to be Upper Moon 1!
His head is pressed against something soft. A familiar scent envelops him like a blanket on a lonely, winter night. He remembers this smell from countless hours spent sitting together by a cookfire, playing together in the yard, working together to repair floorboards and cook dinners and gather firewood. A faint, acid zing weaves in between the smell of home and hearth. But he's used to that now. He's been carrying that scent on his back for almost a year. 
Nezuko holds him tight. Her chin rests on his head. There is gasping. There is trembling. Oh. That's him. He's gasping. He's trembling.
"WHAT'S THE BIG... idea..."
He hears Inosuke call out. His usual gruff manner tapers off to something softer, more subdued. Tanjiro looks up to find Inosuke standing at the entryway. His boar head watches them with its usual blank, blue stare. Tanjiro's crow has roosted on his head. Judging from the stray feathers all over Inosuke, Tanjiro can guess that his crow harassed Inosuke into coming here.
"Hey, you guys! First this stupid chicken wouldn't leave me alone. And now you're all..."
That's right. Inosuke can't read. He couldn't just get a letter and learn that way. No, he has to hear it from someone. He has to hear it from Tanjiro.
For once, Tanjiro wishes he wasn't the eldest son. But still, he sucks in a breath. Oh he definitely hasn't been doing his Total Concentration Breathing in the last five maybe ten minutes. But he doesn't find that too disappointing. Right now, he'd really like some air and he really doesn't care how he gets it. So he breathes in sharp, stuttering bursts more befitting a pneumonia patient.
"Inosuke... Something happened to Zen-"
Tanjiro didn't get to finish before Inosuke has clapped his hands over his ears. He screeches, loud and high like a wounded animal. His intuition is really incredible and Tanjiro will never stop marveling over it.
"Inosuke..." Tanjiro murmurs, his brow wrinkling. "I'm sorry."
"WHY?! Why are you sorry, huh? There's nothing to be sorry about! Absolutely nothing!"
"This must be the first time... You've never gotten bad news before."
"I can't get any bad news if you don't give me any!" And with that, Inosuke flees. He whips around and runs straight out the door.
A/N: Inosuke out here with 10k IQ. Super self-indulgent. Likely not to finish. I just really wanted to think about this AU for a second. Hey maybe Demon Zenitsu later. That could be fun. 
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writinginstability · 6 years
Deviating Love Affair - Part 2
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Soulmate AU with DBH Connor
Pair: Connor x Female! Reader
Prompt: In this universe, you are supposed to receive a tattoo of your soulmate’s name on your 18th birthday.  However, you being the lucky winner, never received one on that special day.  After years go by, you began to accept the fact that maybe you were never destined to have a soulmate until one day, on August 5th, 2038, you see a certain individual’s name gets written on your wrist.  Not only is it odd that your soulmate tattoo wasn’t given to you on your 18th birthday but that in reality, your soulmate isn’t even human.
Word Count: 1749 words
A/N: Hi friends! I’m back with another part!  Just an FYI, I skipped through “The Nest” chapter since I didn’t think it really fit with how I wanted the characters to develop so we are just going to pretend that never happened.  I’ve also skipped through some other chapters from the game that I thought were too boring and I really don’t want to bore you guys.  This part and the next one are going to be kind of slow but I swear it will pick up a little....hopefully...I don’t know.  
Feedback is always appreciated and I know this part sucked so nitpick all you want! (I need it because writing is really not my strong suit). 
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Connor was facing a dilemma.  He knew what his purpose was, how he was supposed to hunt deviants and search for their source of deviancy.  He also knew that he was a machine, a machine who was not supposed to feel emotions or disobey his master.  However, the moment he met you, everything seemed to change within him.  He no longer truly knew what he was or how he was supposed to act.  For the first time ever, he did not know what to do.
Connor opened his eyes and was met with the sight of the peaceful Zen Garden.  The words, “Talk to Amanda” appeared at the corner of his eye.  Connor looked around the area before landing on Amanda’s figure standing on the center island by a wall of roses.  He slowly made the walk to her while trying to formulate proper sentences which would not upset her nor make him lose her trust.
Once Connor had reached a comfortable speaking distance from her, he introduced himself, “Hello Amanda.”
Amanda looked over her shoulder before replying, “Connor, it’s good to see you.”
Amanda smiled at him before snipping off a flower in front of her.  She proceeded to congratulate Connor on successfully locating the deviant as well as properly extracting a confession.  She also praised Connor for his achievements while also asking a series of questions of what he has discovered along the way.  
Amanda paused for a moment as she sprayed her flowers with water.  Connor had hoped that their conversation would be over so he wouldn’t have to face any more of her questioning, especially ones involving you.
“Both Lieutenant Anderson and Officer (Y/L/N) have been assigned to the deviancy cases.  What do you make of them?”
Connor paused for a moment, carefully thinking of what to say.  “Lieutenant Anderson seems a bit dysfunctional.  He clearly has some personal issues which impact his professional behavior.  He also seems to want to have nothing to do with this investigation or Androids overall.”
“Unfortunately, we have no other choice but to work with him,” she replied, “What about the other?”
Connor paused once more, but this time, he was taking more time to properly say what he wanted to say without upsetting Amanda.  But what could he say?  He couldn’t tell her that he hasn’t stopped thinking about you since last night or that the image of your smile was engraved in his mind.  After careful thought, Connor spoke again, “She seems to be very invested in her work, unlike her coworker.  However, she also seems to be troubled by something, more troubled the moment I introduced myself to her.  Overall, she’s a very intriguing character and I wish to learn more about her.”
Amanda stopped what she was doing and slowly turned around to face Connor.  “More and more androids are showing signs of deviancy.  If they are not stopped, destruction and chaos will occur.  You are the only one who can stop this outcome.  There are no room for...distractions,” she ended, clearly referencing Connor’s description of you.
Connor nodded as he watched Amanda walk away.
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You anxiously tapped your fingers on your thigh as you sat on your couch.  You kept glancing over at your phone which sat face down on the coffee table, taunting you with its presence. You were eager to call Hank and talk to him about the events of last night and what it had felt like to meet Connor; however, you were worried about how he would react which kept you from making the call.  
After a few more minutes of you contemplating whether or not to bother your easily-annoyed coworker, you picked up the phone and pressed the dial button on his profile.  
“Hello?” Hank asked.
“Do you think, and I’m asking out of full curiosity, it’s possible for someone’s soulmate to be an android?” you asked without warning.
“What?” Hank asked.  
“Do you think it’s possible for someone’s soulmate to be an android?”
“Hell no, Androids aren’t alive; they aren’t meant to have soulmates.  Wait, why are you even asking this?” he asked, clearly uncomfortable with your question.  
“Think about it Hank, my tattoo says Connor, my soulmate tattoo says Connor.  The next Connor I meet just happens to be an Android detective working with us, this has to mean something.”
“Oh hell no, you don’t actually think that that plastic cop is your soulmate do you?”
“Just hear me out Hank,” you replied.
“Look kiddo, I don’t have time for this,” he said as he threatened to end the call.  
“Hank!” you exclaimed, stopping him from doing so, “just listen.”
You heard Hank sigh through the phone before he replied, “Continue.”
“Last night, when I met Connor, it wasn’t like I was just meeting another Android, it was like I was meeting another human being.  And, I don’t know, I just can’t stop thinking about him, how he acts, how he talks.  It’s like I’m a teenager all over again experiencing a first crush or something and it’s driving me insane.  Last night was the first time I’ve felt like that with anyone in a very long time and I can’t just ignore it,” you said.
Hank stayed silent for a couple of seconds as he processed everything that you had just said.  “Please say something,” you begged, worried of what Hank might think.
“I don’t buy it,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t think the universe made you wait this long for a fucking Android.  You deserve better than that,” he replied.
Before you could object, Hank had already ended your call, clearly thinking that you were delusional.  You leaned your head back against your seat while running your fingers through your hair in frustration.  Maybe you were crazy and maybe you were in over your head; however, nothing else could explain these rush of feelings from the night before.  
The next time you ran into Connor was later that night when you heard someone knock on the front door to your apartment.  You carefully put down your cup of tea before getting up from your seat to answer the door.  You truly did not expect to see Connor standing at your door.  
“Hi Connor,” you said with a bit of surprise, “What’s up?”
Connor looked at you up and down for a split second, noticing how you had on black rimmed glasses for a -1.00 prescription and you were wearing comfortable loungewear.  
“Hello Officer, sorry to bother you so late.  I have just received word of another deviancy case just downtown and wanted to inform you.  I also thought it would be better if you were with me before I talked to Lieutenant Anderson.”
You smiled and nodded before replying, “Come in, just give me five minutes.”
