#I’m very sorry in advance if I mix up stuff from your asks
smilesrobotlover · 2 years
OK. ive been meaning to ask this:
what do your au boys think of cuccoos
Cursed: they hate him, he doesn’t know why but they just do. And he honestly doesn’t like them either
Fluffy: he respects them and knows to not annoy them. Tho that didn’t stop him from messing with a cucco and then immediately getting obliterated by a group of them
Malakan: he’s indifferent. He doesn’t see a reason to bother them or even be around them
Moon: what are cuccos
Real: he loves them. He plays with them all the time and miraculously doesn’t get destroyed by them
Flower: he has a pet cucco named Nitrogen! He loves him so very much! Flower gets along with cuccos the most honestly <3
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chelleztjs18 · 4 months
The Scene (E.O)
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!ActressReader ; Rachel McAdams, Benedict Cumberbatch (Platonic)
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Summary: Something unexpected happened while you were filming a movie with Lizzie which leads more things out of it.
Warning: None. Just some fluff.
A/n: Hello! I'm back. This fic is from two request that I combined together. This is a made up Kamar Taj scene is being filmed with Rachel McAdams and Benedict Cumberbatch in it. I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies in the scene and golden globes part. Happy reading!
Here are the requests for this fic:
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Main Masterlist
What’s better than playing a superhero role in the movie industry? Well, nothing can top the joy and the fun of filming in one of the Marvel movies with your beloved wife, Elizabeth Olsen. You and Lizzie have been married for five months now. It was a very small intimate wedding with family and close friends, just like how you and Lizzie wanted. There was no media nor paparazzi craziness. Both of you try to keep your relationships for two years and the wedding under the radar to enjoy and cherish each other more privately in between busy schedules.
“You did a great job, Lizzie. I can’t believe that you did that scene in one shot. That was pretty hard to do with all the wires and stuff.” Benedict compliments her as he takes a seat next to her, taking a break.
“Aww thanks, Ben. I was actually nervous. You know me with heights, never a fan of it.” Lizzie lets out her little laugh.
“Oh yeah, I see what you mean. They pull you up pretty high.I bet it can be uncomfortable sometimes, especially with your Scarlet Witch costume right now.” The Wizard cast responds.
“Sometimes but I love this costume. So, I won’t complain.” She laughs again after trying to let out a joke.
Lizzie and Benedict have a great time talking for a little while until she sees something that makes her stomach turn. Anger thundered through her. Her heart aches and she crumbles inside. All emotions mix up in a split second. Lizzie stands up furiously. She can’t believe what she just saw. Seeing Rachel kiss your lips and you don’t even do anything to avoid it, makes her want to get to you right away.
“Liz? Are you okay?” The British man asks confusedly after taking notice of Lizzie's displeased facial expression.
“Yeah. Excuse me. I’ll be right back.” That was all Lizzie said shortly before she rushed her steps with her full Wanda’s costume and barged into the set where you and Rachel are.
“What’s going on here?” Lizzie asks in such anger. You and Rachel look at Lizzie in surprise that neither of you say anything for a few seconds.
The silence from the both of you upset Lizzie even more. Her glossy hurtful eyes look at you in disappointment as she continues telling you how she feels in gritted teeth slowly walking closer to you and Rachel. “After everything we’ve been through, this is what I get in return? Was it a game for you? And to think I would go through the ends of the world for you. Just explain to me why?!” she demands. Her voice gets shaky.
Rachel slowly moves to get to behind you, trying not to get involved between you and Lizzie. Noticing what Rachel is doing, you naturally take a stand in front of her. You were about to tackle everything she said but she didn’t let you. “How could you do this to me?” She added as she spread her palms then clenched them to fists with fury.
Then all of sudden, a familiar voice struck Lizzie’s attention. “Cut! That surprisingly fits perfectly!”
Lizzie quickly turns her head to where the voice came from. She came to realize what was actually going on. She looks at you, Rachel and surroundings. The filming crews are looking at the three of you. Sam, the director smiles satisfiedly.
Her cheeks slowly turn crimson. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I–I–I didn’t know that you were filming a scene. Oh my gosh.” She covers her face with her hands for a few seconds and then uncover it. She tries to laugh her embarrassment off. Her cheeks feel warmer from blushing.
“It’s okay but yes, love. I was filming a scene with Rachel.” You replied.
“I’m sorry, Lizzie. It was totally a professional kiss.” Rachel explains in a light joking tone to make your wife feel better.
“No. No, you are totally fine. I’m sorry. I-I just didn’t know that there’s a kissing scene.” Everybody in the room heard what she just said in awe.
“Yes, babe. I told you about it the other night, remember?” you explain yourself as you grab both of her hands to give her the reassurance and comfort she needs. Lizzie tries to recall. “Oooohh yeah. Gosh, I was probably distracted when I was cooking dinner. So embarass–”
You and Lizzie notice that Sam came to talk.
“I’m so sorry, Sam. I totally forgot that there was a kissing scene and I got—” Lizzie awkwardly apologizes but Sam finishes her sentence.
“Jealous? First of all, it was cute. Second of all, it was a brilliant spontaneous scene! I love it. You should see your facial expression on the whole thing.”
“Oh yeah, I could see that, Sam. I thought the Scarlet Witch existed for real for that whole minute.” you joke more as you gently squeeze her hand as your way to let her know that you are with her to comfort her.
“Yeah, but I apologize for ruining the scene.”
“Oh no, you didn’t at all, Lizzie. As a matter of fact, I will change the script and we will use it in the movie. We just need to add some visual effects in it and it’s good to go.” Sam lays out his idea and plan in a thrill.
Hearing his plan, Lizzie’s face slowly shows some relief. “Oh, uh– wow. Okay.” The four of you laugh. “Okay, then. Let’s take a lunch break and we’ll continue in an hour?” Sam announced.
Everybody walks away to take their break but you grab Lizzie’s hand before she turns around. “Feel better, babe?” you try to make sure.
“It was so embarrassing but yes, I feel better.” She smiles then laughs.
“No, I meant that the kiss was just one of the scenes.”
“Uh-y-yes.” She admits and covers her face once again. You pull her hands away and look at her lovingly.
“I would never do that to you nor hurt you like that. I’m all yours I love you.” You kiss her forehead then look at her again.
“Aw. I love you too, y/n. Thank you.”
“You were cute and sexy at the same time when you get jealous though.” You tease her and both of you laugh.
“Oh yeah? Well, you better watch out.” She teases you back.
“Oh, really?” your lips form a teasing smirk. She playfully hits your arm and rolls her eyes.
“You are silly. Let’s go have lunch babe. I’m hungry after all that jealousy I felt.” she grabs your hand and walks with you.
“You are cute.” you follow where Lizzie leads you.
It has been two weeks since the latest Marvel movie came out. It was a hit. People love you and Lizzie in it. You are happy with how positive the public's reaction was. There was a rumor going around that Lizzie improvised on the jealous Scarlet Witch scene after your character kisses Rachel’s. Neither you, Lizzie nor other casts know how the words spread. Lizzie is happy with the fact that people love your acting in the movies. That’s all that matters to her.
Today, you, Lizzie, Rachel and Benedict are invited to the Jimmy Fallon show to talk about the viral movie. Before you got to the location, both you and Lizzie had a talk and decided to be ready if Jimmy asked about your love life. You both think it’s time to let the cats out of the bag about your relationship.
“Welcome everybody! Wow, I feel so safe right now with some of the Marvel superheroes around us.” said the host followed by the cheer and applause from the thrilled audiences.
“Thank you for having us, Jimmy. So good to be back here.” Lizzie expresses her gratitude from where she sits next to the beautiful older actress, Rachel. You adore her beauty from the seat across from her as the dark haired actor next to you chimes in.
Everything went well and it was really fun for everybody. All the casts get their questions.The studio is filled with laughter and excitement.
“Okay, Y/n Y/LN. It’s your turn right now for questions.” Jimmy slightly turns his head to you.
“Oh lord.” you joke as you pretend to look nervous. The audiences and Jimmy laugh at your antics. “I love your character. You have a cool super power in it and as you know a lot of fans are simping your character with the one and only Scarlet Witch.” The crowd can’t hold back themselves with such thrill as soon as Jimmy mentioned the both of you.
You hear Lizzie’s lovely laugh and you glanced at her to see her smile.
“Ah yes, yes. I heard about it.” you respond as you shift the way you sit a little and smile.
“Let’s just go straight to everybody’s favorite scene after you kiss Rachel’s character.” Benedict and Rachel playfully do a hand gesture as if they are locking their mouth. Rachel even throws the imaginary key of the lock to you.
“What? What is it? Are we missing something?” puzzled with what he just saw, Jimmy asked. His gaze bouncing back and forth between the four of you.
“Oh no. Nothing. Nothing.” Benedict denies the question and laughs. Jimmy then looks at Rachel, hoping he will get an answer and Rachel pretends jokingly to look around with a smile.
“Ah, I see. We’ll get back to you two later.” Jimmy adds.
“So, back to you, Y/n.” Jimmy looks at you and with that he interviews you some questions regarding the movie. Three questions and some jokes later, you thought he was done asking you but you were wrong.
“As the newcomer in MCU, fans are dying to know about your current love —” Jimmy was interrupted by the cheering women fans in the studio. He smiles as he slightly lifts up his hand asking for some silence to continue.
You laugh as your cheek blush and you tap your hands gently multiple times on your thighs nervously. You and Lizzie knew sooner or later that this question would come.
“Are you seeing someone now?”
“As in dating or hallucinating?” Once more you joke around and everybody instantly laughs.
“Good one. Good one. Nice try on stalling to answer the question.” Jimmy responds humorously in between laughs.
You sneaked another quick glance to Lizzie then looked at Jimmy. “Well, I’m taken, married actually.” you finally answered and you subtly show the wedding ring on your ring finger and awkwardly laugh.
“Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. What?? When did this all happen? Last time you were here, you were single.” Jimmy exclaimed.
“Yes I was but now I’m happily married.” The audiences are in awe with your answer.
“Okay, okay. Congratulations! Wow. What an exciting surprise. Is your husband from the movie industry as well?” Jimmy asks curiously.
“Wife.” You corrected it with an excited smile. Surely, Jimmy looks surprised yet excited for you. A huge cloud of curiosity flows over Jimmy and all of the audiences instantly.
“Awww! Who is this lucky woman?” Jimmy asks and shortly after people start to chant “Who is she? Who is she?”
The four of you laugh. Rachel and Benedict try to keep their expression that they know the truth. Nobody notices that Lizzie looks at you and gives you a subtle small wink and you take that as your cue that it’s time to let people know.
“Okay. Okay. My wife is a very lovely woman. She is the sweetest so I’m the lucky one. We have been friends since the first time I came to this industry. She helps me and teaches what she knows in acting.”
“Oh?! So she is an actress?” Jimmy tries harder to dig more.
“Yes she is. Lizzie and I have been married for five months now.” In a split second, everybody in their seats cheers, applauses and goes crazy.
“Oh my god! I knew it! I knew it!” Jimmy exclaimed with a huge smile, raising his fists as if he just won a jackpot.
A few minutes later silence slowly covers up the cheerings.
“Okay, since the tea has been spilled, Lizzie, let’s switch seats so you can sit next to your wife.” Benedict stands up and gives up his seat to Lizzie. Everybody looks at you and Lizzie in awe as soon as she sits next to you and holds your hands.
Jimmy quickly connects the dots and asks one unexpected question.
“Wait, so does it mean that the improvised jealous Scarlet Witch was actually real?” An image of the scene shows up on the giant screen as Jimmy’s hand points at it. “I meant Wanda’s expression looks so real that I can even feel it when I watch it. Were you really jealous, Elizabeth?” he continues.
“Uh oh.” Benedict's short remark lures some laugh from you and Lizzie.
“Tell him, Lizzie.” Rachel joins in jokingly.
Lizzie laughs awkwardly, blush creeps up on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh. This was embarrassing. So, in my defense, I didn’t know— well actually I forgot that there was a kissing scene between Y/n and Rachel. I was just taking a break and chilling with Benedict then I saw them kissing, I didn’t know they were filming. So yeah and then that happened. Eeeeend scene.” Lizzie explained.
Jimmy lets out a pretend gasp and looks at Benedicts. “Why didn’t you stop her?” Everybody laughs.
“Oh I was just so puzzled because she just suddenly stood up, excused herself and told me she would be right back. I tried to stop her, I wish I had the time stone with me at that time.” The  dark haired man responded with some laughs.
“Rachel, you were hiding behind Y/n’s back.” Jimmy examines the giant picture.
“Yes, yes I was. To be honest, I was so bamboozled and my mind tried to think if Lizzie was really mad with me because I don’t want her to be mad at me or if it was just Wanda’s part in the scene. My mind starts to question in those short minutes if Wanda will push me with her wiggly woo in it because I have all the wire around me and I wasn’t ready if they were gonna do a sudden pull on me with them.” Rachel smiles at Lizzie and you.
Jimmy nods at Rachel’s answer then looks at you. “I was as confused as Rachel was but I tried to calm her down because I knew it was all a misunderstanding. Lizzie never really shows jealousy but I’m not gonna lie she actually looked so cute and adorable.”  You look at her in adoration and rub your thumb in the back of her hand. Lizzie gives you a smile back.
“Wow, I never knew behind that iconic scene was actually a funny moment. So Sam, the director, decided to use that scene for the movie?” Jimmy lets out his thoughts.
“Yes, he did.” Another shy laugh followed Lizzie’s answer. With that, the show continues with a little more questions and everything goes well.
You and Lizzie are happy with people’s positive reaction at the show about your relationship until some comments you read on social media a few days after.
You and Lizzie are having a relaxing week before the Golden Globe award event this weekend. You are sitting in the backyard scrolling on the internet while Lizzie is doing her gardening vlog.
“Hi babe. What you doin’ there?” Lizzie asks as she grabs a glass of iced tea you made for her and sits next to you once she is done with her plants.
“Oh nothing. Jimmy’s show that we were in is up on the channel and internet. So I was just reading people’s comments.” you answer while your gaze is glued to the screen of your tablet.
“Oh? I hope they are all good comments?” she responds after a sip. “Hm yeah, they are.” you mindlessly answer but she notices your facial expression. You squint a little as you read more. Your eyebrow knitting together and your lips pressing in a straight line without even realizing it.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Lizzie’s tone sounds a little concerned.
“Ah nothing to be worried about, Liz. Some people are just funny with their comments and really need to find something else to do.” your hand did an air quote on the word funny and you laughed.
“What did you mean? What comment? Let me see.” Lizzie's curiosity takes over and she opens her palm, waiting for you to hand her the tablet.
“Just promise me, don’t worry about the comments and ignore them, okay, love. They really don’t bother me.” you subtly demand shortly before you let her read them.
“I can’t believe that Lizzie married Y/n Y/L/N. I hope it was just a lie.”
“Y/n is a new actress, she probably just wanted fame from being with Lizzie.”
“I think this whole thing was a skit to gain more fans attention, she probably lied about being married to Lizzie.”
“Even though IF it was true that they are married, she just uses Lizzie as her ride to fame. I’m sure as soon as she gets enough fame or movies, Y/n will leave her.”
The more she reads the comments, the more upset she looks. “I’m not happy with this, Y/n. We gotta do something about this.”
“No, I don’t think we have to do anything about it. I’m sure the comments will soon be old news and people will forget about it. I don’t really care what people say about me, Lizzie.” you express your point of view.
“I do. I will do something about it.”
“Wait, what are you going to do?”
“We’ll see. Don’t worry, darling. Everything is under control.” She kisses your cheeks and smiles, not giving you any clue what’s on her mind. You try to shrug it off and not to worry about it.
Few days later, there are more comments, both positive and negative about you and Lizzie’s. There are even videos in the media from the influencers or fans talking about them and going viral.
Today is the Golden Globe award day. It’s the first big event since you got married. After hours of getting ready, you and Lizzie finally arrived at the venue. As soon as both of you got out of the car and walked to the red carpet spot, fans went all hyped up and so did the paparazzi and the media. You and Lizzie sometimes stop to sign some autographs.
You hear a bunch of voices calling Lizzie’s and your name. It’s your and Lizzie’s turn to be on the red carpet, camera flashes start to show up from every direction. Lizzie holds your hand as she poses with a smile and her eyes look at the camera.
The photographers caught some cute moments of you and Lizzie smiling at each other with the look of love.
Suddenly, Lizzie pulls you closer to her and kisses you on the lips to show the world how much she loves you and how happily married she is to you. She wanted to show all the internet trolls who said bad things about you to just mind their own business.
After the kiss, Lizzie smiles and says “I love you.” and without a doubt you say it back to her and it all caught on camera.
At the end of the red carpet, Lavern Cox is already waiting for you two to come and interview you.
“Oh my god, here comes the newlywed. One of the IT couples. Hi you guys. Both of you look amazing tonight!” She greets you and Lizzie.
“Hello, Lavern. Thank you. So glad to see you again.” you replied after you and Lizzie gave her friendly kiss on the cheeks.
“Me too, Y/n! Congratulations on the wedding! You both make a perfect couple and Lizzie, that kiss just now, I was in awe when I saw it. That was a pretty strong statement you made after things went viral about you two.” Lavern said shortly before she directed her microphone to Lizzie and you to respond.
You start with an awkward laugh. “I really didn’t expect the kiss, Lizzie always surprises me with her lovely and sweet gesture. I really appreciate her ways of showing her love and I’m really proud to show up as her wife tonight.” You can’t hold back a smile as soon as you are done saying your part and Lizzie takes her turn. Lizzie’s eyes are drinking the view of your smile in awe.
“Nice to see you again, Lavern. Thank you. It’s always nice to see our friends here and I think tonight is the perfect time for us to openly come out as being married to each other. I thank all the fans for their support and I would also like to tell some of the people who spread bad words or lies about Y/n to just leave her alone. We are happily married, we love each other sincerely. Y/n has been a great partner for me and she loves me for who I am. She could be famous even without me because she is a very talented actress and amazing person.” Her gentle smile looks totally opposite from her subtle firm tone as she expresses her thoughts towards the end of her statement.
“I couldn’t agree more with you, Lizzie. Wow, I love you so much for standing up for Y/n.” Lavern compliments her and continues with a few more questions about the outfits you and Lizzie wear tonight before the usher leads the two of you to the ballroom.
After having a little small talk with the others on the table, you gently hold Lizzie’s hand under the table and whisper to her “Thank you so much for standing up for me. I’m so lucky to have you.”
Lizzie’s gaze gently locks on yours and she replies with a loving smile. “Of course, babe. Like I said, everything is under control.” she gives you a quick peck on your lips then tonight’s host starts the event.
Everybody had a great time. At the end of the night, the crowd cheers even more positively as you and Lizzie walk out.
