#So I know I said I was gonna give you two seperate stories
graciegoeskrazy · 3 months
if i believe u
matty healy + daughter!r (ft. gabbriette, charli, and george!)
warnings: angsty asf but what did u except, matty says he regresas being a dad, step moms(???), queen gabbriette, shitty matty, lying, yelling, a curse word or two, just general family angst, longest one if written in awhile, george n charli
a/n: first matty daughter r in awhile but 5 SEPERATE PEOPLE ASKED FOR THIS so i had to do it obvi. btw im not hating on gab she’s actually the hero of this story i will not tolerate gabbriette slander only matty slander eheheh. ty to my lovely anons who requested it makes me happy🤭
r is about 13 ish
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Your dad said him and Gabby were going out to dinner while you were at your end of the year dance. It was an event for middle schoolers, nothing crazy, but they figured they’d take advantage of a couple hours to themselves by having a romantic dinner out. He said they’d be home well before you ended your night, and to just text when you got home.
“I’m home!”
You were met with no answer. You didn’t think much about it and went to your room, starting to take off your jewelry from the night.
“Hey, dancing queen.” He said, appearing in the doorway.
You smiled at his comment, looking back at him. “How was dinner?” You asked.
He cleared his throat before speaking. “Good…really really good.”
You thought his response was interesting, but didn’t look to much into it, just taking off your heels from the evening.
“Where’s Gabby?” You asked.
“Bedroom. Thought i’d talk to you in private for a second.”
You turned back suddenly. “About what?” He chuckled when your face turned to worry so quickly.
“Nothing bad. Don’t worry. No one is dead.”
You smiled back, crossing your arms. “Then what is it?”
He looked down at his hands, specifically one finger.
He rarely wore new rings, always sticking to the same ones. You quickly noticed he was grazing over a new one.
One that laid on a certain finger.
You already knew your answer, but you asked anyway, “What’s that?”
He showed a coy smile, while examining the ring on his own finger. “An engagement ring.” He said, smiling.
A part of himself couldn’t believe it. You definitely couldn’t believe it either.
“You’re engaged?” You asked, voice quiet.
“Yeah,” He said, with a faded breath. “Yeah honey, I am.”
Your voice became quiet. “To Gabby?”
“Yeah.” His smile wouldn’t go away. He hasn't smiled like that in so long. A part of you wanted to take a picture of it. Another part of you wanted to wipe it off his face.
“Wow.” was all you could say at the moment.
You spoke after a second of silence. “Are you sure about this dad?”
“About what? Marrying the love of my life?”
He started to get defensive right away. “I mean, Dad, I don’t know her.” You let out a short laugh and smile, as if that should’ve been obvious. “Yeah, she’s been nothing but nice but, you haven't been dating for even a year? And now what? She’s gonna move in with us?”
You saw his face turn. “No, we’re moving in with her.” He said quickly.
You couldn’t believe it. And the fact that he said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world made it harder. “Wh-what about London?”
He started to look anywhere but at you. “We’re gonna move to the states, baby.”
He can’t be serious.
You blinked at him, unsure if this was a dream. “So…I get zero say in this?”
He scoffed. “God forbid I try and give you some stability in life- a family.”
Your blood started to boil. “She’s not even old enough to be my mother.”
“Y/n Healy!”
“And what stability? My life has been a faltering mess since you’ve opened your mouth!” Your voice was now at ten, his not far behind.
“Do not talk to me like that young lady.” He stood straighter, in full authoritative dad mode.
“Don’t talk like what? Don’t tell the truth?” His eyebrow quirked. “You know full well the reason people dropped me, or the reason I had to switch friend groups is because of the stupid shit you’ve said.” He sighed, he knew you were right about that one. “Dad, it’s not that you’re getting married, it’s the fact that you didn’t even think to tell me!”
“I thought you would be happy! This is good news!”
“What about this conversation we’re having screams ‘happiness’?” You said while gesturing between the two of you.
“Oh, so you hate Gabby?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t hate Gabby- I never said I did!”
“Oh so, you just don’t want me to marry her. You don’t want me to be happy.” He started to get protective, voice full of venom.
“I never said that ethier!” You were growing tired.
“Then what is it?”
You felt that it was painfully obvious, but clearly not. “Dad, my whole life is here. My school, my only friends, my home, and you’re just gonna take that away from me in an instant? Without any warning?” He started getting angry. You kept going.
“You didn’t even think about asking me!”
“I wouldn’t have to think about asking if you weren’t here!”
And there it was. The truth. The thought you’ve been dreading to hear since the moment you found out your existence wasn’t exactly planned. The straw that broke the camels back. The words you knew were always true, but never thought you’d actually hear him say.
Your world went blurry after that. Gabbriette stormed in, yelling “Matty!”, and shielding you from your father and any other personal or verbal attacks he might make, but the truth was that he recognized his mistake right after he said it.
He promised himself, right after you were born, he would never make you feel like a mistake. A burden. He wouldn’t be one of those dads. But here he was, frozen. Standing in front of his fiancé while she hold his baby girl, sobbing, because of his words. Because he made her feel that way.
You cried into her. She held you close. Your father slowly became aware of his mistakes and what he had done. Gabbriette looked at him, still holding on tight to you. “Get out.”
He swallowed. “I didn’t mean-“
“Get out Matthew.” She said sharply.
He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
It felt like the weight of the world came crashing down on your shoulders. The truth, finally free, so heavy that you couldn’t keep up anymore, you came falling down with it.
Gabby knew he didn’t entirely mean it. But, her focus was on the task at hand. And that was getting you back to feeling safe. You sobbed and sobbed into her, the cries getting more violent over time. “It’s alright, i’ve got you.” She brought you to the bed, soothing you and kissing your head gently. “I’m right here.”
Matty woke up the next morning with a raging headache. He turned to find his fiancé’s side of the bed empty and cold. He sighed.
The knocks wouldn’t stop. He begrudgingly leapt out of bed and to the front door. When he opened the door he was met with Charli and George, standing side by side. Both still in lounge clothes but Charli wide awake, compared to George who looked half asleep.
“What did you do to your daughter now?” She asked, crossing her hands over her chest, voice full of power.
Matty tried rubbing his eyes awake, but it was no use. “What?” he asked, voice full of sleep.
Charli ignored him and flew past him through the house. “You think my kid was really capable of keeping her mouth shut? Baby?! Auntie Charli is here!!!”
George, still in his sleepy state, met his friend, closing the door behind him. “What did you do man?”
Matty sighed, putting his hands over his eyes to block out the peaks of sun coming in as he made his way to the living room. “I messed up.”
George rolled his eyes, “Well clearly because Charli wouldn’t wake me at 7am if it wasn’t important.”
Matty groaned and leaned back. “How did she even know?”
George shrugged, “Your girl must’ve texted ours.” Matty hummed. “She swore to y/n she wouldn’t tell us, but she was worried about what you said to her. Came crying to us this morning.”
George patted him on the shoulder and started to leave the room. “I’m making coffee. Go put pants on and then tell me what happened.”
earlier that morningr - 4am
You only left your bed once after the fight and it was only to change out of your dress from the dance and into pjs Gabbriette gathered for you after much convincing that you’d be more comfortable.
She brushed your hair back and into a ponytail. When she tried to leave after you finally settled, you begged her in your sleepy state to stay.
So she did.
Come 4 am, you were wide awake. Unable to get your fathers words out of your mind. “Are you awake?” You said.
“Yeah.” She said.
It took you a second but she spoke. “I’m sorry, Gabby.”
She opens her eyes and turned to face you, grabbing your face softly with one hand in the process. “You have nothing to apologize for, y/n-”
You started crying at the gesture. “I don’t hate you! I swear I don’t! He’s lying-“
She shushed you. “I know you don’t, sweet girl. He’s just trying to get in your head after everything.”
You slowly nodded and she sighed. “You need to know that you did nothing wrong. Ever.”
Your cries turned to sniffles. “Yes I did.”
“What did you do?”
“I existed?”
She knew this is how you really felt, and it hurt her so much to realize that the person who was supposed to be the love of her life did this to his own daughter. He made you feel this way. Nothing or no one else. “Honey, that’s not true.”
“Yes it is. He said it!”
“Well what he said was wrong.” She said frim, yet caring. “No doubt about it.”
The sniffles slowly softened even more over time. After a minute or two in comfortable silence, you spoke. “I hope you still love him though.”
She laughed, not expecting your honest remark. “Unfortunately, I still do. With all my heart.” She didn’t miss the smile that danced on your lips. “Go back to sleep. I don’t need him clouding your thoughts when you’re trying to get your beauty rest.”
You closed your eyes, snuggling closer to her, hand quickly grazing over hers in the process. “Damn girl, that’s a big fucking rock.” You said.
She laughed and smiled.
She explained everything to Chali when she woke them up the next morning. You hid in the bed, crying. You had thought so but she did confirm that she was eavesdropping the entire time. You didn’t mind though. She had your back and that was all that matters.
Matty sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the framed picture he held in his hands. Your bright, innocent smile seemed to mock him, reminding him of the days when you would run into his arms after school, eager to share every detail of your day, no matter how mundane it was.
He thought about how you stood by him, through it all. It didn’t matter if it was family issues, band drama, or even his drug addiction. He loved the fact he didn’t have to pretend to be someone for you, not a rockstar, a perfect son or friend, just Dad, your Dad. And for a very very very long time, that was all you needed.
The house felt colder, quieter. He took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, and stood up.
It was time. Gabbriette had left for some errands earlier that morning, making a point to look your father dead in the eyes and telling him to ‘man up and do it.’ Truthfully, he couldn’t let another day pass without trying to bridge the gap between the two of you. With determined steps, he walked down the hallway to your room. He knocked gently on the door, the sound echoing louder than he anticipated in the silent house. “Baby? Can we talk?” he called, his voice wavering slightly. No response. He knocked again, a little louder this time.
“Baby girl, please. I just want to talk.”
Still nothing. He sighed, leaning his forehead against the door. “I’m coming in,” he said softly, turning the knob and pushing the door open.
You were sitting at your desk, your back to him, headphones on, absorbed in a sketchpad. Your long curly hair, nearly identical to the ones Matty used to embrace, cascaded down your back, slightly hiding your face from him. He took a step inside, the creak of the floorboard announcing his presence.
“Y/n?” he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper.
You didn’t turn around. He could see your shoulders tense, though, and he knew you heard him. Guilt twisted in his stomach, but he pressed on.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For everything.”