You took a few steps back, opening the door wider, allowing Connor to walk in.  Connor looked around your home thinking to himself that it was very cozy and comfortable for one person (maybe even two).  
“I’ll be right back, but make yourself at home,” you said before retreating to your bedroom to get dressed.  
Connor took this opportunity to learn more about you, in hopes to better his relationship with you.  The first thing that caught his eye was the lonesome white mug on your island which was still steaming.  Connor took a second to analyze the contents of the cup.  He noticed that you had brewed a cup of tea, assuming it was your favorite, with exactly 15 grams of sugar.  
Connor exited your kitchen and came across a photo album which sat in the middle of your coffee table.  He picked up the book and noticed a photo of you and Hank with the words, “Happy Birthday” engraved on its cover.  
Connor opened the book and flipped through the photos of you and your presumed close friends at the DPD and various locations in Detroit, all of which had you in mid laughter or with a huge smile on your face.  Connor found your smile so charming and genuine.  He lightly traced the outline of your face with his fingertips, the edges of his mouth turning slightly upwards.  He was so captivated by your photo that he failed to notice you had already left your room and was standing next to him.
“What are you looking at?” you asked as you tried to tame the stray hairs on your head and pull them in a proper ponytail.
“I was-I was just looking at your photo album,” Connor said, somewhat startled by your presence.
You laughed slightly before placing your hand on his shoulder, “Sorry for scaring you.”
Connor quickly glanced at your hand, the warmth of your fingers seemed to burn through his skin.  
“Do you want to see something funny?” you asked, snapping Connor out of his thoughts.
Connor nodded slightly before handing the photo album to you.  You quickly flipped to a certain page of the album and pointed at a picture of you and Hank.  Connor studied the picture for a bit, trying to understand the situation.  
“Is that Lieutenant Anderson,” he paused, “in a crab costume?”
You laughed inwardly before replying, “Yes, yes it is.  This picture was taken on Halloween and we made a bet the night before.  Basically, if the Detroit Gears beat the Boston Celtics, I would have to wear a ridiculous costume of his choice; however, if the Celtics won, Hank would have to wear a crab costume.  Guess who won,” you said in between laughs.  
Although Connor did find Hank’s appearance to be very entertaining, he was completely drawn to your laugh.  The pictures he had seen in your booklet did not truly capture the beauty of your smile.  The way your eyes crinkled up, how your eyes literally lit up, and how the sound of your laugh was very pleasant to listen to, almost like a melody.  Your laughter made Connor begin to smile and for the first time, he had experienced genuine happiness.  
“Anyways,” you said before your eyes met with Connor’s.  
You both froze for a brief second getting lost in each other's eyes.  After a few seconds, you shook your head slightly and cleared your throat, breaking the silence between the two of you.  You closed the photo album in your hand and placed it back in its original position.  
“Ready to go?” you asked Connor.
Connor nodded before following you out of your apartment and into the cold night air of Detroit.  
TAG LIST: @girlonthebalcony , @layinglonely , @liveloveandbekind , @pickelope , @avorstori , @dragonempress123 , @i-heart-movies , @moonlitsunset3 , @lydiafrye , @ashura-y , @enderspider , @mapangx3 , @vlkryia , @derpydanandphil , @connorfixinghistie , @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8 , @bithepowerofgay , @jessblucifer , @datweirdname , @sarcastic-fuckery , @aklesiz , @pokengirl2 , @seoulxbts , @i-do-wat-i-want , @fuckthatfeeling , @skylawolfstarlight , @freakhalo , @lumpysei, @kurooislittlekitty , @thiriiyum , @ladye11e , @crashintothewall , @purpstraw , @hufflepuffing-all-day-long , @satanic-telephone , @callalilyiskewl, @ultramajorfandomtrash, @sweetlittleviper , @yeah-im-c-r-a-b-b-y , @itybitynovak , @rogueajz , @racrneko , @heypartypeps, @bad-blue-moon-rising , @nerdy-marisie , @phangengar , @lunarlexycon, @noythe , @tayshipping , @kazuha159 , @unprofessional-inhumanbeing , @fineactually , @poodlegods , @mei7298 , @aya-fay , @xlexiiiiiiimakeup , @baguetteslayer , @classy-stars , @crystal-birds-love , @dbhconkarmar , @lone-loba , @am-i-your-friend , @alexkunis , @shadows-echoes , @the-razy-pie-rope , @ev3e , @the-fandoms-with-the-feels , @dontmesswithmeboi , @bibbo-boggerns , @androids-became-human , @nerdylittoyvoid, @harleyscheekheart , @unlikelybreadtimemachine , @spectacular-spiderboy , @fragmentsofmiles , @ricewithfish, @wecheescakeme, @izzy2808, @songofgratitude, @conwhore800, @internalplight, @meetcally, @arkana-eskellion, @dinkythedinosaur, @quartetstarheaven
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space-kitten-606 · 6 years
What kind of person would fit each character
So this was/is a request I got this morning. But why am I making an extra post instead of answering the ask???? 
Because I deleted it right after reading it. On purpose. Those who have been following me for a while may see why. Or not. Idek anymore. Point is, it was not following my rules. And honestly I’m so tired to say this by now I feel kind of like a broken record, and I barely get any requests in the first place, so I feel so bad for the writers/artists who actually have people flooding their inbox with stuff they said they won’t write/draw. *deep sigh*
There is good news for you though, anon. For some reason this thing wouldn’t leave me alone for the entire day, so I kind of did it. I won’t count this as HC (since that’s not really what I did here) but I consider this my personal opinion. I also apologize to anyone who was rejected by me in the past. I can totally see how this is unfair, and if you’re going to hold a grudge against me now or whatever, it’s okay, I get it. I don’t like myself particularly either so I feel you. This is the first and (hopefully) last time I will be doing this. That being said, rules are rules but this is also my blog and I do what I want. Make of this what you want.
/rant over/
A/N: As stated above this is my personal opinion. Generally speaking I don’t think the members won’t really care if you’ll 100% fulfill each of these aspects, since they fall in love with the person they meet in the chatroom and with the things you’ve been doing for them and how you’ve been helping them, which is so much more important than what the ideal person would be like. 
The actor definitely needs a partner who has a lot of self-esteem. With his career you’ll both be in the spotlight a lot, and media will talk about you, wether he decides to keep you out of his job or not. This keeps getting more important as he becomes more famous. Everyone is talking about him, so everyone will also be talking about you. In good and also very bad ways. Jealousy everywhere. Besides, due to his flirty attitude, he may still make women swoon right and left. I don’t think this will be an easy thing for him to stop doing as this seems to be very characteristic of him. You must be confident and trusting in the fact that, despite how he’s talking to the others, you’re still the only person he really looks at. You may also be seperated a lot, since he will have to be traveling for his job once in a while. And even though he makes MC manager at the end of his route (if I’m not wrong. If I’m mixing something up here I’m sorry. Don’t @ me.) it would be smarter to get a manager who actually got a lot more experience with showbiz in the long run. Anyway there’s no way you’ll always be able to accompany him, even if he’d honestly prefer that. It would also be very benifitial if you share his love for theater and music, for obvious reasons, it’s not a requirement though. On a more personal scale he’d need someone who has a love for things that are out of the norm and who encourages others to use their potential. Zen can also get very jealous, especiallly if he’s not around you. People mustn’t get too flirty or touchy with you. And last but not least, pets are generally okay but cats would obviously be a problem for health reasons. He may try for you, but it’s really no long term solution.
The little puppy boy needs someone very kind and patient. He’s carrying a lot of baggage around, especially after everything that happened with Rika. You should also be able to go along with his family, as he learns that maybe it’s really better for everyone if a family keeps working together and cares for one another, despite different views on things or even people. His ideal partner should have a love for animals as it will be an important part in his life, due to his career. So if his s/o can’t bring up empathy for animals (or in general) it may be a definite deal breaker. He enjoys cooking, so he’d love a partner he can learn new recipies with. If you’re hot headed a relationship may be pretty rocky, since Yoosung is in need of a calm and peaceful environment. He’d try to avoid conflict at almost any costs, so more often than not you’d be the one to get out of your comfortzone to adress eventual problems. If his s/o doesn’t want kids he will be disappointed and probably be hurt for a while, but he’d never hold it against them. Kudos, if his partner enjoys playing video games. Though he is able to beat is obsession, he still won’t hesitate to spend some free time on them to unwind. So why not play with his s/o?