A/n: Welp, that's all from me for today, peeps! I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @savethefbees @frvny @imdoingsortagay @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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trippinsorrows · 6 days
with me + part six
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authors note: i'm very sorry in advance for how this ends, it was just getting wayyyy too long, and there was no good place to slice it in half, so i cut it before shit unfolds, so yes please don't hate me!!!
pairing: roman reigns x black!reader
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive dialogue, angst
song inspo: ‘with me’ by destiny’s child
words: 6.5k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @southerngirl41 @yolobloggers @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
Mariah’s reaction is expected. Your living room, specifically the sofa, is occupied by several of Callie’s dolls. A tea party that you were so kindly invited to attend this morning. 
“Girl, you should see her playroom. Pretty soon the floor is going to be non-visible.” 
A small part of you regrets not trying to straighten up before Mariah came over, but this is also your literal best friend. You know she’s seen more than almost anyone else in your life, and she would never judge you, let alone over the state of your apartment when she has a child of her own. 
Mariah looks over at you with a raised brow. “He did all this?” You nod. “Why?”
“Because she’s his little girl and of course he’s going to spoil her. A quote.” You chuckle as you and Mariah decide to just sit at the kitchen island. It’s probably best to leave the dolls untouched as Callie’s likely to wake up from her nap wanting to play again. 
Mariah gives you a look. “You don’t find that weird?”
Confused, you ask, “what?”
Mariah shrugs and circles the top of her water bottle with her index finger. “I don’t know. He just found out about her, and now he’s buying her stuff? Seems like he’s trying to buy her love.”
“You don’t know Joe.” It’s an easy dismissal, because you do know him and know that’s the last thing on his mind. “That’s not him at all. He just wants to see her happy.”
Mariah looks unfazed and stands ten toes down, adding on, “then he should be here full time instead of randomly popping in.” You just look at her, slightly confused where this is coming from. “I mean, I’m happy she’s getting to know him, but this is all so messy, you know? He’s married. He has a wife, and he’s coming here seeing his secret child with his secret mistress.”
You can only look at her, stunned by her words, even if a small part of you knows there’s some element of truth. Joe swiftly dodged the only question you’ve asked about how and when he’s going to tell his wife about Callie. It was a valid question that deserved an answer.  But the things Mariah is saying, you can’t tell if it angers you because it’s not true or hurts you because it is. 
She seems to detect your conflicted emotions and reaches over with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be negative. I just remember how hard it was for you when you and Joe broke up the first time. I hated seeing you so hurt.”
“We’re not together, Mariah. We’re coparenting.” You hate how soft your voice is, giving away that her words now have your head spinning. 
“So you honestly mean to tell me that you have no feelings for him? None whatsoever.” You can’t give her an answer, or either refuse to. It’s another valid question but the answer isn’t as simple for you to express. You know you feel something for Joe, but that could just be because of the fact that you two share a child together. There has to be some type of emotional connection between any two people who create life. “Exactly. Just be careful. He broke your heart once before. Don’t let him do it again.”
Your feelings are so mixed, agreeing with certain aspects of what’s being said and disagreeing with others. Mariah has triggered some big thoughts, ones that you probably should sort through at some point. You’re just not eager for right now to be that moment.
“Enough about me, what’s been going on with you?”
You pray she knows you well enough to know that you’re desperate to change the subject. “What do you mean?”
“I feel like we haven’t spoken much lately, and I know that’s partially on me. It’s just been a lot on my end, I’m sorry.” 
She shrugs. “It’s cool.”
Something tells you that she’s just saying that, and there’s a level of bitterness towards you for the distance. But, you can’t allow yourself to be hurt by that, because it’s fair. Mariah has been too good of a friend to be ditched the minute your ex comes back around. 
‘How are things with Caleb? Are you guys getting along any better?” Caleb and Mariah have only been married for two years but have already hit a rough patch, enough where he’s temporarily moved out of the house. Last you spoke with her, they were supposed to meet up to discuss what they were going to do, especially for the sake of Miach.
“Did you see him at my place last time you were there?” Her response is all you need to know that that is still a sensitive spot for her as well. Understandably so, but her shut down is so cold and unlike the sweet, gentle friend you’ve always known her to be. You were always known as the outspoken, brutal friend, though it seems that maybe as the years go by, the roles are reversing. 
Unless there's something else at play.
Today is going to be a good day. 
For Callie at least. 
Your earlier conversation with Mariah, who seemed far too eager to leave when you mentioned Joe would be arriving in less than two hours, is still circulating in your head. You know she’s only trying to look out for you, and you’re very appreciative of that, but there was some undertone to the way she spoke to you that you can’t shake off. Like, it wasn’t coming just from a place of concern, but something else that didn’t seem as genuine.
“Mommy, why are we cleaning?”
Because mommy is too broke for a maid.
You instead settle on the answer, “because we want our home nice and clean, baby.”
“But, it is clean.” She’s not entirely wrong, it’s just every so often you like to deep clean, dusting, mopping, the extra shit that usually isn’t done with daily cleaning. 
Taking a break from wiping down your kitchen counters with some overpriced cleaner you picked up from Target, you see Callie is ready to be done, the dust rag you’d given here now sitting on the coffee table.
With a heavy sigh, you ask, “you wanna play, don’t you?” Her eyes widen and her head nods enthusiastically. A quick glance at the clock indicates that Joe should be knocking at your door any minute, so you try to buy some more time. “Alright, let mommy finish here, and I’ll come play with you.”
Chuckling, you listen to the sound of her run in the direction of her playroom while you finish scrubbing the counters, even if they’re as clean as they can get. It’s most likely a result of all the overthinking you’ve done the past few hours. The older you get, the more you realize you’ve become that ‘i’m anxious, so let’s clean until we’re physically exhausted’ mom. Which, technically, isn’t a horrible thing, but it’s also probably not the best way to deal with your emotions.
Not that you’ve always been the best with that either.
And that’s when you hear it, the solid two knocks you’ve been waiting for all morning. 
Smiling, you call out for Callie who marches out seconds later with a doll in her hand. “You wanna see who’s at the door for mommy?” Callie looks rightfully confused. At the same time you taught her how to open, close, and lock the door because you never know what can happen, you stressed to her that she is to never open it without permission or unless during an emergency. So, you emphasize, “it’s okay.”
Shrugging, she skips, literally skips to the door. You chuckle. This kid has so much damn personality. Moving to the sink to rinse your hands, you move slowly, waiting for it.
A loud gasp. “Joe!”
You can mentally picture the absolute surprise and happiness splashed over her little face. Grabbing the towel to dry your hands, Joe walks in holding Callie who you haven’t seen look so happy since the last time Joe was in town. 
“Mommy, Joe’s here!” 
Kids announcing the most obvious things will always be hilarious. “He sure is.” Leaning against the counter, you focus on him. “Hey.” He looks good, but he always looks good. That was always the damn problem.
He takes in you for a second, eyes lingering longer than what’s probably necessary, “hey.” He easily returns his attention back to Callie who can’t seem to stop smiling, which makes you smile. You love seeing her so happy. "I missed you."
"I missed you too!" She glances over at you, partially contrite. “Mommy, I’m gonna play with Joe instead, okay?”
You pretend to be shocked, standing upright and crossing your arms and making a face before laughing, waving her off.
“That’s fine, baby, because I am going to take a nap.” It’s much needed. Your sleep has been kinda shitty lately, and you know yourself well enough to know that exhaustion makes you bitchy. And the last thing you want is to unintentionally take that bitchiness out on her. Even Joe. Walking up to them, you poke him in his stomach. Jesus, he’s ripped. “Help yourself to anything. Just make sure she doesn’t destroy my house, please. And make her clean.”
At that, her face sours, and Joe chuckles.
“You got it.”
Satisfied, you walk back into your room, deciding to close the door. Callie will absolutely welcome herself in if need be. Plopping down on the mattress, you stare up at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath, momentarily stopping yourself from closing your eyes. For a second, you forget that Callie is not alone and unattended, thus preventing you from sleeping.
Call it being an anxious, overprotective parent, you’ve never allowed yourself to nap when it’s just the two of you. Even when she’s asleep, and when you do, you set an alarm to wake you up every ten minutes, just to make sure she’s still knocked out. It makes taking time to rest pretty difficult, if not impossible, but it’s what makes you comfortable.
It’s an easy sacrifice to make for your child.
So having another adult around, her dad, of all people, is a nice feeling. You know she’s safe and watched over. And it’s what allows you to actually fall into a peaceful slumber. 
Just for a little bit.
It is, in fact, just for a little bit.
Because you’re awoken by your phone ringing, your mom on the other end wondering what time she can expect you and Callie to come over.
You completely forget that you’d agreed to bring Callie to see her as it’d been “too long," according to her. You partially agreed, realizing you haven’t visited your mom since the day everything went down, what with you reaching out to Joe again and that whole fiasco.
And that’s another thing.
Your mother has no idea he’s back in the picture.
Walking out of the room, you find them in the living room, of course, watching Toy Story 2. 
Callie’s eyes light up when she sees you, but that doesn’t pull her from her position, tucked right under Joe’s side on your sofa. If you had your phone, you’d try to snap a picture. 
“That wasn’t long,” he snickers, and you glare, stopping yourself from flipping him off.
You move over to the sofa, sitting on the armrest. “That’s cause my mom called and woke me up.”
Nodding, you explain to both Callie and Joe. “I forgot we were supposed to go visit her today.”
She moves up on her knees, asking, “can we go?” She looks over at Joe. “Joe can come with us!”
You consider her suggestion. Your mom didn’t even find out about Joe until you told her you were pregnant. You kept that part of your life a secret from her for good reasons. This doesn’t seem like the best way for her to find out, to drop it on her yet again. However, one look at Callie’s desperate expression, and you already know your answer.
“Of course,” you then add on, “if he wants to.” 
Callie, being Callie, answers for him. “He wants to!” She tugs on his sleeve, excitement bubbling. “You can meet my grandma!”
You glance over at him, “are you sure? I’m sorry, I know this was supposed to be one on one with her….”
He shakes his head, cutting you off. “If she wants to go, let’s go.”
You nod, praying this doesn’t end up being a bad idea.
“Mama!” You call out, watching Joe shut and lock the door behind him. Seeing that allows you to focus on where the hell your mother is. She usually meets you at the door when she knows you’re coming over. “Where is this woman?”
The car drive was pleasant enough, Callie talking almost the entire time, as expected. And Joe eating it up the whole time, also, as expected. 
You can see now he’s definitely going to be that dad. The dad who finds anything and everything his kid does to be adorable. You can’t wait for him to be on the receiving end of one of Callie’s temper tantrums and see how he handles it. 
“Grandma!” Callie suddenly calls, all the while keeping her hand in Joe’s. “I’m here!”
Finally, the sound of footsteps from upstairs as your mom comes down the stairs, home phone, yes, a home phone, held between her ear and shoulder. “I told her Bishop wasn’t gonna go for that, but you know how she is. Old fool.” It’s when she’s in the vicinity to see that it’s not just you and Callie, her eyes grow wide. “Cheryl, let me call you back.” 
You know that tone, that ‘let me talk to you’ tone. 
Thankfully, you get a brief save. The sight of your mom makes Callie drop Joe’s hand to sprint off to meet her on the steps. “Grandma!”
She leans down to pick up Callie, smothering her with kisses. “My favorite little lady.” 
Callie giggles as your mom descends from the steps, Callie on her hip, to approach you and Joe who’d, wisely, remained quiet up until this point. 
You watch your mom’s eyes land on him, but before she can say anything, Callie jumps in. 
“Grandma, this is Joe! He’s mommy’s friend and mine too!”
Fuck. Your mom’s eyes travel between him and Callie, once, twice, and on the third time, you know. You just know that she knows.
And that’s when you jump in, knowing you desperately need to speak with her. “Callie, why don’t you show Joe the play area?” 
Her eyes blaze with enthusiasm as your mom places her back on the ground. Callie’s little feet carry her back over to Joe who seems to understand you need to talk with your mother.
“Come on!” Taking his hand, she begins to direct him to the back of the house and through the sliding door. 
Your mom waits until she knows the two of you are alone to speak. “Girl, you done got my blood pressure all up.”
“That’s Callie’s daddy, ain’t it?” She doesn’t even give you time to answer. “Don’t try to lie, either. She looks just like him.”
There’s no need in denying the obvious. “Yes.”
Her mouth drops open in rightful shock. “And just when did you plan to tell me he was back in the picture?” The questions keep coming, understandably so considering how you’ve just dropped this on her. “And why is she calling him by his first name?”
“Because she doesn't know,” you answer the second question, hating the disappointed look on her face. “We–he hasn’t told her yet.” 
“It just keeps getting worse.” She’s rubbing her temple and you just know she’s gonna need to take an Excedrin before the night is over. “Tell me everything. Now.”
And so, you do, starting with Callie’s initial question about her dad, to your phone call with Joe, his visit where he confirmed he had a daughter, all of it. And when you’re done, your mom is visibly shaken.
“Lord, he found out about her through social media?” You still feel badly about that, about a lot of it. “Well….does his wife know?”
You shake your head. “I don’t think so. We haven’t really talked about that yet.” Before your mom can protest, you add, “we will. I’ll make sure of it. He just wants to get to know her first. For himself.”
Your mom chuckles, obviously having studied the close interaction between the two of them in the few minutes she’s been privy to see them engage with one another. “seems like that’s already a done deal.” 
“Yeah,” you smile warmly. “He’s really good with her.”
And it’s the truth, Joe seems to be naturally good with a lot of things, but there’s something so impressive about his ability to interact and connect with Callie. It’s so natural. 
“So, are you two…..”
“No,” you shut that down immediately. “We’re just trying to navigate coparenting.”
Your mom nods but doesn’t say anything, and you know her well enough to know it’s because she doesn’t entirely believe you. But, she won’t push.
“Well.” She claps her hands together, nodding to the backdoor. “Let me go properly introduce myself, since you got me out here looking rude. Probably got that boy thinking I don’t like him.”
“I promise, he’s not like that.” You two start walking toward the backyard where you’re certain Callie is talking a hole in his head, describing the play area your mom put together just for her when she spends the night.
She places her hand on the sliding door but pauses to look at you, “let me just say this though, that is one fine young man. I see now why you had a hard time letting him go. The devil sure knows how to tempt people.”
“Mama!” You try to suppress your laughter as the two of you walk out, sure enough to find Callie on the swing, Joe pushing her as they share their own conversation. 
She walks up to him, wearing a warm smile, giving a wink to Callie. “I’m so sorry about that. My daughter just didn’t tell me you were gonna be here.” 
Joe, forever respectful, starts to indirectly apologize.  “I hope it's not a problem. If so, I can—”
She waves him off, “oh, hush.” She leans in to whisper, “you’re practically family.” He returns her smile as she introduces herself by name, he offers his, and your wonderful mother then informs, “well, this one is gonna help me tend to my garden, cause winter will be here before we know it.” She leans down and kisses the top of Callie’s head, as she’s stopped swinging and is instead sitting. Her eyes light up at the idea of gardening with your mom. The same way you used to garden with your grandma. A bit of a tradition being passed down. “And in the meantime, you two can go finish organizing the office.” 
Your eyes widen. No wonder she didn’t hear you all coming in right away. That room, once your bedroom, became your mom’s storage area and over the years has accumulated stuff on top of stuff. Nowhere near a hoarding level, but just a lot of things that she doesn’t want to part with but needs to organize. “Mama, that's not—”
“I don't want to hear no complaining. You really want me up on that ladder?” You roll your eyes, realizing she’s referring to the top of your old closet where she keeps the storage bins of memorabilia, mostly photos. “I'm not getting any younger. What if I fall? Then you gon feel bad.”
“You're so dramatic.” Your mom acts like she's 75 and at death's door sometimes. The woman is 52 and teaches a Zumba class at the rec center every Saturday. She could fall and jump right back up like nothing happened. 
She places her hand on Joe’s arm, smiling slyly. “You got this strong, handsome man to help you out.” One thing you’ve learned as you’ve gotten older is that your tendency to unintentionally flirt from time to time 100% came from your mother. Clearly. “Besides, if you do fall, you'll be fine. You got enough booty back there to cushion it.”
“Mama!” One glance at Joe, and you see him make a face that reads clearly 'she's not entirely wrong.’ At that, you shove him, not that it does anything. He's solid as a rock. “Fine, we'll organize your mess, but not for long. Joe is only in town until tomorrow night, and he did not come here to be a part of your cleaning crew.”
“I don’t mind,” Joe adds. Of course, he doesn't. He hasn’t seen it yet, and he’s a gentleman. “Whatever you need help with, I’ll do it.”
Your mom gives you another look and then looks at him. “I like you, Joseph.”
Callie lifts her head, adding, “I like him too!”
I like him too.
“Well, get to it. When we’re done, ya’ll can help me fix some dinner.” Her eyes then land on you. “Well, not you. You can make the lemonade or something.”
Joe coughs awkwardly, poorly hiding his laughter. “I’m getting really sick of ya’ll coming for me and my poor cooking skills.”' 
Your mom directs Callie to grab her caddy with their needed gardening supplies. “Baby, you are a lot of things, but a cook ain’t one of them.” She points at Joe, sharing, “remind me to tell you the story about how she almost burned down my house.”
“Okay, we’re gonna go now.” You grab Joe’s hand and lead him back into the house toward the stairs, which he motions for you to go up first, realizing after the fact that he probably did so to stare at your ass. 
This man….
Entering your former bedroom, you stretch your arm to show you just what you signed up for. He walks in, clearly surprised. “Okay.”
“Yup.” There’s items scattered all over, your mom clearly in the middle of trying to categorize the millions of family photos ya’ll have. “Still don’t mind?”
He shrugs forever unbothered. “There’s two of us. We’ll get it done.”
Sucking your teeth, you look around, trying to figure out where the hell to start. “Your optimism is annoying.”
Chuckling, his smartass remarks, “Glass half full, baby. Glass half full.”
“Yeah, yeah, well glass your ass over there and reach me the ladder. I need the box these pictures can go in from the top.” 
He follows where you’re pointing but also gestures to the closet. “That one?” Joe makes a sound and instead of following your directions, casually walks over to said closet, reaches up and grabs the box with all the ease of someone who’s 6’3. 
Smug expression on his face, he hands it to you as you glare. “Show off.”
Joe assesses you, eyes settling on your chest before redirecting them to your face. “Maybe I should have let you get up there. View and all.”
Holding back your smile is difficult, so you settle for biting on your bottom lip and bumping his side as you move past him. “Shut up.” You know his gaze is on you and that should bother you, his flirty comment should bother you, but it doesn’t.
It doesn’t at all.
“I still can’t believe you were a cheerleader.” 
There’s probably been a decent combination of conversation and organization in your time working together to ‘unmess’ your mom’s mess. That’s not entirely surprising though. Joe has always been immensely easy to talk to, to be around. And you couldn’t deny that you missed this kind of interaction with him, the most and maybe first since he’s re-entered your life. You wholly understand why he spends and devotes most of his time with Callie, but there’s a small part of you that’s missed this. 
Missed it being just the two of you. 
Chuckling, you comment, “you’re not the first. I was….different in high school and college than I am now.”
He’s intrigued, asking, “how?”