There was a flicker of movement; you paused your drawing but didn’t remove your headphones. Matty felt a pang of desperation.
“I know I’ve made mistakes. Big ones. And I know I’ve hurt you,” he continued, his voice cracking. “I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn’t see how it was affecting you. And for that, I’m truly sorry.”
He watched as your hand gripped the pencil tighter. It was a small reaction, but it was something. He took another step closer, now standing just a few feet behind you.
“I miss you,” he said, his voice barely audible. “I miss our talks, our laughs. I miss my daughter.”
Slowly, you reached up and removed your headphones, placing them carefully on the desk. You didn’t turn to face him, but your silence spoke volumes. Matty took it as an invitation to continue.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me right away. Or even talk to me. I just… I just needed you to know how sorry I am.”
There was a long pause. Matty felt the weight of the silence pressing down on him, each second stretching into an eternity. He opened his mouth to say something else but then closed it, unsure of what more he could add.
Finally, you spoke, voice barely a whisper. “You can’t just say sorry and expect everything to be okay.”
Your words, though quiet, felt like a punch to his gut. He nodded, though you couldn’t see him. “I know,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I know.”
“It’s not that simple, Dad,” Your voice broke slightly. “You hurt me. A lot.”
He felt tears welling up in his eyes. “I know I did. And I hate myself for it. But I love you, darling. More than anything in the world. You know that.”
You finally turned around, eyes red and filled with tears. You looked at him for a long moment, searching his face for something—truth, perhaps, or sincerity. Your dad held his breath, afraid to move, afraid to break whatever fragile connection you had in that moment.
“You said you regret having me,” you said, voice trembling. “That you wished I wasn’t here- How do you expect me to forgive that?”
His heart shattered at your words. He knelt down beside your chair, looking up at you. “Darling, I was wrong. I was so wrong. I was overwhelmed and stressed, and I lashed out in the worst possible way. I didn’t mean it. Not for a second.”
You looked up, blinking away the tears streaming down your face. “But you said it. You can’t just take it back.”
“I know,” he said, voice breaking. “I know I can’t. But please believe me when I say I didn’t mean it. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. “It doesn’t feel like it.”
Matty felt desperation clawing at him. “I’ve been a terrible father, y/n. I let my own problems cloud my judgment. But I want to change. I need to change. For you. For us. That’s why maybe this whole engagement thing isn’t a bad idea?”
You sniffled again, giving a serious look, “I don’t hate Gabby.”
He sighed, “I know you don’t-“
“You really hurt me, Dad.” Your eyes were filled with pain and tears.
He nodded, tears streaming down his face. “I know, sweetheart. And I’m so, so sorry. I’ll do whatever it takes to make things right. Just… please give me a chance.”
You looked down at your work, fingers tracing the lines you’d drawn. Matty watched you, his heart aching for a sign of hope.
“I don’t know if I can forgive you,” you said softly. “Not yet.”
Matty nodded, his heart heavy. “I understand,” he said gently. “I’m not asking you to. I just want you to know that I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
You looked at him, eyes searching his face. “Do you really mean it?” you asked, voice small. “That you’re sorry?”
Matty met your gaze, his eyes filled with tears, and smiled. “With all my heart,” he said. “I’m so, so sorry, my love.”
You held his gaze for a long moment, then nodded, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “Okay,” you whispered. “We’ll see.”
Matty smiled through his tears, a small, hopeful smile. It was a start, a glimmer of hope in the darkness. And for now, that was enough.
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Stuck in Heaven (ego gift: Late-bloomer's Tattoo) has been grinding my gears for a while now. It has an idea - and a clear one at that - but i can't figure out what it *is*. Wiki has the event transcript. Pls send help
Alright, back to my proper analyses, and... *cracks knuckles* Oh this one's gonna be fun. I want to say that since this one won't need to get into E.G.O analysis, then this post will be a bit shorter than my other full-length analyses...
But. You know how it is with me. For all I know this one might end up ridiculously long anyway. Also, uh, spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina ahead.
So, before we can talk about Stuck in Heaven, we need to talk about the other Abnormality it's directly related to - The Burrowing Heaven.
The Burrowing Heaven debuted in Lobotomy Corporation, but later made a return in Library of Ruina as one of the Abnormality Battles. For the sake of completion, I will be taking a look at both of its appearances in the series.
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In its original appearance, Burrowing Heaven takes on the form of a tree-like entity, made up of a fleshy material, with branches that seperate into wing-like shapes and many eyes.
Its main mechanics in Lobotomy Corporation is that the Abnormality needs to be on-screen to prevent it from breaching and teleporting away once it does breach. This mechanic is reflected in a lot of flavor text about it, most directly in the description of its E.G.O Gear, which includes the sentence "Just contain it in your sight."
Burrowing Heaven's story further expands on this idea. The Abnormality is repeatedly said to "live inside your eyes/gaze", to feed on the attention and focus others give it by looking at it. However, the moment one looks away for too long, it begins to stretch the stalks of its wings for two reasons - one, to gather corpses as food for the fruit it bears; two, to reach towards the sky and sun, as if to cover it up.
Religious imagery and symbolism is used all over for this Abnormality. From the act of stretching its limbs being compared to praying to an old-forgotten god, to its wings reaching the skies being compared to an angel, to the action of it growing its thorns and burrowing being described as for the purpose of "reaching heaven inside one's vision".
Now, there's a very interesting part of Burrowing Heaven's story in LobCorp that I want to point out. Usually, when those stories are said in first person, it's either through the use of "we" (to reflect the company/employees writing those down as a whole), or with the passage being specified as either some testimony or log or otherwise being quoted.
However... That's not the case here. For Burrowing Heaven, there is a whole section in its story written in first person, with no clear note of it being quoted from something else. Allow me to paste the segment in its entirety.
"That's what a gaze is. Attention. An invisible string that connects us.  Sole focus.  Do not come here, as there is no place for you to rest.  But you see, I could only bear fruit when I stood inside your sight. Is this what you wanted to see?  When your tears dry up at last, tell me your answer."
Interesting, isn't it?
However, we're not done yet. There is still the context of its appearance in Library of Ruina, so let's look at that, shall we?
In Library of Ruina, Burrowing Heaven's Abno Battle is placed on the Floor of Religion, aka Hokma's Floor, alongside Price of Silence, Blue Star, and WhiteNight.
Narratively, this Library Floor explores the faith and dedication that Carmen's group put into her and Ayin, especially from Hokma's perspective, who unconditionally put his trust into Ayin back when he was known as Benjamin. Thus, all of the Abnormalities fought on this symbolically represent Carmen's unwavering dedication to gathering like-minded people to make her dream come true, and the devotion those who followed felt towards her and her goals.
When it comes to the Burrowing Heaven, there is some more info we can gather from its Abno Battle in this game, starting off with its new appearance:
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As you can see, the previously tree-like form has been replaced with one that very clearly represent a human's central nervous system, brain and spinal cord included. The bloody wings and eyes still remain though.
...Now. Those who have played Lobotomy Corporation might recognize what Burrowing Heaven is meant to represent in this form. And for those who haven't, allow me to show you something.
This is what became of Carmen after her death:
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A disembodied central nervous system, with its nerves spread out in an almost wing-like fashion.
While most of the flavor text here repeats what we know about the Abno from LobCorp, there are a few unique pieces of text I want to shine a spotlight on right here.
"The desire for the unreachable will only grow bigger. And to pursue it… is to tread a path riddled with thorns."
"Basking in everyone’s gaze and attention… It will finally come to fruition and spread its wings."
"The one who spread their wings sacrificed everything they had, and yet…"
"Just close your eyes. That’s right, you’re doing good…"
"If we ever open our eyes again, will we get to see the fruit of our labor in that gaze?"
...In case you were wondering why I was being so scant on the interpretation part of this analysis, this is why. This connection is what changes Burrowing Heaven from a nebulous concept to a direct parallel.
Burrowing Heaven, at its core, is a reflection of Carmen. More specifically, Carmen's dream, and the way she and her followers acted to reach her goals. How, to pursue it, they had to single-mindedly focus on that goal, to make many sacrifices for the sake of reaching what seemed unreachable.
It could also represent how Carmen's seeming demise and the following tragedies happened because nobody paid attention to the warning signs, nobody focused on Carmen when she was at her lowest. And yet, those very tragedies are what led to even more attention being put on making progress towards that goal, towards Carmen's wings spreading out and reaching ever closer towards the heaven she so desired.
The gaze being put on her may have put her deep underground, in the vat where her nervous system became a source of Cogito... but it also eventually led to the breathtaking sight that was the Light. And now that there is no more gaze left on her, her wings can spread everywhere, blocking out the sun with her own Light.
When you think about it, isn't that how Distortions take place under Carmen's influence? Just close your eyes and ignore the world around you. Let your desires guide you. Just like Carmen is encouraging you to do, patiently. That's right, you're doing good, following what she says.
...Okay that's all fine and good, but what the fuck does all this mean for Stuck in Heaven? Let's get to that.
From just a cursory look at its physical description, Stuck in Heaven appears to be the next step of progression in this Heaven line of Abnormalities. From the tree-like form of the LobCorp Burrowing Heaven, to the brainstem in Library of Ruina, to Stuck in Heaven taking the form of growths directly growing over a person.
Interestingly enough, the Mirror Dungeon event describes Stuck in Heaven as having "the appearance" of a branch, yet being human. Curious.
This is also where a difference is established between Stuck in Heaven and Burrowing Heaven, with the event text directly referencing the Abnormality that Stuck in Heaven is related to.
"Heaven sometimes burrows; other times, it makes a home in the heart. Once taken root, that heaven will only be visible through the eyes of others."
Immediately, this tells us one major thing - Stuck in Heaven does not burrow like Burrowing Heaven, it does not need to feed on the attention people give through vision. Rather, the thing it aims to take root in is the heart.
The text you get from taking the [Close your eyes.] option explains why Stuck in Heaven does that. When it takes root in one's heart, closing one's eyes is not enough to get it out of one's gaze, as the sight it sought out is that coming from the heart itself.
I believe this is also why actually trying to [Return the gaze.] with one's eyes does nothing. With Burrowing Heaven, which actively sought out one's eye vision, one can find many references to it being alive and actively watching its observer back. However, trying to do so with Stuck in Heaven results in it ignoring the observer. The heaven Stuck in Heaven is looking for is not in the eyes, but past them. "Behind me", as the text puts it.
Now... all of that might not have much meaning without further context. After all, what's all this looking with one's eyes and looking with one's heart stuff about?