Though she’s not opposed to joke around once in a while, she needs more of a mature partner by her side. She doesn’t like to get too crazy though, her humor might feel too serious for some, but she’s just not very fond of being straight out childish. After some funny times she wants to calm down and talk about more serious and real things. It’s very important for the former assistant to fulfill her dream and she’d like her s/o to be an integral part of it. If her partner has different dreams they want to pursue she’ll tirelessly support them, unless it crushes her own dream. Other than setting up her café she’d like to do all the things she wasn’t able to do, when she was still working for C&R. This mostly being travelling and learning about other cultures, I can see her enjoying it a lot, even more with someone who shares her excitement. A thing one must be able to deal with is her fangirling. She’ll always be very passionate about movies and theatre, especially the pieces Zen takes part in, so it would be good if her partner shares her excitement. It would make her very happy if they take part in it. Jaehee wants someone by her side who can be responsible and can make decisions accordingly. Once in a while she may be taking things just a little too seriously, but she always has good intentions. She makes her decisions carefully to find the best solution for everyone involved. Her opinions can be rather strict and alienating at times because of that, but should those bring up an argument she’s more than willing to have a calm and serious discussion to find the ideal compromise. She expects no less from the person by her side. 
First and foremost the heir needs someone to ground him. He’s only just learning to understand his emotions, and after bottling them up for so many years, this is an humongous task. It will take a lot of calm understanding and patience, to make sure he won’t get overwhelmed by what he feels and go back to his mindset of feelings and emotions being overall impractical. His s/o should also have some basic knowledge on how to dress and what behaviour to show in meetings, dinners with business partners, fancy parties and the like. While he’ll definitely hire staff to help with these things, they must be able to learn, understand and adapt. They must be willing and able to accompany him to events and gatherings of all sorts, as in many places it is considered rude to avoid them. Also he’s able to meet new potential business partners or strike lucrative deals at those occasions; something he’d prefer to do with his s/o by his side, to have their direct input and judgement of the overall situation. Which brings me to my next point of him preferring his partner to have some basic/or even better advanced knowledge on businesses. He’d want to discuss new investments and risky deals with his partner, which obviously only works if they now what they are talking about. Also, he wishes for them to play an important role in running his company, be it only a supportive one. It’s also for the best if his partner agrees with his opinion on the overall importance of a strong bond within a family and goes along well with Chairman Han and Elizabeth 3rd, as both are very important parts of his life. In his free time Jumin likes to go out, having dinner at a high tier restaurant or going to a jazz concert, for example. But he also sees some quality time in staying at the penthouse and enjoying a fine wine, while talking about everything and nothing. If his s/o is someone who prefers going out clubbing, he’ll pass on that, since it’s really not his definition of a good time and he also feels very out of place at these events, so they’d have to go without him. Like with Zen they should be able to stay back at home without him at times, since there will be business travels they won’t be able to attend once every few months. 
He’d most definitely need someone who can keep up with his wit and his pranks. Besides being able to take a joke they must also be sensitive enough to notice when it’s time to stop. He’ll respect where they draw the line so he full on expects them to respect his, too. While he wouldn’t mind if his partner shares his problems with depression, ptsd and the likes it may not necessarily be for the best if they actually get into a relationship as in some cases, they might unintentionally trigger each other or encourage self destructive behaviour. There will be episodes in which he prefers to be on his own and not socialize too much and these also will have to be respected, though he will be vocal about this most of the time. He’d like his s/o to be as open to him as possible, especially after what he went through his entire life up  to that point. A partner who keeps too many secrets will make him paranoid. Not about them being a threat, but about the honesty of their feelings. With time he’ll become more and more expressive with his own and thus wants to know what’s going on inside his s/o as well. Public affection all the way. If his partner doesn’t like it he will tone it down, but it won’t be easy for him. He wants to feel happy and free and denying his affection in any way would hurt him deeply, unless it was made clear his s/o needs some time to adjust/on  their own. Again, he respects their wishes and needs just as much as they respect his own. While he likes his s/o to be curious to try out things and learn about anything and everything, he’s not too keen of too many questions about his past. The key here is also patience. Saeyoung does appreciate making plans and thinking of possible outcomes but generally he prefers a spontaneous lifestyle. To him, not everything has to be planned to the tiniest detail, so his partner should be prepared for sudden weekend trips or weird activities he decided to try right now. Literally. They don’t have to say yes to everything, but if they refuse to take part more often than not it might distance him from them, as he wants to live his life to the fullest since he doesn’t have to worry about the agency and other issues anymore.
 Alright. I’m done. Tbh this was going to be so much longer and I was originally planning to do V and Saeran as well, because I thought to myself, if I was gonna do it I’ll go all out, but guess what. My PC crashed and I had to rewrite more than half of  this, so I’ll leave it at that. It’s almost 2 am as I write this but at least I can relax now without having this screaming at me from the back of my head. I sincerely hope you enjoyed.
Disclaimer: I will not be writing a follow up with the missing characters on this. As I already stated above, this was an absolute exception and also I’m quite literally done with this. I’m sorry. 
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yoosungs-blush · 6 years
Through Each Other’s Eyes
For @yoosungweek Day 3! I’ve wanted to do a 4th wall thing for a while so I had to dig deep for the feels for this one. Hope you enjoy!
When he blinked suddenly everything changed.
He felt different somehow; something was out of place. It was only when he became aware of the phone he was holding in his hands that that difference stuck out to him. The screen showed someone very familiar, so familiar it could have been a mirror.
Except how could it be? Was it a photo? He looked on the verge of crying, a bittersweet smile on his face with one hand pressed up against the glass as though he were attempting to reach right out of the screen.
This certainly wasn’t real, right? He didn’t remember having such a photo taken. And there was a box outlined in green at the bottom of it, filled with Korean subtitles.
Yoosung? … Look in the mirror.
Prompted by the screen, he took in his surroundings; noting for the first time the bed he was sitting on cross-legged. Everything seemed so… vivid. More colourful. Like a photo filter that made every detail stand out. Even his hands were– Was he wearing nail varnish?
Spying a mirror on the wall across from him he quickly got to his feet, bracing himself for something strange; maybe you had painted his nails as a prank while he was asleep or something? It only added to his disorientation that he couldn’t remember what he had been doing before this and that he didn’t recognise the place he was at all.
His eyes widened when he saw his reflection - they weren’t his eyes. This wasn’t him at all! Different eyes, different hair, and… why did his chest feel so heavy? He poked his chest, confirming his suspicions immediately, a blush creeping onto the face that wasn’t his.
“This has to be a dream right?” He muttered with a voice that didn’t belong to him; words awkward on his tongue, as though he hadn’t spoken in a million years. There was a desk in the room, piled high with textbooks: all in English. If it weren’t for his high school classes, he wouldn’t have been able to understand what he was seeing. There was a purple box balanced on top of everything, adorned with three letters that he did know: RFA.
“R.F.A VIP Pac…kage…?” The English sounds that should have been distorted and nonsensical, were smooth sounding and natural. This person could speak English properly but not Korean? And this package… RFA? As in the RFA? He had to know for sure.
The box only had two things inside - clearly, someone had already gone through and moved around most of the contents. But the bad feeling in his already heavier-than-normal chest was getting worse when he went over what he could see.
His student ID card…
… And an RFA membership card issued to MC.
Before he could completely lose his sanity, the phone in his hand vibrated. The photo of him was still there, but there was a voice coming from the phone - his voice. But he could barely understand the foreign words that were being said; opting to read the Korean subtitles instead.
“Yoosung? Did you look in the mirror?”
A lone option popped onto the screen and he tapped it quizzically.
“I did but… who are you?”
His heart was pounding, his head was light. This strange dream was too much. He wanted to wake up, to be back in the world where he was in his own body in his own world where he had the most wonderful person he had ever met as his wife.
Thinking of you made him nostalgic - it felt like years since he had last seen you; last stroked through your long brown hair; stared into your… What colour were your eyes again? Had it been that long or was it the side effect of being in a dream…? Why couldn’t he remember your eyes?
“You haven’t realised yet…? That I’m… MC?”
“You’re…. what are you saying?! You’re just a picture on a screen, and I’m just having a weird dream as someone I don’t know. That’s the only way to explain all of this RFA stuff in a foreigner’s room.”
“It’s… my room,” the voice said, “I’m sorry if it’s a bit messy. I… wasn’t ever expecting something like this to happen.”
“Like this…? What do you mean?”
“We’ve switched bodies Yoosung - like in the movies. I’m in your body and you’re… in mine.”
The phone began to shake.
“Then… this person in the mirror… is you? But you look so different! You don’t look at all like I remember!”
And then he recalled the last April Fools Day, when he and the others had teased Zen. Everything about the bright, colourful world he was in seemed to make sense.
His eyes watered. His heart ached. The headache only got worse with this new revelation.
“We’re… in different dimensions aren’t we?”
He understood what you said next without even glancing at the Korean characters on-screen.
A sob escaped him before he could cover it up. Heart throbbing with hot pain, he wiped the tears away as they rolled down his face - your face. He returned to the mirror, taking in your reflection; the shape of your face; soft hair; the lovely curves of your figure. But mostly, he was lost in the eyes that stared back at him, heartbroken. This was you. The real you in all your beauty.