“Well, for one, I don’t party damn near every night anymore.” One thing you could never deny about your early days was that you always liked to have a good time, liked to make your expected appearances at whatever party of the week, or day, was happening. “Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t drink or smoke. That was never my thing. I just….I liked to have fun, probably too much fun more often than not.” You chuckle to yourself, grabbing a stack of photos to put in the container. “Now, I like to be in bed by 9:30, 10 at the latest.”
He smiles and looks over at the wall that still has many of your cheer accolades proudly displayed. “Obviously, you were pretty damn good.”
Shrugging, you push some of your hair behind your ear. Not that it does much. Your curls have always been voluminous and wild. “I was, but….it came at a cost to some extent. Cheer is insanely competitive, and I didn’t always handle that the best.”
Competitiveness was something you deeply struggled with when you were younger. Feeling like you had to be the best, not even better than anyone else per se, but the best that you could be. Always trying to prove that you were good enough.
Looking back now, you have a solid guess of where that came from and what drove it. 
Joe’s studying you, trying to gauge your comfort level with this conversation. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it,” you answer, honestly. “Until I didn’t. Shortly before college, I think, is when the love started to fade.”
“But you cheered in college too, didn’t you?”
You nod, explaining, “I got a scholarship for cheer, and I wasn’t about to put that stress on my mom to have her help me figure out how to pay for school when I had an easy ride.” Around that time is when your relationship with your mom started to strengthen, and the last thing you wanted to do was risk messing it back up by being selfish. You’d cheered damn near your whole life, what was another 4 years? 
“I like your mom,” he announces, almost suddenly. It’s unsurprising. Most people do. But, there is something that pleases you about her tentative approval of him and now his of her. 
“She’s really great. I don’t know what I would do without her, and Callie adores her.” You look over at him, playfully. “Not as much as she adores you, though.”
You can see the delight in his eyes. “Yeah?”
His disbelief surprises you. How can he not see how crazy Callie is over him? “Are you kidding me? That lil girl already doesn’t shut up, but she really doesn’t shut up about you. It’s Joe this, Joe that. The first thing she asks me when I pick her up from school is always if she can call you.” Deciding this is a perfect segue, you add on, carefully. “You know….you should tell her. I can promise you, she won’t be upset. She’s gonna be thrilled.”
She already loves you.
You don’t know if it’s too soon to say that, if it’s something you should even say vs let him hear from Callie herself. You just know that there’s probably very little he could do at this point to make Callie not love him. She’s hooked.
“Christmas,” he announces, adding, “I’ll tell her when I come back for Christmas.” 
This surprises you, as he hasn’t discussed his next visit up until this point. You also don’t feel the need to comment or counter his plan and timeline to tell Callie. You can’t think of a better Christmas gift for her. “You got the time off?”
He nods, providing specifics. “I’ll be here the day before Christmas Eve. Gotta fly back out on the 26th though.”
“Stay with us.” Where this comes from, you’re not sure, but there’s not a lot of regret once it's released. “I know you hate that damn hotel, and Callie would be thrilled to have you around 24/7.” Getting up off the floor, you carry the now filled container and move up the ladder you’d used a couple times because he’d been preoccupied organizing other areas. Sliding it back in the same spot, you descend down the steps only to feel strong hands grip your waist. 
Bringing you to the ground, he carefully turns you around, but that’s not what you’re focused on. What you’re focused on is how close he is to you, your chests nearly touching, his eyes burning into you. Instantly, your stomach is knotting. You know that look, know it all too well. 
“Joe….” Your voice is soft, much softer than it needs to be when trying to assert yourself. And you hate yourself for the tiny sigh that leaves your mouth when he brings his palm to your cheek. “We—we can’t—”
“I’m divorced.”
This man, so fine and kind, and damn near pressed against you is distracting, so much so that you’re briefly disconnected from what he’s just said. But, it’s forcing yourself to come back to reality that his words truly hit you. You’re not sure you could have ever guessed that statement would ever leave his mouth. 
Slightly in shock, staring at him with bewilderment, you stammer, “w–what?”
“Two months ago, Jadah and I filed for divorce. It was uncontested, and the state of Florida is one of the quickest when it comes to processing these things.” His other hand moves to your hip, holding you still, as if he knows you want to move away from him. “I got notice it was finalized a few days ago.”
You’re listening, you really are, but hearing is another story. This has to be some type of sick joke, some type of cruel prank ripped directly out the pages of a journal kept and maintained so long ago. Cause you’d absolutely written about this at one point, written about what it would be like if he were to leave his wife. 
You just never could have anticipated it would one day become a reality.
“I—I don’t understand.” Joe only found out about Callie less than a month ago, so there’s no way she was the reason for the split. Still, you have to ask. “Wh–why?”
Something flashes in his eyes. Hurt. “It was long overdue.” He doesn’t say anything beyond that, and while you expected more, you can also see there’s more to the story. More that he’s not saying, but it’s the brief glimpse of pain that prevents you from pushing. Whatever it is, it’s clearly difficult for him to discuss. 
“Oh.” It’s a stupid thing to say, but you’re truly in a state of shock and don’t know what else to say. 
The biggest and only issue that ever existed between yourself and Joe has always been his marriage, the fact that he was already taken. It was the only reason you ever broke it off with him, but now, he’s standing before you, telling you that this is no longer the case.
You’re all of the emotions: confused, nervous, happy, hopeful, and so many more that you can’t even label.
“I didn’t say anything at first, because meeting Callie was my priority. Establishing a relationship with her was a priority. And it still is, but…..” Your eyes shut as he drops his head in the crook of your neck. “I’ve missed you.” Your hands gradually lift to lay against his chest as he sighs into you, ‘I’ve missed everything about you.” Eyes remaining shut, your nails claw gently against him as he moves his mouth over your neck. “The way you smile, the way you laugh.” His hand on your back slowly inches downward. “The way you taste.” Your breath catches as his teeth graze your collarbone. “The way you feel when I’m inside you.”
“Joe,” you breathe, the air suddenly thick, your throat tight. Breathing is incredibly arduous in this moment. “I—”
“Mommy! Joe!”
Joe’s suddenly across the damn room, it seems like, as Callie enters at both the perfect and worst time with a smile, completely oblivious to what she’s just interrupted. “Grandma said come eat!”
Frowning, you glance at the clock and realize it’s most definitely dinner time and that your mom had most likely just had Callie help her prepare the meal instead of asking you two to help.
She moves across the room, tackling Joe from the side and craning up her head as she excitedly asks, “Wanna see what I made? Grandma helped me!”
Leaning down to pick her up, he answers, “of course, I wanna see.” He begins to walk out the door as Callie calls out for you to follow behind.
And you will. 
You just need a moment.
Because what the hell just happened?
I’m divorced.
It keeps playing in your head, on a vicious repeating cycle, like that annoying song the radio plays every 15 minutes, forcing it down your throat.
For almost the entire time you were together, you infrequently allowed yourself to dream about what your life would be like if the circumstances were different, if he wasn’t already taken. If he wasn’t already married. And each time only left you feeling worse than before, because it was stupid. You were three years deep into the situationship; if he hadn’t left his wife by then, he wasn’t leaving her period.
It was a harsh pill that took you forever to swallow.
And even then, you knew that you could never be happy. Not with the knowledge that he’d left his wife for you. It may be bliss initially, but the guilt would have eaten you up and ruined things regardless.
So accepting and telling yourself that it would never work out long-term was what kept your head above water, especially in the two months after you broke things off. And once you learned you were pregnant with Callie, there was a new kind of stress, a new kind of distraction.
Not that it made you forget about him. Hardly.
Every check up, every milestone, every kick, your mind would wander to him. Wander to a fantasy world where you imagined he was with you every step of the way, the two of you preparing together for the arrival of your first child.
Even as the years went on and Callie got older, you still would find yourself from time to time imagining how different things would be if he was around.
Well, now he is. He’s not only around, but he’s going to be actively involved in Callie’s life for the rest of her life.
And he’s now single.
All of this makes for one fucked up emotional rollercoaster ride.
Dinner is an experience, only for you, maybe Joe to some extent. He’s always had a tendency to compartmentalize emotions though, unlike yourself. Granted, if it was a struggle for him, he did a damn good job not showing it. It also probably helped a ton that Callie talked a hole in his and your mom’s head.
You knew your mom could see something was up with you but graciously opted to not ask you any questions. You wouldn’t have any answers to give her anyway. 
And you indicated as much when you were back at your apartment, and Callie in her room gathering her favorite pajamas for bed. 
“I just need time to think.” 
It’s all you can offer him, because it’s the truth. There’s so much more to consider than you could have imagined, and it’s really hard to contemplate when you still have Mariah’s voice oscillating in the back of your mind, your insecurities, and even your mom. 
So many differing perspectives, it’s hard to focus and hear your own.
Thankfully, he accepts that answer, and you accept that you’re running out of different ways to escape confronting your own emotions. 
Because this day has already been exceedingly long, and you’re more emotionally exhausted than anything. So when Callie comes to you complaining of a tummy ache, you administer her Children’s Tylenol, lay with her until she falls asleep, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to turn your brain off and just rest.
The hard shit could wait.
There's a certain tone every person has that's reserved for emergencies, saved for moments when something is wrong. Very, very wrong.
This is one of those moments.
You nearly trip with how quickly you jump out the bed and sprint down the hall to Callie’s room. Hitting the light switch, your stomach drops when you see her.
On her side, in a fetal position, crying profusely. 
Rushing over to her, you see too that she's pale and a hand to her forehead reveals she's burning up. Sheer panic climbs up your body, settling into your stomach and the back of your throat. Still, you do your best to not show her your fear.
“Baby, is it your tummy?” You take a hand to feel her stomach, but she screams out in pain, making you jump from her reaction.
“Mommy, it hurts,” she sobs, and you're instantly moving the blankets off her, already knowing what you need to do. 
Hand on her forehead, you assure, “I’lll be right back, okay?”
You rush back into your room, sliding on the first pair of shoes that you come across. You grab your phone off the nightstand and throw it in your purse, all in under a minute, still too long. And as soon as you're back in her room, you waste no time in lifting her into your arms. 
She winces, so you reassure, “come on, baby. It's okay, you're gonna be okay.”
It's what you're telling yourself, the only thing keeping you from panicking. Unsure and uncaring at this moment if you lock the front door behind you, you carry her down the steps and into the dark of night, carefully but quickly buckling her into her carseat.
Hating to see her continue to cry, to be in pain, you kiss her forehead, “I’m gonna get you some help, okay? We're going to the hospital.”
She can only nod, and your eyes water. Your forever talkative child is rendered speechless by her pain. It crushes you.
Hopping into the driver's seat, you grab your phone, trembling fingers locating the address of the hospital. You hit share and send it to Joe before pressing the call button and tossing your phone into the passenger seat to zoom out of the parking lot.
Your phone is connected to your vehicle, ringing three times before he picks up, voice heavy with sleep. “Hey.”
“I need you to meet me at the hospital. I already sent you the address.” You do your best to remain calm and collected, to not scare Callie more than she's already scared. Even if you’re fucking terrified. “Something is wrong with Calista.”
120 notes · View notes
hollowwrites · 10 months
Ominis Headcanons
🔥 This is my dumpster fire of Ominis 🔥
Burn with me.
I’ll refer to MC as Evelyn throughout this cause she’s my ship with Omi. This is basically my notes page. Things my conflict. Who cares? If anything grabs you please ask about it. You guys inspire me for way too much of my stuff 💚
I’m just gonna mix NSFW stuff in with this so 🔞MINORS DNI🔞
Fifth Year Ominis is too caught up in Sebastian’s bullshit to notice if he was going too far. He clings to any niceties afforded to him. You need help finding your class? Sure you can hold onto his arm. You’re aching from the Crucio ordeal? You can lean against him and have a nap with him. You become his coping method of losing Anne and Sebastian. He can forgive himself for opening up a little too much…he’s gone through a lot.
Sixth Year Ominis is straight denial. No they’ve always been this close they had to be because of Sebastian. Not that anyone else knows that. You just showed up and you’ve both been inseparable ever since. You’re just very good friends.
Seventh Year Ominis is determined, will stop at nothing until Evelyn is his (See Blindsided for evidence!!!)
Can touch his wand to things to see colour. Found out after he fell into Sebastian one time and jabbed him in the ribs. The Olive green of his waistcoat flashed across his eyes. Only discovered it that late in his life because by the time he’d gotten his wand he’d already become estranged from his family so kept away from them.
Has advanced Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to it parts. It extends to people around him so when he’s sat with his friends he doesn’t always need to have his wand out to know if they’re moving around. His wand extends and enhances it
His favourite subject is Defence Against the Dark Arts. He’s ridiculously good at it. I’ve wrote about good of a duelist I think he is here but I think it extends past that. He’s overheard so much at home he knows how to combat a lot of it. Good knowledge of curse both Unforgivable and otherwise. Probably caused a lot of tension in fifth year between him and Seb. Contributing factor to their iffy relationship because let’s face it they don’t really act like best friends.
Was an UNREAL seeker in third year. Won every match because he could hear the snitch from across the pitch. Imelda banned him after matches ended too quickly. Was completely unbothered, only joined because Seb begged him to
Tallest of the boys but doesn’t look it due to his posture being awful (Seriously why does he slouch so badly) (Does mean when he fully stands up he’s HELLA TALL)
Has little crescent moon shaped scars along his palm from clenching his fists in his sleep.
Really good friends with Garreth. I’ve wrote so much for those two I just can’t help it. He reminds him of Sebastian before his sister was cursed.
Has a really good relationship with Hecat. She told him stories in First Year about Professor Black from back in Hogwarts so he wouldn’t be scared of him telling his parents things. Probably why he’s not scared to talk to him.
Only speaks Parseltongue when he can’t control himself. When he’s angry, or in Pain or…other times 👀
Only uses terms of endearment as an insult. King of the ‘Oh Sweetheart’ in a smarmy way…still kinda hot
I don’t imagine he calls anyone by anything other than their full name. Sebastian is always Sebastian Never Seb.
Except Evelyn, she is everything but her full name. Unless he’s mad at her. Eve, Ev, V, Evie.
He’ll only call her pet names if the time calls for it i.e. I saw someone’s fic where he calls her Hummingbird and I LOOOOVE that (Sorry can’t remember who that was but THANK YOU!)
‘Be honest with me, Little Hummingbird. Your heart is so fast, I know you’re lying’
Liberal use of ‘Good Girl’ in the bedroom but only after they’re comfortable with each other.
‘Be a Good Girl and get on your knees for me’
🔞 NSFW Headcanons 🔞
He’d be the best to lose your virginity to. He would absolutely be tender and sweet. I love Dominis as much as the next gal but he would be so sweet
He’s either planed the whole thing and everything perfect (Undercroft all lit up with candles and blankets and VERY STRONG locking charm on the gate) or it’s the most wonderful spontaneous event (piled up breathless on the floor of the prefects bathroom)
Speaking of one or the other, Ominis is either the sweetest most gentle man on the planet or he is absolutely insatiable ravenous filth.
Likes choking, spanking and biting. Like pulling the little gasps and moans and hisses from her.
FOREPLAY KING he cannot see! You cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing how worked up she gets until she’s begging for him (Loves begging too)
No guy is good at fingering but…👀 he is. It just touching and fingers THATS HOW HE GETS AROUND ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS HE IS GOOD AT THAT SHIT!!
Hates whenever you have to be quiet. Almost makes it a game to see if he can force her to make a noise.
Other posts where I spout waffle about Ominis here and here and here
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sapnap nsfw and sfw head cannons?😣 istg that man is so hot I need him so bad
I have really long nails usually and I just cut em all off and now typing is really hard cause I’m not used to it so sorry in advance for any messed up weird typos and shit<3
WARNINGS: chubby chaser mention, face sitting mention, hair pulling, cum eating, praise, overstimulation, vibrators, buttplugs
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Sap absolutely is the type of guy to lay on your chest when you cuddle, even though he puts on a tough-guy act
Which is why he loves cuddling on the couch the most, that way he can lay on your chest and watch a movie with you at the same time
Before you guys got together, he was very inconsistent about doing his laundry, putting it off till the last minute
But once he saw you wear one of his shirts, you bet your ass he was doing laundry every other day, making sure he always had a fresh one for you to put on when he saw you
Because there was no way he was letting you wear one that he hadn’t washed in two days
However, when you wore something of his he avoided washing it because he could still smell you on it
He’s horrible at cooking, but half of his love language is acts of service, so he always tries to make easy stuff look hard
Like making really elaborate sandwiches, that take zero skill but look like it took 4hrs
Or making you waffles or pancakes and pretends they weren’t made with the mix from a box by covering em in fruit and stuff to make me look pretty
Speaking of love languages, i imagine he’s pretty big on acts of service
Which is why I can’t imagine him ever letting you open your own drinks, like if you get a drink that’s got a tab or a cap he always opens it for you
And he has such a good memory for the minor things, but a garbage one for the major things
Like he’ll notice when you stop to look at certain types of flowers more than others
But if you tell him what your favorite color is he will have no fucking clue if you asked him five minutes later
But when he notices you always pick the same color character in a game, he’ll know it’s your favorite color
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Now listen as much as people wanna talk about Sapnap being a thigh lover and a chubby-chaser and a lover of having his face sat on, can we take a step back from that for a minute???
This guy would be the sweetest fuckin thing sometimes omg
And like don’t get me wrong i don’t doubt he loves having you on his mouth 24/7 and having his hands just full of your thighs
But I cannot imagine this guy being comfortable being rough with you until you guys have a sit down and talk about it
Cause I can totally see him having you sat on his lap, just sweet soft kisses while his hands are under the edge of your shirt, just brushing across your ribs
And he’d nip at your neck softly and just be absolutely addicted to the little noises you make
And I’m sure when you get down to it he won’t be all slow and gentle
But i can’t imagine him using your hair as leverage when he fucks you from behind until you’ve sat down and talked about it
And boy oh boy once you do, you’re done for
He’d have you bent over half the surfaces in the house, making you lick your own cum off the table when he’s done with you
He totally can be sweet at the same time tho, holding you close to him and holding your face in his neck as he praises you, telling you how good your doing when he has you pushing your fourth orgasm of the night
And his aftercare would be elite, not letting you get up for anything, and carrying you when you did
As much as I think he’s an ass and thighs guy, I think he has plenty of appreciation for tits too
Like he loves sucking on them, holding them when he has the chance
Which is why he likes cuddling with his head on your chest instead of vise versa, when he’s bored he’d just push your shirt up and lick your tits
And btw Sapnap would not be afraid of a little assistance
He’d probably be the one to recommend a vibrator, putting it on your clit when he’d eat you out, nearly moaning a little too loud when it bumps the tip of his dick when he lines up to fuck you
And butt plugs?