And this. Is where we get to The Little Prince.
Yeah, remember how Demian seems to be representing the titular Little Prince himself, through him directly quoting the kid?
Yeah, that's not the only thing Limbus Company borrows from that book. In fact, from what I've gathered, The Little Prince might just be one of, if not the most important books when it comes to the themes Limbus Company is setting itself up to explore.
And the main theme that Limbus Company borrows from that book is the theme of seeing with the eyes vs seeing with the heart. It is all over this narrative. The constant focus on perception and what everyone is percieving through their senses. The equal focus on the heart, of how subjective reality is when looking at the reflections of one's heart, yet how one has to follow the heart to reach the unreachable. I mean, for fuck's sake, the word Limbus can refer to both a part of the eye and a part of the heart!
Most importantly, I think it's also the key to understanding Stuck in Heaven a bit better. In The Little Prince, a clear divide is established between the Little Prince, who uses his imagination to understand his reality, and "the grown-ups", who focus solely on the physical world.
Stuck in Heaven's E.G.O Gift is named Late-Bloomer's Tattoo. A late-bloomer is someone who takes a long time to develop one's skills or grow up. For Stuck in Heaven to be able to leave its mark (or Tattoo) on someone, to take root in their heart, one has to not be a grown-up yet, to still be able to see the world with one's heart rather than one's eyes.
So... What does it all mean?
I'll be honest, I don't fucking know! I don't even know if Stuck in Heaven even still has connections to Carmen the way Burrowing Heaven does!
What I can say however, is that Stuck in Heaven is likely extremely interconnected with the main plot and themes of Limbus Company, the same way Burrowing Heaven was for Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina.
Does it represent the goals of Limbus Company itself? Faust? The Golden Boughs? The fucking Mark of Cain?
The reality of it all is... we just aren't far enough along in the story yet to be sure. The way it connects to one of the bigger themes of Limbus Company, alongside it being directly related to the Abnormality that was so directly paralleling the end-game reveals about Carmen in LobCorp, means that we likely just don't have enough of the puzzle pieces yet to see the full picture of what Stuck in Heaven truly represents.
I'm sure as we head closer towards Limbus Company's endgame, the true meaning of Stuck in Heaven will become much, much clearer to us. But, until then, all we can do is wait and see what comes next. It's definitely a subject I'll want to revisit later on, once we get a better grasp on the overarching plot and will be able to start properly connecting the pieces.
Sorry that I couldn't give a more definite answer as to what Stuck in Heaven's exact meaning is, but from all the analysis I've done I genuinely think this is the best answer I can give. That it's a direct parallel to something within the main plot of Limbus Company that we have yet to learn, similarly to how Burrowing Heaven is a direct parallel to Carmen and the path taken to reach her goals.
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verdemoun · 6 days
Time for another ✨hypothetical ask✨ What of Black Belle timewarped who would she interact with? I just know she would absolutely love Grimshaw (they would bond so quickly at being girlbosses during the 1800s managing to survive in an outlaw life and I can see them being shipped together as well) plus how she would or wouldn’t get along with the rest of the gang and how she would die to timewarp in the first place?
Also a seperate hypothetical in which all of the gunslingers timewarp because Black Belle seeing how Jim “boy” Calloway turned out would be funny (I am super hyperfixated on Black Belle do you notice?/rh)
Okay I was putting this off because I don't want to interrupt my Kiervier fantasies but the demons in me want Blackduffy so I'm gonna need at fat hear me out here.
Black Belle shouldn't fucking die she should be proof that people can be outlaws and survive if they learn to pull their heads in and don't be an idiot Dutch. She would've cornered Mary-Beth around 1907 asking if one of her novels were about a peculiar, handsome feller called Arthur Morgan. She wrote about him too accurately to not have been at least an associate if not a dear friend of, and Mary-Beth would have had a panic attack because Black Belle is 1. hot 2. serving outlaw/bounty hunter vibes 3. super hot. She could live with Mary-Beth as companion 'spinsters' and Mary-Beth went onto write what would be considered the first lesbian novel with a genuinely happy ending. Black Belle having that dangerous mysterious energy Mary-Beth craves as well as also having the sensibility to acknowledge when it was time to stop being an outlaw.
Black Belle dies in 1900 when the bounty hunters caught up with her. Unlike Colm, she was still grinning right up all the way through her execution, using her final moments to brag about the extraordinary life she's lived. Her corpse was still grinning, and looked absolutely macabre in the newspaper photos.
Arthur was going about his business as normal, a typical, delightful day of taking Isaac out for lunch (Isaac picks a restaurant and then watches his dad react to new cuisines like it's rumspringa) when someone whistles across the street and calling 'well well, fancy seeing you again sugar'
Isaac immediately sniggered at the thought of someone calling his dad sugar and Arthur knew he wasn't going to be living it down anytime soon
Black Belle is a queen and had been doing decently okay, staying at a motel while she figured out what was happening. 'Didn't expect this many bluecoats in Heaven, let alone nosey little photographers.'
Isaac was immediately obsessed, which Arthur dreaded but he can't help feeling a little jolt of admiration too because who doesn't admire what a badass woman Black Belle is.
He introduces her to the gang because there is a silent pledge to help people 'lost in time'.
Annabelle, bless her heart, has a type. She might live in a two bedroom studio with the guest room supposedly already rented out to Grimshaw but of course suddenly it's no issue.
Susan thought it was adorable how tongue tied Annabelle was for such a well-spoken, world-travelling human rights advocate but the fact Black Belle is a short queen was suddenly meaningless the second she sets her eyes on Susan Grimshaw and (having to look up) said 'ain't you as stunning as starlight'.
She immediately moved in with them. Still no one sleeps in the guest room.
Black Belle gives no shits about women suddenly being able to wear pants. Like cool for women love that for women but she was an outlaw who outsmarted the law, bounty hunters, and men in general for over 20 years in a dress. She wasn't going to start wearing pants now.
Of the gang (other than her wives) she actually gets along best with Uncle. Uncle and her are both regular bar flies at the pub Susan works at, trading stories of the old days and challenging each other to drinking games and being outraged at the discovery of having to pay for peanuts while Susan stares in admiration of her short queen and disgust at Uncle.
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beesfairlyland · 8 months
heyy bee!! i’m south asian too lmao. plus i was the one who asked the doubting ask!
is knowing you’re not the current illusion but awareness enough? like i don’t want to even lift a finger to do anything quite literally, i’m so you know done lmao. like i don’t want to try and work, do anything to honest. if i become aware of different illusion my current one asks “oh but nothing changed” so obviously it doesn’t see a change BC i chose one of many illusions in my stream of consciousness. but it’s all instant for awareness. so as soon i become aware of something? i (self) already has it. hope i’m correct
thank you!!
(can i be your 👿 anon)
Heyy cutiee!!💗
Ooohh glad you are south asian too!! Omgg i have soo much to speak about this lmao😭. Less goo!!
'is knowing you're not the current Illusion but awareness is enough?'
That is only what you have to KNOW....not just current Illusion but Everything in this world(unreal) exists because of YOU. There's no seperation between 'current Illusion' or the Illusion you become aware of when you close your eyes. It's all dream.
ONLY SELF IS REAL. Self is the observer.... experiencing this dream world.
'like I don't want to try and work, do anything to be honest'
Who said you have to do work or try anything huh? This is what your ego thinks that it needs to something to realise SELF.
Lemme tell you a secret.....YOU ARE NEVER NOT SELF!!
There's nowhere to reach...coz you are realised alreadyyyy. Only thing you have to do is drop all the labels you identify with. I promise it's this easy! All these thoughts are not yours. Whenever you have the urge to 'try' ask yourself who's the one thinking that it needs to do work? Does self need to do work...when it gives existence to Everything huh? NO....So just sit back and relax don't identify with this body or mind. Pay no attention. They shut up on their own.
'if i become aware of different Illusion my current one asks ...oh but nothing changed'
If you know that both are Illusions both are unreal...how can you rely on them huh? It's ego that feels like nothing changed. Uk why it didn't change coz you still identify with this body and mind. May be you just intellectually understand what's SELF but you don't KNOW yourSELF yet!! I'll tell you there's no shortcut to it. Ofcc the 'realisation' can be instant....but we've been identifying with this body and mind from yrs soo it's kinda 'hard' for us to let go if it completely.
You can never see yourSELF that's why you have to see/know what you are not! Peel off all the labels you've been identifying with. Drop every thought that you don't like.... it's your choice if you wanna be stuck in this loop of getting THERE. Guess there's nowhere to reach coz you ARE ALREADY THERE!!
Okayy lemme tell you about the ego that im experiencing rn.
Soo I've been dropping the identification from every thought. At first it was difficult to dis-identify with this ego. I was worried about her problems her misery. But slowly she realised that these are not of the SELF. she has been feeling neutral towards Everything. Few days ago this ego was feeling stuck she was like when the 'realisation' gonna come.... where's the 'progess'...when this dream gonna end...will i be stuck here forever bla bla but that too i knew this ego was feeling i let her but then i dis-identified with those thoughts....NOT MINE SORRY....I GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU SOO BETTER BE QUIET IDC.
I kept dropping Everything which i didn't want...but just today she realised that the past memories the horrible flashbacks she used to get... they've gone Completely. I don't even think about my past anymore. And today only i had two 'success stories' (eww I don't like this word but didn't have better to tell that I had that 'progress' even when the ego was thinking she's stuck)
Soo i just wanted to tell you that even when this ego feel stuck you are still making that 'progress' just don't care about what ego thinks. I promise there's nothing more to 'do'.
Hope i helped you!🫶🏻(ofcc you can be my 👿anon)
-love, bee🧚🏻‍♀️💗
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berrychanx · 1 year
TMMN EP 16 Analysis
I have so much to say i don’t know where to start, I’ll focus on the character development and the episode itself I love that Lettuce seems more confident in herself, cares for her looks, takes the lead, volunteers to help etc.
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Yes it’s all means to an end for her, to get closer with Shirogane but his words really left an impact on her,
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 even before that she already wished to change at the start of episode 8
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But if it wasn’t for his words she would probably never have the courage to change.
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Look at that happy smile. even Zakuro notices she has changed and its doing all of this for a reason. Zakuro LITTERALY is the big sister of the group.
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LOL, Ryou is in another world ..... Poor Lettuce is getting chrushed and pushed on into his chest...You can feel the embarassement in her face ... while Ryou is just there being Ryou ... he’s not even aware...He acts so different with the other girls and Ichigo...If it was Ichigo in Lettuce play he would start bashing her.