The picture of Yoosung Kim was still on the phone screen, an answer ready for him to pick.
“All of the things I say are already pre-determined. Is it the same with you?”
“ I usually get the pick of three options…”
The crack in his heart was splintered apart even further.
“So all those times in the chatroom when I felt like you knew exactly the right thing to say to me…?”
“ …I always tried to be true to myself.”
“What about these subtitles? And these English books?”
“ … I had to use the English version of the app. I can’t speak Korean  - but ever since I met you, I’ve learned a lot more than I did.”
This was too much. He felt strange, a million emotions fighting for control over his mind. He was in a different dimension - your dimension - where he was staring down at a phone with his face on it that was supposedly his dimension. You didn’t speak Korean. He didn’t speak English. Was your marriage a lie too? He’d never actually met you. Did he even exist?
“It’s a lot to take in. Are you okay?”
Not at all. But… But you were still MC. Even if everything he had ever learnt about you was now in question, at the core you were still the person he fell in love with in 11 days. The person he had pledged his life to. The person he wanted to have a family with. His MC.
“I still don’t really understand. But my heart hurts. I’m never going to get to meet you?”
“You still have the avatar I was using to interact with your world. She’s still me, even if she doesn’t look like it.”
“But… doesn’t it hurt… to see me with someone who isn’t you? To hold hands with someone who isn’t you… And kiss someone who isn’t you…”
“Our hearts are connected. And I want to love you no matter what. So… don’t worry about me. As long as you feel happy and loved, I will too.”
No sooner had he read it, the phone began to ring: Yoosung★
“MC,” he whispered after picking up, “You must have felt so lonely this entire time; knowing that I hadn’t met the real you.”
“I’m sorry,” came your reply, subtitles covering the call screen, “There was never an option to... And I didn't want to see you upset. If I had to shoulder that burden so we could feel happy, then it would be worth it."
"Damn it MC!" His voice cracked under the pressure of his thoughts, "Didn't you realise after everything I went through trying to talk to V about Rika?! I want the truth - even if it hurts! Because then I get to try and heal."
"I know... I'm sorry." He could hear you sniffling on the other end and his shoulders slumped, heavy with guilt.
"Hey, MC... Don't cry... I'm not angry with you... So please don't cry."
*sniffle* *sniffle*
"I'm just... even if this is the only time we'll ever get to talk freely... I feel so happy. But when I think about never being able to talk to you without constraints and limits on what I can say... I want to cry all over again."
"I know..." he murmured.
"But I want to use this chance to say this properly because I've never been able to say just how I feel. So will you listen?"
He heard you take a deep breath.
"You probably didn't know because I didn't talk a lot in the chatrooms about myself unless prompted but... when I joined the RFA I was in a really bad place. And I was so happy being a part of the organisation because I felt like I had a family. And then when I got to know you, I fell for you really hard. You are always so kind to me; checking I was eating three meals a day - which at first I wasn't - and asking me how my day was. You made me feel loved and cherished even before we confessed. I loved getting your calls and hearing your voice... and..."
"I saved that picture you sent of those roses as my wallpaper..."
He blushed, "You did?"
"But sometimes when I logged out of the chatroom I'd feel really sad because I wanted more than anything to meet you and hug you and hold your hand while watching some romance movie on Valentine's Day... Sometimes it made me feel this unbearable pain in my chest and I'd feel really lonely. There was always a part of me that wanted you to know about the gap between us... Sometimes I'd even write stories about telling you and what you'd say to me, and it made me feel better on bad days..."
"MC..." On the other side of the phone he could detect the emotion choking you up further and further the more you spoke. Loving him had been a double-edged blade that you had wanted to bear all by yourself and it made his entire body tremble.
"I understand if this is too painful for you... If you don't want to love me anymore because of this... I- I wouldn't blame you if you hung up and never spoke to me again."
His heart lurched, "I would never! You're still my precious one! I will always love you. And if that means loving you across dimensions for the rest of my life then so be it! That doesn't make that love any less. I don't love you any less. I love you more! You dealt with this secret by yourself for years - so... let me help you carry it now."
You had broken down, sobs echoing on the phone, "Y-Yoo...sung," you sobbed, "I love you! I r-really love... you... so so so... m-much."
A tear trickled down his cheek, but he wiped it away. He had to be strong for you. He had to protect you.
"Calm down Jagiya~" He cooed, "I'm right here! So focus on my voice and breathe." You did as he said but you were so worked up that it took a couple of minutes; hiccuping the only noise that told him you were still there.
"I'll never leave you," he promised, "I told you didn't I? I will always love you. So try not to worry - we can do this together now."
"And on bad days, you can log into the RFA app and I'll be there waiting for you, 'kay?"
"And-- OH!" He shivered as something pulled him forwards; barely managing to stop himself from cracking the wall mirror with his face he shuddered. The force was still pulling him downwards and he noted the phone he had dropped from the sudden pull now discarded on the floor.
"MC!" He called, "I- I think we're going to switch back."
He didn't hear your answer, too busy trying to imprint the picture of your real face in his mind forever. Then the mirror was gone. He was caught in a whirlpool, being pulled in until it was hard to even breathe.
When something hard hit his gut, he was too winded to even exclaim in pain, but afterwards, he noted the return of his own body. He was back to being Yoosung Kim.
"Yoosung!" A voice screamed amongst the chaos, "Yoosung!"
There was a face, then a body... and a hand reaching out for him as it was being pulled away.
Instinctively he stretched out for you, ready to embrace as much of the real you as he could before you were taken away from him. The tide worked against the pair of you but with one last grunt of effort on his part, your fingertips brushed. For a split second, he felt your warmth and love without any screen dividing you.
Before you were pulled away again, forever.
He was back to his life.
Blinking, his eyes adjusting to the sudden dimness; the only available light the morning glow shining through the curtains as he sat up in the bed he shared with you. There was a groan as you rolled over to look at him, brunette hair tangled, splayed across your pillow.
"Good morning, Yoosung," you whispered, stifling a yawn.
He remembered the dream he had and the face he had seen. With a bittersweet smile he kissed the tip of your nose:
"Good morning, MC."
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jacquelineshyde · 6 years
Real talk, what do you think of Laurie in season 1 and 2?
I have devided opinions on Laurie.
Mostly, I like her because– well, she’s kind is my kind of woman. You know that, you’ve seen the women I’ve dated, lol. And in a way I understand why she’s so sexual, or that’s what I can take from her character.
That said, she does plenty of horrible things I won’t forgive on a friend and let alone on a girlfriend. Like anyone, she has her flaws and goods, but in the early seasons, we don’t get enough of her good side and It can get pretty bad.
I believe Laurie was, for season 1-3, some kind of villain in the show.
She’s on opposite sides with Eric and his friends, and she becomes the big conflict between Eric and his parents, and then between Kelso and Jackie.
And boy… why is that anyone ever talks about the fact that Laurie pretty much raped Kelso? Oh, yes. I’m going to say it again: Laurie pretty much raped Kelso.
When the fooling around part of their first relationship is kinda over, she comes to Kelso to his ban and gets on top of him all the way he is saying NO. He says it again, a lot of times, while the damn, fucked up, horrible laugh track is on like if this is okay.
Let’s take a second to remember the fact that Laurie is older than Kelso, already a legal adult. While Michael Kelso is a 17 years old boy, HE’S SEVENTEEN!
The scene continues. It shows us only the van as it moves. He literally screams “No, Laurie! NO! NO! NO!” and keeps on the ‘no’ until it changes to ‘yes’ and, once again, the laugh tracks come in. THIS IS NOT OKAY.
I bet most of you laughed at this scene, I didn’t. I actually looked at my brother with wide open eyes and went “WHAT?” because boy, what the shit is this? And Kelso ultimately starts a relationship with her while with Jackie, which is not good and it’s theme for another meta, but…
Okay. I’m in so much trouble, I know. But needed to say this.
Just because Kelso is a bad boyfriend and persued a clandestine relationship with Laurie at first, doesn’t mean is a good thing Laurie does this to him. The scene starts with him saying he doesn’t want to keep his thing with Laurie because he has Jackie and he doesn’t want to lose her (he says it, he says it) but Laurie decides she won’t listen to him and goes all the way.
And please don’t come to me and use the “he enjoyed it anyway” because that’s the abusers favorite weapon of choice, all the time! Lots of victims stay with their abusers and the abuser will always say, “you always end up enjoying it”. And I’m not saying Kelso carried some sort of truama from it… or maybe he did, but the show dismissed it because it used this as a joke, A JOKE.
RAPE JOKES ARE NEVER OKAY. Not with women, not with men.