I think he’d love making you wear one even throughout the day, knowing you feel it every time you move, knowing you feel like a slut, would get him off
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
mommy’s little girl: 3
pairings: older!natasha x young!innocent!reader
warnings: natasha being a little pervy, angst, and slight fluff. 18+ MINORS DNI
notes: i’m sorry in advance. also, i would like to thank @karsonromanoff for this brilliant idea! except that… the end was a—
masterlist | navigation | kinktober masterlist
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There are many times that I’ve truly felt unsafe. One time when I was at the beach house, my mother decided to invite a man that looked so much like my father that I didn’t realize they were “banging” each other the minute I walked into that room. I guess that was the first time I did feel unsafe, per se. Another one is that I was at a school dance and this boy was behind me and tried groping my ass. My old friend saw this action and was furious that the next day the boy had a very bad bruise on his face – which he deserves. That was the second time I felt unsafe. And the third time was with Natasha when we first had sex, although it was a mix of pleasure considering that I wanted that to happen between us. Maybe sometimes I worry too much, or maybe I’m scared of something and I can’t figure out what that is.
“How’s it feel, Y/n?”
“Hm?” I turned my head, only to see Wanda sitting near me as we watched the other students graduating from afar.
“Graduating,” she points out, smiling at me. “I mean, you’re a college girl now! Aren’t you excited?”
“I guess I am,” I said. “But I’m a little nervous, I don’t know why. I can’t explain it.”
“Of course, you can,” Wanda replied, looking up at the skies as she let the sun radiate her face. She was beautiful, but she never caught my interest. “You just have to figure that out now.”
“What if I don’t figure it out?”
She shrugs, then takes her cap off. Saying with a louder voice, “You will, you just need to catch it.” Before I could say anything, she walked away with a whimsical smile on her face – as if she was not having a bad day, which is understandable. She was a mystery to me, a big ball of mystery that I can’t figure out.
I walked home alone that afternoon, only to see a few boxes outside my porch, leaving me curious. Are they going on another business trip again? I thought cluelessly and went inside the house. Everything looked the same, the couches were still there and the shoe rack was still filled up with shoes. Only this time, I see a note on a counter in the kitchen area. I picked it up, wishing that I had never read it.
Get out of the house, you’re free. We don’t really care much if you will be contacting us, but you’re free. Your stuff is outside, including your cassette recorder that we spent on your birthday – too expensive anyway, have fun with your life.
There was no “Love, Mom” or “Love, Dad”, it was just a note that simply said they no longer wanted me in their home anymore. Are they disowning me? What have I done to make them feel like this? Assumptions and thoughts filled up in my head, and I realized that I was having a mere panic attack. I wanted to call Natasha, I wanted her to save me from this madness. But wouldn’t that be rude? Wouldn’t I be the one causing trouble? What if my parents were joking? What if they were pulling a prank like they always did?
Except that, when I checked the boxes, they were filled with all of my clothes and cassette tapes that I’ve recorded last year. Now, I am having a panic attack – and I don’t know how to stop it.
I called Natasha and hoped that she wouldn’t pick up too soon, but she did with a skippy voice.
“Congratulations, my love! I’m so proud of you, I’m actually wondering if–”
“Tasha,” I whispered out her name with a crack in my voice, trying to handle my distress. “I-I think I need you to pick me up.”
“Baby? What’s wrong?” she asked with a worried voice, which turns my stomach into knots – not knowing if it was good or bad. “Shh, baby… tell me what’s wrong. Do you want me to pick you up now?”
“I think now is very much needed.”
“Okay, I will. What happened, little girl? Who hurt you?”
“I think my parents just disowned me,” I sobbed through the speaker, clenching my shirt near my chest. “I-I don’t know what to do, all my stuff is here and I can’t breathe… I don’t–”
“Say less, I’m on my way. Just stay there, okay sweetheart? I’m coming to get you.”
Not even ten minutes later she was at the front porch, marching towards me as she picks me up with a warm tight hug, almost as if a bear is hugging my lifeless body. I felt weak, uneasy, and most of all – unsafe. But when she hugged me (like the first time that she ever did) I felt utterly safe again, and I knew no one was going to harm me. Not even her.
“It’s okay,” she coos, kissing the temple on my face. “I’m right here, little one. Tasha is here.”
Tasha, Tasha, Tasha…
She took me to her home the minute she came to me. At first, I hesitated. But she was the one who was offering and seemed like she was a little more desperate than she ever was. So I came back to her house and noticed a few changes. The pictures on her walls – that looked like a painting – were gone, as well as the white vase that was on top of a circular table that is only meant to be a display for the vase. I sat comfortably on her couch, letting the silence consume me while she helped out bringing the boxes inside her home.
“Do you want separate rooms for now?” she asked, looking down at me with sweat on her forehead. I wanted to say no and tell her that I wanted to stay in the same room with her, but I felt like that was a little too soon. We aren’t even officially dating, so I kept that distant thought in my head.
“If you want to.”
“Sweetheart,” she sighs and kneels in front of me as she places her hands on my knee, squeezing it gently. “It’s only a yes or a no. I wouldn’t mind us sleeping together, I mean… we’ve gone pretty intimate haven’t we?”
I blushed at the fact that she mentioned that and tried prying my face away but her other hand cupped my jaw and she leans close and kissed me on the lips. It was a brief kiss, and I wished she kissed me longer than that.
“Maybe stay in the guest room for the night? And you can decide whether you want to sleep in the same room as me or not,” she said, standing up with a groan. “Come on, baby girl. I’ll show you to your room.”
The guest room was far from the guest room. Everything looked too bright and happy, which I needed today. There was a big giant brown teddy bear in the corner and on the bed, a gray blanket was folded on top of the pillows. Natasha gave me an awkward smile and closed the door behind us, the atmosphere thickening.
“There’s a bear.” I said, pointing at it with my index finger; she simply nodded, knowing that there was in fact – a bear right in front of us.
“It could be yours.”
“R-Really?” I turned around, my eyes sparkling when she said that. Ever since I was just a little girl, teddy bears were my favorite things in the world. Without one, I’d be miserable like a dying cat. I remember my “mother” giving me a white teddy bear for Christmas that I no longer have, and I still miss it to this day. I wondered where that went, my silly little teddy bear.
“Yeah,” she responded with a sigh, her hands tucked into the pockets of her sweatpants. She leaned closer and whispered, “I could be your teddy bear instead, you know I like cuddling with my little girl.”
“I’m always goin’ to be your little girl,” I whispered back, kissing her lips with my shy mouth. She smiles on my lips and kisses me back, but with tongue. I didn’t mind, I like the way she kisses me most of the time. They’re hot and sensual, like when you watch movies and think about the person who you want to hold hands with. It’s that kind of kiss that would slip away and you have to catch it or else it’ll go away – that’s how I feel each time we kiss.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on,” she sighs into my mouth, slowly bringing her hands down to my waist. Touching me with her hot breath against my chin. “I’ll make dinner for us both, okay? You just sit here and wait for me, maybe rest if you want.”
“Alright,” I nodded, smiling. “Call me when dinner’s ready.”
“I will, little angel.”
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I was woken up by her hand touching my ankle, her lips close to my thigh. I blinked twice, before realizing that she was having a moment with my slumbered self. I wanted to say I was awake, but she seemed so… focused with my leg in front of her darker shade of green eyes. She kissed my ankle again and touched my inner thigh, mumbling: “What I could do to you” on my skin, which made me shiver in an uncomfortable matter with a mix of arousal in between.
“I love you,” she whispers with a mumble once again and gives an open mouth kiss on my inner thigh. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
“You’re awake?” she asked with her face flushed, knowing that I’d noticed her kissing my ankle and my thigh. She quickly envelopes me with her hug and kisses the side of my face, tucking her head into my neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I just couldn’t help myself, that’s all…”
“Do you do that often with other women?” I asked, receiving a shake of her head.
“No, only you.”
“I must be special then,” am I special to you? “How long have you been doing that?”
“Not long ago,” she whispers, cuddling me close with her muscular arms that wrapped around me like a teddy bear. Except that, the teddy bear was hugging me instead of me hugging the teddy bear. “I’ve made pasta for us both, it’s with tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes?”
“I love tomatoes.”
“Good,” she said, smiling at me. She closed the distance between our lips and kissed each other, like two hungry teenagers. How ironic. Her hands were cupping my jaw now as she deepened her tongue inside of my mouth, feeling the tip of her tongue on the roof of my mouth. We never kissed like this, but this felt more sensual and meaningful – I could barely take it all in, everything was pouring down on the table too much. “I love you so much, I’m so glad you’re with me right now.”
“I’m glad too, Tasha–”
The sound of a doorbell came rushing from the house, and Natasha bolted up to see who it was. As I imagined her with a nonchalant face, she turned to me with a look that I could not identify what face she was giving me. Was it my parents? Who was at her door? Immediately, she went out and walked downstairs, making me follow her as well.
The door opened, and I was greeted by a woman standing with a tired face. She looked like she had come home from a bad trip at work, so I offered her a smile – which she didn’t give back.
“M-Maria?” Natasha was in shock, almost as if her face fell. I wondered why she was so shocked, maybe because she hasn’t seen her friend in such a long time that–
“Natasha,” the woman, Maria, replies with a mock of her tone. Except that, her voice was a lot meaner than hers. She crosses her arms and makes a tsk sound. “You never learn, do you?”
“What’s going on?” I asked quietly. Natasha turned to look at me and ushered me to go behind her, which I did. I mean, I do follow orders from people, even from her. When the tension gets hotter and weirder, the woman said: “Young lady, this is my wife. And she hasn’t gone home for a year.”
I knew my heart had shattered the minute she said this unnecessary information that I didn’t need to know, but yet – I still had to find out in a time like this where I needed Natasha. I could imagine Natasha’s face falling, and watched as her back slumped like a defeated person.
“I don’t understand–”
“She’s my wife,” she seethes, eyeing me with a disgusting look. “And she hasn’t come back home where she belongs.”
At that moment, I had two choices. One was to leave her and never come back or to stay and figure this all out. How could I be this stupid and innocent at the same time? Why did I not see the signs of her being married? At this point, I felt like a homewrecker; knowing that I was one already. I watch as Natasha turns to look at me and furiously shakes her head.
“I’m sorry," she lets out a sob that makes my heart break even more, as she tries to reach for my hands. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry..."
That was the weakest apology I’ve ever heard from a grown up.
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taglist: @setsuna1415 @shaniaauld03 @morinfoxixippy @wandanats-goodgirl @winter107th @katherineromanova @emsnape @wifeofnatasharomanoff @poppyfluffy02 @bigboobslilheart @hottestwhore @queen2234 @youralphawolf72 @rt–link @inluvwithfictionalwomen @daddynattt @ilovehotactresses @widdiball07 @zombieunicorngamerzu @boosthater​ @apollo2907​ @danveration​ @nyctophiliacatcher​
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fabraies · 2 years
good, bad, ugly
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original ask: hii! 💒 anon here <3 can u do kazuha x flreader? :3 college au, reader is his roommate hehe, kazuha x fem!reader, fluff, angst repost from @ningningification
“What !?”
“We’re very sorry. If it makes you feel better, he’s a very quiet person, and knows how to cook. We don’t typically allow mixed gender dorms but we don’t have any other left.” The assistant at the desk desperately tries to calm you down. Her attempts are only in vain however, as you continue to rant about this whole situation.
“I applied for a room for myself 3 months in advance, as soon as I got my acceptance letter! I can even show you the confirmation e-mail I got! This has to be some sort of mistake, I—“ your cheeks feel hot and you feel like crying from all the frustration. You did not spend months on constant lookout for an available solo room just for it to snooped from under your nose the moment you were about to move in.
The poor assistant repeats what she’s been repeating for the past 10 minutes, that the boy you’re supposed to room with isn’t all that bad, and is actually a very smart and educated student, with whom she is sure you will be “excellent friends” with.
Yeah, right. As if. Except you don’t care if he’s nice and well-behaved, you just want a room for yourself. Specifically the one you have booked. You’ve tried asking her a million times why on earth the room you’ve been assigned to wasn’t available anymore, but her only answers seem to be that “all the rooms are full until the following year”. Realising that telling her this just isn’t possible won’t solve anything,
“I’ll call my father real quick, I need to sort some things out” you inform the woman at the desk and step away. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that she seems rather happy to finally catch a break from this whole ordeal. As mad as you are, you can’t blame her. Your phone rings, and you can hear your dad picking up. “Oh, hey y/n. Already moved everything in?”
“No. Actually, I didn’t even move anything at all since you left. I have a huge problem. I’m not kidding. I feel like suing the school. I wholeheartedly cannot believe how a school with this kind of reputation could ever fuck up this—“
“Woah, woah. Rewind. First of all, we’re not suing anybody. Your tuition is already costing me and your mother enough. Second of all, not moved anything? Huge problem? Just go through everything calmly before going on a rampage honey.”
You take a deep breath, and start again.
“The lady at the desk told me there was some problem and my room isn’t available anymore. The only dorm left is one for two people; which, no, I wouldn’t mind, but they want me to room with a boy, dad! Please just, help me out!”
On the other end, you can hear your father sigh, “Look, if it’s not there anymore, there’s not much we can do. I understand this looks sketchy sweetheart but, tell you what, you suck it up for one semester and we’ll try to do something about it for the second. How’s that sound?”
You huff. It’s better than nothing, but a whole semester? This roommate of yours better be just as quiet as the lady promised you. “Ugh. ‘S not the best but.. I guess that’ll do. But promise me you’ll do your best for second semester. Please.”
“C’mon [y/n]! Of course we will! Just put on your big girl pants for now and this’ll be over before you can even say ‘roommate’. Okay?”
You thank him, and hang up. As you walk back to the front desk, the lady looks up at you in slight fear of another soap-opera-worthy scene. Luckily for her, you’ve had just about enough this afternoon, and you just want to move in your damned stuff.
“I’ll take it. The room, I mean.” The lady, whose name tag reads ‘Ningguang’ lets out a sigh of relief and beams at your simultaneously as she leaves to go get your key. She hands it to you all the while giving out instructions and what to expect during your on campus experience. Once she’s done, you apologise for the mess and thank her.
Well, I’m alone now. Ningguang left for a coffee a few moments earlier and you’ve been trying to find the most efficient way to move your belongings up to your dorm for the past 10 minutes. Not that anything had come to you during this time.
“I’m sorry, but uh.. You’ve been standing here for a very long time and I was just wondering if perhaps you.. might need any help? It’s just, you’ve kind of been staring off into space and there’s a lot of stuff around you -which I’m assuming is yours- so I couldn’t help but wonder if you’re moving into the dorms as well, so I thought that you might want a few helping hands to get all that up and also because first years gotta stick together, right?”
The girl in question is quite an eyesore. She’s got two spikey pigtails at the side of her head with random streaks of color, and her clothes suggest that she’s heading out to a metal festival. She’s looking up at you, awaiting your answer.
“Uh.. yeah, sure. I guess some help would be nice.” You let out and awkward laugh, uncharacteristically so. You’ve never had a hard time making friends, but for some reason, you’ve struggled a lot over the course of the last few days.
“Awesome! I’m Xinyan by the way. With an x. Room 416. You?”
“[y/n]. I’m uh..” you fumble your bag, get a hold of your keys and squint your eyes “uh.. right next to you I think. 415.”
“Really? That’s great! That means we can use the shortcut!”
“Yeah, follow me, it’s a game-changer. Will get all your things up in 20 minutes, tops. Also, we can get to meet your roommate together!”
“How did you know I had a roommate?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“Got a sneak peak of your room while I was walking past. I saw two beds, so I figured it out.”
A few minutes later, you could confirm that the mysterious shortcut most definitely was a game-changer. Xinyan had left some time ago, something about books, and you were left to wonder alone on your dorms inviting flooring. You look over to the other bed and think, this’ll all be over in one semester. In just 15 weeks’ time, you’ll be out and ready to move in into your new dorm, alone. Sure, Xinyan won't be your neighbour anymore, but it's not like you know for sure you two'll grow close. For now, as bitchy as it might sound, she's just a distraction fr the fact that your new roommate is a man.
Just as you were getting done with your inner monologue, the door creaks open, and the first thing you see is blonde hair, and a fair-skinned hand moving the handle. His head finally peaks through the crack of the door and begins speaking.
"You're the roommate I presume? The front desk lady told me there were some changes and my roommate would end up being a girl.."
He doesn't sound very thrilled at the idea of rooming with a girl. Good! At least we're on the same page, because i don't wanna room with the opposite gender either, you internally huff.
"Good afternoon to you, too. And yes, I am your roommate."
"Sorry. Good afternoon to you, too. I'm Kazuha Kaedera. It's nice to meet you. I'm sure rooming with a boy must be a let down for your first year, so I'll try to make myself as discreet as possible."
His way of speaking is.. strange. He’s either rich, or incredibly stuck up.
"Jeez, relax, you can talk like a normal person. Also, do what you want as long as it doesn't involve me or my side of the room."
You feel sorry for him, really, you do. After all, being the recipient of somebody’s anger and frustration must suck. But you’re bitchy in general, and even worse now. If you have to put up with a male roommate, he has to put up with your attitude.
"Noted." He nods, and quietly leaves the room. Nothing more, nothing less. At this point, you think that he might be less of a bother than you initially thought.
"So, how did your first days go ?"
After moving into the dorms, Xinyan had dragged you out to meet the people she had conversed with in the mere 15 minutes you had spent talking to one person. This had gone more or less well, and you now already had a group of people you could in some way call your friend group, for which you had Xinyan and her incredible socializing skills to thank. The 5 of you had sat down in the dining hall at a long rectangle table on the far-right corner, rearranging the seats to take up the entire space and deter unwanted to sit at your table.
"Good" You say while munching on your dry sandwich
"Went awesome. Bunch of hot guys in this college, it's crazy." Lisa answers.
The rest unanimously agrees, while Hu Tao speaks up.
"Talking about guys, did you guys hear about this one girl that got to room with a guy? They don't usually allow it, but from what I heard, the guy's super cute, so kudos to the girl, she totally hit the jackpot."
"Yeah! I heard about it in my Communications class. Isn't his name something like.. Ka.. Ke... Ugh, I don't know. Something that starts with K, for sure." Yanfei adds.
"Kazuha ?"
Suddenly, all eyes are on you, and Yanfei snaps her fingers in recognition.
"Kazuha! Yeah, that was it! How'd you guess? You know him, [y/n]?"
"Not personally or anything, no! It's just.. uhh..." You suppose there's no point in hiding it anymore. They’re the people you’ll be stuck with the entire year, so it’s not like they won’t find out soon enough anyways, "We're roommates. I'm the girl that had to room with him, so.."
"Are you kidding? What is it like? What's he like?" Hu Tao, asks, her eyes as wide as saucers.
Suddenly, she bombards you with questions about him. Why was she so interested in Kazuha? Was he famous or something? The year had barely started, there was no way he'd already achieved such a reputation already.
"W-- I'm not sure, we haven't even had a proper conversation yet. Why are so invested anyways ?" You ask her. It's not like you're jealous or anything, but this girl is seriously getting on your nerves.