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Sorry for this two random screesnhots but this just proves my theory about this season, exploring the Blue Knight identidy and the search for the mew aqua
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Ryou notices something’s wrong with Lettuce. he calls out for her (probably worried and to snap her back to reality) ... I feel sad for Lettuce, relating to the Little Mermaid story
Meanwhile Kish appears and tries to steal the earrings, everyone thinks it contains Mew Aqua but Ryou ain’t gonna let that happen. I’M SO GLAD FINALLY A CHARACTER THOUGHT ABOUT GRABBING HIS LACE XD
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Anyways Kish and Lettuce fight, Kish wins the battle and retreats?? Because? Letttuce is thrown out by the window and into the ocean, sinking and comes in contact with a light, thinking its mew aqua Similar to episode 19 of the original anime
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She gets transported into another time, when the aliens still inhabited this planet and we get more lore (seperate post)
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Lettuce then helps her new friend by giving her some advice and words of encouragement like someone once did to her.
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Back into her own timeline, Shirogane goes to her aid. Finally alone with Ryou, Lettuce comes to accept her feelings for him, and know the viewers have a confirmation that it was actually love
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He even forgets his cool act
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At least he thanks her for having the courage to say something so important. BUT LIKE I SAID A COUPLE OF TIMES, THIS MAN ONLY LIVES FOR ONE THING AND ITS HIS LIFE WORK / PROJECT
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He completely didn’t say no nor did he said yes..... it’s left on open and i hope once the season ends this subject is brought up again.
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Like I mentioned on this post, Shirogane really cares for everyone, the burden he carries etc. Go read the post here,
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I would translate it too, I’m sorry but I can’t answer your feelings right now, Lettuce
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She took this in such a mature way, not loosing her compuster in from of him...
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Ryou’s aware he hurt her feelings, that she’s broken, wanting to cry but holding it lal inside
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He smiles at her and leaves her alone, despite being sad and heartbreaking, it was the best option in my opnion. She wouldn’t have cried in front of him.
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She really is the big sister of the group, the big sister to all of the other girls.
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It’s ok, you’re alone now, you can cry, let it all out.
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And the episode ends with Lettuce crying in Zakuro arms. It was a fantastic episode in my opinion, I would love if it focused a bit more on the aliens culture, Lettuce asking questions  but I understand, the alien situation was there for Lettuce to compare herself with the earrings original owner and their situation and inspire her to confess to Ryou.
The original anime had thrown in this Ryoutasu moments but it was all very vague, New at least develops her feelings. I hope in the end she gets a definitive answer, if that never happens...nothing I can do but accept it, we know in a way the Mew Project is never “finished”, A la mode gave us the roses crusaders Return had the girls dealing with loosing parasites. There’s the PS1 game. So maybe leaving their relationship in open its for the best.
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michu-writes · 2 years
🐉 K, so...... I never played Omori, but I wanna give you something to write, so how about just general dating headcanons with Hero and Kel? You can do them separately or as a poly ship, either way, is fine. Hope that satisfies you and you'll have fun writing this. Love you! <3
Kel and Hero are brothers so- no poly headcanons ofc BUT SEPERATELY I WILL DO!!! Thank you for requesting dear anon <3
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Malewife? Manwhore? You're lucky to have him as a boyfriend. He's one of the (only) most respectful cis men out there, no joke /j.
He'll shower you with kisses and bring food to your bed !!!!! Hero loves cuddling with you too after a long day of studying just to clear his mind. You both would also cook or bake something together!!! Doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it, because you'll always succeed as long as Herj is with you el oh el.
You guys met in Faraway town a few weeks before he was gonna leave for college at the park. You noticed he looked lonely and uneasy in a way, so you decided to talk to him. He stated he just needed some fresh air and so did you!! You guys eventually became friends and found out you were both gonna attend in the same college, so that is great!
Unfortunately, you guys didn't end up in the same dorm but you both still visited each other at anytime you could!! You still saw each other all around the campus but still yeyeyeye. Anyways he had a little hard time opening up to you,,, but he did tell you about Mari eventually. You felt really bad and awful for him, that must be a really really hard thing to go through at such a young age. You told him everything was gonna be fine and she's in a much better place now. After that you both pretty much got closer and the story goes on!!!
After like a year or two of being buds to good buds to best buds, you finally confessed and he surprisingly felt the same way!! Kel and his dad pretty much knew the whole time, but his mom kept denying it and saying "they're just best friends……."
But when you and Hero came back home from college, he asked if you wanted to meet his family face to face (because you have only been able to video chat with them whenever you were hanging out with Hero in your dorms) and you gladly said yeah. Everyone welcomed you as family and was happy for both of you. Kel May or may not have been like "Ew romance" but that's just how he is. His mom though was like "Oh!" and just needed a moment to process because she never thought Hero would get a s/o anytime soon. But she greeted you and was very nice so no worries!!!
One time you were visiting Hero and you both had to babysit Sally because everyone else was away. He was just done making lunch and was about to tell you until he saw you on the couch. He couldn't help but shed a tear of how cute and gentle you were with Sally, he instantly knew you'd be an awesome parent if you wanted to!!!
You were a bit worried about why he was crying but he quickly said you were just adorable when you were all cuddled up with his little sister. Sally was all fast asleep beside you while you snuggled her up close to your chest as you were watching TV with a blanket.
10/10 boyfriend, would recommend.
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This kinda depends of how much energy you got because if you're like leaning more into the calm and relaxed type, you'll just watch him being a complete idiot in awe. He likes it because he knows your don't mind his chaotic nature (most of the time). But if you match his energy, oh god. Everything will go down hill. You'll both at least commit 5 crimes in a day. It might be really fun, but you both need someone to stop you. Like Hero perhaps.
You have known each other for a long time ever since the whole gang even formed. You both were best friends and was the only people who didn't close off which you both can agree were greatful for. You would invite him to do something to keep his mind off of things for a bit after Mari's death, and all the stress and worries about Hero. It helped and he just couldn't stop thanking you. His parents adores you for trying your best. Kel also helps you too in many different ways, you guys have each other.
When Sunny finally left his house to hangout with Kel before he moved away, they both invited you to tag along, in which you gladly agreed on. Sunny noticed the tension between you two and pointed it out. Let's just say you were both a red burning mess after that.
Sunny was kinda the one who egged Kel on to confess to confess to you because of the obvious crush, so thanks to him.
Kel usually asks Hero for relationship advices. He would also ask his dad, but they're always so long and dumb in his opinion.
He !!! Loves !!!!! Going out !!!!!! On dates !!!!!! You guys can also stay inside. His favorite dates are maybe going on a stroll at night or a movie night. During the strolls, you guys just just look at the night sky and admire the stars and moon while holding hands and rant about your favorite things ! During the movie nights, you just lay on the sofa with snacks in the table, a blanket covering the two who was all cuddled up, probably watching some horror or action movie.
Kel loves to creep up on you and scare you when you're not looking, he finds your reaction hilarious.
Will always hold your hand or have his arm around your shoulders. He'll also give you random hugs and kisses anywhere at all (unless you don't like pda which is totally fine). He's so sweet and goofy.
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lovebombs4life · 1 year
the story of us - c.t.h
requested: yes! “Could you do a calum x reader, please?!
They are together since sgfg era (they met at a concert of her) and you could write their story (like timeline)”
a/n: i love this idea so so so much. i’m tweaking some of it just a bit, but i hope you enjoy it :) this took me like 2-3 days to write. i have two other requests i haven’t even started in bc i love this one so much.
cw: swearing, implications of drinking and sexual activities
being a small artist was so exciting, but so exhausting. trying to get publicity and more recognition sucked, with a big capital S.
my life has completely changed when my manger had called me, asking if i wanted to be an opener for an uprising band, 5 Seconds of Summer. of course i immediately said yes.
i had seen them before live. they opened for one direction when they were first starting out. they were incredible, and opening for them would be such a dream. tour started next month, giving me time to catch up on all their music.
their voices were unbelievable. i remember hearing amnesia when i had been broken up with last year, and listening to it now, i no longer think of him. now all i can think of is how beautiful it sounded.
i looked into the band, searching up common stuff about them. calum’s tan skin and tattoos has drawn me in. his hair was beautiful, he was beautiful.
i couldn’t let that distract me from being professional when we met. i pushed aside those feelings, waiting for tour to start.
a month later
i shook with excitement as i was being driven to the first venue. i had yet to meet the boys, and to say i was nervous was an understatement.
as we pulled up to the venue, i could see thousands of girls already standing outside, waiting to get in. my stomach flipped at the sight. sure i’ve performed live before, but this was a lot more than i’ve ever played for. i shook off the nerves of performing, focusing back on my first impression with the band.
the car parked, and i stepped out, walking to the entrance of the venue. i was lead by a security guard to the large dressing rooms. the sounds of laughing and yelling were heard through the door before i walked in.
“everyone, this is y/n y/l/n, your opener. y/n, this is the band.” the security spoke to me, leaving me with everyone. they all looked at me with soft smiles. my eyes landed on calum, my breathe hitching as he watched me walk through the door.
“i’m sure you already know, but i’m luke, that’s michael there, ashton, and calum.” luke smiled brightly. they all stood up, taking turns hugging me.
“it’s great to meet you guys. it’s crazy that i’m your opener. it feels like i saw you guys opening for one direction just a week ago, but here i am opening for you this time.” i spoke, waving my hands around.
calum chuckles at my actions. i blushed, smiling at them. “we’re excited that you’re here. your music is fantastic, and we’ve already seen some posts from fans saying they can’t wait to see you live.” calum said.