That said…
Season 1 Laurie has stuff I like. She may not be good in collage, but she still enters another kind of studies and tries her best. She’s growing up and her dad, like many other dads, doesn’t get this straight at the beginning.
Her sexual apetite, to me, it’s no bad news or something bad. People is free to do s their wish with their lives and bodies, as long as they aren’t stepping on other people’s freedom, body and life. So I can and I will support and protect her for being an sexually active woman who is not afraid of being called names for it, but I don’t support, nor like, nor look away from the fact that we are told she would sleep her way out of problems and to good notes, and would not mind the civil status of the man she’s sleeping with.
We se in her interactions with her parents that the thing is pretty devided. I will be honest and I will say that I dislike a lot the way Kitty treats Laurie. She condems Laurie’s actions, even when we are told and SHOWN that Kitty was as rebelious as her at her age, getting drunk underage and meeting her future husband while stupid drunk.
Yet, she goes all the way to constantly insult Laurie and, I’m going to be even more honest and I know plenty of people will hate me, but it is abusive. A mother that calls her own children names to their face is no good news, at all. And that’s not the way to try and get through your kid and teach them something.
After all, parents like it or not, their kids its the result of their education and the times they are living. So…
That said, this doesn’t mean Red’s ways with his daughter are any better. He spoils her to the point of blindness and I believe part of Kitty’s actual recentment to her daughter is the fact that Red is so hard on Eric. Eric is the younger kid and the boy, it’s, to some point, normal for a mother to tend to spoil the most the younger kind.
In fact, some parents would say that they are ‘harder” with their first kids because it’s when they are trying to be perfect and no screw things, but this is the child were most their mistakes will be done, so when the second kid comes along, they know what to do and what not to.
Fucked up and shitty, but true. Honestly, as an older sister, I can’t tell you enough how frustrating it is to notice this is true in most cases. And I believe this is also truth in the Formans’ case.
It’s not something that– destroys the family or something. But I believe Laurie’s shit also comes from the fact that her parents treat her in very oppositve ways, which is also something that may flame even more her relationship with Eric.
Seriously, I never laugh at Kitty’s “I love you because I have to” and stuff like that, I never do. It’s too ugly. Just like I never laugh at Edna’s ways with Hyde, Pam’s fucked up way of talking and treating her daughter, Bob’s sexism and childish ways towards Donna or Red’s horrible dismiss of Eric.
And yes, I love these characters (well… I love Kitty and Red), but it doesn’t mean they have flaws the writers never truly took care of, and need to be addressed properly, not looked away from, just because they are your favorites.
Now, on season 2, her treatment of Jackie is as horrible as Kelso’s and the way she treats Kelso is just as bad. Her fighting with Eric and now Hyde continues, and seriously, if Hyde doesn’t like her nor respect her, there must be a why and I trust my intuitive son’s instinct and brains on this.
I don’t like Laurie basically at all during season 2, even when her scenes are mostly funny. Although, I love her participation in making Hyde and Jackie get closer, and for she to learn Zen and when Jackie kicks her ass. It’s just one of my favorite moments in the entire show and, I’m sorry, Laurie, but LMAO.
Again, in this moment of the show, Laurie is keep and seen as a villain for the main characters in a very, let’s say, day by day, way.
So what do I think about Laurie? I like her– until I remember she did that to Kelso. In my mind, I constantly re-write this part into something mutual and not this horrible thing the show did. In my mind, I wish Laurie would be more like her season 5 self.
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Since I have some difficulties with the “links” button, I’ll do a post for the rules, characters and the masterlist. I’ll update it at each new post (hopefully). Sorry for the problems it is causing.
I’m okay with writting anything (SFW, NSFW, Fluff, Agnst, silly things). I can accept trigger warning, but I will tell you if I am really unconfortable with writting something.
The things I will surely not write about are the characters being abusive, non consentment and shown violence against children. I might not be good with pregnancy too.
I will try to keep MC/significant other as gender neutral as possible. But if you prefer me to write about a specific gender, then you can ask.
The limit of characters per request is around 10. You can go over with one or two characters but I prefer sticking with 10 maximum.
Dandelion: The five animals, Heejung, the Wizard (I might not be too good with him but I’m learning how to write him).
Nameless: The five dolls, Eri, Soi, Shinbi. I’m still learning for Nameless. I will not write about the doctor, he is already married to a skeleton.
Mystic Messenger: The main five, V, Saeran/Ray/Unknown, Rika, Vanderwood. (V will be include in RFA since he is the head of the association, now. Since Saeran is part of the RFA only in two routes, he will sadly not count).
Dandelion Wishes Brought To You
S/O loves to dance and to sing [The Main Boys]
Nameless The One You Must Recall
As parents [The Main Boys, Soi, Shinbi]
Mystic Messenger
S/O loves to cook but isn’t good at it [Everybody]
S/O almost died in an accident [Jumin]
Vampire!AU S/O as a vampire hunter [V, Jumin, ZEN]
S/O that can get easily emotional [RFA]
Know that I’m always here to talk, about the games or life in general. Everyting and anything is fine, even random things.
Since I’m French, I might make some mistakes so do not hesitate to correct me. I’m doing an English cursus at college but I’m still learning soooo yeah…
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy your stay! I hope you all are having an amazing day, wherever you are, and stay awesome! Bye ~
- JiN
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what's your top six of the routes and why? :o
Okay this is going under a read more cause it’s surprisingly long sorry I kind of went off more then I planned to.
Also, I discuss sexual misconduct and assault toward the end of this, it’s not too detailed but I did want to give people some warning just in case
1. Yoosung – It was my first route so it’s always been a bitspecial to me, but even putting that aside I just really like his route. I knowa lot of people fixate on the whole “just like Rika” thing and take issue withit but honestly, I could never bring myself to care about it that much. Like,no I didn’t exactly like being compared to his dead cousin, but I didn’t getangry or annoyed at Yoosung for it. I understood that it was coming from aplace of grief. He was in a deep depression because of Rika’s supposed deathand he never got the closure he needed for it, and no one else seemed to betaking him or his feelings seriously. It’s not surprising that he would clingto the first person (MC) who showed genuine interest in him and try to findwhat he lost (Rika) in her. It’s not right for him to do that, of course, but Icould understand and empathize and so I was willing to be patient. And it’s notlike he does it the whole route anyway, he stops the Rika comparisons within afew days, and from them on he sees MC as her own person and likes her for whoshe is, though he’s of course still dealing with his grief. I thought it waswell-written, honestly. I guess I can understand not wanting a romance thatfocuses so much on your love interest grieving someone else but… yeah I justcouldn’t be bothered by it in the same way everyone else seemed to be. I lovedYoosung’s character development and I enjoyed every minute of it. Plus, sinceit was my first route and I knew absolute nothing going into this game,everything was genuinely surprising and fresh and felt real to me, a feeling Islowly lost as I did more routes. Plus, Yoosung’s endings are the best?His good ending is so beautiful and his normal ending is just super cute. Andhis bad endings… well they certainly live up to being bad endings lmao. They were interesting at least and they got astrong emotional response out of me so, that’s saying something at least.
2. Jumin – Okay so everyone seems to have pretty strongopinions about Jumin’s route one way or the other. For the people who are onthe side of not liking it, let me just say… I get it. Really, I do. I also kindof, um, don’t care? Okay that sounds bad just hold on. I’m not reallyinterested in writing out a big defense of why Jumin’s route isn’t Problematicbecause for one thing, plenty of people have done that already and for anotherthing, I don’t necessarily disagree with the people who don’t like Jumin’sroute. I get where they’re coming from, parts of his route are veryuncomfortable. I don’t think he’s as bad as certain people make him out to be,but he undeniably crosses the line at some points of his route, and I candefinitely understand not liking it because of that. As for why I like it, well, part of it again camedown to how much I empathized with Jumin, which was a lot. Much like Yoosung,no one else in the game seems to take Jumin very seriously. They write him offas unfeeling and no one really tries to understand or sympathize with him. So,I got why Jumin acted out the way he did in his route, though of courseunderstanding is not the same thing as excusing. But the other thing is… I thinkhis route is wildly entertaining. It was the only one, aside from Yoosung’s,where I genuinely had no idea where it was going. Jaehee’s route, thoughenjoyable, was easy for me to predict, as was Zen’s route. And Seven’s route Igot spoiled for long before I even got to it. I liked that Jumin’s route was sounpredictable to me, it made it really fun to go through, and I thought Juminwas a really interesting character and I liked getting into his head and learningmore about him. It was still fun to play even after the first time. So, since Iliked Jumin’s route so much purely for the entertainment factor of it, it waseasy for me to forgive the more “wtf” parts of it. And listen guys, Jumin mademe strawberry pancakes and read me to sleep, why would I ever want to leave hishouse to begin with?? (Also, fun fact: it was Jumin’s route that made merealize Jaehee was my favorite character.)