"No reason. It's just, the sooner i get cuffed, the better. I haven't been in a single relationship since my day of birth, and I cannot let this go on any longer. This year is totally gonna be my year!" She punches the air while standing up, and the rest of you can't help but feel the second hand embarrassment as the rest of the hall looks over at the five of you.
Her year, huh? Too bad for her, it just so seemed she'd have some competition, because you weren't about to let some mishap get into the way of making this your year, as well.
"Hey! I told you this like, a million times, either you put your laundry in your laundry basket, or you leave them on your side of the room! God, you are so annoying!"
For the past few months, things have actually been okay. Well, actually more okay than you let on, because you even refused to change dorms when the end of the first semester arrived. You didn't have anybody you knew in any of your classes, with only Kazuha being in two of them. In desperate need of a seatmate, you reluctantly sat next to him. He didn't seem phased by your attitude though, as he ended up asking you if you wanted to go home with him, considering you lived together. After that, you ended up easing up a little around him so Kazuha and you ended up becoming really good friends. There were some side effects to this friendship, however. His organisation skills, which had seriously affected your dorm life, and even worse, his popularity among girls.
Despite your attitude at the beginning of the year, your initial friendgroup had taught you to let loose a little, and
"I'll pick it up later, hold on."
You let out a groan. How could he possibly be the same person as the one you had met at the beginning of the year? Where'd all the politeness go? Sure, it looked like a little stuck up, but it he was somewhat sweet, in his own way. Well, maybe you could assume it's sort of a good thing, because if he's gotten so comfortable, it can only mean he's warmed up to you, right?
"Just make sure I don't see any of this by the time I come back in here." You huff, while gathering your tiny backpack.
You had made plans with Hu Tao, Lisa and Yanfei to go to the gym on campus. Xinyan had excused herself, saying she had a bunch of readings to do, and wasn't available to go this time. You weren't so keen to go at first either, considering the snowstorm, as you were in the middle of January, and the walk you had to endure from your dorm to the gym.
However, you decided last minute that after spending so luch time hunched over your desk, a little gym session didn't sound too bad.
You closed the door on your way out, ready to face the insane amount of snow that was awaiting you outside. With a little huff, you push another door open, and start walking, a tight grip on your coat.
You soon enter the place, and realise the amount of people. Now you understand why your friends insisted on going despite such a weather.
"[y/n]! You made it!" Hu Tao calls out first. The rest waves, with smiles adorning their faces.
After all the hello's and how are you's are exchanged, you all leave to your own prefered machines. You weren't looking forward to going on the treadmill alone, but luckily for you, Yanfei ended up keeping you company by stepping on the other machine on your left. Unlike other people, you liked making conversation while going to the gym.
"So," Your pink haired friend clears her throat, "Any progress with Kazuha ?"
"No, and I don't plan on making any. We're just friends, and that's all there is to it." You deny through and through, just like you have been for the past 4 months.
Ever since you'd announced to your friends that you were rooming with Kazuha, they had instantly started to try and convince you that you were both meant to be. Ironically, Hu Tao was the first one to jump to this absurd conclusion, as she was one of the first students to start fawning over him.
Yanfei only sighs at your stubborness, and continues, "I've seen the way you look at him. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's been 4 months. You're not even concious of it, but you talk about him all the time. Even Hu Tao's complained, so that's saying something. Either way, I'm not going to push you to do something you don't want to, but, I just want you to at least realize that there is something going on, and he does make you feel things. We don't just think you'd be a nice couple just because the whole roommates thing sounds like a fanfiction trope, but because we genuinely think there is something going on. Just consider it, at least."
You outwardly groan, but what she says makes you think. A lot. You run on the treadmill, but your mind isn't really all into it. You keep replaying what Yanfei said in your head over and over again, and you can't seem to be able to get rid of it. She's right. You know she is. but it's just so.. embarrassing. His looks alone granted him an instant reputation at the start of the year, and he got all the girls on his knees in a measly week. There was no way in hell you'd ever be one of those girls.. right?
"Whatever. He sucks. His politeness act literally lasted a grand total of 2 seconds, he's a two faced jerk! And he leaves all his stuff on my floor. Also, his notes are super messy. How does he even manage to re-read all of them ?"
"[y/n]... You know what I think. Go get him before some other chick gets to him. You out of all people should know that"
"What are insinuating ?" You narrow your eyes at her
"I'm insinuating that I've seen Kazuha hanging out with some girl from my Law 101 class. A lot. And I'm insinuating that the exact reaction you're having right now is due to the fact that you have feelings you just won't own up to! God, just do something about it!"
You need to think.
“I’m back home.”
You close the door rather harshly and sigh, sitting down on your bed. You’re thinking of watching a move tonight, so you grab your laptop, and begin browsing Netflix for some good comedy show that could cheer you up.
“You don’t sound very happy.” Kazuha notes, sitting in front of his desk, highlighting sentences in his textbook.
“I’ve spent almost the entire day at the gym. I’m exhausted.” You huff.
“Whatever you say.”
“Huh ?” Your head snaps towards him.
“I said ‘whatever you say’. Is that problem ?”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. You’re ready to collapse on the bed, pull a Snow White and sleep forever. You don’t have time for his stupid games.
“Stop acting dumb. There’s obviously a double meaning here. So what is it?”
“There’s obviously more to it than just exhaustion. I want to know what’s going on inside your head, is all.”
You feel like you’re fuming.
“What is it with all of you playing the therapists !? There is nothing wrong with me. I don’t need to talk to anybody. All I need is for you all to leave me alone!”
You make your way to the communal bathrooms, hoping to freshen yourself up, and get some time to yourself. You gather your stuff, and make sure to slam the door on your way out to signal your anger.
You're relieved to find an empty bathroom. The last thing you need is another person asking you if you're doing okay. The truth is, you're not. Of course you aren't, how could you? You were awfully aware of your personality problems, and your feelings for Kazuha simultaneously. Yanfei informing you he might have been seeing someone just made you feel even worse. You were just getting to a stable point in your life. Knowing Kazuha had found someone made you feel like you were falling. Falling into a big black hole, engulfing you, where you had no choice but go back to your old, insecure, angry self. Of course you knew of the possiblities that Kazuha might even not be seeing someone, and that it was simply a friend. But you felt so scared and alone, you couldn't help but see the worst in things.
You feel so stupid. You've never told him anything regarding your feelings ever, so how would you know if he likes you back or not? Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out.
You hide your face in your hands and slide down the wall next to the entrance.
When you wake up, you're stunned to find yourself back in your bed, under your covers. As far as you remember, you were back in the bathrooms, on the floor. Did I go back and just not remember? What if-
"You're up already?" Kazuha enters your field of view.
"I woke up just a minute ago. Do you happen to know how I got back here ?"
"Oh, that. You took your bathroom stuff with you when you stormed out, so I figured you went to the girls' bathroom. When you didn't come back, I got worried so I went there just to check. Sure enough, you were asleep on the floor. You're a heavy sleeper, you know that ? I carried you all the way over here, and you didn't budge." He finishes his story with a chuckle, and continues. "Seriously though. You scared me. I care about you, a lot. I kind of always think about you, so.. This wasn't the way I wanted it to go down but-"
Your brain can't seem to process all the information at once, and all you can do is deny. Everything is going too fast. Your brain repeats it like a mantra. You don't deserve him, you don't deserve him, you don't deserve him. Just yesterday you were starting to realize your faults. You had to fix yourself before he could have a chance to take a look at your ugly side.
But suddenly, you feel like you're gasping for air, and you let everything loose. You can't let this go on any longer. Your facade is breaking and there's nothing you cand do about it. "No. No you don't. You can't. You're seeing that, other girl. Besides, I don't deserve you. I was awful to you. I was awful to practiaclly everyone on campus. I'd ruin your repuation. I'm constantly upset about something- anything. We're like polar opposites, and any other girl would be better for you. I don't want to drag you down, and I just want you to stop giving me hope, so I can move on and you can just-"
Without any time to finish your rant, he kisses you. It’s not a simple liplock, or a peck. It’s a real kiss, with all the emotions and and the butterflies that come with it. It made your head spin, and you feel the sensations surging through your entire body. You don’t find it in yourself to pull away. Instead you pull him closer.
After a few seconds, Kazuha pulls away, and holds your chin to get you to look up at him, and opens his mouth.
“For the record, you can be pretty awful. But if anyone saw you the way I do, they’d be a fool to not love you.”
Your eyes crinkle as you smile, and you feel like crying. You've never felt this before, and suddenly you understand why some people are so crazy about love. You have to feel it to understand it.
Kazuha loves you. All of you. The good, the bad, and the ugly you.
an: another repost because I got so lazy I couldn’t get myself to post everything at once. 💒 anon I miss you I hope you find your way back to me😭😭 + if you see this I did see the tutor cyno ask I will get to it even if it’s not on the old blog I PROMISE. the “original —“ thing is just here to help me cope with the fact that I lost everything from my last blog so don’t mind LOL
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0234423zip ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Don't copy, modify or translate my work/theme
originally posted on: 11/09/2022
original number of notes: 176
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ARI FIRST THINGS FIRST I'M SORRY I DIDN'T TAG U I DIDN'T WANNA PRESSURE U OKAY I'M SORRY second of all how many of them can i ask about bc......... what if i wanna know about all of them? what then ari???? have u thought about that?????? okay okay no but i do NEEEED to know about sappy drunk!sugu bc helloo??? that sounds so good and also woLFY SUGU AND LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD????? you're crazy i'm so obsessed already and actually sick!satoru too bc he's gonna be such a baby i need to hear about it OK ONE MORE BECAUSE NOBARA??? OH MY GODD SKATERGIRL NOBARA PLEAAAAASEEE that's literally genius wow i can't wait to hear about all of them i'm so excited!!!!!!!
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY PLS DONT APOLOGIZE PHSJDHD i wasnt planning on doing it at first cause i didnt know if ppl would be interested 😭😭 BUT then i saw that u and everyone else was doing it so i immediately caved AND IM SO GLAD I DID u picked some of my personal faves !! ari/mickey connection going steady hehe
i’d apologize in advance for making this long but i feel safe w u this is just our average communication let’s go <33 here is some tea for u while u read !! 🍵
OKOK SOOOO first of all ; sappy drunk!sugu x reader….. yes. this one is sooooo special to me its been downright rotting in my drafts since the beginning of time and its literally all written out ?? but i need to delete some stuff n polish it overall….. </3
BUT yeah the plot is basically just: sugu goes out to a bar w satoshoko, gets drunk even though he literally never gets drunk, and so reader discovers that he is, in fact, the sappy kind. (shocker!) it’s just sooooo sickeningly fluffy and he’s so whipped. ☹️☹️ he’s like a puppy. all he can think of is reader and how much he wants to put a ring on their finger HE’S SOOOOO
here are a couple snippets hehe. literally just disgusting amounts of Fluff for my soul
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sho 🚬 : anyway he’s been asking me where u are for the past ten minutes pls come i can’t stand him sho 🚬: he’s crying. you: HUH???????? you: WHY??? 😭😭😭 sho 🚬: dude i dont know sho 🚬: pls come get him he’s being so sappy that satoru’s abt to throw up
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”— and i have you.” a stutter of your heartbeat, a jolt throughout your chest. his stare almost burns, but you can’t avert your gaze — suguru looks positively lovesick. admiring you with a dreamy gaze, as if he can’t believe you’re real. he reaches a hand out; cradling your face with one big palm, the rough pads of his fingers smoothing down your skin so very gently. smearing his fondness from your jaw to your cheekbone, so loving your breath hitches in the back of your throat. a soft, content sigh spills into the air, like a prayer that doesn’t need any words. his smile is serene.  ”my angel.” that peaceful smile changes shape, shifting into a big, giddy grin. it lights up his whole face. a chuckle leaves his lips, content and delighted. ”i’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
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”sugu,” you whine, dragging his name out childishly. ”we need to sleep…” ”sorry,” he only murmurs, muffled into your skin. he doesn’t stop, though, planting a wet smooch on your cheek, and then another. you squirm a little in his hold, and he emits a shaky breath. ”jus’ love you so much…”
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i just think sugu has so much love in his chest that he like Never lets out bc he knows it can feel overwhelming unless he shows it in small doses but then he gets drunk and everything just SPILLS out . idk but my knees would buckle
AND THEN ….. wolf/hunter!sugu x little red riding hood!reader OHHHH MICKEY IM SO HAPPY U ASKED…. this concept entered my brain and has Not left even once but its still just this vague idea in my head. im just so interested in fairy tale aus!! i figure its probably gonna end up kinda twisted? or maybe a mix between sweet/twisted if i can pull it off 😭😭 bUT the main idea is that sugu plays the part of both the wolf AND the hunter, reader doesnt know who to trust but sugu is their only option either way. at first i was thinking of making him like a whole Wolf Man but now im leaning towards it being more symbolic … the trustworthy hunter was the ”wolf” all along yk? IM SO FOND OF THIS ONE i cant wait to write it !!! ive been itching to write something a lil more gritty anyhow :33
AND AND SICK!TORU X DOTING!READER ….. our babyboyyyy he’s so :((( he’s just so sick and delirious and trying to convince reader that he’s Fine Actually but he’s just burning up :(((( and so he has no choice but to face the terrifying reality of Being Taken Care of By Someone He Trusts. horrifying. as soon as he’s slightly better he’s just throwing himself over u and begging for kisses though (he’s an opportunist <33)
this is another one that’s just veryyyy fluffy n sweet!! AND another one that i have written out i just need to delete a lot of stuff bc its like . over 10k i think I GOT CARRIED AWAY OK…… 😭😭
aaand here r some snippets from this one!! just overflowing w gojo love <333 he’s our sweetiepie our little baby angel i need him tucked into bed
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”really, baby,” he slurs, voice raspy and dry. attempting to get up, arms straining under his shivering body. ”there’s no need f’ —” unceremoniously, his limbs give out beneath him, and he tumbles back down. face falling back into the mattress, as he croaks out a meek little wince. (the sound makes your heart squeeze tightly in your chest.) ”ah,” he hums, muffled into the sheets. resisting the urge to close his eyes. ”that’s… annoying.”
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”baby, i think my fever’s going up again…” satoru pouts, looking up at you. ”can you check?” a raise of your eyebrow. you give him a smile. ”this is the fifth time you’ve asked me to check your temperature, toru.” ”just wanna make sure,” he whines. ”please?” an exaggerated sigh. then you’re leaning down, soft lips meeting his forehead, humming against his skin — and, just like last time, and the time before that, his temperature hasn’t gone up. ”you’re good.” ”oh, thank god,” satoru exhales. ”are you sure? like, a hundred percent sure? maybe you should check again. just in case.”
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”you’re cute,” satoru croons, still cradling your cheek. tenderly, soft fingertips against your heated skin. all you manage is a meek little furrow of your brows, but that only makes him chuckle again. after a silent moment, you part your lips. ”… you can.” he blinks. still smiling. ”stay forever, i mean.”
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yeahhhhhh. yeah. u know how it is. (i am consumed by love for this silly little 28 year old man)
AND FINALLY LAST BUT NOT LEAST … skatergirl!nobara x reader <333333 my most beloved ever. i only have a vague outline but im sooo in love w this concept mickey im overjoyed that it caught ur eye….. just . picture nobara being covered in hello kitty band aids bc she’s not very good at skating but she just thinks it’s SO fun and she goes to the skate park w maki while wearing acrylic nails and she’s just having such a blast :(( grinning and giggling!!! she’s literally my daughter i adore her ….
my idea for the fic is basically just that reader has this weird one-sided rivalry w nobara bc they’re a bit jealous of her + she’s so pretty it makes them angry LOL and they assume that she doesnt notice them at all… but in reality nobara is like HIGHKEY crushing on reader she does these complicated flips JUST to impress them she’s a lovergirl!!! so it’s basically just super duper fluffy n sweet hehe <33
TYSM FOR ASKING MICKEY i had to take my time w this one hehehe . i hope u’ll enjoy these fics when theyre posted although it’ll probably take a while… COVERING U IN KISSES WATCH OUT
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Lola, your tag and anon ask reply for the exasperated Carlos set are so spot on. Thanks so much for putting the set on my dash. It’s brilliant! Please know that when I saw it and your tag (exasperation is his love language), I was immediately recalling lines from the (epic) Mesh Shirt fic you wrote a bit ago. I just want to say that I think you capture this particular love language of Carlos’ so beautifully in your writing. It stays with folks (hi, I��m folks lol).
“Carlos gives TK a look that he hopes conveys exasperation rather than amusement. He’s feeling a weird mix of them right now, but it shouldn’t be surprising. TK somehow manages to occupy the very niche status of the love of Carlos’ life and also the bane of his existence, and he kind of wants to see how far TK will take this, but he also has self-respect.”
The niche status line is truly incredible. 😂 That’s the part that came to my mind when I saw you put the set on my dash. It’s the whole thesis statement of Carlos’ unique love language for TK.
These other two lines are also pure gold:
“TK is the light of his life, and sometimes that light blinds him a little, but it’s only a temporary thing.”
“…Carlos wonders for a brief second where the hell all of his self-control has gone, because it used to be watertight and now it’s full of holes.”
These are all so good and so fitting! I could keep going because you’ve peppered more just like them throughout all of your Tarlos fics, but I gotta go to bed so I’ll stop here lol. Grateful for the way you depict their love in your writing and the laughs you bring out of us with one exasperated Carlos Reyes. 😂💖 Have a great day!
Thank you so much, Sonia! You are truly such a gift and I am so honoured by all of the above!
Perhaps it's only because I've been in this fandom for a short while, or maybe it's just my writing style, but I feel like it's so much easier to express my thoughts and feelings about Carlos, TK and their relationship through fic, rather than in expressing a particular head canon/responding to an ask. Then, you came in with the above - all this other stuff that I honestly forgot I wrote, but it definitely reflects how I feel about Tarlos - and it conjured some feelings. So thank you, and also sorry in advance for the essay.
You know, they (vaguely waves hands) always say that you should never expect the person that you're in a relationship with to change for you, and I think in TK and Carlos' case, that rings very true. They're very different personalities and they remain very different personalities - one a little more reserved, perhaps more cautious. The other with a tendency to be a little more rash and impulsive.
I think my favourite thing about Tarlos is that although they're quite different, their personalities complement each other so well. Not only in the way that they soften out the rough edges of each other's less ideal qualities, but in that they bring out and enhance a lot of the really special ones. As the chaotic Lone Star timeline continues we see Carlos flourish - his fun, friendly, snack-king, i-am-the-loving-dad-of-this-group energy becomes more and more evident, alongside the sheer amount of character development in s 3, and I love that. I like to think that his relationship with TK has given him the safety and the encouragement to let his guard down a little more, be a bit sillier, express his love for everyone by running around and making sure they're all well fed.
Certainly, I don't think Carlos has ever been boring, or too uptight. I just think we didn't get to see as much of that energy from him in s 1 (although we did always get to see the exasperated energy - that has been right there from "if I was a less secure man, I might be bothered by the fact that i worked up the nerve to ask you out, and you spent the entire night talking about another guy" to "at three eighteen in the morning?").