“i’m glad. im incredibly nervous. how long until i’m on?” i asked, looking for a clock. “little less than an hour.” michael piped up, looking at his phone.
my eyes widened, not ready at all. “i’m gonna go warm up a bit, see you all later!” i said, walking into my own seperate dressing room.
i began my warm ups, and before i knew it, i was halfway through my set. “alright everyone, we’re gonna slow it down a bit, and i’m gonna do an acoustic cover, how’s that sound?” i spoke into my mic. the crowd went crazy.
i chuckled as i put my mic back on the stand, grabbing my guitar. “so this is one of my favorite songs actually, and it means a lot to me. it’s called everything had changed, by this super cool chick named taylor swift. if you know the words, sing along!” i announced.
i started strumming my guitar, listening to the muffled screaming through my ear pieces. i smiled as i saw calum watching me from off stage. he gave me a smile and a thumbs up. my heart fluttered.
i turned back and sung the words. i knew my face was red as it was, but if i could see myself i knew i would be bright red. calum mouthed the words as i sung, making me giggle a bit.
once i finished the song, i said my goodbyes to the crowd. i passed calum, giving him a high five. “that was fantastic!” he cheered, pulling my arm back and giving me a hug. i pressed my face to his chest, taking in his scent.
i needed something to subside this little crush that was lingering in my mind. “thanks cal! just thirty more minutes then you guys will be on stage! they’re all going crazy waiting for you.” i laughed.
he watched me as i walked away, going to my dressing room to grab a snack.
soon enough the boys were due to go on stage. i walked around to the side of the stage, watching calum as he plucked the strings on his bass. i sung along to every song, watching calum the whole time.
every so often he would turn his face towards me, watching me as i danced around and sung with him. he would laugh and shake his head slightly.
the concert went on, and i could see some fans pointing to calum as he kept looking to the side. i giggled, thinking how they’d never know he was watching me. it was such an innocent thing, but i knew we’d have to keep things professional in the end.
“alright i want everyone to scream the words to this with us! i wanna hear you loud and clear and i want to see you jump!” luke yelled.
“i just want to say before we start, this song is going to be dedicated to the most gorgeous girl ive ever met. this is ‘she looks so perfect’” calum spoke, winking at me.
i blushed madly as the crowd went wild. after the show, calum handed his bass to a stage manager, and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his dressing room.
“what are you doing to me cal? my mind is going a million miles a minute just thinking of you.” i spoke, running my hand through my hair. he chuckled.
“i know it’s all so soon, but i believe in love at first sight, y/n. you make me crazy.” he spoke, getting closer to me. he held my hips as i wrapped my arms around his neck.
“let’s just see where it all leads, yeah? let time consume us.” i spoke. he nodded, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
this was only the start.
after tour, i kept in touch with all the boys, but especially calum. soon after tour, we started dating. just a few months ago, we moved in together, sharing an apartment.
since moving in together, we’ve had countless movie nights, date nights, nights where we’d cook with each other, sick days, and so many other things. we’d already been together for a year, but it felt like we’ve been together for years.
“y’know, i really love you.” calum spoke softly as he played with my hair. my head was resting on his bare chest, tracing his tattoos. we’d both just gotten done showering, deciding to lay down and get ready for bed.
“i really love you too cal.” i blushed, looking up at him. his sweet eyes stared down into mine, giving me a soft kiss. i put my head back down, listening to his heart beating.
in the morning i woke up in an empty bed, looking for cal. i shifted around, finally getting up. i grabbed a pair of calum’s boxers and a sweater before walking out of our room. i could hear the soft sound of guitar from down the hall.
as i walked into the living room, calum started humming, stopping every so often. i knew he was in the middle of writing. he looked up when he heard my soft footsteps on the floor. “hey! i wanna read you these lyrics, wanna know what you think.” he spoke. i smiled, sitting down next to him.
i grabbed his journal, reading what he wrote. “i’m not sure if i’ll bring it up to the boys any time soon..” he trailed off as i read it.
“we know we’re classic together like egyptian gold.
we love us.
it don’t matter,
be combative or be sweet cherry pie,
it don’t matter just as long as i get all you tonight.”
he hummed it as i read, squeezing my leg. “cal that’s beautiful! you’ve gotta bring this one to the boys.” i encouraged. he blushed, pulling me closer to him.
“it’s about you. doesn’t matter if we stay in or go out, just as long as i’ve got you. as long as i get to love you.” he spoke. i blushed, pushing him back against the couch. i straddled his hips, kissing him.
“why don’t you show me how much you love me?” i asked him. he smirked, grabbing my waist.
“i can take you out, oh, oh! we can kill some time, stay home!” calum sang, watching me as i danced from the crowd. i smiled at him as he watched. he signaled for a security guard to come close, speaking to them briefly before they walked to me.
“calum says he wants to bring you up on stage, follow me please.” he spoke. i nodded and followed. once on the side of the stage, i was handed a mic.
i listened as calum spoke. “i wanted to bring out a very special girl, my wonderful girlfriend, y/n y/l/n!” he announced. i walked out on stage, waving to the crowd.
“hello! i’m going to be honest, i didn’t know calum was going to bring me up here!” i laughed. the boys were still playing. they were at the bridge in valentine, playing it slowly.
calum took his bass off and set it down gently. he walked to me, grabbing one of my hands. “y/n i’ve loved you for the past 3 years, and im forever going to love you,” he began. i turned my head in confusion.
“you’re the most wonderful person i’ve met in my life. you’re the one who inspired this song, and what feels like millions more. you’re my muse.” he continued, letting go of my hand and grabbing something in his pocket. he set his microphone down, getting on his knee.
my eyes widened. i handed my microphone off to a stage hand, turning back to calum. he held a small velvet box, opened to show a beautiful diamond ring. “will you marry me?” he yelled to me over the sound of the crowd. i nodded my head quickly, my hands over my face. i got down to his level, holding out my left hand. he slid the ring onto my finger, pulling my face in for a kiss.
tears fell from my eyes out of excitement. “i love you!” i yelled to him. “i love you!” he yelled back.
he was the one i was going to spend the rest of my life with.
it was CALM release day. calum and i have been together for five years now, and married for a year.
our wedding was very private, but we took plenty of pictures to share with the fans. i’ve never been more proud of calum.
calum was at another interview today, and of course i was by his side the whole time. i stood off set, watching as they talked about the album. “what’s your guys’ favorite song off the new album, and why?” the host asked. they all looked at each other, thinking of their answers.
“easily mine is wildflower. y/n was a big inspiration for that song, and she even helped us write and produce some of our music. which i want to mention, her new album comes out in two months!” calum smiled at me.
after the interview, he captured me in a tight hug. “you have no idea how proud of you i am, cal.” i kissed him. “and you have no idea how proud of you i am, y/n.” he spoke as we walked to the car, leaving for the next interview already.
once we got home from celebrating the album, calum and i decided to relax in bed having a movie night. we decided on watching ‘juno’, one of our favorite movies.
“have you ever thought about having one?” calum asked. i looked up at him confused. “one what, cal?” i questioned.
“a baby, y/n. have you ever thought about having one?” he explained. i smiled at him. “of course i have cal, i’ve always known i’ve wanted to be a mother some day.” i watched his eyes flicker to my lips.
“what about having a baby with me?” he held on tight to me as he asked. i nodded my head. “all the time. it’s been in my mind since before we got married.”
“what do you say we make one?” he said, stroking my hair. my eyes widened. “now? shit if you’re down, let’s do it.” i laughed. he climbed on top of me, and i prepared myself for the night ahead. calum was a determined person, and i knew he’d go all night if it meant getting me pregnant.
a few weeks later i had woken up, feeling like absolute shit. i sprung up from the bed, running to the bathroom. while throwing up everything from my system, that moment, i knew i was pregnant. since that night i had stopped drinking alcohol and switched to decaf coffee just to be sure of no issues. calum had stopped smoking, and we could do was wait to have a positive test.
once done, i quickly scrambled to grab a pregnancy test from under the sink. i did my thing and set it on the counter, result side face down. “calum?” i yelled from the bathroom.
he hurried into the room, thinking i was hurt. “are you alright? what’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing my face, holding me close. that’s when he had seen the test on the counter.
“you really think..?” he started. i nodded my head. “i woke up with morning sickness. i know it may not mean anything but, i don’t know, ive just got a feeling.” i said. he held onto me, standing with me while we waited.
i grabbed out my phone, setting up my camera to record our reaction. i was so sure, but at the same time it could’ve been nothing.
i had taken some videos before, and they were negative, but that was me just waiting to see if it’d happen. of course, calum was with me during each, but for this one he held me tighter.
“ready?” i asked him, the video already recording. “as i can be.” he replied, smiling. i grabbed the test from the counter. “okay. one, two, three.” i spoke, flipping the test over. i studied the lines, but quickly saw two solid pink lines. i covered my mouth, showing calum. his eyes widened grabbing the test from me, looking at it for himself.
“we’re pregnant.” i stayed, watching him set the test down. he grabbed me, squeezing me tightly. “i’m gonna be a fucking dad!” he cried, kissing me.
“we’re gonna be parents!” i squeaked, tears slipping from my eyes. i grabbed my phone, ending the video. i took a picture of the test, and sent both to my family and calum’s.
we were flooded with congratulations from our families. we waked back to the room, laying with each other. we both posted the video and the picture on our social medias, announcing to the world that we’re going to have a baby.
nine months feels like a life time, but also so short once you have your baby. on november 8th, 2020, we had our beautiful baby boy, charlie.
calum and i spent every waking moment loving him, and loving each other. being home from the hospital was a relief, as we were able to finally have alone time from friends and family.
this was the start of our small family.
5sos5 released just a few months ago, and charlie was soon turning two. time has flown by, but everything is absolutely perfect.
luke had brought up the idea for calum and i to make another version of ‘Older’, knowing our voices went well together. we decided to do so, and released it. the song was beautiful as it is with luke and sierra, but it felt so much more special now that calum and i had an official song together.
calum and i sat together by our fireplace, enjoying the warmth in the cold weather. we had just found I’m pregnant again, and we’re basking in the love of each other. charlie was asleep in his crib, the baby monitor close by incase he started to fuss.
calum got up, grabbing my hand to come with. he walked me to the kitchen, grabbing his phone out. he searched something up before hitting play, and propping open the refrigerator door. “you’re so cheesy. i love it.” i giggled.
he grabbed my waist, clasping one of our hands together. i rested my other hand on his shoulder. he swayed with me, just as we did for our first dance after getting married.
he kissed the top of my head, holding me close. “you’re so perfect, y/n. i’m so in love with you.” he spoke softly.
“i’m so in love with you cal. you were meant just for me.” i spoke, pressing my lips to his.
“as forever comes closer,
hope the world will spin slower,
i don’t want to get older.
i don’t want to get older.”
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obsoleteozymandias · 2 years
romantic relationship hc of harry and kim with gn reader (i dont mind whether seperate or poly!!) thankies :D <3
You’re welcomesies 
Headcanons: Disco Elysium 
Harry du Bois (Individual): 
Any partner Harry has must be a force of nature. He needs someone who’ll chase the storms he makes, and let them envelop them. 
That isn’t to say he wants you to excuse his bad habits: any partner would be a key part of his recovery. 