3. Jaehee – I’ve already talked a lot about her route here, andhow I don’t like the ambiguity of it and the weird pseudo-romance between herand Zen that only serves to placate the people who don’t want Jaehee/MCromance. It breaks my heart that my favorite character in the game and of alltime is only my third favorite route, but I mean, her route is still good and Istill enjoyed it a lot. It’s just unfortunate that I don’t love it quite asmuch as I love her. But enough negatives. In general, I don’t see a lot ofsimilarities between myself and Jaehee, but what she said about how she holdsherself back from being happy because she’s afraid of it disappearing? Boy thathit me hard. I really loved Jaehee’sgrowth throughout her route, seeing her realize her own worth and that it’sokay to take risks sometimes and she doesn’t always have to play it safe,seeing her find a true place in the RFA and in the world, it was all sobeautiful! I think Jaehee’s route is interesting in how it deals withloneliness and self-worth, and plus Jaehee herself is just so cute?? The textsshe sends and the responses you can give are just so adorable I love how muchJaehee opens up she really is so charming and fun. So yeah very solid route, Ijust wish certain things had been handleddifferently but y’all know that already I don’t need to go into it again.
4. Seven – Uuuuh boy. Hm. I’m not a huge fan of Seven’sroute. Particularly, I don’t care for the actual romance in Seven’s route.Which is kind of a big deal. But I’ll get to that. A lot of the “reveals” inSeven’s route were spoiled for me back when I was still only on my second route,so there were very few surprises when I actually got to Seven’s. To befair, a lot of these things I probably would have guessed myself anyway becausethe hints aren’t exactly subtle, but I didn’t even get the satisfaction ofwatching my guesses be proven correct myself because I didn’t get to make thoseguesses at all, I was spoiled too early. My fault for following a lot of MMblogs so early on in my playing, but still annoying. Not everythingwas spoiled for me at least, there was still a lot I didn’t know about Sevenand Saeran’s past and that was interesting to learn about. I also loved that littlesubplot in Seven’s route with Yoosung and Jumin lmao. As I’ve said tho, theweakest part of Seven’s route for me was the romance with him. I didn’t likehow mean he is to MC, and I had a difficult time placing myself in MC’s shoesbecause I couldn’t find any reason that I would want to keep pursuing someonewho was treating me and acting the way Seven was, so I felt really disconnectedfrom the whole thing. Probably super hypocritical of me to take issue with theway Seven treated MC when I didn’t take issue with the way Jumin treated her,but I simply wasn’t as invested in romancing Seven. I always seem to have that problemwith Seven. Even in his Christmas route and even in his Valentine’s afterending, I just… didn’t care. Like, they were objectively cute, and I swear I actuallylike Seven, but somehow when it comes to romance with him I disengage almostentirely. So idk man, maybe I only like Seven as a friend?? It’s weird. Sevenis such a strange character for me for a lot of reasons I won’t go into but thepoint is, since a lot of the mystery around Seven was ruined for me early on,his route didn’t hold as much interest for me as it should have, and the factthat I wasn’t invested in the romance part of it didn’t help. I don’t hate hisroute or anything, but I have a hard time saying I like it.
5. Zen – I don’t like Zen so there was very little chance of meliking his route anyway. Even if that wasn’t the case, tho, it stillwould have ranked very low because of the whole Echo Girl thing. I just… reallydon’t like stories that are like “girl ruins guy’s life with false sexualmisconduct accusations” because it pretty much never happens like that in reallife and it only perpetuates the idea that victims of assault and harassmentare lying and dramatic, and that makes it more difficult for people to come forward when ithappens to them. Zen’s route makes a big thing out of Echo Girl accusing him “withoutproof”, and of course we know that she was in fact lying, but the way it’spresented it’s like… look, I’m always going to be inclined to believe thevictim, with or without proof, because the consequences of me believing themand being proven wrong will do far less damage than if I didn’t believe them,and they were telling the truth. It’s not immoral for people to have believedEcho Girl’s story even if she didn’t have “proof” (which, what would that looklike anyway?). Also the way they disprove her claims is pretty gross too,because they disprove it by showing that Echo Girl was attracted to Zen and saidthings about wanting to have sex with him before the alleged incident, sotherefore she must be lying. That’s not how that fucking works. And again, weknow that Echo Girl was lying, and that she was in fact the one harassing him, but think about what this is implying. Thatbecause Echo Girl is attracted to Zen, he couldn’t have assaulted her? Thatbecause she said before that she would like to have sex with him, she couldn’t possibly have changed her mind and therefore he couldn’t have assaultedher? That because she expressed interest in him, it’s impossible that anyadvances he made could have been inappropriate and therefore he couldn’t haveassaulted her? Echo Girl being attracted to Zen has absolutely nothing to dowith whether or not she could have been harassed or assaulted by him! Saying that herinterest in him is enough to disprove her claims is really gross! It doesn’tmatter that they were false, the implications of all this is still bad! Theycould have and should have handled all of this differently, the route wouldhave been better off for it, but the way it’s written is just so bad and perpetuatesall kinds of awful ideas.
6. V – ahaha ahhsha alskd I’ve already said enough about V andhis route I don’t think I need to say more
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mystichanjumin · 7 years
A Love Lost - Saeyoung
This is a part of the A Love Lost series Pairing: Saeyoung Choi/ Mc (you) Genre: Angst Summary: This is a series I'm writing that deals with how the Mystic Messenger characters deal with Mc's death. I will keep every character's chapter as close to their timeline/ route as I can (if they have a route). Every chapter focuses on a specific character, while others may appear in the chapter as well. This series will be centered on how they learn, process Mc's death, and the aftermath. A/N: This is my first time doing a full angst piece so feedback is greatly appreciated! Masterlist
“What are you thinking about?”
Saeyoung’s head laid on Mc’s lap as she absentmindedly played with his hair, “Hm?”
“You’ve got that look on your face,” Mc spoke softly as she continued to stroke his hair. “So, what are you thinking about?”
Saeyoung looked up at Mc and was met with inquisitive eyes, “How did I get so lucky?”
“What do you mean,” Mc knitted her eyebrows.
“Of all the people on this planet, how did someone like me find someone like you. How did someone like you fall in love with someone like me?”
Mc shrugged, “Easy. We’re obviously soulmates.”
“Soulmates,” Saeyoung repeated with that goofy smile he always got when she spoke that way. “Obviously.”
There was nothing he wanted more than to go back and relive that moment again and again.  He wanted to feel her soothing touch as he laid his head on her lap. He wanted to hear her voice as she tells him about the day, or whatever mundane thing had happened that day. He just wanted her back. There was nothing he wanted more than to see her walk through the doors of his bunker and tell him that this was all just some sick, twisted prank and that she was okay… but he knew that would never happen.
He had been by her side as she took her last breath in that hospital bed. The harsh fluorescent lights of that hospital room stole the color in her cheeks long before death did. He watched through tear-filled eyes as the love of his life struggled to formulate a coherent sentence, “Sae… young…”
“I’m right here, honey,” he tried his best to sound at ease, but his voice wavered.
“Not your fault,” she mumbled. Her eyes began to close and Saeyoung quickly called for a nurse as he tried to keep her eyes open.
“No no no, please don’t leave me,” the tears flowed freely as he desperately cupped Mc’s face in his hands. “Look at me, please. I need you, Mc, please don’t go. I love you. I am so completely in love with you. We’re soulmates, remember? You can’t just leave me.”
“Soulmates,” Mc repeated with a weak smile. It sounded as if she were relaying a fact; yes, they were and always will be soulmates. “I love you so much. I don’t want to go,” it was the first time that Mc let her fear show. She was scared, dear lord was she scared. She didn’t want to leave him, they still had so much they had to do together.
It broke his heart as he heard the fear in her voice and saw just how terrified she was. He decided, in that moment, that he had to push aside his own fear in order to comfort her. He didn’t want her last moments on earth, in his arms, to be filled with fear, “You’ll be okay, and I’ll be okay. I always told you-you were an angel, so you’ll fit right in.”
Mc couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her husband. She then looked him directly in the eyes, “Promise me that you won’t shut down again, okay? Don’t close yourself off because of me.”
“I promise,” it was a lie. They both knew it was a lie, but if it was what would soothe her he would say or do anything.
It was as if those two words were what she was waiting for, “I love…”
The sound that the heart monitor made when her heart stopped would haunt him for the rest of his life. When that sound rang he completely lost it. The blood-chilling scream he let out could be heard all the way in the waiting room, where the rest of the RFA sat waiting. The members sat in silence as they processed the unbelievable truth. Mc, the one who brought so much light and warmth into their once cold and broken organization was gone, and she left behind the shell of the man she loved.  It was a few minutes later, but it felt like an eternity when the red-haired man entered the waiting room. He looked… hollow. No one knew the right words to say, or if those particular words even existed; in all honesty, they didn’t.