Also, Carlos might slander TK for his habit of eating at 2am or trying to live off AA doughnuts, but don't tell me that Carlos-Do-You-Need-Me-To-Cook-You-A-Whole-Ass-Dinner-Reyes wouldn't eat his feelings on occasion. He definitely has a guilty pleasure of some kind and I need to know what it is.
Don't even get me started on TK. That's a story for another day, but this man really went from TK-I-Hate-Everyone-And-Everything-Strand to TK-Soft-And-Sweet-As-A-Marshmallow-Strand, and you can't tell me that Carlos giving him a stable and loving relationship - something TK has clearly always craved - doesn't play a huge part in that. TK needed someone who would let him be prickly sometimes, see all his flaws and fears, and love him just a fiercely anyway.
If anyone can do that, it's Carlos.
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sparklingpax · 1 year
Hi! You know, I'm here to thank you. Thanks for the content and searching for a lot of details on Super-God Masterforce! Honestly, I consider it one of the best works on transformers, and it's very nice to see people who share a love for this anime. I hope someday it will be appreciated as a classic of transformers, as it deserves. And it seems that we are on the way to that. I want to say that there is another person on this planet Earth who loves Super-God Masterforce, and is not so alone in this! I hope this thought warms you up a little! (I apologize for the mistakes, I use a translator)
First, let me apologize profusely for the fact that I took.....way too long to finally answer this, but it was only because I wanted to wait until I had a moment to sit down and write a thoughtful response to this >//<’’
(Also don’t worry about the translator, your message is clear and all :3 I’m going to apologize in advance just in case I have any typos in my response, as I tend to get lost in my own writing quite often haha ^^’’)
Getting this ask genuinely made my day, you are the nicest human being waaa 😭💙💕✨ thank you so much!!! And I'm glad too that there's yet another person who likes Masterforce out there!! >w< Like, there's so few of us, but we are strong, and we are growing!!! hehe >:3 I will continue doing what I can to generate content for everyone to enjoy ^w^
OMG AND YEA!! MASTERFORCE IS INDEED A CLASSIC AND DESERVES SO MUCH MORE LOVE THAN IT GETS??? Lowkey I feel like a lot of tf fans just write it off as "the strange one with lots of humans" or deadass forget about/have no idea of its existence and I just??? Like it makes me so sad and even maybe juuuust a little irked ;w; literally people are out there acting like some tf characters came from the comics and not from this series for example.....*lies on the floor and sobs*
But I will hold onto hope that someday, more people come to appreciate this series and hold it in higher regard. It's got great writing, cool designs (and in the episodes where the animation was on-point, really good visuals), a banger OST (insert songs of course included~), great characters who mostly receive a lot of development throughout the series, really interesting concepts that I wish were used more often in TF media, and just....the vibe of the whole show is so good 😩💗👏 I have so much appreciation in general for all the installments of the Japanese branch of G1, but I feel like Masterforce was just the best mix of everything that can be seen in other series 😎
So anyways, even if I am slow with my art and writing and everything, I will probably never stop making content for Masterforce, writing random ramble-y things about details of the canon lore I think are cool!! And I am honored you found my account and enjoyed it as much!
Apologies once again for being so late with this (😳🙏) but thank you so much for this ask 🥺🥰
I've kept it in mind on days where my personal life has been going badly (which is a lot lately qwq) and I start feeling bad about a lot of things, including stuff regarding my social media/art/etc--at those times I reminded myself that there are people out there who get me when I talk about Masterforce--and I smile and feel a bit better.
So ye! Sorry this is a bit long!! Here's a little doodle I made, to hopefully make up for the wait ^^'' sorry it's a bit rough 😳 but, it's the whole Autobot gang (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💙
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Have a nice day/evening also!!! :D
-Kuni 💖
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bangtanloverboys · 1 year
sneak peak at balance student seokjin!!
for his birthday, here’s a little tidbit on my next upcoming collection: the seven schools of ravenwood !!!
Seokjin was sitting off to one side of his house, in a little makeshift library; mixes of schools and books on the shelves. At the sound of you coming down the stairs, he glanced up from what he was reading. 
“Finally hungry?”
“Yeah,” you answered a bit sheepishly as you walked into the kitchen. You grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl. “So excited, couldn’t think of eating. Finally got to me, I guess.”
“I understand that, I remember when Arthur finally said I could transfer my studies here. Learn here at the birthplace of sorcery.”
“That’s right, your primary school is Balance.”
Seokjin nodded. “Yeah. Before the school was discovered, that was the end of that. We knew everything that was kept alive up until then. But since they found the school, we’ve rediscovered so many spells that were once lost to us.”
“That’s incredible! I remember when they announced they found it, I knew immediately I wanted to continue my studies there. Once I learned everything from Arthur, of course.”
“I’ll be honest, it was quite a shock to learn that someone wanted to continue their studies here for their secondary school,” Seokjin admitted. “Most people just learn the basics and don’t bother trying for more advanced stuff.”
You gave a shrug. “I’m a completionist, I guess.”
“Well, I’m glad then. Because now we get a new student and maybe you’ll be the first of many to also want to finish their sorcery studies.”
“Fingers crossed!”
Seokjin was quiet for a moment, furrowing his brows together in thought. “If I may ask, why did you choose Balance? It isn’t very popular because of the whole, no school building reason. Especially with Ravenwood students.”
You scratched at the back of your neck. “I’ll be honest, it was mainly because I found the topic interesting. I mean, it incorporates all types of magic, elemental and spiritual. Sure, the Krokotopians mainly focused on the elemental, but through that they found the spiritual and then what connects them all: sorcery.”
“I- wow.” Seokjin blinked at you a few times. “Never heard anyone talk about it like that.”
You flushed a bit. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s refreshing. Especially to hear someone talk so passionately about it. I hope the actual teachings diminish that passion in any way.”
“I had Professor Cyrus Drake these past few years; needless to say, I’m good with staying passionate.”
He laughed at that. “Yeah, I’ve heard Cryus was a bit of a pain to learn from. Very by the book and no nonsense.”
“You could say that again!” You smiled as you pointed to your apple. “Anyways, I’m gonna eat this and then go to bed. Need to get up bright and early!”
“Sleep well!” He called after you.
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Can you write prompt(s) 40 & 48 with Dad!Bucky x reader pls?
♡ Of course! Thanks for sending this request in! For the kids, I went ahead and used Jamie and Eden, who are in my Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader fics. There's cute and funny family ~shenanigans~ in this piece (and Eden ends up duping Bucky). I hope you like it!
♡ Prompt 40: "There it is. There's that smile."
♡ Prompt 48: "Those are my pajama pants. They're literally slipping down your waist."
♡ To make a request for my One Month Tumblr-versary, check out my Fluffy Prompt List :)
No Such Thing as Winning By Default Tonight
The way Jamie and Eden greeted Bucky at the door always gave him something to look forward to, to cherish. They were bouncing on the balls of their feet as if it had been ages since they last saw him. In reality, it had only been a span of hours since he’d left that morning. And with sparkling eyes, they waited for him to take off his backpack and shrug off the leather jacket. You’d spent the day out with them, and they were ready to tell their father about everything. From checking out new books at the library, going to the park, and even getting snow cones.
As soon as Bucky finished putting his things in the closet, he scooped Eden up and kissed her cheek. And he pulled Jamie into a hug after giving him a fist bump—the gesture was something the boy insisted they started doing everyday because it was ‘cool.’ It was important not to forget the explosion fingers right after, because that’s what made fist bumps even cooler.
The kids talked a mile a minute as they told Bucky about their day—as if their lives depended on it. Hundreds of people had told him hundreds of things over the years and, yet, listening to their words—and yours—added a value to his life that he hadn't, or couldn’t find anywhere else in the world. A smile stretched across your face when he entered the living room with Jamie and Eden on either side of him. You were sitting on the couch with the laundry basket on the floor in front of you. Folding clothes that, admittedly, should’ve already been taken care of.
Bucky shot you a wink when your eyes met his, and you felt the smallest flutter in your stomach. After spending the day with children, you were glad to have some adult company again. It helped that he was particularly attractive in his unshaven state. “Hey, stranger,” you teased, affectionately. “How was your day?”
“Not too bad,” he said, draping his arms over the kids’ shoulders. “From what these two were telling me, it sounds like you guys went around the world while I was gone.”
That earned a laugh from you. “It feels like we did. I’m not moving for the next week.”
Jamie snorted. “But don’t you have to move? You can’t just stay still,” he said. “You’re moving right now to fold the clothes.”
You gave him a flat look, narrowing your eyes. Everyone else laughed. “Well, in that case, mister, how about you three come do it for me so I don’t have to move?” Your tone was playful.
“Uhhh... Dad can do it. I forgot how to fold,” he lied.
“‘Dad can do it?’” Bucky repeated, looking down at him in feigned disagreement. If you truly needed a break, or wanted any sort of additional help, he’d step in a heartbeat—he always did.
“Wait, I’m actually pretty good at it,” Eden spoke up, leaving her father’s side to plop beside you. “Do you want me to help, Mommy?” Without waiting for an answer, she picked out one of her shirts from the basket.
It was then that Jamie decided he was going to assist too. Instead of joining the two of you on the couch, however, he sat crossed-legged on the floor, and dug to the bottom of the basket in search of his favorite race car graphic tee. The way their brows furrowed in concentration was adorable. And because they were no longer glued to Bucky, he was able to lean down and press a kiss to your temple, hands bracing on the plush arm of the couch. Before he could pull too far away, you cupped his chin and directed his lips to yours in a brief kiss, sighing through your nose. You felt him smile upon hearing the kids’ quiet giggles.
Eden’s voice soon arose. “Hey, Mommy, look. Is this good enough?” Bucky pulled away and straightened back to his full height, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.
On Eden’s lap was a white shirt printed with pink flowers that she had folded. “It looks great, E. Put it on the stack of your other stuff.” You pointed to the clothes of hers that you had already folded.
What you ended up finding later that evening was that one of the kids had accidentally placed Bucky’s navy blue pajama pants in your sleepwear drawer. Considering he was off in the playroom with them, you decided to put them on to go get a reaction out of him. You paired them with a gray V-neck.
When you walked in on him and the kids, they were winning in what appeared to be a play fight. They hovered over him as his back was against the floor. A helpless smile budded on your face as you stood watching in the doorway. He tried to prop himself up upon noticing you, but Jamie growled and pushed chest back down.
“Do you surrender?” He asked his father.
A laugh bubbled up Bucky’s throat. “Yes, I surrender.”
“I don’t believe him,” Eden told Jamie.
“I do! I promise,” Bucky said. “I just wanna talk to your mom.”
They let him sit up, and you caught the way his gaze traveled up your body. “Hey… those are my pajama pants,” he said, pushing himself from the floor to go stand in front of you. “They’re literally slipping down your waist.” To prove his point, he attempted to pull them up to a more proper resting place on your hips. But they slouched back down a bit when he let go.
“No they’re not," you challenged with a smile. "They’re mine."
“Oh, is that right?” He let his hands come to rest on your hips, and in turn you wrapped your arms around his neck, gazing into his eyes. “They look good on you,” he said, voice low. And before you could register his intentions, he reached around you to squeeze your backside.
Bucky chuckled at your small squeak and dipped down for a kiss. He was gentle, and warm, and smelled woodsy. When he started to pull away, you thought it was way too soon. But, a second later, you realized it was because Jamie had started tugging on the back of his shirt.
You stifled a laugh at the way he rolled his eyes before turning around. “May I help you?” He asked the boy.
“Can we do one more round?” Jamie asked. “But this time you have to go harder on us.”
Eden came to stand beside her brother’s side. “Yeah! And Mommy can be on a team with me and Jamie,” she said.
Bucky looked back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You up for that?”
You wrinkled your nose. “Maybe I should just watch. These pants probably make me wardrobe malfunction prone.”
He waved a dismissive hand. “You’ll be fine.”
That assurance is what landed you in a four-person play fight. Per Jamie’s request, Bucky does exert a little more effort. But he was still overly mindful that nobody got hurt in any other way. For the first few moments, you drew back and let Jamie and Eden make most of the advances on their father. They practically cackled every time he pinned them.
But he eventually locked eyes with you, and you knew he wasn't going to let you remain in the background of the action anymore. All you could do was squeal when he made a very direct advancement. Because you were already kneeling, it didn’t take much for him to force you the rest of the way to the floor. It happened so swiftly that all you could do was let out a surprised huff of laughter. Somehow he managed to capture both of your wrist.
“He’s got Mommy!” You heard Eden say. Then she came to your rescue by pushing his shoulder to divert his attention.
In the sliver of time before Bucky walked on his knees to get the girl, Jamie did a discrete signal to her that she nodded to. All it was was a quick swipe of his pointer finger down his cheek. And between you and Bucky, only you caught their quick exchange. It took a second for it to click that he had told her to fake cry. Or pretend to be hurt, at least.
As soon as Bucky gathered Eden into his arms, and lowered her to the floor in the most gentle 'slam' ever, she enacted their scheme. From her lying position, she winced and released a soft whine. There was no possible way that what he did could've caused any pain, but Bucky didn't even rationalize that. The only thing that rang in his mind was that he'd just hurt his little girl.
“Shoot! I’m sorry, babydoll.” He repositioned to sit in a narrow straddle, and coaxed her up to sit on his thigh. The tenderness of his voice made you want to tell him that she was fine. "What hurts, hmm?" She just continued pouting. Jamie put a hand over his mouth to hide either a smile or shock that it actually worked.
Bucky sighed as his eyes flickered over to you. All you could do was offer an expression that was likely a mix between neutral and guilty. Then he redirected his attention back to Eden and started pressing consoling kisses to her hair. When he noticed her beginning to smile, relief flooded through him. “There it is. There’s that smile,” he said. "I really am sorry, sunshine. Didn't mean to hurt you."
She craned her neck to look up at him. "Daddy..." she said, voice tentative. "I was just kidding..."
Jamie was quick to pitch in. "I only told her to so we could win by default or something. At least she's actually okay, right?" The hopeful edge to his tone made you bite back a smile. "Mom was in on it too." Snitch.
Bucky's mouth fell slightly agape, but he let out a small laugh a second later, shaking his head. "Wow," he breathed. "'Win by default,' huh? Give me a heart attack to 'win by default.'" In all fairness, it had been a somewhat mean trick. But nothing he couldn't recover from.
"I didn't even know if you were gonna believe me!" Eden claimed. She squealed when he suddenly laid onto his back, taking her with him. The sound of their mixed laughter filled the room, and the energetic buzz returned to the atmosphere.
Then Bucky made a proposal to your team. "You guys are gonna have to come save little miss from my arms if you wanna win for real," he said. "No such thing as winning by default tonight."
Previously fulfilled request: Cold Little Paws.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Love me, love me, say that you love me
Musical beetlejuice x fem reader
Beej hits you with a love potion to get you to confess you love him, it goes wrong
Dubious consent, nsft, nothing serious happens, you know me
"Satisfaction guaranteed..." the ghoul mumble to himself as he read the label of the bottle he was holding.
Beetlejuice, you're undead demonic, freeloader of a roommate, had just come back from a quick trip to the netherworld, and unlike his other trips, it wasnt for business, but pleasure, a quick shopping trip while you were out of the house.
"For the chunk of change you cost, it better" the ghoul smiled, pink streaks creeping into his hair.
In his hands was a pink bottle shaped like a human heart, a perfume type atomizer spray bottle.
Beetlejuice KNEW you liked him, but he also knew you were a coward about it, yes your shyness was cute, and the way you danced around this fact did have its charms, but the time has come for you to spit it out, you had to make the first move, not him.
Yes the demon could charm you, but you wouldnt take him seriously, he knew that, beetlejuice knew his flirting towards you and his advances towards you were seen as a joke, and why wouldnt it, he knew he couldnt be taken seriously, he took every chance he had to make a crude joke, why would anyone take him seriously, so he played it up to get you to smile, or even to get you embarrassed was also nice.
But today was different, today beetlejuice was gonna get you to say "I love you" albeit with force, but that was something he could live/die with.
The ghoul, now buzzing electric pink and green ready's himself at the door, waiting for his sweet breather to come in him trap.
You were on your way back from the post office to pick up a package that you or beej werent home to sign for, it was just some clothes, nothing too exciting, but a nice excuse to get out of the house for a nice walk, as much as you loved spending time with your undead friend, who you may or may not have a crush on, it was nice to have some alone time.
You walk into you apartment complex and slowly make it back to your flat, you fumble with your keys as you unlock the door, the soft jingle and muffled cursing was a great single to beetlejuice that you were home, the ghoul takes a deep breath, not that he needed too, and gets into position, readying the bottle's nozzle to the level of your face.
"I'm home-" was all you got out before receiving a face full of god knows what, you prayed it was water, wiping your face and rubbing your eyes, you didnt need to see who the culprit was for this shitty joke, pulling your hands from your face, you saw the demon standing infront of you, arms stretched out in a pre hug position, eyes closed, lips puckered, slightly leaning towards you.
Your anger quickly faded, but was replaced with confusion, you say nothing but only stare at the ghoul.
Seconds pass, beetlejuice opens on eye to see what the hold up was, was there a delay with the potion? Does it take a minute to kick in? Or was it a peice of junk?
Beetlejuice drops his awkward position, and smooths back his hair, trying to hide to spots the purple trying to emerge.
"So y/n, welcome home" he starts off shaky "you feel okay? Maybe a little warmer? Heart beating a little faster? Maybe even a little eager to jump someone or tell them something deep?" Subtle
"What are you talking about? Beetlejuice what the hell was that about?!" You huff
The ghoul is taken back by your tone, he was expecting you to be more soft, after a spray of that crap, he scowls glancing down to the bottle in his hands, waste of money, unless, he drops his scowl and focuses back to you, a sly smile plastered across his face.
"Just some netherworld perfume, very popular stuff, thought I'd surprise my favorite breather with it"
"Suprise is right" you grumble walking passed him, heading to the living room you place your things on the table, beetlejuice was quick to follow.
"How bout another try babes? I promise I wont get ya in the face, though I prefer to squirt ya in the face~"
"I dont know bee, I'm not that really into perfume" you shurg
Beetlejuice frowns and huffs out his nose, for what he paid for this peice of shit he wasnt gonna give up after one shot.
"Come on babes, do it for your good pal~" he pleads
You frown in response
"Okay sugar, you know regardless of what you say I'm gonna get what I want, so just play ball"
"Fine" you grumble, you can always take a shower later, hell you were going to anyway, your face felt gross after being hit by that stuff earlier.
The demon's face lights up at your answer, you held out your wrist as an indicator that you wanted to be sprayed their and were ready for it, though that wish was completely ignored, as the ghoul quickly leans forward and sprays you in the face again.
The ghoul stares at you praying to whatever and whoever for this to work, you turn away from the demon, curse under your breath and rub at your face.
As you rub your face beetlejuice goes back into position, arms stretched out, lips puckered, ready to receive your love, and hoping you wont banish him if this didnt work.