Harry’s a very physical person. He gesticulates as much as he taps and touches you to get your attention or make a point. Hugs and kisses mean a million different things just depending on how they’re done. You’re gonna need a Harry encyclopedia for every little minutiae of this man. 
He isn’t afraid of public affection, though he’s always been attracted to a sense of secrecy with his partner - he likes seeing the side of someone only he knows. 
He‘ll wake you up on any given day with a new thought experiment or hypothetical, some of which are completely hilarious, others which shake you to your core. He’s never been a person to hold back with his thoughts. 
He’s a considerate lover to a fault: he’ll overthink every decision he makes until it’s too late to be made anymore. Then, he’ll spend the next few weeks regretting his overthinking; overthinking that, too, in the process. So he’ll need someone to step in and course-correct him. One kiss, one hug, one gentle hand on his shoulder, and reassurance. He’ll be right as rain (or as right as he can get) in no time. 
Kim Kitsuragi (Individual): 
Kim’s never been big on relationships, but when he’s in one, you’ll find very little difference from his normal behaviors. 
Aside from more physical touch and affection, some more open facial expressions, and less of a reservation about voicing his feelings, Kim is still a straight-laced cop with a pinch of obscure humor. 
His love language is acts of service. He doesn’t need a gift or affirmations, he needs someone to stand by his side and weather the storm with him. He loves having someone to come home to, someone who’ll listen to him talk about his day and help him de-stress. 
If you can’t help him with work, he always appreciates some good food and a hand with the chores around the house. 
Kim isn’t necessarily reserved with physical affection, but he, much like Harry, will often overthink it, to the point that he forgets what he was supposed to be doing, and gives up thinking about it at all. 
That said, the more a partner gives him, the more he gives back. If you make a habit of giving him a smooch or hug or just an arm around the shoulder, he’ll loosen up and return the favor. 
Kim and Harry (Poly):
Kim and Harry are a whirlwind together - they bring out the best in each other, and that sometimes means a complete swap in who is the most childish in the relationship. Any partner that works with the two of them would either be a similarly chaotic and free person, or an equalizer, who is almost always the voice of reason.
Sharing a bed is the biggest issue in this relationship: Harry sleeps spread out like a starfish, Kim hogs the blankets, and their partner is left to wonder why they make the decisions that they do. 
Despite that, every morning you all wake up entangled in one another is a small blessing. 
Although time is spent between just two of you, most often the three of you will be operating as a team. Harry cooks, Kim cleans, etc.
Being the only non-cop among the two would be a slight stressor, as they convene over work and their partner is left out of the loop. But they almost always make sure to find a way to include their third, whether it’s asking for an opinion or regaling them with stories of their days. 
If their partner is a cop, then oh lord the three are a crime-stopping machine that don’t stop, can’t stop, won’t stop. 
Affection runs freely between all of you. Harry smothers his partners with kisses, Kim is generous with touches to the back or arm, and no one goes a day without several hugs.
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supa-suckers · 2 years
Shakes x Skarra
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Ship Headcanons:
Okay look we all know very damn well that thesse two are gonna need some help on the relationship im talking like profesional help.
There is some point in Couple's Counselling where their theraphist snaps and just goes 'Look Skarra i can either help you get over Shakes or get with him, not both!' Or 'You either stop pretending you don't care about this or start caring!'
İt gets easier after that.
Verg big on PDA once they go public (which -let's face it- won't take long) arm across shoulders, hand in the other's back pocket, kiss on the cheek, hip bumps, hand holding, etc. etc.
Extending on that both teams have stopped letting their respective players sit on the front row whenever they come to eachother's matches since Skarra and Sahakes' new favourite goal celebration is tugging the other down and smooching.
Vince visibly gagged the first time they did it, Coach called Shakes' mom.
The dogs warm up to Shakes surprisingly quickly Skarra suspects he let them have chesse or something.
Whenever they argue both dogs take Shakes' side just to piss him off.
After their first Big argument Shakes left the house to try and give both of them some space but they both have major seperation anxiety do he came back 20 mins. later to a...quite distraught Skarra.
They made it a rule that no matter how mad they are instead of leaving they'll stick by eachother and when it's time to actually talk it through they'll be cıvıl about it.
Dee's reaction to them dating was looking Skarra dead in the eyes and saying 'you don't deserve him' that dosen't mean she likes him though, she tolarates him at best.
Spenza looked Skarra dead in the eyes and said 'i'm onto you buddy', he never stopped looking for proof of some evil plan and who can blame him really.
Shakes is just as childish and Skarra's just as insuffrable.
Slowly both pairs get more used to eachother but they don't show it.
Spenza is real good with kids though and Dee appriciates a good mystery story. Begrudging Spenza Dee friendship anyone?
They like to bring eachother flowers because that's what normal couples do, right?
Both praise themselves on being the only one (?) able to understand the other, they also love showing off their partner
Skarra is a legs guy, he also appriciates a nice pair of lips, Shakes is more into the shoulders he can lean on and the ass he can slap.
The teams FREAKED when they found out Supa Strikas were all like 'Ha-Ha nice one Shakes/say sike rn/ c'mon dude tell me ur smarter than that!' Klaus thought it was the ultuimate enemies to lovers story.
İ.U was more of a 'HAH you owe me thirty bucks assmunch/Saw that one coming/well this ought to be interesting'.
Nicknames are:. Bro + every insult ever with like a honey thrown in during a tender moment.
Okay so y'all are gonna come at me for this but thesse guys bone like conservative 70 year olds, despite both having play boy type personalitys they never quite got it up.
Both are all talk and a wobbly walk basically.
They think having the lights off is kinky, Skarra has a thing for hair pulling he tried once and they had to stop just so he could pull his fingers out of that bird nest. Shakes is madly into hickies both giving and receiving.
First time happened after the first argument prolly not a good mindset to roll in the hay with but i think we should accept the fact that they'll never have a perfectly non-toxic relationship.
Biggest turn offs are: oral since they like to run their mouths and bondage because *vauge gesture*.
Skarra has red LED lights in his bedroom Shakes refuses to woo-hoo while they're on.
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cartoon-buffoon · 1 month
Random HC time with Toon Buffoon: The Cartoon Cat edition (technically The Cartoon Dog edition but they are tangent to each other)
Now awhile back Mr. Henderson made a list of canon monsters because he makes so many horrors he himself forgets some.
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Now as you can see the list is a bit—just a wee smidge—dated over 3 years ago, almost 4 years ago to be exact as the date of the 11th of November 2020 shows. Now since it's listed separately I'm gonna assume The Cartoon Dog is a seperate entity from The Cartoon Cat yet the question mark is odd and implies it may or may not be canon?
(real quick: I'm gonna abbreviate Cartoon Cat as CC and Cartoon Dog as CD from here on out)
But assuming it IS canon I think the existence of CD kinda ruins CC's shtick. CC is an enigma that has only taken the form it currently has in order to latch onto the mortal plane in order to do whatever the hell it wants because it's a cosmic horror hiding behind the mask of a cartoon cat. That's about all we know about it—to my knowledge—yet still IMO the scary part about this is ya know, the entire lack of knowledge. We don't know what it is or where it came from, the only thing we do know about it is it's really fucking powerful and despite being so powerful it chooses to dwell in abandoned buildings and make people disappear who are unfortunate enough to stumble across it. The fear of the unknown is one of the scariest things to me and having CD be of the same species would kinda ruin this mystique because if there's two of them it messes up this "boogeyman" aesthetic CC has going for it.
Now just to preface—ya know—Mr. Henderson can come up with whatever lore he wants for his creatures and my opinion means fuck all because it's his world. He's the creator not me, I am but a peasant yelling on a bale of hay and if he says it's the same species as CC there's nothing I can do and that would be the hard cemented canon. That being said I just wanna share my personal head canon and idea of what CD could be while not ruining the thing CC has going for it. Now while I've seen a lot of cool ideas of what CD could be and his relation to CC with some people coming up with elaborate back stories for the two, or some just choosing to use the idea that CD is just CC disguised as a dog because why not really? CC can do whatever. I like to believe CD is a seperate entity and it's like one of those poison dart frogs using camouflage although a bit different. CD is similar to CC in the sense that it's a leech and latches onto this world, the only difference being it's a byproduct of CC. CD would be a leech that sucks on an already existing leech, it basically mimics CC's form (although ya know changes it's body so it stands out) yet it still looks close enough to the real thing that gives it leeway against other cryptids and monsters. Assuming CC is as strong as one could imagine it is, CD's mimicry would give it the benefit of looking like this powerful cryptid in order to avoid conflicts with other cryptids.
Now this isn't to discount it's power because I imagine if you saw it ya know, you're dead. No amount of running, screaming, praying or anything really would help. Your insides are gonna become your outsides, that's a fact and make peace with it because it's still a force to be reckoned with and no way in hell will you live to tell people what you saw, yet it still isn't as strong as CC at the end of the day. This idea is essentially a fucked up creature leeching off the fame and terror another fucked up creature causes yet doesn't step on the toes and maintains the original creature's status as a mystery.
Anyways stupid ramble over, I'm sorry and farewell.
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mistkissedmoon · 2 years
*slides you 20$* can I get... The Jaykori Special? (Hello I'm so lame but this is my way of asking for jaykori headcanons like I'm a dirty little pauper djsjd)
Jsjjs this is so cute. And yes!
Both sometimes struggles with insomnia and nightmares. Jason makes a cup of tea for them both (Either two mugs or a giant cup they pass back and forth) and they stay up for each other, talking throughout the night. Even when they're no longer afraid of sleeping, they stay up just to enjoy talking to each other. They've stayed up talking the entire night before.
Jason can and will carry her when she gets tired or her feet hurt. Yes, he knows she can fly. That's not the point. He WANTS to carry her. She enjoys it very much, being close to him and so openly cherished and will reciprocate whenever he's tired. Gender roles do not matter to her, if she likes holding him, she's going to hold him.
She discovers body paint. He discovers it's easier, on hard days, to look at his body in the mirror after she's painted his throat with flowers. He learns to paint flowers for her (and a bunch of sappy messages in flower language, which he doesn't tell her: jokes on him, she already knows flower language). She gives him a bouquet of flowers and happily explains the message (She loves him very very much).
He reads to her at night - She loves the sound of his voice. He'll do voices to make her laugh when he reads silly books and goes all melty inside when she giggles. His eyes go very soft for her.
She collects and translates tamaranean stories on visits to her homeworld because she knows he'd love to read another planet's stories. She teaches him tamaranean and reads them out to him to help him learn.