Saeyoung looked as if he were going to say something, but quickly closed his mouth and walked out of the room. Saeran watched as his brother fled, then say as the members looked amongst each other to see who would be best equipped to chase after the broken man. They all would, they all wanted to, but they also knew that that wasn’t what Saeyoung needed. Without saying a word Saeran exited the room the same way his brother had. The door he had used led to staircases. He made his way down, wondering if his brother had managed to get to the parking garage.
He hadn’t. Saeyoung was sat on one of the steps, as if he no longer had the energy, or will, to go any further. Saeran quietly sat down beside his brother and tentatively began to rub soothing circles on his back, something he had learned from Mc. Whenever he or his brother were going through a particularly rough patch she would do this while talking to them about what was troubling them or about some random thing. The way she was able to gauge what someone needed without a word having to be spoken was incredible. Saeran didn’t have that talent, he didn’t know what to do in regards to human connections, that was something Mc had been helping him with.
Saeran knew that the pain he was feeling was only amplified by a thousand for his brother, “I’m sorry.”
Saeyoung leaned his head against Saeran’s shoulder as he cried, he didn’t say a word. Saeran wrapped his arms around his brother, just as Saeyoung had always done for him during any of his episodes. The twins sat there as they both allowed themselves to sob. Nothing would ever be the same, both within Saeyoung and the RFA.
It had been three weeks since her death and it seemed like things had only gotten worse. Vanderwood had stopped going to Saeyoung’s bunker, not out of insensitivity but because he too had grown attached to the young woman and her absence was soul crushing. The rest of the RFA had attempted to see Saeyoung, but to no avail. He never left his house and no one, except for Saeran, was allowed inside. No one had heard from Saeyoung since the day Mc was buried and they grew more concerned with every day that passed.
“Saeyoung,” Saeran knocked on his bedroom door, “um, your friends are here. I let them in.”
The speed in which the door opened had startled Saeran, “Why did you do that?”
“They wouldn’t leave.”
“Tell them to leave,” Saeyoung tried to keep his voice down. He didn’t want one of them following the sound of his voice.
“You tell them,” Saeran hoped this would work. He knew that Saeyoung would not get better unless he was pushed towards that direction, they were the same in that respect.
Saeyoung huffed as he walked passed his brother.  Saeran followed his brother as he stormed into the living room, “Leave.”
“We haven’t heard from you in three weeks, Sae-”
“Don’t,” he winced as he interrupted Jumin. “Don’t call me that.”
Maybe it was silly, but he couldn’t handle hearing his real name. The first person he had shared that name and his true self with, was the same woman he had lost those weeks ago. “Luciel,” Jumin reverted to an old alias Saeyoung used to use because he saw the look that flashed in his eyes when he spoke his real name. “We have all been very worried about you.”
“We understand that it’s difficult, Luciel but-”
“‘Difficult’”, he scoffed. “It’s much more than that, Zen. Do you have any idea what it’s like to lose the only person on this planet who knew who you really were? Do you know what it’s like to have them die in your arms while they look at you with so much fear in their eyes?”
“Yes,” Jumin answered honestly. “I had known… Jihyun… since we were children. He knew everything there is to know about me, the good and the ugly. I watched him take his last breath with a bullet wound in his chest. However, I’ve also come to learn that keeping all of those emotions, regardless of how exhausting they are, locked away is not healthy.”
Saeyoung looked at the older man in disbelief, “Yeah? How did you learn that, huh?”
“From your wife,” Jumin smiled sadly as he spoke of his dear friend.
“Sounds like something she’d do,” Saeyoung found himself smiling for the first time since that day. “She’d always talk about how everyone in this ‘damn organization is seriously messed up’. I-I don’t know what to do anymore. Everything just feels so… dull. When… When does it stop hurting so bad?”
“It doesn’t,” Jaehee took a deep breath before continuing. “Some part of you simply becomes accustomed to it, I think. That’s not to say it won’t still hurt because it will. Some days the pain will feel like it’s suffocating, but sometimes it’ll be a little more bearable.”
The rest of that day was spent sharing stories about his beloved wife, some he hadn’t even heard. He found himself genuinely smiling for the first time. The night was drawing to a close, then before he knew it the only ones in his living room were Jumin, Saeran, and himself.
“How do you deal with it,” Saeyoung asked suddenly.
Jumin shook his head, “I’m not one to ask, Luciel, I drink.”
“Right,” he relaxed into the couch. “She’d always reprimand you for that.”
“You can’t say her name, can you?”
Jumin nodded in understanding. Saeyoung had noticed the difficulty the older man had had when he spoke Jihyun’s name earlier but chose not to comment on it. The trio continued to talk until Jumin departed. When the only people left in the house were Saeyoung and his brother he turned to face him, “Thank you.”
That was the only thing that needed to be said because those two words held so much meaning. After sometime Saeran said goodnight to his brother and retreated back to his room. Once he was alone Saeyoung allowed himself to venture into the thoughts that had terrified him for the whole of those three weeks. What if he forgot the exact color of her eyes? Or the way she used to look at him when he said something incredibly stupid? He could live with the world forgetting him, but not her. Saeyoung pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and looked through his gallery until he found the video he was searching for.
When he pressed play on the video the sound of her laughter filled the room with warmth, “What are you doing?”
He heard his voice reply, “I need evidence. No one is going to believe me unless I have actual evidence of you saying it.”
“I just said that, personally, I think you’re more attractive than Zen,” she said in between bubbles of laughter. “If you show this to him we’re both going to have to listen to at least a full hour of Zen Whining, are you prepared for that?”
“You know what, he doesn’t have to see this.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she playfully rolled her eyes. “But, I mean it. You’re the most attractive man I’ve ever met.”
“Are you sure you don’t need these glasses more than I do.”
She playfully pushed him, and that was where the video stopped. The room was silent again, her voice was gone. The love of his life was gone, his soulmate was gone. He thought about that for a moment. Everyone always talked about finding their soulmates, and he had been lucky enough to have actually found his. But, no one is ever prepared for what it would feel like to lose that soulmate. It was like having his heart shattered into a thousand different pieces and while he was trying desperately to fix it he realized that a large chunk of it was missing. He would never be whole again because that missing part of his heart was with the one who it belonged to. He wasn’t sure if he would ever be okay, but one thing that did comfort him was that deep in his heart he knew that he would never forget a single thing about her because the two of them were soulmates, obviously.
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RFA + Minor Trio react to MC being cast as Janet Wise in Rocky Horror Picture Show
Before I start, I just want to say I had to watch the musical specifically for this request and I loved it! I mean I’m still very confused but I really really liked it so thank you ^^
I love getting requests like this because they help me discover new things, so feel free to send me some, as long as it’s not about a long show it would take ages to watch. If you wanna check what fandoms I’m in there’s a list on my other blog here. Anyway, enjoy the HCs, I had so much fun writing them (while listening to the soundtrack) and I hope you do too reading them ^^
when you told him, he immediately did research
and sat down with you to watch the movie
he was smiling at first, but he was already frowning at Dammit, Janet
I mean, he’s a jealous bean
knowing a man was gonna propose to you and act as your fiancè for the entire musical wasn’t exactly appealing to him
you watched his expression the entire time, as he got traumatized by Tim Curry multiple times
then, just as he was done recovering from the scenes in Janet and Brad’s bedrooms
it was time for Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me
wanting to be a supportive boyfriend, he tried not to show his emotions
but his face was red and he looked like he wasn’t breathing
I mean, what boyfriend would not be jealous knowing a stranger was going to be touching you like that
and in front of a lot of people too!
the final section just confused him
and after the movie was over an awkward silence filled the room
he didn’t want to kill your excitement but he was kind of opposed to you taking the role
especially after it sinked in that you were going to be in you underwear for most of the musical
he didn’t say it out loud but you could tell
it was a long night
of you explaining to him that it was all fiction
and that a theatre version is much less realistic than a tv version
hence you weren’t going to actually kiss anyone
the touching was another thing but again, it was all fake
he still wasn’t convinced so you pulled out the guilt card
”Alright, I’m going to turn it down if you really don’t want me to do it.” you pouted
his eyes widened
”N-no! I didn’t mean- It’s just-”
this boy loved you too much to let you give up on your passions
but he asked you to please avoid being too touchy with the guys
he knew what the musical was about the moment you mentioned the name
he had already watched it, of course
and it wasn’t hard for him to manage to get cast as Rocky
he would have to wear a wig and get a tan but he didn’t care
he’s just too jealous to let anyone else play that role knowing what you two were going to be doing
and he wanted to protect you from potential wolves of course
when rehearsals began, you could see him giving dirty looks to the guys who played Brad and Frank-N-Furter every time they tried to have a conversation with you
“But Zen, getting to know the people you’re gonna be acting with is important, you should know that”
”Yeah, sorry.”