Moving your hands from your face you let out sigh, you jolt feeling a familiar twinge in your lower reigns, a desperate pulse for attention, you could feel your heart racing, your head was swimming, turning to face the ghoul, the second you laid your eyes on him the pulsing inbetween your legs intensifies, give let out a soft "bee" before leaping into his arms, slamming your lips into his, and wrapping your legs around his waist. The demon's eyes shoot open at this, his hands were quick to grab onto your rear, a mix of holding you up and feeling you up, his hair bloomed from green to pink in a flash, hell he was so excited his stripes went from black to pink.
"Oh Lawrence" you breathed between kisses, beetlejuice only hummed in response, too lost in this bliss to think.
"Couch?" You whine as you wiggle your hips against his semi.
"Holy crap" he groans, this was really happening, he quickly brought you to the couch, flopping down on his back, having you sit pretty on top of him.
You continue to kiss him, shoving your tongue in his mouth, the ghoul loved you taking charge, he dreamed of it often, he didnt put up a fight and gave you the dominance to explore his mouth, pulling away to breath, a nice line of spit connected the two of you. You move your attention on to the demon's neck, peppering it with kisses and giving the occasional nip at his cold flesh.
Beetlejuice was over the moon with this change in demeanor, who knew his y/n would have it in them, the ghoul purs feeling your hands roam his body, his hands plant firmly on your rear, giving it a small pinch every once and again, everytime you would respond with a whine.
He was in heaven, or as close as an undead demon was gonna get.
You give his tie a tug, as if to ask for permission to continue, beetlejuice moans encouraging you to keep going.
You give the demon a quick kiss on the lips, moving to his jawline, to his neck, as you untie his tie, you toss the garment aside as you start to work on his shirt's buttons, kissing every inch of skin that is slowly revealed.
You move down his body, the demons chest and stomach fully exposed, and kissed, beetlejuice was in a complete daze from your love, but quickly snaps out of it when he feels you palm the tent in his pants.
"Whoa babes-"
"Is this for me?~" you coo "it looks so big~" you sigh giving the tent a light squeeze "it's really hard"
Beetlejuice quickly sits up, stifling a moan.
"Babes, y/n, just hold it-"
"Oh, would you rather be on top?" You ask softly crawling towards him "or would you rather I not use my hands? I can give it a kiss if you want" You crawl back into the demon's arms leaning in for another kiss, you stumble forward as beetlejuice quickly vanished, reappearing a few feet away from you, the demon pulling his shirt together, as if trying to hide himself.
"Let's just take a second here, likes put a pin in this, and ah, just relax" god slash satan this wasnt fair, and maybe 100 percent his fault, here you were drugged out of your mind begging him to have sex with you, jesus all he needed from you was a simple "I love you" not this, but he'll sure be thinking about this later.
"Why dont ya cool down babes, and we can talk about this"
"How can I cool down, when I'm so hot for you" you moan as you  unbutton your shirt, fully exposing your lacy black bra, the demon swallows hard, you slowly stand up letting your shirt fall, your hands traveling behind your back as you unhooked your bra, letting it fall to the floor.
"Oh fuck"  beetlejuice whines in a higher pitch,
You slowly make your way over to him, gently grabbing one of his hands and bringing it to your exposed chest "your hands are so nice and cold, maybe you could help me cool down?"
God slash satan did he wanted to give your boob a nice squeeze, but you're not you right now, he pulls his hand away, then places both of his hands on your shoulders, your skin was hot to the touch. Averting your gaze he clears his throat
"Maybe a cold shower would be help ya out"
"Maybe if you join me" you sigh leaning into the demon's chest, your hands resting on his hips.
"Are you sure you dont want help with your 'little friend'?"
Any other time he'd be delighted to have you help, but now was not that time.
"Let's just take a second here babes, we'll fool around later okay, I mean do you have condoms? I dont have any on me, we need protection"  beetlejuice knew he couldnt get you sick or pregnant since he was a dead demon, but you didnt know that. "And besides, no means no, you know that y/n" BJ didnt exactly blame you, you werent in your right mind, you were horny as hell thanks to that stupid potion, of course you couldnt think straight.
You pull away from him, mortified at your pushy behavior "I'm sorry" you breath out "I just, I couldn't help myself Lawrence, you're just, I mean, i just love you so much, my body needed you" you began to cry "you're always saying how much you want me, and how you're "ready to go" all the time, I just thought-" you babbled, tears rolling down your cheeks
I love you
Those 3 little words he ached to hear, not how he wanted to hear them, but this whole thing was a mess.
"Babes, it's okay, I was enjoying it, believe me, it's just that I'm not ready to go all the way with you, let's just give it some time" which wasnt true, if you were willing so was he, willing as in not drugged. "And yeah, I talk a big game, but believe me doll, i want our first time to be special, so Hows bought you go put a top on, and we can put this little mess behind us?" It was an odd day when this harbinger of chaos had to be a voice of reason.
You nodded as you slip away to collect your bra and shirt that were tossed aside, beetlejuice frowns at this situation and wanders off to the item that started it, retrieving the bottle he squints at the label to read the rest of the instructions he didnt bother reading, and their it was, in the fine print 'warning, do not use on the living, results may vary and are not limited to  nausea, drowsiness, intense sexual desires-' he groans then curses.
The ghoul turns his attention to you, fully dressed.
"No hard feelings, aside from your, you know"
The demon gives you a soft laugh "no hard feelings babes"
"Could I have a hug? I promise to behave" it's not that the pulsing in your loins stopped, in fact the intensity was stronger now, you just wanted to be close the ghoul before dealing with these feelings alone, there was no harm in that
Beetlejuice pauses for a second, before smiling "alright sugar, bring it in" there was no harm in a hug, sure his dick was still kinda hard, but that's fine.
You walk into the ghoul's arms, slowly circling your own around him, beetlejuice gently pats your back. You nuzzle into his neck, and whisper "I love you Lawrence" before planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
Pulling away from the ghoul, his scent, and touch fresh in your mind you make your way to the bathroom to shower, amongst other things.
If you were to turn back you would have seen a glowing pink Beej who's legs are about to give out
"ARRGHHH! That's worse... They're killing me again!" 
The should of the shower rings through the ghoul's ears, he grumbles as he puts his suit back together, grabbing the bottle that started it all he snaps his fingers and vanishes, off to give the schmuck who sold this to him a peice if his mind.
A few hours later beetlejuice reappears into your living room, grumbling to himself as he tucks the bottle into his jacket, no sense tossing it, maybe when the two of you are knocking boots, he could use it as an aphrodisiac, with your consent of course.
"Bee? Is that you?" Your voice rings through your flat, it was late, beetlejuice was hoping youd be asleep when he came back.
The ghoul makes his way to your room.
"Yeah, I had to take care of something"
"I was just about to go to bed" you were sitting on your bed wearing an over sized shirt that just covered your bum, the ghoul's eyes glance about, stopping at your vibrator that was now laying on the floor, he could smell the sex in the air, another time this would have been delightful.
"Do you want to join me? Sleeping? Like you normally do?" You sounded a tad too eager "I mean if you feel comfortable"
Beetlejuice gives you smile "sure" he snaps away his suit, leaving a pair of boxers, seeing your eyes light up was something he had to burn in his brain forever.
You scramble under the covers waiting for the demon to join you, which he promptly did.
"Is it okay if I snuggle with you?" You ask softly
"Anything you want babes" he purred, you quickly snuggle up to him, using his soft chest as a pillow, your hand petting the hair on his stomach.
"If you change your mind, I'm not wearing any panties" you whisper in the demons ear.
This was gonna be a long night
The next morning beetlejuice woke up to an empty bed, confused he made his way to the living room, and there you were, sitting on the couch with your face in your hands.
"Morning?" He greets you
No response
Nothing, beetlejuice makes his way to you, sitting down next to you, he places a hand on your shoulder, you flinch.
"Wake up and smell the coffee babycakes-"
"I am so sorry for yesterday, I- i don't know what came over me, i- beetlejuice, I so sorry for putting you into that type of situation, I-" you sobbed
The ghoul's hair quickly bloomed purple, you're blaming yourself for what he did to you "dont worry your pretty little head sweetheart, it was that perfume, how was I supposed to know it messed with breathers, believe me I gave that guy who sold it to me a peice of my mind, my poor little y/n warped and twisted into someone hornier then me" it wasnt all true, but beetlejuice couldnt have you beating yourself up over this, nor did he want to tell you the full truth.
"Really?" You sniffle
You lean into the demon and he pulls you into a soft embrace, patting your back.
"How's bout we order some take out and I put a smile on that sweet face of yours?"
You pull away from beetlejuice and rub away your tears "I'd like that"
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Record Shop Funk - Pt. 1 Like real people do
A.N. : Hey guys, so i had this idea yesterday, and i really hope you'll like it. <3
Words: 1,9k
Pairing: camboy!Steve x Reader, roommate!Bucky x reader, Stucky x reader (as the story goes)
Warnings: nothing yet :)
Summary: Who knew that having a secret crush, then a hearbreak will end in such a sweet thing..
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You and Bucky shared an apartment above the recordshop you both worked in. Your aunt was the owner of both, so it was a fairly good payment, and a fairly good apartment for a cheap price. It was a bright and big apartment with two bedrooms, so your decided to rent it out, all while searching for a helper to the shop downstairs. When Bucky came in applying for the job, you asked out of joke if he needs a place to live since you had seen around 5 people already and none of them felt right. His eyes lit up as he said he is in fact looking for a place. Since he was fitting for a job, and looked like a decent guy, you congratulated him on his new job, and asked if he wants to see the place today. You still had one and a half hour to close, but after it you would gladly show him the apartment.
He had nothing better to do, so he agreed to it, feeling happy about having a job he might actually like and a coworker he might actually will get along with.
-Do you drink coffee? I was thinking of getting one in the meantime. My friend works close by, and they make the best coffee in town. - He asked.
-I could go for one thank you - you smiled at him - iced cold-brew, no sugar, i'm sweet enough.. - you said with a smile.
He couldn't help but smile back at the joke. When he arrived at the café, he saw his friend Steve flirting with a girl whom he could visibly see trembling just cause he talked to her. Steve always had his way with girls, ever since the serum of course. After he broke up with Peggy, it was mostly just hookups, never finding a girl worth keeping around. Not as if they werent kind, pretty or good to him, it just never felt right. Bucky smiled at his friend, Steve immediately shifted his gaze from the girl, to a very happy Bucky.
-Did you get the job?
-Better.. I got the job, and she has a room for rent which i'll see tonight.
-Wow Bucky, i didn't know you were even better then i am.. sooo how does she look? - asked Steve with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. He wanted Bucky to get a girl since ages and hearing this, his mind immediately ventured there.
-5'7, ginger, green eyes, freckles, curvy just the right places. why?
-Nothing Buck.. nothing.. - Steve said smirking at his friend.. Bucky never realized when he liked a girl, so he never really acted on it. He last had a woman back in the 40's.
-Sooo i know you didn't come to have chat with me, one black coffee and.. ?
-ah, iced cold-brew, no sugar..
After paying for the coffee, he hurried back to the shop, hoping to get to know his coworker a little bit better.
You thanked him for the coffee, and when you tried to pay, he refused.
-Next round's mine then. - You smiled at him with your 1000 watt smile, which again he couldn't help but smile back at.
-So tell me about you Bucky, what do you do in your freetime?
-Nothing really, just reading, spending time with my friends, kind of thats it.. I have a boring life really. What about you?
-Well, i work here, then i go home and listen to music, cook, god i love to cook, thats a big pro for the apartment.. just saying. - you said with a playful wink. - besides that nothing much. Sometimes i go to a nearby bar with my friends maybe concerts and thats it.
-I like washing dishes if that helps with the application for the room. - he said with a shy laugh which made your heart skip a beat.
- It sure does.. Do you leave your stuff around?
-No i'm a tidy person.. thank you very much. - he said cockily (just for the sake of being funny really).
-Okay okay, if you like it you can have the room, just promise to tell if you bring up a girl so i can leave. The walls are kind of thin.
-It's okay, i don't really...
-Oh um i'm sorry, i didn't meant to intrude, it just something i would really like everyone to add to their rental contracts. - you chuckled embarassed.
-Noo no, it's okay, i'm not embarassed by it. I guess i don't want hook ups, if one day there's someone i'll tell in advance.
-yea me too, i promise. If you end up renting it anyway haha. on that note it's time to close so i can show the room in a min.
When you opened the door to the apartment Buckyquietly took in it all. It was really bright, white walls with paintings all over the walls, plants in every corner or shelf you can put one on, a comfy looking mustard couch, aztec-y rug under the coffeetable, and a wall fully shelved, filled with books and little trinkets, it looked like a home he never had a chance to have. The livingroom had an american kitchen on the side, island in the middle of the kitchen area, it was white, and blue which reminded him of greece, down the hallway you showed him the bathroom which of course had a lot of plants that liked the atmosphere of a bathroom, a shower in the corner and a bathtub under the window. You then showed the empty room he could rent out. It only had a shelf and a wardrobe, and a queen sized bed. No decorations, no signs of anybody ever living there. You then pointed to the room the opposit of what could possibly be Bucky's in the future, saying that is yours. You didn't show your room, he wasn't gonna go in there anyway, and showing your most private space on the first day didn't seem like a good idea either. You then invited him out to the balcony, watching the setting sun, smoking a cigarette.
-So thats about it, what do you think?
-I really like it, and i mean.. my workplace is pretty close so thats a plus, also you said something about cooking all the time.. sooo if it's alright with you i would love to rent it out.
-It's settled then roomie. I'll give you the keys, you can move in whenever you want to. Tomorrow we are closed, so maybe that would be ideal.
-Yea, then tomorrow it is then. I'll ask my friend to help, then we can maybe hang a bit if you're free.
-Sure, i have nothing planned, and it's good to know who i'll be living with. - you said with a smile.
Before closing the door, you said your goodbyes, and you realized what did you just do, after he wished you good night with a killer halfsmile that almost had your knees buckle. You just agreed to living together with possibly the most handsome man you've ever seen who is also your new coworker, so you will basically spend most of your time with him.. Guess we'll see how this goes you thought to yourself.
Morning came soon enough, you were sitting out on the balcony when you saw Bucky arrive with a very tall, just as handsome man, carrying boxes of books, and bags of clothing. Bucky looked up at the balcony, waving towards you, you waved back, then moved to open the front door before going back out to the balcony, resuming your coffee and smoke.
When they finished bringing all Bucky's stuff in, it was already midday, so you decided you'd order pizza for all of you, as in like a welcome present.
-Hey guys, i'm thinking of ordering pizza, what kind would you like?
-Oh (y/n) you don't have to. - said Bucky, earning a smirk from Steve as he looked back and forth between you two.
- Noo i insist, today won't be the day i'll start to slowly kill you with my cooking. - you said giggling a bit.
- Whatever's fine peach. - said Steve with a wink, that you decided was just out of friendlyness. You didn't veen knew his name, and he seemed like a lady's man anyways. Not really your type no matter how handsome and muscular he is.
- Steve, by the way, nice to meet you.
-(Y/n), likewise. - you shook his hand.
When the pizzas arrived you called them to the kitchen, listening to all their shared stories from their early years. They seemed like really close friends, and genuinely good people. You had a really great time. It was nearly 9 pm when Steve left, for saving a dame from dying cause of boredom he said. You and Bucky chuckled, then he let him out, closing the door, locking it for the night.
-I guess i have some packing to do, so.. good night (y/n).
-Good night Bucky, if you need anything just knock. - you said with a smile, and he couldn't help but smile back. He felt at peace. He had Steve, now he had a job, and a room to make a home of, and you as a new addition. You were so kind, so eager to help if he needed anything, he loved how the scent of raspberries and flowers lingered in the apartment mixed with coffee and cigarette smoke. It seemed to have a calming effect on him.
You heard a soft knock half an hour later. WHen you opened the door you saw a smiling Bucky, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
- Hey, um.. sorry. I forgot i didn't bring a blanket, could i borrow one until i get my own?
-Yea sure, i'll get one in a min. - You said, leaving the door open, letting him see a bit of "you" while you were searching for your spare blanket in your wardrobe. The room really was you. White, with mustardy curtains on the window, plants everywhere, books piled up here and there, a really comfy looking bed, pictures of you and your friends on the walls. And damn, your room smelled even more like you. If he wouldn't pay attention your scent would lure him into your room and never let him leave he thought.
-There you go. - you handed him the blanket smiling.
-Thank you very much.
Then he stood there for a moment drinking in the sight of you in front of him. You were wearing an oversized tshirt, that ended just around the middle of your thighs, hair in a messy bun, no makeup. He could swear he thought you were pretty before, but seeing you as you were made him fancy you even more.
With a small smile you told him goodnight again, then closed the door in his face.
You could hear his little laugh on the other side of the door, then his door closing. For the first time in months he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he didn't had a nightmare either. He was afraid he would, and then he would wake you up with his screaming, but looks like the blanket which smelled just like you calmed him enough.
After waking up because the rays of sunshine on his face, he smiled to himself guess i'll wait with getting my own blanket then...
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biisexualemma · 3 years
unrequited pt.2. peter parker
word count: 3.6k
warnings: anxiety, panic attack? i guess kind of
requested: yea a few people asked for this lol
plot: you haven’t seen peter for weeks and start to worry about him
a/n: i finished re-writing this late last night and i’ll be honest with you i haven’t checked it over so sorry if there are any mistakes but i’m tired sis goodnight! lmk if you like this! pls comment / share!
pt.1 / marvel masterlist / multi-fandom masterlist
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"ned... you're so wrong for so many reasons," m.j.'s expression was flat, her eyes rolling before she continued to fight ned on who was really the strongest avenger. you were supposed to be working on a group project for your history class but somehow the topic of the avengers came up and the conversation derailed. ned was making a, somewhat, compelling case for the hulk but m.j. was clearly winning with her argument for wanda.
"nobody even knows the full extent of her powers... and the hulk? what? he's gonna smash some more?"
you sat quietly, chin in the palm of your hand, listening in and out of the conversation. you didn't really feel much like contributing. you would occasionally chime in to support m.j. but mostly you just heard the noise of their bickering and let it happen.
you didn't want to be that person, but your mind was (much to your frustration) completely consumed with thoughts of peter. and at the worst time, you had so many tests coming up, and essay deadlines were also creeping up on you. usually you were on top of this stuff, but your mind was preoccupied almost all the time.
because of peter, who was no where to be seen. in the past few weeks he had stopped showing up to school all together. ned said it was something to do with tony stark but you had a feeling it was more than that. you didn't know how to explain it.
you hadn't spoken to him in a long time now, and you didn't exactly leave things on good terms. it was the longest you'd gone without talking since peter called you a poopy head in the third grade.
you just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. especially since you had no idea what he was getting up to, peter was known to get himself into some messes when he was left to his own devices. and you just knew ned was lying to cover for his best friend but that only made you feel even more out of the loop.
everything felt a bit off without peter around, like something was missing. that, on top of the guilt and worry you were feeling, was turning your head to mush. last time you'd spoken to peter, he was erratic and wounded and desperate. something bad had to have happened for him to be gone this long.
the bell rang, signalling the end of your last period for the day, and the rest of the week seeing as it was a friday. you snapped out of your daze, jolting as your eyes focused back on your surroundings.