She loves that he's bigger than her. She can float from happiness and he can still reach her neck and kiss it or wrap his arms around his waist without her having to stop flying (if she flies by feeling joy, would she had to have dampened her emotions to float back down?)
Your headcanon said he runs colder than her: I say she lays against him to cool down. He's fallen asleep with her warm weight in his lap before. He loves cuddling her, and she loves that he won't refuse cuddles even when it's hot.
I think jason is a very tactile man with the people he loves and trusts. If they go anywhere, his hand will be on the small of her back. When they're talking about something unimportant, he'll be tracing absent patterns on her arm. When he's waiting for an answer from her to an important decision, his forehead will be touching hers.
And Of Course he is protective??! He has so few people he loves and they're all risking themselves every night and he loves them so damn much - his whole heart loves hard all the time. No way is he standing by while someone treats his girl less than she deserves.
You said he wrote poetry about her; I'll add to that. He writes on his books whenever something reminds him of her. The story has a beautiful sunset? He writes, my baby girl is more beautiful than any sunset. I could watch her all day. The story has a couple seperate? He writes, never gonna happen with me and my girl. Wherever she goes, I'm going too. The story has a beautiful, loving scene? He writes, I know exactly how she feels. I'm the luckiest man in the world to have my sweetheart.
They build their own bed and most of their furniture. Not a lot of options when you're that height and super strong. They worked on everything together: both are extremely fond of the stuff they made, as they have a lot of good memories attached to making their home. Some parts of wood are burnt from starbolts where she tried to burn a pattern in. He loves those spots most of all (Even if you can't tell what the patterns are supposed to be).
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mamajake · 2 years
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Mega Man X5 Part 1
And we’re back!
Mega Man X5 marks the beginning of the dark times for the X series. Not in the sense that this game is...bad per se, especially in comparison to what comes right afterwards, it’s just....
I like to call X5 the Sonic Forces of Mega Man, not in regards to its fan reception but moreso in regards to how much it hypes itself up despite not...really being all that special. Not bad (for the most part), but certainly not worthy of being the big finale of the X series that it was originally meant to be.
You feel this right as you boot up the game: instead of the amazingly animated anime cutscenes of MM8 and X4, X5 just has static slide shows of artworks that even look kinda blurry, certainly not befitting of a game that wants to present its story as the big, climactic ending of the series. Also no voice acting (which ok not necessarily a bad thing here)
The same goes for the in-game graphics: lots of sprites taken from X4 still look great, but most of the backgrounds look...flatter, more static, blurrier and not as detailed as before. The boss sprites also look less fluidly animated than before. The whole game just looks cheaper, like there were clear budget cuts alla round (well except for the music, this is actually one of the best OSTs in the X lineup, Squid Adler’s theme here especially is a fave of mine)
But above all else the game has plenty of....weird design decisions
First of all: Alia. She’s your navigator, constantly stopping you throughout the levels to inform you of obvious shit a la Navi from Ocarina of Time. She kinda sucks. Yeah you can skip her dialogues by button mashing but c’mon, this breaks the pace constantly
Most levels in this game are...fine, competent but also offer nothing truly special
Grizzly Slash feels like a watered down version of Slash Beast’s from X4
Squid Adler’s....I actually don’t have too many issues with the Ride Chaser section specifically because it’s short and it’s at the start of the stage, meaning you can practice it as often as you want (and I guess the animal riding levels from Crash Bandicoot have sort of trained me at collecting stuff during auto scrollers), but the rest of the stage is kinda claustrophobic and its main gimmick with switches, while functional, isn’t really interesting nor does it fit a normally fast paced series like X.
(Let’s not get into how the power up system works here, I don’t have a degree quantum physics so i wouldn’t know how to explain it to you)
Still the game does introduce one cool idea: you can now choose between X or Zero before each stage!
The first half of the game does a nice job balancing between the two, as there may be some levels or bosses which are more comfortably handled with Zero while others may be more suited for X (like Squid Adler’s) but every level can be completed by either character
This balance is gonna break by the time we reach the final stages but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves
However, for everyone wanting to play this game: ALWAYS choose X for the intro stage! Why? Because if you do he starts the game with a nerfed, but still pretty powerful, version of his X4 armor. If you pick Zero X will start with no armor and Zero will just have a dinky buster that does jack shit. And like I’ll explain next time some stages in this game were....probably not fully balanced for an unarmored X...
Also shoutout to Zero having a conversation with the Dr.Light AI, while X never once speaks to him throughout the whole series. The favoritism is still running quite high
I may really like Zero as a character (mostly his Zero series incarnation) but that won’t stop me from pointing this out. I don’t hold said favoritism against him as a character, as at least the games never once have had him, or other characters, claim that he’s better than X or anything rather it’s just the narrative always giving him the the most important moments, so I like to seperate the character from the way they are handled in these cases, much like Shadow and how obviously he was the writer’s pet in 06.
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icythot68 · 10 months
Babe! I need toiletpaper! P2
sorry kids I had to take a lunchbreak but I will be more active, my requests and messages are open. I will post a seperate note of what I will and will not write but besides that let's get onto the story
-I headcannon he would be playful in a relationship
-So normally that would involve playing merciless pranks on each other
-He’s been a little too kind to you lately why not pay back the favour?
-Buying spicy takeout and using the bathroom just after doesn’t seem too suspicious at first
-It was the calling after him for toiletpaper instead of casually walking to the cupboard with your pants down to get another one
-But now he’s overthinking and contradicting himself because..It’s you
-He’s already got the toiletpaper and handing towards you
-With an amazing idea you pretend to look confused at his shirt and the clueless man he is, checks if he has anything on there. 
-Phase two activated 
-You flicked his nose wiping some nice wet PB on the tip 
-Stunned as he should be, he speedily goes to the mirror
-After a few minutes you got a bit worried. Was he really that mad? 
-Getting up you feel his shoulder and call his name then suddenly 
- yeah dude pale as a ghost falls to the floor unconcious 
-Has no recollection of what happened 
-This never happened 
-A confusing little nugget 
-He either likes something or he doesn’t both he isn’t vocal about 
-With that said you were kind of hesitant about it 
-Pretending to have diarrhoea is a lot harder than it sounds 
-Regardless he looks so concerned and you almost feel bad about carrying out with your plan 
-Instead of just giving you what you “needed” and leaving, he sits on the floor and keeps you company 
-You guys had such a nice time hanging out with each other that you even forget what you we’re doing in the first place. 
-”So I’m guessing your ‘stomach problems’ went away?” He says air quoting 
-”How did you know?” 
-”Because I came in here earlier when you we’re setting up your prank.” 
-”And you didn’t say anything?”
-”No, because I like hanging out with you.” he says before resting his head on your thigh 
-No because you actually did need to go to the bathroom with all that sweet crap that he keeps on making you eat. 
-He takes like more than half an hour to just fetch you a simple toilet roll because he “couldn’t find his liquorice” 
-I mean it was karma when he hit his head against the door frame of the bathroom door 
-When you reach for the roll he decided he wants to be a comedian and lift it so you can’t reach 
-Now this guy is like a whopping 6″10 like you’re literally never gonna get that roll 
-So you have to go for his bits... the liquorice 
-I mean he gave you no other choice? 
-Swear you never saw that man move faster for sweets than he does for basketball 
-He looks at the ‘poop’ on his treat 
-Then back at you
-Back to his treat 
-Then back to you again 
-Could fucking care less and takes a huge chomp out of it 
-I mean it wasn’t real shit but still that’s mad disgusting 
-7/10 (that says negative seven out of ten for those confused) 
-The stars we’re not aligned for this boy today
-You guys just came back from his basketball practise meaning man was going to go take a shower 
-This was the perfect time to not only see him strip BUT to also annoy him more than usual today.
-Once he was done cleaning himself you asked him if he could pass the toiletpaper that you guys kept under the sink 
-Begrudgingly he passes it to you 
-The poor guy got a armfill of ‘y/n’s forbidden peanut butter’ 
-There we’re not enough words in the human dictionary that could describe the phases of grief this man went through
-It’s been a few hours and he’s still salty about the whole ‘ordeal’ 
-Legend says he’s still not talking till this day 
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
Ive accidentally reached the post limit so Ive basically been doing my liveblog in my notes app, i wrote all of this while watching the February 4th 2022 vod
Oughhhhhhhh the way Sams literally begging
Oh the "present" is gonna be a clock isnt it
Oh nvm its a cake, which is just. so evil man, cakes have terrible saturation but Sam doesnt have anything else so ofc hes gonna be grateful even though its shit
Actually, now that I think about it, I think I was definitely wrong about Dreams manipulation tactics changing with his goals. Like, i still dont think he wants to work with Sam or be 'friends' with him like with Tommy during the exile arc, but he is still doing the thing of breaking people down and then building them up with a fascimile of kindness so that theyll listen to him
Im assuming the time passed irl is the same as the time passed in-universe which means that Sam has been alone in the prison for 4 days but Dream is a lying motherfucker whos telling him that its only been one day
Okay now hes saying its been 2 days but hes still lying
Okay he wants to compare hkmself and Sam, Im very curious bc this will hopefully grant us some insight into how Dream like, actually percieves himself and his actions
Okay, two things:
1. Dream being like "[the evil bunker full of everyones sentimental items] was just theater" has some serious Wilbur vibes ngl
2. Dream is sooooooo obsessed with Tommy istg
Dream is asking Sam what bad things hes done aside from manipulate Tommy and be dramatic and Sam is like "uhhhhh idk tbh......" as though Dream isnt the guy responsible for Lmanberg blowing up thrice
Sam is basically asking Dream if the things Dream did were wrong/bad and its like, you cant do that, you cant cushion your opinions on someones bad action in this kind of insecurity, especially if youre talking to someone known to be manipulative!!