but he kept one arm around your waist while glaring at the guys through the entire conversation
when it was time for the Dammit, Janet part all you could think about was him singing it
since he’d found out you were going to play her he’d been singing it to you non-stop every day
then of course every time you practiced THE scene between your two characters
both at rehearsal and at home in your own time
he got really into it
like REALLY into it
the director had to stop him once because he was about to rip his clothes off
from that point on he tried to act more chill about it
but still didn’t hesitate in touching and kissing you as much as possible even knowing there were a lot of people watching
he loves a good audience
kinky shit
she loves musicals
so of course she was very happy and excited for you when you gave her the news
even though she knew what the musical was about
and it had always been kinda… weird to her
she’d been an expert in that field for too long though
she knew very well that everything was fake and she had no reason to worry about anything
another thing she knew very well was how gay you actually were
so she didn’t have any problems with that
she’s such a supportive girlfriend
she helped you learn your lines and sang the songs with you whenever she had some spare time
and the night of the show she managed to get a free night from Jumin and came to see you
she had booked a seat in the front row and was there to support you
she clapped and shouted every time you came on stage
and got kind of self conscious during certain parts where your almost naked self was too exposed to the others
but she focused on looking at you and just thought about how proud she was
you had to hit pretty high notes and you nailed all of them
and she had rehearsed with you so many times she knew the script by heart
to the point where her lips were moving according to what was going to be said next
when the show was over a bunch of young boys gathered around you to congratulate you on your performance
and it was clear they were trying to flirt with you
she came up to you slightly annoyed
”You were great today, sweetheart.” she smiled and kissed you on the lips as if wanting to claim you
that was a clear message to the boys, who turned on their heels and left
she may be fine with guys acting as your fiancè, sex companion or whatever
but no way she would let anyone actually hit on HER girl
he was so happy for you when you told him
you could have sworn you’d seen a int of a bright, excited smile for a second
he’s so proud of all of your accomplishments and now you were going to star in a musical!! That’s exciting!
he asked you to tell him the plot of the musical
how do you even explain it
it took you like an hour
and when you were done you looked at his face and saw a mix of confusion and shock
he decided to come with you at rehearsals to try and understand a little better
he arrived after a meeting and found Frank-N-Furter singing Sweet Transvestite
you saw him come in from the side of the stage and you couldn’t stop laughing
his expression was priceless
but he sat down and patiently waited for you to start singing
you saying you didn’t like muscular men made him pout right at you
you gave him a small smile as a response
he wasn’t an expert in this field
he’d never been interested in it so he didn’t know how kisses and stuff like that worked on stage
and when the scene with Janet and the doctor in the bedroom came up he tensed up
he didn’t think much of it because there was a curtain covering you so it could just be perspective
but when certain more explicit scenes were performed he felt really uncomfortable and jealous
you kept glancing at him and you could tell
although he knew everything was fake it was still hard for him to watch you kiss and touch and most importantly BE TOUCHED by another man
he didn’t completely agree with the idea of you playing the role but you explained to him how fake everything was
after all it wasn’t the original movie, just a theatre adaptation
you showed him every fake move you’d learnt
and then reenacted the scenes WITH the touching
he immediately knew what you were talking about the moment you mentioned it
so after congratulating you on your role he asked you to wait for him and disappeared into his room for an hour
when he came back you almost fell off the couch from laughing
he was wearing a black wig, dark red lipstick and white foundation
and was covered in a cape
you knew what was coming
he grabbed your hand to make you stand and started singing sweet transvestite while dancing around you
when he took off the cape your emotions were mixed
am I surprised? am I shook by how accurate it is? am I turned on by how good he looks?
it was a mess
but the outfit did look extremely good on him
after he was done singing you hugged him and complimented his cosplay
he was very flattered but he had other thoughts on his mind
surprisingly he knew every song by heart
so he asked you to reenact some together
except he wanted to be Janet
his performance of Touch-a Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me was out of this world
you liked it so much that it became a habit of his to sing it during sexy times just to mock you
and let’s not forget how he would never stop teasing you by singing Planet Schmanet Janet
and how it became an inside joke of yours to start repeating each other’s names multiple time every time you met
he lowkey stanned Columbia
like literally at every performance he would go to he would ask the actress for autographs or pictures while you just stood there
he got so salty whenever the guys got lines wrong
like he would correct them under his breath and you would just laugh like an idiot because you were able to see it from the stage
he’s so supportive though, every time he noticed you were looking at him he would smile and give you a double thumbs up to let you know you were doing great
he was also very loud during live performance, standing up and cheering while shouting your name or Janet’s
when he found out he smiled so wide
he picked you up from the ground and spun you around and hugged you
he was genuinely happy of what you had accomplished and he knew how much you’d worked to get a role
but when you watched the movie together he was kind of uncomfortable and confused
though he wasn’t jealous
like of course the idea of you being with not one, not two but three men didn’t excite him
but the most important thing was that you had a role and he was going to support you no matter what
plus he had worked hard on his confidence and all that so he knew he didn’t have to worry about anything
he was very interested in the story though
he started making theories to try and understand what was going on
and every time he could he would bring it up and ask for your opinion
he got super into it
the fact that he was showing so much interest in something you were also passionate about made you extremely happy
and considering you were actually afraid of his reaction to watching the movie you were also very relieved
he was obsessed with the way you played the character 
because of course he would help you with your lines every time you needed it
he was good at playing the other characters to help you visualize the scenes
although he would occasionally stop and stare at you while you were singing or just talking because he found you so outstandingly perfect at everything you did
when it was time for the debut and he came to see you he started tearing up in the middle of There’s A Light because ”look that’s my girlfriend she’s so talented and oMG DID YOU HEAR THAT HIGH NOTE“
any time the public applauded he would stand up and clap his hands frantically
the cutest
for a second he was happy for you
then lil Seven who was spying on you told him about the scenes
he got paler than he already was
who knew that was possible
you cursed at Seven and sat down next to your boyfriend to explain the usual stuff
it’s not like you weren’t expecting this kind of reaction
you even told him you were willing to turn down the role if he really didn’t want you to play Janet
he tried not to show his insecurity and dropped it
but he wasn’t good at hiding his feelings
so it was pretty obvious to you that he was keeping himself from saying anything because he loved you and didn’t want you to give up something that made you happy
you wanted him to feel safe and stop worrying so you called the girl who was going to play Columbia to ask her for help
when she came over you asked her to demonstrate what actually happened on stage during particularly intense scenes, which this musical was surely not lacking
when you told Saeran she was going to be demonstrating it on him he was confused
like why couldn’t you demonstrate them instead of her
to which you responded “Because if I did I wouldn’t be able to stop”
you knew exactly how to feed his ego and make him feel more comfortable and confident and that was exactly the effect your words had on him
after the session with Columbia he was much happier and calmer
he didn’t feel like coming to the rehearsals though
so the first time he actually saw the play was on the night of the actual show
saying he was shook would be an understatement
he had so much fun, though, because he really liked the dark side of it all
and dr. Frank-N-Furter, surprisingly
he was vERY surprised by your acting and singing
and any time a particularly steamy scene would come up he would concentrate on remembering how fake it all was
boy is evolving, MC is proud
“A musical? You can sing?”
he immediately requested you sing something for him
which you did
when you were done he stood up and applauded you
then surprisingly it turned out he was great at singing, too
you asked him if he wanted to try for a part in your musical
but he refused, he wasn’t really the type to expose himself to an audience
but since you had the privilege of being the exception to the rule
you made him sing The Sword Of Damocles because why not
when rehearsals began he told you he didn’t like being in that environment
but he couldn’t have missed your live performance for the world
so he dressed up with the most elegant suit he had and went to the theatre with you, bringing all his courage along with him
he thought it would be trouble to sit in the middle of that big crowd
they could recognize him or remember his face and that wouldn’t be good
but all that paranoia disappeared as soon as the show started
all he could focus on was you
and, since he had found the time to check out the movie, keep an eye on the guys
he didn’t mind too much but, since you were very attractive to him he was scared they would take advantage of the situation
fortunately for them, they didn’t
when you met up after the show he had so much to say about the performances
not yours, yours was perfect
stuff like “Tim Curry is turning in his grave”
”Babe he’s not dead”
”Yeah but if he was, he would be turning in his grave”
he filled you with compliments though
which was surprising because he didn’t do it a lot
but it never hurt to hear his flattering words every once in a while
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