"what time did you say again, y/n?" your eyes drifted to m.j. who was collecting her notes on her desk, her eyes meetings yours, waiting for your answer. a crease formed between your eyebrows, you hadn't heard a word of the conversation before right now. m.j. seemed to realise this, rolling her eyes at you with a playful smile. you did this a lot lately, she was getting used to it. "homecoming? what time did you want to meet tonight?"
"oh," you nodded, still sitting at your desk as your classmates hustled around you. "right, homecoming— i— uh—"
"tell me you're still coming," ned interrupted, his eyes wide suddenly, clearly desperate that your answer was anything but no. "c'mon we've had this planned for ages!"
"no— yeah— of course i am," you nodded quickly to reassure him. "yeah— sorry— i just spaced. is seven good for you guys?"
they hummed in response, nodding.
you packed up your books, shoving them into your bag, still in a slight haze with all these thoughts running through your head about peter. you couldn't think about homecoming, it seemed trivial now compared to the worst case scenarios running through your mind. maybe you could try to call peter again? you thought to yourself as you quickly left the classroom, forgetting about m.j. and ned and homecoming, your muscle memory alone leading you to your locker.
you swapped out your books from your bag with the ones you needed to study from for your biology test next week. after slamming the locker door shut, a familiar face was met with yours.
"jesus," you muttered as he stood inches away from your face, your heart racing from the shock. clutching your books to your chest, after nearly having a heart attack, you let out a loud sigh and furrowed your eyebrows. "peter? where the hell have you been?" you regained some of your composure, enough to find some anger in you towards him. he was the last person you were expecting to see today.
"you're ok?" his usual soft brown eyes looked sunken and tired, his hair was scruffier than usual and his lips chapped as they hung open, his eyes scanning over you.
your mouth hung open to speak but he just shook his head as if answering his own question. he gripped your forearm, urging you to walk with him. you dug in your heels, yanking your arm back, wanting him to slow down and explain before you went anywhere with him. "will you just walk," he muttered sharply when you tried to resist him. "please," he softened quickly, his eyes meeting yours.
you frowned, uncomfortably shifting the stack of books in your arms as peter pulled you along behind him hastily. you watched his eyes shifting about the hallway as students weaved around the two of you, his grip not loosening for a second. he was definitely up to something stupid and dangerous that he absolutely should not be involved in.
he'd dragged you all the way out into the parking lot, pulling you aside and away from the crowd of people.
"what's going on? why do you look like— i mean no offence but— you look like crap," you couldn't help but show some level of concern. no matter how complicated your feelings were for him at the moment, he was still your best friend, and he looked like hell. you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him.
"i need you to just— stop talking and listen to me," the look in his eyes made your heart beat a bit faster, your eyes darting between his trying to understand his urgency. "you're not safe—"
"no— i'm fine—" you were never very good at doing what you were told. you glanced down at yourself, perfectly safe and standing in front of him. "see?—"
"no— no you're not," he gulped, his eyes darting away from yours for a split second. "i'm taking you home and you have to stay there. ok? please."
his voice was horse, cracking when he spoke. you didn't understand any of it. peter was the friendly neighbourhood spider-man, what the hell had he gotten himself into that had him this worked up?
you tilted your head slightly, he couldn't think you'd blindly do whatever he said. you needed some answers. "pete," you mumbled, shaking your head with a faint frown. "can't you just tell me what's going on? you're kinda' scaring me."
"i screwed up," his face contorted, his eyes screwing shut for a second and his nose scrunching. you were glued to him, following his mixed expressions trying to understand what was going through his head. he took a deep, shaky breath, running a hand through his hair. "and i know you— you hate me and the last thing you wanna' do is listen to me but i need you to do this for me."
"alright," you said after a moments hesitation. you just wanted him to relax. all your pent up anger and hurt that you'd felt over peter had dissipated quite quickly. you were too occupied with trying to ease some of his stress, and if that meant becoming a homebody for a few days, you would do it. "alright— don't worry. i've been putting off my english essay for a week now anyway, it's about time i cracked down on it."
you tried to ease the tension, act like he wasn't asking much of you. he let out a heavy sigh, looking over at you with those brown eyes. "it's homecoming tonight, i know w—"
"is it?" you feigned forgetfulness, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he already did. you shrugged. "i was never one for socialising anyway."
peter knew you better than that. he knew what he was asking you to give up. "i'm sorry," he took a step closer to you, his hands hovering in front of you, unsure that you wanted him to touch you. "i'm sorry you got dragged into this."
your eyes lingered on his hands before you pulled back up to his stare. you pursed your lips and shrugged. "i'd feel better about it if i knew what i was getting dragged into," you pulled away from your conversation for a second to slip your books into your bag. "walk me home and you can explain everything."
and he did. he told you all about the vulture, the weapons, what really happened during the decathlon trip. all of it. right up to when the vulture figured out his identity— which lead to him finding out about aunt may, about his friends, and about you. he told you about how he'd spent the past few weeks figuring out where the vulture's next major deal was being held, how he'd messed up so bad and how mr stark had taken his suit.
by the time he'd finished, your mouth hung open slightly. you didn't know how he'd been dealing with all of this by himself. spider-man helped old ladies cross the street and returned stolen bicycles, he didn't fight men in bird costumes to stop illegal sales of dangerous advanced weapon tech.
"peter, this sounds pretty dangerous," you spoke up after he told you about his plan to intercept the vulture's airplane heist. "don't you think you should just call happy? or tony? this sounds like iron man territory."
"i can't do that," he sighed. "besides, i already tried happy— he's not taking my calls right now. something about a time out."
you let out a heavy sigh, having taken everything in that he'd told you. you had reached your door, peter standing behind you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. you motioned for him to come in but he hesitated, opening his mouth to decline. "c'mon," you grabbed his arm and tugged gently. "this heist isn't happening 'til late tonight. you can keep me company 'til then."
"maybe, get some rest, too, you really do look like hell," he let you pull him inside, following behind you. he ignored the second dig you had now made about his appearance.
"may must've been pretty mad when she found out you'd been skipping school?" you collapsed onto your bed, crossing your legs over and watching peter perch himself on the edge of your bed. he leaned forward, his hand running over his face with sheer exhaustion.
"you have no idea," he groaned, holding his head up with the palm of his hand now. "i'm pretty much grounded for the rest of the year. and i have to send her a pic' of me sitting in every one of my classes from now on," you nodded, pursing your lips because that sounded about right. "but mainly she was worried."
"well, she wasn't the only one," he glanced at you over his shoulder, his eyes lingering there for a while. you breathed through your nose, looking away from him and down to your hands to give yourself a moment. you'd forgotten how difficult it was to have him look at you like that. "you just took off with no word, peter."
he turned his gaze away from you, focusing on the wall in front of him, his eyes glossy. for weeks that last conversation with you had been sitting at the back of his mind. he knew he'd handled everything in the worse possible way. he tried to protect you, hurt you by doing so, and then had everything he tried to protect you from blow up in his face anyway.
"i haven't been able to think clearly for weeks," you gulped, scared to meet his gaze again, in fear that you might lose your confidence. "i missed you. and i was worried out of my mind about you."
"y/n—" his voice was quiet.
"and i know i was the one who told you to leave. but i was hurt and sad. i'd convinced myself that you felt the same way, and when you—" you closed your eyes for a second, feeling him watching you. you hadn't been able to say any of this out loud for weeks and now it was just spilling out of you. "anyway— i shouldn't've punished you for that. they are my feelings i need to get over. it wasn't your fault and i'm sorry i made it seem like it was."
he shook his head faintly, sniffling slightly, catching your attention. "i screwed up," he shook his head a little harder, pushing himself up off your bed, his back turned to you. "i screwed up so bad," he ran his hand over his face, his thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of his nose. your eyebrows knitted. "it wasn't supposed to turn out like this."
"don't," you shook your head, willing him to stop. "it's not your fault. i shouldn't have—"
he cut you off, turning to face you as he did. "i'm in love with you," his mouth hung open slightly, his eyes now stinging red. "i was in love with you then, and i'm in love with you now. i think i always will be."
your eyebrows unknitted, your mouth opening to speak but nothing came out. you watched his hand tug on the ends of his curls, his eyes locked onto you the entire time, trying to read your expression.
"i was trying to protect you and it went completely wrong—" his breathing was erratic. "i thought you'd be safer if i distanced myself—" the look on his face was breaking your heart. he knew how stupid it all sounded now he explained it out loud. "i screwed everything up— and now you're in more danger than ever— because of me."
"you— you—" your brain was trying to keep up. you shook your head. you had spent the past month telling yourself that everything you thought he'd felt for you wasn't real, that you'd over thought everything he'd ever done for you. you'd been telling yourself for a month to move on. "you didn't screw up, pete. i know you. whatever you did, you did for the right reasons."
the lump in your throat was growing as you tried to keep some kind of composure. it wouldn't do either of you any good to get upset with him when he was worked up like this. he didn't need to be told he'd made a mistake, he was already painfully aware.
"you don't— you—but— i—" he was hyperventilating, completely vulnerable as he fell apart in front of you.
"pete," you mumbled carefully, climbing over to where he was stood, hand in his hair and he pulled on the loose curls, his eyes wide with anxiety and stress. you moved your hands to his, pulling them down to his side and giving them a small squeeze. "calm down," you cooed. "everything will be ok."
you trailed your hands up to his shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze before pulling him into a tight hug. you wrapped your arms 'round his shoulders, one hand moving to the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair. his head ducked, burying into your neck, his arms wrapping around your waist in a desperate grip. his breathing was heavy at first, uneven and jagged as he clung onto you. your heart was beating out of your chest, you were sure he could hear it, but you held onto him as tight as you could, pressing your whole body against his trying to offer him as much comfort as you could.
after a while of standing around, holding each other, peter's breathing began to grow softer and slower. he began to notice the sweet scent lingering on your skin. his lips innocently hovering over the curve of your neck, breath fanning against your skin. you could feel goosebumps growing on your skin, the hair of your arms standing on end.
"better?" you mumbled softly. he gave you a faint nod in response, his lips leaving your skin as he pulled himself back from you. your hand slipped from in between his curls and down to the neck, your thumb brushing over his skin as he looked straight into your eyes. you gulped, eyelids fluttering.
he was a state to behold. his nose was pink, under eyes wet, your eyes trailed down to where his lips parted. he hiccuped a breath. you tried to push away the impulse to kiss him because he was clearly vulnerable. you didn't want him to later regret anything. "thanks," he mumbled breathlessly. "i don't know what happened there."
you pouted your lips, about to reply when peters eyes fluttered down your face, catching you off guard. his eyes lingered and you noticed his head tilting down and nearer, his lips catching onto yours before you could register what was happening. it was soft, gentle and didn't last longer than a couple seconds before you had to force yourself to pull away.
"peter— you're overwhelmed right now so maybe we shouldn—"
your whispers against his lips where cut short, he pressed his lips to yours again. unable to resist now he'd had a taste. his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you back flush against his chest. you swallowed a gasp, feeling his full weight behind the second kiss. his lips pushed against yours a little more desperately this time, you fell back a step, peter's arms where the only thing keeping you upright at this point.
both your hands where either side of his neck, trailing up into his hair where you pulled softly at the roots of his messy curls. he let out a soft moan against your lips, and you stumbled back once more, your thighs hitting your bed.
your hands quickly slipped down to his chest as you gently pried him off you. your head was spinning a little, his lips were plump and pink and the way he looked at you, with pure love and obsession, made you want to kiss him again and again.
"did you mean it?" you muttered breathlessly.
his eyes trailed back up from your lips, his gaze locking with yours again. he noticed the vulnerability and fear in your eyes now that he was paying you his full attention. he felt a wave of guilt hit him, knowing he was the one that put that look there.
"yeah," he hummed. "i did," he said with his chest. "i do. always will," he was breathless.
"you're not just saying it 'cause you've missed me?"
he shook his head quickly, shutting down any traces of doubt in your mind. "i have been in love with you since that summer we took that trip to coney island when you threw up after you ate too much cotton candy."
your scrunched up your nose at the memory. "gross."
he shrugged. "i don't know what to tell you. that's just when i knew."
your lips twitched into a small smile. "you should probably get some rest," you diverted the topic, trying hard not to kiss him again. he looked so tired. he had poured out months worth of anxiety and stress all in the past ten minutes. "you can't chase bad guys if you're half asleep."
he wore a half-hearted smile, his mind clearly flickering back to the task he had to take on later tonight.
"you can crash here if you want," you motioned to your bed.
"y'sure? i don't wanna get you in trouble."
"mom's working late, so you're good. plus she loves you, pete," your hands slipped down to his, giving them a quick squeeze of reassurance.
"sure she'll still love me when she finds out about us?" he quirked an eyebrow, the small smile on his lips was sloped and tired.
"m'sure," you hummed, biting back your growing smile at the word us. you moved him to sit on your bed again, his hands lazily holding yours. his eyelids fluttered as he looked up at you, a small crease forming between his eyebrows again. you could tell his mind was wandering again. "lie down, you need to rest or you're no good to anyone."
he nodded hesitantly and followed your instruction. "i'll sleep better with you next to me."
his voice was soft after you'd turned your back on him to leave him to rest. you rolled your eyes faintly, smile tugging your lips again. "is that right?"
he hummed, his arms outstretched, waiting for you to fall into them. you dragged your feet back over to him, biting the inside of your cheek, the corner of your lip twitching upwards. "there's a scientific reason behind it but my brain's too sleepy to think right now, so you'll have to take my word for it."
his words slurred together, his eyes rolling slightly the longer he forced them open. you just nodded. "alright, spidey, just this once."
"hm," he hummed as you climbed in next to him, his arms wrapping around you and immediately pulling you against his chest. "thanks," he muttered, his lips pressed against the top of your head. "don't know what i'd do without you."
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wank127 · 3 years
sorry in advance if i’m spamming your notifications /gen!
i just remembered that denki existed and i’m craving [neurodivergent] headcanons and your blog kinda has a lot of good reblogs n posts of that so-
you’re not spamming at all, in fact i didn’t even see this till now since i don’t normally get any asks ! (thanks for the ask btw <3) i hope you enjoy !!
neurodivergent denki headcannons !
disclaimer: i, myself, am currently in the process of getting diagnosed with adhd/autism/whatever it is (i’m not self diagnosing but i did get 8/10 on an autism assessment given to me by a doctor so that must say something) so this is a wee bit of me projecting. my intentions for this post are not to offend anyone in the nd community nor spread any miss information. please correct me if i make any mistakes ! and apologies for it being so long i’m still trying to figure out the ‘read more’ thing !! now ! onto the head cannons !!
he has MAJOR sensory issues and issues with bad textures
his main ones are foods that are a mix between solid or liquid, like a soup that’s meant to be smooth but isn’t or like very wet bread, anything sticky and that one inside of a hoodie feel, like the one wear it’s like fleece but it feels like plastic and somehow creamy and just BLUGNXJSK y’know?
he has that not right kind of thing(iykyk) where he has to say a word/phrase again till it feels right, or touch the desk again, or hit the back of foot again to make it right
it gets really frustrating sometimes
he surprisingly likes velvet, fun to play with, cool to drag your finger around on
he has very bad memory problems
like really bad
they cause him to breakdown every time he has a test cause everything he tried to study was just,, gone,, no where to be found
he opens up to present mic about it and he’s a big help, gives him extra time for testing, helps him with study techniques, gives him more reminders, etc etc
mic and him are like that student-english teacher duo
(no bc they’re the same person just different sizes please)
he struggles with reading a lot too, he knows there’s words but his brain just won’t recognize what they are
word soup
his main special interests/hyperfixations are old english literature, true crime/psychology/criminal stuff, literally anything to do with art and physics(electricity stuff)
he has other ones like cars and how to annoy bakugo to the brink of tears
his most common stims are happy flappy hands, putting his hand into a thumbs up and squeezing, rocking back and forth and swinging his legs about
his like calm down stim is humming, having some form of pressure(weighted blanket !!) and rocking a little bit
he gets overwhelmed by questions a lot
like if he’s not prepared to answer one and he gets asked TWO he’ll just go ‘nope’
he’s nonverbal sometimes, especially when he gets overwhelmed
he zones out and daydreams for like,,, 70% of the day
his favorite texture for food is something like mash potatoes, like a doughy texture, one that just sits right in the mouth
(potato waffles are his go to food (british thing but they’re so good))
just enough chew but not too much, not too wet not too dry
speaking of dry food,, he hates it. dry biscuits(cookies) are a no go if he doesn’t have a bunch of water/juice with him, he also just doesn’t like hot drinks
he’s god fuckinh amazing at art, like painting, drawing, sketching, everything
he’s so good at it
he ‘doodles’ in all of his school work and books, most of the time it’s of aizawa or present mic (or,, *cough*his crush*cough*) and they’re super accurate
when he goes to sleep he has to have a small tea light candle lit, his over the ear headphones on and playing asmr and a hoodie (comfort hoodie, gifted to him by kiri) with the hood up and pressure on his feet(like just his blanket covering them is fine)
no other set up is allowed
he uses fidget (simple dimple pop) and sensory toys
they got taken away from him in class one time, he almost cried it was so sad
so much rage
when he was younger he used to scream bloody murder when he had to put on sunscreen (same boo)
refused to wear it until his parents got him a spray on sunscreen (it was just like an oil/water based sunscreen that just,, wasn’t sticky, it was perfect) he still uses it to this day
he loves music, so much
it’s so cool
so many playlists
has like ten different ones that he made just for long car drives
like all the sounds and noises just make his brain so happy
he likes bo burnham cause he has very good lyrics and sounds that make him wanna share them with everyone so they can be happy too (especially ‘sexting’ , ‘oh bo’,’ words words words’, ’rant’, the kanye one, ‘we think we know you’, ‘channel 5 news: the musical’ and ‘bezos’ 1&2)
(omg channel 5 news is so good)
his number is 5
he’s kinda scared to do good in school bc his rank in class will go up and what if it lands on an ugly number??
he’s quite unintentionally restrictive with his food
he just forgets to eat or that he’s hungry
he’s working on it tho dw !
his accents are like typical british/english, australian and southern american
pop out at random times
like he’ll ask present mic to repeat the page number as a southern bell little lady
had a vocal stim that was opra singing “milly rock pick it up”
lil jon vocal stim
his room is very messy and cluttered from all the failed hobbies and things he just forgot about
expect him to cook but DO NOT expect him to clean up afterwards
like iida will walk into the dorm kitchen in the morning and find this huge mess thinking someone broke in
and kiri is like: oh ig denki was hungry i wonder if he has leftovers
okay i think i’m gonna end this one here lol it’s getting kinda long ! i hope you liked it ! <3
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