Ouhhghhh the way Dream can basically make up anything he wants about Tommys time in exile because barely anyone, but esepcially not Sam, visited him
"How was it my fault that Tommy was exiled" I dont even have anything to say, Im just kinda enamoured by the realization of how little people other than Tommy and maybe Wilbur actually know about the exile
Dream just mentioned the Egg and 1. I had already basically completely forgotten about that and 2. The timeline of Drea involvement with the Egg is like, he briefly checked on it back when everything was still kinda kicking of, didnt worry about it for weeks or even months and then he was in jail for a year and he basically completely missed all of the Egg Lore like damn, I hope Punz properly explained all that bullshit to him lol
God, Im projecting so hard rn but Dream weaponizing his own genuine suffering in order get what he wants which also shields him from having to confront the ways it was made him suffer and how it actually affected him is so relatable
Ive been spoiled so I know theyre gonna try and make c!Dream more sympathetic later on and i know a lot of people really hate that and honestly, I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that he didnt get his own POV/only got it very late which gives people less opportunity to sympathize or empathize with him and also really dehumanizes him. Idk this is kinda complex and I'll probably make a seperate post about it
Im going to lose my mind, Dreams monologue about how everyone is the hero in their own story and a villain in many others literally sounds like a thesis statement, like if the Dream SMP had a kids show-esque "message" like so many people inexplicably want it to, it would be this more than literally anything else
OHHHHHHHH the double meaning of Dream telling Sam that he built the prison for him. mwah, perfection
"Dream said he wouldnt lock anyone up in the prison" WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN TRUST HIM
Ooooooooooo Sam grouping himself in with Dream..........
Hes giving Dream full access to the prison theres no way this could possibly go well
Sam as the users manual for the prison vs Dream as the revival book...........
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mrs-han · 5 years
Water Runs Dry - Part One
For my beautiful @jafndaegur ♥️♥️♥️
This is totally different from what I had originally planned, but!! I really hope you like it!!
Happy Belated Birthday, my darling!!
Sarah’s shriek resounded through the penthouse. A sound that would have otherwise deafened you, you were far too preoccupied with him, the man gripping your arm with one hand and steading your chin with the other. 
“Wh - what, what are you...!!” Sarah stammered her voice but a faraway mirage. 
You pulled away enough to create some space between your body and his. “... Ju - Jumin...?!” 
“Shh...” His placid hush followed by a more established squeeze on your chin silenced you... captivated you. “You’re blushing.”
“... We - well, of course, I’m blushing, y - you’re k-k - kissing me...” 
“You’d better close your eyes,” Jumin hummed, his lips barely brushing against yours. “Focus on your senses.”
Your emotions began to pound as his lips reconnected with yours. A small buzz - a voltaic shock caused your head to jerk back, but he refused to release you. In that very moment, you two were the only ones who existed. But as he opened his eyes and looked toward Sarah, a sinking sensation in your stomach took hold.
“Ugh... I’m going to tell Ms. Choi!” Sarah stamped her foot and drew her phone from her purse. 
“Yes,” Jumin sighed. “Having an audience for our first kiss takes off the tension.” His eyes fell back over you and a slow, steady smirk ran over his lips. He spoke gingerly to you, completely different from the curt tone he had given Sarah. “Your lips are so warm and soft. And... I think I smell a bit of the pancake?” He beamed. “You’re cute, MC.”
“How...! I’ve never been so insulted!” Sarah roared, her voice moving further away from where you and Jumin stood. 
“God... finally she’s leaving,” Jumin huffed, his hold on you relaxing.
The door to the penthouse slammed roughly, making you jolt in place. Jumin caressed your arm and moved his thumb over your cheek, stroking delicately... but you felt no comfort. No sense of solace. The warmth and vibrancy of the kiss had dissipated, leaving you with more questions than whimsical ideas of what the future held for you and Han Jumin. 
He could sense the tension emitting from you. A small blush crept over his cheekbones as he said, “I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you.” He took steps toward you - bold and confident about what he had done.
But the pounding sensation in your heart faded... and once curled fingers and toes from the sheer passion of the kiss unfurled as a heat of a different kind overcame your senses. Your cheeks and ears burned with embarrassment, even anger. Your brows furrowed and your arms wrapped firmly around your midsection.
Jumin stopped.
“What... what was that all about?”
Confusion flashed through his expressions, which upset you further.
“How disconnected are you...?” You rasped, barely able to get your words out.
Jumin’s eyes widened. “MC?”
“You really don’t see what you did?” Your voice crackled back to life, a flash of rage rising to the surface and flowing from your tongue. “You kissed me just to get rid of her.”
He blinked. “MC... I’m sorry if that was so sudden. I wanted you to be comfortable here... perhaps I’ve bothered you.”
“Bothered me,” you whispered, running your hands through your hair. “That wasn’t real, was it?”
“What... of course it was,” Jumin frowned. “The kiss was very real. As I said, I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you -”
“You used me to get her out of here,” you blurted, pointing towards the door. “And it worked. She’s gone. But I’m still here dealing with the repercussions of your... your agenda!” 
Jumin’s gaze dimmed. His lips formed a grim, straight line. “MC, I didn’t mean to cause you any pain. Can you believe that, at least?”
Your body began to tremble. “Your cat is missing, by the way. Was kissing me a way for you to distract yourself from that too?”
“This has nothing to do with that,” Jumin replied, his voice louder and more imposing. “My emotions have caused me to act in a way I normally wouldn’t. I was impetuous and thoughtless, this I will admit. I should have been more considerate of your emotions. But MC, my feelings for you are real, solid and sincere. I realize that the longer Elizabeth the Third is away that you are indeed different from not only her but the other women I’ve met in my life -”
“Oh my god,” you laughed bitterly. “So now you’re comparing me to your cat.”
“Listen to me,” Jumin’s voice dropped and his hands immediately went to fiddling with his sleeves. “You aren’t listening to me.”
“I think I hear what you’re saying loud and clear,” you spat sharply.
“You aren’t,” He whispered, vulnerability dripping from his speech. “I’ve never known what it truly felt like to have that one person. That one special person who can truly understand me... who I can touch and kiss and understand what I’m saying. Seeing you right in front of my eyes... I feel like I’ve finally gotten what I’ve always wanted.”
His eyes - those alluring orbs that resembled the foams of the ocean but plunged you in just as deep as the waters themselves - bore into yours.
“I want you,” Jumin hummed, confident enough to take a step toward you. “And I want you to want me too.”
Your hands fell to your side. “I admit... your words are very pretty...”
“They’re honest. They’re real,” he said as he grabbed your hand and pressed your knuckles against his lips. “I mean everything that I say. Answer me now. Do you believe I intentionally meant to cause you any pain?
“No,” You began. “But I do think you had a plan... one that didn’t dare to consider what I might think or what I might do... and you pushed through in fulfilling it.”
“MC -”
“That was my first kiss.” A pained smile flashed over your lips. “Maybe it was wrong of me to fantasize it to begin with but... never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined it being done with a hidden motive attached to it.”
“MC, please -”
You pulled your hand away. “I need to get out of here... ah... right, I didn’t bring anything.”
“What, wait. No.” His wing-tipped shoes struck the floors frantically as he rushed to block the door. “MC, don’t leave.”
“Please move, Jumin.”
“Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone.”
A brisk shove of your shoulder caused him to step off to the side. He tried to reach out for you, an action taken in vain as you quickly skirted away from him and to the door.
“MC!” Jumin shouted.
“Ma’am?” The chief bodyguard called after you. “Ma’am, where are you going -”
“Stop her, now!” Jumin boomed.
You dashed to the staircase, yanking your phone from your back pocket. If anyone could help you... or at least give you some sense of comfort... it was Zen.
You urgently punched his image through the RFA chatroom.
“MC!!” Jumin hollered, his voice ringing through the stairwell.
“Leave me alone!!” You barked back, nearly stumbling over yourself.
“MC? MC, are you there?”
“Zen?” You gasped.
“Where are you? Did something happen?”
“Can you pick me up?” You sniffed, wiping at your nose. “It’s urgent.”
“I’m on my way.” Frantic rustling from his end only heightened your sense of awareness. “Are you still at Jumin’s penthouse?!”
“I am,” your voice trembled. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll be right there. Hold on, okay?”
You silently thanked him for his swiftness. He was the first to ask questions, and no doubt he would have some. But in urgent matters... especially matters that involved your safety... he was fast on his feet.
You looked back, just to make sure Jumin wasn’t following you. As you did, you yelped as another stumble caused your ankle to roll over the weight of your body. You landed on your hands and knees, fully aware of the sprain on both your ankle and maybe even a wrist.
“Shit,” you hissed, grabbing onto the railing and pulling yourself up. The lobby wasn’t far, and that mentality gave you the strength to limp down another long flight of stairs.
Music mixed with heavy perfume welcomed you as soon as you opened the door to the foyer of the building. Excited chatter as shoppers hustled and bustled through the apparel outlet C&R had graciously bestowed gave you ample opportunity to sneak through the entrance undetected by the bodyguards who knew your face.
A motorcycle engine revved furiously, startling you as you limped outside. You could recognize him immediately despite your only evidence of his existence from his chatroom selfies; his silver ponytail whipping smoothly through the wind, his lean yet athletic physique...
“MC?!” Zen panted, haphazardly jumping off his bike, snatching his helmet from his head and nearly sprinting over to you. “MC, are you... why are you limping?”
And his eyes... crimson and full. Full of worry, passionate for you cause, and a friendliness that couldn’t be contested.
“I’ll explain everything later,” you tried to smile while wiping the tears coursing down your eyes. “For now, can we go?”
“I’ve got you,” Zen reassured, curling his arm under your legs and lifting you into a bridal-position. “You can lean on me if you need to, don’t be afraid to rest your head on my back okay?”
“Thank you Zen,” you whimpered.
He placed you on the passenger seat and secured his helmet over your head. “Okay,” he assured calmly, settling into the seat in front of you.
“Wait, Zen, your helmet -”
“Ah-ah. You expect me to let a lady ride without any protection?” He smiled. “Trust me. I’ll get you away from here safe and sound.”
“Thank... thank you,” you sighed, hesitantly hugging his waist. “Thank you so much... and it’s nice to meet you by the way, I’m MC...”
A soft chortle escaped him. “Nice to finally meet you, MC. I’m ZEN, the KNIGHT who has NOBLY COME TO YOUR RESCUE!”
The theatrics in his tone allowed you to burst out laughing... for a short while. Jumin burst through the doors of the building, his bodyguards in tow.
“MC!!” Jumin’s voice thundered.
“We’re going!!” Zen whooped, revving his engine and speeding ahead.
“Wah!!” You yelped, your head crashing against Zen’s back.
“Hang on!!” Zen shouted, weaving through lanes of traffic.
“Zen, oh my god!!” You gasped, adrenaline spiking through your body.
“By the way!!” Zen turned his head slightly. “Do you know where Rika’s apartment is?!”
“No!!” You answered.
“We- well!! ... Uhhh!!” Zen stammered. “If...!! If it’s okay with you, you can stay with me until we figure something out!!”
“And if we don’t?!”
“We... well!! We can always talk to Seven!! Besides!! Any place is better than Jumin’s, right?!”
A settled feeling coursed throughout as you silently agreed.
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